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File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB, 1795x1017, 1795:1017, # JPG.jpg)

caf36d  No.7090506

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

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The Best of the Best Q Proofs https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/4004099.html

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Thursday 07.18.2019

>>7088054 rt >>7088006 ————————— If you look close enough you might see….

>>7088006 ————————————–——– Worth remembering

>>7087942 ————————————–——– Shall we play a game? (Cap: >>7088219)

>>7087719 ————————————–——– How do you 'shape' a story? (Cap: >>7089710)

>>7087425 rt >>7087382 ——————–——– Note events happening today

>>7087382 ————————————–——– Explore further (Cap: >>7087423)

>>7087356 ————————————–——– Explore further (Cap: >>7087384)

>>7086659 ————————————–——– Armor of God

>>7086225 ————————————–——– Worth remembering

>>7086145 ————————————–——– PANIC IN DC (Cap: >>7086210)

>>7085919 ————————————–——– What happens when the public finds out the TRUTH?

>>7083453 ————————————–——– Symbolism will be their downfall

>>7076995 rt >>7076947 ————————— Thank you for your continued service, BO

>>7076919 rt >>7076859 ————————— Captcha Gone

>>7076842 rt >>7076831 ————————— Thank you, BO

>>7076810 ————————————–——– Please revert bread back to original form

Wednesday 07.17.2019

>>7074775 ————————————–——– Sheep no more. (Cap/Vid: >>7074909)

>>7074370 rt >>7074324 ————————— How many coincidences before mathematically impossible?

>>7074281 ————————————–——– Outside of the standard deviation? (Cap: >>7074291)

>>7073304 rt >>7073157 ————————— WWG1WGA!!! (Cap: >>7073157)

Tuesday 07.16.19

Compiled here: >>7086938

Sunday 07.14.2019

Compiled here: >>7086925

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Q's Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

caf36d  No.7090510

Global Announcements

>>7077026 BO "thank you for vote of confidence"

>>7079301, >>7079338 BO summarizes bread reversion, no more captcha, and continued notables thread

Bakers, Do not add Q's non-tripcoded posts to the dough


are not endorsements


>>7090386 New Rusty video of Epstein Island

>>7090341 Comparison graphic: Epstein's temple and Hammam Yalbugha al-Nasiri, Aleppo

>>7090266 Re Epstein: It's been going on a long time. Article from 2006

>>7090102 The Keystone Dam and the Army Corps of Engineers

>>7090069 More Al-Azm design found

>>7090009 , >>7090012, >>7090014 Resignations in the news 7/17/2019

>>7089971 Nov 2017, Q posts, NSA, Snowden, leaks and the shadow brokers

>>7089969 New POTUS tweet announcing Scalia as Labor Secretary

>>7089954 , >>7089988 Parents explode over library drag queens

>>7089936 Hiram Abiff and the Temple of Solomon

>>7089917 Gas explosion reported in Christchurch NZ

>>7089865 Biden Helped Hollywood Gain Access to the Chinese Box Office

>>7089861 Anon theory on the watch: BC, Epstein and Evergreen

>>7089858 , >>7089824 The watch appears in another Q post

>>7090495 #9072


>>7089626 FBI intervene in murder investigation of ex Arkansas Sen. Linda Collins-Smith

>>7089582 July 19th in history

>>7089147 , >>7089413 Looking at gates and keystones

>>7089341 Anne Sarnoff, the new CEO of Warner Brothers

>>7089282 , >>7089334, >>7089395, >>7089451, >>7089518, >>7089553 The Azm Palace & The Hama Mosque

>>7089294 Scalia's son to replace Alex Acosta as Labor Secretary

>>7089251 Epstein's temple: Is it an owl when mirrored or something else?

>>7089263 Dig on the Children's Defense Fund

>>7089221 Jeffrey Epstein's art collection

>>7089206 Another look at the young girls in the Turkish hamam video

>>7089176 CrowdStrike CEO: ‘legacy technologies are just failing’

>>7089131 Epstein temple, Aleppo bath house & Rothschild owned central banks

>>7089051 On the clock: 7/19 is the :49 minute mark

>>7089074 More news events from Nov 2017

>>7089068 , >>7089087, >>7089692 Closeups of watch cont.

>>7089059 , >>7089129 Planefag reports

>>7089001 Assange drops 50-week bail breach jail term appeal

>>7089848 #9071

Previously Collected Notables

>>7088265 #9069, >>7089119 #9070,

>>7085092 #9065, >>7085848 #9066, >>7086981 #9067, >>7088501 #9068

>>7081944 #9061, >>7082675 #9062, >>7083337 #9063, >>7084294 #9064

>>7078852 #9057, >>7079627 #9058, >>7080417 #9059, >>7081129 #9060

Notables Archive by BV's (no longer updated?): https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)

caf36d  No.7090514

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] \\#QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

[4] Q's requested hashtags on of 3/11/19:






Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


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Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads ---- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

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Main Calendar URL ---- https://dark-to-light.org/calendar/

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Sealed Indictment Master -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup -- https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

Searchable Indictment Map w/dockets, links & more -- https://bad-boys.us/


Resignations Thread ----------------- >>2714136

All Resignations Website ----------- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://qresear.ch

Spread The Word

>>5973059 -- The BE HEARD Bread II: Be Loud! - Make Us Proud! - Make Noise For Q!

Board Admin & Discussion Threads

>>6064510 --------- META (for board admin queries)

>>>/qproofs/130 --- Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

International Q Research Threads:


Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>6135754 The JQ (Jewish Question) Research Thread #4

>>6528824 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #10 Leaven Rising to Heaven Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>6097863 – New World Order Research Thread #5

>>6867253 – Clockwork Qrange #10

>>7071248 - Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #10

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Vatican Jesuits Research thread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2565756.html

Letters of Gratitude


Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#10 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#20 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950, >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#27 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303, >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462

Q Graphics all in GMT #28-#34 >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071, >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164

Q Graphics all in GMT #35-#41 >>>/comms/2176, >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270, >>>/comms/2274

Q Graphics all in GMT #42-#48 >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327, >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496

Q Graphics all in GMT #49-#55 >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528, >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#62 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187, >>>/comms/3464, >>>/comms/3472

Q Graphics all in GMT #63-#69 >>>/comms/3687, >>>/comms/3688, >>>/comms/3701, >>>/comms/3702, >>>/comms/3858, >>>/comms/3859, >>>/comms/3882

Q Graphics all in GMT #70-#76 >>>/comms/3898, >>>/comms/3920, >>>/comms/3975, >>>/comms/4029, >>>/comms/4197, >>>/comms/4335, >>>/comms/4386

Q Graphics all in GMT #77-#83 >>>/comms/4388, >>>/comms/4423, >>>/comms/4443, >>>/comms/4684, >>>/comms/5035, >>>/comms/5044, >>>/comms/5228

Q Graphics all in GMT #84 >>7088885

Q Graphics all in EST


caf36d  No.7090519

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MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/ux6qfl2m40vbaah/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.VI.pdf/file

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/408371553/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VI?secret_password=m2IeU6xGZ7OtQhl7vvyg

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

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* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

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* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

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* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

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* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

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* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

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* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Research Section Backup: >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

* How to Edit Hosts File (DNS): >>>/comms/4396

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* New google doc tracking deplatforming/bans on social media: >>6484178

* Notables Aggregator: https://wearethene.ws

Meme Ammo

49 >>7077975

Q Research Graphics Library recent folders by date

2019-Jul https://mega.nz/#F!6xkHmYrZ!wxAJLCRIW3EQO3TpyHf1BA

2019-Jun https://mega.nz/#F!K89jwQgB!ij-qXn6rnqv2ZozlXIWiFg

Epstein Drone Photos https://mega.nz/#F!DwNkwAZQ!xa6JLeW9_632P0yw3MhlNw

Trump Accomplishments after 2 Yrs in Office https://mega.nz/#F!C49DHYIa!jOxYHczFjauTrdWWb9VUqw

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

Bread Archives (sites)


Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)


MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist ---- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon ------------------ https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archives

Plain text archives of all QR threads: https://pastebin.com/2f1897vD

Notables Aggregator: https://wearethene.ws

How to Properly Nominate a Notable

>>7078280, >>7078284

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>7015023

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>7078220

caf36d  No.7090555

File: eb460c12f903b39⋯.jpg (689.46 KB, 757x1132, 757:1132, eb460c12f903b39a129451ff6e….jpg)

#9073 Dough




Someone pick it up and tag this post. TY!

b499fd  No.7090558

File: a59b07c8d1ca9fd⋯.jpg (181.47 KB, 1080x1062, 60:59, 1562878821492.jpg)

File: 0feeff83bd8ef6c⋯.png (125.65 KB, 757x467, 757:467, 85bafa3243bc227b9dce432330….png)

File: c83aa8cb6341d33⋯.png (108.78 KB, 606x591, 202:197, tk.png)

File: 0b445cac6b9ba57⋯.png (828.7 KB, 1222x970, 611:485, theraven.png)

File: f21e8583735c714⋯.png (366.24 KB, 1111x747, 1111:747, ig.png)

b499fd  No.7090562

File: 8c11d57a7a4bb89⋯.png (946.62 KB, 1200x700, 12:7, pitbull.png)

b499fd  No.7090564

File: 5ce2567372ceb3a⋯.png (249.07 KB, 412x347, 412:347, shmmy.png)

b499fd  No.7090574

File: 2ab7419c8a72a2a⋯.png (138.85 KB, 316x331, 316:331, Meme.1.png)

ceda64  No.7090581

File: 56e2300e39a21d9⋯.jpg (194.25 KB, 640x640, 1:1, Job19.25-29.jpg)

ad4eb7  No.7090583

File: 3fcc8b6698f7371⋯.jpg (90.5 KB, 1095x816, 365:272, With Andrea Balazs who own….jpg)

Maxwell linked to Standard Hotel

c4ef97  No.7090584

File: e8d42717c327d12⋯.jpg (133.82 KB, 1000x555, 200:111, 1563497010806.jpg)

File: 9362f8f91e36d13⋯.png (401.75 KB, 711x797, 711:797, 154985340020.png)

Ohhhhh sheeeeit. Aga Khan owns an island in Caribbean as well.


0d6912  No.7090585

File: 198e96f0608fbba⋯.png (281.18 KB, 490x319, 490:319, ClipboardImage.png)

9dd5dc  No.7090586


>the purpose of the pyramids

Giza Death Star by Dr. Joseph P. Farrell

(and the subsequent books)


He is anti-Q but he's right on a lot of other things - worth reading the books anyway. Very interestng theories that he backs up with more evidence than I have seen in a long, long time.

c62e5a  No.7090587

File: d6883a20a05f7d2⋯.png (150.92 KB, 647x806, 647:806, 1.PNG)

File: 409ce2a4327e3c7⋯.png (305.75 KB, 631x852, 631:852, 5.PNG)

File: daca16cdbda3601⋯.png (79.13 KB, 650x737, 650:737, 4.PNG)

File: 72be77cbfd3cf18⋯.png (161.81 KB, 606x881, 606:881, 3.PNG)

File: 6fcefabd2bd380d⋯.png (58.53 KB, 616x816, 77:102, 2.PNG)

Tucker Carlson had a great segment on omar today. I think this is the excellent article he referred to.


In four intensely reported investigative columns — here (August 13, 2018), here (October 23, 2018), here (October 30, 2018), and here (November 5, 2018), — David Steinberg has explored the evidence suggesting that Ilhan Omar entered into a sham marriage with her brother in 2009. This is his fifth. He titles it “Meet Leila Elmi: The Missing Link Showing Ilhan Omar Married Her Brother.” Drawing on his research, interviews, and social media evidence he makes the case that Omar has engaged in a variety of fraudulent activities and willful misrepresentations related to her marital arrangements. He writes:

On October 22, 2008, the U.S. State Department stopped accepting applications for the Priority 3/Refugee Family Reunification program — the process by which refugees can apply for asylum if one family member is already a legal U.S. resident. State halted the program because DNA testing — primarily of Somalis — had concluded that perhaps 87 percent of applicants were fraudulently claiming family relationships.

Despite continuing war, Somalia of 2008 was not comparable to the open hell of the early 1990s, when an eight-year-old Ilhan and her family fled to Kenya’s Dadaab refugee camps. She lived there from 1991 until 1995, aged eight to 12. Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services then helped Ilhan, her sister Sahra, and their father Nur Said receive asylum in the United States along with thousands of other Somalis.

The complicated moral question of fraud, let alone fault, among this 1990s wave of refugees escaping civil war will never be answered with accurate statistics. We will have to settle for adjectives like “widespread” and “rampant.” Yet the negative outcomes cannot be ignored. Even refugees with strong desire to assimilate with Western civic order are hampered by the possible discovery of conflicting documents. And compromising information becomes leverage in a community already difficult to police.

Twelve-year-old Ilhan had no say on the manner in which she arrived in the United States.

However, U.S. Congresswoman Ilhan Abdullahi Omar (D-MN) is now under scrutiny for acts she took beginning in 2009 — not 1995. In 2009, Omar was a 26-year-old U.S. citizen. She had been a U.S. citizen for nearly nine years.

Additionally, the foreign national Omar apparently helped commit fraud was not fleeing hell in 2009, either. Ahmed Nur Said Elmi was a long-time citizen of the United Kingdom. He even possessed a high school diploma from the United States: Elmi attended a St. Paul, Minnesota high school for his senior year of 2002-2003, and graduated before returning to London.

We look to 1995 not to incriminate a kid, but to answer questions about what Omar did 14 years later as an adult U.S. citizen.

Please read the verified evidence below — and read it alongside the three years of verified evidence published by Scott Johnson, Preya Samsundar, and myself (our work is linked here). The answers to those questions about 2009 appear to give probable cause to investigate Omar for eight instances of perjury, immigration fraud, marriage fraud, up to eight years of state and federal tax fraud, two years of federal student loan fraud, and even bigamy.

To be clear: The facts describe perhaps the most extensive spree of illegal misconduct committed by a House member in American history.


The proceeding information was given to me by multiple sources within the Minneapolis Somali community. The verifiable evidence corroborating their information follows below:

In 1995, Ilhan entered the United States as a fraudulent member of the “Omar” family.

That is not her family. The Omar family is a second, unrelated family which was being granted asylum by the United States. The Omars allowed Ilhan, her genetic sister Sahra, and her genetic father Nur Said to use false names to apply for asylum as members of the Omar family.

Ilhan’s genetic family split up at this time. The above three received asylum in the United States, while Ilhan’s three other siblings — using their real names — managed to get asylum in the United Kingdom.

Ilhan Abdullahi Omar’s name, before applying for asylum, was Ilhan Nur Said Elmi.

Her father’s name before applying for asylum was Nur Said Elmi Mohamed. Her sister Sahra Noor’s name before applying for asylum was Sahra Nur Said Elmi. Her three siblings who were granted asylum by the United Kingdom are Leila Nur Said Elmi, Mohamed Nur Said Elmi, and Ahmed Nur Said Elmi.

Ilhan and Ahmed married in 2009, presumably to benefit in some way from a fraudulent marriage. They did not divorce until 2017.

much more at



6a8ffc  No.7090588

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


09ab81  No.7090589

c87cb2  No.7090590

>>7090542 lb

>>7090566 lb

And you guys thought Q meant to follow only the cabalrat families.

b499fd  No.7090591

File: ef36ccf25836712⋯.png (378.35 KB, 606x401, 606:401, wt.png)

File: 5894132aa0fecd6⋯.png (179.08 KB, 444x405, 148:135, pb.png)

File: a7c6360733dc5e8⋯.png (336.43 KB, 555x494, 555:494, swm.png)

File: 09b4e0a7d33e07d⋯.png (452.6 KB, 777x535, 777:535, FDg.png)

File: 554308d0e24e300⋯.png (824.13 KB, 1032x720, 43:30, BHDI.png)

5b4f79  No.7090592

File: e9b25a28ccd09ad⋯.png (424.43 KB, 918x854, 459:427, 20190718_210330.png)

>>7090456 (/lb)

Here's the pic showing where the dried blood got stuck in the books and crannies of the guy's watch.

The blood stops, it doesn't go all the way around. It's not part of the watch, it's the remnants of the blood that the guy -- who obviously wad not an experienced vet tech -- tried to wipe away.

Wanna know what I find do deliciously ironic?

The guy could have done a much better cleaning job if only he chose to clean his watch with the same thing we vet techs used to use, which was a .....






0d6912  No.7090593

File: 2df35578d7934d4⋯.png (290.03 KB, 490x319, 490:319, ClipboardImage.png)

29f0cb  No.7090594

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This is for the children.

God’s children.

They are taken back home.

Dark revelations ahead.

Take comfort.

Small miracles.

Bigger perspective.


cce549  No.7090595

File: ca20f411faecf46⋯.jpg (150.44 KB, 270x357, 90:119, INSCOM.jpg)

Responding to the fren that asked at the end of the last bread…


233b38  No.7090596

File: 441fd230409a3ed⋯.png (243.68 KB, 913x671, 83:61, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 900c714b09046f2⋯.png (231.21 KB, 937x807, 937:807, ClipboardImage.png)

EPSTEIN MOSSAD connection:

Nicole Junkermann -

biz partners with Ehud Barak among other IDF people.


Spotted alone for a weekend with Epstein in UK.

Wonder if that's when he used his fake passport?

sauce has moar: https://theswamp.media/the-epstein-associate-nobody-s-talking-about-the-idf-linked-bond-girl-infiltrating-the-uk-nhs

d06d3d  No.7090597

Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.

eeae07  No.7090598

File: f74182114234e1f⋯.png (474 KB, 681x875, 681:875, Trump not a racist.PNG)

3d58e3  No.7090599

File: b94feb578f7826a⋯.png (90.75 KB, 964x562, 482:281, spygatesH125TWITTERCOMPAT.png)

to the FAG who suggested that DECLAS was uness uneccess NOT NEEDED! :D

b499fd  No.7090600

File: c38a9c4d6b19089⋯.png (27.29 KB, 374x406, 187:203, lll.png)

File: 24e33050486bd76⋯.png (80.37 KB, 764x477, 764:477, sadpill.png)

File: edba78cc07e5c6c⋯.png (496.94 KB, 999x999, 1:1, wutsit.png)

The "incel" meme is FAKE

99230c  No.7090601

Male polarity Intellect

Female polatiry Love

19bc84  No.7090602

>>7088006 (pb)

artist formerly known as 'R'?

1a2bee  No.7090603

>>7090509 (PB)

Lmao.... you have no idea what I'm able to comprehend. My ability to understand has me greatly concerned.... call me what you want.. but I will do what is best for my country no matter what anyone thinks. Or I'll just take a long walk off a short peer. The end is the end.

c87cb2  No.7090604




86763c  No.7090605

File: 85429015debbf8b⋯.png (29.3 KB, 1269x177, 423:59, q 3414 keystone.PNG)

>>7090059 (PB)

Shine on, you crazy diamond.

6a8ffc  No.7090606

File: 59f9eeff10ef912⋯.jpg (92.51 KB, 300x348, 25:29, IMG_0583.JPG)

ab6f97  No.7090607

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


67ca32  No.7090608

"center of the storm" ~Fitton on Hannityh

8e5620  No.7090609

Tom Fitton on Hannity

"The state department is at the center of the Storm.."

Re:Obama and Russian collusion narrative

02e36f  No.7090610

Fitton on Hannity

Centre of the storm

b499fd  No.7090611

File: 030743134e21dcb⋯.png (287.41 KB, 1578x1465, 1578:1465, crspr.png)

File: 817a8d1b110b426⋯.png (1.45 MB, 1334x4102, 667:2051, ais3.png)

File: 5f739aa0bd8fe7b⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1334x4102, 667:2051, ais4.png)

File: ee3ecd8d54e9a3e⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1334x3604, 667:1802, ais2.png)

File: 9ff68fea79e2e31⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1334x3395, 1334:3395, ais1.png)

7bb00c  No.7090612


Doc checkin in

can accept hand off

5b4f79  No.7090613


I apologize for the typos. Phonefagging.

Freaking auto correct .

c84830  No.7090614


Tomorrow is the 19th. Maybe a big boom

e509d4  No.7090615

POTUS didn’t say to send her back. That's what the MSM says he said.

POTUS invited her/them to go back to their countries of origin, which need more fixing than the US, to implement their ideas and prove what a success they are, then bring those successful ideas back to the US.

Suggests they leave, invites them back.

It’s like a tough but wise father (who knows if they leave and try, they may fail and learn that the father’s way was better)

The chants for Send her back were not in line with POTUS’s tweet

3d58e3  No.7090616

File: 05ef8aca0dbf226⋯.png (250.59 KB, 891x888, 297:296, OLDPEPEOFME1.png)


All I heard was ANTI Q…

53e6f2  No.7090617

File: 6bad5b16add18b4⋯.png (1.19 MB, 1024x757, 1024:757, D3E3068B-E07B-4463-8B8C-DD….png)

>>7090462 LB

Former... USN veteran

0d6912  No.7090618

File: 5f5dff08dea061b⋯.png (284.07 KB, 490x319, 490:319, ClipboardImage.png)

8e5620  No.7090619

File: 55babd09eb2a736⋯.jpg (249.73 KB, 1079x1055, 1079:1055, Screenshot_20190718-201036….jpg)


c946af  No.7090620

File: b66187487d59d77⋯.jpg (125.94 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, ShillTards.jpg)

7bb3a6  No.7090621

File: b753c74dc370548⋯.jpg (21.21 KB, 191x255, 191:255, psyop.jpg)

File: 69258e4da74cd29⋯.png (3.5 KB, 255x146, 255:146, start.png)

b499fd  No.7090622

File: 956450e39dce5b8⋯.png (613.64 KB, 848x576, 53:36, fittonguns.png)

File: 8e2b98facca7952⋯.gif (1.61 MB, 320x240, 4:3, RARRRRRRRRRGGGGGGG.gif)

6a8ffc  No.7090623



caf36d  No.7090624


Thanks Doc

Handoff confirmed

Have a good one baker, anons


5fc439  No.7090625

Thinking the keystone is their worship of evil, symbolized by the Epstein temple. Q pointed to a tweet of the temple and the keystone theory, and said "Explore further". So probably the Epstein temple itself is not the keystone, but is closely related. He posted a pic of another domed striped building as {their} symbolism, hinting that the Epstein temple is also symbolism for the root issue.

>…symbolize (dark religion)

This is not just about sex trafficking

What occurs in a temple? Worship?

Occult / Worship of Evil (temple)


bd078e  No.7090626

>>7090592 (you)

This is the stupidest post I’ve seen today, and I’ve seen them all. Congrats you

89db50  No.7090627

File: 4bd192993de93fc⋯.jpg (506.14 KB, 600x557, 600:557, 1c51fbdf5636b7a815711023ea….jpg)

File: 26a36ab54c35c55⋯.jpg (60.51 KB, 350x467, 350:467, 350px-God's_Cosmic_Wheel_-….jpg)

File: 81da9059b1bc437⋯.jpg (14.67 KB, 629x354, 629:354, 595c7e60d7c042236f91da1f68….jpg)

File: dc4d7492f4e508d⋯.gif (135.24 KB, 567x850, 567:850, 754d9a39141614bbe8584516e3….gif)

File: 6cc73ed58e6f699⋯.jpg (27.38 KB, 504x266, 36:19, a368940c7948.jpg)

Q says: Symbolism will be their downfall

What is the meaning of this symbol ?

52947f  No.7090628

File: b46c4e45a1ddfba⋯.jpg (79.6 KB, 667x374, 667:374, derpstein 2.jpg)

File: 5e30b9b97be8db5⋯.jpg (109.29 KB, 500x609, 500:609, duel.jpg)

File: eb7cca4411b2ad1⋯.jpg (534.68 KB, 1220x680, 61:34, Bren.jpg)

File: 22a1beb35fc2dfa⋯.jpg (61.23 KB, 685x304, 685:304, sean n bibi.jpg)

>>7090237 pb

you don't read much about the mafia, and organized crime, cuz the C_A pretty much assimilated it (early FBI vault drops - Penthouse / Frank Terpil)

but Brennan and company

had no inkling of child trafficking

let alone participation

and to suggest that the ABC's did

is "repugnant, amoral and un-American"

Comey don't use honeypots anyway, turn the Page

the epstein cnx to PM Barak is surely coincidental. the power, influence and mass shekels is purely coincidental.

as is Derpowitzstein on Vannity, the mixed martial arts humble guy. (((get in line)))

b499fd  No.7090629

File: 6a80dc390c4bd14⋯.png (229.23 KB, 999x756, 37:28, v-0-xxmmy.png)

398e4c  No.7090630

File: fbaf88b7aa08b05⋯.png (1.28 MB, 663x745, 663:745, Screenshot_2019-06-04 Olga….png)


Thank you Baker, quite comfy

95e332  No.7090631

File: b6cca68d30621de⋯.jpg (336.96 KB, 1252x1194, 626:597, IMG_300.jpg)

patriots qbaby!

09ab81  No.7090632

File: 1c17bf4d4ad7ffc⋯.gif (996.11 KB, 500x363, 500:363, hawt.gif)

6a8ffc  No.7090633

File: 27bac627869d7b5⋯.jpg (270.59 KB, 720x960, 3:4, IMG_0051.JPG)

b499fd  No.7090634

File: 4ca9597128e6bfe⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1111x1140, 1111:1140, divided.png)

File: 27dc1c2ea8943b2⋯.png (292.7 KB, 711x499, 711:499, biden120.png)

File: de26f47792db0f3⋯.png (1.43 MB, 999x769, 999:769, Friendship-prevails-in-the….png)

File: 01f6767ace14b31⋯.png (151.62 KB, 1025x333, 1025:333, dje-fr-mGJ.png)

de8547  No.7090635

I just noticed all the Jew shit at the beginning of the breads is gone. Bout fucking time.

95e332  No.7090636

File: 3c23bf32da51e55⋯.jpg (937 KB, 1440x1080, 4:3, IMG_313.jpg)

patriots qbaby!!

240b7a  No.7090637

f545a9  No.7090638



We're ba.a.a.a.ck

0d6912  No.7090639

File: 7e7c7a611c35c14⋯.png (301.92 KB, 490x319, 490:319, ClipboardImage.png)

7bb00c  No.7090640



ty baker

have a good one

89db50  No.7090641

File: c0c465bd9f73c56⋯.jpg (238.91 KB, 943x1088, 943:1088, jgnkanvkjnavjre;n rqe vue ….jpg)

File: fcfbd6edc194381⋯.jpg (120.04 KB, 639x1000, 639:1000, kdkag;agj;agjdfjgkdfj.jpg)

File: d4bc1a7bb7090af⋯.jpg (29.02 KB, 410x427, 410:427, piazza.jpg)

File: c60e43f091e3a43⋯.jpg (39.6 KB, 600x450, 4:3, saturn-sun-3.jpg)

1bc07b  No.7090642

File: 10501aed0d2b3ce⋯.jpg (73.57 KB, 1200x865, 240:173, watch.jpg)

I was looking at everything closely to see something there and I then realized what about what is not there. The 3, 6 & 12 on the watch. Exponential growth is my first thought but related to what? Any thoughts besides have another beer?

a92813  No.7090643


State Dept is in the center of the Storm

09a011  No.7090644





9b3b3b  No.7090645

It's funny to me that I posted the Blue LED and the camera in the watch image.

Even if you disagee, it would be a very realistic possibility.

Especially if the person on the other side of the desk remembered the gestures of removing the watch, the yawns before laying it on the desk.

Just on the sheer chance that this post may be true, it should have been considered as 'notable' but wasn't… why?

8e5620  No.7090646


Feels good man!

b499fd  No.7090647

File: 0c02d10a56a6111⋯.png (57.42 KB, 491x595, 491:595, 0c02d10a56a6111724922b207e….png)

File: 9fbd771cb210e96⋯.png (261.04 KB, 1512x444, 126:37, ciabaker.png)

What does this logo signify?

257c8f  No.7090648


Noticed she has a problem with fluctuating weight. ‍♂️

3d58e3  No.7090649

File: 9f1ca5e80c6454d⋯.jpg (157.15 KB, 913x817, 913:817, Q ALL DAY LONG.jpg)

5e18db  No.7090650

File: 45c0c9c671243a6⋯.png (88.29 KB, 416x296, 52:37, Storm.png)

257c8f  No.7090651

File: 43a7cd9db7fcb15⋯.png (287.53 KB, 400x418, 200:209, 43a7cd9db7fcb1590576ad3482….png)

REMINDER: Q team is a (((JEW))) team and the (((Q))) "psyop" is (was?) actually targeted at someone who (((JEWS))) think is literally Satan. Me. 🤣🤣🤣😈😈😈

This isn't about politics and all political news (if not all news) should be considered "fake news".

You are living in a (((JEW))) World Order in case you didn't already know. Those "larping" as (((Q))) themselves said that the "N" in NWO doesn't stand for "New" but it seems they failed to mention that the "N" is supposed to be a "J". 🤣

Anyway, it seems (((they))) have been watching me since I was a kid similar to what was shown in the movie The Truman Show. 🤷‍♂️


adbe9d  No.7090652


Crazy, but that looks like Bill Clinton in the reflection.

c2836e  No.7090653


Dude on right is tripping on some serious drugs. Look how large his pupils are, even in the camera lights.

257c8f  No.7090654

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

REMINDER: (((Q))) team has access to remote mind "surveillance/control" tech

(((Q))) team has a secret system. A machine that spies on you every hour of every day. Maybe they designed the machine to detect acts of terror, but it sees EVERYTHING. Violent crimes involving ordinary people. (((Q))) team and anyone else that has similar machines probably consider these people irrelevant, that's why they continue to keep it a secret.

They can see what you see, hear what you hear, etc. They can even make you dream like in the movie "Inception". The tech has most likely existed even before the movie "The Matrix" was created. They can probably take control of people remotely similar to how people in the movie turn into agents.

Some capabilities of their tech can also be found in the lyrics of the song "Sleeping Awake" by POD. It's from the soundtrack of the movie "The Matrix Reloaded".

"Do you see what I see?

Can you hear what I hear?

Do you feel like I feel?

Do you dream like I dream?"


More capabilities listed in this image: https://imgoat.com/uploads/79d472a848/212992.gif

The tech has most likely also been used on the Wachowski brothers to turn them into "sisters" now (idiots probably don't know about the tech). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Wachowskis

Edward Snowden most likely knows about this tech and gave information about it to China and Russia. That's why (((Q))) likes to threaten Snowden regularly.

Quote from edwardsnowden.com

“I don't want to live in a world where everything I say, everything I do, everyone I talk to, every expression of creativity and love or friendship is recorded.”

What do you think he meant by "everything I do"?

Possible effects of REMOTE MIND CONTROL tech




090159  No.7090655

File: 7856c8f51d31b58⋯.jpg (65.39 KB, 460x337, 460:337, The_Chair.jpg)

Can any anons please tell me what the findings were on Q-Post 999?

The last time I looked, before I went down other rabbit holes, it was P = Payseur.

I bring it up as I need an accurate answer for a little theory I have in relation to the temple.

The "Chair" serves the Master.

Who is the Master?

P = C.


b499fd  No.7090656

File: 51ea17713a5f743⋯.png (132.73 KB, 444x374, 222:187, vi-f.png)

File: 37bf269bdcf41b0⋯.png (380.59 KB, 999x974, 999:974, FIGHT.png)

File: b895f0c2680c8f7⋯.png (335.92 KB, 1111x823, 1111:823, cu.png)

e58f7d  No.7090657


Chinatown Brasserie is 15 minutes away from the Standard. Am I missing something?

d9b251  No.7090658

File: 267ce04decdc15b⋯.jpg (377.12 KB, 1745x1317, 1745:1317, tyb_nightdeck.jpg)


Thank You, trips baker!

6a8ffc  No.7090659

File: 808faa05a222f22⋯.jpg (1.71 MB, 2448x2448, 1:1, IMG_0828.JPG)


c25297  No.7090660

File: 3e32ed6c6539aea⋯.png (6.87 MB, 2864x2056, 358:257, Screenshot 2019-07-14 12.5….png)


He likes his workout facilities with sacrificial altars.

bc37e6  No.7090661


Not dried blood. Reflective.

257c8f  No.7090662

File: 25f73a18dbd261f⋯.png (94.7 KB, 480x398, 240:199, output.png)

This is what the EVIL (((JEWS))) truly believe. 🤷‍♂️

752b48  No.7090663

File: a5f047b6d40c4ac⋯.jpg (31.67 KB, 471x471, 1:1, shia-do-it-ty-baker-npc.jpg)

228f49  No.7090664

File: 415b000c32a7117⋯.png (532.15 KB, 1349x654, 1349:654, Screenshot_2019-07-18 Aga ….png)


No surprise there. I wonder what his museum in Toronto is sitting on top of.

a1b96d  No.7090665

Is fireshot coordinating with web sites?

I've noticed pages getting 404'd after doing full page fireshots. Initially chalked it up to coincidence, but occurred so many times, started wondering if intentional.

"Recently" did a full-page capture and returned to the site in an hour to check something else. In the process, noticed the captured page was 404d. wth????

Other anons noticing this?

Suggestions for other full-page shot app?

also noticed pic deletions - file is there but image is gone

240b7a  No.7090666

So one guy says muh racism going to get worse

then Jake Tapper say "Evergreen"

b9e5f8  No.7090667

guys go back and read the very first drops. Q layed it all from the beginning. like an awesome fucking movie the beginning becomes crystal clear at the end.

future proves past

its gonna appear pretty scary

the end begins with taking down hillary.

massive riots caused by antifa.

martial law declared (reason antifa is allowed to operate)

military takes over all pertinent investigations from ABC's

massive detainment

ALL the bad guys rounded up (we have everything)


GB fills up

trials engaged



God Wins

all thanks to our pal BHO for giving us NDAA of 2012

Coming to a scene near you…


58c9b9  No.7090668

>>7089936 (pb)

Royal Arch is higher up, and you always have to have the three basic degrees (EA, FC, MM). Royal Arch Masons are also favored by the mafia and politicians as they have an omerta code. Lower level masons have to report murder and treason, RAM doesn't.

The movie The Shawshank Redemption touches on it. The banker who didn't kill his wife and who helps the inmate get his GED (who is later murdered by the warden and crew, all masons) is an example of masonic murder that goes still, less and less though due to CCTV cameras, things like Palintir and places like this powered by weaponized autism. You have 17 million Captain Morgans and none of them live in Batavia, so suck it.

eb027e  No.7090669


Who do they worship in there?????

d8ed51  No.7090670

File: 2357430705d350f⋯.png (347.07 KB, 759x675, 253:225, ClipboardImage.png)


Thank you baker!


She's beautiful.

aeb809  No.7090671

File: f2fbfd617f7606b⋯.png (249.84 KB, 500x531, 500:531, tink4yoself.png)

hey bo howd it feel to get bitchmade by q after WE THE REBELANONS told you to a fkn billion times?!?


d7e05e  No.7090672

File: 6353db60c04f68e⋯.jpg (16.89 KB, 630x388, 315:194, Dueker-NeedleThreadOrange1.jpg)

To anons bitching about GEOTUS backing down on the send her back chant or calling to go str8 after Omar on perjury.

Remember Q et al has to (pic related) ive been working my mom and other lib relatives with small but ever increasing red pills. Creating cognitive dissonance in a life long bleeding hearts who've been conditioned to trust the "news"


Dig meme pray and watch the 5D chess. Wake them where and WHEN you can.

20a117  No.7090673

File: c2d761249372c34⋯.jpeg (1.64 MB, 3227x2370, 3227:2370, A7798E2B-1729-4BD7-AC17-B….jpeg)

Hollywood and China (with their record on human rights) deserves our attention.

It would be simple for them to acquire children, fetuses, adrenochrome if they had a steady stream coming from China.

Pack them on a private jet. Fly over the pacific. Stop in Hawaii. Get moar. Land in Los Angeles. See? Simple.

3d58e3  No.7090674


Its all Satan anon and any further inquiry is satanic and something to do with the muh joos or muh masons so turn back…

ddaead  No.7090675

File: 47b1d30a555d43c⋯.png (462.59 KB, 682x673, 682:673, Screen Shot 2019-07-18 at ….png)

>>7090386 pb

2:30 owl?

6a8ffc  No.7090676

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

a2f837  No.7090677

>>7090579 (lb)

idk anon.

DECLAS will bring eyes. The left would freak and say its all bullshit. not their beloved. no way. and the rest just builds the snowball into a D5.

d8ed51  No.7090678

File: 58a7532e7dc8b09⋯.jpg (111.44 KB, 500x560, 25:28, moloch1.jpg)



6332f8  No.7090679

File: 5594e5a48b2c752⋯.png (994.75 KB, 1616x966, 808:483, AntarcticaStrangeFeatures1.png)

File: ee6815a5eb7d192⋯.png (1.43 MB, 1915x1089, 1915:1089, AntarcticaStrangeFeatures2.png)

File: 921b65610d48028⋯.png (1.41 MB, 1919x1090, 1919:1090, AntarcticaStrangeFeatures3.png)

File: af051fd5dab1a48⋯.png (326.16 KB, 907x1035, 907:1035, REMA.png)

tell em bout dat pole hole, Q

c01319  No.7090680

File: 2cf93f113fc8a1a⋯.png (212.57 KB, 1000x177, 1000:177, ClipboardImage.png)

09750d  No.7090681

File: ed74554720c8586⋯.jpg (81.96 KB, 515x343, 515:343, White_House_Situation_Room….jpg)

File: 10501aed0d2b3ce⋯.jpg (73.57 KB, 1200x865, 240:173, 10501aed0d2b3ce4cc72ee7205….jpg)

The watch looks like it was on the leather writing pads inside the Situation Room at the White House.

58c9b9  No.7090682


Toronto is a fucking mason test tube. Like North Korea.

e38559  No.7090683

File: d0ce82f307f0ef5⋯.gif (1.13 MB, 498x498, 1:1, Popcorn Pepe.gif)

Anons I would strongly encourage you to go re-read the Q drops starting July 24 2018. This was the first day back after a break last year and it won't be too hard to see the implications if there are to be some 1 year delta confirmations. Q says "Something BIG is about to drop" 4 times within 10 days and there are only 5 instances of that exact phrase in all of the drops. Given that he already told us August is going to be a huge month, I think this could be it.


257c8f  No.7090684


Short thumb like in that Monsters vs Aliens movie? 🤔🤷‍♂️

b499fd  No.7090685

File: e2e4bd3a3cf67dd⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1579x1111, 1579:1111, BIDENWTF.png)

File: 2e48642d06422cf⋯.jpg (92.93 KB, 333x673, 333:673, crvbn.jpg)

File: 22ad9ff7c2c16c4⋯.jpg (117.4 KB, 555x454, 555:454, VMBRMN.jpg)

File: 3b4729b13b0e421⋯.png (190.55 KB, 264x911, 264:911, Bidlav14.png)

File: e661f0c1511d087⋯.jpg (174.25 KB, 426x975, 142:325, bridn.jpg)

011897  No.7090686

File: 10501aed0d2b3ce⋯.jpg (73.57 KB, 1200x865, 240:173, JA WATCH.jpg)

Is it possible the reflection in the watch is not Q+, but rather JA?

That's what I see anyway.

8a123e  No.7090687

File: 27d5521622e1de9⋯.jpg (48.18 KB, 353x423, 353:423, stoic-six-pack-4-the-scept….jpg)


the rod and the ring will bind them.


c87cb2  No.7090688


Naaa, that's not an alter.

He says it's just an outdoor dinner table.

4d0c3f  No.7090689

File: 588493a29d97104⋯.png (288.01 KB, 596x195, 596:195, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 91711d9ebf48bab⋯.png (193.01 KB, 822x1343, 822:1343, ClipboardImage.png)

Plea deal by Kamala Harris AG office for sexual-harassing San Diego mayor was too lenient, critics say

Kamala Harris’ presidential campaign biography rests heavily on her career as a prosecutor, including six years as California attorney general. But it omits a plea deal her office negotiated for former San Diego Mayor Bob Filner, a serial sexual harasser, which let him escape jail time and avoid registering as a sex offender.

In 2013, about 20 women accused Filner, a two-decade Democratic congressman-turned-San Diego mayor, of sexual harassment and misconduct. Some said he put them in “Filner headlocks.” Harris' office drew considerable criticism in 2013 for allowing Filner to plead guilty to state charges of false imprisonment and battery against three Jane Does in exchange for a light sentence. Filner could have faced up to five years in prison, but the plea bargain instead gave him three months of house arrest, three years' probation, and partial loss of his mayoral pension. Some of the criticism persists today, with past lenient sentences looking less understandable after a swath of prominent men drummed themselves out of public life over sexual harassment episodes.

"The cultural change since #MeToo is having an impact of how prosecutors listen to victims now. I think it all comes down to whether we believe women and how seriously we take these allegations. In serious instances, you need serious consequences," Maya Raghu, director of workplace equality and senior counsel at the National Women’s Law Center, told the Washington Examiner. "Powerful people can afford high-profile legal counsel that others don't have access to. People [such as Filner] know how to leverage the system in their favor." A spokesman for Harris' presidential campaign, Ian Sams, said of the Filner episode: "She prosecuted a politician from her own party for sexual harassment, and he pled guilty to a felony. She was broadly praised for taking action, including by the Republican San Diego County district attorney who said it sent 'a strong message that nobody is above the law, abuse of women won't be tolerated and victims will be treated with respect.'"

Harris, rising in the Democratic primary polls and now a first-tier rival to front-runner Joe Biden, is critical of departing Labor Secretary Alex Acosta for his role in Jeffery Epstein's 2008 plea deal, going back to his days as U.S. attorney in Florida.

Epstein, a one-time Wall Street whiz with connections to prominent figures in both parties, pleaded guilty and was convicted in a Florida state court in 2008 of soliciting two women, one of whom was a 17-year-old girl, for prostitution. He served 13 months in "custody with work release" as part of a plea deal where federal officials had identified 36 victims. Under the deal, Epstein was allowed to leave his cell for 12 hours per day to work at his office, chauffeured by a personal driver. The Epstein deal was a “simple, very light pat on the hand," Harris said last week on The View. "I personally prosecuted child sexual assault cases. And they are some of the most difficult cases to prosecute," said Harris, an Alameda County, California line prosecutor in the 1990s and then San Francisco district attorney from 2004-11. "The thing I found so troubling, disheartening and really unbelievable was the way that Acosta has described the challenge … It's like saying it's really difficult to make an omelet … Well, then get out of the kitchen!"

To be sure, the Epstein and Filner cases don't command a direct comparison. The Epstein case in Florida involved years of allegations the wealthy financier preyed on underage women. In Filner's case, the women were all adults, and the alleged aggressive behavior happened while he held public office. But both involve powerful figures given sentences lighter than they would have otherwise received absent their public profile or deep pockets and political influence.

Filner, 76, up to that point had a charmed political life. The Pittsburgh native and San Diego transplant served on the city's school board for a decade after beating a longtime incumbent in 1982. A decade later he won a newly drawn congressional district, and from 2007 to 2011 led the House Veterans' Affairs Committee. Filner reached the pinnacle of his political career in 2012, winning the mayorship of San Diego. Filner promised to improve city services, increase staffing for public safety, bring jobs to the city, and develop stronger regional ties with neighboring Tijuana, Mexico. Harris endorsed him in that race. Yet the good times didn't last.


eb027e  No.7090690


Do they worship the picture of the topless woman? If so I really want to know who it is!

40d214  No.7090691

File: 4ae10dd3f5e0d9e⋯.jpg (58.9 KB, 611x621, 611:621, Epstein 1.JPG)

File: fb18cad4c0ecfad⋯.jpg (109.56 KB, 877x628, 877:628, Epstein 3.JPG)

File: 27cf224f14449a4⋯.jpg (121.22 KB, 699x627, 233:209, Epstein 4.JPG)

File: 5398e4e70e4c70f⋯.jpg (144.16 KB, 923x621, 923:621, Epstein 7.JPG)

File: e455007930be806⋯.jpg (102.37 KB, 1117x541, 1117:541, Epstein 9.JPG)

Not sure if this has been covered yet. If not, this is huge!!!

Was digging on google maps and zooming in on pedo island. I noticed the dock with the boats and scrolled out to see where he may boat to. Noticed the island to the north (Great St. James Island) had palm trees planted much like on pedo island. I noticed an excavator there as well. Scrolling around that island I found areas that had been excavated and cleared and set up with rocks. There's even an area at the northern end of the island that has a rectangle area blocked out so that we can't see. Someone paid google to block it out? Lo and behold look who owns Great St. James Island! I think he is trying to set it up like his pedo island. There's a ferry boat there that has been bringing the heavy equipment. I think I read that he owns a ferry boat in an article. I'll try to find it to add to this post.

Great Saint James, U.S. Virgin Islands

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Great Saint James is an island of the United States Virgin Islands, located off the east end of St. Thomas. The island is approximately 165 acres in size. There is one estate on the island. Great Saint James was purchased in 2016 for US$18 million by financier and sex offender Jeffrey Epstein. Epstein also owns the neighboring Little Saint James island.

The cove on the west side of Great Saint James, Christmas Cove, is a popular snorkeling and mooring spot for day charter boats and yachts. 22 overnight mooring balls are available (but are not regularly maintained). A sailboat converted into a "food truck boat," previously sold pizzas here. According to New York magazine, Epstein "shut down Christmas Cove" after he purchased the island.

In late 2018, Epstein was reportedly in conflict with the Virgin Islands Department of Planning and Natural Resources over land use regulations.


9dd5dc  No.7090692


this has been posted like 20 times in the last few days - good info though


I know, I know, but I listened to all of his interviews with this one lady and read all the books before Q was even P… and unfortunately there are many "smart" people who have encountered Q-info in the beginning, thought it too preposterous to be true and rejected it all as "hopium". We hold out hope that the seeds planted have been watered and are growing their spouts very close to that invisible membrane that separates unconscious from conscious.

It's still worth reading - just for some really interesting perspective, especially for those who are interested in ancient/hidden history - Sumer, pyramids etc (no NOT the Sitchen charlatan). And like I said, the amount of documentation he brings to back up his theories is a little overwhelming.

58c9b9  No.7090693


Jews and masons can read mind, yes, but it's easily spoofed with our technology.

d9ecd8  No.7090694

File: 08c7857a1eb0006⋯.png (113.32 KB, 600x567, 200:189, Screenshot_2019-07-18-18-1….png)

Today, the United States designated 12 entities and individuals based in Iran, Belgium, and China that are linked to the nuclear proliferation-sensitive activities of the Iran Centrifuge Technology Company – known by its Persian acronym, TESA.

The designations announced today under Executive Order 13382 target proliferators of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) or WMD delivery systems and their associates. In addition to a freeze on any of their assets within the United States, the sanctioned persons and entities will be denied access to the U.S. financial system and listed online as WMD proliferators.

The United States strongly condemns Iran’s recent expansion of sensitive nuclear activities, including increasing its stockpile of low enriched uranium and enriching uranium at levels above 3.67 percent. There is no credible reason for Iran to expand its nuclear program at this time and in this way other than as a transparent attempt to extort the international community.


ca6e91  No.7090695


Baker Notable

Article: Tying Up Loose Threads in the Curious Case (of Ilhan Omar)

f545a9  No.7090696


Daily reading.

a24dd8  No.7090697


I thought it was a great catch!

6a8ffc  No.7090698

File: 07b8522cc2eade0⋯.png (1.08 MB, 688x1000, 86:125, IMG_0666.PNG)

d18d0e  No.7090699

File: 0001d928bd40a37⋯.png (602.79 KB, 1000x554, 500:277, 0001d928bd40a378aa3720c8e9….png)

Good to see fast breads

Because Q makes it quick rise

(All puns intended)

Night Shift in the house

7bb3a6  No.7090700

File: 11ccf42dfe4c6b7⋯.jpg (61.05 KB, 777x582, 259:194, sunday.jpg)

36ac01  No.7090701

File: 7c5c25034de8468⋯.png (286.37 KB, 540x693, 60:77, 4db69264-4b4b-4003-97c3-f7….png)

Watch the ==WATCH==

dde861  No.7090702

File: c4c88a2f27dda18⋯.jpg (49.74 KB, 800x773, 800:773, pepe jacked.jpg)



thank you bakers

e8f065  No.7090703


It looks like Biden or Obama

ddaead  No.7090704


digits say yes

did she reply?

58cc26  No.7090705

File: 89aec98717e4195⋯.png (195.18 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_20190718-211129.png)



11:11 = KK


That would definitely get some eyes to open.

b499fd  No.7090706


Tell me about that handwriting.

aeb809  No.7090707

File: 26f7ab530360ef8⋯.jpg (125.92 KB, 800x600, 4:3, nsanonsactivated.jpg)



257c8f  No.7090708



Found clip - https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/60a706ff-2e3f-43e3-8865-9886b5c7fbdd

6a8ffc  No.7090709

File: a9da9b46827cec5⋯.png (1.65 MB, 990x600, 33:20, IMG_0853.PNG)

19bc84  No.7090710



58c9b9  No.7090711


It was jews themselves trying to spam the topic so people wouldn't investigate. Too many goyim are noticing though.

c54d66  No.7090712


sauce needed. ragu, mf

b878ce  No.7090713

File: 33049dfc30f8266⋯.jpg (298.15 KB, 1497x772, 1497:772, Capturepage1aoc.JPG)

File: 8c2d4ce4cc641fa⋯.jpg (316.6 KB, 1226x828, 613:414, Captureaocpage2.JPG)

File: 4edae9adc615498⋯.jpg (301.99 KB, 1372x883, 1372:883, Capturepage3.JPG)

File: 02adb4af1d3a457⋯.jpg (338.21 KB, 1366x929, 1366:929, Capturepage4.JPG)

File: a8781370b5e1b45⋯.jpg (349.59 KB, 1321x905, 1321:905, Capturepage6.JPG)

AOC .backing light black magic ties… need full dig. https://rense.com/general96/aocs-handler-linked-to-the-tm-mind-control-cult-ripped-by-john-lennon.php

44b52e  No.7090714


Is the portfolio list for the company she founded. Interesting investments.

3743f3  No.7090715

File: 4856c2922ac591c⋯.jpg (4.74 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 0.jpg)

Hey frens, I've got a family member (newfag) following Q and she's been kept up to date on the "jihad squad" and lol'd at the new movie poster. I told her, "Theres more where that came from!" But I'm failing to find the other posters because of my retardedness. Can someone help me out with the Qpost numbers or pics.

e8dc8f  No.7090716


like you fuckin know d'anunzio

fdefcb  No.7090717

File: e46840b26f4ae5f⋯.jpg (79.5 KB, 400x240, 5:3, 2019-07-03 16.04.44.jpg)

233b38  No.7090718

File: 9ff468769f83b4b⋯.png (2 MB, 1259x924, 1259:924, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 46369d6045f5872⋯.png (547.39 KB, 955x945, 191:189, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2b38de78b6299cf⋯.png (227.58 KB, 704x950, 352:475, ClipboardImage.png)


Yes and John Kerry was there with Trudeau in Dec 2016.

Read that again.

Aga Khan's Island is called Bell Island and it is in the Bahamas right along the route that would take you from the Florida Ports over to Hait and on to Epstein Island.

Trinidad & Tobago is going to figure into this I am positive of it. it's further south.

sauce: https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/john-kerry-pm-trudeau-stayed-at-aga-khan-s-private-island-at-same-time-1.3732012

8e5620  No.7090719


Noice find Owl located


Was posted b4, I wonder if tunnel goes from one to other. I bet they do

71820c  No.7090720

File: c79cb30aeef284d⋯.jpeg (16.54 KB, 255x184, 255:184, A12D8914-8DD7-44D8-9EBA-B….jpeg)

File: e70b2c24119933c⋯.jpeg (56.56 KB, 377x816, 377:816, C9100849-9476-4057-AEDA-6….jpeg)

Winner winner chicken dinner! I spy with my little eye….

394e92  No.7090721

I've been thinking about "Where we go one, we go all". I appreciate the positive spin on this – we are all in this together.

But what if Q is eluding to a more sinister context for this.

"WWG1WGA" is also the sort of thing that applies to a group of people who are all tied up in the same mess. Like Epstein's tendrils. Sort of a "You pull this mess down on one of us, we all go down" mentality.

So was Q always talking about Epstein and his network as being the WWG1WGA "big event" with "booms"? Is this ultimately about a foreign state or states having blackmailed basically everyone at the top, and the idea that "NOTHING can stop this house of cards coming down." I.e. We're ALL going down.

Is this a case where "less than 10" of those blackmailed worked together to pull the whole mess down, knowing that – as Patriots – it would be better for everyone if this whole mess was brought to a head?

36ac01  No.7090722

File: 03899dab64bc63e⋯.png (275.75 KB, 434x609, 62:87, e08fe4d39d55c277965fdbfd0d….png)

I am a nice girl

1247cd  No.7090723



Red is a recessive Gene where you must have two recessive genes for expression.

I believe red is the LACK of a particular kind of melanin.

Brown is a dominate trait.

A red haired woman is homo recessive brown (does not express the brown Gene)

And homo recessive red (does express the red Gene).

bb x rr

A brown haired man may be hetero or homo brown.

They also may be red or not. The brown supercedes red.

Now in order to have a blond child the brown haired man must be dominate red (hetero or homo, non- expressive)

And hetero brown.

Bb x Rr or RR

Where the recessive brown Gene pairs with the woman's recessive brown Gene to create a blond child.

The red is not expressed because the man is dominate red which doesn't produce a red haired child.

So the child will be bbxRr which is blond with a carrier for red.

They may show strawberry blonde tendencies but that's a bit more complex.

What gets people into trouble is when both parents are blond or blue eyed and they have a brown eyes child. This is an impossible combination The milkman syndrome.

ca61d0  No.7090724


The only thing you've solved here is who has the lowest IQ

c7d8ff  No.7090725

File: 7485c972c1508bd⋯.png (532.18 KB, 535x713, 535:713, f217efa985483de323d227afed….png)



>We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here

Original Mission statement Restored.

20a117  No.7090726



I don’t like it. It looks…idk…satanic-y.

32e036  No.7090727


If by chance Seth Rich isnt dead.. and I had to take a guess as to what 'outside the box' person it was other than POTUS…

e58f7d  No.7090728


Pond with a fountain?

c54d66  No.7090729


look up "Magic Sword"

de8547  No.7090730


I kinda figured! Glad those Babylonians are fuckin gone!

99230c  No.7090731

They ran a dream simulation that I stabbed my cat in the heart when I was just a kid

Psychopathic inept bastards!

d18d0e  No.7090732

File: 6841ee6af70468b⋯.jpeg (17.96 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 6ea6c149e315471b7128d423f….jpeg)


÷= notable ==

Dark to light

c946af  No.7090733

File: d081a2a8a21a5a0⋯.jpg (123.51 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, pedosta.jpg)

1bc07b  No.7090734



02147c  No.7090735

File: f7203c382646ad8⋯.png (146.35 KB, 844x408, 211:102, FollowTheDate.png)

File: 865d63605709159⋯.png (52.17 KB, 644x832, 161:208, Turkey 071913.png)

File: a4b0efedecacb3f⋯.png (21.76 KB, 644x248, 161:62, Gezi Park Protests.png)

Newfag post… forgive…

Follow the date: 07/19/2013 + Turkish bath houses

Gezi Park Protests?

Blatant media self-censorship exposed to the people?

The Great Awakening?

Not speculating a date… Just interesting…



df512b  No.7090736

c4ef97  No.7090737

File: 21aeeb4836e74ac⋯.png (42.14 KB, 715x399, 715:399, 159350430.png)


Wow nice find! Also it looks like Khan is getting a good amount of money from the Canadian Govt for humanitarian projects.

67ff11  No.7090738

File: f961fff4c61f6b0⋯.png (2.13 MB, 1099x917, 157:131, ClipboardImage.png)



6a8ffc  No.7090739

File: 6185deb98c33004⋯.jpg (57.78 KB, 420x294, 10:7, IMG_0703.JPG)

File: 832247f8e6f6b5a⋯.jpg (47.91 KB, 320x240, 4:3, IMG_0704.JPG)

File: 28ce9157d358708⋯.jpg (172.4 KB, 551x736, 551:736, IMG_0749.JPG)

File: e53df79a3f00b94⋯.jpg (78.08 KB, 545x720, 109:144, IMG_0850.JPG)

257c8f  No.7090740


It's 6:48am. So what? Satan went to sleep at 8am yesterday. 🤷‍♂️

dde861  No.7090741

File: 802c5afe302b01e⋯.jpg (14.1 KB, 255x128, 255:128, fed reserve 1.jpg)

File: bd3dff02f0ecfe8⋯.png (84 KB, 531x470, 531:470, 071819 CME Fed Watch close….PNG)

File: abb629ef8259a72⋯.png (26.51 KB, 433x386, 433:386, 071819 CME after walkback.PNG)

NY Fed clarifies Williams speech that market took as signal of a rate cut

Already walking back the results of the speech earlier today, this is the last day the can speak openly on this subject prior to meeting in just under 13 days-someone made a few phone calls that is for certain.

cap#2 is the odds after the speech earlier today, cap#3 is current

New York Federal Reserve President John Williams was drawing from academic research when he said central bankers need to “act quickly” as economic growth slows, a representative for the central bank says.

The spokesperson says those comments were “not about potential policy actions.”

When New York Federal Reserve President John Williams said central bankers need to “act quickly” as economic growth slows, a spokesperson said he was drawing from research, not hinting at what may happen at this month’s Federal Open Market Committee meeting.

“This was an academic speech on 20 years of research. It was not about potential policy actions at the upcoming FOMC meeting,” a spokesperson for the New York Federal Reserve told CNBC.

Earlier, Williams delivered a speech at the annual meeting of the Central Bank Research Association in which he said, “It’s better to take preventative measures than to wait for disaster to unfold.”

His comments come as Wall Street expects the U.S. central bank to cut its benchmark interest rate during the July 30-31 meeting.

After Williams’ earlier remarks, market expectations for a 50 basis point rate cut leaped to about 59%, according to the CME’s Fedwatch tool. Prior to his speech, predictions for a half-point cut had hovered between 20% to 30%.

Later, Fed Vice Chair Richard Clarida said on Fox Business News that cutting interest rates quickly is a good strategy. Market expectations for a half-point cut surged even higher to about 69%.

But after the New York Fed spokesperson clarified Williams comments, expectations for a 50 basis point cut fell to about 50% around 7 p.m. Eastern time.

The Fed currently pegs the overnight funds rate in a range between 2.25% and 2.5% — above zero, but still well below normal levels that have prevailed during past economic expansions.


e6f5c3  No.7090742


are you phonefagging on a rotary phone? Not even close.

36ac01  No.7090743

File: 2e2e6c5cb9a03b3⋯.jpg (190.13 KB, 717x657, 239:219, corrupt-doj-and-fbi-offici….jpg)

Still walking free and doing 'book' deals

7bb3a6  No.7090744


,,,just grabbed the first twice/sundays off google…

now that you mention it, what's with the upside down V for d?

dac39f  No.7090745

File: 2edb4e8644aa58b⋯.png (870.25 KB, 658x439, 658:439, temple.PNG)

File: e50241b320625dd⋯.png (35.5 KB, 620x310, 2:1, symbol.PNG)

more cabal symbolism - the dome of epstein's temple

I was digging the tweet that q mentioned here:

>>7087382 pb q

And something caught my eye.

Q clearly wrote:

>symbol above the dome

Above the dome we have a small "antenna", which is probably another symbol of the phallus of osiris.

But what else do we have above the dome?

the sun

And the golden dome reflect the light back at the sun, as if to say that those in (and under the building) are enlightened gods. Humans who "became gods" because unlike us sheep, they "used their intellect".

34af3d  No.7090746

File: b31d4e1c67a23ca⋯.png (349.48 KB, 1903x5197, 1903:5197, Screenshot_2019-07-19 Who'….png)

Mega group

Who's Who in `Mega'

The following are brief biographical profiles of some of the leading known members of the "Mega" group; notable, is the pattern of alleged organized crime ties.

83f43a  No.7090747

File: 4fb9b02aa5cc4e6⋯.jpg (180.87 KB, 956x638, 478:319, Screenshot 2019-07-18_21-1….jpg)

de8547  No.7090748


yeah, on qmap.pub. great research tool

20a117  No.7090749

File: 410502c1950fb9a⋯.jpeg (245.24 KB, 1109x1110, 1109:1110, 467B0E94-895D-4658-8868-1….jpeg)

c964bb  No.7090750

File: 6ded7adfbb98876⋯.png (34.76 KB, 598x139, 598:139, ClipboardImage.png)

well this happened:

ab6f97  No.7090751

File: 643513a6e6ee435⋯.png (1.54 MB, 640x1136, 40:71, 85E06E04-DC92-4A99-B366-C3….png)

Long live the fighters

f545a9  No.7090752


This is such a pattern to manipulate the market.


0e9776  No.7090753


>>7090587 Ilhan Omar entered into a sham marriage with her brother in 2009

e58f7d  No.7090754

File: 4976824a0d95195⋯.png (101.63 KB, 205x287, 5:7, ClipboardImage.png)

dac39f  No.7090755



babea4  No.7090756

File: 327bed0d543d207⋯.jpg (16.49 KB, 255x255, 1:1, pepe6992aeec768898062e144e….jpg)

4afad0  No.7090757

As above, so below.

Their use of symbolism..

Why do we war? What can launch a thousand ships?

"Thus held they the funeral for Hector, the tamer of horses. "

Is this really all to the story?

My safe-word is Moar



a6b2bc  No.7090758


Im getting Transformers vibes…

Several thousand years ago, the planet Cybertron was consumed by a civil war between the two Transformer factions, the Autobots led by Optimus Prime and the Decepticons led by Megatron. Optimus jettisoned the AllSpark, a mystical artifact that brings life to the planet, into space, but Megatron pursued it. Megatron crashed onto Earth, landing in the Arctic Circle and froze, and was discovered in 1895 by explorer Archibald Witwicky.

And War of the Worlds…

No one would have believed, in the last years of the nineteenth century, that human affairs were being watched from the timeless worlds of space. No one could have dreamed that we were being scrutinised as someone with a microscope studies creatures that swarm and multiply in a drop of water. Few men even considered the possibility of life on other planets. And yet, across the gulf of space, minds immeasurably superior to ours regarded this earth with envious eyes, and slowly, and surely, they drew their plans against us…

6a8ffc  No.7090759

File: 71523bd203cf545⋯.jpg (1.85 MB, 2448x2448, 1:1, IMG_0597.JPG)


3d58e3  No.7090760

File: 8646ee039a01e17⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1400x800, 7:4, cartq1.png)


I never throw the baby out with the bath water anon yet 99.999% do so… good luck with that! :D

Heck, study ancient sumeria sans stitchen and it is all still too much info for any judeo christian = %80 of america…

The garden and a few other essential elements are first mentioned in Sumer yet yer a Satanists for saying that so…

I have embraced the idiocracy and I think you should too! :D

3d8d68  No.7090761

File: 1fe9dca83276f42⋯.mp4 (4.62 MB, 480x852, 40:71, 67564219_2398904213507502_….mp4)

File: bf52355ae7ded69⋯.png (593.24 KB, 1055x819, 1055:819, ClipboardImage.png)


9d32d7  No.7090762

>>7090472 (lb)

> is Q just keeping good people from action?

Ugh. Bad timing for this question since we've had so little hopium over the last year and just got a fix, but yes. We are pacified and therefore not fighting back. People think they're fighting back but what does it matter what you know if you're unable to share it anywhere except for others that also already know? Makes no sense. That said, maybe our nation really will be saved while we sit here with our thumbs up our asses, but I doubt it.

3743f3  No.7090763


it was to catch the attention of more relevant anons. some of these anons would help a nigga out, then theres (you)

c964bb  No.7090764

File: c1b168af6d95d86⋯.png (264.13 KB, 598x471, 598:471, ClipboardImage.png)


44b52e  No.7090765


Junkermann's portfolio of companies:


0bc1a1  No.7090766

File: 439b23a5063993e⋯.png (5.88 MB, 1500x1018, 750:509, qnn-projection-time-july19….png)

dde861  No.7090767

File: 91b17a45d0f55d0⋯.jpg (240.12 KB, 965x1202, 965:1202, pepe highest ranking anon.jpg)


Damn anon


4dd021  No.7090768

File: 5973af71ca431e1⋯.jpeg (433.64 KB, 750x922, 375:461, 23DB0FA4-E60D-4156-AB66-C….jpeg)

Opinion: 187 House Republicans have lost their moral compass


aeb809  No.7090769

File: b674a345bf93326⋯.jpg (206.64 KB, 1200x670, 120:67, currentlyshowing.jpg)

ae4419  No.7090770

File: 004192df45c2e7b⋯.png (413.98 KB, 529x641, 529:641, chuckcheked.PNG)


TYB, Nice Trips

you faggots are slipping…

12e14d  No.7090771

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

19 of 22 MS13 Animals Arrested in Sanctuary Los Angeles and Connected to Gruesome Machete Murders are Illegal Aliens

22 members of the violent El Salvadoran gang MS-13 were charged with enforcing a criminal racketeering enterprise by murdering people in ‘medieval style’ killing sprees.

A 12-count indictment was handed down Monday by prosecutors in Los Angeles who charged the MS-13 gang members with killing 7 people with machetes.

A rival gang member was dismembered and his heart cut out of his chest and thrown into canyon in Los Angeles.

Now we know 19 of the 22 arrested gang members were here in the US illegally.

President Trump weighed in on the violent gang members on Thursday in his rally last night in North Carolina.

19 of 22 MS13 Animals Arrested in Sanctuary Los Angeles and Connected to Gruesome Machete Murders are Illegal Aliens (Video)

Jim Hoft by Jim Hoft July 18, 2019 33 Comments

100Share 18Tweet Email

22 members of the violent El Salvadoran gang MS-13 were charged with enforcing a criminal racketeering enterprise by murdering people in ‘medieval style’ killing sprees.

A 12-count indictment was handed down Monday by prosecutors in Los Angeles who charged the MS-13 gang members with killing 7 people with machetes.

A rival gang member was dismembered and his heart cut out of his chest and thrown into canyon in Los Angeles.

Now we know 19 of the 22 arrested gang members were here in the US illegally.

President Trump weighed in on the violent gang members on Thursday in his rally last night in North Carolina.

And Democrats still support open borders.

This should have been taken care of years ago, the Trump Administration is taking care of these thugs now!pic.twitter.com/ulqagIAtxI

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 18, 2019


8e5620  No.7090772


They have a Christchurch, a UN island, the queens highway. Did a GINORMOUS dig. Also Mason is the Orange temple…

5d4a18  No.7090773

>>7090751 POTUS no longer needs the weirding module.

e58f7d  No.7090774


Did you just randomly paste arrows to different parts?

6a8ffc  No.7090775


20a117  No.7090776



>>7089626 FBI intervene in murder investigation of ex Arkansas Sen. Linda Collins-Smith

Welcome to “QAnon” newfag.

a1b96d  No.7090777


Please don't ignore.

c964bb  No.7090778

File: 8ae94bc2b89688b⋯.png (34.24 KB, 598x139, 598:139, ClipboardImage.png)

muh hyperbole

db25a0  No.7090779


=,e \_ヾ(ᐖ◞ ) FOREVER FLUSH







=,e \_ヾ(ᐖ◞ ) FOREVER FLUSH





=,e \_ヾ(ᐖ◞ ) FOREVER FLUSH






=,e \_ヾ(ᐖ◞ ) FOREVER FLUSH



eb027e  No.7090780

File: 790ba03f5fbd2af⋯.png (593.63 KB, 1279x673, 1279:673, ClipboardImage.png)

b4fbf4  No.7090781


Don’t dismiss Farrell. He is an awesome researcher. He is not anti Q he is more of a skeptic and a typical horse with blinkers on.

3743f3  No.7090782


thank you! <3

e8dc8f  No.7090783


dont be a fuckin idiot

c946af  No.7090784

File: 3569a6f02bdec1c⋯.jpg (177.01 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, omar2.jpg)

File: 6acaeb0871084ef⋯.jpg (192.87 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, omar3.jpg)

File: ed9005b49519c92⋯.jpg (192.09 KB, 1024x645, 1024:645, fraudsquad5.jpg)

db25a0  No.7090785


Then we =,e \_ヾ(ᐖ◞ ) FOREVER FLUSH


00ccc8  No.7090786

File: 8b47a9cfa98c292⋯.png (117.17 KB, 300x244, 75:61, ClipboardImage.png)

09750d  No.7090787

File: 64c02d24c62f714⋯.jpg (120.29 KB, 800x533, 800:533, 800px-President_Trump_Meet….jpg)

File: 10501aed0d2b3ce⋯.jpg (73.57 KB, 1200x865, 240:173, 10501aed0d2b3ce4cc72ee7205….jpg)


It really looks like a very close match. Even the lighting in the reflection vaguely resembles the interior of the room.

8e5620  No.7090788



187 Republican congress…

eb63d2  No.7090789

File: 7b4977a4d93f006⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1439x1525, 1439:1525, Capture _2019-07-18-20-20-….png)

Fuck yeah!!

9b3b3b  No.7090790



This Anon gets it..!! (7090738)

Relax the opposition and let them feel safe to spill their guts.

83f43a  No.7090791

File: 7d9949cb9bc734f⋯.jpg (148.1 KB, 1474x828, 737:414, D_zOnDcXsAI-fTO.jpg)

File: 1d1529a5b1a4bf1⋯.jpg (18.09 KB, 360x204, 30:17, D_zOnDcXsAAgg53.jpg)

File: f9f146b72c8a855⋯.jpg (19.72 KB, 360x203, 360:203, D_zOnDdXoAAMlTX.jpg)

File: 465210c8ece3f0b⋯.jpg (15.99 KB, 360x166, 180:83, D_zOnDeXUAAsXP1.jpg)

we see that she was here too

found it on twitteer

4095df  No.7090792

File: 9f6b9e90d13f3e7⋯.png (137.63 KB, 347x841, 347:841, Screen Shot 2019-07-18 at ….png)


hep me here. I'm struggling with this. what does it mean (which, being interpreted means, 'does it mean what I think it means')?

thank you in advance and Godspeed.


de8547  No.7090793


I'm going with 'outside the box.'

c54d66  No.7090794



sauce needed

random tweet == sauce

f545a9  No.7090795

File: 05b6b42600a9d75⋯.png (1.86 MB, 1280x1313, 1280:1313, feelsgoodman pepe.png)


P=C is a rot 13.

Literally. 13.

Google translate has scrubbed PUNVE from the Croatian translater since it was solved.


But, anon screencapped a bunch of stuff. In the deep archives.


(PS Someone called anon "Tesla.")

4efea1  No.7090796

File: 6d0a9354e88ba27⋯.png (4.99 MB, 2436x1125, 812:375, B270BA33-67C2-48DE-8395-25….png)

File: 0eb4236c149a38e⋯.png (4.99 MB, 2436x1125, 812:375, 4E4FAEC6-FB65-4D57-9149-A2….png)

File: 238ff82239af30c⋯.png (3.22 MB, 2436x1125, 812:375, AD3917B3-9312-4371-9DDD-18….png)

Anyone see anything interesting? I’m a phonephagger. Tom Cruise a year from now will be fun to watch.


c7d8ff  No.7090797

File: eed394595bd0893⋯.jpg (192.62 KB, 500x500, 1:1, cane-toad.jpg)


Told you last bread "ya Right"

Telling you now. "Ur full of SH*T"

e8f065  No.7090798

I hope Jeb Bush gets the death penalty for his involvement in the Terri Schiavo murder.

4095df  No.7090799



>Fuck yeah!!


090159  No.7090800



So if the Pope is the Chair, who is the Master?

Cardinal Pell?

c41c57  No.7090801

File: 833ca19dbd225a5⋯.jpeg (367.72 KB, 2400x1350, 16:9, 795AD47D-0875-40C4-80B1-4….jpeg)


36ac01  No.7090802

File: e8ff8a1c4468b97⋯.jpg (80.13 KB, 828x698, 414:349, D19M8GkUgAIVkSX.jpeg.jpg)

8b497d  No.7090803


No matter how hard Trump tries to do this

smoothly….this doesn't end without a war

ee9675  No.7090804

File: e5630fcae1de8de⋯.jpg (143.45 KB, 1260x601, 1260:601, IMG_20190718_212912_803.JPG)




6a8ffc  No.7090805

File: fc1fd53afbed61a⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 2.64 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, IMG_0596.JPG)



dac39f  No.7090806



1st and 4th (black sun) look like the sun.

others look like atlas, a metaphor to an endless struggle (of the "enlightened" man?)

5b2143  No.7090807

Hannity "We don't compare Israel to Nazi Germany."

Uhh… yes we do. Rothschild created Zionist Is-Ra-El.

Nazi Germany was Rothschild & Rockefeller financed. Hitler was a huge puppet, who later thought he could take down those who financed him.

dde861  No.7090808

File: a19962077bf6580⋯.jpg (37.66 KB, 720x291, 240:97, POTUS laughs.jpg)


>dont be a fuckin idiot

Fuck off and keep your unwanted opinion to yourself.

4095df  No.7090809


the day America died.

45b418  No.7090811

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


NBC: Hillary Clinton Shut Down Pedophile Investigation at State Department (2013)

c22b0b  No.7090812

Is this Seth Rich’s watch? Did he download the files onto it? Like a James Bond type of gadget? Is this why Q says, “we have the source”? Wasn’t stolen because MS13 assassins were looking for a regular usb stick. Just a thought.

8e5620  No.7090813


The attempted set up on POTUS..

20a117  No.7090814

File: 2a39fee1b7ee2d3⋯.jpeg (196.63 KB, 1125x1647, 125:183, E9944720-83C9-4ED8-8551-6….jpeg)


Tactical as fuck, anon

6332f8  No.7090815

File: fd6ef029a3f2a07⋯.png (212.6 KB, 1012x238, 506:119, CERNevilseedNUMERICALerror….png)

File: d2e440c980c3ddc⋯.png (1.1 MB, 962x640, 481:320, CERN1HOURoccultCEREMONYyho….png)

File: c7ec839e0179312⋯.png (432.51 KB, 1005x929, 1005:929, Screen Shot 2018-05-03 at ….png)

File: 2648e95679a74cc⋯.png (46.74 KB, 501x187, 501:187, Screen Shot 2018-08-06 at ….png)

File: b9029e510a6710e⋯.png (199.38 KB, 742x243, 742:243, Screen Shot 2018-09-06 at ….png)

#4159069 at 2018-12-05 06:24:27 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #5295: D5 Is A Process Edition


CERN 666

CERN created to deceive

CERN is a tool of the cabal

CERN is used to block masses from secret physics

CERN is in on the knowledge that general relativity fails




CERN 666 CERN sniffer sniffer sniffer CERN CERNy CERN McCERNface baby eating CERN fake science CERN 'NSA and market tools of the cabal' CERN tunnel machines for trafficking humans. Some of the accelerators are fake.

#3829727 at 2018-11-10 06:46:36 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #4868: VOTER ID LAW = DEATH OF D PARTY Edition


CERN was created as a tool of deception. CERN is just one aspect of the cabal's control of science and physics after WWII. CERN is the cabal's computational hub. CERN is used to analyze illegally gained data, spy on whomever, and rig markets. CERN science is a joke; no transparency though from public funds, no data released to allow secondary analysis upon data. CERN is anti-scientific. CERN lies CERN 666

#3810553 at 2018-11-09 04:17:46 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #4843: Florida Voted For Rick Scott! Edition

CERN fraud

CERN 666

CERN cabal's tool

CERN has always deceived, manipulated, and spied

CERN = SAPs for cabal, market rigging, tunnel systems, etc.

CERN lead into gold, accidentally found on walls of LHC

#1724197 at 2018-06-13 05:55:53 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #2169: I Am Dead, We Are Q Edition


CERN 666

CERN fraud

CERN hub of extreme academic fraud and secrets

CERN initiated as a cabal tool of control, never about public discovery & knowledge

CERN money laundering

CERN Satanic hour-long tunnel ceremony

CERN 666 plates on cars for apparent life-long clone camp friends Merkel and Renzi

CERN has associates working on a non-Einstein theory

I am going to find the theory before they can try to 'organically' drop it.

CERN was/is a weapon of war on the American people and the world

CERN is at war with the USA and always has been.

cce549  No.7090816


All your base are belong to us.

E.O. signed 12/21/17 by DJT

b499fd  No.7090817



e68649  No.7090818


There was a lot of controversy when it was built because they tore down what was considered to be a significant example of modernist Canadian architecture.

This was well before Trudeau's visit to his island, which was the first real blunder after he became PM.

Fairly early on. Trudeau claimed it was an invitation from a family friend. But knowing what we know now, and how early it was in his tenure as PM, could have easily been an Epstein-style visit and/or a "now that we have done this for you, here is what you will be doing for us" thing.

c964bb  No.7090819

File: ed45b2532591730⋯.png (301.91 KB, 598x570, 299:285, ClipboardImage.png)

none of them are who they say

f4b1eb  No.7090820

File: e6838be4481c69d⋯.png (56.69 KB, 1004x640, 251:160, Screenshot_2019-07-18 My S….png)


Aga Khan's island is Bell Island, aka Bell Cay. currently no marine traffic noted in the area

3743f3  No.7090821


thank you

d3870c  No.7090822

File: d7fa1d30c51a1ac⋯.jpg (144.7 KB, 431x491, 431:491, muhspacedick.jpg)

caf36d  No.7090823

83f43a  No.7090824

File: 5a19b577367b1f5⋯.jpg (85.51 KB, 680x453, 680:453, D_zEfX6XkAAns1B.jpg)

Ghislaine Maxwell with pals Geordie Greig (Daily Mail editor) & Piers Morgan

The 2013 party honoured Greig's book about Lucian Freud, the painter from the family linked to pedophilia, Tavistock & Madeleine McCann's abduction

Stephen Fry was also a guest

ddaead  No.7090825


& another one of his creepy ass swamps…wonder what's been found in those. sad.

0e3b96  No.7090826


Have 2

4095df  No.7090827


>Even the lighting in the reflection vaguely resembles the interior of the room.

More than vaguely, anon – there's a distinct blue light reflected on the bezel.

95e332  No.7090828

File: 4c3ab3d9658931d⋯.jpg (610.96 KB, 960x1334, 480:667, IMG_292.jpg)

patriots qbaby!!!

1bc07b  No.7090829


I guess when business is booming you start to expand. Sick fucks. Let us pray that the entire industry of Satan goes out of business.

257c8f  No.7090830



Wow, someone doesn't know how to take pictures or is using an eyephone. 🤣🤷‍♂️

3e9012  No.7090831


agree anon. I'm so over the slow walk….bring the hammer, Q! Put us all out of our misery quickly, please.

eb027e  No.7090832

c54d66  No.7090833

File: 5003ddf3546b574⋯.jpg (114.88 KB, 720x960, 3:4, 5003ddf3546b574a4190b8659d….jpg)

e58f7d  No.7090834


My theory is P = Plantagenet but I get bombarded with shillery for mentioning such.

9c2a81  No.7090835

File: 40b65bc4bc66376⋯.png (591.55 KB, 635x885, 127:177, FLOTUS 07182019-1808.PNG)

File: 0b104e4403281bd⋯.jpg (140.36 KB, 1199x800, 1199:800, D_zOLpvX4AAPYaQ.jpg)

File: fc0593093f88507⋯.jpg (153.65 KB, 1200x801, 400:267, D_zOLp_XYAE8bWA.jpg)

File: fe50a0030d17456⋯.jpg (211.3 KB, 1200x801, 400:267, D_zOLpwXoAAcbgQ.jpg)

File: db4739ed92c3d13⋯.jpg (156.97 KB, 1200x801, 400:267, D_zOLpvWkAAVahX.jpg)


"A reminder of the service & sacrifice of so many Americans." - FLOTUS

1a2bee  No.7090836

File: 4feca0c5085ac46⋯.png (351.41 KB, 597x494, 597:494, Jump Against Trump.PNG)


Yup that is my fear… I would rather jump off a building than watch the country my friends died trying to protect self implode.

6a8ffc  No.7090837

File: 9954fd6b63e68ca⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 126.91 KB, 640x854, 320:427, IMG_0943.JPG)


8b497d  No.7090838

File: a5f23672494fc80⋯.png (112.42 KB, 336x239, 336:239, pepeshocked.png)

6332f8  No.7090839

File: 080ffb4c9aea046⋯.png (317.13 KB, 321x484, 321:484, GOTCHA-BITCH!.png)

File: ca15ab338d3717e⋯.png (223.7 KB, 568x1000, 71:125, Screen Shot 2018-08-31 at ….png)

File: 15f37c7eaf8e404⋯.jpg (191.28 KB, 1200x628, 300:157, LibertyAndJustice.jpg)

fbc0ae  No.7090840


It is the Oval TV screen. See previous Oval pics with the Tivo deluximus remote controller

02e36f  No.7090842

Huge explosions in Christchurch NZ.

17. People injured.



e1f733  No.7090843

File: 7078d9fd15c05b7⋯.jpg (61.61 KB, 600x315, 40:21, Plannity.jpg)




795446  No.7090844

Looking for connections between Aleppo and Tartary I stumbled across this.

""What is…


Meaning: region of Gog; the place of Gog

This was the name of a biblical man and a region or nation. The name “Magog” appears 5 times in 5 verses in the Bible (Gen 10:2; 1 Chr 1:5; Ezek 38:2; Ezek 39:6; Rev 20:8).

Magog, the second of the “sons” of Japheth (Genesis 10:2; 1 Chronicles 1:5).

In Ezekiel (38:2, 39:6) Magog is a nation or region over which a man named Gog rules. There is a possibility that the people are descended from Japheth.""




dac39f  No.7090845

File: 1c2ede8021d8659⋯.png (33.31 KB, 557x388, 557:388, p=c.PNG)

File: fd753aea16a66d8⋯.png (23.15 KB, 554x316, 277:158, payseur.PNG)







the master = satan/lucifer/the architect

P = Payseur bloodline.

P = C => payseur is the chair

the chair serves the master => Payseur is the chair of lucifer.

381897  No.7090846

Hey Frens

I'm putting together a graphic on some symbolism connections I've found re: the Epstein Temple

Can an anon help me out and post the pictures of the Nautilus Shell patterns on the ground?

926f54  No.7090847


16:49 on 19 = 5:5 on 19

19bc84  No.7090848


making Q baby hungry!

c87cb2  No.7090849

File: f2e48b53f6dc4be⋯.png (54.83 KB, 777x437, 777:437, 7b9092adf81bf9d80e3af3c50e….png)

6a3fda  No.7090850

File: 3f033b9620ac9f1⋯.jpg (643.47 KB, 2220x1080, 37:18, 20190718_202151.jpg)

File: 15e04f3be47ae35⋯.jpg (171.12 KB, 785x690, 157:138, 20190718_202508.jpg)

Well, there's the potential backdoor.

(Rustys flyover)

885da8  No.7090851


That satan and Lucifer are miggers of the highest order… that's why the temple is on the highest point of the island. High island lucified miggerdom.

83f43a  No.7090852

File: 384bd47580f9506⋯.jpg (95.61 KB, 640x729, 640:729, Screenshot 2019-07-18_21-2….jpg)

File: c2e6f9598333a26⋯.jpg (53.19 KB, 680x443, 680:443, D_y94HSU4AA0I0f.jpg)


aeb809  No.7090853

File: ddda634f26f272d⋯.jpg (479.55 KB, 3200x1680, 40:21, pleasureMAGAingWuFrens.jpg)


here here, fren!

c5ddf6  No.7090854


Some questions…

Is this type watch worn by Sen. Chuck Schumer?

Has he been secretly recording in the Situation Room?


21469a  No.7090855

File: 081adf017eff214⋯.jpeg (25.75 KB, 400x400, 1:1, AFA2CD6E-0626-4A0D-A351-4….jpeg)

ab6f97  No.7090856

File: 00b4e578eb3b282⋯.png (395.25 KB, 817x493, 817:493, dune.PNG)



240b7a  No.7090857

File: 7e69fe8e21ddda7⋯.png (1.47 MB, 1200x828, 100:69, fence1.png)

6a8ffc  No.7090858

File: e7ebb8a28cc26aa⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 2.25 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, IMG_0167.JPG)


12e14d  No.7090859

File: cb162d970977e4c⋯.png (509.38 KB, 499x333, 499:333, ClipboardImage.png)

Duterte 'Will Not Answer' To White People Amid UN Human Rights Investigation

Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte says he won't answer to white people over alleged human rights violations - insisting that he will "only face, be tried or face a trial in a Philippine court, presided by a Filipino judge, [and] prosecuted by a Filipino," adding "maybe they can reimpose death penalty, [so I can] die in Filipino land."

"I will not answer a Caucasian… You must be stupid. Who are you? I am a Filipino," said Duterte. "We have our courts here. You have to bring me somewhere else? I would not like that. I have my country. It's working, I know it's working, justice is working here."

Duterte comments follow a vote by the United Nations Human Rights Council on a resolution brought by Iceland to investigate alleged abuses. He is accused of overseeing thousands of extrajudicial killings, according to Newsweek. His administration is also accused of arbitrary arrests, detentions, kidnappings and other measures amid an anti-drug crackdown.

Duterte had already suggested he could cut diplomatic ties with Iceland over its resolution, which passed the U.N. Human Rights Council by 18 to 14 votes, with 15 countries abstaining.

Ravina Shamdasani, a spokesperson for the U.N. Human Rights Office, told Newsweek: "The HRC resolution on the human rights situation in the Philippines and its request for a comprehensive written report is an opportunity for all stakeholders, including the government to assess the current state of human rights in the country and in particular to get clarity around the contested facts, figures and circumstances." -Newsweek

The 'formerly gay' Duterte, known for his inflammatory rhetoric, has claimed everything from throwing drug dealers out of helicopters to molesting his maid as a teenager.

The Human Rights Council expressed "concern at the allegations of human rights violations in the Philippines, particularly those involving killings, enforced disappearances, arbitrary arrest and detention, the intimidation and persecution of or violence against members of civil society, human rights defenders, indigenous peoples, journalists, lawyers and members of the political opposition, and restrictions on the freedoms of opinion and expression, peaceful assembly and association."

Recently, Philippines Senator Ronald dela Rosa, the former police chief responsible for running Duterte's war on drugs and an ally of the president, downplayed the death of a toddler during a police raid, saying "s*** happens."

Myka Ulpina, 3, died in crossfire during a drugs raid by armed police in Rodriguez, Rizal. Ulpina's father Renato also died in the shootout. Police reportedly accused him of using the girl as a shield, which her mother denied. An undercover officer was killed too. -Newsweek

"We are living in an imperfect world," said former police chief dela Rosa during a news conference, adding "Would a police officer want to shoot a child? Never, because they have children as well. But shit happens during operations."


80d88a  No.7090860

File: 0241ea4794bf721⋯.jpg (333.38 KB, 1000x667, 1000:667, BEAUTIFUL BAKER.jpg)

thank you baker(s)

1b81fd  No.7090861


I think you are correct. Also when you widen the reflection part, you can clearly see it is 45. When you would correct the curve (hair) of the watch it would be even more clear.

c25297  No.7090862



Something so evil they have to practice it in secret. At the end it's all variations of the same evil, Baal, Moloch, Baphomet, Mithras and so forth. They are worshiping creatures not the Creator.

But we all know that one day every knee shall bow and tongue confess that Jesus Christ is King.

d8ed51  No.7090863


Well I'd need to know what/who the pic is of to tell you.

There's a female goddess associated with Moloch/Baal named Asherah.

Could be a metaphor for her.

e58f7d  No.7090864


Everyone that had their pic taken with her or Epstein are going to be suspected.

db25a0  No.7090865


=,e \_ヾ(ᐖ◞ ) FOREVER FLUSH


960fec  No.7090866

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Body language DNC Squad Leader

2e81c9  No.7090867

File: cc6524c45a11105⋯.jpeg (276.02 KB, 1136x1272, 142:159, B107ADCC-BD18-4BD9-B458-E….jpeg)

Reposting Anon’s post from prev bread.

Check out LED on the watch.

a4fae3  No.7090868

The latest watch picture D2tSyy7W0AAjGeC.jpg is drop number 3456

340234  No.7090870

File: 6d485a5307866fc⋯.jpg (101.33 KB, 420x342, 70:57, joerobotsniff.jpg)



go back to your bunker, dumbfuck.

8bf3f8  No.7090871


The FED knows what's coming. Knows it is dead man walking.

d6cbe0  No.7090872

File: fef8ab9e1f17216⋯.jpg (899.97 KB, 1000x1100, 10:11, Epstein Island and Mossad.jpg)

I posted this back in March. Might still be relevant.

text reads:

Symbolism will be their downfall

Clinton Foundation/Laura Silsby

Harvard: $30mm donation

Financial Trust Company

total net worth: $2 billion (but what's undisclosed?)



Youth Lifeline America: Touching Life Skills Through Arts, Entertainment, & Sports

Pray for the victims

child trafficking

child sacrifice

"Israeli intelligence - stand down," Q quote.


"We are saving Israel for last. Very specific reason not mentioned a single time," Q quote.

80d88a  No.7090873

File: 3ad6cb9c4ec22b0⋯.jpg (73.03 KB, 610x500, 61:50, PRAY OR BE PREY.jpg)

086073  No.7090874

File: 241b6312fda1a3a⋯.png (2.82 MB, 2258x1502, 1129:751, Screen Shot 2019-07-18 at ….png)

File: cb12a9867f9ff38⋯.png (3.34 MB, 1768x1908, 442:477, Screen Shot 2019-07-18 at ….png)


yes and lots of cable conduit going in

f4b1eb  No.7090875

File: 1a519ac5ee14632⋯.jpg (393.19 KB, 1200x960, 5:4, carnival6kgrandscenicocean….jpg)

>>7090820 (me)

in case it comes in handy later Bell Island 22 degrees 18 minutes North Latitude 76 degrees 33 minutes West Longitude

6c5b7b  No.7090876

File: 28ab282717f80b1⋯.jpeg (106.31 KB, 1440x986, 720:493, 1562514688.jpeg)

c964bb  No.7090877

File: 67d0fc74f15ca38⋯.png (320.02 KB, 598x407, 598:407, ClipboardImage.png)

it's all about the angle

240b7a  No.7090878


orange horse bad

752b48  No.7090879

File: 29bb9e42b6a10b6⋯.jpg (92.99 KB, 655x645, 131:129, potus-meme-batter-ok.jpg)

ca61d0  No.7090880


Yes it does.

Q was/is/has always been a time traveling super intelligent baby as pictured here.

He is a paradox in time trying to escape a loop he has been trapped in for eternity.

DJT promised he would help him, only if he helps us first.


6a8ffc  No.7090881

File: f03b8a9c4705c9d⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 2.46 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, IMG_0368.JPG)


c2836e  No.7090882


Nice set of Easton Press books there.

2051a1  No.7090883

File: 537cc926e4809b8⋯.jpg (314.01 KB, 865x1200, 173:240, 10501aed0d2b3ce4cc72ee7205….jpg)

Got it fairly straightened out, but started approaching warp levels that were too high to read out specific details. I'd love to believe it's Trump.

8054e6  No.7090884


83f43a  No.7090885

File: b40d9a7975e8f8f⋯.jpg (76.87 KB, 585x900, 13:20, D_zGyvPXoAE2Chm.jpg)

c4ef97  No.7090886

File: 630c076af4f3887⋯.jpg (245.71 KB, 862x1024, 431:512, 1563487134847.jpg)

File: 706293a877ec3d8⋯.jpg (2.22 MB, 3600x2400, 3:2, 1563487391175.jpg)

File: c54f1e0c970946b⋯.jpg (885.23 KB, 1080x1623, 360:541, 1563487224404.jpg)

File: 3f5ba08b1f50c74⋯.png (16.23 KB, 648x227, 648:227, 15847599290.png)

Anyway if anyone is wondering why this Aga Khan cultist is important check out this thread on /pol/.


e58f7d  No.7090887


But why, Pokey?

257c8f  No.7090888


Ah, trying to make sure the neck lines aren't visible. 🤷‍♂️

8e5620  No.7090889

File: b47eef17b97bb70⋯.jpg (695.94 KB, 1079x1401, 1079:1401, Screenshot_20190718-202457….jpg)

File: a7beb5fa969f5f6⋯.jpg (684.56 KB, 1079x1690, 83:130, Screenshot_20190718-202611….jpg)

File: fb00ac90f09879f⋯.jpg (814.61 KB, 1079x1709, 1079:1709, Screenshot_20190718-202625….jpg)

File: fc84ae888a64481⋯.jpg (660.67 KB, 1079x1690, 83:130, Screenshot_20190718-202704….jpg)

New makeup for GaGa lovers



de8547  No.7090890


Damnit, Gumbie!

db25a0  No.7090891


=,e \_ヾ(ᐖ◞ ) FOREVER FLUSH


240b7a  No.7090892


Nicely done

c964bb  No.7090893

File: 6a59f31f65273df⋯.png (70.57 KB, 598x383, 598:383, ClipboardImage.png)

cannibal holocaust

968040  No.7090895


do not walk on your peers

even if they are short

e58f7d  No.7090896


Who dat? Looks like musk yet it dont..

ad4eb7  No.7090897

File: c9a64329f05f33b⋯.jpg (126.81 KB, 634x724, 317:362, With Murdoch.jpg)

da06d6  No.7090898



6a8ffc  No.7090899

File: 8e3c5a3f05dbf3d⋯.jpg (2.32 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, IMG_0403.JPG)


9dd5dc  No.7090900

File: 30fa9d049a77867⋯.jpg (218.1 KB, 1199x865, 1199:865, 1471134023016.jpg)


>have to be awoken slowly

This is so true.

If you remember what POTUS did in his ralllies, specifically FAKE NEWS, and RIGGED… he planted a seed and then (figuratively) walked away. He changed the subject. Each rally, he would water the seeds gently and plant new ones.

How does a seed grow? It grows roots down and spouts up towards the light.

A seed planted in the unconscious, when watered gently, grows silently. The roots grow ever farther, embedding themselves, connecting what what the person already knows unconsciously. The sprout gently grows towards the light - the conscious mind.

This is a relatively painless experience for the person if the seed is watered gently.

As the sprout grows closer to the invisible membrane that separates unconscious from conscious, the person experiences discomfort: their cherished beliefs, what they thought they knew, what their lives are built around and upon start to look wonky. Something is not right, and they feel it but cannot put their finger on it yet.

Their unconscious, with those ever growing roots, has been silently assessing and re-assessing, and watching. New information is processed differently.

When that sprout reaches that threshhold, the person may (and depending on how liberal they are) become slightly panicked and emotional, lashing out at you or others for no discernible reason. They are really scared inside, because their world is about to come crashing down and their unconscious knows it.

Be patient, give them room.

Many of us remember when that happened to us. Something we heard or saw or read made a "click" and we knew. We had been taught lies by liars, and we were not only mad as hell but there is a deeply insecure feeling when that happens, like you're standing on jello.

What's real, what's not??

Through their initial anger, some will research on their own, others will come back and ask you questions.


a313f9  No.7090901

File: d0898ec7b54b4c0⋯.png (88.05 KB, 280x235, 56:47, ClipboardImage.png)

Distortion removed on the watch, but I still can't see anything useful. Can you?

8ae4a2  No.7090902

c5ddf6  No.7090903

File: ebdad1a7a3ff90e⋯.png (719.41 KB, 800x533, 800:533, Point watch at POTUS.png)

9dea6b  No.7090904

File: 238294c91a77fae⋯.jpg (488.05 KB, 1058x1583, 1058:1583, SmartSelect_20190718-21255….jpg)

File: 965d060c61b005f⋯.jpg (209.97 KB, 1059x797, 1059:797, SmartSelect_20190718-21261….jpg)

Just catching up and



aeb809  No.7090905

File: 5c8faa6fbc045af⋯.jpg (387.74 KB, 852x1358, 426:679, wekno3w.jpg)

File: d3e12984e504d85⋯.jpg (137.58 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, werathreat.jpg)

File: 3ba608f08c6ecc5⋯.jpg (238.93 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, whitehatsbringthepain.jpg)


in my defense, im better w the research aspect.

32e036  No.7090906


For Anons.. its kinda like ' big whoop' … Seeing a reflection of POTUS is normal for us. We already get it. A 'wow' would be if it was someone else.

09ab81  No.7090907


>baby you'll be famous…

2b0b72  No.7090908


Generator shed?

1b81fd  No.7090909


Very well done anon

257c8f  No.7090910


>go back to your bunker, dumbfuck.

I don't have a bunker unlike (((JEW))). 🤷‍♂️

Terminators can wait for (((JEW))) in case (((JEW))) decide to hide in bunkers, BTW. 🤷‍♂️

5b4f79  No.7090911

>>7090355 (/lb)

With all due respect, Anon, I disagree.

A guy who's finally made it to the super secret Epstein Island -- who's high as a kite on drugs and alcohol or who can't think straight with his big head because he's got a gigantic boner in his little head cuz of all the naked, screaming children by which he finds himself surrounded and insatiably aroused -- is most certainly capable of doing all his dirty deeds without remembering to remove his freaking watch.

And by the end of the night, or when he's getting back to his senses the next morning, he gives the watch a wipe or two and thinks he's all set.

But if he didn't clean those nooks and crannies, especially if he didn't clean that watch with some good, ole H2O2 and a


then that blood dries up, turns brown, and the hungover dooood forgets all about it.

He's got bigger things on his mind: he just had sex with an infant and killed the kid on an altar! He's riding high after making a sacrifice to his worthless, piece of shit God, Moloch.

So since he never wears the watch in a way that angles as it does in Q's photo, the guy thinks he cleaned the watch well enough and he never gives that bloody watch -- or the dead person -- another thought.

After he leaves the Island the blackmailing begins, so our guy with the bloody watch has way more pressing issues on his filthy mind.

And to think, he could have avoided this nightmare if only he remembered to use a damn Q-tip.


e3beba  No.7090912

“Nobody who was around Epstein a lot is going to have an easy time now. It’s all going to come out,” said Giuffre’s lawyer David Boies. Another person involved with litigation against Epstein told me: “It’s going to be staggering, the amount of names.

It’s going to be contagion numbers.”

This is gonna be YUUUGGEEEE

I've got so much popcorn I can wait to binge watch this movie…

c87cb2  No.7090913


Top kek.

ac2dee  No.7090914


I am of the opinion sometimes that’s best. For now. Imagine what would happen if patriots started coming out of the woodwork to defend their nation. I know many and they aren’t the sort to be fucked with. It would be a dangerous tipping point. But who knows if it won’t come to that in the end

9c2a81  No.7090915

File: 1e3fd8eac73371a⋯.png (430.48 KB, 633x870, 211:290, Travis60AMW 07182019-1817.PNG)

File: c9be5aba9e134f2⋯.jpg (51.63 KB, 780x544, 195:136, D_zQLePUcAIDNFg.jpg)

File: d82bbba5707e20f⋯.jpg (32.97 KB, 780x499, 780:499, D_zQLeOUEAAHyw2.jpg)

File: de595b4529d9cfe⋯.jpg (102.36 KB, 780x609, 260:203, D_zQLePVAAII3o8.jpg)


6a8ffc  No.7090916

File: ac441eca1558a72⋯.jpg (49.98 KB, 500x333, 500:333, IMG_0678.JPG)

1f276f  No.7090917

9b3b3b  No.7090918


With all due respect, you are mistaken.

You are basing your opinion upon a photo take on any given day under any random conditions.

That is why no other detail was included to distract you.

How can you guys wake up if you ignore what is obvious?

Q-Clearance would not post an image that an autist would not instantly be able to understand.

67ff11  No.7090919



c964bb  No.7090920

File: 37372d25b9e07c3⋯.png (340.19 KB, 500x715, 100:143, Messages Image(1891285795).png)

babea4  No.7090921



Member all the P controversy?

257c8f  No.7090922



Yes, Satan managed to unclog his ear using q-tips. 🤷‍♂️

d17f78  No.7090923

c87cb2  No.7090925

File: 59f0e5f40168a16⋯.png (32.64 KB, 1643x223, 1643:223, ClipboardImage.png)


4095df  No.7090926


I see a jacket sleeve with cuff buttons on it and a white shirt cuff coming out of it; perhaps the reflected subject's head is resting on his hand.

090159  No.7090927


Thanks for that.

Well, that's my little theory blown sky high.

Or perhaps not.

Was the Pope the puppet of Cardinal Pell? He controlled the money so…?

c54d66  No.7090928

The new labor secretary has an interesting background


Eugene Scalia is a partner in the Washington, D.C. office of Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher. He is Co-Chair of the Firm’s Administrative Law and Regulatory Practice Group and a member of its Labor and Employment Practice Group, which he co-chaired for twelve years. He is also a member of the Firm’s Appellate and Constitutional Law Practice Group and has served on its Executive Committee and its Partnership Evaluation Committee.

Mr. Scalia has a national practice handling a broad range of labor, employment, appellate, and regulatory matters. He previously served as Solicitor of the U.S. Department of Labor, the Department’s principal legal officer with responsibility for all Labor Department litigation and legal advice on rulemakings and administrative law.

>He also has served at the U.S. Department of Justice, as a Special Assistant to the Attorney General. His success bringing legal challenges to federal agency actions has been widely reported in the legal and popular press.

a59609  No.7090929

File: db87408d0feb9aa⋯.jpg (33.44 KB, 620x620, 1:1, halfbaked.jpg)


FUCK OFF ass kisser

BO/BV's are still shady as fuck. Just like you. BO can eat a dick for causing so many problems here

6a8ffc  No.7090930

File: f96ffc10352fbb3⋯.jpg (895.58 KB, 3264x2448, 4:3, IMG_0394.JPG)


ca6e91  No.7090932

File: 2a5aaee48872688⋯.jpg (71.7 KB, 960x540, 16:9, FeinsteinHusband.jpg)

File: 367be07215c9fbd⋯.jpg (113.25 KB, 915x911, 915:911, FeinsteinChinafornia.jpg)

No wonder Diane Feinstein's hubby Richard Blum made sure the Port of Long Beach got sold to the Chinese.

It's been sold again already, I believe.

Tons on this in the archives.

Gun running Long Beach customs agent had 41 machines guns stashed at home


A U.S. Customs and Border Protection watch commander at the Los Angeles/Long Beach Seaport has admitted running an illegal gun operation, authorities said.

Wei Xu, 56, of Santa Fe Springs, was arrested Feb. 5 after an investigation involving undercover officers to whom Xu sold three guns out of the trunk of his car, including an “off-roster” pistol, according to the U.S. attorney’s office.

He has been on unpaid administrative leave since his arrest and will be fired, according to Ciaran McEvoy, a spokesman for the U.S. attorney’s office.

In court Wednesday, Xu pleaded guilty to illegally selling guns on the internet, some of which he obtained by using his power as a law enforcement official, and to creating a fake company to avoid paying taxes, prosecutors said. He also pleaded guilty to illegally possessing unregistered firearms and making false statements to a federal agency about his involvement with a Chinese company to get a secret-level security clearance.


“Mr. Xu’s public life as a federal officer masked his private greed and disrespect for the law,” U.S. Atty. Nick Hanna said in a news release. “Public officials promise to act with integrity when they take an oath of office, and we will zealously prosecute those who mock the laws they have sworn to uphold.”

Prosecutors said that between the late 1990s and when he was arrested, Xu sold at least 99 guns without a license, some within days of buying them. Officials said he increased his profits by exploiting his status as a law enforcement officer to buy handguns that can’t be sold to the public by a federal licensed dealer.

When investigators searched Xu’s home in February, they found more than 250 weapons, including 41 machine guns and two short-barreled rifles. None was registered with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, officials said.

Investigators also learned that Xu, who began working at the port in 2004, was an accounts manager for a China-based auto parts import company. Prosecutors said he helped his business partners make a profit and earned a commission from his work.

But when filling out questionnaires in 2003, 2011 and 2015 for the Office of Personnel Management to obtain a secret-level security clearance, he denied having contacts with foreign nationals or a foreign financial interest, prosecutors said.

Xu also admitted that between 2005 and 2017, he set up a fake Florida-incorporated company called Trans Pacific Group Inc., which he used to claim business losses, offset his income and evade filing taxes to the Internal Revenue Service…

…Xu will be sentenced in January and faces a maximum sentence of 25 years in a federal prison. He remains in custody at the Metropolitan Detention Center in Los Angeles.

Backup sauce:


"The China Ocean Shipping Co., known as Cosco, recently offered to pay $14.5 million in annual rent and spend $200 million to renovate a portion of the Long Beach Naval Shipyard, which was closed by the U.S. military nearly three years ago.

Feinstein maintains that she had nothing to do with the plan, which was approved Monday by the Long Beach Harbor Commission. In fact, the Defense Department and the National Security Agency are now reviewing the arrangement at the request of Feinstein and Barbara Boxer, California's other senator…

Despite the recent furor over the Long Beach lease, Cosco has long been viewed as a valuable customer at ports up and down the West Coast, including San Francisco and Oakland. However the lease was questioned after it was reported that the FBI was investigating allegations that the Chinese had tried to influence U.S. elections. Cosco has also been viewed with suspicion since one of its ships was seized in Oakland last year with 2,000 contraband assault weapons allegedly headed for Los Angeles gangs."

FBI was investigating Chinese influence on our elections in 1997

ceeb40  No.7090933

What happened to governor Huckabees nose???

d18d0e  No.7090934


Auburn grey eyes

Brown hair brown eyes

Blonde hair brown eyes

No milkman

Old celtic family


83f43a  No.7090935

File: de8d19fdcb20d46⋯.jpg (159.32 KB, 897x563, 897:563, Screenshot 2019-07-18_21-3….jpg)


Geordie Geig

e3beba  No.7090936

Article I, Section 5 of the United States Constitution provides that "Each House [of Congress] may determine the Rules of its proceedings, punish its members for disorderly behavior, and, with the concurrence of two-thirds, expel a member." The processes for expulsion differ somewhat between the House of Representatives and the Senate.

Is it time yet??? Me thinks so

c946af  No.7090937

File: 426f283b1760edd⋯.png (213.19 KB, 800x533, 800:533, led.png)


It just might be an led fren.

ca1a78  No.7090938

File: cff2d658568d1a2⋯.png (2.69 MB, 1242x2688, 207:448, 57C5A107-E4E6-413D-92B6-11….png)

File: 7e887c9964cfdcd⋯.png (755.02 KB, 1242x2688, 207:448, 20EFEA6C-C04F-43AE-B8A6-82….png)

Post 449 McCabe

The hangman


b5c14a  No.7090939

File: 6e39940b67dbb9d⋯.jpg (8.21 KB, 275x183, 275:183, download.jpg)


Simple Prayer and Thoughts

1. Open the Door/Mind/Heart

2. Believe and confess Jesus died on the cross for our sins.

3. Believe and confess jesus rose from the dead.

have u been baptized?

have u also asked for the holly spirit?

You were, are and will always be, but where u will always be is dependent. God is above us, and we are the center of the universe. the firmament is the dome that separates him from us. and his throne sits even on top of that. 3 layers

>we dint goto the moon

>we can not goto mars.

>we can not leave earth.

>the north star will never move.

>magnetism is our gravity

>hell is a fiery lake... possible > sun, or is actually beneath us.

>everyone is in purgatory until the end. then GOD judges them and then u goto heaven/hell

>only thing here on earth are (You)/demons/angels

>planets/stars are the manifestation of GODS voice reverberating in the firmament. SONOLUMINESANCE

if u think its ur grandma it most likely a demon. Demons sit on ur shoulder and whisper in ur ear constantly, thus never cease praying, never.

'''Forgive me Father for i am a sinner, and ask u to come into my heart. I believe jesus died on the cross for my sins and rose from the dead.

-In Jesus Name Amen'''

1a2bee  No.7090940

Well I'm done with all this Q stuff, I thought it would help me be more spirited about the future of this country. But It's just not making sense to me. I hope to see you all in heaven some day… Remember in the end every knee shall bow.. and know who reigns on High!

ac2dee  No.7090941


Do you get the feeling that she photobombs and inserts herself into pics a lot? Like a trail of sorts

6a3fda  No.7090942


One would think it a generator would be more built into the construction, not in a shed THAT far away from the actual "living quarters."

If it's only to serve the temple, I would think a candle would cover that, no? Kek

3d58e3  No.7090943



One cannot be a "horse with blinkers on skeptic" and an awesome researcher at the same time…

Q is a test of a persons intelligence if it is anything and so many have failed miserably.

Excuse me while I help these shills slide with Payseur instead of muh joo and muh mason for a change…


Hey guys wait up!

P = whatever you want it to be because it is apparent that you cannot handle the truth! kek

aeb809  No.7090944

File: 3d6af8d7b347d23⋯.jpg (300.93 KB, 1032x630, 172:105, wenreallifebeatsthemovies ….jpg)



heres the newest one, too

6a8ffc  No.7090946

File: 2b6eb734fe675d2⋯.jpg (33.11 KB, 250x373, 250:373, IMG_0639.JPG)

c7d8ff  No.7090947

File: 6ef624699df52da⋯.jpg (128.5 KB, 680x850, 4:5, colorized-old-photos-26.jpg)


FastJack need take note!

This feels right this way.

Notice Increased participation.

Notice increased spirit.

Notice Increased camaraderie.

Notice Increased sharing.

Notice Increased speed and efficiency.

Notice Increased faith in the board.

Notice Increased lack of shill power.

Notice Increased ability of anons to forgive you.

Notice Increased ability of anons to share, without shills blocking us.

Notice Increased speed of the bread ( discourse).

Notice Increased self reliance.

Notice Increased confidence by anons.

Notice Increased love.

f8122c  No.7090948


Can't wait to see that nasty witch get her much deserved justice. Skank from the bowels of hell.

ad4eb7  No.7090949

File: dd112f8258de294⋯.jpg (253.59 KB, 1024x689, 1024:689, gettyimages-515564310-1024….jpg)

File: 22c9e27da159d54⋯.jpg (43.8 KB, 615x409, 615:409, PAY-Prince-Andrew-Ghislain….jpg)

File: 1150ecd54241463⋯.jpg (44.04 KB, 612x408, 3:2, Prince Charles and newspap….jpg)

File: bd5226ea15d5161⋯.jpg (145.91 KB, 1300x1023, 1300:1023, robert-maxwell-presenting-….jpg)

it's not just Andrew

edfb3f  No.7090950

File: 087f21ba6d888b8⋯.png (1.06 MB, 640x663, 640:663, shills.png)


can cake later

9b3b3b  No.7090951


Hiding the truth is the real threat.

886cfb  No.7090952

File: 432b84408e87878⋯.jpeg (1000.84 KB, 1600x1067, 1600:1067, 2376AC43-1F1D-4E21-90AA-9….jpeg)

I’m late to the game, but…


4095df  No.7090953


it's a big screen.

09750d  No.7090954

File: 4e7665d0d26c43b⋯.jpg (11.68 MB, 4032x5040, 4:5, Chuck_Schumer_official_pho….jpg)


He wears a different model in other photos.

257c8f  No.7090955


Why do (((JEW))) need to exist anyway? (((JEW))) don't need to exist just like Satan doesn't need his stuff like smartyphone, tablet, laptop, etc. 🤷‍♂️

And Satan has been considering buying a bike again recently which also he doesn't really need. 🤷‍♂️

2865a1  No.7090956

File: 35457077bce975f⋯.png (4.34 MB, 1125x2001, 375:667, 3C96D2FD-B9C2-4989-8842-31….png)

File: df7e0165c580175⋯.jpeg (10.18 KB, 156x202, 78:101, 570AA3F7-567A-446B-BC1B-6….jpeg)

File: 847cf58b64ace09⋯.jpeg (12.72 KB, 177x246, 59:82, 26B1612B-D58B-48B4-8029-2….jpeg)

File: 1f3e91d17effcdb⋯.jpeg (81.74 KB, 1200x865, 240:173, 751F705C-0BCA-43FB-9923-A….jpeg)

I tweaked the photos a bit to try to eek out some better clarity. Dunno if it did much.

228f49  No.7090957


Interesting. Thank you, anon. Will research more about it.

afdd0b  No.7090958

FFS Hannity stop calling Joe Biden "Uncle Joe" you fucking creep.

6c5b7b  No.7090959

File: d9b031a09e52d8c⋯.jpg (15.62 KB, 600x85, 120:17, IMG_20190718_203104.jpg)


Can it be?

6a3fda  No.7090960


Honestly, I see a sleeve with a cuff and cufflink…

9c2a81  No.7090961

File: 50bdca4d35ec6bc⋯.png (438.05 KB, 1573x902, 143:82, ADSB 07182019-1831.PNG)

Unusually quiet out West

4095df  No.7090962


never done, anon. cyberwarfare is the next battle.

6a8ffc  No.7090963

File: 9d4c611d0748e1a⋯.jpg (745.29 KB, 1536x1536, 1:1, IMG_0729.JPG)


8238c7  No.7090964

File: 0bbb55568c3ca45⋯.jpg (60.06 KB, 612x576, 17:16, gettyimages-184797978-612x….jpg)



alexis bonte, nicole junkermann, eva dichand and lorenzo fiaschi

ce947d  No.7090965

Oh man jack shit hyped up by Hannity as a bombshell my favorite thing

2ea56f  No.7090966


>Everyone that had their pic taken with her or Epstein are going to be suspected.

Suspected, yes.

But, context matters.

Was it at a charity or other event?

Photogs are all over those things asking to snap group pics of anyone standing together at any given moment.

People could meet for the 1st and only time and click you're forever enshrined together as BFFs.

e17028  No.7090967

File: f7217fb664976a6⋯.mp4 (426.23 KB, 1110x800, 111:80, R6lMw9M.mp4)


ya hya chouhada

21469a  No.7090968

File: 27d408efa2239ce⋯.jpeg (24.86 KB, 400x281, 400:281, 66713ECD-7DA9-4D0A-ABEC-D….jpeg)


Morphing into Kaiser Soze.

af1fc4  No.7090969



very funny cuz i got sum cake earlier and i couldn't wait to load it and smoke it

9cd403  No.7090970


reminds me the the show "To catch a thief"

75960d  No.7090971

File: 42b17986913eb79⋯.jpg (57.31 KB, 796x677, 796:677, 2019-07-18_213131.jpg)

why does (((Jerry Nadler))) triple-bracket his name on Twitter? Seems odd that he's pointing out the obvious, no?

d06d3d  No.7090972


Haha wonder if Q has a backup plan for a media /ourguy/ since everyone is sick of Hannity

353edf  No.7090973


LIKE THIS, one correction though, the two windows are actually probably just one since they are reflecting inwards.

52947f  No.7090974

File: 9ea485e9d607633⋯.jpg (93.01 KB, 500x712, 125:178, reservation.jpg)

File: 75aaa4ef8167d0b⋯.jpg (49.6 KB, 613x407, 613:407, Omad.jpg)

i support BDS. except for my Soda Stream.

Israel has hypnotized the world. Erasing history except for Central Europe from 1936 - 1945 is the new New Testament. a race is a religion is a country is a philosophy is an ideal is semitism, and it is sacred, chosen, and better than American. wtaf.

Gaza is not apartheid? once a decade, Israel bombs the shit out of the other tourist destinations on the eastern Mediterranean coast, as payback for 'rockets & tunnels'.

(((they))) take out hospitals, power generation and transmission infrastructure, and even sewage treatment plants. and we give them $3,000,000,000 / year as a reward.

JFK did not want Israel to have nukes. go figure.

257c8f  No.7090975


Ah yes, Satan bought a red digital + analog watch once on ebay. It was chinese but looked pretty kewl. 🤷‍♂️

9d32d7  No.7090976


It will, most likely. We're not going to defy natural law. The history of the world indicates that we are a nation that is on track to fail (not that others aren't worse off). We'll see.

e425c4  No.7090978


Sounds like an excellent candidate for Labor Secretary!

6a8ffc  No.7090979

File: 4cd794347dca8bd⋯.jpg (14.54 KB, 575x384, 575:384, IMG_0983.JPG)

File: cfff0907d5c1fb7⋯.jpg (85.37 KB, 634x553, 634:553, IMG_0994.JPG)

File: cf3fcfe4ba50ea8⋯.jpg (33.11 KB, 600x396, 50:33, IMG_0999.JPG)

deee1f  No.7090980

File: c8e29440284aeb5⋯.jpg (43.76 KB, 575x400, 23:16, 2tpsd0.jpg)



Q predicted this.

noice anon..kek

a24dd8  No.7090981


>>7090343 ==lb==

>>7090301 ==lb==

>As I've been saying, everybody is looking for deep mystery images when the blue recording led is clear on in the stalk of the watch.

>I so wish the other autists would return.

6a3fda  No.7090982


Don't forget she still gotta be sour grapes over her dad pissing away the family money.

She's SUPPOSE to be rich and in the "right circles."

960fec  No.7090983



the relection is odd as on a table and pointing to ceiling so how can you get what looks like a female with black pants, white shirt and blonde hair?

af1fc4  No.7090984


pretty sure they wuz falze teeth

c4ef97  No.7090985

File: 5b997093c6fc3be⋯.jpg (2.79 MB, 2799x1843, 2799:1843, 1563499480774.jpg)

Aga Khan is the current leader of the Ismaili sect. Heres some interesting sauce about the deception and initiation of the Assassins.

Pretty much same shit as the modern NWO Cabal.

09750d  No.7090986


Chuck is wearing a different brand of watch in other photos.

aeb809  No.7090987


only by retards not paying attention or suffering from tds

dac39f  No.7090988

File: 5d21aa053e976fe⋯.png (910.39 KB, 1000x665, 200:133, Palestine.png)

File: 799dcc6c9368dfb⋯.png (33.58 KB, 346x358, 173:179, 799dcc6c9368dfb82c1ae386fd….png)

08fb9d  No.7090989

>>7090768 "187 House Republicans" (?) have lost their moral compass.

baker notable

257c8f  No.7090990


(((JEW))) must have been like "Oh he selected the red one instead of the blue. Definitely Satan." 🤣🤣🤣

ca6e91  No.7090991

File: 13693068bc1269c⋯.jpg (40.03 KB, 312x475, 312:475, MaxwellRobert.jpg)


"Robert Maxwell", as renamed by British Intel (not his real name, was a Czech Jews) is as dirty as they come.

Read this.

I haven't read this book yet, but it looks damn juicy.


f57b32  No.7090992


Anybody ever follow the times shown on all the watch pix? It seems like it's advancing. But I'm a busy workfag, and may not be remembering properly. Maybe we're waiting for the watch/clock to strike midnight?

c964bb  No.7090993

This Week In Shocked:

ADL Chief Who Smeared Steve Bannon Directed Project at Soros-Funded Institute

TEL AVIV – Jonathan Greenblatt, the National Director and CEO of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), previously directed an initiative at a George Soros-financed, far-left institute, and he worked for the Obama administration just prior to joining the ADL.

Greenblatt last week stirred controversy by baselessly smearing Steve Bannon for associations with anti-Semites. Those charges collapsed after Jewish leaders and Breitbart employees described Bannon as staunchly pro-Israel and a fighter of anti-Semitism, with the ADL itself conceding on Thursday that it is “not aware of any anti-Semitic statements made by Bannon himself.”

Bannon, Breitbart’s former executive chairman, was named by President-elect Donald Trump last week as chief strategist of the new White House administration.

Greenblatt in November 2014 was appointed head of the ADL, coming straight from the Obama administration, where he served as Director of the White House Office of Social Innovation and Civic Participation.


20a117  No.7090994

How many “at birth” abortions are running our government and starring in Hollywood blockbusters?

d8ed51  No.7090995

File: 60881a58d56b052⋯.jpg (43.07 KB, 408x431, 408:431, 1562027015691.jpg)


Who do you think anon?

80d88a  No.7090996



and also

shes got no flow

this is the left trying to meme in rhyme form lol

2fc6ae  No.7090997

File: 4588e5625d9aaa1⋯.jpg (24.74 KB, 628x502, 314:251, 2 or 3 people on the edge ….jpg)


Patriot Anon

I looks like maybe 2 or 3 people on the edge of the watch

5b4f79  No.7090998


Remember, Q said, THESE PEOPLE ARE STUPID and by "these people," Q meant (((them))), not me.

I say it's dried blood for all the reasons cited in my previous posts.

I'm sure Q will reveal the answer at some point in the future.

It's a distinct possibility and Q told us to explore it, so I did.

I'm so confident that it's dried blood that I won't even hold all of your cruel insults against me when we all meet at the picnic. I'll forgive you faggots because I love you.

a313f9  No.7090999


Yeah, I don't think there is enough pixel data to extract anything useful.

Wild goosechase.

086073  No.7091000

File: bdb768b8665bdda⋯.png (3 MB, 1594x1554, 797:777, Screen Shot 2019-07-18 at ….png)

Look at the pipe coming straight out the side of hill into shed. I think that pipe would lead directly under temple

be4bd7  No.7091001


Old bread


WWG1 ? inner strap?

df512b  No.7091002

File: 9e1c821ec1276fa⋯.png (542.31 KB, 943x672, 943:672, ClipboardImage.png)



8238c7  No.7091003

File: e8de4a149f0df85⋯.jpg (430.64 KB, 805x4372, 805:4372, FireShot Capture 292 - Ale….jpg)


Alexis Bonte's Linked in acct.

Alexis Bonte

3rd degree connection3rd

Alexis has a premium accountClick to upgrade to Premium

Group COO Stillfront Group, Co-Founder & CEO eRepublik Labs (part of Stillfront Group), Venture Partner Atomico

c41c57  No.7091004



ca61d0  No.7091005


The sheer mental gymnastics going on here is unbelievable.

edfb3f  No.7091006

File: 13574617360a37e⋯.png (23.5 KB, 340x401, 340:401, ClipboardImage.png)

6a3fda  No.7091007


With you on the sleeves, cuff, and cufflink.

The dark thing reminds me of carved woodwork in the background.

6a8ffc  No.7091008

File: 076e9e369dc5773⋯.jpg (2.23 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, IMG_0523.JPG)


88d073  No.7091009

File: f4afff2554b38ec⋯.jpg (658.19 KB, 3244x1125, 3244:1125, g4gf88figjoe865ivvb5b8trk.jpg)

File: fc85248cbdef1a1⋯.jpg (664.02 KB, 3244x1125, 3244:1125, g4gf88figjoe865ivvb5b8trkm….jpg)


72afa1  No.7091010


Don’t quit before the miracle

2865a1  No.7091011


It’s probably sitting on a low table and the person is standing to the side looming over the watch slightly.

ce947d  No.7091012


Electric Shock Torture?

aeb809  No.7091013

File: 49c66487501b818⋯.jpg (90.47 KB, 951x840, 317:280, PEPEuhhhhwhat.jpg)


dont they know we can read their comms? ho le fk these people are stupid.


157a81  No.7091014


Looks like maybe a she…

ac2dee  No.7091015


Probably. I know this much….people are pissed and have had it. Support for trump is growing and their tolerance has worn thin for the subversives

ca6e91  No.7091016


AND she's under obligation to UK intelligence (basically aristocracy)

"Robert" left his kids in a crushing amount of debt because of his hubris

My theory is that they're running Ghislaine along with Mossad.

2-for-1 blackmail deal.

57b5eb  No.7091017


Baker Notable

Anon’s entertaining theory on hidden camera in the watch.

b499fd  No.7091018

File: 33312034016f607⋯.png (1.67 MB, 1252x1111, 1252:1111, Madame-Pepedour.png)

9aa58c  No.7091019

File: afc8bf048a4a44b⋯.jpg (403.04 KB, 722x998, 361:499, MEME2019-07-18-09-31-05.jpg)

If Kim Kardashian speaks out as a victim of the Hollywood Pedo System it becomes a day everyone is awake. Everyone becomes united in the fight to shutdown the system. This would explain why Kanye West is backing Trump so hard even though his best friend is Jay-Z who is a king to the Illuminati. He is supporting the man who can stop the system that has hurt his wife.

c25297  No.7091020


Is that Ghizzy?

38bd96  No.7091021

File: a65f5eda83ee7a5⋯.jpeg (24.77 KB, 233x609, 233:609, A6BB2929-B3CD-4679-91D6-B….jpeg)


>>7089928 Pb

This thread is very notable to tomorrow the 19th

Everyone needs to read


da022b  No.7091022

File: 505efdc2af1514f⋯.png (4.81 MB, 2290x1322, 1145:661, ClipboardImage.png)

>>7090456 lb

>>7090226 lb



aeb809  No.7091023


for the pea sizd brain in the back, waytre u sayn anon? (me)

c2836e  No.7091025

File: 390d6bb89eb0c2c⋯.jpg (53.05 KB, 500x547, 500:547, Nadler Jew.jpg)


He just wants people to know that fat ugly fucks like "suck the Nads" Nadler are Jewish and they hate Trump and his "mob"

cause they are pedophiles.

8a123e  No.7091026


pineapple cookies tomorrow

af1fc4  No.7091027


oregon budz oregon gone gone

8ae4a2  No.7091028


he was deceived, they told him germany would be allowed to rule

9d32d7  No.7091029



f545a9  No.7091030


Breads and breads of it.

52947f  No.7091031

File: 07a3b741edd7f10⋯.jpg (76.49 KB, 800x588, 200:147, Palestinian-loss-of-land-1….jpg)


so Balfour was pointless? the motel bombings?


bfd2ba  No.7091032

File: a510fb25c7768d2⋯.jpg (28.71 KB, 307x387, 307:387, a510fb25c7768d2226baf8f579….jpg)

353edf  No.7091033

Any connections to these watches?


b499fd  No.7091034

File: 11a607677975293⋯.jpg (27.38 KB, 800x534, 400:267, mcnt.jpg)

233b38  No.7091035



Z codes: http://www.kloth.net/radio/zcodes.php

c964bb  No.7091036


if you type 925 into the qanon.pub there're 19 results

3092f3  No.7091037

File: 6b9f0e5b48b22f0⋯.png (2.28 MB, 1350x1303, 1350:1303, trumpandthefauxfoursqaudTF….png)

Updated, correction made.

960fec  No.7091038


the key is probably more simple 4:49 on the 19th.

8e5620  No.7091039


One of the "donors" name was Schoel.. (spelling) but reference to the islands!

9e0293  No.7091040

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



I'm not a big George Webb fag but he mentions "Evergreen Airlines" and Diplomatic Passports with the island as a smuggling hub?

who knows?

Also in the video here:


Reporter says "one of Epstein's islands..." twice during the report.

I don't recall anything mentioned anywhere about a second island

240b7a  No.7091041

File: b3375190db39880⋯.png (253.61 KB, 1776x1152, 37:24, hrc.png)

File: fdaa36774c8795f⋯.png (370.35 KB, 1996x1134, 998:567, tap.png)


Hm guess so

8238c7  No.7091042

File: 55dab4e38963f19⋯.jpg (264.42 KB, 810x2987, 810:2987, FireShot Capture 293 - Nic….jpg)


nicole junkermann's Linkedin acct.

c964bb  No.7091043



6a8ffc  No.7091044

File: dd0c59d912d47cc⋯.jpg (82.35 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, IMG_1033.JPG)

c87cb2  No.7091045

File: c7b66b98e89490e⋯.png (78.21 KB, 350x483, 50:69, seensomeshit.png)


It's OK, Anon.

Deep Dive Critical Thinking isn't for everyone.

My father is woke AF and even he doesn't see what I see with this whole Q thing.

b4de14  No.7091046


Nice band-aide there Tony

These people are stuuupid

b499fd  No.7091047

File: dc043972e60a85b⋯.png (975.02 KB, 962x805, 962:805, GWB911.png)

File: 67608556e5d783a⋯.png (963.05 KB, 1035x692, 1035:692, Justiceiscoming .png)

File: 1c3fed251a74511⋯.png (1.66 MB, 1289x911, 1289:911, JusticeIsComing.png)

e38559  No.7091048

File: 7fbf9131c003f43⋯.png (975.59 KB, 1200x1442, 600:721, Something BIG is about to ….png)

You guys like 1 year deltas?

ac2dee  No.7091049


Someone holding a phone to their ear? I see cuffs

Fuck…it’s just like the island cam person

bfd2ba  No.7091050


Q is months ahead of the MSM.

George Webb is YEARS ahead of Q.

257c8f  No.7091051


It was somewhat similar to this - https://www.ebay.com/itm/SKMEI-Mens-Digital-Analog-Waterproof-Sport-Solar-Power-Dual-Time-Wrist-Watch/233228250889


21469a  No.7091052


I ain’t goin to Heaven.

To much singing and harps.

F’ that!

926f54  No.7091053


16:49 = 5:5 on 19

df512b  No.7091054

File: b56386ce67b132c⋯.gif (2.24 MB, 330x166, 165:83, 1563329642782.gif)


knees bend not bow. leta

086073  No.7091055


I'm asking where does that lead to? Is it under ground chambers?

d06d3d  No.7091056


>about a second island


b499fd  No.7091057

File: 1110d3a78e31ab9⋯.jpg (1005.84 KB, 782x1111, 782:1111, leclaircestmoi.jpg)

6a8ffc  No.7091058



b499fd  No.7091059

File: 33199a152d603fd⋯.png (171.84 KB, 649x365, 649:365, hjhimmy.png)

3d8d68  No.7091060

File: fbdec8e2758250c⋯.png (743 B, 86x27, 86:27, ClipboardImage.png)


Phone extended looks like blonde hair.

no disrespect for npc lines

960fec  No.7091061


Maybe that is the reporter that will break a story at that time.

3f56bd  No.7091062

File: 349c45076b48fcc⋯.png (479.33 KB, 709x515, 709:515, QSENTME3.PNG)


It's POTUS,JFK jr and Elvis all laughing at the changing of the old guard. Kek

9dd5dc  No.7091063


>I never throw the baby out with the bath water anon

You might actually like those books then

And if anyone else was actually paying attention, like the ones posting photos of statutes & suns, they probably would, too.

>few other essential elements

a lot actually

I just ignore the idiocracy, really no other way.

2b0b72  No.7091064


There are a lot of code violations there.

d8ed51  No.7091065

File: 18c540ef0698d99⋯.png (524.82 KB, 858x621, 286:207, ClipboardImage.png)



You're onto something anon


First few seconds.

257c8f  No.7091066

File: 9f88433c81f93d4⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1050x1050, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

c946af  No.7091067

File: 65aa4117a6b0221⋯.jpg (87.16 KB, 1080x675, 8:5, thecursedisland.jpg)

9b3b3b  No.7091068


Thank You..!!

I am not a nameFag or attention Fag…

All I wanted was other Anons to consider the possibilities.

Where we go One, We Go All.

Let's find the truth (or what may be truth) and share it and let the hive decide.

f545a9  No.7091069


You could've done it too, should you search qresear.ch for Evergreen Airlines.

ce947d  No.7091070



One hour later 187 on WAPO



Another hour later, HRC says time to fight - radicalizing their sleeper cells finally for assassination?

e58f7d  No.7091071

File: a739e3619a06937⋯.png (268.92 KB, 1100x723, 1100:723, ClipboardImage.png)


Angle you say?

3d8d68  No.7091072

File: 2396dee3471d624⋯.png (73.03 KB, 255x214, 255:214, watch.png)

d6b2d9  No.7091073

File: 19e284b31e015fd⋯.jpg (5.98 MB, 5773x3849, 5773:3849, 48 star flag 18JUL19.jpg)

File: afd7336947a45d3⋯.jpg (2.31 MB, 3500x2333, 3500:2333, pouts 48 str flag 18JUL19.jpg)

File: 02ed8759c9da50f⋯.png (2.22 MB, 1861x696, 1861:696, WH Flag header.PNG)

File: 2035c7f5d6c8007⋯.png (129.31 KB, 497x910, 71:130, WH flag text red.png)

File: 4bfa66c951ef038⋯.png (96.22 KB, 510x935, 6:11, WH flag text2.PNG)

excerpt and photos

POTUS remarks at a Flag Presentation Ceremony

Last month, Melania and I traveled to the United Kingdom and France to commemorate the 75th Anniversary of D-Day. Together, we paid tribute to every courageous patriot who fought to liberate Europe from the evil of Nazi rule.

Today, on behalf of the American people, I will receive an American flag that flew aboard a ship carrying the first waves of United States service members to land in Normandy. Seventy-five years after that momentous day – and that is truly a momentous day; one of the most powerful, most important days in the history of our world – it is my honor to welcome this great American flag back home where it belongs.

I want to thank the Prime Minister, as well as U.S. Ambassador Peter Hoekstra. Pete, thank you. Thank you very much, Peter. You’re doing a great job. And Dutch Ambassador Hendrik Schuwer, for being here today and for their devoted efforts to deepen the abiding ties between the United States and the Netherlands. Our relationship has never been closer than it is today.

We are also profoundly moved to be joined by several incredible World War Two veterans who helped defeat the Nazis and save freedom for all humanity.


b499fd  No.7091074

File: a632e0627920a14⋯.png (1.57 MB, 1111x910, 1111:910, WAT.png)

File: 762d7f6a669dd74⋯.png (279.52 KB, 396x514, 198:257, DUHLISH.png)

File: ca75311b40cd35b⋯.png (917.53 KB, 2972x646, 1486:323, oopskarl.png)



I actually followed him for like, a year.

9b21a8  No.7091075

File: 41d78f7d1bd6f43⋯.png (79.48 KB, 361x296, 361:296, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2fedf9971be7d4d⋯.png (937.48 KB, 635x662, 635:662, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8dd354eb17e1a92⋯.png (1.43 MB, 694x950, 347:475, ClipboardImage.png)

Symbolism will be their downfall

dac39f  No.7091076


according to bill cooper and many sources, the catholic church was a direct follow up to the roman empire, it was the same cult under a different disguise. The esoteric remained the same while the exoteric (what is projected to the sheep) changed.

The templars (who also learned the cult like ancient mysteries in the middle east) were the first international bankers and they became a threat to the monarchs and the church. So the pope and the french king declared them heretics, and killed the order with many leaders.

There are evidences to suggest that the remaining templars organized the first masonic orders underground and vowed to take revenge on the church and the kings.

somewhere along the line, the rothschilds became an international banking empire, buying out the vatican via a loan in the early 19th century.

Payseur allegedly is of french royal blood, and the patriarch of the family Daniel reached the shores of south Carolina in the late 18th century and was adopted by the payseurs. His descendant were able to buy a lot of US infrastructure and put proxies to mange it for them officially.

This is my take on some of the events. Many pieces are missing and not everything is 100% certain.

Google "Daniel Payseur" for more dig material.

6a8ffc  No.7091077

File: 822c84168eaf248⋯.jpg (75.23 KB, 1080x1174, 540:587, IMG_4228.JPG)

File: 2016fc1a8a0c8e9⋯.jpg (225.34 KB, 854x1070, 427:535, IMG_4229.JPG)

File: f2cfe1d0412e432⋯.jpg (132.31 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, IMG_4236.JPG)

File: d4203fb6217b072⋯.png (180.13 KB, 375x523, 375:523, IMG_4237.PNG)


ca6e91  No.7091079


Saddest thing FBIanon ever posted was "Average age of any empire is about 250 years. They all end the same way."

I don't know what kind of Herculean effort it's going to take to break that pattern.

I think we have to try, though.

f545a9  No.7091080


Oh please sweet Jesus. Anon needs this.

1247cd  No.7091081


Just a bunch of hetero types.

Blue eyes cannot mate with blue eyes and have brown eyes children.

Same with two blonds. They cannot have brown haired children.

c964bb  No.7091082

This Week In All Religious Animosity Is A Slide:

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: ff7ea4 No.614954 📁

Mar 10 2018 14:49:25 (EST)

This is not about religions or party affiliation.

EVIL is everywhere.

There are no drawn lines.

No boundaries.

Good vs Evil.


ad4eb7  No.7091083

File: 806ac07659d79d0⋯.gif (128.13 KB, 350x500, 7:10, Koo with Dalai Lama.gif)

File: 6bb919e63f47c4e⋯.png (901.35 KB, 940x627, 940:627, Prince Andrew & Koo Stark.png)

File: 14cf58ac0fa900a⋯.jpg (53.85 KB, 615x409, 615:409, Main-KooStark.jpg)

who is Koo Stark?

6a8ffc  No.7091084

File: 65686f307473271⋯.jpg (60.51 KB, 640x640, 1:1, IMG_0154.JPG)

257c8f  No.7091085


Do the swiss (((JEWS))) make watches like these? 🤔🤣🤷‍♂️

8238c7  No.7091086


Eva dichand and lorenzo fiaschi don't have linked in accounts that I could find Baker.

I'll look into Nicole and Alexis' stuff now

01b1b4  No.7091087

File: 0234ef165341342⋯.mp4 (8.15 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1328.mp4)


e425c4  No.7091088


Interesting double meaning for WWG1WGA….sinister context for the pedos

24cfb8  No.7091089

File: fd5680c3b2cbfd3⋯.jpeg (334.62 KB, 1242x2688, 207:448, E2FBD62E-3325-46A1-AA27-8….jpeg)

File: 3c54e8565860e64⋯.png (1.51 MB, 1242x2688, 207:448, 6B13C8D4-1461-49B6-8692-7E….png)

File: 2eb32dbe20ce659⋯.jpeg (385.71 KB, 1242x2688, 207:448, DC37F038-46F3-4DA2-B6D0-9….jpeg)

File: 2f84df018b62cbf⋯.png (2.19 MB, 1242x2688, 207:448, 10FD38A1-7234-4E33-AEAE-16….png)

File: 7e477fab3084356⋯.png (1.58 MB, 1242x2688, 207:448, 4B2E6715-B475-49FD-9B57-52….png)

I thought some of these, this day in history were prophetic and others very interesting July 18. Got Thisbe idea fur Anon that posted July 19th last thread

5fc439  No.7091090


Exodus 14:10-14

aeb809  No.7091091

File: 76464c7d00f9caf⋯.jpg (66.94 KB, 618x397, 618:397, youcnthandlethetruff.jpg)


bo still compd. only complied w Q to keep the 'power' ((they))) believe is associated w bo? I was about to ask if real bakers are being allowed to bake again, v curious imo..

8e53dd  No.7091092

File: 93876644caca8a4⋯.png (769.75 KB, 868x1386, 62:99, cftomcc.png)

Is there any credibility to reports that the NYC blackout was caused by an EMP?

Clinton Foundation - 1633 Broadway 5th Floor New York, NY 10019 212-397-2255

Right in the heart of it…

Allegedly, Epstein is being held at:

MCC New York

Metropolitan Correctional Center

150 Park Row

New York, NY 10007

~4 miles south of the affected area.

b5c14a  No.7091093

dude i tell ya what, we are about 30% growth tonight

usually its 150 pepes on board

rn 200 UIDs kek

d22f4b  No.7091094

What chances the Q plan was created by an advanced intelligent system/extreme AI to rule out evil and corruption ?

5e18db  No.7091095


Conduit, shielding for power.

12e14d  No.7091096

Why are all the DS/cabal either Jewish or controlled by Jewish people in the back ground?

6a8ffc  No.7091097

File: d4bf143ec4e2c7d⋯.jpg (30.92 KB, 337x450, 337:450, IMG_0254.JPG)



ca6e91  No.7091098


His podcasts can be a little hard to listen to

Still, fascinating coverage of the Awan happening, and things at the Navy yard.

So much corruption to clean up. So much.

c7d8ff  No.7091099

File: 39c03ed16f71956⋯.jpg (303.47 KB, 748x500, 187:125, FF23487.jpg)


>Q is a test of a persons intelligence

Funny you say that. I always have said.

>The Bible is a test of a persons intelligence.

Kinda like a test, one way or another here.

dac39f  No.7091100


Kathleen Norris Stark (born April 26, 1956), better known as Koo Stark, is an American photographer and actress, known for her relationship with Prince Andrew.

As a photographer, she continues to hold solo exhibitions. She is also a patron of the Julia Margaret Cameron Trust.

2b0b72  No.7091101

Sub Panel is on the other side of that wall.


df512b  No.7091102

File: 0167222d2c24b14⋯.jpg (95.16 KB, 640x410, 64:41, IAA2198.jpg)

File: 583243e0d9dfb15⋯.jpg (155.84 KB, 1200x918, 200:153, IAA104235.jpg)

File: c31ec9b360d7b75⋯.jpg (229.52 KB, 1200x916, 300:229, IAA104236.jpg)

dde861  No.7091103

File: 37e05770792a977⋯.jpg (65.64 KB, 612x408, 3:2, shake shack bod 071819 1.jpg)

File: 37c4dc3131eebfe⋯.png (1.09 MB, 723x509, 723:509, swamp creature.PNG)

File: 9866455014d6fef⋯.jpg (59.9 KB, 993x520, 993:520, predators ball.jpg)

Shake Shack Director sold $7.42m in shares-July 18-19

Jonathan D. Sokoloff has served on the Board of Directors of Shake Shack since December 2012.

Mr. Sokoloff is currently a Managing Partner with LGP, which he joined in 1990.

Before joining LGP, he was a Managing Director in Investment Banking at Drexel Burnham Lambert since 1985.

Mr. Sokoloff serves as a member of the board of directors of the parent holding companies of Advantage Solutions

and Jetro Cash & Carry and serves as a member of the board of directors of The Container Store, USHG, J.Crew, Jo-Ann Stores,

Signet Jewelers Limited and Top Shop/Top Man Limited. He is a trustee of his alma mater, Williams College, as well as a trustee of the Los Angeles County Museum of Art

and a director of the Melanoma Research Alliance. Mr. Sokoloff brings to his service on our Board of Directors particular knowledge and experience in finance,

and his broad-based experience in the leadership of retail businesses and the board practices of other major corporations.



Drexel, 25 Years After Its Collapse, Only Helps a Résumé

Edwin Kantor, the onetime head of trading at Drexel Burnham Lambert, told The New York Times in 1995, “People used to be afraid to put Drexel on their résumé.”

“Now they want it to be there.”

Today, 25 years after Drexel collapsed, alumni of the investment bank occupy some of the most powerful positions in finance. An association with Drexel, which filed for bankruptcy on Feb. 13, 1990, is now worn as a badge of pride.

It was not always so. The firm, which became a powerhouse by pioneering the market for junk bonds in the 1980s, admitted to six felony counts in 1988. Its head of junk bonds, Michael R. Milken,

who had been caught up in a sweeping insider trading scandal, pleaded guilty to securities fraud in 1990, paid $600 million in fines and restitution and spent two years in prison.

But the misdeeds of Mr. Milken have not tainted his colleagues. Even Mr. Milken has gone a long way toward reinventing his image. Young traders and bankers at Drexel were seen as risk-loving and talented.

A number went on to start or run successful firms like Apollo Global Management and the Jefferies Group.

“When I travel, the minute I mention Drexel, the meeting stops and people want to know what it was all about, what was Drexel like,” Mr. Kantor told The Times 20 years ago.

Below is a look at some of the Drexel alumni and where they ended up.

Leon D. Black, the former head of mergers and acquisitions at Drexel, co-founded Apollo in 1990 with two colleagues from Drexel, Joshua Harris and Marc Rowan.

Today, Apollo is one of the giants of private equity and credit investing, with nearly $160 billion in assets under management, and the three founders are billionaires.

Richard B. Handler, who was a 28-year-old trader at Drexel when the firm went under, is now the chief executive of the investment bank Jefferies and of its parent company, the Leucadia National Corporation.

Working at Drexel “showed you the sky was the limit,” Mr. Handler told The Times in 2005.

Jonathan D. Sokoloff, John G. Danhakl and Peter J. Nolan, three young corporate finance executives at Drexel, reunited at the private equity firm Leonard Green & Partners,

which has made successful bets on companies like Whole Foods and Shake Shack.

Kenneth D. Moelis, a former Drexel managing director, became the president of the investment bank at UBS before founding his own investment bank, Moelis & Company, which last year had its initial public offering.

Antony P. Ressler, a former senior vice president at Drexel, worked with Mr. Black at Apollo before co-founding Ares Management, a private equity and debt investing firm that also went public last year.

Mr. Milken, once known as the king of junk bonds, has experienced a remarkable rehabilitation of his image.

He is known today for his contributions to medical research and for the annual ideas conference that his Milken Institute sponsors in Los Angeles. He received a lifetime ban from the securities industry as a result of his guilty plea.


Leonard Green & Partners, L.P. (“LGP”)


aeb809  No.7091104


you underestimate Q, ppl can be smart too!

257c8f  No.7091105

File: 5bdd71d299ab006⋯.png (579.06 KB, 500x500, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

Ah, here we go. The exact watch that Satan bought. 🤷‍♂️


Enjoy. 🤷‍♂️

dac39f  No.7091106

File: 98694368e8ace0c⋯.png (339.02 KB, 1400x818, 700:409, cc100030818a233a72ca24aa09….png)

File: 37f812692361e38⋯.jpg (51.95 KB, 670x525, 134:105, 37f812692361e38529ba506c8f….jpg)

792a8e  No.7091107

File: 25ee52b19d6abe2⋯.jpeg (7.87 KB, 337x59, 337:59, 9AAF1562-31EE-4D06-8E6C-4….jpeg)

File: 98afae240f41e15⋯.jpeg (373.31 KB, 1668x2224, 3:4, 59BF480A-9EDF-453C-A15C-6….jpeg)

File: 0066c05ecee5276⋯.jpeg (452.14 KB, 1668x2224, 3:4, 9208E357-1E62-4689-9899-4….jpeg)

File: cd497edfdc07780⋯.jpeg (620.21 KB, 1668x2224, 3:4, 71A5AA37-5262-4974-843C-E….jpeg)

File: 540355413f1f4ed⋯.png (11.03 MB, 1668x2224, 3:4, FC6C69CC-AA55-4A20-AC7F-C2….png)


I thought the same. Initially, thinking 7/19/13 would align with Bill Maher, he didn’t wear that kind of watch in 2013 (only presuming it aligns with 2013) and it does match the date of his repugnant statement about Catholic Priests. However, Bill Clinton did wear a similar watch then.

960fec  No.7091108


Impossible - an EMP completely ruins the electronic equipment and it will never work again

bea64f  No.7091109


You really think they’d put a visible LED in a secret recording device?

f545a9  No.7091110


Every prince needs a handler.

See also Charles and Camila.

24cfb8  No.7091111

File: f7f8927499021d2⋯.png (1.9 MB, 1242x2688, 207:448, 735FE5A6-F412-42D7-B104-EA….png)

File: fdef5db9d96def6⋯.png (1.82 MB, 1242x2688, 207:448, D6EF8923-3FF0-4205-83C0-4D….png)

File: 40953e38c610a66⋯.png (1.79 MB, 1242x2688, 207:448, 579EB74B-843A-403D-A3AE-B9….png)

File: 9d3ed5b35022288⋯.png (2.61 MB, 1242x2688, 207:448, DEB1623E-5D17-46AA-A919-F1….png)

File: 4cfa1c7c4f3c1ae⋯.png (2.1 MB, 1242x2688, 207:448, 451329DE-FDD1-43D4-AE70-6C….png)


More this day in history July 18

aeb809  No.7091112

File: 4d50b5cfcf3bb69⋯.jpg (46.29 KB, 800x771, 800:771, MADMANitsalive.jpg)

6a8ffc  No.7091113

File: f9e3e1f83ed6e59⋯.jpg (149.55 KB, 1118x714, 559:357, IMG_0435.JPG)


b499fd  No.7091114

File: 43b2ff314eeb7ca⋯.png (321.22 KB, 505x444, 505:444, biden91.png)

b5c14a  No.7091115

File: 413b90c74c4e39e⋯.png (9.75 KB, 170x255, 2:3, nothing-ucando.png)

36ac01  No.7091116

Trump to nominate son of late Justice Antonin Scalia for Labor secretary

By Nikki Schwab

July 18, 2019 | 7:35pm | Updated


President Trump said Thursday that he plans to nominate the son of late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia to be the next Labor secretary.

Trump said on Twitter that he will tap Eugene Scalia — a partner at the law firm Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher — to take over at the Department of Labor after the departure of former Secretary Alexander Acosta.

“I am pleased to announce that it is my intention to nominate Gene Scalia as the new Secretary of Labor,” he wrote.

“Gene has led a life of great success in the legal and labor field and is highly respected not only as a lawyer, but as a lawyer with great experience working with labor and everyone else.”

Scalia has previously served as solicitor at the Department of Labor and at the Department of Justice, as a special assistant to the Attorney General.

Trump added that Scalia “will be a great member” of the administration.

Acosta was forced to resign as Labor secretary last week amid criticism of his handling of a sex trafficking case in Florida involving Jeffrey Epstein.

a24dd8  No.7091117


You are welcome..did another anon steal your theory or was that you too?

21469a  No.7091118

File: c298203ffd8c6f8⋯.jpeg (78.27 KB, 634x707, 634:707, B216AB41-08D6-48AD-BFCD-A….jpeg)


And that, children, is why Friday the 13th is considered unlucky.

af1fc4  No.7091119

wut does evergreen mean FOR you and ME







ea0b37  No.7091120

They’ll all see until then I’ll just sit quietly and not say a word that’s my motto for this

086073  No.7091121

File: 736d1b3b252248a⋯.png (8.82 MB, 3320x2032, 415:254, Screen Shot 2019-07-18 at ….png)



possibly related to the recently trenched area near temple. Q said tunnels filled in.

c2836e  No.7091122

File: 24fda832a9e7fe7⋯.png (72.29 KB, 886x500, 443:250, JewSuck.PNG)

9b21a8  No.7091123

File: b0de837d0d05def⋯.png (51.46 KB, 500x500, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 20a42bfe9d9b34d⋯.png (1.3 MB, 682x904, 341:452, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 02312ce7e1ddc47⋯.png (1.02 MB, 941x572, 941:572, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b0d7977e4b989d6⋯.png (112.93 KB, 272x253, 272:253, ClipboardImage.png)


They all work together. The grand "illusion"

e425c4  No.7091124


>What chances the Q plan was created by an advanced intelligent system/extreme AI to rule out evil and corruption ?

Data analytics to root out the evil and corruption

ac2dee  No.7091125


Agree. We owe it to our ancestors

b499fd  No.7091126

File: 0506126256c06a5⋯.png (184.34 KB, 256x517, 256:517, biden113.png)

File: 380a582b85b2f48⋯.png (243.47 KB, 333x737, 333:737, biden112.png)

File: 0bb31ec7beea468⋯.png (153.87 KB, 252x444, 21:37, biden92.png)

File: e45ce32462afbd8⋯.png (208.65 KB, 432x588, 36:49, SCVRIDEN.png)

c964bb  No.7091127

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

735ec6  No.7091129

Anyone having trouble uploading graphics?

6a8ffc  No.7091131

File: b6382fb54515f1a⋯.jpg (245.9 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, IMG_0901.JPG)

24cfb8  No.7091132

File: 7821ba401f810e2⋯.png (1004.14 KB, 1242x2688, 207:448, 228AE274-563C-466D-A134-D7….png)

File: 2f84df018b62cbf⋯.png (2.19 MB, 1242x2688, 207:448, 38B8BAE7-CDF8-419D-B525-68….png)

File: 46942f10730aec5⋯.png (2 MB, 1242x2688, 207:448, A8AAFCD3-2B75-4E23-884F-D9….png)

File: c2236dca2a5e234⋯.png (1.84 MB, 1242x2688, 207:448, F930A00F-2B80-4E87-BFCA-7E….png)


A couple of more this day in history.

414516  No.7091133

I'm looking hard at the watch, and I'm not seeing what Q wants us to see..

84254d  No.7091134


Only because that Mossad faggot probably has a bunker on Epstein’s island

12e14d  No.7091135



b5c14a  No.7091136

“It’s Going to Be Staggering, the Amount of Names”: As the Jeffrey Epstein Case Grows More Grotesque, Manhattan and DC Brace for Impact

The disgraced financier “collected people,” said a source. Could some of them be implicated in his crimes? Meanwhile, Alan Dershowitz (“He’s a bad person”) and David Boies (“He’s a liar”) are already at war over the case.

>ths part David Boies (“He’s a liar”)

6c5b7b  No.7091137

File: 5248e4177940cdc⋯.jpeg (338.73 KB, 1440x1114, 720:557, 1553256475.jpeg)

3d58e3  No.7091138


many many…

when you can critique cooper and the others and know what even they are missing, you will have arrived.

8e5620  No.7091139

File: 98ced80abf80f57⋯.jpg (375.82 KB, 1079x1116, 1079:1116, Screenshot_20190718-204347….jpg)


POTUS pronounced him Shol, ambassador pronounced him Skol

db25a0  No.7091140












b4fbf4  No.7091141


Wrong. If you choose not to research something and ignore it you don’t learn by osmosis. Our challenge is to educate folks like him - otherwise intelligent people indifferent to what thousands of us have been doing these nearly two years. And your dense knuckle head comment affirms my point

c87cb2  No.7091142


The time.

POTUS signed something.

aeb809  No.7091143


ya MOS disinfo campaigns tend to run that way fren

7ac467  No.7091144

If the time on the watch is 4:50 PM then it is

17:49 Mil time. The 17 would be Q but what about the 50? I can understand if it was 17:45


If it's 4:50 AM then It's 45

d22f4b  No.7091146


This kind of plan requires way too much coordination and way too many variables have to be simulated millions of time to perfect the success rate. I had to be a marvelous gang of geniuses and the very best technology you can have, if anyone has that tech it's the US MIL 100%.

6a8ffc  No.7091147

File: 03192d49a8fcb3b⋯.jpg (523.36 KB, 925x1406, 25:38, IMG_0240.JPG)

File: 251fd8ff6eb970d⋯.jpg (37.92 KB, 320x391, 320:391, IMG_0241.JPG)

File: 4adbeac1cad56c9⋯.jpg (32.54 KB, 337x450, 337:450, IMG_0242.JPG)

File: 1cf2362581500cc⋯.jpg (43.08 KB, 750x750, 1:1, IMG_0244.JPG)

File: c4891fa2cb2cec7⋯.jpg (104.04 KB, 750x1159, 750:1159, IMG_0245.JPG)

d8ed51  No.7091148

>>7091000, >>7091065, >>7091121 Call to dig: New Drone Video shows wires possibly going under the [M]-Temple

Baker, NOTABLE for a call to dig

dde861  No.7091149

File: 9b81bb3f24a187f⋯.jpg (38.62 KB, 474x302, 237:151, bezos cia 1.jpg)

7ac467  No.7091150


17:50 mil

dac39f  No.7091151

File: 98694368e8ace0c⋯.png (339.02 KB, 1400x818, 700:409, cc100030818a233a72ca24aa09….png)

File: 799dcc6c9368dfb⋯.png (33.58 KB, 346x358, 173:179, 799dcc6c9368dfb82c1ae386fd….png)

File: dbab3352457e513⋯.jpeg (61.02 KB, 405x391, 405:391, dbab3352457e51322c983cd74….jpeg)

ac2dee  No.7091152

Damn. Levin ripping some asses

He’s right…Omar and the gang’s families haven’t done shit for this country

c7d8ff  No.7091153


can i have one now please.

bc045d  No.7091154

File: 55656e14068bab9⋯.png (1.38 MB, 943x696, 943:696, drain-this-swamp.png)

257c8f  No.7091155


Why are (((JEW))) a (((JEW)))? 🤔🤷‍♂️

9d32d7  No.7091156


We have to at least try to kick the can down the road. Sadly, that may be the best case scenario.

0e9776  No.7091157


Hello MOIS

a24dd8  No.7091158


Blue led light in the center recording. Anon caught it last bread.

960fec  No.7091159


time is 4:49 so 17:49

71447b  No.7091160


If any law enforcement people are lurking I’d ask you to look into Ashton Kutcher’s connections to Brittany Murphy’s murder, the Free Masons, child sex trafficking, and the corruption in the LAPD.

A preface before we start. It is important to read the ex-Illuminait/Freemason insider Svali’s story about how she escaped this network and the manner in which they use Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA aka MK Ultra) including pedophilia to blackmail people, habituate desired behavior to certain triggers and ensure secrecy.

Link and video:



Kutcher and Murphy dated for a while in 2003. They split due to “differences”. Murphy’s career was in decline towards 2009, most likely due to an unwillingness to “play the game” i.e. partake in the Satanic rituals. As Svali exposed, those that attempt to leave the “family” are routinely killed and their deaths made to look like suicides with the help of Freemason infiltrators within the police and coroner’s office. I believe it is the case that Murphy wanted out and may even have been about to go public with the repulsive underbelly of Hollywood. The Illuminati/Freemasons ordered her death to prevent this. As many ex-Freemasons have pointed out, in order to climb to the highest ranks of Masonry, one has to take a life. I believe that Kutcher was tasked with the murder alongside Murphy’s mother. Murphy died under the most suspicious of circumstances. At the age of only 32 she “died” of pneumonia due to a combination of anemia and prescription drug overdose. Her husband at the time vehemently denied that Murphy had been taking so many prescriptions and five months later he died of the exact same causes: anemia and pneumonia. An independent autopsy later on would reveal Murphy had incredibly high levels of heavy metals in her body, similar to what one might expect from rat poison. Kutcher was front and center during that time trying to get ahead of the story of Murphy’s death, “I don't think you can, I don't know if you try to make sense of it or not,”. At the time Kutcher was promoting his movie “Killers” where he played a spy. After these series of events Kutcher began to wear Freemason symbols on his clothing in public, possibly having rising to a 32nd or 33rd degree.











8ab544  No.7091161


ex-mil wear watches on the inside

ceeb40  No.7091162

File: f911fa44443b21f⋯.png (4.75 MB, 2048x1404, 512:351, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 18c6ff24f221143⋯.png (5.62 MB, 2048x1363, 2048:1363, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6f8e3423d271175⋯.png (4.13 MB, 2048x1415, 2048:1415, ClipboardImage.png)

Check out Obamas very last Halloween.

Look familiar?

circa 2016 this homo faggot

71447b  No.7091163


Murphy’s death was not the only time the LA police chief (Andrew Smith) and the coroner’s office (Ed Winter) acted suspiciously. Police Chief Andrew Smith was caught policing for politics when an email was erroneously forwarded to multiple people that showed him pushing officers to arrest animal trafficking perpetrators to appease “the rabbit people”. Q has repeatedly stated that rabbit symbolism is critical to the Illuminati/Freemasons. Was there an encoded message in the email? Furthermore there has been a whole slew of poorly explained or unexplained deaths in LA that have fallen under the jurisdiction of these two individuals. For example: Elisa Lam was found dead on the roof of her hotel where she had apparently drowned herself in the hotel’s water tank. Star Treck actor Anton Yelchin was crushed in a “freak” accident when his SUV pinned him to a security fence and killed him. Musician Michael Jackson was found dead of an apparent drug overdose. Jim Carey’s girlfriend, Cathriona White, was killed by “suicide” after Jim did a skit on SNL where he mocked an Illuminati billionaire. Pornstar Amber Rayne died of an apparent “overdose” after accusing fellow pornstar James Deen of sexual assault. Additionally, an apparent victim of SRA/MK Ultra was taken into custody with no additional information provided after she threatened to blow up a federal building. Assistant Coroner (Ed Winter) in particular always found convenient causes of death that ignored critical evidence in these cases.















Returning to Kutcher. Subsequent to the events wherein he apparently rose to 32nd or 33rd degree mason, he started a NGO called THORN to combat child sex trafficking. Given the prevalence of child sex trafficking the Epstein case is revealing, it is my belief that THORN was started as a front to stifle reports and destroy evidence of child sex trafficking before they made it to uncompromised channels. Looking at his testimony in the Senate, his body language is not sincere (bad acting!). Additionally, his NGO has partnered with the McCain Institute, another well documented front for whitewashing human trafficking. Please reference “The Arizona Mafia” for further evidence. *Was THORN so named because it was meant to remove the thorns in the side of elite human traffickers?*





7bb00c  No.7091164


>>7090584, >>7090718 Aga Khan owns an island in Caribbean as well.

>>7090587 Omar dig

>>7090608, >>7090609, >>7090650 "The state department is at the center of the Storm.."

>>7090691 Great Saint James, U.S. Virgin Islands

>>7090694 Executive Order 13382 target proliferators of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) or WMD delivery systems and their associates. In addition to a freeze on any of their assets within the United States, the sanctioned persons and entities will be denied access to the U.S. financial system and listed online as WMD proliferators.

>>7090735 07/19/2013 + Turkish bath houses

>>7090737, >>7090886 Aga Khan dig

>>7090741 NY Fed clarifies Williams speech that market took as signal of a rate cut

>>7090738 Q watch reflections

>>7090768 Opinion: 187 House Republicans have lost their moral compass

>>7090771 19 of 22 MS13 Animals Arrested in Sanctuary Los Angeles and Connected to Gruesome Machete Murders are Illegal Aliens

>>7090787 The watch looks like it was on the leather writing pads inside the Situation Room at the White House.

>>7090789, >>7090904 Anotonin Scalia's son picked to be Sec of Labor

>>7090820, >>7090875 Bell Cay. currently no marine traffic noted in the area Khan island

>>7090859 Duterte 'Will Not Answer' To White People Amid UN Human Rights Investigation

>>7090883 Q watch pic, Got it fairly straightened out,

>>7090915 @Travis60AMW In mission to honor one of their own

413291  No.7091165

File: a4c0c202ea1601e⋯.jpg (256.47 KB, 1149x840, 383:280, LHR.JPG)

540a01  No.7091167


the Moon is a space station

6c5b7b  No.7091169

File: 23359a4595d0925⋯.jpeg (99.94 KB, 1440x1080, 4:3, 1547054417.jpeg)

9bed2b  No.7091170

>If you look close enough you might see….



09ab81  No.7091171

i love it when the filter shill is the only one i filter

irony is fun

6a8ffc  No.7091172


21469a  No.7091173

File: f0375d4c96d2988⋯.jpeg (20.83 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 98244B7A-C8FE-4C25-A700-D….jpeg)

f545a9  No.7091174


That just took my breath away.

d8ed51  No.7091175

aa3a9b  No.7091176

File: 90812a2a26a5398⋯.png (89.98 KB, 239x255, 239:255, hitthat.png)

8e53dd  No.7091177


…That's quite a bit of conduit.

cecc1f  No.7091178

File: 8b823015a097000⋯.png (87.18 KB, 500x738, 250:369, unicorn-pepe.png)


>>7090516 lb

>>7090528 lb

I see the President's hair... its the President.

can't any of you see that? I totally see it

e3beba  No.7091180

So if there is a connection between Epstein and Aleppo, maybe Epstein is either the provider or the purchaser for middle east elite?

This is WW

Symbolism will be their downfall…

792a8e  No.7091181


WRONG! If it is Military time, 4:49 = 16:49

d06d3d  No.7091182


>not seeing what Q wants us to see

Get used to it

dac39f  No.7091183

File: 799dcc6c9368dfb⋯.png (33.58 KB, 346x358, 173:179, 799dcc6c9368dfb82c1ae386fd….png)

File: 08e385d172e6f68⋯.png (246.06 KB, 683x313, 683:313, DivShill2.png)

File: 73e3fd43e6ae494⋯.png (176.19 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 73e3fd43e6ae49412dae1b1268….png)


do you have more active ips? or this is all?

9b3b3b  No.7091184


Like everybody else, I was looking at the reflections and the numbers on the dial… Nothing was obvious so i zoomed out and it became obvious… No different than if you attach a micro-camera to a Raspberry PI… and 99.9% of the population wouldn't be even aware of that… And if they can put that into a PI, they can put that into a watch.

5e18db  No.7091185

File: 661cc86bd6cd78b⋯.png (1.7 MB, 1275x675, 17:9, RustyVid01.png)

I was just watching Rustys' drone vids again and noticed mattress bases in the garbage area.

It's probably been covered earlier buuuuuut… these look suspiciously like bases for a childs bed.

If the rubbish is just dumped there, why are all three mattresses, soft-side down. Hiding stains?

2aa408  No.7091186

File: c7a1b0d09af22b7⋯.png (20.26 KB, 113x74, 113:74, ClipboardImage.png)


This is incorrect

How does the WATCH reflect it?

Her Phone is chest high on POTUS…no way it is collected from camera

aeb809  No.7091187

File: 47c244a2af26f8b⋯.jpg (11.09 KB, 255x143, 255:143, whoa.jpg)


sheit anon, respext

233b38  No.7091188

File: 031b91ed6cdb531⋯.png (165.71 KB, 843x739, 843:739, ClipboardImage.png)


I notice Joichi Ito - he has definitely met with Epstein .. NBC named him as one of the people who continued to meet with him even after the sex crimes jail time.

here https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/harvard-science-professors-kept-meeting-donor-jeffrey-epstein-despite-his-n1028536

2865a1  No.7091189


After all the decoding we’ve done how hilarious would it be to kick off the storm with something this simple. It’s almost kind of fitting. If POTUS tweets “My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us……." on 07/19/2019 at 04:49est (16:49est) (08:49pm Zulu) this will be the single biggest proof. At this point there are so many I’m not sure it matters anymore but this would sure help redpill some normies.

414516  No.7091190

c2836e  No.7091191

File: 6611fabee1b8d70⋯.jpg (49.49 KB, 667x374, 667:374, MagooJews.jpg)

257c8f  No.7091192

Ah, right. (((JEW))) probably meant the train watch. 🤷‍♂️

Yeah I am not replying to him. He is part of the psyop now unfortunately. Satan doesn't want to be friends anymore. 🤷‍♂️

ceeb40  No.7091193



Obama's 2016 halloween party

6a8ffc  No.7091194




6c5b7b  No.7091195

File: 7043f3cd90218bc⋯.jpeg (296.08 KB, 1440x1080, 4:3, 1548359360.jpeg)

8a123e  No.7091196

File: 0156e7078c360ee⋯.png (132.94 KB, 346x340, 173:170, monicalewin.png)


all i have is cali….

70ad9f  No.7091197


We have to stop attempting to be an empire. Empires have short lifespans, not nations.

8238c7  No.7091198

File: 8357e4786ff3a3b⋯.jpg (461.47 KB, 1920x3408, 40:71, FireShot Capture 296 - Man….jpg)

File: ab86edc8eec9c14⋯.jpg (688.13 KB, 1920x3679, 1920:3679, FireShot Capture 294 - Sti….jpg)

File: a20f93a04f0e9be⋯.jpg (363.3 KB, 1920x3198, 320:533, FireShot Capture 297 - Low….jpg)

File: 733bbefb4ac7cc1⋯.jpg (283.89 KB, 1920x2411, 1920:2411, FireShot Capture 298 - Abo….jpg)


What I've found thus far on Alexis Bonte thus far.

Works for a game development group as COO.

ab63f3  No.7091199


At least they are not in telemarketing.. Is it hot in India naow?

d60d68  No.7091200

When Q asked about the symbol above the dome tonight thru Friday Saturn and Jupiter is perfectly visible above the Virgin Islands in the night sky.. maybe Saturn or certain constellations.. we know what Saturn means about temples

21469a  No.7091201



Pretty Damned Important

ddaead  No.7091202

File: a9a6ab7d2e38466⋯.png (604.39 KB, 1049x673, 1049:673, ai 187 2019.png)

File: 6cdcf4b4de8bf54⋯.png (562.72 KB, 952x1323, 136:189, bd.png)

63d716  No.7091203


The first one looks like the wheel that represents the Noble Eightfold Path of Buddha. Remember, all the symbols that the evil use were at one time symbols of holiness. They enjoy taking what is good and twisting into evil.

de3090  No.7091204

File: f5f3c4b9360319f⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1070x795, 214:159, ClipboardImage.png)


Captured criminal taken by citizens arrest

c87cb2  No.7091205


That's what it says.

f545a9  No.7091206

File: e484f19be5cfc36⋯.gif (23.82 KB, 400x400, 1:1, comfy maga pepe.gif)


And here anon is just hoping for the reveal of Jeffrey Epsteins court document from his first trial.

414516  No.7091207


Recording something important? Or recorded, past tense?

960fec  No.7091208


youre right 16:49

But more likely just a late day drop it is just odd it is not on a Friday

6a8ffc  No.7091209










086073  No.7091210


they look to be more of a base for sofa

82b3dc  No.7091211

File: ae13b91297dfad3⋯.jpg (62.71 KB, 504x504, 1:1, dees meal.jpg)


Son of a bitch, this looks more like a David Dees cartoon than reality.

b4de14  No.7091212


Our FLOTUS trolled them by wearing a jacket just like the white rabbit last Halloween

9a104a  No.7091213

File: fd9759f066b6260⋯.jpg (74.96 KB, 1000x866, 500:433, WWG1WGA.jpg)

Here til the end Q

c7d8ff  No.7091214

File: 5275ebaea43e697⋯.png (922.99 KB, 412x510, 206:255, 1d1ff47725cdf08f08fc653bf9….PNG)


Maybe we believe we are an empire and we are not.

Maybe we are the foundation "USA CONSTITUTION" of Heaven on Earth.

Maybe we should stop believing people who say we are evil?

1f92be  No.7091215

File: ff66f5e44cc68ab⋯.png (502.15 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 1A4AE3AE-DD69-44DE-A93D-F5….png)

Scaramucci on Cuamo 🤔

0afd3d  No.7091216

MomAnon here…wants to thank BO, I know last few days have been nuts but I am super happy to have the notables

in the breads back. Thank you notables makers. None of this is possible without you and no praise high enough!

I keep thinking about something that someone posted with a supposed Rothschild answering questions like a benevolent Lord with his "laugh out loud" answers. The gist was in my mind what Q alludes to in that what they fear most is us AWAKENING to their exploitation of the MASSES. We work and do the right thing, while they simply take. We occupy the same air but on a different plane to their existence. This very movement is what threatens their existence. The exposure and destruction of their lifestyle is what could very well topple their empires. Previously no one threatened their debauchery, but now…they FEAR their names showing up…EVERGREEN. The CF could topple and expose them. So go QTeam and QArmy. We really ARE over the Target.

6a8ffc  No.7091217


>>>7091194 (You)

















>>7091194 (You)









b5c14a  No.7091218


is it a swamp

2865a1  No.7091219

File: 1f3e91d17effcdb⋯.jpeg (81.74 KB, 1200x865, 240:173, F9E52F5C-98EC-4802-A711-3….jpeg)


It could also be:

Trump in the reflection.

4:50 (45)

19 = Trump Card

Dark to light.

df512b  No.7091220

File: 100c7d1dceec451⋯.jpg (2.05 MB, 1298x2130, 649:1065, 1553135472256.jpg)

6a8ffc  No.7091221

File: 7352a0c789c4fee⋯.jpg (30.28 KB, 337x450, 337:450, IMG_0253.JPG)


84254d  No.7091222

File: 2ffe49e40e060a6⋯.jpeg (91.25 KB, 625x626, 625:626, 1F5A36F0-21B1-450D-AFAB-0….jpeg)

40d15c  No.7091223


Hopefully justice for her. Damn.

ffc925  No.7091224


I’m sure it’s been noted, but Incase not… The chronograph has been run forward 30 seconds. Standard position would be pointing up not down.

2051a1  No.7091225


Isn't Evergreen the codename for Hillary from the Wikileaks dump?

dde861  No.7091226

File: ed46e402d14fa33⋯.jpg (47.97 KB, 500x471, 500:471, pepe q is military intelli….jpg)

c25297  No.7091227

Trump and Epstein party video for analysis. Without the MSNBC noise.


257c8f  No.7091228


Not really. But Satan's room does get hot if the AC is not running. 🤷‍♂️

bff51f  No.7091229


Maybe not.

7bb00c  No.7091230


>>7090584, >>7090718 Aga Khan owns an island in Caribbean as well.

>>7090587 Omar dig

>>7090608, >>7090609, >>7090650 "The state department is at the center of the Storm.."

>>7090691 Great Saint James, U.S. Virgin Islands

>>7090694 Executive Order 13382 target proliferators of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) or WMD delivery systems and their associates. In addition to a freeze on any of their assets within the United States, the sanctioned persons and entities will be denied access to the U.S. financial system and listed online as WMD proliferators.

>>7090735 07/19/2013 + Turkish bath houses

>>7090737, >>7090886 Aga Khan dig

>>7090741 NY Fed clarifies Williams speech that market took as signal of a rate cut

>>7090738 Q watch reflections

>>7090768 Opinion: 187 House Republicans have lost their moral compass

>>7090771 19 of 22 MS13 Animals Arrested in Sanctuary Los Angeles and Connected to Gruesome Machete Murders are Illegal Aliens

>>7090787 The watch looks like it was on the leather writing pads inside the Situation Room at the White House.

>>7090789, >>7090904 Anotonin Scalia's son picked to be Sec of Labor

>>7090820, >>7090875 Bell Cay. currently no marine traffic noted in the area Khan island

>>7090859 Duterte 'Will Not Answer' To White People Amid UN Human Rights Investigation

>>7090883 Q watch pic, Got it fairly straightened out,

>>7090915 @Travis60AMW In mission to honor one of their own

>>7091103 Market sell offs

>>7091148 Call to dig: New Drone Video shows wires possibly going under the [M]-Temple

d8ed51  No.7091231

File: cbfa5ba2e1980cd⋯.png (69.24 KB, 288x211, 288:211, 1560911274560.png)



ceeb40  No.7091232

File: b5a050634557caf⋯.png (4.48 MB, 1466x2048, 733:1024, ClipboardImage.png)


and one more



b5c14a  No.7091233

File: 2f427c1c2666a41⋯.jpeg (8.38 KB, 255x184, 255:184, 1f3e91d17effcdbd3ab83ba56….jpeg)

the time is 4:49

f545a9  No.7091234

File: 261c9cb2850713d⋯.jpg (34.25 KB, 236x534, 118:267, e0d28901122cb73d599dd98c9a….jpg)

257c8f  No.7091235


Don't worry. It's not Satan. It's Satan's computer that heats it up. 🤷‍♂️

a313f9  No.7091236


Wow, not much love here.

I appreciate the hard work of BO/BV and all the Bakers.

6a8ffc  No.7091237

File: 6d995d57986a101⋯.jpg (61.92 KB, 1071x1155, 51:55, IMG_0184.JPG)





c4ef97  No.7091238


Saved! Thx anon.

59d031  No.7091239



Best I could do, similar. First guess: POTUS, yeah.

Also guessing watch's '19' is a marker for big Presidential habbenings tomorrow.

960fec  No.7091240


Trump does not have long curly blonde hair. Don't know if he likes wigs

ecd2c7  No.7091241


Tits or GTFO

d8ed51  No.7091242


Baker, you have my nomination instead of the posts in the last notable.

Should be:

>>7091000, >>7091065, >>7091121 Call to dig: New Drone Video shows wires possibly going under the [M]-Temple

257c8f  No.7091243

09ab81  No.7091244

File: 41a89a450485173⋯.jpg (180.11 KB, 844x718, 422:359, torgtfo.jpg)


fuck it ill do it

3f7449  No.7091245


Both have perfect records of reporting secret crimes that are totally unprosecuted.

But yes George Webb's list is much longer than Q's list.

2bcaa2  No.7091246

Just print out a large photo of POTUS, place a watch near it, and compare.

7ac467  No.7091247


Sorry my bad. So then it's 11 minutes to Q hr?


fa15a5  No.7091248


That's what I was thinking

70ad9f  No.7091249


The execution of Charles I was in 1649

80d88a  No.7091250


you dont need to follow Q and be an expert decoder to understand

all you really need to do, to know wtf is going on is watch/listen to Trump

he will tell you all you need to know as far as the current phase of the op

and often hints at the next step(s)

worry not fren, the good guys have control now

and they are being methodical with their moves


if you want to catch as many fish as you can

you dont pull in the net after a few mins

have faith and develope patience because this is not going to be a short trip

the US of A portion might be done in 6 but, we are talking WW here

could be decades

God wins, regardless of when we want things done

72afa1  No.7091251


4+4+9= 17

792a8e  No.7091252

7b4705  No.7091253


Those Marines were buried on the Betio Atoll, under a public toilet and a parking lot. A group of forensic archeologists have been sifting dirt for them. One of those Marines is my Grandfather.

53983d  No.7091254

File: a07ae7895bdf6c9⋯.jpg (344.99 KB, 1200x865, 240:173, _numbers_.jpg)

SA keystone?

70ad9f  No.7091255


Brilliant! Kek!

6a8ffc  No.7091256

File: 50e89d2ab52ed7f⋯.jpg (55.19 KB, 564x564, 1:1, IMG_0189.JPG)






df512b  No.7091257

File: 100c7d1dceec451⋯.jpg (2.05 MB, 1298x2130, 649:1065, 1553135472256.jpg)

File: 3218490f45cfc62⋯.jpg (381.46 KB, 962x1443, 2:3, bwaa2.jpg)

File: de9751cb278f496⋯.jpg (82.35 KB, 634x438, 317:219, bwaa.jpg)

File: 003f2077bd6a79f⋯.png (1.37 MB, 826x728, 59:52, opop.PNG)

4095df  No.7091258


before 751 please.

f545a9  No.7091259

File: 9579aaf117f041b⋯.png (3.37 MB, 2048x1415, 2048:1415, bho halloween 2018.png)

File: 261c9cb2850713d⋯.jpg (34.25 KB, 236x534, 118:267, flotus halloween 2019.jpg)

3a68b4  No.7091260

>>7089221 (pb)

>...a hallway adorned with dozens of individually framed prosthetic eyeballs from England...

Wonder if this symbolizes - and therefore ties into or confirms - the theory floated a few days ago with the penial gland/adrenechrome being harvested through the gorging out of an eye.

d4ddd2  No.7091261

File: b50492ac94c9a8a⋯.png (115.22 KB, 223x395, 223:395, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 96253ea58ffe9bd⋯.png (2.6 MB, 1600x943, 1600:943, ClipboardImage.png)

Mirror, Mirror on the wall. Who's in the watch pic that Q posted?

I see a white man in a dark suit standing in the picture. He has blond or gray hair. His right hand is on his side and the left hand is holding the camera phone up to his face.

We can see a bit of chin and neck going down to the top of his suit collar with a strip of white wood molding in the background. There are horizontal stripes on the sleeves near the wrists. These stripes appear to be gold. This would be a naval officer in a blue jacket with his rank on the cuffs.

The horizontal stripes have a dark gap near the top. This matches the rank of Rear Admiral.

So, QAnon is:

A white male with light hair

Standing in the oval office taking a pic of his watch.

In front of a window or other white would molding.

Wearing a naval jacket with a rank of Rear Admiral.

40d15c  No.7091262


Of course. Nice.

ceeb40  No.7091263

File: ed43a4b0bfcb3a2⋯.png (371.02 KB, 435x388, 435:388, ClipboardImage.png)

7129b7  No.7091264

File: 199f938cb5c9bae⋯.jpeg (73.62 KB, 723x563, 723:563, 911.jpeg)

926f54  No.7091265


16:49 = 5:5 on 19

2865a1  No.7091266

File: 416f9b04a5cb40f⋯.jpeg (364.17 KB, 1121x1874, 1121:1874, 88A0B019-A52F-436A-ACF1-E….jpeg)



Hey guys…. it’s been 2 weeks…..

Why Did Pence Cancel N.H. Visit? Trump Says: 'You'll Know In About 2 Weeks'

Trump: "You'll know in about two weeks.

Reporter: What is it?

Trump: "There was a very interesting problem that they had in New Hampshire …"

Reporter: What kind of problem?"

Trump: "I can't tell you about it. It had nothing to do with White House. There was a problem up there and I won't go into what the problem was, but you'll see in a week or two."


090159  No.7091267


Thanks for all the responses.

What I'm wondering now is of all the Vatican black hats to take down Cardinal Pell was chosen, I assume by Q. Why just him? Was he the Popes puppet master? He controlled the Vatican budget/money so did he also control the Pope? Take him out and cut the strings? I think Cardinal Pell is more important than we realise.

21469a  No.7091268


And think mirror makes it 7:11

Could Q be hankerin’ for a slurpee?

ceeb40  No.7091269


looks like POTUS to me

b4de14  No.7091270

File: 20124e654be2095⋯.jpg (301.25 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 8353dd1c253389b274a7c76344….jpg)

dde861  No.7091271

File: 1c8e44f0df13480⋯.png (816.36 KB, 790x510, 79:51, gladiators.PNG)

4dd021  No.7091272


I don't think they care anymore.

6a8ffc  No.7091273

File: 6f59f05b583e749⋯.jpg (32.3 KB, 337x450, 337:450, IMG_0260.JPG)





4efea1  No.7091274


deltas or timestamps?

e5ebb8  No.7091275


Any chance that is POTUS’ reflection on the top side of that watch?

That’s what I see...

And my first impulse in this area has always been extremely uncanny...

b98de6  No.7091276

File: 4b521007e8f2d23⋯.png (36.91 KB, 184x275, 184:275, 66fcdf4076c7f1134c8790de37….png)


I don't know if we can change the entire thought process of our political system in a short 8 or 16 years even with Q's help. Either the evil that plagues this world gets a major major culling to break their control and influence, or eventually normal people will have to protect themselves from it. The evil we are facing is relentless in its quest to murder and consolidate power. It will try forever until the sun goes out.

257c8f  No.7091277


Yes, rice tends to be gluten free. 🤷‍♂️

Did you try out that bhindi masala recipe? Did it taste good to (((JEW)))? 🤔🤷‍♂️

7ac467  No.7091279


Or 11 minutes to 5


Q posted 11.6

We were 2 days ahead before. Now one?

c5ddf6  No.7091280

File: ce280920b92b045⋯.png (372.82 KB, 643x456, 643:456, Spacey wears IWC.png)

This guy wears IWC brand.

Did he go undercover and get some recordings?

His case in Massachusetts just got dropped.

3069cd  No.7091281


Thinking more like, Electrical cut-off or curcuit breaker room. The cables are all underground. Generator back at the service area, north end.

c964bb  No.7091282

File: d457ee9a3f9a106⋯.png (61.81 KB, 598x329, 598:329, ClipboardImage.png)

Fully Live

bfd2ba  No.7091283


Our situation was not fair. We had a fake Holocaust that protected the Jews from expulsion, which gave them enough time to do what they had never been able to do in history. America could last longer than Britain if we get past this one deadly hurdle (which is why it's almost guaranteed that we're in the last days)..


Nobody gives the boots-on-the-ground story like Webb. Everyone else gives you the what but only he gives you the how.

fa030e  No.7091284

File: 10501aed0d2b3ce⋯.jpg (73.57 KB, 1200x865, 240:173, 10501aed0d2b3ce4cc72ee7205….jpg)

That's some awfully blonde hair I see on the photographer's reflection. Q+?

9d32d7  No.7091285


Personally, unless they're tag-teaming someone under age, I couldn't care less. He never pretended not to know the power players.

e34c59  No.7091287




Qmap.pub is my favorite for quick searches by keywords/dates,etc.. If you want a little more music, search "those who pull the trigger" on Qmap for some Dink Q dropped

968040  No.7091288


today he was going crazy thinking we were going to war with iran after the drone thing

i thought it was john bolton

but he had on his little jew hat

859777  No.7091289



Great post

2fc6ae  No.7091290

Patriot Anons

When i look at the watch 4:49 reg time 16:49 Military time on the [19]

If we were to do a countdown from 49 to ZERO 11:11 as in 11 min 11 sec away from 17:00 Military time

4efea1  No.7091291


Muh digits messed my eyes up kek

b5c14a  No.7091292

File: 2388d661065d06f⋯.png (51.53 KB, 391x633, 391:633, screenshot.png)

File: 2f427c1c2666a41⋯.jpeg (8.38 KB, 255x184, 255:184, 1f3e91d17effcdbd3ab83ba56….jpeg)



>Q 449

6a8ffc  No.7091293

File: b20a6a7a4bcab88⋯.jpg (41.88 KB, 400x400, 1:1, IMG_0736.JPG)



3f56bd  No.7091294

File: 95611b1fa8ddf2c⋯.png (568.38 KB, 640x566, 320:283, watch718192.PNG)


It looks like Trump and possibly someone over his head, I've been stretching that pic every way and that's what it looks like to me, other anon I think was right too,looks like windows, guess we'll find out

a59609  No.7091295

File: fdf04f9f3ba160d⋯.jpg (35.18 KB, 828x515, 828:515, CLOWnWORLD.jpg)


Fucking gross newfag

ceeb40  No.7091297


fuckin dead rabbit robots….what the fuck

aa3a9b  No.7091298


It's a turd pond the island sewer

240b7a  No.7091299

File: cfd067574dc6e48⋯.png (1.56 MB, 1200x828, 100:69, aoc-fence.png)

84254d  No.7091300


Why are you namefagging, faggot?

9dd5dc  No.7091301



Notice in the first pic - the turtle is a chimera: it is a turtle with a pig's head.

That's not how it was in the book and every other "character" seems correct but that one.

Why would they put a pig's head on the turtle's body?

b4de14  No.7091303


Upside down cross

7bb3a6  No.7091304


….culling is the only way… they cull us unendingly…..

7ac467  No.7091305


Just spit balling some ideas going on

d8ed51  No.7091306


"A" has been doing this for probably a year now.

bc045d  No.7091307


this is a brackish, stagnant land-locked body of water in a low lying area



An area of low-lying land that is frequently flooded, especially one dominated by woody plants.


A lowland region saturated with water.

f545a9  No.7091308

Can't believe anon is so good at this and so lousy at the rest of the real world. Ugh.

57b5eb  No.7091309


The technology exists, so

The two questions are:

Would this operation benefit from the use hidden cameras?

Would this operation benefit from (or even just enjoy) trolling the recorded individuals by posting photos of the device to this board?

We should assume if yes and yes, then this is a logical conclusion that the photos are sending a message by the date and time, but also sending a gotcha message to the perp while … and potentially being a proof if the hidden camera video comes out.

c964bb  No.7091310

File: 8f55505e3de7bfa⋯.png (388.28 KB, 598x486, 299:243, ClipboardImage.png)

what's all this about 19?

8a4c40  No.7091311


You are correct, anon. He said go fix where you came from, then come back and show us how.

0afd3d  No.7091312


I earned that.. kek

Taylor's Dad shopping in store this week…bragging about how he filled up on HomeGoods items so much last time grateful he had a jet to load it up into…🙄. Then walked out and climbed into his Maserati..oh well.

21469a  No.7091313

Watch slide can be sustained up to 50 breads or more when properly executed.

6a8ffc  No.7091314

File: edbe0fac1f6e5e0⋯.jpg (59.15 KB, 640x426, 320:213, IMG_0525.JPG)






bf03a0  No.7091315


Strawberry Blonde, blue eyed

Blonde, blue eyed

=tow head blonde, blue eyed, grows red beard?

9b3b3b  No.7091316


Funny how the Baker still did not include my post in the Notables… (after it was nominated to be included)…

Personally, I do not care or want to claim credit for it, but this seems to block Anons from what may be truth.

ceeb40  No.7091317


fuckin dead rabbit robot and shit…

c25297  No.7091318


I posted it for people if they want to dig on who else was present.

4095df  No.7091319




kek autists saving the world but can't tell time?

af1fc4  No.7091320


like in Tarlov? Fox news?

257c8f  No.7091321


I am guessing these watches are fake expensive so that only (((JEWS))) can buy them with their fake infinity money. Helps them recognize each other in case they decide to get nose jobs. Yes? 🤔🤣🤷‍♂️

ceeb40  No.7091323


2019 kek

84254d  No.7091324


Longer than that. I’ve been calling out that faggot since at least the beginning of 2018

60f4f0  No.7091325

File: bb5f38b8252c0a3⋯.png (73.52 KB, 280x235, 56:47, d0898ec7b54b4c008e60b3d588….png)

File: 1bc97f82ea939b2⋯.png (2.07 MB, 1440x3120, 6:13, Screenshot_20190718-215620.png)


Looks like it might be Bill Clinton

Pics related

4d0c3f  No.7091326

File: 6ebc8cf76282fab⋯.png (168.66 KB, 1697x1958, 1697:1958, ClipboardImage.png)


Executive Order 13805 of July 19, 2017

Establishing a Presidential Advisory Council on Infrastructure

Section 4. Mission of Council.

The Council shall study the scope and effectiveness of, and make findings and recommendations to the President regarding, Federal Government funding, support, and delivery of infrastructure projects in several sectors, including surface transportation, aviation, ports and waterways, water resources, renewable energy generation, electricity transmission, broadband, pipelines, and other such sectors as determined by the Council. In pursuing its mission, the Council shall make findings and recommendations concerning the following:

(a) prioritizing the Nation's infrastructure needs;

(b) accelerating pre-construction approval processes;

(c) developing funding and financing options capable of generating new infrastructure investment over the next 10 years;

(d) identifying methods to increase public-private partnerships for infrastructure projects, including appropriate statutory or regulatory changes;

(e) identifying best practices in and opportunities to improve procurement methods, grant procedures, and infrastructure delivery systems; and

(f) promoting advanced manufacturing and infrastructure-related technological innovation


aeb809  No.7091327

File: 382e6ddf3af2f23⋯.jpg (60.64 KB, 500x593, 500:593, pepes notice everyting.jpg)


kek shhhhhhhh

a59609  No.7091328


ENTY(CDAN) was already all over this.

Epsteins pimp used Stark to get info about the Royals for her deadbeat disgraced newspaper owner dad.

aa3a9b  No.7091329

File: 3adc165ea43762b⋯.gif (983.68 KB, 500x200, 5:2, bd7b456df1e5a1e6e8f03947d0….gif)

240b7a  No.7091330

250 UIDs (you)re one in . a million

6a8ffc  No.7091331

File: c0cfc954c2949eb⋯.jpg (685.17 KB, 1746x1314, 97:73, IMG_0506.JPG)

9bed2b  No.7091332

File: ced840751b4e661⋯.jpeg (275.05 KB, 750x1109, 750:1109, 6CA907B3-9660-4138-A8D2-A….jpeg)

4efea1  No.7091333

File: 1fcbc726c57e331⋯.jpeg (30.04 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 386050F4-ED64-4D19-9F01-6….jpeg)


Tomorrow is the 19th. There.

6a2123  No.7091334

File: 126748a284e7207⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1182x788, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

Tomorrow after the market closes.


d8ed51  No.7091335


KEK probably, can't remember when it started, just know it's been for most of /qresearch/ no doubt.

447d94  No.7091336

File: 91b7923cc1c6779⋯.jpg (18.23 KB, 354x394, 177:197, thumbsup.JPG)

File: 9819722a18d3ec6⋯.png (4.21 MB, 1436x1091, 1436:1091, ClipboardImage.png)


Ever looked at yo self at House of Mirrors at a carnival? Same principle. It's POTUS.


Well done anon, nice.

57b5eb  No.7091337

7bb00c  No.7091338

File: 0931e4683a21394⋯.jpg (10.9 KB, 259x194, 259:194, aaaaaabread.jpg)

8ae4a2  No.7091339


for some is the 17th

792a8e  No.7091340

Levin tearing it up on Hannity.

bf03a0  No.7091341


Oops, meant for:


a867da  No.7091342


This man with great love and sorrow retrieved these babies from the dumpster outside a planned parenthood. He is cleaning these poor babies bodies, and giving them a Christian burial

09ab81  No.7091343


kek, what a dick

taytay earned that he didnt do shit

c7d8ff  No.7091344

File: cafb69b2d8255ed⋯.jpeg (8.38 KB, 188x255, 188:255, cafb69b2d8255edfa10596ca9….jpeg)


I see Ivanka.

bd3bbc  No.7091345

File: a799f173f600b6e⋯.png (306.85 KB, 466x704, 233:352, f94b8ed4c9e43d9fe84cd9f1d6….png)

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