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File: ab20ceacfc3aab8⋯.png (8.73 KB, 255x143, 255:143, _qresearch_png.png)

258796  No.7683245[Last 50 Posts]

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8kun.top/qresearch/welcome.html


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PICS: https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/4004099.html

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Sunday 12.29.19

>>7654139 —————————— 'DRAIN THE SWAMP' HAS 'REAL' MEANING.

>>7653873 —————————— Follow the guide. Q#436

>>7653791 rt >>7653597 ———–- The point being many (R)s are confused re: must go through additional 'hoops' in order to vote (re: (R) party registration).

>>7653595 —————————— The TRUTH will be told (Cap: >>7653617 vid)

>>7653478 —————————— [D] party election interference? (Cap: >>7653515)

>>7653342 rt >>7653316 ———–- [Pic_insert_retry]

>>7653316 —————————— Welcome to the [D] party con

Saturday 12.28.19

>>7645614 —————————— Easy to understand? (Cap: >>7645635)

>>7643985 rt >>7643939 ———–- DNC servers not hacked

>>7643917 rt >>7643883 ———–- Future will prove past

>>7643842 —————————— FISA is only the beginning (Cap: >>7643898, >>7643901 pdf)

>>7643289 rt >>7643247 ———–- Geo location 2015-2017?

>>7643247 —————————— The only way to restore faith is through transparency and accountability. (Cap: >>7643274, >>7643313, >>7643330)

>>7643055 —————————— PANIC mode (Cap: >>7643092, >>7643173)

>>7640038 —————————— AG Barr talks Durham & #FISA (Cap: >>7640060)

>>7639247 rt >>7639202 ———–- Post drop? 5:5?

Friday 12.27.19

>>7638553 —————————— They are FIGHTING for their LIVES (Cap: >>7638592)

>>7638205 rt >>7637777 ———–- God Wins

>>7638149 rt >>7637926 ———–- Something BIG is coming.

>>7634563 —————————— Do you believe in coincidences? (Cap: >>7634583)

>>7634396 —————————— Follow the money. (Cap: >>7634421)

Monday 12.23.19

>>7600322 —————————— Americas News room is us. (Cap: >>7600335)

>>7600194 rt >>7600180 ———–- Keep up the good fight, Anons

>>7600081 —————————— Nunes says anon research has aided their investigation (Caps: >>7600111)

>>7599466 —————————— Why are [D]s blocking the counting of 'illegal' immigrants? (Caps: Article >>7599591, >>7599508 )

>>7599338 —————————— Who really controls the [D] Party? [GS] (Caps: YT Vid >>7599388)

>>7599136 —————————— POWER & CONROL (Caps: Article >>7599208, >>7599265)

Previous Recent Q Posts

Sunday 12.22.19 >>7653372, Thursday 12.19.19 >>7635172, Wednesday 12.18.19 >>7602453

Q's Private Board: >>>/projectdcomms/ Q's Trip-code: Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6

Onion Link (access through Tor): http://jthnx5wyvjvzsxtu.onion/qresearch/catalog.html

All Q's posts

Archived at qanon.app (qanon.pub), qmap.pub, qanon.news, qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

New?: Use logic and reason when evaluating posts, look beyond the content of the post(s) and evaluate intent.

>>7529956, >>7530061 How To Quickly Spot A Clown!

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258796  No.7683261

Global Announcements

>>7596226 BO has updated header links, aware of /pnd/ bug, has advised CM for fix

Anons, plz no jpegs, tx


are not endorsements


>>7683089 Sudan Hangs nearly 30 officers for killing teacher

>>7683059 PLO Hangs Flag in Jerusalem 1/1/20

>>7682734, >>7682755, >>7682768 Scavino Tweet: DoD vid Marines Landing US Embassy 31 Dec 2019 (tx Dan;)

>>7682717 DJTjr: leadership then & now!

>>7682638 C_A Tweet: New Year. Same...

>>7682584, >>7682607, >>7682623, >>7682644, >>7682671, >>7682677, >>7682758, >>7682894 Planefag Reports

>>7682556, >>7682570 Gowdy Joining (legal) Team? (January)

>>7682526 BB: Iranian Militia Leader Leading Iraq U.S. Embassy Raid Listed as Obama White House Guest

>>7683249 #9831


>>7682407 ZH: Chinese Cities All Over The African Continent

baker on duty

>>7681805 4,000 U.S troops ordered to prepare for rapid deployment to the Middle East?

>>7682051, >>7682064 Anons discuss recent Airstrike and U.S Embassy raid in Iraq

>>7682108, >>7682281 UN disarmament positions in NYC (US?)

>>7681917, >>7682093, >>7682135, >>7681936 A look back @ Ho Chí Minh

>>7682196 Pepe on the Streets of Hong Kong (CNN.com)

>>7682178, >>7682270 Nunes: Decisions… What would you choose?

>>7682463 #9830


>>7681026, >>7681190 Eyes in the Skies!

>>7681627 Latest Google Doodle! There's (NK) Vs. Ours (US)

>>7681543 Table setting has meaning? Anons puzzling it out!

>>7681535, >>7681547, >>7681553, >>7681572 Potus NYE interview in parts

>>7681529, >>7681559 Bam and Pelosi join efforts to take down PDJT in 2020

>>7681438, >>7681459 'TRIZ inventive problem solving principles' bun+

>>7681296, >>7681354, >>7681384 Strange lights in the sky over Dubai skydivers with led lights for 2020 celebration!

>>7681106, >>7681116 Timeline of US-China trade talks in 2019: All the twists and turns

>>7681098 If curious to monitor for possible troop deployment updates, the following are some of the @FtBraggNC twitter handles to follow

>>7681066 BREAKING 911 Anon takeover! Is @realDonaldTrump drinking his covfefe now?

>>7681030 Elizabeth Warren boasted and endorsement by Ed Buck! Can't make this shit up!

>>7681025, >>7681049, >>7681071 @Scavino45 US Marine Corps MV-22 Ospreys drop off Special Purpose Marine Air-Ground Task Force-Crisis Response-Central Command Marines at the US Embassy in Baghdad, Iraq vid

>>7681674 #9829


>>7680209 Q on FLOTUS skirt

>>7680560 From Poland to POTUS Cheers Mr. President @realDonaldTrump ! Happy New Year! #Trump2020

>>7680790 SecPompeo "Today, I reflect on the great honor of serving the American people this past year, and look forward to continuing to advance a diplomacy true to our core values and emboldened by U.S. leadership that may turn our greatest challenges into our greatest triumphs. Happy New Year!"

>>7680860 #9828

Previously Collected Notables

>>7678589 #9825, >>7679345 #9826, >>7680121 #9827

>>7675556 #9821, >>7676344 #9822, >>7677085 #9823, >>7677876 #9824

>>7672536 #9817, >>7673267 #9818, >>7674034 #9819, >>7674772 #9820

>>7669471 #9813, >>7670216 #9814, >>7670936 #9815, >>7671873 #9816

>>7666438 #9809, >>7667193 #9810, >>7667880 #9811, >>7668730 #9812

Notables Thread #1, #8960-present: >>7003045

Notables Aggregator: https://wearethene.ws

Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384), https://8kun.top

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258796  No.7683263

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

[4] Q's requested hashtags on of 3/11/19:






Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Current Operations

>>7556525 Impeachment Counter Offensive Thread

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>6156082

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Book of Q Proofs —– https://bookofqproofs.wordpress.com/

Q Happenings Calendar

Submit an event here - https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Main Calendar URL —- https://dark-to-light.org/calendar/

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

Searchable Indictment Map w/dockets, links & more – https://bad-boys.us/


All Resignations Website ———– https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://qresear.ch

Board Admin & Discussion Threads

>>6064510 ——— META (for board admin queries)

International Q Research Threads


Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>7663037 - Planefagging 101

>>7482095 - Misspellings Matter (OCR "Errors") Thread #1

>>7111560 - The JQ (Jewish Question) Research Thread #6

>>6867253 – Clockwork Qrange #10

>>7071248 - Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #10

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#10 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#20 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950, >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#27 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303, >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462

Q Graphics all in GMT #28-#34 >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071, >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164

Q Graphics all in GMT #35-#41 >>>/comms/2176, >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270, >>>/comms/2274

Q Graphics all in GMT #42-#48 >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327, >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496

Q Graphics all in GMT #49-#55 >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528, >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#62 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187, >>>/comms/3464, >>>/comms/3472

Q Graphics all in GMT #63-#69 >>>/comms/3687, >>>/comms/3688, >>>/comms/3701, >>>/comms/3702, >>>/comms/3858, >>>/comms/3859, >>>/comms/3882

Q Graphics all in GMT #70-#76 >>>/comms/3898, >>>/comms/3920, >>>/comms/3975, >>>/comms/4029, >>>/comms/4197, >>>/comms/4335, >>>/comms/4386

Q Graphics all in GMT #77-#83 >>>/comms/4388, >>>/comms/4423, >>>/comms/4443, >>>/comms/4684, >>>/comms/5035, >>>/comms/5044, >>>/comms/5228

Q Graphics all in GMT #84-#90 >>>/comms/5510, >>>/comms/5577, >>>/comms/5622, >>>/comms/5699, >>>/comms/5700, >>>/comms/5773, >>>/comms/5806

Q Graphics all in GMT #91-#93 >>>/comms/5811, >>>/comms/5890, >>7656007

Q Graphics all in EST


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258796  No.7683267

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!pjpS1aBI!LwepOu-CyC4UlLj2dXqkxiH49D813WetrOF0OCuIg1Y

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/xszgdtiow4hups0/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.VII.pdf/file

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/419874308/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VII?secret_password=55SQ1tCYhuNR8ESzm50u

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE / 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t / 3: pastebin.com/iteQ8xAt

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8kun.top/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

* Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Twitter Video Downloader: http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://qest.us/obamavisitors

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Research Section Backup: >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

* How to Edit Hosts File (DNS): >>>/comms/4396

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* Fire Fox Archiver: Save Page WE https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/save-page-we/?src=search


* Opera Archiver: View Page Archive & Cache https://github.com/dessant/view-page-archive

* Webpage Archiver: http://archive.md/

Letters of Gratitude

>>1215912 (Q posted in #1025)

Meme Ammo

51 >>7598105

2019-Dec mega.nz/#F!AIpwHATK!xsXtYkuKay6X2X-EJXMThQ

2019-Nov mega.nz/#F!JYpRmAID!x8SJn3I02qiHSsOhzSaAcQ

Space Force mega.nz/#F!YRog1CzA!zJWOQG2MtJppmTa3yaJXvQ

QNN Blanks mega.nz/#F!8cpGnYQA!zUkQgtukQep2XeVlKa0SPA

Epstein Drone Photos mega.nz/#F!DwNkwAZQ!xa6JLeW9_632P0yw3MhlNw

Trump Accomplishments after 2 Yrs in Office mega.nz/#F!C49DHYIa!jOxYHczFjauTrdWWb9VUqw

Bill Barr B2 Stealth Bomber mega.nz/#F!wFpnBKhS!V3dZsLTQF1M69ZtBaIu1Xw

Voter ID mega.nz/#F!EV4HkQ7A!fxp-5L2RjgKl1D3YK1xGYA

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

Bread Archives (sites)


Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8kun.top/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions: >>7488978

Read the Simple Instructions: https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>7509063

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258796  No.7683270



>>7682461 PB(OP)

{You}r Song

BAKER Requires Hand-off

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258796  No.7683278

File: 509702fce2d00a6⋯.mp4 (4.17 MB, 640x98, 320:49, Your Song - Elton John.mp4)


lolz, still got it

{You}r Song

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bcfd10  No.7683291

File: be17284857bb99d⋯.png (679.28 KB, 1507x1507, 1:1, baker veteran.png)


gotchas Pbop

can bake

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369b99  No.7683292

File: b329f9072c3332b⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1209x713, 39:23, 9ec9e88c03e4b8c4e8840d78b5….png)

God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.

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84bad3  No.7683296

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9ccec7  No.7683297

File: a201079915da92e⋯.gif (128.92 KB, 1566x880, 783:440, 180801-sommer-qanon-jfk-he….gif)

ah ha

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269747  No.7683299

“But that's not how it used to be

When the jester sang for the king and queen in a coat he borrowed from James Dean

And a voice that came from you and me

Oh, and while the king was looking down

The jester stole his thorny crown

The courtroom was adjourned

No verdict was returned

And while Lenin read a book on Marx

A quartet practiced in the park

And we sang dirges in the dark

The day the music died…”

This verse from a poem describes:

a) The before time

b) The now

c) The time soon upon us

d) a and b

e) it’s just a stupid song, fag

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83933d  No.7683300

File: db25322f4b4befd⋯.jpg (64.35 KB, 514x485, 514:485, stupd.jpg)

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67140f  No.7683301

File: 49761ef866d55b5⋯.jpg (19.19 KB, 255x245, 51:49, 76136eb3cc124ae883ad9c3bfc….jpg)

File: 84ebbb55f44dbca⋯.jpg (149.64 KB, 500x522, 250:261, 84ebbb55f44dbcaa58b1d0ffdf….jpg)

File: f9ad7a89c17fc6f⋯.jpg (49 KB, 500x691, 500:691, f9ad7a89c17fc6f57c819f8b89….jpg)

File: c6fa49456a20f77⋯.jpg (190.99 KB, 1325x1236, 1325:1236, c6fa49456a20f77521b890ff0d….jpg)






>>7653316 Q 'No (R) option in CA when registering to vote?'

We are HOT for Twitter Cannons OPERATION: #VoterID

California has become a hotbed for corruption and crime. 4 Families over 3 generations. Brown Pelosi Newsom Getty. It is 95% Democtratic Controlled with abundent Voter Fraud. Our mission is to get California PatriotS to Push for California Voter ID. Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters and Adam Schiff seem to be at the forefront of this debakle. We will target them, as well as their followers and newly elected Democrats in California.

California needs our help. There are LOTS and LOTS of patriots living in California who cannot easily pick up and leave. An anon pointed out a few days ago: their mortgages are underwater (they owe more than the property would sell for in the current RE market), and if they move, wages are lower elsewhere. California American citizen patriots are our brothers and sisters, in some cases they are our families or neighbors or longtime acquaintances. We don't abandon other Americans. Q pointed out how we can help them so let's do it! If you must hate, hate the politicians in Sacramento who have done this to the state. Hate the liberal media who has brainwashed a significant fraction of the people. You'd be surprised how many of California's agricultural and rural counties are deep red Republican, feeling overwhelmed and trapped in a terrible situation that was not of their own making.

SYNOPSIS: Target California Democrats Sentors, Reps, Governors and thier followers to implement #VoterID in California.

MEME: VoterID, Corruption, Homelessness, WildFires, Drugs, Crime, SanctuaryCities...

HIJACK: #PollthePeople

PUSH: #VoterID | #California | #DemandVoterID



https://twitter.com/SpeakerPelosi | https://twitter.com/RepAdamSchiff | https://twitter.com/RepMaxineWaters | https://twitter.com/SenFeinstein

All their Followers and Newly elected California Democrats and Democrats in California Swing Districts

EXAMPLE TWEET (Direct Reply to maxine waters)

[Tweet] - .@RepMaxineWaters how are you this #MondayMorning? My #MondayThoughts is #VoterID in #California. Can we #DemandVoterID? Any thoughts?

[Meme] - Pic of the Voter Corruption in California Orange County

[LIVE FIRE SAMPLE] >>7662286


>>7662183 POTUS delta points to CA election op?

>>7662217 <<< Twitter repression flagged

>>7661893 they are afraid!

>>7662195 Notable Bun

Intel >>7662903, >>7663312, >>7662057, >>7662087, >>7662140, >>7662204, >>7662293, >>7661909, >>7661913, >>7661941, >>7662140

Memes >>7675364, >>7667382, >>7667057, >>7667081, >>7667096, >>7662873, >>7662889, >>7662897, >>7662907, >>7662916, >>7663229, >>7663282, >>7662198, >>7662301, >>7662195, >>7661933, >>7661901, >>7661915, >>7661927, >>7661907, >>7661915, >>7661920, >>7661927, >>7661907, >>7661915, >>7661920, >>7661927, >>7662198

VoterID Meme Repo: https://mega.nz/#F!EV4HkQ7A!fxp-5L2RjgKl1D3YK1xGYA






</EndChan id='qanonresearch'>

Dough: https://pastebin.com/VE5rfmEc

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585d1d  No.7683304

File: 52ef8a41e026aee⋯.jpg (66.04 KB, 740x317, 740:317, rg19.jpg)



I'm around for a while as well.

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3b9d7d  No.7683306

File: 7d97ffc829dd7ac⋯.png (332.41 KB, 750x822, 125:137, ClipboardImage.png)

The Anti-Benghazi!


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258796  No.7683308

File: ef4e2b63f6aa77b⋯.png (656.13 KB, 811x510, 811:510, handoff.PNG)


New Baker Confirmed

Happy New Year Baker!


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4497d2  No.7683309

File: d4560df2243baad⋯.png (4.43 KB, 414x123, 138:41, dvcwdcwdc.png)

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bcfd10  No.7683310


how about you take it

ill back you up

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7c84f9  No.7683311

File: c2b154dceed4717⋯.png (136.82 KB, 790x235, 158:47, Screen Shot 2020-01-01 at ….png)

Why are they doing this shit with Cummings picture?

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8f0ce6  No.7683312

File: 087f21ba6d888b8⋯.png (1.06 MB, 640x663, 640:663, 087f21ba6d888b8d1750eef2f4….png)


sleep it is

thank you bakers!


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93ea79  No.7683313

>>7683283 (pb)

<regarding 144K chosen in Revelations

>chosen for good or chosen for bad

Which version of good or bad would you prefer? Normal people or cabal?

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5b7403  No.7683314

File: c58f0f65cfc4fb2⋯.jpg (103.17 KB, 1080x1349, 1080:1349, 1080full-brittani-bader.jpg)

Thank You Baker

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05d45e  No.7683315

oldfags are not seniorfags or elderfags

some oldfags are seniorfags

and some seniorfags are eldferfags

all elderfags are seniorfags

being an oldfag and an elderfag

would make you ancientfag or something

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585d1d  No.7683316


Sounds good.

Handoff confirmed


o7 doc, rest well

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acbffe  No.7683317

File: db56a3e56cd7a77⋯.jpg (265.16 KB, 809x500, 809:500, thank you for our daily br….jpg)


TY Baker

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258796  No.7683318

File: 3946981e07271fd⋯.png (470.24 KB, 750x500, 3:2, qresearch.png)




Thumbs Up :)

you guys choose


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f1e5cf  No.7683319

File: 879b492ef4eb05c⋯.png (512.35 KB, 680x510, 4:3, wake and bake.png)



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7fd0e0  No.7683320



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788c02  No.7683321

File: 446fb8e399133c1⋯.jpeg (622.04 KB, 1242x2148, 207:358, Q_petition.jpeg)

signed count is at 1,646

It's uses 2 factor verification (you need a valid email to sign)

Sign this World Wide


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83933d  No.7683322


too soon. please don't post this q drop anymore.

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7296a9  No.7683323

File: 5c6f64d227c202c⋯.jpg (487.66 KB, 1558x709, 1558:709, washington swamp.jpg)


The real physical geographic SWAMP in WashingtonDC!

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269747  No.7683324


Look closely on their foreheads.

That’s where they are marked.

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a6b833  No.7683325

File: 81091d49693428d⋯.jpg (266.14 KB, 1488x1126, 744:563, Dan_and_POTUS_etc_07_03_20….jpg)

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969568  No.7683326

Whoa (LB)

Anonfag posts about Venderbilts and de Bilt in Utrecht in a long post. I point out that "Van der Beeld" also translates into "From the image/picture" and Anonfag spergs out at me bigly with the filter stick.

Can't we fucking brainstorm in here any more without Edgelords kicking off about who is right?

"Multiple meanings exist" - Q

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bcfd10  No.7683327

File: 7c9db441f2c0432⋯.png (553.57 KB, 600x500, 6:5, bacero.png)


sensei, How To Quickly Spot A Clown i updated the post in the dough

>>7683307 How To Quickly Spot A Clown!

please edit for mah

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7c84f9  No.7683328

Lindsay Graham is giving Giuliani the cold shoulder….Now he's saying he doesn't want him to testify..

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fe8910  No.7683329

File: b8dded890704731⋯.jpg (101.05 KB, 1195x289, 1195:289, IsraelCollage.jpg)

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93ea79  No.7683330

File: 44e96127a3c3f8b⋯.png (67.18 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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6a64c7  No.7683331

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>7683224 /pb

1 hr

Dutch Golden Age 1588-1702

The Dutch Golden Age was a period in Dutch history, roughly spanning the 17th century, in which Dutch trade, science, military, and art were among the most acclaimed in the world. The first half is characterized by the Eighty Years' War till 1648. The Golden Age went on in peace time during the Dutch Republic until the end of the century.

-diggs on the Dutch (((merchant))) empire.

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269747  No.7683332


Is she combing the beach for fish?

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7facdf  No.7683333

File: 60573feafd1b7ea⋯.png (424.24 KB, 385x521, 385:521, kitchen bewbs.PNG)

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295aaf  No.7683334

File: 3a3a079ecd2472c⋯.png (1.97 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 3A56CE62-DCD2-42CA-A178-F9….png)

They say that patriotism is the last refuge: to it a scoundrel clings.

Fuck. Strzok


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7fd0e0  No.7683335

File: e33382c1c5212b4⋯.png (44.26 KB, 614x286, 307:143, Screenshot 2020-01-01 at 1….png)


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acbffe  No.7683336


refined, yet flatulent

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8aa86a  No.7683337


This is kind of an odd situation but it absolutely falls into Q related research and, if correct, it draws in a (very large) amount of lefitists to show how they operate in a similar Greta situation.

Several months back you likely all heard about the claims of some kid in CA paying for others school lunches and the whole "lunchshame" hashtag came into existence. Apparently the Mother of that kid is a felon with multiple counts of stolen identity and has the major populace of that region up in arms over her track record which ranges from threats, to stalking, to attacking, to infiltrating kids assemblies, to pushing some overtly odd shit, to on and on. This is the FB page of one such woman from that area and her page has an utter shit load of comments from locals on the issue:


Why does this matter? Well, because she is working with Newsome, Omar, Ellen DeGen, and just about every media MSM you can think of to push her narrative. This guy recently touched on it:


But look what happened directly after… it spurned the state of CA to do this:


This is a major example of how they are creating these child activists to push issues through politcally and given the mothers background I would not be surprised if she was recruited. I mean, her "son" is a trans (I think at least) at the under 10 range. But this is just another example of how they are pushing kids now into this positions to run bills through. It appears she even contacted Pence!

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969568  No.7683338


Vanderbilts* - typo error

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f74338  No.7683339

File: ffa22c6aad9cd51⋯.png (316.97 KB, 588x488, 147:122, 2020-01-01_11-01-58.png)

>>7683295 lb

The monster unveiled

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777658  No.7683340

File: 10980fb4add372e⋯.mp4 (870.32 KB, 720x720, 1:1, republiphant.mp4)


Happy new year, baker!

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5b7403  No.7683341

File: 2979cc4802836a4⋯.png (5.79 KB, 255x170, 3:2, a96bab0308a66e4341e5933d70….png)


Quads chek

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7facdf  No.7683342


get you some rest B looks like it's all covered

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97d0d9  No.7683343

File: 546a3bbc0b7de21⋯.png (69.86 KB, 979x873, 979:873, htpm2020.PNG)


Proclamation on National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month, 2020


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585d1d  No.7683344


Got it in, thank you.

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6a64c7  No.7683345

File: 8ee22ef8fb854b0⋯.png (415.46 KB, 728x546, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0f3a67dcbc14b74⋯.png (358.41 KB, 960x720, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


The (((Dutch))) were also the merchants that supplied the muskets to the Japanese and ended the age of the Samurai.

Check out all their trading posts.

They also were the kings of the slave trade until 1812.

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258796  No.7683346

File: 55fd8ec823b5598⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1080x1231, 1080:1231, bakers.png)


Quads Confirm

outgoing Baker Likee

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fe21a7  No.7683347

File: fb6c38887c64d5f⋯.mp4 (2.95 MB, 720x720, 1:1, 1_Hey America, heres to ou….mp4)

File: fbbb5c00b7644b0⋯.png (200.04 KB, 634x1132, 317:566, 2_Bibi_assassination_Trump.png)

File: d1d39de8c2dbd85⋯.jpg (500 KB, 2072x1976, 259:247, 3_Holocaust_Museum_Berlin_….jpg)

File: a725086ed8a5ba6⋯.png (710.64 KB, 1288x1720, 161:215, 4_Archive_Jews_Drugs_and_C….png)

Fact Based Legitimate Criticism (FBLC) of issues related to Jewish collective power and/or Israel:


Bibi has made a public death threat against Trump on the 4th of July of this year (2019).

Here is the tweet:


And video in the post.


Jewish collective power has been smearing Trump using one of their Holocaust Museums in Germany


Israel has sold weapons and military training to the drug cartels, and Jews in NY have laundered part of the cartels money (and source also shows that Jews created organized crime in the US in the 20’s).

How to turn every Trump supporter against Israel without hurting Trump:



The peaceful and fair solution to this issue of Jewish group subversion of Western nations:



https://youtu.be/Cki0RVX841I - “Rabbi says pedophile rape is not to be reported according to jewish law”

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7c84f9  No.7683348


Next year, anon..

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bfb45c  No.7683349

File: 33e538035d4eca7⋯.jpeg (601.02 KB, 1125x1547, 1125:1547, C9DE2A15-5448-45C3-BF7B-C….jpeg)

Rudy turning up the heat via retweet.

“I would prosecute it as a racketeering case”



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1fd3ed  No.7683350

File: eae52f8e8dd20ea⋯.jpg (10.28 KB, 254x416, 127:208, 7ryfgjh.JPG)

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7fd0e0  No.7683351

File: 177d242025133bf⋯.png (187.01 KB, 843x460, 843:460, Screenshot 2020-01-01 at 1….png)


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1a46a6  No.7683352

File: e29b698c24bd2d7⋯.png (23.68 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, ShillsAttacking.png)



As Q told in many posts the anons on Q Research and the whole Q movement are a DIRECT THREAT to many people ww.

Not only to the few families of the ruling class, but also to the many Deep State assets in politics, science, economy, fake news reporters, masons and "knights" around the world.

Shills apply all kind of tactics and most of them have it´s base on "divide and rule".

Attack people of the Q patriots and sow division to weaken the movement.



Shills attack the loud voices on YT and on TV.

Shills attack individual anons and call them names (boomer, kike, …).

Shills are desperate bc anons and patriots ww are so many and are so strongly bound in the fight against evil.

Shills still try to sow division and try to paint this board nazi to eneble fake news attacks on "Q nazis".

Shills also try to deflect from the [cult] by muh jew spam.

Shills spread stupid info and post utter bs to make anons look ridiculous.

One shill calls everyone "bot" and want´s you to think that there are not thousands of anons contributing and millions of lurkers spreading info on other channels.

Another shill posts anime and wolf memes all the time to make researching autists look ridiculous at first glance.

Shills attack relevant info (was noted two months ago, why should anons care, not relevant, …).

Shills try to divide anons by making them leave to a board that Q chooses not to post on (QRB, 4chan).

Shill post disinfo and cryptic bs to slide.

Shills attack the Qclock (that Q asked anons to build and that works amazingly well: "future proves past")

Shills glow if you regard the posts made here in the context of ALL Q DROPS.

Watch out for clown bakers that leave out and ignore relevant info or push shill topics (slides, muh jew).

Clowns try so hard to make anons leave this board by flooding it with bs (clown BO helps bigly), yet subborn anons stay the course and WIN.

The end for shills is near and JUSTICE will be served soon.



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d00d97  No.7683353



very OBVIOUS exclusion of notables from last loaf noted by MANY anons…

Bakers…bad form…if you get a second it is NOTABLE regardless of what (you) think…

Follow the rules…

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acbffe  No.7683354


Fuck Graham - useless - all lip-service

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fe21a7  No.7683355

File: e2388aff0d0b12a⋯.png (85.21 KB, 648x724, 162:181, 1_Israel_passes_secret_US_….PNG)

File: d69dcde72f093c4⋯.png (89.67 KB, 755x479, 755:479, 2_Israel_passes_secret_US_….png)

File: eeb4ba5ae3bfebc⋯.jpg (317.7 KB, 1242x1686, 207:281, 3_Israel_passes_secret_US_….jpg)

File: 1334a8429d7e677⋯.jpg (2.46 MB, 1296x9000, 18:125, 4_Archive_America_Stands_W….jpg)

File: 0e02a1d298587fa⋯.png (450.83 KB, 736x604, 184:151, 5_Jewish_holocaust_survivo….png)



Israel has passed secret US Military tech to China.


Israel has been using its political control over the US foreign policy in order to use the US Military to fight its wars for them, and that has resulted in an extreme cost to the US people in terms of debt, international reputation and lives (as well as limbs).


Israeli organizations force the German government to pay up to African Jews whose family nor they themselves have never ever EVER set foot in Europe, because muh holohoax.

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bcfd10  No.7683356

File: 65bfee98d50e492⋯.jpg (111.72 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, DSB.jpg)


rest well

godspeed AFLB 3

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6dc29e  No.7683357

File: 4ee7a2558a7a701⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1370x713, 1370:713, TLRV.PNG)


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7c84f9  No.7683358



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1455f2  No.7683359



did anyone post that repeatedly, cause anons failed that part somewhat.

Not to be harsh to diggers, but we did fail as a collective.

Some of us read this as the "boxed up indictments from 2019" are ready.

No given date to unseal, but complete and ready to deliver.

(the numbers wont go up)

and personally, think if there is a date 4-10-20 is one to watch.

Good Friday.

D.J.T. day

once in earth history the date would align with letters of DJT. While he is president!

Don't think he wont use that message.

Either as a finish date, or major habbenin.

So stop trying to discredit Q with posting this shit, it's US that misunderstood.

He cannot just post plain English readable by machine and the enemy, so don't expect that to happen. (if it looks like Q did that, it is probably misinformation)

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fe21a7  No.7683360

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>muh jew

That's a term used by JIDF, Israeli shills.

If you aren't familiar with who they are and their agenda, see:

Israel spends millions per year in highly organized efforts to shill and censor the internet.

Learn more here:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6B5jMXZ4PvY - "Israel's Internet Censorship War If Americans Knew"

[00:00] While many groups and governments wish to censor the internet, Israel and its partisans are amongst the most globally significant. They work to promote the Israel narrative while blocking facts about Palestine, the Israel lobby and other subjects they wish to cover up.

[00:17] Much of this is done by devoted individuals acting independently, voluntarily and relentlessly. But many of these activists are part of orchestrated well funded projects sponsored by the Israeli government and other pro-Israel groups.

[00:30] They utilize Israeli soldiers, students, American teens and seniors and range from infiltrating Wikipedia to influencing YouTube. As we’ll see, some even operate out of Jewish community centers in the US.

[00:43] One such group is the Israeli military’s New Media Desk.

[00:47] “It is well known now a days that what happens on FaceBook, Twitter and YouTube has great influence on events that occur on the ground. The Internet too is a battleground, it is thus comforting to learn that the IDF employ soldiers that tweet, share, like and more.”

[01:02] Another project initiated in 2011 by the National Union of Israeli Students has the stated goal of to deepen and expand hasbara, or state propaganda activities of students in the State of Israel. Under this program Israeli students are payed to quote: “lead the battle against hostile websites”.

[01:21] The students are tasked with what many would call shilling or trolling in online forums and social media. They are directed to create original content in the form of news reports and blogs, edit Wikipedia, inject pro-Israel messages into discussion on social media, as well as report and remove what they consider to be allegedly “anti-Semitic” content.

[01:42] Its important to note that criticism of Israel is not the same thing as anti-Semitism, despite Israel’s best effort to redefine the word.

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d60fbf  No.7683361

File: f622bbc961ca0c9⋯.png (4.49 KB, 408x119, 24:7, Qfailedtodeliver.png)

Hey anons, I fixed the Q drop for ya….. that way you guys will have an excuse to give all your friends and family for the supposed high political indictments.

I can photo shop the [2020] in their also if you would like.

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a6b833  No.7683362

File: 073c45f8c0da556⋯.jpg (51.75 KB, 499x266, 499:266, JFK_jr_002.jpg)

File: 4b38d97a9a1c639⋯.jpg (78.65 KB, 382x590, 191:295, JFK_jr_003.jpg)

File: f4ad05cad586f26⋯.jpg (100.07 KB, 1018x606, 509:303, JFK_jr_004.jpg)

File: 240a0a5b5a0936e⋯.jpg (98.44 KB, 1158x521, 1158:521, JFK_Jr_001.jpg)


he was just another kid in the world the same age as us back then.

why you make him into an idol?

My quess is that he didn't like all the attention and just wanted to be another kid.

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262fd1  No.7683363

File: 118bf4341b8394e⋯.jpg (90.05 KB, 761x561, 761:561, tf.JPG)



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4af070  No.7683364

File: 7577415945af273⋯.gif (14.92 MB, 1400x1050, 4:3, gatsby.0.gif)

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fe8910  No.7683365

File: 901225a9afa5d15⋯.jpg (71.86 KB, 727x502, 727:502, BCBender.jpg)

File: 3dbf58a42759e8e⋯.jpg (61.68 KB, 615x406, 615:406, BCBenderII.jpg)

File: b3aed1747f86568⋯.jpg (51.95 KB, 584x428, 146:107, BCBenderIII.jpg)

File: bfd2802c6cbc2a0⋯.jpg (53.63 KB, 617x404, 617:404, BCBenderIIII.jpg)

File: c8f118f5778f48c⋯.jpg (75.99 KB, 500x510, 50:51, BCBenderIIIII.jpg)


Morning kike.

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56b323  No.7683366

>>7683252 (/lb)

>to say the earth being motionless is retarded

>it was beyond dispute when the pope jailed galileo - so slide, if you have proof to the contrary send it to the vatican

Why the fuck would I send anything to the Vatican. They have no authority and never have in my book. I'm Christian, but I've never followed the pope. He nor have any past Popes ever had any authority given to them by God. A recent outing has proven such things to be true publicly, as one day knowledge about the earth will be.

>NASA is hiring. They employ thousands, even janitors like you. Millions of suppliers deliver parts & goods and millions more have watched giant marvels launch and recover. Its open to the public.

Just because they employ many doesn't mean they should be. If it takes Humanity down a dead end they shouldn't be employed in that direction. Better that they be re-hired for a better purpose to advance humanity. And also the only thing we've watched are CGI movies of planets and spaceships since the 60's, none of the photographs of earth from space are real. Go look closely for your self, on NASA's own website, compare them from year to year, you will see for your self and anyone wondering should do the same. Do your own damn research. I've told you where to start.

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7c84f9  No.7683367

Q seems to do things in waves or spurts….Don't you all think it's unlikely he will just drop the hammer and freak out all the normies?

I think it's more likely that he will release shit and continue the slow drip that has nearly stopped dripping of late…

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fe21a7  No.7683368

File: 19006781d503e66⋯.png (164.08 KB, 963x1064, 963:1064, 1_FM_and_Jews_.png)

File: ee918c74651aa70⋯.png (661.71 KB, 1400x1121, 1400:1121, 2_FM_infiltrated_by_Jews.png)

File: de741676b84ee95⋯.png (12.2 KB, 221x228, 221:228, 3_FM_Jewery_4.png)

File: 323bae5a27c07cd⋯.png (149.03 KB, 968x732, 242:183, 4_Seal_of_Solomon_archive_….PNG)

File: d1d658560f6c711⋯.png (89.41 KB, 1025x672, 1025:672, 5_Hiram_Abiff.PNG)


And speaking of masons:


King Solomon is directly connected to the Jewish people;


The Seal of Solomon, which is the original name of the Star of David, which Israel uses in their flag, is connected to King Solomon, Jewish people and Islam;


FreeMasonry is directly connected to Jewery in various ways, one of the most ancient ones being the fact that FM idolizes Hiram Abiff, whom they consider the architect of Solomon's Temple.

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05d45e  No.7683369

sen graham is more of a seniorfag

sen kennedy is more of a elderfag

neither is an oldfag

just my 2cents

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d00d97  No.7683370


you did that last loaf…



TG we have some experienced bakers…if either of you can do back to last loaf and check the notables…NUMEROUS requests to notable the Ice-T/Snoop dog interactions/masonic BS/etc…much love to you both and ty for what you do..no homo!

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086dbf  No.7683371

File: ecdef466f6115f0⋯.png (468.83 KB, 864x868, 216:217, winning.png)


>Iraqi protesters retreat from US embasssy in Baghdad


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4af070  No.7683372

File: f6f910ff4377197⋯.jpg (10.28 KB, 320x300, 16:15, f6f910ff4377197aac5491167d….jpg)


Thank you baker, and Happy New Year to you and all Anons!

New Day, New Year, New feeling….

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ec468f  No.7683373

File: bed7b2157b12a6d⋯.jpeg (279.54 KB, 1200x1198, 600:599, CFF7493C-9930-4DF1-ACD1-3….jpeg)

Interdasting New Year fact:

Every year that is exactly divisible by four is a leap year, except for years that are exactly divisible by 100, but these centurial years are leap years if they are exactly divisible by 400. For example, the years 1700, 1800, and 1900 are not leap years, but the years 1600 and 2000 are.


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6a64c7  No.7683374

File: 21db23a73a233fe⋯.png (9.82 MB, 4049x2048, 4049:2048, ClipboardImage.png)


In 1650 after funding the bank of england, they also sent 2+ million slaves from Ireland (mostly children) and Scotland to their colonies.

The 'redlegs' are still there in the west indies.

Funny how they show England and Portugal as under their control isn't it.

Funny how the Dutch have been getting a free pass on this.

New Amsterdam - Vanderbilt - it's all connected to their trade empire.

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9b9943  No.7683375

Recent lawsuit filed by families of dead and wounded soldiers.

sauce and article website:


288 page lawsuit pdf:


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fe21a7  No.7683376

File: d290e46d52f50a2⋯.png (27.83 KB, 1158x339, 386:113, 1_Nuremberg_trial_fraud_op….png)

File: c2ed257d6f7413c⋯.jpg (65.39 KB, 827x680, 827:680, 1575132485795.jpg)

File: 05dde2708e786bf⋯.png (3.86 MB, 1048x6440, 131:805, Holocaust_meme_2.png)

File: 315d3c6f84b1453⋯.png (183.64 KB, 1738x485, 1738:485, Holocaust_official_version….png)


Speaking of the Holocaust, you can verify that the official version of the Holocaust is a fraud here:


archive.vn/u8OjU – archive of the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg

Article 19 of the Statutes of the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg - “The Tribunal shall NOT be bound by technical rules of evidence.”

Article 21 of the Statutes of the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg - “The Tribunal shall NOT require PROOF OF FACTS of common knowledge but shall take judicial notice thereof.”



http://holocausthandbooks.com/index.php?page_id=1001 - “One Third of the Holocaust” - documentary

www.youtube.com/watch?v=uK3AUG87JD0 - “The First Holocaust The Surprising Origin of the Six Million Figure”

https://codoh.com/ - Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust website


https://www.bitchute.com/video/5W6zIPoHcAAs/ - “The "Holocaust" testimonies you DIDN'T hear!”

http://archive.vn/lwbzT - “Florida principal who told parent he 'can't say the Holocaust is a factual, historical event' is fired”


-History schoolteacher says: "There was lots of proof from the Red Cross, that the number of deceased in the WORK camps, they were not other types of camps, they were work camps, they starved because the allies were starving them"

https://www.ancreport.com/documentary/spinning-squirrel-how-pysch-warfare-propaganda-became-the-historical-narrative/ - “Spinning Squirrel, How Pysch Warfare Propaganda Became the Historical Narrative”

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7fd0e0  No.7683377

File: 463652e8e83ba7d⋯.png (209.78 KB, 844x505, 844:505, Screenshot 2020-01-01 at 1….png)


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6e4ff1  No.7683378

File: 076a56d19413d95⋯.mp4 (5.32 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Rico Rudy.mp4)


This dropped yesterday.

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f9f6be  No.7683379

File: 2197461f4a9236e⋯.jpg (189.67 KB, 768x768, 1:1, 08bf5b50734c399a90af488c91….jpg)


Mornin' Swordy!

Happy New Year Anons!

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acbffe  No.7683380

File: dca1c76878cc5c4⋯.jpg (131.12 KB, 888x499, 888:499, shit the bread 3ktkui.jpg)

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94522e  No.7683381

File: 02d1cf3abcae03b⋯.jpg (15.84 KB, 163x255, 163:255, c4a5275c5625799345cdeea1f9….jpg)

File: 21028a15b2bd713⋯.jpg (74.93 KB, 795x844, 795:844, 9e8567c5906402548226eeabe0….jpg)

>>7683279 PB

Putins hat seems to be made of silver tipped Badger

Nunes hat is totally different fur, maybe minx?

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e4aaee  No.7683382

File: bac82019597e9e4⋯.jpg (95.63 KB, 500x854, 250:427, 3kxxws.jpg)

Fresh meme with tweet attached or…

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3fe304  No.7683383

File: 3e2d7b900200c32⋯.png (409.32 KB, 1467x325, 1467:325, 6955efe96de2db159137b55d65….png)

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585d1d  No.7683384


>>7683363 Fitton Benghazi Tweets.

>>7683351 Iraqi protesters retreat from Iraqi embassy.

>>7683349 Rudy: I would prosecute it as a racketeering case.

>>7683343 Proclamation on National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month, 2020.

>>7683335 HK arrests 400 on NYD.

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7fd0e0  No.7683385

File: e69add2cb5af81d⋯.png (181.03 KB, 837x468, 93:52, Screenshot 2020-01-01 at 1….png)


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086dbf  No.7683386

File: f9aff47d309adb1⋯.png (668.13 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


take your meds faggot. 2 notables on a non notable post only proves the retardation on the board. it doesnt automatically render information relevent.

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fa5d58  No.7683387

File: 8502860ae8cd278⋯.jpeg (53.75 KB, 450x600, 3:4, Gorka flee hide fight res….jpeg)

File: 77d04fa439f2772⋯.jpg (179.04 KB, 1155x669, 385:223, gorkamoney.jpg)

>>7683274 pb

>>7683118 pb

>>7683228 pb

anons who defend Gorka suffer from "Stockhom Syndrome"

Don't know what it's like to win, so Identify with those who abuse you?

Gorka: Complete and total enemy.

"Those you trust the most"


"2019-03-25 22:26:09 (UTC+1)

Thank you, Anons, for bringing this to our attention. Be careful who you follow. Follow the money. Follow the expenses. https://magacoalition.com https://www.opensecrets.org/pacs/expenditures.php?cycle=2018&cmte=C00654343 https://www.thedailybeast.com/sebastian-gorka-leaves-pizzagate-super-pac https://twitter.com/drawandstrike/status/1042563939211595778 https://www.irs.gov/individuals/how-do-you-report-suspected-tax-fraud-activity




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f1e5cf  No.7683388

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


your jokes are stupid.

the SEED had to be planted before we can experience the harvest…

Q told you about FISA over a year before MSM… and it habbened exactly like Q said it would…

anyone with a Brain can put 2 + 2 together…


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fe21a7  No.7683389

File: 435d38c3af09009⋯.png (4.39 MB, 3040x3560, 76:89, Evangelicals_1.png)


Regardless if you are a Christian or not, it is useful that you know about these facts pertaining to Jewish and Israeli crime and subversion. Remember why this is important:

The biggest voting block in the US, the Evangelicals, make up 25% of the US population, and they have been psyoped into supporting the terrorist state of Israel (which was complicit in the 2nd 9/11 attack on the US) for religious reasons via the Scofield Bible, which was commissioned to Scofield by the Rothschild.

And also remember that the True Eternal Israel exists in the hearts of those who have faith in Jesus Christ, Rothschild created earthly country we call Israel today.

Some graphs that will help redpill Evangelicals and other Christians on the truth about the Rothschild founded Israel:

http://archive.is/UF27x - "How Evangelicals have been duped by Satan into supporting the earthly Israel, which rejects the Spiritual and Eternal Israel, Part 1"

http://archive.is/8xnkU - "How Evangelicals have been duped by Satan into supporting the earthly Israel, which rejects the Spiritual and Eternal Israel, Part 2"

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9e6c7f  No.7683390

File: 47206c4683b7838⋯.png (707.66 KB, 759x475, 759:475, ClipboardImage.png)

Ashamed to admit I watched the first season of the Madalorian. I did it so you don't have to. Went in with my eyes open to Disney/Hollywood bullshit and still my eyes spent a lot of time rolling.

Here's what I learned.

Creator, Jon Favreau, is Jewish.

Mandalorians are a people.

They are said to be "Not a race but a creed" (Oy vey!!! - Hello fellow white person!!!) - Very topical with Trumps recent EO to combat anti-semitism.

The Mandalorian (main character) is described as a "foundling".

Foundling is the word used in the Old Testament to describe Moses (a Jew who, as a baby, was hidden by his mother in a basket in the reeds).

When the evil empire (analogous to Nazi Germany e.g. Stormtroopers) attacks their city, the main character (The Mandolorian) is hidden by his parents and saved by what looks to be Boba Fett.

He is raised to be a Mandalorian.

The Mandalorians are a dispossessed people whose homeland is destroyed by the evil Empire - they have been dispersed throughout the galaxy and seek to re-establish their homeland - Sound like the Jewish diaspora to anyone?

When he grows up and becomes a bounty hunter, the Mandalorian in turn, saves another foundling (known by fans as "baby Yoda" but not actually baby Yoda). Baby Yoda is found in and travels in the space equivalent of a basket.

Baby Yoda has Jedi powers - can move things with his mind etc.

Yoda means "One who knows" in Hebrew. Listen here -


The Jedi, who use “the Force” – the spiritual power of good deeds, aka the mitzvot — to do good in their battle with the “Dark Side” – the yetzer hara, or the evil urge within us all - bear the Anglicized name of a Jew. In other words, jedi = yehudi = Jew.

George Lucas is not Jewish but his films were made in Jewish-controlled Hollywood. Lawrence Kasden, who wrote The Empire Strikes Back, The Force Awakens, Solo, a Star Wars Story is Jewish and so is Favreau, as I mentioned earlier.

It's fair to say that major themes in The Mandalorian owe their origins to the Old Testament. "A long time ago…"

I have not yet seen the "Moses" analysis of The Mandalorian anywhere even though it's as plain as day from the use of "foundling" alone.

I wonder why that is. Do the creators think the show would be less popular of people realized it was created by Jews about Jews?

In terms of a regular review, the show itself is just OK. It feels a bit like watching old episodes of BJ and the Bear or The Hulk with Bill Bixby. The mysterious loner rolls into town and helps some people with their problems but then, due to troubles in his own past, has to keep on moving and can never settle down.

3 out of 5 stars.

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4af070  No.7683391

File: 29e83ef153065ea⋯.png (336.27 KB, 577x502, 577:502, 29e83ef153065ea582e24133a1….png)

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1a46a6  No.7683392

File: 6e5480a4869c226⋯.png (466.48 KB, 571x547, 571:547, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5aaabd572584fdf⋯.png (675.84 KB, 604x1113, 604:1113, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 56ba3fb2759f17b⋯.png (588.23 KB, 541x540, 541:540, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 02674a25bcd39d1⋯.png (670.28 KB, 640x426, 320:213, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 45fce4a759499e1⋯.png (14.72 KB, 857x142, 857:142, ClipboardImage.png)




why did you leave out a relevant and well sauced notable that was called by 3 anons?

This board is dedicated to researching on the illuminati deep state and on satanic pedophiles.

Censoring info on exactly that makes you glow as an agenda baker who only bakes to be contrlled opposition.

(in the past BO/BV checked bakers to not have such clowns in the kitchen. now BO got rid of that and neither him nor any BV is around anymore)

>>7682762, >>7682775 Call to Shovels: Snoop Dogg - wierd child pics, known symbolism

>>7682887 lb

pic 5: https://www.livenation.com/events/613915-dec-21-2016-snoop-dogg

new baker,

please add:


(not adding would pretty much confirm that the whole handoff between bakers is fake as fuck and it´s all the time BO and his clown crew)

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6e4ff1  No.7683393


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51f4db  No.7683394

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This WW II Brit Song was said to be a favorite of Churchill's. There are accounts of him singing it to himself as he wondered Chartwell with his Scotch and water, in his Birthday Suit, well past midnight as he read intel and other telegrams and wrote his action memos which would end up of the desks of all his War Ministers before they'd arrive in the morning. Some think that the 'Rabbit' represented Adolf and the Nazi's whom Churchill knew could only 'run' in the directions which the Allies had planned due to the breaking of the Enigma Code at Bletchley Park (it was actually Polish intelligence which broke Enigma many months earlier). Here's version with WW II footage, Churchill and new lyrics with Churchill imitator singer at 1:20 mark:


Now, while trying to find a version of this Song I was able to embed, I came across a few very disturbing "childrens' videos" which would have an ADULTS and CHILDREN in RABBIT COSTUMES. Here is a 'mash up' of cartoons and film (start at 1:15 mark):


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6a64c7  No.7683395

File: eeee1f643d7be6a⋯.png (168.43 KB, 800x477, 800:477, ClipboardImage.png)


Map of British Colonies 1648.

Indeed - it's the Dutch that have the largest trading empire. Once the cryptos took over England, they moved their empire in name to a new victim before stabbing them in the back in ww1 and ww2.

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fe21a7  No.7683396

File: 99eebe65481922f⋯.png (683.48 KB, 1224x406, 612:203, ARCHIVE_Jewish_censorship_….PNG)

File: 1435dace2a50525⋯.png (19.71 KB, 691x233, 691:233, Censorship_Florida_Jewish_….PNG)


Jewish collective power loves censorship.

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acbffe  No.7683397


Sounds like you work for the gov, since you are so willing to falsify data. You are not one of us, glowfag.

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289875  No.7683398

File: 356a438116887c0⋯.jpg (291.07 KB, 720x806, 360:403, 20200101_161241.jpg)

File: b556c45296930a3⋯.jpg (204.83 KB, 720x776, 90:97, 20200101_161259.jpg)


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5594ea  No.7683399


Can you shop my dick into your mouth?

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6dc29e  No.7683400

If I were DS I would go ahead and delete that tweet from last night. Unless you just want to leave it hanging out there. Because I sure see it.

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56b323  No.7683401


Needs more triangles.

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3fe304  No.7683402

File: 90b81de5528249d⋯.jpg (95.54 KB, 653x477, 653:477, ATOfRnm.jpg)

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8f8bd0  No.7683403

India to launch this year Chandrayaan-3 lunar mission

New Delhi, Jan 1 (Latin Press) The Indian Space Research Organization will launch Chandrayaan-3 lunar mission this year, said State Minister Jitendra Singh.

At a briefing in New Delhi, Singh said that the experience gained with Chandrayaan-2 and the available infrastructure will reduce the costs of the next mission.

Chandrayaan-2 was India's first attempt to land a ship on the South Pole of the moon surface.


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e464ed  No.7683404

File: 4d3dc8946d0bbbb⋯.jpg (88.46 KB, 605x349, 605:349, Tunnel boring machine 1.jpg)

File: 2988178783d0261⋯.png (1.5 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Screenshot from 2019-07-23….png)

File: 0ed41d2f44230d1⋯.png (1.46 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Screenshot from 2019-07-23….png)

File: 4b0951d2b15fc4c⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Screenshot from 2019-07-23….png)

File: f74362c805f909d⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Screenshot from 2019-07-23….png)

>>7683268 lb

No. Capped it from an anon Try web search, maybe get us best resolution map available?

>>7683288 LB

>Rats live in tunnels

So do cockroaches and ants.

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6a64c7  No.7683405

File: f5a00967c3853c5⋯.png (246.01 KB, 1357x628, 1357:628, ClipboardImage.png)



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fe21a7  No.7683406

File: 322af162b5b06ae⋯.png (3.89 MB, 3104x2848, 97:89, Evangelicals_2.png)


Part 2

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330819  No.7683407

File: cb322fb0e0d0264⋯.png (1.03 MB, 659x960, 659:960, ClipboardImage.png)

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e4aaee  No.7683408

File: 10f9644ad3d18e3⋯.jpg (69.54 KB, 500x603, 500:603, 3kxxo8.jpg)

File: a8746146c86d940⋯.png (19.93 KB, 476x239, 476:239, ENKgjEHXYAAvuQv.png)


..and with no tweet attached to it.

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94522e  No.7683409

File: 735074289d7dd5f⋯.jpg (96.14 KB, 1280x853, 1280:853, rabbitrabbit.jpg)

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585d1d  No.7683410


Not enough anon. Need more than him getting a kiss from his niece and holding up the triangle hands.

It's the cool thing in rap to claim you're a part of the illuminati probably regardless if you really are.

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5b7403  No.7683411

File: 51dda73471b82ca⋯.gif (1.99 MB, 250x250, 1:1, dsb1.gif)

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132c9a  No.7683412


Welp, there's your visual proof of white rabbit costumes on adults being baby/child traffickers

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440773  No.7683413

>>7683209 (lb)



[2019] > ]2020[

Dark > Light


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f9f6be  No.7683414


Shouldn't it be

What is Q?

Who Are Q?

Whom is Q?

Don't doxx yourself, Anons.

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15024e  No.7683415

File: 6d173864d594247⋯.png (477.98 KB, 1784x761, 1784:761, BOBTFOSUPERKIKE.PNG)


Ahhhhh the memories of the Mossad Massacre of 2018

Such blissful nostalgia.

When Q team finally act upon post no. 916 the celebration will be worldwide

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fe8910  No.7683416

File: 09aa4e51c4b4f69⋯.jpg (78.58 KB, 555x414, 185:138, FordJewFear.jpg)

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f74338  No.7683417

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Pope slaps woman well-wisher

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4af070  No.7683418

File: e8c64be4029a6ea⋯.jpg (100.34 KB, 597x843, 199:281, pope.jpg)

File: cd5e3860b93144a⋯.mp4 (196.38 KB, 478x270, 239:135, hQiUOmd98EgRTMwB.mp4)


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330819  No.7683419

File: b5fd8c1d9a23207⋯.png (22.22 KB, 136x132, 34:33, ClipboardImage.png)

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5b7403  No.7683420

File: 3b1f66f212d8b04⋯.png (106.82 KB, 300x483, 100:161, 8beaf1747602f509fcc1276e19….png)

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fe21a7  No.7683421

File: 287b48888808c48⋯.png (485.14 KB, 996x697, 996:697, Pope_Jew_Psychoanalyst.png)

File: c23f9ec46c61077⋯.png (548.45 KB, 1795x656, 1795:656, Pope_WJC_1.png)

File: 6755aae485f4d94⋯.png (397.99 KB, 666x494, 333:247, Pope_WJC_2.png)

File: 83b77ff2fdeb4a8⋯.jpg (64.96 KB, 573x471, 191:157, Popo_uses_Jewish_hat_yamak….JPG)


Pope needs to be terminated from his position.

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d59708  No.7683422


D heard it less than an hour ago while driving 2 minutes to pick up hangover breakfast. Now do Sounds of Silence…

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1a46a6  No.7683423

File: d24dac286922be2⋯.png (210.74 KB, 400x266, 200:133, d24dac286922be245c4b2ad70e….png)

File: 7aed40c5517dfa0⋯.jpg (106.76 KB, 840x532, 30:19, evil_pope.jpg)

File: 0c6fa27ffa758b8⋯.jpg (45.94 KB, 634x535, 634:535, evil_pope_blackeye.jpg)

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7fd0e0  No.7683424

File: 0549017ef46bf1f⋯.png (78.76 KB, 820x442, 410:221, Screenshot 2020-01-01 at 1….png)


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6e4ff1  No.7683425

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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7facdf  No.7683426

File: 09c962a5967569f⋯.png (304.07 KB, 1525x851, 1525:851, MH-60r Seahawk out of Mobi….PNG)

File: 11e0673e7adb598⋯.jpg (202 KB, 1200x911, 1200:911, Seahawk just up with excla….jpg)

Sikorsky MH-60r out of Mobile regional keeps dropping off and on. ! in call. couldn't find a definitive answer in FAQ as to why it displays that.

Also POTUS' gas station at bottom right corner.

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fe8910  No.7683427

File: 7f0498b14fe3c08⋯.jpg (89.15 KB, 500x499, 500:499, FalseFlag.jpg)

File: 8121594f5201cd4⋯.jpg (80.08 KB, 751x441, 751:441, FalseFlagIII.jpg)

File: 9a098ad15863777⋯.jpg (66.38 KB, 583x428, 583:428, HateTrumpNadler.jpg)

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49c9d2  No.7683428

File: b0bcd03f074f828⋯.png (22.93 KB, 589x310, 19:10, icet_eatadick1.png)


Hi Snoop

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e464ed  No.7683429

File: 89fbd1813fecfe9⋯.jpg (39.4 KB, 640x357, 640:357, SubmarineEntrance2MALIBU-C….jpg)

File: 055540aa8b40637⋯.jpg (53.49 KB, 640x386, 320:193, SubmarineEntrance1.jpg)


For a long time I wrote off this image as an artifact of Google Earth's image processing algos. Not any longer! This data fits with the other data about existence of submarine tunnels from the Pacific to underneath China Lake Naval Base far inland. It's not proof positive, but one of many correlations that, together, far exceed chance probability.

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fe21a7  No.7683430

File: dfc75ecd18a214a⋯.mp4 (2.57 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, I have said to people when….mp4)

File: 9f461c494270669⋯.mp4 (1.65 MB, 480x360, 4:3, Schumer Israel first and f….mp4)

File: 811361477067d6a⋯.mp4 (1.48 MB, 480x360, 4:3, y2mate.com - joe_biden_i_a….mp4)


I also recommend everyone watches these short (less than 1 min each) videos that pertain to the issue of Jewish and Israeli subversion of the West.

And this one:

https://www.liveleak.com/view?i=0d2_1490299824 - “Israel Is A World Cancer -Greg Felton”

And read this:

http://archive.vn/5m9SW - “Jew Fatigue: US Police Forced to Undergo 'Holocaust Training,' Trips to Israel, Funded by Uncle Sam”

A quote:

Jewish groups in the United States are adept at creating mechanisms that benefit themselves and also frequently Israel at the expense of the American taxpayer. The proliferating holocaust museums are a good example, sometimes built by private donations but then paid for and operated by the local government. The national holocaust museum in Washington is, for example, supported by the taxpayer to the tune of $54 million per year. When one considers that the so-called holocaust occurred nearly eighty years ago and did not involve the United States at all, it is a remarkable achievement to so memorialize the claimed uniqueness of Jewish suffering, which then is used to justify other abuses and excuse Israel’s ongoing war crimes.

For those who deny that claims of the uniqueness of Jewish suffering are exploited and even promoted in order to be able to influence public opinion while also obtaining special favors from government, one might cite specific instances where that has most definitely been the case. Jewish organizations receive over 90% of discretionary grants from the Department of Homeland Security, for example, and Israel benefits from $3.8 billion in aid annually plus another $10 billion through bogus charities, trade concessions and U.S. government funded projects approved by Congress that the American public knows little or nothing about.

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5594ea  No.7683431




He'll be having a terrible May

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ebc7b5  No.7683432

File: 673850803f777fc⋯.jpg (78.87 KB, 956x618, 478:309, StormbringerS.jpg)

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1a46a6  No.7683433


very true.

and see what clowns are defending clown bakers and BO. the muh jew clowns.

(the heavily muh jew spam and BO not allowing any info on masinry/illuminati is related much)

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bcfd10  No.7683434


very nicely said, BOjack


you realize your repeated gripes are nothing more than the progressive loon in you calling for regulation and regulatory powers governing you and us in a place where we have a last respit against said oversight

we can self regulate in many ways

on that note


note that Finklefag now starts off posting with a TOR ID

if you filter him, you filter all TOR posts

you are going to have to use



learn to use your comment filters and copypaste a small unique portion of his posts, for more info on how to use COMMENT FILTERS, just ask, anons will help, remember small unique portions of their spam as a comment filter

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269747  No.7683435



The root of all Q

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000000  No.7683436

>>7683062 (lb)

plenty of symbolism here


PRESIDENT OBAMA: Well, it is a great honor to welcome His and Her Majesties, Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima. They have been wonderful friends to myself and Michelle and the girls, personally. I want to thank once and again the people of the Netherlands for the incredible hospitality they had shown us in the past, including most recently during the Nuclear Security Summit that took place in Amsterdam and The Hague.

We have 400 years of history between our two countries. In Europe, that doesn’t mean a lot, but in the United States that is as old as it gets. And so the Dutch are some of our oldest and more precious allies. That continues to this day.

We’ve had the opportunity to discuss the shared work that we do through NATO in making sure that the transatlantic relationship stays strong. We discussed the continuing challenges in Ukraine and the importance of making sure that the Minsk agreement moves forward. And I continue to make the solemn commitment to support the Dutch in the investigation of the Malaysia Airlines tragedy, and to make sure that not only is the truth brought forward, but there’s accountability for what took place.

We discussed our shared concerns in other parts of the world, including in the Middle East, where Dutch troops work alongside U.S. and other coalition members to help defeat ISIL and to stabilize Iraq.

We talked about the excellent work that the United States partnered with the Dutch when it comes to Ebola, and the work that still remains to be done around establishing the kind of health infrastructure that’s going to be so important to preventing diseases in the future.

I was particularly impressed with the outstanding work that Her Majesty the Queen is doing with the United Nations around inclusive financing.

And I think for His Majesty the King and Queen to have gone to Arlington and to honor not only the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier,

KING WILLEM-ALEXANDER: Well, thank you very much, Mr. President, for your warm words of welcome here. On behalf of my wife and myself, we’re very thankful to be back at the White House. Great to see you again since last year at the Nuclear Security Summit.

Those values that you stood for at the time and that were not available to us and we regained, we now stand shoulder by shoulder fighting ISIL -- “shoulder by shoulder,” meaning a small shoulder and a big shoulder. But still, we stand next to each other and we have the same values we want to defend facing ISIL.

This morning, at Arlington, the wreath-laying ceremony, we honored those people that gave their utmost, their life, for our country. And speaking with the veterans and the Rosies was very impressive for us --

So having said that, the next part of our visit will be also looking back at the Dutch history. First, Hudson of 1609, and then the first salutes to the American flag from the Island of Statia in November, 1776. When the Andrew Doria sailed there, the Dutch saluted the flag. And ever since, we’ve had a great bond with your country. Four and a half million Americans are from Dutch descent.

You are the largest investor in our country; we are the third largest in your country. So this is really worthwhile to continue our relationship, and that’s what we are working on these days.

We’re going off to Michigan, to Holland, Michigan, to Grand Rapids, to see a lot of these descendants, and we’re going to Chicago, where we hope to have a party -- your hometown, obviously. But also the origin of House -- the House of Orange is hoping to see some good music there at Millennium Park


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fe21a7  No.7683437

File: f2b3cba7f8849b7⋯.png (923.96 KB, 924x732, 77:61, 1_Sheldon_Adelson_Trump_bi….PNG)

File: 295ec6022924c4d⋯.jpg (238.75 KB, 1200x780, 20:13, 2_Sheldon_Adelson_says_acc….jpg)

File: 25eb2501852aca1⋯.png (453.89 KB, 928x3099, 928:3099, 3_Sheldon_Adelson_Israel_f….png)

File: cbe971709bedca9⋯.png (114.43 KB, 772x1756, 193:439, 4_Jews_political_donations….png)

File: 0f360f5993bb5dd⋯.jpg (62.42 KB, 750x678, 125:113, 5_America_first_not_Israel….jpg)



https://archive.vn/EryE9 - “Just for some perspective”

A quote:

The Democratic party gets 50% of its funding from Jews (1) and 70% of Jews voted Democrat in 2016 (2) (3). Jews voted 79% Democrat in 2018 (4).

Add to that the fact that Jews make up 25% of the donations to Republicans (1).

The biggest donor to Trump, Sheldon Adelson, has said that he regretted serving in the US and not having served in Israel (5), and that his biggest mission in life is to defend Israel. (6) He also said that assimilation is a bad thing for Jews in the West. (7)

You have 2% of the population making 37,5% of all political donations. And those 2% belong to the same group that controls the MSM (8) (9) and Hollywood (which shape public opinion and sways voting) (10) (11) (12) AND its the same group that tells Social Media companies what is to be allowed to be said and what must be censored (13) (14).

That same group has pressured the US Congress to pass laws that make it illegal to criticize Jews and Israel in any way shape or form no matter how legitimate the criticism might be (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21), and it’s also one of the main forces behind the fight against the 2nd Amend of the US Constitution (22) (23).

How to turn every Trump supporter against Israel without hurting Trump:



The peaceful and fair solution to this issue of Jewish group subversion of Western nations:



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53a06e  No.7683438

File: cfa64b30b9bd970⋯.png (509.07 KB, 1030x761, 1030:761, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b42ab568edbfd93⋯.png (120.19 KB, 884x220, 221:55, ClipboardImage.png)


==BAKER, reposting from lb and from two prior breads, called notable by 2 anons.

* * *

Had same prob yesterday w/ baker who refused to add post with notable, seconded, bread #9820. Tried later bread, still no luck.

Relates to Q+'s "Where's Hunter?" meaning "Warez Hunter?" - i.e., Hunter's a _M[OS]_ ASSet flogging comped software a la PROMIS.


>>7674407 (You) (pb) >>7674432 (pb) >>7674615 (pb)

"Warez is a common computing and broader cultural term referring to pirated software (i.e. illegally copied, often after deactivation of anti-piracy measures) that is distributed via the Internet. Warez is used most commonly as a noun, a plural form of ware (short for computer software), and is intended to be pronounced like the word wares, /ˈwɛərz/."




Happy New Year! WWG1WGA

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3fe304  No.7683439

File: 34a68d738656102⋯.jpg (324.34 KB, 1279x1020, 1279:1020, Gtcommon core gtliterally ….jpg)

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f9f6be  No.7683440

File: c907e5d467a21fc⋯.jpg (71.72 KB, 600x600, 1:1, Quad rainbow.jpg)



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7facdf  No.7683441

File: e6e2ac7214c5583⋯.png (321.86 KB, 1617x899, 1617:899, seahawk and POTUS' gas sta….PNG)


POTUS mobile fill got cut off. this gud

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c53a5e  No.7683442

File: 982c54d2ce44b77⋯.jpg (66.89 KB, 720x641, 720:641, 1569195896463.jpg)

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848a4f  No.7683443


Thank you, Sword Anon. To you and yours as well.

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5b7403  No.7683444

File: eca45e6031efe07⋯.jpeg (99.09 KB, 1080x616, 135:77, 1577822127.jpeg)

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15024e  No.7683445

File: 130831a82aef987⋯.jpg (86.49 KB, 560x931, 80:133, merchglobo.jpg)

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e95f78  No.7683446

File: 105dbee2273a394⋯.jpg (38.74 KB, 700x467, 700:467, philipwilson.jpg)


not a "holy" man….

or this guy.

Highest Ranking Catholic Archbishop Found Guilty Of Pedophile Ring Cover Up


July 6, 2018

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e4aaee  No.7683447

File: fa41a306fa65648⋯.jpg (1.85 MB, 2271x3406, 2271:3406, 2015_09-OOTB-Fillins-for-w….jpg)

File: 9ed9724e651f583⋯.png (388.33 KB, 526x349, 526:349, ENKx5-KUUAAQ0vo.png)

File: 8a229047b6d49cd⋯.jpeg (40.49 KB, 387x636, 129:212, EH8B3UrWoAETROp.jpeg)

File: 82ce4eb2f9b23bc⋯.jpeg (59.43 KB, 712x859, 712:859, ENM_QnRXUAEKVfL.jpeg)

File: d3d413450e9deb6⋯.jpeg (10.75 KB, 683x226, 683:226, ENLYlOTUcAEdqra.jpeg)


Meme blanks. Have fun!

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86291b  No.7683448


…IP hop harder.

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fe21a7  No.7683449

File: 7d7be0a43fbe73d⋯.mp4 (2.94 MB, 480x360, 4:3, Israel_is_a_world_cancer.mp4)


He does seem to be losing it.


"Israel Is A World Cancer -Greg Felton"

[0:00] "No it's not, I mean, you mistake Israel for a Country, where as you hear it's not some post (can't make up the word he says) little backwater in the East end of the Mediterranean, but Israel is almost a supranational Country, if you look at the map, the degree to which Israel lobbies in Canada and the United States, England, thru out the world, manage to extort behavior, and coerce conduct from foreign governments, you have to look at Israel as more than just the size of the land that it is illegally occupying. It is much larger than that, and I think that you need to redefine what you mean by Israel."

[0:40] "Israel is like a world cancer, that has infected the body politic of the human race to such a degree, that national governments are not able to formulate national policy, and that is simply true of the United States, it can't make any policy without permission of Israel, and you look at Obama and other Presidents basically grovelling on their knees to kiss the ring of the Israel lobby every year at the AIPAC, it's just humiliating, and why would anyone humiliate himself on his own soil unless he had no choice."

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0718aa  No.7683450

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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10f547  No.7683451


You wish rabbi.

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94adea  No.7683452

File: f8d10db1a897eef⋯.jpg (39.75 KB, 480x500, 24:25, BondedFaggotyLogo.JPG)



>tap the needle the record keeps skipping

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bd041e  No.7683454

Deep State Origins :

" In another will, ( Cecil ) Rhodes described in more detail his intention: To and for the establishment, promotion and development of a Secret Society, the true aim and object whereof shall be for the extension of British rule throughout the world. The colonization by British subjects of all lands where the means of livelihood are attainable by energy, labour, and enterprise and especially the occupation by British settlers of the entire Continent of Africa, the Holy Land, the Valley of the Euphrates, the islands of Cyprus and Candia, the whole of South America, the islands of the Pacific not heretofore possessed by Great Britain, the whole of the Malay Archipelago, these aboard of China and Japan, [and] the ultimate recovery of the United States of America as an integral part of the British Empire.”

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3b9d7d  No.7683455

File: d4f751aeb8aab1d⋯.png (23.45 KB, 470x287, 470:287, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 918ccfe31e57133⋯.png (198.41 KB, 337x874, 337:874, ClipboardImage.png)


Last night when Dan posted it, it had a duration of :18.

There is a connection somewhere in Q's drops.

The ones I've looked at so far doesn't make sense to me yet.



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e464ed  No.7683456


>>7683343 Trump Proclamation on National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month, 2020 (signed 12/31/19)

Will this be the month that #PentagonPedophileTaskForce results are publicly announced by the WH and the massive satanic child trafficking / ritual abuse / murder operations come into public awareness?

God bless Patriots!

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d00d97  No.7683457


>2 notables on a non notable post

ty for educating me anon…more like 20…


(they) are moving in herds…

ffe and dbf…

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56b323  No.7683458


But wasn't the harvest ripe already? Q stated as such.

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fe21a7  No.7683459

File: 860c778f1633088⋯.png (3.66 MB, 1080x9999, 120:1111, ARCHIVE_Jews_are_not_White….png)

File: 2dc25c7cd559dd9⋯.jpg (581.15 KB, 1056x3392, 33:106, ARCHIVE_Jews_are_not_White….jpg)


Also important to understand: racial Jews are not White, they are racial Jews.

There is a Jewish race, and there is the Jewish religion (Judaism), and there are Jews that say that only racial Jews can be true religious Jews (aka: Jewish tribalism).

Proof here:

http://archive.vn/b7R2q - "U.S. Court Rules Jews Are Protected 'Race' Under Civil Rights Act of 1964"

http://archive.vn/4PWBE - "Jews have never been and will never be ‘white’"

http://archive.vn/1qCAS - "Genetic citizenship: DNA testing and the Israeli Law of Return"

http://archive.vn/5BplJ - "Scientists Discover Gene That Predisposes Ashkenazi Jews to Schizophrenia"

http://archive.vn/jUTJw - “Jews are not white people, or why Jews support the Left (a response to Dennis Prager)”

http://archive.vn/Tw4PI - “A genome-wide genetic signature of Jewish ancestry perfectly separates individuals with and without full Jewish ancestry in a large random sample of European Americans”

http://archive.vn/GTPG0 - “Anti-Semitism in America is Nothing New. Don’t Deny Jewish History and Culture by Calling Us “White””

http://archive.vn/7mAtg - “What does it mean to be genetically Jewish?”

http://archive.vn/X1Hqa - “Can 'Jewishness' be proven with a simple saliva test?”

http://archive.vn/9Heup - “Israel's Rabbinical Courts Begin to Recognize DNA Tests, Potentially Opening Gateway to Proving Jewishness”

archive.org/details/TheEuropeanManTweetArchive – Compilation of tweets from “shape-shifting” Jews, Jews that pretend to be White to demonize and demoralize Whites, but that aren’t White, but racial Jews (and racial Jews are not White, read: http://archive.vn/1mdCA ; http://archive.vn/tAzmn )

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086dbf  No.7683460

File: 1dd85f11b93b5d4⋯.png (490.72 KB, 747x624, 249:208, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e5c9008bdca922d⋯.png (2.47 MB, 1208x862, 604:431, ClipboardImage.png)


reminds me of the Neuschwabenland tunnels.

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3fe304  No.7683461

File: 6813e6c98ffeda1⋯.jpg (245.5 KB, 951x800, 951:800, 6813e6c98ffeda1736b08524e2….jpg)

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5fe912  No.7683462

Iran and NK both back in the news lately…


2 Nov 2017 - 6:14:27 AM

Would it blow your mind if I told you BO has been to NK and perhaps there now?

Why did his administration do little to slow their nuclear and missle capabilities?

Who feeds NK w/ strategic intel? Iran?

What deal was done with Iran under BO?

Why was the deal sealed under a top secret classification?

Why wasn’t Congress notified?

Why after BO left office all of a sudden NK has nukes and the tech to miniaturize for payload delivery within the US?

What about NSA CIA DI etc all confirming tech won’t be in place for 5+ years (statements made in 2016).

Why is all of this relevant and what does it tell you?

Big picture is rare.

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a94d84  No.7683463

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Saw this last night and it means so much.

Red Skelton preforms the Pledge and explains the meaning.

Pledge of Allegiance, word-by-word meaning explained by Red Skelton (he includes Under God at end)

Hopefully we get back to it in 2020

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b21010  No.7683464


Separate line entries, separate messages. Think of lines of code in a program.

Line 1 "Indictments coming." Yup. Doesn't say when.

Line 2 "[2019]" 45 retweet subsequently included 2019 as block numbers. Another coincident, right?

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269747  No.7683465





Sound of silence —> multiple meanings.

Message received.

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36ad4a  No.7683466


Vegas? anything???

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10f547  No.7683467

Indictments [2019] = [Indictments 2019] = ]Indictments 2020[

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fe21a7  No.7683468

File: 180d38b236e12e0⋯.png (1.67 MB, 1328x2656, 1:2, 1_Archive_Israel_anti_Blac….png)

File: 9fa831e9b367a7c⋯.png (459.93 KB, 864x654, 144:109, 2_Archive_Blacks_ADL.png)

File: a701bc926403dd6⋯.png (87.87 KB, 576x377, 576:377, 4_Archive_Jew_only_prison_….png)

File: 8ad8bc1e582a3a4⋯.png (105.22 KB, 1330x521, 1330:521, 5_Archive_Jew_child_tortur….png)

File: afc431d63087068⋯.png (499.16 KB, 719x728, 719:728, Holocaust_realist_school_p….png)


Method on how to turn all Blacks against Jewish collective power and Israel here:

https://pastebin.com/AWDgVmEd – http://archive.vn/sR7bP

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97d0d9  No.7683469


That's actually a really good and insightful summary, anon. I have watched it, and I concur.

I'll call


because it's a very good example of the entertainment industry and their subliminal ways.

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e464ed  No.7683470


Ignore them, fren.

Speak your mind here.

Autists are paying attention despite shill activities intended to shutdown brainstorming.

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10f547  No.7683471

File: 492aa65310c1218⋯.jpeg (14.58 KB, 255x148, 255:148, RodneyJIDF.jpeg)

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e22840  No.7683472

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15024e  No.7683473

File: 48a539ef8f8e38b⋯.png (92.3 KB, 793x642, 793:642, pepepointer3.PNG)


It has always been the JIDF

Chekt & JIDF rekt

The smell of panic is delicia!

AFLB dilating ATM?

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392f23  No.7683474

Any anons dealing with illness, injury, weak immune system, gut problems etc.


Please look into l-glutamine supplementation

and have a healthy, blessed new year


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f1e5cf  No.7683475

File: de0b54886ed8f81⋯.png (548.19 KB, 938x357, 134:51, _ffirstfruits with paula 2….png)


i guess that depends on what you consider a harvest…

I thought Q was refering to Comey, McCabe, Brennan, Clapper, HRC's evil deeds… the investigation is near complete, we have the facts we need to move forward with #INVESTIGATETHEINVESTIGATORS

but what do I know.

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62db80  No.7683476


To get around the usual misinfo and gaslighting….

Let me clearly define what I mean when I use the term MuhJoo Shill.

A MuhJoo shill wants you to believe not that some jews are involved in criminal and evil activities, but that all jews are inherently scheming, criminal and corrupt.

A MuhJoo shill streams invective but does not educate, simply expounds unsubstantiated statements.

A MuhJoo shill will inconsiderately post the same inane shit over and over in every bread, wasting dough and interfering with real Qresearch (deliberately)

A MuhJoo shill will not engage on an intellectual level, but moves to ad-hominem attack directly, accusing dissenters of being Jewish organized psy-ops, Mossad, Kike, JIDF etc. etc.

A MuhJoo shill is overall a waste of space and while all should seek information and truth as they see fit, discerning anons will quickly realize the MuhJoo shill offers no enrichment, only lazy thinking, unsourced 'articles', collective indictments and insinuation.

So, MuhJoo means something very specific here

Now 'JEW' as used by MuhJoo shills means anything they want it to in support of their current blathering rant.

No MuhJoo Shill has ever been able to clearly define what a 'Jew' as they use the name exactly is, nor what the actual question is in the 'Jewish Question' (JQ).

So as you look at my definition, accept or reject as you see fit, and feel free to ask a MuhJoo shill about their definition of the terms they use. There are always plenty around and since they always have to get in the last word, check out responses to this post.

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330819  No.7683477

File: 6955efe96de2db1⋯.png (496.15 KB, 1467x325, 1467:325, ClipboardImage.png)


youre correct

except thats not anon, thats rainman and logic doesnt matter

he's a 50 whine post per bread shill from way back and the masonic BO is part of the plan against him

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36ad4a  No.7683478



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a05654  No.7683479

File: 0cc065a33837568⋯.jpg (6.69 KB, 159x105, 53:35, rat.jpg)

File: 24cc8ca52bcc584⋯.jpg (47.73 KB, 474x355, 474:355, 2.jpg)

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bd041e  No.7683480


BOOK - The Ugly Truth About The A.D.L.

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5594ea  No.7683481


Gorka is that you?

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5616c3  No.7683482

File: 9e7500f3da1b96b⋯.png (1.99 MB, 1920x5000, 48:125, 2004-02-22 Pentagon tells ….png)

BREAKING: Major European Cities Have Sunken Beneath Rising Seas



A secret report, suppressed by US defence chiefs and obtained by The Observer, warns that major European cities will be sunk beneath rising seas as Britain is plunged into a 'Siberian' climate by 2020. Nuclear conflict, mega-droughts, famine and widespread rioting will erupt across the world.

Oh wait, that's just fake news from 15 years ago.

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8f8bd0  No.7683484

File: 55c49d65afd3746⋯.png (808.25 KB, 1219x743, 1219:743, ClipboardImage.png)

Kim Jong Un threatens 'shocking actual action' against U.S.


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fe21a7  No.7683485

File: 7e3d5d8cf1e08fe⋯.png (673.39 KB, 648x1352, 81:169, 1.png)

File: 159401e6d7469e8⋯.png (2.44 MB, 1500x1941, 500:647, 4.png)

File: 37aabcc54750829⋯.jpg (104.55 KB, 600x594, 100:99, 5.jpg)

File: b707e6b06516acb⋯.png (776.41 KB, 1216x570, 32:15, 1426369462461.png)

File: 2a9bd16da2bb3af⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1504x1608, 188:201, Soros_Rothschild.png)


https://pastebin.com/k3uB2Hb1 ( http://archive.vn/aXcN4 ) – Proof that Jewish collective power is the main force behind the Islamification of the West

https://pastebin.com/M4ggrtdP ( http://archive.vn/MWvtf ) - Why Jews act subversive towards the West

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262fd1  No.7683486

File: 946f38a2b8ee28d⋯.png (3.12 KB, 450x304, 225:152, 569668f6de0e6015982a9e46f0….png)



>Madalorian analysis

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83933d  No.7683487

File: 31715f7d84a9c31⋯.jpg (67.2 KB, 514x485, 514:485, stupd1.jpg)

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fe8910  No.7683488

File: 58f970c815daff0⋯.jpg (52.96 KB, 658x393, 658:393, SaddleStory.jpg)

File: a4056abb32a5c51⋯.jpg (66.53 KB, 661x466, 661:466, SaddleStoryII.jpg)

File: 4cc4cf37e2d718c⋯.jpg (76.92 KB, 658x670, 329:335, SaddleStoryIII.jpg)

File: 3430f419b4ac71a⋯.jpg (47.24 KB, 660x375, 44:25, SaddleStoryIIII.jpg)

File: ce44682f6e8e211⋯.jpg (38.12 KB, 385x313, 385:313, SaddlesStoryIIII.jpg)



Whining sniveling faggots. Go eat a matzah ball.

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86c489  No.7683489



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392f23  No.7683490


No….sick anon trying to help fellow frogs

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94adea  No.7683491

File: b75b894f8006290⋯.jpg (16.53 KB, 319x155, 319:155, MuhGuns.JPG)




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95059e  No.7683492

File: 556270ab4098ba2⋯.png (801.27 KB, 1020x880, 51:44, Popecol.png)

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1f46f9  No.7683493


Seriously. Any datefags that haven't figured it out by now need to go back.

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fe21a7  No.7683494

File: b92cce3d283f8fc⋯.jpg (606.14 KB, 1028x1828, 257:457, Jack_Bernstein_big.jpg)


You're just smearing people for posting facts regarding Jewish and Israeli crime and subversion.

Jack Bernstein, and American Jew, has exposed the tactics of the Israel first vultures like you in the 80's:

archive.vn/buNnX - “The Life of an American Jew in Racist Marxist Israel”

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585d1d  No.7683495


Yeah the shills have a pattern. Just didn't want to hear about how I'm ignoring anons for the rest of my shift.


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5594ea  No.7683496


kek - just checking

I do have gut problems actually

I will try that out

thanks fren

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269747  No.7683497




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4ebc5d  No.7683498

>>7683229 lb

>>7683286 lb

>>7683260 lb

Take few ounces of Apple Cider Vinegar few times a day


Heaping Spoonful of Baking Soda in water at least 2x per day AM & PM...

Stay close to the toilet...

Your body will start Clearing All that Poison Out pretty quickly...


You'll feel better in a day or two...Weak but the poison will be out...


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10f547  No.7683499


Indictments [2019] = [Indictments 2019] = ]Indictments 2020[

This isn't hard.


You're conflating indictments you see via declass as the only indictments occurring.

You're triggered

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7c84f9  No.7683500


You have become delusional, anon…

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3fe304  No.7683501

File: ba8097b725cb7cb⋯.jpg (669.7 KB, 1200x831, 400:277, f62.jpg)



When you said matzah ball I instantly thought of this.

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56b323  No.7683502


That is correct anon. I'm in agreeance. There's also video on youtube of UFO's shooting out of the ocean there. I do not have the link handy but look for it.

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5b7403  No.7683503

File: 7a74c2497a68dad⋯.jpg (214.54 KB, 1080x587, 1080:587, 20191231_142455.jpg)



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5fe912  No.7683504


When Q isn't posting, I reeeeeread old drops highlighting what/whoever is in the news. Lately, Iran and NK


2 Nov 2017 - 6:06:58 PM


How did NK obtain Uranium?

How did Iran obtain Uranium?

Why did BO send billions (in cash and wire) to Iran?

Why the cash component?

Was the hostage component a cover?

For what?

Could any of the cash component be handed off to other people?

How many planes carried the cash into Iran?

Did all land in Iran?

Did all land in the same location?

Why is this relevant?

Who controls NK?

Who really controls NK?

Don't think of a single person.

Think of a powerful entity.

Why is this important?

Why are wars so important?

Who benefits?

What does hostage refer to?

Who can be held hostage and controlled by NK having miniaturized nuclear weapons?

Where is BO TODAY?

Where is VJ?

Alice & Wonderland.

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262fd1  No.7683505

File: bf8e0a03cb37604⋯.png (830.04 KB, 1004x1098, 502:549, f5458739dd84f0d080eb699a77….png)

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086dbf  No.7683506

File: 15f4e81edf4c574⋯.png (369.78 KB, 474x671, 474:671, ClipboardImage.png)


vase rocket incoming

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fe8910  No.7683507

File: c0515a1115946bb⋯.jpg (71.13 KB, 500x503, 500:503, DukeJews.jpg)

File: 578495ef9d04473⋯.jpg (66.71 KB, 525x475, 21:19, DukeJewsII.jpg)

File: c032eac3099453a⋯.jpg (62.98 KB, 509x490, 509:490, DukeJewsIII.jpg)

File: 968ac6d3371c65c⋯.jpg (38.52 KB, 641x389, 641:389, DukeJewsIIII.jpg)

File: 191192679fc3204⋯.jpg (91.46 KB, 500x747, 500:747, DukeJewsIIIII.jpg)

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bd041e  No.7683508


If all nations just give all power to the U.N. , they can " fix '' it , right ?

Report From Iron Mountian : Thesis , global threats as substitute for war and control of society (from top down )

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d00d97  No.7683509




plenty of sauce last loaf to support anon notable…

interesting that a shit ton of folks do not want this as a notable…

hey masons..won't matter, we will get it up there eventually…

The real notable here is Ice-T retweeting a Q symbol, then getting attacked for it and defending what he posted without him knowing "what" he posted…it was precious…

But also brought attention to his niece with Snoop…

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10e80b  No.7683510


Excellent post. Sometimes anons need a reminder. These are neither Trump supporters nor Trump 'insiders' who are denouncing Q. They are quite the opposite, and they are butthurt about it. Their constant missteps re: Q have outed them as anything BUT honorable enough to be entrusted with any sort of insider information or status

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a47c12  No.7683511


^ This ^ anon/baker gets it, ty.

Good reminder re comment filters.

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1f46f9  No.7683512


<nearly stopped dripping of late

You can't be serious

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02aeda  No.7683513


Thought on this.


Could mean after 2019 as easily as before 2Q2Q.

[ ] = emphasis

Similar to older writing capitalizing putting emphasis on a word (1700's-1800's).

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10f547  No.7683514

File: 6d4b21efbfc42c1⋯.png (186.17 KB, 583x428, 583:428, ThisIsALyingShill2.png)


Oy vey!

+1 victim points to Jews.

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a05654  No.7683515

File: c280f612ba033a5⋯.jpg (17.7 KB, 474x266, 237:133, g.jpg)

File: 32ffdf1ae029e31⋯.jpg (41.66 KB, 474x511, 474:511, cw.jpg)

File: 6f854acae27732c⋯.jpg (104.97 KB, 474x703, 474:703, wayne.jpg)

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4af070  No.7683516

File: 7f54a2da950517f⋯.png (254.38 KB, 657x560, 657:560, 7f54a2da950517f173f1dbc111….png)

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7facdf  No.7683517

File: 43e5a5d66a9066c⋯.png (505.18 KB, 1455x873, 5:3, SAM932 outbound.PNG)

SAM932 out of JBA just up.

No sign of the 933 that landed at Shannon.


all clear

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7c84f9  No.7683518

It seems like maybe Q is trying to lull the bad guys to sleep. I certainly don't see any reason for them to panic, besides the Durham investigation.

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1a46a6  No.7683519



did not not check the post from lb?

MUCH sauce, much mason symbolism, snoop performing even in masonic temple.

IceT rt that wierdly dressed little girl (snoops niece) on his lap, when IceT has done many wierd other tweets and also showed a lot of symbolism.

snoop endorsed HRC.

NRC followed him on twitter.

Obama invited him to the WH.

FFS, the more you clowns try to make this seems like a totally unrelated post and not notable at all, the more BO and his clown crew glows.

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fe21a7  No.7683520

File: df892b135f8d577⋯.mp4 (3.23 MB, 960x720, 4:3, 911_building_7.mp4)

File: de2724e189262ad⋯.png (150.71 KB, 1223x317, 1223:317, 911_building_7_post.PNG)

File: e68edf583bcc4a1⋯.jpg (138.67 KB, 1024x755, 1024:755, 911_Israel_bombings.jpg)

File: a2480a5829e5ba0⋯.jpg (770.98 KB, 816x2880, 17:60, 911_Lucky_Larry.jpg)

Israel had a very important role in the 911 attacks against America and all Americans.

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10f547  No.7683521

File: 522fb9d8ed67abe⋯.png (187.13 KB, 583x428, 583:428, THIS.png)

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b21010  No.7683522


Conflate two separate lines at your own peril, jackass.

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468ff4  No.7683523


The '!' and the split code 166574/2317 indicates that there is some sort of identity crisis or error in the database.

Dropping off the radar might be due to it carrying out deck landing practice or other training EW/antisub etc that might interfere with the ADSB.

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93ea79  No.7683524


>I certainly don't see any reason for them to panic, besides the Durham investigation.

Or maybe the Q forum causing a viral spread of how their crimes work with supporting evidence. That might irk them a tad.

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fe8910  No.7683525

File: 6a26fa373705223⋯.jpg (79.69 KB, 658x640, 329:320, ChinaManJew.jpg)


You Jews are so pathetic. Now you try to sow doubt..This is why I hate you fucking Jews. You're always subverting the truth, you want control.

Keep in mind, you are 2% of this country.

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86291b  No.7683526


…Sperg louder, can't hear you through the filter.

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3fe304  No.7683527


Anon for fuck sakes.

Within minutes of Ice T doing that anons went through his twatter.

What he posted was the shit WE ALL SAW December 30th.

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83933d  No.7683528


bad advice


>Indictments [2019] = [Indictments 2019] = ]Indictments 2020[

oh, thanks, it is so simple. can I call you bracketanon?

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fe21a7  No.7683529

File: 13d22e3d1008a39⋯.jpg (352.03 KB, 488x2224, 61:278, Jews_Gun_Control_00_List_U….jpg)

File: 7afe6bad167d8d0⋯.jpg (339.4 KB, 620x906, 310:453, Jews_Gun_Control_1_Harvey.jpg)

File: 5e91ba10e1de856⋯.jpg (118.3 KB, 1481x878, 1481:878, Jews_Gun_Control_2.jpg)

File: 2a126049c7aecb6⋯.jpg (90.31 KB, 621x471, 207:157, Jews_Gun_Control_4.jpg)

File: 273ac31e341e9f1⋯.jpg (347.13 KB, 1179x825, 393:275, Jews_Gun_Control_5.jpg)


The 2A is anti-Semitic.

http://archive.is/oEmbt - "The Gun Lobby's Jewish Enemies List"


The National Rifle Association compiled a list of its enemies and it reads like a Jewish who’s who list. The list, prepared by the NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action includes 506 individuals, organizations, media outlets and corporations that “have lent monetary, grassroots or some other type of direct support to anti-gun organizations.”

The groups listed by the NRA as enemies of the gun-rights cause could easily populate a Conference of Presidents meeting room. They include major Jewish national organizations, including the Anti Defamation League, American Jewish Committee, B’nai B’rith, and the Jewish Labor Committee; two major Jewish women organizations: Hadassah and National Council of Jewish Women; and the Central Conference of American Rabbis, which is the Reform movement’s rabbinical arm.

Reform Jews, the list suggests, are among the NRA’s worst adversaries. The list includes not only their national rabbinical group but also names specifically the Union for Reform Judaism’s former president Eric Yoffie and David Saperstein, director of the group’s Religious Action Center, as individuals fighting for gun control laws.


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e464ed  No.7683530

File: 6182f23930c6791⋯.jpg (42.84 KB, 629x504, 629:504, Brainlet.jpg)


>Follow the rules…

There are no "rules", brainlet.

Bakers exercise editorial judgment.

Sometimes anons form a consensus.

Discernment required to ID anons vs. shills.

Sometimes bakers get it wrong, more often get it right.

Not every baker is trusted, true.

If important info isn't notabled, anons post again.

But not again, again, again, again, again…

The baker task is not an easy one.

It's not just the mechanical task of assembling notables based on "votes".

No votes here - this isn't Reddit or FB.

Baker has to select info based on relevance, merit, sauce, credibility, priority.

Sometimes they don't do a great job but often they do.

Why don't you just drop it.

Repost your info in different shifts instead of a screed at the baker just post the info that is so important to you, and a different set of eyes can evaluate it.

Stop picking on bakers. It just doesn't help.

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3fe304  No.7683531

File: 8a964a6c0b5fb13⋯.png (124.66 KB, 500x463, 500:463, this-is-your-fault-turn-in….png)

File: d6083453ef7452a⋯.jpg (378.92 KB, 687x563, 687:563, 0a55e8d93fb5c26a.jpg)

File: fcb44f4bc343ac2⋯.jpg (108.84 KB, 500x506, 250:253, 2yua6o.jpg)

File: 1e1c7780b879d4a⋯.png (80.48 KB, 489x319, 489:319, 92b1f75ce47526c3d56bb455e9….png)

File: 0a6ae265ceabd7f⋯.jpg (86.3 KB, 599x512, 599:512, BmefyuRIcAAXrW6.jpg)

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262fd1  No.7683532

File: e8be1f03a58d1a0⋯.jpg (644.48 KB, 2208x1629, 736:543, willard_01.jpg)


year of the rat….perfect!

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7c84f9  No.7683533

Who thinks the sealed indictments are legit? There's 139k right now. The problem with the media is if they don't report on it, then nothing is there. They have not reported on the sealed indictments, so therefore, they aren't there.

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e95f78  No.7683534

File: 99ea950af4d83ff⋯.jpg (83.43 KB, 1024x1001, 1024:1001, Marina-Abramovic-In-Brazil….jpg)


why do you care?

anons think for themselves.

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000000  No.7683535

>>7682638 (lb)


black helicopter?

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392f23  No.7683536

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1fd3ed  No.7683537

File: fee262b5a2fe719⋯.jpg (402.84 KB, 800x600, 4:3, Mad-Hatter-Johnny-Depp-mad….jpg)

File: c917611e3cd4ee7⋯.jpeg (34.9 KB, 474x884, 237:442, cjnhgth.jpeg)

Johnny Depp and Martin Short have both played the Mad Hatter. Sometimes I wonder if people get certain roles because that is who they really are.

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9e6c7f  No.7683538



Thank you, Anons.

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5e069a  No.7683539


Does this mean I can't/shouldn't go to the Asian massage anymore?

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10f547  No.7683540

File: bccc70290200f7c⋯.mp4 (1.03 MB, 360x640, 9:16, JewsForTrump.mp4)


You panicking leftist Jews are so easy to identify.

You expose who you are by your exaggerated "8kun is nazi" narrative.

It's almost over for your reign of spiritual terror.

You leftist Jews are an embarrassment.

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4ebc5d  No.7683541



works for my family, friends, me every time…

you're dumb!

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7facdf  No.7683542


ty anon, appreciate the clarification. been at low altitude and now heading back to mobile.

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1f46f9  No.7683543


We don't need population growth for economic growth.

It doesn't hurt if the growth of the population is due to contributing people.

As of late, that has not been the case, deliberately so.

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b21010  No.7683544


They exist. And the state-by-state count seems in line with the magnitude of suspected voter fraud, with California and New York leading the way.

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d00d97  No.7683545


lots of that habben'…

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83cbd8  No.7683546

File: 52276dfc4817f5c⋯.png (605.73 KB, 883x772, 883:772, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 59b882e29685615⋯.jpg (1011.52 KB, 1787x1787, 1:1, RGRL.jpg)

Rudy Re-Tweets…..!



I hear the Ricola guy……

I made a crud Meme….

Oh & Happy New Year 2020 ALL PATRIOTS/ANONS!!

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fe8910  No.7683547

File: 6c626beecfe8b95⋯.jpg (76.51 KB, 657x655, 657:655, JetsonStory.jpg)

File: c8c65bbfe591c1f⋯.jpg (60.46 KB, 531x470, 531:470, JetsonStoryII.jpg)

File: a18cb9acec2d5da⋯.jpg (87.66 KB, 652x640, 163:160, JetsonStoryIII.jpg)

File: 76e647e0dd76b87⋯.jpg (62.28 KB, 502x499, 502:499, JetsonStoryIIII.jpg)

File: c7b70b14d0647f4⋯.jpg (50.62 KB, 536x466, 268:233, JetsonStoryIIIII.jpg)

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468ff4  No.7683548

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Mini AOC compilation

Purely for keks.

Happy New Year Anons.


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7c84f9  No.7683549


Yes, I'm serious. You have to agree the pace of habbbenings has slowed…I'm sure there is a reason for this, but it seems to be the case. You not feel the same?

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e464ed  No.7683550

File: 5994376d9c49f17⋯.jpg (100.1 KB, 828x472, 207:118, RICORudy.jpg)

File: b9e5b90e4d99939⋯.jpg (76.57 KB, 440x290, 44:29, rudy-giulianiRight.jpg)

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fa8088  No.7683551

File: 5deb408ef194a84⋯.jpg (71.99 KB, 790x455, 158:91, hillary all look same.jpg)

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10f547  No.7683552

File: 46b22c1e87f2015⋯.jpeg (13.62 KB, 255x191, 255:191, JIDFWonka.jpeg)


Look at all the panicking JIDF shill memes.

Say hi to nazi Soros, moishe!

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5b7403  No.7683553

File: 252ae8d2a8301e7⋯.jpeg (136.46 KB, 822x960, 137:160, 1554673623.jpeg)

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fe8910  No.7683554

File: a05131142aa2dfb⋯.jpg (62.17 KB, 598x424, 299:212, TPUSAMarcus.jpg)

File: 9d61134192a6442⋯.jpg (43.58 KB, 560x445, 112:89, TrumpBoomer.jpg)

File: 0c1ae1b92fa5936⋯.jpg (56 KB, 531x559, 531:559, TrumpBoss.jpg)

File: 0ff4d97feda3ad9⋯.jpg (78.44 KB, 681x499, 681:499, TrumpCallsOutJewsII.jpg)

File: df9924178142e0e⋯.jpg (96.54 KB, 896x500, 224:125, TrumpCallsOutJewsIII.jpg)

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468ff4  No.7683555


You're welcome. :)

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02aeda  No.7683556

File: 5800347f8caf705⋯.png (290.99 KB, 653x648, 653:648, ClipboardImage.png)

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51f4db  No.7683557

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Whoa! Now here's the creepiest mash up of "GET OUT" (#TheSunkenPlace), "THE SHINING" and "Run Rabbit" as mash up Score.

"GET OUT / THE SHINING / "Run Rabbit Run" (mash up)

BTW, a number of very strange music groups have done remixes of 'Run Rabbit' with a number of disturbing comments using a type of code. They remind me of the CP sick/evil basement band.

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e95f78  No.7683558

File: e426085a8c38abf⋯.jpg (58.75 KB, 304x443, 304:443, julianthumbsup.jpg)

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262fd1  No.7683559

File: 0902db9f6d8f051⋯.jpg (109.33 KB, 540x270, 2:1, smell.jpg)

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bd041e  No.7683560


R.I.P. to the Schoolhouse Rock cartoon singer.

Oldfags remember.

I'm just a bill.

Yes, I'm only a bill.

And I'm sitting here on Capitol Hill.

Well, it's a long, long journeyTo the capital city.

It's a long, long wait

While I'm sitting in committee,

But I know I'll be a law someday

At least I hope and pray that I will,

But today I am still just a bill.


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10f547  No.7683561

File: 78ae42870e13c83⋯.jpg (4.79 KB, 296x170, 148:85, Trump.jpg)

File: 3b35359b969b654⋯.jpg (9.01 KB, 255x143, 255:143, MuhJooGTFO.jpg)

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c2e956  No.7683562

File: c01c1c0af327dce⋯.png (1.01 MB, 824x732, 206:183, 03709816287.png)

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3fe304  No.7683563


George should also look into Hollywood!

That shit "programming" that they do is straight out of the Talmud.

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bc33dc  No.7683564


Minx - definition of minx by The Free Dictionary


minx an impudent or flirtatious girl: The minx likes his expensive presents. Not to be confused with: minks – weasel-like animals; fur coats made of this animal: He gives her minks and diamonds. minx (mĭngks) n. 1. A girl or young woman who is considered to be impudent or very flirtatious. 2.

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585d1d  No.7683565


>>7683426, >>7683441, >>7683517 Planefag updates.

>>7683363 Fitton Benghazi Tweets.

>>7683351, >>7683424 Iraqi protesters retreat from Iraqi embassy.

>>7683349 Rudy: I would prosecute it as a racketeering case.

>>7683343 Proclamation on National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month, 2020.

>>7683335 HK arrests 400 on NYD.

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94522e  No.7683566

File: 25a16f50c076a1b⋯.jpg (30.47 KB, 296x300, 74:75, s-l300.jpg)


Think mirror CORN has been cut

Intel , Dan Coats, DNI

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a0e86c  No.7683567


Actors acting? continue optics to confuse the "enemy?" No longer control?

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10f547  No.7683568

File: 49b8b11633b13d0⋯.png (10.1 KB, 159x255, 53:85, JewGoy.png)

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e4aaee  No.7683569

File: c3ed50478692508⋯.jpg (144.24 KB, 500x1018, 250:509, 3k5uzu.jpg)


Until they are.Then…Boom!

It'll be like Durham/Barr dropping them from 40k feet out of nowhere.

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5b7403  No.7683570

File: 29374daa824bb8e⋯.jpeg (331.34 KB, 1440x912, 30:19, 1551369333.jpeg)

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1f46f9  No.7683571


Churchill was a puppet of Rothschild, same as Roosevelt and MoustacheBadMan.

It doesn't surprise me any time I find him connected with evil.

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83cbd8  No.7683572

File: c7a06c6f8f59fbc⋯.png (245.13 KB, 500x500, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)



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fe8910  No.7683573

File: 3c2c33918b8f038⋯.jpg (61.23 KB, 528x473, 48:43, HateTrumpSanders.jpg)

File: 7f41d7ac103b6c7⋯.jpg (65.82 KB, 584x427, 584:427, HateTrumpSchiff.jpg)

File: 7e6385d51957ca0⋯.jpg (61.42 KB, 543x460, 543:460, HateTrumpSchultz.jpg)

File: d38dbe607580ae7⋯.jpg (64.56 KB, 536x465, 536:465, HateTrumpSchumer.jpg)

File: de89a78b77e07b3⋯.jpg (49.78 KB, 583x428, 583:428, HateTrumpSoros.jpg)


Faggot goes from calling us leftist Jews, to Muh Joo shills.

These (((people))) are stupid.

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94adea  No.7683574


We're long overdue for a Where Are They Now? report on her.

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330819  No.7683575

File: 10f8529f353e7e5⋯.png (428.41 KB, 644x701, 644:701, ClipboardImage.png)




the video was :18 secs when Dan posted it

it is now :17 secs in WH & DJT retweets

Done on purpose?

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bd041e  No.7683576

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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3fe304  No.7683577

File: 3672febb3ad22c4⋯.jpg (68.35 KB, 619x406, 619:406, Gri107GbIiGEZ6BmfD908ClTMf….jpg)

File: 23952c6a52ed1c0⋯.jpg (147.16 KB, 496x669, 496:669, IA14776.jpg)

File: 5f8f2bda9276b68⋯.jpg (111.46 KB, 640x576, 10:9, 911attacksjewsmeme.jpg)

File: 70646cf565ae5b4⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1000x726, 500:363, 70646cf565ae5b4f26a482a84f….png)

Wow. Is a Mossad Massacre happening on the first day of a New Year?

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4af070  No.7683578

File: f07e95cc9eece03⋯.jpg (17.84 KB, 255x195, 17:13, 1f9744d899ba1d79fb6eb3fc87….jpg)

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3afe52  No.7683579

File: a84eee4fbaa8683⋯.jpeg (53.84 KB, 610x343, 610:343, D7B84D68-C05B-4034-A4A3-D….jpeg)


tripz chk'd by satanic popey franky

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e4aaee  No.7683580


That's an awesome meme.

Great job!

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83933d  No.7683581

File: 3b204b82769e9f3⋯.jpg (54.41 KB, 577x433, 577:433, 3kxzm4.jpg)

Fixed it.

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f1e5cf  No.7683582

File: 6dcb1f692c32c66⋯.jpg (95.32 KB, 679x809, 679:809, happy new year.JPG)


impeachment took up too much space..

our guys aren't going to expend ammo when they know it will not be covered.

I have a feeling you will be pleased with the way things have 'picked up pace' over the next 2 months… if they attempt another impeachment sham, they are toast.

They are literally running out of options…

we aren't.

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269747  No.7683583


Done (if interested)

Simple first level interpretation:

—Narrator = this movement

—the “10,000 maybe more” = those still asleep.

—the signs are everywhere.

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6a64c7  No.7683584

File: dbdf426e8f5a255⋯.png (697.05 KB, 960x720, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: da5a75efa36ce72⋯.png (26.32 KB, 600x311, 600:311, ClipboardImage.png)



With the Glorious Revolution, Wilhelm van Oranje-Nassau and his wife Mary took the throne of England. He was also the Stadthouder of the United Provinces of the Netherlands.

WI Wilhelm and Mary had a child who could claim overlordship of both realms? Could we see, after a time, the Netherlands being united with England and Scotland forming the United Kingdom of England, Scotland, Holland, Zeeland, Utrecht, Gelre, Overijssel, Friesland and Groningen?

How would this affect their colonial policy? Possibly the English style of colonisation could soften the rather hard-headed purely mercantile drive of the Dutch.

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10f547  No.7683585





"They want you divided by religion" - Q

"They want you divided by race" - Q

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fa8088  No.7683586

File: 732d77757d875f9⋯.jpg (85.54 KB, 620x465, 4:3, fried eggs.jpg)

Thanks bakers.

Is it too late for breakfast?

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fe8910  No.7683587

File: d556ef8a5ebe188⋯.png (145.81 KB, 338x254, 169:127, ClipboardImage.png)


Might have to look into that

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36ad4a  No.7683589


ty PF o7, well the day aint over yet kek

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5b7403  No.7683590

File: c0838406fdba08c⋯.jpeg (131.87 KB, 822x960, 137:160, 1554673729.jpeg)

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bc33dc  No.7683591


I just checked it and it is 18

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f74338  No.7683592

File: 810e8f1622d9dba⋯.gif (1.44 MB, 360x240, 3:2, pope_takeyourpaws_offme.gif)

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fe8910  No.7683593

File: d1eee4783ce4497⋯.jpg (88.13 KB, 500x539, 500:539, DividersMasonic.JPG)

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83933d  No.7683594

File: 0f77dc2e4cb580e⋯.jpg (54.04 KB, 577x433, 577:433, 3kxzs1.jpg)


just in case

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1455f2  No.7683595


I see your intended point anon.

But name a white christian in the intelligence community of cabal players that is actually white and christian..

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f9f6be  No.7683596

File: ebfae029c03529c⋯.png (49.9 KB, 255x170, 3:2, Kek4.png)

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97d0d9  No.7683597


No, thank YOU anon - my almonds were tingling over this for a while, and you filled in a few missing pieces and presented it much better than I could have.

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a05654  No.7683598

File: 6bfa6cbb3f882de⋯.jpg (77.89 KB, 474x711, 2:3, mediums.jpg)


Mediums are of high value, for Hollywood and other purposes.

Spirit summoning, invocation, and binding requires a receptive vessel.

MK ultra is not making a person something they are not. It is creating the conditions for additional energies to reside in and operate the vessel.

Why are Intel orgs called SPOOKS, as are ghost/spirits? It is part of their Craft.

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a94d84  No.7683599

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>7683560 YES INDEED!!!!!!!

Old Fags remember.

A Classic with two class guys.

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10f547  No.7683600

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Leftist Jew posting muhjoo memes to falsely portray the Q movement as nazi.

Too stupid to realize every Pic is of a Democrat.

Try harder you dumb commie Jew.

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a47c12  No.7683601


>Bakers…bad form…if you get a second it is NOTABLE regardless of what (you) think…

No. It's a good indicator for baker, but baker's discretion. Can nix if already notabled, obvious shilling, etc.

As soon as there's a hard and fast rule of 2x noted and MUST be put in notables, then there will be playing/rigging of the notables (as we have seen).

As you say re: IP hoppin:


>lots of that habben'…


>you did that last loaf…

Good callout. May or may not be same anon, we never know, but these are the patterns to watch. have a good one anon.

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62db80  No.7683602

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7c84f9  No.7683603


Yes, I have to admit, the whole corn for the harvest stuff was a big buildup and huge let down….Nothing habbenned except for a misspelling in the corney report.

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000000  No.7683604

"Awakening": Black voters 'abandoned' by Democrats warm to Trump

Former NFL player Jack Brewer once raised campaign money for President Barack Obama, but now he’s among the increasing number of black voters who support President Trump.

“There is an awakening going on right now in the country,” Mr. Brewer said of black voters who traditionally support Democrats. “I’m going to take the guy who’s actually putting in the policies that are going to make life better for my young black son and my young black daughter, versus somebody who gives me lip service — like, unfortunately, the Democrats have done for our community for years.”


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51f4db  No.7683605

"Chrissy Teigen giggles as she films husband John Legend hopping while dressed up as the Easter bunny"



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10f547  No.7683606

File: 15da645c0c178ba⋯.jpg (50.85 KB, 680x438, 340:219, Cat.jpg)

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5fe912  No.7683607

You know the cabal hides their bloodlines to remain in control? Hidden hand and all. Secret societies. They want our DNA as we are cattle/sheep to them. Could revealing THEIR DNA to We The People be an option during the Great Awakening? Wouldn't that be something…

Idaho cold case of outlaw missing since 1916 solved by DNA, genetic genealogy

DNA and genetic genealogy have helped investigators solve a century-old Idaho mystery.

Outlaw Joseph Henry Loveless was killed and dismembered in 1916 and buried in a shallow grave in Buffalo Cave outside Dubois. At the time, Loveless was wanted for escaping from a jail where he was being held for killing his wife with an ax.

Loveless’ remains were found in the cave four decades ago—but not his head–and they remained unidentified until just recently.

Lee Bingham Redgrave, a genealogist with the nonprofit DNA Doe Project, determined the remains belonged to Loveless after painstaking research that included constructing an elaborate family tree of Loveless' extended relatives.


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3fe304  No.7683608



Skip to 1 hour 3 minutes 12 seconds.


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3afe52  No.7683609

File: 986b5922d510650⋯.jpeg (116.49 KB, 749x486, 749:486, 2A3ADF83-3C22-4AC2-9FCF-E….jpeg)

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10f547  No.7683610


Self-contradictory meme you got there, rabbi.

Here's a shekel for that hilarity.

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1455f2  No.7683611

File: d44c44db6c7c74d⋯.jpg (104.9 KB, 900x900, 1:1, d44c44db6c7c74db8301e2faba….jpg)

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295aaf  No.7683612

File: bb410df2da408d2⋯.jpeg (79.74 KB, 706x354, 353:177, CBFC356A-FD3A-4187-A75D-E….jpeg)

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fe8910  No.7683613

File: 3a909da04e836a1⋯.jpg (99.72 KB, 716x340, 179:85, VJ.jpg)

File: fe2446c6d167e5c⋯.jpg (43.42 KB, 521x431, 521:431, YesJewKushner.jpg)

File: 59f17b696b2560f⋯.jpg (42.16 KB, 529x308, 529:308, YesJewRhodes.JPG)

File: 14acc654df9b85e⋯.jpg (25.36 KB, 464x274, 232:137, YesJewRosenstein.JPG)

File: 0fe5b555a709891⋯.jpg (41.76 KB, 509x380, 509:380, YesJewsSackler.JPG)

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3fe304  No.7683614

File: 5bf0862f367e436⋯.jpg (56.78 KB, 750x743, 750:743, Epstein.jpg)

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4af070  No.7683615

File: 8bacc62aaf72fdb⋯.png (232.1 KB, 445x393, 445:393, 8bacc62aaf72fdb6b6def056f2….png)

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330819  No.7683616

File: 8c98c6ac691eff0⋯.png (2.18 MB, 1600x900, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

What will DJT's 1st tweet of 2020 be about?

the world wants to know…

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e95f78  No.7683617

File: c404ed6b7f1c152⋯.jpg (107.49 KB, 600x500, 6:5, andrea-mitchell.jpg)

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262fd1  No.7683618

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


PB Notable

Gaze, Technology, and Death with Marina Abramović and Jared Leto

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c129aa  No.7683619

File: a15be8f26c0b88f⋯.png (124.13 KB, 251x254, 251:254, Sodomite Trump 022_2395230….png)

On Sodomite Trump's watch. Trust God's plan.

The wickedness of Sodom ([Ex 20:14] heterosexual [Lev. 20:10–12] or homosexual [Lev. 20:10,13]) was notorious (Gen. 13:13).

[Abortion Was the Leading Cause of Death Worldwide in 2019, Killing 42 Million People](https://www.lifenews.com/2019/12/31/abortion-was-the-leading-cause-of-death-worldwide-in-2019-killing-42-million-people/)

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83933d  No.7683620

File: 802a797b9aa6e17⋯.jpg (59.92 KB, 577x433, 577:433, 3kxzyt.jpg)


just to be clear.


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5b7403  No.7683621

File: 856d0289d5257c3⋯.jpeg (299.38 KB, 1080x1268, 270:317, 1554674006.jpeg)

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97d0d9  No.7683622


>Does this mean I can't/shouldn't go to the Asian massage anymore?

Kek - That's not for me to say, anon. But you maybe should think about finding out if they are slaves or completely willing participants ;-)

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10f547  No.7683623


Name a Satanist claiming to be a Jew who is actually a Jew.

Revelation 3:9

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c129aa  No.7683624

File: bc6a7304015ba29⋯.png (39.98 KB, 162x191, 162:191, Child Killing Serial Adult….png)


Pr 8:36, Ex 20:14 http://prolifeprofiles.com/donald-trump-pro-life-profile

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330819  No.7683625


thats very vague

you just checked what?

WH - DJT or Dan?

sauce it

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c129aa  No.7683626

File: bbf47da64990bcd⋯.jpg (106.39 KB, 789x613, 789:613, Child killer Trump 2-34862….jpg)


Pr 8:36, Ex 20:14 http://prolifeprofiles.com/donald-trump-pro-life-profile

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7c84f9  No.7683627


I don't know if I would classify someone as a datefag who just reads a Q post for what it is and it doesn't happen.

A datefag is someone who does intense decodes and believes they know when shit is gonna go down.

This wasn't datefaggotry this was Q faggotry

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36ad4a  No.7683628

Are there any RedPilled Joos around?

there has to be.

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7facdf  No.7683629


mebby that SAM is the return from Palm Springs the other day. Not as fast as the inbound.. that was at 600mph for long time.

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5e069a  No.7683630

File: 97b9453bd6af1d1⋯.png (548.29 KB, 862x769, 862:769, ClipboardImage.png)

Sink their MF Navy!!!


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c129aa  No.7683631

File: 6db2ea74ed989b7⋯.png (48.17 KB, 319x271, 319:271, Child Killer Trump 0238509….png)


Pr 8:36, Ex 20:14 http://prolifeprofiles.com/donald-trump-pro-life-profile

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fe8910  No.7683632

File: 82870fa0a9b1942⋯.jpg (64.98 KB, 576x633, 192:211, PutinRussianJews.JPG)

File: 3a2297ac61535ca⋯.jpg (51.99 KB, 516x484, 129:121, Bullwinkle.jpg)

File: 014bb37bae2a54b⋯.jpg (77.63 KB, 666x500, 333:250, BullwinkleII.JPG)

File: e0dccc2c6b33591⋯.jpg (63.15 KB, 600x450, 4:3, BurnItDown.jpg)

File: c503d1dc3c902c8⋯.jpg (64.15 KB, 614x406, 307:203, ChaseJews.jpg)


ID: 10f547

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8beedd  No.7683633

bigger booms in the neighborhood than usual to start this year

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51f4db  No.7683634

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Chrissy Teigen and John Legends Daughter Luna Meets the Easter Bunny

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c129aa  No.7683635

File: abc0543501303cc⋯.png (31.64 KB, 284x245, 284:245, Child Killing Serial Adult….png)


Pr 8:36, Ex 20:14 http://prolifeprofiles.com/donald-trump-pro-life-profile

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114aa2  No.7683636

File: 5f2402896faa225⋯.png (2.04 MB, 1280x1706, 640:853, itsawondefulshite.png)

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086dbf  No.7683637

File: eaf692b33f7689e⋯.png (5.23 KB, 697x312, 697:312, ClipboardImage.png)

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000000  No.7683638


>Who feeds NK w/ strategic intel? Iran?


>Who controls NK?

>Who really controls NK?

>Don't think of a single person.

>Think of a powerful entity.

Any guesses?

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291c6a  No.7683639

File: 977db350dd515c0⋯.jpeg (477.57 KB, 1530x1005, 102:67, 63D119BB-AC6C-420B-B585-3….jpeg)

File: 926b2b6ad85bf5b⋯.jpeg (512.6 KB, 1922x875, 1922:875, C4665079-9D3F-434E-943D-6….jpeg)


nothing in Q posts about the netherlands that i can find, other than their central bank mentioned

may be noteworthy or not, but

the rothschilds oil company BP used to have split HQs in both london and the netherlands

when soros launched his first quantum fund, it immediately had offices in london, nyc and the netherlands

while the netherlands own a very disproportional share of US equities, the the largest foreign owners of US equities by far are the money laundering corruption centers such as the cayman islands, england, canada and luxemberg.

in general, europe as a whole owns our equities and much of it appears to be criminal wealth from offshore money laundering centers. Asia holds our long term debt by contrast.


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c129aa  No.7683640

File: 4be27e61d765cfa⋯.png (138.14 KB, 651x641, 651:641, Child Killing Serial Adult….png)


Pr 8:36, Ex 20:14 http://prolifeprofiles.com/donald-trump-pro-life-profile

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1f46f9  No.7683641


<just reads a Q post for what it is

If you think any of that is this simple, you also need to go back.

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1455f2  No.7683642


136,000 indictments sealed.

Bet the great majority of them will have names that fit.

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942f81  No.7683643


look into the Great white Brotherhood. I was raised around this garbage. It comes in light but its dark and demonic .

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c129aa  No.7683644

File: 48e080a2b59f095⋯.png (150.05 KB, 698x242, 349:121, Devil Mask On -0943509345-….png)


Pr 8:36, Ex 20:14 http://prolifeprofiles.com/donald-trump-pro-life-profile

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10f547  No.7683645

File: a886f17db8ea2ed⋯.jpeg (47.24 KB, 217x255, 217:255, Deceive.jpeg)



Try harder you commie Jew.

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15024e  No.7683646

File: d5bd974d1492e8b⋯.png (1.48 MB, 1024x902, 512:451, holohoax.png)


>Grade A pilpul

Still a Fail, Big, Hard Fail, SuperKike

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bc4d15  No.7683647

File: a869704bc175a73⋯.png (495.74 KB, 696x364, 174:91, New York Rabbi Arrested fo….png)

File: 7becf29f80720c9⋯.png (497.31 KB, 716x607, 716:607, New York Rabbi Arrested fo….png)

File: a5c0fcc48a08777⋯.png (118.85 KB, 729x699, 243:233, New York Rabbi Arrested fo….png)

New York Rabbi Arrested for Trafficking Babies of Mentally Disabled Mothers Between Israel and the U.S. (1 of 3)

Earlier this month (December 2019) The Nazareth Magistrate’s Court in Israel lifted a gag order on a two-year investigation into a suspected baby trafficking ring. In February 2019 Israeli police arrested five people, including an American rabbi who heads a yeshiva, for allegedly running an international baby trafficking ring that targeted mentally disabled mothers.

The Times of Israel reports: Rabbi Shmuel Puretz 44, a businessman who divides his time between New York and Jerusalem, is suspected of brokering a deal under which a heavily pregnant Israeli woman was flown to New York and her baby removed from her allegedly against her will, then given for adoption to a childless ultra-Orthodox couple who live in Israel. https://www.timesofisrael.com/rabbi-revealed-as-key-suspect-in-alleged-baby-trafficking-ring/

The Jewish Journal further reports: Puretz, who denies the allegations, is accused of sending Israeli expectant mothers in need or suffering from a mental disability from within haredi Orthodox communities to the United States so they would give birth there. The babies would be given to childless foster parents who allegedly paid Puretz and others for the babies. Many details about the affair, including how much money the handlers allegedly charged, are still subject to a gag order. Yediot Aharanot reported in a 2017 expose about the affair that they charged a $100,000 to $150,000 “handling fee” per child.

The business of selling babies. A lucrative business run by a Jewish Orthodox child trafficking operation. Babies can be sold for as much as $150,000 each. News of a gag order partially lifted earlier this month names Rabbi Shmuel Puretz as a major player in this scam operating between Israel and the USA.


The other victim in the news is Adi Gino. She has come forward to give her story in English to the NGO CFI – Children and Families International, of how her twin girls were taken from her several years ago. Currently raising her 3 sons, she has found the courage to tell the story of the network who coerced her into taking her twin girls and then selling them. Despite the fact she was paid expenses at the time, she goes into details as to how she was manipulated by an experienced ring of traffickers. Here is the inside exclusive story of how she was pressured by a sophisticated ring of people to sell her children against her will. Her own country Israel – were waiting to take her babies at the moment of birth, and in the USA, an unscrupulous ring capitalised on her dilemma. Here is her account: (see image above)


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62db80  No.7683648

File: 1f7ea5bba3134e5⋯.png (333.89 KB, 550x277, 550:277, ClipboardImage.png)


Fly a Tomahawk thru his bedroom window

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3550f3  No.7683649

File: 6938f22a664e992⋯.jpg (47.38 KB, 750x484, 375:242, Capture.JPG)

Singapore Government officials rebut Bloomberg, South China Morning Post articles on Pofma

SINGAPORE - Government officials have rebutted articles by Bloomberg and the South China Morning Post (SCMP) on Singapore's fake news law, the latest in a series of such responses to media outlets.

In her reply released on Tuesday (Dec 31), Ms Ho Hwei Ling, press secretary to Minister for Communications and Information S. Iswaran, said all three versions of an article Bloomberg ran had alleged that the Singapore Government uses the law to suppress dissent and the right to free expression.

This is untrue, she said, noting that the Protection from Online Falsehoods and Manipulation Act (Pofma) was used to issue correction directions. This allows the public to access both the original posts and corrections, and decide for themselves which is true.

"No information or view has been suppressed," she stressed.

Ms Ho also said the Bloomberg article published on Dec 27, "Singapore Goes on Global Offensive to Defend 'Fake News' Law", had criticised the Government's responses to foreign media stories on Pofma.

"We have never shied from answering our foreign critics on any issue. They can say what they please. All we insist upon is the right of reply," she said.


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330819  No.7683650



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c129aa  No.7683651

File: cb4d3d96d211486⋯.png (65.47 KB, 195x141, 65:47, Sodom aka America 23984582….png)


Pr 8:36, Ex 20:14 http://prolifeprofiles.com/donald-trump-pro-life-profile

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a47c12  No.7683652


Ok, misspelling, if pervasive and used to hide FOIA requests, is quite huge to bring awareness to.

>the whole corn for the harvest stuff was a big buildup and huge let down…

how do you know anon, quit your fucking concern-fagging.


>Next year, anon..

more backup to a concern-fagging anon instead of just telling them to fuck off.


>and continue the slow drip that has nearly stopped dripping of late…

more like "muh slow drip cum out of my ass" - fuck off!


>I certainly don't see any reason for them to panic…

muh nothing habbening. Fuck you!


>Who thinks the sealed indictments are legit?

muh indictments… aren't there… FUCK YOU SHILL!

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bc33dc  No.7683653


why do you want to try and start another middle war dude? are you jewish?

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c129aa  No.7683654

File: 5316d17e62e4241⋯.png (172.36 KB, 414x416, 207:208, Sodom aka America 23058093….png)


Pr 8:36, Ex 20:14 http://prolifeprofiles.com/donald-trump-pro-life-profile

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262fd1  No.7683655

File: dd2ae44ad86faf3⋯.jpg (57.36 KB, 618x460, 309:230, 0.jpg)


receptive vessel?


POTUS comments about NK vase present?

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f74338  No.7683656

File: 8ab77a5f2255264⋯.png (193.71 KB, 350x294, 25:21, smiles_velocira.png)

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f8ee96  No.7683657


Ignore the shills and the cancer-anons.

Vanderbilt is the only Cabal member that Q basically hand held anons through proving Gloria was cult.

And what we've learned about the cult is that it's an intergenerational focus.

She learned it from somewhere.

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c129aa  No.7683658

File: d49382fb60ccaf7⋯.png (99.63 KB, 321x275, 321:275, Idolatry 02935098203985098….png)


Pr 8:36, Ex 20:14 http://prolifeprofiles.com/donald-trump-pro-life-profile

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d1844c  No.7683659

File: 3bb8e86e0fce9ee⋯.jpg (28.87 KB, 400x400, 1:1, junior.jpg)

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1f46f9  No.7683660


How would the truth cost anyone their soul?

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c30801  No.7683661

File: 86018b3b8463e11⋯.jpeg (75.72 KB, 864x576, 3:2, B8D18197-59E9-436C-BA38-2….jpeg)

File: ad8b2f2fb8bb1b9⋯.jpeg (56.94 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 23DB9BAD-7540-4660-B32C-D….jpeg)

File: a3ad9ea816093d0⋯.jpeg (135.91 KB, 768x512, 3:2, F01B2DDB-370F-44AA-8469-9….jpeg)

PHOTOS: The Images That Defined the World in 2019

Frances Martel31 Dec 2019

Three of the images that defined the world in 2019.


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fe8910  No.7683662

File: 375ac4f041fe8a1⋯.jpg (218.18 KB, 700x700, 1:1, IvanaII.jpg)


Ivana, you are an ugly cunt.

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942f81  No.7683663

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


RUN RABBIT RUN by Rob Zombie…featured in House of a 1000 corpses, where they hunt humans in bunny outfits.

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10f547  No.7683664

File: daac5d1b891fd33⋯.png (1.41 MB, 2097x1558, 2097:1558, Lie Best Hidden.PNG)


One of these people is not like the other.

Try harder rabbi.

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c129aa  No.7683665

File: e4257d39033953c⋯.jpg (121.07 KB, 931x249, 931:249, WTimes-pA3-crtl-trump-ad-2….jpg)


Pr 8:36, Ex 20:14 http://prolifeprofiles.com/donald-trump-pro-life-profile

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b21010  No.7683666

File: 8f21b7ee58b682a⋯.png (522.8 KB, 535x747, 535:747, 32992606-4943-95da-cbbe-d6….png)

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5b7403  No.7683667

File: 1959c02f6176e36⋯.jpeg (432.14 KB, 1080x1270, 108:127, 1577220242.jpeg)

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1455f2  No.7683668



but sadly not surprising…

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53a06e  No.7683669

File: 9c367e3ddd0e70a⋯.png (245.07 KB, 384x512, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

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10f547  No.7683670

File: 39954c0ed4e51d6⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1691x938, 1691:938, JIDF_mirror1.png)

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c129aa  No.7683671

File: bcbe4832f5dec37⋯.png (93.52 KB, 173x255, 173:255, Child Killing Serial Adult….png)


Pr 8:36, Ex 20:14 http://prolifeprofiles.com/donald-trump-pro-life-profile

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4bd8bf  No.7683672


Jews and Freemasonry

notable baker

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5e069a  No.7683673

File: d1648a1edfd7672⋯.png (194.24 KB, 949x639, 949:639, ClipboardImage.png)

Hey Iran, all your Strait of Hormuz are belong to us now.

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f8ee96  No.7683674


Batavia Philippines,

Batavia NY.

The dutch influence through the great lakes is tremendous.

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b49a68  No.7683675


also ref son of Satan OR SON OF SAM?


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fe8910  No.7683676

File: 523954262667f1e⋯.jpg (71.09 KB, 668x373, 668:373, MonkeyJIDFMemeSearch.jpg)

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3550f3  No.7683677

File: 7cc95a2dbe5a482⋯.jpg (40 KB, 599x317, 599:317, Capture.JPG)

Democrat Rep. Al Green Admits ‘Genesis of Impeachment Was… When Trump Was Running For Office’ (VIDEO)

Democrat Rep. Al Green says the darndest things.

Rep. Green previously stated during a media appearance that Trump must be impeached so he doesn’t get reelected.

The Texas Democrat then claimed during an appearance on MSNBC that we need to impeach Trump to ‘deal with slavery.’

Now he’s claiming that the ‘genesis of impeachment was when Trump was running for office,’ further proving the entire thing is a sham.

At least Al Green was being honest.

The Democrat-media-complex was plotting to prevent Trump from winning the White House in 2016 and his upset victory sent them into overdrive.

“Basically, the Democrats have wanted to impeach Trump from day one…Exhibit one, Congressman Al Green has been calling for the man’s impeachment for 2 years now, what’s your response to that charge?” MSNBC host Chris Hayes asked Rep. Green.


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62db80  No.7683678

File: fbaf454c0763768⋯.png (335.5 KB, 500x500, 1:1, MrMuhJooShow.png)

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f8ee96  No.7683679


*Correction: Batavia Indonesia

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dc9bf9  No.7683680

File: 457cd2748819f17⋯.png (87.35 KB, 268x321, 268:321, coomer.png)


<Create Your Date

Here is the face I choose

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e464ed  No.7683681

File: 5686b0e88136cee⋯.jpg (260.58 KB, 1253x750, 1253:750, WhiteCollarCrime251.jpg)

File: d01878e6dffc841⋯.jpg (115.89 KB, 640x639, 640:639, WhiteCollarCriminals-McCar….jpg)

File: c72a4a69b4816fb⋯.jpg (62.07 KB, 528x759, 16:23, WhiteCollarCrimeMolest.jpg)

File: 1967490f3e9c37c⋯.jpg (257.33 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, WhiteCollarCrimeDolan.jpg)

File: dcd5714d12dd91c⋯.jpg (59.32 KB, 700x467, 700:467, Pell SexAbuseVaticanWhiteC….jpg)


That's a new one to me. Memed.

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5fe912  No.7683682


An entitiy which needs to be splintered into 1000 pieces and scattered to the wind?

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c129aa  No.7683683

File: fceaf63a5675334⋯.png (521.18 KB, 777x888, 7:8, Count Babies 2093850982039….png)


Pr 8:36, Ex 20:14 http://prolifeprofiles.com/donald-trump-pro-life-profile

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c3f21c  No.7683684


i'm going with it's 1250ad and we are in tartaria after the great mudflood. pizzagate is real……actually all of it except the flat earth

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6a64c7  No.7683685

File: 2a6fe8a0d12add4⋯.png (393.29 KB, 448x500, 112:125, notable-.PNG)

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c129aa  No.7683686

File: 213c884dcc4d006⋯.png (54.8 KB, 385x377, 385:377, Anti Semites 0934850309485….png)

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10f547  No.7683687

File: f7c38661023dff6⋯.jpeg (615.32 KB, 1080x1270, 108:127, Deceive2.jpeg)

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132c9a  No.7683688

File: c6a6454add69b34⋯.jpeg (30.75 KB, 673x410, 673:410, iu-4.jpeg)

File: 71d8a8d7cea4653⋯.jpeg (137.02 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, iu-5.jpeg)

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c129aa  No.7683689

File: cc0322ac723dbf0⋯.jpg (16.34 KB, 229x255, 229:255, 9550ff79df36c552c9a4f71236….jpg)

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4af070  No.7683690

File: 0395343a60de48f⋯.jpg (30.3 KB, 634x345, 634:345, 22875056-7842263-image-a-3….jpg)

File: f49ac818a28f1ea⋯.jpg (59.66 KB, 630x549, 70:61, 22867518-7842263-Forever_a….jpg)

File: 3a7a00a75b061b4⋯.jpg (59.13 KB, 632x414, 316:207, 22867526-7842263-Tis_the_s….jpg)

Kathy Griffin has married her partner Randy Bick in a New Year's Eve ceremony.

The 59-year-old comedian surprised her social media followers with the news just hours earlier by announcing that she would kicking off 2020 as a married woman.

Kathy tied the knot to her 41-year-old partner just after midnight in a ceremony officiated by actress Lily Tomlin.

It came just as Kathy's ex-friend Anderson Cooper was hosting the New Year's Eve coverage and ball drop in New York's Times Square, which she used to co-host until she was fired in 2017.

For the New Year's Eve nuptials, Kathy wore a recycled white dress with a black satin sash that was picked out by the groom.

The comedian revealed in a tweet that she had first worn the dress in 2011 on a date with Randy to see Gloria Estefan.

'I asked Randy to pick out which ever one of my long dresses was his favorite for any reason. He picked out this dress and showed me this photo. Romance is hotttt again,' she tweeted.

Taking to social media to share a clip of the wedding ceremony, Kathy told her Instagram followers: 'Check out an unedited hilarious and fun beginning to our wedding ceremony.

'Yes, that is the great Lily Tomlin as our officiant and you will enjoy her wife, Jane Wagner, chatting in the background.'

She added on Twitter: 'The entire ceremony was just under 14 minutes but I have to give you guys the uncut first 75 seconds. LOVE IT! We promised you atypical.

'We are in love and we cannot stop laughing. Thank you @LilyTomlin and Jane Wagner! #HappyNewYear'.

In her wedding video, Lily had the couple laughing as she officiated the ceremony, stating: 'What was supposed to be a shallow, suited and booted one night stand has grown and flourished into something far more meaningful.

'They stayed together and then they couldn't stay away from each other!'

Ahead of the ceremony, Kathy revealed the surprise, announcing on Instagram: 'Surprise! We're getting married'

The couple appeared to be walking through the foyer of their home in a homemade video captioned with a slew of hashtags.

'Tonight after midnight,' Kathy said, before Randy screamed: 'She said yes!'

In her true style, Kathy admitted that the nuptials would be 'very atypical' and 'very fun.'

'You're going to die when you see the officiant,' Griffin told her followers before the couple started dancing through the room.

As Bick attempted to kiss his lady love, she jumped back in jest: 'Oh my god you pervert; I'm a virgin. see ya later!'

The nuptials came just as her former longtime friend, Cooper, hosted the New Year's Eve coverage in New York's Times Square.

Kathy used to co-host the New Year's Eve coverage before she was fired by CNN in 2017 following the Trump severed head saga.

'For the record, I am appalled by the photo shoot Kathy Griffin took part in,' the journalist said in 2017. 'It is clearly disgusting and completely inappropriate.'

The pair fell out in the aftermath of Kathy's tweet and she has spoken of her sadness that he does not appear to want to reconcile. Kathy has also attacked Cooper's new co-host Andy Cohen.


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86291b  No.7683691

File: f5780a88fbfdd9e⋯.jpg (32.25 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 510585-beavis.jpg)


…Far from notable, fartknocker. Heh heh heh.

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fe8910  No.7683692

File: e14d1338ce36d63⋯.jpg (78.99 KB, 562x500, 281:250, Liberty.JPG)

File: 4965d2aa639b376⋯.jpg (134.35 KB, 657x593, 657:593, Unit 8200.jpg)

File: a33c04128d31116⋯.jpg (37.29 KB, 519x364, 519:364, YesJewBronfman.JPG)

File: a1e6fef281d10f4⋯.jpg (20.94 KB, 437x240, 437:240, YesJewGreen.JPG)

File: 600f0310445d960⋯.jpg (62.9 KB, 616x432, 77:54, YesJewIsrael.JPG)

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7c84f9  No.7683693


dead cat bounce

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f8ee96  No.7683694


I suspect the Dutch were the top of the hierarchy for a long time until Roths overtook them.

The IAMRofschild ama said that the roths used to work for satan, now they own him.

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3fe304  No.7683695

File: f3788b295fa5e0c⋯.jpg (462.67 KB, 1600x1266, 800:633, f37.jpg)

File: 97e8ebf80e3d996⋯.png (165.64 KB, 830x844, 415:422, 97e.png)

File: f9536ded20810c6⋯.jpg (90.85 KB, 738x1024, 369:512, 05a4f76fd49d96e575c8a3e138….jpg)

File: c8693c7fbe526b9⋯.jpg (128.9 KB, 800x1430, 80:143, c8693c7fbe526b9689d10b6d9f….jpg)

File: 56b05eb01527099⋯.jpg (97.73 KB, 515x500, 103:100, 56b05eb01527099807cae32492….jpg)




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3550f3  No.7683696

File: afdd39b3f78c551⋯.jpg (66.1 KB, 804x455, 804:455, Capture.JPG)

Iraqi protesters withdraw from US Embassy in Baghdad (VIDEOS)

Paramilitary leaders have ordered their supporters to leave the heavily fortified US Embassy compound in Baghdad, Iraq, as American troops reinforced the besieged facility.

Live footage from RT’s video agency Ruptly showed protesters with Hezbollah flags withdrawing en masse in their vehicles. Some lingered behind at the scene of the clashes, where tear gas and stun grenades were reportedly fired again on Wednesday. By Wednesday evening, however, the US military stated that all had departed.


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3afe52  No.7683697

File: 172a848d4229c8b⋯.jpeg (84.11 KB, 804x440, 201:110, 01A2BDA2-92E1-4626-9856-C….jpeg)

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10f547  No.7683698

File: dfea06a5b624442⋯.png (12.07 KB, 255x206, 255:206, Blend in.png)

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3afe52  No.7683699

File: 1b9a0952a649e1e⋯.jpeg (47.94 KB, 584x525, 584:525, 47AB1644-4D26-4600-B9F7-2….jpeg)

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10f547  No.7683700



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c5ad7a  No.7683701

File: b5ffa22c18230de⋯.jpg (91.9 KB, 1200x1087, 1200:1087, 569152eecddf4.image.jpg)

File: 2f9ba818c50b5dc⋯.jpg (91.68 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, Di6tdDDWwAAKEXD.jpg)

File: 09b01392fba946c⋯.jpg (196.52 KB, 913x1240, 913:1240, 011811_Westlake-913x1240.jpg)

Ok fags ill let ya in on a secret about the rabbit.

What is Orion?

What is he Hunting… A rabbit?

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269747  No.7683702


Where do they get all the monkeys?

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262fd1  No.7683703


Say Yes to the MESS!

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56b323  No.7683704


Eat plain ass yogurt. It has proper pro-biotics. Don't get any of the flavored kind. Hard to stomach sometimes, but after awhile you won't need it anymore and your stomach problems will go away.

Also has low concentration of GCMAF which has been known to cure cancer in higher doses. So doubles as a cancer block. Downside is it can reduce autism to a degree which may be needed for this forum.

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f8bd74  No.7683705


Tell our Embassy, American allies, and friends, to leave Iran.

And don't fly over Israel on the way back home.

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164240  No.7683706


>censorship is okay

there are many different ways to tell us your are one of those baby rapists we are trying to rid this world of.

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62db80  No.7683707

File: 4d9005667c7e17d⋯.png (2.06 MB, 1000x1500, 2:3, AmishNXt18.png)

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3afe52  No.7683708

File: 484c83135226010⋯.jpeg (65.12 KB, 517x593, 517:593, 1888A71E-08C4-4BAA-A60A-9….jpeg)

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fe8910  No.7683709

File: 52b0042616c1f7e⋯.jpg (27.7 KB, 453x256, 453:256, MemeWar.JPG)


I can play this game all day moron. You ready?

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5e069a  No.7683710

I'll never forget the gal who said - I'll tickle you and (You) tickle me. She was totally into it.


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3fe304  No.7683711

File: 81ac096ced7567a⋯.png (298.54 KB, 499x641, 499:641, 81ac096ced7567a346a886b0ba….png)

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ccb18e  No.7683712

File: 4d53ad219458e5d⋯.jpeg (327.4 KB, 1342x831, 1342:831, 8B8BBCB7-3E9F-46DB-840C-2….jpeg)

Fuck Gorka.

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e464ed  No.7683713

File: 591c1b6c326b336⋯.jpg (66.71 KB, 634x402, 317:201, PlayboyTunnels1.jpg)

File: 5799713843a82f2⋯.jpg (54.18 KB, 628x556, 157:139, PlayboyTunnels2.jpg)


…which reminds me of Hugh Hefner's Playboy Mansion tunnels connecting to homes of prominent Hollywood Pedowood actors nearby …

Mr. K. Douglas

Mr. J. Nicholson

Mr. W. Beatty

according to architectural drawings

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10f547  No.7683714

File: 7dfcad3a3d294db⋯.jpg (10.87 KB, 255x177, 85:59, muhjoo.jpg)

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c30801  No.7683715

Anons we need to push this, The Right declares 2020 the Year of Defeating the Resistance and the Left Once and For All

Left Declares 2020 ‘Year of the Resistance’ to Donald Trump, Boris Johnson

Left-wing activists declared 2020 the “year of the resistance,” vowing on New Year’s Eve to redouble their efforts to removing President Donald Trump from office and winning the 2020 presidential and congressional elections.

Scott Dworkin, a political consultant who founded the Democratic Coalition Against Trump super PAC, helped push the “Russia collusion” theory, and is trying to recruit Republicans to the cause of impeachment, tweeted his thanks to “The Resistance,” adding: “I look forward to working to remove Trump, winning back the White House and Senate, and holding the House in 2020.”

Not to be outdone, Jeremy Corbyn, who led his Labour Party to historic defeat in last month’s elections in the UK, declared in a New Year’s Eve message to supporters: “We are the resistance to [Prime Minister] Boris Johnson.”

Critics, including from his own Labour Party, mocked his address, in which he barely mentioned the election result.


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94522e  No.7683716


Dude Q has already told us this would be Biblical

What that means is, there are so many indictments that half these people will die or comit suicide before tried in court. If found guilty they will be exhumed from the grave and burnt in public view. That is biblical jmho

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05d45e  No.7683717

File: d4f4f9d630a40f5⋯.png (32.45 KB, 735x341, 735:341, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 67306e7cfad8c0c⋯.png (8.14 KB, 687x107, 687:107, ClipboardImage.png)

p (stool <rest>)

r (mouth <speak>)

o (group)

p (stool <rest>)

r rests on p, the mouth is a stool, a rest.

o rests on the p, the group rests on the stool, the group rests on the rest.

the speaker is a stool the group rests upon.

the talking stool rests. "the talking fool has it easy"

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bcfd10  No.7683718


Rainman aka Masonfag

i will never:

bake implied pedo, just because of

1 picture

of a child

of a pizza

of a hot dog

of a triangle

of a one eye symbol

people that smoke meth thing you are overly paranoid

chill the fuck out

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10f547  No.7683719

File: 2603fc04536c839⋯.jpg (66.78 KB, 1532x1406, 766:703, TriggerJIDF.jpg)



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e464ed  No.7683720

File: 66d7f83fd10c5d6⋯.jpg (130.59 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, PlayboyTunnels3.jpg)

>>7683713, >>7683460

pic 3 forgot to paste

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6e4ff1  No.7683721


Surprised she married a male gender identifier…

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114aa2  No.7683722

File: c88a04608123f9c⋯.png (7.59 KB, 600x254, 300:127, filtered.png)

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262fd1  No.7683723

File: 0e8ae4b5feefd89⋯.jpg (201.01 KB, 800x600, 4:3, fake gay.jpg)


sorry but…….debunked last year

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7facdf  No.7683724

File: 3fa24998ed6a652⋯.jpg (75.64 KB, 1133x518, 1133:518, china reserve ratio cut.jpg)

File: 2d083d02237e86e⋯.jpg (20.02 KB, 642x353, 642:353, china debt maturing flood.jpg)

File: f9fbc06b3537527⋯.png (283.92 KB, 611x402, 611:402, li muh dick.PNG)

China Cuts Reserve Ratio By 50bps Ahead Of January's $400 Billion "Liquidity Hole"

Just three days after China quietly cut rates by 20bps when it ordered banks to switch from the traditional Benchmark 1 year rate to the new Loan Prime Rate (aka China's LIBOR) as the reference rate for new short-term loans, effectively lowering the prevailing rate from 4.35% to 4.15% (in the process further pressuring bank net interest margins), on the first day of the new 2020, the PBOC unveiled widely expected another boost for the slowing Chinese economy: the central bank announced that starting Jan 6, it will lower the required reserve ratio (RRR) - or the amount of money banks are required to have on hand - by 50bps for commercial lenders, in the process releasing about 800 billion yuan ($115 billion) in liquidity from the cash-strapped financial system.

Currently the required reserve ratio is 13% for large banks and 11% for small banks. The cut, which is the first since September, will bring the blended reserve ratio for Chinese banks to the lowest level since October 2007.

The 50bps RRR cut is meant to help banks reduce their lending rate to businesses, the PBOC said in a separate statement, which is ironic because while on one hand the PBOC pressures commercial banks by ordering them to lower the amount of interest they can charge customers by 20bps (with the benchmark rate recalibration), on the other it boosts systemic liquidity to offset the adverse effects of its first action, something we predicted would happen earlier this week, to wit:… with more than half of China's banks failing a recent central bank stress test, the only guaranteed outcome from this weekend's effective rate cut is that, paradoxically, it will only accelerate the rate of failure of China's already cash strapped, and in many cases insolvent, banks. As such we expect that the PBOC will promptly follow through with another RRR cut to offset the adverse side-effects of this particular rate cut, by injecting more liquidity in the banking system.

Of course, it wasn't just us predicting an imminent RRR reduction: the cut was first signaled by Chinese premier Li Keqiang in December 2019. It’s also in line with market expectations that the PBOC will increase funding to the financial system in January to ease a liquidity crunch caused by rising local government debt sales and increasing cash demand during the Spring Festival holidays.

As a reminder, two weeks ago we warned that China is facing a potentially destabilizing "liquidity hole" of 2.8 trillion yuan ($400 billion) in January as people across the nation will withdraw cash for the Lunar New Year holiday, which this year falls on Jan 25. China’s most important annual holiday is a time when companies and individuals typically need large amounts of cash on hand to pay bonuses, clear debts and cover other expenses. In addition to seasonal cash needs, China's bond market also faces a major maturity deluge, as more than 2 trillion yuan in notes mature in early 2020, and fresh debt to refinance the borrowing thus shoring up economic growth will probably start hitting the market soon.

Sure enough, in addition to offsetting the reduced net interest margin, the PBOC said that the injection will be offset as banks provide more cash to the public before the Spring Festival, and the overall liquidity level at banks will be kept stable. "Prudent monetary policy stance remains unchanged," it added.

It was fears about an impending liquidity shortfall that sent China's 1Month SHIBOR to the highest level in one year, briefly touching 3% a few days ago.However, now that China is engaged in a delicate balancing act, on one hand reducing the amount of cash banks can earn by lending money to customers, and on the other releasing systemic liquidity, the question is whether the PBOC's latest efforts to stimulate the economy will destabilize the banking sector further.

Addressing just this, the PBOC said the planned reduction will save about 15 billion yuan in funding costs for banks in a year, indicating that the benchmark loan prime rate will likely be lowered as banks reduce their submissions for the rate’s calculation in late January, which in turn will force the PBOC to cut the RRR further, resulting in an even lower loan prime rates and so forth, which brings to mind a recent striking op-ed published in the Global Times, which predicted that China would be the next major country to cut rates to zero.

rest at link


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5b7403  No.7683725

File: 22adb5ec944701b⋯.jpg (1.21 MB, 1080x1209, 360:403, 20191225_062311.jpg)

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7fd0e0  No.7683726


notable AF

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6a64c7  No.7683727

File: dea10f72cef6567⋯.jpg (54.68 KB, 300x257, 300:257, perbudakan1.jpg)

File: b6007984a000f85⋯.jpg (36.2 KB, 529x360, 529:360, xkolonialtimur.jpg)


There is a reason you don't hear much about the dutch (((merchants))) in public education.

Def digg worthy for fleshing out the Vanderbilt and other NY bloodlines and money.

Dutch Curacao in SA was the largest slave trading hub in the 1700-1775. Number 1 supplier of slaves.


Slave trading

General debauchery.

There is a reason why in Amsterdam they dutch are known for not worrying about what their neighbor does, just that he can pay his bills.


The Indoneisans were extremely happy (as were other countries in the area) when the Japanese invaded. The Japanese kicked out all the western colonialists and put them all in camps.

After the war, most of these countries were able to gain their independence from their Euro overlords.

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3fe304  No.7683728

File: 623dcae9a565093⋯.jpg (29.52 KB, 600x496, 75:62, 623dcae9a565093fc02306166c….jpg)

File: 0c8916cd4fe52d2⋯.jpg (67.15 KB, 640x920, 16:23, 050e0f6ca780af76836788d46d….jpg)

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10f547  No.7683729


I have been all day every day since Oct 28, 2017.

Bring it on you filthy commie jew.

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51f4db  No.7683730

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"John Legend gets UNREAL with the Easter Bunny, Sing Sorry Bunny Junk Food Blues"

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3550f3  No.7683731

File: 78a963130724144⋯.jpg (57.5 KB, 996x335, 996:335, Capture.JPG)

Head of Robotics Company Warns of Catastrophic Consequences for Mankind if AI is Used in Conflicts

In November, a report by Army Times detailed how the US military plans to enhance the capabilities of soldiers via a human-machine fusion, including connecting human brains to computers in order to control vehicles.

Rich Walker, the head of Shadow Robot Company, warned of catastrophic consequences for mankind if artificial intelligence is used in military conflicts. In an interview with the Daily Express, he claimed that organisations that are studying the use of autonomous weapons systems in conflicts say that using AI in these circumstances is a bad idea. "The positives of doing it are so small compared to the huge stack of negatives, so really we shouldn’t be doing this”, Walker cited the organisations as saying.

He said that the international community should treat this technology the same way it treats other dangerous technologies that people resort to in desperate situations. “We don’t allow people to use chemical weapons in war, we don’t allow people to use biological weapons and the use of land mines and cluster mines is heavily regulated or controlled”, Walker explained.


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bd041e  No.7683732


Reading from Born in Blood: The Lost Secrets of Freemasonry

Such concepts are identified, along with the Masons, as part of the kingdom of Satan. The document not only defines the concerns of the Catholic Church about Freemasonry at that time, but, in the negative, so clearly defines what Freemasons believe that I have included the complete text of that papal bull as an appendix to this book."

Bloodlines of the old Europe families is key, beware of deceptions like " The Davinci Code ", a rip off of the book " Holy Blood - Holy Grail ", that seek to muddy the waters.

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fe8910  No.7683733

File: 701ef615c4fba1a⋯.jpg (29.49 KB, 373x304, 373:304, YesJewAllen.JPG)

File: d59ec6f7a892936⋯.jpg (24.89 KB, 404x300, 101:75, YesJewBoot.JPG)