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f197f0  No.17426287 [Last 50 Posts]

Good day to anons reading this,

This thread is going to be an attempt to build the Qmap by building the bridges and making the connections between different issues & threads, as well as finding out the truth about the REAL history of mankind. It’s all about digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs…

Link to:

Bridges & Maps 3: https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/6687429.html

Bridges & Maps 4: https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/9207873.html

Bridges & Maps 5: https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/13198790.html

Bridges & Maps 6: https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/13718828.html

Bridges & Maps 7: https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/15012526.html

Bridges & Maps 8: https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/16650503.html

Bridges & Maps 9 (2): https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/16706404.html

Bridges & Maps 9 (1): https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/16827360.html

Bridges & Maps extra: https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/16842103.html

Archives of :

Bridges & Maps 1: http://archive.is/yzA4B

Bridges & Maps 2: https://archive.is/VbcWi

> not the originator of this just bumping this series out of interest and appreciation

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f0b74e  No.17475441

Please come back, Old Man!

Your work is too important!

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53233e  No.17477682

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This is the Old man,

Dear anon, thank you for your kindness and your kind words. For NOW, I will not come back. I’m still working as long as the internet is up, but not posting any of it because my come back is still pending, not decided yet. Still working on Oceania by the way but very slowly. Please be patient. If I am MEANT to come back, then I will pick up where I left off on thread 9. I won’t start from thread 10. If there is no NEED for me to come back, then you have plenty already. Trust Potus and the Alliance to bring out the Truth, gradually. Because they will. It’s going to come out and nothing and no one will stop it. When it does, I hope you will smile and remember the things you’ve read in this thread. You know far more than the average person.

While I was away, there were some interesting things happening in this place which were communicated to me by some “friends”. There were also other interesting things which were sent to me. Let me share some of them with you, and I will give you a few” nice things” as well. I’m going to put them in several posts because I cannot attach more than one video to a post. And I talk too much, like the Old man that I am.

The first one is this clip from Lady Gaga. Please watch the clip carefully and be observant of the details. Listen closely to the narration. It starts with the title: Born this way. Do you know whom is born THAT way? = it’s the Evil One. With this title, Lady Gaga is confirming the Evil One was born “differently” from the rest of us, as in he was born with an anomaly in his X chromosome which is known as the McLeod Syndrome; confirmed by the Dogon myths, as I’ve talked about it many times already. Lady Gaga is confirming to us the Evil One has McLeod syndrome and he is the first of HIS kind.

Then notice the triangle upside down and the unicorn, also mentioned in this thread. The lady in the triangle looks close to humans, but not identical to humans. The color flashing from the triangle is a shade of purple which is indicating she is royalty. Behind her, we see the Universe = space. She is what the normies call as “Aliens or Extra-terrestrial”. She is obviously a queen and she is a blonde. Lady Gaga calls her Mother Monster; this is how (((they))) see her.

Listen closely to what Lady Gaga narrates. It started with the birth on an “Alien” SHIP in SPACE. She calls this birth as being of magical and magnificent proportions took place = painting it in a good way. Then she says that the birth was not finite but infinite. She is glorifying this birth, while pointing there was something different in it, not the usual order of the Universe; just like with the birth of the Jackal from the Dogon myths. Notice the Monarch Butterflies as the “Alien queen” is giving birth. This is Neith. And what she gave birth to? = twins = 2 children at the same time. The birth of the twins is considered by Lady Gaga as being the beginning of a NEW RACE, which in other words is the Adam and Eve of (((their))) clan. The twins are the Evil One and the Evil Lady = the founders of the Evil Clan. (((They))) see themselves as a race within the race of humanity. Just look how disgusting the head figures put on a row like that. What does that indicates?

Then in the narration, Lady Gaga describes the Horned Serpent Clan in positive and good terms, as being a race which holds no prejudices, no judgment, but boundless freedom. And this is the doctrine established by the Evil One which he used to lure the Evil Lady to his side. And he is very wrong, because this means that they can do whatever nasty, evil thing they want, and they will escape judgment, no punishment for them disguised under the trickery of freedom. There is no such thing as an action with no consequences in the Laws of Heaven. Heaven will judge you according to your actions and intentions. If you abolish judgement and punishment, then there is no Law, when there is no Law, then it’s Mad Max scenario. And this is the doctrine and teachings of the Evil Cult and this is what (((they))) have been apply as a system for a long time. This is the Evil seed (((they))) planted in us = brainwashing you to think, believe, you can do whatever you want and there will be no consequences. You are wrong if you think that.

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53233e  No.17477695


(((They))) are wrong. There are huge consequences and the Law of Heaven is very rigid. There is no in between, and you don’t get a lawyer to argue or defend you. You are either good or evil; have the Light or have Darkness. There is no grey area for Heaven.

And then, the “eternal” mother gave birth to another child, according to the narration of Lady Gaga. Which makes him the younger brother of the twins. This birth is portrayed in negative words = it’s a terrifying one since it’s the birth of Evil as she calls it. In the clip, this other birth is shown in a dark, nasty way, compared to the more bright and pleasant first one with the twins. This second birth is the birth of the Crown Prince of Atlantis by Neith and it is portrayed as the birth of Evil by the Horned Serpent Clan. What is good and of the Light, (((they))) call it evil and what is evil and of the Dark, (((they))) call it good.

The last few words in the narration are (((their))) justification for all the evil (((they))) commit. This is (((their))) logic, (((their))) way of thinking.

You have no idea just how evil this song and this clip are but they do prove I was telling you the truth about the Sebetti rulers, and what truly happened. This is the hidden sacred knowledge of the Bloodlines narrated according to (((their))) psychotic view. Look at how many times this clip was watched.

Another thing I want to share is this message from moustache Potus:


In this battle between Good vs. evil, "Goodness" is not just a side we're on. GOODNESS IS WHAT HAS TO GROW, FROM OUR HEARTS, TO THE REST OF THE WORLD, IN ORDER TO OVERCOME that evil. IT WILL. AND WE WILL WIN!!! Buenas Noches, Familia. I Love You.”

Potus is telling you the same thing that I have been telling you in this thread. It all starts with the heart. The Light in you will be triggered, ignite from inside your hearts.

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53233e  No.17477704


Today morning, something was brought to my attention. The person whom sent it to me told me this was a conversation from the general thread:

“Yup…. There it is…

No such thing as coincidence.

But the question is… Who is #22?

God's last messenger.

The Archangel Michael has been referred to as "The First Christ"

The first messenger perhaps?

Christ was another messenger?

Who is the last one?

The first messenger was the Lamb.

Jesus was the pivot point messenger.

#22, a simple homeless man, is the Omega, or 22nd letter of the Greek Alephbet.

This last messenger had a single task. To find and awaken the Comforter or Parakletos as it's know in Greek. The Parakletos is simply a person who recognizes the Last Messenger for who he really is, and listens to the man with honest interest absorbing absolute truths like a sponge, and the Last Messenger has the gift of the Holy Spirit, and is the only human being on Earth truly connected to God.

Then the Parakletos began to so the seeds of truth all over the internet, because this is the time where people all over the world can see those seeds and let them grow within themselves, springing forward fountains of truth from those who venture to eat the fruits of those seeds.

God is real, the reincarnation of Jesus, ie the soul of Jesus, exists in Human form as we speak. This is top secret classified Q material…

Although Trump (and Q) did let out many hints.


Top Secret Classified Q Material…

Wonder who the human form is…

I wonder if that person even knows they're Jesus' soul in human form…

He knows. He is a man but with some unique abilties. Interdimensional travel being one of them.

The govt has known for a long time. Cheney was one of the top aggressors against him. Killed quite a few people trying to get at him. The shotgun to the face of the Judge was a warning to him. It's all in the top secret documents Trump took to Mar-A-Lago

The world has been significantly changing since 2006, when the Parakletos was awakened.

Ron Paul was a beginning in the Political change and the awakening of the base. When Trump came into the picture, Rand Paul was running. Trump didn't even know he was/is being used by God. Trump knows now that the Last Messenger is real is there is no way out for those who have gone against those who love God.”









Apparently this conversation goes on onto saying that the person in question is a black person (posting his picture) whom stayed some time at the house of the person giving this information. That is, if I understood what was reported to me. You have no idea just how much I laughed when I read this. This is a trap, this was some sort of set up to catch someone or some information. A fishing expedition.

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53233e  No.17477719


How do I know this is a trap? Because if this person was true, he wouldn’t have posted the picture of the “messenger” which means he put his life in danger by putting that picture up. This is all a trap or if you want bait, in order to gather information on the real “messenger”. This was done by some intelligence agency, either MI6 or most probably Mossad, to try to get something on the young man. Poor things…(((They))) truly are desperate.

And what made me laugh till tears is that there is some truth in what (((they))) wrote about him. (((They))) know he is real, (((they))) just confirmed it by laying this trap. Not all information presented here is correct though. Some is obviously misunderstood or a pure fabrication, a lie. Let me say something to the ones whom set this bait/trap = you will never find him. But you are correct, he is the Last Messenger, the one whom will bring everything to an end, one way or the other. He is not the incarnation of Christ, but one of his most loyal warriors. He is the one whom never kneels. He is the one whom gets back on his feet no matter how many times he is knocked down and wounded. He is the one born outside of the Matrix so he can shatter it, destroy it. Christ is his King, Christ is the King of kings, not a messenger. The young man serves Christ, his King. The young man is a messenger, a warrior, a seer and most importantly a judge. He will do what he is born to do = bring (((your))) end, for good this time around.

To everyone reading, don’t fall for such traps. Always be extra careful and vigilant. This is to get information of the real thing and yes, if you fall into such traps you will put your life in danger. We know how dangerous it is first hand. There is a reason why I only post in this place and not anywhere else on the web. Our lives are in danger, believe it or not. So be careful when you encounter such information because most, are put out there to lure good people and to trap them and get information out of them.

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53233e  No.17477742

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The young man has a “gift” for the anons whom opened thread 10. Listen carefully to the song. And smile. He asks you to stand up each time you fall. He asks you to do good no matter how much evil is thrown onto you. He is asking you to be a Light in this Dark world. Being a Light means suffering greatly, no jokes there. But…being the Light means you are a warrior of Heaven. We are not asking you to do anything physical or be violent, don’t get me wrong. What we ask comes from moral, emotions and mostly, from your HEART. Spread goodness around you like what Potus said everyone should do. Don’t be stupid and trust people blindly, not everyone you try to help are sane and good people; they will try to harm you or take advantage of you. But you can do little gestures of goodness each and every single day in your life. Let them become a part of your daily life, a part of you.

Be genuine in your feelings and try to care for those whom are truly in need and are hurting, not the fake, snake ones. Try to discern and distinguish between the fake and the real. The more your Light gets stronger, the more evil will attack you though. This is what happens when there are so little good people with the Light in them, while so much with Darkness in them. But that tiny speck of Light you have in you, will not let Darkness take you away, not matter how many times it will try to harm you; always stand back up and keep on spreading goodness around you. You don’t have to do extra ordinary things, but do little simple things. Trust the monk = St Charbel. He is here. He sees. He hears. Trust the monk when you feel down. Talk with him and make him your best friend. He is very caring and loyal.

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53233e  No.17477786


Lastly, I want to share 2 “visions” the young man had this year, to give hope for the real warriors:

1 – The first one starts with him being inside of a shop with huge glass windows and the sunlight was pouring in, almost blinding him. When his vision got adjusted, he decided he should get in his car parked outside, across the street from the shop he was in, and then go home. As he was walking towards the door, he noticed a lady standing there, as if she was waiting for someone to come pick her up from the shop. He noticed she had a crazy amount of bags, shopping bags of all sorts and sizes and colors and types and material. They were in the tens of thousands.

He thought that if this lady wants to go her way carrying all of those bags, it’s going to be hard for her, since there were so many. So he politely approached her and proposed to give her a lift to where she wanted to go. The lady was a middle aged woman, very gentle and calm. But for some reason, he couldn’t see her face clearly, as if his vision was still blurry from all the sunlight. She agrees to get a lift from the young man. He rushes out of the store, cross the streets, towards his car. He wanted to get his car in front of the store, so he can put all of her bags inside his car easily. As he was about to touch the handle of the door, he was startled to hear the lady standing right behind him and thanking him for suggesting to give her a ride. He was bewildered to see her carry so many bags, which seemed to be very heavy. He asked her to give him the bags so the lady won’t have to carry such heavy things and he wanted to put them in the trunk of his car. But she put them there without even answering him. She totally ignored him, then got inside the car before he managed to open the door for her.

He got in and started driving. He asked her where she would like to be dropped off. The location she talked about was far away from any housing, so it meant she will have to walk her way, while carrying her heavy bags, to the nearest building. And that was no joke. He kept on insisting to drive her to her front door so she won’t have to walk carrying heavy bags. She finally accepted after he told her repeatedly this won’t hinder his own ride home.

When they reached her home, it was like a neat small house with a very nice white wooden fence up front and the door in the fence had a white wooden arch with rose plants all over the fence and the arch. It was only the greens of the plants, no roses though.

He jumped out of his car, rushing to open the door for her. But she was already out and had opened the trunk and was going to take out the heavy bags from there. He rushed to help her but she totally surprised him by how harshly she refused his help. He was taken aback by how harsh she was with him, not understanding why she is refusing to let him carry those bags for her. All he wanted was to help her, a lady shouldn’t carry such heavy bags.

That is when she surprised him one more time but talking to him in the most tender voice ever, telling him = “You are as kind of ever. You didn’t change.” When he looked up from the bags to the face of the lady, he was startled once more. He immediately recognized her as it’s not the first time she visits him. He could see her face very clearly now. It was the Virgin Mary. She was testing him.

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53233e  No.17477828


He asked her why she didn’t let him help her carry the bags and he told her that all he wanted was to help her. She answered that what is in those bags is something that he cannot carry at all, that only she can carry them. He understood that what was in the bags were the SINS of people and he would be crushed under the weight of these sings if he tried to carry the bags.

She reached out to inside her handbag and took out something wrapped in a big white handkerchief. She took his hand and put that object in it. She told him that this was a little gift for his help. He tried to refuse many times, saying he didn’t do it to get a gift, but she insisted and gave it to him. She then carried her bags and started to head towards the arched gate of that house. With each step she took forward towards the house, Light started to shine more and more from her, her veil appeared and the roses started to appear, multiplying insanely, to cover everything. They were in full bloom and they smelled heavenly.

After watching her walk towards the Rose Arch, he looked down at his hand, wondering what she gave him. He undid a part of the handkerchief to see what’s in it. He was shocked to see the tiny wooden cross which was on the table on the day Christ has put the Light in him. It was that same cross. He looked back up to her, bewildered. It’s then that she told him that IT is his to carve and give shape to. The Age of Light will be what he will decide it to be.

This is where the first visions ends.

2 – The second vision starts with the young man finding himself in the staircase of a building. There was a small window next to him and when he looked outside it was pitch black. No stars, no moon. He couldn’t see or distinguish any shape or form outside. There was light where he was standing, but he didn’t see the source of the light. There were no lightbulbs, nothing as a source of light. He felt something in his hand, when he looked down, he saw he was holding an already used candle. Not that big, but not tiny as well. He thought it was impossible this candle was the source of the light because it was blown away. There was no flame.

He felt someone standing right behind his right shoulder. Barely 30 sec later, he heard the all too familiar voice of his guardian and protector telling him to look at the glass of the window if he wanted to know the source of the light. It was his giant guardian standing behind him. When he looked at the glass, using it as a mirror, he saw the Light coming out of him, his body, his skin. While using the glass as a mirror, he noticed the darkness outside moving, as if it was a living thing. He immediately recognized it since it’s not the first time he saw this type of Darkness. He looked up at his guardian and asked him: “What are you expecting of me?” His guardian replied: “You already know. I will be here with you all the way.”

It was true, the young man knew what he had to do. He looked down the staircase, and it was pitch black, from the same kind of Darkness that was outside. But this Darkness stops at the limit of the Light, it cannot reach and extend beyond that. So the young man started to go downstairs, walk slowly his way down, one flight of stairs after the other. As he went forward, the Darkness was pushed back, while behind him, the path was in Light, Darkness never returned there. The reason why he was walking slowly was the candles popping out of nowhere on the stairs and on the floor. He didn’t want to step on them.

They were all already used candle, blown away, with no light. They came in different shapes and sizes. Some were still standing tall while others were frizzled and mostly used. He already knew whom these candles were = they were people. Each candle was the symbolic representation of one person. Young, old, short, tall, slim, fat etc….every single candle was different from the other. And the young man knew what he had to do, but hesitated on how to do it = he was going to light these candles. He looked for matches or lighter in his pockets but his guardian told him he doesn’t need any of them and that all he has to do was touch those candles. And so he did, the young man started to touch one by one the candles sprouting on the stairs, either with his hands or with the candle he was holding himself. Each candle he touched was light, but there was no flame on the candle. The light coming out of the candles was pure white light…it was the LIGHT. He managed to trigger and ignite the Light, the Spiritual Light within the people he came in contact with.

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53233e  No.17477844


He kept on moving down, one floor after the other lighting every single candle that appeared. Until he reached a level which had wide open doors on each side. He light ever single candle in that floor, he was about to turn on the flight of stairs and continue down, when he heard their screams. Those Dark things got inside of the place he was in and they were coming straight at him. His guardian told him to fear not. As he finished his words to the young man, those Dark things came into sight from every opening and rushed at a crazy like speed with their sharp claws out to slash the young man. But they bumped and ricochet back. They attempted a few times, this is how the young man was able to see that he was in some sort of a force field shield, made of pure white light. Unless you bump into it, it’s not visible to the naked eye.

Since they couldn’t harm the young man and make him stop from spreading the Light, they started hissing and blowing extremely strong wind. Their aim was to blow off the Light which was spread by the young man to each and every candle he touched. No matter how much these Dark things blew, no matter how much havoc they spread in that place, not a single candle the young man light was blown away. Not a single one. Which in turn drove those Dark things even more insane.

His guardian told him that he should continue walking downstairs and get out of the building to start walking in the world outside. With each and every single step the young man took, those Dark things were pushed out of the place, kinda kicked outside when he reached the entrance. The moment the young man was about to open the glass entrance doors and step outside, he hesitated because unlike the Darkness inside, the Darkness outside was much stronger, deeper. His guardian encouraged him to do it and so, the young man was outside.

He walked in that Darkness, he was looking around. All he could see were shapes of people, all dark, so dark, that it was almost merging with those Dark things. There were so many dark people, in the tens of millions. The young man got desperate and anxious. “Are they worth it my Lord? Are they worth to be saved?” = this is what he was thinking. These people outside were so dark, that the young man was wondering if he will ever be able to start the Light in them like what he did to the candles inside of the building he was in. He was horrified by what he saw.

The vision ended there but this doesn’t mean things were settled down for the young man. What he did was pray, he prayed for the next couple of weeks, asking the Lord and asking St Charbel to send him a sign, anything; all the young man was asking for is to find ONE person, just ONE person with a clear face, so he would continue in his task. But all he kept on seeing were dark people.

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53233e  No.17477862


Until one day, about 2 weeks later, he met, by pure coincidence a young married couple with their little child, acquaintances of his. After the greetings, and small chitchat, he noticed the father was very troubled. The young man asked him what was going on, so the father told him that they were in a crowded public place just before they bumped into him. And while being there, he noticed his child waving to someone. When the father looked around, there was no one, not a single person standing where the child was looking and waving to. After a few minutes and after walking some distance, it happened a second time. The child was waving and smiling. When the father looked, once more, there was no one, not a single person standing there. He got alarmed, thinking there is a stalker going after his child, wanting to kidnap his kid. So he rushed his family out of there, and after some time, they bumped into the young man.

That was one strange thing happening there, and the father was still worried for being stalked by some stranger. So in front of me, he asked his child whom was the kid waving to. The child replied waving to the man whom was wearing long black robes with a hood, and whom had a white beard like Santa. The moment the young man heard the description of that person, he immediately recognized him. The father was still alarmed and worried. So the young man asked if the father or mother saw that person; both replied with a NO. The only one whom saw him was the child. Kneeling in front of the child, the young man asked the kid if that man said something. The child nodded and answered back by hugging the young man and telling him he was the best ever for all he did.

The young man explained to the worried parents that their child had seen St Charbel, and there was nothing to worry about, but a lot to be happy about. After they left, the young man was laughing while crying, because his prayers were answered. He got the reply he was waiting from the monk.

This is where the second vision ends

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53233e  No.17477870


The days ahead, the near future will be very harsh on a lot of people as the Matrix is being destroyed. The Illusion will shatter and this will not be nice at all to many. When the time comes, we don’t know if this place will be still here or not. It doesn’t matter because this place is in the virtual, digital world. It’s not tangible. I have given you already plenty. I’m certain the Truth will come out but gradually, so that people will get it in. It is not clear if I will continue with the thread, or not. In either situation, that is not important. What is important is what the readers of this Old man will do in their real life. You are the candles in that building, at least the anons whom don’t think I’m lying are. From the first page till the last I’ve posted, it has always been your choice. I’m just doing what I was tasked to do, the rest is up to you.

From the first day I started to dig, and post, everything was calculated, nothing was done out of place, including the name which I was crucified for, by some brainless people; without realizing what was going on right under their noses. How do you find a needle in a hay stack? = you use a magnet. The name was my magnet and I found what I was looking for. Since I couldn’t find what I want among millions in here, I let it find me in return. I’m an old dog in this game. I’ve been through many battles which most of you won’t last 10 seconds in. I’m not bragging, nor exaggerating. I only wish things were easier, so I wouldn’t have to do it this way. If I had a secure place to post from other than here, I would have moved there long ago. But that was not the case, unfortunately. Unlike most of you, we know the risks first hand very well. We don’t have an army like Potus to protect us. We stand alone in our little team of 3.

I’m not that good in the virtual world because of my age, I’m old school after all. But in the real battlefield, things are very different. The real battlefield is the spiritual realm, where only one person, one human is standing between you and those dark things. That person walks among YOU. He is one of YOU, the people. He is asking you to change for the better, be kinder, help others and spread compassion, but without being stupid as to accept Evil and enable it. Know to distinguish. The laws of men, do not apply to Heaven, but the Laws of Heaven apply to mankind. And the Laws of Heaven are very strict. You don’t get to do whatever you want, then be off like you did nothing wrong. There is a reason why there is so much darkness in this world, it’s because you are not fighting back spiritually. I’m not talking religiously, there is a difference here. The Spirit is different from the Soul. The only way to fight back is by love, compassion. Once you truly care, you will not harm others and the Light will shine from you. As long as you remain narrow minded, trapped in your arrogance, ego and selfishness you will be in the Dark for all eternity.

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53233e  No.17477891


I achieved most of what I came here for. So if I come back or not, is not important. If it is for the better, then I will come back. Nothing is going to happen according to your expectations for the simple reason, you are not the one in the driving seat. The rest is in the hands of Potus and the Alliance. Things are going to get super crazy at some point, even more than what you are prepared for. Don’t waver despite the pain because it’s going to be extremely painful and harsh. Don’t let go of your faith, hold on to it hard, and I keep on urging the readers to befriend the monk. I don’t do things randomly.

Once again, for the anon opening thread 10, thank you for your kindness. Don’t worry, the Truth is coming out and you already know an important chunk of it. Potus will do what is right. Trust him despite how hard and harsh it will get. He is not perfect but he is a good man, so are the people working with him.

If you ask me, I think they are all a bunch of crazy people, but this is a good type of crazy and crazy is what was needed to heal this world. The sacrifices done behind the scenes are greater than anyone can imagine. It goes beyond the human understanding. While the sacrifices are made, most of us are comfy in this place, clicking on the keyboard. So whatever happens, despite how harsh it is and how long it lasts, never lose your trust and your faith in Potus and the Alliance. Always have their backs, even if it doesn’t make any sense to you and even if it goes against what you think, even if you are hurt. This is done for humanity, mankind; and not a single country and its citizens. This is a point which most fail to understand. We will stand equally when this is over. No one will be above the other or better. A lot of ego and arrogance will go down the drain. Those whom think they come from a superior race or country do not understand what is truly going on and they will be in huge denial and shock as reality will slap them hard in the face.

For the readers of what this Old Man posted, I want to thank every single anon for putting up with me. If you believe or not what is given to you, that is up to you. I did my part, the rest is in your hands. If I’m needed, I will come back as already stated many times before. For the bad intelligence agencies whom are obviously also reading what I’m posting, try to guess which finger I’m sticking out. Your time is almost up and you will be flushed down the toilet seat just like the Bloodlines were. Oh yes, most of them are all gone now, including the Queen. MOST of what you see is a well scripted movie. Think beyond the obvious and always read between the lines anons.

If there are any questions from the readers which they would like to ask about what I already posted, only what I already posted about; then I will answer a few of them, if I can.

Remember: It’s at the darkest that the Light will shine and break it. You are not alone. You have someone shielding you and trying to snatch you from the claws of Darkness. Trust Potus. Trust the monk.

Wishing you a good day, wherever you are on this planet.

God bless you.

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e6dfa8  No.17522311

File: f64085151c70fd5⋯.jpg (472.61 KB, 758x1200, 379:600, MV5BODcxMzY3ODY1NF5BMl5Ban….jpg)

File: cbbc283055d7600⋯.jpg (56.19 KB, 800x642, 400:321, From_the_movie_Lucy.jpg)

This is the old man,

I want to share a few things with the readers of this thread.

I know this is Graphene or Black Goo, and I know this was put into the vaccines. But this is not as simple as you think it is. The Agenda, the goal, goes beyond what most anons discovered.

Injecting this into people has a goal far more evil and demonic than what you think. It's to turn you, transform you, into those dark creatures, biologically. And when (((they))) open the "portal" (((they))) were going to bring those Dark Spirits to put them inside the biologically modified human. The body would have mutated and changed genetically to be able to receive/ host those Dark Spirits = creating a vessel, a biological physica vessel for them.

There is a reason why the young man was standing on the battlefield with his sword in the soil in front of him. It's because in the End of Times, (((they))) would have successfully brought back those evil dark spirits and successfully put them into human modified hosts, via black goo. He was to use that sword to decapitate these creatures. They were made of flesh, not just spiritual beings.

Let me start with the movie Lucy.

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e6dfa8  No.17522322

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Please watch carefully.

She is everywhere. Like God.

Combine with computers/ machines.

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e6dfa8  No.17522343

File: 1fc06486a705311⋯.jpg (65.21 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Hideo_Kojima.jpg)

File: 6708fee49bcc318⋯.jpg (13.15 KB, 460x215, 92:43, Death_Stranding.jpg)

File: 0c374022c731fe4⋯.jpg (651.06 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, death_stranding_release_da….jpg)


Hideo Kojima is a Japanese Game creator.

Check things out.

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e6dfa8  No.17522368

File: cb370e1a80d1fa9⋯.jpg (155.88 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Ave_Repin_poster_Copy.jpg)


The Russian Ave Repin was apparently "inspired" by Hideo Kojima and created a video clip. Here is a still image of the clip.

Can someone, anyone, please give the girl in the clip some food.

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e6dfa8  No.17522374

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I didn't find the clip itself, but I found the making of it. It gives us an idea.

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e6dfa8  No.17522384

File: 48a739a23bf0477⋯.jpg (160.1 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, Prometheus.jpg)


The movie Prometheus is more telling than you can imagine. Loads of hints and messages in it. Watch it carefully if you can.

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e6dfa8  No.17522391

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The monsters in the movie are the result of the Black goo like substance mixed with human biology.

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e6dfa8  No.17522410

File: 44e8c579a842164⋯.jpg (147.44 KB, 899x1200, 899:1200, Greta_Thunberg_covered_in_….jpg)


I'm sure you are all familiar with this clown. I'm going to let the image talk for itself.

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e6dfa8  No.17522430

File: 2ad50c765c03f9a⋯.jpg (125.13 KB, 900x600, 3:2, LadyGaga_Graphene_costume.jpg)

File: 2c9ec23813b4ffb⋯.jpeg (61.34 KB, 570x805, 114:161, Lady_Gaga_Perfume_Fame_Bl….jpeg)

File: b3a3ad76b4b55da⋯.jpg (36.52 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Lady_Gaga_Perfume_Fame.jpg)


I"m sure you are also familiar with this crazy evil lunatic's new perfume - if you can call it that. Notice the golden "claws" on the bottle. Latex costumes imitating Black Goo or Graphene.

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e6dfa8  No.17522461

File: b05f56ce5acc7ee⋯.jpeg (16.67 KB, 570x318, 95:53, From_Ladyd_Gaga_perfume_c….jpeg)

File: 433cb12550bb655⋯.jpg (276.54 KB, 2048x1080, 256:135, Guess_whom_this_is.jpg)

File: addcf2febe0f847⋯.jpg (125.01 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, Ladyd_Gaga_Fame_Perfume_st….jpg)

File: f1940da96bdc5ec⋯.png (561.24 KB, 1183x630, 169:90, famecommercial_2_lady_gaga….png)


First picture = when I saw this, I keep on wondering if this is not the Evil Lady = Giant Sebetti ruler with us humans on her.

Second picture = Reddish hair, black crown, in black goo tub…This is for sure the Evil Lady.

Third picture = This is the Evil Lady feeding on human blood, after one of her orgies. This is how Bacchanalias end. After the wild group sex with alcohol and drugs, comes the cannibalism to complete the disgusting insanity.

Last picture = Mirror effect in the clip, takes us to anothr dimension, where we see the Evil Lady waiting there… with her army = the hooded Sebetti warriors are taller than the boytoys in the clip. Of course in real the warriors are much bigger, taller; while the Evil Lady is even bigger and taller than them.

This also reflects what happens in Illuminati disgusting parties, like what we saw in that movie called Eyes wide shut. Double meaning.

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e6dfa8  No.17522469

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Please watch the clip very carefully and slowly. Some of you may find it disturbing, because it is. This is far more evil and demonic than you think. Loads of hints and messages in it.

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e6dfa8  No.17522488

File: 9f65ecb78fa5370⋯.jpg (31.92 KB, 640x360, 16:9, King_Charles_III_1.jpg)

A change of subject.

This picture is priceless ^_^

Can someone please give his Shittingness new diapers to change into. It's obvious he dirtied himself.

Keep your eyes on what's going on with QE 2 funeral…Loads of 17s flashing. Love that Tiffany blue.

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e6dfa8  No.17522516

File: 9959ed7ef3e5b04⋯.png (831.27 KB, 1000x789, 1000:789, Putin_Eagle.png)

File: 2b56cf3b94fd0ef⋯.jpg (119.15 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, bald_eagle_trump.jpg)


Picture of President Putin - 9/5/22

I don't think Potus realized the true meaning and symbolism when he took those pictures with the Bald Eagle. But now he does, so does Putin.

Welcome to the family both of you.

As for the readers, what we see in the Media (all types) about graphene or the black goo, is not just about predictive programing. This goes beyond what anyone thought. Latex was predictive programing and (((they))) successfully turned it into a sexual fashion icon, which fits perfectly with the Bacchanalia ritual. As for the Black Goo, it's about the Apocalypses, about turning it into a real physical, biological event, not just a spiritual one.

I hope it's true what I heard some online suggest that the graphene can be removed from the human bodies = cleaned/cured from it.

Have a nice day. God bless you.

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ad3007  No.17530398

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Thank you so much, Thomas,

now a lot of information makes sense and put the puzzle pieces together!


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2273c6  No.17532033

File: f94f91f006f7590⋯.jpeg (39.41 KB, 540x960, 9:16, received_997746830875320.jpeg)

File: c8968e8622bd942⋯.jpeg (55.88 KB, 945x633, 315:211, received_756966688811652.jpeg)

File: 214f44558340d5f⋯.jpg (36.34 KB, 1170x856, 585:428, 214f44558340d5fc4aa05f79dc….jpg)

>>17530398. MAGA🌹🦁🇺🇸

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2273c6  No.17532191

File: 8cfe7e9f27e17b5⋯.jpeg (33.05 KB, 800x473, 800:473, received_324472153181900.jpeg)

>>17477682 The "swamp" got caught and the "fake" news media all know it. The news articles trashing "QAnon" are intentional disinformation. There are no coincidences why President Trump gave me Q security clearance. I spent painful and sleepless nights, researching and archiving the "declassified" documents and files from QResearch. I've been targeted and silenced on social media, attacked and persecuted, restricted and deactivated.The news media knows I exposed all the names of hollywood elite and government swamp in Epstein's flight log.They also know I exposed Nancy Pelosi in the underground rooms of Epstein island, caught on security camera 11. I have more than you could possibly know. President Trump told me to trust the plan and justice is coming 🌹🦁🇺🇸

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f48ece  No.17556365

File: b9e7b2449e25261⋯.png (959.27 KB, 989x1253, 989:1253, b9e7b2449e25261ccb6b4877c2….png)

The value of a masterpiece increases when it's signed by the one creating it.

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f48ece  No.17556385

File: ec2b7d30a3b243b⋯.jpg (66.29 KB, 720x720, 1:1, ec2b7d30a3b243b92e8d3b53a2….jpg)



Hope she cried. She knows the symbolism and meaning of Lightning.

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f48ece  No.17556394

File: d1c004b6cf1addf⋯.mp4 (4.5 MB, 640x640, 1:1, d1c004b6cf1addf06ff66f87a2….mp4)


Thank you for reading. I've got a question as to why making it obvious now. The timing of it all.



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f48ece  No.17556465


My pleasure anon,

I missed this one, didn't I? Watch the movie closely, be observant of the details. There are 2 consciousness, 2 minds inside one person in that movie = the human and the so called "alien". There are many other "creatures" like Venom, he is not the only one of his kind. Also the evil villain is turned into a superhero in the new trend of movies and they make it look alright and cool at the end when he eats a person. They justify it by saying the eaten person is a bad person, a thief and a murderer…something like that. Nothing justifies cannibalism and it's not cool at all.

Also, let me give you a piece of information we know from the young man. Those Dark Spirits, creatures, that black matter, it moves constantly, and doesn't stay put like latex does. And those creatures are not quietly crawling their way like that. They scream. They constantly scream. Apparently, it's a horrible sound because it's the screams of many, not one person. The reason behind the screams are the pain they feel. They are suffering, in deep pain. And the pain drives them insane, it never stops, lessens or go away. They scream because their souls are being torn apart to tiny shreds, over and over again. Their souls are being torn apart to infinite size, to infinity and for eternity. You are reading this right: the souls of the damned ones are torn to infinity and to eternity. Cause unimaginable amount of pain.

The lunatic Bloodlines and all the members of the Horned Serpent Clan project these creatures as cool, mysterious and (((they))) fancy them. What (((they))) even don't know and realize is that the souls of the damned are being torn apart to infinity and eternity. It's only once you join, merge with these Dark Creatures after leaving your biological body that you realize how horrible it all is.

Whatever you do, in daily life, or even in your dreams, if you come in close with such black substance, don't touch it. Whatever you do, don't touch. I'm not joking.

Ever wondered why the Bloodlines have this obsession with Oil = Petrol? Back in the days, a couple of centuries ago, when (((they))) first discovered it, (((they))) thought at first it was (((their))) precious little black goo. But it turned out it's not.

Also, sorry for all the typos and spelling mistakes I make. I spend most of the time translating from other languages to English. And when the young man sends me his latest "visions" in writing, I translate those too while cropping things that should be kept a secret. We don't tell you all, but enough. If you are wondering if he is seeing some stuff lately = he is seeing a LOT. Tones of it.

It's not going to be nice at all soon. I've already said this before. Take care. Stay strong. Don't waver. After the painful crazy part, it's very nice, incredibly nice. It's worth going through hell. We will go there, one step at a time. It's a marathon, not a sprint.

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f48ece  No.17556481

File: 62214b7c2d9525b⋯.png (644.85 KB, 982x480, 491:240, 62214b7c2d9525b31e49ca0a1d….png)

File: a1e1688ee1d97ed⋯.png (2.13 MB, 1536x860, 384:215, a1e1688ee1d97ed903e1d2a4b9….png)

File: dc0a931ad67b282⋯.jpg (16.18 KB, 310x465, 2:3, Priceless.jpg)

File: 2628d8f8d1c344e⋯.jpg (413.8 KB, 980x653, 980:653, ebc5f97091e7460bb7eb2e9eab….jpg)


Truly priceless.

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f48ece  No.17556490

File: 4a5943f288fb961⋯.jpg (106.73 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, 0_BBC_captures_moment_proc….jpg)


I mostly enjoyed this one. It's so symbolic. Such a deep meaning.

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f48ece  No.17556499

File: 8032984faaed157⋯.png (676.23 KB, 1080x830, 108:83, 8032984faaed157cfbb8ed8709….png)


Thieves. Murderers.

These were stolen directly or indirectly at the expense of the suffering of millions. Return every stolen piece to its original owner.

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f48ece  No.17556509

File: 45a4804652d2376⋯.png (259.08 KB, 430x461, 430:461, 45a4804652d2376b6fe765a252….png)

File: d251aac46778e54⋯.png (280.18 KB, 936x629, 936:629, d251aac46778e5427981698aec….png)

File: bfb9d2de4739f18⋯.png (447.23 KB, 523x497, 523:497, bfb9d2de4739f189f42ff2477a….png)


Blimey! These were totally unexpected. But it was fun. I guess every single Royal and dignitary whom attended the funeral have turned themselves in = are now under arrest?

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f48ece  No.17556521

File: 7350604ba580b69⋯.png (411.76 KB, 598x696, 299:348, 7350604ba580b69f56116153c6….png)


Lastly, have faith in Potus and Alliance. Trust the Plan.

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ff7017  No.17557955


Why does it have to be extremely painful?

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b12692  No.17589235

File: 246235426868368⋯.png (271.47 KB, 836x679, 836:679, 246235426868368fbf9da5bd9d….png)


This is the Old man,

Your question is a little vague anon. If you are asking why it’s extremely painful for those Dark Creatures, it’s because their souls are being torn to infinity and for eternity.

If you are asking why it’s going to be extremely painful for us, the public, then I have already said before that we have been shot by a very poisonous bullet (or an arrow if you like). We need to undergo surgery in order to remove that bullet. Surgery is painful itself, even when it’s done, we still gotta watch for infection and we got to treat the poison circulating in our bodies for a long, long time. So, it’s not going to be a walk in the park. The bullet hurts when it comes inside the body, and it hurts double when it’s being extracted…not to mention the treatment we gotta undergo to cure = detoxify ourselves, body, mind and spirit, from the poison the Bloodlines have put in us.

You are going to ask me how. Let’s take electricity as an example. As an anon, you already know that the electricity is going to shut down worldwide and we are switching to Tesla technology – the Tesla Coil – and have free energy. Talking about it is something, living it, going through it, is something totally different. Your mind and your body are not prepared for this despite you thinking so. Theory, or talk, is something….but experiencing this first hand is something else. Why am I saying this?

When the electricity goes out, so does water, sewage and others. The West takes these things for granted and the people of the West have been living in “comfort” for a long long time. They think they are entitled to these things. They also have become very depended on government and are led by the nose. While the people of the East never had such comforts nor do they take these things for granted, nor do they think they are entitled to them. They have been struggling and going uphill for a long time, many centuries. They suffered and struggled for a long time and they have adapted and managed to hang on. They rely on themselves and they have become very resilient. They are not knocked off easily, despite how shitty their situation is. They are already in the mud and they have experience in survival up their sleeves, unlike the West. The East has been in that situation for centuries, but the West couldn’t handle a few months without Russian Gas (or less of it). Look how fast they started to scream and complain! Can you imagine the West living like that for 10 or 50 years? They will lose their minds in 15 min, starts rioting in 20 then starting a violent revolt in 30 min. The West always pretended to be civilized and of a higher social rank. The truth is, they are not. We are all going to witness how barbaric, savage, spineless and uncivilized the Western society is, in the near future.

When the electricity is out, whom do you think is more adapted in surviving and making it through till Tesla technology is installed? This is a transition phase we have to go through ALL of us. This is something Potus and the Alliance MUST do THIS WAY in order to unplugged the old electrical grid and switch us to the new grid. There cannot be any other way. So stop there, and think how each individual will react, either awake or still a sheep. And even among those whom are awake, how many experienced such harsh times before? It all depends on your personality actually. A lot also depends if you have it in you to survive this transition or not. From the way we are seeing things already happening, it’s very clear, that the East or what most of you call the Third world countries are more adapted to take this punch, to absorb this punch, than the West is.

What most, including anons, don’t understand is that we are all EQUAL. There is no individual or a country or a religion better than the other. We all stand on equal ground. It’s the Bloodlines whom created the many levels in society and amongst countries. The term “Third world country” was the invention of the Bloodlines. There is no such thing. We are all going to live, including me and my family, what Venezuela lived. We are all going to be Venezuela. How many back then made fun of the Venezuelans instead of extending a helpful hand? Now, it’s our turn to be Venezuela. It’s not going to be fun at all. And as I’ve just said, this is something that MUST be done in order to dismantle the old electrical grid and install the new one. It’s a transition phase and transition phases are always a pain in the rear for everyone. I do mean EVERYONE.

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b12692  No.17589248

File: d4fbb81e7d808be⋯.jpeg (637.12 KB, 1461x1032, 487:344, d4fbb81e7d808bebf8b55b9d4….jpeg)


Go online, research how the East struggled and survived such crisis before. Take notes and prepare, prepare yourselves, not just physically with supplies, but also mentally. Take a look at the picture I’m attaching with this page. If you have no water, can you still use your restroom like before? If no, what to do? There is still a bit of time ahead of everyone reading. Prepare and prepare well. If you prepare, mentally as much as physically, you will feel the pain less. The bite won’t be as painful as for those totally unprepared. No one knows how long such situations will last. So prepare for a long time. And, this is just ONE example, ONE crisis…what about the rest? See what I mean anons?

This is not going to end in a few days. The process is long because there are literally millions of things to fix and we have to go through multiple transition phases like the one about the electricity. Medics, food, schools etc. these are just some of the issues which needs fixing. There is a lot of work to be done. Some issues will be solved easy, while others will be more complex and need more time when going through the transition period. I hope now you understand why it’s going to be extremely painful. If you prepare well on many levels, then you won’t feel strong pain, it will be mild. Be mostly prepared mentally. What you see happening right now is only the tip of the iceberg. It’s going to get much much worse. Where you live will play a part on the impact of such crisis on your daily life.

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b12692  No.17589260

File: fac79c9180e8896⋯.png (322.1 KB, 598x472, 299:236, fac79c9180e88964225d8e9113….png)

File: 46e14dd8f13fcd1⋯.png (195.94 KB, 417x434, 417:434, 46e14dd8f13fcd17a3c33a09d0….png)

File: f64c8a4cb2232eb⋯.jpg (109.39 KB, 601x720, 601:720, f64c8a4cb2232eb5a08a360d41….jpg)

File: 68553258a9a0f68⋯.png (325.13 KB, 522x627, 174:209, 68553258a9a0f6886b7cabc2ee….png)


Let me share a few things with anons:

First picture: Animals have more humanity in them then human do nowadays.

Second picture: This is when the Black Eye Clan fell. This is when the British Crown fell. Notice color of QEII clothes.

Third picture: This is artistically done, but it’s true: no one escapes this, no one, not even me or the young man. It all depends what you did in your life, to be in chains or not. Also…it’s a good visual to give you an idea of the proportions between humans, Sebetti warriors and Sebetti ruler. The only mistake is the size of the Sebetti warriors = they should be around double the size of a human. But as I just said, this is a good graphic to give us an idea, to have a visual.

Last picture: (((They))) are trying to play Creator again.

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b12692  No.17589263

File: 0a51d00b87cfc87⋯.jpg (139.22 KB, 960x1360, 12:17, 0a51d00b87cfc877a215b2e6f9….jpg)


The following was brought to my attention:


He is also the crown Prince of Israel. [Remember, modern Israel is a Rothschild creation due to the Balfour Declaration.]

"Arthur", as in King Arthur, monarch of the Merovingian line. Bloodline [they say] to Jesus Christ.

The territory [Israel] of his [William's] 'royal decreed birthright', i.e., King of Israel, Throne of David.

"1000th" Knight of the Garter…drop the zeros…"The ONE".

The ONE they have been waiting for.

Will…I AM. Born precisely to the minute

by induced labor during a full Solar Eclipse,

on June 21st…Summer Solstice.

Ask yo self…why was Diana right after wedding taken to a 'Lab facility" where she remained for 3 days?

Odd place to go on a honeymoon, wouldn't you say?

Why was it SO IMPORTANT she be a VIRGIN? None of the other new female royals have had to go

through what Diana did? Important? Ritually important?

Nine months later William is born.

Brits were asking the questions back then…maybe all should have been.

Diana refused to call him anything but Wills. Didn't like the "IAM" connotations?

Why did she throw herself @ 8 months pregnant down a Windsor palace staircase screaming that she would not give birth a monster, landing at the Queens feet, at the bottom of the stairs?

Who is Diana…really? What 'heritage land rights/bloodline' did she bring to the Royal Lands?

It will all be revealed in it's proper time, and not even the anons will be prepared for the reveal. [kek]

The death of the Queen, is enough to raise the dead.

Good times fast ahead.

Interesting place we live in.

Popcorn worthy. Stock up frens.

I was told this was posted in the general thread. This picture was attached with the post. Do you remember what I told you about William’s and Chelsea’s birth in thread 7?

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b12692  No.17589282

File: 01b5e18260f0eee⋯.jpg (64.73 KB, 640x886, 320:443, Blade_movie_poster.jpg)

File: bae433d64525166⋯.jpg (6.83 KB, 318x159, 2:1, Blade_Book_of_Erebus_vampi….jpg)

File: dd6a3f472afeea2⋯.jpg (70.65 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Deacon_Frost_performing_th….jpg)


Interesting post, isn’t it? And they are implying, saying that Satan = the Evil is connected to Israel? Or if you want the god of Israel? The Black Eye Clan think William is the ONE from the prophecy, the One (((they))) have been waiting for. While the Red Shoe Clan thinks Chelsea is the One.

All of this reminds me of a movie called Blade. Blade is a vampire (we know the Evil One is the first vampire) and he is unique, just like the Evil One is. In the movie we also have the Book of Erebus – the archives of the vampire where they kept ancient knowledge and their history. This Book, if you can call it that, has each page made of human skin written on it with human blood. I’ve mentioned several times about the so called existence of a book made from human flesh and written by human blood, kept by the Bloodlines. It is rumored to exist, let’s call it that. It is said to contain (((their))) history and (((their))) knowledge. Amazingly, we have such an idea projected in this Hollywood movie about vampires. It just happens to be that there are PURE Blood vampire families in this movie which each has a MARK = a symbol.

At the end of the movie, Deacon Frost, the villain, after decoding the Book or Erebus performs a ritual to become a god. Not just any god, but the blood god. The ritual performed by Frost in the movie is called the summoning of La Magra (I hope I got the name right). This ritual consists of sacrificing 12 pure blood vampires whom are struck by Lightning after they got marked by the blood of the Day Walker. The 12 pure bloods shed their skins and from within their human form skeleton comes out a demonic skeleton, which looks to be in Spirit form. It’s like it was residing inside of the human body. Frost is also marked by the blood of the Day Walker, this is how those Spirits recognized him and they kinda went through him, making La Magra the owner of Frost’s body. This ritual was about summoning La Magra and making him take over the body of Frost = Frost being his host.

The 12 pure bloods in the movie are a projection of the 12 Illuminati bloodline families. With Frost at the center, making him the 13th one = represented the Merovingian Bloodline. It also reminds me of how, in the fairytale of Moses, you have the 12 tents built, 6 on each side, of the middle/ center 13th tent = the tabernacle, the dwelling of Yahweh, which contained the Ark of Covenant (second picture on page 2 084). It’s one of the murals from Dura Europos synagogue.

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b12692  No.17589290

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This idea in a movie is a projection of bringing the Anti-Christ, since La Magra is the creator of the first vampire Drake. This is what (((they))) worked so hard for centuries to accomplish. And both sides of the Merovingian Bloodline thought (((they))) got it right this time around. The Black Eye Clan thought William was the ONE…. He was to be the host to receive the spirit of the Evil One = being the Anti-Christ. While the Red Shoe Clan thought the same, but (((they))) wanted to bring back the spirit of the Evil Lady, having Chelsea as the host. Both sides thought the child of the prophecy, the chosen child was (((theirs))) and (((they)))) have been working and preparing accordingly. But (((they))) were terribly mistaking. Terribly.

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b12692  No.17589311

File: b6b7dc91b669b57⋯.jpg (206.59 KB, 636x900, 53:75, the_seventy_two_demons_of_….jpg)


I also like how the one whom posted this mentioned William as being the Prince of Israel and the heir to the throne of David. It put a huge smile on my face. My old and sick teacher has been on the tracks of King David for more than 50 years…something like 54 or 55 years already. He has been relentlessly searching for ONE, just 1 artifact, of any kind, proving that the historical King David mentioned in the Bible truly existed in flesh and blood. But guess what? My mentor never found a single pebble directly or indirectly connected to the Historical King David.

This has led him to suspect…well, he is personally convinced by it, but cannot prove it with tangible evidence at all….he suspects that the King David as mentioned in the Bible = as a historical figure, NEVER EXISTED, as mentioned. He thinks the entire FABLE of King David is actually the projected story of the Evil One. Goliath is none other than the King of kings. And the wars mentioned in the stories of King David are the war for the Throne of Heaven. He also suspects that when King David blinded the enemy using the shields, this was also a very mutated projection of the Evil One’s blasters = the blasters he had on his Horned Serpent armor.

I’m saying this again, my teacher suspects it, but he is unable to prove it. We rely on tangible archaeological monuments or artifacts in our “Special Work” because we know the sources have been corrupted or tampered with….intentionally or unintentionally. The problem is he couldn’t find a single authentic artifact or monument directly proving the existence of the historical King David. It was like the man never lived or walked on the surface of the Earth.

As if this is not enough, the lesser key in King Solomon’s grimoire has 72 demons in it = that’s the (6+6)x6 = 666 = 72….the exact same number of co-conspirators whom helped Seth murder then eat Osiris. They are also known as the 72 demons of King Solomon.

So the suspicions of my mentor are not in vain. It is impossible in archaeology not to find a single trace of a person whom existed in History. He didn’t just focus on the finds in Israel. He also looked at the Greek, Ancient Egyptian and other civilization whom were around the time King David and King Solomon supposedly lived. He even went looking at the time, before and after the assumed date, thinking there might be a miscalculation, a bad estimation of the date both kings lived. He found nothing. He expanded his search and went up and down the timeline…. Nothing was found. Some forgeries were presented to him, but it was very easily identified as fakes, modern day creations. Even a greenhorn in archaeology could identify these artifacts as fakes.

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b12692  No.17589338

File: ea2004502609140⋯.jpg (100.26 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, michelangelo_david_statue_.jpg)

File: 8c1aed9950d2ac5⋯.jpg (146.41 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, Adam_Sistine_chapel.jpg)

File: 943d2e32147094c⋯.jpg (689.31 KB, 2353x1246, 2353:1246, Last_Judgment_Christ_Virgi….jpg)

File: bd74e8c020a45ef⋯.jpg (90.88 KB, 599x481, 599:481, MichLastChristDet.jpg)

File: 4139eb19f2c860f⋯.jpg (74.85 KB, 470x657, 470:657, michelangelo039s_david_act….jpg)


I suggested he would look into more modern times, and so he did. That is when we bumped into the statue of David from Michelangelo. He started to look more into the Renaissance work, mostly Michelangelo and he started to notice a lot of similarities and oddities. The statue of David, the face, looked terribly like the painting of Adam in the Sistine Chapel, and it looked a lot like the face of Christ in the Last Judgment. Christ’s true hair color is darker than what we see in the Last Judgment. This one (in the Last Judgment) was more to the Blonde side than the Auburn color hair color of Christ. And look at the veiled lady painted next to Christ in the Last Judgment. Why does she have that “sexy” pose? Why didn’t she sit in a more “respectable” way? Is this truly the Virgin Mary? She is glued to him like a companion does, not as a mother should sit next to her son. There is some type of strange intimacy about it and it also has sexual connotation to it. We don’t think this is truly the Virgin Mary, but actually the Evil Lady sitting next to the Evil One.

Despite these findings, they were of late, much later date. We consider them as indirect proof, but not directly linked to King David. We consider these as puzzle pieces linking somehow, somewhere King David from the Bible to the Evil One. But we don’t know their exact place yet. We are lacking big the other pieces to get the full image. We are certain this section of the Old Testament was totally edited/modified. The entire existence of a historical King David is nothing but a fabricated fiction, where the existence of the Evil One is projected and mirrored in it. But proving it directly has been impossible for us until now.

And then we find such things on the internet: https://news.artnet.com/art-world/the-victoria-and-albert-museum-reopens-cast-court-with-queen-victorias-david-166534

Making us wonder why would Queen Victoria, ancestor of William, want to own for herself a copy, an exact replica of David by Michelangelo?

Let’s see what “new” revelation will bring us in this matter. Was my mentor correct all along by thinking the Biblical King David is none other than the Evil One? Are William and Chelsea his direct descendants? Me, just like you dear readers, will have to wait for the results. So far, with what was revealed, it seems my mentor was spot on. King David is none other than the Evil One and the Bloodlines were going to bring his Spirit back to place inside a host = William. Same thing for Chelsea, but with the Spirit of the Evil Lady. This was going to be rule of the Anti-Christ. Ever wondered why the citizens of Israel are so highly vaccinated? It’s to “prepare” them as hosts for the demonic spirits whom will cross along with the Spirit of the Evil One. It’s his people after all, his Clan.

But (((their))) entire plan went down the drain. The Light made sure it did. The Light has been working silently and discreetly for centuries too. The prophecy doesn’t tell which side the chosen child will belong to. It said the child will pick a side himself. And he did. He rejected the Dark side and joined the Light side. This is why you see William with such a face at the funeral. And Kate. Oh Lord! She can barely contain herself. I can assure you, she is not crying because the grandma of her husband died. Do you even know what she must have done in order to be qualified as the wife of the future King of Darkness? She didn’t get where she is by picking cute daisies in a field you know. She must have done extremely horrible things to have the qualification to be the wife of the chosen one, according to (((their))) point of view, of course.

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b12692  No.17589368

File: 78f8779fff36553⋯.png (51.87 KB, 316x480, 79:120, x_linked_recessive.png)


What is truly happening goes far beyond what anyone thinks. One question is troubling me though: If Charles is not truly the biological father of William, then whom is? There is something about this “lab facility” visit. It might be true that the biological father of William is someone different from Charles. But, what if it wasn’t? What if there are other reasons she was taken to that lab? What are the required conditions for the Black Eye Clan in order to produce a host of the Spirit of the Evil One? =

1 – Since they follow a patriarchal line, then the host must be male for the Black Eye Clan.

2 – He must be first born.

3 – He must carry the McLeod Syndrome. In order for that to happen, he must get a sick X chromosome from his mother because he cannot get it from his father. This is where the importance of Diana lies. She was not just a direct descendant, a pure blood, of William the Conqueror, but she also carried the McLeod syndrome.

When you think about it carefully, the royals took Diana to that Lab facility in order to make sure that she conceives a child with the requirements mentioned above. With each pregnancy, the chances of having a son or a daughter are 50/50. Since it’s the first born, so he gotta be male. In that facility, they made sure she is impregnated with a Y chromosome and not an X one, in order to produce the first born as a male. But they must have also picked a sick chromosome with the McLeod Syndrome from her to have it fuse with the Y chromosome. The chances of having a male child with McLeod syndrome are 25% with each pregnancy, if I’m not mistaking. So they had to artificially impregnate her with an embryo whom had all the 3 requirements. I don’t think she was impregnated by someone else. I think it’s more likely, they were very selective and wanted to make sure she got pregnant with the “chosen one”. I can say they were picky. They asked the doctors for these specific traits of the first child. It’s not the first time it happens in modern day medicine, where parents ask doctors for this and that specific trait to be in their future child, like having blue eyes or white skin. Just take a look at Michael Jackson’s children to understand they were genetically picked to look like that and it was not a natural random selection. I think this was the case with Diana’s Lab facility visit.

Since Diana is his mother, there is also a chance Pirnce Harry has the McLeod syndrome as well. As for Kate, she was prepared for the position of Queen. To fill that position, she must have met specific requirements, including being a carrier of the McLeod Syndrome. Her children, all 3 of them, must have it in order to be royal children and they must have been made in Labs too, selected carefully.

I’m going to stop here. Every one reading take care of yourselves. It’s going to be rough.

Have a nice day.

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29436d  No.17604467

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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6b6849  No.17610354

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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5e2189  No.17615350

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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78bc0b  No.17621590

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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34572d  No.17626438

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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5fd18f  No.17632017

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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43b6d7  No.17639366

File: 2dcd153d6c6106f⋯.jpg (30.58 KB, 1101x698, 1101:698, 2pzy42d7vvyff.jpg)


'We Need Some Secret Sleepers': Dem Senate Candidate Calls Prison Inmates to Help Rig Election


Published June 26, 2022 36,826 Views

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e7fa48  No.17639430

File: 3e48cdaf8f531a1⋯.jpg (34.89 KB, 569x576, 569:576, zuxtjud.jpg)



>Someone really doesn't like Q dropping "Robert Crimo doesn't exist.


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b5bfe8  No.17639438

File: 8d8dc224a2ca9e6⋯.jpg (35.5 KB, 488x679, 488:679, s9udttz.jpg)



Fire at will.

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37b3ec  No.17639453

File: 6f7d2fa44e7078d⋯.jpg (28.71 KB, 1160x596, 290:149, dl0hlyeykinou.jpg)


He's on a peanut butter diet.

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0d7f3c  No.17639489

File: 4e9401c58c1f6b4⋯.jpg (25.72 KB, 985x666, 985:666, y8pzvlo.jpg)


No hat either. Dasting photo

She always wears hats in public, outside.

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0253ce  No.17639498

File: bab2e9fd097da27⋯.jpg (36.43 KB, 1249x791, 1249:791, v1oiijb.jpg)

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1da409  No.17639507

File: 9ef299f1bed8392⋯.jpg (35.41 KB, 1181x1057, 1181:1057, 8r9g4g.jpg)



He won't resign before August he will appoint 88 new communist to the church completing the end of the church…..

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986c5e  No.17639544

File: 6a78b0aa65f390b⋯.jpg (34.96 KB, 663x502, 663:502, xbshfpva4g2kp.jpg)


He doesn't know he's alive

I truly wonder what DJT meant by that

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17a932  No.17639556

File: 0c235e01636d171⋯.jpg (32.85 KB, 520x589, 520:589, pwusjv.jpg)

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e41e93  No.17639565

File: b9ef9343051cde4⋯.jpg (36.37 KB, 1221x1017, 407:339, zlcivcjnd2.jpg)


weaker sex

men not stepping up

women not letting men step up


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a4ae68  No.17639577

File: ba5f40236a6a7a5⋯.jpg (34.66 KB, 1155x801, 385:267, rhnf48gf6o2.jpg)



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ba850b  No.17639654

File: 3d3ed8fc34454ae⋯.jpg (32.96 KB, 1274x680, 637:340, ia81scq.jpg)



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c5901e  No.17639655

File: df8d2840fdfe743⋯.jpg (31.11 KB, 1143x659, 1143:659, 2uc1ns.jpg)

I was going to post the results of long hours of digging into an NGO, notable IMHO, but seeing the shills,shits, and slow breads in the last 24 hours, don't know whether it's worth it, or will be paid attention to by the present idiots. Maybe wait till there's an appreciable amount of intelligent, discerning anons here.

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61124f  No.17639665

File: 0b147d98c2c7454⋯.jpg (27.51 KB, 1130x664, 565:332, km31hzvk2o.jpg)

Mexican President Calls for American Superstate, Open Borders . ……

in the works for decades


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4d20b8  No.17639685

File: 2e2f5f547ea7265⋯.jpg (30.15 KB, 1101x674, 1101:674, 9opf4a.jpg)


Isn't he the guy that was on cable TV railing against "fully semi-automic rifles?"

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0f3118  No.17639734

File: dfba19073328530⋯.jpg (21.35 KB, 1084x509, 1084:509, o3xd3b.jpg)


no but michael is

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2c7222  No.17639781

File: 26a6125eeefd852⋯.jpg (39.91 KB, 573x679, 573:679, ndz1rqh10k7rg.jpg)


Listen here, faggot. HUMANS came to live on Earth. GFYS

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b1f464  No.17639798

File: b87e625a29e9814⋯.jpg (25.87 KB, 1047x637, 1047:637, rbw2g7ofy6.jpg)


> I want off this ride

We're just getting to the good part, Anon. R v W was decided 49 years ago. The tide is now turning. The enemy are revealing more of themselves daily.

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2c7222  No.17639803

File: 00a714f21c307e5⋯.jpg (30.61 KB, 1088x714, 32:21, c3oq2j.jpg)

Baker went Q's not around.

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61f909  No.17639806

File: 5273f927dbfbffb⋯.jpg (29.62 KB, 1055x1025, 211:205, 09fuw7l93ec5g.jpg)


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9b0594  No.17639826

File: 1d36488d0fbcce6⋯.jpg (31.58 KB, 524x516, 131:129, qonqu48.jpg)


what a suck

I'll roll my stones again, they really accurate. It might not resonate with those stuck in lower frequency

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a89785  No.17639865

File: d513711749250aa⋯.jpg (34.88 KB, 1244x744, 311:186, 964j9kpm.jpg)


This is what I was thinking as well

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cf2636  No.17639873

File: d3177e03028faae⋯.jpg (30.61 KB, 1023x905, 1023:905, kirwbu7o71ir0.jpg)

it thrusts it's fists against the post

and still insists it see's the ghost

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b3bf4c  No.17639941

File: 1caa4a8c58a0691⋯.jpg (34.32 KB, 1229x765, 1229:765, upgs32.jpg)


No one benefits from a fast bread here. It is too easy to miss important posts.

What is your hurry?

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b1f464  No.17639947

File: 5cd108405b75039⋯.jpg (30.36 KB, 1138x718, 569:359, 24hbpj.jpg)


Track 10 "Let It Go"

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aa9038  No.17639983

File: 376e76578579a0c⋯.jpg (36.02 KB, 708x496, 177:124, vvjq4hkvzy2.jpg)

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02ce46  No.17640027

File: db60127310860ab⋯.jpg (29.57 KB, 1149x627, 383:209, t38neod7m.jpg)



military planning

all of it

psyops are a mother fucker

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8205df  No.17640034

File: c9012321d54e0f5⋯.jpg (24.16 KB, 1084x627, 1084:627, zfdeoqto.jpg)


I've seen a newborn circumcised and I've seen a teenager circumcised from a penis infection.

I know which one was barbaric.

I'm curious…. are you trying to compare foreskin removal to sex change op?

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766997  No.17640040

File: 8264c4d16eb51e7⋯.jpg (27.3 KB, 1101x634, 1101:634, tnl2ugozn.jpg)


Look up executive order 11110

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caaf34  No.17640042

File: 770001ebc8b6bb4⋯.jpg (28.71 KB, 1082x614, 541:307, njnzv6kq9.jpg)


when is that we why should never, right there, care????????????????

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e16f94  No.17640091

File: c6c798e376a2a3b⋯.jpg (33.47 KB, 649x508, 649:508, 53zhlj.jpg)




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4647e1  No.17640093

File: 5d6a54332a2a996⋯.jpg (31.85 KB, 1056x960, 11:10, heij4r2e.jpg)


thanks, fren!

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359da1  No.17640115

File: f2df759abc95f17⋯.jpg (33.84 KB, 1031x1051, 1031:1051, opv1akobm3v.jpg)



thats fake and ghey

baker is based

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b1f464  No.17640186

File: 41e73621ea37672⋯.jpg (39.73 KB, 658x587, 658:587, zdo5z3c.jpg)


>in here

how 'bout the fact that "here" even exists?

refresherize my rememberification… 'zackly WHERE is this site hosted?

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ae18c4  No.17640188

File: 31ebc7215ea0f39⋯.jpg (34.14 KB, 1027x1044, 1027:1044, oxjy3y411.jpg)

2 steps from Hell

Defenders of Earth

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3aea29  No.17640210

File: f16117d22d1a8b5⋯.jpg (35.25 KB, 585x565, 117:113, wpqsnxyht6.jpg)



>it was this hour

>minute stamp is 33

OOoooOOOoOoHHHhhHHHHHhhhh 8kun anon > DJT [0] Delta STORM!!!











5 anons go 0 delta with DJT!!!!

not a SINGLE fake Q though…

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02ce46  No.17640232

File: a4e8240f14789b0⋯.jpg (30.02 KB, 1283x575, 1283:575, w5i9m45ed.jpg)



yes it's scary af

but it won't go their ways!

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b099b5  No.17640300

File: 42fa0eaef3f329e⋯.jpg (24.96 KB, 1050x561, 350:187, nhnigiv.jpg)

Throw us a bone Q, we’ve all been waiting for what seemed like an eternity.What’s going on?

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5bdfce  No.17640337

File: f7aa6087f593f4b⋯.jpg (30.71 KB, 1091x734, 1091:734, r4jikai20v8u.jpg)


I reject your reality and substitute it with my own.

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7787c0  No.17640348

File: c486a81e767cb7e⋯.jpg (33.31 KB, 543x567, 181:189, viqjnwni.jpg)


This man, Jeffrey Roth is a surely a link to the Rothschilds. He wrote a letter to the court to ask for leniency in Ghislane's sentencing. He says he is her friend and confident. He says he has known Ghislaine 50 years and his family has known the Maxwells for 90 years. He also says he is a "cousin."

Sorry but I'm stuck and wasn't able to find more, other than he works at the morgue at the NY Times. Can't find anything on Jolana Roth. This guy might just be a plant of some kind, giving a warning to Ghislane from the you know who's

New York Times archivist Jeffrey Roth, who attended much of her trial seated alongside her siblings. His missive solved a mystery plaguing multiple members of the press: Who was this lanky observer in the Maxwell entourage?

“I am on the staff of The New York Times and I am a cousin of Ms. Ghislaine Maxwell,” his letter states. My Mother, Jolana Roth and her late father, grew up together,” wrote Roth. “Our families have been close for ninety years. I attended the trial as a family member and am aware of the charges that she has been found guilty of.


Jeff Roth is the archivist in charge of the New York Times clipping and photo archive, known as "the morgue." After working for a while at an airport, Roth joined the Times archive in 1993; the newspaper slowly reduced the number of its filing staff until he was the only one taking care of the archive. In Obit, Roth described how the Times archive is still used to make obituaries.



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2c7222  No.17640366

File: e32e79395af8da3⋯.jpg (28.52 KB, 1110x604, 555:302, 3mlnylc9i.jpg)

17 April 2012

US Secret Service Cartagena scandal 'involved 20 women'

The US Secret Service prostitution scandal involved as many as 20 women, 11 American agents and some military personnel, senior US officials say.

Senator Susan Collins, briefed by the Secret Service director, said 20 women were found at the US hotel.

The incidents took place in Cartagena, Colombia, ahead of last weekend's Summit of the Americas.

On Monday, the head of the US armed forces said the Secret Service and the military had "let the boss down".

Secret Service Director Mark Sullivan was "rightly appalled by the agents' actions and is pursuing a vigorous internal investigation", Ms Collins said in a statement.

Dog-handlers investigated

"He ordered all the agents to return to Washington immediately, and all have been interviewed," said Ms Collins, the top Republican on the Senate's Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee.

Speaking to reporters on Tuesday, Ms Collins, a Republican who represents Maine in the Senate, also said she had asked Mr Sullivan a number of questions during her phone briefing.

"Who were these women? Could they have been members of groups hostile to the United States? Could they have planted bugs, disabled weapons, or… jeopardised [the] security of the president or our country?"

Speaking to reporters afterwards the senator said some agents "were uniformed personnel who are assigned to building security". Others were "these specialised agents who do security details", she said.

US congressional homeland security committee chairman Peter King told Reuters news agency that "so far there is no information that any of them were involved with any narco-terrorist group or any organised crime".

Two of the agents were senior personnel with salaries at the top end of the government's pay scale, the Washington Post reported.

All 11 agents have been placed on administrative leave and had their security clearance revoked. They were not directly involved with presidential security.

A Marine Corps spokesman said on Tuesday that among the military service members being investigated were two Marine dog handlers assigned to support the Secret Service.

The White House meanwhile said it had confidence in the director of the Secret Service to investigate the incident, adding that he had addressed the matter quickly.


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966aac  No.17640391

File: 76f594728b54fcb⋯.jpg (29.87 KB, 493x523, 493:523, qw24jtyb.jpg)



she nailed down a hard deal here didn't she, got something she really wanted

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555e45  No.17640421

File: a280ee57438f296⋯.jpg (31.67 KB, 1187x674, 1187:674, f1mshe41h8m5r.jpg)

Every Hollywood actor has to meet with Zelensky at least once to truly "make it".


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8dc0db  No.17640471

File: 33b151c90b85078⋯.jpg (31.11 KB, 1043x898, 1043:898, zdp4qwngxy6he.jpg)


>Look at his short lifespan

He was caballad, just like his son, retard.

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b1ea58  No.17640489

File: ab27e64ba332158⋯.jpg (26.04 KB, 1007x640, 1007:640, isqqt2apa.jpg)


o7 babyfist. this is a bad motherfucker

any anon who does not know babyfist is a patriot and a big part of qr history then you are a fucking retard and have literally been fucked by psyops

also any dumb cunt who don't get B is a big deal yet is also a fucking retard

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e16f94  No.17640494

File: 3e726c867f27c61⋯.jpg (30.79 KB, 561x499, 561:499, gzq7d34e3d.jpg)


business as usual here, half of anons believes that Trump and the Military White Hat Patriots are in total control and we are watching a movie, the other half believes Bidan is destroying the country completely.

probably the biggest recent thing here has been Elon Musk … white or black hat, flipped or not, patriot or traitor, will buy twitter or wont etc

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4cf206  No.17640499

File: ae1cb80d987b5cb⋯.jpg (40.8 KB, 719x581, 719:581, cgvihew.jpg)


azadius (Shane Cooper), [16.06.22 10:45]

[Forwarded from 🇺🇸👊🏻🇺🇸 Richard Citizen Journalist 🇺🇸👊🏻🇺🇸]

[ Video ]

2 owner operator truckers shutting down. No profit. No money. No parts. It’s a mess. One is applying for welfare. The other is having his wife send money for fuel so he can make it home.

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e1a65c  No.17640538

File: a9a269921b799c4⋯.jpg (37.49 KB, 529x708, 529:708, bv7p49mu.jpg)


Khazarian Jews are not semite Jews are they fuck twit?

There's a difference between government and people isn't there?

I love semite Jews and real Christians. The fakers Jesus mentions in Revelation 2:9 & 3:9, I don't like at all. They are satanists. I'll forgive them someday, though.

I think I've made that clear.

Stop trying to create confusion.

Am I awake yet? Yes. :)

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07ba9c  No.17640544

File: 30b7d9b2260f139⋯.jpg (27.24 KB, 1155x661, 1155:661, 1cv6546.jpg)


handoff confirmed

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ae18c4  No.17640546

File: 89611cdde355035⋯.jpg (30.16 KB, 1109x745, 1109:745, nwiper.jpg)


Donald J Trump




The only thing not discussed by the Unselects, in any way, shape, or form, is the irrefutable evidence of massive and totally pervasive ELECTION FRAUD & IRREGULARITIES which took place during the 2020 Presidential Election. They refuse to go there, they want it all CANCELED, because it would be IMPOSSIBLE for the Unselect Committee to refute or challenge that which would be put before them, or the American Public. To the Unselects I ask, LET US PUT ON THE EVIDENCE, STATE BY STATE - AND NOW!

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6fe5d6  No.17640564

File: f696b0e6c880dee⋯.jpg (23.8 KB, 1016x597, 1016:597, 96h2bfp3s4m4h4.jpg)


>You're saying

it's documented, yes

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fee889  No.17640576

File: ed590cbd4297f74⋯.jpg (24.39 KB, 1023x605, 93:55, o7amcww92hu3.jpg)



Everybody In The Place

Let's Go

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02ce46  No.17640620

File: d8acc02083e430b⋯.jpg (34.9 KB, 599x541, 599:541, jr1tuik.jpg)

Bannon subpoenas Pelosi and House January 6 committee members to fight contempt charges

Last week, Bannon's legal team subpoenaed 16 lawmakers and congressional staffers to testify at the July trial and produce documents, according to one of Bannon's attorneys and copies of the subpoenas provided to CNN. The subpoenas were aimed at all nine members of the select committee, three committee staffers and General Counsel for the House of Representatives Douglas Letter. Bannon also subpoenaed House Democratic leadership, including Pelosi, House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer and Rep. Jim Clyburn.


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cf2636  No.17640642

File: 676f74e9b43f0fa⋯.jpg (32.73 KB, 481x602, 481:602, 74chvcl1sk.jpg)


What you said, is a load of shit.

Go back to cnn.


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f191fd  No.17640652

File: 52d23ce83feb37a⋯.jpg (38.51 KB, 719x526, 719:526, 5mughucaupo.jpg)


anon, your point is debatable. but the bigger point is this: >>17639654

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f62266  No.17640654

File: 639711498485799⋯.jpg (28.93 KB, 1205x638, 1205:638, lobwp2d47qa.jpg)


what an odd nose job.

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f5b630  No.17640662

File: 1a00be6f66d1da6⋯.jpg (34.01 KB, 1291x664, 1291:664, 4we867wv5w1ys.jpg)


you posted an image where the main number is 1.618

tesla wood shit in your face if he was here

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72f363  No.17640689

File: 41ab0d4af2c6e37⋯.jpg (36.71 KB, 716x505, 716:505, c2zxitfp.jpg)

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cf2636  No.17640717

File: 375f3c455f1c9e7⋯.jpg (42.57 KB, 584x711, 584:711, rox2dhjm.jpg)


>and think the catholic church represents Christianity.

Fortunately for the Bulk of Christianity this is NOT true.

Martin Luther was beyond fed up with, and left the Catholic Church and all it's "added by man, but found NOWHERE in the Bible" bullshit in the early 1500s.

He started the Protestant Revolution and is the namesake of Lutheranism. Much has been written about him and his efforts.

If you care to, just Search his name (no Jr!), its easy to find.

I still boggles my mind that there are so many Catholics that refuse to do any research into what they are taught.

The Catholic Church seems to become more Satanic by the day. These people are harder to wake up than Democrats!

I've often wondered if the 4-6% that can't be helped are those who comprise those Catholic Democrats

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07ba9c  No.17640737

File: a504ba413f7ed98⋯.jpg (37.67 KB, 610x605, 122:121, 00heapayf69m5.jpg)



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8e7141  No.17640739

File: c7cf4a9386652a9⋯.jpg (37.12 KB, 1259x810, 1259:810, 98xrtcjdvq7grn.jpg)

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e7dbc9  No.17640741

File: a1268674db318f3⋯.jpg (22.91 KB, 971x550, 971:550, mz8k9bk1qvrol.jpg)


Choose Jesus, for (You) are a Spiritual Babe…

For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and everyone who humbles himself will be exalted.

When the Highest King Becomes a Servant, the Lion Shall Lay Down with the Lamb.

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b099b5  No.17640752

File: 8eeec994236c663⋯.jpg (41.64 KB, 690x605, 138:121, m1td1wetok3fsw.jpg)


>lurking mode = expert

The triple 111's confirmed your post, I'd noticed.

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d3e4cf  No.17640767

File: ff135aeb4dfe37f⋯.jpg (34.81 KB, 1007x1130, 1007:1130, 1qp66io9ii.jpg)



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62a224  No.17640777

File: 2ac87b508a3d168⋯.jpg (30.5 KB, 1073x700, 1073:700, mnnpl84ell0.jpg)



Looks like a Utah inbreed.

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f62266  No.17640799

File: 589d4be401a1a63⋯.jpg (33.37 KB, 1218x709, 1218:709, 25mgq6y1qbjf.jpg)


Thanks for the mandatory vaccinations, mask mandates, baby formula shortage, high gas prices, and the open borders. Well done.

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58807a  No.17640800

File: 7ea667c458cfafa⋯.jpg (29.32 KB, 1047x924, 349:308, zwyzzm1esciv7.jpg)


Hank 3 is great. America First

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b099b5  No.17640822

File: 84e5b54191052bf⋯.jpg (33.71 KB, 1126x940, 563:470, gqj2xg.jpg)


D.C. Public Schools host drag queen performance

for high school students

Washington Times, by Sean Salai

Posted By: Ribicon, 6/4/2022 11:05:03 PM

The D.C. Public Schools is hosting a drag queen performance as part of a pride month celebration for high school students to celebrate during the last month of classes. The event comes as public schools in Pennsylvania, Iowa, Colorado, New York, Illinois and other states have increasingly made drag queen shows and story hours a featured part of “family-friendly” June pride month celebrations, sparking outrage among conservatives. Chancellor Lewis D. Ferebee announced the “Leading with Pride!” celebration at the Ballou STAY public school campus in an email to DCPS families on Thursday night.(Snip)“Join us for an exciting celebration of Pride for Queer and Trans DMV area students,”

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cf2636  No.17640876

File: 9be21f2c916bd47⋯.jpg (34.92 KB, 1187x759, 1187:759, 988xgbzbd.jpg)


it's not a matter of trust. how many times has Trump claimed to "trust" certain people and been backstabbed, either legitimately or purely for optics?

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4387f4  No.17640928

File: 9aa252512ebf474⋯.jpg (22.11 KB, 1133x544, 1133:544, aoqtzrtnvpc2.jpg)


pfft you didn't follow the conversations at all

filtered for stupidity

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98b1f0  No.17640930

File: 7e68033c61513c5⋯.jpg (32.21 KB, 985x1111, 985:1111, zw3w2dv4.jpg)



Adventuring in the back country, we came across this interesting frog in the bottom of a dry creek bed. Perfectly preserved, rock hard and heavy. We named him "Glenn". Will he reconstitute and come alive if put in water? He may be in a state of "Estivation". Time, and water will tell.

Frogs that live in areas that are dry for part of the year burrow into the ground and go into a dormant state called estivation or �summer sleep.� They stay there hidden from the heat of the sun and from predators until the rain comes when they emerge in large numbers until the dry conditions return. Some desert frogs can attach themselves to plants and turn white and hard as a rock during the dry season. When rain comes, they absorb water, wake from their sleep, and hop away.

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b1ea58  No.17640934

File: 497737ef92ee020⋯.jpg (27.23 KB, 1076x572, 269:143, kvx24oiyuv0v.jpg)

Richie Albertini, hollywood trafficking and ritual sacrifice whistle blower (from the Nancy Pelosi thread >>17426287


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d6f8b7  No.17640990

File: 1c97205054c2a13⋯.jpg (36.63 KB, 638x575, 638:575, epyd77.jpg)

It doesn't work if none of you post what you see, jesus, the state of this place.





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4647e1  No.17640991

File: e23531cb4a30d76⋯.jpg (26.61 KB, 1120x620, 56:31, giaelkp6xi.jpg)


Bank holiday Monday? Trigger?

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4387f4  No.17641011

File: 9be07b8e2121b66⋯.jpg (35.28 KB, 1090x1029, 1090:1029, i3eaokku80yg.jpg)


Orrr, I could be a tard and just doin' ketchup late.

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88ef6b  No.17641020

File: d1331a44f304c09⋯.jpg (37.85 KB, 1122x1119, 374:373, t45cm1q66.jpg)


Professional Demoralization Clown Shill compromised by chinks, trying to black pill.

Interdasting though as he's telling you their plan under the guise of helping you. Perhaps because of satan worshippers need to tell their victims.

Publish Date

2018-12-21 17:14:01

Keep in mind that I am an American expat living inside China. I took the “life boat” to a much safer place, and I wish and want those who have decided to “stay put” and “duke it out”, great success in your efforts to survive the present conditions of chaos and insanity. Hang in there! I believe in you!


We are just a group of retired spooks that discuss things that you’ll not find anywhere else. It makes us unique. Take a look around. Learn a thing or two.

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9ea5cc  No.17641031

File: 55aad040706fab2⋯.jpg (34.67 KB, 1043x1068, 1043:1068, w1um0yefov.jpg)

Margot Cleveland


Serious question: I've never heard either Trump or any of his allies or supporters claim that if Democrats win the White House in 2024 they will engage in violence at the capitol to stop the Congress from receiving electoral votes. What is Luttig referring to?

CAP Action @CAPAction

Conservative Judge Michael Luttig:

"Donald Trump and his allies and supporters are a clear and present danger to American democracy."

Maskless4ever! @ChrisJa33402082


Replying to @ProfMJCleveland

He doesn't believe that, his body language says the exact opposite, WHO is paying him to spout that nonsense, OR, what does the intel community have on him for blackmail purposes…..I mean, WTF is going on here?


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8e7141  No.17641061

File: b9b78f8f3f2bf5f⋯.jpg (29.55 KB, 1183x598, 91:46, 296s1z3q8.jpg)


Have you considered that is YOU in you place that sucks? I mean why would you come here to say (you) suck?

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1b6a58  No.17641068

File: 9fe13606a223495⋯.jpg (28.76 KB, 1243x600, 1243:600, t63rbekr.jpg)



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62a224  No.17641078

File: c4c221764fee381⋯.jpg (31.15 KB, 1195x675, 239:135, vg2p5u4774rs0.jpg)


she is pretty

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4edde8  No.17641087

File: ff3af053d1f24ad⋯.jpg (29.26 KB, 1209x587, 1209:587, dvp5bi8bz.jpg)

Election machines hacked? you dont day.. KEK

href : https://i.imgflip.com/6i9qhq.jpg

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8f31eb  No.17641088

File: 1f4529aa160bad6⋯.jpg (30.96 KB, 1177x677, 1177:677, jwppuann68mf.jpg)

GOP Rep. Chris Jacobs dropping out of race amid backlash for supporting gun reform is “a really remarkable moment in the Republican Party,” Maggie Haberman says.

“It’s essentially a purging of anybody who goes against a certain orthodoxy.”


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a50a61  No.17641089

File: c9ff1c7de9b3d3f⋯.jpg (24.6 KB, 994x587, 994:587, fxsob9hngyc50.jpg)

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e70291  No.17641098

File: e3a17a8a1904933⋯.jpg (24.81 KB, 1134x633, 378:211, e6bg4mg6kqx2.jpg)


>3 Gorges

Haven't heard that name in a long time!

Would be a fun gap-filler

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b85056  No.17641102

File: a594ce88ed659f7⋯.jpg (34.53 KB, 1142x1043, 1142:1043, 5a75388u84.jpg)

Something is wrong with this guy. I just can't put my finger on it. Maybe its the Hat.

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d90f3e  No.17641129

File: 6ddc2762ebe2439⋯.jpg (36.52 KB, 701x495, 701:495, j02k97du14qd.jpg)


The Western Journal, [20.06.22 10:33]

Mainstream Media Giant Deletes 23 Articles After Reporter Is Caught Fabricating Information

READ: http://w-j.co/s/f81be

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766997  No.17641142

File: 9d27af09ce1188b⋯.jpg (43.42 KB, 603x711, 67:79, bk4qg1ya0.jpg)

thank god nothing can stop what is coming

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e70291  No.17641178

File: 7f6cc1b0915581b⋯.jpg (33.38 KB, 1105x1006, 1105:1006, gi6ncshhc7h.jpg)



Geo quick facts: Cache County is a county located in the Wasatch Front region of Utah. As of the 2020 United States Census the population was 133,154. Its county seat and largest city is Logan. Cache County is included in Logan metropolitan area – Wikipedia.

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7787c0  No.17641212

File: bdad89f15ad2833⋯.jpg (40.63 KB, 699x577, 699:577, e8a4m7.jpg)



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b9ba88  No.17641213

File: f2f9dace89c2624⋯.jpg (33.91 KB, 1136x979, 1136:979, tnspbb32d.jpg)


No gays in Top Gun? Sequel “Bottom Gun” coming next summer?

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6ef79f  No.17641261

File: 43de721d8f66c87⋯.jpg (27.51 KB, 1172x606, 586:303, s6kjud.jpg)


Preparing for fake landings, possibly, with all that stages clips we´ve all seen, …because it was a race, can´t lose face to the ruskies. Still I haven´t seen anything that convinces me it was fake.

They did take off and they went into orbit, that´s a fact.

Once you´re in orbit the rest is rather easy, technically, just need to speed up and float over to the moon.

The trajectory to the moon didn´t go through the strongest part of the belt.

We´ll find out sooner or later anyways, they left lots of stuff on the landing sites that´s still there, or not. We have photos of the stuff from orbiting satellites, but you could say that´s also fake.

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c62086  No.17641312

File: caa76d6b0c97028⋯.jpg (38.15 KB, 525x711, 175:237, 620xmfn.jpg)



Dr. Carrie Madej Involved In Plane Crash

Dr. Carrie Madej was involved in a small plane crash alongside her boyfriend. Both are in the hospital with multiple fractures, and her boyfriend has a broken back and fractured skull.


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d6f8b7  No.17641355

File: 2c72057d007d001⋯.jpg (34.81 KB, 1065x1072, 1065:1072, l9zsnwks.jpg)

What trusting the plan feels like

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caaf34  No.17641361

File: efe895b5c108863⋯.jpg (29 KB, 1073x724, 1073:724, 98tu9z6.jpg)


wheres elon

9 days since last tweet

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9b0594  No.17641362

File: 4b2a124958a8e25⋯.jpg (35.12 KB, 1013x1086, 1013:1086, e1qy8aj5lwozp.jpg)


all lies

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b8bb40  No.17641381

File: 919e51b0c83eb90⋯.jpg (34.39 KB, 1158x991, 1158:991, g585yy.jpg)

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8e7141  No.17641389

File: 5d35028831b47ed⋯.jpg (37.15 KB, 716x514, 358:257, gt71qr8kll06x.jpg)


they have a yt channel


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316cab  No.17641393

File: b0e10fc2e35f343⋯.jpg (30.65 KB, 1098x676, 549:338, daq6u732o1move.jpg)

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2aa2da  No.17641404

File: 7a259ebdf9c0053⋯.jpg (36.78 KB, 562x625, 562:625, vmexzfsd.jpg)


part 2 of 2

Terminator2 Judgement Day releasse to Leak of Google A.I. being Sentient is 11,300 days. On the QClock :35/:05 Mirror for June 11, 2022 is "JUDGEMENT DAY"

Q15, "11.3 - Podesta Indicted" happens to fall on the :23 mark (not the mirror)

Oddly for June 11, 2022 there is ":23" the clock's :25/:05 mirror (see pink circle).

*How odd.

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a89c2d  No.17641438

File: 40457c55cfa5ec8⋯.jpg (38.54 KB, 673x555, 673:555, 6o688al1.jpg)


Dr. Oz wins the GOP Senate primary in Pennsylvania after McCormick concedes

Republican Dave McCormick conceded Friday to celebrity doctor Mehmet Oz in Pennsylvania's Republican Senate primary as the state conducted a recount of the May 17 election.

According to The Associated Press, Oz led McCormick by 972 votes and the final results of the recount were expected early next week. In remarks to supporters on Friday evening, McCormick said he could not make up the deficit in the recount.

"Today I called Mehmet Oz to congratulate him on his victory, and I told him what I always told you: that I will do my part to try to unite Republicans and Pennsylvanians behind his candidacy, behind his nomination for the Senate," the former hedge fund CEO said.


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e7dbc9  No.17641441

File: 0ff4126c21c6098⋯.jpg (32.39 KB, 1108x933, 1108:933, 8k21t3ihh.jpg)

>National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (front)

>Children's Defense Fund (Front)

>Podesta/Alefatis Pizzagate

>Dan Schneider/Pedowood

>Epstein Sex Island/Blackbook

>Pentagon Child Porn Servers

>Oakland County child murders

>Peter Scully Dark Web Child Torturer Live Streamer

>The Franklin Coverup/BoysTown Ring

>Drasius Kedys Pedo Ring

>Chilean Senator Pedo Ring

>North Fox Island Child Killing Ring

>Madeline McCann Disappearance

>Brooke Shields Child Actor

>Cardinal George Pell Vatican Ring

>Colonel Michael Aquino Pedo Cult

>G4S Security Human Trafficking

>Dyncorp Human Trafficking

>Dolphin Square Ring

>Planned Parenthood Organ Trafficking

>Jersey Island Child Killings

>Elm Guest House Ring

>UK Grooming Gang Police Cover up

>Clinton Hitlist

>Clinton Haiti Child Trafficking

>Joe Biden Child Groper

>McMartin Pre-schoolRing

>Presidio Military Daycare Ring

>Dutroux Affair Coverup

>Israeli Resort in Colombia tied to sex trafficking

>NXIVM Sex Cult

>Pennsylvania 300+ Priests Pedo Ring

>Sandusky Pedo Ring

>Roman Polanski Scandal

>Jared Fogle "Subway" Pedo Ring

>MJ Scandal

>Savile Scandal

>Oprah's School For Girls Abuse

>JonBenet Photographer Child Abuse Arrest

>The Finders Cult

>Tuam Church Child Mass Grave

>Lanarkshire Orphanage Child Mass Grave

>Dozier School for Boys Child Mass Grave

>Nancy Schaefer CPS Assassination

>Andrew Breitbart Podesta Assassination

>Boko Haram Girls Michelle Obama

>FBI Ted Gunderson exposes child trafficking

>Muslim Child Training Camp Cover up

>Portugal Elite Sex Ring

>Brazil Celebrity Spirit Healer Pedo Ring

>Tucson/Cemex Trafficking Camp

>Italy Foster Care Pedo Ring

>Norway Pedo Ring Bust

>Hampstead, UK, cover up

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d6f8b7  No.17641451

File: c6624a0fa1f0888⋯.jpg (27.52 KB, 1024x686, 512:343, ke50pizj6m0s.jpg)


Thanks Baker.

Anons, we're winning in ways that nobody knows. Unity of purpose is starting to really cause massive degradation in the Great Reset (vaccines/food shortages/financial crisis). Keep up the pressure.

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e16f94  No.17641454

File: 8b2eb1a27303d7b⋯.jpg (45.8 KB, 710x696, 355:348, gkog6lp.jpg)


Thanks anon. Katharine Ross was the object of many a faptasizing in the '70s.

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e03cfc  No.17641517

File: fee6b403224b6ba⋯.jpg (23.38 KB, 1029x523, 1029:523, 5yv6fa.jpg)

To the anon who posted the NIH article on Covid Update: What is the truth?


Somehow, I feel vindicated by this article.


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58807a  No.17641518

File: 54310b8d8bcb667⋯.jpg (46.52 KB, 674x713, 674:713, 1wfa47edu.jpg)


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aa9038  No.17641525

File: 1635ba06b4d4a69⋯.jpg (21.7 KB, 975x565, 195:113, au9q48s29owl.jpg)



Opps may be wrong one, try this

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9b0594  No.17641532

File: a48c9a671c4d113⋯.jpg (31.26 KB, 576x482, 288:241, 77fcwlxjbkzk6.jpg)


and Gen Flynn codemonkey Jenna Ellis Sidney and Wisconsin sheriff

First Swing state's and fake ballots

Second all 50 state's and machines

no more fight blind

deliver a Wisconsin Case to (SCOTUS)

At the same time we do class actions in GA MI AZ and the others to make SCOTUS force them

When SCOTUS See evidence of Wisconsin

Other states start filing cases to demand investigation Depending on Wisconsin evidence

All who said overture overture

The constitution guaranteed them a counter-move

they fail with a license and an application

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b85056  No.17641534

File: b7892b61cd564d0⋯.jpg (24.39 KB, 1121x530, 1121:530, 8c1wiyimgom9.jpg)


objects in mirror are closer than you believe.

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cf2636  No.17641577

File: 8ede5a136db4057⋯.jpg (45.96 KB, 695x691, 695:691, 7kn5k53.jpg)

"Trust the plan" is a PSYOP

What did that get you?

What is it? You do nothing.

That is the last thing you need to be doing right now.

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2aa2da  No.17641587

File: 4117891fe15622a⋯.jpg (33.05 KB, 1139x914, 1139:914, 85mqgc8o.jpg)


Joe Biden's Jewish Advisors, Cabinet Members and Staff

Nora Volkow: Director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse

Alina Romanowski: United States Ambassador to Kuwait

Jonathan Cohen: United States Ambassador to Egypt

Alaina B. Teplitz: United States Ambassador to Sri Lanka and the Maldives

Peter H. Vrooman: United States Ambassador to Rwanda

Xavier Becerra: United States Secretary of Health and Human Services

Andy Slavitt: Senior Advisor to the COVID-19 Response Coordinator

Elizabeth Sherwood-Randall: United States Homeland Security Advisor

Ron Klain: White House Chief of Staff

Eric Lander: Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy Science Advisor to the President

Rachel Levine: Assistant Secretary for Health

Rochelle Walensky: Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Jeffrey Zients: Counselor to the President

Steve Ricchetti: The other Counselor to the President

Wendy Sherman: United States Deputy Secretary of State

Anne Neuberger: United States Deputy National Security Advisor for Cyber and Emerging Technology

Alejandro Mayorkas: United States Secretary of Homeland Security

Doug Emhoff: Second Gentleman of the United States

Jared Bernstein: Member of the Council of Economic Advisers

Antony Blinken: United States Secretary of State

David S. Cohen: Acting Director of CIA until March 19, then transitioning to Deputy Director of CIA

Janet Yellen: United States Secretary of the Treasury

Merrick Garland: United States Attorney General

Avril Haines: Director of National Intelligence

Isabel Guzman: Administrator of the Small Business Administration

Polly Trottenberg: United States Deputy Secretary of Transportation

David A. Kessler: Head of Operation Warp Speed (Jan-Feb) & co-chaired the Biden-Harris transition’s COVID-19 Advisory Board (Nov 2020-Jan)

Jennifer Klein: Co-Chair White House Gender Policy Council

Jessica Rosenworcel: Chairwoman of the Federal Communications Commission

Stephanie Pollack: Deputy Administrator of the Federal Highway Administration

Mira Resnick: State Department Deputy Assistant Secretary for Regional Security

John Kerry: United States Special Presidential Envoy for Climate

Victoria Nuland: Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs

Gary Gensler: Chair of the Securities and Exchange Commission

Mark Greenblatt: Inspector General of the Department of the Interior

Elizabeth Klein: Deputy Secretary of the Interior

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13db4e  No.17641610

File: a2502f90499d973⋯.jpg (24.68 KB, 1073x542, 1073:542, edp9wd.jpg)


Fear is a sin you faggot !!!!

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aa9038  No.17641615

File: 2446be0a1df3cb2⋯.jpg (33.02 KB, 1059x766, 1059:766, 1tj7z3zvd4l.jpg)

Jesus the creator of humans was on earth to tell humans that those that (((inbreed))) have to be killed because they no longer have Jesus God as their creator because (((inbreeds))) from (((inbreeding))) have instead an (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) as the 'creator' of the (((dog shit))) that is (((inbred))) jews and the reason why Jesus ordered drowning for child rapists is because (((inbreeding))) = child rape and (((inbred))) jews will only continue to rape and eat children as seen with (((maxwells and epsteins))) because (((inbreeding))) = ((('too inbred to care'))) (((inbreds))) unless child rapists are drowned first as ordered by Jesus.

it is impossible to 'outbreed' ((('too inbred to care'))) as all (((inbreds))) have only the (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) where humans instead naturally only have Jesus God as their creator trying to save humans from the endless hell of ((('too inbred to care'))) where all (((inbreds))) reside.

drown all ((dogs))) as (((dogs))) are of the same (((incestuous child rape inbreeding demon))) as jews are from (((inbreeding))) and (((dogs))) are trying to 'have' the (((dog))) 'owners' 'mentally inbred' enough to pick up (((dog shit))) until the (((dog))) is dead while infants get their genitals mutilated

Never have a (((dog))) around children as all (((inbreds))) are pedophiles and can only try to make others ((('too inbred to care'))) pedophiles unless drowned first.

Never have children in the city as cities is strictly for adults!

sex is only for adult man and woman in a marriage to start a family!

protect your children from (((degeneracy))) or your children will eventually kill themselves.

those that have 'sex as a child' are raped and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally that doesn't understand to commit suicide instead of 'normalizing' child rape.

those that have had 'sex with a child' are child rapists and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent 'normalization' of child rape.

those that are (((inbred))) never had Jesus as their soul because (((inbreds))) are a product of child rape and can only ever know being a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent further (((epsteins and maxwells))) eating and raping children.

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

The 10 states with the highest rates of genital mutilation of infants compared to countries with same rate

West Virginia (87.00%) Equatorial Guinea (87.00%) Oman (87.70%)

Michigan (86.00%) Mali (86.00%) Kuwait (86.40%)

Kentucky (85.00%)

Nebraska (84.00%)

Ohio (84.00%) Guinea (84.20%)

Indiana (83.00%)

Iowa (82.00%)

Wisconsin (82.00%)

South Carolina (81.00%) Bahrain (81.20%)

Pennsylvania (79.00%) French Polynesia(78.00%)

https://worldpopulationreview .com/state-rankings/circumcision-rates-by-state

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

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f191fd  No.17641618

File: e4a728be43add81⋯.jpg (28.5 KB, 1176x682, 588:341, 7irq32.jpg)


AG Barr

Director Wray

VP Pence

One of them guys could have flushed Joe Biden from destroying America but they didn't and all were appointed by Trump.

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fec658  No.17641651

File: 5f0050743dca957⋯.jpg (28.99 KB, 1107x621, 41:23, gqeukfsx51.jpg)

Poll:Nearly Half Of ‘Younger Democratic Men’ Think Assassinating A Politician Is Okay

Dylan HousmanJune 08, 2022 6:28 PM

(Really Southern Poverty Law Center Poll? I think its BS but heres the article.)

A recently released poll found that almost half of male Democrats under the age of 50 said it was acceptable to assassinate political opponents.

Forty-four percent of the “younger Democratic men” surveyed in the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) poll approved of “assassinating a politician who is harming the country or our democracy.” That was the highest rate of any gender, party and age combination.

A narrow majority of Democratic men under 50 said they disapproved of the statement, and a small share said they “don’t know.” The poll was released June 1 after being conducted between April 18-25. It surveyed 1,500 American adults via with a margin of error of 2.53%.

In comparison,only 34% of younger Republican men approved(thats even worse) of the statement. Forty percent of younger Republican women approved, along with 32% of younger Democratic women, according to the poll. Older Americans of both genders and party affiliations were dramatically less likely to approve of assassinating political opponents.

The poll results resurfaced after authorities arrested a California man early Wednesday morning outside of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s house. The man was discovered by police with a handgun and reportedly planned to break into Kavanaugh’s house to murder him before killing himself. He has been charged with attempted murder.

The scare follows large protests outside the homes of conservative Supreme Court justices after a draft opinion was leaked indicating they would vote to undo Roe v. Wade.


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dc87bc  No.17641656

File: 5498d0d0d66eebc⋯.jpg (34.07 KB, 1083x778, 1083:778, v41a2pbeqcvwe.jpg)


>did you see the t.m post?

I have now

what do you think about the content of Jims response?

Jim verifies Q now?

using assumptions?



is that how things work around here now?

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c3438f  No.17641671

File: ce825c4f609b470⋯.jpg (33.26 KB, 1238x690, 619:345, g63g4ivsig.jpg)


Panic & Pain

Paine & P.A.N.I.C.

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62a224  No.17641683

File: 6711428bae73b85⋯.jpg (32.68 KB, 610x514, 305:257, 7j4vs35npk.jpg)



Battlecats, HOOOOOOOO!!!

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a2205c  No.17641696

File: 43e30e5f0b97f63⋯.jpg (29.92 KB, 528x527, 528:527, 4886vi3.jpg)


Hermetic teaching is great! it is neutral and explains a lot! They are corrupting this great wisdom and turn it to evil! What is possible! Look Aleister Crowley… But this knowledge can also be used for the good! I understood the teachings of Jesus much better after studying the Hermetic! It brings balance!

>infiltration instead of invasion

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9ea5cc  No.17641701

File: 67e77ab934088df⋯.jpg (27.04 KB, 1070x565, 214:113, 05lzfz13ux4r4.jpg)

goodnight frens

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8e7141  No.17641745

File: 423f4cd31575cac⋯.jpg (32.27 KB, 998x1028, 499:514, t4fsg3.jpg)

When you go to the grocery store, just walk around the edges of the store. Rarely, unless necessary, go into the aisles. All the fresh stuff is on the edges.

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211bf1  No.17641748

File: 0200cb886e38bab⋯.jpg (42.61 KB, 673x665, 673:665, np6502gb243.jpg)

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c0de5f  No.17641752

File: 487dc97108b4458⋯.jpg (28.91 KB, 1128x690, 188:115, cusrtmhd820og.jpg)


Green Day frontman says he’s renouncing US citizenship: ‘I’m not kidding’


Green Day frontman Billie Joe Armstrong said that he plans to renounce his U.S citizenship following the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade.

During his band’s performance at the London Stadium on Friday, Armstrong, who has been the punk rock band’s frontman since 1987, told the audience he’d be spending more time on their side of the Atlantic.

“F— America, I’m f—ing renouncing my citizenship,” the “American Idiot” singer told the crowd. “I’m f—ing coming here.”

“There’s just too much f—ing stupid in the world to go back to that miserable f—ing excuse for a country,” Armstrong added. “Oh, I’m not kidding. You’re going to get a lot of me in the coming days.”

Armstrong continued berating the U.S. during his band’s show in Huddersfield, England the following day, saying “f— the Supreme Court of America” and calling its justices “pricks,” according to the Daily Mail.

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225442  No.17641763

File: ee7b46638da1e1f⋯.jpg (27.77 KB, 1183x637, 13:7, 07g20v.jpg)


Real Time News, [01.07.22 08:33]

QUARTER of Americans say they are ready to take up arms against the government: Poll also finds that more than a third of those currently own guns



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a6c157  No.17641784

File: 3e0e05c1c6d8697⋯.jpg (34.26 KB, 1162x960, 581:480, lca8hu.jpg)


>flip phone

Mine is a badge of honor!

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13db4e  No.17641807

File: 310003b914e81de⋯.jpg (22.68 KB, 980x513, 980:513, 7ipx37.jpg)

Suck it, JIDF, SPLC, ADL

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f5c8db  No.17641824

File: 59ecd4447180d75⋯.jpg (27.96 KB, 1062x618, 177:103, xs33vap0v1p75.jpg)


>Women all over the country are aghast at you right-wingers for taking away their reproductive rights.

To have reproductive rights, means to deliver a baby to the world.

Killing the baby means you you failed to reproduce… FAIL

BTW, HRC is over. Find another horse to ride on.

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8dd823  No.17641857

File: 0c6001e8e124905⋯.jpg (33.85 KB, 665x489, 665:489, unpj9k9.jpg)

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43d5c8  No.17641861

File: f881a43266e4205⋯.jpg (36.9 KB, 1147x1107, 1147:1107, mfuqjzyxzw95.jpg)

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35fb6b  No.17641875

File: 1ec2ca0a14204b9⋯.jpg (27.36 KB, 978x898, 489:449, 67qg7ipv2wm7.jpg)


>Because many States will keep abortion legal turning it into a new tourism trade much like casino gambling was and marijuana dispensaries have become.

They’ll visit these places then they’ll move there. Let them consolidate till they fill one small state.

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21c0d5  No.17641884

File: 5a0b31b1fe4590f⋯.jpg (37.5 KB, 623x575, 623:575, u0vewbooci.jpg)


>Not one of his predictions has ever come true


Q is not Nostradamus.

Q is a Psyop, using a laser pointer to maneuver the DS every which way and expend their ammo.

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8bb150  No.17641888

File: 8bec8b64056a8e6⋯.jpg (34.86 KB, 1186x737, 1186:737, i84p63hbg.jpg)


I do often wish I was oblivious at times.

I've been following this nightmare since Bill Cooper and the Oklahoma City Bombing. I've been screaming truth from the rooftops everywhere for decades and frankly, being serious has given me gray hair. I know, you know, we all know how bad things are, we have been saying it forever it seems.

Personally, I do not need to hear anymore, I am CONVINCED already.

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82f6c0  No.17641896

File: 027fd4c1980100d⋯.jpg (25.58 KB, 1030x616, 515:308, phboq0fo70rv.jpg)


take hcq and/or mectin for at least a year and we'll talk then anon

think of the historical context

a representative angel on each shoulder?

the internal discourse of free will?

mectin allows the chatter of these bugs to die down so your natural Godly self is more aware of the conflict on a minute level

try it and see


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a94678  No.17641898

File: a609dc002030181⋯.jpg (32.47 KB, 1113x892, 1113:892, s2chxrlmp1oo.jpg)


Stop dribbling on about the muhjoooos.

In realty being jewish or not is irrelevant.

This is why you are dimwit bigot.

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8bb150  No.17641910

File: f9b443673906db6⋯.jpg (31.61 KB, 563x496, 563:496, 4nttg9.jpg)


Teen Trans Remorse and Dangerous Deranged Butchers


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8dd823  No.17641914

File: 6cb6ad1f703657c⋯.jpg (37.16 KB, 1289x778, 1289:778, m7ahcu4r64tt.jpg)



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6de241  No.17641931

File: 3a2c1fb200954cc⋯.jpg (24.19 KB, 1016x637, 1016:637, 9r8d2izmr.jpg)


~Flow State~

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45de08  No.17641936

File: f2ed0b84a717a8a⋯.jpg (27.93 KB, 1118x615, 1118:615, pai16fwdzc61.jpg)


>He takes back what was stolen from him? Kek

Good point, so I take back what was stolen from me, but then I first have to find it, and in order to go out and seek, I may need to prepare a ship or am I just going to a cosplay on cardboard box that looks like a vessel?

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6de241  No.17641955

File: 7b1642909f5afad⋯.jpg (33.85 KB, 1113x1031, 1113:1031, g24wk0srj18keh.jpg)

Thank you, Baker!

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a94678  No.17641969

File: 348b6881a942bc1⋯.jpg (35.97 KB, 1094x1095, 1094:1095, if0inq60k.jpg)

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3aca97  No.17641974

File: aacd97abec167d9⋯.jpg (34.18 KB, 507x617, 507:617, ise4qnq.jpg)


It looks like a T and the was a missing T in a tweet with LOST and Elon is Tesla and Elon is missing and LOST

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6de241  No.17641986

File: 91cbbbee838af1c⋯.jpg (37.13 KB, 617x565, 617:565, f6fdbiql.jpg)


Looks like that isn't the moochelles.

No idea on the why behind the circled items.

Is obama mirror reflection correct or is it off?

Pedo swirls?

Is that a Chess board?

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493604  No.17642006

File: 18d8a70ced5070a⋯.jpg (29.31 KB, 1114x730, 557:365, fx9q1xk.jpg)

Stupid fucking faggot

THE PRESIDENT did not fall off a bike

joe biden did. Learn the difference.

▶Anonymous 06/19/22 (Sun) 06:53:061770ca (3) No.16472004(PB)

Imagine calling yourselves “patriots” and then cheering like a bunch of fucking faggots when the President of the United States falls off his bike.

Hillary Clinton was right about one thing: you cock sucking mother fuckers really are deplorable.

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35fb6b  No.17642038

File: c9398beb88da32b⋯.jpg (33.61 KB, 1033x1030, 1033:1030, dj9tb13zvs5.jpg)


Dude, i stayed up way too late working on that for you to just come and snatch it.. I've gathered the others I made last night, we're taking it back, hand it over

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3aca97  No.17642047

File: 5f7d35942750fb1⋯.jpg (22.94 KB, 978x561, 326:187, uhvpjfok.jpg)

at the end of the day (and it is)

a larper is too stupid to make the Q posts match previous q posts to the second

on the 1700th day since 1st Q post

which happens to be RvWade day with a planetary Queue alignment habbening

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b42a7e  No.17642129

File: 6ddf231bf4746d6⋯.jpg (35.04 KB, 1143x1065, 381:355, drx4o4wragf1.jpg)


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b49ab6  No.17642148

File: d3af78b2bea8a38⋯.jpg (34.21 KB, 981x1139, 981:1139, i2y7n5l51ahmo.jpg)


sLOw down there, Turbo

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8dd823  No.17642155

File: bd5e430b296c404⋯.jpg (34.19 KB, 1010x1112, 505:556, 9c5z1lkl65w.jpg)

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21c0d5  No.17642166

File: 17f6522bb098149⋯.jpg (40.23 KB, 699x563, 699:563, f5hjcn8az.jpg)


Let humankind accept His will be done, is that better for you? Mankind must accept it

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8dd823  No.17642194

File: d2a324ae8e9141c⋯.jpg (28.66 KB, 1151x586, 1151:586, v15srr.jpg)


Look at how "children" is spelled.

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767687  No.17642213

File: 080093960ad05f9⋯.jpg (34.08 KB, 1129x1007, 1129:1007, px39ri1g6q.jpg)

Time for sleep. 6am comes early.

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9692c8  No.17642224

File: cb4ef5b3a7e83b2⋯.jpg (35.49 KB, 1014x1132, 507:566, yijlo7lu.jpg)


There are pix pf her on McAfee Afterlife that can't be posted her. Fuck BO

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2030dc  No.17642230

File: ae1e3427364ad99⋯.jpg (41.64 KB, 595x719, 595:719, fie5my8.jpg)


>Have some sympathy for the guy.

we are all rooting for him

even Dan gave him some shout-outs on social media

and Dan is the man

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d961f7  No.17642247

File: a602ed9c4464a9d⋯.jpg (26.48 KB, 1151x581, 1151:581, wo438z8.jpg)


CM don't give a fuck about your feelings.

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4d6c72  No.17642252

File: 73db9ef30d08f45⋯.jpg (30.25 KB, 1085x747, 1085:747, p09q4eny37s6v.jpg)


That's just disturbing.

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767687  No.17642259

File: 887dac1e733201b⋯.jpg (25.13 KB, 1138x566, 569:283, sv4bcwpa5v5my.jpg)


Jesus loves you, move past your ego and seek Truth.

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d961f7  No.17642286

File: 535587895554254⋯.jpg (29.19 KB, 1152x668, 288:167, bx630j.jpg)

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f32e1f  No.17642293

File: 7e751eb6c43b23a⋯.jpg (29.5 KB, 1155x629, 1155:629, p2nnmlbqzj.jpg)


Are you done with spreading Bullshit? Are you ready to get back to being what the people want?

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b0bd02  No.17642304

File: 4149e0a696f8bc4⋯.jpg (31.37 KB, 1043x925, 1043:925, 5bqvlzpf.jpg)

Who are the 18 fintech companies that Swing financial technology?

Fintech - developing financial products for moving and protecting money, digital banking and fundraising.

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a94678  No.17642320

File: c1b960e655a05ac⋯.jpg (32.93 KB, 1058x809, 1058:809, xami7daljbf8.jpg)


The shot's fine. Trump's the one who brought it to market. Trump took the shot and told us to take it.

If you think the shot is some world conspiracy to decimate the world population then you're a retard.

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329ad8  No.17642348

File: 62eabe6852c41b7⋯.jpg (29.68 KB, 1185x594, 395:198, 4i930ltrn7.jpg)


I like that man a lot. He has integrity.

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5e2e20  No.17642353

File: 1c8432209e788f1⋯.jpg (26.53 KB, 1161x555, 387:185, b8dv9z8hcsidts.jpg)


several indications of that

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3bfbbd  No.17642354

File: eaac1c422471307⋯.jpg (23.92 KB, 971x613, 971:613, hapk0e34.jpg)

Got myself lost on a weird thread. Almost gave up, but I found the way. Where do those threads come from?

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3ceee9  No.17642391

File: 13745ce7e2d8465⋯.jpg (26.54 KB, 963x664, 963:664, oj2ilmd.jpg)


>Let's finish the game we started!


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64b8be  No.17642395

File: ebbfbf08f98aa4e⋯.jpg (31.49 KB, 1114x717, 1114:717, fu3cf49r9t.jpg)


How Mitt Romney's $250m fortune was built by two of England's most disreputable business figures?

Robert Maxwell

Guiness' Jack Lyons

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23fe73  No.17642405

File: a4dfef6b83e1497⋯.jpg (23.98 KB, 1160x506, 580:253, 54cme7wbla0bm3.jpg)

Merging food and sex, degenerate fuckers who want to eat a burger with two "male buns" the people who want this are the same who would stick their dick in a whopper and fuck it

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35fb6b  No.17642411

File: dc8830d98e4a9b0⋯.jpg (33.5 KB, 1139x744, 1139:744, 3vucecrw8fnk4.jpg)


>Jump in a UFO and go fuck yourself.

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388d17  No.17642417

File: 3b688975931c688⋯.jpg (27.15 KB, 998x744, 499:372, 32bbbi.jpg)


ICE car doesn't have the additional battery resource drain. EV has it plus what you mentioned. Cadmium has been reduced and damn near banned for 20 years. Get your shit straight.

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b49ab6  No.17642456

File: c77df498b6e85fe⋯.jpg (40.15 KB, 629x653, 629:653, bm99otsbdo1rn.jpg)

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e95fab  No.17642472

File: 6394bebb476a923⋯.jpg (36.55 KB, 603x645, 201:215, 4axbdg.jpg)

Freemasons in the house.

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173ca4  No.17642475

File: 0e734f457b285f3⋯.jpg (32.12 KB, 1163x720, 1163:720, k56pd84go3u.jpg)

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82f6c0  No.17642521

File: 07a6d23ec80e3f7⋯.jpg (40.42 KB, 717x563, 717:563, ok0llez36.jpg)

#1400 & #1600 Comms received yesterday from back channels confirm Vigilance

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6de241  No.17642532

File: 31a7035b203da64⋯.jpg (31.83 KB, 1053x982, 1053:982, ogo2qovtb1ias.jpg)

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171410  No.17642535

File: 2521176cc5a3afe⋯.jpg (32.8 KB, 1009x1056, 1009:1056, 9vdlyps.jpg)

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1cc0f0  No.17642558

File: 99741b03ec7bdc9⋯.jpg (29.08 KB, 1096x632, 137:79, ltitep9g.jpg)


This post is ITSELF shill team code, dividing people and then claiming to be identifying it.

Fucking kek these idiots stand no chance.

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f32e1f  No.17642585

File: 2206fdf637dc8c9⋯.jpg (30.39 KB, 1233x591, 411:197, jh7fdtx2x8.jpg)


I've been here since late Nov 2017. Never notabled anything.


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767687  No.17642590

File: 85fe0d11f12c383⋯.jpg (27.21 KB, 1121x631, 1121:631, aasrsq7.jpg)


>happened on July 24

thse people are fucking stupid

maybe try proof reading your anti-Q screed next time? (directed at journo fag)

July 24 is 20 days from now


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a94678  No.17642605

File: b23ecf12c49194c⋯.jpg (31.73 KB, 1287x604, 1287:604, 8g6ftv89ws5.jpg)


Get the vaxx.

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2030dc  No.17642608

File: 6ecd5b745dea1c8⋯.jpg (34.2 KB, 1063x809, 1063:809, bmi8sgfic.jpg)


jfkLESBIAN still jealous of mr potatohead

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7254dc  No.17642623

File: 11052a8ce1268a8⋯.jpg (34.08 KB, 1175x945, 235:189, e4pyb95berg.jpg)


Buttigeig children:

1 to sacrifice

1 to indoctrinate

Ask Anderson Cooper and Hunter Biden

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d76ad7  No.17642627

File: 24af9752aea9afc⋯.jpg (34.72 KB, 1145x802, 1145:802, 3alvky6xjv0qn.jpg)


Make your bread comfy with basic filters! You can get tons of mileage with basic filters that don't require learning REGEX.

1) Click Options on the top right of the screen which pops up a window

2) Click Filters on the bottom of the navigation pane

3) Select Comment from the drop down

4) Enter the string you want to filter.

It will filter exactly what you enter in there. Unfortunately "stop" is not the same as "Stop" or "sTop". But there is an easy way around that if this is a problem.

Pro-tip: You can enclose multiple tokens in brackets and it will do either such as:


This will filter dog, Dog, dOg, doG etc etc. You can remove a filter by clicking the X on the right.

I'll reply again with my carefully chosen list of words that mitigate red text girlfriend.

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f32e1f  No.17642634

File: 511e66168b7e658⋯.jpg (21.88 KB, 1144x502, 572:251, pd9jh9b0flhz.jpg)


What does she mean by she's 6 out of 10?

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d961f7  No.17642645

File: 4f6de62aac7d3c0⋯.jpg (32.28 KB, 1156x696, 289:174, 4j8wkx3.jpg)




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bbd868  No.17642649

File: 33d1904b834aedb⋯.jpg (34.41 KB, 1187x789, 1187:789, niv9tvlj8z7.jpg)




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2030dc  No.17642660

File: 7dd642d0f26a383⋯.jpg (27.51 KB, 1160x625, 232:125, fpqkxdcl3adm.jpg)


If in the market for a flat shooter, that would be something worth looking into…

wonder who did the barrel?

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7254dc  No.17642668

File: e39fe810970f8ce⋯.jpg (34.67 KB, 1166x1011, 1166:1011, lgafh2jcfr.jpg)



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e95fab  No.17642723

File: 96e37d60c2ae87f⋯.jpg (33.96 KB, 1182x955, 1182:955, h719anppvwrq.jpg)

Been months since I came by here. What the fuck is going on out there? I heard some shit about a Johnny Depp trial, Trump still sucking the vax dick, some shit about nazis in Ukraine. Can't think of anything else. I haven't voted in any of my local elections, because elections are fake and gay, and I have literally no idea what any news organization has talked about in probably 3 or 4 months. So where we at, lads?

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23fe73  No.17642756

File: 073ffbc6f9f61bc⋯.jpg (26.29 KB, 1133x620, 1133:620, v2ohjbvfftni.jpg)


The racism is strong with you.

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b49ab6  No.17642759

File: f5db9289e71f2f1⋯.jpg (34.5 KB, 556x547, 556:547, zspygqvby3.jpg)

Sisters and Brothers Anon Watchmen Warrior Patriot's World Wide

You are witnessing the systematic destruction of the OLD GUARD.

Dark to LIGHT.

The calm before the storm.

Rider On the Storm

'Calm Before the Storm'?


Keck Array (2012 - 2017)

Looks like a holding pattern due to weather.


Know Your Snakes





What's up with everything but the Air causing all this SUDDENHEART DISEASE?

who is W.H.O.???

C.D.C. = CENTER FOR DEATH CONTROL / W.H.O. the fuck knows

Remember THIS DAY.

Operators are standing by.

"shining the light of truth"





"Equal Time"


"one minute"

one day

January 6th

one minute

































"Order of the Dragon'




Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming



Dark to LIGHT.

Hunters become the HUNTED.

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9692c8  No.17642770

File: c2fb2c02e11ec15⋯.jpg (28.12 KB, 1205x623, 1205:623, 806sve4osvw2.jpg)

Could someone make a meme…. Shootings will continue until you comply.

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82f6c0  No.17642776

File: e6375c2eddd9a6e⋯.jpg (43.96 KB, 695x670, 139:134, myatsafdkub.jpg)


Been training as a laughing stock my whole life

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f32e1f  No.17642792

File: a07f2739ae4c8d0⋯.jpg (33.49 KB, 1084x1097, 1084:1097, o6mmfd.jpg)



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7254dc  No.17642823

File: 4161cef4ac669ae⋯.jpg (24 KB, 1033x590, 1033:590, bkcntc3k.jpg)


Air Travel

2022 flight cancellations have already surpassed last year’s total

by Cami Mondeaux, Breaking News Reporter |

| July 04, 2022 06:15 AM

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45de08  No.17642828

File: 6d1eac7a92ba43c⋯.jpg (30.69 KB, 524x513, 524:513, 6ldks7.jpg)


If I was reeeeing “impotently” then you wouldn’t have replied asshole

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9c0930  No.17642834

File: 32fdd21a6f56811⋯.jpg (35.57 KB, 1123x1051, 1123:1051, xps0naf.jpg)

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9c0930  No.17642891

File: 5745557b48d57d2⋯.jpg (31.33 KB, 1065x917, 1065:917, rivhvb8s6s.jpg)


That was a solid snipe.


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8304ee  No.17642906

File: 337c91e90be8c87⋯.jpg (42.81 KB, 631x699, 631:699, j2x8a4sm2rcgls.jpg)


Anons speak in meme best

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3ceee9  No.17642907

File: 092a7714e9d42aa⋯.jpg (35.5 KB, 1132x1073, 1132:1073, v164ri4ox3764m.jpg)


Heyyyyyyyy… it's useless cunt that likes to ban patriots.

I don't ever give a fuck wear you are.

You will never be missed.

Go fuck yourself.

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d961f7  No.17642916

File: b17bb6a0eadc236⋯.jpg (28.66 KB, 1137x571, 1137:571, r37t314.jpg)


kek is with us

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cbd7ae  No.17642917

File: 778da37e1f3207f⋯.jpg (32.3 KB, 1214x908, 607:454, 2vsgpvha2l6iga.jpg)

Kneeled on the national anthem before every game in America and now in jail in Russia.

Gutter Scum Don't Come Back.

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d76ad7  No.17642924

File: e51656174cfd63f⋯.jpg (34.4 KB, 1162x988, 581:494, hg9q0xtj3lo7.jpg)



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21c0d5  No.17642931

File: 5bb31e6b76163b0⋯.jpg (37.2 KB, 585x624, 15:16, yddnjg.jpg)

Kash saying Devin and he agreed the public was only seeing 60%. of what they were seeing.


Kash going for declas.

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45de08  No.17642937

File: cca5f254ceeee15⋯.jpg (35.96 KB, 581x609, 83:87, qjt80wrmd5mwwa.jpg)



Yes, please. Notable.

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f32e1f  No.17642971

File: 81b903f948cc770⋯.jpg (30.31 KB, 1209x646, 1209:646, vl6b9t2ar.jpg)


> all caps red text

seethe more shill

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9efdea  No.17642972

File: b25c292795cebbe⋯.jpg (39.58 KB, 569x665, 569:665, 3be99b2h7w7k08.jpg)


This is why we call something that doesn't make sense "Greek" as in their philosophers. How easy to blame? Like their father, Satan, a liar, a mocker, and an accuser from the beginning.

They call good evil and evil good. Would it be good to not have free will? You'd be a slave and a robot, that would be dead existence. You must have agreed in order to here, in this world of free will. You had free will when you were with God as you still do now; God doesn't break His Holy Covenants, only man does.

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7254dc  No.17642996

File: 7d96c5bac9ccfa6⋯.jpg (31.82 KB, 1073x924, 1073:924, vple5os.jpg)


nothing can stop what is coming.

justice and transparency

your comments to form doubt and distract from the bigger picture means you arent paying attention.

fisa goes both ways

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d7ae7d  No.17642999

File: 904e51904047976⋯.jpg (31.88 KB, 1108x931, 1108:931, a3xxy806zs57.jpg)


tanks baker

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e8b2f7  No.17643020

File: 333dc9525aa1c79⋯.jpg (33.32 KB, 1165x746, 1165:746, ssxub73.jpg)


Inflation spoils the January 6 show

American Thinker, by Silvio Canto Jr.

Posted By: ladydawgfan, 6/11/2022 5:56:05 PM

Call it bad timing or Trump luck, but most people today are talking inflation. This is from Fox News: The Labor Department said Friday that the consumer price index, a broad measure of the price for everyday goods, including gasoline, groceries and rents, rose 8.6% in May from a year ago. Prices jumped 1% in the one-month period from April. Those figures were both higher than the 8.3% headline figure and 0.7% monthly gain forecast by Refinitiv economists. It marks the fastest pace of Inflation since December 1981.

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f32e1f  No.17643037

File: ba43e8a2c6b8e08⋯.jpg (24.83 KB, 1069x569, 1069:569, jjiw8vi.jpg)

Those boots…………..

second hand?????????

ma-ta, ma cacatule.

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8304ee  No.17643039

File: 14c1aff8d82f4ab⋯.jpg (31.39 KB, 1114x697, 1114:697, sdhitv7em.jpg)


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5aea07  No.17643040

File: 84518c324451ba7⋯.jpg (27.49 KB, 1115x642, 1115:642, llcdhqr1.jpg)


that is awesome

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79a8a9  No.17643072

File: 5cf6c05000a73ac⋯.jpg (34.58 KB, 1030x1129, 1030:1129, 4mp8dvzzvg.jpg)



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82f6c0  No.17643077

File: 9af5e10b27aeb77⋯.jpg (23.47 KB, 1002x572, 501:286, eyrnvcn3kb0r.jpg)

I like reading Jonathan Turley's blog but I'm very disappointed he hasn't addressed Perkins Coie having an FBI workspace in their office

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7cc363  No.17643118

File: 6d611da820fdc68⋯.jpg (29.24 KB, 1258x568, 629:284, 9ak9r2s3.jpg)


"One Nation, Under God"

To some, its a "Sun God" - I guess its how we see things individually…

When we go to court, and "Post Bail/Ball/Baal" - do you think they are talking about "Posting Baal" or giving a sacrifice for your sins/debt to avoid jail time? Sure sounds like a first born kinda thing in the old testy, amIright?

Definetly too much Sunshine :0

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21c0d5  No.17643121

File: 0677526bc96c76b⋯.jpg (41.34 KB, 565x708, 565:708, yu4tx6t.jpg)


Strictly conversational, but assuming you knew that's what I meant, that would be a zinger watching them wail on each other in the middle of a coffee shop. Alright, offers back. I've gotta see this shit happen.

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74378d  No.17643129

File: 20510f638262242⋯.jpg (30.1 KB, 1061x681, 1061:681, m8gcoluk.jpg)

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4d6c72  No.17643157

File: fb3e50fedcf1d1e⋯.jpg (31.88 KB, 1252x613, 1252:613, fby95drt2r253y.jpg)

6 / 24 / 2022

6 6 6

Taking the numbers back Q?

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cbd7ae  No.17643173

File: e78bf7e78167356⋯.jpg (37.57 KB, 1213x1043, 1213:1043, jj6lwsw0md.jpg)


You do not deserve those fucking digits!

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725b3f  No.17643255

File: 2712f223478336b⋯.jpg (32.08 KB, 1161x890, 1161:890, qarpag3dzxj1q.jpg)


The Western Journal, [02.06.22 08:34]

Porn-Obsessed Hunter Biden Texted Phone Contact 'Dad' a Pornhub Link - Report

READ: http://w-j.co/s/329ee

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b292bb  No.17643262

File: e88a2687a8a6411⋯.jpg (32.96 KB, 1145x747, 1145:747, 7kmn5l7.jpg)


Checking to see why that arbitrary standard is now everyone else's obligation?

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25c215  No.17643280

File: 0acebc6d122c145⋯.jpg (30.83 KB, 1039x917, 1039:917, pqzrkmvj.jpg)



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2149e3  No.17643282

File: f6ca1ff2f7c48a0⋯.jpg (32.68 KB, 1142x922, 571:461, dioa4lot.jpg)



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173ca4  No.17643293

File: b2f1d9d57ecc6ab⋯.jpg (39.35 KB, 557x710, 557:710, s6bb25szy.jpg)


At least you are working now. Happy for you Christian. Now go be a faggot somewhere else

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cbd7ae  No.17643309

File: ba4cd2b4dca1aa4⋯.jpg (34.66 KB, 1033x1090, 1033:1090, s65qvw.jpg)

Are you ready to serve your country again?




ARE YOU READY to hold the political elite [protected] accountable?

ARE YOU READY to finish what we started?

'Nothing can stop what is coming' is not just a catch-phrase.

Shall we play a game once more?

ARE YOU READY to serve once again?

Take the OATH.

Mission forward.


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171410  No.17643313

File: 31b89f0d76ccd8b⋯.jpg (33.01 KB, 1209x718, 1209:718, bkwuj4zr.jpg)


Because they had never heard of Michael Baxter's fictional clickbait blog. Generally people don't go around denying works of fiction because they are already known to be fictional. Proving and winning a defamation case is extraordinarily difficult, specially if you're a public figure. Michael Baxter is just some dude, probably mostly broke so there's no point.

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8304ee  No.17643315

File: 30ce0b887564ad4⋯.jpg (24 KB, 1039x574, 1039:574, f9b6d439.jpg)

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5aea07  No.17643375

File: 0ea7318dee2c1dd⋯.jpg (30.69 KB, 540x490, 54:49, eny9c52y.jpg)


Q would NOT expect us to just accept the new posts as being from him, especially with this huge question over the tripcode. Anyone saying we should just accept that it's Q is either a shill or a retard!! If it is Q then he will find a way to prove it.

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9c0930  No.17643405

File: 1b8d7643f2b1b13⋯.jpg (30.86 KB, 1045x957, 95:87, mar782d00qdb2.jpg)


turned her back on MAGA!

Crimes against Humanity.

Down she goes.

Nobody escapes this.


These people are SICK.

These people HATE America.

I tried to tell them.

I tried to warn them.

They were warned.

Lets keep Playing…

The World is WATCHING.

The World is CONNECTED.





WE are ALL Patriots.


Where We Go One, we go all.

Trump's silent running…

The Panic is real.



Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming





How far down the RABBIT HOLE do you want to go?

Where is EPSTEIN being held?











Roe vs Wade

We are "THE KIDS"



These evil wicked ones will be exposed and die without BABIES


[THEY] show signs of emotional outbursts without human baby ADRENALINZE blood, and young flesh & ADRENACHROME!!!!

DD = Dangerous Dragons


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b963d3  No.17643408

File: c95e904521de2c0⋯.jpg (35.56 KB, 1056x1091, 1056:1091, 9dd10o213.jpg)


>Guess where there is a gold mine of lithium? You guessed it … Afghanistan!

biggest reserves are is South America and Australia

How The U.S. Is Losing The Lithium Industry To China

just as the U.S. eventually ceded its petroleum security to foreign countries, it is in the process of doing the same with lithium. According to the 2021 BP Statistical Review, China has 7.9% of the world’s lithium reserves. The U.S. has 4.0%. (The majority of global lithium reserves are in South America and Australia). Nevertheless, China has become the 3rd largest lithium producer in the world, outproducing the U.S. in 2020 by more than a factor of 15.

This dominance didn’t happen by accident. Over the past decade, China has spent over $60 billion to build its lithium industry. U.S. investments have lagged significantly behind, which has enabled China to build a robust lithium supply chain.

It goes well beyond access to lithium supplies. China has invested heavily in lithium-ion battery production. Thus, if lithium is analogous to petroleum, then lithium-ion battery production is analogous to the refineries and chemical plants that turn that petroleum into finished products. There, the U.S. is falling behind. (Also see my 2019 article Why China Is Dominating Lithium-Ion Battery Production).

China controls the lion’s share of the global lithium-ion battery supply chain, and its market share has grown by another 12% in the past two years. There is a very real threat that China will be to lithium what OPEC was to petroleum — except at least with petroleum the U.S. was a major producer in our own right. We can’t say that about lithium.


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2a8efa  No.17643426

File: 17e1f0b622e61a4⋯.jpg (29.91 KB, 1083x683, 1083:683, 8aydekj05t.jpg)

X22 Report


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a33791  No.17643460

File: 3bf7acd1fb582c7⋯.jpg (41.37 KB, 606x686, 303:343, w0h5trrx9.jpg)


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b963d3  No.17643477

File: 41c7eaaf17884b0⋯.jpg (23.04 KB, 1109x578, 1109:578, lv3mreuk8.jpg)

dude I'm really depressed

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e1f714  No.17643480

File: fcf17ff9a96e705⋯.jpg (34.83 KB, 517x621, 517:621, sh7mjq0lbv5.jpg)

ICE officially considers military service when deciding to deport non-citizen vets and families

The policy has been unofficial until now

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) announced Tuesday that it will officially consider migrants' US military service before deciding whether to enforce civil immigration actions, such as deportation, against them or their family members.

While ICE has previously recognized US military service as a mitigating factor, the Biden administration's directive makes consideration of US military service an official agency policy. The department will take into account the non-citizen US veteran's type of discharge, length of service, and other related factors before deciding to take action against an illegal immigrant and their immediate family members.

Immigration enforcement actions include "arrest, detention, return, and removal from the United States of foreign nationals who are inadmissible to or removable from the United States under U.S. immigration law," according to the Department of Homeland Security.

The Biden administration stressed in a press release announcing the policy that the focus of ICE is "the apprehension and removal of noncitizens who are a threat to national security, public safety, and border security."

The newly official policy will also create training, tracking, and reporting requirements for current and former US service members who are illegal immigrants.

"ICE values the incredible contributions of noncitizens who have served in the U.S. military," ICE Acting Director Tae D. Johnson said in a press release. "Through this directive, ICE will consider U.S. military service by a noncitizen or their immediate family members when determining whether to take civil immigration enforcement decisions against a noncitizen."


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329bee  No.17643491

File: e5b2010a80bd654⋯.jpg (34.59 KB, 1036x1059, 1036:1059, ru4sbxnfdk.jpg)


I just wanted the password


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329ad8  No.17643494

File: a6766dfe45dadcc⋯.jpg (36.25 KB, 1136x1058, 568:529, 9euagtxbohn.jpg)

Shills be like

That wasn't Q

That wasn't Q

Please believe me!

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7a0c92  No.17643502

File: efa71a41b2cc1a0⋯.jpg (33.68 KB, 517x633, 517:633, a7rtlr.jpg)


Cent Reeeee

Gtfo VA{{ines

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e95fab  No.17643541

File: 95ca7d69829ec03⋯.jpg (21.99 KB, 974x521, 974:521, tdwnuhd6.jpg)


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23fe73  No.17643543

File: ca3f928f9959a25⋯.jpg (34.07 KB, 1139x776, 1139:776, hjqr7kh2y4hliy.jpg)


not to be confuse with the crisis actor point, which goes up.

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207511  No.17643553

File: a39209aa74eb707⋯.jpg (32.73 KB, 1135x762, 1135:762, p3p81y5hb6.jpg)


prolly why they put out the "suicide watch" for GM this past weekend

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7a0c92  No.17643578

File: 1e8764c24e935c0⋯.jpg (22.77 KB, 1041x537, 347:179, 34oc8hm.jpg)


Shh Jim's undercover.

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f32e1f  No.17643588

File: 241ffe0d832d6ae⋯.jpg (22.15 KB, 1006x574, 503:287, jx8wlndio5ulxm.jpg)

Did Rich really die, master of irregular warfare? His death was reported as if this highly accelerated disease that was unheard of at the time, was Covid 19 related.

I read about his death, it waa bizarre. All his organs shut down. Did he die? all I know his death confounded the doctors!


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2d6ee2  No.17643599

File: 63603180902159b⋯.jpg (32.59 KB, 1064x769, 1064:769, r5t0kic7ux.jpg)


Roger that. We'll know when we know. Until then red text will pollute threads.

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0eecac  No.17643619

File: e1d14cc5c6b5bc6⋯.jpg (40.25 KB, 674x598, 337:299, vaupee7u7l.jpg)


Thursday July 7th is the 188th day of 2022.

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d76ad7  No.17643631

File: 3f0f20d73db9a1f⋯.jpg (33.43 KB, 577x536, 577:536, 3nqu3io.jpg)

Why on the front page of Google?


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ea90be  No.17643645

File: 43a5c570a149bb3⋯.jpg (29.24 KB, 1072x628, 268:157, oizoyyhsij0.jpg)


Note: Anon posted a video of Chuck Schumer talking in congress about federalizing the elections and making over 10 calls a day to senators about this on the 4th Jan 2022.


WATCH LIVE: Jan. 6 Committee hearings - Day 4


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7a0c92  No.17643653

File: e6f2ee3f1690784⋯.jpg (28.03 KB, 1067x701, 1067:701, ngegy5qea3.jpg)


>Who Really Worships Saturn?

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57c52a  No.17643655

File: 5dc0fecd4e45fee⋯.jpg (33.07 KB, 1139x936, 1139:936, ptizy8kcn.jpg)



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610848  No.17643667

File: 02e7cc5bc4a1a80⋯.jpg (30.89 KB, 1024x932, 256:233, jpwl5xzsxxkp.jpg)


That is not going to help you in the long run.

I have noticed of late, due to my own "label checking" that too many products that hail

"Made In America" are not. You are being purposely deceived.

When inspecting further, I have found they are all made in CHINA, or elsewhere and are the ASSEMBLED in the US.

That is enough it seems to pass as MADE IN AMERICA…crap.

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171410  No.17643681

File: 8b09a55eff28fd7⋯.jpg (28.97 KB, 1168x604, 292:151, j5qbdjvy6z.jpg)

That's always convenient

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0a6030  No.17643703

File: bfa4be52c9e40d2⋯.jpg (28.56 KB, 1120x569, 1120:569, 7j1e1lcfma.jpg)


Appear weak when you are strong.

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2a8efa  No.17643709

File: 390342c26f48fb1⋯.jpg (27.56 KB, 1087x617, 1087:617, b5dc9c3piqz7jp.jpg)


bow tie = black muslum 5%er?

fucking shitshow

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7aeaba  No.17643750

File: 73fc396d1edf9db⋯.jpg (30.96 KB, 546x488, 273:244, mxlnvhbdead0.jpg)


These pussies just standing there taking it. Why aren't the men being men and chasing these fuckers down the road? Antifa will never stop.

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610848  No.17643751

File: a3dc10f540e8e9d⋯.jpg (25.57 KB, 1084x639, 1084:639, h5nyjqy.jpg)


He has other projects going on beyond those shitty cars.

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b49ab6  No.17643758

File: 1c70c0d860634d0⋯.jpg (27.7 KB, 1151x574, 1151:574, 94a0iq.jpg)


Like she was a plant to see if the committee would run with something to obviously stupid?

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3e07d3  No.17643765

File: 114634c75bb4d5c⋯.jpg (29.13 KB, 1199x625, 1199:625, 48fnei1.jpg)

I don't dream much but last night I dreamed a short dream about Trump. I think when he used the word 'tranquillizer' he was meaning 'chill pill'. Anyway…here is what I dreamed.

We were had a party. Not one of his fancy was but a regular one at someone's large older home. He was smiling so went up to talk to him.

Some things happened I don't remember but I do remember we had a medium color blue blanket over our heads to talk so no one else could hear. He told me people should take tranquillizer and stay calm. Have some fun.

Then it jumped to us standing at the side board where drinks and shots were placed out. I flicked some water at Trump. He grinned, grabbed a shot glass full of water and tossed the water at me.

I grabbed a shot glass of water too and threw it back. He laughed and threw water back at me again

I then walked to the middle of the room and said.

"Ladies and Gentlemen. The President of the United States."

That was it.

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e3b078  No.17643774

File: b6588255c521a73⋯.jpg (32.07 KB, 1046x760, 523:380, dx8x3ap6.jpg)

those that have 'sex as a child' are raped and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally that doesn't understand to kill itself instead of 'normalizing' child rape.

those that have had 'sex with a child' are child rapists and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent them from raping more children.

those that are (((inbred))) never had Jesus as their soul because (((inbreds))) are a product of child rape and can only ever 'know' being a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent further (((epsteins and maxwells))) eating and raping children.

sex is only for adult man and woman in a marriage to start a family!

protect your children from (((degeneracy))) or your children will eventually kill themselves or get murdered.

kill all dogs as all (((inbreds))) are pedophiles to be drowned.

No children in the city as the city is strictly for adults!

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e1f714  No.17643776

File: 6b6c4370968e09e⋯.jpg (34.86 KB, 1197x995, 1197:995, 5m9en9ynw7m.jpg)


>Protestors shut down the 110 freeway in Los Angeles

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7254dc  No.17643787

File: 88df7a6cf513cda⋯.jpg (33.83 KB, 1178x721, 1178:721, mssr4acmif55r.jpg)



тнат is aвsurdly funny.

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e967f9  No.17643799

File: ee7c937dcb37f76⋯.jpg (33.1 KB, 1208x731, 1208:731, r9r363.jpg)


>JFKtranny diaper dumpster doesn;t even deserve to /b/ a meme

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ea90be  No.17643800

File: 8589f69393f6ce4⋯.jpg (30.75 KB, 1055x717, 1055:717, 9yzrtyj0al4e.jpg)

OSHA being used as the enforcement arm of WEF. Starve them if they will not take the jab

Jon Robberson


oh the truth bombs they be a’comin

Directly from the ranch 💣💥


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5f827d  No.17643805

File: ef42053cd9c76fa⋯.jpg (36.69 KB, 607x584, 607:584, czqcd3u76avu.jpg)

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697a09  No.17643835

File: 9913cc0b6153d98⋯.jpg (43.93 KB, 667x680, 667:680, 8fcwix6a.jpg)


the Egyptians were here 'before' Jesus died.

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3a4452  No.17643839

File: 9bdc6ce44d620dc⋯.jpg (36.34 KB, 1134x1102, 567:551, k8jn8qdr7.jpg)


What a fucking bill of goods we've been sold. What good is a military that guts itself with Trump-endorsed death jabs and brainwashes the survivors with wokeism? And yet we're still "trusting the plan". It's beyond fucking ridiculous.

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610848  No.17643849

File: fa8d020fee1c032⋯.jpg (32.04 KB, 1000x1095, 200:219, jujfrtw.jpg)



forgot about that


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4d7932  No.17643857

File: 95e457ada9c639d⋯.jpg (28.15 KB, 1065x624, 355:208, 4f2l2rv7drixft.jpg)


Jewish cunt.

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906a32  No.17643929

File: 6be340a4158e68e⋯.jpg (25.84 KB, 1182x548, 591:274, dzni3oc.jpg)



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79a8a9  No.17643939

File: 60267a8edcfa6fe⋯.jpg (23.46 KB, 1050x540, 35:18, yftxwk1hr2.jpg)


> that didn't read and understand the post in the slightest

Re-read your post, your language skills are not what you think.


>I'm not what your tactic is, here, but this shit only bothers prudes and actual racists.

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d961f7  No.17643974

File: 2e6d63eac8f8f2a⋯.jpg (36.3 KB, 1097x1105, 1097:1105, knqpinmtxrqi.jpg)


So no bribe.

What else?

Threat? fam? Rinos?

pomass + barr + gina = all c_ia

djt keeping enemies close?


birds of feather?

think ja / election win / msgs / shutdown / shutout

who controls djt?

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e9e5c2  No.17643985

File: eab2fac0c6dd8bf⋯.jpg (29 KB, 982x898, 491:449, wsqvndrbth1sdk.jpg)


timestamp match Q2138

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0a6030  No.17643989

File: c64ac640ea7fa4f⋯.jpg (33.74 KB, 1095x1014, 365:338, 9qpbm6ei51gbqi.jpg)


Activist judges. Judge made law. Go read the decision. It's sick. Gets into months of gestation. Basically prescribes when abortion should be ok based on common law ideas of the quickening.

Except it "forgets" that in old common law a woman who would be executed for a crime could "plead her belly." She could claim to be pregnant without evidence and they would stay her execution until it was proven she wasn't. Because in common law, killing a pregnant woman, at any stage of pregnancy, was murder.

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725b3f  No.17643996

File: c9d3100bf69ebe5⋯.jpg (41.68 KB, 628x673, 628:673, 7ceimial47bp.jpg)


From the island of ‘Lesbos’, inhabited only by women..


Use your head.

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329ad8  No.17644007

File: 2c6ad12ca6843d5⋯.jpg (35.93 KB, 526x625, 526:625, oyp8re8.jpg)


It's parable. The waters stand for people, multitudes, nations, and languages.

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3e89f4  No.17644009

File: c676d1f32e5d440⋯.jpg (34.76 KB, 1104x1013, 1104:1013, 75cogwj.jpg)


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512446  No.17644019

File: da840763a1d5ddf⋯.jpg (30.56 KB, 1123x724, 1123:724, awa7jr04jo9fun.jpg)

Potatus empty callsign over Wales.

Tanker KC-135 over Germany MULE69.

MULE69 request change of callsign to MULE2000 in honor of Potatus.

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f32e1f  No.17644027

File: edf163a2d695178⋯.jpg (22.68 KB, 962x578, 481:289, ce7h208joyh8.jpg)

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d961f7  No.17644053

File: 85f9ce0fe06bdad⋯.jpg (23.34 KB, 1087x561, 1087:561, qc1flq9f8s3iq.jpg)


Why not just cut his finger off?

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3a4452  No.17644064

File: c65684d5418be78⋯.jpg (26.81 KB, 977x691, 977:691, wuoc90bj.jpg)


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f56a03  No.17644076

File: 1c2026a59d0dad2⋯.jpg (24.13 KB, 965x597, 965:597, vb2f8zug1.jpg)


Qew, tell them whats going on in Constanta….

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e1f714  No.17644080

File: d400f613376ca5b⋯.jpg (34.93 KB, 618x533, 618:533, wo34z58c.jpg)

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2a8efa  No.17644082

File: 9ec618b54425ec1⋯.jpg (41.64 KB, 613x670, 613:670, 3c56peui3.jpg)

Thanks Anon!


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3e89f4  No.17644090

File: 67251f1f6ed4680⋯.jpg (31.19 KB, 1000x1022, 500:511, 9h9mafe0jkw.jpg)

Dr. Fauci 1999 re: HIV/AIDS-vaccine

Narrator: "many scientists are beginning to believe that a vaccine against AIDS may be impossible to make and too dangerous to test"

Dr. Fauci: "If you take it and then a year goes by and everybody's fine then you say okay that's good now

let's give it to 500 people and then a year goes by and everything's fine i say well now let's give it to thousands of people

and then you find out that it takes 12 years for all hell to break loose and then what have you done."

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25c215  No.17644094

File: fc66e64cba31b9e⋯.jpg (34.38 KB, 1241x700, 1241:700, 1eth053q.jpg)

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79f5a4  No.17644129

File: 06d9fc6d9a89c8b⋯.jpg (31.22 KB, 1068x767, 1068:767, 4rbrk10aupjgc.jpg)


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fe0cd0  No.17644134

File: b07f15789a11fa2⋯.jpg (43.04 KB, 626x701, 626:701, u4njc41.jpg)

Over one-third of all flights at LaGuardia Airport canceled Thursday

More than one-third of all flights at LaGuardia Airport and over a quarter of flights at Newark Airport were canceled Thursday in one of the worst travel days yet this summer.

The huge percentage of flight cancellations, cited by tracking service FlightAware, was due in part to the chance of storms late in the day.

However, the travel chaos was not limited to New York City-area airports, with more than 1,500 flights canceled on Thursday across the country as the peak summer travel season gets underway.


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4d7932  No.17644166

File: 5574900cc25e5ab⋯.jpg (34.77 KB, 1265x732, 1265:732, 1i4iwifoq87368.jpg)


Still? Lol

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0eecac  No.17644178

File: 0b7897a783a7e19⋯.jpg (31.72 KB, 615x483, 205:161, xqvg8zlv8o3rp0.jpg)



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21c0d5  No.17644187

File: fcd60c906bfbbf9⋯.jpg (35.79 KB, 1144x1068, 286:267, j4nr728i.jpg)



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ea90be  No.17644192

File: c78c4b6948cfec3⋯.jpg (32.36 KB, 1139x695, 1139:695, lskabskte.jpg)


master baiter

(You) glow

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d7ae7d  No.17644236

File: cc60e1dd451934e⋯.jpg (24.64 KB, 1080x583, 1080:583, c9gm3ycd.jpg)

World Bank issues grim economic forecast

The global economy is facing weak growth and high inflation, the report says

The World Bank (WB) has cut its global growth projection for this year from 4.1% to 2.9%, warning that many countries are likely to face recession.

“Amid the war in Ukraine, surging inflation, and rising interest rates, global economic growth is expected to slump in 2022,” the Tuesday press release said.

“Several years of above-average inflation and below-average growth are now likely, with potentially destabilizing consequences for low- and middle-income economies. It’s a phenomenon – stagflation – that the world has not seen since the 1970s.”

According to WB President David Malpass, “for many countries, recession will be hard to avoid.”

The institution said that after halving from 5.7% in 2021, growth would be stuck at 3% in both 2023 and 2024 as the Russia-Ukraine conflict affected investment and trade, the pent-up demand from the pandemic faded, and policy support was withdrawn.

The report highlighted that the slowdown in growth between 2021 and 2024 was on course to be twice that of the period between 1976 and 1979. The recovery from the stagflation of the 1970s required steep increases in interest rates in the West, it said. Those “played a prominent role in triggering a string of financial crises in emerging market and developing economies.”

According to the report, both rich and poor countries would be hit by the growth slowdown, but developing and emerging market economies are the most vulnerable. Growth in advanced economies was forecast to decline from 5.1% to 2.6% this year, while in emerging and developing countries it is expected to drop from 6.6% to 3.4%.

“Just over two years after Covid-19 caused the deepest global recession since World War II, the world economy is again in danger … Even if a global recession is averted, the pain of stagflation could persist for several years – unless major supply increases are set in motion,” said the report.



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f56a03  No.17644238

File: 350719f96492db2⋯.jpg (29.86 KB, 532x483, 76:69, unztjuzcc2.jpg)


You're a one nutcase wrecking ball!

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91252f  No.17644253

File: a7d917408669f34⋯.jpg (35.53 KB, 1079x1111, 1079:1111, k45ywpqap38.jpg)


>IP hopping is only ok when we do it

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4978b7  No.17644268

File: e0ceb78ae66652e⋯.jpg (37.27 KB, 1128x1120, 141:140, lg8fwz.jpg)


Hope that is their remaining cash flow amount on life support and the rest is seized

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a73523  No.17644269

File: 5be2a0014fa0bd4⋯.jpg (32.56 KB, 1255x660, 251:132, yp77pqev.jpg)


>Nice try, moloch worshipper.

>You're going to hell

'Many shall post in my name saying, I am Q, believe them not.'

Those were not legitimate Q posts, sadly to say.

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0eecac  No.17644270

File: d0167cf48ca154b⋯.jpg (31.94 KB, 578x523, 578:523, iaioyb5gmq.jpg)

On yesterday's clock :41

3417 & 3418

Allison Mack?



News unlocks.



What city was Epstein arrested in?



Watch CA.


NYC = Ghislaine on suicide watch news yesterday night of 6/25/22 ~3hours ago.

CA = baby killer protests in LA.

For today :42

look at the link on #2173

FEMA's WEA system est. in 2016 under BO.

It is 1 of the 3 systems.

Also, article 3 EO 13526 drop #2177

may also be a player today.


NSA Oath of Office 2015 video

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b013f5  No.17644296

File: 81035d88a2650da⋯.jpg (29.44 KB, 999x950, 999:950, ju6q89o.jpg)


I mean


Fucking losers

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3e07d3  No.17644297

File: a6699c6e5df99ac⋯.jpg (34.49 KB, 560x583, 560:583, o395cy.jpg)


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7aeaba  No.17644322

File: 7d2519600d3e250⋯.jpg (23.72 KB, 1038x552, 173:92, 39uwx5mhip.jpg)


Strong 7. Guaranteed for 7 years (from date of pic), or one child. Whichever comes first.

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8c54e0  No.17644384

File: fe972c28c8aa235⋯.jpg (25.6 KB, 989x629, 989:629, i7phz4th4z5.jpg)


Nailed it.

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ee1360  No.17644427

File: ba3c22f426db644⋯.jpg (27.03 KB, 1093x655, 1093:655, 0lf1tqo24ibf.jpg)



ILLEGITIMATE Biden appointment.

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25c215  No.17644436

File: 6fb08ed8cfe84f3⋯.jpg (34.77 KB, 1156x988, 289:247, p3xmcj0pff.jpg)

Anons, if Texas was forced to declare invasion, that means the Executive branch has defaulted on their obligations. This is a most legitimate cause for arrest and impeachment of the Executive branch.

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f67cf0  No.17644470

File: 35aa5ddbf53f121⋯.jpg (35.6 KB, 1043x1092, 149:156, o9am48xt08p2.jpg)



She had an old woman's neck even back then…. Something ain't right.

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906a32  No.17644491

File: d0dc700f3046c5c⋯.jpg (30.58 KB, 495x550, 9:10, psqjp9.jpg)


“Man may trust man, Prince Elric, but perhaps we'll never have a truly sane world until men learn to trust mankind. That would mean the death of magic, I think.”

― Michael Moorcock, The Elric Saga Part I

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173ca4  No.17644493

File: fbd0ff0ab5c5df4⋯.jpg (41.4 KB, 727x551, 727:551, 3wemfbi6.jpg)


anon misses him on TV saying "there is time and there is what I call 'Trump Time'"!!!

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59addb  No.17644513

File: bf0159a933e2b80⋯.jpg (32.26 KB, 519x559, 519:559, 3qqxln.jpg)

What is this about Russia sanctioning dr jill and Ashley Biden from entering any Russian territory and Russia proper? Anon was seeing this from Sky News but it was like 30 seconds long.

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022dd1  No.17644514

File: bccf3aae810932e⋯.jpg (32.81 KB, 1172x899, 1172:899, 4k6ntb.jpg)


You must be from Ukraine anon…

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725b3f  No.17644526

File: 9d2a8c7d88e215c⋯.jpg (28.95 KB, 494x504, 247:252, 3qjv869ic9bsm.jpg)



The USURPED UNITED STATES government is the enemy of the American people. The fake government doesn't even follow the Geneva Conventions prisoners of war guidelines for the MAGA J6 prisoners of war.

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e3b078  No.17644527

File: e1dd5b0840d33aa⋯.jpg (33.06 KB, 1177x739, 1177:739, jyifqci0hdc.jpg)


you seek to put a ring on it

between two saphic floods

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d76ad7  No.17644546

File: 46e326e85ab0313⋯.jpg (32.79 KB, 1097x983, 1097:983, x7qg2umfj.jpg)


hey i know that guy

he lives here

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2f5eb8  No.17644551

File: ed95e6685c3b521⋯.jpg (40.05 KB, 613x678, 613:678, aa0z3lgg.jpg)


Would that be considered population control?


Free the VAG!

Free the AR-15!

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f32e1f  No.17644552

File: 7ebb68b7c6996a4⋯.jpg (42.21 KB, 676x633, 676:633, x2ijddzbnh.jpg)


Total number now 117-1?

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94d767  No.17644555

File: e8c414a2cadafde⋯.jpg (27.89 KB, 988x735, 988:735, c5oo4ese7cmf9.jpg)


Jews have been controlling the country for centuries.

They betray and sell you where they can!

I know what I am talking about, I was born into a kike occupation just like you!

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169b49  No.17644556

File: e874c28da22afcc⋯.jpg (25.94 KB, 1045x655, 209:131, v4yxdw.jpg)


new rt news site?


does it stream video too?

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23fe73  No.17644573

File: e0a7011ace6f105⋯.jpg (36.66 KB, 685x522, 685:522, vvnv977qlcxyf.jpg)



oh well there goes a retard who just filtered himself, friday night show!!


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329bee  No.17644591

File: e7c113423a03c44⋯.jpg (33.7 KB, 1092x781, 1092:781, sb2q2092.jpg)


Name this band.

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f56a03  No.17644593

File: d67fa38bcdf504a⋯.jpg (38.28 KB, 505x721, 505:721, rlstq9conhs2fs.jpg)


The Babylon Bee, [20.06.22 18:15]

Man On 8th Booster Still Chasing That High He Got With The First Shot

READ: https://babylonbee.com/news/man-on-8th-booster-still-chasing-that-high-he-got-with-the-first-shot/?utm_source=telegram&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=telegram

@TheBabylonBee | Download Our App (http://onelink.to/duaby6)

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4d7932  No.17644598

File: b25e8531ea40978⋯.jpg (24.88 KB, 1198x524, 599:262, i4pwgx8b.jpg)


Kek, that was from May, at the thought of Roe v Wade being overturned - imagine her today, kek.

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022dd1  No.17644602

File: e7a90d2a098111a⋯.jpg (29.47 KB, 985x902, 985:902, xg2b2pf0o972.jpg)


>Doge's biased.

I think you mean BASED

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e3b078  No.17644611

File: 5b13ad1dc048f74⋯.jpg (37.29 KB, 1222x1036, 611:518, 4l1jo4mwtvgfy.jpg)


I was also remote viewing President Trump one time and he was having a meeting with Space Force or some secret space military guys where he was signing an executive order to limit space travel to light speed.

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df7fe9  No.17644614

File: 1f87f097812dc9f⋯.jpg (33.74 KB, 1075x784, 1075:784, gbdhq1i6629u.jpg)



But look at the crap it's posting and you are lauding it?

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6a51b8  No.17644650

File: 39f84e6696e980d⋯.jpg (41.62 KB, 593x703, 593:703, 9deufnaj.jpg)


Chelsea Manning: Epstein was murdered

Chelsea Manning, an American whistleblower who was known for exposing hundreds of thousands of sensitive military data to WikiLeaks, has revealed details about the fate of pedophile and sex offender Jeffrey Epstein. The official narrative is that Epstein killed himself - however, many have been challenging this claim.

"Murder, that's how a prison murder happens. I know. That stuff happens. Some of these stories are in my book… You wanna get rid of someone in prison? That's how you do it," stated Manning during an appearance on a January 10 'After Dark' episode of the H3H3, according to Sputnik.

On August 10, 2019, Epstein was found dead in his prison cell at a time when he was waiting for his trial on charges of federal conspiracy and sex trafficking. Although the sex offender's death was ruled a suicide by hanging, psychologists' reports suggest that he had no interest in killing himself.

A day before his death, although Epstein was required to have a cellmate, he was separated from a cellmate on August 9, a day before his death.

Manning has previously revealed US war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan, after which she was sentenced to 35 years in prison in 2013. In 2019, she was imprisoned again for refusing to testify before a Grand Jury about links to Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks. She was released again in March 2020 with a $256,000 fine.

"I just gotta' say, time and time again - the most violent people in the prison are the prison guards, every single time, just endless amounts of fear and anxiety of what a correctional guard of any variety was going to do. It haunts me to say, I don't associate the prison uniform with violence, but I see the CO uniform and it's different," noted Manning.

Epstein: "I Have No Interest in Killing Myself"

The New York Times got their hands on a 2,000-page document compilation, sourced from Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) records, which was attained after filing a freedom of information lawsuit. Published on Tuesday, the analysis of Epstein's mental state revealed the sex trafficker's disinterest in suicide and his rather fondness toward life.

For some background, Epstein was found dead in his prison cell on August 10, 2019; however, his death remains questioned by many.

According to the documents, Epstein told psychologists that he was too "coward" to commit suicide. Yet, two weeks afterward, the pedophile was found dead by hanging at the Metropolitan correctional center in August 2019.

"I have no interest in killing myself," Epstein told a psychologist working for the jail. On the contrary, Epstein told the therapist that he was living "a wonderful life" even when he was in jail, saying that he would not be able to tolerate the pain of suicide if he were to commit it.

“I would never do that to myself,” Epstein said.

The documents revealed routines, behavior, complaints, and information about Epstein's final weeks in the correctional center.

Notorious affiliations

The billionaire sex trafficker, with his death, left behind a bombshell that has exposed the affiliation of many notable politicians, businessmen, and royalty with the pedophile ring-master. These include Prince Andrew, Bill Clinton, Bill Gates, Donald Trump, Jes Staley, and others.

Prince Andrew has recently faced allegations of sexual abuse: The victim, Virginia Roberts Giuffre, claimed to have been abused when she was underage by the British royal in a New York mansion in 2001.

The Prince avoided denying the allegation after British newspaper The Daily Mail revealed a fax containing information about his whereabouts on the April 11, 2001: “Private address in New York,” later on being confirmed to be Epstein’s home in Manhattan’s Upper East Side.

On another occasion, British multinational bank Barclays saw the preliminary conclusions of a probe into the relationship between "suicided" sex offender Jeffrey Epstein and the Barclays Director, Jes Staley. "In view of those conclusions, and Mr. Staley's intention to contest them, the board [of Barclays] and Mr. Staley have agreed that he will step down from his role as group chief executive and as a director of Barclays," the British bank said in a statement recently.

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06039d  No.17644670

File: 5a3ad5a29dec187⋯.jpg (31 KB, 1036x922, 518:461, lpzmq04wv.jpg)

Apparently jacinda if flying to EU re NATO

any planefags?

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b61fd1  No.17644671

File: 8cd47563de0e35d⋯.jpg (46.28 KB, 692x715, 692:715, mfb8by91qp4.jpg)



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906a32  No.17644674

File: 8ed84878cf8d560⋯.jpg (24.82 KB, 1149x564, 383:188, 6cs10oxxk5ti.jpg)

Cold one in visit.


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f8008b  No.17644676

File: 0cc95da52f8cdd7⋯.jpg (30.24 KB, 1049x960, 1049:960, xtgexra.jpg)


DeSantis will be next VP pick, or some part of the Cabinet

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022dd1  No.17644688

File: 58cd657db4e75bb⋯.jpg (37.61 KB, 648x593, 648:593, jgxzkkbtif.jpg)


I left out 95% of it, or it would've been a spy-vs-spy novel, which it wound up being. Their side lost that round.

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207511  No.17644698

File: f85b0371e2f61cb⋯.jpg (28.87 KB, 1238x598, 619:299, isv72omji68.jpg)

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14305e  No.17644705

File: c8c84c845053e8b⋯.jpg (29.15 KB, 1196x584, 299:146, jpsxw5o.jpg)


>Who is speaking?

Reading comprehension fail.

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3e07d3  No.17644706

File: 426a7b93626e3cc⋯.jpg (41.68 KB, 685x631, 685:631, khsfq5vj.jpg)


Thank you for your service


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b2c35f  No.17644714

File: 8ddc1fbcbbd3275⋯.jpg (26.37 KB, 1136x647, 1136:647, enxs5qx7ql2gwl.jpg)


Cry about what? Some people disagreed with Trump's thoughts on stuff?

Oh… No…


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d9e83b  No.17644738

File: ec8d3953732e530⋯.jpg (30.27 KB, 1187x694, 1187:694, 17glanic.jpg)


i don't think so

Trump knows what he does


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8c54e0  No.17644743

File: 00b4a3af7d097d6⋯.jpg (39.68 KB, 582x700, 291:350, kvr1hczyp1urm.jpg)

Should this be Greta instead?

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31e676  No.17644746

File: 1bdef4c86498724⋯.jpg (36.95 KB, 714x526, 357:263, 9g1jmduxo.jpg)

The board is infested with nazi, skinhead & klan fags trying to convince anons it's the jews.


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171410  No.17644750

File: 7084490c5631ada⋯.jpg (33.3 KB, 1084x793, 1084:793, h6imahv7q.jpg)


What will (((they))) write for him to say?

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169b49  No.17644752

File: b9c33b96fbc26ef⋯.jpg (33.16 KB, 1094x1005, 1094:1005, nqklglp.jpg)


Scam… or other nefarious purpose.

No gravity, no dark matter.

Dark matter just invented to allow an equation to balance for gravity.

They must know… can't be that stupid, right ?

(cept for this faggot)

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9efdea  No.17644759

File: e7051c7421a31c0⋯.jpg (21.55 KB, 993x571, 993:571, t6vz7f.jpg)


the amount of blue and yellow these days….the old covid ads were ripe with them

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deaa38  No.17644760

File: 30dab41665a5145⋯.jpg (34.63 KB, 1062x810, 59:45, 975of87ts.jpg)

Q the night shift has fallen asleep. I'm dropping MOABS and it goes right over everyone's heads.

I can imagine how you feel.

A very small percentage can relate kek

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f56a03  No.17644762

File: 203b11a91812cfb⋯.jpg (34.61 KB, 1053x1063, 1053:1063, 04un236.jpg)


ButYouwouldn’t listen says it all, dont worry you wont get cooties

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ea90be  No.17644782

File: 430a92e4d9732a2⋯.jpg (35.26 KB, 1063x1097, 1063:1097, xwo95vuis6yos.jpg)


Kek the irony

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d961f7  No.17644809

File: 179e35efdf6f891⋯.jpg (32.12 KB, 1151x909, 1151:909, 1yvki3.jpg)


75 is 76!






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0eecac  No.17644814

File: 4cdd7b60692b3b4⋯.jpg (39.06 KB, 548x695, 548:695, xks19b7rda7l.jpg)


KYS shill. Tripcode fake Q BTFO. Austin currently browsing want ads.

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64b8be  No.17644816

File: f4d73fa550ddba9⋯.jpg (26.99 KB, 1003x643, 1003:643, sg3mvc.jpg)

all (((inbreds))) are godless creatures to be drowned.

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d76ad7  No.17644820

File: 5fa18c5e2b7e0dd⋯.jpg (27.73 KB, 1184x629, 32:17, bu5voc.jpg)


the lies are getting more and more blatant

theres a ton of data on HCQ being effective vs c19

newspapers need to start seeing lawsuits when they lie like this

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85b062  No.17644821

File: d4d7c127ae169e5⋯.jpg (37.2 KB, 1284x806, 642:403, i0u1jm.jpg)


What's the vaxx % of "Mil Intel"?

100% as ordered by their CinC, Biden?

Keep dreaming

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906a32  No.17644845

File: ecc2012ebe91f71⋯.jpg (37.21 KB, 1121x1128, 1121:1128, jyrv540m.jpg)


>Hells Angels

cool name

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4d7932  No.17644857

File: 20b7d5d0cc32496⋯.jpg (30.01 KB, 1086x704, 543:352, r1ow3oa.jpg)

It's not the Jews, it's the CCP, The Chinese fucking GOVERNMENT!


Quit taking the bait. It's the globalists that have you flustered about Jews when you should be concerned about the Chinese government. Surely, you can see it, right?!

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329bee  No.17644865

File: ffcaebd23e7d25b⋯.jpg (35.53 KB, 1098x1107, 122:123, wwtxgup31.jpg)


Do fuck off you utter moran.

I'm done with you.

The board is done with you.

Your mother is probably done with your toxic whore ass.

Hope the pieces of silver they throw you are worth your soul.

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8bb150  No.17644888

File: 6deef81b3436263⋯.jpg (38 KB, 1107x1138, 1107:1138, 15k0kin2f.jpg)

Shills are hella mad Q is posting again.

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6de241  No.17644905

File: c6202c7cbf73d68⋯.jpg (44.78 KB, 727x674, 727:674, jq5zy9.jpg)


Good diagrams. Perhaps the easiest way to explain to a libtard is by substituting subject matter. Take for instance, this sentence:

"A well educated people, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and read books, shall not be infringed."

Any person with a modicum of intelligence should immediately see this as an absolute defense of the freedom to own books.

Anti-2A arguments are among the most dishonest arguments in history.

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f32e1f  No.17644920

File: b13b4b784a8704e⋯.jpg (31.03 KB, 484x548, 121:137, l17ps0cgnhg5q.jpg)

This Was Never About Saving Lives: Restrictive Public Health Lockdowns Likely Caused 170,000+ NON-Covid Excess Deaths Among Working-Age Americans, New Study Shows

“Summing our estimates across causes and age groups, we estimate 171,000 excess non-Covid deaths through the end of 2021 plus 72,000 unmeasured Covid deaths. The Economist has assembled national-level mortality data from around the world and obtains a similar U.S. estimate, which is 199,000 (including any unmeasured Covid) or about 60 persons per 100,000 population (Global Change Data Lab 2022)…

…While Covid deaths overwhelmingly afflict senior citizens, absolute numbers of non-Covid excess deaths are similar for each of the 18-44, 45-64, and over-65 age groups, with essentially no aggregate excess deaths of children. Mortality from all causes during the pandemic was elevated 26 percent for working-age adults (18-64), as compared to 18 percent for the elderly. “



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022dd1  No.17644941

File: c88e6776fc01850⋯.jpg (29.5 KB, 1099x742, 157:106, bld7gynil.jpg)

US anons what mil bases in Tennessee would mange atomic weapons ? On the June 10 2022 a large convoy of police vehicles escorted a lorry believed to be carrying Nuclear weapons out of RAF Brize Norton UK, The weapons were flown in via an RAF C-17 Globemaster from Knoxville, Tennessee in the United States.

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e3b078  No.17644974

File: 774ee55d3491c3b⋯.jpg (32.92 KB, 1160x901, 1160:901, siohqtgpqo.jpg)


Be nice to signify he'll be back to the WH early…wishful thinking

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d157d0  No.17644994

File: fcdd8dc17f92192⋯.jpg (29.41 KB, 1261x572, 97:44, nyctmfg6z8.jpg)

4:13 pm = 17

Mike Pompeo


America’s future is bright if we all come together, focus on real, common-sense solutions, and work hard till the job is done. We CAN do this.

4:13 PM · Jun 11, 2022·Twitter Web App


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50729b  No.17645001

File: ac0cd2a821b0c11⋯.jpg (38.41 KB, 594x603, 66:67, 69tum5i1.jpg)


Now Now… Whatever your opinion of the organizations, The life and times of Jesus show a moral pathway that threaded through the traps of wealth, elitism, the conditions of the poor and left behind a legacy of three commandments: Love God, Love your neighbor as yourself, Love each other. Not a bad start for humanity to try and reach a new level of consciousness and awareness.

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d7c802  No.17645011

File: b26dd182dcc416d⋯.jpg (35.99 KB, 483x704, 483:704, uryc5obm1udf.jpg)


>Did he say incest!


just IMAGINE it

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21d12b  No.17645015

File: d8d0a551845d782⋯.jpg (24.33 KB, 975x599, 975:599, oyfr32.jpg)

I guess the haters hacked my TS account again. Looks like I might have to open a new account. smfh

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b00de0  No.17645026

File: 68385ee2d428abe⋯.jpg (35.1 KB, 1182x989, 1182:989, 6fo10jp.jpg)


there's plenty of hidden

why the nwo hates anon boards of any kind

too many crooks, too many scams, too easy for whistleblowers and informants.

they just can't withstand it.

anons report getting private message from informants, leads;

with all the garbage posted and the speed of the feed; it gives operatives the chance to speak to particular anons?

anons have reported this. that's why some believe 'q never left the board'

could be true to some extent?

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673c43  No.17645030

File: b908c045ffc7414⋯.jpg (36.05 KB, 1154x1019, 1154:1019, cfvge63t.jpg)


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3bb562  No.17645034

File: 7c06d521fe160c1⋯.jpg (25.79 KB, 1025x634, 1025:634, cuuo2xed.jpg)

Trump slams McCarthy over lack of GOP involvement on Jan. 6 committee

By Callie Patteson June 22, 2022

Former President Donald Trump has blasted a “very foolish” House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) over the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6 Capitol riot — saying the lack of Republican participation was a “bad decision.”

The 45th president told conservative radio host Wayne Allyn Root on Sunday that McCarthy’s decision to shun the committee was not the right call.

“Unfortunately, a bad decision was made. This committee — it was a bad decision not to have representation on this committee. That was a very, very foolish decision,” Trump said, accusing the panel of conducting a “one-sided witch hunt.”

While there are two Republican members of Congress on the panel — Reps. Liz Cheney of Wyoming and Adam Kinzinger of Illinois — Trump has continuously accused them of being “RINOs,” or Republicans in name only, for failing to back his false claims of massive voter fraud.

“We have no representation on this panel,” Trump said earlier in the interview. “We should certainly have some Republicans, real Republicans … We have nobody on that panel who can fight back.”

“In a way, the Republicans should be ashamed of themselves.”

A representative for McCarthy did not immediately respond to The Post’s request for comment.

The former president has not shied away from expressing his frustration privately, recently saying, “I don’t know why Kevin didn’t put anyone on the committee,” according to CNN, which cited a GOP source with direct knowledge of the comments.

Trump doubled down on his remarks Wednesday, telling Punchbowl News it “would have been good” if there were increased Republican representation on the committee.

see also

Pence says Americans ‘understand’ he carried out his duty on Jan. 6

“Well, I think in retrospect, I think it would have been very smart to put [Republicans on the committee] and again, I wasn’t involved in it from a standpoint so I never looked at it too closely. But I think it would have been good if we had representation.” Trump said.

“I think in retrospect [McCarthy should’ve put Republicans on] to just have a voice. The Republicans don’t have a voice. They don’t even have anything to say,” he continued.

Trump suggested that Republican Reps. Jim Banks of Indiana and Jim Jordan of Ohio would have been good additions to the panel.

“But when [House Speaker Nancy] Pelosi wrongfully didn’t allow them, we should’ve picked other people,” Trump said. “We have a lot of good people in the Republican Party.”

In July 2021, Pelosi (D-Calif.) rejected McCarthy’s Republican nominations to the Jan. 6 committee, citing concerns about statements Banks and Jordan had made in the past.

“With respect for the integrity of the investigation, with an insistence on the truth and with concern about statements made and actions taken by these Members, I must reject the recommendations of Representatives Banks and Jordan to the Select Committee,” she said at the time.


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331cb9  No.17645048

File: c776537540e6005⋯.jpg (35.06 KB, 1049x1060, 1049:1060, i4vtnyg3g2tl0.jpg)


Who owns the news:

15 billionaires th@ own U.S. "news" media…

Michael Bloomberg

Rupert Murdoch

Donald and Samuel "Si" Newhouse

Cox Family

Jeff Bezos

John Henry

Sheldon Adelson

Joe Mansueto

Mortimer Zuckerman

Barbey family

Stanley Hubbard

Patrick Soon-Shiong

Carlos Slim Helu

Warren Buffett

Viktor Vekselberg


https ://www.forbes.com/sites/katevinton/2016/06/01/these-15-billionaires-own-americas-news-media-companies/#647f156a660a

The World's Top Ten Media Companies


Walt Disney

Comcast Corp

Charter Communications

Twenty-First Century Fox Inc.

Thomson Reuters

CBS Corporation


DISH Network Corporation

Viacom Inc.


https ://www.investopedia.com/stock-analysis/021815/worlds-top-ten-media-companies-dis-cmcsa-fox.aspx

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c1363f  No.17645057

File: 5c302041748628d⋯.jpg (28.66 KB, 1209x617, 1209:617, rxwhz2zsi3nv.jpg)

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d1b69e  No.17645058

File: f7907e1813cf2cc⋯.jpg (27.83 KB, 1019x688, 1019:688, l9z54aw6.jpg)


How does this happen you ask?

XI visits WEF who has Bill Gates as a member who does WHO/CDC->which NIH/HHS/DOD/DTRA+NAZIS/FDA and fliter down thru federal state local all the way down to the little hospitals who want money depend on. At each step they depend on the next level up guidance.

That' the CCP at the top and NAZIS come in in the middle.

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13646d  No.17645081

File: 5635f7ae44b2958⋯.jpg (33.27 KB, 501x591, 167:197, wnenuq5my.jpg)

Fingers crossed

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8862f6  No.17645085

File: 747e88eb9ee5605⋯.jpg (34.05 KB, 1173x1006, 1173:1006, hlm77c.jpg)


fetch the face

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75fad2  No.17645101

File: c3996508d614f96⋯.jpg (27.86 KB, 1073x609, 37:21, vdy8i2gla9ga7.jpg)


>11.3 marker?

yeah it's habbenig.

don't worry about the ongoing genocide & shit like that.

Numbers are all.

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251f63  No.17645102

File: 1da6f6ffdb0bc62⋯.jpg (39.91 KB, 691x607, 691:607, mmz6zkk6s.jpg)


Their entire job is to make the board content appear strongly bigoted and antisemitic.

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becdd5  No.17645106

File: e8c341b8cbb9760⋯.jpg (27.1 KB, 1078x670, 539:335, mypfla.jpg)


How the fuck do I get on Truth Social? I have an Android phone, an Imac and a linux laptop.

Is it possible to just read the posts? Whenever I try to just read posts, it sends me to the registration page and says i'm too gay to join

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5704a4  No.17645110

File: 08624c658141ab8⋯.jpg (36.11 KB, 1132x1070, 566:535, n26gnosv.jpg)


ty ebaker

what happened to the previously collected notes,

looks like the whole lot have been nuked.

and can someone explain why notables #14 is flashing like the Q tripcode?

Previously Collected




General Notable Pins: https://ghostbin.com/14ehq

TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml

Proofs: https://qproofs.com/

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/



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048991  No.17645119

File: 8da7a3fb0cc5a10⋯.jpg (38.42 KB, 579x677, 579:677, rdrbu5a4o5p.jpg)


Most are not anons, just famefags who are afraid to lose their following again.

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a6290b  No.17645132

File: c6bcf98e7f38d7d⋯.jpg (29.53 KB, 1226x576, 613:288, iwvmc5.jpg)


Kek, brain-dead Jew!

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e2b7ae  No.17645163

File: e951d8d51385095⋯.jpg (35.5 KB, 1078x1081, 1078:1081, b49lky5.jpg)


not DeCarlo tho

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28b78e  No.17645167

File: 85c7474a9b02832⋯.jpg (44.69 KB, 709x693, 709:693, uzetx249tj7i2t.jpg)

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28b78e  No.17645173

File: 9c9630a71732d38⋯.jpg (35.51 KB, 1217x946, 1217:946, 9bap21z9faj8e.jpg)


I was going for just fuckery not Jew fuckery.

But, yeah, I can see where you'd interpret it that way.

Anyways, it's still fuckery until some solid follow up Q posts arrive that clearly only Q could write.

Not these one line lame ones.

Or PDJT deltas occur.

Either way is fine.

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5bf268  No.17645176

File: 8d73208ca2587ef⋯.jpg (33.76 KB, 1167x955, 1167:955, 48kh2mn5eud.jpg)

What is going on in Shanghai?


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507c95  No.17645195

File: 324aeb4822e45f9⋯.jpg (31.17 KB, 1033x939, 1033:939, z3pok6cplo7bev.jpg)


thats a huge ufo

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8dc89b  No.17645207

File: 0a066ffe4953411⋯.jpg (33.86 KB, 1144x779, 1144:779, 2jl46hbq.jpg)


Can't think of one.

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2cdb6c  No.17645217

File: eabcd41628eb97c⋯.jpg (27.23 KB, 1187x659, 1187:659, iuwpbv.jpg)



got a bit of duplication going with the UK fuel shortage





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d3e884  No.17645226

File: 4681d80afc02952⋯.jpg (35.12 KB, 1036x1086, 518:543, rso4708ujbvb9.jpg)


niggers shouldn't even be allowed to vote in the first place

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b6d485  No.17645230

File: e7e95c43556ae63⋯.jpg (25.87 KB, 1119x581, 1119:581, ktn5pmxece6.jpg)


It's babyfist you moran

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8ff484  No.17645253

File: 9ade8ef0c288c12⋯.jpg (31.33 KB, 1057x713, 1057:713, ueo9qftj.jpg)

So it turns out soy is made of people

I've only recently learned this and am still putting together the pieces.

I'm thinking soybean is a fabricated idea, that soyfarms are fiction.

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e43396  No.17645263

File: 95546bd997271df⋯.jpg (24.9 KB, 1151x555, 1151:555, kakxu2e39v.jpg)


You mean as was done with all public figures.

But since Brandon exclusively reads off a teleprompter, it would be interesting if something was "slipped in there"…

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1ff94f  No.17645269

File: 27975b3788a9b28⋯.jpg (31.91 KB, 1090x723, 1090:723, r7gse37iux.jpg)

I think I know why Pelosi was pushing her child away, the child carries the light of God and it was freaking Pelosi’s demons out.


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c8c7cf  No.17645271

File: 7490bdc148d3ce9⋯.jpg (28.61 KB, 1118x746, 559:373, 7vnlhlc7.jpg)

From Jim Stone:

Mexico is LOADED with 20W50 oil. It is all anyone buys. It is available in all grades. If the US government is going to sabotage trucking by making oil unavailable, what's stopping the trucks from going down to Mexico to buy 20W50 and diluting it down to 15W40 with other lighter oils? Absolutely nothing. What's to stop truckers from going down to Mexico and having their trucks serviced in Mex? If you could push an oil change off to a 60,000 mile interval, what's the big deal with going into Mexico for an oil change? And if you really had to What would stop a trucker from skipping oil changes completely, and instead changing only the filter and topping the level off?? NOTHING. Obviously that would not be good for the truck, but it would still go at least 500,000 miles, it just would not make it to 2 million.

CONCLUSION: If they really do get rid of the oil for the big rigs, it is long term doom, not short term and certainly not "All commerce will stop in 8 weeks". Someone needs to lay off on the mushrooms.

Kek. Who needs to "lay off on the mushrooms"? Must be talking about Mike Adams, the Doom Ranger.

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f04e31  No.17645272

File: ef8a7424d08ebf8⋯.jpg (40.84 KB, 627x649, 57:59, q6sv7lasn82d.jpg)


, 1-800-662-HELP (4357)

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c8c7cf  No.17645296

File: 5e78c1bc288c9a6⋯.jpg (31.89 KB, 1139x908, 1139:908, sotjuhz1jst.jpg)

…Today is a fantastic day.

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f04e31  No.17645301

File: 4f01900223fa2bd⋯.jpg (27.4 KB, 982x712, 491:356, x3k0cfumtx.jpg)



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f04e31  No.17645303

File: d4e74f48dc84420⋯.jpg (40.4 KB, 563x715, 563:715, 1gr1sguzw.jpg)

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2db687  No.17645304

File: cdaf40797147422⋯.jpg (28.64 KB, 1105x659, 1105:659, 926v682sm83j.jpg)


>What's in your wallet?

As a Kekistani I only deal in local currency.

We have a very healthy meme economy.

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f04e31  No.17645309

File: 23a92a0ed8fa3c8⋯.jpg (28.43 KB, 1061x706, 1061:706, p2a82hf4427j.jpg)


Only foreign babies are adoptable now

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2db687  No.17645326

File: 0fe16cb44a57057⋯.jpg (30.91 KB, 1083x713, 1083:713, csy3q4e52vzt0.jpg)


General Rule.

Unless it is tripcoded, or referenced by a tripcoded post… it ain't shit.

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f04e31  No.17645342

File: 8e831b7798a20a8⋯.jpg (33.24 KB, 1069x998, 1069:998, cte27705l6.jpg)


If I didn't waste so much time posting here I could work on my music instead. These fucks are an expanding death cult that want's to try to disrupt natural evolution,

They gona get a surprise in the last two seconds of life when they cross my path and realise they should left me to my works.


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c8c7cf  No.17645343

File: 9e2d948be3a5bb4⋯.jpg (21.93 KB, 1030x520, 103:52, vy068fu9c0.jpg)


Image is 100 legit. This board can be a lifesaver i come here and you guise crack me up and keep me going, we should all look out for each other. Loveyouguisenohomo

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f04e31  No.17645351

File: 4c47ae32eb307bd⋯.jpg (38.29 KB, 1163x1136, 1163:1136, bdk6skp26ho.jpg)

Please stop muh gas hikes. What will I do?

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f04e31  No.17645371

File: 95a2f9e15e5f0dc⋯.jpg (22.09 KB, 990x532, 495:266, hjjc5cqa8.jpg)



in deciding context,

but quoting the whole thing when pointing it out.

People can decide when the whole thing is quoted.

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2a3210  No.17645378

File: 0300b9da0b61647⋯.jpg (33.74 KB, 1110x773, 1110:773, v99txf.jpg)

is there a way to make each q post an NFT using blockchain tech?

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f04e31  No.17645415

File: 40de424fd11d289⋯.jpg (33.38 KB, 491x640, 491:640, nf2f1o2z.jpg)



the over reaction is typical.

they have not said to ban all abortions, just that it is not in the constitutional rights.

Abortions will still be allowed according to the individual state laws, but the constant pregencancy term or rape pregency will still be ok anon believes.

albeit anon has not yet read all the 213 pages.

this outrage seems to be much moar about the money from budgets and brainwashed females who always want to destroy life.

Take away womens right to vote unless they have earned the right to vote like doing national service or contributed to society in a meaningful way

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2a3210  No.17645417

File: 4849f156a652c57⋯.jpg (42.07 KB, 634x689, 634:689, 5iwueda8.jpg)


Jim is there any room for me to sit on the editorial board for your newsletter? I have some good ideas.

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d180cb  No.17645429

File: c4c123049c14c4d⋯.jpg (31.55 KB, 1102x724, 551:362, 8c22m2cipm.jpg)


i dunno if it was a twenty year old carb or a filter but i am pretty sure the magneto went , so when i got the whole kit , i did everything but the lines, cause mine were great

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c8c7cf  No.17645440

File: 106f99c6197e41a⋯.jpg (34.57 KB, 595x524, 595:524, foewaa3kq07i.jpg)


Is that site attacked often? Seems hard to access on many occasions.

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f04e31  No.17645453

File: 60d461dd924035f⋯.jpg (25.4 KB, 1046x610, 523:305, 8y6wpx7nu1.jpg)


Fine by me. Q is just a larp. Nothing real about it at all. You should be pleased. Shills and non-believers win and you can leave. No need to post here ever again

See ya

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f04e31  No.17645459

File: 4e6feaa4e59983b⋯.jpg (23.3 KB, 971x546, 971:546, fcl3n8d8i.jpg)


check iOS, it shows "PAIN IS COMING" directly on his feed above the @PatriotsParty retruth without having to click into the thread (looks different on desktop). potus can retruth something more vanilla but draw attention to something more dasting this way.


disagree b/c unlikely potus and q-team do not know about above comm method.



>Trump didn't RT those memes.

same idea. directs attention to threads with memes potus can't rt himself.


yes, my thoughts too

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f04e31  No.17645461

File: ef7f041e0f6cb47⋯.jpg (33.4 KB, 587x547, 587:547, vb2e1sbr0ucrlc.jpg)


did you find yourred text girlfriend?

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c8c7cf  No.17645476

File: f33406d2f6266d7⋯.jpg (23.08 KB, 999x572, 999:572, j3pz3wo.jpg)

Ottawa Instantly Deploys Riot Police in Response to New Protest

Dozens of police in riot gear deployed just hours after the weekend-long protest kicked off

Ottawa Police have blocked access to Parliament Hill and suited up in riot gear just hours into a fresh round of protests in the Canadian Capital. As large numbers of protestors began to arrive in the city, the Ottawa Police Service blocked off dozens of roads and accused the protestors of inciting violence.

The weekend-long event dubbed “Rolling Thunder” has no stated goal beyond “peacefully celebrating freedom.” It was organized by bikers who participated in this winter’s Freedom Convoy protests against vaccine mandates.

Police were already readying a heavy-handed response before the protestors even arrived. Ottawa Police Chief Steve Bell said that an “occupation” would be met with force, adding that any vehicles or mobile homes that attempt to block traffic would be towed.

This winter’s protests featured scores of trucks and mobile homes that camped outside Canadian government buildings for weeks. The Trudeau government subsequently labelled the peaceful protests an “illegal occupation” and declared martial law in order to quell them.

Just hours into the protest, which is supposed to run through Sunday, Ottawa law enforcement accused the crowd of inciting violence and deployed riot police. “Due to an escalation of crowd aggression, officers are deployed in helmets and shields for their protection in order to clear the crowd at Rideau and Sussex,” wrote the Ottawa Police Service in a tweet.

Lincoln Jay of Rebel News is reporting on the ground near police lines where dozens of riot police equipped with shields and helmets can be seen standing around a group of semi-trucks. An officer told Jay that things “got out of hand” but would not elaborate further.

In addition, law enforcement has blocked off multiple blocks in downtown Ottawa. This includes Parliament Hill, where a rally is scheduled for Saturday afternoon. An Ottawa police officer told Jay that she expects the road closures to last until Sunday.


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dc9b1e  No.17645480

File: 6aa97a0b2866e4e⋯.jpg (32.98 KB, 1087x970, 1087:970, jygjkhupwf0b.jpg)


do not make eye contact with it

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f04e31  No.17645492

File: 3948712a110318c⋯.jpg (35.02 KB, 1271x761, 1271:761, 8ey8dw6uo6ii.jpg)


yeah, I feel ya on that.

I try not to answer all the "why's"

It's better that way.

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c8c7cf  No.17645515

File: aff49d93fa905a3⋯.jpg (44.93 KB, 662x730, 331:365, 8kvweh3.jpg)

Biden Takes Aim at America’s Largest Oil Field, Threatens to Stop Production, Sending Gas Prices Soaring

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is preparing to cite the United States’ largest oil field for violating ozone pollution standards, a move that will threaten the end of oil and gas production in the region.

According to the Texas Governor’s Office, the proposed regulations will directly affect the Permian Basin, the largest oil field in the United States, accounting for 95,000,000 gallons of gasoline per day or 40% of the oil produced domestically.

This would be just one more move from Biden’s administration to impact the lives of every American by reducing the fuel supply and causing gas prices to soar well beyond Biden’s record of $5 per gallon.

“Even as Americans are struggling with $5 gas and record-breaking inflation, team Biden continues to double down on their political commitments to ‘end all fossil fuels,'” former EPA Chief of Staff Mandy Gunasekara told reporters Wednesday.

According to a report by Bloomberg, regulators would have three years to propose solutions to the violations. However, ongoing regulatory uncertainty common to Biden’s ever-increasing climate change initiatives is likely to disincentivize new permits and drilling in the oil field.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott reacted strongly to the proposal and called the EPA to drop the proposal.

According to a letter he sent to the administration Monday, Abbott pointed out the direct impact on the lives of Americans. Abbott pledged that if he did not hear back from the administration by June 29, he would take action to “protect the production of oil—and the gasoline that comes from it.”

Abbott called out the hypocrisy of the Biden White House, which has claimed empathy for Americans struggling to afford gas. He said that the EPA’s move would only make things worse for the nation.

The letter states, “You say that you want ‘to bring refineries back online to get more gas to the pump at lower prices…’ That goal… could be thwarted if the EPA is allowed to move forward with its discretionary regulatory process.”

He also states, “If you let the EPA move forward with the untimely and unnecessary measures that accompany redesignation, that action will put 25 percent of American oil supply at risk. That, in turn, could substantially increase the cost of gasoline.”

As of Thursday, there has been no direct response from the White House or the EPA.


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f04e31  No.17645516

File: faefa1664195d92⋯.jpg (32.4 KB, 1080x759, 360:253, wpfxhi3io7cm.jpg)



Is that Meathead?

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dc9b1e  No.17645528

File: 100fbcccfed6799⋯.jpg (30.68 KB, 1083x693, 361:231, gvkn08g.jpg)



Why is MSM silent

about Sgt. Unc.

Benis? I bwned

dcomms noone

cares. I work for

no such agencee

ask babyfist


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4b486f  No.17645547

File: 613105bd4e41640⋯.jpg (29.4 KB, 1052x697, 1052:697, pw9wnn9t0a990.jpg)


>Because Jews are smarter than everyone else in the world…

They recently had a yuge influx of souls going to the other side. Souls with axes to grind.

Through human consciousness and utilizing the force earthlings attending earthschool can develope capabilities that allow for interaction with souls that have a desire to see us grow and develop as individuals even more do as a species.

With practice traveling to other dimensions is possible and interaction can provide great insight and even have questions answered.

This is why many psychedelics are seen as dangerous and made illegal by the established powers that be.

To keep you dumbed down lacking the connection from your power force.

The Force with endless and unimaginable capabilities.

This is how the ancients pursued, obtained and understood information that we he have more recently rediscovered.

The world is ours and brought into existence by the force. Allows us to make of it wat ever we can will into existence.

So long as we

A)Truly believe from the deepest of our inner selves that we have freewill and with that freewill we choose to believe and desire to have anything we can imagine literally.

B)Stay positive

C)Speak it out loud so The Force can hear it. Write it down and it can never hurt to place this note under your pillow to sleep on.

D)Continue believing and continue step C) continually until it becomes your reality.

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dc9b1e  No.17645562

File: ab05debde63b139⋯.jpg (30.14 KB, 1171x614, 1171:614, 5inazdivt8jd0.jpg)

those that have 'sex as a child' are raped and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally that doesn't understand to kill itself instead of 'normalizing' child rape.

those that have had 'sex with a child' are child rapists and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent them from raping more children.

those that are (((inbred))) never had Jesus as their soul because (((inbreds))) are a product of child rape and can only ever 'know' being a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent further (((epsteins and maxwells))) eating and raping children.

sex is only for adult man and woman in a marriage to start a family!

protect your children from (((degeneracy))) or your children will eventually kill themselves or get murdered.

kill all dogs as all (((inbreds))) are pedophiles to be drowned.

No children in the city as the city is strictly for adults!

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dc9b1e  No.17645577

File: 6d7d336e23e3c3b⋯.jpg (25.2 KB, 1104x568, 138:71, n8ovui8ikoh0.jpg)


>Serve Satan

Not exactly, but who's erfect? Close enough.

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4b486f  No.17645581

File: d64c57bc133a57e⋯.jpg (25.34 KB, 1202x538, 601:269, e3rdyf.jpg)

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court said Thursday that Americans have a right to carry guns in public, a major expansion of gun rights.

The justices’ 6-3 decision follows a series of recent mass shootings and is expected to ultimately allow more people to legally carry guns on the streets of the nation’s largest cities — including New York, Los Angeles and Boston — and elsewhere. About a quarter of the U.S. population lives in states expected to be affected by the ruling, the high court’s first major gun decision in more than a decade.

The ruling comes as Congress is actively working on gun legislation following recent mass shootings in Texas,New York and California.

Justice Clarence Thomas wrote for the majority that the Constitution protects “an individual’s right to carry a handgun for self-defense outside the home.”

In their decision, the justices struck down a New York law requiring people to demonstrate a particular need for carrying a gun in order to get a license to carry one in public. The justices said the requirement violates the Second Amendment right to “keep and bear arms.”

California, Hawaii, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey and Rhode Island all have similar laws. The Biden administration had urged the justices to uphold New York’s law.


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dc9b1e  No.17645583

File: b6be213e43a8b33⋯.jpg (26.37 KB, 1046x594, 523:297, prsz7i13.jpg)


What's funny is the divisionfagging over it leads to proteamA negteamB or vice versa, when it's probably spooks all the way down.

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f04e31  No.17645585

File: 350302b0272383d⋯.jpg (30.32 KB, 1208x654, 604:327, 0bmed0q8izynyf.jpg)

This meme is for Jim, for providing us with this platform. Thank you, Jim!

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