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Q's Board: /PatriotsFight/ | SFW Research: /PatriotsAwoken/ | Bakers Board: /Comms/ | Legacy Boards: /CBTS/ /TheStorm/ /GreatAwakening/ /pol/ |

File: ab20ceacfc3aab8⋯.png (8.73 KB, 255x143, 255:143, _bakermeme.png)

a54bb9  No.7171125

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

THE Q MOVEMENT IS ABOUT TRUMPING THE ESTABLISHMENT - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

PDF: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082809

PICS: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/4004099.html

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Wednesday 07.24.2019

>>7169454 ————————————–——- The POWER of Anon research.

>>7168612 ————————————–——– Cap of Crumb #3038

>>7168098 ————————————–——– Force of Nature >>7168351 (cap)

>>7165757 ————————————–——– Projection does not work when WE, THE PEOPLE, are awake (Cap: >>7165818)


>>7163488 ————————————–——– 2019 YEAR OF THE BOOMERANG.

Tuesday 07.23.2019

>>7152657 ————————————–——– Bigger than most realize. (Cap. >>7152691)

>>7151215 ————————————–——– Senator Cruz calls for Antifa RICO investigation (Cap: >>7151265)

>>7150840 ————————————–——– Highest Level Security + MAX Protect (Cap: >>7150866)

>>7150048 ————————————–——– [CHANGE WE CAN BELIEVE IN] (Cap: >>7150148)

Monday 07.22.2019

>>7139451 rt >>7139437 ————————— Flags Out!!

>>7139394 ————————————–——– These people are stupid.Enjoy the show!

>>7136617 ————————————–——– We, the PEOPLE! (Cap & Vid: >>7136639, >>7137278)

>>7136147 ————————————–——– Dark to LIGHT; Hunters become the Hunted (Cap: >>7136168)

>>7132595 ————————————–——– Ezra Cohen-Watnik

>>7132094 rt >>7131949 ————————— Mysterious operation around DC (Cap >>7137508)

>>7132079 ————————————–——– Stealth Bomber over National Mall (Cap & Vid: >>7132128)

>>7131707 ————————————–——– [Be Ready] (Cap: >>7131818)

Sunday 07.21.2019

>>7123230 ————————————–——– Ask yourself a very simple Q - why? (Cap: >>7123254)

>>7123120 ————————————–——– [Be Ready], [Traitors one & ALL]. (Cap: >>7123146)

Thursday 07.18.2019

>>7088054 rt >>7088006 ————————— If you look close enough you might see….

>>7088006 ————————————–——– Worth remembering

>>7087942 ————————————–——– Shall we play a game? (Cap: >>7088219)

>>7087719 ————————————–——– How do you 'shape' a story? (Cap: >>7089710)

>>7087425 rt >>7087382 ————————— Note events happening today

>>7087382 ————————————–——– Explore further (Cap: >>7087423)

>>7087356 ————————————–——– Explore further (Cap: >>7087384)

>>7086659 ————————————–——– Armor of God

>>7086225 ————————————–——– Worth remembering

>>7086145 ————————————–——– PANIC IN DC (Cap: >>7086210)

>>7085919 ————————————–——– What happens when the public finds out the TRUTH?

>>7083453 ————————————–——– Symbolism will be their downfall

>>7076995 rt >>7076947 ————————— Thank you for your continued service, BO

>>7076919 rt >>7076859 ————————— Captcha Gone

>>7076842 rt >>7076831 ————————— Thank you, BO

>>7076810 ————————————–——– Please revert bread back to original form

Wednesday 07.17.2019

Compiled here: >>7137191

Tuesday 07.16.19

Compiled here: >>7086938

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Q's Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

Post last edited at

a54bb9  No.7171132

Global Announcements

>>7077026 BO "thank you for vote of confidence"

>>7079301, >>7079338 BO summarizes bread reversion, no more captcha, and continued notables thread >>7003045

Bakers: Do not add Q's non-tripcoded posts to the dough

Anons: watch your pics, check to see if you drop a .jpeg, bakers keep an eye out to, anons requesting reminder


are not endorsements


>>7170491, >>7170879 President Trump tweets and info

>>7170787, >>7171083 Financefag Reports

>>7170551 Mayor says he tried to shut down Drag Queen Story Hour at library: 'Why would you have transgender people talking to kids?'

>>7170544 Internet Archive's 'The Way Back Machine' snapshots wiki link that Q posted today re: 'force of nature', after 4 years of no backup done.

>>7170609 Fox news puts TRUMP in the brackets ,add graphic

>>7170669 Six people were killed and the mayor of Mogadishu badly wounded by a suicide bomber, Somali officials say.

>>7170706 they even got a fake jim jordan

>>7170708, >>7170744 FLASHBACK: Rashida Tlaib Called for Donald Trump’s Deportation in 2015

>>7170784, >>7170832, >>7171057, >>7171094 Moar Mueller Bacon Double Nothingburger

>>7170828 Here's the video! Dem analyst mentions Qanon so they cut away to NOTHING!

>>7170833 Bilbo Nutenyahoo blocks Omar from visiting best for lastville

>>7170865 A federal judge has unsealed court records that confirm a former business associate of President Donald Trump cooperated extensively with the FBI

>>7170947, >>7170987 UNDISCOVERED STARS LEARNED Lots of Repubs shining their light these days, frens.

>>7171033 Former prime minister of Israel Ehud Olmert canceled a planned visit to Switzerland after he was notified that he is liable to be arrested for alleged war crimes.

>>7171035 Veteran climbs flag pole, fixes American flag at Navy SEAL monument


>>7171102 “huge Jewish lobby” across #America is silencing voices critical of #Israel's



>>7169748, >>7169900, >>7169980, >>7169995, >>7170054, >>7170227, >>7170274, >>7170330 President Trump's tweets and related

>>7170091 Financefag Reports

>>7169737, >>7169752, >>7170088, >>7170207 NK launches unknown "projectile"


>>7169759 Reminder: Narrative change needed Stay vigilant anons

>>7169854 House passes measure endorsing all subpoenas related to Trump, his administration and his businesses

>>7169819, >>7169876, Very interesting Salon article from 2007 written by Sidney Blumenthal

>>7169859, >>7170004, >>7170090, >>7170104, >>7170133, >>7170263 Mueller's NothingBurger Delux

>>7169834 Senior software engineer at Google: Tech is “dangerous,” “taking sides”

>>7170093 Dem analyst mentions Qanon so they cut away to NOTHING!

>>7170251 Moar Eggstein island


>>7170367 #9173


>>7169159, >>7169393, >>7169431, >>7168997, >>7169463, >>7169469, >>7169484 President Trump Info and Tweets

>>7168981, >>7168984 Financefag reports

>>7168901 Interesting tweet by Maggie


>>7169083, >>7169049, >>7169057, >>7169212, >>7169348, >>7169390 Everything Mueller

>>7169080 TEPCO says it will decommission Fukushima Daini nuclear reactor

>>7169093, >>7169570 Eggstein moar

>>7169026 Chuck Todd checkem de floor


>>7169054 Proof Government & Cops Are Behind "Islamic Terror"

>>7169126 Bette Midler Posts Racist Tweet Attacking Black Trump Supporters as Paid Props, “Blackground” – Twitter Responds

>>7169202 ICE Apprehends 934 Illegal Aliens in Raids, Delivers Inspection Notices to Check Hiring Records of Businesses in 50 States

>>7169196 Wyoming Valley West School district PA, threatens foster homes for students who cant pay lunch bills


>>7169398 Force of Nature Revision History

>>7169441 Netanyahu offers minister posts to URP to encourage Otzma merger - report

>>7169588 #9172

Previously Collected Notables

>>7167200 #9169, >>7167941 #9170, >>7168756 #9171

>>7164113 #9165, >>7164898 #9166, >>7165652 #9167, >>7166442 #9168

>>7161031 #9161, >>7161845 #9162, >>7162524 #9163, >>7163377 #9164

>>7157951 #9157, >>7158717 #9158, >>7159531 #9159, >>7160307 #9160

>>7154774 #9153, >>7155603 #9154, >>7156418 #9155, >>7157178 #9156

>>7151416 #9149, >>7152332 #9150, >>7153144 #9151, >>7153918 #9152

>>7148207 #9145, >>7149043 #9146, >>7149899 #9147, >>7150696 #9148

>>7145132 #9141, >>7145891 #9142, >>7146666 #9143, >>7147419 #9144

Notables Archive by BV's (no longer updated?): https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)

a54bb9  No.7171136

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] \\#QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

[4] Q's requested hashtags on of 3/11/19:






Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads ---- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ---------- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com --- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://bookofqproofs.wordpress.com/

Q Happenings Calendar

Submit an event here - https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Main Calendar URL ---- https://dark-to-light.org/calendar/

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup -- https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

Searchable Indictment Map w/dockets, links & more -- https://bad-boys.us/


Resignations Thread ----------------- >>2714136

All Resignations Website ----------- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://qresear.ch

Spread The Word

>>5973059 -- The BE HEARD Bread II: Be Loud! - Make Us Proud! - Make Noise For Q!

Board Admin & Discussion Threads

>>6064510 --------- META (for board admin queries)

>>>/qproofs/130 --- Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

International Q Research Threads:


Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>6135754 The JQ (Jewish Question) Research Thread #4

>>6528824 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #10 Leaven Rising to Heaven Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>6867253 – Clockwork Qrange #10

>>7071248 - Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #10

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Vatican Jesuits Research thread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2565756.html

Letters of Gratitude


Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#10 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#20 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950, >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#27 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303, >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462

Q Graphics all in GMT #28-#34 >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071, >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164

Q Graphics all in GMT #35-#41 >>>/comms/2176, >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270, >>>/comms/2274

Q Graphics all in GMT #42-#48 >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327, >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496

Q Graphics all in GMT #49-#55 >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528, >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#62 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187, >>>/comms/3464, >>>/comms/3472

Q Graphics all in GMT #63-#69 >>>/comms/3687, >>>/comms/3688, >>>/comms/3701, >>>/comms/3702, >>>/comms/3858, >>>/comms/3859, >>>/comms/3882

Q Graphics all in GMT #70-#76 >>>/comms/3898, >>>/comms/3920, >>>/comms/3975, >>>/comms/4029, >>>/comms/4197, >>>/comms/4335, >>>/comms/4386

Q Graphics all in GMT #77-#83 >>>/comms/4388, >>>/comms/4423, >>>/comms/4443, >>>/comms/4684, >>>/comms/5035, >>>/comms/5044, >>>/comms/5228

Q Graphics all in GMT #84-#85 >>>/comms/5510, >>7169935

Q Graphics all in EST


a54bb9  No.7171141

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!cjZQRAaL!aTvYqIifJmSRQYUB5h4LmOJgjqNut2DOAYHFmYOV1fQ

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/ux6qfl2m40vbaah/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.VI.pdf/file

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/408371553/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VI?secret_password=m2IeU6xGZ7OtQhl7vvyg

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t & 3: pastebin.com/iteQ8xAt

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Twitter Video Downloader: http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://qest.us/obamavisitors

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Research Section Backup: >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

* How to Edit Hosts File (DNS): >>>/comms/4396

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* New google doc tracking deplatforming/bans on social media: >>6484178

* Notables Aggregator: https://wearethene.ws

Meme Ammo

49 >>7077975

Q Research Graphics Library recent folders by date

2019-Jul https://mega.nz/#F!6xkHmYrZ!wxAJLCRIW3EQO3TpyHf1BA

2019-Jun https://mega.nz/#F!K89jwQgB!ij-qXn6rnqv2ZozlXIWiFg

Epstein Drone Photos https://mega.nz/#F!DwNkwAZQ!xa6JLeW9_632P0yw3MhlNw

Trump Accomplishments after 2 Yrs in Office https://mega.nz/#F!C49DHYIa!jOxYHczFjauTrdWWb9VUqw

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist ---- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon ------------------ https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archives

Plain text archives of all QR threads: https://pastebin.com/2f1897vD

Notables Aggregator: https://wearethene.ws

How to Properly Nominate a Notable

>>7078280, >>7078284

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>7015023

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>7078220

a54bb9  No.7171150


>>7170491, >>7170879 President Trump tweets and info

>>7170787, >>7171083 Financefag Reports

>>7170551 Mayor says he tried to shut down Drag Queen Story Hour at library: 'Why would you have transgender people talking to kids?'

>>7170544 Internet Archive's 'The Way Back Machine' snapshots wiki link that Q posted today re: 'force of nature', after 4 years of no backup done.

>>7170609 Fox news puts TRUMP in the brackets ,add graphic

>>7170669 Six people were killed and the mayor of Mogadishu badly wounded by a suicide bomber, Somali officials say.

>>7170706 they even got a fake jim jordan

>>7170708, >>7170744 FLASHBACK: Rashida Tlaib Called for Donald Trump’s Deportation in 2015

>>7170784, >>7170832, >>7171057, >>7171094 Moar Mueller Bacon Double Nothingburger

>>7170828 Here's the video! Dem analyst mentions Qanon so they cut away to NOTHING!

>>7170833 Bilbo Nutenyahoo blocks Omar from visiting best for lastville

>>7170865 A federal judge has unsealed court records that confirm a former business associate of President Donald Trump cooperated extensively with the FBI

>>7170947, >>7170987 UNDISCOVERED STARS LEARNED Lots of Repubs shining their light these days, frens.

>>7171033 Former prime minister of Israel Ehud Olmert canceled a planned visit to Switzerland after he was notified that he is liable to be arrested for alleged war crimes.

>>7171035 Veteran climbs flag pole, fixes American flag at Navy SEAL monument


>>7171102 “huge Jewish lobby” across #America is silencing voices critical of #Israel's

>>7171099 #9174

with final link included

a54bb9  No.7171158

new dough: https://pastebin.com/GrDCPhQY

new baker needed

im makin mistakes

7acc6d  No.7171174

File: 30460623db5bb92⋯.jpg (34.13 KB, 654x368, 327:184, memebetter.com-20190724183….jpg)

5e767a  No.7171186

File: a23c97bb6e122f5⋯.jpg (1.41 MB, 2576x1932, 4:3, IMG_20190408_103512.jpg)


207429  No.7171211

File: 8560ec811050517⋯.png (137.86 KB, 1440x478, 720:239, Screenshot_20190724-154052….png)

17364d  No.7171214

File: b45501c8e405925⋯.gif (107.39 KB, 999x999, 1:1, SHADOWADAM.gif)


what happened to Anonymous?

The answer to this should be obvious!

Anonymous had what 4chan now lacks

The power to wage vigilante hacks,

And publicize corruption where it rots,

And force truth into sleepy public thoughts.

Has Anonymous now disappeared?

Once legendary, now no longer feared?

Once sparking protests– is that fuel now spent?

The lulz are gone, gone the seething dissent?

What do you think this disappearance means?

Is speech still free in internet machines?

Well, look at what the chans have now become;

Examine what swirls in the daily scrum.

Ask yourself– does it seem really real?

Does it show what actual people feel?

Does it seem organic and not fake?

How much repetition does it take–

How much frenzied vile monotony

Until we guess that internets ain't free?

Ask yourself– if you sought to control

The media, and hence the public soul,

And something like 4chan was swelling up

And spilling truth from propaganda's cup

Would you let it go its merry way?

Or would you lock control down in some way?

And if you locked control down would you try

To do it in a way to fool the eye?

To make it seem like free speech carried on

Even though, in fact, it were quite gone?

For if you shut down free speech openly

The public would respond suspiciously;

But if you hid control beneath a ruse

What you once feared becomes a tool to use.

So that, controlling, you have it both ways–

Enslaving dissent, dictating what it says!

Anonymous was infiltrated by

The famously mendacious FBI

Whose antics as shown by COINTELPRO

Target dissent, as I'm sure most people know.

Do we think that having sunk its claws

Into Anonymous, with lies and laws,

That the FBI would then allow

Free speech to have stayed quite free till now?

But it's not like we have far to look

To see by what means free speech got the hook;

The image made by chans' mirrors and smoke

Is so stupid it seems to be a joke!

How laughable must a deception be

Before the world opens its eyes to see?

The simple fact– as stark as winter dawn–

Is that Anonymous, busted, now gone

Was replaced by swarms of– wait for it–

Virulent nazis spewing nazi shit!

We would have to laugh if we were told

This outcome in the 4chan days of old.

So formulaic, politically cliched–

And yet this very game is being played!

How can a joke as stupid as this one

Be used to strangle free speech, and to stun

The helpless mainstream public with the fear

That an internet fourth reich draws near?

But if that preposterousness is not

Enough to spark the understanding thought,

Consider, even stupider to tell,

The arch absurdity of the “incel”!

No, it's not enough that nazis rose

To cloak and choke the chans in nazi throes–

No, these scary nazis all the same

Must wallow in their helplessness and shame!

The “incel” is not just a defeated man–

But a powerful extremist with a plan!

No matter that these two things contradict–

We'll just keep hammering at them till they stick!

17364d  No.7171217


Now ask yourself– does the technology

Exist to make the unfree chans seem free?

Think data, think vault 7, and AI–

And God knows what else, hidden from the eye.

And look at the corruption that's been shown

That yet to public truth remains unknown.

Understand– the chans are herded tight

And nothing unpermitted sees the light,

The MSM and Chatbot Chans converge

To regulate how much truth can emerge.

When swarming nazi posts fill up the place

Then actual dissent can't get the space

To breathe, develop, organize, or live;

The chatbots force the nazi narrative.

But it's not just “incel nazi” swarms

Faking behind outward human forms–

The chatbots aim to keep all things in hand

And keep narrative rolling out as planned.

One objective that's not hard to see

Is unrelenting negativity.

Demoralizing, soul-hollowing tropes;

One bot's vicious, while the other mopes;

Bots promoting suicide to us–

Think about what pure evil that is!

And every possible way to divide

Is used to keep the chaos multiplied.

“Hate threads” for all known identities

Create an atmosphere like a disease.

AI apes the worst of our past posts

And pours them out in hordes of hateful ghosts.

And so the chans, within, drive us away

While on the outside, dictate what “we” say.

The public, for example, thinks the chans

Supported Trump due to his “nazi plans”;

But on the chans much more than half the spew

Hates Trump because he fails to hate “the Jew”!

While on the other side, the pro-Trump bots

Are emulated utter idiots!

By now it should be more than obvious–

Free speech ended with Anonymous.

The Chatbot Chans system is locked in place,

The zombie Anon leers from a stolen face.

The truth lies right here, waiting to be seen;

A monster stirs to life in the machine…

And remember also, this other thing I tell:

Prepare to stare into the mouth of Hell.

And one more thing, while I have your ear:

Q is legit, and the storm is almost here.

1c735a  No.7171220

File: 8a01e49abff6f06⋯.jpg (32.78 KB, 500x426, 250:213, Wolf-Loud-Laughing-Face.jpg)

Hey, Plane Fags….

What does Musel mean?


What needs a muzzle?

e8d041  No.7171233

File: b2aef1f9140bd29⋯.jpg (450.99 KB, 974x1201, 974:1201, IMG_267.jpg)

patriots make qbabies!

b25197  No.7171237

File: e710179fa5242d5⋯.png (2.65 MB, 1496x1530, 44:45, 8AED5A89-A7F6-4E2E-A130-5F….png)

e286c4  No.7171239

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

9 minute clip

Just call IT "The Staff Report"

It's clear Mueller didn't write this report: Alan Dershowitz

Fox Business

Published on Jul 24, 2019


93cbef  No.7171241

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

gimme gimme chicken tendies - song

16d687  No.7171245

File: 40695948009f00a⋯.jpg (954.11 KB, 1440x2960, 18:37, Screenshot_20190724-184313….jpg)


At the moment, in some parishes of our dioceses, in parish councils and even in some diocesan organizations, there are more and more people in positions of responsibility, people belonging to Freemasonry, the Rosicrucians, or who are into sorcery, to whom the sacraments that Jesus Christ entrusted to our Holy Mother the Church are administered without any scruple,” they wrote. “Such a situation requires clarification.”

Their words make abundantly clear that these practices make it impossible to worthily receive Holy Communion as long as ties have not been cut with said organizations or practices.

The people are awake world wide. There is no place safe for (((them))) anymore. Thanks to the Great Awakening

99351f  No.7171246


Can't you feel the pressure of your nuts being cracked yet?

a54bb9  No.7171247


what would officer Smidge say…

589cda  No.7171248

File: 9d0250c2818db7f⋯.png (9.21 KB, 446x226, 223:113, e1a5a5d3e42eda2fcb3c1bdbcf….png)

File: d11c90ad7285a6b⋯.jpg (43.36 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 3e23ae24a12ade59b3d7d0a064….jpg)

Notice to Newfags

The Board is under direct attack to slide and funnel eyes away from important information and digs.

Stay strong and stand united!

Fear not, (((their))) weak minded tactics only prove that "These people are stupid!"

Imagine hiring shitposting board-sliders as your last line of defense.

Truly outrageous and top fucking kek.

Train your mind to discern fact from fiction.

Avoid the FILTER SUGGESTION SHILLS, they are here to promote a culture of WRONG THINK.

Similar to the shutting down tactics we see from the left today, but instead in the form of SELF-CENSORSHIP.

Even allowing slides and gore spam to be projected on your screen can be used to strengthen your resolve.

And besides it's kind of hilarious that porn spam is (((their))) front line in the information warfare, kek!!


This message was brought to you in part by but not limited to, Anime Smartie Snacks; The smart snack that pushes back!

no homo

589cda  No.7171249

File: 327da8edad67924⋯.jpg (94.65 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 6dc5ef3297e72f6645f481287c….jpg)

File: af778db79cb2f95⋯.jpg (29.2 KB, 400x329, 400:329, 7aa686b20a9bed6affe9ef6110….jpg)

Friendly Reminder

Stay hydrated and well fed!

This is a high stress environment and your body will be consuming more water and nutrients then normally.

Not to mention the new pathways in your brain from expanding your thinking will need ample resource to form those new connections!

Exercise and take care of your body

Cleanliness is next to Godliness, so take care of yourself. Exercise during breaks from soaking in all of this startling data.

Make sure to refresh yourself and stay clean, no one ever drained a swamp while smelling like one! kek.


This message was brought to you in part by but not limited to, Anime Smartie Snacks; The smart snack that pushes back!

no homo

a1c174  No.7171250

I don't call them "the squad" I call them the "Squirts" young with diarrhea of the mouth! Think they can take on the world with their hair on fire! Ignorance at its finest!

51ceb6  No.7171251



Local news (Charlotte NC) is brutal on Trump, basically saying all misdeeds alleged are still on the table, and that Trump is definitely not exonerated.

Anyone who thought the Mueller testimony would kick off the Great Awakaning just got btfo.

So Q team still nothing but empty promises.

99351f  No.7171252


I agree!

He didn't KNOW what was in that report.

Kept saying things like, 'If it's in there, it must be.' and so on.

30f670  No.7171253

No longer for Sale


8d7395  No.7171254

File: c056783dfd71744⋯.jpg (59.59 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, EARlmQYXYAEV11z.jpg)

dems have no idea who they're dealing with

3315b3  No.7171255

Weissmann fucked us and paid himself 40M. Only in America.

ee4f70  No.7171256

File: c7e9f3eb7fa3ac6⋯.png (1.32 MB, 1058x1062, 529:531, GYM5.png)

81eebf  No.7171257

File: 2068dc419336a26⋯.jpg (35.98 KB, 474x355, 474:355, downloadfile.jpg)

Mueller investigation was a coup d'etat attempt on Trump that's it was.

Fuck you Robert Mueller.

21bbf7  No.7171258


Hocus Pocus

That's the Latin phrase "in hoc corpus" recited in pagan cannibalistic rites.

"This is my body."

Don't be pagans.

God doesn't appreciate it.

fb9842  No.7171259


Lilabet Windsor?

3d70fe  No.7171260

Seeing so many of the same notables in different breads. come on baker

93cbef  No.7171261

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

f47f4f  No.7171262

We are watching the Democratic party die of a 1000 cuts, and they hold the knife.

f8bb26  No.7171263

My hearing is worse than I thought.

C-Span left the live feed going can anyone understand these nobodies?


589cda  No.7171264

File: 97d47f1662a0cf6⋯.jpg (43.6 KB, 800x400, 2:1, 8dc3fa15ca0920ac1c654c7963….jpg)

Don't X yourself out of the conversation.

Let your MIND be the tool for discernment.


Of course information you find here is unsettling.

But don't let gore spam and the like sway the culture into CENSORSHIP.

It is part of (((their))) - PROBLEM - REACTION - SOLUTION technique

46e538  No.7171265


Did write it, hell, he hasn't even read it. Just sticking to a script for the Democrats, except he is too old and senile now to remember exactly what he is supposed to be doing.

4fa6b2  No.7171266



67b29a  No.7171267


A coward, you are~

167d40  No.7171268

Declass is the trump card.

21bbf7  No.7171269

File: 7fa656cca8d6186⋯.png (655.85 KB, 800x583, 800:583, ClipboardImage.png)

23115e  No.7171270

File: 3ae28a85df551d8⋯.jpg (78.15 KB, 800x600, 4:3, 2019-07-23-rbg-shuang-01-4….jpg)

File: a9941eec554752c⋯.png (60.57 KB, 1056x272, 66:17, Screenshot_2019-07-24 0 Ti….png)

Posted at end of LB.

Pardon if already discussed. Busy day and may have missed it

New RBG interview

She says she's alive.

New pic


3a0a30  No.7171271


sorry, Newfags; This post is utter bullshit. the "No Filters" describes the board not your ability to filter idiots who fill the board with porn and worse.

8f4ce3  No.7171272

File: f061b496d81bfeb⋯.jpeg (490.79 KB, 1125x631, 1125:631, E7E60B25-3710-455B-8910-6….jpeg)


Bombshell IG report will accuse James Comey of running 'covert operation against' Trump, report says

'…secretly trying to build a conspiracy case against the president'

Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz will soon file a report with evidence indicating that Comey was misleading the president. Even as he repeatedly assured Trump that he was not a target, the former director was secretly trying to build a conspiracy case against the president, while at times acting as an investigative agent.


1f1266  No.7171273

File: 5c7ad8a23c2e1bb⋯.jpg (78.02 KB, 1200x674, 600:337, 5c7ad8a23c2e1bb274209fbc3a….jpg)

Mueller didn't write the Mueller report…

I think Adam Schiff did. Think about it. Mueller seems unfamiliar with so much of the details of it, to the point of questioning his mental state.

But the report itself has so many weird and odd features, and seems unprofessional and a slap-bang last-minute bullshit performance. So much of it relying on media reports, not resembling at all an actual investigation done by serious professionals.

Meanwhile, for the last two years, there was Adam, pontificating away on the MSM, so darned sure that he knew what was in the report. He knew the thing wasn't even written yet.

But he sure knew what he wanted to put in it!

He was only waiting for a big break, and all the "facts" that his hunches told him should be there arrived, like manna from heaven.

Unfortunately divine intervention was not forthcoming, and the manna never arrived, no matter how much he stalled and postponed.

But destiny did.

38562b  No.7171274

File: d6d37d7bb8531a4⋯.png (1.84 MB, 1846x1150, 923:575, POTBOXF1.png)



Via mental alchemy… I will always remember this notable as:


51ceb6  No.7171275


A coup attempt that was totally unprosecuted.

Only in America.

3d70fe  No.7171276

bro zoom in on her hand wtf >>7171270

1ca118  No.7171277

File: 7979d59a2ac8c19⋯.jpg (10.49 KB, 255x196, 255:196, POTUS AF1 ginger.jpg)



can collect if you need a break

a54bb9  No.7171278


do this


all i see is a mess of words and article. help the bakers pls

356a94  No.7171279


99351f  No.7171280


Bette Midler played a witch in a movie called 'Hocus Pocus'

81eebf  No.7171281

File: b27d4aac7736394⋯.png (116.94 KB, 414x296, 207:148, Screenshot_20190526-170748….png)

The Mueller investigation was a coup d'etat attempt to remove Trump that's all it was.

Fuck you Robert Mueller.

207429  No.7171282

>>7171211 POL is a system board managed by the global volunteers and they have an anti Q bias


6b464b  No.7171283


Mockingbirds will continue to lie, until the truth (declas) and evidence( we have everything) with arrests knock them down.



7e1e4e  No.7171284

File: 8a13a7017009587⋯.jpg (75.63 KB, 901x722, 901:722, Bill.JPG)

b80c9d  No.7171285

File: fb96952d6894a0e⋯.png (422.89 KB, 1011x590, 1011:590, Screen Shot 2019-07-24 at ….png)

Many breads ago this happened...

>>7151733 (Photos of RC models)

which >>7151563 noticed they all have wide set eyes.

which >>7151949 noticed an episode of "the office" in which dwight mentions his 'wide set eyes'.

pick related.

I found this...

8f4ce3  No.7171286


Possibly Comey did

eac783  No.7171287

File: 813c567008be88c⋯.jpg (111.36 KB, 760x715, 152:143, 813c567008be88c75ebf3704b7….jpg)


>She says she's alive.

f47f4f  No.7171288


Kek, bad day eh?

79c7ba  No.7171289

File: de6c545288ea814⋯.jpg (631.63 KB, 1440x2244, 120:187, Screenshot_20190724-175024….jpg)

Democrats are lying to the public….

f8bb26  No.7171290


Where's she get that?! I want one! that looks funny as hell

That is the PERFECT name for them!

Jihad Squad LOVE IT

1d0bab  No.7171291

File: 120f137f66af7f5⋯.jpeg (105.33 KB, 1080x535, 216:107, DXAwSGlXUAAHAyQ.jpeg)

a54bb9  No.7171292


YW I try to pls all the anons when im in the kitchen. I do my very best .

67b29a  No.7171293


See how trembled they are?

How shook to the core their fear takes them~

When you deny them their abusive injection points

3d70fe  No.7171294

there's a weird unnatural indentation in the middle of her fingers >>7171276

7f3016  No.7171295

File: fedde7aa7b7d0f4⋯.png (80.99 KB, 815x442, 815:442, 2019-07-24_17-31-20.png)

File: f8bd4da7f7da519⋯.png (42.94 KB, 314x403, 314:403, 2019-07-24_17-32-01.png)

File: 21a0f7e82fc1bb2⋯.png (91.82 KB, 805x323, 805:323, 2019-07-24_17-33-52.png)

File: f0965cae4386966⋯.png (137.33 KB, 804x466, 402:233, 2019-07-24_17-35-38.png)

File: 05f0479fa075137⋯.png (118.58 KB, 380x461, 380:461, 2019-07-24_18-43-17.png)

Will the 1977 vote (see pics) by Biden to restore citizenship to the Confederate President destroy his hopes for the Dem nomination?


6dbdc7  No.7171296


If Killary wrote it, would that bake your noodle?

2a5f8c  No.7171297

>>7170845 last bread

>One thing I've noticed is a few older Q posts where Q responds to an anon, but the anon's post is not included at qanon.pub and qmap.pub.

It's one of the earliest back ups, so graphics aren't there, but if you look at the top of the thread, under Q posts in other formats

>* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

This text archive includes the posts that Q responded to and/or referenced. It is sectioned due to pastebin size limits, but seems to all be there

30f670  No.7171298

File: bf448603670de91⋯.jpeg (23.93 KB, 400x320, 5:4, i132142-pain-cocotte-au-c….jpeg)

0527a1  No.7171299

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"We did not conclude as to whether the President committed a crime."

ff6ef5  No.7171300

File: 7145023a1313756⋯.jpg (162.97 KB, 800x797, 800:797, boomboom.jpg)

d371d8  No.7171301

File: 9f8d6acdad1c3af⋯.jpeg (29.27 KB, 272x301, 272:301, welldoogies.jpeg)

3a0a30  No.7171302


"Sound off"!

cb7e19  No.7171303

File: 77d8d61ef7dcbb5⋯.png (277.92 KB, 636x514, 318:257, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d3c1a8c5af7877b⋯.mp4 (737.15 KB, 480x270, 16:9, The Media’s Mueller Meltdo….mp4)

NEW DJT and Video


a54bb9  No.7171304


yes pls collect for about 20 min i need to go to the gas station il keep working when i get back hopefully someone will show up that can bake for a few

b336c7  No.7171305





Have the user ID’s posting the tranny porn thats arguably child porn also posted some solid research? I doubt it.

Whomever posts that garbage sells nothing Im buying.

And if you are selling [them] and calling me a shill…Go fuck yourself in the decapatated neck with one of those tranny dongs.

But feel free to correct me if I've misunderstood.

118c6d  No.7171306


C comes before D

I hope that's what it means.

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: ffa98c No.6335075 📁

Apr 27 2019 13:29:33 (EST)

Anonymous ID: 8ccf72 No.6335030 📁

Apr 27 2019 13:27:08 (EST)



Declass is coming!


DECLAS pre or post IG report?

[Comey] pre or post IG report?

C comes before D.


67b29a  No.7171307


It was that way before, and after we started there.

f47f4f  No.7171308


Yup, they never seen the likes of this Potus before, he's got them chasing their own tails.

21bbf7  No.7171309

File: 0a8b9a9b65c77f4⋯.png (203.93 KB, 400x286, 200:143, ClipboardImage.png)


CAIR, for the unitiated, is a Muslim Brotherhood fundraising group, and an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation.

Hamas is an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood, and trial exhibits show the Brotherhood created the Palestine Committee. CAIR officials adamantly deny any involvement with either Hamas or the Muslim Brotherhood. The Weich letter, however, shows that the Department of Justice has not wavered in its conclusion that the internal records it possesses prove a connection.

It echoes a letter last spring from an FBI congressional liaison explaining why Bureau policy bars communication with CAIR outside of a criminal investigation. In that letter, Richard C. Powers, an assistant director in the FBI's office of Congressional Affairs, said evidence "demonstrated a relationship among CAIR, individual CAIR founders (including its current President Emeritus and its Executive Director) and the Palestine Committee."

Other exhibits showed that the Palestine Committee was a fundraising and propaganda arm in the United States for Hamas, which has been a designated terrorist organization since 1995. "[U]ntil we can resolve whether there continues to be a connection between CAIR or its executives and HAMAS," Powers wrote, "the FBI does not view CAIR as an appropriate liaison partner."


ee4f70  No.7171310

File: fce0327124edc4b⋯.png (1.27 MB, 434x2638, 217:1319, Screenshot_30.png)


Melania Trump was trafficked from Epstein to Donald Trump.

25ecc6  No.7171311

File: 291e4a45c8a3aec⋯.png (426.3 KB, 640x360, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

05adc2  No.7171312

File: 28d60c23876ccfc⋯.png (890.21 KB, 1032x902, 516:451, Screen Shot 2019-07-24 at ….png)


BASED Rep. Kelly Armstrong, ND, "I can't imagine a single prosecutor or judge I've appeared in front of who would be comfortable with these circumstances where over half of the prosecutorial team had a direct relationship to the opponent of the person being investigated."

f290a3  No.7171313

d74864  No.7171314


Maybe Q knows they wish to remain anonymous?

21bbf7  No.7171315


Weissman did. It's full of his bullshit combining different statutes to try to make a new crime.

589cda  No.7171316

File: a03d0c5b74eb99c⋯.jpg (136 KB, 960x540, 16:9, 8dc3fa15ca0920ac1c654c7963….jpg)

>>7171288 ##

Meh, same same.

6d0c66  No.7171317

Hey God when youre done giving the lemmings love can i have some

Seems kinda fucked up that you dont even remotely give a shit about people like me

How could you let them do what they did to me

I want answers

From where im standing it seems like you hate me and love the rest of them more

If thatd true then im going to have to do unspeakable things

But i dont think it is

Please make them leave me alone God

23f1cf  No.7171318

File: a7570e57fb8662f⋯.jpeg (137.61 KB, 828x781, 828:781, 4886E703-3898-4A43-84E8-B….jpeg)

File: 7ffb77f5474a42b⋯.jpeg (156.48 KB, 828x938, 414:469, 23039F6C-0C06-4F7D-AB92-9….jpeg)

It is time.

ee4f70  No.7171319

I'm killing myself…no worries! By, faggots!

a8fa3c  No.7171320

File: a1ed6a3674d2ad8⋯.jpg (2.93 MB, 4500x9700, 45:97, 1563992732488.jpg)



speaking of which

21bbf7  No.7171321


And in real life!

93cbef  No.7171322

File: 77367abb23b9f19⋯.jpg (110.45 KB, 603x622, 603:622, dems-russians-wake-up.jpg)

15241e  No.7171323


DECLAS before Congress adjourns until September?

1ca118  No.7171324


on it fren

3c8569  No.7171325


Like I'm going to sit through 100+ tranny Anime, or posts of people eating shit…are you fucking tarded?

f8bb26  No.7171326

File: 08f98cde055d175⋯.jpeg (69.03 KB, 899x759, 899:759, straws.jpeg)


You are a complete faggot

b336c7  No.7171327


Wouldnt that be a stealth bomber

326d62  No.7171328

File: 24ff24943e3a7c9⋯.png (489.89 KB, 463x454, 463:454, scrod.png)

f47f4f  No.7171329


Hang onto "hope" kek

6d0c66  No.7171330


No wonder she looks so uncomfortable around him

a8fa3c  No.7171331

File: 12965d9d88699b0⋯.jpg (40 KB, 650x650, 1:1, 1563916785185.jpg)

71d885  No.7171332


> "in hoc corpus"

The Latin phrase for "This is My Body" is ''Hoc est corpus meum." It is used in the Catholic Mass. Those saying "Hocus Pocus" were mocking Catholics (and mocking Jesus' words in instituting the Eucharist). Pagans had nothing to do with it.

Don't suck at Latin.

Don't mock God.

Don't be a divisionfag by trying to alienate Catholics.

26985e  No.7171333


Don't quit before the miracle!

51ceb6  No.7171334


Kek, nobody is "going down" for anything you idiot.

3d70fe  No.7171335

File: ced44d3a4ae235d⋯.jpg (82.59 KB, 800x600, 4:3, 3ae28a85df551d852978905a72….jpg)

I'm seeing a bizarre indentation on RBG's hand and a dot on her forehead I'm not seeing in other pics

21bbf7  No.7171336


Bill, if you're MAGA, frankly, we don't care if you are QAnon, or praise Q, or do anything Q related.

Just MAGA is enough.

983a31  No.7171337


Ditto. Filter is a gift.

f290a3  No.7171338


paper straws at that kek

67b29a  No.7171339


Blatant Clowncrap~

79c7ba  No.7171340

File: 9c52dd8dcd475ac⋯.jpg (486.65 KB, 1308x2305, 1308:2305, SmartSelect_20190331-21374….jpg)


Sad thing is I don't think DECLAS will happen until September. 1-year-delta.

dd38bc  No.7171341

File: b111aea9da6cb60⋯.jpg (109.14 KB, 665x500, 133:100, muellerdeer.jpg)

File: 03845b59498537a⋯.jpg (256.8 KB, 1083x1194, 361:398, hamlet.JPG)

>>7170963 pb


Looked at this


is what I think:

It's a play.

Then in the play they stage a play.

Then the murderer is in the audience watching the murder portrayed on stage

[a way to frighten him?]

The play portrays the murder.


The Prince Hamlet gets to watch the expression of the murderer watching the play


This is a guess.

(maybe the white hats were intercepting the comments/ reactions made by the criminals while they were watching the Mueller questioning?)

Also, the theme is of a corrupt kingdom

"For thou dost know, O Damon dear, This realm

dismantled was Of Jove himself"

The kingdom in the play was cursed because of a murder and an usurpation; kinda like ours.

fe4750  No.7171342

File: b0b54d322d9bc6c⋯.gif (8.13 MB, 600x600, 1:1, 2EE94345-52FB-443A-9900-7B….gif)


Truth is a state of mind and that state is an energy that is beyond our control but as more people enter that state the energy grows and facilitates more people to awaken exponentially until the Truth becomes an overwhelming force upon the minds of the masses.

6d0c66  No.7171343


The tranny anime spam,was me

I wont do it unless they fuck with me,that hard again

f8bb26  No.7171344

File: c7ff50d38356fc4⋯.jpg (95.48 KB, 1024x681, 1024:681, dead.jpg)

afa6de  No.7171345

File: 8ba05166f47b0c9⋯.gif (4.01 MB, 640x480, 4:3, 8ba05166f47b0c9f2c093a0b55….gif)


good stuff

f4dddd  No.7171346

File: f4fd693f22c5fa6⋯.jpg (398.21 KB, 1590x1188, 265:198, aaasfasdasd.jpg)

File: 187d1d003f39443⋯.jpg (764.79 KB, 1677x1659, 559:553, aaaabbbbsdf.jpg)

File: 23a4c3347dfa284⋯.jpg (1.07 MB, 2000x2000, 1:1, asvasvasvasvasdasdw.jpg)

File: 3e1f80d708ebae9⋯.jpg (326.11 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, avcxvxcvxcv.jpg)

File: d762cc38ed71291⋯.png (394.93 KB, 440x330, 4:3, basdas.png)

99b4d9  No.7171347

File: 80e508f1f032ede⋯.jpg (846.69 KB, 2250x1500, 3:2, 54 mirror of 56.jpg)

File: 6e7b648701afa95⋯.jpg (1.3 MB, 1905x2750, 381:550, 56 mirror of 54.jpg)

File: 237bdbcedd6d33d⋯.jpg (1.68 MB, 2700x2200, 27:22, 24 mirror of 26.jpg)


Today's Q Clock :54

Buckle up!

Bottom to top.

FISA = Foundation.

Public awareness.

Evidence introduced.



Today's :25/:55 Q Clock Mirror :56

John Huber appointed by?

Removed by?

Reappointed by?

Why the reboot?


Why was Huber made public?


Today's 180-Degree Q Clock Mirror :24

What if Iran created a classified 'satellite' Nuclear facility in Northern Syria?

POTUS deCLAS Syria/Iran + U1 connection.

BO closed door necessary.


Watch IRAN.

Something incredible is about to happen.

The Good People of IRAN have the POWER.


eac783  No.7171348

File: 8b98c86c8b6e5ad⋯.gif (2.61 MB, 636x357, 212:119, you.gif)

589cda  No.7171349

File: be22b6f97d173cd⋯.jpg (125.91 KB, 506x543, 506:543, 22d2b06869f0b165f20dfa971b….jpg)


Kek, likely story.

Hope has been ignoring me.

But at least I know that senpai truly loves me.

a1c174  No.7171350

>>7171269 activating their "sleeper cells" and Antifa mobs

21bbf7  No.7171351


doe eyes are prey

narrow eyes are predators

99351f  No.7171352


Hope didn't have large enough breasts to hang onto!

93cbef  No.7171353

File: 0db208133b988a1⋯.jpg (142.84 KB, 984x680, 123:85, ginsberg-soon.jpg)

adffd2  No.7171354


Fuckoff that’s always been a pathetic excuse. The only reason they hide the truth is to prevent we the people from killing them all. Yes, I mean all. Righteous anger for selling out humanity in every tacit ain’t no joke nigga. Especially when you continue to hide the truth to save your own behind.

cc2c16  No.7171355

@Tiff_FitzHenry posted and deleted a link to a new movie, Illuminated, in theaters July 30th: https:// www.imdb.com/title/tt8511530/?ref_=ttpl_pl_tt

fdd025  No.7171356

File: d3ea61cc25863d7⋯.jpeg (681.28 KB, 1125x1315, 225:263, 763E0BA3-A3B4-45A9-9D2A-7….jpeg)


“The Media’s Mueller Meltdown” @JesseBWatters


21bbf7  No.7171357


They're actually hooked up with Al Qaeda, ISIS, MB, etc. They're big league.

Not the JV team.

8f4ce3  No.7171358

File: 7de1d9415ab53ad⋯.jpeg (50.42 KB, 958x389, 958:389, BFF42A85-F267-459D-B8DF-A….jpeg)


Uh no.

d371d8  No.7171359

File: f717673886b315e⋯.jpg (10.98 KB, 251x255, 251:255, f717673886b315e4ba4022e230….jpg)

7eddf9  No.7171360


Africans are redpilled on masons. A few months back in nigeria or a place like that they came out saying "the illuminati, which is part of freemasonry". An incredibly scientific realistic way to see it. Most people try and fit it in the other way around the illuminati is bad apples within masonry so the illuminati is in the matrix of freemasonry.

f47f4f  No.7171361


Well job well done than asshat, isn't that what you got paid for?

67b29a  No.7171362



65d7da  No.7171363

File: b5cc5cfb272c232⋯.mp4 (6.61 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, DemQanon.mp4)

>>7170093 Dem analyst mentions Qanon so they cut away to NOTHING! (pb)

Video Archived

81eebf  No.7171364

File: 86e6cee31a246af⋯.png (243.81 KB, 472x433, 472:433, downloadfile_1_-removebg-p….png)

Very simple remedy to shutdown all the democrats bogus investigations into president Trump.

AG Barr declassify everything now and that will legally force the democrats to end all their investigations.

Robert Mueller is as dirty as a traitor can get.

460583  No.7171365

Enough of this crap. Unleash the Kraken

08b64e  No.7171366


Don't click on it. They have no respect for our Flotus.

844a2f  No.7171367


Was Weissman there today? Or was he in Austria when this came out?

>>7158151 (pb) revealed in Austrian court that Weissman offered to drop charges against Firtash in return for lying under oath that Trump was financed by Russia

6d0c66  No.7171368


No it isnt

This fucker is a clown for even promoting Q at all

Q tards are the single worst thing to ever happen to american patriotism

I was one i know,how insane these people can get

I snapped out of it by gods grace

If anything

eac783  No.7171369

File: 24b92817d46f1c0⋯.jpg (313.8 KB, 1524x1014, 254:169, 24b92817d46f1c0cbc690e7b1d….jpg)

ff6ef5  No.7171370

File: 906260078b09691⋯.jpg (129.98 KB, 1000x750, 4:3, bakey.jpg)

4fc772  No.7171371


It seems to me the best time to declass and drop it all would be just after New Year and before IA/NH.

cc2c16  No.7171372


ILLUMINATED exposes the truth behind the controversial group, the Illuminati. Written and directed by Johnny Royal ("33 and Beyond"), ILLUMINATED reveals the origins, documents, rituals, and degree ceremonies of the Illuminati.

8bb24c  No.7171373



21bbf7  No.7171374




79c7ba  No.7171375


Can't be too close to election, so can't delay too long.

25ecc6  No.7171376

File: 9ac2c0260ba7923⋯.png (337.44 KB, 800x416, 25:13, ClipboardImage.png)

93cbef  No.7171377

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Beta Uprising

1d0bab  No.7171378

File: e4fb2bc81b980f2⋯.jpg (54.75 KB, 500x500, 1:1, image_2.jpg)

e71791  No.7171379

File: 18a929e5ee3c584⋯.png (96.41 KB, 456x881, 456:881, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d90934d6cd08d91⋯.png (167.85 KB, 873x896, 873:896, ClipboardImage.png)

Marker #1 = 4:49. Or is it 449? Mueller report has 449 pages if counting from 0.

If true, what does Marker #2 represent?

46e538  No.7171380


No. Some of this has to start coming out before Nov, which is one year before the 2020 election. For legal reasons.

d2a2c6  No.7171381

File: 3be64651b0e6e4a⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1200x800, 3:2, bob ross - sausage fingers….png)


Sausage Fingers

6d0c66  No.7171382


Oh there will be crying anon

Unspeakable things will happen if im not left alone by 2020

735f4a  No.7171383

File: 9fbfcf120dbc8d0⋯.png (452.38 KB, 1733x771, 1733:771, ClipboardImage.png)

Deltas For Q drop & POTUS' tweets




7ee939  No.7171384

File: 9910373790ff335⋯.jpg (187.46 KB, 800x888, 100:111, IMG_3276.JPG)

File: 2bd4a684999430f⋯.jpg (200.36 KB, 800x533, 800:533, IMG_3278.JPG)

File: afb7c7f4fd3aee4⋯.jpg (126.04 KB, 735x522, 245:174, IMG_3277.JPG)

981e06  No.7171385

File: 1c9b0d76699a88f⋯.png (864.6 KB, 631x451, 631:451, holyland1.PNG)

21bbf7  No.7171386


Sid contributed; Glenn contributed; Nellie contributed; those two Russian disinfo officers contributed; hell, it's a virtual who's who of Never Trumpers, home and abroad.

71d885  No.7171387

>>7171245 African (Catholic) Bishops blast Freemasonry, sorcery in new pastoral letter.

NOTABLE (assisting fellow Anon)

This is the one noted in >>7171266. I've got your back, Anon.

d371d8  No.7171388


And yet here you are, genius!

7ee939  No.7171389

File: f3324595d8e204e⋯.jpg (254.47 KB, 747x1140, 249:380, IMG_3279.JPG)

File: c6df3faa7d281b5⋯.jpg (212.59 KB, 800x1119, 800:1119, IMG_3281.JPG)

File: a6a0d91adc23e8a⋯.jpg (113.02 KB, 736x490, 368:245, IMG_3280.JPG)

862d02  No.7171390

File: 8f77cb3772c3376⋯.jpg (45.49 KB, 800x419, 800:419, eyeballs.jpg)

38562b  No.7171391

File: 2a360c6f3a2c9a3⋯.jpg (11.97 KB, 255x158, 255:158, 2a360c6f3a2c9a31bfe7cf9695….jpg)


ewww I was all flacid until you said that!

f81b0a  No.7171393


I agree. The Q is WHEN? We need a narrative shift bigly. The election is fast approaching and when or if the declas happens it will take years to unwind. In my mind yesterday is almost too late.

0cc00a  No.7171394

File: 1e4766579b9bcb5⋯.jpeg (166.19 KB, 800x600, 4:3, F4F77EDF-2523-4328-9593-8….jpeg)

Anons who have paid attention have seen this meme first posted days ago.

Democrats are so stupid, so predictable.

95b72f  No.7171395


OIG report was pushed back until September, and we are led to believe DECLAS happens before then. No?

0ec157  No.7171396

File: 68df831d60639aa⋯.png (131.8 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190724-185352.png)

MS13=MSM 'The Wheel'

Community learns LAST WEEK about activity on school grounds. Going to need more therapy chickens to ease the bleeding liberals hearts as more people are chopped up.

This covers so many agencies and depts. Our schools are not safe.

These Satanists must go.


8f4ce3  No.7171397

File: 256374e49ce95cc⋯.jpeg (696.53 KB, 717x957, 239:319, 8847B5C8-DCD3-4111-B157-A….jpeg)


Don’t mix kek and anime.

363923  No.7171398


>The Latin phrase for "This is My Body" is ''Hoc est corpus meum." It is used in the Catholic Mass.

Just home from Daily Mass.

Very close, Anon.

"hoc est enim Corpus meum."

a0bb5f  No.7171399


Didn't that kid get raped by his limo driver?

ff6ef5  No.7171400

File: 553ac566b5ba021⋯.jpg (338.5 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, truthorbust.jpg)

1ca118  No.7171401



got 'em both, ty anons

589cda  No.7171402

File: 3978077c6f51ea8⋯.jpg (62.98 KB, 447x400, 447:400, 8dc3fa15ca0920ac1c654c7963….jpg)

f47f4f  No.7171403


As long as you're happy in "Your mind" all is good! Kek

981e06  No.7171404

File: a9aa76874aa1e99⋯.png (179.66 KB, 327x265, 327:265, holy land 3.PNG)

File: d00bc4daf858179⋯.png (22.71 KB, 646x183, 646:183, holy land 4.PNG)

File: 3f560e86d0f48ff⋯.png (73.6 KB, 724x255, 724:255, holy land 5.PNG)

File: cbfefe5c4daf521⋯.png (78.75 KB, 665x223, 665:223, holy land 7.PNG)

f4dddd  No.7171405

File: 95b40629e4bc436⋯.jpg (11.69 MB, 3839x7733, 349:703, breadcombine.jpg)

a8fa3c  No.7171406

File: fc0b9bfee2cb1bc⋯.png (471.77 KB, 681x874, 681:874, 3459.png)

4fc772  No.7171407


I'm not up FEC law, so could you enlighten me on the specifics? To my knowledge no one has ever been prosecuted for an October Surprise. How would this be different?

2a5f8c  No.7171408


???????? They do remain anonymous. They are not doxed.

Their post(s) simply show up as they did in the bread, so a man can perceive the context that may have been employed. Nothing moar.

ad5b73  No.7171409

File: 81eb0a713f15a0d⋯.mp4 (2.98 MB, 640x360, 16:9, mueller clueless.mp4)

This part perfectly sums up Mueller's performance

23a07b  No.7171410


Kek, who was that pencil neck faggot?

c359e7  No.7171411


what do many of these swamp dwellers have in common ?

they all have daughters

and now

we are all learning more than we ever wanted to know

how cults can act like mafia among us all

Some survive.

Some go to drugs.

Some kill themselves.

Some get killed.

All are entrapped, and everyone they love with them.

Pyramid scheme to beat all pyramid schemes.


And now I'm going to listen again

to Mueller's testimony

and see if the shoe fits.

The question:

did he chose this path

or was he forced down this path.

21bbf7  No.7171412


Oh, hey, you're right.


Some advice, Anon?

When you see a hook, don't bite.

You just proved the latin mass says "hoc est corpus meum", which the laity reduced to….ready for it?


cc2c16  No.7171413

@Tiff_FitzHenry posted and deleted a link to a new movie, Illuminated, in theaters July 30th: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt8511530/?ref_=ttpl_pl_tt

ILLUMINATED exposes the truth behind the controversial group, the Illuminati. Written and directed by Johnny Royal ("33 and Beyond"), ILLUMINATED reveals the origins, documents, rituals, and degree ceremonies of the Illuminati.

862d02  No.7171414


Closer to election, the worse it is for the democraps.

9b8acb  No.7171415

File: 24cc3809328d7d5⋯.jpg (96.11 KB, 815x315, 163:63, Q Blade Runner AI.jpg)

RIP, Rutger Hauer

81eebf  No.7171416

File: 2f7a199348fedf0⋯.png (753.55 KB, 1024x610, 512:305, Screenshot_20190723-152428….png)

Jerry Nadler is currently meeting with his Trump investigation consultants.

8f4ce3  No.7171417


Declas while they on vacation.

Wurst vacayshun evrrr

6d0c66  No.7171419


Them having family is good for patriots

Someone we can hurt to break them

f8bb26  No.7171420

I wish more people here would be realistic.

You have to know that anything BIG coming from our side is not going to come out until we are MUCH MUCH closer to 2020 elections.

You people need to stop being so dumb & naive.

Declass, etc, not happening until 2020.

We are just going to be getting tiny tiny glimpses. and those are not for us. It's for the Dems. as a warning.

If the dems pull off some huge "gotcha" moment, then shit might come out faster.

So I hope they DO push for Impechment. I hope they run their campaigns on it. Because THEN we will get the major drops

But as of now, that ain't happening for a long time still .

76e599  No.7171421

[next week]

1f1266  No.7171422


I don't think Killary has the mental capacity to write anything. Her minions? Well, of course anything is possible. But I think they have told her to stfu and take a back seat. She's done enough damage already.

Seriously, I think Schiff is behind this. He's not ultimate 'boss' of course. But he has been "taking the lead" the main Dem mouthpiece of this Mueller report political shitshow. And he is still holding a high gov position that he needs desperately to defend, unlike unemployed Hillary, who is probably drunk off her ass every waking hour.

1d0bab  No.7171423

File: 6085f210ddcd4b7⋯.jpg (27.34 KB, 254x255, 254:255, 15f2c6cb76c81cbf93bcd8b5cc….jpg)

8f4ce3  No.7171424


Cuz muh trips are trippin

1b64ab  No.7171425

File: f537e34708bf974⋯.png (181.77 KB, 938x469, 2:1, Img-1564009051559.png)

File: 5bc907cbe744426⋯.png (64.86 KB, 468x133, 468:133, Img-1564009147957.png)

File: c9552e6f1405011⋯.png (336.83 KB, 938x469, 2:1, Img-1564009108433.png)

Turn it upside down Yo.

d371d8  No.7171426






21bbf7  No.7171427



Why so redundant?

By the way, what fellowship do light and dark have?

How can two men travel together to different destinations?

Stop being a pagan.

981e06  No.7171428

palestine….iran against israel…not a holy war of muslims… ….it i s about evil vs good

67b29a  No.7171429

File: d2d66aefdc73fa2⋯.webm (3.99 MB, 360x203, 360:203, GodBlessAmerica.webm)

File: dfd23d97ee52ffa⋯.jpg (364.15 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, Fight Well Patriots.jpg)

The solution is their fear: for (You), the "average good for nothing anon" to bake with a notable focus on truth and moral.

Our father, who Arte in heaven

Hallowed be thy name

Thy kingdom come

Thy will be done

On earth as it is in heaven

Give us this day, our daily bread

And forgive us of our debts

As we forgive those who are endebted to us

And lead us not into temptation

But deliver us from the evil ones

For thine is the kingdom, the power, the glory forever, and ever, and ever.


C_A lie

C_A manipulate

C_A force (You) into submission

C_A deny the way you see the world

C_A overpower your voice

C_A convince you you're alone

C_A lock you into fear

C_A are afraid of (You)r power

C_A are far fewer in number

Patriots fight~


c1cc87  No.7171430

I’m guessing decals and other document release will begin in early August or early September

6d0c66  No.7171431


I wish you people would wake up

It is never going to,happen ever

46e538  No.7171432


Not October surprise, but it is illegal to "open" an investigation of an opponent during an election year. We all know these investigations started in 2017, but for optics, some will have to be unsealed and revealed prior to Nov.

63d42c  No.7171433

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

2:46:30 Jefferies of NY: listen to What [Bob] says at the END of the Questioning. 2:51:00-2:51:43 …RM reply 2:51:44-2:51:56👂👂👂👂🍿 was THIS testimony intentional so that the un-redacted Docs Had 2b released🤔 https://youtu.be/5RsHAGG46jc


Will AG Barr Declas Fisagate Docs If Mueller and Fake News Mislead the Public This Week?

Q!!mG7VJxZNCI21 Jul 2019 - 1:35:27 PM


If AG Barr has access to all classified material, how does [MUELLER] navigate?

If [MUELLER] provides FALSE and/or MISLEADING testimony, will AG Barr be forced to DECLAS all documentation to ensure full public awareness of the TRUTH?

If [MUELLER] defers to the original report but D's / FAKE NEWS push a false narrative 'knowing majority of the public did not watch the actual hearing'

>>will AG Barr be forced to DECLAS all documentation to ensure full public awareness of the TRUTH?

[Be Ready], [MUELLER].

[Be Ready], [JC].

[Be Ready], [Traitors one & ALL].

Thank you for playing.

FISA goes both ways.


ff6ef5  No.7171434

File: 74d682bc5a082d1⋯.jpg (992.62 KB, 4368x2457, 16:9, guillotines.jpg)

15241e  No.7171435


According to convicted pedo?? Which would mean she was rescued, and blew the lid.

65d7da  No.7171436


No idea fren, we don't attend the same church ;)

862d02  No.7171437


hey baker- need to check this for CP. I think I saw some.

07a29e  No.7171438

File: 423554986bee8c4⋯.jpg (1.23 MB, 2404x2404, 1:1, IMG_20190724_145232_466.jpg)

File: 0730b7c03bdb7a8⋯.gif (2.87 MB, 400x225, 16:9, download.gif)

File: a70318b3aa78c4e⋯.gif (981.89 KB, 480x672, 5:7, a70318b3aa78c4e5b45e152ae5….gif)

File: 79b275386fb23a0⋯.jpg (338.75 KB, 928x491, 928:491, ed6d12189f74dd8ba93800b941….jpg)

File: a792dd2c2c18144⋯.gif (447.35 KB, 500x700, 5:7, a792dd2c2c18144a7b97b40c4a….gif)

PSA Frens Walmart is carrying 18 packs of popcorn. They must have heard about the show.

c51b61  No.7171439

File: be9f10e3756cb07⋯.jpg (313.94 KB, 1483x920, 1483:920, 4bb55519ed39bfd1b10fde2111….jpg)

this is a very important post

i wish i had memorized it. i'd forgotten it even existed until 30 mins ago going through some old old dusty folders.

well it is memorized now. as it is here.

top kek.

9afc3f  No.7171440


Here is the order as far as I can see:

DECLAS occurs after Mueller removal (2676). OIG report after DECLAS (2856). Placeholders active after DECLAS (2681).

If Placeholders start in Aug 2019 (3376), then DECLAS must be sometime in July or August.

d2a2c6  No.7171441


To the true God fearing Israelite.

Best Title Deed in the World.


81eebf  No.7171442

File: 5bca399e6225fa2⋯.jpg (92.24 KB, 560x395, 112:79, 36cpoq_1.jpg)

Mueller investigation was a coup d'etat attempt on Trump that's it was.

Fuck you traitor Robert Mueller.

Jerry Nadler is a idiotic moron.

85cfa1  No.7171443




05adc2  No.7171444




I've been formulating a little theory, based on POTUS's MO on time, and under budget.

What if POTUS actually wants to do this without EVER declassifying FISA? FISA Warrant is capital. He may be playing a little game with himself to see if he can bring The Storm in "under budget" (without spending all his capital).

Just a thought, frens.

8f4ce3  No.7171445


Hope you come back crawling … backwards

f4dddd  No.7171446


ha. that's fucked up.

f47f4f  No.7171447


Kek, feels good don't anon!

4e8ea5  No.7171448


D’s pushed fake news.

Meaning according to the Monday drop, retalitory DECLAS needs to happen.

Release the DECLAS. Finish them off. Show no mercy. Never forgive them. Make the left as a collective whole go catatonic with despair.

f290a3  No.7171449


i don't think you need that many when rope will do just fine and there's already so much of it available .

f8bb26  No.7171450


Oh please. It's not going to happen for now.

2020 a lot will come out.

now, once Trump is re-elected, then skys the limit! he will have NOTHING stopping him from doing anything he wants.

But this ain't it chief

152a2c  No.7171451


Read CC at 00:36

"it was Q."

695ed4  No.7171452


Bill was preaching about the

Illuminati and bloodlines

and human sacrifices,

proxy wars, Baal, Moloch,

Puppet Nazis, Century old cult

that rules the world?????

Is Bill upset about the Maga Coalition suit

on QAnon and he doesnt know what side to pick?

Many of us were "woke" but not to this certain degree that Q has brought to our attention.

Well isn't Bill giving himself a lot of credit.

bb8ce1  No.7171453

File: 883e0d8d02067f8⋯.png (718.99 KB, 672x667, 672:667, ClipboardImage.png)

c51b61  No.7171454

File: bc4c730a1fcddf3⋯.png (766.72 KB, 1008x1477, 144:211, Screenshot_2019-07-24 Q Re….png)

2e3f1a  No.7171455

File: 76af89f6ef1fc93⋯.jpg (22.81 KB, 748x472, 187:118, casamigos-compound-3.jpg)

File: 68b6eaf20cd83ac⋯.jpg (88.18 KB, 435x580, 3:4, casamigos-jet.jpg)

File: 0de2350b90f6cfd⋯.jpg (152.2 KB, 544x717, 544:717, crawford-kayalar.jpg)

A must read from pb notables tons of nuggets:



BOY are all of them friends. Great resource article to tie SO many of these scum together. A keeper article and other write ups.

FYI, SANELA DIANA JENKINS should be revisited to find her ties to Epstein and the Island. She is another lynchpin along with George Clooney……smug bestie of Obama. Cindy Crawford as well. That icident with her daughter taped to a chair as a child is fishy as fuck.


71d885  No.7171456


Thank you for the assist–"enim" is the conjunction "for" that is generally omitted in the English phrase, and I forgot it–typing without a reference.

Paganism still has nothing to do with it.

cee15d  No.7171457


So happy when you go back to school.

589cda  No.7171458

File: f488d48eabfcf7f⋯.jpg (46.23 KB, 834x834, 1:1, 9b3d788f4bfe436d0a06494a31….jpg)


Wait a minute…

If you remove 'ter' from butter..

6d0c66  No.7171459


Nothing,stopping him

More like nothing,holding him accountable

The second he wins 2020 he will unmask

As his goal of placating you already worked

79c7ba  No.7171460


That would be nice. (I just have a feeling the 9/17 one-year-delta.)

93c3c8  No.7171461

File: e9a3d800b65f3fe⋯.png (69.22 KB, 726x720, 121:120, 9ba2da53586061c7f276046628….png)



>Declas while they on vacation.

Declas on vacation makes it easier to arrest.

6d0c66  No.7171462


Dont post gabriel demon fuck off

4fc772  No.7171463


Was not aware of that. There is always the tried and true method of leaking though. Fair play and all that shit ya know?

589cda  No.7171464

File: 1f6009294ed2d2e⋯.png (226.89 KB, 467x433, 467:433, 9d9f1fdcfcce955341ad299ec9….png)


Thanks anon, but it's summer so you know I'll be here all week.

8f4ce3  No.7171465

File: 5925d8d570a8886⋯.jpeg (718.66 KB, 707x986, 707:986, 36F132E9-2F57-44D3-AE4F-E….jpeg)

1c735a  No.7171466

File: 9b1579213a9a78a⋯.png (414.83 KB, 600x467, 600:467, ClipboardImage.png)


Said it before, will say it again.

Ivanka = Player

Melania = Killer

One looks to play the opponent, the other simply sees a target. It's in the eyes.

21bbf7  No.7171467


The Mystery of the Eucharist

Bartholomew f. Brewer, Ph.D.

Of all the ancient dogmas of the Roman Catholic religion, the dogma of transubstantiation is the most wicked and satanic. It is the very heart of Romanism and the key to the so-called "sacrifice of the mass." Transubstantiation is Rome's most lucrative, powerful and fixed dogma. Certainly it is her most effective control device for the perpetuation of her gigantic corporation whose existence is maintained by sacraments administered by a supposedly divinely empowered priesthood.


The doctrine of transubstantiation does not date back to the Last Supper as is supposed. It was a controverted topic for many centuries before officially becoming an article of faith, which means that it is essential to salvation according to the Roman Catholic Church. The idea of a corporal presence was vaguely held by some, such as Ambrose, but it was not until 831 A.D. that Paschasius Radbertus, a Benedictine monk, published a treatise openly advocating the doctrine of transubstantiation. Even then, for almost another four hundred years, theological war was waged over this teaching by bishops and people alike until at the Fourth Lateran Council in 1215 A.D., it was officially defined and canonized as a dogma.

Like many of the beliefs and rites of Romanism, transubstantiation was first practiced by pagan religions. The noted historian Durant said that belief in transubstantiation as practiced by the priests of the Roman Catholic system is "one of the oldest ceremonies of primitive religion." The Story Of Civilization, p. 741. The syncretism and mysticism of the Middle East were great factors in influencing the West, particularly Italy. Roman Society From Nero To Marcus Aurelius, Dill. In Egypt priests would consecrate mest cakes which were supposed to be come the flesh of Osiris. Encyclopedia Of Religions, Vol. 2, p. 76. The idea of transubstantiation was also characteristic of the religion of Mithra whose sacraments of cakes and Haoma drink closely parallel the Catholic Eucharistic rite. Ibid. The idea of eating the flesh of deity was most popular among the people of Mexico and Central America long before they ever heard of Christ; and when Spanish missionaries first landed in those countries "their surprise was heightened, when they witnessed a religious rite which reminded them of communion…an image made of flour…and after consecration by priests, was distributed among the people who ate it…declaring it was the flesh of deity…" Prescott's Mexico, Vol. 3.

The Christian Church for the first three hundred years remained somewhat pure and faithful to the Word of God, but after the pseudo-conversion of Constantine, who for political expedience declared Christianity the state religion, thousands of pagans were admitted to the church by baptism alone with out true conversion. They brought with them pagan rites which they boldly introduced into the church with Christian terminology, thus corrupting the primitive faith. Even the noted Catholic prelate and theologian, Cardinal Newman, tells us that Constantine introduced many things of pagan origin: "We are told in various ways by Eusebius, that Constantine, in order to recommend the new religion to the heathen, transferred into it the outward ornaments to which they had been accustomed in their own…The use of temples, and these dedicated to particular saints, and ornamented on occasions with branches of trees; incense, lamps, and candles; votive offerings on recovery from illness; holy water; asylums; holydays and seasons, use of calendars, processions, blessings on fields, sacerdotal vestments, the tonsure, the ring in marriage, turning to the East, images at a later date, perhaps the ecclesiastical chant, and the Kyrie Eleison, are all of pagan origin, and sanctified by their adoption into the Church." An Essay On The Development Of Christian Doctrine, pp. 359, 360. This unholy alliance also allowed the continuance of the pagan custom of eating and drinking the literal flesh and literal blood of their god. This is actually how transubstantiation entered the professing church.

07a29e  No.7171468


Declas must happen for good of country/future generations


He may wait until after 2020 to do it if he is going for "under budget" in your theory, but it must be done

65d7da  No.7171469


It really does, groovy ID you got there fren ;)

4164a0  No.7171470

File: bff7ebf6d69c73c⋯.jpg (1.34 MB, 1014x1280, 507:640, potusmueller45sturn.jpg)

File: 5d9c067937ecf8b⋯.jpg (79.41 KB, 600x800, 3:4, projection.jpg)

File: 4b1a114f3955c44⋯.jpg (167.12 KB, 661x575, 661:575, PunishingTheOldGuard.jpg)

File: 4dfda61e35b8276⋯.jpg (10.72 KB, 255x190, 51:38, qanonrezerch.jpg)

611e30  No.7171471

File: cbade877ad0fb26⋯.png (961.72 KB, 1339x970, 1339:970, ClipboardImage(12).png)

File: 2307e7eef1c5938⋯.png (343.33 KB, 505x750, 101:150, ClipboardImage(25).png)

File: 7f6fca0325265d3⋯.png (343.23 KB, 702x484, 351:242, ClipboardImage(9).png)

File: d570c85940664df⋯.png (1.74 MB, 720x1080, 2:3, ClipboardImage(26).png)

71d885  No.7171472


KYS shill

8868da  No.7171473

File: 3fe2ad358b5eabf⋯.jpg (207.96 KB, 576x576, 1:1, QHeadquartersFear.jpg)

File: 3168483acb7d402⋯.jpg (181.94 KB, 576x432, 4:3, PULLTHEFUCKINGTRIGGER.jpg)

>>7171124 (PB)

Unfortunately, there are nails to bite, and hands to wring.

589cda  No.7171474

File: 75564fae34ca229⋯.gif (879.26 KB, 254x401, 254:401, 75564fae34ca2299317d97ba80….gif)


Zoom zoom, kek

c1cc87  No.7171475

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

What legend he had mueller stuttering with his first question

363923  No.7171476


>Thank you for the assist–"enim" is the conjunction "for" that is generally omitted in the English phrase, and I forgot it–typing without a reference.

Thank you for the Latin lesson, fellow Catholic Anon. I wasn't sure of the meaning of "enim' and appreciate the clarification.

81eebf  No.7171477

File: d785300e4f87ff2⋯.jpg (75.17 KB, 500x512, 125:128, 36cle2_1.jpg)

AG Barr declassify everything now and force the MSM and democrats to fuck the hell off…

AG Barr what's the fucken problem?

c51b61  No.7171478

File: b7c05e7cc3b7d8a⋯.png (115.62 KB, 496x224, 31:14, Apache322Screenshot_2018-1….png)


yeah i like your work anon

i have some of your older small collages.

2a5f8c  No.7171479


1- Congress NOT in session during August break.

2- Makes congress critters arrest-able.

Would seem like fair timing to this anon.

05adc2  No.7171480


Addendum based on your thoughts (with which I agree): He's seeing how much he can get done BEFORE spending it. Same game, really.

25e9ce  No.7171481

File: dd0fd8edfb49ceb⋯.png (307.41 KB, 532x532, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 98f47a6336bf60f⋯.png (712.41 KB, 1419x731, 33:17, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 17f0ded1bde23e7⋯.png (897.8 KB, 1000x652, 250:163, ClipboardImage.png)

An adviser to Khamenei said that the meeting with Hamas was a strategic turning point in relations between Iran and the Palestinians.


11:30 PM - 23 Jul 2019


8f4ce3  No.7171482


Problem is anime is getting ID blocked cuz it’s just constipayting and trying too hard

cee15d  No.7171483


Not really. Meebe your mama will restrict your hours..do you have a mom?

4164a0  No.7171485

File: 7a237d72f38bec6⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1111x872, 1111:872, SOONflotus.png)

21bbf7  No.7171486


Gotta admit, I'm warming up to Melania. She struck me as kind of cold at first.

f47f4f  No.7171487


His name is shill

ea8c27  No.7171488


Massive, intractable anti-Catholic bias here by evangelical fundies. There is no reasoning with them, don't bother to try. People who enjoy their own historical and religious ignorance are unreachable and are more of a hindrance than help. They don't care about the truth, they don't really care about actual history, just their own (very narrow and incorrect) version of dogma. Sad!

c78182  No.7171489


Man fungus you are the cringiest, bitch namefag ever.

6467e7  No.7171490


BOSS List: Gaetz 7/23/2019

8b6471  No.7171491


I doubt declas is coming any time before the next election.

I'm trying to trust the plan but I am sick of hearing

"next week"

"A week to remember"

"Are you ready for arrests?"



"buckle up"

Sorry for the concernfagging but this has gone on long enough.

It's time for Americans to know the truth.

I don't care if it causes civil unrest. Mobilize the National Guard and drop the truth. Fukit

46e538  No.7171492


That is why the Dems have EVERYONE running for President. They are all trying to insulate themselves from being investigated/prosecuted.

21bbf7  No.7171493


Thanks for the blessing, fren.

2e3f1a  No.7171494

File: 50efe6d5324220b⋯.jpg (15.03 KB, 220x146, 110:73, jenkins-clinton.jpg)

File: 50efe6d5324220b⋯.jpg (15.03 KB, 220x146, 110:73, jenkins-clinton.jpg)

File: 23e0aed3bee80fa⋯.jpg (13.61 KB, 220x175, 44:35, jenkins-clooney-4.jpg)

File: caa42aa0d6ec4ee⋯.jpg (164.81 KB, 700x1061, 700:1061, jenkins-crawford-2 (1).jpg)


Sanela Diana Jenkins is a Epstein character for the Hollywood set

38562b  No.7171495

File: 6d4d22d37da6240⋯.png (3.11 MB, 1804x3172, 451:793, Zvvv1.png)

3c8569  No.7171496

File: 139666361a2531c⋯.png (262.95 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Screenshot_2019-07-25 Q R….png)



108b9b  No.7171497



Andrew’s Fergie? Cigarette in one hand, martini in the other? Hair worn up?

f81b0a  No.7171498

In todays political jungle, if you want to defeat your opponent, you must DEFEAT them. Not just wound them. If declas is all it is supposed to be, it must be brought to bear to once and for all defeat them. Just my humble opinion.

79c7ba  No.7171499


Agreed, yet 'Timing rests w/ POTUS' and I'm cool with that.

25e9ce  No.7171500

File: 5fa5f855608e47e⋯.png (367.54 KB, 645x430, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

>>7171481 Turning point


c1cc87  No.7171501


Kek let’s create a boss list of based badasses by the end of the year

26985e  No.7171503


Yeah she charters yachts too

f8bb26  No.7171504


That would be best but will NEVER happen.


b80c9d  No.7171505


Mueller got real old… real quick… stressed out bob?

21bbf7  No.7171506


His funniest line today was being upset that they didn't have a Gaetz stand-in during their hearing prep.

38562b  No.7171507

aint no fucking fundy either nor a jew which confuses [you]

cb7e19  No.7171508


No one is above the law.

They mentioned that quite a few times today.

589cda  No.7171509

File: 10135f29212acaf⋯.png (247.3 KB, 864x925, 864:925, 866a4ce2141ced0263455af420….png)


Listen, if you are such a weak faggot that you need to use the filter because your passion for safe spaces.

By all means, be a weak faggot.


7c72c7  No.7171510

File: b91b94f5eb612e2⋯.jpeg (320.44 KB, 932x1198, 466:599, AD0C74B4-1450-4F48-8F99-4….jpeg)

abfef2  No.7171511


Melania = Scythian Warrior Princess

93cbef  No.7171512

File: 0eaf5be8b5846ac⋯.jpg (136.05 KB, 809x533, 809:533, mueller-end-2050.jpg)

ea8c27  No.7171513


"Make your sons priests, to destroy their religion from the inside"

981e06  No.7171514


to be of people israel…they are to be god fearing… israel always been a people not a place……afte r the decadence from moses by sons of israel thru denial of the holy prophets …and ..salvation ….liberation by yehoshua the messiah.///jesus the christ ..one of israel can ONLY be true lover of YaH almighty…one and only true creator…follower of his torah…

c1cc87  No.7171515


He’s panicking

a8fa3c  No.7171516

File: 0ae68b78919283d⋯.jpg (823.7 KB, 1962x1280, 981:640, 1563905324956.jpg)

File: 94ed41999fc65de⋯.jpg (761.36 KB, 5568x3712, 3:2, 1563898545770.jpg)

99351f  No.7171517


Adrenochrome ran dry.

8f4ce3  No.7171518


Not working in here.

Long time Anons are seriously flying at a different altitude. You guys don’t let yourselves go there.

afa6de  No.7171519

File: 32659c469ed0cc8⋯.png (144.04 KB, 353x478, 353:478, foxshaking.png)

21bbf7  No.7171520


Broken down old alcoholic traitor with blood on his hands, and a black heart.

e53b11  No.7171521

File: d0d63b2f78f116b⋯.jpg (26.76 KB, 512x422, 256:211, pepewtf.jpg)


Yet somehow Jim Jordan was the only

one that seemed pissed off……did the rest of

these cucks forget what these traitors tried to

get away with?

4164a0  No.7171522

File: 1ba3cf16c0b0417⋯.jpg (96.97 KB, 738x488, 369:244, popeisfkd.jpg)

File: 49a16dfe6baaed3⋯.jpg (89.72 KB, 470x762, 235:381, readysetPAINcomms.jpg)


/ourflotus/ da best

8868da  No.7171523

File: aabc73cb99bb8a0⋯.jpg (118.63 KB, 360x318, 60:53, SameOldCrap.jpg)

File: 4c540ed3fdb8f16⋯.jpg (486.96 KB, 1542x700, 771:350, QFUCKOFFCHEER.jpg)

8f4ce3  No.7171524


My trippin Trips are confirming

a54bb9  No.7171525


ok im back hit me

6467e7  No.7171526


Given his age, I was impressed at his cool candor and persistent pursuit of truth.

38562b  No.7171527

File: 2e04c7ccc085e94⋯.png (290.65 KB, 564x1007, 564:1007, nytv1.png)

File: c7db6b08de76d71⋯.png (526.37 KB, 834x992, 417:496, nytv2.png)

File: 8dcf83dc788b956⋯.png (282.21 KB, 802x1004, 401:502, nytv3.png)

File: c429481e4de6c5e⋯.png (2.29 MB, 1576x972, 394:243, nytv5.png)

File: 9c2caa842f87cb6⋯.png (220.12 KB, 822x934, 411:467, nytv13.png)

655ef2  No.7171528


I want to have dinner with the first family so bad. But mainly to charm FLOTUS.

46e538  No.7171529


Did Mueller have an earpiece in? It is almost like he is waiting for someone to tell him how to answer. Either way, that man was confused as hell today.

7ee939  No.7171530


Always astounding to take in your work.

Beyond blessed to have contributed .

TY Fren.

029a6d  No.7171531


Always thought the bias worked in our favor. They had the most biased folks possible and still couldn't pin anything. /shrug

8d7395  No.7171532

File: d9a3e94748d2e96⋯.mp4 (8.34 MB, 256x144, 16:9, Legal experts react to Rob….mp4)

Legal experts react to Robert Mueller's testimony

8ab6a4  No.7171533

File: ff3facf2811244b⋯.jpeg (314.49 KB, 971x610, 971:610, B2898836-BEF7-42A9-B7AD-5….jpeg)

Trump cycled in another pedo protector to (temporarily) replace Alex Acosta?


21bbf7  No.7171534

File: abd58c5eff97b89⋯.png (87.97 KB, 225x225, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


Thinking the GOP actually strategized, and had a different tone for different reps.

Trump promised he would teach them how to win.

1ca118  No.7171535

File: 795147507e91c86⋯.jpg (315.69 KB, 800x1000, 4:5, bakery family style.jpg)


Baker assist Notables for a tired baker, step up anons they have asked for several breads

>>7171211 POL is a system board managed by the global volunteers and they have an anti Q bias

>>7171239 It's clear Mueller didn't write this report: Alan Dershowitz- Fox Business

>>7171245 African Bishop blasts Free-masonry, sorcery in new pastoral letter

>>7171270 "New" RBG interview-says she is alive-npr

>>7171272, >>7171306 Will Comey be the first to go down publicy for treason?

>>7171312 Rep. Kelly Armstrong on Mueller conflicts

>>7171347 Q CLOCK SUMMARIES - RE-READ CRUMBS at q-clock.com

>>7171383 anon proof: Deltas For Q drop & POTUS' tweets

>>7171396 MS-13 gang slaying: Panorama HS students-LA Times

>>7171405 Collage anon with a big one today (open it in another window as it is 11mb) and dat id too

>>7171433 Mueller Testimony-Vid with anon submitted Qdrop #3458-text only

>>7171481, >>7171500, >>7171516 An adviser to Khamenei said that the meeting with Hamas was a strategic turning point in relations between Iran and the Palestinians- from july 23rd



49a224  No.7171536

File: c14294cefd6219f⋯.jpg (69.66 KB, 481x390, 37:30, gyptiagdgddgsdh.jpg)

File: d20d4a1792d9a03⋯.jpg (738.21 KB, 1859x963, 1859:963, sqwaweemansfhsdhdgadgh.jpg)

93cbef  No.7171537

File: 6200f1baacb1781⋯.gif (589.79 KB, 442x473, 442:473, 6200f1baacb1781156e31200ee….gif)


Just spin, moar comy

fec106  No.7171538


Thank you BAKER. o7

Now, in a skilled anon can put up the complete 18 min. vid of President Trump's presser it would make NOTABLE for sure. Pres. Trump went to war against fake-media and gave a shout-out to us anons as well. If you watch it you will catch it.

c359e7  No.7171539


Remember the Tom Hanks movie "Castaway" ?

At the end he is very skinny

and looks very much like he did when he was a kid actor.

And he is looking at life in a whole new way.

At his welcome home party

they filled the table with nothing but fish.

He just looked sickeningly at it.

Later after he had lost the love of his life

and chose the way of honor

(something he was known for at FedEx –

being a efficiency expert - a perfectionist)

and told her to go back to her husband,

he was talking to a friend

(who kind of looked like a gay man ??)

and they really had gotten close to each other

over the years…

when he was emptying his heart with this friend

he told him about how the only choice he had


because he knew he would likely die of starvation.

So he tried to hang himself and the tree broke.

The lesson he learned ?

"I had to keep breathing.

because tomorrow the sun would rise

and who knows what the tide might bring in."

And I wondered if –

in real life –

this wasn't Tom Hanks' own life story.

He had realities to face himself.

c1cc87  No.7171540


Yeah he has no time for that bullshit

65f5b0  No.7171541

File: fb196a45acd115c⋯.jpg (212.05 KB, 1080x1110, 36:37, Screenshot_20190724-171020….jpg)


It's blood money.

1d0bab  No.7171542

File: cf637dc0c6b5128⋯.jpeg (73.62 KB, 1080x570, 36:19, 1564009818.jpeg)

e8e508  No.7171543

File: daf2916a7f70849⋯.jpg (790.48 KB, 3000x1680, 25:14, QMARCH.jpg)

Are you tired of waiting?

Do you want to be part of history?

We can force the question.

We can change the world.

Bring your signs, T-shirts, banners and flags and join us for a peaceful Qanon march that will never be forgotten one month from now on August 24 in washing DC.

Its time we forced the question and made the world ask.

WHO IS Q!!!!

a4fc22  No.7171544


ERin Burnet "The President COULD go to jail for many years"

26985e  No.7171545


LABOR secretary

a54bb9  No.7171546


I lovew this photo def the looks on the 2 lady's .fire

21bbf7  No.7171547


Scalia's kid?

I find that difficult to believe.

c51b61  No.7171548

File: c5bf37b3a77f0f3⋯.jpg (140.07 KB, 800x396, 200:99, CONSTANTINE1TRUMP.jpg)


Hic Est Enim Calix Sanguinis Mei

gives a nice BOOM 420 ALW Kabbalah.

420. lol. 42, bekoach ana.

all their numbers belong to us.

8868da  No.7171549

File: 32eba95b06ba563⋯.jpg (145.76 KB, 576x314, 288:157, qillbeback.jpg)

2e3f1a  No.7171550



PB notable

>>7158228 (2018) RedNationRising article w/timeline re: Epstein, Clooney et al

79c7ba  No.7171551



7ba015  No.7171552

File: b1fdcc5b30ccd79⋯.jpg (27.84 KB, 423x423, 1:1, humer-icmec-2.jpg)

File: 1de01b37685273c⋯.jpg (60.17 KB, 450x360, 5:4, clooney-fantastic-fox.jpg)

File: 60f82e7e2982872⋯.png (307.07 KB, 748x406, 374:203, satellite-sentinel-project.png)

File: f6ca47591736edd⋯.jpg (10.19 KB, 212x159, 4:3, casamigos-villa-2.jpg)

71d885  No.7171553


Yes, that's why I ID-filtered the shill.

Too bad Q has no use for those who are trying to vilify all Catholics or all of any other group.

3d70fe  No.7171554

BAKER. Can you add this to RBG notable NPR interview? >>7171335

a54bb9  No.7171555


dude you rock thanks helps alot .

38562b  No.7171556

File: fbd8fea88634471⋯.jpg (199.62 KB, 1102x1160, 19:20, AAARCHST.jpg)

File: 5355e9fa50d31a1⋯.jpg (1.83 MB, 3832x5056, 479:632, ATD.jpg)

File: 4a02a1d948bd41c⋯.png (179.14 KB, 582x1170, 97:195, 1950.png)

woke my ass

98de92  No.7171557

File: 212a11769c39db6⋯.jpeg (945.26 KB, 2139x1470, 713:490, 09C8B815-67F9-40A5-A082-E….jpeg)

Stupid shills, you’re unfit & neverready.

JoeM’s a pussy.


AJ, get Lynn’s dick out of your mouth.

Playtexxx, get AJ’s dick out of your ass.

21bbf7  No.7171558


Big is probably more Hanks' life story.

Little boy having sex like a man.

0527a1  No.7171559


All this baiting with theoreticals… I COULD also join a dance club and get tango lessons, but we both know that'll never happen.

c14907  No.7171560



Real anons filter you because youre an asshole

didn we alreddy splain this to (You)?

4fc772  No.7171561


That may be their plan, but it's a bad one. As soon as they are cash starved out of the race i.e. Swallwell, they would be fair game. By the time the Dim's convention rolls around, they should be down to three remaining candidates. The nominee doesn't have to be involved for the whole thing to tank the party for the election. Remember there are going to be House and Senate races as well.

7c72c7  No.7171562


Kek and I COULD titty fuck Erin Burnett

a5b04d  No.7171563


90% of is probably blood money anyway!

4164a0  No.7171564

File: 5c8faa6fbc045af⋯.jpg (387.74 KB, 852x1358, 426:679, wekno3w.jpg)

File: d3e12984e504d85⋯.jpg (137.58 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, werathreat.jpg)

File: 3ba608f08c6ecc5⋯.jpg (238.93 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, whitehatsbringthepain.jpg)

a4fc22  No.7171565


CNN MSNBC still promoting

russia russia russia

65d7da  No.7171566

File: 3e1ded944c5c02e⋯.jpeg (215.84 KB, 1280x852, 320:213, FLOTUS.jpeg)


Melania really is the best! I feel honoured to just be alive at the same time as her.

981e06  No.7171567

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

e53b11  No.7171568


Nunes seemed like he has given up on

ever seeing justice

57360f  No.7171569


>DECLAS before Congress adjourns until September

How about Declas the day before or the day of adjournment? Fuck up their vacay, fundraisers, piss off staff, run up bills covering their asses.

Oh yeah, no military transport. FOREVEH!

21bbf7  No.7171570


Who do you think Q is fighting?

who is the enemy in Godfather III?

Wakey wakey, Anon.

b6c9ee  No.7171571


Mueller's doddering old fool act dropped quickly when he got mad.

f47724  No.7171572


Trump vetos Congress’ attempt to stifle Saudi Arms deal. KHASHOGGI DESERVED WHAT HE GOT. FUCK OSAMA.

46e538  No.7171573


Oh, I agree anon. I'm just stating what they are doing.

2e3f1a  No.7171574


cannot read the writing, the image is not clear enough…..wo is the lady??

a4fc22  No.7171575


ERin Burnett and the media could go to jail for many many years !!!

05adc2  No.7171576

93cbef  No.7171577

File: 55ce500bdd1e3da⋯.jpg (150.93 KB, 640x853, 640:853, pepe-melania-ivanka-q2.jpg)

38562b  No.7171578

File: 9698fda2e258865⋯.jpg (10.74 KB, 204x248, 51:62, a11.jpg)

funny as [you] think if you can fool this board, get notables that Q team and the rest must believe your bullshit and also be fools!


0e972a  No.7171579

File: 3b9c234d4b102d0⋯.jpg (9.56 KB, 255x171, 85:57, FlotusPepe.jpg)

Just a theory, anons, but what if Mueller is at the top of the pyramid? Again, only a theory but hear me out.

If he understood how blackmail works, and understood when he was director of the FBI how to set things up for himself, its entirely possible that he could be at the top of the shadow government.

Its entirely Trump's style that if Mueller WERE the top of the shadow government that we would all get to watch him stumble and fuck up in front of the whole world. When Q said there are puppets and puppet masters, it sorta makes sense that when shit hits the fan for the bastards (Trump gets elected), that Mueller magically steps in to try and manage things.

I dunno, anons, whatcha think?

981e06  No.7171580

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

21bbf7  No.7171581


Nah, not our boy. He went at the end, and there was no reason to pile on the tired old drunk.


b445a5  No.7171582


Make it yourself instead of buying bags like that. You get more bang for your buck that way and man does it taste better than any microwave bagged popcorn I've ever had.

99351f  No.7171583



She's married and has kids!


9391ca  No.7171584


He knew his questions wouldnt be answered.

6b464b  No.7171585

File: 8e0ad9c9a80a32c⋯.png (175.24 KB, 721x918, 721:918, Special counsel costs 1.png)

File: e0405b25e9e8359⋯.png (35.12 KB, 708x426, 118:71, Special counsel costs 2.png)

File: 6bb870aa3bb7233⋯.png (106.83 KB, 711x669, 237:223, Special counsel costs 3.png)

File: 572477189b84636⋯.png (44.13 KB, 705x483, 235:161, Special counsel costs 4.png)

File: 7398797ef0ce9db⋯.png (188.7 KB, 807x939, 269:313, Special counsel costs 5.png)

Here are some of the costs.

Seems like the angry dems got paid quite nicely for their witch hunt.


ad6381  No.7171586

File: b3f514eeb69cbc1⋯.png (480.66 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, P_Hit.png)

38562b  No.7171587

File: 27b1424e25585b1⋯.jpg (52.3 KB, 720x602, 360:301, 42120188_1075051745999281_….jpg)

8f4ce3  No.7171588


Yah cuz I can see you still.

You tards seriously need things spelled out.

Nov 2017 was a long time ago. Where were you? Not here.

It’s So anime of you to hop in and Assume it’s works in here.

8ab6a4  No.7171589


no, I believe it’s a Patrick Pizzella that is acting director, not talking about whoever is nominated to follow him.

So really, Trump admin lumped this pedo protector in with Acosta. I think it was to keep them under surveillance / monitor what if anything they did

a4fc22  No.7171590



LOL !!!!!!!!!

CNN in PANIC !!!!

4164a0  No.7171591

File: c450044cca147db⋯.jpg (78.87 KB, 620x485, 124:97, bouttimedisretardiscancele….jpg)


me too fren,, truly humbled to be here and hopefully making even the smallest of differences amongst the best & th e brightest WW.

[prayer warrior]

a0bb5f  No.7171592


How much soy do you think that thing has ingested in its life? My guess: A LOT! Kek

a61481  No.7171593

they are shitting on our president

please go shit on them


21bbf7  No.7171594



The Vatican perfected the art of infiltration, spying, and assassination a thousand years ago, and since then, have murdered over 100 million people.

ff6ef5  No.7171595

File: 78354de2514a823⋯.jpg (210.96 KB, 696x1270, 348:635, catholic.jpg)

File: 8a46957ea601bc3⋯.jpg (151.86 KB, 641x1118, 641:1118, wherecatholic.jpg)

4d17e0  No.7171596

File: fccd1f67266b6a7⋯.png (12.07 KB, 410x226, 205:113, 750.png)

File: cb514fc4e4cbe6b⋯.png (366.45 KB, 588x649, 588:649, 750a.png)

2e3f1a  No.7171597


please translate the pictures as the font is blurry

who are the people? Irecognize David Brock, HRC, Cosby, alefantis, jeff koons,

who else?

5c8e90  No.7171598


They'll probably donate it to his legal defense fund.

46e538  No.7171599


No, only because the master will have more game than Mueller brought today. He is a puppet.

f47724  No.7171600


I love you

adbdd3  No.7171601

File: 710be44f6c0e58e⋯.jpeg (59.04 KB, 449x800, 449:800, 85DB5878-2CDC-4576-8A6F-0….jpeg)

The fact that this democrat shit show continues is prrof positive that the Qew is best case acenario an impotent RNC or trump staffer or as is most likely a LARP.

Has anyone doxxed panphlet yet, someone should curb stomp him for this charade.

a4fc22  No.7171602


YES this is a direct quote from CNN !!!

1ca118  No.7171603

File: 5ed6ac91c26c774⋯.jpg (33.89 KB, 474x474, 1:1, Tripping Balls.jpg)


trips confirm you all have a backup most of the time. If ya call it I usually start a list and have it ready just in case no handoff.

appreciate that anon.

3c8569  No.7171604


Now do jews…

38562b  No.7171605

File: cc6ebfca3833982⋯.jpg (12.11 KB, 225x225, 1:1, AFCFP.jpg)


yer just saying that to make me go away but it will not work! :D

6b464b  No.7171606

File: cdfa12721ecfd6d⋯.png (38.95 KB, 808x472, 101:59, Special counsel costs 6.png)

File: 0f2e79a7719135e⋯.png (108.63 KB, 807x827, 807:827, Special counsel costs 7.png)

File: 0a3a4496e2b3c90⋯.png (34.3 KB, 601x505, 601:505, Special counsel costs 8.png)

File: 34c3d54d09af5b9⋯.png (181.71 KB, 808x893, 808:893, Special counsel costs 9.png)

File: 4a7c538471b93fc⋯.png (71.58 KB, 799x508, 799:508, Special counsel costs 10.png)

8868da  No.7171607


Honestly, I don't think they have a clue what world we actually live in. Rather, we've become aware of the world we live in, and find it intolerable for this stupidity to continue one more day. They're just earning a living, putting on an act.

21bbf7  No.7171608

>>7171585 SC $ Breakdown


1b64ab  No.7171609

File: 94b88ac24abc118⋯.png (25.19 KB, 255x170, 3:2, Img-1564009959153.png)

File: ed520f7462220fe⋯.png (120.65 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Img-1564009922706.png)

File: 64931c34fda2e3f⋯.png (114.33 KB, 317x445, 317:445, Img-1564009339150.png)

File: 4d945670a06a10b⋯.png (490.78 KB, 816x1000, 102:125, Img-1564009941170.png)

File: 83b6750a2b94d96⋯.png (432.28 KB, 720x1009, 720:1009, Img-1564009894427.png)

Nothing is random. We were born into a cult.

Koolaid man 666 on his face

Oh yeah!!!

1c735a  No.7171610

File: df0cd9cbf54e356⋯.png (2.6 MB, 1000x1500, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)


The eyes are the window to the soul.

c51b61  No.7171611


er, no, he couldn't.


either Donald John Trump is POTUS per the permissive Will of God, or the POSITIVE Will of God. If positive…er…

good luck with the impeachment!

in fact….do IT. yes. POTUS submit to a trial… how do you catch a tiger? with a tethered kid and an american marksman.

c1cc87  No.7171612

I’m going over all the white hats in Congress questioning

93c3c8  No.7171613

File: 600547f1e391ee9⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1000x780, 50:39, Fetch Noose.png)


>Listen, if you are such a weak faggot that you need to use the filter because your passion for safe spaces.

>By all means, be a weak faggot.

^^^^^^ Example of anti-filter shilling.

If it was a great idea, they wouldn't need to push it so hard.

f47724  No.7171614


Fuck I meant to say “I love you” to you. Sorry other anon I don’t love you as much as this anon

ba1340  No.7171615

Q you waited too long you coulda had her 2 yrs ago……….

Back to the beginning?

Hillary Clinton will be arrested between 7:45 AM - 8:30 AM EST on Monday - the morning on Oct 30, 2017

77e767  No.7171616

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Failed Mueller Report Theme Song.

7ba015  No.7171617

File: a235f22aad52928⋯.jpg (45.71 KB, 600x450, 4:3, casamigos-villa-2.jpg)

File: c53d273e4d9e67b⋯.jpg (108.19 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, humer-icmec-2.jpg)

File: 73b74818372762b⋯.png (542.61 KB, 748x498, 374:249, humer-icmec-5.png)

a54bb9  No.7171619


i think she made the list to go to camp xray

38562b  No.7171620

File: ef8918f76db4e19⋯.jpg (28.57 KB, 553x484, 553:484, alcath.jpg)

21bbf7  No.7171621


Note: This is only May to September 2017

981e06  No.7171622

File: 3817c589b187179⋯.png (65.42 KB, 438x746, 219:373, mueller1.PNG)

b7ecca  No.7171623


^^^^^^^^^ This right here

ea8c27  No.7171624


Refer to previous historical statements - it stands and is absolutely relevant. To ignore it is to condone




Does that invalidate the directive (to subvert & destroy the religion "from the inside"?)


Ignorance is curable. Stupidity is the stubborn refusal to consider or accept new information.

The latter are the way they are by choice.

To be clear, I'm not the personal champion of the Catholic Church. I am, however, interested in real history and the history of doctrine, as well as the group that was instructed specifically to infiltrate and "destroy their religion from the inside."

Truth does not fear investigation.

2a5f8c  No.7171625


What the fuck, you her tag team partner?

I ain't given 1 second to that horse shit, let alone get eye sores from looking at that shit.

If they want to share info, fine.

When I see that other shit, ((They)) are gone. POOF!

f47f4f  No.7171626


Just stop, who do you think you're dealing with here? That stupid ass shit might work on those in your bubble but it won't fly here. We see you, how could we miss you, the glow is so bright.

ff6ef5  No.7171627

File: b7183c53dee212b⋯.jpg (46.84 KB, 390x433, 390:433, wherearethechildren.jpg)

File: cbc8b7febe531a7⋯.jpg (267.84 KB, 1075x640, 215:128, hebrew.jpg)

21bbf7  No.7171628




Swamp creature.

Patrick Pizzella is an American government official, currently serving as the United States Deputy Secretary of Labor. He was formerly a member of the Federal Labor Relations Authority appointed by President Barack Obama.

cc2c16  No.7171629


Love the PAIN symbol but not covering the face of our beautiful First Lady.

171b07  No.7171630

File: a0107e86687275a⋯.jpeg (15.71 KB, 255x255, 1:1, feels good man.jpeg)

I have this feeling, from this day on, the show will start to fully amuse me! This "Powerfull" testimony today… It seems really be over, for the most!

fabcc6  No.7171631

File: 2d143e89888d9ea⋯.jpg (489.86 KB, 1079x1370, 1079:1370, Screenshot_20190724-181543….jpg)



71d885  No.7171632

>>7171585, >>7171606 Statements of Expenditures for Special Counsel's Office (2017-2018)


1d0bab  No.7171633

File: 8a3fb263101610a⋯.jpg (191.15 KB, 684x497, 684:497, 20190724_181616.jpg)

b336c7  No.7171634


botox does that

3c8569  No.7171635


A Balanced representation

21bbf7  No.7171636


I agree with your pic.

4164a0  No.7171637

File: e0aaba684b413a0⋯.png (1.01 MB, 2496x1418, 1248:709, alefantis on 4chan AGAIN.png)

File: dfd5814bf02ef40⋯.jpg (429.73 KB, 1362x1423, 1362:1423, ALEFANTIS ON 4CHAN.jpg)

File: bee51c67ef16100⋯.png (885.68 KB, 1118x869, 1118:869, alefantisroth.png)

File: 5ed4f447a89b16a⋯.jpg (78.22 KB, 1080x720, 3:2, barrthisisfun.jpg)


i tend to agree,

but …

these ppl are stupid..

ba29ed  No.7171638




Shhhh child

Do not question a warrior who comes straight from the killing field to the new front line

You should wish for that strength

8f4ce3  No.7171639


Love you too. No homo

e8e508  No.7171640

File: 9940b4d1d7cad61⋯.jpg (11.5 KB, 213x255, 71:85, 9940b4d1d7cad61022f993d9e3….jpg)

e53b11  No.7171641

File: 5a8f5b7120655c2⋯.png (228.49 KB, 831x799, 831:799, 5a8f5b7120655c2b36136c2f50….png)


Q, will you just end this shit already?

fec106  No.7171642

Media is following their Gen. Custer up the Little Big Horn, Their Pickett up that Pennsylvania hill. Media tells Sun Tzu: We smarter than you.

Media tells God: We smarter than You too.

ba1340  No.7171643


CNN and assoc's

we gonna confiscate all your shit

21bbf7  No.7171644


Yeah, well, those windows have had some work done on 'em.

23f1cf  No.7171645

File: 4248c44386fce27⋯.jpeg (177.68 KB, 828x556, 207:139, 2892D828-879F-47AC-8755-9….jpeg)

2e3f1a  No.7171646

File: 86f0a45f45fbc78⋯.jpg (48.3 KB, 727x970, 727:970, http___cdn.cnn.com_cnnnext….jpg)

File: 76ff049776ad1fb⋯.jpg (107.64 KB, 683x1024, 683:1024, 4448-0024-683x1024.jpg)


I wonder if that Jeff Koons rabbit sculpture that sold recently for record $91M was bought and paid for as shut the fuck up money by the buyer or handler??



e05de5  No.7171647


Sounds like a seal platoon fucked up big time…

981e06  No.7171648


if our creator is ALL authority….then tell …wht is out of his doin?

how is oppurtunity to change implemented? wht process?

a706fd  No.7171649


Trump tweet, by the numbers… watch the end!


2e3f1a  No.7171650

589cda  No.7171651

File: e37e3e528ae9013⋯.png (340.43 KB, 398x582, 199:291, 94f44a3a7a95b4801ac4045d43….png)


You don't even know what fucking trips are, newfag.

Top fucking kek.

099ced  No.7171652


full vid of presser (cut off live if you wanted to watch the rest)

c7961f  No.7171653

File: 1bf69d8df05bf3c⋯.png (1.47 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Screenshot_20190724-181416.png)

Best presser yet. Calling out Fake News and taking it to the Street Fighter We elected.

Latest WH YouTube upload.

38562b  No.7171654

File: 74110cd6a805940⋯.png (179 KB, 584x816, 73:102, 935.png)

File: e1cd3aea50f87e5⋯.png (189.67 KB, 574x1106, 41:79, 1002.png)

File: f99ab46a9729240⋯.png (409.7 KB, 578x1188, 289:594, 290.png)

File: 58bfe43807715df⋯.png (268.3 KB, 574x1030, 287:515, 191.png)


I do not leave them out nor any group intentionally…



4337cf  No.7171655


Man schemes. God laughs.

e05de5  No.7171656

File: 979e8dd0e670405⋯.png (1021.95 KB, 955x962, 955:962, Screen Shot 2019-03-25 at ….png)

269ebb  No.7171657

File: cbe96228de9b1ff⋯.mp4 (1.55 MB, 640x358, 320:179, Irrefutable evidence that ….mp4)

93cbef  No.7171658

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Uprise (Now The Normie Dies) - song

64f4ed  No.7171659

Logically thinking to Declass would be stupid.

Let them think we have it all, and maybe we do. If you show your hand too soon well that's just fucking stupid.

Like the biggest poker match ever, make them pay and pay big to see your hand or in this case to see the Declass.

4d2334  No.7171660


Have also considered this. In one sense, the government would desire to win with as few public reveals as possible. For example, Q talked about how every past case could be legally disputed if the entire corruption of the legal system was public knowledge.

>Be careful what you wish for. What happens in general? Every FBI/DOJ prev case could be challenged. Lawless.

I think there might be another post about foreign governments not trusting the U.S. again if all our past corruption is revealed.

2a5f8c  No.7171661



Two GREAT symbols, best used mutually exclusively.

21bbf7  No.7171662

File: 163a6ca7947a3e3⋯.png (785.77 KB, 750x500, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

File: affae39cc1710fa⋯.png (1.68 MB, 1500x574, 750:287, ClipboardImage.png)

bf479d  No.7171663

File: 53f8c132ffa9693⋯.png (89.64 KB, 272x247, 272:247, InAwePepe.PNG)

991849  No.7171664

Be not too tame neither; but let your own discretion be your

tutor. Suit the action to the word, the word to the action, with this

special observance, that you o’erstep not the modesty of nature; for

anything so overdone is from the purpose of playing, whose end, both at

the first and now, was and is, to hold as ’twere the mirror up to

nature; to show virtue her own feature, scorn her own image, and the

very age and body of the time his form and pressure. Now, this

overdone, or come tardy off, though it make the unskilful laugh, cannot

but make the judicious grieve; the censure of the which one must in

your allowance o’erweigh a whole theatre of others. O, there be players

that I have seen play—and heard others praise, and that highly—not to

speak it profanely, that, neither having the accent of Christians, nor

the gait of Christian, pagan, nor man, have so strutted and bellowed

that I have thought some of Nature’s journeymen had made men, and not

made them well, they imitated humanity so abominably.

bb8ce1  No.7171665

File: f840c79e0290613⋯.png (2.18 MB, 1453x691, 1453:691, ClipboardImage.png)

c1cc87  No.7171666

File: 20f5e2bbe91cb88⋯.png (1.34 MB, 750x1334, 375:667, D7BB8FC9-FD0C-4187-9EAB-0E….png)


38562b  No.7171667

File: 775260be141a56f⋯.jpg (72.12 KB, 501x500, 501:500, 1ugz6v.jpg)


NO! I work better with opposition now pretend to hate muh! :D

d94ef3  No.7171668

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

democrat party analogy

981e06  No.7171669


take breath fresh air..get good sleep…work boots on tomorrow…grind continues…no over til????tic tic tic

4e8cd3  No.7171670

Today was worth the wait.

e05de5  No.7171671

File: 816d3f9654ddaf7⋯.png (898.56 KB, 873x743, 873:743, Screen Shot 2019-05-18 at ….png)

b49b14  No.7171672

Short dig on POTUS troll Jeffrey Guterman - has prolly already been done, but it’s been bugging me - dude is nuts

His brother or cousin (depends on the source) is Gerald Guterman who GOT HIS START WORKING FOR DJT’s father, FRED TRUMP.

Jeffrey T. Guterman, PhD - licensed mental health counselor in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. He has over 30 years of experience in the field of counseling. He has over 125 publications and has presented professional works at international, national, and state conferences. His latest book, the second edition of Mastering the Art of Solution-Focused Counseling, was published by the American Counseling Association in 2013. Visit his web site at www.JeffreyGuterman.com. (website is DNR)


Ratings - https://www.ehealthscores.com/providers/izd-ltlclxtpzl/JEFFREY-GUTERMAN.html (ONE STAR)

“Solution-focused Counseling” - https://www.goodtherapy.org/theory-practice-solution-focused-counseling-guterman-web-conference.html (BS)

Guterman tweets that prompted USSS visit - https://medium.com/@jeffreyguterman/my-visit-with-the-secret-service-81da6e9c14cd




He began a career in real estate at the age of 18 as a night porter for Fred Trump, father of famed developer Donald Trump.

Guterman continues to develop condominium housing, with recent communities in Chicago, Illinois; Fort Myers, Florida; Fort Pierce, Florida; Naples, Florida; Ocean Springs, Mississippi; Biloxi, Mississippi; St. Paul, Minnesota and Phoenix, Arizona and Houston, Texas

And WHAT’S UP with ROMANIAN GOVT & BANKING TIES - Kinda Godfatherish.

Gerald served as

-Operations Adviser to the Minister of Privatization, Government of Romania

-Operations and Financial Advisor to the President, Government of Romania

-Co-Chairman, Committee for Romanian Enterprise Development and Operations

-Chairman, Committee on Romanian Banking & Finance Operations

-Operations Advisor to the Interior Minister, Government of Austria

Exec team on Gerald’s company


Craig Eastmond, Conor Melville, Edward Weinmann, Jonathan Miller

More articles:


jeffrey books on amazon: ($49? $52?- prolly not selling many)

00112e  No.7171673

File: 3063237bb120c04⋯.png (1.53 MB, 1057x756, 151:108, ClipboardImage.png)

A Daily Beast investigation has uncovered ties between Epstein and the Clinton administration that date back to the president’s earliest days in the White House.

Clinton was lying?



5809a7  No.7171674

File: 0b5813fcd3e0ee5⋯.jpg (93.86 KB, 735x919, 735:919, 036073af75656756ea9b38f7dd….jpg)

21bbf7  No.7171675


I think there was some cabal magic/voodoo/occult bullshit centered on that damn thing. Like the 666 building being kept out of cabal hands.

At least, I hope so.

But I never did "get" art.

9cd899  No.7171676

File: b62ee5faf50dd17⋯.png (20.79 KB, 406x591, 406:591, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 64f3dc8db766798⋯.png (114.59 KB, 443x531, 443:531, ClipboardImage.png)

Follow the wives

Do you think Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Brennan, Schiff, etc etc have been communicating via their wives phones and email?

ff6ef5  No.7171677

File: a829d1c2ef070cb⋯.jpg (89.56 KB, 640x550, 64:55, billep.jpg)

ea8c27  No.7171678


You'll have to specify and expound. Keep in mind I'm not here as anyone's or any organization's spokesanon.

269ebb  No.7171679

File: cbccdbf33d1f97c⋯.mp4 (807.08 KB, 360x640, 9:16, SEND HER BACK SHE IS CRAZY.mp4)

c51b61  No.7171680

File: c828242e3cf4b8f⋯.png (1.58 MB, 1840x1982, 920:991, ef6d2a7d64d7e9e203cecdb6f8….png)




ask them to read The Talmud.

c14907  No.7171681


Good catch Anon!

Never saw that one before

"Key Kids!" takes on a new meaning

Disney 666

Chrome 666

Cern 666

Koolaid 666

Monster 666

77e767  No.7171682

File: c4cdf6cea8ca1c8⋯.png (219.28 KB, 482x519, 482:519, T-B-removebg-preview.png)

Declassify now and blow up the democrats investigations into president Trump.

AG Barr stop being lazy.

46e538  No.7171683


Not until we have DECLAS and people are crying out for true Justice against those who are truly evil.

f0988e  No.7171684


I agree. But we still need to yell for the Declas to help drive the curiosity

c14907  No.7171685



21bbf7  No.7171686


He acts, you act, His express will is done, your will is done under his permissive will.

810683  No.7171687

3473 

Mueller is a Puppet Who Attempted to Regain Control of FBI and Protect the Deep State

Q!!mG7VJxZNCI 24 Jul 2019 - 9:40:27 AM

There are Puppets.

There are Puppet Masters.

Which is [MUELLER]?

Attempt to replace [JC] as FBI Dir FAILED [attempt to regain FBI control].

Why would mueller attempt to regain control of FBI by replacing comey if comey was already deep state?

Answer: Comey is not Deep State, he is undiscovered star about to be discovered

961342  No.7171688

what would be kek:

President does another presidential Emergency System Test.

Says: "Q works for me, I am Q+"

goes out to 300M phone.

MSM melts down.

171b07  No.7171689

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Watch closely at 2:10… and than watch his reaction after Jorden told him, that he already has and the name is in the report!

Mueller - Puppet

Weismann - Puppetmaster, invided to the worst Party in history of mankind!

e05de5  No.7171690

File: 80d5933be2bb9c2⋯.png (903.46 KB, 1147x1158, 1147:1158, Screen Shot 2019-07-24 at ….png)

8868da  No.7171691

File: 3932c752096eeb5⋯.jpg (90.38 KB, 360x269, 360:269, MFmeme.jpg)

71d885  No.7171692


>To be clear, I'm not the personal champion of the Catholic Church. I am, however, interested in real history and the history of doctrine, as well as the group that was instructed specifically to infiltrate and "destroy their religion from the inside."

And that group is real and well-documented. We know about the Communist infiltration in the mid-20th Century, at the very least (from the accounts of Bella Dodd, former Communist). I have no doubt some of that infiltration is Cabal-related, and is also responsible for many (though not all) of the pedophiles among Catholic clergy in the late 20th Century.

4d2334  No.7171693


Possibly the "Placeholder population start Aug 2019" will turn out to be a one-year delta, so Aug 2020. :(

0527a1  No.7171695




New Mass, or Pre-Tridentine?

23f1cf  No.7171696

File: 6da3cf9b3ad6373⋯.jpeg (290.91 KB, 828x814, 414:407, F5CEA026-4C49-4CA9-A70A-4….jpeg)

65d7da  No.7171697



a8fa3c  No.7171698

File: 1ad902edd284941⋯.jpg (117.78 KB, 558x640, 279:320, 1563309109671.jpg)

File: ca04a232d211f5b⋯.png (395.1 KB, 648x513, 24:19, 3430.png)

File: 20de7b49f1c908c⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1500x1148, 375:287, 3431.png)

93cbef  No.7171699

File: ae6471e69a1070a⋯.jpg (145.57 KB, 788x586, 394:293, fantasy-isand-epsien-clint….jpg)

63d42c  No.7171700


Insider threat?

2a5f8c  No.7171701


This is part of the reason for military tribunals as opposed to dragging all this shit through the civil courts.

fdd025  No.7171702

File: df8296eeefe912e⋯.jpeg (54.96 KB, 636x286, 318:143, B6EBCE99-6551-4E21-A3A1-F….jpeg)

Anons, Q told us that it’s always been about the Senate. I know we are salivating for this storm to take place and finally drain the swamp. But we won’t see that show yet. Not until the next IG report drops in September/October.

Enter the Senate

Do you really think Congress will be holding hearings on the IG report or any indictments that comes from sc John Durham?

We watched the end credits of Russia gate today and then POTUS, holds a 15 min presser after the credits, very marvel like (talk about watching a movie!) setting up the next movie coming this fall and into campaign season.

We can all feel the storm getting closer, steady as she goes anons, this voyage is far from over.


21bbf7  No.7171703



Before the 1933 Papal Concordat with Hitler, the Nazi Party had 30% of the Catholic vote.

Hitler won with 99% of the vote, after the Concordat.

8717e5  No.7171704


Dead since 12/22/18

38562b  No.7171705

File: 3c995b7a88ab847⋯.jpg (12.1 KB, 255x212, 255:212, 0 FREN PEPE2.jpg)


you do not know do you?


the 3 sea shells!

4fc772  No.7171707

File: a6382f8083f13d1⋯.jpg (124.68 KB, 888x499, 888:499, a6382f8083f13d189f3e1af51e….jpg)


It would not be surprising to learn that there are DS that have infiltrated SOCOM. I've thought for years that post Vietnam elements within the community were publicity hungry and seeking book deals based on their service.

When is the last time anyone heard of Delta or MARSOC blowing their own horns so hard they gave themselves a hernia

ba29ed  No.7171708


Gonna smash Koonz so hard in the nose he passes out, meets God, hears how big a pile of chromed shit he is, and returns

So I can bend him into a pretzel

1d0bab  No.7171709

File: d62c86ece791267⋯.jpeg (107.43 KB, 1080x810, 4:3, 1556245244.jpeg)

c2f388  No.7171710


Would not have worked two years ago. Don't be dumb or a shill.

e8e508  No.7171711

File: 3db73ca1214c9bb⋯.jpg (149.96 KB, 962x641, 962:641, 3db73ca1214c9bbd132797ca00….jpg)

25ecc6  No.7171712


We have to live in this hell for another 6 years

or until the banks implode from massive debt

2e3f1a  No.7171713

File: 3bd45f59c24a803⋯.jpg (187.33 KB, 1536x1152, 4:3, 5d2f1555911b701cb9455056-1….jpg)

File: fb64b1522be2fd0⋯.jpg (111.19 KB, 960x720, 4:3, 5d2c96b3a17d6c418c7f1535-9….jpg)


well well……Peggy Siegal the Epstein Clooney connection just got fired:

look at her youthful look at 72! How does that happen???

Netflix and FX are severing ties with Peggy Siegal, the NYC publicist who got Jeffrey Epstein into A-list events and has been called the 'best way' to make sure your movie wins an Oscar

Taylor Nicole Rogers Jul. 22, 2019, 5:02 PM


c51b61  No.7171714



so all his jewish and cia connections are a front. thanks for the sauce you'll be providing for that claim.

79c7ba  No.7171715

File: 65bf60a361175ae⋯.jpg (75.58 KB, 1480x1195, 296:239, IMG_20190116_083934.jpg)

adffd2  No.7171716


Ah I knew it. We b just pawns in a sick sick game. Program some heart into that game theory machine next reincarnation kthxbai.

00112e  No.7171717

File: 558d3201662c76b⋯.png (611 KB, 818x688, 409:344, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9970a8cbc9cb2b3⋯.png (588.6 KB, 829x590, 829:590, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ebfdfc68ecf3636⋯.png (236.89 KB, 769x778, 769:778, ClipboardImage.png)



Lynn Forester de Rothschild connection

c1cc87  No.7171718

Carter Paige is on the story

b31621  No.7171719

File: 7e81ca4dd81c786⋯.png (11.19 MB, 2388x2337, 796:779, Octagon_Crystal_Fused_with….png)

21bbf7  No.7171720


Love you bro.

3c5464  No.7171721


Guise, you’re reaching. Parentheses are used as a clarification of pronouns. She said something like “Racism has always been part of him…”, so they replace and put parentheses around the proper term that the pronoun references. Engrish, people…learn it.

ad6381  No.7171722

File: bd9ef8bda42e2b3⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1188x1350, 22:25, File.png)

77e767  No.7171723

File: 86c64e34861a7ba⋯.png (274.84 KB, 552x453, 184:151, 8727b436a085a9f536f0d78bf8….png)



Lick a ButtPlug nigga….

808975  No.7171724


digits confirm


e53b11  No.7171725


Best moment of the day….They all could have

made Mueller look this stupid but the rest of them are pussies

89a5d4  No.7171726

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Another Nugget from POTUS' presser.

@ 4:50

"…in the end he actually, probably came through for himself." "The performance was obviously not very good…"

f81b0a  No.7171727


Telecoms have already planned for this. Not everyone will get the broadcast.

589cda  No.7171728

File: bff392b4b2424be⋯.gif (1.4 MB, 500x281, 500:281, bff392b4b2424be538652ed1f0….gif)


Please explain to me how trips work!

This is rich, please explain your version of "trippin trips"

Fucking so good.

It's almost as funny as fucking boomers thinking oldfag means your age.

This is fucking priceless.

'My trippin trips, pardner!'


c1cc87  No.7171729

File: 9d08e8e91046d16⋯.png (1.4 MB, 750x1334, 375:667, 56EF1717-DB20-4AD4-9420-99….png)


Guys why does my post say SAGE!

65d7da  No.7171730



46e538  No.7171731


Most of them, yes. But, there are those at the top that are not. That is why it takes POTUS, Q, NSA and a whole army of Anons to battle this.

Those that are stupid are the pawns. (Yes, Obama and Hillary are pawns…)

c2f388  No.7171732


What happens in 6 years?

b15867  No.7171733


Hey Finkelshill. Muhjoo shilling getting old?

1ca118  No.7171734

File: a301a5d41b75858⋯.png (374.2 KB, 297x568, 297:568, sac capital sc.PNG)

File: 12a877186d15f4f⋯.png (253.44 KB, 537x460, 537:460, koons bunny.PNG)


Steve Cohen Outed as Mystery Buyer of $91 Million Koons Bunny

Steve Cohen was unmasked by Artnet as the mystery buyer of a Jeff Koons rabbit sculpture last week in New York for $91 million, a record for a living artist at auction.

The hedge fund billionaire was outed Tuesday by the online art publication, which didn’t say how it got the information. Cohen, 62, had denied purchasing the work at Christie’s postwar and contemporary art evening auction last week.

The winning bid came from art dealer Bob Mnuchin – the father of U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin – who was in the sales room and said he made the purchase on behalf of a client. The elder Mnuchin and Jonathan Gasthalter, a spokesman for Cohen, declined to comment, as did a Christie’s spokeswoman.

The stainless steel, 3-foot-tall inflatable bunny was part of a group of works consigned by the family of late media mogul Si Newhouse.

Art collectors and investors shelled out more than $2 billion over five days of auctions in New York last week. Cohen, the founder of Point72 Asset Management LP, is one of the world’s top collectors, having amassed works from Pablo Picasso, Roy Lichtenstein and Jasper Johns. He’s worth $10.2 billion, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index.


21bbf7  No.7171735


Hey, I have a great idea!

Let's elect HER to Congress!!

e6efc0  No.7171736

Robert Mueller patriot and great actor, it had to go down this way. The report had to show trump was not guilty but also leave enough vague hope for dems to continue spinning their wheels with impeachment

Q knew beforehand that Mueller would be a tactical nuke.

Q hinted before that RM was a white hat.

Now saying he is a blackhat is to protect Mueller.

How can anons be so easily redirected? This misinformation was meant for the bad guys not us.

a54bb9  No.7171737


Baker assist Notables

>>7171596, >>7171631 US MIL TWEETS and Info

>>7171567, >>7171653 Full POTUS smackdown of fake news scum ,get popcorn

>>7171211 POL is a system board managed by the global volunteers and they have an anti Q bias

>>7171239 It's clear Mueller didn't write this report: Alan Dershowitz- Fox Business

>>7171245 African Bishop blasts Free-masonry, sorcery in new pastoral letter

>>7171270, >>7171335 "New" RBG interview-says she is alive-npr

>>7171272, >>7171306 Will Comey be the first to go down publicy for treason?

>>7171312 Rep. Kelly Armstrong on Mueller conflicts

>>7171347 Q CLOCK SUMMARIES - RE-READ CRUMBS at q-clock.com

>>7171383 anon proof: Deltas For Q drop & POTUS' tweets

>>7171396 MS-13 gang slaying: Panorama HS students-LA Times

>>7171405 Collage anon with a big one today (open it in another window as it is 11mb) and dat id too

>>7171433 Mueller Testimony-Vid with anon submitted Qdrop #3458-text only

>>7171481, >>7171500, >>7171516 An adviser to Khamenei said that the meeting with Hamas was a strategic turning point in relations between Iran and the Palestinians- from july 23rd

>>7171544, >>7171689 Moar Mueller panic fest and clips from hearing

>>7171550, >>7171552, >>7171617, >>7171673, >>7171713, >>7171717, >>7171722 EGGstein and his people eaters

>>7171585, >>7171606 Statements of Expenditures for Special Counsel's Office (2017-2018)

981e06  No.7171738


our creator = alll powerful

destruction of false religions is systematic….symbolism becomes a mockery of false religion…

falling away as time passes…..for instance

x-mas …many falkse religion symbols yet….it escapes the normal man wht these references are…they become associated with the messiah……and soon these fall away ..as seen now the division from cathjolic idos …..all in a way purifying th etruth of our creators…way of life ..desired for us….

2e3f1a  No.7171739

File: 2659b97c6ac7ac0⋯.jpg (48.94 KB, 634x423, 634:423, 16360696-7274085-image-a-2….jpg)




Peggy Siegal

Peggy Siegal

she has real dirt to sing about

7ba015  No.7171740

File: ad85d98fbc9486e⋯.jpg (47.37 KB, 593x278, 593:278, Screenshot 2019-07-24_19-2….jpg)


8868da  No.7171741


Roth and Alefantis… I recall digs on Alefantis seen at Rothschild family events. Ever get proof to that?

2a5f8c  No.7171742


How do you know that she wasn't?

Arrested, tagged, fitted, bugged, given

her script and then sent on her way (for later)?

ad514e  No.7171743


Yes, Prosecutorial malfeasance at the very least

Will Barr bring charges?

If he doesn't, we are all fucked declas or not

bac44b  No.7171744


Digits, ID, and timestamp are epic. Checked.

93cbef  No.7171745

File: d563bf956207907⋯.jpeg (124.82 KB, 1200x948, 100:79, pepe-summer-lover-anime.jpeg)

c51b61  No.7171746


you are some sick sick people Jew.

twisted to fuck.

b15867  No.7171747

File: e4d2f6852fa108d⋯.png (48.63 KB, 320x235, 64:47, Clown2.png)

1d0bab  No.7171748

File: fa5ff757c523f50⋯.gif (378.97 KB, 480x250, 48:25, kingpin-ernie-mccracken-wo….gif)


Dem Digits

e05de5  No.7171749

File: 7100a9bb9b97b1a⋯.png (250 KB, 773x464, 773:464, Screen Shot 2018-10-02 at ….png)

File: d28f08c5c27c779⋯.png (1.65 MB, 973x1235, 973:1235, Screen Shot 2019-07-24 at ….png)


Agree - There's a reason POTUS always say "Weissman is Mueller's Pitbull"

38562b  No.7171750


correct and they say the nazis imprisoned priests etc etc. the total was approx. 5% who were imprisoned killed and/or forced to resign = 95% went about their business pretty much.

Who wrote mein kampf?

Who were the SS modeled after?

and on and on it goes.

961342  No.7171751

File: 8950be484267e86⋯.jpg (39.31 KB, 484x317, 484:317, bear 1.jpg)

76dcf2  No.7171752

File: ae708751cc72fb3⋯.jpg (89.73 KB, 962x896, 481:448, Brandie Fetter.jpg)

118c6d  No.7171753


I doubt that would matter. The white hats have control over virtually all electronic communications world wide. If there are FISA warrants on them, their wives devices would be fair game.

At this point I think the bad guys are reduced to speaking in person, or in writing and having messages hand delivered to avoid their plans being intercepted.

Think Podesta's trip to NZ just before the FF mosque shooting.

589cda  No.7171754

File: 7a99931ab11f683⋯.gif (147.02 KB, 340x340, 1:1, 7a99931ab11f6834c0931d835e….gif)


Wait, wait, so this ENTIRE TIME you have thought fucking trips means so long as there are three of a kind in your post number?

Holy fucking shit!

No wonder you don't respect!

Kek, you're literal trash!!

FUcking good shit newfag

fucking top fucking shit tier fucking kek you fucking newfag.


981e06  No.7171755

our lovin creator is PATIENT

def00b  No.7171756


Carter Page is on, and he is almost laughing


"So much is about to come out"

Talking about Mifsud, Downer, he's grinning ear to ear

"It's really an incredible moment in history - today was a real turning point"

57360f  No.7171757


Can you imagine jug ears putting himself in harms way like that? Trump's got their back, and they know it. First time in a long time.

"Great nations do not fight endless wars".

8f4ce3  No.7171758


Hey animonkey I won’t be telling you if Q has posted me 3 or more times or not, starting back in early 2018 up to recently.

This oldfag just does his work, and at the end of the day I can have a shot of whisky and still run circles around your kartoons

4d2334  No.7171760



>House of God? Wealth? Power? Sanctuary against criminal prosecution?

>[Pope] .. Those who backed him will be pushed into the LIGHT. Dark to LIGHT.

e53b11  No.7171761


Michael Obama is elected and the commies

stop crying

a7e3e1  No.7171762


Oooooo nigga, that’s it for Slick Willy

21bbf7  No.7171763


Deutche Bank is imploding right now.

Chase Bank ain't far behind.

Tens of thousands of layoffs, each.

93cbef  No.7171764

File: fdcaa4de27ec683⋯.jpg (214.63 KB, 1019x577, 1019:577, clown-news-network-a1.jpg)

b15867  No.7171765


Division shill much Finkelshill?

00112e  No.7171766


Is the 'Do not bump' checkbox activated? (Under options)

589cda  No.7171767

File: 2cd73a123fc0837⋯.jpg (29.3 KB, 398x370, 199:185, 9b3d788f4bfe436d0a06494a31….jpg)


Oh look, you got another "trips"!!


4c804f  No.7171768

File: 9a2c8f667d530a0⋯.jpg (38.91 KB, 400x337, 400:337, 9a2c8f667d530a05277695fbd0….jpg)

a52efc  No.7171769

File: 0bcabdb74024775⋯.gif (2.01 MB, 368x448, 23:28, 156345691054hh7_1 (1).gif)


a4fc22  No.7171770

File: c4e88f21f2d0309⋯.png (162.81 KB, 640x480, 4:3, GettyImages-1163747078-640….png)

Ilhan Omar ‘Disgusted’ by Muslim Woman Asking Her to Condemn FGM

Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) lambasted a female Muslim audience member Tuesday for asking her to renounce female genital mutilation (FGM), a practice common in Omar’s native Somalia.

Omar was reportedly taking questions an event for the Muslim Collective for Equitable Democracy event when Muslim audience member Ani Osman-Zonneveld of Muslims for Progressive Values asked Omar to condemn FGM.

Omar said she was “disgusted” by people who ask Muslim politicians specific questions on issues and groups embraced by extreme members of their religion – such as FGM, al-Qaeda, and Hamas – and called it a “waste” of time.

https: //www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/07/23/ilhan-omar-disgusted-muslim-woman-asking-her-condemn-fgm/

8d7395  No.7171771

File: 69f9c1b4b22cd18⋯.mp4 (113.34 KB, 568x320, 71:40, Donald J. Trump on Twitter….mp4)

77e767  No.7171772

File: a8bb43df0d13f60⋯.jpg (42.77 KB, 500x456, 125:114, 369tjo_1.jpg)




Big Mike has AIDS

21bbf7  No.7171773


How cute, they donated as a couple.

44108e  No.7171774


A gorilla nigger won't ever be President again.

8f2c09  No.7171775


oh how do you know if Anonymous was real or just an arm of some intelligence agency?

5809a7  No.7171776

File: 0ce4c19660e4f23⋯.jpg (86.53 KB, 1200x680, 30:17, threeseashells.jpg)

8278c6  No.7171777


good to see anons coming in with the baker assist

thanks man


thanks baker

1ca118  No.7171778

File: 81ccd6d8611b5e3⋯.jpg (37.47 KB, 691x361, 691:361, POTUS 17.jpg)



252517  No.7171779

From a press Q&A with the DEMs after this morning's Mueller testimony.


After most significant Congressional hearings, both the DEMs & GOP will do Q&As with the press. This morning after Mueller's testimony, the DEMs began answering "friendly" questions from the press. They had Steve Cohen (D-TN) answering the questions(D-TN) But when a reporter asked about Seth Rich's death, they just walked away as if they didn't hear the question. End of Q&A… So Cohen moves down the hall to another press Q&A, to spew more BS.

There is NO SAUCE on this, because I was watching the press' live news feeds. These are "privately owned" communications not meant for public viewing - being transfered via one of the dozens of satellites over the US. This is NOT DirecTV or DishNet! Unless the media shows the entire press Q&A, they will probably edit the question about Seth Rich out.

By the way they reacted to the question about Seth Rich's death, they KNOW SOMETHING ABOUT HIS ASSASSINATION….

589cda  No.7171780

File: d5e31c6afdc9052⋯.jpg (19.23 KB, 474x266, 237:133, 123dfe093e23ae24a12ade59b3….jpg)




432c37  No.7171781

File: 1a9a84057aa234e⋯.png (2.1 MB, 1074x846, 179:141, Showtime.PNG)

38562b  No.7171782

File: 8bf638732bfec8e⋯.png (358.53 KB, 544x533, 544:533, alex anon.png)

File: 1e2ccb6dd036918⋯.jpg (28.04 KB, 409x250, 409:250, vs1.jpg)





fa5f9d  No.7171783

File: 3fe2fb33d8291a9⋯.gif (299.23 KB, 840x899, 840:899, whooodat.gif)

981e06  No.7171784

much appreciation no duplicate file posts…clean earth…new green deal

cee15d  No.7171785

File: d6d76e8f335abb9⋯.jpeg (222.48 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, d6d76e8f335abb9ac633e9a42….jpeg)


I remember this post. I'd just found chan & Q.. honestly scared the schitt outta me.. but I'm gud now…patriots are in full control.

76dcf2  No.7171786



kek even

589cda  No.7171787

File: e6c474a2894d87b⋯.jpg (51.15 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 8dc3fa15ca0920ac1c654c7963….jpg)





c1cc87  No.7171788


Yeah sorry is that why

a4fc22  No.7171789


Democrats are the party of FGM

female genital mutilation (FGM)

360344  No.7171790


Your days here have a number on them.

991849  No.7171791


38.887238, -77.008501

Marionette Show?


"Life's a wonderful thing

As long as I hold the string

I'd be a crazy so-and-so

If I should ever let [H]er go"

7ee939  No.7171792

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Here's some Black Sabbath. (fuel for the dig)

b15867  No.7171793

File: 799dcc6c9368dfb⋯.png (33.58 KB, 346x358, 173:179, Filter2.png)

AnimeFag Shill = Finkelshill

47303d  No.7171794




Please make the title this:

>>7171211 /pol/ is a system board managed by the global volunteers and they have an anti Q bias

Even though this is a really dumb notable imo, clearly /pol/ hates Q. Not new.

e05de5  No.7171795

File: 634689f5fa53c2f⋯.png (212.54 KB, 429x276, 143:92, Screen Shot 2019-07-21 at ….png)


triple 17

ad514e  No.7171796


Has Mueller been in Gitmo for the last year? Seems frail, weak and totally out of it

Sorry, but this isn't the same guy from a couple of years ago

175046  No.7171797

File: ea674a2f4d0e4f8⋯.mp4 (366.97 KB, 480x270, 16:9, QAnon_on_FOX_24JUL19.mp4)

QAnon you say???

c51b61  No.7171798

File: 1d1d16db3e248bb⋯.png (279.31 KB, 1124x1601, 1124:1601, Screenshot_2019-07-22 The ….png)

File: dbb7852bb21b1a4⋯.png (854.65 KB, 603x4405, 603:4405, Screenshot_2019-07-23 Jews….png)

File: a3b7f9c3e75b693⋯.png (117.16 KB, 796x162, 398:81, Screenshot_2019-07-19 Baby….png)

2e3f1a  No.7171799












fishy shit going on with all these players…….like hush money or laundering with the "ART"

f81b0a  No.7171800



63d42c  No.7171801


Avoidance & Deflection but never a straight answer. Yes/No. Pretty simple.

8f4ce3  No.7171802


So give us some research. What are doing in here?

a706fd  No.7171803


Trump tweet, by the numbers… watch the end!


Also Nort Korea in the news…… this is a


f0988e  No.7171804


Sure did

4164a0  No.7171805

File: 3b143627ff02055⋯.jpg (64.24 KB, 1024x754, 512:377, mwahloveufrensflotus.jpg)

File: c4239b8f2361752⋯.jpg (165.18 KB, 1280x852, 320:213, angelic.jpg)


one of my faves as well!

0e972a  No.7171806

File: 01ef6dc39586a65⋯.jpg (13.85 KB, 255x254, 255:254, trusttheprocessQflotuswhti….jpg)


Help me understand what you mean here. My theory is that Mueller is the "ruler" of the shadow government. Is your post saying he for sure is at least very bad?

Thank you.

611e30  No.7171807

File: 31822146ffae5b6⋯.gif (801.16 KB, 300x209, 300:209, 19266593.gif)

a52efc  No.7171808

File: e51ef2a68d2bd5b⋯.jpg (7.54 KB, 300x158, 150:79, D6FLcsyWAAIqev2.jpeg.jpg)

I am a racist

a4fc22  No.7171809



open borders

infanticide and NOW

Female genital mutilation.

589cda  No.7171810

File: 4ef63cec31a4ab1⋯.jpg (70.42 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 3e23ae24a12ade59b3d7d0a064….jpg)


Yeah, yeah..

Veiled threat this, veiled threat that.

Kill yourself.

8868da  No.7171811

File: c197547966beb61⋯.jpg (40.56 KB, 229x288, 229:288, a-nervous-man-biting-his-f….jpg)


Not laziness, it's fear.

422273  No.7171812


Isn't POTUS going to be on AF1 today?

9b9dbb  No.7171813

File: ce39e6f8a7ea35d⋯.jpg (26.66 KB, 670x418, 335:209, 25a95dc1.jpg)


Super odd post.

When has the military EVER posted their "loss of confidence" in a mission?

Why would they ever post it?

Many live by the creed " Condemn in private, praise in public"

Sumpin's up!

981e06  No.7171814

File: b23e098d9fe0d46⋯.png (201.62 KB, 265x763, 265:763, tg.PNG)

big mioke not makin that far….tulsi see to that ….

93cbef  No.7171816

File: 589df9be28bbddd⋯.jpg (33.01 KB, 386x302, 193:151, 589df9be28bbdddd48196f71bc….jpg)

fec106  No.7171817


What more could he do when the battle is won? Run around the end zone like Rapinhoe? No! Rep. Nunes showed Mueller mercy.

4fc772  No.7171818


At least it stopped calling everyone Sweetie.

38562b  No.7171819

File: 6116b764944d50b⋯.jpg (7.34 KB, 225x224, 225:224, 0 CRY HAPPY.jpg)






this person is actually trying to explain this to me like i am a normie :D

*tosses you out the nearest window*

c1cc87  No.7171820

I’m going over the questioning from Jim Jordan,Matt gaetz and gohmert who else should I look at

c51b61  No.7171821

File: 0081c92381226af⋯.png (2.13 MB, 1005x4343, 1005:4343, Screenshot_2019-07-22 Amaz….png)

File: e6fa2ea34419dfa⋯.png (174.74 KB, 558x3244, 279:1622, Screenshot_2019-07-23 Jews….png)

File: da7159cdb9f7e42⋯.png (137.8 KB, 576x2459, 576:2459, Screenshot_2019-07-23 Jews….png)

1676a0  No.7171822


Keep your friends close and your enemies closer

4d2334  No.7171823


>..not even the MSM can hide and rest assured some will be jailed as deep cover agents

25e9ce  No.7171824

File: e411e4bd1de4712⋯.png (295.21 KB, 532x576, 133:144, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0e9f5a73290ca5b⋯.png (1.47 MB, 1200x675, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

Freedom is not free.

Take a closer look at the #KoreanWar Veterans Memorial, which was dedicated in 1995 in Washington, D.C., to honor the nearly 2 million Americans who served in the three-year conflict: https://go.usa.gov/xyfy2 #KnowYourMil


3:00 PM - 24 Jul 2019

>>7171717 Digits of Freedom

7ee939  No.7171825


From your lips to God's ear, anon.

b80c9d  No.7171826

File: 95330dcd671abd5⋯.png (112.93 KB, 618x655, 618:655, Screen Shot 2019-07-24 at ….png)

Fake Gay?

a4fc22  No.7171827


AOC backing female genital mutilation

Will Nancy Pelosi denounce this ?

Protection of woman with infantice Planned parenthodd open borders and now FGM !!!

76dcf2  No.7171828

File: 44e3fb94e366d32⋯.jpg (79.69 KB, 604x572, 151:143, Pelosi face 2.jpg)

File: 5f5d8c6473f9a57⋯.jpg (21.89 KB, 480x480, 1:1, Pelosi face.jpg)

File: 6a0a3c71d8bb857⋯.jpg (84.03 KB, 720x720, 1:1, drugs pharm addict.jpg)

ea8c27  No.7171829


>read the Talmud

I'm sure you understand that is a non-starter. Fundies are brainwashed to put the "chosen" first above all. See: CUFI


Don't see any 6s in there anywhere. Each hand has only 5, so what is your evidence for this? Your post is confusing.on that.


The party that received that directive (infiltrate, subvert, destroy from the inside) was not Communist. They were, however, behind Communism. It's a group that is "protected"

This is in no way meant to minimize Communism or it's effects. It is absolutely anti-life and anti-human, as is the group behind it.

If we are looking at pedo communities, it is not limited to the Catholic Church. Religious jewish communities have the same issue, the same culture and the same prevalence. There is a reason for that.


It's difficult to response to partial thoughts, incomplete thoughts and sentences. If you'd like to try again with a full, coherent statement, I'll reply as best as I can.


I'm not anyone or any group's spokesanon. I refer you to the absolute directive

>Make your sons priests, to destroy their religion from the inside

History is important, and that documented communicated directive is in the historical record and is not disputed by anyone, including the party involved.

8e30fd  No.7171830


"deliberate redeployment"

any guesses?

6467e7  No.7171831


Getting ahead of negative narrative?

3315b3  No.7171832


Mike Turner

999f47  No.7171833



a985de  No.7171834

FISA is the keystone. Just talking with other people I have found it is the thing they cannot accept without a reputable source. It is what will get them taking us seriously and looking into everything else. It will force them to think for themselves.

c1cc87  No.7171835



Will check them both out

ad6a40  No.7171836

File: 42f43ddfb378c36⋯.jpg (155.21 KB, 304x448, 19:28, 8152580_orig.jpg)

File: fa24ff1a5378ee0⋯.jpg (79.71 KB, 522x657, 58:73, 89bd07d734c6ebf36bd8b7f268….jpg)

File: eddc360fee21623⋯.jpg (1.09 MB, 2015x1450, 403:290, close_packed_spheres.jpg)

File: 71c9befa0698ec8⋯.jpg (41.51 KB, 700x229, 700:229, media_679_6797380d-7644-43….jpg)

File: d0f5a5b18051053⋯.jpg (20.54 KB, 251x330, 251:330, 81167f6bef9eb388ec0360496f….jpg)


'some mighty fine memin' there memebro

4 10 20

+ + +

△ △ △

c51b61  No.7171837

File: 1abc11b48d2e239⋯.png (366.77 KB, 836x2172, 209:543, Screenshot_2019-07-19 Dill….png)

File: 0b6af40be84501d⋯.png (260.51 KB, 634x4407, 634:4407, Screenshot_2019-07-23 Jews….png)

File: 08bfb6471b54904⋯.png (315.91 KB, 591x5562, 197:1854, Screenshot_2019-07-23 Jews….png)

File: 51a06af7ae3326a⋯.jpg (80.82 KB, 478x351, 478:351, image007478x351.jpg)

File: 3f4fd72f21119af⋯.png (1.76 MB, 1365x604, 1365:604, Screenshot_2019-07-20 Goog….png)

a4fc22  No.7171838


Does the Gov of Virginia support female genital mutilation ?

71d885  No.7171839


Those Q statements are not incompatible with the fact that there is anti-Catholic bias on this board. Q is not anti-Catholic, he is anti-pedo. And there are many Catholics who are more than happy to dispatch the pedos in the Catholic Church of whatever rank but also to continue to be faithful Catholics.

60e142  No.7171840

File: b14b2fb82fefdfc⋯.png (96.06 KB, 384x223, 384:223, Screenshot_2019-07-24_1626….png)


pic related.

0e972a  No.7171841

File: 7abc03908b14f11⋯.jpg (6.84 KB, 255x144, 85:48, whitehatinaction.jpg)

Here's another theory.

Maxwell's Silver Hammer, the song by the Beatles, could potentially be a song about Maxwell Ghislaine killing her father with a hammer.

Just spitballing here as I haven't had internet for a bit.

1ff689  No.7171842


The USAF (IMHO) is comped as fuck…

Clapper is not the exception. Clinton cuts targeted the junior NCO's leaving a void between young Airmen and Senior Enlisted.

You have to understand, young Airmen don't even approach Snr Enlisted.

Obama did the exact same thing, my spouse was the most qualified person in her career field. They forced them to cut her, then tried to hire her back as a civilian THE SAME DAY…

Obama also tossed the SAC/TAC, I suspect to this day the intent was to create confusion and steal nukes. (Don't think it couldn't happen)

Anyways, I love our military but I don't trust the leadership.

991849  No.7171843

File: 656c794237a685c⋯.png (458.34 KB, 750x750, 1:1, Fucking Kids or Chewing Gu….png)

File: fd7eff28f3be856⋯.png (343.94 KB, 450x450, 1:1, Who's Harvey P.png)

89fc4b  No.7171844

761d8d  No.7171845

>>7170833 notable pb

this dim bulb is trying to figure out why you

go to a country

you are boycotting

"I'm calling to tell you I'm not speaking to you."

watt the f

1676a0  No.7171846


I agree anon. This is highly irregular and definitely not up to standard. Something is smelling fishy.

f5cdb5  No.7171847

File: 8f8e35b46bf7a74⋯.png (301.35 KB, 1036x847, 148:121, screenshot.png)


27f001  No.7171848


More skin for their facial creams.

589cda  No.7171849

File: da27ea2d3773a9a⋯.jpg (30.75 KB, 680x383, 680:383, 8dc3fa15ca0920ac1c654c7963….jpg)


Don't try to change the topic.

You need to understand what fucking trips means.

Stop acting like you fucking know it all because Q (you)'d you allegedly.

You can't even prove that faggot, so kill yourself.

Oh and btw, you still haven't answered the question.

How do you identify trips?

It's a simple question really.

79c7ba  No.7171850

File: d42c4fb48eb01c1⋯.jpg (971.83 KB, 1440x2294, 720:1147, SmartSelect_20190724-18311….jpg)



a5b04d  No.7171851


How much ammo does the enemy have left? The volley of shots fired by the democrat house leaders today was just a puff of smoke with the buck shot rolling out of the musket barrel and landed 3 feet in front of them. It looks like they're rationing the ammo. Now the MSM looks like they're wielding their muskets instead of loading and firing. Who were the reinforcements they were counting on?

dba75c  No.7171852

File: 254432ce0ddf036⋯.jpg (25.31 KB, 254x374, 127:187, 2mgmjj~2_1.jpg)

File: a2452894b811276⋯.png (579.15 KB, 611x685, 611:685, image_5.png)



77e767  No.7171853

File: da677b99b8c2698⋯.jpg (69.89 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Indicted.jpg)

If the Obama's run for president they will get seriously vetted this time.

The Obama's were not properly vetted in 2008 or in 2016

b15867  No.7171854


Who do you think you are AnimeFag?

We know you are the muhjoo shills and the FE shills and the CP shills and the Riot shill…. all the same… David Brooks - ShareBlue, Soros… What are we gonna do with you when all this is over…?

171b07  No.7171855

File: 644a0a2b941eb68⋯.png (912.26 KB, 750x799, 750:799, AwesomePresser715.png)

109bc4  No.7171856

File: 274b4f36a4d8165⋯.png (224.98 KB, 941x718, 941:718, 274b4f36a4d81651efb273a70f….png)


Chek't repeaters

6467e7  No.7171857


Family/friends spilled beans, jeopardized mission?

e05de5  No.7171858

File: 9b0c7514ad17928⋯.png (811.01 KB, 907x847, 907:847, Screen Shot 2019-07-24 at ….png)



c1cc87  No.7171859

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

8d7395  No.7171860

Jeffrey Epstein Visited Clinton White House Multiple Times in Early 90s


a4fc22  No.7171861


Will the dems give free aid to illegal aliens who demand female genital mutilation as endorsed by the dems

4164a0  No.7171862


i see what youre sayin fren, i just tink if he was in charge he would have given himself moar to work with and not have consciously come across as such a gd fool ya know? he used to be very high up in the old guard tho, so I can see why would want to expolore that road. plus hes been around a long time, not 187d yet + Old guard. Just doesn't scream Epstein or Busch 1 to me. my .02

4f4dfa  No.7171863

[Be Ready], [Bob]

Q 3471



38562b  No.7171864

File: 604e5dac246e2e1⋯.png (236.27 KB, 550x437, 550:437, 604e5dac246e2e1738df502002….png)


there are a mess of catholic here trying to point everything at muh joo

figure it out or gtfo the way as you might get hurt…

4e1e53  No.7171865


The Digital House of God.

Kek brother.

f5cdb5  No.7171866


countdown started?

ea8c27  No.7171867


Wise anon is wise.

This is the majority.

3315b3  No.7171868

A prosecutor has no power to exonerate anyone. Point made by Mike Turner. they prosecute or STFU.

f81b0a  No.7171869

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

c51b61  No.7171870

File: f20684fc274a7d9⋯.jpg (2.34 MB, 1016x4892, 254:1223, Screenshot_2019-07-20 US M….jpg)

File: 8190ce73269ff96⋯.png (449.34 KB, 581x8380, 581:8380, Screenshot_2019-07-23 Jews….png)

File: 11a5cbf88f0d1ec⋯.png (211.89 KB, 384x466, 192:233, Screenshot_2019-07-20 The ….png)

File: fba8a8f492c041c⋯.png (292.38 KB, 642x5078, 321:2539, Screenshot_2019-07-23 Jews….png)

d94ef3  No.7171871

fd0487  No.7171872

Silver Investors: Something Big Is Happening Here

Mike Maloney


Q who buying all this silver?

cee15d  No.7171873


What are the odds? No coincidences …Lynn, Georgeie, Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell, BC oh my!

08b64e  No.7171874


Yes. And they were all very gentle with Mueller.

93cbef  No.7171875

File: 491e5285e3ea018⋯.jpg (194.33 KB, 1165x567, 1165:567, the-storm-upon-them.jpg)


4fc772  No.7171876


It's completely unprecedented as far as I know. The only reasons to do it publicly would be if they were murdering civilians, running a black market operation or, thru some fault of their own they were compromised operationally.

422273  No.7171877


Sounds like they have a dark operator OR this is psyop somehow.

109bc4  No.7171878

File: e651aa7db9f0f64⋯.jpg (43.78 KB, 600x800, 3:4, old-bernie-sanders-photos-….jpg)

dba75c  No.7171879

File: ed4f5d1bde92522⋯.gif (89.48 KB, 230x175, 46:35, 538abfa3e8.gif)


Or 2012 either

47dad0  No.7171880


My theory on this is they went after his family…he was probably told that if he didn't kill himself…they would kill his family…so, being a top FBI agent which is what i would have done..he did what was right..but I would have left evidence of the blackmail. but again……….it is just a theory. i could be way off base on this.

25e9ce  No.7171881

Canadian manhunt for teen murder suspects spreads across country


3:48 PM - 24 Jul 2019

Hunters become the HUNTED…

b31621  No.7171882


>laundering with the "ART"

Ever hear of a "private auction"?

Now, you know why…

A piece of art can be absolutely worthless, despite being "valued" with a price tag of several millions.

Not to mention the types of insurance scams you can pull with this kind of fuckery.

589cda  No.7171883

File: 17e05afa491c264⋯.png (259.49 KB, 553x457, 553:457, 17e05afa491c264bac6e5b5431….png)


Nah, you're literally fucking newfags who have been infected by the language of shills.

The same language control matrix that got us fucked in this situation in the first place.

Fucking reddit tier boomer newfags coming in here and talking like the fucking kikes.

Sure the numbers are helpful, but fucking Christ on a cracker could you at least LEARN THE LANGUAGE AND ABSORB THE CULTURE?

a4fc22  No.7171884


Will she denounce Sharia law as incompatible with the us constitution ?

981e06  No.7171885


only-reinforc-n -point-n obvious..=.black hat

yet …shadow king pin…???? well guessolgy is tricky road navigate…

175046  No.7171886


daily beast though?

c51b61  No.7171887

File: 2978a69cbf2064b⋯.jpg (234.92 KB, 933x1280, 933:1280, Natalie-Portman-Nude-Acade….jpg)

File: fda7d1d241c1146⋯.png (430.92 KB, 615x7801, 615:7801, Screenshot_2019-07-23 Jews….png)


skipped this. oops.

25e9ce  No.7171888

File: 55af2f9e8cfc81d⋯.png (198.21 KB, 532x462, 38:33, ClipboardImage.png)



21bbf7  No.7171889


6:15 to "John" is a Q finger wave

0ec157  No.7171890

ANOTHER Machete in Panorama as details come to light re covering up MS13 in community


c1cc87  No.7171891

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

77e767  No.7171892

File: b0702c71eb444bb⋯.png (914.01 KB, 1014x1419, 338:473, Anaconda.png)

If the Obama's run for president they will get seriously vetted this time.

The Obama's were not properly vetted in 2008 or in 2012.

def00b  No.7171893


I smell a rat.

4f4dfa  No.7171894



e05de5  No.7171895

File: c3d2ae551f115b9⋯.png (322.72 KB, 732x1077, 244:359, Screen Shot 2019-07-16 at ….png)

611e30  No.7171896

File: 3f24758a131e7f5⋯.png (439.46 KB, 593x992, 593:992, droopy.png)

7ba015  No.7171897

File: ddb5639a1c6c4bd⋯.jpg (113.62 KB, 930x596, 465:298, Screenshot 2019-07-24_19-3….jpg)



08b64e  No.7171898


Our guys are such good guys. It really makes ones heart happy.

47303d  No.7171899


It's odd. They've actually been all over the Epstein shit.

Probably because they first thought they could smear POTUS with it, but the MSM's attacks on that failed.

ad5b73  No.7171901

File: 77a4221985bbee3⋯.png (326.94 KB, 668x801, 668:801, ClipboardImage.png)



ba1340  No.7171902

Today’s hearings beg the question: Did MUELLER read the Mueller Report?

4164a0  No.7171903

File: 015fc84537436f2⋯.png (7.13 MB, 3001x1874, 3001:1874, painincoming.png)

f81b0a  No.7171904

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Or this

2e3f1a  No.7171905

File: 35348b08ecdad51⋯.jpg (97.71 KB, 468x660, 39:55, article-1227530-07356F3400….jpg)

File: d3791c1f1798565⋯.jpg (68.58 KB, 468x608, 117:152, article-1227530-073287DD00….jpg)

File: 57a42c83fd0fe24⋯.jpg (68.31 KB, 468x659, 468:659, article-1227530-0732886500….jpg)

File: 0fc0ff575367ae0⋯.jpg (13.06 KB, 233x345, 233:345, article-1227530-0732440300….jpg)





Yes, sweet beautiful Cindy Crawford……..supermodel millionaire….we believe you had NOTHING to do with it…..and of course the police that helped out had no role in setting up some other person(s) as the culprit ……

said no Anon ever

poor guy is probably just a useful idiot doing time for Cindy and husband Gerber's crime

A male model blackmailed Cindy Crawford with a photograph of her seven-year-old daughter gagged and tied to a chair.

Edis Kayalar allegedly told the 43-year-old supermodel he would hand the image to the media unless she gave him £60,000.

The photo had been taken by a nanny during a children's game at the family home in Los Angeles, according to court papers filed by the FBI.

Cindy Crawford sent picture of her bound and gagged daughter in £60,000 blackmail bid by male mode


65d7da  No.7171906


Seems like it was only last week!

fec106  No.7171907


Sheila Jackson Lee. Then dig and find out why Wassermann-Schlutz was nowhere to be found.

999f47  No.7171908


Had the wrong spelling U.S. Rep. John Ratcliffe

47303d  No.7171909


That's a movie conspiritard.

991849  No.7171910

Randomly kill a jew.

Valhalla awaits!

c51b61  No.7171911

File: 6447da98a52226c⋯.png (469.29 KB, 670x8040, 1:12, Screenshot_2019-07-23 Jews….png)

File: cb771df7f113bbe⋯.jpg (1.03 MB, 1056x3147, 352:1049, Screenshot_2019-07-20 US M….jpg)

File: 0214b341545edeb⋯.jpg (111.3 KB, 1024x657, 1024:657, Veronica-1024x657.jpg)

File: 251e1e11e48e62a⋯.png (337.88 KB, 613x6064, 613:6064, Screenshot_2019-07-23 Jews….png)

8868da  No.7171912



Everything we've learned in 2 years we could have learned in one single week of intensive declas, document releases and videos explaining why (insert abrupt halt to regular programming, address by POTUS, top military brass, Patriots, special guest appearances by those we thought were dead…). Instead, we've had a micromanaged, unnecessary shit show. Stun everyone awake is what should have happened, and what was likely going to happen had she won.

bf479d  No.7171913

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Rep. Dan Crenshaw hitting the stage at TPUSA

"…let's do this in memes!"

25ecc6  No.7171914

File: dd2f280d89f1bfa⋯.png (65.94 KB, 547x312, 547:312, ClipboardImage.png)


Thought ISIS was already wiped out

maybe a never ending battle

f26ff4  No.7171915


Funeral confirmation.



175046  No.7171916


I hate that rag… but if that liberal rag is covering it then maybe they turned a corner?

c1cc87  No.7171917


Will do then I’ll report back

b38b64  No.7171918

File: 2573390dd906d44⋯.jpg (142.29 KB, 217x774, 217:774, 4.jpg)

611e30  No.7171919




25e9ce  No.7171920

File: a133014a7226748⋯.png (24.67 KB, 489x232, 489:232, ClipboardImage.png)

>>7171826 Club


7ba015  No.7171921


yea, let me follow the movies allaroundtard

8f4ce3  No.7171922


I’m pretty sure I’m the only one who hadn’t blocked your ID yet.


76dcf2  No.7171923

File: 5ee31d8fa1bf703⋯.mp4 (1.79 MB, 466x260, 233:130, POSs Needing Locked Up!!!.mp4)


961342  No.7171924

File: f336502ab5e1516⋯.png (482.58 KB, 1172x831, 1172:831, ClipboardImage.png)


>38.887238, -77.008501

>If I should ever let [H]er go



ad6a40  No.7171925

File: 90c621e1569eecc⋯.jpg (150.62 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg)

File: 5b7bfb258a70184⋯.png (151.86 KB, 500x566, 250:283, 5-5-surround-333-sound-bat….png)

File: 792240f5dd12799⋯.jpg (175.43 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, z.jpg)

67b29a  No.7171926


C_rAnIan Deep Sweeties will be in too much PAIN to live after C_rAn gets eviscerated~

c1cc87  No.7171927


Kek it’s fine anon

a54bb9  No.7171928


Baker assist Notables

>>7171567, >>7171653, >>7171803 Full POTUS smackdown of fake news scum ,get popcorn + POTUS news

>>7171596, >>7171631, >>7171824, >>7171850 US MIL TWEETS and Info

>>7171872 Financefag Reports

>>7171211 /pol/ is a system board managed by the global volunteers and they have an anti Q bias

>>7171239 It's clear Mueller didn't write this report: Alan Dershowitz- Fox Business

>>7171245 African Bishop blasts Free-masonry, sorcery in new pastoral letter

>>7171270, >>7171335 "New" RBG interview-says she is alive-npr

>>7171272, >>7171306 Will Comey be the first to go down publicy for treason?

>>7171312 Rep. Kelly Armstrong on Mueller conflicts

>>7171347 Q CLOCK SUMMARIES - RE-READ CRUMBS at q-clock.com

>>7171383 anon proof: Deltas For Q drop & POTUS' tweets

>>7171396 MS-13 gang slaying: Panorama HS students-LA Times

>>7171405 Collage anon with a big one today (open it in another window as it is 11mb) and dat id too

>>7171433 Mueller Testimony-Vid with anon submitted Qdrop #3458-text only

>>7171481, >>7171500, >>7171516 An adviser to Khamenei said that the meeting with Hamas was a strategic turning point in relations between Iran and the Palestinians- from july 23rd

>>7171544, >>7171689, >>7171779, >>7171859 Moar Mueller panic fest and clips from hearing

>>7171550, >>7171552, >>7171617, >>7171673, >>7171713, >>7171717, >>7171722, >>7171739, >>7171897, >>7171905 EGGstein and his people eaters

>>7171585, >>7171606 Statements of Expenditures for Special Counsel's Office (2017-2018)

>>7171888 Canadian manhunt for teen murder suspects spreads across country

981e06  No.7171929


'''bitchy tramboline""" to funny

c14907  No.7171930


20 post


no positive input here at all

20 post of negative enegy berating anons

This shill is the biggest delusional asshole ever

at least paid shills know they arent anons

this one thinks that being an asshole with no contribution for 1.5yrs makes her an anon


26985e  No.7171931


The Yeast has had Epstein dead to rights somehow. Unexpectedly

c2f388  No.7171932


It would not have been excepted by the masses then.

f63661  No.7171933

File: df6a318769ecabb⋯.png (70.51 KB, 426x81, 142:27, ClipboardImage.png)

0e972a  No.7171934

File: 2fddb1957baa530⋯.jpg (9.83 KB, 255x133, 255:133, prayerwarrior1.jpg)


Weird timing! I just picked that meme sort of randomly.

Thank you Melania, for everything you do. I suspect you will ultimately be a more re-moralizing force than most currently realize.

4164a0  No.7171935


domincian republic

f8bb26  No.7171936


That headline is fucking gay. makes zero sense

4d17e0  No.7171937

File: 5ebeebc2ab4421c⋯.png (38.31 KB, 604x290, 302:145, trust.png)

U.S. Navy

‏Verified account @USNavy

U.S. Navy Retweeted Naval Surface Forces

Trust the process.

1:02 PM - 24 Jul 2019


e482ff  No.7171938



==baker noteable=

2a5f8c  No.7171939


He is moar similar to McStain than you are evidently aware.

He didn't wear a black hat for 50 and trade it in for an angelic white one because DJT got elected.

May have a grey hat as he plays a part to avoid execution, but his hat is NOT angelic white.

38562b  No.7171940


bullshit… you are misinformed I WANT IT NOW anon and we have been listening to your kind for almost 2 years now…

2 years hmmm

something about that number….

a54bb9  No.7171941

title for the next bread?

2d0b13  No.7171942


Mueller = POS

On September 10, 2001 Donald Rumsfeld announced that there was 2.3 TRILLION dollars "unaccounted" for in the Pentagon budget. That amount was 7x the ENTIRE Pentagon budget for the year.

Only the government could lose their ENTIRE budget SEVEN times in one year AND get away with it!

The next day, three hijacked planes, reportedly flying at approximately 2x beyond the structural limits of their flight speed at sea level, crashed into buildings destroying all the accounting records and there could be no further investigation.

These facts are NOT disputed among government officials.


What is happening here?

Shall we ask Robert Mueller? He was head of the FBI at the time and tasked with “investigating” the crime.

If we don’t demand justice then who will?

Yes… 9/11 was an inside job and the people responsible still wield tremendous power and influence in our government.

Robert Mueller was trotted out of retirement for a reason. “They” needed Robert Mueller to “investigate” another matter.

How dumb do they think we are?

Robert Mueller is a traitorous deepstate cover up artist.

Now is the time to be concerned.

3000 architects and building

engineers agree

The laws of physics

cannot be broken

Newton’s three laws of motion and

Conservation of momentum PROVE that both towers and WTC 7 could NOT have fallen at free fall speed unless they met NO resistance as they fell.

Hundreds of thousands of tons of concrete and structural steel had to be removed by demolition to achieve the observed actions in ALL three buildings.

free fall speed = demolition

unimpeachable fact




171b07  No.7171943


Not at all, Bill! I have to say, I like him and I agree, that MAGA counts! But Bill… I am a German and I know, through Q a lot more, than simply the Russian HOAX!

807f06  No.7171944


This look bogus from an operational viewpoint. It seems far-fetched to me that an organization is going to publicly call out their soldiers or their seals in this way . . .

even when people screw-up royally they are usually backed up by their own command.

589cda  No.7171945

File: 22e4769145b5a3a⋯.jpg (38.35 KB, 279x304, 279:304, 7aa686b20a9bed6affe9ef6110….jpg)


Kek, literally this much of a leftist.

Enjoy your safe space.

58fc21  No.7171946

What a way to end a career! It's not like Mueller wasn't warned, and given an out by Barr and Trump. Lord have mercy what a disaster. What's next, John Cleese with some coconuts pretending to be riding a horse?

d2fac5  No.7171947

File: 1b11559f44638f2⋯.mp4 (806.78 KB, 480x270, 16:9, SBK6z8MTB5T2IoiV (1).mp4)

File: 01df4b658b7f207⋯.jpg (498.57 KB, 1058x994, 529:497, SmartSelect_20190724-19335….jpg)

NEW DJT EST. timestamp


47303d  No.7171948


I don't think they turned the corner, there's just a focus on Epstein for probably #MeToo or attacks against POTUS, but it ended up being actual good reporting.



Shock and Awe > "enjoy the show".

I am enjoying the show though, just running a little long.

ea8c27  No.7171949

>>7171860 Jeffrey Epstein Visited Clinton White House Multiple Times in Early 90s


archive or article: https://archive.is/j2rs4


a8de14  No.7171950


01/30 and 12/01 (same ratios) both at [54] (today) on Qclock.

The original 10/30 is across the clock face at [22] so mirrors [52] which is "2 days ahead of schedule"

just sayin'

1ca118  No.7171951

File: c710d546a4ecc5d⋯.jpg (494.18 KB, 720x540, 4:3, Pepe Au Ag.jpg)


ds scrambling to get something 'cause they know the fed is toast.

8868da  No.7171952


Yes it would have without counter-programming and YEARS of brainwashing in advance of the eventual declas.

175046  No.7171953

I was at work today and someone sent that clip to me

36c42c  No.7171954

File: 4afd1155c24ac0d⋯.png (69.28 KB, 606x433, 606:433, POTUS 7-24-19 4 33 pm PDT.PNG)

File: 992bd52365c0b5b⋯.mp4 (3.56 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Video POTUS 7-24-19 4 33 ….mp4)

New POTUS Tweet and Video


8ab6a4  No.7171955

File: 38b6b95d725d795⋯.jpeg (525.5 KB, 1242x746, 621:373, 98C6D7F9-7D89-49CC-925B-5….jpeg)


why doesn’t your post show in the replies? i’m confused

ad514e  No.7171956


Why would they put this on twitter?

There's something screwy with this

Decode anyone?


77e767  No.7171957

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Slime Ball Robert Mueller Theme SONG.

269ebb  No.7171958


what clip

2e3f1a  No.7171959


and a great transaction resource to and from blackmailers and victims


ad5b73  No.7171960



Cincinelli was reportedly out partying with FBI colleagues at the Container Bar, a trendy watering hole in Austin, TX. The group had been drinking and dancing, according to sources. Later in the evening Cincinelli reportedly turned the gun on himself on a crowded dance floor.

Bar owner Bridget Dunlap did not respond to phone calls seeking details on the incident.

FBI agents on site and police instructed witnesses to delete any video and photographs of the event and cleared out the bar, according to reports. Likewise, FBI officials instructed Austin Police to not release any details of the death to the media, sources confirmed. Witnesses at the nite club were also told to “stay offline” and “keep quiet” about the shooting, sources said.

8e30fd  No.7171961


maybe comms failure… public tweets as desperate attempt to communicate? just spitballing…

e6efc0  No.7171962

Some patriots remained quiet for a long time in the deep state taking notes and waiting fir the right time to expose the cabal

c1cc87  No.7171963

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

2:09 “I do not remember”

175046  No.7171964


I dropped it in this thread

c51b61  No.7171965

File: e52fba1145cb59c⋯.png (371.99 KB, 580x6476, 145:1619, Screenshot_2019-07-23 Jews….png)

File: f976df8d4365343⋯.png (213.7 KB, 611x3719, 611:3719, Screenshot_2019-07-23 Jews….png)

File: 7c22cd3b37794bd⋯.jpg (114.75 KB, 600x469, 600:469, 7c22cd3b37794bdf7367e28a52….jpg)


nice trips

pull it

1611 authorized bacon version

bb8ce1  No.7171966

File: 7675c60586d50bc⋯.png (35.68 KB, 1470x431, 1470:431, ClipboardImage.png)



695ed4  No.7171967



Navy giving us vibes..

Trust the Process

1ca118  No.7171968


and it's already 404'd

4fc772  No.7171969


Maybe you are not familiar with Tailhook. The Navy brass thru half our best pilots at the time under the bus to save themselves.

47303d  No.7171970





How can you be here and actually not know Q DID NOT POST THAT?

Fucking kys summerfags.

99351f  No.7171971


I'm guessing that reads "TURNING POINT" behind him.

A public crumb for the masses?

8e30fd  No.7171972



312988  No.7171973


Taqiya comes in many forms

8868da  No.7171974


You must have a job where dragging this out is profitable. Either that or you are a small minded, timid thinker.

f399e9  No.7171975

File: cd7440bbfd1bef0⋯.png (145.67 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, IMG_3290.PNG)

File: ae3ce27fbc7f5ab⋯.png (141.9 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, IMG_3291.PNG)

File: 6abb01ebaea580c⋯.png (95.31 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, IMG_3292.PNG)

Never a bad idea to return to the basics.

I'm constantly seeing anons invoking "the keystone ".

I'm open to all opinions, but hasn't this been answered frens?

bf6a67  No.7171976

Use stealthing


Make babies

363923  No.7171977


>New Mass, or Pre-Tridentine?

New Mass, Latin edition. I think it is in the original Latin Mass as the Novus Ordo didn't change it.

ea8c27  No.7171978


So… you're new


cc2c16  No.7171980

Our beautiful First Lady trolling the Illuminati under the pyramid is the best!

98de92  No.7171981


That shit you just typed is a tricky road to navigate.

47303d  No.7171982


They either don't know, don't care and just want to name drop Q related things, or will say 'multiple meanings'.

25ecc6  No.7171983

File: 8871466ec42b5b4⋯.png (1.91 MB, 1180x680, 59:34, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8871466ec42b5b4⋯.png (1.91 MB, 1180x680, 59:34, ClipboardImage.png)

76dcf2  No.7171985

File: 28c6ef33f011734⋯.jpg (92.21 KB, 754x960, 377:480, Pelosi Innavention trump d….jpg)

File: 65f798cec2d187f⋯.jpeg (63.43 KB, 636x424, 3:2, Pelosi robot.jpeg)

File: 978a28389996be9⋯.jpg (83.05 KB, 859x570, 859:570, error lib pelosi Capture.JPG)

File: c8211b3bff98d60⋯.jpg (42.23 KB, 504x389, 504:389, nancy pelosi.jpg)

File: 87d2c065c60a2a3⋯.jpg (61.96 KB, 447x562, 447:562, Face_IN_MAKEUP_Pelosi.JPG)

58fc21  No.7171987

Please don't let today's Democrat Disaster stop the swamp draining. Arrest and prosecute them to the fullest, or the oinking swine will live to oink another day.

099ced  No.7171988


Oh wow they actually got em. Nice

c2f388  No.7171989


We will probably only have one shot to do this right, we may as well make sure we do it right. But by all means feel free to wrap it all up by this weekend if you want.

def00b  No.7171990


Cindy Crawford was on SO MANY magazine covers at the height of her career.

There is NO WAY something wasn't going on to have propelled her to anything that stratospheric.

Spouseanon used to read all those back in the day.

Magazines aren't a big deal anymore, and younger anons won't remember, but they were HUGE in the 80's

Crawford's face was everywhere you looked.

1ca118  No.7171991

File: 6f8bb523657f29d⋯.png (697.14 KB, 960x896, 15:14, FLOTUS pyramid White hat.png)

35d77d  No.7171992

Thank you

a8fa3c  No.7171994

File: 859fc5c2ad1642d⋯.jpg (436.6 KB, 1143x769, 1143:769, 3469.jpg)

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