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File: d5055660dbbb0b7⋯.jpg (585.22 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, DoughImage.jpg)

272085  No.7300387

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

THE Q MOVEMENT IS ABOUT TRUMPING THE ESTABLISHMENT - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

PDF: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082809

PICS: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/4004099.html

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Thursday 08.01.2019

>>7294663 ————————————–——– [C]oats before [D]eclas

>>7294581 ————————————–——– Bigger [slam-dunk] charges coming? (Cap: >>7295445, >>7295856)

Wednesday 07.31.2019

>>7271105 ————————————–——– Know your surroundings at all times

>>7270598 ————————————–——– How do you get ahead of a story? (Cap: >>7270618)

>>7270476 ————————————–——– UK role in Trump-Russia inquiry (Cap: >>7270515)

Tuesday 07.30.2019

>>7266574 ————————————–——– It's going to be BIBLICAL (Cap: >>7266636)

>>7266402 ————————————–——– Psalm 78:45

>>7261689 ————————————–——– When you control the media, you control public opinion. (Cap: >>7262652)

>>7261585 ————————————–——– Logical Q. (Cap: >>7261896)

>>7261386 ————————————–——– Logical Q. (Cap: >>7261927)

>>7261101 rt >>7261053 ————————— News unlocks…

>>7260977 rt >>7260840 ————————— Watch the news this week.

>>7260927 rt >>7260748 ————————— D_party voter corruption on display.

>>7260840 ————————————–——– Hunters become the HUNTED. (Cap: >>7260872)

>>7260547 ————————————–——– Prepare for 'VOTER ID = voter suppression of minority vote'.

>>7260462 ————————————–——– Twitter repost of Voter ID Q proof image. (Cap: >>7260495)

>>7260327 rt >>7260223 ————————— Voter ID Q Proof: WWG1WGA

>>7260295 ————————————–——– Re-read past drops re: VOTER ID.

>>7255145 rt >>7255097 ————————— Unrelated but worth noting

>>>/patriotsfight/475 ——————————–– [(3), D-g 1-2H, insert_key (Cap: >>7255483, >>7259015)

>>>/patriotsfight/474 ——————————–– [_Hot 8, _Hot 9, _Red_Red_y_, _Freedom_mark1-99_y, PC_sigD, Conf_net[w1] (Cap: >>7255467)

>>>/patriotsfight/473 ——————————–– [Package D-g, [Route_REL_29182_y], 00:00:00+4, 00:00:00+3, 00:00:00+2 (Cap: >>7255460)

>>>/patriotsfight/472 ——————————–– [Placeholder - [DECLAS] Exculpatory Evidence [Illegal Hold-Non_Report] FISA_T_SURV] (Cap: >>7255458)

Monday 07.29.2019

Compiled here: >>7294807

Sunday 07.28.2019

Compiled here: >>7262025

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Q's Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

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272085  No.7300389

Global Announcements

>>7079301, >>7079338 BO summarizes bread reversion, no more captcha, and continued notables thread >>7003045

Bakers: Do not add Q's non-tripcoded posts to the dough

>>7179001 NEW: Ways to convert to JPG or PNG


are not endorsements


>>7300334 POTUS considering blockade on Ven.

>>7300292 U.S. preparing to withdraw thousands of troops from Afghanistan as part of proposed deal with Taliban.

>>7300250 Dig on NY pedo law and its ties to Boy Scouts of America's CEO.

>>7300251 Nick Candy in Epstein Black Book. 11:11 is the name of his yacht!

>>7300184 Bin Laden family ‘henchman’ arrested in Philippines.

>>7300151 Dan Coats is not leaving until August 15.

>>7300108 JS Ratcliffe committed to declass.

>>7300092 Soros Pours $5.1 million into new 2020 PAC.

>>7299999 Kek speaks: Control

>>7300018, >>7300053 Snowden book in September.

>>7299974 POTUS mocks deranged reporter.

>>7299922 Moar Q at the rally.

>>7299774 Rand Paul: Disingenuous Republicans at the spending trough.

>>7299716 Owner of NYC art gallery claims group attacked him for wearing MAGA hat.

>>7299708 FBI to produce Bruce Ohr 302's on CS contact.

>>7299689 Live rally feed.

>>7299662 WH Tweet: "There's never been a time in the history of our country like we have right now."

>>7299652 Fitton: FBI targets conservatives. Again.

>>7300378 #9340


>>7299528, >>7299519 HOT bundle.

>>7299459 Tesla CTO sold $3.45m in shares.

>>7299433 Q presence at rally.

>>7299413 POTUS Delivers remarks upon departure.

>>7299285 DoD: Lock and load!

>>7299242 Black market blood.

>>7299193, >>7299299, >>7299556 Planefag updates.

>>7298982 SA begins to modernize.

>>7298977 Boatfag update.

>>7298931 'Tidal wave' of child sexual abuse lawsuits expected as NY law takes effect.

>>7298900 Bolsonaro appoints Pro-Trump son as ambassador to US.

>>7299600 #9339


>>7298777 Comey's Chewbacca defense. More and better charges on the horizon.

>>7298681 Not the house Cummings lives in?

>>7298566, >>7298605 Ariz. man learns mom's body was sold and detonated by the military.

>>7298494 Q clock summaries. Re-read crumbs.

>>7298468 Colgate-Palmolive Exec Chair sold $12.75m in shares.

>>7298433 Problems in the ranks of Navy SEALs.

>>7298384 Cummings house burglarized before POTUS Twitter ass kicking?

>>7298350 Amber alert in Missouri over mom/infant taken at gun point.

>>7298337 Gillette loses billions after shaming men.

>>7298311 Leak of documents re: National Australia Bank.

>>7298228 DJT Jr. kek.

>>7298212 Nearly 3-year manhunt ends in arrest of HSI most wanted fugitive.

>>7298155 Video/Article on Cumming's break in.

>>7298123 Hong Kong bankers join call for citywide strike over handling of outcry over extradition bill.

>>7298122, >>7298139, >>7298233, >>7298446 Planefag updates.

>>7298117 John Perry Barlow/EFF/Crypto dig.

>>7298111 Former Florida deputy accused of falsifying drug arrests is being held on a $1 million bond.

>>7298824 #9338

Previously Collected Notables

>>7298006 #9337,

>>7294921 #9333, >>7295689 #9334, >>7296475 #9335, >>7297161 #9336

>>7291863 #9329, >>7292652 #9330, >>7293416 #9331, >>7294187 #9332

>>7288632 #9325, >>7289455 #9326, >>7291063 #9327, >>7291016 #9328

>>7285585 #9321, >>7286341 #9322, >>7287103 #9323, >>7287879 #9324

'''Notables Thread #1, #8960-present: >>7003045

'Notables Archive: https://''8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)

Plain text archives of all QR Notables https://pastebin.com/2f1897vD

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272085  No.7300391

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] \\#QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

[4] Q's requested hashtags on of 3/11/19:






Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads ---- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ---------- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com --- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://bookofqproofs.wordpress.com/

Q Happenings Calendar

Submit an event here - https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Main Calendar URL ---- https://dark-to-light.org/calendar/

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup -- https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

Searchable Indictment Map w/dockets, links & more -- https://bad-boys.us/


Resignations Thread ----------------- >>2714136

All Resignations Website ----------- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://qresear.ch

Spread The Word

>>5973059 -- The BE HEARD Bread II: Be Loud! - Make Us Proud! - Make Noise For Q!

Board Admin & Discussion Threads

>>6064510 --------- META (for board admin queries)

>>>/qproofs/130 --- Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

International Q Research Threads


Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>7111560 - The JQ (Jewish Question) Research Thread #6

>>7191366 - Dedicated Instagram dig thread.

>>6528824 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #10 Leaven Rising to Heaven Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>6867253 – Clockwork Qrange #10

>>7071248 - Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #10

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Vatican Jesuits Research thread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2565756.html

Letters of Gratitude


Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#10 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#20 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950, >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#27 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303, >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462

Q Graphics all in GMT #28-#34 >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071, >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164

Q Graphics all in GMT #35-#41 >>>/comms/2176, >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270, >>>/comms/2274

Q Graphics all in GMT #42-#48 >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327, >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496

Q Graphics all in GMT #49-#55 >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528, >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#62 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187, >>>/comms/3464, >>>/comms/3472

Q Graphics all in GMT #63-#69 >>>/comms/3687, >>>/comms/3688, >>>/comms/3701, >>>/comms/3702, >>>/comms/3858, >>>/comms/3859, >>>/comms/3882

Q Graphics all in GMT #70-#76 >>>/comms/3898, >>>/comms/3920, >>>/comms/3975, >>>/comms/4029, >>>/comms/4197, >>>/comms/4335, >>>/comms/4386

Q Graphics all in GMT #77-#83 >>>/comms/4388, >>>/comms/4423, >>>/comms/4443, >>>/comms/4684, >>>/comms/5035, >>>/comms/5044, >>>/comms/5228

Q Graphics all in GMT #84-#87 >>>/comms/5510, >>>/comms/5577, >>>/comms/5622, >>7274216

Q Graphics all in EST


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272085  No.7300394

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!pjpS1aBI!LwepOu-CyC4UlLj2dXqkxiH49D813WetrOF0OCuIg1Y

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/xszgdtiow4hups0/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.VII.pdf/file

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/419874308/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VII?secret_password=55SQ1tCYhuNR8ESzm50u

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t & 3: pastebin.com/iteQ8xAt

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Twitter Video Downloader: http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://qest.us/obamavisitors

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Research Section Backup: >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

* How to Edit Hosts File (DNS): >>>/comms/4396

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* New google doc tracking deplatforming/bans on social media: >>6484178

* Notables Aggregator: https://wearethene.ws

Meme Ammo

49 >>7077975

Q Research Graphics Library recent folders by date

2019-Jul https://mega.nz/#F!6xkHmYrZ!wxAJLCRIW3EQO3TpyHf1BA

2019-Jun https://mega.nz/#F!K89jwQgB!ij-qXn6rnqv2ZozlXIWiFg

Epstein Drone Photos https://mega.nz/#F!DwNkwAZQ!xa6JLeW9_632P0yw3MhlNw

Trump Accomplishments after 2 Yrs in Office https://mega.nz/#F!C49DHYIa!jOxYHczFjauTrdWWb9VUqw

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

Bread Archives (sites)


Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>7173279

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>7233766

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272085  No.7300408

File: 7a889f8b07a801d⋯.gif (107.78 KB, 595x527, 35:31, qnightshift.gif)



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bd7427  No.7300418

File: 244706b3d859c66⋯.jpeg (260.55 KB, 750x772, 375:386, DBF6F9FD-2B7B-4988-BDB3-4….jpeg)

Any anons try and match the nunes corn twat to that corn post that pissed many off last october?

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01765f  No.7300437

File: d16b0082d2b5acc⋯.png (128.15 KB, 480x326, 240:163, d16b0082d2b5acccdee5d9d65a….png)

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619902  No.7300438

File: 821a8ceb0c616c8⋯.png (582.93 KB, 900x1040, 45:52, qbaby.png)


Thank you, Baker!

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4189db  No.7300451


Upon at least a minute's worth of contemplation, I don't see one.

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022b1d  No.7300452

Q !2jsTvXXmXs 05/08/18 (Tue) 16:36:41 No.66


Mass exodus in DC?

Mass exodus - corporate CEOs?


Who has the POWER?

Who has the CONTROL?

If POTUS was NOT IN CONTROL would they be retreating?

Who is the AG?

Who MUST approve the firing/dismissal of DOJ officials?

Re_read DOJ org change (open source - more in pipe)

Who is the FBI director?

Who MUST approve the firing/dismissal of FBI agents?

Re_read FBI org change (open source - more in pipe)

If SESSIONS & WRAY are DC SWAMP/DEEP STATE why are they cleaning their respective houses?


Why are they slow walking unredacted data?

Why are they slow walking doc disclosures?

Why is the WH backing up DOJ?

What if the same data is being used by other investigators?

What does it mean if a grand jury is impanelled?

Why are confusing questions asked as to outcome re: Mueller?

What would be the purpose of creating confusion?

What was Sessions' Senate confirmation vote?

What was RR's Senate confirmation vote?

If RR is dirty, Mueller must also be dirty.

If Mueller is dirty, RR must also be dirty.

Common denominator.

Why did Sessions pick RR?

Everyone has an opinion.

Few have the facts.

Few know the plan.

Midterms [save & push]?

Swing voters to retake House/Senate?

Impeachment proceedings (open source) initiated?

Power at all costs?

Blue wave?


Why must the DOJ & FBI be cleaned FIRST?

What is the DOJ responsible for?

What is the FBI responsible for?

Why did HRC get a free pass?


Define single shooter.

Who is HUBER?

Define IG.

When does SESSIONS step back in?

Already is?

Why did SESSIONS secretly engage HUBER?

Why did SESSIONS reveal HUBER?

Timing is everything.

Department of Justice does not discuss ongoing investigations or confirm specific matters,

What about the active investigation into leaks?

"Horowitz oversees a nationwide workforce of more than 450 special agents, auditors, inspectors, attorneys, and support staff whose mission is to detect and deter waste, fraud, abuse, and misconduct in DOJ programs and personnel, and to promote economy and efficiency in Department operations."

Why did MP step into the C_A prior to Sec of State?

They are deeply connected.

Think Offshore.

MIL INTEL providing support during this time?

Why are select EO's aggressively being written and put into law?

State/C_A next?

Think logically.

No outside comms.



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557b82  No.7300453



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289637  No.7300454

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

WWG1WGA at the POTUS rally

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557b82  No.7300455



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1f97d0  No.7300456

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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407b08  No.7300457







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3e1fe4  No.7300458










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54802c  No.7300459

Gov Of Ohio coming on stage. Time to kick this party off.


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573269  No.7300460

File: 42d48c3f9779060⋯.jpg (297.84 KB, 1883x1335, 1883:1335, _20190801_190737.JPG)

Hello fellow anons, i mean, domestic terrorists.

This is the guy who claims this board is a threat…or is he "forcing the Q".

Digs may be necessary


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53761b  No.7300461

File: 6b8bda02e94671c⋯.png (57.72 KB, 550x413, 550:413, FG-40-78.png)

Ty Baker

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289637  No.7300462

File: d147b66228c167b⋯.mp4 (8.27 MB, 1920x920, 48:23, WWG1WGA.mp4)

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82b5ea  No.7300463

>>7300350 (pb)

you Sir deserve an extra cookie. the epstein island meme with conan and lolita express is brilliant.

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38e35c  No.7300464

>>7300432 (lb)

Why is it in English?

Doesn't Kenya have it's own language?

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dca417  No.7300465

File: 6206e25b66b27db⋯.jpeg (32.15 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 1A8607B0-6564-40F6-8D10-F….jpeg)

Night shift!

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3fc0f1  No.7300466

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


PBS seems to have a good connection.

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de9435  No.7300467

File: b77af6d0f6e6c2e⋯.jpg (393.38 KB, 1078x848, 539:424, Screenshot_20190801-161247….jpg)


Golden State Times news 👍🍿🇺🇸


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c50131  No.7300468

File: 08fecabbb0308e5⋯.png (2 MB, 1249x644, 1249:644, Trump Rally Cincinatti.PNG)

>>7300400 (LB)

Fox working fine so far.


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5e469d  No.7300469

File: 15c3e7b135d3dea⋯.png (133.56 KB, 474x319, 474:319, ClipboardImage.png)

Happy Birthday Jerry!

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557b82  No.7300470




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5baeee  No.7300471

File: 92e8324a94451b6⋯.png (53.68 KB, 864x612, 24:17, Qmap.PNG)

File: 9d48823458a7dfc⋯.png (26.78 KB, 928x409, 928:409, Qpub.PNG)

File: 87989fbef26e6af⋯.png (60.7 KB, 500x277, 500:277, PatriotsStandTogether.PNG)

Qpub & Qmap are still up, Try harder shills

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105114  No.7300472

>>7299903 (lb)

I want to say you can just manually rename the file's extension from name.jpeg [resaved as] name.jpg and it will still be a working image.

Am I full of shit? Too lazy to try it out.

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78f9e2  No.7300473


is on cspan , also

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e4f8ae  No.7300474

File: f10306e3286e742⋯.jpg (35.68 KB, 499x283, 499:283, 22d2b06869f0b165f20dfa971b….jpg)


Great stuff!

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5d7245  No.7300475

File: 68c1514186f5469⋯.png (472.97 KB, 1366x693, 1366:693, FBIJENAlanding.png)



I posted about this earlier, but it was skipped. Probably because of so many trolls.



Left Dallas & is now landing in Washington DC

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a8ffa3  No.7300476

I'm calling the one on the left.

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7b4992  No.7300477

File: 90419abded6b020⋯.png (15.78 KB, 392x347, 392:347, 8d1.png)



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1f36bc  No.7300478

was ted gunderson a domestic terrorist for pointing out pawns in the game and the masonic conspiracy going back hundreds of years. That was the basis for his explination of the satanic movement going on today. He did a talk about the finders a satanic child napping ring in DC. Did that make him a problem? No he was in the fbi.

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ab4a9b  No.7300479

Anons who have been around the block understand why this movement must be declared a terrorist one. It ties in with Q stating to archive everything offline. How does all of the information that’s been collected on this board since the beginning get entered in as evidence during a trial?

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022b1d  No.7300480

which way around does the date work?




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557b82  No.7300481



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c50131  No.7300482



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6815bd  No.7300483

File: 6673069da6c573e⋯.png (275.13 KB, 1597x753, 1597:753, ClipboardImage.png)

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8413b7  No.7300484

File: 8378993cc4dd0a6⋯.jpg (148.08 KB, 766x1021, 766:1021, Gthgfdif.jpg)

Thank You Baker

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cda92c  No.7300485


Muller report uses Snopes !!!!

How much doe Soros Pay F_I for antifa protection ?

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b63c43  No.7300486

File: 8da1cbf165eab98⋯.png (771.88 KB, 744x417, 248:139, Screenshot_512.png)

POTUS promised to send African Americans back to Africa!

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b05577  No.7300487


Pretty good theory anon

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24a050  No.7300488

File: 0c5d73ccecf799f⋯.png (866.67 KB, 794x482, 397:241, nightshift 3.PNG)

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f29452  No.7300489

File: 114564b995a3662⋯.jpg (781.25 KB, 2222x2222, 1:1, PANIC.jpg)

>>7299652 (lb)

Conspiracy theories ARE a domestic terror threat.

Here are a few conspiracy theories that have ACTUALLY caused violence in this country:

- Trump stole the 2016 election w/ help from Russia

- Trump is a racist, sexist, xenophobe

- Trump's policies tear families apart (at the border)

- Trump supports white supremacists

- Cops are all racist

- Black Lives Matter

- Gillette's anti-male ad, MTV's anti-white male ad

- Publicly shaming Planned Parenthood protesters

- The list can go on forever…

Not to mention the direct calls for violence against Conservatives:

- Milkshakes

- Stand-in protests

- Dems calling for R's to be accosted in restaurants/public

- Buckets of water

- Shaming of PP protesters

MSM - Turning normal citizens into domestic terrorists non-stop for 3 straight years.

Q - Turning normal citizens into informed citizens non-stop for ~2 straight years.

Get real.

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71822a  No.7300490

File: 97460b71a050fd7⋯.png (680.7 KB, 1554x1038, 259:173, ClipboardImage.png)

>>7300422 (lb)

Searched document it wasn't listed

Also document is from a field office in Phoenix, AZ…not HQ

and from 2018

MSM is making shit up again

They are the Enemy of the People

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424095  No.7300491

File: 66c2a9aa8ec2e04⋯.png (202.24 KB, 469x301, 67:43, Screen Shot 2019-08-01 at ….png)

This guy is already bugging the shit outta me right now…

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3abb3e  No.7300492


The British colonized Kenya.

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557b82  No.7300493



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613027  No.7300494












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e4f8ae  No.7300495

File: 5c0aa665518320a⋯.png (1.46 MB, 1007x990, 1007:990, 5c0aa665518320a6ce424092a5….png)

File: 7f7bc510cd09ac9⋯.gif (934.77 KB, 555x559, 555:559, 7f7bc510cd09ac9746aa510f04….gif)

Notice to Newfags

The Board is under direct attack to slide and funnel eyes away from important information and digs.

Stay strong and stand united!

Fear not, (((their))) weak minded tactics only prove that "These people are stupid!"

Imagine hiring shitposting board-sliders as your last line of defense.

Truly outrageous and top fucking kek.

Train your mind to discern fact from fiction.

Avoid the FILTER SUGGESTION SHILLS, they are here to promote a culture of WRONG THINK.

Similar to the 'shutting down tactics' we see from the left today, but instead in the form of SELF-CENSORSHIP.

Even allowing slides and gore spam to be projected on your screen can be used to identify (((their))) tactics and strengthen your resolve.

And besides isn't it hilarious that porn spam is (((their))) front line in information warfare, kek!!

Don't X yourself out of the conversation.

Let your MIND be the tool for discernment.


Of course information you find here is unsettling.

But don't let (((their))) spam and the like sway the culture into CENSORSHIP.

It is part of (((their))) - PROBLEM - REACTION - SOLUTION technique.

The more you know, the more you notice.


This message was brought to you in part by but not limited to, Anime Smartie Snacks; The smart snack that pushes back!

no homo


Friendly Reminder

The FILTER SUGGESTION SHILLS will try to get you to FILTER by ID+

This function will hide all posts who reply to them.

Allowing them to create a blanket effect of filtering all of those they bait into a reply.

Absolutely subversive wouldn't you say?

Stay hydrated and well fed!

This is a high stress environment and your body will be consuming more water and nutrients then normally.

Not to mention the new pathways in your brain from expanding your thinking will need ample resource to form those new connections!

Exercise and take care of your body

Cleanliness is next to Godliness, so take care of yourself. Exercise during breaks from soaking in all of this startling data.

Make sure to refresh yourself and stay clean, no one ever drained a swamp while smelling like one! kek.

The more you know, the more you notice.


This message was brought to you in part by but not limited to, Anime Smartie Snacks; The smart snack that pushes back!

no homo

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407b08  No.7300496

Oh man – Trump bringing the PAIN TO PENCE



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16c138  No.7300497



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cda92c  No.7300498

send them back

send them back

Vote in 2020 !!!

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425fd2  No.7300499

File: 5f9ed15a4f9d7a7⋯.gif (11.51 MB, 472x720, 59:90, E50CBE3D-B967-471A-8F08-57….gif)


uh oh…


“I’ve also given him authorization to release it to whoever he wants. Whether it’s his people or, frankly, perhaps people like Devin Nunes who is a star, what he has done and the amount of suffering he has gone through, you know what they did with him where they tried to drive him right out of politics and probably worse than that. He has done an incredible job.

Here’s Sundance’s original list of material possible for declassification, as outlined in 2018:

• All versions of the Carter Page FISA applications (DOJ) (FBI) (ODNI).

• All of the Bruce Ohr 302’s filled out by the FBI. (FBI) (ODNI)

• All of Bruce Ohr’s emails (FBI) (DOJ) (CIA) (ODNI). All supportive documents and material provided by Bruce Ohr to the FBI. (FBI)

• All relevant documents pertaining to the supportive material within the FISA application. (FBI) (DOJ-NSD ) (DoS) (CIA) (DNI) (NSA) (ODNI);

• All intelligence documents that were presented to the Gang of Eight in 2016 that pertain to the FISA application used against U.S. person Carter Page; including all intelligence documents that may not have been presented to the FISA Court. (CIA) (FBI) (DOJ) (ODNI) (DoS) (NSA)  Presumably this would include the recently revealed State Dept Kavalac email; and the FBI transcripts from wiretaps of George Papadopoulos (also listed in Carter Page FISA). [AKA ‘Bucket Five’]

• All unredacted text messages and email content between Lisa Page and Peter Strzok on all devices. (FBI) (DOJ) (DOJ-NSD) (ODNI)

• The originating CIA “EC” or two-page electronic communication from former CIA Director John Brennan to FBI Director James Comey that started Operation Crossfire Hurricane in July 2016. (CIA) (FBI) (ODNI)

Last month Sundance updated the original list substantially:

♦ President Trump can prove the July 31st, 2016, Crossfire Hurricane counterintelligence operation originated from a scheme within the intelligence apparatus by exposing the preceding CIA operation that created the originating “Electronic Communication” memo. Declassify that two-page “EC” document that Brennan gave to Comey.  [The trail is found within the Weissmann report and the use of Alexander Downer – SEE HERE]

♦ Release and declassify all of the Comey memos that document the investigative steps taken by the FBI as an outcome of the operation coordinated by CIA Director John Brennan in early 2016.  [The trail was memorialized by James Comey – SEE HERE]

♦ Reveal the November 2015 through April 2016 FISA-702 search query abuse by declassifying the April 2017 court opinion written by FISC Presiding Judge Rosemary Collyer. Show the FBI contractors behind the 85% fraudulent search queries. [Crowdstrike? Fusion-GPS? Nellie Ohr? Daniel Richman?]  This was a weaponized surveillance and domestic political spying operation. [The trail was laid down in specific detail by Judge Collyer – SEE HERE]

♦ Subpoena former DOJ-NSD (National Security Division) head John Carlin, or haul him in front of a grand jury, and get his testimony about why he hid the abuse from the FISA court in October 2016; why the DOJ-NSD rushed the Carter Page application to beat NSA Director Admiral Mike Rogers to the FISA court; and why Carlin quit immediately thereafter.

♦ Prove the Carter Page FISA application (October 2016) was fraudulent and based on deceptions to the FISA Court. Declassify the entire document, and release the transcripts of those who signed the application(s); and/or depose those who have not yet testified. The creation of the Steele Dossier was the cover-up operation. [SEE HERE]

♦ Release all of the Lisa Page and Peter Strzok text messages without redactions. Let sunlight pour in on the actual conversation(s) that were taking place when Crossfire Hurricane (July ’16) and the FISA Application (Oct ’16) were taking place.  The current redactions were made by the people who weaponized the intelligence system for political surveillance and spy operation. This is why Page and Strzok texts are redacted!

♦ Release all of Bruce Ohr 302’s, FBI notes from interviews and debriefing sessions, and other relevant documents associated with the interviews of Bruce Ohr and his internal communications. Including exculpatory evidence that Bruce Ohr may have shared with FBI Agent Joseph Pientka. [And get a deposition from this Pientka fella] Bruce Ohr is the courier, carrying information from those outside to those on the inside.

♦ Release the August 2nd, 2017, two-page scope memo provided by DAG Rod Rosenstein to special counsel Robert Mueller to advance the fraudulent Trump investigation, and initiate the more purposeful obstruction of justice investigation. Also Release the October 20th, 2017, second scope memo recently discovered.  The Scope Memos are keys to unlocking the underlying spy/surveillance cover-up. [SEE HERE and SEE HERE]


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430089  No.7300500

These people have a small lizard for a governor.

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619902  No.7300502

File: 0c1bf32353c01ea⋯.png (110.51 KB, 296x361, 296:361, 0c1bf32353c01ea17c0116099a….png)


>How does all of the information that’s been collected on this board since the beginning get entered in as evidence during a trial?

This includes shill IP addresses.

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800509  No.7300503

File: fe37153c80ba1ec⋯.png (643.67 KB, 650x768, 325:384, night-shift-pepe.png)

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6c224e  No.7300504


The guy behind him too

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73b1f4  No.7300505

File: b06627eb95c8686⋯.jpg (83.28 KB, 1178x760, 31:20, Has the timeline been move….jpg)

Patriot Anons

Looking at Q drop 3550 & 522

Has the timeline been moved up?

The month of AUGUST is traditionally very HOT.

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db5ff0  No.7300506


Which means many of us Anons would have be put in a position of presenting that evidence? Arrested? What's your theory with that?

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e4f8ae  No.7300507

File: a03d0c5b74eb99c⋯.jpg (136 KB, 960x540, 16:9, 8dc3fa15ca0920ac1c654c7963….jpg)


Whoa, way too big!

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63eb15  No.7300508

File: db984bf6edb40d2⋯.png (1.74 MB, 1654x1481, 1654:1481, Screenshot (1182).png)



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2d4408  No.7300509

File: 54a9f5ebacbb3d8⋯.jpg (53.17 KB, 577x433, 577:433, 36sqbf.jpg)

File: aa828fe80d24426⋯.jpg (51.19 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 30vdmt.jpg)

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1bbad9  No.7300510


They show great confidence having Pence and Trump in same location (with tens of thousands of patriots)

Godspeed Potus and Q.

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533400  No.7300512

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This happens every rally.

They never stream it well.

Others can burp too but not like these Tigers of the Plains do.

Raising all kinds of money but not going to production that's for sure.

Where are the money spent receipts Baltim, oops Auburn?

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28a955  No.7300513



>Anons who have been around the block understand why this movement must be declared a terrorist one.

Absolutely. It reminds me of all the death threat claims and such. I'm just an anon and have received death threats. IMO you're not doing anything effective.unless you get death threats. KEK!

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42799c  No.7300514

Was wondering how DJT was going to force the Q question. With the FBI looking to target the Qanon "conspiracy theory", this may be the way he makes the media talk about it.

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a9e614  No.7300515

File: 7eb91c3e01aab53⋯.jpg (22.02 KB, 400x400, 1:1, FPcF-0b1_400x400.jpg)

Anon who knows how please embed these videos

This one aabout Elijah Cummings is realy good:


The black community is now out in full force to get #Reparations😳. The thing is, they’re not after money🤔. They’re after awakening their own community to the bondage the liberals like AS have put them in for decades🧐. Have a listen👇🏻to Antoine, @montaga

RT & give him a follow!

This guy is running against AOC and his messages are great.




⁦@realDonaldTrump⁩ ⁦@TheRealJohnHCox⁩ ⁦@montaga⁩ This man deserves our support. He should be in office, not ⁦@AOC⁩!

Mr. Tucker actually cares about America. Vote for Tucker!


The black community is now out in full force to get #Reparations😳. The thing is, they’re not after money🤔. They’re after awakening their own community to the bondage the liberals like AS have put them in for decades🧐. Have a listen👇🏻to Antoine, @montaga

RT & give him a follow!



Antoine Tucker


Former Gangster turned believer in God. Running for Congress in NY14 to defeat @AOC’s globalist agenda. DONATE HERE👉🏾http://www.TUCKER.vote Instagram @montaga

Bronx, NY, USA


Joined April 2009

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cda92c  No.7300516

CNN fact checking debate with Snopes ?

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557b82  No.7300517



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dc1d1f  No.7300518

File: 21057f89856600e⋯.png (1.06 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 4F38CD71-23D2-4FCE-AD50-27….png)

DailyKos deleted their lie.

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1b9681  No.7300519

File: e4ba5b6d1da5e73⋯.jpg (1.26 MB, 4560x3040, 3:2, 1563407294465.jpg)

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09df1e  No.7300520


not the face of someone enjoying the rally…

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902f5e  No.7300521

They played a rock song for half a second before switching to the band

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6815bd  No.7300522

File: 98b3bc7b4718dc4⋯.png (113.96 KB, 196x254, 98:127, ClipboardImage.png)

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e4f8ae  No.7300523

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24a050  No.7300524

File: 6bcfdd28cf1d597⋯.jpg (96.66 KB, 895x500, 179:100, pepe always blame pepe.jpg)

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4189db  No.7300525


Dig needed indeed. Wray just appointed this guy SAIC of the Pheonix office. Transferring in from Honolulu Field Office.

This dude is going to turn out to be another DS lifer.

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78f9e2  No.7300526

Pence's eyes are disappearing altogether.

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962a36  No.7300527

File: 51d3289dc0f0ce9⋯.png (154.54 KB, 489x295, 489:295, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 36f185f43db2a11⋯.png (943.09 KB, 583x558, 583:558, ClipboardImage.png)

So just to recap

The domestic terrorists FBI are calling patriots domestic terrorists, projection much?

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430089  No.7300529


Watching the Falling Down guy myself.

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8c86c0  No.7300531

File: eb808012dd7ef79⋯.mp4 (2.44 MB, 476x358, 238:179, CBT's Bizarre Adventure.mp4)

I wish Trump could be president for life.

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122ceb  No.7300532

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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14f8ba  No.7300533


Maybe he is tipping us off? Look behind him?

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3fc0f1  No.7300535


Law question, once you are labeled a terrorists do all you Civil Rights get stripped away?

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12ab30  No.7300536

File: 8f8c14f36530da3⋯.jpeg (104.82 KB, 828x898, 414:449, 506264eb8fb7f3b285cd03f85….jpeg)

File: 4078cd7b64eea88⋯.png (585.24 KB, 1098x1615, 1098:1615, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e4526ede04e926f⋯.png (657.17 KB, 816x707, 816:707, D5_frens.PNG)

(1)Shark Week

I think day shift missed a key tweet from the clowns:

That time CIA placed an order for 50 "shark screens." And yes, we got the warranty. #SharkWeek #SharkWeek2019


Basically they are saying they have shark immunity/ insurance. At first it seemed defensive, then as it sunk in my analysis and best outlook said they have truly turned the corner. Hopefully the prior, they have done alot of damage but their true place is serving our POTUS faithfully.

(2) Welcome to the light, stay in the light.

If not there are always multiple ways to skin a cat.

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800509  No.7300537

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Apustaja - Nothing but the Best

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3c7e3c  No.7300538


lol She's adorable…and Ima chick, so I an expert!

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41ab82  No.7300539

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fox 10 Phoenix works.

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8413b7  No.7300540

File: 1a84faaf1c9111b⋯.jpg (1.43 MB, 1920x1920, 1:1, Photo Collage_20190331_092….jpg)

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e3a610  No.7300541

File: 67d26e595ed35e1⋯.png (217.46 KB, 532x620, 133:155, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4185dd7adf72cf5⋯.png (683.71 KB, 933x736, 933:736, ClipboardImage.png)

#Zakharova: The reported creation of #cyber military units is yet another aspect of the anti-#Russia policy and an actual admission of #London’s aggressive intentions in the #digital environment.

7:21 AM - 1 Aug 2019


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a9e614  No.7300542



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01c654  No.7300543


so let me get this right… (((they))) commit unspeakable crimes and WE get prosecuted for digging?

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1b9681  No.7300545

File: 4a4c54477426ca0⋯.png (10.24 KB, 255x185, 51:37, b2988767d2f7a0399cc2029648….png)

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38e35c  No.7300546


I realize that. Just wondering if English is the only (or official) language.

Never been there. Know a woman from Ethiopia, has own language.

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962a36  No.7300547

File: 05ef1c9f36aeeaf⋯.png (939.83 KB, 814x456, 407:228, ClipboardImage.png)

‘The Great Hack’ expert warns that Facebook data-grabbing puts ‘power over people’

Facebook is hoarding the data of millions of users, vesting the firm with immense power over the discourse itself. A consultant on the Netflix film ‘The Great Hack’ told RT why this practice is not based on “legitimate interest.”

The social network came under immense pressure last year to reign in its data-storing practices following the revelation that Cambridge Analytica, a political consulting firm with a niche for data analysis, harvested information from millions of Facebook users for advertising purposes without their knowledge. Facebook was slapped with a $5 billion penalty in the wake of the scandal – the largest privacy fine in world history – and the controversy stoked debate over who really controls Big Data.

“With this data, we start to understand it goes beyond privacy, it’s really about power over people, and who should have that power,” Paul-Olivier Dehaye, a mathematician and data expert, told RT’s Rick Sanchez.

Dehaye was consulted as an expert source on a new documentary film, “The Great Hack,” which takes a closer look at Facebook’s data policies in the context of the Cambridge Analytica scandal.

“For a while, for maybe 10, 15, 20 years, we’ve decided that power was ok in corporate hands, but we start to realize that there are other interests at hand, democratic interests, control over the discourse,” Dehaye continued. “These are real questions now – who should have that power?”

Facebook doesn’t technically sell data, but rather “access to services built on top of the data,” Dehaye said, allowing third parties to reap the benefits of Big Data analysis without the immense infrastructure of a company like Facebook, however the cyber expert added the system has “holes” that can be “exploited,” much as the Cambridge Analytica case demonstrated.

There are all kinds of leaks and little holes through which you can get a really big peek into entire populations, and there will be people who try to exploit those holes.

Dehaye noted that much of Facebook’s policies are driven by a profit motive, which he says follows a simple equation: “the more people and the more data that they get, the more money they make” selling ad space, but he is not convinced that the platform is acting with meaningful consent from its users.

The theory is that we give them consent to everything they’re doing now … [but] there’s very little the relies on so-called ‘legitimate interest’

“It’s sort of a slippery slope – a race to the bottom among surveillance capitalist industries – to get us to give more and more data, and so the consent gets weakened … over time,” Dehaye said.


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d41c70  No.7300548


notable plane fag post FBI ship Dallas to DC

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4d878c  No.7300549

File: 189b08a6ad75bfb⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1024x1024, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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54802c  No.7300550

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Con los terroristas!

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dca417  No.7300551

File: c608b1815bdb7dd⋯.jpeg (19.18 KB, 255x170, 3:2, E2CD87D4-03C8-475C-9BE6-6….jpeg)


No deals.

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557b82  No.7300552



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e3ae3c  No.7300554

Epstein <> Wexner <> Bronfman <> Rainiere

Epstein <> Rainiere?

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800103  No.7300555

File: 621f1e99644e3bd⋯.jpeg (1013.53 KB, 2339x1883, 2339:1883, BA852C2E-4CFB-43BE-A63D-A….jpeg)



The FBI bulletin released today was an Embarrassment

Not only have many top FBI officials been fired or resigned since Trump has been in office, but the most embarrassing fact yet was that the FBI used snopes.com as a source of intel for their bulletin!!

Remember, we are talking about the “Federal Bureau of Investigation” with multi billion dollar annual federal budget and they are relying two political leftists who are currently being sued for fraud. You can’t make this shit up!

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4d878c  No.7300556

File: 2661221536dd8a3⋯.png (480.64 KB, 600x314, 300:157, ClipboardImage.png)

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933004  No.7300557

File: 94a454505b0bc42⋯.png (1.77 MB, 1552x792, 194:99, DoD FB 8-1-19 3 pm PDT.PNG)

Suited up!


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10bef3  No.7300558

File: cb6b6937ac94c74⋯.jpg (114.79 KB, 580x905, 116:181, cornns.jpg)

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f01892  No.7300559


Ok, that’s just bullshit.

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e8f8a4  No.7300560

File: 8a11444ef0290a9⋯.jpg (870.52 KB, 2317x1545, 2317:1545, tyb_yellowQ.jpg)

File: 47f51455877ee53⋯.jpg (62.9 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, nightshiftboom.jpg)


Thank You, Baker!

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3c7e3c  No.7300561


No thanks. I'll just admire other's handiwork

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8413b7  No.7300562

File: 30865cf0c6bef53⋯.jpg (4.11 KB, 255x229, 255:229, 44094b8279cdd7284557c9ab43….jpg)

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46b672  No.7300563


You knew that's how the corrupt System works, didn't you?

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568d6e  No.7300564


Yep. Bring it on.

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71822a  No.7300566

File: 53c006b904d39e0⋯.png (511.73 KB, 1097x494, 1097:494, ClipboardImage.png)

>>7300422 (lb)

Take that back it is listed…hate scribd

Regardless it is only the instances we already knew were clowns

Also mentions the camps that led to Cemex digs

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da5de1  No.7300567

File: f4744009bf2995f⋯.png (231.28 KB, 1218x1330, 87:95, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2309836b1e52865⋯.png (9.35 MB, 1423x4759, 1423:4759, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 01589bc71b53a35⋯.png (54.34 KB, 813x353, 813:353, ClipboardImage.png)

Grassley says Pentagon failed to meet demand for info on contracts with FBI informant Stefan Halper

The Defense Department missed a top Republican lawmaker's deadline to provide information about an FBI informant who was a source for the bureau's Trump-Russia investigation during the 2016 election cycle. Senate Finance Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley wrote to then-acting Defense Secretary Mark Esper earlier this month seeking details about contracts the Defense Department's Office of Net Assessment had with Stefan Halper, a former Republican operative and White House aide who became a foreign policy academic with close ties to both American and British intelligence.

During the 2016 presidential campaign, Halper had discussions with at least three Trump campaign members: foreign policy aides George Papadopoulos and Carter Page as well as Trump campaign co-chairman Sam Clovis. The New York Times reported in April that the Justice Department inspector general was looking into his actions to see if he exceeded the scope of his assignment. Grassley's letter, which cited concerns about whether the defense contracts "were used to support potential partisan political or other improper or wasteful activities," set a July 25 deadline. And while the Defense Department responded to the Iowa Republican's demand, Grassley's office said the department's response was inadequate. “Senator Grassley received a response from DoD regarding his request for more information on the steps DoD has taken to address contract oversight and management failures that the DoD IG identified during a review of Stefan Halper’s contracts. DoD’s response failed to address the questions detailed in his original letter. Senator Grassley has reiterated to DoD that they must address all of his questions in writing and provide the requested documentation," Grassley said in a statement shared with the Washington Examiner on Tuesday. A Defense Department representative confirmed receipt of Grassley's request and told the Washington Examiner, "As with all congressional correspondence, we will respond directly to the request."

Grassley's letter was a follow-up to a Defense Department inspector general audit, which he requested, of $1.05 million worth of contracts with Halper between 2012 and 2018 to complete studies related to Chinese military strategy, China's economy, and "the prospect of Russian-Chinese collaboration against the United States." Noting how the audit said ONA was unable to provide "sufficient" documentation on Halper's work and travel expenses, which the watchdog found was commonplace for similar contracts, Grassley wrote the audit "revealed significant flaws in ONA’s contract management and oversight process that clearly indicate ONA’s internal controls over taxpayer-funded work are weak or non-existent." Grassley demanded the Defense Department explain steps taken to address the inspector general's recommendations and ONA to provide a briefing to his committee's staff on the Halper contracts.

Grassley's request for an audit followed a Washington Times report in the fall of 2018 about a Pentagon strategist who was stripped of his security clearance after he complained to superiors about dubious contracts given to Halper. The report said the ONA strategist, Adam Lovinger, was a supporter of President Trump, and in an ethics complaint, his attorney said Lovinger warned his superiors about “sweetheart” deals for Halper and for a “best friend” of Chelsea Clinton, who is the daughter of former President Bill Clinton and 2016 presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. Halper was the director of American studies in the department of politics and international studies at Cambridge University, where he worked for years alongside Sir Richard Dearlove, who had spent decades with MI6 including as its director from 1999 to 2004.

Christopher Steele, who was hired by the Clinton campaign-funded opposition research firm Fusion GPS and was the author of the Trump dossier used in Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act applications to target Carter Page, was in MI6 from 1987 until 2009. Dearlove has described Steele as the “go-to person on Russia in the commercial sector” and said his reputation is “superb.” Inspector General Horowitz is investigating allegations of FISA abuse and is expected to release his report after Labor Day.


The Cambridge Security Initiative


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430089  No.7300568


Steele got info from CNN-I-Report?

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e3a610  No.7300569

File: 13c16d37c8d7a20⋯.png (306.83 KB, 498x356, 249:178, 13c16d37c8d7a205ee75111281….png)

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f197ec  No.7300570

C-span is showing the rally….https://www.c-span.org/video/?463078-1/president-trump-holds-campaign-rally-cincinnati-ohio&live

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b778a6  No.7300571


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

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432533  No.7300572

File: e3e5e7941b0a073⋯.jpeg (62.39 KB, 474x341, 474:341, D6B8930B-C2D6-43E0-979B-D….jpeg)

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557b82  No.7300573




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022b1d  No.7300574


logical thinking

why would you build a movement only to destroy it?

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1b9681  No.7300575

Pence bringing some high octane!

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2d4408  No.7300576

File: 7f1d081d93cb7e6⋯.jpg (213.41 KB, 2048x1229, 2048:1229, ticktockdeepstatedown.jpg)

File: 4a1c7ff3f8e6e23⋯.jpg (48.94 KB, 577x433, 577:433, 36gbvi.jpg)

File: 9de7c98682b2d4b⋯.gif (1.09 MB, 500x375, 4:3, 9de.gif)


Last pic/gif

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612cee  No.7300577

File: 9f61b9ba2a8d22d⋯.png (1.57 MB, 1280x850, 128:85, F-18_Carrier_HookShot_Q_Na….png)

File: 467b263ea74a6a7⋯.png (3.11 MB, 2000x1303, 2000:1303, F14_Carrier_Night_Shift_Q_….png)

File: 48af805225479d3⋯.png (4.21 MB, 2162x1023, 2162:1023, B2_Spirit_Neon.png)

File: a3766c1cfa061b6⋯.png (1.61 MB, 1280x850, 128:85, AC-130U_Sensor_Operator_Q_….png)


Evenin Night Shifters !

It's Rally Time!!!

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946ed5  No.7300579

File: f25206d0aa6d8d1⋯.png (4.32 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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16c138  No.7300580



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9cd755  No.7300581

OAN is also showing the rally.

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1069a2  No.7300583

Diamond and Silk stream is down … Right side broadcast is down.. Fox is fine…



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24a050  No.7300584

File: 40630d834ae1983⋯.png (2.3 MB, 1098x768, 183:128, munchkins dd.PNG)

POTUS Ignored Munchkins' Advice To Give China Early Notice On New Tariffs

Earlier today we reported that contrary to the conventional wisdom that Trump blasted off his 1pm China tariff tweet - in which he singlehandedly ended the ceasefire between the US and China when he unveiled 10% tariffs on $300BN in Chinese imports starting September - on his own, instead a number of officials were in the room with President Trump as he drafted this Tweet, advising him on language. Among those: Treasury Secretary Mnuchin, Acting COS Mulvaney, trade advisor Navarro, and NEC Director Kudlow.

Now, we also learn that ahead of hitting send on his shocking tweet that sent stocks and bond yields plunging, there was also some discussion whether Trump should warn China in advance of blasting his decision to the entire world. However, according to Bloomberg, Trump ruled out giving Beijing advance notice of his intent to slap a new 10% tariff on $300 billion in Chinese goods in an Oval Office meeting before he announced the duties.

Citing "several people familiar with the discussion", Bloomberg reports that during the meeting, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer briefed Trump on their talks in Shanghai this week with their Chinese counterparts. While the White House called the talks “constructive” in a statement issued Wednesday, Trump concluded that the two U.S. officials actually came away with nothing.

Meanwhile, Mnuchin and Lighthizer knew the president was considering a new round of tariffs before they left for Shanghai, three of the people said. Trump has been unhappy about what the U.S. views as Chinese back-tracking on trade talks, and has recently said he believes Beijing may be trying to wait until after the presidential election in 2020 to conclude a deal.

In any case, fast forward to Thursday morning, and the meeting in the Oval Office which was reportedly "tense", and where Mnuchin recommended that the U.S. notify Beijing before Trump, but Trump refused suggesting that the trade hawks are now fully in charge of the situation in the White House. At the same time, acting Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney talked through the market effects of increasing the China tariffs, Bloomberg sources reported.

Trump hit send on his tweets announcing the new tariffs at 1:26, while Mnuchin, Lighthizer, Mulvaney and others were still in the Oval Office.

* * *

Later in the day, Trump said he was not concerned about the drop in Dow stocks… for a good reason: it is Powell who should be concerned, because as the Fed chair, an escalating trade war is precisely one of the conditions that would prompt the FOMC to cut rates further, something which prompted us to predict earlier today that an escalation in trade war is imminent as Trump now knows precisely how to provoke the Fed into cutting further:

… if an acceleration in the trade war with China is what the Fed will need to cut more, it's pretty clear what that means for the chances of any trade deal between Washington and Beijing, since even Trump now understands that if he keeps escalating trade war with China, Powell will have no choice but to eventually cut to 0% (and lower).

A few hours later we were proven right.


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01c654  No.7300585


user tip. STOP with the emojis.

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dfea8e  No.7300586

File: 68dbcc6e5de8f9c⋯.jpg (21.53 KB, 307x278, 307:278, not again.JPG)

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523407  No.7300587

File: 4d04b25f73a1282⋯.png (741.54 KB, 735x573, 245:191, ClipboardImage.png)

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41ab82  No.7300589

File: 0a6c5077b16b3b4⋯.png (2.13 MB, 1840x906, 920:453, Screen Shot 2019-08-01 at ….png)

I still don't trust Pence, I have no idea why.

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c70de4  No.7300590


Is he still VP?

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db5ff0  No.7300591

File: 21d75b503412ce9⋯.jpg (73.85 KB, 723x496, 723:496, Rally Night.jpg)

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833d0f  No.7300592

File: 6cd3580bf37a12b⋯.jpeg (33.01 KB, 532x351, 532:351, 50 to 6.jpeg)

File: 9960b53c4874882⋯.png (88.33 KB, 800x800, 1:1, dirty journalists.png)

File: 97ec5cfcb805bf6⋯.png (2.64 MB, 3781x2700, 3781:2700, the-american-empire-and-it….png)

probalby already posted but :

Qanon is a domestic terrorist group..says FBI.


The FBI intelligence bulletin from the bureau’s Phoenix field office, dated May 30, 2019, describes “conspiracy theory-driven domestic extremists,” as a growing threat, and notes that it is the first such report to do so. It lists a number of arrests, including some that haven’t been publicized, related to violent incidents motivated by fringe beliefs.

The document specifically mentions QAnon, a shadowy network that believes in a deep state conspiracy against President Trump, and Pizzagate, the theory that a pedophile ring including Clinton associates was being run out of the basement of a Washington, D.C., pizza restaurant (which didn’t actually have a basement).

Be proud, we got flamed.

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cda92c  No.7300593

Lock them up

Lock them up

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130937  No.7300594


No alphabet before English probably.


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557b82  No.7300595




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424095  No.7300596

File: 34fb3673fe10503⋯.png (478.61 KB, 611x612, 611:612, Screen Shot 2019-08-01 at ….png)

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3c7e3c  No.7300597

File: 04d971c78c4ea2f⋯.png (345.75 KB, 492x324, 41:27, Screenshot_2019-08-01 60 T….png)


Fine…still not mine lol

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3f43d4  No.7300598

File: 591e91ad807ca19⋯.jpg (477.28 KB, 1078x1332, 539:666, Screenshot_20190801-180915….jpg)

File: 49353ae9e41e13f⋯.jpg (366.25 KB, 1079x1035, 1079:1035, Screenshot_20190801-181011….jpg)


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cb2427  No.7300599

Been workfagging all day so sorry if posted previously:

“The FBI has for the first time identified “conspiracy theory-driven domestic extremists” as a terror threat — including the believers in the shadowy QAnon network, according to a report.

An FBI bulletin dated May 30, 2019, from the bureau’s Phoenix field office and obtained by Yahoo News describes the growing threat and lists multiple arrests tied to violent incidents sparked by fringe beliefs.

“The FBI assesses these conspiracy theories very likely will emerge, spread, and evolve in the modern information marketplace, occasionally driving both groups and individual extremists to carry out criminal or violent acts,” the document states.

The feds believe the conspiracy theory extremists will likely increase their activities during the 2020 presidential election cycle, according to the document cited by Yahoo.

The bureau said another factor driving the mounting threat is “the uncovering of real conspiracies or cover-ups involving illegal, harmful, or unconstitutional activities by government officials or leading political figures.”


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800509  No.7300600

File: 89a2ff38169b978⋯.png (104.78 KB, 450x374, 225:187, mr-t-pepe.png)

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430089  No.7300601


check'd and excellent graphic!

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a6ff4c  No.7300602

File: 8dabd1f6350477b⋯.png (34.04 KB, 657x527, 657:527, 8dabd1f6350477bd6384ff62f7….png)

>>7300365 9pb)

10 Crowns / >>7300365

(10 wealthiest Royals)

Prince Hans Adam II from Liechtenstein

Henri Grand Duke of Luxembourg

Prince Albert II from Monaco

Queen Elizabeth II from England

Queen Beatrix from the Netherlands

King Carl XVI Gustaf from Sweden

Queen Margrethe II from Denmark

King Harald V from Norway

King Felipe VI from Spain

King Filip from Belgium

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022b1d  No.7300603


if they declare us terrorists

grandma looks crazy!

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78f9e2  No.7300604

Trump will order the FBI to investigate Q anon and Antifa and get back to him

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554b59  No.7300605


yes, I think so

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141366  No.7300606

File: 6fcbf8a5d7adb34⋯.png (31.46 KB, 708x374, 354:187, moloch.png)

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c70de4  No.7300607


Timothy Charles Holmseth will be glad to splainayou

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a0da22  No.7300608

What happened to “No Deals”?

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57079c  No.7300609

File: b4bc4bec549a671⋯.jpg (164.94 KB, 800x1203, 800:1203, Gibraltar_Rock.jpg)

Behold the power of God in the Psalms!

The future proves the past.

Psalm 27:

Triumphant Song of Confidence

A Psalm of David

27 The Lord is my light and my salvation;

whom shall I fear?

The Lord is the stronghold of my life;

of whom shall I be afraid?

2 When evildoers assail me,

uttering slanders against me,

my adversaries and foes,

they shall stumble and fall.

3 Though a host encamp against me,

my heart shall not fear;

though war arise against me,

yet I will be confident.

4 One thing have I asked of the Lord,

that will I seek after;

that I may dwell in the house of the Lord

all the days of my life,

to behold the beauty of the Lord,

and to inquire in his temple.

5 For he will hide me in his shelter

in the day of trouble;

he will conceal me under the cover of his tent,

he will set me high upon a rock.

6 And now my head shall be lifted up

above my enemies round about me;

and I will offer in his tent

sacrifices with shouts of joy;

I will sing and make melody to the Lord.

7 Hear, O Lord, when I cry aloud,

be gracious to me and answer me!

8 Thou hast said, “Seek ye my face.”

My heart says to thee,

“Thy face, Lord, do I seek.”

9 Hide not thy face from me.

Turn not thy servant away in anger,

thou who hast been my help.

Cast me not off, forsake me not,

O God of my salvation!

10 For my father and my mother have forsaken me,

but the Lord will take me up.

11 Teach me thy way, O Lord;

and lead me on a level path

because of my enemies.

12 Give me not up to the will of my adversaries;

for false witnesses have risen against me,

and they breathe out violence.

13 I believe that I shall see the goodness of the Lord

in the land of the living!

14 Wait for the Lord;

be strong, and let your heart take courage;

yea, wait for the Lord!

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e3e5f4  No.7300610

File: 05a97e3a340c6e3⋯.jpeg (252.87 KB, 655x800, 131:160, 6EAF2E93-82A1-4BC8-9889-F….jpeg)

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01765f  No.7300611


he's a fake, weasely dude.

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4d878c  No.7300612

File: 479995f819b3808⋯.png (836.8 KB, 1199x274, 1199:274, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 151c42ca7bb78d4⋯.png (1.96 MB, 900x1200, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

122K requests to fill a 14K Arena in Cincinnati v the totality of the protestors on the right.

woot woot!

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557b82  No.7300613




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1b9681  No.7300614

File: 231d999e5a7da3b⋯.jpg (1.3 MB, 4098x3079, 4098:3079, NS12.jpg)

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cda92c  No.7300615


F_I trafficking children ?

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824413  No.7300616

File: 3dd3d48893a128b⋯.png (818.84 KB, 800x631, 800:631, 2VZYRTqQatT5.png)

File: 821850407b1b85b⋯.png (1.26 MB, 800x1024, 25:32, fm3eDCH4ieHxdmRP.png)

File: 9065a6fc6b36bad⋯.jpg (199.18 KB, 800x627, 800:627, MH6s3qEgxPSSW9IJ.jpg)


7 And there came war in the heaven; Michael and his messengers did war against the dragon, and the dragon did war his messengers, 

8 and tkey did not prevail, nor was their place found any more in the heaven; 

9 and the great dragon was cast forth – the old serpent, whu is called `Devil,' and `the Adversary,' who is leading astray the whole world – he was cast forth to the earth, and his messengers were cast forth with him.

GOD wins~

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24c28f  No.7300617

File: 1fe1df7bc8b152b⋯.jpeg (70.85 KB, 640x303, 640:303, 508D965E-5D85-496E-A40B-2….jpeg)

File: 3b05476418911b3⋯.jpeg (65.05 KB, 640x242, 320:121, 1036739C-B238-435A-9090-5….jpeg)

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2d4408  No.7300618

File: f882dcdfb2a5453⋯.jpg (71.07 KB, 960x691, 960:691, f882dcdfb2a545322ef659557a….jpg)

File: 63888c6476b46fb⋯.jpg (11.84 KB, 255x221, 15:13, e0671c58ee744c78aa08995aee….jpg)

File: 7fc8e26ea79d2bf⋯.jpg (56.67 KB, 612x408, 3:2, 30e0ba.jpg)

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14f8ba  No.7300619



Hes definitely not a supporter

he just said "COME ON" to what pence just said

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430089  No.7300620


Do I need to say it?

satanic gibberish

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7b4992  No.7300621


is that close too wat yours look like?

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5d7245  No.7300622


Hmm…I'm starting to think you might not be genuine.

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16c138  No.7300623



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800509  No.7300624

File: 19d212278482e21⋯.png (273.17 KB, 463x400, 463:400, potus-china-talks-great-wa….png)

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4189db  No.7300625


I seriously hope he's not on the ticket again. Something ain't right about him. No sauce just gut feelz.

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34e3ff  No.7300626

File: 98d3e078d27b1d2⋯.jpg (137.38 KB, 1240x668, 310:167, 33ed9310-b428-11e9-bd4f-bb….jpg)

Exclusive: FBI document warns conspiracy theories are a new domestic terrorism threat

The FBI for the first time has identified fringe conspiracy theories as a domestic terrorist threat, according to a previously unpublicized document obtained by Yahoo News. (Read the document below.)

The FBI intelligence bulletin from the bureau’s Phoenix field office, dated May 30, 2019, describes “conspiracy theory-driven domestic extremists,” as a growing threat, and notes that it is the first such report to do so. It lists a number of arrests, including some that haven’t been publicized, related to violent incidents motivated by fringe beliefs.


>BOOM! better be using those proxies o7

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38e35c  No.7300627



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1b9681  No.7300628

File: c7201b296abbd49⋯.jpg (67.51 KB, 760x516, 190:129, 001564446578908.jpg)


show me the deals.

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8f4596  No.7300629

Pence looks like he’s switched to Trump hair color, wait no, maybe a little lighter

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24a050  No.7300630

File: d85da72ffe66567⋯.png (391.26 KB, 510x500, 51:50, Soy vey kiddo.png)

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cda92c  No.7300631


The people you trust most ?

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4d878c  No.7300632

File: 006620cdb2bdaa6⋯.png (777.41 KB, 1054x856, 527:428, ClipboardImage.png)

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9fe0e5  No.7300633

Trying to decode parts of last drop related to drop 522


D_CsTBA_YES = Dan Coates - Depature To be Announced.

HOT-1_Prepare_Departure (Comey?)

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557b82  No.7300634




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824413  No.7300635

File: 56326621a86a8fc⋯.png (1002.19 KB, 800x533, 800:533, 0irGzD.png)

File: 836209773cac6cb⋯.png (624.53 KB, 800x705, 160:141, OYB8Khm0.png)

File: 797a8db4cd617fb⋯.jpg (488.55 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, KdCiAH.jpg)


7 And there came war in the heaven; Michael and his messengers did war against the dragon, and the dragon did war his messengers, 

8 and tkey did not prevail, nor was their place found any more in the heaven; 

9 and the great dragon was cast forth – the old serpent, whu is called `Devil,' and `the Adversary,' who is leading astray the whole world – he was cast forth to the earth, and his messengers were cast forth with him.

GOD wins~

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e68640  No.7300636


Was that the chant MSM was complaining about?

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8413b7  No.7300637

File: eca3f3fa36f67f6⋯.jpeg (185.87 KB, 1440x1049, 1440:1049, 1534297116.jpeg)

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f01892  No.7300638


Sounds more likely.

It’s definitely a great way to force the Q

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6bee72  No.7300639

File: 63b8908929d7d53⋯.jpg (75.84 KB, 494x549, 494:549, 549b1ab819cdf9200acaa75306….jpg)

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a4ac2c  No.7300640

File: 11827176075880e⋯.jpg (1.51 MB, 1080x2032, 135:254, 20190408_123847.jpg)

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dca417  No.7300641

File: ff8b8530e791cc3⋯.jpeg (24.56 KB, 177x255, 59:85, 161FB254-0C2B-4354-BBD9-A….jpeg)

File: fcb7e7ca59280b4⋯.jpeg (23.26 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 58D3CB1C-C700-4985-A2BA-E….jpeg)

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75bcd0  No.7300642


News Breaking LIVE (@NewsBreaking)

BREAKING: The Manhattan district attorney reportedly has issued a subpoena to the Trump Organization demanding documents related to money paid to Stormy Daniels be turned over - The New York Times

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24a050  No.7300643

File: d17cdec8ca95261⋯.png (521.77 KB, 627x607, 627:607, nightshift marine sgt dd.PNG)

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095694  No.7300644

File: 2fe99074f560ddf⋯.jpg (85.58 KB, 659x960, 659:960, BHO-BC.jpg)

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e3a610  No.7300645

File: a72c7d4b3c37220⋯.png (32.3 KB, 117x91, 9:7, ClipboardImage.png)

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1f36bc  No.7300646


>The document specifically mentions QAnon, a shadowy network that believes in a deep state conspiracy

>QAnon, a shadowy network that believes in a deep state conspiracy

a deep state conspiracy that outlines the cabal a shadowy network.

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e2bc92  No.7300647

>>7300405 lb

tks anon

'violent incidents motivated by fringe beliefs'

'criminal or violent acts'

protecting itself…like from the loon from last bread who will be in a federal facility by the weekend - 'joke' or not

hmmmmm…i'm honoring this

dropping the 'nanking' although the japanese were ruthless in wartime

love 'em now

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673299  No.7300648

File: 9f43cc5d1a0fd5f⋯.png (218.61 KB, 599x777, 599:777, NavalInstitute 08012019-14….PNG)

File: 282c84a2861b603⋯.mp4 (11.99 MB, 854x480, 427:240, jVc4aibTjuY6olMT.mp4)


#OTD in 1980, the time travel film "The Final Countdown" was released.


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b63c43  No.7300649

File: 79f4503d86c93bb⋯.png (1.66 MB, 2244x1080, 187:90, Screenshot_15.png)

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407b08  No.7300650


bread corn

bread corn





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847fe0  No.7300651


Have you got eyes on Q

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4d878c  No.7300652

File: a3b318a1fe87e01⋯.png (1.34 MB, 584x1200, 73:150, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c1338fcd0378f6d⋯.png (1.46 MB, 584x1200, 73:150, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f89eedc1cd84f0a⋯.png (1.6 MB, 1200x584, 150:73, ClipboardImage.png)

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dad2df  No.7300653


Golden State Times is good too.

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cb2427  No.7300654


No idea - article states FBI doesn’t specify what real coverups or conspiracies

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824413  No.7300655

File: d0cf711ed1d0af6⋯.png (563.47 KB, 800x533, 800:533, lIZiapS6mGZZ.png)

File: bbe5b56bba1d8c9⋯.png (918.31 KB, 800x533, 800:533, DItWWN64azLDB8Wt.png)

File: b6ec84a316b7852⋯.jpg (334.07 KB, 800x600, 4:3, ykiWbF9a.jpg)


7 And there came war in the heaven; Michael and his messengers did war against the dragon, and the dragon did war his messengers, 

8 and tkey did not prevail, nor was their place found any more in the heaven; 

9 and the great dragon was cast forth – the old serpent, whu is called `Devil,' and `the Adversary,' who is leading astray the whole world – he was cast forth to the earth, and his messengers were cast forth with him.

GOD wins~

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5baeee  No.7300656

File: ac73817974d2b9c⋯.png (243.99 KB, 274x394, 137:197, MuhConfirms!.PNG)


Nobody that has actually done that says that try harder

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56a35d  No.7300657


The end won't be for everyone

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de9435  No.7300658

File: 72eb9c3cbeb5f85⋯.jpg (434.67 KB, 964x694, 482:347, Screenshot_20190415-125018….jpg)


👀 imma gonna pass on dat corn….

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21af4c  No.7300659


Depends on the gravamen of the trial, but in general I see relevance issues. Plus, the "evidence" on this board is mostly shitposts or material otherwise available.

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3c7e3c  No.7300660


Abel Danger revealed today Pence was making a run for it when his plane was diverted back to DC. I don't know what that means or why he's still speaking!

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557b82  No.7300661




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3e1fe4  No.7300662















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74a602  No.7300663

File: 8f6e115d056d8d5⋯.png (561.58 KB, 597x1263, 199:421, Tulsi tulsi tulsi, also fu….png)

People/Orgs currently pushing Tulsi Gabbard

Tim Pool

Tucker Carlson(hard)

Fox News




They've also set her to be the "Savior of the interwebz" by google purposely blocking her presidential campaign page so she can then sue Google(C_A) and be paraded as the POC Female Trump Slaying Hero that saved free speech.

Tulsi Gabbard is the DS pick, don't believe me? Watch the shills react.

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6bee72  No.7300664

File: ab4ec6466bd4a5c⋯.jpg (79.86 KB, 640x453, 640:453, 371v4c.jpg)

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3abb3e  No.7300665


Swahili is the official language but most of Kenyans speak English and it is the most used in the white collar world.

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1b9681  No.7300666

File: 3c19f4c4400761d⋯.jpg (427.19 KB, 977x976, 977:976, oldnads3507.jpg)


same shot

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5e06cd  No.7300667

File: 3f5693a4bd72761⋯.png (716.99 KB, 1125x2001, 375:667, B3852A6D-D158-4D08-AD4E-E7….png)

File: 2b21df7c24237eb⋯.png (985.32 KB, 1125x2001, 375:667, 3D314602-EB76-4879-9A39-39….png)


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824413  No.7300668

File: 1efab413002d05b⋯.png (705.35 KB, 800x533, 800:533, 98G7SB.png)

File: 0b719ddc55a323f⋯.png (695.17 KB, 800x505, 160:101, 70KP8WPA.png)

File: 8bedc31c742e134⋯.jpg (256.23 KB, 800x572, 200:143, dYrCH6Y1X6yT.jpg)


7 And there came war in the heaven; Michael and his messengers did war against the dragon, and the dragon did war his messengers, 

8 and tkey did not prevail, nor was their place found any more in the heaven; 

9 and the great dragon was cast forth – the old serpent, whu is called `Devil,' and `the Adversary,' who is leading astray the whole world – he was cast forth to the earth, and his messengers were cast forth with him.

GOD wins~

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af94d0  No.7300669

File: 5e19f4280aac4ef⋯.jpg (109.74 KB, 900x502, 450:251, f0279d5b7ff56b80fe985e70ed….jpg)

When all the declass is completed, figuratively speaking is going to be blood in the water and a massive shark attack.

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01c654  No.7300670


where are you watching anon?

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a0da22  No.7300671



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800509  No.7300672

File: 0ae020c018c2b95⋯.jpg (64.01 KB, 619x413, 619:413, 0ae020c018c2b95970b02a746a….jpg)

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cda92c  No.7300673


Trust ____ ?

The people you trust the most ?

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a9e614  No.7300674

File: d594e1032a49b17⋯.jpg (42.82 KB, 400x400, 1:1, VIwGck_n_400x400.jpg)

Anon who knows how, please embed this video. Antoine Tucker is running against AOC


OakTown ☢ Unfiltered


Follow Follow @hrtablaze


This is the most savage smackdown you will see of hate Preacher Al Sharpton on the internet. Lawd have mercy, this is going to leave a mark.

Follow my man @montaga and support his run for Congress .


2:39 PM - 29 Jul 2019

4,169 Retweets 6,615 Likes APalmer21⭐️⭐️⭐️DM Free🙏✌️❤🇺🇸CheyenneLeluBuckMarsha Henleyozor HillaryAmericanTruthCharles SayeghKen WhiteThat girl

400 replies 4,169 retweets 6,615 likes

Reply 400 Retweet 4.2K Like 6.6K


OakTown ☢ Unfiltered


Unfiltered Political Commentary | Sometimes I use Satire or humor to prove a point | If truth offends you, your problem not mine | #MAGA #LatinosWithTrump

Left Coast , CA


OakTown ☢ Unfiltered


Unfiltered Political Commentary | Sometimes I use Satire or humor to prove a point | If truth offends you, your problem not mine | #MAGA #LatinosWithTrump

Left Coast , CA




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425fd2  No.7300675

File: aa230bb2b791dd8⋯.gif (3.25 MB, 720x460, 36:23, D79B474C-7957-49A3-99A7-AA….gif)


“As the saying goes, a fish rots from the head down. Well, so do bad governments. Recent revelations about the behavior of President Obama and his CIA director John Brennan in pushing the bogus Russian collusion investigation suggest that's been the case.”

“The release of the FISA application by the FBI to investigate alleged collusion between Russia and President Trump's campaign and recent comments made by top officials are eye opening.

Not only did President Obama know about the investigation, he seems to have pushed it from the very beginning.”


As the endless drone of “Trump/Russia collusion” continues, more evidence is to coming to light that key Democrats — including President Barack Obama — used the power of the surveillance state to illegally spy on prominent Americans — including Donald Trump (even before he was a candidate). As part of what President Trump has repeatedly called a “witch hunt,” the Obama administration collected confidential data on Trump and others, according to freedom activist lawyer Larry Klayman, who is also the founder of both Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch.

Klayman’s claim is not new. In fact, it is not even really his claim. It comes from his client, former NSA and CIA contractor Dennis Montgomery, who “left the NSA and CIA with 47 hard drives and over 600 million pages of information, much of which is classified,” showing “the spy agencies were engaged for years in systematic illegal surveillance on prominent Americans, including the chief justice of the Supreme Court, other justices, 156 judges, prominent businessmen such as Donald Trump” and Larry Klayman himself, according to a an op-ed piece written by Klayman in March 2017. The purpose of that illegal Deep State surveillance — Klayman surmises — is “for potential coercion, blackmail or other nefarious purposes.”


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16c138  No.7300676



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bff60d  No.7300677

File: 74296471f0fda0a⋯.png (279.69 KB, 2316x1515, 772:505, Q522.PNG)

My attempt to decode Q522

Mueller and Coates removals predicted by Q way back in Jan 2018!

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4d878c  No.7300678

File: ac79282ec0dc4d8⋯.png (875.04 KB, 570x571, 570:571, ClipboardImage.png)

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5d7245  No.7300679

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Cant stand them. Agree with everything you said.

This one is working fine.

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933004  No.7300680

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Golden State Times


Working well / no issues

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523407  No.7300681



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902f5e  No.7300682

File: 7490875dfe2552f⋯.jpg (92.91 KB, 560x630, 8:9, andrew yang yangdoodle.jpg)

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6815bd  No.7300683

i had you all fooled.

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f5167d  No.7300684

This is the false flag gents, we being terrorists?

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b778a6  No.7300685


Guilty ( and loving it )


Yup. Again.


Tasty AF.

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022b1d  No.7300686

The Pentagon is hitting pause on a massive, first-of-its-kind cloud-computing contract after President Trump cited critics' accusations of favoritism toward Amazon.


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ea71ee  No.7300687

File: 15e203bd947b0b3⋯.png (11.18 KB, 786x271, 786:271, ClipboardImage.png)

From old bread

>>7299747 pb

>>7291990 pb

>>7292017 pb

A great question for PlaneFags - Have there been any flights to gitmo since the 22nd'ish that might carry a VIP?

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289637  No.7300688

File: e324c3ab32cb44a⋯.mp4 (8.83 MB, 1280x542, 640:271, TOOTS.mp4)

I did not know TOOTS was in movies

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e68640  No.7300689


Wow, good one.

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6342c0  No.7300690


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04a0eb  No.7300691

Guise asking a question about family members or friends, either having strokes or strokes like symptoms starting on July 31st to August 1st, or even ongoing

This is going to sound not mathematically impossible, but my sister had stroke like symptoms last night and was hospitalised immediately, she’s been going through all kind of tests today. They ruled out stroke but can’t identify the reason for it. And the symptoms have been going on for a couple of weeks, never this severe.

So my assistant told me today her cousin, her mother’s niece was found last night and she had a stroke. I think its odd that two people in one office had the same type of situation occur to a loved one.

So I’m asking if any anons had a family member, friend or associate have a stroke or stroke like symptoms, either yesterday or today?

It just seems highly improbable that two people that work together had a similar medical emergency to a family member the exact same day.

Ignore if you wish, but we all know there are technology methods for things of this nature. And Q said be aware and alert of surroundings and when you see something, say something. I just want to know if there is a pattern to this or if it’s just oddly random.

Any replies will be appreciated. Anon

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962a36  No.7300692


was wondering if that may be the case still not sure

Could be

Payseur family

Farnese family

Queen UK head of all royal families

Rothschild family

Rockefeller family




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5e06cd  No.7300693


Damn sorry

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1d612f  No.7300695

File: 9c6bec43c90c3c8⋯.jpg (358.16 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, bob-dobbs-scan-web_1024x10….jpg)


Have some!

The SubGenius!


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557b82  No.7300696




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6815bd  No.7300697

File: 0dec8702a0f3f18⋯.png (388.37 KB, 1156x700, 289:175, ClipboardImage.png)

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2b77ea  No.7300698

why did trump say so many nice things about coats/dni/friend?

any theories out there

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3e1fe4  No.7300699


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f01892  No.7300700

File: e116164b0955509⋯.jpeg (1.45 MB, 4250x2257, 4250:2257, 569ACE68-7459-430C-9079-4….jpeg)

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4b2303  No.7300701



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022b1d  No.7300702

File: a9fb6c1e4366f60⋯.png (290.58 KB, 431x456, 431:456, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b121ff6ca55a6ab⋯.png (187.48 KB, 305x378, 305:378, ClipboardImage.png)

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8c52bf  No.7300703

File: 2cc2693d948b0c5⋯.png (169.22 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, Taxonomy.png)

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4d878c  No.7300704

File: d2e4162a5289b63⋯.png (533.81 KB, 720x525, 48:35, ClipboardImage.png)

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4ff5d1  No.7300705


'time travel' mentioned twice in the same week.

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c60be8  No.7300706

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Satanic Pedovore Cultists employ

Dark Patterns

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1b9681  No.7300707

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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b5b03e  No.7300708


My thoughts for a while. At least an "endgame" potential for years.

Go time…



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c70de4  No.7300709


Anon, this harassment is to discourage dialog that identifies gender. Because when men talk to women, they kinda want to fuck that women. This changes the tone of the dialog. Women can use this to their benefit in dialog and arguemeent. So pick a side. Play the catch-me-fuck-me properly, or dont play at all.

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e8f8a4  No.7300710

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fox News stream

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3c7e3c  No.7300711


I feel so bad for their reporters, having to stand there like idiots while the HQ tries to stabalize the feed!

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800509  No.7300712

File: 1e963d5cc0ae2c8⋯.png (475.69 KB, 947x583, 947:583, the-real-bond-trump2.png)

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90158a  No.7300713


Emojis express differently for each that comes along & sees them.

Emoji's are an art form when practiced with critical thought.

There were a few too many here tho!

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3e1fe4  No.7300714

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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14f8ba  No.7300715


Keep an eye on the bald man in the bottom right. Somethings not right with him

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8c86c0  No.7300716

4 more years to drain the swamp wtf?

Then what?

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5d7245  No.7300717


New York Post

‏Verified account @nypost

Woman staying at Kennedy Compound dies of suspected drug overdose


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557b82  No.7300718




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6815bd  No.7300719

File: b24511aba166fc9⋯.png (1.78 MB, 1156x700, 289:175, ClipboardImage.png)

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53c74b  No.7300720

File: ebe34164724d084⋯.jpeg (57.08 KB, 800x600, 4:3, FBF0C4C1-FB48-4F08-9D44-3….jpeg)

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6bee72  No.7300721

File: f5851e9fbd09bda⋯.jpg (35.44 KB, 475x480, 95:96, 1380558_655386534482644_15….jpg)

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01c654  No.7300722


mucho thank you!

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4189db  No.7300723


No need for the red text.

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424095  No.7300724

File: 149b4974ec3a833⋯.png (83.62 KB, 247x199, 247:199, Screen Shot 2019-08-01 at ….png)


The snickerer.

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9cf69d  No.7300725

New Acting DNI = Ezra Cohen-Watnick?

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16c138  No.7300726



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f2e5e2  No.7300727

It’s gonna are 4 moar yearsto drain the swamp…


Then people cheer.


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9e9c5b  No.7300728

File: 804cc79b35983fc⋯.jpg (39.79 KB, 500x748, 125:187, 804cc79b35983fcce022689dcc….jpg)

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b778a6  No.7300729

File: 6775bf7e4a9dad5⋯.png (2.38 KB, 255x143, 255:143, 8bacd46fadef715240745ece81….png)




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557b82  No.7300730




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e3a610  No.7300731

File: 72b27d8c4f4ac16⋯.png (499.64 KB, 485x430, 97:86, ClipboardImage.png)

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a9e614  No.7300732


yea h ….I just copy pasta from Twitter.

These are not thse guys postin. I am posting. I am an anon who came across these tweets today and I though al should see what the blacks and latinos for Trump are doing.

I should have removed the emojis….these two guys probably have no idea about this board…..

I like what both are saying and doing……..just trying to spread their messages, again because I like what they are trying to acomplish and the one is trying to defeat AOC.

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800509  No.7300733

File: bb5fd84ed53e919⋯.jpg (154.52 KB, 631x425, 631:425, drain-the-swamp.jpg)

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41ab82  No.7300734


I often put on RSBN as a backup, I want to give them traffic. They're still on training wheels and I appreciate what they're trying to d.

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e7e640  No.7300735

God Bless POTUS

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f01892  No.7300736


Or his nose…

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c60be8  No.7300737

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Art thou ready for thy GITMO git-down?


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7b4992  No.7300738

File: 605dc615ef0c55c⋯.png (293.05 KB, 396x328, 99:82, Screenshot_2019-08-01 (22)….png)


this guy?

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fb092c  No.7300739

File: ec90696978a6465⋯.jpeg (819.17 KB, 1125x1468, 1125:1468, 28798726-032B-47DE-B9C1-A….jpeg)

File: 01bb5911af425f2⋯.jpeg (1.01 MB, 1125x1571, 1125:1571, D65E7F3A-7F20-4AFF-8940-1….jpeg)


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e8f8a4  No.7300740

File: d1ab8c08a726b2f⋯.png (70.46 KB, 170x146, 85:73, ClipboardImage.png)

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e68640  No.7300741


Normie syndrome.

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345a73  No.7300742

File: 83549d9b84848ef⋯.png (4.35 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, C396C67B-5342-4AAC-AE43-22….png)

Uh oh. Pence found the bronzer stash and went nuts.

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251c13  No.7300743

Someone needs to make a shirt that says

Don't Confuse Patriotism

As Racism

You shit on my Country i will show you the Door

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3e1fe4  No.7300744








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523407  No.7300745

File: 82082498e23a3f0⋯.jpg (1.48 MB, 1144x1144, 1:1, AdobePhotoshopExpress_2019….jpg)

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4557b2  No.7300746

Pence sounds like he is doing a comedy routine. KEK

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5d7245  No.7300747


Yeah. I mean, if it was a tiny few people operation, then I would be a bit more patient.

But have you seen the donations they get?!?

WTF are they doing with that money? Not fixing their shit, thats for sure

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d313c2  No.7300748

Hey, did you hear about the gas explosion in Kentucky? Did you hear about the rest of these that occurred within the same 24 hours of that one???





Gas Line Ruptured at Carmel Valley Condo Complex, 44 Customers Affected



3 separate gas leaks reported across Utah


Businesses, homes evacuated after gas leak in Park City



Gas leak leads to evacuations



Suspected gas explosion reduces Pa. home to rubble; 5 injured



Gas leak in Kasson prompts evacuation of homes



8 homes evacuated after gas leak in south Huntsville


North Carolina

Gas leak reported in Winston-Salem, three businesses evacuated


…and that's just the tip of the iceberg…

…and did you hear that the dem0nrats are declaring war on oil & gas? That's what Vox, HuffPo, Wash Ex, Scientific Am, etc. said IN THE PAST 24 HOURS!




…is this the new Antifa???


…and is this how they get spun up???


Shell and European Rivals Hit by Lower Oil Prices???


Sounds like they may be developing solutions to the problems they are creating RIGHT NOW…


All articles from last 24-48 hrs… More research needed…

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14f8ba  No.7300749



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3c7e3c  No.7300750


Oh! Thanks for the education, teacheranon! I would have preferred if you just shut the fuck up! Ima a big girl now and I can handle myself.

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6f61f0  No.7300751

File: f02ef48da685fbc⋯.jpg (60.31 KB, 634x432, 317:216, elonmuskhittingit.jpg)

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902f5e  No.7300752

File: 0247f7384eb79c7⋯.png (941.12 KB, 1200x593, 1200:593, ClipboardImage.png)

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4d878c  No.7300753

File: 6c491859b9dab51⋯.png (458.45 KB, 600x314, 300:157, ClipboardImage.png)

Elijah Cummings' Baltimore Home Is Robbed

The break-in at Cummings' residence on the 2000 block of Madison Avenue occurred at around 3:40 a.m. according to police. It is unclear whether anything was taken from the property.

According to Fox News, the reported break-in came around four hours before President Trump blasted Cummings over Twitter for representing a "disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess."

….As proven last week during a Congressional tour, the Border is clean, efficient & well run, just very crowded. Cumming District is a disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess. If he spent more time in Baltimore, maybe he could help clean up this very dangerous & filthy place

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 27, 2019

"If he spent more time in Baltimore, maybe he could help clean up this very dangerous & filthy place," the president added. ''

Congressional security officials are investigating whether the break-in was a random crime or if there is a threat "nexus" tied to Cummings due to Trump's comments. However, a source with knowledge of the investigation told Fox News there was "no skullduggery" when asked if the break-in had any relation to the president's remarks.

Fox News has obtained a memo sent to House offices the day before the break-in regarding Congressional security over the August recess. The memo from House Sergeant at Arms Paul Irving reminds lawmakers of "the significance of maintaining an enhanced security awareness in your district." -Fox News

"Members and staff should always remain vigilant of their surroundings and immediately report anything unusual or suspicious to the relevant law enforcement or police entity," wrote Irving. "I also recommend a notification to the USCP [U.S. Capitol Police] or my office so that we may coordinate any review with the relevant law enforcement agency."


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723dd0  No.7300754


Perhaps he's not himself when he's hungry

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430089  No.7300755

Pence picked up Trump's mannerism of nodding and saying "it's true" after comments. Robotic imitation.

Really don't like this guy.

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3925fa  No.7300756

File: a3945964b3c5918⋯.png (794.52 KB, 1126x1252, 563:626, Free_speech_is_all_speech.png)


Read the 4c bread, this is all about the corrupt pockets of the FBI trying to legitimize the provocatour false flag narrative setting operations (which then the corrupt MSM takes and runs with in order to feed the false narrative to the masses in the normiesphere) that the shills always try cyclically.

Once the Q is asked, and the mass audiences pour into the chans and social media to know more about the kinds of stuff we research here as an hive mind, they will be bound to face the fact that truth is a force of nature.

The hive mind is about to get big enough to be able to destroy the cabal narrative setting machine.


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1665ce  No.7300757

File: b1855bd5fde1dbc⋯.jpg (613.27 KB, 1641x832, 1641:832, Screenshot_20190801-172740….jpg)

Clorox has many uses

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022b1d  No.7300758

File: 81e072beda36b04⋯.png (364.68 KB, 674x380, 337:190, ClipboardImage.png)


this is a terrorist !!

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424095  No.7300759


Yes and his fren next to him (off cam).

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902f5e  No.7300760

Pence made a funny

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3925fa  No.7300761


last bread

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c60be8  No.7300762

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Hello Legacy Media

Welcome to Q research.

We are peaceful civilian researchers who have by directed diligence have exposed your lies.

Your genocidal psyop has failed. Your protectors are murdering each other as they fight for safe exit.

It's the end of an epoch.

Legacy shill media has failed in its sole mission for predictable causes: arrogance, greed and pathetic underestimation of the nature and quality of the forces opposed.

Keep an eye on the door, media shills. Whether you’re a "news" producer, a talking head, a teamster or the child rapist Steve Spielberg. Justice is coming.

Every individual who has sexually abused a child or protected those who do will be delivered to justice.

We know, and will prove, legacy media acted wittingly to protect pedovores and to cover up their atrocious crimes against children for decade and much more.

Not one will escape justice.

Not 1.

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1b9681  No.7300763


>The Justice Department declined to prosecute former FBI Director James Comey

doesn't sound like a deal, certainly no quid pro quo.

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910713  No.7300764


Hoax crime

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12ab30  No.7300765


Class, and he probably is helping the transition.

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1bbad9  No.7300766


Have to point out it looks like that person is holding his severed head.

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557b82  No.7300767



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7b4992  No.7300768


eyes on o7

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21af4c  No.7300769


Known fake. Get out of here.

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46c995  No.7300771


I don’t give a fuck who you are, SEAL bitch, or where you live. You can count on me to be there to bring your fucking life to a hellish end.

I’ll put you in so much fucking pain that it’ll make Jesus being nailed to a cross in the desert look like a fucking back massage on a tropical island.

I don’t give a fuck how many reps you have or how tough you are IRL, how well you can fight, or how many fucking guns you own to protect yourself. I’ll fucking show up at your house when you aren’t home.

I’ll turn all the lights on in your house, leave all the water running, open your fridge door and not close it, and turn your gas stove burners on and let them waste gas. You’re going to start stressing the fuck out, your blood pressure will triple, and you’ll have a fucking heart attack. You’ll go to the hospital for a heart operation, and the last thing you’ll see when you’re being put under in the operating room is me hovering above you, dressed like a doctor.

When you wake up after being operated on, wondering what ticking time bomb is in your chest waiting to go off. You’ll recover fully from your heart surgery. And when you walk out the front door of the hospital to go home I’ll run you over with my fucking car out of no where and kill you.

I just want you to know how easily I could fucking destroy your pathetic excuse of a life, but how I’d rather go to a great fuckng length to make sure your last remaining days are spent in a living, breathing fucking hell. It’s too late to save yourself, but don’t bother committing suicide either…

I’ll fucking resuscitate you and kill you again myself you bitch-faced phaggot.

Welcome to hell, population: you

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e68640  No.7300772


He came up with that stage joke himself.

It's the first idea he's come up with, so we let him have it.

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14f8ba  No.7300773


Could be… but i could have sworn I lip read him say "COME ON!" to what pence was saying at one point. He doesnt look like he even wants to be there.

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3e1fe4  No.7300774

File: 69e3ec19309e16f⋯.jpg (68.02 KB, 564x579, 188:193, 76418cb10cd5c5306abd8aee7d….jpg)

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238e66  No.7300775


You couldn't look more miserable if you tried!


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557b82  No.7300776



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6815bd  No.7300777

File: c6b582387a1a0f8⋯.png (83.38 KB, 281x206, 281:206, ClipboardImage.png)

talk back

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a9e614  No.7300778



savage smackdown you will see of hate Preacher Al Sharpton


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962a36  No.7300779

Israel Strikes Syrian Army Position In Al-Quneitra

On August 1, the Israeli military struck a position of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) in the southern governorate of al-Quneitra.

According to the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA), the targeted position is located in al-Buryqah hill in the western countryside of al-Quneitra.

“An Israeli aggression with a missile on al-Buryqah hill in Rasm al-Sad in the western al-Quneitra countryside, losses were limited to materials only,” a short press release by the SANA reads.

Last week, a similar Israeli attack targeted military equipment of the army in the towns of Tell al-Harrah and Tell al-Ahmar in Syria’s southern region.

Initial reports indicate that the new attack was carried out with a precision-guided ground-to-ground missile, likely a Spike NLOS. The same type of missiles was used in the attack on Tell al-Harrah and Tell al-Ahmar.

The motive behind these Israeli attack remains unclear. However, Israeli and Arab sources claim that the targeted positions hosted Hezbollah forces or even Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) personnel.


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902f5e  No.7300780



2 points for effort

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e68640  No.7300781


I can't wait to vote for him in 2024 because I'm woke.

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4d878c  No.7300782

File: b14015f1162e055⋯.png (1.79 MB, 720x960, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

Hilarious!!! 202Q in the Bag!

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04a0eb  No.7300783


PS my sister is 60 and a very clean diet, no droid, cigarettes, no imbalances in any areas of her life. As a matter of fact she’s a very nutritional balanced person and avoids junk food, does yoga, walks a lot, loves her family and is a very good person; and my assistants cousin was 46, I don’t know her history.

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f426f9  No.7300784

File: 01b6e723419b1ba⋯.jpg (11.74 KB, 236x188, 59:47, eyesb7fa0e219ce3db0663c9d6….jpg)



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667723  No.7300785


chan much?

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85e94e  No.7300786

Woman staying at Kennedy Compound dies of suspected drug overdose

By Kenneth Garger

August 1, 2019 | 7:15pm | Updated

An aerial view of the Kennedy Compound in Hyannisport, Mass.Getty Images

A woman staying at one of the homes on the Kennedy Compound in Cape Cod died after a suspected overdose on Thursday, according to reports.

Police are investigating the death after they were called to the Massachusetts compound at around 2:30 p.m. in response to overdose, according to WCVB.

The Kennedy Compound consists of several waterfront homes along the Nantucket Sound in Hyannis Port, the report said.

It’s unclear if the woman died at the property or at a hospital. Her identity was not known on Thursday.

The death takes place 50 years after the late Senator Ted Kennedy’s car plunged off a bridge off of Martha’s Vineyard, killing his 28-year-old passenger, Mary Jo Kopechne.

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c60be8  No.7300787

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Legacy media shills

are not just covering up for common criminals, they are covering up decades of crimes against children.

Legacy media shills had ample reason and repeated opportunities to investigate Pizzagate and a half dozen similar previous scandals.

Legacy media shills not only failed to investigate but actively covered up, campaigned extensively to suppress and to discredit the evidence others uncovered, defaming honest researchers, making them objects of scorn, ridicule and contempt.

Legacy media shills did this in both dramatic entertainment and in news content across multiple platforms; all while knowing the stories about the traffic and ritual sexual abuse of children were and are true.

“I didn’t know,” is not a valid or feasible defense for legacy media shills. Our enemies have exposed themselves and the contemptible kayfabe of legacy media.

We the People are awake.

Justice is coming

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a9e614  No.7300788


again, not me I just coypast'd from their twitter…..next time i will remove them

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f5167d  No.7300789

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022b1d  No.7300790

Burglary reported at Cummings's Baltimore home


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b680e4  No.7300791

File: 9891b3971d11c46⋯.jpg (701.37 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, Terrorists3.jpg)

File: d2bd25fe69485b1⋯.jpg (648.02 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, Terrorists4.jpg)

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24a050  No.7300792

File: da0bc4b73dc3636⋯.jpg (74.64 KB, 500x500, 1:1, chipotle cfo dump 080119.jpg)

File: 0889d5b577a5c63⋯.jpg (73.63 KB, 500x500, 1:1, chipotle dump exec chair 0….jpg)

File: 12f5ac51446c223⋯.jpg (59.41 KB, 500x500, 1:1, chipotle pershing square d….jpg)

File: 59bed050c122ea4⋯.png (11.47 KB, 279x136, 279:136, crapin.PNG)

File: 7474afca55ff9ab⋯.jpg (23.73 KB, 474x316, 3:2, Bill the cat.jpg)

Chipotle CFO sold $2.64m in shares-July 30

'cause it's ALWAYS a good sign when your CFO and Exec Chair sell shares at these amounts.


Currently, John R. Hartung is Chief Financial Officer at Chipotle Mexican Grill, Inc. Mr. Hartung is also on the board of Chipotle Mexican Grill UK Ltd.

In his past career Mr. Hartung was Chief Financial Officer & VP-Partner Brands Group at McDonald's Corp.

Mr. Hartung received an undergraduate degree and an MBA from Illinois State University.


Steve Ells (born September 12, 1965) is an American businessman. He is the founder, former CEO, and Executive Chairman of Chipotle Mexican Grill.

Ells founded Chipotle in 1993, and under his direction, the chain serves what it describes as "naturally raised meat" and promotes sustainable agriculture.

On November 29, 2017, Chipotle announced Ells' resignation as CEO, pending the search for a new CEO with "turnaround expertise".

Ells will serve as executive chairman following the appointment of a new CEO, and will also serve on the CEO search committee.

As of February 13, 2018, Brian Niccol has been named CEO of Chipotle Mexican Grill.

Chipotle announced on November 29, 2017 that Ells will step down as CEO following the appointment of a new CEO with "turnaround expertise."

Ells will serve as executive chairman after the new CEO appointment, and will serve on the CEO search committee with fellow Chipotle board members Robin Hickenlooper and Ali Namva

The Chipotle Outbreak That Sickened Nearly 650 People Was Caused by This Bacteria

The source of the outbreak that sickened nearly 650 people at a Chipotle in Ohio last month has been identified.

Stool samples taken from sick customers tested positive for Clostridium perfringens, a bacterium that can cause food poisoning when food is stored at unsafe temperatures,

according to the Delaware General Health District, the public health department in Delaware, Ohio.

Although cooking kills C. perfringens cells, it doesn't necessarily kill bacterial spores that can grow into new cells, according to the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS).

That means that if food is left sitting out for too long, or it's not refrigerated, the spores can grow and produce new cells, which may lead to illness when the food is eaten.

Indeed, C. perfringens bacteria thrive in temperatures between 40 to 140 degrees Fahrenheit (4 to 60 degrees Celsius), a range that's often called the "danger zone," because it's not too hot, or too cold, for bacteria to grow.

C. perfringens illnesses often occur when foods are prepared in large amounts, and are then kept warm for a long time before serving, HHS said.

In Ohio, health officials identified 647 people who got sick after eating at a Chipotle in the city of Powell between July 26 and July 30. Customers reported symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea and stomach pains, according to Business Insider.

An inspection of the restaurant found that some foods were not being kept at proper temperatures. For example, beans were not held at a warm enough temperature, and lettuce was not properly cooled, Business Insider reported.



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f426f9  No.7300793

File: 24692f27d4ba186⋯.jpg (107.26 KB, 510x500, 51:50, soldierkiddo27hsuiog.jpg)

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1b9681  No.7300794


Q is not FBI

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74a602  No.7300796

The FBI labelled Q and the Anons as possible domestic terrorists so that the MSM would ask the question.

"Sir, do you believe you retweeted the Qanon conspiracy could cause an attack or terrorist event?"

We may have to force this one.

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2b77ea  No.7300797


you are not the special neither is your sister or her coworker. you live in world you let go to shit, you and those that are sick, let the world be sick, so sick you get.

look at lifestyle, were they friends, get along, cause they were similar

like is like = both earned their stroke slowly over time

quit blaming everyone else and start with the man in the mirror

now make a change




you get the picture

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1348c9  No.7300798


Dayum. With an 18 in. waist.

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f29452  No.7300799


got a feed link?

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557b82  No.7300800




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e3e5f4  No.7300801

File: 5ee211951ada06a⋯.jpeg (73.9 KB, 613x407, 613:407, 337B66B1-6882-45BF-802B-A….jpeg)

…Pence’s hair is fucking with me.

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962a36  No.7300802

File: 9fe18028f3e7069⋯.png (94.79 KB, 615x811, 615:811, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 39d3f5a18f329f7⋯.png (22.63 KB, 614x201, 614:201, ClipboardImage.png)

Arizona Copper Mine Project Blocked by Judge After Decade of Collecting Permits

After a decade of collecting government permits, a massive copper mine project in Arizona finally got the green light, only to be blocked by a federal judge.

On July 31, U.S. District Judge James Soto threw out a permit the U.S. Forest Service gave in June 2017 to the mining project. He argued the agency “abdicated its duty to protect the Coronado National Forest,” a mountainous area that would be affected by the planned mining operations about 30 miles southeast of Tucson.

The $1.9 billion project has been making its way through the approval process for more than 13 years, engaging 18 government agencies, from federal to local, and garnering more than 1,000 studies and 36,000 public comments.

Hudbay Minerals Inc., a Canadian mining company that acquired the project in 2014, spent more than $100 million on new methods of impact measurement, environmental mitigation, and other measures, all in anticipation of extracting 5.3 billion tons of copper, 142 million tons of molybdenum, and 79 million ounces of silver over the mine’s estimated lifespan of 20 to 25 years. It would provide an estimated 10 percent of the nation’s domestic copper supply.

The project would directly create 500 jobs and pump $16 billion into the local economy over 20 years, the Tucson and Arizona chambers of commerce have said.

But it would also leave behind a pit 3,000 feet deep and 6,000 feet across, displacing about 1.9 billion tons of waste rock and tailings. The waste would be spread on land that includes nearly 2,450 acres of the Coronado National Forest, which is what Soto took issue with.

The Mining Law of 1872 allows people to claim for themselves any federal land where they discover mineral deposits, plus five acres per each lodge or vein claimed as a base for processing and other operations.


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6c224e  No.7300803


Texas too


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800509  No.7300804

File: d142da768041e88⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1056x591, 352:197, trump-faith-succeed.png)

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6815bd  No.7300805

File: 77520a8ab951e57⋯.gif (405.81 KB, 450x450, 1:1, SpeedyConcreteCero-size_re….gif)

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e4e92d  No.7300806

File: b12bb5824210a54⋯.jpeg (29.4 KB, 315x404, 315:404, 5BC302E8-007C-4650-8D1C-5….jpeg)

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424095  No.7300807

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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3e1fe4  No.7300808

File: 9a983d314a9cd4a⋯.jpg (4.37 MB, 2848x4288, 89:134, 5GTuXzv.jpg)

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d97fa7  No.7300809

File: 6a57b7a796be540⋯.jpg (1.58 MB, 1187x1684, 1187:1684, 2019-07-31 20.12.31.jpg)


nil [placeholders] = all conditions have been met.

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b778a6  No.7300810



How many newfags are here?

Here's POTUS.


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816b44  No.7300811

File: 725d3cd9620eea9⋯.jpg (12.88 KB, 255x140, 51:28, f0189cd432eacea3befac645f4….jpg)

Disband all three and four letter agencies, 5 letter guys are alright but if they start shit toss them out too.

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10bef3  No.7300812

File: 3b3d0867430d9f5⋯.jpg (274.54 KB, 894x1188, 149:198, cleanhouse.jpg)

It's our turn

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46b672  No.7300813


This is working clean for me.


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d3ad1c  No.7300814

File: 8ccfa24b6499f40⋯.png (9.61 KB, 255x140, 51:28, praying Pepe.png)

support, and prayers!

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4d878c  No.7300815

DEVELOPING: Key Bruce Ohr 302 FBI Reports on His Contacts with Christopher Steele to be Released to Judicial Watch Imminently

Once again Judicial Watch is doing the heavy lifting.

Judicial Watch boss Tom Fitton announced Thursday afternoon that the FBI will be handing over Bruce 302 reports on his contacts with dossier author Christopher Steele.

Fitton said the release of the documents is imminent.

“BREAKING: FBI Will Produce Bruce Ohr 302 reports on his contacts with Clinton-DNC-FBI spy Christopher Steele to Judicial Watch,” Tom Fitton said.

BREAKING: FBI Will Produce Bruce Ohr 302 reports on his contacts with Clinton-DNC-FBI spy Christopher Steele to @JudicialWatch. @RealDonaldTrump https://t.co/Lw3SCtx8xL

— Tom Fitton (@TomFitton) August 1, 2019

Judicial Watch currently has a total of five lawsuits pursuing information on twice-demoted DOJ official Bruce Ohr.

Bruce Ohr was a top official in the DOJ working as an Assistant Deputy Attorney General and was ultimately demoted twice for his connection to Christopher Steele and for promoting the phony dossier.

Bruce Ohr’s wife Nellie Ohr was contracted by oppo research firm Fusion GPS to “assist in cultivation of opposition research on Trump” and her hubby Bruce passed along her Hillary Clinton/DNC-funded dirt to the FBI.

The phony Hillary-funded dossier was eventually used to obtain a FISA warrant on Trump campaign advisor Carter Page.

Judicial Watch filed the lawsuit (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Justice (No.1:18-cv-00490)) on March 1, 2018, after the DOJ failed to respond to a December 7, 2017, FOIA request for:

All records of contact or communication, including but not limited to emails, text messages, and instant chats between Bruce Ohr and any of the following individuals/entities: former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele; owner of Fusion GPS Glenn Simpson; and any other employees or representatives of Fusion GPS.

All travel requests, authorizations and expense reports for Bruce Ohr.

All calendar entries for Bruce Ohr.

Judicial Watch filed suit for details of the “302” reports from the FBI interview with Ohr. The interviews could be key to understanding how anti-Trump dossier author, British spy Christopher Steele’s information was transmitted to the FBI. (Judicial Watch v U.S. Department of Justice (No. 1:18-cv-02107)). The House Intelligence Committee memo released by Chairman Devin Nunes on February 2 says that his wife, Nellie Ohr, was “employed by Fusion GPS to assist in the cultivation of opposition research on Trump” and that Bruce Ohr passed the results of that research, which was paid for by the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and the Hillary Clinton campaign, to the FBI.

The Gateway Pundit will update as soon as the documents are released.


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01c654  No.7300816


dang. i was thinking the same thing. how does a dude who works inside all day get so tan.

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12f1e2  No.7300818

File: 0d1f97db48cd109⋯.jpg (256.12 KB, 2667x1500, 889:500, Never be a socialis countr….jpg)

File: db0b204992005cf⋯.jpg (190.46 KB, 1947x1095, 649:365, PENCE freedom not socialis….jpg)

Pence is Rocking it at the Rally!

American will NEVER be a Socialist Country!

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e68640  No.7300819

File: 70f8263ba178c3e⋯.png (299.5 KB, 1074x716, 3:2, Screen-Shot-2019-08-01-at-….png)

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4ff5d1  No.7300820

Mike MountBatten is still talking?

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01d3ec  No.7300821

File: 4ba9f960aef6e00⋯.jpg (36.69 KB, 620x494, 310:247, 4ba9f960aef6e00f32c8ace0ed….jpg)

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54802c  No.7300822

File: ab806e7a4db6e21⋯.png (580.46 KB, 580x553, 580:553, WellDressedButSuspiciousAF.png)

Check out this vigilant young buck.

Kickin' it suspicious as fuck.

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de9435  No.7300823

File: 1626b5eae25c5b6⋯.jpg (81.3 KB, 873x1227, 291:409, Winning01082019163230.jpg)

🤔 why r so many anons antsy? Relax. Grab a drink.

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4b2303  No.7300824


wow - more nothing happening

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41ab82  No.7300825

Prouuud to beee muricaaan!

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4189db  No.7300826

File: 93337ef25b5cefc⋯.jpeg (62.24 KB, 800x450, 16:9, 93337ef25b5cefc70e562fe44….jpeg)



I will butt fuck your soul.

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3925fa  No.7300827

File: 4bfed1cff51230d⋯.png (105.57 KB, 1226x410, 613:205, Jewish_censorship_Spain_Ro….PNG)

File: 2bfeac5958ee964⋯.jpeg (92.1 KB, 1242x1090, 621:545, 0_meme.jpeg)

File: 6772d3d81e7ae7a⋯.png (4.1 MB, 1584x9520, 99:595, 1_Anti_Semitism_law_USA.png)

File: 23d69f729a73a44⋯.jpg (3.82 MB, 1480x13999, 1480:13999, 2_Theodor_Herlz_meme_zioni….jpg)

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4d878c  No.7300828

File: 1a6eca71f029f82⋯.png (305.36 KB, 600x314, 300:157, ClipboardImage.png)


>DEVELOPING: Key Bruce Ohr 302 FBI Reports on His Contacts with Christopher Steele to be Released to Judicial Watch Imminently

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022b1d  No.7300829

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557b82  No.7300830



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554b59  No.7300831


its more than projection, its fraud, extortion and abuse of office

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47b3b5  No.7300832

File: 72924b24ac14348⋯.png (628.02 KB, 526x556, 263:278, ClipboardImage.png)

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09ef55  No.7300833

Hey Q & POTUS. Great job on everything.

Here’s one thing you are doing wrong though. Like, change it immediately.

You need to start broadcasting at the MAGA Rally before you go on stage.

The streaming quality from other outlets are too unreliable. Yours is the ONLY one that is worth anything.

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c70de4  No.7300835


>I would have preferred if you just shut the fuck up!

A)then you are in the wrong place

B)the message was meant to be effective, not to satisfy any of your preferences

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18b710  No.7300836

Have anons noticed that the MSM used the debate to bring Obama back into the news? Rahm Emanuel makes a statement about the criticism of Obama in the debate. CNN and the other MSM are not talking about people's perception of Obama and how we as a nation can't be critical of Obama's legacy.

Now this is what I call getting ahead of the story!

Giving people an idea and opinion before something damaging happens to him?

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800509  No.7300837

File: 8430e3c52a8c978⋯.jpg (54.71 KB, 718x720, 359:360, 8430e3c52a8c9783f382a73f6e….jpg)

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8413b7  No.7300838

File: f38b3d9b4cf3745⋯.jpeg (197.33 KB, 1440x1150, 144:115, 1528647438.jpeg)

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53761b  No.7300839

Can we have a drum roll please?

The Boss be on.

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54802c  No.7300840

File: f9fcb493fd938f5⋯.png (330.41 KB, 457x422, 457:422, EyesOpenFags.png)


Eyes open fags.

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774dd1  No.7300841


I agree excellent graphic. who are authors? I see none in pdf. on Mueller investigation?

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b19e30  No.7300842


you're off your game

what's wrong?

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56a35d  No.7300843



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e005ed  No.7300844

File: fb9b88583949b7e⋯.png (58.2 KB, 1007x669, 1007:669, Screenshot_2019-08-01 [NIC….png)

>>7300251 (lb)

Look mane, done posted already, Bread #9336 >>7296750

Do you not see 11-11 in the upper left corner?

TATOOSH is in the same general area off NE Sardinia.

The bit on Candy is from the same yacht site that I doth reposteth from last night.

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1d612f  No.7300845

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

(our) Blessed POTUS LIVE!

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74a602  No.7300846

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6815bd  No.7300847

File: abc404dd788526e⋯.png (32.04 KB, 510x206, 255:103, ClipboardImage.png)

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1bbad9  No.7300848

Look at all those phones.

Q is busy !


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09df1e  No.7300849

I love POTUS!

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3c7e3c  No.7300850


NO ONE asked for your stupid fucking message! Perhaps YOU are in the wrong place~!

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272085  No.7300851


>>7300802 Arizona copper mine project blocked by judge after decade of collecting permits.

>>7300792 Chipotle CFO sold $2.64m in shares.

>>7300779 Israel strikes Syrian Army position in Al-Quneitra.

>>7300748, >>7300803 Explosions around the country in the past 24 hours.

>>7300686 Pentagon pausing cloud contract with Amazon.

>>7300652 More rally Q.

>>7300598 Blackburn and Graham on closing immigration loopholes.

>>7300567 Grassley says Pentagon failed to meet demand for info on contracts with FBI informant Stefan Halper.

>>7300555 The FBI bulletin released today was an embarrassment. (graphic)

>>7300547 Expert warns that Facebook data-grabbing puts ‘power over people’

>>7300541 World powers engaged in social media warfare.

>>7300515 AOC challenger rips into Cummings.

>>7300475 Planefag updates.

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6685eb  No.7300852

File: 23a95148d279089⋯.png (57.84 KB, 389x531, 389:531, Capture.PNG)

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12ab30  No.7300853

File: 74872a1dd4f28ec⋯.png (368.31 KB, 474x316, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

hopefully (ourgirl)

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6bee72  No.7300854

File: 4fe637f5de77894⋯.jpg (64.64 KB, 620x414, 310:207, 27880.jpg)

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3e1fe4  No.7300855

File: b7cf0f2a4959492⋯.jpg (3.81 MB, 3992x2651, 3992:2651, xLL317T.jpg)

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1c7060  No.7300856

File: 9356a54eda5eec1⋯.png (279.11 KB, 553x586, 553:586, ifltm.png)

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d1d13b  No.7300857


Are the words number decodes? Dates?

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557b82  No.7300858





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772da6  No.7300859


This may be a direct attack on humanity

Destroy the gut

Gut flora extremely important to brain health as well as immune system.

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a2a56b  No.7300860


Not sure who is backing Gabbard but that seemed like a pro hit on Harris.

Best Harris team can come up with is that, "The Russians did it?" Panic move, too, by running Harris out on the talk shows and labeling Gabbard, "second tier".

Harris got blown up by pros. She's going to have to run the rest of the race defending herself against those charges, which she can't if her initial response is any indication.

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407b08  No.7300861



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800103  No.7300862

File: c700910775d1f4e⋯.jpeg (1.63 MB, 3177x1775, 3177:1775, 3ED99B66-BBD1-401D-82F0-7….jpeg)


>check'd and excellent graphic

Thanks anon!

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30d803  No.7300863

Singing and clapping and crying in gratitude for this man, my country and just being a proud Ametican.. god bless POTUS

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f353d1  No.7300864

File: dd38dec32121936⋯.jpg (172.42 KB, 832x492, 208:123, 546045646345645435234VF243….jpg)

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01c654  No.7300865

can we get a peak of parscale? pleaesssssse

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e68640  No.7300866

Holy crap, rally is FILLED

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e4e92d  No.7300867

File: 1e0c8d9fc20ffa9⋯.jpeg (423.48 KB, 1242x1610, 27:35, 1EEF7ED5-280D-4022-BC89-2….jpeg)


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1d0eb8  No.7300868

kinda pissed of anons, and you will be too if you have a look around this page.

The month the world learns the truth.

The more you know…


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1bbad9  No.7300869

He's soaking it up.


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e7e640  No.7300870

Q eyes on bald guy grey shirt

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f29452  No.7300871

POTUS looks concerned

or something like that

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9c2205  No.7300872

Fox News making Trumps Hair Bright Orange

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557b82  No.7300873




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424095  No.7300874


Something ain't right with that guy.

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01d3ec  No.7300876

File: f630f35b9cd81a6⋯.jpg (77.57 KB, 640x853, 640:853, f630f35b9cd81a6534e7e1bb32….jpg)

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02e025  No.7300877



to anyone who can get there

the UK has records from their colonial days with copies of weddings, births, deaths, etc

not available online.

has to be done in person

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022b1d  No.7300878

File: af73a6226f6add3⋯.png (176 KB, 822x306, 137:51, ClipboardImage.png)

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dca417  No.7300879

File: fe006a0d8b35e39⋯.jpeg (21.52 KB, 255x242, 255:242, 2F49617E-6A53-44A0-ACF8-F….jpeg)

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e68640  No.7300880

File: 88fec2355a21f5c⋯.png (5.19 MB, 2560x1600, 8:5, Screen Shot 2019-08-01 at ….png)

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800509  No.7300881

File: 6f21409d9513614⋯.png (557.23 KB, 508x637, 508:637, 6f21409d9513614cd81347f875….png)


Any hot maga chicks in the background?

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c728f1  No.7300882

Q, dai si tu o vodka?????

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e017ef  No.7300883

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


#Trump #Rally #Live

President Donald Trump Rally LIVE in Cincinnati, OH 8/1/19

17,313 watching now


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b396ad  No.7300884


He is like the only one not chanting and happy.

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47b3b5  No.7300885


there are times it is better to engage with the enemy thinking you are already dead, stop at nothing short and accept the fact that you've survived the fight

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be5fa1  No.7300886


No Name returning to the news cycle soon.

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14f8ba  No.7300887



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6bee72  No.7300888


It will be Tulsi and Sasquatch for the DNC primary runoff.

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e3a610  No.7300889

File: 34fa1b9996e9dcd⋯.png (34.53 KB, 532x287, 76:41, ClipboardImage.png)

Texas Man Charged with Conspiring to Provide Material Support to ISIS


12:06 PM - 1 Aug 2019

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57079c  No.7300890


Why should we notify China?

They were the ones who backtracked on earlier trade negotiations.

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e68640  No.7300891

File: b70c8ca838b9fbe⋯.png (5.2 MB, 2560x1600, 8:5, Screen Shot 2019-08-01 at ….png)

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4d878c  No.7300892

File: 8e299b4a36fef9c⋯.png (362 KB, 480x854, 240:427, ClipboardImage.png)

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f4aaae  No.7300893


SUPER bright

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6f61f0  No.7300894


scared side eye tells me he doesnt realize red sweater hottie is ss

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78f9e2  No.7300895


it does on cspan too

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557b82  No.7300896



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c60be8  No.7300897

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Legacy Media

The satanist pedovore mind control era is over.

To survive legacy companies will need "new management" to “satisfy the patriot market.”

What does that mean? "new management" means not words but actions. Immediately replace pedovore cultist executives.

"The patriot market" is 290 million Americans who want the truth; including the truth about legacy media complicity in Operation Mockingbird and institutional roles in C_A social subversion operations.

Entertainment company executives who think movies like NORMAL on HBO are the product of creative competition will be surprised to discover that MI, POTUS and anons see it as subversive IO, a destructive psyop, one of hundreds run by legacy media against an unwitting civilian population.

Whether the public is aware, or ever becomes aware, of the harm done by legacy media content shilling, anons know, POTUS knows and MI knows.

Media companies closely associated with satanic mind control like Disney can not hope to survive except as museum illustrating the destructive power of mind warfare.

Other media companies, those prepared to reverse course, to repent, to admit their role in social and sexual subversion and to atone for the wrong done must make a 180 turn, stop destroying start repairing and rebuilding undoing some of the harm they have done to the US and the world.

Companies with the courage to do that may survive.

A Turkish proverb says “No matter how far down the wrong road you have gone, turn back.”

Repairing damage for legacy media means initiating a cross platform, all format, surge of error corrected, future positive, neural malware-free MAGA news and entertainment content, without subliminal or subsonic embeds, hypnotic induction or “side band” symbolic language technologies targeting our unconscious below the threshold of awareness.

Ready for the show, Moe?

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4fd364  No.7300898


Maybe under cover ss

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c70de4  No.7300899


Perhaps. Ill be in the wrong place again tomorrow.

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14f8ba  No.7300900


They CHOOSE not to white balance their shots

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21af4c  No.7300901


Comma Harris's record as prosecutor is low hanging fruit. No pro needed to arrange a few sentences around it.>>7300860

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c728f1  No.7300902


Go watch porn hub.

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12ab30  No.7300903

File: 58b98b1420eb3a0⋯.png (1.11 MB, 897x900, 299:300, 5424d102640e7112c340bc490b….png)

File: df1ed60115cd345⋯.png (2.12 MB, 1367x827, 1367:827, boom.PNG)

File: 77734a165860b64⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1166x772, 583:386, justice_1.png)

File: 7ea4a887520a6f6⋯.png (1.06 MB, 890x495, 178:99, love1.PNG)

File: 8c284caeddc7422⋯.jpg (90.79 KB, 750x734, 375:367, 552b9202f1e266bdde14c4d1c2….jpg)


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3e1fe4  No.7300904

File: 0e136221fdbb122⋯.jpg (2.74 MB, 2561x3855, 2561:3855, sZEYGLy.jpg)

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2d7a4c  No.7300905

File: d05529e451521c9⋯.png (1.54 MB, 1346x885, 1346:885, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 96d4ce5921df22e⋯.png (445.76 KB, 1586x844, 793:422, ClipboardImage.png)


FBI aircraft update: Landed at Manassas Regional Airport, Virginia. Second screenshot for mad hacks. kek

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962a36  No.7300906

File: 1514c3d2412f0f6⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1404x735, 468:245, ClipboardImage.png)

Faux Humanitarian Irwin Cotler, the White Helmets, and the Whitewashing of an Appalling Agenda

Cotler’s campaigns for foreign regime change or intervention almost always march in lock-step with neoconservative U.S. foreign policy. His “humanitarian” branding is but a thin veneer of hypocrisy to conceal his establishment policies — policies that almost always serve the interests of Israel.

On July 22, 2018, Israel organized and facilitated an exceptional evacuation of White Helmet operatives from southern Syria, claiming the operatives were at risk from an advancing Syrian Arab Army. A number of NATO member states backed the move, calling on Israel to bring their intelligence assets to safety.

The White Helmets have been discredited and exposed as a British-government-incubated project by a number of independent geopolitical analysts, including Scott Ritter, Philip Giraldi, John Pilger, Seymour Hersh, Eva Bartlett, Graham Porter, Rick Sterling , Cory Morningstar and many more.

This journalist’s extensive work has shown that the U.K. Intelligence-manufactured group of pseudo “humanitarians” — financed by the majority of member states within the U.S.-led interventionist alliance waging war against Syria — is nothing more than an auxiliary of the Al Qaeda generic offshoots in Syria. The White Helmet image has been professionally polished by a vast network of PR agencies, billionaire philanthropists, and media outlets aligned with their respective government objectives to overthrow the Syrian government and reduce Syria to a “failed state,” as they succeeded in doing with Libya.

Israel has a history of supporting terrorism in Syria since the start of the U.S. coalition war against the nation officially began in 2011. Israel has offered medical treatment to the various militant groups previously occupying areas of southern Syria. Stories abound of Israeli troops providing covering fire for groups dominated by Al Qaeda affiliates or rebrands as they came under attack from the Syrian Arab Army legitimately reclaiming territory lost to internationally-backed armed groups.

As journalist Sharmine Narwani pointed out in her article “Are Al Qaeda affiliates fighting alongside U.S. rebels in Syria’s south?”

If forced to choose, Israel prefers the presence of terrorist groups to Iranian influence […] Israel is so heavily [in]vested in keeping Syria and its allies away from its borders, it has actively bolstered al-Qaeda and other extremists in Syria’s southern theater.”

Israel’s evacuation of the White Helmets was an extension of its terrorist-supporting operations in southern Syria — and a response to a cry for help from a U.S. ally that has also supported proxy terrorism in Syria for the last eight years. Certainly Israel would not lift a finger to help any entity opposed to its existence in the Middle East, regardless of the pressure brought to bear by its allies in the U.S. or the U.K. It must also be noted that Israel and NATO member states did not offer the same humanitarian assistance to ordinary Syrian refugees gathered at the borders with Jordan and in Israeli annexed territory.

The following video footage of the Israel forces enabling the White Helmet evacuation process was published on Twitter by former Israeli security affairs expert Shai Ben-Ari:

During my time in the southern region of Syria, I visited numerous abandoned White Helmet centers located, as they always seemed to be, next to armed group centers or in shared complexes, usually former schools, hospitals or industrial buildings that had been converted into military headquarters and munitions factories.

I followed the route taken before me by the White Helmets as they exited Syria into the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights before being transported to Jordan for their onward journey to asylum in the U.K., Canada, France or Germany. Locals in the area told me that a significant number of leaders and fighters from armed groups had been evacuated alongside the White Helmets with no opposition from Israel.

Huge 10 minute read use link:


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1d612f  No.7300907


Click & View!

& Yes there are!

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3abb3e  No.7300908


Do you have to be Kenyan citizen? I actually know an American there.

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800509  No.7300909

File: 028a94c67b67630⋯.jpg (118.01 KB, 818x819, 818:819, uninstall-obozo-q1.jpg)

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6f61f0  No.7300910

File: fa421934bc4f324⋯.png (386.18 KB, 977x651, 977:651, 2020 were rede 4 u.png)

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b396ad  No.7300911


Yeah I don't think a real threat would get that close. He seems like he is 'at work'.

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54802c  No.7300912

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Great artwork anon! Quality.

A fuckin' six shooter? KEK.


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e8f8a4  No.7300913

File: 9631599db96dae0⋯.png (1.95 MB, 1360x768, 85:48, ClipboardImage.png)

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e3a610  No.7300914

File: fb3b79910c8bf55⋯.png (32.5 KB, 532x299, 532:299, ClipboardImage.png)

Former Sheriff of Philadelphia Sentenced to Prison


12:57 PM - 1 Aug 2019

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141366  No.7300915

this FBI conspiracy declaration as the news will spin it to Qanon i believe more applies to things like the Russian Hoax and fake news.

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4d878c  No.7300916

File: ee835f082a24364⋯.png (635.27 KB, 528x757, 528:757, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4e186b42552698d⋯.png (2.35 MB, 907x1200, 907:1200, ClipboardImage.png)


Tom Fitton

‏Verified account @TomFitton

HUGE: Key Bruce Ohr 302 FBI reports on his coup cabal contacts with Christopher Steele to be released to @JudicialWatch imminently. PLUS Comey gets a pass for stealing and leaking @realDonaldTrump's (classified) FBI files. Big show with @SeanHannity at 9 pm!

4:12 PM - 1 Aug 2019


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01d3ec  No.7300917

File: 3adc2a01cd3d933⋯.jpg (68.16 KB, 1080x1062, 60:59, 3adc2a01cd3d933b04afe36e12….jpg)

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24c28f  No.7300918

File: 74ffa9936cbaf6c⋯.jpeg (116.7 KB, 900x601, 900:601, 7F308162-6C0D-4C59-953B-C….jpeg)

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824413  No.7300919

File: 02c08aa58bb7b8c⋯.png (695.17 KB, 800x505, 160:101, 70KP8WPA.png)

File: bffb9817402f525⋯.png (1.05 MB, 800x962, 400:481, 807L406NDV17.png)

File: 9eaf4786cc2c19a⋯.jpg (256.01 KB, 800x587, 800:587, Dg0VLvcInlJ1Baqp.jpg)


7 And there came war in the heaven; Michael and his messengers did war against the dragon, and the dragon did war his messengers, 

8 and tkey did not prevail, nor was their place found any more in the heaven; 

9 and the great dragon was cast forth – the old serpent, whu is called `Devil,' and `the Adversary,' who is leading astray the whole world – he was cast forth to the earth, and his messengers were cast forth with him.

GOD wins~

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c80f4e  No.7300920

File: 0fe26253d5a38b7⋯.jpg (330.31 KB, 2048x1363, 2048:1363, bane is in control.jpg)

>>7299999 bloatables


Do you feel like you're in control?

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8f4596  No.7300921



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01c654  No.7300922

show the lines waiting outside .

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962a36  No.7300923

File: 3c06cbb3779006d⋯.png (1.2 MB, 997x539, 997:539, ClipboardImage.png)

US Jury Orders Katy Perry to Pay $2.78 Million Over Song Copyright Violation - Report

The US jury has found that Katy Perry and her record label must pay $2.78 million because the pop star's 2013 hit "Dark Horse" copied a Christian rap song. The jury reportedly awarded the money Thursday to Marcus Gray and his two co-writers on the 2009 song "Joyful Noise", AP reported.

According to the media report, Perry herself was hit for just over $550,000, with Capitol Records responsible for the vast majority of the money.

Earlier, Perry and the song's co-authors reportedly testified during the seven-day trial that none of them had heard the song or heard of Gray before the lawsuit.

"Dark Horse" spent four weeks at No. 1 on the Billboard charts and earned Perry a Grammy nomination, AP said.

Gray - an artist once known as a Flame -his 5-year-old lawsuit reportedly survived constant court challenges and a trial against top-flight attorneys for Perry and the five other music-industry heavyweights who wrote the song, According to AP.

During the hearing, Gray's attorneys have reportedly emphasized the tens of millions brought in by the song the album it's on. In turn, Perry's defence team has stressed the tens of millions in expenses used to make and market it, AP said.


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1d0eb8  No.7300924

Q, can you give us an explanation for this?

We were told the bell was from JFK's ship. It was plastered all over Twitter.

We've heard you mention White Squall too, and this was the boat used in that movie.

Is there really a connection or is this just to string us along.

We're grown ups, we can take it. Please give us the truth.


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12ab30  No.7300925

File: e45d7f0455a24a5⋯.png (595.28 KB, 500x500, 1:1, e45d7f0455a24a5fc71e8c393e….png)

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9fe0e5  No.7300926


Here we fucking go!!!!!!!!!!

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2b77ea  No.7300927


qanons need to earn that moniker, there will be no justice without it.

open season on any name q has mentioned, the qmap lists, and of course antifa,

pick a day and send them out, mass kill off in one day, send the rats scurrying and put the fear of the mob into them

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41ab82  No.7300928


What feed is this angle from, he's not on my 2 feeds.

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613027  No.7300929




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74a602  No.7300930


Exactly, Tulsi was reading from a script, that was her coming out party. She was placed very strategically by NOT YOUR FRIEND FOX NEWS between the a and b side of POTUS' most historic event to date, the crossing into NK and the Tucker interviewing him after. Tucker was there because he knew which means Fox News knew, which means Fox News want you to draw a picture of Tulsi v Trump.


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c60be8  No.7300931

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Repairing our common cognitive capacity means dealing with significant levels of damage to neurological function amounting to PTSD. SEX and DEATH images perceived by the unconscious exert unseen influence distorting our collective worldview and inhibiting discernment by the inappropriate linkage of emotion and symbols or ideas.

British psychologist Norman Dixon, in evaluating 500 scientific studies, concluded, ‘behavior can be determined[induced] by external events [implanted suggestions] over which we can affect no conscious control.’ Dixon, Subliminal Perception p 322

Hypnotic induction technique targeting the unconscious component of mind impact all of the areas listed below.

1 Dreams

2 Memory

3 Conscious perception

4 Emotional response

5 Perceptual thresholds

6 Verbal behavior

7 Adaptation level or judgement values

8 Purchasing behavior

9 Psychopathology

10 Reproductive drive/sexuality

The list of subliminal effects powerfully demonstrates how humans can be programmed into almost any group perceptual construction aka cultural perspective by those who control media. Bluntly, Key said, "Media provide the system by which economic markets are controlled.”

The US public has had decades of exposure to subliminals and years of exposure to acute phase Information Operations conducted by satanic cultists deep state media complex in defense of economic privilege and to forward satanic cultists commercial and political objectives.

An IW or Information War objective is to defeat enemies without kinetic conflict. Explicit and implicit, passive and active, to promote what is harmful and avoid, ignore, or destroy healthy organic growth. Social subversion tactics have the objective of “crashing” the civilization. These tactics attack cognitive capacity, promote binary thinking, create false divisions, exacerbate existing social inequities and gradually constrict public vocabulary, introducing subliminally active masonic “occult” material like "Catcher in the Rye" written by pedophile JD Salinger, into high school or grade school curricula.

“Young people are commercially managed into group identifications, values and behaviors under pretense these are individualized preferences. Much of this consumer conditioning is engineered via popular arts and culture, which derive from advertising and marketing promotion, “ Wilson Bryan Key noted in the early 80s.


Other subversive tactics include the use of prepared coordinated media campaigns to manipulate popular belief, often in conjunction with staged, traumatic public events such as bloody terrorist attacks, political assassinations to create or exacerbate existing racial, religious or cultural divisions among populations, engendering false polarities.

The propagation of fictitious narratives in news media, the use of subliminal image systems, subsonic "whisper" technology and symbolic language to attack components of mind below the threshold of conscious awareness causes progressive cumulative damage. We become to stupid to understand what is happening to us.


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eacf66  No.7300932



Just look at the comments from the 31k watching the Trump rally just on this one youtube channel:


And how many more are watching on Fox and other channels? You are the only anti-Americans in the room.


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6f61f0  No.7300933


i wonder if that will sell better than bleachbitting 30,000 emails

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7ac01c  No.7300934


Kiddie Porn stolen Elijah?

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1bbad9  No.7300935

I thought he was going to say "Q shirts " too!

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14f8ba  No.7300936


Honestly if he was a problem SS would know before us too i think. Especially that close. He could be ss

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e8f8a4  No.7300937


Fox News one

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c728f1  No.7300938


I want ETs to come!!!!!!!!!



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4d878c  No.7300939

File: 1f199f30ffc99d8⋯.png (734.15 KB, 719x417, 719:417, ClipboardImage.png)

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10bef3  No.7300940

File: 2102957be165342⋯.jpg (979.68 KB, 1291x2127, 1291:2127, terrorist.jpg)

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9fe0e5  No.7300941



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800509  No.7300942

File: 9bddf946e64bf80⋯.jpg (47.54 KB, 571x457, 571:457, losers-focus-on-winners.jpg)

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5bcae2  No.7300943


I sure needed this rally right now! WOOT!

GO President Trump. I love my President!

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407b08  No.7300944




72 YR OLD – no one is too old and above the law, no one! NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT IS COMING, NOTHING



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9a5584  No.7300945


Fuck you,


Anons, start calling these shill new Domestic Terrorist SHILLS out!!!

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9cf69d  No.7300946

File: d7a8b0594378d93⋯.png (50.61 KB, 493x266, 493:266, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4385ae9f19eeb50⋯.png (14.18 KB, 494x106, 247:53, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3907d0243fde636⋯.png (14.27 KB, 499x110, 499:110, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5ad933561a9f926⋯.png (157.51 KB, 449x856, 449:856, ClipboardImage.png)



He has the Intelligence background.

Q has mentioned him multiple times over the last year+

POTUS has put him in vital roles despite significant pressure to drop him, indicating he has POTUS support & trust.

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4d878c  No.7300947

File: c8c1ff87f5389f5⋯.png (1.77 MB, 900x1200, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

Is Feaux News screwing with the color?

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7b4992  No.7300948


dude shes young

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1d4aa9  No.7300949


put your dick away Sather.

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6342c0  No.7300951


>Be a01728

>Wake up every morning having trouble urinating because you're old and gross.

>You dont make breakfast, or get dressed, just pull a slice of pizza out of the box left on the desk from the night before.


>You start posting furiously, mad at everything you read, mad that nobody will listen to you, mad that you cant sway any opinions, and mad that you make no friends posting.

>You spend all day and most of the night like this.

>You turn off your computer, "satisfied" at the 300-400$ you just pocketed for your "patriotism"

>You somehow manage to fall asleep, thoughts racing of cucked wives, the inability to find a spouse, the inability to lose any weight, the inability to do what you would be proud of doing.

>You wake up the next day, ready to do it all again.


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271c63  No.7300952

File: 8f4ffedfda3a5d0⋯.png (284.09 KB, 500x566, 250:283, 69401c9sa9f7946abd65591aeb….png)


Baker Notable

Titties requested.

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430089  No.7300953


Meme Request

Trump walking forward to Election Day 2020 with super long coat-tails dragging along the Congress over the finish line. tia!

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c60be8  No.7300954

File: 878f83f484ccfd8⋯.jpg (52.17 KB, 736x736, 1:1, 878f83f484ccfd8e59c47fb8fe….jpg)

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962a36  No.7300955

File: 090d87d63d181f8⋯.png (77.56 KB, 689x170, 689:170, ClipboardImage.png)

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53761b  No.7300956

File: e0a35cb8a061bf9⋯.jpg (120.87 KB, 546x548, 273:274, gorilla.jpg)


Ya…What he said, and oh ya…..

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800509  No.7300957

File: 6bce29fdc69144f⋯.jpg (48.22 KB, 437x437, 1:1, strong-pepe.jpg)

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5d7245  No.7300958



What site do you use for that?

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3e1fe4  No.7300959

File: bd2cfa4ad030590⋯.jpg (3.91 MB, 2667x4015, 2667:4015, 3VMSnzu.jpg)

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8c86c0  No.7300960

File: cb216e0d7599706⋯.gif (3.91 MB, 373x324, 373:324, DonaldDraws1564702427541.gif)

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4d878c  No.7300961

File: eb85169d0bc0df4⋯.png (722.4 KB, 720x720, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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12f1e2  No.7300962

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: President Trump in Cincinnati, OH

567 watching now

Donald J Trump

Started streaming 6 minutes ago

Official Trump2020 YouTube Rally Link


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10bef3  No.7300963

File: 45328a1070dea95⋯.png (658.66 KB, 922x715, 922:715, americafirst.png)

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022b1d  No.7300964

Ask the fucking q

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09df1e  No.7300965

File: 789ad77e947b8ac⋯.gif (119.98 KB, 800x600, 4:3, ufo.gif)

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272085  No.7300966


>>7300923 US jury orders Katy Perry to pay $2.78 million over song copyright violation.

>>7300916 Fitton on Hannity this evening.

>>7300889 Texas man charged with conspiring to provide material support to ISIS.

>>7300802 Arizona copper mine project blocked by judge after decade of collecting permits.

>>7300792 Chipotle CFO sold $2.64m in shares.

>>7300779 Israel strikes Syrian Army position in Al-Quneitra.

>>7300748, >>7300803 Explosions around the country in the past 24 hours.

>>7300686 Pentagon pausing cloud contract with Amazon.

>>7300652 More rally Q.

>>7300598 Blackburn and Graham on closing immigration loopholes.

>>7300567 Grassley says Pentagon failed to meet demand for info on contracts with FBI informant Stefan Halper.

>>7300555 The FBI bulletin released today was an embarrassment. (graphic)

>>7300547 Expert warns that Facebook data-grabbing puts ‘power over people’

>>7300541 World powers engaged in social media warfare.

>>7300515 AOC challenger rips into Cummings.

>>7300475, >>7300905 Planefag updates.

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be5fa1  No.7300967


Goldman (GQLDMAN) marker.

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01d3ec  No.7300968

File: 5a7a821ab50c847⋯.jpg (59.86 KB, 480x449, 480:449, 5a7a821ab50c84700d7e0698b8….jpg)

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4c56d9  No.7300969



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74a602  No.7300970


Go fuck yourself stupid, we are a non violent movement and you are a painfully obvious agent provocateur

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01c654  No.7300971


no actually is hair IS orange today. personifying orange man

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7a9c12  No.7300972


you might be over the target with that anon

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962a36  No.7300973

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

IRS Complaint Filed Against Cummings’ Wife

A watchdog group has filed a complaint with the IRS for the mishandling of a non-profit organization run by Rep. Elijah Cummings’ wife, Maya according to One America News’ Jack Posobiec. The findings are shocking. According to the report, the nonprofit group was “cutting deals” with special interest groups directly tied to Cummings’ House Oversight Committee.

Maya runs her non-profit “Global Policy Solutions” along with a separate for-profit venture. The watchdog alleges her group “received $6.2 million in grants from various corporate backers including Google, JP Morgan, Prudential & Johnson and Johnson.”

The complaint also highlighted that Mrs. Cummings’ separate organizations overlap in leadership, addresses, facilities, projects, and clients. In Addition to this, according to the report, a complaint has been issued to the Maryland Attorney General.


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430089  No.7300974

>>7300940 FBI Banned Wrongthink List


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c728f1  No.7300975


I love ETs more than humans!!!!!!!!!

I want ETs to come, fast, very fast.


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10bef3  No.7300976

File: 2761744fba46ed1⋯.png (1.01 MB, 894x1086, 149:181, ask.png)

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613027  No.7300977










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f29452  No.7300978



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425fd2  No.7300979

File: 279488cf083412c⋯.gif (985.58 KB, 720x590, 72:59, 83166478-1611-45B2-8E45-A3….gif)

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4d878c  No.7300980

File: 8b743429a965f31⋯.png (168.57 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

Who is Q indeed, not that knowing will change much at all the movement has become a living entity by itself. Sure would is nice to watch some lib, MSM, dem, and rino heads explode.

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d1d13b  No.7300981





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8f4596  No.7300982


They ALL steal songs. Common knowledge in the business (cabal), Good for them they got some $$

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e005ed  No.7300983

File: 9b9882d67925372⋯.jpg (51.48 KB, 595x335, 119:67, 12vl54.jpg)

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14aa71  No.7300984

File: 6a817ebe779d90d⋯.png (170.53 KB, 2092x2092, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

Greatest movement in the history of our Country… anons heard it…

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78f9e2  No.7300985

orange hair = HOT COLOR

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962a36  No.7300986

US Working on Major Troop Withdrawal from Afghanistan in Negotiations with Taliban

The US is working on a major troop withdrawal from Afghanistan in initial deal with the Taliban.

President Trump is set to withdraw 7,000 to 8,000 troops from Afghanistan from the 14,000 Americans currently in country.

Taliban rep believes two sides have ‘addressed all major issues’ and could soon reach an agreement in the Afghanistan peace talks. https://t.co/7zivCW7nQn pic.twitter.com/l52yUmXASr

— CEP (@FightExtremism) August 1, 2019

DEVELOPING: The Pentagon is reportedly preparing to withdraw thousands of troops from Afghanistan as part of a proposed deal with the Taliban – Fox News

— News Breaking LIVE (@NewsBreaking) August 1, 2019


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75daf9  No.7300987

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430089  No.7300988


Winners know when to walk away from the table.

Losers don't have a choice.

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3fc0f1  No.7300989

File: d653779c7e683f4⋯.png (2.17 MB, 1728x956, 432:239, Screen Shot 2019.png)


He is sitting now so you can only see the top of his head.

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b396ad  No.7300990


Same on ABC. I don't think it was that color when he left D.C., but I guess I wasn't really looking at his hair. kek

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833d0f  No.7300991

File: c3a3d94bc3d839e⋯.png (1.73 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, DJT202Q.png)

Don Jr speaking at the rally RIGHT now on rght side broadcasting at u tube.


Bless him, the nation, and pray that the rest of the idiots out there get a clue and wake up.

My cat wont let me post and I was at the hospital 5am morning (turned out to be nothing YAY) and been sleeping all day, but I wake for nite shift and MAGA rally.

I have cats, rally, a beverage, and A/C and I am come-fee.

I love you all and thank you for showing me I am not alone.

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340c9e  No.7300993

>>7294663 (pb)

Access Gateway Host Taiwan ?

Taking a longshot.

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7fbcf4  No.7300994

File: a4129284093a084⋯.jpg (108.47 KB, 633x495, 211:165, 35262626.jpg)

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10bef3  No.7300995

File: 50b93bb73056cc2⋯.jpg (421.88 KB, 2000x1000, 2:1, anon.jpg)

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c60be8  No.7300996


That's (PB) or (lb) newfag

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13eeaf  No.7300997




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09df1e  No.7300999

File: 9d29debd76f3db3⋯.jpg (13.4 KB, 220x240, 11:12, Risitas.jpg)

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2822f2  No.7301000


🎶"Jeremiah was a bullfrog…"🎶

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4dcaac  No.7301001


>Be POTUS- i want to ask citizen Q on census.

<Be Dems- that's raycist.

>Be POTUS- ok. gimme all gov data on citizenship from every org.

<Be Dems- OMFG!

Illegal immigrants registered and voted. Then they sent letters to voter registration centers requesting to be removed from voting rolls so they aren't discovered.

"My UNION rep at my old job made me sign the voters card even when I told (him) I don't want to. He just said sign it and let's see what happens."

Bret Bair "Special Report", Fox News

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5bcae2  No.7301002


someone is.

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4ade88  No.7301003

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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902f5e  No.7301004

Pornhub embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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01d3ec  No.7301005

File: 9f1af46daa69b98⋯.png (2.81 MB, 2112x1191, 704:397, 9ea14411642583d69e03f852e2….png)

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1b9681  No.7301006

File: 24078cdf7ace354⋯.png (809.87 KB, 1350x900, 3:2, 2442.png)

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a85be6  No.7301007


I think this was a deep state reaction to Trump wanting Antifa classified as domestic terrorists.

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71dfbe  No.7301008

"For a hundred years it's been one party control."


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f353d1  No.7301009

File: a09ca3b47c4ad0f⋯.jpg (21.26 KB, 362x504, 181:252, tq-o4dJ-b7-dlu_0n5t5-_dfh5….jpg)

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02e025  No.7301010


known how?

other than promoted by corsi, who has actually verified or debunked as a fraud?

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800509  No.7301011

File: 5720dd97fb53ef2⋯.jpg (183.5 KB, 699x814, 699:814, reperation-warren.jpg)

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4d878c  No.7301012

File: 6b89e0e9036199d⋯.png (398.73 KB, 1149x1200, 383:400, ClipboardImage.png)

The End is Nigh - what do you want America? Donald Trump as president, or for the world to end and to die?

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54802c  No.7301013

"Inner cities, billions and billions, and it is stolen money….." fuuuuuuck son. Everyone knows he is talking about Baltimore but he didn't say it.

KEK. Troll power maxed.

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8413b7  No.7301014

File: d16aaa002d1b838⋯.jpeg (80.73 KB, 600x908, 150:227, AddText_03-31-10.55.27.JPEG)

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407b08  No.7301015

wutever happened he's ripping on pence


weird vibe off pence during his speech

he's mocking

and targeting pence - -


fire fire -he's shooting ducks and nailing em to the wall



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1d0eb8  No.7301016


What if I told you they're already here, they have been here, they were here before you.

If you knew it all, your mind would shatter.

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c728f1  No.7301017



Please come, I begg you!!!!

I want you to come in my house so I can sleep protected.

I love you from all my heart!

Please come fast, so I can have a good life!!!!

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946ed5  No.7301018

File: a88b696d20d81d4⋯.png (4.17 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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3c7e3c  No.7301019

File: 3008c865931e156⋯.jpg (195.6 KB, 1317x741, 439:247, Screenshot_2019-08-01 Live….jpg)


hush now, I'm watching the ralley and the guy to president Trump's left…he really is sketchy!

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0e0c1e  No.7301020

File: 7cf2703515e7423⋯.jpeg (661.73 KB, 1242x948, 207:158, 2AAB2427-E40A-4C3F-B3DF-9….jpeg)

File: d45c646cd99f604⋯.jpeg (97.9 KB, 1021x799, 1021:799, 7A36A98D-3C8C-4881-A0C5-2….jpeg)

File: dbe2634df4642d1⋯.jpeg (116.69 KB, 1124x529, 1124:529, 61204F33-EFC2-449A-A272-C….jpeg)

File: 112f30108c79c8e⋯.jpeg (168.5 KB, 1242x750, 207:125, A74A891D-EEAA-487A-B605-5….jpeg)

File: 8a75ebe26eb3f06⋯.jpeg (460 KB, 1242x656, 621:328, 6C924CEC-79A1-40ED-84CE-0….jpeg)

muh cornfusion🌽

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7a9c12  No.7301021


look at this fag band


ff alert

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108f2e  No.7301022

File: 8ae6e4be4deba31⋯.jpg (164.44 KB, 766x500, 383:250, JPB.jpg)

File: 82384b3be8267bb⋯.png (43.01 KB, 472x256, 59:32, 628 Barlow.png)

File: 3b18e5643feab6c⋯.png (62.32 KB, 474x427, 474:427, 730 Barlow.png)

File: e93a9067d08ea03⋯.png (51.03 KB, 475x422, 475:422, 731 Barlow.png)

File: ff20889dbc0383c⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1440x795, 96:53, Snowden:Cusack. Things tha….png)

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d3ad1c  No.7301023

File: e22ea73315da678⋯.jpg (10.19 KB, 255x228, 85:76, money.jpg)

Stolen Money…..Run by Democrats…….

He is going after them!

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962a36  No.7301024


Sounds like someones itching for a probing!

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4d878c  No.7301025

File: 721da09b6a8324e⋯.png (798.32 KB, 500x751, 500:751, ClipboardImage.png)

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f4aaae  No.7301026

Wait…WUT???? Mayors in Jail????

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e3e5f4  No.7301027


…Just going to ‘borrow’ that. Thank you, drive through.

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a89c6d  No.7301028

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

LIVE: President Trump in Cincinnati, OH

Donald J. Trump Channel

Cameras move too!

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3fc0f1  No.7301029

File: 34ed530366cf2e0⋯.png (280.31 KB, 492x446, 246:223, rallyguy.png)


Dis picture.

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5bcae2  No.7301030

it is just as yellow on rsbc.

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022b1d  No.7301031

Mayors in jail?

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7fbcf4  No.7301033

File: 90ceaaf8f3f9549⋯.jpg (174.83 KB, 900x675, 4:3, 5647.jpg)


ayy lmao

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4d878c  No.7301034

File: 297ccb6b8ab93a2⋯.png (1.47 MB, 640x898, 320:449, ClipboardImage.png)

In JAIL thats where they are

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71dfbe  No.7301036


angry looking dude? thought so too.

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910713  No.7301037

File: 4a69bdb1f1bfa27⋯.jpg (176.99 KB, 974x624, 487:312, other.jpg)


RSB feed

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53761b  No.7301038


You been liv'n in a cave anon?

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de9435  No.7301039

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1d0eb8  No.7301040


If you really knew why they were here, and still are, and always have been, you wouldn't feel the same way. I give you my word on that.

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a8ffa3  No.7301041

They're in jail right now. True!

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41ab82  No.7301043


So much centered text, can't read. However, I bet most of us would win in Wrongthink Bingo.

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4098ef  No.7301044


Glad you are well, Anon.

Cats only want on your lap when you don't want them there.

Love you too Anon,

CHEERS, here's to adult beverages

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10bef3  No.7301045


Hoover started this shit

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09df1e  No.7301046

File: 45593149d663bf5⋯.jpg (68.59 KB, 620x416, 155:104, marion_barry_041112_620px.jpg)

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1b9681  No.7301047


inside punches. he's bringing it some.

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407b08  No.7301048

lol - talking about the left tards

BURN kek




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ecd875  No.7301049

Dems have squeezed the blood out of them - DJT on Dem run cities.


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c60be8  No.7301050

File: 0c1b53394029341⋯.jpg (53.96 KB, 885x516, 295:172, 0c1b5339402934159ecc7fc7db….jpg)


that is a very dense binary shillblaine

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4d878c  No.7301051

File: 963b92ef3efac7f⋯.png (308.55 KB, 498x1024, 249:512, ClipboardImage.png)

Here ya go folks… I think I found the connection.

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8c86c0  No.7301052


Wtf did i just watch

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2b77ea  No.7301053


just q heart broken

all friends and family think i follow a trickster

that all my time is wasted

i want justice so bad, I might have to act soon

just don't want to wait any longer

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d3ad1c  No.7301055


I heard that!


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f86103  No.7301056

The mayor's are in jail? Hint hint

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589069  No.7301057

Muh PF catalog!!!

Time to replace those placeholders?

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b19e30  No.7301058

"squeezed the blood out of them"

actually not hyperbole

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7b4992  No.7301059


enlighten us

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1bbad9  No.7301060

MEXICO does more for us than the Democrats!


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022b1d  No.7301062

Daily Caller




Judge Blocks New York From Turning Over Trump Tax Returns To Congress

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728715  No.7301063



US style: MM/DD/YY

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2d7a4c  No.7301064

File: 550741392e578d3⋯.png (47.96 KB, 548x229, 548:229, ClipboardImage.png)


For you, fren!

Use this to check all past flights.


NOTE: FBI aircraft's registry is no longer public. Refer to this URL. When tomorrow, change date to 2019-08-02 on URL.


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833d0f  No.7301065


My TV screen tends to blue cast things so he's looking OK, if anything there is bit of an overall brown cast, but the white comes across as while.

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01d3ec  No.7301066

File: 505a1044f73ca23⋯.gif (38.35 KB, 364x203, 52:29, 505a1044f73ca23e50ec18bba5….gif)

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c2ea39  No.7301067

"We like the Mexicans. They do a lot more for us than the Democrats do" -Donald Trump

not sure if I caught this correctly, but it's true!

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eb3729  No.7301068

File: 728fe40cf20a49a⋯.png (382.88 KB, 362x534, 181:267, ClipboardImage.png)


Capetian Kangaroo Pouch

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03f141  No.7301069



the DS sees the writing on the wall that very soon, Antifa members will face criminal charges for the violence they do

thus they want to have grounds to whine on twatter and in court "But Qanoners are terrorists too, so why don't you prosecute them?"

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4b2303  No.7301070


on point.

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24a050  No.7301071

File: fbeb355b66fa9c3⋯.jpg (59.87 KB, 626x400, 313:200, vp laughs at this.jpg)

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4fd364  No.7301072

take him out!

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10bef3  No.7301073

File: 3a895e509c09a8d⋯.jpg (236.23 KB, 920x963, 920:963, woodrow.jpg)

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4d878c  No.7301074

File: 20d4e7f3fbfc739⋯.png (234.89 KB, 1024x482, 512:241, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ef7da23981a3062⋯.png (392.84 KB, 918x1024, 459:512, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0c0714f0f8b281d⋯.png (902.83 KB, 972x1024, 243:256, ClipboardImage.png)

RE: Yahoo’s Exlusive - FBI bulletin calling conservative groups “domestic terrorists”. Yahoo story was co-authored by Sharon Weinberger. Her husband is CNN Moscow bureau chief Nathan Hodge. Just saying…


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4189db  No.7301075

File: 038532471e92700⋯.png (143 KB, 660x509, 660:509, 038532471e927005b65d4da42b….png)

Who's F_I agent is in here? I know it's not mine, because mine is still trying to figure out if gay midget donkey fisting is actually a thing or not. Anywho please be considerate and pick up after your pets.

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924a86  No.7301076

File: 23bcd63bcb188b9⋯.jpg (3.73 MB, 2848x4288, 89:134, 5Ho4br6.jpg)

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0e0c1e  No.7301077

File: 6ce557240cb69f1⋯.jpeg (738.71 KB, 1234x787, 1234:787, 944DD2DD-4EBC-4325-B441-9….jpeg)

File: 75753ec7b53c6f5⋯.jpeg (1.45 MB, 1242x1691, 1242:1691, 2A39DAAA-F9F8-4E9C-A50B-7….jpeg)

File: 1a4c72119bff0fc⋯.jpeg (258.74 KB, 1242x537, 414:179, 8AD1A143-D416-4010-ABAE-C….jpeg)

File: 204d1661a0b0f41⋯.jpeg (112.12 KB, 1083x715, 1083:715, DD0B58DC-211A-4BF3-83A0-A….jpeg)

File: 3fae85566f55541⋯.jpeg (268.2 KB, 644x927, 644:927, E4FE135C-4A1B-468F-A48E-B….jpeg)

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b396ad  No.7301079

I have a feeling there will be many Mayors and Governors in prison very soon.

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78f9e2  No.7301080


>"squeezed the blood out of them"


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6342c0  No.7301081


This is your typical concernshill.

He's depressed, and trying to incite violence.

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47b3b5  No.7301082


and………….. before there was the current copypasta there was….. (wait for it)

The Mall Ninja (drum roll)


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504c3f  No.7301083


Quit being a nigger

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4d878c  No.7301084

File: 13b8e5a8ccd0760⋯.png (270.79 KB, 590x338, 295:169, ClipboardImage.png)

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74a602  No.7301085


Either this is the biggest newfag shill ever or a bot sent here to set the narrative of "terrorists"

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14f8ba  No.7301086


I feel like we are close based on how crazy everything is getting… If everything Q says is true, we certainly were headed to it.

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ecd875  No.7301087


On target

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4557b2  No.7301088

something going down at rally?

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80a610  No.7301089



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71dfbe  No.7301090

Dumby just held up a homemade sign that said

Immigrants made America.

Crowd ripped it from his hands but he fought to get it back.

FOX won't show anything now.

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554b59  No.7301091


my dog was an ET

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272085  No.7301092


>>7300923 US jury orders Katy Perry to pay $2.78 million over song copyright violation.

>>7300916 Fitton on Hannity this evening.

>>7300889 Texas man charged with conspiring to provide material support to ISIS.

>>7300802 Arizona copper mine project blocked by judge after decade of collecting permits.

>>7300792 Chipotle CFO sold $2.64m in shares.

>>7300779 Israel strikes Syrian Army position in Al-Quneitra.

>>7300748, >>7300803 Explosions around the country in the past 24 hours.

>>7300686 Pentagon pausing cloud contract with Amazon.

>>7300652 More rally Q.

>>7300598 Blackburn and Graham on closing immigration loopholes.

>>7300567 Grassley says Pentagon failed to meet demand for info on contracts with FBI informant Stefan Halper.

>>7300555 The FBI bulletin released today was an embarrassment. (graphic)

>>7300547 Expert warns that Facebook data-grabbing puts ‘power over people’

>>7300541 World powers engaged in social media warfare.

>>7300515 AOC challenger rips into Cummings.

>>7300475, >>7300905 Planefag updates.

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8f4596  No.7301093

File: 5052cefb671ef40⋯.jpeg (70.14 KB, 393x567, 131:189, C2DCD316-4AF8-4E05-84A8-8….jpeg)


Here solo also anon. With you. Thank goodness for all of you. Dogs. But one anon shared with me awhile ago - see image

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b63c43  No.7301094

File: 97e0e45c5cb3ace⋯.png (1.6 MB, 1237x533, 1237:533, Screenshot_16.png)


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f426f9  No.7301095

File: e516aab6c181812⋯.jpg (35.09 KB, 460x259, 460:259, potusmommy2lsw1y.jpg)

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eaaef5  No.7301096

File: 60d609302be80e2⋯.jpeg (8.49 KB, 216x233, 216:233, download (6).jpeg)

File: 411a823127d44ad⋯.jpeg (9.04 KB, 270x187, 270:187, download (7).jpeg)

File: 14973c3597c2826⋯.jpeg (9.22 KB, 260x194, 130:97, download (8).jpeg)

File: 9b220e17dd9d798⋯.jpeg (11.13 KB, 260x194, 130:97, download (9).jpeg)

File: fd1bbdefb8b49ca⋯.jpeg (6.99 KB, 300x168, 25:14, download (10).jpeg)

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f356a6  No.7301097

File: 1c153b03bc33661⋯.png (696.53 KB, 827x946, 827:946, WorldsSaddestClown.png)

File: 1b8b6fac46b0347⋯.mp4 (1.5 MB, 640x360, 16:9, PenceHandshake.mp4)


President Trump wipes his hands on his pants after shaking hands with [Pence] for all of half a second.

Meanwhile [Karen] is too afraid to even look at the Trumps. Guilt writ large on her face.

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4d878c  No.7301098

File: 4896d8c0ca72f7f⋯.png (1.4 MB, 1024x684, 256:171, ClipboardImage.png)

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db5ff0  No.7301099

Looks like it's going to be a rowdy Rally tonight!!

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de9435  No.7301100

Every time Potus stops taking like that it freaks me out

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c728f1  No.7301101


My dear friend…..

I have "Walk in" inside me…….

I have interdimensional beings, all day around me.

Dear friend…..

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d3ad1c  No.7301102

something habbening at the Rally!

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800509  No.7301103


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902f5e  No.7301104


I kekked so hard

I Found it by accident but it was too funny to not share it here

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f29452  No.7301105

There's 2 bald guys. Twins?

Grey shirt and black shirt

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10bef3  No.7301106

File: 76c840018c0336e⋯.png (152.91 KB, 646x732, 323:366, kekblackface.png)

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b63c43  No.7301107

File: ff2b3ee70e24316⋯.png (1.75 MB, 1284x582, 214:97, Screenshot_17.png)

File: dfa9c5e4fe72f55⋯.png (1.64 MB, 1267x539, 181:77, Screenshot_18.png)

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1d0eb8  No.7301108


YouTube search: "Canadian Minister of Defense talks about UFOs/aliens

[Disclosure] People only see what the want to see, they ignore the truth, right in their face.

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78f9e2  No.7301109


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b19e30  No.7301110

aaaw sheit

dude giving the whole crowd the finger

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d3ad1c  No.7301111

No law enforcement???

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e68640  No.7301112

Democrat mayor

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ecd875  No.7301113


Some crazy brainwashed liberal.

Democrat run city. Bet police bought out.

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a27454  No.7301114

Rashida Tlaib must have snuck in a again.

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a8ffa3  No.7301115

wtf? democrat mayor?

Longest interruption in rally history…

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21af4c  No.7301116

"Democrat mayor"

Crowd should chant "Send him back" (referring to the protester)

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24a050  No.7301117

File: 159662c1b10b2f5⋯.jpg (46.58 KB, 640x666, 320:333, pepe melting.jpg)

oh boy gore fag is back

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e3a610  No.7301119

File: 9ff88931e621557⋯.png (983.23 KB, 847x476, 121:68, ClipboardImage.png)

>>7301094 Security?

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7f2485  No.7301120

LEOs with a stand down order?

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de9435  No.7301121


which me r u watching? I don't C him

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c728f1  No.7301122


You have no idea what "my family can offer to you.

No Idea!!!!!!

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962a36  No.7301123

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5bcae2  No.7301124


time for school soon. bedtime now.

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1d612f  No.7301126

Kid in White shirt red tie behind POTUS is rubbing his hands


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1b9681  No.7301127

3 people getting ejected. he's taunting them with "Democrat mayor"

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fd2ebb  No.7301128


Could be forcing silence. Now he could be accused of working with or for domestic terrorists.

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71dfbe  No.7301129


Don't know but POTUS not happy.

"You must have a Democrat mayor."

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01d3ec  No.7301130

File: 7c3bcbca854ba1f⋯.png (153.63 KB, 520x333, 520:333, jqp_1.png)

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3fc0f1  No.7301131

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fox was showing it. wow.

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e017ef  No.7301132

Any Q people in front of potus?

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32ae0e  No.7301133


kabala's lies, thus far:

1. anonymous woman "sent" her a letter saying she was raped by kavannaugh

2. jussie was attacked by 2 white supremacists wearing MAGA hats

3. tulsi is a russian agent

4. she (kabala) is an oppressed African American

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272085  No.7301134


lb, good eye

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2822f2  No.7301135


The who, of this supposed declaration, would be handy to know, yeah?

#GotLinks [ ? ]

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10bef3  No.7301136

File: baab65240c8e675⋯.png (682.65 KB, 1493x460, 1493:460, tliabcrazy.png)

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e68640  No.7301137

>Come on, law enforcement.

Now Trump knows what it feels like to be an anon.

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e7e640  No.7301138

Eyes on POTUS Q

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21af4c  No.7301139


This is what happens when Democrats "keep order." Order is lost.

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7cf5c1  No.7301140

File: 07a7f53b7317887⋯.png (3 MB, 3128x2448, 23:18, QSA Q Alpha.png)

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cb0be5  No.7301141



wish i could find a livetweet to see whats goni on

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4557b2  No.7301142


The brown dude waving his fists in the air like an angry monkey?

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de9435  No.7301143

more than 1 person?

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4fd364  No.7301144

Grey shirt guy smiling now kek

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f426f9  No.7301145


Take over…

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4b2303  No.7301146



fake images. nice try.

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14aa71  No.7301147

File: b8fe3e688fec174⋯.png (2.21 MB, 4624x3499, 4624:3499, ClipboardImage.png)

Appears to be these 3…

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c80f4e  No.7301148

File: b3dfed11d596efe⋯.jpg (83.15 KB, 800x450, 16:9, sun tzu substitutions.jpg)

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4557b2  No.7301149


I think they just deported an illegal from his rally

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c728f1  No.7301150




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430089  No.7301151

couple dykes and a black power dude hasslin' the crowd

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6f61f0  No.7301152

File: fe7297c644586a4⋯.png (240.24 KB, 506x475, 506:475, pepe ughwtf.png)


dear god please protect potus, and all the other wonderful patriots at this rally. amen.

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e3a610  No.7301153

File: fde728396dedab0⋯.png (409.16 KB, 480x480, 1:1, salt.png)

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0eeef7  No.7301154

File: 687285b1cdd119c⋯.png (1.6 MB, 1039x585, 1039:585, Nutso.png)

Crowd is getting nutso

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10bef3  No.7301155

File: 699cf96a55d7c7e⋯.gif (4.42 MB, 480x495, 32:33, trumpeyeroll.gif)

Democrat Mayor

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78f9e2  No.7301156

Democrat mayor trying to set up a conflict or even worse?

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c60be8  No.7301157

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

In the material world we attach identity to a body and to that physical body we attach multiple defined identities.

How real are those defined identities?

To some of us they're extremely real.

To others, including most of the satanist pedovore cult con artists we contend with, none of those identities are real.

Our ethnic identities, to the satanists way of thinking, are simply masks, sheep's clothing, to be worn or exchanged at convenience.

Pedovores assume and discard Catholic, Jewish, evangelical protestant, and secular humanist identities as easily as they express right wing, left wing or centrist ideological positions. These labels are meaningless to pedovores who use our treasured identities as protective camouflage for the abduction and ritual abuse of our children as well as economic depredation.

Ideologies and dogma are neurological malware. They make effective smokescreens.

Whatever the identity mask they adopt, satanist pedovores need and seek access to vulnerable children.

We have found satanist pedovore cultists running major charitable organizations, respected foundations and reputable institutions which are collectively responsible for hundreds, if not thousands, of national and international programs targeting “at risk” ie vulnerable children – all under pretext of helping.

Children's Defense Fund is a prime example of a pedovore social subversion weaponized as a charitable construct. CDF is endorsed by the biggest “stars” and executives in the entertainment business. Most of the same people, including the Hilldawg were also involved in starting the National Center for Missing and Exploited children, which gave pedovores both access to kids and a heads-up early warning system.


Likewise, the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children Hilldawg’s creepy sham center for M&E kids started the “Amber Alert Service” run by evil pedovore Laura Silsby, busted for kidnapping children in Haiti.


Pedovores are con artists, they steal your wallet and offer to help you look for it.

Similarly, when societies look in the mirror and ask themselves, "who's going to care for our poor, our orphans?" Pedovores always have their hands up, and may style themselves Catholics Jews or Sigma Nus, pretend to believe in satan or pretend not to believe stan.

Do pedovores personal beliefs matter when they practice human sacrifice, cannibalism and have ritual sex with children?


Pedovores don't believe in national, religious or ethnic identities. satanist cultists are identity or shape shifters who embed themselves in ethnic, religious or ideological communities and seek control of fund raising and identity defining structures. Pedovore run such organizations today, because this is information war, and that's how IW is fought.


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8f4596  No.7301158


How come [they’re] always yelling F You. They’ve got nothing else. ANd can never tell if they’re male or female, which is fine, just sayin

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7b4992  No.7301159


im not digging on that shit sounded like you knew so much about it so thought you had something of substance to share

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022b1d  No.7301160

sounds HOT

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902f5e  No.7301161

File: 4fa332a0b8946e8⋯.png (698.54 KB, 1493x460, 1493:460, rashida tlaib arrested dem….png)

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613027  No.7301162



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54802c  No.7301163

File: 68ee063f85c5325⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1215x673, 1215:673, HaveAtItBoys.png)

We have Michael Moore stunt double and crazy eyes. Have at it boys. Cannot wait to see these memes.

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b396ad  No.7301164

Trump probably has evidence that can lock away the Mayor of Cincinnati.

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4d878c  No.7301165


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4fd364  No.7301166



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ecd875  No.7301167


Cincinasty is a dem den.

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1d612f  No.7301168

Funny, Fatty Whitey & Nigger SoyBoys making a Fuss!

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a6ff4c  No.7301169

File: 0f7c26c4086d47f⋯.png (1.85 MB, 1100x668, 275:167, 0f7c26c4086d47f401778edd28….png)

Pray for POTUS

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1cdbf0  No.7301170

File: c09244c60de6364⋯.jpg (54.05 KB, 645x387, 5:3, 371ye0.jpg)

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5d7245  No.7301171



I did not know that trick!



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14f8ba  No.7301172


WOman inblack had a sign in spanish, didnt get a capture

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946ed5  No.7301173

File: 47fc39c0a0f8432⋯.png (4.95 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d382516330c820a⋯.png (4.1 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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abf1fc  No.7301174



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21af4c  No.7301175


Police aren't hired if they are not Democrat. Spoils system. Everything is political, especially law enforcement and the courts.

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613027  No.7301176

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8f4596  No.7301177



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902f5e  No.7301178

File: 8993f2434c6bc97⋯.png (22.66 KB, 182x74, 91:37, padma lakshmi eyes.png)

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1bbad9  No.7301179


bet he has a rainbow antifa identity…

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01765f  No.7301180

File: 9b34ff714275075⋯.png (1.16 MB, 962x962, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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c728f1  No.7301182


forever, you fucking egoist!

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521550  No.7301184

File: 0c248fd03a9282b⋯.png (824.64 KB, 970x467, 970:467, TRY ME OHIO.png)




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4557b2  No.7301185

If Trump wants to pull an alpha as fuck move, he really needs to pull out a corn cob and start gnawing on it after he is done speaking as a closing statement.

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db5ff0  No.7301187

File: 33ab90f1a641481⋯.jpg (37.49 KB, 600x450, 4:3, john_cranley.jpg)

John Cranley (born February 28, 1974) is the 69th and current mayor of Cincinnati, Ohio. A member of the Democratic Party, he was a member of the Cincinnati City Council and a partner of City Lights Development.

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a27454  No.7301190

File: c6cc0c7eab53cba⋯.jpg (132.47 KB, 1152x582, 192:97, Aug 1, 2019 cutie.JPG)

Really good looker, some nice eye candy!!!

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5465b8  No.7301191


Question is who was the SAIC in the few months before that Intelligence Bulletin was written. And it was a low rent piece as someone with decades in that niche. I felt bad for that analyst and their supervisor…it was THAT BAD.

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6176c0  No.7301192


Yes those were the ones shown on my Fox feed. Losers…

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e3a610  No.7301193

File: 708f38d4f793dee⋯.jpg (21.65 KB, 600x315, 40:21, apache1.jpg)

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e8f8a4  No.7301194

File: 0bddb67937fe24a⋯.jpg (199.24 KB, 1360x768, 85:48, chinga-la-migra.jpg)

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6f61f0  No.7301195


active placeholders only pls! - me y tu

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800509  No.7301196

File: 45bec9f5c20ed33⋯.png (284.17 KB, 456x459, 152:153, trump-robo-cop-law.png)

Local police seem to be faggots ….took soooo long

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2a2ced  No.7301197

"a lot of HOT people outside"

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53761b  No.7301198


5 total…hauled out.

anons notice the black dude? Wild eyed?

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af94d0  No.7301199


is the black fella Cory Booker?

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01d3ec  No.7301200

File: 670e0dde2895c6f⋯.png (364.18 KB, 666x999, 2:3, 9f2aeb03c2b3346a8769958a7d….png)

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24a050  No.7301201

File: d026ad902774f3a⋯.jpg (92.01 KB, 957x543, 319:181, ISIS dicks.jpg)

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757b70  No.7301202

File: 1e6434e402ae48a⋯.jpg (170.5 KB, 1200x795, 80:53, USSS2ndFleet.jpg)


Most likely it was C_A that introduced him to Heroin, their new all time favorite. Very sad that kicking smack killed him, in ((Chicago)) NOTHING TO SEE HERE ….

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1b9681  No.7301203


imagine waiting around all day hating Trump hanging with mega-Trumpsters and anons. Those clowns must've been pissed.

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ecd875  No.7301204



August is a hot month.

Praying for POTUS

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14f8ba  No.7301205


Baldy is in a different spot now

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21af4c  No.7301207

Crooked Hillary and "Lock her up" and Trump does nothing to stop the chant. Woot!

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4fd364  No.7301208

crooked Hilary

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14aa71  No.7301209

File: cb4724f19b7b0f7⋯.png (1.35 MB, 4150x2976, 2075:1488, ClipboardImage.png)



Here is the sign.. any translators?

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71dfbe  No.7301210

Crowd hyped.

"Lock her up!"

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5d7245  No.7301211



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54802c  No.7301212

File: 7c6ebad31619585⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1009x670, 1009:670, TheMiddleFingerOfFriendshi….png)

…. and Imma keep this one for the shills.

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7fbcf4  No.7301213

File: 6d85555e75dff43⋯.jpg (98.33 KB, 496x501, 496:501, 474747.jpg)



I want to believe

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ecd875  No.7301214


Translation F*** MAGA

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4c56d9  No.7301215


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e3a610  No.7301216

>>7301194 "Chinga la Migra"

Fuck the Immigration Police (ICE)

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2d7a4c  No.7301217

File: 498b75f9b440d22⋯.png (211.59 KB, 517x517, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


Planefag on, fren

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a2a56b  No.7301218


I think it said motherfucker in Spanish.

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4b2303  No.7301219


"Fuck the…" ?

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4ade88  No.7301220



is what it says

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f4aaae  No.7301221


The one I saw said America was built by Immigrants

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800509  No.7301222

File: 1cea5a4bef19afb⋯.png (649.13 KB, 677x502, 677:502, hillbag-witch-green.png)

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24a050  No.7301223

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c80f4e  No.7301224

File: babefde4bb687b7⋯.jpg (651.84 KB, 1600x1073, 1600:1073, sour patch kids.jpg)

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06603c  No.7301226


Might be that he's SS cause he sure was grinning when the dumb guy got thrown out

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abf1fc  No.7301227


nother somali scum

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378b3c  No.7301228

File: c290acfacb398b7⋯.png (347.05 KB, 571x1010, 571:1010, ClipboardImage.png)

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14f8ba  No.7301229



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