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File: 287f24712f58e22⋯.jpg (9.5 KB, 255x143, 255:143, de36960c04495bd843cd005a70….jpg)

82d999  No.7092049

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

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PICS: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/4004099.html

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Thursday 07.18.2019

>>7088054 rt >>7088006 ————————— If you look close enough you might see….

>>7088006 ————————————–——– Worth remembering

>>7087942 ————————————–——– Shall we play a game? (Cap: >>7088219)

>>7087719 ————————————–——– How do you 'shape' a story? (Cap: >>7089710)

>>7087425 rt >>7087382 ——————–——– Note events happening today

>>7087382 ————————————–——– Explore further (Cap: >>7087423)

>>7087356 ————————————–——– Explore further (Cap: >>7087384)

>>7086659 ————————————–——– Armor of God

>>7086225 ————————————–——– Worth remembering

>>7086145 ————————————–——– PANIC IN DC (Cap: >>7086210)

>>7085919 ————————————–——– What happens when the public finds out the TRUTH?

>>7083453 ————————————–——– Symbolism will be their downfall

>>7076995 rt >>7076947 ————————— Thank you for your continued service, BO

>>7076919 rt >>7076859 ————————— Captcha Gone

>>7076842 rt >>7076831 ————————— Thank you, BO

>>7076810 ————————————–——– Please revert bread back to original form

Wednesday 07.17.2019

>>7074775 ————————————–——– Sheep no more. (Cap/Vid: >>7074909)

>>7074370 rt >>7074324 ————————— How many coincidences before mathematically impossible?

>>7074281 ————————————–——– Outside of the standard deviation? (Cap: >>7074291)

>>7073304 rt >>7073157 ————————— WWG1WGA!!! (Cap: >>7073157)

Tuesday 07.16.19

Compiled here: >>7086938

Sunday 07.14.2019

Compiled here: >>7086925

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Q's Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

82d999  No.7092061

Global Announcements

>>7077026 BO "thank you for vote of confidence"

>>7079301, >>7079338 BO summarizes bread reversion, no more captcha, and continued notables thread >>7003045

Bakers, Do not add Q's non-tripcoded posts to the dough


are not endorsements


>>7091368 Boatfag update

>>7091354, >>7091365, >>7091370, >>7091380, >>7091404, >>7091405, >>7091381, >>7091396 THE TIME IS 4:49 Q 449 MARKER

>>7091363 NASA Tomorrow is looking exciting, anons

>>7091377 POTUS Schedule for FRIDAY, July 19, 2019

>>7091457, >>7091515 PB reposts Q watch >>7089982

>>7091485 Executive Order Establishing the President’s National Council for the American Worker

>>7091489, >>7091517 muh gym

>>7091528 America was NOT what the squad thinks it was and accused us of for reparations, and oppression. DO YOUR HOMEWORK GIRLS!!!

>>7091698 The Qabalistic Definition of the Snake Nachash (‏שחנ‎)

>>7091716, >>7091732, >>7091734 for the blue light anon

>>7091719, >>7091736, >>7091776 Then on March 27, 2019 he posted both Marker 1 set (which has the same time as the watch he just posted) And Marker 2 set.

>>7091732 Marker 2

>>7091903 If you look close enough you might see …pic related

>>7091952 Drone anon- latest on Epstein Island

>>7092023 #9074


>>7090584, >>7090718 Aga Khan owns an island in Caribbean as well.

>>7090587 Omar dig

>>7090608, >>7090609, >>7090650 "The state department is at the center of the Storm.."

>>7090691 Great Saint James, U.S. Virgin Islands

>>7090694 Executive Order 13382 target proliferators of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) or WMD delivery systems and their associates. In addition to a freeze on any of their assets within the United States, the sanctioned persons and entities will be denied access to the U.S. financial system and listed online as WMD proliferators.

>>7090735 07/19/2013 + Turkish bath houses

>>7090737, >>7090886 Aga Khan dig

>>7090741 NY Fed clarifies Williams speech that market took as signal of a rate cut

>>7090738 Q watch reflections

>>7090768 Opinion: 187 House Republicans have lost their moral compass

>>7090771 19 of 22 MS13 Animals Arrested in Sanctuary Los Angeles and Connected to Gruesome Machete Murders are Illegal Aliens

>>7090787 The watch looks like it was on the leather writing pads inside the Situation Room at the White House.

>>7090789, >>7090904 Anotonin Scalia's son picked to be Sec of Labor

>>7090820, >>7090875 Bell Cay. currently no marine traffic noted in the area Khan island

>>7090859 Duterte 'Will Not Answer' To White People Amid UN Human Rights Investigation

>>7090883 Q watch pic, Got it fairly straightened out,

>>7090915 @Travis60AMW In mission to honor one of their own

>>7091103 Market sell offs

>>7091148 Call to dig: New Drone Video shows wires possibly going under the [M]-Temple

>>7091230 #9073

Previously Collected Notables

>>7088265 #9069, >>7089119 #9070, >>7089848 #9071, >>7090495 #9072

>>7085092 #9065, >>7085848 #9066, >>7086981 #9067, >>7088501 #9068

>>7081944 #9061, >>7082675 #9062, >>7083337 #9063, >>7084294 #9064

>>7078852 #9057, >>7079627 #9058, >>7080417 #9059, >>7081129 #9060

Notables Archive by BV's (no longer updated?): https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)

82d999  No.7092066

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] \\#QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

[4] Q's requested hashtags on of 3/11/19:






Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads ---- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

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Book of Q Proofs ----- https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://bookofqproofs.wordpress.com/

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Sealed Indictment Master -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup -- https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

Searchable Indictment Map w/dockets, links & more -- https://bad-boys.us/


Resignations Thread ----------------- >>2714136

All Resignations Website ----------- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://qresear.ch

Spread The Word

>>5973059 -- The BE HEARD Bread II: Be Loud! - Make Us Proud! - Make Noise For Q!

Board Admin & Discussion Threads

>>6064510 --------- META (for board admin queries)

>>>/qproofs/130 --- Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

International Q Research Threads:


Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>6135754 The JQ (Jewish Question) Research Thread #4

>>6528824 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #10 Leaven Rising to Heaven Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>6097863 – New World Order Research Thread #5

>>6867253 – Clockwork Qrange #10

>>7071248 - Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #10

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Vatican Jesuits Research thread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2565756.html

Letters of Gratitude


Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#10 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

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Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#27 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303, >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462

Q Graphics all in GMT #28-#34 >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071, >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164

Q Graphics all in GMT #35-#41 >>>/comms/2176, >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270, >>>/comms/2274

Q Graphics all in GMT #42-#48 >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327, >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496

Q Graphics all in GMT #49-#55 >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528, >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#62 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187, >>>/comms/3464, >>>/comms/3472

Q Graphics all in GMT #63-#69 >>>/comms/3687, >>>/comms/3688, >>>/comms/3701, >>>/comms/3702, >>>/comms/3858, >>>/comms/3859, >>>/comms/3882

Q Graphics all in GMT #70-#76 >>>/comms/3898, >>>/comms/3920, >>>/comms/3975, >>>/comms/4029, >>>/comms/4197, >>>/comms/4335, >>>/comms/4386

Q Graphics all in GMT #77-#83 >>>/comms/4388, >>>/comms/4423, >>>/comms/4443, >>>/comms/4684, >>>/comms/5035, >>>/comms/5044, >>>/comms/5228

Q Graphics all in GMT #84 >>7088885

Q Graphics all in EST


82d999  No.7092075

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!cjZQRAaL!aTvYqIifJmSRQYUB5h4LmOJgjqNut2DOAYHFmYOV1fQ

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/ux6qfl2m40vbaah/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.VI.pdf/file

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/408371553/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VI?secret_password=m2IeU6xGZ7OtQhl7vvyg

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

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* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://qest.us/obamavisitors

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Research Section Backup: >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

* How to Edit Hosts File (DNS): >>>/comms/4396

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* New google doc tracking deplatforming/bans on social media: >>6484178

* Notables Aggregator: https://wearethene.ws

Meme Ammo

49 >>7077975

Q Research Graphics Library recent folders by date

2019-Jul https://mega.nz/#F!6xkHmYrZ!wxAJLCRIW3EQO3TpyHf1BA

2019-Jun https://mega.nz/#F!K89jwQgB!ij-qXn6rnqv2ZozlXIWiFg

Epstein Drone Photos https://mega.nz/#F!DwNkwAZQ!xa6JLeW9_632P0yw3MhlNw

Trump Accomplishments after 2 Yrs in Office https://mega.nz/#F!C49DHYIa!jOxYHczFjauTrdWWb9VUqw

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

Bread Archives (sites)


Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)


MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist ---- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon ------------------ https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archives

Plain text archives of all QR threads: https://pastebin.com/2f1897vD

Notables Aggregator: https://wearethene.ws

How to Properly Nominate a Notable

>>7078280, >>7078284

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>7015023

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>7078220

82d999  No.7092089

File: a8b27c175c2d521⋯.jpg (9.22 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 9da808e0b17c7837ee11b9d3bd….jpg)



84ebf1  No.7092102

File: 834601da52d215f⋯.jpg (170.34 KB, 1372x826, 98:59, Aleppo2.jpg)

File: e2682af8515a71a⋯.jpg (416.8 KB, 1412x2026, 706:1013, Fertile_Crescent_Combo2.jpg)

Workfagging but just putting this out there.

692c3f  No.7092112

Exposing the Nachash

The true meaning of this curse is that the descendants of the Nachash, through Cain, will be a low, vile, snake-like breed of people (John 8:44), who would be liars, deceivers and murderers, always lurking in the shadows of society, like snakes in the grass, waiting for a chance to strike and bite their unsuspecting prey, US, ON OUR ADAMIC HEELS.

The descendants of Adam and Eve are the Anglo-Saxon peoples of Europe and America.

This is easily proven through heritage and migration, archaeological records and DNA, historical records, and by our fruits and marks, which match all the marks of Israel.

Marks of Israel ​​ ​​ ​​​​ https://www.ageoflaodicea.com/marks-of-israel/

The Twelve Tribes ​​ ​​ ​​​​ https://www.ageoflaodicea.com/the-twelve-tribes/

Migration slideshow ​​​​ http://anglo-saxonisrael.com/content/israels-migrations-series

Archaeology ​​ ​​​​ https://www.ageoflaodicea.com/archaeology/

Comparet sermon ​​​​ https://comparet.christogenea.org/sermons/suppose-we-are-israel-what-difference-does-it-make


26e81e  No.7092113

File: ee50ff6816788f1⋯.png (474.51 KB, 750x564, 125:94, ok dont.png)

Leg day is cancelled

4140b7  No.7092114

Is the Q going to be asked and answered tomorrow? We have Q giving us a watch, we have a perfect setup with the Q baby matching the drop where they would have to “force the Q”. And we have 4:49 not sure anyone put it together but 4+4+9=17

bac752  No.7092115

File: 221952427fb2b98⋯.png (76.24 KB, 629x481, 17:13, TeamTrump 07182019-1951.PNG)


So, back to the White House?

b4b0ab  No.7092117

File: 688d15274e303b4⋯.jpg (205.43 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, boobs for bakers.jpg)

8a03e0  No.7092118

>>7092100 LB

Secret Service following them (squad) 24 7. They basically asked for it.

ca25cd  No.7092120

WTH is up with David Boies?

Gore, Weinstein, Moore, Ellison, reportedly made donation s to Cy and Cuomo which led to the investigation of mishandling of the Weinstein case being dropped.

Is now representing some of Epstein’s accusers?

What is this guy’s game?

ba12c0  No.7092121

>>7091886 (PB)

must be for all that wifi he needed in the woods kek

ba9b7c  No.7092123

File: 406da739ab52e95⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1083x883, 1083:883, 43543645362546456.png)

BO thanks for you hard work, i know you take a lot of arrows but it's worth it. Glad to see the board back on track. God Bless.

8e845b  No.7092124

Topless goddess, Astarte

Gym? Perhaps they did some weird ritualistic yoga when the contractor witnessed? It obviously freaked him out

ce4790  No.7092125

File: 377fe2b8e6b0d80⋯.jpg (80.72 KB, 1062x426, 177:71, pepe.jpg)

87bce8  No.7092127

File: 5c35772e8d2e05c⋯.png (2.21 MB, 1843x1097, 1843:1097, TwinPeaks1.png)

File: b4353b7073dff0a⋯.png (2.46 MB, 1902x1101, 634:367, TwinPeaks2.png)

File: 8d2035a020ad068⋯.png (2.27 MB, 1878x1107, 626:369, TwinPeaks3.png)

File: 87cc297c6a58d5d⋯.png (2.04 MB, 1889x1105, 1889:1105, TwinPeaks4.png)

File: 28f9fd009c163c9⋯.png (2.28 MB, 1836x1104, 153:92, TwinPeaks5.png)

Twin Peaks

DL and co. were well aware of the cabal

human trafficking of young girls

occult rituals

government secrets

d15bf8  No.7092128

File: eaf8be2a6da61c7⋯.jpg (643.34 KB, 989x3556, 989:3556, e_bot&flat_tards&muh_joos_….jpg)

File: e8454c438fbfaba⋯.jpg (1.86 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, ebot_post1.jpg)

File: 033608bc02b205f⋯.png (86.17 KB, 642x259, 642:259, ebot_post2.png)









110f80  No.7092129



30f310  No.7092131

File: 1d231f191cea75b⋯.png (13.27 KB, 248x255, 248:255, d68dff40164eb1c274bd343b01….png)



The only thing

dumber than this


Are the tards who

vote for losers

like this.

87bce8  No.7092132


replaced by adrenal gland day

4140b7  No.7092133

b53c2b  No.7092134

File: 809b5b85cbb9f48⋯.png (1.72 MB, 1200x889, 1200:889, baker girl.png)




d2315e  No.7092136

>>7092025 lb

Do freemasons/masons worship YHWH or Lucifer?

9a88f6  No.7092137

File: 74498e64e63e3ce⋯.jpeg (701.84 KB, 2750x2124, 1375:1062, 1C8F623A-74BB-496E-A706-2….jpeg)

A google news search of “Smollett” over the past 24 hours will yield the exact same article, written in multiple languages, and distributed by foreign media outlets across the world:

“You can see the scandal with Jussie Smollett taking place right in front of us. These events have affected all the actors in the series, says his colleague.

In January, Jussie Smollett, a former colleague of the show, said he was the victim of a hate crime in the streets of Chicago. However, later Jussie Smollett was officially accused of having personally organized the incident and lied to the police, and in February his character was excluded from the drama. Although the legal charges against him have been abandoned, Jussie Smollett faces continuing legal consequences.

The actress refused to comment on the way the show dealt with the situation, she wanted only Jussie Smollett all the best.

The series should continue on September 24th, it will be the sixth and final season.”


1bd5d5  No.7092138


that show is full of crumbs

baf688  No.7092139

Anderson Cooper revealing a Molech Owl drawing at the Sandy Hook Massacre


634f71  No.7092140


5172. נָחַשׁ nâchash, naw-khash´; a prim. root; prop. to hiss, i.e. whisper a (magic) spell; gen. to prognosticate:—× certainly, divine, enchanter, (use) × enchantment, learn by experience, × indeed, diligently observe.

Strong, J. (2009). A Concise Dictionary of the Words in the Greek Testament and The Hebrew Bible (Vol. 2, p. 78). Bellingham, WA: Logos Bible Software.

dc604f  No.7092141

File: a01cb61c8aebd85⋯.png (128.7 KB, 500x610, 50:61, when-you-watch-anime-liter….png)

68050d  No.7092142

File: b1eed02f868485f⋯.jpg (65.43 KB, 739x523, 739:523, 2019-06-10_22-36-15_img.jpg)

File: bd05732679328b5⋯.jpg (8.19 KB, 256x201, 256:201, 2019-06-13_22-56-52_img.jpg)

The Best Shift

a9a83a  No.7092144

>>7092046 = past bread

also, Elizabeth I was the monarch who got John Dee to work on developing the Enochian Sytem of Magic. It's a complex system of inscriptions and incantations and ritual sacrifices designed to get angels/demons/spirits to do one's bidding.

I do think Elizabeth believed this to be an important part of her 'national defense policy' with regard to other European monarchs.

But today of course we see a lot of cabal critters perpetuating this type of demonic interaction.

252955  No.7092145

File: db9cf24e31c9c77⋯.jpg (80.9 KB, 800x800, 1:1, IMG_8680.JPG)

b3a04a  No.7092146

Is the watch picture from today in Beijing?

baf688  No.7092147

File: c028df34eaccf1a⋯.jpg (324.17 KB, 816x818, 408:409, Screenshot_20190718-194858….jpg)

6849dc  No.7092149

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

5674af  No.7092150

File: 8f8f53a0790f548⋯.jpg (97.18 KB, 800x443, 800:443, ProfessionalPhotoship$5dar….jpg)

7c76e7  No.7092151


Any NYC anons able to explore the Q line near Epstein's home?

62a052  No.7092152

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The Power of Love


63885f  No.7092154

>>7092073 (pb)


0b02e6  No.7092155

File: b7718b0312df0c0⋯.png (13.7 KB, 361x265, 361:265, ClipboardImage.png)

>>7092022 lb

> many of even the most dastardly fuckers could be an under cover white hat.

undiscovered stars learned

30f310  No.7092156

File: 0ffea514314245c⋯.png (30.31 KB, 580x435, 4:3, 2c373adaf99b34ce8ea9bc134b….png)

252955  No.7092157

File: a00f9097911fdbd⋯.jpg (84.61 KB, 800x800, 1:1, IMG_8681.JPG)

aacd0d  No.7092158

File: 22d01c4143db477⋯.jpg (154.76 KB, 800x321, 800:321, Anacharsis14A.jpg)

e7d596  No.7092159


The "Incel" movement was ginned up to attack the MGTOW movement.

692c3f  No.7092160

File: 986deb46d3f06f3⋯.png (101.52 KB, 849x874, 849:874, ClipboardImage.png)

File: eb738ac460f263d⋯.png (95.26 KB, 843x735, 281:245, ClipboardImage.png)

Senators Cassidy, Cruz Introduce Resolution Calling For Antifa to be Designated as a Domestic Terrorist Organization

Republican Senators Dr. Bill Cassidy (LA) and Ted Cruz (TX) on Thursday introduced a resolution to the US Senate condemning Antifa’s violence and called for the “masked bigots” to be designated as a domestic terrorist organization.

“Antifa are terrorists, violent masked bullies who ‘fight fascism’ with actual fascism, protected by Liberal privilege,” said Dr. Cassidy. “Bullies get their way until someone says no. Elected officials must have courage, not cowardice, to prevent terror.”

“Antifa is a terrorist organization composed of hateful, intolerant radicals who pursue their extreme agenda through aggressive violence,” said Senator Cruz. “Time and time again their actions have demonstrated that their central purpose is to inflict harm on those who oppose their views. Like any terrorist organization they choose to pursue their political ends through violence, fear and intimidation. They must be stopped. I am proud to introduce this resolution with Senator Cassidy to properly identify what Antifa are: domestic terrorists.”

The Senators referenced the most recent violent Antifa attacks on journalist Andy Ngo and others who were hospitalized after they were brutally beaten by several Antifa terrorists in Portland.


1f3bba  No.7092161

>>7091629 (pb)

They tried sacrificing Jo Cox to stop Brexit, remember. That story about the stabber is shaky.

>Stand To And Abide

b53c2b  No.7092162

File: 693f00eadd1042e⋯.jpg (382.54 KB, 1816x3278, 908:1639, fight for victory.jpg)




o7 m8

got your 6

9a88f6  No.7092164

File: 3a10fe4116bf551⋯.jpeg (335.94 KB, 1216x528, 76:33, 853413D8-93F3-4A8E-9FF4-C….jpeg)

589bf0  No.7092165

>>7091778 pb

SongWriterAnons request:




Puff daddy

Jim carrey

Kutcher (x2)

Who else??

2dae93  No.7092166

File: 729986e22c99159⋯.png (594.38 KB, 1042x3406, 521:1703, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 22d507406e21e57⋯.png (99.12 KB, 1080x1114, 540:557, ClipboardImage.png)


Anon is correct, been digging on this to see if I can tie the tech to IWC q watch.. This is what I was able to find.



6e57f9  No.7092168

File: 0125b332a28c3e0⋯.jpg (404.12 KB, 900x620, 45:31, cenksuygurs2.jpg)

8696c7  No.7092170

>>7092107 (LB) Cabal deeds, hiding in plain sight

Follow The Wives

dig on author Iain BaNKS:

- his wife was named Annie Banks

- Annie Banks a character in Twin Peaks

252955  No.7092172

File: f2ea1b7bf4356a6⋯.jpg (86.59 KB, 800x800, 1:1, IMG_8686.JPG)

68050d  No.7092173

File: 167f897ac88c84c⋯.png (280.03 KB, 501x346, 501:346, D_xwYfDW4AEu4RL.png)

9d77f8  No.7092174

File: f540526a7343724⋯.jpg (2.66 MB, 2500x3677, 2500:3677, Elizabeth_I_Rainbow_Portra….jpg)

File: 318a4b27d3ca720⋯.png (6.26 KB, 1068x46, 534:23, Screenshot_2019-07-18 East….png)

Symbolism, queen Elizabeth was obviously one of them (all seeing eye, serpent on arm, tube symbolizing a arch or rainbow, etc). She also was involved in the east india company? So a devil worshiper involved in a international trading company? hmm… just a coincidence

d8c617  No.7092175


The Odd Squad

269834  No.7092176

File: 3c86702bcfddf89⋯.png (608.14 KB, 815x730, 163:146, a51.png)

1.6 million people plan to attend Area 51 event on Sep 20

By: Anthony Garreffa

Look at the spin in this blurb from tweaktown.

It uses a image of a Q sign to try and associate anons with this nonsense.

Garreffa must be a special kind of idiot.

434227  No.7092177

File: 35167796961bff3⋯.jpg (63.79 KB, 573x451, 573:451, cherspants.jpg)

File: 82d84b53a28e7b8⋯.jpg (69.46 KB, 573x451, 573:451, streepstripes.jpg)

Ya, the action is below the box temple on the hill

>>7092106 pb

>>7092045 pb

baf688  No.7092178


Kek much better

f3d204  No.7092179


Great idea!

6b676f  No.7092180


That's idiotic, it's like saying plays are trash or music is trash.

504247  No.7092181


FapJack is ass clown

zero chance of ever having ANY credibility

d8c617  No.7092182


And interbreed with relatives

4d9671  No.7092184


Some SIRIUS fucking autism here guise


d0ed2b  No.7092185

File: cd24938a380d5c2⋯.jpg (288.78 KB, 1600x1152, 25:18, cd24938a380d5c238669a703bf….jpg)



Awaiting comms


d87129  No.7092186

2 6 12 give me a home amongst the mull trees, can you pass the bong please, a joint or 2 or a bong for you, plantation out the back the cops are out the front and were all fucking stoned!!!

4fc6b3  No.7092187

File: 619d430976e5678⋯.jpeg (114.64 KB, 400x400, 1:1, E6EE9A14-59A4-49EB-91F9-8….jpeg)

dc604f  No.7092188

File: ec8f79c074540ab⋯.jpg (25.17 KB, 300x300, 1:1, anime-sucks_fb_4451431.jpg)

09f22a  No.7092192

Faggot McRaven on Fox rn

bca449  No.7092193

File: 59d8e27a7806b32⋯.png (1.6 MB, 750x824, 375:412, ClipboardImage.png)


every 'dog' has it's day

hi, ted!

7b561a  No.7092195

>>7092017 (pb)

Epilepsy and loss of speech can accompany vaccination. Autism is thought to be heavy metal poisoning in some cases. Mercury and Aluminum are metals injected with vaccines. I associate what has been done to us via vaccines (which resemble the bites of poisonous snakes) with trying to make human beings into "hosts" for possession. Detoxing (removing) heavy metals often helps children recover at least somewhat. Mercury, Barium (Ba) and Aluminum (Al) ( Ba, Al)

We as a society are I believe being set free from "Baal worship" in its modern forms. Trump is like Jehu, I think. 2 Kings 10:18-28 Explains how he dealt with the "servants of Baal".

b4b0ab  No.7092196

File: 20daf08518622d2⋯.jpg (445.94 KB, 1356x838, 678:419, Nightshift systems go.jpg)

File: 9a8e965b30f46d0⋯.png (635.29 KB, 685x445, 137:89, nightshift lemans.PNG)

File: 75a3c5aa16f38fe⋯.png (507.11 KB, 677x497, 677:497, nightshift rear view 1.PNG)

252955  No.7092197

File: fc3f5c3de78fc36⋯.jpg (85.46 KB, 800x800, 1:1, IMG_8684.JPG)

1bd5d5  No.7092198


this is…

this is literally what you've been reduced to?

this earns your paycheck at this point?


ba9b7c  No.7092199


great track, now gotta hear back in time

c869ef  No.7092201

File: 99489db52f0879a⋯.jpeg (402.64 KB, 750x1096, 375:548, 3EAC2716-FF72-4765-88F5-1….jpeg)

Julians rum is onto something…

6849dc  No.7092202

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Whole new meaning to this song now, huh?

829ec0  No.7092203

File: 2c0a7cccef0cdf4⋯.jpg (24.54 KB, 852x480, 71:40, 1.jpg)

Reflection is hands holding a phone like pic related.

8d70ff  No.7092204

File: eef91242dcf9995⋯.png (452.14 KB, 924x521, 924:521, agakhanwrldleaders57869999….png)

File: 30a161ad23a6079⋯.png (367.22 KB, 919x519, 919:519, agakhanwrldleaders57869999….png)

File: 88740049a52aa86⋯.png (189.06 KB, 880x519, 880:519, khan7454890 (2).png)

File: 0e5da11828a43da⋯.png (445.03 KB, 921x517, 921:517, agakhanwrldleaders57869999….png)

File: 449d75fe7fb789d⋯.png (640.04 KB, 920x651, 920:651, khan7454890 (1).png)

Found some interesting pics of the Aga Khan on Faceberg. Looks like everyone is giving this guy awards. Problem is he hasnt done shit aside from being a cabal cult leader.


1faf68  No.7092205


447cf4  No.7092206

Not trying to stir anything… but when Q gave us the direct decode of [Comey's] tweet to [McCabe]..

Didnt [Comey] thank [McCabe] for his years of service?

Similar to … wink wink…

Comms go both ways.

30f310  No.7092207

File: 30822cbb5a38fac⋯.jpg (106.49 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 35xlck.jpg)







6849dc  No.7092209

b4b0ab  No.7092210

File: 79f848156456521⋯.jpg (52 KB, 597x256, 597:256, beebo twenty.jpg)

d8c617  No.7092211

File: 3a2fec86d528b36⋯.jpg (469.17 KB, 1000x1288, 125:161, seenshtposts.jpg)

634f71  No.7092212

File: d473a47d9b5db2e⋯.jpg (924.8 KB, 751x6919, 751:6919, FireShot Capture 300 - Jul….jpg)


Screengrab of the entire thread.

bca449  No.7092213

Haven't seen some of you bots in ages. It's almost nostalgically hilarious.

Thanks Q for Making Bread Great Again!

9d94b2  No.7092214

File: c5933768d57a6e9⋯.mp4 (13.43 MB, 316x240, 79:60, 1967-07-24 LBJ Detroit Fed….mp4)

July 24, 1967: LBJ Address After Ordering Federal Troops to Detroit, Michigan


a0aefa  No.7092215

>>7091863 pb

Ok, if Satan is key here, I'd think that us being explicitly Christian might be of benefit.

This was a key Q post for years now, because Puppet Master = Rothschild, Soros, Saud.

And the only one of those 3 that's been powerful for centuries is Rothschild.

You have Rothschild = Israel = Jew = Mossad, and all of that right there is as central as it gets, and you add on the Caananite stuff like Moloch, and Rothschilds running around with deer heads, so you have Rothschild's custom Satanic hybrid religion, the religion of Israel.

Jewish and Caananite (the religion of Israel before Jewish). And in opposition to this we have Christianity, for sure, and I'd put Muslim there as well, and I'd take any allies.

Certainly Rothschild should be the central focus, because, so early, Q did give us 3 puppet masters, and Soros is a Rothschild underling, funded by the Rothschilds in the 1960s.

dfd817  No.7092216

>>7091370 (LB)

I will be looking for a significant POTUS tweet at 4.50(PM) on the 19th.

Going back to the Rally and the story including Trump 14/16/18/20/24/28/32/36/40/44 - Read those original Q Posts…… those specific numbers.

504247  No.7092217

File: 716251a48e1809b⋯.jpg (66.71 KB, 720x810, 8:9, gaygoatgod.jpg)


gay goat god

a9a83a  No.7092218


Be on the lookout for paintings/photos of kids wearing this type of shirt - it seems they were a 'one size fits all' kind of item handed out to all the trafficked kids while they were being prepped for sacrifice days.

"Scully described a storage room on the island with “stacks and stacks of brand new Lacoste white polo shirts, all size medium.”

"When he inquired about the unusual supply of identical attire, he said that he was told that the shirts they were for "Mr. Epstein."

He said that he was told by an employee on the island that Epstein only wears a shirt once, and then discards it, to be turned into rags for the housekeeping staff. A representative for Epstein could not immediately be reached for comment on Scully's claims."

sauce: https://abcnews.go.com/US/contractor-jeffrey-epstein-quit-concerns-revealing-pictures-topless/story?id=64406022

2b3cc1  No.7092219

Q what about the order of assassins? Bill Cooper talked about them and made them seem very powerful even today

68050d  No.7092220

File: fcdd8d16305c63a⋯.jpg (151.92 KB, 1283x1070, 1283:1070, 2019-01-24_11-19-54_img.jpg)


You know how twittrr slows yiu down, i ha ent seen that one circulate at all….but apparently it has…

Its not barry, but the head gear is close to his dress up pics …. ao, i though id throw it out with an insinuation and see if anybody came back with something….

f5aeb2  No.7092222

File: 8cdf39e30810e43⋯.jpeg (696.86 KB, 1242x1990, 621:995, F4DE0FF4-F6D7-4E12-8CED-9….jpeg)

File: d617e1195db3be0⋯.jpeg (147.89 KB, 1024x521, 1024:521, A9AA6E78-177C-4FBE-9952-C….jpeg)

Not the same watch, but interesting note-

This Rolex article talked about JFKjr and his flip lock clasp.


Could the reflection in the watch be JFKjr?

62a052  No.7092223



but also, can we all just take a minute to really appreciate the fineness of the art on the money? that's some capital engraving.

The current design of the United States one dollar bill ($1) technically dates to 1963 when the bill became a Federal Reserve Note as opposed to a Silver Certificate. However, many of the design elements that we associate with the bill were established in 1929 when all of the country's currency was changed to its current size. Collectors call today's notes "small size notes" to distinguish them from the older, larger formats. The most notable and recognizable element of the modern one dollar bill is the portrait the first president, George Washington, painted by Gilbert Stuart.


dcf9c7  No.7092224


5:5 ON THE 19TH


252955  No.7092225

File: b219ce86ada1e62⋯.jpg (84.87 KB, 800x800, 1:1, IMG_8691.JPG)

a99d72  No.7092226

File: a83831c402e7998⋯.png (299.2 KB, 674x436, 337:218, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 158a621fe98c2a5⋯.png (44.59 KB, 649x342, 649:342, ClipboardImage.png)

This is an autist on fire and for 2 breads not yet in the notables so putting this in now. Apologies if it is already in this one. https://mobile.twitter.com/JuliansRum has decoded the 1-22 meaning and what a fantastic find. Enjoy anons - this is autism at its best.


269834  No.7092227

File: 66f5864e95c0401⋯.png (474.97 KB, 604x513, 604:513, garreffa.png)


He actually twatted this shit:


ab8199  No.7092229

>>7092184, >>7092212 The Sun Tarot card dig


bac752  No.7092230

File: b7e35a8f3d10865⋯.png (391.91 KB, 627x643, 627:643, realDonaldTrump 07182019-1….PNG)

File: 95ed4dbe56c7476⋯.mp4 (12.82 MB, 640x360, 16:9, dYtDSUVo0HJ9DB6C.mp4)


6beed8  No.7092231

So Turrible. Oh well. Allah Snackbar KEK

"Journalist Travels to Ilhan Omar’s Homeland to Prove Somalia is Beautiful, Gets Killed by Terrorists"


845d5d  No.7092232

File: 3b4bbc76b342839⋯.png (894.29 KB, 1200x627, 400:209, liftbro2.png)

File: c660af348793bbd⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1200x627, 400:209, liftbro.png)

File: 48560d98ab72a13⋯.png (1.68 MB, 1000x1500, 2:3, pepesheroes.png)

Fresh off the chop. Just ask CNN I practice my ninja moves their.

ad0ca9  No.7092233

File: 02e5580da51c4e1⋯.jpg (17.25 KB, 200x255, 40:51, 25ec3514d6a02261329d8c5b00….jpg)

Oh, good ol nostalgia

bee502  No.7092234

File: 1dc2dd520b03535⋯.jpeg (46.59 KB, 500x500, 1:1, High Steaks.jpeg)

Do people really get paid to post here? If so, you might want to get busy.

ba9b7c  No.7092235

File: 05902f0c48f7962⋯.gif (8.11 MB, 800x450, 16:9, 05902f0c48f7962353fed0c45c….gif)


We Out Cheer

a164ba  No.7092236


Everyone take a note to record every name who votes against it. It should reveal anyone we've missed.

66da88  No.7092237

>>7091696 (pb)

spirit cooking

bca449  No.7092238

File: fd9b8a078101ed8⋯.png (544.59 KB, 789x998, 789:998, fuscakek.png)

8e0a18  No.7092239

File: 63c690bee3c62a5⋯.jpg (81.07 KB, 1024x1085, 1024:1085, 63c690bee3c62a5f3538439a3b….jpg)



Wtf? We are dealing with real monsters…no

time for little green men

615b38  No.7092240

File: fd459c5d6473458⋯.png (6.04 KB, 612x48, 51:4, zebra 4.PNG)

File: 77f56b0b52c025b⋯.png (1.31 MB, 872x540, 218:135, zebra.PNG)

File: e8beaba5be3b167⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1184x411, 1184:411, zebra 2.PNG)

File: f220e868529e953⋯.png (1.69 MB, 1171x541, 1171:541, zebra 3.PNG)

232215  No.7092242

File: 71ee6749439fb41⋯.png (84.98 KB, 903x299, 903:299, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 60031c1d23347c9⋯.jpg (45.42 KB, 554x500, 277:250, KeaganJewish.jpg)

Kagan, along with the three other liberal justices, sided against the majority, arguing that the court's decision could have a negative impact on the fate of future elections and democracy. She wrote in her dissent, "For the first time ever, this Court refuses to remedy a constitutional violation because it thinks the task beyond judicial capabilities."


6e57f9  No.7092243

File: a21dcf5e2b4ecc5⋯.jpg (482.42 KB, 1200x826, 600:413, akids.jpg)

f0133e  No.7092244

File: 27833018a72ad81⋯.jpeg (1.3 MB, 1668x1162, 834:581, E2F573CC-C214-4106-B808-4….jpeg)

File: 02dd19377a89996⋯.jpeg (863.4 KB, 1361x1672, 1361:1672, A58F7646-3FD3-40FF-8F26-B….jpeg)

Coincidentally, the time and date on the watch lines up with the markers on the Qclock tomorrow.

d8c617  No.7092245

File: ac1b7426299be1b⋯.jpg (35.64 KB, 433x453, 433:453, JFK Jr-O.jpg)

9a88f6  No.7092246


Nope >>7092141 is right.

Japanese cartoon garbage. Anybody who watches that shit probably considers a bag a Doritos dinner. Fucking queers. Eating chips and drinking Mountain Dew and watching Japanese super hero’s do impossible shit. They’re the same people who shop at hot topic and “go to the movies”.

1b9614  No.7092247

>>7091354, >>7091365, >>7091370, >>7091380, >>7091404, >>7091405, >>7091381, >>7091396 THE TIME IS 4:49 Q 449 MARKER

Why wouldn't we think that Q was referring to the reflection on the watch when Q says:

"If you look close enough you might see…."

The "worth remembering" was just bringing more attention to the fact that 19 was the date on Marker 1. As in tomorrow is the 19th.

To me, this was just a disinformation move by Q. Make the DS expend ammo. See something, say something Anons.

6beed8  No.7092249


Shite! Wrong story. Here is the sauce


bacb6d  No.7092250


Ilhan Omar is not her real name?


ba9b7c  No.7092251


this is great

if she was a Russian man and trump said "he" should go back to Russia and fix it before condemning the U.S. zero shits would have been given

6d71c9  No.7092252

File: c83cac7c13c2f8d⋯.jpg (11.55 MB, 4608x3456, 4:3, _0008_02.jpg)


well.. lines get a little murky there once we start putting boots on ground. far as im concerned vi open shorelines act says you cant own any beach in this territory, no matter how many people you kill bribe or what your'e bank account says. public domain til the high water mark, first line of vegetation, or 50 ft, whichever falls first.

im still digging irchin out of my foot.

66da88  No.7092254


good stuff

63885f  No.7092255


you know that's supposed to be redeemed for a 20$ gold coin right? dated 1933. But he's worth much more than that.

and Beebo needs to redeem it himself.

I wish!

4d9671  No.7092256

File: 4196169b7b04ec2⋯.gif (1.2 MB, 500x212, 125:53, stormisuponus.gif)


Goose bumps


TankQ anon

f5aeb2  No.7092257

File: abec6c142942c12⋯.png (287.12 KB, 496x578, 248:289, E8ACE26B-327B-42EC-A172-B6….png)


Double 19’s AGAIN!

54a170  No.7092258

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Reminder, Isaac died after posting this. He always claimed Epstein was the Keystone.

4c3c3b  No.7092259

I am guessing here but I would speculate 19th refers to Flynn associate trial.

7fbcf9  No.7092260

>>7091965 last bread


'our birthright is someting we can never take for granted. We need to fight Trump or we will loose our birthright to rule the world.

636494  No.7092261

>7083453 pb

Hammam is a ritual cleansing where a soap is applied. Think bathing…

Combine that though with the crumb below…





Let's suppose "Collect" is referring to blood. Could either "[Classified]-1" or "[Classified]-2" be bathe?

Masechet Chullin

dc604f  No.7092262


Hot topic! KEK! Exactlyyyyyyyy! Fucking idiots! Anime is NOT ART.

bca449  No.7092264


Datefagging aside, I think we can all agree that some serious PAIN is about to happen

9a88f6  No.7092265

File: 410502c1950fb9a⋯.jpeg (245.24 KB, 1109x1110, 1109:1110, E6720BE0-3A7C-4754-8125-3….jpeg)

7bbc06  No.7092266

File: 6279ff85d6b14c5⋯.png (779.56 KB, 923x592, 923:592, acmol.PNG)

68050d  No.7092267


"Doin' it well" is ma' fave.

See if you can work some ll cool j magic into that…

5ab9bf  No.7092268

File: 274fd796462886e⋯.png (82.54 KB, 892x480, 223:120, Screen Shot 2019-07-18 at ….png)

File: 0091b628051e39d⋯.png (177.46 KB, 609x303, 203:101, laughstrozk.png)

6849dc  No.7092269



Tarot cards are also known as KEYS.

Key 0 – The Fool

Key 1 – The Magician

Key 2 – High Priestess

Key 3 – The Empress

Key 4 – The Emperor

Key 5 – The Teacher (aka The Hierophant)

Key 6 – The Lovers

Key 7 – The Chariot

Key 8 – Strength

Key 9 – The Hermit

Key 10 – Wheel of Fortune

Key 11 – Justice

Key 12 -Suspended Man

Key 13 – Transition

Key 14 – Temperance

Key 18 – The Moon

Key 15 – The Deceiver (Devil)

Key 16 – The Tower

Key 17 – The Star

Key 19 – The Sun

Key 20 – Judgement

Key 21 – The World

81ce8a  No.7092270


Skeptical that those are all real people.

447cf4  No.7092271

About to go lay down…

Just wanted to say before I go… looking back now.. at the first year and half being here.. I have NO idea how i got so little sleep. Its insane. Especially with having to do what I had to do IRL.. not saying i did that the greatest.. but wow. Some of us were would sleep two night, for a few hours in a week. Dont know how. Crazy. Anyways.. night ya'll

7b607a  No.7092272


>>7092230 Levin on fire vid regarding Jihad Squad

66da88  No.7092274



bet you there's a pool in the temple like the one in the Vanderbilt house.

1bd5d5  No.7092275

File: 2822896dcf833cf⋯.gif (1.96 MB, 480x271, 480:271, cop'holding'flag.gif)

5002a8  No.7092276

File: d38834139fdf1b3⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1926x1152, 107:64, clock-19.png)

File: b0a9add6223826a⋯.png (1.74 MB, 1836x1314, 102:73, watch-49.png)

09f22a  No.7092278


Pleasant dreams, fren

634f71  No.7092279

File: b8d58d538daeae1⋯.jpg (1.01 MB, 547x10000, 547:10000, FireShot Capture 301 - Jul….jpg)


Baker! The Last screen broke the thread. I got it all here now.

The Watch pictures were cut-off sorry.

9d4382  No.7092280

>>7092064 (lb)

Keystone looks like the piece on a Ouija board you move around while summoning a spirit to communicate. Not that I've ever played one.

ce4790  No.7092282


…the picture has come way clearer to me tonight…

965773  No.7092283

>>7091437 (pb)

This is a good thing, anon, as they are keeping Epstein in the newz cycle. But like Tapper's tweet and Pelosi's daughter's concern over their "favs", they will all be brutalized before this is over. The D.C. swamp, Pedowood, the Royals, [MOSS] and a few bloodlines. Remember, LdR flew the Lolita Express as "Lynn Forrester" in 1999, the year before she married Roth. Was she inspecting the honey trap?

ebc859  No.7092284

File: 3ce194aecfe460e⋯.png (978.89 KB, 742x693, 106:99, Screenshot_2019-07-18 joe ….png)

Joe showed a make Crenshaw Great Again hat. It's basically a MAGA hat. kek


bee502  No.7092285

File: 099d7a8e0e111a6⋯.jpg (21.15 KB, 253x255, 253:255, npc jew brain.jpg)


The Q Baby will utterly destroy them…..bwahahaha…

aacd0d  No.7092286

File: 6d67ff0eb844c21⋯.gif (3.38 MB, 854x480, 427:240, 86388.gif)

3f630c  No.7092287

Epsteeeeeeen is just a tool for ??

Moooossad? Maybe . If so ,whooos behind Moossaaad? Juice? Not really. King Jew who can print all the money? Sorta.

So the point of all this blackmail isnt mooooney if the people behind the people can print the shit all day. Gotta be power obviously . . got to protect what you and your ancestors stole . .

What is the keystone in that sense . .behind the power ,behind the control . .of countries like the US and bodies like the UN? Whoooos behind the UN? Who is really behind the UN?They were not quite ready it seems . ..were they? HEART , MIND and ARM . UK mind Italy heart tried to cut off the arm because of Trump ?

Keystone was unfinished. Keystone still is unfinished.

You have more then you know.

30f310  No.7092288

File: b65f423f2357c04⋯.jpg (60.29 KB, 500x745, 100:149, 320ih8.jpg)





cd3871  No.7092290

Symbolism that slaps you in the face. This is from the Flag Ceremony in the White House today.

Reconcile with the sundial from Epstein's island


29006c  No.7092291

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This was low even for the shilly MSM. Taking away the moment from the meekest of us. 5:30 POTUS got me in the feels though.

68050d  No.7092292

File: 53104eeff5313e1⋯.jpg (15.13 KB, 387x203, 387:203, 2019-03-03_23-02-10_img.jpg)

845d5d  No.7092293


For doing some laps after hitting the gym hard.

1ee6dd  No.7092294

Hi Everyone :)



On Man.

Free will.

God WILL take over without EVEN a knee from YOU.

Just ask ONE BY ONE.


a9a83a  No.7092295


before her death, Tracy Twyman also wrote about 'keystones' a lot. But in the writings of hers I have looked at, the keystone was always some kind of prismatic jewel, such as a diamond, that would appear as a 'sun' to someone sufficiently far away.

just throwing this out there as we've lost both Kappy and Twyman recently, and their deaths may have been connected.

ab8199  No.7092296

>>7092184, >>7092279, >>7092269 The Sun Tarot card dig



ebc859  No.7092297


Today on the Levin radio show he was comparing Joe Scarborough to the deliverance banjo player. Commenting on their similar looks. Wonder where he got that idea?

520c82  No.7092298

I just understood the full meaning of ‘enjoy the show.’ I can’t stop audibly laughing out of happiness and amusement. Good work.

f0133e  No.7092299

File: 27833018a72ad81⋯.jpeg (1.3 MB, 1668x1162, 834:581, E9FDC121-C05D-49D9-802B-C….jpeg)

File: 02dd19377a89996⋯.jpeg (863.4 KB, 1361x1672, 1361:1672, 422475A5-3939-499C-B72E-B….jpeg)

There’s more


85b42b  No.7092300


anon i dont get it why u post so always these cartoons, is it ur idea of fun or??

360d6b  No.7092301

File: 822c1ada9e1cce9⋯.png (393.06 KB, 720x405, 16:9, boohoo.png)

448cf5  No.7092302

Q_Anon will always be a conspiracy theory.

It will remain forever,

the ultimate conspiracy that can neither be proved nor disproved with adequate sufficiency, by design.

As in the great conspiracy theories of 9/11, JFK, and UFO's,

They are both true and untrue simultaneously.

The Great Awakening exists in both quantum states simultaneously.

As a most powerful waveform / Schroeder's cat duality,

As previously mentioned by other Anons.

The evidence to support it will be massive.

It will be practicality undeniable.


no official "smoking gun' statement will ever be given.

Even when "The Question" is directly asked.

Save for the one statement that has ALREADY been given to the public…..

"I don't know…


I know they are good people."

- Trump to VIP_anon

The world will change, arrests will appear to happen organically, governments will be filled with new people, wars will diminish, economies will flourish, politics and media will become refreshed, just like the skies have already done.

It will be the reason remained teasing in the back of the normies minds,

Gracefully and mercifully shielding those spiritually unequipped to accept the horrible truths that Q brought us, and brought into the mainstream.

If (you) are disappointed by this,

Realize that if it was proven conclusively,

the balance of power would shift fully 100% to our side,

And there would be a catastrophic imbalance in the universal consciousness of 7 Billion people.

Patriots will be left with the task of never letting it happen again.

But Anons will know.

We will always know.

To God be the Glory.

87869d  No.7092303

File: 0c5362e61bee94d⋯.jpeg (376.79 KB, 750x1120, 75:112, EC34E7B8-2622-4118-96F4-B….jpeg)

504247  No.7092304



Tarot cards + random numbers from DJT tweet + random red lines and boxes

Looks just like one of our most active shills


28e038  No.7092305

File: d643e4754025907⋯.png (190.75 KB, 368x522, 184:261, ClipboardImage.png)

>>7092069 lb

did you?

636494  No.7092307

File: 032867db40bef22⋯.jpg (356.33 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190718-224804.jpg)

>>7083453 pb

Hammam is a ritual cleansing where a soap is applied. Think bathing…

Combine that with the crumb below…





Let's suppose "Collect" is referring to blood. Could either "[Classified]-1" or "[Classified]-2" be bathe?

Masechet Chullin

99a2e3  No.7092308


the watch date is 19 (zoom on tiny square close to the 3)

232215  No.7092309

File: 102dc63032e6806⋯.png (568.07 KB, 960x711, 320:237, JewDemonRats.PNG)

5674af  No.7092311

File: 079b1f2dbfdc1fc⋯.png (124.52 KB, 292x431, 292:431, 079b1f2dbfdc1fc31ced4c609a….png)

>>7092300 kek em!

if you can't handle the heat, stay out of the kitchen!

d2315e  No.7092312


Anons realize that Lucifer never was involved in human sacrifice, but YHWH was… It is why I am asking.

Do masons/freemasons worship the god of the Jews, YHWH?

bca449  No.7092313

File: bd44ef9488116c9⋯.jpg (49.88 KB, 616x900, 154:225, STRZOK.jpg)

4c3c3b  No.7092314


Threadreader link to entire thread


5cdc4b  No.7092316


Money. He also represented Theranos, big SV flop.

He plays hard ball, grotesquely so.

5002a8  No.7092317


Tomorrow looking good

68050d  No.7092318


I bet some of his best friends are black

63885f  No.7092319


I had speculated on a trap door and a shark pit as well . . .

7ed669  No.7092320

File: d191e560c789180⋯.png (184.81 KB, 782x704, 391:352, July19.png)

posted twice yesterday in relation to date

Q Post 3404 - another marker for July 19

6e57f9  No.7092321

File: cb69c2bb0c749a8⋯.jpg (128.26 KB, 500x522, 250:261, fuscaweed.jpg)

b27c8b  No.7092322


bee502  No.7092324

File: 478fb060e07c4ca⋯.jpg (9.58 KB, 255x255, 1:1, the green pepe of indiffer….jpg)


the guy that forced himself to jump off a short overpass? like who believes that? normies….

is there a gif of a Pepe shaking his head in abject hopelessness?

232215  No.7092325

File: 6aedb058f876aae⋯.png (70.05 KB, 894x499, 894:499, Saturn.PNG)

d07a9a  No.7092326

File: ed9dcf20a59989e⋯.jpg (8.38 KB, 255x184, 255:184, flotus watch.jpg)

>>7088006 pb

It's Flotus' watch, Flotus' reflection, and she will ask the Question.

POTUS is consistently promoting women, big time.

It will be a lovely surprise, just like QBaby was.

63885f  No.7092327


and that isn't Jon John

2aa45b  No.7092328

File: 63af3873b9dbf23⋯.png (170.8 KB, 643x559, 643:559, Opera Snapshot_2019-07-18_….png)


post-sorna classification of pre-act offenders

decided june 20 (digits) 2019

hence the list being released soon?

Also , could John outbakjak Ross be the author of "Unintended Conequences"? would not let me post link

07c82f  No.7092329

McCabe has flipped?

d2315e  No.7092330


Did they trick Christians into worshiping the wrong god as a joke? You have to admit, that would be pretty funny…

bee502  No.7092331


some pain in the digits....

1f3bba  No.7092332


The owls are not what they seem.

a51a92  No.7092333


I see the President…

c869ef  No.7092334

Q….tarot thing worth digging?

85b42b  No.7092335

File: edf464580f59250⋯.png (204.83 KB, 574x655, 574:655, brownhole_or_bust.png)

File: 0c2122d03299b05⋯.gif (288.56 KB, 480x270, 16:9, hanaji.gif)

File: bbbc865bfa4ca64⋯.gif (775.77 KB, 514x667, 514:667, heyyy.gif)

File: 10e78c5288c276d⋯.gif (459.71 KB, 500x285, 100:57, mufasa_kek.gif)

File: 9db138776bbb542⋯.jpg (39.99 KB, 471x361, 471:361, silly_anon.jpg)


>if you can't handle the heat, stay out of the kitchen!

Just kidding anon, it's me!


f5aeb2  No.7092336

File: 0c92aa81356a313⋯.jpeg (357.84 KB, 1242x801, 138:89, 230BA4AD-14D6-40BD-9A2A-6….jpeg)


Also note the 19th marks 2 weeks since Pence being called back from flight. We were told that we’d know within 2 weeks what was going on.

8a03e0  No.7092338


Why does Jupiter have a glowing red eye?

It is pissed off it didn't get to be a sun.

7b607a  No.7092339


>Wonder where he got that idea?

I missed all but first 15 mins or so. No sure what your point is, where did he get it from?

3dcc73  No.7092340

File: c6a13090d607993⋯.png (512.91 KB, 545x640, 109:128, c6a13090d607993b604438d9e5….png)

Domestic Terrorists First.

cc24dc  No.7092341

File: f3ebea656320c70⋯.png (599.64 KB, 828x926, 414:463, ClipboardImage.png)







1b34ec  No.7092342

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

dfd817  No.7092343

File: 24c6fc13e81777c⋯.png (2.35 MB, 1836x1314, 102:73, ClipboardImage.png)

6e57f9  No.7092344


are you sure? a guy on the internet told me it was him.

2dae93  No.7092345


Agreed! completely, Finally many of us maintained this from the start.

Question though..Possibility of disclosure on Pence cancelled trip which was on July 2, only say this because POTUS indicated 2 weeks:

Trump: "I can't tell you about it. It had nothing to do with White House. There was a problem up there and I won't go into what the problem was, but you'll see in a week or two." That statement was made on July 5th.


af846f  No.7092346


I think he was just doing what he thought was best. He stuck to his guns, gotta hand that to him at least. Everyone makes mistakes. It's taken care of now and he DOES do a lot for the board. The dude said he was humbled, there's no reason to keep slinging shit.

d0ed2b  No.7092347

Convenient the attention is drawn away from Epstein by racism rhetoric and other bullshit

Wag the effin dog

Epstein didn't get bail

Hes in jail

Epstein is the keystone

No one cares, it's all about a somalian congresswoman from the whitest state in america?

Who's got one trillion to beg against she gets a dirt nap just to bury that


even if th hat happens, we never forget

252955  No.7092349

File: 04cd891ed162290⋯.jpg (88.5 KB, 800x800, 1:1, IMG_8694.JPG)

1f3bba  No.7092350


>Elizabeth believed this to be an important part of her 'national defense policy'

Yeah, and it's fucking up the future. The reaction to deposing the French monarchy is going to be harsh, especially on this time delay.

cc24dc  No.7092351

File: a36d7d041bae0b4⋯.png (673.39 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b2ae33972625d5c⋯.png (599.09 KB, 828x1307, 828:1307, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3ba0a412986e8bc⋯.png (1.43 MB, 1906x1110, 953:555, ClipboardImage.png)

5674af  No.7092352

File: 7723e9590763d4d⋯.gif (1.89 MB, 500x421, 500:421, 7723e9590763d4d495e79041cb….gif)

File: 9ad36ed22be2f8a⋯.png (153 KB, 333x254, 333:254, 9ad36ed22be2f8a7a23e707dc0….png)


or Saturn is the contain field for KEK the destroyer of worlds, by the kike matriarchy who destroyed mars and live inside of it, because KEK hacked the moon and brought it to Earth instead, creating his super saiyans who will one day turn to Mars and discovered a broken and destroyed civilization inside.

434227  No.7092353

File: b490ffd9e71dc0b⋯.jpg (39.51 KB, 619x807, 619:807, sphere.jpg)

File: 3e078c41787c394⋯.jpg (99.9 KB, 950x633, 950:633, sphereunLI-sculp-NYC-031b.jpg)

File: a8cba261f02e99d⋯.jpg (274.69 KB, 1536x1152, 4:3, uncoveredSPHERE.jpg)

File: 0021355d9ef72de⋯.jpg (64.01 KB, 640x450, 64:45, uncoveredbydebris.jpg)




"We have to fight for what is ours by birth"

Evil has to work double-time to steal what is not theirs.



"We have to fight for what is ours by birth"

Evil has to work double-time to steal what is not theirs.

"We have our fun and games making fun of you idiots right under your noses - but we can't take our Power for granted, all the time"

"Now is the time to fight and you know what I mean"

f5aeb2  No.7092354


Which one?

This one or the next one?

b4b0ab  No.7092355

File: 159662c1b10b2f5⋯.jpg (46.58 KB, 640x666, 320:333, pepe melting.jpg)

File: 50958f990df7ecc⋯.png (854.14 KB, 825x714, 275:238, MMMMKAy don't flush your d….png)

File: 7ae81e734c964cd⋯.png (659.96 KB, 678x506, 339:253, drugs are bad mmkay.PNG)

"Please Don’t Flush Your Drugs M’kay." Tennessee Police Warn Of "Meth-Gators"

A Tennessee police department has published a warning on social media to its residents: "Folks…please don't flush your drugs m'kay," such as methamphetamine – because this could trigger aggressive "meth-gators."

The warning was published on Facebook, with a post-dated July 13, by the Loretto Police Department who described how officers executed a search warrant on a home and found the occupant attempting to flush a big bag of meth down his toilet. Although the suspect was unsuccessful at disposing of the drugs - the police department felt compelled enough to remind residents on Facebook that flushing drugs down the drain can have environmental impacts, like "meth-gators."

"Folks…please don't flush your drugs m'kay. When you send something down the sewer pipe it ends up in our retention ponds for processing before it is sent down stream. Now our sewer guys take great pride in releasing water that is cleaner than what is in the creek, but they are not really prepared for meth. Ducks, Geese, and other fowl frequent our treatment ponds and we shudder to think what one all hyped up on meth would do," the statement read: Cap#2

The post explained how meth traveling in the municipality's sewer system could find its way into Shoal Creek, down the Tennessee River in North Alabama and into the bodies of alligators.

In an edit to the post, the police department adds: "We feel the need to mention that "drugs" also includes prescription pills. These medications can be disposed of at City Hall in a designated disposal container in the lobby." Outlining the gators could also ingest prescription opioids if flushed down the drain.

Kent Vliet, an alligator biologist and the coordinator of laboratories in the department of biology at the University of Florida, told NBC News that he has never once heard of an alligator on meth.

"I've worked with alligators for 40 years, and I generally can answer any question someone gives me about them. This one's throwing me for a loop," Vliet said.

"I would guess they might be affected by it, but they tend to not react to drugs in the same way we do, and I don't know if it would take a little or a lot to get an alligator to do something on meth," he said. "I think it's a ridiculous notion. If you flush meth it's going to be diluted."

Tennessee's problem with "meth-gators" could be a significant issue for other states' ecosystems who have also been hit hard by a three-decades-long drug crisis that includes opioids, meth, and cocaine.

It's rarely reported how America's drug epidemic is affecting nature until now.


only night-shift gets this

7ed669  No.7092357

File: e8007a1537d53d3⋯.png (772.25 KB, 1158x952, 579:476, evergreentwat.png)

moar evergreen


ebc859  No.7092359


The Joe Scarborough looking like the deliverence kid meme makes it's rounds here. If any anon has it please post.

ab8199  No.7092360


Did you read it?

>>7092184, >>7092279, >>7092269, >>7092314 The Sun Tarot card dig

Update nomination

85b42b  No.7092361

File: 2c1d4d0131b744f⋯.gif (194.77 KB, 375x375, 1:1, trump_midas.gif)

File: dc6eeba98e5f100⋯.jpg (52.58 KB, 1125x845, 225:169, Trump_MyTurn.jpg)

File: 2f3c39ea32b9d77⋯.jpeg (17.93 KB, 474x318, 79:53, trump_nuclear_spice.jpeg)

File: 81dbc42e84b43dc⋯.jpg (39.84 KB, 320x322, 160:161, trump_stronger.jpg)

File: 9fbc87b6cbd8016⋯.jpeg (66.49 KB, 800x800, 1:1, trump_sun2.jpeg)


Definitely true. They can't resist talking about the very things that will destroy them, again and again. POTUS controls the entire Democratic party via his Twitter and they don't even realize it. He's made them cuck themselves completely and they think they're REEEEEEEsisting. It's GLORIOUS.

b4b0ab  No.7092362


he will, all remote fren.

8f05eb  No.7092363


While I hate famefagging and datefagging, this thread is very interdasting. Needs eyes on.


87869d  No.7092364


I see JFK Jr. even if he’s supposedly a ghost.


5674af  No.7092365

File: 7a99931ab11f683⋯.gif (147.02 KB, 340x340, 1:1, 7a99931ab11f6834c0931d835e….gif)

If Earth is hollow, then so is Mars.

But what are the Gas giants?

Wouldn't they turn into thin planets by now?

2dada4  No.7092366

File: 989e0200136b42c⋯.png (211.4 KB, 490x326, 245:163, PizzaHut.png)




Legit shit on Jake "Pizza-Man" Tapper

Epstein temple, canary palm tree, sex trafficking, Evergreen, Podesta, Alefantis, Crooked, Tamera Luzzatto, etc

b8e9a5  No.7092367


Crikey, that's a proof if I've ever seen one

c4d8d9  No.7092368

File: e4ba5b6d1da5e73⋯.jpg (1.26 MB, 4560x3040, 3:2, 1563407294465.jpg)



87869d  No.7092369

File: 1af8456279e44e1⋯.jpeg (27.84 KB, 205x255, 41:51, EF3E2FDB-0971-4E9F-9469-2….jpeg)

30f310  No.7092370

File: d7d1f63c4be621c⋯.gif (2.88 MB, 422x234, 211:117, 1548552299543.gif)

bca449  No.7092371

File: 2dd318f7209950e⋯.jpg (9.81 KB, 231x218, 231:218, trippypepe.jpg)

a7209e  No.7092372


Yes, but that isn't the watch being referred to.

Did you even look at any of the pics being referenced at all? Or did you just see the one where somebody posted a pic from the IWC website?

5674af  No.7092373

File: e6c474a2894d87b⋯.jpg (51.15 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 8dc3fa15ca0920ac1c654c7963….jpg)

What if the Gas Giants are containment fields for ascendant beings? kek

634f71  No.7092374

File: 45fdc7ef82eec50⋯.png (73.82 KB, 828x926, 414:463, D_y6IMBUEAA4FH6.png)

File: 48bbc77fbf0c36f⋯.png (109.51 KB, 828x1307, 828:1307, D_zV8uXXUAAwfqk.png)


From the Julian's Rum tweet thread

99271b  No.7092375

File: 4b788e50ca09210⋯.png (719.14 KB, 539x696, 539:696, Count the Pyramids around ….png)


Count the Pyramids/Triangles along the edge. 33 on each side. Two sides = (route) 66. Symbolism will be their downfall. When will we find out what happened with Kappy that made him feel like Q would probably put him in brackets? I haven't brought up Kappy since his death and I won't bring him up again after this because Q hasn't mentioned anything about him and it's important to stay on target. We have enough information given to us by Q, instead of going off on tangents that waste our time. So just this once…

9136b9  No.7092376

File: a8828eb24f4f8f6⋯.png (428.81 KB, 3678x1645, 3678:1645, Delta_2347_Qbaby_graphic.png)

File: aa2e1375811fe30⋯.mp4 (9.94 MB, 852x480, 71:40, Qbaby_07_17_lq.mp4)

>>7084509 (PB)

>>7085122 (PB)

Sorry I left shortly after posting.

Recent POTUS typo and re-do DELTA is 23:47. Q_2347 is the QanonBaby post. Enjoy!

7daf49  No.7092377

7/19. 7+1+9=17

@4:49 = 17

cc24dc  No.7092378

File: 75c6af6fde356b4⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1103x691, 1103:691, ClipboardImage.png)


I honestly think we are on the verge

ba9b7c  No.7092379




Having foliage that persists and remains green throughout the year.


Perennially fresh or interesting; enduring.


Automatically renewed or repeatedly made valid.

68050d  No.7092380

File: 7ebf4187d87f633⋯.jpg (52.84 KB, 940x678, 470:339, 2019-07-18_23-21-46_img.jpg)



d24f2f  No.7092382

File: 1381b2e3f934f71⋯.png (283.28 KB, 1548x762, 258:127, jj.PNG)


can't go back that far paywall , but Quantico ..

8df1bc  No.7092383

What is the best theory on what happened with Pence's flight being cancelled?

bee502  No.7092384

File: d1a725273110720⋯.jpg (12.42 KB, 225x225, 1:1, classic butane pep.jpg)


Unlike fellow tribesmen Savage and Shapiro -and after being a Ted Cruz anti-trumper- .this guy seems to get it. Seems….but was a Bushy doj soldier once… always having hope …

b4b0ab  No.7092385

File: bf29bec2eb6a0ef⋯.png (722.06 KB, 1004x1007, 1004:1007, ElVez essa!.png)

ab8199  No.7092386


No anon will ever forget the BO and BVs "doing what (they) thought was best", them 'sticking to their guns', and certainly won't forget their mistakes.

Fuck them, credit for actually listening to Q this time, but fuck them.

7b607a  No.7092387


Kek, I’m sure I’ve seen it then, just not remembering it. Hopefully someone posts it.

7b561a  No.7092389


Is this concern for the "meth-gators" or the fact that some good drugs are about to get flushed? How much contraband disappears from police "evidence"?

7ed669  No.7092390


evergreen = HC

d0ed2b  No.7092391


Magnetic universe

Bye bye, satan(saturn)

07c82f  No.7092392

Iran war tomorrow?

ba9b7c  No.7092393


sometimes a cigar is just a cigar

29006c  No.7092394

File: 21602309f97a288⋯.png (499.04 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_20190718-104256.png)

File: c225ebc4bbaa604⋯.png (549.16 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_20190718-104331.png)


Here also with a sadclown reference

634f71  No.7092395

File: 5fe4e7195e3abec⋯.png (231.96 KB, 1906x1110, 953:555, D_zhNU0WkAAKf3w.png)


Last one from the thread I needed to archive.

15a646  No.7092397

File: 8eb0523ce72ac65⋯.png (123.14 KB, 480x329, 480:329, Screenshot_2019-07-18_2021….png)

Say Hi to Barry Soweto.

5674af  No.7092398

File: 16b2dbbe4e6af21⋯.jpg (84.04 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, awd093e23ae24a12ade5951g54….jpg)

And what if the Gaia species of humanity, is the key to unlocking the truth of our solar system being a battle ground of worship. That the invention of the human soul was the greatest plan devised by the gods to see whom is the prime influence.

Saturn is winning btw.

But not in the way the kikes worship Saturn.

Saturn is the cruel teacher and those who have not the esoteric mind to understand that there is only and only ever was a right hand path shall reap what they have sown.

252955  No.7092399

File: 5304f6838524df0⋯.jpg (85.91 KB, 800x800, 1:1, IMG_8685.JPG)

7ed669  No.7092400



63885f  No.7092401



it's like one of those marble games where the marble might fall out the bottom, or maybe it'll get all the way up to the top but . . . for the most part whatever they say it is is only based upon what they think you think it is. And then they will lead you in and get you apart and then try to do this thing called 'ego death' on you where they take it all away and see how you crumble. Then they collect the crumbs and make a ginger-dough-boy and send you out in a beautiful suit to a beautiful job as a slave and then every so often you'll be invited to one of the hallor and stomp events in a place that looks to be, well maybe it's a grain storage area? It's a beer tent? a place for a pool? What are those stripes on the wall . . . it's a girl . . . she's . . to your snot-knozzle but it's not a girl and . . .

well that's another level and just don't say anything about it . . . and here's some more graft to go to you.

so yo tell me what gawd that is that they gawd gonning on and if they think you'll look good in horizontal stripes, they'll leave you alone. And if Jesus talks to you directly, you don't get involved with that sort, or you do and it's in error, and years later it dawns onyou, in your horizontal stripes, what it all seems to maybe have meant.

and who was worshiping? what?

af846f  No.7092402

File: 7fbf9131c003f43⋯.png (975.59 KB, 1200x1442, 600:721, Something BIG is about to ….png)

File: cd44539e50c6932⋯.png (313.13 KB, 564x442, 282:221, ClipboardImage.png)

615b38  No.7092403

File: dd3f00a780d365d⋯.png (312.74 KB, 674x575, 674:575, zebra 5.PNG)

cc24dc  No.7092404

The Sun is the symbol of life and light, for the power that always is generously given without reducing itself.

The Sun will shine and give light to the earth to make all life possible. So the Sun stands for vitality and optimism, the blossoming of our nature, and is a sign that we have overcome the time of darkness and are ready to enjoy the light.

But the Sun also has its negative aspects. Never forget that without the depth of water, the sun will create a desert.

5674af  No.7092406

File: 831c404430e552b⋯.jpg (19.87 KB, 474x474, 1:1, 8dc3fa15ca0920ac1c654c7963….jpg)


Eternally, did I mention they shall reap what they have sown eternally?

It is kind of important to mention..

68050d  No.7092407

File: 2c1b76d7586fed4⋯.jpg (41.02 KB, 890x500, 89:50, D67wxMQXkAIAw1e.jpg)


I need a gropey joe dropped on me:

252955  No.7092408

File: 3e115c056917895⋯.jpg (82.46 KB, 800x800, 1:1, IMG_8696.JPG)

541079  No.7092409

File: 059aa82fc5c3f78⋯.jpeg (321.95 KB, 860x2516, 215:629, 6ECBF2F5-F0AA-4A8D-9D31-6….jpeg)

File: 6e78095d90cba45⋯.jpeg (220.71 KB, 921x2286, 307:762, CF8746DC-910F-4575-92E8-6….jpeg)

Found these on twat stating this is Omar’s brother. Some kind of Grindr shit or nah?

82d999  No.7092410


>>7092102 Aleppo

>>7092123 BO thanks for you hard work, i know you take a lot of arrows but it's worth it. Glad to see the board back on track. God Bless

>>7092160 Senators Cassidy, Cruz Introduce Resolution Calling For Antifa to be Designated as a Domestic Terrorist Organization

>>7092204 Aga Khan digs


>>7092226, >>7092212, >>7092269 Julian's Rum twit @ Trump cards corresponds to a year

>>7092230 Levin on fire vid regarding Jihad Squad

>>7092244, >>7092269 Qclock/watch

>>7092307 Hammam is a ritual cleansing where a soap is applied. Think bathing

>>7092320 Q Post 3404 - another marker for July 19

55871f  No.7092411

File: 576d972964d4a4a⋯.png (394.88 KB, 555x538, 555:538, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d57d119ccabaf76⋯.png (430.42 KB, 555x484, 555:484, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a6392d060674ea1⋯.png (3.03 MB, 1272x848, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

So that thing in Syria is a bathhouse right? Is that not only the basis for Epstein's temple, but the basis for the other Podesta pedo pool painting? It's got the yellow and blue…

5002a8  No.7092412

File: 2e193b63943c85c⋯.png (845.99 KB, 974x764, 487:382, boom.png)

watch has 4:49 and 19th

:49 lines up with 7/19 on the Q Clock

aacd0d  No.7092413

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


c4d8d9  No.7092414

File: e54a573c37ecd41⋯.jpg (552.57 KB, 2000x1333, 2000:1333, NS88.jpg)

1f3bba  No.7092416

File: 293b3c208fd63a7⋯.jpg (65.27 KB, 400x600, 2:3, hammam towel.JPG)





636d59  No.7092417

File: 81cf1debdd6ce18⋯.png (185.2 KB, 1201x873, 1201:873, ClipboardImage.png)

File: adf8dee2eadaee5⋯.png (407.6 KB, 1116x892, 279:223, ClipboardImage.png)

Close up of sculpture from Drone Anon's latest Epstein Island video set.

WTF am I looking at here boys?

(2 angles - sorry for blurry)

VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LhLptiWD0aA

Note to drone anon: pause a little longer on each thing you capture. Don't rush it. thank you for your work though my man.

6e57f9  No.7092418

File: d7d5b49fbf88024⋯.jpg (114.34 KB, 413x412, 413:412, ejfkdick.jpg)

af4c16  No.7092419



noodle baked

almost seems like Q stole the cabal's calendar and has been trolling them with it.

d2f5b3  No.7092420

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Long time lurker here. After watching the House Prayer this morning on C-Span, I can see the spiritual warfare clearly.

Check out this video from last year, where the Demoncrats were trying to remove this man.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jjA9ecMd2U8 - April 27, 2018

Resolution on Firing of Father Pat Conroy, House Chaplain (C-SPAN)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J-_cdfz-E_M - July 18, 2019

U.S. House Prayer: "I now cast out all spirits of darkness from this chamber"

5674af  No.7092421

File: 1a7f2b9f1cc0248⋯.gif (533.38 KB, 480x270, 16:9, 8a430f3c91f0d44bd963f4667c….gif)


It is the second death, those who have sown terror shall experience such terror for all eternity, until they crave so badly a second death and poof. No more, not even their memory.

b4fdba  No.7092422

File: 43f98d123166ca4⋯.gif (28.43 KB, 222x533, 222:533, 1562385327631.gif)

5d6345  No.7092425

File: 84553f4004781ea⋯.jpeg (1.73 MB, 1936x1936, 1:1, .jpeg)

Q, Please? :)

c4d8d9  No.7092427

File: 0167222d2c24b14⋯.jpg (95.16 KB, 640x410, 64:41, IAA2198.jpg)

File: 583243e0d9dfb15⋯.jpg (155.84 KB, 1200x918, 200:153, IAA104235.jpg)

File: c31ec9b360d7b75⋯.jpg (229.52 KB, 1200x916, 300:229, IAA104236.jpg)

ab8199  No.7092428


Hey baker, add this to the Tarot notable: >>7092314

Thank you!

bca449  No.7092429

File: d052c6e61438d2f⋯.png (334.62 KB, 490x245, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)

Here, have a red pill…

5170bf  No.7092431

ea2a65  No.7092432

File: 5028660299e2ae4⋯.jpg (271.97 KB, 1080x900, 6:5, Screenshot_20190718-232452….jpg)

They thought you'd follow the stars

201 significant? https://twitter.com/DeptofDefense/status/1151974928746369024?s=19

9a88f6  No.7092435

File: e22d190a96a109e⋯.jpeg (73.87 KB, 888x500, 222:125, 9CB6DF51-109E-43EB-882B-1….jpeg)


Don’t fuck up and suborn perjury son

af1c69  No.7092437



Evergreen was the name for HRC's email. Wikileaks has tons of emails sent to "Evergreen" that HRC replied to from other accounts.

85b42b  No.7092439

File: 35b98002c099b5a⋯.jpg (159.71 KB, 600x556, 150:139, 1516748863488.jpg)

File: c8bd43b0f92aedb⋯.jpg (321.45 KB, 962x1000, 481:500, aghartha.jpg)

File: a348e60b7e61534⋯.jpg (209.12 KB, 705x1000, 141:200, inward.jpg)


The Earth and other inner planets are semi-solid and structured somewhat like geodes, with most of their mass toward the outside of the total diameter of the sphere. In the center is a radiological phenomenon that generates heat and pressure, and counteracts the inward pressure of the planet's mass and other local cosmological forces.

It's similar with the gas giants, except that they have an enormous amount of gaseous mass relative to their solid mass. Long ago, these bodies may have been semi-solid planets not unlike Earth and Mars, but they have accrued enough gases over time that their solid mass is now lost in a giant sea of lighter elements. Like the semi-solid planets, most of their mass is located toward the outside of their radius, and in the center is a radiological phenomenon which prevents the "bubble" from collapsing. For gas planets, this bubble has grown larger and its phenomenon much stronger. The mass and radius of a planet are correlated and linked with this phenomenon's functioning. All planets have the potential to eventually develop into stars; Jupiter is the closest of the Solar planets to doing so, and Mercury is the furthest away.

dbb7aa  No.7092440

File: 2cc5380996940b0⋯.png (393.52 KB, 700x420, 5:3, g20-summit-US-and-Australi….png)

File: dd3af0157ab1a0a⋯.png (770.84 KB, 721x629, 721:629, scomo_amb.PNG)

File: 42931d100893e14⋯.png (458.57 KB, 650x433, 650:433, scomo_potus.png)


Personally I think POTUS told Australia declass was coming at the G20.

1ee6dd  No.7092441


Ask EVEN the most devout libby?

Give Satan Reign.


When Satan is revealed anyway.


216b32  No.7092443

File: 4741f135fc3eeed⋯.jpg (338.65 KB, 1400x1704, 175:213, war of the worlds.jpg)

File: ab044ec72c73c3c⋯.jpg (332.56 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, playing on saturns rings f….jpg)


We got this

b0d4a2  No.7092445

File: ea5cf8d334fe615⋯.png (142.36 KB, 895x423, 895:423, Selection_0078.png)



b4b0ab  No.7092446

File: 4f070fdaab82cea⋯.png (100.01 KB, 631x390, 631:390, Ski Pepe.png)


droop an RFID chip on that shit, meeby we'd find out

ab8199  No.7092447


You're on a roll tonight retard

09f22a  No.7092448


Did you hear Pence's speech yesterday at Fort Bragg before the rally? Dios mio

dc604f  No.7092449

File: d0c72b8e30f30bd⋯.jpg (38.18 KB, 450x548, 225:274, 94037ac4722af954c09ea960f1….jpg)

5674af  No.7092450

File: bff392b4b2424be⋯.gif (1.4 MB, 500x281, 500:281, 66 LITERAL CARTOONS.gif)


Just kidding, I am just making shit up as I go along.

Sounded convincing though.

Imagine if those gas giants were containment fields for ascendant beings!

Haha, expand your thinking and expand what can be imagined faggot!

d8cfa9  No.7092451


but it's not good enough, anon. Certainty. We must have certainty to rest. Certainty about who killed JFK, about Jr, about 9/11. Conspiracy theory is not good enough. We want the Truth to be for all the world to see.

01a750  No.7092452


Trump told reporters they would find that out in two weeks. This is week 2.

063235  No.7092454

File: 71122eb698f0f03⋯.png (121.2 KB, 380x404, 95:101, ClipboardImage.png)


He is living a gay life in UK

He kept the jizz on his leg for the pic

1f3bba  No.7092455



>The fouta (also spelled futa[1]) is a piece of thin patterned cotton or linen fabric used in many Mediterranean countries and Yemen[1][2], originally Tunisian. Among other uses, they were worn, by both men and women, wrapped around the body while at the public baths in 19th-century Syria.[3] In Algeria, conservative women wore the fouta draped over their sarouel garment.[4] Similarly, in some parts of southern Saudi Arabia, men would wear the fouta as a loincloth beneath their thawb robes, or just by itself while relaxing at home.[5] Foutas are widely used today in the occidental world as Turkish bath towels (hammam towels) or even beach towels.

c4151e  No.7092458


i concur

81ce8a  No.7092459

File: 394a3677c14a89f⋯.jpg (34.67 KB, 624x349, 624:349, Philadelphia Police Car Ro….JPG)

"At least 13 Philadelphia police officers will be fired as a result of racist, homophobic and violent social media posts revealed last month by the Plain View Project, Police Commissioner Richard Ross announced Thursday.

These officers were determined to be the worst offenders among 328 local cops identified in the project's national database. The police department will suspend them for 30 days with the intent to fire them, Ross said.

Among the most egregious social media posts shared by Philadelphia police officers was a meme that read "Death to Islam." Others referred to black people as "thugs" and shared homophobic memes that encouraged violence, Ross said."


229718  No.7092460

>>6960915 1.5 billion - family members - payoff for sale of classified info?

>>6970952 15 million (joe biden) - disguised under book sales - payoff for assassination of AS?


film plot

1.5 million for the film (downpayment)

15 million for the land (payment after job)

too many coincidences here on the numbers being used

7ed669  No.7092461

File: 08cae9087f2e4ae⋯.jpeg (47.65 KB, 474x629, 474:629, panpedo.jpeg)

434227  No.7092462


Kappy was under duress for the last interview. They gave him a script. It was mind-control. And it was to make it look more like a suicide after they killed him.

"I did something wrong"

"No one will forgive me"


Reality is he became a Christian at the very end and spoke well of "Q"

He gave his blessing to "Q" "Q research" .

Shills don't want people to know that.

They attacked Kappy on here when he was "Hollywood Anon"

Not sure what this has to do with the stripes on Cher and Streep.

His killers and the killers of Tracy; same fools, are so close to being caught it's ridiculous.

They are all going down.

3dcc73  No.7092463

File: 85ca9c586e6a547⋯.jpg (65.6 KB, 960x925, 192:185, 85ca9c586e6a5478b62649f9ea….jpg)

File: 02e0400bf903a3a⋯.jpg (23.16 KB, 237x255, 79:85, 02e0400bf903a3aa2e901cf384….jpg)

File: 49bf0c8051aabbe⋯.png (308.77 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 49bf0c8051aabbe8304fc6518d….png)

File: 7084b3cdecec06e⋯.jpg (95.85 KB, 680x647, 680:647, D_uVJdlUwAAy_IA (1).jpg)

File: 64d367045c55b8d⋯.png (898.46 KB, 767x581, 767:581, 64d367045c55b8d438db31d043….png)


“If my sons did not want wars, there would be none.” Gutle Schnaper Rothschild

f5a64d  No.7092464


heard on the radio

at least those meth gators wont have any teeth

5674af  No.7092465

File: 4ef63cec31a4ab1⋯.jpg (70.42 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 3e23ae24a12ade59b3d7d0a064….jpg)


He returned as a Legend.

6ec292  No.7092466


Nothing released yet and not much realistic speculation. However, if POTUS says we will find out, we will.

85b42b  No.7092467

File: d338123762e6b2c⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, he_comes.png)

File: a13f67323684f58⋯.jpg (100.11 KB, 634x709, 634:709, hitler_loli.jpg)

File: 4c522f987fac183⋯.png (19.55 KB, 289x292, 289:292, mein_neger.png)


>Haha, expand your thinking and expand what can be imagined faggot!

Literal Cartoons anon, you're the best. No homo, but I love you <3 Never change!

63885f  No.7092468

File: 293c2636ed710b3⋯.jpg (109.94 KB, 706x635, 706:635, Dont_stare_at_the_SUN.jpg)


it will burn you to a cinder

you can die from sun stroke.

the sun is not to be triveled with. Don't stare at the Sun becuase it is bursty! If you look at as a burst hits! that's when the damage happens.

5170bf  No.7092469


If I remember correctly, he screws around with all the nymphs.

f679a6  No.7092470

havent been here in a long time, used to be extremely active on this board. cant believe you were tricked into losing the notables - its was the key to all the research being done. shame.

434227  No.7092471


wow he had bad taste in Art.

68050d  No.7092472

File: def3d3731d068b5⋯.png (77.72 KB, 487x550, 487:550, D_x-ir5XUAILguS.png)


Not puttin too much credence in this, but its a start…anyone notice comeys tweet today?

I think brennan too…message? Thoughts?

8f05eb  No.7092473


Just because something is above your comprehension level does not make it NOT NOTABLE

6849dc  No.7092474

File: a944b48138add2e⋯.png (4.29 MB, 1223x1533, 1223:1533, ClipboardImage.png)







I gets better.

Tarot Mind Mapping

You are missing the connections.

Continue to build the MAP.

MAP provides the KEY.

KEY spreads the TRUTH.



Future proves past.

Trust the plan.


5674af  No.7092476

File: 6594436fed2a8af⋯.png (424.65 KB, 600x631, 600:631, 866a4ce2141ced0266003af420….png)

What cannot be said, cannot be undone.

What cannot be said, cannot be done.

So let us speak of our dreams, and make them our reality.

Let us speak of love eternally, so that love will remain.

1bd5d5  No.7092477

File: a444040ac2b0b1e⋯.gif (3.71 MB, 460x320, 23:16, highest anon.gif)


but its always so much fun

615b38  No.7092478

File: e40597da6c04685⋯.png (6.16 KB, 635x53, 635:53, zebra 10.PNG)

File: 3db0988bbb7c05a⋯.png (995.56 KB, 822x576, 137:96, zebra 8.PNG)

File: 96e4060ea490d7b⋯.png (904.18 KB, 743x577, 743:577, zebra 6.PNG)

4e6318  No.7092479

Praying tomorrow is day of pain for these sick cunts, the day for all humanity. Will truly be best birthday gift ever.

5002a8  No.7092480


Pan ./ Bacchus seem like good guess

goat feet

7ab49d  No.7092481

File: 511d496b182b8e3⋯.png (1.21 MB, 2570x1750, 257:175, Screen Shot 2019-07-18 at ….png)

File: 9cbcd3dd8b99dac⋯.jpg (41.24 KB, 1200x175, 48:7, 9cbcd3dd8b99dace806b98d45c….jpg)

Follow the date.

[One Example]

No coincidences.


The cabal worships Saturn.

Could this be a notable event from July 19, 2013?

3d969c  No.7092482



634f71  No.7092483


Baker can you Add:




probably should be in the notables (not my work!) because it appears to answer the question of "when?" 19 declass, 20, trials begin and on

7daf49  No.7092484

File: 74a51d7bf47b038⋯.jpg (145.29 KB, 718x722, 359:361, Screenshot 2019-07-18_23-3….jpg)



dc604f  No.7092485

File: 932791ea3abb79e⋯.jpg (37.27 KB, 650x738, 325:369, Funny_Pictures_21710.jpg)

d4bc66  No.7092486

File: a45ee8f8925860e⋯.jpg (113.04 KB, 1200x1194, 200:199, D_zuMANXkAAUD-s.jpg)


c4d8d9  No.7092487

File: a969360b432803b⋯.jpg (2.23 MB, 2128x3172, 532:793, 1557178363082.jpg)


whatcha got Obi Wan?

504247  No.7092488

File: e40c0a1f812dbde⋯.png (23.48 KB, 300x250, 6:5, clown hanging.png)

c4151e  No.7092489



he is also FAUST from the Lion The Witch & The Wardrobe.

The devil has MANY names

c65f53  No.7092490


I think I know what you're getting at, but mind enlightening the rest of us?

b01a39  No.7092491

File: c51728b2320cb47⋯.jpeg (1.59 MB, 2639x3958, 2639:3958, 5CDF1D71-3D29-49D2-A315-B….jpeg)

File: 1d4c0ef28aaa60b⋯.jpeg (1.14 MB, 2200x2200, 1:1, 21F95DC0-D761-4807-BF1E-C….jpeg)

File: 02f3c310367113d⋯.jpeg (281.8 KB, 1055x754, 1055:754, A3A3435F-9A7A-4C2B-B0AE-A….jpeg)

File: 5c4eb4fff9ea676⋯.jpeg (1.91 MB, 2268x1512, 3:2, 7019F3A9-65CA-42AC-A64A-F….jpeg)

File: c13b406e3a44fbd⋯.jpeg (854.59 KB, 1364x2424, 341:606, 0AC0CEFD-29C1-4E46-80E3-8….jpeg)

1ee6dd  No.7092492

Current events AGAINST the Word/

IF read TRUE?

THIS… shit has gotten REAL :)


cbda81  No.7092493

Pain will Follow.

61e707  No.7092494

File: 12c6f834d44ac5a⋯.png (282.04 KB, 579x430, 579:430, PizzaHut.png)

ddbd4e  No.7092495

File: b1ceba66bf27c6c⋯.mp4 (3.28 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, A Cookie and a Star.mp4)

c4d8d9  No.7092496


well, what else you gonna do with em?

9505ba  No.7092497

so where does the sun rise tomorrow morning at 4:49:30?

5fc7ff  No.7092498


Ryan Dawson carpet bombs Epstein


b4b0ab  No.7092499

File: 32d4135050ddd08⋯.png (954.83 KB, 906x522, 151:87, drunk chinese class.PNG)

China makes biggest U.S. sorghum purchase since April as trade talks resume

China made its biggest purchase of U.S. sorghum since April last week, according to U.S. Department of Agriculture data issued on Thursday, as Washington and Beijing revive discussions to end their trade war.

The world’s top sorghum importer bought 51,072 metric tons of the grain even though China imposed a 25% tariff on American shipments in July 2018 as part of the tit-for-tat trade dispute. The purchases will likely be used to feed livestock or make a fiery Chinese liquor called baijiu.

China has made other modest purchases of sorghum since the beginning of June.

The United States and China agreed last month to restart trade talks that stalled in May. U.S. President Donald Trump said at the time he would not to impose new tariffs and U.S. officials said China agreed to make agricultural purchases. But Trump said on July 11 that China was not living up to promises to buy U.S. farm goods.

U.S. farmers welcomed the latest sorghum sale as the crop was one of the first casualties of the trade war, which has also slowed exports of U.S. soybeans and pork to China.

“It’s still a good price for them even with the tariff,” said Don Bloss, a Nebraska sorghum farmer and past chairman of the National Sorghum Producers.

China, which is also the world’s top soybean importer, canceled purchases of 9,853 metric tons of U.S. soy last week, according to Thursday’s USDA data. It was China’s first weekly net cancellation of soybeans since April.

China bought about $839 million of U.S. sorghum in 2017, accounting for a whopping 80% of U.S. sorghum exports. But Beijing’s tariffs last summer slashed U.S. shipments to Chinese buyers.

With nerves on edge over when face-to-face talks between the United States and China will resume, Trump on Tuesday maintained pressure on Beijing with a threat to put tariffs on another $325 billion of Chinese goods.

U.S. and Chinese officials will hold a telephone call later on Thursday, and further in-person trade talks could be possible depending on how their discussion goes, U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said.

In the sorghum industry, “the producers on this side and the buyers on that side are still friends,” Bloss said.

“It’s the governments that are getting in the way.”


fbf421  No.7092500

File: c1b94252dae8d49⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1440x720, 2:1, Screenshot_20190506-173530.png)

If you look close enough you might see it.


5674af  No.7092501

File: 6f977e5d7aa3aa4⋯.jpg (57.14 KB, 601x583, 601:583, 37c539790686f69aa4b907aa98….jpg)


For love is the child of peace.

And peace? The son of violence.

So imagine true violence.

But what is true violence?

True violence is when the sword of the righteous finds its way home.

So let there be TRUE VIOLENCE.

So that we may know peace.

So that we may learn to love.

And never return to violence.

75ec81  No.7092502

File: 6cc598b9f81b72f⋯.jpg (635.91 KB, 1270x839, 1270:839, e4d685e0bc6bd4a5ea020d008f….jpg)

d0ed2b  No.7092503


Saw these from our 22 on 10-19-96

3d969c  No.7092504

File: b9b539a29fe4f31⋯.png (30.1 KB, 382x239, 382:239, Screen Shot 2019-07-18 at ….png)

File: 7d7f9d39bec4088⋯.png (1.6 MB, 917x1318, 917:1318, antifa manual.png)


They're sending in the clowns yes

493781  No.7092505

Yo Q! Voat has been under attack for days now! Constantly down and changes being made to hinder the ability of new and old accounts to participate! Many anons complaining including me! Help!

2dada4  No.7092506



Creepy Podesta art similar to Turkish bathhouse style

01d367  No.7092507

>>7088054 (lb-Q)

Cockroaches die tomorrow pre-dawn.

85b42b  No.7092508

File: cbea0b49dc16149⋯.jpg (2.06 MB, 3072x2048, 3:2, magma_1254891148424.jpg)

File: 1f3b81da797e6d0⋯.jpg (1.11 MB, 3072x2048, 3:2, magma_1254891981925.jpg)

File: 154894c8b0593ee⋯.jpg (1.05 MB, 3072x2048, 3:2, magma_1254892149580.jpg)

File: 3544bc38c3ffcca⋯.jpg (998.37 KB, 3072x2048, 3:2, magma_1254892200290.jpg)

File: a9e33f3455be035⋯.jpg (450.05 KB, 1422x1067, 1422:1067, volcano_1254888172390.jpg)


>What if the Gas Giants are containment fields for ascendant beings? kek

I fucking hope not. Anything that large could kill us all with a fart. I've heard rumors that volcanoes are the result of powerful djinn bound within the rock deep underground in antiquity, and the energy created by dimensional vibrations as they struggle to get free is what creates magma and gaseous eruptions of molten rock and pumice.

af7792  No.7092509

File: 1c8597a35847d52⋯.png (523.13 KB, 434x473, 434:473, E8D0E947-6109-4C32-938D-17….png)

81ce8a  No.7092510

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) — "A report of a fire in a trash chute at a Philadelphia high rise was followed by a dramatic scene that played out high above ground. Chopper 3 was there as a man scaled down the side of the 19-story building on Busti Street in West Powelton.

The man climbed down with a crowd of onlookers, firefighters and police watching from below. It’s unclear why the man chose to leave the building that way."


bee502  No.7092511

File: b8a1f586a48e50c⋯.jpg (18.17 KB, 254x255, 254:255, darwin finches.jpg)


the commie gene? Even Bebe admitted he is Khazar, so what is the big fucking deal? Mitochondrial DNA is science, no? They love the science. I have more trace real semetic blood in me from a distant North African descendant than my half russian jew first ex-wife, who has no hook noses anywhere in her family yet they are confirmed blood dna euro nazi jews.

4b5114  No.7092512


best part of the movie is watching jew hypocrites

8f05eb  No.7092513


Da Fuq?

7b607a  No.7092514


He said a week or two, should be there soon if not now. I’m done for the night so not even going to look for the date. Going off of memory.

1a840a  No.7092515

File: f59b5c3f938c6cb⋯.jpg (148.86 KB, 687x1842, 229:614, murder_code_activated.jpg)

Jake Tapper Warns Panicked Journos by Activating HRC. Confirmed by WaPo

c4d8d9  No.7092517

File: 81c9fec89a10713⋯.jpg (10.28 KB, 255x252, 85:84, 95a316cbabad37c0b053e02d51….jpg)


think on Mueller.

Still laughing?

c63bb3  No.7092518

made me think twice though

ab8199  No.7092519

File: 6345de7c6180456⋯.png (1.71 MB, 1317x992, 1317:992, 4aa31c0b318439a17bb240fb70….png)


Since Q has never directly mentioned Tarot, I doubt that's the map. imo the map is all the crumbs.

But definitely interdasting no doubt.

8e0a18  No.7092520


God, I hope they let us stone her to death

9a88f6  No.7092521

File: 71885d4b36b202e⋯.jpeg (871.34 KB, 2000x1312, 125:82, 569E9C0B-82C9-4B84-ACFA-F….jpeg)

d0ed2b  No.7092522

b0d4a2  No.7092523

File: aa9caa9bcc8c796⋯.png (97.34 KB, 505x423, 505:423, Selection_881.png)


Not much, really.

Synchronicity is cool.

360d6b  No.7092524

File: e92bb0ca539a84a⋯.png (203.51 KB, 509x390, 509:390, kex.png)

File: dc36634757bfce1⋯.png (319.52 KB, 780x366, 130:61, MADdonna.png)

55871f  No.7092525

File: ec55e332a4593ba⋯.jpg (43.35 KB, 500x366, 250:183, eab2982631cb2c5c52f6658249….jpg)


Sounds about right kek.

b27c8b  No.7092526

File: 6f59f05b583e749⋯.jpg (32.3 KB, 337x450, 337:450, IMG_0260.JPG)


a9a83a  No.7092527


maybe Q can step up and get and offer these Patriots a job at the SS.

0f82f0  No.7092528


19 stories - you don't say?

434227  No.7092529


pretending to be an intellectual with the Reddit spacing. "Schrodinger"

And you are talking word salad…

You wish it "will always be conspiracy theory"

I wonder why?

e882a4  No.7092530

File: 79090e8660a80fa⋯.png (1.26 MB, 591x1280, 591:1280, Watch.png)

I'm thinking blue light on watch was/is just a reflection ???

e05aae  No.7092531

July 2nd pence plane diverted

Potus says we'll find out in about 2 weeks

Jul 19th will be a 17 day delta

f5a64d  No.7092532


hannity was about to pee his pants today

he was so excited

our only ally in the mideast needs us to go to war for them(again)

85b42b  No.7092533


>God, I hope they let us stone her to death

No. Firing squads. They need to tie her to a wooden post on a dry lake bed and allow as many people as show up with a rifle to surround 170 degrees around her and then call a countdown. kek

1f1566  No.7092534

File: ee532fa541c6b5a⋯.png (221.83 KB, 760x536, 95:67, weinstein is still a free ….PNG)

reminder weinstein is a free man

reminder weinstein is a free man

reminder weinstein is a free man

reminder weinstein is a free man

fbf421  No.7092535

File: f1175dbbf52c4c7⋯.gif (2.64 MB, 540x250, 54:25, 630df78938e3423a59da47f393….gif)


Is that a 5:5 17?

ce4790  No.7092536

File: a7e3ca1fc515a45⋯.jpg (68.33 KB, 954x477, 2:1, tungsten.jpg)

…how many anons think this weapons deployment - and demonstration 2yrs ago - are what has stopped WW serious false flags? It's kinda like black holes you can't see, but can infer their existence based on their effect on neighboring objects.

3dcc73  No.7092537

File: 3339314c58e5f6c⋯.png (957.53 KB, 839x671, 839:671, 4c94664a6473c1f1f7ca9bdaca….png)

File: e185e5a397b6ea1⋯.jpg (445.21 KB, 1674x834, 279:139, e185e5a397b6ea1acd9c791a96….jpg)

File: ac01ab5a1ead9b5⋯.jpg (456.34 KB, 1674x834, 279:139, ac01ab5a1ead9b5c7e1ec133ba….jpg)

File: 4b61658c3e44527⋯.jpg (454.55 KB, 1674x834, 279:139, 4b61658c3e44527e70d02dba6d….jpg)

File: d6a1d3009fe399d⋯.gif (266.03 KB, 298x280, 149:140, d6a1d3009fe399d8087cdae57e….gif)

7daf49  No.7092538

File: 88af3f3f1533bcb⋯.jpg (103.62 KB, 778x432, 389:216, Screenshot 2019-07-18_23-3….jpg)

File: 897f57cb2823e5a⋯.jpg (263.03 KB, 665x1259, 665:1259, Screenshot 2019-07-18_23-3….jpg)

File: 4006eed5fbb27e5⋯.jpg (218.37 KB, 1271x694, 1271:694, Screenshot 2019-07-18_23-3….jpg)

589bf0  No.7092539


for an avowed satanist he’s quite a wimp

448cf5  No.7092540


Even the greatest Truths involve a choice.

I'm sure Jesus wanted all the world to believe and be saved.

After being crucified and resurrected.

But there must be room for free will.

That is The Way.

7fbcf9  No.7092541


looks like pan with goat feet. James alefantis was a fan of pan

1b7f95  No.7092542

File: 3860e041ffc06e2⋯.png (35.52 KB, 1427x217, 1427:217, pan.PNG)



The word PANIC ultimately derives from the god's name.

9c5aa8  No.7092543

File: acab0a1f1a40166⋯.jpeg (38.37 KB, 498x269, 498:269, 1f3e91d17effcdbd3ab83ba56….jpeg)

File: 0278ad9595a726a⋯.jpg (12.41 KB, 255x200, 51:40, weak-shill.jpg)

as stated earlier FAGS if u lean the watch then both hands will adjust, as u can see q watch is not leaning, nor is it offset on both hands as ur gay imgur demo

my statement stands


5674af  No.7092544

File: 8a997d6350a1f86⋯.jpg (83.14 KB, 600x511, 600:511, 8a997d6350a1f868bc0acf3105….jpg)


But what if it was KEK?

A giant frog god of chaos..

Certainly he would spare some of us!

I mean who would laugh at his jokes for all of eternity?

Praise him.

Praise KEK.

Or else!


3dcdbc  No.7092545

Esptein denied bail. When do birds sing?

85b42b  No.7092546


>what has stopped WW serious false flags?

They didn't. The Camp fires in California were caused by an Israeli DEW satellite. The Russians are said to have destroyed that satellite a few weeks ago, however.

ddbd4e  No.7092547


Satanism is a lot more gay than heavy metal lead us to believe.

1ee6dd  No.7092548

The best solution THEY have?

Planet X :)

WTF happened?

A'int heard that crap in a year :)

The Word Anons…

Just sayin'… Read it and decide.


9c8b7b  No.7092549

File: 1314eb389fc7392⋯.jpg (1.23 MB, 5725x1063, 5725:1063, ourshitnow.jpg)

b27c8b  No.7092550



3d969c  No.7092552

File: e9f406e3dc9a5b3⋯.png (46.77 KB, 373x164, 373:164, Screen Shot 2019-07-18 at ….png)

9c5aa8  No.7092553


i mena its an angel but urs is 90 degree

bee502  No.7092554


like a flapjack

2b3cc1  No.7092555

b4b0ab  No.7092556

File: 36e2e776ae60eaa⋯.gif (993.16 KB, 500x335, 100:67, stoned gator.gif)


who flushes stash down the toilet willingly?

a fren told me that

9bf321  No.7092557


Kappy also said we would hate him for what he did and that we would find out in the near future.

Didn't happen

d4bc66  No.7092558

Are we assuming R Kelly is connected to Epstein in some fashion?

9a88f6  No.7092559

File: b5b37a541c13ef1⋯.jpeg (80.84 KB, 800x450, 16:9, 63F74625-8C02-42F0-964C-0….jpeg)

8e0a18  No.7092560

File: 468593ffbf6993d⋯.gif (1.99 MB, 300x300, 1:1, 1557540723129.gif)

6e57f9  No.7092561

6849dc  No.7092562

File: 7a1bb462e7f9642⋯.png (291.1 KB, 536x344, 67:43, ClipboardImage.png)


Tree of Woe gets my vote.

d4bc66  No.7092563


Hasn't happened yet

f2833b  No.7092564

File: 6dde4da95c0b38c⋯.jpg (138.29 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, 28160464-The-Company-of-Je….jpg)

File: 6eb0e4af0967795⋯.png (1.21 MB, 985x735, 197:147, ChurchBGConns.PNG)

5002a8  No.7092565


seems likely

7fbcf9  No.7092566

File: fcc6c9a5982eaf0⋯.png (151.42 KB, 1466x754, 733:377, evergreen colo wiki 1.PNG)

File: 8f63937bed72ef0⋯.png (62.8 KB, 1193x664, 1193:664, evergreen colo wiki 2 hink….PNG)

a thought on the Jake Tapper tweet of the one word, EVERGREEN in response to a reporter saying things will get worse.


is evergreen a code for assassination?


c65f53  No.7092567


How is thanking the BO notable?

42d171  No.7092568


Fuck this show screwed me up when it was the original series back in 93 I think maybe 94….

spoopy no doubt.

ebc859  No.7092569

File: bf546246e127451⋯.png (1.02 MB, 981x776, 981:776, Screenshot_2019-07-18 ( ) ….png)

Maggie retweeted.



68050d  No.7092570

File: 0bb7cba7e9d3d56⋯.jpg (481.25 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190718-233838….jpg)




a164ba  No.7092571


This watch feels like O-10 pay scale.

82d999  No.7092572


>>7092102 Aleppo

>>7092123 BO thanks for you hard work, i know you take a lot of arrows but it's worth it. Glad to see the board back on track. God Bless

>>7092160 Senators Cassidy, Cruz Introduce Resolution Calling For Antifa to be Designated as a Domestic Terrorist Organization

>>7092204 Aga Khan digs


>>7092226, >>7092212, >>7092269, >>7092314, >>7092395 Julian's Rum twit @ Trump cards corresponds to a year

>>7092230 Levin on fire vid regarding Jihad Squad

>>7092244, >>7092269 Qclock/watch

>>7092307, >>7092416 Hammam is a ritual cleansing where a soap is applied. Think bathing

>>7092320 Q Post 3404 - another marker for July 19

>>7092355 "Please Don’t Flush Your Drugs M’kay." Tennessee Police Warn Of "Meth-Gators"

>>7092376 Recent POTUS typo and re-do DELTA is 23:47. Q_2347 is the QanonBaby post

>>7092411, >>7092427, >>7092455 So that thing in Syria is a bathhouse right?

>>7092472 Comey comms?

>>7092478 Chapel of St. Brizio pic

>>7092499 China makes biggest U.S. sorghum purchase since April as trade talks resume

ce4790  No.7092573


DEW would be picked up by dozens of weather satellites, especially those that track lightning, if it was real. It would leave the biggest evidential footprint of any weapons system ever deployed.

c4d8d9  No.7092574

File: 40ca58c2cdf5ee6⋯.jpg (676.58 KB, 1886x2362, 943:1181, 1561735624203.jpg)


Now you're talking. . . .

If I'm the dancer, you're the dance craze.

Know any other hot numbers?

fbf421  No.7092575


It's crazy… My posts are taking more than 10 seconds to register but the number still end up being significant…


030f12  No.7092576

File: 978d1a955f87d85⋯.png (352.87 KB, 500x500, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

8e0a18  No.7092577


too quick

1bd5d5  No.7092578


kek, just be thankful we won what matters

let em fellate each other

2dada4  No.7092579

File: ebae9c4a5527536⋯.png (574.89 KB, 850x492, 425:246, ClipboardImage.png)


James Alefantis referred to himself as Pan with a picture of the demon (on Instagram)

a0aefa  No.7092580


The Hinckleys and the Bushes were close friends.

Scott Hinckley and Neil Bush cancelled dinner party plans after the shooting of Reagan.

b27c8b  No.7092581

File: 9b141a557509ce5⋯.jpg (44.07 KB, 333x515, 333:515, 0995278709.jpg)



6e57f9  No.7092582

File: a39f90fa0e1530c⋯.jpg (448.91 KB, 1181x768, 1181:768, cagematch 2.jpg)

82d999  No.7092583

muh gym


85b42b  No.7092584

File: a40b99e3e987b37⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1080x1080, 1:1, pepe_choronzon.png)


I tend to think not. Kek is likely a formless and primordial power of Chaos; imagine him as a Choronzon so large and powerful that he becomes responsible for his own quickening both forward and backward in time and is now woven into the very fabric of observed reality.

He is an embodiment of conscious energy that we've come to know as "meme magic"; he is responsible for some of what we're talking about when we discuss quantum uncertainty and the observer effect. He actualizes what we believe and think because he is immensely powerful and connected to all streams of causality, but he is also influenced by the energy of consciousness.

Bonus points if you don't have to look up the word Choronzon, anon.

634f71  No.7092585


So the Russians took a terrible loss for the rest of us WW?

5bf2a5  No.7092586


>How do you "shape" a story

You get an "eye witness" tell some half/ twisted truths ( pictures of topless girls "mostly" 15 to 16 years old) so it's believable and then lie (a gym).

Then just tell it again and again

Then it's just Eptsein that's perverted not everyone who went to visit.

Maybe we should dig this Scully dude with " 3 daughters" who worked there for 6 years and new something wasn't right after "1 year" and now feels kind of guilty.

15a646  No.7092587

The less dirty politicos and journos may distance themselves from the more dirty ones to try to save their own skins. That could result in a sea change in msm reporting tone.

43534e  No.7092588

File: b19c2c2af946e1f⋯.png (942.72 KB, 1440x2952, 20:41, Capture _2019-07-18-22-25-….png)

File: bd43ff5686048ee⋯.png (1.65 MB, 1440x2952, 20:41, Capture _2019-07-18-22-24-….png)

File: eb0430d8bb2331d⋯.png (2.07 MB, 1440x2952, 20:41, Capture _2019-07-18-22-24-….png)


7daf49  No.7092589

File: 0d433318a744e33⋯.jpg (174.21 KB, 820x529, 820:529, Screenshot 2019-07-18_23-4….jpg)

File: 32ea151bcc3f81d⋯.jpg (215.65 KB, 1114x693, 1114:693, Screenshot 2019-07-18_23-4….jpg)

File: b6c09dbdb9b97c8⋯.jpg (24.09 KB, 250x365, 50:73, The_rock_of_the_Dome_of_th….jpg)

File: f50399d900834b0⋯.jpg (63.71 KB, 264x509, 264:509, Screenshot 2019-07-18_23-4….jpg)


bee502  No.7092590

File: 9672b415099bc98⋯.png (450.26 KB, 409x530, 409:530, jews salt of the earth???.png)


the word holocaust is the burnt sacrifice required from Abraham to ice Isaac and then god said "psyche!" Isaac goes on to have the world's most famous crook as a son (Jacob) who then spawned….you all know the rest of the story at the risk of sounding like Paul Harvey.

1a78de  No.7092591

New Twatter layout just hit for me and HOLY SHIT … it's fucking terrible.

dc604f  No.7092592


No proof he's dead. Prob Witness Protection.

9cce73  No.7092593

File: 5e1f9c9bd2a972b⋯.png (171.7 KB, 640x876, 160:219, ClipboardImage.png)

589bf0  No.7092594


there’s *always* another move to be made, even if the Q plan works 30% as well as we all hope it does, there will be other sinister moves to make…until EL says the game is over, its still a game

c9efcb  No.7092595


9cce73  No.7092596

File: e7f662117ea7400⋯.png (74.67 KB, 540x681, 180:227, ClipboardImage.png)

434227  No.7092597

File: 577ee4f15bd5d76⋯.jpg (154.63 KB, 1000x569, 1000:569, ronaldbernard.jpg)


The fringe is us, the Satanists.

we are fundamentally indecent

Our values are nothing like that of healthy people.

We are not American and we hate America

We are the mob who lives in a dark corner afraid of the light which will expose our ugliness.

I'm predicting that I will stay out of jail until 2020

That prediction is as good as the one I made when I predicted I'd be the head of the FBI for 6 1/2 moar years; and the next week DJT POTUS fired me.

I am one of the opposition [Satanist] and there for I treat the greatest President USA has had in modern times with disrespect.

Because I am a piece of dirt and a turd and I hate USA

29f6b4  No.7092599

File: 6d697d43ad0a8ba⋯.jpg (8.73 KB, 255x201, 85:67, 8de1fa4d429cd69c233106e016….jpg)


Fucking skank calling for a civil war.

252955  No.7092600

File: 07843ba480e4057⋯.jpg (85.54 KB, 800x800, 1:1, IMG_8693.JPG)

f3d463  No.7092601

File: 66d2ee380692e9b⋯.jpg (62.79 KB, 630x446, 315:223, epstein meme.jpg)

e282d0  No.7092602

File: 279b64414bbd091⋯.png (945.65 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 1279215B-24E8-4DCB-BDC6-DD….png)

Just gonna leave this here.

bee502  No.7092603

File: 29a4d7d1677fd56⋯.jpeg (11.16 KB, 245x255, 49:51, demon begone.jpeg)


i exorcise thee…

863148  No.7092605

Resignations in the news today - part 1

A New York public-school principal has resigned after a teacher showed her class a video of anti-abortion activists pretending to be an unborn fetus


Line Mountain Solicitor retires


Clallam County GOP chief Matthew Rainwater resigns


John Castle retiring from banking career he said was 'perfect for me'


SSLJ.com Limited’s Auditor Resigned


CEO retiring after 11 years steering Gorton's ship


Jack Hundial becomes third city councillor to resign from Safe Surrey Coalition


Clerk fired after altercation with Hispanic customers


Repatriation of artefacts forces Egypt writer to resign from British Museum


Retiring President, CEO gives $1 million to her hospital’s foundation


Mardela boys basketball coach resigns


Officer fired after calling coworker ‘dumb and Black’


Pope accepts Pates' resignation as bishop for Diocese of Des Moines, appoints replacement


Gorton’s CEO retiring after 29 years with the Gloucester-based seafood supplier


WOFL Fox 35 general manager Allyson Meyers resigns


State juvenile justice chief fired for lying under oath


SSLJ.com Limited’s Auditor Resigned


Monroe County Democrats' elections commissioner retiring


Earl supervisor resigns after Facebook post about flooding


Longtime Beverly Hills Bar Association CEO Marc Staenberg Retiring


f5a64d  No.7092606


i have heard you are more willing to flush your drugs

when the cops are breaking down your door

863148  No.7092607


Resignations in the news today - part 2

Cozad superintendent resigns from position


Embattled Panhandle schools superintendent resigns


A cofounder of NPM, a startup that 11 million developers rely on, has resigned in the wake of a period of employee unrest


Two directors of Empire Resorts resign


Richland environmental, sustainability coordinator resigns


Knoxville police sergeant retires after complaints about crude and sexist behavior at work


Colorado’s chief court administrator resigns amid Denver Post investigation into contract


Sheriff's Official Resigned Rather than Clear Fired Deputy


United Way of Lincoln and Lancaster County executive director resigning


Adams County 911 Director retiring


RCI Announces Resignation of BDO as Auditor


O&G Industries exec retiring after 54 with the Torrington company


Center, Missouri, police chief resigns


4 NOPD officers fired, 2 more suspended after investigation into Unity-1 Salon crash


Augusta city councilor resigning effective end of July


Senior Building Department official retires after 32 years


Contra Costa Community College District chancellor to retire amid campus turmoil


After 19 years, Justice Mason retiring from bench


Prattville pastor retires after 45 years in ministry


Retiring Fountain Inn Police Chief Keith Morton reflects on serving, protecting community


Rindge Town Clerk Nancy Martin plans to retire in Sept.


7b561a  No.7092608

File: 46765b685ba256b⋯.png (179.17 KB, 777x678, 259:226, Screen Shot 2019-07-18 at ….png)

File: f2686347d83f609⋯.png (170.46 KB, 765x698, 765:698, Screen Shot 2019-07-18 at ….png)

File: f194e21d4538528⋯.png (124.83 KB, 845x700, 169:140, Screen Shot 2019-07-18 at ….png)

I continue to mull the "Evergreen" tweet. I discovered a cargo aviation company that seems related. https://www.evergreenaviation.com/florida-west-international-airways/

Could the tweet have been referring to the discovery of human trafficking conducted by government/C_A contractors?


What if its not just troops and spies getting moved around. Would human victims be trafficked in planes that are normally used for cargo?

9cce73  No.7092609

File: 9f46a412a20b019⋯.png (575.48 KB, 611x592, 611:592, ClipboardImage.png)

Ancient open carry

c63b63  No.7092610


David Lynch was quoted somewhere saying Trump will go down as the greatest president in U.S. history.

bee502  No.7092611


as in….hmmmm…..sssssss…aaa….

2aa45b  No.7092612

File: eb19c58e1c5d966⋯.png (132.27 KB, 1286x626, 643:313, _www.scotusblog.com gundry.png)

Why did Kavanaugh take no part in the decisoin? Sorry, but could he be ON the list?

"requires the U.S. attorney general to apply the Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act’s registration requirements as soon as feasible to offenders convicted before the statute’s enactment

Affirmed, 5-3, in an opinion by Justice Kagan on June 20, 2019. Justice Kagan announced the judgment of the Supreme Court and delivered an opinion, in which Justices Ginsburg, Breyer, and Sotomayor joined. Justice Alito filed an opinion concurring in the judgment. Justice Gorsuch filed a dissenting opinion, in which Chief Justice Roberts and Justice Thomas joined.

Justice Kavanaugh took no part in the consideration or decision of the case."

ab8199  No.7092613

File: 6258c442d00f6b3⋯.png (256.17 KB, 724x724, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 57df1e05674d714⋯.png (248.78 KB, 724x724, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)




It's not, let them try to save face.

The Battle of Notables Creek and the Battle of Captcha Hill were won by Patriots.


Get your badges anons.


top kek

1f1566  No.7092614

File: 26f91f23b97d606⋯.png (625.32 KB, 699x701, 699:701, weinstein is free to rape ….PNG)


468140  No.7092615


>it's fucking terrible

Indeed. You'll also notice that if you're looking at a specific persons page, the notifications on the title bar no longer reflect new tweets from that person, but rather your own notification counter.

e7d596  No.7092616

The state of Michigan just stripped their Miss World winner of her title because she was a trump supporter. https://twitter.com/JackPosobiec/status/1152056830752935936

09f22a  No.7092617


Ty for your dedication, anon!!

85b42b  No.7092618

File: 7e40a1c014c117d⋯.png (109.72 KB, 330x219, 110:73, putin_dah.png)

File: 6155e95943c8622⋯.jpg (69.57 KB, 750x496, 375:248, Putin_LePen_Farage_Trump_O….jpg)

File: 93c42b6f19e7d74⋯.jpg (36.53 KB, 604x339, 604:339, putin_toast.jpg)

File: e0a29623b91690c⋯.jpg (41.43 KB, 519x449, 519:449, putinpopcorn.jpg)

File: 9781834faaf2671⋯.jpg (97.9 KB, 622x532, 311:266, MEN_OF_THE_WEST.jpg)


>So the Russians took a terrible loss for the rest of us WW?

Yeah, that's what I believe, at least. Think about how hard the globo-homo-controlled MSM is going out of their way to make everyone believe Russia is evil. Obviously the opposite is true. Russia could be\should be the greatest ally of the USA, and have been many times in the past. There are absolutely some issues on which US and Russian interests don't align, but even those are part of the manufactured imbalanced equilibrium created by the globo-homo Roth\Bilderberg\Soros\Zionist\etc. evil powers that be.

That Russian sub managed to get an ASW missile and the satellite was able to retaliate before being taken down; the submarine took heavy damage but thankfully remained seaworthy, albeit with heavy casualties. It destroyed a weapon that has had us all by the balls for quite a long time. NOW you notice shit's changing, don't you?

7ab49d  No.7092619

File: 511d496b182b8e3⋯.png (1.21 MB, 2570x1750, 257:175, Screen Shot 2019-07-18 at ….png)


Follow the date.

[One Example]

No coincidences.


The cabal worships Saturn.

Could this be a notable event from July 19, 2013?


Forgot the sauce.

8f05eb  No.7092620


He fukken got us into the mess we were in in the first place and would not have done shit about it if it were not for Q and the anons that challenged BO. Thanks be to Q and the anons that knew what was right.

9cce73  No.7092621

File: 07bdd079395546e⋯.png (39.12 KB, 515x386, 515:386, ClipboardImage.png)

1a840a  No.7092622



like your digits - chekked

574421  No.7092623

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Hammam is a ritual cleansing where a soap is applied. Think bathing…

Turkish example shown at the 10:00 mark

c50862  No.7092624

From Q post 3452

Dig further: I went to the twit link and looked at q posts compared to the temple pics.

What stood out—besides the Keystone was this:

Blue and white colors—think Hanukkah (wrapping paper colors)=Jewish

Blue and white stripes are in the Israeli flag

The blue stripes are intended to symbolize the stripes on a tallit, the traditional Jewish prayer shawl.

The dome=Dome of the rock at the Temple Mount (again Jewish but also Muslim) also blues and whites in building

And then way back when, Q said they were saving Israel for last.

And an add-on just because:

Six pointed star (Star of David has six points)

Usage in occultism. The hexagram, like the pentagram, was and is used in practices of the occult and ceremonial magic and is attributed to the 7 "old" planets outlined in astrology. The six-pointed star is commonly used both as a talisman and for conjuring spirits and spiritual forces in diverse forms of occult magic.

82d999  No.7092625


Thanq anon, appreciated!

7be8eb  No.7092626


Follow the watch sundial?

9bf321  No.7092627


Then he was a much better actor and would have landed some roles.

That video was sincere including the thing he did being 'very, very bad' and that we would hate hime for it.

That's hardcore.

Guess is that he ran with one group, jumped ship for a little bit of cash (his words from the last vid on the small amount of money) and he paid for it.

Fuck him

8e09cd  No.7092628

File: a8aa76913454f67⋯.png (76.84 KB, 676x787, 676:787, evergreen.PNG)

c4d8d9  No.7092629

File: c31ec9b360d7b75⋯.jpg (229.52 KB, 1200x916, 300:229, IAA104236.jpg)

File: 7b77fd9ff9475d8⋯.png (1.67 MB, 1272x848, 3:2, a6392d060674ea1512501df945….png)

File: f29caca89bc5e2b⋯.pdf (2.75 MB, FLS0784.pdf)

The restoration of Hammam Yalbugha was awarded the Aga Khan Award for Architecture, 1989.

d4bc66  No.7092630

File: 6ec75e6066b70a4⋯.png (46.96 KB, 779x444, 779:444, sexcrimespoliticians.png)

BREAKING: US Court of Appeals preparing to release 2,000 pages of documents revealing sex crimes committed by prominent American politicians, business executives, & foreign leaders


fbf421  No.7092631

File: cf4ff1b118b84a3⋯.gif (989.86 KB, 500x220, 25:11, original (2).gif)

You've had enough time to be transparent and show your allegiance.

I am not a soldier following leads. I AM.

b13d71  No.7092632


Ffs read about the bailiss trial and stop spreading the muhtalmud bullshit.

ab8199  No.7092633

File: 6829f4559f6d0a5⋯.jpg (83.98 KB, 700x512, 175:128, 6829f4559f6d0a54ee2ddf1891….jpg)



Nice, rollin

9cce73  No.7092634

File: dc5cc6d242b17ba⋯.png (93.22 KB, 800x600, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

b27c8b  No.7092635

Pornhub embed. Click thumbnail to play.

9a88f6  No.7092636

File: 795abc13a0f878f⋯.jpeg (523.33 KB, 2290x1322, 1145:661, 08B48242-D40F-4245-991F-5….jpeg)

John O. Brennan is a patriot.

Said literally NO ONE Ever.

f3d564  No.7092637


Tarot is as valid as Ouija board

same source

Be careful who you follow…

6849dc  No.7092639

File: fba618ca996804e⋯.png (57.62 KB, 269x268, 269:268, soexcited.png)

ebc859  No.7092640


This guy have a good track record?

Never heard of him.

Completely sauce less.

d4bc66  No.7092641

File: 22f7eb0755fe371⋯.png (45.44 KB, 789x372, 263:124, collinssmith.png)

BREAKING: The FBI has intervened in the murder investigation of former Arkansas Sen. Linda Collins-Smith, who was probing child trafficking cases & Jeffrey Epstein at the time of her death


c65f53  No.7092642


I wasn't trying to sling shit at BO or Baker, I just honestly don't see how that should go in notables

7fbcf9  No.7092643


So brennan says things will get worse too.

they never say which country or nation they are talking about.

63885f  No.7092644

File: 730da6280f2e842⋯.jpg (45.37 KB, 621x800, 621:800, kappy_bigger.jpg)


the 'you will hate me' part made me think that Kappy still had a lot to learn about being a Christian. He was wrong about it only in the sense of it being hyperbolic.

I wish he could have forgiven himself . . .

maybe he has by now!

1bd5d5  No.7092645

File: 960a142e32cea00⋯.jpg (332.28 KB, 1680x1050, 8:5, order.jpg)


very nice


dcf9c7  No.7092646


If so is it possible that 16:49 could be 5:5

Being 5:5 for the 19th

Yay nay or fuck off will work for me.

29006c  No.7092647

c1621c  No.7092648

File: c8f470d2387d9b2⋯.jpg (97.2 KB, 1200x686, 600:343, D_x4242X4AEcWIq.jpg)

File: a778aefa9b965b4⋯.jpg (107.76 KB, 1200x716, 300:179, D_x45y2WwAArt-k.jpg)

File: fbf582bd92a773e⋯.jpg (110.78 KB, 1200x713, 1200:713, D_x49qNXkAIpLBL.jpg)

File: 93351ba1bf9aab3⋯.jpg (105.59 KB, 1199x692, 1199:692, D_x5BbGWkAAAkRo.jpg)

File: f170b76d69e4eb1⋯.jpg (128.13 KB, 1200x727, 1200:727, D_x5DpLW4AEWN5h.jpg)


1a840a  No.7092649

a2a2ed  No.7092650

File: 4ef7d96c4a7c074⋯.png (3.59 MB, 3272x2912, 409:364, 8.png)

Hey anons, here are some connections I'm seeing regarding the symbolism on Epstein's Island.

There is also the fact that the blue/white stripes from Greece's flag can represent Aphrodite, an incarnation of the same Goddess. Her hair was also gold…

For further reading, look into the ancient worship of Ishtar going back to Sumer.

Also, here is some reading regarding the spiral:


f2833b  No.7092651


Alot of digs being skipped over, hence the notables thread

fb3a3c  No.7092652

File: f8cb16f26b51983⋯.png (505.29 KB, 666x584, 333:292, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 046b94bb529b04a⋯.png (155.35 KB, 1033x523, 1033:523, ClipboardImage.png)

Posing with his employer's $80 million fleet of aircraft, this is Jeffrey Epstein's long-time personal pilot and the man many believe could hold the key to the billionaire's sordid lifestyle.

Chief pilot Larry Visoski runs Epstein's fleet of private jets and helicopters and has flown the hedge fund mogul around the world for 20 years.

Notably Visoski flew Epstein's larger 727 jet - the infamous Lolita Express - which carried prominent passengers including President Bill Clinton, British royal Prince Andrew as well as Hollywood stars Kevin Spacey and Chris Tucker and supermodel Naomi Campbell.

And the 59-year-old pilot - nicknamed Capt Big Dawg on his Instagram page - isn't shy about showing off his billionaire boss' expensive toys on his personal social media page.

In one shot, taken in July 2014, he shows the Lolita Express taking off for Seattle.

This comes as DailyMailTV can reveal a series of new photos taken of the upgraded interior of the 50-year-old 727 jetliner.

The luxury aircraft built in 1969 was modernized around 2014 and boasts plush furnishing and recessed lighting in these exclusive shots.

In one room that looks like an office, an Apple laptop computer and Apple iPad sit on the desk and the room has a red velvet chairs and a sofa.

Our photos also show a circular shaped lounge filled with cushy beige chairs and a spacious bedroom with an open closet with clothes inside - the walls finished in mahogany or teak.

There's also a roomy bathroom and the dining area has a galley kitchen off it for preparing food.

One photo shows a food blender, coffee machine and sandwich grill on the side, while another shows a modern oven and microwave.

The 727-31 aircraft, tag number N908JE, was repainted on the outside from it's early silver and black color. Today it's all white with thin stripes.

The luxury commercial jet has once again come into prominence following the arrest of Epstein on two charges of child sex trafficking.

Prosecutors have accused the 66-year-old billionaire of abusing girls as young as 14 in a 'vast network of underage victims' - and the jet has always been considered a venue for some of the abuse.

The FBI has identified dozens of alleged young abuse victims over the years and one claimed she was abused in 'international airspace on Epstein's private planes'.

It's alleged Epstein used the plane to shuttle underage girls between his residences in New York and Palm Beach.

Victims have since claimed Epstein had a large bed installed on the jet where guests had group sex with young girls, fulfilling their warped fantasies.

In 2015, victim Virginia Roberts filed a lawsuit against the billionaire, claiming that he recruited her as a 'sex slave' at the age of 15, sexually abusing her for years on his private jet as well as his various homes in New York, New Mexico, Florida, and the US Virgin Islands.

According to FAA records the 727 was registered to JEGE INC, Epstein's Delaware firm, in 2018 and the registration appears active.

However, a recent report claimed court filings showed that Epstein sold the aircraft weeks before his July 6 arrest.

Regardless, the 727 has been a firm fixture in Epstein's life for the past two decades.

His personal pilot Visoski posted a photo of the jet taking off in July 2014, with the tag, 'Going home to Seattle, #landingBFI, #BoeingField.'

One of his Instagram friends asked the experienced pilot how long he's been flying 727s and he replied: 'Flying the three wholer (sic) about 14 years now, includes three times around the world, she's got the room!'

The 727 is often referred to as a 'Three holer' because of its three engines clustered around the tail.

Visoski has long been seen as the man who could hold the key to Epstein's sordid lifestyle.

But for more than two decades he has remained tight-lipped and dodged questions from reporters.

Visoski has not been accused of any role in Epstein’s crimes.

He did not respond to multiple requests by DailyMailTV for comment.


7b561a  No.7092653


AND..to make it better for other people despite our own difficulties.

3876ef  No.7092654

File: 45191cf243e831b⋯.jpg (58.11 KB, 847x790, 847:790, POTUShairconfirmed.jpg)

e7d596  No.7092655

File: 2902d8cd3639eb8⋯.png (343.41 KB, 558x567, 62:63, titlem.png)



d4bc66  No.7092656

File: be0492bee05f581⋯.jpg (182.86 KB, 1200x824, 150:103, D_xV39IWsAAR1Ig.jpg)

bee502  No.7092657


correction….Reagan chief of staff for Meese I believe. So….maybe not as Bushy as I originally thought. Hate you-ing myself….but need clarity. Good God, imagine someone realizing they are wrong and correcting themselves instead of just running down the Road of Muh?

c1621c  No.7092658

File: af16166cbdf06a8⋯.jpg (140.28 KB, 1200x713, 1200:713, D_x5GlFXYAEMb08.jpg)

File: 5b7799781a9b84a⋯.jpg (167.88 KB, 1199x692, 1199:692, D_x5JJ4XUAEhY7-.jpg)

File: 52ec6fcea7b005d⋯.jpg (129.2 KB, 1200x683, 1200:683, D_x5OD4XoAEsQGe.jpg)

File: 45fdc7ef82eec50⋯.jpg (73.82 KB, 828x926, 414:463, D_y6IMBUEAA4FH6.jpg)

File: 20f992ca15c6f6a⋯.jpg (90.58 KB, 640x480, 4:3, D_y8A5ZUcAARz8i.jpg)



360d6b  No.7092659

File: c10bd5d33df533b⋯.png (1.19 MB, 1000x1000, 1:1, Q.png)

314c4f  No.7092660


Already in notables.

82d999  No.7092661

Thanq anon, nik'd


85b42b  No.7092662

File: b83eab54cef69c1⋯.jpg (118.24 KB, 400x916, 100:229, lightning.jpg)


>It would leave the biggest evidential footprint of any weapons system ever deployed.

You are making a lot of assumptions about the nature of the technology. Even though I call it a DEW or directed energy weapon, neither you nor I know the nature of how it induces current in its targets. It may or may not use electromagnetism at all. If it induces shockwaves in the scalar field via a sub-atomic equivalent of alternating electromagnetic current, it could affect objects across a large distance without a visible thermal profile or electrical discharge.

Furthermore, many or even most of the satellites that could have identified this phenomenon may be under their control; or they may simply be threatening or destroying anyone who might try to speak out about it.

We are unfortunately forced to make many assumptions here, as we don't know the real truth.

9d94b2  No.7092663

File: 9a86d455be95782⋯.jpg (907.01 KB, 1651x2751, 1651:2751, 68.jpg)

File: 31d25b99f55e88d⋯.jpg (919.78 KB, 1651x2750, 1651:2750, 69.jpg)


Proc. 3795 Title 3–Chapter 1 Proc. 3796 Proclamation 3795


By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

WHEREAS the Governor of the State of Michigan has informed me that conditions of domestic violence and disorder exist in the City of Detroit in that State, obstructing the execution and enforcement of the laws, and that the law enforcement resources available to the City and State, including the National Guard, have been unable to suppress such acts of violence and to restore law and order; and WHEREAS the Governor has requested me to use such of the armed forces of the United States as may be necessary for those purposes; and

WHEREAS such domestic violence and disorder are also obstructing the execution of the laws of the United States, including the protection of federal property in the City of Detroit:

NOW, THEREFORE, I, LYNDON B. JOHNSON, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and laws of the United States, including Chapter 15 of Title 10 of the United States Code, do command all persons engaged in such acts of violence to cease and desist therefrom and to disperse and retire peaceably forthwith.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-fourth day of July, in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and sixty-seven, and the Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and ninety-second.

The White House, July 24, 1967.

extracted from The Code of Federal Regulations of the United States of America, 1967 Compilation - The President


c1621c  No.7092664

File: af744153b868636⋯.jpg (24.49 KB, 481x404, 481:404, D_zCbEbXkAAwlOx.jpg)

File: 6deda8032427d79⋯.jpg (153.28 KB, 1200x699, 400:233, D_zhNU0WkAAKf3w.jpg)



1ee6dd  No.7092665

I Daniel know you are watching :)


Not going to happen :)


9bf321  No.7092666

File: 84cb8f18ce8b155⋯.jpg (30.68 KB, 474x313, 474:313, 309jfasmndfsa;lkdfs.jpg)

af1c69  No.7092667


July 19th is the egyptian new year, the marriage of isis and osiris.

d24f2f  No.7092668

File: e1c2ea859e68e76⋯.jpg (85.01 KB, 950x534, 475:267, uploads/card/image/415892/….jpg)

5674af  No.7092669

File: 991f9a3ba48eac4⋯.png (263.98 KB, 656x525, 656:525, 991f9a3ba48eac4f0b68aea672….png)


Sounds like someone is afraid of imagining a giant photo realistic froglike hominig god being.


6e57f9  No.7092670

File: 78ad0cf02336ba3⋯.jpg (37.94 KB, 480x360, 4:3, eightball.jpg)


i prefer the magic 8 ball myself

4b5114  No.7092671


Harvey Weinstein’s Army of Spies

The film executive hired private investigators, including ex-Mossad agents, to track actresses and journalists.


there are no laws for (((them)))

434227  No.7092672

File: fa3e8808c9b0463⋯.png (488.26 KB, 781x931, 781:931, brennan.png)


Wow. he can't even write.

Where did he go to school?

so-called "Republicans"

What is he a so-called "traitor" to his County

Whadda Thug.

"My future and my domestic tranquility are at stake"

boo hoo.

"I mean "BOO" i need to scare you

We're not backing down

Don't take us one.

We are more dangerous than you think.

We will create crisis after crisis and make you lives miserable.

so ==BOO==

Stop it .. (to him it's ==MR. TRUMP==)

Boy do they gag on that.

Fuck 'em

bee502  No.7092673


you got more panda?

6849dc  No.7092674


Aphrodite mostly goes topless, yeah?

55871f  No.7092675

File: 15d1e7b539fc509⋯.png (462.25 KB, 742x641, 742:641, Sunlight2.png)


We made it kek! o7

f5af56  No.7092676

File: ac4ef18d40c94d5⋯.jpg (38.98 KB, 571x300, 571:300, SherlockInteresting.jpg)



Spirits rise and dance?

7fbcf9  No.7092677

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

9479bc  No.7092678

File: 578d824db566ab8⋯.png (562.79 KB, 626x604, 313:302, Goin Places.png)


>volcanoes are the result of powerful djinn bound within the rock deep underground in antiquity, and the energy created by dimensional vibrations as they struggle to get free is what creates magma and gaseous eruptions of molten rock and pumice.

Sounds like cheap beer and Taco Bell…

7b607a  No.7092679


Nice division.

ebc859  No.7092680


Miss Michigan


c4d8d9  No.7092681

File: 13cc2e128c2182e⋯.png (767.48 KB, 655x398, 655:398, jbffswamp.png)



4c3c3b  No.7092682

File: bc1c72801f0fa46⋯.jpeg (1.37 MB, 1668x1821, 556:607, 1EB17EC4-F52F-48AF-A6D0-4….jpeg)


216b32  No.7092683


Car number is 1701, and next to a Cold Stone

af4474  No.7092684

File: fadaff6747a6bdd⋯.png (78.35 KB, 840x710, 84:71, Capture.PNG)

Hey is this notable?

Saturn was in Virgo the virgin on July 19th 2013, the same day the cabal has there party on Epstein island.

Any one in astrology know what Saturn in Virgo could mean?

c63b63  No.7092685


Can anyone with some good meme skills make a meme with the picture of the HOLLYWOOD sign with "We are Epstein" underneath?

a2a2ed  No.7092686

File: 8fd095555364e79⋯.png (834.12 KB, 600x600, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


Indeed she does

1f1566  No.7092687


then there are no laws for Epstein either it makes me extremely sad about your whole Q cause because you're all willingly blocking out any realities that go against the narrative

63885f  No.7092688

File: ccfccae29cf468e⋯.jpg (169.37 KB, 1160x462, 580:231, daily_life_of_the_Eygptian….jpg)


how very interesting. some one who I think is nifty is always talking about Osiris. I wonder if he really knows the whole story about The Nile and . . . the grusome details.

In any case I used to read a lot of Archiology and supposed Archiology, and I was wondering what your source was for that.

85b42b  No.7092689

File: fd22b71d0aa5769⋯.gif (2 MB, 480x360, 4:3, kek_pharaoh.gif)

File: b95a420c86d5889⋯.png (54.34 KB, 289x300, 289:300, pepe_kek.png)

File: 7b63c28edc2a3ee⋯.jpg (710.16 KB, 712x1006, 356:503, pepe_kek_throne.jpg)

File: 8587a8817bb304c⋯.jpg (591.34 KB, 745x675, 149:135, pepe_kek_tyrael.jpg)

File: bbf3088c5a13c2a⋯.gif (372.95 KB, 650x650, 1:1, pepe_froggodcosmos.gif)


>Sounds like someone is afraid of imagining a giant photo realistic froglike hominig god being.

Nigga what do you think I fap to?

fbf421  No.7092690

I spoke to the most hardcore Trump supporter today and he said if there is evidence that Trump did some incriminating shit, he would stop his support.

Why? Because people aren't as fucking stupid as this operation makes u believe.

8e0a18  No.7092691



she's gonna be rich

70b7dd  No.7092692

Al Green is doin a poll…

What is the best word to describe the 95 Congressmen that vote for Trump’s impeachment…


f792c3  No.7092693

Hey Q,

I figured out the watch in Q 3457. That's Tom Brady's Watch. He is the spokesperson for IWC Watches and he owns that exact model, the Portugieser.

Patriots Win Again over the Cabal (Rothschilds e.g. Rams)!!!



18eb41  No.7092694

Q watch post

Time is ten to five

10. 2. 5.


17 comes out on the 19th.

6d71c9  No.7092695

File: 5b1f6be7b75bd54⋯.png (6.9 MB, 2560x1440, 16:9, Screenshot (766).png)

>>7091554 pb

went back over it later flight, underground wiring

7b561a  No.7092696


I have sometimes wondered if people who have been steeped in wickedness and the occult can have a chance to know God through His Son. These "proofs" suggest to me that at least some of these folks can have an opportunity to see that God's power is greater than satan's.

09f22a  No.7092697


Roman Calendar (in effect until year 45) July was called Quintillis


c4151e  No.7092698


Aphrodite the godess of LOVE

56ecbf  No.7092699


Justice 11:11

c65f53  No.7092700


I've seen a ton of him today. Never heard of him before

85b42b  No.7092701

File: 6a51e4f23b6f16f⋯.jpg (1.5 MB, 4000x3000, 4:3, punished_trump_15144193738….jpg)


>if there is evidence that Trump did some incriminating shit, he would stop his support.

Not me. Trump has my support as long as he continues to be useful as a bludgeon against the Dark Powers that Be.

You don't throw away your most effective weapon when it's working just because you find out it did a bad thing one time

5674af  No.7092702

File: 02f7c763f9b1acf⋯.png (132.57 KB, 306x306, 1:1, 02f7c763f9b1acf41fd0ca4bd7….png)


Probably the thought of me..

88b796  No.7092703

File: 80e00a6dba542fb⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1542x818, 771:409, GSJ.png)

No green rectangle yet in this pic. Any ideas? The moon? A vat for dissolving bodies?

The pic before this is was all trees/brush.

7fbcf9  No.7092704


is that pilot's Instagram still open.

I wonder if he has in pic posted for july 2013

1a840a  No.7092705


A few words stand out in the meaning… see if you can spot them kek

The Saturn In Virgo: Significance and Meaning

The Saturn in Virgo people like to have everything in order and are extremely meticulous about details.

Element And Quality: Earth & Mutable

Celebrities With Saturn In Virgo: Heath Ledger, Meryl Streep, Richard Gere, Prince Charles, Rajnikanth

Positive Keywords for Saturn in Virgo: Sacrificing, Holistic, Orderly, Perfectionist, Healer

Negative Keywords for Saturn in Virgo: Fastidious, Introvert, Lonely, Rigid, Controlling

6849dc  No.7092706


Also 2:2 or 22 The World

0a8b9a  No.7092707

File: b479fa8a6ff205e⋯.jpeg (1007.65 KB, 1242x1927, 1242:1927, EE5CAB01-8944-4E4C-ABDB-F….jpeg)



No the 19th marks 17 days since pence canceled

dfd817  No.7092708

f2833b  No.7092709


>>7092226, >>7092212, >>7092269, >>7092314, >>7092395 Julian's Rum twit @ Trump cards corresponds to a year

Tarot cards in the notables?

Anon, this is why the Notables Thread exists

504247  No.7092710


Fake notables are ignored, doesn't matter how many the clown bakers add

bee502  No.7092711

bb3589  No.7092712

File: 1f3e91d17effcdb⋯.jpeg (81.74 KB, 1200x865, 240:173, 45870F1F-2DB3-44F1-816D-8….jpeg)

William Barr over Jeff Sessions shoulder

85b42b  No.7092713

File: 66aaf90b4716b44⋯.jpg (64 KB, 500x375, 4:3, fail-owned-taco-toilet-fai….jpg)


>Sounds like cheap beer and Taco Bell…

Don't I know it…

4c3c3b  No.7092714

File: 44561c7b5a56654⋯.jpeg (1.12 MB, 2224x1058, 1112:529, 180329B9-F685-4772-978E-9….jpeg)

Does any wonder why CNN ratings are down?

5ad086  No.7092715


Top Kek!

6849dc  No.7092716



Well, technically 21 but it's the 22nd KEY, so…

ce4790  No.7092717


..an undetectable source of DEW - say element 151, forex - still would be triangulable by its damage on earth's face. Plus we have X-37Bs cruising around to dispatch hardware that could do it.

Think of a giant ant-burning magnifying glass 100K feet up: the minute you use it, it will be detected and nailed.

c65f53  No.7092718


Ohhhh, ok. I'm just skimming through tonight, but it sounds like it hasn't completely turned around. That's just great….

86d8cd  No.7092719


ahh thank you

e2a6f8  No.7092720

File: 296b150bb7aaedd⋯.png (336.69 KB, 422x610, 211:305, 296b150bb7aaedde9e51320aa7….png)

Looks like we got a damn space jew in the kitchen…

a9a83a  No.7092721


an archive of his instagram is here:


85b42b  No.7092722

File: 6f327640bf2e4b0⋯.gif (35.47 KB, 200x200, 1:1, oh_you.gif)


>Probably the thought of me..

Oh you!

b1a3a9  No.7092723


That is a pull box.

1ee6dd  No.7092724

Evil hides in darkness.

GOOD is ALWAYS in the Light :)



c4d8d9  No.7092725

File: f6b43bc218105e1⋯.jpg (84.38 KB, 900x595, 180:119, f6b43bc218105e1c7dd33a02e0….jpg)


no one cares

a2a2ed  No.7092726


Ishtar the same….

It's all sex magick, after all

8f05eb  No.7092727


For me it would depend on what the crime was and how compelling the evidence was.

252955  No.7092728

File: 04cd891ed162290⋯.jpg (88.5 KB, 800x800, 1:1, IMG_8694.JPG)

ab8199  No.7092729




We know this is going to happen at some point, the 2nd Circuit has been on it and will likely release them soon. We don't know when, but tomorrow would be nice!

Can't find any backup sauce for them "preparing", I'm pretty sure they've been doing that for a little bit now, kek.


Fuck you cuck, BO and BVs got BTFO'D.

ANONS ARE UNITED AND WILL NEVER FORGET, those who tried to divide and destroy this board lost.

So keep whining about muh division, I'll keep laughing my ass off because anons won and those fucking idiots lost.

Deal with it faggot.


>this is why the Notables Thread exists

No, the faggot BO wanted to control the board, which failed.

That's why that stupid shit exist. Kepp crying faggots!!

bee502  No.7092730

File: 0cd294bb1f9a304⋯.jpg (88.23 KB, 1024x904, 128:113, that is not how any of thi….jpg)

5674af  No.7092731

File: 60b5f9091681b8c⋯.png (211.95 KB, 486x480, 81:80, 60b5f9091681b8c6d90033ecb5….png)


Stop, I didn't mean that in a flirty manner.

It was my disgust.

434227  No.7092732


You need to study moar.

Look up "duress" in the dictionary.

af4474  No.7092733

File: 073e25f20a3ec9f⋯.png (16.04 KB, 422x299, 422:299, Capture.PNG)



What about this?

Sounds about right for what would happen at that island

b4fdba  No.7092734

File: 732658f0eaa4422⋯.gif (322.38 KB, 600x649, 600:649, lizardpatch2.gif)



POTUS said we were supposed to hear about what happened a WEEK OR TWO LATER..

How's bout it, Q?

Give us a nudge on the Israeli DEW Satellite.

ebc859  No.7092735


You didn't speak to me today.

3dcc73  No.7092736

File: 953dea6f50daf6b⋯.png (347.38 KB, 633x691, 633:691, ClipboardImage.png)

The whine of the professional attention whores


Only if the dims send Creamer's crazies her way.

Or if somebody does their jobs and prosecutes this felon.

87869d  No.7092737


Should I get a tv subscription for tomorrow? I’m curious now that if there is a declass the web will be shuttered.

43a3da  No.7092738

File: 4aaa4cea873288b⋯.png (282.76 KB, 1024x552, 128:69, jmcfeb50red.png)

File: 768577251bf3a4e⋯.png (518.9 KB, 1022x549, 1022:549, marlevin715.png)

File: fbb9ad0219dc110⋯.png (469.38 KB, 1023x551, 1023:551, howshock.png)

Mark Levin was very passionate tonight. Why don't you SAY IT, MARK. Senator Graham & POTUS have said the Word. Why don't you, beings you and YOUR book is being censored, too? C-o-m-m-u-n-i-s-m. RUN AMOK and then some! Those tool women – SUSPENSION of DISBELIEF, Mockingbird THEATRICS = Distraction, and desensitization are what has GOTTEN us this low, and to where there's NO mainstream NEWS source unless you want to hear Faux CHAT go on & on "debating" if POTUS is being rayciss. (Aside from Hannity).

Epstein Island, Awans, the SPYING, NVIXM… forget it ALL!

GET THE DAMN TRUTH OUT THERE already. Oh wait, it IS and has been since 1994!

POTUS can't harp on it because freaking McCarthy is still demonized!

1bd5d5  No.7092739


i had to google it to be honest

subordination of perjury

convincing someone to lie on the stand

seems like something id do for keks

8e0a18  No.7092740

File: 35c7efdfd29898c⋯.png (1.24 MB, 1420x1164, 355:291, 1563505764811.png)

honk honk

fbf421  No.7092741

Your ego is fucking with you.

Just do it.

Freedom is far more valuable than this RETARDED ass reality your kind has put my people through.

f2833b  No.7092742


Yea it is what it is but we can add buns there of digs instead of tarot cards


252955  No.7092743

File: db78f7218216575⋯.jpg (85.37 KB, 800x800, 1:1, IMG_8697.JPG)

5674af  No.7092744

File: f81be6d6c9d00de⋯.png (131.82 KB, 454x404, 227:202, 376bc8b37f94a16a2845d27c2a….png)


Highest Ranking Trump Supporter Anon is right.

No one spoke to him and he didn't post anything about it in Discord.

574421  No.7092745


>if there is evidence that Trump did some incriminating shit

The biggest IF in all off Orange Man Bad land.

Money & resources spent like crazy since forever and…

You ain't got shit nigger


a19ee3  No.7092746


you are the most useless poster on here

e7d596  No.7092747


We are watching a movie. A very "B" grade movie. Shot on 8mm.

f5af56  No.7092748


Minnesota - the new Mecca

434227  No.7092749


You guys were faked out.

The last speech had his killers in the room with him. He was asked through text if he was under duress to blink twice and he did.

You guys don't study enough

504247  No.7092750


Fake and Gay Tarot Card Crap

Anons will ignore

Post in notables all you want, accomplishes nothing clown

1f1566  No.7092751

Seriously you are all retarded at this point if weinstein settled all that Q hype drama for only $44,000,000USD surely epstein will do just as well? You're all retarded and I feel bad for wasting my time even telling you all how retarded you are

f3d564  No.7092752


ET comes home

70b7dd  No.7092753

File: 49f3bc5e4fc1bdb⋯.png (171.88 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 2947BD45-0559-47BD-80DF-8D….png)

3dcc73  No.7092754

File: d3a7309d285bbc2⋯.jpg (24.03 KB, 474x474, 1:1, d3a7309d285bbc25f831be629c….jpg)

4d9671  No.7092755


I went back five breads and searched for that Julian's Rum twat before posting to 9070.

Some anon says he is original poster and my (you) is removed WTF?

99271b  No.7092756

File: b1a4ed499f8a03e⋯.png (164.93 KB, 1221x565, 1221:565, Redemption. Thank you Je….png)

c4d8d9  No.7092757


it's in his handle: 95 donkeymen. don't even have to vote to get that one.

b1a3a9  No.7092758


They've been looking for over 2 years for dirt on trump.

We don't even have to look for dirt on Killary, the FBI already has it….

30f310  No.7092759



Sauce that

meme gold

1a840a  No.7092760

File: 2142b5608473589⋯.jpg (214.55 KB, 1197x1609, 1197:1609, 2019-07-18_235658.jpg)


sounds accurate

A private investigator is hired to discover if a "snuff film" is authentic or not.

9d94b2  No.7092761

File: de2e99f5d422ccd⋯.pdf (6.14 MB, 82468NCJRS.pdf)


The Law and Tradition Covering the Use of Federal Troops in Cases of Domestic Violence


pp. 27-34






July 23 through August 2, 1967

bee502  No.7092762


instead of his ass, which was indeterminable from his face- the doctor slapped his mom when he was born

e80168  No.7092763


That Trump supporter is FAKE. Real Trump supporters aren't pussies and fight, fight, fight!!

329bb0  No.7092764


I see what you did there, and it's awesome.

9bf321  No.7092765


Please don't be a condescending asshat.

If you want to say something, just fucking say it.

fbf421  No.7092766

People were waking up way before you. At this point it almost seems like it bothered you to see it happening before your presence.

Get over yourself.

What was said about self importance?

Practice what you fuckin preach.

cc58a8  No.7092767

File: ba155ed13224f64⋯.png (4.4 MB, 2467x1290, 2467:1290, qassangewatch.png)

252955  No.7092768

File: 8e6b0209034ac80⋯.jpg (87.16 KB, 800x800, 1:1, IMG_8683.JPG)

d24f2f  No.7092769

File: 29155b3868f0d39⋯.jpg (21.71 KB, 425x425, 1:1, 41I0utMkf7L._SX425_.jpg)


lube it up

8f05eb  No.7092770


Need to meme that incorporating E.T. somehow.

6849dc  No.7092771


Just because you think it's nonsense doesn't mean the cabal does.

Check your ego and open your mind to the fact that this is their code and symbolism we're meant to crack.

63885f  No.7092772


maybe that's a lie you're told because the person telling it wants sex with you?

they say 'oh you get all this power' but , in fact, you have it anyway, and by doing that you actually lose your power?

maybe the magic only happens when you don't try to spell it out.

that would mean that magic is real but being a witch who casts spells, or tries to 'do' magic . . . is not really wrong but . . . like throwing mud on yourself

you ought to just pray instead. Performing rituals . . . is a fetish. If you trust in The Lord you don't need to try and subvert free will through incantations.

now if the magic is merely a recipee, like put a young man who loves a young woman with her and she loves him, and they decide to get together . . . that's not wrong or bad. That is called being a match maker. So if a person does that, are they are 'bad witch'?

the idea that pagens can be only 'bad', or that all witches are are evil is alie of the Cabal.

In fact it isn't even a little bit true.

and Pagans make great Christians once they learn the truth.

ab8199  No.7092773

File: f88b68ad00bc81e⋯.png (92.78 KB, 1077x901, 1077:901, 7077777.png)

3dcc73  No.7092774

File: 2fb1648d12c89ae⋯.png (334.34 KB, 500x488, 125:122, 2fb1648d12c89aee463f82e8e1….png)

82d999  No.7092775


>>7092102 Aleppo

>>7092123 BO thanks for you hard work, i know you take a lot of arrows but it's worth it. Glad to see the board back on track. God Bless

>>7092160 Senators Cassidy, Cruz Introduce Resolution Calling For Antifa to be Designated as a Domestic Terrorist Organization

>>7092204 Aga Khan digs


>>7092226, >>7092212, >>7092269, >>7092314, >>7092395 Julian's Rum twit @ Trump cards corresponds to a year

>>7092230 Levin on fire vid regarding Jihad Squad

>>7092244, >>7092269 Qclock/watch

>>7092307, >>7092416 Hammam is a ritual cleansing where a soap is applied. Think bathing

>>7092320 Q Post 3404 - another marker for July 19

>>7092355 "Please Don’t Flush Your Drugs M’kay." Tennessee Police Warn Of "Meth-Gators"

>>7092376 Recent POTUS typo and re-do DELTA is 23:47. Q_2347 is the QanonBaby post

>>7092411, >>7092427, >>7092455 So that thing in Syria is a bathhouse right?

>>7092472 Comey comms?

>>7092478 Chapel of St. Brizio pic

>>7092499 China makes biggest U.S. sorghum purchase since April as trade talks resume

>>7092589 Dome of the Rock/Foundation Stone

>>7092605, >>7092607 Resignations update

>>7092608 Evergreen Aviation digz

>>7092629 The restoration of Hammam Yalbugha was awarded the Aga Khan Award for Architecture, 1989 PDF

>>7092682 Assange drops appeal for breaching bail

>>7092736 , >>7092740 Omars life in danger vs rockstar welcome home

ce4790  No.7092776


*element 51, obviously

434227  No.7092777


With that many people chanting against you. Yes that's scary.

Think of what DJT POTUS has had to go through. Nobody chanting for him to step. They are saying they want to kill him straight out.

Truly, bullies are cowards.

7b561a  No.7092778


Same date as the CCTV footage, correct?

e7d596  No.7092779


I just HAD to go read the comments. I wasn't disappointed !

9479bc  No.7092780

File: 63f2f7e7ddabbad⋯.png (367.83 KB, 669x486, 223:162, 63f2f7e7ddabbad4471b58cf9a….png)

I sure could go for a Chicago dog right now.

81ce8a  No.7092781


Trump is clean, so the entire episode is a fantasy.

d87129  No.7092782

This will be over in a blip in the grand scheme of things

5135c3  No.7092783


>it’s 4:50 as in 45! Grab a wrist watch with hands on it. Change the time to 4:50. Place the watch on its side and look at it from the same angle as in the pic. It looks like the time is 4:49

252955  No.7092784

File: fc3f5c3de78fc36⋯.jpg (85.46 KB, 800x800, 1:1, IMG_8684.JPG)

53c0b5  No.7092785



Melania likes to wear yellow = sun

26dd77  No.7092786

File: f8940539ea31e84⋯.png (1.03 MB, 909x948, 303:316, Watch 3.PNG)



Is the time 4:49 or 4:48

The second hand has not fully come to the top

Wouldn't the time be 4:48:59

bad091  No.7092787

Evergreen also a shipping /container sector. ‘Shipping humans’

af6242  No.7092788


That Bernard guy was the beginning of some real revelations for this anon.

Very credible and courageous.

d4bc66  No.7092789

im tired of hearing about the "send her back" chant. I hope this doesnt hurt our movement

4d9671  No.7092790


WTF anon I went back and searched 5 breads for Jullian's Rum tweet and now you claim original anon

b1a3a9  No.7092791


you forgot the strippers and nipple chases.

bee502  No.7092793


look at that. looks like a person whose issues have issues… a tortured soul

1ee6dd  No.7092794

one very simple question.

can Evil exist in evolution?

NUFF said.


434ebf  No.7092795

File: 6dcf5b2db6f658b⋯.jpeg (344.61 KB, 845x676, 5:4, 2DB6E838-76CE-4FA6-B333-3….jpeg)

Imagine how scared evergreen is tonight.

85b42b  No.7092796

File: 6d36b07a6e91a4d⋯.png (145.04 KB, 237x252, 79:84, gulag.PNG)


>Stop, I didn't mean that in a flirty manner.

>It was my disgust.

No homo, anon. Please be sure you realize I'm teasing you because it works <3 I like you in a bro-fist cooperation kind of way. Even if you were female I must admit I have no need of your brownhole.

8e0a18  No.7092797

File: aae328b0f3152f7⋯.png (3.79 MB, 2560x1600, 8:5, 1563506604902.png)


20 people

6d71c9  No.7092798

File: 9157841c2daae7c⋯.png (7.79 MB, 2560x1440, 16:9, Screenshot (767).png)

6849dc  No.7092799


That's not a second hand.

Learn to read a Chronograph.

b1a3a9  No.7092800


ahh good times.

18eb41  No.7092801





56ecbf  No.7092802


WTF is your problem?

The Sun looking exactly like the one at Epstein’s Island AND 1 of 22 is enough. Two Fucking coincidences. You’re Glowing Nigger

437ab7  No.7092803

File: bf3cd5bc64f8196⋯.jpg (300.46 KB, 1024x737, 1024:737, 20190718_235628.jpg)

Havent had chance to check if POTUS was already spotted. I suck st photo art.

43a3da  No.7092804

File: 9d0d9c4604eb338⋯.png (660.7 KB, 1020x550, 102:55, amerfirst.png)

File: 9f6b9b688324483⋯.png (841.07 KB, 1008x512, 63:32, fiveclear.png)


(you)s disappear once you have cleared your cache/cookies.

63885f  No.7092805


do you think that he is still amoung the living?

fbf421  No.7092806

Sexiest man alive not good enough?

7b607a  No.7092807


You already lost. You haven’t won shit. I will assure you that you are on the wrong side of history. Take your merry ass band of shills back to the other board where you belong. You’re the fucking cuck.

acfe6d  No.7092809

File: f7444ec0d3ea1d8⋯.jpg (514.91 KB, 1200x1976, 150:247, tarot-judgement20.jpg)

85b42b  No.7092810


Fiberoptic or coaxial or both? Looks like the island is being wired so as not to need WiFi anymore, since they apparently realize they are bugged as fuck :)

8f05eb  No.7092811


It'll blow over in a couple days and the leftards will find something else to cry about.

1bd5d5  No.7092812

File: 96dcdead983832b⋯.png (200.35 KB, 492x347, 492:347, ClipboardImage.png)

7b561a  No.7092813


Yes, I have been looking at Evergreen Aviation.

29006c  No.7092814



>>IntInterduct with fiber-optic or PVC with power…that's my guess more partial to the fiber-optic choice looking at it

e503a5  No.7092815

File: 3bd9a6d15db6cf1⋯.jpg (277.54 KB, 1692x1494, 94:83, 66.jpg)

File: 00b1cd4351d3221⋯.jpg (24.06 KB, 558x358, 279:179, 33.jpg)

af1c69  No.7092817


It's not the best source but very interdasting IMO.


Month of Thuthi begins. Feast of Thoth, Opet Festival: marriage of Wasir & Aset (Isis & Osiris)



9136b9  No.7092818

File: 6cd32391c768d4a⋯.png (81.19 KB, 1589x619, 1589:619, Evergreen.png)

re: Evergreen

from wikipedia

"Evergreen trees do lose leaves, but each tree loses its leaves gradually and not all at once. Most tropical rainforest plants are considered to be evergreens, replacing their leaves gradually throughout the year as the leaves age and fall"

To me, this sounds like names will begin to drop 'gradually'. Too many at once could become overwhelming.

d24f2f  No.7092819


i brought dykes .

27106a  No.7092820


On that model the long skinny hand is for the stopwatch feature. The small lower dial is the seconds.

6beed8  No.7092821


And then light it on fire, and put it out with an ice pick, and then drawn and quartered, with a stake through the heart.

46001c  No.7092822


The real story–#QBABY and MEGA Revelations!,

Neon Revolt

c4d8d9  No.7092823


evilution. done.

5674af  No.7092824

File: 8b766b4524c25c7⋯.jpg (342.82 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 8b766b4524c25c70e22e8fc10d….jpg)


Hillary isn't the devil. She isn't even a capricorn.

Whose Tarot card is the devil.

If you are going to scry then do it properly.

Q already commented on Satania.

Devil is already established in this cosmic boggle championship.

252955  No.7092826

File: 66d56bced6de2ba⋯.jpg (92.65 KB, 800x800, 1:1, IMG_8695.JPG)

6849dc  No.7092827


>Two Fucking coincidences.

Four, if you factor the MAP and KEY definitions in tarot.

1eb1bd  No.7092828

>>7092112 I'm a frayed knot.

26dd77  No.7092829


>Learn to read a Chronograph.

Learn not to be a cunt

If the watch was 4:48:59 then it corresponds to another Q post from today

I asked a question and you a were a filthy pig

Go bag to the pen from whence you came

af1c69  No.7092830


It's HRC. It's all over the wikileaks emails and her Secret Service codename

f3d564  No.7092832


put her in Gitmo

she'll be safe with her own kind

85b42b  No.7092833


>For me it would depend on what the crime was and how compelling the evidence was.

Even if we learned that he, too, was fucking and abusing children, I would look at it as a necessary evil he committed to earn their trust and slip a dagger between the joints in their armor; I would be willing to delay his punishment as long as he continued to be a useful and effective tool in destroying the rest. But then he would get it full-force just like the rest of them.

ab8199  No.7092834


>Captcha gone

>Notables back

>Board back

>BO and BVs and their shills BTFO

<You already lost

<you are on the wrong side of history



GO back to discord and whine there.

c4d8d9  No.7092835

File: e77c29f39ab9873⋯.jpg (822.91 KB, 1044x1605, 348:535, xx423.jpg)

5d6345  No.7092836

File: e536c403f7db1b8⋯.jpg (125.44 KB, 941x658, 941:658, BOT.jpg)

56ecbf  No.7092837


Yeah! That too!


f16a25  No.7092838


I see Rand Paul

c65f53  No.7092839


I think I'm good enough. Good enough for what, though?

6849dc  No.7092840


I make a perfectly valid statement and you call me a cunt?

>If the watch was 4:48:59

It's NOT.

Fuck you, homo.

c764ce  No.7092841


Yes but they know we know that so I’m sure their codes changed …

Assassination makes more sense

1bd5d5  No.7092842


kek, you faggots are starting to sound like brennan

wonder why that is

af7792  No.7092843

File: 4a1977eafa5c5b2⋯.png (570.81 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, F27229A2-60EF-400C-9F79-1E….png)

Another poll smashed

7b607a  No.7092844


Muh cry. All you have? Tell David hello and fuck you.

3dcc73  No.7092845

File: 59b67c2b792c2be⋯.jpg (49.91 KB, 700x554, 350:277, D_S1Q0-WsAAm3j0.jpg)

File: 73dff2e3f2cb348⋯.jpg (73.26 KB, 554x500, 277:250, 73dff2e3f2cb348bb82ed4e9ff….jpg)

File: 9eb631fab07178f⋯.jpg (65.67 KB, 960x936, 40:39, 9eb631fab07178fd80e2696e60….jpg)

252955  No.7092846

File: 26890cb15de397d⋯.jpg (158.35 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, D780D14D-4C86-459B-AE5B-18….jpg)

1b34ec  No.7092848

File: 8be95e83ce89940⋯.jpg (59.98 KB, 510x490, 51:49, abcdt34vtdf.jpg)

7b607a  No.7092849


Kek, you work for brennan

1e063f  No.7092850


Creepy asf

Especially with the plate of food

Very bad (very sick) people

26dd77  No.7092851


>Fuck you, homo.

As I said go back to your pen

You don't belong here

ab8199  No.7092852

File: d03be2866f58287⋯.jpg (18.21 KB, 480x534, 80:89, 1561249413927.jpg)





<muh notables thread

<Muh BO and BVs dindu nuffin


Keep trying you pathetic dumbass cucks.


99a2e3  No.7092853


what’s that next tweet.

seems like he may be getting the liberal red pill suppository force fed

67ccec  No.7092854

File: 279d0bfbf6edd32⋯.png (4.76 KB, 220x94, 110:47, D9A06C3D-018E-4349-9088-56….png)

the significance of the watch pic is the date being the 19th right? maybe a habbening at the time on the watch tomorrow (the 19th)? also this captcha kek

6d71c9  No.7092855

File: d06f5a57a8cde26⋯.png (6.35 MB, 2560x1440, 16:9, Screenshot (765).png)

63885f  No.7092856

File: 4f44f439c4997f5⋯.jpg (237.59 KB, 720x477, 80:53, anjel_scope_004.jpg)


this guy?

7b607a  No.7092858


Glow faggot glow

85b42b  No.7092859


>*element 51, obviously

Man, I miss Bacardi 151. They don't make that shit anymore. Now it's all friggin 70-80 proof garbage, practically water

82d999  No.7092860

File: d5f7bfddd337c82⋯.png (326.53 KB, 592x360, 74:45, BREAD5.png)

1bd5d5  No.7092861


welp you got me there "anon"

jfc they honestly pay you?

afbbb9  No.7092862



6e57f9  No.7092863

File: 1312373c0e1bc79⋯.jpg (213.68 KB, 710x582, 355:291, etcomeshome.jpg)

6849dc  No.7092865

File: b1a1ac722ba4256⋯.png (276.19 KB, 490x307, 490:307, glowfag5.png)


Glow, glow, glow your boat…

See ya next bread, loser.

7b607a  No.7092866


Patriots do it for free.

434ebf  No.7092867

File: 868c9b9671fb404⋯.jpeg (1004.3 KB, 1871x1473, 1871:1473, 529038A0-0411-4D5D-A47B-D….jpeg)

The world will soon know who the real threat to immigrant children is.


b1a3a9  No.7092868


There are three conduits, 2 bigger ones, 1 smaller one, smaller one has black cable going into it. So I would call that fiber, might be coaxial, but you got money so lets call it fiber. there is power, the bundled 4? cables in there, the red,orange, brown, white, that right thurr is power #1's? cant tell picture is small.

1ee6dd  No.7092869

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




00ec17  No.7092871

I see Barr and POTUS now.

9479bc  No.7092872

File: a5bda73b3248620⋯.png (48.92 KB, 405x371, 405:371, 984a45425043a9011ae0ca97e6….png)



Not seeing any Cat 5 cables in there, and it all looks low voltage.

Would be surprised at the lack of security if the island wasn't hard wired from the start.

c4d8d9  No.7092873


real rocks?

1bd5d5  No.7092874


Q never told you to be a sycophant to a spook

thats on you

82d999  No.7092875

plz repost nb


ab8199  No.7092876

File: d21e603ab7f2308⋯.jpg (21.99 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 1561577184866.jpg)


>BO, BVs, and their shills like you right now

Keep trying, it's hilarious and entertaining to watch you all.

I hope you get righteously btfo'd again!

99a2e3  No.7092877


I’m really curious why there is a bed in this “gym”. Also, if it was only a gym, what’s up with that remodeling?

252955  No.7092878

File: a431228b4709883⋯.jpg (81.33 KB, 800x800, 1:1, IMG_8688.JPG)

360d6b  No.7092879

File: de1f5b18715442a⋯.png (693.15 KB, 866x552, 433:276, Watching.png)

9d94b2  No.7092881





U.S. Code

§ 251. Federal aid for State governments

§ 252. Use of militia and armed forces to enforce Federal authority

§ 253. Interference with State and Federal law

§ 254. Proclamation to disperse

§ 255. Guam and Virgin Islands included as “State”

27106a  No.7092882


How is it that no one has pointed out that someone would have to be hovering horizontally several feet off the floor for these theories?

The 'head' is probably correct. I think the black part of the reflection is the phone used to take the picture. The 'waist/hands' is probably just a hand. He was holding the phone in a "landscape" orientation.

7b607a  No.7092884


Patriot here.

5674af  No.7092885

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.



Listen to this instead!

7b607a  No.7092886



504247  No.7092887


you ass clowns can put all the fake crap you want in notables

Have you noticed that anons ignore them, every time

434227  No.7092888

File: 081a8d35f414732⋯.jpg (248.69 KB, 1025x1025, 1:1, bracketsfinall.jpg)


He sure is angry isn't he?

He must really have done some bad stuff.

Up for the firing squad or something?

He's right up there at the top of the brackets.

Must be headed for Gitmo?

baf688  No.7092889

File: ff8ced63d49c48f⋯.jpg (563.44 KB, 1080x1240, 27:31, Screenshot_20190718-210704….jpg)

The New World Order us the biggest longest running pyramid scheme!

Lets get the money stolen from the people and given to them and return it to us!

99a2e3  No.7092890


the room from drone anon video has wood floors. How many gyms do you know that have wood floors like that? For that matter, how many turkish bathhouses?

c65f53  No.7092891


I like to think this is a question. As in "do I see Barr and POTUS now…?"

Hard to tell though with literally no fucking context

413b76  No.7092892

File: 4bc136450c435f0⋯.png (244.71 KB, 460x276, 5:3, ClipboardImage.png)

1bd5d5  No.7092894


you are quite literally terrible at your job

i hope your spook handler sees this and terminates your employment

david fucking brock glows less than you

030f12  No.7092895

File: 563e8d43a40e4c5⋯.png (791.74 KB, 2394x1230, 399:205, ClipboardImage.png)

Space Force teaser?

7ab49d  No.7092896

4d9671  No.7092897


Baker I posted at 22:04:11 and nominated and update nomination and then removed ?

Before I posted I searched back for 5 breads to make sure it had been posted already.

BAKER why did you take me off

7b607a  No.7092898



3876ef  No.7092899

File: 411a40585e88de9⋯.jpg (63.98 KB, 1073x898, 1073:898, ohsnap.jpg)

9cce73  No.7092900

File: 6d3d61091580676⋯.png (132.89 KB, 399x400, 399:400, ClipboardImage.png)

bee502  No.7092902

File: ace6c4fa3e267fd⋯.jpeg (12.38 KB, 255x192, 85:64, toots ate bane.jpeg)


Fred says your slide is bumpy and cheap fiberglass, the kind that splinters in the sun after too long. You are fired!

1e063f  No.7092903

Thanks Q for asking BO to make changes to format of breads

This is much moar comfy

c65f53  No.7092904


One looks like it could be a fossilized thigh bone? I think I'm just seeing shit

ef4690  No.7092906

File: 8e62ef4e4ef3922⋯.png (73.89 KB, 907x791, 907:791, Screenshot_14.png)


1bd5d5  No.7092907


k, ill wait till you get moar engaging orders from discord

youre boring

7b607a  No.7092909


Hurry, call in backup support.

ce4790  No.7092912


…odd authoritarian bent you got goin' on there..

7b607a  No.7092913


You’re a shill.

413b76  No.7092914

File: 5cba816ca2bba0b⋯.png (451.36 KB, 620x389, 620:389, ClipboardImage.png)

fbf421  No.7092915

File: b7482d00b77ed05⋯.jpg (302.76 KB, 1046x1600, 523:800, RCO036_1470713222.jpg)

I had no clue who you fuckin were pre 6.18 and I glorified you.

Because I thought you were honorable.

I stand here a year later SUPREMELY underwhelmed and disappointed.

You know who I am. Probably moreso than I do.

Your reluctancy and shunning will never be forgotten.

I put my life on the line by spreading your truth. You left for me dead. Forsaken. Heart broken. BROKEN. anOn will never forget the hurt your caused to him and his family.


b27c8b  No.7092916


29006c  No.7092917



Phpnefag so pic is too grainy on zoom to tell. You do have clearances between power and fiber or you f your signal. Anyone got a better blowup of these vault pics for eval?

434ebf  No.7092918


Thanks, toO, to BO for complying.


1bd5d5  No.7092920


oh fuck are you a bot?

c4412e  No.7092921


If there were anything of even slight consequence, it would have been brought out well before now. You don’t believe that their #1 priority was to knock DJT out of contention BEFORE he won the Presidency? You don’t think that blocking his election (and threat to them) wouldn’t have brought out everything they had (including manifest bullshit that couldn’t stand up on a windless day?)

b27c8b  No.7092923


76b908  No.7092925

File: 8f1fd7e530be679⋯.jpg (910.33 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190718-230943….jpg)

File: 8e2e4c65f1799f1⋯.jpg (804.77 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190718-231026….jpg)


7b607a  No.7092926


Nope. Patriot.

c65f53  No.7092928


They wouldn't. The bend in the metal distorts the reflection. Proper angle and it fits perfect.

b27c8b  No.7092929


1bd5d5  No.7092931



bot running cover for fapjack getting absolutely btfo by Q and every other anon

keep it classy guys, keep it classy

c4412e  No.7092935


Robin, the hooded man.

Great stuff. And music by Clannad.

7b607a  No.7092939


As opposed to your communist division?

83952a  No.7092940

y'all missing out on the fact that the bathhouse was built for Mamluks – i.e. muslim slaves.


1bd5d5  No.7092942


jfc update your script holy fuck

7b607a  No.7092943


Ilhan, update yours

bee502  No.7092945


maxwell street? not to slide the convo, but what is the word on Jussie up in streater?

1bd5d5  No.7092947


beep boop i r hooman for fapjack beep borp

7b607a  No.7092949


How’s the UK?

c65f53  No.7092951



Can you two get a room? You both sound shilly af doing this bullshit. Let it go. You don't like each other. Oh well.

ce4790  No.7092952


brock, go get laid

we'll wait

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