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File: 3b7168c7bbea6c2⋯.jpg (114.2 KB,500x328,125:82,1_blog_rudy_firefighter_40….jpg)

e4937c No.18874153 [Last50 Posts]

Dear Mr. Mayor,

Thank you for being the greatest mayor our great Country has ever known, and may your mayorship be a guiding light in days ahead for honorable servants of our besieged Land and People, as our People, greatly afflicted, begin awakening to many terrible truths that are, inexorably, being dragged, kicking and screaming by heroic Patriots, at great risk to their own lives, from dark shadows into the painful light of day.

You may have mentioned something about wanting some memes.

Please find appended several in roughly chronological order; some, perhaps, standing the test of time a bit more than others. They may serve as both remembrances of our adventures over the last several years, and just maybe, encouragement for memes to come.

May God Bless our People and our Land, and our President, who we love, Donald John Trump, from these, the days of our affliction, through the battles ahead, and to our resurgence and redemption in the victory to come.

…and also, if you are not too busy, please consider joining Mr. Bannon, when NPR/PBS is upgraded to the Bannon Channel, 24/7, to provide patriotic, educational coverage of the tribunals, the crimes and the criminals, all the way through sentencing and denouement. You could help provide background and commentary on the crimes, the criminals and procedures at Guantanamo, from intake, to speedy trials, to convictions, to sentencing.

For those without PPV access, you could also provide a play-by-play on the crying, the shrieking, the begging, the reactions of those queued for speedy trials watching the ongoing executions, the sleepless last nights in their cells, the Obama-school-lunch-last-meals, the repeated last minute rescheduling of executions until tomorrow, the pathetic-wailing-and-wide-eyed-flailing-on-the-way-to-the-execution-chamber, the administration of justice, the burning the bodies to ashes, the loading of the Contemptible Ashes into the Diapers of Justice, and the vaccine injured Marine escort to the filthiest commode in all of Guantanamo to dump them, where, whilst not required, the Marine may choose to sit for a moment and deploy a fellow traveler to accompany the decedent on their final, swirling journey.

Terrible crimes deserve terrible punishments.

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e4937c No.18874161

File: e78c9fd2ddde923⋯.jpg (66.49 KB,459x458,459:458,idllatm.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874164

File: 1abc5a3805645da⋯.jpg (190.07 KB,1017x709,1017:709,tgc.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874167

File: b9d14ae96774e3a⋯.jpg (84.44 KB,775x513,775:513,40_Year_Movie.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874170

File: 7295026bbdf8849⋯.jpg (81.44 KB,933x505,933:505,active_measures.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874172

File: 00870f179cfbc98⋯.jpg (88.53 KB,723x545,723:545,ELE.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874174

File: 6b24aa487b02f1a⋯.jpg (90.62 KB,719x457,719:457,GWP.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874177

File: 3bdaee419d8cf4c⋯.jpg (145.69 KB,747x495,83:55,00zfightonemoreround.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874180

File: 003e19c3125f6e3⋯.jpg (167.75 KB,1139x513,1139:513,hrc_sauce.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874182

File: e8f20d091213853⋯.jpg (114.75 KB,727x491,727:491,tiansit.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874184

File: 4b63e2cbf4eb232⋯.jpg (175.5 KB,799x449,799:449,wherearetheynow.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874186

File: e16d18d449587bb⋯.jpg (128.39 KB,787x549,787:549,h.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874188

File: 0853025464cbe40⋯.jpg (122.12 KB,731x503,731:503,wholesale.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874189

File: 10641699ad240d5⋯.jpg (111.55 KB,603x561,201:187,fulldemocrat.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874192

File: 7561dc5b5b8e831⋯.jpg (163.94 KB,1043x609,149:87,safetyfirst.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874194

File: 0e8ee767d961983⋯.jpg (62.32 KB,493x569,493:569,justdidit.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874195

File: b56973a33b811e3⋯.jpg (60.6 KB,935x391,55:23,clownsrememebered.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874197

File: 76ee9dcd7477a6a⋯.jpg (225.95 KB,943x690,41:30,redflaglaws.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874199

File: c537787495cfa0c⋯.jpg (129.12 KB,443x661,443:661,ClintonCartelPOPdtl.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874203

File: e878b525520172f⋯.jpg (261.71 KB,1033x583,1033:583,facebookgroup.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874204

File: 2b0b1cc7506b5d9⋯.jpg (171.55 KB,1073x479,1073:479,voting_socialist.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874205

File: 774780bb6db60ea⋯.jpg (66.07 KB,381x701,381:701,imwithher.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874207

File: d96d4b58e9a00d7⋯.jpg (112.5 KB,915x517,915:517,islamicterrorists.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874210

File: 9426d60514424b4⋯.jpg (128.29 KB,847x569,847:569,alliwant4Christmas.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874212

File: 8a262fa47760713⋯.jpg (318.71 KB,871x751,871:751,comfy.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874213

File: a6e45c2e05a06f7⋯.jpg (123.18 KB,599x725,599:725,walkaway.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874214

File: 28bef26738b605e⋯.jpg (155.49 KB,831x725,831:725,chosenone.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874218

File: 9a4ac6ac53ff241⋯.jpg (109.93 KB,921x439,921:439,little_pussy.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874221

File: 77479c907a29dc6⋯.jpg (141.98 KB,721x577,721:577,handc.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874224

File: 3c1d724eaaa35d3⋯.jpg (132.21 KB,1013x519,1013:519,comfykermit.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874228

File: fb7c93a62a2fe0e⋯.jpg (97.47 KB,527x697,31:41,yjwdtl.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874233

File: 291543aa2759d7b⋯.jpg (156.03 KB,781x687,781:687,gp.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874236

File: 51b6e4dc922d8b5⋯.jpg (179.7 KB,873x603,97:67,w.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874238

File: 5a73caff81e953f⋯.jpg (114.42 KB,869x495,79:45,qaqpdtl.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874240

File: 36ce142a6ab19c4⋯.jpg (133.45 KB,637x547,637:547,aiwfc.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874241

File: 2b86a1bc11123de⋯.jpg (204.11 KB,1015x551,35:19,T2020.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874245

File: e64fa8b508fded2⋯.jpg (189.37 KB,515x729,515:729,PatriotTCB.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874248

File: 57766a27c99bb9f⋯.jpg (54.89 KB,497x499,497:499,iwwa.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874251

File: 52dd97b6eed6ccf⋯.jpg (74.08 KB,533x533,1:1,dumpsteralex.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874253

File: 84d4dd6c14f2010⋯.jpg (105.61 KB,1061x369,1061:369,think_.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874255

File: 1a0b7dcbc6cc783⋯.jpg (113.25 KB,910x414,455:207,taifp.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874256

File: 69cac77a8521331⋯.jpg (85.28 KB,483x639,161:213,jwq.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874261

File: 9520cc680d82636⋯.jpg (182.17 KB,1011x533,1011:533,omegaorourke.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874266

File: fb9e51174e13073⋯.jpg (188.39 KB,985x717,985:717,betatoughguy.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874271

File: 6470002db3121e1⋯.jpg (165.89 KB,975x443,975:443,hrcspace.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874272

File: 3603a4ec9f8b22b⋯.jpg (168.55 KB,955x493,955:493,sheepdogcontrol.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874273

File: ec08148f80355b8⋯.jpg (109.03 KB,721x721,1:1,0gladiators.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874274

File: 465af2f567aaf24⋯.jpg (28.98 KB,640x328,80:41,october.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874276

File: a8911a826b1b412⋯.jpg (174.67 KB,947x635,947:635,jusno.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874277

File: da291e9174a506d⋯.jpg (125.76 KB,635x693,635:693,ukraine.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874280

File: 991e03a5da588da⋯.jpg (120.1 KB,947x571,947:571,t4hrc.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874281

File: f012feb804fade6⋯.jpg (145.2 KB,953x435,953:435,ghislane20.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874284

File: 409dfd8187b52ce⋯.jpg (99.05 KB,847x577,847:577,smiting.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874286

File: 5ff80555efba312⋯.jpg (155.49 KB,857x717,857:717,redflaggeddf.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874288

File: bc78937b2249fb1⋯.jpg (137.25 KB,943x633,943:633,pelosiprayer.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874292

File: fb5264e57ec1ea0⋯.jpg (113.98 KB,681x691,681:691,impeachmentbob.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874294

File: 39dcc382b2a2241⋯.jpg (96.95 KB,821x477,821:477,nostopdontimpeach.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874297

File: 637a02ce6e4fa45⋯.jpg (173.44 KB,947x519,947:519,justimpeachy.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874298

File: 7ac3dfcc64d1f41⋯.jpg (179.87 KB,951x659,951:659,ed.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874299

File: 24878998d97a4d6⋯.jpg (170.31 KB,953x717,953:717,jmdd.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874301

File: 75f3bf155326a33⋯.jpg (150.52 KB,951x705,317:235,armor.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874317

File: 9b96d28dbd38f42⋯.jpg (147.34 KB,901x583,17:11,fakenews.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874319

File: 50b8613a08227cd⋯.jpg (82.5 KB,943x511,943:511,howmuch4.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874321

File: 597d43fc964e558⋯.jpg (103.12 KB,945x407,945:407,barium.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874330

File: b5447b1deb5ca76⋯.jpg (293.04 KB,953x643,953:643,hugs.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874332

File: d2c7c284f2e50d9⋯.jpg (150.4 KB,1065x407,1065:407,evidence.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874336

File: 45f1278cae5e724⋯.jpg (90.49 KB,861x611,861:611,heartattack_.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874337

File: d6c05977c065242⋯.jpg (96.84 KB,753x499,753:499,isntthereanotherpunishment.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874338

File: 05980ce55ad9018⋯.jpg (127.84 KB,947x557,947:557,qpj.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874341

File: 925c7405375a856⋯.jpg (88.43 KB,723x735,241:245,ruscol.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874342

File: 209ccb8935b7023⋯.jpg (105.93 KB,879x515,879:515,tj.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874344

File: d97ad147d31cfb9⋯.jpg (113.81 KB,907x573,907:573,rapists.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874346

File: ea66fbddd1f1ccb⋯.jpg (146.25 KB,1089x347,1089:347,schiff.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874347

File: d76d6768889e3e8⋯.jpg (126.87 KB,973x585,973:585,rcprcchrc.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874348

File: 38c4dc28e3672ca⋯.jpg (88.04 KB,645x383,645:383,restrained.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874350

File: d1c469bec0ed228⋯.jpg (76.38 KB,591x661,591:661,centennialish.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874352

File: ffe15d7718a7aa9⋯.jpg (57.59 KB,687x704,687:704,8ctober.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874354

File: 45924295c7f46d8⋯.jpg (90.62 KB,783x601,783:601,buckstopshere.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874355

File: 8aa44267bdb0e7a⋯.jpg (89.58 KB,827x561,827:561,upon.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874357

File: 8cc5d2a93ee69be⋯.jpg (72.88 KB,469x531,469:531,2putanendtothecommies.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874358

File: 6ed840d2fc10d54⋯.jpg (100.97 KB,761x527,761:527,MikeyWontEatIt.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874360

File: b37f5338314bc22⋯.jpg (66.74 KB,781x449,781:449,flight.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874363

File: f107f45eabb2e74⋯.jpg (87.01 KB,797x477,797:477,hillarywashere.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874365

File: 80a6f4840d1999e⋯.jpg (71.39 KB,743x413,743:413,methbeatenorourke.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874368

File: 18c75576b34a8c0⋯.jpg (158.77 KB,827x559,827:559,thestorm.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874369

File: b281714d34aeaa8⋯.jpg (116.49 KB,883x383,883:383,HRCcac.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874372

File: e9538ec3e803970⋯.jpg (105.07 KB,1063x721,1063:721,obamabuiltthat.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874373

File: 8505d1b2f3169f9⋯.jpg (177.42 KB,923x733,923:733,rigforred.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874374

File: 26a26ceb3e9ec35⋯.jpg (139.43 KB,1195x513,1195:513,looters.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874378

File: eb46cb3784335a4⋯.jpg (86.29 KB,605x643,605:643,generallyspeaking.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874379

File: efc9bc0e70431fb⋯.jpg (271.14 KB,823x697,823:697,forcedmigration.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874381

File: cc7f0f64cf3a70c⋯.jpg (153.31 KB,857x723,857:723,projection.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874382

File: 483e15b4fa82a36⋯.jpg (82.35 KB,747x603,83:67,lastchance.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874384

File: 3df8e962d50d8b8⋯.jpg (102.95 KB,637x635,637:635,executions.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874385

File: f75c44cdf8248db⋯.jpg (82.64 KB,697x539,697:539,hbdc.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874386

File: 63d87c5f2d96da6⋯.jpg (124.38 KB,865x471,865:471,storyhour.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874388

File: 5355ad716f06ca0⋯.jpg (118.11 KB,855x579,285:193,twoofakind.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874390

File: 477755597fadc4b⋯.jpg (111.49 KB,859x535,859:535,TRUMP2020.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874393

File: fbce0a7b7d7e5c0⋯.jpg (173.75 KB,857x583,857:583,vote_TRUMP2020_.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874400

File: 2db5be4ee9c47e9⋯.jpg (139.15 KB,677x535,677:535,sunrise.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874403

File: e6a0a2c5f62d86d⋯.jpg (220.26 KB,581x705,581:705,jump.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874406

File: ad7672286fa858b⋯.jpg (100.14 KB,698x318,349:159,ott.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874407

File: 0fd00fb66ee3904⋯.jpg (75.04 KB,494x654,247:327,cya.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874411

File: 9d832566a7406dd⋯.jpg (66.6 KB,921x437,921:437,sws.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874414

File: 705268f0dc764cb⋯.jpg (124.6 KB,690x600,23:20,think_2_.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874417

File: 03e7ee1189633bb⋯.jpg (107.72 KB,865x659,865:659,iwtb.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874419

File: 8a45e5e1456beb9⋯.jpg (153.15 KB,917x667,917:667,FIGHTFIGHTFIGHT.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874420

File: 062fd517be8d565⋯.jpg (91.39 KB,642x570,107:95,crow.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874423

File: 16e7bfc9797c4cf⋯.jpg (85.31 KB,640x590,64:59,hive.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874428

File: f7c60ed47b86651⋯.jpg (172.23 KB,1209x699,403:233,xit_sl_110320.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874430

File: 4d58b94a3cd34ac⋯.jpg (177.41 KB,1011x683,1011:683,CowardsPanic.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874433

File: b05791537a536db⋯.jpg (146.5 KB,769x669,769:669,QuidProQuo.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874437

File: b83b7a2d58ebdf3⋯.jpg (152 KB,1055x617,1055:617,democratopinions.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874439

File: 5b205ae9f6fee70⋯.jpg (88.21 KB,799x699,799:699,couch.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874443

File: 53ace127233fe61⋯.jpg (185.54 KB,861x653,861:653,farmersandpoliticians.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874445

File: 9662689721ab2eb⋯.jpg (84.67 KB,661x567,661:567,biblical.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874447

File: 5da879ee67aa1f0⋯.jpg (163.15 KB,915x719,915:719,YouWon_.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874451

File: 127694775e90f05⋯.jpg (136.47 KB,1127x595,161:85,wwg1wga.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874454

File: 2d11b5b5ed66fc2⋯.jpg (170 KB,589x723,589:723,keepit.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874455

File: 30cb2abf34f09de⋯.jpg (113.7 KB,1043x707,149:101,nocaptionrequired.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874459

File: 7ac19260cd05bf2⋯.jpg (124.84 KB,1123x543,1123:543,GREAT.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874461

File: 15b72c206c88a1e⋯.jpg (133.36 KB,613x701,613:701,HereForYou.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874464

File: 48bd5ad1b0e4cf8⋯.jpg (106.89 KB,525x633,175:211,hfp.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874468

File: 053ee6e184ab5bb⋯.jpg (123.03 KB,1081x501,1081:501,tkam.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874474

File: df532cd3e9dc1c4⋯.jpg (203.12 KB,1117x653,1117:653,monsters.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874477

File: d76b33e7f5415ec⋯.jpg (99.14 KB,749x641,749:641,bo.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874479

File: c3292bb334d36f4⋯.jpg (125.86 KB,1079x753,1079:753,promisespromises.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874484

File: 6219a48a4945f10⋯.jpg (87.98 KB,769x523,769:523,arkancideDOTcom.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874489

File: 65b885319510425⋯.jpg (130.07 KB,1011x459,337:153,bigloveshow.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874492

File: 51b5ffef7ddf313⋯.jpg (127.66 KB,1163x501,1163:501,GameOver.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874497

File: 78aa07b1fcc451a⋯.jpg (152.7 KB,931x711,931:711,groominggangs.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874503

File: d74335c21f07ccb⋯.jpg (214.16 KB,761x689,761:689,FREEDOM.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874508

File: 5d6b64c4bb96cef⋯.jpg (171.95 KB,607x723,607:723,blackfolks.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874512

File: c7710db62bd8247⋯.jpg (179.91 KB,1103x731,1103:731,CAC.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874514

File: ce7eb95966193ff⋯.jpg (84.83 KB,713x633,713:633,jbtst.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874516

File: f2fec253535858a⋯.jpg (196.53 KB,787x727,787:727,babysteps.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874534

File: 0d9b322acd8293a⋯.jpg (186.4 KB,729x683,729:683,rtb.jpg)

yeah, I know…

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e4937c No.18874539

File: 0018e8f3c6c107d⋯.jpg (87.76 KB,453x715,453:715,thepoint.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874544

File: f5c2aacd0414f3b⋯.jpg (139.16 KB,983x641,983:641,LHA.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874547

File: 8e5f52026fcd1c8⋯.jpg (93.53 KB,647x701,647:701,plotter.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874550

File: 778a42d269e1b32⋯.jpg (96.94 KB,483x707,69:101,MD.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874553

File: 454bd9751575db0⋯.jpg (177.84 KB,855x729,95:81,obstructingdemocrats.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874555

File: 9a49bd7a76245a4⋯.jpg (172.31 KB,767x613,767:613,frommycolddeadhands.jpg)

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0ae25b No.18874557


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e4937c No.18874561

File: 8d241d91342f9c6⋯.jpg (133.52 KB,551x715,551:715,ForeignAidScam.jpg)

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0ae25b No.18874562

>>18874164 eke7eiwmejfgdjejejejejehejee


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e4937c No.18874564

File: 0e0158d8624f544⋯.jpg (165.74 KB,903x727,903:727,Patriot1of.jpg)

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0ae25b No.18874565



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e4937c No.18874566

File: eb85983f6599ccf⋯.jpg (160.06 KB,1035x617,1035:617,pc.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874572

File: d77c16d06ba2308⋯.jpg (131.85 KB,523x711,523:711,RIPJoan.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874576

File: 25febf476d211bc⋯.jpg (196.88 KB,937x711,937:711,HFP2.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874577

File: 923f8a1000b8f35⋯.jpg (209.52 KB,1031x675,1031:675,bidencide2.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874582

File: e6f4647bc9e5cab⋯.jpg (260.71 KB,945x713,945:713,cis.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874590

File: fd560f4fbc5d7d6⋯.jpg (113.61 KB,583x671,53:61,cd.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874593

File: 68d8c0a2bd38259⋯.jpg (116.67 KB,1019x647,1019:647,MT.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874599

File: 4ad5fe4e75dd6d6⋯.jpg (114.91 KB,691x691,1:1,imthecure.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874601

File: 4ad5fe4e75dd6d6⋯.jpg (114.91 KB,691x691,1:1,_hydroxychloroquine.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874607

File: 2516420b8570680⋯.jpg (92.33 KB,475x681,475:681,champ.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874609

File: 58ac28b2012c262⋯.jpg (256.26 KB,1009x703,1009:703,Goodbye2020.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874610

File: e7ce6788963f869⋯.jpg (176.86 KB,1039x707,1039:707,BS.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874613

File: d3daebc62c17f6a⋯.jpg (152.13 KB,885x521,885:521,bm.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874616

File: 9d3a75a05ffc1da⋯.jpg (175.25 KB,893x603,893:603,HGM.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874620

File: 480ad045c7b41a4⋯.jpg (119.32 KB,709x695,709:695,NotForgotten.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874624

File: dc5ba8cc16d276d⋯.jpg (146.31 KB,1023x553,1023:553,forever.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874629

File: 0c5b215d7c2dc43⋯.jpg (86.33 KB,415x617,415:617,storyhour_bm.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874632

File: eb855ae6bbf6e43⋯.jpg (166.38 KB,757x721,757:721,182381.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874638

File: 703252aec11687a⋯.jpg (103.24 KB,805x471,805:471,move.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874642

File: 196748cc8551ea9⋯.jpg (82.57 KB,805x619,805:619,landslide.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874643

File: 416186a6a7ef4e8⋯.jpg (72.86 KB,1109x639,1109:639,UTB_.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874648

File: 7878ec6cadce9b6⋯.jpg (182.69 KB,1199x677,1199:677,worthiness.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874655

File: 96b1b9de882fbb1⋯.jpg (80.06 KB,555x419,555:419,d_spair.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874656

File: d6458ccf3453546⋯.jpg (96.54 KB,687x461,687:461,dontworry.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874658

File: 41f2ffa7f2ce093⋯.jpg (193.88 KB,1031x697,1031:697,cac_2_.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874659

File: c4bc73c18f6854c⋯.jpg (249.55 KB,1027x691,1027:691,coo.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874662

File: db15cce5bda211f⋯.jpg (209.7 KB,987x645,329:215,TGA.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874664

File: 299f41c57b4cec1⋯.jpg (159.21 KB,1165x657,1165:657,TGA_.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874666

File: a32afebc138b264⋯.jpg (127.66 KB,723x661,723:661,biggerthanyoucanimagine_.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874669

File: afeccb5d298fc57⋯.jpg (136.07 KB,495x703,495:703,jaodaqr.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874674

File: 7ce6c665845c9d8⋯.jpg (80.61 KB,483x635,483:635,adorote.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874675

File: 19810d5cf2a563d⋯.jpg (356.73 KB,911x697,911:697,best.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874681

File: 47d35e15b85c84a⋯.jpg (162.13 KB,887x539,887:539,democratmanger.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874685

File: b6e3fe479380ec0⋯.jpg (120.42 KB,1003x479,1003:479,HA_.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874688

File: e913e1f71a7ef6a⋯.jpg (54.12 KB,723x455,723:455,1stthanks.jpg)

ty, cm

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e4937c No.18874692

File: 157eaef88e9239b⋯.jpg (120.71 KB,799x651,799:651,NoNancyNoShit.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874696

File: bfad9668ae59e4e⋯.jpg (51.73 KB,683x469,683:469,dcb.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874702

File: 028201bf288b586⋯.jpg (170.42 KB,597x723,199:241,itsamovement.jpg)

coming up to the end of 2019…

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e4937c No.18874713

File: c72541770041797⋯.jpg (178.06 KB,1019x577,1019:577,PAIN.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874716

File: 537ea12b77cdd6b⋯.jpg (262.04 KB,1011x553,1011:553,CF.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874719

File: 12d4ebcfbc78017⋯.jpg (141.43 KB,1257x559,1257:559,nolove.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874720

File: 39f78af610f8048⋯.jpg (226.67 KB,779x675,779:675,MassShootingsEqualDemocrat….jpg)

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e4937c No.18874726

File: c60e569b50765ae⋯.jpg (232.23 KB,759x659,759:659,NowTexasNeedsGunControl.jpg)

a few hours later…

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e4937c No.18874728

File: a64c7abc5e9e58c⋯.jpg (165.89 KB,1135x677,1135:677,DefineProjection.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874730

File: 0fd2411f828c746⋯.jpg (125.01 KB,1169x499,1169:499,SheepShow.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874733

File: cb2404bf9dc8e93⋯.jpg (85.5 KB,1145x403,1145:403,BottomOfBarrel.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874738

File: 086318412a85d6f⋯.jpg (45.49 KB,715x383,715:383,DoTell.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874739

File: 6ca2d64d980fe2e⋯.jpg (213.65 KB,1211x585,1211:585,morebs.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874743

File: 6505c3cffd4886e⋯.jpg (96.86 KB,535x396,535:396,JackWilson.jpg)

He'll be back…

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e4937c No.18874746

File: 2990194c4b38745⋯.jpg (191.06 KB,1033x581,1033:581,gustavovera.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874750

File: 470c00a50e776fb⋯.jpg (250.72 KB,859x673,859:673,maybenotforthelasttime.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874758

File: 46feeb669529550⋯.jpg (102.54 KB,645x739,645:739,WeSeeYou.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874760

File: cb1c91b7d1483f4⋯.jpg (103.85 KB,503x627,503:627,handoffcomplete.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874764

File: 7fe09c19f1072d7⋯.jpg (160.5 KB,597x679,597:679,cfha.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874770

File: d04ef9d8d45b23e⋯.jpg (118.75 KB,915x521,915:521,BSandmoreBS.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874777

File: 9a79f86edcd0cb1⋯.jpg (139.45 KB,1015x507,1015:507,RunHillaryRun_.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874782

File: e153752c6eb0110⋯.jpg (167.88 KB,1015x513,1015:513,rg.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874785

File: 50e58ebc2b4cc9f⋯.jpg (69.7 KB,595x605,119:121,anything.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874790

File: dd3334036c5a788⋯.jpg (115.41 KB,647x707,647:707,deut1125.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874802

File: 28e7a27f69870b9⋯.jpg (159.22 KB,849x637,849:637,SheepNoMore.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874804

File: 780a0d63eccdeba⋯.jpg (135.79 KB,1027x593,1027:593,carter.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874806

File: 1352cb3fc9c5c55⋯.jpg (142.88 KB,703x752,703:752,sep.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874809

File: 67ae916c8f68aaa⋯.jpg (112.52 KB,1243x681,1243:681,lightsout.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874814

File: 9404144cc013967⋯.jpg (122.15 KB,851x689,851:689,calllingtime.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874818

File: 83475bf90199e8e⋯.jpg (83.89 KB,800x440,20:11,JustDid_.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874820

File: 8117707ea9f0b89⋯.jpg (109.93 KB,667x537,667:537,DWS_.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874823

File: 1763a268579564a⋯.jpg (120.67 KB,800x618,400:309,ew_.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874824

File: 46842ba9a294ac1⋯.jpg (197.01 KB,845x571,845:571,l2piap.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874827

File: 553501d864ce229⋯.jpg (101.57 KB,613x519,613:519,_ty.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874828

File: f8a45610f8141ff⋯.jpg (163.3 KB,783x719,783:719,MIGA_.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874829

File: fae369b49a88e49⋯.jpg (119.5 KB,1019x585,1019:585,PatriotsFight_.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874830

File: c5f3d14a154c3cd⋯.jpg (140.99 KB,1027x591,1027:591,owens.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874832

File: 99b9c833394c3e8⋯.jpg (133.95 KB,999x729,37:27,bsls.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874836

File: 5257f2020b78cfa⋯.jpg (87.05 KB,1015x577,1015:577,iiTGA4All_.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874841

File: 78161419ff92619⋯.jpg (151.6 KB,1033x601,1033:601,SURPRISE_.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874843

File: 31935e1d99d087a⋯.jpg (162.23 KB,1029x725,1029:725,bswithoutend.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874848

File: 2a91b0791b98839⋯.jpg (155 KB,951x529,951:529,bsforyou.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874849

File: f93da3d3bdf32ab⋯.jpg (157.93 KB,975x645,65:43,bscorruptioneverywhere.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874852

File: b60eeed95aaa76e⋯.jpg (31.37 KB,372x330,62:55,epsteins.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874853

File: a400adc5a7457a0⋯.jpg (155.3 KB,811x679,811:679,streets.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874856

File: b79a73aa3af3989⋯.jpg (166.28 KB,1027x689,79:53,creepyjoe.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874857

File: 8db03d6440974e1⋯.jpg (189.55 KB,951x627,317:209,freedom_2_.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874859

File: b528fcab2f8d389⋯.jpg (186.6 KB,895x669,895:669,PS.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874863

File: 40762f11cce7048⋯.jpg (147.35 KB,855x643,855:643,DP.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874868

File: 5f8dbddd0b752a8⋯.jpg (153.18 KB,569x737,569:737,painter_painter_.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874870

File: dd9b8bbaf9ec4dc⋯.jpg (189.42 KB,1081x661,1081:661,fm.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874872

File: 7e9b0c8b1f96866⋯.jpg (134.1 KB,1137x601,1137:601,biden.jpg)

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1ccc28 No.18874875

Anon, this is BO.

What is this?

You are the only one posting.

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e4937c No.18874878

File: 9817c044e3a6dbf⋯.jpg (140.03 KB,683x623,683:623,NOTHING.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874880

File: 80cc574d596f434⋯.jpg (227.41 KB,899x699,899:699,bo_2_.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874884

File: 1b952f40f418110⋯.jpg (181.7 KB,909x691,909:691,Biblical_.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874888

File: b19045cdf56ba93⋯.jpg (156.87 KB,887x711,887:711,DDL.jpg)


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e4937c No.18874890

File: f77a850f0ab6d3c⋯.jpg (193.85 KB,1027x589,1027:589,SMoreSupplies.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874894

File: 041290e903cbdff⋯.jpg (144.59 KB,751x693,751:693,morethanyouknow.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874895

File: 8d83e881621326c⋯.jpg (76.44 KB,427x641,427:641,BOOM_.jpg)

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1ccc28 No.18874898

if no reply, thread will be deleted.

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e4937c No.18874901

File: 06a62ea8fd15020⋯.jpg (132.9 KB,819x737,819:737,memefodder.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874904

File: 38e1d7d36da59ef⋯.jpg (197.1 KB,1029x583,1029:583,funny.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874908

File: 0c7c203cc238848⋯.jpg (147.76 KB,1037x601,1037:601,fromtheofficeofthepresiden….jpg)

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e4937c No.18874914

File: 656cf5decdbe45b⋯.jpg (159.86 KB,1111x651,1111:651,cot.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874916

File: d6d653edb559203⋯.jpg (156.92 KB,1011x559,1011:559,joknowsmo.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874918

File: 355de719e960d79⋯.jpg (131.58 KB,911x589,911:589,IAmTheNewsNow.jpg)

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e4937c No.18874920

File: 18fc03bf68c34d5⋯.jpg (186.8 KB,977x704,977:704,NothingEverHappens.jpg)

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