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File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB, 1795x1017, 1795:1017, # JPG.jpg)

acc897  No.7250813

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

THE Q MOVEMENT IS ABOUT TRUMPING THE ESTABLISHMENT - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

PDF: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082809

PICS: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/4004099.html

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Monday 07.29.2019

>>7247581 ————————————–——– Epstein in danger of being murdered before trial says victims' lawyer (Cap: >>7247606)

>>7247095 ————————————–——– Speed accelerated +5. Coats Before Declas. (Cap: >>7247114)

>>7245687 ————————————–——– Good crop this season? (Cap: >>7245702, >>7245761 vid)

>>7246642 ————————————–——– law.CORNell.edu/wex/exculpatory (Cap: >>7248602)

>>7245314 ————————————–——– No coverage by US MSM? (Cap: >>7245363)

>>7245008 rt >>7244956 ————————— They are powerless

>>7244873 ————————————–——– We now have plenty of space. (Cap: >>7244917)

>>7243904 rt >>7243889 ————————— Future marker.

>>7243859 ————————————–——– Thank you for confirming…. (Cap: >>7243906)

>>7243694 rt >>7243655 ————————— Anons crashed the site.

>>7243401 ————————————–——– Who represents Maryland in the House/Senate? (Caps: >>7243442 , >>7243587)

>>7243093 ————————————–——– Think 2020.

Sunday 07.28.2019

>>7234526 ————————————–——– DNC server(s) hold many answers

>>7233932 rt >>7233832 ————————— Italy is w/ POTUS

>>7233832 ————————————–——– Follow the money. Follow the family (Cap: >>7233857)

>>7231226 ————————————–——– The month of AUGUST is traditionally a really HOT month. (Cap: >>7231307)

>>7231024 ————————————–——– DRAIN THE SWAMP! (Cap: >>7231062, >>7232370)

Saturday 07.27.2019

Compiled here: >>7249329

Friday 07.26.2019

Compiled here: >>7235079

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Q's Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

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acc897  No.7250821

Global Announcements

>>7079301, >>7079338 BO summarizes bread reversion, no more captcha, and continued notables thread >>7003045

Bakers: Do not add Q's non-tripcoded posts to the dough

Anons: watch your pics, check to see if you drop a .jpeg, bakers keep an eye out to, anons requesting reminder

>>7179001 NEW: Ways to convert to JPG or PNG


are not endorsements


>>7250632 , >>7250666, >>7250674 Arkansas Judicial Disciplinary Action of Philip Smith Sanction Press Release

>>7250626 Whittaker: Ratcliffe “straight out of Central Casting” (MacCallum show interview)

>>7250381 Was Tony Rodham's death retaliation for murders of 2 NYPD and 2 former state senators?

>>7250321 Italian Council Plans to Ban Gender Bending Drugs for Kids

>>7250303 Apollo Global (Sun God) gives Epstein $10 million, regrets it

>>7250262 More child sex trafficking arrests in Georgia

>>7250248 Reports: Over 3,100 journalists have lost their jobs in 2019

>>7250246 A look at Sparrows Point at the Port of Baltimore

>>7250232 DCCC Executive Director Allison Jaslow has resigned

>>7250131 Epstein Island boatfag report

>>7250128 , >>7250253, >>7250236 Satanic holiday 'St James Day' falls on 7/25 yearly

>>7250072 US Airforce Academy tweet: There's a storm rolling in

>>7250812 9276

#9275 Baker change

>>7249912 Developing: Dozens arrested in multiple state human trafficking ring

>>7249900 Guantanamo Bay continues to be upgraded, ready to receive many more prisoners

>>7249864 Dig on possible links between Standard Hotel and Jack Dorsey

>>7249841 Video: Sharpton being called out

>>7249805 IRS Data on Elijah Cummings dating back to 2013

>>7249724 Buckingham Palace Grand Entrance has the temple/bathhouse symbolism

>>7249690 2009 $831billion stimulus package up in smoke? Call to Dig

>>7249455 , >>7249378 Did Baltimore Stimulus money go to districts that do NOT exist?

>>7249461 , >>7249647 , >>7249757 Anons decode/add events the HOT stringer

>>7249464 , >>7249506 Antifa to lead a "Border Resistance" militancy training tour

>>7249304 , >>7249409, >>7249421 Gilroy PD corruption digs

>>7249412 Update on college admissions bribery scandal

>>7249371 Coats in previous Q post

>>7249359 New DJT endorsing Cindy Hyde-Smith

>>7249307 , >>7249333 Garlic shooter white supremist? Seems not

>>7249303 , >>7249353 Correction to lb: John Lewis, not Cummings is with Pelosi in Italy

>>7250022 #9275


>>7248605 refresher on Withholding Exculpatory Evidence

>>7248606, >>7248640 DNI coats' departure is happening on something of a accelerated timeline - blue check twat

>>7248681 maybe Coats leave 8/10 instead of 8/15 ?

>>7248797 Negative Rates Lunacy

>>7248881 Paul Sperry - Coats ouster is just the start of a major Trump shake-up

>>7248843 Two Men Arrested for Conspiring to Provide Material Support to ISIS

>>7248927, >>7249105, >>7249094 pic of Pelosi, Omar, Sheila Jackson, AOC. says Cummings just out of picture. says pic taken in Italy, Cates confirms

>>7248984 Jerry Nadler got $3.2 million in grants for his district through the Nation Endowment for the arts. Here are the companies that benefited from this grant.

>>7248818 FaceMap V.11 "pre-pre-release"

>>7248874 #OTD In 1981, Britain’s Prince Charles married Lady Diana Spencer in a glittering ceremony at St. Paul’s Cathedral in London.

>>7249019 Court ruling against Venezuela in Crystallex case puts Citgo at risk

>>7248972 Tower West 3 was imploded on Vanderbilt University

>>7249167 David Vance (q post) twatter says Red Shoes

>>7249204 #9274

Previously Collected Notables

>>7248410 #9273,

>>7245312 #9269, >>7246072 #9270, >>7246865 #9271, >>7247621 #9272

>>7242179 #9265, >>7243039 #9266, >>7243776 #9267, >>7244493 #9268

>>7239078 #9261, >>7239648 #9262, >>7240612 #9263, >>7241409 #9264

Notables Archive by BV's (no longer updated?): https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)

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acc897  No.7250825

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] \\#QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

[4] Q's requested hashtags on of 3/11/19:






Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads ---- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ---------- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com --- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://bookofqproofs.wordpress.com/

Q Happenings Calendar

Submit an event here - https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Main Calendar URL ---- https://dark-to-light.org/calendar/

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup -- https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

Searchable Indictment Map w/dockets, links & more -- https://bad-boys.us/


Resignations Thread ----------------- >>2714136

All Resignations Website ----------- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://qresear.ch

Spread The Word

>>5973059 -- The BE HEARD Bread II: Be Loud! - Make Us Proud! - Make Noise For Q!

Board Admin & Discussion Threads

>>6064510 --------- META (for board admin queries)

>>>/qproofs/130 --- Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

International Q Research Threads:


Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>7111560 - The JQ (Jewish Question) Research Thread #6

>>7191366 - Dedicated Instagram dig thread.

>>6528824 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #10 Leaven Rising to Heaven Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>6867253 – Clockwork Qrange #10

>>7071248 - Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #10

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Vatican Jesuits Research thread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2565756.html

Letters of Gratitude


Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#10 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#20 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950, >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#27 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303, >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462

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Q Graphics all in GMT #63-#69 >>>/comms/3687, >>>/comms/3688, >>>/comms/3701, >>>/comms/3702, >>>/comms/3858, >>>/comms/3859, >>>/comms/3882

Q Graphics all in GMT #70-#76 >>>/comms/3898, >>>/comms/3920, >>>/comms/3975, >>>/comms/4029, >>>/comms/4197, >>>/comms/4335, >>>/comms/4386

Q Graphics all in GMT #77-#83 >>>/comms/4388, >>>/comms/4423, >>>/comms/4443, >>>/comms/4684, >>>/comms/5035, >>>/comms/5044, >>>/comms/5228

Q Graphics all in GMT #84-#86 >>>/comms/5510, >>>/comms/5577, >>7240431

Q Graphics all in EST


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acc897  No.7250826

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!pjpS1aBI!LwepOu-CyC4UlLj2dXqkxiH49D813WetrOF0OCuIg1Y

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/xszgdtiow4hups0/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.VII.pdf/file

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/419874308/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VII?secret_password=55SQ1tCYhuNR8ESzm50u

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t & 3: pastebin.com/iteQ8xAt

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Twitter Video Downloader: http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://qest.us/obamavisitors

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Research Section Backup: >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

* How to Edit Hosts File (DNS): >>>/comms/4396

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* New google doc tracking deplatforming/bans on social media: >>6484178

* Notables Aggregator: https://wearethene.ws

Meme Ammo

49 >>7077975

Q Research Graphics Library recent folders by date

2019-Jul https://mega.nz/#F!6xkHmYrZ!wxAJLCRIW3EQO3TpyHf1BA

2019-Jun https://mega.nz/#F!K89jwQgB!ij-qXn6rnqv2ZozlXIWiFg

Epstein Drone Photos https://mega.nz/#F!DwNkwAZQ!xa6JLeW9_632P0yw3MhlNw

Trump Accomplishments after 2 Yrs in Office https://mega.nz/#F!C49DHYIa!jOxYHczFjauTrdWWb9VUqw

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archives

Plain text archives of all QR Notables - https://pastebin.com/2f1897vD

Notables Aggregator ——————– https://wearethene.ws

How to Properly Nominate a Notable


Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>7173279

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>7233766

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acc897  No.7250856

File: 94209ef5d89b724⋯.png (113.81 KB, 465x285, 31:19, 94209ef5d89b7242dca72920d0….png)

#9277 Dough


Baker offers handoff

Or can keep on

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1712e1  No.7250857

File: b97da146ec33733⋯.jpg (11.01 KB, 147x260, 147:260, 48e59a8-b498f9.jpg)

← How to keep shills busy

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e33d52  No.7250858

File: 43a7cd9db7fcb15⋯.png (287.53 KB, 400x418, 200:209, 43a7cd9db7fcb1590576ad3482….png)

REMINDER: Q team is a (((JEW))) team and the (((Q))) "psyop" is (was?) actually targeted at someone who (((JEWS))) think is literally Satan. Me. 🤣🤣🤣😈😈😈

This isn't about politics and all political news (if not all news) should be considered "fake news".

You are living in a (((JEW))) World Order in case you didn't already know. Those "larping" as (((Q))) themselves said that the "N" in NWO doesn't stand for "New" but it seems they failed to mention that the "N" is supposed to be a "J". 🤣

Anyway, it seems (((they))) have been watching me since I was a kid similar to what was shown in the movie The Truman Show. 🤷‍♂️


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e33d52  No.7250859

File: 9b97b86ea8d3a34⋯.png (174.57 KB, 800x1134, 400:567, effects.png)

REMINDER: (((Q))) team has access to remote mind "surveillance/control" tech

(((Q))) team has a secret system. A machine that spies on you every hour of every day. They most likely designed the machine to "immunize" (((JEWS))) against all dangers. 🤣🤷‍♂️

They can see what you see, hear what you hear, read your thoughts, etc. They can even make you dream like in the movie "Inception". The tech has most likely existed even before the movie "The Matrix" was created. They can probably take control of people remotely similar to how people in the movie turn into agents.

Some capabilities of their tech can also be found in the lyrics of the song "Sleeping Awake" by POD. It's from the soundtrack of the movie "The Matrix Reloaded". 🤷‍♂️

>Do you see what I see?

>Can you hear what I hear?

>Do you feel like I feel?

>Do you dream like I dream?


Maybe the tech has also been used on the Wachowski brothers (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Wachowskis) to turn them into "sisters". Idiots probably didn't know about the tech. Or maybe they decided to become sisters because it's a (((JEWESS))) run (((JEW))) World Order. 🤣🤷‍♂️

Anyway, it seems (((they))) also have time machines (which they are also using for the "psyop") and may have acquired the tech from the future. They probably take the tech for granite now. 🤣🤣🤣


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a7619b  No.7250860

>>7250744 lb

Noticed that Siemens was the company awarded the $800 million Guantanamo upgrades contract from the US Navy (in lp notables).

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e33d52  No.7250861

File: 25f73a18dbd261f⋯.png (94.7 KB, 480x398, 240:199, output.png)

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e94bd4  No.7250862

File: ff21018917ae070⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1016x1316, 254:329, Screenshot_20190729-145312….png)

Al ShitStain Sharpton is a rodent loser.

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0c0ac0  No.7250863

>>7250351 lb

Haha! What is the rule? The truth is the opposite of what snope says, right?

You must be new here.

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48650e  No.7250864


The Kong Man?

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1712e1  No.7250865

File: b9fe1d4ac70f8ed⋯.jpg (64.43 KB, 656x537, 656:537, 2020.jpg)

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c43db2  No.7250866

Al Sharpton is being skewered by David Webb on Tucker. Look it up later.

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a0238d  No.7250867

File: 55d860f41007f14⋯.png (456.53 KB, 800x746, 400:373, donalldtrumpcummings (2).PNG)


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4b7660  No.7250868

File: b179f7dd081b118⋯.png (515.82 KB, 696x383, 696:383, Capture.PNG)

>>7250783 LB

You sure it was the DS that exposed them

LA Sheriff’s office investigating ‘secret societies’ of deputies with tattoos linking them to gang activity

TheGrio has launched a special series called #BlackonBlue to examine the relationship between law enforcement and African-Americans. Our reporters and videographers will investigate police brutality and corruption while also exploring local and national efforts to improve policing in our communities. Join the conversation, or share your own story, using the hashtag #BlackonBlue.

Los Angeles County Sheriff’s department police officers could be operating internally as gang members and Sheriff Jim McDonnell is investigating claims of a secret gang society among the department’s ranks.

—Employee posts video of filthy Popeye’s restaurant with roaches and flies goes viral—

McDonnell said at least 20 Compton deputies have matching tattoos of a skeleton holding a rifle and he has launched an investigation into a link to cops taking part in illegal gang activity after a deputy recently admitted under oath he got the mark a few months before a fatal shooting.

“Renegade cliques erode public confidence as well as internal morale, and they will not be tolerated within the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department,” McDonnell said, according to the LA Times.


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627782  No.7250869

File: c468e90de7c8c4e⋯.jpg (671.33 KB, 1080x1972, 270:493, 20190729_172209.jpg)

DRYDEN, Mich. (AP) — The visiting priests arrived discreetly, day and night.

Stripped of their collars and cassocks, they went unnoticed in this tiny Midwestern town as they were escorted into a dingy warehouse across from an elementary school playground. Neighbors had no idea some of the dressed-down clergymen dining at local restaurants might have been accused sexual predators.

They had been brought to town by a small, nonprofit group called Opus Bono Sacerdotii. For nearly two decades, the group has operated out of a series of unmarked buildings in rural Michigan, providing money, shelter, transport, legal help and other support to hundreds, perhaps thousands, of Catholic priests accused of sexual abuse across the country.

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aae41c  No.7250870

File: eef4f91d4f0197d⋯.jpg (61.87 KB, 668x374, 334:187, seriously.jpg)

>>7250638 (pb)

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e33d52  No.7250871


I thought the new slogan was "Keep America Great" (KAG). 🤷‍♂️

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79a647  No.7250872

File: 6e345f3d88b29f7⋯.jpg (26 KB, 300x300, 1:1, v1.bjsyMDQyMjQ7ajsxODEzNzs….jpg)

my racist joke

a cowboy a mexican and an indian are drinking shots.

indian yells Geronimo and takes his shot

mexican yells vive la mexico and takes his shot

cowboy yells rember the alamo and shoots the indian and the mexican

>lb for those that missed it kek

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668d95  No.7250873

Co-Founder Of Small Nonprofit That Raises Millions For Priests Accused Of Sexual Abuse Is Accused Of Sexual Abuse

A small nonprofit group with alleged ties reaching all the way to the Vatican has quietly aided hundreds, if not thousands, of Catholic priests accused of sexual abuse for nearly two decades, according to an Associated Press report published Monday.

The nonprofit, Opus Bono Sacerdotii, has reportedly provided money, shelter, and legal aid to accused priests since 2002, setting up meetings in unmarked buildings with the clergymen in the tiny town of Dryden, Michigan. One of the organization’s founders, Rev. Eduard Perrone of the Archdiocese of Detroit, was reportedly removed from ministry earlier this month due to an allegation that he sexually abused a minor decades ago, which he denies.

Two of Perrone’s fellow co-founders, Opus Bono President Joe Maher and Treasurer Peter Ferrara, were forced out of the organization after Michigan’s attorney general ruled that they were engaging in deceptive fundraising practices and had lined their own pockets with Opus Bono assets.


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b726c4  No.7250874

File: e0bb77c5e3fc601⋯.jpg (8.38 KB, 255x134, 255:134, f768deaef22da979abcfb73c91….jpg)

Anon, Soon we will know who comes back to congress without a medical condition.

Love (you) guise. no homo!


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e94bd4  No.7250875

File: 8236b3006b4154d⋯.png (530 KB, 1006x1099, 1006:1099, Screenshot_20190729-152852….png)

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0aabd2  No.7250876

File: 62012ac2218bb1c⋯.jpg (165.71 KB, 1107x690, 369:230, BowChumpBoatfags.jpg)

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627782  No.7250877


Forgot link


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f3b933  No.7250878


I work in an industry that provides materials to Siemens, they want a lot of them every year

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89818a  No.7250879

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This anons is Brilliant!

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3e5e35  No.7250880




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60c3eb  No.7250881

File: c10630afbc6c3c9⋯.jpg (66.14 KB, 669x850, 669:850, annettessmall.jpg)

File: 75c357dcd155241⋯.jpg (199.75 KB, 700x954, 350:477, 1.jpg)

File: 2212fb582763555⋯.jpg (256.24 KB, 1440x1439, 1440:1439, 66493677_148888759532096_2….jpg)

File: ca0c5cfc67ac4fb⋯.png (426.86 KB, 1349x1838, 1349:1838, Screenshot_2019-07-27 Sand….png)

File: 6e27ffdf26c29c4⋯.jpg (149.9 KB, 1100x615, 220:123, Orang.jpg)

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9a674d  No.7250882


great post anon.

Hopefully all lower level masons who have been led astray can realize the magnitude of what were talking here.

You must choose sides soon, before it's too late.

Come into the REAL light one and all, because where we go ONE, we go ALL.

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fa5d1b  No.7250883

File: b49b32b8dc1bab0⋯.png (384.51 KB, 598x427, 598:427, ClipboardImage.png)

"Operation End Game" seems a good name to NAIL EVERYONE linked to Child Sex Crimes FEDERALLY regardless of your hierarchy status….


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1712e1  No.7250884


Post the alpha of this Elijah image.

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6f2152  No.7250885


I did not see this! Nice DIG!

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0aabd2  No.7250886

File: 72b4f10b05578b4⋯.jpg (181.59 KB, 1024x684, 256:171, AuditTime.jpg)

File: 151a0aabd765efd⋯.jpg (401.59 KB, 1017x1025, 1017:1025, AuditTime2.jpg)

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a15428  No.7250887

>>7250802 (lb)

Lockheed Martin... Giant underground tunnels all over Marietta Georgia. When I say giant, I'm talking two way traffic w/semi's.

No sauce, cameras were not allowed.

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f3b933  No.7250888


She seems nice

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d1d343  No.7250889

File: 8882deb0c90610c⋯.png (3.39 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

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84f816  No.7250890


FBI Braces for Durham’s First Intel Drop; ‘No One Is Safe'

The cartel members of the FBI who tried to illegally unseat a president of the United States are bracing for what is shaping up as a disastrous week, according to many Feds.

And there is definite unrest inside the Bureau which includes director Christopher Wray who was reportedly in the process of making “drastic changes” with high-ranking FBI personnel, federal law enforcement officials confirmed — whether warranted or not.

“It’s knee-jerk week,” one FBI insider said. “One of those deals where you don’t know if your ass is on the line next for challenging top leadership or something they may have cooked up to try to get you to leave the building.”

The overall feeling among many top-level spooks? No one is safe. Especially those who have openly challenged the corrupt culture in the Bureau.

The cause of the panic could have something to do with declassified documents that are slated to drop this week, a byproduct of U.S Attorney John Durham’s probe into the FBI and DOJ. Durham was appointed by Attorney General William Barr to investigate the role of top government officials’ spying on Donald Trump and his campaign.

Look for the fireworks to begin on Wednesday, some insiders have predicted.

Meanwhile, insiders say the FBI is increasingly in shambles.

Developing. — Thomas Paine


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893ce2  No.7250891

File: 22486ef8503e3b7⋯.jpg (233.81 KB, 1200x1440, 5:6, al-not-so-sharpton.jpg)

>Resist we much!

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28ad36  No.7250892

File: 7713e965d675e50⋯.jpg (27.42 KB, 510x340, 3:2, winter-is-coming-meme-gene….jpg)

File: 9a255c8a3c4a566⋯.jpg (82.47 KB, 600x1108, 150:277, a90b0323c643b3b82b24d00d80….jpg)

File: fc38a387f212ffe⋯.jpg (43.46 KB, 280x474, 140:237, fc38a387f212ffe48c79c5acb1….jpg)

File: 5986245b8bb9705⋯.jpg (56.7 KB, 500x754, 250:377, c82c76435dcec91ca41643faa5….jpg)

File: 02fffd52b9009f5⋯.jpg (15.14 KB, 236x318, 118:159, 56600581a70c446b184f44a444….jpg)

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0aabd2  No.7250893


Memefag IS quakefag kek!

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3d1644  No.7250894

File: 5070f26db9b853a⋯.jpg (270.1 KB, 1200x1040, 15:13, dd2f5a988c1d5872369f38eb8a….jpg)

File: 88989974bdcc2c1⋯.png (1.63 MB, 1018x1098, 509:549, 36c912b627488d8b41ccf5acbe….png)

File: cb06a39307acf89⋯.png (236.33 KB, 310x480, 31:48, db05c27ba341debf4219f9b868….png)

File: 3be9c12ce53d9b0⋯.jpg (315.81 KB, 1080x1345, 216:269, IMG_8933.JPG)

Gushing pedos



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d27f41  No.7250895

File: 8c5cdc2a30cac9b⋯.png (580.31 KB, 816x730, 408:365, 8764572465009897.png)

File: 0e50a32ec2d1ac6⋯.jpg (182.96 KB, 1620x1080, 3:2, shutterstock_551695048.jpg)

File: e9fe8f3b3d01eef⋯.png (577.25 KB, 816x730, 408:365, 43578921643769.png)

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4c062a  No.7250896


You talking NAS Atlanta anon or specifically Lockheed Martin?

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cb3016  No.7250897


Good character too.

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5be900  No.7250898

File: 579253b90118f4b⋯.jpg (49.06 KB, 680x382, 340:191, EAq7hOKWsAIvAJp.jpg)

Expel her? There's substantial evidence that Ilhan Omar DID marry her brother and committed marriage,tax, immigration, and other crimes. Judicial Watch steps up and demands action from House Ethics Committee. Great interview with WMAL: (link: https://youtu.be/dWm5uz063d8) youtu.be/dWm5uz063d8



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085cf7  No.7250900

File: 64413d4006ae26c⋯.png (473.29 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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0aabd2  No.7250901

File: 1ccd23892597738⋯.png (201.95 KB, 905x1024, 905:1024, PoohPiglet2.png)

File: fd48425332d4b88⋯.png (204.64 KB, 905x1024, 905:1024, PoohPiglet1.png)

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6a87ef  No.7250902

File: 93d1e9bbc21de52⋯.jpeg (943.59 KB, 1072x698, 536:349, 7668F981-59CB-4657-8F03-A….jpeg)

File: a8b82f61e698941⋯.jpeg (199.93 KB, 1106x690, 553:345, BE675F11-1D5E-4E50-AAAB-1….jpeg)

File: 36fa8f62c9ee5e4⋯.jpeg (405.18 KB, 664x1900, 166:475, 5D0D7C3D-178B-4D0C-83BC-C….jpeg)

Q, is team archiving?

Kim Fox thread gone?

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9a1c76  No.7250904

File: 2aa30b88e7916fe⋯.jpg (72.34 KB, 600x800, 3:4, 022_1000.jpg)


Thanks, Bakes.

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48650e  No.7250905


Muh Dobbins

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e94bd4  No.7250906

File: 4267351c54bde99⋯.png (903.74 KB, 1024x1318, 512:659, Screenshot_20190729-144804….png)

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d0f11d  No.7250907

File: 69db48c23c928bd⋯.png (73.88 KB, 500x378, 250:189, freedomdispenser.png)

File: 8e1a3d8a88969f3⋯.png (146.67 KB, 388x377, 388:377, vengepepe.png)

>>7250663 lb

Scheduling my vacation to El Paso as we speak ...

Pretty well sick of antifa, and Bill Barr ignoring their fuckery.

Let's just get this party fucking started!

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2f2465  No.7250909

File: 9b15f0ebf49874c⋯.png (342.29 KB, 735x489, 245:163, peach orcharc cove.PNG)

>>7250246 /LAST BRED

anons see there is also a PEACHORDARD COVE BY SPARROW POINT?

""you can call the wall 'peahes'.'' -POTUS

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668d95  No.7250910

File: 075f0aed7504956⋯.png (182.02 KB, 607x628, 607:628, FBI arrests Seattle woman.png)

Capital One says data breach affected 100 million credit card applications



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0aabd2  No.7250911

File: fa09b196991fabb⋯.jpg (133.71 KB, 650x488, 325:244, trad.jpg)

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9a674d  No.7250912

File: e9679073cba0028⋯.png (99.98 KB, 1579x793, 1579:793, ClipboardImage.png)

wat dis?

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5639bf  No.7250913

>>7250037 pb

>>>7248984 Jerry Nadler got $3.2 million in grants for his district through the Nation Endowment for the arts. Here are the companies that benefited from this grant.


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3d1644  No.7250914

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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aae41c  No.7250915

File: a5ff82ff71af335⋯.jpg (31.11 KB, 500x500, 1:1, moneybyebye.jpg)

Capital One gets Capital Done: Hacker swipes personal info on 106 million US, Canadian credit card applicants

180,000 SSNs nicked, Seattle woman cuffed, charged

Capital One gets Capital Done: Hacker swipes personal info on 106 million US, Canadian credit card applicants

180,000 SSNs nicked, Seattle woman cuffed, charged

By Shaun Nichols in San Francisco 30 Jul 2019 at 00:16

Reg comments SHARE ▼

Capital One bank card from Shutterstock

Developing Capital One says a hacker made off with account details on more than 100 million of its customers in the US and Canada.

A Seattle woman has already been arrested and charged in connection with the hack on a cloud storage bucket containing Capital One information. The woman, Paige Thompson, faces a charge of violating the US Computer Fraud and Abuse Act.

Court filings [PDF] accuse Thompson of entering the cloud repository between March 12 and July 17 and posted the information on her personal Github page - which includes her full name. It is also claimed she bragged about the hack publicly on social media.


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96478b  No.7250916

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

They worship Satan

Please allow me to introduce myself

I'm a man of wealth and taste

I've been around for a long, long year

Stole many a man's soul to waste

And I was 'round when Jesus Christ

Had his moment of doubt and pain

Made damn sure that Pilate

Washed his hands and sealed his fate

Pleased to meet you

Hope you guess my name

But what's puzzling you

Is the nature of my game

I stuck around St. Petersburg

When I saw it was a time for a change

Killed the czar and his ministers

Anastasia screamed in vain

I rode a tank

Held a general's rank

When the blitzkrieg raged

And the bodies stank

Pleased to meet you

Hope you guess my name, oh yeah

Ah, what's puzzling you

Is the nature of my game, oh yeah

I watched with glee

While your kings and queens

Fought for ten decades

For the gods they made

I shouted out

Who killed the Kennedys?

When after all

It was you and me

Let me please introduce myself

I'm a man of wealth and taste

And I laid traps for troubadours

Who get killed before they reached Bombay

Pleased to meet you

Hope you guessed my name, oh yeah

But what's puzzling you

Is the nature of my game, oh yeah, get down, baby

Pleased to meet you

Hope you guessed my name, oh yeah

But what's confusing you

Is just the nature of my game, mm yeah

Just as every cop is a criminal

And all the sinners saints

As heads is tails

Just call me Lucifer

'Cause I'm in need of some restraint

So if you meet me

Have some courtesy

Have some sympathy, and some taste

Use all your well-learned politesse

Or I'll lay your soul to waste, mm yeah

Pleased to meet you

Hope you guessed my name, mm yeah

But what's puzzling you

Is the nature of my game, mm mean it, get down

Oh yeah, get on down

Oh yeah

Oh yeah

Tell me baby, what's my name

Tell me honey, can ya guess my name

Tell me baby, what's my name

I tell you one time, you're to blame

Oh, right

What's my name

Tell me, baby, what's my name

Tell me, sweetie, what's my name

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8a7151  No.7250917

File: ba7431d9e3b5b96⋯.gif (5.5 MB, 464x276, 116:69, NightShift.gif)

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f35683  No.7250918

File: 80f7f80fde850bf⋯.jpg (57.64 KB, 500x313, 500:313, e63877feb4f65bbd6a57a7a9fb….jpg)

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5721de  No.7250919

File: 3ff423d5279aa42⋯.jpg (78.74 KB, 562x1024, 281:512, 91ce754f15df313b9c77fb2175….jpg)

File: 0e7a245b115e5f5⋯.jpg (141.65 KB, 736x1108, 184:277, c55d278e12926349ab050d51dd….jpg)

Boats are still slow so… boatboobs

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3e5e35  No.7250920


i do part-time quakefagging, planefagging, and boatfagging in addition to regular twitter/newsfagging and digging.

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3cea03  No.7250921

File: 598a92f410bc9a5⋯.gif (149.92 KB, 598x598, 1:1, e80c6393df8350fec01e15901e….gif)

File: 5fb82128f4bac05⋯.png (593.17 KB, 1350x1261, 1350:1261, Troll2_KG.png)

File: fc5a222fbc11abf⋯.png (111.28 KB, 568x409, 568:409, GrifegulzDGFI9mCW0AAFS00s.png)

>>7250711 (lb)


Not so precious

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e33d52  No.7250922


That's not the one that holds the maximum amount. 🤷‍♂️

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48650e  No.7250923


Art is one of the main ways they launder money.

Who decides what art is worth?

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f530d7  No.7250924


Get offline NOW!

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9e9ee7  No.7250925

File: 3a135647a9ba0d2⋯.png (319.61 KB, 393x352, 393:352, brennan shocked.PNG)

File: 60c3f6990cc9264⋯.png (330.51 KB, 517x348, 517:348, hillary shocked.PNG)

File: 6ecdd5933ff20e9⋯.png (314.16 KB, 364x350, 26:25, hussein shocked.PNG)

File: f372d7880ae231f⋯.png (222.24 KB, 328x351, 328:351, comey shocked.PNG)

>>7250636 lb

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3d1644  No.7250926

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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94460f  No.7250927


In APRIL 2018 photo, Mueller did not wear IWC (like the Q Watch). And tail of watch band was at 6 o'clock. So different in that specific detail.

At recent testimony, Mueller wore watch with black watch band tail at 12 o'clock. Different watch?

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60c3eb  No.7250928

File: 03ba290ee52d26e⋯.png (468.57 KB, 948x569, 948:569, 03ba290ee52d26e52969dcf6e9….png)

File: adb9f5b7307b6e7⋯.png (584.9 KB, 868x614, 434:307, adb9f5b7307b6e7dddf44d4f46….png)

File: 15dee3ac122a51b⋯.jpg (57.57 KB, 540x540, 1:1, hOEagVM5Sjw0ZugXZGLY-wNPv2….jpg)



100% purge or God will pull the plug on this effort.

this country is full of the blood of innocents, torture and death.

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3d1644  No.7250929

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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e94bd4  No.7250930

File: fc43b0760d60a0d⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1020x983, 1020:983, Screensho.png)

I'm white and don't associate with any black people and I don't have any desire to start anytime soon.

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a8bc5a  No.7250931


Cloudflare couldnt receive the http requested page from voat. Voat is either non responsive, ddosed or down.

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e33d52  No.7250932

File: 2579eeb19b24409⋯.png (79.25 KB, 300x247, 300:247, ClipboardImage.png)



There (((JEW))) go. Kinda looks like bewbs too. 🤷‍♂️

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8a7151  No.7250933

File: 065b4f546c73d7b⋯.jpg (40.65 KB, 300x300, 1:1, Impressive.jpg)

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b13667  No.7250934

fbi satanic pedophile agents is as to the satanic pedophile priest as is the unrelenting US Government is as to the unrelenting Vatican

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d98888  No.7250935

Pitcher Loek van Mil, tallest pro baseball player of all time, dies at 34

Loek van Mil, the 7-foot-1 Dutch pitcher who spent a decade in the minor leagues, died on Sunday at age 34. The Royal Dutch Baseball and Softball Association KNBSB announced Monday morning that van Mil died from a “fatal accident,” but would not release any additional details about his death at the request of his family.

The pro career of van Mil, a righty, started with the Minnesota Twins in 2006, and he made it up to Double-A in 2010. He was traded to the Los Angeles Angels in 2010, and spent time with the Cleveland Indians in 2012 and the Cincinnati Reds in 2013.


how many ball players does this make?

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d1d343  No.7250936

File: eef9d8e9bed35df⋯.png (1.83 MB, 1546x953, 1546:953, Capture001.png)

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fc15af  No.7250937

File: 558d44edb1b9f71⋯.png (651.17 KB, 989x560, 989:560, EGG.PNG)


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b047f0  No.7250938


Daz voat now.

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abd8d4  No.7250939

File: 79386f7e59c6ca8⋯.jpeg (737.58 KB, 1125x1569, 375:523, 24664063-0642-49FC-8706-5….jpeg)

“The Bloodlines of the Illuminati”

Anons this is massive document so could use your help trying to unpack this behemoth.


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3d1644  No.7250940

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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60c3eb  No.7250941


won't play for me.


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cb8a8f  No.7250942


voat started digging on nicole junckermann the other day and a bunch of swamp critters at the REd Cross and Disney got their panties in a wad.

Das wut it iz

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6a87ef  No.7250943

File: 73d389f9be884b1⋯.jpeg (3.7 MB, 6880x5910, 688:591, EF98395D-C5E9-4F1A-A6A9-8….jpeg)

File: 44cbb186be1a32f⋯.jpeg (813.91 KB, 1057x876, 1057:876, FC75BF09-D3C3-4F75-9D35-4….jpeg)

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4c062a  No.7250944

File: 1fadaca34ae677c⋯.png (555.53 KB, 566x375, 566:375, POTUS9-11Signing.PNG)

Official Comms from WhiteHouse 1600 DL

———- Forwarded message ———-

From: The White House<info@mail.whitehouse.gov>

Date: On Mon, Jul 29, 2019 at 8:27 PM

Subject: Fwd: President Trump makes 9/11 victim fund permanent



President Trump makes 9/11 victim fund permanent

This morning, President Donald J. Trump signed into law a permanent authorization of the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund, which provides financial support for families who lost their loved ones as a result of the September 11 attacks.

Watch: President Trump on what America showed the world on 9/11

“Today, we come together as one nation to support our September 11th heroes, to care for their families, and to renew our eternal vow: Never, Ever Forget,” the President said. “Our nation owes each of you a profound debt that no words or deeds will ever repay.”

But there is something we can do. “We can and we will keep our nation’s promise to you.”

More than 100 Americans who were personally affected by the devastation of the September 11 attacks joined President Trump at today’s Rose Garden signing ceremony. These individuals included first responders, survivors, and family members of victims.

Within minutes of the attacks, many courageous men and women rushed into lower Manhattan, the Pentagon, and a debris-strewn field in rural Pennsylvania to rescue the remaining survivors. For days, they fought to save every person they could find trapped in the rubble. For months, they continued the search for others who had fallen.

All told, more than 2,000 first responders and survivors have passed away from illnesses directly related to the toxic fallout from those attacks. Even today, thousands more are battling health problems stemming from that day in American history.

The 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund will now provide them with permanent support.

“To every 9/11 hero, you poured out your heart, your sweat, your soul, and everything you had for your country,” President Trump said.

“You went back day after day and night after night to save lives and return the fallen to their families, to rebuild and recover, and to show the entire world that nothing will ever break America’s spirit.”

President Trump: “The love and loyalty of our 9/11 responders knew no bounds.”

Read: The President’s full remarks on the 9/11 victim fund

By the numbers: Fighting for cities like Baltimore

Over the weekend, President Trump shined a spotlight on one of America’s hardest-hit cities. For years, corruption and poor leadership have cost residents of Baltimore their livelihoods and—in far too many cases—their lives.

Baltimoreans have witnessed a rise in both violent crimes rates and poverty in recent years. In a city with largely one-party rule, Democrat politicians have enriched themselves and their families while failing their constituents for decades on end.

President Trump wants cities like Baltimore across America to thrive. The only way to get there is by laying out all the facts—including those the Beltway media would rather ignore. Here’s the real story out of Baltimore that they aren’t talking about:

• Gun violence is surging, with more than 150 murders so far this year.

• Baltimore’s crime rate was the highest recorded of all major U.S. cities in 2018.

• In 2017 alone, there were 12,430 cases of known violent crime, including 382 rapes reported, 5,879 robberies, and 5,827 cases of aggravated assault.

• Sen. Bernie Sanders likened the city to a “Third World country” in 2015.

• Baltimore’s poverty rate of 22 percent is nearly double the national level.

• Scandal-plagued leaders have lined their wallets while neglecting their community. Former Baltimore Mayor Catherine Pugh resigned earlier this year after she was caught using her position to enrich herself.

“Trump is right – Baltimore mistreated by elected Dems, residents deserve better”

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3d1644  No.7250945

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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0c0ac0  No.7250946


Search “2018 iowa children disappearing” and you can see that the MSM was pushing the whole “Iowa missing persons numbers not the whole story” propaganda, They do not even say “missing children”.

Either way, the point is that a bunch of children went missing a year ago right before the Grand Climax (July 27) and Lammas Day (August 1). Satanic Revels is August 3.


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e33d52  No.7250947


Yeah sad for (((JEW))) that Satan doesn't visit voat anymore. 🤷‍♂️

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5cda12  No.7250948


welcome to the internet

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2f2465  No.7250949




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7e958e  No.7250950

File: f6738af56cc99c2⋯.png (1.52 MB, 1074x862, 537:431, f6738af56cc99c2ba2c82821fc….png)


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190ef6  No.7250951

File: e185970232a8d6a⋯.png (63.28 KB, 255x141, 85:47, p2.png)

symbolism will be their downfall because the normies are going to learn their symbols via hannity, ingraham, rush, & guests.

Normies will see their symbols everywhere, cuz they are everywhere, and it will be viral shit.

Streets won't be safe for them :)

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f530d7  No.7250952

File: 86d8379e66cbce3⋯.jpg (11.85 KB, 235x255, 47:51, d868a06654367d5ecb262f5c2a….jpg)

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0aabd2  No.7250953

File: ab4ded7e5b4095d⋯.mp4 (9.83 MB, 1024x768, 4:3, QuakeQanon_edit.mp4)


I might set up a server ;)

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c98924  No.7250954

The first Geneva Convention?

Establishment of the International Red Cross.

Presided over by Guillaume Henri Dufour.

An acolyte of Napoleon.

A known Rothschild front.

Guillaume Henri Dufour = the formation of modern Switzerland.


Swiss confederacy lead by Dufour defeated catholic resistance.

Formation of modern manifestation of Swiss federal governance

is based on the actions of a napoleonic trained soldier.

Napoleons very nephew served under Dufour.

Napoleon and the Roths?

Established no?


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c8a6b4  No.7250955

File: 0b2807915afc9ca⋯.png (850.31 KB, 2590x944, 1295:472, USNAVYSEAL.png)



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1712e1  No.7250956

File: 0030e257922a6e8⋯.png (457.33 KB, 1024x870, 512:435, EC.png)


That mouth is just begging for a dick to be put in it.


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9a674d  No.7250957


ouf this sounds srs.

Junkermann there's that double N signifier of FAKE NAME.

Wonder what her real name is.

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f3b933  No.7250958


Needs to clean her dirty ass room

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96478b  No.7250959

File: 26dff09c89f9eaa⋯.png (378.55 KB, 455x560, 13:16, ClipboardImage.png)


Cars are fast

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e94bd4  No.7250960

File: 2e34d79373a3e47⋯.jpg (55.28 KB, 500x610, 50:61, 36rrsp_1.jpg)

File: 2173434241cb11b⋯.jpg (52.14 KB, 500x557, 500:557, 36r.jpg)

Al ShitStain Garbage Dumpster.

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fe1182  No.7250961

Would it change anything if I started dropping my own crumbs?

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2ca290  No.7250962


Who dis?

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7e958e  No.7250963

File: e904746d527dc25⋯.jpg (385.19 KB, 863x1390, 863:1390, shilloid.jpg)


Cult of Set shill.

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4c062a  No.7250964


Watch: https://whitehouse.us19.list-manage.com/track/click?u=4da4828d48b4efa4fc1138955&id=b0590800de&e=70c4cf77e4

POTUS: "The Love and loyalty…" https://whitehouse.us19.list-manage.com/track/click?u=4da4828d48b4efa4fc1138955&id=b49c536c65&e=70c4cf77e4

POTUS Full remarks on victim fund: https://whitehouse.us19.list-manage.com/track/click?u=4da4828d48b4efa4fc1138955&id=2110ce9331&e=70c4cf77e4

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341559  No.7250965


Brilliant is a strong word, but this vid does a great job illustrating Fake as fuck MSM reactions to Trump vs. the truth of history.

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d0f11d  No.7250966

File: 4275d00acd96582⋯.png (315.37 KB, 682x1024, 341:512, cameltoe2.png)

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b5b959  No.7250967

Voat is still down.

Did they piss off the DS that much over the Jack Dorsey Standard Hotel Ties thread?

The outage started about 30-45 minutes after that thread got posted.

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d1d343  No.7250968

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3e5e35  No.7250969

File: 42b8d2d3015b4c6⋯.png (803.22 KB, 964x847, 964:847, ClipboardImage.png)

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4b7660  No.7250970

File: f6cfc2caf3d1327⋯.png (646.67 KB, 729x447, 243:149, Capture.PNG)

Putin Comes Clean on 2016 'Meddling': "Perfectly Clear Ukrainian Oligarchs Gave Money to Trump's Opponents"

Russian President Vladimir Putin sat down on June 19, 2019, in the Kremlin, for an on the record interview with Oliver Stone. The Russian government has released a transcript of the interview.

Below is Putin's discussion with Stone about the 2016 presidential election.

Oliver Stone: Yes. So recently, you know Russia has been obviously accused and accused over and over again of interference in the 2016 election. As far as I know there is no proof, it has not turned up. But now in the US there has been an investigation going on about Ukraine’s interference in the election. It seems that it was a very confusing situation, and Poroshenko seems to have been very strongly pro-Clinton, anti-Trump.

Vladimir Putin: Yes, this is no secret.


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2ca290  No.7250971

What the hell is up?

Are we down to like 12 ppl here?

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3d1644  No.7250972

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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96478b  No.7250973

File: fb6d70fd64ab1e5⋯.png (681.02 KB, 880x495, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


You must enjoy dicks.

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16107c  No.7250974

File: 503cfe8bb9d3443⋯.jpg (444.3 KB, 800x589, 800:589, dingdongthedelusionisded.jpg)

File: d90f837b495f744⋯.gif (815.46 KB, 528x555, 176:185, pepepjs.gif)

File: 0fe0543a96ef868⋯.png (250.5 KB, 1127x685, 1127:685, pepetrust.png)

File: c37f3ab28d3499b⋯.jpg (10.98 KB, 255x190, 51:38, plzstandby.jpg)


tanks vmuch baker fren

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e94bd4  No.7250975

File: c61eec32388c989⋯.gif (652.34 KB, 500x338, 250:169, 0c94dc46459a5e267bf5bae6cc….gif)

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04d32e  No.7250976

'mother' theresa was also a tranny

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464877  No.7250977


It's a well known, but never spoken fact among California LEO's. LA Co deputies are only surpassed in brutality by Fullerton PD.

Anon was visiting with friends in Orange Co. several years ago and got talked into going to Disneyland. Not being a Disney fan I availed myself of one of the many bars. Another guest who had plainly been over served took a swing at me. Naturally I planted him on his ass. Within less than two minutes three Anaheim cops showed up and promptly beat the dog shit out of the guy while taking him into custody. First time in my life I ever felt sorry for someone who punched me.

Happiest place on earth my ass.

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9a674d  No.7250978


and it's a hard takedown this time

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cb8a8f  No.7250979

File: 331b69d82e6d767⋯.jpg (33.69 KB, 800x538, 400:269, brachetti-nicole-junkerman….jpg)

File: bd734e057bd85fe⋯.jpg (146.45 KB, 900x900, 1:1, junkermann.jpg)

File: 6902ced5355b2e3⋯.jpg (92.85 KB, 1000x750, 4:3, junkermannb.jpg)


maybe it was just junker/juncker like a lot of German aristocrats have for a surname.

this is what she looks like.

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627782  No.7250980

File: 3d49773bbd45f8e⋯.jpg (453.34 KB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20190729-173849….jpg)


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0aabd2  No.7250981

File: ca6a45b9317d914⋯.jpg (104.42 KB, 904x507, 904:507, KillingInTheNameOf5.jpg)

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98f7d6  No.7250982

DJT’s bank is Capital One.


This was the hacker



These people are stupid

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0eeb73  No.7250983

File: 5f066c44488b95e⋯.jpeg (123.17 KB, 828x549, 92:61, 3B01CDD2-FB4D-439C-BBFB-C….jpeg)

File: a7570e57fb8662f⋯.jpeg (137.61 KB, 828x781, 828:781, C30D0A9A-F6F0-4B74-BCD6-2….jpeg)

File: 465109b1934bd5b⋯.jpeg (109.16 KB, 828x585, 92:65, 4AE8CA3B-778C-43BB-870B-0….jpeg)

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aae41c  No.7250984

File: 377fc6c1021805b⋯.jpg (60.33 KB, 667x374, 667:374, stupidisasstupiddoes.jpg)

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3e5e35  No.7250985

File: d6b7e6894c57af2⋯.png (696 KB, 967x991, 967:991, ClipboardImage.png)

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c98924  No.7250986

File: 66a89a448b780e0⋯.jpg (38.03 KB, 500x298, 250:149, Participant_card_at_the_Fi….jpg)


masonic looking card

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0aabd2  No.7250987

File: e36162123b202da⋯.jpg (91.89 KB, 720x558, 40:31, CortezJigsaw.jpg)

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dc6bcd  No.7250988


That's one nasty snatch… kek…

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368834  No.7250989

File: 716c16281da7d58⋯.mp4 (10.69 MB, 480x276, 40:23, 07-29-2019 TUCKER CARLSON ….mp4)


Now we KNOW why Trump targeted Elijah Cummings

Days before this News All Broke, Trump was THE VERY FIRST to poke Dems (Baltimore) with a stick. kek


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9a1c76  No.7250990


… but how cute is the Dora pillow case …

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57c03c  No.7250991

>>7250381 pb

Great Theory and Notable

However, one caveat - There's not proof Tony Rodham is dead. HRC used the word "lost"

No funeral. No real condolence messages from family members one would expect.

Anons have speculated the Tony is in protective custody to be used in Grand Juries and/or Military tribunals

Anyway, there's no reason to believe the official news nor Hillary Clinton

Think moar anons!

Our side isn't "eye for an eye" "tooth for a tooth"

It's done per law.

If the white hats were gonna take out Tony for "revenge" wouldn't they just take out HRC first

Stupid theory, y'all.

Maybe meant to cover the important stuff about the state Senator in AK who discovered Child Protective Service was servicing her ex-husband, the Judge.

That is massive fodder for a horror tale.

But unfortunately it's real life

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31bcc2  No.7250992

File: 83fd2f62b842572⋯.jpeg (123.54 KB, 1000x563, 1000:563, ADA1B92D-6686-443A-B0DE-6….jpeg)

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96478b  No.7250993

File: dfc67e8cbd5f524⋯.png (115.23 KB, 997x486, 997:486, BronsonJews.PNG)

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e33d52  No.7250994


Ah, but (((JEW))) failed to make the skyscrapers topple. 🤣🤷‍♂️

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831d96  No.7250995

File: 1de65d73c70bf38⋯.png (83.87 KB, 717x965, 717:965, Screenshot_2019-07-29 Home….png)


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668d95  No.7250996

File: 9d6dce1f4806fc2⋯.mp4 (781.11 KB, 480x270, 16:9, DxZbINlYU8abFTtO.mp4)

Mueller Meltdown!

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9bc7d8  No.7250997

File: 2dcb636ccdfe72a⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1280x853, 1280:853, JESUS.png)

File: 9a144cbeca59e7e⋯.jpg (371.52 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, PRAYER1.jpg)

File: 06b7a0d77f947a0⋯.jpg (594.52 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, GOD1.jpg)

File: e72cc57f8a211db⋯.png (1.05 MB, 931x480, 931:480, Jesus.And_Im_So_Glad_I_Don….png)

>>7250660 lb

THANK-YOU ANON! Music for the SOUL!

(Playing it on loop... song has

a very special meaning)

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acc897  No.7250998

File: 2dbeb8275963d72⋯.jpg (142.35 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 2dbeb8275963d72564c91ff600….jpg)


2 keks

love it!

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d0f11d  No.7250999


If true, WTF?

I didn't vote for Trump to give billion$ to dimocrat run shithole cities.

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f530d7  No.7251000



Ukrainian/Clinton collusion is no secret.

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b3ff00  No.7251001

File: ac0e64fb59215ac⋯.jpeg (17.04 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 6f2d02c9e6d3cf3229259a47f….jpeg)


Bad Ass Baker. Thank you.

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9a674d  No.7251002


she is an obvious spy just like Arthur Andersen (of 9/11 fuggery fame, changed their name to Accenture) is a giant Spy front. OBVIOUS.

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04df47  No.7251003

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

And we are led to believe we have progressed and live in a better world! NOT

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60c3eb  No.7251004


Jew source. One of the worst.

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a127c2  No.7251005


The timing is perfect. I suspect it was to coincide with the PBS Rat movie about Baltimore, as well as recess/Cummings out of town, and letter to IRS to investigate spouse's bullshit charity.

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668daf  No.7251006

File: 6b6d423c0bb3b99⋯.png (2.04 MB, 1200x932, 300:233, ClipboardImage.png)

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b069ce  No.7251007

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Mutha Fuckin Tendies (Longer Version)

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e33d52  No.7251008


Mass "active" shootings (((JEW))) mean. Yet to see some mass "passive" shootings. 🤣🤷‍♂️

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f530d7  No.7251009

File: 8aa9b2b4f2fcccf⋯.jpg (126.72 KB, 960x960, 1:1, 8aa9b2b4f2fcccfc4c82f094cb….jpg)

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c4b65e  No.7251010

File: 5fd6818a477c28d⋯.png (322.01 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190729-204118.png)

Shelter in place

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30607c  No.7251011




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d0f11d  No.7251012

File: 7fa90300dcd1fe3⋯.png (132.32 KB, 274x458, 137:229, cameltoehot.png)


>That's one nasty snatch…

That's a full meal, anon.

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a2b0cc  No.7251013


I thought it was the vatican pizzagate thread.

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62a9b1  No.7251014

File: 46096a5aed7aeac⋯.jpg (39.72 KB, 672x532, 24:19, why.jpg)

File: 2d77755d7e3d80b⋯.jpg (141.11 KB, 1076x1099, 1076:1099, thought.jpg)

File: 57fa4bdc7e25483⋯.jpg (83.31 KB, 744x499, 744:499, gitmo bound.jpg)

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aae41c  No.7251015

File: a08307cd705c7e5⋯.jpg (60.36 KB, 667x374, 667:374, conjob.jpg)

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a764e4  No.7251016


Plus, we already know she's smart.

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464877  No.7251017

File: 0279b753d222254⋯.jpg (37.46 KB, 400x256, 25:16, george_h_w_bush_johnny_gos….jpg)


Iowa anon here. Can confirm. If not familiar, do a little dig on Johnny Gosch case. You might be surprised to learn who was involved.

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3d1644  No.7251018

File: e9d64876383cd41⋯.jpg (9.63 KB, 243x207, 27:23, f59cfb6bcd0ab3b367f9d7f88b….jpg)

File: e0ceec346f4b4ce⋯.jpg (238.81 KB, 1089x1089, 1:1, IMG_8930.JPG)

File: 1ebd2718a719951⋯.jpg (182.35 KB, 1080x648, 5:3, IMG_8932.JPG)

File: b166f613259d2c5⋯.jpg (597.21 KB, 1080x1345, 216:269, IMG_8934.JPG)

Thank god the marriage license is cheap

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b0b3b3  No.7251019

File: ecfb8904a466014⋯.jpg (171.18 KB, 1280x676, 320:169, IMG_20190729_204847_926.JPG)

File: 9d0164cfeedd9d9⋯.jpg (69.91 KB, 1280x620, 64:31, IMG_20190729_204908_328.JPG)



Funeral Home

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9a674d  No.7251020


what kind of events can cause for a lockdown requirement?

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60c3eb  No.7251021


how many is a lot? 1.1%

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fee38a  No.7251022

File: 5a6db6b2b852975⋯.jpg (252.08 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, Golem.jpg)

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24f852  No.7251023


Except if you're an obnoxious drunk or a liar talking about the "many" bars at Disneyland.

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4b7660  No.7251024

File: 3db5c510c9b0e15⋯.png (1.08 MB, 760x576, 95:72, Capture.PNG)

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a127c2  No.7251025

File: eb7b01c8166426f⋯.png (183.63 KB, 696x500, 174:125, eh-.png)


Love the sad trombone effect! KEK!

POTUS and team are marketing geniuses.

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634e95  No.7251026

File: 364ec2e15227f50⋯.jpg (2.78 MB, 7222x2000, 3611:1000, baltimore slaves.jpg)

Maybe this should be the new #WalkAway campaign?

Use the idea, no credit wanted.

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10cf91  No.7251027

German QResearch was under Attack since Thread 4

With German Bread #4 the German Baking Pioneers adopted the Ideals and Principles of you, our american paragons.

We translated the standard OP with its quote of the first sentence of the Declaration of Independence.

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

which in german is:

Wir halten diese Wahrheiten für selbstverständlich: dass alle Menschen gleich geschaffen sind; dass sie von ihrem Schöpfer mit bestimmten unveräußerlichen Rechten ausgestattet sind; dass unter ihnen Leben, Freiheit und das Streben nach Glück sind.

IT TOOK THE SHILLS ONLY 1 THREAD to aquire bakercontrol and change this quote into a negative (almost satanic inversion) of itself

in bread #5 the wording was changed from "gleich geschaffen" (created equal) to "einzigartig geschaffen" (created unique) linklist is at bottomm of post

I am current german baker, i took control after bread #28 and changed the wording to back to gleichwertig, which also means equal, but also respresent on the difference between equality of opportunity and equality of outcome - we're all created equal, yet responsible for our decisions.

Eversince german shills are furious.

Calling all american bakers to keep an eye on this, since it is expected that will try to regain control and revert this.

Why is this significant?

Because in Germany "incitement of the masses" or "demagoguery" is its own paragraph in the penal code.

And the "muh-joo-shills" can technically use this poisoning of the dough to paint the german Q-movement as guilty of the above crime (if we're not created equal it's okay to gas the kikes or whatever).

If you succeed parts of Europe or hopefully the entire European Union will revert back to a Federation of strong Fatherlands, instead of the EU's intended United States of Europe (which they want to shape in the example of the USSR, not your Great Nation)

GODSPEED AMERICA! You set OUR Stage! We need you to succeed!

WWG1WGA / Einer für Alle, Alle für Einen

Q RESEARCH Deutsch #29 - https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/7227262.html

Q RESEARCH Deutsch #28 - https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/7088447.html

Q RESEARCH Deutsch #27 - https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/6895809.html

Q RESEARCH Deutsch #26 - https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/6724144.html

Q RESEARCH Deutsch #25 - https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/6591992.html

Q RESEARCH Deutsch #24 - https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/6498448.html

Q RESEARCH Deutsch #23 - https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/6440058.html

Q RESEARCH Deutsch #22 - https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/6369622.html (2nd)

Q RESEARCH Deutsch #22 - https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/6359521.html (1st)

Q RESEARCH Deutsch #21 - https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/6281858.html

Q RESEARCH Deutsch #20 - https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/6154720.html

Q RESEARCH Deutsch #19 - https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/6030503.html

Q RESEARCH Deutsch #18 - https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/5797874.html

Q RESEARCH Deutsch #17 - https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/5637357.html

Q RESEARCH Deutsch #16 - https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/5366309.html

Q RESEARCH Deutsch #15 - https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/5145698.html

Q RESEARCH Deutsch #14 - https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/4951465.html

Q RESEARCH Deutsch #13 - https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/4793155.html

Q RESEARCH Deutsch #12 - https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/4692110.html

Q RESEARCH Deutsch #11 - https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/4438546.html

Q RESEARCH Deutsch #10 - https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/4243101.html

Q RESEARCH Deutsch #9 - https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/4129035.html

Q RESEARCH Deutsch #8 - https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3988441.html

Q RESEARCH Deutsch #7 - https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3788544.html

Q RESEARCH Deutsch #6 - https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3453223.html

Q RESEARCH Deutsch #5 - https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3055426.html

Q RESEARCH Deutsch #4 - https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2732404.html

Q RESEARCH Deutsch #3 - https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2218461.html

Q RESEARCH Deutsch #2 - https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/1659905.html

Q RESEARCH Deutsch #1 - https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/674740.html

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5be900  No.7251028

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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0aabd2  No.7251029

File: 8437a64c32e24a1⋯.jpg (52.77 KB, 720x669, 240:223, JFKmemes.jpg)

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24056c  No.7251030


I bet Kamala’s visibly shaking right now.

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da9df1  No.7251031

File: 44b295cca7cc738⋯.png (13.18 KB, 586x120, 293:60, ClipboardImage.png)

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b13667  No.7251032

sumone making breadcorn?

cornbread? jambone?

rokin smokin bud – no mo worries



is my pie in the sky baby

luv you no homol


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3d1644  No.7251033


Notice the red heifer craveing cock

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0aabd2  No.7251034

File: 95a3023bfeb2ec2⋯.jpg (80.73 KB, 729x484, 729:484, DaveyRotMTV.jpg)

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496a9b  No.7251035

>>7250235 last bread

What if Hillary is really a nice, thin blonde that smells good, but she always wears a fat, ugly costume that smells like piss and cabbage?

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9a674d  No.7251036


Any of these missing kids whom the Luciflix have made documentaries about… you can count on the C_A and other faggots having a hand in it.. .McCann etc…

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3d1644  No.7251037



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0aa4ae  No.7251038


That's Mr. Clean. I don't care what anyone says. Go Ajax!

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39a772  No.7251039

File: 1780781258d25b8⋯.png (495.73 KB, 839x808, 839:808, 55a.png)


Go ask this PAYfag for help. He'll be more than happy to tell ya all about it!

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60c3eb  No.7251040


if folks start pulling open the Vatican they're going to be in for a surprise…

look who pops out.

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464877  No.7251041


You can't walk 500 feet in any direction without hitting a bar at Disneyland.

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9bc7d8  No.7251042


No, it was given under the Obama admin.

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57c03c  No.7251043


Basel was Soros first stop with his Dad when he left Hungary.

World Congress?


One hardly ever sees Jews farming or gardening? Maybe that's in the image because they were getting ready to create Israel.

The Jews who created it though, we are told, were not the religious type and wouldn't have that outfit on ?


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239b96  No.7251044

Pb >>7246778



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abd8d4  No.7251045


After W.W. II, Walt Disney was called upon by Hollywood to testify in their defense at the Un- American hearings which were being carried out by congressmen who were concerned about the heavy communist influence within Hollywood.

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893ce2  No.7251046

File: 90f152719b95709⋯.jpg (227.6 KB, 1200x1440, 5:6, al-ton.jpg)


> Just don't call me late for dinner

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e94bd4  No.7251047

File: 32cdacd78e075bb⋯.png (169.66 KB, 375x514, 375:514, Screenshot_20190729-174211….png)

Saggy boobs Cortez…

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0aabd2  No.7251048

File: c6cc5c5a52dcd2c⋯.jpg (88.29 KB, 1031x683, 1031:683, rottenchild1.jpg)

File: 744e45777a8027d⋯.jpg (125.41 KB, 1024x535, 1024:535, rottenchild2.jpg)

File: afc8aa12b3d1136⋯.jpg (93.48 KB, 994x740, 497:370, rottenchild3.jpg)

File: 1aa2b9974b90671⋯.jpg (141.09 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, rottenchild4.jpg)

File: de1768d1a4c6637⋯.jpg (131.84 KB, 1024x529, 1024:529, rottenchild5.jpg)

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aae41c  No.7251049

File: 52becf8a2330f33⋯.jpg (50.8 KB, 644x387, 644:387, bro.jpg)

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8fa246  No.7251050

File: 49c5fb1dbec192c⋯.png (100.39 KB, 594x876, 99:146, bto.PNG)


Trump may go outside the normal protocol to name an acting DNI to serve until Ratcliffe is confirmed, sources tell me,





The admin is reviewing whether it can legally choose an acting director outside the line of succession, per one source.

Two sources added that there's an active search right now for candidates to assume the acting role and it's unlikely the Deputy Director Sue Gordon will be picked.

Sen. Burr, chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, told CNN he would be “shocked” if Gordon wasn’t selected as acting DNI, per



“I would be shocked, because that’s what principal deputies are in place for,” he said.

But two sources have told CNN that Gordon is viewed by some in the administration as someone who is not going to be the type of political loyalist Trump wants in that role.

This is probably obvious but should Trump skip over Gordon it would likely further criticism that the he is politicizing the intelligence community at the expense of long serving career professionals.

An ODNI spokesperson also told CNN that the decision is the president’s, despite debate over whether it’s automatically Gordon or not.


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d0f11d  No.7251051

File: 073767aa3246641⋯.jpg (170.55 KB, 551x736, 551:736, bangadrum.jpg)


How can there be a German QResearch without a German Q?

How retarded can anons get from this board?

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60c3eb  No.7251052


fuck off rabbi

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c4b65e  No.7251053

File: 2ac30527af4f8d6⋯.png (194.87 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190729-204556.png)

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0eeb73  No.7251055

File: 785e330d5fce470⋯.jpeg (203.26 KB, 816x634, 408:317, ED90D6BA-B8F3-4564-8E24-5….jpeg)

File: e3f9f9dd8a5f539⋯.jpeg (33.86 KB, 550x701, 550:701, 4C263F8E-D770-4DBE-8954-0….jpeg)

This time WE harvest [them]

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04d32e  No.7251056

"Those who you are taught to trust the most…."


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982509  No.7251057

File: f38ea5a3fd04978⋯.jpg (29.34 KB, 240x360, 2:3, trumpinternational.jpg)

File: 3970217a55bed43⋯.jpg (57.2 KB, 630x354, 105:59, trumpinternational2.jpg)

File: 9d2442fc109cf2f⋯.jpg (57.73 KB, 1000x658, 500:329, trumpinternational3.jpg)

File: dce5b9b468c24b8⋯.jpg (65.41 KB, 640x360, 16:9, trumppuppet.jpg)

Look guys, I hate the Cabal. I hate the globalists. I hate the NWO.

But how can we trust Trump? He makes products overseas, he is an American profiting from globalism and has yet to change his business practices..

Trump has a Trump Tower in Manila. Trump International Golf Course in Dubai. In Scotland. He has many lines of product that have been made in China. Ivanka makes her products in China. Five trillion dollar ten year tax break for the wealthiest in the United States. Three trillion likely to end up outside of the United States.

He put so many globalists in his cabinet, and MANY ARE STILL THERE *cough*Bolton*cough.

We heard "Drain the Swamp" before, and it was right around election time as well.

I want to believe Q so badly but man, it isn't all adding up to me to be honest..

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893ce2  No.7251058

File: 89d32d1d2788422⋯.png (377.08 KB, 676x844, 169:211, trojandonkey.png)

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10cf91  No.7251059


it's about the language. most germans talk don't understand english too good.

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57c03c  No.7251060


Yes, I think so too.

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11b2f5  No.7251061


I like what your saying

but my conundrum

My cousins a mason/county judge

I much rather watch him burn.

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368834  No.7251062




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1359c7  No.7251063

File: 6d88966708bb6a0⋯.jpg (102.19 KB, 911x779, 911:779, 1.JPG)

Air Force Academy tweet

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0aabd2  No.7251064


Yes sir!


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e33d52  No.7251065


Baby cannibal (((JEW)))? 🤔🤣🤷‍♂️

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96478b  No.7251066

File: a100c4719437f08⋯.jpg (96.49 KB, 500x300, 5:3, ExcuuseMe!!.jpg)


Well, what a kind anon yu are..

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a2b0cc  No.7251067


What the fuck is that supposed to mean?

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b5b959  No.7251068


That was the cause of the previous outage.

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1712e1  No.7251069

File: d84ebfcd0655b9a⋯.png (585.46 KB, 1024x870, 512:435, EC2.png)

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e33d52  No.7251070


If guinea pigs can eat their babies then so can (((JEWS))), yes? 🤔🤷‍♂️

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e94bd4  No.7251071

File: d0ceff232ff5cc5⋯.webm (1.94 MB, 480x272, 30:17, d0ceff232ff5cc5f8c96ed208….webm)



Deshawn enjoy your lunch.

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630690  No.7251072

bomb scare, suspicious package caused closure of courthouse and roads for about six hours today in Bend, Oregon.


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c4b65e  No.7251073

File: c262e41d812b1fa⋯.png (132.37 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190729-204047.png)

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d1d343  No.7251074


Cameras are a lot better.

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a127c2  No.7251075


What are you talking about? Her tits are her only redeeming feature.

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5dd442  No.7251076

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Creepy Rothschild Castle with Satanic Symbols in Elite Rambouillet Forest France

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e45c07  No.7251077

File: 89fee0092fad397⋯.jpg (95.38 KB, 776x960, 97:120, crickets.jpg)

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31bcc2  No.7251078


Ooooh. Never seen this before.

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9a674d  No.7251079


l2english bro

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e33d52  No.7251080


Hey, Satan thought guinea pigs were cute until his MOAB told him that they apparently eat their own babies. 🤷‍♂️

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a764e4  No.7251081

File: 021046c548a00d6⋯.jpg (46.4 KB, 486x550, 243:275, Cumings-Monies.JPG)

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60c3eb  No.7251082

File: 8c0db1c5cd59b29⋯.jpg (467.7 KB, 500x667, 500:667, wayne-rooney.jpg)

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89818a  No.7251083

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Moar Brilliance!

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4c062a  No.7251085

File: 79cc64fdb37edc7⋯.png (102.31 KB, 216x192, 9:8, GWen.PNG)


Which one of the Farrelly brothers are you? https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0256380/

The behind the scenes to Shallow Hal is excellent. Gwenneth Paltrow (hot Gwen, not weird put strange shit in your giny Gwen that she is now) is in a fat suit walking around a bar and nobody was paying any attention to her. She was like "Wow is that how it really is with fat ppl?"

KEK. Yep.

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1e0d06  No.7251086


Hi, I'm from Encyclopedia Britannica and we would like to discuss using your post as the definitive example for "Concern Shilling", please leave an email or telephone number so we can contact you.

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72cad2  No.7251087


It means the Vatican and occupants are into some bad shit!

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0aabd2  No.7251088

File: b2d09d9ae848531⋯.png (696.85 KB, 1800x1200, 3:2, BlacklivesMAGA!.png)

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57c03c  No.7251089


"This is probably obvious but should Trump skip over Gordon it would likely further criticism that the he is politicizing the intelligence community at the expense of long serving career professionals."

As it should be, as they tried to kill him.

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24f852  No.7251090


You cannot buy alcohol inside the theme park itself.

You can buy in the bars inside the hotel and ajoining properties.

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96478b  No.7251091

File: b660be098644368⋯.png (631.59 KB, 644x528, 161:132, CoolioIglesias.PNG)


Nice meme

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f3b933  No.7251092


I figgadeal you

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5cda12  No.7251093

File: b8544ea4ca94357⋯.jpg (45.36 KB, 480x473, 480:473, b8544ea4ca943571645ea1516a….jpg)


get out concern fag

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5be900  No.7251094

File: 73dbdbdb2f691ed⋯.jpg (143.79 KB, 693x500, 693:500, Germany Research Team Badg….jpg)

File: 55eba9049b5ddb8⋯.jpg (192.12 KB, 800x500, 8:5, French Q Reasearch Team Ba….jpg)

File: c93d4b2b7cde693⋯.jpg (124.49 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Q research UK badge.jpg)

File: caa118ca9fc7e76⋯.jpg (173.39 KB, 856x499, 856:499, Aussie we have the servers….jpg)

File: de8896b30afdc7e⋯.jpg (99.58 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Q Canadian research team b….jpg)



It is threads for anons in those countries to dig and post in.

The great awakening is worldwide.


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e09068  No.7251095

File: 18646f986895d57⋯.png (545.93 KB, 945x936, 105:104, 18646f986895d57cdc097b9c74….png)

File: 6140cb17d586bba⋯.png (255.09 KB, 497x473, 497:473, 6140cb17d586bba1f04f034b42….png)

File: d1bd26dc040945b⋯.jpg (731.42 KB, 2048x1458, 1024:729, 463a989b95713990d9b50916df….jpg)

Kindness matters "anons"

Nobody can know everything going on

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b13667  No.7251096

I demand the removal of all WHITE PEOPLE in DISNEY - especially the privileged Israeli -white male and their alpha females!

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b2f807  No.7251097

File: f6811bc97042463⋯.jpg (390.66 KB, 933x1280, 933:1280, St.-Michael-Slaying-the-Dr….jpg)

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d0f11d  No.7251098

File: 1937e2d6ab7786e⋯.gif (1.19 MB, 420x329, 60:47, america1.gif)


>"Those who you are taught to trust the most…."


Like, anonymous 8chan posters of cryptic bullshit?

Q has dropped so many hints at his real identity and purpose … and anons still can't see it.


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e45c07  No.7251099


The normies are eating this up. The finally get it.

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aae41c  No.7251100

File: 5a13e57c3b8f203⋯.jpg (66.24 KB, 612x407, 612:407, kek.jpg)


Thats going to be a hard one to explain.

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10cf91  No.7251101



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c52745  No.7251102

Shelter in Place at Petterson AFB according to look er

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6f2152  No.7251103

File: 4804abec8b75a24⋯.jpg (170.79 KB, 719x587, 719:587, Screenshot_20190729-204412….jpg)

File: 82510a92ecbdec5⋯.jpg (265.5 KB, 715x727, 715:727, Screenshot_20190729-204714….jpg)

File: 19ca126210158e0⋯.jpg (323.47 KB, 668x907, 668:907, Screenshot_20190729-204745….jpg)


Looks like a weather event.

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8a64e5  No.7251104

File: f0f5781fcc0f9cb⋯.png (27.08 KB, 1121x273, 1121:273, ClipboardImage.png)

for for to be cut corn?

now drudge is getting in on the fun

44 is hussein

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d2d071  No.7251105

File: 6e91b16b8de5e1c⋯.jpg (151.52 KB, 453x600, 151:200, 222605.jpg)

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d1d343  No.7251106

File: eeebbb9a1d5a516⋯.jpg (1.83 MB, 2700x2700, 1:1, 3543.jpg)

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a4d6b8  No.7251107


I hope patriots show. Those pussies need to be dealt with

Lotta patriots in El Paso. They don’t like this shit

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b0f8b3  No.7251108

File: b68b1b31618f504⋯.jpg (149.9 KB, 999x682, 999:682, megalodon time to feed q.jpg)

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8fa246  No.7251109

File: 5d9f4f705db8296⋯.jpg (49.23 KB, 784x643, 784:643, wj2y30bbdyo21.jpg)



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555b6a  No.7251110

File: b88f7942e54df51⋯.png (7.12 KB, 168x300, 14:25, image1.png)

File: 171d836eef8e90f⋯.png (14.69 KB, 512x250, 256:125, image2.png)

File: 73dea9cc58a293a⋯.jpg (319.68 KB, 2158x3840, 1079:1920, image3.jpg)

File: af00f7edbb964f5⋯.jpg (456.52 KB, 2158x3840, 1079:1920, image4.jpg)

File: 29295b75e2a75a4⋯.png (359.34 KB, 1336x750, 668:375, image5.png)


Could casual hookup/sex apps like PURE be designed to act as SNCTM for plebs? Or perhaps a shrouded hub for other activity?

"You'd be surprised what you're into." kek–I bet! Nice imagery.

This doesn't feel like a Tinder date.



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2ca290  No.7251111


Wtf are you doing here? How the fuck dont you know what that means??

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cb8a8f  No.7251112


well, POTUS should be demanding that all of Disney's assets be frozen and their properties seized in accordance with his EO on human trafficking.

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b13667  No.7251113

Immediate recuse of self from msnbc – exile yourself now white man and woman!

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60c3eb  No.7251114

File: c47bdf6f71ccb99⋯.jpg (34.34 KB, 640x360, 16:9, 8obxPCG4GuMY_640x360.jpg)

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8a7151  No.7251115

File: cf71e4018e492ce⋯.png (67.82 KB, 458x652, 229:326, ClipboardImage.png)


Vacancies Reform Act of 1998: temporary basis for up to 210 days; the pool of individuals from which the president could draw in this case includes individuals already holding Senate-confirmed positions elsewhere in the executive branch (210 x 3 really because of process resets absent confirmation)

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76ee83  No.7251116


This movement moves fast Anon. We covered that book about 2 years ago now. There was so much in it, honestly you just have to read it yourself. Good luck.

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be1ded  No.7251117

File: 9e6dd6d1f06db89⋯.png (259.3 KB, 720x964, 180:241, Img-1564438508750.png)

File: 009681f04b1b599⋯.png (71.33 KB, 720x340, 36:17, Img-1564447310635.png)

File: ed29800031e1fbc⋯.png (48.01 KB, 570x219, 190:73, Img-1564447274625.png)

File: d9ad06e4c226491⋯.png (516.17 KB, 720x1245, 48:83, Img-1564447677576.png)

File: 48e80669330ea90⋯.png (171.95 KB, 720x445, 144:89, Img-1564447640655.png)

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9a674d  No.7251118


are you also fagmason ? =P

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a2b0cc  No.7251119


What a tornado?

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96478b  No.7251120

File: 5baca08afd0e033⋯.png (779.95 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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464877  No.7251121

File: 5a8f5b7120655c2⋯.png (228.49 KB, 831x799, 831:799, 5a8f5b7120655c2b36136c2f50….png)


Disney employee found. Kek!

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5b9136  No.7251122


Can you put the reincarnated ET's speculation to rest?

Shilling proves The Law of One is FAKE?

Getting tired of the slides on that thread.

A little more transparency would be appreciated.

- The Fool

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e94bd4  No.7251123

File: 2822181f5f98b81⋯.png (600.23 KB, 1021x583, 1021:583, Screenshot_20190728-143234….png)

File: 06edf971bd25a85⋯.jpg (105.14 KB, 839x496, 839:496, nnn.jpg)

File: 4ab3bd9162c87a2⋯.png (546.94 KB, 841x501, 841:501, Scree(1).png)

File: 52ce01a75640ec2⋯.png (476.62 KB, 1016x571, 1016:571, Scree(2).png)



Elijah Greaseball loves playing the Skin Flute…

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0aabd2  No.7251124

File: 8676133f674f640⋯.jpg (368.8 KB, 1024x577, 1024:577, Lebron4.jpg)

File: b6c449d9212d8bf⋯.jpg (160.96 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, Lebron5.jpg)

File: e565f6005878760⋯.jpg (254.93 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, Lebron6.jpg)

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0ecc79  No.7251125

File: 5153ed5bfd7d51a⋯.png (783.29 KB, 723x500, 723:500, M 637.png)

File: dab4d3dfadd826b⋯.png (745.67 KB, 749x500, 749:500, M 639.png)

Nature you scary.

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831d96  No.7251126


Thank you for the non sequitur

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b13667  No.7251127

do it for the cause – do it for all antifaschitts – power >>7251113

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95f4c1  No.7251129

File: 81761a59c66ed28⋯.png (165.74 KB, 678x381, 226:127, rashida_tlaib_yells-eggs_h….png)

File: 49dfb0c1b4f70d6⋯.png (287.44 KB, 680x408, 5:3, rashida_tlaib_yells-eggs_h….png)

File: b8359dd470055c0⋯.png (133.67 KB, 680x408, 5:3, rashida_tlaib_yells-eggs_h….png)

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c4b65e  No.7251130

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Peterson AFB live stream shelter in place

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a2b0cc  No.7251131


I thought he was being cryptic about something specific, and I was immediately annoyed. Turns out he was just being lame.

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8a64e5  No.7251132


someone told her racism was a new flavor of ben and jerrys.

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24f852  No.7251133


You've got to prove it first.

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95f4c1  No.7251134

File: a8453d4944c0623⋯.png (679.44 KB, 1024x615, 1024:615, rashida_tlaib_yells-eggs_h….png)

File: e1d68dace7caea8⋯.png (269.56 KB, 550x283, 550:283, rashida_tlaib_yells-eggs_h….png)

File: 764ee17ca0c5e1e⋯.png (268.35 KB, 550x283, 550:283, rashida_tlaib_yells-eggs_h….png)

File: 556bcb802b17ed6⋯.png (241.15 KB, 500x375, 4:3, rashida_tlaib_yells-eggs_h….png)

File: 9a10fd0c76fdd35⋯.png (679.42 KB, 1024x615, 1024:615, rashida_tlaib_yells-eggs_h….png)

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11b2f5  No.7251135


Rather close the all the pools of diseny

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62a9b1  No.7251136



Three people in California, including an aide to the state attorney general, Kamala Harris, have been arrested for impersonating the police after an ill-fated networking attempt with actual police departments in southern California.

Meanwhile, in New York City, a former member of the gang Latin Kings turned Hasidic Jew, Avroham Gross, was sentenced to at least two and a half years in prison for impersonating a police officer. Under the guise of a New York police department officer, he forged parking permits and obtained a discounted meal at the IHOP restaurant chain.

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d31c7a  No.7251137

File: df2212199b5c3e7⋯.png (462.35 KB, 1116x1154, 558:577, cummingssux.png)

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8fa246  No.7251138


That's good news

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e4a8e6  No.7251139

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Former CIA Spook: "Deep State Wants Epstein Gone"


“Oh my goodness gracious, the Deep State is darn well scared, and some of its political top participants, I guarantee you, they want Epstein gone. There is no doubt about that. I don’t know why the Bureau of Prisons put Epstein in a jail cell with a cop that killed four people and buried them in his back yard. Epstein should have been in solitary confinement under watch. So, whoever made that decision, it was a complete error in judgment, if not intentional. That should not have happened in the first place.”

Shipp goes on to point out, “It looks pretty clear to me that the Deep State intelligence Shadow government was involved, and it gets worse…"

"Ghislaine Maxwell, who was Epstein’s alleged recruiter for young girls, was the daughter of Robert Maxwell, (Correction: Shipp said John by mistake) who was a known Mossad Agent.

He bilked pension funds to cover losses in his business… He was found dead floating next to his yacht from an alleged heart attack. So, there are some strange connections to the Deep State. U.S. Attorney (and former Labor Secretary) Alexander Acosta would not have said this if it were not true. It is true. There are intelligence connections. Is this a blackmail operation? We know Epstein has a ‘black book.’ We know Epstein probably has video of massages by young girls of high profile people, including politicians…

. There are going to be some big names that are going to be connected to Epstein and his pedophile child trafficking ring. There is no question about it.”

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b0f8b3  No.7251140

File: 90c05300239e3f8⋯.png (521.05 KB, 791x691, 791:691, elijah cummings nigga wut.png)

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b5e080  No.7251141

File: fb8ce33c83742d8⋯.jpeg (87.57 KB, 800x533, 800:533, EE669CB6-87DE-413F-89CC-0….jpeg)

File: d05b781ad68a8ff⋯.jpeg (9.21 KB, 116x142, 58:71, CC13F9A2-537D-4A4B-AB9E-4….jpeg)

File: 4cef364deb8414f⋯.png (1.18 MB, 640x1136, 40:71, 74B9C3FC-5B54-4AC5-A19E-27….png)

File: 28f7c79c56cc36c⋯.jpeg (105 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, 1E4C8059-5330-4D53-8861-3….jpeg)

File: d7ed2cb4497b255⋯.png (878.73 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, 4C409EE3-DB22-4644-844D-1D….png)

>>7250131 lb

Evening boatfag. Have some different pics of DREAM WEAVER here from different angles. Was wondering what anons think as possible vessel tucked away at Bayahibe Beach cove, behind BC and party crew.

Now part of that yacht’s superstructure is obscured so not sure. But she was documented as being at La Romana, she is a good suspect.

And has been on the market now for like 9 months, does that correlate with the Q drop talking about the “yacht”?

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368834  No.7251142

File: 92e27613f6751ac⋯.jpg (60.2 KB, 965x552, 965:552, 2019-07-29_204928.jpg)

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6f2152  No.7251143


Possibly, heavy rains and wind etc..

That last photo came from town due west of colorado springs.. moving quickly!

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abd8d4  No.7251144

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9a674d  No.7251145


just like things like UBER, UBEREATS, Skipthedishes and others are facilitating all the immigrants for jobs once they are being mass migrated (invasion) into Canada, US, all over EU it seems.

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ec7909  No.7251146

I think a Q and A from Q and Q+ would be a perfect way to start the next bread

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89818a  No.7251147

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Comedy just won't Stop with (((them)))

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6e31dc  No.7251148

File: 3fc0ebd8edb9da1⋯.png (201.48 KB, 456x631, 456:631, cellarccrossceltic.png)

Religion is 100% absolutely dumb as fuck. It has been created to keep stupid fucks in line for centuries. Do not follow organized religions, it is what (((they))) want you to do, and it is what (((they))) do not want you to do (if that makes sense).

Race war is what (((they))) want now, DO NOT GIVE IT TO THEM!

We must stand against every aspect of (((then))) trying to divide us!

Where We Go One We Go All!

Do not forget that!

Always remember that that has always been the call for us Patriots! It has always been the call for The Great Awakening!

I love you all! (no homo!) And i will always have your six!

God is with us, and we are fighting not PHYSICAL powers…but we are fighting the SPIRITUAL powers!

This is a fight between the coming of the Kingdom of Christ AND the Kingdom of the AntiChrist.

It's simple to see (((their))) forces now!

(((They))) will make fun of you and (((they))) will persecute you in HIS name! Because you love HIM! And HE is not of this EARTH!

God Bless everyone of you! And may we see the Eternal Kingdom of God be established before I perish from this Earth!

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fc15af  No.7251149

File: 0bb93204ab170ca⋯.png (530.34 KB, 713x563, 713:563, dome 1.PNG)

File: 9766d879181f469⋯.png (37.29 KB, 1241x366, 1241:366, dome3.PNG)

File: 737079b3a6436ba⋯.png (550.17 KB, 871x663, 67:51, dome2.PNG)

File: 95ddd6b7269a22a⋯.png (613.7 KB, 574x792, 287:396, BB7.PNG)

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8cb2c7  No.7251150


I can't stand this guy. He speaks with fork tongue

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3b97a2  No.7251151

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Here is Whitaker talking about Ratcliffe and Barr. He breaks it down on how Ratcliffe will look into the systemic failures within the Intelligence agencies.

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0aabd2  No.7251152

File: d24c28e9e05a387⋯.jpg (118.4 KB, 1020x578, 30:17, rottenchild6.jpg)

File: 2939cfa6dc03c7f⋯.jpg (142.12 KB, 1024x575, 1024:575, rottenchild7.jpg)

File: 145341ea4b56dd4⋯.jpg (199.51 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, rottenchild8.jpg)

File: 778e9224fec1015⋯.jpg (130.82 KB, 1024x681, 1024:681, rottenchild9.jpg)

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341559  No.7251153

File: 853d6a4ee66c56a⋯.jpg (64.24 KB, 523x497, 523:497, boomerang-pepe.jpg)


Top memeage!

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831d96  No.7251154


You can, but a draft beer will set you back $15

Disney costs more than a Viking River Cruise down the Rhine.

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c8de5c  No.7251155

File: be084a4e95c7860⋯.png (183.82 KB, 598x427, 598:427, ClipboardImage.png)

Who Had Plane Crash + 17 On Their Bingo Card:

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8a7151  No.7251156


>How can there be a German QResearch without a German Q?

Q has posted there.

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5be900  No.7251157

File: 54aaf3afcb65519⋯.jpg (145.01 KB, 750x500, 3:2, Make Scotland Great Again ….jpg)

File: c06448b3551de0a⋯.jpg (131.59 KB, 712x499, 712:499, Make Iran Great Again Badg….jpg)

File: 538030924173efb⋯.jpg (181.98 KB, 750x500, 3:2, Q Irish Research Badge.jpg)

File: 28b0e3e655d5092⋯.jpg (111.9 KB, 658x500, 329:250, Q research EURO badge.jpg)

File: eb157ae90f09d32⋯.jpg (162.06 KB, 821x500, 821:500, UnityFags Badge.jpg)

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4c062a  No.7251158

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Damn. Did you eat the whole time I was in? I left you were like plickity plack plicka plack. Now you're like FWAAAA FOOM!

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b0f8b3  No.7251159

File: 865e45a7cfc4f1a⋯.png (345.79 KB, 640x360, 16:9, adam schiff get schiffty 2.png)

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6838b7  No.7251160

File: fa47bc1befe2cfb⋯.jpeg (160.31 KB, 750x564, 125:94, 770EA1A5-0D45-45FD-A628-3….jpeg)

File: 2c18ca7baa8f42a⋯.jpeg (34.97 KB, 417x281, 417:281, 1F69272A-E62D-411D-A4A7-C….jpeg)

File: 383101bc1c39dea⋯.jpeg (101.06 KB, 750x1054, 375:527, D9A32183-DE7B-432F-BD5A-5….jpeg)

File: cc803b5d26a2138⋯.jpeg (148.65 KB, 750x341, 750:341, DB8F9D4F-CD37-476E-AC1C-4….jpeg)

File: 13355a2c4b0f8d2⋯.jpeg (442.48 KB, 750x1127, 750:1127, 6D09336B-950B-4BB3-964D-B….jpeg)

Searched David Vance RED SHOES and found a clothing line, is this the same guy?

Lots of symbolism

Got a warning for mature content. Kek


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3e5e35  No.7251161

File: 955819da47c918f⋯.jpg (32.81 KB, 600x450, 4:3, 955819da47c918f5be3cdc52fa….jpg)


Best breaking news dude on the web

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60c3eb  No.7251162

File: ca15059f8e2050e⋯.png (587.63 KB, 724x7762, 362:3881, Screenshot_2018-10-24 A Mo….png)

File: d80395b796e8fb2⋯.png (343.7 KB, 1349x2284, 1349:2284, Screenshot_2018-10-24 Fune….png)

File: d08c8e21722bc58⋯.png (55.01 KB, 681x641, 681:641, d322b1b4bfe11d575098101330….png)



getting old

another 93

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6f2152  No.7251165


Correction due east, storm travelling west to east.

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f3b933  No.7251166


You have to go back

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368834  No.7251167


I made that like really fast and everything!

Loaded the movie up.. Found the spot, and snapped it.


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39a530  No.7251168

File: f7c2f0752c400ff⋯.mp4 (1.3 MB, 626x360, 313:180, FakeCryptosFakeNemos.mp4)

I can't believe Dustin Nemos is still running his AltCoin Daily YouTube channel pretending to be "Austin."

[D] ustin?

[A] ustin?

Tick tock.

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0aabd2  No.7251169

File: f7477a0bff0de50⋯.jpg (253.18 KB, 1600x853, 1600:853, MayaHandler.jpg)

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aae41c  No.7251171

File: 8f0676895f3619b⋯.jpg (67.07 KB, 612x407, 612:407, winning.jpg)



Yeah it sure brings a lot of joy! Cheers

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2f2465  No.7251172

File: 3350ce5eb81b28a⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1118x672, 559:336, TAPPER MEMES.PNG)

==They (Trump fans) deal in memes== Tapper


@ around :50

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9bc7d8  No.7251173

File: 3d3386d04b8245e⋯.png (315.58 KB, 946x768, 473:384, ELIJAH-CUMMINGS-1.8-BILLIO….png)


Found some sauce


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abd8d4  No.7251174


Thank you for……

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b0b3b3  No.7251175

File: ef2c4eb7ed97037⋯.jpg (256.03 KB, 1208x681, 1208:681, 1564238841.jpg)


Translation: our usual tricks aren't working anymore. Bonus: I get to play the victim.

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24f852  No.7251176


Not inside the park.

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c4a9ff  No.7251177

File: c668db2234784dd⋯.png (389.81 KB, 532x631, 532:631, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5a572b93f282aa1⋯.png (1.29 MB, 852x566, 426:283, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 53df4eef3e5b1db⋯.png (995.75 KB, 851x569, 851:569, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a0c806a3d96e142⋯.png (695.32 KB, 852x569, 852:569, ClipboardImage.png)

Earth is special. 🌎 It's the only place in the universe that we know contains life. Celebrate its beauty by taking a look at these breathtaking images of our home planet, as captured by crew members aboard the @Space_Station:



11:57 AM - 28 Jul 2019

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acc897  No.7251178

File: 5f264a7c36890ac⋯.png (120.7 KB, 318x354, 53:59, a65faf116301507d81763cc6c1….png)

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11b2f5  No.7251179


I know about it than I should thanks to you faggots (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ

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368834  No.7251180


Cut the head off your meme and added it to the movie snap.

(you) <- pats own back

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bf24ed  No.7251181

File: 9ba7f0b3645197d⋯.png (62.8 KB, 746x604, 373:302, bingo3.png)

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e94bd4  No.7251182

File: 2d50c4342229dde⋯.png (963.05 KB, 1080x1088, 135:136, Screenshot_20190729-175144….png)

Doesn't even look like intelligent life.

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e45c07  No.7251183


24/7 hot mess for hot mess dumb women.

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9a1c76  No.7251184

File: be3d194759b1843⋯.jpg (39.76 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 1527065976734.jpg)

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d0f11d  No.7251185


>Q has posted there.

"No outside comms."


Then either you were duped, or Q is full of shit.

Or, both …

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96478b  No.7251186

File: b95db63a043f420⋯.png (78.1 KB, 1020x400, 51:20, ClipboardImage.png)


They're trying to find me. LOL

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31bcc2  No.7251187

File: e2d9227a5eec3be⋯.jpeg (187.8 KB, 1135x744, 1135:744, 4E1ECA23-AF40-4C40-9BC8-9….jpeg)

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1b0438  No.7251188


I had a theory that the 'Q&A' 's were actually a session when there is a 'special guest'. I believe last time there was a Q&A Kevin McCarthy was aboard AF1 and that pic was posted on twat of Dan, Kevin (in the middle), and Steve

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90c40d  No.7251189

File: 75cc6a791440403⋯.png (375.48 KB, 373x373, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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e4a8e6  No.7251190


I always say "question everything" The truth is somewhere in between. I take it all with a grain of salt and analyze it

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60c3eb  No.7251191

File: a96eefb763924c9⋯.jpg (77.13 KB, 720x960, 3:4, 1512712429017.jpg)


kken saved

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d635cf  No.7251192

File: ef7bccb04fca5c8⋯.png (668.24 KB, 607x810, 607:810, Respict.png)

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8a7151  No.7251193


>It's the only place in the universe that we know contains life.

Earth is a container.

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aae41c  No.7251194

>>7251171 was for



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c8de5c  No.7251195

File: 95e8c4d31f018db⋯.png (285.13 KB, 598x427, 598:427, ClipboardImage.png)

Today In The Big Round Up: ENDGAME

‘OPERATION END GAME’: Convicted Murderer Among Those Arrested In Online Child Sex Sting

“Operation End Game” was a three-day proactive effort centered in Athens, GA. The operation took several months of planning. The arrestees, ranging in age from 19 to 53, traveled from areas around Northeast Georgia with the intent to meet a child for sex. One person that was arrested was a convicted murderer who had completed his sentence. One person was arrested in possession of firearms and a machete. Thirteen mobile phones were seized as evidence during the operation.

The goal of “Operation End Game” was to arrest persons who communicate with children on-line and then travel to meet them for the purpose of having sex. Additionally, the operation targeted those that are willing to exploit children by purchasing sex with a minor. On-line child predators visit chat rooms and websites on the internet, find children, begin conversations with them, introduce sexual content and arrange a meeting with the children for the purpose of having sex. The children these predators target are both boys and girls. Since 2014, the Georgia ICAC Task Force has arrested over 130 people in similar operations.


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368834  No.7251196


I even capitalized "MEH"

blonde look goes here

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0aabd2  No.7251197

File: 086f4b604d76139⋯.jpg (168.8 KB, 1024x539, 1024:539, hawking.jpg)

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b8cd86  No.7251198


The only one woman I've ever wanted to get into a street fight with.

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fe1182  No.7251199

Weather events do not require investigation. Something happened on that base.

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c98924  No.7251200



Moses Hess et. al.


Harvest as a metaphor?

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774a51  No.7251201


how is a bread within Qresearch labeled for germanQ considered "outside comms"?

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8a7151  No.7251202


or you has the dum

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a764e4  No.7251203


Looks like this anon just outed FakeQ (ver. 13).

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94460f  No.7251204

File: b9354bbf4b716fb⋯.png (352.55 KB, 411x431, 411:431, ClipboardImage.png)

Saint James, the Less


Patron of Hatmakers.

Feast Day, May 3rd.

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04d32e  No.7251205

The bite that has no cure

This is not a game

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c8de5c  No.7251206

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831d96  No.7251207


Stand down, Mouseketeer


Was talking about the numerous places within Walt Disney World Florida where you can buy alcohol

Am a veteran of "drink your way around World Showcase"

Are Brazilian tour groups as obnoxious as they used to be? Kept season passes for a while when offspring were young, but I don't have to go anymore.

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d97a3c  No.7251208

File: db877d394811e4d⋯.jpg (11.91 KB, 258x245, 258:245, db877d394811e4d380b5d47a96….jpg)


Top fucking KEK!

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a127c2  No.7251209

File: 506be1595d19ed0⋯.png (108.77 KB, 813x662, 813:662, nowinCum-mingflavor.png)

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3e5e35  No.7251210


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d8f14d  No.7251211


Welcome newshill. Learn how the ‘board’ works. And get your facts straight too. Might want to correct that reddit spacing as well.

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766389  No.7251212

File: b0ad240bc9d0675⋯.png (387.82 KB, 1028x737, 1028:737, ClipboardImage.png)

Keep singing, my love.

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0aabd2  No.7251213

File: c6e64ca47eff450⋯.jpg (123.45 KB, 1000x562, 500:281, DeadMansHandMcCain.jpg)


It sure does anon!

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6aed6b  No.7251214


Springsfag here.

Not much to look at outside. Nothing special

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60c3eb  No.7251215


the jews

right? right.

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634e95  No.7251216

File: 3a222f6948067fc⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1168x1412, 292:353, Screen Shot 2019-07-29 at ….png)

Sounds familiar:

President Trump said the records regarding former President


’s book deal should be subpoenaed, along with other records, in addition to records having to do with former #SecretaryofState and failed presidential contender



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711804  No.7251217

File: f5e3b8ea10b1865⋯.png (209.44 KB, 318x362, 159:181, 2019-07-29_20-56-20.png)

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fe1182  No.7251218

File: a9de9cb12f9a96c⋯.jpg (302.02 KB, 1080x1006, 540:503, Screenshot_20190729-185629….jpg)


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1712e1  No.7251220

File: a6608164b84c604⋯.jpg (79.44 KB, 590x461, 590:461, milton_collusion.jpg)

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6f2152  No.7251221

File: 927cad1aefda670⋯.jpg (234.08 KB, 715x941, 715:941, Screenshot_20190729-205328….jpg)

File: 20ff6579aca408b⋯.jpg (348.46 KB, 717x1312, 717:1312, Screenshot_20190729-205416….jpg)

This is why its called the fake news…

Report 1


Report 2 (All clear)


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b0f8b3  No.7251222


I thought her and her Science of Identity

Foundation wasnt /ourgirl/?

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766389  No.7251223

File: 83b66d2314f1221⋯.png (454.48 KB, 639x358, 639:358, ClipboardImage.png)

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e94bd4  No.7251224

File: 1e9e1d5fc775afe⋯.jpg (51.56 KB, 500x522, 250:261, Tucker Carlson.jpg)

Super faggot Tucker Carlson has Tulsi Gabbard back on shilling.

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ae5f26  No.7251225

This sting is being performed by the best brains in the Military …Do you really think the Main Witness Epstein would be in a cell with someone that could kill him ? Cmon guys really ? The guy in that cell is not going to kill him but scare the fucking shit out of him …. Epstein is lawyering up and trying to hold out for the Calvary (Swamp) …Newsflash …Nobody’s coming to his rescue this time …. So they are making him understand you cannot bribe your way to Bail and you will NEVER leave Prison …. You will never be safe in Prison …Ever …So Why don’t you help us put these people that want to kill you in Jail ….. No ? We will wait ….

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1850b4  No.7251226

much better reverse image search than google.. https://tineye.com

Got some great results on that submarine reverse search. Google was a joke.

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967f1f  No.7251227

Awesome video on Trumps Cummings tweet. Very good.


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eec989  No.7251228

Why 50 Americans didn't get a job. Sillycon valley uses crooks and are criminals. Ever notice it seems that Indians and/or Pakis are involved in these schemes? HOW MANY ILLEGAL INDIANS ARE THERE?

They are doing everything to screw us out of jobs and exploit other Indians.

Any recent immigrant should have their citizenship revoked (and deported) if caught in such immigration fraud.


A Bay Area man is one of four executives of U.S. technology-industry staffing firms charged with H-1B visa fraud.

The U.S. Department of Justice alleges that Sateesh Vemuri, 52, conspired with three New Jersey men to bring foreign workers into the U.S. in 2015 and 2016 by using faked documents to obtain H-1B visas. The department in a press release Tuesday said Vemuri was from San Jose, but the criminal complaint filed in New Jersey U.S. District Court said he was from Contra Costa County.

“The object of the conspiracy was for the defendants and others to gain an advantage over their competitors in the IT-staffing industry by using fraudulent documents and false representations to obtain expedited H-lB visas for potential employees,” the criminal complaint alleged.

Vemuri and two of the other men controlled New Jersey-based IT staffing companies Procure Professionals Inc. and Krypto IT Solutions, according to the justice department. Federal authorities claim the two firms were central to the “bench-and-switch” scheme used by visa fraudsters to get around the difficulties of obtaining hard-to-get H-1B visas.

The criminal complaint alleged that the four men’s fraud conspiracy involved filing H-1B applications for foreign nationals without first finding positions for them with end clients. “The purpose of the scheme is to build a ‘bench’ of skilled foreign workers already authorized to work in the U.S., who can then be assigned to end clients immediately upon request, without the need to wait through the prolonged visa process,” the complaint alleged.

The alleged scam by Vemuri and the others included “the creation and submission of false service contracts, statements of work, and employment-verification letters by both Procure and Krypto,” the complaint alleged. Together, the two companies filed about 50 H-1B applications, all falsely stating that the foreign citizens would work for “Client A” on the “AppExchange Project,” the complaint alleged.

“In reality, however, there was no AppExchange Project, and Client A was not even in the software-development business,” the complaint alleged.

The firm Client A was controlled by two of the men charged in the alleged conspiracy, the justice department said.

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services awarded H-1B visas to the alleged conspirators’ companies based on the false documents, the complaint said.

One visa recipient said he never worked on anything called “AppExchange” during his short time with Procure, but instead spent a month on a project whose purpose he didn’t understand, before finding another job on his own, the complaint claimed. Another recipient of an H-1B visa obtained by Procure said he stayed at home, unpaid, for the five months he was supposed to be working for Client A, the complaint alleged.

Part 1/1

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1712e1  No.7251229

File: 7e263ab9bdc3cab⋯.jpg (106.12 KB, 750x499, 750:499, id_hit_that_negan.jpg)

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555b6a  No.7251230

File: a09d59b9f6a1bbc⋯.png (3.22 KB, 328x154, 164:77, logo.png)


They use the ol' one eye logo. They seem to like their horns and ears too. Honey pot? Recruitments?

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e33d52  No.7251231


Can't just write "milk दाँत" huh? 🤷‍♂️

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d0f11d  No.7251232


>Are Brazilian tour groups as obnoxious as they used to be?

The Brazilians are brutally rude … especially the kids, who dress like hookers btw.

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766389  No.7251233



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60c3eb  No.7251234


the use of "active shooter" reeks of tavistock

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c4a9ff  No.7251235

File: 9dd316032a6edff⋯.png (189.96 KB, 560x430, 56:43, ClipboardImage.png)

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5b0385  No.7251236

File: c47a7fa64c4424b⋯.png (2.74 MB, 1920x909, 640:303, ClipboardImage.png)

Tulsi the CFR shill

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94460f  No.7251237

File: 64c9532ca534477⋯.png (263.1 KB, 655x322, 655:322, ClipboardImage.png)


Saint James, the Greater


Patron of Pilgrims and Spain

Feast Day, July 25th.

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9411a3  No.7251238

File: 4fb74f891d1710a⋯.jpg (210.63 KB, 1189x1082, 1189:1082, dec-5th-a.JPG)

Can I get a DECLAS! Fuch YEAH!

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89818a  No.7251239

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

It's Not in my Purview!

I Take your Question!

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0aabd2  No.7251240

File: a5c7c474c3aaac1⋯.jpg (382.74 KB, 1024x575, 1024:575, Kanye2.jpg)

File: b82ffa4a8406ef7⋯.jpg (525.84 KB, 1024x677, 1024:677, Kanye1.jpg)

File: d52d6e760b7ba27⋯.jpg (358.85 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, CandiceKanye.jpg)

File: 6957b1f926346aa⋯.jpg (125.53 KB, 1024x533, 1024:533, Candice2.jpg)

File: d332213b6c0da60⋯.jpg (136.25 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, Candice1.jpg)

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4451e3  No.7251241


Except the CA ''wild'+fires

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6f2152  No.7251242


I miss that ride on the "Big Road" through your area. Seen some awesome weather in your area..

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a4d6b8  No.7251243


Had to do my drinking in the Animal kingdom and Hollywood studio place. And the water park.

Good times…

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627782  No.7251244


The whole thing doesn't seem right. Why would a Muslim be helping Catholics… my thought is it's all so entangled that they have to help each other out? Idk just seemed weird to me.

"Opus Bono successfully forged networks reaching all the way to the Vatican."

This part I found very interesting…

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d0f11d  No.7251245

File: 655cdce630e153e⋯.png (16.22 KB, 1020x652, 255:163, tard jail.png)


Been here longer than you, fucktard. Guaranteed.

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e4a8e6  No.7251246

Ex-FBI COS says Russia conspiracy came from Obama White House

James Rybicki suggested in a sworn testimony that the Trump-Russia collusion investigation was orchestrated by Obama's White House in 2016


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c98924  No.7251247



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eec989  No.7251249


BUT THERE IS HOPE, but stronger PUNISHMENT is needed.

he charges come amid a crackdown on the H-1B program by the administration of President Donald Trump, which has taken aim at outsourcers and IT staffing companies, and dramatically increased the rate of rejection for H-1B visas. Silicon Valley tech firms rely heavily on the H-1B to secure top global talent, and push for an increase to the annual 85,000 cap on new visas, which year after year is outstripped by demand. Critics point to reported abuses and argue that outsourcers and staffing companies — which place contract workers at major tech firms and other companies — use the H-1B to supplant U.S. workers and drive down wages.

The four men are charged with conspiracy to commit visa fraud, and face maximum penalties of five years in prison and $250,000 fines. Vemuri, identified by the first name “Sateesh” in the justice department’s press release but called “Satish” in the complaint, made a first court appearance Monday in federal court in New Jersey, according to the justice department. He and the other three men have each been released on $250,000 bond, the justice department said.

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9f2a35  No.7251250

File: e29b698c24bd2d7⋯.png (23.68 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, ShillsAttacking.png)


As Q told in many posts the anons on Q Research and the whole Q movement are a DIRECT THREAT to many people ww.

Not only to the few families of the ruling class, but also to the many Deep State assets in politics, science, economy, fake news reporters, masons and "knights" around the world.

Shills apply all kind of tactics and most of them have it´s base on "divide and rule".

Attack people of the Q patriots and sow division to weaken the movement.



Shills attack the loud voices on YT (especially prayingmedic, in the matrix) and on TV (Hannity and other).

Shills attack individual anons and call them names (boomer, kike, …).

Shills are desperate bc anons and patriots ww are so many and are so strongly bound in the fight against evil.

Shills still try to sow division and make the recent FalseFlags work by painting this board nazi ('Q is a nazi movement', 'orange man nazi').

Shills spread disinfo and slides (RR not our guys for example).

Shills spread stupid info to make anons look ridiculous.

One shill calls everyone "bot" and want´s you to think that there are not thousands of anons contributing and millions of lurkers spreading info on other channels.

Shills attack relevant info (was noted two months ago, why should anons care, not relevant, …)

Shill post disinfo and cryptic bs to slide.

Shills glow if you regard all posts made here in the context of ALL Q DROPS.

Watch out for clown bakers that leave out and ignore relevant info and push shill topics (slides, muh jew).

The end for shills is near and JUSTICE will be served soon.




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766389  No.7251251


Get your opposition to fill in the blanks - for you!

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831d96  No.7251252

New Development in Epstein case



Jeffrey Epstein hit with lawsuit a day before he was found injured on cell floor

By Bruce Golding and Priscilla DeGregory

July 29, 2019 | 8:09pm | Updated

Jeffrey Epstein got slapped with legal papers in a Lower Manhattan lock-up one day before he was found sprawled in his cell with injuries to his neck, a court filing revealed Monday.

A city official personally handed Epstein a draft lawsuit and related documents filed against him by childhood rape accuser Jennifer Araoz, according to a certificate of service filed in Manhattan Supreme Court.

Deputy Sheriff Qin Zhang described the convicted pedophile and multimillionaire financier as a 5-foot-10, 240-pound, light-skinned man with white hair, who appeared his 66 years of age, the filing said.

Zhang delivered the papers to Epstein around 10:15 a.m. on July 22 at 150 Park Row, which is the address for the federal Metropolitan Correctional Center.

The following day, Epstein – who’s being held without bail on conspiracy and child sex trafficking charges – was found nearly unconscious on the floor of his cell, law enforcement sources have said.

Based on the appearance of the marks on his neck, investigators suspect he was choked by someone else, and they questioned his cellmate, a hulking ex-cop awaiting a death penalty trial in four drug-related killings upstate, the sources said.

The inmate, Nicholas Tartaglione, 51, denies any wrongdoing, his lawyer has said.

Araoz, 32, claims Epstein sexually abused and raped her in his Upper East Side townhouse in 2002 and 2003, beginning when she was just 14 years old.

Araoz is seeking to depose Epstein to learn the identity of the young woman who allegedly recruited her outside the Talent Unlimited High School and took part in his “grooming” of Araoz “to be sexually assaulted by Epstein.”

“Now that he has gotten notice and has been properly served with a petition he or his lawyer will now have to appear on Aug. 27 to explain to the court why she shouldn’t order his deposition and why she shouldn’t order him to produce all the discovery we asked for,” said Araoz’s lawyer, Daniel Kaiser.

Araoz plans to sue both Epstein and the recruiter but has to wait until Aug. 14 under terms of the state Child Victims Act, according to court papers.

The law, which Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed in February, lifted a statute of limitations that barred victims of childhood sexual abuse from suing their attackers more than three years after turning 18.

The new law will give victims up to age 55 one year to file suit, regardless of when the alleged attacks occurred.

Court records don’t show whether Epstein has hired a lawyer to represent him against Araoz’s claims, and his criminal defense lawyers didn’t return a request for comment.

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e33d52  No.7251253


Cannibal lives matter. They can reduce (((JEW))) population by eating them. 🤣🤷‍♂️

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a5b918  No.7251254

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Noahide Laws Prayer in Congress & Dance Party Outside

>>Separation of Church and State' doesn't apply to Satanism?

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711804  No.7251255

File: c02191bbd14f7eb⋯.png (135.5 KB, 336x334, 168:167, 2019-06-02_01-36-01.png)

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960862  No.7251256

File: c6c0ac667ebe67e⋯.png (501.96 KB, 503x814, 503:814, Screen Shot 2019-07-29 at ….png)

Q time


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9411a3  No.7251258

File: 91b7923cc1c6779⋯.jpg (18.23 KB, 354x394, 177:197, thumbsup.JPG)


Nice bro…..

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698fcc  No.7251259

File: 09620399ed81622⋯.jpg (560.76 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, fleshlight-sex-toy-for-men….jpg)

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b5b959  No.7251260


The Howard Fisher posts look a lot like the BS the “Q is a Jew” shill spams.

Bingo, we have the shill’s identity. You know what to do anons.

Have fun.

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a127c2  No.7251261


look closer

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368834  No.7251262

File: e897aa2ca390cf2⋯.jpg (508.82 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, Mind brain chakra Consciou….jpg)


I've got this Universe down!

My outlook at "everything" is what I make it and things are looking beautiful.

What's that story about the guy that bitches about hitting all the street lights so, he always hits all the street lights.

When annihilation occurs, all the grand designs and all the grand plans will be finally exposed and revealed for what they are.


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cb3016  No.7251263

File: 0109867ef2c2f03⋯.png (97.42 KB, 400x420, 20:21, 0109867ef2c2f03bcb4306471d….png)


>Q has posted there.

Wait what?

Have seen Q post in AUS & UK – also in the German thread? Which one was that?

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b0f8b3  No.7251264

File: 43f2e849fb9ebf5⋯.png (871.74 KB, 1160x629, 1160:629, elijah cummings horse legs….png)


Now just hold your horses, man

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6aed6b  No.7251265


Yeah, we got some weather.

Been pretty crazy recently with the new 'monsoon' season.

Scares the shit out of my cat.

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aae41c  No.7251266

File: 22619cf6f8e0fb3⋯.jpg (8.18 KB, 259x194, 259:194, derf.jpg)

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679870  No.7251267


…been here 20yrs and this board is only one year old….. grunt

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5b9136  No.7251268


>I had a theory that the 'Q&A' 's were actually a session when there is a 'special guest'.

Q&A does not feel organic.

Specific information planned to be discussed.

Base of The Mountain.

1k foot view.

Would LOVE to be proven wrong.

Time will tell…

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b13667  No.7251269

how much influence did eggstein have on zionism? who in Israel stand with eggstein and his contributions? is zionism the same as Israel a Nation chosen by God? if so, why didn't God call you Zionel?

hint hint – its taken

the new Elite



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8a64e5  No.7251270


capital 1 sold data of 100 million people for 500 million dollars (5 bucks a person reasonable) and will pay a fine of 10 million.

thats the new business model.

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fee38a  No.7251271

File: e25bf24a6c6747e⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, WeThePeople_Trump_Q.png)

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aa4079  No.7251272

File: b96fd40510d916e⋯.jpg (3.04 MB, 8240x4072, 1030:509, 072919_T_7224.jpg)

DECODE 07/29/2019 — POTUS Tweets T-7224 & Sara Carter RT of POTUS Tweet

Joe diGenova just dropped a BOMBSHEL

DECLAS and Transparency Starts THIS WEEK

Should start by Wednesday

DECLAS Starts Aug 1, 2019

[Be Ready]

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e45c07  No.7251273

File: d6635107966e97f⋯.jpg (45.14 KB, 900x900, 1:1, trumptopkek.jpg)

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9f2a35  No.7251274

File: e7c1603750ddda8⋯.png (1.01 MB, 981x637, 981:637, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4a577245b58404f⋯.png (851.41 KB, 795x591, 265:197, ClipboardImage.png)


all pb.

>>7238992, >>7239010 Gilroy police chief diggz

>>7238901 Gilroy badge has pyramid and eye

>>7239201, >>7239401, >>7239382, >>7239186, >>7239364, >>7238256, >>7238336 more on GILROY staged FF

>>7239221 lb staged FF video

>>7239640, >>7239663 guy on FF vid: ""I'm going over where I am supposed to be"

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f37d32  No.7251275


How very German to have a row about 4 variations of "being equal". Sounds like something straight out of "animal Farm" or Monty Pythons flying circus.

just carry on bking and digging, German anon. Don't worry too much about Demagogery. learn theQ way: ask Questions in stead of poking people. it is not illegal AND works a lot better. be careful and tell yourfrens to be careful. EU is not USA. EU is a dangerous place. You can do a LOT within the law. No need to endanger germen anons. Alles Gute, Freund.

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d8f14d  No.7251276


> "drink your way around World Showcase"

Kek, many a time. Off season FL resident pass.

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a2b0cc  No.7251277



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b5ab96  No.7251278

File: faf6147f5fe1413⋯.jpg (142.44 KB, 930x588, 155:98, weeSharpton.jpg)

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3beece  No.7251279

File: b145fd954f3c66b⋯.jpg (12.24 KB, 187x255, 11:15, pepebunkbed.jpg)

anons we are seeing the real answer to the JQ and why POTUS has supported ties with Israel

Jews are the KEYSTONE - they started the movement of critical self analysis and worship of the ONE. And ruthlessly enforced it to this very day - and survived every attack possible.

The evil powers fear and loath the Jews as a direct threat to their power and control. Yes, MANY Jews are part of the evil powers - is that a secret? NO - and never has been - just read the BIBLE to see how Jews called out their own for all evil and backsliding - in writing and carefully preserved for ALL to read and learn - did the POPE ever do that?

MOS has been controlled by evil just like CIA - but the end is NEAR. When CIA and MOS are controlled the GAME IS OVER. There would be no Great Awakening or JESUS without the Jews - think about iT - There is no other explanation if you USE LOGIC and THINK FOR YOURSELF.

Thank JESUS for saving all who turn to the LIGHT………….




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1850b4  No.7251281

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Project Pelican. The missing piece of the Uranium One Iran Deal puzzle.

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627782  No.7251282

File: 78c3e7097c6d5be⋯.jpg (110.34 KB, 814x1024, 407:512, 1553898733487m.jpg)


That we will.

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69b089  No.7251283

File: bba4345c270838c⋯.jpeg (190.82 KB, 700x700, 1:1, Transparency.jpeg)


You have no idea in what intransparency others live…..

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a127c2  No.7251284


Attempted FF failed?

Wouldn't surprise me since it's Clown Central

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aae41c  No.7251285

File: a6372b1083e7c7c⋯.jpg (27.01 KB, 400x410, 40:41, dasting.jpg)

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b069ce  No.7251286

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Chicken Tendies - soundtrack

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70dceb  No.7251287

File: 1ee0e1c8810a8c8⋯.jpg (157.46 KB, 990x937, 990:937, Pepe obolisk.jpg)


Antifa is leading a "Border Resistance" militancy training tour that will converge on a 10-day siege in El Paso, TX. The promotional image shows border enforcement officers being killed & government property fired bombed. Organizers asking for "white comrades" to pay for others.

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fc15af  No.7251288

File: 3a279147edb7fea⋯.png (555.91 KB, 981x620, 981:620, temple6.PNG)



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0530a3  No.7251290

File: bf3c76ce708b88b⋯.jpg (34.23 KB, 647x542, 647:542, trumpdab.jpg)


>However, one caveat - There's not proof Tony Rodham is dead. HRC used the word "lost"

is there proof that he is alive?

>Anons have speculated the Tony is in protective custody to be used in Grand Juries and/or Military tribunals

tony was not military nor was he involved in uranium one, so a military tribunal for him doesn't make much sense. also, out of all the other corrupt individuals that are out there related to the clinton cabal, i think 'black sheep' tony was a pretty low-hanging fruit. there are many other people that would be much more useful in a grand jury/investigation scenario.

>Our side isn't "eye for an eye" "tooth for a tooth"

surely not officially with Q or POTUS, but there are other players in this game. don't doubt for a second that insiders in the NYPD have the assets and intel to pull it off.

>If the white hats were gonna take out Tony for "revenge" wouldn't they just take out HRC first

nope. HRC (et al) is going to be exposed and is going to pay for her treachery.

the rule of law will return to this great land with a vengeance.

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e94bd4  No.7251291

File: 8ad901bb93a9fef⋯.png (314.1 KB, 707x354, 707:354, downloadfile-removebg-prev….png)

A dollar to a dime says Tucker Carlson is getting head from Tulsi Gabbard.

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aa4214  No.7251292


Kind of obvious to even the casual observer.

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95e927  No.7251293



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6f2152  No.7251294


That's what we have been calling it here in Pennsylvania, we've had RECORD BREAKING Flash flooding lately.. its insane.. 5 inches of rain a few weeks ago in 45 mins…

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c98924  No.7251295



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555b6a  No.7251296



The logo used to be an obvious snatch. Now it's a snatch crossed with the eye of a reptilian.

Or maybe I've been lurking too long.

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5be900  No.7251297

File: cb7d4da18ddc329⋯.jpg (38.08 KB, 577x433, 577:433, 36t5ra.jpg)

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a4d6b8  No.7251298

File: 48f7c3e4d76f11b⋯.jpeg (628.51 KB, 1242x2000, 621:1000, 5A00D781-B4B9-4A05-92B8-4….jpeg)

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60c3eb  No.7251299

File: d85f024159e3247⋯.png (31.24 KB, 959x467, 959:467, ClipboardImage.png)


and there we go

9s and 1s and a 47 for fun

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98fb55  No.7251300


What a dumb cunt

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80c03d  No.7251301


She is a fraud. Jumping in after the fact. Her Handler Chris Butler has people monitor this board and likely know where this is heading. Now she will act like she is on our side.

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2cb475  No.7251302

File: 1fbf76b48d68429⋯.jpg (38.28 KB, 372x316, 93:79, thoughts.jpg)

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2f2465  No.7251303

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


video at about :50


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911cca  No.7251304


That's Heady!

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d1d343  No.7251305


stop watching tv. it's making you stupid.

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9411a3  No.7251306


Uh oh… they're on to you shill… kek!

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2cd15a  No.7251307



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acc897  No.7251308

Notables at @445

Think we've got everything down. Anything missed please shout out. TY

>>7251252 New Development: Epstein hit with lawsuit a day before he was found injured on cell floor

>>7251195 ‘Operation End Game’: Convicted Murderer Among Those Arrested In Online Child Sex Sting

>>7251115 Whittaker talking about Ratcliffe and Barr: 'central casting' clip

>>7251115 'Acting' protocol: Vacancies Reform Act of 1998: Temporary basis for up to 210 days

>>7250970 Putin: Ukrainian/Clinton collusion is no secret

>>7250996 Video keks: Mueller Meltdown

>>7250989 Tucker Carlson on Baltimore

>>7250967 , >>7250978 Voat reported down again

>>7250944 , >>7250964 Official Comms from WhiteHouse: 9/11 Fund and Baltimore

>>7250913 Nadler's district received $3.2mm in grants from the Nation Endowment for the Arts

>>7250890 PANIC!! FBI Braces for Durham’s First Intel Drop; ‘No One Is Safe'

>>7250869 , >>7250877, >>7250873 Accused priests, Dryden, Michigan & Opus Bono Sacerdoti

>>7250868 LA Sheriff’s office investigating ‘secret societies’ of deputies linking them to gang activity

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cb3016  No.7251309

File: a46538903b5c9fc⋯.jpg (9.17 KB, 236x236, 1:1, proxy.duckduckgo.com.jpg)


>Carlson is getting head from Tulsi

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24f852  No.7251310


In agreement, anon. It is hard to know who to trust, though I lean toward believing djt. Q not so much.

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5b9136  No.7251311

File: 1be71b3b7a36765⋯.png (15.91 KB, 790x205, 158:41, Shine A LIGHT.png)


No cryptic games for once?

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911cca  No.7251312


Sing me a song of Freedom!

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20e604  No.7251313

File: 695337df2f9512d⋯.png (345.34 KB, 535x592, 535:592, Hannity Tweet Warren Sharp….PNG)

File: ae7446c381da0aa⋯.png (45.28 KB, 569x636, 569:636, 1 Hannity Warren Sharpton ….PNG)

File: 810843db8f8cc65⋯.png (44.02 KB, 566x648, 283:324, 2 Hannity Warren Sharpton ….PNG)

File: b67dda13364710b⋯.png (883.55 KB, 825x463, 825:463, Farrakhan Clinton Sharpton….PNG)

File: aa2851c4d559e96⋯.png (577.96 KB, 690x514, 345:257, 1 Zero with Farrakhan.PNG)

WARREN: “I stand with my friend Al Sharpton in calling out these ongoing attacks on people of color…”


WARREN WEIGHS IN: Sen. Warren Backs Sharpton, Says Trump Targeting ‘People of Color’


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5be900  No.7251315

File: c7cfbed7aa84158⋯.jpg (41.47 KB, 577x433, 577:433, 36t5v2.jpg)

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986985  No.7251316

File: 296a2ea1869412d⋯.png (29.63 KB, 320x289, 320:289, ClipboardImage.png)

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0aabd2  No.7251317

File: 7524498be5e8057⋯.mp4 (12.35 MB, 340x192, 85:48, Reagan - Peace Through Str….mp4)

President Ronald Reagan - Peace Through Strength.


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bd1045  No.7251318


Id hit that.

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9411a3  No.7251319


Damn. It was a secret….

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b0f8b3  No.7251320

File: 2e4c04011aaa73b⋯.jpg (236.17 KB, 800x554, 400:277, songs will be sung.jpg)

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d8f14d  No.7251321


Moar of a moran than I thought then. Doesn’t understand outside comms and has zero idea of where Q has posted.

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94460f  No.7251322

File: bd14461d7288325⋯.png (93.88 KB, 655x322, 655:322, ClipboardImage.png)


Saint Ursula

Namesake of the Virgin Islands

Fulll Film


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5cda12  No.7251323


it makes more sense that HRC had her own brother killed to tie up a loose end. loose lips sink ships.

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c43db2  No.7251324

Idiot talking heads are only defending Baltimore and are missing the Cummings corruption connection.

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496a9b  No.7251325


after two years, you can't wait two weeks.

If you don't like those fireworks, best you leave the country.

You don't want to be mistaken for a libtard at that point.

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80c03d  No.7251326


Well Tulsi aint banging her husband unless her cult lets her.

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986985  No.7251327

File: c9c5aa2622b97b9⋯.png (22.53 KB, 232x320, 29:40, ClipboardImage.png)

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04d32e  No.7251328

I think Michael Jackson knew about the pedophile rings, and he was very much against it. Because of this Michael developed a special care for children.

Then DS started the typical projecting, Saying MJ would be a pedophile.

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c9390c  No.7251329

File: f5180ca320ea741⋯.png (115.9 KB, 351x299, 27:23, tuck.png)


Says she's suing Google. They realized none of their talking points are impressing their potential voters, so now they are trying to jump on topics that Q covers. (corrupt big-tech, censorship is anti-American, lawsuits are effective, the people have the power, stand up for what is right, etc)

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6aed6b  No.7251330


Same. We get fifteen to thirty minutes of solid sheets of water, it seems. It clears up quickly, then does it again a few hours later.

Nice to see everything so green, though.

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5be900  No.7251331

File: 221a136960fac3a⋯.jpg (63.14 KB, 333x499, 333:499, 2gha34.jpg)

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3e5e35  No.7251332

File: fac0565c33a14f0⋯.png (280.56 KB, 618x412, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

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9f6fd8  No.7251333

File: b1910aec8c56387⋯.jpg (1.68 MB, 2083x2499, 2083:2499, Remember-1.jpg)

File: c21399ac5f3171d⋯.jpg (138.55 KB, 402x550, 201:275, QofHearts-What-Happened-2.jpg)

File: 7a77cbead0586db⋯.jpg (146.68 KB, 402x550, 201:275, Queen-of-Hearts.jpg)

File: d8c10121c4a8c50⋯.jpg (138.61 KB, 402x550, 201:275, QofHearts-What-Happened-3.jpg)

File: 7981d3c2c417875⋯.jpg (1.49 MB, 1440x1915, 288:383, Remember-3.jpg)

Remember, Remember.



Princess Diana will never be forgot.


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d3668d  No.7251334

Meadows in the middle.

Meadows on Trump, Cummings spat: 'Neither man is a racist'

07/29/19 08:34 PM

Rep. Mark Meadows (R-N.C.) is refusing to take sides in an ugly war of words between President Trump and the powerful House Oversight Committee chairman, Elijah Cummings, declaring that “neither man is a racist.”

“I am friends with both men, President Trump and Chairman Cummings. I know both men well. Neither man is a racist. Period. Both love America,” Meadows said Monday in a statement.

“I think if we put aside partisanship with investigations we can find bipartisan solutions that will benefit not only Chairman Cummings’ district but the country as a whole. I’m committed to working to that end with both of them.”

Meadows, the chairman of the conservative Freedom Caucus, is close with both men, and was put in an awkward position when, over the weekend, Trump attacked Cummings (D-Md.) and his Baltimore congressional district, calling it “a disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess.”

It was a response to Cummings’s vocal criticism of the conditions in migrant detention facilities on the U.S.-Mexico border, and Trump argued that the situation in Baltimore was "FAR WORSE and more dangerous."

Cummings’s allies denounced the attacks as racist given that Cummings and the majority of his constituents are African American. Trump responded with a tweet stating that Cummings, a longtime civil-rights leader and the son of sharecroppers, was “racist” himself and should spend more time trying to improve Baltimore.

Meadows’s response fell short of what Democrats had hoped to hear from him: a direct rebuke of Trump. But few Republicans have been willing to confront the volatile and often-vindictive president.

At an Oversight Committee hearing in February, Cummings rushed to the defense of Meadows after progressive freshman Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) accused the Freedom Caucus chairman of carrying out a “racist” act by bringing an African American female Trump official to the hearing as a “prop” to demonstrate that the president was not racist.

“Of all the people on this committee — I've said it and got in trouble for it — that you're one of my best friends,” Cummings told Meadows in an emotional exchange. “I know that shocks a lot of people.”

“And likewise, Mr. Chairman,” Meadows replied.


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c24912  No.7251335

File: c7a5f810b9a9eb3⋯.png (357.09 KB, 525x467, 525:467, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0ae979786f6e2ed⋯.png (645.89 KB, 944x795, 944:795, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 85e13c0f5f15227⋯.png (690.68 KB, 691x830, 691:830, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5718114baa5ac4a⋯.png (535.44 KB, 935x848, 935:848, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2dc0f6f3f72fad6⋯.png (853.2 KB, 821x845, 821:845, ClipboardImage.png)

Missile Launcher Found In Baltimore Airport Suitcase

Baltimore-Washington International (BWI) Airport security officials were alerted by computers on Monday morning when a Texas man's checked luggage contained an unloaded missile launcher, reported the Capital Gazette.

The man, a resident of Jacksonville, Texas, told Transportation Security Administration (TSA) officers he was active duty with the military traveling home from the Middle East and wanted to keep the launcher as a reminder of his service.


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f3b933  No.7251336


>I Take your Question!


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df55b6  No.7251337


In the near future, will use of this meme result in a $15,000 fine?

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911cca  No.7251338


Ejaculatory Flash-light!

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b5ab96  No.7251339

File: bb37648c2f9e3f3⋯.jpg (96.97 KB, 767x960, 767:960, 61553256_2230357010385634_….jpg)

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d0f11d  No.7251340

File: d646131b06b14fa⋯.png (194.07 KB, 500x503, 500:503, killedcommies.png)


>A dollar to a dime says Tucker Carlson is getting head from Tulsi Gabbard.

Tucker is tapping that bunky hole. … with no lube.

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6f2152  No.7251341


Great day to be a duck! kek

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8a7151  No.7251342

File: 91d81cd49b279a8⋯.jpg (31.23 KB, 480x360, 4:3, PutinConcaveEarth.jpg)

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9f2a35  No.7251343

mother theresa = child trafficker.

all lb.














What Really Goes On At Mother Teresa's Mission In India? (2001)


The Unfortunate Truth About Mother Teresa


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382542  No.7251344

File: 68de53099d08d32⋯.gif (1.79 MB, 363x500, 363:500, eye_of_sauron.gif)

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4c062a  No.7251345

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Your statement, anon…


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668daf  No.7251346

File: 06d41582b80605c⋯.png (820.91 KB, 750x1000, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

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acc897  No.7251347



>>7251151 Whittaker talking about Ratcliffe and Barr: Full 'central casting' clip

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986985  No.7251348

File: 424a90f4e4ff551⋯.png (23.57 KB, 208x320, 13:20, ClipboardImage.png)

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b0f8b3  No.7251349

File: b48384c8faed4ab⋯.png (2.84 MB, 1600x1200, 4:3, explore further q 8.png)

File: 98ab2f937f7a59f⋯.jpg (137.98 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, randy quaid heart.jpg)


Hi memefag.

Love ya

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627782  No.7251350

File: f39230fb6315139⋯.png (13.39 KB, 255x245, 51:49, 592d6e1a2d16486d571ba0eb2f….png)


Did no one tell MSM we are in a meme war….

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c98924  No.7251351


Saint James feast is July 25th.

Why was that date important?

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bce74c  No.7251352

I'm sensing control of the dialog. Is this part of the deal for being defeated by the Baker's Union or what/who/ever caused the shit show. Did Q just reject a migration that was too embarrassing?

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98fb55  No.7251353


I haven't bought scratch off tickets in a looooong ass time.

I bought some today ($5.00) and won $70!

I'm cashing that fucker in & keeping it. I know when to walk away

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87a107  No.7251354

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


"no lynching" remember [knot-cleaved]


Vincent 'll give a hyena a clit-on the way he's going…


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d6f5d9  No.7251355

File: 212977b19d849d1⋯.jpg (117.61 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, p-3c-orion_002.jpg)


Time to send in the sniffers

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3e5e35  No.7251356

File: 093635bcb9ff456⋯.png (146.63 KB, 961x470, 961:470, ClipboardImage.png)

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5cda12  No.7251357


mj went on the offensive against the jews. next thing ya know…

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668daf  No.7251358

File: ca479a93d85ed69⋯.jpg (74.38 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, EAC0UdyWwAUJNKs.jpg)

File: 2ee060ecb12e164⋯.png (169.51 KB, 375x404, 375:404, ClipboardImage.png)

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679870  No.7251359

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3f304d  No.7251360


Their twitter gave the all clear about 10 minutes ago. We still don't know what it was, but it's apparently over.

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c98924  No.7251361



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c24912  No.7251362

LEFT RIGHT is the control SYSTEM

You are only free when you are from neither

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c9390c  No.7251363


Great looking graphic. Putting you in charge of memes, sir.

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147518  No.7251364




Fishing for victims


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ec4794  No.7251365

File: d478b137cd48792⋯.jpg (155.22 KB, 1200x1271, 1200:1271, https___s3-us-west-2.amazo….jpg)


…The early origins of Special Access Programs can be traced to March 22, 1940, when President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed Executive Order 8381, creating for the first time, three security designations for America's most crucial information—restricted, confidential, and secret.

In the ensuing years, various presidential executive orders have tweaked how the government designates classified information. The current levels of classification are confidential, secret, and top secret. The determining factor for how information is classified depends on how much damage an unauthorized disclosure would reasonably be expected to cause.

Top Secret: “Exceptionally grave damage to national security.”

Secret: “Serious damage to national security.”

Confidential: "Damage to national security.”

Important to note, established through the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, the Department of Energy (DOE) uses two differing equivalent levels of security clearance.

Q-Clearance: Equivalent to a Top-Secret level clearance.

L-Clearance: Equivalent to a Secret level clearance…

(Very long, but informative article on SAPs, such as Area 51)

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1712e1  No.7251366

File: 01c7b56990e1044⋯.jpg (140.77 KB, 700x394, 350:197, memewar.jpg)

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9f2a35  No.7251367

In case you do not know the "make it rain" bread yet,


This bread was made for digs and info on masonry and illuminati.

BO refused to archive this info on QR - bc obviously clown BO is triggered by that info.

And now, two nights back a clown melted down and posted the exact same post 84 times with the same ID to fill the bread and make it dissappear. Over the target.

I suggest you take a look at that info:

>>6072287 make it rain bread




New bread:

>>7229221 Make it rain #2 over target edition

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0aabd2  No.7251368

File: ce74feb0cd19057⋯.mp4 (9.46 MB, 640x360, 16:9, (9) qresearch - Q Research….mp4)


Video Archived

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2f2465  No.7251369


>>>7251115 Whittaker talking about Ratcliffe and Barr: 'central casting' clip



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cec9fe  No.7251370

File: 8ac7ff4e4594665⋯.jpg (340.92 KB, 499x720, 499:720, DIANA (4).jpg)

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911cca  No.7251371

File: e1cf819fa44f662⋯.jpg (15.72 KB, 255x169, 255:169, HALFNHALF.jpg)

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711804  No.7251372

File: 1ae722aeb8a5395⋯.png (78.4 KB, 248x303, 248:303, 2019-07-29_21-06-28.png)

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d0f11d  No.7251373

File: 62caed8c3a4a91f⋯.jpg (621.04 KB, 1778x1337, 254:191, cpepe.jpg)


Well, fatass Bill Barr ain't doing shit about antifa.

So …. Let's get it on, already.

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dc6047  No.7251374

File: 6bfad94b5e36ef6⋯.jpg (83.44 KB, 853x800, 853:800, 0e3dffa3d5679f32ebc86f3aab….jpg)

US Leaders Can Now Be Prosecuted for Illegal War


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10cf91  No.7251375


the Q way


alles gute!

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acc897  No.7251376

File: 8f523edc7e6437f⋯.jpg (106.15 KB, 421x539, 421:539, 8f523edc7e6437fc5c2eaee65a….jpg)

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3cea03  No.7251377

File: 9e3eecc24c84969⋯.png (1.58 MB, 1393x1876, 199:268, ClipboardImage.png)

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0aabd2  No.7251378


Tell me anon, do you think President Trump will sign a bill condemning memes?

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80c03d  No.7251379


Been saying this here for a long time. She is going to try and hijack what we are up to.

Posted this many times but here it is again…Tucker faggot should read it. SOmebody should twat it to him.


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87a107  No.7251380


tell me what ELOHIM means please

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986985  No.7251381

File: 74d3d22b5294236⋯.png (11.93 KB, 282x320, 141:160, ClipboardImage.png)

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07759a  No.7251382

File: b3f1d2c9703d34b⋯.jpg (176.43 KB, 980x551, 980:551, DARKANDSTORMY 17.jpg)

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6aed6b  No.7251383

File: 5ba73b385fda560⋯.png (124.86 KB, 326x326, 1:1, 5ba73b385fda56065c7d11084d….png)


Or a frog.

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37fa39  No.7251384


What's the real purpose behind these financial data hacks? There's an epidemic of hacks in financial institutions. KYC legislation now requires that we hand over EVERYTHING in order to open an account, supposedly to prove we're not terrorists, and then the fucking company that has all our data just seems to inevitably get hacked. Is this just to sell our ID on the Internet so they can make fake accounts and use our name when they do it? If it's the Cabal, why don't they just leak the personal data to their [friends]? Or is it something else?

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9cf9cf  No.7251385


Kek, thinning the herd. Should be a hoot.

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7ecf18  No.7251386

File: a0fd1eb34b28ab4⋯.png (261.2 KB, 356x376, 89:94, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8e1946e0adca77e⋯.png (266.3 KB, 573x299, 573:299, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f7914ea816f8348⋯.png (161.4 KB, 252x378, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4689009f2de6eff⋯.png (622.12 KB, 1020x612, 5:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7205b17ec66ffc2⋯.png (75.6 KB, 318x308, 159:154, ClipboardImage.png)


5 Nov 2017 - 5:41:11 PM

Who is the Queen of England?

How long in power?

With power comes corruption.

What happened to Diana?

What did she find out?

Why was she running?

Who did she entrust to help her flee?

What was the cover?

Why is this relevant?

Why now?




Bad actor.

London Mayor.



Connection to Queen?

British MI6 agents dead.



What was reported?

What really happened?

Why is this relevant?



Secret society.





Why are migrants important?


What are assets?

Define assets?

Why are migrants so important?

What are assets?

Why are migrants so important?

What are assets?

Why are migrants so important?



Who follows?

What political leaders worship Satan?

What does an upside down cross represent?

Who wears openly?


Who is she connected to?

Why is this relevant?

Spirit cooking.

What does Spirit Cooking represent?


What is a cult?

Who is worshipped?

Why is this relevant?

Snow White

Godfather III



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911cca  No.7251387

>>7251281 Project Pelican: Hang out near the port and shit on everything!

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9f2a35  No.7251388

File: 4e0a268824aa428⋯.jpg (69.97 KB, 665x440, 133:88, GOODvsEVIL.jpg)

File: 86c4ebe6b0c6d73⋯.jpg (302.94 KB, 1600x1042, 800:521, STRONG_TOGETHER.jpg)


Anons are attacked by muh jew shills constantly.


There are two kinds of muh jew shills.

1 - glowing ones using nose images and saying kike and rabbi in every post.

2 - blended in ones (repliying to concern shills) and using (((echos))) to create a "people vs jews" narrativ.

<DS wants the people divided

Don´t fall for it.


<Look here: joooos, only joooos, every joooo

<Do NOT look here: worldwide illuminati DS, ruling families, Freemasons, other masonic orders, Killary+Hussein+Administration, China ,SA, Iran, global terrorism, thinktanks, political advisers, actors, musicians, judges, doctors, fake news reporters, …

If it is that simple like

<muh jooos

why do we even have a research board?

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4c062a  No.7251389



>With the rule of law under threat, the International Criminal Court recently defined and activated for prosecution a new crime called the “crime of aggression.” The crime of aggression — leadership responsibility for planning, preparing, initiating or waging illegal war — has begun to permeate international, regional and national legal systems around the world. But in an age of drones, cyberattacks, insurgents and autocrats, is it too little, too late?

The International Court eh… them and what fucking army?

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0aabd2  No.7251390

File: 815ce086cb91235⋯.jpg (112.75 KB, 605x945, 121:189, leon1.jpg)

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9f6fd8  No.7251391



Explore Further. Love it.




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8f9fd4  No.7251392

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

notwithstanding the lackluster audio of this recording/show…..there simply is and never will be another band like them…..ABB!

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20e604  No.7251393

File: 78333e5aa91abee⋯.png (300.75 KB, 538x581, 538:581, Army 7-29-19 6 05 pm PDT.PNG)

File: a6ef0498ca0e757⋯.mp4 (594.71 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Video Army 7-29-19 6 05 pm….mp4)

I'm sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of my freedom.

Don't let the week stand in your way. #MondayMotivation


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87a107  No.7251394



Don't be Tard[ish]

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1e3740  No.7251395

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Starda up da Night Shift

Slippin Into Darkness

When I talked to my brother who never said his name

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89818a  No.7251396

File: cca4a6306a6a268⋯.jpg (48.15 KB, 667x500, 667:500, 36t682.jpg)

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60c3eb  No.7251397

File: 2039500aa2f5899⋯.png (4.68 KB, 486x55, 486:55, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9f0dba88f9040ee⋯.png (4.79 KB, 486x59, 486:59, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4a9473bbb8228fb⋯.png (6.57 KB, 646x56, 323:28, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6d1e2237821151d⋯.png (6.38 KB, 632x52, 158:13, ClipboardImage.png)



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3e5e35  No.7251398

File: 6ed11d205c3a531⋯.png (116.98 KB, 400x230, 40:23, ClipboardImage.png)

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79a647  No.7251399

File: 2d2b3423f8dd892⋯.png (84.37 KB, 797x588, 797:588, screenshot.png)

Dan Coates 15x

Dan is suppose to leave on the 15th, but if we are accelerated at 15x this means we are to expect a departure 15 days earlier.

Thursday Aug 1st.

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0f3728  No.7251400


Just tweeted

There’s a storm rolling in.

Workfaging can’t link.

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c98924  No.7251401

File: b6d5be67168c0dc⋯.jpg (227.53 KB, 1280x942, 640:471, 1280px-Basler_Synagoge(ws)….jpg)

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1712e1  No.7251402

File: c9e0351a07cc05d⋯.png (512.49 KB, 562x635, 562:635, MSM.png)

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2cb475  No.7251403


research it for yourself

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e94bd4  No.7251404

File: 26c2b9bd341fde8⋯.png (130.77 KB, 608x342, 16:9, downloadfile-16-removebg-p….png)









Tulsi Gabbard is now divorced and you don't get primetime air time for free.

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dc6bcd  No.7251405


Someone probably said "America" or was seen with an American Flag.

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638efa  No.7251406

File: ffe1c173948c94f⋯.jpg (313.77 KB, 1786x2187, 1786:2187, 2012-barry-final-speech.jpg)

>>7250424 (pb)

>>7249658 (pb)

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cb3016  No.7251407

File: 47b1667c2fa1f93⋯.png (126.3 KB, 500x593, 500:593, proxy.duckduckgo.com.png)



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6e6375  No.7251408


week vs weak

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10cf91  No.7251409


they're not equipped for full blown


this scares the npc

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5dd442  No.7251410

File: b35a60452ba3b24⋯.jpg (7.81 KB, 249x255, 83:85, 0d8302a1f7463703b0e95b14da….jpg)


There is a Diana - Epstein connection

Also Earl Spencer (Brother Diana) is in Epsteins blackbook

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986985  No.7251411

File: d7d2620b04c4c1f⋯.png (17.39 KB, 320x171, 320:171, ClipboardImage.png)

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a2b0cc  No.7251412


>Q 100

>Godfather 3



>Increase speed +5

5 days ahead of schedule?

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588cbb  No.7251413

Roughly 51 hours left in July 2019

July 2018, the month the world learned the truth.

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9cf9cf  No.7251414

File: aa722a7a314266c⋯.jpg (16.17 KB, 255x191, 255:191, ObamaDidIt.jpg)

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8b1847  No.7251415

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Speed Accelerated

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43a962  No.7251416



we are currently at 10x+5 not 15x

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96778b  No.7251417


>LA Sheriff’s office investigating ‘secret societies’ of deputies with tattoos

yeah big retread of an AUG 2018 article that made the rounds here a month ago too





so many tards cant research just take it like MSM, youll never wake cause you dont really care about truth

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e45c07  No.7251418


He is outing her retard. On the record. Try harder

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e11efa  No.7251419


Capital Gazette? Interdasting

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0aabd2  No.7251420

File: 46dc1a2390ccbfb⋯.jpg (86.23 KB, 700x350, 2:1, einstein4.jpg)

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5721de  No.7251421

File: 0d193e8fa78e8e1⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1008x640, 63:40, Screenshot_2019-07-29 DREA….png)

File: 1458a20d410b356⋯.png (554.65 KB, 1008x640, 63:40, Screenshot_2019-07-29 drea….png)

File: 549cd5996662c2b⋯.png (609.57 KB, 1008x640, 63:40, Screenshot_2019-07-29 drea….png)


Posted these earlier this afternoon, best imags I could find of DREAM WEAVERS rhib tender

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9f2a35  No.7251422

File: b984db0d3d1440f⋯.png (3.01 MB, 2398x1671, 2398:1671, [FREEMASONRY_ILLUMINATI].png)

File: 0dee60597affdc8⋯.jpg (34.57 KB, 255x229, 255:229, Freemason_Illuminati.jpg)

File: fcfaa1e77a0cabc⋯.png (436.53 KB, 463x320, 463:320, KatyPerry_EYE.png)

File: ce98a3c80659b3e⋯.png (376.04 KB, 533x500, 533:500, mason_duke1.png)

File: adf65c2768d54e8⋯.jpg (110.71 KB, 960x515, 192:103, mason_nurse.jpg)


Q is fighting the worldwide ruling class, the global illuminati/masonic Deep State - including governments, agencies, organizations, thinktanks, companies, …

Q is fighting what was hidden a long time by the word "conspiracy" and by a lot of effort of MSM and 'stars.'

Shills want to slow down (they can´t possibly think they could stop anons.) the Q movement by "divide and rule" and by giving fake news media a reason to blame Q followers nazis.

This is what MSM is doing right now with POTUS and followers and begins to do it with Q now.

Don´t let shills divide you.

Good vs. evil.

We the people vs golbal DS Eilte.

















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fe1182  No.7251423


Incase you didn't know, there is not anything there notable or research worthy to me or most other anons. Shills gonna shill. Why don't you put the things in that bread YOU think are notable onto an organized website that YOU control and link that here for any anons who are interested? Why do YOU have to spam and disrupt this board instead of contributing QUALITY research? Maybe you need lithium?

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555b6a  No.7251424



I think it's a recruitment tool. I've seen some sketch shit on there. Something doesn't feel right about it, beyond the obvious choice of artwork.

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2d086a  No.7251425

File: 810dfa99ac7fb0e⋯.png (4.35 MB, 1654x1652, 827:826, Merica_the_Space_Force_of_….png)


NASA is "special".., if you know what I mean ;)

They need to step aside and make way for the Space Force!!!

Nothing can stop what is coming…

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f3b933  No.7251426


With 17 other ships huh?

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87a107  No.7251427


is THIS where all my [forced] tax money goes?

Good: Get IT Done! @oorah! for our Children' Children


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94460f  No.7251428



Muslim motif on Epstein Island?

Promise to Jihad martyrs?


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96778b  No.7251429



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9411a3  No.7251430

File: dbe8bfeaf71d2b9⋯.png (2.76 MB, 1285x1070, 257:214, ClipboardImage.png)


Tom? WTF dude….

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341559  No.7251431

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



vid related.

Skin head

Dead head


Gone bad





In the suite

On the news


Dog food

Bang bang

Shock dead


Gone mad

All I wanna say is that

They don't really care about us

All I wanna say is that

They don't really care about usBeat me

Hate me

You can never

Break me

Will me

Thrill me

You can never

Kill me

Jew me

Sue me


Do me

Kick me

Kike me

Don't you

Black or white me

They don't really care about us

All I wanna say is that

They don't really care about usTell me what has become of my life

I have a wife and two children who love me

I'm a victim of police brutality, now

I'm tired of bein' the victim of hate,

Your rapin' me of my pride

Oh for God's sake

I look to heaven to fulfill its prophecy…

Set me freeSkin head

Dead head


Gone bad





In the suite

On the news


Dog food

Black man

Black mail

Throw the brother In jailAll I wanna say is that

They don't really care about us

All I wanna say is that

They don't really care about usTell me what has become of my rights

Am I invisible 'cause you ignore me?

Your proclamation promised me free liberty, now.

I'm tired of bein' the victim of shame

They're throwin' me in a class with a bad name

I can't believe this is the land from which I came

You know I really do hate to say it

The government don't wanna see

But it Roosevelt was livin', he wouldn't let this be, no no.Skinhead



Gone bad





Beat me

Bash me

You can never

Trash me

Hit me

Kick me

You can never

Get meAll I wanna say is that

They don't really care about us

All I wanna say is that

They don't really care about usSome things in life they just don't wanna see

But if Martin Luther was livin'

He wouldn't let this beSkinhead



Gone bad





In the suite

On the news


Dog food

Kick me

Kike me

Don't you

Wrong or right meAll I wanna say is that

They don't really care about us

All I wanna say is that

They don't really care about us

All I wanna say is that

They don't really care about us

All I wanna say is that

They don't really care about

All I wanna say is that

They don't really care about

All I wanna say is that

They don't really care about us

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68cba6  No.7251432

Q522 sounds like it was supposed to start 8/1 but got moved up to 7/27 including the 27th that is accelerated 5 days. So all HOT stringers are 5 days earlier than they would have been.

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4c062a  No.7251433

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Pretty neat exercise here too anon. Old as hell but I still get people that can't count the basketballs and miss.

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10cf91  No.7251434


twitter handle?

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d6f5d9  No.7251435

File: 20cbf82574d7a8a⋯.jpg (85.77 KB, 500x609, 500:609, Deplorable.jpg)

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94460f  No.7251436



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668daf  No.7251437

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Know thyself.

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0aabd2  No.7251438

File: 9a3df710ea80cc8⋯.jpg (622.43 KB, 1031x768, 1031:768, Hellary.jpg)

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a15428  No.7251439


Active shooter, suspicious package, bomb threat… Literally had a large binder that we grabbed when they sounded the alarm. Often you don't know until it's over.

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10cf91  No.7251440



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9f2a35  No.7251441

File: f974d7f3d544a5f⋯.png (40.99 KB, 386x463, 386:463, ClipboardImage.png)


vid lenght 10 secs.

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b5e080  No.7251442


Sorry left some pics in the group pic of a Westport 112 footer also called Dream Weaver at one time.

But the yacht at La Romana was/is a Christianson Ocean Alexander 120 footer. The one cruising in Europe right now.

The other Westport 112 footer is in Florida right now I believe.

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0d5f6c  No.7251443

VOAT down: Error 522

Was being attacked an hour earlier. Bastards.

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6f2152  No.7251444

File: c789859405f253b⋯.jpg (384.77 KB, 713x1035, 31:45, Screenshot_20190729-211155….jpg)

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b030d2  No.7251445


WOW! Great link…. Anon! Listen carefully. Whitaker says Ratcliffe is straight out of central casting for this this part. Q says we are watching a movie. Then Whitaker goes on to say there are different ACTS that took place. He then references Huber and Durham. A storm is coming.


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fee38a  No.7251446

File: c7cf26eecb9338e⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1024x693, 1024:693, silent-drill-platoon_Peace….png)

File: 1bc2cb158fdbcbe⋯.png (3.68 MB, 2100x1406, 1050:703, B2_Q_AirForce_Peace.png)

File: 68a379b28920d3c⋯.png (1008.56 KB, 898x628, 449:314, Carrier5_Peace_Q_Flag.png)


o7 Fren.

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bd1045  No.7251447

File: 3779568276c53ff⋯.gif (3.47 MB, 360x540, 2:3, c00edd36c2101d699eef0b59f6….gif)

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b0f8b3  No.7251449

File: 0c20f68467a0423⋯.png (419.94 KB, 1898x945, 1898:945, jfk jr and diana secret me….png)



Did you know?

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986985  No.7251450

File: 60e1d8ec3bf47a6⋯.png (107.84 KB, 320x271, 320:271, ClipboardImage.png)

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11b2f5  No.7251451

File: 297ff8e92d5c0e6⋯.png (575.06 KB, 1080x598, 540:299, Screenshot_2019-07-28-16-5….png)



You don't say

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c49a1d  No.7251452

File: 2b0ba6031b68b44⋯.png (596.19 KB, 2200x837, 2200:837, 2b0ba6031b68b44ec4facafc53….png)


TY anon

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cb3016  No.7251454


>you don't get primetime air time for free

You would. On my show if you've got something good to say.

Same with Tucker.

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57c03c  No.7251455


Sessions was working on the legal angle for "civilian" Military Tribunals.

Also, when I said "Military Tribunal" I was referring to the one for HRC wherein her brother would be a witness.


^^ this

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0ecc79  No.7251456

File: 2c4461c8910bd4e⋯.png (215.85 KB, 577x433, 577:433, M 571.png)

File: 85940293c9091db⋯.png (492.02 KB, 666x375, 222:125, M 572.png)

BOOM's coming for the DS… (we all know what happens before) FF's might be coming 2morrow.

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5be900  No.7251457


Ofcourse he is, they had to shut him the fuck up after Her death.

I'm surprised he did not get 187 too.

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668daf  No.7251458

File: ee3a5bcf536880d⋯.png (152.31 KB, 236x325, 236:325, ClipboardImage.png)

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3e5e35  No.7251459


dats a good meme

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c24912  No.7251460

File: 395801e669e8ac4⋯.png (139.16 KB, 445x403, 445:403, ClipboardImage.png)


Nice trips

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9f2a35  No.7251461




are you SB2 the clown?

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0f3728  No.7251462



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89818a  No.7251463

File: e7b2c2e6e975157⋯.jpg (44.42 KB, 667x500, 667:500, 36t6ia.jpg)

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9411a3  No.7251464


Sounds like Vanilla…

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203549  No.7251465


You voted for him to give all that money to Israel instead, correct?

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79a647  No.7251466

File: 0da28af2a160d28⋯.jpg (14.71 KB, 255x231, 85:77, you-broke-the-cat.jpg)


ur an idiot

speed 10x + speed 5 == speed 15x

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d3668d  No.7251467

File: c8cf77ea46a3b81⋯.png (2.1 MB, 1740x1335, 116:89, speed.png)


Wizards & Warloc(k)s

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a764e4  No.7251468

File: 6457410eddbce5d⋯.jpg (31.03 KB, 397x394, 397:394, TuckerSucks.JPG)


Tulsi tokes up gonna break Tucker's heart when he finds out.

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20e604  No.7251469

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Hannity Producers

You forgot to mention SEATTLE

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e94bd4  No.7251470

File: b0eea52312bcfdc⋯.png (45.38 KB, 220x226, 110:113, 5f5ba9a0645c98b8ddffa1b725….png)

Tucker Carlson is also sport fucking black women.

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831d96  No.7251471

File: e67e0066753a3e4⋯.png (33.79 KB, 717x365, 717:365, Screenshot_2019-07-29 Home….png)

Wait a minute. Meathead started a NONPROFIT?

You know what to do, anons.

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fe1182  No.7251472

File: feb8036895d0f8b⋯.jpg (360.98 KB, 1080x1092, 90:91, Screenshot_20190729-191342….jpg)


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60c3eb  No.7251473

File: 231242385909e9d⋯.png (809.76 KB, 763x1722, 109:246, Screenshot_2018-07-27 Peop….png)

File: 65f43d34feae6fe⋯.png (1.17 MB, 539x5236, 7:68, Screenshot_2018-07-27 Char….png)

File: e3a35154c838db0⋯.png (2.6 MB, 721x6894, 721:6894, Screenshot_2018-07-27 Peop….png)

File: dc73ef7283f8f69⋯.png (1.02 MB, 980x3374, 70:241, Screenshot_2018-07-27 2012….png)

File: edff015da06e53d⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1319x9639, 1319:9639, Screenshot_2018-07-27 Prop….png)

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774a51  No.7251474


what happens if i got it right and also saw what I wasn't supposed to see, and then was offended that nobody had dicks out?

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0aabd2  No.7251475

File: 6b890277ebfc22e⋯.jpg (159.74 KB, 1114x692, 557:346, BowChumpSethRich.jpg)


o7 brother!

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860672  No.7251476

File: fc92d409f1fdccd⋯.jpg (151.52 KB, 822x589, 822:589, Selection_037.jpg)

Coincidence or Google - Merkel connection ? Dig call.

Stumbled across this oddity:

Google's name was deducted from the term "googol" which stands for a large number: one followed by 100 zeros.

The guy who coined that term was Edward Kasner, an American Jew and Mathematician.

Guess who else is called Kasner ? Angela Merkel. It's her maiden name. (And she's a physicist).

There have been rumors for ages that she is Jewish, but I don't have the time right now to see if there is a closer connection.


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d0f11d  No.7251477


"Illegal war" according to who?

And who is going to run the US Military gambit in order to arrest these US leaders?

Get the US out of the fucking UN and the fucking UN out of the US.

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98fb55  No.7251478

File: 31ce9459db2779c⋯.jpg (190.77 KB, 653x477, 653:477, oh no.jpg)

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1712e1  No.7251479

File: 0641f1e7591cdf8⋯.png (121.09 KB, 258x244, 129:122, pepe_lol.png)

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87a107  No.7251480


https://archive.org/ comp'd too.

sum[p] 1 get Louise on this shitain…

Remember that. :-)

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c620c6  No.7251481

File: a8ca7b51b4c32bd⋯.jpg (93.31 KB, 928x610, 464:305, stormin.JPG)

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69b089  No.7251482


How about MIND GAMES, for a year+?

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43a962  No.7251483


no, there is no X near the five

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3c6186  No.7251484

File: a55bb179c2aa644⋯.jpeg (496.52 KB, 821x770, 821:770, 917D31DB-404D-4292-B207-D….jpeg)

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13e168  No.7251485

File: 8a3b2a3c90541fb⋯.png (488.15 KB, 1157x683, 1157:683, ClipboardImage.png)

That looks a lot like [RR]'s senate confirmation #.

I know, I know.

Trust Wray

Wray's of Light

But he's got lots of history in GA with Yates.

He worked at King & Spalding with COATS.

K&S represents companies like Monsanto (but to be fair manages DJT'S real estate according to wiki)

Not a slide - interested in opinions… Go

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9f2a35  No.7251486

File: e6e8618538c33e9⋯.jpg (183.3 KB, 1200x1172, 300:293, QNewsNetwork.jpg)

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6dcb0f  No.7251487

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6bb51b  No.7251488

File: 045ae3adde62776⋯.png (2.26 MB, 1099x1492, 1099:1492, Great Awakening 14.png)

File: 18d7c0f00ef50c5⋯.jpg (357.32 KB, 1100x1470, 110:147, Great Awakening 13.jpg)

File: afd967ec10fb3aa⋯.png (2.63 MB, 1099x1470, 157:210, Great Awakening 11.png)

File: c405c2a02b0d86e⋯.jpg (486.76 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, Great Awakening 5.jpg)




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a5b918  No.7251489

File: ee71fa664322e56⋯.jpeg (117.88 KB, 726x1196, 363:598, demonalienac.jpeg)


Think, Aliens are Demons.

Aleister Crowley demon.

They say around 200k Nephilim cannot reincarnate, they are the demons low vibratory HuMans eXperience.

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37fa39  No.7251490


cool video – I've never even seen that one. i fucking love michael jackson. hopefully he wasn't a child molester. lots of smoke. but he seems like msm wants to smear him, which makes me wonder if he was a threat to the satanists. i love his music and his moves.

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668daf  No.7251492

File: a77b2de10b931b4⋯.png (441.53 KB, 720x642, 120:107, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b103a6e31e49ba9⋯.png (652.88 KB, 720x720, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 53b23c94136f3be⋯.png (918.08 KB, 1200x790, 120:79, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7a4ca317369f5d1⋯.png (329.48 KB, 640x360, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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c1f219  No.7251493

Were there riots today in Baltimore?

(Busy fagging at work)

Did they run out of rats to eat?

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d6f5d9  No.7251494

File: 6718443d122ff84⋯.png (54.85 KB, 766x326, 383:163, DeplorableII.png)

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30ab20  No.7251495

File: 51c2622149ebecf⋯.jpeg (107.92 KB, 640x501, 640:501, E78270B5-B523-422E-8F7B-3….jpeg)

File: d597450a43cea6a⋯.jpeg (163 KB, 1080x933, 360:311, 7FE7F258-870F-409E-B777-1….jpeg)

File: 63ea543691b6b24⋯.jpeg (138.62 KB, 720x1041, 240:347, 3E1AFD64-D802-4E8E-8167-F….jpeg)

File: de011419043257a⋯.jpeg (43.86 KB, 298x234, 149:117, E8A5C6F0-CE5A-4E36-8BA8-A….jpeg)

File: ff90bd3693f549d⋯.jpeg (36.26 KB, 234x238, 117:119, 948898D3-58F7-45A6-A009-7….jpeg)

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0f3728  No.7251496




Popcorn incoming.

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4c062a  No.7251497


Then I would say you are right where you should be fag.

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5721de  No.7251498

File: abf071213117d1c⋯.png (97.02 KB, 991x640, 991:640, Screenshot_2019-07-29 Mari….png)


Roger that. Still have DREAM WEAVER in Split, Croatia

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f6eddf  No.7251499


anons: watch this.

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8e2f27  No.7251500


Make sure you put your email address in next time or only some anons will see your post.

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c98924  No.7251501


St. James Gate

Think Guinness

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9411a3  No.7251502

File: 6649f9ed31a5959⋯.png (152.52 KB, 826x421, 826:421, ClipboardImage.png)

Division fags everywhere so watch your step…

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911cca  No.7251503


Time for the Freedom Ride to ride to another place!

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69b089  No.7251504


And a life for preparation.

Life is a matter of speaking here…..

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79a647  No.7251505

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f6eddf  No.7251506


Baker Baker


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986985  No.7251507

File: 183b53bb60f0887⋯.png (36.34 KB, 320x320, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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0aabd2  No.7251508

File: c4aa91530bf0e62⋯.jpg (121.67 KB, 900x504, 25:14, MBJOB.jpg)

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6e6375  No.7251509

File: ddea3138d32f782⋯.png (231 KB, 1934x1044, 967:522, qrbu1.png)

Who was the guy that had the son that was into nuclear plant construction - was that a U1 link - since they have linked Baltimore to Uranium One.

>>32373 QRB

Link of Baltimore to Uranium One

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57c03c  No.7251510


Didn't Anons just uncover the last few days?

Can't expect Corporate Journalists to catch up that fast?


What am I missing?

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c2ad98  No.7251511

File: 8ea3ef6027727ee⋯.jpg (268.54 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 00e0eabe0043902edf556aad44….jpg)

File: 7c38a6d6f74b2c1⋯.jpg (32.69 KB, 499x499, 1:1, 3a7174f70778985246e3173660….jpg)

Friendly Reminder

The FILTER SUGGESTION SHILLS will try to get you to FILTER by ID+

This function will hide all posts who reply to them.

Allowing them to create a blanket effect of filtering all of those they bait into a reply.

Absolutely subversive wouldn't you say?

Stay hydrated and well fed!

This is a high stress environment and your body will be consuming more water and nutrients then normally.

Not to mention the new pathways in your brain from expanding your thinking will need ample resource to form those new connections!

Exercise and take care of your body

Cleanliness is next to Godliness, so take care of yourself. Exercise during breaks from soaking in all of this startling data.

Make sure to refresh yourself and stay clean, no one ever drained a swamp while smelling like one! kek.


This message was brought to you in part by but not limited to, Anime Smartie Snacks; The smart snack that pushes back!

no homo

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79a647  No.7251512

File: e451f16dd6aa52b⋯.jpg (7.62 KB, 300x168, 25:14, index.jpg)

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13e168  No.7251513


not all.

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6f2152  No.7251514

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10cf91  No.7251515

File: d058efc221fcf70⋯.png (254.69 KB, 519x584, 519:584, storm_rolling_in.png)


i wanna know if that picture if from today.checking weather at USAFA

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f1734d  No.7251516


Give him money…follow the money, smart

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0d5f6c  No.7251517


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d1d343  No.7251518

File: db6eca2d1ae1af3⋯.png (1005.91 KB, 1012x637, 1012:637, ClipboardImage.png)

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341559  No.7251519


Read the lyrics posted above.

They are actual lyrics, and use the words "Jew", and "kike".

Died soon after.

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d6f5d9  No.7251520

File: 77cbf44af7c6b38⋯.jpg (127.9 KB, 500x786, 250:393, DeplorableIII.jpg)

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986985  No.7251521

File: 5879da74ed60db2⋯.png (26.65 KB, 320x259, 320:259, ClipboardImage.png)

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3c6186  No.7251522

File: 113201c79cc349d⋯.jpeg (258.02 KB, 1125x1177, 1125:1177, F51A7651-3A3C-4380-B943-F….jpeg)

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6aed6b  No.7251523



Source? My window.

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b15a75  No.7251524

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>Watch your Dank Memes

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0aabd2  No.7251525

File: 0d3513b049c6329⋯.jpg (150.56 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, obamafromthehood.jpg)

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4c062a  No.7251526


Lima charlie fag. How me?

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a5b918  No.7251527


I think I know what you mean, generally though without HELP. ;)

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9f2a35  No.7251528


you speak for the other anons too?

nah, i don´t think so.

i think you are desperate that trying to hide this info again only let to more eyes on it.

i will not make my own site to post the info you are triggered by.

i will repost this post to get eyes on the new bread.

you get a hug for trying though, newshill.

leave the lodge! be part of the new future!

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ba2880  No.7251529


I'm normally against this, but it seems they must be dealt with. Unfortunately, this is what they want.

If an armed-conflict erupts in the country, that will be the end of Trump's presidency, the end of conservatives ever winning again and the end of the Second Amendment.

The media will never end the television streaming of blood, dead bodies and carnage until the above happens.

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3e5e35  No.7251530


he let them think he was easy.

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668daf  No.7251531

File: 270bddccf3d6197⋯.png (243.59 KB, 615x360, 41:24, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d22831dae15bcf7⋯.png (183.78 KB, 329x618, 329:618, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ac1e47c39010127⋯.png (256.34 KB, 500x388, 125:97, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0e3efcd6a32c4c9⋯.png (858.26 KB, 654x974, 327:487, ClipboardImage.png)

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c24912  No.7251532

File: 53a7fcf81ba4f21⋯.png (1.12 MB, 771x575, 771:575, ClipboardImage.png)

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b5ab96  No.7251533


"Jew me" and "Kike me" are dubbed over

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87a107  No.7251534


clever cleaver: Yes :-)

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668daf  No.7251535

File: f631a49da653b19⋯.png (702.37 KB, 980x537, 980:537, ClipboardImage.png)

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197def  No.7251536



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d0f11d  No.7251537


Voat is a shit site. Infested with goatfucker and leftard trolls.

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b0f8b3  No.7251538

File: 0324da47a36a128⋯.png (503.15 KB, 1092x615, 364:205, bill and hillary natural b….png)

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e94bd4  No.7251539

File: 195b255e5a23842⋯.png (622.66 KB, 1016x983, 1016:983, Screenshot_20190729-144526….png)

The Jamaicans have taken over Epstein's orgy island.

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2f2465  No.7251540



Missile Launcher Found In Baltimore Airport Suitcase

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1850b4  No.7251541

File: c6c414fd3950cd7⋯.jpg (54.57 KB, 560x350, 8:5, animal-house-deathmobile.jpg)

we are at that point in the movie

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13e168  No.7251542

File: 649e9c5039aed2a⋯.png (18.84 KB, 357x154, 51:22, ClipboardImage.png)


Hmmm maybe not just for #2

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e10820  No.7251543



Nice digits frens and good eye workfag.


us air force academy twats "there's a storm rolling in"

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8e2f27  No.7251544


Guys from voat. REMEMBER TO PUT YOUR EMAIL in the appropriate section!!!!!

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15acaa  No.7251545


Just make Ratcliffe the acting & then future DNI

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0aabd2  No.7251546

File: 9c1a7871ac0c48a⋯.jpg (87.9 KB, 700x350, 2:1, einstein3.jpg)

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d6f5d9  No.7251547

File: 1c57dd1e33187ca⋯.jpg (58.77 KB, 800x400, 2:1, DeplorableIIII.jpg)

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b903dc  No.7251548

File: 899c11739e2625c⋯.gif (1.25 MB, 200x172, 50:43, bewbs1.gif)



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203549  No.7251549

File: 919aab14e23189c⋯.jpeg (32.44 KB, 490x542, 245:271, 5A7C5DF9-AACD-4D69-AE9E-2….jpeg)


Fuck that bitch, the zionists already have her…

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37fa39  No.7251550


I read that a bit differently, I guess.

"kick me kike me" is like saying "beat me, call me a nigger, I won't let you stop me".

Sounds a lot more like MJ was speaking out against anti-semitism / racism than trying to direct hatred towards Jews.

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30ab20  No.7251551

File: 30603938d34a230⋯.jpeg (145.08 KB, 638x752, 319:376, 284AED0C-D626-4519-B4E7-9….jpeg)

File: c8d7ff3d9be1357⋯.jpeg (420.97 KB, 1100x1149, 1100:1149, 4B6D20EC-6FDB-44DC-9D91-D….jpeg)

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10cf91  No.7251552


allahu akbar

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d3ac7d  No.7251553


I think he's cabal just like Bolton and Mike "Monsanto" Pompeo.

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5dd442  No.7251554

File: 3a50b0267ebe38d⋯.jpg (37.21 KB, 500x473, 500:473, 3a50b0267ebe38de6014bb0652….jpg)


Paul is awesome …he follows Q via Q related twitter accounts. We got his attention with the FISA works both ways

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019a25  No.7251555

File: 0172d116d5bfa8c⋯.png (396.16 KB, 520x682, 260:341, JenniferTapper.png)

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90c40d  No.7251556

File: 7626e67289293d4⋯.png (536.39 KB, 659x371, 659:371, ClipboardImage.png)

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e4a8e6  No.7251557

File: 1e69dcef0257fb2⋯.png (570.21 KB, 449x600, 449:600, ClipboardImage.png)

This is going to piss off the do nothing Demonrats!! KEK


While Democrats continue to spout off at President Trump — Conservative activist and Twitter personality Scott Presler has decided to take action.

Scott Presler is calling for a Trash Clean-Up Day in Baltimore!

Scott wrote The Gateway Pundit hoping we would share the news, “After the comments on Baltimore, I’ve decided to organize a trash clean up in Baltimore city next week. Instead of just tweeting, or complaining about how bad things are, we are going to take action. The tweet that I posted about going to Baltimore has gone viral and dozens of volunteers have messaged me wanting to help clean up trash. I just wanted to make you aware that this is happening.”


Scott told The Gateway Pundit, “We are going to wear Trump hats, shirts, and pick up trash as a community.”

They are going to start cleaning up Baltimore wearing Trump attire!!! KEK

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79a647  No.7251558


ok lets make it easier for u to read

x = 'Times';

speed is at 10 Times, plus 5 moar.

speed is 15 TIMES

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197def  No.7251559

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94460f  No.7251560

Epstein Islands

Little St James

Greater St James

Within the Virgin Islands (US and UK)






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56f38a  No.7251561

US Army Takes Over Pentagon After US Navy Smuggles ISIS Snipers Into America To Kill Trump

An absolutely mind-shattering new Ministry of Defense (MoD) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting the de-escalation measures taken by the United States to prevent a catastrophic nuclear exchange with Russia, that began on 7 July 2019 when President Donald Trump ousted from power the US Navy’s top uniformed officer Vice-Admiral William Moran, continued this week when Dr. Mark Esper was sworn in to became US Secretary of Defense on 23 July 2019—an appointment unprecedented in American history as just a fortnight ago, Dr. Esper was the USSecretary of the Army—on 15 July 2019 saw Trump sending his formal nomination to the US Senate—and without any hearings being held, then saw the US Senate confirming his appointment 8-days later, on 23 July 2019, by an astonishing 90-8 approval vote—a rapid move made for peace after President Putin ordered the nuclear armed Admiral Gorshkov “Nation Killer” warship to station itself off the Eastern US Coast in the Caribbean Sea—and upon Putin being told by Trump that Dr. Esper was a US Army West Point classmate of US Secretary of State Pompeo, convinced him the US Army was now fully in control of Pentagon, not the US Navy—thus enabling Putin to order the transfer into FBI custody of ISIS sniper and weapons instructor Ruslan Maratovich Asainov—who detailed to his Russian Military Police interrogators how he had been working with an elite group of US Navy Seals stationed in Iraq to smuggle into Mexico ISIS snipers he had trained, who would then be smuggled into America itself by another group of US Marines, and whose intended assassination target was Trump—that caused now Secretary of Defence Esper, within the past 24-hours, to suspend from duty, and order back to America from Iraq, 19 US Navy Seals and four of their support troops—as well as his further ordering the immediate arrest of at least 16 US Marines—who are the ground force of the US Navy. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]


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c1f219  No.7251562

Can Q team air drop dank memes onto London and Berlin, or would that violate a law?

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9f2a35  No.7251563


Anime Anjel, you do the most glowing posts of all shills and advocate for "please don´t filter glowshill" every bread?

why not just don´t post anime memes like you are 12 yrs old and try to blend in?

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341559  No.7251564



Checked other sources, and posted lyrics seem correct.

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f0950a  No.7251565

File: 51bd4ed9c4a803f⋯.jpg (72.21 KB, 266x432, 133:216, tucker-DOUBT.jpg)

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d0f11d  No.7251566

File: f3c7d91f9c5f1da⋯.jpg (34.97 KB, 276x365, 276:365, freebeer2.jpg)


>A storm is coming.


Soon …. 21 months worth of waiting.. should be good, once shit starts habbening …

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3e5e35  No.7251567

Eric Trump on Hannity

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ae5f26  No.7251568

They must have a ton of shit on Cummings ….. They are unloading with Baltimore problems …. Missle incoming

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0ecc79  No.7251569

File: 11fe862a43ffd05⋯.png (36.09 KB, 495x489, 165:163, QMAP Qanon Drops POTUS ….png)

Hannity quickly confirmed this Q drop.

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15acaa  No.7251570

>>7251050 pb

Just make Ratcliffe the acting & then future DNI

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17d634  No.7251571


Probably been on the bed since they were age appropriate. I've never been that thirsty.

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7ea5ca  No.7251572

File: 219764777e50f79⋯.png (307.68 KB, 512x512, 1:1, What a wonderful day.png)


20 year meme vet reporting in, it's been a good ride anon

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5cda12  No.7251573


nope utube conversation mj had about them stealing all his money

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acc897  No.7251574


>>7251365 Very long, but informative article on SAPs, such as Area 51

>>7251303 , >>7251409 CNN re Mueller: Trump fans deal in memes

>>7251252 New Development: Epstein hit with lawsuit a day before he was found injured on cell floor

>>7251195 ‘Operation End Game’: Convicted murderer among those arrested in online child sex sting

>>7251151 Whittaker talking about Ratcliffe and Barr: Full 'central casting' clip

>>7251115 'Acting' protocol: Vacancies Reform Act of 1998: Temporary basis for up to 210 days

>>7250970 Putin: Ukrainian/Clinton collusion is no secret

>>7250996 Video keks: Mueller Meltdown

>>7250989 Tucker Carlson on Baltimore

>>7250967 , >>7250978 Voat reported down again

>>7250944 , >>7250964 Official Comms from WhiteHouse: 9/11 Fund and Baltimore

>>7250913 Nadler's district received $3.2mm in grants from the Nation Endowment for the Arts

>>7250890 PANIC!! FBI Braces for Durham’s First Intel Drop; ‘No One Is Safe'

>>7250869 , >>7250877, >>7250873 Accused priests, Dryden, Michigan & Opus Bono Sacerdoti

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43a962  No.7251575



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90c40d  No.7251576

File: f71c1628461f7da⋯.png (1.14 MB, 826x773, 826:773, ClipboardImage.png)

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69b089  No.7251577


Let ME shine a LIGHT for you.

" IT expert Gary McKinnon candidly revealed detail on a document entitled “non-terrestrial officers”.

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368834  No.7251579

sorry bout all my red text..

It worked!

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aae41c  No.7251580

File: af6ee6eef873469⋯.jpg (5.64 KB, 278x181, 278:181, youbro.jpg)


Excellent questions Anon. I have been wondering the same thing. Every hack gets bigger and more information in compromised. There is no security on any hardware due to Chinese comped chip sets. So what groups are performing these hacks. Deep state? Other state actors. Is it just a ruse to keep the deep dark web bad guys with hoodie sweatshirts going? Is it plausible deniability? not sure

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d6f5d9  No.7251581

File: 381b994997a37f2⋯.jpg (126.92 KB, 500x729, 500:729, DeplorableIIIII.jpg)

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831d96  No.7251582

Terrier dog owner here

We should organize a giant terrierpalooza in Baltimore

Just stand back as the killing starts

Terriers LIVE to kill rodents, it's what they've been bred for, for centuries

And it makes them so happy

They'd be done in 2 hours or less

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6dcb0f  No.7251583


Wrong, we were at 0 before we got +5.

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368834  No.7251585

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9f6fd8  No.7251586


>There is a Diana - Epstein connection

>Also Earl Spencer (Brother Diana) is in Epsteins blackbook

^^^ Very relevant.


>Find the spider(s) and build the web (the ‘map’).

Maps & Mirrors.

Mirrors & MAPs.


Meeting took place 2 years before her death.

Plans laid, discovered, sabotaged?

And, at long last, brought to fruition?

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3e5e35  No.7251587

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4c062a  No.7251589


Was talking about this source several breads ago. Anons were discussing this maybe one or two days ago. Check the archives.

Discussed prior, Not Notable IMO

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9e9244  No.7251591

File: bc3d8f2d676fd10⋯.png (323.42 KB, 609x410, 609:410, ClipboardImage.png)

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0aabd2  No.7251592

File: 2c93a65fc22918d⋯.png (1.58 MB, 1600x900, 16:9, bongino2.png)

File: b9cf53e19f09409⋯.png (1.08 MB, 768x1024, 3:4, bongino.png)

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79a647  No.7251593

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35ce1d  No.7251594


>How retarded can anons get from this board?

look in the mirror moran

then lurk moar

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341559  No.7251595


>Sounds a lot more like MJ was speaking out against anti-semitism / racism than trying to direct hatred towards Jews.

I can see what you're saying for sure.


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d0f11d  No.7251596

File: f2c734a53faea8a⋯.jpg (109.12 KB, 800x555, 160:111, goatfucker.jpg)

File: 916d4cd5f25f2d4⋯.jpg (18.62 KB, 285x291, 95:97, muhjoos.jpg)


>You voted for him to give all that money to Israel instead, correct?

Better than Baltimore, Achmed.

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60c3eb  No.7251597



but understand this. you and your low IQ fuck wits are not the jew board police. got me?

now fuck off.

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679870  No.7251598


…ride never ends, fren….

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13e168  No.7251599


Man I still don't know about bolton.


That really doesn't help me see the color of his hat.

But I get your mark reference -


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a764e4  No.7251600


That looks like a fun hike.

Where for to be is that?

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e94bd4  No.7251601

File: 2ad77b10b2d54a9⋯.jpg (49.56 KB, 500x550, 10:11, 36lkja_1.jpg)

File: 7a6c6fbbe7256bb⋯.jpg (14.42 KB, 217x255, 217:255, 7a6c6fbbe7256bb75ab587392a….jpg)

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f9d924  No.7251602



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2d0fa8  No.7251603

File: 16ca4808d431a03⋯.png (838.65 KB, 590x918, 295:459, ECC6FCD9-5AFB-495D-A52D-13….png)

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d3668d  No.7251604

File: 94d6f8c5b0bc8bf⋯.png (391.08 KB, 900x418, 450:209, RESIST.png)

Resistors from tonight.

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c43db2  No.7251605


There was a storm here yesterday and it wasn't notable. Must be a liberal thing. Did they name the storm already??

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1359c7  No.7251606


Posted at top of bread


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8b1847  No.7251607

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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41cddb  No.7251608


Space Force will become another tool of the cabal. The Air Force absolutely must not be allowed to have control over it.

>>7220147 (pb)

Your duly-elected President has drafted all of us into the Keyboard Force.

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0aabd2  No.7251609



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b2b287  No.7251610

File: 63da93718d21277⋯.jpg (12.78 KB, 255x171, 85:57, fc2ba617d9529625b7e5aa61b5….jpg)

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043659  No.7251611


I saw Michelle Obama but I didn’t see a Gorilla.

Weird, do I get 1/2 of point?

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d6f5d9  No.7251613

File: 0b535f37c0c297b⋯.jpg (75.66 KB, 666x500, 333:250, CryBabyKikes.jpg)

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4c062a  No.7251614


Plot Twist, it was Big Mike in the Gorilla suit.

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04d32e  No.7251615


Police state agenda

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60c3eb  No.7251616


nice try rabbi

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9411a3  No.7251617


Wrong about Mike faggot. Re-read shit and catch up.

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88b84b  No.7251619


are comedians supposed to be funny?

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acc897  No.7251620

File: 3282e6e5f18d6e9⋯.png (213.6 KB, 1024x1113, 1024:1113, 3282e6e5f18d6e9bb6364c2431….png)

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9996b4  No.7251622


There was a Dodi Fayed connection, anon, too. Is that the connection to which you refer?

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d0f11d  No.7251623

File: 506b70d2146767a⋯.gif (1.09 MB, 600x324, 50:27, united1.gif)


>Tucker Carlson is also sport fucking black women.

That's like eating shit instead of ribeye, for fun.

Makes no sense.

← UNITED not divided ~Q

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0aabd2  No.7251624

File: ddfab014673ecb6⋯.jpg (410.54 KB, 930x1200, 31:40, CarreySatanist.jpg)

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911cca  No.7251625

File: 4831c62de6f763e⋯.png (84.15 KB, 255x143, 255:143, ClipboardImage.png)


I am thinking he was not in the meme, cause, he gonna suicide bomb himself!

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341559  No.7251626

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Seems probable.

Vid (one of many) related.

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cf7a4f  No.7251628

File: e2e93b36e0a89af⋯.png (2.55 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, hm122234134hma1as21.png)


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30ab20  No.7251629


Potus et al put him in movie. Trust Potus and the plan.

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