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File: 2c8438a082d9abb⋯.jpg (8.71 KB, 255x143, 255:143, f1711524dc6d8514a697fc1bfc….jpg)

82a78d  No.7053592

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




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Q's Latest Posts

Sunday 07.14.2019

>>7044207 ————————————–——– [Smollett] Federal charges coming?

>>7042622 ————————————–——– A WEEK TO REMEMBER.

>>7040246 ————————————–——– FAKE NEWS attacks only validate the message (OLD GUARD threatened).

>>7040112 rt >>7040039 ————————— GOD WINS.

>>7039671 rt >>7039638 ————————— Coincidence those mentioned in the past are now coming into the LIGHT?

>>7039643 ————————————–——– THE GREAT AWAKENING.

>>7039585 ————————————–——– How do you eliminate a LIABILITY?

>>7039475 ————————————–——– Follow the Family.

>>7038922 ————————————–——– Hunters become the HUNTED.

Friday 07.12.2019

>>7012074 ————————————–——– Nothing can stop what is coming.

>>7012019 ————————————–——– "FIND OUT THE PEOPLE THAT WENT TO THAT ISLAND."

>>7011640 ————————————–——– [MUELLER] hearing delayed?

>>7011267 ————————————–——– [Wheels Up] flight logs [CLAS 1-99] under investigation by FBI/DOJ?

>>7011225 ————————————–——– [New York Society For The Prevention Of Cruelty To Children]

>>7011097 ————————————–——– Sec Acosta Plans To Resign (Cap:>>7011200 )

>>7005334 ————————————–——– Now what are the odds of that? ( Cap: >>7005357 )

>>7004514 ————————————–——– R Kelly arrested on Federal Sex Crime ( Cap: >>7004625 )

Thursday 07.11.2019

>>7004029 ————————————–——– How does LDR (Rothschild's) con nect to the Bronfman's? ( Cap: >>7004070)

>>7004081 rt >>7004029 ————————— What city was Epstein arrested in? NYC? 5:5 Watch CA

>>7003300 rt >>7003276 ————————— Q Prefers Proofs and Tools added back

>>7003151 ————————————–——– [PP] news. More coming.

>>6990956 ————————————–——– [Wheels up]

>>6990701 ————————————–——– Well done, Anons

Wednesday 07.10.2019

>>6990140 ————————————–——– (Cap: >>6990186 vid) B-2 Stealth Bomber Takeoff

>>6989727 ————————————–——– You are witnessing the greatest ‘coordinated’ misinformation attack (campaign) ever to be launched

>>6985423 ————————————–——– Date of 1st flight?

>>6985182 ————————————–——– Smoke & Mirrors

>>6983107 ————————————–——– [PP] news coming (Cap: >>6983183)

>>6982404 ————————————–——– Re: Border Fight Worth remembering.

>>6982112 ————————————–——– Unchallenged allegations (Cap: >>6982124)

>>6982028 ————————————–——– Welcome to the Real World. (Cap: >>6983414)

Tuesday 07.09.2019

>>6976657 ————————————–——– Follow the date [One Example]No coincidences.

>>6976233 rt >>6976189 ————————— The flight log!

>>6976212 rt >>6976175 ————————— 3 Staircases: Degree of incline?

>>6976179 rt >>6976144 ————————— 16 Channels [4x4] (Note "2013" on the bottom).

>>6976069 rt >>6976025 ————————— DO YOU BELIEVE IN COINCIDENCE?

>>6975974 ————————————–——– Welcome to Epstein Island.

>>6973290 rt >>6973189 ————————— Not so funny now….

>>6973189 ————————————–——– No joke and/or reference re: Epstein? (Cap: >>6973274)

>>6972669 ————————————–——– Untouchable mindset by all involved?

>>6972283 ————————————–——– Worth remembering. (Cap: >>6972651)

>>6970952 ————————————–——– What an amazing coincidence (think yesterday's drop).

>>6969889 ————————————–——– Trumps fed pick Judy Shelton gold standard explained (Cap: >>6970084)

>>6969527 ————————————–——– The HUNTERS become the HUNTED (Cap: >>6969567)

>>6969027 ————————————–——– When the FAKE NEWS can't attack you directly using FACTS….

>>6968890 ————————————–——– So much Flynn news today! (Cap: >>6969043)

>>6968462 ————————————–——– Why did POTUS move his transition command center (base of ops) from TT the VERY NEXT DAY?

>>6968183 ————————————–——– There is a big [direct] reason why FLYNN's new attorney is seeking security clearance (cap: >>6968207)

>>6967368 ————————————–——– You were told what was going to happen. You were told what battles we face.

>>6967289 rt >>6967208 ————————— Simple.

>>6967208 ————————————–——– You didn't think the Epstein investigation began a few months ago did you?

Monday 07.08.2019

Consolidated here: >>6976868

Thursday 06.27.2019

Consolidated here: >>6973411

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Q's Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Bakers, please don't add Q's posts WITHOUT a tripcode

Post last edited at

82a78d  No.7053601

Notables Thread

>>7003045 Q Research Notables Open for all anons to submit buns

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] \\#QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

[4] Q's requested hashtags on of 3/11/19:






Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

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>>6528824 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #10 Leaven Rising to Heaven Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

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Post last edited at

82a78d  No.7053605

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* New google doc tracking deplatforming/bans on social media: >>6484178

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Meme Ammo

48 >>6740853

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Epstein Drone Photos https://mega.nz/#F!DwNkwAZQ!xa6JLeW9_632P0yw3MhlNw

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Notable Posts Archives

Plain text archives of all QR threads: https://pastebin.com/2f1897vD

82a78d  No.7053610

Post last edited at

b44c89  No.7057092

File: b2b55d183800c7c⋯.jpeg (129.76 KB, 700x500, 7:5, 84955DB2-0B8E-4D0A-A934-9….jpeg)

0f2245  No.7057093

File: aa989d5b243ff73⋯.jpg (9.63 KB, 255x175, 51:35, BarrRopeElectricChair.jpg)

b2d894  No.7057107

Q says right there in post# >>7003300 rt >>7003276 that he and the Q-group want the notables in the dough as well as a seperat thread to catalog them.

<B>Put the fucking notables back asshats!!!!</B>

Kya faggot

a84431  No.7057115

This is a prebake from earlier…should be deleted..need a baker for #9030.

d9b6a4  No.7057116


This should be 9030

c2931e  No.7057122

Hey BO/BV - Get your shit together!! You've only one fucking job now and yoiu can't even do that properly!

6752d2  No.7057127

This was 9028 then renamed to 9030.

c2931e  No.7057129

And please guise, stop putting that slag Vicky Ward in notables, she is NOT an investigative reporter. She is controlled opposition. Just check her latest book ffs. Nothing she states can be taken as truth.

a84431  No.7057130

File: a77acb84281275a⋯.jpeg (13.24 KB, 255x255, 1:1, Boobiekaboos.jpeg)

File: 978a71ae0a2db33⋯.jpg (127.79 KB, 659x989, 659:989, Why I like Titties too.JPG)

File: c8a6d0bc9fbadc2⋯.jpg (76.97 KB, 647x986, 647:986, Why I like Titties.JPG)

==Good job Baker…Nice Save…

6752d2  No.7057131

File: f9e93ae827049b0⋯.jpg (4.6 MB, 4576x2536, 572:317, Dame_Linda_Dobbs.jpg)

File: 7fc74e299378907⋯.jpg (15.53 KB, 350x200, 7:4, Dame-Linda-Dobbs2.jpg)

File: 18768b83ef8f4ba⋯.jpg (17.8 KB, 255x211, 255:211, hermes.jpg)

File: 3ae5f1223863e0f⋯.jpg (400.87 KB, 1014x882, 169:147, Spiral.jpg)

File: 82a62b88d268fd1⋯.jpg (6.87 KB, 200x134, 100:67, sunesi.jpg)






c4d6d5  No.7057133

File: 4ca4f7c4f29e5b0⋯.jpeg (53.31 KB, 828x591, 276:197, A24C2927-BEDC-4320-84DB-3….jpeg)

0f2245  No.7057134


>that slag Vicky Ward

which notable anon? I'll take another look at it and remove it if its shite b4 posting to Notables Thread: >>7057120 lb's bun in-thread

091e1b  No.7057137


Look at these niggers

178932  No.7057139

File: f5ea6451a5af93c⋯.jpeg (1.17 MB, 1242x1894, 621:947, C5D021DC-DC86-41B4-8EFF-F….jpeg)

If like Norway Called.

We would talk.

When you know the EU is compd?

The Norwegian Intelligence Service was allegedly the first to learn of the disaster involving the Russian nuclear submarine Kursk, yet chose to share the highly sensitive data with the US first.

E-tjenesten, Norway's Intelligence Service, shared its written report on the Russian nuclear submarine Kursk sinking with the US National Security Agency (NSA) on 12 August 2000, the same day the disaster happened, according to a document from the Snowden archive.

According to the Snowden archive, the Norwegian Intelligence Service was the first and the only intelligence agency to learn the fate of the Kursk before the Russians did, having collected data from sonobuoys and the reconnaissance ship Marjata.

By contrast, the Armed Forces in Northern Norway and the Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority did not hear anything until several days later, when the information came from a completely different source.

The idea of sharing sensitive data with the US ahead of the Norwegian authorities has sparked criticism from researchers and politicians, triggering loyalty concerns.


10e27c  No.7057140

File: bdad62bd3a798b5⋯.png (330.46 KB, 520x300, 26:15, ClipboardImage.png)








c2931e  No.7057142


It's actually a Wikipedia article that uses her as a source. The one about the 3 staircases.

c3bff1  No.7057143





plane changes its tail number and is shown to have landed 3 hours ago

second plane flying on top of it seemingly no registration

multiple radar sites only show one plane, but there are two

probably isnt anything but weird

a84431  No.7057144

File: 75ebda41be7aa36⋯.jpg (60.79 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, The Squad.jpg)

The Squad!!!

9e0315  No.7057145

Q said you all are going to bust Smollett for paying people to beat him up….

That is some high priorities Q……


Some one is bored….

Typical magicians..

Look here not at the important things going on..

That statement about Smollett should tell you all everything…

854e12  No.7057147

>>7057006 (pb)


10e27c  No.7057148

File: b9c8f5c83769346⋯.png (1.42 MB, 1024x615, 1024:615, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5229a32da5e7294⋯.png (129.81 KB, 473x677, 473:677, ClipboardImage.png)



bb6c84  No.7057150

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Epstein's Pedophile Island, Little St. James USVI Drone July 2019 3 (1/2)


17da12  No.7057151

File: 17d672f18cfa7fb⋯.png (16.55 KB, 445x620, 89:124, Screenshot_2019-07-16 Q.png)

This fucking speaks for itself.

I came here for truth and Q

178932  No.7057152

File: b9b9ddfdcfb3c09⋯.jpeg (862.8 KB, 1242x1883, 1242:1883, 196097BF-3DB1-4BB4-80C3-B….jpeg)

It’s Not Russia.


In the period between 2000 and 2017, the obligations of foreign debtors to China increased from less than $500 billion to more than $5 trillion—or from around one percent of global economic output to more than six percent.

The majority of debt claims were acquired in international bond markets by China’s state-owned central bank.

In addition, China’s government has extended increasing sums of direct loans, in particular to developing and emerging countries.

Research has shown that Chinese state banks issued around a quarter of total bank lending to emerging markets, propelling China into the leading global position as official creditor, leaving behind the IMF and World Bank.


bb6c84  No.7057153

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Epstein's Pedophile Island, Little St. James USVI Drone July 2019 3 (2/2)


e75850  No.7057154

You know what the funny thing is about POTUS twats on this matter. I didn't see him mention anyone by name. Everyone just assumed he was taking about the 4 stupid cunts in congress. KEK. What ever happens this going to be a good show to watch. (((Trolling is fun))) They took the bait. Now hes just got to reel them in. BOOOM

Hollywood Erupts over Trump’s ‘Go Back’ Tweet: ‘Sick Sad Excuse for a Human Being


23eb08  No.7057155

>>7057017 (pb)

> Seth & Aaron Rich - DNC Leak Coverup

Did any other anons notice the post # was 17?

Nominated for notable, and I agree - but also, pertinent digits!

0f2245  No.7057157

e886da  No.7057158

File: 36a039718c113d6⋯.jpg (515.8 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Angel Q Plane.jpg)

10e27c  No.7057159

File: 0fcb7e398723730⋯.png (17.2 KB, 951x546, 317:182, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5a31f34e609646a⋯.png (1.46 MB, 1525x3270, 305:654, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7c79b9e533e623f⋯.png (2.57 MB, 1282x979, 1282:979, ClipboardImage.png)




White House threw secret ‘Alice in Wonderland’ bash during recession in 2009

TEA PARTY! Johnny Depp played host, as the Mad Hatter, at a 2009 White House bash, but a new book says it was kept quiet from the press for fear of backlash amid the recession. Post photo composite

It was the tea party the Obamas just couldn’t resist.

A White House “Alice in Wonderland” costume ball — put on by Johnny Depp and Hollywood director Tim Burton — proved to be a Mad-as-a-Hatter idea that was never made public for fear of a political backlash during hard economic times, according to a new tell-all.

“The Obamas,” by New York Times correspondent Jodi Kantor, tells of the first Halloween party the first couple feted at the White House in 2009. It was so over the top that “Star Wars” creator George Lucas sent the original Chewbacca to mingle with invited guests.

The book reveals how any official announcement of the glittering affair — coming at a time when Tea Party activists and voters furious over the lagging economy, 10-percent unemployment rate, bank bailouts and Obama’s health-care plan were staging protests — quickly vanished down the rabbit hole.

“White House officials were so nervous about how a splashy, Hollywood-esque party would look to jobless Americans — or their representatives in Congress, who would soon vote on health care — that the event was not discussed publicly and Burton’s and Depp’s contributions went unacknowledged,” the book says.

However, the White House made certain that more humble Halloween festivities earlier that day — for thousands of Washington-area schoolkids — were well reported by the press corps.

Then the Obamas went inside, where an invitation-only affair for children of military personnel and White House administrators unfolded in the East Room.

Unbeknownst to reporters, the State Dining Room had also been transformed into a secretive White House Wonderland.

Tim Burton decorated it “in his signature creepy-comic style. His film version was about to be released, and he had turned the room into the Mad Hatter’s tea party, with a long table set with antique-looking linens, enormous stuffed animals in chairs, and tiered serving plates with treats like bone-shaped meringue cookies,” reports the book, which The Post purchased at a Manhattan bookstore.

“Fruit punch was served in blood vials at the bar. Burton’s own Mad Hatter, the actor Johnny Depp, presided over the scene in full costume, standing up on a table to welcome everyone in character.”

The Obamas’ daughters, Malia and Sasha, then 11 and 8 respectively, “sat at the table, surrounded by a gaggle of their friends, and then proceeded to the next delight, a magic show in the East Room.”

Kantor’s book details more personal aspects of the Obama White House, serving up glimpses of the first couple’s marriage, parenting, sometimes tense handling of staff issues and even the president’s sly sense of humor when it comes to race.

One morning during his Senate campaign, Obama didn’t show up to a meeting with donors. “After a frantic search, a white staffer named Peter Coffey called Obama’s barbershop to find that, yes, he was there.”

The president confronted Coffey about the call later that day.

‘The relationship between a black man and his barber is sacred,’ Obama bellowed . . . ‘For failing to understand this truth, your punishment is to watch the movie “Barbershop.” And for further punishment, you will then watch the sequel, “Barbershop 2.” ’ ”

Often White House staffers found themselves in the middle of husband-and-wife quarrels.

“The advisors could feel hopelessly caught between husband and wife,” Kantor writes. “The Obama marriage was awkward for everyone: for the aides, for the president . . . and for the first lady.”



e28d66  No.7057160

File: 6ca422fcba1e932⋯.png (145.89 KB, 858x604, 429:302, ClipboardImage.png)

Lawsuit Outs Reporter Ellen Ratner as Source for Seth Rich Informationhttps://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/07/breaking-lawsuit-outs-reporter-ellen-ratner-as-source-for-seth-rich-information/

10e27c  No.7057162

File: ed88468dca47f2e⋯.png (12.1 MB, 674x14178, 337:7089, ClipboardImage.png)


Inside the Obamas' secret Alice In Wonderland-themed Halloween party at White House that was kept under wraps for TWO years

Held during the depths of the recession, Obamas knew it would be bad PR

Johnny Depp and Tim Burton helped host the event but their names were kept off the visitor logs in an effort to keep the party secret


10e27c  No.7057165

File: bdad62bd3a798b5⋯.png (330.46 KB, 520x300, 26:15, ClipboardImage.png)

2eb6e6  No.7057166

File: 04e75040e1d73c3⋯.jpeg (33.65 KB, 219x255, 73:85, EF1F7AAC-8CA5-4FED-BBA5-9….jpeg)

File: 2948b1fbff19ee3⋯.jpeg (36.55 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 58AC5D17-AB75-4D8F-BCB8-6….jpeg)

e886da  No.7057169

File: 03b6ecfd3c10d9c⋯.png (1.61 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Alice in Wonderland Q Alph….png)

10e27c  No.7057170

File: b9c8f5c83769346⋯.png (1.42 MB, 1024x615, 1024:615, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b16e6042a95ee26⋯.png (836.8 KB, 634x611, 634:611, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 36a2741ceb92316⋯.png (988.52 KB, 634x632, 317:316, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8be59d1a212d8b6⋯.png (513.08 KB, 634x350, 317:175, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ef3d3903f2950d2⋯.png (763.11 KB, 634x601, 634:601, ClipboardImage.png)

9c7f4e  No.7057171

File: 84bde23e45e519a⋯.png (902.56 KB, 927x6648, 309:2216, ITSREALLYBAD.png)

File: 8adc75871e86805⋯.png (67.27 KB, 571x592, 571:592, moser.png)

File: 7961838eca0d876⋯.png (474.44 KB, 1127x1292, 1127:1292, talmud1.png)

File: 238534610b6a4c1⋯.jpg (2.09 MB, 1696x6224, 106:389, islam1.jpg)

File: 30b3395193858bf⋯.jpg (2.05 MB, 1336x6290, 668:3145, islam2.jpg)

10e27c  No.7057172

File: 963f31b86b6589d⋯.png (485.72 KB, 634x396, 317:198, ClipboardImage.png)

File: aef03d8d06c3a88⋯.png (680.62 KB, 634x436, 317:218, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c24f4164a26e345⋯.png (602.9 KB, 634x411, 634:411, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e9739743c510b1f⋯.png (931.12 KB, 634x631, 634:631, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 60151eccdb68383⋯.png (713.81 KB, 634x471, 634:471, ClipboardImage.png)

941081  No.7057173

David Geffen must die.

178932  No.7057175

File: 82ad5035ad34ac9⋯.jpeg (1.02 MB, 1242x2078, 621:1039, 048039E2-5ED5-4017-9F00-3….jpeg)

DamnMitt it’s getting patheticly obvious who the Bad Actors are.

Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) said Monday that President Donald Trump’s challenge to far-left Congresswomen to leave the United States was “destructive” and argued the president has “failed badly” at uniting the country.


e886da  No.7057176

File: 75aff736f0f9167⋯.jpg (643.99 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, White Rabbit Check Q.jpg)

File: 7b996e76bf1f9d5⋯.png (3.2 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Steampunk Q Alpha.png)

10e27c  No.7057178

File: 167996d4b1f44dc⋯.png (277.13 KB, 306x423, 34:47, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b75f96052bb1ac4⋯.png (526.73 KB, 2133x1600, 2133:1600, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2acc55c53ac3879⋯.png (504.03 KB, 634x346, 317:173, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 24e6726df82146b⋯.png (455.04 KB, 634x412, 317:206, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9a0325662c62405⋯.png (632.77 KB, 634x489, 634:489, ClipboardImage.png)

a3cdd1  No.7057179

File: efa1bc31ccdfe56⋯.gif (1.3 MB, 480x270, 16:9, THE STORM.GIF)

6752d2  No.7057182

File: 10cf0efb7225700⋯.jpg (233.98 KB, 746x1147, 746:1147, DZ5_kU2WsAA0_Fr.jpg)

File: 2b27760934d321b⋯.jpg (270.41 KB, 725x1050, 29:42, FullSizeRender.jpg)

File: e8ac73d0f68c228⋯.jpg (41.77 KB, 618x412, 3:2, JohnnyDepptrump.jpg)

Watch the water!

24b075  No.7057184

File: 7fb25dc41fa3b9b⋯.png (206.3 KB, 354x400, 177:200, 2019-07-16_05-22-58.png)

6752d2  No.7057185

File: f9d0c60bf1ee190⋯.jpg (38.7 KB, 620x403, 20:13, ellen1.jpg)

II - superimposed over a building.

Twin towers symbolism?

a3cdd1  No.7057187

File: 96cbb946d307573⋯.png (368.19 KB, 777x942, 259:314, Q3178.PNG)

a3cdd1  No.7057188

File: 9e9d02ee952f904⋯.gif (5.96 MB, 520x416, 5:4, NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT IS C….GIF)

6752d2  No.7057189

File: 98ab39ecce50d0f⋯.jpg (777.11 KB, 1548x1024, 387:256, ellen-degeneres-barack-oba….jpg)

a3cdd1  No.7057190

File: b325b7a230360e8⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1142x833, 1142:833, JULY2019.PNG)

10e27c  No.7057191

File: c9e4c6e297c0b6a⋯.png (306.76 KB, 306x423, 34:47, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 02cec695ce3be82⋯.png (245.56 KB, 306x423, 34:47, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b5e4e94113205d0⋯.png (638.48 KB, 634x436, 317:218, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 846144733f4bc52⋯.png (651.38 KB, 634x438, 317:219, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bdad62bd3a798b5⋯.png (330.46 KB, 520x300, 26:15, ClipboardImage.png)

9c7f4e  No.7057193


Bain Capital. WWASP Survivors.

d3e4e6  No.7057194


2 degenerates, disgusting swamp creatures

e7a0f2  No.7057195

File: d7c69ea86359aab⋯.png (5.95 MB, 2000x1571, 2000:1571, ClipboardImage.png)

2eb6e6  No.7057197

File: a0be4e9203058fc⋯.jpeg (135.3 KB, 500x659, 500:659, D1D02F72-6505-4790-B34F-1….jpeg)

File: 0dd21970d6516c4⋯.png (190 KB, 500x865, 100:173, 6F0631AD-FF0E-481D-9374-9E….png)

6752d2  No.7057198

File: f9d0c60bf1ee190⋯.jpg (38.7 KB, 620x403, 20:13, ellen1.jpg)

File: 98ab39ecce50d0f⋯.jpg (777.11 KB, 1548x1024, 387:256, ellen-degeneres-barack-oba….jpg)

File: 2b27760934d321b⋯.jpg (270.41 KB, 725x1050, 29:42, FullSizeRender.jpg)

File: e3b3c1ffa03fc9c⋯.png (345.21 KB, 1422x849, 474:283, unerwear.png)

d77e91  No.7057200


>We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

Fuck off.

178932  No.7057201

Y 25?


A federal judge has slashed a damages award Bayer AG owed a California man who blamed Roundup weed killer for his cancer, to $US25.27 million ($A35.90 million) from $US80.27 million, while rejecting the company's bid for a new trial.

Evidence against the former Monsanto Co, which Bayer bought last year, supported the $US5.27 million in compensatory damages that a jury awarded Edwin Hardeman, US District Judge Vince Chhabria in San Francisco said.

He also said the jury acted reasonably in awarding punitive damages.

Chhabria nonetheless reduced punitive damages to $US20 million from $US75 million, saying that while Monsanto "deserves to be punished", the higher award was "constitutionally impermissible" because it was nearly 15 times the compensatory damages award.

"Monsanto's conduct, while reprehensible, does not warrant a ratio of that magnitude, particularly in the absence of evidence showing intentional concealment of a known or obvious safety risk", Chhabria wrote.

Hardeman said he used Roundup for many years starting in the 1980s to treat poison oak and weeds on his property. He was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma in 2014 but is now in remission.

Hardeman is one of more than 13,400 plaintiffs who have sued Bayer and Monsanto over Roundup, saying the herbicide's active ingredient, glyphosate, is unsafe.

In a statement, Bayer called Chhabria's decision "a step in the right direction," but said it still planned to appeal.


77d3c9  No.7057202

File: f0f08d5634744ee⋯.png (1.7 MB, 746x1147, 746:1147, ClipboardImage.png)


The structure in the middle of this photo, looks like an altar.

24b075  No.7057203

File: d609751a3644000⋯.png (540.64 KB, 851x462, 851:462, 2019-07-16_05-32-17.png)


$65,000 Hot Dog party?

a3cdd1  No.7057204

File: 9358f027cb36ce7⋯.png (99.87 KB, 729x509, 729:509, Q925.PNG)

b152e0  No.7057205

File: 8c527c8c6f2a6d5⋯.jpg (53.89 KB, 255x205, 51:41, 3e48eb940e501b24d22730bbc1….jpg)


Noice set up there!

d35812  No.7057207

File: 4f4074df47daf69⋯.png (358.33 KB, 729x986, 729:986, jfkjr mourning son morning….png)

File: 600dfe9e53a2588⋯.png (4.02 MB, 2484x2318, 1242:1159, qclock moon apollo jfk.png)

File: f3786e13ab5013d⋯.png (2.33 MB, 2062x2062, 1:1, qclock july 16 2019 jfkjr.png)

77d3c9  No.7057208


degeneris or degenerate?

6752d2  No.7057209

File: 6ebd2ed3630b40e⋯.jpg (2.06 MB, 2481x3508, 2481:3508, Battle.jpg)

d77e91  No.7057210

Bread being spammed with stale shit and irrelevant/context-less images. BOARD IS COMPED.

e75850  No.7057211


Yeah that's a dope rig!

3e2f1f  No.7057212

File: 878f83f484ccfd8⋯.jpg (52.17 KB, 736x736, 1:1, 878f83f484ccfd8e59c47fb8fe….jpg)

a3cdd1  No.7057213

File: b1d0ba3cf3ddf20⋯.jpg (223.41 KB, 777x1720, 777:1720, Q133.JPG)

10e27c  No.7057214

File: bdad62bd3a798b5⋯.png (330.46 KB, 520x300, 26:15, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ed88468dca47f2e⋯.png (12.1 MB, 674x14178, 337:7089, ClipboardImage.png)


>Bread being spammed with stale shit and irrelevant/context-less images. BOARD IS COMPED.

fuckk off shill=

Here's your context…start diggin:

Inside the Obamas' secret Alice In Wonderland-themed Halloween party at White House that was kept under wraps for TWO years

Held during the depths of the recession, Obamas knew it would be bad PR

Johnny Depp and Tim Burton helped host the event but their names were kept off the visitor logs in an effort to keep the party secret

The first pictures of the infamous Alice in Wonderland Halloween party at the White House emerged today - just hours it was revealed the Obama administration kept the 2009 celebration under wraps for two years.

The pictures will likely add to the embarrassment for the administration as the Obamas have been highly criticized for hosting a lavish Halloween party- with guests like actor Johnny Depp and director Tim Burton- in 2009 at the same time that the country was in the midst of a recession.

The initial news of the party came from a book, written by New York Times journalist Jodi Kantor, which maintains that the reason why it was kept so quiet at the time was because the administration was aware that it would be in poor form for them to host an extravagant party when so many were suffering financially.


24b075  No.7057216

File: 6e10f82b1bfd33e⋯.png (74.08 KB, 319x291, 319:291, dmiprpqq.png)


Well hello there!

77d3c9  No.7057217

>>7057175It was

obvious to me, when he was running for pres.

I use to think he was an ok guy when he was in charge of the olympic committee.

c24232  No.7057218


You can't really be this new????

a3cdd1  No.7057219

File: 66c25c2fcaa54fd⋯.png (225.57 KB, 650x1063, 650:1063, Q1358.PNG)

852663  No.7057220


A shills dreamrig

e75850  No.7057221


Indeed. But we have everything and nothing can stop whats coming. I kinda expected shit to go down like this as we got closer to the Booms. These asshats will stop nothing to hold back the public disclosure. Anyway this show is off the hook. Looking forward to being there for the people around me when they finally wake up.

bb6c84  No.7057222

File: 5b1ecbe2a7a4e25⋯.png (269.78 KB, 474x324, 79:54, barry-loves-his-hot-dog.png)

6f4d42  No.7057223

Pleb anon here. Why don't bakers just add notables to the top of bred? Is it because BO fucks with the bred if notables are added to top?

cffe6c  No.7057224


Very old news

a37146  No.7057225

File: f66cbff6850b643⋯.png (23.55 KB, 391x430, 391:430, dead.png)



10e27c  No.7057226

File: 3a76d5997d9d16e⋯.png (11.69 KB, 926x363, 926:363, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5eef27246f5402c⋯.png (3.34 KB, 891x247, 891:247, ClipboardImage.png)


>You can't really be this new????


digg on this or something valuable or GTFO





77d3c9  No.7057227


Information on the little guy in the pictures. An indian american(so it says) born in (guess where?) kenya.


10e27c  No.7057228


>Very old news

HEY FAGGOT see here <<7057226


45cfeb  No.7057230

File: d3fe78f06fa2004⋯.png (2.55 MB, 1721x780, 1721:780, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cb2a343786e9da3⋯.png (2.03 MB, 1610x780, 161:78, ClipboardImage.png)



e75850  No.7057231

File: 2dbfbed62db22e3⋯.jpg (20.37 KB, 480x360, 4:3, dirtbagrig.jpg)


Yeah …. I just upgraded mine. Dual floppies.

bf5508  No.7057232


Anon is right, you ARE new. Alice party IS very old news.

83175e  No.7057233

File: fb83ab470ebb1e8⋯.png (2.08 MB, 2560x1440, 16:9, animal populations graphic.png)

File: 22b5ca2494582c2⋯.png (496.17 KB, 1956x806, 978:403, Post about animal populati….png)

File: c42171f68d0a088⋯.png (664.77 KB, 897x694, 897:694, Cattle Cortez Cody.png)

File: 6761d0265c0b1e6⋯.jpg (122.5 KB, 646x500, 323:250, 35rp4j.jpg)

File: a40f75058b3b561⋯.png (105.74 KB, 708x180, 59:15, Bison population.png)

77d3c9  No.7057234


stupid idiot.

Millions of people are still not aware.

This is the absolute main purpose of this board. To bring to light, information that has been hidden in plain sight.

f3d00c  No.7057235

File: 0a532e45d770186⋯.png (341.84 KB, 648x1123, 648:1123, [CLAS 1-99].png)

Did Q drop [Clas 1-99] here?

178932  No.7057236

In this exclusive interview, Rep. Jack Bergman (R-Mi 1st Dist) says that the names of 264 Congressmen, Senators, and their staff who have settled #MeToo accusations of sexual misconduct, harassment, and discrimination must be released as soon as possible.

The Congressional Accountability Act of 1995 authorized a slush fund from which accusers would be paid hush money if they agreed to sign a non-disclosure agreement that kept the identities of the offenders secret.

Last year, the US Treasury paid more than $934-thousand dollars to victims of Congressional predators. Since 1997, almost $17 million dollars have been paid in total. Bergman said that not only should the offenders be named, monetary awards to victims should be paid by the offenders, not the taxpayer.


3e2f1f  No.7057237

File: bb52bdd9f19d07f⋯.jpg (34.32 KB, 620x465, 4:3, slim-helu.jpg)

#QR Know You Entity #29938

Thagirion(n): Those Who Bellow Grief and Tears

The Thagirion build ugliness and groan about it.

a3cdd1  No.7057238

File: 329b37b71014233⋯.jpg (186.09 KB, 1424x766, 712:383, PANIC.JPG)

10e27c  No.7057239

File: 533c693da3cb780⋯.png (4.83 KB, 474x420, 79:70, ClipboardImage.png)


>Information on the little guy in the pictures. An indian american(so it says) born in (guess where?) kenya.



Nice digg anon… of course..obenya

a84431  No.7057240



10e27c  No.7057241


>Anon is right, you ARE new. Alice party IS very old news.

Gay faggot shill.. prove me wrong; you can'!

77d3c9  No.7057242


So what Is there a cut off date for learning?

5bdadc  No.7057243

File: 31d0b2f8aa2350f⋯.jpg (12.7 KB, 255x193, 255:193, aca4a912777d9112d4debde82c….jpg)

Just for you Travis V

c2931e  No.7057244

File: de1768d1a4c6637⋯.jpg (131.84 KB, 1024x529, 1024:529, rottenchild5.jpg)

File: 1aa2b9974b90671⋯.jpg (141.09 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, rottenchild4.jpg)

File: afc8aa12b3d1136⋯.jpg (93.48 KB, 994x740, 497:370, rottenchild3.jpg)

File: 744e45777a8027d⋯.jpg (125.41 KB, 1024x535, 1024:535, rottenchild2.jpg)

File: c6cc5c5a52dcd2c⋯.jpg (88.29 KB, 1031x683, 1031:683, rottenchild1.jpg)

e75850  No.7057245

File: 6e4d57b0fe2b841⋯.jpg (5.91 KB, 225x225, 1:1, dope.jpg)


Fogettabouit…. newbies get admission to the big show too.

77d3c9  No.7057246


So what Is there a cut off date for learning?

We are here to educate others. not alienate them. but then, that is the job of a shill isn't it?

e75850  No.7057247

File: 4152fb18feaf562⋯.jpg (34.13 KB, 500x378, 250:189, pepebarff.jpg)

a84431  No.7057248


WTF are you talking about..been here since the beginning..this is the first hearing about this party..now shill off somewhere else…NIGHT SHIFT is still in the house!!!!!

45cfeb  No.7057249

File: 34c935e3465c717⋯.png (232.42 KB, 480x360, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

e7a0f2  No.7057250

File: 8d4e12b185458e9⋯.png (8.48 MB, 4000x2672, 250:167, cleanup.png)

clean up day!

10e27c  No.7057251

File: ed88468dca47f2e⋯.png (12.1 MB, 674x14178, 337:7089, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bdad62bd3a798b5⋯.png (330.46 KB, 520x300, 26:15, ClipboardImage.png)




WTF are you talking about..been here since the beginning..this is the first hearing about this party..now shill off somewhere else…NIGHT SHIFT is still in the house!!!!!

Thank you ANON….GOD BLESS YOU!!!!

77d3c9  No.7057252


I happen to be in possession of a few floppies myself. Not the computer sadly, just the floppies.

3e2f1f  No.7057254

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Gentle Jesus join my journey

When I lay me down to sleep.

I would gladly sleep forever

In your kind companionship.

Sweet Redeemer walk beside me

Guide my dreaming by your grace

Help my mind make pictures of you

Let my fingers feel your face.

Should I live to see the moment

When the convict sun is freed

Let me not forget your kindness

Let me not forget my need.

10e27c  No.7057255

File: 0fcb7e398723730⋯.png (17.2 KB, 951x546, 317:182, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bdad62bd3a798b5⋯.png (330.46 KB, 520x300, 26:15, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ed88468dca47f2e⋯.png (12.1 MB, 674x14178, 337:7089, ClipboardImage.png)




>WTF are you talking about..been here since the beginning..this is the first hearing about this party..now shill off somewhere else…NIGHT SHIFT is still in the house!!!!!

Thank you ANON….GOD BLESS YOU!!!!

d77e91  No.7057256


>Not understanding the reasoning behind the statement I posted which appears AT THE TOP OF EVERY FUCKING BREAD

That, or just purposely subverting. In either case, fuck off.

24b075  No.7057257

File: f3fb8e7d4ac5a45⋯.png (123.77 KB, 350x350, 1:1, 2019-07-07_10-52-17.png)


Killary can do me anytime.

10e27c  No.7057258

File: 5a31f34e609646a⋯.png (1.46 MB, 1525x3270, 305:654, ClipboardImage.png)

White House threw secret ‘Alice in Wonderland’ bash during recession in 2009

TEA PARTY! Johnny Depp played host, as the Mad Hatter, at a 2009 White House bash, but a new book says it was kept quiet from the press for fear of backlash amid the recession. Post photo composite

It was the tea party the Obamas just couldn’t resist.

A White House “Alice in Wonderland” costume ball — put on by Johnny Depp and Hollywood director Tim Burton — proved to be a Mad-as-a-Hatter idea that was never made public for fear of a political backlash during hard economic times, according to a new tell-all.

“The Obamas,” by New York Times correspondent Jodi Kantor, tells of the first Halloween party the first couple feted at the White House in 2009. It was so over the top that “Star Wars” creator George Lucas sent the original Chewbacca to mingle with invited guests.

The book reveals how any official announcement of the glittering affair — coming at a time when Tea Party activists and voters furious over the lagging economy, 10-percent unemployment rate, bank bailouts and Obama’s health-care plan were staging protests — quickly vanished down the rabbit hole.

“White House officials were so nervous about how a splashy, Hollywood-esque party would look to jobless Americans — or their representatives in Congress, who would soon vote on health care — that the event was not discussed publicly and Burton’s and Depp’s contributions went unacknowledged,” the book says.

However, the White House made certain that more humble Halloween festivities earlier that day — for thousands of Washington-area schoolkids — were well reported by the press corps.

Then the Obamas went inside, where an invitation-only affair for children of military personnel and White House administrators unfolded in the East Room.

Unbeknownst to reporters, the State Dining Room had also been transformed into a secretive White House Wonderland.

Tim Burton decorated it “in his signature creepy-comic style. His film version was about to be released, and he had turned the room into the Mad Hatter’s tea party, with a long table set with antique-looking linens, enormous stuffed animals in chairs, and tiered serving plates with treats like bone-shaped meringue cookies,” reports the book, which The Post purchased at a Manhattan bookstore.

“Fruit punch was served in blood vials at the bar. Burton’s own Mad Hatter, the actor Johnny Depp, presided over the scene in full costume, standing up on a table to welcome everyone in character.”

The Obamas’ daughters, Malia and Sasha, then 11 and 8 respectively, “sat at the table, surrounded by a gaggle of their friends, and then proceeded to the next delight, a magic show in the East Room.”

Kantor’s book details more personal aspects of the Obama White House, serving up glimpses of the first couple’s marriage, parenting, sometimes tense handling of staff issues and even the president’s sly sense of humor when it comes to race.

One morning during his Senate campaign, Obama didn’t show up to a meeting with donors. “After a frantic search, a white staffer named Peter Coffey called Obama’s barbershop to find that, yes, he was there.”

The president confronted Coffey about the call later that day.

‘The relationship between a black man and his barber is sacred,’ Obama bellowed . . . ‘For failing to understand this truth, your punishment is to watch the movie “Barbershop.” And for further punishment, you will then watch the sequel, “Barbershop 2.” ’ ”

Often White House staffers found themselves in the middle of husband-and-wife quarrels.

“The advisors could feel hopelessly caught between husband and wife,” Kantor writes. “The Obama marriage was awkward for everyone: for the aides, for the president . . . and for the first lady.”


2df120  No.7057259

File: 4f9b1e8eb63e524⋯.png (295.22 KB, 666x312, 111:52, mklml.png)

File: e6c309d3ecfe67e⋯.png (124.58 KB, 306x289, 18:17, jkv.png)

File: 74e69f8f10e42ed⋯.png (77.7 KB, 411x331, 411:331, kml.png)

File: efb0d4ae566d38c⋯.png (240.15 KB, 619x328, 619:328, nk.png)

File: 7d2559c7666c4db⋯.png (135 KB, 376x332, 94:83, j.png)


This is maddening

5bdadc  No.7057260

File: 5ca8f26d49a8f3d⋯.jpeg (214.93 KB, 1055x754, 1055:754, 16yrplan.jpeg)

6a9c74  No.7057262


So whats the big story here?

That Ellen Ratner is the Source for the Information?

Or that Seth Rich is infact the DNC-Leaker who gave the mails to Wikileaks?!!!

spin doctors overtime?

2eb6e6  No.7057264

File: 6cd113ce9905edb⋯.jpeg (59.05 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, 51BE6DFD-8AE1-470A-971C-7….jpeg)

File: 5e0470d1e0a66ea⋯.jpeg (72.77 KB, 832x855, 832:855, 88D42EA6-393B-441C-818B-E….jpeg)

File: 3ec7947b6733d68⋯.jpeg (56.25 KB, 500x536, 125:134, 1B309B8D-147E-4435-AB7E-8….jpeg)

File: 95bf7674d955451⋯.jpeg (132.85 KB, 1200x730, 120:73, 1850E805-FD5E-458A-8273-4….jpeg)

8b93f0  No.7057265


>WTF is wrong with the Bakers?

There are no longer bakers allowed in the house.

slackjack/fartbox eliminated them and replaced them with his minions.

3e2f1f  No.7057266

File: 8ac87ec33bef870⋯.jpeg (252.2 KB, 1680x1050, 8:5, 8ac87ec33bef870fe22b7e2fb….jpeg)

Ever been part of "the wave" at a sporting event? Stood up at a show or event and applauded because others were applauding without knowing much about who, or what the clapping was for?

Congratulations, you are human.

We need humility, it is foundational to understanding. Jesus didn't call some of us sheep, He called all of us sheep.

It is trivial to exploit our human propensity for imitation to go along with the crowd and to propagate unconscious self-replicating social behaviors (fads, trends, crazes) in a culture for purposes of marketing or for social control.

It seems highly unlikely such a phenomenon, ripe for exploitation, has been ignored by satanic cultist pedovores interested in controlling human future social and economic development.

Pop culture is not the organic phenomena it appears, but a cultivated cultural medium engineered to permit rapid introduction and transmission of psychogenic illnesses by methods like those used to introduce fads and condition consumer behavior. Change doesn’t just happen. It requires engineering.

You could not have sold anyone bottled water in the 1980s America. We still thought water was like air, something to which all are entitled.

Cultures where commerce controls media content and where art is used to sell consumer goods have the power to engineer psychological operations which induce powerful contagious mental illness; delusions and collective insanities. Historical mass insanities and contagious psychogenic illnesses are described, in Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds, by Mackay, a book which every parent should insist their children read and insure they understand.


In recent years, scholars have seen mysterious maladies proliferate. Recently, American and European psychologists have begun tracking “the blue whale game” and dozens of other induced, contagious mental illnesses which the internet spreads worldwide.


Reminder: Sanity can be induced and is also contagious. Be best.


2df120  No.7057267


I didn't read the exchange but they have specifically spammed alice and wonderland imagery before. And i personally knew of this article around 2017. It was in pizzagate threads before q.

633a14  No.7057268



We need sauce with dat, anon.

Sauce is what makes any meme/twat WAY moar effective. pls add a link to those..

7b386f  No.7057269

File: 45f02867d87a86c⋯.png (284.59 KB, 1111x1780, 1111:1780, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1eb933fd3db8fc7⋯.png (367.22 KB, 1097x1785, 1097:1785, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 84c9f94c21f8eb8⋯.jpg (30.48 KB, 480x624, 10:13, 84c9f94c21f8eb8f6c70deb7e8….jpg)

File: 955819da47c918f⋯.jpg (32.81 KB, 600x450, 4:3, 955819da47c918f5be3cdc52fa….jpg)

>>7056988 (pb)

>>7056988 (pb)

>>7056988 (pb)


Ryan was digging into Epstein et al a long time ago..

a3cdd1  No.7057270

File: 7720c4817938a57⋯.png (180.49 KB, 474x247, 474:247, BAKE YOUR NOODLE.PNG)

e75850  No.7057271


Yeah I recognize him from a few movies. Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory….Not sure but I want to say he was in the old one and the Johnny derp newer version. I think his outfit he was wearing in the photo was from the latest WW movie.

e7a0f2  No.7057272

do your part. keep our house clean by cleaning yours. filthy faggots.

4c2396  No.7057273

If you see them, they want to be seen

8d8f83  No.7057274


Haven't they noticed no more "Baker Requesting Hand-off" messages…

178932  No.7057276

File: e71bc20fdb37b97⋯.jpeg (989.64 KB, 1242x1955, 54:85, 30B52C3E-BD4F-4013-B6BC-A….jpeg)

It’s never them until it always is.

Barak was a close friend and business partner with Epstein for years. Now some of those business partnerships are being scrutinized amid questions about Barak’s own source of wealth. The Times reported Saturday that Barak is exploring whether to sever business ties with Epstein, 66, who was charged last week with sex trafficking underage girls

Read more here: https://www.mcclatchydc.com/news/investigations/article232658477.html#storylink=cpy

10e27c  No.7057277

File: bdad62bd3a798b5⋯.png (330.46 KB, 520x300, 26:15, ClipboardImage.png)


>I didn't read the exchange but they have specifically spammed alice and wonderland imagery before. And i personally knew of this article around 2017. It was in pizzagate threads before q.


c2931e  No.7057278


I meme the future.

e75850  No.7057279

5bdadc  No.7057280

File: 178bc4989576829⋯.jpeg (212.79 KB, 1120x1120, 1:1, weaponsdeal.jpeg)

a37146  No.7057281

File: 58caadb90fe110f⋯.png (349.45 KB, 474x459, 158:153, gametime.png)


anon did read it, anon knows how to check ID's.

anon still says you're a pussy.

maybe if you pussies didn't exist, the world wouldn't be so fucked up with pedo's running free all because the corrupt courts won't try them.

3e2f1f  No.7057282

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Imagine if the information we get from the natural world through our eyes, ears, nose and skin could be tampered with? An enemy who controls sensory inputs can control what we buy, what we think about and what we will become in future.

Most of the information we receive today does not come to us directly through our senses. It still comes via the optic nerve to the brain, but the original source is digital media displayed on a monitor or device screen.

Less that 10% of the average person's daily information input is direct sense experience of the natural world. What we imagine we know about the greater, outside world, our fellow humans and the universe is *all* acquired from TV "news" or "entertainment" programming - TV, movies, games VR and MR are how we form our understanding of greater surrounding social, economic and political reality.

We are entirely dependent on the *integrity* of MSM/legacy media for our understanding of the reality we share, and legacy media has betrayed us, engaging in massive deception and running what are called psyops, Information Operations, stories which employ real world violence in ways engineered to divide, confuse and terrify us.

Over 90% of all the information we take in about the world, about our reality, our fellow citizens, friends and neighbors, comes to us through a legacy media or big tech driven SCREEN.

The average American household has only 2.75 people, but 3 TVs and 6 Internet devices.

The average American family spends more money each month on media consumption than on groceries or electricity.

The average American consumes 12-15 aggregate hours of digital media per day.

The average American child consumes more than 10 hours of digital media per day.

The average American smartphone is checked every 6-12 waking minutes.

70% of Americans binge view.

With the emergence nonlinear networked communication it became possible to control individual and group information environments at all levels. Modern technologies have made "kinetic war" obsolete.

Information warfare destroys people and countries from within. By controlling the minds of citizens, by exploiting conditioned response with prepared information packages targeted individuals or nations can be (and have been) brought to take ANY specified action (including 'genocide') voluntarily.

Non-linear or Information war tactics involve turning enemy nations against themselves by infiltrating and subverting moral values. By gradually degrading the whole information infrastructure, from popular entertainment to text books. Occult material are introduced into required reading lists as is rewritten history. Historical frauds are legitimized, self-destructive behaviors are promoted as fashionable, mental illnesses and perversions like pedophilia are normalized by stages, and programs like "common core" are created to turn kids off learning.

By capturing the news and entertainment industry, and gradually, over decades, reducing the public vocabulary, promoting social division, emphasizing inequities, fanning the flames of old grievances, using false flag terrorism to foster or rekindle resentments, falsifying historical records to provide evidence for a shameful cult created US history that never happened. Destroying the story of a nation destroys that nation; the nation falls apart.

Mind war, non linear war, is a highly developed form of conflict, with tested doctrines and a protean tactical repertoire. We don't hear about IO, mind war and it's power and tactics because our entire information distribution infrastructure, entertainment industry and social media/ tech companies are all controlled by a subversive confederacy of deep state criminals. in short, they're comp'd.

Thanks to Admiral Mike Rogers' NSA, POTUS and MI, the attempted genocide of the American people has been exposed.

It's a terrible thing to discover you have been betrayed by those you most trust. It is well to remember we have ALL been deceived. Some may learn sooner, some learn later; but whenever you do, remember the others. Our fellow citizens still trapped in the false matrix of lies and fears and taboos created by sophisticated IO operators for purposes of social control. Those people still trapped need to be rescued not blamed. .

Imagine how things will be for us when this poisoning is stopped.


6deae9  No.7057284

File: b216a6495e2e576⋯.png (365.45 KB, 659x580, 659:580, ClipboardImage.png)

White Hat

e7a0f2  No.7057285

File: fe39079cd80c48d⋯.png (135.26 KB, 1088x832, 17:13, ClipboardImage.png)

dbad20  No.7057286

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

c2931e  No.7057288


Her head is so full of shit, I'm pretty sure that's a diaper!

10e27c  No.7057289

File: 7c79b9e533e623f⋯.png (2.57 MB, 1282x979, 1282:979, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f9e45da9d2fc50c⋯.png (342.83 KB, 500x333, 500:333, ClipboardImage.png)


>White Hat

e75850  No.7057290

File: a9b1cf6b5f13a55⋯.jpg (157.09 KB, 500x750, 2:3, baked_fresh_daily.jpg)

bb6c84  No.7057291

File: e4e21215358b895⋯.jpg (89.78 KB, 768x1022, 384:511, pudsey-bear-702849.jpg)


BBC Children in Need!

e7a0f2  No.7057292

File: 2da3b8078f2e923⋯.png (47.08 KB, 726x300, 121:50, ClipboardImage.png)

6a9c74  No.7057293

File: 5c617c9e512df45⋯.jpg (26.48 KB, 500x500, 1:1, this-witch-is.jpg)

Adrenochrome Dig:

the german company

"abcr" listed "Adrenochrome min. 90%" in their catalog and still has:


phoning info revealed, that they last got it in 2006 and since then they say have not received any more of it.


The Source for the Adrenochrome back in 2006 was the german arm of the Japanese Company TCI.

TCI is central organized in Europe in Belgium… (Brussels, Dutroux), and they dont give any info out there about how adrenochrome was harvested.

Info I have is you cant synthetisize it in vitro but have to harvest it in vivo.

So either kids, organ donors or patients in hospitals without their knowledge..

The hierarchy goes JAPAN (all production) => BELGIUM (marketing, orga europe) => Germany (distribution)

they deny having that product available any more.

maybe was shutdown 2006.


f3d00c  No.7057294

File: cd72787ad714fa1⋯.png (896.54 KB, 1500x2100, 5:7, Q_Proof_63.png)

a84431  No.7057295



c2931e  No.7057297

File: fd4847d0622f787⋯.jpg (36.1 KB, 620x549, 620:549, savilechildreninneed.jpg)

83175e  No.7057299

File: 62c11c99c83d72c⋯.jpg (81.92 KB, 500x513, 500:513, 35mt3j.jpg)

File: d4df446cbefbf8f⋯.jpg (62.67 KB, 716x499, 716:499, 35jv0f.jpg)

File: 2b76f32c66df4df⋯.png (35.5 KB, 1444x188, 361:47, Anons post about Bakers an….png)

File: 6f053ac2017acb1⋯.png (23.67 KB, 1160x86, 580:43, 8bit rescinds endorsement ….png)




would not even listen to me, kek

Did jack listen about the captcha part? ( nope)

BO jack Faggot lost my respect and trust, and also 8bits as well.

He did not ask us, he did not discuss with anons or bakers.

over the course of several days he lost our trust and respect, then he gets rid of bakers and takes full control over all the breads and threads, and starts doing mass deletions that never occurred before.

All during this time he had a shitty, condescending and disrespectful way he talked to and treated all anons.

He refused to answer questions or explain for many days.

That is why many anons are angry.

We are all dedicated patriotics doing our best to contribute, and he treats us like shit with zero respect.

84b0cf  No.7057300

File: 7b1587d97af2749⋯.png (538.66 KB, 747x477, 83:53, POSWeingarten.png)

77d3c9  No.7057301


you forgot exercise which is extremely important for mental health. walking is free and if you do a good job, your body rewards you with its own drugs.

e75850  No.7057302

File: 10c78e85c2fa793⋯.jpg (6.2 KB, 300x168, 25:14, kekkek.jpg)

a84431  No.7057303


anyone check to see if Johnny Depp is Epstein logs..I don't have them at the moment..but I bet he has been to the Island.

5bdadc  No.7057304

File: 614ed54440027b0⋯.jpg (64.13 KB, 367x582, 367:582, adrenochrome.jpg)

10e27c  No.7057305


Did you see that clip of Savile on Children In Need, from way back in the 80s, where Savile desperatly tries to shake Bobby Charltons hand? Charlton refuses and looks away in disgust.


Incredible pic of Savile with illuminated pedo bear.

8b93f0  No.7057306


>That is why many anons are angry and migrated to somewhere much more comfy.

bb6c84  No.7057307


I've met him

77d3c9  No.7057308

Nothing like a little signaling to their brethren eh?

bb6c84  No.7057309


No wish I had

e7a0f2  No.7057310


true true.

8b93f0  No.7057311


>I've met him

Did you let him plook you?

6a9c74  No.7057312

File: fef97b914dc0a94⋯.jpg (3.97 KB, 293x172, 293:172, index.jpg)



pedo bear has one eye missing.


one eye symbolism?

or is this what they do to them after the dentist chair in order to easy harvest adrenochrome?

24b075  No.7057313

File: 10ee04449680cd2⋯.png (628.75 KB, 795x1181, 795:1181, 2019-07-16_06-06-41.png)

File: b1dd6ce99fd5d87⋯.png (546.05 KB, 794x998, 397:499, 2019-07-16_06-08-50.png)

File: 7f606d8f0292582⋯.png (472.05 KB, 571x860, 571:860, 2019-07-16_06-11-10.png)


Barak getting hammered?


afb30d  No.7057314



a3cdd1  No.7057315

File: a372aeee6f05d61⋯.jpg (41.14 KB, 500x500, 1:1, a372aeee6f05d6134f598fe10d….jpg)

They thought they had total control.


10e27c  No.7057316

File: 8b5af962a14e7e4⋯.png (1.23 MB, 2133x2100, 711:700, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4d64ecb57d3af18⋯.png (324.79 KB, 515x296, 515:296, ClipboardImage.png)


Now even clearer…

77d3c9  No.7057317


Meant for you:

Anonymous (You) 07/16/19 (Tue) 03:17:48 77d3c9 (10) No.7057308

Nothing like a little signaling to their brethren eh?

bb6c84  No.7057318


No it wasnt the plooker I met it was Sir Bobby

b02635  No.7057319



fuck off already Alex

6752d2  No.7057320


Who's Alex?

7b386f  No.7057321

File: 54c8915ed98c39c⋯.mp4 (11.74 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 54c8915ed98c39c0f1ebc0e5fd….mp4)


Sure he did. He's been to his base on Little St. James many times.

1983-1985 Ehud Barak Chief of Military Intelligence

Go to 0:56

f8427c  No.7057322


Alex Stepnry

8b93f0  No.7057323


>No it wasnt the plooker I met it was Sir Bobby

I bet your arse is forever grateful for that.

e75850  No.7057324


Im sure hes been there. Just like hussain…but I was thinking these shitstains have a lot to hide. When they travel in general they always use fake names to keep a low profile. I am sure when traveling with Epstein they would use fake names. I have been digging around for stars and fake names they commonly use.

f3d00c  No.7057325


Well done anon. TY.

6a3e62  No.7057326





bb6c84  No.7057327


It is!

b02635  No.7057328


If you actually add the indictment, it’s about that shooting and it’s subsequent posting on 8chan and facebook.

Not here.

5bdadc  No.7057329


This board is comped i agree, please send new link to the original Anon board, I can use Qmaps for Q drops since this board is severely C_a run now

f3d00c  No.7057330

File: 7045b72816bb07a⋯.png (106.28 KB, 776x800, 97:100, Caps 2019-07-16 at 1.56.58….png)

File: c8caf28db06cb6e⋯.png (104.44 KB, 774x756, 43:42, Caps 2019-07-16 at 1.56.45….png)

7b386f  No.7057331

File: 0ef3941e5e3a951⋯.png (2.04 MB, 1080x1351, 1080:1351, ClipboardImage.png)

>>7057065 (pb)

These pictures are recent, from the drone. They recently moved out. This looks like they were in a hurry, made a lot of trips with the same cart and weren't worried about the damage. The bearings probably worked when they started but got clogged with sand after a few trips. Why did they use this door? Where is the sand?

3e2f1f  No.7057332

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

banning VPN IPs is trying make things you don't like disappear by inserting your head in sand, seeing no CP and declaring the problem solved. A government solution to a problem, a church solution a solution which permits the original offense to flourish unchecked and unobserved.

915a7a  No.7057333

File: eacfcb6cabfa501⋯.png (41.76 KB, 769x400, 769:400, abc attacks potus 1.PNG)

File: 25d36b062fbc1d6⋯.png (729.72 KB, 762x588, 127:98, abc attacks potus 2.PNG)

File: f96e91fa15f0a56⋯.png (45.73 KB, 763x545, 7:5, abc attacks potus 3.PNG)


83175e  No.7057334

File: 0831fcb34581fd3⋯.jpg (62.28 KB, 580x348, 5:3, 236wtp.jpg)

e28d66  No.7057335



>that Seth Rich is infact the DNC-Leaker who gave the mails to Wikileaks

Michael Ratner and John Jones both lawyers for Assange died within a month of each other in 2016.

Ellen Ratner was Michael's sister so I think there is a chance Assange would actually have trusted her

After last weeks bs yahoonews Ed Butowsky was being called a Russian asset

So now, to clear his name, he's filed a lawsuit that outs FOX News reporter Ellen Ratner as being his source for the Seth Rich information, rather than Russia


24b075  No.7057336

File: f371f968d7fae94⋯.png (44.02 KB, 318x179, 318:179, 2019-07-02_13-35-18.png)


Japan supplying?

What effects?

Temporary high?

Short term physical benefits?

c2931e  No.7057337

File: 820a392b85462a4⋯.png (2.03 MB, 1112x947, 1112:947, ICMEC2.png)

File: 0233e49290c2c81⋯.png (47.93 KB, 678x412, 339:206, ICMEC1.png)


Oh look, Jeffrey's next door neighbour is part of the International Centere for Missing and Exploited Children.

Just so happens that this organisation was set up by Hillary Clinton and Cherie Blair, both of whom have known ties to Jefrey Epstein.

dbad20  No.7057338



bb6c84  No.7057339

File: 104d4a5f3682837⋯.png (127.07 KB, 650x400, 13:8, prince-andrew.png)

File: a9d9111f2ede198⋯.jpg (56.77 KB, 1024x715, 1024:715, princeharry.jpg)

5bdadc  No.7057340


Is that you John Titor? Sweet you found your 5100 IBM finally

ddf85a  No.7057341

And to think that the people around me still think Obama is their biggest hero and personal lord and savior.

And I don't even live in the US.


6deae9  No.7057343

File: b94956cb19b3747⋯.png (358.55 KB, 608x474, 304:237, ClipboardImage.png)


PICTURED: Trump's crib notes for his attack on Ilhan Omar after White House speech – showing he jotted down phonetic spellings for names including 'Alcaida' for Al Qaeda

83175e  No.7057344



Most still work both boards, just makes a comfy space to focus on specific digs.

It is the sister board that BO 8bit made, when he created Q research.

8 bit earned our, trust, earned our respect and Q's.

8 bit thought he made a good choice in fast jack, and we gave fast jack respect from the start.

His treatment of anons has detroyed that respect.

He never earned it like 8bit did, he was given it because we respected 8 bit.

7b386f  No.7057345

File: d14b8237b04f030⋯.jpeg (48.46 KB, 474x474, 1:1, d14b8237b04f0303edbb45f6a….jpeg)

9c46e4  No.7057346

File: c8ff5e3cb794368⋯.png (449.61 KB, 590x508, 295:254, JC Zero was better at 7-16….PNG)

File: 3064938ededc7fe⋯.png (638.5 KB, 601x754, 601:754, engdave Zero was better at….PNG)

File: b895ba33593c415⋯.png (452.03 KB, 612x536, 153:134, 998 Zero was better at 7-1….PNG)


Is Trending on twitter


Twitter anons can have fun with this

Y'all know you want to say something about these…

#ObamaWasBetterAt choosing a classy life partner that was an exceptional representation of First Ladies


#ObamaWasBetterAt spelling. Man didn't write covfefe, scott free and Prince of whale.


#ObamaWasBetterAt not being a pedophile


6deae9  No.7057347

File: f6f1619b3c71a41⋯.png (307.06 KB, 637x447, 637:447, ClipboardImage.png)


PARTY ANIMAL: A blurry eyed Prince Andrew with American interior designer Chris Von Aspen [COLEMAN RAYNER]


ab0ae8  No.7057348

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

What do anons think of Steve Pieczenic's latest

d25473  No.7057349


I before E except after C…C comes before D..

Just passed through the mind as I re-read it again.

7b386f  No.7057350

File: 4a4c81b2610ab4c⋯.png (729.11 KB, 1010x894, 505:447, 87848ec3ca9176b6cd2ddda43c….png)

File: 097f442f3fb2cd3⋯.jpeg (85.41 KB, 500x566, 250:283, 7e6042932310ac8c20a87faf8….jpeg)

File: 7dd7b18967012e9⋯.jpg (56.79 KB, 640x414, 320:207, 7dd7b18967012e9a0921505b47….jpg)


"Al Qaida" then "Some People"

Sack some members of congress for criminal conduct, prosecute some people deport some people.

a84431  No.7057351


Took a quick look at some of the Epstein's Flight Logs..didn't see any Johnny Depp..or Depp, Johnny..not even a JD…maybe he did..maybe he didn't..but can't find any sauce that says he did…but I'll keep a eye out in case some new info comes up that I can check…he could just be clean…but I'm not sensing it.

5bdadc  No.7057352


Yeah i seen him trashing 8bit the other day and thought wtf? I also left the board for while after the captcha addition too. But now the censorship with the notables is just to much. Q better get a handle on it before FJ rips this movement apart. Demote fj or move the board

c2931e  No.7057353

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

6c6f55  No.7057355

File: d3127ad01627a32⋯.png (949.79 KB, 975x606, 325:202, a1sndy5.PNG)

Façades and stripes: An account of striped façades

Ashley Paine School of Architecture, University of Queensland :

- Stripes are a compositional technique of deception used by

architects to manipulate, contort or exaggerate appearances

- an artful or tactical trick—used to control outward appearances, to conceal or reveal; and to ignore or face their audience front-on.

-early medieval references and representations of striped fabrics always carried a strong sense of marginality, fraudulence and deception.

-Why, in most cultures, is the stripe seen more distinctly than the plain surface? And why does it operate as a trompe-l’oeil at the same time? Does the eye see what fools it more clearly? As opposed to the plain, the stripe constitutes a deviance, an accent, a mark. But, used alone, it becomes an illusion, disrupts the gaze, seems to flash about, to flee. […] It clarifies and obscures the view, disturbs the mind and confuses the senses.

-a binary condition of stripes that oscillates between clarity and camouflage; confrontation and retreat; revealing and concealing.

- are understood to have emerged from two decorative Roman practices: the use of coloured mosaics, and the articulation of various parts of columns through the use of coloured stone. It is speculated that these Roman practices stem from the earlier Greek tradition of polychromatic painted decoration on both architecture and sculpture, which has been related to even earlier Egyptian and Mesopotamian practices of ornamental surface treatments. it entails the covering of poor quality construction and materials.

-These tensions reinforce the persistent marginality of the striped surface, and echo with the broader discussion on stripes in this paper, oscillating between truth and deception

-an example of the caution and hesitation practiced around stripes: intentionally ignored or simply overlooked in order to excavate a more essential truth supposedly hidden beneath the surface

- stripes confuse the perception of the building’s scale and disguise its organization. This ambiguity contributes to the monumental presence of the façade, creating an impression much bigger than it is.

-what might be their greater purpose and function is to manipulate, exaggerate, clarify and confuse the appearance.

78238a  No.7057356


Pretty sure Duke just agreed with what Omar said about AIPAC and congressmen being whores for them.

And it's true, so…

1d53c9  No.7057357

I still come here for the Notables out of sheer habit, and then realize I need to go visit /qrb/ to read them now. Fuck this broken board.

ddf85a  No.7057358


>#ObamaWasBetterAt not being a pedophile.

Someone tweet that person the picture of Obama in a chair with a little asian girl.

Not a twatfag myself.

9c46e4  No.7057359


>8 bit earned our, trust, earned our respect and Q's.

8bit routinely mocked anons and gave anons FUNGUS

#Revisionist History

c2931e  No.7057360


Be patient fren, it will work itself out just fine. If Q is not happy, he will let it be known.

915a7a  No.7057361

File: 18e605c1eaeb3c7⋯.png (27.31 KB, 643x237, 643:237, bacterial invasion 1.PNG)

File: cda00d00b7a6e38⋯.png (585.92 KB, 622x564, 311:282, bacterial invasion 2.PNG)

File: 13bc32f792739de⋯.png (66.14 KB, 633x558, 211:186, bacterial invasion 3.PNG)

File: 4df10550c6fdcff⋯.png (55.16 KB, 619x550, 619:550, bacterial invasion 4.PNG)

File: d424c6fe8c5a9e7⋯.png (47.58 KB, 613x351, 613:351, bacterial invasion 5.PNG)


0f2245  No.7057362


>they have specifically spammed alice and wonderland imagery before

yup, shill crap

b2d894  No.7057363

File: 4a15f8708ed612f⋯.jpg (57.91 KB, 730x500, 73:50, 35rsos.jpg)

3e2f1f  No.7057364

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

The Ruin of Kasch

13697f  No.7057365


Hang together

83175e  No.7057368



8 bit unlocked the board for anons when Jack ass started being a dick.

7b386f  No.7057369

File: 46acf82a25eae71⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1010x894, 505:447, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8a6e4675346b51b⋯.jpg (78.29 KB, 784x1000, 98:125, D_F0efhWsAAhLXT.jpg)

File: eb66e8ad0c5132c⋯.jpg (472.47 KB, 1080x1037, 1080:1037, eb66e8ad0c5132c420daf916e6….jpg)

915a7a  No.7057370

File: 3d7b6b3c3d2f167⋯.png (392.99 KB, 462x351, 154:117, potus doing what hired for.PNG)

File: d0a46b4a5e804a5⋯.png (271.71 KB, 348x343, 348:343, potus for american people.PNG)

1e9192  No.7057371


>PICTURED: Trump's crib notes for his attack on Ilhan Omar after White House speech – showing he jotted down phonetic spellings for names including 'Alcaida' for Al Qaeda


>"Al Qaida" then "Some People"


>Sack some members of congress for criminal conduct, prosecute some people deport some people.


77d3c9  No.7057372

File: 849d596c7b81d8b⋯.png (1.36 MB, 1120x1120, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


What I thought was huge, for me as I didn't know this at the time, was that it was Seth AND his brother that did the downloading. His father admitted it.

The troubling part of all of this, back in 1916, was that the parents tried to squash the investigation into Seth "death". What parent would want that covered up?

Now I know it was because the brother was involved as well. I remember pictures of the family, which included pictures of the brother, and he was smiling/smirking. I always wondered what in the world was going on.

6a3e62  No.7057373

File: 4267a68564484f0⋯.jpg (339.38 KB, 1218x686, 87:49, cant be trusted.JPG)


Respect and trust is earned, it can not be demanded, never.

View attached pic full size, see that at the bottom?!!

When you say and post things like, "This is why you guys can't be trusted" it clearly shows BO has ZERO respect for anons. How many times do anon's need to be hit on the head with a brick before they get it???

6aecd4  No.7057374



Two memes, posted one after the other by two different anons, totally go together!


7300ce  No.7057375

File: 95590f76ceeeeda⋯.jpeg (82.33 KB, 1020x636, 85:53, 1554654968.jpeg)

77d3c9  No.7057376


dangit. that picture was not to be included. oh well,

e7a0f2  No.7057377

File: 06bfd46fd072abf⋯.jpg (268.48 KB, 1642x992, 821:496, fash36.jpg)

File: 116ef9cb961c5a0⋯.png (346.46 KB, 830x572, 415:286, fash27.png)

File: 103c0d0670fed92⋯.jpg (99.75 KB, 1068x736, 267:184, fash28.jpg)

File: f9bebf7ea625791⋯.jpg (58.98 KB, 568x408, 71:51, fash29.jpg)

File: 58984a56b3acb80⋯.jpg (307.44 KB, 1362x1242, 227:207, fash30.jpg)

e7a0f2  No.7057378

File: 6c472dba4e2a56d⋯.jpg (107.39 KB, 1118x668, 559:334, fash35.jpg)

File: 71ffdb303bf0b9c⋯.jpg (119.93 KB, 1270x860, 127:86, fash31.jpg)

File: 46c51d58bfe36e0⋯.jpg (80.52 KB, 942x706, 471:353, fash32.jpg)

File: 0dd3e459ed11f5f⋯.jpg (52.1 KB, 848x466, 424:233, fash33.jpg)

File: df07fb0b26fe598⋯.jpg (56.97 KB, 748x516, 187:129, fash34.jpg)

1e9192  No.7057379


>What do anons think of Steve Pieczenic's latest



6a3e62  No.7057380


Hey BO, what happen to WWG1WGA?? What happen to Freedom?? What happen to, We are all in this together? Unity?

No, I'm the Boss with the keys

e75850  No.7057381

File: 9951b5b92c3181c⋯.jpg (63.27 KB, 500x596, 125:149, bhshitstain.jpg)

We need someone who can lift us up again. Enter President Obama.

An open letter to Barack Obama:

Mr. President, it is time. You must speak. Your country needs you.

Eleven summers ago, as you accepted the Democratic nomination for president, you announced: “Tonight, I say to the people of America, to Democrats and Republicans and independents across this great land: Enough. This moment — this election — is our chance to keep, in the 21st century, the American promise alive.”

Of course, we knew then that our nation had deep political differences, and would continue to. Only the most naive among us would have expected the election of the first African American president to come about with no backlash.

But would anyone have anticipated that within a dozen years, we would hear another president tell four nonwhite congresswomen — three of whom were born in this country — to “go back” to where they came from?


7c9515  No.7057382

File: 9dc52a9b388d010⋯.png (92.6 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, 9dc52a9b388d010936dc1e93d4….png)

24b075  No.7057383

File: 20948348f011d3e⋯.png (347.66 KB, 734x1196, 367:598, 2019-07-16_06-34-13.png)

File: 5b6327f05f7b5dc⋯.png (535.24 KB, 762x886, 381:443, 2019-07-16_06-36-50.png)

File: a49269b3cecf48c⋯.png (115.46 KB, 628x520, 157:130, 2019-07-16_06-38-01.png)

File: 42e049f4c1012d1⋯.png (164.59 KB, 651x758, 651:758, 2019-07-16_06-38-25.png)


>5100 IBM


83175e  No.7057384


Bo 8bit listened to us many times. I had issues about threads getting bumped off catalog and he fixed it for me. Also when anons had an issue they could ask in the meta thread( look at the current catalog, meta thread is full, and there is not a new one. BO King Jackoff does not want to hear about issues from anons)

BO 8bit helped out lots of people with many issues.

He did earn our respect.

afb30d  No.7057385


Thos board is comped as fuck. I'm just waiting for Q to move but FastJack is not to be trusted anymore. That's very clear I think. Besides, his notable bread sucks big time since a lot of notables that are made in research bread do not even make it there. It's just another way to influence our notables. With less eyes on it it's easier for them to fuck things up. That's what's going on.

6deae9  No.7057386

File: eb5c8d483db0dbf⋯.png (293.99 KB, 459x396, 51:44, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9f7cf6e91349547⋯.png (400.27 KB, 474x586, 237:293, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fb466cdb8607383⋯.png (505.72 KB, 723x545, 723:545, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f9f8271073b64a8⋯.png (632.25 KB, 1001x608, 1001:608, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c1d2a6592f80246⋯.png (755.14 KB, 1224x549, 136:61, ClipboardImage.png)

6a3e62  No.7057387


>But now the censorship with the notables is just to much

BO should go work for FB, maybe he already does…. Controlling content is now on his resume

1e9192  No.7057388

File: edd947d256198ea⋯.png (198.17 KB, 529x331, 529:331, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 00e3ad61b7ec5ae⋯.png (566.86 KB, 612x408, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d0bd097ae2562a5⋯.png (256.75 KB, 436x272, 109:68, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0f7655ca1e5a512⋯.png (299.02 KB, 612x472, 153:118, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 90d1b3264770f34⋯.png (408.38 KB, 474x315, 158:105, ClipboardImage.png)


>Oh look, Jeffrey's next door neighbour is part of the International Centere for Missing and Exploited Children.


>Just so happens that this organisation was set up by Hillary Clinton and Cherie Blair, both of whom have known ties to Jefrey Epstein.


bbc0e4  No.7057389


Y in the world

0f2245  No.7057390


why don't you post content yourself then gather a bundle of yours and other content you find notable to post to the notables thread

then screencap the post to serve as evidence in case any editing or deleting is done to it later

that's the kind of evidence anons need in order to believe accusations otherwise it just looks like shilling

ddf85a  No.7057391

#ObamaWasBetterAt selling uranium?

#ObamaWasBetterAt speaking arabic?

#ObamaWasBetterAt not a being naturally born American?

#ObamaWasBetterAt communism?

#ObamaWasBetterAt treason?

242612  No.7057392

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Is Libra the Cabal's final shot in the Great Crypto War?

Are they running out of ammo?

Evil's on the run.

Lawyer up, Charlie.

9c46e4  No.7057393


>He did earn our respect.

Speak for yourself

Not everyone agrees with you

e7a0f2  No.7057394

File: 92aba5ce6010566⋯.jpg (248.01 KB, 1329x766, 1329:766, fash37.jpg)

File: a03729a508ca9f7⋯.jpg (48.48 KB, 775x455, 155:91, fash38.jpg)

File: 94ecc1c1e939062⋯.jpg (76.95 KB, 684x402, 114:67, fash39.jpg)

File: 0429b7ef49b3aa0⋯.jpg (166.98 KB, 937x720, 937:720, fash40.jpg)

File: ab937d10e567a4c⋯.jpg (53.92 KB, 528x354, 88:59, fash41.jpg)

9bee68  No.7057395

File: b6ddd56d18b8cb2⋯.jpg (138.44 KB, 1200x899, 1200:899, 93739b9960d1dc2e0f38114184….jpg)

As Sting once sang:

"I want my Note-a-bels!

..some say BO is comped. some just say 'em crazy, mon!

83175e  No.7057396

File: 289c8b6c2a5936a⋯.png (253.46 KB, 500x500, 1:1, You get a Gold Star Checke….png)

c2931e  No.7057397


Seems legit to me.

8b93f0  No.7057398


>blurry eyed?

The fucking kiddie fiddler is zinging off his fucking face.

1e9192  No.7057399

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>5100 IBM



This reeks of mkultra…quit sliding. If you make a connect to this vid report back:

c785dd  No.7057400

File: 955e66745930f71⋯.png (379.62 KB, 669x642, 223:214, 955e66745930f71c8b67ee6b6e….png)

8b93f0  No.7057401


>Not everyone agrees with you

Especially when they are slackjack/fartbox's minions.

e75850  No.7057402

File: 1696db9aba87c65⋯.jpg (8.31 KB, 272x186, 136:93, kek.jpg)


Things aren't always what they appear to be… shits messed up but its to be expected. Enjoy the show. We have weathered tougher storms than this ;-)

83175e  No.7057403

File: 55eba9049b5ddb8⋯.jpg (192.12 KB, 800x500, 8:5, French Q Reasearch Team Ba….jpg)

File: f7bba04f848f8a0⋯.jpg (192.58 KB, 800x500, 8:5, French Q research badge in….jpg)

a3cdd1  No.7057404

File: bca0e200cc13c3e⋯.png (181.31 KB, 1165x419, 1165:419, e49265c1ec3c4de3dd3c16c623….png)

e7a0f2  No.7057405


they target the "algorithmic" mind. aka the genetics of the computer programmer.

6a3e62  No.7057406


>why don't you post content yourself then gather a bundle of yours and other content you find notable to post to the notables thread

Ah, so "go back to work and ignore the fire in the office" I see, I see the problem, you're OK with censorship. Striping Freedom a bit at a time, that how we got to where we are now and why we are here. It's easier to keep your eyes and head down then it is to raise your hand and take a stand….

I'll stand alone if I have to, but I'll stand for Freedom!

a5e4f3  No.7057407

File: b78d54e427c89f3⋯.jpg (48.21 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, doomsday-clock-header.jpg)


Wondering about that Sundial-Clock …

Doomsday Clock


e7a0f2  No.7057408

big part of MKU that alot of people dont know about is the theft of intellectual property. most people who have been victims just shut up and go to work on what they love to do. but it is a form of enslavement.

8e5898  No.7057409

File: 717ef3b428e68ed⋯.png (721.43 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, Clown_BO_FJ_1.png)

File: f04832def45a956⋯.png (376.27 KB, 700x467, 700:467, Clown_BO_FJ.png)


fuck the not able bread, fuck clown baker, FUCK CLOWN BO!

Put pressure on clown BO, make him leave, this is anons board!

Anons on the clown BO. All pb.



>>7023314, >>7023470, >>7023530





>>7031258 moar

Demand him to leave, post here to 8chan owner Jim Watkins and his son codemonkey, Ron Watkins:


409e50  No.7057410


Just look at em. Fucking sick. It looks like a party. They are so gleefully evil. A real org looking after the missing and exploited kids, actually doing their jobs and trying to save children would be far more somber. This shit is not fun. It is for monsters though.

0f2245  No.7057411

7b386f  No.7057412

File: 1dcf321607a091d⋯.jpeg (58.61 KB, 960x540, 16:9, c0166fe1887187d56509ac21d….jpeg)

File: ea1b197d3be8849⋯.jpeg (55.22 KB, 720x830, 72:83, GotStds1.jpeg)

File: 3323ce07333be25⋯.jpeg (48.62 KB, 544x487, 544:487, GotStds2.jpeg)

File: 331eb42221c7e69⋯.jpg (53.28 KB, 540x720, 3:4, 001kp8403d9y.jpg)

File: b234c72a357652d⋯.jpg (100.58 KB, 713x711, 713:711, b234c72a357652d169198b4612….jpg)


Obama was better at spying

Obama was better at stealing

Obama was better at staging fake hate crimes

Obama must have been better at blackmail because he made all the shills and political criminals heel. For 8 years.

7300ce  No.7057413

File: bea8fa7d8487576⋯.jpeg (95.67 KB, 960x720, 4:3, 1562959106.jpeg)

e75850  No.7057414

File: e1b4b38e6943708⋯.jpg (41.99 KB, 400x284, 100:71, clearly_nota_muzzy.jpg)


Another White Hat….I see your logic

77d3c9  No.7057415


sounds spot on to me.

9bee68  No.7057416

>>7057403 Oui merci ! ..Somebody has to defend the Fench people's right to preserve their national culture.

1e9192  No.7057417

File: a77bff6838cf90e⋯.png (327.84 KB, 550x471, 550:471, ClipboardImage.png)

c2931e  No.7057418


They throw it our faces and people STILL can't see it!!!

They are the centre for missing and exploited children. I wonder how much profit they make?

b0423f  No.7057419

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Nelson Mandela Birthday July 17 1918!

I think Wendy is used for comms. The video she says they cancelled the Mandela celebration because of ‘something going on in Japan’ unrest regarding the trip… in Japan. @5:18

Naomi Campbell invited Wendy Williams to Mndela’s Party but I don’t think Wendy is A list enough. So she shouts out to other celebrities and people that it’s off.

Remember Naomi’s Eye of Horus house and Russian spaceship house-

“Naomi who has been called Madiba's "honourary granddaughter" last visited South Africa during April this year when she jetted to Cape Town for a luxury conference.“ from the article


6deae9  No.7057420

found a site

info could be BS

here you go


"Epstein forced (the underage girl sex slave) to have sexual relations with … Prince Andrew (aka Duke of York)."

Prince Andrew Accused Of Underage Sex In US Lawsuit / Prince Andrew named in US lawsuit over underage sex allegations

The accusations against the Duke of York include claims that he took part in an orgy with other underage girls.

The Duke, according to the court documents, made "efforts on his behalf" to lobby prosecutors for a favourable plea arrangement.

The girl claims she was forced to have "sexual relations" with the Duke at a flat in London, at a Caribbean island and a location in New York.

'Jane Doe 3' claims that in 1999 she was approached by Ghislaine Maxwell, who "procured" under-age girls for sex with Epstein.

Ghislaine Maxwell is the daughter of the late Sir Robert Maxwell, who is said to have been a top agent of Mossad.

'Jane Doe 3', who was 15 at the time, claims she was "converted into a sex slave".

The court document states:

"Epstein trafficked Jane Doe #3 for sexual purposes to many other powerful men, including numerous prominent American politicians, powerful business executives, foreign presidents, a well-known Prime Minister, and other world leaders.

"Maximilia Cordero, who stepped forward … with a lawsuit claiming she'd engaged in 'bizarre and unnatural sex acts' with Epstein while in her teens, was born Maximillian Cordero in 1983, records show."

NY Post

"Jeffrey Epstein was once presented with three 12-year-olds from France as a birthday gift…

"He brought over a 14-year-old from the Balkans whom he called his 'Yugoslavian sex slave.'"

Former Mossad officer Ari Ben-Menashe reported that in 1986 Robert Maxwell tipped off the Israeli Embassy in London that Mordechai Vanunu had given information about Israel's nuclear capability to the Sunday Times.

c2931e  No.7057422

0f2245  No.7057423


>a lot of notables that are made in research bread do not even make it there



the Lord helps those that help themselves


> I see the problem, you're OK with censorship

not at all i'm here because i believe in free speech and in the pursuit of truth

claims require sauce

i'm asking you to provide proof the board is being censored and a means of proving it either is or isn't

if you'd rather bitch than work that's on you

ac7bbc  No.7057424


>Q Research General #9030: MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Edition

Z3R0 C00L

Watch My_SPACE

The world is about to change.

Love you all.

0e72c8  No.7057425


well there it is right there

6c6f55  No.7057426

File: 9cd1ec11fd5f593⋯.png (290.79 KB, 701x370, 701:370, a1ters.PNG)

1e9192  No.7057427

File: b969ec92729b8cd⋯.png (213.86 KB, 276x785, 276:785, ClipboardImage.png)

Twitter Sees No Violations of Rules in Trump's Tweets on Congresswomen

Twitter believes that US President Donald Trump's recent tweets on the Democratic Congresswomen do not run afoul of its community standards, CNN Business reported, citing a spokesperson for the social network.

According to the broadcaster, Twitter's reaction clearly contradicts its own written rules, running against recently introduced policy of labelling comments from world leaders that breach the rules but are in the "public interest" with a special disclaimer.

Trump's Twitter tirade has already met a strong backlash, with media, including CNN, former US Vice President and 2020 Democratic presidential contender Joe Biden, other Democrats and even some Republican politicians condemning it as racist.

.@MELANIATRUMP trumped over @POTUS 'You can leave' tweets https://t.co/ed7H2jrYCQ — Sputnik (@SputnikInt) July 16, 2019

​The row started after in his Sunday Twitter rant with the liberal congresswomen, the president wondered why they, who are "loudly and viciously telling the people of the United States, the greatest and most powerful Nation on earth, how our government is to be run", do not go back to the "broken and crime infested" countries from where they came from.

While Trump did not identify the congresswomen he was referring to, the verbal attack appears to be directed at a group of liberal, freshman members of the US House of Representatives, including Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib and Ayanna Pressley.


8e5898  No.7057428

>>7045949 lb, Epstein was literally an associate of Nabokov (the author of "Lolita")

>>7035578 lb, Wheels Up

>>7044987 lb https://truepundit.com/jussie-smolletts-sisters-worked-for-barack-obama/

>>7044379 lb, Set of Ellen TV show features Epstein Island temple stripes

>>7043882 lb, >>7043890 lb, >>7043916 lb, Army Spending Half a Billion to Train Fight Underground

>>7041661 lb, Macron announces creation of French space force / Galileo Sats down!

>>7041219 lb, Entire European Sat System "Galileo" system suffered an unexpected signal outage

>>7041259 lb, Former Employee of Boys & Girls Club Arrested for Crimes Against Children!

>>7041225 lb, Lynn d Rothschild connected to General Aviation Aicfraft Services (now Meridian)

>>7035015 lb, >>7035103 lb, >>7035162 lb, >>7035099 lb, >>7035156 lb, Information showing Epstein's Little St. James has underground buildings. Found on a designer's online portfolio

e75850  No.7057429

File: 44e6f2721b698b8⋯.jpg (53.26 KB, 750x983, 750:983, targeted.jpg)


The sheeple are targeted. Its sad and hard to watch. I think many of them have been taught to not think for themselves. Our education system pretty much programs many people to be blind to whats right in front of them. Good news is they will soon get the opportunity to wake up from the slumber.

e7a0f2  No.7057430

File: f26729fc2adc7de⋯.jpg (39.78 KB, 600x523, 600:523, fash46.jpg)

File: b34007a1e58b21c⋯.jpg (36.62 KB, 753x438, 251:146, fash42.jpg)

File: 5a90e869a6a70ba⋯.jpg (135.67 KB, 1051x717, 1051:717, fash43.jpg)

File: a483ef2ba6cecc6⋯.jpg (75.43 KB, 831x482, 831:482, fash44.jpg)

File: 8e213e5606dd680⋯.jpg (60.37 KB, 640x404, 160:101, fash45.jpg)

4fa88b  No.7057431


I wonder if Bitcoin will be a collateral casualty?

If we're cracking down on money laundering and going to a gold backed currency that spells trouble for BTC as well?

e3524b  No.7057432


are not endorsements


>>10573, >>10741 Twitter poll needs anons' attention

>>10584, >>10589 Con Ed warns more blackouts could be coming

>>10582, >>10603, >>10610, >>10618, >>10634, >>10694, >>10831 Blackout currently in DC

>>10622, >>10698 After Teen Is Brutally Murdered, Photos Of Her Corpse Circulate Online

>>10648 Some Iranian women take off hijabs as hard-liners push back

>>10600 Anon tried posting the /qrb/ notables in FascistJack's notable thread and were deleted

>>10672 MemeFarmer meme folder

>>10674 Ehud Barak: I Visited Epstein’s Island But Never Met Any Girls

>>10658 Meme request: Memes making AOC and Omar the face of the future Dem party (per POTUS tweet)

>>10669 Georgia man, 31, becomes 13th U.S. citizen to die on vacation in the Dominican Republic

>>10731 Our moon may someday become a small planet, say researchers — a ploonet

>>10673, >>10769 Anons on Laws in this Country regarding Communism being Illegal

>>10774 Meme ammo: CAIR Official Admits Women Don’t Have Equal Rights Under Sharia Law

>>10809 Learn To Bake

>>10832, >>10819 How to Nominate a Notable and Help Your Bakers

>>10848 Trump has known Ghislaine AND her father Robert Maxwell for YEARS; He knows what they are

>>10867 Chairman of the Oregon Republican Party on Monday filed paperwork to launch a recall against Oregon Democratic Gov. Kate Brown

>>10670, >>10870 Saudi Royal Family Is Jewish (Donhem)

>>10883, >>10935 A second Wheels Up Charter company out of the British Virgin Islands

>>10899 More on the Epstein-Ghislaine-Mossad connection

>>10910, >>10923 Filing on Seth Rich and his brother being Assange's DNC email source

>>11024 Epstein drone vid of tunnels

>>11031, >>11015 Idea on how to keep /qresearch/ notable buns in Previously Collected Notables on /qrb/

baker change

>>11066, >>11092, >>11109, >>11281 Epstein island trash (what are the blue cylinders?); other outside pics

>>11157 All but Cali & Louisiana outages resolved

>>11217, >>11245, >>11261, >>11221 Historical sources of air pollution (animals, factories)

>>11227 Amazon workers strike as 'Prime' shopping frenzy hits

>>11241 A bill to ease suits against Internet users for copyright infringement likely to pass in US Congress

>>11288 #14

Previously Collected Notables: /qrb/

>>7429 #9, >>8220 #10, >>8785 #11, >>9743 #12, >>11255 #13

>>1221 #1, >>2490 #2, >>2786 #3, >>3594 #4, >>4386 #5, >>5156 #6, >>5928 #7, >>6689 #8

Previously Collected Notables: /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/7055074 #9026, >>>/qresearch/7056357 #9027

>>>/qresearch/7052584 #9023, >>>/qresearch/7053237 #9024, >>>/qresearch/7053961 #9025

>>>/qresearch/7050756 #9020, >>>/qresearch/7051543 #9021, >>>/qresearch/7051696 #9022

>>>/qresearch/7048131 #9017, >>>/qresearch/7048615 #9018, >>>/qresearch/7049348 #9019

>>>/qresearch/7045397 #9014, >>>/qresearch/7046068 #9015, >>>/qresearch/7046959 #9016

>>>/qresearch/7044205 #9011, >>>/qresearch/7044210 #9012, >>>/qresearch/7044673 #9013

>>>/qresearch/7041001 #9008, >>>/qresearch/7043132 #9009, >>>/qresearch/7044192 #9010

Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)

Notables Aggregator: https://wearethene.ws

a37146  No.7057433

File: f437845dd11e526⋯.png (30.38 KB, 793x210, 793:210, dl.png)

Douglas Leese. There's a name to dig on.


429c40  No.7057434

File: 2fce98cbb74b948⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1101x606, 367:202, A8BE1F5D-63D8-4DEB-81AE-BB….png)

File: 35403ebfafd532a⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1101x606, 367:202, B77F1C0A-1A7B-4E35-9E85-3C….png)

File: b7847ec740a5b29⋯.png (1.35 MB, 1101x606, 367:202, 78F83735-A67F-4AE5-A120-51….png)

File: e42fe1d7d58a33d⋯.png (975.36 KB, 908x500, 227:125, 0DBD54D4-52FA-4559-B81B-7B….png)

File: 2f169dc982e7a97⋯.png (460.79 KB, 449x500, 449:500, 6F75B02C-C1EE-4458-928C-9A….png)

4a5347  No.7057435

I wonder if Q will lie about the moon landing again today.

e75850  No.7057436

File: d17e7504fe435d7⋯.jpg (71.37 KB, 500x589, 500:589, shitstains.jpg)

8e5898  No.7057437

Vega rocket fails after takeoff in French Guiana

A rocket carrying a satellite for the United Arab Emirates failed shortly after taking off from French Guiana on Wednesday night, launch company Arianespace said.

"About two minutes after takeoff a major anomaly occurred, leading to the loss of the mission," said Luce Fabreguettes, director of operations in Kourou, on the northern coast of the French territory in South America.

It is the first failure after fourteen successful launches of Vega – Arianespace's lightweight launcher – since operations began at the Guiana Space Centre in 2012.

"On behalf of Arianespace, I wish to express our deepest apologies to our customers for the loss of their cargo," Fabreguettes added.

Video of the launch showed the rocket's trajectory began to deviate after two minutes, then was significantly "degraded", according to Arianespace.

The reason for the failure was not immediately known.

The launch was postponed twice due to high winds over the Spaceport.

Vega was meant to take the UAE's FalconEye1 satellite into the Earth's orbit.


faf238  No.7057439

File: f1b8adbc6ec41f5⋯.png (953.18 KB, 1306x1042, 653:521, Screen Shot 2019-07-16 at ….png)

File: ccef5792423c7dc⋯.png (156.67 KB, 1272x706, 636:353, Screen Shot 2019-07-16 at ….png)

File: b49f7b81ff3654c⋯.png (316.28 KB, 1202x896, 601:448, Screen Shot 2019-07-16 at ….png)

Morning anons…

This is interesting…



The Wing article is a project that three investigators began several months ago. We independently came to the conclusion there was a significant plan by a known witches coven to go mainstream. And, not just ‘go mainstream,’ but to create a platform so big that it would take hold across the nation. And, bring millions of women into their fold. How?

d35812  No.7057441

File: 764befef0ab75d2⋯.png (331.18 KB, 922x657, 922:657, thundercats q2977.png)

File: 9d116b01928d1b9⋯.png (463.84 KB, 809x1354, 809:1354, full moons 2019.png)



Thunder Moon

'''"'X' also grew up watching 'Thundercats' so….


1e9192  No.7057442

File: 0d9d858200f5af5⋯.mp4 (894.31 KB, 480x270, 16:9, See the NYC blackout captu….mp4)

See the NYC blackout captured in a timelapse video

If you were out and about in Midtown or the Upper West Side on Saturday night when the five-hour blackout hit, you got an up-close view of its effects—the darkened storefronts, non-working traffic lights, and other unusual sights.

But what did the blackout look like from afar? Joseph DiGiovanna, a filmmaker who runs the Instagram account @nyc_timescape, regularly posts timelapse videos of the New York City skyline that he captures from New Jersey—and he was filming as the blackout happened. The resulting video (h/t Untapped Cities) is an especially cool way to see how the power outage transformed the city over the course of a few hours.

“It was still very light outside when the blackout started,” DiGiovanna wrote in the caption that accompanied his video, “so here is my TimeLapse from sunset until all the buildings had power restored.”

The demarcation between the sections of the city with power—to the south and east—is quite clear, and it’s eerie to see the suddenly darkened city come back to life. DiGiovanna also posted a shorter video of just the lights coming back on, which you can watch below.


6deae9  No.7057443


British Publisher Robert Maxwell

Was Mossad Spy New Claim

On Tycoon's Mystery Death

By Gordon Thomas And Martin Dillon

The Mirror - UK


c4d6d5  No.7057444

File: 5d6dcf44dd14db4⋯.jpeg (133.2 KB, 828x648, 23:18, 8CB5E370-322C-4BB6-86AE-3….jpeg)

dbad20  No.7057445

File: 10ade28175ad7fb⋯.jpeg (91.96 KB, 640x640, 1:1, DD82B500-4E64-4B64-928B-F….jpeg)

2df120  No.7057446


this seems to represent a specific wave of essentially masonic feminism. Marina abromovich for example is not gonna be on the list because she is not a media voice. she would be on another wave of art people. I think im not sure

0f2245  No.7057447




>Jeffrey's next door neighbour part of ICMEC

e7a0f2  No.7057448

File: 6b76519a3d8ca70⋯.jpg (177.8 KB, 1282x884, 641:442, fash47.jpg)

File: 1fc32c628631e5a⋯.jpg (135.83 KB, 1210x704, 55:32, fash48.jpg)

File: 5fedfaf9e6c2c83⋯.jpg (106.68 KB, 922x542, 461:271, fash49.jpg)

File: 3b44ca09f55e8cf⋯.jpg (103.98 KB, 570x782, 285:391, fash50.jpg)

File: fd46f927c491b32⋯.jpg (77.77 KB, 758x442, 379:221, fash51.jpg)

d25473  No.7057449


Acid Burn confirms.

73cb45  No.7057450


You forget the

“And RETURN” and show us how it is done”

But you knew that

1e9192  No.7057451

File: 9862ec7c65fba2a⋯.png (331.68 KB, 600x314, 300:157, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c106dc58b821ec9⋯.png (6.97 KB, 370x400, 37:40, ClipboardImage.png)


>See the NYC blackout captured in a timelapse video


Do People Believe in Coincidences?



11 Feb 2018 - 9:04:42 AM

Do people believe all recent resignations, plane crashes, plane re_routes, EMS/EBS activations, blackouts, etc are simply a coincidence?

Why did Sessions [at the beginning] emphasize investigations/proceedings are kept confidential?

Think magic.

What you see …….

Do you really believe nothing is being done?

Re_read past crumbs.

Who has the power?

Why was this emphasized in the beginning?

You have more than you know.


2df120  No.7057452


Actually i think that is just who they follow on social media. But that alone shows a lot of common problem people.

a5e4f3  No.7057453

File: 106dabf69286167⋯.png (639.23 KB, 480x640, 3:4, 106dabf692861673d3d560bbd6….png)


You attached one of my posts to this.

Not advocating for BO to leave.

I was here with my precious time digging when

Shill Bakers were sabotaging Notables.

Anons filling the bread with fighting.

Months of infiltration with hate and division.

Hate filled You Tube videos at the top of each bread. Constant spamming.

Name fagging to taunt and distract.

Trampling on our rights.

They were/are not here to research.

They are here to distract-divide-discourage.

And still are!

Anons that I red pilled coming in here and seeing all that shit asking me why this board

became such a mess.

When Q was absent, the extreme infiltration began.

When Q returned, it became far worse.

BO could have began a banning and clean up.

The first BO banned, why not the current one?

THAT is what I protested.

BO - Do your damn job.

Don't include me in this campaign to remove him.

You CAN include me in for a Massive

board clean up.

BO - do your job!

Thank You


6a3e62  No.7057454


>i'm asking you to provide proof the board is being censored and a means of proving it either is or isn't

1. When bakers are appointed by BO that's censorship, controlling the notables.

2.Posting notables in a separate thread keeps eyes off notables to those new to the board.

Simple fix,

Let anon's pick bakers, no appointed bakers

Put notable back at the top and keep the separate thread if you want

Being the Boss and ignoring the anon's, that's a middle finger "I decide and you can take it or leave"

What parts don't you get??

We had shills to deal with, now this. A huge wedge has been driven down the middle of the board and needs to be fixed or we can all say goodbye to WWG1WGA

It's already turned anon's against each other, we can't let (((Them))) win!!

I'm not angry, just very sad. I'll keep on Praying for all of us.

6deae9  No.7057455


>Trump's crib notes for his attack on Ilhan Omar after White House speech – showing he jotted down phonetic spellings for names including 'Alcaida' for Al Qaeda


77d3c9  No.7057456

>>7045928 (LB)

when are these images going to be shown more clearly?

512f44  No.7057457

File: f6d107630f703be⋯.png (4.5 KB, 562x386, 281:193, DGDS.png)



no disagreement here anon.

c9998e  No.7057458


Every time you post a "qmap.pub" capture you out yourself as paYtriot shill. Good thing they are so distinctive.

0f2245  No.7057459


wasn't able to vet the sauce in there:


says can't find file

e75850  No.7057460

File: 72810f1f364af77⋯.png (15.97 KB, 605x165, 11:3, nameless.png)

0b7d0e  No.7057461

File: 940f362cdd47d39⋯.jpeg (158 KB, 840x709, 840:709, Russia Gold1.jpeg)

File: 5f86ccb1eedbdab⋯.jpeg (101.11 KB, 829x564, 829:564, Russia Gold2.jpeg)

File: 81bf2e81325f1d7⋯.jpeg (118.65 KB, 594x820, 297:410, Russian Gold.jpeg)

File: 85bebb24946f9e9⋯.jpeg (129.31 KB, 790x845, 158:169, Russian Alternative to sw….jpeg)


Yeah some country are in a better position than other……. Pic related: Theirs ratio of Gold asset VS the size of theirs economy and theirs very small foreign debt. Put them at exactly the right place at the right time.

c2931e  No.7057462

File: 8b16c077a5b66c8⋯.png (115.89 KB, 1259x485, 1259:485, branson1.png)


Really? Is your search engine broken?


6c6f55  No.7057463

File: 8c6ff1a7750ca86⋯.png (388.31 KB, 369x383, 369:383, c2thn.PNG)

2df120  No.7057464

File: b11e1259bb4d577⋯.png (1.82 KB, 187x27, 187:27, ((())).png)



>every fucking time


2df120  No.7057465


>every fucking time

should have not have been greentext.

b02635  No.7057466

#6242233 at 2019-04-19 21:34:25 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #7982: Digital Soldiers Edition

Donald J. Trump (Verified Account)


With unempoyment over 10% in 2009, @BarackObama held an extravagant

alice in wonderland party. He is a man of the people!

12:48 PM - 12 Jan 2012


#5732967 at 2019-03-17 10:58:07 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #7332: Godspeed, Patriots Edition







did you know there was a secret alice in wonderland Party at the White house during Obama's first term?


#5374418 at 2019-02-25 12:36:39 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #6869: Crumbs Make Bread Edition

White House threw secret 'alice in wonderland' bash in 2009 - covered up

"the guests at the invitation-only party had bone-shaped meringue cookies and fruit punch served in blood vials. "

https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2083831/Obamas-held-secret-Alice-Wonderland-themed-party-White-House-depths-recession-2009.html https://nypost.com/2012/01/08/white-house-threw-secret-alice-in-wonderland-bash-during-recession/

Shills pushing the alice in wonderland as a new topic are just forum sliding. Stuff was dug extensively over the course of several months. They are trying to gas light and say that they are the first to dig on it based on a select screencap.

Dig it yourself but expand the search to alice in wonderland.

I don’t really care, it’s still good info to be put out for new eyes, but lying about it being new information is disingenuous.

c2931e  No.7057467

File: 30c5362d517d27d⋯.jpg (155.29 KB, 597x538, 597:538, arrestmeq.jpg)

73cb45  No.7057468

File: a76e387d815650f⋯.png (102.77 KB, 600x533, 600:533, 7337A234-BDF1-41A6-9CD6-F8….png)

File: 99a7a300a7f0bbc⋯.png (408.59 KB, 800x738, 400:369, 908E97CA-AAE1-4E19-A791-71….png)

File: bbb70451f89f2d2⋯.png (425.97 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, ED0750FA-DD20-4059-8FDD-12….png)



The Fourth Day

…13And there was evening, and there was morning—the third day. 14And God said, “Let there be lights in the expanse of the sky to distinguish between day and night and to mark the seasons and days and years, 15And let them serve as lights in the expanse of the sky to shine upon the earth.” And it was so.…

e7a0f2  No.7057469

File: 722141988de8436⋯.jpg (249.44 KB, 1088x740, 272:185, fash52.jpg)

File: a8aa013a159cc3a⋯.jpg (152.11 KB, 816x626, 408:313, fash53.jpg)

File: 686b31474963866⋯.jpg (308.24 KB, 1066x734, 533:367, fash54.jpg)

File: d0e8942def98f0f⋯.jpg (128.31 KB, 980x674, 490:337, fash57.jpg)

File: b2cc579cb3308e2⋯.jpg (68.3 KB, 886x544, 443:272, fash58.jpg)

6deae9  No.7057470


i got that also, may have been taken down

0b7d0e  No.7057471

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Never forget anon "This is a Witch hunt!!"


daf774  No.7057472


Did some warehouse work years ago. Looks like a rock or pebble getting caught under a wheel for a bit.

6a3e62  No.7057473



I hope so, I keep Praying.

BO could address this rather then let it keep festering but he's not, what's that say to you?

dbad20  No.7057474

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Dark to Light

4a5347  No.7057475

File: 31d0278638b999a⋯.png (1.62 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 57251719-5483-4400-85E2-A2….png)

Now we know why they arrested Epstein now … it helps Bibi … pic related.


c9998e  No.7057476


>I can use Qmaps for Q drops


9c46e4  No.7057477

File: e880877984f1708⋯.png (59.96 KB, 578x509, 578:509, POTUS 7-16-19 4 20 pm PDT.PNG)

New POTUS Tweet


43cf55  No.7057478

File: 165a006761519e8⋯.png (43.32 KB, 595x377, 595:377, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8e18e5914821ef2⋯.png (40.98 KB, 597x372, 199:124, ClipboardImage.png)



The Democrat Congresswomen have been spewing some of the most vile, hateful, and disgusting things ever said by a politician in the House or Senate, & yet they get a free pass and a big embrace from the Democrat Party. Horrible anti-Israel, anti-USA, pro-terrorist & public…..

…..shouting of the F…word, among many other terrible things, and the petrified Dems run for the hills. Why isn’t the House voting to rebuke the filthy and hate laced things they have said? Because they are the Radical Left, and the Democrats are afraid to take them on. Sad!

bea1a8  No.7057479

File: 75e25f6f226489c⋯.pdf (1.21 MB, TBDRP Strategic Plan.pdf)



Strategic Plan


The TBDRP was established in fiscal year 2016 (FY16), when the efforts of Lyme disease advocates led to a Congressional appropriation of $5 million (M). The intent of the TBDRP is to support innovative and impactful research that addresses fundamental issues and knowledge gaps in tick-borne diseases. In a letter from the House Lyme Disease Caucus to the Chairman of the Congressional Subcommittee on Defense requesting this appropriation, it was noted that “Lyme and other tick-borne diseases are a significant threat to military forces and their dependents, not only at domestic bases and training facilities, but worldwide.”2 The TBDRP was urged to “recognize that tick populations and the diseases they carry are not static, but are emerging and growing threats in many regions, such as the Southeastern and Midwestern U.S.,” and that many of these newly discovered TBDs are “becoming more prevalent and deadly.” The need for funding “for research on TBDs, including to develop more sensitive and accurate diagnostic tests for Lyme and to increase understanding of the full range of Lyme disease processes, as well as the numerous mechanisms that may allow organisms to persist post-treatment,” was detailed. The TBDRP now offers a voice to the often unheard individuals living with Lyme disease or other tick-borne illnesses via representation on our peer review and programmatic panels, along with scientists, clinicians and other reviewers. Through the work of the TBDRP Programmatic Panel, the program has developed the following vision and mission to address Congressional intent.VISION: To prevent the occurrence, better diagnose and resolve or minimize the impact of Lyme disease and other tick-borne illnesses, with emphasis on burden of diseaseMISSION: To understand the pathogenesis of Lyme disease and other tick-borne illnesses and to deliver innovative solutions to prevent, diagnose, and treat their manifestations for the benefit of U.S. Service members and the American publicTick-Borne Disease Research Program

1e9192  No.7057480

File: 66ba935e68dd987⋯.png (458.73 KB, 699x368, 699:368, ClipboardImage.png)




Umm fix'd it proper pc anon

c4d6d5  No.7057481

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Great stuff here.

c9998e  No.7057482


moar qmap.pub drops


98dca1  No.7057483

I like it better with the notables gone. Narrative control opportunity went with it

BO, when i told you GFYS, i just hope you enjoyed it

6a3e62  No.7057485


Sauce it or bullshit

78788b  No.7057486

File: 7b2725437f6c2e4⋯.png (1.59 MB, 828x1792, 207:448, FEDD9D7E-5E6B-4C65-BA62-31….png)

File: 59ae21e3aef5814⋯.png (147.52 KB, 500x569, 500:569, 3C12BC7B-0FF5-4D54-9959-F2….png)


915a7a  No.7057487

File: e6eaaf23a14c87b⋯.png (39.75 KB, 773x434, 773:434, ear cut off.PNG)


d25473  No.7057488




f7a561  No.7057489

File: dafb8dc5a49ebe6⋯.png (542.72 KB, 606x722, 303:361, WeOnlyDrinkQanon.png)

File: a87423f99dc3f5d⋯.png (228.39 KB, 591x391, 591:391, QANONPUB.png)

1e9192  No.7057491





6deae9  No.7057492

File: 3553bae39197735⋯.png (466.21 KB, 511x608, 511:608, ClipboardImage.png)


another 1

a2373c  No.7057493

File: 7d2c00f073bba2b⋯.jpg (197.83 KB, 800x708, 200:177, 7d2c00f073bba2bde7e7410e90….jpg)



2df120  No.7057494


>f word

8e5898  No.7057495


yup, i liked that one much and thought it should be shared.

WWG1WGA, fren!

9c46e4  No.7057496

File: db9d0aed21f2d55⋯.png (804.41 KB, 609x743, 609:743, kemu Zero was better at 7-….PNG)

File: 5c277bf4dd443c7⋯.png (1.05 MB, 708x700, 177:175, kemu Zero was better at 7-….PNG)



>Is Trending on twitter


1e9192  No.7057497


>another 1


c9998e  No.7057498


a shill and three helper shills replying

0f2245  No.7057499


>1. When bakers are appointed by BO that's censorship, controlling the notables.

they're not appointed, any anons can gather and post a bundle, even more than one. there is more freedom for anons to organize their own content now, not less

>2.Posting notables in a separate thread keeps eyes off notables to those new to the board.

see pic it's literally at the top of the catalog, a one stop shop for newbs to view notables without stumbling thru a bewb pic or other shill shit that takes a while for newfags to get used to

>Simple fix,

>Let anon's pick bakers, no appointed bakers

again, even this step is eliminated when any anon can just volunteer to make a notables bun without anyone having to ask anyone to give them permission

>Put notable back at the top and keep the separate thread if you want

there's no need for this, the notables thread serves nicely on its own

>Being the Boss and ignoring the anon's, that's a middle finger "I decide and you can take it or leave"

many anons have voiced support or at least acceptance of the new system. bo has explained to anons why the system was implemented in the way it was resistance at this point appears more about preserving the bakers union agenda then reasonable dissent

>What parts don't you get??

>We had shills to deal with, now this. A huge wedge has been driven down the middle of the board and needs to be fixed or we can all say goodbye to WWG1WGA

this is unfortunate, agreed

>It's already turned anon's against each other, we can't let (((Them))) win!!

(((they))) were seeking to control the narrative by turning the baker position into a gatekeeping one and pruning notables to suit 3rd party scraper sites, wearethene.ws in particular

the new system returns control to anons hands

>I'm not angry, just very sad. I'll keep on Praying for all of us.

Godspeed anon

d35812  No.7057500

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.






Ingraham Angle on Fox last night made use of a subtle technique (IMO) suggesting s/he is a dude

at 44:18

e75850  No.7057501

File: a8dab0ae589a5e9⋯.jpg (41.34 KB, 416x300, 104:75, bullshit.jpg)


Forgot to sauce that. Pic confirms. Notable Kek

417313  No.7057502


welcome to yesterday morning faggot. try and keep up

0f2245  No.7057503

File: a83c78c9ba0e787⋯.png (333.98 KB, 988x430, 494:215, NotablesOneStopShopAndEasi….PNG)

dbad20  No.7057504

File: d4bf212c43e669b⋯.jpeg (367.61 KB, 1350x794, 675:397, 4DD85C81-A44D-453C-A5E1-6….jpeg)

Stable Genius.


0b7d0e  No.7057505

File: 426ec47a4a47d4e⋯.mp4 (14.71 MB, 720x486, 40:27, AIPAC_dangerous_Mossad.mp4)


I don't know if he as a death wish or if the Mossad Network inside America as already been dismantle……

Archive Offline Faggot!

83175e  No.7057506


The banning did not work.

Shills can switch their vpns.

When the bans happened innocent anons ended up getting swept up in the bans.

I personally got accidently banned for a month.

Had to have a friend post in meta, and tell BO what happened, BO took it off and apologized said he did not mean to ban me.

I was banned from the CBTS board for defending Q when that BO started being a dumbass. I went over to the storm board and bitched about being banned, Q posted a few posts under mine when he too moved to the storm board after the BO was being stupid.


6a3e62  No.7057507


Potus boxed the Dems into a corner, brilliant moves!! Best Potus ever!!

429c40  No.7057508


5 5 3


False Flag Coming

e7a0f2  No.7057509

File: 74379a63a4bb94b⋯.jpg (220.4 KB, 1158x848, 579:424, fash63.jpg)

File: 3514c7c477813f3⋯.jpg (117.79 KB, 1176x646, 588:323, fash59.jpg)

File: c1a2551f7f3f0ee⋯.jpg (85.65 KB, 1010x686, 505:343, fash60.jpg)

File: 795db4f0b8fc3a3⋯.jpg (113.37 KB, 1104x752, 69:47, fash61.jpg)

File: 9de6679a86bd42b⋯.jpg (159.69 KB, 1132x620, 283:155, fash62.jpg)

83175e  No.7057510



Also when i got banned for a month by accident, it was on my birthday, so i was pretty fucking upset about it, kek

1b3406  No.7057511

"Robert Maxwell, Israel's Superspy" by Gordon Thomas:


Please reupload. They already took it off voat.

7300ce  No.7057512

File: 483cc055c0a4545⋯.jpg (150.45 KB, 1440x753, 480:251, IMG_20180925_203243.jpg)

1b3406  No.7057513

File: f9a902469aee52d⋯.jpg (94.84 KB, 640x1103, 640:1103, vcwqstlb0ka31.jpg)

c21c56  No.7057514

File: 644a0a2b941eb68⋯.png (912.26 KB, 750x799, 750:799, AwesomePresser715.png)

b02635  No.7057515


twisting that knife

democrats can’t hide what those four are saying and rational adults in the middle will be like “ya that’s messed up, why do we have four congresswomen who hate america so much?

Trump is just instigating this, he created the rift and is dividing and conquering. He is their puppet master and they dance on his strings. All they can do is react. He tears them apart strategically, then forces them back together i a defensive manner, then tears them apart again. If this was a military maneuver, i would almost say he is just playing with his enemies. But this constant shifting of their strategies serves to highlight their weaknesses, and he fully takes advantage of it. It truly is brilliant.

It’s an amazing thing to watch.

b0423f  No.7057516

File: 826c679284c6441⋯.jpeg (638.33 KB, 1125x724, 1125:724, 9E225B46-3E54-4992-8D0A-7….jpeg)

File: ed64e64c8ce8443⋯.jpeg (828.11 KB, 1125x722, 1125:722, 2E1E61E6-BA47-4769-ABBC-A….jpeg)

File: 751432f349b984c⋯.jpeg (483.86 KB, 818x753, 818:753, BA34A184-FE72-446E-8B39-8….jpeg)

File: 2c658a1214806d5⋯.jpeg (964.99 KB, 1106x829, 1106:829, 10361982-6CAE-4A41-A2EA-5….jpeg)

File: f80d67795bffd0b⋯.jpeg (1.1 MB, 1125x948, 375:316, 37920554-BCEA-478B-84E9-C….jpeg)


Nelson Mandela’s Birthday party cancelled fue to unrest about the trip to Africa in Japan…

30a7f0  No.7057517


Your a fucking liar.

If you have been here as long as you say you have, you would already know that that party was dug on about a year ago.

So you either lied about your time here, or your lying about this being the first time you have heard of it.

6deae9  No.7057518

18a8f0  No.7057519


Keep in mind those logs end at 2004

0b7d0e  No.7057520

File: 47d53d9b9c48d2e⋯.mp4 (2.64 MB, 640x360, 16:9, OP is a phaggot.mp4)


Me I just don't give a shit about the Drama. I stay comfy and keep on researching.

c4d6d5  No.7057521

File: 9a5f3779e53e352⋯.jpeg (137.64 KB, 828x873, 92:97, 3FD5993E-D1B6-465A-8458-5….jpeg)

7ed7b9  No.7057522


Qanon.pub is slow af and laggy. Can’t use it.

Qmap works better for me

898506  No.7057523

Fox talking about JFK Jr right now

254009  No.7057524

File: 797482ac148476a⋯.png (725.72 KB, 4473x3078, 497:342, 07192019QPost-Cabal-Damage….png)

Latest 'Battle of Epstein' in the Meme War on Social Media status.

8e5898  No.7057525

>>7055977 lb, >>7055982 lb, 40,000 ft view on Q´s PLAN for newfags

>>7056181 lb, >>7056193 lb, PDJT and Plus Ultra

d77e91  No.7057526


This made notables the day it happened. Of course anons don't know, because notables have been removed from active breads.

6deae9  No.7057527

File: 367e64bec907251⋯.png (475.38 KB, 1115x619, 1115:619, ClipboardImage.png)

8e5898  No.7057528


the plan was made long ago.

>>7035192 lb, >>7035209 lb, TRUMP on magazine cover, 30 years before first Q drop, saying "DJT plays to win" and "BOOM TIMES"

bea1a8  No.7057529

File: 85ef300edb11446⋯.png (36.21 KB, 638x256, 319:128, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 407f5b2782d0103⋯.png (1.47 MB, 1221x3778, 1221:3778, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8d6df8bb179fce0⋯.png (147.12 KB, 826x429, 826:429, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 71c94d74f3a0ee9⋯.png (1.66 MB, 1221x5231, 1221:5231, ClipboardImage.png)




73cb45  No.7057530


Messed up

We will take them.

1e9192  No.7057531

File: 2ce02b41426d000⋯.png (97.24 KB, 184x184, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4b9d33757f48a1f⋯.png (904.17 KB, 613x920, 613:920, ClipboardImage.png)

9c46e4  No.7057532


> It truly is brilliant.

>It’s an amazing thing to watch.

It really is

d315bc  No.7057533

File: 4a10febabc4b3d9⋯.png (13.13 KB, 255x185, 51:37, 23ba8a551e725ebfba9a816dba….png)

429c40  No.7057534


Democrats need narrative change

Not sure where

Eyes on for clues


d25473  No.7057535


Since you said it, it must be true.

c4d6d5  No.7057536

File: 601cf7aa88631c4⋯.jpeg (238.26 KB, 828x832, 207:208, 39958077-12FC-4001-A77B-B….jpeg)

a5e4f3  No.7057537



What does POTUS do at Rallys when a shill begins screaming?

Look at his Tweets right now this morning!

SHILLS in our Congress!

Anons, I'm an Old Fag and witnessed the

casualties of banning.

I'm sorry, I truly am.

Something has got to be done!

Any of you have suggestions?

254009  No.7057538

File: 4f7cab1b5083804⋯.png (724.27 KB, 4473x3078, 497:342, 07192019QPost-Cabal-Damage….png)


Date corrected…

b02635  No.7057540


oh wow

Why the sudden need for them to meme in his defense?

Are they trying to build his public support up before he comes out and says something publicly about trump? A quick brainwashing refresher?

Easy way to fight that, highlight the hypocrisy with the actual scandals that they are just choosing to ignore.

1. IRS targets Obama's enemies: The IRS targeted conservative and pro-Israel groups prior to the 2012 election. Questions are being raised about why this occurred, who ordered it, whether there was any White House involvement and whether there was an initial effort to hide who knew about the targeting and when.

2. Benghazi: This is actually three scandals in one: The failure of administration to protect the Benghazi mission; the changes made to the talking points in order to suggest the attack was motivated by an anti-Muslim video; and the refusal of the White House to say what President Obama did the night of the attack.

3. Keeping an eye on The Associated Press: The Justice Department performed a massive cull of Associated Press reporters' phone records as part of a leak investigation.

4. Rosengate: The Justice Department suggested that Fox News reporter James Rosen is a criminal for reporting about classified information and subsequently monitored his phones and emails.

5. Potential Holder perjury I: Attorney General Eric Holder told Congress he had never been associated with "potential prosecution" of a journalist for perjury when in fact he signed the affidavit that termed Rosen a potential criminal.

6. The ATF "Fast and Furious" scheme: Federal agencies allowed weapons from U.S. gun dealers to "walk" across the border into the hands of Mexican drug dealers. The ATF summarily lost track of scores of those weapons, many of which were used in crimes, including the December 2010 killing of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry.

7. Potential Holder perjury II: Holder told Congress in May 2011 that he had just recently heard about the Fast and Furious gun walking scheme when there is evidence he may have known much earlier.

8. Sebelius demands payment: HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius solicited donations from companies HHS might regulate. The money would be used to help her sign up uninsured Americans for Obamacare.

9. The Pigford scandal: An Agriculture Department effort that started as an attempt to compensate black farmers who had been discriminated against by the agency but evolved into a gravy train delivering several billion dollars in cash to thousands of additional minority and female farmers who probably didn't face discrimination.

10. GSA gone wild: The General Services Administration in 2010 held an $823,000 training conference in Las Vegas, featuring a clown and a mind readers. Resulted in the resignation of the GSA administrator.

faf238  No.7057541

File: a61dd4f8835dbca⋯.png (58.16 KB, 642x206, 321:103, Screen Shot 2019-07-16 at ….png)


Oh! Now I get it! The bakers were adding the huge racist bun at the beginning of the loaf…I was wondering how they were able to post so many posts in each loaf…

Autist on some levels…gump on others :-)


c9998e  No.7057542

File: 5f3fb8685d0906e⋯.png (370.86 KB, 2400x1200, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)


This is the shill graphic that was often posted just after Finklestein's spew. This graphic then appeared on "wearethenew.ws" aka "wearethepaYtriots" where anons noticed it. Seems innocent and helpful yet it enourages new anons to filter.

The outing of this graphic was the beginning of the recent Board changes.

0f2245  No.7057543


if this is the 'board war' we were promised its more tepid than bingo night at an old folks home

c59ff8  No.7057544

Today’s going to be one hell of a day

1e9192  No.7057545

File: c333adefc55bc4d⋯.png (5.83 MB, 2048x1329, 2048:1329, ClipboardImage.png)





House orders Pentagon to say if it weaponized ticks and released them

The order requires the agency to say if it experimented with insects for use as a biological weapon between 1950 and 1975

WTF…."if it weaponized"


e75850  No.7057546

File: dba46a4ac526027⋯.png (463.07 KB, 680x469, 680:469, Whores_babble_on.png)

Out of all the members of the house and these are the idiots we get to hear from the most!


060cd0  No.7057547

Remember how The House district in Oklahoma flipped in 2018?

60% of Children in OKLAHOMA CITY are NONWHITE

20% of Current Residents that moves in since 2000 are foreign Nationals (illegal aliens)

The Mayor implies OKC is a Sanctuary City without saying it.

The Police chief suggests No enforcement of Immigration Laws will take place

This is Oklahoma. The most “Conservative” State in the Union

Demographics = Destiny


b02635  No.7057548


11. Veterans Affairs in Disney World: The agency wasted more than $6 million on two conferences in Orlando. An assistant secretary was fired.

12. Sebelius violates the Hatch Act: A U.S. special counsel determined that Sebelius violated the Hatch Act when she made "extemporaneous partisan remarks" during a speech in her official capacity last year. During the remarks, Sebelius called for the election of the Democratic candidate for governor of North Carolina.

13. Solyndra: Republicans charged the Obama Administration funded and promoted its poster boy for green energy despite warning signs the company was headed for bankruptcy. The administration also allegedly pressed Solyndra to delay layoff announcements until after the 2010 midterm elections.

14. AKA Lisa Jackson: Former EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson used the name "Richard Windsor" when corresponding by email with other government officials, drawing charges she was trying to evade scrutiny.

15. The New Black Panthers: The Justice Department was accused of using a racial double standard in failing to pursue a voter intimidation case against Black Panthers who appeared to be menacing voters at a polling place in 2008 in Philadelphia.

16. Waging war all by myself: Obama may have violated the Constitution and both the letter and the spirit of the War Powers Resolution by attacking Libya without Congressional approval.

17. Biden bullies the press: Vice President Biden's office has repeatedly interfered with coverage, including forcing a reporter to wait in a closet, making a reporter delete photos, and editing pool reports.

18. AKPD not A-OK: The administration paid millions to the former firm of then-White House adviser David Axelrod, AKPD Message and Media, to promote passage of Obamacare. Some questioned whether the firm was hired to help pay Axelrod $2 million AKPD owed him.

19. Sestak, we'll take care of you: Former White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel used Bill Clinton as an intermediary to probe whether former Rep. Joe Sestak (D-Pa.) would accept a prominent, unpaid White House advisory position in exchange for dropping out of the 2010 primary against former Sen. Arlen Specter (D-Pa.).

20. I'll pass my own laws: Obama has repeatedly been accused of making end runs around Congress by deciding which laws to enforce, including the decision not to deport illegal immigrants who may have been allowed to stay in the United States had Congress passed the "Dream Act."

21: And of course let’s not forget the Russian collusion / “hacking” happened on his watch

22: Spying on political rivals

There are many more scandals, this is certainly not an all inclusive list

0b7d0e  No.7057549

File: b671379ff45ade5⋯.jpg (150.69 KB, 550x946, 25:43, Why the Chan.jpg)


Well they are sending theirs best you know……..

They are pretty retarded.

c4f01b  No.7057550


It wouldnt make sense to be any other day than today. I've seen too many correlations. Itd be upsetting if they lead to another let down, but lead to another date.

6deae9  No.7057551

File: 1dc34cb35bcb307⋯.png (557.79 KB, 846x637, 846:637, ClipboardImage.png)

1st time i have seen the full photo

47a2f8  No.7057552


Once Qanon.pub loads on your computer screen, you have the entire map before you. Much easier to make connections. Just search with Ctrl + F. Very fast. And no distracting titles.

bea1a8  No.7057553


note the prior post about DOD started a research program on TBD circa 2016

See >>7057479 pdf included

898506  No.7057554


Very nice, but iPad. Ew.

cee3f5  No.7057555


That is the perfect "Just fuck my shit up" photo of Mittens.

633a14  No.7057556



1e9192  No.7057557

File: 798a17efef546f8⋯.png (830.29 KB, 743x510, 743:510, ClipboardImage.png)

d7ebf0  No.7057558

File: 7976d31576e93d7⋯.png (195.41 KB, 1264x1036, 316:259, 66ZdPGo.png)

POTUS tweet.




e7a0f2  No.7057559

File: 7e37ad8c9e16d7e⋯.jpg (79.36 KB, 784x536, 98:67, fash64.jpg)

File: ff7e69981ce958f⋯.jpg (79.59 KB, 856x584, 107:73, fash65.jpg)

File: 96b9eabd0c174bf⋯.jpg (71.14 KB, 950x642, 475:321, fash66.jpg)

File: 1d95555aab732b7⋯.jpg (82.11 KB, 1088x578, 32:17, fash67.jpg)

File: 2ef85c182db99fd⋯.jpg (51.88 KB, 764x450, 382:225, fash68.jpg)

43e6ce  No.7057560


> 0b7d0e

This is Glorious.

a2373c  No.7057561

File: 0a31912f78c2165⋯.png (76.87 KB, 738x575, 738:575, ClipboardImage.png)




308d55  No.7057562

File: 189df0313a8147b⋯.jpeg (350.15 KB, 1199x1501, 1199:1501, 25FA4812-61E2-4978-9A32-4….jpeg)

File: c460558ab60fc90⋯.jpeg (392.9 KB, 1724x1265, 1724:1265, 3276E1A6-939E-4DEE-846C-C….jpeg)

9c46e4  No.7057563

File: baf8cfd8a425fc3⋯.png (68.4 KB, 1378x599, 1378:599, Pay QMap.PNG)


>Qmap works better for me

QMap likes to tell anons what to think in the titles

The don't want you to think for yourself

The want to tell you what to think

>oh and $$$$$

d35812  No.7057564


I didn't know of THIS connection. I knew about Beverly, but didn't know her husband was Trump's insurance guy!

This is


if it's as little known to others.

Maybe I'm just an outlier.

47a2f8  No.7057565


Even drop LINE NUMBER might be important.

Reach each sentence.

83175e  No.7057566



Anons not everyone can be here every single day for every dig.

Fresh eyes on old news is always good. People learn more as time goes on, so having a re look at past events( even those previously dug on is good)

Also it's been so long since it was discussed, the info anons found is not easily around for this anon or others to see and maybe dig deeper into.

Don't be so fucking harsh, not everyone knows everything or remembers all digs.

Maybe there are some new connections to be made,

I'm working on making some graphics/profiles of celebrity owned islands. Johnny depp has an island and Disney owns some land in the tropics.

(not sure about Tim Burton)

Obama loves to hang out on Bransons Nekker island( as noted above Bransons mother is found of center for missing children)

Even that new tidbit can be used to connect these places and people.

Everything is connected in these sick evil people's webs.

I wonder if any tropical islands have an alice in wonderland themed area?

I made the connection to islands as an example of how new ways of looking at older events could lead to new digs.

b02635  No.7057567


I already went and pulled past references here


It’s not even all of it, literally took 30 seconds to find

7ed7b9  No.7057568


Yeah the titles and layout of qmap suck… but Qanon.pub doesn’t load all drops. Or is it because i am phonefagging?

c4d6d5  No.7057569

File: 3bd36741d5d2809⋯.jpeg (118.35 KB, 828x630, 46:35, DBEF9278-D686-49DB-A25B-3….jpeg)

7300ce  No.7057570

File: 8bae182253f6ae5⋯.jpeg (405.32 KB, 1080x1228, 270:307, 1563277384.jpeg)

dbad20  No.7057571

File: 8eb4790974bcfc8⋯.jpeg (157.84 KB, 1024x513, 1024:513, 7C60F656-EA2A-4F66-B109-C….jpeg)

bea1a8  No.7057572



if i was the "bad guys" ™ i would introduce several lines of diseases so that when they all enter the body they'd create one mega disease. No way to easily backtrack and you get to eradicate a bunch of people.

30a7f0  No.7057573


Hot dogs and pizzas. Hot dogs and pizzas.

0f2245  No.7057574


>Is your search engine broken?

search engines fine but i'm having some trouble with my giveafuck

faf238  No.7057575


>Stable Genius.

Even more…

-create a feedback loop between the MSM and the radical left

-create a vacuum in the middle of the d party

-agenda exposed for all to see in a MINORITY setting

-agenda feedback between MSM, the witches, and social media

-agenda supported by all mainstream d candidates






Just like Epstein..the brilliance of starting there (publicly) is masterful…

429c40  No.7057576


Create problem.

Propose solution.

Saul Alinsky

73cb45  No.7057577


Says morning while jacking meme…

3e2f1f  No.7057578

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Women once lined up to dance with the genetic disaster known as "prince" of wales.

faf238  No.7057579


year? In the past?

bea1a8  No.7057580


imagine who's most likely to have issues with ticks … people who like the outdoors, hunters, prepper, bushcrafters. Who's most likely to oppose you if SHTF. Assuming were to cause SHTF scenario you'd want those people weak.

6c6f55  No.7057581


Middle English rapyne, from Anglo-French rapine, from Latin rapina, from rapere to seize, rob



Forcible seizure of another's property; plunder.

To plunder violently or by superior force.


The violent seizure and carrying off of property; open plunder by armed or superior force, as in war or by invasion or raid.

rapina {f}


heist mugging rapine highway robbery

to rob to hijack

shaved head

f1887d  No.7057582

File: c7179773871070e⋯.png (546.82 KB, 1133x593, 1133:593, terrorism.png)


the false flag isnt until tomorrow.


bigger than 9/11

> They are so desperate Since they are all about to be revealed around the world.




e7a0f2  No.7057583

File: 49469851db4dd7f⋯.jpg (209.5 KB, 1266x750, 211:125, fash74.jpg)

File: a8b21b385b1d71a⋯.jpg (129.95 KB, 1264x738, 632:369, fash69.jpg)

File: 5b604b1b615c173⋯.jpg (212.97 KB, 1460x846, 730:423, fash70.jpg)

File: f578f1e4089a977⋯.jpg (107.8 KB, 962x676, 37:26, fash71.jpg)

File: ba9020ab2012abc⋯.jpg (207.47 KB, 1214x810, 607:405, fash72.jpg)

6deae9  No.7057584

File: 26c8087ac2380ce⋯.png (265.02 KB, 478x527, 478:527, ClipboardImage.png)

Kazakh billionaire faces money laundering investigation

The Kazakh billionaire who bought the Duke of York’s former marital home is the subject of a £380 million money laundering investigation, it was claimed last night.

Next week, the Kazakh capital Astana will welcome ministers from 56 countries, including Hillary Clinton, the US secretary of state, and Nick Clegg, the Deputy Prime Minister, for a meeting of the Organisation for Co-operation and Security in Europe. Neither Mr Kulibayev nor his London representative were available for comment last night.

A spokesman for Buckingham Palace declined to comment on the investigation, saying the sale of the house in Sunninghill was “a private sale between two trusts”.

83175e  No.7057585

File: 0cd4c50ef15cf62⋯.png (4.48 MB, 2560x1440, 16:9, David Copperfields Musha B….png)

File: 32c5d9a82ab708e⋯.png (262.56 KB, 768x283, 768:283, How to get to muscha cay.png)

File: 048b4df522fa39f⋯.png (258.29 KB, 763x282, 763:282, Map copperfield bay.png)

File: 8669b26d7e94b29⋯.png (275.79 KB, 773x290, 773:290, Musha games.png)

File: 0fad08775aac4d9⋯.png (212.34 KB, 776x287, 776:287, Underground tunnel.png)


Copperfield talks about building tunnels as part of some them adventure for his islands.

6a3e62  No.7057586


OK, First Thank You! I've been wrong on some points and I Thank You for taking the time to correct me rather just ignoring me which would have been easier. You are a true anon who cares, God Bless

>bo has explained to anons why the system was implemented in the way it was


This is a problem for those that don't know this, I didn't see that. Anon's who also missed it are also going to be left taking the wrong opinion and the shills are taking advantage and driving the wedge further.

>resistance at this point appears more about preserving the bakers union agenda then reasonable dissent


Again, anons who missed BO explanation are left with the wrong impressions so there's that too. BO Should post a note, announcement on why the change was made and how it's and advantage. BO should put it at the top so it's clearly seen on every bread and on the notable's page so everyone knows what's going on, that would go a long way to stop the division, would also clear the bitching clutter. Right now pissed anon's and shills look the same to those anon's that know, let's not help the shills…….. BO could through a bucket of water on the fire….

Thank You again Anon, I can go back to digging now. God Bless

9c46e4  No.7057587

File: 70a19fb0617bc0d⋯.png (43.73 KB, 589x336, 589:336, POTUS 7-16-19 4 46 am PDT.PNG)


>New POTUS Tweet



254009  No.7057588

File: c1abdc44b7a2033⋯.png (88.92 KB, 2784x1394, 1392:697, CIA-NEWS-LOGO-white-filled.png)


Notice how the dominant activity on this board being the Epstein digs and the excitement around the recent drone footage has been almost entirely displaced by the saga of the "Squad of 4"?

Funny how that works…

1e9192  No.7057589

File: b598e5217427651⋯.mp4 (10.43 MB, 640x360, 16:9, EXTRA EXTRA.mp4)


Inside Edition

‏Verified account @InsideEdition

Here's what we discovered on accused sexual predator Jeffrey Epstein's infamous private island. https://ietv.co/2lA3u0H



What Inside Edition’s Lisa Guerrero Discovered on Jeffrey Epstein’s Pr

8:47 PM - 15 Jul 2019


429c40  No.7057590


Date not speculated. Desperate democrats. Hasn’t Potus hinted ff after occurrence?

f2a6d5  No.7057591

POTUS Google treason you say

d17b69  No.7057592


I'm thinking this is NYC as well

83175e  No.7057593


theme adventure,, not them, kek

Also you can see the pedo devil swirl symbols in the musha games picture.

Makes a horns design with the mermaids arms,

c9998e  No.7057594


doitq.news is hosted by https://donuts.domains/who-we-are/

doitq.news is using many of the same hashtags as KEKFARCE.

looks like Yet another PaYtriot site.

a37146  No.7057595


Well seeing how Google & FB were illegally harvesting everyone's data and then sending that data (and information - addresses/documents/etc) back to China, I'd say it's pretty clear cut treason.

f2a6d5  No.7057596


Very good anon

b02635  No.7057597


noted and agree

been filtering out the nonsense

so many one post wonders

no finklefag

didn’t even get a chance to check out new drone footage from yesterday. Hope the legend returns and reposts link.

Dude was doing amazing work

cee3f5  No.7057598

File: c88baaf0ec57397⋯.jpg (74.16 KB, 1100x618, 550:309, neildegrasse.jpg)


>…shouting the F… word

Look out, now! LOL.

f6b9d2  No.7057599

File: 4c80791c6813e9e⋯.png (611.85 KB, 786x441, 262:147, Screen Shot 2019-07-16 at ….png)


Release the opossums!

Moves and countermoves

254009  No.7057600


PB that shit faggot.

bea1a8  No.7057601


Also notice how many people now suffer from reduced immune response and wholly susceptible to all manners of disease.

d1250d  No.7057602

Has anyone dug on the similarity of the Frick Art Reference Library across from Epstein’s NY Mansion. Each have Keystone architecture. And another anon on another site, painter the similarity of the “temple” on Epstein’s island to the Library’s Facade.

429c40  No.7057603





As always

1e9192  No.7057604

File: 7116440602b7296⋯.gif (1.51 MB, 498x321, 166:107, QPROOF POPCORN MOVIE NIGHT.gif)


>POTUS tweet.


>DRL <-> LDR






e90bf9  No.7057605

File: 5de0ab8379a7d47⋯.png (671.95 KB, 990x1110, 33:37, Screen Shot 2019-07-16 at ….png)


8359bf  No.7057606


>Did you see that clip of Savile on Children In Need, from way back in the 80s, where Savile desperatly tries to shake Bobby Charltons hand? Charlton refuses and looks away in disgust.

The disgusting thing is that they ALL KNEW, and very few did anything. So-vile also claimed to be a spy….

47a2f8  No.7057607


It's your phone. It's a BIG page. I don't think most phone can deal with it.

But for important research, I believe it helps to see all the drops at once, unlike Qmap which breaks them up (making it load easier on your phone). Or at least access it all at once, for connecting dates / timecodes, key words / concepts.

d315bc  No.7057608

File: 4f326105f47ad18⋯.png (99.15 KB, 1178x300, 589:150, Screen Shot 2019-07-16 at ….png)

DJT latest…

6a3e62  No.7057609


Kek, like a cat playing with a mouse, more fun swat them and tease them knowing there's no where to run rather then just killing them. Potus is the Master! Love it!

e75850  No.7057610

File: e8b42b9874b99f5⋯.jpg (84.36 KB, 679x367, 679:367, have_some_popcorn.jpg)

1b3406  No.7057611


No problems for me, i'm using a Note9

5bdadc  No.7057612

File: d48c65f27ce256c⋯.jpg (14.82 KB, 255x190, 51:38, 09068e5b8167aa54ef719cd981….jpg)

faf238  No.7057613



As this anon points out OK is very conservative..although we did just pass MMJ laws at 57%. This "attitude" reflected by the mayor is a "narrative" and not how the majority of Oklahomans feel about immigration or using OKC as a sanctuary city.

In CHOAD land Oklahoma under the control of one David L Boren and probably directly below him the Bush clan. Would guess a power vacuum and some CHOAD trying to make a new mark pulling the strings of this stupid mayor…

“Oklahoma City is a diverse community where 60 percent of our children are non-white. Many of our residents are immigrants. Almost all of us are the descendants of immigrants,” Holt tweeted. “We are working closely with our Native community to honor those who were truly the first Americans.”


3e2f1f  No.7057614

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


we can have any information we want - as long as it comes over and irremediably insecure network designed by intelligence agency to facilitate the robbery and control of a population whose cognitive capacity is limited by poor quality information.

bea1a8  No.7057615


The flip side of that is will (((they))) try use this lyme disease thing as a new money laundering operation through "research"

46c92e  No.7057616


i'm thinking (lb) faggot. try that first.

c4f01b  No.7057617


They're our girls…

0e72c8  No.7057618

File: e75fd0c813f9697⋯.jpeg (202.44 KB, 1440x1150, 144:115, 48EAB438-F7C5-4959-A648-6….jpeg)

0f2245  No.7057619


>BO could address this

he did

>>7052717 pb

0e1d7f  No.7057620

File: d0f97086a7c2460⋯.png (474.89 KB, 677x680, 677:680, hillary wicked.png)



How odd that this competition between the two aggregators has bubbled to the top.

bfa425  No.7057621


Hegelian Dialectic

The first step (thesis) is to create a problem.

The second step (antithesis) is to generate opposition to the problem (fear, panic and hysteria).

The third step (synthesis) is to offer the solution to the problem created by step one: A change which would have been impossible to impose upon the people without the proper psychological conditioning achieved in stages one and two.

One of the elements of this evolution is that the problem creators obtain more power and wealth. There is an incentive to behave badly, especially since those in control enjoy relative immunity from legal process.

1e9192  No.7057623


>Well seeing how Google & FB were illegally harvesting everyone's data and then sending that data (and information - addresses/documents/etc) back to China, I'd say it's pretty clear cut treason.




>>New POTUS Tweet






e7a0f2  No.7057624

File: 162c1c28f4e9cfb⋯.jpg (140.36 KB, 1092x636, 91:53, fash79.jpg)

File: 2e5d262c946b6fd⋯.jpg (209.43 KB, 1088x640, 17:10, fash75.jpg)

File: 14ceb262255e96d⋯.jpg (109.94 KB, 906x532, 453:266, fash76.jpg)

File: 23ac0deab62e3bb⋯.jpg (146.6 KB, 1132x634, 566:317, fash77.jpg)

File: 3c087927326cafa⋯.jpg (287.97 KB, 1084x744, 271:186, fash78.jpg)

e75850  No.7057625

File: 17e13a7782c428e⋯.jpg (79.27 KB, 612x407, 612:407, scroogle.jpg)



faf238  No.7057626




a5377e  No.7057627


We went over this information incessantly when it was first brought to our attention over a year ago.

Still relevant, but has been hashed out.

3e2f1f  No.7057628

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

What is it like when C_A backed pedovores run a country?


4b7f40  No.7057629


Preying in both sides and receiving benefits.

bfa425  No.7057631


It isn't just that. GOOG is giving its technology to the Chinese too, at the same time it is denying the US government use of the technology.

Now, it may be that the technology is mundane, but I think not - the technology is effectively "Big Brother," with reach depending only on the reach of the hardware that feeds that database.

c4f01b  No.7057632



2c33bb  No.7057633

File: 94c583120bd1df9⋯.png (523.94 KB, 653x592, 653:592, ClipboardImage.png)



ca1755  No.7057634


>The Trump Administration will take a look!

I bet they've been looking for some time now. That makes me happy.

d35812  No.7057635



The temple was where he "played the piano"

3e2f1f  No.7057636

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

An Awakening is a natural or induced coming to consciousness or awareness of the surrounding metaphysical reality. The exit from the matrix is accompanied by a profound leap of consciousness, an augmentation of awareness, which to be sustained must be balanced.

What advertisers and shills do is an effort to unbalance the forces within us. Advertisers use our emotional imbalance to influence our buying. Shills try to generate hate by a creating a mirrored reciprocal response, and by convincing us freely expressing our hatred of others is normal and natural for human beings.

Shills interact with each other in the language of Hell.

Hell is an environment – a place where words like cocksucker and phrases like fuck your mother are a standard greeting.

What we are learning is that this world is a "self-created" hell.

It doesn’t have to be that way, but it is that way.

By Awakening we learn to keep our internal forces balanced, to know that when we hate we are wrong, and every day to put on the full armor of God.

feb454  No.7057637

Is it just me or has Q been wrong about every date and prediction again and again and again?

Patriots in control? Doesn't look like it.

faf238  No.7057639


good to know..ty anon

191ee4  No.7057640

File: e8b672b5febc5dd⋯.jpg (62.93 KB, 789x437, 789:437, Capture.JPG)


46a5af  No.7057641

File: d4a488682c563c7⋯.jpg (77.57 KB, 638x541, 638:541, x8dz1p.jpeg.jpg)

Atlanta CNN radio wsb750 just did a news blurb about what was found in Epstein's residence. Piles of cash, stacks of diamonds, AND a passport that states his Country of Origin is Saudi Arabia.

Any pics of him and Dopey?

73cb45  No.7057642


But it’s rld?/

fd5acd  No.7057643

File: e1557124d407283⋯.jpg (35.51 KB, 879x397, 879:397, Capture.JPG)

Let's do what we do best…


6ee7bc  No.7057644

File: 46758d899b2c5fe⋯.png (247.83 KB, 970x489, 970:489, china is in trouble.png)

File: 80d4e135a99d790⋯.png (436.77 KB, 720x475, 144:95, AMERICAN MADE.png)

File: 12360387bf93e4d⋯.png (609 KB, 970x644, 485:322, ART FOR FREE GOD WINS.png)

File: 05cad85753ef2b2⋯.png (917.13 KB, 970x654, 485:327, AREA 51.png)

File: 2a9d684dd628e42⋯.png (1.11 MB, 970x646, 485:323, leaking.png)









1b3406  No.7057645


LOL, do you really think Q would give up real dates to real happenings HERE?

you must be dumber than the dems lmao

43e6ce  No.7057646


This Resonates So TRUE!

46c92e  No.7057647

nice dubs. for questioning… kek. morelike, planning. The quiet storm is gonna march on DC if this shitshow goes on much longer.


c4f01b  No.7057648

File: d70285be2d2fcac⋯.jpg (148.85 KB, 1440x816, 30:17, Screenshot_20190715-085258….jpg)


Posted this the other day but relevantly funny lol

3e2f1f  No.7057649

File: 9ec9e88c03e4b8c⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1209x713, 39:23, 9ec9e88c03e4b8c4e8840d78b5….png)

God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.

1e9192  No.7057650


>Let's do what we do best…



Oh fuck I gotta see this o7

47a2f8  No.7057651


Cool. I need a new privacy invasion device. I should check out the Note9.

Anyhow, what I'm really saying that for the kind of research I'm trying to do, I need to see the whole MAP. Not bits of it. I think Qmap.pub is actually designed in such a way as to prevent us from making the connections we need to solve this.

9c46e4  No.7057652

File: ec961351d311c62⋯.png (43.35 KB, 599x346, 599:346, POTUS 7-16-19 5 am PDT.PNG)


>>New POTUS Tweet






[power out // grab Epstein? to keep him alive to testify?]

a51efe  No.7057653


Funny how they attack him daily but when he fights back he's a sick sad excuse for a human being.

faf238  No.7057654




d77e91  No.7057655

File: 50160c40e4e3155⋯.jpg (70.33 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, Buiudth.jpg)


>State of qresearch

>Pic related

c4f01b  No.7057656


So you're openly admitting you like people thinking for you by your implication. Ever stop and think to not (((pay))) attention to the titles and just look at the Q post…..oh wait.

0e72c8  No.7057657

what a plan… flood the country with immigrants, give them the right (or ability) to vote, then blackmail politicians who gain power by pandering to them. it’s all laid bare now.

e7a0f2  No.7057658

File: b6e7021b2977519⋯.jpg (105.28 KB, 922x504, 461:252, fash80.jpg)

File: 821ef7fba621353⋯.jpg (87.88 KB, 932x680, 233:170, fash81.jpg)

File: 7be750b06c7e75f⋯.jpg (49.6 KB, 702x698, 351:349, fash82.jpg)

File: a3a26e2bc44caf7⋯.jpg (43.63 KB, 688x478, 344:239, fash83.jpg)

File: a0a65c281bdcbb9⋯.jpg (192.73 KB, 1062x632, 531:316, fash84.jpg)

83175e  No.7057659

File: 8c335ecba99fa0e⋯.png (56.84 KB, 2004x340, 501:85, Resignation anon.png)


Did you know that BO would not even lock the resignation thread?

Poor resignation anon had to make his own website for them( which is a good thing)

This is one of many reasons why BO jack ass sucks, kek

it was many longtime anons who do not like the way he runs things( like a dictator and does not listen.)

There is no longer even a META thread for anons to talk to BO or get help.

BO does not give a shit what we think.

He has a my way or the highway type mentality.

A i'm the boss, how bout that attitude.

All Resignations Website ———– https://www.resignation.info

All Resignations Website ———– https://www.resignation.info – please report resignations here

f086ce  No.7057660


Really good one!

1e9192  No.7057661

File: fc0ad722b76633f⋯.png (145.71 KB, 260x251, 260:251, ClipboardImage.png)


>Kazakh billionaire faces money laundering investigation


>The Kazakh billionaire who bought the Duke of York’s former marital home is the subject of a £380 million money laundering investigation, it was claimed last night.


His bitch looks like she LOVES soaking in kiddy BLOOD…[these people] are SICK & EVIL!!! Do It Q.

bea1a8  No.7057663

30a7f0  No.7057664

Breads have definitely slowed down now that notables are not being posted.

Flow of information has been routed!

We are no longer 'the news'.

Thanks for creating this problem for us, BO.

9c46e4  No.7057665

File: 3497328ba26e57a⋯.png (300.53 KB, 591x723, 197:241, USMC 7-16-19 5 am PDT.PNG)

File: 4de3ce40070f724⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1301x860, 1301:860, USMC 7-16-19 5 am PDT pic.PNG)

Over and Out


>F6 on Helmut

4b7f40  No.7057666

File: f6566f8a10ce030⋯.jpeg (56.1 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 504444FD-9627-4C4F-8BF2-F….jpeg)


a51efe  No.7057667

File: e84027704d4e9da⋯.png (585.73 KB, 582x575, 582:575, ClipboardImage.png)



You're on the right track but wrong train.

3e2f1f  No.7057668

File: d46398a68128ea5⋯.jpg (460.43 KB, 2415x1605, 161:107, 941fc5282f7ed8e688bec4ce2e….jpg)


e48b51  No.7057669

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


President Trump's Secret Weapon For Peace - Part 1


856c62  No.7057670

File: f85f8db097c2dd2⋯.png (445.61 KB, 799x533, 799:533, ClipboardImage.png)

Hypocrite Harris takes money from Epstein connections while blasting the handling of his case


WASHINGTON (AP) — Kamala Harris bemoaned the influence of the powerful and connected elite last Tuesday when she called on top Justice Department officials to recuse themselves from any matter related to Jeffrey Epstein. She said their former law firm’s work on behalf of the financier accused of sexual abuse “calls into question the integrity of our legal system.”

Yet the same day, Harris’ husband headlined a Chicago fundraiser for her presidential campaign that was hosted by six partners of that firm — Kirkland and Ellis, according to an invitation obtained by The Associated Press.

1a483f  No.7057671

File: 321c59f595ab248⋯.png (225.52 KB, 387x934, 387:934, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4257ad0341cf4f5⋯.png (44.55 KB, 401x395, 401:395, ClipboardImage.png)


Already being investigated ?

83175e  No.7057672


well i guess he abandoned it, kek

but anyway here is where you can get the resignation info.

Had a long night, and i have multiple meme projects going at the moment, and a few digs.

i was thinking of the first part of his post which he was replying too.

21a6a9  No.7057673

File: 7c31dcba74e7ce8⋯.png (169.59 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, C78A2623-4F2B-425D-860F-3B….png)



Go to the Board log & you will see the deletions.



bea1a8  No.7057674


Makes you wonder what else she took from Epstein

70ec16  No.7057675

Desperation much?


d77e91  No.7057676

File: fc3345e25fbc2db⋯.png (46.44 KB, 388x694, 194:347, fc3345e25fbc2db88288a1b6e1….png)

File: d45c76cd8b635f5⋯.png (17.45 KB, 385x312, 385:312, d45c76cd8b635f5591b0adad7c….png)


Yeah, it IS simple.

0e72c8  No.7057677

File: 1ef996cc19d6f8a⋯.jpeg (115.31 KB, 726x726, 1:1, A3178476-DFF0-4DAB-B9FF-1….jpeg)

30a7f0  No.7057678


BO just ignoring the boss's comments altogether.

f6b9d2  No.7057679


[Utilities] “Exelon and ComEd have received a grand jury subpoena from the U.S. Attorney’s Office of the Northern District of Illinois requiring production of information concerning its lobbying activities in the State of Illinois. Exelon and ComEd have pledged to cooperate fully and are cooperating fully with the U.S. Attorney’s Office in expeditiously providing the requested information.”


a37146  No.7057680


True. They wanted them to have a leg up over us when they invaded and leave no way to be countered.

c7b8b8  No.7057681


Green New Deal is just another policy that wants to kill middle America. Eliminate the middle class and have a nice, subservient proletariat. Wonder if the Dust Bowl from '33-'39 was the first time (they) used primitive weather tech to devastate the middle class.

7df3d2  No.7057682

SALTO DE AGUA, Mexico—Having trod a clandestine path through the rugged hills from the border with Guatemala, migrants arrive weary and worn out at the Santa Marta shelter in this scruffy railway stop. The route here was rife with risks of robbery, kidnap and rape, but it’s taken by more and more migrants as immigration officials and members of Mexico’s Guardia Nacional—a newly formed militarized police force—step up enforcement in southern Mexico.

Sister Diana Muñoz Alba, a human rights lawyer who is one of the four Franciscan nuns running the shelter in Salto de Agua, describes the situation facing migrants in southern Mexico succinctly. “Militarization,” she calls it. And she uses even less flattering language to describe what militarization has done to Mexico as a whole.

“Mexico has turned into ‘the Wall’ and the one paying for it is Mexico,” Muñoz said, referring to Donald Trump’s totemic pledge. In this way, she said, “He kept his campaign promise and this is now nothing more than a strategy for his re-election.”


bea1a8  No.7057683


Moron it's about warrom and qproofs not notables

bea1a8  No.7057685



47a2f8  No.7057686


Not so odd. Q told us that it was important how we view the drops.

"When big news drops read entire graphic."

"Please add crumbs above in new complete graphic. Organized and in order. Critical for understanding and review."

"This is why complete graphics are so important."

"It's up to you all to collect, archive (safely), and distribute in a graphic that is in order with the crumb(s)."

Note, Q doesn't say in multiple broken-up graphics the way qmap.pub shows the drops. And besides, Q already called qmap out as suspicious. There's a reason Q did that. And there's a reason shills are directed to defend qmap.pub. Qmap.pub is a weapon of the Cabal.

43e6ce  No.7057687


I am pretty sure Qmap is made the way it is to overcomplicate the process of connecting the dots so we can best do it outselves, nay inspire us to do it..Sidenote… think they are starting to see the Spirit, Muscle, and Brains behind this movement.

feb454  No.7057688


then why say anything at all?

If it is to fool the opposition I don't think it works more than once. And this is not the first time this shit happend.

Please Q just be quiet and get back to work. The world is a better place with you quiet. Get back to arresting little shitstains like Epstein and let all the big ones go free.

9c46e4  No.7057689


>Moron it's about warrom and qproofs not notables

QMap like to create a narrative

Usually based on their opinion not facts

47a2f8  No.7057690



4b7f40  No.7057691

File: cf6658fa5084bd2⋯.jpeg (284.39 KB, 640x809, 640:809, 06D7681B-D60A-436B-AB8C-F….jpeg)

Unity. Not division.


30a7f0  No.7057692


Did I say notables?

You moron.

7a0e15  No.7057693

Is Jordan Sather going to the Area 51 thing? Cuz I'm totally down if Sather is going.

772581  No.7057694

File: 94f89156373e349⋯.png (1.81 MB, 1434x808, 717:404, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b9366eb7019158a⋯.png (2.26 MB, 1366x768, 683:384, ClipboardImage.png)

Morning anons. I spent the night looking at historical imagery of LSJ Island using Google Earth Pro which lets you go back and forth in time while still be able to zoom in and out. You can see the literal transformation of the island from almost wild in 9/5/2002 to what it is today in 4/18/2019.

I'm astomished at the number of images available for one thing and for the level of detail. Hell, most places I search historical imagery for have FAR WORSE imagery than LSJ does. Most imagery seems to be cloud free and is detailed enough to show nearly all the construction over the years,.

Interestingly, the central portion of the island where the "tennis court" is completely obscured by clouds (h/t Pink Floyd) on 10/30/2004 and the very next imagery from 11/29/2006 indicates significant changes and is cloud free. Pic related.

There are hours of digs here anons. Every level of zoom in is a new image to save. I don't even know how to go about it. I just hope the two images I'm attempting to post look ok.

I've never self nominated for NOTABLE but I think this deserves consideration. I haven't even seen other anons talk about or use the historical Google Earth imagery for LSJ island. (Not that someone didn't post it, I've just never seen it in and I've been here from the beginning.)

bea1a8  No.7057695


wtf are you talking about! that has no relation to Qpost about warroom/qproofs

e75850  No.7057696

File: 82a657ff72b75b0⋯.jpg (55.28 KB, 767x325, 59:25, Deter&Counter.jpg)

78788b  No.7057697

File: 03a12e4c1b6af0d⋯.jpeg (18.54 KB, 255x141, 85:47, EAB0AC6D-CC47-4F45-BC5F-5….jpeg)

46c92e  No.7057698

>>7057683 >>warrom

>>7057685 >>warrroom

calls anon a moron. morning's just getting started. kek

4b7f40  No.7057699

File: 31b424fb5d3f413⋯.jpeg (89.58 KB, 500x795, 100:159, C8581F5B-2FBD-47D8-B7F6-E….jpeg)

Unity. Not division.


e48b51  No.7057700

File: b08889cf1687a72⋯.png (3.17 MB, 1655x836, 1655:836, 90879461237743456.png)

bea1a8  No.7057701


like you never made a typo *rollseyes* point still stands

e7a0f2  No.7057702

File: 9053a25b1e8e04e⋯.jpg (118.9 KB, 1252x682, 626:341, fash85.jpg)

File: a7085de7eb5bc19⋯.jpg (75.02 KB, 868x594, 434:297, fash86.jpg)

File: 7586a66c8127443⋯.jpg (171.03 KB, 1186x818, 593:409, fash87.jpg)

File: 6e48b5f7fefdbdc⋯.jpg (97.12 KB, 1092x708, 91:59, fash88.jpg)

File: 02d2fc9ae8cf33d⋯.jpg (108.6 KB, 994x722, 497:361, fash89.jpg)

2d361f  No.7057703

I suspect Carlos Salinas de Gitmo will be joining his son in Cuba soon.

His MS13 army and staff of corrupt, former US Attorneys haven’t yet figured out their adversary is the US military?

191ee4  No.7057704

File: b3b5384055f4319⋯.jpg (36.57 KB, 786x295, 786:295, Capture.JPG)


b02635  No.7057705


i’ll nominate for notable


good dig anon

Historical Satellite Imagery dig on St. James Island

That is some suspicious cloud cover

1e30b9  No.7057706

I Survived the Great Board Wars of 2019

e75850  No.7057707

File: e8b42b9874b99f5⋯.jpg (84.36 KB, 679x367, 679:367, have_some_popcorn.jpg)


Yeah we all pretty much get it…..have some of my popcorn. Show is about to get good

7a0e15  No.7057708

File: 75b5658c98b933d⋯.png (122.52 KB, 1416x577, 1416:577, Capture _2019-07-16-07-19-….png)

I love this man.

46c92e  No.7057709

File: 9ac421262a17ff7⋯.png (559.47 KB, 708x413, 12:7, senate_attorney_general_39….png)

30a7f0  No.7057710


Sorry, the point doesn't stand.

No where in that comment were notables mentioned.

You STUPID moran.

9c46e4  No.7057711

File: 0453b0943a02be3⋯.png (24.92 KB, 584x212, 146:53, POTUS 7-16-19 5 17 am PDT.PNG)


New POTUS Tweet

Our Country is Free, Beautiful and Very Successful.

If you hate our Country, or if you are not happy here, you can leave!




0e72c8  No.7057712


imagine what clinton foundation will bring down if epstein is taking all these

c27ae5  No.7057713

File: 8e9daf918ad1909⋯.png (334.82 KB, 564x424, 141:106, goog es trust.PNG)

File: 7a5edf10fd5c506⋯.jpg (82.53 KB, 1280x673, 1280:673, 071619 google pre-market a….jpg)

Google Shares Slide As Trump Agrees Company Should Be Investigated For Treason

President Trump has apparently taken Peter Thiel's supposition that Google could be in cahoots with the Chinese military to heart. In a tweet Tuesday morning, Trump reiterated Thiel's claim that the "seemingly treasonous" company might be working with the Chinese government and that the Trump Administration would "take a look."

“Billionaire Tech Investor Peter Thiel believes Google should be investigated for treason. He accuses Google of working with the Chinese Government.” @foxandfriends A great and brilliant guy who knows this subject better than anyone! The Trump Administration will take a look!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 16, 2019

Shares of Google parent Alphabet were off more than 1% on the Trump tweet.


e894a4  No.7057714


Because the Norwegian government is evil and comped.

They are a big part of the trafficking spider web.


2d3769  No.7057715

File: 06708ee962255be⋯.png (3.03 MB, 2048x1228, 512:307, 20190226_063024.png)

Beautiful and free…

3e2f1f  No.7057716

File: d8e968946931989⋯.png (11.65 KB, 255x217, 255:217, 509c6b29dd966db579f0530f35….png)

File: 5586e555c3e2e0e⋯.jpg (217.7 KB, 750x958, 375:479, 5586e555c3e2e0e707b750787a….jpg)

srrrk tchc ctch!

The battle cry of the shillroach as enraged he charges into battle against another of his own kind. At Issue ? Ownership of warm dung, a ball of same, rolled by and now, unbelievably, outrageously claimed by another and interloper shillroach!


c4d6d5  No.7057717

File: 72e78bb837eb0fa⋯.jpeg (131.34 KB, 828x778, 414:389, A83D2E14-64EA-4CC8-8D93-E….jpeg)

46c92e  No.7057719


dont need to nom. just create your own bun. it's that simple now.

9e024e  No.7057720


seconded, like 10 motherfuckers

I've done a lot of normie redpilling elsewhere, and what do I tell them?


removing notables is fucking with everything we've been doing since notables were invented!

b02635  No.7057721


these are meaningless without screencap a of the posts themselves combined with the deletions.

As far as we know, these could be CP, duplicates, or shill input of notables that are deleted. Trying to use this as evidence to justify attacks on the BO and this board in general is disingenuous and deceitful.

Prove that these posts shouldn’t have been deleted.

78788b  No.7057722

File: 68c53a2d4609d2d⋯.jpeg (96.83 KB, 487x960, 487:960, 7888EE88-5EBE-4EF5-A1EE-B….jpeg)

File: a671d68c49b3f93⋯.jpeg (23.96 KB, 255x216, 85:72, 7CB5D2A6-D9CD-43B0-B687-1….jpeg)

File: 8a79f47a9b3913a⋯.jpeg (92.83 KB, 527x960, 527:960, 865B10A0-EEBA-465C-BCCE-2….jpeg)

c9998e  No.7057723



Interesting that


is at the same address as

doughnuts.domains and their web page template looks very similar to "doitq.news"

and in 2017, a company called RIGHTSIDE merged, joined, or was bought by doughnuts.domains



here are all the businesses registered to that suite 300 address:




7a0e15  No.7057724

File: a7ed51ca6824c08⋯.png (70.8 KB, 1422x355, 1422:355, Capture _2019-07-16-07-23-….png)

Ooo big shit is going down! Can't wait to hear about it!

46c92e  No.7057725

File: f107c916ff0c708⋯.png (1.06 MB, 896x717, 896:717, 2b2048814a88cc6bce64e51b70….png)

254009  No.7057726

File: e9341e0aea7bc68⋯.png (394.16 KB, 981x770, 981:770, Screen Shot 2019-07-16 at ….png)


MODEL Annabelle Neilson


c4f01b  No.7057727


No….we all know why (((you're))) here.

24b075  No.7057728

File: e256f5ecbc4f0df⋯.png (374.97 KB, 542x329, 542:329, 2019-07-03_22-41-24.png)


Couldn't agree moar!

12a9ef  No.7057729

File: 6db19fbb830469b⋯.jpg (82.78 KB, 645x442, 645:442, Haiti.JPG)

Are POTUS' tweets about Dems being held in thrall by the racist Radical Left indicative that the truth about Haiti is soon to be revealed?

dbad20  No.7057730

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

c4d6d5  No.7057731

File: 7addcb335b588ac⋯.jpeg (71.04 KB, 828x536, 207:134, 3512E88D-ED4B-4366-B6B1-1….jpeg)

b0423f  No.7057732

File: f160927a6c1f989⋯.jpeg (365.64 KB, 1125x1711, 1125:1711, A0B2C413-7A5D-4EE2-84BF-5….jpeg)

Same day… pic related “A partially-engaged brake on an Amazon airplane prompted an emergency response at Baltimore-Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport Monday night.”

“Workers for Amazon in Germany and Minnesota are striking to protest wage practices and working conditions as Prime Day gets underway. In Minnesota, workers started to walk out in the afternoon and were to reportedly strike over six hours for a period that overlaps with morning as well as evening shifts. According to CNBC, workers were chanting “we work, we sweat, Amazon workers need a rest!” and “Amazon, hear our voice!”


e7a0f2  No.7057733

File: 4b39046a074c9cc⋯.png (428.79 KB, 593x325, 593:325, ClipboardImage.png)

254009  No.7057734


"The former model was once married to millionaire banker Nat Rothschild and counted Kate Moss and Alexander McQueen among her close friends

Neilson married wealthy Rothschild in 1994 after the pair met on a beach in India.

Much to the family of the groom's dismay, they eloped to Las Vegas.

But split three years later after explosive rows and partying took its toll.

It is believed that Neilson was offered a generous divorce settlement after agreeing to lose the Rothschild family's illustrious name."

308d55  No.7057735

File: 3d81ad41c6e6d12⋯.jpeg (720.43 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 159C9928-6ECD-4C36-BBCF-C….jpeg)

4c2396  No.7057736


Notables have not been removed, don't spread disinfo

BO pushing changes on his own accord out of the blue is another thing

0f2245  No.7057737

so far


>>7057139 Norwegian Intelligence Reportedly Shares Data With US Ahead of Own Authorities

>>7057175 Manlet Mitt Romney is disappoint, scolds 'divisionfag in chief'

>>7057201 US Roundup jury award slashed to $25m for cancer attributed to glyphosate

>>7057260 Info Graphic: The 16 Yr. Plan to Destroy America

>>7057276, >>7057313, >>7057321 Epstein & Israel, ties to former prime minister under scrutiny

>>7057333 ABC Tees Off on Trump’s ‘Racist Tweets’ While NBC Gets Owned by CBP Officer

>>7057392 Mnuchin vid: Is Libra the Cabal's final shot in the Great Crypto War?

>>7057478, >>7057587, >>7057652, >>7057640 New DJT twats

>>7057605 Trump campaign to launch effort to sway women voters

>>7057547, >>7057613 Remember how The House district in Oklahoma flipped in 2018?

>>7057682 MSN: Mexico’s Not Paying for Trump’s Wall. It Has Become His Wall.

4b7f40  No.7057738

File: da04d6ae26408eb⋯.jpeg (90.07 KB, 500x822, 250:411, 2DB616AA-A9F0-4C7F-99B2-5….jpeg)

Unity. Not division.


2d3769  No.7057739

File: 5d4fcb8dba55510⋯.png (469.65 KB, 950x894, 475:447, 07-16-08.25.13.PNG)

e75850  No.7057740

File: 00316f38434d09a⋯.jpg (53.59 KB, 767x325, 59:25, graveyard.jpg)


Make us proud

422d2d  No.7057741

File: 4448c9ec4381131⋯.jpg (45.31 KB, 320x320, 1:1, coffee.jpg)



7a0e15  No.7057743

File: 2f20e25ae8665fe⋯.png (1003.35 KB, 1439x2546, 1439:2546, Capture _2019-07-16-07-26-….png)

File: 94642ac7ad5077f⋯.jpg (78.53 KB, 720x530, 72:53, seasick.00-720x530.jpg)


4a5347  No.7057744

File: 9ad70949bfbd0d6⋯.jpeg (140.33 KB, 998x500, 499:250, 728A9EFE-36E5-4017-9B9E-8….jpeg)

It’s fake moon landing anniversary day. Q come lie to us some more about fake moon landings?

>> in before “muh disinformation is necessary about fake moon landings for some reason.”

d98e3e  No.7057745

WHeres my notables?

First thought every time.

Muh notables bun because shill bakers choose notables in old format.

Seems legit. Ffs, CM help avg anons out and fix this carjacking mofo

a51efe  No.7057746


Didn't vote for him because he's politically correct! In 2020 that won't be the reason either. He tells it like it is and gets the fucking job done.

856c62  No.7057747


Also makes you wonder how deep all of the main connections go with her relationship to Smollet as well. I think the Corruption Connections are all coming out. Maybe that should be a hashtag?


e90bf9  No.7057748



WE ARE Q Shirt in pic

0e1d7f  No.7057749


Talk about under the radar. Who would've track Kazakhstan before now? Suddenly, the country is all over this board.


46c92e  No.7057750


well, this ain't cool.

991650  No.7057751

qresearch has become divided and useless. Wake me up when civil war starts.

8a3425  No.7057752

File: ebe12c08af4b3c0⋯.png (231.82 KB, 532x433, 532:433, BrokenEgg.png)

a0357a  No.7057753

File: d6df4f19bb1595b⋯.jpeg (122.91 KB, 800x624, 50:39, 8DA6CE58-8E70-48E7-87DD-E….jpeg)

++++What fun we are having moar

Fun to come pray dig meme work

Work work++++Good morning Q

Anons fight fight fight++++

bea1a8  No.7057754


good idea

7744af  No.7057755

File: 7096ad6faa1f143⋯.png (570.56 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, C6B7E2D3-758A-4E4C-A980-D7….png)


Then explain why FastJack DELETED NOTABLES that were posted on the NOTable thread that had been gathered from the /qrb/ board. Anons over there were trying to also share our collection as well so other Anons could see all the information gathered!

IF the notables thread is about sharing digs in ONE LOCATION that ANONS CONTROL then why in the fuck did FJ delete the qrb notables?

8e5898  No.7057756

File: f6bfdc24d0d2236⋯.png (341.72 KB, 588x406, 42:29, ClipboardImage.png)



4b7f40  No.7057757


Been awaiting this break. Murders in Haiti of political persons is noticeable.

cee3f5  No.7057758

File: 054744461f1f5d0⋯.jpg (123.97 KB, 474x608, 237:304, Themis_BlindJustice.jpg)



This. Not to mention that BO specifically stated that if you post trash to the notables thread, it's going to get pruned to fuck-all. Don't be a dick, and you won't get castrated.

15d049  No.7057759

Just wanted to share because its a mirror of 17..

71 days 100% sober

No liquid bread or lettuce.

My life is filling with blessing from Christ and our Father…

Dear God,

Perhaps you could guide my path to a job in the Space Force or as an operator delivering Justice to those who have tried to destroy your Creation.

In Christ's name…


254009  No.7057760

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


aa5007  No.7057761

File: f3540c3c8e4a771⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1145x794, 1145:794, Screen Shot 2018-09-18 at ….png)





A new day for Truth and Justice

856c62  No.7057762


That's exactly why everybody I talk to likes Trump. Because he isn't afraid to offend anyone with the truth

a87315  No.7057763

File: f5a1b1284efc77c⋯.png (822.68 KB, 815x436, 815:436, ClipboardImage.png)

409b9c  No.7057764

File: 673850803f777fc⋯.jpg (78.87 KB, 956x618, 478:309, StormbringerS.jpg)

e48b51  No.7057765

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




President Trump's Secret Weapon For Peace - Part 2


6ee7bc  No.7057766

File: addebf1a63545be⋯.png (352.34 KB, 564x428, 141:107, thanks ben.png)

File: fdca779641fcbc1⋯.png (439 KB, 970x627, 970:627, the traps.png)

File: f09887b833d7eb8⋯.png (549.13 KB, 561x688, 561:688, somebody gotta do it.png)

[ain't no way around it]

e7a0f2  No.7057767

File: 588149c14786f5f⋯.jpg (58.87 KB, 760x526, 380:263, fash90.jpg)

File: 94db6adee152dcf⋯.jpg (303.04 KB, 1066x794, 533:397, fash91.jpg)

File: 4d4a5c17f451979⋯.jpg (148.5 KB, 1072x626, 536:313, fash92.jpg)

File: b8be7bdc873943f⋯.jpg (648.18 KB, 1368x948, 114:79, fash93.jpg)

File: 11115a5266c900d⋯.jpg (67.42 KB, 894x614, 447:307, fash94.jpg)

69b70f  No.7057768

File: 6c6fe171fce3a31⋯.png (319.77 KB, 466x507, 466:507, aoc2.png)

4b7f40  No.7057769


Do it POTUS!

952edc  No.7057770

File: 3900fd1d0c70036⋯.jpg (46.08 KB, 510x458, 255:229, Blue Blood Cult.JPG)


Blue Bloods Cult

6346ee  No.7057771


2nd line of that q post.


Progress ive

Progressive Democrats leave

Leave past tense


Also poss related


Facebook Trying to Normalize Pedophilia



28 Jun 2018 - 12:22:02 PM

Why are they trying to ‘normalize’ this?


What is coming?

Do they really believe this will EVER be swallowed?

Will the progressive LEFT defend and support these actions once those guilty are brought to LIGHT?

These people are SICK!

They do NOT love this country.


fddef8  No.7057772

6a3e62  No.7057773


Thank You

Here's the problem, anon's who missed that are let with the wrong idea's about the change. Add in shill's taking advantage of the confusion and a wedge has been driven, a wedge into WWG1WGA It's going to get worse if everyone just stays in their comfy zone and ignores it.


"My' suggestion, other's chime in and give yours, Anon's who miss that post need to be directed to it, post it at the top of every bread and at the top of the notables page.

And to those anon's who know and are comfy, aren't we here to help wake? Aren't we here to help bring new anon's into the fold? "The Great Awaking" is not just about digging, yes that is an important part, very, very important but what good is all your hard work if more eye's are on the digs? Help fellow anon's and the newfags, that's important too. When you see fellow anon's speaking about division, take them by the hand and talk to them, don't ignore and stay in your comfy zone, if you do your letting (((Them))) win.

Off my soapbox. WWG1WGA God Bless

c14530  No.7057774

File: 0a504c5088dbbfe⋯.png (306.79 KB, 666x777, 6:7, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cbd2bd08f7d3d75⋯.png (34.92 KB, 676x716, 169:179, ClipboardImage.png)

Bit of humor for anons this morn. from Huffpo.

They have not yet figured, after two years of this, that it could possibly be intentional?


b0423f  No.7057775

File: c9c20dc2ec05d84⋯.jpeg (268.27 KB, 1118x737, 1118:737, A0029DB5-B72C-4E81-9667-D….jpeg)


When you’re uglier than Brienne of Tarth

0e1d7f  No.7057776

File: e5f1880b7693ed0⋯.jpg (26.89 KB, 255x255, 1:1, confused pepe.jpg)


And just like that, GOOG goes under the microscope.

Of course, anons have known for ages.

Thiel is Palantir and a first investor in Facebook.

Thiel flipped, or POTUS just calculating to take advantage of cabal infighting?

If Thiel = Palantir and Facebook, then

GOOG must be run by a different branch of "the family."

8e5898  No.7057777

File: 582dc2c858283d5⋯.png (561.92 KB, 1200x536, 150:67, Clown_BO_FJ_6.png)

990884  No.7057778

File: 7141192d5f5b0a5⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1595x1063, 1595:1063, 2528.png)

9c46e4  No.7057779

File: 7373a5505d00baa⋯.png (364.69 KB, 718x993, 718:993, Reuters Women For Trump Q ….PNG)




b02635  No.7057780




Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 807; Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, § 330016(2)(J), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2148.)


As used in this chapter, the term “United States person” means any United States citizen or alien admitted for permanent residence in the United States, and any corporation, partnership, or other organization organized under the laws of the United States.

(Pub. L. 102–484, div. A, title XVII, § 1711, Oct. 23, 1992, 106 Stat. 2581.)


Pretty sure google has violated their provisions outlined in their contracts regarding working with foreign governments. Although, I would believe that to be under a contract issue not necessarily treason as outlined by Peter Thiel. Would like to see what he means or how he came to that conclusion and dig into it more. Just not seeing it yet. Not a lawfag, would appreciate any lawfag input and thoughts on the matter


2d04cf  No.7057781


from an ole school polysci perspective it is top shelf

master class


dropping like shit-flies

3e2f1f  No.7057782

File: 1fb11aae133b27b⋯.jpg (207.85 KB, 650x940, 65:94, 1fb11aae133b27bdaef3b0c0b3….jpg)

File: 2a375dda8f22604⋯.jpg (397.47 KB, 1287x729, 143:81, 2a375dda8f22604dc3d569988b….jpg)

File: 2c87192a1f9d151⋯.jpg (85.04 KB, 800x468, 200:117, 2c87192a1f9d151fed3046f56e….jpg)

File: 3e5f27253510ad9⋯.jpeg (137.98 KB, 1480x834, 740:417, 3e5f27253510ad9e2973631fa….jpeg)

self replicating information, meme or media content people share and which changes behavior.

Memes are self-replicating, behavior modifying information packages. They replicate on social networks fissioning as they are shared at different rates

Most memes are dependent memes are on the cultural medium in which they propagate – the mind space of users –but not all - certain memes will cross all cultural borders, leaping even linguistic barriers – always because they are universal in some respect. Memes that can cross linguistic cultural and ideological divides, which possess that universal quality, are the MOABS of IW.

Each of these MOABs represents a unique creative act. That creative act being inherently unpredictable, as all creative acts, not metaphorically, truly and formally not capable of being predicted, according to physicist David Deutsch. They are the healing weapons of God’s truth.

Memes are hunter killer torpedoes weaving through the sea of low-quality information in our shared mind space to destroy low quality ideas implanted, often in youth or infancy, by legacy media social subversion programming.

Eventually, when enough meme loads of low error, truthful information accumulates in an individual’s brain there occurs a “road to Damascus moment.” An individual awakens, newly alive to the possibility legacy media lied to them and a hop away from realizing the Mockingbirds betrayed us all.

The better quality of information circulating among us, the less error it contains, the more truthful it is quantitatively, the better people we are. Funny how that works.

The objective of circulating true (low error) information is to improve every individual understanding enough so a person can and will begin to help themselves and others.

Information is a substance that brains run on and if we consume large quantities of low-quality information or capacity to understand the world will be limited. This is called “Information Poisoning.” The poisoned or low-quality information environment has been fostered by the satanist controlled networks of media producers.

we are controlled, guided and limited by the quality of our information, news or “entertainment.” If we consume low error, high quality information, created by honest human beings intended for the benefit of all we improve our ability to understand the universe, our species and the lyrics to Ultimate Spinach songs.

No information obtained over anonymous insecure networks, built to intelligence agency specs, as the internet was, can be trusted.

The internet was designed to be irremediably insecure by intel agencies to facilitate illicit commerce and permit universal surveillance.

We've exposed gross lies propagated by legacy media, but less evident more serious damage is done silently, by subliminal embeds, subsonics and technologies to manipulate memory and perception by hypnotic induction most of which happening below the viewers’ threshold of conscious awareness.

Anyone can inject toxic self-replicating material into content streams over anonymous insecure networks. Network users cognitive autonomy and physical security rests on the integrity of the network which serves to connect them. Our internet is not only insecure by design, it is irremediably insecure by design. It doesn’t have to be that way, but it is that way.

856c62  No.7057783


I've never looked if we have a bread containing all of the corruption connections and how they link. Kinda need a map of it I guess? Would help normies to understand all of the links these asshats have to each other and their underlying objectives. It should help the uninformed to face-palm and say "OHHH I get it now!"

4b7f40  No.7057784


When Trump announced presidential bid a very close normie friend asked my opinion. “Well, I believe he’s ==saying== what many Americans are ==thinking==.”

a84431  No.7057785

File: a852af24cebdcaa⋯.jpg (49.2 KB, 702x380, 351:190, Post numbers off by alot.JPG)

Baker…Be careful using this pastebin.this bread was first called #9027(or 08, not sure since the change),this was a Pre-Bake and It was last edited way before #9029 end….you can tell by the post #'s..see pic

bea1a8  No.7057786


5 years … what Epstein was asking for kek

b0423f  No.7057787

File: a428b9c53499f4b⋯.jpeg (41.65 KB, 252x255, 84:85, 77973414-E31E-458F-9CB7-5….jpeg)

File: d724f35c53220e9⋯.jpeg (958.59 KB, 1125x1106, 1125:1106, 1FF229E2-0751-442C-A7B3-7….jpeg)


Those quads though…

54e61f  No.7057788

File: a1668fb5e493461⋯.jpg (97.75 KB, 574x499, 574:499, CWYF.jpg)

cee3f5  No.7057789



Message boards can be difficult to keep up with. We have tools that help. BO not only reverted changes that anon chimed in on, and Q rt'd, but also gave an explanation/recap last night.

You have the link to Fastjack's post. Just keep spreading the word, and pressing forward.

4b7f40  No.7057790


>When Trump announced presidential bid a very close normie friend asked my opinion. “Well, I believe he’s


what many Americans are



c4f01b  No.7057791


I've had a feeling Thiel is our guy for a while now.

8a3425  No.7057792


The [M]erovingians are the [13]th illuminati bloodline. The direct line of Jesus/Satan.

6a3e62  No.7057793


Thank You Anon! God Bless You!

God please bless all anon's, please watch over and help heal the board. Please bring the anon's together, united, in Your Name! Amen


0f2245  No.7057794


no prob anon i'm glad some of the disinfo was cleared up

>>bo has explained to anons why the system was implemented in the way it was

>This is a problem for those that don't know this, I didn't see that.

here ya go

>>7052717 pb

>BO should put it at the top so it's clearly seen on every bread and on the notable's page so everyone knows what's going on

that's a good idea anon they're usually lurking maybe they'll see it and implement it but you can post it to meta to make sure bo sees it

>can go back to digging now.

right on, thanks again anon

e7a0f2  No.7057795

File: 0256326241827d7⋯.png (489.67 KB, 966x966, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

54e61f  No.7057796


>The direct line of Jesus/Satan.

Please explain/sauce this.

I'm listening . . .

83f0ee  No.7057797


congrats. don't knock the lettuce, though

bf5508  No.7057798


interesting way to overwrite the whole notables/war room links controversy…

e48b51  No.7057799

File: 4bd307a3c56d831⋯.png (2.39 MB, 1266x836, 633:418, 09854376098127634.png)




Jeffrey Epstein was/is a front for the Deep State

Jeffrey Epstein…Who and What is behind him?…The Deep State and the DEEP STATE'S INTELLIGENCE AGENCIES!


6a3e62  No.7057800


Rules and laws don't apply to the left, they are only for you and I

0e1d7f  No.7057801

File: 363544ca5169bd8⋯.png (110.84 KB, 653x457, 653:457, Screen Shot 2019-07-16 at ….png)

Thiel is also Ambrosia. Started PayPal with Musk.

No fucking way.

POTUS is just playing them against each other.

7a0e15  No.7057802

File: 4a3f6c79bd66fd7⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1439x2246, 1439:2246, Capture _2019-07-16-07-40-….png)

File: ae4df0087d44ccc⋯.png (121.74 KB, 1435x577, 1435:577, Capture _2019-07-16-07-38-….png)


E Schmidt's daughter temporarily worked with Palantir too.




b02635  No.7057803


Bitching about BO deleting offboard links?


If you were actually concerned about getting the info out, why would you not just post the info here?

No one ever said that notables thread was for QR AND QRB.

Just playing the victim card here instead of actually trying to share information.

30a7f0  No.7057804


That explains BO.

be7de7  No.7057805

File: c5f888906b980c6⋯.jpg (69.17 KB, 900x493, 900:493, KEK.jpg)


Q+ talking to the Anons whining about the BO!

4b7f40  No.7057806


Wasn’t Astana in Kazakhstan renamed?

1a803b  No.7057807

File: 5cd7f585400ba35⋯.jpeg (442.73 KB, 1068x581, 1068:581, B16C59CA-2A03-48DD-8E1B-D….jpeg)

File: 1812c141cf949f8⋯.jpeg (1001.88 KB, 1242x1842, 207:307, 92F5E213-2E5C-47BC-B5CD-1….jpeg)

File: 001443173fdbed6⋯.jpeg (826.91 KB, 1242x1625, 1242:1625, FD3899E9-34AB-4513-B3D8-9….jpeg)

File: effb3c65ef4bbdf⋯.jpeg (359.6 KB, 1179x1595, 1179:1595, D749D289-CD94-4C2B-B02E-C….jpeg)


0e1d7f  No.7057808


Well, smartass, no one has sorted the drops as you describe.

So just get busy and do that, why don't you?

4b7f40  No.7057809



QResearch: where Q and Q+ post

7a0e15  No.7057810


Highly recommend watching videos of him speaking. He's brilliant.

a51efe  No.7057811


Congrats. This anon doesn't really count days but somewhere around 3 1/2 years. Keep your eyes on the prize. I can't MAGA/KAG if I'm not great. Sometimes it's hard to believe what I have achieved in the last few years.

b02635  No.7057812



this is news on the level of two scoops

these journalists must be so proud

their barrel must have a whole that reaches to the center of the earth at this point and yet they keep on scrapping for little petty shit.

24b075  No.7057813

File: 84aa5e7e16258b7⋯.png (303.58 KB, 561x401, 561:401, 2019-07-16_08-36-14.png)


Schmidt is bar the creepiest of the humans.

Zuckerberg the transhuman is obviously in a class by himself.>>7057743

8e5898  No.7057814

File: f32db79592c92c4⋯.png (53.06 KB, 640x502, 320:251, ClipboardImage.png)


do the right thing and break free!

See, another former bad actor joining the good site!

The cult will collapse, leave it now.

Q has got your back.



0ba69b  No.7057815

File: 50e79112d3179fe⋯.png (284.33 KB, 686x493, 686:493, ClipboardImage.png)


from pb notable on JE island

c9998e  No.7057816

File: 490c51a18e76b04⋯.png (56.73 KB, 1960x440, 49:11, ClipboardImage.png)


i'm getting suspicious of ResignationAnon and the qresear.ch platform as well

imagine what having all those IPs and search terms would do for the enemy.

8a3425  No.7057817

What if all those fertility clinics, which provide embryos to post-menopausal women who have no husband, are actually fronts for spreading certain Satanic genetic bloodlines?

Innocent women who just want a child, but have no egg and no sperm, go through a book and select the traits of the child they hope to bring into this world. They trust that this book is honest about the egg and sperm donors.

But given that the Cabal has poisoned everything in our culture, wouldn't they have tried to turn fertility clinics into something Satanic too? Would the Cabal have left such an opportunity for misery go to waste? It's a concerning possibility.

a84431  No.7057818


yep..say goodbye to at least 3 breads notables..it's a good thing i read or flip thru the whole bread and no longer rely on Notables..then again..i'm a oldfag and mostly on the NightShift gang

b02635  No.7057819

4cf1dc  No.7057820

File: bb24eb55d8ff969⋯.jpg (36.51 KB, 625x345, 125:69, Capture.JPG)


Nursultan: Kazakhstan renames capital Astana after ex-president

Kazakhstan has renamed its capital Astana to Nursultan to honour outgoing leader Nursultan Nazarbayev, who unexpectedly resigned on Tuesday.

The change was announced after Kassym-Jomart Tokayev was sworn in as president, promising to seek his predecessor's opinion on key decisions.

Mr Nazarbayev, 78, served nearly 30 years as leader of the oil-rich nation.

Meanwhile, his eldest daughter has been elected speaker of the upper house of parliament.

Dariga Nazarbayeva's promotion to the second most powerful position in the country raises her profile as a potential successor.

Her father, who is head of the governing party, will remain at the helm of the influential security council and will hold the formal title Leader of the Nation.

Analysts say it is too early to say who is going to run or to declare potential favourites in next year's election. Mr Tokayev and current Prime Minister Askar Mamin are also seen as possible contenders.

New president, new name for capital


24b075  No.7057821

File: a16d8340748214d⋯.gif (272.53 KB, 500x375, 4:3, tumblr_l9djs93uML1qe0qyho1….gif)


Another far left liberal fantasizing


dbad20  No.7057822

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


856c62  No.7057823


I don't care if the BO is comp'd or not. I am going to keep digging and posting. We anons are still making connections and adding sauce for each other and that is unity.

aa5007  No.7057824




89cc36  No.7057825


Thank You

Never met you but already like you a lot

8a3425  No.7057826


CIA records made public:


74d3b3  No.7057827


Guess who also owns and island(s) and has been accused of sexual assault of a underaged model…

David Copperfield accused of drugging, assaulting model when she was 17


54e61f  No.7057828


A racist baited, false flag that prompted Congressional Legislation, is NOT unimportant.

The Libtard Left successfully bending every rule to suite their current whim, is NOT unimportant.

YOUR shilling, and lack of understanding of what goes on around you, IS unimportant.

b0423f  No.7057829

File: 723e13bbd2adf14⋯.png (4.25 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 4C93AE56-58A8-48F0-9882-92….png)

File: 788a946accc40db⋯.jpeg (404.93 KB, 1125x1728, 125:192, 5F16B10C-9FAE-421F-A11D-8….jpeg)

Instead of Mod Squad- how about MOB Squad? Pics any use?

be7de7  No.7057830


When did QTeam call out Qmap.pub?

When they post from there? Seems QTeam utilizes that site for links back to their prior posts.

When the old counter got hacked and the guy took it down within a few minutes?

The new counter works great, incidentally.

0e1d7f  No.7057831

File: 1e8732a03f2e38e⋯.jpg (119.82 KB, 640x480, 4:3, dollar-signs.jpg)


She worked with Cambridge Analytical which is FB which is Thiel…

So the rift between Thiel and GOOG is recent?

What did GOOG do to FB/PayPal?


Can we trace Thiel to a cryptocurrency?

b02635  No.7057832


>senate to investigate


6ee7bc  No.7057834

File: be19aea20c965f5⋯.png (292.21 KB, 970x543, 970:543, I WAS THERE.png)

File: 73eff313184f51a⋯.png (528.74 KB, 970x760, 97:76, hey thats my line.png)

[ain't no way around it]


474e3f  No.7057835

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

A Fox 10 host in Phoenix whose bosses asked her to hide her account on “right-wing” social media platform Parler because a left-wing outlet might notice it had a terse response; “Fuck them”.

a84431  No.7057836

File: f575be3df7fee20⋯.jpg (100.43 KB, 600x739, 600:739, Megan and Sue AB.jpg)

4cf1dc  No.7057837

File: d9a19f912fabdf5⋯.jpg (20.95 KB, 377x203, 13:7, Capture.JPG)


For united We Stand….Divided We fall

f468c5  No.7057838


This is the truth I discovered years ago, but am still unable to alter my future positively.

Please continue the conversation with us.


db3383  No.7057839


God Bless You swordAnon.

0e1d7f  No.7057840


May be recent.

They were at Bildeberg together at the end of May.



Hoffman (linkedin)

What happened there? Can we see any other news coming forward that might have been part of that meeting in Switzerland?


d98e3e  No.7057841


Think mirror shill

856c62  No.7057842


Copperfield has been an "open secret ped" fo awhile. More digs on any connections he has would be good. #CorruptConnections

I think I want to start that hashtag going to make it easy to connect these corrupt pricks

feb454  No.7057843

So today it's 50 years since the moonlanding.

Are you finally going to reveal what the Nazi-tech that got you guys off the moon?

I guess not.. I think the plan failed

4b7f40  No.7057844


Concur. I’ve received no reason to mistrust BO. Q posts here.

c14530  No.7057845

File: 3957d2877afc69e⋯.png (685.51 KB, 844x804, 211:201, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e9c946ebdaf149f⋯.png (295.28 KB, 813x853, 813:853, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 607c2f35aedd92d⋯.png (77.42 KB, 820x680, 41:34, ClipboardImage.png)


Twatter not happy. Wonderful!

e90bf9  No.7057846

15d049  No.7057847


Not knocking it… just dont want to jeopardize a potential job…I prefer it over pharma scrips I have… just want word that it wont affect eligibility

0464fc  No.7057848

Who is pulling the Squad's strings?

af3093  No.7057849

File: b05159593f88e13⋯.png (410.44 KB, 1050x854, 75:61, booms.PNG)


43e6ce  No.7057850

They are crying right now, hit em hard

French Minister Resigns after luxury dinners scandal.. AFP Report

3d1306  No.7057851

File: 9b542492fa69bb3⋯.png (328.24 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Muhsquad.png)

4b7f40  No.7057852

File: 4d52020f2fd739f⋯.jpeg (191.41 KB, 495x1037, 495:1037, 50DE7EEE-221B-4675-AF66-4….jpeg)

File: cd99709f3fe67fa⋯.jpeg (99.38 KB, 640x478, 320:239, C3A2CDDF-CA74-49DA-BCD3-5….jpeg)

File: f6ca3ead7c802b0⋯.jpeg (203.95 KB, 529x1090, 529:1090, 4DBFE5E6-8E42-41C6-B456-8….jpeg)

File: e5536a4b368578a⋯.jpeg (212.08 KB, 556x1094, 278:547, BB2DA18F-4DC7-447F-B159-5….jpeg)



24b075  No.7057853

File: 2c9d19079d7657d⋯.png (384.22 KB, 522x355, 522:355, 2019-07-16_08-54-04.png)


Sausage Fest?

e7a0f2  No.7057854



d98e3e  No.7057855


United we stand brother

(5th captcha attempt lucky)

4cf1dc  No.7057856

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


For united we stand

Divided we fall

And if our backs should ever be against the wall

We'll be together, together,

United We Stand - Brotherhood of Man

54e61f  No.7057857


Thanks. Appreciate the quick response.

Scanning that whole document for 'Jesus' reveals that there is more there than I can read, absorb, and comment on this quickly.

Always happy to gather and read additional sourced info.

Thanks again.

0e1d7f  No.7057858

File: 0205d6722d6ea62⋯.png (113.23 KB, 239x302, 239:302, born to q.png)

Good grief anon loves qresear.ch.

Not perfect, I'm sure, but so very helpful when working to gather backstory.

ThanQ qresear.ch anon, wherever you are.

71849b  No.7057859


This is your lucky day. I just checked and I see the war room post. CELEBRATE!

856c62  No.7057860


If BO was so badly comp'd this board would have shut down, been locked out, etc. Anons need to use common sense right now and keep digging. Arguing and wasting breads on it is foolish.

af3093  No.7057861


Gross, almost like child porn, they are not fully developed women.

006b78  No.7057862

My Twitter account was just suspended.

Another one bites the dust.

daf774  No.7057863


Kappy related….

Deadman Switch Tripped After Pedogate Researcher Died!

Note from person who posted video:

Researcher Tracy Twyman sent me this video on May 24, 2019. She asked me not to share it publicly at the time because she was in fear for her life. She had been in communication with Isaac Kappy about threats she had received related to a campground near Williams, Arizona. Kappy died very close to the campground. Today I learned that Tracy passed away at the age of 41, after quitting social media and YouTube. I do not know the circumstances of her death, but if someone says “I’m afraid for my life” and then suddenly dies, this warrants further investigation. The timing of this as Jeffrey Epstein is arrested is highly suspicious. I note the mysterious disappearance of Robert the Deplorable, and also the sudden death of #Pizzagate researcher Jenny Moore in August 2018.

a5e4f3  No.7057864


Join the crowd Soldier!


a84431  No.7057865


In their 20''s and old enough to drink champagne and get drunk!!!

687b30  No.7057866


>they aren't fully developed women

>almost like child porn

except with boys

it is disgusting

856c62  No.7057867


Congrats anon!!!! Kek

8a3425  No.7057868


Ya I've learned that qresear.ch is a very powerful tool. I'm using it more and more.

6ee7bc  No.7057869

File: 1f49a4c6b91afe9⋯.png (1.44 MB, 967x752, 967:752, i call it 2020VISION.png)



we've been functioning without a BO for months…

it sucks. but it's reality.

the concernfag nonsense is getting out of hand…

we are already over the hump….

the rough part is over.

Nothing can stop what is coming… not even a comp'd BO.

if Q thinks there is a problem, Q will tell us on /PatriotsFight.

it's not like we could vote and get a new BO..

it's not like we could impeach FJ…

this is 8ch, not a congressional hearing.

most you assholes don't even have identification…

so we just keep diggin.

and we do not let it effect us emotionally… (because THAT is what the enemy is trying to do)

call it what you want. I call it just another Tuesday at the crisis on our Southern Board(er)

welcome to /Qresearch.

"dis place iz a true shithole"

687b30  No.7057870



you are in favor of naked lesbians in mainstream magazines then….

017907  No.7057871


You've got a point. No way I'd ever trust a fertility clinic.

6346ee  No.7057872



Archived offline?

4b7f40  No.7057873


Q posted here before, during, and after disruption. Period.

(Q did NOT post about board decisions by 11 pm last night)

c27ae5  No.7057874

File: 7761bb12a9b21d0⋯.jpg (173.8 KB, 888x499, 888:499, zombie banks.jpg)

File: cd202c414d0519a⋯.jpg (90.87 KB, 600x450, 4:3, Laughing dog.jpg)



this is fun…going through the bank 'earnings' reports from Goldman, Wells and JP Morgan…

Moar to come in nb. Fuckin spergs.

a84431  No.7057875

File: a77acb84281275a⋯.jpeg (13.24 KB, 255x255, 1:1, Boobiekaboos.jpeg)

File: 978a71ae0a2db33⋯.jpg (127.79 KB, 659x989, 659:989, Why I like Titties too.JPG)

File: c8a6d0bc9fbadc2⋯.jpg (76.97 KB, 647x986, 647:986, Why I like Titties.JPG)


I'm in favor of Naked lesbians anywhere and everywhere as long as they got Boobies!!!!…

4b7f40  No.7057876


Is it phonefag friendly?

422d2d  No.7057877


Mine is restricted, expect suspension anytime

629402  No.7057878


The rest of it is far more interesting.

687b30  No.7057879


>in favor of megan rapinoe naked

>in favor of naked lesbians with titties

pick one

422dee  No.7057880

Palantir, keys to the internet, long time ago dig, https://qresear.ch/


b7146c  No.7057881

File: 5c2127a00771d6f⋯.jpeg (142.57 KB, 676x716, 169:179, 89509F9D-86B6-4D76-99AA-A….jpeg)

687b30  No.7057882



no it is not

a37146  No.7057884

File: bc068061376c572⋯.png (548.36 KB, 588x607, 588:607, Screenshot_2019-07-16 Medi….png)

File: c14a42235c8c077⋯.png (527.95 KB, 588x627, 196:209, Screenshot_2019-07-16 Medi….png)

this faggot looking mother fucker though

feb454  No.7057885


Trump still thinks that the towers was "knocked down"

Why does Trump treat his people like if they were retarded?

856c62  No.7057886


I always liked the notables where they were but this is war and we need to adapt. So adapt I will

7a4d71  No.7057888

File: 5d574fdc887f417⋯.jpg (148.66 KB, 890x800, 89:80, voltron.jpg)


Watched 2 or3 days ago.

Very good.


84d31c  No.7057890

File: edded26538f21cd⋯.png (520.79 KB, 1606x903, 1606:903, This Video Will Get Trump ….png)


"This Video Will Get Trump Elected"


2:25 JA

2:30 HRC


What was typed on that keyboard @2:32?

Coincidence JA then HRC then keyboard?

Why would a short string typed into a keyboard be very important?

What's special about the letters J and F on a keyboard?

Can we map the keys and figure out what was typed?

a84431  No.7057891


For what? to do what? paint my house? be the mother for my kids? you just can't say pick one without any additional information on why am I picking.

84d31c  No.7057892

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




6c7cb4  No.7057893

Old news to anons. Must not be important anymore.

In the article, "Twelve Highly Toxic Chemicals to Banish from Your Home," Natural News reports on chemicals commonly found around the house that could cause health problems. In particular, several of the chemicals listed there may easily be inside or end up on your furniture where you (as well as your children, friends, and family members) are most likely to ingest them.

e7a0f2  No.7057894

File: 5f473030c519daf⋯.jpg (80.88 KB, 698x698, 1:1, fash95.jpg)

File: fad6d6a0570b2d1⋯.jpg (79.74 KB, 876x696, 73:58, fash96.jpg)

File: ba3dde64db23bf8⋯.jpg (100.91 KB, 722x896, 361:448, fash97.jpg)

File: ee023d7f68e2893⋯.jpg (48.26 KB, 684x890, 342:445, fash98.jpg)

File: 15b26b3590029df⋯.jpg (62.7 KB, 972x576, 27:16, fash99.jpg)

0f2245  No.7057895


they push it really hard, the bakers union guys especially, which is itself is suspicious imo

6a3e62  No.7057896


(You) still don't get it, or you do and you just ignore it, Q talks about both current and future events, he also knows the enemy is watching so sometimes dis-info for for them to trip over. If you have watched over a long period of time, or go back ,read past posts and connect the dots you'll clearly see this and understand. When Q posted a couple days ago, "A week to remember" notice he didn't say "this week" It could mean this week, it could mean a week in the future, this is where "Trust the Plan" comes into play and watching, following as long as most anon's have we have seen all above and know.

So you either haven't connects the dots yet, or your here with a division agenda which you should also know by now, is futile and will fail.

Either way, shill or newfag, stick around, pay attention and you'll wake, then we'll welcome you with open arms and Love.

31fc09  No.7057897

File: 833bc7702b09b9b⋯.jpeg (452.81 KB, 1125x1463, 1125:1463, 80C89CF4-BE8B-4974-8586-0….jpeg)

File: ab896097293a593⋯.jpeg (972.06 KB, 1125x1628, 1125:1628, 06ACD51D-4036-4A6F-9BBA-E….jpeg)

File: c7f3caa5e17110e⋯.jpeg (858.35 KB, 1125x961, 1125:961, 7D9C25B9-2C60-4A84-B74A-8….jpeg)

20 years ago today JFK Jr.’s plane went down in the water off of Martha’s Vineyard.

He was the Frontrunner for the U.S. Senate seat for NY.

HRC had plans and the will of the American people stood in her way.

69c608  No.7057899

File: 5296054b2daca00⋯.png (21.07 KB, 255x134, 255:134, ClipboardImage.png)


I took a minute to reflect over coffee this morning.

The irony was palpable as I pondered my life experience and all that has transpired over the last 4yrs - With the continual exposure of The Truth about this [Satanic Global Mafia].

(((They))) inspired my father's generation and mine to enlist in the military.

(((They))) used our (Devotion) to God, Family & Country against us.

(((They))) Trained us.

(((They))) Equipped us.

(((They))) Sent us, off to foreign lands to do (((Their))) dirty-work.

(((They))) Set Us Up.

(((They))) Put us in [Impossible Situations]. Then; When innocent men, women & children got killed:

(((They))) had (((Their))) [Evil] [Cultural Psyop] ready = Brainwashed Leftists (like my mother & aunt et al) to call (US!) → BABY-KILLERS!

When in (Reality) → (((THEY))) are the [Monster] - BABY-KILLERS,

And → Much Worse, If that be possible.

Just thought: The Irony of it All was [Perverse].

Kinda like Hannibal Lecter feeding Ray Liotta's character his own brain.

*Not meaning to be "Debbie-Downer".

May: The Hammer Fall Swiftly

Come Lord Jesus



God, please forgive us, and Bless America

4cf1dc  No.7057900

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I'm a girl watcher

I'm a girl watcher

Watchin' girls go by

My, my, my

"I'm a Girl Watcher" (1960)

3e2f1f  No.7057901

File: d53d11afd4a21ba⋯.gif (1.34 MB, 416x542, 208:271, tumblr_oyvpc5RxAD1vxwt7xo1….gif)

Our whole communications infrastructure is unbelievably degraded with satanic>>7057816

lies and deceptions. There are no trusted information sources, they're all weaponized by some traitor or paytriot shill. That's information war and it's ugly. It is impossible to tell what is real, true and important from what is trivial and false.

Truth is sacred.

Materialist IO destroyed our former knowledge of that.

4b7f40  No.7057903

File: 0d76a5c26f71c73⋯.jpeg (108.79 KB, 952x500, 238:125, D392D722-A4FA-4A29-BF7B-E….jpeg)

File: 0cf3419c2320337⋯.jpeg (26.32 KB, 210x254, 105:127, 2EBF55E8-FF30-457E-BAE1-E….jpeg)

File: 3d7336d14133a64⋯.jpeg (1.13 MB, 2048x1554, 1024:777, 864B255C-63EF-4213-92B1-0….jpeg)

File: 02503d6fe247e57⋯.jpeg (236.81 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, CB1426B2-A4BD-4385-B282-7….jpeg)

File: 30ef2518b3c11d2⋯.jpeg (201.83 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, 882D8896-099C-476C-A2CF-5….jpeg)


Living it. WWG1WGA

Calling out ridiculous bullshit and people trying to take out other people with ridiculous bullshit. POTUS exemplifies this behavior and WINS so doing likewise is WINNING.

Pics related

6a3e62  No.7057904


Kek, good one anon.

594354  No.7057909


Link? What are the chemicals?

111137  No.7057911


POTUS can ruin crypto with on tweet.

Crypto mining is the worst co2 emitter on the plant. Taking more power globally than most developed nations. Trading our air quality for profit.

If climate change was real then crypto would be enemy #1

12a9ef  No.7057912


By concentrating on the Radical Left, POTUS leaves them a path to retreat–blaming & repudiating the Radical Left

687b30  No.7057914


Then you have no fucking idea what you are answering

why don't you fucking follow the post upstream

first poster says

naked pics of lesbian megan rapinoe looks like cp because they aren't fully developed women

i respond…except boys

responder says…they are in 20s and old enough to drink

i say…so you like naked lesbians

you jump in and comment on titties of random women

I answer…megan rapinoe doesn't have titties

you pretend ignorance

a84431  No.7057916

File: a852af24cebdcaa⋯.jpg (49.2 KB, 702x380, 351:190, Post numbers off by alot.JPG)

This is the way the shills are trying to divide us by inserting SHIT notables with good Notables to hide what could be and most likely is FAKE NEWS..in a effort to divide us and then they say "oh…I saw it on 8chan" all knowing it was them that put it on there and also that it is false or FAKE NEWS

Now they are just Pre-baking bread only to paste over countless hours of work spent on research..poof…gone…3 breads worth of Notables…these shill are smart..but we are smarter..they will continue to try different ways..

31fc09  No.7057917

File: 656dfa985abd4fd⋯.png (4.93 MB, 2001x1125, 667:375, 629083BA-B14C-427A-BC2A-AF….png)

July 16, 1999 - July 16, 2019

Time’s Up.

24b075  No.7057918

File: c60d60f50dc185c⋯.png (235.38 KB, 512x432, 32:27, 2019-06-14_22-05-38.png)


Claim to fame for getting an invite?

5cf82a  No.7057919


JULY 23, 2018


Every now and then I get one of those stories that I not only have to blog about, but that makes me - and I suspect, you, the reader - shake our heads in disbelief at the brazen double standards that obtain between "us plain folk" and the so-called "elite," the vulgar, amoral, cultureless technocrats and financiers that run the world, and this is one of those stories. Mr. N. sent it along, and it really takes the breath away:

Rothschild’s Ex-Wife Found Dead, Hanging from Doorknob at Home Read more at: http://www.neonnettle.com/news/4545-rothschild-s-ex-wife-found-dead-hanging-from-doorknob-at-home © Neon Nettle

Now, get this:

49-year-old Annabelle Neilson's body was discovered hanging from a doorknob in the bathroom of her $4.1 million mansion on Thursday, but news of her sudden and tragic death has only just been made public. Police have yet to confirm the cause of her death, and haven't ruled out drug or alcohol use, but say they are "not treating it as suspicious."

No, there's nothing suspicious at all about someone found dead hanging from a doorknob, notwithstanding she used to be married to a Rothschild. Nothing to see here, move along. Oh, did I mention…?:

Neilson was previously married to Nathaniel Rothschild - son of Lord Jacob Rothschild and heir to his family's fortune - for three years after a six-year relationship. After divorcing Rothschild she was reportedly forced to sign a confidentiality agreement and rescind the dynastic name.

Nothing suspicious here, move along. Oh, by the way, did I mention that Annabelle Neilson's boyfriend was also found hanging from a doorknob?

Since splitting with the banking heir, she was in an extremely close relationship with fashion designer Alexander McQueen who also died in eerily similar circumstances to Neilson. McQueen's death was announced on the afternoon of 11 February 2010. In the morning, his housekeeper found him hanging from a doorknob at his home in Green Street, London W1.

But, hey, nothing suspicious there either; two people with connections to that "family" are both found hanging from doorknobs. This sort of reminds me of that Rothschild who was found dead in a Paris hotel, hanging not from a doorknob, but from a towel rack (see: Rothschild took his life after death of mother). That death too was ruled a suicide.

Nothing too see here, move along. Oh, and did I mention this?:

A British aristocrat, Annabelle shocked high society when she eloped to Las Vegas with Nat Rothschild in 1994. Rothschild is the only son and heir of banker Jacob Rothschild and is in line to become the fifth Baron Rothschild and inherit around £500million on his father's death. The former couple met on a beach in India, and a close family friend told the Daily Mail at the time of their divorce that Rothschild's parents had been 'appalled' by their then 23-year-old son's 'vulgar' choice of wife. After just three years of marriage, marked by hard-partying and cataclysmic rows, the couple split and Annabelle reportedly received a generous financial settlement in return for rescinding the dynastic name and signing a confidentiality agreement. Rothschild reportedly went on to date Natalie Portman and Ivanka Trump, before marrying a topless model, Loretta Basey, two years ago. Annabelle went on to date Edward Spencer Churchill, the Duke of Marlborough's half-brother, with the exes remaining close after their break-up. Indeed the last picture of Annabelle was taken at his marriage last week, held at Blenheim Palace in Woodstock, Oxfordshire.

So, throw in the Churchills and Ivanka Trump into this weird list of connections. Of course, that may not mean a thing since people at that stratum of society tend to associate with other people of that stratum of society. As one might imagine, I have some of our trademark daily high octane speculations to put forward here, and

July 23,2018


6a9bc3  No.7057921

My Anon,

that mac & cheese.

a37146  No.7057923


That last name though..

ba5393  No.7057925

File: ce38ae89a9a7771⋯.png (443.76 KB, 789x505, 789:505, ClipboardImage.png)


Heres his dad in front of a building designed like the temple on Little St James.

687b30  No.7057928


>post over countless hours of work spent on research…poof….gone


can't build in prior research if you can't fucking find it

"discoveries" have to be made over and over again….each time as "eureka" connection

wasting time

establishing nothing

fast jack is a faggot

aa5007  No.7057930

File: 7102d4360a328cd⋯.png (1.14 MB, 935x949, 935:949, Screen Shot 2018-09-23 at ….png)

File: bce785535002bf2⋯.png (1.47 MB, 1590x699, 530:233, Screen Shot 2018-09-11 at ….png)



Thank God for POTUS and Qteam.

d25736  No.7057931

File: 9d574dbfc1c2772⋯.jpg (42.46 KB, 258x195, 86:65, CrybabyAcosta.jpg)

c63d07  No.7057932

File: 8296857686e5971⋯.png (101.29 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, EF747D1A-DB3B-4790-91EF-FD….png)

0f2245  No.7057934

File: a83c78c9ba0e787⋯.png (333.98 KB, 988x430, 494:215, NotablesOneStopShopAndEasi….PNG)


>can't build in prior research if you can't fucking find it

a84431  No.7057935


you are right…I didn't follow upstream..and you are also right..Megan doesn't have Titties..ok…you can go back to work now..sorry to trouble you and thank you for your hard work!!!

a37146  No.7057936

anons don't bitch about notables because anons make the fucking notables.

7a4d71  No.7057937

File: 73ac88ae4905b9b⋯.jpeg (110.47 KB, 1072x796, 268:199, laughkidllama.jpeg)

4b7f40  No.7057939

File: 0e6ce51803df259⋯.jpeg (256.39 KB, 799x779, 799:779, 82AC5500-C066-42E0-9D52-7….jpeg)

File: 35854a8e3811a31⋯.jpeg (251.89 KB, 799x776, 799:776, 08AD144C-3073-4E30-B4B3-2….jpeg)

File: fd23545ad13e0ad⋯.jpeg (247.37 KB, 799x778, 799:778, A5A55BC3-8A81-4D40-A775-B….jpeg)

File: dd35a2053999c76⋯.jpeg (262.06 KB, 799x779, 799:779, EBFB136D-DF12-4D53-A0C2-3….jpeg)

File: b7da53cece59da3⋯.jpeg (444.35 KB, 1500x951, 500:317, 15FB0404-9DB2-4D13-85F7-1….jpeg)


Exclusively phonefag and it’s challenging but not oppressive. Learning to fly was challenging but I persevered. Learning to navigate on 8ch was challenging but not oppressive. Cheers!

Pics related

e7a0f2  No.7057940


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