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Q's Board: /PatriotsFight/ | SFW Research: /PatriotsAwoken/ | Bakers Board: /Comms/ | Legacy Boards: /CBTS/ /TheStorm/ /GreatAwakening/ /pol/ |

File: d5055660dbbb0b7⋯.jpg (585.22 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, DoughImage.jpg)

c4de53  No.7298011

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

THE Q MOVEMENT IS ABOUT TRUMPING THE ESTABLISHMENT - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

PDF: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082809

PICS: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/4004099.html

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Thursday 08.01.2019

>>7294663 ————————————–——– [C]oats before [D]eclas

>>7294581 ————————————–——– Bigger [slam-dunk] charges coming? (Cap: >>7295445, >>7295856)

Wednesday 07.31.2019

>>7271105 ————————————–——– Know your surroundings at all times

>>7270598 ————————————–——– How do you get ahead of a story? (Cap: >>7270618)

>>7270476 ————————————–——– UK role in Trump-Russia inquiry (Cap: >>7270515)

Tuesday 07.30.2019

>>7266574 ————————————–——– It's going to be BIBLICAL (Cap: >>7266636)

>>7266402 ————————————–——– Psalm 78:45

>>7261689 ————————————–——– When you control the media, you control public opinion. (Cap: >>7262652)

>>7261585 ————————————–——– Logical Q. (Cap: >>7261896)

>>7261386 ————————————–——– Logical Q. (Cap: >>7261927)

>>7261101 rt >>7261053 ————————— News unlocks…

>>7260977 rt >>7260840 ————————— Watch the news this week.

>>7260927 rt >>7260748 ————————— D_party voter corruption on display.

>>7260840 ————————————–——– Hunters become the HUNTED. (Cap: >>7260872)

>>7260547 ————————————–——– Prepare for 'VOTER ID = voter suppression of minority vote'.

>>7260462 ————————————–——– Twitter repost of Voter ID Q proof image. (Cap: >>7260495)

>>7260327 rt >>7260223 ————————— Voter ID Q Proof: WWG1WGA

>>7260295 ————————————–——– Re-read past drops re: VOTER ID.

>>7255145 rt >>7255097 ————————— Unrelated but worth noting

>>>/patriotsfight/475 ——————————–– [(3), D-g 1-2H, insert_key (Cap: >>7255483, >>7259015)

>>>/patriotsfight/474 ——————————–– [_Hot 8, _Hot 9, _Red_Red_y_, _Freedom_mark1-99_y, PC_sigD, Conf_net[w1] (Cap: >>7255467)

>>>/patriotsfight/473 ——————————–– [Package D-g, [Route_REL_29182_y], 00:00:00+4, 00:00:00+3, 00:00:00+2 (Cap: >>7255460)

>>>/patriotsfight/472 ——————————–– [Placeholder - [DECLAS] Exculpatory Evidence [Illegal Hold-Non_Report] FISA_T_SURV] (Cap: >>7255458)

Monday 07.29.2019

Compiled here: >>7294807

Sunday 07.28.2019

Compiled here: >>7262025

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Q's Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c4de53  No.7298015

Global Announcements

>>7079301, >>7079338 BO summarizes bread reversion, no more captcha, and continued notables thread >>7003045

Bakers: Do not add Q's non-tripcoded posts to the dough

>>7179001 NEW: Ways to convert to JPG or PNG


are not endorsements

#9337 Baker Change

>>7297988 Proctor and Gamble Execs sold $3.15m in shares.

>>7297987 Army Tweet: Recognizing and reporting suspicious activities.

>>7297928, >>7297969 Planefag updates.

>>7297896 Judge halts NY from sending state tax returns to Congress.

>>7297644 FBI using SNOPES for conspiracy memo.

>>7297777 Deutch joins impeachment effort he says has 'already begun': Five term Fla. Dem.

>>7297724, >>7297732 Marketfag: US Market Report.

>>7297723 Former Philadelphia Sheriff sentenced to prison.

>>7297721 Recent POTUS Tweets with "hot"

>>7297719 Pro-Saudi Arabia think tank abruptly closes.

>>7297590 NK fired short range projectile.

>>7297585 Damascus accepts new ceasefire in Greater Idlib.

>>7297534 WINNING! Senate confirmed 66 nominations today by voice vote.

>>7297417 Contributor to Qanon domestic terror hit article married to CNN Moscow bureau chief.

>>7297525 Dutch burqa ban.

>>7297524 Letter for criminal referral for Comey and others last year.

>>7297514 Half Republicans think POTUS carefully considers his statements.

>>7297454 Biden coins new word: ‘expodentially’.

>>7297397 Germany: Migrant uses sword of enrichment on man in broad daylight.

>>7297411 FBI conspiracy theory redacted.

>>7297399 Cumming's home reportedly broken into... on July 27th.

>>7297332, >>7297344 Penalties of revealing classified information.

>>7297329, >>7297451 RNC's new logo.

>>7298006 #9337


>>7296922 Liberals Syping on Nunes Paid Fusion GPS $140k

>>7296895, >>7296925 Full Text: The Afghan Peace plan>>7296895, >>7296925 Full Text: The Afghan Peace plan

>>7296798 Goldman Sachs is spending $100 million to shave milliseconds off stock trades

>>7296678 Big Mike, born in BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS

>>7296656 everyone is overlooking the major importance of this/ Qanon terrorism

>>7296622 Hacked Emails Show GOP Demands on Border Security Were Crafted by Industry Lobbyists

>>7296579 Britain soars to new highs in its anti-Russian policies, says Moscow

>>7296570 Soros Pours $5.1 Million Into New 2020 PAC

>>7296750 Boatfag update

>>7296567 , >>7296571, >>7296580, >>7296583, >>7296624 Planefag Updates

>>7297161 #9336


>>7296319 PDF of the FBI conspiracy intelligence bulletin

>>7296315 Pentagon: new laser tech can make people hear voice commands

>>7296217 FTC antitrust probe of Facebook scrutinizes its acquisitions

>>7296173 FB denies shadow banning, receives patent for shadow banning

>>7296118 Vaccines for Your Children, Not for Mine

>>7296086 FB stock takes a nosedive

>>7296078 China push POTUS over Taiwan

>>7295997 Apple iMessage flaw allows remote attackers to read iPhone messages

>>7295941 Irish Central Bank: Country needs more migrants to keep wages down

>>7295938 , >>7296312 Planefag updates

>>7295908 , >>7295960 Q Posts re the Placeholders

>>7295865 Russian embassy in Syria back online after Twitter ban

>>7295856 Fox video: Comey will not be prosecuted by DOJ for leaking memos

>>7295854 , >>7295882 Tariffs: POTUS plays hardball with China

>>7295757 , >>7295796, >>7295900, >>7295867, >>7296115 /PatriotsFight/ placeholder thread 404

>>7296475 #9335

Previously Collected Notables

>>7294921 #9333, >>7295689 #9334,

>>7291863 #9329, >>7292652 #9330, >>7293416 #9331, >>7294187 #9332

>>7288632 #9325, >>7289455 #9326, >>7291063 #9327, >>7291016 #9328

>>7285585 #9321, >>7286341 #9322, >>7287103 #9323, >>7287879 #9324

'''Notables Thread #1, #8960-present: >>7003045

'Notables Archive: https://''8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)

Plain text archives of all QR Notables https://pastebin.com/2f1897vD

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c4de53  No.7298017

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] \\#QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

[4] Q's requested hashtags on of 3/11/19:






Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads ---- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ---------- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com --- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://bookofqproofs.wordpress.com/

Q Happenings Calendar

Submit an event here - https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Main Calendar URL ---- https://dark-to-light.org/calendar/

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup -- https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

Searchable Indictment Map w/dockets, links & more -- https://bad-boys.us/


Resignations Thread ----------------- >>2714136

All Resignations Website ----------- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://qresear.ch

Spread The Word

>>5973059 -- The BE HEARD Bread II: Be Loud! - Make Us Proud! - Make Noise For Q!

Board Admin & Discussion Threads

>>6064510 --------- META (for board admin queries)

>>>/qproofs/130 --- Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

International Q Research Threads


Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>7111560 - The JQ (Jewish Question) Research Thread #6

>>7191366 - Dedicated Instagram dig thread.

>>6528824 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #10 Leaven Rising to Heaven Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>6867253 – Clockwork Qrange #10

>>7071248 - Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #10

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Vatican Jesuits Research thread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2565756.html

Letters of Gratitude


Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#10 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#20 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950, >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#27 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303, >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462

Q Graphics all in GMT #28-#34 >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071, >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164

Q Graphics all in GMT #35-#41 >>>/comms/2176, >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270, >>>/comms/2274

Q Graphics all in GMT #42-#48 >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327, >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496

Q Graphics all in GMT #49-#55 >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528, >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#62 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187, >>>/comms/3464, >>>/comms/3472

Q Graphics all in GMT #63-#69 >>>/comms/3687, >>>/comms/3688, >>>/comms/3701, >>>/comms/3702, >>>/comms/3858, >>>/comms/3859, >>>/comms/3882

Q Graphics all in GMT #70-#76 >>>/comms/3898, >>>/comms/3920, >>>/comms/3975, >>>/comms/4029, >>>/comms/4197, >>>/comms/4335, >>>/comms/4386

Q Graphics all in GMT #77-#83 >>>/comms/4388, >>>/comms/4423, >>>/comms/4443, >>>/comms/4684, >>>/comms/5035, >>>/comms/5044, >>>/comms/5228

Q Graphics all in GMT #84-#87 >>>/comms/5510, >>>/comms/5577, >>>/comms/5622, >>7274216

Q Graphics all in EST


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c4de53  No.7298020

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!pjpS1aBI!LwepOu-CyC4UlLj2dXqkxiH49D813WetrOF0OCuIg1Y

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/xszgdtiow4hups0/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.VII.pdf/file

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/419874308/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VII?secret_password=55SQ1tCYhuNR8ESzm50u

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t & 3: pastebin.com/iteQ8xAt

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Twitter Video Downloader: http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://qest.us/obamavisitors

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Research Section Backup: >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

* How to Edit Hosts File (DNS): >>>/comms/4396

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* New google doc tracking deplatforming/bans on social media: >>6484178

* Notables Aggregator: https://wearethene.ws

Meme Ammo

49 >>7077975

Q Research Graphics Library recent folders by date

2019-Jul https://mega.nz/#F!6xkHmYrZ!wxAJLCRIW3EQO3TpyHf1BA

2019-Jun https://mega.nz/#F!K89jwQgB!ij-qXn6rnqv2ZozlXIWiFg

Epstein Drone Photos https://mega.nz/#F!DwNkwAZQ!xa6JLeW9_632P0yw3MhlNw

Trump Accomplishments after 2 Yrs in Office https://mega.nz/#F!C49DHYIa!jOxYHczFjauTrdWWb9VUqw

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

Bread Archives (sites)


Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>7173279

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>7233766

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c4de53  No.7298031

File: d49442dc0718f53⋯.jpeg (155.38 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, pepefisabomb.jpeg)



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6aadfe  No.7298059

File: 145e23ed55b6df2⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1048x594, 524:297, bunker3.png)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

f9d744  No.7298067

File: c7ecb2c9d06f282⋯.png (129.64 KB, 828x964, 207:241, FBIMEMO.png)

File: e06e0668ee32c5c⋯.png (35.74 KB, 908x1182, 454:591, FBIMEMO2.png)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e09b50  No.7298078

I vote for military take over

And whatever plan Z is

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66cb54  No.7298086

>>7296603 (pb)

There are other US law enforcement agencies, like NCIS and the US Marshals. All with varying degrees of loyalty to the Constitution as there are masons in those groups as well. However the FBI being fully masonic are probably the lowest on the totem pole.

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3c0d5d  No.7298088

3 Gilroy Survivors Also Escaped Las Vegas


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9a6f7c  No.7298089

Patriots in control

Meanwhile, here in reality, the FBI is declaring Qanon a terror group, while Antifa continues to bash heads in with impunity.

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a210bb  No.7298090


Me too

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66cb54  No.7298091


You'll want Army then. Least number of masons.

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0f821a  No.7298092

File: 5c0aa665518320a⋯.png (1.46 MB, 1007x990, 1007:990, 5c0aa665518320a6ce424092a5….png)

File: 7f7bc510cd09ac9⋯.gif (934.77 KB, 555x559, 555:559, 7f7bc510cd09ac9746aa510f04….gif)

Notice to Newfags

The Board is under direct attack to slide and funnel eyes away from important information and digs.

Stay strong and stand united!

Fear not, (((their))) weak minded tactics only prove that "These people are stupid!"

Imagine hiring shitposting board-sliders as your last line of defense.

Truly outrageous and top fucking kek.

Train your mind to discern fact from fiction.

Avoid the FILTER SUGGESTION SHILLS, they are here to promote a culture of WRONG THINK.

Similar to the 'shutting down tactics' we see from the left today, but instead in the form of SELF-CENSORSHIP.

Even allowing slides and gore spam to be projected on your screen can be used to identify (((their))) tactics and strengthen your resolve.

And besides isn't it hilarious that porn spam is (((their))) front line in information warfare, kek!!

Don't X yourself out of the conversation.

Let your MIND be the tool for discernment.


Of course information you find here is unsettling.

But don't let (((their))) spam and the like sway the culture into CENSORSHIP.

It is part of (((their))) - PROBLEM - REACTION - SOLUTION technique.

The more you know, the more you notice.


This message was brought to you in part by but not limited to, Anime Smartie Snacks; The smart snack that pushes back!

no homo

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6aadfe  No.7298093


Plan Z is to put up a force field around NorthAmerica and unleash the Super Disease. Kill off everybody but about 500 million. That should suffice I'd think.

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a4c502  No.7298094

File: 78d6d8db0fd33c2⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1146x1040, 573:520, Screen Shot 2019-08-01 at ….png)

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a497a8  No.7298095


FBI Opened Case on Q Booms



20 Mar 2018 - 11:21:18 PM

The FBI opened a case on “Q” today re: ‘Boom’ statements and now the TX bombings.

Coordinated to end comms here.


They are scared [4am].

They will fail.

We know the details.




Q Being Setup by Black Hats with Booms



17 Apr 2018 - 3:51:28 PM


17 Apr 2018 - 3:16:29 PM

Apr 12 2018 00:36:28 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: f666d7 1008693



Welcome aboard.





We are being set up.


Past Booms - TX bombs

New Booms - Plane crash + Plane/17 drop.

These people are sick.

Attempt to prevent drops / awakening.



Response coming.


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ffaae4  No.7298096

>>7298007 lb

Yep, and we are kike shills for pointing out the obvious. Don’t worry! We can all discuss what could have been after they take us to the FEMA camps.

Even if Trump and Q arrest everyone tomorrow, I say we would have been better off if Hillary had won. We all look like a bunch of fucking pussies now.

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ad4b53  No.7298097

File: 70fac1ab8c79227⋯.jpg (42.15 KB, 500x414, 250:207, MadOmar.jpg)

Baker is slacking.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

4c5627  No.7298098

File: 69e3ec19309e16f⋯.jpg (68.02 KB, 564x579, 188:193, 76418cb10cd5c5306abd8aee7d….jpg)





















>>larp drumpf

>>larp drumpf



>>drumpf larp

>>drumpf larp slide

>>larp drumpf

>>slide drumpf larp

>>larp slide drumpf

>>drumpf slide larp


















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6aadfe  No.7298099

File: 2e13c2f638b2800⋯.png (321.06 KB, 1046x584, 523:292, Becoming.png)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

96554d  No.7298100

File: 32edc43f691603a⋯.jpg (154.42 KB, 1352x1032, 169:129, COSBYjail.JPG)


Nice title

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044fd8  No.7298101


New wine into new wineskins.


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7527a9  No.7298102


God help us

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54f47e  No.7298103

File: 05ea937f84bfb7e⋯.png (261.54 KB, 403x512, 403:512, POTUS in Ca Soon.png)

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6237f2  No.7298104

It's Called A House Of Cards Because It's Flimsy:

Whistleblower Evidence Claims Corruption at Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services

Dr. Susan Spell, alongside her 18-year old son Nicholas, filed a $750 million lawsuit July 30 against the County of Los Angeles and individual social workers.

“I want to bring awareness. This is the epitome of corruption and abuse of power. I have to pay to see my children,” Spell told The Epoch Times. Spell noted that the late social worker Barbara Smith, who worked on her case, had eight pages of notes removed from her report by a supervisor; the notes were later recovered, at least in part. “In court, my attorney asked for it to be produced. They never produced all of those pages.”

Spell has also filed a writ of habeas corpus to return her children to her.

“Susan is a physician in L.A. County. She went to pick her kids up from school one day, only to find that DCFS removed them,” Spell’s lawyer Stephen Lamont told The Epoch Times. “DCFS convinced the school they had a warrant. They did not have a warrant. They tried to get a warrant but it was denied. They said there was a restraining order against Dr. Spell, but that never existed.”

“They gave the four kids to a non-biological stepfather,” Lamont said. “She’s been fighting these issues for at least three years. They didn’t have a warrant to remove the kids from school, so that’s a 14th Amendment violation.”


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0f821a  No.7298105

File: f488d48eabfcf7f⋯.jpg (46.23 KB, 834x834, 1:1, 9b3d788f4bfe436d0a06494a31….jpg)


The description of Qanon isn't that bad.

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e98be0  No.7298106

File: ceb165aefb2d348⋯.mp4 (2.41 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, abortion-clinic.mp4)

Let's stop and enjoy the irony of Cummings house getting robbed while he's in the middle of a tirade about how Trump is racist for talking about how Baltimore is a shit hole.

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080f3b  No.7298107


Not with that wording and context. They Mean (or could be read as saying) that from the Qanon perspective, it is legit classified info.

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2a43f3  No.7298108

File: 0034ba0c5b8b46f⋯.jpg (107.91 KB, 436x310, 218:155, 0034ba0c5b8b46f9ea5d2be51d….jpg)

File: 25c2891939e17b6⋯.jpg (173.45 KB, 494x755, 494:755, clash-of-the-titans-2.jpg)

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7a7e6d  No.7298109

File: 4db9c9d305dd3b0⋯.jpg (261.74 KB, 908x638, 454:319, 8k7586k678kl698kl89k9k75 -….jpg)

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fbf10c  No.7298110


Notable dubs.

California victims escaped Las Vegas too

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471d8d  No.7298111

File: d4a86b0142c7c12⋯.png (542.71 KB, 628x349, 628:349, ClipboardImage.png)

Former Florida deputy accused of falsifying drug arrests is being held on a $1 million bond

A former Florida deputy stands accused of falsifying at least 14 drug arrests.

Steven O'Leary was arrested Monday on charges of official misconduct, making false statements, tampering with evidence, false imprisonment, petit theft and battery. For those charges, a judge set his bond at $1 million Wednesday.

An attorney for O'Leary was not listed in court records, and it is unknown if he has representation.

CNN has reached out to the Florida Police Benevolent Association, but it is unknown if the agency represents O'Leary.

Over the 11 months he was working as a deputy in Martin County, O'Leary made 86 drug arrests, according to a 47-page investigative report. Some of those, the report said, were people being wrongly arrested and held in jail for several days.

In January, a crime lab found that substances from three cases that O'Leary submitted as evidence were not drugs. According to the report, investigators found a "broken figurine" that appeared to be a religious statue in the trunk of a sheriff's office vehicle O'Leary had used. The figurine was made from a similar substance to that which O'Leary had identified as crack cocaine in two cases, according to the report. A lab test found that the "statue was comprised of gypsum," the report said.


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4ac01c  No.7298112

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

you mean like this…

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8f6ff4  No.7298113

File: e7fc18c8d346064⋯.png (165.94 KB, 462x398, 231:199, 2019-05-04_23-53-28 2.png)

>>7298051 lb

POTUS is getting... stronger?

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54f47e  No.7298114

File: 9038a1255bf307b⋯.jpg (42.08 KB, 650x505, 130:101, shit sandwich 1.jpg)

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66cb54  No.7298115

>>7297644 (pb)

>FBI using SNOPES for conspiracy memo

They fund them and the SPLC. You're going to be upset when you find out the real function of the FBI: to frame and murder non-compliant masons and other troublemakers.

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df3696  No.7298116

File: 716678ac310c01d⋯.jpg (403.47 KB, 1325x1500, 53:60, IMG_3546.JPG)

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b89785  No.7298117

File: 8941a84f28d4d75⋯.png (830.18 KB, 2604x1336, 651:334, kTalorAWgpT6.png)

John Perry Barlow/EFF/Crypto dig

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7d04f0  No.7298118


What are the chances of being caught up in 1 mass shooting, but to be caught up in 2, the odds of that have got to be astronomical

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a0c4dd  No.7298119

Meme magicians

Plenty of pics of Q people at the threads below

‘Terrorists’ ?

>>5973059 – The BE HEARD Bread II

Thread 1 Archive

https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2006252.html - https://archive.is/PR6cD

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7527a9  No.7298121

File: d13e3026056fec9⋯.jpg (274.07 KB, 950x615, 190:123, SEA WORLD MAP.jpg)

File: ea0a059e1682ff6⋯.png (3.03 MB, 1273x1740, 1273:1740, SeaWorld Pedo Map.PNG)



the pizzagate is very wrong, though

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ad102a  No.7298122

File: 6ad2970198670ee⋯.jpg (576.67 KB, 1911x803, 1911:803, AZAZ09O9 Andrews 1 Aug 19 ….jpg)

AZAZ09O9 on final into Andrews AFB.

Note 'O' not zero.

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471d8d  No.7298123

Hong Kong bankers join call for citywide strike over handling of outcry over extradition bill.

Nearly 400 staff from across more than 30 institutions join up with unions in calling for action on Monday

Organisers demand inquiry into government’s recent performance over controversial extradition bill

Hundreds of workers at 34 banks joined calls for a citywide strike next week against the government’s handling of recent unrest which has rocked Hong Kong.

The finance staff added their voices to an umbrella group of 95 unions from the public and private sectors behind the action planned for Monday.

The appeal from the pro-democracy Confederation of Trade Unions (CTU) and staff from local banks, including international investment banks and Chinese state-owned banks, was also echoed by teachers and art groups.

The idea of a strike was first floated weeks ago on an online forum, and has gained momentum after two protests that descended into clashes over which

44 people have been charged with rioting


“To really allow the city to settle down, the government should establish an inquiry, which is not just about the police’s handing of protests, but the entire policymaking and decision-making process,” CTU chairwoman Carol Ng Man-yee said.


Cabal lead protests confirmation???

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6aadfe  No.7298124

File: 27e610306ebcc61⋯.png (752.87 KB, 739x715, 739:715, Canabal.png)


I'd tap that!

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95fad7  No.7298125




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974462  No.7298126

File: 31822146ffae5b6⋯.gif (801.16 KB, 300x209, 300:209, 19266593.gif)


Durka durka bakes

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95ed24  No.7298127

File: 5ee211951ada06a⋯.jpeg (73.9 KB, 613x407, 613:407, 0F164DF8-78BA-4157-8177-E….jpeg)

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c73fb8  No.7298128

File: e1c753617bc270e⋯.jpg (26.39 KB, 474x379, 474:379, Slays Dragon.jpg)


David Knight defends dissent and the 1A




Big issues not withstanding , the plan and map are coming together.

2 Q's for you:

FBI specifically singles out Qanon (Q+anons) as domestic terrorist:

"The document specifically mentions QAnon, a shadowy network that believes in a deep state conspiracy against President Trump, and Pizzagate, the theory that a pedophile ring including Clinton associates was being run out of the basement of a Washington, D.C., pizza restaurant (which didn’t actually have a basement)."

“The FBI assesses these conspiracy theories very likely will emerge, spread, and evolve in the modern information marketplace, occasionally driving both groups and individual extremists to carry out criminal or violent acts,” the document states. It also goes on to say the FBI believes conspiracy theory-driven extremists are likely to increase during the 2020 presidential election cycle."

So what is response Q? WRAY refuses to identify ANTIFA as a problem because it is not an organization per 7/23 testimony


Great but concerned about james comey's daughter as state prosecutor… She will leak in a manner that only hurts potus. Leaks are sometimes the most damaging, present company excluded; Q is more like the guy who brought the flashlight camping.

Leaks EX: [redacted] Cop Tom [redacted] [redacted] [redacted]

kils 42 mexican nationals [redacted] [redacted]

Context: Special agent Tom infiltrated a mexican cartel and once exposed killed 42 terrorists. Who decides what is classified? Who leaks?

Will the apple fall far from the tree? The trial is scheduled all the way until June 2020; right in time for leaks to effect the election

[CLINTON BODY COUNT] will Epstein make it for trial?

Per "[24]Warning" >>> Shootings…

It seems to be the default;

I dont understand it… Engineered? More reporting?

It is possible for the Govt Cells to activate people, or identify those predisposed online and psychologically break them via SM…

I wonder…

GodSpeed WRWY


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51a406  No.7298129

File: 9333a8e21ab5cb0⋯.png (1.03 MB, 948x828, 79:69, ClipboardImage.png)

Take a moment and consider that these people consider us to be LARPers…..

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6febe7  No.7298130

File: ca05ea7eed8605d⋯.jpg (206.35 KB, 1080x1346, 540:673, sdvvqzdvtpd31.jpg)

Thank you, Baker!

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5158ee  No.7298131

File: cf5bb352fc45f06⋯.jpg (68.75 KB, 500x752, 125:188, Rope-and-Change-e134624929….jpg)

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ad4b53  No.7298132

File: a8bb43df0d13f60⋯.jpg (42.77 KB, 500x456, 125:114, 369tjo_1.jpg)

File: deba0db6d1abb86⋯.png (733.46 KB, 1007x976, 1007:976, Screenshot_jj.png)

Big Mike's campaign will be hilarious.

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1141ed  No.7298133


And Wray continues to protect DS Holdovers, stop ALL attempts at DECLASS, and Comey is guilty of leaking and lying, but allowed to walk away free man… It just doesn't get any better than this… KEK

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80bece  No.7298134

File: 1cf86bb02f0521e⋯.jpeg (203.48 KB, 659x507, 659:507, 65A6098D-24A4-4E2E-AFFD-4….jpeg)

>>7298043 (lb)

I was being very sarcastic.

You have no idea why one of his staunchest supporters through his biggest lies and Q follower when there were less than a few hundred in existence is now changed his spots.

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e5e0ab  No.7298135


I think that sounds a bit fishy myself.

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27db88  No.7298136

File: 257dad8a599f701⋯.png (2.25 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, E8CA3B76-042B-43F0-AF5C-3D….png)

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3357b2  No.7298137


Does your momma still wipe your ass after you go poopies?

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66cb54  No.7298138


The FBI has no legitimacy and is in disrepute, thus they should be immediately stripped of their funding and mandates. That goes for the DEA as well

>Special Agent

>Sprig of Acacia

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6139d7  No.7298139

File: f9bce6dd4d97922⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1878x935, 1878:935, ClipboardImage.png)

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576d28  No.7298140


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701de8  No.7298141

>>7297954 (lb)

>>7297965 (lb)

looks like they already have

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6237f2  No.7298142


What The Memo Actually Says: People Can't Seem To Read:

“The FBI assesses these conspiracy theories very likely will emerge, spread, and evolve in the modern information marketplace, occasionally driving both groups and individual extremists to carry out criminal or violent acts,” the document states. The FBI said another factor driving the intensity of this threat is “the uncovering of real conspiracies or cover-ups involving illegal, harmful, or unconstitutional activities by government officials or leading political figures.” The FBI does not specify which political leaders or which cover-ups it was referring to.

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080f3b  No.7298143


Otherwise, they’re blatantly/officially admitting pizzagate is real, if you apply the same understanding to the first point.

I don’t think this is a case of them being open and blatant with the truth, but truly presenting it from the conspiratorial perspective, narratologically.

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dbd9b3  No.7298144


How about three?


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412928  No.7298145

File: c0c531e764cb240⋯.png (801.38 KB, 731x438, 731:438, ClipboardImage(29).png)

File: 398e246835384fc⋯.png (817.12 KB, 731x550, 731:550, ClipboardImage(31).png)

File: ba2255d024a46ab⋯.png (911.51 KB, 732x735, 244:245, ClipboardImage(32).png)

File: e59e50f355d43d3⋯.png (820.58 KB, 736x736, 1:1, ClipboardImage(34).png)

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7527a9  No.7298146




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9d91e5  No.7298147



“Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.”

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d81385  No.7298149

File: 20abdd6f31ffb09⋯.jpg (8.51 KB, 250x243, 250:243, 1525401062163.jpg)


HOW do you and wnb have time to bake day in and day out

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b99ffd  No.7298150

File: 9dca9728ab618a0⋯.jpg (350.63 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190801-135419….jpg)

File: 3396a302c4700ca⋯.jpg (343.83 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190801-135431….jpg)

File: f9e99e9a1ee2461⋯.jpg (406.7 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190801-135423….jpg)

File: 7a73f4a479764a7⋯.jpg (317.86 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190801-135502….jpg)

File: 36b7a34ed14e8ec⋯.jpg (51.58 KB, 625x468, 625:468, 36b7a34ed14e8ec7ffdc44ee60….jpg)


August heat.

Dog days of summer, cutrently until 8/11

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96dcea  No.7298151

File: cc4e53e75064d3b⋯.png (480.43 KB, 479x561, 479:561, 474d51d6f7cc52156d7b2dcb86….png)

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51a406  No.7298152


Thanx Baker!

Go, Pepe, Go!

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66cb54  No.7298153


I forgot: they have Sojourners but most grunts are there to work, not play speculative math club and fuck little boys.

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701de8  No.7298154




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8e22a9  No.7298155

File: 5b65eecdce2de57⋯.png (836.65 KB, 1024x585, 1024:585, ClipboardImage.png)

Rep. Elijah Cummings’ Baltimore Home Burglarized, Police Say

Probably blaming Trump already!!

BALTIMORE (WJZ) — Baltimore Police are investigating after the home of Rep. Elijah Cummings was broken into early Saturday morning.

The burglary occurred around 3:40 a.m. at his Baltimore home in the 2000 block of Madison Avenue.

Video link:https://cbsloc.al/2YBhaGG


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5d1255  No.7298156

File: 09017ba6aa48b6c⋯.jpg (69.41 KB, 645x800, 129:160, Obama-Done.jpg)

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0f821a  No.7298157

File: 4db1ebe6421d899⋯.jpg (25.06 KB, 686x598, 343:299, 9b23da128e3237263970bff3c0….jpg)


Yeah, they could have gone into better detail in that Comet Pingpong was just the main leak.

And that pizzagate was more about the entire child sex trafficking and ritualistic murders.

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b23a20  No.7298158

POTUS gave the '10' Marker in presser outside WH

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412928  No.7298159

File: cb45b59fe920804⋯.png (1.33 MB, 731x728, 731:728, ClipboardImage(28).png)

File: 25bbc3ce073141f⋯.png (1.32 MB, 728x730, 364:365, ClipboardImage(30).png)

File: f68139d6bdda7de⋯.png (722.04 KB, 728x730, 364:365, ClipboardImage(33).png)

File: 3f24758a131e7f5⋯.png (439.46 KB, 593x992, 593:992, droopy.png)

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050b28  No.7298160

>>7294662 last Bread

>Why would you defer prosecuting one crime for a bigger one?

Quite possibly to maintain the General Effect for the 'other rats' that may otherwise scatter.

Think Logically. Be patient. Smile Bigger Later.

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c6726b  No.7298161

File: e832fae924ffe81⋯.jpg (81.92 KB, 800x531, 800:531, bag-diamonds-falling-table….jpg)

I have $16 billion of diamonds in inventory. Located in Baltimore.

Hurry. Going fast.

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92598c  No.7298162

File: dc7852ea5e63ab6⋯.png (705.47 KB, 537x642, 179:214, mike3.png)

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5dc79e  No.7298163

File: 8c0f0e15cb1a7a0⋯.jpeg (107.59 KB, 639x603, 71:67, 38EC022E-A40B-4213-9A5D-E….jpeg)

File: c531fee12d29a9c⋯.jpeg (397.72 KB, 1212x654, 202:109, C13E1063-8420-435A-BE88-0….jpeg)

File: 73bf41600c997a7⋯.png (319.79 KB, 601x630, 601:630, ADC5423F-B6AF-4B48-97AD-93….png)

>>7297952 lb

I don’t have a damn twat account, but would someone call out this FAKE headline, please? Burglary happened hours before Potus tweeted!


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df3696  No.7298164

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Uh, no, I'm good with the original plan.

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ad102a  No.7298165


Roger, thanks.

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f2d324  No.7298166

File: a0869f85bc0daa5⋯.png (64.92 KB, 396x236, 99:59, orwell truth.PNG)

>>7297886 lb

like you say, we are all on lists of some sort

never would have thunk that that i'd be declared an enemy by snopes, and that fbi would agree

how orwellian

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3425e3  No.7298167

File: 91c835d6901b940⋯.jpg (9.83 KB, 255x187, 15:11, KYS Meme.jpg)

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766f04  No.7298168

>>7297763 (pb)

Huber Over Target

Huber Obliterates Them

Hold On Tight

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6aadfe  No.7298169

File: 744570b85d79198⋯.png (1.44 MB, 904x962, 452:481, zzchdo0o.png)

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9a1f0c  No.7298170

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ziggy and Stephen sound like us


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ad102a  No.7298171


Hands On Targets?

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66cb54  No.7298172


Back when there was that human trafficking camp in Arizona that was quickly put into shut-it-down mode, Q was reported to the FBI as well.

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51a406  No.7298173


The very same people who took out FISA warrants on Carter page, also said this, unironically:

Snopes is the oldest and largest fact-checking site on the Internet.

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cd94c2  No.7298174

File: 3068b76fd7ffd33⋯.jpg (46.29 KB, 679x960, 679:960, TV weapon media msm plane ….jpg)

>>7298028 /lb

If it was not for me, my entire family would be Normies!

Well, I like to think they would have woke on their own.


I just KNOW that the day (back when) I seen mom stick a Hillary sticker on her door, I made it my mission to wake her up.

I'd trade doing dishes in exchange for her to watch clips I had downloaded to Plex I could put on her God..



Maybe that is why I hate dealing with Normies now?

My family done wore me out waking them up!


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84bb20  No.7298175

File: 10ee24633c38571⋯.png (1.83 MB, 1120x760, 28:19, DT - Copy.png)

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2a43f3  No.7298176

File: cb8bbc35f3d96f9⋯.jpg (14.55 KB, 198x255, 66:85, ac3d7bb3a624d57b172f7c5734….jpg)

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0533a8  No.7298177

File: aeca2cf3e415f53⋯.png (1.42 MB, 1250x1359, 1250:1359, ITSCURTAINSFORJAMESCOMEYME….png)

File: ac4ce1c135f6398⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1451x936, 1451:936, votingfortrumpcausescancer….png)

File: 5c6199547f1db14⋯.png (2.41 MB, 1750x983, 1750:983, lockuprawtheJeffreyEpstein….png)

File: 6376ec0bb13f7f4⋯.png (938.11 KB, 1069x821, 1069:821, THINGSABOUTPOLITICSLIBERAL….png)

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fbf10c  No.7298178


Movie Time

NY Post - Nov 8 2018

Chandler Gunn, 23, of Newbury Park, Calif., rushed over to the Borderline Bar & Grill in Thousand Oaks after the Wednesday night massacre to check on a friend who works there — a woman who also was at the Route 91 Harvest music festival in Vegas, where a gunman killed 58 people and wounded hundreds of others, the Los Angeles Times reported.

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412928  No.7298179

File: cbade877ad0fb26⋯.png (961.72 KB, 1339x970, 1339:970, ClipboardImage(12).png)

File: 7f6fca0325265d3⋯.png (343.23 KB, 702x484, 351:242, ClipboardImage(9).png)

File: d570c85940664df⋯.png (1.74 MB, 720x1080, 2:3, ClipboardImage(26).png)

File: 2307e7eef1c5938⋯.png (343.33 KB, 505x750, 101:150, ClipboardImage(25).png)

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75d63b  No.7298180

August is traditionally very HOT

H igh

O n

T errorism


I think the sentence structure is a hint.

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b99ffd  No.7298181

File: 77041a17f9703aa⋯.gif (1.12 MB, 900x760, 45:38, 77041a17f9703aa71188137508….gif)


"Flood season"… watch the water

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412928  No.7298182

File: 1d58b3adf4ed82c⋯.png (276.74 KB, 717x472, 717:472, ClipboardImage(14).png)

File: 6ee04ad7845376a⋯.png (224.16 KB, 589x456, 31:24, ClipboardImage(27).png)

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6f0073  No.7298183

File: d81ca9231e6044b⋯.jpeg (654.29 KB, 1536x1336, 192:167, F4B4387A-4F32-4AB3-A173-0….jpeg)


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55a25c  No.7298184

File: f7b0efa17e731e6⋯.jpeg (269.92 KB, 1242x631, 1242:631, 25E29CC1-6437-42BD-84B6-E….jpeg)


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a1b398  No.7298185

File: 3195a71b5030a3e⋯.jpg (97.87 KB, 1364x1001, 124:91, 3195a71b5030a3efd74a321e7e….jpg)

Highest ranking domestic terrorist Anon here.

Everyone report in!

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471d8d  No.7298186

File: 26995837754db3d⋯.png (67.85 KB, 724x907, 724:907, ClipboardImage.png)

Washington’s Ultimate Goal in Tehran Remains “Regime Change”

It’s always been about regime change. Washington’s ultimate goal in Iran for the past 40 years has been to bring down the Mullah’s leading the Islamic Republic of Iran. As much as the current administration and specifically President Donald Trump try to hide or deny it, causing the collapse of the Iranian government would be seen as an incomparable “accomplishment” for the current (and even past) administrations.

Unilaterally withdrawing from the Iran Nuclear Deal or the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) in 2018 and imposing harsh sanctions, soon after, wasn’t truly meant to bring Iran back to the negotiating table to formulate a new nuclear deal, one that didn’t have Obama’s signature on it.

No, on the contrary, these actions were meant to make economic conditions as unbearable as possible for the majority of Iranian civilians in hopes that they would either revolt against their current government (which is unlikely) or that the entire country would implode taking down the current administration with it.

In other words, Washington is giving Iranian’s two options, either they bring down their government on their own or the United States will do that for them.

Then, Washington would install a puppet leader of its choosing, that they could easily manipulate. This mindless shell of a human would ultimately have the best interests of the United States as top priority.

A very recent example of this is what the United States is trying (and failing) to accomplish in Venezuela. The have attempted to unseat the legitimate president, Nicolas Maduro and insert a CIA sponsored imperial tool, Juan Guaido. Washington’s end goal, however, is not “regime change”, but instead the collapse of the oil-rich Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.

Other attempts by the United States at regime change have failed as well, including President Bashar Al Assad in Syria. After eight years of imposing sanctions, supporting terrorist factions, and using every overt and covert play in the book, President Assad is still in control and will continue to lead his country as long as the people support him (which the vast majority do).

Getting back to National Security Advisor John Bolton’s wildest dream, of the country with the world’s second largest natural gas reserves, kneeling helplessly before the “greatest country in the world”. In this twisted and unrealistic fantasy John probably likes to imagine Iran giving up its natural resources, it’s oil, it’s technology all over to the United States.


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6febe7  No.7298187

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Magic Sword - Sword of Truth (Live)

Justice comes for the wicked. Dark to light.

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ad102a  No.7298188

File: 225070fe6b91ec6⋯.jpg (297.18 KB, 889x500, 889:500, TrekTrump3.jpg)

It's coming…

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7527a9  No.7298189


>could have gone into better detail in that Comet Pingpong was just the main leak

yes but no, because that was clearly the narrative/spin.

make it aaaaaaaaaalll and only about the pizza place - was their only hope at putting the lid back on.

sadly, it mostly worked.

but i, for one, never forgot about the SeaWorld connection (among many others, of course)

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5158ee  No.7298190

File: f114db6cb4239ff⋯.png (396.91 KB, 720x501, 240:167, f114db6cb4239ff6cb88b477ba….png)

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dbd9b3  No.7298191


Ether way, they're admitting that SOME conspiracy theories Q reveals are in fact, true.

Which means they're not conspiracy theories.

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93c8e6  No.7298192

File: eef4b2fe7977201⋯.png (290.77 KB, 996x640, 249:160, WrayMarker.PNG)

A potential picture of Wray is coming together. Q says, Trust Wray, because they want Wray to feel like he is not being watched, remember, he was confirmed 92-5, even Feinstein voted for him…

Then Q says, why is Wray going to every FBI office personally..Well, if I were delivering some very senstive information, information they don't want, NSA or SS, or Mil Intel seeing, I'd deliver it in person, especially since FBI has sound proof rooms..

And.. what if the information delivered was about Q, saying the FBI wasn't part of it, and that they considered Q a potential threat to them, hence the memo being leaked two days after Q points a laser on Wray…..

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6237f2  No.7298193

File: 77de7132dc8b396⋯.png (238.19 KB, 598x427, 598:427, ClipboardImage.png)


It's Out There, Which Makes The Lies Funnier:

MARYLAND — The Baltimore home of U.S. Rep. Elijah Cummings was reportedly burglarized.

The incident happened early Saturday at the home in the 200 block of Madison Avenue — but police have only today revealed the news.

The crime occurred before President Trump blasted Cummings on Twitter.


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55a25c  No.7298194



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3a718f  No.7298195

File: 7c498c1a7b88388⋯.gif (720.89 KB, 200x150, 4:3, 726D5C3C-5BAD-406E-9B68-CD….gif)


Time is short for these bad guys

++++Boom popcorn 🍿 I’m ready

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51a406  No.7298196


Then let's watch them spin it as Trump's fault!

Oh, wait! Too late! They already did!

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9a1f0c  No.7298197

Just saw Stephen in concert and his kids danced and he said multiple times his kids have their own minds ..

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6aadfe  No.7298198


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974462  No.7298199

File: 1485e32e11c28fe⋯.gif (628.25 KB, 240x320, 3:4, 356dbb720beaffe58901a4301c….gif)

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11c460  No.7298200

File: 5bb4f2cb2c355b6⋯.jpg (186.43 KB, 1199x878, 1199:878, comey-mccabe-jail.jpg)


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5158ee  No.7298201




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b1431d  No.7298202

File: 1970d1933a8fb34⋯.png (623.75 KB, 796x876, 199:219, pepe snopes.png)

I like it so much, I'm gonna put it up here.

ThanQ memeanon

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a210bb  No.7298203


Anotha false flag shoah. Orange man guilty for radicalizing far right and inciting violence.

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dbd9b3  No.7298204


The only thing shot during "muh conspiracy rampage" at Comet Ping Pong….

Their computer server.

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d1fdaa  No.7298205

What are thinking about PF being wiped clean, not even a catalog. nada, zilch, zero.

Late to the party, thanks anons

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f17d02  No.7298207




sauce for the 340am claim

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2a43f3  No.7298208

File: bfca6bcd059b336⋯.png (504.69 KB, 963x546, 321:182, e244a6a341c9c92fc8b018c51c….png)

Deplorable. Reprobates and now terrorists. Psychological projection much? Anons here are peaceful frogs who can see things other can't. We peaceful non violent helpers of President Trump.

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0cecea  No.7298209

HOT Hopelessly Obsessed Twats

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c6726b  No.7298210


The incident happened early Saturday

— but police have only today revealed the news.

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6237f2  No.7298211

File: 18f812ad1294d4e⋯.jpg (49.1 KB, 684x365, 684:365, 36qoyx.jpg)

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471d8d  No.7298212

File: 7bc32d2b7f503e7⋯.png (461.58 KB, 747x391, 747:391, ClipboardImage.png)

Nearly 3-year manhunt ends in arrest of HSI most wanted fugitive

DETROIT - ICE Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) special agents and deputies with the U.S. Marshals Service announced late Wednesday that the accused leader of a sophisticated human trafficking and narcotics distribution operation in Detroit was arrested this evening in Monroe, Michigan.

Darrick Bell, 50, aka Tone or Ghost, a U.S. citizen, was the subject of a nearly three-year manhunt, following the takedown of a large-scale human trafficking operation at the now-demolished Victory Inn Motel in Detroit. He was arrested late Wednesday at the Econo Lodge in Monroe. Authorities found nearly $12,000 and a quantity of suspected cocaine in Bell’s motel room. Authorities also arrested a female defendant who is facing drug charges.

Bell and five other defendants were charged in a 9-count indictment with trafficking in persons, drug trafficking, money laundering, extortion collection and conspiracy, among other charges. He allegedly absconded before nearly 200 law enforcement personnel descended on the Victory Inn in Detroit January 2017, in one the largest human trafficking enforcement operations in the city’s history. The sophisticated operation at the motel allegedly was manned by lookouts and armed enforcers.

HSI special agents and deputy U.S. Marshals are actively investigating persons who aided and abetted Bell to evade capture.


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a9c6b4  No.7298213

File: 0255c3ddc954122⋯.jpeg (152.71 KB, 884x851, 884:851, DD705F4C-A1F5-4080-87F9-C….jpeg)

File: 1c1434356bdf184⋯.jpeg (179.22 KB, 1000x968, 125:121, B35EDC0B-FA58-447C-A5AB-9….jpeg)

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7527a9  No.7298214


>Which means they're not conspiracy theories.

all "conspiracy theories" aren't "conspiracy theories".

the buzzword has gone and lives its own life in fantasyland

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51a406  No.7298215


I read it as "the more they uncover actual conspiracies and actual cover-ups, actual government malfeasance, the more intense they get."

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17bf09  No.7298216


Wikipedia, too. (pic related)

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057814  No.7298217

File: c78b2414f205c62⋯.png (296.54 KB, 435x529, 435:529, Marc Dutroux.png)

File: 8a69079b57fac97⋯.jpg (34.46 KB, 409x612, 409:612, Michel Nihoul.jpg)

File: 98b27397c8a5b89⋯.jpg (69.01 KB, 618x460, 309:230, Michel Lelievre.jpg)

File: 837cdff5f7e1234⋯.png (451.39 KB, 747x480, 249:160, benjamin stein, bagman.png)

(((something in common)))

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37f453  No.7298218

File: 18931f91c55b20d⋯.jpg (61.55 KB, 600x805, 120:161, 18931f91c55b20d50145046303….jpg)

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a0c4dd  No.7298219

File: f7ba92a96364f41⋯.jpeg (998.83 KB, 759x960, 253:320, 7262A86F-F876-466C-9165-0….jpeg)

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d6c85b  No.7298220


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dbd9b3  No.7298221


Or POTUS had someone take the evidence?

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713ee8  No.7298222


" The FBI finds Conspiracy Theorists a danger to guilty people involved in crimes the FBI has been covering up"

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17bf09  No.7298223

File: 202c0992e97a9de⋯.jpg (144.2 KB, 853x359, 853:359, wikipediatoo.jpg)

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c6726b  No.7298224



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3872a1  No.7298225







then chillax

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390b72  No.7298226


I wonder how long it will take for them to find it it was a white male wearing a red MAGA hat that did it

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7527a9  No.7298227


>not even a catalog

wrong, it's there, but empty.

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6237f2  No.7298228

File: a3662f0c93618fd⋯.png (44.04 KB, 598x206, 299:103, ClipboardImage.png)


DJTJr Got Jokes

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96554d  No.7298229

File: 3915ec56d4a8a8b⋯.jpg (12.04 KB, 201x262, 201:262, TRUMPqanonTHREAT.JPG)

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b99ffd  No.7298230




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b867a4  No.7298231

File: a97230872dc5e2e⋯.png (268.84 KB, 640x694, 320:347, 619E80CE-36D4-49BE-86E7-FE….png)

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ad102a  No.7298233

File: 7ef124bfb7348e4⋯.jpg (507.79 KB, 1909x737, 1909:737, Musel16 1 Aug 19 2200.jpg)

Musel16 is in the air again. Desensitizing normies to seeing helicopters over DC before the arrests happen?

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ae03ae  No.7298234

[W] before [M]

[W]hites before [M]uds.

The month of AUGUST is traditionally very HOT.

Yet, niggers will still be wearing [C]oats. Reconcile.

They steal more than you know.


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2a43f3  No.7298235

File: c75c880f0e902f5⋯.jpg (68.71 KB, 512x512, 1:1, psalm_23_framable_poster_p….jpg)

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e2d8ec  No.7298236


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ad4b53  No.7298237

File: 9cb587fdc377a10⋯.png (605.79 KB, 1080x762, 180:127, Screenshnn.png)

File: b0702c71eb444bb⋯.png (914.01 KB, 1014x1419, 338:473, Anaconda.png)

Obama's were not properly vetted in 2008 or 2012 if Big Mike runs in 2020 then its time the Obama's go through an extensive vetting process and show America who them Chicago fraudsters really are.

The final nail in the coffin of President Obama's economic reign. Not only is the average annual growth rate of just 1.48% during Obama's business cycle the weakest of any expansion since at least 1949, he has just become the only President to have not had even one year of 3% GDP growth.

An average annual GDP growth of 1.48% during Obama's two terms…

The Obongo's also left office leaving Americans with 10 trillion dollars in additional debt and a racial divide wider than the grand canyon

Barack Obama is hands down the worst president in American history.

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a3bd4f  No.7298238


Noticing lots of delayed reporting in relation to (((them)))

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3d61a5  No.7298239

What does Trump’s comments about rat infested Baltimore have to do with Cummings house being robbed?

He was right?

But the media will try making it Trumps fault.

“Trump was racist towards Cummings, so a criminal broke into Cummings home”

That doesn’t even make sense. Not even to npc faggots.

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471d8d  No.7298240

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5a9d7e  No.7298241

What if….

Space force was created to govern space…

New planets found to support life…

Creat a prison planet….

Remove all criminals to new planet…

Leave just the good behind to live here….

What if…..

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c4b460  No.7298242

File: ba2cfda113072c3⋯.png (543.88 KB, 634x547, 634:547, 1544330156.png)


TY Baker

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0f821a  No.7298243

File: a2d02c88eb674f6⋯.jpg (41.85 KB, 474x490, 237:245, 1c946a5afe8b27c851ab82f9e9….jpg)


Jokes and good news, another one bites the dust.

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6febe7  No.7298244

File: 4bb518cf75e4da3⋯.png (480.79 KB, 640x718, 320:359, ClipboardImage.png)

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d65ec9  No.7298245


Kek look what timestamp 522 brings up, seen this before!?! Fucking love this shit!!


Timestamp 650..

to remove federal employees who undermine the public trust or fail the American people.

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6fdcc6  No.7298246


Damn just tried to open and its gone. I still have it up and its updating but try to duplicated and poof its 404…

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12c012  No.7298247

File: ad71da1df44cd06⋯.jpg (189.72 KB, 1045x589, 55:31, Jedgar.jpg)

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aea1b9  No.7298248

File: e319bfbeb44745b⋯.gif (3.5 MB, 600x409, 600:409, 3b1fe42f0f0a0e7f5987257d87….gif)


what about this low hanging fruit?

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140248  No.7298249

File: eb79b7725160212⋯.png (36.02 KB, 981x210, 327:70, ClipboardImage.png)

Elijah Cummings House Burglarized….

Baltimore is totally not a shithole.


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ecabdd  No.7298250


i own a small intl. company. i have staff that do most of the work.

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66cb54  No.7298251


But was there an exploding van too?

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dbd9b3  No.7298252


Explains the berserker reaction from the left.

POTUS has Cummings raided and takes all docs related to stealing taxpayer $$.

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5158ee  No.7298253


Placeholders to be replaced by real thing. New board incoming. Get your ass ready.

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6237f2  No.7298254

File: 4fa888ec325546a⋯.png (29.35 KB, 598x119, 598:119, ClipboardImage.png)

Today In Go Fuck Your Mother:

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5c0f50  No.7298255

>>7298236 No he gets to move into your moms basement with you

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080f3b  No.7298256


I agree for the memo on the whole. What i was saying is specifically in reference to the description in the first pic of linked post, in regards to the logic that if the wording calls it classified info, then they are admitting that it really is classified info.

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f2d324  No.7298257

File: 9feaa900ebeeff8⋯.png (33.7 KB, 203x191, 203:191, orwell the party.PNG)

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11c460  No.7298258

>>7298163 Burgulary or Raid?

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3872a1  No.7298259


"Jimmy Will Fix IT!"

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55a25c  No.7298260

File: 91dffdd3fb27060⋯.jpeg (182.75 KB, 1242x478, 621:239, 0D79F919-BB5A-4093-B616-4….jpeg)


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66cb54  No.7298261


Turd burglary? Is Cummings on the DL?

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f3ff01  No.7298262

File: 9b8ddbec355634c⋯.png (595.87 KB, 800x626, 400:313, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 35de35b598e34aa⋯.png (237.94 KB, 960x616, 120:77, ClipboardImage.png)

ready for to be Cut

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389739  No.7298263

File: b66efbd0d09944a⋯.jpg (208.12 KB, 1161x797, 1161:797, hunters.jpg)

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c4de53  No.7298264


The only terror threat is the FISA boom.

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e2d8ec  No.7298265



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8f6ff4  No.7298266

File: 3d5496e65d613cb⋯.png (278.3 KB, 352x453, 352:453, 2019-08-01_16-58-10.png)

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2b01a7  No.7298267

File: 7fd752e9aafaa25⋯.png (794.59 KB, 1524x1216, 381:304, epstein_manifest_dyncorp.png)

File: c9da52712b8c2c4⋯.png (419.66 KB, 942x731, 942:731, b84ed89cbbdffbd1757c7a02ad….png)

File: cbe5908f9dffe3b⋯.png (396.47 KB, 610x585, 122:117, f96052a7bdce4e8b1dc50574df….png)


Is there any significance to Epstein's helicopter having the same tail markings as a Dyncorp contracted US State Department OV-10D Bronco? Was Epstein able to use that as cover to do undetected flights?

Source: https://twitter.com/InfoLinkIntel/status/1156564987701268480?s=20

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6139d7  No.7298268

File: 3842e3ee64ea1e7⋯.png (635.53 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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14f5eb  No.7298269



Q posted about Ghost


Nellie Ohr > C_A?

There are others within the FBI/DOJ linked to the C_A.


What access does a House member have?

What access does a House Committee member have?

Think [Brennan] spy campaign > US SENATE

What happens when the C_A targets [spy insertion] the Executive, House, Senate, DOJ, FBI, State, etc branches of the UNITED STATES GOV?

How many so-called 'former' C_A agents ran for House elections in 2018?

What party?


What happens when the C_A targets [spy + tech insertion] of GOOG, FB [LifeLog], Twitter, etc etc?


What happens when people wake up to the fact that FB is a cover for LifeLog [DARPA]?

What happens when people discover all RT data [inputs + listening/camera/GPS meta] is being harvested and made accessible to Langley?

Charter of the NSA? DOMESTIC + FOREIGN?


Why is the C_A conducting an active umbrella collection campaign [stringer tangents to 9] against all US citizens through LifeLog [FB] absorb/tan targeting?

Bypass data encryption on phone/tablet etc?

Primary focus on elected officials?

Primary focus on elected officials in key sub committees?

Can activation occur of 'recording' local on device pre SCIF entry?

No logs.

No keys.

Ghost in-Ghost out.

People only engage security (+ escape vehicles) when they have something very serious to FEAR.

What is that FEAR for MZ?



Ghost-CON active.

Approval 58203-JX





Expand your thinking.

Who leaked Vault7 to WL?

Who returned fire?

OP Name: Fiddler


Mission 1: Infiltrate

Mission 2: Centralize

Mission 3: Secure

Mission 4: Expose to HARM


(WH interference)

(WH directive)

Mission 5: Russia LINK

(2013 timeline of events)




Mission 6: Fiddler > Ghost-PRIME

Mission 7: CLAS

Mission 8: Whistle Blower traps - jobs C-3567k

Mission 9: Censorship

CLAS +relay


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3bce25  No.7298270


Switch to Indica. You'll sound less stupid.

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a210bb  No.7298271


Hoover is Huber in germany.

Compare the faces and see if you can spot some similarities.

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cd94c2  No.7298272

File: 2a0ef73a3cf4671⋯.jpg (44.79 KB, 546x468, 7:6, Israel Jew Zionist.JPG)

>>7298038 /lb

Things still very much concern me.

Like, the Zionist Octopus.

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d65ec9  No.7298273

Kek look what timestamp 522 brings up, seen this before!?! Fucking love this shit!!


Timestamp 650..

to remove federal employees who undermine the public trust or fail the American people.

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aea1b9  No.7298274


yes it does make sense to them. you have no idea how they just shape the facts to match their paradigm. Like the new "science"

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12c012  No.7298275

File: c946d36c3545493⋯.jpg (1.87 MB, 2100x1500, 7:5, FBIHoover.jpg)



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5158ee  No.7298276


Only way to know would be to find a record of where that copter went and when.

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853951  No.7298277

File: 3aeef4737b6b4a9⋯.png (1013.58 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 49AD3E3A-D704-42CD-89ED-09….png)


All set, Anon

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7527a9  No.7298278


>"Jimmy Will Fix IT!"


so right.

Savile & the pedo BBC, by itself, should have destroyed the ConspiracyTheory modern myth…

so disgusting how alleged grown-ups just pretend it never happened

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3d61a5  No.7298279


Since Astronauts are still playing with slinky’s at the space station, I’d say that’s a pretty outrageous guess.

I love where you’re head is at, but we can’t even SPEAK of their crimes without being labeled “terrorists”. So the idea of sending them to another planet is…idk…pie in the sky.

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e0a48a  No.7298280

Holy smokes!! I'm watching the pre-rally on RSBN and Brandon Straka is speaking he just said to the crowd. Where We Go 1 We Go All….And the crowd claps loudly!!

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08e719  No.7298281


Cementing his victimhood status I see.

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e2d8ec  No.7298282


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c8965b  No.7298283

#WALKAWAY the Dude who started the Walkaway movement just said WWG1WGA at the Cinncinati Ohio Live Trump rally!

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6aadfe  No.7298284


Well…let's see…

We've blockaded Hoover Damn.

We killed fifty Muslims in New Zealand.

We assassinated a Mob Boss.

I would say that yes…Q Anon will be proclaimed a terrorist organization…especially if the Dems win back the White House.

Lots of shit going down when the Dems win the White House again.

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ddff89  No.7298285























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6237f2  No.7298286

File: 1862e98a9b51b65⋯.png (43.51 KB, 598x159, 598:159, ClipboardImage.png)

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1ef361  No.7298287


Anon, wouldn’t it be funny if Cummings’ computer hard drive showed up as “recovered stolen property” now in the possession of the Baltimore Police Department?

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c6726b  No.7298288

File: c455d1fefe396cc⋯.jpg (211.61 KB, 1200x1800, 2:3, carolg_fbi_10[1].jpg)


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f2d324  No.7298289

File: f75ee866432821f⋯.png (268.62 KB, 348x330, 58:55, orwell politics.PNG)

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12c012  No.7298290

File: 492bb189e737b71⋯.gif (1.41 MB, 800x800, 1:1, 1562265054624.gif)

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fd1a18  No.7298291

File: da3b4ecc15a41f7⋯.mp4 (1.3 MB, 352x640, 11:20, China Genocide3.mp4)


No I don't think so…. They have nothing left to loose. If China as it way it's going to be a fucking massacre and they know it!

Video Very related!!!

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d1fdaa  No.7298292

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


yes I see, thanks anon,

August will be HOT HOT HOT

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c8965b  No.7298293



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66cb54  No.7298294


See >>7298213

We're solving crimes we're not (((supposed))) to be solving.

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d39a77  No.7298295


Wait, what? That's illegal? Look at the number of arrests, probably has a great record. I'm shocked, shocked that there is corner cutting going on.

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d81385  No.7298296

File: 59e176db810e849⋯.jpg (51.22 KB, 744x1024, 93:128, 1517406200873m.jpg)

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737b15  No.7298297

File: 97a9199e2ac2708⋯.jpg (1.07 MB, 1800x1786, 900:893, 8f3997e062d36fa0f8911361a5….jpg)


Looks like they took every bit of the evidence that would have proved Elijah Cummings not guilty, chief..

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bb5ff0  No.7298298

File: bdab29d1049f97b⋯.jpg (32.42 KB, 528x352, 3:2, 1yG28tM.jpg)

File: 9dc9b12a8564561⋯.jpg (218.94 KB, 1412x860, 353:215, conspiracy_theories_fbi.jpg)

>>7297411 /(lb)

I cannot find the Scribd document in the FBI vault.

I wonder why?

Did the fake news made it up?

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390b72  No.7298299


KEK with some of Hillary's 33,000 emails and some pedo porn of course

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050b28  No.7298300

File: 03a6068244598f0⋯.jpeg (58.91 KB, 749x473, 749:473, Balt Dems 1.jpeg)

File: 5b8de1104a647f7⋯.jpeg (252.8 KB, 720x618, 120:103, Balt Dems 2.jpeg)

File: 20876f4146f68ad⋯.jpg (142.85 KB, 672x499, 672:499, even1yard.jpg)

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51a406  No.7298301


John Titor did it!

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a4d077  No.7298302

File: 74fc51b81cd7be0⋯.png (102.25 KB, 580x1086, 290:543, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7bf1099151d8415⋯.png (46.2 KB, 574x494, 287:247, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 73fad421ba4fe6b⋯.png (200 KB, 1212x784, 303:196, ClipboardImage.png)

Q gives us 12 HOT targets.

12 Federal Reserve districts?


Powel: “To call something hot, you need to see some heat”

Q: Morning Sun Brings Heat

Powell likes the Economy HOT:


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84bb20  No.7298303

File: 92b476927f098f6⋯.png (535.5 KB, 897x275, 897:275, FG - Copy.PNG)

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389c6b  No.7298304

File: 58c0d83a7d7a2ef⋯.jpg (160.34 KB, 1600x1143, 1600:1143, reflet-soleil-vague.jpg)

Bigger [slam-dunk]

Be ready


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c6726b  No.7298305



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837aa0  No.7298306

File: 540a0166c021f33⋯.jpeg (159.02 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, D61E5089-DED2-4161-B6C0-1….jpeg)

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0338cb  No.7298307

File: 1c5f9f5a14f5623⋯.png (660.63 KB, 1112x657, 1112:657, Q labled threat.png)

Yahoo pushing FBI anti-Qanon "conspiracy" "domestic threat"


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fb5f27  No.7298308


I saw it, too! Straight outta Q.

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372a70  No.7298309


I think there is a threat of people trying to frame the qanon movement. Like with the gambino guy being shot then blaming it on Q. There also may even be a percentage of people who are under the idea that they are living in a kind of action movie(who are just insane). Even then the insanity if a true Q follower would prohibit them from doing anything to make us all look bad. Idk it seems like a way to shut Q down.

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5158ee  No.7298310


Oh, heavens no. Good rep. Cummings is an upstanding citizen and even the possibility of his privacy being violated is an outrage.

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471d8d  No.7298311

File: e92cb0f9a6bafd7⋯.png (45.63 KB, 690x730, 69:73, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bb5442beb78cf26⋯.png (342.84 KB, 827x813, 827:813, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1392d1bbae9a84c⋯.png (32.94 KB, 677x633, 677:633, ClipboardImage.png)

Secret interviews reveal risky business for NAB's top executives

A massive leak of documents has prompted questions about how close the nation's big banks are to their auditors.

A massive leak of documents from inside National Australia Bank reveals what its top executives and hand-picked consultants really think about its ability to look after its customers.

It was the beginning of winter 2018 and National Australia Bank was reeling from stunning revelations in the banking royal commission about its shoddy treatment of customers and a foot-dragging approach to compensating customers.

NAB chairman Ken Henry, still five months off his disastrous commission appearance, was in a meeting room at the bank’s head office with senior staff from consultants EY (formerly Ernst & Young).

They were there to talk risk - more specifically the NAB board’s appetite for it.

The EY team needed to know what Henry thought so it could help the bank prepare a report, required by the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA), that would assess NAB’s performance on risk management and culture.

Startlingly, the chairman said he was "confident" the bank was still selling products that would trigger compensation for customers in the future. Confidential minutes of the interview said he "highlighted an example of SMSF [self managed super fund] borrowing to invest in managed funds".

The minutes of that June 13, 2018, interview form part of an extraordinary trove of documents leaked to the Sydney Morning Herald and The Age by a whistleblower who felt the royal commission had glossed over important problems.

Underlining the whistleblower's concern was that much of what was discovered in that review, including what Dr Henry and others said in meetings with EY, did not make it into EY’s draft report.

Nor did a raft of other detail about poor systems and governance. It is not clear if the final report contained any of this information.


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4e636c  No.7298312


Best kind of company to own, anon!!

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6139d7  No.7298313

I think Gutfeld is stealing lines from here. Just said something this anon said last night about the audience reaction at the debate. only reacting to 'call-outs' and 'zingers' instead of any policy proposals.

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2019e3  No.7298314





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ad4b53  No.7298315

File: 49573d1e0cef2d6⋯.png (828.25 KB, 1016x677, 1016:677, Screenshot_20190730-141317….png)

I respect Elijah Cummings because he's a true nigger and he doesn't hide it.

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08e719  No.7298316


Welcome to 3 breads ago anon.

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073818  No.7298317

File: ad2fbcfff83288b⋯.png (333.17 KB, 911x582, 911:582, ClipboardImage.png)

>>7294969 /pb

>>7294155 /pb

New special agent in charge of Phoenix as of last month.

Report most likely initiated during previous tenure.

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f9d744  No.7298318


Must be such a weird life… countering fake news with fake news… but that's the world we live in. I hate to, HATE TO quote Alex Jones… but if had one thing right….

This is an information war.. and one side is trying to conceal the information !!

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b9420e  No.7298319


The cunt writer of that yahoo piece tweeted this a little while ago:

Jana Winter

‏Verified account @janawinter

Replying to @OKnox @ScoreSomeElli and

Evergreen tweet


& that commie Weinberger liked it.

Remember last week when Tapper & other MSM assholes tweeted that word

Hillarys codename

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66cb54  No.7298320


Unconvering masonic crimes violates the Royal Arch Mason rule where you're not supposed to talk about anything, even treason and murder. It starts at the 14th degree.

Secrecy always breeds evil.

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e0a48a  No.7298321


It's on…https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rN4QXtUrzfo

Pre-Rally speakers

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4ac01c  No.7298322

house of tomorrow

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a181f2  No.7298323

File: 5c893f219eb9d74⋯.jpg (95.61 KB, 789x934, 789:934, uni5.jpg)

File: 57b59f094f8dacf⋯.jpg (78.71 KB, 852x855, 284:285, uni1.jpg)

File: 732e8b39a831712⋯.jpg (97.31 KB, 747x930, 249:310, uni2.jpg)

File: 039fb404e6f807f⋯.jpg (47.77 KB, 682x650, 341:325, uni3.jpg)

File: fe072f7e734e60f⋯.jpg (50.63 KB, 589x722, 31:38, uni4.jpg)

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93c8e6  No.7298324

File: 23030e2fb475d67⋯.png (598.59 KB, 1271x773, 1271:773, ClipboardImage.png)


I'd bet Brennan and crew have something on Wray like (blackmail) - is that racist?


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a210bb  No.7298325


Brendan looks kind of sick in the last couple of weeks. Does he have aids?

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75519e  No.7298326

File: f3c7d91f9c5f1da⋯.jpg (34.97 KB, 276x365, 276:365, freebeer2.jpg)

>>7294581 pb

>Public understanding of events just around the corner.


Great news, anons:

Free Beer is just around the corner!

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12812b  No.7298327


That will be his excuse on where the 18 billion went…I can hear him saying "I don't know where the money is…I put it on the table and someone robbed my house"…It's gone now.

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389c6b  No.7298329


is this relevant?

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753259  No.7298330

File: 40e29b8fcf07b29⋯.jpg (115.29 KB, 1918x1080, 959:540, 40e29b8fcf07b2924332ac1350….jpg)


Domestic chicken tendies lover, reporting for duty

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6237f2  No.7298331


That's The Opposite Of What The Memo Says: Learn To Read, Anons:

“The FBI assesses these conspiracy theories very likely will emerge, spread, and evolve in the modern information marketplace, occasionally driving both groups and individual extremists to carry out criminal or violent acts,” the document states. The FBI said another factor driving the intensity of this threat is “the uncovering of real conspiracies or cover-ups involving illegal, harmful, or unconstitutional activities by government officials or leading political figures.” The FBI does not specify which political leaders or which cover-ups it was referring to.

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2a43f3  No.7298332


I actually did think that too.

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12c012  No.7298333


Likely because it's just a bulletin. Not even OCR'ed.


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c4b460  No.7298334

File: 45da02df5cc57b2⋯.jpg (48.16 KB, 584x389, 584:389, 1564115959.jpg)


Antifa and AOC organize throw down in El Paso. Snopes confirms digital warriors are terrorists. Seems legit.

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75d63b  No.7298335


Hard On Trafickers

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dbd9b3  No.7298337

File: 13b8a4ff4b59c31⋯.png (995.8 KB, 1228x1208, 307:302, Screen Shot 2019-08-01 at ….png)

These companies never learn. SJW's DONT spend money.


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5158ee  No.7298338




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1c094d  No.7298339

File: 2b0344837e6b7f1⋯.jpg (35.9 KB, 325x477, 325:477, 50257537_2237550023187259_….jpg)

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2019e3  No.7298340


Probably has more to do with his IRS problem.

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92598c  No.7298341

File: 7904a64776b76ba⋯.jpg (57.02 KB, 599x339, 599:339, funny.jpg)

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e0a48a  No.7298342


That venue holds 20,000 people I would say it's at least half full. That's a lot of people!

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fb5f27  No.7298343


Who's "we," agent provocateur (aka "shill").

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737b15  No.7298344

File: 5fb294de5bb4d79⋯.jpg (27.49 KB, 259x300, 259:300, s-l300.jpg)


They're worth $5.00 a carat.

You have one planetary size?

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389c6b  No.7298345


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d00d47  No.7298346

NBC Philadelphia: Central Delaware hit with almost 3,000 lightning strikes in 30 minutes.

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c6726b  No.7298347





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75519e  No.7298348


>is this relevant?



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5dc79e  No.7298349


Thank you. And other anons calling them out.

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6139d7  No.7298350

File: c801de211fa891c⋯.png (565.56 KB, 888x901, 888:901, ClipboardImage.png)

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269a4c  No.7298351

File: bc5e275c8ffe4d1⋯.jpeg (365.24 KB, 1298x593, 1298:593, 4A7FD5E0-5C01-49E6-8A83-1….jpeg)

File: a3b7049e1d58ce2⋯.jpeg (481.28 KB, 1258x748, 37:22, BDCCFBC9-D9ED-4B89-B0F2-1….jpeg)



New York Times

Academic papers listed without the names of their (((authors)))

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5158ee  No.7298352


THIS. Memo flat-out indicates upcoming BOOMs.

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84bb20  No.7298353


No Fucking Thank You…

We are off and running with this now - it is fact.

You sir, are full of shit.

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e1ab7c  No.7298354

File: 662d9ef69be9105⋯.png (178.02 KB, 600x627, 200:209, bitcoin.png)

Crypto Tycoon Roger Ver Quietly Relinquishes CEO Role at Bitcoin.com

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1a8a78  No.7298355

File: 46120f8f7249972⋯.gif (1.7 MB, 590x633, 590:633, b3074e80d9a313d24796ddb580….gif)

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c4b460  No.7298356

File: eebfb8513bc5602⋯.png (881.4 KB, 650x798, 325:399, 1564591755.png)

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2c3527  No.7298357

File: f1b9962bfb97e00⋯.gif (1.02 MB, 450x340, 45:34, prrrrrrrromotion.gif)

Meanwhile, at the office of the guy in the FBI who wrote that Pizzagate and Qanon are terrorists….

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4e636c  No.7298358


Break in???? Really????

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589345  No.7298359


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d39a77  No.7298360


The report is playing games with words. It implies that sometimes the conspiracy theory is correct, but does not align with the prevailing and official version, which is false.

This divergence creates tension and anxiety, and some people act out on it.

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1e5471  No.7298361


7pm EDT

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701de8  No.7298362


so now we know that _pre_D = pre Declas so whatever HOT-1 means it will happen before declassification

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e2d8ec  No.7298363

File: c3f6c1d552c4340⋯.png (77.04 KB, 602x487, 602:487, ClipboardImage.png)



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6237f2  No.7298364

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


now the covers blown

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713ee8  No.7298365

File: 1a7b6efc538b94d⋯.png (190.55 KB, 940x407, 940:407, file.PNG)

>>7298275 what's fake and gay about it? It's what the Outlook paragraph means.

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d65ec9  No.7298366

File: 8045745fbd84421⋯.jpeg (22.07 KB, 255x255, 1:1, C513DBF7-B013-48B8-B491-E….jpeg)


You even smoke bro?!?!

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12c012  No.7298367

File: 397ae6e80f9b8f0⋯.png (25.57 KB, 600x287, 600:287, ClipboardImage.png)



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e97e51  No.7298368

File: 685da43fa51d7be⋯.png (435.07 KB, 608x608, 1:1, k7nogbt.png)


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443e25  No.7298369

File: 1aa0abc49e03a4f⋯.jpeg (104.56 KB, 664x881, 664:881, 1aa0abc49e03a4f316d529b2a….jpeg)


Oh yes…Just like George Soros' mailbox bomb…how convenient.

Stupid people.

These people have an IQ so low they only way they could get into their cushy gov jobs is through nepotism.

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0338cb  No.7298370


Yeah, you're welcome fellow patriot. Keep up the good work.

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8f6ff4  No.7298371

File: 117a0346a0b9087⋯.png (293.39 KB, 637x421, 637:421, 2019-08-01_17-07-31.png)

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bc94ac  No.7298372

@ t+2.

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e294cf  No.7298373

File: d7d5b49fbf88024⋯.jpg (114.34 KB, 413x412, 413:412, ejfkdick.jpg)

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c6726b  No.7298374




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e0a48a  No.7298375


I'd like to see how you would look addressing 20,000 people. Get the fuck out of here with your bullshit.

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55a25c  No.7298376

British sheep are entirely engrossed with that damn (maybe) bursting in Derbyshire.

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5da87e  No.7298377

File: 19d2c6e266ee989⋯.jpg (9.53 KB, 193x255, 193:255, cummingseli.jpg)


What's funny, is that they HAVE to link to POTUS in order to get it into the news! Cuz Cummings is such a loser!

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ecabdd  No.7298378




this is wnb btw. sorry for not clarifying.

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372a70  No.7298379


That one just says conspiracy theories. If that is the case stop the flat earth shills. Stop the reptillian assholes.

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75519e  No.7298380


>SJW's DONT spend money.

Apparently they don't teach this easy to see fact at Ivy League business schools.

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389c6b  No.7298381





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a210bb  No.7298382

Gavin Newsom hit that, never forget.

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4e636c  No.7298383


Yeah, that's not suspicious, is it???

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11c460  No.7298384

File: 620e783bb2d6044⋯.png (227.25 KB, 660x496, 165:124, Screenshot (1405).png)

Anon posted this earlier…Tweeted it for you!

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6237f2  No.7298385

File: 82ec7d616625258⋯.jpg (120.19 KB, 751x500, 751:500, 370yjd.jpg)

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96554d  No.7298386

File: c60b069058851e0⋯.jpg (227.04 KB, 1912x1215, 1912:1215, EPSTEINjail.JPG)

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3d61a5  No.7298387

File: d710700c25acce3⋯.jpeg (140.78 KB, 685x591, 685:591, 1FE75715-5B85-44C7-939C-C….jpeg)

File: ebdfb6e059ec4d6⋯.jpeg (115.05 KB, 685x591, 685:591, 50653256-B880-4F36-95EF-B….jpeg)

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51a406  No.7298388

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Hmmmm, the 6:14 leads us to our favorite video.

And the caps sum to 2655/1464/244, depending.

2655 leads to many choices, the most fun of which is I will not forgive you.

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ac6d8c  No.7298389

Is the placeholder thing related to the Scaramucci model?

"Double meanings exist" As in, it's a placeholder for an unknown name until they get "their guy" in (an office placeholder ie: Ratcliffe)

Then, the next phase can commence? Hence the board wipe?

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7a2cb1  No.7298390

File: a79a4f428c4722e⋯.jpg (81.37 KB, 500x500, 1:1, willy_truth.jpg)

>>7297929 (last bread)

FBI: Conspiracy theory extremists are a terror threat...

the FBI would have to PROVE it's a Conspiracy Theory

and NOT the TRUTH

in a court of law...

is it a Conspiracy Theory if its the TRUTH

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6237f2  No.7298391



i miss vince

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fd1a18  No.7298393

File: e162456e77fe471⋯.jpg (1.18 MB, 1501x931, 79:49, tyson-quotes-8.jpg)


Well Moloch as to FEED!!!!!!

The more this linger on the more innocent are going to get hurt!

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d65ec9  No.7298394


Deeem thats good

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3bce25  No.7298395


More than you ever will. When I die, scrape my lungs and pack the bong in memorium.

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12c012  No.7298396


sorry. the pic was only for the FBI being fake and gay. I totally endorse and enjoyed your post.

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f2d324  No.7298397

File: 8c057eb18e6c727⋯.png (233.65 KB, 661x323, 661:323, orwell conscious rebel.PNG)

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766f04  No.7298398



Now your turn!

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0f821a  No.7298399

File: af778db79cb2f95⋯.jpg (29.2 KB, 400x329, 400:329, 7aa686b20a9bed6affe9ef6110….jpg)

File: e5155b5d7580eb2⋯.gif (142.06 KB, 500x516, 125:129, b99d42a821343c2b47c798adf3….gif)

Friendly Reminder

The FILTER SUGGESTION SHILLS will try to get you to FILTER by ID+

This function will hide all posts who reply to them.

Allowing them to create a blanket effect of filtering all of those they bait into a reply.

Absolutely subversive wouldn't you say?

Stay hydrated and well fed!

This is a high stress environment and your body will be consuming more water and nutrients then normally.

Not to mention the new pathways in your brain from expanding your thinking will need ample resource to form those new connections!

Exercise and take care of your body

Cleanliness is next to Godliness, so take care of yourself. Exercise during breaks from soaking in all of this startling data.

Make sure to refresh yourself and stay clean, no one ever drained a swamp while smelling like one! kek.

The more you know, the more you notice.


This message was brought to you in part by but not limited to, Anime Smartie Snacks; The smart snack that pushes back!

no homo

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6139d7  No.7298400

File: 23162a0fcd828fb⋯.png (871.07 KB, 736x991, 736:991, ClipboardImage.png)

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a181f2  No.7298401

File: 31e95b6f4d66e4a⋯.png (579.12 KB, 760x428, 190:107, ClipboardImage.png)

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5a800c  No.7298402

File: 7dcf579bf8dcd2e⋯.mp4 (Spoiler Image, 1.79 MB, 960x720, 4:3, 2019-07-31 sword play.mp4)

File: 5c629417b3f36bd⋯.mp4 (Spoiler Image, 2.06 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 2019-07-31 sword place 2.mp4)


Regarding this notable


2 videos


(not that bad actually, I'm used to way worse)

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ecabdd  No.7298403

File: 63ed387e6b98347⋯.png (16.17 KB, 741x609, 247:203, 0b5cf0063dc55345fb2ed8cee8….png)


i can't find the report key.

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a210bb  No.7298404


No I didn’t see this one, just the last couple of appearances he looked really shitty, faggot.

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8bcad6  No.7298405

File: 281793d30350411⋯.jpg (452.88 KB, 727x1194, 727:1194, IndianaTrump1.jpg)

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390b72  No.7298406


The FBI agent who wrote this has to be the same idiot that wrote the FBI warrant to try and take down our board. Remember all his Anon posts had (you) on them. What an moron.

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c6726b  No.7298407



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1e7254  No.7298408

Ask that guy how his air traffic control training went in USAF (not well) Also, that's not the wife he had in the late '70s.


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a4d077  No.7298409

>>7295111 (pb)

"He was promoted to section chief in the Counterterrorism Division at FBI Headquarters in 2016"

Promoted under McCabe era of running Counterterrorism Division …

"Master’s degree from Georgetown University"

Confirmed swamp …

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5dc79e  No.7298410


Thank you. I hate seeing fake headlines.

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75519e  No.7298411

File: 94e91321dbb32cd⋯.gif (984.85 KB, 570x321, 190:107, greenbikini.gif)



Very likely.

But she takes it in the ass, so …

Being married to Gavin Newsome should permanently eliminate this whore from the dating pool.

DJTJ is smart, but there are better fish in the sea, ffs.

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3954b7  No.7298412


Not conspiracy theories, as that is a meaningless invented term to forestall debate. We are talking about crimes and cover-ups. The FBI doesn’t like the public conducting its own crowdsourced analysis of crimes and cover-ups because the FBI always seems to be at the heart of things.

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ddff89  No.7298413





All jokes aside I think 7pm est.

And yes being here as long as I have, and being on a domestic terror watch list gives me carte Blanche to red text shitpost a few times a day. Im just having a little fun. Freddy was onto something

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b36657  No.7298414

File: f21143ed7948b9c⋯.png (142.53 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190801-160632.png)


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3bce25  No.7298415


Not mine. Guaranteed.

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389739  No.7298416


Okay Laura

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ad4b53  No.7298417

File: c23f1ca71ed495d⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1044x1346, 522:673, Scr_1.png)

File: 6cf9697c6430561⋯.png (565.05 KB, 1080x762, 180:127, Screenshot_20190801-135833….png)

The Obama's in the race will make for the best revenge for Trump.

Arrest the Obama's during a presidential campaign…. awesome.

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08e719  No.7298418



Fapping stops abruptly

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c4de53  No.7298419


>>7298384 Cummings house burglarized before POTUS Twitter ass kicking?

>>7298350 Amber alert in Missouri over mom/infant taken at gun point.

>>7298337 Gillette loses billions after shaming men.

>>7298311 Leak of documents re: National Australia Bank.

>>7298228 DJT Jr. kek.

>>7298212 Nearly 3-year manhunt ends in arrest of HSI most wanted fugitive.

>>7298155 Video/Article on Cumming's break in.

>>7298123 Hong Kong bankers join call for citywide strike over handling of outcry over extradition bill.

>>7298122, >>7298139, >>7298233 Planefag updates.

>>7298117 John Perry Barlow/EFF/Crypto dig.

>>7298111 Former Florida deputy accused of falsifying drug arrests is being held on a $1 million bond.

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e294cf  No.7298420

File: 2e90e8d8c8112d0⋯.jpg (128.44 KB, 720x576, 5:4, snopes.jpg)

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876333  No.7298421


Yup. Me too.

This place needs some death.

Un-savable, flood time.

Nothing else is going to redpill and wake up enough to make a change.

No matter how much progress you say this entire 3 year ordeal has achieved, its simply not enough to do anything other than isolate and demotivate.

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c4b460  No.7298422

File: 8734d03d72488e6⋯.gif (1.44 MB, 480x320, 3:2, 1563416344.gif)


I kill with a keyboard.

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51a406  No.7298423


This does make me think the "break in" was to secure evidence on a warrant, not burglars.

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84bb20  No.7298424


Please stop with your domestic terrorism!

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75519e  No.7298425


Down she goes ….. bitcoin gonna take a dive tomorrow.

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94d5a2  No.7298426






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3a8078  No.7298427

More bullshit. Make something happen you faggots or I become a real terrorist.

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3bce25  No.7298428


Oh, yeah, this was a total DS hit piece.

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a181f2  No.7298429

File: c207d196a1ba95a⋯.jpg (902.67 KB, 2989x1680, 427:240, sayocvan.jpg)

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753259  No.7298430

File: 0dcfb53d0d99afa⋯.jpg (32.18 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, 0dcfb53d0d99afaa50daf74a6b….jpg)

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51a406  No.7298431


Can't terror today. Brain hurty.

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00eb5f  No.7298432

File: b3a2391d6a0269f⋯.jpg (58.13 KB, 518x481, 14:13, itsthemoneytowakethemup.jpg)


Thank you…..Very well said. High IQANON

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55a25c  No.7298433

File: f72d4029d0d6f89⋯.jpeg (790.2 KB, 1242x1309, 1242:1309, BAA3F48A-D62F-4D7E-8817-4….jpeg)

File: 18123c358c88af3⋯.jpeg (516.79 KB, 1242x1262, 621:631, 4302B05E-4AB5-4D5A-97EB-7….jpeg)


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3954b7  No.7298434


Citing Snopes as a source is kektastic, though

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16c4f8  No.7298435

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Magic Sword - Sword of Truth (Live)

Reminds me of 'Captured! By Robots'

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8bcad6  No.7298436

File: 16ff40a25419f1f⋯.jpg (551.27 KB, 1280x846, 640:423, 20190801_111203.jpg)

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96554d  No.7298438


Dayum. Migrants are friendly

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a208a9  No.7298439

File: f373676d0ee5e6a⋯.jpg (133.53 KB, 552x892, 138:223, screenshot.jpg)

File: e1c9918adb56d1c⋯.jpg (246.25 KB, 1112x901, 1112:901, screenshot1.jpg)


Hot Springs, AR, USA - Memorial Field (Airport Code)

>planefags sleepy over there?

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aba3d8  No.7298440

File: ce0c49c40c43e5b⋯.jpg (717.59 KB, 1137x1446, 379:482, hrc spicy dementia.jpg)


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c6726b  No.7298441



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713ee8  No.7298442

>>7298396 The circular logic in this report is funny. Serious question though, how much did tax payers pay to write this?

I want a refund and the person fired

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f41084  No.7298443

File: 0a2aaa5ea348cf3⋯.jpg (40.89 KB, 600x314, 300:157, SgJ_32cF.jpg)

File: 76e41e9cc003fd0⋯.jpg (10.27 KB, 422x119, 422:119, download.jpg)

File: f5959654583cbe6⋯.jpg (3.68 KB, 336x150, 56:25, download (1).jpg)

Meltdown at NARAL as a mysteriously truthful email was sent out by a deputy field director to volunteers instructing them to:

-not say/write“Abortion is healthcare”

-not say/write“Abortion is normal”

-not say/write“Abortion rights are human rights.”😄

NARAL Email Instructs Field Staff Not to Say Abortion Should be Safe and Legal




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7527a9  No.7298444



diversity of blade weapons is our… strength?

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75519e  No.7298445


But but but …. Trust muh Wray

Q: what say you … lying asshole?

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b9420e  No.7298446

File: 2670b667a77191c⋯.png (549.53 KB, 1366x693, 1366:693, FBI JENA.png)


FBI PLANE on the move from Dallas

Callsign JENA625

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5a7d53  No.7298447


to do what, exactly?

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d39a77  No.7298448

File: e608f331ef2ccba⋯.png (67.99 KB, 874x280, 437:140, 190530-fbi-conspiracy-04.png)


The definition of conspiracy theory IN THE REPORT is truth agnostic. Some of the CTs are true, others are false.

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0f6d3e  No.7298449

comment on LB >>7297451 RNC's new logo

By The Associated Press

Aug. 1, 2019

WASHINGTON — The logo for the 2020 Republican National Convention in Charlotte, North Carolina, features a star-studded red elephant standing before a navy crown.

NAVY CROWN? really?

navy is spoopy and allied with DS CIA faggots

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069333  No.7298450




Who runs FBI?

W- - y MArker what day?

suddenly Q a threat

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8bcad6  No.7298451

File: 9165ca131a9b8b4⋯.jpg (819.77 KB, 888x1280, 111:160, 20190731_035016.jpg)

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837aa0  No.7298452

File: dab0bb3fbccc05f⋯.jpeg (107.48 KB, 1200x824, 150:103, 204F0233-727D-4889-BF6C-0….jpeg)


Me and my fellow domestic terrorist anons are seeking asylum. Please help.

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f17d02  No.7298453


I like Dan and he seems to mean well but isn't Harry's Razors a sponsor on his show?

Cause Harrys did something similar to Gillette


wtf Dan?

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5158ee  No.7298454


I can't do indicas. I don't like couchlock or the relaxation. I have work to do and I need to be energetic. I like strong sativas. Sativas so manic and cerebral and paranoid in their effects that it's almost uncomfortable. The kind that makes your mind race and gives you butterflies in your hands and stomach. The espresso of weed. And actual espresso with it.

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e294cf  No.7298455


they can pick up the MAGA riot shill. probably only have to go down the hall.

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c6726b  No.7298456




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737b15  No.7298457

File: 142b1a7710e546a⋯.jpeg (8.79 KB, 180x250, 18:25, richard-miller-agent-3a6b….jpeg)


After his arrest, a fuller portrait emerged of Miller. According to various news accounts, Miller occasionally took three-hour "lunches" at the 7-Eleven near his Los Angeles office, gorging himself on stolen candy bars while reading comic books. He was alleged to have cheated his own uncle by selling a muscle-relaxant device he'd patented, and skimmed cash from bureau coffers meant for one of his informants. Miller also ran auto-registration checks and searched FBI criminal indexes for a local private investigator at $500 per search. In early 1984, the LDS Church excommunicated Miller for adultery. He was divorced from his wife, Paula Miller (now renamed Hill), in late 1988. Following his release, he re-located to Northern Utah. He re-married Tamara Lewis (now Miller) September 23, 1995.[1]

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8f6ff4  No.7298458

File: 013eddb90766382⋯.png (243.17 KB, 402x303, 134:101, 2019-08-01_17-14-40.png)


>Like, the Zionist Octopus.

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bb5ff0  No.7298459

File: a8ec41039bb8ef1⋯.jpg (72.39 KB, 1217x354, 1217:354, law_enforcement_bulletin_f….jpg)

File: 13c73736aac300f⋯.jpg (830.4 KB, 1142x768, 571:384, leb_fake_doc_from_scribd.jpg)



not even in the LEB search

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f2fc2b  No.7298460

File: 62f806a6c2c9ddd⋯.png (662.27 KB, 659x424, 659:424, Baltimore.png)

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d6c85b  No.7298461



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fb5f27  No.7298462


Of course. Set-ups and false flags. I used to watch the old "Mission: Impossible" series. I liked it until I had the mental maturity to analyze the stories. They took down the bad guys, sure, but never or rarely for his actual crimes; always by an entrapment they set up.

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51a406  No.7298463


I mean, just when you thought the Steele Dossier was poorly sourced, and the Russian disinfo agents would be the worst thing the FBI relied on, they bring in Snopes!

It's precious!

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389c6b  No.7298464


Some people in Baltimore?

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b80e98  No.7298465

File: cef6636219e0b9e⋯.jpg (60.41 KB, 497x497, 1:1, buckwheat.jpg)

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1a8a78  No.7298466

File: 006f359cd546fe6⋯.gif (1.36 MB, 480x270, 16:9, therewasone.gif)


>report in!

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5dc79e  No.7298467



This is why our movement get noted on an FBI memo about conspiracy theorists possibly committing violent acts.

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54f47e  No.7298468

File: d03ceba8d1b6595⋯.jpg (90.19 KB, 671x500, 671:500, colgate palmolive dump exe….jpg)

File: 7e03ec94edf0b84⋯.png (224.67 KB, 461x460, 461:460, ripper fluoride.PNG)

Colgate-Palmolive Exec Chair sold $12.75m in shares-July 30-31

Colgate-Palmolive Company is one of the worldwide leaders in the manufacturing and marketing of cleaning and hygiene products. The group also products and sells pet food (dogs and cats). Net sales break down by family of products as follows:

- hygiene and cleaning products (85.2%): oral hygiene (toothpaste, toothbrushes, mouthwashes, etc.; Colgate brand), body care (soaps, shower gels, shampoos, conditioners, deodorants, shaving products, etc.; Palmolive, Speed Stick, Softsoap, etc.), household care, and linen care (dishwashing liquids, detergents, stain removers, fabric softeners, bleach, etc.; Palmolive, Ajax, Soupline, Suavitel, etc.). Net sales are distributed geographically as follows: North America (23.7%), Latin America (29.5%), Asia/Pacific (21.1%), Europe (18.2%), Africa and Eurasia (7.5%);

- cat and dog foods (14.8%; Hill's): world leader.



Colgate Palmolive : Announces 2nd Quarter 2019 Results

Colgate-Palmolive Company (NYSE:CL) today reported worldwide Net sales of $3,866 million in second quarter 2019, a decrease of 0.5% versus second quarter 2018. Global unit volume increased 1.0%, pricing increased 3.0% and foreign exchange was negative 4.5%. Organic sales (Net sales excluding the impact of foreign exchange, acquisitions and divestments) increased 4.0%.

Net income and Diluted earnings per share in second quarter 2019 were $586 million and $0.68, respectively. Net income in second quarter 2019 included $31 million ($0.04 per diluted share) of aftertax charges resulting from the Company's Global Growth and Efficiency Program.

Net income and Diluted earnings per share in second quarter 2018 were $637 million and $0.73, respectively. Net income in second quarter 2018 included $51 million ($0.06 per diluted share) of aftertax charges resulting from the Global Growth and Efficiency Program and a $15 million ($0.02 per diluted share) benefit from a foreign tax matter.

Excluding charges resulting from the Global Growth and Efficiency Program in both periods and the benefit from a foreign tax matter in 2018, Net income in second quarter 2019 was $617 million, a decrease of 8% versus second quarter 2018, and Diluted earnings per share in second quarter 2019 were $0.72, a decrease of 6% versus second quarter 2018.

Gross profit margin was 59.7% in second quarter 2019 versus 59.2% in second quarter 2018. Excluding charges resulting from the Global Growth and Efficiency Program in both periods, Gross profit margin was 59.6% in second quarter 2019, an increase of 30 basis points versus the year ago quarter as cost savings from the Company's funding-the-growth initiatives and higher pricing were partially offset by higher raw and packaging material costs, which included foreign exchange transaction costs.

Selling, general and administrative expenses were 35.4% of Net sales in second quarter 2019 versus 33.5% of Net sales in second quarter 2018. Excluding charges resulting from the Global Growth and Efficiency Program in both periods, Selling, general and administrative expenses increased by 200 basis points versus the year ago quarter to 35.2% of Net sales in second quarter 2019 due to higher overhead expenses and increased advertising investment, both as a percentage of Net sales. On an absolute basis, worldwide advertising investment increased 3% to $416 million versus $403 million in the year ago quarter.

Operating profit decreased to $888 million in second quarter 2019 compared to $946 million in second quarter 2018. Excluding charges resulting from the Global Growth and Efficiency Program in both periods, Operating profit was $928 million in second quarter 2019, a decrease of 8% versus second quarter 2018. Operating profit margin was 23.0% in second quarter 2019 versus 24.3% in second quarter 2018. Excluding charges resulting from the Global Growth and Efficiency Program in both periods, Operating profit margin was 24.0% in second quarter 2019, a decrease of 180 basis points versus the year ago quarter. This decrease in Operating profit margin was primarily due to an increase in Selling, general and administrative expenses, partially offset by an increase in Gross profit, both as a percentage of Net sales.

Net cash provided by operations year to date was $1,249 million compared to $1,297 million in the comparable 2018 period. Working capital as a percentage of Net sales was negative 2.9% compared to negative 2.1% in the year ago period.


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5da87e  No.7298469

File: 6e8a35e833142e8⋯.jpg (13.33 KB, 191x255, 191:255, CROCKOFSHIT.jpg)



Antifa= the nieghborhood boys being boys

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716933  No.7298470

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d81385  No.7298471

File: b0bc069947ccbeb⋯.png (151.28 KB, 264x256, 33:32, 1513828374476.png)


i assumed, since you aren't rgb (current baker) and you replied

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3bce25  No.7298472


You are an idiot.

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701de8  No.7298473




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f2d324  No.7298474

File: 117fabf476e8bd7⋯.png (62.05 KB, 235x354, 235:354, orwell power to act.PNG)

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a06574  No.7298475


this could be leading up to THE question

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6aadfe  No.7298476

File: b2bfdb454b29716⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1446x904, 723:452, Screenshot_1.png)

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54f47e  No.7298477

File: 894105a6127e4d7⋯.png (225.79 KB, 463x526, 463:526, pepe chicken tendies.PNG)

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51a406  No.7298478

>>7298223 omg Wiki too! The keks are unending!


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044fd8  No.7298479


Thing is, obviously Sayoc was a Psyop and could easily have been mkultra'd, but with mockingbird legacy media being 60 years old, nearly everyone is a victim of MKUltra.


We've got to write our way out of this story and into a new one…

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c6726b  No.7298480



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d65ec9  No.7298481


I HIGHLY doubt that. Unless you homegrow and smoke close to a 1/2 a day..

Dont see how indica can make a person “seem smarter”.

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bc94ac  No.7298482

ten what.

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ad4b53  No.7298483

File: dc69497adebb535⋯.jpg (64.96 KB, 500x658, 250:329, W4T.jpg)

Obama stole both his elections…

Some states Obama wasn't even eligible to run for president.

Obama is the dirtiest politician in American history.

Obama's are a disgrace…. F off Africans.

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6f5604  No.7298484

File: 6aec8bcff953466⋯.png (455.21 KB, 609x456, 203:152, gates-of-heaven-judgment.png)

File: 1e9be0c25fec809⋯.png (296.74 KB, 568x448, 71:56, its-its-its-finished.png)

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11c460  No.7298485


No Fucking Way! Is he scared?

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dbd9b3  No.7298486


Is it just me or does this headline make no sense?

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e19864  No.7298487


Yeah because god only gives a fuck about his very worse children and lets them torture us for 10k years

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75519e  No.7298488

File: 69db48c23c928bd⋯.png (73.88 KB, 500x378, 250:189, freedomdispenser.png)


Cutlural enrichment.

When are the Euroweenies going to fight back, and take back their homelands?

I mean really fight back?

pic related.

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aac4fa  No.7298489


What about the Leafies, Aussies, Brits & other foreign anons are they international terrorists.

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c4b460  No.7298490

File: 03c6f8a5a073033⋯.jpg (2.56 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 1540424778.jpg)

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278629  No.7298491


snopes on wiki porn

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389c6b  No.7298492



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6cd408  No.7298493


I agree. Perfect way to force it.

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f20dce  No.7298494

File: d85b2f3fc0db292⋯.jpg (1.33 MB, 2700x2000, 27:20, 02 mirror of 48.jpg)

File: 67005c28d099d8b⋯.jpg (1.39 MB, 2700x1800, 3:2, 48 mirror of 02.jpg)

File: cd1317f522365cb⋯.jpg (1.9 MB, 2700x2250, 6:5, 32 mirror of 18.jpg)


Today's Q Clock :02

And so it begins..

How do you start a WAR?

[Markers] matter.

Playbook [FAIL].



Who has the server(s)?

Today's :25/:55 Q Clock Mirror :48

[Nick Lewin]

Flight logs reveal many hidden artifacts.


If the records become unsealed much will be revealed.

Those who scream the loudest….

Epstein island dungeon (beneath the temple).

Ray Chandler = Allison Mack x 100

Today's 180-Degree Q Clock Mirror :32

Why are key positions always interchanging?

'Scaramucci model'.

'TEMP' hire by design.

Shadow to Sessions by design.

Public will become aware > doc dump.

Hussein gave the order to start the spy campaign.

D Fire_Good


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6aadfe  No.7298495

File: ff7035304246649⋯.jpg (35.56 KB, 375x253, 375:253, QNN - Copy (11).jpg)

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3bce25  No.7298496


The blends are pretty good, but I need the strong focus Indica-heavy strains provide. I try to stay in the 26%Sat/75%Indica lines.

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df3696  No.7298497

File: 94bc67f1982c420⋯.jpg (87.17 KB, 649x488, 649:488, IMG_3550.JPG)

File: 2cdd5a77e0bda69⋯.jpg (121.41 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, IMG_3551.JPG)

File: 15dde6116d6fbce⋯.jpg (175.21 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, IMG_3552.JPG)


LV coverup is how I found Q.

Halfchan Chertoff/bodyscanner post.

Photo is Kurt Von Tillow.

He was a Patriot.

He was a truck owner/ operator who I unloaded weekly.

A very nice man who was slaughtered in the LV shooting.

Both his daughter and a friend were injured and are still undergoing surgeries to repair damage of their legs by gunfire.

Yeah, I've got skin in the Cabal's game.

I am MAD!!!




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7339aa  No.7298498


Those last two letters in the tail number


Awan starts with "aw"

ANYTHING DynCorp is evil

State Dept/CIA operation

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701de8  No.7298499

Human Trafficking



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fbf10c  No.7298500

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Bingo , Catcher in The Rye … Got one.

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7d373e  No.7298502


That guy is seriously emotionally involved there…wtf is that broad doing running around the car?

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d65ec9  No.7298503

File: 6ed2310f503177d⋯.png (81.79 KB, 254x255, 254:255, 92BBFB2A-5057-4454-A54F-23….png)

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390b72  No.7298504

Crowd doesn't seem to be in her at the rally

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d1fdaa  No.7298505

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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12812b  No.7298506

Well if they come after me…I'm just going to say that i just leaked some memo's to a friend that Potus colluded with Russians…hopefully they won't indict me…nothing to see here…right???

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e19864  No.7298507


No its because Q tortures people like me until were desperate enough to hurt others just to make it stop

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a0e145  No.7298508

File: 65a1f09c99fa18e⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Slam DunkTrump.png)

Trump Slam Dunks Punk Drunk Meuller Protest Potus Feat

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ab7b41  No.7298509

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

interesting stuff.

.rather .lets say thinky stuff

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54f47e  No.7298510

File: a1b6d436f64a840⋯.png (298.51 KB, 700x500, 7:5, Stickers!!!.png)

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c6726b  No.7298511

Don, tell Kim she doesn't need to scream into a mic

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a9dc80  No.7298512

Notice they ROBBED his house

but just a few days ago

someone BURNED DOWN eleven houses

ie. shit, even hillary had a fire in her attic as cover. These people are stupid. Yeah, lets "rob" the top politician in our state…nobody will see us going in or call the police…………………………………………..maybe one of the 19 perpetrators dropped their passport as they were fleeing out the back door?

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dbd9b3  No.7298513


Anons are aware this isn't official. It's just a memo, compiled with sources my 9th grader wouldn't be allowed to use to write a paper. Qanon isn't actually on a terror watch list.


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ce5ae7  No.7298514





HOT(AUGUST) -2_pre_D











>AUGUST-15 Coats out, Acting DNI in


>(A soap opera produced by Proctor and Gamble)



Jeremiah 29:11


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d81385  No.7298515



is this news?

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11b9b7  No.7298516


Hard Operational Target

Hold Out Time

Hapenning On Time

Hands On Training

Just too many ….

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00eb5f  No.7298517


When has the MSM ever been accurate?

They have to post this shit for their direct FF attack on the Qs. Foreshadow much? Anons and Q are kicking their ass and the sheeple are waking up to it….see sum ting say sum ting

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12c012  No.7298518

File: b41c41ade7a0767⋯.png (908.09 KB, 886x974, 443:487, MMright.PNG)


It's the perennial conundrum with these clowns: stupid? or just acting stupid?)

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27835e  No.7298519


Perpetrators are two nigerians flown in and paid $5,000 to steal evidence of Mrs Cummings crimes. They were wearing MAGA hats.

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cd94c2  No.7298520

File: bcb4831d403b4c0⋯.jpg (73.99 KB, 459x644, 459:644, 0d901a2a9f74d7f93b56087b8a….jpg)

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aa087e  No.7298521

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This guy does a pretty good break down.

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d3c5f7  No.7298523

File: cae1c5949e0ff82⋯.png (408 KB, 598x770, 299:385, Screen Shot 2019-08-01 at ….png)

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3872a1  No.7298524

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


"conspiracy theory" 1978

40 more years of raping kids


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dbd9b3  No.7298525

File: a3b3fd6e3513c53⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1036x1216, 259:304, Screen Shot 2019-08-01 at ….png)

File: 9a9c742ee5221ec⋯.png (147.86 KB, 1040x648, 130:81, Screen Shot 2019-08-01 at ….png)

File: 14535a343d8e2a5⋯.png (113.63 KB, 1046x548, 523:274, Screen Shot 2019-08-01 at ….png)

KEK!!! The comments…


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3bce25  No.7298526


Close enough.

Did you read the original comment? Dude needs all the help he can get.

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fb5f27  No.7298527


I thought he looked and sounded nervous, is all. facing that many people, I would be, too. Isn't this in the Bible Belt? I'd be uncertain about audience receptivity.

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c8965b  No.7298529


Straka says WWG1WGA! At Live Trump Rally https://www.facebook.com/rightsidebroadcasting/videos/887331644976494/ NOTABLE NOTABLE

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e19864  No.7298530

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5158ee  No.7298531

File: 5c0deac51a8423b⋯.jpg (110.91 KB, 750x948, 125:158, 5c0deac51a8423bfe81f5e76fa….jpg)


Thanks, Anon.

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389c6b  No.7298532


are you sure about what you're saying…

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93c8e6  No.7298533

File: 0d58373c2981884⋯.jpg (98.5 KB, 885x500, 177:100, SpongeBobDeclas.jpg)

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b8eb06  No.7298534

File: 9f23d2500e3933c⋯.jpeg (758 KB, 1097x1506, 1097:1506, D675600E-99F4-446F-B55F-8….jpeg)

White House warns officials that support for Hong Kong protests could jeopardize fragile trade talks with China

By Ralph R. Ortega For Dailymail.com

16:03 EDT 01 Aug 2019, updated 16:36 EDT 01 Aug 2019





Latest From MailOnline

Wife catches her husband POISONING her coffee after setting up hidden cameras because she fell ill every time he made her a drink…

REVEALED: Elijah Cummings' own Baltimore home was ROBBED just hours BEFORE Trump launched his 'race row' by attacking the lawmaker…

Trump administration gave guidance on response to anti-government protests

Directive from 'the top' came over concern of fragile talks with Beijing on trade

Hong Kong experiencing worst political turmoil since its return to China in 1997

VP Mike Pence cancelled a speech earlier this year due to similar concerns

President Donald Trump's administration warned officials to tread lightly when making public statements about anti-government protests in Hong Kong as the US resumed sensitive trade talks with China.


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54f47e  No.7298535

File: 56e27aac671deb4⋯.jpg (51.19 KB, 580x384, 145:96, YOU glow.jpg)

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a210bb  No.7298536


No 2nd amendment fren.

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050b28  No.7298537

File: bf524ca2bc8f6d2⋯.jpg (165.86 KB, 601x924, 601:924, EC fake news.jpg)

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a0c4dd  No.7298538

File: 76b28cb7ebe1139⋯.jpeg (1.19 MB, 2015x1070, 403:214, 7ED991B6-1CC2-4B07-BB59-A….jpeg)

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b8eb06  No.7298540


I thought POTUS was staunch anti-Communist. What's this?

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6e7710  No.7298541

File: 271ed69e03fdd58⋯.jpg (362.04 KB, 600x833, 600:833, Dark-to-Light-3.jpg)

File: ca84182ebc71440⋯.jpg (144.46 KB, 480x357, 160:119, Liberty's-Light-1-2.jpg)



Grace = Time

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7d9461  No.7298542

File: 12d178395c9d477⋯.jpg (333.35 KB, 2352x1331, 2352:1331, Screenshot 2019-08-01_17-1….jpg)

well said

and she looks HOT is black

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df3696  No.7298543

File: 42f55b471d8acc6⋯.jpg (86.05 KB, 800x448, 25:14, IMG_3511.JPG)



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ad4b53  No.7298544

File: 538c8a540800a9e⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1017x768, 339:256, Screenshot_20190730-142623….png)

Anons I told a nigger to go back to Africa this morning and to my surprise he said I wish I could.

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753259  No.7298545

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Gimmie Gimmie Chicken Tendies

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6f5604  No.7298546

File: e64d4c1151e0478⋯.png (453.22 KB, 461x459, 461:459, muellers-nothingburgers.png)

File: 97c1a46e76ab641⋯.png (214.69 KB, 470x525, 94:105, maddow-shock-2.png)

File: 756f3e0d40f8ae7⋯.png (218.26 KB, 532x441, 76:63, drug-dealer-democrat.png)

File: d70c453e814d4f5⋯.png (156.12 KB, 526x464, 263:232, schiff-conspiracy-theorist.png)

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3bce25  No.7298547


You're torturing yourself. Don't put this on Q, pussy.

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e19864  No.7298548


Yeah tortured since april 2018

Probly before that too tbh

Im running out of patience

May god forgive me for what im going to have to do

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a0c4dd  No.7298549

File: cca056047d4a06b⋯.jpeg (260.5 KB, 722x711, 722:711, 599A99AA-6D5B-44C1-A04E-7….jpeg)

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816047  No.7298550

File: 1a7da1ee3dd761b⋯.jpg (12.08 KB, 255x206, 255:206, cfd5bdf18a42b6948da1a78dd5….jpg)

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51a406  No.7298551


The marketing and slow trickle out of inventory, and the batch selling at a given price, take it or leave it, is breathless and shameless at the same time. Truly astonishing people think diamonds are valuable. Truly astonishing.

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471d8d  No.7298552

Area 51 raid theory

1. Promote event. FB TWAT GOOG all allowing and pushing.

2. Get reaction from DS (Military will act)

3. Push conspiracy theorist angle.

4. Encourage / facilitate the masses to get out there.

5. Create a chaotic scene.

6. Military shut it down.

7. Blame conspiracy theories

8. Push for legislation to make sharing conspiracy theories online illegal.

9. Welcome to 1984 and the NWO.


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ca351c  No.7298553

Projection at its best. I can't wait until declass shows MSM acting on behalf of a foreign nation. Then we will see who is labeled as a terrorist.

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e19864  No.7298554


I rightfully put the blame on Q

And if i am lying may jesus strike me down

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7339aa  No.7298555

File: f4778b683cbfcb8⋯.png (15.26 KB, 812x179, 812:179, Screenshot_2019-08-01 Craz….png)

Comments all saying David Geffen.

Hey boatfags, where is his yacht? Can't remember the name of it offhand.

Oprah been in any airports lately? She's his pal.

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27835e  No.7298556


Is that TOOTS??

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28c8c5  No.7298557

File: 26946cf6c08f1f3⋯.jpeg (63.53 KB, 800x450, 16:9, 33EC4406-1127-4F6E-B962-A….jpeg)


sup r geezy

what it doogh



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80bece  No.7298558

File: bf0a00279d6bbd0⋯.jpeg (12.47 KB, 255x215, 51:43, F13F7D13-7590-442F-8DC3-1….jpeg)



Born to fren… and lick… and hump and and….

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a0c4dd  No.7298559




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461198  No.7298560

File: 1055f89dd40d615⋯.png (136.51 KB, 476x248, 119:62, safe_image (3).png)

WTAF arrest this pos for sedition now.

Womb warfare is real.


Mexican women have a legal right to U.S. healthcare, and also to birth their children in the United States if they ask for asylum, Democratic Sen. Ron Wyden claimed Saturday.

Wyden’s unilateral extension of Americans’ rights, national healthcare and democratic representation to the nationals of Mexico came when he staged a visit to a shelter for migrants waiting for scheduled asylum hearings in the United States. The shelter is in Juarez, Mexico, and it hosts migrants who were sent back to Mexico under the “Remain in Mexico” program until U.S. judges have time to hear their pleas for asylum.

Wyden made the trip with pro-migration advocates from his home state of Oregon where he is facing a reelection campaign in 2020. The visit is likely intended to boost his election support from white progressives who increasingly favor migrants over many Americans.

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5a800c  No.7298561

File: 8d515ce0457bc15⋯.mp4 (3.65 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 2015-11-20 Katrin Göring E….mp4)


One of the Green party traitors said in 2015 regarding the guests:

"Our country will change, drastically. And I look forward to it!"

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390b72  No.7298562

File: fe7193dc6b93200⋯.png (401.92 KB, 572x300, 143:75, Don Jr.PNG)

Donald Sr talks to us

Donald Jr talks AT us.

Big difference.

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dbd9b3  No.7298563


Sorry, wrong link


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d81385  No.7298564



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7527a9  No.7298565


i'd look around italy where that other meeting is

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876333  No.7298566

File: 8d7c2304d5176ee⋯.png (70.96 KB, 507x334, 507:334, ClipboardImage.png)

Hopefully when Q tells us "News Unlocks", hes talking about this type news.

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e19864  No.7298567

I hope god just grants me one day to torture the ones gangstalking me

Just to make them understand

Or maybe a eternity

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a4d4b4  No.7298568

File: e81b3afbda253f8⋯.png (485.13 KB, 841x490, 841:490, eckids.png)

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fc2799  No.7298569

August is a HOT month Aug 1st - Aug 12?


OWLS Stringer



13 Jan 2018 - 10:33:44 PM



















Jeremiah 29:11


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00eb5f  No.7298570


Fuck China! Who do you think is actually fucking with the US?

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f17d02  No.7298571


why wouldn't this be a google exec, isn't camp google going on right now?

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816047  No.7298572


I got there first, back off fren!

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6b2634  No.7298573

File: e8839469da73b6e⋯.jpeg (1.1 MB, 1328x1417, 1328:1417, A76BEF70-1DB0-48EC-B57B-A….jpeg)

File: 4d4c2b17225b240⋯.jpeg (707.33 KB, 1311x1469, 1311:1469, FF0A6B7D-3F76-427F-BDB3-7….jpeg)

File: 763ae0d2a28b15a⋯.jpeg (897.8 KB, 1729x1468, 1729:1468, CD589AA9-638B-49DF-8C1B-C….jpeg)

File: a4789b0ecac8542⋯.jpeg (809.72 KB, 1767x1475, 1767:1475, 62DEA2FF-D8F2-485A-BD08-2….jpeg)


Same with the Thousand Oaks shooting in November 2018. Notable that the gunman was found dead and the Sheriff that was killed ended up dying from a single gunshot to the heart by another officer.


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df3696  No.7298574



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f2d324  No.7298576

File: 6f233ce5837a0cc⋯.png (147.75 KB, 640x312, 80:39, orwell society will hate t….PNG)

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6139d7  No.7298577

File: 578ef186d10a1c7⋯.png (1.32 MB, 1542x870, 257:145, ClipboardImage.png)

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4dc786  No.7298578

File: d4c92a59a65670a⋯.jpeg (378.22 KB, 1242x1934, 621:967, FF6F606F-6F79-4DB7-8645-C….jpeg)

WTF is going on in AZ?

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813870  No.7298579

File: a40fc2b22be7e8d⋯.png (85.81 KB, 230x230, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)



Sorry, it was just the pest control guy, he forgot to lock the door on the way out.

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91aafd  No.7298580


would be too funny if the police actually recover all the "stolen" stuff and have him come down to claim it. And catch him in the act of recovering incriminating evidence. Dems are stupid and I wouldn't put it past him to collect.

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64f790  No.7298581

File: 5bcabebb3b91841⋯.jpg (80.18 KB, 600x722, 300:361, 23cc76b5cc3e88d69a1018460f….jpg)

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e297eb  No.7298582


Leaning that way, but will wait to see how Q plays out.

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51a406  No.7298583


Not until the whole world is infinity chan! mwhahahahahahahaha!

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549ae7  No.7298584

File: c6bbf5d46c92471⋯.png (557.51 KB, 736x709, 736:709, D18BB9EB-1C75-4666-8EE4-0F….png)

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a4d4b4  No.7298585


Boat fag had Barry Dillar yacht and someone else connected nearby.

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3bce25  No.7298586


Explain the evidence and logic underlying that conclusion.

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278629  No.7298587


dirty deeds done dirt cheap

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0533a8  No.7298588

File: fa44c1f4d083967⋯.png (2.4 MB, 1750x983, 1750:983, lockuprawtheJeffreyEpstein….png)

diff version.

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2b950e  No.7298589


Quit the gore pics, dammit.

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b9420e  No.7298590




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e19864  No.7298591


We should consider executing the entire govt

I have family that work for it

And i still say this

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80bece  No.7298592

File: 9d8f2f76e56e6f6⋯.jpeg (229.79 KB, 750x571, 750:571, ABD8A14E-2B6C-486D-8A49-A….jpeg)


You did, you did. Hive mind.

Can I haz sloppy seconds?

I never got my turn wif FMB

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c6726b  No.7298593

File: 06eb0d802dd556d⋯.jpg (30.24 KB, 400x519, 400:519, mugshot__parishiltonmugsho….jpg)


The FBI already caught me, the first from the QAnon Most Wanted List

Do I spread my legs, or do a plea deal to rat on the rest of you?

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bb5ff0  No.7298594

File: 82595eab445e2dd⋯.png (75.03 KB, 600x439, 600:439, 825.png)

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cd94c2  No.7298595

Dailymotion embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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1ef361  No.7298596

File: 309cb3d7f2b43da⋯.jpeg (118.85 KB, 381x461, 381:461, A03BF7CF-4C39-499A-AEAD-9….jpeg)


I’d rather just read about it. See you in the “funnies”!

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6237f2  No.7298597

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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389c6b  No.7298598

For what i can see, "Chemtrails" don't work anymore. Don't know if i'm wright or wrong…Just i wan't to say is that sky is like, when i'm was a child…

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a9c6b4  No.7298600

File: 0daf0d4fd338fb3⋯.jpeg (2.82 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 8AE691DF-BC57-4AFD-8B09-C….jpeg)

File: 230059093f3d129⋯.jpeg (3.54 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 20FB5F61-5519-4625-92FC-5….jpeg)

I love Texas.

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389739  No.7298601

File: 17a5df60181ef4f⋯.png (91.1 KB, 720x839, 720:839, anontimes.png)

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d81385  No.7298602


be careful what you wish for


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8f4bcd  No.7298603


Reported. Do no harm. Get help

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a49fe7  No.7298604

File: fc25705c3200b97⋯.jpeg (95.88 KB, 828x1175, 828:1175, ACF6C691-4974-4F76-AE6C-9….jpeg)

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96554d  No.7298605



moar sauce:


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e19864  No.7298606


Take hormone therapy they like traps

Thats my plan

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50dfa9  No.7298607

File: dd29ca6c59f4315⋯.gif (431.72 KB, 500x269, 500:269, CornGobblergif.gif)


Popcorn lover, sidetracked, will report in later…


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a5c620  No.7298608


This whole thing is fucked

Elijah Cummings house broken into… evidence removed

FBI shrugs shoulders

This plan is fucked

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2c2bd7  No.7298609


Is that why this board was shut down by the FBI?

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a208a9  No.7298610

File: 8650c9f24e8416b⋯.jpg (61.72 KB, 381x597, 127:199, screenshot.jpg)

so this is a HOT countdown for 12 days and AS (Adam Shit) on the 13th?


Pouts and Personel: We Are With You [No One Left Behind][for god & country]

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f8c845  No.7298611


I like your syle soldier!!

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cd94c2  No.7298612

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8bcad6  No.7298613

File: a383ef0f4661f0a⋯.jpg (819.84 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, 20190727_030210.jpg)

File: 4a4cd3b98bb661d⋯.jpg (589.13 KB, 1280x850, 128:85, 20190719_125625.jpg)




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f41084  No.7298614


I want to re-iterate, we are not avoiding those terms because WE or OUR BASE do not believe in these statements. We are avoiding them until our Comms team has a chance to present the compelling reasons they found for why these messages are less helpful for us, especially with broader general public communications.

The revelation of such a fundamental shift in public messaging comes on the heels of upheaval at Planned Parenthood, which earlier this month ousted President Leana Wen just eight months after she took the role. Much of that was due to her apparent unsuitability for the role, according to staffers who spoke to Rolling Stone, with Wen being unfamiliar with “basics of political organizing”—but also due to “her belief that she could de-politicize Planned Parenthood.” Wen reportedly believed Planned Parenthood should focus on promoting the idea of abortion as healthcare, but without understanding the impossibility of depoliticizing the issue in doing so.

Planned Parenthood may have avoided that trap by ousting Wen. But at a time when abortion rights are eroding faster than any point since Roe, the idea that NARAL might be shying away from messaging like “abortion should be legal”—or attempting to destigmatize abortion by saying it’s normal or is like any other healthcare procedure—is troubling. It’s also hard to shake the horrible thought that a consultant probably got paid more money than most people make in a month to produce this.



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6237f2  No.7298615


aint seen nothing in a couple weeks either, anon

i swear the 'heatwave' was all that gross fuck getting burned out of the sky

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701de8  No.7298616

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ffe7d4  No.7298617


….aaaaand filtered!

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e957ee  No.7298618

Q drop 3570 decode



1 Aug 2019 - 12:22:36 PM

[C] before [D].

[C]oats before [D]eclas.

The month of AUGUST is traditionally very HOT.

You have more than you know.








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c4de53  No.7298619


Just keepin' it real

o7 g

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876333  No.7298620


You're giving away your angle, Agent P.

Hint: if you're on ADHD meds. Quit em.

Big pharma is sorcery.

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6f5604  No.7298621

File: 11b6c21a924c750⋯.png (237.77 KB, 335x431, 335:431, moses-commandments-3png.png)

File: dba016ffd07fa8a⋯.png (250.88 KB, 666x509, 666:509, Brennan-bad-info.png)

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269a4c  No.7298622


This poorly written, horribly sourced “FBI INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN” is a worthless piece of paper that any lawyer could tear apart in two seconds. It’s fodder for MSM and the Congress so they can go crazy about white supremacy, but it has no standing.

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54f47e  No.7298623

File: df6e7a84ccbcbd7⋯.png (82.16 KB, 300x300, 1:1, pepe hey put em up fucker.png)

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ad4b53  No.7298624

File: 8e82be037972f43⋯.png (487.96 KB, 1020x1017, 340:339, Screenshot_20190708-081544….png)

File: 3f75355beb7258c⋯.jpg (11.09 KB, 187x255, 11:15, abb6a5c2e0301e84982b400f9e….jpg)



Nigga this is glowing…

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7339aa  No.7298625


This story is getting a whole lot of play.

Apparently not many people know what they do with bodies donated to the "Body Farm" outside of Univ of Tennessee/Knoxville.

It's like the national headquarters for forensics/coroner types.

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b99ffd  No.7298626

File: cdeb316d90d28b5⋯.jpg (91.52 KB, 680x979, 680:979, cdeb316d90d28b5abed2e5850c….jpg)


Magic Sword

Sword and The Stone

Words and the TONES

You all know meme magic is real, as is the magic of music and tone. Wasnt creation spoken into being by have been said forth according to a popular understanding?

There are ppl on this board and in the world for this cause doing good.

With magic.

Magic Sword may be worth a listen if for only to consune to tones, audible and otherwise, provided. Use discernment always.

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f632e0  No.7298627

File: 7eeec6228c24036⋯.png (2.48 MB, 1205x787, 1205:787, 908789012390874653.png)

File: 71f62f05604a55c⋯.png (430.61 KB, 1192x614, 596:307, 07891897437857632.png)

File: 8aa9a86c78ae030⋯.png (2.16 MB, 1234x692, 617:346, 9970854213085443598.png)

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f4132a  No.7298628

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389c6b  No.7298629

Nothing, we see you

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aa087e  No.7298630

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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fc2799  No.7298631


Jeremiah 29:11 New International Version (NIV)

11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

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3bce25  No.7298632


Evidence removed, or evidence recovered?

Be certain to cite your sources.

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6aadfe  No.7298633

File: f8f8bb53a0d3125⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1786x1012, 893:506, Screenshot_2.png)

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5dc79e  No.7298634

File: 3bc5f86d8921464⋯.jpeg (521.09 KB, 2048x1298, 1024:649, 4E3888DF-CD84-4950-A6B6-7….jpeg)

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06a296  No.7298635

Don't question the assassination of JFK.

The Warren Commission concluded Oswald acted alone!

Trust the 9/11 Commission, the planes brought the buildings down!

SB2 is a conspiracy theorist for reporting on chemtrailing!

So, Wray gets tagged a placeholder and now this?


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816047  No.7298636

File: 165154fa5444c44⋯.jpg (40.71 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 165154fa5444c44a6e887cd8b4….jpg)

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3d61a5  No.7298638

The terrorist thing DOES suck because the MSM will latch onto it forever.

Of course it’s fucking bullshit, but that’s never stopped them before.

Now we have to balance two things:

Continue selling the Great Awakening while fighting off claims that we’re terrorists in the eyes of the FBI.

Q! If you’re out there, we could sure use a fucking MOAB right about now.


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e19864  No.7298639


Dunno if i believe you but david wilcox also said this

I doubt it

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6237f2  No.7298640

File: 26e1e4a56ff14cb⋯.jpg (13.1 KB, 255x133, 255:133, 8daa22948c19937221950b3284….jpg)


love these

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5733a3  No.7298641


My mouses are wonky. I'm crippled, but can still fight with my words.

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ab7b41  No.7298642

File: 3da7b2c8e90f099⋯.png (10.19 KB, 700x171, 700:171, tulsi shilly.PNG)

tulsi ..makein BIG talk

ithink she is just being shiilly


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fbf10c  No.7298643


Pull It

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54f47e  No.7298644

File: 7be6d271ff7db5c⋯.jpg (152.32 KB, 852x480, 71:40, spaceforce fags.jpg)

File: 94996dca60d77df⋯.png (1.4 MB, 942x699, 314:233, POTUS Space Force Salute d….PNG)

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11b9b7  No.7298646

File: a338a84924c4026⋯.png (240.89 KB, 386x447, 386:447, RatControl_Baltimore.png)

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fd1a18  No.7298647

File: 07fed2334ec7fb0⋯.jpg (154.24 KB, 550x301, 550:301, starship-troopers-wyltkm.jpg)


Well well well I get your point. The media will lie, and fabricate. They will do whatever it take. Because they know that if they fail it is not justice they are worried about it's theirs master. You see those Fucker where given great wealth, influence, Power and all kind of perk.

They had a job to do. Prevent Trump from gaining Office and after, since they FUCKING FAILED, they had to neuter him Politically.

Anon do you think they where successful?

Anon do you think theirs master is satisfy with theirs work?

You see the problem when your MASTERS are Fucking Satanist, that are into Torture and human sacrifice is that they are into Torture and human sacrifice!

Do you think those people are the forgiving type?

Anon do you think that they will just let them be forgotten or arrested?

I don't think so.

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c4de53  No.7298648


>>7298566, >>7298605 Ariz. man learns mom's body was sold and detonated by the military.

>>7298494 Q clock summaries. Re-read crumbs.

>>7298468 Colgate-Palmolive Exec Chair sold $12.75m in shares.

>>7298433 Problems in the ranks of Navy SEALs.

>>7298384 Cummings house burglarized before POTUS Twitter ass kicking?

>>7298350 Amber alert in Missouri over mom/infant taken at gun point.

>>7298337 Gillette loses billions after shaming men.

>>7298311 Leak of documents re: National Australia Bank.

>>7298228 DJT Jr. kek.

>>7298212 Nearly 3-year manhunt ends in arrest of HSI most wanted fugitive.

>>7298155 Video/Article on Cumming's break in.

>>7298123 Hong Kong bankers join call for citywide strike over handling of outcry over extradition bill.

>>7298122, >>7298139, >>7298233, >>7298446 Planefag updates.

>>7298117 John Perry Barlow/EFF/Crypto dig.

>>7298111 Former Florida deputy accused of falsifying drug arrests is being held on a $1 million bond.

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389739  No.7298649

File: 5748838c2d2aaaf⋯.png (361.19 KB, 1090x619, 1090:619, pepeweed.png)


What do you recommend?

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372a70  No.7298650



>"so those dirty qanon people are flagged by the fbi or something"

>"that's the problem with anonymity. We need to know what your political choices are. We don't need your theories"

>"this is a new world. Like a phonix from the ashes hopefully these Q people can step up to a masterful way of living"

>monkey noises

Joe rogan was talking koy with maynered james kenan about adrenochrome. Maynered said something to the effect of "stop messing with my glands". Its a big joke to these people. Joe rogan looks at his ipad and thinks to himself "wow the military and all of that is fighting the cabal" he then scrolls down and sees the snopes article. and says "so mote it be"

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1ef361  No.7298651

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389c6b  No.7298652

Loud and Clear…

We see You…

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e19864  No.7298653


Yep i hope every other victim of this horrible society embraces anarchy

We should punish those who benefitted from this hellscape

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958855  No.7298654

8 Chan exposes FBI as a Domestic Terrorist Organization.

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f4132a  No.7298655


Agreed. But at some level we knew this was coming. Q said attacks will intensify.

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e19864  No.7298656


Do you "anon"

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363ee1  No.7298657

File: 54f3177206559ae⋯.png (407.32 KB, 616x616, 1:1, bee united.png)

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11c460  No.7298658

File: e240247ba0bac37⋯.png (579.97 KB, 970x655, 194:131, Screenshot (782).png)

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6237f2  No.7298659

File: 706234e43c70fcd⋯.jpg (98.26 KB, 601x755, 601:755, IMG_3890.jpg)



capital work, anon

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ad102a  No.7298660

If teh rogue elements of the FBI (Comey etc.) are tagged as domestic terrorists, then they are subject to military tribunal and the DOJ can't do shit about it.

Bypass the corrupt courts and legal systems, use the military instead.

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54f47e  No.7298661

File: d1bbd5aabac98ec⋯.jpg (9.22 KB, 255x187, 15:11, pepe retard.jpg)

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f2d324  No.7298662

File: a8a2e9ee733782c⋯.png (445.12 KB, 665x315, 19:9, orwell destroy history.PNG)

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51a406  No.7298663


Hey, you. I'm gonna check that meme on Snopes.

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d81385  No.7298664

File: 2adb9579f951ede⋯.jpg (53.82 KB, 480x360, 4:3, dump it.jpg)

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a4d077  No.7298665

>>7296750 (pb)

"Yacht EOS (Barry Diller)"

EOSphros == morning star == Lucifer

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140248  No.7298666


Rising Sun

Usually parked off coast of Italy….

Will be interesting to see who shows up

Gayle King is on vacay this week - she was on yacht w/oprah for Michael Jackson movie discussion…a couple of months back

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e957ee  No.7298667


Highest ranking domestic terrorist Anon here.


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d6c85b  No.7298668


someone grab that please and thank you

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12c012  No.7298669

File: 5afc8c7acc74081⋯.png (84.62 KB, 437x230, 19:10, ClipboardImage.png)


Is Phoenix in Arizona?

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0f821a  No.7298670

File: 09d409a0260f5f1⋯.png (231.86 KB, 450x500, 9:10, 71f1b561a2bc620a08debb9d7b….png)

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471d8d  No.7298672

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ask Dr. Brown & Rabbi Shmuley Boteach "Debate Christian Anti-Semitism"

(((They))) are trying to get the bible labelled antisemitic as Jesus exposed those who got him killed.

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cd94c2  No.7298673


Calling it Out!

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23ec0e  No.7298674


Dana Perrino hates her because Dana is a fugly neocon Bush bitch.

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a4c502  No.7298675


sounds like a DARPA thing

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372a70  No.7298676

File: ed02ed754952c5f⋯.png (6.18 KB, 993x49, 993:49, Screenshot from 201.png)

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389c6b  No.7298677


Don't know, do you think (Believe)?…

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5f37fd  No.7298678


old news

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90b9d0  No.7298679

File: 51d17b3a966b206⋯.jpg (362.7 KB, 1077x1016, 1077:1016, Screenshot_20190801-162851….jpg)


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df3696  No.7298680


Skippy's video scared me more.

More like traumatized me for weeks.

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7d9461  No.7298681

Kilmeade just mentioned EJ's home

Dana confirms he was not living there, not the house he lives in

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140248  No.7298682


and see this

>>>7296750 (pb)

it is indeed off coast of italy with others

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9a1f0c  No.7298683


You are going do something and declass happens the next day and you achieve nothing but ruin lives

All while never having to do anything

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a181f2  No.7298684

lets just say q is not real. could q people really be in trouble for being gullible idiots? the only real person who would be in trouble is "q" him/herself.

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a4d4b4  No.7298685

File: 40e881b5684b4c7⋯.jpeg (13.63 KB, 300x210, 10:7, fathack.jpeg)


Here! But working on my interwebs invisibility cloaking.

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2b950e  No.7298686



We all know at one point they will try to take it down.

But it won't stop what's coming.

Nothing does.


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f2fc2b  No.7298687


>could q people really be in trouble for being gullible idiots?


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278629  No.7298688


according to many maps yes it is.

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d81385  No.7298689



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753259  No.7298690

File: 3ba00aff5906dc1⋯.jpg (2.86 KB, 125x104, 125:104, 3ba00aff5906dc1182f3262ad6….jpg)


Spreading your legs would save frog world. So that is why it is worth considering.

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51a406  No.7298691


POTUS is cleaning the skies.

Spraying out shit to knock down the shit the DS was spraying. Al, Be, "smart dust", whatever the fuck that is.

Thank God for POTUS.

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6f5604  No.7298692

File: f158549acfa8b6c⋯.png (279.53 KB, 640x456, 80:57, nunes-sunday.png)

File: 8efd2d2cf052447⋯.png (450.71 KB, 539x737, 49:67, hrc-gifts.png)

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3d61a5  No.7298694

File: e1b5b0a6b84efee⋯.jpeg (801.1 KB, 4000x4000, 1:1, 7B6CE12E-5082-4058-BC49-9….jpeg)

Someone caption this meme RIGHT NOW or else I swear to fucking God I will stop what I’m doing and volunteer my time at the local soup kitchen to those who are disadvantaged.

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fbf10c  No.7298695

Not the first time either.

Odds of being in 2 events ?


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853951  No.7298696


Hottest girl in news. No contest

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3ada4d  No.7298697

File: 40c64ff9293b64f⋯.png (214.72 KB, 1120x921, 1120:921, RisingSun.png)

File: bfcd9b6d359e6c1⋯.png (7.42 MB, 3004x2254, 1502:1127, PedoYachts2.png)

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6aadfe  No.7298700

File: c34db9d762610d1⋯.png (486.3 KB, 475x623, 475:623, Screenshot_320.png)

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ad4b53  No.7298701

File: e57e3ea009cdf2d⋯.jpg (213.73 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, downloadfile-5.jpg)

Trump pull the plug on AG Barr immediately send that fat ass packing.

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a5c620  No.7298702



No comey indictment

Now we're terrorists

And these famefags on twitter just keep on trusting the plan no matter what bad news hits

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e19864  No.7298703


I dont give a fuck about any of your larp bs

I want off the list

I want one day with no torture

I cant even get that

People will die

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c4b460  No.7298704

File: 9812e30a5a6235b⋯.jpg (55.79 KB, 893x377, 893:377, 19hri7.jpg)


All the people that are scamming the IRS on Bitcoin capital gains: think they're stupid enough to declare losses?

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6aadfe  No.7298705

File: 91c8a37358391ba⋯.jpg (1.17 MB, 2048x2648, 256:331, 1POTUS_PEN_FACE - Copy - C….jpg)

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d81385  No.7298706

File: dc4dfcc0ed9043e⋯.jpg (24.18 KB, 300x199, 300:199, hacker known as 4chan.jpg)


*schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop*

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b2f175  No.7298707


how do you upgrade to 8chan Pro?

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e19864  No.7298708


Because they are paid to shill for Q

Traitors to humanity

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11b9b7  No.7298709

File: 2ad2e6306077c23⋯.png (113.66 KB, 456x356, 114:89, pepe_noodles.png)


Reporting in. Not really fit today – too much meme terror last night.

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1516a1  No.7298710

File: 85668406b8bdece⋯.png (5.12 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cfc9599e1050a26⋯.png (5.17 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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7d04f0  No.7298711

Is it cuz i is black

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51a406  No.7298712


It's always the damn Dutch. Always!

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e957ee  No.7298713


Book ‘em, Dano!

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6aadfe  No.7298714

File: d641c27c10f28f3⋯.png (566.99 KB, 394x636, 197:318, AdamSchitt.png)

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ea44dc  No.7298715

File: 765167673cca4f2⋯.gif (1.55 MB, 480x362, 240:181, gif1.gif)

>>7298223 These people are stupid!

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80bece  No.7298716


Who cares

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389c6b  No.7298717

Do you have Faith…?

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ab7b41  No.7298718

File: 236ce8fc106d75a⋯.png (15.15 KB, 504x671, 504:671, i salute you....PNG)

File: db1163f30a5998d⋯.png (221.51 KB, 627x419, 627:419, now here.PNG)

Michael Thomas Flynn


thank u

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dbd9b3  No.7298719

File: 01976b64e7390b4⋯.png (389.3 KB, 750x702, 125:117, ClipboardImage.png)

knock knock

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6aadfe  No.7298720

File: 06f3199d578e235⋯.png (392.72 KB, 569x555, 569:555, BigBlue.png)

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f2fc2b  No.7298721


Suppose the treason conspirators were also the head of Antifa…

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372a70  No.7298722


the borderline bar and grill shooting earlier this year also had route 91 festival survivors

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fc2799  No.7298723

>>7298610 yes I think Aug1-12

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d1fdaa  No.7298724


not sure posted American born terrorist helping ISIS

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3d61a5  No.7298725

File: 6c46f42ea79716e⋯.jpeg (129.8 KB, 1125x1105, 225:221, F0FA1281-9D13-4DB7-9557-6….jpeg)

File: ae18304525b64a0⋯.jpeg (145.16 KB, 1125x1105, 225:221, 8BFE9410-3986-4FA6-9963-F….jpeg)


Kek’s of stupidity

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6aadfe  No.7298726

File: 4d10c5ae8b48e18⋯.png (62.59 KB, 712x832, 89:104, ArcCell5.png)

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56cdc8  No.7298727

Go get her, Ray!


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84bb20  No.7298728

Look on the bright side Anons.

This whole FBI terrorist thing coupled with Trumps retweets will lead them to ask Trump the ultimate Q.

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3bce25  No.7298729


You guys are a bunch of pussy faketriots.

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b9420e  No.7298730



Fucking media matters?! HAHAAHAHA

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8612f5  No.7298731


The MSM is trying to get ahead of the story.

That bulletin is from May and briefly discusses that weirdo at the Hoover dam that went crazy.

The actions of 1 individual do not speak for any of us anons. None of us want to kill people because they oppose our views. We actually want to show them the light and bring them out of darkness.

What the bulletin doesn't address is the real terrorist group that is antifa.

They are a large group of individuals that have coordinated and systmematic plans for violence.

They plan, target, and seek violence!

Anons brainstorming off of each other's ideas is our right to have free speech.

I have NO idea who any of you are and I have NO plans to meet up with any of you so we can cause violence.

Anons are not violent.

If we are provoked and attacked with violence from others.

I have a second amendment right to defend myself and my family!

That article pisses me off!

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bc94ac  No.7298732




stole the mail?

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6aadfe  No.7298733

File: 135c64e27473c0e⋯.png (2.37 MB, 1356x1052, 339:263, 4pwr - Copy.png)

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e957ee  No.7298734


Apparently (picturing Agent POWERS Goldfinger)

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51a406  No.7298735


I would assume evidence gathered, as POTUS has insinuated, at least, that the dude's got sticky fingers, him and his wife.

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a210bb  No.7298736

Kek the people behind junior are really not impressed by him

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e19864  No.7298737


Im not

I did take some adderal cuz it made the pain go away for a few months

It was like once a week

That just made it worse

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1c094d  No.7298738


Great for drill bits and cutting wheels

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6aadfe  No.7298739

File: 747c6e253a2df8b⋯.png (111.19 KB, 434x372, 7:6, BlankLiberal - Copy.png)

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ad102a  No.7298740


Wouldn't that be something? Kek.

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a5c620  No.7298741


Yeah sure anon

Illegal break in to recover evidence, you're a fucking retard.

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b67d0d  No.7298742

Look at the name of this Chinese tanker near Hong Kong.

QI QI QI 007

Tanker IMO: -

MMSI: 413471690

Call Sign: -

Flag: China [CN]

AIS Vessel Type: Tanker

Gross Tonnage: -

Deadweight: -

Length Overall x Breadth Extreme: 53m × 9m

Year Built: -

Status: Active


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6e7710  No.7298743




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f17d02  No.7298744

Perino on fox just said the break-in wasn't at Cumming's home but one that he rents out!

If you wanted to hide stuff it seems like you might be able to get some shelter by hiding stuff in a house you rent out, think false all or attic spot.

Making a break-in an easy and logical cover to recover the stashed items.

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6aadfe  No.7298745

File: 7397d7f25e5223f⋯.png (644.33 KB, 1268x656, 317:164, fugginANON - Copy.png)

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389739  No.7298746

File: 8628503e407d1a0⋯.jpg (336.2 KB, 736x736, 1:1, media.jpg)

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51a406  No.7298747


One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.

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a5c620  No.7298748


You're as stupid as he is

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f2fc2b  No.7298749


Then you classify Antifa as terrorists and boom.

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7339aa  No.7298751

File: f26e45a929898a2⋯.png (37.82 KB, 717x559, 717:559, Screenshot_2019-08-01 Home….png)




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bc94ac  No.7298752

does a marine carry two rifles?

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54f47e  No.7298753

File: a95fb5ec4278be2⋯.jpg (137.06 KB, 1080x612, 30:17, CS.jpg)


too bad, so sad..sucks to be holders of that soon

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23ec0e  No.7298754

Juan Williams is even more of dick when you have him on mute.

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ad4b53  No.7298755

File: 4af86fb9db60830⋯.jpg (64.95 KB, 500x511, 500:511, 371gwm_1.jpg)

If Trump is railroaded in 2020 the MAGA Riots will seize all deep state power structures.

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fc2799  No.7298756

I think stringer 522 is notiable for Hot

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6aadfe  No.7298757

File: 046513d6693a627⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1832x772, 458:193, 6f9d7d5caae0df2de2f8a9162f….png)

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51a406  No.7298758


He must be a fart smeller, indeed, then!

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75519e  No.7298759

File: a99dee7f689b8f5⋯.jpg (76.47 KB, 1216x960, 19:15, antifags2.jpg)



Trust Sessions

At what point in this farce do aons see the obvious …

Do NOT trust Q. Period.

How many times does Q have to fuck you in the ass before you realize that your hole is getting pounded?

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f699c4  No.7298760

File: 13e766343ec0d20⋯.png (373.76 KB, 426x329, 426:329, ClipboardImage.png)

>>7293026 (pb)

Does anyone have any suggestions about where someone could start to dig on this?

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6aadfe  No.7298761

File: c284bd1623cc408⋯.png (1.84 MB, 1240x1820, 62:91, Concernfag.png)

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8bcad6  No.7298762

File: 1666b73a5bb6be0⋯.jpg (402.4 KB, 1183x388, 1183:388, 20190801_152651.jpg)

File: 4c34751a3163f23⋯.jpg (682.41 KB, 963x1280, 963:1280, 20190726_174151.jpg)


ThanQ Anon… working on moar.

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d81385  No.7298763

File: 500e9bcc4ff779c⋯.jpg (108.85 KB, 480x1084, 120:271, 1460414653927.jpg)

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11c460  No.7298764


His appeal denied. Special Prosecutor to proceed. He could get re-charged! Kim Foxx is in trouble!

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00eb5f  No.7298765

File: 078a3086b4a2dd9⋯.jpg (69.75 KB, 685x364, 685:364, shitstains.jpg)


That would be very funny. I was thinking plausible deniability claim. They planted that evidence in muh house.

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a5c620  No.7298766


Nobody arrested

I'm the loser

Trust the endless plan

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461198  No.7298767

File: ef729baafb912f7⋯.jpg (25.91 KB, 476x248, 119:62, safe_image (43).jpg)


Sheeeit must get rid of da evahdance.

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fd1a18  No.7298768


They have done a lot worst ….. anon a lot worst!

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ca351c  No.7298769

Remember CNN supports ANTIFA. Once ANTIFA is labeled as a domestic terror group then game over for CNN.

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d6c85b  No.7298770

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


hate to admit it but think tim pool was right on this one. P&G was trying anything to boost sales after blowing so much monies on gillette with their slowing sales so played woke. it backfired so they released a "military family" ad hoping to get moar ppl. that failed too. they just have moar competition now but going woke didnt help at all

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e19864  No.7298771


Ok literal shillbot paid for by Q

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3bce25  No.7298772


(sigh) Did you never hear of the Watergate Breakin? Retard? Shit like this goes down all the time. I'm shocked they filed a police report on it. Where do you think he'd keep records of misappropriation of government funds? In his office desk drawer?

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90b9d0  No.7298773

File: 63d0a14a26a312c⋯.jpg (364.5 KB, 1079x1053, 83:81, Screenshot_20190801-163317….jpg)

File: b078588d7e0dc12⋯.jpg (131.33 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, IMG_20190801_163323.jpg)


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bb5ff0  No.7298774

File: 5cb2c6e0b9177dc⋯.jpg (59.93 KB, 1254x311, 1254:311, fbi_qanon.jpg)

File: a8bd4cfdfd3b6fc⋯.jpg (312.51 KB, 1223x975, 1223:975, fbi_pedophiles.jpg)



who is the real threat?

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816047  No.7298775

File: a105e2a6af17db3⋯.jpg (83.88 KB, 726x432, 121:72, a105e2a6af17db34a4122bfbab….jpg)

File: c71fa1e01eb7fa0⋯.png (560.22 KB, 837x651, 9:7, c71fa1e01eb7fa05511cbe2d17….png)

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6aadfe  No.7298776

File: ce224a37810c4ab⋯.png (49.69 KB, 407x605, 37:55, AdamSchittHead.png)

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7339aa  No.7298777

File: ae6fa3e2090183f⋯.png (236.6 KB, 717x2840, 717:2840, Screenshot_2019-08-01 Unde….png)



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9a5595  No.7298778

File: 406fb2d9c42eb36⋯.jpg (46.82 KB, 1420x432, 355:108, Pic the signifer will forc….jpg)

Patriot Anons

Picture Pc

Signifier sig

Force the Q

Will be answered with ((( WWG1WGA )))

Hummmmmmm interesting

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1516a1  No.7298780

File: 4a28eafe4475eb8⋯.png (3.77 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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2b950e  No.7298781


>People will die

Every day 150,000 people die.

But on the contrary, every day 360,000 are born.

Stop whining.

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54f47e  No.7298782

File: 5939717a951a9b8⋯.png (1.1 MB, 823x618, 823:618, POTUS space Force Helmut o….PNG)

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e19864  No.7298783


Fuck off

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d3c5f7  No.7298784

File: 60704869fe2b94d⋯.png (2.06 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Screen Shot 2019-08-01 at ….png)



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cd94c2  No.7298785


Waking Christian Normies to Zionism is a whole-big other plan I bet?


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8bcad6  No.7298786

File: cef400e61173ff2⋯.jpg (143.23 KB, 336x500, 84:125, Untitled_2.jpg)

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51a406  No.7298787

File: 61c794eeec941b6⋯.png (288.1 KB, 470x251, 470:251, ClipboardImage.png)

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08e719  No.7298788


But the IG is too stupid to realize this before they referred Comey to DOJ for prosecution? Doesn't pass the sniff test.

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6aadfe  No.7298789

File: 0ded794a3c40b89⋯.png (308.4 KB, 611x539, 611:539, BidenArnoldGrope.png)

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9a1f0c  No.7298790


Considering you have no clue what torture is, you think you do but you don’t and the minute you act a fool

Reality hits and you find out regret and then what? You end yourself,

That’s your being? That’s what you want to stand in front of the universe and say. Is I’m to weak to trust a full 4 years?

It’s not even April of 2020

2 years… chill homie and relax, smoke a blunt or vape pen

You think there’s no other choice but there is


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94d5a2  No.7298791

File: 6a57b7a796be540⋯.jpg (1.58 MB, 1187x1684, 1187:1684, 2019-07-31 20.12.31.jpg)

always look on the brighter side of life.

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2a3017  No.7298792

File: 7484d54aa97e59f⋯.jpg (36.62 KB, 1103x480, 1103:480, FB_IMG_1564695229231.jpg)

just for keks

Anons = Chad Nobodies

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d81385  No.7298793


ruined it with (((deep dream)))

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389739  No.7298794

File: 05e9965760c7db0⋯.jpg (99.51 KB, 580x905, 116:181, corn.jpg)

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6aadfe  No.7298795

File: fbc4c2c660f1f3e⋯.png (316.43 KB, 638x614, 319:307, AOCcry.png)

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837aa0  No.7298796

File: 8743f16dec99bf1⋯.jpeg (181.1 KB, 800x450, 16:9, CB4886C3-93EA-4F9D-831B-2….jpeg)

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6aadfe  No.7298797

File: 11b38c8563fb4b1⋯.png (520.31 KB, 599x334, 599:334, bewbions.png)

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75519e  No.7298798

File: 10261a016c41b1f⋯.gif (930.33 KB, 306x284, 153:142, babyyea.gif)



The Dutch are the tallest people on earth.

This is the 40,000 ft view, anons.


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54f47e  No.7298799

File: 5f31625d77df0b2⋯.png (1005.38 KB, 681x663, 227:221, toilet boi flush twice.PNG)

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3bce25  No.7298800


He's been the rep for BoMo for decades. How could he NOT be crooked as hell? This was RR's district as AG. This was a hit on a safe house to recover docs.

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6aadfe  No.7298802

File: 8b0e91fe3af962f⋯.png (969.51 KB, 1006x988, 503:494, CaptchaIsBest.png)

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8f4bcd  No.7298803


Been clear by me for days now

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813870  No.7298804

File: f0c5a5b267f0691⋯.png (127.86 KB, 805x774, 805:774, Qbait.png)

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d1fdaa  No.7298805

File: 258df161970b944⋯.png (683.9 KB, 890x897, 890:897, terroristindicted.PNG)



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06a296  No.7298806


>Do NOT trust Q. Period.

I trust Q more that I do the FBI.

As for Wray, I'll repeat myself: Comey=Comby

How's Chrissie's hair look today??

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fc2799  No.7298807

I think this is the HOT that Q is talking about. Aug1-12 wonder if POTUS Says wrwy at the rally tonight

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d39a77  No.7298809


It shows the quality of analysis produced by the FBI. And yeah, weird definitions to make the statements opaque. Reminds me of Mueller's report. Unethical junk.

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4c5627  No.7298810


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90b9d0  No.7298811

File: 03d677b831ae895⋯.jpg (65.5 KB, 748x649, 68:59, IMG_20190801_163538.jpg)

File: 3f2eeb53a43e8ba⋯.jpg (301.66 KB, 1079x1156, 1079:1156, Screenshot_20190801-163533….jpg)


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f2d324  No.7298812

File: 8907e00488235c1⋯.png (150.26 KB, 298x297, 298:297, orwell thought crime.PNG)

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3d61a5  No.7298813


To what end though, that’s the thing. If we have it all, dump it on their fucking heads already so we can begin the healing process.

All this is going to do is incite far left groups and subject us to FURTHER ridicule and oppression, thus pushing us further from the truth.

I do believe Q is 100% legit absolutely without a doubt, but I also disagree with the way this is being handled.

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a181f2  No.7298814

File: 30dd491efd55809⋯.png (1.28 MB, 800x800, 1:1, CollageB4630-1.png)

File: 95d915677bb1435⋯.png (1.54 MB, 900x800, 9:8, CollageB4607-1.png)

File: 34f5b92be7b0344⋯.png (1.57 MB, 900x800, 9:8, CollageB4379-5.png)

File: c20add469fc8193⋯.png (1.56 MB, 900x800, 9:8, CollageB4376-5.png)

File: 6afefcf2c2bf417⋯.png (1.72 MB, 900x900, 1:1, CollageB4339-1.png)

random collage collection

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b36657  No.7298815


Is it possible that the article is correct because truth will spur action from fagtifa and assis?

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e19864  No.7298816

What are you guys going to do when trump publically disavows you to harvest negative energy for the archons

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cf34e3  No.7298817


>Wikipedia is an online encyclopedia with user generated articles whose reliability cannot be determined.

They did at least point out that it's unreliable. They hid it in the citations, but it is there and on every instance of Wiki being directly used as a source.

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54f47e  No.7298818

File: bfc4feb93792259⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1111x890, 1111:890, Speechzzzz.png)

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6aadfe  No.7298819

File: 4e0a447ce922cf5⋯.png (899.1 KB, 1052x530, 526:265, COLLUSION!.png)

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a5c620  No.7298820

File: 508ca0a7cf1e99e⋯.jpeg (593.31 KB, 2000x1333, 2000:1333, c6f9897f7a64f0917a2.jpeg)

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480fa7  No.7298821

Q's Latest Posts

Thursday 08.01.2019

>>7294663 ————————————–——– [C]oats before [D]eclas

>>7294581 ————————————–——– Bigger [slam-dunk] charges coming? (Cap: >>7295445, >>7295856)

Wednesday 07.31.2019

>>7271105 ————————————–——– Know your surroundings at all times

>>7270598 ————————————–——– How do you get ahead of a story? (Cap: >>7270618)

>>7270476 ————————————–——– UK role in Trump-Russia inquiry (Cap: >>7270515)

Tuesday 07.30.2019

>>7266574 ————————————–——– It's going to be BIBLICAL (Cap: >>7266636)

>>7266402 ————————————–——– Psalm 78:45

>>7261689 ————————————–——– When you control the media, you control public opinion. (Cap: >>7262652)

>>7261585 ————————————–——– Logical Q. (Cap: >>7261896)

>>7261386 ————————————–——– Logical Q. (Cap: >>7261927)

>>7261101 rt >>7261053 ————————— News unlocks…

>>7260977 rt >>7260840 ————————— Watch the news this week.

>>7260927 rt >>7260748 ————————— D_party voter corruption on display.

>>7260840 ————————————–——– Hunters become the HUNTED. (Cap: >>7260872)

>>7260547 ————————————–——– Prepare for 'VOTER ID = voter suppression of minority vote'.

>>7260462 ————————————–——– Twitter repost of Voter ID Q proof image. (Cap: >>7260495)

>>7260327 rt >>7260223 ————————— Voter ID Q Proof: WWG1WGA

>>7260295 ————————————–——– Re-read past drops re: VOTER ID.

>>7255145 rt >>7255097 ————————— Unrelated but worth noting

>>>/patriotsfight/475 ——————————–– [(3), D-g 1-2H, insert_key (Cap: >>7255483, >>7259015)

>>>/patriotsfight/474 ——————————–– [_Hot 8, _Hot 9, _Red_Red_y_, _Freedom_mark1-99_y, PC_sigD, Conf_net[w1] (Cap: >>7255467)

>>>/patriotsfight/473 ——————————–– [Package D-g, [Route_REL_29182_y], 00:00:00+4, 00:00:00+3, 00:00:00+2 (Cap: >>7255460)

>>>/patriotsfight/472 ——————————–– [Placeholder - [DECLAS] Exculpatory Evidence [Illegal Hold-Non_Report] FISA_T_SURV] (Cap: >>7255458)

Monday 07.29.2019

Compiled here: >>7294807

Sunday 07.28.2019

Compiled here: >>7262025

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84bb20  No.7298822

File: 30e9b6ef41be1fb⋯.png (413.42 KB, 439x335, 439:335, ClipboardImage.png)


What kind of "mother" shoves their kinds fingers into a wiffle ball?

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95fad7  No.7298823


That’s HOT

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c4de53  No.7298824


>>7298777 Comey's Chewbacca defense. More and better charges on the horizon.

>>7298681 Not the house Cummings lives in?

>>7298566, >>7298605 Ariz. man learns mom's body was sold and detonated by the military.

>>7298494 Q clock summaries. Re-read crumbs.

>>7298468 Colgate-Palmolive Exec Chair sold $12.75m in shares.

>>7298433 Problems in the ranks of Navy SEALs.

>>7298384 Cummings house burglarized before POTUS Twitter ass kicking?

>>7298350 Amber alert in Missouri over mom/infant taken at gun point.

>>7298337 Gillette loses billions after shaming men.

>>7298311 Leak of documents re: National Australia Bank.

>>7298228 DJT Jr. kek.

>>7298212 Nearly 3-year manhunt ends in arrest of HSI most wanted fugitive.

>>7298155 Video/Article on Cumming's break in.

>>7298123 Hong Kong bankers join call for citywide strike over handling of outcry over extradition bill.

>>7298122, >>7298139, >>7298233, >>7298446 Planefag updates.

>>7298117 John Perry Barlow/EFF/Crypto dig.

>>7298111 Former Florida deputy accused of falsifying drug arrests is being held on a $1 million bond.

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d81385  No.7298825

File: d5a9a77f876a20a⋯.png (307 KB, 2396x1362, 1198:681, alt virgin vs 4chad.png)


breddy gud

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015099  No.7298826

File: 64ed615019bcb70⋯.png (722.74 KB, 1022x550, 511:275, nycommunist1.png)

File: 63f796a95a616f1⋯.png (330.62 KB, 619x445, 619:445, nyjohntur.png)

NY: A local man New York City man said that he was beaten by a group of teenagers in Manhattan for wearing a “Make America Great Again” hat.

Jahangir “John” Turan, an art gallery owner, purchased a MAGA hat Tuesday after visiting Trump Tower, Fox 5 reported. He told reporters Thursday that he was attacked by a group of about 15 “kids” on Canal Street and had his head smashed into a scaffold.

The kids yelled “Fuck Trump” and began to stomp on him before smashing his head, he said. Turan fractured his cheek and has a swollen eye, and he is checking to see if there may be permanent damage to his eyesight.


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cc2ed0  No.7298827

File: 69f9d5a3add8f51⋯.png (1.45 MB, 1672x1016, 209:127, ClipboardImage.png)

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389739  No.7298829


A step mother


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3bce25  No.7298830


Shit. I do this for free. And supporting Q on a board devoted to Q doesn't make me a "shill". One wonders what you could possibly want here.

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6aadfe  No.7298831

File: 5352ae6dfdd889b⋯.png (578.52 KB, 634x482, 317:241, Tallyho.png)

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51a406  No.7298833


Almost never.

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087d59  No.7298834


Cept 100,000 deaths per day have been caused by deep state.

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90b9d0  No.7298835

Now we find out who our real friends are…

Woah, Don jr.. that was a statement and a half

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389c6b  No.7298838

I DO! And even if i'm wrong i will never Forget to defend my purposes… That the way i'm am.

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a208a9  No.7298839

[A] = AOC

[B] = BARR





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6aadfe  No.7298840

File: 01a8de1462e3200⋯.png (328.01 KB, 369x363, 123:121, TootsJussiePee.png)

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117db7  No.7298841

Maybe this whole thing was a HONEY POT and all Q supporters are on a list to be fucked. Not good.

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cc2ed0  No.7298842

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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269a4c  No.7298843


College thesis level crap. C- as a gift.

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6aadfe  No.7298844

File: fbeff84e669876b⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1276x686, 638:343, ButtPlugKristol.png)

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91aafd  No.7298845


take your riot shit elsewhere you do not belong here

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389739  No.7298847


His crime? Wearing a MAGA hat while unarmed.

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a5c620  No.7298848


Shit like this happens all the time.

Quite a hot take there buddy.

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6aadfe  No.7298852

File: 020347a3cfb550f⋯.png (340.02 KB, 558x604, 279:302, BidenSniffingCock.png)

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d39a77  No.7298853


That isn't going to happen. See Hamdan. If you don;t know what that is, find out.

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84bb20  No.7298855

File: f6bafc209b8968b⋯.png (1.09 MB, 732x533, 732:533, ClipboardImage.png)

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12c012  No.7298856

File: 7141192d5f5b0a5⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1595x1063, 1595:1063, 2528.png)

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51a406  No.7298857


Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos sold about $1.8 billion worth of stock in the company over the final three days of July.

Bezos previously told reporters he would sell $1 billion in stock each year to fund his space company, Blue Origin.

The sale is Bezos’ first since October 2018 and appears to be his largest ever over such a short period.

He's trying to get to outer space faster.

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a210bb  No.7298858


He’s the spoiled brat. Not very likeable

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6aadfe  No.7298859

File: 842a1b77fc1cf16⋯.png (190.4 KB, 714x591, 238:197, ECLIPMAN.png)

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3bce25  No.7298860


But not untrue.

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cd94c2  No.7298862



Annd Annnd AND…


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c4de53  No.7298863

Fresh Bread




Fresh Bread

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6139d7  No.7298864


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6aadfe  No.7298865

File: a3b220e8f065045⋯.png (1.49 MB, 875x760, 175:152, Barrkimo.png)

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