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/qresearch/ - Q Research Board

Research and discussion about Q's crumbs
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Pro Aris et Focis


c58496 (20) No.405154>>405217 >>405719 >>405965 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

We have been chosen for a specific reason.

The mission: This board is building a parallel construction.


This board is being asked to assemble "proofs." Unassailable proofs, the truth of which cannot be dismissed.

This board is being asked to disseminate the proofs, the truth that's been uncovered - to penetrate the collective consciousness that has been lulled to sleep by omission, and deception.


There's 1 Rule on /QResearch/ >>321317

(Also, The Golden Rule) >>3138

OpSec CRITICAL >>389605

Message for NEWFAGS >>397733

Well known writer and producer anon has made an incredible offer >>397518, >>400214


Q's Private Board


Current Tripcode: !UW.yye1fxo

Latest Q Posts

Friday, 2.16.18


>>>/greatawakening/99 [UK]-Stay alert

>>402538 Pyramid will collapse

>>402380 rt >>402088 BIG!


>>>/greatawakening/97 Future proves past

Thursday, 2.15.18

>>388958 rt >>388822 Sen Warren

>>388822 rt >>388588 Why is everything 'really' made in China?

>>388588 rt >>388528 Why is Big Pharma essential?

>>388363 rt >>388315 Science fiction?

>>388273 rt >>388211 What [3] scientists were killed?

>>388168 rt >>388119 Hive-mind

>>388119 rt >>388082 Specific reason

>>>/greatawakening/96 MK-Ultra.pdf

>>>/greatawakening/95 T-minus 12:34

>>387462 rt >>387356

>>>/greatawakening/94 "..LIBERTY and JUSTICE for ALL"

>>>/greatawakening/93 TRUTH always wins

>>382435 rt >>382197 Strong Patriot

>>382225 rt >>382122 APACHE!!!

>>382161 Watch the water

>>381944 Missing the Connections

>>381743 rt >>381653 Hussein's got mail

>>381653 rt >>381597 ALWAYS watching

>>>/greatawakening/92 Thanks Snowden!

>>381597 rt >>381564 Point proven

Wednesday, 2.14.18

>>378936 They will pay

>>>/greatawakening/91 SEPT 7, 1776. >>388710

>>>/greatawakening/90 EU Car Attack on chatter

>>>/greatawakening/89 Delta Stringer

>>>/greatawakening/88 Strap in boys >>377098

Tuesday, 2.13.18

>>360913 SEC_TEST

>>360885 Think image drop

>>360746 Hanoi is educational

>>360296 Operation Merlin

Older Q Posts

2.12.18 Mon >>392539 -> 2.11.18 Sun >>392480

2.10.18 Sat >>370870 -> 2.9.18 Fri >>348295 -> 2.8.18 Thu >>339832 -> 2.7.18 Wed >>339729 -> 2.6.18 Tue >>326376

2.5.18 Mon >>314473 -> 2.1.18 Thu >>314040 -> 1.31.18 Wed >>314035 -> 1.29.18 Mon >>285358 -> 1.27.18 Sat >>285209

c58496 (20) No.405162

Current Q Tasks & Task Updates

Any more we should add here anons?

Build the Map

Maps have started to be created >>396430, >>396394, >>393620

MAPFAGISTAN: New Map Thread Mindmapfags Share Central >>396133

>>9200, >>386535 Mapnerds help expand the filter ability on qanonmap.github.io

Have any recent [shooters] received therapy in the past? >>388119

What [3] scientists were killed who were researching the SAT relay of mobile phone signals to end users?

Why was the research deemed CLASSIFIED? >>388273

Why is Big Pharma essential? Expand your thinking past cures. >>388588

Previous Tasks

Are those below complete or have we lost the window? If so, where can we archive?

Q Task, Find Image & Video


>>279968 rt >>279898

Find raw source for image of Black Caucus center phone, unedited, high-res, enhanced & archived offline.Disseminate. It will go viral.

Updates: >>336170 , Most recent update from $100 anon >>372983, >>385440 & Number for the House: >>382980

Q Task, Carl Ghattas

>>284004 www.fbi.gov/about/leadership-and-structure/fbi-executives/carl-ghattas

Findings: >>289566, >>293165, >>293197, >>293203, >>293215, >>298462, >>293215

Clinton Email investigation time line >>291986, >>291104

Q Task Justice Anton Scalia'''

>>314348, >>336846, >>404040 Justice Anton Scalia task complete ? Can someone find a place to archive please?

c58496 (20) No.405165

Board Rules


FAQ: >>>/qtip/1

Quick Access Tools

MAJOR UPDATE: The github links below have been moved to qanonposts.com >>394909



Qcodefaganon, please see >>401191

>>403067 - Fresh Q Map Strike Package B-7V Warning UK! Edition

>>387777 - Q Map Sets

>>330858 - ComfyQ

>>330855 - +++_Soros_P Keystone

>>330839 - RED_Red Cross

>>333538 - Darnkess/Darkness (Ten Days)

>>337044 - Symbolism: Identify and list

>>324893 - Vintage Q Maps

* Qcode guide to abbreviations pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* QMap zip : enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Searchable, interactive Q-post archive w/ user-explanations : qanonposts.com

* Q archives : qarchives.ml | alternate: masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

* POTUS-tweet archive : trumptwitterarchive.com

* QMap PDF (updated 02.15.18) : fr.scribd.com/document/371697350/Q-s-Posts-CBTS-6-7-0?secret_password=2unJH3MXkr1kAsLyfj0m | alternate: mega.nz/#!RuJxlJLa!m1qCCBKw2oVV61eUoL5Ata6yjokLkk-

* Spreadsheet : docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/edit?usp=sharing

* Raw Q Text Dump : pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

* Expanded Q Text Drops : pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* Calendar of notable events : teamup.com/ksxxbhx4emfjtoofwx TICK TOCK >>222880

Memo & OIG Report Links

Memo ? intelligence.house.gov/uploadedfiles/memo_and_white_house_letter.pdf

Rebuttal Of Charges Against The Memo ? intelligence.house.gov/uploadedfiles/hpsci_fisa_memo_charge_and_response.pdf

Rule 13. Correction of Misstatement or Omission; Disclosure of Non-Compliance ? fisc.uscourts.gov/sites/default/files/FISC%20Rules%20of%20Procedure.pdf

OIG Reports Page ? oig.justice.gov/reports/all.htm

Grassley Memo ? www.judiciary.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/2018-02-06%20CEG%20LG%20to%20DOJ%20FBI%20(Unclassified%20Steele%20Referral).pdf

Resources Library

>>4352 A running compilation of Q-maps, graphics, research, and other tools and information

>>4274 General Archives

>>4356 Tools and Information

>>4852 Free Research Resources

>>4362 Planefag Tools

>>4369 Research Threads

>>3152 Redpill Scripts

>>16785 Prayer

>>257792 Letters of Gratitude

>>247769 Memes12

>>169315 Notable Resignations Thread

>>93735 Side-by-Side Graphics

>>333130 Legend of Chan Terms

>>328278 DoE Supercomputers + Cyber-Espionage Deep Dig thread UPDATE >>377614

>>388571 MK Ultra Deep Dive

Check Unsealed indictments and/or convictions: justice.gov/news | justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

>>398808 How to Catch Up

NEW RESOURCE- MAPS MAPS PROOFS & MAPS throughthelookingglassnews.wordpress.com/

Offsite bread archive http://qarchives.ml/8qresearch_q_threads.html

The Meme Repository

Image Library: A giant collection of all our memes: mega.nz/#F!z1FCnaiA!4NS6tTnFmNs_yBZpKbCCgg

is not actually "all our memes". In only includes memes from Memes1-10. The content in Memes11 and 12 have not been archived.

MAIN IMAGE LIBRARY Over 11,800 images from Memes#1 thru Memes #10


There you can preview images, download single images, entire categories, or all.

The same images, transformed in shape for optimal display on Twitter:



If you're going to drop on Twitter, this format will be more effective.

MemeFags Please Read This

>>272467 Get the Most From Your Post

New Bakers Please Read This


New Memes Thread Open: Memes 13


c58496 (20) No.405177>>405835

Recent/Notable Posts

Big Pharma

>>403905 3 scientists possibly assasinated for investigating melting Arctic ice

>>403729 Mobile phone microwave guidelines are inappropriate

>>402315 Dead Doctors Pastebin: pastebin.com/j7q0q0n7

>>401668 The need for vaccines BTFO

>>400535 Big pharma is needed because they spend millions on ads with the MSM

>>399919 Major players financing pharma research

>>399818 A collection of Big Pharma mega-maps

>>399032 How Big Pharma controls

>>397319 Pharma is essential because the public views them as GOD

>>397284 Fluoride is a neurotoxin

>>397597, >>397504 Doctors who rallied against Big Pharma died mysteriously

>>394862 BIG Pharma & Shooting Connections

>>393609, >>393676, >>397219 Why is Big Pharma essential?

>>399777 Fluorosilicic Acid: The silent killer in drinking water

>>400124 Database of articles documenting antidepressant induced violence and bizarre behavior


>>398196 Apache: Has Anon found direct dropboxes for each media outlet to be contacted directly?

>>394863 Send Apache some 'Good News'?

>>394634 TEAM Apache?????


>>402581 Delta States & how Deltas are created >>403908 & activated >>403909

>>402113 List of shooters who all heard voices

>>400960 MK Ultra & Modern Day Mind Control:

>>397061 MK-Ultra & the pharm/cell tech connection

>>392797 MK-Ultra: Aquarius Group Operations

>>393637, >>394008 MK & MK pdf Cliff Notes >>393717

>>397207 Patents for Mind Control

>>397353 CIA, MK, Mind Control & Sodomy: Research

>>397349 Florida suspect heard voices telling him to carry out massacre

>>397491 Psychological, Acoustic and Chemical weapons that are LEGAL

Made in China

>>400655, >>400670, >>400684, >>400686, >>400759 QPost 'Made in China' theories

>>396402, >>396468 Cellphones made in China = No oversight, no whistleblowing

>>405043 T-Minus Calculation

>>403638, >>403853, >>403870 Barack Obama conclusively outed as CIA creation

>>403410 Complete Cooper MP3 Collection

>>403252, >>403324 UK Alert: Time Scales

>>402927, >>402932 UK QPic: Embankment, River Thames to Westminster looking west to Big Ben, London SW1

>>403181 QPic: NSA_Traf_CAM_LONDON2847.png

>>402500 Behold A Pale Horse & Book PDF >>403019

>>402345 You know you've been following Q for too long when...

>>402066 The Anatomy of Child Trafficking

>>401417 Get the popcorn!

>>401345, >>401537, >>401661, >>402859 QPic: Just_Waiting.png - Taken at Mar-a-Lago? Waiting for POTUS?

>>400530 Yesterday Q said "Watch Water" Today, JK being sued by "WATER WATCH"!

>>400368 A search for the Russian names who were indicted by Muller bring up NADA

>>400143 FBI protocol not followed with tip made about Florida shooter 6 weeks ago

>>399686, >>399693, >>399750, >>399898 Alice Liddell and Lewis Carroll

>>399890 NO COLLUSION is trending

>>398739 Prominent Russians who died in 16 / 17

>>398499 Top UNICEF children's rights campaigner jailed for rape of 13 y/o boy & PHOTO TO MEME >>403954

>>398053 Rosenstein announcing multiple indictments today. Russians? >>398293

>>397606 MEME ANONS: A request for your magic

>>398312, >>404719 Archive Offline! & an easy way to sandbox >>396999

>>396423 Q's Allegiance video was published on the same day as the Virginia Tech shooting in 2007 - Dig Moar Request

>>394486 Susan Rice, Madeline Albright and Mika Emilie: Family Connections

>>393187, >>393188, >>393189, >>393191 Separated list of Q orders/tasks/injunctions

>>393271 The Infamous 'GATE' Threads

>>392815 Did Blackberry fail because of too much encryption?

>>391887 We were chosen for a very specific reason

>>385107 , >>384818 , >>385532 Secure Drop APPACHE

>>385318 , >>385351 , >>385367 , >>385370 , water >>385682 die of thirst

Previous Notable Posts

>>398383, >>393421, >>392383, >>386393, >>385454 , >>342431, >>341035, >>336125,

>>321147, >>286207, >>276417, >>247024, >>9019

Inspirational post for fringe dwelling outcast Anons


c58496 (20) No.405195



7fd186 (2) No.405216>>405396


Image location and proofs for Q's London Pic. Google Map/Google Earth it yourself if you doubt it. Historical shot of exact match to Q's pic is from Google Earth 9/2009 at this location. Details in these posts.




from a GraphicDesigner/Imagefag

904173 (2) No.405217

>>405154 (OP)

awww my 5th (you) in the dough… thanks honey..

e350c4 (12) No.405219>>405821

If P, then Q. Logic proof structure for Q map parallel construction. Boolean logic not refutable. Easy for prosecutors to adapt to indictment and investigation layouts. Press narrative. What if we started writing the articles that WILL BE released from what we know now?

b11095 (11) No.405220


Not Soros, Bibi.

021c8a (1) No.405222>>405249

b728a8 (3) No.405223>>405292





Here is a resource library that even Mr. Cooper would have appreciated. Worth all of your time. Alot of gold/kryptonite in here.

Mostly P sauce and bloodline ideology books and matrices. Enjoy

htt ps://me ga.nz/#F!kn5lQJ5I

Key - !gIr0SGs4SL2fXrQR0dU61A

We were ordered to begin building the map for new people and joe public, let's get to work.

006ba9 (1) No.405224

Thank you baker, get em Q, patriots and mostly UKanons stay safe.

23bdbf (5) No.405229>>405270 >>405296 >>405340 >>405714

File (hide): 7eea239a5f59f17⋯.jpg (110.71 KB, 640x735, 128:147, Cured by MMS.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 426121e5b16d629⋯.png (1.12 MB, 640x1085, 128:217, Cat cured by MMS.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): a091d76011239ea⋯.jpg (110.31 KB, 640x743, 640:743, jungle spider bite cured b….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 78d7d2059fff76c⋯.jpg (152.77 KB, 640x1069, 640:1069, unknown skin problem cured….jpg) (h) (u)

>>>/greatawakening/93 answering "the 'proofs' are important"

>>381653 answering "hidden cures"

updated posting with more info

Our Father in Heaven, Please Guide those to learn what they need to restore health…

After the so called flu caused me to stop breathing twice for around 30 seconds each time, I asked Jesus to breathe again each time and i remembered i had MMS on hand, i used it for a day, and Prayer combined with MMS brought me back to health, I was out of danger in a few hours…

A Genesis II Church Documentary (Subtitled In Spanish) on MMS, they also have this video subtitled in Portuguise

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=BQb6CNtSN2s

Here is PROOF of the Red Cross Hiding the cure to Malaria, Yes MMS cures Malaria very quickly, simple to use and extreamly low cost…

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=FrwZN1cPfX8

This 2nd video about the Red Cross which has some of the documented paperwork proof of the MMS study on Malaria being cured added at the end to get the names and info of some of those involved at hiding this cure from the human race, causing the deaths of millions of children due to Malaria.

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=f0u8qchGQcw

"Jim Humble speaks Freedom Central" about MMS,a man who has pioneered the use of MMS or Miracle Mineral Solution, which has been effective in curing Malaria, HIV (?) related illness, cancer and Autism.

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=O_Etw8eTb7c

A Video of, "Jim Humble All my MMS Protocols CZ titulky", this shows all the ways MMS is easily used, Research the newer videos for amounts to use from Mark at "G2 Voice" as you start off with small amounts, (i use a 1/4 to 1/2 drop a hour for a day when i need to use it and is all i ever needed) and hcl is now used instead of citric acid as it is easier on the stomach, Research to learn… its easy, simple, and is very very very low cost.

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=zNcey2MBYXI

Children that have recovered from Autism

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=E6HNPlVyEpU

Short Interview with Andreas Kalcker on MMS with this video called "Hepatitis c, AIDS, CANCER, Straight Talk on MMS - Guest Andreas Kalcker"

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=SFeuZoHVCuQ

Andreas Kalcker MMS conference "Forbidden Health" English audio

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=aWTVPaMtwT4

A study with autism and treating with MMS in pdf

http:// www.autismone.org/sites/default/files/rivera.pdf

MMS video testimonials

https:// www.youtube.com/user/MMStestimonials/videos

Blessings from God our Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit

b8bab0 (1) No.405230>>405291

The World awaits Q.

7886ef (1) No.405231>>405424 >>405434 >>405502 >>405777

File (hide): 9a1addd2832f8d5⋯.png (838.75 KB, 1048x648, 131:81, Capture.PNG) (h) (u)

First draft. Not really feeling it yet. Need more crumbs / connections to make it convincing.

c43898 (18) No.405232>>405377

I've got something worth digging that I haven't seen yet-

USPS mailing deal with China.

Who the hell put that through Congress, who the hell got the payoff from China for doing that, and who is doing something about stopping it?

They can mail something to the United States cheaper than we can mail something next door. It's highway robbery!!!!!

a44b7e (4) No.405233>>405239 >>405248 >>405272 >>405525

File (hide): ad778917c09c18d⋯.jpg (47.21 KB, 772x479, 772:479, USS Iwo Jima.JPG) (h) (u)


Check out USS Iwo Jima!

3be53e (34) No.405234

File (hide): ba144911a7b1194⋯.png (964.56 KB, 970x604, 485:302, 1b.png) (h) (u)

94c56a (9) No.405235>>405252

Guy that sued Seattle mayor over sexual abuse found dead of overdose….prescribed meds and illicit meds

https:// nypost.com/2018/02/16/man-who-sued-ex-seattle-mayor-over-sex-abuse-claims-found-dead/

3be53e (34) No.405236>>405247 >>405255


Who is this crazy bitch? Did she cut that pentagram onto her stomach?

073f83 (6) No.405237>>405267

Looking at the PDF link Q posted, couldn't help but notice a few things

Q mentioned watch the water, I know he isn't around anymore, but Goldwater is listed as is Orrin Hatch, whose former chief of staff Roberts worked at WH so MSM can black eye this @ that, but the ex never said anything when Roberts worked for Hatch, funny. Going back to

think shell

with the Roberts thing Hatch's former Chief of Staff. Wondering Hatch an egg/hatch a plan?

d2d457 (2) No.405238>>405242 >>405259 >>405268 >>405274 >>405285 >>405316 >>405363 >>405658

So now that Q reveals MKULTRA is real…

And still going on…

Does that mean that they targeted

VP Pence…?

Just the other day the View was making fun of him… about hearing God

Stop and think about that!?!

c43898 (18) No.405239>>405335


combine watch the water with the abraham lincolin aircraft carrier reference and submarine reference it'll tell you a story. I want to know where the hell the AL is right now.

073f83 (6) No.405240>>405261 >>405267

File (hide): 6b8f72ab85005f9⋯.png (166.74 KB, 595x633, 595:633, mk.png) (h) (u)

Looking at the PDF link Q posted, couldn't help but notice a few things

Q mentioned watch the water, I know he isn't around anymore, but Goldwater is listed as is Orrin Hatch, whose former chief of staff Roberts worked at WH so MSM can black eye this @ that, but the ex never said anything when Roberts worked for Hatch, funny. Going back to

think shell

with the Roberts thing Hatch's former Chief of Staff. Wondering Hatch an egg/hatch a plan?

95922e (3) No.405241>>405356 >>405438

Repost from end of last thread.

NSA's Hacking group TAO

The April 14th issue of WIRED by Andy Greenberg went into greater detail on the same story:

“…the Shadow Brokers published documents that---if legitimate—show just how thoroughly US intelligence has compromised elements of the global banking system. The new leak includes evidence that the NSA hacked into EastNets, a Dubai-based firm that oversees payments in the global SWIFT transaction system for dozens of client banks and other firms, particularly in the Middle East. The leak includes detailed lists of hacked or potentially targeted computers, including those belonging to firms in Qatar, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Syria, Yemen, and the Palestinian territories. Also included in the data dump, as in previous Shadow Brokers releases, are a load of fresh hacking tools, this time targeting a slew of Windows versions.”

For background, it is important to know that monitoring SWIFT is big business for spies. If you want to know what is happening, you follow the money. The NSA knows this and that is why they likely have been monitoring global transactions. In addition, the United States and/or United Nations have used their position to suggest that certain countries should be cutoff from SWIFT. Such a cutting off is a powerful economic weapon. Even the threat has serious ramifications. This was used recently with North Korea. Before that, SWIFT cutoff was used against Iran. Russia has feared being denied access to SWIFT so much that they created their own version. Perhaps the best known alternative was developed by China, known as CIPS (China International Payment System). According to Financial Times, the launch of CIPS was undertaken precisely because the Chinese feared SWIFT spying:

http:// globaleconomicwarfare.com/2017/05/swift-cips-and-nsa-spy-tools/

748168 (2) No.405242


it's always been real

f1bd1f (3) No.405244

http:// amp.wftv.com/news/local/consumer-warning-issued-for-chinese-manufactured-phones/700598931

http:// amp.wftv.com/news/local/consumer-warning-issued-for-chinese-manufactured-phones/700598931

http:// amp.wftv.com/news/local/consumer-warning-issued-for-chinese-manufactured-phones/700598931

fb7a02 (7) No.405245>>405265


That deal's emergence into public recognition is damaging the Dems. But Russia itself isn't driving that. Everything we've found, as far as I know, is coming from internal US investigation.

f46587 (1) No.405246>>405277


I have this book as a pdf on my site. You can get it here:


94c56a (9) No.405247


Spirit Cooking Abramovich

a44b7e (4) No.405248

File (hide): f83856614551473⋯.jpg (24.02 KB, 667x168, 667:168, USS Iwo Jima2.JPG) (h) (u)



MAYPORT, Fla. (NNS) -- More than 2,500 Sailors and Marines aboard the amphibious assault ship USS Iwo Jima (LHD 7) departed the ship's homeport of Naval Station Mayport, Florida, for a scheduled six-month deployment Feb. 7.

The Navy-Marine Corps team will support maritime security operations, crisis response and theater security cooperation, while also providing a forward naval presence in Europe and the Middle East.

"We have been training for this since we returned from the last deployment," said Capt. Joseph O'Brien, Iwo Jima's commanding officer. "The Iwo Jima Navy-Marine Corps team brings a full range of capability from humanitarian assistance to power projection ashore. Being deployed enables us to efficiently and effectively provide combatant commanders with sea, air and land capabilities in support of national priorities. Wherever Iwo Jima ends up and whatever tasks are presented our way, these Sailors and Marines are ready to accomplish the mission."

Iwo Jima is the lead ship of the Iwo Jima Amphibious Ready Group (ARG), which is also composed of the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit, the transport dock ship USS New York (LPD 21), the dock landing ship USS Oak Hill (LSD 51), Fleet Surgical Team (FST) 8 and FST-4, Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron (HSC) 28, Tactical Air Control Squadron (TACRON) 22, components of Naval Beach Group (NBG) 2 and the embarked staff of Amphibious Squadron 4.

Approximately 4,500 Sailors and Marines will deploy with the ships and squadrons of the Iwo Jima ARG.

Iwo Jima's deployment will include operations in the 5th and 6th Fleet areas of operation and, for a majority of the crew, it will be their first deployment of their military careers.

"I am very excited to go on deployment," said Airman Michael Goodwin. "I know I'll miss my family a lot, but I know it'll be fun to have this experience and see some new countries at the same time."

The Iwo Jima ARG is capable of performing expeditionary operations on remote shores in support of national policy. Other capabilities include rendering humanitarian assistance and disaster relief, promoting maritime security, rescuing distressed mariners, evacuating non-combatant Americans and exercising with partner nations to promote theater security cooperation.


http:// www.navy.mil/submit/display.asp?story_id=104280

2fc3fe (1) No.405249


What if the easier way of understanding who the Nwo are is to recognize its members as being the Masons.

Masonry is the Whore of Babylon spoken of in the Bible.

Trump is NOT a Mason.

Probably the only prez who wasn't did anyone else notice that?

445b0b (1) No.405250>>405262

I did some recon in demoland and they are celebrating… did they see the same Mueller documents we did?

These people are stupid.

be646f (3) No.405251

Glorious bread, baker!

b728a8 (3) No.405252



80bb48 (10) No.405253>>405653

File (hide): e6f9e8b24b18581⋯.png (330.69 KB, 750x321, 250:107, IMG_3046.PNG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 7fa9c5c4095a0c7⋯.jpg (121.24 KB, 750x501, 250:167, IMG_2959.JPG) (h) (u)

1ed663 (7) No.405254>>405275 >>405280 >>405286

Does anyone else have that remote viewer anon post where he just said 'water' and nothing else? It was before Q mentioned water. I knew I should have saved it damnit.

>>344373 Water

>>344377 11:11


>>364774 11:11

e350c4 (12) No.405255

>>405236 spirit cooker Maria abramovich cabal

9e5002 (1) No.405256


This is one of the best things I've read here. This should be added to the batter. Keep going!

430790 (1) No.405257

File (hide): c0882a3a3d45855⋯.png (88.75 KB, 500x375, 4:3, theoriginalfamefag.png) (h) (u)

32a129 (1) No.405258


>So the Chinese *and* the Russians have some dirt on the Dems. Something BAD.

Awan & Pakistan had full access to the system which means everybody now has it.

f1bd1f (3) No.405259>>405268


>Just the other day the View was making fun of him… about hearing God

>Stop and think about that!?!

Good point anon

The kid from school said "demons"


Voices encoded from remote speaker?

"Remote listening?"

Cell phone is a remote listening device

And remote speaker.

be25bf (7) No.405260


It's not been discussed.

He's a little close to where the flood comes.

Likely he will wash out onto our side tho.

073f83 (6) No.405261>>405267


& Yes, yes I know about the other theories, one of them is mine too, all great theories, just throwing another to the mix to keep an open mind.

b11095 (11) No.405262


They are desperate to be right about anything.

3be53e (34) No.405263>>405324

File (hide): a12502342bb8b2e⋯.jpg (7.47 KB, 255x109, 255:109, 206.jpg) (h) (u)

Need one too that says, "Asking the right questions" ;)

094274 (2) No.405265>>405359


I agree. Not only is POTUS name being cleared of Russian "collusion", Russia's name is being cleared to so that the information coming from Russia re: U1 will be accepted as credible once released. Russia itself is not the problem (13 individuals), just like the Us Gov itself isn't the problem, it's individuals

60c288 (1) No.405266>>405284 >>405958

File (hide): 7558de034647691⋯.png (159.61 KB, 640x723, 640:723, Screenshot 2018-02-16 22.3….png) (h) (u)

https:// twitter.com/__valv/status/964718740087721985

073f83 (6) No.405267

f1bd1f (3) No.405268



https:// rollingout.com/2018/02/16/school-shooter-nikolas-cruz-said-demons-instructed-video/

3cd082 (3) No.405269>>405298

anons…is there any reasonable way to download DJT twats from the twat archive? Or is there a list of all the relevant ones going back to 10/17 somewhere around here?

645cc2 (5) No.405270>>405288 >>405352

File (hide): 7fec59fd515f9ca⋯.png (244.75 KB, 1657x603, 1657:603, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


>Miracle Mineral Solution

Lots of interesting research alright.

a44b7e (4) No.405272

File (hide): f83856614551473⋯.jpg (24.02 KB, 667x168, 667:168, USS Iwo Jima2.JPG) (h) (u)


National Policy? On remote shores? Huh?

Sounds like they are supporting the EO to me!



>while also providing a forward naval presence in Europe and the Middle East.

The Iwo Jima ARG is capable of performing expeditionary operations on remote shores in support of national policy. Other capabilities include rendering humanitarian assistance and disaster relief, promoting maritime security, rescuing distressed mariners, evacuating non-combatant Americans and exercising with partner nations to promote theater security cooperation.

National Policy? On remote shores? Huh?

0bf1ce (3) No.405273>>405329


So you are telling me that this post is the same intersection? Well you are completely wrong. I know the intersection Q is talking about and they are NOT THE SAME. There are 2 seperate locations being passed about by anons. 1 (the original referenced post from westminster bridge attack) taken from what looks like ST THOMAS HOSPITAL

2. The intersection Q Posted which i confirmed about 5 breads back was corner of VICTORIA EMBANKMENT/NORTHUMBERLAND AVE.

YOU are replying to someone who has a picture of the westminster attack and telling them it is the same location as Qs post. So yeah being a londonfag means i can call bullshit on what you are confirming

c1dc31 (8) No.405274


Well that gives new meaning to the nickname PenceBot…

94c56a (9) No.405275

No…but that anon was here yesterday most of the day. It was discussed


046d90 (10) No.405276

File (hide): 5e53e6acdc65185⋯.png (31.72 KB, 170x234, 85:117, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 6bc71ea4896d21e⋯.jpg (34.67 KB, 141x175, 141:175, BO.jpg) (h) (u)

4257f1 (4) No.405277>>405283


link not working

8b4a93 (10) No.405278>>405294 >>405305 >>405320 >>405321 >>405334 >>405392 >>405407 >>405461 >>405768

File (hide): 0c5b9f77b2190ff⋯.jpg (113.59 KB, 640x430, 64:43, fu lion.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 796019e725e7c9a⋯.jpg (100.03 KB, 768x509, 768:509, earth-vibration-768x509.jpg) (h) (u)




Welcome to my world for the last 3-4 years. I've seen that energy fence surrounding earth with my own eyes after hours of deep meditation. It's exactly what the ancient fu lion/fu dog has his front paw on and is what he's guarding & connects to toroidal energy. And we each, in turn, have our own toroidal energy. As above, so below, as within, so it is without... From the macro-universe to the micro-universe... there is nothing new under the sun. Now think why frequency spoken word, wifi, radio, analog, etc... are all necessary components to MKUltra or any other mind control?

fb7a02 (7) No.405279


So, essentially, "kumbaya". I don't believe it without sauce.

1ed663 (7) No.405280

File (hide): 6b770efb609b368⋯.png (14.97 KB, 683x111, 683:111, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


found it!! soooo spooky


c010a3 (2) No.405281>>405289

File (hide): 05b643af07a480a⋯.jpg (184.69 KB, 920x582, 460:291, vonn-fan-club.jpg) (h) (u)

Who's not tired of winning?

This anon.

pic related

http:// www.chicagotribune.com/sports/international/ct-olympics-lindsey-vonn-super-g-20180216-story.html

9ce71a (14) No.405282


>Golly, that's a diabolical head scratcher anon.

Who writes "history?"


John Frum....

094274 (2) No.405283>>405293


http:// stopthecrime.net/docs/William_Cooper-Behold_a_Pale_Horse1991.pdf

b8af7f (3) No.405284


Where would they get drones? Warning includes B7, and the photo says NSA traffic cam. Just proves the MI6 is on our side now since we have access.

a5ccd8 (1) No.405285

File (hide): 7c09c04d2b3500a⋯.png (364.93 KB, 553x338, 553:338, rg33.PNG) (h) (u)


Counter measures are real. They're classified. Probably higher than the weapon itself. Logically.

1ed663 (7) No.405286>>405785


sorry im posting this because i see EO 11110 and it reminded me of this remote viewer anon. shits been tripping me out.

b0f21e (1) No.405287

Oh how I hate

The damned deep state

3be53e (34) No.405288>>405303


I disagree

https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Montmorillonite

This is the best.

The best deposit in the world is just south of Mina Nev and was owned my Merle Swanson.

94c56a (9) No.405289


She crapped out….whoops

ed105e (2) No.405290

Saw someone mention the common theme of numerous mass shooters stating their episodes of destruction were preceded by an onset of voices in their heads. Here is a specific patent titled "Method and Device for Implementing the Radio Frequency Hearing Effect". It talks about a means of voice transmission through the skull using microwave radiation.

Patent # 6470214 Dated Oct 22 2002

This is in conjunction with a man named Dr Robert Duncan.

This material is the subject of a 2012 (?) Episode of Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura S03E06

9fe9ff (22) No.405291


I hate it when the high school students get in the bread.

6b4bb3 (1) No.405292>>405300


God Bless you.

4257f1 (4) No.405293


much oblidged

523563 (1) No.405294>>405299 >>405302 >>405315


Q will get there in due time, baby steps brother, baby steps.

422160 (5) No.405295


It is. And it's so stunningly obvious that I wonder if it's a compulsion. They don't even seem to notice it.

d6114a (1) No.405296


I've used MMS before, great for getting rid of flu and colds. I think it will even kill the cold sore virus, and shingles. Also heard it was good for lyme disease

643f7d (15) No.405297>>405342

File (hide): 4a52a1d84ded6fc⋯.jpg (30.2 KB, 480x417, 160:139, liberals-photo.jpg) (h) (u)

3b1765 (2) No.405298


http:// www.twitario.com/en/

8b4a93 (10) No.405299>>405308 >>405315 >>405322 >>405330 >>405344 >>405474


I'm a sister… but it's cool anon ;-)

b728a8 (3) No.405300


Back at u

Mod Edit: ; )

Post last edited at

b8af7f (3) No.405301

Speaking of water… With the focus on the Asia theatre since we got the Hawaii data back, could this be something related to the South China Sea?

643f7d (15) No.405302


You need to keep this crap in one of the YRFT rooms please.

645cc2 (5) No.405303>>405314 >>405799


I don't trust wiki. LOL. I meant that they are pushing against it so hard there must be something to it, but I am concerned it was a Scientologist…

422160 (5) No.405304>>405327 >>405437 >>405448 >>405725

Did anyone see this article?

All sorts of new space and weather related phenomena going on here.

3be53e (34) No.405305


Oh damn . . . . MIND BLOWN!!!

Self renewing and generating . . . .

dffa4e (12) No.405306

File (hide): 39bdf99c757a065⋯.jpg (49.83 KB, 500x322, 250:161, IMG_0530.JPG) (h) (u)

the rest is mostly prejudice

68e767 (2) No.405308>>405331


Attention seeking whore, fuck off.

719a36 (1) No.405309>>405313 >>405360 >>405539

File (hide): 87ab6d1f82392ad⋯.png (1.24 MB, 1158x373, 1158:373, chingchongb.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 2af5b9eb9fae8ca⋯.png (1.85 MB, 1125x575, 45:23, chingchonga.png) (h) (u)

Another topic that Q posted about here before it hit the news:


>Why is everything 'really' made in China?

“The Chinese had an early focus on telecom as a strategic industry because of the intelligence advantages."

"Verizon and AT&T have [now] dropped plans to offer phones from Huwaei"

cd6648 (5) No.405310

Wew! Out all day, took a while to get semi-up to speed. Spreadsheet updated.

Mapfag responses


>These are gorgeous - what mm software are you using?

Freemind - a fork of Xmind


>I think you are putting the wrong thing in the center.

I sat down and thought "What would a network look like? What would it absolutely have to have?" Narrowed it down to 4 categories (subtopics)




>End Users

Just logic. You may create a map using a totally different methodology, but that was my thought process at the time.


Thank you.

>So sad to see so few sentences in the gov't personnel convictions graphic.

That was shocking and really disheartening. that occurred when we still had a government run by people who had no problem with this activity, hence the slaps on wrists. Now we have a new sheriff and people are being rolled up right and left, thank goodness.


>Looking at the start of something beautiful.

I certainly hope so! It's a great way to organize information, not for the public but as a part of a process - large > small; big concept maps to smaller ones broken out with more detail (proofs/sources) > infographics for the public. It's amazing how much info can be conveyed in a well done infograph, understood immediately by everyone without having to read 50 pages of text.

>Use post >>390776 - a timeline - as an additional source?

Definitely in the works - those are the networks of people to be broken out individually as they interrelate.

>Think buckets like >>395850 suggested?

Best idea - use larger topics to collect & dump research results. Analyze, collate and create the concept maps. Break it down to smaller maps with the details and so on.

b45f0d (3) No.405311

Ole Ivar Lovaas mainstreamed Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) treatment for autistic kids starting in the late ‘50’s early 60’s.

He used electroshock therapy and physical abuse to modify autistic kids behaviour to make them more socially acceptable.

http:// articles.latimes.com/2010/aug/06/local/la-me-ivar-lovaas-20100806

He worked out of UCLA, whose head of the psych dept was Dr. Louis Jolyon West who work for the CIA’s MKULTRA program. He also performed the psych evalution on Jack Ruby.

https:// en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis_Jolyon_West

ABA therapy is today the most widely used therapy for kids with autism in the world.

Some kids recieve 40 hours of therapy a week. The technique is also known as Operant Conditioning, which should say it all.

Sandy Hook shooter had asbergers, on the autism spectrum(if the shooting happened at all, this could be significant)

The Black Hats version of weaponized Autism?

3460aa (1) No.405312

OK. I’ve only been lurking here now and then.. So I don't know if this information has been posted here (probably for the most part). Anywho:

WHEN DOES A BIRD SING?: In part, it is to proclaim and defend their territory. Also to alert their kin that a predator present a danger to them.. (in our case MI, DJT, NSA etc. present a threat to the ruling elite/cabal..).

FANTASY LAND: The perceived reality that all us uninitiated live in.. (We are not in the know of what goes on behind the cutains).

POUNCE: Recovery of technology.

MAGIC: it MIGHT have a double meaning as a lot of Q posts.. One of the meanings were pretty clear from his posts (that Sessions was just distracting whilst «pulling a magic trick» on the evildoers). The other MIGHT allude to the compartmentalized information sections/files on extraterrestrials and UFO’s called MAGIC (?). If so, the other meaning were probably not a message for us, but perhaps a threat to the blackhats that «start doing as we say, or else a lot of the information you want to be kept a secret might just become public.. (Perhaps.. I really/honestly don’t know).

OK. Last one.. This probably isn’t valuable information, but it might create some good memes at least(?): Anderson Coopers family history is as we all know from the Vanderbilt family. And his mother seemed to also be into the occult, as others in the elite circles also seem to be («they are born into it», as Q put it).. But a little known «fun fact» is that Anderson Coopers forefather before the Vanderbilt era was Jan Janszoon (a Dutch muslim convert) AKA. Murat Reis the younger, whom was a barbary pirate/ Salé Rover on Moorish/Arab ships. They plundered, killed, but mostly kidnapped white European women and children, and sold them into slavery in North Africa and the Middle East. Approximately 1,5 million white Europeans were kidnapped and sold into slavery in North Africa and the Middle East. In comparison; only 388000 african slaves were brought to colonial North America..

b11095 (11) No.405313


Nice find. Q would be proud!

3be53e (34) No.405314>>405325


It was just the one at the top.

I HAVE a complete analysis on it done by Cal tech. But it is all hard copies.

c43898 (18) No.405315



>there are no girls on the internet only anons

1ed663 (7) No.405316


people have been saying that for thousands of years tho. i personally think its weird and fake and maybe schizo but i dunno….interesting theory.

dcdc76 (3) No.405317


well, i've seen some diagrams that don't include

Crooked Hillary

so, really, it doesn't matter, if you're going to show a diagram, it should have a lot of Crooked Hillary in it. I mean, it gets the point across that Hillary did something bad.

It should be easy enough to figure out who the people are that Q has been talking about a lot, put them on a graphic, put lines between them, some words telling people what the connection is. Good job!

ce6434 (1) No.405318>>405705 >>405746

Chinese oil giants make use of offshore shell companies in Caribbean

Secret financial records link scandal-hit oil companies to dozens of offshore entities, many of them undeclared

https:// www.theguardian.com/world/2014/jan/22/chinese-oil-giants-offshore-shell-companies-caribbean

d2d457 (2) No.405319

I wonder if the servers the Russians rented were the ones getting ID at Newsweek a month or so ago… lol

c1dc31 (8) No.405320


Sounds like you're going into Chakra / Aura territory, anon.

a8c4d9 (3) No.405321>>405338


Foo dogs guard the 3d version of the flower of life… All knowledge - is the symbolism there..

Foo dogs are good and powerful protection.

643f7d (15) No.405322>>405339



b11095 (11) No.405323>>405328

Did everyone go to the bar? 60 UIDs?

80bb48 (10) No.405324>>405332

File (hide): 486223927b196db⋯.png (336.56 KB, 750x321, 250:107, IMG_3049.PNG) (h) (u)


> "Asking the right questions" ;)

(Pic related)

3be53e (34) No.405325


Butte College in Oroville Ca has info on it. They used it one year on tomatoes and they had 800% increase in nutritional value.

The way it was formed out side Mina is unique.

94c56a (9) No.405326>>405336 >>405337 >>405576 >>405583

Ok….so Dilley's source sounds just like Q now

What gives?

fa8f42 (4) No.405327>>405358 >>405601



c43898 (18) No.405328


104replies/62 anon…. don't forget the first number.

Not usually that high this early in the bread.

7fd186 (2) No.405329>>405378 >>405759


You are wrong, the information this anon posted is correct, look into his research as opposed to being a Londonfag. Just because you are from London does not make you correct. Q's pic has the entrance to the R.S. Hispaniola in it, and the historical Google view information is an exact intersection match to Q's pic. I checked his info myself, you should do the same before you spout off nonsense.

9fe9ff (22) No.405330


ouch. Bad move.

8b4a93 (10) No.405331>>405353 >>405361 >>405370 >>405373 >>405388 >>405474


Look here party pooper, I RARELY speak on these boards, so you can go suck your own cock as per usual on a Friday night fer you. You are a sadfaggot you know it now book a rod Punk Ass Lame!

3be53e (34) No.405332

5f9b85 (4) No.405334>>405350 >>405407


I found flower of life references when researching the flower pics of BHO and WJC. It was linked to the "Finders" a sort of secret cult near washington DC that was into pedo and satanic rituals.

877f9b (5) No.405335>>405354


tell us the story. I'm curious and have no idea what this means in our current context.

b11095 (11) No.405336


That is his source, he just adds a little extra and calls it "his source".

645cc2 (5) No.405337


That is EXACTLY what I was thinking. It's like they are swung into alignment… And I was VERY curious about it. even a couple same phrases.

b3786d (5) No.405338>>405411

File (hide): be3e54208b13abd⋯.jpg (43.58 KB, 768x768, 1:1, 1059328_l.jpg) (h) (u)


← Who would fuck with that?

8740ba (12) No.405339>>405369 >>405450


Save it. We have a greater chance at winning with red pilled women.

cd6648 (5) No.405340>>405380 >>405427


If you have printed sources (i.e., not videos but articles, scientific papers etc) we can infograph that into something very powerful.

9ce71a (14) No.405341


>Without darkness you can't know light.


>Without evil you can't know good.


>Without lies you can't know truth.


>Without bondage you can't know freedom.

There is no alternative to life in balance. There is no such thing in Nature as an alternative dream where balance is not required. Humans decided they were above nature when the wrote "Natural Law"...the law of man...The Law of Nature TRUMPS every idiotic thing "man" thinks he is. Time, and time again, NATURE has show who is boss...time and time again MAN has foolishly cried out the a GOD to save them from NATURE...and they have never, ever, not once, been saved.

Yin yang, life in balance. Wake from the dream? Ancient Toltic wisdoms...Don Miguel Ruize, the Fifth Agreement...waking from the dream. There's a reason that Dream is so important in indigenous culture. We always survive...see the indigenous people during the Indonesian tsunami? They saw the waters receed and the memories of their ancestors reminded them..to flee..those who have forgotten went to the water...and died.

We remember who we really are. All the invasions and forced conversions cannot remove the knowledge of our ancestors from our hearts. (But certainly, not for lack of trying.)

80bb48 (10) No.405342>>405357

File (hide): 7168f2e3a2e79c1⋯.jpg (178.02 KB, 1000x666, 500:333, IMG_3002.JPG) (h) (u)

bba346 (5) No.405344


You know the rules ‘sister’ show dem milk hangers or gtfo

de8268 (1) No.405345>>405397 >>405467 >>405670

File (hide): ea53d1f1445a86f⋯.jpg (60.94 KB, 474x612, 79:102, natenqbf.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): def997ee46b809f⋯.jpg (62.38 KB, 474x549, 158:183, natenqhil.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): e0118d7519ecdcd⋯.png (231.96 KB, 588x524, 147:131, 96cd4469-c2ec-4aba-acf6-eb….png) (h) (u)

CNN running with a National Enquirer story about an alleged affair.

The National Enquirer though

531f6a (1) No.405346

likely little dilley larper

16fbc9 (2) No.405347

File (hide): 8d5d8b44246edb6⋯.png (521.91 KB, 1731x909, 577:303, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

Was last post in the last loaf.

I would have missed it but was waiting for it to fill up before printing to PDF for archive purposes…

Awesome find.

b16fc9 (14) No.405348>>405365 >>405537 >>405735

File (hide): 5810124178acd55⋯.jpg (128.67 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, ShellFlies.jpg) (h) (u)

Thinking outside the shell

2617d3 (6) No.405349>>405393 >>405480 >>405503

File (hide): 191e68db3576117⋯.jpg (200.61 KB, 521x576, 521:576, mk-ultra.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 990a39538e6d5af⋯.jpg (121.44 KB, 300x1210, 30:121, Mass-Shooter-Haircuts-300.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 1f6156db06484d1⋯.png (5.82 KB, 379x133, 379:133, download (4).png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 1127e71c57e3da7⋯.jpg (141.95 KB, 2000x2161, 2000:2161, c2ee1de0dae3ebdd51e0513ffd….jpg) (h) (u)


MkUlta Monarch Orion


Psychedelics activate neuronal networks and the glutamate system that are implicated in the regulation of emotion," Vollenweider says, noting that their hallucinogenic effects can be impeded by < blocking specific serotonin receptors in the brain (known as 5-HT2A).

Psychedelics typically boost serotonin and may also boost the release of glutamate, according to the review authors, another neurotransmitter that has been linked to short-term but long-lasting brain functions such as learning and memory.

The idea that disturbances in brain chemistry might be important to behavior was profound, and began to revolutionize thinking about the brain, and neuroscience in general, and we can see how LSD was the catalyst for that revolution. If neuroscience can be said to have a beginning, one could argue that it occurred in 1954, with the idea that the action of LSD might be related to its effects on the

brain serotonin system. And if we look at the published scientific literature, we see a steadily increasing number of studies on

the role of serotonin in the brain, which continues to the present day. Drugs that

affect the serotonin system such as fluoxetine (Prozac) and other SSRI type antidepressants, or the triptan class of drugs used to treat migraines, were certainly developed more quickly because

of the discovery of LSD.

The newest generation of drugs to treat schizophrenia also binds to one class of serotonin receptor. Would these meds have been developed without the discovery of LSD?

SSRI = LSD 2.0

The LSD experiments were purportedly

carried out because the U.S. believed that communist Russia, North Korea and China were using the drug to brainwash captured Americans. Consequently, the CIA didn’t want to fall behind in developing and responding to this potentially useful technology.

So, incredibly, it decided to slip acid secretly to Americans --- at the beach, in city bars, at restaurants. For a decade, the CIA conducted completely uncontrolled tests in which they drugged people unknowingly, then followed and watched them without intervening

According to most accounts, the CIA's interest in mind control began with the Hungarian show trial of Cardinal Josef Mindszenty. One of the highest-ranking members of the Catholic clergy in Europe, Mindszenty was arrested by Hungarian police and tried for treason in 1949. Before stunned global television audiences, he confessed to crimes he had not committed, while staring off into space and showing other signs of aberrant behavior. The CIA feared that he had been brainwashed.

He had to change their perception of reality---create what he called a "pseudo-reality"—and then let them act naturally. If he could create the right reality, he could manipulate people into doing almost anything.

Controlling perception facilitates control of actions, and the CIA developed projects designed to control perception on many scales. Projects ranged from dosing individuals with LSD to influencing entire societies through planting false news stories or covertly shaping art and culture.The perception-altering properties of LSD and other psychoactive drugs fit well with the CIA's agenda.

At least 86 universities or institutions were involved in MKULTRA projects in varying capacities. Many MKULTRA researchers were highly regarded; Cameron was president of the American Psychiatric Association in 1953, and Isbell's findings were published in scientific journals and his tolerance studies are cited to this day.

Big Pharma

Sandoz manufactured about 40,000 doses in 1951. The United States bought them and with the LSD in their possession, military researchers and the CIA began conducting their own experiments. They were uncomfortable relying on a foreign company and so, in 1953, the CIA asked Eli Lilly to make them up a batch of LSD, which Lilly subsequently donated to the CIA

Eli Lily was the Clowns's provider of LSD [Patent] After the CIA was criticized for using LSD on Americans they stopped the production.

Eli Lily later brought SSRIs onto the market…

< Eli Lily = Shell

>Forty-four American colleges or universities, 15 research foundations or chemical or pharmaceutical companies including Sandoz (now Novartis) and Eli Lilly and Company, 12 hospitals or clinics (in addition to those associated with universities), and three prisons are known to have participated in MKUltra

8b4a93 (10) No.405350>>405390 >>405407


That's b/c they're backwards ass sickos who pervert everything by living backwards. Think about it to LIVE backwards is EVIL.

1e24a8 (2) No.405351


I believe it happened today 3:02 this morning. Now look for crumbs around that Nov post

23bdbf (5) No.405352>>405375


see the difference from what you just posted and what i posted, is i posted proof, so your posting says no clinical trials to test these claims? really?, and i post the proof of here is one example, with the red cross hiding the cure to maliara!

Here is PROOF of the Red Cross Hiding the cure to Malaria, Yes MMS cures Malaria very quickly, simple to use and extreamly low cost…

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=FrwZN1cPfX8

in the end, it is for people to research for themselves, for those in need deserve to know the truth of what has been hidden from them..

believe a disinfo statement or learn the truth through proof, that is up to anyone researching for the love of the truth

643f7d (15) No.405353


Rarely is too much. "Someone escort this Bimbo back to plastic surgery!" She needs more silicone.

c43898 (18) No.405354>>405405 >>405864


MY working theory is that there is a rouge nuclear submarine hunting the Abraham Lincoln Aircraft Carrier from Q drops…. and Q drops continue to reinforce that theory. Also said submarine is from either Britan or France as they are the only two EU countries that have nuclear submarines.

The most dangerous thing in the ocean is a remote controlled nuclear submarine with the entire crew dead and torpedoes loaded.

94c56a (9) No.405355

Just recently shifted…peaks my interest, too

40793b (2) No.405356>>405500


Author has an interesting last name; wonder if he's any relation to Maurice Greenberg..

643f7d (15) No.405357

9fe9ff (22) No.405358>>405368

fb7a02 (7) No.405359>>405435


I am not sure I'd go that far. The US government is infested with problems. And remember Obama promising Medvedev on the hot-mic pickup that he's have more flexibility after the 2012 election, and please give that message to Putin. The Russian big-boys that bought our uranium etc. were certainly against Trump and allied, at least for then, with Obama.

But now, the Russian allies lost the election and they are out of power in the USA. China's chips, on the other hand, still work the same until Trump's government can find countermeasures.

3fdf8c (2) No.405360


(((They))) actually pass laws forcing us to sell our manufacturing base to China. Research Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 and where all that incandecent bulb making machinery went. Not an isolated case.

8740ba (12) No.405361>>405372 >>405384


Most women are stupid. Don't chase the good ones away.

07686d (1) No.405362>>405387 >>405396

Baker can you include this? VERY detailed document about mind control

https:// drive.google.com/file/d/1QvPfjafonrIyUgQ1CM6YFItF8aYwCbAl/view

6a5ffc (3) No.405363


Now it makes a lot more sense why the USSS does not want presidents to have cell-phones.

If you look at Pence or Ryan behind the President during the SOTU, they both have a creepy fake ass smile on. Kinda like that MKUltra Fake Smile. its sooo obvious.

4a38ed (1) No.405364

Dilley's intel source ended with: "We're at war…

Look to Q"

It's all of a piece. This is not a game.

f73129 (3) No.405365>>405371 >>405385 >>405394 >>405415 >>405425 >>405451 >>405464 >>405477 >>405567


Conch is very close to a Spanish word that is a rude description of female anatomy. Might want to lose that word; it would offend many Hispanics.

046d90 (10) No.405366>>405421



From 95mkultra.pdf:


The last thing I want, Mr. Chairman, is in any way to be on any topic, give the appearance on any topic of being recalcitrant,

reluctant, or having to have you drag things out of me, and my sub- ordinates, much to my pleasure, had each asked, have you really gone through these 8,000 pages enough to know that we are not going to uncover a bombshell down -at the bottom?


It reminds me a little bit of the shellfish toxin situation which turned

up when I was on the Church committee.


Although instructed to relinquish control of

material held for the CIA by 9OD, a CIA scientist acquired approximately

11 grams of shellfish toxin from SOD personnel at Fort Detrick

which were stored in a little-used CIA laboratory where it went

undetected for five years.


No written records of the transfer of agents such as anthrax or shellfish

toxin were kept, "because of the sensitivity of the area and the

desire to keep any possible use of materials like this recordless.


The unauthorized retention of shellfish toxin by Dr. Nathan Gordon

and his subordinates, in violation of a Presidential Directive, may have

resulted from the failure of the Director to issue written instructions to

Agency officials.

1c37b0 (1) No.405367

Watch the water could be reference to CA drought again. Seems wealthy elites are watering their lawns.


3be53e (34) No.405368>>405412 >>405459


Coronal mass ejection?

bba346 (5) No.405369>>405403 >>405442 >>405632


you must go back

9fe9ff (22) No.405370>>405391


Sorry, you outed yourself as XX. Playing tough isn't going to get you accepted.

Just sit there and look pretty.

b3786d (5) No.405371>>405381 >>405383 >>405389


You're kidding, right?

8b4a93 (10) No.405372>>405474


I so wish that statement wasn't true but… feminazis, so…

c43898 (18) No.405373>>405414 >>405584


I don't give a shit whether you're male female or bot…. as long as you're full of good conversation and have a brain that actually works you are very welcome here. I DON'T want to know if you have boobs or a cock. I'm not telling you what I've got and it sure as hell doesn't matter on the chan.

d9c4f7 (4) No.405374>>405400 >>405408 >>405409 >>405429 >>405479 >>405739 >>405881

The topic of SSRIs was brought up near the end of the last bread. As an individual taking them, how do I taper off as quickly and safely as possible?

In all honesty, I didn't feel an effect until about 1 month of taking them and even then it wasn't a significant effect. Life just felt less shitty. What I'm taking is Escitalopram which is the generic for Lexapro. I started at 5mg the 1st week, then 10mg the second week then 15mg about the 4th or 5th week. I started back to 10mg and plan for 5mg mainly b/c it caused my sex drive to be kill. I don't want to feel castrated in order to go along my daily routine.

I don't even want to get to how I ended up taking them. I came too close to ending it all, but I got through the other side in one piece. I only took them, b/c I was such in a shit state and desperately needed help. Now that I'm "better", I want to taper off while simultaneously informing myself of the subject.

645cc2 (5) No.405375>>405599


See my point earlier. More like I was curious as to whom and why they lobbied so hard against it. get what I meant now? I know, it's been a rough day( no sarcasm) and you might think I was being dick ish. I was not. Whenever someone takes that much time to scare people I look harder.

8cd861 (1) No.405376

When does a caged bird sing? Mirror=When does uncaged bird sing? The FBI informer who knows "All" was 'uncaged' from his Non Disclosure. He has been 'singing' to Congress for the past 2 weeks to 3 different Committees. This man knows everything about the U1 deal. All payouts, links, everything. He also knows about other shady deals throughout the gov't system. He's telling all. Q, am I correct?

dcdc76 (3) No.405377


>They can mail something to the United States cheaper than we can mail something next door. It's highway robbery!!!!!

Yup, I've tested that, gotten things like usb cords from ebay for less than first class postage.

Something should be done about that.

0bf1ce (3) No.405378

File (hide): 30025847758f7fc⋯.png (917.74 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_20180217-045209.png) (h) (u)


This post you originally referenced is taken from the same coordinates as what Q posted?

131994 (2) No.405379>>405386

Eww gross. there's a girl in here?>>405370

23bdbf (5) No.405380


i just so happened to find that info you asked for, let me go find it again and ill post the scientific papers i found on it…

f73129 (3) No.405381>>405401 >>405422


No. Concha look it up.

c1dc31 (8) No.405382

Donald J. Trump

‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump

2m2 minutes ago

Our entire Nation, w/one heavy heart, continues to pray for the victims & their families in Parkland, FL. To teachers, law enforcement, first responders & medical professionals who responded so bravely in the face of danger: We THANK YOU for your courage! https:// instagram.com/p/BfSO1z6gpaB/

92f8ea (5) No.405383


It only means "shell."

He is confusing it with the obscene meaning falsely assigned to kitchen.

a44b7e (4) No.405384>>405462 >>405806


I think we will all be surprised when the PATRIOTS are revealed

b16fc9 (14) No.405385>>405406


It's the word used in the book so it stays. Fuck people that can't get over the words conch, pussy, hole, gape etc..

It's time to waken up and take your bitch-slap of reality!

b11095 (11) No.405386>>405404


Hens in the cock house.

1ed663 (7) No.405387


archive it

68e767 (2) No.405388>>405417 >>405697


Fuck off woman, we dont need emotionally-driven sluts on this board. We're trying to do something useful, and you cunts destroyed the US just like you did ROME

c43898 (18) No.405389


this is an english speaking board

9fe9ff (22) No.405390>>405395


The quality of Friday Night breads is really getting low.

8b4a93 (10) No.405391>>405399 >>405420 >>405474


odd I've seen many a fag be quite kind to outed ladies here. So my bad if the night shift is another universe

748168 (2) No.405392>>405452


that picture of the dna is fake

80bb48 (10) No.405393>>405445 >>405487 >>405579 >>405752 >>405891

File (hide): 7412329937fa000⋯.jpg (391.62 KB, 1232x822, 616:411, IMG_2901.JPG) (h) (u)

File (hide): dba8a7d1f31987c⋯.jpg (434.71 KB, 1232x822, 616:411, IMG_2921.JPG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 25ab302f9b48717⋯.jpg (259.48 KB, 844x1045, 844:1045, IMG_3032.JPG) (h) (u)

221884 (2) No.405394


offending is chan's trademark specialty…

only the best…

b11095 (11) No.405395

c58496 (20) No.405396

80263e (4) No.405397>>405515


>The National Enquirer though

CNN scraping the bottom of the barrel.

9fe9ff (22) No.405399>>405419 >>405420


When your gender becomes a distraction, as it has, you subvert the process.

c3ad0b (5) No.405400>>405449


libido has been gone for a decade. permamnent prob ur gonna have.

fb7a02 (7) No.405401


Still, they know that conch is an English word. They're not oversensitive, they let us speak English.

dffa4e (12) No.405402



sweater puppies

8740ba (12) No.405403>>405431 >>405433


Thinking it's a good idea to exclude half the population? Yikes.

131994 (2) No.405404


Is it L?

877f9b (5) No.405405>>405418 >>405772


Did you mean the AL carrier group is hunting the rogue sub?

f73129 (3) No.405406>>405443 >>405484


The point isn't what we like, it's what would effectively communicate to the normie population. I thought you had made a meme and was suggesting a change to make it better. If it's just a screencap of a book or something I don't care at all. Cheers.

5f9b85 (4) No.405407>>405481 >>405492 >>405536

File (hide): 6bb59d3f154d9d6⋯.jpg (178.57 KB, 628x800, 157:200, 01e6e22130c10637.jpg) (h) (u)




http:// educate-yourself.org/cn/ciadrugsabusemurder.shtml

https:// wikispooks.com/wiki/Document:Finders_Keepers

645cc2 (5) No.405408>>405449


You know that the only person that can help you do that logically is your provider. They will try to talk you out of it, but if it was given for a transition period, then maybe you can. They are not all evil… You would need to find out why your brain chemistry is crappy as well.

16fbc9 (2) No.405409>>405449 >>405505



Was a great interview this am on David Knight, it can take a year or more to come down off the SSRI, cut dose in half and acclimate to the reduced dose, then again 1/2 that.

Cold Turkey leads lots of people to murder/suicides.

d4824e (4) No.405410

File (hide): 1a569b6f47763cd⋯.jpg (46.05 KB, 300x496, 75:124, TypicalJew.jpg) (h) (u)

a8c4d9 (3) No.405411


I'd want them on my side for sure kek

fa8f42 (4) No.405412



4257f1 (4) No.405413

Soros complaining that social media caused populous movements, such as DJT getting elected… says social media needs to be regulated to prevent ….. claims soc media preventing "freedom of mind"

oh this is rich… breitbart article: http:// www.breitbart.com/london/2018/02/16/soros-calls-eu-regulate-social-media-fight-populism/

643f7d (15) No.405414>>405436 >>405440 >>405470 >>405570


It does matter. Women shouldn't be here. They do not belong. They are too arrogant and always in the way.

bba346 (5) No.405415


Fuck off moralfag. A conch is a conch. Go back to your safespace. You aren’t welcome here

565254 (20) No.405416

2/13/18 - China Mobile enlists VIAVI to introduce 5G services in 2019 - https:// archive.fo/1ryMD

3be53e (34) No.405417>>405428 >>405463



If you give them some groceries, she'll make you a meal. Give her a house and she'll make you a home. Give her a child an she'll make you a family. Give her shit and well . . .

c43898 (18) No.405418>>405469


Draw your own conclusions from Q drops. That's the conclusion I came to.

8b4a93 (10) No.405419>>405475


See how I tagged the people I was actually RESPONDING to and not you before?

8740ba (12) No.405420>>405483


You brought the shit upon yourself.


Good point Anon. Moving on.

046d90 (10) No.405421>>405852

File (hide): 995f82051eb118e⋯.png (17.19 KB, 141x175, 141:175, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)



"Pyramid will collapse."

b3786d (5) No.405422


That's one of the dumbest things I've heard on this board. Congratulations.

d0034d (1) No.405423>>405490

Who is listening to the audio and searching the PDF of Cooper's book? Behold A Pale Horse. There is SO much here. You can fill in the blanks with current events.

The Council on Foreign Relations has been the foremost flank of America's foreign-policy establishment for more than half a century. The Council on Foreign Relations is a private organization of business executives, scholars, and political leaders that studies global problems and plays a key role in developing U.S. foreign policy. The CFR is one of the most powerful semi-official groups concerned with America's role in international affairs. It is controlled by an elect group of men recruited from the Skull & Bones and the Scroll & Key societies of Harvard and Yale, which are both chapters of a secret branch of the Illuminati known as Chapter 322 of the Order [see page 81]. The members of the Order make up the Executive Committee of the Council on Foreign Relations after undergoing initiation into the Order of the Quest, also known as the JASON Society.

The Council on Foreign Relations is an off-shoot sister organization to the British Royal Institute of International Affairs. Their goal is a New World Order. Although it existed as a dinner club in New York, it did not take on its present power until 1921, when it merged with the Royal Institute of International Affairs and received its financial base from J.R Morgan, the Carnegie Endowment, the Rockefeller family, and other Wall Street banking interests.

The Council on Foreign Relations controls our government. Through the years its members have infiltrated the entire executive branch, State Department, Justice Department, CIA, and the top ranks of the military. EVERY DIRECTOR OF THE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY HAS BEEN A MEMBER OF THE CFR. MOST PRESIDENTS SINCE ROOSE- VELT HAVE BEEN MEMBERS. The members of the CFR dominate owner- ship of the press and most, if not all, of America's top journalists are members. The CFR does not conform to government policy. The govern- ment conforms to CFR policy.

cd6648 (5) No.405424


That's beautiful. Really fantastic job!

69641a (5) No.405425>>405446 >>405465


This isn't the place to be PC. Go away.

81ab4f (2) No.405426>>405672


>he heard voices telling him to do it

Ask yourself this question, if you heard such voices, would you do it?

Remember, no matter what, you always have the “free will” to say NO, even if it means facing your own death. Better to die with a clear conscious, than one filled with eternal regret.

23bdbf (5) No.405427>>405447


here is some of the scientific papers i found today on mms,

https:// andreaskalcker.com/en/scientific-papers/

this was under the heading of for healthcare professionals

c43898 (18) No.405428>>405471



>Give her shit and well . . .

she'll give you hell

f83234 (3) No.405429


NoFap, I am serious. NO PORN!

dffa4e (12) No.405430>>405455

File (hide): 760195b6624f733⋯.jpg (82.47 KB, 700x929, 700:929, IMG_0543.JPG) (h) (u)

9fe9ff (22) No.405431>>405441


If you're here, you don't need to be female. If you have to announce you're female, you don't need to be here.

6411c7 (1) No.405432>>405511

Is it friday again? Out until later, godspeed anons

bba346 (5) No.405433


Don’t need attention whores or dickriders. Respect the locals

c43898 (18) No.405434


baker please bake

12d9b9 (4) No.405435


Is it the government (non-living entity), or the PEOPLE (living entities) in government? Replace bad actors with better ones, and government works just fine. Same goes for corporations and all institutions.

183a01 (1) No.405436>>405491


By that definition, you must be a woman

9f4a34 (1) No.405437


Electric universe.

a16112 (1) No.405438


Interesting article. Says a lot about China.

643f7d (15) No.405439>>405925

Women argue about something constantly, always having something to prove. Men work together as a team. Women are not now and have never been team players. Always trying to prove themselves. They don't belong here. They bring nothing, add nothing, but detract from everything.

904173 (2) No.405440


fuck you faggot.. how many you's did Q give you??

3be53e (34) No.405441


If you have to announce you're female, you don't need to be here.

Can't argue that.

fb7a02 (7) No.405442>>405476


I don't understand the anti-female sentiment either. We need women, we need the ideas of some of them, we need the votes of as many as we can get!

b16fc9 (14) No.405443


Yeah well it shows you don't care for reading much as any anon who has read the book would know exactly why I asked the question "Who has the conch".

If I had used another word in it's place it would lose all context.

Sorry it was way over your head.

9ce71a (14) No.405444>>405460


>>>404877 (You)


>That is the secret to worm hole . . to travel without moving. No sauce yet but to one day. ;)

There's plenty of sauce...that's just forgotten knowledge some people never forgot. BUT not everyone could do it. The secret lies in epigenetics..that's what THEY are looking for...they know about it...but cannot do it...their "line" didn't get the best "sauce" so to speak. We don't need symbols or drawings...we just need do...read Douglas Richard's theoretical physics "fiction" novel...Split Second..he's pretty close..no cigar, but pretty close. If this were not "close to the vest"..think "tank" prisoners...Minority Report. Nope.

2617d3 (6) No.405445


I've looked into the eyes of the POS in bottom right of last pic.


1e0109 (1) No.405446


Obvious bot.

cd6648 (5) No.405447


That's great, thank you. Are there any resources for the other things mentioned the videos you cited?

2f1123 (7) No.405448>>405948


CME?, There is Solar Activity in this week?

d9c4f7 (4) No.405449>>405508 >>405538 >>405915


Jesus fucking Christ. I've only been on for maybe two months now. How permanent can it be already?


I know they are not all evil which is why I agreed in the first place. I'm trying to find shrooms and see where that goes.


Duly noted, I'm tapering off 5mg at a time

12d9b9 (4) No.405450


^^^"She's" got a point. Can't make babies alone

d4824e (4) No.405451


Fuck off faggot. This isn't the place for your leftwing pc garbage. If you want a safe space, go to the buzzfeed facebook page.

e350c4 (12) No.405452

>>405392 it is fake. Crystallized DNA is much smaller in cross section and cannot be viewed in SEM. But I assumed most anons knew that so ignored. Source: have crystallized biomolecules

3cd082 (3) No.405453>>405472

Has anyone given thought to the up coming Intel 5G in 2019, and what it really does?

ef9489 (3) No.405454>>405478 >>405513 >>405529





Could the 72 and 24 refer to hours that possible these acts could happen in?

5c65e7 (5) No.405455


I don't know why but that made me chuckle anon, thanks for a little levity

c1dc31 (8) No.405456>>405501

Q coming back soon? Just got awfully fucking shilly in here, anons…

9db65b (2) No.405457

File (hide): 6d35ee22c86619e⋯.png (571.87 KB, 767x640, 767:640, Screen Shot 2018-01-19 at ….png) (h) (u)

ae1054 (3) No.405458>>405843

File (hide): 64c55dfb8bbc005⋯.png (773.37 KB, 675x844, 675:844, POTUS 2-16-18 8 53 pm PST.PNG) (h) (u)

f08332 (1) No.405459>>405473


Good time to blast data centers with an EMP.

3be53e (34) No.405460>>405977



No imagination!!

What did Einstein say?

0e43d5 (3) No.405461>>405993


I'm really not sure if this is where Q's going.

Though if it is, the history laid out in the Flower of life (drunvalo melchizedek) summarized in this vid were true, I could see why it would put 99% of people in the hospital. https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=U8NNHmV3QPw

8740ba (12) No.405462>>405509 >>405554 >>405574


I really hope so Anon. Most of the women I deal with day-to-day are triggered.

9fe9ff (22) No.405463>>405489 >>405499 >>405554


And if you give them a platform on the chans, they'll dominate conversation to the distraction of all else.

fa8f42 (4) No.405464


OK, how 'bout, "Who has the gordida?" Is that one friendlier?


92f8ea (5) No.405465


https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=JaWi5iWsysg

Cuchi Cuchi is only for money. show me the way to the bank. It's just slang. Conch still means shell to normal people.

9ce71a (14) No.405466


FUCKINA…warn a lad will you? I just about pissed myself.

a8c4d9 (3) No.405467


same trans flight crashes twice… worth a dig…

Catch and kill is an interesting theory.. How many more articles have been caught and killed because it doesn't fit with MSM narrative?

03714d (2) No.405469>>405482 >>405512 >>406006


There is another country, not geographically in the EU, but is part of EU trade and other activities, that has nuke subs…

And nukes.

And is not part of the inspection/oversight program.

253b5b (2) No.405470>>405493


you have a lib problem///

don't care for it myself

male, female, black ,white, brown, purple

White Male

Black Female..

White female

Black male…

All humans dude… and from your hate for women is disturbing

643f7d (15) No.405471


see what I mean, always having to prove something and stirring the shit, just because

565254 (20) No.405472>>405516 >>405542


they need it to create a false omniscience matrix "mass mind control"…

3be53e (34) No.405473


I'm down. When??

;) ;)

3b9679 (2) No.405474

File (hide): eee5a5471691280⋯.jpg (88.9 KB, 1219x250, 1219:250, 6nVYDQE.jpg) (h) (u)








Please dont lose focus on what's important! Research!

9fe9ff (22) No.405475


Sounds like something a woman would do.

bba346 (5) No.405476>>405551


Learn where you are…

protip: the home of gamergate

631248 (1) No.405477>>405698

c43898 (18) No.405478>>405497 >>405667 >>405694


72 hour warning

24 hour warning

>0 hour warning

7f7688 (1) No.405479


If you are better then do not stop taking them. You can ask your doctor for one that does not reduce sex drive.

9d1007 (2) No.405480>>405510

File (hide): 7eae7e73a3e1954⋯.jpg (73.61 KB, 640x396, 160:99, blueUltra.jpg) (h) (u)

5f9b85 (4) No.405481

c43898 (18) No.405482>>405518



who the hell is that?

9fe9ff (22) No.405483


I hate it when newfags invade. If you aren't a newfag, then you should be aware of the rules.

b16fc9 (14) No.405484>>405545


Yeah well it shows you don't care for reading much as any anon who has read the book would know exactly why I asked the question "Who has the conch".

If I had used another word in it's place it would lose all context..

Sorry it was way over your head.

0126b8 (3) No.405485>>405521 >>405535 >>405540 >>405755 >>405918

Has anyone really thought out why the Russians tried to interfere with the elections? Was it to disrupt our Democracy or something else? What has Q told us about a Clinton Presidency? She wanted to start WWIII with the Russians. Didn't the Russians have a vested interest in making sure that she did not WIN. They feared her because they knew what she wanted to do. This did not have anything to do with disrupting our elections. Should this be a narrative that we push. The MSM is still lying to us about the collusion. I do not believe Russian is our enemy but a partner to stop death and destruction across the globe. The DEEP STATE fears the merge of the BEAR & the EAGLE more then anything else. Think about it.

483a64 (3) No.405486>>405506

I believe I was tested here today.

I judged blindly.

By turning away someone I should have welcomed, I failed that test!

I humbly ask forgiveness.

1ed663 (7) No.405487


they all have that crooked eye thing. fuck

50d78e (2) No.405488

I was digin on JW this ex jw

http:// www.silentlambs.org/

3be53e (34) No.405489


With most there is no good argument to that. As always, there are small exceptions to the rule.

9fe9ff (22) No.405490


Have a hard copy. Had it since 1994.

76d326 (3) No.405491>>405619

File (hide): 7e2c31175fe9360⋯.png (431.87 KB, 562x380, 281:190, pepetrumphair.png) (h) (u)


K-k-k-kekbo breaker.

Seriously, though, there are some odd-method shills tonight.

5f9b85 (4) No.405492>>405534

File (hide): da112a30d405977⋯.jpg (940.34 KB, 1276x3412, 319:853, bjWb7js.jpg) (h) (u)


more "finders" stuff

643f7d (15) No.405493


No female, I do not have a lib problem. Hurry with those sandwiches. I don't care if your black, white or indian. You have tits, you're making sandwiches. I don't hate women either. I love women. I'm married to one, raising two more and a few on the side.

a7155b (1) No.405494

I was very pissed off with this news coverage and attacks on 2nd Amendment so I posted series of posts telling the TRUTH as I know it. You should see libtards how they stfu

4b6acf (1) No.405495>>405517 >>405580

The Sky Kings @skykingsinfo 23m

17FEB2018 0439Z


4e3afc (2) No.405496

Second that.

I'm gonna lurk here some more then go get some pussy

ef9489 (3) No.405497>>405504


Deo Volente /ourguys will stop the shit from hitting the fan.

9d1007 (2) No.405498>>405507

File (hide): 0cd333bf0770a00⋯.jpg (605.23 KB, 1200x1566, 200:261, 1200px-Bill_Clintonrapist2.jpg) (h) (u)

8740ba (12) No.405499


Good point. Strength in being "genderless" on here.

95922e (3) No.405500



This leads me to the conclusion that they have, through the SWIFT program, documented all of the financial transactions world wide whether corporate or individuals. It would matter not which country so could assume China, Russia, et al

c5e157 (2) No.405501>>405528


>Just got awfully fucking shilly in here

It's that time of night, the "angry that i have to work on a friday night" shift is in

fe0b87 (6) No.405502




Behold A Pale Horse (1991) ~ William Cooper

>. Using drugs and hypnosis on mental patients in a process called Orion, the CIA inculcated the desire in these people to open fire on schoolyards and thus inflame the antigun lobby. This plan is well under way, and so far is working perfectly. The middle class is begging the government to do away with the 2nd amendment.

>Author's Note: I have found that these events have indeed happened all over the country. In every instance that I have investigated --- the incident at the women's school in Canada, the shopping center incident in Canada, the Stockton, California, massacre, and the murder of Rabbi Meir Kahane — the shooters were all ex-mental patients

89c8e3 (5) No.405503>>405522 >>405544


Aren’t ADD meds and Meth basically chemically equivalent?

c43898 (18) No.405504>>405550


that's good to hear… will we find out what the plot was?

1ed663 (7) No.405505


VERY IMPORTANT bc this can cause severe problems

e350c4 (12) No.405506

>>405486 for your penance make 10 righteous memes and 3 epic shitposts ON REDDIT

f83234 (3) No.405507


A cigar aficionado

c3ad0b (5) No.405508>>405532


i used for 2 1/2 months

a4a751 (4) No.405509>>405526 >>405547


Me thinks you surround yourself with the wrong women, anon.. kekekek

dffa4e (12) No.405510


before teh aliens got mixed in

mk was a bitch ass excuse for clowns to get high and be aholes

9fe9ff (22) No.405511


ikr? As soon as the school bell rings, it's shill/newfag city.

877f9b (5) No.405512


India has a nuke sub doesn't it?

d4824e (4) No.405513


I'm sick and tired of these jihadist towel head screamers doing the deep state's dirty work. Travel ban for all muslim countries.

c71999 (2) No.405514

Yes and I was shocked when he was murdered so blatantly obviously on orders from highest level….he predicted 911>>405490

8564e0 (2) No.405515


look into who bought the National Enquirer and why. (hint: Clown mind control project).

Why does the Enquirer always get displayed prominently at supermarket checkouts even though you probably don't know anyone who buys/reads the thing?

Do the Enquirer owners really care how many people buy it? What types of topics do the cover stories of the Enquirer deal with? How are normies led to think about those issues simply by virtue of them being featured in such a ridiculous publication?

Sauces: https:// twitter.com/aston/status/884245769770770432

http:// www.exopoliticsjournal.com/vol-2/vol-2-3-Salla.htm

3cd082 (3) No.405516


That's what I was reading into it. I mean, to be able to sync 50 billion devices at one time…screams mind control on prozac.

b8af7f (3) No.405517>>405580



03714d (2) No.405518>>405610

File (hide): 0ba53c76c032acd⋯.png (155.53 KB, 647x599, 647:599, Screenshot 2018-02-16 at 1….png) (h) (u)


I'm not shilling and I am not hitting this from a religious standpoint. I can promise you that.

It is a fact they have nukes and nuke subs…and they are involved in many EU functions.

f91d0b (6) No.405519>>405527

File (hide): 6b0dca669126178⋯.png (216.54 KB, 425x282, 425:282, Screenshot-2018-2-16 Meme ….png) (h) (u)

c4f288 (1) No.405520

Anons, t minus 12:34, the number is a sequence. These add up to ten. It may be the last number.

Either t-4 or t-10?

be25bf (7) No.405521



Should be memed too.

We should get this in the war room.

It's most timely.

3be53e (34) No.405522


Very close.

dffa4e (12) No.405523>>405628

teh midnight oil, make it blunt

i got a farmers market tomorrow

the pootie depends on it

80bb48 (10) No.405524

File (hide): 2b815a6bba7f6c0⋯.jpg (63.68 KB, 620x473, 620:473, IMG_1733.JPG) (h) (u)

7056b5 (1) No.405525


Dood. look at this.

https:// www.globalsecurity.org/military/library/news/2018/02/mil-180213-nns01.htm

This ship is missile defense. There is a sub out there.

8740ba (12) No.405526>>405548 >>405582


Kek they think so…

b11095 (11) No.405527>>405562 >>405603 >>405623 >>405636


When you have them they are really not that interesting.

c1dc31 (8) No.405528>>405573

File (hide): 313c5c6cbc9ea4c⋯.png (1.05 MB, 966x597, 322:199, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): a665a159befed29⋯.png (1.18 MB, 998x575, 998:575, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


Here's Prez and some strong folks to make ya smile.

Lemonade from lemons.

fa8f42 (4) No.405529>>405595


The stringer with_72 didn't change along with the_24, or I might think you're on to something

01a291 (17) No.405530>>405556

File (hide): 9a44c5f0d4e7669⋯.jpg (101.68 KB, 616x724, 154:181, rothschild-empire.jpg) (h) (u)

dffa4e (12) No.405531

File (hide): 13284f6d8a7b989⋯.jpg (104.58 KB, 600x801, 200:267, IMG_0508.JPG) (h) (u)


d9c4f7 (4) No.405532>>405563


You're scaring me anon

3a9def (3) No.405533>>405546 >>405555 >>405581 >>405606 >>405700 >>405782 >>405940


There's still so many homeless vets. Many have developed horrible dental issues that are not covered by any benefit. Many have untreated mental issues exacerbated by whatever dozens and dozens of toxins they were injected with and don't even have the right to know what they were. It's a national disgrace. Please do what you can to bring this again to POTUS's attention--I know he cares and is aware of much, but I fear it is worse than he is aware of. Those of us who see and hear their stories and see them suffering almost without number can barely stand to see it anymore without breaking. They are slipping through the cracks.

- Hearbroken-anon

9db65b (2) No.405534


https:// archive.org/stream/pdfy-GPCopyJd2XQjvNIk/The%20Corrupt%20Business%20Of%20Child%20Protective%20Services_djvu.txt

be25bf (7) No.405535>>405627


>DEEP STATE fears the merge of the BEAR & the EAGLE more then anything else

Yeah, because they are the two most powerful Christian nations.

8b4a93 (10) No.405536


Does this tie in with the Franklin scandal?

FYI, there's some good 411 on the Clowns, Roy Cohn and many, many others re: sex peddlers of children in this blog here.

https:// aanirfan.blogspot.com/2016/05/trump-clinton-jewish-mafia-cia-sex-rings.html

046d90 (10) No.405537>>405559 >>405589

File (hide): 598cfdc2194d452⋯.png (76.67 KB, 236x313, 236:313, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 646f10a1e64c314⋯.png (579.31 KB, 716x600, 179:150, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


Where are conch shells most abundant?

031e14 (2) No.405538>>405605


Just remember that you've taken a drug.

They tell you this if you take things like LSD and you're having a bad trip.

Remember, you took a drug, its not going to be like this forever.

You might experience withdrawal and feel like things are getting worse due to stopping. Its the drug.

You have to get back to baseline without throwing a tantrum and giving yourself an excuse to go back on it again.

00e014 (1) No.405539


Shane Todd could be one of the dead scientists. He was working with Huawei on a top secret project when he died.

221884 (2) No.405540>>405654

File (hide): 3326fc7cc4a9506⋯.jpg (208.39 KB, 680x457, 680:457, RN.jpg) (h) (u)

b42027 (3) No.405541>>405592

i feel like im the only one searching the cia orion project angle.

cia group b; pharmasutical and theripudic experimentation; china, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia. it wasnt shut down, it was moved over seas to secret partners that we pretend are enemies for fake wars. tons of ties to hungry, ukrain, BUDABEST esp

tungsram, who owns that now? big suprise… GE

565254 (20) No.405542


it's not just basic mind control, it's complete spiritual control on a quantum level… remember KINDRED? - AI Deep Learning… the hive cloud… https:// www.hooktube.com/watch?v=cD8zGnT2n_A

why do they want a virtual representation (a mirror) of each person on the planet.. how long they could go without food or water.. what they would do in various scenarios? controlling the mind is controlling the spirit, the absolute essence of the person.. their soul. Mind Soul Body… they want it all, and have (had) a plan to get and keep their fantasy land.

01a291 (17) No.405543>>405557

Hey Bill Richardson, what's with Genie Energy?

Why were you in NK with ES?

2617d3 (6) No.405544


Yes. And opiods/heroin

Then there's GHB…

227e8c (4) No.405545

File (hide): c6d51522cbf158f⋯.jpg (243.59 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, GreatAwakening520.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): fa30493e38c7709⋯.jpg (147.16 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, GreatAwakening521.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 46919fe0b33a3c0⋯.jpg (253.66 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, GreatAwakening522.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 68207676aae83ab⋯.jpg (111.05 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, GreatAwakening523.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 5de54eb91b0feb6⋯.jpg (179.16 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, GreatAwakening524.jpg) (h) (u)


Friend anon, I am off the board quite a bit this evening making memes. Was just dropping in and trying to keep current. Saw your image out of context. Have a heart.

031e14 (2) No.405546

8740ba (12) No.405547


*read wrong as strong

I work in academia which explains the "strong women".

a4a751 (4) No.405548


Kekekek. Get your ass to work anon. The country depends on us.

ef9489 (3) No.405550


I suspect if it is part of the 40%(40/60), then Q will let us know! (I'm just an lurkfag anon)

fb7a02 (7) No.405551


Gamergate was wonderful. Those bitches are terrible and got some of what they deserved.

That doesn't mean all women are like that. Sheesh. I know there's a tendency, but we're all just meat sacks trying to do our best here, probably some female ones among us.

01a291 (17) No.405552

9ce71a (14) No.405553


>i was showing a blind believer some mercy with "if" KEK

I have no mercy..they have killed the world..with blindness...and will continue to do so...all of it must go, all of it...and it is not going to go willingly...thus the Earth will claim her space...once again...

183276 (4) No.405554>>405577 >>405655



Yet, the men are triggered when a woman states that she is so. Interesting. Let's keep it nohomo here guise. I for one prefer to have women around me, they (usually) smell better

13d866 (3) No.405555>>405615 >>405661 >>405703


You are doing something that will let "others" report that this board "worships Q as a god". Knock it the fuck off, and I mean right fuckin' now.

ea539e (1) No.405556


Something Wicked This Way Comes

2617d3 (6) No.405557


Put the genie back in the bottle…

80263e (4) No.405558>>405591 >>405630

>Thegatewaypundit: A leaker with inside knowledge of the Special Counsel’s operation ran to Bloomberg Friday and said Mueller’s witch hunt will continue for MONTHS.

You've got to be kidding me. If this last more than another month, i'm fuckin done with this shit.

e350c4 (12) No.405559>>405589

>>405537 glow in the darks big retirement area Sanchez captiva

dffa4e (12) No.405560

when you wish a giron had a couple buckets

4e3afc (2) No.405561>>405575 >>405647 >>405767

Damn.. no pussy tonight the wife is with (((him))) so I'm stuck lurking here with you anonfags so what is the next riddle to solve?

9fe9ff (22) No.405562


When you don't, they're pretty much all you can think about. That's why we don't like them, here.

c3ad0b (5) No.405563>>405571 >>405605


being honest bro.

dae279 (2) No.405564





ALOT of gold in here.

Mostly P sauce and bloodline ideology books and matrices. Hope it saves you all some time. You won't find a full collection like this anywhere else.

htt ps://me ga.nz/#F!kn5lQJ5I

Key - !gIr0SGs4SL2fXrQR0dU61A

We were ordered to begin building the map for new people and joe public, let's get to work.

c58496 (20) No.405565>>405578

Any bakers around?

3b9679 (2) No.405567>>405586

File (hide): 639700741caf91b⋯.jpg (11.73 KB, 290x174, 5:3, descarga.jpg) (h) (u)


Hispanic here, not ofended.

It means pussy (not the cat, the vagina) in Argentina.

And argentinians love to say it all the time, specially women and NOBODY gets offender by that.

It's probably used at least 10 times a day by every single argentinian.


227e8c (4) No.405568>>405604

File (hide): abcdbe9e85d0d89⋯.jpg (214.34 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, GreatAwakening525.jpg) (h) (u)

4801e2 (1) No.405569>>405613 >>405831 >>405842 >>405914

File (hide): afde5ba7a8fdfd8⋯.jpg (5.48 MB, 3731x2944, 3731:2944, 2016-03-29-0055a.jpg) (h) (u)


41baf1 (2) No.405570>>405674


wew…s'pretty gay, bruh.

c3ad0b (5) No.405571


look up:

post ssri erectile dysfunction

01a291 (17) No.405572>>405607 >>405609

This is quite disturbing.

183276 (4) No.405573>>405651


Much better than a speech with crocodile tears! (see: BHO)

5c65e7 (5) No.405574>>405684


anon is anon, no names, no gender id

no name fagging, no gender fagging

problem solved

80bb48 (10) No.405575

File (hide): 4b335f6f235e191⋯.jpg (137.37 KB, 750x562, 375:281, IMG_2736.JPG) (h) (u)

ad5bb6 (4) No.405576


Dilley's source works separate from, but parallel to, the Q Team.

They are both raking leaves/dropping Intel, but in different parts of the yard/platforms.

8740ba (12) No.405577>>405634


There was no point in her "outing" herself. Look how off topic from Q research we have gone now.

3be53e (34) No.405578>>405587 >>405594 >>405625 >>405631


I've been meaning to ask.

Is there anyway to practice baking without fucking shit up for everyone?

89c8e3 (5) No.405579>>405651


FBI failed because “Targets”

FBI failed because “Selected”

FBI failed because “Chosen”

FBI failed because “Pawns”

FBI failed because “MKUltra”

b16fc9 (14) No.405580>>405598

File (hide): 2966f254113dc47⋯.png (38.78 KB, 644x343, 92:49, skykings.png) (h) (u)



>The Sky Kings

9fe9ff (22) No.405581


Q is not your fucking magic genie. This op has a purpose. This ain't it.

643f7d (15) No.405582

2f1123 (7) No.405583>>405600 >>405629 >>405635 >>405685


New Dllley Drop?

8b4a93 (10) No.405584


Really… twas an oversight on my part. Again I'd seen several others ladies be open here & openly received. I OBVIOUSLY misread the situation.

dffa4e (12) No.405586


they call it panocha round esta

ad5bb6 (4) No.405587


This is a fine question!

046d90 (10) No.405589>>405666

File (hide): 1785b3ce809666c⋯.jpg (297.69 KB, 890x857, 890:857, CaptivaGitmo.jpg) (h) (u)



Good to know.

9ce71a (14) No.405590


>Think building blocks of life. Like stated in another thread, symbolism may have been stolen. Maybe given early on like Giorgio says.


>This is video is meant for people with an open mind if you are intrigued by the shapes- kabbal maybe stole these images to hide their meanings. The building blocks of the universe is maybe what those shapes are. And you can imagine them all in other dimensions, thats when it gets real weird.


>https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=peYrSP8cke8

Nassim is not completely wrong..but he needs to go back and do it AGAIN with the original symbols instead of a translation that added vowels and punctuation. See Maruo Biglino's symbol by symbol translation...kek kinda explains the s on the end of "god". AND it really would help Nassim understand all the "illogical" things he keeps trying to wrap sacred geometry around.

fb7a02 (7) No.405591>>405630 >>405633


An unnamed insider source. Those have proven very reliable in the past. Yup.

Sundance has a good track record, but still …

76d326 (3) No.405592


Another string.

b1896f (4) No.405593


Eh….the markers just aren't lining up anon ;-)

c58496 (20) No.405594>>405614


It's just copying and pasting. Truly not hard.

183276 (4) No.405595


It did change, and got more specific as well. Approx. 72 hours from the time of the 1st post (EU, general 20), and approx. 24 hours from the time of the last post (London, specific 20)

5d8a59 (2) No.405596>>405639


SSRI's slow down the uptake of serotonin in the brain, causing it to build up and last longer in the brain.

Lsd dumps serotonin into the brain and floods the receptors causing the "trip" (among other things happening). Its been shown that people having a psychotic break have increased levels of serotonin.

LSD and SSRI's are similar in the sense that heroin and cocaine are similar. One dumps dopamine into the brain the other slows down its uptake and makes each molecule last longer.

b16fc9 (14) No.405598>>405608

File (hide): 2966f254113dc47⋯.png (38.78 KB, 644x343, 92:49, skykings.png) (h) (u)


George Soros?

Beatrice of Holland?

23bdbf (5) No.405599


no harm anon. and actually, it may help new researchers to look deeper and be able to spot the disinfo from truth, so many believe wiki without looking farther, and now between our 2 posts, they may be able to see a little clearer in the future on any subject the study, things to look for and not to accept the first thing they see as fact without looking further

643f7d (15) No.405600>>405641 >>405652 >>405734 >>405780


Dilley is a fame fag who picks up on Q and tries to pretend he's in the know or talks to Q etc, to get followers. Followers = sponsors = $

087d00 (4) No.405601


Exactly what I was thinking, but no link to article

b3786d (5) No.405602>>405637

File (hide): 3425a0397efa92b⋯.jpg (36.92 KB, 600x450, 4:3, 24qpf7.jpg) (h) (u)

c010a3 (2) No.405603


next thread you really ought to larp as a retired steelworker from detroit because the tits thing is not going away.

80bb48 (10) No.405604

File (hide): a05a37819932456⋯.jpg (110.05 KB, 496x603, 496:603, IMG_2564.JPG) (h) (u)



< Meme

d9c4f7 (4) No.405605


Thank you for your words


I appreciate your honesty and I hope things turn out better on your end.

Back to lurking for me. Will definitely pickup the breadcrumbs on SSRIs and LSD since it falls under the topic of BIG PHARMA and it affects me personally.

I love every anon here. Godspeed and we're all going to make it.

183276 (4) No.405606


POTUS has already addressed the treatment of vets in this country. Best believe that it's in the plans. Trust the plan.

565254 (20) No.405607>>405622


do you know about the benben? it's the capstone. there's an original, and a fake..

"The Great Pyramid is without a capstone. It has been without one for a very long time, long enough that no sure written record exists of what it was like aside from some oral tradition of it having been made of gold and representing a miniature of the whole pyramid in perfect scale model.

Who that capstone was made to represent, though, is recorded and can be found also in scripture."

https:// archive.fo/jFxMB

b16fc9 (14) No.405608>>405618


Beatrix of the Netherlands

9a7974 (2) No.405609

c43898 (18) No.405610


Didn't think about them. Suspect them in the shit that happened in Hawaii as well.

Well if we can sink one of their subs we can sink another one…. cabal assholes trying their damnedest to start ww3

a91254 (3) No.405611>>405638 >>405646

File (hide): ec755cd686a8384⋯.gif (17.28 KB, 612x472, 153:118, VOICE TO SKULL.gif) (h) (u)

What is ‘Voice to Skull’?



The ‘psycho-electronic’ type of mind control I’m discussing here is the covert, around the clock harassment of innocent citizens living in their homes and communities, and is currently world wide in scope. This harassment includes electronic mind/body attacks, street harassment skits, destruction of family and other relationships and destruction of careers.

One especially invasive attack method in the arena of ‘psycho-electronic’ mind control is ‘voice to skull’. Voice to skull is the transmission of voice, or any other audible or subliminal sound, directly into the hearing sense of the mind control victim. This is sometimes done around the clock and can be one of the severest forms of torture.

Voice to skull technology is sometimes referred to as “synthetic telepathy”.

Current-day voice to skull cannot be stopped by any known electromagnetic shielding, a fact which demonstrates how advanced classified mind control technology has become.

The listener needs to know that at least one method of voice to skull transmission, using microwave pulses much like radar, is not particularly new.

During World War II, technicians working in the path of energized radar antennas discovered they could hear a buzz, seeming to originate inside their skulls. This buzz was being caused by the train of very short pulses of microwave signal, each pulse causing a single click.

In the early 1970s, Dr. Joseph Sharp of the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research used a computer to control a radar transmitter such that for each time a human voice waveform changed from a peak to a valley, the radar transmitter sent out a single pulse, causing a single click to be heard by the test subject. Because these clicks were timed according to the human voice waveform, the test subject heard a voice, rather than a string of clicks. This has not been pursued, at least publicly, due to concerns about the effect of microwave signals aimed at a person’s skull, but it does work.

In actual fact, a suitably modified amateur radio transmitter operating in either the 420 to 450 megahertz band or the 1.3 gigahertz band, with a highly directional antenna, is capable of transmitting voice to skull signals at less cost than the price of an automobile.

In addition to simply driving a target crazy, voice to skull can cause far more severe damage to a targeted person if instead of audible voice, one of several types of SUBLIMINAL voice is transmitted instead. When the subliminal voice is that of a hypnotist, and is aimed at a targeted person’s bed, voice to skull can be used over time to undetectably program the person. Because the power level required is fairly modest, being something like the output of the common heat lamp, the person being programmed could have no idea this was happening.

A person who is highly susceptible to hypnosis, and about one in five are, could be put through living Hell simply by way of subliminal voice to skull.

It is common for psycho-electronic mind control victims to report a very frequent or constant “ringing in the ears”, which is also a symptom of the “Lowery” method of subliminal voice conversion. Lowery’s method is described in U.S. patent 5,159,703 and such a converter can easily be built by someone with reasonable electronic assembly abilities. Source: the7thfire.com

01a291 (17) No.405612>>405659

File (hide): 16adeee8b0240ec⋯.png (459.55 KB, 1070x3350, 107:335, the-jeff-bezos-empire-info….png) (h) (u)


227e8c (4) No.405613>>405783


Ship's bridge? Looks older technology. I'd venture a guess 1965. Reverse image search doesn't find it. Do you have more pictures to show us tonite?


3be53e (34) No.405614>>405668 >>405689 >>405756 >>405774


I'll study it more. No WAY I'm taken a chance till I know I can do it. It would be my luck to f it up at the worst time. I've learned I need to be prepared or back away. ;)

13d866 (3) No.405615


My quads beat your dubs. So seriously, shut the fuck up with this stupid shit you're doing.

9ce71a (14) No.405616


>having knowledge of that pattern.

it's just the flower of life...all indigenous people knew about this...it encircles the globe and kek..that's why we built our sacred monuments on top of the "center" energy portal.

9a7974 (2) No.405617


I'm in, what ever I can do to get us track to who and what we are suppose to be, pure "freedom" and the "magic" of our abilities is why I'm here!

and of course wipe out the evil cabal!


565254 (20) No.405618>>405626 >>405699


known for her shell-shaped hairdo being akin to her Shell Oil company logo..

3fdf8c (2) No.405619


Effective, though. Look how much bread "she" molded.

c2c5dd (10) No.405621>>405794

Do you want to redpill the normies or pick and choose who gets information, way I see it, the way women yap they'll get the word spread at lightning speed, you go girls, don't listen to them.And don't you boys even start with the faggot shit either, try to be a little nicer for real, some of you morons sound no better than the scum we're going after.

01a291 (17) No.405622>>405645


I heard the top of the pyramid was so bright it looked like a bright glowing light form afar.

f91d0b (6) No.405623

b87119 (5) No.405624>>405678 >>405687 >>405690 >>405796


While this report only encompasses a sampling of twenty-two (22) counties across the U.S.

The remainder of this page is intentionally left blank.


1 of 22 .

22 showing up a lot, but "The remainder of this page is intentionally left blank." The rest of the page is this 8ch.net/cbts/res/150923.html#151134 :









CLAS: 1-12>




(SR 187)(MS13 (2) 187)>




/_\ >











CLAS: 1-4 PAY>




CLAS: 1-9>







[FISA 2]









fe0b87 (6) No.405625>>405644


/comms/ is a place you can use for baker practice

Iyou can delete your own posts and threads

b16fc9 (14) No.405626


Holy moly yes!

0126b8 (3) No.405627>>405696


Exactly. Putin wants to eradicate Human Trafficking just as much as Trump. He values life and freedom. Remember his statement when we helped stop an attack over there? Remember how Trump has always said we need to get along with Russia? There is more to it then just getting along. The power of the BEAR and the EAGLE would put the rest of the world in its place. No more wars. No more Deep State. No more Sick Fucks that will be willing to try to go against the Power of the 2 Countries united.

c43898 (18) No.405628


farmers market?

member of market gardening success?

I was on there once upon a time.

ad5bb6 (4) No.405629


Yup. Tonight's was a crossover issue.

Pseudocmicfag here.

643f7d (15) No.405630



>Honestly, they'll still be writing in history books about it, years long after you, I, Q and Trump are dust in the grave.

b11095 (11) No.405631>>405665


Take the contents of the paste bin and copy/paste it into a thread at 8ch.net/test

Paste bin usually has 3 'breaks' in it and each section is it's own 'reply' in the beginning of the bread. First section goes in the 'body' when starting a new thread, and the last 2 sections go into as 'replies' after the thread is created.

f2db67 (2) No.405632


No genders here

Anon is anon

80263e (4) No.405633


>Sundance has a good track record, but still

Only reason I posted it. That said, I've almost reached my limit on giving two fucks about this investigation.

3f97c3 (3) No.405634>>405681


Call me a girl, I'll correct you. Someone called her a brother, she corrected them. Sounds fair to me

c9c15a (1) No.405635


Periscope. The blank pages Q pointed to could be either the actual NSA election numbers, or something even more damaging to Dems.

" Did Clowns make a play for EBS system after latest Intel drop?"

69641a (5) No.405636


Go be uninteresting somewhere else.

046d90 (10) No.405637

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

c58496 (20) No.405638>>405731


Wow!! Added.

2617d3 (6) No.405639>>405716


That's what the premise of my post was supposed to explain.

SSRI is like a modified selective LSD microdose. Easier to sell them to us then spike the water like they had planned.

6c0fd3 (2) No.405641


That is complete bullshit. You are talking out your ass.

47fea2 (7) No.405642

Compile the stringers backwards starting with access code: it creates a satellite comm relay.

6a5ffc (3) No.405643>>405657 >>405692

File (hide): 22d115e33906890⋯.jpg (492.5 KB, 2048x1366, 1024:683, ct-trump-romney-secretary-….jpg) (h) (u)

The Fact that a Globalist Pig, Establishment, Anitfa, DACA, Illegal, MS13 loving Tool like


Will be Voted in as a US senator for UTAH


Utah is the only state that Voted Against TRUMP (legitimately, CO doesn't count) in the Republican Primary (I think)


Mormonism, is a Cult of Wackjobs Who will commit Suicide if Their Cult Leaders Tell them To

These People Run our CIA/FBI???

3be53e (34) No.405644>>405656



TY Awesome Baker!

565254 (20) No.405645


the entire structure was originally covered in 144,000 white marble tiles… all the math for it are based on Phi φ

they eye of Ra is their fake ben-ben.. for their fake cornerstone.. capstone.

b42027 (3) No.405646>>405662 >>405720

File (hide): 47bf9405f788116⋯.png (106 KB, 1081x877, 1081:877, Capture.PNG) (h) (u)

File (hide): f574228c2457e24⋯.png (570.64 KB, 1797x1192, 1797:1192, Capture2.PNG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 162565083ff370c⋯.png (207.06 KB, 1006x1356, 503:678, Capture3.PNG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 5f843d1f18248b1⋯.png (278.81 KB, 1012x1317, 1012:1317, Capture4.PNG) (h) (u)


project orion

3f97c3 (3) No.405647


cuck stuck lurking. go get your wife

a8ea27 (2) No.405648

https:// www.enttec.com/us/products/controls/pixel-controller/pixel-port-network-rgb-pixel-driver/ Ran across this looking up package B-7v

0580e5 (1) No.405650


Another treasure trove of info/papers, etc is Devvy Kidd

devvy .com

Congressional files, 9/11, OKC, PETA, etc.

c1dc31 (8) No.405651>>405693




Hell yeah! Come to think, did Hussein EVER go visit ppl after mass tragedy events like this? I forget b/c I've blocked out much of his term.

2f1123 (7) No.405652


But there a New Dilley drop?

More respect, it's respect please, it's candidate.., take care with the fanboyism

f8669b (1) No.405653>>405675 >>405775



It’s all [Q] and [A] 24/7 from hereout until forever, lads.

[Q] poses the Questions

[A]nons dig up the Answers

And even once Q and POTUS have accomplished their mission, WE WILL ALL STLL BE HERE carrying the torch of freedom and passing the light of that knowledge to our friends, family and neighbors.

Every victory is just the beginning and yet every day we win is built upon the efforts and sacrifices of countless patriots the world over whose contributions to our victory span the test of time.

We are strong and willing and relentlessly honing our readiness. These fuckers can’t compete with the spirit within us.

0126b8 (3) No.405654


You should expand your thinking.

9fe9ff (22) No.405655>>405726


It's not the fucking vagina that triggers us. It's the attentionwhoring and lack of discretion. There are plenty of female anons who make valuable contributions. Without waving their boobies around. That's why they're anons.

fe0b87 (6) No.405656>>405718


IF you want something left there permanently please mark it that way,

80263e (4) No.405657>>405826


If Utah can't see right through this, the entire state should off themselves. Mitt doesn't even live in the state ffs

5c65e7 (5) No.405658


post on Twitter any time someone posts a link about The View


c58496 (20) No.405659


Follow the money…nicely done!! Added.

9fe9ff (22) No.405661

565254 (20) No.405662>>405669


"The pyramids scattered around Egypt correctly express a depiction of the constellation Orion."

Orion is the representation of Shemyhaza, the leader of the Watchers who fell, and whose escapades are described in Enoch and Genesis 6; who inhabited Atlantis, the old gods, the progenitors of half of the /_\ bloodlines..

6eea42 (1) No.405663

How to track human organ movement? I would bet that they cannot even resist the chance to capitalize on mass shootings. They could snatch people or organs. No way they resist the extra shekels.

974fbe (1) No.405664

A Lurking fag here don't know if anyone dl q post 778 just waiting, but it looks like when enlarged on top left looks like a arrow pointing at some being than another arrow pointing above it that looks like someone in hazmat hood behind being another arrow pointing at a baby . Maybe nothing but clouds but sure looks strange back to the shadows for this fag.

3be53e (34) No.405665


Got it. { :-)

e350c4 (12) No.405666>>405988

>>405589 happy to be of service, I have a lot more answers to many questions, but few ask. Many answers much experienced highly stable.

89c8e3 (5) No.405667


https:// www.theguardian.com/world/2002/jun/21/usa.oliverburkeman

US received 'zero hour' warning on September 10

Oliver Burkeman in New York @oliverburkeman

Thursday 20 June 2002 20.49 EDT

c58496 (20) No.405668>>405680


You could try it once on the mainpage (under an obviously fake title) and then just report your own page and ask for it to be deleted?

565254 (20) No.405669


Mt Hermon = Olympus

ed105e (2) No.405670>>405677 >>405717 >>405718


Death by Kuru!!

Kuru is a very rare disease. It is caused by an infectious protein (prion) found in contaminated human brain tissue. Kuru is found among people from New Guinea who practiced a form of cannibalism in which they ate the brains of dead people as part of a funeral ritual.

dffa4e (12) No.405671

change the money

40793b (2) No.405672


next thing you have to ask is was he "programmed" to say that as a response?

01a291 (17) No.405673

File (hide): 03176913a63e4ad⋯.jpg (252.26 KB, 616x745, 616:745, the-secret-shadow-governme….jpg) (h) (u)

check out the DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY in this graph. I got a lot more of these.

9fe9ff (22) No.405674


You need to go back. You don't understand.

5032d4 (2) No.405675>>405691

File (hide): 2a5832eaa881ae7⋯.gif (2.03 MB, 348x323, 348:323, Cheers from Shaun.gif) (h) (u)


Hear motherfucking hear, friend!

2617d3 (6) No.405676


SSRI are one of many drugs where we understand the effect but we don't fully understand the method. There are several theories on how they work.

This is mine:

They remodel your neurons over time. Literally change the plasticity of your brain. By over producing serotonin by blocking uptake you down regulate the receptors. So you have less receptors...

565254 (20) No.405677>>405679


kuru is from prion folded proteins.. much less likely to occur in children, as many are result of environmental pollutants..

3f97c3 (3) No.405678>>405708


SPOT ON! Was wondering when someone else would point that out! That 1 of 22 was/is just one investigation.

565254 (20) No.405679


hence, they eat children, not their parents.

3be53e (34) No.405680>>405763

File (hide): 08f79f61f2942ba⋯.png (81.48 KB, 3797x313, 3797:313, how to bake bread.png) (h) (u)

8740ba (12) No.405681


You could call me brother and I wouldn't correct you. Don't care. There are much more important things at stake.

416ed5 (1) No.405682>>405984

Ref help/Archive fail:

Some Anon, be a dear….

Link to the video of Asian/Philippine tour??

The one with the "Q license plate"


Thank you.

01a291 (17) No.405683>>405701

File (hide): 379f84890073fcb⋯.jpg (241.83 KB, 616x706, 308:353, the-secret-shadow-governme….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): b62b0b78e34c3de⋯.jpg (211.01 KB, 616x667, 616:667, the-secret-shadow-governme….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): b62b0b78e34c3de⋯.jpg (211.01 KB, 616x667, 616:667, the-secret-shadow-governme….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 9e11d0d24671feb⋯.jpg (248.34 KB, 616x702, 308:351, the-secret-shadow-governme….jpg) (h) (u)

9fe9ff (22) No.405684

94c56a (9) No.405685>>405730


Yes…mentioned RR, drones, and sounded like Q. Also called some twitter guy out for acting like he got Q intel, but is a liar. I apologize…cant remember much of it

b312b3 (2) No.405686>>405709 >>405818 >>405926

The Secret Covenant - Part 1 of 2

An illusion it will be, so large, so vast it will escape their perception.

Those who will see it will be thought of as insane.

We will create separate fronts to prevent them from seeing the connection between us.

We will behave as if we are not connected to keep the illusion alive.

Our goal will be accomplished one drop at a time so as to never bring suspicion upon ourselves. This will also prevent them from seeing the changes as they occur.

We will always stand above the relative field of their experience for we know the secrets of the absolute.

We will work together always and will remain bound by blood and secrecy. Death will come to he who speaks.

We will keep their lifespan short and their minds weak while pretending to do the opposite.

We will use our knowledge of science and technology in subtle ways so they will never see what is happening.

We will use soft metals, aging accelerators and sedatives in food and water, also in the air.

They will be blanketed by poisons everywhere they turn.

The soft metals will cause them to lose their minds. We will promise to find a cure from our many fronts, yet we will feed them more poison.

The poisons will be absorbed through their skin and mouths, they will destroy their minds and reproductive systems.

From all this, their children will be born dead, and we will conceal this information.

The poisons will be hidden in everything that surrounds them, in what they drink, eat, breathe and wear.

We must be ingenious in dispensing the poisons for they can see far.

We will teach them that the poisons are good, with fun images and musical tones.

Those they look up too will help. We will enlist them to push our poisons.

They will see our products being used in film and will grow accustomed to them and will never know their true effect.

When they give birth we will inject poisons into the blood of their children and convince them its for their well being.

We will start early on, when their minds are young, we will target their children with what children love most, sweet things.

When their teeth decay we will fill them with metals that will kill their mind and steal their future.

When their ability to learn has been affected, we will create medicine that will make them sicker and cause other diseases for which we will create yet more medicine.

We will render them docile and weak before us by our power.

They will grow depressed, slow and obese, and when they come to us for help, we will give them more poison.

We will focus their attention toward money and material goods so they may never connect with their inner self. We will distract them with fornication, external pleasures and games so they may never be one with the oneness of it all.

Their minds will belong to us and they will do as we say. If they refuse we shall find ways to implement mind-altering technology into their lives. We will use fear as our weapon.

We will establish their governments and establish opposites within. We will own both sides.

We will always hide our objective but carry out our plan.

They will perform the labor for us and we shall prosper from their toil.

Our families will never mix with theirs. Our blood must be pure always, for it is the way.

We will make them kill each other when it suits us.

We will keep them separated from the oneness by dogma and religion.

We will control all aspects of their lives and tell them what to think and how.

We will guide them kindly and gently letting them think they are guiding themselves.

We will foment animosity between them through our factions.


We will make them rip each other's hearts apart and kill their own children.

We will accomplish this by using hate as our ally, anger as our friend.

The hate will blind them totally, and never shall they see that from their conflicts we emerge as their rulers. They will be busy killing each other.

They will bathe in their own blood and kill their neighbors for as long as we see fit.

We will benefit greatly from this, for they will not see us, for they cannot see us.

We will continue to prosper from their wars and their deaths.

End Part 1 of 2 (see below for Part 2 of 2)

c58496 (20) No.405687>>405960


I thought of this too. Shows up a lot.

3be53e (34) No.405689


wrong quote. my bad

b87119 (5) No.405690


Does D.C. count as a county though, I think not

80bb48 (10) No.405691

File (hide): 6ab0f4eee82065d⋯.jpg (48.53 KB, 540x420, 9:7, IMG_2748.JPG) (h) (u)

ee6e18 (1) No.405692>>405710


Check out Enoch City, Utah

Enoch said to be the town that Cain built.

25a56c (3) No.405693


I only remembered bc it was brought up today.

89c8e3 (5) No.405694

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

b312b3 (2) No.405695>>405709 >>405926

The Secret Covenant - Part 2 of 2 (see above for Part 1 of 2)

We shall repeat this over and over until our ultimate goal is accomplished.

We will continue to make them live in fear and anger through images and sounds.

We will use all the tools we have to accomplish this.

The tools will be provided by their labor.

We will make them hate themselves and their neighbors.

We will always hide the divine truth from them, that we are all one. This they must never know!

They must never know that color is an illusion, they must always think they are not equal.

Drop by drop, drop by drop we will advance our goal.

We will take over their land, resources and wealth to exercise total control over them.

We will deceive them into accepting laws that will steal the little freedom they will have.

We will establish a money system that will imprison them forever, keeping them and their children in debt.

When they shall ban together, we shall accuse them of crimes and present a

different story to the world for we shall own all the media.

We will use our media to control the flow of information and their sentiment in our favor.

When they shall rise up against us we will crush them like insects, for they are less than that.

They will be helpless to do anything for they will have no weapons.

We will recruit some of their own to carry out our plans, we will promise them

eternal life, but eternal life they will never have for they are not of us.

The recruits will be called "initiates" and will be indoctrinated to believe false rites of passage to higher realms. Members of these groups will think they are one with us never knowing the truth. They must never learn this truth for they will turn against us.

For their work they will be rewarded with earthly things and great titles, but never will they become immortal and join us, never will they receive the light and travel the stars.

They will never reach the higher realms, for the killing of their own kind will prevent passage to the realm of enlightenment. This they will never know.

The truth will be hidden in their face, so close they will not be able to focus on it until its too late.

Oh yes, so grand the illusion of their freedom will be, that they will never know they are our slaves.

When all is in place, the reality we will have created for them will own them. This reality will be their prison. They will live in self-delusion.

When our goal is accomplished a new era of domination will begin.

Their minds will be bound by their beliefs, the beliefs we have established

from time immemorial.

But if they ever find out they are our equal, we shall perish then. THIS THEY


If they ever find out that together they can vanquish us, they will take action.

They must never, ever find out what we have done, for if they do, we shall

have no place to run, for it will be easy to see who we are once the veil has

fallen. Our actions will have revealed who we are and they will hunt us down

and no person shall give us shelter.

This is the secret covenant by which we shall live the rest of our present and future lives, for this reality will transcend many generations and life


This covenant is sealed by blood, our blood. We, the ones who from heaven to earth came.

This covenant must NEVER, EVER be known to exist. It must NEVER, EVER

be written or spoken of for if it is, the consciousness it will spawn will release

the fury of the PRIME CREATOR upon us and we shall be cast to the depths

from whence we came and remain there until the end time of infinity itself.


be25bf (7) No.405696


Yeah, Putin really staggered them a few years ago all by himself.

They know they are toast now.

851d54 (1) No.405697>>405741 >>405750


The women that are the problem are the ones who haven't been redpilled.

Teach and send out to reach other women.

fa6908 (3) No.405698

b16fc9 (14) No.405699

File (hide): 4ab34e5eae9755c⋯.jpg (167.73 KB, 1024x836, 256:209, beatrix.jpg) (h) (u)

c71999 (2) No.405700>>405729 >>405894

I lost my Son July 2017 was a Rang 1st bat….drug od >>405533

01a291 (17) No.405701>>405747 >>405763 >>405797

File (hide): 03176913a63e4ad⋯.jpg (252.26 KB, 616x745, 616:745, the-secret-shadow-governme….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 03176913a63e4ad⋯.jpg (252.26 KB, 616x745, 616:745, the-secret-shadow-governme….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 0b6251896c28113⋯.jpg (192.03 KB, 616x689, 616:689, the-secret-shadow-governme….jpg) (h) (u)


often through its contract civilian instrumentality, the Wackenhut Corporation..

dffa4e (12) No.405702

File (hide): f1ad48081060922⋯.png (69.54 KB, 500x375, 4:3, rabbits.png) (h) (u)

why no chuck norris memes

ed5f5c (1) No.405703

File (hide): dd201e1784106ae⋯.png (186.33 KB, 442x292, 221:146, Q?.png) (h) (u)



e6268f (1) No.405704>>405723 >>405728 >>405738

File (hide): 774e2f75db5f772⋯.png (116.15 KB, 497x536, 497:536, screenshot_01.png) (h) (u)

0e43d5 (3) No.405705>>405746


Delta 5 min


>Clown Agency>No Such Agency. RIP JFK - we will succeed. Pyramid will collapse. Think shell.


>Watch the water


>Oil Tech Sex/Children

github #117

>What do they specialize in?

>What is oil field service?

>Why is this relevant?

>What ‘senior’ level political officials are >affiliated w/ Halliburton?

>What is the primary goal?

>What is the primary mode of influence that drives corruption?

>What does money buy?

>How is this connected to SA?

How is this connected to Alwaleed?

How is this connected to LV?

089653 (1) No.405706>>405733

File (hide): 0d7864cdd0fe5cc⋯.jpg (97.53 KB, 600x500, 6:5, Ronna-Romney-McDaniel.jpg) (h) (u)

Why are most of us Republicans?

Was it because of our parents?

Was it because there are only 2 choices?

Is it being led how we believe?

What could we do about it?

What is the RNC trying to do? Control us?

Why is 'Deep State' Mitt Romney's niece the RNC Chair?

Should we create the Patriot Party, for the true Republic?

b87119 (5) No.405708>>405744


Gotta be right? The DHS reporting of D.C.

69641a (5) No.405709



Damn. Nailed it.

565254 (20) No.405710


the Enoch who wrote Enoch, was the son of Jared.. later, after Enoch the son of Cain.

5ce193 (8) No.405711>>405758

Anyone figure out the 'Just Waiting Png' pic?

Is that gitmo?

Looks like an electric fence in corner of screen you can see the angle of steel poking out from atop and looks like some thick cords going across..

Just a thought

fe3045 (1) No.405713


Robert Brackbill

Director of Research World Trade Center Health Registry

Greater New York City AreaHospital & Health Care


New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention


University of California, Berkeley

https:// www.linkedin.com/in/robert-brackbill-14866b36

86d2ef (1) No.405714

>>405229 Did anyone else see this??? Might wanna give this a look anons…

f91d0b (6) No.405715>>405742

File (hide): 26b6680e1e66049⋯.png (289.64 KB, 490x326, 245:163, Screenshot-2018-2-16 Meme ….png) (h) (u)

5d8a59 (2) No.405716


In a sense, yes and no. Some people actually do benefit from them but those are people with severe chemical imbalances. For most it dulls their sense of good and bad emotions and puts them in a more neutral state. Work with a lot of people that take them. One person took them back in highschool and described that they "felt nothing, blank" and stopped taking them.

Each one affects each person differently, thats why most people need to take 2 or 3 different antidepressants before seeing results.

A big thing to look out for in the near future is Ketamine and Ketamine-like synthetics that are being pushed to treat depression. They are fast tracking two new ketamine synthetics to try and get on the market in 2019.


Yeah, was just trying to put the science behind what you were saying.

76d326 (3) No.405717

File (hide): d7c2b31f7400e12⋯.jpg (58.87 KB, 474x315, 158:105, kuru.jpg) (h) (u)

3be53e (34) No.405718


Got cha.


Don't they die laughing? AKA laughing disease?

34d741 (1) No.405719>>405765

File (hide): ce4da9cceb25d79⋯.jpg (284.9 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, # QResearch-500.jpg) (h) (u)

087d00 (4) No.405720


Cell towers microwave technology. Have a targeted friend. Been harassed for 3 years.

01a291 (17) No.405721

File (hide): 012f4f4e063ff1d⋯.jpg (140.71 KB, 616x515, 616:515, z13.jpg) (h) (u)

I hope Kerry is in GITMO, enjoy his cockroach dickmeat sammich.

95922e (3) No.405722

What about Fethullah Gülen and his charter schools ?

http:// guleninvestigation.com/

c2c5dd (10) No.405723


Kek, and that's 8chan now there Stefan

1e24a8 (2) No.405724>>405790

R0ya! Dutch $he!! Is buying solar and much more

de8f44 (1) No.405725


Light pillar

https:// en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Light_pillar

25a56c (3) No.405726>>405855


that's the muslim's logic, cover up the women so that they're not a distraction. How about self-control and not begin distracted to begin with? anon mentioned that thy're a female? so what, move forward and CHOOSE not to be distracted. Don't be hypocritical by attentionwhoring going on and on about the subject that alone shows lack of discretion on our part as MEN who should by nature have more self-control than women do

565254 (20) No.405727>>405733


i have never had any faith that ANY person in politics was worthy of ANY level of trust until Q.

i am daily blown away that there have been GOOD people working to bring LIGHT to the darkness in politics the ENTIRE time. amazing.

5032d4 (2) No.405728


Good on Molyneux. He understands exactly the power of weaponized autism.

13d866 (3) No.405729


Look, on the off chance you're serious: sorry about your loss and your pain. However, think about allllllll the other ways you have to help veterans. I do. And there are many. Q is NOT one of those ways. Do you understand?

2f1123 (7) No.405730>>405748


And How to know if he lie?

a91254 (3) No.405731


Thanks anon.

565254 (20) No.405733

48cd83 (7) No.405734>>405949 >>405989


you are an idiot if you think that - dude is a legit candidate and will kick ass if he is elected

the guy brought his opponents onto one of his periscopes to show he cares about it being a transparent process for the people by the people

you are dead wrong about him

046d90 (10) No.405735>>405761

File (hide): cf1ee17a331bdc1⋯.jpg (959.29 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, QueenConch.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 8dff6dac186d40d⋯.png (1.01 MB, 960x557, 960:557, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): db5bdc55a24286d⋯.png (1.47 MB, 1200x900, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


In the news in the last 24 hours:

https:// news.mongabay.com/2018/02/queen-conch-dying-out-in-the-bahamas-despite-marine-parks/

http:// www.tribune242.com/news/2018/feb/16/dpm-urges-bahamians-exploit-raw-conch-shell/

http:// www.thehindu.com/entertainment/women-on-fire-padmaavats-romanticisation-of-jauhar/article22777334.ece

"The impassioned ‘Jai Bhawanis’ and blowing of conch shells could be passed off by Bhansali as the prism through which he ostensibly saw Padmavati’s jauhar --- as “an act of war” — but the post-film commentary on how the jauhar is worshipped in every corner of India is not just far from the truth, it’s preposterous and irresponsible glorification."

https:// www.lionsroar.com/a-tibetan-buddhist-temple-is-being-built-in-tennessee/

"Nashville architect Patrick Avice duBuisson designed the temple, which will feature mahogany doors with dragon-shaped handles, replicas of the dharma wheel above the entrance framed by a pair of deer, and other iconic Tibetan elements, such as Nepali-made, brass conch shells adorning the red roof."

a14ec1 (3) No.405736>>405762

When Up Is Down.

This may refer to shift of the magnetic poles.

It is not a conspiracy theory.

The theory of Plate Techtonics was confirmed through radar scans of the ocean in WW2 loooking for submarines. The data from these readings after the war was then studied and revealed an alternating pattern of the alignment of magnetite crystals in newly formed oceanic crust (lava) at mid-ocean ridge spreading centers.

This pattern shifted in a parallel fashion up/down and occurs within a roughly 10,000 year cycle.

It is now a fundamental in Geological Science, and also explains the migration of the continent Antarctic"s journey to the south pole which is a critical component of the ability of this planet to sustain cycles of Ice ages.

This planet is now in a part of this cycle called an interglacial period. A glacial period is a time of increased deposition.

What is truly misguided is that it is likely that the planets heating will cause the abrupt shift to the next Glacial period as snow fall to polar deserts increases due to the Thermal Haline ocean current eventually flowing through the north Atlantic as arctic sea ice decreases.

This cycle of planet cooling and heating is confirmed and related to the O^16 and O^18 isotopes which can be derived from ice cores, drill cores and reefs.

O^16 being the lighter isotope is the only Isotope found in Glacial Ice formed through snowfall.

At times of large-scale Glaciation the ocean becomes more 0^18 heavy and additionally sea level falls as more ice is stored on the continents.

What is known is we are on the brink of a pole shift.

What is not clearly understood is exactly what effects this will mean to the complex Earth System.

In short. North will become South.

= Up will become Down =

I just wrote this in a quick fashion, pls forgive grammatical and formatting errors.


Earth's magnetic poles due to flip with dire effects, report claims | New …

https:// nypost.com/…/earths-magnetic-poles-due-to-flip-with-dire-effects-report-claims…

Feb 1, 2018 - Some experts believe changes to the magnetic field would allow dangerous particles to rain down on Earth. They say the magnetic field disappears entirely during a flip, leaving us vulnerable.

This is just one article out there.

I recommend researching peer-reviewed articles on this subject on the science behind Pole drift/shift and Plate-Techtonic Theory.

I believe the Giza Prophecy also deals with this shift and postulates the pyramids are a clock that reveals the next occurrence based on alignment of stars such as Sirius with the vent/like channels that when viewed from within will align with these stars.

Cool Book

God Bless Patriots

ad5bb6 (4) No.405738


May now be my favorite twat ever.


79c5cc (1) No.405739


Wish I could help. I was on 20mg of Lexapro for over 5 yrs. I was tired of having no will to do anything but go to work. I quit cold turkey without a problem. I can't recommend you do that because I don't know your circumstances. If you have a good feel for your body you should be able to cut down and see how it works. Go back up if it doesn't.

5c65e7 (5) No.405740

File (hide): 04b95bbacc2d2f3⋯.png (2.2 MB, 1228x1414, 614:707, Offended_You_Are.png) (h) (u)

8740ba (12) No.405741>>405750 >>405753 >>405754


Have you had any success? I am trying, but they refuse to follow logic, or believe facts.

b16fc9 (14) No.405742

File (hide): 0bced143a5306d3⋯.png (358.78 KB, 1222x862, 611:431, emmaterrified.png) (h) (u)

25a56c (3) No.405744


Only makes sense. Future proves past

819d46 (2) No.405745>>405776 >>405853

File (hide): a53f4bb982c41bc⋯.jpg (99.52 KB, 948x466, 474:233, Screenshot_20180216-230741.jpg) (h) (u)

24 hours from the time of this post would be 12:35 am Feb 18 in London. Been looking for events going on there during that time. Here's a list of events the city has this week. Alot of kids activities.

https:// www.visitlondon.com/things-to-do/event/45089111-february-half-term-in-london#w1mzhOoPPfopCjqv.97

0e43d5 (3) No.405746




>Oil Tech Sex/Children

3be53e (34) No.405747


LOL Wackenhut

I know where the Tonopah one is.

I'm surprised they don't use Fallon Nv.

94c56a (9) No.405748


Cant call it…he seems like a genuine and good dude. Take with a grain of salt, I suppose

8cbc84 (1) No.405749

DHS/FBI/ODNI having classified briefing with ELECTION OFFICIALS from ALL 50 STATES

https:// www.dhs.gov/news/2018/02/15/odni-dhs-fbi-lead-national-level-classified-dialogue-state-election- officials

Move along :)

12d9b9 (4) No.405750>>405868




Improve the quality of women in your life

50d78e (2) No.405751

Behavior Control

Promote dependence and obedience

Modify behavior with rewards and punishments

Dictate where and with whom you live

Restrict or control sexuality

Control clothing and hairstyle

Regulate what and how much you eat and drink

Deprive you of seven to nine hours of sleep

Exploit you financially

Restrict leisure time and activities

Require you to seek permission for major decisions

Information Control

Deliberately withhold and distort information

Forbid you from speaking with ex-members and critics

Discourage access to non-cult sources of information

Divide information into Insider vs. Outsider doctrine

Generate and use propaganda extensively

Use information gained in confession sessions against you

Gaslight to make you doubt your own memory

Require you to report thoughts, feelings, & activities to superiors

Encourage you to spy and report on others’ “misconduct”

https:// freedomofmind.com/bite-model/

877f9b (5) No.405752>>405936 >>405943


There is a lot of arrogance in the FBI. Many people working there feel like certain things, like following up on a high school kid with a gun, are below them. Punting everything that they don't deem important to local law enforcement so they can be full time terrorist hunting heroes. If the FBI had followed up on this Kid, what would they have been able to do? Charge him with making terroristic threats online? Thats not a big notch on a belt, even though in this case it would have saved 17 lives.

565254 (20) No.405753>>405793 >>405838


we must build the martha-stewart looking memes for ladies and grandmas.. they do care and i have seen them wake up when "vulgarity" and "lots of black and red pictures" haven't been involved.

b11095 (11) No.405754>>405771 >>405793


Unredpilled women are seriously the worst. No logic, no common sense, 110% emotionally driven, etc. Please don't make me talk to them lol.

a8ea27 (2) No.405755


I think this were lame ass people who were fucking with HRC. Putin always laughed at how self-righteous Americans acted about their government. He also went onto explain the utter shock he felt with the HRC loss. He was in the know of HRC's destiny and was blown away just like the rest of the Cabal.

c3ad0b (5) No.405756>>405770



Here's the instructions:

https:// pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

5ce193 (8) No.405757>>405764 >>405872 >>405913

SHELL could also mean shell corporations or shell companies. Remember the EO about going after the money of those trafficking in people ?

The cabal does probably have loads of fake offshore companies

ae1054 (3) No.405758


An anon pointed out this


0bf1ce (3) No.405759>>405827

File (hide): 30025847758f7fc⋯.png (917.74 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_20180217-045209.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): c9f944dde7cfcba⋯.jpeg (9.42 KB, 262x192, 131:96, download (1).jpeg) (h) (u)


Still waiting Anon. You're telling people i'm talking nonsense.

Like i said the location was confirmed by me to the baker about 6 breads back

You are referencing this post and this picture telling people its the same location when clearly it is not. The only place you can get that picture (not Q's) is St thomas hospital (see picture) so do yourself a favour and stop trying to tell me what is literally a 2 minute walk from me and has been since birth.

a4a751 (4) No.405760

Think shell. How about shell oil….? If we are not dependent on oil since we have enough shell oil to last us hundreds of years..self dependence …. Huh? Maybe?

b16fc9 (14) No.405761>>405841


Watch the water

3be53e (34) No.405762>>405787 >>405817


Yep. Figure out how to reverse the polarity of gravity and theoretically it will push like north to south on metal magnets, correct?

c58496 (20) No.405763>>405797 >>405828


or that lol


Do you have sauce for this doc?

5c65e7 (5) No.405764

File (hide): c222e9f3e869e27⋯.png (378.92 KB, 897x529, 39:23, Serco_Shell_Game_Google_It.png) (h) (u)

c58496 (20) No.405765


kek will do

dffa4e (12) No.405766

i will allow sessions to serve up teh 'goatse' as prescribed

f2db67 (2) No.405767>>405795


I'm with your wife mmmm

9ce71a (14) No.405768


> I've seen that energy fence surrounding earth with my own eyes after hours of deep meditation.

they are not "fences" there are points of connection of the energy flowing around "the mother" giver and sustainer of ALL LIFE…they form a sacred pattern…the only thing I'll say is that each point of energy "colliding" think major intersection…was "blocked" and the energy "stolen"…and in the past few years…these "blocks" have been removed one by one..when the two (or more of course..thing intersection) blocks have been removed and the energy flow around the earth has been and is being restored…(mystery booms.) That's it..

There's a lot of ancient knowledge that is perverted and misinterpreted and other stories told and taught…if you look at the bigger picture of the flower of life covering the earth you might understand better. Back when the troubles happened and shit hit the earth…many things that were not meant to be sealed were sealed.

3be53e (34) No.405770


Got it booked marked already. ;)

12d9b9 (4) No.405771


Improve the women in your life, or improve quality of women in your life. Our manhood demands it.

3b1765 (2) No.405772


Argentina offers millions to find lost sub

http:// www.news.com.au/world/breaking-news/argentina-offers-millions-to-find-lost-sub/news-story/729db58b4f0f3e34d5e2e60c84b96449e

The only reason to offer a reward is it they know the sub is still afloat and roaming around somewhere. If they believed an accident happened and it had sunk they'd spend money on searching the bottom of the ocean for it.

073f83 (6) No.405773>>405815

File (hide): 2502229f17a416a⋯.jpg (44.09 KB, 600x450, 4:3, 24qpxf.jpg) (h) (u)


fe0b87 (6) No.405774


>I'll study it more. No WAY I'm taken a chance till I know I can do it. It would be my luck to f it up at the worst time. I've learned I need to be prepared or back away. ;)

good lad, that's the spirit

be25bf (7) No.405775


Yeah, this is something that will never end.

We have seeing the birth of a new form of government.

Anon boards will come to drive soc med and the next MSM.

The public's need for honest information and personal interaction will give rise to local venues

for public speaking and music, and essentially come to compete with and replace the church.

Funny thing is, this is all in the Bible.

c2c5dd (10) No.405776>>405853

File (hide): 0811eb3df994625⋯.png (886 B, 149x46, 149:46, 1234..PNG) (h) (u)


12:35 or 12:34?

857001 (2) No.405777>>405980


Sandy Hook was a hoax bro

b11095 (11) No.405778

Good night h8chan. Prayers for UK. Hoping MI6 is on top of it.

01a291 (17) No.405779

File (hide): 570929594a8ff46⋯.jpg (106.48 KB, 778x859, 778:859, 24991444_1065400023597892_….jpg) (h) (u)

329e3e (2) No.405780


Speaking of paygrade, you're in over yours shill. You clearly have no fucking clue who is a famefag and who's in the war on the front lines. Go back quickly

dedb71 (1) No.405781

Are we running any part of Qs post through that CIA decoder website?

48cd83 (7) No.405782>>405786 >>405798 >>405800 >>405802 >>405820 >>405834 >>405846 >>405849 >>405857 >>405909 >>406007



9fe9ff (22) No.405783


Looks like the original HAARP station.

a5e885 (1) No.405784


the only problem is that the picture on the card is of the Ginza Clock Tower in Tokyo, not Big Ben

9ce71a (14) No.405785


> shits been tripping me out.

Try not to worry about it. What will be will be. Enjoy your life :)

c58496 (20) No.405786>>405822



47fea2 (7) No.405787>>405804 >>405837


So what your saying is that the existence of gravity has been proven?

c2c5dd (10) No.405788

Shell tanker or oil platform attack or FF? Watch the Water

3be53e (34) No.405789>>405810

Oh no.

I use to live near both.

In Fallon one night I got to see one of those black, FREAKING silent helicopters.

Figured they'd have more 'secret' stuff there.

857001 (2) No.405790


What's your point

b42027 (3) No.405792

https:// www.c a.gov/library/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP90-00965R000100190002-2.pdf

clowns thought shuttle disaster was sabotage and make excelent case for the idea, recently declassified, turned up in project orion search

8740ba (12) No.405793>>405838


May work… From what I've noticed, you can't throw too much at them at once AND you need to trick them into thinking that they came up with the idea. Women don't like being told they are wrong. They will dig their heels in harder just to be right.


You're telling me.

9fe9ff (22) No.405794>>405803


Maybe you'd be more comfortable on reddit.

5ce193 (8) No.405795


No you're not ---she's at her mothers house.

And I was making a joke about the parenthesis lol it's sarcasm

b87119 (5) No.405796>>405840 >>405882

File (hide): 223aae5a3328504⋯.png (328.16 KB, 957x1340, 957:1340, 1518845265633.png) (h) (u)





1 of 22

The remainder of this page is intentionally left blank.

Future proves past:

I see you Q

50aa69 (3) No.405797



Didn't post it, but backtracked it to here:

https:// www.bilderberg.org/secret.htm

be646f (3) No.405798>>405812 >>405822


Chill. Emotions don't solve problems.

Logic and resolve do.

9ce71a (14) No.405799


>I am concerned it was a Scientologist…

ALWAYS doubt a clam.

fe0b87 (6) No.405800


cult of the cowboy v cult of the victim

>mfw they teach dependency these days and I swear I've seen versions of the victimhood olympics on social media

01a291 (17) No.405801>>405808 >>405813

b60365 (3) No.405802>>405822


^ No, i actually agree. Nominated for post of the night

"Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country" RIP JFK

c2c5dd (10) No.405803


No that's for fags : )

3be53e (34) No.405804


Ya . . .

https:// www.ligo.caltech.edu/news/ligo20160211

565254 (20) No.405805

https:// deepmind.com/

https:// deeplearnjs.org/

GOOG AI Deep Learning + 5G SmartWorld + AugmentedReality = Ability to create 100% False Reality

b48cf8 (1) No.405806


All will be surprised if PATRIOTS are revealed.

f83234 (3) No.405807

I hear you guys like MAPS

https:// store.maps.org/np/clients/maps/product.jsp?product=999&

be25bf (7) No.405808


Love it.

0f8d52 (3) No.405809>>406001

On 7 Feb Q posted about the Emergency Message system being activated more frequently.

Autists might want to Look into CIA /NSA GWEN program (Ground Wae Emergency Network) and the frequency as it relates to Seratonin Receptors.

To all you Autists,

“There lay the pieces on the great chessboard before me with which a the game for an empire had been played… I was but a pawn, and like a pawn I had pushed forward to the front at the opening of the game.” John Charles Fremont

47fea2 (7) No.405810>>405823


Seacret squirls are everywhere their not one their many.

b60365 (3) No.405812>>405919


'Twas logical, even when yelled

be25bf (7) No.405813


<good news> is the meaning of the word, "gospel."

8b4a93 (10) No.405814>>405829

Last shitpost for me… thanks for allowing me to glimpse what it must feel like for middle-eastern women living in "Sharia law" must feel everyday of their miserable lives. Seriously meh having beautiful tits shouldn't have a thing to do with sheeee.it! What am I supposed to pretend to be a dike or tranny to be one of the masses of you asses? Fuuuuuhhhhuuuuuck that! You're a bunch of biatches fer even taking notice or offense! Go to Iraqistan with that machismo fools! Shame on you and GROW THE FECK UP because ya'll act like your balls ain't even dropped yet! Ewwww no girls allowed! I wanna forget half the human race is women and live in meh saaaaafe space…. Bitches pahlease! Bye ya bunch of sissy la la's!

6b65e5 (1) No.405815>>405839 >>405902

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



a14ec1 (3) No.405817>>405845 >>405859


I guess no.

It's not necessarily related to Gravity to my understanding.

The Earth has done this repeatedly on approx. 10,000 year cycles.

It will likely due far more than just mess with magnets and compasses.

It will change the Magnetic fields that protect this planet from solar wind and gamma radiation.

The Earth and Life will survive. Question is will life as we know it continue for us.

cd6648 (5) No.405818


Short form of the Protocols, essentially

01a291 (17) No.405819>>405832

41baf1 (2) No.405820


Well shit.

You take out the putz and cuck bullshit…

You got yourself a pretty fucking profound statement.

Also, drink some water.

5f5fd8 (1) No.405821


Yes. Make real news. Not enough people doing that.

48cd83 (7) No.405822>>405830 >>405919





Remember JFK?

Would JFK been down with some shit like this shithead posted? UH MUH GUBMENT NEEDS TO HELP MUH BROTHER WHO IS DOWN ON HIS LUCK


3be53e (34) No.405823>>405833


Heard many stories about Trinity county and others in central NorCal.

4e389f (1) No.405825>>405836 >>405848

Q, We've researched your mention of mirrors, from many different angles. We only followed dots that logically connected. Please tell us, if we are spending too much energy on thinking that mirrors are possibly representative of different dimensions (quantum physics/astro physics), as in Nikola Tesla/John Trump stuff? It's a deep, deep rabbit hole and we don't want to go any further, if it's unproductive. We'd rather focus on something else. Thank you for all that you are doing. We're fighting and praying. Godspeed.

6a5ffc (3) No.405826

File (hide): 0ba98bc5212e021⋯.jpg (19.62 KB, 337x400, 337:400, sucker.jpg) (h) (u)


It's not that they cannot see through it, they are basically under the control of a N. Korean sophisticated Mind Control Cult.

Seriously, Vote a certain way or you will be excommunicated from the Church and unable to see or talk to your own family again

That Cult will drink Clorox and take us all down with it

f91d0b (6) No.405827


I'll confirm the London fag by the pedestrian bridge, A3211 behind Charing Cross only street in London with the curve, the trees and the view

e350c4 (12) No.405828


>>405763 >>405817

a lot of nonsense in there, some true.

4257f1 (4) No.405829


you must be slow. anon = no gender. get over yourself, glad it's your last post

b60365 (3) No.405830


dubs confirm

227e8c (4) No.405831

File (hide): ea241c7cef7ab5d⋯.png (135.22 KB, 639x229, 639:229, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 130d3d6fe0b9a1c⋯.jpg (2.36 MB, 3731x2944, 3731:2944, bridge.jpg) (h) (u)


Without identifying all the equipment here, I'll venture a guess it is the bridge of the USS Pueblo. Wild guess based on Pueblo being post a few times recently.

Possible equipment ID pic related - notations mine.

EG&G formally known as Edgerton, Germeshausen, and Grier, Inc., was a United States national defense contractor and provider of management and technical services. The company was involved in contracting services to the United States government during World War II and conducted weapons research and development during the Cold war era (from 1948 onward.) Its close involvement with some of the government's most sensitive technologies has led to its being cited in conspiracy theories related to Department of Defense black projects.

Source: wikipedia.org/wiki/EG%26G

Pic related logo.

The EG&G equipment would be the Pueblo's encryption equipment that got reverse engineered by North Korea / Russia after the Pueblo's capture in 1968.

Am I close?

c58496 (20) No.405832


Niiiiice!! Adding.

47fea2 (7) No.405833


Erwer and they use plug and play os.

fa6908 (3) No.405834>>405866 >>405910

File (hide): 01eb1098b57da04⋯.jpg (147.82 KB, 500x400, 5:4, 51308235.jpg) (h) (u)

0a0045 (1) No.405835>>405863 >>405869

File (hide): 9114ec6b1ef31e7⋯.jpg (17.98 KB, 222x222, 1:1, money_laundering.JPG) (h) (u)


I posted this info in the middle of a major shill invasion overnight last night, but I think it bears repeating because it answers Q's question,

>>Why is everything 'really' made in China?

ANSWER: Because the laws were written to benefit those writing the laws.

A perfect example is our fine senator from California, Dianne Feinstein who has dragged in some major $$$ from China through shell companies owned by her husband, Richard Blum. (last night's post below)


MADE IN CHINA has certainly benefitted Sen. Diane Feinstein and hubby Richard Blum:

In 1992, when Feinstein entered the Senate, Blum's interests in China amounted to one project worth less than $500,000, according to her financial disclosure reports. But since then, his financial activities in the country have increased.

In the last year, a Blum investment firm paid $23 million for a stake in a Chinese government-owned steel enterprise and acquired sizable interests in the leading producers of soybean milk and candy in China. Blum's firm, Newbridge Capital Ltd., received an important boost from a $10-million investment by the International Finance Corp., an arm of the World Bank. Experts said that IFC backing typically confers legitimacy and can help attract other investors.

Meanwhile, Feinstein's role on U.S. policy toward China has expanded. In January 1995, she became a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, giving her a prominent platform for her efforts to support China's trade privileges. Since 1995, Feinstein has made three visits to confer with senior government officials in Beijing. Blum has accompanied her each time at his own expense and has attended many of her meetings with President Jiang Zemin and other top Chinese leaders--an unusual degree of access for a private businessman.

"There is no doubt in my mind that, if Dianne Feinstein had a pattern of taking positions on U.S.-China policy that Chinese officials disliked, Mr. Blum would have a great deal more difficulty doing business in China and probably would find it impossible to do."

http:// articles.latimes.com/1997-03-28/news/mn-43046_1_china-connections

Blum's wife, Senator Dianne Feinstein, has received scrutiny due to her husband's government contracts and extensive business dealings with China and her past votes on trade issues with the country. Blum has denied any wrongdoing. Critics have argued that business contracts with the US government awarded to a company (Perini) controlled by Blum may raise a potential conflict-of-interest issue with the voting and policy activities of his wife. URS Corp, which Blum had a substantial stake in, bought EG&G, a leading provider of technical services and management to the U.S. military, from The Carlyle Group in 2002; EG&G subsequently won a $600m defense contract.

In 2009 it was reported that Blum's wife introduced legislation to provide $25 billion in taxpayer money to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp, a government agency that had recently awarded her husband's real estate firm, CB Richard Ellis, what the Washington Times called "a lucrative contract to sell foreclosed properties at compensation rates higher than the industry norms."

The United States Postal Service has entered into an exclusive contract with CB Richard Ellis to sell buildings that currently house post offices.


Dianne’s Net Worth = $79M in 2015 (3rd richest senator)


Blum’s Net Worth = $1B


Blum Capitol Assets = $4.5B


565254 (20) No.405836


perhaps all the little pieces about those things fit together to create the big picture about everything.

4b0034 (1) No.405837>>405856


Ask any good pilot to take you up and perform a parabolic arc. You will have proof of gravity.

50aa69 (3) No.405838>>405850



Agreed. We've got a whole audience to redpill, but what's being cranked out here would just make the nice older ladies I know take a larger bluepill.

073f83 (6) No.405839


Woah, something really creepy about that music.

2dcd41 (6) No.405840>>405844 >>405870 >>405876 >>405953


SAP sell-off

Strategic Assets Petroleum

Hussein was selling our oil fields

Think "Shell"

Who was Hussein giving our oil fields away too down in the Gulf?

046d90 (10) No.405841

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


"They say I be talkin bout water too much"

Mick Jenkins - Alchemy [Prod Lee Bannon]

song related

877f9b (5) No.405842


Motorola osiclliscope. EG&G control panels. Polar Recorder. "Special projects phone" Rail Road Control - Special Projects" super hi res image.

ae1054 (3) No.405843

File (hide): 52b359f21dfb5a9⋯.png (496.65 KB, 670x838, 335:419, Scavino45 2-16-18 FL 3.PNG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 9a584cc18fa3577⋯.png (618.75 KB, 1042x664, 521:332, POTUS Melania.PNG) (h) (u)


POTUS and Melania @ Hospital

92f8ea (5) No.405844


British Petroleum?

3be53e (34) No.405845>>405907


The reversal of the poles. Got ya. I watch SO suspicious observers every morning. He covers how far they are moving. What I find interesting as hell is they don't stay in alignment as they move, like it has to bend in the middle. Wouldn't think that could happen.

592f98 (1) No.405846


Good Point Anon!

b1896f (4) No.405847>>405910

Did anyone happen to catch the video today on FOX news that showed all those people holding ready made signs with the butterfly on them? They were demonstrating at a press conference for the school shooting.

I've tried finding pics online but haven't been successful. I saw it in passing at work and my first thought was MK/ Monarch. Just asking so we can be sure to grab it for archive.

The wings were drawn in such a way it looked like hands in wing design or something weird like that.

b3786d (5) No.405848

File (hide): dddeb773a749e2f⋯.jpg (68.75 KB, 1000x563, 1000:563, up-side-down-1.jpg) (h) (u)

1914e9 (1) No.405849>>405937


caffeine anger

565254 (20) No.405850>>405867 >>405877


i started working on recent typos from trash MSM with 'these people are stupid' to be used in conjunction with their fake stories..

5ce193 (8) No.405851>>405860 >>405872

Q will post twice more tonight.

422160 (5) No.405852>>405981


Inverted pyramid while saying BO's name over and over again? No thank you.

b16fc9 (14) No.405853>>405861 >>405865

File (hide): 0996a55f29d3c82⋯.png (213.15 KB, 639x352, 639:352, london3.png) (h) (u)



The Mad Hatters Tea Party

81ab4f (2) No.405854>>405874


>secret to worm hole

Thanks but, no thanks

I found it already...

9fe9ff (22) No.405855>>405883


The reason I've gone one and on about it is that WE DON'T NEED TO STUPID DISTRACTIONS THAT FEMININITY INEVITABLY BREEDS IN A SERIOUS DISCUSSION. By grinding it out to this extent, I hope I've made my point. It's not about women as a distraction, it's about ANONS BEING FUCKING ANONS. Anons don't have tits. If your tits are important enough to the conversation to mention, you DON'T FUCKING NEED TO BE HERE.

It's not about "self-control". It's about discipline and respect.

47fea2 (7) No.405856


3 combat insertions on a c-17 fuck you.

3a9def (3) No.405857>>405885


If you only knew, asshole. If you only knew…

01a291 (17) No.405858>>405897 >>405933

man, I really wish these graphics were bigger.

This is a good idea for the map, I think.

2dcd41 (6) No.405859>>405907

>>405817 Nope - our toilets will flush backwards.

But that brings up a question on tornado, hurricane, and weather patterns don't it.

5660bf (1) No.405860>>405873


More than twice please! :)

b16fc9 (14) No.405861>>405865


Could this be where Q's photo was taken from?

0fae2c (1) No.405862

File (hide): 29ed8b15df0a9c3⋯.png (332.63 KB, 902x340, 451:170, Telefon-Bronson2.png) (h) (u)

c58496 (20) No.405863


Good digging. Added.

2f1123 (7) No.405864>>405931


Mmm.., but it say the Submarine was sunked by the Chilean Army, as in his computer.., "apparently" in the Chilean Submarine found a target..

What a Curious that After of the sinking of the ARA, 4 Chilean Generals with Anglo-Saxon names resigned..

92f8ea (5) No.405865>>405880



You can see Big Ben in Q's pic. So I am not so sure.

48cd83 (7) No.405866>>405888 >>405898



we have been to "calm" as a nation - we have sat on our ass and watched football and the kardashians and catfish and played fantasy baseball and collected stamps and went fishing and vacations and bought things for ourselves


our fucking country was taken right from under our noses - time to go boot camp zero week on some people

WAKE THE FUCK UP = calm is for the docile pussies - its crunch time mother fucker - 4th and 15 with 3 seconds left on the clock

I plan to win

what about you all??

565254 (20) No.405867

File (hide): afd78ce297485f9⋯.png (225.17 KB, 532x554, 266:277, CNBC 01 25 2018 longed bee….png) (h) (u)

9fe9ff (22) No.405868>>405928


Yeah, good luck with that.

fe0b87 (6) No.405869>>405892 >>405905


Kissinger was the deal maker along with Nixon.

Kissinger just recently had a meeting with trump

c2c5dd (10) No.405870


All this talk of the US producing the most oil and cutting ties lately, will they try to stop production some how?Angles everywhere

e865e8 (2) No.405872




NO! I need sleep!

5ce193 (8) No.405873


I hope so.

Maybe a lucky guess :)

3be53e (34) No.405874>>405886

File (hide): aa49d583002cb5c⋯.png (3.24 MB, 2131x1596, 2131:1596, meme3.png) (h) (u)

a91254 (3) No.405875

Science Channel admits Microwaves used in Mindcontrol.

https:// youtu.be/zaPb3R5YTo4

e350c4 (12) No.405876

>>405840 no SAP is special access program

50aa69 (3) No.405877>>405903


Good angle. Look forward to seeing some, can use 'em!

253b5b (2) No.405878>>405884

Should we create the Patriot Party, for the true Republic?


b16fc9 (14) No.405880


You can see big ben in Q's photo in the distance.

dcdc76 (3) No.405881


How does marijuana work for you?

087d00 (4) No.405882>>405893 >>405994


1 of 22? I picked this up on fedbook, not a vetted doc, but the 1 of 22 thing stands out to me

e865e8 (2) No.405883


So, back to research…

3be53e (34) No.405884>>405890

File (hide): e61930755a8398d⋯.png (6.91 KB, 255x179, 255:179, meme2a.png) (h) (u)

48cd83 (7) No.405885


dont fucking call me an asshole - i do plenty

and it is obvious who ever posted that thinks the gubment got this - WRONG - the government has failed and will continue to fail in a lot of areas - time for US to do something

5ce193 (8) No.405886>>405901


Who is that?

072524 (2) No.405888

File (hide): eda852dec487d85⋯.jpg (61.87 KB, 645x363, 215:121, deplorables.jpg) (h) (u)


Normies, faggots, queers, and general weakness must be called out, even while being forcefully lifted up.

If they are coming in here happy, they better be made of sterner things when they leave.

Only way you can be 'happy' in this present state is if you are a fucking cuck or a blindass fool.

f91d0b (6) No.405889>>405970

1fa3c4 (1) No.405890


Kek, was just gonna say the same.

c9f9ea (1) No.405891>>405946


I'll say it: does it not make more sense that these mass shooters went on their shooting sprees not because the FBI "accidentally let them slip through the cracks" after interviewing them but, rather, BECAUSE the FBI interviewed them at all? Isn't it far more likely that these useful idiots with the "MKULTRA eyes" were hand-picked by the Clowns, who surely have infiltrated the highest levels of the FBI, precisely so that the WOULD kill innocents? It's the same story in every case: "Ooops, the FBI dropped the ball." I don't think the FBI was negligent in their handling of these robots. I think it was all quite calculated, and that any contacts made between the FBI and the killers were done in furtherance of the conspiracy to unleash the slaughter on innocent people, with the goal being to disarm us law abiding gun owners.

2dcd41 (6) No.405892

>>405869 I suspect Kissenger is probably trying to get a "deal" for The Obammanation

72b47a (1) No.405893



3a9def (3) No.405894


My condolences, anon. God bless you and give you strength to endure.

c43898 (18) No.405896


that's the other possibility.

e350c4 (12) No.405897


87bf2e (2) No.405898>>405912


i did none of that shit moved to nowhere bought guns and waited to watch the world burn then things started looking up now i am stuck in the middle of nowhere

dae279 (2) No.405900

Kissinger advocated using food as a weapon, look it up.

3be53e (34) No.405901>>405923

File (hide): 11c09a22a7518e3⋯.jpg (14.36 KB, 244x300, 61:75, meme12.jpg) (h) (u)

046d90 (10) No.405902


My favs from that:


Chocolate Town

I Don't Want It

565254 (20) No.405903


will get more up when poss. we need to control the visuals.. give the hipsters their sliced avocados and cocoon wrapped cozies.. give the grandmas basic common sense… all factual.. all in a style familiar to the audience we seek to engage..

we're smarter than our enemy.

we fight fire with fire. everything that was theirs has become ours. ours is better. ours wins. we are subtle as serpents and harmless as doves.

01a291 (17) No.405904

File (hide): 6c674ae2141e911⋯.jpg (94.27 KB, 618x410, 309:205, two-women-die-claming-1.jpg) (h) (u)

Pacific County Sheriff’s Office

Two women died digging for clams along the Washington coast Friday in separate incidents that occurred after they were caught in rough surf, officials said.

The Pacific County Sheriff’s Office wrote on Facebook the women were reported missing around 9 p.m., roughly four minutes apart, from two beaches in Pacific County, located in the southwest part of the state.

“These incidents serve as a tragic reminder that one must always be vigilant of the powerful surf and waves that are often present on our ocean beaches,” Sheriff Scott Johnson said. “Always stay close to other clammers, bring a flashlight or lantern, a waterproof cell phone, and never turn your back on the surf as ‘sneaker waves’ can appear at any time.”

The first 911 call came in about 8:57 p.m. reporting a 70-year-old woman was lost in the surf while digging clams on the Oysterville beach north of Ocean Park on the Long Beach Peninsula, the sheriff’s office said. A search was hampered “due to rough surf and inclement weather conditions,” but officials from the Coast Guard were eventually able to send a team to the scene.

Her body was found around 5 p.m. Saturday in the town of Westport in neighboring Grays Harbor County.

Officials said in the second case, a 61-year-old woman from Toledo was reported missing at 9:01 p.m. in the surf near the mouth of the Willapa Bay. The woman had been digging for clams with her husband when they became separated. Rescue personnel from several agencies were immediately dispatched to the scene and began scouring the area. Her body was found around 5:30 a.m. on Saturday in Pacific County, the sheriff’s office said.

https:// nypost.com/2018/02/05/2-women-killed-by-rough-waves-while-digging-for-clams/

b87119 (5) No.405905


Kissinger might be MJ1

b67e42 (1) No.405906


Anons: You need to find and read this book! (Strangely enough it can usually be found in the "New Age' section of bookstores. It covers most of the things Q has addressed here since the beginning. You can find copies of his radio broadcasts by looking for "The Hour of the Time".

a14ec1 (3) No.405907>>405935 >>405954



Both good Questions and input.

c58496 (20) No.405908>>405916 >>405917


Horton hear a hoo

69641a (5) No.405909>>405924


WE are the people we have been waiting for.

c1dc31 (8) No.405910



Gotta crack and scramble a few eggs to make a Deep State omelette!




Did not see that, but it reminds me. At the prayer rally yesterday, DWS was there ranting, almost to the point of sounding unhinged, but the worst part is she got these kids in the crowd to start with the anti-gun chants. Like little MK's in training.

0f8d52 (3) No.405911>>405932 >>405934

Any Planefags on ? We have a question for you.

48cd83 (7) No.405912


stay there and hold down the fort - stay away from urban centers - the cabal will strike before all is said and done - they wont go easy

be78da (1) No.405913>>405920 >>405929


A shell could also be a software program that acts like a bubble to protect another program.

483a64 (3) No.405914


I've seen this before. Had a guest who's father was developing A-bomb in WW2. This guest was the son of a active Coastie who had come to visit him and we had them over for dinner. It was quite an evening to be sure.He had more pictures then I could count. Pictures near the holes left by underground blasts. Pictures of what he said was looking through 6 foot glass at handling radioactive materials by robotic arm. all kinds of stuff. I'mm pretty sure I saw this one also.

9ce71a (14) No.405915


>I'm trying to find shrooms and see where that goes.

DO NOT play with the medicine without a guide…medicinal shroom is much different than journey shroom. There are medical pros who will help you and who do know about the medicinal dose….look at the researchers and reach out.

94c56a (9) No.405916>>405966



643f7d (15) No.405917


Horton rents a ho.

e4a6bf (2) No.405918>>405963 >>405969


Also, Putin knows that they are all pedophile satanists which is why he refused for Russian babies to be adopted here. He knew that if the hag got in that the entire world was fucked and any country resisting them would be destroyed.

be646f (3) No.405919


Yep, just trying to cajole him towards the endgame cooler heads enjoy..



I didn't disagree with you. I implored you nicely to lower the fucking blood pressure. Acting with your emotions can get you killed. It can get others killed. Know where the fuck you are. Know (((they))) love triggering you on whatever (((they))) can find to do so, to expend your energy. Use your fucking head.

5ce193 (8) No.405920


Like SSH?

92f8ea (5) No.405922>>405960 >>405997


Chase Weir, who was unable to slow down his Ford Explorer below 80km/h, is heard shouting “Oh my God, Oh my God, I’m gonna die!” as he is forced to veer into oncoming traffic.

Earlier in the call, Mr Weir's trembling voice can be heard describing how he can't get his vehicle below 80km/h, despite braking.

http:// www.heraldsun.com.au/news/driver-taken-to-hospital-in-shock-after-miracle-escape-when-cruise-control-jammed-on-eastern-fwy/news-story/e89590eed7ec56dff59a26f6859d81e2?sv=ef8ee4997bb439050a161bf9d81ce98d

2f1123 (7) No.405923


Where is the meme of Dark Sirious as Soros?

a4a751 (4) No.405924


And we've arrived!

ac6a7d (1) No.405925>>405979


Good vs Evil

Stop with the divide BS lest be called a shill.

01a291 (17) No.405926>>405945



baker baker,

add this to dough!!!

d4824e (4) No.405927>>405941


Midnight in Paris

c5e157 (2) No.405928


Oldfaganon, been there and done that. It can and has been experience speaking. It's either that or become a woman hater. Women will be women, they're different from us men and that's why it works. When one doesn't listen, another will. Move on to the next one.

56c56c (2) No.405929

File (hide): 97583c509409167⋯.gif (8.84 KB, 228x313, 228:313, OxQZi.gif) (h) (u)


A terminal shell

Shell is a program which processes commands and returns output , like bash in Linux . Terminal is a program that run a shell , in the past it was a physical device (Before terminals were monitors with keyboards, they were teletypes) and then its concept was transferred into software , like Gnome-Terminal .Aug 4, 2014

c43898 (18) No.405931>>405971


that's interesting enough…. wtf….. this hole goes deeper than I can imagine.

I know of the chilean sub that went missing quite awhile ago and now the argentinan one that went missing in december. what a MESS

c2c5dd (10) No.405932


who's we?

e350c4 (12) No.405933>>405945


====BAKER BAKER BAKER helper anon aqui

b1896f (4) No.405934


Yes go ahead

3be53e (34) No.405935


Afirmative and ty.

80bb48 (10) No.405936

File (hide): 44928e074842bca⋯.jpg (288.35 KB, 844x1225, 844:1225, IMG_3055.JPG) (h) (u)



> great post

Made think about the message more… so I added the MkU to better red pill?

(Updated pic related)

48cd83 (7) No.405937>>405944

>>405849 havent had caffeine in my body in 23 years last cup on the last day of my service to this country

6c0fd3 (2) No.405938

File (hide): 6bfab630eab2420⋯.jpg (57.86 KB, 401x542, 401:542, palehrsarse.jpg) (h) (u)

A lot of shit passes though it, dats fo sure.

47fea2 (7) No.405940


Go ask a young vet what plagues him or her the most.

e350c4 (12) No.405941


Full Metal Jacket.

0f8d52 (3) No.405942>>405947

Planefags me and the six screens of others on another board talking

072524 (2) No.405943


Beltway swamp culture can be fatal to general public, case in point 101.

5ce193 (8) No.405944>>405959


Someone get this Patriot a cup of coffee!

c58496 (20) No.405945>>405976

087d00 (4) No.405946


Yep yep yep

c2c5dd (10) No.405947


What's up?

422160 (5) No.405948>>405965 >>405983 >>405998


Doesn't behave like anything I've ever seen before. They show up as the Aurora Boreallis style When it crashes against the magnetic field. (For others: The veil?!)

I checked space weather and got this.

There's a CME heading this way.

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=WFsC9z4_MjU

Amount of time it can take:

https:// www.spaceweatherlive.com/en/help/how-do-we-know-if-a-cme-is-earth-directed-and-when-its-going-to-arrive

I've had a feeling there were double meanings to Q's posts regarding scare event, backing up offline, and if we drop now everything will be lost.

I keep thinking EMP that crashes the net. CME's are another form (Think Carrington event)

I could be wrong, Anons, but I really recommend backing up everything offline just in case.

643f7d (15) No.405949


Believe as you wish. Some of us have been warned, watched and are aware

dffa4e (12) No.405952

i am just gonna war ping all ya dox fags

2dcd41 (6) No.405953>>405967


I disagree with your Special Access Program theory.

Strategic Assets were being sold off and Obamanations were getting paid off big time on the side. Not just oil, uranium, water, land, and special trace elements needed for smart bombs that can only be found on few places on earth.

SOLD SOLD SOLD! Bammy, Crinton, all made fat loot.

Not just oil rights selling off our strategic assets.

483a64 (3) No.405954


Very close to the coast In the last 15 minutes there has been 4-5 fighters pass over the house. Unusual. Couldn't see them but I sure could here them. There is no mistaking Fighters.

56c56c (2) No.405955

Buckle up. 500 is around the corner

565254 (20) No.405957

And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him (revelation 6:8)

bd3b3e (1) No.405958


no, STARS comon stop with UFOs

c1dc31 (8) No.405959>>405974

File (hide): 51dc523d42ae34e⋯.png (1.7 MB, 1021x1021, 1:1, Covfefe.png) (h) (u)


Covfefe for MAGAmen!

b45f0d (3) No.405960>>405997



Just heard a similar story on the radio today, so no sauce, but a guy in Florida had his gas petal get stuck to the floor and was going like 100mph. Police had to blow out his tires or something to slow the car down and eventually stop it.

69641a (5) No.405963


This. Russia is way smarter than most realize.

826321 (1) No.405965>>406002

File (hide): 5238984e9ebc112⋯.png (238.82 KB, 338x398, 169:199, asas.png) (h) (u)

>>405154 (OP)


you have my attention

f91d0b (6) No.405966

b1896f (4) No.405967>>406003


The SAP question was answered back on half chan.

e4a6bf (2) No.405969


Remember what set the Russian collusion narrative off was when Potus said during the elections wouldn't it be nice if USA and russia were friends and got on togehter? Two formidable Christan countries working together is enough to have the cabal shitting themselves royally.

fa6908 (3) No.405970

File (hide): bf33453579f59a0⋯.png (583.12 KB, 524x700, 131:175, 97420073.png) (h) (u)

2f1123 (7) No.405971>>406000


<what a MESS

Totally.., Now.., Pineda (Chile).., say to have conversations with Kushner (embassy)

01a291 (17) No.405973

3be53e (34) No.405974


I would seriously buy 7 of those if they were available. ;)

e350c4 (12) No.405976

>>405945 405933 is tip to use Venn Diagramming to map, very likely from inside

9ce71a (14) No.405977


>What did Einstein say?

He was getting close as original medicine is all quantum physics…or kek as they currently call it quantum WOO…it's funny watching them struggle with it. One guy who has ONE bit of it…is Wim Hoff..his bit that he's figured out is "nature of reality"…but as you see by studying those who try..what I said is true..not everyone can do it…some can do a little…few can actually do it…because it requires a certain genetic thingy…Einstein came upon Spooky Action at a Distance…quantum entanglement is part of this….there's a group researching the medical application of this…Spooky2…they use a physical device..but one does not actually need a physical device. Not if that thingy in your brain works.

643f7d (15) No.405979


See, this is exactly what I was talking about. Just can't let things go, must have the last word, always about them them them. How many hours do you spend in front of the mirror worrying about how you look? It's called vanity! Who's the shill? I know who they are, and they are filtered.

80bb48 (10) No.405980

File (hide): 4d7a15f5e55cced⋯.png (208.25 KB, 700x700, 1:1, IMG_2652.PNG) (h) (u)




Sandy HOAX!

329e3e (2) No.405981


Obama magic exercise, "No thank you Satan"

2dcd41 (6) No.405982

File (hide): 2d2749b07feaca2⋯.jpg (8.71 KB, 281x179, 281:179, hailhydra.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 769e7b2f89037ba⋯.jpg (29.52 KB, 595x503, 595:503, hail-hydra-papa.jpg) (h) (u)

8564e0 (2) No.405983


Let's keep in mind the rumors from several years ago that China had received a weapon called the SIM (Solar Initiation Module) that could cause CMEs to be directed to particular targets on Earth.

89c8e3 (5) No.405984


https:// mobile.twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/930490487903084544

Anybody notice how it starts out with the person on the bicycle going backwards?

Was that ever looked at or discussed?

c58496 (20) No.405986

c2c5dd (10) No.405987>>406005


This near your house

046d90 (10) No.405988

File (hide): 1d8290513e713ee⋯.png (113.24 KB, 246x205, 6:5, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

47fea2 (7) No.405989


Can you recap the batchalorett for me?

11494d (1) No.405991

I need some orders Q. For the past 5 years or so ive just been waiting to die. Not suicidal or anything, just nothing to do. Give me orders.

9ce71a (14) No.405993


>drunvalo melchizedek

he's a fraud..sorry. There are many many plastic shamans who claim to know the answer…they may give some accurate information…but they are MIRAGE MEN.

289c9f (1) No.405994


Just read that document as if it was an article a reporter submitted to an editor. There are simply too many errors for this to have originated in a high level government setting.

1) Incorrect capitalization of a noun in a sentence

2) Same phrase repeated within single sentence

3) Use of word "President" rather than "President's" in second graf

4) Incorrect placement of comma in third graf

5) Another incorrect use of comma in fourth graf, twice in same sentence, along with incorrect capitalization.

b45f0d (3) No.405997




Ah, sauce here.

https:// www.upi.com/Odd_News/2018/02/14/Florida-mans-gas-pedal-gets-stuck-going-100-mph/2361518583195/

819d46 (2) No.405998

File (hide): c0617857241e5e4⋯.jpg (357.17 KB, 1045x1183, 1045:1183, Screenshot_20180216-234800.jpg) (h) (u)


Been following this tonight. Current aurora map in pic related.

c43898 (18) No.406000


I'm getting some crazy vibes off this board tonight… CME just mentioned… 10 days of darkness… and 2018 being glorious and winning!!!!!!

422160 (5) No.406001


>>To all you Autists,

>>“There lay the pieces on the great chessboard before me with which a the game for an empire had been played… I was but a pawn, and like a pawn I had pushed forward to the front at the opening of the game.” John Charles Fremont

Did I miss something further or is it confirmed vaccine experimenting, etc.?

And yeah, they want to create weapons? Here's weaponized autism, motherfuckers.

87bf2e (2) No.406002


its falcore from never ending story

2dcd41 (6) No.406003

>>405967 Yeah…along with + ++ +++ right?

c2c5dd (10) No.406005

File (hide): c5753625b57fa2f⋯.png (331.15 KB, 1134x617, 1134:617, bb.PNG) (h) (u)


Sorry forgot pic

9ce71a (14) No.406006


>And is not part of the inspection/oversight program.


c9d772 (1) No.406007


Firm but fair.

And this illuminates a primary principle.

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