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File: e18e33ca602f308⋯.jpg (118.36 KB,1500x813,500:271,mcsryzbs8hj31.jpg)

7b87d9 No.19242604

What do you think of this flag with the lion in the middle and rearraigned stars?

Do you want this to be the new flag of America, replacing our current flag?

I'm only just getting thoughts and everyone's opinions about it, thats all :)

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65b9c1 No.19243085

File: dbac04e7e02fa9c⋯.png (171.39 KB,3500x2000,7:4,6j8b0gks00p31.png)


Would be nice if it was just the National Divorce of Red States from Blue. Three Canadian Provinces would join if asked, then the Union of North America thing would actually happen. There's some flags already considered for that though, here's the most common example

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a70d23 No.19243633

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7b87d9 No.19245178

File: 548752def2d3156⋯.png (2.63 KB,318x159,2:1,download_1_.png)

File: 29aa94f3d77733c⋯.png (1.17 MB,4115x3556,4115:3556,wexit.png)

One more thing!

There is a separatist movement called "Wexit" and they wanna break free from Canada and their "woke" policies. It makes up most of British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba

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65b9c1 No.19245208


Had not heard about BC, just the other three and possible Yukon

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62748c No.19245478

Its way to busy, and there are no actual lions in America (mountain lions, yes, but not with that mane).

I would do a field of dark blue with a white star for each state and territory and possibly a thin red stripe around the border.

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65b9c1 No.19251092


Other than zoos and that sanctuary in Florida, no lions.

Would absolutely NOT do any kind of striping around the border, That is the same as that gold fringe around the American flag. Stuff like that is from medieval times and in heraldry known as a "badge." That indicated it had been captured or is subservient to another

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