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File: f69b9e0efbd4f70⋯.png (157.23 KB,850x1390,85:139,LASA_O_ring_Feb_6_2023.png)

File: 6f5bb7d63252c5f⋯.png (432.68 KB,1024x768,4:3,Turkey_EQ_Morroco.png)

d2a8df No.18311996

Turkey earthquakes. Seismologist fag. The largest 3 were manufactured, proven by anomalous waveforms. Hard science. Prolonged high frequency initiation followed by conversion to low frequency in the crust produces a unique signature. This is what we see in Turkey when looking from Montana. The entire waveform is anomalous as compared to what is naturally produced. Looking from Morocco produces the same results.

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013ffc No.18312027

>proven by anomalous waveforms

respectfully asking… when you say anomalous, do you mean in your personal experience, or do you mean compared to the entire extant library of seismological data?

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150cdb No.18314313

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013ffc No.18321999


so you ARE just full of BS then? 'cause it is a fair question. and now it's too late to walk back your fucked up reply.

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4dbbdd No.18357357

File: 109fcf3a0ae3d81⋯.jpg (23.07 KB,681x480,227:160,triggered_af2.jpg)

File: ccce26afb688034⋯.jpg (408.44 KB,2600x1463,2600:1463,fracking_earthquakes.jpg)

Frack yeah!

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