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File: 81012ccb214d785⋯.png (413.86 KB,710x733,710:733,ClipboardImage.png)

feeff3 No.18965323

There are lots of memes being made every day

But they are not always on the most important topics

Let's try something, use this thread to brainstorm them

The focus today obviously being JOE BIDEN + TREASON

Me personally, I can take requests.

Not a pro at photoshop just yet

But can do most basic stuff

Ready… Set… MEME!

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49e3bf No.18966188

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Here is the DINK Green Mind song that Q gave us. Is it time for this one yet?


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feeff3 No.18966222

File: 2a1f8ec58db6cd1⋯.jpg (135.89 KB,912x748,228:187,Screenshot_20230607_093136….jpg)

File: 4c2bb6b1f3f13b7⋯.png (29.37 KB,645x767,645:767,image_search_1686144744328.png)


idk but thanks for the bump, fellow Chud!

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49e3bf No.18966273

File: b3e9e1eb323564f⋯.gif (18.23 KB,80x80,1:1,soy_gangnam.gif)

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4de657 No.18968819

File: a1b365695d88194⋯.jpg (354.72 KB,1600x899,1600:899,image_search_1686180969649.jpg)

File: e52197f025673d3⋯.png (1.21 MB,1080x1100,54:55,Polish_20230607_193713312.png)

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4de657 No.18968827

File: de2100770a5c245⋯.jpg (427.97 KB,1920x1080,16:9,image_search_1686180971764.jpg)

File: 9ef5224fab23e0e⋯.png (473.28 KB,1080x749,1080:749,Polish_20230607_193723309.png)

File: a6e9c441f8fa431⋯.jpg (708.66 KB,1920x2455,384:491,image_search_1686180980864.jpg)

File: b792217bfd10e52⋯.png (1.69 MB,1080x1534,540:767,Polish_20230607_193739782.png)

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4de657 No.18968836

File: dce3ad96a21e3d9⋯.jpg (233.67 KB,1136x852,4:3,image_search_1686180986075.jpg)

File: 7f097a59a27b233⋯.png (982.7 KB,1080x812,270:203,Polish_20230607_193809086.png)

File: f227a6a578792cc⋯.webp (87.55 KB,1200x675,16:9,image_search_168618098945….webp)

File: 345baeba5cbab65⋯.png (622.38 KB,1080x707,1080:707,Polish_20230607_193825888.png)

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4de657 No.18968840

File: c91e944b84035c3⋯.jpg (186.21 KB,1280x882,640:441,image_search_1686180999258.jpg)

File: f3c467c0764acaa⋯.png (971 KB,1080x888,45:37,Polish_20230607_193909203.png)

File: 626a6de0c5a2b63⋯.jpg (84.25 KB,1200x630,40:21,image_search_1686181003717.jpg)

File: e4a783580473eee⋯.png (571.34 KB,1080x809,1080:809,Polish_20230607_194207119.png)

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4de657 No.18968874

File: 3540cb72ae4fdc0⋯.png (1.13 MB,1080x1100,54:55,Polish_20230607_194954516.png)

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4de657 No.18970423

File: da5b0367ddd2563⋯.jpg (362.74 KB,1095x1602,365:534,1686185167781846.jpg)

File: 98423a91ab642a8⋯.jpg (500.8 KB,1543x2361,1543:2361,1686185247926486.jpg)

it's their religion

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4de657 No.18970427

oops wrong thread

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