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File: 11beb3c60bc788a⋯.jpeg (222.17 KB, 750x742, 375:371, C66246EA_1D24_4271_A4EF_7….jpeg)

9579d0  No.17637731 [Last 50 Posts]

Tired of groomers? Get some stickers!

Tired of groomers? Get some stickers!

Tired of groomers? Get some stickers!


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9579d0  No.17637735


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9579d0  No.17637736

File: 88738b2adbc4916⋯.jpeg (228.62 KB, 750x786, 125:131, 8395815A_6885_4F1B_BAB7_9….jpeg)


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1ab4c7  No.17637852


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fa7581  No.17638318

File: ca59777832c0d0e⋯.jpg (832.25 KB, 1080x1896, 45:79, Screenshot_20221006_112412….jpg)

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feab08  No.17639331

File: 2f1c7770fadbb14⋯.jpg (31.6 KB, 1126x752, 563:376, 65t984wg7354w.jpg)

necromacer juw pedo shares HOm00 for daddy's incest lies

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60ef27  No.17639350

File: c6bd5f2bb590e90⋯.jpg (30.47 KB, 986x923, 986:923, a86vq93dgvc5x0.jpg)

Look for it and you can see it, they are trying to push a race war

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ee42d5  No.17639369

File: 50c168f1ae05b1f⋯.jpg (25.05 KB, 965x630, 193:126, 0pnz0062u.jpg)


Qewl ain't it?


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de7fec  No.17639370

File: 3230b2597e46071⋯.jpg (28.35 KB, 1141x644, 163:92, xp75q2q9h078.jpg)


Anon parents, now is the time to get your ducks in a row and find a homeschooling parent to mentor you.

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972391  No.17639375

File: 937b6a981e56d96⋯.jpg (29.47 KB, 979x928, 979:928, uricewoh8xdzln.jpg)


June is dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The culture trying to control the branding is the tares Jesus spoke of. They end up in the furnace.

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994093  No.17639376

File: ed10c5a3ea123d5⋯.jpg (34.56 KB, 1191x782, 1191:782, u4whc7mdl.jpg)


^^^. Khazarian Mafia in the house

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6e46a4  No.17639378

File: 5f20c6f901c2b24⋯.jpg (30.85 KB, 1069x721, 1069:721, 1wc6lj.jpg)

If Pence doesn't stand up and speak TONIGHT and tell the American people that the Jan 6 committee lied about everything that was said about him today then the poor bastard has bit off more than he can chew. All the witnesses today talked how he's a Man of God. All the witnesses went to his residence on the morning of the 6th and brought their Bibles with them. The first thing they did was pray. It was a staff member of Pence who made the prayer. it wasn't Mike'''. Then the 2 witnesses who were with Mike that day, pulled out (or maybe they have the Bible memorized, they didn't say). One quoted from the Book of Daniel about when Daniel spoke the truth to the King. (ain't even going to try to spell his name, it's long and starts with an N).

Talking about taking the Name of the Lord in vain? This may be the biggest anon has ever seen. Pretending he's a Godly man, being a part of the swamp, (doing evil things without measure?) hating a good man with a passion and using the Name of God to bear false witness on that good man, to remove that good man and the good people of our country who support him? Don't believe Mike's taking this sin to his grave without punishment.

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005c05  No.17639387

File: 7ca7c6a37f6441e⋯.jpg (35.1 KB, 1162x1009, 1162:1009, dfm2fy1nlq3fmw.jpg)

NYPD exodus: Police on pace to quit, retire in record numbers

<June 11, 2022


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3125a3  No.17639388

File: de732187d5dcf22⋯.jpg (41.39 KB, 665x631, 665:631, eh2rxuvzsrz.jpg)



Who Is Yuval Noah Harari?

Yuval Noah Harari is a lead advisor for Klaus Schwab. Klaus Schwab is the author of COVID-19 / The Great Reset and the founder of The World Economic Forum. Klaus Schwab and the likes of Obama, Zuckerberg and Bill Gates.

Chilling 5 minutes of

What do we do with the useless people

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de9acc  No.17639389

File: 98d783885e0ecfd⋯.jpg (33.7 KB, 1180x938, 590:469, oi2hglo5a7.jpg)


Why share bullshit? This is a Truth movement.

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32f048  No.17639407

File: c5d15691e76b155⋯.jpg (25.52 KB, 1125x584, 1125:584, utkjci01.jpg)


Thank you for your service


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6b3694  No.17639414

File: 2fdee33d70a5625⋯.jpg (32 KB, 1013x986, 1013:986, 2nmxb1zz.jpg)

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671d5e  No.17639418

File: eb93eb68af7ce2e⋯.jpg (41.57 KB, 670x613, 670:613, dblntyk.jpg)




makes sense, considering "live" events…


AKRON Streaming cont…

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de7fec  No.17639433

File: 788011f7656a228⋯.jpg (36 KB, 1198x804, 599:402, rp9o8wc9h.jpg)

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c4204d  No.17639436

File: 7296b2ddfb9bf78⋯.jpg (26.29 KB, 1077x674, 1077:674, apbu5zo.jpg)



Even liberals can’t stand Whoopi Goldberg as fans of “The View” are beginning to speak out.

Goldberg has become “exponentially worse this season” as fans say she’s “out of touch” and repeatedly curses and interrupts other people.

“Fans of the show have called for the producers to have a casting rearrangement after the popular show has faced a series of blunders recently,” Daily Mail reported.

After a recent segment, one fan commented how “Whoopi and Sunny’s foul language was a bit much today.”

“Someone needs to start pushing back on Whoopi,” another person said. “I have a feeling someone will not let her interject one day which will cause Whoopi to go full-on nuts honestly.”

“She has gotten exponentially worse this season so I hope next time contract negotiations are up it’s time to go, or work less days,” the person added.

A third person explained, “I have no idea what ABC thinks is happening here. They take several women, with no real credibility and let them mouth off day after day and they’re surprised that one day someone says something stupid?”

“Completely agree about Whoopi,” another person said. “She shuts down any opinion she doesn’t agree with,’ another chimed while a fifth slammed: ‘So out of touch.'”

Earlier this year, Goldberg ignorantly and repeatedly claimed on cable television that “the Holocaust isn’t about race.”

Goldberg was humiliated that she almost resigned over the issue. ABC News president Kim Godwin only suspended her two weeks “for her wrong and hurtful comments.”

“Her ego has been hurt, and she’s telling people she’s going to quit,” the source said. “Suspension from ‘The View’ is like getting suspended from Bravo. The bar is very low.”

Known for her far-left politics, Goldberg pushed a false and disturbing lie about the Holocaust by claiming it “was not about race,” adding that it was “two white groups of people.”

Insiders at Disney, which owns ABC, were reportedly furious over the remarks. Executives claimed this controversy will not simply “blow over.”

“ABC staffers and Disney Network execs are saying Whoopi went way too far. And board members are not happy with her apology and want a fuller retraction. The word is that Whoopi is in ‘deep s–t,’” the ABC insider said.

“Why does Whoopi seemingly get a pass when others don’t? Perhaps this time she won’t. Many at the network — including her fellow hosts — believe Whoopi is too controversial now for the show,” the ABC insider continued.

“This will cast a shadow over everything for a while. Even Joy Behar was heard saying backstage that Whoopi is ‘dead wrong’ and may not ever recover from this,” the source said. “Joy found this particularly troubling and couldn’t believe Whoopi wouldn’t stand corrected until she was forced.”

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994093  No.17639439

File: 079de15c2ada71d⋯.jpg (31.54 KB, 1081x739, 1081:739, ni66xg99lt.jpg)


fuck off fairyfag

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bb28d3  No.17639450

File: 883698e9f9504af⋯.jpg (29.77 KB, 1081x725, 1081:725, vay5d89wptxe.jpg)


>Demand? You must be part of the everyone gets a trophy generation.

can you explain the"tippy top"reference for me, oldfag?

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b159f3  No.17639452

File: be772c2822ee679⋯.jpg (23.14 KB, 974x688, 487:344, 54iqrz2.jpg)




holy sheeit

last bread notable and pastebin on q drop.











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cd80f9  No.17639455

File: feafb352b5c8366⋯.jpg (28.66 KB, 1119x594, 373:198, tfmitvoqunum.jpg)


Having a good time on my end, may you be kekking as well!

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89fa91  No.17639471

File: ef34876b2e570f8⋯.jpg (31.51 KB, 1191x666, 397:222, pw5gjpmho3c9gb.jpg)

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34a958  No.17639479

File: 0be743fd0213667⋯.jpg (35.18 KB, 583x557, 583:557, xi6hcufb7.jpg)


She was on 4 days ago. They had her on again?

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172454  No.17639522

File: d58005b3506ba63⋯.jpg (31.9 KB, 1104x913, 1104:913, jyz39wci1ahse.jpg)


Let me see your bung hole.

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2bdfe2  No.17639712

File: 5b1aa53bb901542⋯.jpg (24.94 KB, 1198x512, 599:256, 6wuio4.jpg)





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31514b  No.17639750

File: 199697e9b3f2049⋯.jpg (28.12 KB, 1054x697, 62:41, iwwuk8qpezm91.jpg)


Well, who do you think you work for?

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31514b  No.17639771

File: 4ad25ff0442ba91⋯.jpg (28.73 KB, 1177x567, 1177:567, cbcov06j7.jpg)


muh quantum grammar bullshit

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d14d12  No.17639782

File: 45e6c9e750d0d14⋯.jpg (30.07 KB, 1092x634, 546:317, nzdqok6ow98z.jpg)


Quit playing both sides tranny boy. They only like you because you remind them of a woman not because you are one.

Which you will Never be

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ff941d  No.17639835

File: 5bd014aed96d3a0⋯.jpg (33.67 KB, 1214x708, 607:354, wgai8o1kc.jpg)

Trump-Endorsed Candidates Remain on Fire After Going Perfect 12-0 in Tuesday’s Primaries


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ffad07  No.17639853

File: c826ca983a1f830⋯.jpg (33.31 KB, 626x501, 626:501, q3911wppzfe.jpg)

Boots on the Ground…July 1st…Collapse across the whole economy.


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c18e2d  No.17639882

File: c50dda21d08203a⋯.jpg (28.81 KB, 1088x610, 544:305, zgm1y44ro.jpg)


>We have armed Taiwan to the teeth.

I don't doubt is selling arms is profitable business.


take a peek at ukraine & the whole world shipped most of their pantry stock to them.

putin used the arms as target practice.

so when taiwan runs out of ammo (chyna has a lot) what then?

like I said could get bloody, but at end of day HK lost, so will taiwan.

winners are MIC

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a6f034  No.17639902

File: 8168eaade2cf347⋯.jpg (34.5 KB, 495x658, 495:658, o8th5yp52f5.jpg)


Chekt newfag can't into notables

Notables Posts On Qresearch have the following


B. Main points

C. Links/sauce

D. Pics/Screenshot or embeded video

E. Links to Q posts or digs (if applicable)

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2bdfe2  No.17639914

File: c38dd9e45e16535⋯.jpg (33.45 KB, 998x1074, 499:537, zn2pqdo.jpg)



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c18e2d  No.17639915

File: 3ca39f5b38de018⋯.jpg (34.72 KB, 676x496, 169:124, rrf7slmj8q.jpg)


Probably built up guilt for knowing they do the Nazis bidding.

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e77cff  No.17639931

File: 407fbc5d75ddf22⋯.jpg (25.4 KB, 962x630, 481:315, j6arqd6j.jpg)


Putin's War.

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ec7d3a  No.17639971

File: acd8687e28696ac⋯.jpg (34.71 KB, 1023x1064, 1023:1064, u5ye2zda3.jpg)

70 staffers "supposively" run Joe's social media per Morgan Ortagus on Fox just now. I don't believe that shit at all.

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31514b  No.17639993

File: f011119690e4714⋯.jpg (30.51 KB, 1195x637, 1195:637, h1mja1fle.jpg)


they're everywhere

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c18e2d  No.17640045

File: 20217e03544032f⋯.jpg (28.67 KB, 1173x573, 391:191, nueh02.jpg)


fuUuUuUUck YOU! Pain this pain that. Does it need to be pointed out you F-ing tards.

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a48bd1  No.17640079

File: 2f861f1317646c7⋯.jpg (25.81 KB, 1139x586, 1139:586, w6vx2z7q0i0.jpg)


This is constitutionally correct. The 2nd amendment only puts limits ongovernmentnot on the people.

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c18e2d  No.17640081

File: 6fe676b1297fa58⋯.jpg (32.28 KB, 1141x748, 1141:748, owzuguiyr.jpg)



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a48bd1  No.17640122

File: 793e81946bb7604⋯.jpg (34.47 KB, 1039x1056, 1039:1056, ee90ykm3ph.jpg)

🎵 “What you want? Baby I got it!” 🎵– an Acquisition Manager.

These Guardians work with test units to create warlike capabilities that might not exist. Also, they oversee all aspects to ensure the necessary equipment gets to our Guardians.


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3ffe7c  No.17640151

File: dcc1c8793b92694⋯.jpg (39.57 KB, 580x672, 145:168, tik3j7l7.jpg)


the show must go on

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77a3e9  No.17640163

File: e651e4fdf1dfedb⋯.jpg (24.71 KB, 1012x568, 253:142, twd40e6nttesk2.jpg)

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c18e2d  No.17640165

File: 04daaaca5240e58⋯.jpg (32.79 KB, 1196x739, 1196:739, gue41e1a9av.jpg)


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c95eef  No.17640245

File: 2f24aa366804e18⋯.jpg (36.53 KB, 1214x1130, 607:565, aeadht.jpg)

List of Live Streams…

Will try to post as many as I can…


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2bdfe2  No.17640264

File: 0f06f8bb20af632⋯.jpg (37.02 KB, 1150x1088, 575:544, 9ewj5k0t.jpg)

To be blunt,


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314c53  No.17640265

File: e6f6c40d697f8d4⋯.jpg (34.93 KB, 1224x759, 408:253, d2572s2rx0hqs.jpg)











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616d8e  No.17640294

File: fc41e2933f49c2a⋯.jpg (35.17 KB, 1159x1002, 1159:1002, 7afy945yhy.jpg)


I voted for Romney because he is Repub. and because there was no way I was going to vote for 0bango. It bothered me though that Romney is Mormon. So the choice in 2012 was to vote for a Muslim or a Mormon. Not much of a choice.

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d14d12  No.17640297

File: 1fceec15cdc03f8⋯.jpg (35.62 KB, 1282x768, 641:384, 04ukwb0xjy8.jpg)


blue collar man….before DeYoung sold the band out with Babe

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4a088c  No.17640346

File: cc4920a1c30c2e9⋯.jpg (33.31 KB, 1077x971, 1077:971, 890j3y4uykb6.jpg)


what about "rein" ?

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c18e2d  No.17640363

File: 993856fec8c0423⋯.jpg (31.1 KB, 1179x754, 1179:754, v0zehlz1gagv.jpg)


This “feeling” that anon has, the dejected, nothing’s ever gonna happen, etc. is normal.

I’ve said and felt this way over the past couple years, yet I’m still here!


Because this place is the ONLY place you can get news stories dissected within minutes/hours of the story being posted. The truth gets “shaken” out of the headlines here!

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e4a1a4  No.17640378

File: 7c7d8a8d05b3fcd⋯.jpg (24.97 KB, 961x640, 961:640, 3xefzt48igh63.jpg)





Triple A rating is what the credit agencies give to banks so they can keep borrowing even though they have bad accounts, J.P Morgan and the banksters inflitrated those, financed them and used them to keep getting those triple a rating so they could borrow trillions of dollars and use it for nefarious investing and money laundering.

anon did a massive dig on this.

will try to find in Qresear.ch


Q Research General #22619: Kekistan President Resigns, Anons Watchin The Water Edition

tyb, when you post the dough

Tomorrow delta.



A [arrests]

A [awan]

AAA what is it, Highest credit ratings for banks.


To be paid back by the citizens of the nations.

Same model as Bill gates. Anon believes the start of the new tax year will see banks being taken down and arrests being made.

p.s anon has background in accountancy and has kept a very close eye on the banks and the new digital currency being built. if this is a klauss move or a trump move, lets wait and see, fog of war !!!


What Is AAA?

AAA is the highest possible rating that may be assigned to an issuer's bonds by any of the major credit rating agencies. AAA-rated bonds have a high degree of creditworthiness because their issuers are easily able to meet financial commitments and have the lowest risk of default. rating agencies Standard & Poor's (S&P) and Fitch ratings use the letters "AAA" to identify bonds with the highest credit quality, while Moody's uses the similar "Aaa" to signify a bond's top-tier credit rating.


The highest possible rating that a bond may achieve is AAA, which is only bestowed upon those bonds that exhibit the highest levels of creditworthiness.

This AAA rating is used by Fitch ratings and Standard & Poor's, while Moody's uses the similar "Aaa" lettering.

Bonds that receive AAA ratings are viewed as the least likely to default.

Issuers of AAA-rated bonds generally have no trouble finding investors, although the yield offered on these bonds is lower than other tiers.


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bf22df  No.17640384

File: bab347beebaf59d⋯.jpg (32.3 KB, 1056x940, 264:235, moguafr3.jpg)


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bc5919  No.17640404

File: fe203da23fe6955⋯.jpg (21.34 KB, 974x509, 974:509, qb905pn2oaz5w.jpg)


news unlocks the map, meaning you post a certain image or story and Ai picks it up and helps you

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52c371  No.17640416

File: 6309c00ca039741⋯.jpg (35.68 KB, 1213x978, 1213:978, qvgsngg5pqy6kf.jpg)




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456390  No.17640500

File: f147b46987bfa57⋯.jpg (32.48 KB, 1194x678, 199:113, fkm1uev8.jpg)


Pound that reply button. You can flood the zone.

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45d00b  No.17640531

File: 617e64cbb6fb7cf⋯.jpg (31.29 KB, 1054x929, 1054:929, 3mz6vvhtsq.jpg)

If you like ringing endorsements of my work, look no further than the Pentagon’s statement today on the 46 Ukraine biolabs including the WHO.


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83a54f  No.17640539

File: 517f71e5e11f2bf⋯.jpg (32.28 KB, 1030x1020, 103:102, 8v0sh7z8.jpg)


This is a trick!

It is not wise for any anon to post a picture of himself/herself on here. This guy is a shill trying to persuade people to post a selfy.



Forgive this anon (me) for red capping/all capping. I want to make sure this is seen and read.



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7111b3  No.17640560

File: 94836939bd0e3b7⋯.jpg (46.67 KB, 690x723, 230:241, rt6dz7.jpg)


>Not this shit again.


here come the Operation Trust shills

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f81685  No.17640584

File: 2e4b7da7ffb3039⋯.jpg (35.22 KB, 561x577, 561:577, r65j9093rnpp1.jpg)


Roe Down Poso 🇺🇸



Quote Tweet



· 42m

Putin urgently came to the Kremlin, the reason is unknown.

The cortege with Vladimir Putin arrived at the Kremlin at 23:00.

Show this thread

5:08 PM · Jun 25, 2022·Twitter for iPhone

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d14d12  No.17640628

File: 49a28e18be1c6e1⋯.jpg (33.43 KB, 985x1097, 985:1097, ytgm25fop.jpg)

seems some are overthinking the pornhub incest shit from that article or are unaware of the state of porn now adays, its just saying he shared a link of

go to pornhub from a clean browser if you want 0 algorithm fuckery and look at everything on the front page

Family Strokes


Stepfather fucks 18 y/o

Stepbrother fucks

Family Pies

My cousin

Naughty Stepmom

Basically any new porn link you would send someone is incest fantasy stepbrother shit, not saying it's normal to send your dad porn links but its not exactly saying he's out there fucking his family members either

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4a088c  No.17640633

File: 9e5474c1b8a57ce⋯.jpg (31.43 KB, 1120x671, 1120:671, ny27malxoh.jpg)


…And got so far.

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a66845  No.17640638

File: 68ba3535a8c5eaf⋯.jpg (35.51 KB, 1160x1117, 1160:1117, lu7v3m0m85cy.jpg)


>Like a constant breeze of refreshing air blowing on you as you toil in righteousness then realizing it is not blowing on other trees and bushes in your neighborhood. Being a target individual is the worst thing when it comes to man but the best thing when it comes to God.


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697391  No.17640650

File: 21445a31df98e11⋯.jpg (23.2 KB, 1104x518, 552:259, nsguovdzi.jpg)

Frudeau should larp obama _ranus already

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52c371  No.17640665

File: e3837d8ba65f596⋯.jpg (26.28 KB, 1165x585, 233:117, hlucifxl.jpg)

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511b50  No.17640681

File: 25733a8ac1cccf8⋯.jpg (26.6 KB, 1103x592, 1103:592, 3dmh3h.jpg)

President Biden Meets Virtually with Administration Officials and Major Infant Formula Manufacturers


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0a9f1f  No.17640723

File: 3c994ee474c6932⋯.jpg (34.62 KB, 1269x753, 423:251, dfbjdv.jpg)


molon labe


>Dettelbach and his family are Jewish.

every single time

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647cf6  No.17640727

File: a22d6d1d9cc447e⋯.jpg (33.89 KB, 1248x745, 1248:745, yltaenw1vx.jpg)


Tell us what's really going on in Nevada!!!

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a6844e  No.17640744

File: 6e5a7235c5184c9⋯.jpg (30.79 KB, 1276x632, 319:158, 9431g55hcdalvq.jpg)


Techno_Fog, [14.06.22 11:58]

Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine data for children is bad.

In some cases, the "vaccinated" groups had higher rates of COVID-19 than the placebo group.

And - severe COVID-19 cases in the vaccinated group exceeded those in the placebo group.

Despite that - the FDA's approval is imminent.


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456390  No.17640766

File: f220abf0f65e16a⋯.jpg (35.54 KB, 1207x786, 1207:786, 08zs2wn2u.jpg)






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f81685  No.17640775

File: 19b0a13d2c772fc⋯.jpg (34.74 KB, 1029x1094, 1029:1094, y7ynhnu.jpg)

We is a threat!


>Good times, good times…

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b0085c  No.17640793

File: 23149cfc655181b⋯.jpg (36.81 KB, 1218x1016, 609:508, 06zf3ld.jpg)


omg you're winning! omg stop! I hate niggers but you're defeating me!

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f36d11  No.17640805

File: f6e97b8269d1446⋯.jpg (34.22 KB, 490x631, 490:631, 13zh75fw.jpg)



They can have them when they pry them from my cold lifeless fingers. It will take many of them to accomplish such a task.

Even more so if as neighbors we come to assist each other in that greatest time of need.

Good neighbors can be hard to find though but when face with the same injustices to take away our god given rights.

We will always have our gift of freewill to do wat we believe is right. Some things are worth dying for and to lose your life standing for those beliefs are an opportunity not everyone has as there way to transcendence.

We are all born into this world the same how ever we shall all leave it differently.

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af6402  No.17640819

File: 4a426e68287ab27⋯.jpg (37.73 KB, 1211x1113, 173:159, onltdmu2.jpg)


> It had to be done this way. Q


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ea94da  No.17640832

File: e322bf25f092930⋯.jpg (36.21 KB, 506x696, 253:348, hn037p2ojla.jpg)


are you going to drive your car, keep the power on, or grow and distribute food?

pick one

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15a649  No.17640840

File: dbac6eeaeb502a4⋯.jpg (24.71 KB, 1004x638, 502:319, bf78vpljbg.jpg)


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b5feb3  No.17640863

File: 7b35b1e5c8ad585⋯.jpg (23.85 KB, 1092x519, 364:173, 9smg1bq6.jpg)


nice ID ya got there. 'twould be a shame if it got filtered.

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d4c948  No.17640903

File: c4d37d11295db84⋯.jpg (23.67 KB, 969x582, 323:194, 9x6gnr6hi2zb2.jpg)


Light to Dark

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072a62  No.17640908

File: 3e9f1ffc1b705c5⋯.jpg (30.69 KB, 1008x945, 16:15, osoq0d.jpg)



You can't blame me.

The world is changing at every second.

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d95b6c  No.17640925

File: 68538e56846ccc8⋯.jpg (21.05 KB, 999x520, 999:520, xi2aohfbiwqzk7.jpg)


hardcore incest?

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37dcf6  No.17640929

File: 75fe118111db3f1⋯.jpg (35.75 KB, 1286x754, 643:377, 6o4jbde0qe.jpg)

They were warned

Let's Keep Playing…

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e2c45d  No.17640937

File: 85fabd35ec899c3⋯.jpg (38.21 KB, 552x694, 276:347, l0ye32.jpg)


Meow. Comes. The. Pain.

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0dda26  No.17640943

File: 38f63f48dfaa9c0⋯.jpg (36.1 KB, 657x527, 657:527, xcp1xn9ur1zwc.jpg)



more proof your personality cult has an addiction

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f36d11  No.17640946

File: 49bb08d8f036611⋯.jpg (29.92 KB, 1071x658, 153:94, hlu9c4x2.jpg)

Ahoy Mateys! Phase 2 AM


Pull my finger FB.

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647cf6  No.17640947

File: 53b558864b5baaa⋯.jpg (44.56 KB, 675x720, 15:16, civnuu0m1w1q1c.jpg)

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7111b3  No.17640956

File: 1e1be84ff196d82⋯.jpg (32.01 KB, 1097x718, 1097:718, lhqmaaaj.jpg)


Attempted knock on the MSM's usual vagueness in regard to specific locations does not fit, so fixed. Probably should have put "in a Midwest state", but too many words, kek.

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af6402  No.17640959

File: 868a7ca631229cf⋯.jpg (23.06 KB, 1095x535, 219:107, n9b1h0vqhzz0t.jpg)



I love Mexicans.

But those are meant to be funny memes.

Everyone got fatter after congress determined food guidelines in 1978. George McGovern's committee was going to pass something no matter what the doctors said.

Flip the pyramid.

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d89960  No.17640960

File: 4836f9379171cfd⋯.jpg (32.3 KB, 1016x1037, 1016:1037, v353g0ti.jpg)


EARLIEST CONFIRMATION WAS NIHALIST ORDER. NihIlist don believe in any higher being and do what ever they will.





a person who believes that life is meaningless and rejects all religious and moral principles:

"it is impossible to argue against a nihilist"

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45d00b  No.17640968

File: 0dfbdba14b9410a⋯.jpg (34.14 KB, 1025x1087, 1025:1087, j17up598atv.jpg)


Aussies smoke crack

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b991c4  No.17640997

File: f570e01cebaaa52⋯.jpg (46.07 KB, 694x695, 694:695, hdau3x.jpg)


It's cute how hard you're trying to pretend like you're one of us.

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dc0dd3  No.17641013

File: ae9b2db834c410d⋯.jpg (23.99 KB, 972x634, 486:317, x0v3lx.jpg)


She has limiting beliefs. We blaze our own trail, beotch.

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27c47d  No.17641018

File: 3802df4f52785ca⋯.jpg (29.78 KB, 1044x698, 522:349, rhaqhg4a0oz.jpg)

Donald J. Trump/ @realDonaldTrump

06/20/2022 22:05:40

Truth Social: 108513010651245430

Well, the “crazed” (I’m leading in all the polls!) Democrats are coming at me on all fronts. Even after years of beating them back on their lame-brained and fully debunked schemes of Russia, Russia, Russia,TWO Fake Impeachments, the NO COLLUSION Mueller Report and, to top it all, illegally spying on my campaign (& me!), including while I was in the Oval Office, they are now playing the ridiculous Insurrection Card - Same “sick” people each time. I guess it must be “Trump Derangement Syndrome."


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dfe588  No.17641032

File: 068bcf79dfd89ac⋯.jpg (32.09 KB, 1069x930, 1069:930, 6osimzli.jpg)



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7111b3  No.17641035

File: 90913c1a3b84a06⋯.jpg (41.79 KB, 695x605, 139:121, 5ow8yhucrw1t.jpg)


>it's a Federal law to give pedestrians the right of way at all crossroads whether marked or not.

BULLSHIT. sauce it.

since a car was never killed when a person ran into it, such a law is MORONIC. YOU are the one that could die, ergo, YOU are the one that NEEDS to cede the right of way.

you sound like a real SJW socialist piece of shit.

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a6844e  No.17641037

File: 494b5d3d5e050ef⋯.jpg (30.38 KB, 1056x957, 32:29, buzvlddgg.jpg)

Rained vs reigned

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06bdcd  No.17641044

File: 927f6c26e3bcf90⋯.jpg (32.49 KB, 608x492, 152:123, 9lxejbep7p2ke.jpg)


Chekt, notable

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ffad07  No.17641054

File: d48ed8421bcefcc⋯.jpg (34.04 KB, 522x606, 87:101, fs9iqa4qm2k.jpg)


how bout something along the lines of

"This meme will land you in prison."

"This meme will get you the rope/guillotine/free circus tix etc etc"

<picrel not a memester

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a66845  No.17641063

File: 560bf3148543bd9⋯.jpg (30.65 KB, 1072x728, 134:91, 2rj2pq8mqe.jpg)


>BlackRock CEO Aladdin Quantum AI Blames Nationalism And Immigration Restrictions For Inflation


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c18e2d  No.17641081

File: 6ea29db3fbae4d0⋯.jpg (24.27 KB, 1192x501, 1192:501, j9fa275r9g.jpg)



>turd goblin on turd goblin epic saphic tribadisms monologues breaks out over colon platinum markkkets

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fc0ae2  No.17641139

File: 455d5cc20a18e88⋯.jpg (29.71 KB, 1177x680, 1177:680, zg3q55l5e20.jpg)


infiltration not invasion

trade off though as the kitch was uber comp'd

hmmmmmm is anon thinking what anon is thinking?

anon knows what they were most sensitive too….


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0dda26  No.17641176

File: 7bd372d56c0a3dd⋯.jpg (32.15 KB, 567x499, 567:499, 3lr8ndeteq.jpg)

30 Jun, 2022 16:56

Russia should not fear ‘defensive’ NATO – US

The US is sending more troops to Europe because of Russian “aggression,” the White House insists

Russia should not fear ‘defensive’ NATO – US

Russia should not regard additional NATO troops in Eastern Europe as a provocation, but a legitimate response to its “aggression” in Ukraine by a purely defensive alliance, the spokesman for the US National Security Council John Kirby told reporters.

Kirby was asked by Bloomberg to comment on US President Joe Biden’s announcement on Wednesday that more troops will be sent to Poland, Romania and the Baltic states, along with additional US planes and ships being stationed elsewhere on the continent.

“There’s no reason that [Russian President Vladimir] Putin needs to view any force posture change on NATO’s eastern flank as a provocation. NATO is, will be, always has been a defensive alliance,” said Kirby.

“The reason we have to do this is because Mr Putin has been the destabilizing influence on the continent. Mr Putin decided to invade a sovereign, neighboring state. Mr Putin is the one who is the aggressor,” Kirby added.

The retired US Navy admiral, who left his job as the Pentagon spokesman last month to move to the White House, also argued that while NATO wants the conflict in Ukraine to end, it’s up to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky “to determine when and where, [and] under what circumstances, the negotiations can even begin.”

Meanwhile, NATO leaders have given Zelensky unconditional support to fight, not to negotiate. “We make it very clear that this war can only be won on the battlefield,“ Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo said on Wednesday.

Moscow has scoffed at NATO’s claims that it’s a purely defensive alliance, pointing to its track record over the past two decades, from the 1999 war against Yugoslavia to the 2011 regime change in Libya and the bombing of Syria in recent years.

“In futile attempts to justify their aggression against sovereign states, the collective West had to come up with exotic concepts, such as ‘humanitarian intervention,’ ‘war on terror,' ‘preventive strikes’,” Vasily Nebenzya, Russia’s permanent representative to the United Nations, told the UN Security Council earlier this month.

In February 2022, the Kremlin recognized the Donbass republics as independent states and demanded that Ukraine officially declare itself a neutral country that will never join any Western military bloc. Kiev insists the Russian offensive was completely unprovoked.


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7111b3  No.17641202

File: c00ed92ac1dfd7d⋯.jpg (27.04 KB, 1151x611, 1151:611, imkjwl.jpg)


тнеır behaviour is referenced here as




blatant propagandistic manipulation of the raввle

none see it for what it is…

gloating disregard of all life save their chosen.

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061eb5  No.17641207

File: 38fe99f654b59a4⋯.jpg (36.97 KB, 665x506, 665:506, w16bwzu.jpg)



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072a62  No.17641227

File: ca510d3b5e8464a⋯.jpg (37.27 KB, 665x599, 665:599, diouk30.jpg)


only after I can convince this person to solder 400 transistors together in a sequence so he can make spread spectrum transmitter to mars.

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bc5919  No.17641264

File: 38edcc9b083913e⋯.jpg (34.22 KB, 1085x1052, 1085:1052, 870c4cnu3kq7qi.jpg)


Thank you!

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456390  No.17641282

File: 3adecda2c531c97⋯.jpg (22.24 KB, 1063x502, 1063:502, hitco6kk4z0hey.jpg)

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b64c9b  No.17641304

File: 57a6e2f7076a0d4⋯.jpg (37.39 KB, 577x625, 577:625, 2ao3dp0y3f.jpg)



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87fce7  No.17641316

File: 1f7411924d6228d⋯.jpg (27.31 KB, 1111x621, 1111:621, 0ksfvvk.jpg)



Come to the summit 2022

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82c710  No.17641324

File: 5290205666a8883⋯.jpg (29.22 KB, 1178x609, 1178:609, tl0f6u2z.jpg)

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2b694b  No.17641325

File: d4c09ff2cd123d8⋯.jpg (25.44 KB, 1101x617, 1101:617, 3azyv95.jpg)


Can't, up we in the nest.

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b991c4  No.17641328

File: c53ae70da6288c4⋯.jpg (38.29 KB, 724x517, 724:517, hzczayp8r3sov.jpg)

They tried to delete the proof.

POTUS win - 1/20.

Deep clean.

They never thought she would lose.

Insurance w/o cover.

Nothing is deleted.

No Such Agency.

Tool dev primary + meta essential.

Easy cover.

Acts so sick & evil conspiracy push / fake reality almost always wins.

Trust the plan.

Hard to swallow for many.

Treason / corruption 1st.

Think resignations.


Speaker of House resigning!


You have more than you know.

Have faith.



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6a26bb  No.17641341

File: 4f467afbf4d6cb3⋯.jpg (30.47 KB, 1192x597, 1192:597, nrevxzs.jpg)



You too!

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58f480  No.17641379

File: 860305cab9b6ad2⋯.jpg (26.35 KB, 996x726, 166:121, u0eq5e.jpg)

The calm before the storm.

Sisters and Brothers, Anon Watchmen Warrior Patriot's World Wide

God Our Eternal Heavenly Father warned us about the Caananite's

Jesus Christ taught us Love, Truth, Trust, Faith, Hope, Charity WW.

Look to Twitter:

Exactly this: "My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us……."

God bless.

"Their need for symbolism will be their downfall.

Who is really WHO?






Marker [9]




























(9) states of CLAS-ready go-live.

(34) commands LIVE.



[1] OWL [1]


General K.,Ready, Aim, FIRE!💥

You will never be alone, Godspeed Patriots.




CONFIRM KEYSTONE = Pi, Eta, Zeta & Epsilon Hereculis Templar X




John F. Kennedy Jr.

I am calling the ball, green light and good, on glideslope sportsball. larry bird is a faggot in…3_2_1_READY_set…….'go'




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e77cff  No.17641398

File: 4c4d2698abd7a58⋯.jpg (36.49 KB, 513x669, 171:223, f19eo4aqob5r85.jpg)


Comms go to those who know to look for them.

On here those people are Anons…

Outside here… only those who know, know.


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886997  No.17641412

File: 09adc76070797f9⋯.jpg (29.37 KB, 509x498, 509:498, 3xe77wda.jpg)


Loved it when the fbi used anons edited image with a pic of that guy framed on the wall as evidence.

That shit was the best!

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d89960  No.17641417

File: 8b991ab0ce95232⋯.jpg (29.93 KB, 1052x684, 263:171, md4wxn.jpg)


Freemason shit head

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d4c948  No.17641418

File: 021a1b01b6ceca6⋯.jpg (30.14 KB, 1118x663, 86:51, 8yy9qfe7u02au8.jpg)


Some Sanskrit thing?

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e748e7  No.17641436

File: ffc02d5544cf5e7⋯.jpg (36.25 KB, 673x522, 673:522, fqlpew70wkdv74.jpg)




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a6844e  No.17641446

File: 7be198343ecf67c⋯.jpg (34.35 KB, 558x566, 279:283, vm0k7d.jpg)




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f94e0c  No.17641448

File: 17934bd5e5556e3⋯.jpg (34.95 KB, 1278x739, 1278:739, 9d4q6vvtcm.jpg)

anubis is the 'anti-christ' the 'khrist of the inbred' or 'the least inbred' of the (((inbreds))), a jackal ~ (((jakob))) and can only learn that as it is a product of (((inbreeding))) it should never exist as how the (((inbred))) judas was made to hang by Jesus God.

(((inbreeding))) = child rape = endless death = godless creature to be drowned.

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0f262a  No.17641484

File: 7312e7cf9dfc0ae⋯.jpg (37.27 KB, 1174x1094, 587:547, sxrnabz1xhr.jpg)




Bilderberg reconvenes in person after two-year pandemic gap

The Washington conference, a high-level council of war, will be headlined by Jens Stoltenberg, NATO’s secretary general

Jens Stoltenberg, secretary general of NATO, will headline this years Bilderberg elite global summit in Washington DC.

Jens Stoltenberg, secretary general of NATO, will headline this years Bilderberg elite global summit in Washington DC. Photograph: Manuel Balce Ceneta/AP

Charlie Skelton in Washington

Sat 4 Jun 2022 17.52 EDT

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82c710  No.17641495

File: 93b9a38b7863ceb⋯.jpg (27.79 KB, 1206x641, 1206:641, gtvxvi.jpg)



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d89960  No.17641500

File: e66dca87efcf112⋯.jpg (41.09 KB, 673x627, 673:627, fja7grgm7rcedx.jpg)


boobs look like a pair of onions

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d0cc9a  No.17641503

File: 506608a93bbfe5c⋯.jpg (26.97 KB, 1073x610, 1073:610, eykrenkmn89.jpg)



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b2d221  No.17641515

File: 23a14a75ff50154⋯.jpg (38.73 KB, 1223x1089, 1223:1089, nagfseiwavwk9.jpg)


"SADS" ….. perfect

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d545da  No.17641537

File: 206a579eefff4ed⋯.jpg (30.25 KB, 1177x733, 1177:733, vk49ov3kl.jpg)



What is that again?

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e9ded0  No.17641562

File: 3d90462f959fc2d⋯.jpg (33.44 KB, 612x498, 102:83, 97drzkqeh.jpg)


Well, nobody, I guess?! You say you can masquerade as any trip; I expect you say this because (You) are admin. So; prove it!

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dc24b3  No.17641566

File: 8f209a5086f1620⋯.jpg (29.75 KB, 1156x642, 578:321, d5n272163.jpg)

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27c47d  No.17641602

File: 33bf57a41aa0747⋯.jpg (36.12 KB, 606x554, 303:277, dkiauml.jpg)

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b0085c  No.17641630

File: 3b606ff5153c180⋯.jpg (31.56 KB, 1211x654, 1211:654, 8j07ax5gs7y.jpg)


The return of Netanyahu

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a48bd1  No.17641636

File: 98b55094ea80d8f⋯.jpg (33.17 KB, 1183x746, 1183:746, 2uvgcu.jpg)



Many will take the wide road.

Few will take the narrow road.

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536f88  No.17641661

File: 40409b9c0bef49f⋯.jpg (26.85 KB, 998x670, 499:335, yujl4yp.jpg)


don't care that they were IDF

it was a foreign military operating on what used to be US soil

Surfside was a memory-holed with zero answers faster than any story in the last 18 months.

must have an excellent PR team / cover up crew

not sure which

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52b21f  No.17641691

File: b7640b61499fa1b⋯.jpg (37.41 KB, 1197x1047, 399:349, ijwa7iov.jpg)


"Lewis Carroll Teaches You How to Play the Sicilian" - Godfather????


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7b54bb  No.17641694

File: 48337b592c1d794⋯.jpg (26.2 KB, 1061x584, 1061:584, ykjgew4y9gwos.jpg)


But the trend has gone the other way. The more they do these ff's the more unsafe people feel, the more guns they buy!! Gun sales going through the roof!

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af6402  No.17641703

File: 27351baadf6f084⋯.jpg (28.72 KB, 1085x710, 217:142, t1fh16srhfn.jpg)


So you will be a god someday and propagate your own planet full of babies?

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647cf6  No.17641712

File: 4b5f1728ca515cf⋯.jpg (33.74 KB, 1198x931, 1198:931, 8cqjl05y78uq.jpg)









>it thrusts it's fists against the post

>and still insists it see's the ghost

it thrusts it's fists against the post

and still insists it see's the ghost

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e215f2  No.17641717

File: 1aa5de7e463214d⋯.jpg (23.58 KB, 1112x536, 139:67, 9yqdt9kmd0cw7c.jpg)



Alaparthi died at the scene, Monroe County Sheriff Sgt. Deborah Johnson said in a report; Alaparthi’s 9-year-old nephew was unconscious and “barely breathing.” Although initially delayed because of the severe weather, a helicopter eventually flew the 9-year-old to a hospital in Miami.

On Tuesday, the boy’s parents told Callion that they expect their son to make a full recovery, Keys Weekly reported.

Woman killed by jet-engine blast at popular Caribbean tourist attraction

The full sequence of events is still being investigated. According to state investigators, the captain of the parasailing boat, identified in an incident report as 49-year-old Daniel Couch, cut the line, causing the three parasailors to drop “from an unknown height.” A person in law enforcement told the Herald that Couch probably did so thinking he and his crew would then catch Alaparthi and the two children as they fell.

Mark McCulloh, who pioneered parasailing in the 1970s and serves as chairman of the Florida-based Parasail Safety Council, told the Herald that Couch should have used other tactics, like veering side to side in an effort to deflate the parasail. Cutting the line is considered a no-no.

“He never should have done that,” McCulloh said. “That’s the golden rule. Do not cut the line.”

Lighthouse Parasail didn’t respond to a request for comment from The Washington Post.

In his Facebook post, Callion described the incident as “life changing” and ended it by articulating the lessons he’d drawn from it, lessons he hopes others will also take to heart.

“Never take life for granted,” he said. “Things can change in a second.”

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e45114  No.17641722

File: 92c6357a96d026f⋯.jpg (36.86 KB, 639x552, 213:184, pvgs1nx84hug.jpg)


>since 1945


>Our sons know what you did last century

Without the tens of thousands of patents they have stolen from the Germans, they would be nothing!

NATO was founded to ensure that Germany, but also no other country, would ever again become as powerful as the Greater German Reich.

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83a54f  No.17641729

File: 220bd0a2ad70438⋯.jpg (30.48 KB, 1223x657, 1223:657, euyp1ohbx5.jpg)


Humanity is by definition 100% inclusive.

To seek to divide humanity by smearing humanity as 'exclusionary' for not 'including' THIS division 'identity', is a dialectic inversion to trick trusting individuals into seeing themselves as divided:

"I am other than who I 'really' am in this human body…so I will divide myself from humanity first, see myself as 'born in the wrong body', set myself against the 'group' I was biologically 'oppressed' into fitting into, and suddenly start to 'see' oppressors and oppressed everywhere as the 'fundamental condition' of 'humanity', and also see most of humanity is bad because it doesn't 'include' this exclusionary logic."

"I am other than who I 'really' am in this human body…so I will divide myself from humanity first, see myself as {different and divided from the rest of humanity}, set myself against the 'group' I was {exiled and 'oppressed' into}, and suddenly start to 'see' oppressors and oppressed everywhere as the 'fundamental condition' of 'humanity', and also see most of humanity is bad because it doesn't 'include' this exclusionary logic."

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a73452  No.17641742

File: 0edb5d841e684dd⋯.jpg (26.42 KB, 1075x635, 215:127, r8e3vdm1.jpg)


Love me some Dr.

Could use a tardus.

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dc24b3  No.17641751

File: 1cf2e5cac110875⋯.jpg (37.47 KB, 633x573, 211:191, 1nfx9qdx29b.jpg)


It threatened to kill me and my family earlier…There is no humor there

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536f88  No.17641757

File: 8cd39a7a6c35290⋯.jpg (28.96 KB, 1263x562, 1263:562, 4v3d7fi7eaqf.jpg)


>Reminder: an army of well funded, well organized Jew shills patrol the internet in effort to shut down any counter-Jewish crime and subversion discussion and to promote the globalist anti-White, anti-Christianity Jew agenda.


The organization most easily known as theC_Ahas been using the same playbook for almost a century, possibly longer, and they still think it works!


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e77cff  No.17641758

File: 42b5f5d073f3805⋯.jpg (25.54 KB, 1204x560, 43:20, 5ybs5sa26r.jpg)

at the end of the day (and it is)

a larper is too stupid to make the Q posts match previous q posts to the second

on the 1700th day since 1st Q post

which happens to be RvWade day with a planetary Queue alignment habbening

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645577  No.17641792

File: c92b07288bb2ddc⋯.jpg (26.88 KB, 1178x601, 1178:601, n0s04ph3ui8mth.jpg)


I thought this was common knowledge

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27784d  No.17641796

File: 101a6a897cc3298⋯.jpg (22.4 KB, 973x521, 973:521, n3ejiw6xlk1z.jpg)


wtf is this

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7640a0  No.17641816

File: cf11bf33a02a5ce⋯.jpg (39.52 KB, 662x605, 662:605, f1flor.jpg)


Even though it is not socially correct to say, someone has to say it because it has been the truth as to what has been happening in America. The lock down was to hide the fact that most F2000 companies only hire foreigners, libtards, and homosexuals with the 5th column as mainly the upper management. Because the 5th column controls Wall St. they control a companies stock prices by their hedge fund managers and all future funding. Either play destroy America or die of poverty.

Unfortunately, I have stated this for 20 years after 911 all to deaf ears and men of authority that have no backbones but a big pensions.

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bb225b  No.17641852

File: af61f3d7c2b729d⋯.jpg (36.44 KB, 487x721, 487:721, 26kkcuyej.jpg)

Mollie has a plan. Go Mollie go! Get a team and do it


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406215  No.17641859

File: 3e0571bf15c610c⋯.jpg (34.29 KB, 1145x1046, 1145:1046, ydiqt5lohqb.jpg)




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bb225b  No.17641867

File: 60f9932993fb9f3⋯.jpg (33.15 KB, 1024x1007, 1024:1007, xblqve0i0wa3s.jpg)


He knew what?

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b8308b  No.17641915

File: f24b323eecb300d⋯.jpg (35.12 KB, 521x604, 521:604, s5nscqro5.jpg)

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8cb205  No.17641919

File: bdc4b28a1f34360⋯.jpg (25.86 KB, 1062x618, 177:103, qivbghf37izj.jpg)

Xerox CEO John Visentin dead at 59 after complications from illness

Visentin became CEO of Xerox in May 2018. His appointment as chief executive and vice chairman stemmed from an agreement between Xerox’s board and activist investor Carl Icahn, who had opposed a plan to merge with Japan-based Fujifilm. Icahn remains Xerox’s largest shareholder.

Prior to his stint at Xerox, Visentin worked as an adviser at Apollo Global Management and as an executive at HP and IBM


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dcdb37  No.17641928

File: c2a6e1c8c57b4ab⋯.jpg (22.57 KB, 970x551, 970:551, szmn5pqh17rc1o.jpg)


A female jawline arcs toward the ear, it does not square to the ear like Kid Man's does. A male jawline squares right before the ear, a females, slopes upward. Female hips are equal to the shoulders, so they can have a baby, the males are more narrow.

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0edc7a  No.17641944

File: a6385ee0a33e4bc⋯.jpg (28.6 KB, 1137x588, 379:196, pbuzmth.jpg)


Wonder who falls into the "who will be surprised" part? Like future tense.

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2b1b74  No.17641950

File: 8adb9e1f733d578⋯.jpg (42.83 KB, 628x665, 628:665, 2ohcu2bi0sm73d.jpg)


it's b/c Kash responds they're not "incompetent" but political or malevolent, or both.

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739ab9  No.17641952

File: e6cf34a1acba951⋯.jpg (24.58 KB, 1192x518, 596:259, z9lya3bztx.jpg)



Israel is arguing that the damage was not incurred during May's Jewish-Arab clashes, and that the damage was caused by the city’s own residents



>Shut up and send more shekels goyim…

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4f242e  No.17641981

File: 087413dac648a4f⋯.jpg (35.25 KB, 684x488, 171:122, 5zcmnhaie58d.jpg)


doesn't read and is color blind

good lord

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7f57df  No.17642008

File: b9205fbfe392a3a⋯.jpg (33.99 KB, 1278x711, 142:79, 3kyykh4464cm.jpg)


When grasping at straws becomes an Olympic event, you will win the gold medal.

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5ce933  No.17642030

File: 6d53f218c73aa09⋯.jpg (27.81 KB, 1129x578, 1129:578, fwt9ezix1racu.jpg)


the election fraud aspect. Huge story going on right now. The guy involved is part of that Cowboys for Trump and he also got arrested i believe for j6

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dca5e9  No.17642069

File: 82df51cb9d41aa1⋯.jpg (42.13 KB, 724x571, 724:571, tqrpj2lhs1.jpg)


There was a UK C-130 Hercules flying out of California or something yesterday with the callsign "SKYFALL."

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a8de0e  No.17642071

File: 1ba0f4eb217ea09⋯.jpg (32.88 KB, 1129x735, 1129:735, 4lwcq5o5pzc60.jpg)


>what mexico needs is another jack in the box taco factory

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8e545b  No.17642082

File: e165d7bc1a7d204⋯.jpg (28.68 KB, 1193x686, 1193:686, 1eaoezfuc4krs.jpg)

Poland sends billions in military aid to Ukraine: spokesman

Poland has sent billions worth of military assistance to war-torn Ukraine, the government spokesman said on Thursday.

Piotr Müller made the disclosure in an interview with private TV broadcaster Polsat News.

On Wednesday, Poland's President Andrzej Duda and senior government ministers agreed “to continue military supplies to Ukraine” amid Russia’s invasion, Müller said.

“And this is what matters the most at the moment because preparations are being made … for the biggest armoured battle since the Second World War,” he added, as quoted by Polish state news agency PAP.

Müller was referring to Russia’s all-out assault on eastern Ukraine, dubbed “the Battle of Donbas,” the PAP news agency reported.

“What matters the most now is to stop the Russian onslaught as far away from the Polish border as possible,” he told Polsat News.

Polish military aid to Ukraine 'runs into billions’

Müller also said that the Polish government was considering revealing the exact scale of its military assistance to Ukraine because “some people, even at home, are trying to make the impression that Poland’s aid may not be as far-reaching as it seems.”

He added: “President Volodymyr Zelensky said that Ukraine can really count on us as his country's closest friend, and this is being reflected in concrete action."

Müller estimated that Poland’s military aid to Ukraine “runs into billions of zlotys," the PAP news agency reported.

Thursday is day 57 of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.


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0edc8c  No.17642085

File: dd85aa4a65b4733⋯.jpg (31.52 KB, 1053x765, 117:85, hgof5exkh.jpg)


it's time to take back the culture

and the way that's done is shaming degenerate behavior across the board

be louder than they are

shaming degenerate behavior, when done on a large, nationwide scale, works because well, that's how they got their agendas pushed to begin with

start calling them what they are - mentally ill degenerate heterophobes

flip the script back on those faggots

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6d20f0  No.17642095

File: 4bae321142b6bab⋯.jpg (36.78 KB, 1076x1137, 1076:1137, rkult8t0gjv6.jpg)

harry couldn;t win a blumpkin when Frudeau is in charge

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2783cd  No.17642103

File: ae460e2b6b15aa5⋯.jpg (33.1 KB, 1129x752, 1129:752, 84fs7e.jpg)


Punishing her for not getting an abortion huh…

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5fa126  No.17642108

File: 92d744e92842945⋯.jpg (35.25 KB, 604x530, 302:265, 0t4sjx3.jpg)



Gucci owned by Kering. CEO is François-Henri Pinault, married to Salma Hayek

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44764a  No.17642117

File: 31b71940ff7bc7c⋯.jpg (37.29 KB, 653x552, 653:552, flrmz42wtxs0.jpg)


you cant be salvaged

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ca4008  No.17642143

File: 25953248e8294a9⋯.jpg (34.73 KB, 1016x1111, 1016:1111, pot3o4bye73i.jpg)


The Library, [21.06.22 16:06]

[ Photo ]

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2783cd  No.17642145

File: 3cc5f8009747162⋯.jpg (27.61 KB, 503x502, 503:502, dk5vncdr7gpbj7.jpg)


>Ghidra … was designed with 8kun attacks in mind

Huh? Decompiling executables connects 8kun how

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908015  No.17642151

File: 50331a0114696b2⋯.jpg (38.17 KB, 1260x811, 1260:811, oq18neq0jduz.jpg)


HATCH ACT still alive?

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c58e6d  No.17642156

File: 81173f767244cca⋯.jpg (30.01 KB, 1176x705, 392:235, va4cumuhqeo.jpg)


Behind email wall. Mind posting more of the article here? Would like to read.

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247a48  No.17642164

File: d07ddbbf686e347⋯.jpg (22.11 KB, 1048x505, 1048:505, f9zos2xluz5g.jpg)




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57f6aa  No.17642176

File: 09b209abd347ddd⋯.jpg (30.14 KB, 1204x719, 1204:719, vw77dvbb97dk4.jpg)

i just don't like germans lol

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bb225b  No.17642177

File: b999281ea7b434a⋯.jpg (23.35 KB, 1081x511, 1081:511, 9mtzna4c3cow.jpg)


bots bro

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60d4e2  No.17642182

File: 51229fa220ee2bb⋯.jpg (36.24 KB, 1128x1137, 376:379, ftv6yixgwiktt.jpg)


US, Israeli, Arab military chiefs secretly meet: WSJ

Both US and regional officials held a secret meeting in March of top military officials from "Israel" and Arab countries to discuss how they could coordinate against Iran's growing missile and drone capabilities, according to a report by The Wall Street Journal.

The previously undisclosed talks in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt, were the first time such a high-ranking group of Israeli and Arab officers met under US military auspices to discuss how to defend against "a common threat."

The meeting brought together top military officers from "Israel", Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Egypt, and Jordan, and came as "Israel" and its neighbors, according to officials cited by WSJ, are in the early stages of discussing potential military cooperation.

The United Arab Emirates and Bahrain both sent representatives to the meeting. The US was represented by Gen. Frank McKenzie, then the head of the US Central Command.

Such military cooperation was not thought to be possible for decades. US commanders in the Middle East attempted to persuade Arab states to coordinate their air defenses without involving "Israel," which was viewed as an adversary by much of the Arab world at the official level.

Several changes facilitated the talks, including what WSJ described as shared fears of Iran, improved political ties signaled by the normalization agreement with "Tel Aviv", and the Trump administration's decision to expand Central Command's area of coverage to include "Israel" in January 2021.

Arab access to Israeli airspace

Another factor driving increased military cooperation is the normalizing Arab regimes' desire for access to Israeli air defense technology and weapons at a time when the United States is shifting its military priorities to counter China and Russia, according to WSJ.

In a statement, Col. Joe Buccino, a Central Command spokesperson, didn’t acknowledge the Sharm El Sheikh meeting but said the command “maintains a firm commitment to increasing regional cooperation and developing integrated air and missile defense architecture to protect our force and our regional partners.” He claimed that Iran “is the primary destabilizing factor across the Middle East.”

Spokespersons for "Israel" and Arab countries, with the exception of the UAE, declined or did not respond to requests for comment on the meeting. The UAE did not comment on the talks but did address the issue of cooperation in general.

“The UAE is not party to any regional military alliance or cooperation targeting any specific country,” the government there said in a statement. “Furthermore, the UAE is not aware of any formal discussions relating to any such regional military alliance.”

States to counter "air threats"

The Sharm El Sheikh talks came after secret discussions in a lower-level working group among representatives from Middle Eastern countries about how they could collaborate to detect and defend against air threats, Marine Maj. Gen. Scott Benedict, the Central Command's then-chief planning officer, was a member of the working group, said to WSJ.

According to people familiar with the Sharm El Sheikh talks, participants reached an agreement in principle on procedures for rapid notification when "aerial threats are detected."

For the time being, such notifications would be sent via phone or computer rather than through high-speed digital data sharing akin to that used by the US military. Officials also discussed how decisions about which nations' forces would intercept aerial threats might be made.

According to people familiar with the meeting, those understandings were not legally binding. The next step is to secure political leaders' support for codifying notification arrangements.

Biden to visit "Israel" and KSA

In mid-July, President Biden plans to visit "Israel" and Saudi Arabia. A spokeswoman for the National Security Council said the White House supported what it called "broadening and deepening Arab-Israeli ties," but gave no further details.

For decades, the US has hoped to build an integrated air defense shield in the Middle East, one that would connect radars, satellites, and other sensors across the region.

Arab Gulf countries' efforts to foster such cooperation have long been hampered by their unwillingness to share sensitive data that could expose their own vulnerabilities, as well as their fears that Saudi Arabia would dominate such a partnership.

This coincides with the recent military exercises by the Israeli occupation forces over the Mediterranean Sea that simulated attacks and airstrikes on Iranian nuclear facilities.

The drill, an official statement by the IOF read, included "long-range flight, aerial refueling, and striking distant targets."

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2783cd  No.17642191

File: 2e19c8c0403fca4⋯.jpg (32.55 KB, 1134x972, 7:6, 1k7i0lgu.jpg)


If you’re here, you’re on some kind of list. I’d explain my own experiences but not important. Q team knows who we are imo. A hive is a difficult thing to fight back against. Especially given most of us can fight back if given a public forum of any kind. Ever notice they never put someone with any real knowledge of Q drops on TV? They can’t. We can too easily connect Q to Trump, and we also will come ready with personal info about whatever clown is interviewing us. They’re terrified of that.

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a8de0e  No.17642202

File: 7db6b472bd306f8⋯.jpg (38.79 KB, 529x721, 529:721, 6pw4xl64pl.jpg)


She's in full Red Coat mode.

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28f0ed  No.17642214

File: cf1033fc064f82d⋯.jpg (26.06 KB, 1042x585, 1042:585, uaxg15c.jpg)


Noe will I anon, Not for the news letter either,

With all the fuckery that goes on in here both can be traced back to anon, an't going too happen.

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60d4e2  No.17642222

File: 8532bc6ff1332f6⋯.jpg (36.26 KB, 1147x1044, 1147:1044, af34vl68.jpg)



yeah, what's with her hair?

simple grooming, cause hey, she ' s not going out? coffins are narrow.

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d7eb1b  No.17642237

File: 3331566161cf7f2⋯.jpg (30.17 KB, 512x541, 512:541, 99j0d5uuyh.jpg)


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784aa8  No.17642240

File: f95af2d80d31219⋯.jpg (34.12 KB, 572x541, 572:541, agfvzv.jpg)

All I am saying is if everyone's fucking worried about America becoming Communist, then get the mothefucking communists off the Ballots as a choice!

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77dd53  No.17642242

File: 847696da4ebf15f⋯.jpg (21.46 KB, 968x504, 121:63, r889csy8k43wx9.jpg)



Night Shift

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0edc7a  No.17642275

File: dba2421c4c74aee⋯.jpg (25.97 KB, 1012x616, 23:14, p9uk5hr.jpg)

Ah I see, anons still fighting over fake Q posts. This is why newfags should read every Q drop before posting. This is why we can’t have nice things.

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f66a93  No.17642284

File: 250657dbf8fc491⋯.jpg (35.51 KB, 597x561, 199:187, heqp76qta.jpg)


>most abortions are future establishment voters that leach off the tax-base

sauce or stfu

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33ecc0  No.17642285

File: a5677efded17d74⋯.jpg (32.12 KB, 1176x906, 196:151, drul38oyaig.jpg)


Real Time News, [09.06.22 22:25]

[ Photo ]

Protesters gathered on Thursday evening outside Supreme Court justice Amy Coney Barrett’s home. where She and her husband reside there with their seven children, according to reports.

Geoffrey Ingersoll June 10, (https://twitter.com/GPIngersoll/status/1535062506971996172?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw)2022: “While this sanctimonious J6 hearing is going on, there are protesters violating federal law outside Justice Amy Coney Barrett's house right now”



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77dd53  No.17642289

File: ef67b0c2bc83c77⋯.jpg (44.34 KB, 665x698, 665:698, gqi5bn1snf9wa.jpg)







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3d2685  No.17642298

File: 235b22bd665782d⋯.jpg (44.38 KB, 713x663, 713:663, qmx087sw5xy8.jpg)

How does Roe reversal impact the WHO?

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65bb7b  No.17642305

File: 24a3498ede448aa⋯.jpg (33.49 KB, 624x568, 78:71, crsjifafiw6x.jpg)


All assets deployed?

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e8f965  No.17642316

File: 718b39633d63a6f⋯.jpg (33.02 KB, 1052x999, 1052:999, fzajmw.jpg)

A federal judge ruled that Dairy Queen cannot stop W.B. Mason from selling "Blizzard" bottled spring water, the same name the unit of Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway uses for a popular ice cream product


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d7eb1b  No.17642319

File: e6048bca303a1aa⋯.jpg (34.92 KB, 1157x1079, 89:83, iynkisl0s4g.jpg)


I LITERALLY said that, liar.

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247a48  No.17642328

File: 3bca07267079e3b⋯.jpg (35.33 KB, 538x601, 538:601, g1m97g480vlf.jpg)

all instruments played by DJT

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ca4008  No.17642329

File: dcf4509376ca478⋯.jpg (26.56 KB, 1062x592, 531:296, 351gqgz88xz.jpg)


wow those are some connections, ty

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739ab9  No.17642355

File: 7ccf3cc62aca3ed⋯.jpg (22.72 KB, 1056x510, 176:85, 2ulnqd8eyeq9.jpg)

Yo, Q-team, are you really telling me this was the only way? By getting played by some random internet trolls and script kiddos?

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7640a0  No.17642368

File: e4f9e867326ad02⋯.jpg (33.78 KB, 498x631, 498:631, asnpij8h4qd.jpg)

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3d2685  No.17642388

File: ef42ee6ac05c841⋯.jpg (31.71 KB, 531x563, 531:563, 9eemd8o2f3yuzr.jpg)


Wtf is that a waterbed?

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6d20f0  No.17642394

File: 1d15a0d8f46bb32⋯.jpg (35.07 KB, 1099x1036, 157:148, ibqb64laiup.jpg)


The color of our skin doesn't matter.

What matters is that there is a group of people who want everyone but themselves to have darker skin than they do, and that they want to elevate themselves as lords & masters over the darker skinned people, who they will consider as their slaves.

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247a48  No.17642415

File: 1c30eb8b23f40c1⋯.jpg (30.91 KB, 1159x640, 1159:640, rw5l45.jpg)


Which member was reading from a teleprompter? Kinzinger? Anybody know?

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4367ff  No.17642473

File: 69451d284fa93e2⋯.jpg (23.49 KB, 1167x517, 1167:517, tk5hpaywalomcr.jpg)


Jikkyleaks (Fan account) 🐭 Retweeted

Tony Nikolic 🐭 ⚖️👨‍⚖️


This shows that the current vaccines do not work against the current virus variants . Therefore it is wrong and immoral and frankly dishonest to be recommending boosters.









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739ab9  No.17642494

File: c4a21a6b362ddeb⋯.jpg (35.03 KB, 1189x758, 1189:758, 68fssnnu2.jpg)

Speaker Flynn?


BREAKING: An Unusual Lawsuit Has Been Filed By General Michael Flynn And Its A Restraining Order Against House Speaker Nancy Pelosi


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d79f45  No.17642496

File: b9b5b662ba3b424⋯.jpg (30.78 KB, 497x564, 497:564, j4qphe3kuauvo.jpg)


If I was Trump, and knew for a fact that the election was stolen… Jan 6 would look like a weak dress rehearsal.

I'd literally be revving the base up to rid DC of swamp monsters. You know millions would happily follow that order. Once I kicked it off and everything was hot and lit… I'd just keep the warriors revved up and charging full speed. I wouldn't care if they tried to arrest me… there would be millions coming to break me out of the DNC system. Scorched Earth mode full on until victory. Trump still has the voice that could start it up for real, and he still has the support to back it up. It's going to be hard for any future President to bring that specific type of leadership that could cause real PANIC in DC.

That's probably why nobody ever told me to get into politics.

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d1dd49  No.17642499

File: bd07f34b072dd2d⋯.jpg (36.49 KB, 1235x785, 247:157, mqcrr7fe3g8fe.jpg)


Too late, She's already all-makup.

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27dacf  No.17642500

File: 907bddb65e1d79a⋯.jpg (37.64 KB, 500x715, 100:143, misekh3mj.jpg)


>Also, why'd they bolt? They had the numbers and shields and poles… could it be that they're that desperate not to get de-masked?

My take is that their objective is to present the image of dangerous conservatives ready to fight, not actually doing any fighting. So getting in a fight would actually make it harder to achieve their objective, as they would be dealing with arrests and increased press scrutiny. It also makes them look easy to beat, encouraging any potential Antifa types to believe they could be a hero by fighting them off.

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ef0170  No.17642504

File: bf4891735ab0e56⋯.jpg (27.62 KB, 1018x700, 509:350, p7spa5.jpg)


Question, Has she ever made a public appearance since the election of 2020?

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d5431d  No.17642514

File: 5fc554839de16e4⋯.jpg (44.43 KB, 660x698, 330:349, 853lsodk.jpg)



but this is targeting EVERY CHILD in AMERICA

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f7eb1e  No.17642540

File: 9bf3e631f11a37c⋯.jpg (41.61 KB, 706x629, 706:629, pw9k2cjiz.jpg)


If we became sick enough we would have been fodder.

Intelligence of truth made open source: savior of humanity

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d8439f  No.17642550

File: 41731ab441fb1d6⋯.jpg (24.62 KB, 1119x516, 373:172, ih1xnrgtzas.jpg)


ALL Jew courtrooms are a perverts circus

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60d4e2  No.17642581

File: 1aebb27ab5767ae⋯.jpg (41.52 KB, 595x679, 85:97, shmfz6xoneh.jpg)


After battling bureaucrats throughout presidency, Trump gets last laugh against 'deep state'

A Trump-infused Supreme Court reins in federal bureaucracy in historic fashion.

Donald Trump accused the "deep state" of trying to ruin his presidency from Russia collusion to two impeachments, but the 45th president may have gotten the last laugh 18 months after leaving office when a Supreme Court infused with three of his appointees drastically reined in the powers of alphabet-soup federal bureaucracy.

Thursday's ruling in the case of West Virginia v. Environmental Protection Agency significantly confined the ability of unelected federal bureaucrats to make law or policy outside of Congress.

In the decision written by Chief Justice John Roberts, the court held 6-3 that under the so-called major questions doctrine, judges can strike down federal agency regulations that have substantial economic effects when Congress did not give explicit authority to the agency to make such decisions.

The federal bureaucracy "must point to clear congressional authorization for the power it claims," Roberts wrote in a ruling that shook Washington on Thursday.

see attached: You can read the ruling here: File 20-1530_n758.pdf

While the court decision involved the Environmental Protection Agency and its efforts to restrain coal-fired electric plants, experts warned it could have vast impact on regulatory agencies across the nation's capital, forcing them to prove Congress gave them explicit powers before they impose new federal rules.

Leah Litman, a University of Michigan law professor, tweeted thedecision is "a cudgel against administrative agencies" and their powers to control industries. The ruling reaffirms the Founding Fathers' belief that "any limits on freedom be passed by Congress, not by kings and exchequers and bureaucrats and ministers," J. Christian Adams, a former U.S. Justice Department attorney, told Just the News.

"Unfortunately, the EPA is full of ministers and exchequers, and they decided that they didn't like coal," Adams said in an interview with the John Solomon Reports podcast.

Bureaucrats "love to control everyone's lives," he added. "And the Supreme Court said, "Look, we're a republic, because we put power with the people, with Congress, where … if we want to do something, they have to go through a process.'

"In Washington the number of people involved in issuing this edict, there might have been 30 or 40 people, and those 30 or 40 people were responsible for basically ruining the jobs and employment and welfare of so many people across West Virginia and Kentucky, Colorado, because of their edict that got rid of coal."

Even before his presidency began, Trump was assaulted by the federal bureaucracy, which launched a since-discredited Russia collusion investigation, leaked his private conversations with world leaders, resisted his orders and allied with Democrats to pursue two impeachment cases that ended in acquittal.

Trump emerged from those skirmishes to remain as popular as ever with his base — and now more popular than his successor Joe Biden — while federal bureaucrats now will see reduced powers and influence as a result of the court's ruling Thursday.

"It was such a win for the American people, but also for Donald Trump," former presidential spokesman Hogan Gidley told "Just the News, Not Noise" television show on Friday. "I mean, how many times did he have to fight the deep state? How many times did he have to fight the bureaucrats up here in Washington?

"This ruling means Congress gets to make up what those emission standards are going to be and not some bureaucratic agency like the EPA. So another win for the American people. Another win for those who've been fighting against the bureaucracy, chief among those being, of course, the former President Donald Trump."

Adams, the former Justice Department official, said Trump's legacy years from now may very well be that he clipped the wings of Washington elites.

"I think that's the big story is the regular people finally have a voice of the Supreme Court instead of the elites," he said.


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f9cc49  No.17642583

File: 270eb09976739d2⋯.jpg (33.6 KB, 1288x774, 644:387, pjltvq.jpg)

Dr. Vladimir Zelenko Believes COVID is Real and Promotes the 7 Masonic Jewish (Noahide) Laws


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3d2685  No.17642586

File: c7b415b91c497b8⋯.jpg (33.42 KB, 1136x1000, 142:125, eopb85a42hzi2.jpg)


No, bakers have a tougher job

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7b22ac  No.17642609

File: 60c4abc7efe0a3e⋯.jpg (35.08 KB, 1026x1125, 114:125, k03890cv.jpg)

if you have any questions


shills get rekt

20:54 [0] Delta

/qresearch/ bread 20941











/qresearch/ bread 20942







/hivemind/ bread 35


POTUS 0 delta


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60d4e2  No.17642633

File: 0b1c278d12a8fc0⋯.jpg (30.93 KB, 1059x931, 1059:931, 4u5kkuana5.jpg)


Higher taxes will solve this.

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3d2685  No.17642636

File: 6519bbf2932ec1f⋯.jpg (33.75 KB, 1122x747, 374:249, 7n7dxpys6.jpg)


what did codemonkey have to do with that one? or am i forgetting what the video was?

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13e7a6  No.17642659

File: 9cae4ea6fcea683⋯.jpg (30.71 KB, 1168x622, 584:311, lgfhmlg.jpg)

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95180c  No.17642662

File: e462e65169dafcf⋯.jpg (24.04 KB, 990x641, 990:641, 2uzxzujt8oy8.jpg)


Don't like it; do ya?

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36398f  No.17642721

File: b8f5bab89d6da21⋯.jpg (32.64 KB, 542x543, 542:543, nqvlo4733elgx.jpg)

the 1/6th of a brain committee…

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4fe60e  No.17642744

File: 875464fdf6f31d0⋯.jpg (29.93 KB, 1142x942, 571:471, ck1f9qb3.jpg)


not gonna lie.

February 2021 - shit month, my friend.

Shit. Month.

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7b22ac  No.17642769

File: 96d7b19ea4a1559⋯.jpg (30.19 KB, 985x962, 985:962, 15g2beywu7.jpg)

Child-eating leopard kills three kids in 48-hour rampage


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fb2bc3  No.17642771

File: 4ddf80e1e3dc26f⋯.jpg (27.99 KB, 1080x693, 120:77, e33vo29450nok.jpg)


we came together not to make friends but to show you, that you must take accountability of your actions and not seek anyone's validation

A mission from God !!

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670f90  No.17642782

File: 07310a694d5a5e0⋯.jpg (36.39 KB, 537x671, 537:671, wag1k237mf9s9.jpg)


Synchronicity is Cognitive Dissonance.

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c74fa1  No.17642790

File: 1ff3aae7fb542dd⋯.jpg (25.34 KB, 1171x558, 1171:558, jhd35j.jpg)

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8e545b  No.17642793

File: 4ee74f81fa7e9c9⋯.jpg (29.15 KB, 984x896, 123:112, 30ftlqqddan3.jpg)

>16432264 Newsmax CEO's links to Podesta and the Vatican: Christopher Ruddy Comped? (PB)

More on CRuddy:

Ruddy himself has come under scrutiny, after reports show he donated $1 million to the Clinton Foundation. https://www.churchmilitant.com/news/article/newsmax-or-news-minimum

Why Did Newsmax Tell Staff to 'Go Easy' on Biden? Posted: Dec 14, 2021 

What is going on at Newsmax? That's the question a lot of viewers and media watchers are asking amid a shakeup that's come with the news that White House Correspondent Emerald Robinson's contract isn't being renewed for 2022.

There's been buzz that Robinson and Newsmax are splitting ways due to Robinson's tweets that got her banned from the social network, but according to an exclusive report from our sister site, RedState, there's a lot more going on at Newsmax. As Jen Van Laar writes, "network insiders" told RedState that Robinson's tweets were not "at all" the reason for the split but that "Robinson was out because she refused to obey Newsmax CEO Chris Ruddy's June 2021 directive to 'go easy on the Biden administration, particularly Jen Psaki.'" https://townhall.com/tipsheet/spencerbrown/2021/12/14/why-did-newsmaxs-ceo-tell-staff-to-go-easy-on-biden-n2600558

EXCLUSIVE: Vaccine Tweets Aren't the Reason Newsmax Is Parting Ways With Emerald Robinson Last week Newsmax announced that White House Correspondent Emerald Robinson’s contract, which ends in January 2022, would not be renewed. Robinson is still with the network until that time, though she hasn’t been on the air for over six weeks and isn’t expected to return to the air before her contract ends. Given that the announcement came not long after Robinson was suspended (then permanently banned) from Twitter over a controversial coronavirus vaccine tweet, it’s been assumed that the parting-of-the-ways came about because of that tweet. Network insiders, though, tell RedState that wasn’t the reason at all – that Robinson was out because she refused to obey Newsmax CEO Chris Ruddy’s June 2021 directive to “go easy on the Biden administration, particularly Jen Psaki.” https://redstate.com/jenvanlaar/2021/12/14/exclusive-vaccine-tweets-arent-the-reason-newsmax-is-parting-ways-with-emerald-robinson-n488996

Newsmax CEO says Trump's baseless voter fraud claims are 'great for news' in off the rails interview


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ef0170  No.17642807

File: 8fc850712f13460⋯.jpg (32.95 KB, 1172x897, 1172:897, 5jiwqg7nye.jpg)




Drop 189 is on the clock today with Fantasy Land.

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670f90  No.17642840

File: 08b34afa8076e57⋯.jpg (40.17 KB, 574x717, 574:717, 29qjan8g79g.jpg)


>and cycling.

Damn, no fap and cycling….you must REALLY hate your balls.

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c74fa1  No.17642849

File: a647159c404162d⋯.jpg (41.54 KB, 640x662, 320:331, 55x8hel.jpg)


by 3pm i can get you a fully automatic toe

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146c8a  No.17642852

File: 1dfc4017a58770f⋯.jpg (33.58 KB, 1159x918, 1159:918, ss7bnjburdari.jpg)


Interesting, Anon…..

Fraud vitiates everything.

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8ccd5a  No.17642890

File: 7e3378ae6c9fd5e⋯.jpg (31.08 KB, 1261x606, 1261:606, ez8ypnq.jpg)


Oh, is this you or your twin?

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d7f1b2  No.17642894

File: 15ee58d9b3aa25d⋯.jpg (35.7 KB, 1210x768, 605:384, ceeqgjobe.jpg)

Jim Watkins live now saying what he can about his Jan 6th deal toady. Just started.


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c2c354  No.17642914

File: b0be04abcee645f⋯.jpg (26.84 KB, 1126x577, 1126:577, z7zu93ktbarizd.jpg)




7:47 AM · May 2, 2022·TweetDeck


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65bb7b  No.17642919

File: 25f7d7ccc9e4176⋯.jpg (29.56 KB, 988x896, 247:224, 23aaakh8q.jpg)


let it all burn

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7640a0  No.17642923

File: 959a045bb3a0017⋯.jpg (36.54 KB, 599x577, 599:577, 2clys0b.jpg)

How a Belgian Aristocrat Under Investigation for Money Laundering Moved Millions Into Colombia

In the 2010s, De Croÿ earned the nickname “Black Prince” in the Belgian press when he was at the center of one of the country’s biggest-ever tax fraud cases.

A descendant of one of Europe’s oldest aristocratic families, De Croÿ is under investigation for allegedly masterminding a scheme that hid hundreds of millions from tax authorities on behalf of scores of rich clients.

“Dubai Papers,” a leak of about 200,000 internal documents from De Croÿ’s group of companies, Helin Group, first published by the French magazine L’Obs in 2018.

De Croÿ has been tied to Colombia for about three decades through his wife, María del Socorro Patiño Cordoba, who was born in the small, southwestern city of Popayán.

Accounting records from the Dubai Papers reveal other methods De Croÿ and Patiño used to avoid scrutiny from banks or financial regulators, while moving at least $[1.3] million from Helin Group companies into Colombia between 2011 and 2017.

Patiño and De Croÿ first crossed paths in London, where he was working in banking, a career that would take him to the financial capitals of Hong Kong and Luxembourg. They married in 1994.

June 8, 2022


Belgian prince investigated in alleged global tax evasion network probe

Henri de Croÿ, Belgian prince and member of the Belgian nobility, allegedly helped funnel millions of euros into tax havens through an international evasion network.

A member of the Belgian nobility, the prince is a descendant of the House of Croÿ, one of the oldest aristocratic families in Europe, with the de Croÿ-Solre branch being the last surviving line of the noble house.

De Croÿ, whose ancestry gives him the same royal status as the princes and princesses of Belgium, was thrust into the public spotlight due to revelations over his financial and fiscal misconduct and was namely embroiled in the so-called Dubaï Papers scandal.

The fiscal investigation doubles down on another probe launched by federal prosecutors last autumn, targeting around 50 Belgians who allegedly entrusted the Belgian prince with sums of up to €[13] million per person.

Friday, 7 February 2020


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a3f72b  No.17642928

File: f15ef8e8b87d741⋯.jpg (31.06 KB, 1051x952, 1051:952, s5yjfu6t3pv6z.jpg)


When did I say that?

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f7ae1e  No.17642942

File: 6d677378dab2c4a⋯.jpg (28.81 KB, 1140x623, 1140:623, lf7v9bg3.jpg)


>might be a gag

at less than 720 posts in a slow bread

of course.

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7640a0  No.17642986

File: 5e8d30bfed2821c⋯.jpg (22.99 KB, 966x558, 161:93, 4pvl8vg0.jpg)


I hear rumors there will be a white guy week.

During the 10 days of darkness.

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d79f45  No.17642989

File: 3e5654622d346fb⋯.jpg (34.6 KB, 1039x1080, 1039:1080, 1rqi4p6cevpxtp.jpg)


Is it time to hand out the bottles of thorazine water yet?

It maybe time for the shuffle to begin, kek.

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b1be7d  No.17642991

File: 4a3a79a43adc118⋯.jpg (42.77 KB, 629x688, 629:688, e5rraszlb5qk.jpg)

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874862  No.17643014

File: a8eac663c10b880⋯.jpg (25.88 KB, 1177x587, 1177:587, kojfwm9oo.jpg)


>Almost 18 months later, the most corrupt DOJ in US history still rounding up Biden regime dissidents

I was thinking about going to that January 6 event.

When will the Biden and the DOJ make that a thought crime?

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8a3d5a  No.17643025

File: 84cceb2a190776d⋯.jpg (30.37 KB, 1093x679, 1093:679, rlcsxsusz8ki4l.jpg)

Everything will be replaced

This Draconian system of control is being replaced with a new system.

The poisoned food (replaced)

The draconian monetary system of enslavement (replaced)

The draconian system of elites ruling over the people (replaced)

The technology released

Big Pharma crushed

Theses systems that have enslaved humanity will fall.

The people will demand the changes once shown their true intent.

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3d2685  No.17643042

File: 60ee5db0523400e⋯.jpg (22.03 KB, 1014x521, 1014:521, hbt4o4m.jpg)


>”666" Monday 6/6/222

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b8308b  No.17643045

File: d1088b649110937⋯.jpg (32.81 KB, 985x1022, 985:1022, fk0j7y3bt.jpg)


"She served as a Ted Cruz and Steve Scalise intern from 2015 to 2018."


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a8de0e  No.17643054

File: 313cb8e32490534⋯.jpg (34.86 KB, 1214x772, 607:386, 9h8r8ccvsvms.jpg)


Been here since day 1

Look around

How many has this movement woken up?


More than any other event in human history?

The war is for the human mind.

The war is for human consciousness

This all has been a tremendous success

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4c7093  No.17643064

File: 79c4943df29170d⋯.jpg (37.66 KB, 1218x1065, 406:355, jcoi0zh9ls8pn1.jpg)

Morning, Frenz

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d1dd49  No.17643068

File: 444340d13a8e3ef⋯.jpg (36.75 KB, 656x537, 656:537, lperigdmiq.jpg)

thank god nothing can stop what is coming

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13e7a6  No.17643076

File: 96f4163fc5527a3⋯.jpg (23.36 KB, 1102x523, 1102:523, umbuhob2e6q24s.jpg)



anon stopped in last night after doing hours of research, plus watching updates to the biggest distraction and the deep state to federalize the coming elections, gun grab and taking over the usa and all anon saw was mr pig, shills, clowns, baker highjacked bread, no notable and convo between shills on ridiculous topics about trangender, bible quotes, faggot behaviour and clowns being clowns.

they managed to destroy digging, coming dangers for a few breads,

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874862  No.17643079

File: 642a01f82fcd3ed⋯.jpg (25.44 KB, 1033x642, 1033:642, ej8gpfgc3b.jpg)

Many Dead As Ukraine Artillery Hits Donetsk Harder Then ever before

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6d20f0  No.17643082

File: bfd2f4c72adbc34⋯.jpg (29.28 KB, 1175x622, 1175:622, d393dnzi.jpg)


Screwed that all up. This board loads like shit for me lately.

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3d4874  No.17643084

File: 553e73903f1bacd⋯.jpg (36.53 KB, 1152x1114, 576:557, ofnpjo44zry7i.jpg)

Anguish of young man who had sex organs removed on NHS then regretted it the same day… as he SUES NHS over gender reassignment surgery

A young British man who had his genitals removed during gender reassignment surgery is suing the NHS over the operation in a historic legal action.

He complains that doctors did not warn him of the drastic outcome of the body-altering surgery which has left him infertile, incontinent and feeling like a ‘sexual eunuch’.

He said on Twitter yesterday: ‘The minute I woke up from surgery, I knew I had made the biggest mistake of my life.’

Campaigners say that it is the first medical negligence case over NHS transgender care in this country. The NHS trust involved has not been named.

Stephanie Davies-Arai, founder of Transgender Trend, a group advising parents on transgender children and young adults, said: ‘It is hoped this will force a re-think by the NHS about this kind of barbaric surgery on patients who are told by medics it will help them.

‘He has a very real case for compensation against the heath service. We believe he has suffered harm.’

His case has been taken on by lawyers in Liverpool. It centres on whether the NHS and its gender clinics adequately counselled him before the operation five years ago. The patient, in his thirties, was brought up in the North of England and has de-transitioned from being a woman to live as a man again.

The man says he is gay and his sexuality should have been discussed before the radical, irreversible gender surgery. ‘I have been castrated. That is the correct term,’ he says on his Twitter feed, which has 19,000 followers.

‘I cannot believe they [the NHS] were allowed to do this to me.

More at: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10947483/Anguish-young-man-sex-organs-removed-NHS-regretted-day-SUES-NHS.html

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27dacf  No.17643099

File: 57e0f86efb2cec1⋯.jpg (31.75 KB, 1287x641, 1287:641, ez0os8udc81.jpg)

If a wise person goes to court with a fool, the fool rages and scoffs, and there is no peace.

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8ccd5a  No.17643100

File: 4b9279da1e5c188⋯.jpg (36.84 KB, 1120x1128, 140:141, p7srdh84npy.jpg)


anon opines he will make himself disappear too. Like a giant alligator deathroll he'll take them all down never to be seen again.

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7f57df  No.17643148

File: c2508500caa290c⋯.jpg (24.45 KB, 1092x555, 364:185, u1ikkw.jpg)


Point Energing Probably Entering

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27dacf  No.17643159

File: 62f15c2af61a398⋯.jpg (37.01 KB, 1098x1126, 549:563, ubaojgo9zyymo.jpg)


>"Go Home and Go Home at Peace"



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c74fa1  No.17643168

File: 2cd3ac119c1c3a6⋯.jpg (23.15 KB, 997x551, 997:551, ngftxtdv5042.jpg)


Double kek. Nah, triple kek. Kek. Kek. Kek.

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36398f  No.17643187

File: 40482adee0ad46b⋯.jpg (29.44 KB, 1234x585, 1234:585, sfvscy1a2ey8f.jpg)

Federal Reserve reverse repo facility usage hits $2.091 trillion, a new all-time record.


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82f50f  No.17643193

File: 38b7e7f4646d33f⋯.jpg (33.75 KB, 1198x912, 599:456, 8ih9dnim.jpg)


You know what Q said was the only way.

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f66a93  No.17643213

File: e0786a77e855ea6⋯.jpg (30.85 KB, 1004x908, 251:227, iims161p5r3hp.jpg)


Every single FF shooting has these contradictory stories.

The FFs are set up so that they can control the narrative. But afterwards, they have to do a mop of job of all of the stories that people have that contradict the narrative, because they don't have total control of the situation.

There are always pieces of the puzzle that don't fit. Always. That's how lies are exposed. That is why they label anyone who asks questions a Crazy Conspiracy Theorist. It's part of the mop up.

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fb2bc3  No.17643214

File: c720d1c199e2f05⋯.jpg (24.2 KB, 1132x512, 283:128, 91rso9s4.jpg)

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3d4874  No.17643216

File: 84acda7e5fc5c61⋯.jpg (28.08 KB, 1164x672, 97:56, 4f1xjhixaqf7.jpg)


She-ma prayer fag disappeared from here when horn guy went down.

Just sayin'..

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7f57df  No.17643219

File: 0b0f3b3e09b9e97⋯.jpg (22.67 KB, 1035x519, 345:173, 1k1a1amsfzhano.jpg)



The guy in the pic by Elon Musk developed this theory about existence.

Baudrillard claims that our current society has replaced all reality and meaning with symbols and signs, and that human experience is a simulation of reality.

they simply hide that nothing like reality is relevant to our current understanding of our lives

There is some connection to mobius in the pdf.

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44764a  No.17643224

File: ab0dc5c2cfc1c1c⋯.jpg (29.41 KB, 1134x655, 1134:655, v7c5eepl1n957.jpg)


The main slave market was at Caffa which after 1475 belonged to the Ottoman Empire. The town had artillery and a strong garrison of Janissaries. Besides Caffa, slaves were sold in Karasubazar, Tuzleri, Bakhchysarai and Khazleve. Slave dealers came from various backgrounds: Turks, Arabs, Greeks, Armenians and others. For the right to trade they paid tax to the Crimean Khan and Turkish Pasha. In Caffa there were sometimes as many as 30,000 slaves, mostly from Muscovy and the southeastern lands of the Commonwealth. Habsburg diplomat and the ambassador of the Holy Roman Empire to Muscovy, Sigismund von Herberstein, wrote that "old and infirmed men, who will not fetch much at a sale, are given up to the Tatar youths, either to be stoned, or to be thrown into the sea, or to be killed by any sort of death they might please."

According to Ukrainian-Canadian historian Orest Subtelny, "from 1450 to 1586, eighty-six raids were recorded, and from 1600 to 1647, seventy. Although estimates of the number of captives taken in a single raid reached as high as 30,000, the average figure was closer to 3000…In Podilia alone, about one-third of all the villages were devastated or abandoned between 1578 and 1583."

Michalo Lituanus described Caffa as "an insatiable and lawless abyss, drinking our blood." Besides the bad food, water, clothing and shelter, they were subjected to exhausting labor and abuse. According to Litvin "the stronger slaves were castrated, others had their noses and ears slit and were branded on the forehead or cheek. By day they were tormented with forced labor and at night kept in dungeons." Muslim, Armenians, Jews, and Greek traders all purchased Slavic slaves in Caffa.

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032c65  No.17643229

File: 5bdbeaa12faa9c4⋯.jpg (30.46 KB, 1059x926, 1059:926, vqht4o.jpg)


I disagree.

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c2c354  No.17643292

File: d79b39240ed1348⋯.jpg (32.22 KB, 1078x751, 1078:751, mcjijbe.jpg)


General Flynn ️️️, [16.06.22 18:02]


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d79f45  No.17643319

File: 195df9438c487c0⋯.jpg (33.86 KB, 535x628, 535:628, gnvlqkggsog.jpg)



Go on, have another. Lunatic rambler.

Rusty Nail

A Rusty Nail is made by mixing Drambuie and Scotch whisky (Chivas). The drink was included in Difford's Guide's Top 100 Cocktails. A Rusty Nail can be served in an old-fashioned glass on the rocks, neat.

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874862  No.17643353

File: ba231bfce34930f⋯.jpg (28.72 KB, 1071x649, 1071:649, 6dozr8we.jpg)


Generally, yes.

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7e1877  No.17643382

File: bee5598318d0c6a⋯.jpg (30.53 KB, 1093x683, 1093:683, tkfjt948s7qti.jpg)


Olga K reveals her Bun

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d79f45  No.17643389

File: 2bdbaf86d68d534⋯.jpg (22.14 KB, 1073x503, 1073:503, 7s6mrpdm.jpg)


>"Q" said "proof coming" and "Watch POTUS"afterthere was already a zero delta

Prove those secondary posts were the same source as the first.

Anons can "fake Q" using tor.

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a8de0e  No.17643411

File: 9b820c120a17337⋯.jpg (38.63 KB, 631x579, 631:579, mu4z818lk.jpg)


Zuckerberg is not the only social media figure connected with cannibalism. Steve Huffman, Reddit cofounder and CEO has also reportedly admitted to having taste for "exotic" meat.

Let's not forget the UK company that was making custom objects for special customers out of real human skin.

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db18d1  No.17643423

File: db4dee321303ef2⋯.jpg (34.46 KB, 1095x1047, 365:349, mpw432ldo.jpg)


It means Maxine Waters is a glhoew nigger

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4c6ab7  No.17643431

File: bdb131b035014fd⋯.jpg (32.49 KB, 1127x910, 161:130, 2bzp1kj6cw.jpg)


Cut him some slack. He is a homogenized human from the future. Probably stuck here now.

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60d4e2  No.17643451

File: c80b994c637962e⋯.jpg (34.52 KB, 1005x1083, 335:361, z9rqzcjr.jpg)


Are you planning on spamming this crap for the next 3 years?

You sad fucking malcontent.

Move on.

Go make hivemind everything you think it should be.

Build a better mousetrap and the world will beat a path to your door. Of course if it's shit you'll be there all by yourself. You could invite Q. If he posts there we will know you were right all along!

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032c65  No.17643453

File: a988dda917c74ac⋯.jpg (34.27 KB, 1046x1036, 523:518, arpns29amz.jpg)

Research Template to understanding The characters behind Roe V Wade

Norma McCorvey:

-Jane Roe Women’s Center

-Jane Roe Foundation

-A Choice for Women

-Gloria Allred

-Flip Benham (Operation Rescue)

-Roe No More Ministry

-Crossing Over Ministry

-Priests for Life (Pavone)

-Never had Abortion


Sarah Weddington

-Called Linda Coffee 1 month prior to Coffee/McCorvey meeting

-Carter White House Director political affairs

-2 terms Texas House of Representatives

-Carter administration US department of Agriculture

-Was public star of hearing

Linda Coffee

-Clerked for Sarah Hughes (Swore in her long time friend LBJ on plane after JFK Assassination)

-Friends with Howard McCluskey

-McCluskey introduced Coffee to McCorvey

-Traveled to Israel as Baptist missionary(?) months after Roe V wade decision

-remained out of spotlight

-Drafted initial major arguments in case

Judges in decision of roe v wade:

Chiefs Justice

Warren E. Burger

Associate Justices

William O Douglas

William J Brennan Jr

Potter Stewart

Byron White

Thurgood Marshall

Harry Blackmun

Lewis F Powell Jr

William Rehnquist

Dissenting judges

Byron White

William Rehnquist

(Follow the money, build the network)

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b8308b  No.17643486

File: a954c50e1d94257⋯.jpg (25.13 KB, 1001x611, 77:47, tnr3ud50w.jpg)



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5bca73  No.17643503

File: 8063926e3af044b⋯.jpg (31.26 KB, 989x982, 989:982, lqwf26f98dxk.jpg)


Nor an argument.

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60d4e2  No.17643521

File: c74d309da1432e5⋯.jpg (32.11 KB, 1019x979, 1019:979, hlrdgkj.jpg)


lemme finish my game 1st

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b12404  No.17643531

File: 50dfe581ffbcce0⋯.jpg (29.61 KB, 1076x641, 1076:641, 336ednldju.jpg)


repost clocks from pb >>17642319

QClocks June 24, 2022

The Return of Q - 10:10 & 11.3

added a 1700 days Clock

>And the timestamp matched a pro-life Q drop.

have a link?

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b1be7d  No.17643558

File: bfd207f53cc3622⋯.jpg (28.85 KB, 1169x588, 167:84, qyn3ba.jpg)

FUN FACT: The “Q” in”LGBTQA1C+” stands for “Qanon.”


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db18d1  No.17643569

File: f78e9530ea996fb⋯.jpg (28.4 KB, 1043x704, 1043:704, qk45bxevrbiq9f.jpg)


I was born for this moment sir!



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61ac47  No.17643581

File: 4df4b2871be6e4a⋯.jpg (36.56 KB, 603x641, 603:641, 0g6b7fr4r6jjsj.jpg)

If you sign up now they're giving out FREE TRANNY SCISSORS and DIY Clinics down at the Learning Annex of every major Democrat ran City…

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d1dd49  No.17643616

File: e6ed48cb8c11b42⋯.jpg (37.22 KB, 557x645, 557:645, i2pdjgt731az9.jpg)






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247a48  No.17643623

File: 8f4c531767930b9⋯.jpg (32.81 KB, 1212x699, 404:233, aw40cxk7d.jpg)



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073682  No.17643649

File: 0c5da4de8c5cb81⋯.jpg (28.39 KB, 1183x641, 1183:641, vu8cppq.jpg)


yeah. then the board is probably fucked.

if you can find another exact same model and release you can probably switch out the board. anything worse than that you gotta spend a wad.

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7c37bb  No.17643652

File: 3f5680ed5df48fb⋯.jpg (31.19 KB, 1082x917, 1082:917, 6bbe3a.jpg)


and tehn Frudeau was baggin his prime bilbo like jfkLESBIAN

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17b9c5  No.17643698

File: e1d8f14a99244dc⋯.jpg (34.38 KB, 1188x967, 1188:967, lxrh5cpchk9bm.jpg)


Or they knew it would be an election issue so temporarily reduced the price to help election chances for Democrats. Poasibly.

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6d20f0  No.17643699

File: 3874c77976c4c3a⋯.jpg (31.37 KB, 1107x938, 1107:938, gox3kg9s6f.jpg)


lemme finish my game 1st

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a8de0e  No.17643706

File: cedaa9c6165821e⋯.jpg (39.67 KB, 605x643, 605:643, tovuid9jltz3v.jpg)

The Secret Of The Elites Group And Their Master

Most of the elite people group have their master.

Do you want to know the secret ?

Most of the people in the elite group only have human form, while their spirit only equal a dog !

Thus frankly they are no better than any dog you seen in daily life !

Most of so called world leaders only know to blind follow order of their masters.

Hey, do you know who their master?

Just some beings with little power and ability above mortal humans.

They are plain stupid beings only know to “remember, copy” others, they do not have ability of a true God, none of them fully able understand what is Nirvana mean.

The most wrong ideology they are still think is “there is some beings above human, and humanity must obey” => which is totally wrong, human are the best of best, there is absolutely none any beings that above human, human do not need to obey any beings.

Most of the war chaos over the last 3 years till now has been made up from those stupid idiost “masters”. They are dying in rapid speed ! But instead of disconnect and stop command others, they only blame others, they are fear of death.

Their level of stupid is through the roof, instead of wake up, open mind to listen others using brain, they are still only thinking that only beings with super power/ability can help them, but not anyone else.

All the world leaders and their master will die one by one because they are fail to accept and recognize me the Savior Messiah Buddha.

I feel so sorry for the elites group, they only know about money, wealth but will never able to know the other interesting worlds.

I highly recommend you guys escape and stop working for any secret societies/groups because you will be 100% die if you following their orders, but you will have more chance of surviving if you stay away from any group/organization.

Best Regard,

The Savior Messiah Buddha

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7b22ac  No.17643707

File: 0b8e7ae8c4c2454⋯.jpg (34.77 KB, 1194x980, 597:490, 7cb5baqfekxlg5.jpg)


I second this one. Notable AND Funny. I can here the REEEEEEEEEEEE !!!!! All the way over here. 😆

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36398f  No.17643720

File: bb7c954c7bd04b4⋯.jpg (35.14 KB, 1180x802, 590:401, 9p9urie.jpg)


C before D

Calories before Diet

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c7a395  No.17643988

File: c257d2b370d163c⋯.jpg (36.93 KB, 1124x1123, 1124:1123, qq1stmex.jpg)

Q's Latest Posts

Saturday 06.25.2022


Friday 06.24.2022




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8a3d5a  No.17643990

File: 212f84ca92c59b1⋯.jpg (41.14 KB, 684x579, 228:193, ktgfmhampi.jpg)


I think he was talking about electronics not working in the system used to launch planes. Magnets are for the elevators.

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b8d72b  No.17644010

File: 08f72e5d7a1e53b⋯.jpg (34.9 KB, 1198x780, 599:390, niyzfzb.jpg)


Jim said 'QANON', not 'Q'.

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61ac47  No.17644029

File: 169386c06dc7226⋯.jpg (25.2 KB, 1062x599, 1062:599, wjid05hy673m.jpg)



Tactical thinking.

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68f3f2  No.17644054

File: 29c9e72f9ffa5ee⋯.jpg (33.89 KB, 1282x688, 641:344, 2d4cfwyubolb.jpg)

Reminder, Monday is a SCOTUS decision day

7 cases left, one of which is the EPA one.

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d8439f  No.17644055

File: e1713a93b9c6f6d⋯.jpg (26.1 KB, 1021x652, 1021:652, tqfidecf0nars.jpg)


>Where can I read Ghislaine Maxwell's full verdict?

the verdict store

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d1dd49  No.17644078

File: 21f5555637ea8dd⋯.jpg (42.33 KB, 689x627, 689:627, ux87w76v4j7.jpg)

I wish Q was at the end of the plan, getting rid of Israel.

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f9cc49  No.17644081

File: 4f2e1c93650aaf9⋯.jpg (31.17 KB, 1148x686, 82:49, n0gw5vz6.jpg)

Tomorrow, we'll have a new Supreme Court Justice. I predict that she'll help conservative justice establish voter ID laws in time for the mid-term elections.

>Jackson to take Supreme Court oath Thurs., minutes after Breyer retires

Sauce: https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/06/29/ketanji-brown-jackson-supreme-court-oath-swearing-in/

My shitty-ass decodes: >>17639522

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ba7e9a  No.17644103

File: 684affea30b865e⋯.jpg (32.6 KB, 1048x966, 524:483, s1ohehaw.jpg)


yeah i only remember it in passing but if this case does have larger implications it is interesting to consider i suppose.

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61ac47  No.17644111

File: 4454901b0be35c4⋯.jpg (45.34 KB, 727x644, 727:644, kynekii0.jpg)


the nuclear powered borers gave been running since the fifties

at eight miles a day.

earth is an anthill atp

moar than enough room to protect the populace during

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17bddf  No.17644126

File: 7e93340f3d066ec⋯.jpg (30.07 KB, 1123x632, 1123:632, eg7p6wvb7c85.jpg)


>Weird how Jim

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d14f62  No.17644139

File: b6d6a4932385efd⋯.jpg (28.69 KB, 1111x637, 1111:637, t3m0lkdkown22o.jpg)







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4f242e  No.17644140

File: 5d0003b111996f5⋯.jpg (32.54 KB, 650x482, 325:241, km4x8noi.jpg)


Last night an Anon challenged Q to authenticate by removing the B post. Subsequently the B post was removed.

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3d4874  No.17644144

File: ece112190ce885e⋯.jpg (21.52 KB, 1017x515, 1017:515, 61ha1flv5.jpg)

think about anons

why would Q left and let his trip here, well aware of all those script kiddos trying their best to hijack it?

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4c6ab7  No.17644169

File: 78c78235a2785bc⋯.jpg (37.17 KB, 527x653, 527:653, 2fs1q4w7.jpg)


the lion returns, not the lamb

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da4e3c  No.17644183

File: 49ba3dd99852513⋯.jpg (22.91 KB, 1063x508, 1063:508, 7qr1sph01o7jq.jpg)



Symbolism Downfall?

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a8de0e  No.17644188

File: d06125f4ec687a2⋯.jpg (36.33 KB, 1205x1031, 1205:1031, obi2cwhvf616i.jpg)


one likes yeezy

the Logos rewrite

was barbaric

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7c37bb  No.17644195

File: a0c42d5ede67f97⋯.jpg (38.87 KB, 666x585, 74:65, x2k5ccyq8k.jpg)

Soooooooo, Jan. 6 Committee is really the Committee For Public Safety, Redux. Who will be its Marat or Robespierre?

Ned Ryun


But Alyssa Farrah assured people that this committee was completely professional. She also assured people that Adam Kinzinger was one of the best members of congress and that Liz Cheney was extremely brave. . . I’m so confused right now. . . Stupid person defending stupid people.

Jonathan Swan @jonathanvswan

NEW: Jan 6 committee has split behind the scenes over what actions to take after public hearings: Some members want big changes on voting rights — incl to abolish the Electoral College — while others are resisting proposals to overhaul the election system. https://www.axios.com/2022/06/05/january-6-committee-electoral-college-reforms


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aa975f  No.17644199

File: 3c5c666754e2ca2⋯.jpg (31.74 KB, 1064x730, 532:365, 6ugyskt.jpg)

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defbed  No.17644203

File: 31b329d5fbb5a4c⋯.jpg (32.54 KB, 1230x699, 410:233, 530okio7mz.jpg)

The texts promoted ″an ideology that rejects technology″ and the ″counter-ideal″ of nature as a desirable alternative to modern technology.In point of fact, but he argued that technology and an industrialized society effectively destroys human freedom because they require ″close regulation of human behavior in order to function.″ This is due to the fact that technology and an industrialized society need to ″regulate human behavior closely.″

>regulate human behavior closely

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17bddf  No.17644204

File: 98b38fa44332e7a⋯.jpg (45.45 KB, 711x671, 711:671, xu2sgu.jpg)

WWIII "officially" starts today.

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60d4e2  No.17644210

File: 1a7d46547722bab⋯.jpg (27.02 KB, 1189x606, 1189:606, 1npd2k92.jpg)


>When lifeguards try to help drowning persons they sometimes have to punch them in the face

I'm pretty sure that's not true, but that won't stop me from kekking about it.

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247a48  No.17644214

File: da5e0729c3d3471⋯.jpg (34.11 KB, 1110x1029, 370:343, up4b9r6m4827.jpg)


Fear will keep chasing down those who run. Be brave and face what needs to be confronted. Fear is weak, (you) are strong.

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bb00d1  No.17644222

File: a816d1429a4629e⋯.jpg (27.11 KB, 1026x700, 513:350, zypypzv5d9.jpg)


How about a "0" for "fuck that shit"?

Holidays are satan's way of luring us into avarice.

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3d4874  No.17644229

File: cb2f8e090af9c93⋯.jpg (24.87 KB, 1017x622, 1017:622, kfojv88221ip.jpg)


>Q is here.

>You are safe.

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f92753  No.17644239

File: d7defb4923d5d09⋯.jpg (24.94 KB, 1147x564, 1147:564, s7xxluazajit.jpg)

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5044c2  No.17644240

File: c8d76d5298a9fbd⋯.jpg (32.2 KB, 1032x1010, 516:505, fa8r6wcu2pn.jpg)

Mo Donagal for the win.

MO modus operandi donagal

MO Dun Na Ngall

[N]WO +++

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98c189  No.17644245

File: c146387ecefaa74⋯.jpg (33.39 KB, 1204x987, 172:141, iivl1f6.jpg)


It could probably be a sophisticated "Sum of All Fears" type thing.

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ff4acb  No.17644260

File: 379b45209b855b3⋯.jpg (28.8 KB, 1139x682, 1139:682, 7h5unmy2j.jpg)


It wasn't so long ago when you had to get a blood test to get married in America.

Not much different.

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17bddf  No.17644282

File: f81925e252d6ed9⋯.jpg (29.07 KB, 489x508, 489:508, o1huled8m.jpg)


Muh Dick

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670f90  No.17644314

File: 9890fa394a48d4c⋯.jpg (22.73 KB, 989x532, 989:532, zaztrntp6fvp7.jpg)

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acd361  No.17644326

File: d1c8415827e7d27⋯.jpg (30.4 KB, 1210x586, 605:293, ydzgmfeok.jpg)


I guess if you now follow me you will experience some sort of pain bc other masons will come at you.

but hey, if you don´t, I burn your souls eternally, so there´s that.

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f92753  No.17644327

File: ca7f2be74570f4e⋯.jpg (34.6 KB, 502x699, 502:699, jl3j9lolex9.jpg)


>do you think they will be so bold next time?

They have been doing it for decades, and won't stop anytime soon. In fact they won't stop, until they are prosecuted and punished for their crimes.

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27dacf  No.17644341

File: ea5dec4d6d3be57⋯.jpg (38.51 KB, 671x557, 671:557, n3irja9sqkk.jpg)


It not only flopped. It flopped in prime time.

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17b9c5  No.17644355

File: 84d469a6244aa88⋯.jpg (30.75 KB, 1054x691, 1054:691, dd02wrlwhk.jpg)


Errr… maybe. My numbers may be "time served" or some shit.

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7f57df  No.17644382

File: 688ffb8610021ce⋯.jpg (35.09 KB, 1078x1132, 539:566, lq4vd7u.jpg)

Bullshit Q on /tardmind. Dusting off finkleshill. Fake newfags. This is getting good.

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d14f62  No.17644386

File: e765d0101c51a7f⋯.jpg (28.61 KB, 1065x746, 1065:746, c70cy2.jpg)


Light tonight, but Monday is coming

Cannot hang around longer, stuff to do tomorrow

much love (no homo) to anons, the greatest people on Earth

Notables are not Endorsements

passing 450






This bread is GHOST

Bakers and Note Takers please step up

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2bb687  No.17644390

File: f60d6b447c4a77b⋯.jpg (29.01 KB, 1188x579, 396:193, m1ujxyv.jpg)


>1. Everyone else.

i aint getting in the van then

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da4e3c  No.17644421

File: 486caa58bc2af19⋯.jpg (24.06 KB, 1109x550, 1109:550, een7sdw08.jpg)


>Wonder what they have planned.

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27dacf  No.17644424

File: bce90149f5bdb64⋯.jpg (24.81 KB, 1178x611, 1178:611, zxt88typtgjp.jpg)


I was just thinking of Q the other day and Wondering when You'd return. Yesterday was a momentous day and your return is just the icing on the cake!

Ready to serve. Lets do this!

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ff4acb  No.17644429

File: 0e9b36f77b4b58c⋯.jpg (24.01 KB, 1065x545, 213:109, gbkkkvrat661.jpg)


I do think she's definitely not the standard Democrat and perhaps maybe she's a DINO but had to blend in with the pink tutu and the wigs to try to fit in as Democrats base most of their following by how people look not what they do.

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d8471e  No.17644431

File: e42567e0a822ec7⋯.jpg (34.51 KB, 557x551, 557:551, r33rykt.jpg)

wth timestamps

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2c6958  No.17644444

File: 36bd4a638a0cede⋯.jpg (32.63 KB, 1127x738, 1127:738, 83m4kuk.jpg)

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2b1b74  No.17644449

File: 064dce37baae29c⋯.jpg (33.31 KB, 1169x712, 1169:712, bt2vpa.jpg)


>the virus

Oh noes.

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74dfe3  No.17644469

File: 2a5a623a3525d58⋯.jpg (25.74 KB, 1004x602, 502:301, 2k8auqyyvt.jpg)



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2bb687  No.17644471

File: 9753359db3bca9c⋯.jpg (24.55 KB, 1201x511, 1201:511, ykzbx21sq4qq.jpg)

A list of unspoken board culture rules that have been consistently broken every day for years, leading to the degradation of this board:

-do not link directly to qresearch on social media

-do not carry on an identity from one bread to the next (namefagging, avatarfagging etc)

-do not post specific mundane details or status updates about your personal life, no one cares

-do not make any reference to your gender, especially if you are female

-do not openly flirt with one another

-do not emojifag (hearts, winks) or emotionfag (!!!! ALL CAPS!! "LOL")

-do not post normie memes or anything that looks like it came from reddit

-do not lick the mods' assholes or ingratiate yourself with anyone, including mods, site owner, or even Q. no one is above another.

-do not post anything that is unrelated to the topic of the board (Q and happenings) and/or shitposting discussion with other anons (example: your favorite music, a cute animal video)

-do not repost old news during the same shift, especially if it's already been in notables

-do not post random twitter accounts that have no relevance if they're not saying anything new

-do not slide the bread with pet theories if no one else cares or repost them a million times in every bread, no matter how convinced you are of them

-do not eat up all the bread with more than 20 posts unless it's graveyard shift

all of these rules could and should be broken occasionally. all rules are meant to be broken. but not to this extent.

On the flip side, a list of what anons used to do

-do read all notables updates and give input on what the best posts of the bread are and how they should be described

-do watch the baker

-do debate over notables

-do try to create original content or be the first to post breaking news in order to make it in there

-do compete with one another

-do shame idiocy or mediocrity of all kinds. shame it off the board.

-do post dank ass memes

-do shitpost if you have nothing else to contribute - there is such a thing as quality shitposting.

-do critique board staff instead of immediately taking their side on everything. anons should be critical thinkers.

-do encourage each other to bake when there's no one else around

/end second rant

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acd361  No.17644499

File: 2dab79fad870924⋯.jpg (34.58 KB, 1267x727, 1267:727, xhh18zo4.jpg)


>yet the other path is most difficult

That must have been my path, sure thing!

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d8471e  No.17644516

File: 71477bcba3ac636⋯.jpg (37.06 KB, 1272x810, 212:135, 9kqf6oen42azy.jpg)


That picture says confinement to me.

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247a48  No.17644550

File: 5e75dcb43aab6a8⋯.jpg (43.01 KB, 610x711, 610:711, exsnl2l5h5t.jpg)


Based AF

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8a3d5a  No.17644574

File: 6abcb16e37cd2af⋯.jpg (34.14 KB, 1193x784, 1193:784, roywjw0up.jpg)



do something about it


just keep reeeing ımpotently

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670f90  No.17644576

File: e4233e707a1c91d⋯.jpg (31.3 KB, 1059x921, 353:307, j224undoz.jpg)


suck the nigger dick, goyim

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f39722  No.17644585

File: c3dc8c492536475⋯.jpg (25.53 KB, 1209x514, 1209:514, lw18nwugjtf8o.jpg)


BREAKING: 10 Republicans just voted with Democrats to increase the minimum age for buying semi-automatic weapons to 21.












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da4e3c  No.17644588

File: b6c03ba7b411d7a⋯.jpg (22.79 KB, 986x537, 986:537, lspnwrwdycdsi9.jpg)




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3936ad  No.17644599

File: 802216a4b194729⋯.jpg (34.25 KB, 1221x789, 407:263, uc31im.jpg)


Good job.

The only salt issue is the tears of traitors.

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032c65  No.17644605

File: daf92c0fb278d32⋯.jpg (37.98 KB, 1169x1111, 1169:1111, x67p5d60jg.jpg)







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d47cb6  No.17644617

File: e156217c6bd63f6⋯.jpg (23.89 KB, 1142x534, 571:267, imxrquhj7m0m.jpg)

U.S. Marshals


Herman Arthur Carroll Sr. is wanted out of the Central District of #Illinois for criminal sexual abuse of a child. He is likely to be in #Missouri, in #Branson #Springfield #Jacksonville


10:00 AM · Jul 1, 2022·Hootsuite Inc.


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66a435  No.17644621

File: 72d68bc7d141b7a⋯.jpg (40.27 KB, 718x559, 718:559, o6j6l2ql3c32.jpg)


lying to the American people on primetime television Edition

nom for bread title

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2c6958  No.17644625

File: 2c7e6c5805ec58f⋯.jpg (23.29 KB, 1028x566, 514:283, 5hezevo42xfzw.jpg)

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8e545b  No.17644626

File: 35b32144c68708f⋯.jpg (40.44 KB, 635x631, 635:631, 6r9iqmrq6s.jpg)

I'm hungry but I'm too lazy to get up and make something.

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aa975f  No.17644630

File: e87606b46181b95⋯.jpg (42.14 KB, 703x610, 703:610, kxbntp1.jpg)



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aece5d  No.17644657

File: d3b79bfcfb72894⋯.jpg (28.09 KB, 504x504, 1:1, gl84q24a8ewaz.jpg)

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d14f62  No.17644659

File: 9e1263b1a088660⋯.jpg (30.12 KB, 1161x609, 387:203, 3sycp0y7a.jpg)


>What do you do, oh one post wonder?

Why, thank you for asking.

I still digg, only nowadays I post them on TS alongside many other QR oldfags that go straight to where all the action and eyeballs are these days.

QR's just a no Q relic now on the downside of a long slow fade.

I still check in here periodically to see what QR is up to tho.

Mostly SSDD nothingness, but the shitposts are still pretty good and usually worth the visit.

>t. No need/desire to promote my acct nor be anything but Anon while here.

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403d49  No.17644660

File: a1abb674b9193dd⋯.jpg (34.93 KB, 1198x753, 1198:753, zhs4fhl9b4zobu.jpg)


Baker is ready to hand off to new baker, board is really fucky with posting new threads,





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e84c52  No.17644685

File: d9a34459974ee39⋯.jpg (37.43 KB, 592x603, 592:603, 8u1zdfi9vg.jpg)

She's ded Jim

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10305f  No.17644687

File: 34014955ee73d0b⋯.jpg (31.3 KB, 505x588, 505:588, r9umie.jpg)


I'm grateful that Jim provides 8kun. Other than that I don't know him. He deserves an opportunity to return from his trip, assess the situation, and offer an explanation. You would deserve to be treated in a similar manner.

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1a7e58  No.17644695

File: e6a517ff379d765⋯.jpg (35.26 KB, 642x500, 321:250, ckkds7bst7uvl.jpg)

GM anons, autists and keyboard warriors o7.

It seems you know who posted whilst my 👀 finally closed last night. Can the pant shitting begin, or must we hold it waiting for confirmation from board bitches. Damn it, I need answers.. My inner Karen is in full melt down. I may have to abort her.


MAN the meme canons 🔥 4E and fix bayonets, this is WAR.

OH YEAH HAPPY {PINO} bidAn day 522. Somebody get the covfefe. Find SWORDY ffs, we need a blessing.

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d47cb6  No.17644697

File: 357007069ef9f1e⋯.jpg (36.26 KB, 1164x1097, 1164:1097, kk77hqzpt7gft.jpg)

agents provacateur 1-999 soon to be revealed, more undiscovered stars.

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29ab89  No.17644708

File: 9049428c7f6f005⋯.jpg (32.28 KB, 511x534, 511:534, ce2swo.jpg)


Desperate agencies…

What’s something new or interesting you’ve learned recently?

The CIA surgically placed a microphone, transmitter, and antenna wire inside a cat in an hour-long operation to eavesdrop on people.


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4f242e  No.17644751

File: a22aee79e3edc4d⋯.jpg (35.69 KB, 1221x1011, 407:337, 1l15l1c.jpg)

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f9cc49  No.17644758

File: ce632e03d1d8cff⋯.jpg (22.99 KB, 963x587, 963:587, yhsr3y44wl.jpg)

Updated DOUGH as best i can


hope i didnt fuck up toooo much


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4c6ab7  No.17644764

File: 199bfe5d500b10e⋯.jpg (40.73 KB, 614x682, 307:341, 5ydwtgb.jpg)


>look at what all that healthy livin has done to him

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b8d72b  No.17644766

File: 6a8ad569c53afc5⋯.jpg (27.69 KB, 1102x584, 551:292, 2qi5mfi8i2or.jpg)


Anon do you contribute anything? I mean other than shilling about the clock.

I thought you filtered me and I wouldn't have to listen to your replies.


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29ab89  No.17644795

File: fa4a3433c68ff51⋯.jpg (33.99 KB, 1223x899, 1223:899, lvrujbflh22ccm.jpg)



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b12404  No.17644818

File: cfa818ac84a9448⋯.jpg (37.33 KB, 1201x1062, 1201:1062, 3j6oeb1.jpg)





12/05/2017 00:09:40

8chan/cbts: 34917

RED RED 9/11.

Funds raised vs distributed?


7/10 plane crashes are targeted kills.

Those in the know never sleep.



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36398f  No.17644823

File: c39d759e1b1d384⋯.jpg (33.48 KB, 1183x736, 1183:736, z81e3x.jpg)


>And then God told Adam to convene a court and convict Cain, keep him in solitary confinement for 20 years and then execute him in the name of God, right?

God was the judge and jury.

God decided what Cain's punishment should be.

God knows the hearts and minds of all people.

God is the perfect Judge.

He is Perfectly Just and Perfectly Merciful.

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aece5d  No.17644825

File: 598001530bcbb94⋯.jpg (31.58 KB, 1160x689, 1160:689, 2gdy7ya49nw.jpg)


careful shill

Physical wounds heal

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eb8648  No.17644860

File: 96f5dffab8977d9⋯.jpg (25.68 KB, 1074x596, 537:298, 38rglqeulpy.jpg)


Our Jewdicial system needs to be exterminated.

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a3f72b  No.17644875

File: 02c2a3a034a51af⋯.jpg (28.42 KB, 1162x674, 581:337, 8hk9v1fgf9.jpg)


7th floor never was and Q said there's no more seventh floor?

was the 7th floor just a Hollywood story? Pompeo's office was on the 6th floor then?

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a8de0e  No.17644913

File: 774208d3cbfc4d7⋯.jpg (33.96 KB, 1093x1129, 1093:1129, 4pvawnf9tg6qbr.jpg)


Which (((degenerative diseases))) do you have that make you waste everyone's time here?

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9524fb  No.17644915

File: 8fbc6e37dc0496b⋯.jpg (34.82 KB, 1228x749, 1228:749, qtdml18xjl.jpg)



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670f90  No.17644919

File: ce76564b920efee⋯.jpg (29.98 KB, 1075x662, 1075:662, 6pwu26d.jpg)

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68f3f2  No.17644923

File: 2fe0324dc7351ba⋯.jpg (23.19 KB, 993x585, 331:195, cb84y263l6j.jpg)


Dan looks like a minute man - 3 seconds.

Note the reference in the pic to Proverbs.

Proverb for the Day 29:11 – Fool, Anger, Wise & Self-control: You Choose! A fool gives full vent to his anger, but a wise man keeps himself under control.


>Revelations 5:5

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f39722  No.17644924

File: 8790ee67ed40d23⋯.jpg (36.44 KB, 1121x1122, 1121:1122, el0ltg1loh7.jpg)

'I would take a bullet for Putin': Outrage as Bernie Ecclestone says Russian president is a 'first class person' who 'believed he was doing the right thing' by ordering invasion of Ukraine - and defends F1 star Piquet in Lewis Hamilton race row

Billionaire Bernie Ecclestone said the thousands of civilian deaths in the Ukraine war were 'not intentional'

The Ex-Formula One owner made the bizarre comments during an interview with Good Morning Britain (GMB)

He also said the N-word comment made by Nelson Pique was just 'part of the conversation' for the Brazilian


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94fcae  No.17644963

File: 4679e0d7119e30c⋯.jpg (31.43 KB, 1130x904, 5:4, 5m4dgq5.jpg)

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0840e9  No.17644973

File: 1a9db3c0adba721⋯.jpg (24.85 KB, 1198x511, 1198:511, zqi98yb.jpg)

Space Force Recruiting


Learn more about becoming a Fusion Analyst here:


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1f3bfd  No.17644998

File: 897f5051892460c⋯.jpg (21.52 KB, 1066x520, 41:20, 9isg9auxucvs.jpg)


so whats the fucking plan, Chief?

just keep cucking to it?

or is it time to "mount up, patriots"?

both options are exceedingly fake and ghey

so whats the REAL plan?

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75ee47  No.17645007

File: dc3aa4ed7f604a7⋯.jpg (43.28 KB, 634x707, 634:707, 3iwjd1j.jpg)

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e948a7  No.17645017

File: 3027d8465c21ab8⋯.jpg (27.28 KB, 481x487, 481:487, b470g5s90iq85.jpg)


Anon knew that.

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75ee47  No.17645021

File: fe450d1b81c63e1⋯.jpg (34.29 KB, 1066x1097, 1066:1097, s5u4rkx213trl.jpg)

The amount of cash was too damn high to refuse the ballot harvesting!!!

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5a097b  No.17645055

File: eb7629685cbcc0a⋯.jpg (25.12 KB, 1155x548, 1155:548, lqgp3g7q9yok9y.jpg)


So this means there will be 1,000s of lawsuit against every agency now

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dde766  No.17645071

File: e277ef3a35c2830⋯.jpg (28.31 KB, 1164x664, 291:166, 9s63wesy7by.jpg)



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2c0741  No.17645078

File: b404acd6eaa8c20⋯.jpg (37.53 KB, 567x667, 567:667, i7n0q5hjbab51r.jpg)


it was a helicopter, everyone knows that

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575edd  No.17645079

File: 3f401798b3999f3⋯.jpg (28.54 KB, 1049x632, 1049:632, tnx32gwqb1wyqf.jpg)


Jew admits "We are white when it is convenient"


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55b780  No.17645086

File: 143b3cacd276811⋯.jpg (39.92 KB, 548x705, 548:705, 8hq9bgehwmiqv3.jpg)


Do they have the comments up? That would be the only motivation to go to that link.

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47bda9  No.17645100

File: 70ffece5ec983f8⋯.jpg (25.75 KB, 984x629, 984:629, bf0gfd1kbt.jpg)


>Cult family


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f1dd68  No.17645113

File: 9ff1eb0fa10b021⋯.jpg (27.69 KB, 1121x572, 1121:572, 9vruyt.jpg)


dead cat bounce

Does this refer to "woke" companies crashing in on themselves?

Big pharma, media, entertainment, social media… Will they collapse under their own weight.. Is that the dead cat bounce?

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9db7f5  No.17645127

File: adb6f38548b62a9⋯.jpg (23.37 KB, 995x567, 995:567, xm1hd0urr4evi.jpg)


>BTC is hijacked "Bitcoin" and BSV is the real "Bitcoin"

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cb4032  No.17645130

File: f7243f7d7aeba6e⋯.jpg (31.95 KB, 1003x1029, 1003:1029, w50lbh4e9nmse.jpg)

have anons seen this? supposed to be the real power players, with bohemain grove being a level down in the pyramid


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9ee72f  No.17645133

File: b54e66a58291011⋯.jpg (35.16 KB, 1207x792, 1207:792, 0tcuyxjcgecxwy.jpg)


With a lyrical rhyme of truth you might label me a clown, but in the end I work for free to expose the zionist crown.

Toss all your labels and insults at will, I'll continue my work for free with a smile to share the red pill.

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9d6c9d  No.17645140

File: 6908d693d2da975⋯.jpg (37.5 KB, 1117x1124, 1117:1124, slya7fvlmh5.jpg)


what is Q supposed to do?

Wikipedia sure don't like it.

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95a6dc  No.17645170

File: 1b3c7f819d1c33a⋯.jpg (38.85 KB, 577x643, 577:643, d8js8d.jpg)


>pedestrian was hit by a dump truck

shit what a way to die.

closed casket I assume.

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f9daa6  No.17645191

File: b3fe537043677e6⋯.jpg (25.38 KB, 1039x656, 1039:656, iifpswewf.jpg)

Sisters and Brothers Anon Watchmen Warrior Patriot's World Wide

You are witnessing the systematic destruction of the OLD GUARD.

Dark to LIGHT.

The calm before the storm.

Rider On the Storm

'Calm Before the Storm'?


[FAKE NEWS [arm of the D party]].

[self destructing]

Keck Array (2012 - 2017)

Looks like a holding pattern due to weather.


Know Your Snakes





What's up with everything but the Air causing all this SUDDENHEART DISEASE?

who is W.H.O.???

C.D.C. = CENTER FOR DEATH CONTROL / W.H.O. the fuck knows

Remember THIS DAY.

Operators are standing by.

"shining the light of truth"





"Equal Time"


"one minute"

one day

January 6th

one minute





































"Order of the Dragon'




Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming



Dark to LIGHT.

Hunters become the HUNTED.

[Wheels up]




John Brennan TREASON

James Comey TREASON

















Hello Q, Q+ and MILINT


Look to Twitter:

Exactly this: "My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us……."

God bless.







Flash Dir_

General K. Ready, Aim, FIRE!💥

You will never be alone, Godspeed Patriots.


John F. Kennedy Jr.

I am calling the ball, green light and good, on glideslope sportsball. larry bird is a faggot in…3_2_1_READY_set…….'go'



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893af4  No.17645210

File: 876c32b2c5fc815⋯.jpg (33.34 KB, 1044x1024, 261:256, i3e3cw7gye.jpg)


All these years I still don't know how to do that. Real anons never need it

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6cdc75  No.17645250

File: 45c193803f27abc⋯.jpg (35 KB, 1024x1114, 512:557, 0x8j6llz4m.jpg)


Nirvana - You Know You're Right (LP Version)

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8159a1  No.17645252

File: d8bc00cb6c451c0⋯.jpg (27.56 KB, 1018x682, 509:341, pewsp9.jpg)


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5fa009  No.17645254

File: 18d80dfd24fa37f⋯.jpg (27.76 KB, 1091x617, 1091:617, s5vo96f.jpg)


Cancun is a very active cartel area outside of the cartel-owned resort areas. Could be there to make someone nervous.

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d6e652  No.17645281

File: f839dd52e192663⋯.jpg (29.32 KB, 1124x642, 562:321, gqn4mwzt6g.jpg)


Maybe he's got the longs covid

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248192  No.17645290

File: 16d31749816f6d1⋯.jpg (32.06 KB, 1283x641, 1283:641, fq0mxcmpnzzck.jpg)


New tactic to run cover for the airlines' delays & cancellations. Next Potatus and Pete Buttwedge will demand airlines cut flights in 1/2 to save fuel.

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a17c3b  No.17645291

File: e15fd51275a16ee⋯.jpg (34.65 KB, 540x605, 108:121, n1x2uuwixym.jpg)

Liz Harrington / @realLizUSA

06/18/2022 19:10:24

Truth Social: 108500996910662391

“It was indeed the Crime of the Century, and look what’s happened to our Country.”


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d6e652  No.17645298

File: 2764d51c75676d1⋯.jpg (33.15 KB, 1236x726, 206:121, 39efvdbl4bkzo.jpg)

Since our economy is fucked and we are likely to enter high inflation I want to buy stock in stable companies with actual assets and a solid balance sheet. I have a few ideas but wonder if any finance anons have some favorites.

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a17c3b  No.17645300

File: 623b2e660688b18⋯.jpg (26.41 KB, 982x653, 982:653, kbdp2oq5.jpg)

"Highly respected Generals"

>Why did Trump surround himself with a "Highly respected Generals"?

<Cowards - all of them.

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248192  No.17645305

File: ae76f1cb6dd3076⋯.jpg (37.15 KB, 1123x1097, 1123:1097, jqw7d9ocoffdpo.jpg)

these guys always dress down?

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248192  No.17645311

File: c6d488bd7c4b558⋯.jpg (31.37 KB, 1158x899, 1158:899, 8r0r352i79.jpg)

Mossad is desperate af.

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a17c3b  No.17645314

File: 71e38da11c24eba⋯.jpg (42.13 KB, 680x654, 340:327, xkmt2bd7rfbsl.jpg)


Cry Moar Shill

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a17c3b  No.17645332

File: 62a75bac140a443⋯.jpg (28.16 KB, 1088x725, 1088:725, 1s1jd8scyikhv.jpg)


Journalists demand release of Assange from UK prison

A global alliance of journalists, editors, and publishers requested on Wednesday that Wikileaks founder Julian Assange be freed from a UK prison immediately and that all accusations against him be abandoned.

Fifteen international journalist and publisher unions and organizations convened in Geneva for a "call to free Julian Assange in the name of press freedom."

Dominique Pradalie, head of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), which has 600,000 members across 140 countries said, "We are demanding that Julian Assange be freed, returned to his family, and finally permitted to live a normal life."

During the event, Pradalie stated that "if Julian Assange is freed today, they will still have stolen 10 years of his life."

The request came after the British government accepted Assange's extradition to the United States last week.

On Tuesday, Mexico's President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador considered that WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has been treated “very unfairly”, affirming that Mexico is willing to receive him.

The Mexican President told reporters that he would touch on Assange’s case during his July meeting with US President Joe Biden, and ask the latter to drop charges against the Australian journalist.

Lopez Obrador considered that “Julian Assange is the best journalist of our time in the world and he has been treated very unfairly, worse than a criminal."

Last Friday, supporters of Julian Assange pledged to resist his extradition to the US after Britain granted a US request for the Wikileaks founder to stand trial for leaking classified military data.

Stella Morris, the wife of Assange, said, "We're going to fight this. We're going to use every appeal avenue."

Assange's lawyer Jen Robinson urged the US President to drop the charges and said they would appeal to the European Court of Human Rights if necessary.

Flagrant violation of human rights

The event on Wednesday slammed the British decision as a "flagrant violation of human rights and a showing of total contempt for freedom of the press".

The chairman of the Swiss Press Club, which is organizing the event, Pierre Ruetschi, warned that "democracy is being taken hostage." "This attempt at criminalizing journalism is a serious threat."

Tim Dawson, of the National Union of Journalists of Britain and Ireland, agreed.

"If Julian Assange can be threatened with prosecution as a spy, what might that mean for other journalists?" he asked.

Edgar Block, the co-president of the Swiss journalist association Impressum expressed that "Assange revealed war crimes, human rights violations, and all the information revealed is of course of public interest."

"If he is extradited and condemned today, other journalists will be condemned as well."

A number of petitioners also urged Swiss authorities to expedite his release by providing him with protection from further prosecution in Switzerland.

Can Assange handle extradition?

It is worth mentioning that last year, a defense lawyer for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange argued that US promises that Assange would not be subjected to harsh prison conditions if extradited were not enough to address concerns regarding his fragile mental health and high risk of suicide.

Assange's lawyer said the Australian was "too mentally ill" to be extradited to the US in light of his trial on "espionage charges".

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d6e652  No.17645339

File: fcdeef161fc3c17⋯.jpg (32.65 KB, 528x562, 264:281, gphylulxbrk.jpg)


So, yeah, hol up.

Q banned someone on his board that nobody else is supposed to be posting on?


This fuckery is so comically absurd at this point.

Anyone still believing Jim is being honest at this point is either in on it, is afraid QR could potentially go away / be abandoned by anons because of this exposed fuckery, or as Jim Breuer just said, is retarded.

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248192  No.17645340

File: 60c3866d591f70e⋯.jpg (29.56 KB, 1274x584, 637:292, gceea7x.jpg)



>You shouldn't do them anyway.

And I never will.

Like I will never wear a mask, inject the gene-tonics or put the lotion on my skin.

Just saying I was expected to, as they said: It's the official recommendations, so why would I not?

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248192  No.17645358

File: c31e569e4536396⋯.jpg (38.41 KB, 1159x1128, 1159:1128, yj7gue0yee.jpg)


> Q Research is the Wild West on Steroids

Ride 'em like a cowboy!

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a17c3b  No.17645363

File: c77398821e6afe7⋯.jpg (34.41 KB, 1230x730, 123:73, s9ucl4h7r1x5l.jpg)




[they] could’ve legislated it into law, but knew the American voter wouldn’t support it

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248192  No.17645375

File: bc6d5df054b42b1⋯.jpg (31.69 KB, 1138x918, 569:459, jqgzzn9nr.jpg)


Slava MAGA

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248192  No.17645380

File: e77974f7efa812c⋯.jpg (35.42 KB, 1030x1093, 1030:1093, em8qcnzic.jpg)

When the Lies Come Home

After lying for months, the media are preparing the public for Ukraine’s military collapse.

Diogenes, one of the ancient world’s illustrious philosophers, believed that lies were the currency of politics, and those lies were the ones he sought to expose and debase. To make his point, Diogenes occasionally carried a lit lantern through the streets of Athens in the daylight. If asked why, Diogenes would say he was searching for an honest man.

Finding an honest man today in Washington, D.C., is equally challenging. Diogenes would need a Xenon Searchlight in each hand.

Still, there are brief moments of clarity inside the Washington establishment. Having lied prolifically for months to the American public about the origins and conduct of the war in Ukraine, the media are now preparing the American, British, and other Western publics for Ukraine’s military collapse. It is long overdue.

The Western media did everything in its power to give the Ukrainian defense the appearance of far greater strength than it really possessed. Careful observers noted that the same video clips of Russian tanks under attack were shown repeatedly. Local counterattacks were reported as though they were operational maneuvers.

Russian errors were exaggerated out of all proportion to their significance. Russian losses and the true extent of Ukraine’s own losses were distorted, fabricated, or simply ignored. But conditions on the battlefield changed little over time. Once Ukrainian forces immobilized themselves in static defensive positions inside urban areas and the central Donbas, the Ukrainian position was hopeless. But this development was portrayed as failure by the Russians to gain “their objectives.”

Ground-combat forces that immobilize soldiers in prepared defenses will be identified, targeted, and destroyed from a distance. When persistent overhead intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance assets, whether manned or unmanned, are linked to precision guided-strike weapons or modern artillery systems informed by accurate targeting data, “holding ground” is fatal to any ground force. This is all the more true in Ukraine, because it was apparent from the first action that Moscow focused on the destruction of Ukrainian forces, not on the occupation of cities or the capture of Ukrainian territory west of the Dnieper River.

The result has been the piecemeal annihilation of Ukrainian forces. Only the episodic infusion of U.S. and allied weapons kept Kiev’s battered legions in the field; legions that are now dying in great numbers thanks to Washington’s proxy war.


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248192  No.17645383

File: c529d2cad4dca92⋯.jpg (21.85 KB, 995x526, 995:526, o1rzsr.jpg)


Right back at you. kek

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e40e68  No.17645384

File: 520a4e56d8e5a79⋯.jpg (24.21 KB, 1038x594, 173:99, o116aqzdt9n.jpg)


Garrett Ziegler, [10.06.22 17:27]

[Forwarded from Lauren Witzke ✝️🇺🇸]

Email FOX and let them know that they are disgusting, satanic, demonic groomers and that mutilating children is a CRIME: gregory.re@Fox.comhttps://t.me/LaurenWitzkeOfficial/6435

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d6e652  No.17645403

File: 326aad4ae11eea2⋯.jpg (33.54 KB, 1214x699, 1214:699, oq5ds2.jpg)



Iran, Russia and China are preparing to hold a series of major military exercises in Latin America. - Media.

8:00 PM · Jul 5, 2022·Twitter for Android



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4700ed  No.17645414

File: f410a8da72349ea⋯.jpg (32.67 KB, 1269x644, 1269:644, crrt0ck97k2.jpg)


They like to rub it in your face faggot,

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d6e652  No.17645421

File: a9b50b0494c7df6⋯.jpg (32.25 KB, 1065x754, 1065:754, 1jdkkvuhwr.jpg)


At least he wasn't suicided by HRC.

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248192  No.17645437

File: f76be27ada6aa62⋯.jpg (36.11 KB, 1132x1052, 283:263, lt12fy81bbmlv.jpg)



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cbd60c  No.17645449

File: 87344f647348e33⋯.jpg (34.98 KB, 983x1137, 983:1137, kmmpea8d.jpg)


Chris Miller said that also on Hannity the other day, the military didnt obey and refused to assist

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d6e652  No.17645465

File: 7f0f0dde8f0ba32⋯.jpg (33.19 KB, 1157x758, 1157:758, kkb12ieo700.jpg)

Apparently there's a press conference soon

KJP gonna give the press conference on AF1

This is gonna be interesting

I can't remember, has this ever been done before?

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cbd60c  No.17645469

File: b911f0110cb3a0b⋯.jpg (35.18 KB, 1043x1074, 1043:1074, 5xvrnyhhvt4vd.jpg)

Anyone actually broke down last nights Q post?

No more digs?

Just arguing with shills, eating up bread?

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d6e652  No.17645474

File: 8e100ec9aa101eb⋯.jpg (26.13 KB, 992x651, 32:21, bhdqm80wim.jpg)

Warrants issued for nearly 50 frat brothers at University of New Hampshire over hazing incident

Thousands in fines could be meted out over alleged misdemeanor.

Nearly four dozen fraternity brothers at the University of New Hampshire are under warrants for arrest due to an alleged hazing incident that occurred at the school late in the spring semester.

Police in Durham, New Hampshire issued the warrants this week in connection with a hazing incident that reportedly occurred at the Sigma Alpha Epsilon New Hampshire Beta chapter on April 13 of this year.

Student hazing is a misdemeanor in New Hampshire; each fraternity brother could face up to $1,200 in fines over the charges, while the fraternity itself may face up to $20,000 in fines.

Nearly a dozen of the brothers had already been arrested as of Friday, released, and ordered to return to appear in court in mid-July.

The university had already suspended the fraternity in the wake of the alleged infraction.



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cbd60c  No.17645477

File: 612ec09ee03c9e4⋯.jpg (31.85 KB, 597x488, 597:488, wcnwbagfmccs.jpg)

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248192  No.17645491

File: 442166c3adf1a80⋯.jpg (37.5 KB, 483x716, 483:716, mzfllhzsfymjxs.jpg)


>report pedo symbols

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cbd60c  No.17645496

File: c146885a6302e40⋯.jpg (34.87 KB, 1009x1123, 1009:1123, nh1b6nzx1aiuow.jpg)

Wonder what happened to the handful of soundbiters putting out "statements" about AT&T dropping OAN - ONLY because of and when our President was saying something? They must be on faux, bending over like all their fellow pussy "conservatives" do. Crap on our "side" is worse than Schitt because at least he advertises what he is!

VID (5:53) Pearson Sharp Investigative Report from December of 2020 on the Election Fraud and why bidan was NOT legitimately elected. December of 2020.

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248192  No.17645500

File: ef3be9fd15e143a⋯.jpg (36.46 KB, 665x539, 95:77, zkvm0tpyt5hqxx.jpg)


Got a recommended panic link?

I love watching those fuckers panic.

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cbd60c  No.17645508

File: 9e2722c6d898ca1⋯.jpg (22.66 KB, 1017x571, 1017:571, 0vfmsbh0lwlxm.jpg)


Our job here has ALWAYS been to disseminate the news and information that is packed within a “news” article. That’s my assessment basically. When Q shows up everybody turns into the “the little kid with an autograph book” wanting some sort of recognition from the Hero! I must admit, it’s kinda fun when Q shows up but we don’t get shit done for days. I’m starting to see anons settling down. Problem now becomes all the new fags that come here, not knowing how things work and getting anons aggravated and distracted.

Stay focused anons, WE ARE WINNING this fight for our souls, the soul of a nation and the conscience of its people/citizens!

Where We Go 1 We Go All!

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cbd60c  No.17645519

File: 3c7515ee8188068⋯.jpg (34.15 KB, 591x542, 591:542, flikt6.jpg)

In 2019 President Donald J. Trump ordered the Department of Health and Human Services to ban the National Institute of Health from using fetal tissue in research.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services banned the National Institutes of Health from using human fetal stem cells from electively aborted babies for government funded research June 5.


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d6e652  No.17645533

File: accc951aa4ff7ea⋯.jpg (37.38 KB, 586x598, 293:299, qs33absl0.jpg)

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c16f67  No.17645538

File: 74cfd00d515957d⋯.jpg (27.19 KB, 1049x691, 1049:691, iijstadz1j.jpg)

Q deleted the B post

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d6e652  No.17645548

File: 991e9f954dfaeec⋯.jpg (37.44 KB, 1190x1115, 238:223, c0u331vkff.jpg)


I don't even have a car. That's why I think gas prices are kek..

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d6e652  No.17645554

File: cb9380411d97714⋯.jpg (28.11 KB, 490x494, 245:247, qrzl4se6hl.jpg)



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cbd60c  No.17645574

File: 1f842fbabf267e6⋯.jpg (34.69 KB, 1185x775, 237:155, ail8mwd5ajcs5.jpg)


Because handouts to blacks always makes things better.

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c16f67  No.17645584

File: c738abd77139209⋯.jpg (35.79 KB, 1079x1119, 1079:1119, 46iil760naxvo3.jpg)


G'Mornin' Sam… Another Day at the Office.

Do we get time and 1/2 for holiday pay?

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