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File: d86a66ba45ed10b⋯.png (475.57 KB,1748x938,874:469,ClipboardImage.png)

3e3182 No.20932200 [View All]

Q Research General #25673

Yet another anti semitic nigger in the kitchen WTF


BO/BV please clean this shit up it's getting ridiculous

TRUMP WON………………….

45 posts and 15 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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6e5d70 No.20932367

File: 0128c03c6761674⋯.png (4.38 MB,1600x990,160:99,ClipboardImage.png)


it's a veritable smorgasboard


think so

fist bread baked after shill bread abandoned

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7c657d No.20932371


I can't tell any more

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311da1 No.20932373


Trips chkd


Lots of hits

Q724 & 852

852 references Red October Steel Plant.

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6730bd No.20932375


I woke up too early.

I'm just gonna go back to sleep for awhile.

Hopefully the bread situation will be solved by the time I wake up again.

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aacc8a No.20932377


me too, it's too complicated at this time of day

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311da1 No.20932378

File: 176ff19939edd45⋯.png (91.51 KB,473x644,473:644,qaggdropimage724.png)

File: 9e86aa4a1a18a99⋯.png (110.31 KB,473x781,43:71,qaggdropimage852.png)

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c895bf No.20932379

File: e9b6baad4c3a397⋯.png (85.14 KB,868x533,868:533,ClipboardImage.png)



Why was ‘The HUNT For’ removed?

Expand your thinking.

Not related to $ or trade.


News / Tweets unlock the MAP.

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3e3182 No.20932383


TY Anon tried to guess how to bake

(On the quck)


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a2ed53 No.20932384

File: 62cd7aef32bd9ac⋯.png (381.02 KB,700x449,700:449,ClipboardImage.png)

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6e5d70 No.20932387

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

New York: Man Sets Subway Passenger on Fire with Flaming Liquid in Second Attack in 3 Months

Police arrested Nile Taylor, 49, for allegedly setting a man on fire with a flammable liquid aboard a subway train in Manhattan on May 25. The victim, Petrit Alijaj, 23, suffered a burn to his upper torso as his shirt caught on fire. Taylor is a suspect in what the NYPD said was a similar incident on February 5, 2024 and is accused of throwing a “lit container of flammable liquid” at a group of people standing on a subway train platform in Manhattan. There has been an increase in crime in the subways in New York due to soft-on-crime Criminal Justice Reform policies and resistance by leftist Soros-backed prosecutors to prosecute crimes.




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c895bf No.20932388

File: e5c6c4d3a4dd8af⋯.png (162.94 KB,437x244,437:244,ClipboardImage.png)


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311da1 No.20932394

File: 3c372fa27bb5a25⋯.jpg (107.64 KB,738x499,738:499,3ai3kq.jpg)



Good job you landed it.

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774d9f No.20932395


Well that’s not very nice at all!

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a2ed53 No.20932402

And the truth about Haiti ain't even been declassd yet


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6730bd No.20932403


GN fren

battery on my laptop is running low anyways

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736b6d No.20932404

File: 06613c49dda612a⋯.png (41.13 KB,734x266,367:133,Screenshot_2024_05_29_at_0….png)

File: 334b932bb27076b⋯.png (586.62 KB,744x589,24:19,Screenshot_2024_05_29_at_0….png)

File: 367841a62f80c1d⋯.png (621.89 KB,742x643,742:643,Screenshot_2024_05_29_at_0….png)

Two former FBI officials have reached a tentative settlement with the Justice Department to resolve claims that their privacy was violated when the department leaked to the news media text messages that they had sent one another that disparaged former President Donald Trump.

The tentative deal was disclosed in a brief court filing Tuesday that did not reveal any of the terms.

Peter Strzok, a former top FBI counterintelligence agent who helped lead the bureau’s investigation into potential ties between Russia and Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign, was fired in 2018 after the anti-Trump text messages came to light.

Lisa Page, a former FBI lawyer, voluntarily resigned that same year.

They alleged in federal lawsuits filed in the District of Columbia that the Justice Department infringed on their privacy rights when officials, in December 2017, shared copies of their communication with reporters — including messages that described Trump as an “idiot” and a ”loathsome human” and that called the prospect of a Trump victory “terrifying.”

Strzok also sued the department over his termination, alleging that the FBI caved to “unrelenting pressure” from Trump when it fired him and that his First Amendment rights were violated.

Those constitutional claims have not been resolved by the tentative settlement, according to the court notice.

Trump, who publicly championed Strzok’s firing and accused him of treason, was questioned under oath last year as part of the long-running litigation.

The text messages were discovered by the Justice Department inspector general’s office as it scrutinized the FBI’s investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server as secretary of state.

Strzok was a lead agent in that probe as well, and he notes in his lawsuit that the inspector general found no evidence that political bias tainted the email investigation.

Even so, the text messages resulted in Strzok being removed from the special counsel team conducting the Trump-Russia investigation and helped drive criticism by Trump that the inquiry was a politically motivated “witch hunt.”

The inspector general identified numerous flaws with that probe but did not find evidence that any of those problems could be attributed to partisan bias.

Lawyers for Strzok and Page declined to comment Tuesday night.

A Justice Department spokesman also declined to comment, but the department has previously said that officials determined that it was permissible to share with the media text messages that were also disclosed to members of Congress.


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3e3182 No.20932405

File: bff5c89633bba51⋯.png (1.43 MB,1500x1000,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6ec5d14fc4d6d08⋯.png (2.66 MB,2000x1333,2000:1333,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a8b026ba9a281ab⋯.png (1.28 MB,1200x800,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 35b42943eb62d56⋯.png (1.25 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

The usual suspects

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736b6d No.20932407

File: 22924bf36e8c8a9⋯.png (25.1 KB,769x121,769:121,Screenshot_2024_05_29_at_0….png)

Around 10% to 27% of noncitizens living in the United States are illicitly registered to vote, which could see up to 2.7 million illegal votes being cast in the November presidential election.

The significant amount of potential illegal votes could be enough to help Democrats repeat 2020.

According to a study from the research institute Just Facts, the 2022 U.S. census recorded approximately 19 million adult noncitizens.

“Given their voter registration rates, this means that about 2 million to 5 million of them are illegally registered to vote,” the report observes.

“These figures are potentially high enough to overturn the will of the American people in major elections, including congressional seats and the presidency.”

James Agresti, president of Just Facts, discussed the scope of noncitizens casting ballots ad its implications.

“[T]here are very broad openings for noncitizens to vote,” he explained.

“In no state in the nation are they required to provide proof of U.S. citizenship in order to register to vote. Now, a couple of states like Arizona tried to enact that requirement, but they were blocked by a court ruling supported by the Obama administration,” he added.


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f93f49 No.20932409

File: 861d743c2809d3b⋯.jpeg (351.6 KB,646x440,323:220,F2FB8089_C5F7_4912_AE8B_E….jpeg)


Thank you.

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c895bf No.20932411

File: 47a689f0123b188⋯.png (223.63 KB,450x250,9:5,ClipboardImage.png)

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5eac63 No.20932412

>>20932285 Ebake dough


Please Bring Notables Forward, TY




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774d9f No.20932413


Fuck that, and fuck these two.

They conspire against people’s will, knowingly, and now get a payout from those whom were betrayed.

Burn it all down.

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c895bf No.20932417

File: 5f2e961740ce5c3⋯.png (965.11 KB,1005x601,1005:601,ClipboardImage.png)

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736b6d No.20932419

File: 6705065218f09a8⋯.png (44.57 KB,1223x247,1223:247,Screenshot_2024_05_29_at_0….png)

A high school senior in Campbell, Kentucky was denied his diploma because he went off-script during a commencement address and mentioned the name of Jesus Christ.

Campbell County High School graduate Micah Price broke from his pre-approved address to give honor and glory to his “Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.”

“He is the light, He is the way, the truth and the life,” Price said. “Class, everyone in the audience today, I’m here to tell you if you don’t have any of those things in your life, you can’t seem to find the answer, my Lord and Savior is your answer. He will give you the truth, the way and the life.”

Price said in a post, which you can watch below, that he stands by his decision and that he will accept whatever punishment the school decides to levy.

“If anyone is in the wrong, it’s me. I went against school policy, school rules,” he said. “I deserve to get punished.”

Local12.com reports that the school authorized him to mention the name of Jesus Christ, but the rest of the faith-based message had not been approved.

“All speakers were told that going off their submitted speech, or any unplanned choices at graduation, may have repercussions as they would at any school function,” Superintendent Shelli Wilson said in a statement to Local 12.


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f93f49 No.20932421

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


A most glorious morning indeed, victory is in the air.

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6fa9d4 No.20932423


These motherfuckers in the healthcare industry know all of this. They also knew IVM would kill muh chyna virus and instead, sentenced 100's of thousands, over a million people to death. They knew that putting the elderly on those ventilators would drive that chyna virus deeper into the patient's lungs. It was a blatant death sentence. Premeditated murder. Even the mere thought of this is evil on a level that is incomprehensible. The conspiracy theory is conspiracy fact. World depopulation by any and all means. This is who and what these people are. Not all, but enough.

Accountability, justice and punishment. We are surrounded by evil.

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736b6d No.20932425


the current doj is run by obama/biden minions, so they assuredly testified on behalf of strzok and page

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424c74 No.20932426

File: 7526ba94e0cf324⋯.jpg (241.23 KB,1024x560,64:35,20200612_062413.jpg)

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f93f49 No.20932430

File: c1e0d99bf098100⋯.jpeg (76.84 KB,828x554,414:277,89EB45A9_7BBF_40B3_ADF6_5….jpeg)

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3e3182 No.20932432

File: 4f579c382d0ca15⋯.png (112.23 KB,698x788,349:394,ClipboardImage.png)

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e11a92 No.20932434

File: 602f3545501345f⋯.png (1.11 MB,1500x1000,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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c895bf No.20932438

File: efa8f693fa509e1⋯.mp4 (14.91 MB,854x480,427:240,nevereverforget.mp4)

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736b6d No.20932439

File: 21e189196e5cc0e⋯.png (26.18 KB,754x135,754:135,Screenshot_2024_05_29_at_0….png)

File: e49d8b616b289c3⋯.png (359.39 KB,730x410,73:41,Screenshot_2024_05_29_at_0….png)

CBS’s half-sentence on the collapse, although paltry in comparison to NBC’s coverage, is a half-sentence more was shown on ABC World News Tonight, which continues to make its case as the most aggressively pro-Biden network of the broadcast network newscasts. Therefore, the story did not get any air.

One imagines the outraged wall-to-wall coverage had this pier collapse happened during the Bush 43 or Trump administrations. If it weren’t for Regime Media, we’d have none at all.


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cd53a8 No.20932441

>>20932007 pb

[Brain lob.es


>>20932038 pb

[sUCH a good speaker

SUCh a good puppet]

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774d9f No.20932443

File: 740f125546d64f3⋯.gif (2.18 MB,400x300,4:3,IMG_1970.gif)


The whole entire show is run by amoral unethical grifter thieving criminal fucks.

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5fa4af No.20932446

File: 7b4e8d3b06bd28c⋯.png (41.3 KB,301x214,301:214,ClipboardImage.png)

Bread Title

The Shitposter's Delight

like both bread by this name 25763 are titleless

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5eac63 No.20932448

>>20932285 Ebake dough


Please Bring Notables Forward, TY




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736b6d No.20932449


yep, it's all being brought to light

the question is what, if anything, will be done about it

we will get the answer to this question on november 5th

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f93f49 No.20932451

File: 502b1af2b49bf6e⋯.jpeg (130.8 KB,828x621,4:3,5C4DE75A_969C_45B1_9E1C_5….jpeg)

File: 231e68f15d98a22⋯.jpeg (152.14 KB,828x600,69:50,144A405B_0EBA_497E_9CCB_4….jpeg)

File: b8a8d53156ce917⋯.jpeg (146.4 KB,828x600,69:50,F8FA0DF3_650C_42D7_861B_4….jpeg)

File: 41f07f5718c0eaf⋯.jpeg (129.67 KB,828x466,414:233,00BEBBFE_E2E5_43E2_8F74_1….jpeg)

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5eac63 No.20932453


see the one that says EBAKE

thats the title and the correct thread

please migrate

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3e3182 No.20932455


Why you pushing so hard?

You the same SHILL baker that did the other bread?

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3e3182 No.20932461



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5fa4af No.20932463


please lock this one

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5eac63 No.20932469


>please lock this one

only a BV can lock it up

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5eac63 No.20932473

File: 55341cd47cd6524⋯.jpg (267.2 KB,1200x803,1200:803,dayshift.jpg)



STFU when you talk to me nigger, I dont play your fucking game

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22e03e No.20932487

Is this real bread ? -> >>20932285

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ebdb1a No.20932489

Shill beaker in other bread

Stay here

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ebdb1a No.20932498



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5eac63 No.20932505


>Shill beaker in other bread




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59fa07 No.20932507

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