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43a9ac (29) No.443751[Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

What [3] scientists were killed who were researching the SAT relay of mobile phone signals to end users?

Why was the research deemed CLASSIFIED?



43a9ac (29) No.443779

Dedicated thread to exploring this Q drop.

I’ll shortly post all past digs and please happy to continue the digging!

Food for thought…

Beyond meaning satillite, could SAT be an acronym?

43a9ac (29) No.443797

Zachary Greene Warfield, 35, of Arlington, VA, formerly of Walkersville, MD, died July 4th in a boating accident on the Potomac River.

He was born to Maggi Verdi Gauthier and Douglas Warfield on March 23, 1976 in Frederick, MD. Zack graduated from Walkersville, MD High School in 1994 and received a BS in Mechanical Engineering with honors from the University of Notre Dame in 1998, and an MS in Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering, with a focus on jet propulsion systems, from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 2001, graduating with a perfect 5.0 GPA.

Zack was a co-founder and a member of the Board of Directors for Omnis, Inc., a McLean, VA-based strategic consulting firm for the intelligence, defense and national security communities. He spearheaded major research initiatives and, in addition to helping steer the company, was directly involved in numerous projects, including analytic training and technology consulting. Prior to founding Omnis, Zack was an engineer and analyst for the U.S. Government and private industry. As a science and technology analyst, he assessed missile and space systems, managed technical contracts, and investigated Iraq's Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) program as a member of the Iraq Survey Group, serving in Baghdad on two separate occasions.

As an engineer, he worked on aerospace projects for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), and private industry. Most notably, Zack designed critical guidance systems that ensured a successful landing for the Mars Exploration Rovers, Spirit and Opportunity; his name is inscribed on one of the rovers, and remains on Mars today.

An avid athlete, Zack excelled at golf, and as a mountaineer had reached several of the highest summits in the US and Europe, among them Mont Blanc in France and Mount Rainier in Washington. He often improved himself in remarkable ways; one summer he taught himself French, another to be ambidextrous; he recently mastered programming applications for the iPhone.

A quiet leader, friends and family looked to him for every type of advice and guidance. He improved the lives of everyone whose path he crossed, and he will be remembered for his kindness of spirit, fullness of heart and superlative abilities in all of his chosen paths.

He is survived by his mother Maggi Gauthier and stepfather Paul Gauthier, of Frederick, MD; father Douglas Warfield and stepmother Cindy Warfield, of New Market, MD; brother Justin Ray Warfield, of Hermosa Beach, CA; sister Hannah Verdi Warfield, of Frederick, MD; numerous aunts, uncles and cousins; and by Barden Cleeland, of Arlington, VA- she was his one true love. The family will receive friends from 3-6 p.m. on Sunday, July 10 at Keeney & Basford Funeral Home, 106 E. Church Street, Frederick. Funeral services will begin at 11 a.m. on Monday, July 11 at St. John the Evangelist, 118 East 2nd Street, Frederick.

43a9ac (29) No.443810

Zachary Greene Warfield

https:// www.washingtonpost.com/local/obituaries/2011/08/09/gIQAO11Y5I_story.html?utm_term=.81133749f495

43a9ac (29) No.443845

Shane Todd, 31, Phd in electrical engineering with expertise with GaN (Gallium Nitride).

Mystery: Dr. Todd felt increasingly uncomfortable with the work he was doing with the Chinese company Huawei, to the point Shane told his family that he was being asked to compromise US security and he feared for his life. Shane was working on a “one of a kind” machine, with a dual use in commercial and in military application, requiring expertise in the area of GaN (Gallium Nitride). Shane refused to do what he was being asked to do and turned in his sixty day notice at IME. Shane found a good job with a company in Virginia, and bought a ticket to fly back to the US on July 1, 2012. Shane was killed late June 22nd, or 23rd, right after his last day of work.

Great collection of info below.

http:// www.justice4shanetodd.com/

43a9ac (29) No.443858

The Marconi Murders…

https:// theunredacted.com/dead-scientists-the-marconi-murders/

43a9ac (29) No.443868

Moar Marconi…

https:// isgp-studies.com/DL_1980s-marconi-general-electric-strange-deaths-scientists

43a9ac (29) No.444992

A reminder too that this was the post that Q was responding to...

Feb 15 2018 12:21:31


ID: 7813e0



Just throwing out a little more info, don't even know if it has relevance.

Cell phones were originally analog. The switch over to digital was very gradual. Digital signals allow for much greater distance to be covered on much less power (thus miniaturization of phones) because of the nature of square (digital) waves. Much more effective at filtering noise and interference.

This inherently means that the phones of today are going to be square wave signals and very low power. If that alone were enough, Q would not exist. They would simply shut him (them) and/or us down. So they may act as a trigger but are not enough by themselves to completely program a human. And Parkland would suggest that you really need somebody who is largely predisposed toward moving in the desired direction to begin with. You can't just flip a switch and a born pacifist suddenly becomes Rambo. Talk to me, Johnny!

43a9ac (29) No.445209

SAT Acronym possibilities…

SAT Satellite

SAT SIM Application Toolkit (GSM)

SAT System Acceptance Testing

SAT Supervisory Audio Tone (cellular technology)

SAT System Analysis Tool

SAT Speech Awareness Threshold (audiology)

SAT Small Application Toolkit

SAT Signal Amplification Technology

SAT Scanning Acoustic Tomography

SAT Standard AUTODIN Terminal

- The Automatic Digital Network System, known as AUTODIN or ADNS, is a legacy data communications service in the United States Department of Defense.

SAT Software Acceptance Test

SAT Systems Acceptance Test

SAT System Access Terminal

SAT System Acceptability Testing

SAT Situation Awareness Terminal

SAT Sensor Attachment Tool (ITT)

SAT Sequential Acquisition Technique

SAT Spatial Analysis Toolkit

SAT Setup Analysis Tool (Microsoft)

SAT System Administration Tool (software)

SAT Solid Applied Technologies (various locations)

SAT Space and Advanced Telecommunications (Italy)

43a9ac (29) No.445241>>445271 >>445317

A great article on Shane Todd

http:// ig-legacy.ft.com/content/afbddb44-7640-11e2-8eb6-00144feabdc0#axzz2LCQ1Ojwk

43a9ac (29) No.445271


Link to wikileaks where thehackingteam discusses Shane Todd

https:// wikileaks.org/hackingteam/emails/emailid/673896

This yellow story goes on…

43a9ac (29) No.445317


Shane Todd thought he was ultimately working for Huawei, a Chinese tech firm.

A wikileaks search shows many results, here are some snippets from the boys at Stratfor

From: "Colby Martin" <colby.martin@stratfor.com>

To: eastasia@stratfor.com, "CT AOR" <ct@stratfor.com>

Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 2:39:51 PM

Subject: Re: [EastAsia] [OS] CHINA/US/CT/CSM- Huawei tied to spy ministry

what? let me put it this way. when i ran intelligence projects aimed at

anything related to Huawei, I, and my team, operated as if they were MSS,

and so did everyone person we talked to in relation to the case.

On 10/12/11 1:33 PM, Sean Noonan wrote:

well, this is the kind of thing i've been asking the USG to expose

for at least a year (not that anyone was listening). Not exactly

great evidence, most is old, and can easily be compared with

AT&T. At the same time, the fact that Huawei has some pretty big

recent contracts with the chinese government while denying any

connectoin is a bit suspicious to me.

43a9ac (29) No.445337

Anonymous 02/17/18 (Sat) 14:32:25 e8e978 No.412228>>412235 >>412276 >>412301

>3 Dead scientists

Ex-Brigadier Peter Ferry

David Sands

Ashad Sharif

Working for Macroni Command and Control systems

Basic digging from wiki:

Macroni Products

Air traffic control

Air defence systems

Airport infrastructure


Meteorological systems

Command and control (C²)

Communication systems

Data links

Simulators etc.



Radar - Civil and military



Command and control wiki:

Command and control warfare encompasses all the military tactics that use communications technology. It can be abbreviated as C2W. An older name for these tactics is "signals warfare", derived from the name given to communications by the military. Newer names include information operations and information warfare.

The following techniques are combined:

Operations security (OPSEC)

Military deception

Psychological operations (PSYOP)

Electronic warfare (EW)

Psychological warfare

Cyber Operations

Info of deaths at bottom of link.

http:// rense.com/general39/death.htm

43a9ac (29) No.445365

Moar Marconi from previous bread

https:// 8ch.net/qresearch/res/412358.html#412605

43a9ac (29) No.445420>>512452

▶Anonymous 02/17/18 (Sat) 01:21:48 f5f523 No.407359>>407372 >>407375 >>407380 >>407401 >>407404 >>407415 >>407424 >>407453 >>407507

Anons, something about the posts on phones, therapy and shooters is bothering me.

Q said:

Unreleased [CLAS-HIGHEST]:

Ability to use frequencies [incoming sig]/modify/code/program over 'x' period [designate] mobile phone to 'control' target subject.

Notice the colon after Unreleased [CLAS-HIGHEST]

I take that to mean that the following is unreleased, classified highest information, but dropped in such a way (without enough specifics) to not violate the rules. The ability exists to use incoming signal frequencies to modify/code/program a target subject over 'x' period of time using a mobile phone to control the target subject.

So, all within the context of MKULTRA and the school shooting, big pharma medication, Q tells us the ability definitely exists to use mobile phones to control people. Q said target subjects are pre disposable to certain mental illnesses, scouted and targeted for 'THERAPY'. And Q asks about the 3 scientists who were killed researching "SAT relay of mobile phone signals to end users" and why the information about that was "deemed CLASSIFIED".


The word "deemed" is a very interesting choice of words to use here. It means that whatever research they were doing is "considered" classified but it HAS NOT ACTUALLY BEEN CLASSIFIED. Which means that it's probably out there somewhere, available to us.

As Q has said before, everything has meaning.

Q didn't say the research was classified, Q said it was "deemed CLASSIFIED" and there is a HUGE difference. That means that the three dead scientists are the marker for finding this information. I suspect the three scientists were killed in order to "classify" the information without going through the process of revealing it to anyone else, which means that it's probably nuclear hot but laying around somewhere in plain sight.

So, we've got research about "SAT relay of mobile phone signals to end users" that's "deemed" to be classified and the scientists who were working on that research are now dead.

That brings up another question:

What if "SAT" does not mean "satellite" but rather "Special Access Technology" (kind of like SAP meant "Special Access Programs" that HRC was storing it on her server)?

That makes the [CLAS-HIGHEST] drop even more interesting, because if we're dropping the idea of "satellite" from this equation, we're left with cell towers and cell phones.

That adds significance to this:

Why is Big Pharma essential?

Expand your thinking past cures.

Think Google [new Pixel phone].

Think Apple [vs. Samsung].

Why was Blackberry destroyed?

We can guide but you must organically uncover the TRUTH.

THEY are watching.


Which was followed up by this:

Why is everything 'really' made in China?

Cost savings?

The lack of regulatory oversight and lack of real control means that factories in China make fakes. I know that I've seen stories on "fake" phones made on the real assembly lines without the knowledge of the phone company, to be sold on the black market (no royalty, no licensing fees, higher profit). China does the same thing with pharmaceuticals, sometimes substituting other ingredients or changing the mixture in order to make more profit.

That leads to this question:

Have any recent [shooters] received therapy in the past?

A CIA program was discovered in a book that's called "Orion" and Q says that is "Big!" with respect to the plan for school shooters.

Obviously it is evidence they've been working with this for years, but that's old information. I believe Q wants us looking for something recent and hot.

What if we're looking for "special" phones using special access technology that are made on the same assembly lines as Google phones and Samsung phones that will allow the use of incoming signal frequencies to modify/code/program a target subject over 'x' period of time, then using a mobile phone to control the target subject?

'THERAPY' takes [x] to break the mind into a functional/programmable device.

'THERAPY' takes [(time) + (pharma) + (RF signal)] to break the mind into a functional/programmable device to be [modify/code/program] to control the target subject?

The KEY is the special phones that are provided to the shooters, which work in combination with the pharmaceuticals to produce a controlled, programmed subject.

If I'm right, THIS is what the SAT research is that the three scientists were killed to keep hidden and it's not classified, it's still available somewhere and it's our job to find it. That answers all the questions

43a9ac (29) No.445557>>445579

Anonymous 02/16/18 (Fri) 23:46:48 66ba11 No.406895>>406929 >>406984 >>407045 >>407203 >>407207 >>407357 >>407365 >>407496

I’ve been looking into one of Q's assignments, to find out who were the 3 scientists killed who worked on satellite to end user cell phones.

I started by considering that it might have something to do with patents and owning the technology, getting rid of rivals, and so on.

Nothing really turned up there.

Satellite technology has been around for a while, so finding the timeline of the killings could go back into the 60’s with the launch of Telstar, Bell Labs, and NASA.

Didn’t find any Bell scientists who suffered an untimely death.

There seems to have been some overlap in cell phone technology and satellite phone technology development.

Several companies were involved in satellite communications including INMARSAT, Globalstar, Iridium.

Iridium's research was done by Motorola.

Martin Cooper, "the father of the cell phone,” worked for Motorola and was also closely connected to Iridium.

His net worth is estimated to be $100 million, due to patents he holds.

https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martin_Cooper_(inventor)#Motorola

https:// networthpost.com/martin-cooper-net-worth/

So there is a connection between cell phone and satellite phone technology.

Didn’t find anything obviously suspicious in looking at Motorola scientists, etc.

Also didn’t see any obvious link to any of the scientists on the Malaysian flight that crashed.

One possibility to consider:

Project Camelot. 22 scientists died mysteriously while working for Marconi in Britain doing work for the SDI Star Wars project (1980’s).

Project was part of the Dept. of Defense.

Some of these scientists were involved in digital and satellite communications, so it’s possible that 3 of them could be the ones Q referred to.

http:// projectcamelot.org/marconi.html

It seems to me that since Q’s response came in the context of the school shooting/MK Ultra comment, the CIA would be a prime candidate for whodunit.

I didn’t find anything with a quick search of Wikileaks but not sure if something like that would be put in writing.

A wild shot---I came across the name of a scientist who died recently, not too old, and appears to have worked in some sort of intelligence area.

Dr. James Herbert Horne worked at SAIC which is involved in military intelligence. Had patents in system and method for multiclass discrimination of neural response data, Degree in physics.

http:// www. legacy.com/obituaries/dailycamera/obituary.aspx?pid=160378580

Coincidentally, and this would be a topic for the dead doctors Q posts, I noticed many websites coming up with lists of dead scientists.

Over 120 of them on some lists.

Many of them were active in areas of medical/biological research.

Here is a sample link but there are many more.

http:// rense.com/general39/death.htm

43a9ac (29) No.445579


A further note regard the above post and Dr. James Herbert Horne and SAIC.

SAIC is headquarter just 10km from McLean, Va

43a9ac (29) No.445598

Anonymous 02/17/18 (Sat) 00:01:37 bd44f0 No.406984>>406994 >>407357 >>407365 >>407496

File (hide): a32e7116ee611d6⋯.png (16.33 KB, 287x569, 287:569, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


I was digging on the same thing


>What [3] scientists were killed who were researching the SAT relay of mobile phone signals to end users?

I also saw Iridium, who is a player in the SAT (voice/data) communications field.

https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iridium_Communications

I noticed they are based out of McLean VA, which we've seen before:


They have ties to SpaceX (launches in 2017)

I feel like there's something here, but I can't find anything about any scientists tied to them. I found names of management, board of directors and advisory board, but none of them stand out to me, maybe they will to other anons:

Here's their upper management:

http:// investor.iridium.com/management.cfm

Matthew J. Desch - CEO

Thomas J. Fitzpatrick - CFO and Chief Administrative Officer

Bryan J. Hartin - Executive Vice President, Sales & Marketing

Thomas D. Hickey - Chief Legal Officer and Secretary

Scott T. Scheimreif - Executive Vice President, Government Programs

S. Scott Smith - Chief Operating Officer

Their BoD:

http:// investor.iridium.com/directors.cfm

Robert H. Niehaus - Chairman of the Board

Thomas C. Canfield - Director

Matthew J. Desch - Chief Executive Officer

Thomas J. Fitzpatrick - CFO and Chief Administrative Officer

Jane L. Harman - Director

Alvin B. Krongard - Director

Eric T. Olson - Director

Steven B. Pfeiffer - Director

Parker W. Rush - Director

Henrik O. Schliemann - Director

S. Scott Smith - Chief Operating Officer

Barry J. West - Director

Advisory Board:

http:// investor.iridium.com/advisory.cfm

Lt. Gen. John H. Campbell - Chairman of the Government Advisory Board

Douglas M. Fraser

Alvin B. Krongard

Lance W. Lord

Arthur L. Money

Eric T. Olson

Carroll Pollett

Jeffrey A. Sorenson

43a9ac (29) No.445648>>512146

Anonymous 02/17/18 (Sat) 17:36:07 dffdb1 No.413749>>413753 >>413854 >>413868 >>413926 >>414023


I've been digging on this too, trying to put it together, keeping the 40,000 view of the cabal wanting to rule the world and control everyone.

Looking at the timeline, assuming that all the deaths are related. Going from the Rense article, we have:

1986: Victor Dajibhai, Software Engineer

1986: (2 months later) Ashad Sharif, Computer Analyst

1987: David Sands, Project Manager on secret radar project

1988: Victor Moore, Design Engineer

1988: Roger Hill, Draftsman

1988: Treavor Knight, Computer Engineer

1988: Peter Ferry, Marketing Manager.

Look at the three engineers: Software, Design and Hardware.

Add in an analyst, project manager, a draftsman and a marketing manager and you have an entire project being covered up by elimination.

We Need A Timeline

Looking at the dates on the deaths of these researchers (late 1980's) and the lead time necessary for getting the technology into production and use, as well as the demise of Marconi Systems (the remnants now owned by BAE)

…when did the school shootings explode on the scene?

10 years later

General ballpark digging says it really seems to have gone into production in March of 1998 with the Jonesboro middle school shooting.

The one that really hits me is the Thurston HS shooting in May of 1998 by Kip Kinkel.

Notable quote:

Kinkel described three voices: "Voice A," who commanded Kinkel to commit violent acts, "Voice B," who repeated insulting and depressive statements at the expense of Kinkel, and "Voice C," who constantly echoed what A and B said. Kinkel claimed that he felt punished by God for being subjected to these voices, and that it was Voice A who instigated the killing of his father, mother, and the following attack at Thurston High School.[15]

That was followed by the famous Columbine HS shooting in 1999 and school shootings became a "thing" all across America.

Did they get SSRI's and did they have cell phones?

Cross Reference

Big Pharma.

Fluoxetine (Prozac) was FDA approved in 1987, followed in 1992 by the second gen SSRI's Sertraline in 1991 and Paroxetine in 1992.

Then we got Citalopram in 1998 and Escitalopram in 2002.


Noting the ritual programming and the propensity for these people to have the children become doctors, I assume that would include therapists/psychologists/psychiatrists.

http:// www.whale.to/b/greenbaum.html

Is there any way to nail down the particular psychologists and ESPECIALLY any psychiatrists (an MD psychologist who can prescribe drugs and does 'therapy', quite often using hypnosis) with any of the shooters?

Radio Frequency Control:

When did cell phones come on the scene as a major consumer product and when did saturation of cell phone usage occur?

Better yet, what about RFID chips?

How small could an implant be in the late 1990's?

To give you an idea, here's how small they were in 2003:

http:// www.rfidjournal.com/articles/view?337

When were RFID chips developed and mandated by APHIS, which resulted in large-scale manufacturing of such chips and readers?

They were invented in 1969, patented in 1973.

Which is why you'd expect to see some research like this going on at Marconi WRT command and control systems.

Putting chips in or on high-value items or even people.

Use Satellites to locate such chips?

Use Satellites to "deactivate" such chips?

Use Satellites to "activate" such chips?

Power supply.

How do we get a close-range broadcast of RF energy in the correct frequency range (penetrate tissue) to energize such a chip to give it the power to transmit when it's activated?

Cell Phones?

What kind of RF energy are cell phones broadcasting?

Keep in mind, just about everyone generally has their cell phone within 1 foot of their body.

End Part 1

43a9ac (29) No.445710>>517336

Anonymous 02/17/18 (Sat) 17:36:36 dffdb1 No.413753>>413854 >>413894 >>413926 >>414023 >>414114


Part 2

What does that get us?

Implants using cell phones as power supplies with either Satellite signals or signals over cell networks working to control the implants

Q said

What [3] scientists were killed who were researching the SAT relay of mobile phone signals to end users?

What is a mobile phone?

It's a radio frequency transceiver.

Why did he say "mobile" instead of "cell"?

Because the scientists were killed before cell phones came along?

Or because we're to expand our thinking?

Could the THERAPY be that the [shooters] were on psychotropics (putting the brain in the proper condition for takeover) AND had an implant that was powered by a cell phone that received a signal sent either by satellite or over the cell phone?

Who manufacturers this stuff?

The largest manufacturer of Gen 2-compliant ultrahigh-frequency (UHF) RFID readers is Motorola. But there are others, such as Alien Technology, Applied Wireless RFID, CAEN RFID, GAO RFID, Impinj, Mojix and ThingMagic.

If you are looking at UHF chips, the leaders are Alien, Impinj and NXP Semiconductors.

If you are looking at UHF inlays, the leaders include Avery Dennison, Invengo and Smartrac Technology.

http:// www.rfidjournal.com/blogs/experts/entry?10543

They do love their symbolism, don't they?

Impinj = Imp-inj "Imp" is a small demon, "Inj" is an injection, so it's an injected demon.

No digging yet on ownership, but I'm willing to bet the money trail would be fascinating to watch.

Big Pharma control:

The medical industry top to bottom through control of the FDA, AMA and NIH, as well as multiple foundations and corporations.

This very much includes mental health.


Widespread use of psychotropics.

RF brain control: RF implants.

Are any "time release" or "emergency" psychotropics being shipped in preloaded syringes with directions for deep intramuscular injection?

That would be a HUGE clue.

Cell Phones:

The link between the implant and the behavior because the cell phone is close enough to power up the implant with RF energy, which allows the implant to send out the controlling signal.

Satellite activation of the implants.

The Iridium constellation is in Low Earth Orbit and capable of broadcasting with a lot of power.

If this is the case, we have a separation of elements such that one has to have all the elements in place to demonstrate how it works.

What I know is that I've seen multiple examples of people claiming to have implants who have radiographs, MRI's and ultrasounds of the implant and NOBODY will listen to them and NO doctors will testify as to what the implant might be.

That is worth digging

43a9ac (29) No.445773

Anonymous 02/17/18 (Sat) 17:50:26 2057c9 No.413863>>413926 >>413935 >>413995



Big Pharma required for research into Pharma / effects / animal & human trials of vaccines, medicines and supplements for mass human consumption.

Lobbying of Doctors, Health Practitioners to prescribe their drugs.

To initially 'break' the mind there would need to be a physical intervention ('therapy') performed on the subject, after which the subject could be remote controlled via EMR.

Without an intervention this could still affect mass population.


Am looking at the EMR transmission of control signals via sat referenced in Q's post


Aluminium adjuvant in vaccines has been found to concentrate in the brain of infants.

Vaccination policy is enforced.

Involving chemtrails in the scope of this containing aluminium (increases amplitude of received EMR ), barium (allows radar tracking of subjects / us!??) Strontium (increases effect of aluminium amplification in EMR, would this also amplify the effect of Barium?):

https:// www.activistpost.com/2015/07/aluminum-barium-and-strontium-new.html

So chemicals from chemtrails increasing both our receptivity as well as our reactivity to EMR signals, as well as allow us to be tracked.

Both EMR and Fluoride share the capacity to be genotoxic and reduce melatonin secretion. Reduced melatonin secretion is seen to play a central role in the neoplastic and other diseases associated with EMR exposure (does this mean that assimilated Flouride in the body / brain from water as well as the drugs Fluoxetine and Mefloquine might increase the effect of the already amplified EMR??)

Still need to find the 3 scientists probably working in this area (Frey effect; breach blood / brain barrier allowing molecules (Aluminium, Barium, Strontium, Fluoride) to pass into the brain:

https:// stopsmartmetersirvine.com/2011/11/17/allan-frey-modulation-and-microwave-radiation-crossing-the-blood-brain-barrier/

is this guy relevant / any surrounding scientists?

assimilating neural networks / minds; might work in the contect of Gitmo; single out the weakest inmate, give him access to everyone else's thoughts, interrogate:

https:// gangstalkingsurfers.wordpress.com/2015/03/03/darpa-scientist-dr-robert-duncan-interview-22815-how-to-create-a-super-spy-no-touch-torture-trauma-based-conditioning-programs/

This is also relevant to the 'Hive Mind' comment by Q;


i.e. projecting someone else's consciousness into theirs temporarily, via EMR signals.

Could they just turn the subject into an avatar for another operative?

Looks like Duncan could have had access to the classified programs Q mentioned


Just need to find those dead scientists and what programme, as well as evidence the initial mind 'break' (trauma based) performed to expose an alternative personality for programming, probably tied in to / from Monarch stuff.

43a9ac (29) No.446021

Anonymous 02/20/18 (Tue) 16:56:14 8a0c3d No.445174>>445197 >>445583 >>445638 >>445780

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More Digging on Scientist Deaths

Just at first blush, it looks like one of the big programs was finding submarines from space. This would require using ELF waves (because they penetrate the water) and thus we've got a combination of design engineers, software engineers, radar and sonar specialists.

ELF is what penetrates the human brain and alters the mind.

Here are the names I have so far, along with a few tidbits.

Part 1

March 1982: Professor Keith Bowden, 46

--Expertise: Computer programmer and scientist at Essex University engaged in work for Marconi, who was hailed as an expert on super computers and computer-controlled aircraft.

--Circumstance of Death: Fatal car crash when his vehicle went out of control across a dual carriageway and plunged onto a disused railway line. Police maintained he had been drinking but family and friends all denied the allegation.

--Coroner's verdict: Accident.

http:// whale.to/a/bowden_h.html

March 1985: Roger Hill, 49

--Expertise: Radar designer and draughtsman with Marconi.

--Circumstance of Death: Died by a shotgun blast at home.

--Coroner's verdict: Suicide.

http:// whale.to/a/hill_h.html

November 19, 1985: Jonathan Wash, 29

--Expertise: Digital communications expert who had worked at GEC and at British Telecom's secret Heath research centre at Martlesham Heath, Suffolk. Extensive connections to Marconi through parent company GEC.

--Circumstance of Death: Died as a result of falling from a hotel room in Abidjan, West Africa, while working for British Telecom. He had expressed fears that his life was in danger.

--Coroner's verdict: Open.

http:// whale.to/a/walsh_h.html

August 4, 1986: Vimal Dajibhai, 24

--Expertise: Computer software engineer with Marconi, responsible for testing computer control systems of Tigerfish and Stingray torpedoes at Marconi Underwater Systems at Croxley Green, Hertfordshire.

--Circumstance of Death: Death by 74m (240ft.) fall from Clifton Suspension Bridge, Bristol. Police report on the body mentioned a needle-sized puncture wound on the left buttock, but this was later dismissed as being a result of the fall. Dajibhai had been looking forward to starting a new job in the City of London and friends had confirmed that there was no reason for him to commit suicide. At the time of his death he was in the last week of his work with Marconi.

--Coroner's verdict: Open.

http:// whale.to/a/dajibhai_h.html

October 1986: Arshad Sharif, 26

--Expertise: Computer analyst who worked at the Marconi Defense Systems Reported to have been working on systems for the detection of submarines by satellite.

--Circumstance of Death: Died as a result of placing a ligature around his neck, tying the other end to a tree and then driving off in his car with the accelerator pedal jammed down. His unusual death was complicated by several issues: Sharif lived near Vimal Dajibhai in Stanmore, Middlesex, he committed suicide in Bristol and, inexplicably, had spent the last night of his life in a rooming house. He had paid for his accommodation in cash and was seen to have a bundle of high-denomination banknotes in his possession. While the police were told of the banknotes, no mention was made of them at the inquest and they were never found. In addition, most of the other guests at the rooming house worked at British Aerospace prior to working for Marconi, Sharif had also worked at British Aerospace on guided weapons technology.

--Coroner's verdict: Suicide.

http:// whale.to/a/sharif_h.html

43a9ac (29) No.447454

Article about the death of NASA scientist Alberto Behar.

He could have been connected to Zachary Greene Warfield mentioned above since they both worked on Mars rover projects. Though they died 4 years apart.

https:// www.nydailynews.com/news/national/nasa-scientist-killed-los-angeles-plane-crash-article-1.2073332

bea566 (1) No.447632>>448040

appreciate your work, anon

43a9ac (29) No.447740

Not transparently a suspicious death, but this guy clearly worked on some high level space and satellite technologies.

http:// enufforethiopia.net/pdf/Kitaw_Ejigu_Bio.pdf

43a9ac (29) No.448040


Thanks anon.

All for the cause.

2e5757 (1) No.451349

File (hide): 41758637eb212bd⋯.png (181.2 KB, 2150x504, 1075:252, SAT MKULTRA.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 82e65d22aa9ac24⋯.png (147.36 KB, 2170x448, 155:32, Remote hearing.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): fc28ff9e51e5cbe⋯.png (153.11 KB, 2184x444, 182:37, remote hearing2.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): f160c3421219381⋯.png (182.34 KB, 2174x504, 1087:252, brain waves.png) (h) (u)

Seem related to the tech in question

cb66ce (3) No.457423

Hey, I'm the one who was arguing with you the other night in the general thread about ELF. It's probably easier to carry out the conversation in here where things are moving more slowly.

I think the ELF link is a red herring, for a number of reasons. Firstly, using microwaves from a satellite as a carrier for a low frequency signal wave does not create an actual ELF wave, it creates a variation in the intensity of the microwaves. This is used for data transmission, but it doesn't create the same thing physically speaking. It wouldn't penetrate any further than a regular microwave, since it is simply a microwave that is varying in intensity.

ELF waves would be very poor for detection of something as small as a submarine. More likely they were using other mechanisms for submarine detection. I'm not qualified to speculate on what those would be.

ELF waves also have insufficient bandwidth for transmitting sufficient data for something like mind control. It is possible that ELF waves effect mood, but delivery of detailed instructions seems exceedingly difficult.

With respect to MKULTRA, trauma based mind control, and SSRIs, I am of the opinion that there are two levels of this. The first level is what is applied to the general public. The general idea of trauma based mind control, on the simple mass level, is essentially to shut down certain mental pathways and make some thoughts "unthinkable." The most effective way to do this is to have a thought linked to a period of extreme physical or psychological discomfort as a child. In the mass population case, this comes from exposing very young children to graphic accounts of the holocaust. A 7 year old child has no way of processing information about something like the holocaust, and so it causes them extreme psychological discomfort. When this is coupled with the guilt ridden "never again" ideas that are included in most holocaust education, you form a deep seated, early seed of guilt and shame in the child. Any attempt to think about this later on will recall these traumatic feelings and memories and cause the person's mind to shut down even in adulthood. "If I think this bad thing, I'll be a scared helpless child again being told how awful I am for existing."

After this base anchor has been established, additional layers of programming can be added on which essentially "call back" to this reference. By associating something else - say gun rights - with "evil right wing thought that literally gasses 6 million Jews" you establish a mental link that prevents considering the idea. This is why you hear so many of the leftists yelling "YOU'RE LITERALLY HITLER!". It's also why if you use certain words in explaining an idea, your listener simply shuts down - but if you avoid that "trigger" word they will consider your point. It is the same reason that the communist genocides, which by any metric were more brutal, do not engender the same level of emotion in most people. The Holodomor, or the mass starvation of 7 million Ukrainians, Russians, and Belorussians by the mostly Jewish run NKVD (~85%) in 1933 is a great example of this. Your mind reacted more strongly to me calling out the NKVD as Jewish than to the idea of 7 million people being starved to death deliberately. This is a crude system, and imprecise - but for the masses it has been very effective in keeping the population from ever questioning the narrative they are fed. To overcome this requires addressing the childhood trauma and overcoming it. This is why the left was fighting to impose "trigger warnings" - by preventing "triggers" from being present in the general world, it would remove the ability of people to become desensitized and then overcome the programming. Any (real, honest) psychologist will tell you that the way to overcome trauma is to confront it, not to pretend it never happened and stick your fingers in your ears.

cb66ce (3) No.457425>>457920

With SSRIs, I suspect that they are used more to deaden any real emotion or ability to form deep bonds in people. If you remove a person's ability to feel pain, or dial it back, you remove their ability to feel anything. Again, this is much more of a mass effect than a specific one - but for keeping the masses in line it works well.

In the case of the specific shooters, most of them have a suspicious childhood. For the individual level of MKULTRA programming, you need a much more hands on approach and much deeper set traumas and triggers. Generally this involves torture to develop depersonalization and a dissociative state. These dissociated states are then trained to carry out certain commands or orders. It is worth noting that this shooter was adopted, which may well mean he was placed with a team of handlers. If you have a person who has been programmed in this way, there are many ways that a cell phone could be used to trigger the shift to the alter personality and execution of a given command which don't require any kind of exotic RF/EMF. Simply receiving a phone call and hearing a key phrase could put them into a state of mind where they are prepared to accept any further commands they are given. However, this may be even more effective with a deep brain implant in the target, which could easily be communicated with via cell phone. All this would have to do is electrically stimulate certain pathways which are associated with the programmed trauma to put the person into a state of readiness. You don't need satellites or ELF or really anything more complicated than a very basic radio antenna set to the right frequency, or that delivers the right access code to turn on the implant. It would also be possible to transmit to it via satellite, making it impossible for the person to escape by discarding their phone.

A great deal of information came out about this during the "Satanic Panic" of the 90's - some of it was COINTELPRO and some of it was real. With many of these things, the most effective method of truth suppression is to associate anyone who questions the official story with a ridiculous alternate theory that is deliberately spread by the party seeking to prevent investigation. In the case of 9/11, the "loose change" video that appeared shortly after was a good example of this, as were the "hologram" theories. Anyone who asked a question about "Who benefits from getting the US into the middle east and geopolitically destabilizing certain countries" is lumped in with the people who are claiming things that are physically impossible. It wasn't just muslims who were dancing after 9/11. Look up the USS Liberty for a similar example of someone trying to draw us into a war in the middle east.

Autopsy reports indicating any kind of scarring would be very interesting - they are however often classified.

43a9ac (29) No.457920>>460224 >>463517


This is a great perspective anon!

Very much in line with my mode of thought ie. general indoctrination and very specific hands on maniplulation.

I’ve studied a good deal about autism myself and the associated “therapies” and particularly the roots of ABA therapy, Applied Behavioural Analysis, also known as Operant Conditioning.

The mainstreaner of this therapy was Dr Ole Ivor Lovaas who worked out of UCLA starting 1961 until his death in 2010.

https:// en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ole_Ivar_Lovaas

Between 1969 and 1989 the head of the UCLA phych dept was Dr Louis Joylon West, a known mkultra scientist. West worked on subproject 43 in the mkultra tests.

The proposal submitted by West was titled "Psychophysiological Studies of Hypnosis and Suggestability” with an accompanying document titled “Studies of Dissociative States"

He even examined Jack Ruby after he shot Lee Harvey Oswald and found him not guilty.

https:// en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis_Jolyon_West

Now ABA therapy is the most used for autism in the US and possibly the world.

It’s goal is to remove anti-social or unacceptable behaviour with the aim of making autistic kids blend in to society.

Some recommend uowards of 40+ hours a week of therapy.

It involves the child sitting in place and being asked repeatly to carry out tasks, all the while the therapist is to remain utterly unemotional and carry a monotone voice.

In the beginning of his tests, Lovaas would electroshock the children to make them compliant as well as hit them.

Today ABA doesn’t involve electroshock, but can still have other adversives used to make the child compliant.

My government in Canada considers ABA the top choice of therapies and instructs their social workers to recommend it at every turn, as well as doctors.

Now with 40 hours a week to “train” a whole lot could be accomplished to alter a suggestable mind. Not to mention different drugs as well.

These therapies are also recommended to be started at the youngest age possible.

I believe these children are been harmed first by causing autism in them via a number of different factors and then program to tow the cabals line and on one side be compliant “citizens” and when needed, co-opted into performing horrendous acts against their will to aid the cabals ultimate goals, and yes, with a simple phone call or signal.

8dcc0c (1) No.460224>>463517


SSRI's are for depression, they increase Seratonin levels. And therefore increase emotional response. Side effect of ultra-psychotic episodes.

52aa33 (1) No.461490>>463517

I haven't been able to find any suspicious deaths here but, Inmarsat looks like a good starting point especially with MH-370

cb66ce (3) No.463517>>463569


A few years back - during the early primaries or before the elections started - there were a series of threads here where anons realized that a shockingly large number of them had been selected for GATE (Gifted and Talented Education). There's a lot of content in there, so rather than summarizing, here's the dump of the threads:

https:// archive.is/qQkpC

https:// archive.is/wced0

https:// archive.is/d0pID

https:// archive.is/nNVa3

https:// archive.is/WWpf9

There's probably a number of levels. With GATE, it was most likely an attempt to take the capable ones and enslave them if they could or break them if they couldn't.

Sadly I don't have the time right now to take a deep dive into this, but I've been around here for far too long and have seen quite a few interesting tidbits that tend to get left out, so I'll drop by and offer any resources that I can think of that seem relevant.


Then you look at the leftists absolutely flipping their lid if someone questions their worldview…


Specific companies tend to be hard to dig, for several reasons. One of them being that they often have a large "white" operation, and only a very small "black" development group. They're also not subject to FOIA and pay far more than government work, so people will keep their mouths shut.

There's also a lot of the "They have super advanced tech we could never dream of" thing that is COINTELPRO. The only exception to that would be in the "spiritual technology" side of things. Now, fly-by-remote airliners aren't exactly a difficult thing to develop, so that's not what I'm talking about. I more mean the "they can see everything at all times and there's nowhere to run or hide." If these people were omnipotent, they wouldn't be trying to destroy any possible competition. This whole machine is far more run on nepotism and corruption than it is on technical prowess.

Tech doesn't advance anywhere near as quickly as people are claiming - the massive gains of the late 20th/early 21st century were 95% due to improvements in computing power and maybe 5% due to an increased understanding of the physics and advances in what I'd call "hardware" technology. What I mean by this mostly is don't let yourself be demoralized by the claims that the enemy is all powerful.

Again, I'm not saying don't dig, just giving feedback on where we've found cracks in their armor before. Public-private partnerships and research through groups like DARPA tend to be a bit more easily dug and often have unintended information left about. With respect to mind control - controlling or influencing emotions is much easier than trying to control actual thoughts (in people who haven't been tortured extensively.)

43a9ac (29) No.463569


Great stuff anon.

Thank you, I’ll look it over.

3e6884 (1) No.478842

Bath House Barry invested in this satellite communications company (SkyTerra) and a biopharma (AVI Biopharma) When was a senator. Both investments were questionable.

https:// www.cbsnews.com/news/obamas-investments-scrutinized/

SkyTerra is now called Ligado. Ligado wants to build a 5G terrestrial satellite network. They tried building a 4G network when they were called LightSquared but interference issues with GPS stopped them.

https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ligado_Networks

"Among the issues raised was whether political contributors and investors received favorable treatment by President Barack Obama's administration. Before he became president, Senator Obama had invested between $50,000 and $90,000 in SkyTerra, which later became LightSquared.[46][47] An Air Force General claimed in a closed congressional hearing that he had received political pressure to soften his testimony regarding the negative effects of LightSquared technology."

The present company Ligado has a long list of previous incarnations.

1988 American Mobile Satellite Corporation > became Motient Corporation > merged with TMI Communications to become > Mobile Satellite Ventures > changed names to SkyTerra Communications in 2008 then LightSquared now Ligado

I have a vague memory (about 10 years ago) of hearing a story about dead engineers related to this technology.

e87698 (1) No.512146


Maybe they're putting the RFIDs IN the medication http:// beginningandend.com/fda-approves-sale-of-pills-with-rfid-mircochip/

Much easier than permanent insertion and, because it would be eliminated by the body, likely undetectable.

Have clandestine labs been manufacturing these? China?

Are the RFIDd drugs going to specific medical centers,pharmacies, etc? Or are they distributed randomly, e.g. "experimenting" on the entire population?

If targeted, how do they select targets? Do medication-tracking apps play a role? Data from treatment providers/health insurance? Cell user-data?

Is any of this related to push for 5G?

As an aside, until we clean up this mess, why are we passing fed/state legislation that involves even the potential use of data collection and sharing? Look at HR4174 - Evidence-based policy-making - Sounds good, but the evidence is DATA, and it will open the door for them to get more of it. Another bill just introduced (don't remember number) involves allowing states to share information about controlled medications. Again, could be helpful with opioid epidemic - but at what cost? Data is the key to everything (((they))) do - why risk it before we ascertain the scope and players involved?

You're onto something in this thread - good posts - thank you. I'd love to devote more time to researching this topic but am up to my eyeballs in research already. Keep up the great work!

aaf304 (1) No.512452


Research pharmaceuticals that teen school shooters were taking. Saw a list ~ Sandy Hook time that had every shooter taking an SSRI and some on Ritalin or both. Mostly Zoloft, Paxil or Effexor. Do not believe SSRIs were ever studied for teens/children for side effects. Listed effects (adults) incl agression, murder ideation and suicide tendency. And efficacy study on teens showed all except Prozac were no better than placebo for depression. Look here for a bit of 'mind control' ops. What are these meds doing to the kids?

36b2d3 (6) No.517336

As I was researching this, I wondered about the SAT relay since most phones work with cell technology. So satellite tech has been around since the 60s but don't know if it was something specific to that or not. It seems like most of the shooters, if their programming was activated, would have been using cellular technology.


36b2d3 (6) No.517347



This was posted in the general thread today. Anon stated, "Q mentioned [3] dead scientists, indicating that of the deaths at Marconi, only three of them are of significance."

But Q didn't specify that the 3 dead scientists were at Marconi. It is certainly possible that they were the ones Q referred to, but I don't think we have definitely established that the 3 were among the group of Marconi scientists.

36b2d3 (6) No.517641>>520851


Contains links to a number of posts on this topic made in general research threads.

43a9ac (29) No.520851


Thank you anon!

36b2d3 (6) No.530770>>530958 >>531054

All the info tonight about Abel Danger and Field McConnell's testimony about Serco, SAT, 9-11 and so on.


Motorola's patent probably would tie right back into SAT relay messages. Motorola was in the forefront of development of satellite communications.


>>406895 (You)

43a9ac (29) No.530958


I read some of this earlier.

It’s amazing if true.

Connects a great deal of dots.

36b2d3 (6) No.531054

See >>530817 for more information on Motorola.


70fa11 (7) No.548687>>548697

File (hide): 5379db46c214b4a⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1306x2691, 1306:2691, GaN2.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 84f0bde5bb1d127⋯.png (646.3 KB, 1910x777, 1910:777, ST3in1.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 0c493a94236fa73⋯.png (116.38 KB, 843x2472, 281:824, zdnet-PLO.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 0c493a94236fa73⋯.png (116.38 KB, 843x2472, 281:824, zdnet-PLO.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 1ae111560f98fba⋯.png (174.32 KB, 1200x2287, 1200:2287, PLO2.png) (h) (u)


>>388211 What [3] scientists were killed who were researching the SAT relay of mobile phone signals to end users? Why was the research deemed CLASSIFIED? Learn. Q

Why is everything made in China?

OK Ive been having a poke around the 3 dead scientists (this has actually taken ages as I have been finding new things as I compile this post), a helpful anon from the qresearch bread suggested I turn my digital shovel towards Shane Todd and I did and I am emerging from my relatively deep hole to post this. To be honest the death links are thin … anorexic, but wether Q related or not there is something here. Anything with (research) I think warrants a bit more digging …

I do think Shane Todd has to be one of them - based on the research of what he was researching … this is a deep dig with wild speculations…

Easiest read of the prologue is here if you are new to Shane Todd, the last 2 should be read even if you think you know this story ..

https:// wikileaks.org/hackingteam/emails/emailid/684282 ← Mainly from the family


http:// ig-legacy.ft.com/content/afbddb44-7640-11e2-8eb6-00144feabdc0#axzz581jmeZ7H ←Reported in the FT


http:// docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/213194_4fd815fd64b18f71e7d1c314234b5b89.pdf ← Fathers stement in pdf with attachements (archive)


http:// www.justice4shanetodd.com/coroners-inquest ← Lots of info and supporting docs

^Dont skip it read it - or at least come back to it

Really could do with some sci/elec-eng anons to explain some of this better than I am about to but I hope will give us a few more threads to pull on .. bear with me


Dr. Shane Truman Todd [ST] (sloopjb80) (gus2mt@gmail.com) (shanetodd80@gmail.com) - Apparent suicide, hanging

Last day of work 22nd June 2012

Last seen 23rd June 2012

Body found 24th June 2012 (Spottiswoods Park Apartments, Singapore)

Singapore, Huawei, IME, GaN, Veeco, MOCVD, Nuvotronics

Colleagues : Dr Patrick Lo Guo-Qiang (Boss), Dr Susai Lawrence Selvara, Dr Wang Weizhu, (Dr?) Julius Tsai Ming Lin, (Dr?) Qihua Xiong, ED?, Rajan, Ravinder, Daniel, Haifeng, Yuan Li, Zuchui Chen, Yong Zhong, Zhou Zin (NTU) Yong Jium, Marcus (research), Naxin Zhang, Ivan, Neil MacDonald (CNF), Robert York, Romen Cabillio, Luis Alejandro Andia Montes (Luis) (returned to France, Paris sometime in early Aptil 2013),

Related ppl : Traci Goins (American Emabassy), IO (Investigating Officer?) Muhammad Khaldun Sarif (Muhammad_Khaldun_sarif@spf.gov.sg) , Kate de Gastyne (Manager of Contracting and Bids and Proposals Nuvotronics Inc), David Cummings (Umiv of Glasgow), David Adelman (United States Ambassador to the Republic of Singapore from 2010 to 2013), Edward Adelstein (Edward.Adelstein@va.gov), Michael William Goodwin (ST's neighbour), Ali Gilles Tchenguise Miserez, Bart Richard Lendrum, Alexander Fang (CEO Aurrion - Univeristy of Cali together)

Mentioned compaines : Rolls Royce, JVC, SAES, Azzuro (research) (now Allos.. http:// www.allos-semiconductors.com/azzurro/), EV6 Austria ?, Silvaco (research) (smartspice https:// www.silvaco.com/products/analog_mixed_signal/smartspice.html), TriQuint Semiconductor (research), Cree Inc (research .. ITAR pic), GlobalFoundries (research), Johnson Matthey, The MEMS Consortium III (research companies .. who is the 'electronics company' Huawei/Fujitsu?)

ST misc posts in singapore -

https:// forum.singaporeexpats.com/viewtopic.php?t=76776

http:// www.togoparts.com/members/profile.php?userid=33118


70fa11 (7) No.548697>>548702



We need to understand the tech and its implications, MOCVD (Metal-Organic Chemical Vapour Deposition) ….

http:// www.anu.edu.au/CSEM/machines/MOCVD.htm

How does it work:The principle of MOCVD is quite simple. Atoms that you would like to be in your crystal are combined with complex organic gas molecules and passed over a hot semiconductor wafer. The heat breaks up the molecules and deposits the desired atoms on the surface, layer by layer. By varying the composition of the gas, you can change the properties of the crystal at an almost atomic scale. It can grow high quality semiconductor layers (as thin as a millionth of a millimetre) and the crystal structure of these layers is perfectly aligned with that of the substrate.

Very basically the MOCVD builds advanced electronic components based on building up differing chemicals in layers (On the nanoscale) allowing for the construction of components far more complex and far superior to older methods of fabrication. MOCVD lets you build advanced components with a myriad of applications but you still need the "recipe" (or map I suppose? thin) for said componenets. MOCVD has implications for nano science/tech, quantum computing and other cutting edge tech. We are focusing on gallium nitride - GaN which was what ST was working with in 2012.

GaN MOCVD has a lot of applications and see pic. Potential military applications Radar, Electroic Warfare (EW) + SAT_COMMS. (elec anons pls correct/educate me) But along with that, a very important improvement over a current electrical componenet - the MOSFET. GaN based MOCVD allows construction of TFETs (Tunnel field-effect transistor) allowing frequencies orders of magnitude (into the THz) better than traditional MOSFET but with lower voltages and none of the leakage problems associted with higher voltages. MOSFETs can be used in a circuit to amplify signals/voltages.

From the FT article at the top :

from 2012 to the end of 2014, IME and Huawei would “co-develop” an amplifier device powered by gallium nitride (GaN), a semiconductor material able to withstand extreme heat and power levels well beyond silicon. GaN devices have commercial use in lighting as well as high-powered transistors for mobile phone base stations. They also have tremendous military potential, and major US defence contractors -- including Northrup-Grumman and Raytheon – have pursued significant research and development in GaN for use in radar and satellite communications.

The high-powered amplifier has civilian use but “could be used for a number of military applications: high-powered radar, electronic warfare including signal jamming and even potentially some weapons

Seems China has been after GaN/Power Amplifiers/MOCVD tech for a while http:// www.greensboro.com/jimmy-shang-xiang-indictment/pdf_626cb20e-ce98-11e4-b662-f7742f68c956.html (jimmy-shang-xiang - why do I think Ive seen this name come up elsewhere.)

70fa11 (7) No.548702>>548986



Some weapons? (New Chinese Rail gun on a boat.jpg - watch the water?) .. Anyway onwards …

Patrick Lo Guo-Qiang - ST's boss @ IME


Not too much on Patrick Lo, has been accused of interfering with the investigation (pic), pressuring ST to get info on Aunion Laser (http:// docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/213194_8e79e438ff378a2dad9d4877f33ce2dd.pdf) ..

"Dr Lo had also told Shane to ask Aunion for its GDS files on the Aunion Laser. Since these GDS files would contain all the technological data in relation to the Aunion Laser, the surrender of these files would effectively mean the surrender of intellectual property in the Amrion Laser. GDS files are the complete design of a chip."

also in an article on zdnet (http:// www.zdnet.com/article/gallium-nitride-tech-behind-the-headlines/) See pic. He mentions .. "He added actual devices based on GaN are already in the market, mainly on small-size substrates of 6-inches. Manufacturers include International Rectifier, a U.S.-based power management company, and Fuji Electric in Japan, he noted."

2 unrelated deaths - 1 accidental 1 unknown. (cant find much about either. Only link is working at companies involved with GaN and 2012)

International Rectifier (Infineon bought out International Rectifier 2014 - absorbed 2015).

November 2012 - http:// www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2239119/Smoker-Jon-Brace-Caerleon-near-Newport-Wales-fell-20ft-death-smoking-bedtime-cigarette.html

"Mr Brace said the coroner confirmed their son had died of a head injury. Joni, a former Lliswerry High School pupil, was a qualified engineer and had been working at International Rectifier for around the last three years."

Back in 2011 - https:// search.wikileaks.org/gifiles/emailid/4748244

"The final integration and demonstration will be done by Northrop Grumman in Linthicum. UCLA will work on system architecture and co-design, design of the Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor circuit and other elements, controls and test support. TriQuint Semiconductor will work on GaN and related process technologies."

Triquint Semiconductor (Now Qorvo - Qorvo was created on January 1, 2015, with the merger of TriQuint Semiconductor and RF Micro Devices (RFMD))

Sau Van Morrison, age 44, of Princeton, Texas, passed away December 17, 2012. Sau was born December 20, 1967, in Saigon, Vietnam, to Richard and Dorothy Morrison. He was employed with Triquint Semiconductor in Richardson,

70fa11 (7) No.548986>>549141

File (hide): 3377a85ba19b705⋯.png (224.12 KB, 1306x2691, 1306:2691, ST-joboffer.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): ff65bbe5e8b5a57⋯.jpg (65.28 KB, 738x492, 3:2, chn_railgun.jpg) (h) (u)



Theory/Story time

Thing with this one is why would they (Veeco) insist on him handwriting the recipes down? Why not preloaded onto the machine or digitally stored/sent? Veeco have stated that they dont have a list of best "recipes" they supply the machines and customers use their own recipes. Surely the import/export ITAR specs would have raised a flag and an opportunity was spotted? What was the recipe and why was it given to ST? Theory - can the recipe be used as a fingerprint (Crystal structure, quantum dots, look at some of the research papers) and if so maybe it was fed to the Chinese via Veeco/CIA and unknowingly ST?

Huawei get involved with IME - Denied by IME, but Huawei visits and HI Silicon (Huawei silicon arm) mentioned in ST's notes, their design specs push testing close to/over limits specified by ITAR (http:// docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/213194_6498cbbeab92f444950fc29306f56d17.pdf).

ST contacts US CIA/FBI/Embassy/Someone in US.

All looking good, come home, work for us. Job offer from Nuvotronics (VA).

Docs + pdfs from colleagues say he was anxious and recieveing calls just prior to death/due departure.

CIA: One last thing, before you do come home…. can you copy all of the data relating to research/Huawei/China/GaN/RF for us.

IME/Huawei notice - the rest, as they say is history.

c898bf (1) No.549101



The key statement from AT&T:

AT&T is committed to an open internet. We don’t block websites. We don’t censor online content. And we don’t throttle, discriminate, or degrade network performance based on content. Period.

AT&T is the only one who wishes to keep the internet open to all.

Comcast is the owner of PMSNBC.

Say no more.

AT&T is also trying to gobble up Time Warner.

Here is the key paragraph:

AT&T is committed to an open internet. We don’t block websites. We don’t censor online content. And we don’t throttle, discriminate, or degrade network performance based on content. Period.

Then you look at Twatter, Facebook, Google and so on and what they have done recently.

70fa11 (7) No.549141>>551870

File (hide): de8df7e808db302⋯.png (158.78 KB, 1200x2290, 120:229, ST_notebook_huawei.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 158a4e18a399db7⋯.png (593.03 KB, 1299x895, 1299:895, GaNuses.PNG) (h) (u)



Also whilst poking around all of this I did find some interesting stuff from IME.

https:// www.a-star.edu.sg/ime/MEDIA/RESEARCH-HIGHLIGHTS

IME researchers have described the characterisation of a polyimide (PI) ribbon cable, an integral component for minimising post implantation injury in the brain. The PI cable is designed and fabricated, followed by the systematic investigation of its characteristics, electrical properties and cell behaviours. Intracellular staining tests show same level of cell growth on the PI cable and negative control, indicating that the PI cable does not result in significant acute cytotoxicity. Electrical characterisation results show that the PI cable meets the requirement for data and power transmission between intracranial and extracranial units. This study provides a fundamental first step to ensuring the safe implantation of PI cables in the human body.


Tao Sun et. al., “Implantable Polyimide Cable for Multichannel High-Data-Rate Neural Recording Microsystems," IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Vol 59, pg 390-299, 2012

https:// www.a-star.edu.sg/Portals/30/news_release/Media%20Release_IME_Biospark_1301216.pdf

“To realise a fully implantable neural recording system, we are also working with other departments on the neural probe design and materials, as well as the incorporation of drug delivery capability.”

https:// www.a-star.edu.sg/Portals/30/news_release/IME_NTU_NUS_Neuro%20IC%20Media%20Release_21%20Nov%202013.pdf

Unravelling the mind-body connection

with power-efficient IC chip

jointly developed by A*


Havent really looked too much into this, but with all of the talk of 5G, MKULTRA worth a poke at?? Possible tie in of tech, if you can record surely you can play back?

Also GaN uses in Electrinc Warfare .. maybe something to fake GPS (is that possible multi sat connections?) - MH-370 .. Germanwings Flight 9525 ("The crash was caused deliberately by the co-pilot, Andreas Lubitz, who had previously been treated for suicidal tendencies")

36b2d3 (6) No.551870


Thanks for all the research. It seems worth considering tho' we may need Q to verify for us if any of these are the right ones. I did come across some scientists who had been working on stuff that was going to be applicable for helping paralytics move through implants but didn't include them since it didn't seem to involve cell phone or satellite phone technology.

70fa11 (7) No.587875>>587882

Come and watch the fireworks …

http:// map.norsecorp.com/#/explore?protocol=ssh,http,sip,netis-router

70fa11 (7) No.587882


wrong bread …

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