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File: 09417202db66c41⋯.png (43.32 KB,590x315,118:63,ClipboardImage.png)

d8a4c2 No.18363061

Welcome to Colbert General Research

As one of the most successful and beloved comedians of our time, Stephen Colbert has had an illustrious career spanning over three decades. From his early days in improvisational theater to his iconic run as the host of "The Colbert Report," Colbert has consistently demonstrated his wit, intelligence, and ability to push the boundaries of what is considered acceptable in comedy.

Colbert's career began in the late 1980s, when he joined the Second City comedy troupe in Chicago. It was here that he honed his improvisational skills and developed his signature brand of humor - a combination of satire, sarcasm, and absurdism that would become his trademark.

In the mid-1990s, Colbert teamed up with fellow comedians Paul Dinello and Amy Sedaris to create the cult classic television show "Strangers with Candy." The show, which aired on Comedy Central, was a raunchy and irreverent parody of after-school specials and teen dramas, with Colbert playing the role of Chuck Noblet, a high school teacher with a penchant for inappropriate behavior.

"Strangers with Candy" was notorious for its explicit and questionable humor, with much of the show's comedy revolving around sexual innuendo and taboo subjects. However, despite its controversial content, the show was a critical and commercial success, and has since gained a dedicated following of fans who appreciate its off-kilter humor and willingness to take risks.

In the years that followed, Colbert continued to push the boundaries of what was considered acceptable in comedy.

Throughout his career, Colbert has faced criticism for his comedy writing and the controversial nature of his material. Some have accused him of going too far in his satire and making light of serious issues. However, Colbert has defended his work as a form of social commentary, arguing that satire has the power to expose and critique the flaws of society.

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d8a4c2 No.18363102

File: 4d64047eaae74e3⋯.png (4.42 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Colbert_KKK.png)

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d8a4c2 No.18363108

File: 493af8447afa923⋯.png (2.25 MB,1278x720,71:40,Colbert_FacePeel.png)

File: 7dc71dc0db1d7f7⋯.png (2.78 MB,1275x809,1275:809,Colbert_Clinton.png)

File: 300202831bd37b5⋯.png (3.87 MB,1271x720,1271:720,Not_allowed_to_hunt_caddie….png)

File: e19f00349a01e81⋯.png (2.35 MB,1282x718,641:359,Colbert_Saturnalia.png)

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d8a4c2 No.18363111

File: 62af5c0f67779a4⋯.png (157.64 KB,284x219,284:219,colbert_balls_for_kids.png)

File: 97600a3221378e5⋯.jpg (99.88 KB,828x1164,69:97,Colbert_child.jpg)

File: dbd3de16e27d035⋯.png (1.55 MB,970x475,194:95,Colbert_Live.png)

File: 3d20b3929e4564f⋯.png (1.73 MB,1083x631,1083:631,teseract_Meryl_Streep_Colb….png)

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