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File: d5055660dbbb0b7⋯.jpg (585.22 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, DoughImage.jpg)

e3a010  No.7101486

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




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PICS: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/4004099.html

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Thursday 07.18.2019

>>7088054 rt >>7088006 ————————— If you look close enough you might see….

>>7088006 ————————————–——– Worth remembering

>>7087942 ————————————–——– Shall we play a game? (Cap: >>7088219)

>>7087719 ————————————–——– How do you 'shape' a story? (Cap: >>7089710)

>>7087425 rt >>7087382 ——————–——– Note events happening today

>>7087382 ————————————–——– Explore further (Cap: >>7087423)

>>7087356 ————————————–——– Explore further (Cap: >>7087384)

>>7086659 ————————————–——– Armor of God

>>7086225 ————————————–——– Worth remembering

>>7086145 ————————————–——– PANIC IN DC (Cap: >>7086210)

>>7085919 ————————————–——– What happens when the public finds out the TRUTH?

>>7083453 ————————————–——– Symbolism will be their downfall

>>7076995 rt >>7076947 ————————— Thank you for your continued service, BO

>>7076919 rt >>7076859 ————————— Captcha Gone

>>7076842 rt >>7076831 ————————— Thank you, BO

>>7076810 ————————————–——– Please revert bread back to original form

Wednesday 07.17.2019

>>7074775 ————————————–——– Sheep no more. (Cap/Vid: >>7074909)

>>7074370 rt >>7074324 ————————— How many coincidences before mathematically impossible?

>>7074281 ————————————–——– Outside of the standard deviation? (Cap: >>7074291)

>>7073304 rt >>7073157 ————————— WWG1WGA!!! (Cap: >>7073157)

Tuesday 07.16.19

Compiled here: >>7086938

Sunday 07.14.2019

Compiled here: >>7086925

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Q's Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

e3a010  No.7101491

Global Announcements

>>7077026 BO "thank you for vote of confidence"

>>7079301, >>7079338 BO summarizes bread reversion, no more captcha, and continued notables thread >>7003045

Bakers, Do not add Q's non-tripcoded posts to the dough


are not endorsements


>>7101441 Marine Corps weapon that just destroyed an Iranian drone revealed.

>>7101398 Homeless Tennessee veteran surprised with $30K after POTUS tweet.

>>7101395 Omar's second husband's story isn't congruent.

>>7101372 Palm Beach Sheriff launches investigation into Epstein ‘work release’ deal.

>>7101345 Ex-NSA contractor sentenced to 9 years for stolen documents.

>>7101319 Q clock update. Re-read crumbs.

>>7101286 Defendant in Russian oil contamination case seeks political asylum.

>>7101235 Ghislaine Maxwell abruptly torpedoed her oceanic non-profit in the wake of the scandal surrounding her associate Jeffrey Epstein.

>>7101224 Lauren Family, L.L.C. sold $7.9m in Ralph Lauren Shares. Guess CEO buys Guess stocks.

>>7101081 Arizona ranks #2 in job growth.

>>7101003, >>7101034 Media's double standard with Wikileaks.

>>7100991, >>7100850, >>7100877, >>7100897, >>7101127, >>7101233 Boatfag update: Poseidon HK/China connection.

>>7100974 UK: Tanker was not seized by Iran.

>>7100969 Marketfag: US Market Report.

>>7100946 Former NFL champion and Arkansas Senator Chief of Staff dies at 32.

>>7100945, >>7100994 PR troubles: MSM scapegoating chat messages.

>>7100882 WH Tweet: The moon landing.

>>7100880 Nashville: Reports of shots fired at police.

>>7100821, >>7100872 Unideitified aircraft carried out first airstrike on ‘Iranian-backed Forces’ in Iraq.

>>7100792 Grassley denounces ‘EB-5’ giveaway to China hidden in India outsourcing bill.

>>7100749 POTUS landing in NJ.

>>7101459 #9086

#9085 Baker Change

>>7099979 Globalists target Italy’s Matteo Salvini for destruction

>>7099991 Tacoma Police: Immigration Center Firebomber Claimed to Be Antifa, Member of Antifa Gun Club

>>7100001 BREAKING: British-flagged oil tanker has been seized by Iran's Revolutionary Guard in the Strait of Hormuz.

>>7100022 Trump Administration & Pelosi Negotiate $2 Trillion Budget Deal Over the Corpse of Fiscal Conservatism

>>7100024 Strange Financial Transactions Between Les Wexner and Jeffery Epstein; Moar, >>7100426

>>7100034 The Lie Factory—CNN—Is Collapsing. Thank God.

>>7100061 Jussie Smollett’s lawyers blast appointment of special prosecutor to re-investigate case

>>7100083 UPDATE: Trump Says US Will Support UK After Iranian Aggression, Cites Historical Relationship

>>7100091 US Poised to Send 500 Troops to Saudi Arabia Amid Iran Tensions

>>7100113 The sabotage of @realDonaldTrump’s deal w/Guatemala to alleviate the illegal immigration crisis……….

>>7100142 Iran has now captured two vessels today.

>>7100151 DJT TWITTER:Just spoke to @KanyeWest about his friend A$AP Rocky’s incarceration

>>7100199 Britain says seizures of UK vessels by Iran are ‘unacceptable

>>7100262 Al-Jaafari: Policies of some states based on imposing unilateral coercive measures on Syria obstruct implementing Sustainable Development Agenda

>>7100287 Vessels currently at Great Saint James Island: PI (the pizza boat) AZULIA II, EUPHORIA, STA. ANA

>>7100331 Crooked Hillary Trashes Trump During Speech at Southern Christian Leadership Luncheon in Atlanta

>>7100340 A small plane has reportedly crashed near the Hudson Valley Regional Airport in Poughkeepsie, New York.

>>7100348 Theatre Director at Panorama City High School Charged on Suspicion of Possessing Child Pornography

>>7100351 Mexico minister says country fulfilled pledge to US to reduce migration

>>7100469 U.S. intelligence chief creates election security position

>>7100471 POTUS Remarks on 50TH Anniversary of the APOLLO 11 Moon Landing

>>7100473 Global Pedos Going Down

>>7100086, >>7100490 Very early & UNCONFIRMED reports of a third ship - LR2 Poseidon - being seized.

>>7100640 #9085

Previously Collected Notables

>>7097571 #9081, >>7098333 #9082, >>7099091 #9083, >>7099872 #9084

>>7094341 #9077, >>7095238 #9078, >>7096073 #9079, >>7096808 #9080

>>7091230 #9073, >>7092023 #9074, >>7092775 #9075, >>7093618 #9076

>>7088265 #9069, >>7089119 #9070, >>7089848 #9071, >>7090495 #9072

>>7085092 #9065, >>7085848 #9066, >>7086981 #9067, >>7088501 #9068

Notables Archive by BV's (no longer updated?): https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)

e3a010  No.7101494

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] \\#QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

[4] Q's requested hashtags on of 3/11/19:






Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


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Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

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Book of Q Proofs ----- https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://bookofqproofs.wordpress.com/

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Submit an event here - https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Main Calendar URL ---- https://dark-to-light.org/calendar/

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup -- https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

Searchable Indictment Map w/dockets, links & more -- https://bad-boys.us/


Resignations Thread ----------------- >>2714136

All Resignations Website ----------- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://qresear.ch

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>>5973059 -- The BE HEARD Bread II: Be Loud! - Make Us Proud! - Make Noise For Q!

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>>6064510 --------- META (for board admin queries)

>>>/qproofs/130 --- Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

International Q Research Threads:


Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>6135754 The JQ (Jewish Question) Research Thread #4

>>6528824 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #10 Leaven Rising to Heaven Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>6097863 – New World Order Research Thread #5

>>6867253 – Clockwork Qrange #10

>>7071248 - Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #10

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Vatican Jesuits Research thread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2565756.html

Letters of Gratitude


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Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#27 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303, >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462

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Q Graphics all in GMT #63-#69 >>>/comms/3687, >>>/comms/3688, >>>/comms/3701, >>>/comms/3702, >>>/comms/3858, >>>/comms/3859, >>>/comms/3882

Q Graphics all in GMT #70-#76 >>>/comms/3898, >>>/comms/3920, >>>/comms/3975, >>>/comms/4029, >>>/comms/4197, >>>/comms/4335, >>>/comms/4386

Q Graphics all in GMT #77-#83 >>>/comms/4388, >>>/comms/4423, >>>/comms/4443, >>>/comms/4684, >>>/comms/5035, >>>/comms/5044, >>>/comms/5228

Q Graphics all in GMT #84 >>7088885

Q Graphics all in EST


e3a010  No.7101496

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MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/ux6qfl2m40vbaah/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.VI.pdf/file

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/408371553/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VI?secret_password=m2IeU6xGZ7OtQhl7vvyg

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

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* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

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* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

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* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

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* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://qest.us/obamavisitors

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Research Section Backup: >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

* How to Edit Hosts File (DNS): >>>/comms/4396

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* New google doc tracking deplatforming/bans on social media: >>6484178

* Notables Aggregator: https://wearethene.ws

Meme Ammo

49 >>7077975

Q Research Graphics Library recent folders by date

2019-Jul https://mega.nz/#F!6xkHmYrZ!wxAJLCRIW3EQO3TpyHf1BA

2019-Jun https://mega.nz/#F!K89jwQgB!ij-qXn6rnqv2ZozlXIWiFg

Epstein Drone Photos https://mega.nz/#F!DwNkwAZQ!xa6JLeW9_632P0yw3MhlNw

Trump Accomplishments after 2 Yrs in Office https://mega.nz/#F!C49DHYIa!jOxYHczFjauTrdWWb9VUqw

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

Bread Archives (sites)


Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)


MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist ---- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon ------------------ https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archives

Plain text archives of all QR threads: https://pastebin.com/2f1897vD

Notables Aggregator: https://wearethene.ws

How to Properly Nominate a Notable

>>7078280, >>7078284

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>7015023

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>7078220

e3a010  No.7101508

File: 34b79bcc86767ab⋯.png (325.45 KB, 615x410, 3:2, marinejammer.png)



c5e9ee  No.7101539

File: 9c9d0a5e90df692⋯.png (318.63 KB, 800x720, 10:9, ClipboardImage.png)

34d40d  No.7101549

Brain-Damaging Pesticide for Use on Foods Kids Eat. It’s Legal

Farmers can keep spraying fruits and vegetables with a pesticide shown to harm a child’s brain even at low levels of exposure, the Trump administration’s Environmental Protection Agency said today.

With a court deadline looming, EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler announced his decision to allow chlorpyrifos to continue to be used on conventionally grown food crops, like peaches, cherries, apples, oranges and corn. The chemical is not allowed for use on organic produce.

In April, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled unanimously that the EPA must decide by mid-July whether to reverse the Trump administration’s overturn of a scheduled ban on chlorpyrifos. The ban had been strongly supported by EPA scientists.

“Siding with pesticide corporations over the health and well-being of kids is the new normal at the EPA,” said EWG President Ken Cook. “Today’s decision underscores the sad truth that as long as the Trump administration is in charge, this EPA will favor the interests of the chemical lobby over children’s safety.”

Evidence is overwhelming that even small doses of chlorpyrifos can damage parts of the brain that control language, memory, behavior and emotion. Multiple independent studies have documented the fact that exposure to chlorpyrifos impairs children’s IQs. EPA scientists’ assessments of those studies concluded that the levels of the pesticide currently found on food and in drinking water are unsafe.

The EPA’s calculations suggest that babies, children and pregnant women all consume much more chlorpyrifos than is safe. They estimate that typical exposures for babies are five times greater than the EPA’s proposed “safe” intake, and 11 to 15 times higher for toddlers and older children. A typical exposure for a pregnant woman is five times higher than it ought to be to protect her developing fetus.

The EPA was poised to ban the pesticide in 2017. But after the 2016 election Dow Chemical, which manufactures chlorpyrifos, set forth on an aggressive campaign to pressure the incoming Trump administration to block that decision. Dow donated $1 million to President Trump’s inauguration festivities and its CEO met privately with then-EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt. Soon after, Pruitt ignored his agency’s own scientists and aborted the scheduled ban.

Besides produce, there are other dietary routes that make exposure to chlorpyrifos particularly worrisome for parents. Recent tests commissioned by the Organic Center found the insecticide in nearly 60 percent of conventional milk samples tested.

“If the Trump administration had followed the advice of its scientists, chlorpyrifos likely would not be in the food and milk kids eat and drink today,” said Cook. “This is another example of what happens when the wrong people are put in vital positions with enormous importance to public health.”


9fdfb4  No.7101550

Everyone catch that Magical Boom!

Or was it [Next Week]?

It doesn't matter because Boom Week Ahead means


Not now, but Soon.


fefe71  No.7101551

File: c4ec17ce1016b41⋯.jpg (281.32 KB, 750x700, 15:14, IMG_055.jpg)

patriots qbaby!

1337fa  No.7101552

File: 537f2e430114fb1⋯.png (376.73 KB, 985x789, 985:789, thrusttheplan.png)

e772de  No.7101553

>>7101100 (lb)

Now you're just looking for something to soothe your confirmation bias.

What if POTUS was giving a presser and happened to raise his hand at 4:49? "CONFIRMED!"

What if you stubbed your toe at 4:49? "CONFIRMED!"

The absolute state of this board and why the shills are often the ones the left-wing MSM cite as reason that we're crazy…

20bdf6  No.7101554

File: 94a78d8d71e98d3⋯.jpeg (345.71 KB, 699x751, 699:751, AA608C1E-F0E4-46BA-B92E-7….jpeg)


>Are we expecting something to happen at 4:50ish?

Did Q’s watch taunt following the Vanity Fair piece yesterday on Epstein (PANIC in DC), cause the DS surrogates in IRAN to attack the UK in order to capture the news cycle?? Makes you wonder…😊

7f30f5  No.7101555

File: 921ad7c53e9e781⋯.jpg (154.47 KB, 1169x646, 1169:646, Screenshot 2019-07-19_17-2….jpg)

Marker 1 set

1af8fa  No.7101556

File: 4e2321cb81f620a⋯.png (920.22 KB, 3041x1332, 3041:1332, A$APRocky_TweetProof_3456.png)

Guess I'll wait for nightshift with this one

71e704  No.7101557

File: acb339cd2ee7138⋯.gif (183.95 KB, 578x448, 289:224, 20190718_173608.gif)


Thanks baker.

34c9ab  No.7101558

>>7101453 lb

That story doesn't make sense.

>The district underwrote free lunches for four elementary and middle schools during the 2018-19 year, and WNEP-TV said school officials suspect some parents did not pay their lunch bills as a form of protest.

Free Lunches? Am I missing something here?

5570f6  No.7101559

File: 74448143fe3c942⋯.png (1.44 MB, 986x1200, 493:600, ClipboardImage.png)


99e9bc  No.7101560

File: b916e3a39d29cb0⋯.png (1.2 MB, 831x588, 277:196, ClipboardImage.png)

>>7101536 pb

i know you do. you are not an idiot.

607e49  No.7101561

File: 63d248b6f3ded3b⋯.png (65.92 KB, 332x332, 1:1, 02bacc35b3d6fdca05c1308459….png)


Thanks Baker!

4529a1  No.7101562

POTUS saw his shadow.

6 more years of fake nationwide globalist psyop.


1337fa  No.7101563

File: f057521f42b5d8c⋯.jpg (30.51 KB, 500x417, 500:417, tstates.jpg)

c7fc11  No.7101564

File: 133941f65bf8db5⋯.png (21.24 KB, 477x256, 477:256, bill weld ff 2nd.PNG)

File: d6713daba7e4498⋯.png (392.5 KB, 474x634, 237:317, bs ff.PNG)

File: eb8345825c1483d⋯.png (20.12 KB, 479x240, 479:240, kamel ff.PNG)

bill weld ff 2nd sentence

cps begin sentence IW


aa ff dubs

kmaeltoe caps begin sentence E

all caps EDWIAFTP

ttt dd tt ff

ff in second sentence

bernie caps I

ff dubs 1st sentence

bern cardi vid 49 seconds

a95b47  No.7101565

File: d36258cfa35b36e⋯.jpg (11.96 KB, 236x325, 236:325, 359fd717331d94fd6ec4426de8….jpg)

Thank You Baker

2fa3c5  No.7101566

Thousand of Nonviolent Offenders Will Be Released Friday Thanks to Trump Signing Criminal Justice Reform

On Friday, over 3,000 nonviolent offenders are planned to be released from prison thanks to criminal justice reform legislation passed last year by Donald Trump.

The First Step Act was passed in 2018 and designed to give relief to crowded prisons and those who had committed nonviolent crimes who were serving unduly lengthy sentences, due to harsh crime laws passed in the 1980s and 90s.

There shouldn’t be stiffer penalties for crack over cocaine, which has led to a wide racial disparity in incarceration. Nonviolent offenders also shouldn’t be spending a better part of their lives in prison when murderers and rapists sometimes spend less time.

President Trump agreed.

The First Step Act was pushed by Republicans like Senators Rand Paul and Mike Lee, the president’s son-in-law Jared Kushner, Democratic supporters, but also high profile celebrity advocates like Kim Kardashian.

Once the bill passed Congress, President Donald Trump signed it despite some pressure within the GOP to veto the legislation.

But Trump did as he pleased, as usual.



4c4395  No.7101567

Was ECDIS on those tankers hacked?

cb115a  No.7101568

Out of curiosity, if we had all the keys to all assange's insurance files, how many of you have copies of the actual data?

4529a1  No.7101569


*fake nationalist.

Typos not intended.

On the move.


bef77c  No.7101570

File: 847d1e10a6778bc⋯.jpeg (98.83 KB, 720x960, 3:4, 1C6A9F7A-CEF1-4D3B-A92C-2….jpeg)

File: d9e9e839be30ad6⋯.jpeg (118.93 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 02D18369-1B17-4FB4-8A75-A….jpeg)

File: 0cff5165c42f64e⋯.jpeg (165.37 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 80297992-01AE-4A01-A86E-2….jpeg)

File: 63cbce1b1edc75f⋯.jpeg (70.35 KB, 545x906, 545:906, 29DEB68E-2025-4FA4-A736-6….jpeg)

File: 9495d90952d0c7f⋯.jpeg (118.63 KB, 900x506, 450:253, 959A7FB9-D43B-454E-A45E-4….jpeg)

1e03c4  No.7101571

File: fee65ebb029a30b⋯.png (659.56 KB, 1012x849, 1012:849, Screenshot_20190718-055833….png)

Boom Week Failed Big-time.

61190e  No.7101572


Trump is trying to get a rapper out of jail

The plan has been pushed back a couple of years

The rapper is more important than taking down the treasonous satanic pedophile cabal



ca2483  No.7101573

File: 230c17e7cd9ff4b⋯.jpg (50.13 KB, 565x466, 565:466, ghost.jpg)

Anons, have there been any digs into Ed & Lorraine Warren? I'd heard Ed was a sexual predator, possibly a pedo, looking for sauce on that. Their whole ghosts/demons haunting thing sounds like a con job at best, possibly worse.

34c9ab  No.7101574

File: 6459829d5e62d21⋯.jpg (114 KB, 1914x858, 29:13, AOC-Republican-Challenger.jpg)


Bitch. I'm coming for you.

b2f1d5  No.7101575

why we no have cool cat cool righteous youtube alternnative? al this goin on and ?????

d0bd0a  No.7101576

File: 921ad7c53e9e781⋯.jpg (154.47 KB, 1169x646, 1169:646, 921ad7c53e9e78127589bcb51d….jpg)

>>7100749 POTUS landing in NJ.


bef77c  No.7101577

File: be4b048be0dcd34⋯.jpeg (99.79 KB, 501x498, 167:166, 86097DD0-C82E-4C5A-B39B-C….jpeg)

File: d216488503f750c⋯.jpeg (143.13 KB, 952x500, 238:125, CFA98E1A-875E-4EA0-AB72-D….jpeg)

File: 0bb5317b05cb2bb⋯.jpeg (156.25 KB, 800x640, 5:4, FCA72237-415E-421A-B237-4….jpeg)

File: 4d12eec0fa20147⋯.jpeg (459.16 KB, 1125x1125, 1:1, F8A8F0B5-9BA3-4054-96B6-0….jpeg)

File: ca9ad396056e4db⋯.jpeg (286.04 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, 129C9444-66D2-4198-9A71-8….jpeg)

c02361  No.7101578

File: 29009ca5942569c⋯.png (239.52 KB, 1000x640, 25:16, Screenshot_2019-07-19 My S….png)

In Sunset Beach, just south of the Seal Beach Weapons Station…HAMMER!

93539f  No.7101579

File: ca3e327d5f9b0c2⋯.jpg (643.34 KB, 989x3556, 989:3556, e_bot&flat_tards&muh_joos_….jpg)

File: 8a9764dd0b505cf⋯.png (86.17 KB, 642x259, 642:259, ebot_post2.png)

File: 49c30cefe8f45a2⋯.jpg (1.86 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, ebot_post1.jpg)









cb115a  No.7101580

nice slide

4529a1  No.7101581


I’d hit that.


99e9bc  No.7101582

honestly. the people should control the narrative. not the NSA, not the CIA, not russia, not china. American patriots. Period. Get the fuck out of here if your intent is to interfere.

93539f  No.7101583

b46ef2  No.7101584

File: 86ed017744ecbc3⋯.png (3.84 MB, 3000x2800, 15:14, qclockBABY.png)


Keep posting them Anon.

Lots of people capture and think about the "coincidences". Even if only the shills comment.

2997d8  No.7101585

Alarm on watch set to 6?!

"Watch" CA


The Anticipation is Annoying and Addicting

84c100  No.7101586

File: 217252467d83948⋯.png (173.25 KB, 344x354, 172:177, pepe cool shades and smoke.png)

7b0ffb  No.7101587


Same. Nice to find some common ground.

dc34c8  No.7101588

File: 2b9c63ab0fd28b0⋯.jpg (39.5 KB, 370x429, 370:429, blndBBht.jpg)


Tanks Bakes

34c9ab  No.7101589


Whoop de doo

b2f1d5  No.7101590


from wht i observed for her …right on….

more comin…in each of our 4 squad districts….

ae0c71  No.7101591


I like Kat…But she needs to eat a hamburger for fucks sake

f3dcdb  No.7101592

File: 0cd294bb1f9a304⋯.jpg (88.23 KB, 1024x904, 128:113, 0cd294bb1f9a30402cb812d0a4….jpg)

7f30f5  No.7101593

many 17's, 10's, 19, 4:49 hit

9c566c  No.7101594

File: 6e92c52f9858517⋯.jpg (49.63 KB, 640x429, 640:429, fe212c8ba6968145cb61930bce….jpg)

File: 8bb20b5996da28a⋯.jpg (71.57 KB, 640x377, 640:377, david-lee-roth-jump.jpg)

>>7101379 l/b

I'm more concerned with David Lee Roth's trousers than Van Halen's belt.

c441d7  No.7101595

seems like a perfect time for a [FF]

1e03c4  No.7101596

File: eed788be22569fc⋯.png (184.09 KB, 458x545, 458:545, c2bcc3b883f1610d0da6ab2669….png)

File: 522c2ead25ddc2a⋯.jpg (52.98 KB, 500x437, 500:437, 362nn7_1.jpg)

BOOM Week Failed Big-time….

df5f1c  No.7101597

>>7101501 (lb) <<


gordian knot

1473c3  No.7101598

In all seriousness ASAP Rocky really is an example of this mass migration cancer. He sent that muslaam flying 10 feet. That’s enough for me. Hope POTUS does intervene.

0fc9a8  No.7101599


someone's paying attention!!

783942  No.7101600

File: ad43f8a3c0259de⋯.png (226.34 KB, 680x383, 680:383, WheelsUp.png)


Wheels Up

4529a1  No.7101601




93539f  No.7101602

937cb7  No.7101603


90b094  No.7101604


It's Happening Day! never plays out.

Didn't See That Coming Days are always the best.

c49775  No.7101605

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Trump unleashes on 'The Squad'

df5f1c  No.7101606


Like, say, Iran taking UK tankers in the Straits of Hormuz?

861c00  No.7101607


is tha u enrique?

898675  No.7101608

File: e77c29f39ab9873⋯.jpg (822.91 KB, 1044x1605, 348:535, xx423.jpg)

7f30f5  No.7101609

ok say Trump is traveling next month on the 19th

do you think he will just arrive in a new state and onto screen exactly at 4:49?


205d38  No.7101610

File: d692a8cdabfa642⋯.jpg (11.51 KB, 191x255, 191:255, 17d72e49bace536238467b6121….jpg)


2bed80  No.7101611


You may have to go through Tyrus…;)

a95b47  No.7101612

File: 2b6cdd82dbfeacf⋯.jpeg (161.4 KB, 1440x956, 360:239, 1527905587.jpeg)


She is perfect as is.

4533ef  No.7101613

>>7101478 (LB)

>Harold Martin, 54

I;m just curious why the parents owe money.

The article said that the the school accused the parents of not providing a meal for their own kids.

But the article ALSO says that they school was planning on serving PB&J sandwiches to kids with no money, but their lawyers told them not to provide anything. So they didn't.

So it's actually the school who is starving the kids AND STILL trying to take money from the parents.

df5f1c  No.7101615


Ain't that thing badass? Corps should use it on recruiting posters!

5e9c80  No.7101616

File: e46ae7dd8122e08⋯.png (547.75 KB, 711x531, 79:59, ClipboardImage.png)

34c9ab  No.7101617


I think Q and Potus think we still need convincing they are real.

61190e  No.7101618


When I say "boom week"

All I actually mean is that POTUS had some rank ass Indian curry

He's booming all over the crapper stinking up the joint




b33650  No.7101619

File: a39db73e6c5b76e⋯.jpg (202.81 KB, 1200x1126, 600:563, 10501aed0d2b3ce4cc72ee7205….jpg)


I'll just leave this here.

Written masterfully in crayons.

c80230  No.7101621

File: c9adc5715d5c605⋯.jpg (102.76 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, TammuzCries.jpg)

File: 449a96815375796⋯.jpg (2.72 MB, 5288x1700, 1322:425, Tamuz20194.jpg)

File: fc14cb7dd1a1a01⋯.jpg (20.08 KB, 472x124, 118:31, Tammuz-three-weeks.jpg)

File: 1619b8d68db1d68⋯.jpg (1.1 MB, 2564x990, 1282:495, NimrodMix2.jpg)

File: 3d80bcd0ce69a46⋯.jpg (48.33 KB, 308x400, 77:100, easter Babylon sound like ….jpg)

b2f1d5  No.7101622

how implant vid in chat box?

e3a010  No.7101623


Mad max looking, very cool.

cb115a  No.7101624


so far, agreed

369559  No.7101625

File: 61b510977a67369⋯.jpg (11.75 KB, 208x255, 208:255, confpepe.jpg)

Been working all day, anons. Need some help/guidance today.

Does any anon have video of Trump being asked the "ultimate question" like Q told would happen after Qbaby pic was plastered everywhere?

Do we have a separate thread for it? Because, fuck, that must have been yuuuuge news! Right?

8c0285  No.7101626

File: a5d16537a7214cd⋯.jpg (789.81 KB, 2017x1345, 2017:1345, tyb_doorstep.jpg)


Thank you, baker!

2fa3c5  No.7101627


>>7101370 /LB

>>7101478 /LB

likely missed but check it out…

84c100  No.7101628

File: 1386445dc618dc0⋯.png (455.99 KB, 439x414, 439:414, duckface.PNG)

bef77c  No.7101629

File: 06791df2d24de1f⋯.png (78.03 KB, 1238x826, 619:413, 7BE47C86-FDE4-4925-A654-B2….png)

File: 9107ae03aa7736e⋯.jpeg (82.2 KB, 750x750, 1:1, 117FBBB9-D27A-4D63-8CDE-B….jpeg)

File: fb2e60c21316f2f⋯.jpeg (113.61 KB, 750x548, 375:274, 739B6ABA-0954-4B16-AC1E-2….jpeg)

File: 8d14b8401b8bfd8⋯.jpeg (839.44 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, C8572630-F7CD-4488-8E61-A….jpeg)

File: bffdd61418eddc0⋯.jpeg (815.3 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 4DBECE6D-1205-47D2-A177-D….jpeg)

93539f  No.7101630


You're terrible so..

The world's very safe then Sweetie~

5f9349  No.7101631

File: a4d7d7e20b7ccb3⋯.png (1.48 MB, 1440x797, 1440:797, Thank you for your serv….png)

File: c06783b7b92f7be⋯.png (291.31 KB, 900x774, 50:43, 1799 Q Proof! 3-2-19 POTUS….png)

File: 7de1405490c34ac⋯.png (77.74 KB, 743x403, 743:403, 3056 Thank you for your se….png)

File: 357f61b3b16677a⋯.png (38.68 KB, 469x197, 469:197, 2857 We thank you for your….png)

File: 8ad32e5b9778119⋯.png (37.27 KB, 463x191, 463:191, 458 Thank you all for your….png)

9174ed  No.7101632


What is that?

7b0ffb  No.7101634


Didn't say i was going to, just i would if i could. No idea who tf Tyrus is, and tbh, don't really care

021a4e  No.7101635

It just clicked, the level of FUCKING GENIUS in Trump's tweet about A$AP.

It's a psychological ploy, since #FREEASAP is now trending. And now normies have those two words floating around their heads. Something big is definitely coming, or else they wouldn't be seeding the consciousness with the idea of FREE ASAP.

Personal theory: could be something Assange related. We will know when he uses those words in another context.


93539f  No.7101636



512969  No.7101637

File: 39a9509d7f5e55f⋯.gif (3.93 MB, 391x263, 391:263, 1562471670412.gif)


wow…Q was right! so much winning

9fdfb4  No.7101639


Nothing is happening, as usual. I'm sure tons behind the scene, but nothing publicly that will excite anons.

Just another Q disappointment.

b33650  No.7101640

File: 4411b28382e1efa⋯.png (141.87 KB, 511x564, 511:564, 94f44a3a7a95b4801ac4045d43….png)


Yes, because someone spamming kike and tranny cocks is a targeted individual.

c53381  No.7101641


Press alt +f4

813deb  No.7101642


Look at the destination and then where the tanker actually is. >>>https://www.marinetraffic.com/en/ais/home/shipid:5388071/zoom:9

4837e6  No.7101643

The Criminals are still laughing at us.

Thanks, Q.

205d38  No.7101644


….his turnout was sub-optimal fer sure

3a1525  No.7101645

File: 8dd5a0b4939a991⋯.jpg (894 KB, 1920x3211, 1920:3211, FireShot Capture 319 - Bra….jpg)



93539f  No.7101646




7f30f5  No.7101648

I'll leave my thoughts there reagarding the marker for now

but that's rare to just appear on sceen at 4:49

1e03c4  No.7101649

File: d746e6fc3211c95⋯.jpg (33.88 KB, 492x294, 82:49, 3623xi_1.jpg)

The plan is nonexistent.

No arrests nothing.

Epstein was not part of the Coup d'etat attempt on Trump.

0ade80  No.7101650

File: 66a2ff6dccfb7c7⋯.jpg (45.19 KB, 474x259, 474:259, 66a2ff6dccfb7c79de4bffcf09….jpg)

937cb7  No.7101653


49111e  No.7101654

File: 488b865e5a3a74b⋯.png (2.88 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Watersupply.png)

>>7100391 LB

Could this be a desalination plant?

95b9bd  No.7101655

>>7101521 (pb)

Me, too. I think Q, Q+ and Trump must all be aware of the frightening connections between DS child trafficking and agencies like CPS. How to do anything without a thorough house-cleaning, however. I think until the arrests are so numerous that it become obvious to the general society the best thing is just to publicize the cases. The "authorities" involved in these schemes do back off if enough people call them out. Minority parents in Minnesota have pursued legal action against a state agency for preferentially taking minority children from homes. Poor and minority children are taken preferentially because there are no funds to get legal help or to publicize. Social media is rectifying that. However, I still have an on-line acquaintance who (last I knew) is trying to rescue her grandchildren from foster care where she has evidence that they are being abused and groomed for trafficking.

008490  No.7101656

File: 1fdd496532632ed⋯.png (165.07 KB, 614x886, 307:443, ClipboardImage.png)


Title: Calling for the designation of Antifa as a domestic terrorist organization.

Whereas members of Antifa, because they believe that free speech is equivalent to violence, have used threats of violence in the pursuit of suppressing opposing political ideologies;

Whereas Antifa represents opposition to the democratic ideals of peaceful assembly and free speech for all;

Whereas members of Antifa have physically assaulted journalists and other individuals during protests and riots in Berkeley, California;

Whereas in February of 2018, journalist Andy Ngo was intimidated and threatened with violence by protestors affiliated with Antifa;

Whereas on June 29, 2019, while covering demonstrations in Portland, Oregon, journalist Andy Ngo was physically attacked by protestors affiliated with Antifa;

Whereas employees of the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (referred to in this preamble as "ICE") were subjected to doxxing and violent threats after their social media profiles, phone numbers, and home addresses were posted on the Internet by left wing activists;

Whereas according to the Wall Street Journal, an ICE officer was followed by left wing activists and "confronted when he went to pick up his daughter from summer camp", and another "had his name and photo plastered on flyers outside his home accusing him of being part of the ‘Gestapo'";

Whereas the ICE office in southwest Portland, Oregon, was shut down for days due to threats and occupation by Antifa members;

Whereas Rose City Antifa, an Antifa group founded in 2007 in Portland, Oregon, explicitly rejects the authority of law enforcement officers in the United States, and Federal, State, and local governments, to protect free speech and stop acts of violence;

Whereas Rose City Antifa rejects the civil treatment of individuals the group labels as fascists, stating: "We can't just argue against them; we have to prevent them from organizing by any means necessary."; and

Whereas there is no place for violence in the discourse between people in the United States, or in any civil society, because the United States is a place where there is a diversity of ideas and opinions: Now, therefore, be it

Resolved, That the Senate-

(1) calls for the groups and organizations across the country who act under the banner of Antifa to be designated as domestic terrorist organizations;

(2) unequivocally condemns the violent actions of Antifa groups as unacceptable acts for anyone in the United States;

(3) expresses the need for the peaceful communication of varied ideas in the United States;

(4) urges any group or organizations in the United States to voice its opinions without using violence or threatening the health, safety, or well-being of any other persons, groups, or law enforcement officers in the United States; and

(5) calls upon the Federal Government to redouble its efforts, using all available and appropriate tools, to combat the spread of all forms of domestic terrorism, including White supremacist terrorism.

b33650  No.7101657


Also, he could always go to system directory and enter syskey. The password is DD45gthe211211caterpillarcaterpillar.

7b0ffb  No.7101658


Definitely not that a ton of anons misread something and tried to datefag again, right? Definitely q was wrong, not the anons………


99e9bc  No.7101659


why don't you do something productive with your time? make a kike meme or something...

4837e6  No.7101660


^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^


369559  No.7101661


>POTUS landing in NJ.

Holy fuck!


bef77c  No.7101662

File: 077fd0ffd44420a⋯.png (700.25 KB, 970x546, 485:273, B45BF4F8-158D-4FD1-94A2-5C….png)

File: 11926164b71711d⋯.jpeg (57.95 KB, 1000x525, 40:21, A4D3E33C-9056-4D17-92A7-F….jpeg)

File: 1021e5f0c9467db⋯.jpeg (221.16 KB, 2000x1000, 2:1, 5FED95FB-E57C-4D2E-96C1-0….jpeg)

File: 8c37a38ba475ccd⋯.jpeg (114.56 KB, 975x652, 975:652, 67270DB5-E8B6-4395-9EA2-E….jpeg)

File: 71548fdca05e476⋯.png (137.21 KB, 500x440, 25:22, 1598779C-9287-47D1-A360-AA….png)

9ed8cd  No.7101663

File: dfdd4bd00720cf3⋯.jpg (396.49 KB, 1138x1094, 569:547, STFU (1) (1).jpg)

600729  No.7101664

File: ff7b67a9f472025⋯.png (54.74 KB, 705x354, 235:118, ClipboardImage.png)

127b00  No.7101665

>>7101033 [pb]

I agree. I think we are missing something.


Mirrors to


Also did just catch an anon yesterday who mentioned that we are 11 mins away from 17:00. Possibly 28 mins away from 17:17? Did also wonder if the 19:11 mirror may relate to Q 1440 (Upside down gun BOOM BOOM BOOM etc) - Colt 1911. Another anon thought maybe something to do with the angles of the hands?

Dont know - just spitballing here.

ab3868  No.7101666

File: 06cab41bd7eea07⋯.png (100.72 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 0c29d050d3c8da5d4ee0fe8c21….png)

File: d4b634589d5b837⋯.png (730.43 KB, 1481x1559, 1481:1559, 009Screenshot_2019-02-12 s….png)

File: 99afea52586daef⋯.png (541 KB, 918x612, 3:2, 0173e7eff81f055c73b72e1cce….png)

File: 1842f70f4700acb⋯.png (1.48 MB, 1333x3997, 1333:3997, (3) qresearch - Q Research….png)

File: 01b6f3c7b899e31⋯.jpg (231.67 KB, 1516x1328, 379:332, 01b6f3c7b899e31528bf3355bd….jpg)

b9e3fe  No.7101667

Little St James - Pedo Island - Epstein Island. The cardinal directions, the shape, the levels, the topography, the slope of the stairs, the access doors… it’s a fxxking PYRAMID!!! This is what Q is trying to help us discover, and the ancient practices this reveals.

df5f1c  No.7101668

File: be91a5c21c54b38⋯.png (381.27 KB, 591x1280, 591:1280, ClipboardImage.png)

Anons know that the watch is a marker.

The watch was brought to our attention this week.

The watch read 4:49 (17=Q) on the 19th.

Today, the 19th, Q+ deplaned in New Jersey at exactly 4:49.

Marker [1] is set.

Can suicide weekend be that far away?


Marker [1]




Bias this.

369559  No.7101669



Will try, Q.

Thanks for being our hero!

b79e27  No.7101670


whether you believe in any of this or not this is a stupid post

0fc9a8  No.7101671

20 minutes and counting>>>

b75a68  No.7101672

File: 4de8fb92dc07bef⋯.png (1.19 MB, 1834x1972, 917:986, Screen Shot 2019-07-19 at ….png)

Epstein not looking good at his bail hearing -

according to person present at the court hearing Thursday.

Said he might have been sedated….kek !!

frankreport .com

aa330f  No.7101673

File: fc6bae86933227c⋯.png (64.19 KB, 820x446, 410:223, Screenshot_194.png)

>>7101413 lb

>>7101524 lb

The reporter interviews a contractor from Chicago…for their opinion. The report never says that the guy is THE contractor that built the building or installed "the door".

In addition, the "expert" contractor says that the door "appears" to have…not that it has.

So, I don't think the report is shit; just that section of the report seems to be misleading if a person doesn't read into it moar.

And yes, the "door" is clearly a painted on mural.

90b094  No.7101674


>BOOM Week Failed Big-time….

Ferddy was the best at rubbing salt in wounds.

All the rest since are pikers.

127b00  No.7101675


also just noticed today is 07/19/19 - 7/7/7

dc0ba1  No.7101676



Yes, out of the district only 4 schools were given

free passes to free lunches who would otherwise have to pay.

Basically they picked 4 schools in the district and gave them a pass while others had to still pay. One has to have a very low income to have their child receive free lunches, they gave exception to 4 schools in the district, other parents heard and thought they shouldnt have to pay either. Those are the parents who now face having their children kidnapped by CPS

4ec21d  No.7101677

File: b9edeece88e0285⋯.jpg (260.92 KB, 1300x627, 1300:627, dome-of-crazy.jpg)


yoga studio

dc34c8  No.7101678

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

a62b61  No.7101679


NJ = New Jerusalem

cc1a93  No.7101680


You fell for the bait.

d01de4  No.7101681

File: f6738af56cc99c2⋯.png (1.52 MB, 1074x862, 537:431, f6738af56cc99c2ba2c82821fc….png)

b65010  No.7101682

>>7101126 (PB)

This is semi-coherent enough to note (maybe).

Trump goes to Bed(ington) @6pm.



Last April blueprints were drawn



c0c206  No.7101683


or a waste treatment plant

0d7635  No.7101684

Coincidence that you can give a gift of 15K that will be tax free to the recipient, each individual can get 15K and NOT have to pay the IRS any tax.


So, the household gets 30K tax free as they each got 15K I bet you.

AND the giver does not have to pay gift tax.





Homeless Tennessee veteran surprised with $30K after POTUS tweet.

861c00  No.7101685


Well never saw that comin


3dcbae  No.7101687

File: 4c38be1d3f92ca2⋯.jpeg (1.49 MB, 1536x2015, 1536:2015, 4332765D-1189-44C1-B44F-6….jpeg)

Keep it going or I'll start another Mexico thread.


060eba  No.7101688

File: 8e0c0477a9910a1⋯.png (3.12 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 93FF4C95-9189-4D55-B346-3A….png)

Madcow gon’ Walk this back?

b33650  No.7101689

File: fed35fcdf595a1e⋯.png (142.68 KB, 443x577, 443:577, iTBEGINS.png)


Maker [1]

Found this one.

ff1516  No.7101690

File: e96f84116657ecf⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1200x837, 400:279, pleasure island.png)

1af8fa  No.7101691

File: 33e1c9036561ade⋯.png (453.81 KB, 367x1367, 367:1367, Q_3155.png)

digit chaining has led me to Q_3155


Q_2855 and Q_147 have timestamp 34:56

2855-147 = 2708

Q_2708 has timestamp 46:55

POTUS tweet today with digit(s) at 31:46

31:46:46:55 → Q_3155

ed314e  No.7101692

All I See Is Durbin & Chicago:

A Goodwill CEO resigns after threatening to stop paying disabled workers, sparking outrage

CHICAGO — The chief executive officer of a downstate branch of Goodwill Industries resigned Thursday following outrage across Illinois over her recent threat to stop paying many of the nonprofit’s disabled employees, citing expected rising payroll costs due to the pending state minimum wage increase.

After much backlash on social media, Land of Lincoln Goodwill Industries in Springfield on Wednesday reversed its decision to strip the thrift store workers of their pay, with President and CEO Sharon Durbin issuing an apology to “our constituents, our clients and our faithful donors.”


7e2103  No.7101694

File: 1c36edae2c52efe⋯.jpg (8 KB, 261x161, 261:161, flag_of_chicago_illinois_s….jpg)

File: 4f46ebc5ab95c4e⋯.jpg (48.28 KB, 640x360, 16:9, 4f46ebc5ab95c4e6f0674b9524….jpg)

b8a3d7  No.7101695

think mirror 9:44 ]hannity[

these people are stupid.

iran 2 tankers news coverage spent ammo


ab3868  No.7101696


is this the part where you lead off with your first fake post rabbi so you can piggy back on it later in the bread

only (((you))) use memes like this

dc0ba1  No.7101697


But not PRO those leaving his Cult religion.

3d6ec8  No.7101698

File: 6757db7b4b2f180⋯.jpg (88.73 KB, 750x410, 75:41, Buela Racists.JPG)

Racists be racists

258ddf  No.7101699

File: 60b80a203ca656e⋯.jpg (25.03 KB, 376x376, 1:1, 1474390231880.jpg)


Not sure why anons think it would be some publicly visible event?

It seems more likely to me that it was something like when a warrant was delivered or something.

34d40d  No.7101700

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

7e2103  No.7101701


chicago blue white stripes

99e9bc  No.7101702

File: 076d39419a6a717⋯.png (19.44 KB, 168x195, 56:65, ClipboardImage.png)

b33650  No.7101703


Going to collect all [1] markers brb kek

a57c09  No.7101704

File: 2a85b5c64cd3505⋯.png (1.18 MB, 591x1280, 591:1280, 8fa85f4c76334d91a22a3e4b7b….png)

Marker up in 8 minutes(?)

bef77c  No.7101705

File: 0270b54a35abca3⋯.jpeg (158.34 KB, 1196x1190, 598:595, 24E79605-5553-4F2A-8567-5….jpeg)

File: ea79cc007c8028f⋯.jpeg (118.08 KB, 720x491, 720:491, 03C670D6-E79D-4FFB-A3AB-9….jpeg)

Dear Demi,

You are a worthless cunt

I sincerely hope that you join the #27club

I don’t give a shit if your sexual assault as a child turned you into a fucking heroin addict

You try to kill my husband and it will come back to you tenfold

Leave Henry alone

He is gay and he is mine


b2f1d5  No.7101706


who are the ''squads' supporters?

they were due-ly elected…maybe some wrong doin for votes,,,yet citizens "DID" vote for them…..

aa330f  No.7101707

File: f8a27c6adf9e08b⋯.png (342.75 KB, 588x581, 84:83, 3da4fb8dcfba335a36210f30a5….png)

a95b47  No.7101708


A rare Porky's meme

df5f1c  No.7101709

File: 2d1aef291332066⋯.png (1011.14 KB, 928x1125, 928:1125, ClipboardImage.png)



It appears that top studio executives were made aware just weeks after the first film opened in 2013 of allegations that, in the early 1960s, Ed Warren initiated a relationship with an underage girl with Lorraine's knowledge. Now in her 70s, Judith Penney has said in a sworn declaration that she lived in the Warrens' house as Ed's lover for four decades. It is unclear whether Warner Bros. took any action in response to these allegations, but the sequel continued to portray them as a happy couple in a conventional marriage. Warners declined to comment, but an attorney for the studio has asserted in court papers that a disgruntled author and a producer suing the studio over profits from the franchise are pushing the story of the Warrens' personal lives as part of a vendetta. Ed Warren died in 2006, and Lorraine Warren's attorney, Gary Barkin, says the family has no knowledge of the alleged conduct and his client, now 90, is in declining health and unable to respond to the allegations.

But materials obtained by THR suggest that in real life, the Warrens' relationship was far from divine. Among them is a sworn declaration from Penney, who maintained that Ed — with his wife's knowledge — initiated an "amorous" relationship with her when she was 15. Penney, who has not been a party to any of the litigation over The Conjuring movies, declined to comment.


369559  No.7101710

File: fdb4927308ee00d⋯.gif (5.52 MB, 480x270, 16:9, anri_sugihara1.gif)


>The plan is nonexistent.

>No arrests nothing.

>Epstein was not part of the Coup d'etat attempt on Trump.

Doesn't matter.

Everything that happens on this earth is Q draining the swamp.

Q is the master of ALL … a god.

Get up to speed, anon.

600729  No.7101711

File: e64142c542a5369⋯.png (58.56 KB, 705x354, 235:118, ClipboardImage.png)

210aa7  No.7101712

File: 3f5649d16810f2a⋯.jpg (241.95 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 376306d7a34ae6bd7223d1675e….jpg)

Immigration questions.

Status on deportations?

Hard numbers? Anything?

Not a God damned thing in the news. Still looking.

>notables devoid of anything concrete.

>look more like /x/ than anything else.

also this.


She might be a lefty but I got a good vibe from her at the SotU adress. She seemed genuine.

ab3868  No.7101713



47 is mason

and variations thereof

3d6ec8  No.7101714


He is pro having them on his SeaOrg Cruise Ship!

d1fe21  No.7101715


Are you serious

That isn't Q

898675  No.7101716

File: 01ed8379a9dfc6b⋯.png (9.81 KB, 538x457, 538:457, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 37b16fd8a2167b6⋯.png (1.61 MB, 1997x1356, 1997:1356, 42ad00056a911e9f42974ceef5….png)


Thanks for the useless link. . .


f5e49d  No.7101717


If Tyrus hit it, most of us probably wouldn't be able to do her any good after that anyway KEK.

2997d8  No.7101718


Studio audience ON HANNITY TONIGHT!


49111e  No.7101719

File: ca505d7cb2aafc2⋯.png (1.3 MB, 925x651, 925:651, small.PNG)


There are small versions.

7f30f5  No.7101720

most def we set marker 1

just go watch tat clip

right on time

orchestrated to perfection

I must go back and count the seconds into the 49th minute that he appeared… around 30-45 in

0f762c  No.7101721

File: a7ccadace81f7b3⋯.png (530.89 KB, 1295x420, 37:12, ClipboardImage.png)

537941  No.7101723

File: 2b372afa41633a9⋯.png (39.72 KB, 604x323, 604:323, AQ2.PNG)


df5f1c  No.7101724

File: 6e6939937d35692⋯.png (5.98 KB, 220x90, 22:9, ClipboardImage.png)

>>7101576 Marker [1] Set Graphic


d1fe21  No.7101725


Only 1 person can answer the Q

its not Hannity

3dcbae  No.7101726


ironic, the sedation

4ec21d  No.7101727

File: 086182bdb5f70d9⋯.jpg (247.03 KB, 1300x627, 1300:627, dome-of-crazy-blank.jpg)


here's a blank

9174ed  No.7101728

File: eb4c1ec37f9f1c3⋯.gif (1.8 MB, 560x380, 28:19, c5d1983115acdca20a24d9c57a….gif)


I like that idea. More multidimensional than thinking it is one meaning. Qteam encodes a ton of messages that mean things on different levels because of perspective and the fact that FUTURE PROVES PAST!

I'm excited. Edge of my seat, covfefe brewin'!

937cb7  No.7101729






99ebf7  No.7101730

File: 5200703c6705bd1⋯.png (25.99 KB, 659x247, 659:247, ClipboardImage.png)


93ed47  No.7101731

File: adbca3d8e470157⋯.png (871.13 KB, 1039x665, 1039:665, ClipboardImage.png)


This guy is also running to unseat Mad Max



I don't know much about him yet, but at this point, he's Republican and we can't do much worse than her.

771f0a  No.7101732

File: dd0a77318fad503⋯.jpg (652.11 KB, 990x730, 99:73, SmartSelect_20190324-14514….jpg)

5a0e06  No.7101733








db438d  No.7101734

File: 5c11581a2d55fb3⋯.png (1.85 MB, 736x1111, 736:1111, ClipboardImage.png)

>>7101691 THE Key?

4db359  No.7101736

Patriot Anons

Q said

Be Ready


>>7061936 Past Bread

>>7065906 Past Bread

>>7090489 Past bread

POTUS walking off the AF1 at 4:49 (16:49) was the start of the clock countdown Be ready the start of WEEK TO REMEMBER

SEPT 17 [week of] as in 9/17 7/19 as in 7/19 4:49 the start POTUS started the clock countdown

A WEEK TO REMEMBER is from the 19th to the 27th as in Marker 1 [19] 4:49 & Marker 2 [27] 3:05

If you notice POTUS tweet that has A$AP A$AP twice


1 116 1 116 = Q drop 2232

Q drop 2232 is during the [week of] between [19] thru [27]

Q said learn our COMMS

2997d8  No.7101737


Audience member asks the q, with MILLIONS WATCH ing

369559  No.7101738



>Are you serious

>That isn't Q

We have no idea if it is Q or not.

I'm not going to be wrong and face the wrath of Q. Look at what Q has done to the cabal … I'm not going to risk ending up like all those arrested and in jail.

Disinformation is necessary.

c02361  No.7101739

File: cded90efe0c1092⋯.png (121.25 KB, 983x640, 983:640, Screenshot_2019-07-19 Mari….png)

Scientology cruise ship SMV FREEWINDS left Castries, Saint Lucia and in now in Roseau, Dominica

785708  No.7101740

File: 46334415ec0d3bc⋯.png (273.03 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_20190719-164449.png)

I'm wondering if that watch is pointing to a historic day/week to remember - something like the Hiroshima/Nagasaki bombing, or the date some lawsuit or another was settled/annulled.

I am coming up with something like December 5, 1945…..

Pic related?

0f8263  No.7101741

File: 5e52208818f1002⋯.png (700.21 KB, 800x800, 1:1, twi.png)


Cameron Taylor

Verified account


23m23 minutes ago

HAPPENING NOW: SWAT situation underway near Rolling River Parkway in Bellevue. Metro PD tells me one person has barricaded themselves inside their home and is possibly armed. @WSMV

2:19 PM - 19 Jul 2019


80e8cb  No.7101742


did he resign at 4:49 or so?

d1fe21  No.7101743


Only POTUS can answer the Q

3d6ec8  No.7101744

File: 40a43270445a11c⋯.jpeg (27.28 KB, 548x309, 548:309, Ilhan Impeach the Brother….jpeg)

4c4395  No.7101745

File: 70ed26a13810b33⋯.jpg (96.48 KB, 800x533, 800:533, ComeAtMeBro.jpg)

0f8263  No.7101746


link is lb sorry

04c4c0  No.7101747


Qbaby picture will Force the Q.

Think mirror

Except that Hannity has a substitute 9 times out of ten on fridays

84c100  No.7101748

File: 732823ebf339044⋯.png (123.56 KB, 256x251, 256:251, POTUS frontman Marine Corp.png)

607e49  No.7101750

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Twenty twenty twenty four hours to go

I wanna be sedated

Nothing to do, no where to go o,

I wanna be sedated

Just get me to the airport, put me on a plane

Hurry hurry hurry, before I go insane

I can't control my fingers, I can't control my brain

Oh no oh oh oh oh

Twenty twenty twenty four hours to go

I wanna be sedated

Nothing to do, no where to go o,

I wanna be sedated

Just put me in a wheelchair, get me on a plane

Hurry hurry hurry, before I go insane

I can't control my fingers, I can't control my brain

Oh no oh oh oh oh

Twenty twenty twenty four hours to go

I wanna be sedated

Nothing to do, no where to go o,

I wanna be sedated

Just put me in a wheelchair, get me to the show

Hurry hurry hurry, before I go loco

I can't control my fingers, I can't control my toes

Oh no oh oh oh oh

Twenty twenty twenty four hours to go

I wanna be sedated

Nothing to do, no where to go o,

I wanna be sedated

Just put me in a wheelchair, get me to the show

Hurry hurry hurry, before I go loco

I can't control my fingers, I can't control my toes

Oh no oh oh oh oh

Ba ba baba, baba ba baba, I wanna be sedated

Ba ba baba, baba ba baba, I wanna be sedated

Ba ba baba, baba ba baba, I wanna be sedated

Ba ba baba, baba ba baba, I wanna be sedated

ab3868  No.7101751


look at the face, focus on the hour hand. NOTHING else.

that is 315 degrees. think RADIANS. that is 5.5 radians. this is the 4th Quadrant. the reference angle is 45 degrees.

for the 100th time

d1fe21  No.7101752


Q has a flashing Blue Red Tripcode

99e9bc  No.7101753

File: e52aa670ad30898⋯.png (906.08 KB, 801x1014, 267:338, ClipboardImage.png)

c02361  No.7101754


Trip code is bold, not doing the shimmer thing, therefore fake Q

0fc9a8  No.7101755


Q trip cycles colors my fren

cb115a  No.7101756


btw, i'm owed a couple answers

771f0a  No.7101757

File: f9172ccdcc08c20⋯.jpg (129.19 KB, 1024x466, 512:233, TheGreatestAmericanHeroOfA….jpg)

2997d8  No.7101758


True but most watch ers know nothing about Q

90b094  No.7101760


>Alarm on watch set to 6?!

>"Watch" CA

Prolly need AK & HI backups ready to go next just in case

353c4f  No.7101761



>"No arrests nothing."

Posts graphic of man literally arrested and indicted

What a fucking faggot.

7e2103  No.7101762

File: e340031a43296ed⋯.jpeg (109.69 KB, 1000x687, 1000:687, 1000.jpeg)

df5f1c  No.7101763


Be pretty sweet if it was.

9174ed  No.7101764




Should we be looking at the 700 club now?

3cbe5b  No.7101765


Something Stinks about the 2 Oil Tankers that Iran seized today.

The Both turn a Hard right and steered into Iranian waters on their own….Right

I call Bullshit by the UK

187622  No.7101766

Wanna see, who you fucking, woth? :P



d1fe21  No.7101767


Doesn't matter only POTUS

e6eee1  No.7101768

Knew they'd find a reason to stay in Iraq, they always do.

db438d  No.7101769

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

>>7101750 We Are All On Drugs…

efcae9  No.7101770

369559  No.7101771


Fat as fuck.

Even excellent blowjob skills can't get past those thunder thighs and cheese arms.

df5f1c  No.7101772


Ngo Go Zone

ed314e  No.7101773

How To Create Safe Spaces For Rapists:

Wonder What They Have In Common

Reyes-Martinez claimed the encounter was consensual and allegedly spit in an officer’s face when he was arrested, the appellate ruling states.

In arguing for the waiver to adult court, prosecutors alleged that Reyes-Martinez knew what he was doing was wrong and said the fact he wore a condom demonstrated forethought, even though an expert evaluation determined he was “developmentally immature and had bipolar disorder.” Reyes-Martinez is currently detained and is next scheduled to appear in court Sept. 5 for a pre-indictment conference.

In her original denial, Silva said she didn’t find it surprising that the teen would carry a condom, disagreeing with the prosecution view that this showed calculation on his part.

“The point of a waiver hearing is not to provide an opportunity for a judge to school the state as to how to view the evidence, but merely to decide whether or not the state’s conclusions about the charges were an abuse of discretion,” the appellate judges wrote.

“The judge not only failed to apply the abuse of discretion standard, she mistakenly applied her judgment in doing so, including minimization of the harm wrought on a twelve-year-old child by E.R.M., assuming her claims are true.” This was one of two recent rulings involving juvenile offenders that sparked widespread criticism and calls for removal of the judges. In the other case, Monmouth County Judge James Troiano denied a waiver to adult court for a 16-year-old accused of raping a teen at a party, recording the assault on his phone and sharing the video with others. Troiano opined that the defendant “comes from a good family” and suggested the attack was different from a “traditional” rape. That denial was also reversed on appeal in June.


1af8fa  No.7101774


Thank You

2ac395  No.7101775

File: a29dcc596363e26⋯.png (589.82 KB, 740x527, 740:527, sinema letter quickly depo….PNG)

File: 074b71d293f36d2⋯.png (37.87 KB, 767x369, 767:369, sinema letter quickly depo….PNG)

File: 49d4af8d108a8f2⋯.png (72.54 KB, 723x456, 241:152, sinema letter quickly depo….PNG)

File: c67bf5840317019⋯.png (30.55 KB, 741x177, 247:59, sinema letter quickly depo….PNG)

File: 3c4a62f93e00c09⋯.png (46.46 KB, 734x269, 734:269, sinema letter quickly depo….PNG)


8056a4  No.7101776

This kikekikeshill ain't no Finkelstein. They're not sending their best. Sad ! Don

7abc92  No.7101777

File: 92611fff9232a5d⋯.jpg (19.97 KB, 474x266, 237:133, 2020.jpg)

>>7100022 pb

>>7100083 pb

These are not helpful headlines for Potus - and he needs it.

Iran? The first thing that comes to my mind is that Iran shot down a $150m US military aircraft and we didn't do jack shit about it. So, what type of 'support' is he suggesting for a UK oil tanker?

$1t+ deficits as far as the eye can see and pjmedia flunkies are blaming it on 'Americans asking for free stuff?'

dcdbc7  No.7101778


This story is a real tear jerker. BUT, Let's not forget, or forgive those Epstein cronies whose actions began this war against thy oil-rich neighbors to begin with! G'damn 9/11 scam -mo'fuckers!

7b0ffb  No.7101779



Are you being serious…?

0f762c  No.7101780


A free and open press is our first line of defense.

BO doesn't stop you from being an enemy of reason, or evil, or an asshole.

My judgement does.

9174ed  No.7101781


UK thinks we will back them up if they go to war?

99ebf7  No.7101782

File: 14748012cf3f765⋯.png (734.15 KB, 927x763, 927:763, ClipboardImage.png)

Moar on Pentagon

The Pentagon’s No. 2 policy official will resign on Friday, adding to a list of vacancies in the building’s top leadership roles.

Deputy Undersecretary of Defense for policy David Trachtenberg is retiring, with a replacement to be named at a “later time,” Pentagon spokesperson Lt. Col. Carla Gleason confirmed to The Hill.

Defense News first reported his departure.

Trachtenberg has been in role since October 2017 and was confirmed in a 70-17 Senate vote.

Before that, he was the president and CEO of Shortwaver, a national security consultancy, and also worked in the Pentagon and on Capitol Hill. He served as a principal deputy assistant secretary of Defense for international security policy and was a staff member with the House Armed Services Committee.

With Trachtenberg leaving the Pentagon has another vacancy in its top leadership ranks, an issue Senators earlier this week expressed frustration over during Defense secretary nominee Mark Esper’s confirmation hearing.

“There is a staggering number of senior-level civilian vacancies throughout the department,” Senate Armed Services Committee ranking member Jack Reed (D-R.I.). “I’m concerned that the Defense Department is adrift in a way I’ve not seen in my whole time on Capitol Hill.”

Esper assured lawmakers that he had met with White House officials a day prior and “went down the list of the 14 current slots that do not have a Senate-confirmed person and talked about each, and obviously I urged them to help us push folks through.”

Still unfilled on a permanent basis are roles including deputy Defense secretary, Army secretary, Air Force secretary, chief management officer, deputy chief management officer, principal deputy assistant secretary for international security affairs, assistant secretary of defense for special operations and low intensity conflict, and assistant secretary for nuclear, chemical, and biological defense programs.


dc7f2c  No.7101783

File: 2a8852cec3081af⋯.jpg (103.99 KB, 850x850, 1:1, tumblr_nku4d6ttUO1te4dkto1….jpg)

Bo wont ban me

Targeted individuals dont get banned






JewBo wont ban me

Targeted individuals dont get banned





KikeBo wont ban me

Targeted individuals dont get banned








Bo wont ban me

Targeted individuals dont get banned






JewBo wont ban me

Targeted individuals dont get banned





KikeBo wont ban me

Targeted individuals dont get banned








2997d8  No.7101784


The mirror. 944 is hannity on the east coast


Purposely missing the point?

621941  No.7101785



(12) 1 + 2 = (3)

4 + 5 = 9 (UPSIDE DOWN (6))

7 + 8 + 9 + 10 + 11 = 45

TIME SHOWS : 4.50 (could be 4.49 but i think the angle the pic taken throws you off)

c02361  No.7101786

File: 4b462243b27f547⋯.png (162.77 KB, 1000x640, 25:16, Screenshot_2019-07-19 My S….png)

Kekistan Fleet Flagship is in Petosky, Michigan

e55cb1  No.7101787

File: b64ce2a10c2f18b⋯.jpg (41.5 KB, 512x512, 1:1, b64ce2a10c2f18bc6c9c9a93f2….jpg)


Was thinking the same thing. Hoping for big news out of Cali in a little while.

dc7f2c  No.7101788

File: 2a8852cec3081af⋯.jpg (103.99 KB, 850x850, 1:1, tumblr_nku4d6ttUO1te4dkto1….jpg)

Bo wont ban me

Targeted individuals dont get banned






JewBo wont ban me

Targeted individuals dont get banned





KikeBo wont ban me

Targeted individuals dont get banned








3cbe5b  No.7101789


That’s the DS lure for Trump.

dcd044  No.7101790

File: 16fad7ac026e83e⋯.jpg (7.16 KB, 255x150, 17:10, b21af45bcc721b6401d354e7e4….jpg)


Ffs take a xan

80e8cb  No.7101791


015b07  No.7101792

File: b48b49b1f564302⋯.png (744.75 KB, 720x933, 240:311, ClipboardImage.png)

bf494c  No.7101793


Yes he is - indirectly.

The people performing the coup were doing it so people like Epstein were not exposed.

353c4f  No.7101794


OH man, this lady makes me horny.

dc7f2c  No.7101795

File: 902384dc881eb90⋯.png (158.94 KB, 600x450, 4:3, 3f4ab051.png)

Bo wont ban me

Targeted individuals dont get banned






JewBo wont ban me

Targeted individuals dont get banned





KikeBo wont ban me

Targeted individuals dont get banned








cb115a  No.7101796


quit it. was funny the first few.

34c9ab  No.7101797

File: 81046f5349c26a8⋯.jpg (1.14 MB, 1494x930, 249:155, Aitport.jpg)


Pity it wasn't the Teterboro Airport. Now that would have been a message for us.

7e2103  No.7101798

Timing is Everything

Enjoy the show

0fd6d3  No.7101799

File: 48ed815db3be652⋯.jpeg (229.96 KB, 1280x640, 2:1, 1772.jpeg)

Which bank did Trump help the FBI in taking down? Asking for a fren

Some global bank and Trump worked with Mueller, Comey, Rosenstein on the case?

df5f1c  No.7101800


satan don't stick around when you become useless. Just ask the Son of Sam.

5f9349  No.7101801

File: 98989469feb2271⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1440x795, 96:53, Q Proof! Q74 Fire Tr….png)

File: b9b4de8be85890c⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1440x796, 360:199, B(2) = BB = Baby! Q P….png)

File: fa26b65b2cf1f5f⋯.png (997.33 KB, 1440x796, 360:199, Q Proof! Adam Schiff 7….png)

File: d17492789055338⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1440x797, 1440:797, Q Proof!!! Be ready. ….png)

File: 0a23686badbabac⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1440x796, 360:199, Trump Tower Q Proof 3:….png)

dc7f2c  No.7101802

File: 2a8852cec3081af⋯.jpg (103.99 KB, 850x850, 1:1, tumblr_nku4d6ttUO1te4dkto1….jpg)

Bo wont ban me

Targeted individuals dont get banned






JewBo wont ban me

Targeted individuals dont get banned





KikeBo wont ban me

Targeted individuals dont get banned









537941  No.7101803

MSNBC’s Chris Hayes: Trump Supporters Must Be ‘Confronted and Destroyed’


“Not by prying off this or that interest. They are in too deep. They have shamed themselves too much. The heart of the thing must be ripped out. The darkness must be banished. The people who feel moral revulsion at that display we saw last night must collectively mobilize in greater numbers than the chanters.”

c95428  No.7101804


Stunt or legit concern? What say you, anon?

7b0ffb  No.7101805


I would do things to her that i can't even describe.

ab2e2a  No.7101806

File: bc34fdc895bc791⋯.jpeg (1.48 MB, 2340x4160, 9:16, IMG-20190719-WA0009.jpeg)

these people are S.I.C.K.

FB group.

dc7f2c  No.7101807

File: 902384dc881eb90⋯.png (158.94 KB, 600x450, 4:3, 3f4ab051.png)

Bo wont ban me

Targeted individuals dont get banned






JewBo wont ban me

Targeted individuals dont get banned





KikeBo wont ban me

Targeted individuals dont get banned









d1fe21  No.7101808


Sinema has voted with Reps everytime, Claps at SOTU for POTUS

She more for us than them

90b094  No.7101809


>Qbaby picture will Force the Q.

Old news now so prolly not

6121a6  No.7101810

File: d8aeffd72ae0ea3⋯.png (788.81 KB, 850x730, 85:73, q_3457_watch_w_image_of_po….png)


The second hand is on the 12, so it seems hard to believe that POTUS would use such an expensive watch if it's minute hand lagged by nearly a minute.

efcae9  No.7101811


bring it on then, cocksucker…

bef77c  No.7101812

File: 347415b2f1ece64⋯.gif (316 KB, 500x282, 250:141, 33782DAA-530C-4410-B0A6-27….gif)

File: deb82143b040688⋯.gif (367 KB, 500x250, 2:1, 97FEA97E-7B56-42D1-B83C-BE….gif)

File: ba59f55f84b1077⋯.gif (946.26 KB, 495x276, 165:92, 36AA96C7-7BC0-4040-8238-3D….gif)



0fc9a8  No.7101813

10 minutes and counting>>

aa4648  No.7101814

File: f7fc5ab4c605286⋯.jpg (320 KB, 1901x1069, 1901:1069, CGRtowp9NC.jpg)



34c9ab  No.7101815



Keep up with Trump on CDN’s President’s Schedule Page.

President Trump’s schedule for 7/19/19

All Times EDT

11:45 AM The president and first lady participate in a photo opportunity commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 Moon landing – Oval Office

3:00 PM Depart the White House en route to Joint Base Andrews – South Lawn

(Article Continues Below Advertisement)

3:10 PM Arrive at Joint Base Andrews – Joint Base Andrews

3:20 PM Depart Joint Base Andrews en route to Morristown, NJ – Air Force One

4:10 PM Arrive at Morristown Municipal Airport – Morristown, NJ

4:20 PM Depart Morristown Municipal Airport en route to Bedminster, NJ – Marine One

(Article Continues Below Advertisement)

4:30 PM Arrive at the Bedminster Landing Zone – Bedminster, NJ

5:30 PM Participate in a roundtable with supporters – Bedminster, NJ

6:00 PM Deliver remarks at a Joint Fundraising Committee dinner – Bedminster, NJ

2ac395  No.7101816


she pretty hot

esp when she break ranks with omar socialists

187622  No.7101817


Baby, tell My Father how much I''ve goreced you, !!!!!!!!

Please listen, Father.

b2f1d5  No.7101818

7e2103  No.7101819

MSM Children in Cages


Epstein Island Children in Cages ?

8c0285  No.7101820

File: a5d16537a7214cd⋯.jpg (789.81 KB, 2017x1345, 2017:1345, tyb_doorstep.jpg)


Thank you, baker!

bf494c  No.7101821


They know Boris is incoming. They want his attention.

e61934  No.7101822

File: b85b6fa92a0fe71⋯.png (567.24 KB, 907x502, 907:502, trump-no-tread-on-the-beac….png)

Been seeing these on Myrtle Beach since the beginning of the season . Look Close It's a Trump flag and a don't tread on me flag. prolly seen at least 20 this year. MAGA

306698  No.7101823


It would be better if you didn’t namefag.


4ab3b2  No.7101824


One of the loudest…hmmmm?

df5f1c  No.7101825


Fits with landing in a New Jersey airport the week Epstein is denied bail.

dc7f2c  No.7101826


Im going to do this every day all day

Bo has banned me 3 times

All for 5 minutes

Sure he can ban my,phone

But ill go home and get a vpn

1 pissed off autist is worse than hundreds of shills

Guess Q shouldve just left me alone im not threat to anyone

ab3868  No.7101827


is this where (((you))) admit to dropping atom bombs on Catholics deliberately?

or are you going to beat your chest and cover that up as well? do you have any explanation for why Pope Pius XII just before he died was reported by american intel as being unable to sleep, in fits, talking about the Americans are going to drop a bomb on the Vatican?

this was just before your nice coup at the 1958 conclave.

be5709  No.7101828


Bring It!

a57c09  No.7101829

File: 10b718f04b8dff9⋯.png (1.15 MB, 591x1280, 591:1280, 199ba91a6c3f9d3819fc161e22….png)

Was marker 1 the ready, and marker 2 it the hook?

f190fa  No.7101830

File: 8554434be3de2f0⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1470x876, 245:146, 836821390308943213488493.png)


Muh Penis Truck Lesbian

d90ccf  No.7101831

File: 0e9a9ba93c04475⋯.jpg (158.51 KB, 1199x734, 1199:734, 8ch eppst vid.jpg)

Are Media Using Resurfaced Epstein Video to Frame Trump; While Ignoring Clinton's Extensive Ties?


e8c6cb  No.7101832

File: a1bc0056b3ead21⋯.png (1.07 MB, 946x1234, 473:617, New Twitter.png)

Interesting idea re: the reason twitter just changed the justification of the UI to LEFT.

937cb7  No.7101833


12bf8e  No.7101834

File: 54b7560415e75bb⋯.jpg (76.36 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault (3).jpg)



dc7f2c  No.7101835

File: 71cf24b2231f4c1⋯.jpg (180.17 KB, 850x1201, 850:1201, 6580053-traphentai_trap-he….jpg)


YhigvjBo wont ban me

Targeted individuals dont get banned






JewBo wont ban me

Targeted individuals dont get banned





KikeBo wont ban me

Targeted individuals dont get banned








34c9ab  No.7101836


Forgot to mention 45 miles on one route

6121a6  No.7101837


From reply to last Bread.


Just may be, that you are correct.

So often the stretch is so distant, that the graphic can only be attributed to shill efforts at nonsense.

04c4c0  No.7101838

File: 45b50ea521b7cbd⋯.jpeg (157.03 KB, 728x640, 91:80, 82F5F141-9BF7-4EB4-A339-7….jpeg)


Get the stringers while your at it


bef31b  No.7101839

File: a74572c39c1e76e⋯.png (277.92 KB, 504x487, 504:487, LSJ_Fitness.png)

Jeffie's Gym - yeah right!

0f8263  No.7101840

File: 691797854489cf9⋯.mp4 (461.22 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Watch Your Ass.mp4)

9174ed  No.7101841


That's so stupid. They aren't sending their best are they?

aa330f  No.7101842



2ac395  No.7101843


legit, she represents state that very negatively impacted by border crisis

she not aoc socialist

ed314e  No.7101844

'Member, Anons, It's the Charges That Matter, Not the Actors:

Members of the now-defunct Rise Above Movement were caught on camera assaulting counterprotesters before a planned "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville in August 2017.

Benjamin Daley, Michael Miselis and Thomas Gillen each pleaded guilty to conspiracy to riot.


e23a38  No.7101846



I bet that prison has had a time with him. He probably has tried it all. He never needs to be free, ever.

dc7f2c  No.7101847

File: 2a8852cec3081af⋯.jpg (103.99 KB, 850x850, 1:1, tumblr_nku4d6ttUO1te4dkto1….jpg)

Bo wont ban me

Targeted individuals dont get banned






JewBo wont ban me

Targeted individuals dont get banned





KikeBo wont ban me

Targeted individuals dont get banned








99d0a2  No.7101848

Is it a coincidence that El Chapo was arrested AFTER POTUS won the 2016 election, extradicted to the US the day before POTUS took office, and appeared in court the same day POTUS took office? Couldnt prosecute him under Obama?

b79e27  No.7101849


Too bad there aren't enough faggots in the world Chris

ab3868  No.7101850


no. you are simply wrong.

3a1525  No.7101851


From what I have watched of him, I'd say he is a Good guy.

d1fe21  No.7101852


I am a UKanon

Our government aren't saying alot, Just weak talk

Iran are hoping for a War but POTUS won't bite

We are in a PM transition as MAY is out in 4 days

90b094  No.7101853


No, just further down on the timeline of how this will play out.

2a5055  No.7101854

File: 0125b332a28c3e0⋯.jpg (404.12 KB, 900x620, 45:31, cenksuygurs2.jpg)

ed314e  No.7101855


Super Girl: Sleeper Is Awakened

5850a4  No.7101856


And we’re laughing at (you).


d01de4  No.7101857

File: dd0669e7a52f7ed⋯.jpg (491.87 KB, 1780x2000, 89:100, es-kirker1.jpg)

^pm is relative to longitude.

Shills who fail as abysmally as you do aren't well treated by their masters, and, for a fact are loathed and detested by satan; who despises the mean, paltry and sordid.

Christ on the other hand loves and cares for the most humble of his followers. One might consider the wisdom repenting your sin and prostrating yourself at the throne of Mercy.

Or Judge Judy if you're not religious.

696c52  No.7101858

File: 4aa6c9faf3fe835⋯.jpg (152.03 KB, 943x627, 943:627, mcnugget.jpg)

db438d  No.7101859

File: ce21d2731d1b571⋯.png (98.43 KB, 667x191, 667:191, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e2b8f529903b8d3⋯.png (95.21 KB, 526x457, 526:457, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 89ea752bb0c0ce5⋯.png (706.93 KB, 681x1024, 681:1024, ClipboardImage.png)

File: db97c2f700d399e⋯.png (610.08 KB, 474x430, 237:215, ClipboardImage.png)


Owl of Athena

Lady Freedom, She's on top of the US Capitol building

8056a4  No.7101860


Remember that week when Trumpo trashed those lowlifes in Congress?

Remember that?

Yeah, that was awesome.

076dfc  No.7101861

4:49. Nothing burger again. Fuck this LARP. See you faggots on the other side. Arm up.

e3a010  No.7101862


>>7101782 The Pentagon’s No. 2 policy official will resign on Friday.

>>7101775 Sinema, eight other Senators sign letter to speed up removal of certain migrants.

>>7101741 Update on Nashville shooting situation.

>>7101576 Market [1] Set Q Graphic.

>>7101654, >>7101683, >>7101719 Anons: Epstein building a desalination or waste treatment facility?

>>7101578, >>7101739, >>7101786 Boatfag updates.

>>7101566 Thousand of nonviolent offenders will be released Friday thanks to Trump signing criminal justice reform.

bef77c  No.7101863

Happy birthday, Demi

August 20, 2019 is the soonest you can join the #27club

August 19, 2020 is the last day for you to join the #27club

Pick a date between 08/20/19 and 08/19/20

it doesn’t matter to me! lmao

99d0a2  No.7101864


Haha that one made me laugh hard

dc7f2c  No.7101865

File: 2a8852cec3081af⋯.jpg (103.99 KB, 850x850, 1:1, tumblr_nku4d6ttUO1te4dkto1….jpg)

Nice i hope epstein kills himself

Bo wont ban me

Targeted individuals dont get banned






JewBo wont ban me

Targeted individuals dont get banned





KikeBo wont ban me

Targeted individuals dont get banned








cb115a  No.7101866


For what exactly? I'm gathering information to solve some issues. What is your purpose here?

There are plenty of places to do that. We don't have many places we can talk without interference. Believe me on that one. I'm asking sincerely. I'm sure you and BO can work that out, whatever happened.

df5f1c  No.7101867


Not Swordy, but shoot.

b33650  No.7101868

File: 3b35c73ec507014⋯.png (1.05 MB, 2676x1944, 223:162, marker [1]s.png)


All marker [1]s

Read from TOP to BOTTOM, LEFT to RIGHT.

o7 Godspeed o7

7b0ffb  No.7101869


Definitely not that anons misread and interpreted it ho they wanted, right? NAh, Q was def wrong, not the anons

dc7f2c  No.7101870


Why the fuck would jesus care about me trolling satans psyop board lmao

ed314e  No.7101871

File: fa907af2dab5676⋯.png (226.6 KB, 598x526, 299:263, ClipboardImage.png)

We've Gone Full Bozo:

e23a38  No.7101872


Nominate for NOTABLE

937cb7  No.7101873




53494a  No.7101874

File: a482c29537edbe2⋯.png (480.44 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, firstpairwatchmarkers.png)


Possibly. Q used two watch markers before as a Q proof. Pic related.

In that case the dates weren't used, just the hour/minute hands. One marker was the date, one the time.

5570f6  No.7101875

File: 4581acda9499860⋯.png (435.25 KB, 474x430, 237:215, ClipboardImage.png)



861c00  No.7101876


fren says chris hayes is a white male that carries so much privilege and wealth. he should recuse himself in solidarity

008490  No.7101877

File: 4abe638d9dbdbef⋯.png (397.78 KB, 588x415, 588:415, ClipboardImage.png)

California Border Patrol Picks Up Anoither $2 Million from Traffickers For The Wall Funding! Great Job Boys!

ab2e2a  No.7101878


me 4c sm


187622  No.7101879


Father, I never thought in fucking her

Always ask for a sweet kiss

Knowing that she is to protect me

And you????

See trough my eys, the crimes, and ………….????????????

I will start to kiss my baby, while you make some justice, hob bow dat?

cb115a  No.7101880


btw, my son and I are both autists.

937cb7  No.7101882



5850a4  No.7101883


When I said “learn our comms,” every Anon missed it except this one.


93539f  No.7101884


9a0d02  No.7101885

>>7101803 Hey Chris Hayes—you have exactly declared your own fate. This is what happens when you believe your own fake stuff & deliberately remain ignorant of the fact that you CAN'T mobilize in greater numbers. #1 we've got you handily outnumbered. #2 your side won't turn out for anything at all that takes courage, like "confronting" us deplorables. #3 we are 60 million gunners at least, who know how to use 'em, unlike your rainbow supporters who once in awhile post staged photos about how mega tough they are. If you had a shred of sense, you'd go to your hole, shut your mouth & never be heard from again.

7b0f45  No.7101886

File: 4aedcc94a8d7ae5⋯.png (78.22 KB, 240x160, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

Portland, Oregon Police Chief Calls for Ban on Protesters Wearing Masks after Antifa Incident

City leaders in Portland, Ore., are considering making it illegal for protesters to wear masks in an attempt to address violent clashes between left-wing and right-wing activists, the latest of which occurred a few weeks ago.

“A lot of people are emboldened because they know they can’t be identified,” Ms. Outlaw said at a news conference.

The ACLU of Oregon has come out in opposition to the ban on the grounds it “risks chilling First Amendment-protected activities, particularly for those who wear ‘masks’ for political and religious reasons,” spokeswoman Sarah Armstrong wrote in an email.

By donning masks, “We are able to move more freely and do what we need to do, whether it is illegal or not," former Antifa activist Scott Crow told CNN in an interview.


353c4f  No.7101887

File: 34b9a292f789ae9⋯.png (689.76 KB, 940x788, 235:197, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c8b3f594814ea69⋯.png (1.9 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

Attorney of Robert Arnold Koester



c8198f  No.7101888


>The second hand is on the 12

Wrong, it's a chronograph the "second hand" is actually the small circle at the bottom. The hand pointing at 12 is for the stop watch.

937cb7  No.7101889



210aa7  No.7101890

File: 90d2985bb3008fb⋯.jpg (11.28 KB, 204x255, 4:5, e3a8b970db8bec01ff6785e41a….jpg)


>Immigration questions.

>Status on deportations?

>Hard numbers? Anything?

be5709  No.7101891


Whorealdo my whorehero

99d0a2  No.7101892

File: 9125599398300b4⋯.jpg (73.83 KB, 542x373, 542:373, 5d2657e421a861065b48d8e8-7….jpg)

99ebf7  No.7101893

File: 600d85a1b258da0⋯.png (347.41 KB, 656x598, 328:299, ClipboardImage.png)


99e9bc  No.7101894

File: 495310254fda5f8⋯.jpg (16.76 KB, 279x192, 93:64, ebola1.jpg)

90b094  No.7101895


Shakespeare in Summer how lovely

3a1525  No.7101896

File: 99cd3a55e34ada3⋯.jpg (427.03 KB, 1897x1968, 1897:1968, FireShot Capture 323 - 3 s….jpg)



4ab3b2  No.7101897


1 thou a week and Area 51!

b33650  No.7101898

File: a39db73e6c5b76e⋯.jpg (202.81 KB, 1200x1126, 600:563, 10501aed0d2b3ce4cc72ee7205….jpg)


You jackass, look at this interpretation.

It is GEOTUS in the reflection.

4:50 - 45 or D5

GEOTUS is D5, the winning move. Enjoy the show, oh and..

Checkmate faggot.

2997d8  No.7101899

File: 09a75a9750ef984⋯.png (681.81 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, d0b10b6b3446cec7201656952e….png)

A week to remember

6pm alarm

749=449 west coast

Mirror 449 = 944

Hannity has a live studio tonight. Max exposure

Millions watch. Audience brings up a

Social media flood


A week to remember.



a898ae  No.7101900

File: 435923bf6369a1c⋯.png (323.84 KB, 644x544, 161:136, TOOTS52.PNG)


816310  No.7101901


Yay!! Watch the mentally deranged have a complete mental breakdown for the world to see! You doing great work boy

187622  No.7101902


Be fair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

076dfc  No.7101903


Nah. I’m done fuck this shit. Bunker time. Fuck it. Shit or get off the pot. Times up. Bring the civil war. I’m ready.

898675  No.7101904

File: 8c83f1116b00b3e⋯.jpg (285.92 KB, 1500x1125, 4:3, 1561006082962.jpg)


you can check out any time you like, but you can never leave. (pic related)

84c100  No.7101906

File: b9ea1f555c9781f⋯.jpg (93.3 KB, 647x500, 647:500, chegg dump ind director 07….jpg)

File: eae824a22b7f4ff⋯.jpg (89.03 KB, 647x500, 647:500, chegg dump combo 070319.jpg)

File: de931c438c3a827⋯.jpg (80.65 KB, 647x500, 647:500, chegg dump 4.jpg)

File: a8d3a1a03ffd05e⋯.jpg (96.31 KB, 647x500, 647:500, chegg dump 3.jpg)

File: 2e210a7d3ca8c8a⋯.png (615.82 KB, 1052x549, 1052:549, aoc 'college'.PNG)

Chegg Independent Director sold $2.05m shares-July 17

and not the only sale, some recent ones as well, have 'em already.

Chegg, Inc. is a student-first connected learning platform.

The Company helps students study for college admission exams, find the colleges, get grades and test scores while in school,

and find internships that allow them to gain skills to help them enter the workforce after college. The Company matches domestic and international students with colleges,

universities and other academic institutions (collectively referred to as colleges) in the United States. It also offers eTextbooks library for rent and sale.

The Company also has live tutors on its connected learning platform available to students online, anytime, anywhere through its Chegg Tutors service. It provides access to

internships to help students gain skills that are critical to securing their first job. It offers two product lines: Required Materials and Chegg Services.

The Required Materials product line includes the rental and sale of print textbooks and eTextbooks, as well as the commission it receives from Ingram.

Number of employees : 893 people.


The Poster Child for Institutionalized Academic Cheating

The 2019 college admission scandal has shined a new light on academic integrity in the United States. What was long

considered to be socially acceptable or even legal is now coming into question as media and lawmakers are questioning

the status quo in our educational system. Beyond Rick Singer and his manipulation of admissions, the

conversation of institutionalized cheating cannot occur without first mentioning Chegg.

Chegg, a $4 bil company that has made a business off selling answers to homework and selling a service that allows students

to submit plagiarized work as original is undermining the educational system and will soon be brought to the forefront of

media attention. In this report, Citron will explain how the “it’s never a problem

until it’s a problem” moment has hit Cheggas now cheating does make a difference. Institutionalized Cheating is No Longer OK.



Marne L. Levine is on the board of Women for Women International, Inc., Chegg, Inc. and National Endowment for Democracy.

In her past career Ms. Levine was Chief of Staff-National Economic Council at The White House, Vice President-Global Public Policy at Facebook, Inc. and Chief Operating Officer of Instagram, Inc. (a subsidiary of Facebook, Inc.), Deputy Assistant Secretary at US Department of The Treasury, Director-Product Management at Revolution Money, Inc. and President of Harvard University.

in other words HUGE SWAMP CREATURE

She received an undergraduate degree from Miami University and an MBA from Harvard Business School.


9fdfb4  No.7101907


Sure we are wrong. But how can we not be? My posture is don't believe ANY date given by Q because it is all disinfo. That theory is being proved true over and over. But, it isn't because Anons are completely misreading EVERYTHING. They (We) are studying Q drops, a lot, and sometimes conclusions are logical. Q reminded us of the watch knowing it would lead us to believe something would happen today. That is, unless you now understand Q will never give an accurate date for anything.

df5f1c  No.7101908


These soft leftist pieces of shit calling for violence have no idea what violence is.

db438d  No.7101909

File: 4456d7c3dc6c979⋯.png (426.44 KB, 532x616, 19:22, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 099e0c9ea9c774f⋯.png (4.83 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

Just a little smoke on the capitol this morning

Black black smoke behind the Wisconsin capitol dome from Capitol West on West Washington


2:44 PM - 19 Jul 2019


dc7f2c  No.7101910

File: 2a8852cec3081af⋯.jpg (103.99 KB, 850x850, 1:1, tumblr_nku4d6ttUO1te4dkto1….jpg)

Bo wont ban me

Targeted individuals dont get banned






JewBo wont ban me

Targeted individuals dont get banned





KikeBo wont ban me

Targeted individuals dont get banned








6121a6  No.7101911

File: bc0ada34c5e81a2⋯.png (694.79 KB, 800x530, 80:53, wh_thumbs_up_q.png)



5570f6  No.7101912

4533ef  No.7101913

The shit he had in his home was pretty much the same that Hillary had and yet she walks free

e33ecb  No.7101914

File: 50a695bbcad7387⋯.png (314.13 KB, 567x445, 567:445, 50a695bbcad7387a2fc4301e5d….png)

File: 79a042af8933020⋯.jpg (64.51 KB, 460x346, 230:173, 79a042af8933020b7c1346b96c….jpg)

File: a88adc6cb5daabe⋯.jpeg (131.44 KB, 1080x810, 4:3, a88adc6cb5daabe7c2196b783….jpeg)

4:49 central time has come and gone… Maybe it'll be 4:49 MOUNTAIN time!

015b07  No.7101915

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


353c4f  No.7101916

File: 9ce9e501a5b09b8⋯.png (248.94 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 13f8fac7af9478b⋯.png (252 B, 351x45, 39:5, ClipboardImage.png)


Attorney Jonathan Lynn

Wallin & Klarich


369559  No.7101917

File: ffc85ede8b2628a⋯.png (907.01 KB, 990x896, 495:448, bathroom.png)


>Why the fuck would jesus care about me trolling satans psyop board lmao

Jesus wants us to fight satan everywhere we find him.

You're in the right place, anon.

This board is trouble.

Keep up the good fight.

347b13  No.7101918

File: 0e7adcb334d0421⋯.jpg (209.48 KB, 1160x635, 232:127, Tom_Steyer_Iron_Guard_Upsi….jpg)

File: d9850dd96d89774⋯.png (11.4 KB, 478x153, 478:153, Steyer_BILLIONS_Creater_Im….png)

File: 8c4f58ee48f3155⋯.png (388 KB, 665x816, 665:816, Steyer_BILLIONS_Creater_Im….png)


Q underscored the word "BILLIONS" in #3384 from 7/8/19 (attached).

Look at the statement Koppleman the Co-Creator of Showtime's "Billions" made today (pic related).

More importantly, check the "Impeach 45" shirt he's wearing, linking himself to Steyer.

He's one of Tom Steyer's h'wood shills–lol! HE's part of this Squad "DIVIDE" Disinfo Campaign. Note that Koppelman rececntly did a podcast interview w/ Maggie H:

"This week, Brian Koppelman said that “Nobody on (sic) any news show should be talking about anything but impeachment” after President Trump demanded that The Squad – Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), Ilhan Omar (D-MN), Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), and Ayanna Pressley (D-MA) — “go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how it is done… While Koppelman regularly calls for President Trump’s impeachment, he has said (in a podcast interview with New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman) that Trump would refuse to leave office."


Conclusion– Steyer is under investigation & thus under umbrella surveillance, as a key cabal conspirator/malevolent actor/traitor by the Patriots. Like Q said in attached post " he's not sleeping well these days".


84c100  No.7101919

File: d0150c2f035e480⋯.png (257.75 KB, 748x442, 22:13, mac salute.PNG)


ty for the proofs had 2 of four

dcdbc7  No.7101920

File: 83a8472da65d9fc⋯.jpg (119.99 KB, 600x750, 4:5, tumblr_puf5snQhqe1vak83so1….jpg)

File: 831ecef03f45995⋯.jpg (69.23 KB, 800x631, 800:631, tumblr_pus74aSnwk1w76f3ko1….jpg)

Gee, I wonder what VICTORIA'S SECRET drew them to the island in the first place?…

2ac395  No.7101922


as long as they viciously attack 1/2 of the voters (us), means we are winning bigly

any idiot knows not insult voters who might vote for you in the future

418359  No.7101923


What were you expecting flashing lights in the sky above your house? Fucking moran

0f762c  No.7101924

File: 1b7564411f8768f⋯.jpg (39.73 KB, 960x960, 1:1, 1b7564411f8768f5c39e9a7e9e….jpg)


Play with spiders accordingly. Do not reveal what you know, especially to the sheepskins not even to those you trust without basis.

You know your friends. Start here.

0fc9a8  No.7101925

3 minutes and counting>

dcd044  No.7101926

File: 4b3795dc95ba58a⋯.jpg (16.96 KB, 227x222, 227:222, illegala2.jpg)


How about we speed up the removal of all illegal invaders esse.

5ee548  No.7101927


Yah and he mentioned Israel about a gorilla on times today boarding M1. I want Kushner and Ivanka out of the fucking White House. Fuck Israel.

b79e27  No.7101928


These people are all campaigning on desperation. It's hysterical.

caac8b  No.7101929



Please get more outlandish than this.

aa330f  No.7101930

File: e7417405fd35706⋯.png (576.31 KB, 954x531, 106:59, KyrstenAss.png)


Secret Conservative Lesbian?

Got the AZ Lib vote?

Ever since the State of the Union, I have had nothing but respect for her (politics may be different); but she seems to have a bit of integrity that is sorely vacant from the Left for the past many years.

df5f1c  No.7101931


Go ahead and answer for more than 100,000,000 murders committed by the Vatican in the past thousand years.

I'll wait.

937cb7  No.7101932


a57c09  No.7101933

File: 17df2c4738cea59⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1361x495, 1361:495, watches.PNG)



Here they are together.

dc7f2c  No.7101934

File: 2a8852cec3081af⋯.jpg (103.99 KB, 850x850, 1:1, tumblr_nku4d6ttUO1te4dkto1….jpg)


Nigger im completely sane even under pressure that would make most of you kill yourselves

I am better than you lemmings

353c4f  No.7101935

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


They specialize in Pedo-defense

7b0ffb  No.7101936


God you are dumb, Go reread the posts. See if there were any actual dates or times that were specified for something to happen on. There's not. You got pulled in by datefags. I'm guessing this isnt your first time. You really should know by now

008490  No.7101937

File: aa29067cbbbb3f7⋯.png (212.38 KB, 469x452, 469:452, GunPepe.png)


Give it you Best Shot, Chrissy.

Make It Count…

076dfc  No.7101938


Ok. Sweet grab your Jergens and lube up while you fap to nothing. I’ve had it. Done. Fuck it.

5ee548  No.7101939



dc7f2c  No.7101941


Do not play with spiders i made that mistake

cb115a  No.7101942


Under what pressure?

9172f4  No.7101943

POTUS’s tweets all have BOOM or Booming in it today. The watch date, I believe has to do with the video screen and flight logs from July 19 to Pedo island

898675  No.7101944



alpha theta epsilon. what if captcha used Greek alphabet? no Q then. . .

353c4f  No.7101945

File: 6042c2f94fc86c9⋯.png (491.94 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)



Jonathan M. Lynn, Esq.

Title: Partner

Serving Clients: Orange County, Los Angeles County, San Diego County

Education: Bachelor of Arts, Juris Doctor

Practice Areas: Criminal Defense, Serious Felonies, Federal Crimes, Sex Crimes, Theft Crimes, Assault and Battery, Weapons Charges, Child Abuse, Murder, Juvenile Crimes

ab3868  No.7101946


you just lie all the time kike

you are fucking hopeless

dc7f2c  No.7101947


Targeted individual

You know that tho gaslighter kys

ac91c0  No.7101948


Maybe 4:50 California time?

So far no BOOMS just annoying noise

e43cc2  No.7101949

"MSNBC’s Chris Hayes: Trump Supporters Must Be ‘Confronted and Destroyed"

Several days later, the liberal media still hasn’t moved past President Trump’s controversial tweets, but are instead rallying around them in opposition. MSNBC’s All In host, Chris Hayes, took a leading position Thursday night by denouncing all Republicans and Trump supporters, and calling for a revolution of sorts against the Trump administration.

As with all social justice warriors, Hayes has been circulating his “cause” all week, building the case for Trump’s apparent racism. He began: “Each part of the coalition has been dealt into the Trump presidency. It is a classic model of corrupt governance. The capo on the top and the many, many bosses below who are given control of their domain to do as they wish.” This statement, clearly meant to place Trump along the ranks of Hitler and Mussolini, has been a staple MSNBC scare tactic for some time now.

Next, Hayes turned his ire on the American people: “But the base, what does the base get? The folks in that arena. Well, it's obvious, isn't it? They get to chant. They get to revel in their own Americanness and primacy at the expense of others.” Not only is the base at fault for their patriotism and desire to protect their country but “Trump and now the entire Republican Party and most of the conservative movement realize that is enough for them.”

According to Hayes, the conservative movement has been hiding some maniacal plan and it had nothing to do with their ideology: “They realize that no one actually cared about deficits or small government. That was never the fuel that fired the engine of Republican politics. It was always roiling rage against them that was on full display in the ‘Send her back’ chants last night.” For a movement that prides itself on being thinkers and valuing common sense over being guided by feelings, Hayes sentiments seem unlikely.

Nevertheless, Hayes continued to insist on the eminent danger posed by millions of peaceful Americans and implored: “It must be peacefully, nonviolently, politically destroyed with love, compassion and determination, but utterly confronted and destroyed. That is the only way to break the coalition apart.”

He continued with the entreaty: “Not by prying off this or that interest. They are in too deep. They have shamed themselves too much. The heart of the thing must be ripped out. The darkness must be banished. The people who feel moral revulsion at that display we saw last night must collectively mobilize in greater numbers than the chanters.”

Well, luckily for Hayes, Antifa is already on it, but it’s to be determined if he can get them on board with the “peacefully, nonviolently” aspect.


607e49  No.7101950

File: daa665dcb49b01d⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1803x1186, 1803:1186, Screen Shot 2019-07-19 at ….png)



ab2e2a  No.7101951

File: ce3e70ccf668cc0⋯.png (1.36 MB, 1080x2160, 1:2, Screenshot_2019-07-18-22-2….png)

File: b412b47d880db7d⋯.png (1.35 MB, 1080x2160, 1:2, Screenshot_2019-07-10-20-3….png)


Kek. Ra. Moans

5f9349  No.7101952

File: f37f24eff1c9e01⋯.png (315.64 KB, 462x477, 154:159, Kavanaugh!!!.png)

And thank you, Patriot


cb115a  No.7101953


Targeted by who?

8056a4  No.7101954


If DHS had any balls, it would clear out Omar district of illegals and purge the voting rolls, and run a centrist candidate. Current wisdom says No way it happens.

b65010  No.7101955


How many markers are there?

7b0ffb  No.7101956


I'm just tired of newfags and morons still getting sucked in by datefags, and now on here complaining how they're gonna leave. We know they aren't, but im tired of the whining when it's their fault for being morans

9fdfb4  No.7101957






WAIT. Nothing more. Just wait.

bef77c  No.7101958

File: 6843a3b0e05c0cf⋯.jpeg (76.86 KB, 500x666, 250:333, 961A1385-7EB4-4D3D-ADDC-A….jpeg)

File: 925e322917da439⋯.jpeg (128.26 KB, 1456x465, 1456:465, FA3C4AA3-CB27-4B1B-834C-C….jpeg)

258ddf  No.7101959


Just curious: why do you hate her so much?

076dfc  No.7101960


Nothing burger AGAIN!!! Time to bail. Fun while the LARP lasted.

9174ed  No.7101961


Thank you, I don't have twitter, so I was totally lost when earlier anon posted with just "boom" not really a boom when you don't know what it is. I thought too dark to be a storm cloud, but fire that close to a capitol building is suspect.

7e2103  No.7101962

July 19 video at what time ?

12bf8e  No.7101963

File: f94b8ed4c9e43d9⋯.png (1.42 MB, 1333x628, 1333:628, 1719.png)

df5f1c  No.7101964



Marker [2]



3:05 on the 27th.


5f9349  No.7101965

And thank you, right back!


6121a6  No.7101966



816310  No.7101967

File: ea2520938b87349⋯.jpg (191.77 KB, 1200x813, 400:271, D_2oE0aW4AACD0h.jpg)

7e2103  No.7101968


stage set ?

84c100  No.7101969

File: 50a986ddcf5b645⋯.png (774.48 KB, 686x503, 686:503, salvini farange thumbs up.PNG)

937cb7  No.7101970


0fc9a8  No.7101971


369559  No.7101972

File: 62caed8c3a4a91f⋯.jpg (621.04 KB, 1778x1337, 254:191, cpepe.jpg)


>MSNBC’s Chris Hayes: Trump Supporters Must Be ‘Confronted and Destroyed’

Says the instigator from the safety of his NBC studio, complete with armed private security.

Come on out into the streets and say that, Chris … and then do the actual "confronting and destroying" your self …. if you really mean it.

Walk your fucking talk.

9172f4  No.7101973


I think the watch date and time have to do with the flight logs and the CCTV screen at pedo island. POTUS’s tweets today all have BOOM listed

c95428  No.7101974


Why is it always the soyboys that try to start fights. He is slightly less masculine than Rachel.

696c52  No.7101975

File: 89897d78a76fc11⋯.jpg (143.61 KB, 943x627, 943:627, islandcare.jpg)

90b094  No.7101976


>4:49 central time has come and gone… Maybe it'll be 4:49 MOUNTAIN time!

What side of the Intl Date Line is Guam?

dcd044  No.7101977

File: 5b69c797eeaafed⋯.png (531.51 KB, 838x1134, 419:567, fury.png)


Bring it faggots.

353c4f  No.7101978

File: abc630d81edcd4b⋯.png (376.96 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5c90babca750101⋯.png (429.48 KB, 600x659, 600:659, ClipboardImage.png)


This dude is fucking scum


A Wallin & Klarich client who was facing 25 years to life in prison for allegations of first-degree murder in Victorville has been released from custody after charges were dismissed by the District Attorney.

Wallin & Klarich Criminal Defense Attorney Jonathan Lynn was able to show that DNA evidence law enforcement believed linked our client to the 20-year-old cold case was unreliable and get the case against our client dismissed.

The San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department arrested our client in an investigation involving the 1997 murder of a Hesperia woman.

7e2103  No.7101979


What channel of the video do you want to see ?

418359  No.7101980


Exactly. Checking their watches expecting something to happen where they live at that exact time? How the fuck do they know what’s going down right now? We won’t know that, as per usual until after any event. The imbecile meter here is off the charts…

5465c0  No.7101981

File: 8da9a7254e95a1d⋯.png (17.66 KB, 255x238, 15:14, b3c70e2960da534cdb8c9785b6….png)

File: 29da582ed154781⋯.jpg (70.47 KB, 444x960, 37:80, becd27e472adaa2a0808bf3e11….jpg)

205d38  No.7101982


UKAnon, our CINC won't let anything happen to y'all. He's just gettin' payback for Iran holding our sailors hostage with May's mil apparently complicit

5850a4  No.7101983

File: 9ad70949bfbd0d6⋯.jpeg (140.33 KB, 998x500, 499:250, EEC4F30B-A337-475D-B867-A….jpeg)

Think mirror.

Take everything I said about the cabal, and apply it to (you).

Take everything I said about (you) and apply it to the cabal.

Enjoy the show …


f190fa  No.7101984

File: f0092dfb82e2e74⋯.png (2.18 MB, 1170x878, 585:439, 8978652543438765.png)






418359  No.7101985


The worst

bef77c  No.7101986


she tried to kill my husband Henry Cavill

60ad47  No.7101987

File: cd4e0212cf74658⋯.jpeg (1.3 MB, 1242x2082, 207:347, 97CDDB0B-F1ED-4230-9E6E-1….jpeg)

Moar MIC changes in Swamp.

Deputy Undersecretary of Defense for Policy David Trachtenberg is retiring, with a replacement to be named at a “later time,” Pentagon spokesperson Lt. Col. Carla Gleason confirmed to The Hill.

Defense News first reported his departure.

Trachtenberg has been in role since October 2017 and was confirmed in a 70-17 Senate vote.

Before that, he was the president and CEO of Shortwaver, a national security consultancy, and also worked in the Pentagon and on Capitol Hill. He served as a principal deputy assistant secretary of Defense for international security policy and was a staff member with the House Armed Services Committee.


898675  No.7101988

File: 49c5a096a8aa0cd⋯.jpg (532.26 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, 3309.jpg)

076dfc  No.7101989


Fuck you faggot. I’ve been trusting the plan for 2 years. No friends. Family gone. Fuck You. It’s a LARP. New world order is here.

6e86d3  No.7101990

File: ad87cc999d86704⋯.jpg (73.7 KB, 596x768, 149:192, Supergirl.jpg)


She needs a burger and a cock in the center pocket. She is a bit overwound. A huge orgasm that brings out NYFD would work. She wouldn't be so anal. Anal. Well that would work too! Then she could be Supergirl!

937cb7  No.7101991


5ee548  No.7101992

Q can you please tell us the absolute truth for once? Your inability to deliver has sewn discord and this movement is falling apart.

I don’t care if trump is re-elected. It won’t matter if half of what you’ve said comes true.

816310  No.7101993


I can't see you! The mentally deranged are blocked. Bawhahahah

7e2103  No.7101995


HRC video at time Y ?

99e9bc  No.7101996

File: 26559adaab7023b⋯.jpg (20 KB, 255x254, 255:254, eeb270244ace443bcca339a032….jpg)

210aa7  No.7101997

File: 08cb09ac0f5d9e2⋯.jpg (21 KB, 259x286, 259:286, waiting skeleton.jpg)


>Status on deportations?

>Hard numbers?

Can't find any reporting on this.

You can bet the (((media))) would be all over anything related to this regardless of how minor, so where is the reporting?

418359  No.7101999


Roll tape…

99d0a2  No.7102000

File: 0712d245ba8d06f⋯.png (11.34 KB, 236x255, 236:255, ca7d3566d7f3c2f5d8ce6b2a91….png)

File: cfa647e5d0ffb71⋯.jpg (183.2 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, D_DCMWPWwAIduRf.jpg)

7b0ffb  No.7102001


Definitely not your fault for shitting out on responsibilities, is it now? For sure the boards fault…………………………………..

5570f6  No.7102002


Q got what he needed from this board.

99e9bc  No.7102003

File: a9fa1d8bf2459d5⋯.jpg (46.52 KB, 712x660, 178:165, fash11.jpg)

File: c4168874556a214⋯.jpg (59.24 KB, 454x454, 1:1, fash15.jpg)

File: 714c10e61173663⋯.jpg (42.7 KB, 618x418, 309:209, fash19.jpg)

File: 6c472dba4e2a56d⋯.jpg (107.39 KB, 1118x668, 559:334, fash35.jpg)

File: 821ef7fba621353⋯.jpg (87.88 KB, 932x680, 233:170, fash81.jpg)

04c4c0  No.7102004


There is something important in this photo. I Need a key.

99d0a2  No.7102005

File: 055bd4b9fca7a21⋯.jpg (191.18 KB, 942x942, 1:1, D_14CLzXkAADvRv.jpg)

File: 530ebc9ba741e58⋯.jpg (153.68 KB, 640x1100, 32:55, D_14upQWwAE_PwU.jpg)

File: 9ad95c45ac58797⋯.jpg (175.3 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, D_14Vs6WwAEGnZP.jpg)

caac8b  No.7102006


Show us something we havent seen before and or are not expecting

99d0a2  No.7102007

File: 376c3d95f3d2b52⋯.jpg (114.01 KB, 650x500, 13:10, 362bn5.jpg)

258ddf  No.7102008


>she tried to kill my husband Henry Cavill

I see.

Do you think messages you post here are going to be read by her?

If not, why are you posting them here?

91b05e  No.7102009

File: 3d78296e1a8a70b⋯.png (598.51 KB, 1984x2566, 992:1283, qresearch.png)


moar news regarding board search:


- added Epstein Flight Logs

5570f6  No.7102010

9e67d8  No.7102011

File: a370a17d99f836f⋯.png (12.5 KB, 229x255, 229:255, d8b41dfeb1e72ca38f4c1d8186….png)

84c100  No.7102012

File: cb52c16adc3135c⋯.png (800.43 KB, 684x440, 171:110, larpers blah.PNG)

369559  No.7102013

File: 89f378456831144⋯.png (648.39 KB, 735x618, 245:206, mackim.png)


Love you Q!

Thanks for the arrests you promised last October! I feel so much safer and I see out gummint is now free of corruption.

You're a god and deserve the medal of freedom!

c95428  No.7102014


All of them and none of them, if you get my drift. Already beyond sickened by what we've seen.

bef77c  No.7102015

File: 9e2d63a3c27483b⋯.jpeg (145.57 KB, 500x750, 2:3, 0C738F64-98FB-4D87-8CF3-9….jpeg)

4ac196  No.7102016

File: 3569a6f02bdec1c⋯.jpg (177.01 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, omar2.jpg)

File: 6acaeb0871084ef⋯.jpg (192.87 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, omar3.jpg)

File: 6fab385640357bf⋯.jpg (220.16 KB, 487x482, 487:482, fraudsquad4.jpg)

File: b928e63b9d32457⋯.jpg (191.36 KB, 487x482, 487:482, fraudsquad3.jpg)

File: c2aed69d4507d71⋯.jpg (186.56 KB, 487x482, 487:482, fraudsquad1.jpg)

353c4f  No.7102017

File: b4dbf2f90b6fdd2⋯.png (907.46 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


Officials crack 1997 cold case murder of Hesperia woman

EL MIRAGE — More than 20 years later, authorities believe they’ve finally solved the cold case murder of a Hesperia woman and arrested a man in connection to the crime.

San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department officials said Barry Lloyd Bryant, 63, of El Mirage, was arrested for the murder of Colette Rowles, 50, of Hesperia, who was killed in January 1997.

Rowles was last seen Jan. 3, 1997, with Bryant — her boyfriend at the time — and their friends Paul and Sandra. The group left the Buckeye Bar in Hesperia in Paul’s pick-up truck and drove to Sandy’s home in Hesperia. According to Bryant, Colette walked away from the home late at night after an argument between the couple.

7e2103  No.7102018

wheres chandler ?

ab3868  No.7102019


thats NOT Athena. someone messed with it. go a dig. its was changed by a mason

99e9bc  No.7102020

File: 054b052b5c0f3cd⋯.jpg (464.2 KB, 1593x1110, 531:370, illum1.jpg)

File: befbdd5320ff543⋯.jpg (98.48 KB, 610x678, 305:339, illum2.jpg)

File: 094b2b23cc0b5ad⋯.jpg (48.22 KB, 593x445, 593:445, illum6.jpg)

File: 8a0ef7686aecc27⋯.jpg (65.62 KB, 610x386, 305:193, illum9.jpg)

File: d2750ae3e31a00f⋯.jpg (53.57 KB, 398x530, 199:265, illum10.jpg)

5e9c80  No.7102021

File: 658e1fd575dc626⋯.png (184.87 KB, 486x350, 243:175, ClipboardImage.png)

e4c193  No.7102022

File: 5dd160c499e9668⋯.png (279.65 KB, 310x613, 310:613, 2019-07-18_19-55-22.png)


>HRC video at time Y ?

90b094  No.7102023


>It’s a LARP

The no moar family friends dog died too line?

Yes, yes it is.

7cb932  No.7102024


They try to bait POTUS into war, they try to bait supporters into violence. They want something to point at and complain about once it happens. Only the fool is suckered into a battle it could avoid.

b2f1d5  No.7102025

not sure yet,,,,mayeb the ""4 angry congress woman "" ahd white parents …and every time their parents said ""NO"""…they cry an d scream """mummy poppy u be racist u no let me hav e my wanty""""

537941  No.7102026

File: 074609a978a72c1⋯.png (42.44 KB, 585x400, 117:80, AQ3.PNG)

File: 0aa43f60b884ccc⋯.png (428.49 KB, 565x602, 565:602, AQ4.PNG)

Found this.

Clinton Foundation and EW

418359  No.7102027


Concerned? Oh dear…

caac8b  No.7102028


And how exactly does Brooke Shields bank card tie into all this?

937cb7  No.7102029


453cfb  No.7102030

nader indictment doc https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/6207171-Nader-Indictment-New.html

How are more people not talking about how Mueller caught this guy RED HANDED and let him walk free for over a year ?

4ac196  No.7102031



d5c942  No.7102032

Ok, so I jumped the gun. Board not QUITE ready.

Shills galore.

c1d3bf  No.7102033

File: 4bdd0d568eb2de8⋯.jpg (51.13 KB, 436x536, 109:134, 4bdd0d568eb2de80e0b33708a0….jpg)

7e2103  No.7102034


watch the water ?

watch CA ?

stage set ?

pepe have popcorn ?

353c4f  No.7102035


Kek…. and what's your point?

518338  No.7102036

Waaah all the shillyness. STFU remember future proves past. p.s. lurk MOAR

ab3868  No.7102037

File: 9649fb62acc232d⋯.jpg (61.93 KB, 600x399, 200:133, 37fdc6c1ec235e98e23db64672….jpg)


some good news there

9172f4  No.7102038


Look at POTUS’s tweets today!!!!!

ca2483  No.7102039


Thanks anon. If this is true, my girlfriend will be devastated. She has followed and believed their stories for a long time. Sad to find that so many people we look up to are pedos and liars.

bef77c  No.7102040

File: 251eb390c48adb5⋯.jpeg (127.69 KB, 426x600, 71:100, A4256F36-2F23-4F97-A4B1-2….jpeg)

File: 39202bcdb993d96⋯.jpeg (42.6 KB, 276x320, 69:80, AA2C002C-1C55-419D-9727-5….jpeg)

File: 7cd6f8b5c395d0e⋯.jpeg (45.18 KB, 455x480, 91:96, C16D3A67-BEEC-4938-BB92-E….jpeg)

File: 05b6b47dfdbbf3c⋯.jpeg (50.99 KB, 500x693, 500:693, 2CE3BCBF-C794-4CE7-93E1-3….jpeg)

File: d4d7648762ba932⋯.jpeg (61.97 KB, 475x457, 475:457, 1186D6DA-1B58-46FE-A0B9-2….jpeg)


it honestly doesn’t matter to me

i drove the cunt off of instagram, so i must be doing something right lmao

0f8263  No.7102041

File: 62a9b6f7aa9ee13⋯.jpg (178.57 KB, 800x1000, 4:5, Start a Storm2.jpg)

Detroit Airport under a ground stop due to the weather according to spouse.


Not official Detroit Airport site



provided by the FAA's Air Traffic Control System Command Center

Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County Airport (DTW) Real-time Status

The status information provided on this site indicates general airport conditions; it is not flight-specific. Check with your airline to determine if your flight is affected.

Due to WEATHER / THUNDERSTORMS, there is a Traffic Management Program in effect for traffic arriving Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County Airport, Detroit, MI (DTW). To see if you may be affected, select your departure airport and check "Delays by Destination".

c7fc11  No.7102042

File: 367ac3d409cf62d⋯.png (219.87 KB, 462x500, 231:250, rbloom ff.PNG)

File: 6d5465eefa4ae00⋯.png (223.5 KB, 466x523, 466:523, sarac ff.PNG)

File: 0a477b72539f453⋯.png (27.87 KB, 455x378, 65:54, mquigglesff ff.PNG)

File: 1718490894db609⋯.png (512.98 KB, 455x633, 455:633, steve bolls ff.PNG)

more fight for

r blumenthal fight for 2nd sentence

caps II

53 sec vid

m quigley fight for 2nd sentence

begin sent cap TA


ff cc ff dubs

sara carter fight for 1st sentence

caps WS


ss ff aa

steve bullock fight for 3rd sentence

1st caps IPT

all IPTM

ff dubs

c95428  No.7102043


Because our "media" is actively engaged in treason.

b2f1d5  No.7102044

flynn news?

dc0ba1  No.7102045

File: c61481a6bbdef31⋯.png (28.26 KB, 537x434, 537:434, ClipboardImage.png)

Once again a cry for blood donations.

They are becoming empty everywhere.

Promoted by Twatter.


937cb7  No.7102046


be5709  No.7102047

File: 118346bf63ef4f6⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1029x612, 343:204, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fb44a434bf0a0b2⋯.png (598.41 KB, 579x505, 579:505, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 104f09a4964723b⋯.png (416.97 KB, 487x422, 487:422, ClipboardImage.png)

bef77c  No.7102048


miraculously found it on sidewalk

2ac395  No.7102049

File: c92bbe295780912⋯.png (44.09 KB, 577x442, 577:442, voters don't agree w omar.PNG)


785708  No.7102050


Well, since you are volunteering information, I'll go ahead and index it for later reference.

My laser pointer is at the disco regularly, so I'm used to processing AESA images.

5a0e06  No.7102051


>Marne L. Levine is on the board of Women for Women International, Inc., Chegg, Inc. and National Endowment for Democracy.

>In her past career Ms. Levine was Chief of Staff-National Economic Council at The White House, Vice President-Global Public Policy at Facebook, Inc. and Chief Operating Officer of Instagram, Inc. (a subsidiary of Facebook, Inc.), Deputy Assistant Secretary at US Department of The Treasury, Director-Product Management at Revolution Money, Inc. and President of Harvard University.

baker notable

5850a4  No.7102052


Because all Anons need are well timed tweets and typos!

Boom you’re the messiah of mankind next week.


861c00  No.7102053

>>7101886 the aclu needs a swift legal punch on the nose by having their shit stopped in court in motion to go fuck yourself condemnation and sanctions

e3a010  No.7102054


>>7102026 CF and EW.

>>7102009 Epstein flight logs added to Qresearch search.

>>7101803, >>7101949 MSNBC’s Chris Hayes: Trump supporters must be ‘confronted and destroyed’.

>>7101906 Chegg Independent Director sold $2.05m shares.

>>7101844, >>7101896 Three charged for Charlottesville violence.

>>7101782 The Pentagon’s No. 2 policy official will resign on Friday.

>>7101775 Sinema, eight other Senators sign letter to speed up removal of certain migrants.

>>7101741 Update on Nashville shooting situation.

>>7101576 Market [1] Set Q Graphic.

>>7101654, >>7101683, >>7101719 Anons: Epstein building a desalination or waste treatment facility?

>>7101578, >>7101739, >>7101786 Boatfag updates.

>>7101566 Thousand of nonviolent offenders will be released Friday thanks to Trump signing criminal justice reform.

541740  No.7102055

File: 419f5417de9ef7a⋯.jpg (449.15 KB, 1000x667, 1000:667, Hotel_Sacher_Entrance.jpg)

Anons- Help a brutha oout.

I need some of the old pics of the epstein temple when it still had these statues in front of it.

Mine have gone missing somehow or other and owl gores internet isn't giving them up.

90b094  No.7102056


>Your inability to deliver has sewn discord and this movement is falling apart.

You're acting like Q is BO II or something.

Take your meds.

caac8b  No.7102057


I think that was your story last time too kek

But how does it tie in?

ff0ebb  No.7102058


I guess the jokes on me, I was in my bunker, with all gas and gennys ready to go. Neighbor just came over and dropped a note down my air tube, BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM you can come out now everything is fine. Your buddy Q who ever the hell he is was wrong again.

He thinks Bill and Hilary are out and about town with Secret Service enjoying happy hour

yeah god saved the flock from those evil doers. meanwhile in other news, kids are still getting raped and molested and the world continues to turn on it's axis. California has not fell off the planet, and the USA is still run by a racist in chief.

great job Q tards!

937cb7  No.7102059




bbd54d  No.7102060

File: 50ad08bda6445b1⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b53bd6c6c7440e6⋯.png (250.78 KB, 480x360, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

a898ae  No.7102061

File: 8ba6e4cc3e465ed⋯.png (366.28 KB, 425x371, 425:371, freddy1.PNG)


Rocket Man needs a FREDDY Burger

c95428  No.7102062


So antifa is a religion now? Good to know.

d26eb7  No.7102063

File: 1d50fe26ba585ad⋯.png (609.97 KB, 1869x810, 623:270, ClipboardImage.png)


ed314e  No.7102064

File: 1b481ca2752e382⋯.png (33.87 KB, 598x139, 598:139, ClipboardImage.png)

Approx 15

607e49  No.7102065

File: b5b3d84acbc418a⋯.png (1.43 MB, 1175x792, 1175:792, Screen Shot 2019-07-19 at ….png)

5850a4  No.7102066


But Qtifa is the one true religion.


537941  No.7102067



Pentagon's No. 2 policy official to retire

The Pentagon’s No. 2 policy official will resign on Friday, adding to a list of vacancies in the building’s top leadership roles.

Deputy Undersecretary of Defense for Policy David Trachtenberg is retiring, with a replacement to be named at a “later time,” Pentagon spokesperson Lt. Col. Carla Gleason confirmed to The Hill.

Defense News first reported his departure.

Trachtenberg has been in role since October 2017 and was confirmed in a 70-17 Senate vote.

Before that, he was the president and CEO of Shortwaver, a national security consultancy, and also worked in the Pentagon and on Capitol Hill. He served as a principal deputy assistant secretary of Defense for international security policy and was a staff member with the House Armed Services Committee.

With Trachtenberg leaving the Pentagon has another vacancy in its top leadership ranks, an issue senators earlier this week expressed frustration over during Defense Secretary nominee Mark Esper’s confirmation hearing.

937cb7  No.7102068


1ec22c  No.7102069

File: 4e4884898511890⋯.png (862.24 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

I'm a patient man but really, this is kind of getting old.

Show me the booms.

I'm gonna check out for a while.


99e9bc  No.7102070

File: 9adea30a9048959⋯.png (64.79 KB, 300x268, 75:67, ClipboardImage.png)

bef77c  No.7102071


everything that is happening right now makes absolutely no sense but it is all a part of God’s plan lmao

a3b5f0  No.7102072

File: 24300e4e995dae5⋯.jpg (1.03 MB, 1601x1220, 1601:1220, Army of digital soldiers.jpg)

File: 0f445102164620a⋯.png (569.59 KB, 1005x603, 5:3, Digging Truth.png)

File: 99f49f08504ea68⋯.jpg (415.38 KB, 955x1275, 191:255, Dark to light.jpg)

File: 9b17aafe67c785d⋯.jpg (290.17 KB, 582x816, 97:136, Justice.jpg)

7b0ffb  No.7102073

Definitely not that a ton of anons misread something and tried to datefag again, right? Definitely q was wrong, not the anons………



738907  No.7102074


Lot of hours on that airframe.

937cb7  No.7102075


ed314e  No.7102076


conspiracy |kənˈspirəsē|

noun (pl. conspiracies)

a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful: a conspiracy to destroy the government.

• the action of plotting or conspiring: they were cleared of conspiracy to pervert the course of justice.


a conspiracy of silence

an agreement to say nothing about an issue that should be generally known.


late Middle English: from Anglo-Norman French conspiracie, alteration of Old French conspiration, based on Latin conspirare ‘agree, plot’ (see conspire) .

cb115a  No.7102077

Not one answer to the data question… I was wrong to assume people would take that to heart.

The answer has nothing to do with the keys or the data. It is about will.

e4c193  No.7102078

File: 1472398ef7c9298⋯.png (680.03 KB, 740x497, 740:497, 2018-12-01_00-20-48 copy 2.png)


Barry AK-47 vid?

That would be nice!

5850a4  No.7102079


Everybody keeps growing a damned conscience about the plan.


937cb7  No.7102080




caac8b  No.7102081


Nonsense, it all makes perfect sense!

bef77c  No.7102082

File: 6e0c079412327b2⋯.png (285.73 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 1056278D-F164-47E6-846E-E8….png)

File: 49d823e4f1d40ff⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, C3C586E7-26F6-425F-B2D4-C0….png)

File: 4f18f32d5f19ca3⋯.png (608.41 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 191EB78A-08FF-44D4-9A15-E3….png)

File: f079d2d6336f3fc⋯.png (1.51 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 48C30E8E-D45F-4844-9CBA-90….png)

File: c2fec4c040960e6⋯.png (556.5 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 9FD7D13D-3CC6-4B57-932B-00….png)

6fbfd5  No.7102083

File: 8299e4391f12fbe⋯.png (212.2 KB, 855x1378, 855:1378, ClipboardImage.png)


Marker [1]

a898ae  No.7102084

Eugene Scalia

937cb7  No.7102085



f0c36c  No.7102086


20,000 new trump vote easily considering friends and families. Oh and if shit gets sideways, those patriots are on our side!

90b094  No.7102088


>4 angry congress woman

In his Lawn Presser today POTUS was saying congressMEN a lot.

He's the best Press Chiggar ever!

d01de4  No.7102089

File: 97352ae066b195e⋯.jpg (83.02 KB, 553x553, 1:1, ep240.jpg)

Do Not Reply to the shills of July

937cb7  No.7102090



5ee548  No.7102091

I think this movement is to indefinitely suspend and discredit all conspiracy theories. When this fails all will fail. Q ties many all together and is the last hope for many.

We have been duped. Patriots used and abused as usual. Eg: military member in endless wars. Been this way forever.

I think the deep state is Q. Very clever and right out of sol alinsky playbook. Think!

These people are stupid means US!

Not a shill bit find myself shilling because this is a fucking psyop. Very obvious today.

b2f1d5  No.7102092

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/J00CAAoLvYo" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

937cb7  No.7102094



5f9349  No.7102095

File: f86da66d7b3d5d2⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1440x796, 360:199, To "Sunshine Patriots….png)

File: b1a4ed499f8a03e⋯.png (164.93 KB, 1221x565, 1221:565, Redemption. Thank you Je….png)

File: c0abb0f4d39bff0⋯.jpg (1.42 MB, 2448x3264, 3:4, Bible & Q.jpg)

99e9bc  No.7102097

File: d3d8024454c32c6⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1368x762, 228:127, ClipboardImage.png)

ab3868  No.7102098

File: 6ae524cf100b68f⋯.jpg (2.96 MB, 1237x7538, 1237:7538, Screenshot_2019-07-16 FBI ….jpg)

File: c3161256788327f⋯.jpg (2.62 MB, 1349x6195, 1349:6195, Screenshot_2019-07-16 EMP ….jpg)

File: 27f62e2caa97632⋯.png (876.35 KB, 1349x3057, 1349:3057, Screenshot_2019-07-16 Boei….png)

File: 83c2470415829aa⋯.png (257.11 KB, 1349x2197, 1349:2197, Screenshot_2019-07-16 Rayt….png)

File: 6468775c82cbd38⋯.png (68.38 KB, 526x914, 263:457, Screenshot_2019-07-16 Rayt….png)

df5f1c  No.7102099


If it kindles a righteous wrath to clean this scourge from our nation, she's a keeper.

937cb7  No.7102100



369559  No.7102101

File: 65532c6a410760c⋯.jpg (339 KB, 2059x1697, 2059:1697, androgeny.jpg)


Just wait, anon.

Pic of Qbaby was the tipping point.

The "ultimate question" will be asked of Trump any day now … just wait, you'll see.

How many times can Q posts be wrong until it's mathematically impossible for anons to still believe Q?

Trust the Plan


418359  No.7102102


Bye. Your TV misses you…

d26eb7  No.7102103

File: 1c1272ef3c927b7⋯.png (906.35 KB, 1876x815, 1876:815, ClipboardImage.png)

Possibly Schumer headed back from his visit to the Border

db438d  No.7102104

File: 44ef5d209b9f392⋯.png (291.34 KB, 532x577, 532:577, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 207f8d32c1f9dbd⋯.png (640.92 KB, 1418x732, 709:366, ClipboardImage.png)

Justice Department Set to Free 3,000 Prisoners as Criminal-Justice Overhaul Takes Hold -

Mr. Walker, 37 years old, was one of about 3,100 federal offenders due to be released Friday as part of a sweeping criminal-justice overhaul that President Trump signed into law last year.

The measure, known as the First Step Act, is a major revision of the nation’s sentencing laws that aims to undo the tough-on-crime policies of the 1980s and ’90s that disproportionately affected minorities and filled prisons with nonviolent offenders. It was a victory for a coalition of advocates from across the political spectrum who had pushed policy makers to reconsider harsh sentencing laws as crime rates fell over the past quarter-century.

WSJ https://www.wsj.com/articles/justice-department-set-to-free-3-000-prisoners-as-criminal-justice-overhaul-takes-hold-11563528601 …

John 15:16-17,19

1:43 PM - 19 Jul 2019

cb115a  No.7102105


It's complicated…

937cb7  No.7102106


53494a  No.7102107

File: c2c635d09a9f351⋯.png (158.02 KB, 1204x983, 1204:983, juliansrum.PNG)

Any anons see this? @juliansrum may be on to something re: symbolism. Possibly related to tarot cards?


861c00  No.7102108


it's spelled antifaschitts - moran

b33650  No.7102109

File: a64daa06d7da3c7⋯.png (1.13 MB, 3584x1336, 448:167, Markers D5.png)

File: 3b35c73ec507014⋯.png (1.05 MB, 2676x1944, 223:162, marker [1]s.png)


It's you again, that faggot who is obsessed with you.

Still can't hide your subconscious musings kek.

Anyways, I was bored so I grabbed all the D5 posts.

D5 posts for funs

and marker [1] re-posted

I luv u 2vr senpai ;]]]

1bad28  No.7102111

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

President Trump Delivers a Statement Upon Departure


The White House

Published on Jul 19, 2019






4fa76a  No.7102112


Can I please get a quick rundown on what is being marked?

5ee548  No.7102113


* no room for our types in the nwo. Now we’ve been identified.

5850a4  No.7102114


SSSHHHH! Somebody shout this one down!

Trust the Placate Until Too Late Plan.


a3b5f0  No.7102115

File: e3e09190b0ef3d5⋯.jpg (485.63 KB, 1216x816, 76:51, Watching movie.jpg)

c1760e  No.7102116

Anons upset because they date fagged today are no different than the jfk jr lives fags who were upset he didn’t appear on July 4th. Learn.

937cb7  No.7102117



90b094  No.7102118

File: 9fe5f3fed7ea803⋯.jpg (16.43 KB, 474x269, 474:269, CharlieFB.jpg)


It's your fault.

You trusted the ClockFags.

d1fe21  No.7102119


Obviously thinking isn't your strong point

ed314e  No.7102120

File: e9bde7f8eee2f84⋯.png (297.57 KB, 598x432, 299:216, ClipboardImage.png)

well, this happened bleeding into reality

076dfc  No.7102121


Start of a country song.

49111e  No.7102123

File: c6a7568e728f8c9⋯.png (2.66 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, vents.png)

1deca1  No.7102124


This is a great thread

Hyped me up last night


4c6ed1  No.7102125


I saw your post and was curious what would come of it. My computer broke and I'm stuck phone fagging for now. I do not have the data though. Should I?

3a1525  No.7102126

File: b8d58d538daeae1⋯.jpg (1.01 MB, 547x10000, 547:10000, FireShot Capture 301 - Jul….jpg)

File: 5b7799781a9b84a⋯.jpg (167.88 KB, 1199x692, 1199:692, 5b7799781a9b84a65c0a1da0fd….jpg)

File: 20f992ca15c6f6a⋯.jpg (90.58 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 20f992ca15c6f6acbc6836863a….jpg)

File: 52ec6fcea7b005d⋯.jpg (129.2 KB, 1200x683, 1200:683, 52ec6fcea7b005df13b53dc7b0….jpg)

937cb7  No.7102127


df5f1c  No.7102128


Keystone was 2 part. QAnon's keystone is the MilIntel, OSINT, and Q+'s will to use it. Take out Q+, the operation falls apart.

The cabal is also 2 part. Blackmail information and the will to use it. Take out Epstein, the operation falls apart.

bef77c  No.7102129

File: ee5c84c5298a499⋯.png (968.67 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, A28AFAF7-AC8F-453B-9DF0-5D….png)

File: da76b91e6b6ca06⋯.png (280.14 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 5B3C625A-E7FA-4C85-A945-FA….png)

File: e59fc0e603c941d⋯.png (188.78 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, B38C4C0B-F29F-4926-AFF3-78….png)

File: 1a3ff8e12b03aef⋯.png (595 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 19A83A1D-0337-4093-AC31-3A….png)

File: 422ec7afd00f31e⋯.jpeg (233.22 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, FCC8204D-9DB8-4392-A545-D….jpeg)

d01de4  No.7102130

File: bb14f35252b4a27⋯.png (119.18 KB, 634x528, 317:264, shillses.PNG)

Repent and atone ye shills, or face your unhappy masters.

4c4395  No.7102131

File: db2b9225a01b3e7⋯.jpg (119.51 KB, 800x450, 16:9, SeanKing.jpg)

738907  No.7102132


Back after nap. What is he doing & where’s he going?

b33650  No.7102133

File: 97dbe2d713cbc2f⋯.gif (1.33 MB, 720x348, 60:29, 97dbe2d713cbc2fdb61ae4de15….gif)


Neo, you are the key.

937cb7  No.7102134


17f9b7  No.7102135


It's been sliding the bread for the past 24 hours, anon.

651dd6  No.7102136


Yes i did, did you know if you go to the frankreport you may be able to find a photo of her and one of heads of nxivm nancy salzman sitting together

That would be a good meme

3a1525  No.7102137

File: 93351ba1bf9aab3⋯.jpg (105.59 KB, 1199x692, 1199:692, 93351ba1bf9aab36ba19020255….jpg)

File: a778aefa9b965b4⋯.jpg (107.76 KB, 1200x716, 300:179, a778aefa9b965b4c590ed323a5….jpg)

File: af16166cbdf06a8⋯.jpg (140.28 KB, 1200x713, 1200:713, af16166cbdf06a82f498480f6f….jpg)

File: 45fdc7ef82eec50⋯.png (73.82 KB, 828x926, 414:463, D_y6IMBUEAA4FH6.png)

File: 5fe4e7195e3abec⋯.png (231.96 KB, 1906x1110, 953:555, D_zhNU0WkAAKf3w.png)

353c4f  No.7102140


Welllll, not so much….


ab3868  No.7102141


I agree with this btw.

c95428  No.7102142


My bad.

2bed80  No.7102143


Haha! So does his tie mean he belongs to Epstein? Slow down guys… kek.

e4c193  No.7102144

File: e9872a0fddbda8e⋯.png (761.48 KB, 450x940, 45:94, 2019-07-19_18-13-16.png)


Wonder if he stores anything in those lift shoes?

0fd6d3  No.7102145

File: 48ed815db3be652⋯.jpeg (229.96 KB, 1280x640, 2:1, 1772.jpeg)

Which bank did Trump help the FBI in taking down? Asking for a fren

Some global bank and Trump worked with Mueller, Comey, Rosenstein on the case? Might have to search in qresear.ch

44dc03  No.7102146

File: 6bb54933032b18d⋯.jpg (80.07 KB, 867x416, 867:416, nk phil harm.jpg)

File: 4a2b3674152d233⋯.jpg (50.78 KB, 556x438, 278:219, nk dmz.JPG)


12 years of darkness


53494a  No.7102147


tanx for the screen caps anon.

937cb7  No.7102148


418359  No.7102149


Best economy for the last quite a bit.

Orator in chief!

e6eee1  No.7102150

File: ef6a2df8e867a1b⋯.png (439.73 KB, 900x1325, 36:53, ff.png)

could be the clowns making those fancy graphics that you'd assume a pr agency would make to sway opinion one way or another, for good or for bad..

who knows.

3a1525  No.7102151


From last nights night crew. many breads ago…

210aa7  No.7102152

File: 846f6b0cac85e77⋯.jpg (131.57 KB, 950x960, 95:96, cmm.jpg)


for me it's the lack of any concrete progress on immigration and border control.

>anyone who disagrees with this assessment, cite numbers, and evidence. change my mind.

as well as throwing people like Ann Coulter, (who has been absolutely consistant on the topic for decades) under the bus calling that it out.

Shit tier move.

df5f1c  No.7102153


He's okay, doesn't really have a track record, and doesn't really have a machine (thanks to CA GOP's fecklessness and lack of funding).

We'll vote for him again, and give him a couple bucks again, and hope he wins.

But we're not down with the "free sushi" parties. That shit is bait.

5ee548  No.7102154


Ummm? Facts please?

ac91c0  No.7102155


Does Chris Hayes also make women carry him piggy back across mud puddles so he don't get his expensive shoes and silk stockings dirty?

937cb7  No.7102156


f3dcdb  No.7102157


Bloviating, Freeing Prisoners, and Claiming Soon. You Know the usual

5e97ff  No.7102158


Matters not at all until anons know how to interpret it. Woohoo. And all that.

f166a5  No.7102159

File: 94d3327d004a7af⋯.png (224.07 KB, 906x893, 906:893, screenshot.png)

Q947 Iran Next []

Vessel's name: Stena Impero

IMO number: 9797400

Potus Tweet 9:47

Q947 - Iran

c43615  No.7102160

File: fab919233701232⋯.png (460.66 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, times cover1.png)

937cb7  No.7102161


347b13  No.7102162


Ed Buck & Steyer are buddies? I must have missed this notable connection…ke ke ke ke ke!

2e2d4b  No.7102163


Do it!

258ddf  No.7102164

File: 10ebfd8d2402af1⋯.jpg (82.44 KB, 960x540, 16:9, 1478398037510.jpg)





I see the crew switched tactics back and the board is just like it was a few weeks ago.

>set up false expectations of Q's post

>push various versions of expectation

>oh noes! it didn't happen

>Q'za lahrp

Did any of those tactics work then? From the beginning? Have they convinced even one single anon to abandon ship?

Likely 1 or 2. That's pretty small ROI for all this effort.

You are wasting your time. Your employers don't give a fuck about you. You will get no reward or respect from them, they would throw you under the bus (or not pay you) as easily as breathing.

You are being stealth red-pilled by being here, whether you like it or not, no matter how hard you fight against it.

The ride never ends.

You are here forever

56be66  No.7102165

File: c05bc1d1b6198fd⋯.jpeg (524.76 KB, 750x1182, 125:197, 1C336367-CB1A-4C16-8534-D….jpeg)



37bd64  No.7102166

File: 2ecdad82ddcd506⋯.jpg (29.2 KB, 720x600, 6:5, better_click_that_shit.jpg)

Where are you, literal cartoons faggot? I sniped the last bread for you ~<3

>>7101940 (LB)

99e9bc  No.7102167


use the 135degree portashitter

cb115a  No.7102168


Think about it. What good is several gigs of data to break if no-one has the primary data for use? Who keeps you from having it?

The easy way to do it would be to have the data ready to decrypt, primary and accounted for.

There are a couple layers of protection on the data. That was intentional.

df5f1c  No.7102169


Probably as coincidental as the Treasury seizing from a Mexican enough money to build the Wall.

937cb7  No.7102170



369559  No.7102171

File: 53fd29c1fbcdc42⋯.gif (1.36 MB, 332x192, 83:48, laserpointer.gif)


A promise of something huge by some unknown asshole, referencing a larp by an unknown asshole who has promised something huge for 20+ months ….

Yea, I'm not holding my breath on this one, anons.

The retard is multiplying on itself now.

95b9bd  No.7102172


Why would he go to Teterboro? Doesn't Bedminster have its own place to land? I think Bedminster is plenty close enough. He was in Bedminster when Epstein was arrested on a plane at Teterboro Airport.

ab2e2a  No.7102173


Been doing this for a year now

5a0e06  No.7102174

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Why do we care Hitlery

37bd64  No.7102175




7f30f5  No.7102176


wtf is up your shithole

3a1525  No.7102177


o7 no problem. WWG1WGA

418035  No.7102178

File: e97a055f6a294f7⋯.png (855.52 KB, 1435x2466, 1435:2466, Capture _2019-07-19-17-14-….png)

Did we catch this 17?

9172f4  No.7102179

I messed up. The BOOMs in POTUS’s tweets aren’t from just today, but the last few days.

e3a010  No.7102180


>>7102111 POTUS delivers a statement upon departure.

>>7101886 Portland, Oregon police chief calls for ban on protesters wearing masks after antifa incident.

>>7102026 CF and EW.

>>7102009 Epstein flight logs added to Qresearch search.

>>7101803, >>7101949 MSNBC’s Chris Hayes: Trump supporters must be ‘confronted and destroyed’.

>>7101906 Chegg Independent Director sold $2.05m shares.

>>7101844, >>7101896 Three charged for Charlottesville violence.

>>7101782, >>7102067 The Pentagon’s No. 2 policy official will resign on Friday.

>>7101775 Sinema, eight other Senators sign letter to speed up removal of certain migrants.

>>7101741 Update on Nashville shooting situation.

>>7101576, >>7102083, >>7101868 Market [1] Set Q Graphic.

>>7101654, >>7101683, >>7101719 Anons: Epstein building a desalination or waste treatment facility?

>>7101578, >>7101739, >>7101786 Boatfag updates.

>>7101566 Thousand of nonviolent offenders will be released Friday thanks to Trump signing criminal justice reform.

e33ecb  No.7102181


Nobody knows… and Q will just take whatever random piece of shit thing that happened and "back fill" to claim "See? I predicted it! What more proof do you need? HOW LONG until it's statistically impossible?"

And mouth-breathing anons will look at that and be all impressed and shit.

1ec22c  No.7102182


I guess there's still a couple days left in the week to remember.

I know it's been said before, but seriously, I'm not a shill. I have been here since the beginning and I can prove it. I am a believer in truth and action. I KNOW what's been going on same as all the other oldfags, but Epstein just being arrested is great but it isn't enough. Qbaby is great, but it's not enough.

I'm all stocked up on hopium. I need more action.

93ed47  No.7102183


Well hopefully enough shit blows up between now and next year that she and the other loud mouth Dems can't recover.

ffff9d  No.7102184



nice catch.

e52ca4  No.7102185

This was when we were living together in 2006 and we each took two sugar cubes with a drop of lsd in each one. After it kicked in my friend who wasn't spiritual at all and me being the spiritual one came up to me and said "Their is a spiritual realm" and me be naive said "yeah I know" then he said "No you dont know, come here and look into my eyes" So I did and then whoosh, we were out of our bodies and in our spirit bodies and where we were I can only explain it as a great hall that went on for I dont know how far in both directions and if you have taken lsd you see all the colors of the rainbow making up sacred geometric patterns embedded over the physical well take the physical away and I think that's where we where. We where mucking around in there and for some reason I was drawn to something on the wall sort of like a gem stone and was inspecting it then all of a sudden I was teleported through it to another great hall and went straight back through to tell Corey and we kept on playing around in their for what felt like 10 minutes and then returned to our bodies but no time had passed in the physical!

I asked him how he found out about it and he said our other mate, Jackey had shown him who I hadn't seen for years. Then not long after we our house ended up being run through for drugs (1 litre of ghb) that was when shit hit the fan Corey ended up having a fallout with Jackey, Then later on I had a falling out with Corey so I thought I catch back up with Jackey after a while I asked Jakey about what he showed Corey while on acid and he said "I dont know what your talking about". I ended up seeing Corey again worked out our differences and said to him "Remember that trip to the spirit realms" and he said "Nah, I dont know what your talking about" and I knew something was up, not with them but something preventing this from coming out.

5ee548  No.7102186


And he’s more right than “Q”. Go figure.

fd4493  No.7102187


My favorite tie and coincidently my favorite shirt has the exact same color scheme. I hope that’s nothing subconscious…

898675  No.7102188

File: 2105da189bca749⋯.png (466.8 KB, 736x677, 736:677, 2105da189bca749b2b33c1055f….png)


>I think this movement. . .

Well there's your problem right there. Also reddit spacing is always a tell.

e3a010  No.7102190


>>7102111 POTUS delivers a statement upon departure.

>>7101886 Portland, Oregon police chief calls for ban on protesters wearing masks after antifa incident.

>>7102026 CF and EW.

>>7102009 Epstein flight logs added to Qresearch search.

>>7101803, >>7101949 MSNBC’s Chris Hayes: Trump supporters must be ‘confronted and destroyed’.

>>7101906 Chegg Independent Director sold $2.05m shares.

>>7101844, >>7101896 Three charged for Charlottesville violence.

>>7101782, >>7102067 The Pentagon’s No. 2 policy official will resign on Friday.

>>7101775 Sinema, eight other Senators sign letter to speed up removal of certain migrants.

>>7101741 Update on Nashville shooting situation.

>>7101576, >>7102083, >>7101868 Marker [1] Set Q Graphic.

>>7101654, >>7101683, >>7101719 Anons: Epstein building a desalination or waste treatment facility?

>>7101578, >>7101739, >>7101786 Boatfag updates.

>>7101566 Thousand of nonviolent offenders will be released Friday thanks to Trump signing criminal justice reform.

7b0ffb  No.7102191


We know they're in this for the long haul. Once you're sucked in you'll never fully leave. Like you said, maybe 1 or 2, but we know better by now. All the newfags and morons gotta whine for a bit. Hate it, but it is what it is

187622  No.7102192


So let me Guess……

My Father is so retarded that keeps sending kids to this planet, so they be in pain.?????????????????

5570f6  No.7102195

File: 47f0108a27c2777⋯.png (487.68 KB, 720x869, 720:869, ClipboardImage.png)

No date so not sure how old this is.

"M’nakta N’tadaku Johnson, of the Sudanese Johnsons, has announced that he’s suing the Obama family for $40 million for “excluding him from the lives of his children under Musammical law.” His lawsuit states that as the only known biological parent of the two girls, he is entitled to compensation for being withheld from their lives."

The suit comes just after Sasha turned 18, assuring that the case would be heard in a federal court in Sudan rather than a probate court in Washington, DC. According to Johnson’s attorney, Art Tubolls:

“Mr. Johnson will be happy to meet the Obamas at the 304th US District Court at the Embassy in Sudan. We have filed to be heard on one of the four days of the month the court is in session to decide US-based matters. The Obamas can either take a nice trip to Africa or they can pay the settlement amount of $40 million. It’s their choice.”


fc00da  No.7102196

File: 31e9e9dd47e17d8⋯.jpg (379.45 KB, 911x627, 911:627, epstein temple planet fatn….jpg)

260e53  No.7102197

File: 90e6635ea04e152⋯.jpg (273.54 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190719-120349….jpg)

File: 3764944db269814⋯.jpg (225.12 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190719-151436….jpg)

File: 5e30177b1ea8734⋯.jpg (246.68 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190719-151242….jpg)

File: 9b933b434538467⋯.jpg (235.27 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190719-151456….jpg)

File: 6f9b56d7e1071cf⋯.jpg (256.15 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190719-151446….jpg)


04c4c0  No.7102198

File: 1fa78ff8e9045f2⋯.jpeg (81.75 KB, 499x499, 1:1, 6BA1A427-DC9E-422F-B9CA-0….jpeg)

File: 843ef31120cbf60⋯.jpeg (220 KB, 834x1006, 417:503, 729A4D9B-36BC-41BA-AD32-6….jpeg)

df5f1c  No.7102199

>>7101893 FBI Contractor (1 of 4) Busted!


418035  No.7102201


This is 100% true

ab3868  No.7102202

File: ef4628aba9afcdb⋯.png (431.96 KB, 1349x2881, 1349:2881, Screenshot_2019-07-19 'The….png)

File: 5919f17ffdc26a1⋯.png (586.78 KB, 1349x2317, 1349:2317, Screenshot_2019-07-19 Woma….png)

File: 1dedf0fcc199c55⋯.jpg (53.8 KB, 492x592, 123:148, 1dedf0fcc199c55515b59671c1….jpg)



and another rape

d5c942  No.7102203

File: 731f5628dc90a96⋯.png (25.33 KB, 397x129, 397:129, DershIsDone.png)

File: 0530b98f358670a⋯.jpg (13.63 KB, 255x242, 255:242, youfunnykek.jpg)

1af8fa  No.7102204

File: 143059f1b91692e⋯.png (38.26 KB, 1492x256, 373:64, idontknowmaybe_171.png)


Do you have VIP anon post alone would like to make graphic

bef77c  No.7102205

File: e42f22a8dccf5ea⋯.jpeg (142.1 KB, 950x960, 95:96, 2819591F-F115-455A-8FBB-B….jpeg)

ff0ebb  No.7102206

antifa still has it's masks on.. police still stand down for mask wearing black clad individuals, but still beat and kill actual black people on purpose. the greening of the planet with the natural carbon dioxide is well greener than in a very long time, oh no it's hot during the summer cold in the winter and wet in the rain. woe is me where in the world is Q when the children live in fear, 3000 babies are aborted, immigrants rape and stab grandma, and orange man is bad.

Oh and Iran took 2 more tankers, but hey, Top Gun 2 will get the military loaded with constitutional pledged soldiers that don't know they aren't swearing to the Constitution of their founding fathers, it's the admiral law that makes the taking of the vessels at sea legal as far as Iran see's it, swear loyalty to the queen

90b094  No.7102208


>Ann Coulter, (who has been absolutely consistant…

…when it comes to who offers the most monies for her ranty feelz.

5e97ff  No.7102209

Made a promise to myself to time out if nothing happened. Nothing happened.

Will be back when NBC Nightly News shows even ONE THING that's been predicted here.

Willing to wait it out.

It's been maddening. It's been fun, and now it's time to walk away.

e4c193  No.7102210

File: 1beecc03df0dc2e⋯.png (539.59 KB, 621x894, 207:298, 2019-07-19_18-17-05.png)


Muh grey?

5850a4  No.7102211



14 months hoping I was wrong, after 6 months getting my ego stoked so that I’d KNOW I was right.

d7d28e  No.7102212


more then 2. look at the catalog, certain some people are scrubbing breads.

607e49  No.7102214

File: 51a60b135f2314b⋯.png (1.24 MB, 969x1089, 323:363, Screen Shot 2019-07-19 at ….png)

937cb7  No.7102215


7e849c  No.7102216

File: 77cca44a59bb566⋯.jpeg (25.09 KB, 255x251, 255:251, B38CC16B-BD79-45C9-B11F-B….jpeg)

fd4493  No.7102217


It’s not ‚anons‘ anymore as soon as you use twitter…

cf6de1  No.7102219

File: b06b88953da1f7e⋯.png (1 MB, 1073x633, 1073:633, 4 TOXIC HORSEWOMEN.png)

008490  No.7102220

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Judicial Watch’s Weekly Update Live. @TomFitton will be discussing: Dirty Voter Roll Cleanup in Kentucky, Obama State Dept. Caught in RussiaGate, ==and Ilhan Omar Marriage Scandal!==

076dfc  No.7102222


Are u high?

6fbfd5  No.7102224


RT replaced by

Mike Pompeo

United States Secretary of State

99e9bc  No.7102225

File: 4a526671b10b9d2⋯.png (29.33 KB, 802x236, 401:118, ClipboardImage.png)

just pretend edgerank is running here

5ee548  No.7102226


But we don’t “think” anon. Good post.

84c100  No.7102227


most people don't look at the background of the filers, just that they sold or bought. Sometime they try and hide muh titles. Have seen the CEO and Other officers filed as directors for years. For the most part many don't even bother to look

d01de4  No.7102228

File: bb07e6df451982a⋯.jpg (135.56 KB, 600x892, 150:223, bb07e6df451982a3e169bcb12f….jpg)

898675  No.7102229

File: bf1e7fb029a1382⋯.jpg (5.98 KB, 245x187, 245:187, bf1e7fb029a1382bd77a61ba5e….jpg)


have you tried one of these?

ab3868  No.7102230


that's not much less than you get for raping multiple children.

sorry. "sexual assault".

d5c942  No.7102231

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


For [Alan].

5570f6  No.7102232


anons use twitter; the smart ones at least do

c95428  No.7102233


How many news shows has he been on proclaiming his innocence so far? Six?

369559  No.7102234

File: b4bbf3daceb8892⋯.png (596.32 KB, 483x804, 161:268, jebandmex.png)


>These people are stupid means US!

Pretty much. Pretty obvious too.

This a shitshow … all of it.

The left will soon tie everything on this board to Trump and Trump supporters … and not in a good way.

Q is not a Trump ally. How can so many well-meaning anons not see this?

db438d  No.7102237

File: e84f5e915a5ffa3⋯.png (212.18 KB, 532x569, 532:569, ClipboardImage.png)

For more than 60 years, the #B52 Stratofortress has been the backbone

of the strategic bomber force for the United States. From dusk until dawn

our precious trained #Airmen work hard to keep this bird operational.



12:16 PM - 19 Jul 2019

187622  No.7102238





9a6409  No.7102239

File: 7e1f0b97076df91⋯.jpg (12.65 KB, 255x159, 85:53, 7e1f0b97076df919d11b7bb318….jpg)


Backup assist baker here checking in. I have 615 pm to 930 pm available . I did a few breads today already but if you need help I am willing to work overtime to help. Let me know .

e7c7e9  No.7102240


change the skin to a mottled pattern of light browns and tan, make the eyes a bit more human looking and you're on to something.

ed314e  No.7102241

File: 19389fbc95d1e0d⋯.png (282.12 KB, 500x698, 250:349, Messages Image(1127561227).png)

ff1516  No.7102242

File: 9814d0ce079b670⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1028x720, 257:180, thenoseitgrows.png)

37bd64  No.7102243

File: a97224c87be75ce⋯.jpg (248.88 KB, 676x1024, 169:256, 1249802868197.jpg)


Yeah but posting the same picture over and over is worthless flooding, it's literally an attack on the board. If you're going to post dickgirls, at least bring some variety, or else fuck off.

c0d1b6  No.7102244


Any Fitbit fags got data for Island ?

6fbfd5  No.7102245

File: a1f674d0a01b31c⋯.png (504.93 KB, 984x1038, 164:173, ClipboardImage.png)

bef77c  No.7102248

File: 170d0d2ff6c7a9d⋯.png (2.67 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, E517F400-4CDE-4D6D-8065-DF….png)

861c00  No.7102249


pashaw - he only uses the strappiest of black males ala macron'


607e49  No.7102250

File: f6dbb5277bde038⋯.png (1.86 MB, 1588x843, 1588:843, Screen Shot 2019-07-19 at ….png)

d7d28e  No.7102252

File: c818d2e1b0ea06b⋯.png (608.41 KB, 1835x892, 1835:892, 2019-07-19 18.19.03 8ch.ne….png)

Whole bunch of breads being scrubbed.

3c59a9  No.7102253


furnace for bodies? tanks are for fuel?

84c100  No.7102254

File: 37feaaf1da4d392⋯.png (617.41 KB, 863x606, 863:606, chanded.png)


chek't quads

fd4493  No.7102255


I do also. But there is no ANONS on twitter faggot.

ed314e  No.7102256

File: 036bb3039253377⋯.png (12.45 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)



e3a010  No.7102257


>>7102237 Stratcom bomber Tweet.

>>7102220 JW Live.

>>7102111 POTUS delivers a statement upon departure.

>>7101886 Portland, Oregon police chief calls for ban on protesters wearing masks after antifa incident.

>>7102026 CF and EW.

>>7102009 Epstein flight logs added to Qresearch search.

>>7101803, >>7101949 MSNBC’s Chris Hayes: Trump supporters must be ‘confronted and destroyed’.

>>7101906 Chegg Independent Director sold $2.05m shares.

>>7101844, >>7101896 Three charged for Charlottesville violence.

>>7101782, >>7102067 The Pentagon’s No. 2 policy official will resign on Friday.

>>7101775 Sinema, eight other Senators sign letter to speed up removal of certain migrants.

>>7101741 Update on Nashville shooting situation.

>>7101576, >>7102083, >>7101868 Marker [1] Set Q Graphic.

>>7101654, >>7101683, >>7101719 Anons: Epstein building a desalination or waste treatment facility?

>>7101578, >>7101739, >>7101786 Boatfag updates.

>>7101566 Thousand of nonviolent offenders will be released Friday thanks to Trump signing criminal justice reform.

d01de4  No.7102258

File: cce251ebb5a55fa⋯.jpg (442.95 KB, 1515x2135, 303:427, b1shil.jpg)

It's their catchphrases - so artless.

898675  No.7102259

File: abb6a5c2e0301e8⋯.jpg (13.41 KB, 187x255, 11:15, 64f122d40ef0e8dd508996cfe3….jpg)


must be a trick of the light, huh?

9174ed  No.7102260

So what I'm gathering here is that either tons of shills are on a rampage, or we actually have some oldfags acting like summerfags because their personal life is in shambles based on how they handled dissemination of information to their respective communities.

We got a Q proof. We got a confirmation in Future Proves Past. Not everything is about Declas and HRC snuff films. This is about our COUNTRY. And that means the power has to be with the PEOPLE. If people don't have enough reason to believe Q, I believe Q will continue putting out proofs to make it "Mathematically impossible" to be a coincidence. Now everything is about what (you) want. It's about the betterment of our country as a whole.

WWG1WGA - Don't forget this.

04c4c0  No.7102262

File: b38e197d24dd1d0⋯.jpeg (109.98 KB, 570x570, 1:1, 96426485-9748-48EF-9413-7….jpeg)


Don’t forgetti the watch is behind so the marker will be late anons

37bd64  No.7102265


>certain some people are scrubbing breads.

They've been deleting the flood of dickgirl posts and IRL doxing posts faggots were making earlier.

b33650  No.7102267

File: fed35fcdf595a1e⋯.png (142.68 KB, 443x577, 443:577, iTBEGINS.png)


include this one please

5850a4  No.7102268


Hindsight is in 2020.


85efe3  No.7102269


>We have no idea if it is Q or not.

uh no, we do….. lurk moar

b33650  No.7102270



For marker set [1]

a0b881  No.7102271

And Nooooooo happenings …….Again ! Carry on

5570f6  No.7102273


He was talking to ]you[ moran. kek

4ac196  No.7102274

File: b9853311234f900⋯.jpg (43 KB, 956x537, 956:537, AOC1.jpg)

d01de4  No.7102276

File: 74d753ed761a497⋯.jpg (568.53 KB, 2256x1708, 564:427, c898369624633023591747483d….jpg)

fe7b23  No.7102277


Q,Q+, Please address this situation and take a good hard look at the EPA. This should not be tolerated.

385781  No.7102280


With a helmet instead of a red knot cap of course.

f66d70  No.7102281


I do, at least most of them.

385781  No.7102283

418359  No.7102284


No no no, the whole point of these four years is to please some dumb old cunts on 8ch

b2f1d5  No.7102285


so?? wht ur point?

90b094  No.7102286


>I'm not a shill.

I believe you.

Iran is next.

That's the next big thing upcoming that will have some BOOMS.

All coming to a head there now.

Just don't ask for a specific date.

187622  No.7102288


sTAY W/ cia, nsa, dod, blablabla

I pereffer to go to the Serpo., my and my babby.

ytou, looks like never reveal the truths.

bl;abl;abla, blabla bl;a

5ee548  No.7102290


Oh stop it Scavino. We’ve had enough.

fc00da  No.7102291

File: 05772661c3c4a1d⋯.jpg (370.28 KB, 911x627, 911:627, epstein temple YOU MUST BE….jpg)

28e479  No.7102292

File: 1b542d2ac88d4eb⋯.png (730.56 KB, 754x540, 377:270, awesome.PNG)

b33650  No.7102293

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Music for senpai ;o

df5f1c  No.7102294

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Bunch. One was the DMZ, 1:07 into this video.

937cb7  No.7102295


c95428  No.7102297


People need to pay attention. We've been at the "mathematically impossible" point for some time now.

b33650  No.7102299


Rock out with me senpai ;];]]]

bef77c  No.7102300

File: dc98c1bbc38c0f7⋯.jpeg (1.34 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, 72496A26-221A-4C0D-975A-F….jpeg)

537941  No.7102301

File: c1999624a9aa0eb⋯.png (438.68 KB, 1146x523, 1146:523, AQ5.PNG)

Hmmm. Al Jazeera seems to have a one track mind.

f7b664  No.7102302

File: 2e9291a87704eab⋯.png (747.18 KB, 782x409, 782:409, 1549695556158.png)

ed314e  No.7102303

File: 040d95f55ae3e33⋯.png (290.41 KB, 598x565, 598:565, ClipboardImage.png)

Joshes UNITE:

6f0ca7  No.7102304

Q team makes it SUPER look like today at 449 the shit will hit.

Ok, so it doesn't.

Meanwhile the DS is shitting themselves doing IRAN FF's.

AND POOR LITTLE anon's are all mad. Go Cry pussy. So what if we were controlled.

Own it.

It's a psyop. We are lucky to be part of this.

Quit bitching.

52b419  No.7102305

File: 0323451e0223ab3⋯.png (579.12 KB, 1218x665, 174:95, Screen Shot 2019-07-13 at ….png)


Been sayin it a while, nobody listenin…

7b0ffb  No.7102307


I'd wash it for her

fc00da  No.7102308

File: de7ef594cba594a⋯.jpg (182.39 KB, 482x488, 241:244, schumers wife is a man bab….jpg)

187622  No.7102309



tell the truth

you don;t love me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

did I ever liyed to you???????????????????

you fuck

738907  No.7102310

File: cdbba138148521f⋯.jpeg (141.05 KB, 1101x606, 367:202, BC87D2D1-251B-4438-A19C-3….jpeg)

5ee548  No.7102311


What? Jesus.

241125  No.7102312


Should read "you can only be this short to ride"

5570f6  No.7102313

File: 64de95fb396e854⋯.png (239.86 KB, 600x584, 75:73, ClipboardImage.png)



369559  No.7102314

File: e6c00d4602b1164⋯.jpg (109.05 KB, 1024x759, 1024:759, canadastradeneg.jpg)


Impossible to argue with any of these facts.

Qbaby: what say you?

Well summarized, anon.

205d38  No.7102315

So there must be pics of GORKA at JE's 'deer lease' on the Isle.

37bd64  No.7102316


As plausible as any other explanation we've got. I think crematory is probably the least plausible, there are much easier and more secretive ways to get rid of bodies when you're on an island, e.g. macerator and slurry pumps.

4ac196  No.7102317

File: b3ec967b0686486⋯.jpg (533.96 KB, 2000x1732, 500:433, b3ec967b0686486f92c4729aa5….jpg)

Hillary Ellen 16

52b419  No.7102318

File: 1bc788711797694⋯.png (93.63 KB, 1036x606, 518:303, Screen Shot 2019-07-13 at ….png)

File: 057a3f5269a7682⋯.png (204.24 KB, 757x626, 757:626, Screen Shot 2019-07-13 at ….png)

File: 502bb861c30742d⋯.png (102.67 KB, 392x618, 196:309, Screen Shot 2019-07-13 at ….png)

ff0ebb  No.7102319


douche and hsbc

fc00da  No.7102320

File: a1e87f7cba975d3⋯.jpg (603.08 KB, 1009x1411, 1009:1411, cool hand kook.jpg)

9e67d8  No.7102321

File: 74f4e6bc5107368⋯.jpg (10.87 KB, 255x244, 255:244, b932e069115a77eb36d0e30fb1….jpg)

File: bc53580245d2626⋯.png (7.28 KB, 255x175, 51:35, 8f4057f0687fe25000ddf37966….png)

File: ee17bdf66ac48aa⋯.jpg (17.21 KB, 255x242, 255:242, 43010d0424ec268a0346e964a2….jpg)

3a1525  No.7102322

File: cc48d2b3c7bbbb2⋯.jpg (625.19 KB, 1920x3209, 1920:3209, FireShot Capture 324 - Sas….jpg)



418035  No.7102323


>Q is not a Trump ally.

Sure, sure, not a Trump ally, just happens to have administrative rights to Trumps twitter account. You fekken nailed it, genius.

7e2103  No.7102324


children in cages ?

937cb7  No.7102325


dc34c8  No.7102326


>Start of a country song.

I was drunk the day my mama got out of prison.

258ddf  No.7102327


So, Demi Lovato doesn't lurk here, won't see your posts. You're not likely to drive off someone who isn't here and won't see this.

It would sure be a lot more helpful if you were doing something productive while you are here. Specifically, something with some bearing on the topic of this board, Q Research- or you could post those on the entertainment board…

Or go give your husband a blowjob. He'd like that.

187622  No.7102328


part of the crime

cowards and criminals

crimes against humanity

you are huilty as fuck

come tell me you are a hero

35c60d  No.7102330

File: 4371c9c33db941c⋯.png (29.15 KB, 873x359, 873:359, ClipboardImage.png)


>threads scrubbed

limited catalog space so new thread posts just get moved to TTDDTOT (things that don't deserve their own thread)


if they don't meet standards found under Rules on Welcome page


898675  No.7102331

File: 24078cdf7ace354⋯.png (809.87 KB, 1350x900, 3:2, 2442.png)

db438d  No.7102332

File: a93a08efea656fd⋯.jpg (24.65 KB, 657x440, 657:440, frog21.jpg)

ed314e  No.7102333

File: 5b94e84294d1e72⋯.png (997.2 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


never quit, animeanon

5ee548  No.7102334

Why y’all gonna do when Michael Obama comes in and kicks 45’s ass? It’ll happen. Cap this.

47f778  No.7102336

File: 8f79c684add2af8⋯.jpg (27.02 KB, 474x355, 474:355, 2340jmasdfj.jpg)


Would you like to come over for a drink?

bca043  No.7102337

File: 5cca67bb532aa50⋯.jpeg (172.67 KB, 1242x992, 621:496, 6D294514-D50F-40C2-89F0-C….jpeg)

I missed this yesterday of already mentioned. Whats up with this?

bef77c  No.7102338


maybe he would!

9174ed  No.7102339


I agree, which is why this latest proof is really good. It's a recent occurrence that everyone can gather proof on to start the process of growing their minds. They, of course, have to be willing to accept that none of us know what is going on at the deepest levels, but that we are actively searching and learning. I think that's a much easier way to show people how to align with the truth.

fc00da  No.7102340

File: be4acf6a2c89d30⋯.jpg (21.32 KB, 468x456, 39:38, honky kong.jpg)

File: 87ba87e77023b60⋯.jpg (87.82 KB, 497x755, 497:755, honky.jpg)

369559  No.7102342


> just happens to have administrative rights to Trumps twitter account.

Who told you this? Q?

You are the perfect dupe for Q.

a3b5f0  No.7102343

File: edb41d03227bcc0⋯.jpg (325.56 KB, 616x816, 77:102, Globalism is slavery.jpg)

File: 6de5db6cf15deda⋯.jpg (131.61 KB, 351x504, 39:56, Defend freedom.jpg)

File: dad3fc4eb94e472⋯.jpg (107.88 KB, 408x582, 68:97, Dig.jpg)

File: ac7d2a1b38d91be⋯.jpg (413.97 KB, 713x1004, 713:1004, Great awakening.jpg)

b2f1d5  No.7102344


where "Q' write exactly wht u say "Q" wrote?

post ur exact evidence…and we avoid conjecture..

if wont/cant then …wht the fuss?

e23a38  No.7102345


Must be shills, anon

e3a010  No.7102346

Fresh Bread




Fresh Bread

a0b881  No.7102347


You mean Mike ?

caac8b  No.7102348

File: 112f4ab0d23bb3b⋯.png (893.92 KB, 1449x814, 1449:814, kim jong un wtf eyes 2.png)


Holy shit, a bread or 2 back someone dropped a picture of this

d26eb7  No.7102349

File: 4f65fa1489b06cb⋯.png (923.54 KB, 1334x960, 667:480, ClipboardImage.png)


she swore-in on the constitution instead of a bible.

651dd6  No.7102350


Love it! Hope folks who have twat make it go viral

Let's start the conversation

b46ef2  No.7102352


On iPad

Will post for you later

ed314e  No.7102353

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Theme Music Prt10

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