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File: b85acd0b28be737⋯.png (376.04 KB, 8100x4500, 9:5, ARWeXnn.png)

55bad1  No.17670193 [Last 50 Posts]

Welcome To Spam Target Kekistan

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


How to Quickly Spot a Clown

They will:

- Attempt to get a divisive or emotional response from you to derail research.

- Concern troll and copy/pasta spam shill to contradict confirmed findings.

- Employ faux debate tactics: Generalizations, gas-lighting, projection, misdirection, false equivalences, confusing correlation with causation, appeal to authority, transference, false precepts, personal attacks, straw-men, red herrings, etc.

- Promote social ethics that are disingenuous like doxxing, "reverse psychology", or promoting propaganda.

- Promote tactics that are unethical, illegal or involve violence outside the scope of the Law.

- Employ Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt to dissuade research.

Topic slidingIf information of a sensitive nature has been posted on a discussion forum, it can be quickly removed from public view by topic sliding. In this technique a large number of unrelated posts, or posts aimed at diluting the information presented, are submitted in an effort to trigger a topic slide to literally push content out of view. Operators can control several fake UIDs via the bots they make use of; these can also be called upon in the other techniques to mask the intent of the operator from the users at large. Although it is difficult or impossible to censor the posting it is now lost in a sea of unrelated and bogus postings.

Seeding bad informationOperatives will insert flawed or bogus information from time to time as an ongoing tactic, depending on their skill set and the needs of their mission. Their most common ruse is providing information or evidence which is backed by bad source material in the hope that the "source of the source" is never checked. This serves several objectives, mainly resource consumption, evidence pollution, discouragement and misdirection.

Astroturfing consensusThis is a technique that attempts to build a manufactured consensus around a flawed set of statements or compromised information. This is related to consensus cracking, where false evidence is injected in an attempt to dispute or discredit what the current consensus is, and push it towards the desired false consensus. Misleading and false evidence and information are often salted into the evidence pool, with an aim to impede organic consensus building, while also poisoning the available information and evidence.

Cultivating tacit approval(The legal term for this is 'silent agreement') Attempting to attain this state is done using a technique where operators will try to convince the user population to ignore, or not respond to bad information or false assertions. This is done in a bid to reduce push-back against the above mentioned tactics. It's worth noting that the reply filtering mechanism of the boards (which currently can't be disabled without code changes from the site admin) is used as a weapon of sorts in this tactic: Filtering with software prevents anons from defending against seeding bad information and astroturfing consensus. This is why the operators push so hard to condition anons into filtering material they disagree with.

Tools and Services

Left-handed Pipe Wrenches: Aisle 3

Non-Fren Boppers: Aisle 4

Eye Bleach Applicators: Aisle 7

Cow Fart Collectors: Aisle 8

To-Go Tendies: Aisle 9

Poodle shaving: Mezzanine

Time Machine Tune-Ups: Garden & Cybernetics Shop

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c0af78  No.17752078

File: 29a61426b84c040⋯.jpg (24.14 KB, 481x726, 481:726, q7J9DxG6oZm7bd.jpg)




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f27be4  No.17752080

File: 46c65d7437b6c23⋯.jpg (41.21 KB, 995x1170, 199:234, DSJp5Mjh4.jpg)


no, but, I took earth sciences before common core & you?

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1e62d2  No.17752084

File: 2d4df3eeef8d5f7⋯.jpg (19.39 KB, 991x723, 991:723, Lr3vmxjCg.jpg)



About to bake

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6ccd7e  No.17752089

File: d9789f10d9f3ce4⋯.jpg (21.28 KB, 1022x949, 14:13, 8pfwBI.jpg)



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8c0fc6  No.17752091

File: 390148dbb9d2de8⋯.jpg (40.95 KB, 891x1227, 297:409, 3tj8EitDjoIPo.jpg)


Perhaps you think so, but they do not.

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240dfb  No.17752097

File: 4b104a8a42e0515⋯.jpg (17.69 KB, 1194x564, 199:94, pY0lNDAwM.jpg)


Sometimes it's personal 😏

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468c55  No.17752098

File: 452d31077967e09⋯.jpg (21.56 KB, 1101x955, 1101:955, SqdO5SvFP.jpg)


They can't kill us, anon.

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8df1d8  No.17752102

File: 31a4fe0194d2cf9⋯.jpg (17.82 KB, 1078x562, 539:281, N67AOvjx.jpg)


Scarlet Sock Foundation

The Scarlet Sock Foundation was created to share Laura’s love for theater and compassion for all people by supporting local social justice theater projects for children, young adults, and emerging theater artists in historically marginalized communities.


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2fcd47  No.17752103

File: 8913c433ef0ec67⋯.jpg (21.34 KB, 1170x998, 585:499, 27SVRli454.jpg)




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902bd6  No.17752105

File: 949a1de3c5f0306⋯.jpg (39.54 KB, 966x1242, 7:9, 47Nz1sr.jpg)



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fcd2bf  No.17752107

File: 6b2b34b5e06e2e4⋯.jpg (35.63 KB, 820x1132, 205:283, XeEEXIlnuR2WnZ.jpg)


>common sense

More's the pity that it's not so common anymore.

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283e19  No.17752111

File: a58b6c332b59600⋯.jpg (19.28 KB, 1041x960, 347:320, xI8vhdmouPq.jpg)


just look at pictures, audio, video from before he ran for president. you can very clearly and easily both see and hear that the guy posing as joe biden the last few years is not the real joe biden. "enjoy the show" ie they keep getting replaced with lookalike actors.

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70c172  No.17752113

File: 9457ec736ac2089⋯.jpg (74.36 KB, 1244x1353, 1244:1353, bttJbZ.jpg)

=Fully Vaccinated and Boosted Dr. Fauci Tests Positive for COVID-19 Pandemic For First Time Since COVID Began==

On Wednesday, Anthony S. Fauci, M.D., director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), part of the National Institutes of Health, and Chief Medical Advisor to President Biden, tested positive for COVID-19 on a rapid antigen test.

Dr. Fauci is fully vaccinated and has been boosted twice. This is his first positive diagnosis since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic

He is currently experiencing mild symptoms. He will go into self-isolation and continue working from home. He has not recently been in close contact with President Biden or other senior government officials.

Dr. Fauci will follow the COVID-19 guidelines of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and medical advice from his physician and return to the NIH when he tests negative.


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1a6250  No.17752117

File: d25f9b89c8548ae⋯.jpg (29.19 KB, 701x620, 701:620, ENeEGcBqhHeL3.jpg)


>no, anon i think that was proof that the fake Q is fake.

Possible, but we already have confirmation it was fake. No amount of them their consensus cracking will change that. Jim panicking and reverting the SALT is double-confirmation. So POTUS would be giving a third confirmation at this point.

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251a71  No.17752118

File: 0ab5abfcb6a0445⋯.jpg (19.7 KB, 1087x666, 1087:666, yRzOZYeuTfBAv.jpg)


Numberfags is where it is at!

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508d9e  No.17752123

File: 5c33161c0123619⋯.jpg (38.63 KB, 895x1210, 179:242, CSXi0mrk.jpg)

don't get it, if you can "time travel" and see into the future in any direction you want and then you optimize your route based on what you find

then what is the point of anything if a few people get to "build" the road for everyone. like i have never had so much existential dread until i found out about this bullshit

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497bcb  No.17752128

File: 18d83375f54284e⋯.jpg (19.67 KB, 1091x677, 1091:677, Iu4LakymZZO.jpg)


Didn't they also say they found cp on his devices? That always reeked of setup to shut him up

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f07c99  No.17752136

File: 40ed94190fc06cf⋯.jpg (41.54 KB, 885x1266, 295:422, LNQqQDRSBaQ.jpg)


First off then Please pray for Dr. Zelenko's recovery! He is desperately needed in a world of too few Leaders and strong men of character.

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7e0ddf  No.17752141

File: 0c174fbed10f8ef⋯.jpg (42.23 KB, 959x1337, 137:191, 0MRhcYi.jpg)

othing is happening?

Today is a glorious day of I told you so’s

On Brandon’s watch?

Complete control.

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5653fd  No.17752143

File: d14d34c8b586b33⋯.jpg (19.39 KB, 1213x938, 1213:938, 7NQvC1I.jpg)


I understand. At any given time there is half a sphere that is not illuminated. It is not a permanent situation, however, and it is not the same location. There is a hemisphere in shadow throughout the lunar month but not a permanent dark side due to lunar rotation. Any place dark today will see sunrise within 14 days.

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bc9046  No.17752147

File: 222b2d93be14bd8⋯.jpg (22.3 KB, 1026x996, 171:166, iUr7KcEX2JIU6Y.jpg)



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025c6c  No.17752148

File: 684f460d4053f1e⋯.jpg (24.03 KB, 655x487, 655:487, XjpxZNQfKtL2oT.jpg)

=Hey @FBI there are a whole lot of compromised traitors who plotted to overthrow the government in Ohio today, plus traitorous wannabes like Hillbilly Effigy JD Vance, just FYI #MAGAIsOver==


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f5a730  No.17752150

File: c56f3c1589763c9⋯.jpg (39.97 KB, 962x1166, 481:583, JatTZzslfw.jpg)


John Francis Bongiovi

Here's the sauce

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d7dbf4  No.17752156

File: 7c3fa921054da0f⋯.jpg (25.49 KB, 634x615, 634:615, rZvFWIaW6I4.jpg)

oday is the morning on wed July 6..

The bot or attack is recycling old posts on here which is why no lb warning. Make sure before you click a link to a past post, look at the post number.

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1068f2  No.17752157

File: b45e8a75158a511⋯.jpg (18.09 KB, 1013x652, 1013:652, ZeNPurtBZ.jpg)


Kek! "had found the wreck of Roberts" = Justice Roberts

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d99789  No.17752158

File: 7a67224c0b124b4⋯.jpg (16.37 KB, 963x632, 963:632, uV92W4qlxd975F.jpg)



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70c68e  No.17752159

File: c2b7382b88dd028⋯.jpg (20.63 KB, 1238x688, 619:344, DDymldpUGphy.jpg)


You a Mason?

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4bdc1f  No.17752162

File: 8e440dedddd7181⋯.jpg (21.52 KB, 1058x1084, 529:542, 4BwVkYt8f.jpg)


Music is a warm blanket for the soul.. hard to imagine life without it.

Have you ever heard of this? https://musicandmemory.org/ Amazing. I’ve seen firsthand the effect. :)

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3ad24b  No.17752163

File: c2da026f1cb3a72⋯.jpg (18.77 KB, 481x555, 13:15, DLSaPnl.jpg)



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e04388  No.17752164

File: b8b102c6a60a893⋯.jpg (17.9 KB, 1114x675, 1114:675, G6MPNQz2UEBF.jpg)



>However, 17 "fiscally conservative" Republicans voted against it: Blunt (MO), Boozman (AZ), Burr (NC), Capito (WV), Collins (ME), Cornyn (TX), Graham (SC), Inhofe (OK), McConnell (KY), Murkowski (AR), Portman (OH), Rounds (SD), Sasse (NE), Shelby (AL), Thune (SD), Tillis (NC) and Young (IN).

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a3e44f  No.17752167

File: 52b576104c78b83⋯.jpg (21.99 KB, 1086x751, 1086:751, Qrdai6m.jpg)


If Ukraine is able to achieve military victories in the south and east, it could end the war with a restoration of pre-invasion borders, @LianaFix

and @mkimmage

write. But Kyiv cannot expect such an outcome to end the conflict with Russia for good.


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78c947  No.17752170

File: bdeb4e53d0f11de⋯.jpg (22.03 KB, 529x584, 529:584, CoF1zxvv.jpg)


When things get so bad gratitude becomes faith because of what is to come..

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7d99d5  No.17752171

File: 1d19bddbf500aab⋯.jpg (19.79 KB, 1027x682, 1027:682, 6sbMUrBeYdU1.jpg)


Biggie Smalls feat 112 - Sky's The Limit


May 31, 2009

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63f2e6  No.17752173

File: b543110cbb7fab8⋯.jpg (19.24 KB, 1122x656, 561:328, 00J5wm6E.jpg)

hat is a Barsoomian anyway?

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f7e4f5  No.17752176

File: 19b9c76c1ae134e⋯.jpg (73.43 KB, 1175x1368, 1175:1368, HIMrzeoEI6G.jpg)


Friday Funnies

"Maybe I shouldn't take that booster…?"

Robert W Malone MD, MS

3 hr ago

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f25675  No.17752182

File: 2d9058f71316b46⋯.jpg (19.13 KB, 1043x782, 1043:782, ByuQKOTxo.jpg)


Thanks Baker very much.

Anons you have to watch this short video. This AMC stock analyst is putting 2 and 2 together and naming names on Wall Street. I'm surprised the video is still up. If you want to know what the AMC / GME stock fight is about? This video pretty much covers it. Big time bomb throwing!!!!


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650423  No.17752183

File: df9c134ce1e0db0⋯.jpg (35.27 KB, 888x1137, 296:379, eUBTY1O.jpg)


Then all is well! The message will find those who need to see it, and you helped facilitate the connection. Just don't get bogged down by those who don't resonate with it; it simply isn't meant for them.

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e66483  No.17752184

File: db6c52599598dd8⋯.jpg (22.05 KB, 1159x1000, 1159:1000, JQXp0aNSf.jpg)



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7e7238  No.17752185

File: b78c48e42ef112e⋯.jpg (35.71 KB, 773x1189, 773:1189, xH6sBBClntcp.jpg)

hat does the green bandana mean?

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9681b0  No.17752188

File: eab1e826e7f3a8a⋯.jpg (23.37 KB, 1291x684, 1291:684, Az5zK4qT.jpg)

re The Shanghai Lockdowns A Battleground Between the Globalists And The Chinese Government?

What makes Shanghai different from other cities in China and why is the government working so hard to contain "the virus" and imposing those strict lockdowns just there in particular?

Shanghai is one of the most important economic centers in China and the world, and it is a major outpost for Western and Globalist financial interests (and thus influences), larger and more important than most other Chinese cities. Leave Hong Kong out of it for the moment….

In other locations that are home to the more traditional elements of the Chinese population and culture might be getting tired of what certain bad foreign actors have imported into their country, such as the Wuhan Flu. Consider whether the Shanghai lockdowns might possibly involve cover to the government in their efforts to eradicate of another virus that is spreading throughout China, one that is much more deadly than the coronavirus. I believe some people are calling this virus by its more accurate, but less sciency, sounding name: 'the globohomopedosatanists'.

Perhaps the Shanghai lockdown is doing just that, isolating and immobilizing people who are known globohomopedosatanists, western or otherwise. The Chinese government could be methodically taking out known infiltrators and subversives block by block, much in the way the Russian military is taking out Ukranian Nazis block by block in southern and eastern Ukraine right now.

You could probably assume that China's Deep State, is probably the very same group as the one with its tentacles wrapped tightly around and throughout every institution and organ in the USA. My guess is that the Shanghai lockdown is being implemented as cover for removing these tentacles from these very same Deep State infiltrators living and working in the City of Shanghai, and it is being conducted by the Make China Great Again faction of traditional China. Perhaps Chinese traditionalists didn't enjoy being set-up as the fall guy for the "China Virus" which seems to be clear now was a Deep State bio-weapon, with a readymade vaccine, etc.

Look at the attached picture of the writer for and English Shanghai journal that is written in English – this was included in an article that supposedly has a humorous take on what fun things people can do to pass the time while alone in their Shanghai apartments during the lockdown. His shirt, right? Funny, right?

Back to Hong Kong. Hong Kong might be more westernized and infiltrated by the globalists than the city of Shanghai. Remember in 2019 when there were student protests in Hong Kong? The world cheered that the youth there were trying to rid themselves of the government oppression and possibly even eventually result in overthrowing communism or at least produce a more "democratic" society. Looking back, weren't those protest similar to the BLM protests we've witnessed here in the US? Yes, there was violence and damage to properties, but weren't they also presented as "mostly peaceful peaceful", as they like to say in the media.

I remember hearing enthusiastic news commentators exclaiming back then that the Hong Kong "demonstrations" were possibly the birth of "democracy" in Hong Kong and perhaps even all of China. It's worth taking a second look at those "protests" and consider if they weren't planned as part a color revolution, much like the other color revolutions we've witnessed in recent years.

Also, look back now for yourself and observe all the odd occurrences in the MEDIA reports transmitted to us about the Shanghai lockdowns. All those poor starving people crying from their apartment windows, longing to be free, the stories showing cute doggies being killed in the streets and then the canvass bags filled with screeching cats left of the sidewalk, etc. Remember how the first COVID victims in Wuhan just fell down dead while they were walking down the street. Such wow! It is a good rule of thumb to immediately believe the exact opposite of whatever the Media is unanimously reporting on today.





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2d81bc  No.17752193

File: e7c0458ea7521a9⋯.jpg (19.34 KB, 1084x677, 1084:677, cjaQpkP1kp.jpg)


>We have no leader

Of course not. That would be be preposterous. What a notion. Just unthinkable, anon.

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58b7bd  No.17752198

File: 359c901b81c930a⋯.jpg (22.23 KB, 1128x1007, 1128:1007, OvLVKT4eZcqBUG.jpg)

as DART shown tits yet? If not, why not.

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45b4ce  No.17752206

File: f1f3f154452a6f7⋯.jpg (19.75 KB, 1086x704, 543:352, YhyEdJ9j.jpg)


>box of wine.

Nothing like the good stuff

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dab99a  No.17752209

File: 36faccb42c8d2c4⋯.jpg (21.98 KB, 1180x767, 20:13, vLmvi0vOKhvPTL.jpg)


>It's flattering how you want me to fit in. You gave me 2 choices.

And now you are making things up as we speak.

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f61698  No.17752212

File: 5ac962e6eb1b98d⋯.jpg (22.08 KB, 561x573, 187:191, NjCUPIUb.jpg)



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a82718  No.17752213

File: bd64d67f4e098cc⋯.jpg (38.15 KB, 827x1262, 827:1262, nDBYPzT.jpg)



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0e0018  No.17752215

File: 160df6a868c11e9⋯.jpg (16.96 KB, 1096x618, 548:309, RYzPuesW3.jpg)


To me, two days ahead of schedule would be the 22nd. On that day I experienced a form of 11.3 when two Ravens came within arms reach and landed on two signs, each one about my shoulders as I testified to strangers about John the Baptist/Elijah.

No one here showed interest to hear that discourse but when someone actually listened, God sent signs for them. When I relayed this story to the board yet again, no interest. Yet on that day another Raven player had died. Who could have known and seen these things coming except God himself?

Anyone analyzed posts from Q team regarding any of this? Maybe they verified the story and looked at the surveillance videos.


Early Origins of the Nolte family

The surname Nolte was first found in Prussia, where the name emerged in medieval times as one of the notable families of the region. From the 13th century the surname was identified with the great social and economic evolution which made this territory a landmark contributor to the development of the nation.

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ccf3fe  No.17752218

File: f75700516d2fe03⋯.jpg (39.96 KB, 927x1154, 927:1154, 2uDnRLgQvbNi.jpg)


Correct yet [they] never found the "treasure" > Scotland perhaps…..

Scottish rite freemasonry?

The true Masons?

Helping The Bruce?

Roslin Chapel built before columbus "discovered" america with depictions of aloe and corn engraved on the stone walls?

You know….. we could go on for days, nay, AD INFINITUM


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f973c8  No.17752219

File: 359edf039778912⋯.jpg (21.91 KB, 1223x612, 1223:612, hy48eIdU.jpg)

vil can not be destroyed

your enemy can not be killed

your planet is in process of ele


you are an fool

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cd791d  No.17752222

File: 6e028b1c3de8b3d⋯.jpg (23.43 KB, 991x1129, 991:1129, xyWuKJmz.jpg)


USNS NEWPORT broadcasting "Restricted Manoeuvrability" off Virginia Beach

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4041cc  No.17752225

File: bb0221b0e6c5a57⋯.jpg (23.05 KB, 1151x1113, 1151:1113, Srjq34i.jpg)


still here

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92b628  No.17752226

File: e5c369918a72dac⋯.jpg (42.11 KB, 928x1243, 928:1243, f1TBOlrc.jpg)

=The calm before the storm.==

Experiments that have been done underground will shock (You)

Truths that are coming to light will test your past & todays reality

Matthew 24:37-39

But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son,

Think Egypt / Pharaoh's / Wall Drawings, Pictures / Books

A grand exercise in hubris and wanton behavior

Q uestion Everything Patriots World Wide

Read the book of Jude in the Bible












Military is the only way



9 / 11








Love Thy Neighbor As Thyself

Love is the Answer

Q , Q+ , Q++ , Q+++

Enjoy the show


























God Father III







Reptile eggs


Get me a bun, senpai







Monkey POX

Chickej POX























'Sometimes you have to show them'
















































pull it


School shootings.

Follow the money.

Tomorrow's marker.








drama queen










THE dive



Poo Poo gate




















Look to Twitter:

Exactly this: "My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us……."

God bless.




God Won







CONFIRM KEYSTONE = Pi, Eta, Zeta & Epsilon Hereculis







>S(KY) O'NE. Oni. Skyr. Skyrim. Ice land! Stay frosty!

>There's no place like home! My main(e) ho(e)! Haha.

>Follow the yellow brick road!


Fourth Wall? VEIL OPENED Enjoy the show!

When does a bird sing? When it is freed.



John F. Kennedy Jr.

I am calling the ball, green light and good, on glideslope

sportsball, larry bird is a faggot in…


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36ff81  No.17752231

File: 68b25f234fe2fa4⋯.jpg (15.86 KB, 964x676, 241:169, Ohyt6QWG2V.jpg)



Lewis Reed resigns as St. Louis Board of Aldermen president after federal indictment

Fox 2 St. Louis | Tuesday, June 7, 2022

St. Louis City Board of Alderman President, Lewis Reed resigned today “to focus on his family and “current legal challenges.”

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d93c81  No.17752232

File: da61af7347ae056⋯.jpg (19.39 KB, 1041x891, 347:297, qa0HWwJdZxbr.jpg)

irst year for NAZI funding from US Congress since D-Day, June 5th, 1944.


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cf534b  No.17752236

File: d8b576d78bbb44f⋯.jpg (20.02 KB, 1120x746, 560:373, dfg9eWMWNEa3D.jpg)


Kinda enjoy being an invisible thorn in everything liberal.

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07aa0b  No.17752237

File: c310fe06b67b995⋯.jpg (41.07 KB, 862x1377, 862:1377, FTU2tphf7S9A.jpg)

oes any of this make sense?

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392b2a  No.17752239

File: f3b35672c6dec8f⋯.jpg (20.94 KB, 1234x684, 617:342, hnyTZSOUf9TRP.jpg)


Lb anyone

Filtered you stupid ass

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2a02b1  No.17752245

File: fdb4d731905a4d9⋯.jpg (44.98 KB, 986x1362, 493:681, 6SaxIJd.jpg)


Welcome back fren, to the "Dark Corner of the Internet"


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28c8a2  No.17752248

File: 3295dbd55944cc0⋯.jpg (20 KB, 1109x680, 1109:680, 8aZO24.jpg)


Way too hot for Curling slides

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44f612  No.17752250

File: 10d738da65e6a57⋯.jpg (20.63 KB, 1204x958, 602:479, yYctHrU7HzCrnU.jpg)


>Why is he hiding documents that are legally to be provided in open records requests?

Because he can and can do so with impunity. There's no one or nothing there to stop him.

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5cb0ad  No.17752252

File: 6a1790409f600b0⋯.jpg (20.96 KB, 1148x649, 1148:649, vpg3Yb9l.jpg)


You need help 1-800-kek-help

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93f047  No.17752253

File: 5caf8980a3b9f52⋯.jpg (19.43 KB, 986x941, 986:941, a5oKkb3QX3OBMr.jpg)

ne eye up, one eye down. Kek.

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494331  No.17752254

File: e65b2234d578494⋯.jpg (23.62 KB, 695x567, 695:567, 4TyTEGXYFLcL.jpg)



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109e68  No.17752260

File: 5f73ffc987f1036⋯.jpg (22.62 KB, 1057x1042, 1057:1042, JCTXf6F.jpg)


Qtime Network ️ ️ ️, [04.07.22 14:52]

[ Photo ]

The Netherlands 🇳🇱

A picture worth a thousand words

We aren’t each other’s Enemy

United we go forward


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542779  No.17752262

File: 3636ad111ef35d9⋯.jpg (18.66 KB, 1093x520, 1093:520, oeI6kZOZ8G.jpg)


Why would anon bake?

Gotta be part of the Jew Crew to bake

Anon isn't welcome

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b716b0  No.17752266

File: 179c3b3eaa075bc⋯.jpg (17.05 KB, 1045x680, 209:136, miSIJNxocovT.jpg)


FF on Lithuania

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70ad07  No.17752269

File: fcdbeb7741b37e2⋯.jpg (21.48 KB, 1134x685, 1134:685, fNjnpTYR.jpg)


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56dc67  No.17752273

File: aa20bced936e20c⋯.jpg (34.96 KB, 852x1169, 852:1169, VKVPRvLs1.jpg)


>A paper bag wouldn't work.

Aktually, aluminum foil works fuckin' awesome for keeping salad fresh in the fridge. You don't even have to wrap it up tight. I have no idea why it works. Wife showed me that trick 33 years ago. She was/is a keeper so I kept her.

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94b217  No.17752274

File: be83cb25c5c1210⋯.jpg (37.84 KB, 829x1284, 829:1284, UIAk7R.jpg)


10X ‘2000 Mules,’ Billions Of Dollars, Irrefutable Evidence, Counterintelligence Operation



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20fdd9  No.17752275

File: 7d2114c54c8be5f⋯.jpg (36.64 KB, 828x1138, 414:569, 3PgGImmdbFki.jpg)

oly fucking Kek,

DOn't invite Matthew to your dinner party

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02f67c  No.17752276

File: 3f805ef113116e3⋯.jpg (67.86 KB, 1156x1259, 1156:1259, ly3qfNUPk.jpg)


Is Trump twisting his finger or hand? Macron looks like he’s in pain. Kek

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1b7147  No.17752278

File: d6ad083c70a3036⋯.jpg (27.33 KB, 674x647, 674:647, SCkDhPOqesgkPv.jpg)


We'll meet at the line behind your mom's house. Get there early.

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05beb8  No.17752279

File: 061315bc05e7163⋯.jpg (21.67 KB, 1150x1075, 46:43, LbvzWp07Nj3KF.jpg)



This is an IQ test.

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9af524  No.17752281

File: 3c2ac772f330bb5⋯.jpg (19.27 KB, 1129x524, 1129:524, 7zC5SQDm1.jpg)


phil it

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1a9726  No.17752288

File: 401fd80c703714b⋯.jpg (72.39 KB, 1179x1393, 1179:1393, GbuX6xQVam.jpg)


The problem with ivory towers is

you lose your human connections to life.

You don't feel the wind in your life.

You don't take the time to watch birds or clouds.

If all you partake of

are human creations

you don't ever learn… life… itself

Whoever we are

we have the ability to give gifts

to give life to the world

and when you've purified yourself so thoroughly

you miss the syncopation of the dance

that is life itself

sometimes money, power, privilege

are a handicap to living life in its fullness

and so

they forget the heartbreaks of struggling people

as long as they are human

they cannot truly ignore humanity

and must learn the great art of

being aware that they can always be wrong

and make accommodation for that

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32de7e  No.17752290

File: c511afb4c8bb57a⋯.jpg (67.47 KB, 1116x1346, 558:673, 2hrY6K.jpg)


>Interdasting General Flynn Shirt color yesterday.

PB Below

On Flag Day Potus dropped a zero


Went to Check prior year deltas for Q/Potus Jun 14. Only 2 Q posts on Jun 14, both in 2018


>only 2 Q drops on 06/14

>both in 2018.

>Includes a Q/Potus 6 minutes with Q1498

Looked like a countdown and a D5 reference

The Q drop half of the Q/potus included a pic of Q1433.

First two lines of post are:

Military OP. < - General Flynn

[Green] < - think Mike Flynn 6-16 Warroom shirt

also think

>Green] Think Queen in Green, Potato in front of Evergreen, McCON uvalde green shoes.

The rest of the decode posts






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e14c1b  No.17752294

File: 695209a0b49317b⋯.jpg (68.57 KB, 1122x1384, 561:692, MsWcdtf1kdF.jpg)


Q and A with mike when questioned about his knowledge about election fraud,

Deer in headlights, all he wanted to talk about was conspiracy theories and Qanon

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cb72db  No.17752296

File: e1e8383b3434577⋯.jpg (69.05 KB, 1233x1250, 1233:1250, xXn8eO1Gax.jpg)


I am a believer in the Djinn. More so than in ghosts and such. Ghosts are just Djinn. Some Djinn come into existence with some of the memories and quirks of living beings that have died. The body of the Djinn is made up electricity (a smokeless fire that the Quran states is what the Djinn are made of). That energy, the Djinn can manipulate and cause noises, voices, brief manifestations, apports, etc…

The reason why I started to believe in the concept of Djinn (multi dimensional beings that exist in tandem with humanity) was because of my paranormal experience in a house of mine.

Every night around 3 AM I would be woken up by loud "scratching" noises on the wall. When I closely listened and observed the "scratching" I realized that it wasn't the sound of actual physical scratching as with teeth, claws, or fingernails; but it was the sound akin to electricity arcing and rippling that mad the sound seem like scratching.

So, when anyone says that they heard spirits scratching, they are actually hearing energy arcing.

Soon after I heard the "Scratching" noise, it stopped and then it made the sound of footsteps running across the floor and then a giant crashing noise followed, that sounded like someone was angry and flipped a table full of plates, silverware, glasses, tool box full of wrenches and such.

But there was absolutely nothing in the room or entire house that would had make that noise.

So, yes, I believe in Djinn that have the ability to manipulate electric energy.

Some Djinn are outright evil and have deep hatred for humans. These are the Shaitan (Satan), and they can actually harm humans mentally and physically.

Other Djinns are not entirely evil, but yet not entirely good. These ones are the most common that humans will encounter, and occult practitioners will want to summon and either use occult means to force them into service (such as King Solomon used a magic ring to control 72 demons), or in some instances the magician may be able to befriend a Djinn into service.

Most Djinn are indifferent and don't let themselves be known, and then there are the Djinn that have devoted their existences to the worship of God, and will not usually make themselves known to humans, but may protect or help them (similar to Guardian Angels).

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698f9e  No.17752300

File: 92279d78ac3fb0d⋯.jpg (20.21 KB, 1199x686, 1199:686, ARf1oX.jpg)


>The effects of the 'covid' vaxx is irreversible.

>eat the salt, bathe the oatmeal, juice the V8, blah, blah, blah

Be easier just to pass on, anon

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80cd16  No.17752306

File: bb6b92b71d977ba⋯.jpg (41.06 KB, 980x1247, 980:1247, mj4idRpWj.jpg)


>That baby looks distressed….

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2fb7c7  No.17752307

File: cc1d3196b517e4a⋯.jpg (64.83 KB, 1124x1240, 281:310, YYbVCCkP0oCH.jpg)


most of truthiracy's material is taken down

he did some great work

'orange house of death'

he comes from a freemason family




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7c51d8  No.17752309

File: fdcd572fb812bd5⋯.jpg (38.6 KB, 794x1307, 794:1307, jkPJtVT5F.jpg)


2015 called it wants it's edgy political posts back. Imagine not backing Putin Denazifing Ukraine in 2022.

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c874c4  No.17752318

File: f80ca2199411c2f⋯.jpg (22.18 KB, 1261x696, 1261:696, JFr8y6Ez.jpg)


For 247 years, the QAnon has been the guardian of freedom and the American way of life.

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4678e5  No.17752321

File: d2e73e2e2e4b3e0⋯.jpg (41.55 KB, 998x1251, 998:1251, DYBN5KXBOMJ.jpg)




good night

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1d5e62  No.17752323

File: b70e37c2f084d10⋯.jpg (22.65 KB, 1287x652, 1287:652, yNqCPSMauPJ5B.jpg)


His wife is a journalist. Also, any woman who didn't succeed as much as she did, is just too lazy and mentally ill to be rich. lol Or so I hear.

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f8e6f0  No.17752325

File: 21bf3b4af4044cd⋯.jpg (21.15 KB, 1193x657, 1193:657, WNQgsf62HH0Mr.jpg)


I was here last night as well.

Sixth sense.

I suppose your retarded proof didn't pick up any traction.

Try harder shit monkey


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9cb342  No.17752327

File: 5b3c1f2b6f677f7⋯.jpg (70.56 KB, 1113x1429, 1113:1429, AqqsEd3WGn3T.jpg)


what is the name for that tactic?

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a353e7  No.17752340

File: 73df248a3a9c965⋯.jpg (26.26 KB, 623x702, 623:702, de4uFs74SO9cZ9.jpg)



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b8cf3e  No.17752341

File: e110f14bb3c7ee9⋯.jpg (18.2 KB, 1106x505, 1106:505, EIrzmOI.jpg)

ean-Pierre: [Putin] attacked another country's democracy.

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601369  No.17752343

File: 66d74641e5bd28c⋯.jpg (17.1 KB, 1199x600, 1199:600, J1peiBBBBBvbZ.jpg)



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f79497  No.17752347

File: 4c298d7c57a4b09⋯.jpg (18.37 KB, 1020x625, 204:125, Yde5mob9.jpg)


>‘Kneel On My Field And You’re Fired On The Spot


dont notable things until you research them

this post is FAKE (& gay) and started in 2020

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c0f984  No.17752355

File: 7265670a841ab24⋯.jpg (66.69 KB, 1097x1316, 1097:1316, gk92XD.jpg)



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75c30a  No.17752358

File: 67fc487a0198836⋯.jpg (21.57 KB, 1001x979, 91:89, F6NTX5dL.jpg)




fkn saved

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9a03af  No.17752361

File: 922d6b514b1c063⋯.jpg (22.48 KB, 1100x778, 550:389, ULxokqT.jpg)


>good work

Not mine…some udda genius.

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ddd6ff  No.17752363

File: 6a5b6587d9ad656⋯.jpg (22.7 KB, 1034x994, 517:497, HUNmHxCMszJ.jpg)




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ab9373  No.17752364

File: eb5fca7914d9944⋯.jpg (22.7 KB, 1009x1036, 1009:1036, UuASQggVeB.jpg)

id you know weatherman sign the same confidential agreements as political figures?

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4a4620  No.17752366

File: f40dcf7973669ca⋯.jpg (26.16 KB, 588x642, 98:107, EURKJajFH.jpg)

hmoke and a pancake?

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b66b41  No.17752367

File: f471e618f0b9735⋯.jpg (21.61 KB, 1243x680, 1243:680, IGwUF81m7jfOas.jpg)


Taste good honey? I bet it does.

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e2cd70  No.17752368

File: c9194ea02e5015f⋯.jpg (19.07 KB, 1096x640, 137:80, rdq3TF14c1h7q.jpg)


Whoops… fix'd it


grammer fag'd muhself


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119ca4  No.17752369

File: d72d8ec056fa537⋯.jpg (81.77 KB, 1312x1464, 164:183, iK5WAEVDj.jpg)


If you post this kind of shit again, I'll get you banned.

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138d80  No.17752371

File: 69febc7930d7696⋯.jpg (78.65 KB, 1276x1402, 638:701, JhTU7Fj.jpg)

SM Lies has Destroyed peoples Lives

Full Accountability


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716b74  No.17752373

File: d37330f30d93cf0⋯.jpg (22.56 KB, 604x546, 302:273, gu5FgCYL19x98.jpg)


>whats 8?



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b0d2ec  No.17752379

File: f1c8484a0b97a6a⋯.jpg (43.32 KB, 902x1349, 902:1349, soNl1EsowX.jpg)


>and it wasn't written in ball-point pen

It wasn't, according to BKA in Germany.

Only additional EDITORIAL notes were written using a ball-point pen.

>Also, if the Nazis were so bad, why did they allow her continue writing it in and not disposing it?

Implying the Nazis were omnipotent and were able to see everything happening anywhere. They weren't.

If you get put into a nice comfy Covid-19-camp, you may figure that out yourself.

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319f2b  No.17752380

File: c80625c5f6975e9⋯.jpg (22.23 KB, 1093x933, 1093:933, gm0QOo.jpg)


The C_A's accountant

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03ca39  No.17752381

File: ea778dd27ce9fa9⋯.jpg (36.57 KB, 858x1163, 858:1163, wADd7oTbTXxx44.jpg)



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fa50f7  No.17752386

File: 53d7f25f99d50fa⋯.jpg (17.66 KB, 978x1000, 489:500, 4l94G8.jpg)

he Daily Beast

QAnon Creator 'Q' Returns After Nearly Two-Year Hiatus

The anonymous message board user known as “Q,” whose cryptic announcements spawned the fascist pro-Trump QAnon conspiracy theory, has returned to posting…

.32 mins ago

Washington Examiner

WATCH: Mayra Flores directs media to 'issues that matter' post-QAnon allegations

Rep. Mayra Flores (R-TX) told Fox News hosts to "stay focused on the issues that matter" after the pair raised questions about Flores's past posts regarding…

.6 hours ago

BizPac Review

Mayra Flores chides Fox News anchors pushing her over QAnon questions: Stay focused!

Newly elected TX Rep. Mayra Flores chided two Fox News anchors who tried to bait her into answering QAnon questions, 'stay focused'

.16 hours ago

Talking Points Memo

Oh Cool, A Dem's Seat Got Flipped By A QAnoner

Rep. Mayra Flores (R-TX), a newly elected congresswoman who flipped now-retired Democratic Rep. Filemon Vela's seat in Texas' special election, posted QAnon…

.16 hours ago

Barrett Sports Media

‘It Was a Hashtag’ – Fox News Anchors Grill Mayra Flores Over Past QAnon Post

Fox News anchors John Roberts and Sanda Smith recently grilled newly elected Congresswoman Mayra Flores (R-TX) for a tweet that she sent out two years ago…

.18 hours ago

Analytics Insight

QAnon Believers Fall for Crypto Scam! Deceived by Like-Minded Influencers

Two QAnon-affiliated conspiracy theorist influencers allegedly caused their followers millions of dollars in losses by running a cryptocurrency…

.19 hours ago

The Daily Beast

GOP Rep Claims She Was Opposing QAnon With Her Pro-QAnon Tweets

Mayra Flores also chastised Fox News anchors for pressing her on social media posts supporting the conspiracy, repeatedly telling them to "stay focused" on…

.22 hours ago


'Again, Stay Focused': New GOP Congresswoman Scolds Fox News Hosts for Asking About Her QAnon Posts

Newly-elected Rep. Mayra Flores (R-TX) repeatedly scolded two Fox News hosts to "stay focused" without answering their questions about her social media…

.1 day ago


Newly-Elected Texas GOP Candidate Deleted Multiple Posts Promoting QAnon and Spreading Conspiracies About Jan. 6

A new report from CNN's Andrew Kaczynski dug up additional troublesome posts by newly-elected Rep. Mayra Flores – and her efforts to conceal them.

.1 day ago

Rolling Stone

Republican Scolds Fox News for Daring to Ask About Her QAnon Posts

Texas Republican Mayra Flores defeated Democrat Dan Sanchez in a special election earlier this month to secure a spot in Congress. The result is significant…

.1 day ago

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bf787b  No.17752388

File: b5c9c40d3304b22⋯.jpg (21.1 KB, 1212x613, 1212:613, FdQ3r9AM8mxC.jpg)

nons would have to be koo-koo to start parroting q again without serious verification beforehand

many of us still have friends and relatives who think we're wacky due to the first time around

if q has such reach, it shouldn't be a problem to either VERIFY the latest drops or EXPOSE them as fakes

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41cead  No.17752389

File: 7c56fa5b70fdab5⋯.jpg (20.55 KB, 1070x752, 535:376, 2cfN9aqAMwd8.jpg)



Columbus was working for Spain,

which was working for the Papacy.

The Papacy never got over it.

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e11de6  No.17752390

File: 46f79ec85573fa7⋯.jpg (17.57 KB, 1106x657, 1106:657, UAM49TqVdXCKx.jpg)

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f89aa2  No.17752394

File: 9843cae9bb544d1⋯.jpg (23.25 KB, 1180x1063, 1180:1063, 6kU8xaSeAMsag.jpg)



not on the face thing but this is a good proactive shout out from the people who should be saving children

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7aa618  No.17752399

File: f3ee88a43aeb1e3⋯.jpg (26.23 KB, 619x649, 619:649, BEbsfwG8OSP7.jpg)


thank you

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a0c505  No.17752401

File: 9a33e7e4b5d28cb⋯.jpg (24.14 KB, 1112x1088, 139:136, kc9Qur.jpg)



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6ce4ff  No.17752406

File: 7e131db20108866⋯.jpg (20.36 KB, 996x898, 498:449, SdiJ7VI6k0d.jpg)



Good grief 8bit crying on Truth Social kek


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d2299c  No.17752410

File: 723aca3e19f1713⋯.jpg (18.97 KB, 1240x769, 1240:769, 3u7DV5ihf.jpg)


>The lack of viewership for the J6 circus and same for the pResident admin on TV or online says a lot about folks waking up. An increasing numbers of normies may be looking to their anon freiends and family to fill in gaps.

How many Q posts until MSM start losing their shit over "Qanon" again?

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59529e  No.17752411

File: 40935c8b70ed2fb⋯.jpg (27.43 KB, 597x678, 199:226, amyeuHzGqfjk0e.jpg)


Criminals are criminals. I couldn't care less about their nationality or race. Blaming your perceived woes on an entire ethnicity is low IQ.

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ebdb7f  No.17752412

File: 99e5d0a634a4be7⋯.jpg (32 KB, 724x674, 362:337, jiq8GsVNk7keze.jpg)


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f3eb59  No.17752417

File: 1e24e6ff386be96⋯.jpg (24.37 KB, 1214x810, 607:405, 1exqDWHT.jpg)


that is a low level version of that meme. do better anon

its supposed to say why she no have boobies

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04d982  No.17752418

File: 876b0f054e8cfb8⋯.jpg (19.21 KB, 552x516, 46:43, 9wgL7ob5LgV.jpg)


>verified by a 2 year 3 second delta

anyone could plan and post a delta. hell with two years to do it they could take their sweet time about it.

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0b31bc  No.17752422

File: 7b90f432fc2c114⋯.jpg (22.7 KB, 1067x951, 1067:951, NSlqzNtG9.jpg)


Imagine the smell…

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33b1ee  No.17752427

File: 07f5d836b0878e0⋯.jpg (22.12 KB, 1062x1016, 531:508, C36bMQN4CGtW.jpg)


I experienced lags last night hours before q posted. Was thinking its bcs SCOTUS

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6169d9  No.17752428

File: 8fe0fb4f55e0ed7⋯.jpg (70.73 KB, 1218x1344, 29:32, nvhv0oFcEjx2.jpg)


i don't remember re images

i brighten the 1 Q dropped to make out any details but didn't find much moar

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20c63e  No.17752429

File: 84ee333c1473745⋯.jpg (18.4 KB, 1148x1090, 574:545, iz7flCXFg5g.jpg)


Top Kek!

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8d6d02  No.17752431

File: 326f4c74af7e4bd⋯.jpg (40.81 KB, 913x1354, 913:1354, EilZDhZzKqNEFc.jpg)








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1cf9b9  No.17752433

File: 7b5f357459f3bb2⋯.jpg (73.8 KB, 1285x1297, 1285:1297, P4UhRxys7r9.jpg)

hy is the murder of Grabbay Tit-to-pet by Brain Relawned back in the news? Just as a reminder to keep us faux cussed on? I don't know how I didn't go mad back in the day when I believed any of this nonsense.

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2dcb86  No.17752437

File: b8e6af5d5f95cd1⋯.jpg (28 KB, 673x616, 673:616, a2uqDZv08l.jpg)


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501693  No.17752449

File: e8bd6e6227fb7e0⋯.jpg (23.4 KB, 664x506, 332:253, P8gHtS1x.jpg)


>New Baker Self Confirms

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e42e8f  No.17752451

File: dcb271198374af2⋯.jpg (26.59 KB, 730x537, 730:537, 1KieVSgJ8L6CqF.jpg)


A thought that has crossed my mind Q is that both sides are being led by the nose until opposing sides collide.

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774826  No.17752452

File: bb8a15e16d1b7c5⋯.jpg (70.79 KB, 1124x1453, 1124:1453, LgmGAOF2eZ.jpg)


Is he visiting Israel last?

Saving Israel for last

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b033ae  No.17752456

File: 0e1955d4767c7e1⋯.jpg (18.77 KB, 1193x712, 1193:712, utboxudy0xCSx.jpg)



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23a014  No.17752457

File: a7ddc13923a2b5c⋯.jpg (24.02 KB, 611x585, 47:45, 80YAw4.jpg)


Q did post on the tripcode all 3 times - you are making up nonsense anon.

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18a0ac  No.17752459

File: e7f2414b718fbd4⋯.jpg (20.37 KB, 1162x645, 1162:645, AHwzf0uVyy.jpg)


collar bone

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c7cf50  No.17752462

File: 2387e5c1857e1ba⋯.jpg (17.43 KB, 1095x628, 1095:628, 8XYSVI8a62WyX7.jpg)

ad tacky heshe fuglytranny caught endorsing fake nazi juw whine naRRative

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ca0697  No.17752464

File: 3863005042f9899⋯.jpg (22.89 KB, 549x590, 549:590, n8FDUY.jpg)

he Khazarian Mafia is sneaky.

Evey one of them in the public eye makes sure they are listed as "Jewish"

Check Wikipedia on the next one, see if you start to see it as well.

This is there insurance plan. This is there shield. This is there cover.

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3a4466  No.17752466

File: 1217269c297659d⋯.jpg (22.61 KB, 1210x768, 605:384, fezVwhp59hDR.jpg)


oz will not win and trump knows that. perhaps he's backing him to get close to him for information. keep your friends close but your enemies closer.

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250458  No.17752469

File: 9c4367d445e39bc⋯.jpg (18.41 KB, 1179x601, 1179:601, IpnrWygN3L0tBB.jpg)


TY o7, same clothes and watch

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cab643  No.17752470

File: 2493068f0785893⋯.jpg (42.04 KB, 965x1240, 193:248, TtJglc.jpg)


Hmmm.. been craving popcorn.

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19fc72  No.17752476

File: 4d42b16366f9074⋯.jpg (23.5 KB, 610x517, 610:517, 7rptHkh.jpg)


I hate Hannity. No, seriously I'm a bad person, I fucking hate him but, was there a scheme for Hunters cooperation being played?

Ah, stop, I'm in the "no deals" column, hang `em all. I'm just wondering where giving Hunter a pardon came into a conversation?

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72302b  No.17752478

File: 7b0e02d61106551⋯.jpg (38.24 KB, 884x1309, 52:77, SQihQEF6s7rWVI.jpg)


Today in history june 27

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5e72ad  No.17752481

File: 2528370454d38cd⋯.jpg (21.28 KB, 1025x987, 1025:987, YautV7H.jpg)

=JUST IN - Biden admin weighs limits on fuel exports (Bloomberg)==


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5fba37  No.17752490

File: 5a35425f71695b1⋯.jpg (22.13 KB, 997x1111, 997:1111, R0USivSiMMGMJ.jpg)


Brian Cates, [11.06.22 13:29]

[Forwarded from Lori]

[ Video ]

Classic 🤣🤣🇺🇸

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0eb9dd  No.17752493

File: 01a39145f9b1848⋯.jpg (19.22 KB, 497x613, 497:613, TMMgZKJTu6u.jpg)


prayers sent

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082f4e  No.17752494

File: f8def0f3146b554⋯.jpg (37.32 KB, 843x1248, 281:416, EvIXa4VdfcU2.jpg)


Anons are a PAIN IN THE ASS to many because anons for the most part have honor and believe in US Constitution and shit like that. Clarence Thomas has a shitload of support on Q Research.

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f95993  No.17752499

File: b18829d605683c2⋯.jpg (40.85 KB, 878x1325, 878:1325, myqGOsM.jpg)


relax you'll do fine kek

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aaa0b9  No.17752501

File: 4eb0b15274ff806⋯.jpg (71.58 KB, 1108x1461, 1108:1461, g8MwX040fug9.jpg)


that chair looks terrible, and can't she use the vacuum cleaner every now and again?

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678ff0  No.17752502

File: 7e485f048fa4dfd⋯.jpg (24.96 KB, 522x674, 261:337, spIJPCJu2on.jpg)




Baker Hughes US oil rig count 594 vs 584 prior

Baker Hughes US oil rig count 594 vs 584 prior | Forexlive



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b9b02b  No.17752503

File: 2b779b7ae805406⋯.jpg (20.97 KB, 1078x698, 539:349, 2hWu2fPKlQl3L.jpg)



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9ee755  No.17752504

File: b78abba16f99ae4⋯.jpg (23 KB, 1083x1082, 1083:1082, n9QyaRIB74Be.jpg)



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5d9977  No.17752506

File: b224e4c8b45c8a0⋯.jpg (18.67 KB, 1038x612, 173:102, 1h8OEhi7rK.jpg)



>Feel free to disconnect from here a few days.

>And you'll feel a LOT better.

Can confirm. Was (and still am) very dedicated to the mission, but had to step away from the board for a bit… you need to take care of yourself too, anon.

Can't fight and win an information/psychological warfare if you aren't in the right place mentally. There are other ways to stay in the fight if you want to disconnect for a bit too.

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d55800  No.17752507

File: 33686f9846dc549⋯.jpg (72.45 KB, 1209x1393, 1209:1393, SouUuJByCyf.jpg)

he shills are trying to get some mileage over a stunt they pulled a year or two ago. Sad.

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6a663e  No.17752509

File: 0c3ac8b9afb0ec6⋯.jpg (20.58 KB, 1177x733, 1177:733, 7dk6WXIf.jpg)


>G.I. Jane? Top special forces commander wants women in SEALs unit that killed Bin Laden

Note, there's two Eric T Olsons.

that pic is Maj Gen

article is Admiral



>hold the phones

>Looks like there's two Eric T. Olsons

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25bd4e  No.17752512

File: baeb575af7d09f4⋯.jpg (22.04 KB, 536x501, 536:501, qL4YWD6l8XO.jpg)


Your right hand?

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f8046e  No.17752514

File: bc573564be6f6b2⋯.jpg (73.89 KB, 1263x1350, 421:450, xZKpfwpwie.jpg)


Miracle that this creep is finally mentioning YEARS-OLD stuff, as usual.

VID from May of 2019, with all the CHILD groping (repost)

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da4552  No.17752516

File: a787c6a4a1c8fcd⋯.jpg (77.99 KB, 1271x1437, 1271:1437, 7VCS1ri8Fj.jpg)

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5b1e08  No.17752520

File: a1e07e0681e10c3⋯.jpg (25.61 KB, 690x599, 690:599, 2vVNFVdPwam.jpg)


> [LL]



>+1 BC &LL (Tarmac)

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3d1de1  No.17752521

File: 5c7c92666770e49⋯.jpg (43.04 KB, 977x1277, 977:1277, swP7OOR2a3PQeC.jpg)



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4ad269  No.17752526

File: 55257b6045933aa⋯.jpg (39.45 KB, 937x1236, 937:1236, P10bdf2H3rk.jpg)



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e9d141  No.17752528

File: f48ef6057723870⋯.jpg (20.4 KB, 988x709, 988:709, LnWPV81xK.jpg)


She working a corner near the DNC?

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1e8b27  No.17752529

File: 68c29c4b4d76958⋯.jpg (24.9 KB, 495x667, 495:667, DCAJh0j4ANOOn.jpg)



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bce54c  No.17752530

File: 5839a978377dffd⋯.jpg (38.34 KB, 846x1216, 423:608, uCEeDNGS.jpg)

YSIWYG captures convoy rolling through another small town as libs melt down

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4482cb  No.17752531

File: f711c9cf84e64fb⋯.jpg (22.14 KB, 1005x1074, 335:358, cLyilx6I1.jpg)


Two tors id showing up as one poster

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8f73e1  No.17752532

File: 6614abc55adcf48⋯.jpg (21 KB, 1210x989, 1210:989, KMTTv1.jpg)

omeone have the meme?

>can cake one if needed

Welcome to the bakery!

We’ve got pies and cakes

And a world that’s eating everything

These Patriots can make.

Some breads are full of flakes—

Or a boom to bring the shakes.

Some breads are really flying by,

No time for cookie breaks.

In the bakery—welcome to the bakery—

Truth is what we—na na na na na na na na need, need.

I wanna watch you freed.

Welcome to the bakery,

Where the clowns are glowing bright.

Dealing with shills is the price to pay

When you’re playing day and night.

And you’re noted, for when you sleuth—

But you better prepare the sauce.

God’s the One who’s winning;

Tell me, who’s gonna feel the loss?

In the bakery—welcome to the bakery—

Watch the diggers, and the prayers, and memes

Wake sleepers from their dreams.

Welcome to the bakery,

With the white hats on the scene.

Never know when the boss is coming by

So you keep it all tidy clean.

And the breads always fresh and warm.

Lurking for some’s the norm.

Chew up a bite, to fill up your juice;

Be the calm for the coming storm.

In the bakery—welcome to the bakery—

Truth is what we—na na na na na na na na need, need.

I wanna watch you freed.

When Patriots rise, they never ever want to come down.

No turning around.

When Patriots rise, the enemy tries, but won’t bring ‘em down.

No stopping now.

You know where you are?

You’re in the bakery,

Go eat some bread.

Kid Rock ready to make a song for anons?

You know where to find me.

(pb) >>17752281

Kid Rock golfs with Trump today. :36 Like Clockwork

(pb) >>17752266

Donald J. Trump: Playing golf with Kid Rock

Trump Calls Photo Op `Calm Before The Storm'


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26dc01  No.17752533

File: 851f326b7a874dc⋯.jpg (15.33 KB, 1183x607, 1183:607, Zh3QqN.jpg)


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b6eb26  No.17752534

File: 7816d8dbaf08324⋯.jpg (18.51 KB, 1264x615, 1264:615, h8do8UAuSCzJuH.jpg)


Patton was a different breed.

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7d0668  No.17752535

File: 91c985f705f6e34⋯.jpg (69.62 KB, 1199x1238, 1199:1238, aS82PGWIar.jpg)


Under Boob

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788c77  No.17752538

File: 89f76d11429e8a4⋯.jpg (25.67 KB, 685x545, 137:109, VDXp61zy5AeyZR.jpg)


Midnight Rider Channel 🇺🇸, [19.06.22 14:06]

[ Video ]

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b3cfc4  No.17752541

File: 1aaa77ead6235bc⋯.jpg (23.96 KB, 1276x665, 1276:665, 8jWXij.jpg)



Proof requested. Post up da pics or the love never happened

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1e4806  No.17752546

File: 8ad0a3804bb7bd1⋯.jpg (25.21 KB, 555x618, 185:206, KEiXSSUQv1o.jpg)



tell him fix this shit or i aint voting for rubio

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6650b4  No.17752547

File: c29e5a702293537⋯.jpg (15.05 KB, 1029x674, 1029:674, MARwaSxQRXaU.jpg)



have guud baker

ty for the relief


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fe63a2  No.17752549

File: 8e7d78f2699b885⋯.jpg (17.16 KB, 1166x675, 1166:675, KlfD3zDAln.jpg)


just give it

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58fb65  No.17752551

File: 5084ceddb81ef90⋯.jpg (21.09 KB, 1138x915, 1138:915, vMtJvK6LIhj.jpg)

=Abortion Clinics Start Closing After Roe v. Wade Ruling==

Around half of the states are expected to press ahead with banning abortion after the high court’s landmark ruling, according to the Guttmacher Institute, while in a handful of states with so-called trigger laws, abortion has already become illegal.

Abortion will either soon become—or already is—unlawful in at least 13 states, according to a tally by The Epoch Times: Idaho, North Dakota, Utah, Wyoming, South Dakota, Missouri, Kentucky, Tennessee, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Arkansas, Mississippi, and Texas.

Bans in Mississippi and North Dakota will come into force when their respective attorneys general sign off, while Wyoming’s prohibition will take effect within days.

Tennessee will have its ban applied in 30 days, while Idaho and Texas will see bans applied 30 days after the official judgment. Abortion has become illegal in the following states: Kentucky, Louisiana, Arkansas, South Dakota, Missouri, Oklahoma, Alabama, and Utah.


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e00e78  No.17752552

File: 8c4aed03de7a47b⋯.jpg (76.79 KB, 1309x1354, 1309:1354, xvhl4c3wHOX.jpg)


>chatty Q

But isn't that all Q ever did? Talk. Just talk talk talk. Never any REAL results or wins. The only thing they consistently did was ensure the billions kept flowing into Israel with zero signs of that ever changing. Fuck Q and fuck the tripcode and fuck the banquets of bullshit. Actions speak louder than words after five years of doing absolutely fucking nothing.

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ee085e  No.17752555

File: 0737401a5309597⋯.jpg (40.36 KB, 900x1286, 450:643, 6dJgTE.jpg)


kmsp fox9 story and video

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f0a8a0  No.17752556

File: 187fb47aa613105⋯.jpg (23.95 KB, 1120x1046, 560:523, uUnlw0WXnr.jpg)


Kek, looks great anon

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ba96fd  No.17752557

File: 7d8037d8e869956⋯.jpg (21.03 KB, 1246x594, 623:297, YxbX1uTh3X.jpg)


>it's a new bread gaylord

Kek, I've waited for someone to call out the Muh 1 Post bitch.

New bread…of course everyone is gonna start with one fucking post. Smug fucks don't see their own stupidity.

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d667e7  No.17752558

File: 5a11c942467056a⋯.jpg (19.2 KB, 963x683, 963:683, bcQvUUPlQvt.jpg)


I cant all the time, just the easy ones.

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1d0bdf  No.17752560

File: 494a214f58666b8⋯.jpg (73.75 KB, 1170x1448, 585:724, BrvoFikE77Rksn.jpg)




Idiotic monkey STFU.

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de15e4  No.17752561

File: 9bd22765f40e489⋯.jpg (17.75 KB, 1031x975, 1031:975, CrADtn6oyWRAp.jpg)


Very good anon, though if you enjoy drawing the male genitalia; I question your chose of words.

"Crude" shouldn't ever be your goal in any artistic effort. Even if you only make a few economical strokes, make them count; great works of art don't necessarily require great amounts of time spent.

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c78d93  No.17752563

File: 5066ce1cef81c40⋯.jpg (20.66 KB, 1073x646, 1073:646, 3Y2tz9r.jpg)


>Yes, you should leave the body of the unborn baby alone.

dubz checkk'd and based and most compassionate anon

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aa6a92  No.17752564

File: e499a74764da318⋯.jpg (16.71 KB, 1198x574, 599:287, yzVmq8vdsar.jpg)


Funny how the Ukrainians only take cash

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bde0da  No.17752566

File: 5561f8144be04fb⋯.jpg (19.37 KB, 1157x683, 1157:683, LWaEodxq.jpg)



“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”

― Nikola Tesla

“Be alone, that is the secret of invention; be alone, that is when ideas are born.”

― Nikola Tesla

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85a75e  No.17752567

File: 87c75b93f7c912d⋯.jpg (77.18 KB, 1243x1405, 1243:1405, YDw1HH3ubX.jpg)



Baker looked at these - not sure that connection between the remark and these Q posts is significant, what do anons think?

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86b5a2  No.17752571

File: 3f0e7c97fa0a75d⋯.jpg (23.55 KB, 609x529, 609:529, VORTlXuCY62.jpg)


Need timestamps in seconds like this old gem


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e0ef05  No.17752575

File: 171835a428ac88a⋯.jpg (80.07 KB, 1264x1445, 1264:1445, TuUL72EDxX.jpg)

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d88cc9  No.17752576

File: fe9f0e77a4e02d1⋯.jpg (74.52 KB, 1191x1430, 1191:1430, rsx2sF44gme.jpg)

avy identifies fighter jet pilot killed in California desert crash

Lt. Richard Bullock, a U.S. Navy pilot, was killed in a plane crash in California on Friday, the Navy said on Monday.

Bullock was killed when his F/A-18E Super Hornet fighter jet crashed near Trona, California, at about 2:30 p.m. local time on Friday, the Navy said.


Alternate image with dimensions 544 x 1440 is from:


Attaching Q Drops 544 and 1440.

Also attaching Q Drops 2617 and 1726 if each hand is referencing an American Sign Language letter for y (26) and q (17).

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906818  No.17752577

File: 795ba98c0086fb0⋯.jpg (20.02 KB, 1163x1089, 1163:1089, k4QNTQmTr.jpg)


Does she have to call it Programming

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c9d13b  No.17752578

File: 4e71f7c4fcac3e7⋯.jpg (81.26 KB, 1317x1436, 1317:1436, 4u3Tb9UiX.jpg)


Yes, with impunity

Unless you say something dumb

Then we will laugh at you

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76ffbf  No.17752579

File: 56ccd49032fe994⋯.jpg (28.21 KB, 673x709, 673:709, wFZtdXfuDS1ENB.jpg)


I made a comment on a q post here once, and had dan scavino make a damn near identical reference shortly thereafter. Probably the closest I'll ever get. We all push the awakening any way we can, anon. Do whatever you can.

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c0b1aa  No.17752581

File: 3ea25d342d0dde7⋯.jpg (70.43 KB, 1153x1304, 1153:1304, k1rAn90Kzb.jpg)



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67b22a  No.17752582

File: 184298e46a33834⋯.jpg (77.83 KB, 1214x1473, 1214:1473, 5oWtososmV.jpg)



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12e3fd  No.17752584

File: 11f71eaaacf1480⋯.jpg (17.86 KB, 991x518, 991:518, mUQsKEt2nqb.jpg)




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7e64c8  No.17752585

File: f9e1874913ec928⋯.jpg (44.24 KB, 1011x1367, 1011:1367, lOgGFOsH.jpg)

n actor lives a life of sin. The job of an actor is to convince everyone watching that the actor isn't acting; that the actor is really another person. Therefore, the actor's profession is to decieve.

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a97698  No.17752587

File: c6b38bb18760618⋯.jpg (77.49 KB, 1258x1377, 74:81, l0uWKENMdmumHE.jpg)




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f503c9  No.17752588

File: 42b264a7dc9e8c7⋯.jpg (20.16 KB, 1113x740, 1113:740, 6OD91QihBNZ.jpg)


you da man. claro que si.

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ced8f8  No.17752589

File: 69ad88077f4d8dd⋯.jpg (37.33 KB, 796x1208, 199:302, 5DArZe5xs.jpg)


With hunt obviously.

Losing play.

Being on the wrong side of history and using false flag propaganda in court isn't cool.

In 500 years their kids will be killing themselves out of humiliation after they get out of history class.

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66e956  No.17752591

File: 30fe5c01557cd5c⋯.jpg (74.23 KB, 1155x1403, 1155:1403, QkJX7mwLXn.jpg)


>Can I possibly get unbanned?

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5ffe7f  No.17752592

File: 6042b1a2958c831⋯.jpg (38.23 KB, 852x1202, 426:601, xNCP9mfExcE.jpg)

appy forth of July Q and anons.

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482d3c  No.17752594

File: 34d9efc7b1a9cc2⋯.jpg (18.07 KB, 988x600, 247:150, fgwFn7nEyVG4Tb.jpg)





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6d1ca0  No.17752595

File: bdd14a7ca31df11⋯.jpg (19.76 KB, 979x951, 979:951, sEfbzWgYQ.jpg)


just to clarify, doge barker got the q posts, corp baker stepped as note taker,

was very pleased for him on 1700 days after last post.

anon has tried to mentor him and he acknowledged the kick in the pants.

which was a noice gesture.

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ce28f0  No.17752596

File: 7148cc6a02af068⋯.jpg (19.05 KB, 1090x667, 1090:667, 8eUTg3tp.jpg)


Yes, it is a con Cern!

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132b80  No.17752598

File: a111baf43b635c7⋯.jpg (22.04 KB, 1191x723, 397:241, msFbhEhReSs.jpg)

0 UIDs. The Few. The Proud. The Anons.

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19367d  No.17752599

File: 46e2a9d7ca56019⋯.jpg (70.64 KB, 1113x1461, 371:487, NCCz4PELqG.jpg)

Donaldo Trumpo


Narrator: "That's when Joe realized he was f….d"


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1db691  No.17752605

File: 66edf62b0a7715d⋯.jpg (17.88 KB, 1003x607, 1003:607, 5GSwfPFD8R8ix.jpg)



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781dc3  No.17752607

File: 53f8ef2b808a804⋯.jpg (19.37 KB, 1033x907, 1033:907, OwYzV4AyU3a.jpg)


Mebbe you're using a poorly composed password and username

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d0be02  No.17752609

File: b65cb030f6fce51⋯.jpg (35.13 KB, 834x1188, 139:198, TIVSrVQ6f3Dz.jpg)


Annoying asskisser of NY Democrats and RINOs alike unfortunately. He owns 77WABC in NYC and has a talk show.

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2ec11f  No.17752611

File: b37c96ee7acf056⋯.jpg (19.1 KB, 1196x584, 299:146, Zm7prGov.jpg)

Notes @500











Have dough, Will Bake! Call 'em

'''I just cant note a self noted n

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5759ba  No.17752613

File: bb0f5e28162cb12⋯.jpg (21.63 KB, 504x631, 504:631, kMy4Kis7MHt.jpg)



Back then people from around the world would travel to Germany just for the sexual perversion… Tanny Sex Capitol of the world.

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7a927d  No.17752616

File: 4b28e645c409719⋯.jpg (20.82 KB, 493x535, 493:535, yZ18LTqrp.jpg)



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64799c  No.17752618

File: 6eb6c44e0f4b468⋯.jpg (23.51 KB, 589x590, 589:590, 5TU2nsenPK.jpg)


1. 2003

2. no exif data

3. 2008

4. 2008

5. 2008

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8109e4  No.17752619

File: 0d1b9e3e46ecc12⋯.jpg (20.71 KB, 1270x726, 635:363, 1o8ZnaZi1ryVcI.jpg)


That's the basis of all Satanic institutions. YOU must give up the rights endowed by your creator…"to protect the children."

THEY decide what is a "threat" to children and "how" the children will be "protected".

Crimes against children (shooting them) helps all Satanists unite behind gun grabs.

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f7902b  No.17752622

File: fc35c343d57dc9b⋯.jpg (36.36 KB, 802x1168, 401:584, 99awAlDZUSZn8p.jpg)


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beb7cb  No.17752625

File: d1a9c3c4bdd486e⋯.jpg (16.46 KB, 971x579, 971:579, XtuOr3.jpg)


Pt. 2





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b48992  No.17752626

File: b216d47731f45e1⋯.jpg (18.42 KB, 1051x706, 1051:706, u0ZeVxDqK.jpg)


>Argued long and late with Q one night, to get a higher percentage of truth/facts than was originally proposed.

Cool story

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bb2192  No.17752627

File: f9f12721eceb2db⋯.jpg (40.96 KB, 1000x1179, 1000:1179, MVvurB.jpg)



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af32ef  No.17752628

File: 010456aee43cf6a⋯.jpg (31.52 KB, 692x711, 692:711, lr7SXQxYhDn6PQ.jpg)


This is a year old.

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184436  No.17752629

File: c62168a88e3ceab⋯.jpg (20.29 KB, 1034x658, 11:7, 9qmBAZC902Qy3H.jpg)

=I Love my girlfriend!!!==

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2672dd  No.17752634

File: 6e6b606fbff9b6b⋯.jpg (73.55 KB, 1285x1290, 257:258, xHyNAmI.jpg)

=Fresh Bread==


Q Research General #22864: President Trump Is Crushing the GOP 2024 Field Edition

Fresh Bread


Q Research General #22864: President Trump Is Crushing the GOP 2024 Field Edition

Fresh Bread


Q Research General #22864: President Trump Is Crushing the GOP 2024 Field Edition

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485493  No.17752635

File: 21ca38c71a64592⋯.jpg (66.48 KB, 1103x1313, 1103:1313, oj8y944Gd.jpg)

think, we should have some fun tonight. AMIRIGHT?

I just discovered the nightcore bread…. i am so sorry, anons.

are meta discussion even allowed on eight kun, jim?

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65b0e7  No.17752636

File: a47b1612e1b655f⋯.jpg (39.88 KB, 878x1321, 878:1321, WrGBq4qO.jpg)




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b30961  No.17752637

File: ddbdcc937df665e⋯.jpg (39.27 KB, 846x1343, 846:1343, Kwog414X.jpg)


>Does she know how small your e-peen is?

I don't like to hurt girls, but when I do there is only one suspect, mr. e-peen haha.

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f0f665  No.17752639

File: 4eed41251103ee5⋯.jpg (71.17 KB, 1181x1376, 1181:1376, Xr9YYI.jpg)


columbia + hookers

pak isi + fake id and weapons


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054d53  No.17752640

File: 7f6951bba6ecb38⋯.jpg (75.22 KB, 1254x1340, 627:670, KVAcMdob9iL5z.jpg)


Neutrogena, bruh

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b62d24  No.17752652

File: 8a931d5198872a5⋯.jpg (21.83 KB, 1037x1092, 1037:1092, yTCgVl4fosXUf4.jpg)


Brainwashed. Although there are certainly some good people who happen to have been born in Israel, that doesn't make Israel any less of an enemy of all Western people. Just like there were certainly good people in Japan when the US decided to nuke it, at the end of the day you have to do whatever is needed to protect your own people. Pray for the people of Israel.

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984779  No.17752654

File: 48391c7ef1c5f49⋯.jpg (68.82 KB, 1141x1330, 163:190, bjqrQmO7kW1.jpg)

RAPING you of your voice

RAPING you of your choice

RAPING you of your liberty

RAPING you of your wealth

RAPING you of your peace

You see faggot, YOU don’t get to choose

THEY choose for you!

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de1066  No.17752656

File: 0bb0767311438f4⋯.jpg (22.4 KB, 1264x772, 316:193, 4E7Z7a.jpg)





16367318 at 2022-05-30 12:01:54 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #22867: It's Not Whether You Win Or Lose, But Whether You Win Edition

"This is what will cause massive food shortages in the next few months

Do you know what DEF fluid is? It's Diesel Exhaust Fluid. Every Diesel truck that has been made since 2010 is required to use it. It's a product made of 32.5 percent urea and 67.5 percent deionized water. Every newer diesel truck you see driving down the road today has to have this product to drive (by law). DEF is sprayed into the exhaust stream by an advanced injection system and then converted into ammonia on a catalyst. The ammonia breaks down dangerous NOx emissions produced by diesel engines into nitrogen and water.. That's the purpose of DEF.

Right now, Russia is the largest exporter of Urea by a wide margin. Qatar is second. Egypt and China are Tied for 3rd. Both Russia and China have decided to no longer export Urea. On top of that, India is the largest manufacturer of Urea in the world even though they consume most of what they make. What little they would export……….they no longer do. They are now stopping the exportation of any and all Urea minus a deal they just cut with Sri Lanka.

What does this mean for you and me? Well, first, the United States imports most of it's Urea fertilizer. We are the third largest importer in the entire world. We depend on other countries to eat, drive and ship our products.

Secondly… Flying J is the largest Service provider for Truckers around the Unites States. I'm sure you've seen their massive gas stations when traveling around the country. Flying J gets 70% of their DEF fluid from shipments via Union Pacific railroad. UP has single user access to the Fertilizer plants that Urea/DEF fluid comes from. No other rail provider has access to these distribution points. This means Flying J can't just go around Union Pacific. Union Pacific is in charge….for a reason I'm gonna mention in a few paragraphs.

Flying J provides 30% of all DEF consumed in the United States. UP has told Flying J to reduce their shipments by a whopping 50%. And if they do not comply then they will be completely embargoed. That would in effect bankrupt FJ. This means that 15% of all DEF consumed by truckers in the US is no longer available at the largest travel service center for the entire trucking industry.

Rome rotted from the inside out. It was easily invaded because it was occupied with internal problems. It appears we have discovered the Trigger. DEF fluid. If this holds up, DEF shortages will be the catalyst that causes food shortages in the coming months. Not only is there a shortage of fertilizer to grow crops in drought-stricken states (See Kansas' drop in wheat production for 2022)….but….now it looks like, unless the Federal Government intervenes via the Defense Production Act, …which I am no longer confident they will….there is gonna be an absolute massive shortage of trucking in the coming months.

There simply isn't going to be DEF fluid sufficient to keep the engines running and moving. Home Depot is now limiting the amount of DEF you can buy in their stores.

I would think long and hard about the decisions you are making right now. Where you live. What you spend money on. How you prepare. This is so real that the CEO of Flying J, Shameek Konar was summoned to a Surface Transportation Board hearing to give them all this info.

From what I'm reading….Blackrock is the majority shareholder of Union Pacific railroad. How is that important? Americas biggest fertilizer producer is CF Industries. Their largest shareholder is Blackrock. Blackrock controls the fertilizer industry in the U.S.. Union Pacific has exclusive rights to distribution points of fertilizer. Urea is fertilizer. Flying J needs Urea/DEF. Blackrock is controlling everything.

The Chairman of the BlackRock Investment Institute is Tom Donilon, President Obama's former National Security Advisor. Tom Donilon's brother, Mike Donilon is a Senior Advisor to Joe Biden. Tom Donilon's wife, Catherine Russell, is the White House Personnel Director. Tom Donilon's daughter, Sarah Donilon, who graduated college in 2019, now works on the White House National Security Council.

It appears Blackrock is spearheading the dismantling of the US system on behalf of the Globalists. And the first domino they are pushing over is the energy sector. They are using DEF to get the party started. This is one sector of the biggest downfalls in political repercussions this country has ever faced." -dpow

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84b6bf  No.17752658

File: 88d5e856d85b5dd⋯.jpg (39.69 KB, 778x1324, 389:662, Tx4wbdYTzT.jpg)


And not only do you not have to pay for it, restaurants (especially fast food ones) will pay you to take their used veggie oil. You have to be smart about it though. You can't just run up and say you'll take it from them at such or such price. You have competition. The deep state.

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2518ca  No.17752659

File: 7c1ca01a2f95364⋯.jpg (73.04 KB, 1130x1449, 1130:1449, dMiiggvqCpN2H.jpg)


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87f616  No.17752661

File: 727e56f3d437976⋯.jpg (73.62 KB, 1178x1424, 589:712, I7xfCBgokPr9n.jpg)


>Has anyone found a cure to long covid yet?

keep taking IVM once a week until it's gone

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ab2336  No.17752662

File: 668cf3a78e4e210⋯.jpg (20.88 KB, 1179x675, 131:75, xfavSsoKfUmUGM.jpg)


He is such a caricature of douche bag.. it is unreal.

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ea23d8  No.17752663

File: fb5c30357fd47d4⋯.jpg (65.92 KB, 1125x1243, 1125:1243, fP7qxllFr.jpg)

ll (((inbreds))) and child rapists are godless creatures to be drowned.

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421484  No.17752664

File: 8a386177b1d23cc⋯.jpg (38.42 KB, 773x1338, 773:1338, OXvWpcK1N9.jpg)


>Got TS Q to reply to me.

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494d47  No.17752666

File: b1e4e4dbae255ca⋯.jpg (75.01 KB, 1197x1453, 1197:1453, Qb4S1jjv.jpg)

o more war pigs have the power,

Hand of God has struck the hour.

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b68ce0  No.17752668

File: 766f4ad40b99c3d⋯.jpg (20.58 KB, 1238x665, 1238:665, oBdT6T.jpg)


Attention woke Finnish tards: You are disgraceful, all of you. Same for Swedish tards. Mind numbingly stupid assholes don't even know who they are.

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14639d  No.17752669

File: e3d234ec7ebb26f⋯.jpg (78.62 KB, 1297x1395, 1297:1395, ZGbzQPaKcw1O.jpg)


And the anons thought I was drinking heavy the first time I posted the Stenger murder.

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604c15  No.17752672

File: 28b2fd9852f9e4d⋯.jpg (75.58 KB, 1312x1317, 1312:1317, pHw8TpkWTSjs0.jpg)

lection Integrity is POINTLESS.

Remove commie marxist nazi fascist maoist eugenicist lenonist socialsit globalist terrorist pedoist and identity fraud off the ballot for NATIONAL SECURITY SAKE!

Stop giving them an elbow for argument at America's Table.


I don't CONSENT to commie marxist nazi fascist maoist eugenicist lenonist socialsit globalist terrorist pedoist and identity fraud being on the ballot. they will SELL OUT THE COUNTRY AND CIVIL WAR

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9ea41d  No.17752675

File: 9cff0860b93500c⋯.jpg (42.34 KB, 979x1333, 979:1333, Xaxo17x4pG.jpg)



Just wait.

Some neurons will connect in few days, and you'll find out.

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048a15  No.17752677

File: 06e3c2b5cc429a8⋯.jpg (25.78 KB, 624x618, 104:103, mcFOM13O.jpg)










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5759ba  No.17752683

File: 02522ea6fa0507f⋯.jpg (16.51 KB, 968x528, 11:6, nEuIxzuRg8Qu.jpg)


He's trying to make Twit as interesting as TS

won't happen

TS gives you 500 letters, the ability to edit, and upload large-ish videos 40 mg.

also there's liittle to no censorship

If people are censored it ruins their ability to think.

If he wants to think about post modernism and Media; maybe think about McLuhan

The form itself will create the communication affect.

So the fact Twit has less letters, no ability to edit and kinda weird uptight clientele - all the original thinkers have been banned?

So yeah. Don't buy it Elon, they're trying to scam you.

"Simulation" is all about how twit creates it's own little world


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649506  No.17752687

File: ae2a5445951be38⋯.jpg (22.08 KB, 532x521, 532:521, ZRUYwZ7Q79eSB.jpg)

=The American People are NOT the client of the Department of Justice==

The ONE and ONLY client of the Department of the Justice is the United States Governemnt

….and the US Government does not have standing in election fraud allegations.

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a3d755  No.17752692

File: 3ab3e6734f323b3⋯.jpg (21.34 KB, 1127x721, 161:103, YkL2ABmyv5mBqr.jpg)

lways the optimist.

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761485  No.17752694

File: b4c9d5734e13e41⋯.jpg (24.89 KB, 554x583, 554:583, naNPKC6qeR4aSJ.jpg)



killing a human or prehuman to consume their essence and biological material is VAMPIRISM.

no need to call them anything else- cannibals,, pedovores, wendigo, etc…

Every culture and language in the world know the word VAMPIRE, like that or in their own tongue. Why? Because they are real, and they run the plantation full of (their) livestock. dark to LIGHT.

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06b35e  No.17752697

File: 35138af01ba8ff7⋯.jpg (73.42 KB, 1150x1436, 575:718, rqCMbWnsy.jpg)

hose career frauds

sure do try hard

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14376a  No.17752700

File: 1d1f998c59d2524⋯.jpg (41.9 KB, 951x1291, 951:1291, Jth7fAJ6EGX.jpg)

o confidence

her loyalty lay with DNC/fascists/nazis/ccp

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be0546  No.17752702

File: a2eb2786a917f28⋯.jpg (17.81 KB, 1067x725, 1067:725, HIei4b6iOWR.jpg)


You fail to understand, your attempts to hurt my feelz or harsh my buzz are merely mildly amusing

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055753  No.17752704

File: 240c273bc214a3a⋯.jpg (69.92 KB, 1186x1356, 593:678, vA4uodavcqWA.jpg)


Main shaft failure, believe there is still a back up.

No sign of rotor strikes..as if in hover or already touchdown

unless it got zapped by, well, whatever it is that starts forest fires?

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c050e4  No.17752705

File: 6a67e47cdb1de33⋯.jpg (23.57 KB, 500x662, 250:331, VRlBKZ8Ntm6W.jpg)


I don’t know what’s next, but bummed about the vid.

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28b75f  No.17752710

File: e16fef7abf25c37⋯.jpg (68.42 KB, 1200x1288, 150:161, KllHktqsabCuU.jpg)



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2a5dc7  No.17752711

File: 0e38326d5467a24⋯.jpg (70.99 KB, 1174x1371, 1174:1371, 14xiVylv.jpg)



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aaf417  No.17752712

File: f53701a9ccf7f40⋯.jpg (17.34 KB, 1007x679, 1007:679, fdEitZStJT.jpg)


Why would he have a book at the ready to destroy the thing? If he was really interested in the experiment, he wouldn't have done that. Fake and ghey for contradictory actions by the main character.

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d058d7  No.17752714

File: edce90e2ac0af31⋯.jpg (21.74 KB, 1141x1019, 1141:1019, eEOl8h1om.jpg)


exactly and no that he lost that power he is fucking with anons heads on these Q's

same ole op, diff tack

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97a459  No.17752717

File: 45ed83b3d764395⋯.jpg (27.33 KB, 714x591, 238:197, NdRdy26itguxDp.jpg)


Looks like Joe slept through this too!

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da7a63  No.17752718

File: c4ace993d963abe⋯.jpg (18.92 KB, 1095x590, 219:118, T2yEdDcJU3j.jpg)

post 4 minutes to the second after POTUS and the they had a 0 delta 24 minutes later

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28b75f  No.17752720

File: 249d3f82d3bb273⋯.jpg (70.9 KB, 1165x1344, 1165:1344, 154Xtpe9.jpg)


Is there a color on their flag for heteros?

Or are they heterophobes?

Anything but hetero is acceptable to them.

They hate heteros.

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4c77cf  No.17752721

File: 9f8f3eff7e78880⋯.jpg (72.94 KB, 1309x1238, 1309:1238, QI6DMKfNd.jpg)


>Nobody is going to do anything if all We do is get captured and thrown in the DNC system.

what's a DNC system?

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c10b1a  No.17752723

File: d37994b3c3b266f⋯.jpg (40.62 KB, 970x1252, 485:626, ZUrwEHwbdONQB.jpg)


KanekoaTheGreat, [19.06.22 18:24]

Woke Canadian University holds segregated graduation ceremony for black students



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2e042d  No.17752724

File: c3828dc79021912⋯.jpg (69.9 KB, 1262x1287, 1262:1287, tdgWkU2eN.jpg)


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes

You're vote doesn't matter. Why would you play in their illusory sandbox?

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42e6d4  No.17752729

File: 1499facf3ce1eda⋯.jpg (20.92 KB, 483x556, 483:556, e211QpF44.jpg)


Sure thing, bud.

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8c0c2d  No.17752734

File: 8e3588be3fed381⋯.jpg (79.98 KB, 1317x1451, 1317:1451, Ybq27oezRPRYL.jpg)


>Trust the Plan

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0d94f5  No.17752737

File: bb654920e4f47e2⋯.jpg (20 KB, 1074x613, 1074:613, EhQC5Dn2XplRpy.jpg)


Can't FOIA an NDA

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dd8343  No.17752738

File: ef97c29b4ba6464⋯.jpg (21.68 KB, 1289x779, 1289:779, 2GbfUns.jpg)


Ambasador Jack Matlock - yes.

And figuring all this out is how I learned so much about tripcodes.. I didn't know at first either.

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fab0d8  No.17752739

File: 060f6bf59de0586⋯.jpg (19.47 KB, 1098x588, 183:98, N7nUWo1r.jpg)

hings that make you say WTF? Dems, Rino's and media impeach Trump for the second time, with presentation to the Senate after Trump is out of office. The dems, Rino's and media hatched a plan: The House Select Committee on Jan 6th. They bring their results to America in Prime Time TV this Thursday at 7:30 eastern. It's the evidence gathered by the Committee presented as a documentary (propaganda). While at the same time America and NATO is building up and training Ukrainian forces on the front line in Donbass. Infiltrated foreign enemy Fiona Hill works to impeach Pres. Trump. During Schiff's impeachment hearings in early 2021 Fiona testified under oath that Ukraine is in an active war with Russia. The embedded foreign agent Fiona worked hard on the Steele Dossier which started the false accusation/investigation but that is another story.

While all this is going on Russia is watching. Watching what is happening to President Trump. Russia knows Fiona Hill better than she knows herself. Then, early this year Russia began moving its troops to western Russia. Then Russia recognizes Luhansk & Donetsk Oblisks of Ukraine 'Independent Republics'. Luhansk and Donetsk independent republics request military assistance against the Ukraine military which has spent 8 years building a fortified line. Russia accepts and 'invade' Ukraine. Just this week (the same week that the Jan 6th committee announced their prime time event Russia said if other countries give Ukraine rockets, and those rockets are used to attack positions inside Russia then Russia will counterattack against where those weapons came from. Then today, Russia sent a hypersonic missiles to hit a couple of military targets in Kiev. One of them flew very low (2-300 meters) over a nuclear plant.

Are these actions by Russia merely coincidental?

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cef547  No.17752740

File: b870639605543c7⋯.jpg (38.99 KB, 844x1335, 844:1335, A6kS6jN.jpg)

=Donald J. Trump/ @realDonaldTrump==

06/28/2022 08:06:17

Truth Social: 108555008563809564

A HUGE WIN for Religious Liberty in the U.S. Supreme Court. Thank you!


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c55f84  No.17752744

File: 42a2624c5e172d5⋯.jpg (70.09 KB, 1199x1400, 1199:1400, d4ySoELL786ij.jpg)


Something that scared them immediately as they saw it

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50dec0  No.17752748

File: c0316f164ce3b03⋯.jpg (73.65 KB, 1278x1271, 1278:1271, bCfXNUKmVfXr.jpg)

=Russia Demands Lithuania Lift "Openly Hostile" Blockade; Panic Buying Ensues==

Update (1100ET): The Russian Foreign Ministry has responded to Lithuania's partial blockade of Kaliningrad, writing in a statement that they consider the "provocative measures" to be "openly hostile" and warning that the Kremlin may take action to "protect its national interests."

Kaliningrad is sandwiched between the EU and NATO members Poland and Lithuania. Supplies from Russia are delivered via rail and gas pipelines through Lithuania - which announced last week that it was banning the rail transit of goods subject to EU sanctions, which include coal, advanced technology, metals and construction materials.

"If in the near future cargo transit between the Kaliningrad region and the rest of the territory of the Russian Federation through Lithuania is not restored in full, then Russia reserves the right to take actions to protect its national interests," the statement reads.

They have demanded that Lithuania immediately lift the ban on a number of goods to the Kaliningrad region.

Earlier Monday, the Kremlin called Lithuania's announcement "unprecedented" and "in violation of everything there is."

"The situation is more than serious and it requires a very deep analysis before formulating any measures and decisions," said Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov in a statement to the press.

Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis said they were simply complying with sanctions imposed by the EU, and that they were taken after "consultation with the European Commission and under its guidelines."

"Sanctioned goods (will) no longer be allowed to transit Lithuanian territory," he added.

Kaliningrad governor Anton Alikhanov says that the ban, which was confirmed on Friday, affects roughly 50% of all imports. He urged citizens not to panic-buy…


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ccaa98  No.17752750

File: e59561a894caf92⋯.jpg (40 KB, 883x1252, 883:1252, ztNiK09WMQ.jpg)


getting a sean penn/deniro vibe..

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3d8e68  No.17752751

File: f73ab7013f43012⋯.jpg (18.23 KB, 1195x627, 1195:627, wCHOtt.jpg)


someone with skills, please shoop "Tucker's Urine" on that bottle.

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a8e48e  No.17752752

File: 49f2a6a803f3584⋯.jpg (28.03 KB, 679x583, 679:583, bST1Cf.jpg)


when looking at the first vial, maybe it might have been this fake vaccine? just hasn't manifest in the sores yet? or the next "scare" as covid was the test, or just the installation of the mark of the beast : nevertheless, the first trumpeter is cleaning out his spit valve

Revelation 16:2 So the first angel went and poured out his bowl on the earth, and loathsome, malignant sores broke out on those who had the mark of the beast and worshiped its image. The first angel went and poured out his bowl on the land, and ugly, festering sores broke out on the people who had the mark of the beast and worshiped its image.

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14a489  No.17752753

File: 36932aca82d4375⋯.jpg (19.88 KB, 1174x593, 1174:593, YTkgdSH.jpg)




Top kek

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615739  No.17752756

File: 904ac1dd848138c⋯.jpg (41.16 KB, 858x1342, 39:61, xfDv3cHOkMvcl.jpg)

appy Birthday Elder Brother Donald. You've changed the world for many of us, all around this beautiful blue planet.

And with Regulus, the Star of Great Kings rising at your birth, you were born for rulership. Let America rise once more, into the breach as our Phoenix flies forth!

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ea9fa0  No.17752758

File: 1afeef4e2af374d⋯.jpg (75.3 KB, 1191x1458, 397:486, 3W5pvcv4rt.jpg)









hobbits caught cross dressing with ASSumed names trying to evade prosecution

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94f557  No.17752760

File: 2625c20e66c17ce⋯.jpg (66.05 KB, 1123x1243, 1123:1243, 9SuowlAWzKSFd.jpg)

s the Roe v Wade ruling the nail in the coffin for the normie narratives? Is it all exposure and disclosure from here on in? Is this why Q is back? Still cautiously approaching these past 24 hours…

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8300ec  No.17752761

File: 56b7ac66a689736⋯.jpg (22.29 KB, 1090x772, 545:386, 6NJm1gHG.jpg)


Which makes one wonder how many family lines in the world trace back to these>>17752470

>The kids were raised in orphanages with fake history.

And the indoctrination continued at the World's Fairs

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f3dbbc  No.17752768

File: a3b5d2c18c02c61⋯.jpg (18.21 KB, 484x548, 121:137, C8g1kF2gF1xEp.jpg)


new authentic Q!

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6dc523  No.17752769

File: 5dc69e2b973a97f⋯.jpg (40.08 KB, 954x1310, 477:655, vrnEDztH2d8xl.jpg)


seems fake and 'gay' who ever it is.

just seems like someone trying to be 'q' and failing



not expecting anything; since this person is ignoring that bs.


cooper is likely trafficked himself ; a foster child, his mother's boy toy?

the other brother who 'fell out the window'

that one resembles the mother

anderson? not one bit.

and the 'brothers' fail to resemble each other.

found a pic of a Vanderbilt on the back of a book and he looks like a roth!

these people mastermind world wars, so slave trading must be minor for them?

also people who are sadist against children, even their own children (biden)

what won't that type of person do?

they are all one fam.


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59c8f7  No.17752773

File: 57e7f272cd44df7⋯.jpg (17.2 KB, 1085x521, 1085:521, wruDwYYIuqCHZ.jpg)


>not trying to scare anyone, but…..

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baa041  No.17752774

File: e6292355870b120⋯.jpg (20.09 KB, 1168x644, 292:161, VGw1ILrZhgbTW.jpg)


>define gender

Not here to play word games.

The way [they] use language is to confuse.

"intergovernmental agencies such as the WHO[13] make a distinction between gender and sex"

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ba1177  No.17752777

File: 1cf7c4209a933d7⋯.jpg (18.73 KB, 1010x530, 101:53, SLYrmkF7SIhL.jpg)

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15017c  No.17752780

File: e6cf3a3d1ded643⋯.jpg (24.51 KB, 725x516, 725:516, Qo7v5sI6Rtb.jpg)



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6a78b9  No.17752782

File: aebddb7db2e0cc7⋯.jpg (75.98 KB, 1321x1288, 1321:1288, vG5hRUmADBj0.jpg)

=Welcome to Q Research General==

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"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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12cf90  No.17752785

File: 7020b2caeadb4d9⋯.jpg (21.66 KB, 979x997, 979:997, wTeMc76L8.jpg)

his is sickening

how this adult

is having this conversation

with a child

now you can imagine this in schools with littlekida and their minds

total seed planting and brainwashing

First published at 00:03 UTC on April 23rd, 2022.



An adult gay man who is co-parenting with a biological male transgender woman is trying to convince their child to change gender. How do such disgraceful, disgusting people have a child with them? I call this behaviour child abuse, and it makes me sick to my stomach.

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5d9977  No.17752786

File: 7507ba73fab7c9e⋯.jpg (36.76 KB, 800x1257, 800:1257, 0qFY9FPk93uP.jpg)


Full song for anyone else who happens to give a shit:

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e3c71f  No.17752787

File: b8ee5e0ee427833⋯.jpg (19.62 KB, 1058x700, 529:350, iqwHZTZfwe.jpg)


Could be… but this is a BIG HABBENING either way.


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525035  No.17752790

File: 7ea6f27c17bbdd9⋯.jpg (22.41 KB, 1124x635, 1124:635, I4qzwgwso.jpg)

2 Jun, 2022 19:43

Not worth your sympathy: The story of Ukraine’s neo-Nazi Azov battalion

Much less than the heroic defenders they are made out to be, the extremist regiment’s many crimes are well documented

By Evgeny Norin, a Russian historian focused on conflicts and international politicsPart 1 of 2

Ukrainian propaganda has elevated the Azov Battalion’s protracted but ultimately doomed final stand, in Mariupol, to heroic proportions. Adding further pathos to this sentimental story were the desperate calls for help from the commanders of the units entrapped in the bowels of the Azovstal factory and the photogenic young wives of the besieged fighters pleading with Pope Francis at the Vatican.

Yet, an observant eye could also wonder about the abundance of Nazi tattoos adorning the battalion’s POWs. The fighters of the Donetsk militia even came up with a joke about capturing “large numbers of pirates and electricians” in reference to the numerous individuals with the skull and crossbones and SS bolts – the widely recognizable Totenkopf and Schutzstaffel symbols – emblazoned on their skin.

Western media has been bending over backwards trying to explain how people covered in Nazi tattoos are not neo-Nazis. However, it turns out that sporting symbols related to Adolf Hitler's odious Third Reich is not even close to being the worst of the crimes committed by the Azov.

The battalion’s history pre-dates the current conflict in Ukraine. Between 2005 and 2010, the governor of the Kharkov Region, the major industrial hub of northeastern Ukraine, was Arsen Avakov. During Avakov’s tenure in office, nationalist Andrey Biletsky, known as the White Ruler, became very active in the area. The two were close acquaintances during Biletsky’s university years. In 2005, he founded an ultranationalist organization, The Patriot of Ukraine, which mostly consisted of aggressive football fans and low-level criminals of the street fighter variety.

According to media reports, the movement didn’t bother doing much that was patriotic but preferred involving itself in various semi-legal and shadowy activities. Biletsky ended up doing some jail time, though not for political reasons, but rather for plain and simple hooliganism. After the 2014 Western-backed Maidan coup in Kiev, Biletsky was set free as a ‘political’ prisoner of the fallen Viktor Yanukovich government. He used his connection to Avakov, who by then had become Ukraine’s new minister of the interior, to set up a territorial defense battalion to fight in the east of the country. This became known as the Azov.

In Eastern Ukraine, the protests of locals in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions against the Maidan movement escalated to an armed rebellion, and Biletsky’s newly formed battalion was tasked with suppressing it. Unlike many other territorial defense volunteer units, the Azov had a very distinct ideological flavor from the very start. It was a far-right organization that welcomed all sorts of neo-Nazis ranging from mild to radical ones. The Azov fighters were known for their obsession with pagan rituals and were considered freaks by regular military units.

That, however, was what made the battalion a good fit for the task. Being fanatics, these people did not shy away from killing. Before the Donbass militia was established, the Azov carried out killings of a number of pro-Russian activists.

These acts of individual terror had a philosophy behind them. “It will suffice to kill about fifty ‘vatniks’ {a pejorative term used for those with pro-Russian sympathies} in every town to put a stop to all this,” as one of the fighters with the battalion put it. On June 13, 2014, Azov put this motto into practice by defeating, as part of a larger combat group, a small unit of the Donbass people’s militia in Mariupol. The Azov Battalion was able to put forward quite a few combat-ready soldiers and several gun trucks, while the militia in Mariupol was weak and poorly armed. Five insurgents were killed. The Azov and Ukrainian security services did not hesitate to open fire on local civilians in the Mariupol standoff. There is a video showing the Ukrainians wounding and killing several unarmed people by gunfire. One of the victims is ‘armed’ with a plastic chair.

However, because it was not part of the army – at least formally – the Azov Battalion rarely engaged in actual combat operations. In the summer of 2014, a small group of its fighters attacked the town of Ilovaisk, and in the winter of 2015 they launched an assault on Shirokino, a village located on the Azov Sea coast, where they interacted with officers from the Ukrainian Army who later recounted that the battalion had left the impression of an undisciplined unit, one that was hard to deal with…


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4412e1  No.17752793

File: fab4f639b539d17⋯.jpg (22.84 KB, 519x548, 519:548, AHa3ZUw.jpg)

ven tim pool covering this

Senate Sergeant Who Testified About Paid Agitators On Jan 6th Suddenly DIES Amid Surprise Hearing


1.12M subscribers


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548c40  No.17752796

File: f56faf2defd8ab3⋯.jpg (36.05 KB, 845x1154, 845:1154, lqKTCnY18413R.jpg)


Thanks God, for a moment I thought it was the jews.

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9891bf  No.17752804

File: cc0bb288f07c50c⋯.jpg (21.11 KB, 992x1033, 992:1033, bJPeZUF9zQgU.jpg)


Did you know who Schiff was before Q started posting?

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93e8ac  No.17752805

File: 1566de77d98d54a⋯.jpg (24.46 KB, 1188x1127, 1188:1127, 3M3jSq.jpg)


anyone who watches that faggot is faggot.

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ece2f0  No.17752806

File: c758b2f2a1b1f2a⋯.jpg (18.19 KB, 1018x714, 509:357, mT4XWtCys.jpg)


Found the MSM intern…

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8cc565  No.17752808

File: aee1f8fe12fab05⋯.jpg (24.08 KB, 1246x745, 1246:745, lkbUMpVKIu.jpg)



>instead the debtors owe you

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43bf85  No.17752809

File: 53eaf02b71d2cc4⋯.jpg (21.97 KB, 1124x653, 1124:653, syv5P9jjO5k2.jpg)


Day shift has to live with itself, therefore it suffers. Why add to that horrible burden?

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c2754c  No.17752811

File: e577a647b330a1d⋯.jpg (29.75 KB, 678x723, 226:241, 0kXHUb2efgveJQ.jpg)


Doesn't that only apply when you IP hop?

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17a94b  No.17752813

File: b6eda16712b5b7d⋯.jpg (21.09 KB, 1201x794, 1201:794, LvxA4sSl0C1.jpg)


Oh, they are complaining a lot. They are blaming it on Biden! Saw a clip maybe on Monday where there was a black woman on saying she's being held hostage in Russia. She hasn't talked to her wife in close to 6 months. Biden is the only one who can do anything to free her. Only heard it that one time. No media has touched the Griner story since.

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a2163b  No.17752814

File: a49be432486c8a1⋯.jpg (17.05 KB, 1157x525, 1157:525, ZmluRSTTpIr.jpg)

hey have 1 working aircraft carrier that we know of for sure, its diesel powered

We have 10 nuclear powered

they have 69 shitty subs mostly diesel powered, with unmotivated, undisciplined, shitty, loud crews

We have 72 subs all nuclear powered, badass, highly competent crews!

they have no allies, no global infrastructure to support operations outside chinese air and sea space.

We do.

Not to mention our 14,000 or so aircraft, most advanced in the world, compared to 2,800 shitty under powered chinese aircraft (read up on the jet engine issues they've had). Our 7,500 nukes compared to 250 chinese nukes.

Not to mention the latest chinese hypersonic missile test (May of this year) went mach 5 LOL.

While we had planes flying at mach 7 in 1967 ( the X15) and we only know about that because it was de-classified!

What about belt and road initiative? Utter failure Sri Lanka just went full mad max world either in spite of or because of this and it sends a message to those doing business with chyna.

What about the multiple re-entry skip glide blah-di-blahs? All we've heard are claims and all we've seen are illustrations produced by the American main stream media.

chyna is "good" at information warfare and propaganda. chyna's military is good at killing chynamen and protecting the communist party from chynamen, thats about it. If chyna sends its military outside its own borders the CCP is fugged. It would be the best thing to ever happen to the chinese people and the CCP knows this.

CHY-NA IS SHIT! Never forget that.

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f1a36c  No.17752815

File: 63c92d2edafb2bb⋯.jpg (74.19 KB, 1309x1332, 1309:1332, 5FvqMXJVnQg.jpg)


Jesus is counted among the transgressors.

Jesus did not keep the commandments, they accused him of breaking the sabbath because of the law, but man was not made for the sabbath, the sabbath was made for man.

Jesus told you nobody took His life from Him, he handed it over under his own authority. He also said the one who hands him over committed the greater sin. He loved us as Himself.

Does the law say you're not to eat certain meats? What did Jesus say?

"What goes into someone’s mouth does not defile them, but what comes out of their mouth, that is what defiles them.”

Jesus fulfilled that law. That law leads to death, and Jesus paid the price.

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27d255  No.17752816

File: 9b2cfd4ead36ff6⋯.jpg (21.3 KB, 1137x610, 1137:610, D7ovhH.jpg)


I've gotten so good I called this new fake Q out.

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946840  No.17752821

File: 32e1ec074c47f5f⋯.jpg (21.9 KB, 1169x627, 1169:627, e5AJATlfKMTs7.jpg)

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02bf86  No.17752824

File: 6a14c2756f99331⋯.jpg (77.16 KB, 1229x1425, 1229:1425, KBQ7hSfQZta.jpg)


Maybe the scotus has de-certified the election after all..

Would explain the new round of meltdowns

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075273  No.17752826

File: cf8ad3d0967f54d⋯.jpg (38.07 KB, 790x1298, 395:649, 3IxsY0k2m07.jpg)


first unseal - mass pop awakening

not shock. You can imply shock, but it doesn't say that at all.

And the post here even says first arrest equals shock, while the drop literally says "first arrest will VERIFY ACTION AND CONFIRM FUTURE DIRECTION"

It's similar to the 99% in hospital meme, which also goes "what single thing causes 99% to go to hospital, what can it be???". That's also false. Nothing says that one single thing would cause 99% go to hospital.

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cec596  No.17752827

File: 44d99b9e1217ec4⋯.jpg (15.04 KB, 1117x563, 1117:563, B4hPmF6.jpg)

uise, does anyone know of a good public relations form that would blast a story for some people fighting to protect our Constitution? Or are there enough eyes on this board now that a story would blow up if I just linked it here?

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73fefd  No.17752828

File: 54a8180944231ec⋯.jpg (41.47 KB, 999x1242, 37:46, OrYI5Q69wcfu.jpg)


I detoxified my discourse with Truth.

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6204bf  No.17752829

File: 9cc10168974e037⋯.jpg (40.9 KB, 936x1327, 936:1327, zLxF2waUIgqrm.jpg)



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d22447  No.17752830

File: 5a9e960032103d2⋯.jpg (72.36 KB, 1164x1412, 291:353, 99Jc227xG5R37z.jpg)


Surprisingly small footprint.

Where is the building 7 memorial?

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76b68e  No.17752832

File: f6ad494c9ef0b11⋯.jpg (74.59 KB, 1234x1368, 617:684, LKs4OA.jpg)


Without doubt, the strong alcohol content is palliative, but is the ginger actually curative as well?

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9d5b54  No.17752833

File: a6def2d7b5e6c57⋯.jpg (46.43 KB, 1018x1375, 1018:1375, rAO3GLmAT.jpg)



>Anons pay attention

This anon has been. To the exclusion of paying for things like non-essential utilities, so as to allocate that part of the budget to silver. My confidence in a necessary price explosion (and corresponding willingness to sacrifice short-term creature comforts) is high.


A lovely assorted 7.234 troy ozs ya got there (less whatever wear and tear the years have stolen—by the looks of them, not much).

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f6a67b  No.17752835

File: 12d9a80de424b7b⋯.jpg (25.42 KB, 678x499, 678:499, JSod0o8N8yWJeM.jpg)


Agree. He most likely was waiting on this guy to authenticate.

(All for a Larp…)


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724746  No.17752839

File: 4a20fcb242ce83c⋯.jpg (41.78 KB, 1009x1209, 1009:1209, nDNwTyaa2DLe.jpg)




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c769ce  No.17752840

File: 97c2ccfc04b21e4⋯.jpg (15.71 KB, 998x571, 998:571, 8o2Rsvj6Kv.jpg)



Is this just some HUGE PR stunt to advertise George R. R. Martin finally releasing the last book in the Game of Thrones series?

And to bring attention that they are making a sequel show

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24a862  No.17752841

File: e486a0cb83095f2⋯.jpg (22.41 KB, 1199x1070, 1199:1070, sZtSswxiTcCytp.jpg)


That's not how the media will want to spin it, they will want to spin it as he was known to attend MAGA rallies…not that he attended the rallies in protest.

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08911f  No.17752842

File: 60f944290bcac47⋯.jpg (44.17 KB, 1007x1268, 1007:1268, Wx57Kqd40FIix.jpg)

o nancy does a tour of vatcan

Elon does tour of vat can.

Is there a "global leaders" meeting going on?

Instructions from above?

And pompass, visits UK home Sec.

Yet pomass is an Ex Sec State.

Bit like obummas world tour after losing?

I smell panic.


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3c1106  No.17752843

File: 9ada607096fb92b⋯.jpg (27.72 KB, 643x708, 643:708, t1nAcemQRp.jpg)

=Democrat Rep. Jackie Speier Incites Violence, Calls on Pro-Abortion Activists to “Armor Up” Because “There’s a War Out There”==

Democrat Rep. Jackie Speier (CA) incited violence on Friday after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v Wade.

Abortion laws will now be decided by the states.

“It is time to heed the Constitution and return the issue of abortion to the people’s elected representatives,” Justice Alito wrote.

Democrat lawmakers such as Maxine Waters and AOC immediately called for an insurrection.

Rep. Speier appeared on far-left MSNBC and straight up incited violence.

“There is a war out there and we need to recognize that we’ve got to armor up,” Speier said.

Democrat Rep. Ayanna Pressley chimed in, “That’s right. This is not a drill.”

Recall, Jackie Speier was part of a group of House Democrats who censured GOP Congressman Paul Gosar over a cartoon video.

“For a Member of Congress to post a manipulated video on his social media accounts depicting himself killing Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and attacking President Biden is a clear cut case for censure,” Speier said in a joint statement with other lawmakers last November. “For that Member to post such a video on his official Instagram account and use his official congressional resources in the House of Representatives to further violence against elected officials goes beyond the pale.”

Barack Obama also activated the left-wing shock troops on Friday morning after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v Wade.


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d59464  No.17752845

File: fc55970e58aae24⋯.jpg (21.46 KB, 628x484, 157:121, PhEbgc.jpg)


would be interesting if they let one go, and change the name to "Gang of eight"

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ba10c5  No.17752847

File: 3538102452f2966⋯.jpg (70.97 KB, 1275x1227, 425:409, O920ZjS.jpg)


The pentagon doesn't make laws, so they can all fuck off

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82db91  No.17752851

File: ab072737df6aace⋯.jpg (20.88 KB, 1176x904, 147:113, aGCDsPJZ.jpg)



This “0 Delta Q”?

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93b04a  No.17752855

File: d18b8d061fce180⋯.jpg (18.73 KB, 1116x642, 186:107, gLS4ry.jpg)


Wants to go back to 1776. Be careful what you ask for.

Penalty for High Treason.

1. That the offender be drawn to the gallows, and not be carried or walk: though usually (by connivance length ripened by humanity into law) a sledge or hurdle is allowed, to preserve the offender from the extreme torment of being dragged on the ground or pavement

2. That he be hanged by the neck and then cut down alive

3. That his entrails be taken out and burned, while he is yet alive

4. That his head be cut off

5. That his body be divided in four parts

6. That his head and quarters be at the king's disposal

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623f06  No.17752856

File: 83f61aa4e294941⋯.jpg (41.3 KB, 956x1233, 956:1233, 3gPG3CkaSHD.jpg)


Actually I was beginning to salivate.

How gay are you?

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ff4d3f  No.17752857

File: 6426ba28e7fffea⋯.jpg (26.37 KB, 577x660, 577:660, c0RjWgLnShBg8.jpg)


I can't go back in time so stop whining.

The info was posted 3 days ago. If anons don't want to know why a former mil pilot from the mid west and lived in Hawaii now partners with a tree service in NJ then nothing to see here.

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4f4840  No.17752863

File: 8c92b6c3bf97565⋯.jpg (21.05 KB, 1261x700, 1261:700, ITQzxrI.jpg)


kek, this is all they have left, accusations trip code Q is fake, and a bunch of irrelevant pics that don't prove anything


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d5ca42  No.17752864

File: 53a75a9c9a7d02b⋯.jpg (18.99 KB, 1130x594, 565:297, yBnTwrLR.jpg)

hat's with the bee

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b469b4  No.17752867

File: a28d3190a101dc1⋯.jpg (24.61 KB, 1176x1057, 168:151, hBHI6Cq3OzV.jpg)


I guess have 2 tabs is impossible in your world.

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c09c9a  No.17752869

File: d15dde879ba0902⋯.jpg (26.1 KB, 712x630, 356:315, Dkmm4TY7eoI.jpg)

500 feet? 180 knots off Cancun? Did our Hurricane Hunter suddenly get involved in a search and rescue?

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bbb784  No.17752871

File: f419c94ca354ea8⋯.jpg (22.35 KB, 523x639, 523:639, sKpSxynwR.jpg)



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ca9dc6  No.17752872

File: 2db8d24aa4e8430⋯.jpg (21.56 KB, 1025x1042, 1025:1042, yo3pI0S4x.jpg)


pssh nope

we would know.

troops talk and sure as fuck wouldn't keep a secret like that.

I agree with you waiting sucks. That is 95% of what you do in the military and at war. Imagine being bored as fuck looking at nothing happening with a steady stream of adrenaline. That is most of how a defensive/occupation war goes.

Q said directly guns are safe so if they aren't then it's operation trust for sure. Right now they have the benefit of the doubt. Calling McCains death a month before hand is proof of action enough to wait longer.

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9cb188  No.17752875

File: f7e96197dd997ed⋯.jpg (32.71 KB, 865x1137, 865:1137, 8UUCNRyoN0nt.jpg)


>early for agency clowns to clock in?

Sam and his Coyote frenz will be along in about 2 hours, like clockwork

NB: agents glow purple this month coz it's Pride Month

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b28e03  No.17752876

File: 139c967bf58a6ff⋯.jpg (21.52 KB, 1151x794, 1151:794, 6ksCPr9wf.jpg)


You have the wrong idea, but I like where your head is at. I don't see you as prideful at all.

We are about to begin the greatest adventure of our lives. <3

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479475  No.17752883

File: f4203bdfaa711d8⋯.jpg (17.83 KB, 1134x622, 567:311, A40tKE7S.jpg)


>drip by drip

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2080c8  No.17752884

File: e1160198af39bdb⋯.jpg (23.25 KB, 1276x782, 638:391, Quc2CAuWAzVq.jpg)


Go to his timeline.

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f794de  No.17752886

File: 6d3f962c5071e99⋯.jpg (23.94 KB, 688x592, 43:37, vRbBI2gkQF.jpg)

arbon monoxide killed 3 Americans at Bahamas Sandals resort, police say

Chantal Da Silva - 40m ago


Three U.S. tourists found dead at a Sandals resort in the Bahamas in May were killed by carbon monoxide poisoning, police said Tuesday.

In a statement, the Royal Bahamas Police Force said the three victims, identified as Michael Phillips, 68, and Robbie Phillips, 65, from Tennessee; and Vincent Chiarella, 64, from Florida, had died as a result of asphyxiation due to carbon monoxide poisoning.

They said an investigation into the deadly incident was still underway.

The three Americans were found dead at the Sandals Emerald Bay Resort in Great Exuma on May 6.

Chiarella’s wife, Donnis, 65, was airlifted to a hospital in Florida in serious condition. The hospital, HCA Florida Kendall in Miami, later said her health had been upgraded to “fair condition,” NBC Miami reported. Her current condition was not immediately known.

Police previously said an initial investigation had found that one of the couples had complained of illness the night before they were found. They had visited a medical facility, received treatment and then returned to the villa, police said.

It was not clear if the villas had been equipped with carbon monoxide detectors or if they had, whether they were working. A spokesperson for Sandals did not directly respond to a question from NBC News on whether the villas had been equipped with carbon monoxide detectors at the time.

In a statement, the spokesperson said Sandals has "fully supported the investigation into this event to ensure we are doing everything possible to learn from it."

"Bahamian authorities have concluded the cause was an isolated incident in one standalone structure that housed two individual guest rooms," they said.

The spokesperson repeated past comments from the company saying carbon monoxide detectors have since been placed in all guest rooms at Sandals Emerald Bay and will be installed in all guest rooms across the company's portfolio.

The deaths have cast a cloud over the resort hotel since the incident unfolded. The location is billed as an “adults-only” enclave with 11 restaurants and a golf course overlooking a secluded stretch of beach.

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b9d698  No.17752887

File: d68eeafce23b2c7⋯.jpg (38.61 KB, 905x1232, 905:1232, 6GqliF.jpg)


US oil reserves massively depleting

Attempting to curve the prices of oil in the US, Washington has been actively using its Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) for over a year. Bloomberg reported this news on Friday and highlighted that the government cannot continue to tap into the reserves in the long run.

Bloomberg’s report showed that the US has released about 115 million barrels throughout the past year. Since mid-May, approximately 1 million barrels have been released marking a new record-high.

Moreover, if the US continues to release oil from its reserves at the current rate, then it would have exceeded the production rate of most medium-sized OPEC countries similar to Algeria or Angola.

The SPR comprises two types of crude: medium-sour, and light-sweet crude. The prior is equivalent to the type of crude pumped by Russia, most West Asia countries, and Venezuela.

Significant reductions in the amount of crude inside the reserves result from the fact that, based on Bloomberg’s analysis of official data, 85% of the oil sold by SPR over the past 12 months has been medium-sour.

At the current pace of oil production, the reserves will shrink to a 40-year low with only 358 million barrels remaining by the end of October. Last year, the SPR location in Texas and Louisiana reportedly contained 621 million barrels. According to official information, the US is set to stop extractions from SPR in October.

The report stated that “As the oil market looks today, it’s difficult to see how Washington can halt sales in October. Removing that additional supply would mean commercial inventories quickly deplete, putting upward pressure on oil prices.”

OilX Research, a company that provides advanced oil data analytics and oil market intelligence, estimates by the end of October the SPR will hold only 179 million barrels of medium-sour crude. Meaning the US would have sold approximately 180-190 million barrels of oil from its SPR.

Lost hopes to curve oil and eventually gas price

The national average price for regular unleaded gas in the United States rose to $5.016 per gallon on June 14th, according to data from the American Automobile Association (AAA), which tracks prices at more than 60,000 gas stations across the country.

Historically, the highest prices have been recorded in California, up to $6.44 per gallon, and the lowest in Georgia, at $4.49 per gallon.

In reaction to skyrocketing energy prices and the war in Ukraine, countries around the world are pouring money into new natural gas plants, which might undermine any hope of reducing global warming.

According to a recent study, governments such as the United States, Germany, the United Kingdom, and Canada are investing in new gas production, delivery, and consumption in order to censure Russia.

The findings of the Climate Action Tracker research initiative show a rush for gas that will lock countries into the use of fossil fuels at a critical time when scientists have warned that a decisive shift to lower-carbon alternatives within the next few years is the only way to avoid climate breakdown.

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1cbc17  No.17752888

File: fe6841632e9fd6a⋯.jpg (23.8 KB, 1150x982, 575:491, NDUK5p9gIMIidw.jpg)

Interesting about the submissive necklace, anon, like a dog collar.

The shape of her face reminds me of this one here.

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4ed3d1  No.17752890

File: 8f6611fe3b1fd72⋯.jpg (28.1 KB, 730x600, 73:60, mJlCGWLtt.jpg)



Colin Kaepernick was never a first string QB in the NFL he was always a second stringer….. Kaepernick is assHO.

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59aded  No.17752891

File: c45585d0769fbb3⋯.jpg (18.57 KB, 1165x564, 1165:564, cf13oUqWOC6NX.jpg)



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11dc19  No.17752892

File: beb260950372045⋯.jpg (15.02 KB, 1031x506, 1031:506, CDqziRh12xbXq.jpg)


Who is Cassidy Hutchinson?

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75445d  No.17752897

File: 2ead53524bbb489⋯.jpg (22.2 KB, 1004x1079, 1004:1079, xs81mc63a.jpg)

=Where are the other Attorney Generals? WTF are they==


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7128a9  No.17752898

File: 3bd1e6620c9a6fd⋯.jpg (38.87 KB, 871x1165, 871:1165, 8KQsYittEd.jpg)


> US should pull out of NATO – congresswoman

MTG, Patriot.

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41a160  No.17752899

File: 335a3ef5c1d9098⋯.jpg (67.69 KB, 1136x1307, 1136:1307, xoyJPuB6.jpg)


That's just crazy enough to work.

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dbcbdc  No.17752901

File: 59981eea11d530c⋯.jpg (28.09 KB, 670x713, 670:713, DEVAolbxfD.jpg)

ou arguing religionfags sure are an insufferable lot.

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1dbf45  No.17752903

File: ab3699a27e895b8⋯.jpg (40.22 KB, 848x1297, 848:1297, aBluNlhV4.jpg)



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8e939b  No.17752905

File: 58cdac53cda3ee0⋯.jpg (21.47 KB, 1146x1089, 382:363, zTqkzrGIIRY78.jpg)

= How gaming elites exploit gamblers==

Both videogame developers and streamers encourage players to gamble away millions of dollars

The twin evils of the videogame industry – streaming service Twitch and game publisher Activision Blizzard – have reached new lows, crossing the threshold of user exploitation with the promotion of gambling.

Not content with raking in millions of dollars a day from the sales of their products, or in the case of Twitch, through advertising to its streaming audience, these companies are now profiting from real-world addiction, and they’re doing so by normalizing gambling as a healthy activity.

One of Twitch’s biggest streamers, Quebec-based Felix ‘xQc’ Lengyel – whose claim to fame came from professionally streaming the Activision Blizzard game ‘Overwatch’ – has recently come under fire for hosting sponsored streams for online casinos.

In a recent stream, Lengyel boasted that over $119 million had been wagered through his referral links to an online casino, used exclusively by members of his audience. His remarks attracted condemnation from fellow streamer Hasan Piker, who pointed out that the losses incurred by his viewers quite possibly resulted in him earning more income from the sponsorship.

“A lot of these websites, Stake and all of them, if they have a code, if you are offering a code, that means that Stake is tracking all of your losses, and you are getting a percentage of your fanbase’s losses,” Piker said on stream. “That is quite literally the truth. That is how f*ing bad it is. They let you in on it, dude. They let you in on the losses of your f*ing fanbase.”

Gambling streams by xQc are so popular that a single six-hour stream has been estimated to have been viewed by approximately 98,500 people who spent a collective 550,000 hours watching.

What’s worse is that the streamer even admitted that a lot of the time, streamers who promote online casinos don’t even spend any of their own money to gamble. In other words, they have no skin in the game – they’re just there to promote the life-destroying activity to their hapless viewers.

Gambling has become so popular on Twitch that the platform has even created a dedicated section to promote the activity – alongside its most popular video games like ‘Overwatch’, ‘Hearthstone’, and the newly launched ‘Diablo Immortal’, all of which are made by Activision Blizzard.

But how are gambling and video games connected? For starters, some of Activision Blizzard’s most popular video games all contain a gambling component, requiring their players to spend real money to be competitive. While the gambling in ‘Overwatch’, which comes in the form of “loot crates,” offers purely cosmetic upgrades, the same can’t be said of ‘Hearthstone’ and ‘Diablo Immortal’.


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968b62  No.17752907

File: b0fb4c70fb461a5⋯.jpg (19.42 KB, 1219x573, 1219:573, cVxntgR.jpg)


Mason cops have a secret fraternity?

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19603e  No.17752909

File: fbeb8d00f0f38e5⋯.jpg (70.71 KB, 1198x1357, 1198:1357, XznBEe.jpg)


I truly feel sorry for bob3


You don't go killing people.


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ab129b  No.17752910

File: b4c22550ae08879⋯.jpg (24.07 KB, 1009x1028, 1009:1028, MHmOHA2a.jpg)


WTF is this shit?

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619610  No.17752912

File: d95b94999985487⋯.jpg (16.73 KB, 1154x628, 577:314, jjkaMUBsXp2.jpg)

ou must love trannies you bigots!

Come Through for Pride on YouTube Shorts

Jun 15, 2022


33.1M subscribers

This Pride, let’s ALL come through for LGBTQ+ youth and The Trevor Project.

Join the #YouTubePrideChallenge on Shorts.


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00c3e4  No.17752913

File: 202345f0e87e17d⋯.jpg (45.46 KB, 991x1355, 991:1355, TUrIQv4sD9HAwz.jpg)


All paid for with your tax dollars


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5702ac  No.17752915

File: a8d2beed93104dd⋯.jpg (71.3 KB, 1228x1241, 1228:1241, 64xAkCX.jpg)



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dcaa3d  No.17752922

File: fbe222b6c2635a0⋯.jpg (23.54 KB, 530x595, 106:119, j5fVxxVDilS9t.jpg)



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c03906  No.17752924

File: 11b732f9c154d8a⋯.jpg (44.87 KB, 1000x1300, 10:13, 4i3XLEZ.jpg)


5 ghz vs. 2.4 ghz

turn off the 5 ghz

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d2fe3d  No.17752926

File: 3fe5ab1a97def2a⋯.jpg (36.02 KB, 840x1151, 840:1151, Bq93Kk12Jwq.jpg)


murderous bigot drug dealer spam gets auto posted by israeli tweaker tranny

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363cfe  No.17752927

File: 657a1890db06fdd⋯.jpg (22.76 KB, 1219x892, 1219:892, aB6JRq6xE0c.jpg)


how does the human looking avatar you're in feel like? how many copies of you are there in the universe? why don't you finally do something meaningful?

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b4cdfc  No.17752930

File: 09b9c60ba50fcd8⋯.jpg (26.96 KB, 710x551, 710:551, yHSvohk.jpg)



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75d7b3  No.17752931

File: 3c0e95c2b18f37c⋯.jpg (20.03 KB, 1070x577, 1070:577, oqWyOK7.jpg)


I done said that. Dollar to digital, all fiat. Euro = fiat

Ruble = gold

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d5c738  No.17752933

File: 8450d71a0ff0598⋯.jpg (18.92 KB, 1206x629, 1206:629, GwKQuHPQ0c.jpg)


That Griner chick's trade value just tanked. They're going to require a bit more..

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9d5300  No.17752934

File: 48cd7baa525cf89⋯.jpg (20.78 KB, 1173x685, 1173:685, WSCgucGsjNR.jpg)

re you ready to finish what we started?

Are you ready to hold the political elite [protected] accountable?

This is about preserving our way of life.

Information warfare.

If America falls, the World falls.


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2b7db8  No.17752935

File: 06523187bd81c52⋯.jpg (21.94 KB, 1055x721, 1055:721, ygu3r0.jpg)


That's a healthy set of teeth for an era with primitive dental care.

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f8046e  No.17752936

File: 686a3faf651f589⋯.jpg (23.22 KB, 1113x1126, 1113:1126, 1CEpOV9.jpg)



Does Satan exist?

Does the "thought" of Satan exist?

Q is a genius…..

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8c90d7  No.17752937

File: 4e8d8ce051d440a⋯.jpg (20.27 KB, 1169x647, 1169:647, k1nQ7tC1wP.jpg)


Anon, i've been here from the get go. This has nothing to do with being emotionally unstable. Mayadden is Qing. In Arabic of course. War is inches away = Israel for last.

Seems like the bakers are trying to shush me up. A lot of Q hints and messages are being sent through Mayadden. Which is only watched in the ME. So the ones doing this know the channel and what it's doing. The narrative is being shaped for the finale. Anons are asleep and it's about to start any moment. No more digging but time is up. we are just a few steps away from the big rock and roll. the coms are in perfect synch.

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916162  No.17752939

File: 62145eabf166dde⋯.jpg (15.8 KB, 1181x539, 1181:539, qjkmgZ.jpg)


This one is in the running (or rolling) for the 2022 Darwin Award. Time will tell if he's a winner.

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ff1eb5  No.17752940

File: 35a901cc6f70abe⋯.jpg (26.85 KB, 553x728, 79:104, xaIWbVo.jpg)

ssociated Press

CDC advisers recommend COVID-19 shots for children under 5

By MIKE STOBBE, AP Medical Writer - 59m ago

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a712b3  No.17752943

File: f0d78236cec7717⋯.jpg (71.75 KB, 1254x1307, 1254:1307, sslDUqHPf.jpg)


Q Larp destroyed the research and friendship

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80cbd0  No.17752944

File: d68e6580d34a39b⋯.jpg (22.89 KB, 1185x746, 1185:746, PhRUS75EXsjFR2.jpg)



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af1f61  No.17752945

File: 0df092e2ded94fa⋯.jpg (71.14 KB, 1173x1398, 391:466, 2XUeVq.jpg)



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f5a1ef  No.17752946

File: 903d99a7a2e3989⋯.jpg (18.89 KB, 1070x649, 1070:649, Try2jEQeR.jpg)

ay people dont need to get married. People Just need access to reasonable and affordable health care.

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ab587a  No.17752948

File: 6677e069b2174b0⋯.jpg (21.21 KB, 1063x721, 1063:721, sbKC8QT8Gjo6WI.jpg)


I thought it was wild garlic that we did that with. Wild garlic was everywhere where I grew up.

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462913  No.17752949

File: 2f19c34d22534d0⋯.jpg (21.27 KB, 991x1031, 991:1031, 9KeYmeUA.jpg)


W-h-a-a-a-T the fuck!

I’m so glad I didn’t get that vax.

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75134c  No.17752950

File: 13cb6310f17af39⋯.jpg (19.57 KB, 976x892, 244:223, 8Vdmw4Uf7mrtw.jpg)


a fancy way of saying niggers are subhuman

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4e6658  No.17752951

File: cd7e4ec83d62f22⋯.jpg (20.2 KB, 1052x710, 526:355, Of1zPd4I.jpg)


>giant slore

Who couldn't keep their mind clear?

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425d24  No.17752953

File: 78bc12c6221ef55⋯.jpg (21.99 KB, 1194x1019, 1194:1019, pNN1WovJhuRjD.jpg)

trawberry Moon · Curtis Holland Jr · Kevin Edlin

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866d9c  No.17752955

File: 19ee0589d29002d⋯.jpg (44.27 KB, 1004x1235, 1004:1235, uBxlA1.jpg)


>Is this you Q


Just pointing out what I see.

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bb69a1  No.17752956

File: 57eb03d59749a97⋯.jpg (35.85 KB, 837x1191, 279:397, luljmoy8tnZ9Qj.jpg)



she will not

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4e882d  No.17752957

File: df42a22f97f7fe2⋯.jpg (22.86 KB, 693x569, 693:569, MxzpOB.jpg)


Kekkity and true

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c04bf8  No.17752962

File: 0177ba18626e967⋯.jpg (71.68 KB, 1152x1399, 1152:1399, maf5lMgNxN6LwZ.jpg)

USSEIN was setting up Trump even before he came down the escalator and the stolen election was the coup de grâce on America.

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f98d88  No.17752963

File: 181626519e804cc⋯.jpg (20.94 KB, 1198x693, 1198:693, CX6ajzDn.jpg)


misleading border tranny meta

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46c649  No.17752964

File: 6ef853ba81135f6⋯.jpg (23 KB, 1146x1057, 1146:1057, S0rE04yvKT0Ov.jpg)


>Prince Andrew looks downcast

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2e8f93  No.17752965

File: 31eeeeaa1210d54⋯.jpg (25.92 KB, 602x562, 301:281, noBcTY.jpg)


Stephan Halper?

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683d2e  No.17752966

File: 6ab0d1913e03249⋯.jpg (35.49 KB, 811x1133, 811:1133, meh2ZgvCxuS.jpg)


it will, not a doubt in my mind>>17752275


is this e-bot? is e-bot still here?

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cb2928  No.17752969

File: 0747e647afed0e3⋯.jpg (38.92 KB, 828x1335, 276:445, yt8S7nxEYM4stl.jpg)



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73d3a1  No.17752971

File: 464be2e37296954⋯.jpg (17.26 KB, 971x670, 971:670, TfylNfArRCrXsA.jpg)


>A bit on the strong side today

That is perfectly fine with me!

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f117fb  No.17752972

File: 484311b4be0245e⋯.jpg (25.01 KB, 514x634, 257:317, eaC5RNxm1zGjy.jpg)

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d255b0  No.17752975

File: afb185365ff0d92⋯.jpg (80.53 KB, 1305x1459, 1305:1459, zfbVuGow.jpg)


Maybe you find in or heart the glory of God and realize the reality in which you are living.

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d3f95f  No.17752976

File: bc170c515349421⋯.jpg (76.56 KB, 1297x1300, 1297:1300, 0Bqx5VH.jpg)


WTF My PC can't handle these fast breads KEK

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e5b039  No.17752977

File: 7fe168b106601bd⋯.jpg (78.53 KB, 1328x1378, 664:689, Vsjfu4RYF.jpg)

xes and Axes… they both split things.

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26e437  No.17752979

File: 09663407b503566⋯.jpg (39.84 KB, 891x1298, 81:118, TNiEpqrK1.jpg)

=My question is why are parents taking their children to Disney films when they made it clear they believe and will push an “all queer”, world.Stop giving them your money parents==


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1ee731  No.17752980

File: 3e33ab7dea98cf4⋯.jpg (78.31 KB, 1290x1413, 430:471, iZOmw43oa.jpg)

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c403a2  No.17752984

File: bb638dc1d1b71c2⋯.jpg (20.35 KB, 1072x743, 1072:743, UNfohb.jpg)




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c38702  No.17752985

File: 94b643c3eace922⋯.jpg (20.25 KB, 522x522, 1:1, BWmiTcHKtp.jpg)

=Do these 2 Simple Tricks Every Morning to Guarantee a Great Awakening==

1.Ramen Clam

2.Thrust The Flan

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dc416e  No.17752987

File: 957ee7501d1b731⋯.jpg (37.48 KB, 885x1188, 295:396, Wnz1MGAqQr.jpg)


v v v v v


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bbb483  No.17752989

File: eb15c10cfb816fc⋯.jpg (79.09 KB, 1307x1389, 1307:1389, Ee0UJyXAJELst.jpg)




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c02b19  No.17752990

File: 6902f2a0fc56d25⋯.jpg (27.15 KB, 695x586, 695:586, 3KTuyh5.jpg)


he might pass through and see it though

<3 Dave

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c65920  No.17752991

File: 81097ea0a4ed999⋯.jpg (20.3 KB, 969x644, 969:644, sYdBfaBi.jpg)


goyim.tv what the fuck is this shit? This need to be removed from notables.

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e58c5c  No.17752992

File: 0a27f3301368b16⋯.jpg (38.54 KB, 834x1320, 139:220, XnWiJtU3qGakM.jpg)



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5e9dfb  No.17752993

File: b1e154782609df1⋯.jpg (24.95 KB, 516x704, 129:176, QfJ3fhZuDcJDd.jpg)


>shills are negative

>anon filters them

>no time for faggots


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790ab9  No.17752994

File: 4a5b03ac70af6d0⋯.jpg (17.43 KB, 1110x595, 222:119, s0tXX9.jpg)


>the Shillier you seem is all

This is so typical and it glows so bad.

Any anon who has been here for any length of time has seen this same shit, over, and over, and over again.

Same. Shit.

It's so fucking pathetic.

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26ac40  No.17752995

File: 670142b697a75c1⋯.jpg (18.47 KB, 1194x599, 1194:599, DGJg5pl7.jpg)



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966692  No.17752997

File: 47eea41ea6fb04e⋯.jpg (38.12 KB, 806x1265, 806:1265, qocsLslh5Jd1m.jpg)



>We never left.

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20fe14  No.17752998

File: 0e965a0c669a47f⋯.jpg (15.64 KB, 1167x601, 1167:601, 33T8ZqPjMP.jpg)


Showing this kid with blood still on his skin & shoes….Thats a threat to someone

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d99947  No.17752999

File: 81cc12e15c734bc⋯.jpg (21.31 KB, 1266x566, 633:283, r9G7CD.jpg)


>a9e866 (25)



Bitch, I know this is a free speech boeard, but you'd better give it up entirely, please.

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0f6b86  No.17753002

File: 5586f6de003d21f⋯.jpg (21.15 KB, 1100x728, 275:182, w3d0FX.jpg)

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9f7ffb  No.17753003

File: 5cf43d6c67ce293⋯.jpg (66.95 KB, 1139x1231, 1139:1231, s8HbgWA.jpg)




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2c1433  No.17753007

File: 4a3f2c76610778e⋯.jpg (21.82 KB, 1180x705, 236:141, zowZYdx.jpg)



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457b0d  No.17753010

File: 17081075f3fd3f3⋯.jpg (25.47 KB, 729x539, 729:539, qhx5ltrlcZZoD.jpg)


Sonia Sotamayor - Latino, Puerto Rico, Catholic

Steven Bryer - San Fransisco, Jewish

Elena Kagan - NY, Jewish

So two out of three in't bad they say. Well actually it just proves how fuckin sloppy you are as long as you hear the word Jew.

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4d4338  No.17753013

File: d92389606cd71d4⋯.jpg (77.77 KB, 1241x1411, 73:83, jia8yMkwk.jpg)

’ve had many questions about how we can still have faith in the US MIL, when the DoD are caught up in this entire international biological network. Simply put, this situation is heavily nuanced. Certain elements of certain entities have been compromised. Not necessarily entire entities themselves.

For example the DoD; 99.999% of the DoD had absolutely no idea any of this was going on. The top echelon get orders to allocate X amount of money to a non-government foundation (Clinton, Gates, Rockefeller, Rothschild, Soros), they write the check, the money is sent off, and then the non-government entities send the money to the privately owned biolabs and the research is conducted by contractors, in most cases not even Americans.

So a tiny percentage out of 3 million people working for the DoD knew about this allocation of funds, and this handful of people didn’t really have a choice but to obey because they are orders, and if you don’t follow orders they will just discharge/jail you, take away your pay and retirement pension and put someone in who will obey the orders.

In all likelihood, the DoD wasn’t complicit in this plot. It was just business as usual and nobody thought to question it. The Ideologues were just using the DoD to send money to their own foundations so they could then do what they want with it, off the books.

From there, it was the non-government foundations that were sending the money to labs in low resource countries, with little regulations and outside the scope of congressional or executive oversight. Whatever research the labs did with the money was well outside of the jurisdiction of the DoD. It was being carried out by non-government entities using contractors with US funds stolen from the American taxpayer.

It’s high level espionage and infiltration. So it’s difficult to label who’s directly responsible, because this entity doesn’t have an official name. This isn’t a uniformed enemy. These are insurgents. This is infiltration. But unfortunately, the infiltrators were able to weaponized the DoD and many other entities for their nefarious deeds. So without knowledge of this nuance, one might think the entire DoD are evil, when in reality it’s just bad actors in the White House abusing the DoD for their own malevolent agenda.

Thankfully, Russia seems very aware of this, otherwise things would potentially be very, VERY different. It would also appear that the DoD are not happy about all of this, via their release statement the other day exposing the 46 labs their money was shipped to, and their lack of involvement in any alleged biological weapons production. Given they are the ones footing blame from the public, and are also responsible for dealing with the repercussions should Russia directly retaliate on the US, you might understand why the DoD are displeased.

You’ll notice the US MIL haven’t lifted a finger during this entire Ukraine debacle. They aren’t risking their skin for the black site biolabs. It’s not their problem.

In fact I believe the US MIL are heavily involved in this whole thing, but they are working with Russia. Let’s face it, the US MIL are involved in EVERYTHING around the globe. Our Navy and Air Force dwarfs the rest of the world forces combined and are marginally advanced technologically. We own the seas, the skies, the night, space, and we have 750 military bases spanning every continent, across 80 countries all over the world. And those are just the ones they tell you about, not counting the secret ones. So you think the US MIL are not involved in this to some extent, you are mistaken.

Every day, multiple people ask me when the US MIL are going to step in. I’d argue that you’re already seeing it unfold. They are clearly giving Russia the okay to go take care of these labs, as they haven’t tried to stop them in any way, shape, or form. The US MIL have proven to us they have no interest in protecting Biden’s labs or assisting the Deep State media in their messaging about the biolabs in Ukraine.


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a4c693  No.17753014

File: 0f2ad1c21bcad01⋯.jpg (74.85 KB, 1180x1409, 1180:1409, 2drVkouf44K.jpg)


I as an adult can't be raped as a child*

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ae8281  No.17753017

File: 71222a8236bd319⋯.jpg (73.78 KB, 1157x1454, 1157:1454, 2xykTa2qjt.jpg)


> "hand of glory"




>handoff is a long process with all the pickling and smoking



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6251da  No.17753019

File: 9f5be17461a0663⋯.jpg (74.29 KB, 1150x1457, 1150:1457, kL4cAl.jpg)

Jim, Ron, Austin Steinbart, Babyfist & Qanon Shaman all connected.










Archive 1: https://archive.ph/752pY

Archive 2: https://archive.ph/Gt6jL

Archive 3: https://web.archive.org/web/20220618044544/https://8kun.top/hivemind/res/19105.html

Archive 4: https://archive.st/archive/2022/6/8kun.top/hcql/8kun.top/hivemind/res/19105.html#23003.html

MJ12/Ingersol Larpwood Archive


It appears Austin Steinbart is "Sgt. B"



Baron of Arizona aka Austin Steinbart


QAnon Shaman

Shaman Starseed



Janon Twitter mentioning FastJack


B is for Baron


Austin Steinbart/Baron of Arizona/Sgt B - Arizona

Jake Angelli/Qanon Shaman/Starseed Shaman - Arizona

Jim Watkins - Arizona

Ron Watkins - Arizona

Babyfist/Laughing_Man - Arizona/Colorado

Phoenix Enigma/ Corey Daniels - Arizona

Defango - spends a LOT of time in Arizona

Andre Merlecru - Arizona

Isaac Kappy Suicide - Arizona

Weird how this entire website is all about


Jake Angelli

Austin Steinbart

Weird how they are all connected to Jim

Weird how so many posts on the site have the same flavor of shit that BabyFist, Doge post

Weird how there is a big ass header that says "B is for Baron"

Weird how Jim told us it was Babyfist that made the B post Qs board

Weird how Jim now tries to act like it was someone else

Weird how Jim did a podcast with these people 3 days before the B post was made

Weird how in META 3 days ago when questioned on who he was Jim said "Kappy of course" referring to Isaac Kappy who was murdered in AZ

Weird how they all live in Arizona

Weird how Jim would hang out with them in a hotel room after the breach

Weird how Doge, Babyfist and Sgt. B were all caught sharing IP addresses

Weird how all of them appeared at the same time Ingersol Larpwood operation on Q research happened

Weird how it all coincided with Fake Q posts popping up on Q research that are still being pushed today

Weird how the lady that had her kids taken away associated with "QANON" was named Cynthia ABCUG

Weird how if you change G to numbers you get 7 or ABCU7

Weird how Babyfist was the board owner of the board /ABCU8/

Austin Steinbart released from Jail 04/16/2021

Doge first appearance 05/29/2021

B post on /Dcomms/ 05/29/2021

Doge & Babyfist were posting from Same IP address


He gets out of jail, re-establishes contacts, sets up the plan to grift. Goes right back at it.

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aa6a71  No.17753020

File: c487467e48a8d86⋯.jpg (45.37 KB, 1005x1332, 335:444, rSOBoi1s2pBkq.jpg)

elow is the first time all anons should've realized that they were being lied-to.

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b8efd6  No.17753021

File: 2ab647d98f00edd⋯.jpg (24.84 KB, 1216x1037, 1216:1037, FaqOXmhQRjx9j.jpg)


Welcome to Bass Ackward Land

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fd0528  No.17753022

File: 501f63966f7a66b⋯.jpg (20.5 KB, 1111x913, 101:83, lmpKn4jGpsOhR.jpg)



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ee08bb  No.17753023

File: a738b83a10d49f2⋯.jpg (26.21 KB, 627x569, 627:569, Kr4LgvbU.jpg)


Agree totally, absolute crap, not notable, none of the first 3.

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66a3f8  No.17753024

File: 88b1269dd9f82b2⋯.jpg (22.98 KB, 1127x1124, 1127:1124, Gu4gPcrf8D.jpg)

o fukken idea why that image was cropped twice.

Pentagon wants $761.68 BILLION DOLLARS for 2023

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9473ad  No.17753027

File: 320d5f371aea112⋯.jpg (22.07 KB, 1249x680, 1249:680, TUNqiRIpy4JwU.jpg)


AZOV NAZI stole Pelosi's covert op server Jan 6th

AZOV NAZI shooter May 15

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98f388  No.17753028

File: 13d0c7827b04db3⋯.jpg (22.47 KB, 1186x985, 1186:985, Mhr6v86RxGGb.jpg)



True North


Prime Minister Justin Trudeau stated that tow truck drivers in Ottawa required the Emergencies Act to move in on rigs within the city’s downtown core. #cdnpoli


Trudeau says tow trucks needed Emergencies Act

In a recent CBC Radio interview defending his government’s response to the Freedom Convoy, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau stated that tow truck drivers in Ottawa required the Emergencies Act to move…

9:03 AM · Jun 25, 2022·TweetDeck Web App

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c0cec5  No.17753030

File: be9e3412c9f977f⋯.jpg (25.15 KB, 711x532, 711:532, 8pwYSlE7uO.jpg)





Now wouldn't that be nice…

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e799f0  No.17753033

File: 269e2a602442c9f⋯.jpg (32.02 KB, 724x718, 362:359, cs0mOZ5UriN3.jpg)

ucking hell. Nigger, Nigger, Nigger, Jew.

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737922  No.17753036

File: 2484d2f3a04fab2⋯.jpg (15.91 KB, 1073x568, 1073:568, BtD6yWNev.jpg)


>I think Q team has been monitoring anons

Q sees and hears all.

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f45fb9  No.17753038

File: 68b72e1a19d182f⋯.jpg (23.02 KB, 563x556, 563:556, QS7N8CO4.jpg)


: 1-800-667-5005

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339705  No.17753039

File: fcd711399f683b9⋯.jpg (14.92 KB, 1100x575, 44:23, drlBFMQV.jpg)


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393ad0  No.17753043

File: a44d0c8a24ae16f⋯.jpg (73.47 KB, 1223x1329, 1223:1329, UvYLcdKAx33C.jpg)



>That kid has seen some shit.

Eyes Wide Open

Whites of the eyes

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4ffccb  No.17753044

File: 55afec874c5972e⋯.jpg (21.05 KB, 1058x716, 529:358, 9QLSzRJRBN46.jpg)


We will fight and win together into eternity. We are fearless, together and our oneness of mission that can never be destroyed by mortal corruption

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100d35  No.17753048

File: acc158a588731f7⋯.jpg (36 KB, 818x1223, 818:1223, mEwcLGT49MzV5.jpg)


it really is astounding how stupid these people are but at the same time what is more amazing is the stupid people parroting their stupid talking point and then act like cunts when you tell them they are wrong. wah wah wah.

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d05136  No.17753051

File: 4e44311eeec3f1d⋯.jpg (26.99 KB, 674x573, 674:573, 0jsA8TxSg.jpg)


… kinda like the Saw movies.

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c13bdb  No.17753054

File: 42671524d9195fa⋯.jpg (16.72 KB, 1028x712, 257:178, DrGUYd.jpg)

et's Finish This.

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3df19d  No.17753056

File: 90d6f44698e4d24⋯.jpg (17.97 KB, 1119x546, 373:182, 3EqdXd.jpg)


"It had to be this way"

100% concur! We are never more then one generation away from losing our freedoms!

The last two years should eliminate all doubt of that Reagan Statement!

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4163a9  No.17753061

File: 092c6d29bcec66f⋯.jpg (17.71 KB, 1109x572, 1109:572, IvNtUBbnWSuGg.jpg)



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8990fe  No.17753063

File: fe443cb6e432bcf⋯.jpg (18.55 KB, 1018x597, 1018:597, EP99W7oVAq204j.jpg)


Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸


BREAKING: Police name suspect in Chicago-area Fourth of July parade attack

A person of interest has been named in the Highland Park, Illinois shooting that saw 6 dead and two dozen injured.


BREAKING: Police name suspect in Chicago-area Fourth of July attack

A person of interest has been named in the Highland Park, Illinois shooting that saw 6 dead and two dozen injured.

6:06 PM · Jul 4, 2022·Twitter Web App

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bff271  No.17753064

File: 0dbd4a3529f5cb3⋯.jpg (24.92 KB, 676x588, 169:147, 8aiyK6.jpg)


U.S. Politics

Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg tests positive for COVID

By Dave Goldiner

New York Daily News

Jun 06, 2022 at 1:56 pm

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a19118  No.17753065

File: f1b5391ca7aabad⋯.jpg (22.01 KB, 1054x1106, 527:553, DFAGGKL.jpg)


>Trump is going to grab America by the steering wheel tho


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075c93  No.17753071

File: 7e254036926c56e⋯.jpg (69.29 KB, 1127x1344, 161:192, sdHmHCGeOlE.jpg)


Not me. He's a mouthpiece for the Cabal. As I outlined, look at what the Cabal conceded. It's astonishing how far anons & alliances outreach/influence is starting to have.

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519c22  No.17753072

File: 07ac06b76b7b381⋯.jpg (41.34 KB, 925x1158, 925:1158, L6GMw4QW0l2.jpg)


I research shit myself it was aimed at the other guy. I don't come here spewing shit. like to stir the pot though

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279741  No.17753073

File: 81e9f14a16582ce⋯.jpg (19.9 KB, 1167x515, 1167:515, fdV8iiRREKcUl.jpg)

map.pub was bought for 9.41 million dollars.

Imagine what 8kun is/was worth.

Deal has been made, just have to wait to see the total.

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e5478f  No.17753074

File: 5632ef14ec45fee⋯.jpg (25.36 KB, 585x654, 195:218, jjKK12o0bMDSl.jpg)


You didn't answer mine.

I gave you many verses saying God changes His mind yet you deny He does, do you doubt scripture?

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c261ef  No.17753076

File: 004f6f8ea8cf91d⋯.jpg (74.9 KB, 1240x1401, 1240:1401, lrbjL876.jpg)

atent #118,398, Ukraine, Method of Complex Rejuvenation and Prevention of AgingDemchuk M.P., Matiyaschuk I.G., Sych N.S., Klunnyk M.O., Ivankova O.V., Skalozub M.V., Sinelnyk A.A., Sorochynska K.I.Issue date: 10 August 2017

Application date: 02 February 2017

I don't know if this has been dug yet but go to emcell patents page they are very blatant that they think fetal stem cells can be a cure all

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569dee  No.17753077

File: 5bfdff23ce1c15f⋯.jpg (40.4 KB, 917x1237, 917:1237, GfKZZuc9tFEq.jpg)

he Prison floor should look like this.

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2c6083  No.17753078

File: b82e044d98b72f0⋯.jpg (36.61 KB, 851x1237, 851:1237, SsCEexwuN.jpg)


George Herbert Walker Bush handled that. bty: Do you know the father in-law of GHWB? It was George Herbert Walker. What sort of man would name his first son after his wife's father like that?

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0e85ba  No.17753080

File: f34931a2730fa59⋯.jpg (70.34 KB, 1255x1244, 1255:1244, AmpqsACMHB.jpg)



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c14717  No.17753081

File: 76daeb7f73f6fe8⋯.jpg (16.14 KB, 1083x592, 1083:592, 9msfdCG.jpg)


Red Tape Entangles SpaceX

+embed video pic rel


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c65cc8  No.17753083

File: 673c46ac9ab85f1⋯.jpg (20.9 KB, 1166x564, 583:282, FbuXZIlepXs1k.jpg)



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376661  No.17753084

File: beabd46800d92e8⋯.jpg (16.46 KB, 964x578, 482:289, WszcK3uY.jpg)


Covers only 150 schools. So how is that fair to someone who just happened to go to a school that's not on that list??

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bf6419  No.17753088

File: 17c73d6fdeea4c1⋯.jpg (15.85 KB, 1183x521, 1183:521, UVbTzQ.jpg)


Those mercenaries have families too. Eventually even they will get fed up with his bullshit.

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d2f62e  No.17753092

File: b698d515f7431e1⋯.jpg (35.61 KB, 804x1142, 402:571, SVvdvf8QxFsrj.jpg)


That was pretty cool (lb).

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7b191b  No.17753098

File: 17d2e9be0dbd382⋯.jpg (68.08 KB, 1122x1340, 561:670, fKTKLlVAOB.jpg)


can't post

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60a84c  No.17753099

File: e7d4a051c705b84⋯.jpg (20.95 KB, 1019x1060, 1019:1060, MWJZayvLc.jpg)

chumer and Pelosi generation of killers are on the dust heap of history.

A horrible dark time is over.

Most of us have no grasp of what a lifenotunder that curse is like.

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b34327  No.17753104

File: e2a31bb6de1889d⋯.jpg (18.74 KB, 1198x625, 1198:625, Goj8SiyWPb8HC.jpg)


Deltas are not prerequisites. They were PROOFS for anons at times to show that there was a direct connection between Q and TRUMP.

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0bd13f  No.17753105

File: 5062ba1e7ebd5b3⋯.jpg (19.26 KB, 1137x726, 379:242, 1xwbnFV0pXmM.jpg)

ll (((inbreds))) are godless creatures to be drowned.

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81ed1a  No.17753106

File: 23b346b88535fd2⋯.jpg (23.38 KB, 996x992, 249:248, St9uWA.jpg)

eems kinda slow for a night shift on a day when Q posted. Are all the newfaggots 60+ in age? Went to bed after Wheel of Fortune?

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c086cd  No.17753107

File: b0664a220b84ba0⋯.jpg (26.53 KB, 649x619, 649:619, nr4Kh1yHHOpZD.jpg)


dimensional anchor in place

she will always be in hell

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8bc1b9  No.17753110

File: c4ffba886585512⋯.jpg (40.73 KB, 1004x1142, 502:571, eaEy4nfvuw3w.jpg)


>God hates

biblefags never know what the bible actually says

God hates wicked people. “The LORD tests the righteous, but his soul hates the wicked and the one who loves violence” (Psalm 11:5). He hates wicked people from his soul, from the very depth of his being. God hates their ways (Proverbs 15:9), their thoughts (Proverbs 15:26), their worship (Proverbs 15:8), their actions (Proverbs 6:18), and their evil deeds (Psalm 5:5). He singles out as a special object of his hatred the blasphemous deeds of the Nicolaitans, those who seduced God’s people with idolatry and sexual immorality. “Yet this you have: you hate the works of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate” (Revelation 2:6).

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60a3f5  No.17753113

File: f5cb7569f512fbe⋯.jpg (22.72 KB, 521x593, 521:593, l08DTO.jpg)


I’m not China.

Just paid 40 thousand dollars in taxes to the IRS.

What did you owe last year?

I’m guessing zero dollars.

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55c39b  No.17753114

File: b6042759770dec8⋯.jpg (65.94 KB, 1142x1339, 1142:1339, 9jBUTqBh.jpg)


Delta 26, [y]ou Glow

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fbbc10  No.17753115

File: f50229b760bfd48⋯.jpg (38.25 KB, 829x1326, 829:1326, wxxWlLU22VqPGR.jpg)



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290d59  No.17753117

File: adb8a3346525dd8⋯.jpg (23.25 KB, 552x541, 552:541, mu7t65xa.jpg)


>told you you were a dad joke

Typical Kike projection! Brain-dead!

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a2652d  No.17753119

File: 9d602c8786e2829⋯.jpg (19.26 KB, 1108x670, 554:335, dj0jU4bb.jpg)


A black man just upheld our Constitution and gets called a nigger by niggers, and you want to hate all blacks? Everybody's got niggers in the line.

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184b18  No.17753122

File: 7030bf1444e5c23⋯.jpg (20.81 KB, 1139x747, 1139:747, erL0Yls.jpg)


>Chinese firm bought North Dakota farm near US Air Force drone base

Fucking slinty-eyed chinks. Always spying on our military through their slinty fucking eyes

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53d501  No.17753124

File: 22802b1fcd87591⋯.jpg (18.65 KB, 1089x567, 121:63, iGMIXG4utX8MfU.jpg)


>Good times


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4ec294  No.17753125

File: 2b9bf0d44fcb3c5⋯.jpg (72.12 KB, 1119x1460, 1119:1460, h0tylv2n5yUUC.jpg)


“In short, we are governed by a high command of usurers and speculators, from Bill Gates, who invests in large farms right on the eve of the food emergency, or in vaccines just before the outbreak of the pandemic, to George Soros, who speculates on the fluctuations of currencies and government bonds and along with Hunter Biden finances a biolaboratory in Ukraine.”


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375850  No.17753128

File: 120e112de2e018f⋯.jpg (23.07 KB, 1071x981, 119:109, TSTGw8TQW.jpg)



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28944c  No.17753129

File: 88388aae940aadd⋯.jpg (41.97 KB, 930x1285, 186:257, KbBcGCmOOM.jpg)


they have the best people

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2040e5  No.17753130

File: ebf5ba52074d05e⋯.jpg (15.32 KB, 1045x593, 1045:593, CUNqiBGFLZ.jpg)

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258c0a  No.17753131

File: 81adb3b2b9acb8c⋯.jpg (38.47 KB, 868x1221, 868:1221, IrSInvm7LfjPh4.jpg)


This is a great theory, but doesn't bode well for the average citizen. Bankruptcy comes with all sorts of conditions, just like we fucked China over with the one baby policy. Pretty sure Tricky Dickie was purveyor of that good news.

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bbfc47  No.17753132

File: ebf39fe670dcfca⋯.jpg (18.94 KB, 1108x657, 1108:657, Hx1FS7Jh43C.jpg)


Ooo T'Pol.

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eb9d6a  No.17753133

File: 0519cdb7e567c33⋯.jpg (24.13 KB, 1216x1070, 608:535, qGp6QxYPlukc5Z.jpg)


Dumped 1600', back up to 1200".

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693743  No.17753137

File: bde7dc1077c60fd⋯.jpg (36.64 KB, 782x1181, 782:1181, PChDx00u4.jpg)


Putin pegs the Ruble to gold. G7 decides to ban Russian gold. Putin now has more gold supply to stockpile to back the Ruble which in turn strengthens the Ruble as a stable world currency. Seems fairly straightforward.

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380320  No.17753139

File: 2ed89858d7a6d8f⋯.jpg (24.61 KB, 1218x1086, 203:181, wzhQo9vPyW2CY.jpg)


old bat.

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4a784f  No.17753142

File: a100c94544e1964⋯.jpg (36.91 KB, 785x1230, 157:246, o97zFsJOb1xKRE.jpg)


apple.news (like that aint' woke.)


there you are again fucking with people

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41c11e  No.17753144

File: c342e260c6af000⋯.jpg (16.13 KB, 1189x512, 1189:512, ANjOrYo.jpg)

it'$ UKrainin


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dff027  No.17753146

File: 578a5aecdd4cec0⋯.jpg (37.93 KB, 795x1228, 795:1228, EZBnPoq.jpg)

orgot how this shti worked for a minute

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79904c  No.17753147

File: 039d97ecbf2ba68⋯.jpg (24.02 KB, 1067x773, 1067:773, RapNkspa.jpg)


> has not revealed any connection between Sullivan and any journalistic organizations

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d51e04  No.17753148

File: f32aa703fb6d759⋯.jpg (21.68 KB, 1178x904, 589:452, qutFRl.jpg)

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6b5851  No.17753150

File: c48854e1ca1c1d0⋯.jpg (26.09 KB, 1180x1092, 295:273, z49Dty7pkodJgN.jpg)

wake | Wikitubia | Fandom



Rise to popularity

Origin/ Years active

Robert Eugene "Bobby" Crimo III (born: September 20, 2000 (2000-09-20) [age 21]), better known by his stage name Awake (stylized as Awake The Rapper), is an American rapper, singer and songwriter from Chicago, Illinois.


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78c159  No.17753155

File: 388db6dc0183025⋯.jpg (21.3 KB, 1218x729, 406:243, zE4nWZ.jpg)


None of them talk about Bidenfraud because they ALL are “selected representatives”. If Americans ever fucking wake up & figure out they have had no voice for a long time they might do something.

Attempts for the taking of the guns is self defense. Kek, Can’t blame them, in light of what they actually are.

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2c6083  No.17753156

File: ed35d0b3f21329e⋯.jpg (17.2 KB, 960x723, 320:241, 8icmdaHxCxKVv.jpg)


can't breathe water is also a 'law'.

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bcd6c5  No.17753157

File: 3c5bd6b29dd3634⋯.jpg (28.42 KB, 666x622, 333:311, FheNYqKTPsou2.jpg)



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fff31b  No.17753160

File: 339d9d2cc0b965d⋯.jpg (70.95 KB, 1082x1470, 541:735, niV1fJf.jpg)


All I'm getting at is Soros was/is a gaY Jewish nazi that grew up and has been warring wih good people since.

Staff gotta go.

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e02f8e  No.17753161

File: d1cd49a72b84003⋯.jpg (19.81 KB, 1061x688, 1061:688, 7TsdZCHaOh0C.jpg)


'kid-man' = pedo

Nicole Kidman’s Father Died in Singapore, Hiding From Elite Pedophilia Accusations


Mr Robot

Published on June 26, 2017

For a few years, it has been known that Eyes Wide Shut actress Nicole Kidman’s father, Dr. Antony Kidman, was accused of participating in an elite, violent pedophile ring in Sydney, Australia, shortly before his death in Singapore apparently on the run from the accusations.


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0cc1c9  No.17753165

File: 3e30e739536fe2b⋯.jpg (19.16 KB, 1183x588, 169:84, UPuf7Yj9.jpg)



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d93c81  No.17753166

File: 1593e586e48626b⋯.jpg (67.9 KB, 1127x1389, 1127:1389, XOrgOR3437jx.jpg)

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940fc7  No.17753169

File: 670ac71d6113f1c⋯.jpg (42.55 KB, 993x1217, 993:1217, nwyAF0I1OQbD.jpg)


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556680  No.17753170

File: 5cce90ef8d6ceb5⋯.jpg (17.18 KB, 979x548, 979:548, 4ArqNS.jpg)


Banning an anti-vax Dr is an extremely bad look for TS, I don't care what you say.

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79cd1f  No.17753171

File: 1ce3a911498b393⋯.jpg (65.85 KB, 1159x1257, 1159:1257, oBU4ESDMXY.jpg)


good one

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a66524  No.17753174

File: 482a118ed722045⋯.jpg (19.91 KB, 1218x606, 203:101, TjzFCc.jpg)


Shit- [sorry for the elite vip cp]

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2951e0  No.17753175

File: 9b79475444bf1a9⋯.jpg (22.31 KB, 1109x795, 1109:795, zBk81k2GxORb.jpg)

"you're just jealous because my mom blew him on a boat" - baby fee-dell


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c11a76  No.17753176

File: a2d3035e6a260e5⋯.jpg (21.83 KB, 1045x996, 1045:996, ot0QE0.jpg)


Please it’s ok not to. Really, we’d prefer you keep it in.

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0e6bc5  No.17753177

File: 1c51b854c0afc61⋯.jpg (20.15 KB, 1200x650, 24:13, PIDQt4Tb9T.jpg)


< mike pence

RIP tory smith

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ea8919  No.17753179

File: 37b5facea780ddb⋯.jpg (25.83 KB, 567x675, 21:25, AcRWzHLyeMK.jpg)

lon got sent for re-education, he was getting too rational in "their" eyes

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00fe3d  No.17753180

File: e4d6f0b08394c4d⋯.jpg (26.38 KB, 584x691, 584:691, jXe6gGgtJf7W.jpg)



Baker taps

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a90455  No.17753183

File: d3cc09223c251fc⋯.jpg (80.12 KB, 1302x1392, 217:232, udGzMhv96965H.jpg)


Wanna leave note taking in my hands?

Anon is not a stranger to this task.

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7dacb6  No.17753184

File: c52343b016b9090⋯.jpg (43.83 KB, 982x1345, 982:1345, WDoOPP.jpg)


Yep, he was told, but by whom? This is Bidan. We are in a movie.

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ebe82f  No.17753186

File: 31ce8577284af31⋯.jpg (22.71 KB, 1021x1090, 1021:1090, jSMLh8c.jpg)


i should've said "alleged" and not fake, since no one knows anything for sure..

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752e23  No.17753189

File: 25fe1d1fe7f7eae⋯.jpg (19.92 KB, 1138x736, 569:368, 49EHai1Obxq.jpg)


Hardly a deal. 20 years. 80 when she gets out. 70 if she's lucky.

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e43192  No.17753191

File: b22b145bcc2e77e⋯.jpg (19.75 KB, 1051x784, 1051:784, rGjFs8ooZ8.jpg)


>To me, it looks like a train platform on the southern outskirts of Munich

Pretty sure it's the outskirts of Berlin. Sign on the right says train goes to Henningsdorf, which is Berlin region if I am not mistaken

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f1b723  No.17753192

File: 169fe86f12cb417⋯.jpg (38.86 KB, 915x1148, 915:1148, W1jnQ9.jpg)


Everyone done memory holed that shit.

I hope the comes out though

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f43703  No.17753193

File: 0249b88660595b5⋯.jpg (20.33 KB, 1074x706, 537:353, 6DaNSTkq.jpg)


>I'm Jewish

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a61052  No.17753196

File: 63768925a01f8ea⋯.jpg (18.48 KB, 1069x509, 1069:509, U1R9oZ.jpg)


Shitting up the bread won't make people believe your lies

No one's buying your BS. Maybe try some other shtick like maybe posting more RRN or something…

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f62938  No.17753197

File: 95ae6d1094e10fd⋯.jpg (21 KB, 1021x1101, 1021:1101, XlvDzqCDvy3X1.jpg)



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ff9911  No.17753198

File: 7d4a30649157926⋯.jpg (18.63 KB, 1023x581, 1023:581, f30eOitrjvVU.jpg)


or "Highest Life"

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a1c1e9  No.17753199

File: 90aae6aa3dfd412⋯.jpg (23.17 KB, 629x510, 37:30, hffNxHtQE.jpg)


not asking






all posted as Q

Nunes on team in background

anons know

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be2599  No.17753203

File: 631b357d172b78e⋯.jpg (73.6 KB, 1184x1457, 1184:1457, EwsSb4oN.jpg)




ty anon

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2e9d64  No.17753205

File: 7399038c7d43851⋯.jpg (21.73 KB, 1055x775, 211:155, fkYoMiY8MU.jpg)

ldie but goodie.


The first one I did was about 3 months before turning 15. It took place in a farm house that was surprisingly more sterile than many of the other abortion clinics I had done abortions in. There was an abortion doctor and an abortion nurse. There was a woman in stirrups about to have a baby who was surrounded by 13 top members of our coven, which were all high priests and priestesses. I was inside the circle with the woman and the abortion doctor. All the adult members of my coven were there. There were several women kneeling on the floor, swaying back and forth chanting “our body and ourselves” over and over again. Off to the side were several male members of our coven all chanting and praying. The ritual started at 11:45 at night, and the spell began at midnight, which is the witching hour, and the actual death of the child happened at 3:00 am, which is called the devil’s hour.

My whole role in all of this was to insert the scalpel. I didn’t necessarily have to do the actual killing … what was important was that I get blood on my hands. So, I had to get somebody’s blood on my hands, whether the woman’s or the baby’s, and then the doctor finishes out the procedure. In that particular one, which was probably one of the more heinous abortions I had ever done, the doctor reached in, ripped the baby out and threw it onto the floor where these women were swaying. The women looked like they were possessed, andwhen the doctor threw the baby out to them, they cannibalized the baby.

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f83407  No.17753207

File: 076f4e266ab0e3f⋯.jpg (17.4 KB, 1157x538, 1157:538, pTh9twN.jpg)



You mean the SAG award winning actor, Zelensky?

Trump was a member of the Screen Actor's Guild until he ragequit, after J6, like he was on an episode of the WWE.

Matthew Mcconaughey is a member of SAG.

I wonder what other "politicians" are actually working for Hollywood to fool the populace.

DC is a scripted reality show.

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d9b8b0  No.17753209

File: 79bad1f87f9c7e3⋯.jpg (20.02 KB, 1148x593, 1148:593, 9vS31DCFmt0jfI.jpg)


Enemy is implying Ron is Q.

Setting him up.

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582b3b  No.17753210

File: e65b7aba3bd700b⋯.jpg (66.82 KB, 1108x1312, 277:328, 1QiW5qNqq.jpg)


and these

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6026b2  No.17753214

File: b35779f4e1161aa⋯.jpg (70.22 KB, 1156x1318, 578:659, 131t1jqpA2BN.jpg)


>Raskin could be the ringleader behind a lot of these shenanigans.

Indeed he his

This past Sunday, CNN had both AOC and Raskin on and asked the same question about 'Tater support for 2024.

Neither would commit.

Only heard about the AOC non-committal in the news, not Raskins.


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45276d  No.17753215

File: e9d015ce262d804⋯.jpg (18.35 KB, 1066x502, 533:251, a4QVb0t.jpg)


Snowflakes have a higher melting point.

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22b3db  No.17753217

File: a404de5898ce063⋯.jpg (21.31 KB, 1171x636, 1171:636, ODsTm61Ug.jpg)


America Respector


This account “@awake_

” appears to be a long-standing fan page for the highland park shooter Robert crimo. if you look through the old likes it shows a lot of radical left wing extremism and guns, and hatred of republicans


0:00 / 0:45

6:23 PM · Jul 4, 2022·Twitter for iPhone

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be4111  No.17753220

File: 22a0eeeee189871⋯.jpg (23.76 KB, 1073x1047, 1073:1047, NiO7CfgV95R.jpg)




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c585f9  No.17753223

File: c98600bc7d10b47⋯.jpg (20.52 KB, 1127x933, 1127:933, O4hmwS8.jpg)


beautiful simplicity


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e8161a  No.17753225

File: d2367b7f048b209⋯.jpg (22.96 KB, 1171x1049, 1171:1049, 8Bv51dbC03TX.jpg)

he Vatican on Thursday announced the theme for the Church’s upcoming “Jubilee Year 2025.”

A jubilee is a special year of remission of sins and universal pardon. In Leviticus, a jubilee year (Hebrew: יובל yūḇāl) is mentioned to occur every 50th year; during which slaves and prisoners would be freed, debts would be forgiven and the mercies of God would be particularly manifest.

In Western Christianity, the tradition dates to 1300, when Pope Boniface VIII convoked a holy year, following which ordinary jubilees have generally been celebrated every 25 or 50 years, with extraordinary jubilees in addition depending on need.


The Great Reset


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6492d4  No.17753227

File: f106602d8e82a93⋯.jpg (24.07 KB, 1148x1051, 1148:1051, 5vkX7pV.jpg)

That's BullShit.

Barr failed. Pence Failed

Not because they are good guys


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41919f  No.17753228

File: 66d5151006f4d37⋯.jpg (40.34 KB, 872x1321, 872:1321, JXzaydYnnU.jpg)

ll this and more, God will restore.

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c29df7  No.17753229

File: a54c44c39774c96⋯.jpg (22.26 KB, 1261x611, 97:47, n4LfpRtzl1THF.jpg)


Sorry, here's link - https://truthsocial.com/@ArchiveAnon/posts/108579114458484063

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008f44  No.17753230

File: 55ef0fc58086ac1⋯.jpg (35.66 KB, 845x1180, 169:236, w8HOkRycc1A.jpg)


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b35514  No.17753231

File: bd74a945f28530e⋯.jpg (22.54 KB, 506x570, 253:285, cbAbm0GU.jpg)



Isn't is more common for there to only be about 3 breads worth of notables?

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38b0e5  No.17753232

File: 08d655d4b2b173e⋯.jpg (17.5 KB, 1009x637, 1009:637, hhDbipr.jpg)



The two on the top

don't click at all. They

just bang around clumsily

and in the end cause the

wearer to suffer injury.

KEK of the day

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f68726  No.17753233

File: 99352961a3ffd13⋯.jpg (21.28 KB, 526x600, 263:300, G7gVf4U3t9qZD.jpg)


What'sthe password?

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043df8  No.17753238

File: 9db5539a133b79b⋯.jpg (40.33 KB, 974x1198, 487:599, G7HmdUf.jpg)


>9 letters

"9 letters" = 8 letters

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635d24  No.17753239

File: dc6322bcc426ccf⋯.jpg (22.72 KB, 1144x742, 572:371, CozfflU3mqQRy.jpg)


You drank half a glass of bacon grease b4 you knew it wasn't milk?

That seems pretty far fetched.

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f61776  No.17753240

File: b02e7e9ac6896a6⋯.jpg (69.96 KB, 1241x1224, 73:72, zvygaa8bgKvU.jpg)

ason cops stirring up shit again.

It's perfect, no one ever even knows they are masons.

Media will never investigate or ask.

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9b7561  No.17753241

File: 12d5466dd155658⋯.jpg (26.28 KB, 1189x1103, 1189:1103, eMizmjXjrR.jpg)


bye Qaren!

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612f01  No.17753242

File: e095f7ee4da47f7⋯.jpg (75.6 KB, 1306x1371, 1306:1371, TNSCmgGY8UtQ3Y.jpg)

OJ waits out the crooked mid terms to blast POTUS.

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74a99a  No.17753243

File: 8ff686405113d71⋯.jpg (38.4 KB, 868x1198, 434:599, uX3p2wsMTdbdw.jpg)


>and what if antifa tries to hit you with a bikelock?

Keep a 7 iron handy.

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5e3fb4  No.17753244

File: 4d756da163dbb7a⋯.jpg (75.81 KB, 1251x1361, 1251:1361, sFujuHeh.jpg)



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2148e7  No.17753245

File: 7d38906444a470b⋯.jpg (72.57 KB, 1319x1227, 1319:1227, MVMJFTDEb1v9.jpg)


look at these digits 7+2+1+6+1 full speed ahead

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c14a04  No.17753247

File: 537c9f4de5a3993⋯.jpg (19.19 KB, 1148x660, 287:165, GZZ9TmJ.jpg)


>BAKERmust of missed it.

biggest tell of the movement

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f99fe6  No.17753249

File: 872fd4a215f1891⋯.jpg (20.26 KB, 496x494, 248:247, HqxhcVEU43v.jpg)



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8dc998  No.17753250

File: 130ecccf6379213⋯.jpg (25.33 KB, 497x706, 497:706, 8VsbXNLk3IbrC.jpg)


So brave. Moar red text for better reading experience

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9ee34c  No.17753251

File: 1bd59d01906ae86⋯.jpg (25.73 KB, 605x638, 55:58, Lihw9t2Wu7zWXv.jpg)


I believe she's a white hat as much as Bill is, or Epstein or Maxwell.

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e116d6  No.17753254

File: 299f199e712732f⋯.jpg (19.66 KB, 1080x694, 540:347, GXyrLvK9Wn.jpg)


state LEO will see them go onto fed land and go into the tent.

then arrest them when they leave fed land.

they aren't sending their best

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568d9e  No.17753256

File: cccbbfb0a7679d3⋯.jpg (43.38 KB, 988x1236, 247:309, DbfyLUGwZ.jpg)


all (((inbreds))) are godless creatures to be drowned.

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6ef398  No.17753258

File: 2f12f7592a90d46⋯.jpg (20.39 KB, 1188x585, 132:65, Dqh0KdiwhOKV.jpg)


move somewhere there's lots of white trash and maybe you'll see we're all just human

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8e1cc8  No.17753261

File: c2aa3ae9da5318d⋯.jpg (72.5 KB, 1258x1372, 629:686, aR8A2sj3tAa.jpg)

Ladies and gentlemen, without further ado- the man with literally and figuratively the biggest balls in universal history:


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e1a26a  No.17753262

File: 6d8a51e70aff8cd⋯.jpg (23.44 KB, 1274x754, 49:29, Mu39SK7FcJxYt.jpg)




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82ecf0  No.17753269

File: 8bbfd9b58933300⋯.jpg (23.85 KB, 1081x1083, 1081:1083, 8LYYeM1eJyPxj.jpg)

=Melania Trump/ @MelaniaTrump==

07/05/2022 10:19:19

Truth Social: 108595167845642227

USAmemorabilia / @USAmemorabilia

07/02/2022 21:50:42

Truth Social: 108580899540599155

The MetaRose #NFT was inspired by a series of photographs that #MelaniaTrump took with her camera, + then reimagined with her team of designers to create the final 3D animated piece.

Proceeds benefit foster children through #FosteringTheFuture, a #BeBest initiative.

For a Limited Time: buy or hold The #MetaRose + receive a Women's History Month NFT. More information on #Discord (discord.gg/VwMq4e7vZp)

The MetaRose, a #MelaniaNFT, is avail at melaniatrump.com/nfts/MetaRose

Melania Trump reTruthed…

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bed65b  No.17753272

File: fdcc34766cafb88⋯.jpg (24.25 KB, 589x506, 589:506, 2foAPYT7.jpg)


I'm not making this shit up. You can try to convince us that Jim is, but you'll fail without proof and so far all you have is a team of shills saying and doing the same fucking thing

they've been doing forever now, and that destroys your credibility.


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9fbe96  No.17753274

File: b370328ca864fee⋯.jpg (41.17 KB, 945x1347, 315:449, APLWXnf.jpg)


Some were never lit.

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8784f9  No.17753276

File: c15ebc8c5cd33e1⋯.jpg (41.13 KB, 984x1188, 82:99, NQUgNhDmXg.jpg)




Where's my free stuff…

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5336dd  No.17753281

File: 8403d13eb30c168⋯.jpg (18.04 KB, 1216x564, 304:141, SoKbJdVj66oo.jpg)



Military Self-Destruction

Since the West did refuse to negotiate, the battleground is for now the ultra-militarised Eastern Ukraine. However, the War is not between brother Ukrainians and brother Russians, but between Washington with its NATO/EU vassals and Moscow with its Donbass Allies. There is no doubt that Russia will win in the Ukraine, as it has complete air and naval superiority. The Russian-speaking East and South of the Ukraine, Novorossija, part of Russia until 1922, is being liberated by a smallish expeditionary force of the Russian Army together with local troops. However, the Operation was never planned to be a short one, most knew that it would take months and perhaps, on account of possible NATO meddling, a year or more.

The War is longer because the Kiev Army has been preparing for it for eight long years. It has been building trenches and fortifications, arming itself with a huge amount of NATO training and weaponry, which the Russian Armed Forces are being forced to destroy, together with Ukrainian Nazis, Western mercenaries and NATO instructors. From this conflict a new Ukraine will be born. Perhaps it will once more be called Malorossija or perhaps it will keep its ‘Borderlands’ name. In any case it will be a smallish country, with a population of perhaps some 15 million, centred on Kiev. Whatever its name, it will effectively be the Kievan Protectorate, part of the Union State with the Russian Federation, Belarus and probably others.

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eed6ef  No.17753284

File: 06a4df05dcfaf92⋯.jpg (21.81 KB, 1099x662, 1099:662, vTnYxMQGRDPE.jpg)




CEO of crypto firm Kraken offers severance to ‘triggered’ employees

A tech company CEO said Friday on “Fox & Friends” he decided to offer “triggered” employees an opportunity to leave the crypto trading company with four months of pay.

Kraken CEO Jesse Powell told host Ainsley Earhardt he wanted to restore his company’s culture and avoid distractions, adding some employees felt it was better if they “just moved on.”

“There was a huge amount of support for this move, huge amount of support for the company’s culture and mission and the reinforcement of those. And, I think everyone’s just ready to get back to work and stop being distracted,” said Powell, adding a small number of employees were “creating distractions for the whole company.

Powell went on to clarify that his company had not been polluted with “anti-woke” culture for an entire decade, and it was not until the crypto boom that staff was hired who did not align with their original mission. He said about 30 employees took the offer of four months severance out of more than 3,000 staff members.

“We’ve got people from more than 70 countries in the company, that speak more than 50 languages. We’re incredibly diverse in many ways. I think that the problem that some people have is this diversity of thought,” said Powell.

Powell published a restored mission statement, so his employees have a clear idea of the culture he wants to instate in his company.

“If nobody is ever offended, we either don’t have enough diversity of thought or we don’t have enough transparency in communication. We recognize that hurt feelings are inevitable in a global organization that is optimizing for team outcomes above individual sentiment. The ideal Krakenite is thick-skinned and well intentioned,” he wrote.

Powell expressed that differences of opinion are “inevitable,” and if employees did not align with the company culture and values it would be best for them to “pursue the next chapter of their career.”

Powell, calling himself a libertarian, said he doesn’t want employees who prefer their co-workers to “think like them.” He said the response from his staff was “overwhelmingly positive.”

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81bbe3  No.17753286

File: f83b2234a6966d1⋯.jpg (76.64 KB, 1261x1334, 1261:1334, 1a6ogmEj3.jpg)

unna hafta pray. a lot.

Edward Dowd




So the system to protect itself pushed through vaccine approval on toddlers with in your face garbage data to get blanket immunity. When the toddlers start dying in mass it will get super ugly.

Posted on 1:08 PM · Jun 21st, 2022


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22eaa3  No.17753287

File: 01bff2a1b4aa5ef⋯.jpg (77.45 KB, 1309x1414, 187:202, OKrL1gd4Ig.jpg)


Southside Chicago accent no doubt.

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d582d4  No.17753288

File: 8cc1358e7d5f7a5⋯.jpg (15.67 KB, 1098x510, 183:85, g2CJDPe634PCP.jpg)


Isn't that akin to tossing away your junk mail?

Like all those ads on Wednesday?

Or the spam from Nigerian Princes?

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1d8c0c  No.17753289

File: ad7a3617ca9d219⋯.jpg (21.08 KB, 1099x906, 1099:906, lXmYFWHuYk.jpg)


>Regulation takes down crypto


But a huge boon for Bitcoin.

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d0fed9  No.17753290

File: 5098bc0a9927c80⋯.jpg (21.9 KB, 1016x995, 1016:995, VLvZtl.jpg)




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bf6e9e  No.17753291

File: e10fd9e2437cab6⋯.jpg (20 KB, 1066x575, 1066:575, CCbcbOJ2.jpg)



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ddb1b6  No.17753295

File: 971dfacc20787bc⋯.jpg (23.51 KB, 1175x734, 1175:734, A1ai7xVmucrnC.jpg)

/qresearch/ - Q Research★



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529b17  No.17753296

File: e0a0753351a0e1e⋯.jpg (16.66 KB, 1041x523, 1041:523, QRmYiDPbrYQCp.jpg)



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b94973  No.17753299

File: cb52b771139c50b⋯.jpg (23.35 KB, 1043x1120, 149:160, NS4GUtYExVDR.jpg)



His name was Adolf Hitler.

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245dcc  No.17753300

File: 39eac1bd8af6141⋯.jpg (20.18 KB, 1104x549, 368:183, MI6APZ.jpg)



kek. uk as bad as china now.

next faggot to call them "allies" is getting attacked as a communist.

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c81192  No.17753301

File: aedd278a9512efb⋯.jpg (43.66 KB, 972x1281, 324:427, 4e07vL2.jpg)



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37412b  No.17753305

File: 5dbdf9377669cc6⋯.jpg (75.53 KB, 1245x1439, 1245:1439, OpbYvDKKZBJ.jpg)



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6446e9  No.17753306

File: f673bbe18e6f1b0⋯.jpg (20.23 KB, 562x491, 562:491, E3k32LJ.jpg)


>Once Black People Get Guns in This Country

what the fuck is she talking about

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6bd779  No.17753308

File: 7df38b6195f636f⋯.jpg (20.07 KB, 978x1029, 326:343, oBJLjXt.jpg)

pace Force "IS GOING TO BE very important"

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db7f8b  No.17753310

File: 941127aabcba93c⋯.jpg (44.03 KB, 966x1374, 161:229, TxFn8q7t0th.jpg)

=OMG The Humanity!!==

A former NY cop arrested outside the Capitol with a fake ID, high capacity magazines, body armor, and '''a BB gun."


It's time to ditch the 2nd Amendment.

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73e323  No.17753311

File: 2246b370d6079b2⋯.jpg (17.81 KB, 1094x555, 1094:555, QcopvpX.jpg)


We are all creations of God, but not all of us are children of God

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bcf8e3  No.17753314

File: d20b64db2b04ce3⋯.jpg (73.19 KB, 1327x1227, 1327:1227, 44E1lyFxRC7.jpg)


But that's not a good enough confirmation since both trips and board have previously been comped.

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3d6c8c  No.17753315

File: 957eb9cac717afd⋯.jpg (42.58 KB, 986x1191, 986:1191, HQKoR72zDwH.jpg)


it will all be cleared up in just two more weeks.

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c84662  No.17753316

File: 57ceb5c451653c2⋯.jpg (74.31 KB, 1281x1305, 427:435, izIGlcif.jpg)


Come on man! We’ve been thru this. No namefagging that’s exclusively held by CML

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287fc4  No.17753317

File: e71b9b5b306f80d⋯.jpg (21.77 KB, 1024x1084, 256:271, pCocAY.jpg)

k, WTF is going on here?

Christine Anderson addressing the EU?

In this video you can have a look at my speech from the last parliamentary debate on the attempt of the European Union to influence the decisions of the U.S. Supreme Court regarding the planned changes in abortion law. I explained to the MEPs present that, as a matter of principle, we as the EU Parliament have no right and no competence to urge other, sovereign states to make certain decisions. After all, also the US stopped being a colony governed from Europe a long time ago.


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7b191b  No.17753318

File: d048222d4042f8c⋯.jpg (41.33 KB, 1018x1179, 1018:1179, IpA3I7miN.jpg)




See new Tweets




Mike Rothschild


Needless to say, Robert Crimo was not "antifa" and the only people who are saying that also think the J6 rioters were "antifa" and every mass shooter of the last decade was "antifa."

5:27 PM · Jul 4, 2022·



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82da4f  No.17753320

File: f62f54be54d85f0⋯.jpg (22.31 KB, 521x595, 521:595, kpYjmdlGWt1s.jpg)


Part 2

David Becker’s Center for Election Innovation & Research has emerged as the sidekick to the Electronic Research and Information Center (ERIC), a consortium of state election officials who use data exchanges with ERIC to clean voter rolls and register the unregistered to vote. (Read Care About Election Integrity, Let Me Introduce You to ERIC).

David Becker has emerged as the party planner for the strange mix of federal prosecutors, progressive activists, election officials, and ex-pats from the federal swamp who now work for corporate America.

Becker, the former California Bear drum major—including when the Cal band played Dixie—also matches progressive dollars, state and local election officials, and federal authorities at the United States Election Assistance Commission who have controlled the distribution of hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars.

These federal dollars move through the EAC and end up in states. How they are used, and which officials and vendors get them, is a top priority for the Center for Election Innovation and Research.

Becker, an unabashed progressive, is also skilled at organizing junkets for state election officials.

One such confab occurred in May of 2019 in Denver, according to documents obtained in the Public Interest Legal Foundation’s FOIA.

State election officials from Nevada, Arizona, Minnesota, Georgia, Wisconsin, Kentucky, Michigan, Rhode Island, Ohio, Virginia, and Pennsylvania met for the CEIR Voter Registration Data Working group.

……Again, no conservative election administration groups or conservatives were invited to the Colorado confab.

Some of the participants at the Colorado confab were from states that opposed President Trump’s Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity (on which I served) and refused to provide that commission information about the same database details they happily shared with David Becker’s progressive organization.

All of this is just a first taste at understanding the behind-the-curtain relationships developing between progressive deep pockets, leftist activists, vote fraud deniers, federal officials with prosecutorial power, and state and local election officials.

This effort started after the 2016 election, and notably focused on many of the bluish swing states that Donald Trump won in 2016 but lost in 2020. Whether that was the plan or just a side benefit of the Denver confab and Democracy Fund plans remains to be seen.


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b7a4e4  No.17753326

File: 2ae4167f7cc6684⋯.jpg (19.43 KB, 1009x730, 1009:730, 7grEyuHwEnB4Xw.jpg)


I don't know.

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e27bd1  No.17753327

File: 11261db1bbb670a⋯.jpg (29.08 KB, 698x681, 698:681, DBCW7wHtY.jpg)


another vaxxie bites the dust via a stroke

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f94044  No.17753329

File: 983b4a098d4b3a7⋯.jpg (26.21 KB, 628x605, 628:605, MxyBa61.jpg)


Trump 08:12:07

its to early to autist, but ok lets see

to -> the

dup t so now we have

o -> he or mirror he -> o

h-> o = 7

e = 4



Q47 12:08:46

>could be wrong tho

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ef31b8  No.17753330

File: 6a44dc64e2dd61f⋯.jpg (25.02 KB, 682x575, 682:575, ovQlLY.jpg)


Q doesnt post to hive.

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5bd8d6  No.17753335

File: 24ac79a7811df72⋯.jpg (42.76 KB, 956x1342, 478:671, ResHjP0cf.jpg)

our comms are shit tonight.

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2e8db5  No.17753337

File: bf1c80f3fff65e9⋯.jpg (41.69 KB, 940x1360, 47:68, zrLz9bIhm6tjA.jpg)


That's funny, because Hitler was self-admitted left-wing and thus his mass media was also left-wing.

>the mass media is lying all the time

>but the TV controlled by Hitler was totally truthful, and not used to brainwash anyone

>Germans just acted like borg, that's just what happened because they felt like doing that

That's (you). Acting like a brain washed fool.

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4674b8  No.17753338

File: 9c9e4a5d01af3e0⋯.jpg (19.24 KB, 989x661, 989:661, 13pAcEkG8O.jpg)

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33bff6  No.17753339

File: f5d00c2fc506010⋯.jpg (20.93 KB, 517x553, 517:553, UgyhEHR5e.jpg)

0 staffers "supposively" run Joe's social media per Morgan Ortagus on Fox just now. I don't believe that shit at all.

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c05107  No.17753341

File: 7f3d6408817bbde⋯.jpg (40.6 KB, 952x1225, 136:175, PCjYtMZK4DY1m.jpg)


God is Directly Responsible for your reality.

The Sovereign Righteousness of The Most High

has no component judgeable by mortals

moral or otherwise

take your sunday school fixings away from the steak platter

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cd7442  No.17753344

File: 74820778505b4ea⋯.jpg (21.43 KB, 1183x676, 7:4, 2MO81J.jpg)


>haven't seen any from you


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61b667  No.17753347

File: cbc08478fae5d76⋯.jpg (23.05 KB, 664x494, 332:247, bGWIkWNjZS7.jpg)

= Bill Barr & George H W Bush Set Up This Business – It’s Been Caught Trafficking Children Worldwide With Help Of Church & US Government ==

Tim Brown / April 3, 2022


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830dc2  No.17753348

File: 7bb9acaaa5f6498⋯.jpg (20.6 KB, 1185x725, 237:145, fBTiABz38po1t.jpg)


>babyfist on his alt account, claiming to know who is posting as "Q".


Well, that asshole is either a time traveler…or the new Q drops are horseshit. Seriously though, what the fuck?

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f42321  No.17753349

File: 84add2add1e684a⋯.jpg (17.46 KB, 1009x517, 1009:517, 7irckcAbIP.jpg)


>Do anons want RRN in notables.


the label on my aspirin bottle says it CONTAINS corn starch. does that mean it does NOT contain aspirin?

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94835b  No.17753351

File: d875964bd1434a8⋯.jpg (70.85 KB, 1217x1310, 1217:1310, OMe3Wpmsr.jpg)


member all those UE payouts to jails & prisons in Cali during covid?


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dc7e98  No.17753352

File: 23a10b6528e4722⋯.jpg (25.85 KB, 591x569, 591:569, srUB0OpU.jpg)


apparently our leader has returned…

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ea0291  No.17753355

File: 7b1bacbb5878309⋯.jpg (41.82 KB, 969x1259, 969:1259, ckOACFSG.jpg)


The stage is being set for people to realize that if they won't let their child under 5 have this vaccine, why would they let them have all the other vaccines.

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fdcf84  No.17753356

File: e37468eb6157cf6⋯.jpg (23.02 KB, 675x513, 25:19, 1OEtfSEi9bE.jpg)


My sarcasm doesn't translate well to text. Today is without a doubt a BOOM!

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094ac0  No.17753357

File: 6f63f3e581c60a1⋯.jpg (23.73 KB, 562x569, 562:569, K0Ztp38q2c3.jpg)


Kek…..funniest headline ever….notable

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ac228d  No.17753360

File: 74ab82c36445b30⋯.jpg (27.13 KB, 654x611, 654:611, m62zGZgLnk.jpg)

ompounding fruads send career frauds into sardonic fits of stale memes for extrotion

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024207  No.17753361

File: e46f22de23ebb73⋯.jpg (17.47 KB, 1068x555, 356:185, fUl62KDLROGGGu.jpg)


Because he has the consent of the people.

The corrupt actors do not.

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f5c3c5  No.17753363

File: 85a528e3e09aa6c⋯.jpg (26.21 KB, 570x661, 570:661, kzpuiHL3ss.jpg)


Ho Lee Fuk

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a60408  No.17753366

File: 44627289b531233⋯.jpg (35.78 KB, 794x1190, 397:595, tUYW6wdB.jpg)


WHO knows if every branch (including MIL) was compromised after, the shoe in, (Trump) took kickbacks from Moderna. Thank God for my dogs. Did you ever think that, maybe, a victim of gain of function research who is also gullible could be manipulated unethically and for the benefit of those in charge at the time? They believe in the consciousness of you that much.


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0a57a7  No.17753367

File: c6e2b43d43d6137⋯.jpg (26.08 KB, 603x699, 201:233, lFjz5qXSncNpx.jpg)


>Is… is that a herpe?

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635d24  No.17753368

File: 02649611d94997b⋯.jpg (20.53 KB, 1130x1002, 565:501, gccQRzdt.jpg)


All good. Sorry if I overdid it. Guess we’re all doing our best.


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2bb1dd  No.17753369

File: fff218e3a1a8534⋯.jpg (19.04 KB, 993x736, 993:736, lmNONuoZP.jpg)

I typed in ‘Donald Trump Chick Fil A” and it put an orange wig on top of a building..


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5eadb6  No.17753370

File: a8b47541c9e499c⋯.jpg (39.33 KB, 886x1282, 443:641, JyQXXAARr026m.jpg)


42 is not 46

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04eace  No.17753373

File: 96f521bc11c97e8⋯.jpg (19.84 KB, 1169x897, 1169:897, OvLLCGyruN.jpg)



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ccc7fa  No.17753375

File: 11a1752cedb0aff⋯.jpg (22.05 KB, 1131x663, 29:17, ZkCsdmX.jpg)


Meidas Touch is tarded.

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35ebce  No.17753379

File: 815b530acfb7b72⋯.jpg (19.48 KB, 1180x741, 1180:741, sv2HojgiA5wH.jpg)

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c35d12  No.17753382

File: 8aa4bc678c853c3⋯.jpg (19.42 KB, 512x490, 256:245, AlaMtDGav.jpg)


And remember Q said white hats infiltrated antifa long ago.

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50cbd8  No.17753385

File: c44a44560533b3a⋯.jpg (22.77 KB, 1275x724, 1275:724, tTr6iggeCJp.jpg)


Your post scream Finkelfont

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c76762  No.17753386

File: cdb50ab9965c0cd⋯.jpg (21.4 KB, 1118x712, 559:356, DCvVa7Sq.jpg)



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5ecec7  No.17753387

File: 5d387eadf1a4473⋯.jpg (35.73 KB, 853x1169, 853:1169, HfIyDM.jpg)



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58a084  No.17753388

File: d70e2118f56433f⋯.jpg (16.79 KB, 1101x605, 1101:605, zluOc9NV2xZQ.jpg)


Horowitz: DHS released nearly 100K illegal aliens in just one month: Tip of the invasion iceberg


Daniel Horowitz

June 21, 2022

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a33ad0  No.17753389

File: f6b6c0f89e7970c⋯.jpg (21.88 KB, 999x932, 999:932, t8Vw97ACyV4o.jpg)


Fuck Trump. So over this bag of shit.

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cced5d  No.17753392

File: 5ee7ef98437d663⋯.jpg (20.98 KB, 1153x756, 1153:756, BwF7iKyfB.jpg)

=Q never left==

But now that we're back

Anon's resolve is at an all-time-high

Can you say WINNING?


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3dcad7  No.17753394

File: 69182bf9e2c7e5a⋯.jpg (21.51 KB, 1116x1076, 279:269, l9a8b0dn.jpg)


Zelensky and his Azov buddies pre-2014 Obama Coup.

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a3e1f3  No.17753395

File: 095ed2b7c5d3fae⋯.jpg (40.77 KB, 903x1279, 903:1279, DGv5jr0.jpg)

pstein accuser Virginia Giuffre facing 'sexual assault' allegation from Rina Oh in lawsuit


Rina Oh — who claims to have been a victim of “sexual abuse” from Jeffrey Epstein “and his gang” — has filed a court claim alleging that Virginia Roberts Giuffre “sexually assaulted” her.

The latest brief in the ongoing back-and-forth between the women was filed this week in US District Court, following a counterclaim from Giuffre. Virginia Giuffre, now 38, has been characterized as a “sex slave” to Epstein, who died of suicide in a jail cell in 2019, and claimed that, as a teen, she was trafficked to Prince Andrew. She sued the prince for sex abuse and settled for an estimated $12 million in February.

Oh, 43, alleges in the new papers that she was “sexually assaulted and abused by [Giuffre] at Epstein’s direction” in the massage room of Epstein’s townhouse on the Upper East Side. She told The Post that it happened in 2001.

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3422bd  No.17753396

File: 5029dbf08afc344⋯.jpg (75.08 KB, 1286x1329, 1286:1329, OXjxKjT.jpg)


Daniels Defense reeks of a clown op.

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8ebb72  No.17753400

File: a8b4cf67b7bd70a⋯.jpg (17.34 KB, 1044x612, 29:17, XBVSHd.jpg)


Hard to argue.

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eae070  No.17753401

File: 46eb17761bacfeb⋯.jpg (25.92 KB, 639x619, 639:619, ISQKUO.jpg)



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7a753f  No.17753404

File: e24e9663b3010e4⋯.jpg (41.62 KB, 970x1252, 485:626, TtpWvnTqpsQ.jpg)


that meme tells anon that you are a legit anon

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adc67d  No.17753405

File: f0811ffa0b054d1⋯.jpg (79.59 KB, 1310x1391, 1310:1391, z3Ode7YdG.jpg)



Battlecats, HOOOOOOOO!!!

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9c75b5  No.17753408

File: b08ae4b9fcb3a90⋯.jpg (41.65 KB, 945x1224, 105:136, pxwl0I6b5YmyuS.jpg)



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5f09d9  No.17753409

File: 2fbfb0ff0ef3521⋯.jpg (20.01 KB, 1102x651, 1102:651, eBLFkc.jpg)


shills are jealous

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dfdf02  No.17753410

File: 8e47cbbf2f9add6⋯.jpg (72.76 KB, 1282x1303, 1282:1303, cXjCwpgGq5WT.jpg)


Tobacco is not dangerous. The shit ton of chemicals they add to it since gov started “regulating” tobacco are dangerous

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578c40  No.17753411

File: 247290a94ca1559⋯.jpg (19.88 KB, 1149x639, 383:213, JsXqX31gs.jpg)

OTUS appears to be wheels down any minute, running under an angel with a RHINO97 callsign o7

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0a25e7  No.17753412

File: 39eafcc47450cd0⋯.jpg (42.06 KB, 979x1220, 979:1220, VvEcrNvV.jpg)


Look into Buddhism.

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3e5da2  No.17753420

File: 0ecde25453a0724⋯.jpg (19.29 KB, 1070x736, 535:368, sI6kGl0.jpg)


Whew boy, is he in trouble now. Prolly has only 42 years before he faces an indictment

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f4879b  No.17753423

File: fd97c0db30bb09d⋯.jpg (17.92 KB, 1019x655, 1019:655, e8oGHhJZ.jpg)


You know these guys are jews, right? Always have been.

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2a4313  No.17753425

File: 0f4f24b6fb025fc⋯.jpg (78.11 KB, 1328x1375, 1328:1375, uRqWXZXPQ.jpg)


My ETs, will.

What you don't understand, is the evil ones already control the world.

But who has good intentions? The ones that stay in the dark, or the ones that came to light?

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07c0e5  No.17753426

File: 56fc28516b26377⋯.jpg (26.03 KB, 550x663, 550:663, HCmfA054QMsZA.jpg)


>18k loan

buy here pay here lots exist

marketplace exists

few grand tops and some know-how will get a dependable vehicle to get from a-b and back to a again

why not get a loan to start up a small business

buy and flip shit at the least

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f87ecd  No.17753430

File: 605f9e4dcd6278c⋯.jpg (18.6 KB, 982x986, 491:493, U4g1JEPU.jpg)



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a60408  No.17753435

File: 8bdf41ef4746b66⋯.jpg (76.57 KB, 1320x1318, 660:659, w7rlrchjtD9.jpg)

ame playbook https://www.9news.com.au/national/energy-shortage-explainer-will-we-have-blackouts-and-why/1c1b780d-a11c-4bce-8bfd-9a39ca9a6602


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80cc95  No.17753436

File: 9771eeaaf2e076f⋯.jpg (22.04 KB, 1077x784, 1077:784, VvPEyjjo.jpg)



This is where the tassel will soon begin & pollinate the ear #cornwatch

5:29 PM · Jul 1, 2022·Twitter for iPhone


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76ebf6  No.17753439

File: 25e46c9425684e3⋯.jpg (20.67 KB, 1138x721, 1138:721, yukK3B81SuK.jpg)


I also beg. I’ll give 20

Dollars to a go fund me campaign.

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ca74f8  No.17753440

File: c966e3ad91ee4ed⋯.jpg (41.97 KB, 875x1324, 875:1324, HCKOmT56mTD.jpg)

t's about to begin


Forgive the ones that were weaker and support those who are stronger

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7fb95c  No.17753441

File: 3ef851936376a35⋯.jpg (70.8 KB, 1212x1292, 303:323, kQKRyT1eaK.jpg)


anons can leverage their knowledge of politics and the JQ to make good trades in the market.

SQQQ this is the one you want before the fed announcement. sell some the day before. The day of they will do a scam bump where the exchanges purposfully buy up the price to liquidate everyone gambling. then it will drop hard again.

it's financial fraud you can set your watch to and the sec doesn't care. it's probably further inflated because of how many retail investors know it's coming.

any time the puts or calls are higher than the cost it takes to buy up to that point they always do it. they have guaranteed profit by screwing over gamblers and they never have any consequences because (((their people))) only regulate outsiders so they have no competition.

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a4c47d  No.17753442

File: f1668b27b2b8e86⋯.jpg (69.57 KB, 1170x1320, 39:44, MmOq0gdNPCJ9.jpg)

he Guardians of Earth

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548c6c  No.17753445

File: 0fc4fde58c5c554⋯.jpg (69.65 KB, 1123x1362, 1123:1362, 3XnxAV1.jpg)


This song's about gay teenagers hooking up in the showers at the Y, fyi.

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544ef9  No.17753447

File: 0e449b4f88664a9⋯.jpg (28.73 KB, 698x696, 349:348, xn6dMz3.jpg)

=Two Studies now suggest the circulating Monkeypox Virus has been manipulated in a Biolab==

Monkeypox illness usually begins with a fever before a rash develops one to five days later, often beginning on the face then spreading to other parts of the body. The rash changes and goes through different stages before finally forming a scab which later falls off. An individual is contagious until all the scabs have fallen off and there is intact skin underneath.

The disease has always been extremely rare and was first identified in humans in 1970 in the Democratic Republic of the Congo in a 9-year-old boy. Since then, human cases of monkeypox have been reported in 11 African countries. It wasn’t until 2003 that the first monkeypox outbreak outside of Africa was recorded, and this was in the United States, and it has never been recorded in multiple countries at the same time.

Until now.

A new study published by Portugal’s National Institute of Health has uncovered evidence that the virus responsible for the Monkeypox outbreak allegedly sweeping across Europe, America and Australia, has been heavily manipulated in a lab by scientists, and further evidence suggests it has been released intentionally.

The study was published May 23rd 2022 and can be accessed in full here.

Scientists from the NIH collected clinical specimens from 9 monkeypox patients between May 15th and May 17th 2022 and analysed them.

The scientists concluded that the multi-country outbreak of monkeypox that we’re now allegedly witnessing is most likely the result of a single origin because all sequenced viruses released so far tightly cluster together.

They also concluded that the virus belongs to the West African clade of monkeypox viruses. However, they found it it is most closely related to monkeypox viruses that were exported from Nigeria to several countries in 2018 and 2019, namely the UK, Israel and Singapore.

But while the virus closely resembles those exported from Nigeria in 18/19, it is still vastly different with over 50 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), which are genetic variations.



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ebaaf1  No.17753448

File: 11c214d9d6354d0⋯.jpg (18.43 KB, 988x626, 494:313, 906zX8t.jpg)

ine ‘associates’ of The Late Show with Stephen Colbert are ARRESTED at the House of Representatives


Marker 9?

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ed1dbf  No.17753449

File: 425f8b165968cfb⋯.jpg (17.63 KB, 989x636, 989:636, bYKk6EZzw0GB.jpg)


Anonymous 11/02/2017 20:19:28 ID: WBXFv1gI

4chan/pol: 147689362

Anonymous 11/02/2017 20:11:43 ID:VXi4Bx/o

4chan/pol: 147688276


Let's be clear - you're telling us POTUS is currently under attack by our own intelligence agencies?


Let's be real clear.

The CIA just attacked the Command and Chief which was immediately detected by NSA/MI and alerted to POTUS.

Re-review all my crumbs including today/yesterday/weekend.

What does this mean?

What actions are immediately occurring?

If this leaks, or the immediate action ongoing at Langley, you'll have your verification ahead of schedule.


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857c47  No.17753451

File: f01d350f7021c61⋯.jpg (23.12 KB, 580x616, 145:154, 0QaHJczEh4Jqo.jpg)


I don't care if I ever come down.

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e380d3  No.17753457

File: 33e6f470bb9da6e⋯.jpg (38.25 KB, 773x1250, 773:1250, EG5kk3rZHbaNc.jpg)


>The world goes pro life

Because most nations have long been flooded with foreign pack, and they are not allowed to abort.

Population exchange, or why is the law coming now after hundreds of millions of white children have been aborted?

Where the population was almost exclusively white, abortion was made easy, now that everyone is flooded with foreigners, it is made difficult.

Think about it.

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d383ea  No.17753458

File: d0507bbbfd08427⋯.jpg (20.12 KB, 1099x646, 1099:646, oAYENlO.jpg)


>The machines are connected to the internet

They had to…

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60c67c  No.17753461

File: a0dfc31f1a17867⋯.jpg (22.01 KB, 1074x891, 358:297, 0KREHf.jpg)


I doubt he tweeted also, but it's daytime where he is.

He's in Europe

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ce2a98  No.17753464

File: df91e54fbcdc30f⋯.jpg (26.75 KB, 724x519, 724:519, GQCmlgjkss7.jpg)



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d8c9f8  No.17753465

File: 5981c556ec77b50⋯.jpg (39.6 KB, 777x1379, 111:197, eXs6atuC.jpg)


Yep ok, obviously you never listened to his speeches, not rallies. I dont trust you clown

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220597  No.17753469

File: 5c56a8843ec3e78⋯.jpg (22.88 KB, 1245x734, 1245:734, 4uHu5eTqGzjJa.jpg)


KanekoaTheGreat, [17.06.22 16:24]

[ Album ]

Truth Social:





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e3d535  No.17753471

File: 20625fb3d08e474⋯.jpg (36.6 KB, 847x1153, 847:1153, dyadpzB.jpg)


Jokes on them. Let's keep it that way, eh?

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7cfc81  No.17753479

File: 5db6a21970e6ec5⋯.jpg (68.01 KB, 1178x1228, 589:614, VgtwX2.jpg)



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2672dd  No.17753481

File: a44353186039c39⋯.jpg (38.1 KB, 896x1162, 64:83, dVaAIfTwwdbHjS.jpg)



USA is a colony of UK/Roths

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26a3e3  No.17753482

File: 29075c5934c2a9b⋯.jpg (42.49 KB, 979x1357, 979:1357, QxUYu6ob3t7.jpg)


>And women

Male children are being erased!

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85cdeb  No.17753484

File: 4d3e42826c796a8⋯.jpg (36.12 KB, 833x1175, 833:1175, yF9aQ2L.jpg)


Gun Violence in the hood drop?

>Won't hear about this outside off local news today. Watch.

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479e05  No.17753487

File: 40f9f289877e64f⋯.jpg (38.61 KB, 798x1355, 798:1355, fZPR0Owv.jpg)


Exposure. A lot of mainstream republicans still watch

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f16012  No.17753488

File: bf4a4f8aed2159a⋯.jpg (22.61 KB, 1046x1028, 523:514, QziGWJ.jpg)

an someone explain the interaction between Erdogan and Johnson ?

what was that about? Erdogan stare chilled Johnson

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08bec5  No.17753489

File: c5d977f07d22156⋯.jpg (21.97 KB, 1207x721, 1207:721, W373CA6.jpg)



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840a73  No.17753491

File: adb697f0a6f7c20⋯.jpg (19.88 KB, 994x941, 994:941, 83sZzd.jpg)



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ef8612  No.17753493

File: ff07b894942a1ba⋯.jpg (15.76 KB, 1098x633, 366:211, rqw5U9T.jpg)


too busy eating baby livers

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7bfb85  No.17753497

File: c5616298a3aee3c⋯.jpg (19.01 KB, 1184x672, 37:21, e59U2sGKHl.jpg)


yes, "Qanon" is dropping posts.

Q last posted here

Wednesday 06.29.2022


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caa43b  No.17753501

File: 229ababd3ad3d6b⋯.jpg (22.03 KB, 1040x1032, 130:129, 4fxIrbBZqT76.jpg)



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4cdb05  No.17753503

File: 11225518f176ff6⋯.jpg (80.32 KB, 1286x1420, 643:710, 7But4gwN5F98.jpg)

he way the 2nd Amendment is written

means that citizen's right to have possession of weaponry

is beyond discussion.

It also means that citizens should be

ready and trained with weaponry.

So if we do anything, it should be

to fund the training of all citizens in the use of weaponry.

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f05cb0  No.17753504

File: b7ee5c9b194221e⋯.jpg (25.58 KB, 724x501, 724:501, pvdKV6.jpg)

ittle KIDS Belong at PRIDE 👶 👶🏿 🍼


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dc179a  No.17753507

File: e97313d1ae1a5ed⋯.jpg (17.87 KB, 1134x547, 1134:547, zeyhnyQNFWc.jpg)


ty, fren.

I hate lies.

Therefore I hate the 'Jews', our Khazarian/Askenazi overlords…

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d3f320  No.17753511

File: 063e8b0cc947aad⋯.jpg (23.35 KB, 1157x1100, 1157:1100, M5AiJIvKoW.jpg)

Backward ass rural conservative" here!

So excited to finally see this 'threat.' Been waiting 5+ years for a BLM/Antifa bus to come rolling down my country road!

Let me give you little shitass commies a tip!

100 of you won't be near enough! Better get more buses! :)

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dc2cef  No.17753513

File: 64dce81d36539a7⋯.jpg (41.69 KB, 967x1253, 967:1253, N9rcgpck8KHa.jpg)

on't let house-dog down

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bdac41  No.17753516

File: fc790777bb28db7⋯.jpg (70.38 KB, 1156x1366, 578:683, cEeCusHzYkK.jpg)



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b747a0  No.17753517

File: 9471f216aea1a89⋯.jpg (20.38 KB, 1145x726, 1145:726, 2sGqJHwuO.jpg)


You sure about that.

Only thing I'm sure about is nothing on that TV tonight connects with reality.

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7def15  No.17753518

File: a24767756eb9676⋯.jpg (25.09 KB, 489x720, 163:240, NjOi03vT.jpg)


He is quiet today! Probably playing some golf.

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829364  No.17753520

File: 2e8ddb8560d9c39⋯.jpg (71.79 KB, 1178x1383, 1178:1383, aX8GaWqeclE6j.jpg)


At this point, I believe nothing but am ready for anything(except for what I don't know that I don't know)

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1cdaf2  No.17753521

File: 4300b0dff02f6d2⋯.jpg (23.16 KB, 1008x965, 1008:965, Ql2ISrIQUr.jpg)


of course this assumes water is available

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391be1  No.17753522

File: 8ed1dd9f3030a20⋯.jpg (24.89 KB, 653x730, 653:730, mJ3YDdvEu3BV.jpg)


Good. Their pizza is crap. Easy to make your own, especially if you buy a premade crust. Stick a few in your freezer for when time is short. There’s always a way to cut out the commercial items anons…do it and be so much happier and healthier!

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24d41a  No.17753523

File: c8f75d7ab1c2af3⋯.jpg (16.66 KB, 1051x665, 1051:665, X44viQb66rVw.jpg)


Color changing Id. Do it or STFU

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c6a6e1  No.17753525

File: 877d3414efe8e69⋯.jpg (42.36 KB, 957x1302, 319:434, lXOwImkO1bh.jpg)

=Google-sponsored 'family-friendly' Pride event boasts provocative performance by 'Hydrated Queer Kitties' and drag queen storytime for children==

A Google-sponsored Pride event in Texas marketed itself as a "free family-friendly celebration."

To celebrate Pride Month, the Rainbow on the Creek event was held on Saturday at the Moody Amphitheater at Waterloo Park in Austin.

"Rainbow on the Creek is a free family-friendly celebration that connects, educates, and celebrates Austin’s lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQIA+) community," the description of the even reads. "The celebration will include 25+ activations by LGBTQIA+ nonprofits and partners, a Queer BIPOC and Latinx artisan & craft market, gender-affirming care & sexual health resources, and many more activities for the whole family."

The Waterloo Greenway – which hosted the event – encouraged bringing "the whole family" to the Pride event.

"Families and children can spend the day exploring a variety of hands-on art and cultural learning activities including drag queen storytime, ‘Taste the Colors of the Rainbow’ with Mom & Pops All Natural Frozen Pops, a dance workshop with Dance Waterloo, Pride Family Portraits, and a Pride Parade in the Park," reads an Instagram from the official Waterloo Greenway Instagram account.


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30dad8  No.17753526

File: 8fb20cc8d987bcb⋯.jpg (74.95 KB, 1302x1290, 217:215, 64CRLRmM.jpg)

he Super Computer has spoken so the American have to decide if their children's future is complete garbage or not!

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a9c184  No.17753527

File: 00979927702629f⋯.jpg (25.84 KB, 628x604, 157:151, gHXAgOrx.jpg)


>Obama shared a picture of the two via Twitter and Instagram. Together they visited the National Museum of African American History and Culture of the renowned Smithsonian Institution.

>Merkel's office also confirmed the visit. »I can confirm that former Chancellor Dr. Merkel is currently in Washington, DC for after-hours political talks,” a spokeswoman said. Merkel has been in Washington since Monday and will return to Berlin on Thursday. No further details were given. Merkel had made it clear in the past that she wanted to travel a lot after her 16-year term in office - including to the USA .



Obummer and Merkel are holding back-channel meetings

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91a053  No.17753528

File: ae7df4aedd1ec5c⋯.jpg (17.64 KB, 961x556, 961:556, 1RGKwfR.jpg)


>a big wet kiss the kinda grandma used to give ya


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297e80  No.17753532

File: 689a5e18a18c398⋯.jpg (20.92 KB, 1040x941, 1040:941, 1mqcutEv.jpg)


>Jasme aka “ED1”

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1c4644  No.17753533

File: c4f002d1cc6c6f7⋯.jpg (36.81 KB, 864x1175, 864:1175, R5KoB4NRxs.jpg)



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55fc6c  No.17753534

File: 0fb2dbc39677863⋯.jpg (75.46 KB, 1302x1310, 651:655, l7O0U1.jpg)

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3f29e0  No.17753535

File: bd603e392a8a95a⋯.jpg (39.83 KB, 987x1215, 329:405, zGRb8z.jpg)

dventure 2: Epstein's Ears


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2c1d1c  No.17753538

File: c90a46df46014f0⋯.jpg (43.43 KB, 963x1285, 963:1285, xTSvzII7U1nt.jpg)

ven The House Judiciary Committee GOP was paying attention to the Depp vs. Heard trial!


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0c8590  No.17753539

File: 5d2d9d24a916b3f⋯.jpg (22.46 KB, 594x496, 297:248, wsRVId038p.jpg)


>"Vote blue no matter who"

Libtards would vote for Jeffrey Dahmer

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bbe629  No.17753540

File: 603a1aad3ba39ea⋯.jpg (19.3 KB, 1244x574, 622:287, vNKLwFtgo.jpg)



At the top.

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6e317f  No.17753541

File: 1f15b05bd8e333c⋯.jpg (22.81 KB, 1263x803, 1263:803, w4XtpqMXQ15Pk.jpg)


Why do you pedos keep presuming to believe that you can without self-contradiction post Jew owned media as a source of truth to support your claims about Jews?

Fucking groomer morons.

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ad18b7  No.17753542

File: a7a5795aef8db36⋯.jpg (17.01 KB, 1162x541, 1162:541, 8xcqe21BJl.jpg)


One that would be classified as "active"…I don't think so. Also not the first time an EQ has hit a location without being on an active fault.


It's not about "censoring" anything…it's discernment, faggot. Whether it's a legitimate anon or some shitbag troll. Sharing hope porn and wild assumptions does damage when you're supposedly trying to "awaken" normies.

Piss poor strategy when you're trying to win a war.

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ede272  No.17753544

File: 2c7a61f2e6bb422⋯.jpg (30.74 KB, 727x679, 727:679, w1ei0YaT5.jpg)


Gosh. I love pets so much. Too bad I can't have any since A Chinese restaurant opened down the street. Turns out a lot of home owners are missing they beloved pets.

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c96b3f  No.17753545

File: 984294f084b8e6e⋯.jpg (20.79 KB, 1181x692, 1181:692, IJjW1l4VKon3Vp.jpg)


Good one, anon

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03991c  No.17753546

File: f42f9278e69de41⋯.jpg (18.66 KB, 1140x571, 1140:571, FOEfuT7KFHxWg.jpg)


midnight prayers

Amen and god protect us from the ignorant !!

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46d324  No.17753548

File: 35de10932182149⋯.jpg (22.8 KB, 1191x797, 1191:797, W7Pwh0I5.jpg)




























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07d0ea  No.17753550

File: 06b67f688c6543a⋯.jpg (19.2 KB, 1042x930, 521:465, Hu2ympuASr2Mcf.jpg)

oly fuck, Pedo Joe! The demons are howling! Wild weekend coming up!!

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d7aade  No.17753553

File: 9750f477a2a6ed8⋯.jpg (44.5 KB, 1015x1274, 145:182, zEbsrJZG8.jpg)


Could be but not in this case. She qualified for opsec something or other and wiped out. Still has 10k for undergrad not forgiven.

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664db6  No.17753559

File: 3b53fbcb4710360⋯.jpg (25.18 KB, 662x527, 662:527, 6dtG3x.jpg)

ustin assuming the Position Before Klaus

Quebec has vaccinated over 1,500 people against monkeypox

Public health officials warn the 'entire population is susceptible' to the virus despite a low number of cases in the province.


MONTREAL (LifeSiteNews) — Quebec’s Health Department said Thursday that 1,622 people have already been vaccinated against monkeypox since the first cases were discovered in the province in late May.

The relatively large number of monkeypox vaccinations given to Quebecers comes after various public health officials in the nation warned that the entire population was at risk for contracting the rare virus despite the World Health Organization saying the illness only spreads through prolonged close contact “mainly but not exclusively” between “men who have sex with men.”

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da38b8  No.17753563

File: 1019af09a10f2ec⋯.jpg (72.81 KB, 1201x1355, 1201:1355, 3TcFn9C6Wsw.jpg)


created by the Feds


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1e6e78  No.17753564

File: e0e2534ff9b5208⋯.jpg (21.39 KB, 512x606, 256:303, Orpj8LtUocECO.jpg)


yes, it's definitely a sign of bone fide satanism.

Lara Logan learned from an insider whistleblower.

How many coincidences into this are we?

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907f09  No.17753566

File: 9c61cf1b869e03c⋯.jpg (21.22 KB, 995x1035, 199:207, iYFw40w.jpg)

=More people are avoiding the news, and trusting it less, report says==

A growing number of people are selectively avoiding important news stories such as the coronavirus pandemic, Russia's invasion of Ukraine, and the cost-of-living crisis, according to a report released on Tuesday.

While the majority of people surveyed consume news regularly, 38% said they often or sometimes avoid the news – up from 29% in 2017 – the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism said in its annual Digital News Report. Around 36% – particularly those under 35 – say that the news lowers their mood.

Trust in news is also declining, and is lowest in the United States. On average, 42% of people said they trust most news most of the time; that figure has fallen in almost half the countries in the report and risen in seven.

"Large numbers of people see the media as subject to undue political influence, and only a small minority believe most news organisations put what's best for society ahead of their own commercial interest," wrote Reuters Institute Director Rasmus Kleis Nielsen in the report, which is based on an online survey of 93,432 people, conducted in 46 markets.

Younger audiences are increasingly accessing the news via platforms such as TikTok, and have a weaker connection to news brands, the report found.

Each week 78% of 18- to 24-year-olds access news via aggregators, search engines and social media. Forty percent of that age group uses TikTok each week, with 15% saying they use it to find, discuss or share news.

The growth in the number of people who pay for online news may be leveling off, with a large proportion of digital subscriptions going to a few national brands. Across 20 countries where payment for news is widespread, 17% of survey respondents paid for any online news, the same figure as last year. Payment for local news varies across markets.

The Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism is funded by the Thomson Reuters Foundation, the philanthropic arm of Thomson Reuters (TRI.TO).


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6143e2  No.17753570

File: eaae70d184b43e3⋯.jpg (17.86 KB, 1173x945, 391:315, vOq9krb.jpg)

hy the fuck would anyone want to live in that shithole in the 1st place

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88fd2f  No.17753574

File: 9fcc070bf0df1f8⋯.jpg (40.33 KB, 978x1190, 489:595, ii9wA2ziUY.jpg)



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e178e1  No.17753575

File: 46ec3461b378def⋯.jpg (16.52 KB, 992x672, 31:21, Ri82gS1.jpg)


Deeper than HM.

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7a1110  No.17753579

File: 86a0e7f4d46600b⋯.jpg (23 KB, 502x638, 251:319, 4L5SEBYC.jpg)


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a9ab8e  No.17753582

File: 7cba4f87686acc7⋯.jpg (65.78 KB, 1083x1293, 361:431, tJmgSg6gNv.jpg)


>How would you verify that it's actually Qs and that it's not compromised?

because that name was visible to all global volunteers on 8kun

and many of them know what Q's name actually is

they would be able to corroberate Jims claim

>I trust Jim.

I dont trust a single source of information about anything anon

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9ed8dd  No.17753583

File: 7df6edea5f3ab68⋯.jpg (22.14 KB, 1207x780, 1207:780, Vo6O3ZncN.jpg)



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6be28c  No.17753584

File: d4af36cf758c7ae⋯.jpg (38.24 KB, 786x1363, 786:1363, qEvC3NT00QP.jpg)




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af1256  No.17753585

File: 25a5db54532f8fa⋯.jpg (24.05 KB, 1193x1116, 1193:1116, 9B3LBIc0nj.jpg)


>"controlled", as used, is highly questionable.

well I admit it's not as controlled as theY would've liked thanks to Trump & Q team, their "plan" was forced into an accelerated timeline theY were ill prepared for so we get the uber obvious moves being made daily now.

This, I guess is the "show" & tell portion of class.

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19002c  No.17753586

File: 9b0d01f1bfd8f9f⋯.jpg (38.88 KB, 865x1288, 865:1288, dYOhrGi17d2NS.jpg)


"A future president of the United States who worked for Pepsi-Cola was Richard Nixon. In 1962 Nixon was defeated for the governorship of the state of California. He felt that his political career was totally over. Nixon then hoped that he could obtain employment as a lawyer for Coca-Cola.

It was however Pepsi’s CEO (Chief Executive Officer), Don Kendall, who acted quickly and snatched up Nixon as a partner in the law office for Pepsi-Cola. This decision by Pepsi was influenced by the fact that Nixon had helped the company to introduce the Pepsi product brand to the Soviet Union (Vice President Nixon had personally convinced Nikita Khrushchev, USSR Premier, to try Pepsi)."

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d8c9f8  No.17753587

File: f5e25cbff680bf7⋯.jpg (70.19 KB, 1116x1432, 279:358, zi8kQnYI.jpg)

Full rainbow

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f527d0  No.17753589

File: b5d89092fc06367⋯.jpg (17.64 KB, 1051x533, 1051:533, 0FdD5WW.jpg)


>I post shit to have it on record somewhere in the Universe


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7303f1  No.17753590

File: d277f73117e59ab⋯.jpg (67.91 KB, 1168x1258, 584:629, Txl13rKQ0r9Y.jpg)


Shill saw a typo with cum and got super excited.

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233f5b  No.17753591

File: 61d799fa44983d7⋯.jpg (21.45 KB, 1108x929, 1108:929, HmRv6eigEXkZXq.jpg)

God we pray, bless ALL on the board and protect Our chilldren.

Anoint the planet and solar system with your holy spirit.

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f44884  No.17753592

File: ce6701a1105e1ac⋯.jpg (21.98 KB, 672x532, 24:19, dANVDDq.jpg)



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e8018d  No.17753593

File: 6d3236e67e6e705⋯.jpg (25.6 KB, 646x654, 323:327, j3WplYjKt4W.jpg)

launches from 3 SpaceX pads in less than 37 hours


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05041b  No.17753595

File: 1cd22a09f779a1a⋯.jpg (18.54 KB, 1158x582, 193:97, I53384RXyOmAV2.jpg)

CNSNews.com) - Rep. Kat Cammack (R-Fla.) said Tuesday that the way to address rising inflation is to curb government spending.

When asked why the Biden administration keeps referring to record high gas prices as Putin’s price hike, Cammack said, “Yes, it is 100% embarrassing. Do these people live in reality? Have they gone outside and filled up their gas tank? Oh, I'm sorry, Nancy Pelosi hasn't filled up gas tank in 40 years let alone Joe Biden.

“It's easy to make ridiculous statements that are completely devoid of reality when you are a limousine liberal who basically governs from the protection of armored vehicles and have a staff of people who do things for you, but out here in the real world Americans are facing 5,500-dollar a year increase, and that's the inflation tax,” she told Fox Business’ “Mornings with Maria Bartiromo.”

“That's what every day Americans are paying because of these disastrous policies, and do they not see the stock market crash yesterday? We are officially in a bear market. Crypto loss over 200 billion over the weekend. I mean, everything is down, what are they saying, it is embarrassing, and quite frankly it's getting dangerous,” the congresswoman said.

Cammack warned that the more the federal government spends, the less the American people get to keep their own money.

“Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result, 100 percent definition of insanity, but we know especially in Washington, D.C., common sense isn't common, and listen, I know I may only have a minor in economics, but economics 101: the more that government spends, the less we the people get to keep in our pockets and last year we saw Democrats spend upwards of $7 trillion,” she said.

“Did they think there would be no consequences for out-of-control spending? It's clear when you compound the supply chain crisis and bad policies coupled with this hyper aggressive Green New Deal agenda pushed by limousine liberals, that is going to result in clearly a recession, and everyday Americans - those that the left says that they stand up and fight for most - are the ones getting hit the hardest,” the congresswoman warned.


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5336dd  No.17753597

File: 28f084681b57ab8⋯.jpg (22.1 KB, 1103x661, 1103:661, rGgEMhwSD3Y.jpg)


why did cops leave their masks on?

This shit glows hard

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67ad11  No.17753600

File: 3026357587886ee⋯.jpg (40.57 KB, 996x1147, 996:1147, EtURJSthny7y.jpg)

=Alito was actually the one that wrote the majority opinion, he should get a ton of credit, but they are attacking Thomas. God Bless Alito, and all the rest of the SC to overturn Roe v Wade.Hell is mad as hell, thats when you know its a God thing==

But funny meme nonetheless


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fc6fdc  No.17753601

File: a37e8094bf06801⋯.jpg (21.5 KB, 1120x939, 1120:939, pFtFz6Mg2.jpg)


He also ignored first amendment


They don’t care

They fired people who didn’t get the jab, denied their religious exemption, didn’t pay unemployment because the city stated its misconduct

Bunch of crooks

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825963  No.17753604

File: 51264c1c599d7c5⋯.jpg (20.55 KB, 1183x624, 91:48, isUQ5yfXmfHcF6.jpg)


"It had to be this way" Why does it take normies so long to see the truth? Fake news, it's a hell of a drug

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86c561  No.17753605

File: a1936f8659c9026⋯.jpg (25.54 KB, 704x492, 176:123, JVuURMAa9BU.jpg)


muh takeaways

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763145  No.17753606

File: 1d08eebafebe9ce⋯.jpg (22.9 KB, 1244x741, 1244:741, SsvDmoom.jpg)


Remember: no one forces you participate in the satanic system that is currently in place.

The system will cease to exist as soon as enough people leave.

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6b0dc5  No.17753607

File: 76f4744933efbe4⋯.jpg (67.67 KB, 1087x1371, 1087:1371, ITpXDaHd.jpg)


"I don't care if it's unconstitutional! Do it til the courts strike it down, anyway!"

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d24cf8  No.17753609

File: 07256b01eedbb66⋯.jpg (20.92 KB, 1157x563, 1157:563, 85ld4hrcmx53w.jpg)


Isn’t there some law that prohibits that sort of transaction?!

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78177e  No.17753610

File: 55ceaf4e9c8cc29⋯.jpg (19.99 KB, 1045x680, 209:136, kkZRiYM2jXI.jpg)

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76c784  No.17753612

File: d465810f05e189e⋯.jpg (18.33 KB, 1151x570, 1151:570, PqMWFdgtjD.jpg)



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636c75  No.17753615

File: f9405ae73036048⋯.jpg (27.35 KB, 598x680, 299:340, nY1Yrpz4GqJ.jpg)

o…wait…the people that talk about questioning everything… don't want to question the inconsistencies and questionable nature of these TOR posts with and without Q's trip code?


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f4e9d0  No.17753616

File: 5e3b481404d7c56⋯.jpg (22.61 KB, 1190x743, 1190:743, jm8KHv5WHGhFR.jpg)


fuck you nigger lover

there are NINE supreme court justices

clarence is also a old school monsanto shill, so theres that

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7570fb  No.17753617

File: d24e55c5c93beb7⋯.jpg (19.63 KB, 1201x705, 1201:705, 4jKKT2bJodKc.jpg)

ociety, ready to fall.

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eecf9c  No.17753620

File: be2c80bfd994732⋯.jpg (21.22 KB, 1190x667, 1190:667, BT1EeCkQhwhZ.jpg)


HENRY ADAMS (Descendant of President John Adams), in a letter to John Hay, October 1895

"The Jewish question is really the most serious of our problems."

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4b2b2d  No.17753621

File: 22d80c84040dc8f⋯.jpg (21.46 KB, 1045x962, 1045:962, u8VSioE7bk9.jpg)


Reeeeeeeeeeee racist, kek

no one has any identity here,

anon is anon

learn the culture or complain !!!

so anon now knows you are lebanese,

well you have the deep state to blame for your problems like bush, blair and those who sold out your country to the globalist and killed your own citizens.

Why do you think anons are here.

not everyone here is from the usa.

we are world wide and doing this for your benefit, whether you like the process or not.

no gender, religion, sex or ethnicity bias.

you are easily triggered!!!


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a473d8  No.17753622

File: fb3f42c983ce788⋯.jpg (70.58 KB, 1137x1387, 1137:1387, 742zMLhL.jpg)

ost religions involve mind control, body mutilation, tithing, sacrifice…why?

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d6bae1  No.17753623

File: 17ea46592d52eda⋯.jpg (25.74 KB, 616x636, 154:159, s34FIAtc.jpg)


GOD vs nwo

Trump and Putin are his

As we all are

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ffdac0  No.17753625

File: c01df8aee4476ed⋯.jpg (75.67 KB, 1282x1380, 641:690, lCXIKNpIdWoB.jpg)


>President Trumps Full Speech


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ece68e  No.17753626

File: b0774de9256ab52⋯.jpg (72.93 KB, 1185x1339, 1185:1339, dhE3mZnIUoy.jpg)


Abortion on demand means fetal organs on demand.

Translate Tweet

Quote Tweet

Tom Fitton


· Feb 19, 2020

A catalog of horrors. Docs detail taxpayer funding of the organs of aborted human beings. These are the most disturbing FOIA docs I've seen in all my years @JudicialWatch. https://judicialwatch.org/press-releases/judicial-watch-obtains-records-detailing-nih-purchases-of-aborted-fetal-parts-for-humanized-mice-testing/

9:51 AM · Jun 21, 2022·Twitter Web App

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a4adbc  No.17753627

File: 6eb2159b6f1ae15⋯.jpg (24.14 KB, 621x640, 621:640, iE9O76Tj.jpg)


Trust the plan or don't. It's up to you.

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2ef22c  No.17753628

File: 40ac77b8f6987b9⋯.jpg (25.42 KB, 550x659, 550:659, vost9d.jpg)


>Well beat of luck to ya fella. Sorry you are missing someone. Sounds sucky.

It's been decades ago and I have been longing for her most of my life, really miss her yes!!!

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9d6072  No.17753630

File: a352e3f4ee7c8e7⋯.jpg (16.59 KB, 1209x563, 1209:563, fitnE0bXrF4op.jpg)


>where is President Trump right now? is he in the central time zone?

you can set your browser to any timezone you want to anon

just because that is the timezone displayed on the screenshot

doesnt mean that is the timezone of the physical location

but knowing Q

it could be his actualy physical location timezone

and it could be part of the proof

I am -literally- retarded over here

working through it just like you

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8ac4c0  No.17753632

File: d188d4310cd8d51⋯.jpg (38.07 KB, 806x1320, 403:660, eS06UwyNY.jpg)


Navarro broke whom?

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88f19a  No.17753633

File: fa9c9fc7210bcfa⋯.jpg (18.5 KB, 1114x745, 1114:745, KFU0EQSU7Fu.jpg)


KKE mar tard. Next step could be solid or kind of squishy.

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a20d69  No.17753634

File: 63956fd44748d7c⋯.jpg (20.44 KB, 1046x946, 523:473, rA8T18.jpg)


Our military?

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76e45e  No.17753637

File: a64d903b1fd79ec⋯.jpg (26.93 KB, 588x614, 294:307, VqqbREQy.jpg)


hivemind →


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e6539b  No.17753640

File: 76f2ea406684565⋯.jpg (73.71 KB, 1238x1330, 619:665, ieQd0iXZ3qy.jpg)


> recommit to finishing the job.

Sounds like an arkancide call.

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7a1110  No.17753641

File: 2013cee85585a8e⋯.jpg (22.07 KB, 1141x684, 1141:684, S4EHCT.jpg)


>and soon, will be Killing you.

I'll be waiting.

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ed9337  No.17753643

File: 48873ce8208f624⋯.jpg (21.71 KB, 1031x935, 1031:935, cw1Aet6lQ.jpg)



What a blunderbuss of misguided words.

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c1978f  No.17753645

File: ae5690b3d3af632⋯.jpg (17.18 KB, 1038x586, 519:293, fDzCmd.jpg)


I worked through December 2002 like a dog. I worked with three fact-checkers, the magazine’s lawyer; I sifted through everything Epstein threw at me and defused it. We were getting ready to go to press. And then the bullet came. “Graydon’s taking out the women from the piece,” Doug Stumpf, my editor, told me.

I began to cry. It was so wrong. The family had been so brave. I thought about the mother, her fear of the dark, of the harm she feared might come to her daughters. And then I thought of all the rich, powerful men in suits ready to talk about Epstein’s “great mind.”

“Why?” I asked Graydon. “He’s sensitive about the young women” was his answer. “And we still get to run most of the piece.”

Many years later I know that Graydon made the call that seemed right to him then—and though the episode still deeply rankles me I don’t blame him. He sits in different shoes from me; editors are faced with these sorts of decisions all the time, and disaster can strike if they don’t err on the side of caution.

It came down to my sources’ word against Epstein’s… and at the time Graydon believed Epstein. In my notebook I have him saying, “I believe him… I’m Canadian.”

Today, my editor at The Daily Beast emailed Graydon to ask why he had excised the women’s stories from my article. A Vanity Fair spokeswoman responded: “Epstein denied the charges at the time and since the claims were unsubstantiated and no criminal investigation had been initiated, we decided not to include them in what was a financial story.” ..

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a04f7f  No.17753647

File: 544a90cc036f6f8⋯.jpg (20.19 KB, 1095x652, 1095:652, UlUk4NljV.jpg)


matter at hand is sheriff is right and protecting the people of his county against a sham police force my opinion anyway should be every ones also my opinion

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cc7604  No.17753649

File: 21bc2dbf5fe554b⋯.jpg (25.66 KB, 584x654, 292:327, GXVM0Gqt.jpg)


>God bless

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e28b7c  No.17753650

File: ed04cc004c06be2⋯.jpg (17.59 KB, 1081x560, 1081:560, Z3vJBTSYTrOY.jpg)


I propose Q uses the military and use violence to solve our problems.

Take over the whole lying press, execute the entire ownership and executive teams, make the current trusted talking heads explain the truth to the lemmings. then replace them over time and execute them after.

All doctors who know it's bad should be shot not arrested.

A significant number of my distant family are likely to die from the vax. their only crime was trusting the jews and their own government.

No tolerance for evil. destroy it.

This is all going to spiral out of control quickly when the wrong peoples families start dropping.

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dfe6f3  No.17753651

File: 88cc1ff2856bf97⋯.jpg (70.54 KB, 1247x1262, 1247:1262, ieD4pXqwlrU.jpg)


Warning ⚠️ and filter

Please, no pedo naked kid art or porn.

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5adf0d  No.17753653

File: ca23a674eec5bae⋯.jpg (19.06 KB, 1156x570, 578:285, ya2chHjePTTsj.jpg)


Anon, you don't need the tracking stuff after the (and including the ?)



To get the TikTok video, you can right click and save as an .mp4 to your device when you're on the video page, which can then be posted here if you wish.

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76a30a  No.17753657

File: d459e647a446490⋯.jpg (17 KB, 1115x521, 1115:521, GXBKco97MAh.jpg)



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f35660  No.17753659

File: edac4ac616fe611⋯.jpg (18.83 KB, 1130x509, 1130:509, s8EejSOGf.jpg)


Welcome aboard.

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6789c5  No.17753661

File: feb2c93a8402bef⋯.jpg (69.16 KB, 1222x1252, 611:626, CBKeBg7x.jpg)



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87519f  No.17753662

File: 753d4f5d380dc81⋯.jpg (74.68 KB, 1281x1277, 1281:1277, Gpkt8DRA.jpg)


>another California "Speaker of the House"

I might have this the mirror opposite of what I'm tryin to say, but I think we get the idea.

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e4116f  No.17753667

File: 4b47d7817fd9ff6⋯.jpg (18.79 KB, 1003x711, 1003:711, XdxieyHxzkQ6ME.jpg)


Their rear of the auto, was definitely gassy, as the plastic bags gave way, hope there weren't any smokers.

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bbdab8  No.17753669

File: c4cc567b5cebc00⋯.jpg (40.07 KB, 917x1253, 131:179, cYvxZklNQbohX.jpg)


Side by side graphic for dissemination

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93b04a  No.17753670

File: 7f54d0f0a291eb2⋯.jpg (19.49 KB, 488x526, 244:263, a9ckCNmP.jpg)

hese Mason cops are trying to incite a race war.

That explains all the racist shit in here, they are pushing from all sides trying to get people Emotional.


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7c126f  No.17753673

File: 49b6410db78f199⋯.jpg (38.32 KB, 834x1131, 278:377, TuLqPE.jpg)


Focus on the collective instead of individual responsibility? Lol you commie faggots make this shit too easy.

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fef372  No.17753677

File: 9aa69eb8f91cd7d⋯.jpg (25.13 KB, 675x562, 675:562, Tm0U5k9Pl54r.jpg)


Can any anon get a hi rez on her background schitt? Bookshelves & pics

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5cd11a  No.17753683

File: 4a96955176280d3⋯.jpg (68.1 KB, 1135x1355, 227:271, sNVKkWwXDb.jpg)


Math on that date points to today. no coincidences.

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7905ee  No.17753684

File: 32e738822595085⋯.jpg (20.87 KB, 1019x931, 1019:931, BUlGMaJnOq.jpg)


move somewhere there's lots of white trash and maybe you'll see we're all just human

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47ecc3  No.17753685

File: 7bc32c84561f5af⋯.jpg (72.69 KB, 1191x1392, 397:464, eWksIP1Ep.jpg)



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9a34ce  No.17753693

File: bc9192986c659e7⋯.jpg (30.09 KB, 717x683, 717:683, ufnhmve1q4p.jpg)


Boy your sure convincing me to trust the plan.

Moving you to the CULT column.

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99f24a  No.17753694

File: 5efac931e3c9ffe⋯.jpg (22.6 KB, 495x614, 495:614, 41dYBgOQq.jpg)


Because Q would have confirmed it with his trip as he did in the past. That's fake Q (a.k.a. shill). This has been already been discussed and resoled here.

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673095  No.17753703

File: 41a68422669ab9f⋯.jpg (44.05 KB, 1008x1338, 168:223, d89ZovY0bE.jpg)


I wouldn't think to much into the ID anon.

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cc9955  No.17753705

File: f5c41769569d479⋯.jpg (23.01 KB, 1237x775, 1237:775, dKt1tSpvVICb.jpg)


with whom?

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aeba2f  No.17753713

File: f6e2af06dd3ff1f⋯.jpg (22.15 KB, 1189x999, 1189:999, SiykSyrrNBJGr.jpg)


fuck off dirty fucking mormon cult faggot

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a8cd09  No.17753714

File: 9d9a2461634b684⋯.jpg (76.63 KB, 1326x1343, 78:79, 4GEkNBRocveK.jpg)

alse Flag Everyone

Back to the Party

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2de6d2  No.17753717

File: c18a4c59738425d⋯.jpg (17.29 KB, 1077x974, 1077:974, Hhs2IVuFn2.jpg)



baker needs confirmation if below dough is correct.


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af3272  No.17753718

File: ef2710139b79394⋯.jpg (24.05 KB, 582x675, 194:225, N0vD3xWuJTt.jpg)

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cd3299  No.17753719

File: 4677914c312cbed⋯.jpg (21.8 KB, 1265x659, 1265:659, 8i84blK.jpg)


none of the six iAero tail #'s I have

They need to get better shots of the tail #'s

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c32638  No.17753720

File: b0c3a2518a9e822⋯.jpg (17.46 KB, 1062x590, 9:5, V6qaXM.jpg)


Chodemonkey is a fame chasing faggot.

Made his money off of HBO.

Now making money scamming donations off the Q teat to run for office.

Gonna flop harder than commie Lebron on the court.

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9435d3  No.17753724

File: f76e0991ef750a8⋯.jpg (17.4 KB, 983x671, 983:671, NUvTrfJ0Hf.jpg)


Reddit misses you.

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d403d9  No.17753726

File: baca506531d7d2e⋯.jpg (18.2 KB, 1204x504, 43:18, buJmKIvlVIIFI.jpg)


o7 Agreed. Today is the first time I’ve thought that Dowd should get security. No way the powers that be allow him to continue basing the entirety of alternative media with truth bombs. May the Most High God protect him.

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fb9b72  No.17753728

File: f3fc84bbba1e141⋯.jpg (18.29 KB, 1024x551, 1024:551, QoWokyJO.jpg)






I Lost where it mattered

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20d530  No.17753729

File: f3761783c1483d6⋯.jpg (23.79 KB, 1122x1090, 561:545, D4kUguxPZTGvdG.jpg)


The fake news reporter said she read his statement. Then she asked him a question which was addressed in the statement she claimed she read. He said: you read it, tell us the answer to your question. She annswered: No, I asked the question because I want you to say the words. Peter gave her another chance, then went to another.

Anon would like to see more of that. People being interviewed asking the reporter doing the interviewing a question like: Did you hear what I just said? When he/she says yes then ask him/her: what did I say? Prove to the viewers that the reporter isn't listening to a word you're saying.

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4c14b2  No.17753730

File: 563bbf342793002⋯.jpg (39.45 KB, 984x1159, 984:1159, mbO3Iv.jpg)

ig is ignoaring anon


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75a831  No.17753731

File: 592b2c9e0ced2d3⋯.jpg (40.33 KB, 799x1351, 799:1351, GBMwVP5PEIZ.jpg)


love this

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da52d9  No.17753732

File: 7c36ca26cd97312⋯.jpg (22.51 KB, 1239x672, 59:32, Ig9pEwpVLuszDv.jpg)


In other words Grassley said it grew 17 inches this week…the week of next Q post.

Q's all over city names, events, number sums, i mean this is becoming more than a coincidence. Not to mention rally words not gonna take it, quick ending because of storm, etc. Just sayin

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acd149  No.17753734

File: 34082215b054eb1⋯.jpg (37.58 KB, 911x1163, 911:1163, EHoadtGP.jpg)

Things were seen.


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f579ec  No.17753735

File: de9706ed567ff4b⋯.jpg (19.42 KB, 1194x535, 1194:535, bpm9sIhDI.jpg)


It has turned into a money making racket like everything else.

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b0590c  No.17753736

File: 2768f82256b3882⋯.jpg (40.85 KB, 927x1213, 927:1213, JUWqL7hBuVaq1.jpg)


Oops sorry Baker

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8b5982  No.17753737

File: 740c73dec6747cc⋯.jpg (37.08 KB, 811x1340, 811:1340, 8I4sx6wpC798c.jpg)


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5114bd  No.17753738

File: 3a2e3d783971b92⋯.jpg (22.05 KB, 1162x619, 1162:619, tdUyIuA.jpg)



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52fde9  No.17753742

File: 038dbc459c8a0a5⋯.jpg (26.34 KB, 524x706, 262:353, b6KBI8UazvH.jpg)


Great Irish Famine of 1845

Probably biological warfare of its day.

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a857f5  No.17753745

File: 819905c48d889a7⋯.jpg (18.02 KB, 1227x568, 1227:568, zdxsZLEgDdQo.jpg)



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a4a628  No.17753746

File: 0e59ceee7c08c8b⋯.jpg (70.84 KB, 1121x1430, 1121:1430, szdMB93TZ.jpg)


The $100 Billion Dollar Ingredient making your Food Toxic

0:00 - The Switcheroo

1:52 - History of Vegetable Oils

3:50 - Enter the American Heart Association

5:27 - The Massive Increase in Vegetable Oil Consumption

6:06 - Is Vegetable Oil Bad or Benign?

6:55 - Why do some animals live longer than others?

7:51 - Vegetable Oil is stays in your body for years

9:11 - Hidden Data

12:08 - Vegetable Oils are in EVERYTHING

13:07 - Why Vegetable Oils are bad for Health

15:04 - The Toxic Oxidation Products

16:28 - How Vegetable Oils are made

18:33 - Are Vegetable Oils linked to Alzheimer’s?

20:06 - Mitochondria, The Powerhouse of the Cell

24:35 - Most Studies on Vegetable Oils aren’t long enough

26:04 - Why aren’t more people talking about this?

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b3ff99  No.17753748

File: 64a9c8bad701452⋯.jpg (69.73 KB, 1083x1471, 1083:1471, EjDfhL6d.jpg)



as in really fukin notable

next up, Fauci on a ventilator

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f021be  No.17753750

File: 027498de83cb399⋯.jpg (17.7 KB, 1013x535, 1013:535, SE44zxS0YxG.jpg)



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1a11c6  No.17753751

File: a549e4a06b3a67a⋯.jpg (22.18 KB, 1085x1081, 1085:1081, nAqrRFylJ9.jpg)


bakir is numberfag

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