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996cff  No.7889277[Last 50 Posts]

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




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Q's Latest Posts

Thursday 01.23.2020

>>7889231 ————————————–——– Corrupt [D]s fighting for their lives to keep media/gov focused on POTUS.

>>7886759 ————————————–——– Congratulations, UK Patriots! Globalism dead? (Cap: >>7886825)

>>7884140 rt >>7884113 ————————— "What storm, Mr. President?"

>>7884016 ————————————–——– Does Durham want to hold [freeze] 'public' declas due to criminal nature of the probe(s)?

>>7883925 ————————————–——– Truth and facts will prevail. (Cap: >>7883960)

Wednesday 01.22.2020

>>7878541 ————————————–——– Castle clean.

Tuesday 01.21.2020

>>7867006 rt >>7866980 ———————— [SEC] server re-routes create delays. [F]

>>7866867 ————————————–——– Delta? (Cap: >>7866983)

>>7866857 ————————————–——– They are attempting to protect themselves from prosecution.

>>7866851 ————————————–——– Leverage (control) dictates how far you rise within the [D] party (Cap: >>7867380, >>7867026)

Monday 01.20.2020

>>7864137 ————————————–——– Eisenhower warns us of the military industrial complex. (Vid: >>7864144)

Sunday 01.19.2020

>>7859294 rt >>7859255 ————————— A WEEK TO REMEMBER. (Q572 on 1/21/18)

>>7859207 ————————————–——– THE GREAT AWAKENING.

Q's Private Board: >>>/projectdcomms/ Q's Trip-code: Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6

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All Q's posts

Archived at qanon.app (qanon.pub), qmap.pub, qanon.news, qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

New?: Use logic and reason when evaluating posts, look beyond the content of the post(s) and evaluate intent.

>>7683307, >>7683973 How To Quickly Spot A Clown!

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996cff  No.7889294

Global Announcements

>>7844760 New bakers/note-takers: plz tag notables & other key info to dough post

>>7808819, >>7808821 Jim Watkins: 88 of his domains were deplatformed by Network Solutions, DIGG UPDATED 1/14/20

Anons, plz no jpegs, tx


are not endorsements


>>7888576 New DJT looks forward to welcoming Prime Minister @Netanyahu next week

>>7888731 The Justice Dep is conceding that two of the four FISA apps it used to conduct surveillance of former Trump campaign aide Carter Page were not lawful

>>7888751 WH twatter - this was never about ukraine

>>7888855, >>7888941, >>7889196 planefags

>>7888888 checkem quints - nice get

>>7888905 anon says black and white version of castle clean pic OP was 11/29/2019

>>7888983 spreadsheet updated

>>7889075 coronavirus in texas, allegedly

>>7889053, >>7889135 Real Umbrella Corp: Wuhan Ultra Biohazard Lab

>>7888771 Wells Fargo’s Ex-Chief Fined $17.5 Million Over Fake Accounts

>>7889159 New DJT - quotes Ari 'The Ds have now conceded that Pres did not commit a crime

>>7889173 Soros Speaks Live From Davos, Slams "Conman, Narcisist" Trump

>>7888702 Angolan bank chief named in dos Santos probe announces resignation

>>7889239 #10095


>>7888323 The White House, Expectations for today: The same thing Dems delivered every other day of impeachment.

>>7888310 Q/Chongqing city/Tuesday

>>7888186 Sen. Grassley Demands Answers From Pentagon On FBI Spy Stefan Halper’s Questionable Defense Contracts/ ONA next!

>>7888185 UK Dealers Are Scrambling to Make Sense of ‘Burdensome’ Anti-Money Laundering Regulations Quietly Passed Over Christmas

>>7888115 PBS Jim Lehrer passes away at 85

>>7888016, >>7888196 ICE HSI Tampa raises human trafficking awareness in region

>>7888011, >>7888050, >>7888136, >>7888406 Q/Freedom Day

>>7887981 Soros-Ukraine-Strategy/Biden founded and funded NABU

>>7887956 Pence invites Netanyahu, Gantz to Washington to discuss peace prospects

>>7887932 WHITE HOUSE VISITORS JAN 19 2016

>>7887930, >>7887977, >>7888042 Earthquake of Magnitude 6.2 Strikes off Alaska Island, No Tsunami Threat

>>7887923 Soros Group Spends Record $48 Million on Lobbying in 2019

>>7887788, >>7887913, >>7888164, >>7888459 Wuhan lab studies world's most dangerous pathogens/diggz

>>7887906 In an interview with the London-based Asharq Al-Awsat, Hook advised Brig. Gen. Ghanni to not follow Soleimani’s path of “killing Americans

>>7887894, >>7887916 Tehran open to dialog with all neighbors: Zarif

>>7887892 Russian and Syrian forces continue large-scale attack across Aleppo

>>7887833 Activity of nearly 1,500 members of organized crime groups halted in Moscow in 2019

>>7887796, >>7887866, >>7887887 Washington State lawmakers consider several gun-control related bills

>>7887771 Potus twat: Dems don't want a Witness Trade

>>7888509 #10094

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996cff  No.7889298


>>7887076, >>7887330, >>7887557 Fly Eyes in the Sky

>>7887116, >>7887479, >>7887624 Boats Ahoy/China watch on

>>7887574 Turkey to debate new ‘marry your rapist’ law in parliament

>>7887506 U.S. Treasury Secretary: Post-Brexit Trade Deal to Be Inked by End of Year

>>7887494 Large Explosions Rock Apartments in Swedish No-Go Suburbs

>>7887416 Q review: UK cleaning house

>>7887388 Watch ECB's Christine Lagarde Explain How Greenwashing Central Bank Policy Will Save Europe

>>7887372 Rudy Fires Warning Shot – Going to Release Evidence on the Biden’s Millions in Corrupt Deeds!

>>7887307, >>7887364 Lindsey Graham Congratulates Adam Schiff: “Good Job, You’re Very Well Spoken” Popcorn Time! Enjoy the Show

>>7887305 Wuhan diggz

>>7887292 Boom! Rudy being saved for a witness

>>7887289, >>7887320 Corona diggz Important

>>7887259 Graham droppin truth bombs vid

>>7887249, >>7887454 ** Beginning January 24, 2020, the State Department will no longer issue temporary visitor (B-1/B-2) visas to aliens seeking to enter the United States for “birth tourism”

>>7887102 Julian Assange may not get US press protection

>>7887069 Archive Update "Return Fire"Edition I added #10076 to #10092 and updated the checksums

>>7887065, >>7887444 Anon decode of Potus misspelling AS + moar

>>7887046 Department of Justice Joins Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers for Human Trafficking Roundtable

>>7887032 @USMC Marines Assemble

>>7886968, >>7886992 New Q 17 minutes after last POTUS tweet

>>7886919, >>7886936, >>7886945, >>7886953, >>7886958, >>7886969, >>7886971, >>7887072 When POTUS retweets a meme you made 2 years ago…

>>7886912 Portugal police: Banker in Angola scandal hangs himself

>>7886890 US cancer centre leaders secretly worked for China, internal report finds

>>7886825, >>7886859 Q drop

>>7887691 #10093

Previously Collected Notables

>>7886004 #10091, >>7886779 #10092

>>7882796 #10087, >>7883609 #10088, >>7884402 #10089, >>7885226 #10090

>>7879770 #10083, >>7880518 #10084, >>7881322 #10085, >>7882099 #10086

Notables Thread #1, #8960-present: >>7003045

Notables Aggregator: https://wearethene.ws

Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384), https://8kun.top

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996cff  No.7889302

War Room

Meme folder: Trump Successes mega.nz/#F!pcZzRQDD!_ObYaRec8u6qn7zzOpbnag

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

[4] Q's requested hashtags on of 3/11/19:






Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Current Operations

>>7556525 Impeachment Counter Offensive Thread

>>7865835 Impeachment Scam

Bernie Memes mega.nz/#F!5NgkjAyZ!xeXnTJTJBFR98Sa0X1E3bQ

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>6156082

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Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

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Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>7111560 - The JQ (Jewish Question) Research Thread #6

>>6867253 – Clockwork Qrange #10

>>7814826 - Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #11

>>>/qrb/13005 - Planefag Q+A (Planefagging 101)

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Q Graphics all in EST


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996cff  No.7889305

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SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/419874308/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VII?secret_password=55SQ1tCYhuNR8ESzm50u

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

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* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8kun.top/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

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Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

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* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

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* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

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* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

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* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

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Letters of Gratitude

>>1215912 (Q posted in #1025)

Meme Ammo

52 >>7854142, 51 >>7598105, 50 >>7375690, 1 >>>/qrb/2298

2020-Jan mega.nz/#F!xcRHmaTC!IMe6afdUCUSvHYpmYqlXog

2019-Dec mega.nz/#F!AIpwHATK!xsXtYkuKay6X2X-EJXMThQ

2019-Nov mega.nz/#F!JYpRmAID!x8SJn3I02qiHSsOhzSaAcQ

Bernie mega.nz/#F!5NgkjAyZ!xeXnTJTJBFR98Sa0X1E3bQ

Space Force mega.nz/#F!YRog1CzA!zJWOQG2MtJppmTa3yaJXvQ

QNN Blanks mega.nz/#F!8cpGnYQA!zUkQgtukQep2XeVlKa0SPA

Epstein Drone Photos mega.nz/#F!DwNkwAZQ!xa6JLeW9_632P0yw3MhlNw

Trump Successes - in support of Re-Elect President Trump 2020 mega.nz/#F!pcZzRQDD!_ObYaRec8u6qn7zzOpbnag

Bill Barr B2 Stealth Bomber mega.nz/#F!wFpnBKhS!V3dZsLTQF1M69ZtBaIu1Xw

Voter ID mega.nz/#F!EV4HkQ7A!fxp-5L2RjgKl1D3YK1xGYA

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Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8kun.top/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

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Supplement to MasterArchivist ---- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon ------------------ https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions: >>7827937

Read the Simple Instructions: https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>7687826

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996cff  No.7889319

Dough Post

might be late


post away

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000000  No.7889325

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



The INTENT of these posts is to bring awareness, these same people own all media outlets.

Just disprove any of these posts, and they will stop. Seriously.

Jewish Ritual Understanding Blood Libel

(It's a video, click it.)





The children of Cain / Who call themselves Jew today


The sons of the Lucifer himself / Who call themselves Jew today


The Anti-Christ / Who call themselves Jew today

"Esau-Edom is modern Jewry" ~ 1925 Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. 5 page 41

Libbre David 37: “To communicate anything to a Goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all

Jews, for if the Goyim knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly.”

Truth is not hate speech or racist. Facts are not hate speech or racist.

Ask yourself, if these posts were coming from JIDF, what would they be hoping to achieve? What's the 'endgame'? How is exposing all this information "jewish defense"?

*not affiliated with Media Matters in any way.*

A lot of anons post the truth about the jews, they are not shills, and are trying to help awaken everyone to their evils. They call you "Goyim" (sheep/cattle), they steal from you from the second you are born, every aspect of your life is a jewish trick, they steal our children to rape and torture, they lied about the "Holocaust", they have been kicked out of every country they have ever been invited into, and they blew up the World Trade Center's just for starters. Pay attention to your fellow anons when they try to give you this information. Don't forget Judaism is a death cult, not a religion. None of this information is shared in hate, only to help spread awareness. Even thought they do vile things to our children, I share nothing with hate.

If you lurk long enough you will notice it's always the same attacks and attackers to this and the other posts. None of them dispute the information. They can't because they know it's the truth.

Also, my name isn't "Doug Stewart" or "Travis" or "Alex Kaplan" and I have no affiliation with JIDF or the ADL. Or the MAGA Coalition. I am also not jewish nor Satanist/luciferian/Edomite Canaanite, or ANTIFA.

The one's making these claims are JIDF (Jewish Internet Defense Force, yes it's a real thing, even though it sounds utterly moronic). Easy to spot after a few breads, they always use "muh-joo, muh-jew, muhjewshill, muh all jews or any variant thereof" they are LITERALLY THE ONLY ONES that use these terms. No other "ethnicity" has a force here blindly defending them the way (((They))) do. These crimes are so indefensible all they will do is try to distract and confuse.

Read the Talmud

Read the Talmud

Read the Talmud

Read the Talmud


Share this information the best you can.


If these posts aren't being posted it's because I have something else to do.

Never filter, point out the JIDF shills, they can't subvert if they can't hide.

The only people that complain when someone is sharing the truth, are the ones with something to hide.

Learning the truth about (((the "jews"))) (Edomite Canaanites technically) is not racist nor does it make you a "white supremacist" these are more trigger words to keep you from discovering the truth.

When they can’t attack the information provided, they attack the messenger.

Define ‘deflection’.

Logical thinking.

Shill count HIGH.


What we are currently experiencing is known as:


Definition of Armageddon

1a : the site or time of a final and conclusive battle between the forces of good and evil

b : the battle taking place at Armageddon

2 : a usually vast decisive conflict or confrontation



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000000  No.7889333

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Interview with rabbi Abraham Finkelstein (Interview with son of the devil)

*Thumbnail pic irrelevant to the information*

@ 39:54

"We steal between 100,000 to 300,000 children a year just here in this country, we drain their blood and we mix it with our passover bread and then we throw the bodies into the slaughter houses that we own, and we grind up all the bodies in the sausage and the hamburger, McDonalds is one of our favorite outlets. And the people, they eat it for breakfast, they eat their children for lunch, and uh, us jews we gotta do what we do."

Shills will call it a hoax like they do with everything they don't want you to look at, the statements made in the video check out and all you have to do is be paying attention to see it.

Human Meat Found in McDonald’s Meat Factory


New poll: Americans’ support for Israel falls to lowest point in a decade


How and Why Jews Have Sacrificed Non-Jewish Children as Part of Their Religion


Jewish Blood Libel is Alive and Well


Egyptian newspaper claims Jews capture, torture and murder non-Jewish children, then make pies with their blood


The "Blood Libel" (The Damascus Affair)


Two more babies stricken with herpes after ritual ultra-orthodox Jewish oral blood sucking circumcision in New York City


New York City reaches agreement with mohels over circumcision involving 'oral suction'


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000000  No.7889342

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Jews “prepare their matzah… with the blood of children" - Preacher at Al-Aqsa Mosque

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03e601  No.7889343

File: a92f1ae26ed0e42⋯.png (1.12 MB, 2066x824, 1033:412, Screenshot_2020-01-23 QMAP….png)

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000000  No.7889344

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion Full Documentary

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996cff  No.7889345

File: 0da920916a27847⋯.png (129.02 KB, 255x253, 255:253, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 40ba52e1f8d9822⋯.png (138.87 KB, 255x210, 17:14, ClipboardImage.png)



Dough Post


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000000  No.7889346

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





Moloch - Canaanite God of Hebrews

Moloch is the biblical name of a Canaanite god associated with child sacrifice, through fire or war. The name Moloch results from a dysphemic vocalisation in the Second Temple period of a theonym based on the root mlk, "king".

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39c512  No.7889347

File: 29b21c0f347ab49⋯.png (300.96 KB, 640x598, 320:299, Firefox_Screenshot_2020-01….png)




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a52184  No.7889348

File: 1bfae3c556545d4⋯.jpg (24.79 KB, 400x305, 80:61, sauceET.jpg)

>>7889231 LB/PB

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543745  No.7889349

File: 46c2e743d6bd6e8⋯.png (4.08 MB, 1066x1600, 533:800, TANKQ BAKER.png)

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123b3a  No.7889350


Corrupt [D]s fighting for their lives to keep media/gov focused on POTUS.

Don't worry, it won't be boring forever.


i'd love to short crwdsk but if this is like letting hitlery walk…i wont

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dd30eb  No.7889351


how does the obsessive muhjoo poster always manage to be first?

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af0877  No.7889352

File: 3e2fb39c05c70f2⋯.png (125.09 KB, 600x401, 600:401, caution savage baker on du….png)




You fucking madman!

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4df122  No.7889353

File: bcd7b4ceb10f39e⋯.jpg (1.39 MB, 1655x1080, 331:216, ((.jpg)

File: a7d82b63095b896⋯.jpg (1.19 MB, 1788x1080, 149:90, (.jpg)

File: 99e4341baaeae82⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, (_molcock.png)

File: 86e040921117113⋯.png (64.73 KB, 485x457, 485:457, (_molcockk.png)

File: 5384ac0197f318f⋯.png (291.46 KB, 1584x765, 176:85, ().png)

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792a35  No.7889354

File: 4cffe88744e70f4⋯.jpeg (33.71 KB, 372x520, 93:130, 520CBDE0-6789-43AE-A007-5….jpeg)

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efffbc  No.7889355

>>7889231 Q pb

I'm not even bored right now. Watching these evil people dance all around who actually hacked the server and all manner of things that will be their undoing is rather exciting.

I just want to bust in the room and ask schiff for brains about Seth Rich

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ffe0f8  No.7889356



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b59978  No.7889357

>>7889231 (lb)

Breddy Interesting!!!

Where did you come across these invoices?

You really do HAVE IT ALL!

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e470b9  No.7889359

File: d4c668a999fccac⋯.png (77.23 KB, 201x188, 201:188, ClipboardImage.png)

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753ac3  No.7889360

File: 730e2c8186f5e77⋯.png (50.58 KB, 800x415, 160:83, ClipboardImage.png)

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f70eba  No.7889361

File: 112debd9cc9ab6d⋯.jpeg (130.18 KB, 1300x957, 1300:957, BCE8357D-FF33-44DE-9444-2….jpeg)

>>7889231 (pb)

Oh good. This has been tortuously lame.

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7002bf  No.7889362

File: c7886f9a9b6bc4f⋯.png (27.03 KB, 596x448, 149:112, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2ccf97a996252c7⋯.png (89.46 KB, 827x670, 827:670, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ff3ed234b06eb7f⋯.png (27.46 KB, 545x747, 545:747, ClipboardImage.png)

Reposting since it was late LB >>7889279 /pb and at least 1 anon nominated as notable.

Apache = Fentanyl

I was not aware of this…


Corroborated by muh gov


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6d29d0  No.7889363


Unit 8200's got good machines and teams 24/7

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4df122  No.7889364

File: bdfdd44855b6ec7⋯.jpeg (145.78 KB, 1440x1083, 480:361, JIDF_aggots.jpeg)

File: 718df6af0efef52⋯.png (1.38 MB, 603x960, 201:320, 718df6af0efef52b3c77e4f662….png)

File: 836965582abd422⋯.jpg (1.01 MB, 3668x3284, 917:821, 836965582abd4221ac7a525055….jpg)

File: 8b3c966ab76048c⋯.jpg (297.43 KB, 1272x1023, 424:341, adl_jidf1.jpg)

File: 8531edb68f256ee⋯.jpeg (163.15 KB, 1080x724, 270:181, deceive_em.jpeg)

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460186  No.7889365

File: 15feb7066e5901a⋯.jpg (1.36 MB, 2067x1378, 3:2, 1 SIMPLE WAY TO GO FROM LU….jpg)



Thank you baker.

Here comes Q!

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bcf89c  No.7889366

File: 18d07fe08616cf1⋯.png (311.04 KB, 633x583, 633:583, ClipboardImage.png)


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2a05c3  No.7889367

File: c87b5e018dfd168⋯.png (84.85 KB, 623x386, 623:386, 7889231.png)



>>7889231 DNC Payments to CROWDSTRIKE


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15050d  No.7889368

>>7889231 - lb

"Don't worry, it won't be boring forever.


I know you are right, but it has been a very long journey so far.

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c59b5c  No.7889369

File: 235691d85ba5c65⋯.png (271.35 KB, 429x319, 39:29, Our_Flag.PNG)



Thank God for President Donald John Trump.

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ffe0f8  No.7889370



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03e601  No.7889371

File: 10838b53a2e809a⋯.png (50.67 KB, 605x451, 55:41, Screenshot_2020-01-23 Fent….png)

File: 3c60d427975fe06⋯.png (6.56 KB, 386x192, 193:96, Screenshot_2020-01-23 QMAP….png)

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cd53be  No.7889372


no table

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cf5f2f  No.7889373

>>7889231 (LB)


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72e8a3  No.7889374

File: b0063f2953c52ad⋯.jpg (26.75 KB, 604x422, 302:211, pleiadian-starseed-1.jpg)

thanks, Q.

It's happening!

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b0e24e  No.7889375

File: 6360cf53463a60e⋯.jpg (48.51 KB, 498x573, 166:191, 6360cf53463a60e0fcc5d78ad3….jpg)

File: 600c6c2b15a8af8⋯.png (16.16 KB, 226x314, 113:157, ClipboardImage.png)

>>7889231 LB Q

dose payments are totaling $225,883.11 per my calculations…

Bet ders moar! much moar!

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03e601  No.7889376



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e7a4c1  No.7889377

File: 04e329747ead018⋯.png (55.31 KB, 751x273, 751:273, 3787.PNG)

File: 6399c528f6b7d7c⋯.png (77.62 KB, 714x272, 21:8, 3787-A1.PNG)

>>7889231 (lb)

I can't believe what is coming out of Schiff's mouth right this second. I can only imagine how confused people who have no idea what is going on must be thinking.

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bb8d9b  No.7889378


Its in the bread, if you cared to notice…

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ffe0f8  No.7889379




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dd30eb  No.7889380


isn't that from wikileaks?

it's not new. I'm pretty sure I saw that last year.

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24401b  No.7889381

File: 00f0e7a6fea53b3⋯.jpg (102.67 KB, 655x450, 131:90, 00f0e7a6fea53b3c66a2c65f3e….jpg)


ty senpai baker

Q for notables

Corrupt [D]s fighting for their lives to keep media/gov focused on POTUS.

Don't worry, it won't be boring forever.


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64dbed  No.7889382


We're tired of beating each other up to stay in shape Q.

We're ready to rock and roll.

You said it. 'They will fight but you are ready'.

God Bless to all Operators in harm's way.

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0b36b7  No.7889383

File: 91a25cae08640f9⋯.jpg (84.59 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, besss.jpg)

Interesting timing, Q. There was a whisper of anons suggesting wuhantang virus is a diversion - albeit a great one!


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437daf  No.7889384

File: d0029e6e42dd69f⋯.jpg (1.94 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, thankQ.jpg)

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4df122  No.7889385

File: e755e6461f967e3⋯.png (487.08 KB, 746x596, 373:298, __protocols skip baker 1.png)

File: 20d8f2056968293⋯.png (143.35 KB, 474x355, 474:355, __protocols skip baker 2.png)

File: ee54579eaf80143⋯.jpg (242.16 KB, 1065x595, 213:119, __protocols skip baker 3.jpg)

File: 7071586ab1ce585⋯.png (1.62 MB, 2790x9886, 1395:4943, __Protocols skip baker 4 F….png)

File: cb544c4c4adf936⋯.jpg (205.21 KB, 1137x590, 1137:590, __protocols skip baker 5.jpg)

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9ee37c  No.7889386

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Legends never die!


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123b3a  No.7889387

File: a14b88ece3c049e⋯.jpg (58.62 KB, 600x600, 1:1, C6bUXCmWcAEUpLo.jpg)

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ffe0f8  No.7889388





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6d29d0  No.7889389


ye call that a whisper?

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bcf89c  No.7889390

File: 767b5b5f27b18e5⋯.png (264.64 KB, 497x283, 497:283, ClipboardImage.png)

Ex-Wells Execs Hit With $59MM In Fines Over Fake Account Scandal; Stumpf Barred For Life

Nearly four years after Wells Fargo's reputation was terminally crushed by the humiliating fake accounts scandal, the punishment for Warren Buffett's favorite bank and its (mostly former) employees is still being doled out, and moments ago the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency announced $59 million in civil charges and settlements with eight former Wells Fargo senior executives on Thursday, including the payment of a $17.5 million fine by John Stumpf, the bank’s former CEO, who also agreed to a lifetime industry ban. Carrie Tolstedt, who led Wells Fargo’s community bank for a decade, faces a penalty of as much as $25 million.

"The actions announced by the OCC today reinforce the agency’s expectations that management and employees of national banks and federal savings associations provide fair access to financial services, treat customers fairly, and comply with applicable laws and regulations,” Joseph Otting, who heads the OCC, said in a statement.

Wells Fargo unleashed unprecedented public and political ire in 2016 after its was revealed that bank employees opened millions of fake accounts to meet sales goals. That and a slew of retail-banking issues that subsequently came to light have led to regulatory fallout that’s in many cases unprecedented for a major bank, including a growth cap from the Federal Reserve. It also led to a historic Congressional grilling of the bank's then CEO, John Stumpf, who resigned shortly after.

As Bloomberg notes," this is the first public step the OCC has taken against former executives related to Wells Fargo’s problems. Regulators received criticism from some corners over the fact that few individuals and no top executives were held accountable for crisis-era missteps that cost the banks billions in fines and penalties."

Regulatory actions against Wells Fargo have also included billions of dollars in fines and legal costs, and an order giving the OCC the right to remove some of the bank’s leaders. The Department of Justice and the Securities and Exchange Commission also have been investigating the lender’s issues.

Why did it take 4 years for some individual justice to finally emerge? Simple: regulatory capture - as Bloomberg adds, the OCC drew scrutiny of its own as the firm’s main regulator throughout the scandals, prompting an internal review at the agency.

The OCC and the Fed have both cited a wide-ranging pattern of abuses and lapses at Wells Fargo, yet despite the universal condemnation, the bank's biggest shareholder, Warren Buffett, has refused to dispose of his stake.


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03e601  No.7889391

File: 5e72a1d2b14f236⋯.png (765.99 KB, 2016x714, 48:17, Screenshot_2020-01-23 Apac….png)

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6b935d  No.7889392

File: 64efe38d25cae88⋯.jpg (60.2 KB, 876x960, 73:80, 82775852_2563711220579155_….jpg)

Bye bye EU…… 1000 pieces

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4df122  No.7889393

File: 246876b6fcaf533⋯.jpg (404.6 KB, 1070x815, 214:163, 113ff3d53ad7edd.jpg)

File: 113ff3d53ad7ed4⋯.jpg (190.62 KB, 1024x749, 1024:749, 113ff3d53ad7eddd.jpg)

File: d76b18baf04cb63⋯.png (140.3 KB, 540x582, 90:97, 337ea5137718aa (2).png)

File: 337ea5137718aa2⋯.png (774.98 KB, 720x720, 1:1, 337ea5137718aa.png)

File: 076ad568b012b3f⋯.png (508.89 KB, 640x594, 320:297, 337ea5137718aaa.png)

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6c28c5  No.7889394

Since Schiff brought up Crowdstrike, that means it's fair game, right?

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fb1ca8  No.7889395

File: adea49bfdcc246a⋯.jpg (49.59 KB, 373x603, 373:603, c4654c8bae7aeb4780c09877be….jpg)

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ccacc5  No.7889396

I wonder how many apple watches in the senate just went off alerting them to a new Q post?

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2a05c3  No.7889397


I was archiving, excuse me. Sorry to bother anyone.

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5c7df5  No.7889398

File: 2938b51d744850b⋯.jpg (247.54 KB, 650x960, 65:96, PP.jpg)


Thank you Baker

>>7889231 last bread


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e470b9  No.7889399


>Since Schiff brought up Crowdstrike, that means it's fair game, right?


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4df122  No.7889400

File: 45bf46c76b13dcd⋯.png (201.14 KB, 640x446, 320:223, BLOOD PASSOVER - demonic o….PNG)

File: 56dac608784e8d9⋯.png (815.44 KB, 1332x869, 1332:869, BLOOD PASSOVER - demonic o….PNG)

File: 0b99f4abef8eadc⋯.png (546.43 KB, 474x656, 237:328, BLOOD PASSOVER - demonic o….PNG)

File: 9d8acd16a87c8c9⋯.jpg (621.86 KB, 719x983, 719:983, blood.jpg)

File: 651aac94ae6582b⋯.jpg (102.57 KB, 550x550, 1:1, blood_libel.jpg)

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aeaca6  No.7889401

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

'Mind Blowing Epstein Related Facts You Haven't Heard - Tech, Maxwell, NASA & more'


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1c190c  No.7889402

File: 906bec01440aae6⋯.gif (16 KB, 400x400, 1:1, e484f19be5cfc36f0e1b3d0f36….gif)

File: 028ba6cb1e5c68e⋯.gif (4.3 MB, 552x552, 1:1, ezgif-4-28a109890d58.gif)

File: 1b3ae77ab003627⋯.gif (3.31 MB, 327x200, 327:200, 1b3ae77ab003627c6e486b2c59….gif)

File: 7001ed2e486a4eb⋯.gif (163.85 KB, 300x253, 300:253, cd50f36161fab62415ed0996b2….gif)

File: 01a0e29cba80edb⋯.gif (214.07 KB, 219x257, 219:257, 01a0e29cba80edb38078294cea….gif)

>>7889231 (QLB)


Do it Q!

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720ccb  No.7889403

Affirmative Defense

This is a defense in which the defendant introduces evidence, which, if found to be credible, will negate criminal liability or civil liability, even if it is proven that the defendant committed the alleged acts.

The D’s are merely posturing. They know what is coming. PAIN.

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0b36b7  No.7889404


just being fucking diplomatic about it, anon


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fb1ca8  No.7889405

File: 9273a6a3b8d4ae4⋯.jpg (620.21 KB, 2079x3000, 693:1000, u4MR1wv.jpg)


>I wonder how many apple watches in the senate just went off alerting them to a new Q post?


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72e8a3  No.7889406

File: 1f6f90424163419⋯.jpg (291 KB, 600x793, 600:793, samson-pulling-down-the-te….jpg)

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b59978  No.7889407


idk. probably right.

palm to forehead…don't mind me.

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670ec6  No.7889408

>>7889231 ————————————–——– Corrupt [D]s fighting for their lives to keep media/gov focused on POTUS.


[1 min]

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f6d1f3  No.7889409

File: e9218191406129a⋯.png (189.19 KB, 527x602, 527:602, ClipboardImage.png)

Hey Q, can I get a (you)?

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815c30  No.7889410


Q, make it rain. Open the flood gates and let the truth wash away all this filth and corruption. That's the only way we can ever get rid of the stench from this swamp.

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4df122  No.7889411

File: 4444ff35290b056⋯.jpg (96.63 KB, 720x540, 4:3, canaaites.jpg)

File: b553142f85ae53a⋯.png (247.79 KB, 500x500, 1:1, canaaitesexgods.png)

File: 8e0269e3593ab62⋯.jpg (873.15 KB, 1500x832, 375:208, canaaitess.jpg)

File: f8c7e683d71d4c2⋯.png (539.66 KB, 426x854, 213:427, canaaitess.png)

File: c993ba1013efb12⋯.jpg (575.11 KB, 1600x1236, 400:309, canaaitess_synagogue of sa….jpg)

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af0877  No.7889412

File: b7525f5194d12d2⋯.jpg (121.5 KB, 750x537, 250:179, trump were number one in t….jpg)

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aeaca6  No.7889413

File: 07545dd37ae0d04⋯.png (457.01 KB, 800x607, 800:607, isabel maxwell djerassi ha….png)

File: 02496950780c707⋯.png (338.63 KB, 800x612, 200:153, cyren crowdstrike maxwell ….png)

File: a2b30fdce9086f4⋯.png (487 KB, 800x615, 160:123, gilman louie inqtel robert….png)

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437daf  No.7889414

File: ad17481dd8a2367⋯.png (842.08 KB, 1737x880, 1737:880, 82-8000 up south and 09-00….PNG)

File: b8cfa42f4968854⋯.jpg (539.57 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, air force one parked refle….jpg)

82-8000 Up and south towards Miami with 09-0015 behind

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a52184  No.7889415

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792a35  No.7889416


Playing his role.

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634daf  No.7889417

POTUS/President Trump. Filed complaints against Twitter both w FCC (they told me I needed to contact FTC) and today FTC over suspensions on Twitter. I even called the comment line and left a comment for you.

WHERE did the legislation you have going stall out? We need to be able to have our 1st amendment rights. It is not (Our) fault the satanic pedovore Left took control of all things (gov created) social media.

I already spend majority of life fighting, digital army soldier #420.. kek but seriously. Tired of this shit. Tell me what I have to do..

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a37e48  No.7889418

File: 9b86012ae75b322⋯.png (265.55 KB, 504x627, 168:209, Destruction_of_Leviathan.png)

By the merest chance the ship itself at last rescued him; but from that hour the little negro went about the deck an idiot; such, at least, they said he was. The sea had jeeringly kept his finite body up, but drowned the infinite of his soul. Not drowned entirely, though. Rather carried down alive to wondrous depths, where strange shapes of the unwarped primal world glided to and fro before his passive eyes; and the miser-merman, Wisdom, revealed his hoarded heaps; and among the joyous, heartless, ever-juvenile eternities, Pip saw the multitudinous, God-omnipresent, coral insects, that out of the firmament of waters heaved the colossal orbs. He saw God's foot upon the treadle of the loom, and spoke it; and therefore his shipmates called him mad. So man's insanity is heaven's sense; and wandering from all mortal reason, man comes at last to that celestial thought, which, to reason, is absurd and frantic; and weal or woe, feels then uncompromised, indifferent as his God.

(Moby Dick, chap. 93. New York: Signet, 1961: 396-7.)

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39c512  No.7889419


POLLY needs to fuck off. She is a 57 year old prostitute with the Clap

She's fucking nasty

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fbc8e6  No.7889421

>>7889231 (pb)

From your lips to God’s ears, Q!

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da474b  No.7889422

>>7888600 PB

just like MSM seeding the bread

setting the table for narrative change

you will see the failure of Barr,

excused with waiting for Durham,

postpone pass election

watch repukes let (help) all opportunity slide by while excellent demon rat lawyers muck up the water as blackmailed to do

only to result in Q and his trusty anons fill the bread with how we have to stop for now and win 2020, then we will give you the justice you seek

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bcf89c  No.7889423

File: 0389f630afc8373⋯.png (283.54 KB, 664x884, 166:221, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5c17ad18b5e7f13⋯.png (44.34 KB, 633x897, 211:299, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cb99d236a07ca5a⋯.png (51.68 KB, 641x900, 641:900, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9cbe1a731164257⋯.png (8.5 KB, 621x178, 621:178, ClipboardImage.png)

The Pledge: Labour’s Contrived ‘anti-Semitism Crisis’ Outlives Corbyn

Once Jeremy Corbyn assumed his party’s leadership in 2015, the Israeli Lobby, Conservative Party operatives and the mainstream press began a highly coordinated defamation campaign designed to damage the Labour leader and party’s reputation, and to keep him from ever reaching No.10 Downing Street. All this despite the fact that Corbyn has been a life-long anti-racism campaigner. The Establishment’s propaganda and smear operation was successful enough to convince a large enough portion of the population that the socialist and anti-imperialist movement which swept Corbyn into power was somehow ‘anti-semitic’ at its core. A total inversion of reality. This will go down in history as one of greatest propaganda efforts ever – successfully creating a total inversion of reality in order to turn a general election.

Still, even after the 2019 General Election and Tory landslide victory, the same cartel has continued their full-court press in a bid to dismantle the Labour Party, as Tony Blair’s pro-war neoliberal New Labour faction and the pro-Israel lobby team-up to intimidate and purge any remaining dissenters from the party’s ranks. Labour’s Blairites are now openly using the anti-semitism tactic in order to eliminate their political competition.

If the current Stalinist purge is allowed to continue, it runs the risk of ruining British politics for at least the next decade…

Asa Whitstanley

Electronic Intifada

Candidates for the leadership of the UK’s Labour Party have capitulated to new demands from the Israel lobby.

The Board of Deputies of British Jews is insisting that whoever replaces Jeremy Corbyn as Labour leader in April should effectively institute purges of the party membership.

So the fabricated “anti-Semitism crisis” in Britain’s main opposition party rages on, despite Corbyn’s defeat last month – which other Israel lobbyists have now claimed responsibility for.

The Board of Deputies on Sunday issued 10 “pledges” – or “demands” as The Jewish Chronicle reported – “to end the anti-Semitism crisis.”

In what was clearly a coordinated action, all five candidates who have received sufficient nominations to be on the ballot paper in the leadership contest instantly agreed to the Board’s demands.

These included the supposedly left-wing shadow minister Rebecca Long-Bailey. She commands the most support among Labour members, according to one opinion poll, with Keir Starmer, the party’s main spokesperson on Brexit, in second position.

The group Labour Against the Witch Hunt has condemned the demands, calling on candidates to reject them.


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f6110b  No.7889424

File: 0325c5dda1c2c97⋯.png (221.26 KB, 1506x937, 1506:937, Screenshot_2020-01-23 Why ….png)

File: c476a64eae6909a⋯.png (622.44 KB, 1506x937, 1506:937, Screenshot_2020-01-23 Crow….png)



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a4453d  No.7889425

>>7889231 LB


>>7889105 LB

wait until Jenner starts really taking the hormone drugs. Off the rails.

>>7889080 LB


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16ce81  No.7889426


Uses same syntax/spelling as Q's image:


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af0877  No.7889427

File: 202681901a9269a⋯.png (1.5 MB, 800x1202, 400:601, pepe the samson option 2.png)

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6363e0  No.7889428

File: 81a2734b08cbe1e⋯.jpg (55.95 KB, 608x410, 304:205, 48hrs.jpg)

File: 5e5f88bd133e426⋯.jpg (64.8 KB, 516x484, 129:121, 48hrsII.jpg)

File: fe2935da1190b09⋯.jpg (40.37 KB, 524x476, 131:119, 48hrsIII.jpg)

File: e0011ba4f78f912⋯.jpg (69.79 KB, 614x406, 307:203, 48hrsIIII.jpg)

File: fef0abb4cafb846⋯.jpg (60.08 KB, 581x430, 581:430, 48hrsIIIII.jpg)

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e470b9  No.7889429


You can get a (you) from me, but I doubt you'll get one from 17.

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d7da0b  No.7889430

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efffbc  No.7889431


How do you legally inject evidence….

This movie is far from boring if you know how to read between the lines

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6d29d0  No.7889432


just don't feed it.

silent disdain is best

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4df122  No.7889433

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Skip Baker - Edomite Canaanites part1











Skip Baker - Edomite Canaanites part1












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d813d2  No.7889434


It was already found out after Q posted "Apache".

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f3780e  No.7889435

CROWDSTRIKE >>> Dimitri Alperovitch

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08211d  No.7889436

File: 00d8a1cb53e65ae⋯.png (339.46 KB, 633x465, 211:155, ClipboardImage.png)

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39c512  No.7889437


EWW. whore

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083cf7  No.7889438

File: 2fef6979f40972e⋯.jpg (50.26 KB, 600x349, 600:349, trump-up.jpg)

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3beb76  No.7889439


even when 8kun was just barely operational ..these programmers were posting

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e4a40b  No.7889440

File: 1363d73795e196d⋯.png (205.19 KB, 1113x635, 1113:635, bschart.PNG)

File: eb7cca4411b2ad1⋯.jpg (534.68 KB, 1220x680, 61:34, Bren.jpg)

>>7888708 pb



introduced into the impeachment record

is that frying Brennan i smell?

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ffe0f8  No.7889441



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9ee37c  No.7889442

File: 78ec4d9192623a2⋯.png (299.19 KB, 632x601, 632:601, Screenshot_2020-01-23 Dona….png)

“President Trump shows us that electability is no match for electricity” by @KellyannePolls

12:34 PM - 23 Jan 2020



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c6ce58  No.7889443

File: afcd3dcbd01e28d⋯.jpg (52.9 KB, 612x408, 3:2, 3n07us.jpg)

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cd53be  No.7889444


Spirit cooking gone bad?

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f6d1f3  No.7889445


Considering that WE ARE Q, that's good enough!

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815c30  No.7889446

File: 23faf0056e9f9ca⋯.png (128.78 KB, 476x617, 476:617, Me explaining Q is Flynn..….png)


We see you anon. Excellent work.

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4df122  No.7889447

File: 4919039ad6cab0c⋯.mp4 (3.54 MB, 320x240, 4:3, Anti-semitic, its a trick ….mp4)

Anti-semitic, its a trick we always use it












Anti-semitic, its a trick we always use it

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d7da0b  No.7889448


Fuck you Paytriot

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dcdeef  No.7889449

File: ee8db5f626d304f⋯.png (36 KB, 590x236, 5:2, SOON.png)

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f10af2  No.7889450

File: 94b4f4b6fb3ffa2⋯.jpg (157.54 KB, 592x340, 148:85, stop-saying-crowdstrike.jpg)

File: b1f514854c35254⋯.jpg (69.52 KB, 666x375, 222:125, say3dqjta.jpg)

File: 8686273157c0461⋯.jpg (223.26 KB, 600x543, 200:181, what-if-i-5c5f43.jpg)

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d612e8  No.7889451

How is Crowdstrike not a penny stock yet?

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7002bf  No.7889452

File: 195bb7ccb126a0c⋯.png (19.19 KB, 802x411, 802:411, ClipboardImage.png)


I thought it might have been… but it goes to show that qresear.ch is not exactly the authoritative archive we thought it was…

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ffe0f8  No.7889453




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16ce81  No.7889454

Q's image appears to come from this website:


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6363e0  No.7889455

File: 23248b857770c03⋯.jpg (65.99 KB, 790x450, 79:45, BCAltIIIII.jpg)

File: 901225a9afa5d15⋯.jpg (71.86 KB, 727x502, 727:502, BCBender.jpg)

File: 3dbf58a42759e8e⋯.jpg (61.68 KB, 615x406, 615:406, BCBenderII.jpg)

File: b3aed1747f86568⋯.jpg (51.95 KB, 584x428, 146:107, BCBenderIII.jpg)

File: bfd2802c6cbc2a0⋯.jpg (53.63 KB, 617x404, 617:404, BCBenderIIII.jpg)

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792a35  No.7889456

File: b18fdb187cfc27f⋯.jpeg (219.39 KB, 750x812, 375:406, F60935E9-7924-4B05-B303-F….jpeg)

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34d059  No.7889457

File: 8c9200583b600ee⋯.png (928.44 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

>>7889139 (lb)

Found photo used in "Castle clean" is from Instagram July 16, 2019

Photo credit looks to be Yuko Lanham'.

President Trump walks to the podium in the South Lawn of the White House during a Made in America showcase event. July 15, 2019. (The Asahi Shimbun/Yuko Lanham)

screen shot is from:


And, that was a repost from:


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bb8d9b  No.7889458



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e470b9  No.7889459


>Considering that WE ARE Q, that's good enough!

o7, highest ranking anon!

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0b36b7  No.7889460


she got hotter as she got older

fucking incredible

(insert chatroom comment here)

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fd8174  No.7889461

File: 4feed142b7bf3d7⋯.jpeg (672.21 KB, 1125x2001, 375:667, 9CA44F8E-97D8-46E5-8416-F….jpeg)

File: 9f0ea6668646d00⋯.jpeg (33.22 KB, 1280x688, 80:43, 365A6E0A-9A4B-4143-9B55-F….jpeg)

File: fdfaa0f911ed3cf⋯.jpeg (51.5 KB, 480x360, 4:3, CEFBDA31-B089-4CDE-946C-0….jpeg)

File: f0a3976151ed5de⋯.jpeg (14.35 KB, 244x207, 244:207, 7C25273B-8063-44DF-AD7C-D….jpeg)

File: c83e6dc98142a72⋯.jpeg (35.88 KB, 353x467, 353:467, 52871EF5-87EA-4CBA-8A39-C….jpeg)


When do we get 9/11 disclosure ???

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03e601  No.7889462


I just love it when a plan comes together.

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4df122  No.7889463

File: 9f13adb32ed372e⋯.jpg (48.73 KB, 474x418, 237:209, eaac167de1dc699.jpg)

File: a9a4137402b8eb4⋯.jpg (390.57 KB, 713x636, 713:636, edb4a8bd3941a.jpg)

File: eb1db2793494d01⋯.jpg (493.14 KB, 719x665, 719:665, edb4a8bd3941b.jpg)

File: 0843991bfff0759⋯.jpg (1.46 MB, 1464x1464, 1:1, edb4a8bd3941bbb.jpg)

File: 94f2c21cbadbc4d⋯.jpeg (470.01 KB, 1242x991, 1242:991, jews_hate_jesus.jpeg)

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6d29d0  No.7889464

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bb8d9b  No.7889465


Fucking short that mofo if you want. I'm not holding my breath on it just yet

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bcf89c  No.7889466

Q you want to weigh in on the China "pandemic" seems awfully contrived and blown out of proportion…………………??????????

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7002bf  No.7889467


None, because there are no Q alert apps on IOS

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d2d50c  No.7889468

File: 88c3267b617dbf8⋯.jpg (106.9 KB, 1140x641, 1140:641, Trump_Impeachment_42601.jpg)

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4df122  No.7889469

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Why do we Believe in Moses and Not Jesus?- Ask the Rabbi Live with Rabbi Mintz














Why do we Believe in Moses and Not Jesus?- Ask the Rabbi Live with Rabbi Mintz

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634daf  No.7889470


Every fucking bread? Polly just became Finklestein of Paytriots. FinklePolly is what we will call her, my guess since her hands are in patriot’s pockets.. she is Jewish.

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db0e8b  No.7889471

File: d4abe0a9fffe8bb⋯.png (105.41 KB, 489x420, 163:140, ef16e186f15e53e6691a1d90d8….png)

File: 0446ce5ab9d2bc0⋯.jpg (153.73 KB, 600x460, 30:23, why-the-fuck-5c35f8.jpg)

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ff9a1f  No.7889472

File: e4809b93cc7a961⋯.png (248.81 KB, 400x425, 16:17, domesticated.png)

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206096  No.7889473

Won't be boring forever, Q?

Fusion GPS.



Dem servers (Awans).

Weiner laptop.

–→23 PAIN?

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f6d1f3  No.7889474


Yes, I'm making SOOOOO much money.

(I literally sell nothing)

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af8cd4  No.7889476

File: ba0894ee9a4c24b⋯.jpeg (105.69 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 0F9F1C32-B9AE-4848-8D07-8….jpeg)

File: 12f1f407fd169e6⋯.jpeg (76.07 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 4C7AE9D4-C140-49C8-8BF9-D….jpeg)


Does EMP really stand for —Eat My Pussy?

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39c512  No.7889477

File: 3b396f74a74882b⋯.png (413.14 KB, 1366x674, 683:337, SHART52.png)



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3beb76  No.7889478

File: 3759bc6e67f8f3b⋯.png (259.71 KB, 601x508, 601:508, Screenshot_2020-01-23 Dona….png)

not just any delta but a coincidental kellyanne tweet

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e4a40b  No.7889479

File: 9f93afefdb2fc7c⋯.jpg (124.92 KB, 955x500, 191:100, pope8.jpg)



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ffe0f8  No.7889480



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5c7df5  No.7889481

It cracks me up that Anons were talking last night about how the Castle Clean Q post might be about chess and POTUS and the two US Marines might represent a King and two Castles in the photo. Then I hear today dems talking in the senate saying that Donald Trump is not a king. I had to start laughing. kek

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6d29d0  No.7889482


but yourself

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4df122  No.7889483

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Jesus Was Not A (((Jew))) Pastor James P Wickstrom















Jesus Was Not A (((Jew))) Pastor James P Wickstrom

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634daf  No.7889484


Tiesday March 8th, at 1:32pm

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2f1f0d  No.7889485

>>7888957 lb

>>7888864 lb

>>Dems will shit when Trump team calls the first witness Jeffery Epstein Kek

>>I like Viktor Shokin

Julian Assange…?

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8bcc4f  No.7889486


you must be a sick fuck demoncrat not wanting truth to get out to people and keep it in your little bax called 8kun …


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03e601  No.7889487


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d612e8  No.7889488

File: 955be4cd7ae3fdb⋯.png (229.91 KB, 1254x493, 1254:493, ClipboardImage.png)

Kinda strange that there are two payments from the same organization to Clownstrike on the same day in both May and August, in differing amounts.

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72e8a3  No.7889489

File: 7d135a35ddae4d4⋯.jpg (22.86 KB, 1024x556, 256:139, hilldawggg.jpg)

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543745  No.7889490

File: 6cf875f52210785⋯.jpeg (12.23 KB, 255x170, 3:2, 6e318861dc4289a2e4542d474….jpeg)

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acdb18  No.7889491

File: 4bbfc7756d85ce0⋯.jpg (28.54 KB, 400x396, 100:99, 1579400631173.jpg)


>Polly just became Finklestein of Paytriots.

Audibly kekked


Good note.

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bb8d9b  No.7889492


You're begging for an endorsement. Fucking pathetic. If it comes it comes. Fuck begging like a moocher.

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332097  No.7889493

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6f0b9b  No.7889494

File: 0f8d66af00cc8cd⋯.jpeg (24.14 KB, 255x210, 17:14, 0f8d66af00cc8cdbdd31fa653….jpeg)


with 52? no way.

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93f2b0  No.7889495


Sir, what will happen with Assange? Is he still safe? Please take care of him

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fb1ca8  No.7889496



Summer Glau

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39c512  No.7889497


She's Canadian, so who knows. I bet shes a trap tho. Her features are far too manly

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4df122  No.7889498

File: bf0771e07b61921⋯.jpg (216.32 KB, 729x1058, 729:1058, hen.jpg)

File: d3e86b7057a77b5⋯.jpg (224.59 KB, 729x480, 243:160, henny.jpg)

File: 2578d830a71c575⋯.png (495.76 KB, 1788x984, 149:82, henny.png)

File: 79b413019752540⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1463x1023, 133:93, henny_.png)

File: 9f677f25870f0a5⋯.jpg (79.98 KB, 600x554, 300:277, ask.jpg)

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f84067  No.7889499

File: 021c46e987a932b⋯.jpg (146.77 KB, 1566x881, 1566:881, 1579639020.jpg)


TY Baker

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83c4b4  No.7889500

>>7889341 (lb)

Could be a LARP. That race won't be the one for First Contact, it's by all accounts going to be Pleiadians.

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e470b9  No.7889501


Two checks; two reasons for payments

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634daf  No.7889502


For this?!?!?


“Fuck off Retard”


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6d29d0  No.7889503


a good argument for letting dumb things roam free around here

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ffe0f8  No.7889505



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792a35  No.7889506

File: 2a150913f9f5930⋯.jpeg (24.01 KB, 750x120, 25:4, 5AD7C7BF-4C8D-493C-8D8A-B….jpeg)

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883dc6  No.7889507

File: e459895ef2aec5c⋯.png (250.55 KB, 446x435, 446:435, 1565331021105.png)

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4df122  No.7889508

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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72e8a3  No.7889509

File: e426085a8c38abf⋯.jpg (58.75 KB, 304x443, 304:443, julianthumbsup.jpg)

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84950c  No.7889510


Good catch. Hadn't noticed that.

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03e601  No.7889511


Anyone have a copy of the podesta "MAKING AN EXAMPLE" email?

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2a05c3  No.7889512


TY, added to the spreadsheet.

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815c30  No.7889513

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e4a40b  No.7889514

latest q / DJT delta = 1:16

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ec7bf0  No.7889515


What happened the day before other payments?

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39c512  No.7889516


Hi Polly!

Tweet out that you love anal, and I'll never say a bad thing about you again.

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4df122  No.7889517

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Jacob Schiff


















Jacob Schiff

Jacob Henry Schiff was an American banker, businessman, and philanthropist.Among many other things, he helped finance the expansion of American railroads and the Japanese military efforts against Tsarist Russia in the Russo-Japanese War.Born in Frankfurt, Germany, Schiff migrated to the United States after the American Civil War and joined the firm Kuhn, Loeb & Co.From his base on Wall Street, he was the foremost Jewish leader from 1880 to 1920 in what later became known as the "Schiff era", grappling with all major Jewish issues and problems of the day, including the plight of Russian Jews under the Tsar, American and international anti-semitism, care of needy Jewish immigrants, and the rise of Zionism.

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6b935d  No.7889518

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6f0b9b  No.7889520

File: 77ee6ff3ab0ca4f⋯.png (110.13 KB, 975x706, 975:706, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9ca93ebfbfcb741⋯.png (199.5 KB, 634x400, 317:200, ClipboardImage.png)


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000000  No.7889521


is Adam Schitt on that plane?

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3c07fc  No.7889523

File: ba847da3e13a1c6⋯.jpg (290.91 KB, 682x1024, 341:512, autists.jpg)

File: 4e0ea45f3fe5a7e⋯.png (284.15 KB, 562x372, 281:186, Nunes_Courage.png)

File: 7f76d9a17ec5121⋯.jpg (84.34 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, ANewWorld_onestepatatime.jpg)

File: 0e5efd6dfbf9892⋯.jpg (49.18 KB, 678x381, 226:127, moredemoinc_hypocrisy.jpg)

Some applied logic to cut through the corporate bullshit narrative…

We here are aware of the force multipliers in play to serve the antilife agenda of the control freaks:

• Media Matrix

• Pedowood

• Central banking scam

• Tech platform censorship and gaslighting engine

• Infiltrated schools, churches and fake legal system

• Long known, deep understanding of human suggestibility

Et cetera

We note the effects of the elites sending their clones to “special schools” while destroying all other schools, and we see the pitiable state to which the people have been reduced, lowering the statistical median.


Just as the people have been dumbed down weaker by technological distractions from our own consciousness and made physically from the convenience of technology, SO HAVE THE ELITES!

In the past, to control the masses, required constant thinking about strategy and tactics of deception, understanding of military mindsets and absolute loyalty to the antilife agenda, to maintain control.

In other words, more hands-on, direct interfacing with people, more continuous concern kept the elite controllers fit enough to stay on top of the heap.

Yes, digital surveillance and massive data sets gathered about the conscious awareness of the masses makes it easier to control than ever before BUT the ELITES HAVE GOTTEN SOFT, LAZIER AND COMPLACENT!

In case you have not noticed, as the formerly hidden shit-stirrers rise to the top and into the light of the Internet, what we are seeing is mainly LAMENESS, STUPIDITY and STRONG DELUSION from the antilife players!

Not sending their best? They HAVE NO BEST!

Does anyone think that playing for the antilife team in the present era BUILDS CHARACTER or even hones any wit?

Not at all; the endless dominance games within the elite control freaks has actually DEVOLVED the controllers along with their owned assets, the people.

To ensure that no one gets the upper hand, the policies adopted WITHIN the dark gang are eliminating ALPHA males everywhere, leaving only super cunts in male of female form!

Were it not for the foundation of tyranny laid down by bloodlines made of sterner stuff, the present day players would already be caught out and destroyed. Only momentum of the dark agenda makes the illusion of invincible control persist in normalcy bias

The main disadvantage of playing the retarded side of history, to monkey-wrench human growth, which few mention, is that destruction takes less brains and courage than creation.

Without any connection to soul, there is NO CREATIVITY, only ape-like imitation.

The house of evil is CORRUPTING itself faster than the planetary awakening and the end is guaranteed in favor of consciousness, the higher the more powerful, period.

Laugh at the delusions of the willfully wicked and enjoy the rest of the movie!

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3beb76  No.7889524

File: 6d10f1bef661c67⋯.mp4 (408.21 KB, 304x640, 19:40, jBMISv1e1gRWh7TS.mp4)

quarantine cage.

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634daf  No.7889525


Ohhhh….. 🤔🤔🤔🤔

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d18963  No.7889526

File: df05ca2e0dc5fc3⋯.png (475.95 KB, 553x448, 79:64, salute.png)

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4df122  No.7889527

File: 78c6bb05ef091c9⋯.jpeg (97.68 KB, 613x750, 613:750, 78c6bb05ef091c958d13b3957….jpeg)

File: 945a7573ac5ef43⋯.jpeg (179.46 KB, 680x1000, 17:25, 945a7573ac5ef4329c5fec060….jpeg)

File: 059913a45204e5e⋯.jpeg (164.96 KB, 657x1000, 657:1000, 059913a45204e5eb9808389e6….jpeg)

File: bce1dea139a5900⋯.jpeg (111.64 KB, 519x750, 173:250, bce1dea139a5900ebdd204e92….jpeg)

File: bf0bc985f15e458⋯.jpeg (478.82 KB, 1039x1242, 1039:1242, bf0bc985f15e458cef97f8ba2….jpeg)

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d7da0b  No.7889528

File: 2788224057205d0⋯.jpg (16.79 KB, 255x245, 51:49, classic-kek.jpg)


audible kek

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bb8d9b  No.7889529

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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2a05c3  No.7889530

File: 87b7b5779d98504⋯.jpg (179.64 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, GA-book-boy.jpg)

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aeaca6  No.7889531

File: b75c460aa569a0f⋯.jpg (55.65 KB, 800x421, 800:421, flag 800.jpg)

Free speech board, enjoy.

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fb1ca8  No.7889532





That's the official story.

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4df122  No.7889533

File: 3dc6f8042a116ab⋯.jpeg (171.62 KB, 696x1000, 87:125, 3dc6f8042a116abe8da5d6159….jpeg)

File: 3e3d834ee4ebaf1⋯.jpeg (90.2 KB, 487x750, 487:750, 3e3d834ee4ebaf1c88b80b90e….jpeg)

File: 4ad0c8dd37b6aa8⋯.jpeg (165.12 KB, 642x1000, 321:500, 4ad0c8dd37b6aa8edd13aeca5….jpeg)

File: 6f1bc35ab9ff62f⋯.jpeg (98.4 KB, 461x749, 461:749, 6f1bc35ab9ff62fc806e2ae03….jpeg)

File: 7f1002e6bbe0d90⋯.jpeg (169.74 KB, 750x1000, 3:4, 7f1002e6bbe0d90224ed456f7….jpeg)

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b75bcc  No.7889534


I can just imagine the WH Attorneys' thoughts as this idiot brings up Crowdstrike…"These people are stupid".

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03e601  No.7889535

File: b6061ce9d5fb649⋯.png (107.9 KB, 785x302, 785:302, pod.png)

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ffe0f8  No.7889536





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93f2b0  No.7889537

File: 881d9b1464759f4⋯.png (5.41 KB, 380x236, 95:59, ClipboardImage.png)



Q 116

6 Nov 2017 - 10:48:58 PM

Crumb dump incoming fast.

Archive immediately.

Upload to graphic.


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a7a52d  No.7889538

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ty Bakers

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3beb76  No.7889539



that is a prizing winning meme!

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720ccb  No.7889540


I’ve seen that several times. My guess is a student pilot does it on purpose for keks. It’s funny every time I see it.

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19ffd5  No.7889541

File: 313827eb0e5ce68⋯.gif (2.66 MB, 435x250, 87:50, WinAWANisaKEYSTONE.gif)



W is a keystone when it has an A on either side…


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b57cea  No.7889542

File: c67a0e539f95652⋯.png (1.2 MB, 1500x500, 3:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0429310a5506503⋯.pdf (2.38 MB, 0524.pdf)

File: d7549ecf3150d55⋯.pdf (992.22 KB, vysotskii2013.pdf)

Eye The Spy's banner looks like so…

Knowing that he is a former NSA analyst

And an Autist

Who has been dropping verifiable crumbs similar to Q

I thought there must be more to this

Turns out that the base photo

Is the Temple of Hathor at Dendera in Egypt

Oh my God!

Most of us have come across one or more of the items of info

Associated with this Temple

But we were not accustomed to making connections

And drawing a map at 40000 feet

Or distinguishing between true chance, and evidence

Trump dropped a few crumbs at Davos

About advanced technology that we have

And are now unleashing

Molten-salt Thorium nuclear reactions

That can CLEAN radioactive waste while using it as fuel

And Russia has one running since 2016

And Low Energy Nuclear Reactors (Cold Fusion)


The Evidence is Cut in Stone: A Compelling Argument for Lost High Technology in Ancient Egypt


We have no choice but to entertain the idea that a civilization existed before what we call the pharaohs and in fact had forms of what we would call high technology, and that these people lived in the area prior to 3100 BC.

Many will of course ask where the tools are that could have done work such as this. We do know that strange devices and materials have been found in archaeological sites in different parts of the world, and have been labeled, boxed and hidden out of view because they do not fit the conventional historical paradigm. Sir William Flinders Petrie was one of the great Egyptologists of the late 19 th and early 20 th centuries. Petrie found a number of core drills, many of which are now housed in the museum named after him at the University College London in London England. The actual hollow drill bits have not been found, but the cores made of limestone, alabaster, granite and other stones have.

And then there are images of some type of plasma tube (although most people just call it a light bulb)

Not to mention evidence that the bases of some of the granite walls and columns show evidence of having been softened or melted by some sort of powerful electrical arcing.

We know that Ancient Egypt has been at the center of societies keeping secrets for thousands of years. Perhaps rumors of a Breakaway Civilization are true. And Plato's account of Atlantis being destroyed in the Clovis meteor shower that ushered in the Younger Dryas climate period are also true. We already know that the Sahara used to be a lush pastureland. And we now know that the USA has the technology to make it so again!

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815c30  No.7889543

File: 4e9d5188d882cac⋯.jpg (52.92 KB, 537x465, 179:155, Graham's house..jpg)


That's a shill. Anons appreciate your work. We know the excitement of having our work used to destroy the DS/Kabal.

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64dbed  No.7889544

File: b4420eeab643ba1⋯.png (367.76 KB, 645x363, 215:121, phones_012814gn.png)

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d813d2  No.7889545


I lived through it.

Anons talked about the

1) Apache Server Project


And imo, this Apache server project is the most interesting decode for "Apache".

2) Apache Helicopter

3) Apache/ Fentanyl

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4df122  No.7889546

File: e8ff10bddfeabc2⋯.jpg (171.24 KB, 612x459, 4:3, Its-Them.jpg)

File: fb1532a778083de⋯.jpg (154.85 KB, 610x408, 305:204, It's-Them.jpg)

File: cee23c97e0efebb⋯.png (79.13 KB, 500x295, 100:59, itsthissimple.png)

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ffe0f8  No.7889547



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6b935d  No.7889548

File: c027dd5c2b71a18⋯.jpg (230.57 KB, 1003x670, 1003:670, Screen Shot 01-22-20 at 12….JPG)

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6d1041  No.7889549

Corrupt [D]s fighting for their lives to keep media/gov focused on POTUS.

>>Don't worry, it won't be boring forever.


Kek. Love how Q gives us a time frame, ==between now & not forever==

Love your sense of humor, Sir!

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792a35  No.7889550


It’s commemorative!

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7f5482  No.7889552

>>788851 lb

>this was never about Ukraine

Well, it is now! President Trump tricked the dems into making impeachment ONLY about Ukraine. How he do that? Remember what President Trump keeps saying: his telephone with President Zelensky was PERFECT.


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39ffc9  No.7889553


Yep, that's called 'introducing evidence'. SHTF is imminent…

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f6d1f3  No.7889554



At least what happened before Aug 3 2016?

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62ed27  No.7889555

File: 5b4100db062b540⋯.png (10.92 KB, 530x123, 530:123, end.png)


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bd53ae  No.7889556


How long is this pedophile meth-head faggot kid muderer gonna ramble on for?

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a52184  No.7889557


Polly cucked you too it looks like.

Don't worry Anon you can always go back to mommy

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4df122  No.7889558

File: 3a35b7c8675ea77⋯.png (361.74 KB, 1507x776, 1507:776, 15_1.png)

File: 8bc85bda6455207⋯.png (198.29 KB, 1501x749, 1501:749, 15_2.png)

File: d51c3956f7dd2b0⋯.png (386.69 KB, 1502x817, 1502:817, 15_3.png)

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332097  No.7889559

File: 59a313ded9214bc⋯.png (282.06 KB, 420x323, 420:323, ClipboardImage.png)

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ff9a1f  No.7889560

File: a7f2dd22aeeeab1⋯.jpg (75.06 KB, 872x635, 872:635, julianbeach.jpg)

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634daf  No.7889561

File: 8fa15f7d4559b38⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 3851790E-3C5A-4108-94F0-E3….png)


Nice one faggot.

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cf5f2f  No.7889562


Aug 03 same thing

double payments

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4df122  No.7889563

File: a962022dc62d2c9⋯.jpg (125.99 KB, 720x663, 240:221, _03.jpg)

File: dbba1269b16e842⋯.jpg (470.9 KB, 1185x1325, 237:265, _04.jpg)

File: 4ea52d1c43cc3d7⋯.jpg (339.5 KB, 820x1446, 410:723, _05.jpg)

File: 735c9358ac25988⋯.jpg (150.02 KB, 720x675, 16:15, billy.jpg)

File: ee977da80991a88⋯.jpg (81.54 KB, 886x523, 886:523, brainwashed_goy.jpg)

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6d29d0  No.7889564


…not forever

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ffe0f8  No.7889565



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3beb76  No.7889566

File: ac7aeef5eff5b67⋯.jpg (55.81 KB, 509x490, 509:490, index.jpg)

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f3c919  No.7889567

File: 4a3a887170cc9f1⋯.jpeg (892.88 KB, 1242x1292, 621:646, 19FFBB45-B25B-4694-A699-D….jpeg)


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af0877  No.7889569

File: 82dcb092c930784⋯.png (216.81 KB, 543x510, 181:170, adam schiff broken pencil ….png)

File: 0080e67ccce250a⋯.png (106.78 KB, 759x470, 759:470, adam schiff pencil dick.png)

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9ee37c  No.7889570

File: 1a37c08b76b75bf⋯.png (281.37 KB, 627x636, 209:212, Screenshot_2020-01-23 Marg….png)

9/11 Mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed Meets the CIA Psychologist who Waterboarded Him

9:48 AM - 23 Jan 2020



lurk here: https://twitter.com/GitmoWatch

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b57cea  No.7889571

If you are Polly

You are not the only Canadian

Who is digging and publishing research.

Me too, from B.C.

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d18963  No.7889572

File: 61778b41fdeb655⋯.png (1.32 MB, 911x695, 911:695, kekked.png)

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633c73  No.7889573

File: 0cdeb2d576421c2⋯.png (305.09 KB, 540x334, 270:167, ClipboardImage.png)

Shithead Schiff has lost it. He's off in his own little fantasyland.

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ffe0f8  No.7889574



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bd53ae  No.7889575


Thank God Q posted that… I was starting to wonder!

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c06b68  No.7889576

File: 1ea4fd9c89e0dd6⋯.jpg (11.64 KB, 340x277, 340:277, fingas.jpg)

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52a0ad  No.7889577

File: 5f4fcf67052d207⋯.png (2.21 MB, 1200x1237, 1200:1237, Trump_Marines_Pride_1.png)


ThanQ Baker !

Semper Fidelis

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bcf89c  No.7889578

File: 60486cc6a10fce3⋯.png (589.39 KB, 720x837, 80:93, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c773ac5fe3b4c1b⋯.png (12.33 KB, 711x197, 711:197, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8714efc0d5903a4⋯.png (23.31 KB, 737x402, 11:6, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 78e345735ec3bad⋯.png (457.5 KB, 740x845, 148:169, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9783080d4342d52⋯.png (459.02 KB, 737x846, 737:846, ClipboardImage.png)

Weapons Lobby, UK & Italy in the Hands of Qatar’s Muslim Brotherhood: Rothschild partner and Jihadists’ funder

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio for VT Italy


To discover the shady intrigues you have to follow the money because, especially when there are many, they always leave traces. This was taught by the dear departed judge Giovanni Falcone who tried to oppose not only the Mafia but the Deep International State made up of Freemason businessmen, politicians in league with the secret services and finally honor mobster-men of Cosa Nostra (today especially ‘Ndrangheta), who was used for the works dirty, no more, no less, as the great NATO powers have employed and are using the jihadists of Al Qaeda and ISIS

Following the billionaire business of the defense market in Europe, dangerous relationships and geopolitical-military strategies surface between countries of the Old Continent, such as the United Kingdom and Italy, with the Muslim Brothers of Qatar, in complicity, as usual, with the leading exponents of the New World Order such as the occult empire of the Rothschilds and their uncovered face, the financier George Soros, spokesman for globalism under the mask of international Democrats.

If you pull the strings of these connections it becomes clear why the invasion of radical Islam of Sunni confession is painted as a conquest by Great Britain, the European Union and poor Italy, a nation that would have already been destined to be erased if not had become the US aircraft carrier in the Mediterranean and had not held the seat of the Roman Catholic Church in the center.

Even today, the Vatican State remains the ancient emblem of Christianity of the first martyrs Saint Peter and Saint Paul in Rome, but it represents one of the most powerful religious authorities in the world, although clever manipulators are leading it to suicide by piloting the support of the pontiff Josà Maria Bergoglio towards the indiscriminate reception of thousands and thousands of migrants among whom criminals of Nigerian Mafias and extremist Islamists are hiding. In spite of the repeated massacres of Christians in the countries of Sunni radical Islam.


In the midst of this Mediterranean social chaos, with the plush footsteps of a black panther in the jungle of the holdings’ financial interests, the Muslim Brotherhood of Qatar move and have got their hands on one of the most important and lucrative European business: the weapons’ one. By virtue of this, of course, they will increasingly be able to influence the policies of some European governments which, rather than defining their friends or allies, may be now called subjects or servants of the Arabs of Doha, capital of the Qatariot Emirate.



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416eb7  No.7889579

File: 11e325bae28e653⋯.jpg (53.18 KB, 594x177, 198:59, Annotation 2020-01-23 1351….jpg)


Holy shit guys!

'''LOL! @SenRickScott with @IngrahamAngle

“It’s really boring."


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e4a40b  No.7889580




Hunter Biden

Joe Biden




Zelensky felt pressured (Schiff parody)

i am forgetting so much more

and they are only halfway through their PP presentation

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ffe0f8  No.7889581



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8bcc4f  No.7889582


Don't even know her and have never watched her but I know many do and she is enlightening a lot of Patriots who need to learn the truth …

WHAT the FUCK are you doing except type stupid democrat talking points …

How did you help the movement so far ?? .. What have you done ??

All you have done is to divide patriots ..

You fucking blind mother fucker .. Your worse then Dems … Dividing from the inside …

Your not worth the spit .. Others are working hard to wake up the masses …

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a4453d  No.7889583


more like they got lazy in July. May 5th was for April services. July 11 for June…..delays for the 4th of July vacation. August 3rd for July services. "We got the check out ASAP for the July pmt delay."

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b75bcc  No.7889584

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Sociopath in need of attention. See vid. Listen to her at 3:58. Look up Polly Phenus, youtube, for starters. A real nutball.

I defended her until I began researching her myself last week. Allegedly also a Bernie supporter (even though she's Canadian) in the past, at least, per others' statements about her.

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a52184  No.7889585

File: 9fb97caf3ff1732⋯.jpg (24.29 KB, 540x360, 3:2, 1nunes2.jpg)

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39ffc9  No.7889586


Stoopid is as stoopid does. Their venal anger and zeal to impeach POTUS has blinded them to making basic mistakes that will rebound opn them bigly.

Keep digging, Deep State…

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dcdeef  No.7889587

File: c276e792437c2a3⋯.png (462.53 KB, 800x452, 200:113, BISA.png)

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0977b6  No.7889588


so the implication is that this was a payment for a . . . dasterdly and illegal act that brought much sorrow?

Kaaaabballl oooommmm!!!!

when the fuck are they gonna arrest the obvious murdurous trecherous ahoes . . .

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d1bf98  No.7889589


Is the storm coming?

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ed1898  No.7889590

Would sure love to know the best day to stay home to watch these proceedings……..

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e470b9  No.7889591

File: 69f029c5e809015⋯.png (709.2 KB, 800x546, 400:273, ClipboardImage.png)

Just sayin'…

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ffe0f8  No.7889592





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6db653  No.7889593

File: 074f0c88cfd034b⋯.jpg (756.39 KB, 2356x1570, 1178:785, zauberer.jpg)

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b0e24e  No.7889594

File: 7ca4ace62066540⋯.jpg (13.25 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 0ec1dd3eac46d036a5dc518365….jpg)

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ffe0f8  No.7889595

File: 32b0d11dc96c486⋯.jpg (110.54 KB, 500x637, 500:637, AEZG8102.jpg)

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460186  No.7889596


What's going on this pic?

Security approaching Schiff like Graham has a restraining order.

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7fb459  No.7889597

Anons, saw a clip earlier of FBI Wray saying that Russia hacked the DNC server (if I recall exactly). Is this part of the "disinfo is necessary" and "trust Wray?"

Also, EVERYONE was sworn in to tell the truth and had to even sign their name in the record…didn't this include Schiff and since he lied his ass off, isn't he exempt from the immunity he had in the house?

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ffe0f8  No.7889598



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872412  No.7889599

File: e77e9fa17f03722⋯.jpeg (913.21 KB, 1000x667, 1000:667, FFF37163-3F93-4ECA-B229-5….jpeg)


Racist Baker, You get to change your choice of words OR continue to reveal your ignorance, insensitivity, and adversely affect this board.


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872412  No.7889600

File: e77e9fa17f03722⋯.jpeg (913.21 KB, 1000x667, 1000:667, FFF37163-3F93-4ECA-B229-5….jpeg)


Racist Baker, You get to change your choice of words OR continue to reveal your ignorance, insensitivity, and adversely affect this board.


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e4a40b  No.7889601



and "i know!"

to have Russia hack the servers! - LG

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0b36b7  No.7889602

File: a9f89f3c604c9b8⋯.jpg (35.77 KB, 474x635, 474:635, chinc.jpg)


i guess we can all just agree (or disagree) that the wuhantang virus and people dropping dead left and right on the streets of three provinces is, uhhhhhhh interestingly timed?

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543745  No.7889603

File: e1052e961105d25⋯.png (622.72 KB, 800x597, 800:597, This2.png)

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85a5b0  No.7889604

File: 7dc3d2ddddd2276⋯.jpg (339.28 KB, 1537x2048, 1537:2048, IMG_20200123_123606.jpg)

This was in notables. Can't find it now. But was posted July 15, 2019 by Yuko KOKO Lanham ランハム裕子

Photojournalist for The Asahi Shimbun (朝日新聞: Japanese national newspaper w/daily circulation of 7 million) in Washington DC.

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39c512  No.7889605


POLLY! Watch your language! That is very manly of you. you're a little old to get that upset.

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4df122  No.7889606

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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d35a84  No.7889607

File: 78f0d1edff8c448⋯.jpg (47.84 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 3jcrfk.jpg)


Totally agree!!!

I can't believe how wide they're opening the door!

Rudy brought the server(s) home.


Wow….they just keep talking about it!😄

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b75bcc  No.7889608

God, I wish Trey Gowdy was on WH team for this. Our guys are good, but Gowdy would be epic.

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f84067  No.7889609

File: dfae91ef5a357c9⋯.png (87.79 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 1577072523.png)

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a96d2b  No.7889610



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af0877  No.7889611

File: ae6b81d84c6d824⋯.png (811.06 KB, 913x624, 913:624, kellyanne conway hold the ….png)

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c42987  No.7889612

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f6110b  No.7889613

File: 4880b59922adbb4⋯.png (989.68 KB, 1506x937, 1506:937, Screenshot_2020-01-23 COIN….png)



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4df122  No.7889614

File: 533db51df180c89⋯.jpg (94.28 KB, 690x388, 345:194, call_em.jpg)

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bcf89c  No.7889615

File: c77e25c7ee78731⋯.png (573.91 KB, 701x826, 701:826, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f176d2f108e3540⋯.png (57.82 KB, 727x871, 727:871, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5f7321425b00e31⋯.png (44.66 KB, 729x793, 729:793, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c26b9f82c28a54c⋯.png (661.58 KB, 743x681, 743:681, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e890888ecca639e⋯.png (39.22 KB, 741x715, 57:55, ClipboardImage.png)



This revelation will certainly not arouse amazement among the main military geopolitical analysts who are well aware of the links between NATO countries and the Arab country of the Persian Gulf governed by Emir Tamim bin Hamad al Thani.

Just in Qatar, south-west of Doha, there is the Al Udeid military air base, also known as Abu Nakhlah airport, which hosts the Qatar Air Force, the US Air Force, the British Royal Air Force (RAF) and other members of the Gulf War Coalition, there located since 1996, after the invasion of Kuwait by Iraq, and before the subsequent war for the regime-chance in Baghdad with the elimination of the Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein.

«The progressive deterioration of the political and military stability of the Middle Eastern area, which began in 2011 with the phenomenon of the” Arab springs “, has determined a heterogeneous map of the race to rearm the countries of the Persian Gulf, in particular of the nations belonging to the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC). Among the GCC countries, Qatar has collaborated with Italy since the signing in 2010 of an intergovernmental agreement on cooperation in the defense sector in Doha. Since then, Qatar has launched an intense acquisition program aimed at expanding and modernizing the military technologies supplied to its Armed Forces» writes analyst Gloria Piedinovi for the italian geopolitical website CESI.

But the growth of Qatari Emirate relations with NATO countries came, paradoxically, just after June 2017 when Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Egypt and the United Arab Emirates (United Arab Emirates) broke off their diplomatic ties with Doha, accusing him of sponsoring “terrorism” and destabilizing the region. The four countries imposed the embargo on Qatar with restrictions on the use of airspace, the closure of the land border by Riad through which most of the food supplies arrived.

Emir Tamim bin Hamad al Thani managed to get out of the serious crisis “by strengthening relations with Turkey and finding a valuable bank in Iran, especially for the creation of an air bridge that would guarantee essential supplies for the population. Furthermore, in order to preserve its territorial integrity, support from Kuwait and Oman has proved fundamental, advocates of a neutral position in the dispute and active in mediating between the parties “, notes Piedinovi.


As previously mentioned, the terrorism charges always appear pretext when they are brought by countries such as the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, known not only for having founded and financed Al Qaeda, as claimed by the Muslim American Dem deputy Ilhan Omar, but also for having sent to fight those sentenced to death by Riyadh in Syria and Yemen, in the ranks of the Qaedist terrorist organization as shown by the documents of Saudi intelligence reported in a previous investigation by Gospa News.


But what was true in the insinuation that Doha supported jihadist terrorists?

This question is answered by a recent investigation by the Swedish media in the Turkish language Nordic Monitor, often a precious resource of documents of the international secret services that emerged from the MIT archives of Ankara as well as from various US agencies.

«Turkey and Qatar likely provided support to Syrian al-Qaeda group Jabhat al-Nusra, or the al-Nusra Front, the US Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) concluded in 2016» journalist Abdullah Bozkurt wrote about a report prepared by DIA’s Middle East/Africa Center and Defense Combating Terrorism Center.


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39c512  No.7889616

File: 231f04864672c1d⋯.jpg (31.28 KB, 583x505, 583:505, wat.jpg)

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6d29d0  No.7889617



now you done fucked up, threatening the baker

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ffe0f8  No.7889618

File: c1fb37acf7fb52b⋯.jpg (39.38 KB, 253x268, 253:268, IMG_9010.JPG)


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acdb18  No.7889619

File: cbfa5ba2e1980cd⋯.png (69.24 KB, 288x211, 288:211, 1560911274560.png)

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f3c919  No.7889620

File: 7bcb4ff7005e11f⋯.jpeg (149.87 KB, 1242x692, 621:346, 5A66F2E3-E01A-4028-9703-5….jpeg)

File: a4c17c30aa8dfa0⋯.jpeg (399.38 KB, 1242x886, 621:443, A95E5F8B-8606-455F-9961-0….jpeg)

File: 7810b6097ee4770⋯.jpeg (724.8 KB, 1242x1492, 621:746, D8A0D42B-B0A5-4512-8A60-3….jpeg)


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670ec6  No.7889621


She is pretty

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af8cd4  No.7889622


Pride comes before the fall Anon.

Nice looking meme.

I personally disagree with the message.

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de9206  No.7889623

File: 08a611aff61b77b⋯.jpg (152.04 KB, 1500x1125, 4:3, JesusKing.jpg)

Behold the power of God in the Psalms!

The future proves the past.

Psalm 15:

Who Shall Abide in God’s Sanctuary?

15 O Lord, who shall sojourn in thy tent?

Who shall dwell on thy holy hill?

2 He who walks blamelessly, and does what is right,

and speaks truth from his heart;

3 who does not slander with his tongue,

and does no evil to his friend,

nor takes up a reproach against his neighbor;

4 in whose eyes a reprobate is despised,

but who honors those who fear the Lord;

who swears to his own hurt and does not change;

5 who does not put out his money at interest,

and does not take a bribe against the innocent.

He who does these things shall never be moved.

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6aa348  No.7889624


Top Shelf meme, anon.

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2a05c3  No.7889625


A lot of that was put on the spreadsheet, but I checked and didn't see any connection to Fentynl

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5c7df5  No.7889626

File: aeb1a473f62d648⋯.jpg (145.58 KB, 800x634, 400:317, RR.jpg)

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d7da0b  No.7889627



> muh raycisssss

fuck off nigger

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000000  No.7889628



As the World Turns.


Everything has meaning.




Common Q.

Counted on.

Day after.

DNC to initiate lawsuit (pre-planned).

How do we 'legally' ……..


This platform is more than simply pushing the TRUTH.


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ff9a1f  No.7889629

File: 352e93340d810f6⋯.png (594.84 KB, 601x667, 601:667, catz.png)

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634daf  No.7889630


Do you realize this goes back to.. say Arkansas where BC was Governor? You realize this goes through the whole saga of the internet and them getting busted by leaked emails from various people?!

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15050d  No.7889631


CROWDSTRIKE >>> Dimitri Alperovitch >>>> a whole bunch of Demoncrats.

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c89cf2  No.7889632


second second

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9ee37c  No.7889633

File: 4c03e018f9dab32⋯.png (301.86 KB, 630x633, 210:211, Screenshot_2020-01-23 Caro….png)

Court starts at 9 a.m. Expect questions about Mitchell, Jessen & Associates, the contracting firm that provided guards and interrogators to the CIA's black sites under a contract that earned $81 million across several years.

4:31 AM - 23 Jan 2020



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e4a40b  No.7889634


this is why there is a filter, newanon.

eventually they will be talking only to each other.

it will be like they are in the WaPo comments echo chamber.

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39ffc9  No.7889635


They are getting Old Sparky ready. He's going to show them personally what electricity will do to them.


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d35a84  No.7889636

File: 2fc026a6338a456⋯.jpg (131.16 KB, 749x499, 749:499, 3mo4vu.jpg)

File: 5fe42ab8b71f690⋯.jpg (96.52 KB, 704x499, 704:499, 3mlopw.jpg)

File: 4e7d77f89852fc7⋯.jpg (96.49 KB, 749x500, 749:500, 3jwg8s.jpg)

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a37e48  No.7889637

File: 30b1850fa158fc9⋯.jpeg (33.9 KB, 640x357, 640:357, 30b1850fa158fc9d19bb79d87….jpeg)

File: 98b6959843b8afb⋯.jpg (19 KB, 532x395, 532:395, 98b6959843b8afbc632f2208ff….jpg)

File: 147c1f3b14811d0⋯.png (103.16 KB, 446x530, 223:265, 147c1f3b14811d04897cf65139….png)

File: 74d753ed761a497⋯.jpg (568.53 KB, 2256x1708, 564:427, c898369624633023591747483d….jpg)

Hello Legacy Media

Welcome to Q research.

We are peaceful civilian researchers who have by directed diligence have exposed your lies.

Your genocidal psyop has failed. Your protectors are murdering each other as they fight for safe exit.

It's the end of an epoch.

Legacy shill media has failed in its sole mission, to maintain the illusion of democracy. MSM failed for predictable causes: arrogance, greed and pathetic underestimation of the nature and quality of the forces opposing them.

Keep an eye on the door, media shills. Whether you’re a "news" producer, a talking head, a teamster or the child rapist Steve Spielberg. Justice is coming.

Every individual who has sexually abused a child or protected those who do will be delivered to justice.

We know, and will prove, legacy Mockingbird media acted wittingly, over decades, to protect pedovores and to cover up their atrocious crimes against children.

Not one will escape justice.

Not 1.


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a4453d  No.7889638

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


he should keep grabbing the water pitcher off his table and asking for more water.

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6d1041  No.7889640

File: 3107fbd2e06a6b3⋯.jpg (417.56 KB, 1066x1104, 533:552, Screenshot_20200123-155734….jpg)


Kek!! Love you Q (no homo)

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3cba52  No.7889641

File: a22f6c57250728c⋯.mp4 (2.64 MB, 854x480, 427:240, China desees. .mp4)

The videos from #Wuhan today don't look good at all.

Once the big pandemic comes (whether if this one or another will be the big one remains to be seen), this is how you will find out about it

Ppl will post crazy footage to social media for days before it spirals out of control


What about this man made sickness Q?

This people are evil and sick


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bcf89c  No.7889642

File: 880fea276d7ee40⋯.png (186.23 KB, 739x872, 739:872, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d7bdcd63f171ff2⋯.png (31.5 KB, 731x582, 731:582, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b55a18a0b605707⋯.png (630.78 KB, 718x800, 359:400, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2e56efbdff8406d⋯.png (41.82 KB, 739x700, 739:700, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bfcafeedd18a13d⋯.png (12.74 KB, 719x295, 719:295, ClipboardImage.png)

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000000  No.7889643

1/ This is an email from Feb 2016 that leverages Hunter Biden's name (and therefore link to VP Joe Biden).

The email requests a meeting for Blue Star Strategies chief Karen Tranmontano with a senior member of the Obama State Dept.



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437daf  No.7889644

File: e0a126bfdb2adb1⋯.png (531.31 KB, 1745x754, 1745:754, SAM059 North from Mont reg….PNG)

SAM059 North from Monterey Regional airport

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ffe0f8  No.7889645




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b75bcc  No.7889646



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7002bf  No.7889647

File: 99a8e3ed4c37769⋯.png (27.36 KB, 594x264, 9:4, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4d2f477a45a7691⋯.png (1.93 MB, 1023x685, 1023:685, ClipboardImage.png)


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64dbed  No.7889648


And JIDF is back. Filtered.

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792a35  No.7889649


Not from Adam Schiff, Wait him out.

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97fa89  No.7889650

File: 39d85cb468aebfb⋯.png (347.01 KB, 640x480, 4:3, travcorona.png)

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815c30  No.7889651


Good? Kek..Trump has the very best, the tippy tip top cream of the crop on his team. This game was over before it started.

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6714e3  No.7889653


See, right there is the thing I notice with most YouTube figures

Looking for attention

To be fair, their digs aren't 100% bad

Sometimes they have good stuff

But other times, it's a bunch of filler navel-gazing

Too much chatter

So many hour-long vids could really be 10 minutes, tops

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af0877  No.7889654



We got plenty of time!

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d43549  No.7889655


But has done more research in a week than your sorry ass has done period.."glow"

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926291  No.7889656


We don’t need Schiff bringing up anything. Sekulow already said they will mount an affirmative defense.

‘‘ An affirmative defense to a civil lawsuit or criminal charge is a fact or set of facts other than those alleged by the plaintiff or prosecutor which, if proven by the defendant, defeats or mitigates the legal consequences of the defendant's otherwise unlawful conduct. In civil lawsuits, affirmative defenses include the statute of limitations, the statute of frauds, waiver, and other affirmative defenses such as, in the United States, those listed in Rule 8 (c) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. In criminal prosecutions, examples of affirmative defenses are self defense,[1] insanity, and the statute of limitations.‘‘

‘‘‘ fact or set of facts other than those alleged by the plaintiff‘‘‘

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5c7df5  No.7889657

File: 90eb49cfed00419⋯.png (67.38 KB, 500x500, 1:1, D5.png)

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543745  No.7889658

File: 04e673bd4b33767⋯.jpg (51.51 KB, 400x504, 50:63, faggot (1).jpg)

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d59f08  No.7889659

File: f0423e73a7e48cd⋯.jpg (43.72 KB, 562x362, 281:181, lincoln.jpg)

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b4be86  No.7889660

File: 1a27cf48a79df05⋯.jpg (16.57 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 85ccc37b0a9b2433f46861ffbc….jpg)

Noise WARNING: Urgent need of EVIL to distract the WORLD away from the winning TRUMP threat against eviil

WEBMD lists Corona Virus as one of 3 viruses that cause the common cold. Who is it that is causing more noise than is the noise with POTUS peach mint?

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f17a0b  No.7889661

File: b28886b9e913dd0⋯.png (369.54 KB, 480x407, 480:407, pepe248.PNG)

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6119af  No.7889662

File: e4b80e579a5abc2⋯.png (816.15 KB, 1007x566, 1007:566, Perkins Coie.png)

File: 840975bfa756df7⋯.png (102.71 KB, 1000x390, 100:39, crowdstrike-payments-DNC.png)

File: c2b0f5123271bc2⋯.png (83.59 KB, 853x1027, 853:1027, Crowdstrike notes.png)

>>7889231 pbq

The wave is building

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c29cda  No.7889663


This is Hilarious watching the D's in this hearing exposing themselves and all the corruption in Ukraine while thinking they are Debunking it!

The unwittingly explaining to the world Crowd Strike, Hillary's Server and all the clowns that were involved including the Biden's.

MSM must be crapping themselves because they have covered all this up for the last 3 years from the public.

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f39598  No.7889664

File: 4f1a0ab07a209a3⋯.mp4 (8.13 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, A Father confronts @SenWar….mp4)


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e4a40b  No.7889665


whitening strips on steroids.

i don't trust anyone with fluorescent teeth, not even Lisa Booth.

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2a05c3  No.7889666


If you paid attention the last week this has been the new focus. You are right - it's to discredit a normie giving normies info. She's clearly scaring someone.

Wat do?


Please and thank you.

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e59544  No.7889667

File: 6d799dad8334cc9⋯.jpg (898.26 KB, 2016x1356, 168:113, CS_chair.jpg)

File: aaaf466fd3fb6f7⋯.jpg (283.58 KB, 1075x1010, 215:202, CS_getout1.jpg)

File: af6185f134e3563⋯.jpg (122.26 KB, 758x571, 758:571, CS_getout.jpg)

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0adf76  No.7889668


YOU are filtered. No one gives a shit about this fucking slide.

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62ed27  No.7889669


100% Agree. Anons know no skin color.

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0a26a4  No.7889670

File: e1d145d06e0b3cf⋯.jpeg (50.67 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 63404252-0526-4447-825C-C….jpeg)

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3beb76  No.7889671

File: 4aa63746d43ce1f⋯.jpg (15.24 KB, 429x327, 143:109, lawyer up.jpg)

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815c30  No.7889672

File: 502ef74bc8a8dc4⋯.jpg (56.52 KB, 537x465, 179:155, unavailable.jpg)


Last night Graham got off the elevator, the big black guy is his SS detail. Schiff was talking to people. Graham walked up to him and shook his hand and said "You speak very well" which is southern slang for "I just sized you up bitch. Bless your heart."

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083cf7  No.7889673

I don't see how any 'Official U.S. Policy' would relate to the investigation of a specific person or company. Do current and former officials get immunity through 'Official U.S. Policy'?

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e8b38b  No.7889674

File: 3e80e3fcfb782d7⋯.jpg (134.9 KB, 900x900, 1:1, 3e80e3fcfb782d767601b0c5e6….jpg)

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0b36b7  No.7889675

File: 32d461e6c3cf963⋯.jpg (69.76 KB, 620x413, 620:413, kju.jpg)

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e7a4c1  No.7889676

Even though we understand a lot of what is going on it's still mind boggling

Trump kept saying his phone call was 'PERFECT'. It was. It was a PERFECT set up to control the narrative in the upcoming impeachment everyone knew was coming.

The Dems today keep saying …Biden…Biden…Biden…Crowdstrike…Crowdstrike…Crowdstrike…

How do you insert what you want into a trial?

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96b66a  No.7889677


Was wondering how long it would take to get vids of what is really going on. Anons think this is for real?

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52a0ad  No.7889678


Point taken fren. I was going for the play on words Lion Pride/Pride of Lions.

Thanq for kind input.

Semper Fidelis

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005229  No.7889679

File: 5827363b66ce32a⋯.jpg (78.94 KB, 900x900, 1:1, photo.jpg)



This Shit will come to an end soon nuff!

Nigger, u dun!

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c89cf2  No.7889680


what is the link for this gov doc on crowdstrike?

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5e3f63  No.7889681

>>7889231 (lb)

Q, a lot Crowdstrike executives worked at McAfee previsouly. McAfee was sold to Intel in 2011. In 2016 Intel announced a joint venture with TPG Capital. One of the managing directors in TPG Capital is Marc Mezvinsky (husband of Chelsea Clinton).

Can you point me where to look further?

This a deep rabbit hole.

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7002bf  No.7889682

File: fbedb842e4fae22⋯.png (202.6 KB, 592x563, 592:563, ClipboardImage.png)



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a7a52d  No.7889683

File: 85823613f79fe30⋯.jpg (35.52 KB, 326x380, 163:190, abraham-lincoln-thinking.jpg)


R or W

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acdb18  No.7889684

Would you fucking redditors gtfo already?

You've spewed your cancerous nonsense on /qresearch/ for too long.

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97fa89  No.7889685

File: a3a7d18e07ddcd8⋯.png (1.17 MB, 957x828, 319:276, schiffliddlebb.png)

File: ca84f4e45618b4e⋯.png (373 KB, 640x480, 4:3, schiffdeadoralive.png)

File: 08fa016609b7939⋯.png (385.37 KB, 640x480, 4:3, schiffneg.png)

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aeaca6  No.7889687


i take info from all places

juan williams, donna brazile, Qresearch, EndChan, Biden, Hannity, etc

When the shills/fake news/fake leaders attack 1 person, i trust them more

if you hate/like Polly, i don't care

if i like/hate Polly, why should it matter

if the info is correct, meme time

When the shills obviously go after 1, i use the 1 to filter them

be careful assumption

be careful predictions, rumors, lying shills

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a52184  No.7889688


Indeed us old anons know you do not tear down Patriots and that is why when you expose yourself you get filtered. You have zero to contribute but division . So enjoy

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898ab6  No.7889689


Waiters/waitresses are called Servers now. Rudy could send a tweet from a restaurant that would be 5:5 and freak them all out.

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a37e48  No.7889690

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Legacy Media shills

are not just covering up for common criminals, they are covering up decades of crimes against children. legacy media shills had ample reason and repeated opportunities to investigate Pizzagate and a half dozen similar previous scandals.

Legacy media shills not only failed to investigate but actively covered up, campaigned extensively to suppress and to discredit the evidence others uncovered, defaming honest researchers, making them objects of scorn, ridicule and contempt.

Legacy media shills did this in both dramatic entertainment and in news content across multiple platforms; all while knowing the stories about the traffic and ritual sexual abuse of children were and are true.

“I didn’t know,” is not a valid or feasible defense for legacy media shills. Our enemies have exposed themselves and the contemptible kayfabe of legacy media.

We the People are awake.

Justice is coming

>National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (front)

>Children's Defense Fund (Front)

>Podesta/Alefatis Pizzagate

>Dan Schneider/Pedowood

>Epstein Sex Island/Blackbook

>Pentagon Child Porn Servers

>Peter Scully Dark Web Child Torturer Live Streamer

>The Franklin Coverup/BoysTown Ring

>Drasius Kedys Pedo Ring

>Chilean Senator Pedo Ring

>North Fox Island Child Killing Ring

>Madeline McCann Disappearance

>Brooke Shields Child Actor

>Cardinal George Pell Vatican Ring

>Colonel Michael Aquino Pedo Cult

>G4S Security Human Trafficking

>Dyncorp Human Trafficking

>Dolphin Square Ring

>Planned Parenthood Organ Trafficking

>Jersey Island Child Killings

>Elm Guest House Ring

>UK Grooming Gang Police Cover up

>Clinton Hitlist

>Clinton Haiti Child Trafficking

>Joe Biden Child Groper

>McMartin Pre-schoolRing

>Presidio Military Daycare Ring

>Dutroux Affair Coverup

>Israeli Resort in Colombia tied to sex trafficking

>NXIVM Sex Cult

>Pennsylvania 300+ Priests Pedo Ring

>Sandusky Pedo Ring

>Roman Polanski Scandal

>Jared Fogle "Subway" Pedo Ring

>MJ Scandal

>Savile Scandal

>Oprah's School For Girls Abuse

>JonBenet Photographer Child Abuse Arrest

>The Finders Cult

>Tuam Church Child Mass Grave

>Lanarkshire Orphanage Child Mass Grave

>Dozier School for Boys Child Mass Grave

>Nancy Schaefer CPS Assassination

>Andrew Breitbart Podesta Assassination

>FBI Ted Gunderson exposes child trafficking

>Muslim Child Training Camp Cover up

>Portugal Elite Sex Ring

>Brazil Celebrity Spirit Healer Pedo Ring

>Tucson/Pemex Trafficking Camp

>Italy Foster Care Pedo Ring

>Norway Pedo Ring Bust

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437daf  No.7889691

File: 33d6a8fd9382d3d⋯.png (1.04 MB, 509x706, 509:706, smart cat dd.PNG)

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7002bf  No.7889692

File: a9dc83186ad2b06⋯.png (205.39 KB, 591x599, 591:599, ClipboardImage.png)


Moar DJT


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e5681f  No.7889693


Watch the original "Clinton Chronicles" from the early 90's. Amazing film with enuf dirt in it alone to have put them both away before they ever left Arkansas to fuck up the entire country (world). Clintons are Criminals Extrordinaire

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6363e0  No.7889694

File: 994c96514158c4d⋯.jpg (61.65 KB, 591x422, 591:422, JC.jpg)

File: eaca5d6a609b8ac⋯.jpg (79.45 KB, 531x470, 531:470, JCII.jpg)

File: c4fb80a01f46a50⋯.jpg (63.81 KB, 522x478, 261:239, JCIII.jpg)

File: 1afffb737061fe3⋯.jpg (67.02 KB, 593x421, 593:421, JCIIII.jpg)

File: fd3df9d6f1bf272⋯.jpg (76.82 KB, 529x472, 529:472, JCIIIII.jpg)

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0adf76  No.7889695

File: e271a5b173b3281⋯.png (208.05 KB, 1048x320, 131:40, Screen Shot 2020-01-23 at ….png)

You idiots keep falling for these fucking slides

Lurk moar.

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b1bcc9  No.7889696


The Boring comment made me think of POTUS recent comments about Musk…any other anons?

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d7da0b  No.7889697


It is probably the ds trying to make the masses react and freak out

It's failing though…


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3a67f1  No.7889698

Social media control is everything. The age of the MSM is over.

Who controls social media? Who performs in a circus?


The Great Awakening ('Freedom of Thought’) was designed.. to endure future events.. but more importantly aid in.. a new social-networking platform which allows for freedom of thought

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fdc8d5  No.7889699

File: a686d27cb55929b⋯.png (552.04 KB, 866x959, 866:959, ClipboardImage.png)

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792a35  No.7889700

File: ae298300134a706⋯.png (1.61 MB, 750x1334, 375:667, 75C2935C-1FDB-424D-AE91-31….png)

File: 76dc9800f0df6c2⋯.png (300.91 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 8447AA03-49E6-47B7-A8B5-A9….png)


They need our help anon. Pics related.

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62ed27  No.7889701



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996cff  No.7889702



nigger cant even post guud

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acdb18  No.7889703

File: 5fc31f64b06efc2⋯.jpg (572.23 KB, 891x600, 297:200, 1571861192066.jpg)

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634daf  No.7889704


It was the cap. Listen, the plants: manafort, page, flynn, page were selected BY US and put in fringe positions to make it seem like possible collusion.

All this was OUR trap. Those 4 were BAIT for Deep State to use.

All bu design.

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7002bf  No.7889705

File: f7a4e2b854b1e00⋯.png (218.76 KB, 594x584, 297:292, ClipboardImage.png)


Even Moar DJT


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2a05c3  No.7889706

File: 26b96a4c974fcf4⋯.jpg (125.93 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, GA-open-door.jpg)

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d7da0b  No.7889707


Forcing them to cover it

Even though they never wanted to


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d813d2  No.7889708


> and didn't see any connection to Fentynl

And why?

Because this isn't about Fentanyl.

Go to qmap post #766

It's about "Secure drop" and the death (murder) of J. P. Barlow.

About Snowden.


Apache Server Project.

Anon found that out and Q replied with "Great work, Anon."

Now look it up and shut up.

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3be149  No.7889709

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39ffc9  No.7889710


Concur. 5 by 5, we're in the pipe.

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af0877  No.7889711


The illusion is fading and people aint having it.

I love this shit, cant wait for it to turn into a royal rumble cage match

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acdb18  No.7889712


Seems like they'd rather virtue signal than learn.

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4df122  No.7889713



Exactly how the kikes want it.

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a4453d  No.7889714

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


chicken soup STAT

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608deb  No.7889715

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


1-17-2020 #10037 Post No. 7842342

I asked the JIDF clown for Sauce, he:

1. Posted a meme of a pile of bodies with Made Up Numbers on it.  and claimed: "There you go"… as if just writing numbers is "sauce".Post No. 7842537

2. Upon my challenge: "Sauce it or GTFO", how many ovens? how many bodies in each oven?

Post No. 7842637 The Jewish Propaganda clown actually wrote:

"So YOU prove it"

The Jewish shill had 0 Sauce, and actually told me to sauce the "6,000,000" for him.

This number has been claimed by the Jews for the last 75 Years.

4. Which means that not a single Jewish clown shill could provide Sauce for the 6 Million made up number

5. Except for someone's claim of seeing some "nazi serial numbers" among the ''millions on computer file" at Yad Vashem, which is the World Holocaust Remembrance Center in Jerusalem, in Israel. Post No. 7843099

Yad Vashem Was Planned in 1942

Yad Vashem was first proposed in September 1942, at a board meeting of the Jewish National Fund, by Mordecai Shenhavi, a member of Kibbutz Mishmar Ha'emek.[4]

In August 1945, the plan was discussed in greater detail at a Zionist meeting in London.

Sauce: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yad_Vashem

Since the JIDF shill Meme stated that the "high volume extermination camps were only open from 1942 -1945".

This means that the Jews and Zionists


5. Another Anon Posted: I DID THE MATH…IT'S BULLSHIT

Post No. 7842721:  

I picked one camp off your list.

Gross Rosen.

A total of 40000 people died there, and not all were Jewish, but

>lets say all were Jewish..

40,000 / 1095 = 37 Jews per day. Long ways from your 228 per day per camp number..

Sauce: https://www.yadvashem.org/odot_pdf/Microsoft%20Word%20-%206320.pdf

Same Anon, Post No.7842808:

Ebensee Concentration Camp

11,000 prisoners died.11,000 / 1095 = 10 per day

Sauce: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ebensee_concentration_camp

6. Another Anon Post No. 7843172:

In all of German occupied Europe, there resided 2.4 million Jews before the War, according to the World Jewish Encyclopedia.

After the War, 3.8 million Jewish "Holocaust Survivors were receiving pensions from the German Government.

Tragically, the remaining 6 million were lost.

-Edgar J. Steele

Jews Telling Us That "6 Million Jews Died" Without Any Sauce (Other Than Their Own Claims)

*Jews have claimed the "6 Million Jews Died" since that number was published in a Ukrainian newspaper in 1915.

30 Years before the end of WWII.

Have we been HoloConned by Jews for 75 Years?

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d18963  No.7889716


Did you fall for the car in space thing?

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6363e0  No.7889717

File: 084da2df01a5eb8⋯.jpg (56.05 KB, 520x480, 13:12, JustSayingII.jpg)

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ffe0f8  No.7889718

File: 05251932f02d752⋯.jpg (153.99 KB, 986x656, 493:328, IMG_9069.JPG)



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64dbed  No.7889719



Wow if you think 'nigger' is a racist term here you're not going to last long. Keep it up and you'll be talking to dead air soon.

A 'nigger' is a human animal that tortures others for their own amusement, such as child molesters or people who walk into other people's houses and start telling them what to do.

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c42987  No.7889720

File: 9920a8dbdd9d92f⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1200x674, 600:337, ClipboardImage.png)

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ff9a1f  No.7889721

File: f4aaf589aa5e145⋯.gif (257.35 KB, 500x377, 500:377, spacecat.gif)

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f3780e  No.7889722

Dec 28 2019 13:23:27

DNC server(s).


Did Russia 'break-in' to DNC server(s)?

Why did FBI accept 'indirect' evidence re: DNC server(s) 'hack''break-in' by Crowdstrike [Ukraine]?

Why didn't FBI 'directly' investigate DNC server(s) [in-hand]?

Download speed internal data DL vs remote? [1]



How does one provide content to WL?


>person-to-person [1]

Personal comms [secured] prior to release? [1]

The (Source(s)):

>Feeder [1]

>Recipient [1]

Interning for the DNC can be deadly.

Does Crowdstrike possess 'gov_capablity' to trace 'break-in' route(s)?

Does Crowdstrike possess 'gov_capability' re: foreign intercepts?

Possible to layer/insert code [Crowdstrike] to designate intruder [intended target]?

NSA data_bridge DNC-Crowdstrike [bulk data collection]

Matters of National Security [Highest Levels].

FISA is only the beginning.

The hole is DEEP.


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e4a40b  No.7889723


>You fucking blind mother fucker

you can tell when its actually cabbage farts herself

call her a ho and sit back

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da474b  No.7889724


shiff did as his blackmailer Q instructed him to do

political blackmail for political reasons, not justice for just reasons

you are watching a show alright

just the ending isn't what you hoped

It's the opposite

you knew, you didn't stand up and be counted, therefore your permission is accepted

OWO is your consequence

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b0e24e  No.7889725

File: 61d2b6d4bf2a213⋯.png (193.66 KB, 612x617, 612:617, ClipboardImage.png)


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1724b5  No.7889726


Correction will be needed: ALL SURV re: POTUS [hops] will be concluded that there was “insufficient predication to establish probable cause."


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543745  No.7889727

File: 634004204cd5520⋯.jpg (31.57 KB, 360x480, 3:4, Angry-Cat-Meme-What-Do-You….jpg)

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7002bf  No.7889728

File: a8052c8634fb848⋯.png (263.52 KB, 593x628, 593:628, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fe4171c040dc78f⋯.png (624.84 KB, 1167x858, 389:286, ClipboardImage.png)



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815c30  No.7889729

File: a390e99119ca342⋯.jpg (43.11 KB, 780x438, 130:73, hahahahahahhahahahhaah.jpg)


Kek still makes me laugh.

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634daf  No.7889730


You need a Hanx for all that crying?

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c6be54  No.7889731


>How is Crowdstrike not a penny stock yet?

It's a CIA front company.

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6363e0  No.7889732

File: 840b8650197e41a⋯.jpg (52.1 KB, 550x453, 550:453, AntiJewFags.jpg)

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d84768  No.7889734


Hi Q

waddaya say we turn granicus search back on

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6b935d  No.7889735

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a4453d  No.7889736



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d08b27  No.7889737


fake a f and gay as f

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39ffc9  No.7889738


No, people who keel over and die don't try to break their fall. They are usually dead before they hit the ground, so noses and teeth can get smashed in if they fall forwards. I've seen this first hand.

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f17a0b  No.7889739

File: b61d0e0a0facf10⋯.png (220.85 KB, 324x250, 162:125, pepe199.PNG)


someone check dat fools finger.. He been digging in MUD VALLEY.

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bcf89c  No.7889740



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2f1f0d  No.7889741

File: be81e4d3095bffc⋯.jpg (145.53 KB, 2886x1992, 481:332, bruce-to-caitlyn-jenner-tr….jpg)

>>7889105 lb

>>7889035 lb

>>I used to think Bruce Jenner was awesome when I was younger. I watch all of those Olympics.

From the research I've done, the Bruce Jenner to Caitlyn Jenner transformation was all part of

"The Sixteen (16) Year Plan"

of destroying Our Culture... It was to be one of the final 'nails in the coffin'...

If [they] could get Our USA Olympian Hero -Hero as in Man- to become a women ~ it would "fundamentally transform" the Gender Discussion !

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005229  No.7889742

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Project Veritas & James O'Keefe Win sum Moar!

Dave Weigel is an Imbecile!

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9ee37c  No.7889743

File: 4cfe9f69feac70d⋯.png (158.74 KB, 1260x567, 20:9, Screenshot_2020-01-23 Just….png)



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ffe0f8  No.7889744



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39c512  No.7889745


Go fuck yourself with that newanon shit.

shill fuck

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7002bf  No.7889746

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6f0b9b  No.7889747

File: d543d9fdeffbc17⋯.jpg (71.26 KB, 910x913, 910:913, d543d9fdeffbc17433da7ca908….jpg)

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d18963  No.7889748

File: 7c9022bf6347abc⋯.png (43.93 KB, 190x198, 95:99, trumpets3.png)


Wicked deeds may pay well today.

But, tomorrow will be a different day.

Treasures they've gathered

Soon will be scattered.

All across this beautiful world.

Wickedness and lies come unfurled.

Lift your voice and sing.

Glory to The King.

He brings the wicked to their knees.

He will heal the land and the seas.

Stars above marching in line.

For signs and times they shine.

His people He has sealed.

Time for truths to be revealed.

~ me in 2016

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2a05c3  No.7889749


>Now look it up and shut up.

Someone else brought up fentanyl, someone else looked on qresear.ch and saw nothing on that, so I looked on the spreadsheet to see what was there, that I 'harvested' at the time anons found and put on the spreadsheet. I didn't see anything about fentanyl, so that's what I reported.

Friendly fire is unhelpful.

I try to scrape what's relevant and put it on there, I miss a lot. I was just trying to help.

No need to be rude.

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e8b38b  No.7889751

File: 0eb32f68bf3cad0⋯.png (1.38 MB, 816x888, 34:37, 0eb32f68bf3cad078d22d90f48….png)

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efffbc  No.7889752



o7 sir.

This anon is thoroughly enjoying the show

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3c2ba4  No.7889753

I keep getting the feeling that not only are the dems going to destroy themselves, but they are also going to bring the whole corrupt media machine crashing down on their heads as well.

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f10af2  No.7889754


And then you reveal that all of the spying on all of the other candidates (Cruz, et all) was also illegal.

Death by a thousand cuts !!

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ffe0f8  No.7889755

File: 13803698c409d0f⋯.jpg (13.22 KB, 255x173, 255:173, CRBH6066.jpg)

File: 5fb60a8fc9cb348⋯.png (591.56 KB, 537x539, 537:539, CUQQ5339.png)

File: 1b2706405e95c90⋯.jpg (252.17 KB, 680x788, 170:197, CWGL3746.jpg)

File: 7ae2e5f4f4f698d⋯.gif (860.53 KB, 280x281, 280:281, DGXU7869.gif)


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a83a97  No.7889756

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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6aa348  No.7889757

File: bb94a3b217d1167⋯.png (375.64 KB, 755x708, 755:708, ClipboardImage.png)




Ever wonder why these pictures and videos are coming out of mainland China??

Not a damn thing comes out of Central China (Hong Kong excluded) without the Central Administration allowing/planning it.

This "leaking" is intentional.

What gives, anons?

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96e9ab  No.7889758

Anons, can you explain Crowdstrike as it pertains to Ukraine and the impeech mint trial? I see it as a tech company, but have not got a good enough grasp to explain it to newbys.

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c42987  No.7889759


What now?

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0b36b7  No.7889760

File: acb784f8d726076⋯.jpg (598.8 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, c.jpg)


here, have some wuhantang and let anons be anons

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c89cf2  No.7889761


agree. i take info from sources i never see here on the board coz i'm not just a 'q follower'. i had a life b4 q and a wide range of interests/sources. Limiting oneself to some artificial list of sources that 'everyone' approves of doesn't make sense. But there are some people or orgs i'd never mention here bc it was be too provocative. With an open mind and discernment, you can glean useful info from almost any source.

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437daf  No.7889762

File: 95c7a75412c0c7b⋯.jpg (79.79 KB, 654x436, 3:2, hussein I spy and POTUS kn….jpg)



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08211d  No.7889763

File: 244792ba806d89a⋯.png (121.26 KB, 501x806, 501:806, #723 Lebron James takes a ….png)

File: 3206d2f89c0e71f⋯.png (63.75 KB, 681x614, 681:614, israel in WV.png)


Q, since when is Israel in WV?

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460186  No.7889764


These idiots started the day with Hunter Biden.

Senator Hawley said during the break, "them focusing on Hunter means, if we get to witnesses, we now have to have Hunter."

Now, they are going on about CS.

Pretty impressive at all the subjects they are introducing into the trial.

These people are stupid.

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883dc6  No.7889765

File: c767eaf99b4af24⋯.jpg (1.4 MB, 5257x3521, 751:503, 3762.jpg)

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64dbed  No.7889766


Their FISA warrants were all dirty.

The FISA court is corrupt.

Soon EVERYBODY will know.

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6b935d  No.7889767

File: 00a8c2cb084be04⋯.jpg (180.74 KB, 637x464, 637:464, Scoffathon.JPG)

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acdb18  No.7889768


Trump before Q though.

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ff9a1f  No.7889769

File: 1d5292780d4f915⋯.jpg (151.99 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, watershipq.jpg)

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792a35  No.7889770


Well their finished. To the top.

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62ed27  No.7889771


I've been here since day one. Only new faggots call others new. Stuff your racist bullshit up your ass. Well aware of what the word means not what you racist fuckers made up.

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34d059  No.7889772

File: 70b8ae5914b8f4d⋯.png (285.92 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


screen shot of link

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cd53be  No.7889773


Was Page our plant or their plant?

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e382d2  No.7889774

File: b5ae1c4b724232e⋯.png (1.38 MB, 761x668, 761:668, 096453135437988946.png)


Confabulation denier!

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39c512  No.7889775


Polly is a Paytriot that also has a saggy vagina.

Like roast beef

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659959  No.7889776


oooh wee!!!

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96b66a  No.7889777


Thank you, I was thinking just fear porn and more FF bullsh*t

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ffe0f8  No.7889778

File: 1ca398b45a1e242⋯.jpg (202.21 KB, 1080x1761, 360:587, EMQJ7470.jpg)

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a4b0a6  No.7889779

File: b97f2299cca30e3⋯.png (172.8 KB, 534x509, 534:509, POTUS 1-23-20 1 03 pm PST.PNG)

File: 19baaac2cc576d9⋯.png (772.67 KB, 788x522, 394:261, Sessions Indictment Fairy ….PNG)

Donald J. Trump



>So do I sir!

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3cba52  No.7889780



What about this?


Georgia Guidestones..

Kill 90%

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bcf89c  No.7889781

File: 382a52f5600eaf1⋯.png (343.6 KB, 552x533, 552:533, ClipboardImage.png)


Nice Anon!

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39ffc9  No.7889782


True, it was illegal in the first place so continuation of it is moot. Prima facie evidence.

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a7a52d  No.7889783

File: dfbe5e57cdb9777⋯.jpg (13.33 KB, 243x380, 243:380, 36859914-256-k496172.jpg)

Always here

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b0e24e  No.7889784

File: 64384c63700996f⋯.jpg (19.62 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 0.jpg)


Wow!!! Yes, FINALLY!!

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acdb18  No.7889785



<Stuff your racist bullshit up your ass. Well aware of what the word means not what you racist fuckers made up.

>I've been here since day one

Yea sure.

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d813d2  No.7889786


Plz, hurry up Q, this is sooo boring. What's up with Wuhan, city of Chinese satellites and Corona?

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e470b9  No.7889787


You, Q, too, are the shit. SHIT, I SAY.

(I mean this in a good way.)

Carry on.

no homo

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43b311  No.7889788

I've been reading many comments from many other sites that are following the impeachment show. Many go on about how boring it is, but, I've decided to torture myself and watch history in the making.

The demonic entities are using the art of war and alinsky protocols. I did enjoy the history lesson that nadler gave.

Yesterday someone caught Schumer talking and gesturing to an invisible entity, did you see it? I know many of you did. His physical gestures were definitive as talking to a real person.

It also became clear that all participants now understand how physically and mentally destructive that going without breaks and no real food for that amount of time is dangerous.

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c89cf2  No.7889789

Who can get beyond the WSJ paywall to find Q article?

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9ee37c  No.7889790

File: 54033794dd09f88⋯.png (298 KB, 629x622, 629:622, Screenshot_2020-01-23 TASS….png)

Queen Elizabeth II signs Brexit bill into law

10:50 AM - 23 Jan 2020


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6363e0  No.7889791

File: 23ea56547d82442⋯.jpg (31.95 KB, 374x380, 187:190, AngryCat.JPG)



So Kushner gets off scott free?

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1c524a  No.7889792


Wonder when they'll #AskTheQ….

Might have to be /ourguys/!

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1724b5  No.7889793


Article lacking source doc.



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3beb76  No.7889794

File: 295437ce7502359⋯.jpg (132.37 KB, 500x631, 500:631, index.jpg)

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f17a0b  No.7889795

File: 57f7650bb05ac68⋯.png (387.42 KB, 540x394, 270:197, obama.PNG)

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aa383f  No.7889796

File: 0f2279dd9eee02c⋯.png (745.18 KB, 816x617, 816:617, 0f2279dd9eee02c94174ea9a7c….png)

File: 5598e89b6eecb04⋯.png (268.98 KB, 500x495, 100:99, 07a335a1856105dae5e5954d06….png)


It's really habbening isn't it?

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39c512  No.7889797


And satan lovers like you are WHY I reply to Polly minions

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743b74  No.7889798

File: 2307340aad8c405⋯.png (1.34 MB, 2010x1775, 402:355, we have it all.png)


Does this look right???

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e4a40b  No.7889799

File: 3a7dcb5a62da9f5⋯.jpg (211.75 KB, 577x608, 577:608, newfag.jpg)

File: 887a634359bb93d⋯.jpg (5.01 KB, 169x177, 169:177, clown.jpg)


i was being kind.

i no longer care which - you no longer get the benefit of the doubt.

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7002bf  No.7889800

File: 8b1576d4bba2e14⋯.png (20.36 KB, 598x173, 598:173, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a4a9830a888ffb5⋯.png (27.27 KB, 596x235, 596:235, ClipboardImage.png)

DJT x2



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0cdb0e  No.7889801

CONSIDER Gnashing of teeth. Boring doesnt even cover it it at this point. Today was supposed to be about constitutional law. These people can even bring them to talk about the constitution nor real law. I really pray over my heart. I DESPISE THESE PEOPLE WITH EVERY OUNCE OF IT.

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543745  No.7889802

File: 876a0af65ac52c0⋯.png (1.72 MB, 1600x900, 16:9, 8d5061e68f5d839ba30c72e654….png)

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62ed27  No.7889803


Anyone pay for a subscription? Behind a pay wall…..

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96b66a  No.7889804


Anons are SO READY for this!!!! OOOHRAH!!!

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e5681f  No.7889805



Enjoying this show so much


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e59544  No.7889806


These are great, anon. Keep churnin' em out.

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fe5b0f  No.7889807


Everyone except you.

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0b36b7  No.7889808

File: f6f110fc0b0ce1d⋯.jpg (91.06 KB, 1000x750, 4:3, cc.jpg)


some wuhantang for you, too Q?

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6b7591  No.7889809


''What was a day like as President Obama’s briefer?

I got into work around midnight''

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39ffc9  No.7889810


Shes a paytri-thot.

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b0e24e  No.7889811

File: 47c9a54612b8d77⋯.jpg (12.7 KB, 255x207, 85:69, 0ad1b2f4deff66cfc785e8c473….jpg)


moar Q!

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8cdd34  No.7889812


Castle Clean

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e382d2  No.7889813

File: 422662925afc1cb⋯.png (601.36 KB, 1161x905, 1161:905, 5479012098643.png)

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6f0b9b  No.7889814

File: 5eac23d373b132f⋯.png (1.63 MB, 991x641, 991:641, 4fb46743e0f7c124cbeeaffa96….png)

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d813d2  No.7889815



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ffe0f8  No.7889816



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6b935d  No.7889817

File: 4ee0eb6028b99ac⋯.jpg (339.93 KB, 1003x670, 1003:670, Screen Shot 01-22-20 at 12….JPG)

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131547  No.7889818


Thank God Q you recognize and acknowledge that this interminable WAITING while the corruption rots on is boring.

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cd53be  No.7889819


They better sauce that shit.

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792a35  No.7889820

File: 55f970e2297b269⋯.png (390.38 KB, 478x680, 239:340, 6F82E130-F35B-4158-90DB-95….png)

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f3780e  No.7889821


FISC judges had to be in on SpyGate

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5c7df5  No.7889822

File: 55805fd138b6388⋯.jpg (111.02 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 4444949221_34e92c5ef5_z.jpg)


Thank you sir!


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bcf89c  No.7889823

File: 44c5548c0c47dfe⋯.png (1.08 MB, 726x879, 242:293, ClipboardImage.png)


Must be busy loading slow af

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659959  No.7889824


anons appreciate the extra side of sauce sir

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110a54  No.7889825

File: 1ecb498e71982fe⋯.jpg (206.01 KB, 1191x1539, 397:513, Q Knows.jpg)

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6363e0  No.7889826

File: 1ab206b50b9702e⋯.png (199.19 KB, 1089x110, 99:10, ClipboardImage.png)



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39c512  No.7889827

File: c77ff5a8ef3664c⋯.jpg (64.56 KB, 900x584, 225:146, youmad.jpg)


I dont give a fuck nigger

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cba7d2  No.7889828

File: b7b5d7cac276d88⋯.png (65.89 KB, 313x240, 313:240, bz.png)

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e5681f  No.7889829



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3d6eda  No.7889830


I can't even watch Fox News now cos all I get is Shift-face droning on.He's unbearably obnoxxxious.

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acdb18  No.7889831

File: 8562f317fab6e5c⋯.jpg (14.03 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 1564618522632.jpg)


>Q posting sauce

Very nice!

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db48c9  No.7889832



We serve the commander in chief.

Never doubt our resolve to take our country back.


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ba5b49  No.7889833

File: 891cdc3b40e4125⋯.png (785.34 KB, 1264x720, 79:45, BADA BOOM002.png)


I'm late but catching up

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cdfc12  No.7889834

File: 2167cb98a0a3279⋯.png (211.33 KB, 474x355, 474:355, ClipboardImage.png)


crowdstrike is the company that examined the DNC servers and determined it was muh russia that conducted the hack. they gave this information to the F_I and it was used in the muh russia investigations. The F_I never examined the servers themselves.

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6b7591  No.7889836

File: bca99b72535511e⋯.png (60.16 KB, 758x631, 758:631, PEPEpepe.png)


Anons and Q

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0b36b7  No.7889837

File: ddc4428e9491c49⋯.jpg (42.64 KB, 474x592, 237:296, dddddddddddd.jpg)

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33fd65  No.7889838

My Brothers and Sisters, I am so proud to see such strength from so many GOOD People!

We will Crush Evil, Evil will perish! This is thanks to GOOD Strong people in the right places!

Go-Q! Love you Bro!

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71a97a  No.7889839

File: 3b826f41cfa809d⋯.png (866.16 KB, 1349x4041, 1349:4041, Anti masonic party.png)


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62ed27  No.7889840


Can you read the article? Post it so other can please….

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d43549  No.7889841


I know I'm not supposed to feed you, but if you dont like her dont watch her..we dont give a single fuck about your opinion..The fact you and your little buddies shit 1/3 of the bread up with this shit supports the very fact she is likely on the money with her research..You ip hopping little reatards

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39ffc9  No.7889842

File: 1435db5c7d385b8⋯.png (564.09 KB, 500x666, 250:333, ClipboardImage.png)


This. Q is the shit.

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a4453d  No.7889843


How is BiBi allowed around???

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af0877  No.7889844

File: 0baa6df4dbaf251⋯.jpg (187.49 KB, 596x548, 149:137, nigel farage dont panic an….jpg)

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880e8e  No.7889845

File: 174b114e2775669⋯.jpg (7.97 KB, 255x176, 255:176, 82cb6e849147391b7e43aebc76….jpg)

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9ee37c  No.7889846

File: a52ec81be77ed46⋯.jpg (53.97 KB, 780x521, 780:521, 190828-F-VA182-8021.JPG)

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3beb76  No.7889847

File: 27311afa9e29921⋯.jpg (85.74 KB, 500x541, 500:541, index1.jpg)

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6d1041  No.7889848

File: df53f2a381bceba⋯.jpg (314.73 KB, 1080x803, 1080:803, Screenshot_20200123-161107….jpg)


One min delta

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792a35  No.7889849

File: b62cd8d30c53314⋯.jpeg (24.93 KB, 664x630, 332:315, 619E7542-02B6-43A7-9B24-B….jpeg)

File: 0bd84713bae95c2⋯.jpeg (65.73 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, F9055FA8-F2F7-4772-BE63-1….jpeg)

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815c30  No.7889850


They are. They're finished.

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cc60d3  No.7889851


This one is free finally. Rick died.

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1c190c  No.7889852

File: 68e1d32af348c17⋯.png (449.11 KB, 952x500, 238:125, 016b739e4e370909b44f14981f….png)




POTUS literally didn't do anything wrong!!!


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ffe0f8  No.7889853

FUN FACT: jeff sessions grew magic mushrooms while banging hitler's old drinking buddy for cia gaypr0n

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e59544  No.7889854

File: 6d52604cb831051⋯.jpg (120.72 KB, 705x638, 705:638, BillyBagpipesMusicIntensif….jpg)

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ed1898  No.7889855

What’s the difference>>7889726

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a7a52d  No.7889856

File: c606f5dfc4640f3⋯.png (11.53 KB, 283x205, 283:205, Capture.PNG)


Nothing to see here


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3beb76  No.7889857

File: c9b0c21a04bc2bd⋯.jpg (69.29 KB, 577x432, 577:432, inx.jpg)

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437daf  No.7889858

File: 4cf31c1423d4baa⋯.png (710.01 KB, 525x680, 105:136, carter page 1.PNG)

File: 59c1e6dda420b72⋯.png (735.22 KB, 559x724, 559:724, carter page 2.PNG)

Baker, screen caps of



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a52184  No.7889859

File: 29b7f84ff16eee8⋯.jpg (97.12 KB, 850x832, 425:416, betternotclick.jpg)

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000000  No.7889860


>“insufficient predication to establish probable cause."

Could FISA be brought up at impeachment?

John Basham ⭐️⭐️⭐ @JohnBasham

BREAKING: ICIG Michael Atkinson, who modified whistle-blower forms & allowed hearsay CIA leaker, was chief legal counsel for DOJ-NSD over #KevinClinesmith & #SallyMoyer who may have FALSIFIED @FBI DOCUMENTS to Obtain ILLEGAL #FISA WARRANTS Against @realDonaldTrump campaign!

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e8b38b  No.7889861

File: a519b4519ab516f⋯.jpg (143.27 KB, 1062x1080, 59:60, a519b4519ab516f8923288d792….jpg)

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7002bf  No.7889862

File: 59284101abe0780⋯.png (24.72 KB, 594x313, 594:313, ClipboardImage.png)



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af0877  No.7889863

File: bbcaa5f08bff91b⋯.jpg (311.58 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, fisa report foreign intell….jpg)


Very nice!

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6714e3  No.7889864


Ugh. With all that two-hop surveillance, the list must reach from here to the moon.

All of those people will have valid legal cases, too.

Massive lawsuit backlog in multiple jurisdictions incoming

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005229  No.7889865

File: b8676d9a5b10600⋯.jpg (26.9 KB, 412x612, 103:153, gettyimages-480055024-612x….jpg)


Bruce has vaulted into Madness!

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6aa348  No.7889866


Thank you, Q team.


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1e981e  No.7889867

Good Good, Lets roll

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460186  No.7889868

File: 5fdde1b3fe6cf35⋯.png (67.21 KB, 910x295, 182:59, Screen Shot 2020-01-23 at ….png)


Q already went over this.

Clear your cache.


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acdb18  No.7889869


POTUS before Q.

Q before POTUS is needed for a delta to be significant.

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39c512  No.7889870


Yeah, I posted about it last bread. I still love you Q. Even though this is the 4th time

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a83a97  No.7889871


…think how booring it will be when its all over with… You will wax longingly for the excitement of the Q days…

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00739e  No.7889872

File: 399cfd52b7f920d⋯.png (342.54 KB, 1779x978, 593:326, 9195D8E0-6151-4074-B86C-FA….png)

File: 27d16d1ebbf70f3⋯.png (254.96 KB, 1182x553, 1182:553, 21D6F76C-B64D-4474-88CC-A1….png)

Are we getting ‘Soft Disclosure’ of Life on Mars? Consider Q’s and POTUS’ remarks:


Alien Life Exists in Outer Space



19 Sep 2018 - 5:25:34 PM


19 Sep 2018 - 5:10:44 PM


Are we alone ?

Roswell ?



Highest classification.

Consider the vastness of space.



The Moon Landings Are Real; Space Programs Exist Outside of Public Domain



19 Sep 2018 - 5:58:13 PM


19 Sep 2018 - 5:45:34 PM


Did NASA fake the moon landings? Have we been to the moon since then? Are there secret space programs? Is this why the Space Force was created?


False, moon landings are real.

Programs exist that are outside of public domain.


Then 9 months later, POTUS tweets that NASA should be focused on bigger things than going back to the moon, like Mars (of which the Moon is a part).



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083cf7  No.7889873

It is laughable to say it is inappropriate to have a foreign country investigate a U.S. citizen.The FBI has offices all over the globe to do just that.

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ffe0f8  No.7889874


just let this movement get a little bit more molested before you start prime bilbo therapy

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806351  No.7889875

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Sinful politicians kaboom!

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bcf89c  No.7889876

File: e4ecfde21cd6432⋯.png (1.06 MB, 715x869, 65:79, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e11b0a406e28d61⋯.png (1023.03 KB, 731x881, 731:881, ClipboardImage.png)

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d1d932  No.7889877



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03e601  No.7889879

File: 4f3d1efe751a71a⋯.png (4.78 MB, 2539x5903, 2539:5903, Epiphany 2.png)



What a week it's been so far..

The Best is yet to come.

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c6be54  No.7889880


>a good argument for letting dumb things roam free around here

No dumb ideas roam free around here. It's all about the eyes angle of perception.

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1063f1  No.7889881

Does Schiff have unlimited airtime??

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0c367a  No.7889882


Due process, what a beautiful thing!

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34d059  No.7889883

File: 6307f7402dcfdcb⋯.jpg (244.96 KB, 1258x1639, 1258:1639, FISC Declassifed Order 16-….jpg)

File: 61a730694d54fdd⋯.jpg (225.81 KB, 1259x1639, 1259:1639, FISC Declassifed Order 16-….jpg)


PDF as image.

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b0e24e  No.7889884

File: 98fc742144e9eec⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1025x568, 1025:568, ClipboardImage.png)

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131547  No.7889885

>>7889726 (Q last bread)

Thank God Q you recognize and acknowledge that this interminable WAITING while the corruption rots on is boring.

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62ed27  No.7889886


No one can read the article..Talk about sheep my God.

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f70eba  No.7889887

File: e2da857de2c2857⋯.jpeg (1.95 MB, 1928x1281, 1928:1281, B2F3034F-30AE-4C9D-AEF6-F….jpeg)



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f32216  No.7889888

>>7889726 But there was indeed sufficient predication to establish treason by the weasels who initiated the coup attempt, & have continued with it until this very day–now beyond desperate as the walls close in on them.

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06882e  No.7889889


Now, that's just fucking racist

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f17a0b  No.7889890

File: 5aac368f2b14030⋯.png (341.17 KB, 580x519, 580:519, pepe208.PNG)


Get moar sauce

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22e02a  No.7889891

File: 6bdbc5c74844ab7⋯.png (139.19 KB, 1094x1085, 1094:1085, Raider Of The Lost Kek.png)


Anyone successful in downloading the dataset from this site?


So far I haven't, connection too slow. If an anon would download and archive it it would be a treasure trove for us.

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acdb18  No.7889892

File: 397ff3ee95f5ef4⋯.png (2.35 MB, 3340x1499, 3340:1499, BestIsYetToCome.png)


>The Best is yet to come.

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6aa348  No.7889893


Interdasting, Q.

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00739e  No.7889894

File: 2cda75bd5ee0154⋯.png (510.87 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, 5DD8CAC0-228F-4882-9DE8-EF….png)


Today we are getting soft disclosure Headline:

Alien breakthrough as water on Mars contained just the right ingredients to support life, scientists say.

The data suggests that the lakes would have had a pH - a measurement of the acidity of water - similar to that in the Earth's oceans.

That means the water could have just the write make-up to have supported any microbial life that formed on the planet.

The discovery doesn't bring scientists any closer to finding life on Mars, but it does suggest evidence of life that once existed there could be discovered before long.


Also today Headline:

NASA's $2.5B rover is frozen on Mars

"Some knowledge of its attitude was not quite right, so it couldn't make the essential safety evaluation," Curiosity team member Dawn Sumner wrote in the post. "Thus, Curiosity stopped moving, freezing in place until its knowledge of its orientation can be recovered."

Year 2020 is poised to be a big one for the exploration of Mars. NASA will launch the Mars 2020 rover (renamed prior to launch) on July 17, joining the Curiosity rover and the now-deceased Opportunity rover on the Red Planet.

The Mars 2020 rover, expected to reach the Martian surface on Feb. 18, 2021, will detect if there is any fossilized evidence of extraterrestrial beings, in addition to other tasks. In 2019, Curiosity detected oxygen that "behaves in a way that so far scientists cannot explain."

Several months prior to that, the rover also detected an "unusually high" level of methane on Mars. On Earth, methane is produced both biologically and geologically, although it is not clear what caused the methane spike on Mars.

NASA’s long-term goal is to send a manned mission to Mars in the 2030s. However, former astronauts, including Apollo 11 astronaut Michael Collins, think we should skip a return mission to the Moon, slated for 2024, and "shoot directly for Mars."


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97fa89  No.7889895

File: 661c352100324ca⋯.jpg (65.79 KB, 600x499, 600:499, qe3.jpg)


Seeking shelter.

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ff9a1f  No.7889896


So they have 5 days

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19d32b  No.7889897

File: 13fd4145c4dd04e⋯.png (3.08 MB, 1436x1800, 359:450, qalii1.png)

File: 021e583c587f580⋯.jpg (1.03 MB, 2541x1423, 2541:1423, 999.jpg)


Line is holding perfectly.

Shoot to adjust.



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64dbed  No.7889898


So, the FBI had unfettered access to intel and the FISC didn't even know what they were doing? Wow.

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d813d2  No.7889899


> You will wax longingly for the excitement of the Q days…


But I'm not bored with all the happenings.

I'm just bored with the hearings.

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199d9c  No.7889900

File: 027548327df3425⋯.jpg (62.64 KB, 498x263, 498:263, Lauterbach.jpg)

Look, how creepy and disgusting a German Politician of the Social Demoncrats (SPD) is talking about POTUS.

I think POTUS should know….

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ffe0f8  No.7889901


only on the toilet cam

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ae4924  No.7889902

Does back to back minute deltas mean anything to you autists?

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aa383f  No.7889903

File: 847dfdb8da1e7f2⋯.jpeg (9.66 KB, 193x255, 193:255, 7f049d4efca89ba7d05db5057….jpeg)

Is POTUS hinting at anons running for office or something?

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6f0b9b  No.7889904


it's his last hurrah before he swallows the poison.

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d1d932  No.7889905



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03e601  No.7889906

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d2d50c  No.7889907

File: 64d9f4edd9ef14f⋯.png (368.26 KB, 591x517, 591:517, Screen Shot 2020-01-23 at ….png)



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cead60  No.7889908

More excuses & delays, huh, Q? No surprise there. "Muuuhhhhh trust the plan!" "Muuuhhhhh tactical nuke!" #CoolStoryQ

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7002bf  No.7889909


They have 24 hours across 3 days. He's at roughly 12 hours at this point.

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eb89ab  No.7889910


You’re assuming I’m offended.

“Some men (and boys) cannot be “reached”.

I’ve been on this board for years. If you continue your “ways” that’s your choice.

Leaders and Winners make good choices for all.

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f1a60e  No.7889911

File: 2f0edbaf7c2ca5f⋯.png (353.35 KB, 637x354, 637:354, ClipboardImage.png)


Why is this guy still "definitively" saying that Russia was the one that hacked the servers?

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bcf89c  No.7889912


In short explain yourselves FBI Mofo's

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806351  No.7889913

File: 1612186f62afff3⋯.png (1.83 MB, 2282x1426, 1141:713, ClipboardImage.png)


The Department of Justice says that the FBI under disgraced former Director James Comey should have discontinued its secret surveillance on a member of the Trump campaign during the 2016 election because it had “insufficient predication to establish probable cause.”

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3beb76  No.7889914

File: cf2109330ff35b3⋯.jpg (63.25 KB, 1106x474, 7:3, privilege1.jpg)


goes wayback

watch the village people movie from the 70's

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c89cf2  No.7889915


i already did clear the cache.

how about you just list the article if you're good?

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a37e48  No.7889916

File: 8fc37be7e0a925c⋯.jpg (64.24 KB, 336x400, 21:25, Jimmy.jpg)

File: a55287d020bd882⋯.jpg (37.72 KB, 590x438, 295:219, unnamed.jpg)

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6119af  No.7889917

File: 436a8ab2b773159⋯.png (1.6 MB, 1499x1176, 1499:1176, Tesla Electricity.png)

File: ecb5eba7fe669a6⋯.jpg (78.61 KB, 597x332, 597:332, Why_DonT_You_ask_Tesla.jpg)


>no match for electricity



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97fa89  No.7889918


Sauce or GTFO! KEK

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cf5f2f  No.7889919

File: d22fcd0a6ea01a6⋯.png (121.26 KB, 767x525, 767:525, transparent p.png)


>Government tells court it lacked probable cause in last two of four eavesdropping applications


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000000  No.7889920



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a52184  No.7889921


Lead Manager Dems have 24hrs to use in 3 days

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c0c59e  No.7889922

File: c1125bec02f8b6e⋯.jpeg (168.66 KB, 750x822, 125:137, 3C952568-6345-4793-9765-6….jpeg)


#GetKek the show must go on! and Anons know his role in this show! #ShillsGetBentWhenTheySeeMemes (((DigitalSoldier)))——> Engage

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6d1041  No.7889923

File: 2872d91e7c98502⋯.jpg (294.89 KB, 1080x660, 18:11, Screenshot_20200123-161531….jpg)



Another one min delta

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86217b  No.7889924

File: 71607663ab99592⋯.png (351.05 KB, 996x1345, 996:1345, ClipboardImage.png)

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05f26b  No.7889925

File: 8d3c2b25843f668⋯.png (808.64 KB, 1001x522, 1001:522, ClipboardImage.png)

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543745  No.7889926

File: 2ecdad82ddcd506⋯.jpg (29.2 KB, 720x600, 6:5, You Better Click Thats Shi….jpg)

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f6110b  No.7889927


UNITED STATES JAN 0 7 2020 lMAnn Flynn Hell, Cleat of Court FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE SUR VErr..LANCE COURT IN RE CARTER W. PAGE, A U.S. PERSON WASHINGTON, D.C. Docket Nos: 16-1182, 17-52, 17-375, 17-679. ORDER REGARDING HANDLING AND DISPOSITION OF INFORMATION Thanks in large part to the work of the Office of the Inspector General, U.S. Department of Justice, the Court has received notice of material misstatements and omissions in the applica~ons filed by the government in the above-captioned dockets. See Docket No. Misc. 19-02, Order (Dec. 17, 2019; DOJ OIG, Review of Four FISA Applications and Other Aspects of the FBI's Crossfire Hurricane Investigation (Dec. 2019 (revised}). DOJ assesses that with respect to the applications in Docket Numbers 17-375 and 17-679, "if not earlier, there was insufficient predication to establish probable cause to believe that [Carter] Page was acting as an agent of a foreign power." Additional Rule 13(a) letter regarding applications submitted to the Court targeting Carter W. Page in Docket Numb.ers 2016-1182, 2017-0052, 2017-0375, and 2017-0679 (Dec. 9, 2019), at 19 ( .. December 9, 2019I.etter"). The government further reports that the FBI has agreed ''to ~equester all collection the FBI acquired pursuant to the Court's authorizations in the above-listed four docket numbers targeting [Carter] Page pending further review of the OIG Report and the outcome of related investigations and any litigation." Id. at 19-20. The government has not described what steps are involved-in-such sequestration or when it will be completed. It has,-however, undertaken to "provide an_ up.date to the Court when the FBI completes the sequestratio11~ and to "update the Court on the disposition of the sequestered collection at the conclusion of related investigations and any litigation." Id at 20. To date, no such update has been received. ·The Court understands the government to have concluded, in view of the material misstatements and omissions, that the Court's authorizations in Docket Numbers 17-375 and 17-679 were not valid. The government apparently does not take a position on the validity of the authorizations in Docket Numbers 16-1182 and 17-52, but intends to sequester infonnation acquired pursuant to those dockets in the same manner as information acquired pursuant to the subsequentdocke~. Title I of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, codified as amended at 50 U.S.C. §§ 1801-1813, governs electronic surveillance conducted for foreign intelligence purposes. It requires minimization procedures "that are reasonably designed … to minimize the acquisition and retention, and prohibit the dissemination, of nonpublic1y available information concerning Page 1

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0875d0  No.7889928

File: fb1a23c4e014cfa⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1048x1362, 524:681, Screen Shot 2020-01-23 at ….png)

File: 0cedf901568ea20⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1052x1362, 526:681, Screen Shot 2020-01-23 at ….png)

File: 170c95ff12bf393⋯.png (1.2 MB, 1040x1352, 10:13, Screen Shot 2020-01-23 at ….png)

File: 2377635c9750ee6⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1044x1358, 522:679, Screen Shot 2020-01-23 at ….png)

File: 9a8edc61b892080⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1052x1364, 263:341, Screen Shot 2020-01-23 at ….png)



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a83a97  No.7889929


Imagine the agony for those on the other end… The loosing end of those hearings… Our boredom is their pain…

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d7da0b  No.7889930

File: 563ac61dc5b4aeb⋯.jpeg (18.2 KB, 255x156, 85:52, jackpot-kek.jpeg)

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0b36b7  No.7889931

File: 350a80cfb6cdaa0⋯.jpg (254.17 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, ce.jpg)


this slide deserves more wuhantang

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d813d2  No.7889932


No. He's a socialist.

He loves the mullahs.

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460186  No.7889933

File: f508c896ba8f5e6⋯.jpg (1.17 MB, 2268x4032, 9:16, pain sauce.jpg)


That's Mockingbird for ya Q.

They rarely have sauce.

"Anonymous off the record sources"

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0c5c57  No.7889936

File: 13e5502417b63a0⋯.jpeg (312.3 KB, 1350x1800, 3:4, 4557D74A-AD2C-4F4A-B4D2-B….jpeg)


they did lots of bad shit

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cd53be  No.7889937


Seth Rich was a Bernie Bros. Possible he was a Russian asset. Considering the Veritas videos it can't be ruled out.

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566552  No.7889938

>>7889097 lb

This is a surprisingly effective set of mappings. Gets you well past the 80/20 rule.

If you were operating a business using this as the hard-and-fast rule, and your competitors weren't, you would be dominating the market.

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ffe0f8  No.7889939

File: 49ec4f92c0be338⋯.png (73.25 KB, 590x496, 295:248, DVKU1005.png)

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a8f72a  No.7889940

File: decaa0965cc60c2⋯.jpeg (37.91 KB, 408x612, 2:3, 1295FAB7-DE6E-4BC9-A63D-0….jpeg)


Big smile.

Big smile.

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d1d932  No.7889941



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1c190c  No.7889942

File: 322b4c3bb232eaa⋯.png (1.4 MB, 935x929, 935:929, ClipboardImage.png)

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af20e3  No.7889943


Bless you and everyone here. Godspeed Q. Godspeed!

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02cd8b  No.7889944

>>7889793 I’m having a hard time keeping my excitement in check. Wonder what tomorrow will bring?

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f1a60e  No.7889945


oooh. Look at Caitlyn's bare mid-rif.


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da474b  No.7889946


talking about London

Queen has been mobilized

Harry removed for Andrew and others take down

2 legs cleared

working (moving) on third leg

Harry and Megan can return when it's time to put the castle together again

when the white hats have taken the worlds old power structure and made it anew, just in a new name OWO

H&M get to be king and queen of the appointed crown

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564b46  No.7889947


Intentionally lacking source doc.

Common theme by MSM.

The people are waking up.

Slow drip furthers awakening (non anons)

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a4453d  No.7889948

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


steve guetenberg and bruce jenner.

simpsons episode on the skull and bones.

we made steve guetenberg a star!!!

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f492ce  No.7889949


That is NOT Breaking News if you listen to Dan Bongino

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777915  No.7889950

File: d0351b3c6b85af9⋯.jpg (65.16 KB, 314x960, 157:480, 82599863_1556300177843614_….jpg)


Short and sweet.

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206096  No.7889951



ThanksinlargeparttotheworkoftheOfficeoftheInspectorGeneral,U.S. Department ofJustice, the Court has received notice ofmaterial misstatements and omissions in the applica~ons filed by the government in the above-captioned dockets. See Docket No. Misc. 19- 02, Order (Dec. 17, 2019; DOJ OIG, Review o fFour FISA Applications and Other Aspects o fthe FBI's Crossfire Hurricane Investigation (Dec. 2019 (revised}). DOJ assesses that with respect to the applications in Docket Numbers 17-375 and 17-679, "ifnot earlier, there was insufficient

predication to establish probable cause to believe that [Carter] Page was acting as an agent ofa foreign power." Additional Rule 13(a) letter regarding applications submitted to the Court targeting Carter W. Page in Docket Numb.ers 2016-1182, 2017-0052, 2017-0375, and 2017- 0679 (Dec. 9, 2019), at 19 (..December 9, 2019I.etter").


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a94027  No.7889952

File: 6ca7eba02079b94⋯.png (169.63 KB, 396x377, 396:377, pepekiked3.png)


Is it necessary to go through hours on end of Pencil neck's kvetching then?

End this horror

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c3bcde  No.7889953

File: f38b3d9b4cf3745⋯.jpeg (197.33 KB, 1440x1150, 144:115, 1528647438.jpeg)

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8c4eaf  No.7889954


>Does back to back minute deltas mean anything to you autists?

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5c7df5  No.7889955


No, I can't. I tried the old select all and copy/paste to notepad. That actually used to work for me on some paywall sites. Not this one though. They seem to be getting wise to this tactic. Someone will be along shortly with the article, I'm sure.

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15050d  No.7889956


WSJ link behind paywall.

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2a05c3  No.7889957


Very helpful, thank you so much.

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a52184  No.7889958


And a Jew to boot

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6c7403  No.7889959

File: e9d136cd64cb3f5⋯.jpg (453.83 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, 180901 AM Perimeter Prayer….JPG)


Godspeed Q+ and Q Team!

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cba7d2  No.7889960

File: 2e419f1a10a124a⋯.jpg (465.14 KB, 1084x681, 1084:681, Enjoy the show.jpg)

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0977b6  No.7889961


What happens on the 28th?

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0c367a  No.7889962


The people will be stupefied when this sinks in.

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000000  No.7889963


Comey Comey Comey

Whew, hate to be in your shoes big fella

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3628be  No.7889964


My question is, with the two hop rule- if C. Page had contact with say the someone in fundraising side of the campaign or whoever compiled the contacts for those attending rallies, etc could they not have been "legally" spying on a whole lot of us anons?

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39ffc9  No.7889965

File: 9cb9036eb7b6c97⋯.jpg (22.49 KB, 320x320, 1:1, Smith.jpg)

File: 52d72ff9d9aa8fc⋯.jpg (100.25 KB, 500x544, 125:136, Fucked.jpg)

File: 930b0ea06fd1b54⋯.jpg (30.52 KB, 530x437, 530:437, Schiff.jpg)

File: 931e7033786193b⋯.jpg (40.16 KB, 566x500, 283:250, Feinstein5.jpg)

File: a804e040dcb5ee2⋯.jpg (124.25 KB, 874x500, 437:250, Doom_DS2.jpg)


They are DOOMED…

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806351  No.7889966

File: ee8d03ba5fc190f⋯.png (3.45 MB, 1415x1042, 1415:1042, ClipboardImage.png)

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e5681f  No.7889967


Triple Double Exciting Times !!

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f6110b  No.7889968


, unconsenting United States persons consistent with the need of the United States to obtain, produce, and disseminate foreign intelligence information:" 50 U.S.C. § 180l(h)(l). It also makes it a crime to "intentionally … disclose[ ] or use[ ] information obtained under color of law by electronic surveillance, knowing or having reason to know that the information was obtained through electronic surveillance not FISA or another "CX'Pre:;s statutory In order for the Court to assess whether the handling and disposition of the information acquired pursuant to the above-captioned dockets comport with these provisions of FISA, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED as follows: 1. By January 28, 2020, the government shall make a written submission regarding the FBI's handling of information obtained pursuant to the above-captioned dockets. That submission shall include: a. a detailed description of the steps taken or to be taken to restrict access to such information in unminimized form, including how many personnel have access and for what purposes they may examine or retrieve it; b. a detailed description of the steps taken or to be taken to restrict access to such information in any other form, including any information that may have been disclosed or disseminated to DOJ prosecutors or other persons outside of the FBI; c. to the extent applicable, a timetable for completing any such steps that have not yet been completed; d. explanations of the "further review of the OIG Report, and "related investigations and any litigation" that are referenced in the December 9, 2019, Letter as requiring the retention of such infonnation, including copies or any orders of other courts relating to the preservation of, or access to, such information; and e. an explanation of why the retention of such infonnation in the manner intended by the government, and any contemplated use or disclosure of it, comport with the above——referenced provisions ofFISA; and ———2. In order to facilitate consideration of whether the Court should publish this Order pursuant to FISC Rule of Procedure 62(a), the government shall, by January 21,2020, complete a declassification review of this order and submit to the Court a copy of such order with any redactions it would propose in the event of publication. ENTERED this 1 J.. day of January 2020.

James B. Boasberg

Presiding Judge United StatesForeign Intelligence Surveillance Court

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9898bb  No.7889969


Can we say "Fruit of a poison tree" anyone?

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12f0ac  No.7889970

File: e6bf8384819376e⋯.jpg (95.78 KB, 1071x1071, 1:1, 3d663df4ef09a5cfa2fbe49cd1….jpg)



There are no racists here. Only Anons, niggers, and faggots.

No one Anon is above another here.

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f08036  No.7889971

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8b20d5  No.7889972


Popcorn for Saturday, Q?

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7002bf  No.7889973


FFS did you not see he was posting the PDF that Q linked to?

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ffe0f8  No.7889974


>That's Mockingbird for ya

thunder chicken lives in my kitchen

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47872a  No.7889975

In 2015 CapitalG (formerly Google Capital), led a $100 million capital drive for CrowdStrike.[8] The firm brought on board senior FBI executives, such as Shawn Henry, former executive assistant director (EAD) of the FBI's Criminal, Cyber, Response and Services Branch…

5/ Shawn Henry, now COO for CrowdStrike, Just who assigned him the Executive Assistant Directors position with the FBI? None other than Robert Mueller… Imagine that!

6/ Dmitri Alperovitch, He is a Senior Fellow at the Atlantic Council think tank and was named in December 2013 as one of Foreign Policy's Top 100 Leading Global Thinkers, along with Angela Merkel, John Kerry, Ben Bernanke and Jeff Bezos…


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aa8d1d  No.7889976

Are the Republicans up on Friday?

This is day three of Dem bullshit - right?

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005229  No.7889977

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Project Veritas confronts Martin Weissberger

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d813d2  No.7889978


> Our boredom is their pain…

I hope so.

Can't stand listening to AS.

Can't watch him.

It's sheer insanity and I believe that this kind of insanity is dangerous for any society.

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64dbed  No.7889979


It's so fucking funny because it's true.

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acdb18  No.7889980



Trump was before Q, so no.

All significant and confirmed examples of deltas have been Q before Trump.

Q could literally post whatever delta they want if it's after Trump, it's meaningless unless Q is before Trump.

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ffe0f8  No.7889981

File: 9fb45d7fee5b7ce⋯.png (383.04 KB, 570x542, 285:271, CLDY3640.png)

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f492ce  No.7889982

hey did you see Beavis & Butthead Jack Burkman & Jacob Wohl are back with more BULLSHIT?

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c0c59e  No.7889983

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39ffc9  No.7889984

File: 009a9b876d609b2⋯.jpg (123.79 KB, 874x500, 437:250, Doom_DS1.jpg)

Go get 'em. No mercy.

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131547  No.7889985

File: 555b891f0c0ffdf⋯.jpg (646.23 KB, 2048x1964, 512:491, ivanka Time Travel.jpg)


So Ivanka also time travels along with President Trump, the youngest son, and Q, and who knows how many others. Outrageously interesting! 1889! 1893! More more more.


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f1a60e  No.7889986


Wow. Haven't heard that theory float before. (the one about SR possibly being a Russian asset.) If that's the case, though, why not give it to the Russians instead of Wikileaks?

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d59f08  No.7889987

File: 5b32b2756ff0d28⋯.jpg (66.03 KB, 750x500, 3:2, fdr.jpg)

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ffe0f8  No.7889988

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e4a40b  No.7889989



'Dimitri Alperovitch'

there is a recent dig on his family background, and NatSec issues. uranium nsht too.

former VP @ McAfee. go find moar and bring it back.


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0cbe86  No.7889990




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52c2a9  No.7889991

File: 1f5274add8e87fc⋯.gif (6.08 MB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 20200123_151848.gif)


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906d3e  No.7889992

File: 31d6022c1420497⋯.png (166.91 KB, 988x892, 247:223, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 40737a912b2f6cb⋯.png (980.32 KB, 814x876, 407:438, ClipboardImage.png)

loc of file Q just posted. help dig on other files

cap is of second after posted pdf


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704b29  No.7889993


When will he finally endorse Jeff!?

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72e8a3  No.7889994


sacrifices are necessary….

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6aa348  No.7889996

File: 124de2cd7a3863b⋯.png (1.56 MB, 1080x1058, 540:529, ClipboardImage.png)

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39c512  No.7889997


The people don't give a shit because it has more than 2 lines to read. They will think(and already DO think) it is no big deal.

It's gross to watch & listen to such ignorant people

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bcf89c  No.7889998


>Only Anons, niggers, and faggots.

and shills clowns Russian bots ebot

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e470b9  No.7889999

File: 92e236383c0cef2⋯.png (50.5 KB, 303x95, 303:95, ClipboardImage.png)


Mr. Trump's Sharpie, I presume?

Hello, Donald. Thank you for all you do.

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d74c72  No.7890000

File: 357128494918f9c⋯.png (2.63 MB, 1771x1040, 1771:1040, AdamSchittGivesEulogyOf DE….png)

Yep, pretty much.

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f84067  No.7890001

File: 884193af534b83c⋯.png (312.84 KB, 448x499, 448:499, 1577742756.png)

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6d4d39  No.7890002

File: 7b78e4a3f364d3f⋯.png (4.93 MB, 1638x2112, 273:352, Screen Shot 2020-01-23 at ….png)

File: 7098a927e64cb29⋯.png (4.61 MB, 1636x2112, 409:528, Screen Shot 2020-01-23 at ….png)



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d813d2  No.7890003


>H&M get to be king and queen of the appointed crown


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5c99a2  No.7890004

File: edf8d259e2517cf⋯.png (23.2 KB, 651x181, 651:181, ClipboardImage.png)

Democrats are going to destroy your Social Security. I have totally left it alone, as promised, and will save it!


This throws Schumer's lie right under the bus that I posted earlier today.

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39ffc9  No.7890005

File: 824c3a6bdd07c87⋯.png (1.11 MB, 539x771, 539:771, 824c3a6bdd07c8732767ae60f6….png)

This, lots of this.

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4caa9f  No.7890006


Republicans don't start until Saturday. Which is weird that they chose to do it on a weekend when not many will watch.

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a4453d  No.7890007

File: e4b6e74fd33a448⋯.jpg (29.78 KB, 800x504, 100:63, DinduISIS.jpg)


well said dindu!

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c6861a  No.7890008

File: a202d6e43f86ff2⋯.png (125 KB, 1014x387, 338:129, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f59c6c316b710ab⋯.png (46.01 KB, 727x371, 727:371, ClipboardImage.png)

I will just leave this here for ya

These people are stupid

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64dbed  No.7890009

File: 0251ea669b35e37⋯.gif (1.68 MB, 368x200, 46:25, tenor.gif)


Great Post Anon. God Bless You.

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3cba52  No.7890010

Infected people seen 'dead in streets' in quarantined Chinese virus city

EXCLUSIVE: Disturbing images on Instagram from inside Wuhan show residents dropping to the floor following a lockdown of the city by Chinese authorities


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848fd3  No.7890011

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Shout, shout

Let it all out

These are the things I can do without

Come on I'm talking to you

Come on

In violent times

You shouldn't have to sell your soul

In black and white

They really-really ought to know

Those one-track minds

That took you for a working boy

Kiss them goodbye

You shouldn't have to jump for joy

You shouldn't have to jump for joy

Shout, shout

Let it all out

These are the things I can do without

Come on, I'm talking to you

Come on

They gave you life

And in return you gave them hell

As cold as ice

I hope we live to tell the tale

I hope we live to tell the tale


Shout, shout

Let it all out

These are the things I can do without

Come on, I'm talking to you

Tears For Fears - Shout

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f1a60e  No.7890012

Did anyone catch why Rush was out again, today? Is he okay?

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9ee37c  No.7890013

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


My way

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a96d2b  No.7890014


The have until tomorrow night. Sat, WH Counsel takes over

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a7a52d  No.7890015

File: f39bd4c008984d2⋯.png (32.48 KB, 255x537, 85:179, Capture.PNG)

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806351  No.7890016

File: ad5890938e962f3⋯.png (953.42 KB, 828x685, 828:685, ClipboardImage.png)



What about [[[RR]]]?

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2a05c3  No.7890017

File: 9fd1320a6f047bf⋯.png (66.5 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, Fruit of the Poisonous Tre….png)


Yes, we can.

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e3d5c6  No.7890018



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c3bcde  No.7890019

File: 2979cc4802836a4⋯.png (5.79 KB, 255x170, 3:2, a96bab0308a66e4341e5933d70….png)

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2f14e0  No.7890020

File: bf8a869da6a5aa3⋯.jpg (59.46 KB, 1007x475, 53:25, Screenshot_20200105-111719….jpg)

File: 4cdde2413ef92ce⋯.jpg (581.62 KB, 809x1540, 809:1540, Screenshot_20200123-014129….jpg)

File: 3bfae24d2db73fc⋯.jpg (460.17 KB, 806x1398, 403:699, Screenshot_20200123-013801….jpg)


Remember THIS DAY.

January 19


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996cff  No.7890021


>>7889347 New DJT - quotes Kellyanne 'Trump shows us that electability is no match for electricity'

>>7889362 Apache = Fentanyl?

>>7889414, >>7889477, >>7889644 planefaggin

>>7889440, >>7888708 pb - crazed dem introduced Brennan, Clapper, & Comey's Joint Intel Assessment Report into evidence

>>7889423 The Pledge: Labour’s Contrived ‘anti-Semitism Crisis’ Outlives Corbyn

>>7889682 New DJT - close race in Kansas

>>7889692 New DJT - interesting poll in TX

>>7889633, >>7889570 Mitchell, Jessen & Associates, contracting firm that provided guards and interrogators to the CIA's black sites under a contract across several years.

>>7889705 New DJT - I love Alabama

>>7889728 New DJT - FLorida

late notables

pls repost next bread

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3ba287  No.7890022


They're shills or tards, bc that trick doesn't work with every paywall, or every browser. Plus I've noticed some sites have changed their tactics since Q posted that. I can't get the full article either anon, and the archive.today page ain't no better right now.


Or an anon…kek.

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000000  No.7890023


No, you're correct anon, it is older news.

Just wondering if FISA can be brought up at this impeachment trial

BTW, I like Bongino

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543745  No.7890024

File: df609b3d4bd1103⋯.jpg (16.12 KB, 397x429, 397:429, 1538851180775.jpg)

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39ffc9  No.7890025

File: 2be1a70a40ea7f0⋯.jpeg (61.7 KB, 1080x1084, 270:271, Crick.jpeg)

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d1d932  No.7890026

File: 3bf0a699222e2fc⋯.png (186.44 KB, 790x733, 790:733, zenodo.png)

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ffe0f8  No.7890027

File: 1f804a1a32c9029⋯.png (693.89 KB, 708x1024, 177:256, 1f804a1a32c90294e1019e23e6….png)

File: c1033d3f32307c9⋯.jpg (320.59 KB, 780x960, 13:16, 1579628153346.jpg)

File: 7ed09b628802ac4⋯.png (646.22 KB, 600x732, 50:61, 7ed09b628802ac428cbeada664….png)

File: 3217254ede52a98⋯.png (64.69 KB, 435x750, 29:50, 8b1e8345641e51fa42ac471b74….png)

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da474b  No.7890028



no deals?

does that apply to Bush's Barr boy

does Barr go to jail for the crimes committed and covered on his previous watch?

who can you trust?

If you can't trust Q

time to look around

and see what it might mean you need to do

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286b2d  No.7890029


U da man Q!

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aa8d1d  No.7890030



However, I would think the viewership is going to significantly increase over what we've seen from the dems..

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659959  No.7890031

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


my way

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5e3f63  No.7890032


Dmitri Alperovitch is definetly a bridge between Crowdstrike and Atlantic Council.

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12f0ac  No.7890033

File: 2eba326b687640b⋯.png (15.04 KB, 600x580, 30:29, 2eba326b687640b054847d229d….png)

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d6c3e7  No.7890034



lurkers feeling unloved here,

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a4453d  No.7890035

File: 28e08e914e2a207⋯.png (1.51 MB, 1169x659, 1169:659, trips c.png)



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437daf  No.7890036

File: 3d2ea74ad76d183⋯.png (146.87 KB, 457x465, 457:465, quads clock.PNG)

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5c7df5  No.7890038

File: 4551406102ad35a⋯.jpeg (99.99 KB, 393x600, 131:200, americanbeauty.jpeg)


Thank you again, sir!


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996cff  No.7890039

File: f46975b0b05c5bc⋯.png (153.76 KB, 451x366, 451:366, bacon soon.png)


bakin soon

late notables

pls repost next bread

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ba5b49  No.7890040

File: b26413cecac851d⋯.png (338.05 KB, 1256x710, 628:355, MSM.png)


no shit sherlock

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199d9c  No.7890041


Hello, Sir!

German Anon saying "hello".

Can't wait to get rid of Merkel and her comrades!

Any plans for Germany?

Sometimes I think we are "the slush fund" of the cabal.

Germans paying a LOT of taxes… which are vanishing…


Follow the money.

Will we also be saved?

Proud to serve by your side!


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4775cf  No.7890042

File: 4fec6f55cad078e⋯.jpg (35.38 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, doomsdayclock.jpg)

ominous and interdasting…


The famed Doomsday Clock has been set at 100 seconds to midnight this year, the closest it's ever been to the metaphorical point of the Earth's destruction.

The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists unveiled this year's setting for the clock at a news conference Wednesday morning at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C.

"Speaking of danger and destruction is never easy. If you speak the truth, people will not want to listen because it's too awful. It makes you sound like a crackpot," said former California Gov. Jerry Brown (D), executive chairman of the Bulletin.

"Today we live in a world of vast, deep and pervasive complacency," Brown added. "Even if there is a one-in-100 chance that these men and women before you are correct and we are truly in a dangerous moment, you would never know that from the president, from Republican leadership and from Democratic leadership."

The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists created the clock in 1947 to represent how close the planet was to annihilation by nuclear weapons. In more recent years, the journal has also weighed the effects of climate change in setting the clock.

Last year, the Bulletin set the clock at two minutes to midnight, choosing to leave the clock at the same time as the previous year.

This year, the Bulletin's panel of scientists and other experts decided to move the clock 20 seconds forward and for the first time express the time in seconds rather than minutes because the "moment demands attention," said Rachel Bronson, president and CEO of the Bulletin.

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460186  No.7890043



And the worst part is he's got one moar day to give his eulogy.

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04e1df  No.7890045

File: fd137130c345c63⋯.png (501.36 KB, 590x551, 590:551, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 234401c6884d27d⋯.png (2.09 MB, 1230x6756, 205:1126, ClipboardImage.png)


George Soros in Davos: 2020 Election Will Determine ‘Fate of the World’

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633c73  No.7890046

File: ba773bfb088f121⋯.gif (170.14 KB, 360x346, 180:173, pepe_laugh.gif)

Aw… Poor widdle shithead Schiff thinks he's a pawn.

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173854  No.7890047

File: 0b771df5c661ac0⋯.png (5.43 KB, 288x185, 288:185, Electability_Electricity.png)

File: 64cacdf1e2881a8⋯.png (32.56 KB, 1709x139, 1709:139, Calibri Crime and Politics.png)

Electability vs Electability

maybe, maybe not

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6119af  No.7890048

File: 5e4d889fb0ae0a9⋯.jpeg (700.86 KB, 612x407, 612:407, night_shift_servers.jpeg)



Q has Hillary's Private Servers


3 Aug 2018 - 2:26:29 PM



We have the server[S].


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83ee09  No.7890049

File: 50a524e8d30d26c⋯.gif (514.01 KB, 245x155, 49:31, minions gif 2.gif)

Waiting for the fun stuff to start.

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6714e3  No.7890050

File: 6820f468c37e226⋯.jpg (1.48 MB, 2213x6204, 2213:6204, SpyGateTimeline.jpg)

File: 142d0538d86f5cd⋯.jpg (1.88 MB, 5700x3472, 1425:868, SpyGateCondensed.jpg)

File: 0d73a29404b9b9e⋯.png (769.02 KB, 1193x2626, 1193:2626, SpyGateTimelineTyped.png)

File: 5739a3f26ef886c⋯.jpg (2.65 MB, 5096x3297, 728:471, SpygateEraMap.jpg)


When SpyGate breaks, that's when the REST of the world gets dragged into this bar fight


/SpyGate image dump included

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acdb18  No.7890051


If lurkers are looking for feelz, they should post.

Most lurkers aren't looking for feelz and just lurk.

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7002bf  No.7890053


There was another DJT >>7889800

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5c99a2  No.7890054

George Soros in Davos: 2020 Election Will Determine ‘Fate of the World’


Left-wing billionaire George Soros on Thursday reportedly warned that the 2020 election will determine the “fate of the world” and lashed out at President Donald Trump during a private dinner event at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.

Soros, the 89-year-old founder of the progressive advocacy organization Open Society Foundations, accused the president of being a “con man” and a “narcissist” who wants the world to “revolve around him,” according to CNBC.

“When his fantasy of becoming president became a reality,” his ego swelled, Soros said, adding: “This has turned his narcissism into a malignant disease.”

Soros, who has yet to endorse a 2020 Democrat candidate, then said that this year’s election will decide the “fate of the world,” CNBC said. In October, the billionaire argued White House contender Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) is the “most qualified to be president.”

This, of course, is not the first time the hedge fund manager has taken aim at President Trump at the World Economic Forum. Last year, Soros criticized the president’s negotiating style against China, which culminated in the signing of a phase one trade agreement last Wednesday.

“Regrettably, President Trump seems to be following a different course: Make concessions to China and declare victory while renewing his attacks on U.S. allies,” Soros said at the time. “This is liable to undermine the U.S. policy objective of curbing China’s abuses and excesses.”

At this year’s event, Soros also lambasted Chinese Communist Party leader Xi Jinping for his government’s use of a totalitarian social credit scoring system on Chinese citizens. Xi is using “artificial intelligence to have total control of his people,” he warned. He also mused that China’s president is “trying to exploit” President Trump on trade.

These remarks follow President Trump’s speech before the World Economic Forum, in which he touted his America First economic policies as a model for global prosperity.

“A nation’s highest duty is to its own citizens,” the president told attendees. “Honoring this truth is the only way to build faith and confidence in the market system. Only when governments put their own people first will people be fully invested in their national futures.”

“A pro-worker, pro-citizen, pro-family agenda demonstrates how a nation can thrive when its communities, its companies, its government work together for the good of the whole nation,” he added.

President Trump also used the speech to reject climate alarmism, which loomed large over this year’s event, partly due to teen climate activist Greta Thunberg’s attendance of the gathering.

“These alarmists always demand the same thing – absolute power to dominate, transform, and control every aspect of our lives,” the president stated. “We’re committed to conserving the majesty of God’s creation and the natural beauty of our world.”

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72e8a3  No.7890055

File: d379547f676ecb4⋯.jpg (48.97 KB, 500x370, 50:37, pledgeflag.jpg)

we need new government…no fed or irs.

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39ffc9  No.7890056

File: 883c089c1d3f018⋯.jpg (75.44 KB, 500x575, 20:23, Yoda Shit Real.jpg)

File: 34bb070c0e78394⋯.jpg (15.81 KB, 480x360, 4:3, aww shit.jpg)


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03e601  No.7890057


I like it anon.

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f6110b  No.7890058



Transcript of FISC declas Q posted

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d8761e  No.7890059

File: 57860d7cdc8bfb8⋯.png (285.01 KB, 1080x2160, 1:2, Screenshot_20200123-161821.png)

Who was the Army of the 12 Monkeys?

Zerohedge.com et. Al.

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6b9a04  No.7890060


Voting machine fraud?

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d2d50c  No.7890061

File: cefd100d85efe62⋯.jpg (215.94 KB, 1569x755, 1569:755, pepe-hot-sauce.jpg)

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3e92a5  No.7890063

File: a50cf699bbfcfe7⋯.png (2.27 MB, 3324x1784, 831:446, ClipboardImage.png)

POTUS in the air.

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6d29d0  No.7890064



why? where? who ever cared?

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9b9ed3  No.7890066


The White House

Office of the Press Secretary


January 23, 2020


“Together, we will create an immigration system to make America safer, and stronger, and greater than ever before.” – President Donald J. Trump



COMBATTING BIRTH TOURISM: President Donald J. Trump is taking action to combat birth tourism.


* The Administration is taking action to end “birth tourism” – a practice in which aliens travel to the United States with the purpose of giving birth to gain citizenship for their children.

+ Organizations bring in large numbers of aliens to systematically exploit this loophole and unfairly provide citizenship for their children.

+ Most birth tourism groups charge tens of thousands of dollars, which often doesn’t include coverage for medical care.

+ Groups are flown to the United States and often brought to motels, whose owners are also often complicit in the scheme.

* The State Department will stop issuing temporary visitor visas to applicants who are traveling to the United States to engage in birth tourism.

* The Administration’s new rule makes clear that attempting to improperly provide citizenship for one’s child through birth tourism is not a legitimate grounds for obtaining a visitor visa.

+ Visas will still be issued to aliens whose purpose of travel is consistent with permissible business and pleasure activities.

* Citizenship is the crown jewel of the American immigration system and must be vigorously protected from exploitation.

PROTECTING NATIONAL SECURITY: The Administration’s action addresses the national security and law enforcement risks associated with birth tourism.

* Birth tourism could allow foreign governments to exploit birth tourism in manners that threaten the security of the United States.

* Foreign governments could exploit this vulnerability to recruit individuals who were born as the result of birth tourism and raised overseas, without attachment to the United States.

* Through birth tourism, foreign nationals are able to have their children avoid the scrutiny and procedures they would normally undergo if they became citizens through naturalization.

* Organized criminal networks have taken advantage of the birth tourism loophole at the expense of American citizens.

+ Businesses in the birth tourism industry have engaged in widespread immigration fraud and money laundering.

PRESERVING OUR PUBLIC RESOURCES: Addressing birth tourism continues President Trump’s efforts to safeguard our Nation’s public benefits from abuse.

* The Administration’s action will protect our social welfare system from abuse by foreign nationals using our welfare system to pay for the births of their children.

* Last year, the Administration took action to ensure that if aliens want to enter or remain in the United States, they must support themselves and not rely on public benefits.

* The President issued a proclamation suspending the entry of aliens who financially burden the American healthcare system.

* The Administration proposed a rule to require the verification of immigration status for anyone seeking to access public housing benefits.

* Citizenship is the crown jewel of the American immigration system and must be vigorously protected from exploitation.

Is Mr. Miller not the BEST? Love him!

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96e9ab  No.7890067


You gonna ask her out?

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a4453d  No.7890069

File: b7feb6e8ea81d0c⋯.gif (1.98 MB, 358x272, 179:136, nailed it.gif)


well done sir

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34d059  No.7890070


This is NOT the photographer of the Photo Q used; however, he may have been standing next to the "real" photographer.

This is the info for the "Castle clean" photo

"Trump walks to the podium in the South Lawn of the White House during a Made in America showcase event. July 15, 2019. (The Asahi Shimbun/Yuko Lanham)"

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f08036  No.7890071

File: bcad231d8ad3eab⋯.png (205.97 KB, 464x318, 232:159, ClipboardImage.png)

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c89cf2  No.7890072

new Q's:

>>7889793 ————————————–——– Article lacking source doc. (Cap: >>7889858)

>>7889726 ————————————–——– there was “insufficient predication to establish probable cause." (Cap: )

WSJ missing (second cap)

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a4b0a6  No.7890073

File: 4f2224d457d81dc⋯.png (81.27 KB, 990x418, 45:19, POTUS Twitter Archive 1-23….PNG)

File: aeae515eb9d4c63⋯.png (32.22 KB, 833x377, 833:377, Q 05 and 09 1-23-20.PNG)

POTUS and Q Tweets/Posts





:05 Q





:09 Q



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110a54  No.7890074

File: 1990d03d0b70d0c⋯.png (377.24 KB, 705x500, 141:100, you'll find out.png)

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5e3f63  No.7890075


wow, good eye, payment for a hit?

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005229  No.7890076




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286b2d  No.7890077


Schiff needs to be locked up and ball gagged! I can't stand his whinny ass voice!

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a83a97  No.7890078


Literal interpretation of the original Constitution! ALLODIAL TITLE. FULL 2A, Full 1A. all of it.

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0875d0  No.7890079

forgot this is throw shit at the wall and see what sticks shift

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d2d50c  No.7890080

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22e668  No.7890081


The gears of justice grind slowly…but grind they do.

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a4bb04  No.7890082

File: 4c31e75a0c01ba2⋯.jpg (1.1 MB, 1440x1873, 1440:1873, Q&.jpg)



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9ee37c  No.7890083

File: 6d9e0e86a2697bd⋯.png (201.34 KB, 358x201, 358:201, Screenshot_2020-01-23 12 m….png)

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aa8d1d  No.7890084


check'em - three pair!!!

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848fd3  No.7890085


>dragged into this bar fight

KEK some of us remember those days kek ..Thanks

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eefcd8  No.7890086

File: 4262b7e8b9805b7⋯.jpg (43.64 KB, 700x437, 700:437, Q2.jpg)

File: 835b70646fda5a6⋯.png (1.52 MB, 1201x630, 1201:630, QCyber2.png)

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e4a40b  No.7890087


not even theories yet, just spitballing

whistleblower (s) Vindman any of these folks Yovanovich

Pence's Katie on Strzok's coke bottle

involved in the [SURV]?

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005229  No.7890088




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a7a52d  No.7890089

File: 34f355bcea713a7⋯.png (24.08 KB, 342x460, 171:230, Capture.PNG)


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39ffc9  No.7890090

File: e27223e553897e0⋯.png (13.04 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, RR Brrrrt.png)

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9dad96  No.7890091


Wow, changing history with a Presidential Sharpie. If the Sharpie people were smart, they'd jump on it.

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f6110b  No.7890092



sorry baker

This is transcript links

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52c2a9  No.7890093

File: 4bf0f78d36131d6⋯.gif (2.06 MB, 493x534, 493:534, e622ebab-c29e-4677-9237-2f….gif)


>it is finished.

<there is no equivocation in His Statement.

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2f14e0  No.7890094

File: 10c318b8186948b⋯.jpg (466.88 KB, 1080x1183, 1080:1183, Screenshot_20200123-152520….jpg)


Seth Rich murdered on July 10th

Shawn Lucas "committed suicide" on August 2nd

Crowdstrike was paid the day after.


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9e98aa  No.7890095

File: afdbfff798f429d⋯.jpg (120.37 KB, 660x773, 660:773, 5123 Jan. 23 16.19.jpg)

File: 727154bf1d1ee4d⋯.jpg (158.66 KB, 991x865, 991:865, 5126 Jan. 23 16.20.jpg)

==Crowdstrike Payments Coincide With Deaths Of Seth Rich, Shawn Lucas


In their report, America First Media Group illustrates that the first payments from the DNC to Crowdstrike were made on May 5th, 2016. They show that the next payment to Crowdstrike, totaling $98,849.84, took place on July 11th.

Their report specifically stated that: “The relationship to this date happens to be the day after DNC Data Director of New Voter Registration Seth Rich was murdered.”

The report further indicates: “The final payment to date is August 3rd, 2016. This coincides with another murder in the District of Columbia. Shawn Lucas, who died on August 2nd of last year, was the DNC Process Server and close friend of Seth Rich.”

That Lucas and Rich were friends is an extremely important and noteworthy detail, and may provide some connection between their deaths which has not previously been considered. If true it provides significant potential context for their deaths and the political furor surrounding both men.


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4775cf  No.7890096


(((they))) care? the people who made this clock headline news care?


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6f0b9b  No.7890097


i think he enjoys getting locked-up and ball-gagged.

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39c512  No.7890098


Shawn Lucas Died Aug. 4th 2016

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aa8d1d  No.7890099

File: 3d2d81aab6d27a3⋯.png (202.28 KB, 639x418, 639:418, ClipboardImage.png)

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437daf  No.7890100

File: bda98e4f0cc3401⋯.png (187.85 KB, 447x306, 149:102, caps lock red text.PNG)


spit it out of shut the fuck up

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da474b  No.7890101


you forget they already seeded the bread with the excuse

It will be John Roberts who gives the pass and the feckless repukes (blackmailed by Q) will let it slide in the name of no witnesses

why Q had to post COC message, were covering a different way then you thought, but stay with us

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996cff  No.7890102

File: 8e5793dc423d566⋯.png (1.44 MB, 916x682, 458:341, Dope.png)

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f70eba  No.7890103

File: 08d2a79abf7160c⋯.jpeg (2.33 MB, 1825x1492, 1825:1492, A0DEDEC6-2EFB-42D8-94B2-4….jpeg)

File: a41fc5a7d8d79c4⋯.jpeg (714.96 KB, 1267x1429, 1267:1429, B6164786-AB6B-4B93-8670-1….jpeg)


How are they going to get back the data they scattered to the wind by giving cart blanche access to outside contractors? Damages may be in order.

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898ab6  No.7890104

Schiff just brought up Rabbi Finkelstein

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baf744  No.7890105

File: ea560ccb05750b7⋯.jpeg (275.92 KB, 828x942, 138:157, 1AE94AAD-10E6-43E9-97AF-E….jpeg)

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b75bcc  No.7890106


Kek. Last week I was an anon that listened to her videos with interest and I stood up for her as it seems you are, and got lambasted. Now after having researched her, and just trying to make others aware of her questionable background and tactics in the past, at least, now I'm the JIDF? Interdasting. Truly.

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a94027  No.7890107

File: f09df3aa90c7e1f⋯.png (116.78 KB, 827x655, 827:655, jewcoup2.png)


Why the redactions- isn't transparency the only way forward?

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6b935d  No.7890108

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Military Style Helicopter Flying low over our Neighborhood

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7a73b2  No.7890109


Our 2020 Veep candidate?

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