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File: 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 0a011620c7813bab4943211e6a….jpg)

d7dbf7  No.7754003[Last 50 Posts]

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




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Q's Latest Posts

Sunday 12.29.19

>>7654139 —————————— 'DRAIN THE SWAMP' HAS 'REAL' MEANING.

>>7653873 —————————— Follow the guide. Q#436

>>7653791 rt >>7653597 ———–- The point being many (R)s are confused re: must go through additional 'hoops' in order to vote (re: (R) party registration).

>>7653595 —————————— The TRUTH will be told (Cap: >>7653617 vid)

>>7653478 —————————— [D] party election interference? (Cap: >>7653515)

>>7653342 rt >>7653316 ———–- [Pic_insert_retry]

>>7653316 —————————— Welcome to the [D] party con

Saturday 12.28.19

>>7645614 —————————— Easy to understand? (Cap: >>7645635)

>>7643985 rt >>7643939 ———–- DNC servers not hacked

>>7643917 rt >>7643883 ———–- Future will prove past

>>7643842 —————————— FISA is only the beginning (Cap: >>7643898, >>7643901 pdf)

>>7643289 rt >>7643247 ———–- Geo location 2015-2017?

>>7643247 —————————— The only way to restore faith is through transparency and accountability. (Cap: >>7643274, >>7643313, >>7643330)

>>7643055 —————————— PANIC mode (Cap: >>7643092, >>7643173)

>>7640038 —————————— AG Barr talks Durham & #FISA (Cap: >>7640060)

>>7639247 rt >>7639202 ———–- Post drop? 5:5?

Friday 12.27.19

>>7638553 —————————— They are FIGHTING for their LIVES (Cap: >>7638592)

>>7638205 rt >>7637777 ———–- God Wins

>>7638149 rt >>7637926 ———–- Something BIG is coming.

>>7634563 —————————— Do you believe in coincidences? (Cap: >>7634583)

>>7634396 —————————— Follow the money. (Cap: >>7634421)

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Dealing with Clowns & Shills

New?: Use logic and reason when evaluating posts, look beyond the content of the post(s) and evaluate intent.

>>7683307, >>7683973 How To Quickly Spot A Clown!

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ce2d31  No.7754040



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d7dbf7  No.7754050

Global Announcements

>>7701882 per BO: The archive hasn't been updated, header links as well as other hyperlinks are having issues, CM aware of issues!

Anons, plz no jpegs, jpegs don't show up in thumbnails, tx


are not endorsements


>>7753665, >>7753759, >>7753763 Eyes in the Sky

>>7753650 Boatfag Ahoy

>>7753964 2 passengers who were booked but didn't board the Ukraine plane

>>7753902 here are many IIER Conferences in Kiev on January 17-18, 2020

>>7753868 Huber twat, We Salute LE

>>7753838 moar on pass list

>>7753816 What we know about the Canadians killed in the Ukrainian plane crash

>>7753734 Amirliravi Mahsa Sharrif University keeps popping up

>>7753731, >>7753764 A man convicted of murder in the fatal shooting of a Border Patrol agent in a case that exposed a botched federal gun program known as “Fast and Furious” was sentenced to life in prison.

>>7753644 Sam Zokaei, 43, a senior engineer for BP from Richmond, UK, Ardalan Ebnoddin Hamidi, a professional engineer from Canada, Olena Malakhova of Ukraine who was a director of this International road transport shipping company, (fishy )

>>7753607 Fed’s Balance Sheet Explodes by $413 Billion in 119 Days-and it keeps going

>>7753568 Feinstein Fed Up with Pelosi Delay Tactics – Demands She Send Articles of Impeachment to Senate as Speaker Clings to Articles, Refuses to Let Go

>>7753554 Trump Hints NATO Should Take US Place in Middle East

>>7753523 Aghabali Iman 1991

>>7753521 Trump Meets With Greek Prime Minister to Discuss Strategic Cooperation and Security

>>7753515 Ebnoddin one of the passengers went to Iran university of science and technology. Also Mahdi tajik expert nuke physics

>>7753508 Abtahiforoushani Seyedmehran, Plane full o' scientists hypothesis doing pretty good so far.

>>7753500 Pres. Trump Hits Iran With Sanctions Says ‘Iran Will Never Be Able To Have A Nuclear Weapon’

>>7753476 (pass list) Mohammad Abaspourqadi Appears to be another Iranian scientist, this one involved in desalination efforts.

>>7753461 Hoax texts caused panic among young Americans who believed the U.S. Army was forcefully drafting them for 'immediate departure to Iran'

>>7753446, >>7753483 Iraq's Sadr says crisis over, tells militias to stand down: statement

>>7753425 Illegal Aliens Have To Be Rescued After Getting Stuck On Top Of Trump's Border Wall

>>7753419 Documents Show Senior Kerry Aide Used Private Email to Send Steele Reports to State Department Colleagues

>>7753417 Gorji Pouneh 1994 (pass list) appears to be involved in crypto research. er, was involved

>>7753407 Harry and Meghan plan to step back as senior members of Royal family and carve out a progressive new role, working to become financially independent

>>7753357 VA Democrat Introduces Bill Making ‘High Capacity’ Mag Possession a Felony

>>7753311 Dave Chappelle: 'The Second Amendment is just in case the first one doesn't work out' vid

>>7754036 #9923

Previously Collected Notables

>>7751670 #9920, >>7752462 #9921, >>7753226 #9922

>>7748648 #9916, >>7749416 #9917, >>7750176 #9918, >>7750954 #9919

>>7745596 #9912, >>7746366 #9913, >>7747122 #9914, >>7747871 #9915

>>7742574 #9908, >>7743337 #9909, >>7744102 #9910, >>7744913 #9911

>>7739470 #9904, >>7740213 #9905, >>7741050 #9906, >>7741809 #9907

Notables Thread #1, #8960-present: >>7003045

Notables Aggregator: https://wearethene.ws

Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384), https://8kun.top

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d7dbf7  No.7754055

War Room

Meme folder: Trump Successes mega.nz/#F!pcZzRQDD!_ObYaRec8u6qn7zzOpbnag

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

[4] Q's requested hashtags on of 3/11/19:






Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


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Current Operations

>>7556525 Impeachment Counter Offensive Thread

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Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

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>>7111560 - The JQ (Jewish Question) Research Thread #6

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Q Graphics all in EST


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d7dbf7  No.7754060

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SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/419874308/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VII?secret_password=55SQ1tCYhuNR8ESzm50u

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

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* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

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* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

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* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

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* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

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* Webpage Archiver: http://archive.md/

Letters of Gratitude

>>1215912 (Q posted in #1025)

Meme Ammo

51 >>7598105

2020-Jan mega.nz/#F!xcRHmaTC!IMe6afdUCUSvHYpmYqlXog

2019-Dec mega.nz/#F!AIpwHATK!xsXtYkuKay6X2X-EJXMThQ

2019-Nov mega.nz/#F!JYpRmAID!x8SJn3I02qiHSsOhzSaAcQ

Space Force mega.nz/#F!YRog1CzA!zJWOQG2MtJppmTa3yaJXvQ

QNN Blanks mega.nz/#F!8cpGnYQA!zUkQgtukQep2XeVlKa0SPA

Epstein Drone Photos mega.nz/#F!DwNkwAZQ!xa6JLeW9_632P0yw3MhlNw

Trump Successes - in support of Re-Elect President Trump 2020 mega.nz/#F!pcZzRQDD!_ObYaRec8u6qn7zzOpbnag

Bill Barr B2 Stealth Bomber mega.nz/#F!wFpnBKhS!V3dZsLTQF1M69ZtBaIu1Xw

Voter ID mega.nz/#F!EV4HkQ7A!fxp-5L2RjgKl1D3YK1xGYA

Bread Archives (sites)


Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8kun.top/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions: >>7688691

Read the Simple Instructions: https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>7687826

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ce2d31  No.7754072



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d7dbf7  No.7754079

File: 15edaef1bd84e1b⋯.jpg (49.91 KB, 540x413, 540:413, 15edaef1bd84e1b05075c46f27….jpg)

File: c57fd1c6e17962f⋯.png (598.85 KB, 800x600, 4:3, c57fd1c6e17962fd1024ae78b9….png)



Baker can continue or defer

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000000  No.7754080

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



The INTENT of these posts is to bring awareness, these same people own all media outlets.

Just disprove any of these posts, and they will stop.


(It's a video, click it.)





The children of Cain / Who call themselves Jew today


The sons of the Lucifer himself / Who call themselves Jew today


The Anti-Christ / Who call themselves Jew today

"Esau-Edom is modern Jewry" ~ 1925 Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. 5 page 41

Libbre David 37: “To communicate anything to a Goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all

Jews, for if the Goyim knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly.”

Truth is not hate speech or racist. Facts are not hate speech or racist.

Ask yourself, if these posts were coming from JIDF, what would they be hoping to achieve? What's the 'endgame'? How is exposing all this information "jewish defense"?

*not affiliated with Media Matters in any way.*

A lot of anons post the truth about the jews, they are not shills, and are trying to help awaken everyone to their evils. They call you "Goyim" (sheep/cattle), they steal from you from the second you are born, every aspect of your life is a jewish trick, they steal our children to rape and torture, they lied about the "Holocaust", they have been kicked out of every country they have ever been invited into, and they blew up the World Trade Center's just for starters. Pay attention to your fellow anons when they try to give you this information. Don't forget Judaism is a death cult, not a religion. None of this information is shared in hate, only to help spread awareness. Even thought they do vile things to our children, I share nothing with hate.

If you lurk long enough you will notice it's always the same attacks and attackers to this and the other posts. None of them dispute the information. They can't because they know it's the truth.

Also, my name isn't "Doug Stewart" or "Travis" or "Alex Kaplan" and I have no affiliation with JIDF or the ADL. Or the MAGA Coalition. I am also not jewish nor Satanist/luciferian/Edomite Canaanite, or ANTIFA.

The one's making these claims are JIDF (Jewish Internet Defense Force, yes it's a real thing, even though it sounds utterly moronic). Easy to spot after a few breads, they always use "muh-joo, muh-jew, muhjewshill, muh all jews or any variant thereof" they are LITERALLY THE ONLY ONES that use these terms. No other "ethnicity" has a force here blindly defending them the way (((They))) do. These crimes are so indefensible all they will do is try to distract and confuse.

Read the Talmud

Read the Talmud

Read the Talmud

Read the Talmud


Share this information the best you can.


If these posts aren't being posted it's because I have something else to do.

Never filter, point out the JIDF shills, they can't subvert if they can't hide.

The only people that complain when someone is sharing the truth, are the ones with something to hide.

Learning the truth about (((the "jews"))) (Edomite Canaanites technically) is not racist nor does it make you a "white supremacist" these are more trigger words to keep you from discovering the truth.

When they can’t attack the information provided, they attack the messenger.

Define ‘deflection’.

Logical thinking.

Shill count HIGH.


What we are currently experiencing is known as:


Definition of Armageddon

1a : the site or time of a final and conclusive battle between the forces of good and evil

b : the battle taking place at Armageddon

2 : a usually vast decisive conflict or confrontation



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ce2d31  No.7754081



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01dcde  No.7754082

File: e9774fe96bfff6f⋯.png (39.06 KB, 486x313, 486:313, natocall.PNG)

Read-Out of POTUS call with NATO Sec.Gen.

Today, President Donald J. Trump spoke with North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg. The two leaders discussed the current situation in the Middle East. The President emphasized the value of NATO increasing its role in preventing conflict and preserving peace in the Middle East.


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000000  No.7754084

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Interview with rabbi Abraham Finkelstein (Interview with son of the devil)

*Thumbnail pic irrelevant to the information*

@ 39:54

"We steal between 100,000 to 300,000 children a year just here in this country, we drain their blood and we mix it with our passover bread and then we throw the bodies into the slaughter houses that we own, and we grind up all the bodies in the sausage and the hamburger, McDonalds is one of our favorite outlets. And the people, they eat it for breakfast, they eat their children for lunch, and uh, us jews we gotta do what we do."

Shills will call it a hoax like they do with everything they don't want you to look at, the statements made in the video check out and all you have to do is be paying attention to see it.

Human Meat Found in McDonald’s Meat Factory


New poll: Americans’ support for Israel falls to lowest point in a decade


How and Why Jews Have Sacrificed Non-Jewish Children as Part of Their Religion


Jewish Blood Libel is Alive and Well


Egyptian newspaper claims Jews capture, torture and murder non-Jewish children, then make pies with their blood


The "Blood Libel" (The Damascus Affair)


Two more babies stricken with herpes after ritual ultra-orthodox Jewish oral blood sucking circumcision in New York City


New York City reaches agreement with mohels over circumcision involving 'oral suction'


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000000  No.7754087

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Moloch - Canaanite God of Hebrews

Moloch is the biblical name of a Canaanite god associated with child sacrifice, through fire or war. The name Moloch results from a dysphemic vocalisation in the Second Temple period of a theonym based on the root mlk, "king".

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000000  No.7754088

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Jewish Ritual Understanding Blood Libel

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86deb8  No.7754089

File: aace4ae1d6bf123⋯.png (464.91 KB, 582x650, 291:325, ClipboardImage.png)

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000000  No.7754090

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





Jews “prepare their matzah… with the blood of children" - Preacher at Al-Aqsa Mosque

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ce2d31  No.7754091



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f7591e  No.7754092


Thanks, I'll study. Where is Plane. Where are passengers?

These are high value DS.

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360dde  No.7754093



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6fc321  No.7754094

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ce2d31  No.7754095




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dc7b71  No.7754096

File: bcd7b4ceb10f39e⋯.jpg (1.39 MB, 1655x1080, 331:216, ((.jpg)

File: a7d82b63095b896⋯.jpg (1.19 MB, 1788x1080, 149:90, (.jpg)

File: 99e4341baaeae82⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, (_molcock.png)

File: bb868f791b62cdd⋯.png (33.45 KB, 486x458, 243:229, (_molcockk.png)

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5b534d  No.7754097

File: ca5755e65fd8ebe⋯.jpg (135.32 KB, 1080x1173, 360:391, 1080full-kristina-mendonca.jpg)

Thank You Baker

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59b5a6  No.7754098

File: 206ec137fa24247⋯.png (648.31 KB, 600x750, 4:5, Mahlagha Jaberi Iranian Mo….png)


TY Baker!!!

Reposting from LB. Twitter is about to unleash the most effective response to open discourse on twitter ever:


Dare Obasanjo


Twitter will add 4 settings on who can reply to your tweets.

• Global lets anyone reply

• Group is for people you follow & mention

• Panel is people you specifically mention in the tweet

• Statement allows you to post a tweet and no one can reply

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f12fbe  No.7754099



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ce2d31  No.7754100





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d93d49  No.7754101

File: 947d3b65be14955⋯.jpg (138.42 KB, 505x500, 101:100, thank you baker 3laiyu.jpg)


I was thinking that the holes you guys were saying were from 50 cal AA was actually shrapnel from a bomb, but some photos I just saw on Cavuto clearly showed entry from outside of the plane.

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dc7b71  No.7754102

File: 4444ff35290b056⋯.jpg (96.63 KB, 720x540, 4:3, canaaites.jpg)

File: 4876f795f3689f4⋯.jpg (3.3 MB, 2709x2709, 1:1, canaaitesexgods.jpg)

File: 8e0269e3593ab62⋯.jpg (873.15 KB, 1500x832, 375:208, canaaitess.jpg)

File: f8c7e683d71d4c2⋯.png (539.66 KB, 426x854, 213:427, canaaitess.png)

File: c993ba1013efb12⋯.jpg (575.11 KB, 1600x1236, 400:309, canaaitess_synagogue of sa….jpg)

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e4ffbf  No.7754103

File: 2079668525dff9a⋯.mp4 (92.45 KB, 460x258, 230:129, bye bye.mp4)

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c42ddd  No.7754104

File: 0e9e54b2b5d2afa⋯.jpeg (336.95 KB, 1242x701, 1242:701, 0FCCF004-93CF-4E01-AB33-8….jpeg)

File: 4b7cdd3ea63e82a⋯.jpeg (277.05 KB, 1242x837, 46:31, 908E8B28-49CC-4BC9-82F4-D….jpeg)


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10da87  No.7754105

File: 50e620dd53f424d⋯.png (2.22 MB, 1789x2020, 1789:2020, planefags tag.png)

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dc7b71  No.7754106

File: 9bff0eb6d86b239⋯.jpg (410.07 KB, 1071x816, 21:16, 113ff3d53ad7edd.jpg)

File: 113ff3d53ad7ed4⋯.jpg (190.62 KB, 1024x749, 1024:749, 113ff3d53ad7eddd.jpg)

File: d76b18baf04cb63⋯.png (140.3 KB, 540x582, 90:97, 337ea5137718aa (2).png)

File: 337ea5137718aa2⋯.png (774.98 KB, 720x720, 1:1, 337ea5137718aa.png)

File: 076ad568b012b3f⋯.png (508.89 KB, 640x594, 320:297, 337ea5137718aaa.png)

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43e348  No.7754107

File: 0cd66f7ae405178⋯.jpg (701 KB, 1701x1633, 1701:1633, Screenshot_2020-01-08 Far-….jpg)

File: 22bffca75bfb61e⋯.png (65.57 KB, 272x272, 1:1, (Clown) Pete.png)


Is Buttigieg C_A?

Hadn't occurred to me that he could be farm grown and I don't mean an Indiana farm

Interesting that the Daily Beast thinks it's important enough to write a hit piece to try to debunk it


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16dfe8  No.7754108

File: a8faf5d0ba745a0⋯.png (106.58 KB, 500x659, 500:659, ChewieBeautIII.png)

File: e26467df51e6936⋯.png (386.94 KB, 450x535, 90:107, ChewieIvanka.png)

File: 0c60fe64aecf636⋯.jpg (77.7 KB, 583x388, 583:388, ChewieTraitors.jpg)

File: a130f6e0475554e⋯.jpg (32.54 KB, 583x204, 583:204, ChewieTraitorsII.jpg)

File: c3c51e8bd5ced4c⋯.png (2.69 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ChewieVaderDarkSide.png)

Kushner is using Ivanka against Trump to keep his position in the White House.

Change my mind

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ce2d31  No.7754109






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25b152  No.7754110

File: 6635d82449a2960⋯.png (702.79 KB, 852x837, 284:279, IRAN WILL NEVER HAVE NUKES.png)





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039e33  No.7754111

File: 08a6611fc0879f4⋯.png (835.73 KB, 1400x933, 1400:933, aiep.png)

File: 642317055dfd65c⋯.png (122.92 KB, 734x855, 734:855, uurrn.png)

File: 1b125f23d9a1e5e⋯.png (2.62 MB, 1920x1200, 8:5, maaailuuontw.png)

File: 152170dc5c7d362⋯.gif (679.93 KB, 3222x2022, 537:337, M-p-p-M.gif)

File: a845f068922af10⋯.jpg (290.01 KB, 604x552, 151:138, precipic.jpg)

What are patriots supposed to do online Q?

I don't understand.

Maintain the deception?

Sit quietly, obediently?

I have failed to connect WITH A SINGLE HUMAN.

I don't know what this means.

Is the sanity of remaining patriots a target? How can I tell?

Should I post things HERE? Where no human is likely to see?

I said FIGHT 8 thousand times… crickets…


8kun makes it even shittier.

Nothing changes. What is this? The people are where? It's HORRIFYING– yet no one bats an eyelash.




Where are the people Q? Where where where? This is HORROR.

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9191c6  No.7754112

File: 91164fa89391f47⋯.mp4 (324.72 KB, 480x270, 16:9, bernie.mp4)

File: 2e944d150c4155b⋯.png (398.56 KB, 632x613, 632:613, ClipboardImage.png)

Trump War Room — Text FIGHT to 88022


Bernie Sanders suggested the U.S. only labeled Soleimani a terrorist to “assassinate” him, setting a bad “precedent.”

Does Sanders care about the hundreds of Americans who died because of Soleimani?



12:30 PM · Jan 8, 2020

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d93d49  No.7754113


>Kushner is using Ivanka against Trump to keep his position in the White House.

Sounds totally human.

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b034a6  No.7754114

Fucking A it's Shilly in here.

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?

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d7dbf7  No.7754115



love it


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5a87d4  No.7754116

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>7754041 lb

I like music!

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3f3eec  No.7754117

I think it got shot down. Mistaken or on purpose, unknown.

Last night; after attack on the empty base:

There were reports of Iran launching fighters.

Then there were reports of a downed US fighter.

Then reports a Ukraine Airlines Crashed on takeoff.

Then video of plane on fire and crash landing.

Then photos of crash site.

Both of the fighter related reports came from Iran State TV, and everyone with grey matter knows they are fake news. so i think they were covering for something.

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ce2d31  No.7754118



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7ebb98  No.7754119

File: cb7e7d63cf29b37⋯.jpg (45.17 KB, 640x427, 640:427, roll.jpg)

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8c2652  No.7754120

File: 3bb0fd6b6ae40be⋯.jpg (74.37 KB, 787x506, 787:506, butt1.jpg)

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5b3e73  No.7754121

File: 1e1e3b77a59723f⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1054x581, 1054:581, sad group - Copy.png)

Someone is sad today

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8c2652  No.7754122

File: 27494f61330833f⋯.jpg (31.33 KB, 454x274, 227:137, butt3.jpg)

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73a94a  No.7754123

File: c5b767c4be01365⋯.jpeg (86.05 KB, 828x594, 46:33, C2782539-7B1A-4F51-9BBB-3….jpeg)

File: e79d18c8028e93f⋯.jpeg (145.26 KB, 828x781, 828:781, 04E4C825-FCA0-4924-B7BB-1….jpeg)

Death rattle.

Fear and confusion.

Desperation and despair.


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f7591e  No.7754124

If that Plane still exists PlaneFags need to find it.

If those DS scientists still exist we need to know about it.

Is that above our skill level? I sure as hell hope not.

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ce2d31  No.7754125







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8c2652  No.7754126

File: 87668aa706f9121⋯.jpg (131.57 KB, 1258x1120, 629:560, butt5.jpg)

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544c49  No.7754127

File: 21ad352997d2f91⋯.jpg (5.71 KB, 198x255, 66:85, boob.jpg)

TY Baker!

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d0382b  No.7754128

File: 7d61c8e8daa27c5⋯.jpg (613.35 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, Dsc00006.jpg)

>>7753681 (pb)

Very well worth the read.

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87609b  No.7754129

File: fd0971a63b59830⋯.jpg (13.59 KB, 474x266, 237:133, robertlevinson.jpg)

>>7753317 lb

>>7753300 lb

Seriously, anons?

Following that fairytale spin of Iran giving us a heads up? And you believe that because…the tv told you so?

That theory is just cover for doing nothing.

How do you explain missiles that failed?

Also, that's underestimating American intel's expertise in the area?

fuck that

Can't even negotiate Levinson's freedom - the freedom of one guy - and talking heads are hitting 'diplomacy?'

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61ce6a  No.7754130


keep going bakes. morning baker here but will be cutting out for workfag meetings b4 dis bred is in bed. I see finklefag made it to the party.

carry on patriot!


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274c9f  No.7754131

File: 455fb8bcf9d5ca8⋯.png (530.19 KB, 608x511, 608:511, CEC04D7C-6BBB-4EE6-8152-2C….png)

File: 94030080209ab84⋯.png (607.64 KB, 605x523, 605:523, BAB88F04-2287-47B1-9073-9B….png)

File: c754490bd845284⋯.png (818.76 KB, 508x833, 508:833, 0FDC749A-F777-43A1-9A47-AF….png)

File: 93d146d72d0df8a⋯.jpeg (103.33 KB, 550x498, 275:249, C46DA5B0-16FE-4180-AB4D-2….jpeg)

File: 8cfa1c4a536b5fe⋯.png (744.45 KB, 724x393, 724:393, DF6F3F77-A14F-4C2B-867F-A8….png)

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3f4d23  No.7754132

File: 0491ab08c6918a5⋯.png (773.88 KB, 533x837, 533:837, ClipboardImage.png)

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8c2652  No.7754133

File: 11295c2424f81d3⋯.jpg (470.7 KB, 2316x1792, 579:448, wj.1.jpg)

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ce2d31  No.7754134








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5a87d4  No.7754135

File: b3860cf0ab68dbc⋯.jpg (95.48 KB, 800x451, 800:451, ohmar.jpg)

File: 9b2bc8a95c15b32⋯.jpg (28.34 KB, 540x374, 270:187, AOC.jpg)

File: 428c566c3560426⋯.png (997.44 KB, 1024x607, 1024:607, 4whorewomen2.png)

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16dfe8  No.7754136

File: 840b8650197e41a⋯.jpg (52.1 KB, 550x453, 550:453, AntiJewFags.jpg)

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6e3744  No.7754137

File: 5617e553085df0a⋯.jpg (80.18 KB, 440x320, 11:8, crowley-vergleich.jpg)

To all you Bowie fags, I can't wait for the day your creepy homo cult shit is wiped off the face of this Earth. MUSIC IS TRASH AND SO ARE YOU.

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ca5b04  No.7754138

File: c0f3e070389e5c2⋯.jpg (33.2 KB, 1240x970, 124:97, bill-ghislaine.jpg)


PRESIDENT AND THE 'PIMP' Bill Clinton poses with Epstein’s ‘pimp’ Ghislaine Maxwell and a sex slave on board private jet the ‘Lolita Express

New York Jan 8 2020, 8:42AM Updated: Jan 8 2020, 10:40AM

BILL Clinton poses side-by-side with suspected pimp Ghislaine Maxwell - as the pair board pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s notorious private jet.

The former US President is seen smiling on the steps of the plane – dubbed the Lolita Express - next to Maxwell, in astonishing pictures exclusively obtained by The Sun.

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2eb0c7  No.7754139

File: ab4fe51ea82a6ca⋯.jpg (61.95 KB, 750x652, 375:326, 10895702358976345086345.jpg)

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c42ddd  No.7754140

File: 3c87b8bc354e660⋯.jpeg (833.82 KB, 1242x1448, 621:724, BFEEE99C-F77C-425F-8AEF-B….jpeg)

File: a33341a55ab32f3⋯.jpeg (592.01 KB, 1242x1239, 414:413, 19AC9CEC-C4AA-4DA4-8D12-4….jpeg)


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e08379  No.7754141

File: 2a9d3d540871207⋯.png (2.49 MB, 939x1200, 313:400, ClipboardImage.png)


Thanks baker!

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f011c1  No.7754142


What an odd photo at an odd angle. The doily in the middle is prominent. What is it.

And yes, military tribunals.

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f7591e  No.7754143

I sure hope the Prayer Fags will get their act together. Much needed.

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ce2d31  No.7754144









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ecc786  No.7754145

File: 1af545e28b8606e⋯.png (1.78 MB, 1007x654, 1007:654, Screenshot_2020-01-08 ZPU-….png)

>>7754006 (lb)

ZPU-2 14.7mm twin barrel AA gun. Manufactured by Soviets and Warsaw Pact Starting in 1949. Iran listed as an operator of the system.


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71bf14  No.7754146

File: 2780781afc35287⋯.gif (2.4 MB, 460x460, 1:1, Rodney thinks it's fake to….gif)


Damn.. took you long enough to find the place.

And with your return… Looks like All of the shills from cripplechan are back. → >>7738904

…But this place is meaningless. And anons are crazy.


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f7ad71  No.7754147

not sure if posted yet, passenger Mojtaba Abbasnezhad listed as PhD student at U of Toronto. According to his FB graduated there in Electrical Engineering. Worked for a company in Dubai as a "digital engineer" called SAMIM Group until April 2019. Seems a spoofy company.


More info on Canadians killed here. Many young but also Profs

Article also says

“The flight was a popular transit route for Canadians traveling to Iran, in the absence of direct flights, and carried many students and academics heading home from the holidays. Canada broke off diplomatic relations with Iran in 2012.”


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2eb0c7  No.7754148

File: 3945f766b3a5b32⋯.jpg (58.98 KB, 750x417, 250:139, 156720349567804356708576.jpg)

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736f11  No.7754149

File: 93777abf84db9c6⋯.jpg (331.44 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 3292.jpg)

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7b3046  No.7754150

File: ba202724c980bbf⋯.jpg (95.75 KB, 1200x660, 20:11, ENyK_1IU0AASijo.jpg)


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d93d49  No.7754151


>Following that fairytale spin of Iran giving us a heads up?

The heads up I read about came from Iran to Iraq.

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d7dbf7  No.7754152


happy meetings

feeling great again

nice to be well!

thanx for the 6


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61ce6a  No.7754153


at first i thought she was a kneegroid.

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10da87  No.7754154

File: 5ec58783a1dda87⋯.jpg (105.9 KB, 572x563, 572:563, chronic fapper.jpg)


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e934ea  No.7754155

File: 97c3b264c7280c3⋯.jpg (161.24 KB, 1051x1200, 1051:1200, Dicks in congress GOP ball….jpg)

Omar gets to say and do anything and everything no matter if she is a law breaker or not…do you know why???…because no one has the BALLS to stop and arrested this piece of shit

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ce2d31  No.7754156

File: a470defdbf839b0⋯.jpg (178.13 KB, 871x800, 871:800, 2019_06_06_02_03_IMG_8391.JPG)

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f011c1  No.7754157


Hush, child.

Thank God for restraining your enemies, so that you might live.

We do not push the hand of God.

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7ebb98  No.7754158

File: 0720cf991265281⋯.gif (498.77 KB, 350x198, 175:99, Oh no.gif)

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bed33e  No.7754159

File: e587af0c2b28a87⋯.jpg (58.56 KB, 500x598, 250:299, buttconceivable.jpg)

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5a87d4  No.7754160

File: 788bfa2caeb6e9c⋯.jpg (87.03 KB, 960x540, 16:9, step5.jpg)


This could be the next step!? Hostages free! Iran gives up!

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91f17b  No.7754161

File: e6d242df05ec867⋯.png (168.96 KB, 480x640, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 529d5c0c75ae48f⋯.png (1.1 MB, 640x1136, 40:71, ClipboardImage.png)

Does anyone know what type of plane this is? It is a large plane with no marking, no windows, has satellite type equipment and is white in color. This plane was circling over the airport in Brunswick, GA several times and finally landed. FLETC is next door to the airport.

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0ee760  No.7754162

File: 744944f0c324b16⋯.png (336.29 KB, 1136x500, 284:125, ClipboardImage.png)

>>7753708 lb

wheres the tard that wrote this?

What if Prince Harry is part of the Q-team?

Consider the following

Son of Lady Diana

He has military background w/access to mil intel

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8c2652  No.7754163

File: a7c38deeb1c3749⋯.jpg (264.04 KB, 1430x940, 143:94, cult15.jpg)

File: 69b7b261e0e3fd5⋯.jpg (396.77 KB, 1584x940, 396:235, cult14.jpg)

File: 682a282c594198a⋯.jpg (363.4 KB, 1584x1407, 528:469, cult13.jpg)

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f72a81  No.7754164

File: 3856c6df527d9cc⋯.png (871.14 KB, 1592x845, 1592:845, 546078129045.png)

File: 9ba021ad6d86bb2⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1026x820, 513:410, 07896547890120897648.png)

File: d788e6c9f8525f3⋯.png (795.21 KB, 1464x774, 244:129, 197863209743965289010.png)

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ce2d31  No.7754165






























>>Lucifer said he would corrupt us
















>>7732995 <--50 FACTS






































>>>>>>>>>>>>ALMOST THERE





>>>>>>>>>>>ALMOST THERE





>>>>>>>>>>>ALMOST THERE





>>>>>>>>>>ALMOST THERE






gayestshotgunwedding #EVER INTENSIFIES


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f12fbe  No.7754166

File: 2387c42a7f887b2⋯.png (29.78 KB, 133x133, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


>The doily in the middle is prominent. What is it.

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d7dbf7  No.7754167


Ground control here,

Bummer for you

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1c67fd  No.7754168

File: d28bef721cad207⋯.mp4 (1020.72 KB, 636x360, 53:30, US POWER.mp4)

File: b40cc4ff0053568⋯.mp4 (666.84 KB, 480x270, 16:9, IRANMISSILES.mp4)

Just to compare the US capabilities vs. Irans

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58109e  No.7754169


So many historical fallacies, in one post. Why in the world would anyone read a bout about that written by a jewess and expect truth in it?


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9d7c5b  No.7754170

File: fde6b62315563e9⋯.png (428.46 KB, 568x290, 284:145, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f476d7c325a787d⋯.png (415.13 KB, 570x281, 570:281, ClipboardImage.png)

When will these terrorists be dealt with?

So f*cking tired of seeing them show utter disrespect to MY COUNTRY by disrespecting the President of the United States,

MY President.

What's up with the lawsuits against them?

Campaign violations.

Immigration violations.

Time to haul them into court and out of this country.

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6e3744  No.7754171


You'd know all about that.

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00373a  No.7754172


>>7753300 LB

We have a alliance here, I guess

the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Russia and China, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, etc.

CINC deposed DS in less than 3 years

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16dfe8  No.7754173


Never cared for the person David Bowie, but Major Tom is an awesome song, and many of his songs are classics.

Same with Van Halen, AC/DC, The Police, you name it, they all sold out. There programming, if that is what it was, didn't work…

Besides, much better listening to classic rock and classic country than the new shit being spoon fed these days.

Last time I respond to you on this slide.

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8c2652  No.7754174

File: 5c4e6168e567a03⋯.jpg (155.13 KB, 1119x1230, 373:410, kool18.jpg)

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5b534d  No.7754175

File: 05ae77775274fc7⋯.jpg (104.58 KB, 386x374, 193:187, 20190413_211850.jpg)

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2c11ea  No.7754176

File: 863e82cdb598a97⋯.jpeg (59.27 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 9428F6EE-F51A-4F02-A132-4….jpeg)

File: b3a09a2ff348644⋯.jpeg (123.18 KB, 992x558, 16:9, 05FF7FDF-1319-4D28-9A1E-5….jpeg)

File: 9ddff872f9ee9a4⋯.jpeg (109.02 KB, 1200x368, 75:23, 1FA45666-FF62-4614-B4B2-A….jpeg)

File: 921d375e3f67e12⋯.jpeg (41.55 KB, 590x350, 59:35, 4A34DB85-389B-4799-A704-3….jpeg)

File: 943e7bcd115b1e7⋯.jpeg (34.77 KB, 852x644, 213:161, 0AA3C80E-F12C-41BF-AE54-3….jpeg)

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ea3158  No.7754177

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Truth from an Iranian

Great Red Pill for those with TDS and/or who are ignorant about Iran

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501f8d  No.7754178

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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07755e  No.7754179

File: 2d4ef9b1768a6cc⋯.jpg (47.44 KB, 515x512, 515:512, 2d4ef9b1768a6ccfcbc757fe55….jpg)

>>7753565 (pb)

You may as well start namefagging, dumb nigger. Most of us are here often enough to know who you are based on the way you type. I've seen your dumbass before, the random ellipses, the random non capitalization of words, the whiny tone. You glow, faggot, kill yourself.

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01dcde  No.7754180

File: aab9abb5d5a1093⋯.jpg (1.16 MB, 1920x2400, 4:5, graphic mayor pete Obama c….jpg)

File: d0be0757233ff7d⋯.jpg (1.87 MB, 6000x6000, 1:1, graphic mayor pete connect….jpg)

File: 23bd846f66b599d⋯.jpg (25.55 KB, 480x270, 16:9, pete buttigieg timeline.jpg)

File: 69d9ce486ec3b63⋯.png (216.99 KB, 500x1000, 1:2, meme D 2020 PETE.png)


>Is Buttigieg C_A?


Just like [BHO]

Graphics are anon.

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360dde  No.7754182

Someone explain why eating babies is a bad thing ?

Just make more… Infinite supply, as long as we don't eat all of them.

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16dfe8  No.7754183



in before grammar nazi.

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3f3eec  No.7754184


. . . but they said it is fine to keep posting on Twitter in the mean time.

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86770e  No.7754185

Dailymotion embed. Click thumbnail to play.

TY Baker

David Bowie sings America and Heroes at The Concert for New York City October 20, 2001 at Madison Square Garden

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af1241  No.7754186

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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f12fbe  No.7754187

File: ae073e9cd5424f0⋯.png (215.49 KB, 400x400, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)



Nobel laureate. Op-Ed columnist, @nytopinion. Author, “The Return of Depression Economics,” “The Great Unraveling,” "Arguing With Zombies," + more.

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767751  No.7754188

Oil prices drop following Trump's statement on Iran attacks

The price of oil went down after President Trump's Wednesday morning address to the country in response to Iran's retaliatory airstrike against a pair of U.S. military bases in Iraq.

The United States's oil benchmark, West Texas Intermediate, fell more than 4 percent after Trump's remarks, though the president's words had a converse effect on stocks, as the S&P 500 and Nasdaq hit highs following the address, Reuters reports.


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8c2652  No.7754189

File: d48740fb0f46e32⋯.png (372.72 KB, 630x400, 63:40, d48740fb0f46e3260abccd55b6….png)

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a38fd1  No.7754190


cept for the pro ghosen plo in the back – she seems to be enjoyin mournin illhand' black soiled panties grief. dont take her candy, stranger danger


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ce2d31  No.7754191

File: 3cea5c6250b70fd⋯.jpg (130.16 KB, 874x800, 437:400, 2019_02_07_19_15_IMG_5940.JPG)

File: 67e982862cdedb5⋯.jpg (141.03 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 2019_02_07_19_23_IMG_5941.JPG)

File: 6860c4e4e9ce95c⋯.jpg (312.25 KB, 1594x800, 797:400, 2019_02_07_19_25_IMG_5942.JPG)

File: acef23ae69d8634⋯.jpg (221.76 KB, 1600x800, 2:1, 2019_02_07_19_48_IMG_5948.JPG)


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ecc786  No.7754192

File: 1f164e149386238⋯.png (166.02 KB, 442x442, 1:1, 1f164e14938623828850166ce2….png)

File: caa887e7f32c0db⋯.png (614.91 KB, 927x992, 927:992, 03491c71bc36e4e187624b409c….png)

File: 1e787c8c7bad49e⋯.jpg (446.76 KB, 1537x1000, 1537:1000, B-2_and_F-117_Formation.jpg)

File: 05dd2fb8ce3f954⋯.jpg (39.45 KB, 637x960, 637:960, f5a9bc5c2d828b5a42c67f9406….jpg)

File: 262de5ac21ca600⋯.jpg (17.16 KB, 634x361, 634:361, 3E8BA2DF00000578-0-image-a….jpg)

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73a94a  No.7754193


Comments are priceless.

I think it may be time to round up the elite pedos

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b034a6  No.7754194

File: 647d8ef3f66db54⋯.png (433.41 KB, 490x508, 245:254, ClipboardImage.png)

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16dfe8  No.7754195

File: e48f09becc8be08⋯.jpg (72.74 KB, 522x478, 261:239, MaxIsMad.jpg)

File: b90a96a5f9adba1⋯.jpg (35.31 KB, 511x357, 73:51, MaxIsMadII.jpg)

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f7591e  No.7754196

>I sure hope the Prayer Fags will get their act together. Much needed.

>>7754157 I push Anons that are so powerful and brilliant that they need pushed. They're too brilliant to realize how brilliant they are.

I minister to Anons who change the World. I'm tough on them because I know how tough they are.

I feel sorry for their enemies and pray for them as well.

These Anons are going to save the grace of God in our realm.

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8c2652  No.7754197

File: bda903bfe4a54c6⋯.jpg (52.25 KB, 564x423, 4:3, ai8.jpg)

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bed33e  No.7754198


mo betta

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d93d49  No.7754199


I live in a town with a Raytheon plant. There are unmarked white jets flying out of there quite frequently.

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9d7c5b  No.7754200

Anons, is it possible to archive someone's Twttr page even without having an account? Any tips on how to do it?

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6e3744  No.7754201


Start with your own.

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f12fbe  No.7754202

File: 58bff87cd8fd53e⋯.png (50.21 KB, 196x196, 1:1, jayapal.png)

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16dfe8  No.7754203

File: 81a2734b08cbe1e⋯.jpg (55.95 KB, 608x410, 304:205, 48hrs.jpg)

File: 5e5f88bd133e426⋯.jpg (64.8 KB, 516x484, 129:121, 48hrsII.jpg)

File: fe2935da1190b09⋯.jpg (40.37 KB, 524x476, 131:119, 48hrsIII.jpg)

File: e0011ba4f78f912⋯.jpg (69.79 KB, 614x406, 307:203, 48hrsIIII.jpg)

File: fef0abb4cafb846⋯.jpg (60.08 KB, 581x430, 581:430, 48hrsIIIII.jpg)

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2c11ea  No.7754204

File: 1534d83598e66a7⋯.jpeg (74.47 KB, 786x523, 786:523, 8847A4BF-24AE-43F1-90E3-A….jpeg)

File: d9e33ddc9c255a9⋯.jpeg (67.18 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 942FB2F4-C35A-4575-9BEC-7….jpeg)

File: 4078395a64b3a84⋯.png (207.84 KB, 428x272, 107:68, 816904D5-DA4E-4DDE-A8AC-CE….png)

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ce2d31  No.7754205

File: 00a5afccbc7a98a⋯.jpg (195.24 KB, 1600x800, 2:1, 2018_12_26_14_39_IMG_4997.JPG)


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d7dbf7  No.7754206




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8c2652  No.7754207

File: eddf6e499cef29a⋯.jpg (137.87 KB, 581x790, 581:790, cc3.jpg)

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0ee760  No.7754208


>Does anyone know what type of plane this is?


thats a boeing 911 chemsprayer

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08a5c2  No.7754209


GHWB, 10 yrs to the day, first utter the brave new world, a one world order, then it's his son who after legal advantage wins election over another bones man from the same class, that's in power when the towers are hit (not bombed?) while reading I Pet Goat to kiddies. (these people are sick)

no president of the USA has not been chosen by the ruling elite (the crown, the real crown)

USA needed to be brought down to 3rd world status in order to convince lesser nations they would benefit from OWO

Convinced by the slums of LA SF and all university cities, illegals and refugees, think Americans are stupid (self hate)

Iran and NK are C_A controlled, which means crown controlled, by default means their military is crown controlled, means USA military is crown controlled?

Enter DJT crown controlled or not?

DJT won the electoral college, another crown controlled entity, with help from free coverage of crown controlled MSM.

Think 16 year plan was hard to implement with 48%/48% divide/loyalty of voting public.

Think new turn, backdoor 16 year plan> Lets promote DJT then elect DJT then hate DJT while stirring the masses.

10 months go by and public is still 48%/48%, what to do, enter Q

Q promotes God, light, truth, white/black hats, us/them, prosecution,changing of the old guard

vegas/SA happens and weeee yaay we got one side of the triangle, but nothing revealed to public, lead us to believe it was C_A asset who was responsible for fast and furious, cover story bought and sold, public none the wiser (did nothing to regulate corrupt media, so message not received)

no social media accountability, bush/noname hero funerals, feinstein free of Chinese spy accountability, DWS/awan free no real coverage of congress network compromise, (just our little corner of the internet, the country still 48%/48% divide) do you see a pattern yet?

God isn't helping the country that kills so many babies, the crown is controlling everything, as they always have, your hope, faith, and belief are being manipulated to respond when the UN flag is declared your new master.

Welcome blue helmets, to the grand old (new) USA

if questioning the narrative makes you hate me, you might ask yourself why? I have been awake most of my life, found Q in OCT 2017

lost all friends and family trying to discuss Q, isolated and crazy, according to the normies, exactly what you do when questioned?

see the patterns, they are all around you, you are being isolated, to limit your reach, but mostly your understanding of what is happening around you.

Please share the enormous number of truths' the public has come to understand, and the 60-80% of your sphere of influence has been reached and converted to the GA

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c8970c  No.7754210

File: 37105dde6ad0339⋯.gif (1.78 MB, 1440x1920, 3:4, 20200108_140314.gif)


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14745e  No.7754212


Take the Richard Gere challenge . . . .

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af1241  No.7754213


Can do with the API, but not everything. Drop the ID and I'll see what I can get

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3f4d23  No.7754214


Wonder if the US oil reserves got tapped into.

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c42ddd  No.7754215

File: 43267c1af1deff4⋯.jpeg (293.78 KB, 1242x1053, 46:39, 79EF98E1-3C2A-483B-9A5D-6….jpeg)

File: 9e947c2d53726c0⋯.jpeg (386.91 KB, 1242x1035, 6:5, 2EECBA39-2BFD-423D-BDC6-9….jpeg)

File: c3d8cef42a835ee⋯.jpeg (455.75 KB, 1242x1133, 1242:1133, 754E4D3E-D62E-4B05-BA5B-B….jpeg)


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1efd58  No.7754216

File: 24f6e622b72f333⋯.png (241.41 KB, 594x800, 297:400, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f3bd96f775a2d63⋯.png (2.05 MB, 2048x2048, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e15baa7e91b6582⋯.png (112.77 KB, 573x524, 573:524, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 547a88add04b79e⋯.png (35.05 KB, 588x327, 196:109, ClipboardImage.png)


I know many here think this guy is nothing but a LARP, and maybe he is, but today he's claiming to expose a Ukrainian CP ring run by TVUNDERGROUND.



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0df57f  No.7754217


we a verb now.


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6d6c1a  No.7754219

File: 8c1168ceef973b6⋯.png (477.94 KB, 915x426, 305:142, tme.png)

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492600  No.7754220

File: b16a85207d7a3db⋯.png (2.44 MB, 1500x1000, 3:2, degenereshumble.png)


so many brave women of color….

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8c2652  No.7754221

File: 74d0aa4c94e4c47⋯.jpg (73.69 KB, 424x303, 424:303, cc12.jpg)

File: 001420e77b96e6d⋯.jpg (310.94 KB, 684x1014, 114:169, cc14.jpg)

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7a9245  No.7754222

File: 632e568030c1e41⋯.jpg (198.15 KB, 2000x1125, 16:9, anglo_2000x1125_labyrinth_….jpg)


Your ConcernFagging is fueling U.S. Sarah!

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d7dbf7  No.7754223


who you given the aei to aeianon?

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a7d750  No.7754224

File: 3581f0d21f253f8⋯.png (53.5 KB, 271x186, 271:186, ClipboardImage.png)


Boeing E-6 Mercury.

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fd478e  No.7754225

File: 5f384728a62d2d6⋯.png (413.85 KB, 935x935, 1:1, phantomzone.png)

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f3cb9b  No.7754226

File: 68825c42d2c1c9e⋯.png (229.17 KB, 494x640, 247:320, 2acea4a90c1f37a74125ca0038….png)

File: b21c41832625532⋯.png (83.41 KB, 500x616, 125:154, 7944e927fdb83318d9729a4a34….png)

File: 242e63846613373⋯.jpg (72.02 KB, 760x556, 190:139, cd7a94a9c9161d2c917e18c9cd….jpg)

File: 2d25ffab8feda04⋯.jpg (53.77 KB, 552x640, 69:80, 3 George Papadopoulos.jpg)

File: 35622cee2a2f129⋯.png (74.96 KB, 200x305, 40:61, 0f14e90f05eaf2c08c9bc23118….png)



>enjoy anons

what connects papad cypress and soros to romania


What/Who is a Genie in a bottle?

What/Who is Really a Genie in a bottle?


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ce2d31  No.7754227

File: aafd4c93fdac8ac⋯.jpg (236.84 KB, 1517x800, 1517:800, 2018_12_08_17_16_IMG_4199.JPG)














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8c2652  No.7754228

File: 4d3b52dff3cea8d⋯.jpg (327.13 KB, 1856x1016, 232:127, PELICAN.jpg)

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f7591e  No.7754229

What supports the Soros side of the triangle?

I want to get this Soros shit out of the way so we can go after the Rothschilds?

Soros? Ukraine? Iran? Nuclear Insurance Policy? Uranium One? Russia? Canada?

Put the pieces together. You are so close.

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71bf14  No.7754230


i bet they smoked three marijuanas before they got qanoned hard…

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9f7eea  No.7754231

File: 72f24af283fa40a⋯.png (667 KB, 474x828, 79:138, ClipboardImage.png)


>change my mind

what are you a brainwashed collegiate socialist "activist" pic related.

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2c11ea  No.7754232

File: b807267356f9a4c⋯.jpeg (28.28 KB, 460x215, 92:43, 10D5B14D-8C58-4A25-9A5A-B….jpeg)

File: 8c1ad4b63ad679e⋯.jpeg (116.44 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, BF06BD39-32DD-4F41-9AD0-F….jpeg)


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767751  No.7754233


We're drowning in oil.

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e08379  No.7754234


Intentional Streisand effect? They want to spread the idea by denying it?

'Methinks the Daily Beast protests too much.'

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a7d750  No.7754235

File: b243a76d7019f6f⋯.png (403.17 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, ClipboardImage.png)


A better shot that almost matches your angle.

E-6 Mercury, 100%.

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6e3744  No.7754236


I don't speak gay, so I apologize for not getting your reference.

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8c2652  No.7754237

File: 91c610c3aaa63e2⋯.jpg (68.34 KB, 349x492, 349:492, jesus15.jpg)

File: 4c39f885607adbb⋯.jpg (82.39 KB, 612x723, 204:241, jesus9.jpg)

File: 7bdc8737efd6f68⋯.png (520.83 KB, 722x540, 361:270, jesus10.png)

File: ec1abfe2f6f6ceb⋯.png (2.88 MB, 1606x1500, 803:750, jesus11.png)

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ce2d31  No.7754238



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af1241  No.7754239


I just qanoned and I'm ready to do it again.

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8c2652  No.7754241

File: 15629a53c3864b6⋯.jpg (246.79 KB, 1024x867, 1024:867, t11111.jpg)

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8c2652  No.7754242

File: aada490a19d6f02⋯.jpg (143.44 KB, 568x792, 71:99, BCXVVXZZ.jpg)

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10da87  No.7754243

File: f14d243ba114af8⋯.jpg (39.07 KB, 355x461, 355:461, double gerbil man.jpg)

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0909c3  No.7754244


Nah just a Thyroid . . .

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d38f9f  No.7754245

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ricky Gervais

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00373a  No.7754247


Genie could be uranium/radioactives, that's energy, too

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ffe115  No.7754248

File: 0f8d66af00cc8cd⋯.jpeg (24.14 KB, 255x210, 17:14, 0f8d66af00cc8cdbdd31fa653….jpeg)

>>7745848 PB

The vid in this previous post was posted in bread #9913 last night. Says it's from Al Assad Air Base in Iraq. Any mountains off the end of the Tehran runway where a battery like this could hit a plane taking off?

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16dfe8  No.7754249


Definitely didn't change my mind with that post..

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ce9f76  No.7754250


Let me guess…..the popular girl at school whose name is not mentioned……is a Jew?

I will bet money on it.

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d93d49  No.7754251

File: c37d5feb47c3c1d⋯.jpg (770.38 KB, 3026x1931, 3026:1931, filter.jpg)


>God isn't helping the country that kills so many babies


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8c2652  No.7754252

File: 97bb811bb3719f5⋯.png (66.59 KB, 552x134, 276:67, ClipboardImage.png)

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a21e57  No.7754253


If there truly was going to be war, you might have seen some preemptive measures to release more oil to prepare for market disruptions.

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ce2d31  No.7754254

File: e6e6531042a75e3⋯.jpg (879.95 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, CSNF5918.jpg)

>say it


>all this for a blue lightsaber


>bah bah bah bah black sheep

>>7732606 (You)

>to catch a boat

>to egypt !!

jew exodus right now in hollywood

to their Pharisees in the luxor

and then mr drumpfbraham lead them to florida to catch a boat

and many were cruise winners

and many were every loaf

and many were jew shitposters

and many found xenu milk


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492600  No.7754255

File: dbd57213ea7fb4a⋯.jpg (204.33 KB, 800x986, 400:493, Paul_Krugman-press_confere….jpg)


oy vey!…i've been Qanoned!

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a38fd1  No.7754256


qanonin all day

kekked so loud when i read that, he's like "that's not my ed buck prison edition 2020 buttplug deluxe, it was planted by qanon – so sorry its used, can you please help me get it out??"

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360dde  No.7754257

File: 6f26bc18dc93bd2⋯.png (177.62 KB, 276x400, 69:100, ClipboardImage.png)


filter time !

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ce2d31  No.7754258

File: 246609c52c98ea8⋯.jpg (121.85 KB, 930x590, 93:59, DHOZ8501.jpg)



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3f4d23  No.7754259


A price drop like that means there has to be an oil glutch going on right now.

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fd478e  No.7754260

File: 2025e9119890916⋯.png (73.1 KB, 300x168, 25:14, ClipboardImage.png)


He's got Adam Schiffty eyes.

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31dfc9  No.7754261

File: 85da2835bf0893b⋯.jpg (210.06 KB, 1340x995, 268:199, buttigie mckinsey.jpg)


Pete worked for McKinsey.

McKinsey is Clowns In America

Once a clown, always a clown.

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5b534d  No.7754262

File: 9c0650921186d11⋯.jpg (223.2 KB, 1020x693, 340:231, 20200108_141004.jpg)

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2c11ea  No.7754263

File: 769309fb4bd55ed⋯.jpeg (49.48 KB, 800x418, 400:209, DEAE95E2-2600-4E46-80CA-5….jpeg)

File: f2e556019b2599f⋯.png (51.19 KB, 584x542, 292:271, 444A1DFD-11A3-4A38-81ED-3B….png)

File: 44ec7cf228b9462⋯.png (283.01 KB, 640x360, 16:9, 5334BEA0-5440-4A03-8CDC-91….png)

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c3106c  No.7754264


POTUS needs to re-tweet this?

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f7591e  No.7754265

File: 43d8f007ae2a70a⋯.jpg (34.27 KB, 550x320, 55:32, armor-of-god.jpg)

File: 6bac5ee86a4cef4⋯.png (707.68 KB, 1000x1141, 1000:1141, sprit warriors.png)

Prayer Anons - serving Dig and Meme anons since 2017

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2eb0c7  No.7754266



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c42ddd  No.7754267

File: 03879daec6f5049⋯.jpeg (765.53 KB, 1242x1511, 1242:1511, C803D6F0-7601-4A08-B474-D….jpeg)


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cf2753  No.7754268

File: bdfdb127a3415d6⋯.png (512.05 KB, 1000x563, 1000:563, smollet-maga-qanoned.png)

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9d7c5b  No.7754269


Here are two of many:



Total AnTies and Total DoucheyDiots!

Thanks, Anon!

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87609b  No.7754270

Proof most anons are not happy about a lack of response?

Slow moving breads

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ffe115  No.7754271

File: bba8bcbd53690ae⋯.png (20.98 KB, 703x550, 703:550, bba8bcbd53690ae27d6984f96b….png)


so normies think qanon is a group of subversive hackers intent on planting porn on computers to bring down their enemies?

did i miss a meeting? what the fuck? were there donuts?

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7a9245  No.7754272

File: 1a3f212c737739b⋯.png (336.06 KB, 1889x1889, 1:1, 9ny8nxtbt4ly.png)


We, Know who is compromised.

Don't We,?

Thanks for playing!



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ce2d31  No.7754273

File: 67603f0c559028c⋯.png (126.95 KB, 500x455, 100:91, CROW7526.png)

File: 9bbf48ec6f57275⋯.jpg (496.35 KB, 1197x1197, 1:1, IMG_7817.JPG)

File: 4ad3576c7e4d151⋯.jpg (117 KB, 1079x1081, 1079:1081, IMG_7840.JPG)

File: 3728604f8c0a5b8⋯.jpg (220.46 KB, 1079x1163, 1079:1163, IMG_7848.JPG)




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544c49  No.7754274

File: 8fae5b2c64b984a⋯.jpg (21.29 KB, 255x255, 1:1, SpaceeeeForce.jpg)


The U.S. is the worlds number 1 producer of oil right now. We have excess. We are using it to get to a gold standard.

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ca3868  No.7754275



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10da87  No.7754276

File: 6ba2525a4d69996⋯.jpg (269.45 KB, 1000x655, 200:131, e6b.jpg)

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cc5d5b  No.7754277




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a7d750  No.7754278

File: 34bb070c0e78394⋯.jpg (15.81 KB, 480x360, 4:3, aww shit.jpg)

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1aa738  No.7754279

File: 55fed61327e1123⋯.png (109.58 KB, 378x628, 189:314, #3586.png)


Here you go.

Q says…

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91f17b  No.7754280


Is this a prisoner transport?

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d28275  No.7754281


Unmarked planes are most often leased for short terms. Could be cargo in or out. Some defense manufacturers ship stuff this way because it is more secure than road. Could even be passengers to that school you mention. They hire a plane and pilot to bring people from a major airport. Sometimes they will get a plane with markings. And sometimes it will be unmarked,

Not all that unusual.

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ce9f76  No.7754282


I dont know why this comment is so cool to me. Just proves I guess we are THE BIG LEAGUES now.

He is so scared he is creating an alibi already.

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254b72  No.7754283

Will 'Prince Harry' get a last name now?

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8c2652  No.7754284

File: 43acc91e6239c21⋯.jpg (423.85 KB, 1647x1511, 1647:1511, ascascaasdaa.jpg)

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274c9f  No.7754285

File: 6a68509e597f5f8⋯.jpeg (62.76 KB, 542x407, 542:407, 07E8EA3E-9C46-4431-B6F7-B….jpeg)

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254849  No.7754286

File: 96d1acd52e5a34c⋯.jpg (31.43 KB, 474x316, 3:2, hj.jpg)

File: 0176a1b8e517b88⋯.jpg (18.78 KB, 474x248, 237:124, lorimaddox.jpg)

File: 6a8b2f1e4f059a1⋯.jpg (22.4 KB, 474x355, 474:355, lori.jpg)

>>7753690 (lb)

Lori Maddox.

All idols are false.

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5b3e73  No.7754287


An Appropriate response.

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10da87  No.7754288

File: ad81aaf3184f9ce⋯.png (502.04 KB, 360x519, 120:173, krugman nobel prize.PNG)

File: d786810cb463c1b⋯.jpg (43.07 KB, 378x378, 1:1, krugman alien invasion.jpg)


fuck off krugman

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8c2652  No.7754289

File: c186009de9b8e22⋯.jpg (304.71 KB, 1196x687, 1196:687, kool4.jpg)

File: 9f23160d1788f0f⋯.jpg (130.71 KB, 1196x681, 1196:681, kool3.jpg)

File: 91cf0e3c6cb65a8⋯.jpg (240.03 KB, 1196x675, 1196:675, kool2.jpg)

File: 7d696278f081c49⋯.jpg (305.77 KB, 1196x666, 598:333, kool1.jpg)

File: 73b170cc9580304⋯.jpg (169.24 KB, 1196x687, 1196:687, kool5.jpg)

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525716  No.7754290



only heard my Brit grandparents call kids "kiddies"

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3f4d23  No.7754291


Janet Airlines does it everyday.

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fa40e8  No.7754292


KEK!!! Loved that movie when I was a kidanon

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a7d750  No.7754293


Negative Ghostrider, it's TACAMO (Take Command And Move Out). Airborne command post in case of war. A 'Doomsday Plane'.

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fc7c34  No.7754294


My mom was qanoned and she hasn't been the same since.

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8c2652  No.7754295

File: 56bb5b7d9015eb4⋯.jpg (93.76 KB, 666x467, 666:467, kool6.jpg)

File: d858098a2558150⋯.jpg (371.04 KB, 1608x1020, 134:85, kool12.jpg)

File: 94b61ffcd316d54⋯.jpg (179.21 KB, 1239x732, 413:244, kool11.jpg)

File: 0e9e8cd0f0b68f8⋯.jpg (185.4 KB, 993x726, 331:242, kool10.jpg)

File: ccc33e013d3edae⋯.jpg (153.4 KB, 1260x619, 1260:619, kool14.jpg)

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ce2d31  No.7754296

File: 5fa8fa33828fe1b⋯.png (117.58 KB, 590x964, 295:482, LZWQ9112.png)

File: 78a320653e8c556⋯.jpg (28.7 KB, 474x316, 3:2, MAEF0677.jpg)

File: b51fdc5062cfdcf⋯.png (60.31 KB, 160x343, 160:343, MFQN9829.png)

File: f79ca01032061c5⋯.jpg (47.35 KB, 600x400, 3:2, MJJR6298.jpg)




>>>>>>>>>>>>ALMOST THERE





>>>>>>>>>>>ALMOST THERE





>>>>>>>>>>>ALMOST THERE





>>>>>>>>>>ALMOST THERE





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6d6c1a  No.7754297

File: e8ea2150df2f57d⋯.png (661.69 KB, 750x500, 3:2, cc1.png)

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7a1fe6  No.7754298


>>7754138 Bill Clinton touchy feely with Ghislaine Maxwell boarding Epstein's Lolita Express

It's the image

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0ee760  No.7754299



McKinsey cia

Spies fear a consulting firm helped hobble U.S. intelligence

Insiders say a multimillion dollar McKinsey-fueled overhaul of the country’s intelligence community has left it less effective.


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08a5c2  No.7754300


I thought Iran was C_A/crown?

If this is true than Iran has already access to and put where they wanted nuclear weapons.


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ea3158  No.7754301

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Is Buttigieg C_A?

Definitely a created candidate for POTUS

Jones doesn't say it, but [MOS] also crossed my mind…

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91f17b  No.7754302


Thank you.

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7a9245  No.7754303

File: 38ce5eb3d6651fb⋯.jpg (109.91 KB, 1200x1199, 1200:1199, DeAxRpwUQAAZRlj.jpg)


Gay means Happy!

You Sodomite!

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f011c1  No.7754304

UIA published a full list of PS752 passengers with their years of birth:

Abaspourqadi Mohamm 1986 Scientist, Desalinization

Abbasnezhad Mojtaba 1993 Scientist, Artificial Neural Networks

Abtahiforoushani Seyedmehran 1982 Scientist, Water Pollution Mitigation

Aghabali Iman 1991 Scientist, Electrical, Hybrid Vehicles

Agha Miri Maryam 1973 Scientist, Medical, Internal Diseases

Ahmadi Motahereh 2011 Child

Ahmadi Muh Sen 2014 Child

Ahmadi Rahmtin 2010 Child

Ahmadi Sekinhe 1989 Mother of above three children

Ahmady Mitra 1973 Sweden

Amirliravi Mahsa 1989 Scientist, Metallurgy, Welding, Cold Spray


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71bff6  No.7754305


Paul Krugman throwing his crimes at us trying to

get ahead of the story coming.

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9d7c5b  No.7754306

File: 634f53443c3726d⋯.png (2.08 MB, 1907x936, 1907:936, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4e838f123df6cf1⋯.png (2.46 MB, 1903x934, 1903:934, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7615817de65940e⋯.png (23.14 KB, 596x213, 596:213, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 902f9dc5720a5bd⋯.png (73.47 KB, 595x362, 595:362, ClipboardImage.png)


Hughes is the idiot who got the whole #20US trending.

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7febd0  No.7754307

File: 4bd84fb9d49ade5⋯.png (523.39 KB, 720x826, 360:413, AddText_01-08-03.05.45.png)

File: 8e040087190a0c5⋯.png (568.36 KB, 720x730, 72:73, _01-08-03.05.17.png)

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71bf14  No.7754308

File: 3fd82bd0ce64698⋯.png (128.27 KB, 355x313, 355:313, KEK-bby.png)

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a7d750  No.7754309

File: 684cf495cc00148⋯.png (171.35 KB, 514x332, 257:166, ClipboardImage.png)

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58109e  No.7754310


Pre-emptive excuse for his OWN behavior of downloading CP, he must have gotten some inkling that he's caught. Possibly sending out a message to others as well.

In addition, this faggot is wrong about everything, it's hard to believe anyone listens to him on anything economic. Only answer is nepotism.

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fee18e  No.7754311


HiBkr: For whom? Anon? or Clinton?

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ce2d31  No.7754312



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f12fbe  No.7754313

Genie energy has "rights" to drill for oil in the Golan Heights, Syria's not a fan


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3f4d23  No.7754314


Context is everything.

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58109e  No.7754316

File: a59294d2cc7c63a⋯.png (265.17 KB, 830x500, 83:50, 1472564985527.png)

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254b72  No.7754317

File: dec867de23f01b9⋯.jpg (106.44 KB, 864x688, 54:43, response.jpg)

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6e3744  No.7754318


Oh sorry, found the gay expert. Tell me more about this sodomy, you seem to be the professional here.

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d25ffc  No.7754319

this entire Iran thing is likely one of the most amazing moments I have ever witnessed….

Trump and Iran tricked the whole world…. Only us Anons and the people at the tippy top really understand what happened.

Bait and switch WW3 style.. Fuck yes, THANK YOU Q team, POTUS, and everyone involved in this movement.

That means ALL of you patriots that are here.


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91f17b  No.7754320


Thank you.

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671032  No.7754321



*Think neo. what was neo really when he was born into the matrix?

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f030fd  No.7754322

File: 33a255836d0184e⋯.jpg (87 KB, 600x555, 40:37, nethan.jpg)


This could be the next step! Hostages free! Iran gives up!

Enjoying the show?


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ecc786  No.7754323

File: 5c8fce73c75a8c5⋯.jpg (15.92 KB, 380x260, 19:13, 48430062_10215941981075134….jpg)


I have waited sooo long to post this one. yippeee!

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8c2652  No.7754324


i don't want to use the crock pot. I want fried chicken.

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09e395  No.7754326

File: 199a11dd69b2142⋯.png (293.26 KB, 326x594, 163:297, ClipboardImage.png)


You made the list.

It’s rare, feel proud.

Pick up your phone.


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2c11ea  No.7754327

File: 247ca74982f6a79⋯.gif (1.69 MB, 245x244, 245:244, F9DEBAB9-8268-4844-8AF6-03….gif)

File: c59cd5439d174e9⋯.gif (767.56 KB, 245x180, 49:36, 52247AA3-C631-4535-AB89-8B….gif)

File: 056aacc33eaa205⋯.jpeg (48.3 KB, 570x570, 1:1, 67FBC8FE-DADA-43B6-B921-2….jpeg)

File: 20b0e04a4bdab8e⋯.jpeg (14.39 KB, 342x320, 171:160, 982A02C0-7FD5-4C6E-B1D0-F….jpeg)

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a7d750  No.7754328

File: 8fe94f9c4e45173⋯.png (720.81 KB, 2500x1656, 625:414, ClipboardImage.png)

E-6B in bigly detailed version.

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d7dbf7  No.7754329


great tunes


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360dde  No.7754330


"But they got online one night and started surfing around, probably had too much to drink or whatever, and pushed the wrong buttons, went too far and got into child porn." - John Grisham


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7ebb98  No.7754331

File: da760afc1ed78b1⋯.jpg (67.16 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 1j9c03.jpg)

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58109e  No.7754332

File: b723cb901246cf4⋯.png (1.03 MB, 800x800, 1:1, fuckd.png)

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ce2d31  No.7754333

File: 285b0b86efc2dc0⋯.jpg (521.31 KB, 960x1280, 3:4, IMG_7914.JPG)

File: f0adf56eaf18cde⋯.jpg (204.69 KB, 1440x1440, 1:1, IMG_7977.JPG)

File: 7caa692febcbfa9⋯.jpg (108.34 KB, 1440x1440, 1:1, IMG_7978.JPG)

File: 47a7113dfb3e094⋯.jpg (37.92 KB, 750x420, 25:14, IMG_7983.JPG)

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71bf14  No.7754334

File: ea5f766964bc6ae⋯.png (39.9 KB, 475x288, 475:288, fakenewsbounce2.png)


And now the fake media looks really fake

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19835b  No.7754335

File: 2baf53b0eb24697⋯.png (1.56 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 1C52E8AE-3025-43F6-B17F-90….png)


Do you really believe that this letter was accidentally released and was done in error?

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f011c1  No.7754336

>>7753295 <<lb>>

Wild theories.

Plane was remotely flown.

Plane was empty.

Bodies on the ground were in a morgue the day before.

Manifest is the brightest and best scientists that Iran had.

Those scientists are now in US custody/control.

Operation Paperclip II

Under cover by Fire & Fury fireworks.

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ce3115  No.7754337

File: fc6ddf35c7b2716⋯.png (196.41 KB, 400x400, 1:1, krugman.png)

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84bf4d  No.7754338

File: 5204d152faeea6a⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1099x2962, 1099:2962, ClipboardImage.png)



by Praying Moloch

pic related

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59b5a6  No.7754339


Someone's scared!

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f85026  No.7754340

File: 35b56a76bf48957⋯.png (143.69 KB, 555x830, 111:166, whatgetsyoubanned.png)

File: d1a445e46984c41⋯.png (415.35 KB, 888x888, 1:1, wstt.png)


What is this Q?

Is this YOU?

It's implied that it represents you.

Harassing Humans that fight…

What scares me is that I HAVEN'T CONNECTED WITH A SINGLE HUMAN HERE. So there are NONE that have figured this out? How can that be?

It's absolutely disgusting, what we see here.


The people are waiting meekly, right?

Haven't you been herding? But is r somehow going to turn into an unherding? How?

Are the human patriots gone? Dead?

How many were SUCCESSFULLY targeted, like I was unsuccessfully?

So now, just a sheep flock remains, and I should… Hit my head against a wall? Or what?

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91f17b  No.7754341


I believe it was released accidentally on purpose as part of the show.

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c3106c  No.7754342


The deal was already done.

POTUS and team are cleaning up loose ends in Iraq and Iran.

Peace to the people of Iran!

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19835b  No.7754343

File: 1d93ab7a255f4dd⋯.jpeg (106.13 KB, 878x500, 439:250, E16156B8-8C0B-414C-AF7B-E….jpeg)

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3d8cfa  No.7754344

File: f128b654c5a20d2⋯.png (536.6 KB, 640x640, 1:1, anjel_camping_it_up.png)

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a7d750  No.7754345



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09e395  No.7754346

File: fc60299cf22730b⋯.jpg (347.5 KB, 2048x2048, 1:1, OP'S ASS.jpg)


This one?

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16dfe8  No.7754347

File: 92f66fa5ac007cc⋯.png (637.74 KB, 454x608, 227:304, ClipboardImage.png)


Why would Kushner dress up his kid as an Empire stormtrooper a week or so after Corney posted his tweet about his grandkids star wars collection?

Remember, this was in September, wasn't even close to Halloween, or Purim.

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ce2d31  No.7754348

File: b6bf2dc7e521d61⋯.jpg (216.19 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, 2018_12_21_10_49_IMG_4801.JPG)



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e08379  No.7754349

File: a9f53aab651acb9⋯.png (676.77 KB, 480x600, 4:5, ClipboardImage.png)

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a21e57  No.7754350

File: 292346a6e9f3fd1⋯.png (434.07 KB, 583x607, 583:607, I am a jelly donut.png)

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af1241  No.7754351


Hang on… some of this old code is busted. I gotta fix it.

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fee18e  No.7754352


Initial reports were on russian outlets, maybe a printer was hacked.

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cc5d5b  No.7754353


Was there a new star wars movie?

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5b534d  No.7754354

File: bd5fb80cd0c9af9⋯.jpeg (280.98 KB, 1440x1136, 90:71, 1528720676.jpeg)

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707f40  No.7754355

File: c13712a7209e7b9⋯.png (95.57 KB, 689x473, 689:473, PepeHug.png)


This is absolutely wonderful! Hugs to this wise woman!

We should have a cookie exchange party :)

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14745e  No.7754356


Shitting bricks, no?

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f7591e  No.7754357


So are we close to what it is?

The jet had they same people as the NK Mountain collapse?

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f12fbe  No.7754358


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00373a  No.7754359


Hussein's economist suicided 'unexpectedly'

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f011c1  No.7754360


I don't think so, but then I think water is wet, so who am I to say?

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d25ffc  No.7754361


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19835b  No.7754362


So the Russians did it?

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f12fbe  No.7754363

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ce2d31  No.7754364

File: e39a8d68340abce⋯.jpg (235.86 KB, 800x1149, 800:1149, 2019_04_04_13_05_IMG_6795.JPG)

File: be2793b0d087999⋯.jpg (235.43 KB, 800x1149, 800:1149, 2019_04_04_13_10_IMG_6796.JPG)

File: ed76a716d25f9d5⋯.gif (9.38 MB, 445x640, 89:128, 2019_04_04_13_11_IMG_6797.GIF)

File: 035d492187beeba⋯.jpg (184.49 KB, 1464x800, 183:100, 2019_04_05_15_56_IMG_6815.JPG)

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f011c1  No.7754365


Screaming fairly loudly, like most of the other pedos.






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a7d750  No.7754366


Bears defecate in woods, Pope wears big hats - film at 11.

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b54866  No.7754367

File: 01a7bb1a679189c⋯.png (438.7 KB, 981x521, 981:521, projcass.png)

File: 3ef236ae04370b2⋯.png (781.54 KB, 979x551, 979:551, projtreasn.png)

File: f96daf675d7bb08⋯.png (591.67 KB, 1022x552, 511:276, propgan.png)

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748524  No.7754368




I get to see it free, daily. What a rip off

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034679  No.7754369

File: 0dc0a65abf4ad94⋯.png (71.41 KB, 687x270, 229:90, Jackman charity.png)

File: b8eef61a3335f10⋯.png (347.66 KB, 2304x820, 576:205, Hugh Jackman wiki.png)

File: 50d989f09507114⋯.png (130.89 KB, 827x649, 827:649, Jackman charity 2.png)

File: 329fcac74914da6⋯.png (59.18 KB, 781x719, 781:719, Hugh Jackman charities.png)

>>7754073 pb

Hugh Jackman and his wife run a charity dealing with adopted children.

Hopeland Foundation

Did a dig into him a year to 2 years ago.

He has his wife also have 2 adopted kids.

He is a part of the art of Elysium( Marina Abromovic)



Hugh Jackman’s wife Deborra-Lee Furness decided to create her Hopeland foundation after struggling to adopt in her native Australia.

Furness and the Logan star adopted a son and daughter from the U.S. and she explains they originally applied to become parents Down Under and were told it was “too tricky”.

“I asked the question, I said, ‘Why is it so hard,’ and realised it’s because we had a system that was not working, that was not serving children who needed to find permanent families,” she told U.S. breakfast show Today on Friday (23Nov18).

Deborra-lee was so frustrated by her experience she began to seek out alternatives.

“We’ve been at this for 10 years,” she says. “Hopeland addresses the question, ‘Why are children not living in a permanent family…?’

And Hugh praises his wife for all the work that she has done to improve the issue.

“I am so proud of Deb,” he added. “She’s taught me so much about how to open your heart. When it comes to this, her heart just goes out where it needs to go and she’s relentless.”

Hugh and Deborra-lee, who are parents to son Oscar and daughter Ava, have been very open about their adoption journey and last year (17) the actor explained it was also important for them to adopt children of mixed race because kids in that demographic are often overlooked.

“Our motivation behind adopting was, ‘Where is the need?,'” he told People magazine. “And we just knew from talking with people in that space, when we were looking around, that the biggest need is in mixed race kids.”

“A lot of people go into (adoption thinking) it’s really important to them for the kid to look like them, and honestly, for Deb and I, that just never even was an issue,” he added.

Hugh Jackman’s wife created adoption foundation out of frustration



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d7dbf7  No.7754370

File: 68b00c0542915bb⋯.png (825.08 KB, 799x500, 799:500, 68b00c0542915bb568f0138eb4….png)

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7a9245  No.7754371

File: 39ec5f4c2b006a8⋯.jpg (12.06 KB, 360x203, 360:203, 39ec5f4c2b006a8d6afe5fc92d….jpg)


It seems that you are the master of homo by calling anons one!

Easy Ladd!

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10da87  No.7754372

File: 30014ff47f0c399⋯.png (891.35 KB, 678x464, 339:232, munchkins muh t note aucti….PNG)

File: ded464563684b2d⋯.jpg (224.44 KB, 1280x867, 1280:867, 010820 10 yr tail.jpg)

File: 564a620944bd6c4⋯.png (36.79 KB, 393x759, 131:253, primary dealers.PNG)

File: f437a97da952891⋯.png (163.26 KB, 906x457, 906:457, FRB total assets expansion….PNG)

First 10 Year Auction Of The Decade Is A Tailing Clunker

After a poorly accepted 3Y auction to start the new decade's issuance of coupon paper, moments ago the US Treasury sold $24BN in 10Y notes (CUSIP YS3) which was a tailing clunker which priced at a high yield of 1.869%, the highest since July 2019, up from December's 1.842%, and tailing the When Issued 1.853% by 1.6bps, the biggest tail since August.

The internals were somewhat better, with the bid to cover rising fractionally from 2.43 in Dec to 2.45, and also above the six auction average of 2.40. The buyside bid was also on the weaker side, with Indirects taking down 55.2%, below the 56.1% in December and below the 59.7% six auction average. And with Directs taking down 16.1%, below the 19.4% from last month if above the 13.9% recent average, Dealers were left with 28.7% of the takedown, although by the time the year is over they will likely be selling this back to the Fed which will soon have to expand its "NOT QE" beyond Bills and to Coupon securities.

Overall, the first two auctions of the year have left a bitter taste in investors' mouths, and one wonders if this is a harbinger of primary market demand for the rest of the year and decade.


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525716  No.7754373

Meghan and Harry, does this mean you will step away from the tax-payer funded resources, as well?

Will you forsake all tax-payer funded revenue, homes, cars, etc and become financially independent by the sweat if your brow? Start from the bottom and work your way up? Sure.

Not really financially independent when you're using tax-payer funds to become financially independent.

How noble of you.

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58109e  No.7754374



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d25ffc  No.7754375


If its not signed its nothing.

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2b02a2  No.7754376

File: ae012e67831efb5⋯.jpg (21.11 KB, 883x534, 883:534, muff-deniro.jpg)



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f011c1  No.7754377


Men protecting their balls are in a defensive, weak posture.

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d0382b  No.7754378

File: 313390b245ffc5e⋯.jpg (31.81 KB, 788x699, 788:699, secret agent.jpg)



eserver is not a HTTP server

Please fix your software.

Technical informations about eserver (edonkey/emule server) : http://lugdunum2k.free.fr/kiten.html

Your IP address is xxx

This server name : TV Underground

This server desc : Operated by TVUnderground.org.ru

Will not try to access that shit directly.

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525716  No.7754379


Blood money. Blood money.

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000000  No.7754380


Sounds like a confession…

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f7591e  No.7754381


What is it a symbol for?

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35a3f1  No.7754382



Krugman outed himself as a pedo.

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7ebb98  No.7754383


sorry all i see are bewbs

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d28275  No.7754384


Is that some kind of joke?

Don't you realize that the bloodline families do exactly that. They start by sacrificing their firstborn, and eating the body, and drinking the blood.

Where do you think the Satanic chant comes from?

This is my body and this is my blood

Because once the kid is dead, his ass is yours.

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58109e  No.7754385


Sounds like the bullshit excuse of some other neocon who said he was downloading CP "for research" purposes.

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00373a  No.7754386


…their Iranian counterparts? also, those mountains were extremely fatigued

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2c11ea  No.7754387

File: 80ad7c8a7d0fe1a⋯.jpeg (166.63 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, CC12F504-0C12-4B0C-B632-8….jpeg)

File: 80ffcad15ff6432⋯.png (535.07 KB, 500x701, 500:701, 1EE75814-2475-48A7-9E7A-BB….png)

File: 7015d3ea4dac031⋯.jpeg (108.45 KB, 1191x670, 1191:670, 77DE8DD0-FBF9-48A4-B4FF-E….jpeg)

File: 36e7a460763dd97⋯.png (70.59 KB, 600x337, 600:337, 4CAA9E78-CA79-4A9F-A687-34….png)

File: 5b019e047f6ae59⋯.jpeg (739.07 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, 3074D4BA-9C89-4FDB-8A27-D….jpeg)

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eff743  No.7754388

File: 8ccd987eb365059⋯.jpg (247.46 KB, 1920x813, 640:271, KermitZott!.jpg)


Totally plausible.

We don't know, but this is one of the hypotheses that makes sense and could be true.

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5b534d  No.7754389

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29374e  No.7754390

7754051 lb

Zeynab asadi lari I looked up and it tried to auto fill zeynab soleymani which is another person

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4c2e66  No.7754391

I bet we have the technology to take control of the missiles once they're launched and guide them to the targets of our choosing.

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7ebb98  No.7754392

File: 097959cecbb32b8⋯.jpeg (97.1 KB, 721x500, 721:500, 097959cecbb32b84786e07e48….jpeg)

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525716  No.7754393

PRESIDENT AND THE 'PIMP' Bill Clinton poses with Epstein’s ‘pimp’ Ghislaine Maxwell and a sex slave on board private jet the ‘Lolita Express’


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254b72  No.7754394


royalty don't have last names. Will harry have one?

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5a87d4  No.7754395


Baker, redpill from a iranian! Good stuff for assholes outside

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ce2d31  No.7754396



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d28275  No.7754397


The other name for this system

Is Ground-based DEW

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16dfe8  No.7754398

File: 271062b99387445⋯.png (285.29 KB, 536x284, 134:71, ClipboardImage.png)


Only Star Wars movie to be released was the latest flop on Dec 20, 2019.

I also find it strange that both Ivanka and Jared are dressed in all black. Not unusual for Jared, kinda unusual for Ivanka. Last time I remember dressing in all black was…

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bb7f09  No.7754399

File: 7ef7c508bda9388⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1897x816, 1897:816, ClipboardImage.png)

>>7749973 (pb)

USAF VIP C32 back at JB Andrews

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0dd21c  No.7754400

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The FakeNews Jewish MSM will Collapse Soon

142,000+ Sealed Indictments.

Many of these sealed indictments are for these Jewish MSM America-hating Hyenas. When the indictments are unsealed, they GET ARRESTED.

Every one of these Corporations are Owned, Produced and Fronted by Jews. From the Chairman, Producers to the on-Camera talking heads.

Also the Print media, and the Social Media monopolies.

Once the MSM is taken down, their Jewish Narrative COLLAPSES overnight


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c3106c  No.7754401

let us not forget Malaysia Airlines: plane full of scientists……..

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274c9f  No.7754402

File: 6cfbce9bc187dd7⋯.png (502.19 KB, 609x791, 87:113, CB279B8B-6398-4E4E-AA7C-B9….png)

File: af89b8bb2142091⋯.png (513.69 KB, 615x798, 205:266, D2A77657-0498-4158-B8DB-C6….png)

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a7d750  No.7754404


QRS11? Using Hilldawg's sell-out guidance gyro tech against her?

Kek, if that's true!

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707f40  No.7754405


As Q has said, the hubris on the left is incredible.

Honestly, I had no idea who "Paul Krugman" was until I looked.

The universe does not rotate on an axis centered in New York, Krugman.

As usual, Shakespeare has already covered this:

"Methinks the lady doth protest too much"

It's a lefty specialty.

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9d7c5b  No.7754406

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f12fbe  No.7754407


What is tollerided?

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5b31b5  No.7754408


Where is this from?

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db039b  No.7754410


The book that perhaps this one is based on. Please be aware it makes a difference who the author is, as several, kind of similar titles are out there:


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73a94a  No.7754411

File: da5969c4256f545⋯.jpeg (147.39 KB, 701x1030, 701:1030, DA06AE1E-B415-4E1E-BEFF-2….jpeg)


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2b02a2  No.7754412


Anons, Baker is admitting to being Russian shill baker.

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16dfe8  No.7754413

File: 5326d87b0457c6b⋯.jpg (32.42 KB, 331x352, 331:352, JewTalkieKushner.JPG)



Never fails, talk about Kushner and the Kushner (((apologists))) come in

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29374e  No.7754414


Making sense now

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d7dbf7  No.7754415



>>7754372 First 10 Year Auction Of The Decade Is A Tailing Clunker

>>7754226, >>7754313 what connects papad cypress and soros to romania, Energy? What/Who is a Genie in a bottle?

>>7754224 Boeing E-6 Mercury pic

>>7754177, >>7754264, >>7754275, >>7754331, >>7754355, >>7754395 Truth from an Iranian

>>7754150, >>7754184, >>7754187, >>7754193, >>7754216, >>7754217, >>7754255, >>7754268, >>7754271, >>7754272 Paul Krugman twat, "someone compromised my IP address and is using it to download CP. This could be an attempt to Qanon me.

>>7754112 @TrumpWarRoom Bernie Sanders suggested the U.S. only labeled Soleimani a terrorist to “assassinate” him, setting a bad “precedent.”

>>7754082 Read-Out of POTUS call with NATO Sec.Gen


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ce2d31  No.7754416

File: d0d88799487b1ab⋯.png (84.13 KB, 564x194, 282:97, WCBL9695.png)

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f011c1  No.7754417


I don't think he's a clown, but I do think he's a clown asset, and the son of a western spook.

His daddy and Mifsud teach together in England.

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06f834  No.7754418

File: 36b4d4336b6c814⋯.png (92.73 KB, 300x296, 75:74, ClipboardImage.png)


He clicked that shit.

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2c11ea  No.7754419

File: bd78a2953d8edb2⋯.jpeg (128.08 KB, 900x506, 450:253, 0A4EDA25-EAAC-43D1-A0D1-C….jpeg)

File: e6ef6df2b2ebf33⋯.jpeg (181.56 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 6941C978-10B6-4308-ADCC-A….jpeg)

File: 24f4eaaeb870e43⋯.jpeg (151.93 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 026959DF-C55A-478F-9AB8-A….jpeg)

File: 9ab35c1d78e3bbf⋯.jpeg (520.25 KB, 1378x810, 689:405, E19B73AD-4B5E-425C-A020-5….jpeg)

File: 9fe73f8dafd052c⋯.png (599.46 KB, 900x506, 450:253, 33C56936-3178-4FAC-9265-D2….png)

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7ebb98  No.7754420


He picked out ( Skrowdum)

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014c2d  No.7754421

File: d32980981a44043⋯.png (558.34 KB, 779x686, 779:686, Screenshot_324.png)

File: f20c8af2e8fba2d⋯.png (56.91 KB, 787x802, 787:802, Screenshot_323.png)


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f7591e  No.7754422


>Malaysia Airlines: plane full of scientists……..

and copyright holders of the technology to remote control aircraft.

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055e2b  No.7754423

Trying to figure out the logic behind something

Potus has insisted on using Twats to communicate with the American people because of msm-left.

So, if twats like his from Sunday - stating 'hell and fury raining down' was a tool for negotiations, how are Americans supposed to determine when he is serious or just blowing smoke in his twats?

Are those that follow those twats being used and disinfoed, too?

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ce3115  No.7754424

File: 967134d50f6e320⋯.jpg (301.75 KB, 1282x728, 641:364, 1984.jpg)


>Will harry have one?


Watch them disappear completely.

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c3106c  No.7754425


was he in the water with Clinton and pals?

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a48e4c  No.7754426


>After a poorly accepted 3Y auction

that was still well over-subcribed. ZH doom pron. SMH

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a21e57  No.7754427

File: 3e0293c2184ffc1⋯.jpg (57.72 KB, 618x412, 3:2, don-lemon-black-holes.jpg)


Thats the one that flew into a blackhole right?

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ffe115  No.7754428

File: 7eaa93babd0b89a⋯.jpg (225.48 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 7eaa93babd0b89a5f81041d70e….jpg)



for a beautiful video. thank you anon. at the end, she says…'that's my 2 cents'.

her 2 cents could buy a mansion on the coast.

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1af7c1  No.7754429

File: aa38cc74558fb73⋯.png (171.77 KB, 195x357, 65:119, ClipboardImage.png)


oompa loompa has a big sad

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9f7eea  No.7754430

File: 2847742ecc298aa⋯.png (181.59 KB, 474x318, 79:53, ClipboardImage.png)


why are you yelling faggot. its only been posted 6 gorgillion times in the last 3 breads.

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f12fbe  No.7754431

File: ae8072af9b71658⋯.png (555.22 KB, 1100x628, 275:157, ClipboardImage.png)

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09e395  No.7754432

File: fa181049b883ac4⋯.png (959.93 KB, 810x599, 810:599, pepebibi8200.PNG)

File: 236e73e8958f0e9⋯.png (233.68 KB, 540x755, 108:151, ewawn2.PNG)


just wait till the Ziocucked evangelicals who had their boys circumcised find out "Greatest Ally" was a psyop that led to things like Epstein cucking Murricah top to bottom for the last 72 years for treacherous Christian hating Talmudic Kikes

The collective cognitive dissonance will be at unprecedented levels of magnitude

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10da87  No.7754433

File: 86f6db8775f98bc⋯.png (698.75 KB, 1010x959, 1010:959, POTUS say that russian bul….png)

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61e90c  No.7754434

File: 741069675a7b899⋯.png (294.09 KB, 526x469, 526:469, cnnfuckwads.png)

Not the Onion……

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14745e  No.7754435


He said it only tickles.

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c8970c  No.7754436

File: 351265c62f48103⋯.gif (5.92 MB, 1080x1920, 9:16, 20200108_142117.gif)




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f011c1  No.7754437


Iran is free.

Cabal is panicking.

I think soon we won't be worth attacking, because everything will be out in the open.

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0ee760  No.7754438

File: 0ac8f36edf0d0ff⋯.png (841.17 KB, 840x542, 420:271, ClipboardImage.png)


>Malaysia Airlines: plane full of scientists

that was the first picture to be circulated for last nites crash

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c3106c  No.7754439




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767751  No.7754440


(((They))) scared.

No deals.

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ce2d31  No.7754441

File: 7fe4892827362ff⋯.png (823.87 KB, 1125x900, 5:4, EEQT8102.png)


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eff743  No.7754442

File: bfd544997cff1b3⋯.jpg (133.86 KB, 613x467, 613:467, DAYSHIFT2.jpg)

File: fa7d78328a7c8ca⋯.jpg (172.2 KB, 1024x709, 1024:709, DayShiftNightShift.jpg)

File: dfed9d11aa60905⋯.jpg (283.51 KB, 1500x1079, 1500:1079, DayNightQAnon.jpg)

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10da87  No.7754443


missing the point but whatever you like.

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71bf14  No.7754444


> Directed energy weapon

What the fuck is this shit with re-labeling shit that already had a fucking name?!

Fuck, it's been lasers since before they were publicly available as engineered things.

There's muh directed energy weapons in every hospital in the country ffs ;p Are people that afraid of the 20th century? we are only 20 years late!

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29fb22  No.7754445



I love this woman! And the title speaks for itself - Truth from an Iranian!!

She's right - we do bake when we celebrate! I baked last night and burned frankincense and prayed!

Love her! Yes, POTUS should retweet this video!!

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16dfe8  No.7754446

File: 97261a52f0b04fb⋯.jpg (65.42 KB, 529x471, 529:471, PawnCohn.JPG)

File: b1cbbbdf9603602⋯.jpg (52.31 KB, 652x383, 652:383, PawnMnuchin.JPG)

File: 2996ae9caf6d7ab⋯.jpg (43.14 KB, 608x411, 608:411, PawnStein.JPG)

File: 5366bac51cfb0b3⋯.jpg (93.44 KB, 609x409, 609:409, GeffenYachtIIII.jpg)

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a7d750  No.7754447



The tech that Hillary sold on when she was at Rose Law. She handled the patent.

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ce2d31  No.7754448

File: 77c7f0b8d4d8a22⋯.jpg (546.17 KB, 1000x1538, 500:769, AZNG4154.jpg)

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a7d750  No.7754449

File: b6929a00f2a2da0⋯.jpg (41.54 KB, 600x400, 3:2, Laser beams.jpg)

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ca5b04  No.7754450

File: eb7e66f83e625e6⋯.jpg (121.87 KB, 750x999, 250:333, EKi9y-tVUAAc1BO.jpg)



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70a9ce  No.7754451

still cant believe they brought back tiresias

absolutely out of ideas

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29374e  No.7754452


How could they miss? Trump said they would not have a nuke. White hats prolly have that now

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73a94a  No.7754453

File: 90b0ce1f5772307⋯.jpeg (86.16 KB, 661x600, 661:600, C619E594-EE0F-4CA4-B956-9….jpeg)

File: 9b644a44b8a1b46⋯.png (1.55 MB, 828x1792, 207:448, FBE4AE4F-7FBF-4F74-8F0D-AE….png)


Dis shit?

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d28275  No.7754454

File: bb9e4c970d6a1c3⋯.png (284.3 KB, 467x412, 467:412, ClipboardImage.png)


The only people who claim that he is a LARP

Are the Pedo shills

And the CP shills

Who have recently gotten very angry with him.

@EzAsCoWa makes a very interesting read on Twitter, Q told us that more people in the intel community would begin dropping crumbs and he is one of them, along with all the military service accounts.

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c3106c  No.7754455


no. the one that disappeared anon.

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ce2d31  No.7754456

File: 424d7b8e2aa8c79⋯.jpg (121.46 KB, 1200x758, 600:379, FGCE5369.jpg)

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13687c  No.7754457

Hunter Biden says he wants no custody of 'Baby Doe' he fathered with Arkansas stripper


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748524  No.7754458


Boeing 707.

Only Mil uses them

Mercuries I believe. E-?B's

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d7dbf7  No.7754459


patents Rothschild "inherited"

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f12fbe  No.7754460

File: 36cfead05ee0092⋯.png (569.17 KB, 761x564, 761:564, ClipboardImage.png)

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f011c1  No.7754461


Dear Lord.

Is that a red cross painted on a shield???


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7fc356  No.7754462


Popular funnel shape this bread.

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d93d49  No.7754463


fuel is in the wings

no fire or soot on the wings

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08a5c2  No.7754464

day shift to slow for this tough question?

Is it true, only true bakers on night shift?

or is the question just to difficult to maintain your belief/fact biases?


I thought Iran was C_A/crown?

If this is true than Iran has already access to and put where they wanted nuclear weapons.


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00373a  No.7754465


quads, and there could now be directed energy outside the human visible spectrum now

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86770e  No.7754466

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Jackson Browne The Load Out and Stay Live BBC 1978

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61e90c  No.7754467


What evidence do you have? Present it back up your words..No one will argue if facts are presented, researched and found to be true.

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a7d750  No.7754468


Roger that. That's the baby. Unstpooable auto-pilot if you know the ICAO ADS-B transponder code and have the right hack tools.

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7ebb98  No.7754469

File: 3c3d77a9ffdbf8a⋯.jpg (119.2 KB, 822x816, 137:136, 3eio5Hr.jpg)

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748524  No.7754470

File: 87131d803bdb349⋯.jpg (68.86 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, q.jpg)


Surely you jest?

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305af4  No.7754471

File: 5e064c17b181458⋯.png (39.97 KB, 438x279, 146:93, trumpspeech.png)

Guess whats trending on twitter atm


Hijack that shit anons o7

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a7d750  No.7754472


Unstoppable, even.

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87609b  No.7754473


I thought we are a deep state think tank with huge white supremacy funding?

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0ee760  No.7754474

File: 71a498a2b1c17e4⋯.png (334.77 KB, 600x521, 600:521, ClipboardImage.png)


CNN just made a climate change goat post 4 days ago too

comms for goat fuckers or satanists?


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7febd0  No.7754475



Twitter avatar Linsey Graham.

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c3106c  No.7754476


7/10 plane crashes……

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254b72  No.7754477

pompeo is suppose to speak soon

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ce2d31  No.7754478

File: e1ab3c9ca6ca8d1⋯.jpg (68.33 KB, 354x500, 177:250, MLJO8049.jpg)

File: 28becd2d5ff55ae⋯.jpg (175.25 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, MZNR7869.jpg)

File: d87bec4cbd69b2e⋯.png (686.33 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, NBDX1613.png)

File: b3a88d7db83e120⋯.jpg (52.39 KB, 600x676, 150:169, NEOK0051.jpg)

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16dfe8  No.7754479

File: 3dae3304ab01f1d⋯.jpg (93.49 KB, 500x500, 1:1, GeffenYachtII.jpg)

File: 88760524cd47cef⋯.png (91.1 KB, 680x500, 34:25, GeffenYachtIII.png)

File: e2d683996ae78e1⋯.jpg (91.32 KB, 610x409, 610:409, GeffenYachtIIIII.jpg)

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35a3f1  No.7754480

File: 60f08b7a9d9472e⋯.png (2.33 MB, 3797x2831, 3797:2831, ClipboardImage.png)

PHOTOS: Migrants Stranded on 30-Foot Border Wall in California

San Diego Sector Border Patrol agents rescued a group of migrants who became stranded atop a new 30-foot border wall. The migrants were abandoned on the wall by their human smugglers.

Agents patrolling the border near Otay Mesa, California, observed a group of three stranded on top of a recently constructed 30-foot border wall around midnight January 5. The man and two women attempted to illegally cross the border under the cover of dense fog but became stuck on the slippery wall when their smugglers abandoned them, according to information obtained from San Diego Sector Border Patrol officials.

Agents contacted the San Diego Fire Department for assistance. Fire department rescue crews utilized a ladder truck to remove the illegal immigrants from their precarious perch.

Agents questioned the three and determined them to be Mexican nationals illegally present in the United States. Officials said there was one man, 36, and two women ages 20 and 18.

“These three were very fortunate to not have fallen from the top of the wall which could have resulted in serious injury or death,” San Diego Sector’s Acting Chief Patrol Agent Aaron Heitke said in a written statement. “These dangers are not important considerations to smugglers, who place an emphasis on profits over safety.”


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a48e4c  No.7754481


then explain for a dumb fag

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f7591e  No.7754482

Paul Krugman admitting pedophilia in a bizarre defense strategy + POTUS 'all is good' = Iran Insurance Policy terminated = arrests imminent.

They're out of ammo.

Signs point to White Hat termination of DS missile/nuke scientists fleeing from Iran to Ukraine.

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1af7c1  No.7754483

File: f73cc0f74536d6a⋯.gif (1 MB, 300x224, 75:56, 515a846d85e4168.gif)

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a7d750  No.7754484

Also dis…


Put that with QRS11 and you get…

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707f40  No.7754485


Brunswick GA is next door to Savannah, site of Gulfstream Aviation's world headquarters. Friend of mine's son is one of their in-house utility pilots. That one might just be waiting on a paint job.

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975764  No.7754486


>Is that a red cross painted on a shield???

Have you considered getting tested for colour blindness?

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d7dbf7  No.7754487


I'm here everday dayshift

The vibe is diff but all shifts are great

it's a bit more "spacey" at night

more news daytime

I love it all, truly!

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ce2d31  No.7754488



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ef4496  No.7754489

File: 39c4319ee8c6440⋯.png (590.74 KB, 490x625, 98:125, ClipboardImage.png)

'Ink Master' star Oliver Peck leaves show after blackface photo scandal


Cancel culture at it again.

Shame, he was the best one on the show.

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09e395  No.7754490

File: 47dbae79c063a73⋯.png (809.38 KB, 681x516, 227:172, std.PNG)


Yes, it will be;


Hairy Asshole

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d28275  No.7754491


That crash was at San Francisco airport


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ecc786  No.7754492

File: ec536f0b955f435⋯.jpg (37.99 KB, 790x523, 790:523, f-14-gul-sunrise2.jpg)

File: fb3668794983d04⋯.jpg (345.66 KB, 1200x730, 120:73, 689d49f2a8cb41684eebb24fca….jpg)

File: 38d7ab751c97ddf⋯.jpg (130.33 KB, 1024x699, 1024:699, Chinese J-15 Fighter Jet T….jpg)

File: 40464a6a2ed24a8⋯.jpg (483.41 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, PAK-FA_Sukhoi_T-50.jpg)

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4c2e66  No.7754493



After they realize what's happening, they stop the attack and reality sets in.

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3d8cfa  No.7754494

this is what grugman sounds like:

'guys guys wierd shit happened that I don't want to admit to and it's probably an attempt at soemone to paul-kurgman me. guys, can you show a little hate here?'

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37f3b8  No.7754495


>And with your return… Looks like All of the shills from cripplechan are back. →

I haven't seen the Patriots Fart! -naked chick pick- one back yet.

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ce3115  No.7754496

File: a52d241a4b739f0⋯.png (292.24 KB, 416x416, 1:1, krugman.png)

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61e90c  No.7754497


Take a few minutes out of your day to read the responses…Pure gold!

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3f4d23  No.7754498


They are great actors, aren't they.

They have no reason to be sad, the cabal is still in control over there, they will still get to play their games like have been doing for decades before.

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f011c1  No.7754499


A passenger on the Ukrainian airliner that crashed soon after taking off from Tehran’s Imam Khomeini airport asked people to forgive him for any of his past mistakes in a tweet hours before the plane burst into flames.

“I had predicted there would be war just before my flight. Forgive me if you’ve seen any good or bad [in me],” Mojtaba Abbasnezhad, a PhD student at the University of Toronto in Canada, wrote on his Twitter.

He was presumably referring to the attacks on US military and coalition forces in Iraq that took place a few hours before his flight. Abbasnezhad is an Iranian citizen and was reportedly visiting his family in Tehran.

All 176 people aboard the Boeing 737 flight were killed when the plane crashed near the airport due to technical problems, Iranian state TV reported.

Television footage showed debris and smoldering engine parts strewn across a field, and rescue workers with face masks retrieving bodies of the victims.


1. Dude knew there would be an incident causing his death

2. Dude thought maybe taking a flight through a war zone might cause an incident that would cause his death.

3. That's somehow encoded.

4. He does that before every flight?

5. ?

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f12fbe  No.7754500



House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi in Conversation with Joy-Ann Reid

As Democrats confront the Trump Administration, what are progressives’ best strategies for success inside the Republican Congress? How will Democrats seek to thwart the GOP Agenda, and what is their plan for working families? U.S. House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi, the highest-ranking woman in government and former Speaker of the House, is at the center of it all and has been for three decades. Find out what this longtime fighter for America’s middle class has to say about the state of Washington under President Trump, the opportunities for Democrats and 30 years in public service. Amid urgent issues at home and abroad, learn how Leader Pelosi sees the road forward for America.

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0ee760  No.7754501


wonder if that was krugman starting with the almost CP posts a couple breads ago?

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ce2d31  No.7754502

File: bd19b85d71d239e⋯.jpg (120.98 KB, 500x378, 250:189, INBZ9457.jpg)

File: 9a9649120bebb97⋯.jpg (126.12 KB, 1000x786, 500:393, INWR6422.jpg)

File: a118bdb0d720541⋯.png (793.12 KB, 1492x1344, 373:336, IPCL4699.png)

File: 48095c706cf9fe3⋯.jpg (24.76 KB, 396x264, 3:2, IUJY7106.jpg)

File: 36b46910c495923⋯.jpg (11.23 KB, 223x226, 223:226, IWEM1853.jpg)

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a7d750  No.7754503

From 2006:

Boeing last week received a US patent for a system that, once activated, removes all control from pilots to automatically return a commercial airliner to a predetermined landing location.

The “uninterruptible” autopilot would be activated – either by pilots, by onboard sensors, or even remotely via radio or satellite links by government agencies like the Central Intelligence Agency, if terrorists attempt to gain control of a flight deck.

Boeing says: "We are constantly studying ways we can enhance the safety, security and effiecency of the world's airline fleet."

“There is a need in the industry for a technique that conclusively prevents unauthorised persons for gaining access to the controls of the vehicle and therefore threatening the safety of the passengers onboard the vehicle, and/or other people in the path of travel of the vehicle, thereby decreasing the amount of destruction individuals onboard the vehicle would be capable of causing,” the patent authors write. “In particular, there is a need for a technique that ensures the continuation of the desired path of travel of a vehicle by removing any type of human decision process that may be influenced by the circumstances of the situation, including threats or further violence onboard the vehicle.”

According to the patent, existing preventative measures are less than fullproof – pilots can decide to open the lockable, bullet-proof cockpit doors and federal air marshals can be overpowered and de-armed. Boeing’s alternative has an onboard processor that once activated, disallows pilot inputs and prevents anyone on board from interrupting an emergency landing plan that can be predefined or radioed to the aircraft by airline or government controllers and carried out by the aircraft’s guidance and control system. To make it fully independent, the system has its own power supply, independent of the aircraft’s circuit breakers. The aircraft remains in automatic mode until after landing, when mechanics or government security operatives are called in to disengage the system.

Boeing envisions several methods of activating the system. Options include manual switches for pilots to hit, or possibly force sensors on the cockpit door that would trip the anti-terror mode if a minimum force threshold were crossed, for instance if someone were trying to break down the door. Another option is a remote link whereby airline or government workers in ground facilities would monitor and aircraft and command the automatic control mode “once it is determined that the security of the air vehicle is in jeopardy.” Radio links could also be used to inform ground facilities and nearby aircraft that an aircraft has been placed in the automatic flight mode.

It’s unclear if the Boeing work is related to last week’s issuance of a $1.9 million US Federal Aviation Administration contract to Raytheon for an Advanced Route Evaluation System (ARES). According to Raytheon, ARES will perform risk analysis on aviation routes to help planners determine the best routes for aircraft to use during emergencies.”

Aside from the safety and security aspects of having such a system, Boeing sees it as a preventative measure: “Once the automatic control system provided by the present invention is initiated, no one on board the air vehicle is capable controlling the flight to the air vehicle, such that it would be useless for anyone to threaten violence in order to gain control the air vehicle.”

Boeing, Raytheon, Honeywell, it's all there…

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3d8cfa  No.7754504


"Oh no, I've been Paul Krugmaned "

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3d9881  No.7754505

File: cfdda16de84223d⋯.jpg (58.32 KB, 484x663, 484:663, DJT.JPG)

I'm just gonna put this here because it's been a while and because I love it.

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f12fbe  No.7754506

File: bb14bc8311d716f⋯.png (104.61 KB, 804x674, 402:337, ClipboardImage.png)

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7febd0  No.7754507

File: 7a1cda999e02ccc⋯.jpg (41.5 KB, 512x512, 1:1, IMG_20200108_152948.jpg)



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71bf14  No.7754509


wait for it. Those are on a cycle

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a7d750  No.7754510

File: 2409fc0610ab4cb⋯.png (378.45 KB, 554x629, 554:629, AF Recon_png.png)


Wee see it all, 24/7

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d93d49  No.7754511


most all of the spectrum is not visible

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17e62b  No.7754512

Prince Harry, Meghan Markle stepping back as ‘senior’ members of royal family


JAN. 8, 2020 11:10 AM

Britain’s Prince Harry and his wife, former actress Meghan Markle, are stepping back as senior members of the royal family — a move that comes after months of intense scrutiny and rumors that they would be reducing their workloads as the Duke and Duchess of Sussex.



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3d8cfa  No.7754513

he went full Krugmaniac.

he was all Krugmantic, and in my face

he was Paul Krugman-handling me.

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f12fbe  No.7754514


Venue: Kaufmann Concert Hall

Location: Lexington Avenue at 92nd St

Date: Sun, Jun 25, 2017, 7:30 pm

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4e0040  No.7754515


Charlize Theron mentioned 'her pet goat' as one of her 3 favorite things on GGs Sunday night.

1st favorite thing was ballet shoes.

Trying to remember the 3 fav thing she went on and on about.

'Pet goat' stood out to me as I had to rewind and make sure that is what she said.

What's up with all the goat posts?


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d43ded  No.7754516

File: 403c93a1b7b18d9⋯.png (1.08 MB, 792x666, 44:37, ClipboardImage.png)

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59a758  No.7754517

File: ec617d4d94fe9f9⋯.gif (15.93 KB, 110x223, 110:223, badges.gif)

File: ff4d6f4c7770974⋯.gif (52.86 KB, 400x345, 80:69, Templar.gif)


Knights Templar ????

Original order is the alliance versus the cabal ??

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0ee760  No.7754518


>Will 'Prince Harry' get a last name now?

Harry Hewitt

son of

James Lifford Hewitt

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61e90c  No.7754519


Wow 40,000 comments and all are agreeing with her! Amazing.

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16dfe8  No.7754520

File: 08b49fe7b18f4f8⋯.png (554.36 KB, 649x317, 649:317, ClipboardImage.png)


Could be wrong, but I don't think Gulfstream makes a plane that large.

They are generally twin engine business jets.

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29374e  No.7754521

Happy digging love y'all gotta do fagstuff

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254b72  No.7754522

File: 0e556c73b9a8287⋯.jpg (19.34 KB, 255x249, 85:83, scavino pic meme krugman.jpg)

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f12fbe  No.7754523


Ever use a microwave or a TV remote control?

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a7d750  No.7754524


Goats are sometimes tied out as bait for predators.

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73a94a  No.7754525


My buddy died on one of those 7/10 crashes, check out how many plane crashes they were during the Clintons 8 year crime wave, I checked the manifest of the crash. Spoopy stuff, bunch of people on it that went to a big meeting…..

That’s all I can say.

Fucking monsters deserve the most painful and horrible punishment allowed by law.


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f12fbe  No.7754526

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a7d750  No.7754527

File: a27f17e1c37dd55⋯.jpg (79.32 KB, 750x500, 3:2, hanx.jpg)

File: 44eaf8d709f555f⋯.gif (654.18 KB, 498x372, 83:62, 44eaf8d709f555f19c86a78cc2….gif)

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f011c1  No.7754528


We can't tell you why it's a bad thing. I mean, we could, but in your condition, you would never understand our explanation to you of how horrific a monster you are.

Because you think you're okay.

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10da87  No.7754529

File: 99ba9ecdfc82245⋯.png (373.06 KB, 1463x843, 1463:843, BLACKHAWKS on the deck fis….PNG)

File: d039232a7e85ec0⋯.jpg (87.71 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, blackhawk u60 navy.jpg)

BLACKHAWKS doin' some fishing FFAB123 all three craft share the same call. Look at list on right. Plane dropped off

Same call sign doing this yesterday with three craft sharing call. Not unusual to see them but not this low.

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17e62b  No.7754530

File: 949a4d1ee251447⋯.jpg (53.07 KB, 567x461, 567:461, 2434.jpg)


>Charlize Theron mentioned 'her pet goat'

Look familiar?

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a7d750  No.7754531


Savannah is near the home of the P-8 Poseidon fleet.

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ecc786  No.7754532

File: a807ea502c1d3d4⋯.jpg (2.2 MB, 4868x3094, 2434:1547, bb8b3820d904e558d9b5c2e0c0….jpg)

File: 61c19505cdff513⋯.jpg (276.96 KB, 1114x805, 1114:805, damage1.jpg)


We see stuff too, just really slow. (14 knots = 16.11mph)

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f12fbe  No.7754533




"lifting weights in my mother's basement thinking to myself, am I gay? And I was. And I still am."

She had a bit near the end of her list about a sweater with a baby goat on it that she got from Ellen.

someone get the clip

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7febd0  No.7754534

File: ba3c96fc6611c45⋯.jpg (238.78 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20200108-153721….jpg)


lily and the crusader cross

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d6c4ed  No.7754535


flushed a toilet once o/

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35a3f1  No.7754536

Weinstein lawyers ask judge to recuse over alleged bias against him

Lawyers for Harvey Weinstein, the disgraced media mogul accused of sex crimes in two states, asked a New York judge to recuse himself from Weinstein's trial after the judge ordered him not to use his cell phone in the courtroom.

Variety reported Wednesday that Weinstein's attorneys called the comments directed at their client by Justice James Burke “prejudicial and inflammatory" and also took issue with Burke's decision to not allow the case to be put on hold temporarily a day earlier.

“It has become clear to Mr. Weinstein that the Court has already violated its own mandate to the potential jurors by deciding that Mr. Weinstein is guilty before it has heard any of the trial evidence,” read a court filing obtained by Variety.

Burke apparently questioned Weinstein after he was caught texting in the courtroom during a previous court proceeding, and asked the defendant if he wished to be jailed for life.

“Is this really the way you want to end up in jail for the rest of your life, by texting in violation of an order?” Burke reportedly asked.

Weinstein, who appeared in court this week using a walker, faces accusations from dozens of women in the film industry of inappropriate and unconsensual sexual behavior, including new rape charges that were made public in Los Angeles this week.

“We believe the evidence will show that the defendant used his power and influence to gain access to his victims and then commit violent crimes against them,” Los Angeles County District Attorney Jackie Lacey said in a statement Monday.

Weinstein has yet to comment on the newest charges against him, but has maintained that his sexual encounters with women over the years were consensual.


maybe not notable but definitely comical!

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632244  No.7754537


Yeah, like like for a T-Rex occasionally.

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f011c1  No.7754538


>no president of the USA has not been chosen by the ruling elite (the crown, the real crown)

1. Abraham Lincoln

2. Teddy Roosevelt

3. JFK

4. Ronald Reagan

5. Donald J Trump

List is not exhaustive.

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a7d750  No.7754539


"Low and slow…"

o7, Boatfag.

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29fb22  No.7754540

File: 473b368afe32792⋯.png (35.39 KB, 623x319, 623:319, ClipboardImage.png)




You're right!

Love this one especially!! Kekking bigly!!

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3d9881  No.7754541

File: 4a2d51318fcc993⋯.jpg (16.02 KB, 303x328, 303:328, Feels_good_man.jpg)

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ce2d31  No.7754542

File: 87e678ccbc34b69⋯.jpg (100.96 KB, 1024x575, 1024:575, IMG_7856.JPG)


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f011c1  No.7754543


I think he's a bit misguided.

The server we care about in the Ukraine has all of the DNC dirty laundry on it.

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7ebb98  No.7754544


That dude is an Ace pilot , 300 confirmed kills a day

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43e1f4  No.7754545


honest question baker, why do you bake so many shitposty replies to notables as notables?

Unnecessary chaff

just my 2c

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f011c1  No.7754546


Don't QAnon me, bro.

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2c11ea  No.7754547

File: 383a513a0590e79⋯.jpeg (148.92 KB, 1300x650, 2:1, 8CD20B6A-DFEA-4349-B7B1-1….jpeg)

File: 27c7564a393ce02⋯.jpeg (200.24 KB, 1304x842, 652:421, 871AA16D-5955-4578-9CD1-3….jpeg)

File: 5efcec94ce75748⋯.jpeg (103.57 KB, 701x600, 701:600, 2ADF9938-D58B-4C4B-B91F-0….jpeg)

File: dc321f01501a13b⋯.jpeg (69.21 KB, 700x438, 350:219, 70FE8E09-B94E-421A-B675-9….jpeg)

File: 1d3cb5aeb154e8c⋯.jpeg (62.84 KB, 426x426, 1:1, D80114E3-7A02-4976-B8BA-4….jpeg)

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7b3046  No.7754548


In case Krugman decides to delete the tweet


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975764  No.7754550

File: b065ee329193403⋯.jpg (256.75 KB, 683x648, 683:648, Hewitts son.jpg)


>Harry Hewitt

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31dfc9  No.7754551

File: b645e85b84130e6⋯.jpg (266.06 KB, 800x986, 400:493, krugman.jpg)

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136f66  No.7754552

File: e6bfedb33421169⋯.png (71.03 KB, 598x429, 46:33, ClipboardImage.png)

never ending death spiral part 111111000020030049:

he's been qanon'd?

oh god oh my fucking sides

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ce2d31  No.7754553

File: 64a18211b7f6d9a⋯.jpg (43.71 KB, 500x414, 250:207, SMHY4431.jpg)

File: 9f9cdf58f559070⋯.jpg (65.52 KB, 600x600, 1:1, SNSZ8660.jpg)

File: 029101cdd8c9f1a⋯.jpg (85.53 KB, 579x443, 579:443, SRDE0133.jpg)

File: 4cb233d44975691⋯.jpg (84.66 KB, 1080x1205, 216:241, SWZN0061.jpg)

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3d8cfa  No.7754554

Paul Krugmumbles

about Q and the anon, but

refuses to be red pilled.

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d1e3e2  No.7754555

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Prince Harry and Meghan stepping away from royal role, looking to gain financial independence from the monarchy


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16dfe8  No.7754556

File: 3a2297ac61535ca⋯.jpg (51.99 KB, 516x484, 129:121, Bullwinkle.jpg)

File: 82870fa0a9b1942⋯.jpg (64.98 KB, 576x633, 192:211, PutinRussianJews.JPG)


Krugman was born to a Russian and Jewish family


People will still swear it isn't the Jews.

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00373a  No.7754557


Right, I meant energy the pilots or ground observers couldn't detect: seems most DEW weapons are depicted as visible

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29fb22  No.7754558

File: f7d6c48d1073c39⋯.jpeg (9.88 KB, 255x189, 85:63, 7012656a2df1ee442708c255e….jpeg)

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2eb0c7  No.7754559

Seems like a promise from the Commander in Chief to protect the American people and the US Military service members if harm were to come to them in any way or form. From anyone.


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d7dbf7  No.7754560

File: 66414733d01852e⋯.jpeg (165.17 KB, 1829x1565, 1829:1565, e01af2dab1e8c36cabf31b222….jpeg)

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fc4817  No.7754561

File: c5e9c2025a4c408⋯.jpeg (56.91 KB, 544x306, 16:9, phillipederoth.jpeg)

File: edfdd723c2e0225⋯.jpeg (148.2 KB, 1100x630, 110:63, vf_baron_david_de_rothsch….jpeg)