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File: d5055660dbbb0b7⋯.jpg (585.22 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, DoughImage.jpg)

f96acb  No.7213426

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

THE Q MOVEMENT IS ABOUT TRUMPING THE ESTABLISHMENT - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

PDF: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082809

PICS: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/4004099.html

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Friday 07.26.2019

>>7204985 rt >>7204972 ————————— Soloman on Hannity Radio

>>7204977 ————————————–——– DAN COATS OUT [FORCED] (SOON)

>>7204400 ————————————–——– Child voodoo rituals (Cap: >>7204449)

>>7203329 ————————————–——– Do you remember?(Cap: >>7203575)

>>7203268 ————————————–——– Coming to a theater near you (Cap: >>7203537)

>>7203211 ————————————–——– Maxwell/Epstein arrest (Cap: >>7203264)

>>7202101 ————————————–——– Puppets follow orders.(Cap: >>7202226, >>7202377)

Thursday 07.25.2019

>>7194394 rt >>7194329 ————————— "Cast of Characters" are known.

>>7194283 rt >>7194232 ————————— Nunes to receive a special package from BARR?

>>7193818 ————————————–——– Anons going to play the new 'Save the Children from…….' video game when released?

>>7193285 rt >>7192884 ————————— & we wouldn't be here without all of you (Anons/Patriots).

>>7190349 ————————————–——– POTUS on Hannity @ 9PM ET.

>>7190003 ————————————–——– Define 'False Flag'.

>>7185384 ————————————–——– Confirmed. (Cap: >>7185409)

>>7184499 ————————————–——– Nothing! (Cap: >>7184533)

>>7184361 ————————————–——– Nothing can stop what is coming. (Cap: >>7184462)

>>7182936 rt >>7182843 ————————— Disney Cruise Stop Little St. James

>>7177956 ————————————–——– Does a person who fights hard for bail attempt suicide prior to the ruling of the appeal?

>>7177799 ————————————–——– Do you TRUST the media? (Cap: >>7177818)

>>7177623 ————————————–——– Expand your thinking. (Cap: >>7177652 Q #3485+)

>>7177265 ————————————–——– ABC News told us it was just a 'gym' inside of the 'TEMPLE'

>>7176853 ————————————–——– Painfully obvious or willfully ignorant? Q#3429

Wednesday 07.24.2019

>>7175402 rt >>7175231 ————————— Eyes on. Epstein Suicide attempt (Cap: >>7176681)

>>7175354 rt >>7175228 ————————— Will become extremely important.

>>7175130 rt >>7175109 ————————— Signed by Clapper and Lynch shortly after POTUS was elected (Cap: >>7175118)

>>7175110 rt >>7175039 ————————— [Signature page]

>>7175026 ————————————–——– RAW SIGNALS INTELLIGENCE (Cap: >>7175048)

>>7174821 ————————————–——– Public 'Guide' _ DECLAS

>>7174716 ————————————–——– [KNOWINGLY]

>>7174575 rt >>7174503 ————————— Q #2158 (Cap: >>7174698)

>>7174503 ————————————–——– Fluent in Russian? (Cap: >>7174547)

>>7174370 rt >>7174342 ————————— FBI Chain of Command

>>7174342 ————————————–——– Correlation between FISA abuse [treason remove DE_POTUS] & Midyear investigation?

>>7174154 ————————————–——– FBI/Media contacts

>>7174147 ————————————–——– Worth remembering (Cap: >>7174154)

>>7173930 ————————————–——– Worth remembering Q #2042

>>7169454 ————————————–——– The POWER of Anon research

>>7168612 ————————————–——– Cap of Crumb #3038

>>7168098 ————————————–——– Force of Nature (Cap: >>7168351)

>>7165757 ————————————–——– Projection does not work when WE, THE PEOPLE, are awake (Cap: >>7165818)


>>7163488 ————————————–——– 2019 YEAR OF THE BOOMERANG.

Tuesday 07.23.2019

Compiled here: >>7194537

Monday 07.22.2019

Compiled here: >>7194518

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Q's Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

f96acb  No.7213428

Global Announcements

>>7077026 BO "thank you for vote of confidence"

>>7079301, >>7079338 BO summarizes bread reversion, no more captcha, and continued notables thread >>7003045

Bakers: Do not add Q's non-tripcoded posts to the dough

Anons: watch your pics, check to see if you drop a .jpeg, bakers keep an eye out to, anons requesting reminder

>>7179001 NEW: Ways to convert to JPG or PNG


are not endorsements

#9228 baker change

>>7213188 HK protests. (video)

>>7213250 Kathy Zhu joins Women for Trump advisory board.

>>7213264, >>7213355 World's Central Banks end pact that limited selling of gold.

>>7213156, >>7213311 Jimmy Savilles NHS badge says Robert De Niro. Connected to children foundation.

>>7213319 Yellow Vest feed.

>>7213000, >>7213070, >>7213114, >>7213174, >>7213186 Chauntae Davies dig. (Pictured on Lolita Express)

>>7213124 A witness is sharing what he knows about The Atlanta Child Murders.

>>7213039 Sensitive investigative documents to be handed over to Epstein's lawyers.

>>7213011 Church of Scientology has vault hidden in NM.

>>7213010 Timestamped POTUS Tweets re: Cummings.

>>7213007, >>7213301, >>7213285 Planefag updates.

>>7212966 POTUS Memorandum: Reforming developing-country status in the WTO.

>>7212813 Maria Butina, Overstock.com CEO and the FBI's continued pattern of withholding exculpatory evidence. Surveillance entrapment.

>>7212916 New Epstein accuser comes forward.

>>7212908 A collection of Wa. state's anti-ICE/immigration behaviors.

>>7212898, >>7212900 Six Flags dig. Weinstein connected.

>>7212750 Judge dismisses Covington student's defamation suit against WaPo.

>>7212861 Reminder of Cumming's wife's pay to play scandal.

>>7212782 Moscow protests over opposition allegedly being stopped from taking part in elections.

>>7212749 Pelosi, Omar to visit US Army Africa headquarters in Italy.

>>7212724 Woman shoots two Israelis dead in Chinese restaurant in Mexico City.

>>7212712 Elijah Cummings dig.

>>7212699 Digging on Red Cross / Epstein connections.

>>7212680 Obama's Halloween party decorated similar to Epstein's 'gym'?

>>7213423 #9228


>>7212619 Trump Nunez Discuss DNI Replacement

>>7212606 Tweet DJT

>>7212567 Voat Owner: Epstein thread under 8200 attack

>>7212542 3 more Reps won’t seek re-election. Brings total to 5

>>7212536 Lifeboat digg

baker change

>>7212188, >>7212257, >>7212312, >>7212368, >>7212335, >>7212354 Disney Epcot Dig Part 1

>>7212394, >>7212398, >>7212433, >>7212438 Disney Epcot Dig Part 2

>>7212337 "Amsterdam Pride" welcomes Nepiophiles, pedophiles, hebrophiles, and ephebophils

>>7212094 Anon theory; was AirCo system in WH 'undetected harmful device'?

>>7212132 Azerbaijan rescues Iranian crew in Caspian Sea

baker change

>>7211900, >>7211947 Boatfag update

>>7211984, >>7211989, >>7211995, >>7212002 Obama's final Halloween party in office 2016; Wonderland theme

>>7211971, >>7211975 Here is the Black Book in Two Images/Epstein

>>7211962, >>7211964, >>7211973, >>7212012, >>7212090, >>7212101, >>7212633 Twelve Tribes Sexual Exploitation Case

>>7211934, >>7211964, >>7211969 FBI recently added, Epstein also

>>7211914 GAA update

>>7211887, >>7211892, >>7211896 Godfather? “The relevant scene is important context for understanding Stone’s references

>>7211853 The Day of Reckoning Is Coming | Arch Kennedy. Excellent article

>>7212082 President @realDonaldTrump on the Russia investigation

>>7212110 AG Barr has authority to release all DECLAS

>>7212116 Scottish rape suspect thought to have faked his death in California arrested

>>7212119 D.L. Hughley said people who worship Satan are morally superior

>>7212125 Democrats dub Supreme Court's border wall ruling 'regrettable' and 'nonsensical'

>>7212133 Epstein's Judge Death

>>7212110 Nunes Got A Special Delivery

>>7212108 SNCTM Sale Ends Today

>>7212160, >>7212144 Excluded Excerpt of Cathy-O-Brian Regrading The Clinton

>>7212634 #9227

Previously Collected Notables

>>7210970 #9225, >>7211788 #9226,

>>7207841 #9221, >>7208602 #9222, >>7210379 #9223, >>7210392 #9224

>>7204739 #9217, >>7205457 #9218, >>7206262 #9219, >>7207085 #9220

>>7201655 #9213, >>7202404 #9214, >>7203278 #9215, >>7203921 #9216

>>7198561 #9209, >>7199345 #9210, >>7200049 #9211, >>7200886 #9212

Notables Archive by BV's (no longer updated?): https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)

f96acb  No.7213429

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] \\#QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

[4] Q's requested hashtags on of 3/11/19:






Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads ---- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ---------- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com --- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://bookofqproofs.wordpress.com/

Q Happenings Calendar

Submit an event here - https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Main Calendar URL ---- https://dark-to-light.org/calendar/

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup -- https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

Searchable Indictment Map w/dockets, links & more -- https://bad-boys.us/


Resignations Thread ----------------- >>2714136

All Resignations Website ----------- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://qresear.ch

Spread The Word

>>5973059 -- The BE HEARD Bread II: Be Loud! - Make Us Proud! - Make Noise For Q!

Board Admin & Discussion Threads

>>6064510 --------- META (for board admin queries)

>>>/qproofs/130 --- Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

International Q Research Threads:


Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>7111560 - The JQ (Jewish Question) Research Thread #6

>>7191366 - Dedicated Instagram dig thread.

>>6528824 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #10 Leaven Rising to Heaven Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>6867253 – Clockwork Qrange #10

>>7071248 - Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #10

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Vatican Jesuits Research thread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2565756.html

Letters of Gratitude


Q Graphics all in GMT

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Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#27 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303, >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462

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Q Graphics all in GMT #42-#48 >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327, >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496

Q Graphics all in GMT #49-#55 >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528, >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

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Q Graphics all in GMT #63-#69 >>>/comms/3687, >>>/comms/3688, >>>/comms/3701, >>>/comms/3702, >>>/comms/3858, >>>/comms/3859, >>>/comms/3882

Q Graphics all in GMT #70-#76 >>>/comms/3898, >>>/comms/3920, >>>/comms/3975, >>>/comms/4029, >>>/comms/4197, >>>/comms/4335, >>>/comms/4386

Q Graphics all in GMT #77-#83 >>>/comms/4388, >>>/comms/4423, >>>/comms/4443, >>>/comms/4684, >>>/comms/5035, >>>/comms/5044, >>>/comms/5228

Q Graphics all in GMT #84-#86 >>>/comms/5510, >>7213112 , >>7213118

Q Graphics all in EST


f96acb  No.7213430

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!pjpS1aBI!LwepOu-CyC4UlLj2dXqkxiH49D813WetrOF0OCuIg1Y

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/xszgdtiow4hups0/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.VII.pdf/file

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/419874308/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VII?secret_password=55SQ1tCYhuNR8ESzm50u

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t & 3: pastebin.com/iteQ8xAt

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Twitter Video Downloader: http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://qest.us/obamavisitors

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Research Section Backup: >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

* How to Edit Hosts File (DNS): >>>/comms/4396

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* New google doc tracking deplatforming/bans on social media: >>6484178

* Notables Aggregator: https://wearethene.ws

Meme Ammo

49 >>7077975

Q Research Graphics Library recent folders by date

2019-Jul https://mega.nz/#F!6xkHmYrZ!wxAJLCRIW3EQO3TpyHf1BA

2019-Jun https://mega.nz/#F!K89jwQgB!ij-qXn6rnqv2ZozlXIWiFg

Epstein Drone Photos https://mega.nz/#F!DwNkwAZQ!xa6JLeW9_632P0yw3MhlNw

Trump Accomplishments after 2 Yrs in Office https://mega.nz/#F!C49DHYIa!jOxYHczFjauTrdWWb9VUqw

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist ---- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon ------------------ https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archives

Plain text archives of all QR threads: https://pastebin.com/2f1897vD

Notables Aggregator: https://wearethene.ws

How to Properly Nominate a Notable

>>7078280, >>7078284

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>7173279

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>7078220

f96acb  No.7213435

File: b9bfc53c67c64e7⋯.gif (34.82 KB, 969x516, 323:172, savethechildrenvideogame1.gif)



Baker Requesting Handoff

b12b93  No.7213448

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Waxxing genitals video

“Jessica” Yaniv UNHINGED! Dan Dicks of Press For Truth ASSAULTED At Tribunal Hearings!!!

c4fd9a  No.7213465

Here come the Deep Fakes! WSJ prepping the public and covering for the pervs.


b12b93  No.7213473

File: fa899110f6821d3⋯.png (1.01 MB, 994x696, 497:348, balls.PNG)

219374  No.7213482

File: 1b49150f745be5c⋯.jpg (72.48 KB, 600x933, 200:311, 1d3db0df7b8acdd306170059e2….jpg)

File: 9bb03495750bca4⋯.png (503.07 KB, 1310x1346, 655:673, 9bb03495750bca45cdd6f62e6f….png)

File: f43b07e75f38f46⋯.png (17.81 KB, 230x255, 46:51, 6194e857802eaf24bfc2512a51….png)

File: 8c5853777d51928⋯.png (862.06 KB, 732x685, 732:685, ew7cwvst1gox.png)

File: 055e15cdeda25a4⋯.png (548.04 KB, 700x980, 5:7, 561c59846ddbf4c23b0865d282….png)

We are Space Force!

eccf9f  No.7213483

File: aec78bebe73ecb3⋯.jpg (48.82 KB, 522x480, 87:80, mickey_wicked.jpg)

can someone link or repost the sauce on epsteins pizza boat pl0x?

6215d6  No.7213484

File: 3ab64d49880bafb⋯.png (430.7 KB, 540x960, 9:16, ClipboardImage.png)

bf21ff  No.7213485

File: 6a40bb9bb444f6f⋯.jpg (52.41 KB, 610x610, 1:1, 7c2ec08b557f8d7f70ba691f9b….jpg)

Thank You Baker

b52244  No.7213486




>>7213370 late lb

211aa8  No.7213487

File: a424bc7f0344be1⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1702x2254, 37:49, Screen Shot 2019-07-27 at ….png)


>>7211549, >>7211557, >>7211573, >>7211716 (PB)

This puts a whole new spin on Trump music at the end of all his rallies. #JFKJR's magazine George put this at the end of an article about the future.

Went to Q Post 3414 archive page. Post 3414 didn’t seem to tie in to me as much as it did for the anon in post >>7211716 Check out the boards banner image for the archived page where drop 3414 is. A shopped version of Trump as “George”.

What are the odds that's the board banner that happened to be archived on that post? Crumbs.

Always thought that song was a bit self-deprecating for POTUS, which seemed out of character. I’ve also never bought into the Jr. is alive thing but this stuff is weird.

0718a5  No.7213488



I can do a bread but will be ditching the kitchen at 11:30-12pm est.

cf2857  No.7213489

File: f05c3e71b3f07d2⋯.png (1.9 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 84C63B22-EB85-488F-9E59-9C….png)

One year anniversary of this post

11bfcc  No.7213490

File: 9597ad39735f8ca⋯.jpg (1019.97 KB, 1266x2014, 633:1007, Holiday baker.jpg)


Thank You Baker.

53719d  No.7213491

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

push the button monkey

6ecd03  No.7213492

File: 331b69d82e6d767⋯.jpg (33.69 KB, 800x538, 400:269, brachetti-nicole-junkerman….jpg)

File: bd734e057bd85fe⋯.jpg (146.45 KB, 900x900, 1:1, junkermann.jpg)

File: 6902ced5355b2e3⋯.jpg (92.85 KB, 1000x750, 4:3, junkermannb.jpg)

i am having more success finding photos of Nicole Junkermann through yandex.com than through other search engines.

it does seem -they- are deleting a lot of information about this swamp critter from public view.

a04aea  No.7213493

File: 8846a3f69bbeae4⋯.png (170.08 KB, 200x285, 40:57, ClipboardImage.png)

24eeef  No.7213494

File: 67680da399862cf⋯.jpg (101.99 KB, 331x473, 331:473, TomG.jpg)

0e5daf  No.7213495

File: d8c9d324099afb9⋯.png (337.09 KB, 553x500, 553:500, ClipboardImage.png)

b6a0d6  No.7213496

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

When the Supreme Court approves 2.5 billion for the wall

8d70c5  No.7213497

File: caebd8f91a46bda⋯.jpg (19.82 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 52625789eba30aeb6f032fa192….jpg)


Nothing can stop what's coming.

03cf4c  No.7213498


seems interesting, site still down

f96acb  No.7213499

File: fdfa1e56f42c024⋯.png (402.98 KB, 800x422, 400:211, doughhandoff.png)



Thank you bakes. I may not be back in time for that but will grab it when I get back.


bfbef6  No.7213500


Tanks bakes, you did awesome

53719d  No.7213501

File: e1ad37709eb44a6⋯.jpg (111.56 KB, 720x960, 3:4, IMG_1726.JPG)

File: b06d09e2397c695⋯.jpg (31.43 KB, 627x352, 57:32, IMG_1730.JPG)

File: 1a16ece218876d0⋯.jpg (31.47 KB, 576x310, 288:155, IMG_1731.JPG)

File: 47c7b131d5356ea⋯.jpg (85.88 KB, 598x1080, 299:540, IMG_1732.JPG)

File: cd609152fe59d68⋯.jpg (27.08 KB, 703x359, 703:359, IMG_1734.JPG)

maybe huffing some farts can save us from these pedo zombies

211aa8  No.7213502

File: 814b82540342a8c⋯.png (1.6 MB, 1850x1870, 185:187, Screen Shot 2019-07-27 at ….png)

File: c3876ea0c17184a⋯.png (131.04 KB, 1286x530, 643:265, Screen Shot 2019-07-27 at ….png)

Godfather reference re: Epstein


8b77a8  No.7213503

File: 375c3427998bfaa⋯.png (131.16 KB, 1349x934, 1349:934, Screenshot_2019-07-27 Jeff….png)

File: 18136856db1246b⋯.png (1.26 MB, 948x2753, 948:2753, Screenshot_2019-07-27 Burt….png)


8c3332  No.7213504

>>7213447 LB

I agree with you. I just think the tactics of China changed, due to their aspirations and the horsepower they gained since the WTO thing.

I think they saw an opportunity to get their hooks in deep. Maybe it was HRC's servers, maybe it was Hussein's questionable origin, I dont know.

I do truly despise the Chinese as a whole, not necessarily the people, but doing business their you have to have both eyes on them, hire some eyes, and put your wallet on a chain, they're unsavory business people. Absolutely no honor, unless they're scared of you.

0718a5  No.7213505

d1af6d  No.7213506

Last night I was watching tv and it hit me why Epstein island “temple” is so shitty built…

Could it be! A movie set?!

a78707  No.7213507

File: 8c78766ba668966⋯.jpg (88.39 KB, 300x420, 5:7, glorious3.jpg)

I used to dig the internet around, but nowadays it's more useful to dig here in the breads.

Wonderful what you're all finding and posting frens!

Thanks and Godspeed.

>>7213435 And Thank You Baker! Good Bakers Rock this place!

788a89  No.7213508

File: 52a6faff67557e1⋯.jpg (132.8 KB, 1304x615, 1304:615, 8ch real trouble.jpg)

>7211924 (LB)



>I'm one of the main characters in 2 of his music videos… I cant tell y'all who. But I'll hint I'm an antagonist. What the fuck dude.. my whole life was ruined by the illuminati but now this?? I would've rather had Q show me than not but I'm not handling it well.

Looks like real trouble ?!

Any help ???

223839  No.7213509

File: 77c9c4bc95b8dda⋯.png (268.6 KB, 901x573, 901:573, Screenshot 2019-07-27 at 1….png)

MSM Trump strikes man with down syndrome, watch shocking video. IMPEACH NOW!


0a6196  No.7213510

File: 6021371ec6d7446⋯.png (382.98 KB, 765x772, 765:772, 51efe525c8c21c5760891076c6….png)

File: 0152d96bdff1d9f⋯.png (14.36 MB, 5704x6384, 713:798, Bill clinton Epstein conne….png)

>>7213460 pb

>>7213000 pb

I added this picture to collage graphic.

It has same wood panel

0718a5  No.7213511


can you repost this info properly I can make a noteable post if it was missed

bf30da  No.7213512

File: 4ae91440f8ba452⋯.png (44.1 KB, 829x465, 829:465, ClipboardImage.png)

Today marks 1260 days since AS 187'd

What are the 1,260, 1,290 and 1,335 days spoken of in the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation?


53719d  No.7213513

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

this movie is dedicated to cabbage slaughter and groundhogs

bf21ff  No.7213514

File: 5193ea362183103⋯.jpeg (129.97 KB, 1124x836, 281:209, 1539123579.jpeg)

82670b  No.7213515

File: f465696e168e6f5⋯.jpg (97.62 KB, 1480x833, 1480:833, analtonguedarts.jpg)

>>7212813 lb

>>7212934 lb

Are you fucking kidding? This is copy pasta bullshit from yesterday. Sara and (you) are fame fagging.

This article assumes that no exculpatory evidence was considered.

Butina is a Russian spy. Byrne offered to help. Butina is doing eighteen months. Case closed.

Do you think Butina would be doing only eighteen months if exculpatory evidence was not considered?

Faux news, faux outrage

Gotta be careful because when you finally have something, no one is going to pay attention.

67c88f  No.7213516

I see Daily Mail is running a front page story on the McMartin Pre-school case from 1983, where the owners and teachers were accused of sexually abusing children. After 5 years, all accused were determined to be Not Guilty.

Are they trying to say prominent people will soon be falsely accused of similar heinous crimes? Don't they know we're on to them?

Didn't an ex-FBI agent later find evidence of tunnels under the building that had been filled in??

5664d4  No.7213517

File: 45de6c38106031b⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

E3F Sentry over Maine. Haven't seen AWACS in this area in the year I've been planefagging.

8b77a8  No.7213518

File: 2242cc73a3ff880⋯.png (126.61 KB, 1349x1152, 1349:1152, Screenshot_2019-07-27 Rece….png)



600bbf  No.7213519

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

13ba77  No.7213520


You, anon, are onto something bigger than you realize.

I came here after a long break which repeatedly confirms that T/Q are not what they seem, but I'll save it for another time because no one still here listens to criticism of the movement just because its become a Bush-esque "with us or against us" thing... but I saw your comment and instead since it actually touches on the real shit, including P.

Please reference my old and outdated british angle image (attached), then start to understand that almost all the round table groups are extensions, exterior rings, of Chatham house and the Rhodesian group (Read Carroll Quigley for real info on this, along with G Edward Griffin)

When one is a true truth-seeker, one will reach conclusions based on inductive evidence in the oft absence of deductive (as we are oft forced to in the conspiracy realm). My inductive conclusion was that if you start unraveling the British connections a lot more will come out than you ever thought possible. Of course, the time delay tactics somecertainpeopqple have used used really just gave *them* time to prepare limited hangout ops and cover tracks.

Think about it like this: B Clinton was only made the man he became because during his time at Oxford he was found to be one of *their guys*, and therefor groomed, selected, and prepared for the position he eventually took. HRC was about to leave him when they approached her and said, *play along, your chance at power will come*...

The point being that people here are far too often hacking the branches of evil... for a thousand people doing that, only one is striking at the root!

Follow it. Clintons are puppets. Of whom?

c04532  No.7213521


woah! you are onto something….snuff film island?

53719d  No.7213522

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

cabbage slaughter training

16e183  No.7213523

>>7213502 Epstein Godfather Reference MSN

Baker Notable

b52244  No.7213524


https:// voat.co/v/Voat/3356198

Voat has just been notified that malicious traffic has been deployed against the site, seemingly targeting https:// voat.co/v/PizzaGate/3346357

>EPSTEIN, Nicole Junkermann, the Red Cross and the VATICAN connections

I don't normally nominate myself, but


13ba77  No.7213525

File: 766d41ffb1520a5⋯.png (163.78 KB, 1592x639, 1592:639, brit_angle1.png)

d8d209  No.7213526

File: b7c62b3d9b8c649⋯.mp4 (712.21 KB, 640x360, 16:9, ComeFromKenya.mp4)

d8db96  No.7213527

File: eeeed6f3721570a⋯.jpeg (260.29 KB, 990x628, 495:314, 7E31904B-C1AA-4510-BE29-5….jpeg)

Obama was sworn in at a “Temple”.

d33f2e  No.7213528

File: 24d6ba6cf4180a2⋯.jpeg (75.3 KB, 862x486, 431:243, milkshake.jpeg)

>>7212712 (lb)

>>7212861 (lb)

This may or may not help on this dig.

A few months ago anons started digging in the House Financial disclosures - and archived them back to 2008. Here's the archives in an easier to use format.


600bbf  No.7213529



bfbef6  No.7213530

>>7212680 (lb)

>Obama's Halloween party decorated similar to Epstein's 'gym'?

Is there a chance the party was in 2009 not 2016. Good memez fren but is the date correct?


5664d4  No.7213531

File: 6b2a1602f83e30a⋯.png (515.5 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


Three Hurons (BE20) and three Citations (C560) over CONUS…on a Saturday?

e57607  No.7213532

File: 17430bb8e89e978⋯.jpeg (70.36 KB, 680x486, 340:243, 348CCBD1-5D8F-4B86-A710-B….jpeg)

53719d  No.7213533

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

cabbage slaughter preperations

203d8a  No.7213534

lb Notable Archive Links

>7213011 Church of Scientology has vault hidden in NM.





Use archive.fo

c04532  No.7213535


China needs a light shined on it. I'm sure there are worse things than the holocaust buried there.

03fe3b  No.7213536

Trump Supporters as he goes on Date Night


This has already been up, but READ THE COMMENTS

We are so used to all the hate at the usual twat places - this is refreshing!

The people love Trump.

17be13  No.7213537

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>7213460 lb

>>7213000 lb

eb697f  No.7213538

File: 88ffb9e23168e13⋯.png (168.02 KB, 346x360, 173:180, pepe maga thumbs up.png)

723c35  No.7213539

File: f54218703282013⋯.png (1.19 MB, 1474x949, 1474:949, 1562728633.png)


well he has cameras everywhere, so…

technically yes since the "films" were likely part of the commercial product

ebc029  No.7213540




53719d  No.7213541

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

on the first day of cabbage slaughter the doge memes gave to me

53719d  No.7213542

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


16e183  No.7213543

File: 0a193516c4b83f4⋯.mp4 (2.39 MB, 1262x450, 631:225, KenyanSBS.mp4)


I did a Side By Side With Q's post.

7999cc  No.7213544

>>7213407 [pb]

That makes more sense, I did wonder if the comments about it being freezing or hot were a ref to Trump getting elected i.e. hell freezing over. (from their point of view) and it was some kind of insurance .. see >>7213456 [pb]

0718a5  No.7213545


as what? I don't read minds no offence.

get in the habit of doing this to help the bakers



dfa851  No.7213546


Of the snuff film sort, with a large dose of "most dangerous game", yes.

71363d  No.7213547


>Three Hurons (BE20) and three Citations (C560) over CONUS


a04aea  No.7213548

protect the cabbage patch from ebot

cfb580  No.7213549

File: aa120265879ff68⋯.png (118.5 KB, 300x300, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3766a68e4702a7c⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1200x1598, 600:799, ClipboardImage.png)

All (lb)





Hitting him with both barrels this morning.

Baltimore, St Lou, Detroit, and Flint. The 4 failed cities of the United States, such a shame. Funny which party (even know its not about party) has been in control of these places for the longest time.


(subject recycled but relevant due to POTUS tweet)

In true DJT style --> POTUS fired another "Shot Across the Bow" of a [DC-Rats].

Elijah Cummings + Maya Rockeymoore

[Rockeymoore] --> (American University, DC) = Alum.

- (American University, DC) - [C_A] = Training Ground --> (see Op Camelot 1960's) - JFK knew & [they] "whacked" him.

- [Rockeymoore] most likely --> [Clown]

* Cummings married her in 2008.

--> Previously he was in deep debt <--

--> (Then Viola) = No More Debt, he Becomes Wealthy: After he marries [Rockeymoore] w/ her [C_A] + [Robert Wood Johnson Foundation] + [Big Biz et al] --> [Laundered Funding] for "[Her]" Foundation & Consulting Co.


Slick little set-up they have going.

--> [Cummings] = (Completely) [Controlled Asset] of the [DS] thru [Backstopped & Funded = clown wife]


But she married him = For Love (sarc)


ps: computer attacked again when I tried to post this. happened twice yesterday when posting some notable diggs. noticed increase in disruptions past week. things heating up it appears. someone's nervous I suppose.


53719d  No.7213550

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


6d07a4  No.7213551

File: eb1ba5c06c42c93⋯.png (146.47 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190727-101411.png)


How many of these handicapped children can't speak for themselves. I can only presume that there have been cameras placed in the childrens rooms.

4f9d7d  No.7213552


imagine for a second that you are some high ranked cabal member.

O better, you are the one who is making decisions.

You wake up in the morning, sometimes you have back pain, sometimes headache… like ordinary slaves.

Now, how your day looks like?

You can not make any important phone calls, or emails. Everything is tracked by Patriots.

You make all meeting in some SCIFs?

Everyone must trave all the time?

Again, everything is tracked, look at planefags,

I really dont know, but they bust be pretty fucked.

Fo centuries, they worked behind the scene, now they are revealed.

How can they make things good again?

No idea.

600bbf  No.7213553

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


723c35  No.7213554

File: cc8b0dd75944737⋯.png (27.93 KB, 731x447, 731:447, 1562818164.png)

File: 6a66fa6789750a2⋯.png (571.26 KB, 677x529, 677:529, fd4e8da191568609884c70a3e9….png)

File: 265906a72bf32c0⋯.png (2.62 MB, 1691x1159, 89:61, 1564031161-1.png)

File: b84d104885f7640⋯.png (1.5 MB, 1412x758, 706:379, 1564031161.png)

2a0ed6  No.7213555

File: 8e0e95beb6dbd83⋯.png (411.75 KB, 845x477, 845:477, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7dd3def5b73c2bd⋯.png (251.75 KB, 500x375, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e3f5c632e075392⋯.png (180.35 KB, 384x288, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 841757f710e6f55⋯.png (277.21 KB, 833x473, 833:473, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 859f44aa2e6caaf⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1920x1094, 960:547, ClipboardImage.png)

Dick Wolf Law & Order SVU Episode Eerily Similar to the Epstein Modus Operandi

This has been bugging me since Epstein's arrest. I finally found the episode of Law & Order SVU that this whole situation is similar to.

Law & Order SVU S12E15 "Flight"

"Episode synopsis: When it is discovered that a teenage girl is suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder due to sexual abuse, all leads point to billionaire Jordan Kress. As Detectives Benson and Stabler continue to investigate, Kress involves his lawyer, Dwight Stanitch, who throws the whole case awry."

More detail from Fandom.com:


The episode begins when a fight between a male and female airline passenger erupts. The girl says (in French) that the man next to her raped her, which provokes another passenger to attack the alleged rapist.

Back at the station, detectives Olivia Benson and Elliot Stabler find that the man on the plane did not rape 12-year-old Dominique Moreau. However, she was raped two nights ago, so the detectives presume she has post-traumatic stress disorder. When Benson and Stabler ask the French female rape victim to stay in the United States so she can testify that a billionaire put his hand on her at a New York birthday party, she refuses. They vow to find him anyway.

The detectives check the newspaper to see who attended the elite party. Jordan Hayes, a high profile member of New York society, becomes a suspect after investigating his past and the circumstances. Dominique claims that Jordan brought her from Paris to New York. Benson and Stabler print photos given by the Immigration Enforcement Customs that verify who was on Jordan’s plane for the Paris to New York trip. Two young females were on board (Nicole, Dominique) and one older female (Dahlia).

When the detectives question the private airline attendants, they receive no new information. The detectives question Jordan’s “girlfriend,” Dahlia, but she doesn’t have much information other than the two girls on the flight can’t hold their liquor and that her boyfriend didn’t touch the teenage passengers. Ari Nathan is Jordan’s private physician who only makes house calls to the wealthy. Benson and Stabler are on their way to question the physician when they see Jordan enter the police station. Jordan is there to file a complaint about Dominique.

Captain Cragen, Stabler, Benson, Jordan and two of Jordan’s high-powered lawyers step into a private office. Jordan says that Dominque raped him. Apparently, he went into his private massage room at the party to receive a special gift from his girlfriend, Dahlia. He fell asleep and was awoken to manual stimulation by a female. When it got rough, Jordan claims he asked Dominique to stop. He claims Dominique threatened to scream rape if he refused to continue with the sexual relations. Jordan reveals that his girlfriend brought Dominique to the party.

Cragen agrees to seriously investigate this case, without any media involved. The detectives visit the girlfriend’s house, where they find that she has overdosed on prescription drugs and is being aided by the private doctor, Ari. Dahlia is taken to Mercy General Hospital, where detectives question her. She seems like she is about to give away valuable information, but then Jordan walks in. She tells Jordan that she didn’t say anything, and he tells her to fully obey the police.

The other young female from the plane, Nicole, comes forward to say she was at the party with Dominique. She backs up Jordan’s story. A few days later she is in a beauty advertisement. After Dominique’s rape blog posts go viral, numerous young females come forward to confess their rape. They say that Dahlia told them they could make some fast cash if they want to give a massage. They didn’t realize that the massage would be naked and that they would be raped. Many of the teenagers received cash for the ordeal. They all pin Jordan as the rapist.

Jordan is arrested for underage rape. Dahlia is charged with being an accomplice. Dahlia is on her way to being processed while Jordan remains in his cell. Then the NYPD is told to hand over Jordan to federal agents, and Stabler and Olivia assumes that Hayes will be sent off to a "federal country club" prison rather than having to serve his sentence in a maximum security prison. Dahlia is left crying at the police station while she faces up to 80 years in prison.

The episode has all the central elements of the public facing criminal case.





78a10e  No.7213556

File: 861710dffcdf60d⋯.jpg (81.9 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Rush2112.jpg)

File: 68e6cf5c05b9243⋯.jpg (27.05 KB, 367x500, 367:500, rush_limbaugh_cigar.jpg)

(lb) anon made a key GematriaFag discovery:

Today is day 208 of yr.

157 days remain.

1221 (big date, anagram of 1122),

Now, he goes WrongThink after that, so let me take over with Profesional GematriaFag analysis:

2112 also an anagram of 1122 most important one tho because.

Rush 2112 Classic Album

Rush - Limbaugh

21st of 12(December) listen to Rush's show

He will start the BOOMs.

Amateur GematriaFags are the real MuhNumberFags.

They over think things too much.

d8d209  No.7213557

File: 289c8b6c2a5936a⋯.png (253.46 KB, 500x500, 1:1, YouGetAGoldStar.png)

af7326  No.7213558

File: df92d7013cea399⋯.jpg (71.1 KB, 514x317, 514:317, 1562201971.jpg)

67c88f  No.7213559

Morning Q,

I see Daily Mail is running a front page story on the McMartin case from 1983, where the owners and teachers were accused of sexually abusing children and performing satanic rituals. After several years, all accused were determined to be Not Guilty.

Are they trying to let everyone know that prominent people will soon be falsely accused of similar heinous crimes? Don't they realize we're on to their manipulation games?

And didn't an ex-FBI agent later find evidence of tunnels under the school that had been filled in?

979c3f  No.7213560

File: 743e3cd87076066⋯.jpg (47.23 KB, 486x573, 162:191, Mueller gitmo.JPG)


Misspelling matter. (Grammar Anon shot this meme down, missing the PERV (peer pervi cover-up intent)

c5a604  No.7213561

File: 386b8bee9003b1b⋯.jpg (151.1 KB, 1280x853, 1280:853, mel.jpg)

File: dcb262c93b9609a⋯.jpg (7.74 KB, 168x255, 56:85, max.jpg)

>>7210502 pb

Can't resist:

Max 'n Mel: Who wore it better?

Nice silent commentary, Flotus, kek:

53719d  No.7213562

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

53719d  No.7213563

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

0a6196  No.7213564

File: 5a2028a71893ac9⋯.jpg (154.15 KB, 900x600, 3:2, BillClintonBlueParrot.jpg)


Just found this( another pic of Epstein with Clinton)

Bill Clinton Already Spotted in the Hamptons

Former president Bill Clinton was spotted eating Mexican food with friends at The Blue Parrot in East Hampton around 8:30 p.m. on Tuesday, August 18.

According to Page Six, former President Clinton and current Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton are renting a house in Amagansett for the last two weeks of August, though reports said the former first couple were supposed to arrive by Thursday, August 21. Clearly, Mr. Clinton is already in town.

The Clintons are renting the four-bedroom home of art collector Andre Nasser and his “real estate guru” wife Lois Nasser on Broadview Road—a secluded cul-de-sac in the hamlet between East Hampton Village and Montauk—for a rumored $100,000, according to The Post. They rented the same house last year for three weeks in August.

Bill and Hillary will be joined by daughter Chelsea Clinton, her husband, Marc Mezvinsky, and their infant daughter, Charlotte. And while they’re sure to enjoy some family time and relaxation, Mrs. Clinton has plans to keep busy with a series of “Hillary in the Hamptons” fundraisers, beginning with an event at the Water Mill home of philanthropist, Wear Me Apparel founder and Brooklyn Nets co-owner Artie Rabin and his wife Selma on Saturday, August 22.

RELATED: Jeb Bush in Georgica: Next Up–Rubio, Graham, Clinton

A pancake breakfast fundraiser will follow at the home of venture capitalist Alan Patricof on the morning of Sunday, August 30, and designer Tory Burch hosts a lunch for Hillary in Southampton that afternoon. To conclude the busy day, Hilary Leff and Elliot Groffman will host a “Full Moon on the Farm with Hillary Rodham Clinton” barbecue at their home in East Hampton.


203d8a  No.7213565

File: 5d0b8f179b7a75b⋯.png (567.14 KB, 891x1219, 891:1219, ClipboardImage.png)



53719d  No.7213566

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

11bfcc  No.7213567

File: ef489bed25038be⋯.mp4 (5.94 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, Maggie Mulvaney on Twitter….mp4)


Trump stop for photo's with 2 down syndrome children.


f96acb  No.7213568

File: 738d1ad20bb1e10⋯.png (36.08 KB, 924x560, 33:20, pepesamurahattip.png)

ebc029  No.7213569


>>7213510 Epstein pictures tie Chauntae Davies to Bill Clinton and possibly Chris Tucker

53719d  No.7213570

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


0718a5  No.7213571

7b9681  No.7213572

Anons there is nothing in notables or on qresear.ch re:

‘’’International Covenant on Civil and Political


Seems impossible there's never been a dig on this. These are some question I have and am digging but could use some extra eyes on.

Who was involved? People? Nations?

Who doesn't want us to know what the Covenant's effects will be if people wake up to this and what's going on with the legal systems in our nations? Who benefits from our ignorance?

How come nobody seems to know about this even though it came into force in many nations as well as the USA and Canada.

What was/is the purpose of the covenant? What did the drafters of these Declarations have in mind at the time?

ebc029  No.7213573


err, sorry, wrong link in my post, see


13ba77  No.7213574

I'll boil it down for everyone.

It boils down to, how at odds is the Papacy and it's backers and the Protestant churches and rulers of Europe and the UK?

This is the main sticking point for understanding the power structure. It's a fight I constantly undergo, trying to figure out the power structure at that level. You have the Larouchians who basically blame the british for everything (perhaps more right than we think, but still… did you know Larouche at one time operated the largest private intelligence outfit in the US?) and then there are those who say all roads lead to Rome, and there is also a lot of evidence to back this up…

The one thing that keeps sticking in my mind on this: John Coleman saying that Queen Victoria unified the Genovese and Napoli and other Venetian (pheonician…) occultists and the European monarchs and their oligarchs.

If John Coleman is telling the truth, that means that all roads lead to both Rome AND London…. (city, not proper)

1a9ab9  No.7213575

File: 5ee3a62de111024⋯.jpg (149.82 KB, 888x499, 888:499, TheFckSmokey.jpg)

873e8c  No.7213576

File: 49b5f29f3fdf45a⋯.jpg (559.25 KB, 1919x931, 101:49, VV700 27 Jul 19 1515.jpg)

Update on Army/Navy Marine exec jet traffic around Washington.

53719d  No.7213577

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


7b9681  No.7213578


OHCHR | International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights

Search domain www.ohchr.org/EN/ProfessionalInterest/Pages/CCPR.aspxhttps://www.ohchr.org/EN/ProfessionalInterest/Pages/CCPR.aspx

International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights Adopted and opened for signature, ratification and accession by General Assembly resolution 2200A (XXI) of 16 December 1966 entry into force 23 March 1976, in accordance with Article 49 . Preamble. The States Parties to the present Covenant,

11bfcc  No.7213579

File: 1267165824e3290⋯.jpg (592.45 KB, 758x1040, 379:520, Planefaggery.jpg)

File: 422b5a6fcbe1796⋯.jpg (605.45 KB, 1472x1944, 184:243, Vigilant planefags.jpg)

File: 966b292b16893fe⋯.jpg (206.13 KB, 434x655, 434:655, Global planefags.jpg)



Dunno how planefag got in my post.

Srry planefag.

Have some memes.

24eeef  No.7213580


Ten Steps.

Stepping forward to the five steps, he continues:

The five steps allude to the five orders of architecture and the five human senses.

The five orders of architecture are Tuscan, Doric, Ionic, Corinthian, and Composite.

Masonic Orders of Architecture

For any brother reading, it’s important to take a moment to look anew at your monitor, if supplied with one, to reacquaint the reference as it relates specifically to Masonry. From an exoteric point of view, we must look to the point of origin to the Orders of Architecture, which turns our attention to the grand father of modern architecture – Vitruvius.

7bc309  No.7213581

File: c83560e34dae583⋯.png (8.87 MB, 2148x2476, 537:619, prophesy of pol.png)

Prophesy of /pol/

b35f3d  No.7213582


Looks like an air Q as he's walking up the stairs.

7b427f  No.7213583


A lot of stuff was dug on voat a while back. you may find it worth adding voat's search tools to your resources.

600bbf  No.7213584

File: 5a1d8fa2f3c30f3⋯.png (236.7 KB, 400x304, 25:19, ClipboardImage.png)

Senate moves bill with up to $15,000 fines for sharing memes online

In other words, the Congress wants to make it easier to sue people who send a meme or post images that they didn’t create themselves, essentially a giveaway to lawyers who sue unsuspecting suckers for a living.

The Senate Judiciary Committee last week approved the “Copyright Alternative in Small-Claims Enforcement Act of 2019,” which “creates a voluntary small claims board within the Copyright Office that will provide copyright owners with an alternative to the expensive process of bringing copyright claims, including infringement and misrepresentation …. in federal court,” according to the Copyright Alliance.


053857  No.7213585

File: eb33fbf99ad066e⋯.jpg (57.7 KB, 479x599, 479:599, atoduso.JPG)

File: f2a6109450ceaf2⋯.png (126.6 KB, 1220x416, 305:104, OVENING.PNG)



She has connections to kike unit8200 as per Anon post last bread.

Do ANY of you faggots still believe (((They))) are not the final boss for good reason?

Hans get ze gas, Dietrich, light ze ovens

af27a7  No.7213586

File: 7027fd04009376e⋯.png (3.35 MB, 2290x1322, 1145:661, ClipboardImage.png)

Nominated 98-1

Quits, the Trump fires him..

Yep, he's a traitor

66a837  No.7213587

File: 9d41ac157ecdf98⋯.jpg (73.55 KB, 810x455, 162:91, Capture.JPG)

Epstein’s ‘Lolita Express’ pilots subpoenaed to corroborate new sex trafficking & pedophilia claims

The pilots who flew millionaire sex offender Jeffrey Epstein, his alleged young victims, and a bevy of celebrities around the world in his private aircraft – including the infamous Lolita Express – have been summoned to court.

The Manhattan grand jury investigating Epstein sent subpoenas to the pilots earlier this month, the Wall Street Journal revealed on Friday and one pilot’s attorney confirmed. It’s not clear which of the pilots received the summons – there are four named in court documents as helicopter and airplane pilots and flight engineers. Two of them were deposed in lawsuits brought by Epstein’s victims in the wake of the infamous 2008 sweetheart deal that saw him serve just 13 months in jail on work-release after pleading guilty to soliciting prostitution – despite dozens of women claiming he’d sexually abused them.

nvestigators may ask the pilots whether they observed Epstein attempt to interfere with law enforcement, legal experts told the Journal, pointing to recent court filings that accuse him of tampering with witnesses – one of the reasons prosecutors listed in their argument that Epstein should be denied bail.

Some of Epstein’s alleged victims have claimed that the flight logs of the Boeing 727-200 nicknamed the Lolita Express were left deliberately incomplete or altered to hide evidence of criminal activity, a line of questioning investigators may pursue further. Epstein sold the Lolita Express just weeks before his arrest earlier this month on sex trafficking charges, leaving him with “only” one private plane, a Gulfstream G550.


53719d  No.7213588

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


723c35  No.7213589


that's not epstein

e8d7f4  No.7213590

File: 8e322fa28750dad⋯.png (31.68 KB, 717x341, 717:341, Screenshot_2019-07-27 Home….png)

File: ac184144a5db50e⋯.png (51.52 KB, 716x507, 716:507, Screenshot_2019-07-27 Home….png)

Some hints that Hillary's missing emails may drop soon?

77f2b0  No.7213591

File: 3e81c21b444b8b3⋯.jpeg (947.46 KB, 1242x1203, 414:401, FB6070F5-42E4-447C-A57F-9….jpeg)


That does not look like Epstein to me.

d1cd62  No.7213593

File: 6838f9520ca5567⋯.jpg (92.14 KB, 440x587, 440:587, Church of the flying wacka….jpg)


29c62e  No.7213594

File: 27557d644cd6142⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1388x837, 1388:837, 6548900-97218907945.png)

cf02f7  No.7213595

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Nice touch to add portion of a JFK speech.

0718a5  No.7213596


I got it thanks. It's not as important this time of the day but the stress level of the baking at 5 pm on is very fast 20 ppm or more at times. Helping the bakers with copy paste noteables will help them stay on the clock longer.

9d97cf  No.7213597


The Jew cries out as he hits you.

ebc029  No.7213598




82670b  No.7213599

File: 2a6cafcf3569779⋯.png (26.35 KB, 695x264, 695:264, ClipboardImage.png)


The article is ten days old but has history.

Had never heard of this chick until seeing these photos posted. ty anon


bf21ff  No.7213600

File: 5c7cecf8f715150⋯.jpeg (200.63 KB, 1440x1080, 4:3, 1552660625.jpeg)

ef2321  No.7213601

File: a49540a30b95ec1⋯.png (1.08 MB, 768x1024, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0df5ef3c70b03bd⋯.png (249.92 KB, 636x316, 159:79, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bccb3c726c0910a⋯.png (601.88 KB, 480x644, 120:161, ClipboardImage.png)


does anyone have the POTUS tweet where he says

"read my book again in 20 years" ???

4f9d7d  No.7213602


Holy fuck you are so sad.

Do you need some help lowlife cockroach?

There are people who cares about your stinky lfe.

8d70c5  No.7213603


They'll do what they always do. Cut off the hand to save the arm… Retreat for a couple of thousand years then when everyone is paying attention to something else, they'll start moving the slow tide of taking control away from others

53719d  No.7213604

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


a04aea  No.7213605

File: ad71c459107f387⋯.png (4.04 MB, 2270x2397, 2270:2397, ClipboardImage.png)

66a837  No.7213606

File: fa322542aae5c5c⋯.jpg (29.08 KB, 809x455, 809:455, Capture.JPG)

Siri ‘regularly’ records sex encounters, sends ‘countless’ private moments to Apple contractors

Apple’s Siri AI assistant sends audio of sexual encounters, embarrassing medical information, drug deals, and other private moments recorded without users’ knowledge to human ‘graders’ for evaluation, a whistleblower has revealed.

Recordings from Apple’s Siri voice assistant are fed to human contractors around the world, who grade the AI based on the quality of its response and whether its activation was deliberate, according to an anonymous contractor who spoke to the Guardian. They claimed accidental activations are much more frequent than Apple lets on, especially with Apple Watch users – and wants the company to own up to the problem.

“There have been countless instances of recordings featuring private discussions between doctors and patients, business deals, seemingly criminal dealings, sexual encounters and so on. These recordings are accompanied by user data showing location, contact details, and app data,” the whistleblower revealed.

“Apple is subcontracting out, there’s a high turnover. It’s not like people are being encouraged to have consideration for people’s privacy, or even consider it,” the whistleblower said, explaining that they are concerned these recordings, produced when Siri thinks it hears its “wake word,” could be used against the people who (accidentally) made them – especially given the “broad” amount of user data they claim contractors are “free to look through.” In what sounds like a sick joke on the part of some programmer, the sound of a zipper unzipping often triggers Siri to wake up.

If there were someone with nefarious intentions, it wouldn’t be hard to identify [people on the recordings].

While Apple does not explicitly mention any human involvement in Siri’s training in the AI’s documentation, it acknowledged when asked about its practices that “a small portion of Siri requests are analyzed to improve Siri and dictation.” The company insisted that this amounted to less than one percent of all daily activations of the AI and that the recordings were “typically only a few seconds long.


873e8c  No.7213607

File: 1fb78376d51cfc0⋯.jpg (110.36 KB, 749x500, 749:500, Muckspread.jpg)

Is it shill o'clock already?

b16184  No.7213608

File: 029ee6e2b0a8752⋯.jpg (83.54 KB, 650x826, 325:413, sk1.jpg)


is this Sarah Kellen with babba (SK on flight logs)

eb697f  No.7213609

Deutsche Boerse Sees Refintiv Talks Failing After LSE Plans

Deutsche Boerse AG expects talks to buy some of Refinitiv’s foreign exchange business units to fail after the London Stock Exchange Group Plc said it wants to acquire the entire financial data and trading platform provider.

The German stock exchange operator said in a brief statement that it doesn’t expect a successful completion of talks with Refinitiv after learning LSE was planning to acquire Refinitiv in a $27 billion deal that would boost the U.K. firm’s fastest-growing business.

News of the LSE talks with Refinitiv emerged on Friday. A deal could be announced as soon as next week, according to people familiar with the situation who asked not to be identified because the discussions are private.

Deutsche Boerse Chief Executive Officer Theodor Weimer has said that many potential acquisition targets are too expensive and has promised investors that he won’t overpay. Buying Refinitiv’s currency trading platform known as Fxall would have added to the German exchange’s existing currency platforms 360T and GTX.


goes with this from #9222

>>7208038 LSE pb ( London Stock Exchange) in talks to combine with Refinitiv

c04532  No.7213610


The one thats not a pedo, wore it better. Melania seems like a light healer type of person…im not sure how light healing works, but just her presence comes with a healing and calmness. I bet the cabal snake women hate her. God Bless Melania for going through 8 years of this hell!

7b9681  No.7213611



The States Parties to the present Covenant,

Considering that, in accordance with the principles proclaimed in the Charter of the United Nations, recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world,

Recognizing that these rights derive from the inherent dignity of the human person,

Recognizing that, in accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the ideal of free human beings enjoying civil and political freedom and freedom from fear and want can only be achieved if conditions are created whereby everyone may enjoy his civil and political rights, as well as his economic, social and cultural rights,

Considering the obligation of States under the Charter of the United Nations to promote universal respect for, and observance of, human rights and freedoms,

Realizing that the individual, having duties to other individuals and to the community to which he belongs, is under a responsibility to strive for the promotion and observance of the rights recognized in the present Covenant,

Agree upon the following articles:

53719d  No.7213612

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


1a9ab9  No.7213613

File: 506174767bc0e62⋯.jpg (113.36 KB, 1000x744, 125:93, CBF.jpg)

a2998a  No.7213614


You are right it looks like Branson

4f9d7d  No.7213615


How can they retreat with internet?

Never before they experienced so many awakened souls.

af27a7  No.7213616

File: 1316d5aba8ec7b1⋯.jpg (82.79 KB, 690x402, 115:67, BlackApollo.jpg)

File: 99378eb02e50ba7⋯.jpg (71.37 KB, 600x416, 75:52, BlackEpstein.jpg)

File: 6124c79e6fe002c⋯.png (96.36 KB, 825x500, 33:20, BlackScream.PNG)

File: 3c6d19925b11a83⋯.png (85.2 KB, 642x500, 321:250, BlackTalmud.PNG)

File: 05708b7e0c231ec⋯.png (66.02 KB, 658x500, 329:250, BloombergJew.PNG)


Sorry fag, you're barking up the wrong tree.

I hate kikes, including the ones in the Trump admin

7b9681  No.7213617



Article 1

1. All peoples have the right of self-determination. By virtue of that right they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development.

2. All peoples may, for their own ends, freely dispose of their natural wealth and resources without prejudice to any obligations arising out of international economic co-operation, based upon the principle of mutual benefit, and international law. In no case may a people be deprived of its own means of subsistence.

3. The States Parties to the present Covenant, including those having responsibility for the administration of Non-Self-Governing and Trust Territories, shall promote the realization of the right of self-determination, and shall respect that right, in conformity with the provisions of the Charter of the United Nations.

cfb580  No.7213618

File: 039eef57ec9a12f⋯.png (121.91 KB, 1286x530, 643:265, ClipboardImage.png)



Rat & Rodent are Mentioned in Article as Possible Warning

Compare to → POTUS tweet.

53719d  No.7213619

File: e88d67678082753⋯.jpg (248.82 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, IMG_4923.JPG)

1ec339  No.7213620

File: 0492fa6e57c2561⋯.jpg (82.12 KB, 960x540, 16:9, 0492fa6e57c2561bd97e6aa5f2….jpg)

can anyone super impose the "BunkerLife" pics over the temple from this angle?

eb697f  No.7213621

File: d35adc362963a68⋯.png (920.68 KB, 820x400, 41:20, Mattis laughs in chaos.PNG)

c04532  No.7213622


The shill has no friends and is protecting pedos or this would be the last place they would be hanging out in.

03cf4c  No.7213623

werent those epstein court docs supposed to be made public 3 days ago?

71363d  No.7213624

File: e068b592cf9daaa⋯.jpeg (631.4 KB, 2187x2117, 2187:2117, 6B009D90-F256-4B1A-BD9E-B….jpeg)

Defending Elijah Cummings…


Darkness to light!


Bishop Talbert Swan

53719d  No.7213625



8b77a8  No.7213626

File: ed9f210225cd50e⋯.png (1.6 MB, 1323x7971, 441:2657, Screenshot_2019-04-30 What….png)

File: 2760ecce4a0128e⋯.jpg (1.15 MB, 1238x5825, 1238:5825, Screenshot_2019-04-30 Borg….jpg)

File: 0617c772407f458⋯.jpg (1.39 MB, 1179x8580, 393:2860, Screenshot_2019-04-30 Buti….jpg)

File: 3327c4f4cbceea6⋯.jpg (990.76 KB, 925x5203, 925:5203, Screenshot_2019-04-30 Buti….jpg)

File: 7d408a49b556100⋯.jpg (1.19 MB, 979x6002, 979:6002, Screenshot_2019-04-30 Buti….jpg)


except the case isn't closed it is?

78a10e  No.7213627


Ok, now that one becomes the new top Rickyism in that subcategory.

53719d  No.7213628

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


a78707  No.7213629

File: 871481437b5539e⋯.jpg (222.27 KB, 960x719, 960:719, WalknAroundWithAttackdog.jpg)


That might indeed be helpful

Still have an account there, barely used..


66a837  No.7213630

File: 7c159aace74200f⋯.jpg (32.92 KB, 692x395, 692:395, Capture.JPG)

Iran threatens Brazil for seizing two ships

Iran, July 27, 2019 - The mullahs’ regime ruling Iran has shown fierce anger at Brazil’s seizure of two Iranian flagships off the coast of Brazil.

An Iranian official is being quoted by Iran’s ISNA news agency that if Brazil did not provide fuel for these two vessels, Iran would stop its imports from Brazil.

Ali Saqqayian, Iran’s ambassador to Brazil, was quoted by Iran’s semi-official ISNA news agency as saying Wednesday that Tehran could easily find new suppliers of corn, soybean, and meat. Iran will reconsider imports from Brazil if it continues to refuse to provide fuel to two Iranian vessels stranded there, he added.

Saqqayian has been quoted to say, “The Brazilians should solve the issue.”

The regime’s Foreign Ministry has not commented on the issue of the two Iranian vessels, one reportedly loaded with corn, stranded at a Brazilian port due to lack of fuel. Brazil’s state oil company Petrobras says the ships, Bavand and Termeh, are on a list of U.S. sanctions and therefore, providing fuel to these two ships violates U.S. sanctions.

Iran is one of the largest grain importers from Brazil.


6f782c  No.7213631


It's things like this where people say "government just gets worse and worse" but then jump right back into the matrix and say "but the next guy will be better".

I propose that at elections, we should have the option of leaving the seat vacant.

Lead yourself.

7b9681  No.7213632



Article 2

1. Each State Party to the present Covenant undertakes to respect and to ensure to all individuals within its territory and subject to its jurisdiction the rights recognized in the present Covenant, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.

2. Where not already provided for by existing legislative or other measures, each State Party to the present Covenant undertakes to take the necessary steps, in accordance with its constitutional processes and with the provisions of the present Covenant, to adopt such laws or other measures as may be necessary to give effect to the rights recognized in the present Covenant.

3. Each State Party to the present Covenant undertakes:

(a) To ensure that any person whose rights or freedoms as herein recognized are violated shall have an effective remedy, notwithstanding that the violation has been committed by persons acting in an official capacity;

(b) To ensure that any person claiming such a remedy shall have his right thereto determined by competent judicial, administrative or legislative authorities, or by any other competent authority provided for by the legal system of the State, and to develop the possibilities of judicial remedy;

(c) To ensure that the competent authorities shall enforce such remedies when granted.

Article 3

The States Parties to the present Covenant undertake to ensure the equal right of men and women to the enjoyment of all civil and political rights set forth in the present Covenant.

Article 4

1 . In time of public emergency which threatens the life of the nation and the existence of which is officially proclaimed, the States Parties to the present Covenant may take measures derogating from their obligations under the present Covenant to the extent strictly required by the exigencies of the situation, provided that such measures are not inconsistent with their other obligations under international law and do not involve discrimination solely on the ground of race, colour, sex, language, religion or social origin.

2. No derogation from articles 6, 7, 8 (paragraphs I and 2), 11, 15, 16 and 18 may be made under this provision.

3. Any State Party to the present Covenant availing itself of the right of derogation shall immediately inform the other States Parties to the present Covenant, through the intermediary of the Secretary- General of the United Nations, of the provisions from which it has derogated and of the reasons by which it was actuated. A further communication shall be made, through the same intermediary, on the date on which it terminates such derogation.

d3b276  No.7213633

File: bac7a0eb75cabe8⋯.jpg (69.89 KB, 1016x368, 127:46, Cumm on.JPG)

File: bc369c5afc5c1e4⋯.jpg (58.66 KB, 615x410, 3:2, donut lady and the nword.jpg)

"I was told 'you don't belong here' 55 years ago at a swimming pool, and I was devastated. I have never recovered from that insult." said the Chairman of the House Oversight Committee.

"This confirms Donald Trump's racism. He's not colored." orange is not a color?

9d97cf  No.7213635

File: 2500b685d6fd416⋯.jpeg (746.34 KB, 1127x1027, 1127:1027, DAECA4DF-DF41-48FD-8F59-0….jpeg)

c04532  No.7213636


You shills are so bad at memes, you give me confidence in my own. Thanks!

8b77a8  No.7213637

File: 1ad1a2b3f150d6b⋯.jpg (884.25 KB, 1323x4965, 441:1655, Screenshot_2019-04-30 Ser….jpg)

File: 924e26eda3cd8d1⋯.png (1.52 MB, 1181x6155, 1181:6155, Screenshot_2019-04-30 Borg….png)

File: 11ca5ceb23c6489⋯.jpg (1.01 MB, 964x5456, 241:1364, Screenshot_2019-04-30 Borg….jpg)

File: bd2d32827a79dbb⋯.jpg (900.44 KB, 1256x4883, 1256:4883, Screenshot_2019-04-30 Chen….jpg)

53719d  No.7213638

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


a4f27d  No.7213639

File: d7951b637f691b4⋯.png (13.49 KB, 454x168, 227:84, ClipboardImage.png)



so many blind to the pattern

16e183  No.7213640


Which POTUS tweet fren?

0a6196  No.7213641

File: 40fcf23c8e63224⋯.jpg (401.49 KB, 753x1024, 753:1024, jeffrey-epstein.jpg)

File: b9bac78e56cba05⋯.png (232.5 KB, 563x352, 563:352, e7af2d37ac799e13a421bb2e10….png)

File: 8fd0a825d554a5b⋯.jpg (70.07 KB, 989x616, 989:616, 8fd0a825d554a5ba9f04ca7b4d….jpg)

File: 3877a74a8a66e13⋯.jpg (185.79 KB, 634x860, 317:430, 304E824F00000578-0-image-a….jpg)

File: f07406123f4287d⋯.jpg (28.64 KB, 306x483, 102:161, 9523630-6678955-image-m-33….jpg)




Yes it is, look at the line in middle of forehead

ebc029  No.7213642

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


actually, just found this video… looks like we are rehashing something already reported, but worth remembering

584507  No.7213643

File: 53253ee8603ffce⋯.jpeg (436.19 KB, 750x1244, 375:622, 294929B3-6DFD-44AD-8867-4….jpeg)


24eeef  No.7213644



SPOON GURU LIMITED (09078914) Elkstone Private Advisors Ltd, 124 Lower Baggot Street, Dublin 2, Ireland - Director

NJF CAPITAL LIMITED (09634764) 73 Cornhill, London, England, EC3V 3QQ

TAKE5 LIMITED (07844334) 10th, Floor The Met Building, 22 Percy Street, London, United Kingdom, W1T 2BU

d1cd62  No.7213645


It's all tax exempt. Can you believe this shit??? WTF???

0e5daf  No.7213646

File: 842c69a6d8dd30f⋯.png (484.31 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

53719d  No.7213647

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


7b9681  No.7213648


>Part II continued

Article 4

1 . In time of public emergency which threatens the life of the nation and the existence of which is officially proclaimed, the States Parties to the present Covenant may take measures derogating from their obligations under the present Covenant to the extent strictly required by the exigencies of the situation, provided that such measures are not inconsistent with their other obligations under international law and do not involve discrimination solely on the ground of race, colour, sex, language, religion or social origin.

2. No derogation from articles 6, 7, 8 (paragraphs I and 2), 11, 15, 16 and 18 may be made under this provision.

3. Any State Party to the present Covenant availing itself of the right of derogation shall immediately inform the other States Parties to the present Covenant, through the intermediary of the Secretary- General of the United Nations, of the provisions from which it has derogated and of the reasons by which it was actuated. A further communication shall be made, through the same intermediary, on the date on which it terminates such derogation.

Article 5

1. Nothing in the present Covenant may be interpreted as implying for any State, group or person any right to engage in any activity or perform any act aimed at the destruction of any of the rights and freedoms recognized herein or at their limitation to a greater extent than is provided for in the present Covenant.

2. There shall be no restriction upon or derogation from any of the fundamental human rights recognized or existing in any State Party to the present Covenant pursuant to law, conventions, regulations or custom on the pretext that the present Covenant does not recognize such rights or that it recognizes them to a lesser extent.

8b77a8  No.7213649

File: c73ca0093954e5b⋯.jpg (949.85 KB, 1290x5399, 1290:5399, Screenshot_2019-04-30 Buti….jpg)

File: 82e58b66138b830⋯.jpg (1.32 MB, 1198x6681, 1198:6681, Screenshot_2019-04-30 Buti….jpg)

File: 3b85d3067874e0f⋯.jpg (1.16 MB, 1323x6786, 147:754, Screenshot_2019-04-30 Buti….jpg)

File: ddc377d8d9a1412⋯.jpg (1.18 MB, 1157x6764, 13:76, Screenshot_2019-04-30 Buti….jpg)

File: 726fedabf031b1e⋯.jpg (1.41 MB, 865x4740, 173:948, Screenshot_2019-04-30 Chen….jpg)

35a353  No.7213650


Anon has a different theory. China did not do this by themselves. China was chosen decades ago by the NWO cabal. That was their plan, keep China leaders enslaved and take the USA & Russia down. Most of that money which supposedly went to China over the decades actually went to the cabal. China leaders got only some of it.

So, not only is President Trump freeing Kim, he's also in the process of freeing Xi.

b04a6f  No.7213651


Branson pre-Slims

1cb930  No.7213652

Wow. That entire last bread was yummy as fuck. Entire board kicked ass. Baker should just notable the whole loaf. NO SARC. That was some nutrient dense breakfast bakage.

e62a0e  No.7213653

>>7213039 (pb)

Muh Sensitive Epstein Document

lawfag here: "future co-conspirators immunization" my azz. Good luck with that you sick and soulless pedophiles and murderers.

7b9681  No.7213654



Article 6

1. Every human being has the inherent right to life. This right shall be protected by law. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his life.

2. In countries which have not abolished the death penalty, sentence of death may be imposed only for the most serious crimes in accordance with the law in force at the time of the commission of the crime and not contrary to the provisions of the present Covenant and to the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. This penalty can only be carried out pursuant to a final judgement rendered by a competent court.

3. When deprivation of life constitutes the crime of genocide, it is understood that nothing in this article shall authorize any State Party to the present Covenant to derogate in any way from any obligation assumed under the provisions of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.

4. Anyone sentenced to death shall have the right to seek pardon or commutation of the sentence. Amnesty, pardon or commutation of the sentence of death may be granted in all cases.

5. Sentence of death shall not be imposed for crimes committed by persons below eighteen years of age and shall not be carried out on pregnant women.

6. Nothing in this article shall be invoked to delay or to prevent the abolition of capital punishment by any State Party to the present Covenant.

c04532  No.7213655


I've been told that I didnt belong in places too. Who the hell hasnt? These people only know colors….like a bunch of little kids who somehow got a hold of the keys to the greatest Nation ever and locked the door, now its up to us to vote them out or theyll never shut the hell up.

e8d7f4  No.7213656

File: 2610ea515c27d3c⋯.png (44.82 KB, 714x423, 238:141, Screenshot_2019-07-27 Home….png)

af27a7  No.7213657

File: 8158af5e267e8e4⋯.png (1.38 MB, 900x1200, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)



What are you going to do with all yer Mattis worshipping Memes when it's revealed he is a traitor?

8b77a8  No.7213659

File: f617877182a355d⋯.jpg (958.91 KB, 771x5416, 771:5416, Screenshot_2019-04-30 Chen….jpg)

File: 81792a35305f18f⋯.jpg (1.07 MB, 787x6055, 787:6055, Screenshot_2019-04-30 Chen….jpg)

File: a4438c18e1bb074⋯.jpg (1.01 MB, 1253x5217, 1253:5217, Screenshot_2019-04-30 Chen….jpg)

File: 28de14a71ec90d4⋯.png (741.61 KB, 926x2717, 926:2717, Screenshot_2019-04-30 Doze….png)

File: e2b5ad60624d8f3⋯.jpg (1.28 MB, 1207x7082, 1207:7082, Screenshot_2019-04-30 How ….jpg)

78a10e  No.7213660


Hopefully soon but unfortunately those aren't hints.

They're just moar examples of non-stop CankleBiting from those 2 patriot ladies.

53719d  No.7213661

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


bf21ff  No.7213662

File: ddb7915dfcb4f1a⋯.jpg (303.13 KB, 1063x1075, 1063:1075, IMG_20190221_112135.jpg)

600bbf  No.7213663

Air conditioning -word for today?

Trump Blames White House Air Conditioning on Obama

Some of Chicago’s wealthiest golf clubs are missing something: Air conditioning in the locker room

How much more fuel does air conditioning use when driving?

India is the epicenter of rethinking air conditioning

Solar Air Conditioning Market 2019 Risk, Competitive Strategies & Regional Outlook to 2025

Sony’s ‘personal air conditioner’ is the only gadget we want right now

all posted last 24hrs

a78707  No.7213664


There is an interesting theory which resonates with my thoughts.

>Preparing Military Tribunal

ef2321  No.7213665

File: ab60e1e9e0e29e0⋯.png (432.47 KB, 462x553, 66:79, ClipboardImage.png)


clinton, epstein and…


ca01a2  No.7213666

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


953d1e  No.7213667

File: 8fede88f671a532⋯.jpg (116.09 KB, 986x572, 493:286, The Boys.jpg)

The Boys


In a world where superheroes embrace the darker side of their massive celebrity and fame, The Boys centres on a group of vigilantes known informally as "The Boys," who set out to take down corrupt superheroes with no more than blue collar grit and a willingness to fight dirty.

I started watching this a few days ago and it has to be one of the most IN YOUR FACE Globalist Shows I've seen in a long time.

Am on ep #5 I keep seeing Subliminals and Inuendoes throughout the entire series so far.

A story of "superheroes" that put on a face of good guys and are the vilest perverted fucks you can imagine.

Just like the [DS].

7b9681  No.7213669


>Part III continued

Article 7

No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. In particular, no one shall be subjected without his free consent to medical or scientific experimentation.

Article 8

1. No one shall be held in slavery; slavery and the slave-trade in all their forms shall be prohibited.

2. No one shall be held in servitude.


(a) No one shall be required to perform forced or compulsory labour;

(b) Paragraph 3 (a) shall not be held to preclude, in countries where imprisonment with hard labour may be imposed as a punishment for a crime, the performance of hard labour in pursuance of a sentence to such punishment by a competent court;

(c) For the purpose of this paragraph the term "forced or compulsory labour" shall not include:

(i) Any work or service, not referred to in subparagraph (b), normally required of a person who is under detention in consequence of a lawful order of a court, or of a person during conditional release from such detention;

(ii) Any service of a military character and, in countries where conscientious objection is recognized, any national service required by law of conscientious objectors;

(iii) Any service exacted in cases of emergency or calamity threatening the life or well-being of the community;

(iv) Any work or service which forms part of normal civil obligations.

ad52e7  No.7213670

File: 2122e02298c3f02⋯.jpeg (1.14 MB, 1203x1300, 1203:1300, A3DADE95-405A-41B8-A520-9….jpeg)


Join us in the commissioning of the @USNavy's newest guided-missile destroyer

Did someone say missile?

53719d  No.7213671


584507  No.7213672

File: 24b7dfa8ee84e24⋯.jpeg (764.44 KB, 750x1244, 375:622, 3A0186BD-8CDF-4015-9828-3….jpeg)

File: 16334e4275ab635⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, BC806433-6869-4E9F-BD23-7F….png)

8b77a8  No.7213673

File: 4353f333be45206⋯.jpg (678.67 KB, 1323x4010, 1323:4010, Screenshot_2019-04-30 Judg….jpg)

File: 0084968d52d02a8⋯.jpg (942.61 KB, 1323x5041, 1323:5041, Screenshot_2019-04-30 Mari….jpg)

File: 282d8ea3ff41045⋯.jpg (1.38 MB, 1323x7504, 189:1072, Screenshot_2019-04-30 Mari….jpg)

File: f9102c4852e75fc⋯.jpg (1.13 MB, 1301x6281, 1301:6281, Screenshot_2019-04-30 Paul….jpg)

File: 1fc40230ca11334⋯.png (1.37 MB, 1219x5577, 1219:5577, Screenshot_2019-04-30 Paul….png)

fca3f5  No.7213674

File: 51e74c7306fe478⋯.png (504.02 KB, 839x2249, 839:2249, jew - china.png)


Yes anon. "The cabal."

6957de  No.7213675

Plum Island PIADC has 'lost' the bloodwork of contractors in the past. You need to shower before and after your shift. Facilities were/are not airtight. Migratory birds all over the place. They want to move the facility to Kansas, I'm not sure of the status of that since they've rebuilt most of the facilities on the island.

Lyme, CT is directly across Long Island Sound from the facility thus making CT a hotspot for Lyme disease.

53719d  No.7213676

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

723c35  No.7213677

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This was in the comments from this vid.

This is extremely interesting. I was recruited to apply to a company and after the rounds of interviews I was asked to return for a drug screen urine test.

I was walked by a bunch of grinning people on the way to the test by my future boss. It later turned out that they were my coworkers who would not only mob me out of the department, but had done the same to all seven people they had hired.

And no matter if they lasted four months or an hour (yes, some knew they were looking at a very bad environment right off the bat) they were all said to be insane. They were a government contractor.

These psychopaths are simply too dangerous to have living among us.

617660  No.7213678


Temple of Pergamon replilca

In the bible it refers to Satan's throne.

Were early Christian Antipas was martyred.

Was burned alive is a brass bull.

That's our Obama for you.

Barak… means I saw Satan falling from heaven.

head of the demons.

723c35  No.7213679

File: ab6e4ebe2eeddaf⋯.png (109.78 KB, 1293x773, 1293:773, psychos.png)

c04532  No.7213680


If they were chose, it was a long long time ago. Theyve had that red snake shit forever….theres more to china than we know me thinks

d8d209  No.7213681


>Trump Blames White House Air Conditioning on Obama

AC refrigerant is toxic.

7b9681  No.7213682


>Part III continued

Article 9

1. Everyone has the right to liberty and security of person. No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest or detention. No one shall be deprived of his liberty except on such grounds and in accordance with such procedure as are established by law.

2. Anyone who is arrested shall be informed, at the time of arrest, of the reasons for his arrest and shall be promptly informed of any charges against him.

3. Anyone arrested or detained on a criminal charge shall be brought promptly before a judge or other officer authorized by law to exercise judicial power and shall be entitled to trial within a reasonable time or to release. It shall not be the general rule that persons awaiting trial shall be detained in custody, but release may be subject to guarantees to appear for trial, at any other stage of the judicial proceedings, and, should occasion arise, for execution of the judgement.

4. Anyone who is deprived of his liberty by arrest or detention shall be entitled to take proceedings before a court, in order that that court may decide without delay on the lawfulness of his detention and order his release if the detention is not lawful.

5. Anyone who has been the victim of unlawful arrest or detention shall have an enforceable right to compensation.

Article 10

1. All persons deprived of their liberty shall be treated with humanity and with respect for the inherent dignity of the human person.


(a) Accused persons shall, save in exceptional circumstances, be segregated from convicted persons and shall be subject to separate treatment appropriate to their status as unconvicted persons;

(b) Accused juvenile persons shall be separated from adults and brought as speedily as possible for adjudication.

3. The penitentiary system shall comprise treatment of prisoners the essential aim of which shall be their reformation and social rehabilitation. Juvenile offenders shall be segregated from adults and be accorded treatment appropriate to their age and legal status.

92a41b  No.7213683


a namefag mossad baker RGB comes in, hands off to a fellow shithead.

keep it kosher guys. remember, we can talk about epstein (only because we have to) but any references to his mossad connections, israel or jew related symbolism must not be included in notables.

the goyim are getting too smart. we must increase our efforts ten fold!

78a10e  No.7213684


Prolly true but now you just jinxed the fuck outta this bread.

8b77a8  No.7213685

File: c40fd7374535526⋯.jpg (1.21 MB, 1299x6485, 1299:6485, Screenshot_2019-04-30 Paul….jpg)

File: d4de442f2cde22d⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1149x5213, 1149:5213, Screenshot_2019-04-30 Paul….png)

File: 6444ab068b2149f⋯.jpg (823.45 KB, 1139x4072, 1139:4072, Screenshot_2019-04-30 Paul….jpg)

File: 9f2377e05b069df⋯.png (1007.99 KB, 1274x2717, 98:209, Screenshot_2019-04-30 Paul….png)

File: 35f5ad4242f13c4⋯.jpg (839.12 KB, 1289x5865, 1289:5865, Screenshot_2019-04-30 Paul….jpg)

788a89  No.7213686

7211924 ( LB )


Looks like real trouble ?! Any help ?? ?

eb697f  No.7213687

File: b23f7b0fb975b94⋯.png (261.47 KB, 703x523, 703:523, four eyed blinky.PNG)

Fukushima fishing port hit by 2011 tsunami reopens after 8-year hiatus

TOMIOKA, Fukushima – Tomioka fishing port, which was severely damaged by the tsunami following the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake in northeastern Japan reopened on July 26 for the first time in eight years and four months.

All 10 fishing ports in Fukushima Prefecture have now reopened. Tomioka's fishing port is located only about 10 kilometers away from Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO)'s Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, where meltdowns occurred in the wake of the quake and tsunami.

About 50 members of the fishing industry participated in a reopening ceremony, and five boats that returned from ports where they had evacuated navigated around the reconstructed local port with colorful large flags that are used to signify a good catch.

The tsunami that hit the port on March 11, 2011 almost completely wiped out a fish-sorting facility and the office of the local fisheries cooperative. A number of boats anchored at the port were also swept inland.

While other fishing ports hit by the disaster in the prefecture had already reopened, reconstruction work for the Tomioka fishing port took longer, mainly due to an evacuation order in place over the town due to high radiation levels following the meltdowns.

Akio Sato, 52, regional manager of the local fisheries cooperative, commented, "I worked feverishly for this so it didn't feel like such a long time, even though it really was. I'm very happy to be able to return. I hope to make the port lively again."


66a837  No.7213688

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Bat-O-Matic (ft. Dan Aykroyd) - SNL

A spokesperson (Dan Aykroyd) advertises the Bat-O-Matic, the new blender that quickly mixes all the ingredients needed for a Witch's potion, including an entire bat. [Season 2, 1976]

Faster then you can slice a goat kek

fd79eb  No.7213689


I’m with Bill.

Mueller Cohen Stormy and even maybe Avanatti all provided copious amounts of Nothing Burgers.

Just dashed hopes and dreams of the Libtards, or as we call it “the plan”

53719d  No.7213690

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

1cb930  No.7213691


So, Cummings is a rat? Or are rats ratting onCummings?

53719d  No.7213692

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

eb697f  No.7213693

File: 67712e0436425f6⋯.png (569.69 KB, 612x612, 1:1, pepe newfag and anon.png)

File: a52658880f789b9⋯.jpg (82.19 KB, 554x496, 277:248, pepe told ya.jpg)

77f2b0  No.7213694


No it is not.

If I forehead crease makes you Epstein then a fuck ton of us are Epstein.

Hair texture and color: does not match

Jaw line: does not match

Laugh lines: does not match

Brow line: does not match

Get some new glasses Anon. You’re way off.

53719d  No.7213695




















d33f2e  No.7213696

File: 702a832657ab11a⋯.png (390.77 KB, 868x579, 868:579, ClipboardImage.png)


Probably nothing but…

Rancho Pacifico was right for Anderson Cooper, Sheryl Crow and Al Gore. Is Rancho Pacifico right for you?

Rancho Pacifico is a relaxed place – modern in appearance, but a bit old-fashioned in its ways. We purposely do not have TV’s or phones in the rooms (we do have good cellular coverage and free Wi-Fi throughout the property). Most of the property is designed in an open-air concept without air conditioning (with the exception of our Luxury Suites and the bedroom in our Villa Romantica). At nearly 2,000 feet above sea level, the cool breezes keep us comfortable year-round.


78a10e  No.7213697


Bill going full Q now but all his buddies he associates with still threatening to unleash the Chat Logs!

What gives?

71363d  No.7213698

File: 468b2bd878e5143⋯.jpeg (1.01 MB, 2187x3278, 2187:3278, F22C8F8F-565E-430C-B589-8….jpeg)


Bishop Talbert Swan

Anti POTUS race baiter re: Wikipedia and outspoken against Trump re: Elijah Cummings tweets this a.m.

777726  No.7213699

File: 78e05fa4ceb68c5⋯.jpg (60.6 KB, 603x653, 603:653, RHWof ISIS.JPG)

File: 17ab3fc7c428652⋯.mp4 (1.97 MB, 400x226, 200:113, Real wifes of ISIS.mp4)

We all, Left and Right, deserve to watch this #BBC spoof on #ISIS

WARNING: Watching this might blow you up … from laughter!

Real funny spoof video on the "Real Housewives of ISIS"..

b04a6f  No.7213700



7b9681  No.7213701


>Part III continued

Article 11

No one shall be imprisoned merely on the ground of inability to fulfil a contractual obligation.

Article 12

1. Everyone lawfully within the territory of a State shall, within that territory, have the right to liberty of movement and freedom to choose his residence.

2. Everyone shall be free to leave any country, including his own.

3. The above-mentioned rights shall not be subject to any restrictions except those which are provided by law, are necessary to protect national security, public order (ordre public), public health or morals or the rights and freedoms of others, and are consistent with the other rights recognized in the present Covenant.

4. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of the right to enter his own country.

Article 13

An alien lawfully in the territory of a State Party to the present Covenant may be expelled therefrom only in pursuance of a decision reached in accordance with law and shall, except where compelling reasons of national security otherwise require, be allowed to submit the reasons against his expulsion and to have his case reviewed by, and be represented for the purpose before, the competent authority or a person or persons especially designated by the competent authority.

203d8a  No.7213702

File: 3ceb5f668672efb⋯.png (785.75 KB, 688x809, 688:809, ClipboardImage.png)

ed9bc2  No.7213703


>>7212940 /last bread


Anon, this was posted while back here, try to search our breads.

Nicole married a guy names Ferdinando Brachetti Peretti whose mother was in the Italian Red Cross for 30 years.

I posted it all here several days ago. got no traction.

92a41b  No.7213704

File: 2e1b34d97bbaacc⋯.png (398.69 KB, 516x573, 172:191, kikepyre.png)


call out your availability times so fellow JIDF bakers can keep the board covered during the hours of highest visibility!!

use your initials and pictures so the newfags think you have authority.

we must increase our efforts ten fold.

c04532  No.7213705


Liberals (the ones I know) dont like Obama anymore…its almost like he never existed in some ways. When I bring up the satanic stuff they dont quite believe me, but the door is open for people waking up to how evil he was/is. It seems like theres more Michael Obama worship lately actually…but thats actually MSM projection. The obamas will be known as the WORST and the Trumps will be known as the BEST when this is all done

53719d  No.7213706

File: cc12e53dbab4ea1⋯.gif (7.12 MB, 496x640, 31:40, IMG_4703.GIF)

File: 88253d60ae0b236⋯.jpg (176.26 KB, 800x1033, 800:1033, IMG_4764.JPG)

File: 959e4c5f7a17778⋯.jpg (346.8 KB, 992x1281, 992:1281, IMG_4793.JPG)

File: b458b3a004ad6a3⋯.jpg (129.4 KB, 943x943, 1:1, IMG_4796.JPG)

77f2b0  No.7213707



Not to mention there is no crease between the brows and where to forehead crease meets the hairline does not match that of Epstein either.

Not Epstein.

7b9681  No.7213708


>Part III continued

Article 14

1. All persons shall be equal before the courts and tribunals. In the determination of any criminal charge against him, or of his rights and obligations in a suit at law, everyone shall be entitled to a fair and public hearing by a competent, independent and impartial tribunal established by law. The press and the public may be excluded from all or part of a trial for reasons of morals, public order (ordre public) or national security in a democratic society, or when the interest of the private lives of the parties so requires, or to the extent strictly necessary in the opinion of the court in special circumstances where publicity would prejudice the interests of justice; but any judgement rendered in a criminal case or in a suit at law shall be made public except where the interest of juvenile persons otherwise requires or the proceedings concern matrimonial disputes or the guardianship of children.

2. Everyone charged with a criminal offence shall have the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.

3. In the determination of any criminal charge against him, everyone shall be entitled to the following minimum guarantees, in full equality: (a) To be informed promptly and in detail in a language which he understands of the nature and cause of the charge against him;

(b) To have adequate time and facilities for the preparation of his defence and to communicate with counsel of his own choosing;

(c) To be tried without undue delay;

(d) To be tried in his presence, and to defend himself in person or through legal assistance of his own choosing; to be informed, if he does not have legal assistance, of this right; and to have legal assistance assigned to him, in any case where the interests of justice so require, and without payment by him in any such case if he does not have sufficient means to pay for it;

(e) To examine, or have examined, the witnesses against him and to obtain the attendance and examination of witnesses on his behalf under the same conditions as witnesses against him;

(f) To have the free assistance of an interpreter if he cannot understand or speak the language used in court;

(g) Not to be compelled to testify against himself or to confess guilt.

53719d  No.7213709

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

723c35  No.7213710

File: b5da45b39e690bb⋯.png (353.62 KB, 885x589, 885:589, 1564061819.png)


>If I forehead crease makes you Epstein then a fuck ton of us are Epstein.


fd79eb  No.7213711


Gorka is also “Booming”

Great actor and constant lurker.

The chat logs are just to keep the Libtards away.

5aed33  No.7213712


Heading back to FR after Boeing maintenance.

b16184  No.7213713


there are new pics uploaded about 10 days ago


66a837  No.7213714

File: 51d961f881a257a⋯.jpg (39.82 KB, 604x305, 604:305, Capture.JPG)

THE UPDATED LIST: 130 Times the FBI, DOJ and/or Mueller Gang “Deviated from Standard Practice” or Committed Crimes in Efforts to Exonerate Hillary and Indict President Trump

On March 8th, 2019, we prepared a list of the more than 100 times that Obama’s Deep State FBI took actions that deviated from standard practice and/or were corrupt and/or were criminal in their efforts to exonerate Hillary from her crimes and then spy on and frame candidate and then President Trump. After the Mueller train wreck this past week we thought we’d provide an updated list of these unbelievable actions.

As we noted in March, current and former FBI associates were embarrassed to even turn on their TV’s before the Mueller testimony. Now they must be enraged.

Time magazine of all places reported about the many efforts the FBI took related to Hillary’s exoneration and then the framing of President Trump. These corrupt and criminal actions have taken a desperate toll on the current members of the FBI –

In normal times, the televisions are humming at the FBI’s 56 field offices nationwide, piping in the latest news as agents work their investigations. But these days, some agents say, the TVs are often off to avoid the crush of bad stories about the FBI itself. The bureau, which is used to making headlines for nabbing crooks, has been grabbing the spotlight for unwanted reasons: fired leaders, texts between lovers and, most of all, attacks by President Trump. “I don’t care what channel it’s on,” says Tom O’Connor, a veteran investigator in Washington who leads the FBI Agents Association. “All you hear is negative stuff about the FBI … It gets depressing.”

Of course the employees of the FBI are in a funk, their fearless and corrupt leaders, as well as leaders in Obama’s corrupt DOJ, participated in extravagant efforts to exonerate the obvious criminal actions of Hillary Clinton, and then to do all they could to prevent candidate Trump from winning an election. Then once the election was won by President Trump, they went to unheard of depths of deceit and corruption to attempt to remove him from office.


8b77a8  No.7213715

File: 31cc10a9290ecb7⋯.jpg (1.27 MB, 1323x5849, 1323:5849, Screenshot_2019-04-30 Rod ….jpg)

File: d04857f4ca59f79⋯.jpg (1.45 MB, 1214x8950, 607:4475, Screenshot_2019-04-30 Russ….jpg)

File: 2ffed7f1d915985⋯.jpg (7.48 MB, 4013x6229, 4013:6229, AAAUnteeeeitled - Copyw.jpg)

File: e3007e65a081a01⋯.png (920.87 KB, 1040x3152, 65:197, Screenshot_2019-04-30 What….png)

7b9681  No.7213716


>Part III continued

>Article 14 continued

4. In the case of juvenile persons, the procedure shall be such as will take account of their age and the desirability of promoting their rehabilitation. 5. Everyone convicted of a crime shall have the right to his conviction and sentence being reviewed by a higher tribunal according to law.

6. When a person has by a final decision been convicted of a criminal offence and when subsequently his conviction has been reversed or he has been pardoned on the ground that a new or newly discovered fact shows conclusively that there has been a miscarriage of justice, the person who has suffered punishment as a result of such conviction shall be compensated according to law, unless it is proved that the non-disclosure of the unknown fact in time is wholly or partly attributable to him.

7. No one shall be liable to be tried or punished again for an offence for which he has already been finally convicted or acquitted in accordance with the law and penal procedure of each country.

71363d  No.7213717



ef2321  No.7213718


The Clintons are renting a four-bedroom home from Republican art collector Andre Nasser and his real estate guru wife, Lois, at 44 Broadview Road — a hidden cul-de-sac in Amagansett that boasts wealthy neighbors, including Harvey Weinstein.

The couple rented the same place for three weeks last year, after Hillary controversially declared they were “dead broke” after leaving the White House in 2000. But this year, the Democratic presidential candidate is making the most of her time in the playground of the rich by organizing a string of campaign fundraisers, titled “Hillary in the Hamptons,” to rub shoulders with wealthy donors.

A source tells us, “The Clintons are renting the house for two weeks. They’ll be joined by Chelsea, her husband, Marc, and their baby daughter, Charlotte.” But, “Hillary doesn’t want headlines saying, ‘Presidential hopeful kicking back in the Hamptons,’ so she’ll be busy while she’s there.”

The Clintons are expected to arrive in the Hamptons by Aug. 21, and her fundraising events start the next day at the Water Mill, Long Island, home of Artie Rabin, a Brooklyn Nets co-owner, philanthropist and founder of Wear Me Apparel, and his wife, Selma.

Next up: an Aug. 30 pancake breakfast at the East Hampton home of Alan Patricof, the venture-capital pioneer who founded Apax Partners and co-founded Greycroft Partners and is said to be worth in excess of $150 million, and his wife, Susan.

Also on Aug. 30, fashion designer Tory Burch will host a luncheon for Hillary in Southampton. That night, it’s a “Full Moon on the Farm with Hillary Rodham Clinton” barbecue at the East Hampton home of Hilary Leff and entertainment lawyer Elliot Groffman. Hors d’oeuvres will be provided by Anthony Weiner’s brother, Almond restaurant chef Jason Weiner.


617660  No.7213719


I have a missionary friend that told me about a Child sacrifice he and Michelle were in before election, it was in Kenya.

One of the witches there became so frightened she came to the US in our area for deliverance, things went flying. Real stuff, we will see.

d3b276  No.7213720

File: 175e55e096ce95b⋯.jpg (25.43 KB, 391x497, 391:497, sciff.jpg)


>did someone say oligarch?

bf21ff  No.7213721

File: c61ee9c3c681941⋯.jpeg (19.86 KB, 1020x460, 51:23, 1545313238.jpeg)

ed9bc2  No.7213722

File: da4ef3f4c6435d7⋯.png (323.35 KB, 1205x664, 1205:664, junkermann epstein.PNG)

File: 007f18b0ef0b7a2⋯.png (99.59 KB, 828x484, 207:121, JUNKERMANN MARRIAGE.PNG)



Brachetti Peretti's father, Count Aldo Maria Brachetti Peretti, was for thirty years, until September 2007, head of the family Group “API” (Anonima Petroli Italiana), founded by his maternal grandfather Cav. Del Lavoro Ferdinando Peretti.[citation needed] His mother, Mila,[2] worked for more than 30 years in the Red Cross and is the only woman in Italy to carry the military grade of General.

After graduating from high school with a diploma in classical studies, Brachetti Peretti enrolled in the School of Business and Economics at the University of Rome (“La Sapienza”). During his studies he served his military service as an official in the Carabinieri in 1980-1981 in Naples, achieving a Solemn Encomium for the 1980 Irpinia earthquake from the President of Republic.[citation needed]


867e52  No.7213723

File: 534b00079128351⋯.jpeg (494.42 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 13E7A567-0568-4A43-9BEC-2….jpeg)

ad52e7  No.7213724

File: 7018e046023bf71⋯.jpeg (1.13 MB, 1209x1360, 1209:1360, 55C70BE3-C36E-4F31-A39B-0….jpeg)

Red Castle tweets about missiles too.



11bfcc  No.7213725

File: 7dc4d6d572c6334⋯.jpg (12.91 KB, 134x191, 134:191, Number one.jpg)

7b9681  No.7213726


Part III continued

Article 15

1 . No one shall be held guilty of any criminal offence on account of any act or omission which did not constitute a criminal offence, under national or international law, at the time when it was committed. Nor shall a heavier penalty be imposed than the one that was applicable at the time when the criminal offence was committed. If, subsequent to the commission of the offence, provision is made by law for the imposition of the lighter penalty, the offender shall benefit thereby.

2. Nothing in this article shall prejudice the trial and punishment of any person for any act or omission which, at the time when it was committed, was criminal according to the general principles of law recognized by the community of nations.

Article 16

Everyone shall have the right to recognition everywhere as a person before the law.

Article 17

1. No one shall be subjected to arbitrary or unlawful interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to unlawful attacks on his honour and reputation.

2. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks.

Article 18

1. Everyone shall have the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion. This right shall include freedom to have or to adopt a religion or belief of his choice, and freedom, either individually or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in worship, observance, practice and teaching.

2. No one shall be subject to coercion which would impair his freedom to have or to adopt a religion or belief of his choice.

3. Freedom to manifest one's religion or beliefs may be subject only to such limitations as are prescribed by law and are necessary to protect public safety, order, health, or morals or the fundamental rights and freedoms of others.

4. The States Parties to the present Covenant undertake to have respect for the liberty of parents and, when applicable, legal guardians to ensure the religious and moral education of their children in conformity with their own convictions.

867e52  No.7213727

File: ef4decd51b116f3⋯.jpeg (775.49 KB, 1242x698, 621:349, 409E5D6D-547A-4CBA-B88F-4….jpeg)

953d1e  No.7213728

File: a136015840010b8⋯.mp4 (11.53 MB, 570x260, 57:26, The Boys Snippit.mp4)


Here is a snippit from the first episode.

Puruvian Coffee for those that can see it!

a4ae97  No.7213729

File: 8ec727187bdfbba⋯.png (129.1 KB, 695x634, 695:634, 2F940385-3A3D-4A85-9F30-33….png)

File: 063f38d426ce3f3⋯.png (199.99 KB, 459x235, 459:235, 6002E14C-A050-4224-A449-AF….png)

File: dafa2cdd40aa0b6⋯.png (459.04 KB, 687x905, 687:905, 07F627DD-B40D-489E-A333-D5….png)


Baker: Regarding previous NOTABLE:

Anon pointed to Q3414. Could the bar code on the George magazine 3163 - be pointing to Q3163?

At what point is it mathematically impossible?

Power is being returned to the PEOPLE.

The RULE OF LAW is being returned to our GREAT LAND.



39915a  No.7213730

File: 1105b2c5cef9329⋯.png (73.92 KB, 403x473, 403:473, Last page epsteins bb.png)

Anons was this UNREDACTED Epstein book seen? Here's the last page perdy interdasting. >>7211610

d1cd62  No.7213731


Oh My…here is a letter from the IRS claiming they are NOT tax exempt. Wow…this show is getting good.


78a10e  No.7213732


Yesterday it was a Muh Joo Baker getting slammed by the Muh Mason Bakers for being compd.

Today looks like it's Muh Mason Baker getting slammed by the Muh Joo Bakers for being compd.

There just has to be a DivisionFag Discord channel out there making schedules.

Just has to.

c04532  No.7213733


Im not a witness to it, but I believe in voodoo or I at least believe its a form of hypnosis and theres evil connected to it. Wicked stuff but its real and it takes over peoples bodies

53719d  No.7213734











6ecd03  No.7213735



>I posted it all here several days ago. got no traction.

just a reminder to newanons - there is a great search tool for Qreserch at the website:


like ed9bc2, there are often important topics that get dug on but receive no traction initially.

the qresear.ch page is a great way to see what has been discovered on that topic already, so that anons don't waste valuable hours duplicating others' research.

66a837  No.7213736

File: 523aa89210fc64c⋯.jpg (38.64 KB, 623x352, 623:352, Capture.JPG)

Israeli 'underworld' figures shot dead in Mexico City 'hit'

A woman in a blonde wig is suspected of carrying out a hit on two alleged Israeli underworld figures in a busy restaurant in Mexico City.

Alon Azulay, 41, and Benjamin Yeshurun Sutchi, 44, were shot dead on Wednesday as fellow diners looked on.

The woman, who was arrested as she attempted to flee, told police it was a crime of passion.

But police are now investigating if it was actually a "settling of scores" between rival criminal gangs.

"The passion motive has been discarded," Ulises Lara, a spokesman for prosecutors in Mexico City, told reporters on Thursday.

"The event yesterday lead us to link the events to a settling of scores between criminal groups."


7b9681  No.7213737


>Part III continued

Article 19

1. Everyone shall have the right to hold opinions without interference.

2. Everyone shall have the right to freedom of expression; this right shall include freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds, regardless of frontiers, either orally, in writing or in print, in the form of art, or through any other media of his choice.

3. The exercise of the rights provided for in paragraph 2 of this article carries with it special duties and responsibilities. It may therefore be subject to certain restrictions, but these shall only be such as are provided by law and are necessary:

(a) For respect of the rights or reputations of others;

(b) For the protection of national security or of public order (ordre public), or of public health or morals.

Article 20

1. Any propaganda for war shall be prohibited by law.

2. Any advocacy of national, racial or religious hatred that constitutes incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence shall be prohibited by law.

Article 21

The right of peaceful assembly shall be recognized. No restrictions may be placed on the exercise of this right other than those imposed in conformity with the law and which are necessary in a democratic society in the interests of national security or public safety, public order (ordre public), the protection of public health or morals or the protection of the rights and freedoms of others.

Article 22

1. Everyone shall have the right to freedom of association with others, including the right to form and join trade unions for the protection of his interests.

2. No restrictions may be placed on the exercise of this right other than those which are prescribed by law and which are necessary in a democratic society in the interests of national security or public safety, public order (ordre public), the protection of public health or morals or the protection of the rights and freedoms of others. This article shall not prevent the imposition of lawful restrictions on members of the armed forces and of the police in their exercise of this right.

3. Nothing in this article shall authorize States Parties to the International Labour Organisation Convention of 1948 concerning Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organize to take legislative measures which would prejudice, or to apply the law in such a manner as to prejudice, the guarantees provided for in that Convention.

af7326  No.7213738

File: 2c29f95af93c815⋯.jpg (61.81 KB, 1200x673, 1200:673, alyssa-milano.jpg)

723c35  No.7213739

File: ed41703aa096603⋯.png (374.08 KB, 657x830, 657:830, biden-glork.png)

8d70c5  No.7213740


It's not him… Digging around to identify.

I'm starting here…


c04532  No.7213741


i'll pity the fool who was born into it…but I dont pity the fool who chose to join it

53719d  No.7213742

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


our zombies demand more legislation to prevent humiliation of akward cabbage slaughter smells

6ecd03  No.7213743


sorry, meant to write "like ed9bc2 /mentions/, there are often…"

cfb580  No.7213744


bread won't let me post POTUS tweet screenshot!

Says, that file already exists!

but the friggin hell?

7b9681  No.7213745


>Part III continued

Article 23

1. The family is the natural and fundamental group unit of society and is entitled to protection by society and the State.

2. The right of men and women of marriageable age to marry and to found a family shall be recognized.

3. No marriage shall be entered into without the free and full consent of the intending spouses.

4. States Parties to the present Covenant shall take appropriate steps to ensure equality of rights and responsibilities of spouses as to marriage, during marriage and at its dissolution. In the case of dissolution, provision shall be made for the necessary protection of any children.

Article 24

1. Every child shall have, without any discrimination as to race, colour, sex, language, religion, national or social origin, property or birth, the right to such measures of protection as are required by his status as a minor, on the part of his family, society and the State.

2. Every child shall be registered immediately after birth and shall have a name.

3. Every child has the right to acquire a nationality.

Article 25

Every citizen shall have the right and the opportunity, without any of the distinctions mentioned in article 2 and without unreasonable restrictions:

(a) To take part in the conduct of public affairs, directly or through freely chosen representatives;

(b) To vote and to be elected at genuine periodic elections which shall be by universal and equal suffrage and shall be held by secret ballot, guaranteeing the free expression of the will of the electors;

(c) To have access, on general terms of equality, to public service in his country.

17be13  No.7213746

File: cc4c71df9bebf04⋯.jpg (83.85 KB, 768x512, 3:2, img_7869_-_copy-768x512.jpg)

979c3f  No.7213747


Anon's digging into the company, but many possibilities are all connected.

Chemtrail link?

"Air" conditioning.

6a737f  No.7213748



35a353  No.7213749


Maybe that was part of the reason they were chosen. They were easy to manipulate and then control. Become puppets of the cabal. Anyway, it does not refute anon's theory.

78a10e  No.7213750


>Gorka is also “Booming”

>Great actor and constant lurker.

So, you're saying there's a chance he sees this???:


4f9d7d  No.7213751

“Democrat candidates discussing economics”


9d97cf  No.7213752

File: 471c0da13819dd3⋯.jpeg (1.17 MB, 1630x1212, 815:606, 7D12E897-A1BB-4A56-A0F9-5….jpeg)


My favorite part is when he yells at his geriatric mother to open the door because he’s in his handicap cart. Meanwhile his mother, who should be in the cart, is carrying a coffee tray and can barely walk. So he gets frustrated and has to push the automatic door button by himself. The old hag has to be a single mother.

82670b  No.7213753


Holy shit! I guess the hope is that it is closed?

For her to just go away?

that works?

0a6196  No.7213754

File: c850938b5908134⋯.png (1.53 MB, 1973x1227, 1973:1227, Clinton and Epstein 2.png)



Same main big line in forehead. Same shape forehead.

Nose is a match, and area between eyebrows is a match.

Has a scruffy whiskers like Epstein and same hair style

cfb580  No.7213755

File: dea0f43e6fdb0b4⋯.png (227.91 KB, 1305x773, 1305:773, Screen Shot 2019-07-27 at ….png)



Trying again.

7b427f  No.7213756


gov positions should be filled by random selection, like jury duty.

6f782c  No.7213757


Dude looks more like Frank Reynolds to this anon.

600bbf  No.7213758


And then there is the "Patriot Act"

873e8c  No.7213759

File: 4ee800c8bac6b8d⋯.png (609.09 KB, 634x722, 317:361, ClipboardImage.png)


Killer Esperanza Gutierrez, 33, was pictured being loaded into the back of a police van (pictured right) in handcuffs after blasting Benjamin Yeshurun Sutchi, 44, and his bodyguard in front of horrified diners in Mexico City (left, customers hide under tables as gunshots ring out in the restaurant). Gutierrez then tried to escape by changing into a blonde wig and disguise - just like the villain from the hit BBC show. But CCTV video captured Gutierrez running through the streets near the upscale Plaza Artz Pedregal in the southwest of the capital before she was arrested. Her male accomplice managed to escape and is still at large.


6215d6  No.7213760

File: 0eb068a11c75736⋯.png (81.1 KB, 275x183, 275:183, ClipboardImage.png)


>Temple of Pergamon


Biblical Archaeology Society

The Great Altar of Pergamon is considered to be one of the greatest surviving monuments from antiquity. Now located in the Pergamon Museum in Berlin, …

7b9681  No.7213761


>Part III continued

Article 26

All persons are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to the equal protection of the law. In this respect, the law shall prohibit any discrimination and guarantee to all

persons equal and effective protection against discrimination on any ground such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.

Article 27

In those States in which ethnic, religious or linguistic minorities exist, persons belonging to such minorities shall not be denied the right, in community with the other members of their group, to enjoy their own culture, to profess and practise their own religion, or to use their own language.

ef2321  No.7213762

File: 4e9a79e562318a1⋯.png (1.37 MB, 990x1440, 11:16, ClipboardImage.png)


all those "new" pics were just caps from this 3min video


0a5c2c  No.7213763


Oh ffs.

Don’t play games.

Spit it out or fuck off.

6a737f  No.7213764

File: 8f302e26d65b0bc⋯.png (187.92 KB, 1772x375, 1772:375, crewmembersinfofromanontri….PNG)

File: 31022191d8b7a84⋯.png (999.73 KB, 1474x949, 1474:949, disneyepsteintripshmm.png)


anons yesterday were speculating dis

a71db0  No.7213765


savage! that one ought to rile up some haters.

ad52e7  No.7213766

File: 235011fb46a98e1⋯.jpeg (918.87 KB, 1222x1321, 1222:1321, 34FC1129-65E1-434F-835C-2….jpeg)

Subtle hint?


16e183  No.7213767

>>7213699 Real Housewives Of ISIS (spoof video)

Baker Notable For Keks

d20503  No.7213768

File: 0cea26f002e6850⋯.png (512.81 KB, 407x545, 407:545, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 11448f24b01c2b3⋯.png (358.66 KB, 408x376, 51:47, ClipboardImage.png)

66a837  No.7213769

File: b833ed0bb57f045⋯.jpg (35.7 KB, 598x304, 299:152, Capture.JPG)

President Trump DESTROYS Corrupt Democrat Elijah Cummings — Calls for Investigation into His “Rat and Rodent Infested” District

On Monday The Foundation for Accountability and Civic Trust asked the Maryland attorney general to investigate whether Rep. Elijah Cummings and his wife used a charity for improper self-enrichment.

This came after previous reports that a charity run by Maya Rockeymoore, the wife of Rep. Elijah Cummings, received millions from special interest groups and corporations that had business before her husband’s committee.

Earlier this month House Oversight Chairman Elijah Cummings (D-MD) demanded private emails from Trump Administration officials to determine if they violate record-keeping laws.

Cummings is leading the charge on the continued harassment of President Trump, his family and his associates.

On Saturday President Trump took to twitter to demand an investigation of Rep. Elijah Cummings and his corrupt Maryland district.

President Trump: Rep, Elijah Cummings has been a brutal bully, shouting and screaming at the great men & women of Border Patrol about conditions at the Southern Border, when actually his Baltimore district is FAR WORSE and more dangerous. His district is considered the Worst in the USA. As proven last week during a Congressional tour, the Border is clean, efficient & well run, just very crowded. Cumming District is a disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess. If he spent more time in Baltimore, maybe he could help clean up this very dangerous & filthy place. Why is so much money sent to the Elijah Cummings district when it is considered the worst run and most dangerous anywhere in the United States. No human being would want to live there. Where is all this money going? How much is stolen? Investigate this corrupt mess immediately!


f52826  No.7213770



I don't understand why you would be hired only to be immediately hounded and forced out of the job you were just hired for.

…Unless they want all your personal info that you would otherwise give to an employer and your DNA from the drug test.

78a10e  No.7213771

File: 6892f21ba35f1b0⋯.png (12.78 KB, 581x399, 83:57, Glork-urmom.png)


2 days in a row and still going strong.

GLORK is back!

6ecd03  No.7213772


weird to see DAvid Copperfield there - maybe he is just a run of the mill pedo, but given the Epstein crowd's interest in Canaanite and European ceremonial magic, maybe there was more to Copperfield than meets the eye… maybe he is more than just a stage illusionist.

71363d  No.7213773



7b9681  No.7213774



Article 28

1. There shall be established a Human Rights Committee (hereafter referred to in the present Covenant as the Committee). It shall consist of eighteen members and shall carry out the functions hereinafter provided.

2. The Committee shall be composed of nationals of the States Parties to the present Covenant who shall be persons of high moral character and recognized competence in the field of human rights, consideration being given to the usefulness of the participation of some persons having legal experience.

3. The members of the Committee shall be elected and shall serve in their personal capacity.

Article 29

1. The members of the Committee shall be elected by secret ballot from a list of persons possessing the qualifications prescribed in article 28 and nominated for the purpose by the States Parties to the present Covenant.

2. Each State Party to the present Covenant may nominate not more than two persons. These persons shall be nationals of the nominating State.

3. A person shall be eligible for renomination.

Article 30

1. The initial election shall be held no later than six months after the date of the entry into force of the present Covenant.

2. At least four months before the date of each election to the Committee, other than an election to fill a vacancy declared in accordance with article 34, the Secretary-General of the United Nations shall address a written invitation to the States Parties to the present Covenant to submit their nominations for membership of the Committee within three months.

3. The Secretary-General of the United Nations shall prepare a list in alphabetical order of all the persons thus nominated, with an indication of the States Parties which have nominated them, and shall submit it to the States Parties to the present Covenant no later than one month before the date of each election.

4. Elections of the members of the Committee shall be held at a meeting of the States Parties to the present Covenant convened by the Secretary General of the United Nations at the Headquarters of the United Nations. At that meeting, for which two thirds of the States Parties to the present Covenant shall constitute a quorum, the persons elected to the Committee shall be those nominees who obtain the largest number of votes and an absolute majority of the votes of the representatives of States Parties present and voting.

Article 31

1. The Committee may not include more than one national of the same State.

2. In the election of the Committee, consideration shall be given to equitable geographical distribution of membership and to the representation of the different forms of civilization and of the principal legal systems.

a78707  No.7213775

File: c726fa8fc2c00f6⋯.jpg (53.46 KB, 696x538, 348:269, FA-XX.jpg)

Report on U.S. Navy F/A-XX Next Generation Fighter will be ready in Summer

Rear Admiral Scott D. Conn, director of Air Warfare in the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations, said on Apr. 4 that the analysis of alternatives (AoA) for U.S. Navy next-generation air-dominance fighter aircraft (F/A-XX) will be complete during spring of 2019.

“That AoA will be complete this spring,” Rear Adm. Scott D. Conn, director of air warfare in the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations, said during hearing of the Tactical Air and Ground Forces subcommittee of the House Armed Services Committee.

“The final report will come out this summer, and that will inform future choices reflected in future budget cycles in terms of what we need to do to get after the lethality that we need at a cost that we can afford.”

The F/A-XX air-dominance fighter will be a sixth-generation aircraft that eventually will replace the F/A-18E/F Super Hornet strike fighter in the Navy’s carrier air wings.


6f782c  No.7213776

File: fb1e88d97fb9846⋯.png (56.51 KB, 253x185, 253:185, Screen Shot 2019-04-21 at ….png)


Random slave masters are no better than assigned slave masters.

c96ed7  No.7213777


Tony Rodham

d33f2e  No.7213778


Link is PB. Heads up phonefags.

d1cd62  No.7213779


BREAKING-EXCLUSIVE: Scientology’s Top Corporation Made Uranium Mines Swap with U.S. Government


16e183  No.7213780


Thanks fren, gonna do a side by side of these.

55df36  No.7213781

File: e43cd4853b2e9ff⋯.png (523.55 KB, 736x776, 92:97, ClipboardImage.png)


33 eh?

af27a7  No.7213782

File: a2ac2acaf4c2157⋯.png (24.6 KB, 133x160, 133:160, ClipboardImage.png)


Funny thing is, Israel loved Mattis…Even douchebag Durbin loved Mattis..

And Mattis was opposed to Trumps stance on Iran..

Now one would think, Israel would've sided with Trump and not Mattis, but the didn't.

So it lead me to believe, that the Iran deal was actually orchestrated by Israel, to justify later and all out attack on Iran….

How did Israel know about Iran's secret base in Syria? Cause they were in on it..

Saving Israel for Last

53719d  No.7213783


i can;t believe this cocaine trafficking pedophile spends so much time harrassing a us18rico claimant online

51f790  No.7213784

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Mornin' anons


X, this one for you Thundercat!

Ah the good old days when we all knew what gender we were and had not a care in the world. Enjoy

c04532  No.7213786

File: b8704f09a9930c2⋯.jpg (24.5 KB, 474x308, 237:154, main-qimg-455eb134d78a7421….jpg)

File: 4cc583cf5c39ca2⋯.jpg (26.48 KB, 400x282, 200:141, obama.jpg)

File: b9fe2af208a8b49⋯.jpg (7.23 KB, 175x175, 1:1, Oprah-and-John-of-god-175x….jpg)

File: 79dc2dcdc098f0b⋯.jpg (130.61 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, DTNR9AJXkAA_dKC.jpg)


Oprah too….voodoo queen. So nice in public, so evil in the shadows.

11bfcc  No.7213787

File: f85d7c561c25534⋯.jpg (17.85 KB, 207x220, 207:220, happy.jpg)

8b77a8  No.7213788

File: 369d1227bc694e9⋯.png (1014.68 KB, 2732x1093, 2732:1093, Screenshot_2019-07-16-23-4….png)

File: ca0c5cfc67ac4fb⋯.png (426.86 KB, 1349x1838, 1349:1838, Screenshot_2019-07-27 Sand….png)

File: 610c55ed9b79fd8⋯.jpg (221.33 KB, 1440x2010, 48:67, 20190524_170632.jpg)

File: 6af9a319ccd6dd2⋯.png (2.25 MB, 1009x6117, 1009:6117, Screenshot_2019-04-30 The ….png)

File: 87968f829856748⋯.png (331.26 KB, 1128x2911, 1128:2911, Screenshot_2019-04-30 Lobb….png)

7b9681  No.7213789


>Part IV continued

Article 32

1. The members of the Committee shall be elected for a term of four years. They shall be eligible for re-election if renominated. However, the terms of nine of the members elected at the first election shall expire at the end of two years; immediately after the first election, the names of these nine members shall be chosen by lot by the Chairman of the meeting referred to in article 30, paragraph 4. 2. Elections at the expiry of office shall be held in accordance with the preceding articles of this part of the present Covenant.

Article 33

1. If, in the unanimous opinion of the other members, a member of the Committee has ceased to carry out his functions for any cause other than absence of a temporary character, the Chairman of the Committee shall notify the Secretary-General of the United Nations, who shall then declare the seat of that member to be vacant.

2. In the event of the death or the resignation of a member of the Committee, the Chairman shall immediately notify the Secretary-General of the United Nations, who shall declare the seat vacant from the date of death or the date on which the resignation takes effect.

Article 34

1. When a vacancy is declared in accordance with article 33 and if the term of office of the member to be replaced does not expire within six months of the declaration of the vacancy, the Secretary- General of the United Nations shall notify each of the States Parties to the present Covenant, which may within two months submit nominations in accordance with article 29 for the purpose of filling the vacancy.

2. The Secretary-General of the United Nations shall prepare a list in alphabetical order of the persons thus nominated and shall submit it to the States Parties to the present Covenant. The

election to fill the vacancy shall then take place in accordance with the relevant provisions of this part of the present Covenant.

3. A member of the Committee elected to fill a vacancy declared in accordance with article 33 shall hold office for the remainder of the term of the member who vacated the seat on the Committee under the provisions of that article.

a71db0  No.7213790


he's telling us that Cummings and Baltimore is super swamp

0e5daf  No.7213791

File: a98f34f4ba2533e⋯.png (569.23 KB, 891x500, 891:500, ClipboardImage.png)

17be13  No.7213792




Doesn't make the pics any less valuable for research, but it is nice to know that it's not some "insider" posting original photographs or evidence.

9d97cf  No.7213793



71363d  No.7213794

File: c0cb34bc5d0e47e⋯.jpeg (1.35 MB, 2187x3219, 729:1073, 2718A4AD-2D00-4EEF-BE47-2….jpeg)

53719d  No.7213795

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

600bbf  No.7213796


That's what I was thinking

f551d6  No.7213797

bf30da  No.7213799



>he's telling us that Cummings and Baltimore is super swamp

RR was US Attorney MD

55df36  No.7213800


Welp, all eyes on Cummings and Baltimore.

8b77a8  No.7213801

File: 2352a17ca8706d4⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1675x734, 1675:734, Screenshot_2019-04-30 Davi….png)

File: 975056ba888bf58⋯.png (383.79 KB, 426x610, 213:305, Screenshot_2019-04-30 Davi….png)

File: 09d4d2f016d37aa⋯.png (348.51 KB, 426x405, 142:135, Screenshot_2019-04-30 Davi….png)

File: 486206d815ccb91⋯.png (160.74 KB, 426x355, 6:5, Screenshot_2019-04-30 Davi….png)

File: 9e3a97241af067c⋯.png (135.52 KB, 900x1503, 100:167, Screenshot_2019-04-30 Lobb….png)

bb3696  No.7213802

File: de765037fe90336⋯.jpeg (247.36 KB, 681x1030, 681:1030, 54810619-9396-4DB1-A56E-8….jpeg)

In Pence speech to Hudson

Did anyone catch his phrase, China is ‘

“beating their plowshares into swords”?

https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=aeVrMniBjSc📁 11:20 China is

Image: davidcharlton.blogspot.com

Joel 3:10 10Beat your plowshares into swords and your pruning hooks into spears. Let the weakling say, "I am strong!"

A Very endtime thing to say, anons.

Also, did it get noted that Pence seems deliberate about flipping his eye balls upward after certain statements. Any signal fag Anons Think Pence is signaling to his audience?

fca3f5  No.7213803

File: 43cd25ee6f53ec6⋯.png (36.89 KB, 400x400, 1:1, q - israel 2.png)


I'll believe it when I see it.

"Mission accomplished".

"Hope and Change!"

"America First!"

All lies at this point. I hope you're right, but not naive enough to hold my breath.

7b9681  No.7213804


>Part IV continued

Article 35

The members of the Committee shall, with the approval of the General Assembly of the United Nations, receive emoluments from United Nations resources on such terms and conditions as the General Assembly may decide, having regard to the importance of the Committee's responsibilities.

Article 36

The Secretary-General of the United Nations shall provide the necessary staff and facilities for the effective performance of the functions of the Committee under the present Covenant.

Article 37

1. The Secretary-General of the United Nations shall convene the initial meeting of the Committee at the Headquarters of the United Nations.

2. After its initial meeting, the Committee shall meet at such times as shall be provided in its rules of procedure.

3. The Committee shall normally meet at the Headquarters of the United Nations or at the United Nations Office at Geneva.

Article 38

Every member of the Committee shall, before taking up his duties, make a solemn declaration in open committee that he will perform his functions impartially and conscientiously.

Article 39

1. The Committee shall elect its officers for a term of two years. They may be re-elected.

2. The Committee shall establish its own rules of procedure, but these rules shall provide, inter alia, that:

(a) Twelve members shall constitute a quorum;

(b) Decisions of the Committee shall be made by a majority vote of the members present.

Article 40

1. The States Parties to the present Covenant undertake to submit reports on the measures they have adopted which give effect to the rights recognized herein and on the progress made in the enjoyment of those rights: (a) Within one year of the entry into force of the present Covenant for the States Parties concerned;

(b) Thereafter whenever the Committee so requests.

2. All reports shall be submitted to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, who shall transmit them to the Committee for consideration. Reports shall indicate the factors and difficulties, if any, affecting the implementation of the present Covenant.

3. The Secretary-General of the United Nations may, after consultation with the Committee, transmit to the specialized agencies concerned copies of such parts of the reports as may fall within their field of competence.

4. The Committee shall study the reports submitted by the States Parties to the present Covenant. It shall transmit its reports, and such general comments as it may consider appropriate, to the States Parties. The Committee may also transmit to the Economic and Social Council these comments along with the copies of the reports it has received from States Parties to the present Covenant.

5. The States Parties to the present Covenant may submit to the Committee observations on any comments that may be made in accordance with paragraph 4 of this article.

7b427f  No.7213805


okay then, anarchy for all.

af27a7  No.7213806


Junkermann and Ghislaine Maxwall were/are both part of TerraMar

723c35  No.7213807


good stuff ty

11bfcc  No.7213808


anon notes; not baking; Don't mind me

>>7213517, >>7213531, >>7213576, Planefaggery

>>7213465 Deep fakes trigger a race to fight manipulated photos and videos.

>>7213502 Epstein Godfather Reference MSN.

>>7213503, >>7213518 Epstein FBI Vault, and Burt Reynolds?

>>7213510 Epstein pictures tie Chauntae Davies to Bill Clinton and possibly Chris Tucker

>>7213555 Dick Wolf Law & Order SVU Episode Eerily Similar to the Epstein Modus Operandi.

>>7213564, >>7213591, >>7213641, >>7213694, >>7213754 Possible photo of Epstein and Bill Clinton found. Use discernment anons.

>>7213584 Senate moves bill with up to $15,000 fines for sharing memes online.

>>7213587 Epstein’s ‘Lolita Express’ pilots subpoenaed to corroborate new sex trafficking & pedophilia claims .

>>7213606 Siri ‘regularly’ records sex encounters, sends ‘countless’ private moments to Apple contractors.

>>7213609 Deutsche Boerse Sees Refintiv Talks Failing After LSE Plans.

>>7213630 Iran threatens Brazil for seizing two ships.

>>7213670 US Navy twitter: Join us in the commissioning of the @USNavy's newest guided-missile destroyer

>>7213687 Fukushima fishing port hit by 2011 tsunami reopens after 8-year hiatus.

>>7213699 Real Housewives Of ISIS (spoof video) For da Keks.

>>7213714 THE UPDATED LIST: 130 Times the FBI, DOJ and/or Mueller Gang “Deviated from Standard Practice” or Committed Crimes in Efforts to Exonerate Hillary and Indict President Trump.

>>7213722 Information on Nicole Junkermann

>>7213724 USACE HQ Tweets about Misille Defence Agency.

>>7213769 President Trump DESTROYS Corrupt Democrat Elijah Cummings — Calls for Investigation into His “Rat and Rodent Infested” District.

>>7213775 Report on U.S. Navy F/A-XX Next Generation Fighter will be ready in Summer.

9be06c  No.7213809

File: 8cf7e845c520207⋯.png (643.6 KB, 720x1480, 18:37, 57cfcdaefa593f52fec3dd369c….png)

53719d  No.7213810

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

7b9681  No.7213811


>Part IV continued

Article 41

1. A State Party to the present Covenant may at any time declare under this article that it recognizes the competence of the Committee to receive and consider communications to the effect that a State Party claims that another State Party is not fulfilling its obligations under the present Covenant. Communications under this article may be received and considered only if submitted by a State Party which has made a declaration recognizing in regard to itself the competence of the Committee. No communication shall be received by the Committee if it concerns a State Party which has not made such a declaration. Communications received under this article shall be dealt with in accordance with the following procedure:

(a) If a State Party to the present Covenant considers that another State Party is not giving effect to the provisions of the present Covenant, it may, by written communication, bring the matter to the attention of that State Party. Within three months after the receipt of the communication the receiving State shall afford the State which sent the communication an explanation, or any other statement in writing clarifying the matter which should include, to the extent possible and pertinent, reference to domestic procedures and remedies taken, pending, or available in the matter;

(b) If the matter is not adjusted to the satisfaction of both States Parties concerned within six months after the receipt by the receiving State of the initial communication, either State shall have the right to refer the matter to the Committee, by notice given to the Committee and to the other State;

(c) The Committee shall deal with a matter referred to it only after it has ascertained that all available domestic remedies have been invoked and exhausted in the matter, in conformity with the generally recognized principles of international law. This shall not be the rule where the application of the remedies is unreasonably prolonged;

(d) The Committee shall hold closed meetings when examining communications under this article;

(e) Subject to the provisions of subparagraph (c), the Committee shall make available its good offices to the States Parties concerned with a view to a friendly solution of the matter on the basis of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms as recognized in the present Covenant;

(f) In any matter referred to it, the Committee may call upon the States Parties concerned, referred to in subparagraph (b), to supply any relevant information;

(g) The States Parties concerned, referred to in subparagraph (b), shall have the right to be represented when the matter is being considered in the Committee and to make submissions orally and/or in writing;

(h) The Committee shall, within twelve months after the date of receipt of notice under subparagraph (b), submit a report:

(i) If a solution within the terms of subparagraph (e) is reached, the Committee shall confine its report to a brief statement of the facts and of the solution reached;

(ii) If a solution within the terms of subparagraph (e) is not reached, the Committee shall confine its report to a brief statement of the facts; the written submissions and record of the oral submissions made by the States Parties concerned shall be attached to the report. In every matter, the report shall be communicated to the States Parties concerned.

2. The provisions of this article shall come into force when ten States Parties to the present Covenant have made declarations under paragraph I of this article. Such declarations shall be deposited by the States Parties with the Secretary-General of the United Nations, who shall transmit copies thereof to the other States Parties. A declaration may be withdrawn at any time by notification to the Secretary- General. Such a withdrawal shall not prejudice the consideration of any matter which is the subject of a communication already transmitted under this article; no further communication by any State Party shall be received after the notification of withdrawal of the declaration has been received by the Secretary-General, unless the State Party concerned has made a new declaration.

a76c9f  No.7213812


Barr's glasses get thin up where they meet at the hinge….

a71db0  No.7213813


if the military would adopt Mark Rippetoes Starting Strength program then we would have super well conditioned soldiers

1a9ab9  No.7213814

File: ef2c4eb7ed97037⋯.jpg (256.03 KB, 1208x681, 1208:681, AM_Treason (1).jpg)

bb3696  No.7213815


11:00 mark Sorry i changed that but it is still wrong

Hudson Institute speech in the link

af27a7  No.7213816


Well, if I'm wrong, I'll be the first to decend on Washington with mal intention, along with millions others.

24eeef  No.7213817

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


DC is way more important than most realize right now.

53719d  No.7213818

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

9cd9c6  No.7213819






Q Graphics all in GMT #84-#86 >>>/comms/5510, >>7213112 , >>7213118

can be changed to

Q Graphics all in GMT #84-#86 >>>/comms/5510, >>>/comms/5577, >>7213118

2a0ed6  No.7213820

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Note Jean Luc Brunel triple starred.

e30c15  No.7213821


I posted on night shift that I believe Epstein may be connected to Hunter Thompson's death. Thompson had dropped hints that he was writing a piece about snuff films. Thompson may have stumbled onto it during his days in Palm Beach. After his divorce from his first wife, Thompson was a house guest of Jimmy Buffett. It was during that time that he wrote his piece A Dog Took My Place for Rolling Stone magazine in which he covered the Roxanne Pulitzer divorce and accusations of bestiality.

Thompson was a Dali Lama type figure to the rich & famous. He had many powerful and connected acquaintances in the Democratic Party. Digging the Epstein little black book for a connection.

8b77a8  No.7213822

File: a9608fac0ffd81c⋯.png (606.26 KB, 1081x1196, 47:52, Screenshot_2019-04-30 Chie….png)

File: bace30908ca33f9⋯.png (976.61 KB, 1323x8772, 441:2924, Screenshot_2019-04-30 Chie….png)

File: 3434bd2a2ae339b⋯.png (6.02 KB, 1082x84, 541:42, Screenshot_2019-04-30 Birt….png)

File: 6c8f556aa55d28b⋯.png (1.8 MB, 1456x2072, 26:37, 6c8f556aa55d28b3caefb0ff7f….png)

ef2321  No.7213823


anons know it is

shills deny

dont waste your effort trying to convince them

7b9681  No.7213824


>Part IV continued

Article 42


(a) If a matter referred to the Committee in accordance with article 41 is not resolved to the satisfaction of the States Parties concerned, the Committee may, with the prior consent of the States Parties concerned, appoint an ad hoc Conciliation Commission (hereinafter referred to as the Commission). The good offices of the Commission shall be made available to the States Parties concerned with a view to an amicable solution of the matter on the basis of respect for the present Covenant;

(b) The Commission shall consist of five persons acceptable to the States Parties concerned. If the States Parties concerned fail to reach agreement within three months on all or part of the composition of the Commission, the members of the Commission concerning whom no agreement has been reached shall be elected by secret ballot by a two-thirds majority vote of the Committee from among its members.

2. The members of the Commission shall serve in their personal capacity. They shall not be nationals of the States Parties concerned, or of a State not Party to the present Covenant, or of a State Party which has not made a declaration under article 41.

3. The Commission shall elect its own Chairman and adopt its own rules of procedure.

4. The meetings of the Commission shall normally be held at the Headquarters of the United Nations or at the United Nations Office at Geneva. However, they may be held at such other convenient places as the Commission may determine in consultation with the Secretary-General of the United Nations and the States Parties concerned.

5. The secretariat provided in accordance with article 36 shall also service the commissions appointed under this article.

6. The information received and collated by the Committee shall be made available to the Commission and the Commission may call upon the States Parties concerned to supply any other relevant information.

7. When the Commission has fully considered the matter, but in any event not later than twelve months after having been seized of the matter, it shall submit to the Chairman of the Committee a report for communication to the States Parties concerned:

(a) If the Commission is unable to complete its consideration of the matter within twelve months, it shall confine its report to a brief statement of the status of its consideration of the matter;

(b) If an amicable solution to the matter on tie basis of respect for human rights as recognized in the present Covenant is reached, the Commission shall confine its report to a brief statement of the facts and of the solution reached;

(c) If a solution within the terms of subparagraph (b) is not reached, the Commission's report shall embody its findings on all questions of fact relevant to the issues between the States Parties concerned, and its views on the possibilities of an amicable solution of the matter. This report shall also contain the written submissions and a record of the oral submissions made by the States Parties concerned;

(d) If the Commission's report is submitted under subparagraph (c), the States Parties concerned shall, within three months of the receipt of the report, notify the Chairman of the Committee whether or not they accept the contents of the report of the Commission.

8. The provisions of this article are without prejudice to the responsibilities of the Committee under article 41.

9. The States Parties concerned shall share equally all the expenses of the members of the Commission in accordance with estimates to be provided by the Secretary-General of the United Nations.

10. The Secretary-General of the United Nations shall be empowered to pay the expenses of the members of the Commission, if necessary, before reimbursement by the States Parties concerned, in accordance with paragraph 9 of this article.

d3b276  No.7213825

File: 22a1beb35fc2dfa⋯.jpg (61.23 KB, 685x304, 685:304, sean n bibi.jpg)


"The greatest nation created by God"

i'm with Omar on this one. #2020. and i am not the only non-pro-semite voting.

873e8c  No.7213826


District of Columbia

City of London

Vatican City

See a pattern forming? They are all 'countries' within countries.

0e5daf  No.7213827

File: d496cfac8d3b9c5⋯.png (502.34 KB, 500x666, 250:333, ClipboardImage.png)

53719d  No.7213828

File: fc594e3d8fdbc97⋯.jpg (297.82 KB, 1139x817, 1139:817, SealedCases(Indictments)Ju….JPG)

File: e390959e0df9e77⋯.jpg (153.29 KB, 800x622, 400:311, Tank vs girlfriend_e0c873_….jpg)

just a reminder when doing shotgun arrests

the french tank still does buttstuff

fca3f5  No.7213829


He looks like he has blonde hair and blond mustache.


Now I know it's not him. Only a retarded shill would say this.

7b9681  No.7213830


>Part IV continued

Article 43

The members of the Committee, and of the ad hoc conciliation commissions which may be appointed under article 42, shall be entitled to the facilities, privileges and immunities of experts on mission for the United Nations as laid down in the relevant sections of the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations.

Article 44

The provisions for the implementation of the present Covenant shall apply without prejudice to the procedures prescribed in the field of human rights by or under the constituent instruments and the conventions of the United Nations and of the specialized agencies and shall not prevent the States Parties to the present Covenant from having recourse to other procedures for settling a dispute in accordance with general or special international agreements in force between them.

Article 45

The Committee shall submit to the General Assembly of the United Nations, through the Economic and Social Council, an annual report on its activities.

530b84  No.7213831

The 19th Century initiate was hung by a crane from a keystone - supposed to represent the keystone asterism in the head of the constellation Hercules

3ad9b0  No.7213832

File: c1d98fd091cf581⋯.jpg (82.35 KB, 1080x400, 27:10, Screenshot_20190727-104532….jpg)

Dark to light

Watch the water


Thank You Baker!

053857  No.7213833

File: cfde7f20fb17933⋯.png (338.22 KB, 482x736, 241:368, telaviv8.PNG)

File: d4f876d54b8c228⋯.png (283.65 KB, 521x406, 521:406, cjbsniffsQbaby.PNG)


Kike shilling, yawn

77f2b0  No.7213834



Even your simpleton observations are WRONG FAKE AND GAY!

The hair texture is totally different. Epstein has coarse, thick, wavy, salt and pepper hair.

The guy in this picture has fine, straight, Santa Claus white hair.

The forehead crease is in a different location in comparison to the hairline.

There is no deep crease between the brows.

This guy is MUCH chunkier than Epstein. Check the jawline.

The shape of the eyes and eye sockets are entirely different. Same for the wrinkles around the eyes.

Stop pushing this anon

It’s not Epstein.

fca3f5  No.7213835

7b9681  No.7213836



Article 46

Nothing in the present Covenant shall be interpreted as impairing the provisions of the Charter of the United Nations and of the constitutions of the specialized agencies which define the respective responsibilities of the various organs of the United Nations and of the specialized agencies in regard to the matters dealt with in the present Covenant.

Article 47

Nothing in the present Covenant shall be interpreted as impairing the inherent right of all peoples to enjoy and utilize fully and freely their natural wealth and resources.

24eeef  No.7213837

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

6a737f  No.7213838



picking up on all sorts of lying vibes w those lyin eyes. crocodile tears imo. "ill have children some day, feel sorry for me, I had no idea!" no ones buying it. ya sure that bracelet was for Chelsea?

af27a7  No.7213839


When I saw Buffett's name in the Epstein book, oooof.

Been a big parrothead since late 70's

a71db0  No.7213840

File: e2a1c484da051c1⋯.png (30.67 KB, 877x271, 877:271, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0fc50f6461fd313⋯.png (92.29 KB, 810x438, 135:73, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fbea9e7944e2da9⋯.png (91.97 KB, 408x587, 408:587, ClipboardImage.png)

Q Proof!

>“I think China would probably say: ‘Let’s wait. Let’s wait. Maybe Trump will lose and we can deal with another dope, or another stiff.’”


78297f  No.7213841



Like Potus, all publicity is good. My opinion of Gorka has changed since he fussed at Brian Karem (POS for playboy..yuk) on the WH lawn.

53719d  No.7213842

File: 59e2632d214daba⋯.png (63.93 KB, 590x340, 59:34, IMG_5061.PNG)

File: 1de9ced4779c4f3⋯.jpg (176.02 KB, 831x880, 831:880, IMG_5068.JPG)

File: 0a4190c32a695c0⋯.png (674.18 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_5069.PNG)

File: 9de1c6e25d4bedd⋯.jpg (37.11 KB, 327x448, 327:448, IMG_5070.JPG)

File: a34925bd15dc336⋯.jpg (34.28 KB, 474x257, 474:257, IMG_5071.JPG)

8b77a8  No.7213843

File: f28b48c062907f7⋯.jpg (316.64 KB, 1410x710, 141:71, 258541.jpg)

File: 4a438b8d82b3f0f⋯.jpg (231.64 KB, 1410x710, 141:71, 258542.jpg)

File: e40aa375499b5ff⋯.jpg (312.62 KB, 1410x710, 141:71, 258553.jpg)

File: 1a65e8af3a5eef2⋯.png (93.27 KB, 742x491, 742:491, Screenshot_2019-07-27 140 ….png)

File: b15d61785659a99⋯.png (561.95 KB, 742x2898, 53:207, Screenshot_2019-07-27 Twel….png)

dig last couple of hours of night shift

re-posting. lots of crumbs. old names…

fb856a  No.7213844


Looks nothing like Epstein.

ef2321  No.7213845

File: 5da49f32c6e561a⋯.png (810.89 KB, 975x650, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

7b9681  No.7213846



Article 48

1. The present Covenant is open for signature by any State Member of the United Nations or member of any of its specialized agencies, by any State Party to the Statute of the International Court of Justice, and by any other State which has been invited by the General Assembly of the United Nations to become a Party to the present Covenant.

2. The present Covenant is subject to ratification. Instruments of ratification shall be deposited with the Secretary-General of the United Nations.

3. The present Covenant shall be open to accession by any State referred to in paragraph 1 of this article.

4. Accession shall be effected by the deposit of an instrument of accession with the Secretary- General of the United Nations.

5. The Secretary-General of the United Nations shall inform all States which have signed this Covenant or acceded to it of the deposit of each instrument of ratification or accession.

Article 49

1. The present Covenant shall enter into force three months after the date of the deposit with the Secretary-General of the United Nations of the thirty-fifth instrument of ratification or instrument of accession.

2. For each State ratifying the present Covenant or acceding to it after the deposit of the thirty-fifth instrument of ratification or instrument of accession, the present Covenant shall enter into force three months after the date of the deposit of its own instrument of ratification or instrument of accession.

6f782c  No.7213847

File: 8ce68209f1cffb6⋯.png (271.16 KB, 486x375, 162:125, Screen Shot 2019-06-11 at ….png)



66a837  No.7213848

File: 603529d855be760⋯.jpg (52.78 KB, 758x572, 379:286, Capture.JPG)

Seems Trump isn't letting them off the hook

The secret backstory of how Obama let Hezbollah off the hook


How Hezbollah turned to trafficking cocaine and laundering money through used cars to finance its expansion.

In its determination to secure a nuclear deal with Iran, the Obama administration derailed an ambitious law enforcement campaign targeting drug trafficking by the Iranian-backed terrorist group Hezbollah, even as it was funneling cocaine into the United States, according to a POLITICO investigation.

The campaign, dubbed Project Cassandra, was launched in 2008 after the Drug Enforcement Administration amassed evidence that Hezbollah had transformed itself from a Middle East-focused military and political organization into an international crime syndicate that some investigators believed was collecting $1 billion a year from drug and weapons trafficking, money laundering and other criminal activities.


Criminal complaint for Project Cassandra. See page 75 ∞ ipt


8b77a8  No.7213849

File: bc4354a93bc03b1⋯.png (643.21 KB, 959x2958, 959:2958, Screenshot_2019-07-27 Twel….png)

File: 498176e4341b4cb⋯.png (1.53 MB, 1102x3927, 1102:3927, Screenshot_2019-07-27 Twel….png)

File: 234ea1326c9fea2⋯.png (2.88 MB, 1072x5051, 1072:5051, Screenshot_2019-07-27 Twel….png)

File: 8c5dbc0f6cda843⋯.jpg (1.87 MB, 1349x5417, 1349:5417, Screenshot_2019-07-27 Peac….jpg)

cfb580  No.7213850


ty fren.

I was tryin a side-by-side but reply window wouldn't let me for some reason.

said: file already exists.

53719d  No.7213851

File: 7fe4892827362ff⋯.png (823.87 KB, 1125x900, 5:4, IMG_7462.PNG)

File: 13c4fe9e7c7cf6a⋯.jpg (73.8 KB, 480x672, 5:7, IMG_7468.JPG)

File: 1ba67bcfa2b7356⋯.png (7.96 KB, 249x202, 249:202, IMG_7469.PNG)

File: 10ec44f82d46edb⋯.png (93.95 KB, 500x399, 500:399, IMG_7470.PNG)

File: bd19b85d71d239e⋯.jpg (120.98 KB, 500x378, 250:189, IMG_7471.JPG)

b04a6f  No.7213852

File: 1882c7c62994af2⋯.jpg (82.94 KB, 798x570, 7:5, clinbran.jpg)

a4f27d  No.7213853


DC isn't america

The queen needs auth to enter the square mile

Vatican it's just too obvious

Nothing to see here

d1af6d  No.7213854

File: 241e6f44b3ae6a0⋯.png (1.71 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 5C06FF8B-F601-49A9-A9E6-07….png)

Netflix movie about some alien alliance caught my eye… from some reason…

Check time stamp of freeze frame

78a10e  No.7213855


I'm fine with anyone POTUS vouches for.

Just get hard woodrows when someone mentions Gorka lurks here.

7b9681  No.7213856


>Part VI continued

Article 50

The provisions of the present Covenant shall extend to all parts of federal States without any limitations or exceptions.

Article 51

1. Any State Party to the present Covenant may propose an amendment and file it with the Secretary-General of the United Nations. The Secretary-General of the United Nations shall thereupon communicate any proposed amendments to the States Parties to the present Covenant with a request that they notify him whether they favour a conference of States Parties for the purpose of considering and voting upon the proposals. In the event that at least one third of the States Parties favours such a conference, the Secretary-General shall convene the conference under the auspices of the United Nations. Any amendment adopted by a majority of the States Parties present and voting at the conference shall be submitted to the General Assembly of the United Nations for approval.

2. Amendments shall come into force when they have been approved by the General Assembly of the United Nations and accepted by a two-thirds majority of the States Parties to the present Covenant in accordance with their respective constitutional processes. 3. When amendments come into force, they shall be binding on those States Parties which have accepted them, other States Parties still being bound by the provisions of the present Covenant and any earlier amendment which they have accepted.

Article 52

1. Irrespective of the notifications made under article 48, paragraph 5, the Secretary-General of the United Nations shall inform all States referred to in paragraph I of the same article of the following particulars:

(a) Signatures, ratifications and accessions under article 48;

(b) The date of the entry into force of the present Covenant under article 49 and the date of the entry into force of any amendments under article 51.

Article 53

1. The present Covenant, of which the Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish texts are equally authentic, shall be deposited in the archives of the United Nations.

2. The Secretary-General of the United Nations shall transmit certified copies of the present Covenant to all States referred to in article 48.


723c35  No.7213857


> Thompson may have stumbled onto it

Hunter Thompson was an evil, depraved drug-addled, snuff film-directing pedophile. He should be dug up and shot in the head again.

e5e27b  No.7213858

File: 43a7cd9db7fcb15⋯.png (287.53 KB, 400x418, 200:209, 43a7cd9db7fcb1590576ad3482….png)

REMINDER: Q team is a (((JEW))) team and the (((Q))) "psyop" is (was?) actually targeted at someone who (((JEWS))) think is literally Satan. Me. 🤣🤣🤣😈😈😈

This isn't about politics and all political news (if not all news) should be considered "fake news".

You are living in a (((JEW))) World Order in case you didn't already know. Those "larping" as (((Q))) themselves said that the "N" in NWO doesn't stand for "New" but it seems they failed to mention that the "N" is supposed to be a "J". 🤣

Anyway, it seems (((they))) have been watching me since I was a kid similar to what was shown in the movie The Truman Show. 🤷‍♂️


8b77a8  No.7213859

File: d99cee91a1c92ca⋯.png (1.58 MB, 1506x4579, 1506:4579, Screenshot_2019-07-27 PEAC….png)

File: 32e0116cc3982f6⋯.jpg (1.98 MB, 1349x5308, 1349:5308, Screenshot_2019-07-27 Tall….jpg)

File: 9c3a10cb7df568d⋯.png (301.7 KB, 1349x3490, 1349:3490, Screenshot_2019-07-27 The ….png)

File: 397d0ba6f4b666e⋯.png (825.73 KB, 1349x982, 1349:982, Screenshot_2019-07-27 The ….png)

File: 786d210fb61c392⋯.jpg (1.22 MB, 1599x2792, 1599:2792, Screenshot_2019-07-27 Welc….jpg)

0e5648  No.7213860


Chinese can’t make decent masking tape…..

2890d6  No.7213861

it habbening


fb856a  No.7213862


That photo is not Epstein. Doesn't look anything like the guy. Proof shill baker in the kitchen.

47ae8c  No.7213863

File: 7ecdc54e4f086b7⋯.png (535.85 KB, 680x510, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

Here's me

representing #WWG1WGA 🇺🇸

I know Q will never see this but I just want #QAnon and #Anons to know how truly grateful I am for everything they are doing!

🐸💚 #WRWY

(found on twitter, sharing here for her)

53719d  No.7213864

File: 2101448e76d2225⋯.jpg (788.25 KB, 1389x1389, 1:1, IMG_6993.JPG)

File: fc7c2a15345d44d⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1431x771, 477:257, IMG_6994.PNG)

File: 85584c7878eacf1⋯.jpg (105.38 KB, 500x668, 125:167, IMG_6995.JPG)

File: 21f6c1a4c405c78⋯.jpg (8.55 KB, 201x251, 201:251, IMG_6996.JPG)

File: 14a691f9f07caca⋯.jpg (31.18 KB, 500x375, 4:3, IMG_6997.JPG)

e5e27b  No.7213865

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

REMINDER: (((Q))) team has access to remote mind "surveillance/control" tech

(((Q))) team has a secret system. A machine that spies on you every hour of every day. Maybe they designed the machine to detect acts of terror, but it sees EVERYTHING. Violent crimes involving ordinary people. (((Q))) team and anyone else that has similar machines probably consider these people irrelevant, that's why they continue to keep it a secret.

They can see what you see, hear what you hear, etc. They can even make you dream like in the movie "Inception". The tech has most likely existed even before the movie "The Matrix" was created. They can probably take control of people remotely similar to how people in the movie turn into agents.

Some capabilities of their tech can also be found in the lyrics of the song "Sleeping Awake" by POD. It's from the soundtrack of the movie "The Matrix Reloaded".

"Do you see what I see?

Can you hear what I hear?

Do you feel like I feel?

Do you dream like I dream?"


More capabilities listed in this image: https://imgoat.com/uploads/79d472a848/212992.gif

The tech has most likely also been used on the Wachowski brothers to turn them into "sisters" now (idiots probably don't know about the tech). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Wachowskis

Edward Snowden most likely knows about this tech and gave information about it to China and Russia. That's why (((Q))) likes to threaten Snowden regularly.

Quote from edwardsnowden.com

“I don't want to live in a world where everything I say, everything I do, everyone I talk to, every expression of creativity and love or friendship is recorded.”

What do you think he meant by "everything I do"?

Possible effects of REMOTE MIND CONTROL tech




8d70c5  No.7213866

File: 8f8c1bce03549fd⋯.jpg (59.12 KB, 600x338, 300:169, 1tk22h.jpg)



78df16  No.7213867

File: 904dbbd1234f1c1⋯.jpg (152.67 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, fatty.jpg)

0a5c2c  No.7213868


This has been a constant theme in my thoughts, that there is a plan b team secreted away just in case, who will stay in complete anonymity till the time is ripe.

723c35  No.7213869

File: 558f00f460c4434⋯.png (360.84 KB, 1054x327, 1054:327, 1564193909.png)


> flipping his eye balls

a87c83  No.7213871


Your R button is malfunctioning.

Or is it?

77f2b0  No.7213872


Seriously though. This is so obvious.


Should take it the hell out of the notables. Or at least label it as a dig request on identifying who it actually is.

But for fucks sake, it is NOT Epstein.

8b77a8  No.7213873

File: 8dd0ddcd7fffe36⋯.png (103.01 KB, 471x690, 157:230, Screenshot_2019-07-27 Yell….png)

File: af002ea2170f98a⋯.png (37.2 KB, 445x582, 445:582, Screenshot_2019-07-27 Yell….png)

File: 46dda8f19cf5d6c⋯.png (42.51 KB, 419x686, 419:686, Screenshot_2019-07-27 Yell….png)

File: 95753ca38ca84bd⋯.png (25.53 KB, 425x468, 425:468, Screenshot_2019-07-27 Yell….png)

File: 8d5e3c77cdaa193⋯.jpg (306.85 KB, 1410x710, 141:71, 258546.jpg)

53719d  No.7213874

File: 39b120c7bcf95c2⋯.jpg (176.49 KB, 1201x800, 1201:800, IMG_5892.JPG)

File: fd71dbad573996c⋯.jpg (185.53 KB, 800x800, 1:1, IMG_5904.JPG)

File: cbb803220c72c58⋯.jpg (404.97 KB, 1500x1500, 1:1, IMG_5905.JPG)

File: ad1a330d9b0f9fe⋯.jpg (124.38 KB, 800x888, 100:111, IMG_5906.JPG)

File: 6cce42a554c35ad⋯.jpg (136.27 KB, 1114x800, 557:400, IMG_5910.JPG)

e5e27b  No.7213875

File: 25f73a18dbd261f⋯.png (94.7 KB, 480x398, 240:199, output.png)

This is what the EVIL (((JEWS))) truly believe. That's why they would do anything to "survive". Like stealing someone else's organs maybe. 🤷‍♂️

fc9421  No.7213876


Eve Anderson - former model and mother of naked pic???

cfb580  No.7213877


>Welp, all eyes on Cummings and Baltimore.


>>7213549 ← see (Cummings & Wifey)

11bfcc  No.7213878


Read top of those notes.

anon taking notes; NOT THE BAKER; don't mind me

Also the notable says use discernment.

Fuck off.

e5e27b  No.7213879



Or can (((JEW))) "grow" spare organs in the lab now? 🤔🤷‍♂️

e00af0  No.7213880


reminds me of the planes in the movie stealth.

e6ff58  No.7213881


>they have me watching me

So you are a famefag then?

71363d  No.7213882


The end of the beginning. Brutal force next attempt.

723c35  No.7213883

File: 2cf1b93b1667821⋯.jpeg (25.48 KB, 255x228, 85:76, 1562166251.jpeg)

6ecd03  No.7213884


that's fascinating - the Enochian Magick crowd is very quick to distance itself from 'cheap stage acts' like Copperfield. I must admit I thought of him only as a cheap, if amusing, Las Vegas act.

how do you think DC ties in with JE?

79ed23  No.7213885

18 U.S. Code § 2251. Sexual exploitation of children


Pretty much covers every kind of exploitation - what is the penalty for conviction under this law?

(e) Any individual who violates, or attempts or conspires to violate, this section shall be fined under this title and imprisoned not less than 15 years nor more than 30 years, but if such person has one prior conviction under this chapter, section 1591, chapter 71, chapter 109A, or chapter 117, or under section 920 of title 10 (article 120 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice), or under the laws of any State relating to aggravated sexual abuse, sexual abuse, abusive sexual contact involving a minor or ward, or sex trafficking of children, or the production, possession, receipt, mailing, sale, distribution, shipment, or transportation of child pornography, such person shall be fined under this title and imprisoned for not less than 25 years nor more than 50 years, but if such person has 2 or more prior convictions under this chapter, chapter 71, chapter 109A, or chapter 117, or under section 920 of title 10 (article 120 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice), or under the laws of any State relating to the sexual exploitation of children, such person shall be fined under this title and imprisoned not less than 35 years nor more than life. Any organization that violates, or attempts or conspires to violate, this section shall be fined under this title. Whoever, in the course of an offense under this section, engages in conduct that results in the death of a person, shall be punished by death or imprisoned for not less than 30 years or for life.

e5e27b  No.7213886


Don't forget about special bathrooms for attack helicopters. 🤷‍♂️

77f2b0  No.7213887


Not even close to Branson either.

The guy in the pic is on the heftier side. Check the jawline.

Branson has never worn his hair that way and his hair is far thicker than the man in the picture.

Eye shapes are different as well.

a675a6  No.7213888

Executive Order 12333 Amended by Obama

In the last days of Obamas term in office he signed an amendment to EO 12333, what this amendment did was allow an additional 16 intelligence agencies to review and have access to NSA intelligence info, like intelligence gained from FISA requests. Prior to that, the number of intelligence agencies was a very few that could see this info


Then right after Obama signed this amendment to EO 12333, all of these anti-Trump leaks started to appear and come out through leaks to the press. Case in point the two telephone conversations between President Trump and the President of Mexico and Australia was in the media and newspapers the day right after President called them and the comments from Gen. Flynn and the Russian Ambassador, because under federal law any civilian that is identified in a FISA wiretap, their name and the contents of that conversation is required to be removed from the federal records and Gen. Flynn at that time was considered a civilian.


This goes hand in hand to the thinking that Obama did this on purpose to allow these other people in these agencies to both have access and leak negative info to undermine President Trump.


fb856a  No.7213889


Shouldn't even be considered as a notable….shill.

af27a7  No.7213890

File: 94e892e9a8237d0⋯.jpg (93.37 KB, 666x500, 333:250, CSWell.jpg)


No, that's a kike shill anon putting together notables for baker, cause that's how the kikes control the narrative.

723c35  No.7213891

File: 66cf5083180dfa0⋯.png (63.46 KB, 255x241, 255:241, 1563364596.png)

e5e27b  No.7213892


Or maybe they can just do their business in the helipad and some "goyim" can clean it up. 🤷‍♂️

66a837  No.7213893

File: c8a205c4f977fbd⋯.jpg (68.74 KB, 601x406, 601:406, Capture.JPG)

That’s Weird? So far No Tweets from Comey, Obama, Hillary or Brennan About Deep State Mueller’s Train Wreck in Front of Congress

Funny, but there haven’t been any tweets from the corrupt group that gave us all the Trump Russian collusion hoax since before Robert Mueller’s testimony in front of Congress. What a train wreck these corrupt individuals planned in an attempt to removed President Trump from office through their coup.

Former Director James Comey tweeted about his ‘friend’ Robert Mueller hours before Mueller’s testimony in front of Congress, but he hasn’t been heard from since –


4f9d7d  No.7213894

I have completed many Battle Plans.

President Trump has created an “Economic Battle Plan”

China Tariffs are cutting off the supply lines…Before the battle… to weaken them and degrade their morale.

Finalizing The USMCA deal will be the main attack….a knife to China’s economy.

Japan Deal are his reserves. He will use them to finalize the victory.

The battlefield is set….. Anything else before 2020 will be taken off the field quickly.

Oh yeah…..be prepared for India, Vietnam, and maybe Great Britain

Let Trump be Trump

53719d  No.7213895









0718a5  No.7213896

#9229 New Baker

>>7213601, >>7213769 President Trump Tweets ,Info and Connects

>>7213670, >>7213724 US MIL Tweets and info

>>7213609 FinanceFag reports

>>7213531, >>7213595, >>7213517, >>7213576 Planefag Reports

>>7213584 Senate moves bill with up to $15,000 fines for sharing memes online.

>>7213465 Deep fakes trigger a race to fight manipulated photos and videos.

>>7213492, Nicole Junkermann diggs

>>7213502, >>7213503, >>7213518, >>7213555, >>7213564, >>7213591, >>7213641, >>7213653, >>7213730, >>7213754 Epstein WW Crime Spree info

>>7213524 Voat has just been notified that malicious traffic has been deployed against the site

>>7213551, >>7213643 Disney's Evil Empire digs

>>7213510 Epstein pictures tie Chauntae Davies to Bill Clinton and possibly Chris Tucker

>>7213606 Siri ‘regularly’ records sex encounters, sends ‘countless’ private moments to Apple contractors

>>7213502, >>7213618 Epstein Godfather Reference MSN

>>7213729 Anon pointed to Q3414. Could the bar code on the George magazine 3163 - be pointing to Q3163?

>>7213699 Real Housewives Of ISIS (spoof video)

>>7213849, >>7213859, >>7213849, >>7213859 12 tribes digs

203d8a  No.7213897


Horribly written

d1af6d  No.7213898


Infinity symbol shown at 0:17

11bfcc  No.7213899

File: ede2a51ade87cc6⋯.jpg (602.02 KB, 1708x2464, 61:88, Shadilay.jpg)


Muh shill.

I'm not baking.

2a0ed6  No.7213900


Tony Podesta?

6a737f  No.7213901

File: b2a65901cc88eec⋯.jpg (3.5 MB, 4000x6072, 500:759, epsteinislanddroneanontrom….jpg)

File: e0bfe6b4f5d75b3⋯.jpg (5.79 MB, 4000x3000, 4:3, epsteinislandnew1.jpg)

File: 02c4b92e7b759dc⋯.png (1.38 MB, 1045x659, 1045:659, chestusedtobinfrontoftempl….PNG)


of course! im way wonderin wats up w the wooden chest that has been moved around the island recently. anons whatchu tinkin? I mean they hav golf carts and whatnot to move tools/supplies and this looks pretty big, unmarkd, & seems to be showing up wherever sooper sketchy sheit is obviously sooper sketchy..naw what im syn?

eb0026  No.7213902

File: f9c12e78e2e8ca3⋯.png (583.49 KB, 790x548, 395:274, Stilleto.png)

e5e27b  No.7213903


>Horribly written

What else do (((JEW))) expect from your fellow (((JEWS)))? 🤔🤷‍♂️

8c3332  No.7213904


Nice dig anon. She looks VERY young for his busted old ass

c04532  No.7213905


Wow…some of these people like JFK and Hunter seemed like they were part of the child ritual abuse programs as victims but that they were so smart that they broke out of it later in life. Not sure how it all works but there are good guys even in the satanic abuse world

e30c15  No.7213906


I'm not going to throw Buffett under the bus yet, but I believe he may have made the introduction. It looks to me as if Thompson had been to Little St James, and got Arkancided for dropping hints about what he was working on. Had he broke the story, it would have been his biggest expose.

b6a0d6  No.7213907

File: 34cf664772481ca⋯.png (365.69 KB, 970x458, 485:229, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2fc4507bb8270e2⋯.png (1.41 MB, 970x1320, 97:132, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c26f1fd8a9f355a⋯.png (2.27 MB, 970x1152, 485:576, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7791126819fbc1f⋯.png (1.06 MB, 970x958, 485:479, ClipboardImage.png)

Delving Into The Shadowy World Of Occult Art

And what the marginalized genre can teach us about seeing in general.


“We use [occult] to reference revealing things that were hitherto unrevealed,” Grossman added. “More specifically, in the context of the show, it really is about magic, using ideas of symbolism and ritual and intention to create actual change in the material world.”

8b77a8  No.7213908

File: 6b8a8afb86bcd5c⋯.jpg (2.15 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 002AFIMG_1182.JPG)

File: 098fdd7021f84ed⋯.png (92.59 KB, 1350x574, 675:287, 01Screenshot_2018-11-28 Mi….png)


should have gone to specsavers m8

you have a future as a professional referee

53719d  No.7213909










0a6196  No.7213910

File: 5be7a6bd8192ae4⋯.jpg (112.02 KB, 700x467, 700:467, D1C7083.jpg)

File: 39fe10a0d6b9086⋯.jpg (66.27 KB, 680x453, 680:453, hamptons_sneak_screening_o….jpg)

File: 98c5a400e2c85b3⋯.jpg (58.43 KB, 880x558, 440:279, 1441030856222.jpg)

File: 9f16cb1bfa782dd⋯.jpg (127.81 KB, 634x799, 634:799, 2B7E37FB00000578-0-image-a….jpg)

File: 0a6ab28681817c8⋯.jpg (109.37 KB, 634x781, 634:781, 2B7E381100000578-0-image-a….jpg)





Some interesting digs are possible in the hamptons. Found these pics while trying to find another one of Clinton at this place.


6f782c  No.7213911

File: 27d902bb09f865c⋯.png (379.94 KB, 662x777, 662:777, Screen Shot 2019-07-27 at ….png)


7bc309  No.7213912

File: 755654364591aaa⋯.png (398.46 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Whoa Trips Man.png)

53719d  No.7213913


cabbage slaughter juice is verified medicinal

fca3f5  No.7213914


Buffett is legit evil. He fucked the country so hard during the financial crisis it's insane.

He's a horrible man who lied about how he made his money (he leveraged new rules about insurance to gamble in the stock market and was the front man for the guy who actually did the work).

Hack fraud.

71363d  No.7213915

>>7213808 please consider



979c3f  No.7213916


Pence is a dark energy. Never liked him, and when looking at him, I keep getting "Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer."

It would not be far off to see Pence as one of the moles sent in as the DS "Back up plan," however we now have Boomerang active.

Hunters become the Hunted.

d5e88c  No.7213917

>Some anon add the Punisher face to Pepe.

How about not… We DO NOT Zionist CRAFT International and/or sport their logos, you Israeli-cuck.

d1cd62  No.7213918

File: 2ff983c09ea8e62⋯.png (220.1 KB, 815x460, 163:92, Screenshot_2019-07-27 S C ….png)


Is Scientology the White Rabbit??


d1af6d  No.7213919


Didn’t watch it… I basically just watch trailers and turn the tv off but this one super stuck out to me. Idk how long it took them to make this but the whole symbolism thing is weird.

“Symbolism will be their downfall” - have they started using “Q” symbolism for tricks? Or is it something else?

55df36  No.7213920

File: e2032f5ca719ae4⋯.png (1.68 MB, 800x1200, 2:3, jerry nadler the blob.png)


Jerry used to be a fatso

0a6196  No.7213921


Here is the sauce for that.


b04a6f  No.7213922


…any idea as to date?

16e183  No.7213923


@ 7:05 he does the switch. So easy to spot kek!

b41212  No.7213924


some of you people are really bad with face recognition

That is not Epstein

873e8c  No.7213925

Army flight 98-00007 (PAT007) has just dropped off ADS-B at 4000ft near Charlottesville.

11bfcc  No.7213926

File: 351ddc350dea944⋯.jpg (311.53 KB, 1936x1216, 121:76, All for a larp.jpg)


I'm not baking.

Just practice collecting.


Tag the baker.

53719d  No.7213927













e30c15  No.7213928


Talking about JIMMY BUFFETT anon. You need more covered.

2a0ed6  No.7213929


Bitch hag reminds me of Bette Midler.

fc9421  No.7213930



He’s been charged in the past for rape

f52826  No.7213931


He is one of those private island guys. Has atleast one island called Musha Cay in the Bahamas. He has come up before (last year) one this board as being a suspect in pizza/pedogate.


b0c35a  No.7213932

File: 01ad6fb5df8ffdd⋯.png (239.46 KB, 1286x840, 643:420, ClipboardImage.png)


Donald J. Trump


Why is so much money sent to the Elijah Cummings district when it is considered the worst run and most dangerous anywhere in the United States. No human being would want to live there. Where is all this money going? How much is stolen? Investigate this corrupt mess immediately!


Financial AnalystAnon needed. Link below for Baltimore's budgets


900fcb  No.7213933

Dont forget that one of the writers was arrested for child porn


3d4a33  No.7213934

File: 318690cacc4e04e⋯.jpg (196.88 KB, 700x488, 175:122, oh thats how you do it.jpg)

File: eab4c86ea7b1b4e⋯.jpg (38.57 KB, 606x399, 202:133, sub terrainian.jpg)


On a related point of potential underground nuclear submarine or other underwater vehicles, you know China has a well-documented underground nuclear submarine base, right?

But wait, that's stupid. How would subs turn around? Idiots.

Well now, just calm down.

This all came up loudly during the weeks of the experimental Russian submarine accident that killed 17 seaman. Do you remember this from a few weeks ago?

"Russian sailors killed in sub accident prevented ‘planetary catastrophe’: report "


And then the whole China Lake earchquakes business and conspiracy theory article after another about underground sub bases. Well that's just crazy talk, right?

Here the paragon of reason The Huffington Post refers to a potential "alien base" underwater off Malibu.

"The Truth Behind The Malibu Underwater ‘Alien Base’"


But back to known real and acknowledged underground nuclear sub bases.

"Chinese nuclear submarine base"


"China has secretly built a major underground nuclear submarine base that could threaten Asian countries and challenge American power in the region, it can be disclosed. "


But how do you turn them around? Do they back up? Beep, beep, beep?

No. What you do is have a long arc with an entrance and an exit. The subs would dock on one side of the channel and move forward in the other lane. Peninsulas and islands are idea then because they allow long underground arcs at sea level an both an entrance and an exit along the arc

a76c9f  No.7213935

File: 76510167645ec58⋯.jpg (48.09 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqdefault.jpg)


most of his recent photos have the hinge back as a thin piece of metal, except the attached….

165657  No.7213937

File: 8a898b91d015aed⋯.jpeg (80.21 KB, 531x493, 531:493, A82867BC-A8B4-4189-A0CB-4….jpeg)

File: e5600ed7d686fb6⋯.jpeg (12.69 KB, 321x225, 107:75, D9AF9404-AF38-444F-A978-5….jpeg)

File: 4332dbaf3033890⋯.jpeg (188.74 KB, 930x970, 93:97, 1C254AE8-3A8A-456B-854D-0….jpeg)

Spread far and wide.

They kinda look like brother and sister to you too?



66a837  No.7213938

File: 72ad9d40fbc9467⋯.jpg (49.3 KB, 776x431, 776:431, Capture.JPG)

U.S. Congress Bipartisan Vote For Pentagon To Be Investigated For Using Insects as a Biological Weapon

In a real-life X-Files episode, United States House members are reportedly concerned in a bipartisan vote that the Pentagon may have unleashed biological weapons or entomological warfare in the form of ticks or other insects that caused the spread of Lyme disease.

Roll Call, a congressional-focused newspaper reports that on July 11th the House secretly decided through a voice vote to support adding an amendment to the 2020 defense authorization bill that would require the Department of Justice to look into whether the Pentagon/CIA/DoD umbrella weaponized ticks.

According to Roll Call, New Jersey Republican Rep. Christopher Smith wrote the amendment demanding the inspector general “conduct a review of whether the Department of Defense experimented with ticks and other insects regarding use as a biological weapon between the years of 1950 and 1975.”

Smith, also ironically a co-chairman of the Congressional Lyme Disease Caucus, further told Roll Call, “We need answers and we need them now.”

First, let’s define biological warfare based on the 1972 Biological Weapons Convention. The definition of a BW agent is pretty clear:

Microbial or other biological agents, or toxins whatever their origin or method of production, of types and in quantities that have no justification for prophylactic, protective or other peaceful purposes.


0a5c2c  No.7213939


This really is a vile thing.

88261f  No.7213940


Did Obama declas that doc from the other night?

55df36  No.7213941

File: f3d66209d8343fd⋯.png (638.27 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

62989c  No.7213942

File: e4144605e87ca03⋯.png (456.28 KB, 425x541, 425:541, e4144605e87ca036f7725a44ca….png)


doc checkin in

can cake or anon

c04532  No.7213943

File: 49860971965a592⋯.jpg (41.89 KB, 960x540, 16:9, 1524876579-melania-trump-w….jpg)


I'm too American to accept kings and queens, but as far as Melania goes, she is the tippy tops!

53719d  No.7213944

File: 395c410dc672020⋯.jpg (201.98 KB, 1600x800, 2:1, IMG_4995.JPG)

File: ddf05421eb18f34⋯.jpg (194.26 KB, 1600x800, 2:1, IMG_4996.JPG)

File: 00a5afccbc7a98a⋯.jpg (195.24 KB, 1600x800, 2:1, IMG_4997.JPG)

File: ccbe88789e39013⋯.jpg (213.02 KB, 1600x800, 2:1, IMG_4998.JPG)

File: 1389a62362a04e6⋯.jpg (210.28 KB, 1600x800, 2:1, IMG_4999.JPG)

there must be a pattern to all this anons

0a6196  No.7213945




I saw a few features that seemed to match Epstein,. Upon digging i found it was Bon Jovi.

77f2b0  No.7213946


Unfortunately no. And even more unfortunately I have to start getting ready for work otherwise I would be working on figuring out exactly who it is.

Some anons saying Bon Jovi but it does not appear to be him either. We need to indenting the mystery man.

d5e88c  No.7213947


>Symbolism will be their downfall

And symbols like the "punisher logo" will be their CLOWN CALL.

78a10e  No.7213948



They're just Muddy Waters playing Slide guitar anons having a convo.

a71db0  No.7213949


You heard the man anons! BOSS says to start diggin. Go go go go go go! Those are anon marching orders.

dda530  No.7213950


The March Hare and MADhatter are already in our comms:


16e183  No.7213951

File: 3e1ded944c5c02e⋯.jpeg (215.84 KB, 1280x852, 320:213, FLOTUS.jpeg)


Her grace, elegance and beauty can never be matched. Melania is Heaven Sent.

b12b93  No.7213952

File: 2c3f0744ee4728c⋯.png (36.5 KB, 1258x262, 629:131, Capture.PNG)

File: 96bdc0ec280d020⋯.png (433.13 KB, 422x669, 422:669, Capture1.PNG)

So…Did the Pentagon Use Ticks for Biological Warfare?

Is the Pentagon responsible for the epidemic of Lyme disease

The House of Representatives added an unusual amendment to the 2020 U.S. defense budget: a requirement that the Department of Defense reveal details of any biological warfare research it did involving ticks during the Cold War. The requirement stems from allegations that Lyme disease was actually a biowarfare experiment accidentally released into the wild.

The amendment, Roll Call reports, was added to the defense budget by New Jersey Congressman Christopher Smith. It calls on the U.S. government to “conduct a review of whether the Department of Defense experimented with ticks and other insects regarding use as a biological weapon between the years of 1950 and 1975.”

If there was any sort of research the Pentagon Inspector General “must provide the House and Senate Armed Services committees with a report on the experiments’ scope and ‘whether any ticks or insects used in such experiments were released outside of any laboratory by accident or experiment design.’”

The call for information comes after the publication of the book Bitten: The Secret History of Lyme Disease and Biological Weapons. A major allegation in the book is that Willy Burgdorfer, the discoverer of the bacterium that causes Lyme Disease, claimed that the disease was the result of a biological weapons program that went awry. Burgdorfer himself was involved in biological warfare programs that involved using blood-sucking insects, including fleas, ticks, and mosquitoes, as vectors for the transmission of human diseases. However, experts told Buzzfeed that there is no evidence—scientific or otherwise—that would suggest the government had anything to do with Lyme disease.

Lyme Disease affects approximately 30,000 people a year, primarily in the northeastern United States. The book alleges biowarfare research involving ticks took place at Fort Detrick, Maryland, and Plum Island, New York—both areas where CDC maps note the disease is very prevalent, but the CDC itself does not have an opinion on the allegation.


0a5c2c  No.7213953



It’s late in Australia.

Don’t give me nightmares.

24eeef  No.7213954




A digg on his islands would bring up more than bodies

5f12ae  No.7213955


>> It is my firm belief that they are simply praying for injury from inanimate objects. Stay Safe Frenz

fc40c8  No.7213956



7b9681  No.7213957

128131  No.7213958


Nicholas Sandman lost his lawsuit against Washington Post…



This means Libel doesn't exist anymore…

So let's start posting pictures of all the Demonrats and say "some people are…"

8d70c5  No.7213959


Gov positions as a general rule should be decommissioned and citizens should take more responsibility for themselves and their communities. The few necessary gov positions should be given to individuals who have demonstrated to their communities that they are of high moral standing and enter into an agreement with their employer (We the people) that during the term of their commission they will be subject to complete oversight meaning they temporally forfeit their right to privacy and must wear a ankle tracking brace.

1a9ab9  No.7213960

File: 77522d752ce5cb1⋯.jpg (344.36 KB, 1300x740, 65:37, EC_TheGate.jpg)

236e1f  No.7213961

File: 41632bf1ee55602⋯.jpg (40.21 KB, 540x500, 27:25, NaziCat.jpg)


a04aea  No.7213962

File: 50771b5926a7beb⋯.png (615.11 KB, 979x498, 979:498, ClipboardImage.png)

ef2321  No.7213963



pic is from 2015

4f9d7d  No.7213964

FBI Records: Adolf Hitler fled to Argentina


203d8a  No.7213965


Sometimes watch new things to see what they are pushing

This was a pathetic push on young sexual deviance

Not sure the symbolism was directed at anything though…

The craft is a seed which (infinity symbol) which creates a giant crystalline structure that turns out to be foothold for civilization destruction

Taken in your context [they] probably do view 8chan that way

42ce90  No.7213966

File: ec0203aa71586cc⋯.jpeg (1.24 MB, 2187x3220, 2187:3220, A82251D1-B0CB-4D70-A912-9….jpeg)

66a837  No.7213967

File: c893b9f15f3331f⋯.jpg (22.68 KB, 816x302, 408:151, Capture.JPG)


Guess What Issue Baltimore Rep. Cummings Says Is One Of The Most Important Issues Facing The Nation

The violence erupting in Baltimore, Maryland, is not about the death of Freddie Gray.

The riots igniting from Gray’s unexplained death while in police custody is the symptom of the larger disease; failed progressive policies.

Baltimore, like most troubled urban areas, had been under Democrat control for years. Progressive rule for the predominately black city residents has resulted in high unemployment rates, low incomes and high crime.

According to the U.S. Census, Baltimore city is 63 percent black with an unemployment rate of 8.4 percent (February 2015) and the median average income is about $41,000, much lower than the state average income of about $73,000.

Democrat Elijah Cummings, for instance, has represented Maryland’s 7th Congressional District in the U.S. House of Representatives for almost 20 years and his progressive policies have harmed his constituents.

One example of Cummings’ misguided progressive policies is his focus on climate change.


b04a6f  No.7213968

File: 139f973a46dbca0⋯.jpg (71.58 KB, 828x549, 92:61, scalia.jpg)


If that is a Hubertus meeting, they have 'wine tastings' all over the globe. Blonde guy could be in other Hubertus pics. Looks more like Scalia [those you trust the most] but this would have to be pre- Feb '16.

c96ed7  No.7213969

File: 3c19f4c4400761d⋯.jpg (427.19 KB, 977x976, 977:976, oldnads3507.jpg)

82670b  No.7213970


Thanks for the posts, anon.

some really good stuff

c04532  No.7213971


Such a weird time to be alive! We went from demons to angels in the White House.

77f2b0  No.7213972


I went to Kinder Care (branded as Edu-Care at the time - least in my area) for Pre-K.

My mom also follows Q and was quick to tell me when she saw this. Same logo was used.

Thankful nothing happened to me while I was there. Was a really great facility. Even had computer class. Which was a relatively new concept back in 1994.

Had really good memories from there. But wanted to drop in case any other anons knew anything about Edu-Care and Kinder Care connection.

e8d7f4  No.7213973

File: 579be3df03eb4da⋯.png (574.23 KB, 461x518, 461:518, Screenshot_2019-07-27 tony….png)


Me either - agree with anon who said it's Tony Rodham


This article, sheesh. So corrupt, and now, deceased.

873e8c  No.7213974

File: 43b4a9764cbc719⋯.png (609.58 KB, 749x500, 749:500, ClipboardImage.png)

It's getting shilly.

b6408e  No.7213975

File: 3768e0ac4fabc0d⋯.png (627.1 KB, 798x639, 266:213, ClipboardImage.png)


Tony Rodham?


b0c35a  No.7213976


Here is another publicized link to budget info for Baltimore I found


This was also the city that had the ransomware attack


2bbd95  No.7213977


Might be interesting, but I cannot read it.

Could you repost with black on white or so?]

fc40c8  No.7213978


kek his belt is holding on for dear life…

2a0ed6  No.7213979


IRS Complaint Filed Against Wife of Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD)


Top Democrat's wife may have gained 'illegal private benefit' from his committee activities


Elijah Cummings’ wife faces mounting ethics questions over charity dealings


Elijah Cummings’s Wife Hit With New Allegations Of Self-Dealing And Perjury In Updated IRS Complaint


2cbd0b  No.7213980

File: 325398ab0d83104⋯.png (1.63 MB, 1314x1376, 657:688, Screen Shot 2019-07-24 at ….png)

File: 788064505f8ea3b⋯.png (2.46 MB, 1738x1530, 869:765, Screen Shot 2019-07-24 at ….png)

File: 3196ed3c72053c6⋯.png (2.22 MB, 1590x1526, 795:763, Screen Shot 2019-07-24 at ….png)

File: f43b138f17954db⋯.png (1.91 MB, 1368x1550, 684:775, Screen Shot 2019-07-24 at ….png)

Fresh Cummings meme stock.

b6a0d6  No.7213981

File: 2bcddb104949717⋯.png (359.75 KB, 500x672, 125:168, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bf42e733c858be6⋯.png (458.03 KB, 968x681, 968:681, ClipboardImage.png)

6ecd03  No.7213982

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



so in retrospect there was an occult meaning to 'disappearing the Statue of Liberty' in the 80s?

df8486  No.7213983

File: a60dc42e83107fa⋯.jpg (53.88 KB, 466x301, 466:301, geese.jpg)

>>7212083 (LB)

It is a shame this clip isn't repeated every hour on MSM to show the US what a gaggle of geese the Democrats have become

e5e27b  No.7213985


He is still a fatso. Satan wasn't fat when he used to wear his pants like that. 🤣🤷‍♂️

77f2b0  No.7213986


I think y’all hit the ringer on this one.

Not Epstein.

Not Branson.

But Tony Rodham!!

Significantly closer match to the photo.

11bfcc  No.7213987

>>7213517, >>7213531, >>7213576, Planefaggery

>>7213465 Deep fakes trigger a race to fight manipulated photos and videos.

>>7213502 Epstein Godfather Reference MSN.

>>7213503, >>7213518 Epstein FBI Vault, and Burt Reynolds?

>>7213510 Epstein pictures tie Chauntae Davies to Bill Clinton and possibly Chris Tucker

>>7213555 Dick Wolf Law & Order SVU Episode Eerily Similar to the Epstein Modus Operandi.

>>7213564, >>7213591, >>7213641, >>7213694, >>7213754, >>7213973 Possible photo of Epstein and Bill Clinton found. Use discernment anons.

>>7213584 Senate moves bill with up to $15,000 fines for sharing memes online.

>>7213587 Epstein’s ‘Lolita Express’ pilots subpoenaed to corroborate new sex trafficking & pedophilia claims .

>>7213606 Siri ‘regularly’ records sex encounters, sends ‘countless’ private moments to Apple contractors.

>>7213609 Deutsche Boerse Sees Refintiv Talks Failing After LSE Plans.

>>7213630 Iran threatens Brazil for seizing two ships.

>>7213670 US Navy twitter: Join us in the commissioning of the @USNavy's newest guided-missile destroyer

>>7213687 Fukushima fishing port hit by 2011 tsunami reopens after 8-year hiatus.

>>7213699 Real Housewives Of ISIS (spoof video) For da Keks.

>>7213714 THE UPDATED LIST: 130 Times the FBI, DOJ and/or Mueller Gang “Deviated from Standard Practice” or Committed Crimes in Efforts to Exonerate Hillary and Indict President Trump.

>>7213722 Information on Nicole Junkermann

>>7213724 USACE HQ Tweets about Misille Defence Agency.

>>7213769, >>7213932 President Trump DESTROYS Corrupt Democrat Elijah Cummings — Calls for Investigation into His “Rat and Rodent Infested” District.

>>7213775 Report on U.S. Navy F/A-XX Next Generation Fighter will be ready in Summer.

>>7213848 The secret backstory of how Obama let Hezbollah off the hook

>>7213907 Delving Into The Shadowy World Of Occult Art.

>>7213938, >>7213952 U.S. Congress Bipartisan Vote For Pentagon To Be Investigated For Using Insects as a Biological Weapon.

55df36  No.7213988


Now everybody just hold up a damn minute!


2cbd0b  No.7213989

File: da94267524fc479⋯.png (1.94 MB, 1314x1522, 657:761, Screen Shot 2019-07-24 at ….png)

File: 76c8d72a1753cfe⋯.png (2 MB, 1386x1510, 693:755, Screen Shot 2019-07-24 at ….png)

File: 3ec60574f8382ff⋯.png (1.91 MB, 1390x1530, 139:153, Screen Shot 2019-07-24 at ….png)

File: 17c109fbfd60652⋯.png (2.11 MB, 1496x1530, 44:45, Screen Shot 2019-07-24 at ….png)

some more

17be13  No.7213990

File: 1408b0677e0db17⋯.png (413.01 KB, 412x410, 206:205, Screenshot_168.png)


“…I will say if you take this kill shot, Democrats, ya better not miss. Ya better hit his jugular and if there’s even a finger still moving at the end of it you’re gonna ruin your chances in 2020. But you better do this well, if you’re gonna do it. And my faith in Democrats…”

b04a6f  No.7213991


…looks way more like Tony.. little lost tony…

11bfcc  No.7213992



Muh Shadow baking; Comms.

2bbd95  No.7213993


Victoria's secret?

48b06c  No.7213994

File: e7737fe1c3ba387⋯.png (147.02 KB, 978x708, 163:118, cummings.PNG)

File: e0360233ef28146⋯.png (81.11 KB, 1031x622, 1031:622, cummings 2.PNG)


>Elijah Cummings – Investigate this corrupt mess immediately!

Good places to start a dig:




NOTE: DTN has a shit ton of info on him and and organization connections.

24eeef  No.7213995


Oldest form of Magic.


2cbd0b  No.7213996

File: 833731089b9fa7c⋯.png (1.89 MB, 1400x1538, 700:769, Screen Shot 2019-07-24 at ….png)

File: c4799c2d968e056⋯.png (1.68 MB, 1298x1496, 59:68, Screen Shot 2019-07-24 at ….png)

File: 8dbcfe5a997e214⋯.png (2.09 MB, 1438x1536, 719:768, Screen Shot 2019-07-24 at ….png)

File: 841f9d3f1fa0a4a⋯.png (2.16 MB, 1500x1510, 150:151, Screen Shot 2019-07-24 at ….png)

a little more

66a837  No.7213997

File: 391980defe5b738⋯.jpg (30.04 KB, 699x361, 699:361, Capture.JPG)


Who Is Elijah Cummings?

Does anyone know anything about Elijah Cummings’ background? Maybe you should since it is a very dark background that just does not align with the basics of our Constitution as it is written. However, Cummings, like many of his supporters and Socialist/Democrat friends, seem to want to change the Constitution so they can make more favorable to them.

Let us begin to show you wh the man who now sits as the chairman of the House Oversight and Reform Committee really is.

What is the purpose of the committee?

The Committee on Oversight and Reform is the main investigative committee in the U.S. House of Representatives. It has authority to investigate the subjects within the Committee’s legislative jurisdiction, as well as “any matter” within the jurisdiction of the other standing House Committees.

With that in mind, one has to question just what is Cummings doing asking questions dealing with freedom of the press? In part of the article below, it becomes clear that Cummings wants to determine just what a “free” press can and cannot do. This is not freedom of the press, it is control of the press by the Democratic Party of items it does not like or wants to use against someone. Just read it.


dd3740  No.7213998

Why is Pelosi going to Italy? African cover? NO. Occhionero Gianni De Gennaro AND the (now removed) Italian spy connection for the thumb drives that Lisa Page was referring to. The set up of President Trump. The meeting in Italy is a cover.

e5e27b  No.7213999


Is that ramen or something? 🤔🤷‍♂️

53719d  No.7214000

File: cf3223fb6d54727⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1000x754, 500:377, IMG_8556.PNG)

File: 2ed10425bd8c71e⋯.jpg (167.26 KB, 800x800, 1:1, IMG_8557.JPG)

File: ad6c031e4492a97⋯.jpg (76.02 KB, 564x392, 141:98, IMG_8558.JPG)

File: 066504635fda5f4⋯.jpg (1.52 MB, 2448x2448, 1:1, IMG_8561.JPG)

File: f4dc1672ded84b2⋯.jpg (182 KB, 1199x800, 1199:800, IMG_8565.JPG)

d33f2e  No.7214001

File: accf365a2833a40⋯.png (703.73 KB, 750x562, 375:281, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 857ec7c361be040⋯.png (820.63 KB, 634x845, 634:845, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 90975fa5da8456b⋯.png (933.13 KB, 1160x750, 116:75, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1e778e9054c6e08⋯.png (470.62 KB, 636x382, 318:191, ClipboardImage.png)



>Tony Rodham

2e52a7  No.7214002

E-bot is a very selfish lover.

b0c35a  No.7214003




873e8c  No.7214004

File: ad8b1dfcab905b1⋯.jpg (78.86 KB, 583x428, 583:428, Truth2.jpg)

2cbd0b  No.7214005

File: 818324786564e61⋯.png (2.1 MB, 1512x1520, 189:190, Screen Shot 2019-07-24 at ….png)

File: b66269146805da7⋯.png (2.06 MB, 1506x1488, 251:248, Screen Shot 2019-07-24 at ….png)

File: a51c6032884aa64⋯.png (2.03 MB, 1444x1508, 361:377, Screen Shot 2019-07-24 at ….png)

File: 34c842e2cc0f4e6⋯.png (1.89 MB, 1312x1500, 328:375, Screen Shot 2019-07-24 at ….png)

building more meme bomb ammunition for POTUS:

2cbd0b  No.7214006

File: 1929931d389380a⋯.png (1.82 MB, 1260x1526, 90:109, Screen Shot 2019-07-24 at ….png)

File: b929eb88fcd2175⋯.png (1.77 MB, 1272x1514, 636:757, Screen Shot 2019-07-24 at ….png)

File: c66822fb4a1c0f1⋯.png (1.62 MB, 1136x1460, 284:365, Screen Shot 2019-07-24 at ….png)

File: f27a1f4997dab52⋯.png (1.91 MB, 1384x1518, 692:759, Screen Shot 2019-07-24 at ….png)

Carpet bomb the shit out of them.

77f2b0  No.7214007



e5e27b  No.7214008


(((JEW))) like kidneys but not kidney beans, huh? 🤔🤣🤷‍♂️

6ecd03  No.7214009




" This is Musha Cay and the Islands of Copperfield Bay. Surely it's one of the most secluded spots on earth, yet everything you want is provided… then quietly, unobtrusively, replenished."



d1af6d  No.7214010


Your reply made the “unbelievable” idea jump in my head:

Autists = hybrids ?

88261f  No.7214011

File: 33aae011cd743bd⋯.png (923.78 KB, 1238x1390, 619:695, cumming-hrc-gov-maryland.png)

Cumming and HRC in 1995

2cbd0b  No.7214012

File: 040d07b9d18e157⋯.png (1.84 MB, 1336x1520, 167:190, Screen Shot 2019-07-24 at ….png)

File: ec686aeac35b8ee⋯.png (1.77 MB, 1318x1484, 659:742, Screen Shot 2019-07-24 at ….png)

File: d526f1fb32467ed⋯.png (1.66 MB, 1212x1474, 606:737, Screen Shot 2019-07-24 at ….png)

File: 68f0098764bb4c4⋯.png (1.81 MB, 1362x1478, 681:739, Screen Shot 2019-07-24 at ….png)

two more drops after this

203d8a  No.7214013

File: 49d70344e8288ce⋯.png (321.25 KB, 2050x1751, 2050:1751, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9b955295650b27f⋯.png (790 KB, 1406x1672, 37:44, ClipboardImage.png)

13e3f3  No.7214014


some people imagine wild things in their visions and they try to say it's all true through numerology. To absurdity.

42ce90  No.7214015

File: ded8e920968b385⋯.jpeg (153.14 KB, 750x500, 3:2, E4059FDC-602F-4F37-9739-3….jpeg)

53719d  No.7214016


it's more like queerbaiting with word play for necromantic hymns of their pedo corpses

0e5daf  No.7214017




2cbd0b  No.7214018

File: 0c67e7c4e374da2⋯.png (1.96 MB, 1472x1476, 368:369, Screen Shot 2019-07-24 at ….png)

File: ba2740e152c8a98⋯.png (2.09 MB, 1526x1536, 763:768, Screen Shot 2019-07-24 at ….png)

File: 04a2542e9a11e2e⋯.png (1.97 MB, 1492x1460, 373:365, Screen Shot 2019-07-24 at ….png)

File: 96e047fcb77f443⋯.png (1.91 MB, 1408x1506, 704:753, Screen Shot 2019-07-24 at ….png)

Cummings doesn't know what he is up against. KEK!

cfb580  No.7214019

File: 9940192427a798c⋯.png (200.06 KB, 1305x773, 1305:773, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3bac198ac6658cf⋯.png (338.43 KB, 1433x424, 1433:424, Screen Shot 2019-07-27 at ….png)



Rat & Rodent


→ [Epstein] Article as Possible Warning.

→ Compare to → POTUS tweet about [Cummings].

No Coincidence.

→ [Rats] + [Rodents] = Multiple Meanings

50602e  No.7214020


The friendless shill protects the pedo who buggers him.

1ce645  No.7214021

File: dc793e47de1eb5c⋯.png (948.89 KB, 886x732, 443:366, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 51f9b3d7a0e52a7⋯.png (936.9 KB, 890x846, 445:423, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3eaf8f3f295f0ba⋯.png (90.79 KB, 748x915, 748:915, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6a0bea34a32d360⋯.png (89.72 KB, 748x882, 374:441, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0bfa4dbe2083dca⋯.png (159.83 KB, 748x975, 748:975, ClipboardImage.png)

Article about another Cummings today referencing Downing Street.

Sky Views: This man could change the country - and I don't mean the PM


53719d  No.7214022

File: 9c633df10272788⋯.jpg (190.44 KB, 1197x800, 1197:800, IMG_5704.JPG)

File: 3d2e4d2a60d289f⋯.jpg (655.21 KB, 1508x1624, 13:14, IMG_5707.JPG)

File: a9a4ed7110f0d85⋯.jpg (190.09 KB, 998x800, 499:400, IMG_5709.JPG)

File: e74d0e46c27ad47⋯.jpg (185.4 KB, 1223x800, 1223:800, IMG_5710.JPG)

File: 4f17719aa417b4e⋯.jpg (379.38 KB, 1200x1600, 3:4, IMG_5712.JPG)

006e8e  No.7214023

This took less than five minutes and I will be receiving $125. By filing a claim, if you are determined to have been affected, you also then remain eligible for future lawsuits.


0718a5  No.7214024

>>7214003 noteable as what


0a5c2c  No.7214026


I saw a snippet from a show about prepares recently and they showed a graph with numbers of prepares year by year, event by event. Low, low low Reagan shooting, 911, 2008 etc. Obama gets in and prepping went through the roof. Don’t underestimate the American public.

Certainly surprised me.

1cb930  No.7214027



Step away from the blender Anon. You've had enough this morning.

6f782c  No.7214029


"Women say they want to be treated like Queens which is fine, but they have to understand that the Queen is the Kings bitch. A king can find the dumbest, ugliest bitch in the land and marry her and now she is the baddest bitch in the village… she is the queen. If queen Elizabeth marries even the most successful guy, that guy isn't the king, he's the queens husband." - Patrice O'neil.

b04a6f  No.7214030


The International Order of Saint Hubertus is a worldwide organization and knightly order of hunters and wildlife conservationists under Grandmaster Istvan von Habsburg-Lothringen that promotes traditional hunting ethics and practices.

dda530  No.7214031

File: 69fa3eb8fc28b6c⋯.jpg (127.49 KB, 800x1035, 160:207, q-gold.jpg)


MADhatter Buns Comms:


2cbd0b  No.7214032

File: 256b9fb6094db2f⋯.png (1.97 MB, 1436x1522, 718:761, Screen Shot 2019-07-24 at ….png)

File: 5a338fd374aab2a⋯.png (1.83 MB, 1338x1504, 669:752, Screen Shot 2019-07-24 at ….png)

I want to turn him into a black Jeb Bush.

55df36  No.7214033

Mr Cummings wont mind if we peek into his net worth, now will he?

Elijah E Cummings

Rank: 196th in the House

with an estimated net worth of $1,185,006 in 2015.


Real Estate



132 Randolph Place, NW


2221 Street Paul Street/Baltimore, MD



d1af6d  No.7214034


The whole “no coincidences” thing sticks out

Infinity symbol @ 17th second, ayylmaos mentioned by Q…

Idk, maybe been here too long.

0a5c2c  No.7214035



68699b  No.7214036

File: 734d7ea892c7573⋯.png (10.23 MB, 3076x4031, 3076:4031, 18F20DEF-8AE7-49E9-931C-2E….png)

a04aea  No.7214037

File: ce3d43fa3f3f54e⋯.png (478.13 KB, 738x385, 738:385, ClipboardImage.png)

c04532  No.7214038


I agree!

d1af6d  No.7214039


Where in the world is Carmen San diegoooo

4f37bd  No.7214040

File: 985e1215a42082d⋯.png (291.19 KB, 696x468, 58:39, Sodom aka America 20398509….png)

bf21ff  No.7214041

File: 416b5c9237626a8⋯.jpeg (74.85 KB, 1080x657, 120:73, 1564240434.jpeg)

66a837  No.7214042

File: 5dc3eca246618bc⋯.jpg (35.86 KB, 613x378, 613:378, Capture.JPG)

Epstein’s Not The Only Predatory Sex Offender In The News: Here’s How Shockingly Prevalent This Has Become

Lately, the news has been flooded with horrifying updates about the case of registered sex offender and alleged sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein.

You can read our Epstein coverage at the following links:

An Unbiased Look at What We Know About the Epstein Scandal So Far

More CONFIRMED Information on Jeffrey Epstein, His Homes, and His Powerful Friends

These Prominent People Must Be PANICKING About What the Epstein Case Will Reveal

Singer R. Kelly, 52, is being held without bond in Chicago on charges that include producing child pornography and coercing minors to engage in sex. He faces similar federal charges in New York.

Unfortunately, Epstein and R. Kelly are not the only alleged sexual predators in the news.

Reader discretion is advised. This article contains information that may be upsetting for some people.

Here are various reports of recent sexual abuse cases in the US.


More than three dozen suspected online child sex offenders were arrested in Aurora, Colorado, during Operation Broken Heart. The nationwide operation was led by the US Department of Justice and resulted in nearly 1,700 arrests during April and May. On June 11, 2019, the DOJ announced that its “task forces identified 308 offenders who either produced child pornography or committed child sexual abuse, and 357 children who suffered recent, ongoing or historical sexual abuse or were exploited in the production of child pornography.”

The operation targeted suspects who: (1) produce, distribute, receive and possess child pornography; (2) engage in online enticement of children for sexual purposes; (3) engage in the sex trafficking of children; and (4) travel across state lines or to foreign countries and sexually abuse children. (source)

The Colorado Sentinel reports 32-year-old Raymond Fredericks was sentenced to 22 years in prison Tuesday after pleading guilty to a felony sex trafficking charge in May.


d33f2e  No.7214043



953d1e  No.7214044

File: 48b8eba0364ff93⋯.jpg (82.87 KB, 1056x1054, 528:527, Bill Clinton Cocaine Coke ….jpg)


Is that what I think it is?

6a0ca6  No.7214045

File: 8bb808af6d77a2b⋯.png (510.49 KB, 800x666, 400:333, Sick.png)

4f37bd  No.7214046

File: f0dbc72ffab1533⋯.png (741.99 KB, 1051x658, 1051:658, Sodom aka America -2345-9-….png)

9892ce  No.7214047


digits. whatever form this takes, it's imminent.

day 919 45 mins away (technically, but already day 919, I suppose) 727 / [57] on clock / 45 days til 9-11.

16e183  No.7214048

File: e8f2c1b67179e4f⋯.jpg (137.47 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, KillingInTheNameOf.jpg)

File: 37a0bfeab47bb75⋯.jpg (190.8 KB, 1024x575, 1024:575, KillingInInTheNameOf2.jpg)

File: a8833b321a988f5⋯.jpg (142.43 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, KillingInInTheNameOf3.jpg)


We sure did fren.

b6408e  No.7214049


I believe the term she used is "lost". Who knows where he may be found. Could be under protection.

4f37bd  No.7214050

File: 766711d30de4714⋯.png (189.65 KB, 414x468, 23:26, Sodom aka America -0932095….png)

8b77a8  No.7214051


"17" gives you 8 across the board on 35 basic ciphers.

"seventeen" =108(Jewish Ordinal)

"seventeen" =109(English Ordinal)

thats two big ones, interdastng that 207-17=190.

"seventeen seconds" =188(English Ordinal)

"seventeen seconds" =80(Full Reduction KV)

"two hundred and seven seconds" =357

(KFW Kabbalah) 357 = masonic steps

"one hundred and ninety seconds" = 1357


"one hundred and ninety seconds" =


(Full Reduction) 22 = masons

207 seconds = 3.45 minutes

"three point four five minutes" =322

(Jewish Ordinal) skull n bones

"three point four five minutes" =314

(LCH Kabbalah) they love their pie

"three point four five minutes" =666

(Franc Baconis)

"three point four five minutes" =117


"dust" =88

(Reverse Franc Baconis)

006e8e  No.7214052


What happens if you don't file for your $125 Equifax money?


b41212  No.7214053

File: 59736bef3b59f23⋯.jpg (96.12 KB, 500x577, 500:577, tumblr_ofsdiilXon1rweqqao1….jpg)


And Bette Midler married him

6a737f  No.7214054

File: d28aeeb2ebe363f⋯.png (86.17 KB, 265x194, 265:194, newlocationforchest.PNG)


ANYONE??? now its here. why/who is moving it? what is it for?????

d5e88c  No.7214055


Nah, we haven't heard from Debbie Wassman-Schultz in a while…

(She's laying low, after the AG's body from her district washed up on shore while investigating her).

fca3f5  No.7214056


keke yes, too many Margaritas.

I go hide now.

4f37bd  No.7214057

File: 48748f596e4a865⋯.png (839.75 KB, 1597x481, 1597:481, Better Class Criminal 0934….png)

4f37bd  No.7214058

File: 08345424abcb50e⋯.png (108.32 KB, 229x323, 229:323, Cure for Adultery -2395-92….png)


Nicer than God http://kgov.com/writings/nicer-god

Judge Rightly Is Not Some Guy's Name https://kgov.com/writings/should-christians-judge

The Bible Is a Criminal Justice Textbook https://kgov.com/the-bible-is-a-criminal-justice-textbook

How the Church Should Respond to the Crime Epidemic https://kgov.com/how-the-church-should-respond-to-the-crime-epidemic

Capital Crime: Adultery https://kgov.com/search?query=adultery

b41212  No.7214059



55df36  No.7214060

File: e80c9b940ece677⋯.jpg (118.45 KB, 610x898, 305:449, bette midler fat fuck.jpg)

5664d4  No.7214061



Unusual for so many on a Saturday.

4f37bd  No.7214062

File: 36ee7957a8a587c⋯.png (145.39 KB, 276x435, 92:145, Turn Yourself In 029350929….png)

78df16  No.7214063

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Agree! This one too… It makes fun, now, to see them! They haven´t any idea what they should say or do…

The best here, for me, is when she lectures the "Press" about what questions they has to ask her… It´s just me, or is there a change in questioning? And they all pissed as fuck, but as always, never show them when you bleed!

a04aea  No.7214064

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

25fc81  No.7214065

This is such a fucking reach it is disgusting. Anyone who has been to Baltimore or is from there can even agree that a majority of the city is just a fucking mess. But lets just pull the race card so I can excuse the shitty way I am running my district.


dd3740  No.7214066

File: 80d903d00ac4fb5⋯.jpeg (61.69 KB, 1334x305, 1334:305, 5718A909-660D-471A-B93D-1….jpeg)

File: 2957527175ea205⋯.jpeg (73.57 KB, 750x905, 150:181, 324F732B-E5D7-4AB2-A511-4….jpeg)

File: 1d49a5e50e79006⋯.jpeg (119.85 KB, 750x928, 375:464, 7363B40A-AD7A-48E9-A852-D….jpeg)

The thumb drives Page refers to were to be sent to Washington (state) servers. connwcted to MISFUD> Italy’s version of FBI. They blamed it on “hackers” Occhionero Gianni De Gennaro, et al but were caught by De Gennaro. The corrupt Italian cops/politicians were removed but the crime still committed. Hence POTUS said about his children. Those thumb drives were going to bring down Potus. Page>Misfud>Italian corrupt PD were exposed and removed. Hence Pelosi is going to ITALY vs Africa.

78a10e  No.7214067


Cut to the chase NumbersFag.

Are you saying we're getting a big BOOM today or not?

6a737f  No.7214068

File: acd47c80ff7df56⋯.png (415.05 KB, 700x518, 50:37, muhfirstflotusmemeeber.png)



i had one too many before ikea last night, i feelz ur hideing fren

4f37bd  No.7214069

File: ff499e51211c364⋯.png (326.64 KB, 397x359, 397:359, Sodom aka America -23r5-0-….png)

1a9ab9  No.7214070

File: 638ad3452cfc481⋯.jpg (484.11 KB, 1386x1552, 693:776, EC_Treason (1).jpg)

a04aea  No.7214071

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

4a50cc  No.7214072

File: be608e4957de911⋯.jpg (555.92 KB, 1314x1522, 657:761, unethical.jpg)

4f37bd  No.7214073

File: 670e2f68ac65a8a⋯.png (348.84 KB, 745x785, 149:157, Leave 30948609830948609830….png)

6215d6  No.7214074

File: d0282ea48ff5646⋯.png (793.63 KB, 741x1692, 247:564, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 677e438a1c6c728⋯.png (627.39 KB, 635x1630, 127:326, ClipboardImage.png)

File: dddf0dfdaeade31⋯.png (570.91 KB, 680x510, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 57f427b53872065⋯.png (748.53 KB, 568x1605, 568:1605, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 62f151fbba22f3b⋯.png (842.95 KB, 644x1620, 161:405, ClipboardImage.png)


June 26, 2016

House Democrats Sit-In A Joke? — Sit-In Provides Catered Food And Comfortable Pillows Making It A ‘Sleep-Over’

…Ultimately, some might say the Democratic sit-in was nothing more than a 25-hour-long sleep-over or slumber party. The situation was overly hyped and highly reported, but after its time went by, nothing was truly accomplished. All it seemed to do was force out a reaction from the American people. Liberals admired the Democrats, praising their aggressive stance in pushing some form of gun control through the door. Conservatives on the other hand mocked the Democrats, comparing them to little children who sit on the floor, arms folded, pouted faces when they don’t get what they want. Some conservatives even made memes of the Democrats wearing baby bibs and bonnet with pacifiers shoved in their mouths.

There is one detail that was was never reported and that is if good American tax dollars, which could go to better means such as education or infrastructure, were used for the food and comfort items. If they were, Americans are sure to have a problem with it.

[Photo by Allison Shelley/Getty Images]

48b06c  No.7214075

File: afa4c25fca7b6e6⋯.png (153.38 KB, 957x728, 957:728, cummings 3.PNG)



>Elijah Cummings – Investigate this corrupt mess immediately!


e9fd0d  No.7214076

File: 05a7dbd28c3cf74⋯.png (728.31 KB, 717x799, 717:799, Screenshot_2019-07-27 Rosi….png)

File: 0a442816ea41dc2⋯.png (1.78 MB, 1106x779, 1106:779, Screenshot_2019-07-27 Rosi….png)

File: 9661c885289ef4c⋯.png (1.7 MB, 1056x767, 1056:767, Screenshot_2019-07-27 Rosi….png)

Another giant weirdo circle is also present on perv island.


4f37bd  No.7214077

File: f116d496bec1465⋯.png (110.9 KB, 300x338, 150:169, Im First Lady -02395-92395….png)



d5e88c  No.7214078


And the Jew-Communists who created their gov't…

c04532  No.7214079


Yeah that makes sense to me…the whackest part of this whole thing is that we've been even brainwashed to think that patriots/true Americans are in the minority! what a crock of shit! There are so many of us and so many in the middle that are unsure but would stick by patriots in the heat of things…..and a ton of liberals who still have the chance to wake up and when they do, they will want to tear apart the DEMS more than we do! A D5 is coming, not sure when exactly, but 2020 election is a good bet

b67d66  No.7214080

File: 02b91add9fed248⋯.jpg (33.04 KB, 608x352, 19:11, bella.jpg)

File: 524252d91aa1647⋯.png (65.13 KB, 400x368, 25:23, lee-sallows-impossible-rin….png)

from this Voat thread


> >>7212567 Voat Owner: Epstein thread under 8200 attack

>Borromean rings

>The three rings are strong together, but they fall apart if any one of them is removed. Alternatively, the three rings are trapped together until one of them leaves and sets the others free.


>The name of Borromean rings comes from their use in the coat of arms of the aristocratic Borromeo family in Italy. Near Arona in northern Italy, the Borromeo family own three islands in Lake Maggiore: Isola Bella, Isola Madre, and Isola Superiore. Isola Bella contains an impressive Baroque palazzo built in the seventeenth century by Vitaliano Borromeo (1620-1690). There are many examples of the famous emblem in the house and the garden.


Probably nothing, r-right?

0e5648  No.7214081


Baltimore is a shithole…has been for 50 years, since US steel closed

8d70c5  No.7214082

File: 089846cc361f552⋯.jpg (11.84 KB, 242x255, 242:255, 5c06e23c9569d9197693f1bab1….jpg)

efe178  No.7214083


All about the Honeypot.

Hugh Hefner. Playboy. Why do you think places like that existed?

It wasn't for men to get off. It was for Epstein to get installed as a Black Op

4f37bd  No.7214084

File: 67474a65f3b3150⋯.png (235.21 KB, 485x306, 485:306, God was Present 3420985082….png)

53719d  No.7214085

File: b57c36c01bb4698⋯.jpg (81.04 KB, 800x540, 40:27, IMG_6327.JPG)

File: a02da735a675c1e⋯.jpg (55.01 KB, 435x326, 435:326, IMG_6328.JPG)

File: 066f36a01e06775⋯.jpg (86.78 KB, 1041x764, 1041:764, IMG_6329.JPG)

File: 3add4570ddda903⋯.jpg (254.23 KB, 1440x988, 360:247, IMG_6330.JPG)

File: 1e1d18e6684477b⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1024x1442, 512:721, IMG_6331.PNG)

cc24ca  No.7214086


Very true, Satan has tried many times to build his anti-Christ kingdom and God has saw fit to stop him. One day God won't.

0129bd  No.7214087


Good one

79ed23  No.7214088




66a837  No.7214089

File: 0ca1e81462791e8⋯.jpg (13.65 KB, 161x127, 161:127, Capture.JPG)

File: 941a735258a639d⋯.png (260.18 KB, 551x308, 551:308, EvilCunt.PNG)


How about FK U BillyBoy Clinton and all the traitors in congress

China - Most Favored Nation

On May 19, President Clinton announced that he would be renewing China's trading privileges in spite of its human rights record, and against the wishes of over sixty percent of Americans who are opposed to trading with the oppressive communist regime. Why is the U.S. cracking down on smaller nations for alleged human rights abuses while extending favorable treatment to one of the most oppressive governments in the world?

Most Favored Nation (MFN) status was granted to the People's Republic of China (PRC) in 1979 and has been renewed on a yearly basis ever since. MFN allows the PRC access to U.S. markets at tariff rates that average six percent. Nations without the designation face a forty-four percent tariff. Most nations have MFN with the exception of six including Vietnam, Cuba and North Korea. Clinton has until June 3 to formally notify Congress of his decision. From that point, Congress has 90 days to reverse his decision. (The Washington Post, 5-20-97).

"We will link China's trading privileges to its human rights record…" –Candidate Bill Clinton, Los Angeles World Affairs Council, 8-13-92.

In light of the sanctimonious air the United States assumes when dealing with the faults of alleged recalcitrants such as Iraq, Libya or Burma, it is almost surprising that the U.S. will fall all over itself in extending preferential treatment to a communist regime that remains unrepentant for its atrocities. The most compelling example of communist Chinese repression occurred in Tiananmen Square in 1989 and the policies that led to that massacre are still in place, underwritten by trade with the United States.

Ironically, the Tiananmen Square massacre occurred on June 3, 1989, the day President Bush was to inform Congress of his decision to renew MFN for the PRC. It is reported that 4,000 civilians lost their lives in that horrific slaughter, many of whom were run over by tanks. MFN was renewed anyway, ostensibly to encourage the communist Chinese government to change its ways through "constructive engagement."

Even as the PRC government continues its unabashed repression against segments of its own population, President Clinton hides behind the same "constructive engagement" excuse. "I believe if we were to revoke normal trade status," he told a group of business executives at the White House, "it would cut off our contact with the Chinese people and undermine our influence with the Chinese government." (The Washington Post, 5-20-97). The element of duplicity in this policy is unmistakable.

More than just granting Red China an open door to the U.S. market, the American political establishment is implementing a Chinese "Marshall Plan". The Chinese economy is growing by leaps and bounds, fueled by a trade deficit against the U.S. of $35 billion a year, almost as large as the U.S. trade deficit with Japan. It is hard to shop at many U.S. stores and buy something that is not made in China. The U.S. market is flooded with toys, shoes and gadgets manufactured by cheap Chinese labor. Scores of U.S. companies are moving their manufacturing operations into China and exporting the finished product back to the U.S.

Give it All Away


4f37bd  No.7214090

File: 1bd78296aaa4534⋯.png (176.52 KB, 344x447, 344:447, Sodom aka America.png)


Marriage is: one man, one woman (Gen. 2:18–24) in covenant (Matt. 19:6) for life (Rom. 7:2, 3).

Recommend reading:

The Divorce Myth by J. Carl Laney

Recommended sites:

Christian Divorce and Remarriage | Joseph Webb https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxN7-jaU4JtzOHTsUrVKCwQ/videos

Marriage Permanence https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKIhZUhYUaLecZHNEDv0hug/videos

Permanence of Marriage Until Death | Walking by the Spirit Always https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLi0i4ZYG7fW3z7Um1BjaamjNKaucpX6f4

78a10e  No.7214091


>i had one too many before ikea

Even hipsters are anons now.

Not tired of Winning!

5664d4  No.7214092

File: 6246c280fa7050b⋯.png (419.58 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 179025de2bb0ed6⋯.png (555.72 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


Our South American Huron made a trip to Georgetown, Grand Cayman, today.

0e5648  No.7214093


Are u on the square?

Will u severe Satan?

4f37bd  No.7214094

File: 473468ba0616f83⋯.png (84.62 KB, 464x510, 232:255, The Peoples House 09823509….png)

6a0ca6  No.7214095

File: 5b251d1bd99b67b⋯.png (215.3 KB, 600x300, 2:1, Gunga GaLunga.png)

777726  No.7214096


If I'm not mistaken we are called "Fags"…I know..I know…sounds bad..but that is what we have been called from the beginning…I can be wrong…look it up…but planefag, lawfag, etc… you throw me off when you look for Anons because not all Anons are Fags…but all Fags are Anons.

e8d7f4  No.7214097

Blind Item #11

By my count, there are now three former escorts running for Congress/Senate/already there.

#1 - A MN Republican.

#2 - A CA Democrat.

The third comes from a state where there are so few women serving, it would be too easy to guess. She actually did it during her college years.

Posted by ent lawyer at 11:15 AM 128 comments

16e183  No.7214098

File: 6b6614a00573a50⋯.jpg (128.68 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, earth.jpg)

b04a6f  No.7214099


…no other way to get thru a TX summer than blender drinks…

17be13  No.7214100


He ded.

a71db0  No.7214101

File: 269585042ee7668⋯.png (294.77 KB, 490x511, 70:73, ClipboardImage.png)

272a49  No.7214102


Russia's yandex.com and China's badiu.com are gold mines. They love posting our dirt.

0ba65b  No.7214103


NEVER, get behind me satan, in Jesus name, leave this board

220ffe  No.7214104


was told by sum sisters that baltimore

wasn't safe fo anon's cracker ass

6a737f  No.7214105

File: b50e1f2aafbfcfe⋯.jpg (85.12 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, tywhitehats.jpg)

File: 508e1f1eb82f4a1⋯.jpg (24.46 KB, 499x445, 499:445, underestimatedkek.jpg)

File: 9dee756fcfb268f⋯.png (6.12 MB, 3200x2000, 8:5, WAKEUP.png)

File: acc381dc8f5ced9⋯.png (318.54 KB, 655x724, 655:724, wakeupretards.png)


i truly beliveve the ds sends their best agents to try and change our mindsand/or blackmail us. they never considered the intnetz ovscene power. WINNNNNING! stay strong anons. we will not fail.

a71db0  No.7214106

File: df45d4c1762c838⋯.png (303.3 KB, 490x511, 70:73, ClipboardImage.png)

77ecfa  No.7214107

File: 0b771520c1c4858⋯.jpg (179.73 KB, 682x1024, 341:512, 29189870355_7751545342_b.jpg)

Mason see the flow of events as we do. The difference is the form clubs to celebrate and confirm their awareness of the ISIS illusion and also to blow each other. Also, imagine you understood how information and events correlated and that there is no causation beyond the symbolic would you use that knowledge to make yourself rich and rape children? If your answer is "no" you are a "cowan," a non mason.

b0c35a  No.7214108

>>721402 Place to start Cummings dig


>>Good places to start a dig:




>>NOTE: DTN has a shit ton of info on him and and organization connections.

0718a5  No.7214109

#9229 New Baker

>>7213601, >>7213769, >>7213932, >>7214019 President Trump Tweets ,Info and Connects

>>7213670, >>7213724, >>7214092 US MIL Tweets and info

>>7213609 FinanceFag reports

>>7213531, >>7213595, >>7213517, >>7213576 Planefag Reports

>>7213584 Senate moves bill with up to $15,000 fines for sharing memes online.

>>7213465 Deep fakes trigger a race to fight manipulated photos and videos.

>>7213492, Nicole Junkermann diggs

>>7213502, >>7213503, >>7213518, >>7213555, >>7213564, >>7213591, >>7213641, >>7213653, >>7213730, >>7213754,

>>7213910, >>7213973 Epstein WW Crime Spree info

>>7213524 Voat has just been notified that malicious traffic has been deployed against the site

>>7213551, >>7213643 Disney's Evil Empire digs

>>7213510 Epstein pictures tie Chauntae Davies to Bill Clinton and possibly Chris Tucker

>>7213606 Siri ‘regularly’ records sex encounters, sends ‘countless’ private moments to Apple contractors

>>7213502, >>7213618 Epstein Godfather Reference MSN

>>7213729 Anon pointed to Q3414. Could the bar code on the George magazine 3163 - be pointing to Q3163?

>>7213699 Real Housewives Of ISIS (spoof video)

>>7213849, >>7213859, >>7213849, >>7213859 12 tribes digs

>>7213934 China has a well-documented underground nuclear submarine base (contains PB link )

>>7213957 International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights Bun

>>7213958 Nicholas Sandman lost his lawsuit against Washington Post

>>7213901, >>7214054 Moving box on the island

>>7214080 Borromean rings comes from their use in the coat of arms of the aristocratic Borromeo family in Italy

48b06c  No.7214110

File: e490b781e460ad5⋯.png (185 KB, 1310x781, 1310:781, cummings 4.PNG)



>Elijah Cummings – Investigate this corrupt mess immediately!

Baltimore Sun search results – going back decades


088d29  No.7214111


>Netflix movie about some alien alliance caught my eye… from some reason…

Probably because Netflix is trolling you so you keep watching their shitty [programming]…

Do you feel special when you go shopping online, then magically out-of-the-blue an ad appears in your email from Amazon with the same exact item, and it's listed at 55% off retail price!? I'm pretty sure it's a sign that God wants you to save money by buying that, right now.

d1af6d  No.7214112


Analystanon does read better than analystfag or analfag

dd3740  No.7214113

File: cc281b45e7361aa⋯.png (2.88 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, A8702308-B01A-464A-B300-57….png)


Members of Italian intelligence were approached by Hillary Clinton, the Obama Administration, and the Deep State in order to frame Trump by PLANTING EVIDENCE on American servers to force Trump to step down from office.

The Italian spy network had a close relationship with Joseph Mifsud, the individual who set up Trump Campaign volunteer George Papadopoulos in Rome and London.

According to @MaurizioMazzel /Occhionero Gianni De Gennaro was honored byFBI honored with a medal in Italy.

And some overlapping names: Roberto Di Legami, Giuseppe Esposito, Gianni Pittella, Joseph Mifsud, Michael Gaeta, Christopher Steele, Robert Mueller, Giuseppe Pignatone, Peter Strzok, George Papadopoulos, Simona Mangiante, Link Campus University, Centro Studi Americani in Rome.

EXCLUSIVE: Rumors Swirling that Fired Italian Spies Were Connected in Plot to Eliminate Trump

EXCLUSIVE: Rumors Swirling that Fired Italian Spies Were Connected in Plot to Eliminate Trump

17be13  No.7214114

File: 3f2bca288c5d4c8⋯.png (957.58 KB, 707x612, 707:612, Screenshot_7.png)

4f37bd  No.7214115

File: 18b3616b12da5e2⋯.png (40.52 KB, 160x239, 160:239, No Hoes WH 238598239502305….png)

ad52e7  No.7214116

Rats & Rodents = [RR]?


147a88  No.7214117



Satan can and will

shampoo my balls

Rub em Satan

you fucking bitch

55df36  No.7214118



1a9ab9  No.7214119


I sure hope it's not true, BUT if it is… so long!

I don't care if all my favorites go the fuck down. If they did it, they deserve to be brought to justice.

But FFS, Bill, say it ain't so.

0e5648  No.7214120


Kek…..Hitler was right about the Italians

16e183  No.7214121


Squaring the circle.

4a50cc  No.7214122

File: ec83210450f17bf⋯.jpg (537.45 KB, 1314x1522, 657:761, realltdo.jpg)

c96ed7  No.7214123

File: b002267abe39c44⋯.png (194.28 KB, 1012x552, 11:6, ClipboardImage.png)

a04aea  No.7214124

File: 01d27f61f1ffced⋯.png (376.89 KB, 800x512, 25:16, ClipboardImage.png)

b0c35a  No.7214125



How about FinancialFag?

a04aea  No.7214126

File: e1e453e765be471⋯.png (533.51 KB, 960x720, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

b1670c  No.7214127

File: 60ed448245285ba⋯.png (184 KB, 1080x1334, 540:667, Screenshot_2019-07-27-11-0….png)

Walt Disney set up dummy corporations to buy "swamp" land in Florida in the 1960's.

"drain the swamp"

27000 acres / approx 47 sq. miles

Dummy corps were named things like "M.T. Lott" (empty lot) to hide the fact that it was Disney.


8d70c5  No.7214128

File: 6d742b0dae9121e⋯.png (1.22 MB, 640x641, 640:641, 6d742b0dae9121edfc277120a9….png)


Grow up.

Marriage is just a business contract and a social contract between families. The terms can be what ever you wish them to be… life, 6months, heck some of the most purist and holy of unions have taken place over the one night.

4f37bd  No.7214129

File: fb487a6e93e6cbc⋯.png (80.89 KB, 180x254, 90:127, Clown 23085028395802835892….png)

a71db0  No.7214130

File: d98f7364517fd7a⋯.png (309.18 KB, 490x511, 70:73, ClipboardImage.png)

873e8c  No.7214131

File: 8ff6a8f8539cb74⋯.jpg (457.06 KB, 1913x951, 1913:951, VV700 27 Jul 19 1620.jpg)

Update on the Army, Navy and Marine exec jets.

6215d6  No.7214132

File: 0e519d3e52e3cc8⋯.png (766.91 KB, 813x1610, 813:1610, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 00a796d89eef720⋯.png (727.99 KB, 761x1646, 761:1646, ClipboardImage.png)


d3b276  No.7214133

re: Freddy Gray's Representative:

Some people hate America because their ancestors were slaves.

(That is why there are African-Americans, before that, black-Americans, and prior to that, Negro-Americans. You don't see the same fervor for Ukrainian Americans, Indonesian-Americans, Korean-Americans, Nepalese-Americans - because evrybody else wanted to come here.)

So let's check the record. During the last two centuries, these enslaved people were emancipated, given automatic citizenship (no testing required), given a "leg up" with Affirmative action, have a black caucus in Congress ( a white one would be rayciss), and put on #Hamilton, although blackface or even wearing a feathered head dress at Halloween is cultural appropriation. Special treatment cuz muh race?

We have the national Association for Colored People. I can't say colored, 'cuz i am not 'colored'. Just like only blacks can say 'nigga' without committing a hate crime.

Huckleberry Finn is now on the Fahrenheit 451 list. Students of history are perpetuating racism. Statues and monuments and murals and even roadside plaques must be removed; also, blacks are allowed 20 items in the 10 item express lane. cuz muh colored victim-hood 24/7/365. Any dissent to the official msm narrative is blatant racism. No criticism allowed. You whites done had your turn.

Standing up to this ridiculous overreach gets you branded and labelled, and even doxxed. Even descendants of Jamaican slave owners get to play the race card, as long as they are not ivory white.

Why are 'Hands Up Don't Shoot' and "I can't breathe" (both who committed tobacco crimes just before their confrontations) the icons for the movement, when there are Tamir Rice and LaQuan McDonald?

Punchline: If you are unhappy about the way "this country" (the one that lost 600,000 ppl fighting over your freedom (including one of my ancestors' siblings who died in a Texas Confederate prison camp at age 19)) treated your 'ancestors' (prove it) why are you still here?

A much more valid argument would be one that does not have to go back to the early '60's for fodder. This is just deflecting attention away from the void that is the Mueller Report fall-out.

4f37bd  No.7214134

File: 76bac95bbfcec71⋯.png (79.05 KB, 387x126, 43:14, Marriage Matters 209385929….png)

0e5648  No.7214135



6a737f  No.7214136


KEK being called a millenial is bad enough, but a HIPSTER?


free blender dranks on me if ya ever come to MO, fren!

bf21ff  No.7214137

File: 6dc9d50b5d28202⋯.jpeg (65.48 KB, 908x1020, 227:255, 1564241060.jpeg)

78a10e  No.7214138


One of the Classic Himmmmmmmmm blinds at CDAN last winter was about the Vault at the Mansion.

Fort Knox like security where all the goodies were (are still?).

Hef's son portrayed as wanting it on record with witnesses at the time that he possessed substantial material.

But, not media story types, just frens that could vouch.

Biggest scoop - Dolly topless at the pool!

The monies those pics/vids are worth boggles the mind.

4f37bd  No.7214139

File: 7aabe5b5f942427⋯.png (98.6 KB, 322x172, 161:86, Enjoy the Show w0380902938….png)

dd3740  No.7214140


They were fired but this connects Page & the thumb drive to Italy, Pap, Misfud, servers and now Pelosi is going to Italy.

203d8a  No.7214141

File: bcce8932ce0052e⋯.jpg (13.54 KB, 223x255, 223:255, bcce8932ce0052e1e6b6a5920d….jpg)


Hosts file points ad sites to

Many sites don't detect it as ad blocking


8c3332  No.7214142


What i fined most interesting with China and US relations, how GHB and Clinton sold the idea that we should do biz with Commies, right after Communism imploded in Russia.

I was not paying attention then, so i dont remember. We as Americans shouldve taken that moment in time, and triple down on our manufacturing and resources. Instead we shuttered all the factories and sold off all the tooling into Asia.

777726  No.7214143


I know what you mean…but from the start we are all called Anons as a generic term…but some of us have special gifts depended on education. experience, work status or just being CTA…which is why we are called fags…

b04a6f  No.7214144


…Mike's been into the blender drinks, too, looks like…

32e93a  No.7214145

File: c5e6a8f1318a08c⋯.png (185.54 KB, 534x325, 534:325, george_washington_baphomet.png)

>>7204985 (PB) Q post

show of hands

how many anons believe this?

b67d66  No.7214146



and this

>"The "State" was subdivided in ten podesterie: Mergozzo, Omegna, Vogogna, Val Vigezzo, Cannobio, Intra, Laveno, Lesa, Angera and Arona. The Podestà of Arona was the main justice administrator for the Borromeo Counts over the area and was independent from both the Novara and Milan jurisdictions, the former controller…"

c04532  No.7214147

File: 114e51088db595b⋯.jpg (46.79 KB, 500x562, 250:281, 36n94y.jpg)

d1af6d  No.7214148


Seriously… putting all your eggs in one basket

a4f27d  No.7214149

File: f4ef6647bb0a4d8⋯.png (76.92 KB, 476x419, 476:419, ClipboardImage.png)


just got in, need time to fix shit

a04aea  No.7214150

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

7bc309  No.7214151

File: 334ce487492b146⋯.png (359.69 KB, 350x450, 7:9, ClipboardImage.png)

32e93a  No.7214152


>>7204972 (PB) This one!

220ffe  No.7214153

File: 62c76fe0aa73620⋯.jpg (30.17 KB, 1200x1173, 400:391, 1556160640-2.jpg)

File: cabacb8bd112d8b⋯.jpg (90.33 KB, 647x500, 647:500, 1552099171.jpg)


gentlemen and a scholar


873e8c  No.7214154


There's no place like …

(clicks ruby slippers)

164673  No.7214155


Spin, spin, SPIN!

66a837  No.7214156

File: 32e6d33fb742a5b⋯.jpg (16.16 KB, 670x356, 335:178, Capture.JPG)

Social Media Platform VOAT Goes Offline Again in Alleged Deep State Attack – Top Site in ‘Drain the Swamp’ Fight

VOAT was taken offline back in June.

VOAT is a news aggregator and social networking service where registered community members can submit content such as text posts and direct links. VOAT prides itself on being free from censorship.

VOAT is despised by the left and the deep state intelligence apparatus.

On Saturday VOAT was taken down again. They blamed deep state operatives.

Edit 2:

I know I’m lighthearted about this but they did take down Voat earlier. What I know about DDOS attacks is they will change it up. So buckle up buckaroos.


b04a6f  No.7214157


…you need new frozen recipes, I gottem, fren…

d91851  No.7214158

File: 5a38718ef5ca413⋯.jpeg (638.47 KB, 795x1075, 159:215, 0F5FF74A-FEB7-4B25-9080-2….jpeg)



bf21ff  No.7214159

File: 743f04d81a26f2b⋯.jpeg (75.26 KB, 908x1020, 227:255, 1564241222.jpeg)

16e183  No.7214160


Yes, and a certain "lady", for want of a better word, they named a Florida High School after her, campaigned fiercely against the draining of the swamp.

That's where the bodies are at.

82670b  No.7214161

File: c9c141790c12699⋯.jpg (15.69 KB, 474x266, 237:133, coke.jpg)



Cocaine Head Hitler's file

Trusting in anon to have read at least part of it

as NYC was the first city listed.

great reading material for an anon Saturday

a04aea  No.7214162

File: 35933e162d31e85⋯.jpg (937.77 KB, 2000x1601, 2000:1601, asvsvvvdd.jpg)

979c3f  No.7214163

File: 00f2484de795629⋯.jpg (43.46 KB, 490x528, 245:264, cummings cash.JPG)

6a737f  No.7214164

File: 6fd1aa1aee2639c⋯.png (83.67 KB, 280x180, 14:9, can o worms fren.png)


reminds me of the parks and rec epside about gryzzl data mining. one my faves-and yes i know its all programming but its a good example of whats rele habbenin

a04aea  No.7214165

File: 1a4d33bc73da234⋯.jpg (160.36 KB, 742x936, 371:468, ayy6.jpg)

11bfcc  No.7214166


Anon notes; not baking; Don't mind me

Muh shadow baking in comms

Stop crying about this list; It's not the notables list

>>7213517, >>7213531, >>7213576, >>7214092, >>7214131 Planefaggery

>>7213465 Deep fakes trigger a race to fight manipulated photos and videos.

>>7213502 Epstein Godfather Reference MSN.

>>7213503, >>7213518 Epstein FBI Vault, and Burt Reynolds?

>>7213510 Epstein pictures tie Chauntae Davies to Bill Clinton and possibly Chris Tucker.

>>7213549 In true DJT style → POTUS fired another "Shot Across the Bow" of a [DC-Rats].

>>7213555 Dick Wolf Law & Order SVU Episode Eerily Similar to the Epstein Modus Operandi.

>>7213564, >>7213591, >>7213641, >>7213694, >>7213754, >>7213973 Possible photo of Epstein and Bill Clinton found. Use discernment anons.

>>7213584 Senate moves bill with up to $15,000 fines for sharing memes online.

>>7213587 Epstein’s ‘Lolita Express’ pilots subpoenaed to corroborate new sex trafficking & pedophilia claims .

>>7213606 Siri ‘regularly’ records sex encounters, sends ‘countless’ private moments to Apple contractors.

>>7213609 Deutsche Boerse Sees Refintiv Talks Failing After LSE Plans.

>>7213630 Iran threatens Brazil for seizing two ships.

>>7213670 US Navy twitter: Join us in the commissioning of the @USNavy's newest guided-missile destroyer

>>7213687 Fukushima fishing port hit by 2011 tsunami reopens after 8-year hiatus.

>>7213699 Real Housewives Of ISIS (spoof video) For da Keks.

>>7213714 THE UPDATED LIST: 130 Times the FBI, DOJ and/or Mueller Gang “Deviated from Standard Practice” or Committed Crimes in Efforts to Exonerate Hillary and Indict President Trump.

>>7213722 Information on Nicole Junkermann

>>7213724 USACE HQ Tweets about Misille Defence Agency.

>>7213769, >>7213932 President Trump DESTROYS Corrupt Democrat Elijah Cummings — Calls for Investigation into His “Rat and Rodent Infested” District.

>>7213775 Report on U.S. Navy F/A-XX Next Generation Fighter will be ready in Summer.

>>7213848 The secret backstory of how Obama let Hezbollah off the hook

>>7213907 Delving Into The Shadowy World Of Occult Art.

>>7213938, >>7213952 U.S. Congress Bipartisan Vote For Pentagon To Be Investigated For Using Insects as a Biological Weapon.

>>7213994, >>7214033, >>7214075 Good places to start a dig; Elijah Cummings – Investigate this corrupt mess immediately!

78a10e  No.7214167


That's a pretty good Intro to Fags it'll work.

e9fd0d  No.7214168

File: 718682dd8a33d06⋯.png (369.52 KB, 514x637, 514:637, 718682dd8a33d06155753a65b0….png)

File: 242ac181e3b677a⋯.jpeg (148.52 KB, 290x290, 1:1, 242ac181e3b677ae870d7b626….jpeg)

e80fdd  No.7214169

uuuuuuuhhhhh that smell


022678  No.7214170


Pelosi's home town is Baltimore. Father was a mayor. Italian.

May tie in POTUS barrage at Cummings/Baltimore. Another thing for Pelosi to think about. One of her mafia lieutenants is about to be taken out.

Omar on that trip, too. Was AOC told to STFU while they were out of country. IOW, cool it on the drawing attention bullshit.

Pelosi has to speak up and respond to POTUS salvo now or look like she doesn't give a shit about her troops. Might be drawing AOC out, too.

2a8e36  No.7214171

File: 02a40c46123eeee⋯.jpg (138.93 KB, 718x761, 718:761, Meme Creator_1564006683021.jpg)

eb697f  No.7214172

File: db955f8dfffa151⋯.png (85.66 KB, 600x600, 1:1, like big buns.png)

a04aea  No.7214173

File: 5d921b2ff55b5fb⋯.jpg (79.31 KB, 660x663, 220:221, ebot3.jpg)

File: fc754443f4ceaa4⋯.jpg (191.43 KB, 1124x732, 281:183, ebot4.jpg)

File: 890223713d2f4b7⋯.png (347.23 KB, 777x435, 259:145, ebot1.png)

82670b  No.7214174

File: 6013674091981a2⋯.jpg (44.35 KB, 600x400, 3:2, werokjdsfaiofjas.jpg)

c04532  No.7214175

File: 1b2a0754b64409e⋯.jpg (55.25 KB, 500x523, 500:523, 36n9ej.jpg)

32e93a  No.7214176

File: 322af162b5b06ae⋯.png (3.89 MB, 3104x2848, 97:89, Evangelicals 2.png)

File: 435d38c3af09009⋯.png (4.39 MB, 3040x3560, 76:89, Evangelicals.png)


Hey, Ziotroll. We all know Israelis and other satanists hate black people. Stop trying to make people think Q people are like Hasbara shills. Keep in mind, I was a Christian Zionist before I met YOU PEOPLE

55df36  No.7214177

File: 90c05300239e3f8⋯.png (521.05 KB, 791x691, 791:691, elijah cummings nigga wut.png)

0e5648  No.7214178


We done found a connection

006e8e  No.7214179

File: ac32afddf200d28⋯.png (518.11 KB, 1547x928, 1547:928, equifaxcap.PNG)

d91851  No.7214180

File: d7ad5f6f99dfc5c⋯.jpeg (161.26 KB, 828x1115, 828:1115, 15CCBA24-0752-4A87-8869-6….jpeg)

e5e27b  No.7214181


Satanic poopin' pose? 🤔🤣🤷‍♂️

6215d6  No.7214182

File: 211a7b0829d53d7⋯.png (285.36 KB, 831x1187, 831:1187, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5e9747c9780c247⋯.png (636.92 KB, 559x736, 559:736, 5e9747c9780c2478941a292820….png)


POTUS getting ammo from Hope?

cfb580  No.7214183


your killin me anon


sips moar covfefe

keep it up ;-)

8b77a8  No.7214184

File: 573501e241d9963⋯.png (238.63 KB, 1350x574, 675:287, 002Screenshot_2018-11-27 A….png)

File: 7bcfa7a2732a675⋯.png (168.7 KB, 1350x574, 675:287, 001Screenshot_2018-11-27 M….png)

File: 92a43140637c00a⋯.png (239.74 KB, 1350x574, 675:287, 004Screenshot_2018-11-27 A….png)

File: 076a9f87bfb280b⋯.png (291.39 KB, 1350x574, 675:287, 003Screenshot_2018-11-27 A….png)

File: 6a651d4990f1af1⋯.jpg (14.07 KB, 255x156, 85:52, 6a651d4990f1af1090d768d3a8….jpg)


this anon

dd3740  No.7214185


We did.

32e93a  No.7214186

File: 653a9e73df2bdcb⋯.mp4 (5.27 MB, 636x360, 53:30, Jesus Gorilla.mp4)

e5e27b  No.7214187


Anyway, Satan knows (((JEW))) have time machine(s), so stupid statues are not gonna help you save (((JEW)))-manity. 🤷‍♂️

cfb580  No.7214188


* you're

don't hate on me grammar nazis

bf21ff  No.7214189

File: d7005c3bbc9ad20⋯.jpeg (67.7 KB, 908x1020, 227:255, 1564241464.jpeg)

0718a5  No.7214190

need a bread title for next bread

#9229 New Baker

>>7213601, >>7213769, >>7213932, >>7214019 President Trump Tweets ,Info and Connects

>>7213670, >>7213724, >>7214092 US MIL Tweets and info

>>7213609 FinanceFag reports

>>7213531, >>7213595, >>7213517, >>7213576, >>7214131 Planefag Reports

>>7213584 Senate moves bill with up to $15,000 fines for sharing memes online.

>>7213465 Deep fakes trigger a race to fight manipulated photos and videos.

>>7213492, Nicole Junkermann diggs

>>7213502, >>7213503, >>7213518, >>7213555, >>7213564, >>7213591, >>7213653, >>7213730, >>7213973 Epstein WW Crime Spree info

>>7213524, >>7214156 Voat has just been notified that malicious traffic has been deployed against the site

>>7213551, >>7213643, >>7214127 Disney's Evil Empire digs

>>7213510 Epstein pictures tie Chauntae Davies to Bill Clinton and possibly Chris Tucker

>>7213606 Siri ‘regularly’ records sex encounters, sends ‘countless’ private moments to Apple contractors

>>7213502, >>7213618 Epstein Godfather Reference MSN

>>7213729 Anon pointed to Q3414. Could the bar code on the George magazine 3163 - be pointing to Q3163?

>>7213699 Real Housewives Of ISIS (spoof video)

>>7213849, >>7213859, >>7213849, >>7213859 12 tribes digs

>>7213934 China has a well-documented underground nuclear submarine base (contains PB link )

>>7213957 International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights Bun

>>7213958 Nicholas Sandman lost his lawsuit against Washington Post

>>7213901, >>7214054 Moving box on the island

>>7214080, >>7214146 Borromean rings comes from their use in the coat of arms of the aristocratic Borromeo family in Italy

e5e27b  No.7214191


Do (((JEW))) have higher definition video? Maybe the chick wont look so good in HD. 🤣🤷‍♂️

8c3332  No.7214192


Hasnt the President of Italy bent the knee to POTUS? He fired that head of intel, or he resigned, not long ago?

I'm not saying it's not a cover, but I think she is too late, Q/MIL has already cut that off?

203d8a  No.7214193



d1af6d  No.7214194


Lol I’m not that much into consumerism. I buy what I need to get work done (if I have the money) but usually I Call on my mcguyver training and make the shit I already have work for me.

How does shopping on amazon relate to this frame of Netflix movie? It’s in the trailer and I didn’t have to suffer thru another cheap ass regurgitated storyline to see this.

47165b  No.7214195

Sandman is still going to win the case vs. Wapo.

77ecfa  No.7214196


sorry mason shill the key is the number of fingers raised. Old stan is 2

GW raise one, to the Unity

>Mason see the flow of events as we do. The difference is the form clubs to celebrate and confirm their awareness of the ISIS illusion and also to blow each other. Also, imagine you understood how information and events correlated and that there is no causation beyond the symbolic would you use that knowledge to make yourself rich and rape children? If your answer is "no" you are a "cowan," a non mason.

4a50cc  No.7214197

File: 7722d1a0dfc3826⋯.jpg (73.87 KB, 1060x601, 1060:601, ZOMBIELANDDOUBLE TAP - Off….JPG)


0e5648  No.7214199

File: 6ea6bacd5ff62dc⋯.jpeg (544.06 KB, 2048x660, 512:165, 837AD05B-E762-483F-832C-1….jpeg)


Mob connections….therefore. Vatican pulling strings


e5e27b  No.7214200



Yeah, I bet (((JEW))) nose, double chin, etc. would be visible in HD video. 🤣🤷‍♂️

953a9c  No.7214201


Remember when all the Republican congressmen were on one train and it got hit with a truck? I bet all those Democrat candidates are threats to their own side. They are killing each other off!

78a10e  No.7214202



My section within that red area has a lot of Hipsters.

So, I throw it out like anons throw out Shill accusations.

32e93a  No.7214203


It was regular TV.

5f8320  No.7214204

File: 3e4fac4e27f0e4e⋯.jpg (92.64 KB, 511x768, 511:768, JunkRoth.jpg)

6215d6  No.7214205

File: 659d89f2663f5eb⋯.png (539.48 KB, 612x1229, 612:1229, ClipboardImage.png)



Kimberly Klacik


Baltimore County Republican Central Committee| Political Commentator (usually on #FoxNews)|#ProTrump|CoHost of #SuperCitizenUSA|Olivia's Mom

8b77a8  No.7214206

File: 2eebe8eca5c01bf⋯.webm (2.9 MB, 640x352, 20:11, JewsnTrump76.webm)

006e8e  No.7214207




Just hit next all the way to the end and bam $125

6a737f  No.7214208


We Will Not Fail!

41e883  No.7214209


Would smash both.

e5e27b  No.7214210


>It was regular TV.

But (((JEW))) should be able to convert to digital or whatever. 🤷‍♂️

a71db0  No.7214211

File: 97a7fe8abbca05a⋯.png (300.49 KB, 490x511, 70:73, ClipboardImage.png)

1f3bc4  No.7214212

File: a97200993c39ccf⋯.png (622.39 KB, 750x1174, 375:587, 70B42619-9718-4BB3-A053-AD….png)

16e183  No.7214213


Jeez anon this is good!

0718a5  No.7214214

>>7214208 thank Q

a675a6  No.7214215

Obama’s Cosmetic Changes For NSA Surveillance

By Abdus Sattar Ghazali Global Research, January 20, 2014

President Obama’s Friday speech on NSA surveillance was a calculated endeavor to calm a furor at home and abroad over the US dragnet surveillance. However, the proposed changes do not provide any fundamental changes in the intelligence gathering activities.

The president called for an end to the government’s current storage of “metadata,” information about many millions of calls made by ordinary Americans. He emphasized that the capacity to search metadata is one that must be preserved, but without government itself holding it. The president directed the U.S. attorney general and the intelligence community to report on the best way to transfer the metadata out of government hands, before the program comes up for reauthorization on March 28.

The New York Times pointed out that President Obama made no mention of two of the recommendations of his panel of most pressing concern to Silicon Valley: that the N.S.A. not undermine commercial Software and that it move away from exploiting flaws in software to conduct cyber attacks or surveillance

Washington Post reported that President Obama avoided almost entirely any discussion of overseas intelligence collection that he authorized on his own, under Executive Order 12333, without legislative or judicial supervision. The Washington Post has disclosed in recent months, based in part on the Snowden documents, that the NSA is gathering hundreds of millions of e-mail address books, breaking into private networks that link the overseas data centers of Google and Yahoo, and building a database of trillions of location records transmitted by cell phones around the world. Unless Obama says otherwise in the classified annex to his directive, those programs will carry on unabated.

NSA collects millions of text messages daily in ‘untargeted’ global sweep

President Obama’s NSA “reforms” came a day after the Guardian reported that the National Security Agency has collected almost 200 million text messages a day from across the globe, using them to extract data including location, contact networks and credit card details, according to top-secret documents. The un-targeted collection and storage of SMS messages – including their contacts – is revealed in a joint investigation between the Guardian and the UK’s Channel 4 News based on material provided by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden.

The documents also reveal the UK spy agency GCHQ has made use of the NSA database to search the metadata of “untargeted and unwarranted” communications belonging to people in the UK

The NSA program, codenamed Dishfire, collects “pretty much everything it can”, according to GCHQ documents, rather than merely storing the communications of existing surveillance targets.

On average, each day the NSA was able to extract:

• More than 5 million missed-call alerts, for use in contact-chaining analysis (working out someone’s social network from who they contact and when)

• Details of 1.6 million border crossings a day, from network roaming alerts

• More than 110,000 names, from electronic business cards, which also included the ability to extract and save images.

• Over 800,000 financial transactions, either through text-to-text payments or linking credit cards to phone users

The agency was also able to extract geolocation data from more than 76,000 text messages a day, including from “requests by people for route info” and “setting up meetings”. Other travel information was obtained from itinerary texts sent by travel companies, even including cancellations and delays to travel plans.

In the statement to the Guardian, a NSA spokeswoman said:

Dishfire is a system that processes and stores lawfully collected SMS data. Because some SMS data of US persons may at times be incidentally collected in NSA’s lawful foreign intelligence mission, privacy protections for US persons exist across the entire process concerning the use, handling, retention, and dissemination of SMS data in Dishfire


d5e88c  No.7214216

File: f62a72a763c3ef9⋯.png (222.65 KB, 1060x450, 106:45, Screen Shot 2019-07-27 at ….png)

File: 1d0dbb51091684e⋯.png (354.7 KB, 1053x650, 81:50, Screen Shot 2019-07-27 at ….png)

File: 8dca1fe93884a27⋯.png (291.8 KB, 1064x427, 152:61, Screen Shot 2019-07-27 at ….png)

File: 0b78974bb948fb3⋯.png (326.54 KB, 1102x599, 1102:599, Screen Shot 2019-07-27 at ….png)


Borromean Rings are a recent mathematical understanding. (Only proved in 1987).

The Valknut (three interlocked triangles) predates the 7th century, is of Viking origin found on the Stora Hammars Stone, and have absolutely NOTHING to do with what we are doing here… You fucking kike.

Nice fucking try, rabbi. Now fuck off back to your synagogue.

dd3740  No.7214217


He has BUT those corrupt were fired/removed. Still out there with the information. I believe Pelosi is going to try to get that information to the Congress to use it against POTUS as a Hail Mary.

8ad10b  No.7214218


luv that tweet ..wonder when its maxine waters turn?

e5e27b  No.7214219


Nah, sewage treatment plants don't smell the same. 🤣🤷‍♂️

c04532  No.7214220

File: 904cd45d7e41f99⋯.jpg (51.3 KB, 500x571, 500:571, 36n9ny.jpg)


I have no sound on my computer, without sound this either looks like the most endearing thing ive ever seen, or a remake of Halloween but filmed in Israel

eb697f  No.7214221

File: 5f36e350ace5f33⋯.jpg (146.45 KB, 880x682, 40:31, Thank you DD.jpg)

0129bd  No.7214223


So who can cast the first stone?

Where can God find a person who is guiltless?

King David? No.

Solomon ended up building shrines to Molech.

Moses murdered a man.

Paul persecuted and murdered Christians

Peter denied our Lord 3 TIMES.

So what qualifies any of us?

The blood of Jesus Christ cleanses is from all unrighteousness.

If we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from ALL unrighteousness.

Be careful how you judge another, for the standard you use on others will be the same standard God will use on you.

Through Jesus- mercy triumphs over judgment when our days are complete and we give an account.

4f37bd  No.7214224

File: e83877cdc650162⋯.png (81.57 KB, 292x265, 292:265, No Hoes WH 283582093850982….png)


This is the way of an adulterous woman:

She eats and wipes her mouth,

And says, “I have done no wickedness.” Pr 30:20

022678  No.7214225


Pelosi said on the DDay ceremony trip that she wouldn't talk bad about a POTUS when she was out of the country. Forgot what the flap was about, though, that she was asked to remark about.

Setting her up for more proof that she's two-faced.

6a737f  No.7214226

File: 6a4008197cbf160⋯.png (495.39 KB, 633x494, 633:494, urthebestanon.png)


well big kek fellow MO anon, I hope someday we cross paths IRL and I can shake your hand! God Bless

53719d  No.7214227

01100100 01100001 01101110 01101001 01100101 01101100 01100110 01100001 01100111 01100111 01101111 01110100 00100000 01100100 01101111 01100101 01110011 00100000 01100001 01110011 01110011 00100000 01110100 01101111 00100000 01101101 01101111 01110101 01110100 01101000 00100000 01100001 01101110 01100100 00100000 01100110 01101111 01110010 00100000 01100001 01101110 00100000 01100101 01111000 01110100 01110010 01100001 00100000 01100110 01101001 01100110 01110100 01111001 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01100011 01100001 01101110 00100000 01110111 01100001 01110100 01100011 01101000 00100000 01101000 01101001 01101101 00100000 01101000 01101111 01101101 01101111 00100000 01110100 01101111 01101111

75bab5  No.7214229

File: 5df4156733d7d78⋯.png (728.75 KB, 936x397, 936:397, Island ritual.PNG)

Temple Construction. Next bread…


32e93a  No.7214230


that is a man, right. Look at the neck bulge look at the jawline

d5e88c  No.7214232


Fuck your Temple, kike.

78a10e  No.7214233


>I have no sound on my computer,

Muh Puter Def

eb697f  No.7214234

File: efd000df5c63a1e⋯.png (699.92 KB, 554x551, 554:551, what could go wrong.PNG)

f97dfd  No.7214235

File: 750e0f1d23f96c0⋯.jpg (545.56 KB, 1160x629, 1160:629, ec27-clinton-cummings-gett….jpg)

e5e27b  No.7214238


Why are they wearing those furry helmets? None of Satan's helmets are furry. 🤷‍♂️

16e183  No.7214239

>>7213998 >>7214170 >>7214199 Pelosi, Page, Mafia, Vatican Connection

Baker Notable

c04532  No.7214240


Before Jesus, was it possible to be saved? How did people have faith in knowing they are following God?

c96ed7  No.7214241

File: bf1135b40633bf7⋯.jpg (4.72 MB, 5118x2708, 2559:1354, 1554401930380.jpg)

cfb580  No.7214242





→ Baltimore = Pelosi + Cummings + ? how many moar?

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