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File: 85da9b59d6fc7a7⋯.png (78.39 KB, 412x305, 412:305, Screenshot 2019-01-20 at 7….png)

1514c1  No.4849340


You can see the laser beam microwave shadow dissapate the clouds as they form around it.

They are trying to see if they can scale this up to take down the entire grid with multiple satellites. The problem is well just rebuild everything quickly before they force Donald Trump to declare Martial Law.

You can clearly see in the video shadow that is forming above the explosion. The local news reported Crossville Tennessee lost power when they woke up in the morning. They didn't test the weapon too far from deep state headquarters. About 40 miles from the transformer station where it blew is a national laboratory. Most likely where they test to create nukes. The deep state is obviously trying to see if this weapon can cause enough significant damage to destroy transformer stations on a wide scale across the country.

Free Mason Electricians will most likely get their letters soon to go underground because they serve the Rothschilds. When they all go underground there will be nobody on the surface to rebuild. We will have lost contact with each other. Then there would be no way to even strategize when there are 100 satellites burning cities to the ground.



1514c1  No.4849392

Also, I want to point out that nukes are obviously confiscated by the good Aliens above us. We are no longer allowed to shoot them off that is why they are shooting off this laser weapon from not too high in the sky. This is their last resort. Some dumb satellite weapon that can barely blow up a powerstation!

ff7c33  No.4849996

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Nukes are not confiscated but disabled remotely by GFOL forces (angels in Heaven).

Also, please re-post this in the correct thread! here:


4f2d29  No.4850241

I use to live there. Lake Tansi. Beautiful area. I haven't been there in years though.

I'm inclined to think that there is more than one explanation… Keep in mind that our Magnetosphere is very weakened now, and any electrical interference from space could cause unknown effects.

Not saying you are wrong, just being open minded.

47182f  No.4850347



ff7c33  No.4850461


This behavior pops up in every discussion about advanced/hidden tech or extraterrestrials. Why?

9720b3  No.4851224


t. has never had a laser pointer in his life

you absolutely can see the beam you absolute fucking RETARD. especially when there is any bit of condensation or mist in the air.

d7f2a3  No.4851578

ChattanoogANON here, there ain't a fuckin thing in Crossville. They're wasting their time.

b3db4e  No.4852531

This is why space based lasers don't work. It's a matter of energy input and the fact the laser which you perceive as a singular line of photons are actually more of a cone and the further the cone travels the larger it's bottom gets. The energy has a Gaussian distribution that gets less intense the further from the source you get due to the fact that the initial energy level at the source is now spread out over a significantly larger area.


Another thing, Pissrael has a large DEW but it's the size of a building. If you do choose to use a space laser and just brute force it you'd need at least a building sized energy source and by the time the laser hits the ground from space it's the size of a few city blocks.

If I had unlimited money and a need to kill people from space I'd use a particle accelerator. Tiny munitions, large kinetic energy. Or a railgun.

b3db4e  No.4852547


And you have to manage it's thermals as well. Shooting a fucking giga laser in space has consequences.

8d4a23  No.4853243


A lightening bolt on average contains approx 10 billion watts of power. A transformer station without lightening arresters can be shut down or destroyed if there is a direct hit or if the strike is within a few meters the EMP could shut it down or destroy it.

Please explain how a satellite or even a series of satellites can possible generate a 10 billion watt strike? You could not even get a generator in orbit big enough to create this power. Remember you have to take into account distance from satellite to ground Laser beams are no different. To generate a light does not take much power but to generate a laser beam that can do real damage takes a lot of power. Batteries won't cut it.

48cdf3  No.4853523

File: 90d8154502bd9f0⋯.jpg (23.65 KB, 355x355, 1:1, cucked doll.jpg)


Holy shit you are dumb. Either that or JIDF. How's it goin glowboi?

38622c  No.4853539



>doesn't know what a DEW is

68c312  No.4855786

File: c886a04acb1ecb3⋯.jpg (374.87 KB, 947x653, 947:653, fkmqligtxjh01.jpg)

If you've ever seen power components fail at a substation, you know it can be quite the light show. 69 kW can make quite a bit of light in a short (pun intended, couldn't help myself) time. It could definitely account for why all the lights at the location the video was shot at acted the way they did. Pic somewhat related.


b2513d  No.4855969

I've got too much going on to dig into anything deeply, but I live near the light show that happened recently in the Queens borough of NYC and tried to pay attention. I saw mentioned that there was little or no damage here, but could not follow up. Anyone hear similar?

b53a30  No.4856355

If this happens they will come up soon enough and that where ANONS and patriots play whack-a-mole as they pop their heads up. It'll be like a turkey shoot. Millions ready.

8beca7  No.4856932


This "Denier" is probably


Pilot of a

USAF TR-3B Spacecraft.

Watch "TR-3B Using High Energy Weapon in Syrian Conflict" on YouTube


Hopefully he'll just continue his Rant when the guy sitting next to him informs him of the Red-Dot that has suddenly appeared upon His forehead . . .

7f16af  No.4928149

File: ab04da2480c940b⋯.png (3.22 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, B0D48A48-9C8A-4954-9305-08….png)

File: 59459e6c2a0bc12⋯.png (2.6 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, B965299E-660C-4787-B78C-A5….png)

File: 77a5aab764427f2⋯.png (2.55 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 1A8BF11A-6A46-40AF-BD79-90….png)

File: c29a37cdc85c942⋯.jpeg (1.01 MB, 1908x1054, 954:527, 4F0BA33A-873A-4267-A676-4….jpeg)

File: 6150313b9964c29⋯.jpeg (1.19 MB, 1978x1125, 1978:1125, 272E5433-4D42-49A5-9347-9….jpeg)

Please see this video on DEW weapons being used around the world


This needs to stop

b3db4e  No.4928256


>Spot size of a city fucking block

Sure convinced me. /s

13853a  No.4959675

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Sorta set out to disprove this whole thing about 6 months ago, and the truth is I couldn't.

There are research papers showing the use of alluminum and other particulates as accelerants for direct energy type weapons, and there are patents that discuss using space based laser weapons to disrupt storms; those discuss resonance frequencies which allow for the overcoming of any dissipation that occurs across long distances. FFS, they know the exact size and shape of aluminum particles to use to get the right resonant frequency for the energy being used. Oh, and one more thing….if you think space is just space and stuff has to force its way through nothingness to get where it needs to go, it's time to go back and look at where they pulled a fast one on you. This guy points you in the right direction with the books. You owe it to yourself to check it out. write down the books. Find them. Read them.

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