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File: d1630d3623f1e45⋯.jpeg (273.4 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, Eric_Wolfgang_Duehring_fr….jpeg)

File: db1a671111d4dd8⋯.jpeg (218.1 KB, 1028x1593, 1028:1593, IMG_3890.jpeg)

File: aa9c8f8d841fa24⋯.jpeg (169.84 KB, 1197x1328, 1197:1328, IMG_2552.jpeg)

File: 413d32f68494867⋯.jpeg (265.96 KB, 1206x1358, 603:679, IMG_2550.jpeg)

1ed88e  No.17423041 [Last 50 Posts]

A Qanon affiliated social media influencer Eric Wolfgang Duehring has been relentlessly defaming and doxxing others online for months with pathological sincerity. The lies have amounted to insane levels of illegal behavior related to cyber bullying…..until today.

Eric Duehring has sexually harassed and abused countless women on and off social media all while dealing with a physical disability that has permanently impaired his ability to walk right.

Proof of Eric Wolfgang Duehring aka "The Breb Room" aka "Breb" aka "Brebmanfren" disability can be seen in the evidence provided in the attached files below. Eric Duehring suffers from severe erectile dysfunction as seen in the files attached and is on a vendetta to blackmail and attack anyone that doesn't agree with his psychopathic ideologies. Eric aka "Breb" is obviously attacking to compensate for his lack of ability to perform in the bedroom.

What is sad is that he has attempted to single handedly ruin the reputations of some prominent political influencers on social media. From instagram to twitter to truth social to the app called Telegram. It is safe to say that this man is completely unhinged and attacks others to boost his own morale/ego. His jealousy of others is crystal clear. He wants all the attention on him when it comes to conspiracies, politics, and this weird movement under Trump called "Qanon" which has been labeled a terrorist ideology by our own government after the January 6th attack on the Capitol of the United States of America.

Breb (Eric Duehring) haș also posted numerous racist and sexist comments to his own followers on social media, yet claims he's a "follower of Jesus Christ". When "Breb" gets attacked he hides behind Jesus and Christianity to come off as a "good person". His only support comes from the whacko and unhinged conspiracy theorist "Lin Wood". Lin Wood in itself is a psycho, let alone Eric who is even worse.

You have been exposed Eric. Time to apologize to those you hurt and to the family of the man you forced to almost take his own life. Time to repent for the sins you have been committing. Psychological help and rehab is needed for this man. That does not fly here in Australia nor anywhere in the world for that matter.

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1ed88e  No.17423099

File: 81e9b0570a76861⋯.jpg (134.35 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, IMG_2556.JPG)

File: f7467ac367019c3⋯.jpeg (329.82 KB, 1242x1146, 207:191, IMG_2547.jpeg)

File: e2eeca0ab9f547a⋯.jpeg (395.76 KB, 1242x2136, 207:356, IMG_2544.jpeg)

File: d6ab2bbfa4c69e7⋯.jpeg (135.93 KB, 591x1280, 591:1280, IMG_2546.jpeg)

File: 0a4cd2f48641a5f⋯.jpeg (411.96 KB, 1242x1965, 414:655, IMG_2543.jpeg)

its hilarious because this dude slams people hard for shit that doesn't even relate to them half the time, just what fits Breb's fucked up narrative and has called countless people retards when breb is in fact a fucking handicapped retard. from not being able to get his dick hard to not being able to even walk like a normal human being Breb aka Eric Duehring is physically and mentally handicapped. Amazing what is discovered about "tough guys" behind a keyboard.

look what I discovered this morning:


there's more…..literally GB of proof that Breb is not who he claims to be. including that he's a fake christian.

Can someone let Lin know, that @thebrebroom is a woman abusing, pill popping, shill who infiltrated the anon community only to follow the text book "Dyldo" routine … he follows a predictable pattern of attacking Boots on the Ground patriots such as Codemonkey Z Jim Watkins, Seth Keshel. The "hit" lists that Lin (and Wendy) post become the targets of the Fake Maga Shills. Do the research connect the dots. Obviously Lin is either a terrible researcher, or he is extremely deceitful. Be very wary of anyone who is still promoting the Brebroom or Lin Wood. Edit: 4doors https://t.me/x4Doors did try to tell Lin in his comment channel but had his posts repeatedly deleted.

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1ed88e  No.17423117

File: 83e7524d7100515⋯.jpeg (720.6 KB, 1242x2325, 414:775, IMG_2542.jpeg)

File: a914331d07d44d3⋯.jpg (47.15 KB, 904x1280, 113:160, IMG_2541.JPG)

File: 074291f46189cbe⋯.mp4 (6.58 MB, 5722889202282767018.MOV)

File: d46df5915b593fd⋯.mp4 (1.61 MB, _3176705392139155247.mp4)

imagine bragging about paying for pussy, claiming to be a follower of Jesus Christ and then turning around and doing drugs, paying for hookers, assaulting women, and defaming everyone under the sun in the truther / Q movement and not stop to think someone may find out exactly who you are. Qarma's such a cunt ain't it Brebby boo boo.


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1ed88e  No.17423192

File: 790d5225a9f7b16⋯.jpg (204.02 KB, 1024x1280, 4:5, IMG_2589.JPG)

File: 9aa45c69a1b1ea7⋯.jpg (230.43 KB, 1024x1280, 4:5, IMG_2588.JPG)

File: 95487e1ef91020a⋯.jpg (282.81 KB, 1226x1280, 613:640, IMG_2587.JPG)

File: 29231bcc2d89f44⋯.jpg (221.48 KB, 1024x1280, 4:5, IMG_2586.JPG)

File: 9351068a9bdf288⋯.jpg (139.9 KB, 717x1280, 717:1280, IMG_2585.JPG)

Breb îs a little rat that climbed into the ring with a lion, and I don't know how many times he needs to be absolutely smoked before he figures it out and puts a barrel in his mouth. You wanna shitpost and dox others? Us anons are about to fuck your entire life up with THE REAL TRUTH! THE WHOLE TRUTH! AND NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH!

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1ed88e  No.17423197

File: addf95b22ab9a3c⋯.mp4 (12.39 MB, _6297307382382972929.mp4)

File: 980777252b4c8fc⋯.mp4 (1.4 MB, _7698008987106794181.mp4)


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1ed88e  No.17423202

Oh Breb…u autistic fuckin faggot ass retard. why don't you tell people that you suffer from Aspergers and still make fun of those who are mentally handicapped lmfao…..I'm dead rn KEK

wonder woman and many others are literally saying that you can't get your limp dick up to perform in the bedroom…hahahahahahaha

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e0a530  No.17423340

U forgot to mention that [“thebrebroom”] is also a southern racist from Louisiana (pretty racist state to begin with) hates blacks, hates Jews, hates Catholics, hates Muslims, all while doing drugs/opiates in the name of Jesus.

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1ed88e  No.17423550

File: 0808a3188e07b11⋯.jpg (210.09 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, IMG_2596.JPG)

Q channel on Telegram known as "wonderwoman" was the ex girlfriend of "thebrebroom" also known as "breb" who in real life is named Eric Duehring ousted breb for having erectile dysfunction and that he suffered from "limp dick syndrome"

let's get these text messages that were exchanged between these channels to further prove that "Breb" is a monster trying to compensate for his inability to have sex lmfao. I seen them somewhere…will come back to this thread if I can find them all. I am a woman and it's my duty to tackle men who treat women this way. Breb was abusive towards countless ex girlfriends even though he couldn't get his dick up.

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1ed88e  No.17423609

File: 1f546fad2f45489⋯.jpg (100.51 KB, 648x1280, 81:160, IMG_2597.JPG)

File: 1564cbb63e33fa1⋯.jpg (61.65 KB, 650x1279, 650:1279, IMG_2599.JPG)

File: 62bafeb9d2a6ffe⋯.jpg (75.85 KB, 642x1280, 321:640, IMG_2600.JPG)

File: b8607bd50a8dcc2⋯.jpg (42.55 KB, 591x1280, 591:1280, IMG_2601.JPG)

and we can't forget his manic depressive goon buddy Anthony Graffanati who bragged to his Q followers about buying hookers, robbing and assaulting people including women and lost his gun rights because he's a section 8 nutcase who needs mental help.

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e0a530  No.17423661

File: f8e993bcaa89cbc⋯.jpeg (320.93 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, CA972349_32E5_4B36_87B1_C….jpeg)

wow…..how Christian of u brebmanfren

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e0a530  No.17423716

File: 90c38ef6a40bf45⋯.jpeg (297.26 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, C57BCC04_FB35_4346_8E6C_A….jpeg)

File: a5965f4c5a9bc18⋯.jpeg (88.99 KB, 1125x760, 225:152, 1DDA6EED_2721_4D08_98E6_4….jpeg)

File: ffe667d57f68df7⋯.jpeg (84.09 KB, 1125x693, 125:77, C70A0EF5_6B09_4E38_85DF_1….jpeg)

File: 4ef2ebc48cf6192⋯.jpeg (85.2 KB, 1125x624, 375:208, C22CD6E2_A7D3_4C96_A51B_5….jpeg)

File: 06d7c6c3a709161⋯.jpeg (95.79 KB, 1125x709, 1125:709, EE607BB4_280D_40B5_8169_0….jpeg)

OH NO BREB ROOM BROS..ur following a mentally handicapped psychopath that bullies women.

How “Christian” of u Eric

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1ed88e  No.17423984

File: 7d541e110702033⋯.jpeg (66.58 KB, 720x540, 4:3, 05895CB6_FA1B_48D9_AC71_F….jpeg)

File: 8259f8780d4204f⋯.jpeg (71.97 KB, 591x1280, 591:1280, 742D0917_4C28_4B1E_AE29_E….jpeg)

File: 672e5ac120f3cb4⋯.jpeg (57.67 KB, 591x1280, 591:1280, CE8E2F7F_746E_4A05_B9BF_D….jpeg)

File: 602cae99df973d7⋯.jpeg (63.56 KB, 1125x1099, 1125:1099, F8DB672E_B66F_4E63_961A_E….jpeg)

File: 1ec8a87caabacbd⋯.jpeg (55.09 KB, 720x540, 4:3, 32094EC1_EEAF_4220_AAC6_5….jpeg)

Eric Duehring’s facebook posts via these attached screenshots attacking women & showing his true colors.

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bd9172  No.17423996

File: b141a2fa20c587a⋯.jpeg (40.66 KB, 1125x489, 375:163, 98BF0673_48FB_404E_A600_6….jpeg)

File: 73fdfc02ca04b46⋯.jpeg (41.18 KB, 1125x533, 1125:533, 742C3F20_0CCE_4719_BD5E_9….jpeg)

File: 6de3791d011ca1a⋯.jpeg (33.67 KB, 1125x494, 1125:494, 836885F8_0CF3_48D2_AF4C_6….jpeg)

File: a5a06f51bd52d6a⋯.jpeg (21.71 KB, 1124x328, 281:82, 1129185E_6D3F_4995_81DA_C….jpeg)

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1390f5  No.17424113

File: fd392dfe7fe31d0⋯.jpeg (180.92 KB, 1047x1280, 1047:1280, D5E03FED_E159_4214_AA6E_7….jpeg)

File: 91d46076b6defcd⋯.mp4 (4.13 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, IMG_0070.MP4)

File: 554b3c222c8cbe9⋯.mp4 (4.42 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, IMG_0073.MP4)

File: 9cd966bc0bc07a2⋯.mp4 (1.18 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, IMG_0074.MP4)

these retards smfh

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1390f5  No.17424165

File: 7dbbafbd8be6a55⋯.jpeg (127.36 KB, 591x1280, 591:1280, 546A60AA_37BF_4358_981B_C….jpeg)

File: 96b00eac2afd72b⋯.jpeg (198.8 KB, 960x960, 1:1, C1A4CD68_B2CB_4939_8654_7….jpeg)

File: ca74d44a73291b7⋯.jpeg (92.66 KB, 720x540, 4:3, 1D6EF466_91A4_48BF_9203_B….jpeg)

File: d29c89bd7ee9ffd⋯.jpeg (79.86 KB, 720x540, 4:3, 2D1EA9D2_B800_483C_962F_1….jpeg)

File: f93b5b2f22c9b44⋯.jpeg (109.11 KB, 570x607, 570:607, 7E5861DB_E784_4527_8DDF_0….jpeg)

Breb bros NGMI

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1390f5  No.17424170

Breb bros def AGMI


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9d0cff  No.17424435

File: e08c6c9947bf8b6⋯.jpeg (142.17 KB, 591x914, 591:914, 1CA2CCF4_0CE4_44EF_A70A_7….jpeg)

File: 9f07384ab562177⋯.jpeg (62.22 KB, 1242x662, 621:331, B6D9BB03_BF15_45C5_9105_8….jpeg)

File: 98fd4b3421a331c⋯.jpeg (82.41 KB, 1242x964, 621:482, 2A53DFD7_62AB_4213_8247_4….jpeg)

File: 9ee94144fed2983⋯.jpeg (127.64 KB, 1008x1280, 63:80, A4B6472D_5C9D_40C8_8E37_E….jpeg)

File: afb7ead52329ea4⋯.jpeg (138.52 KB, 1242x1269, 46:47, 23BA242B_C838_4059_AA5C_5….jpeg)



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9d0cff  No.17424444

File: ee2c7c68ad161ef⋯.jpeg (114.8 KB, 807x1280, 807:1280, E8489234_29E3_47D7_8F02_7….jpeg)

File: c54dcf757c8ecec⋯.jpeg (108.5 KB, 845x1280, 169:256, 5ED48969_A313_46D5_89DF_0….jpeg)

File: ea2fb0982d49acd⋯.jpeg (113.41 KB, 915x1280, 183:256, D95BE204_41CD_40FD_A082_4….jpeg)

File: cbe6c46bfd7c5cc⋯.jpeg (105.88 KB, 917x1280, 917:1280, B0F512BF_52A8_4905_977C_F….jpeg)

File: 9dc4d5b0ffc746e⋯.jpeg (121.11 KB, 1242x1278, 69:71, F31A73AF_60D8_4FCE_97E0_E….jpeg)


what’s this

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937aa2  No.17424682

The "Anti-Defamation League" is working to doxx @BioClandestine, the guy who essentially discovered the Ukrainian Biolab targets before Russia was discussing them on the world stage.

Some @WeTheMedia members make appearances in this hit piece.

What irony level is it when the Anti-Defamation League defames people?

[thebrebroom] AIN’T GONNA MAKE IT


//this is what happens when u fuck with the IC//


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641789  No.17436251

File: 493ce570cf3c71d⋯.jpeg (220.91 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, 6F050631_D405_44A0_A634_D….jpeg)

File: 57c442bee087580⋯.jpeg (319.43 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, CE42EA3D_B705_4B21_AD2A_2….jpeg)

File: abd75c7af15ef6d⋯.jpeg (403.09 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, AB96EC2B_90D6_44ED_8AF9_F….jpeg)

File: 59f09de7650b6e9⋯.jpeg (333.99 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, 82807F38_DDDA_4F2C_AEE3_C….jpeg)

File: b47a7ae9f568992⋯.jpeg (455.88 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, E44B16E7_A570_4E58_9F93_3….jpeg)

Breb and Graff you remember bullying Qcumber to the point of suicide right?

And you still sleep fine and LARP online that you’re the chosen one?🤡

Qcumber may not be around to speak up for himself anymore after you and the Kangz spiraled him back into depression and led to an eventual OD, but everything he had to say about you matches exactly what I’m saying right now.

You, RedPillRichard, and the rest of the Kangz will all burn in hell for the things you have done. No amount of faking that you are “born again Christians” will save you.

Most of the world sees right through you. You will not block and delete yourself out of what I have to say, and you have never involved someone as strong as me before. Nothing you or your gang will ever say has power over me, you will never affect me, and I will never bend the knee to any of you.

Y’all belong in a sewer with the rest of the 🐀s. I would never follow any of you or put stock in anything you have to say.

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1ed88e  No.17436292

File: 8c86e39ccf1d2ea⋯.jpeg (164.63 KB, 591x1280, 591:1280, A162ADB4_9965_41A3_B93B_9….jpeg)

File: e02a31255f7bbea⋯.jpeg (118.46 KB, 591x1280, 591:1280, 426EA407_A23F_4298_81BA_F….jpeg)

File: 97811a4b2e58f6d⋯.jpeg (255.34 KB, 762x1280, 381:640, 50600C0F_8042_4D4E_99EE_8….jpeg)

File: f8e206834671d47⋯.jpeg (150.85 KB, 769x1280, 769:1280, ABD3A9AB_B8F5_415C_9A5C_4….jpeg)

Mossad infiltrated Eric Wolfgang Duehring [thebrebroom] all because Eric couldn’t resist keeping his limp dick in his pants.

Lala and her friend were Mossad assets that wanted to use Breb to get to Lin Wood for god knows what reason. Breb didn’t see it because he was blinded by some fat ugly pussy dangling in his face.

Breb’s too stupid to notice since he just wanted a piece.

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1ed88e  No.17436495

We have pump these numbers up. Thank you to Nino for giving me a platform to give you real TRUTH with actual receipts. Have you noticed that Lin won't say a word about it? He can't. He desperately needs to keep his subs ignorant to maintain his control over them.

❓ Where are all the victims of Lin's wrath?

❓ Where are the people with huge followings that believed and propagated the lie that Lin couldn't have kept Kyle in jail?

❓ Where are the people with large followings that contributed and propagated the smear campaign against Kyle and me?

❓Are John and Amy the only Patriot influencers brave enough to stand up to the bully and liar, Lin Wood?

❓Are John and Amy the only influencers in the Patriot community with any integrity and honor?

‼️These influencers gave a huge platform to Lin to attack Kyle and me with lies. Will they give me a platform now that Lin has been proven to be a liar and a fraud?

➡️ Stew Peters

➡️ Ann Vandersteel

➡️ Joe Oltman

and many more…

This movement is finished if Patriot influencers continue to be such cowards that they turn a blind eye to the deceiver in Chief seeking to assassinate the character of literally every other other Patriot with disgusting lies.

I'm seeing soft, unprincipled Faketriots breathing sighs of relief when Lin shifts fire to a different Patriot, relishing in the relative peace of being outside the line of fire. I'm speaking specifically to the Patriots who themselves have been victimized by Lin and spent the better part of a year smearing Kyle (who's done more for causes that Patriots hold dear than any of you have) and me on behalf of a fraud, liar, and cheat.

Probably the most heinous of all is witnessing these "Patriots" allowing their chat rooms to slander and demean Kyle as a crisis actor, an attack against Kyle meant to minimize his experience and take away his voice.

A true test to determine if someone is a Patriot is whether or not they take a principled stand to defend a young man who actually stood in the GAP while many of you were bitching and moaning from the sidelines.

Get in the fight, stand on principle or go register Democrat, which you might as well do if you plan on staying home during the midterms.

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1eeec7  No.17436509

File: 08cbf672f69dbd7⋯.jpeg (670.91 KB, 2048x1430, 1024:715, E3EC9AB5_B9AE_4437_8564_D….jpeg)

more evidence of phony Christians

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1eeec7  No.17436535

File: 49d7ea31b1c48f5⋯.mp4 (3.78 MB, 848x848, 1:1, IMG_0169.MP4)

File: 1028dca02a95768⋯.mp4 (8.18 MB, 672x848, 42:53, IMG_0170.MP4)

Graff pretends he’s a child of God now and that most of the internet didn’t see THIS shit for the last 2 years. He won’t even acknowledge what he did or make any apologies to anyone because he’s a coward.

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34941a  No.17436572

thank you god i love you

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0e0951  No.17436580

File: c370654f20c07ba⋯.jpeg (235.98 KB, 1242x1107, 46:41, 365B9D0D_5C6B_4761_8036_A….jpeg)

File: 008c21202770930⋯.jpeg (168.54 KB, 591x1280, 591:1280, 5D66F7CF_5855_43F7_B8F4_6….jpeg)

File: 6d743d1c7eb023e⋯.jpeg (256.25 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, 13AD8985_3A36_42E6_82A8_7….jpeg)

File: 43999738c34404c⋯.jpeg (153.93 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, E723FCA8_44F9_4446_98E4_5….jpeg)

Knees Knockin, bitch tits, jobless, shares a bed with daddy in an extended stay, pill head Breb will go down as the most blatant gaslighting liar in the entire community. What a legacy. 🤣🤡

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f787d6  No.17436600

File: 654de73114e84e5⋯.jpeg (130.98 KB, 591x1280, 591:1280, 82ACF0F9_0103_4617_A314_8….jpeg)

File: 04ed0ff32658192⋯.jpeg (150.13 KB, 591x1280, 591:1280, 7C872C60_A98D_4038_B4CD_1….jpeg)

File: 8359438b3bae5f8⋯.jpeg (147.52 KB, 591x1280, 591:1280, 937FAA42_739D_42F0_92E0_B….jpeg)

File: 968421ec09eb46a⋯.jpeg (119.11 KB, 591x1280, 591:1280, 00920BF2_1C06_4C2F_AAD4_9….jpeg)

File: 0a75dd98de2431c⋯.jpeg (120.4 KB, 591x1280, 591:1280, 88B51CF9_0C7B_4B16_B840_A….jpeg)

Go back to the mental hospital breb or Eric or whatever the fuck y’all call yourselves these days. U all need psychiatric help

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12e501  No.17436615

File: bb9d9a4839ac3ea⋯.jpeg (70.4 KB, 915x1172, 915:1172, 6BDBB4C3_FE0A_49D4_A336_C….jpeg)


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12e501  No.17436639

File: b0048a2370e9797⋯.jpeg (163.53 KB, 1242x1243, 1242:1243, 35345C6F_544C_4304_A850_6….jpeg)

File: 75760daa09b1655⋯.jpeg (201.3 KB, 1242x1242, 1:1, A6891923_1A61_4D39_8565_5….jpeg)

File: ba1a6c5ebfd2c8e⋯.jpeg (318.59 KB, 1242x1247, 1242:1247, FB989F94_91B9_449C_AF29_C….jpeg)

File: 0c3b3e56c05decd⋯.jpeg (320.99 KB, 1242x1237, 1242:1237, FAA85004_B0A5_47E0_BF6B_A….jpeg)

File: 3d1516d31151cd6⋯.jpeg (380.95 KB, 1242x1235, 1242:1235, 27877715_859C_46BF_A537_D….jpeg)



Weird horse to hitch the whole wagon on r3t4rd5. It’s so fun absolutely destroying you all.

Still waiting on a circle back on ANY of the garbage I’ve called you Kangz out for? Huh Breb? Huh Lin?

They call me Bullzeye because I don’t fucking miss. 🎯

Why do you faggots support Holmsmith? He’s a fucking pedophile and you sympathize with him after what he did to those poor children. You people are sickening to the core.

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12e501  No.17436648

File: 8c8163065052454⋯.jpeg (293.63 KB, 1241x1233, 1241:1233, 8E2744EC_E7BB_4C25_87D3_8….jpeg)

File: b5dcc8b60f33ebf⋯.jpeg (283.7 KB, 1242x1240, 621:620, 596F3C72_32D8_4E65_9ABE_4….jpeg)

File: ecdf0f7224ff141⋯.jpeg (313.11 KB, 1242x1229, 1242:1229, 13BB417C_0151_4F7E_88E2_B….jpeg)

File: 1ae210daad5b863⋯.jpeg (272.37 KB, 1242x1236, 207:206, EB98C5E6_45B1_460D_B221_4….jpeg)


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434a92  No.17436663

hope breb gets his shit fucked up

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a79278  No.17436684

File: ff24a7ba102c460⋯.jpeg (222.88 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, 0BE35674_6CAD_480B_8214_5….jpeg)

File: b40e95c968adeb4⋯.jpeg (488.63 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, 71BDD86C_6494_4C96_93E8_3….jpeg)

File: 794ca8a4ac95879⋯.jpeg (165.31 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, 0C0E3774_C5CD_4A4D_A241_4….jpeg)

File: dbe923e48fa76c6⋯.jpeg (245.26 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, 6BC589F9_7846_4DA2_89FD_2….jpeg)

File: 0a221ba25166ba3⋯.jpeg (194.94 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, 5A5443EF_BDDA_4695_97D7_E….jpeg)

U can run but u can’t hide Kang Wick


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a79278  No.17436700

File: 4881bd45510afce⋯.jpeg (100.2 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, 9B9C435F_BA3B_4FBC_83CF_4….jpeg)

File: 05c509d3eceff82⋯.jpeg (275.65 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, 590149D7_C714_45F3_A624_2….jpeg)

File: fd8179ad0827220⋯.jpeg (177.51 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, 1DB84A1E_3F1F_484C_BDD2_5….jpeg)

File: b6a9488f809e194⋯.jpeg (203.63 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, C058DA2E_526E_4DCE_9D7A_3….jpeg)

File: a0a9e90eee30aea⋯.jpeg (399.34 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, 85760C43_D13B_433F_9996_A….jpeg)


kangz just took a digital RPG to the face kek 😭😭😭

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658365  No.17436722

File: 0b3edd66fdec6ec⋯.jpeg (109.59 KB, 1055x1280, 211:256, 3799BF8B_7737_41BA_85F4_7….jpeg)

File: 040d2566e064f79⋯.jpeg (115.52 KB, 976x1280, 61:80, 5BC00D12_AD41_4248_846B_6….jpeg)

JonBenet Ramsey Ransom Note in comparison to the threatening harassing text messages Lin Wood sent Qanon John and his girlfriend Amy who are both good people striving for truth

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658365  No.17436730



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68c18d  No.17436757

File: a3ef4381229e19e⋯.mp4 (1.64 MB, 848x848, 1:1, IMG_0208.MP4)

this is fuqqing hilarious 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

this retard bullies everyone and he can’t even walk WTAF 💀💀💀

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68c18d  No.17436773

File: 501dbf69b7f2c9a⋯.jpeg (196.95 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, ABE35A08_BBC0_402C_97F5_7….jpeg)

where’s Jordan Sather when u need him 😂

somebody blast these fools!

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dfeb31  No.17436791

File: 80f9a96a3cccdfc⋯.jpeg (1.14 MB, 1174x2234, 587:1117, 3F07EDF3_131E_48EE_AB42_1….jpeg)




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dfeb31  No.17436819

Is this how honest people operate? Playing both sides by amplifying attacks (doxxing, harrassment) of 1/6 Patriots by Breb (copy and pasted from Antifa Digs)? @Regenermom "Liking" posts attacking her best friend who is dying of Cancer, Jaq's boyfriend Jeremy Oliver? Radio silence still from the Brebtifa 🤡gang on these blatant contradictions of logic.

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8ec2ec  No.17442396

File: c42785ba2e7219c⋯.jpeg (579.3 KB, 1125x1113, 375:371, 7470B08D_1A41_4E00_AB3C_9….jpeg)

he even thinks Sidney Powel is a man

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f76d40  No.17442408

I’ve been telling people this asshole breb is a fake patriot. His followers must clearly be just as mentally handicapped as breb is.

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ed74f3  No.17442813

Looks like team Flynn wins again 😂

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f06310  No.17442902


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baea9c  No.17451093

Breb will use anyones content to attack his imaginary enemies including liberal shit heads



Breb even tried clipping this libtards avi and handle out of the pic



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8e147c  No.17455151

File: 1b51f1c1d97795b⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 237.79 KB, 780x976, 195:244, BA7F6BF4_3185_4464_8231_8….jpeg)

File: 7e0e8ec127c5581⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 38.57 KB, 952x334, 476:167, 868110E2_2F27_4DEF_8B08_8….jpeg)

spot on Joe Flynn

breb basket still thinks he’s relevant in this movement

he’s not going to make it

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1803f9  No.17455846

File: f4e26d0bcf85c1f⋯.jpeg (147.86 KB, 838x1280, 419:640, 2D4798BE_64CF_448F_8F76_8….jpeg)

real tough guy over here..keyb0ard warrior..limp dick psycho faggot

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2057b9  No.17456797

беги и прячься

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061096  No.17457078

“I am floored by what the division in this movement has turned some people into: the most awful version of themselves. 😔 And I mostly blame LIN WOOD. He has perpetuated the most ugly behavior in people that it seems commonplace now. He has created a den of “Christ-loving” rabid dogs who say the most hateful things. Lin seems to have some sort of spell on people and they get sucked in.

When John and I distanced ourselves from Lin, a best friend of ours and ex-Admin for TPV, Dave Hall/Dave Lincoln, totally turned on us in loyalty to Lin. Fine. But Dave took it to a new level today when he hatefully implied on social media that our postponed April event, which was due to my father’s ailing health, was not really an illness in “an elderly man” who is dealing with “nymphomania”. My dad is having many odd side effects from Covid and this overtly sexual behavior is one of them. It’s been awful for my family working thru this but how dare Dave go there and imply that it was a fake reason to postpone the event. The Lin rabid dogs, as well as Dave’s small group of followers, have cruelly jumped all over this. I am sickened by what I am seeing. Yet, in spite of how Lin has treated us and how he has hurt us (or tried to) financially, reputationally, etc, we refuse to stoop to that level and do things like post that black and white picture of Lin where he looks heavy, etc, etc. No way. I refuse to go there and be that person.

We are all in a spiritual battle, friends, and as we see the devil come out in people, we don’t need to join them. We are on the right side of this battle, friends. Rise above it and we WILL be victorious. God will never leave us nor forsake us.”

- Anon

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f9aa65  No.17457110

File: e3ef476d0c3b17f⋯.jpeg (694.6 KB, 808x1721, 808:1721, 355B277A_5C4F_4435_BC9E_9….jpeg)

File: 445685b4d372e77⋯.jpeg (463.87 KB, 1174x858, 587:429, FB0CB3E0_F7D6_4CF7_A1D9_A….jpeg)

Lin Wood and Eric Duehring AINT GONNA MAKE IT

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be96de  No.17457268

приближается тюремное время

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e77be1  No.17461285

File: ce65571446b9442⋯.jpeg (122.7 KB, 686x933, 686:933, 639CC10A_BA4F_4505_A904_3….jpeg)

File: fe56ca809461d36⋯.jpeg (118.39 KB, 1242x809, 1242:809, 06DB1E8F_8B31_4456_AF3A_E….jpeg)

what’s this breb? Assault and battery? Wow.


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7da427  No.17461336

File: 0323cf73a773e05⋯.jpeg (273.61 KB, 1163x426, 1163:426, 2485D20B_7DBD_4037_AF3C_A….jpeg)


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7da427  No.17461377

File: d81fdfc61a5a920⋯.jpeg (144.13 KB, 591x1280, 591:1280, 8ABA8A1B_8F0D_415E_877C_4….jpeg)

File: 46e1293b4705c32⋯.jpeg (106.09 KB, 591x1280, 591:1280, 3D605F4A_6616_4AC9_9E5F_1….jpeg)

File: 9dadb8aeaee020c⋯.jpeg (125.84 KB, 591x1280, 591:1280, 5CE28B36_0BB5_4301_A1DF_8….jpeg)

File: bb008fe7da3f925⋯.jpeg (128.5 KB, 591x1280, 591:1280, 5A1A2B26_70F1_49DF_8673_0….jpeg)

So funny watching Wolfgang turn on his friends, just like we knew would happen from the very beginning. You’re only useful until you’re not useful. The second you call him on his mentally ill bullshit the attacks start. Poor little guy destroyed his whole life for a girl that ended up being Mossad. :(

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a3c8c1  No.17461398

File: 5ad5001ac3e6009⋯.jpeg (117.78 KB, 591x1280, 591:1280, 1E397B97_DDB9_4108_B9B0_6….jpeg)

File: 19341c139875074⋯.jpeg (205.08 KB, 591x1280, 591:1280, C2544BCD_FCD0_4295_A1EF_7….jpeg)

File: c9320fd93a51808⋯.jpeg (183.58 KB, 591x1280, 591:1280, 3202310E_D1A3_4291_BC07_C….jpeg)

File: 40e2cb095af8fbc⋯.jpeg (169.16 KB, 591x1280, 591:1280, AC0EF15E_C7D8_4E35_B631_9….jpeg)

File: 7b8490e48abfc76⋯.jpeg (213.7 KB, 591x1280, 591:1280, 0EA32C0B_E9EA_40F0_AAA0_C….jpeg)

Tell me @thebrebroom girlfriend LalaBeamz is an intelligence asset, without telling me.

Dug into LalaBeams' kid’s grandfather, Ed

Mlavsky. Turns out he ran an Israeli intelligence agency called Gemini, part of the Yozma program, which came under scrutiny for being one of the worst spy cases in US history

"The Johnathan Pollard affair"



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a3c8c1  No.17461403

File: ce1f190a57e65e1⋯.jpeg (82.64 KB, 968x671, 88:61, 252F67DF_3236_4542_818E_E….jpeg)


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1a825e  No.17461426

File: 01c6732f6d9e5aa⋯.jpeg (80.32 KB, 1242x865, 1242:865, ECCB6B18_1B01_4E47_B3E1_F….jpeg)


but breb was blinded by the power of the pussy. A very fat unwashed pussy >>> lala beamz //


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000000  No.17465625

What do Nick Fuentes and Lin Wood have in common?

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1eeec7  No.17475368

we will only collectively return to cozy when breb offs himself

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be96de  No.17475377

both breb and Lin should “off” themselves while they descend into the pit of fire also known as Hell

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9a041e  No.17639347

File: 76bd8069d05f2db⋯.jpg (30.24 KB, 506x540, 253:270, vv8sed.jpg)


correct anon.

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feb8f4  No.17639351

File: 02a7ca6f7ab25ec⋯.jpg (30.09 KB, 1172x617, 1172:617, 6tea9mjwwd85.jpg)

We now have ZERO's from DJT, Nunes, DJT Jr. within 24 hours & Kash 3 booms to match the Zero Delta last night. Come on Dart. Delete this post too, show everyone how comp'd you and this board are.







15 second Delta between POTUS posts first 2 posts

Q posted FIRST and PDJT followed 14 seconds later

24 minutes between First 2 PDJT post and 0 Delta Post

And Q was the first one that pointed out the DELTA. Q literally made us go look for the proof because everyone ignored it.

0 Delta between Scavino and Anon that pointed out 0 DELTA

PDJT Truths ZERO @ 8:44am following morning

DJT JR posts 8/10 which is 4/5 and ZERO

Devin Nunes Truths ZERO EMISSIONS

https://archive.ph/uawyQ <-Archive in case posts accidently get deleted



Posts about Roe v Wade 12 hours after decision

Dan Scavino Posted BABYFIST 3x exposing the larp

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0dabc3  No.17639357

File: 24ecd55d769cca0⋯.jpg (32.5 KB, 1023x1006, 1023:1006, nwg7xvk.jpg)

Soros and cronies boycott to rat fuck you

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16238a  No.17639358

File: c17a576f6b1aac9⋯.jpg (34.18 KB, 615x503, 615:503, ll829rkx17f2r1.jpg)

Everybody's got aides.

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b52be1  No.17639385

File: 4041ffa6d00d779⋯.jpg (28.16 KB, 1130x573, 1130:573, 88xhnk1ik7xsz.jpg)


It's gonna be okay, fren.

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feb8f4  No.17639417

File: d49a1551613f090⋯.jpg (22.54 KB, 1041x508, 1041:508, 8f8gr5txpz97.jpg)


Why was a whole bread deleted? Somebody over the target too soon?

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c1918a  No.17639426

File: 8ba955548f1e8ae⋯.jpg (27.38 KB, 1093x699, 1093:699, lnpfjvljtk6nr.jpg)

‘Close your account’: British bank threatens customers who disagree with new pronoun policy

The social media team at British bank Halifax scolded customers who 'disagree with our values' regarding the use of preferred pronouns, saying 'you're welcome to close your account.'

it's really not a long way from "close yer account if ye disagrees with us" to "kill yerself if ye disagrees with us" to "we'll kill you if ye disagrees with us."

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834f04  No.17639459

File: 12a7c9888ec23d1⋯.jpg (31.59 KB, 1204x663, 1204:663, zzbxgokf133x.jpg)

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d79701  No.17639469

File: 1beb7d071b74da7⋯.jpg (32.58 KB, 1102x738, 551:369, qccbh55q2k.jpg)


and comment. I am totally confused and burnt out. Thanks anon.

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b70bf5  No.17639470

File: 0c1417e989bac57⋯.jpg (28.49 KB, 1059x620, 1059:620, 2sm0jxmdtw1gy.jpg)




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54b293  No.17639527

File: 6a09a4ca2f94d0d⋯.jpg (24.2 KB, 994x634, 497:317, s1w2o8.jpg)


seems they don't want to go down with the ship as part of the most corrupt and destructive admins in history

hopefully it implodes on itself


absolute 0 confidence in the cic

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9f72de  No.17639540

File: 287ca3acca868b8⋯.jpg (31.08 KB, 1187x622, 1187:622, t5ctvn8yx.jpg)



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af7f06  No.17639572

File: 6a615a08aabe0f5⋯.jpg (35.38 KB, 1166x996, 583:498, 2535g6qjm7e5.jpg)



kek, google/spooks probably already downranking the babyfist picture

still there

archived for posterity:


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a1e345  No.17639587

File: 9dff1d96c3da985⋯.jpg (31.37 KB, 1287x599, 1287:599, qj50g1n0nz.jpg)


Biggest fucking LARP in 8Kun history!!!!!

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bf4ee4  No.17639636

File: 1506ec0e6b2167b⋯.jpg (33.4 KB, 1218x893, 1218:893, jhtuktrezib.jpg)


>Since when do you lock the threads!

It's a precaution so you don't lose your nuts.

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af7f06  No.17639639

File: 9bb67c670b3a70e⋯.jpg (37.74 KB, 1175x1131, 1175:1131, m9o76bzb.jpg)

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2c76fd  No.17639717

File: 4faadf53f6473ce⋯.jpg (24.74 KB, 962x653, 962:653, 3u8om97ibn9mjn.jpg)


Yet another chapter in the Great Awakening Shitshow.

I’m sure glad we didn’t arrest all those crooks years ago and I’m really pleased we let Biden steal the election, but hey, sometimes I’m 2D when it comes to chess.

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57cd0a  No.17639756

File: 1f4d9c189e88084⋯.jpg (36.63 KB, 1132x1100, 283:275, ftwf33r9hkv10v.jpg)


Sad state of affairs. Is your fren still blackpilled?

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75ecfc  No.17639763

File: 32ea3a2bbe0441d⋯.jpg (37.63 KB, 523x697, 523:697, 98qm5vbik.jpg)


fuck off pedo

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c12a9d  No.17639790

File: d0e221938da0df3⋯.jpg (41.98 KB, 647x676, 647:676, 38s447g47e.jpg)

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3825b9  No.17639832

File: 99ec1e77cbc50df⋯.jpg (42.25 KB, 651x702, 217:234, ja96ht.jpg)


g r

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2d0290  No.17639872

File: 057cb2fa25185f3⋯.jpg (40.56 KB, 599x678, 599:678, dfg0isg3.jpg)


>Activated clockfags


>The Unselect Committee didn’t spendone minute

>January 6th



>with timestamp


[Profile picture from source site (Twitter/Gettr/Truth Social)] Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump 06/09/2022 07:45:49

ID: Not Available

Truth Social: 108447344194277775

Q Clock [Min: 25:25/:55 Mir: 25 | 180 Mir: 55 | :35/:05 Mir: 45 ]


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a0c5d1  No.17639898

File: 2b3430a89e58b2f⋯.jpg (25.14 KB, 1052x576, 263:144, 6as1ogh0nni0dx.jpg)


May I make a suggestion?

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28e3fe  No.17639904

File: 2366fb73692add0⋯.jpg (25.36 KB, 973x663, 973:663, 1nwugroect.jpg)


They are gonna systematically disarm Americans while they legalize their sick sexual desires

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c12a9d  No.17639924

File: b15a3adaa36f328⋯.jpg (35.03 KB, 1107x1060, 1107:1060, fj9t89h6.jpg)

So if we assume that the white hats have gone after the elite, cutting off their money making, like drugs, children, blood/organs, etc they will reach a point where they are spending more than they are making with the elaborate lifestyle. Hence the selling off of the big mansions etc. They are scrambling for money to support themselves.

Each day they lose more than they make because the well has dried up.

What do they do? They start charging more for what they do have. Big corporations jacked up prices and blamed it on inflation. I think they are gouging to the public, not because of supply chain issues or shortages, but because they can charge more if the public 'thinks' there are shortages.

They are dying and they are trying to make as much money as possible as their sources of fast cash dry up. Eventually it will and they will be selling everything they own just to support themselves.

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0b21b7  No.17639937

File: a5e4a0c7dd9da43⋯.jpg (32.4 KB, 548x536, 137:134, lxilvakzqb65rp.jpg)


ty baker

it's a FJB weekend

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13e9b6  No.17639944

File: b29e4990e019315⋯.jpg (42.17 KB, 598x715, 46:55, od3x5refl.jpg)


>US government is the top spreader of disinformation."

He's right. Who/what controls ALL of the MSM?

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60c5ec  No.17639951

File: 977bb69aa30f970⋯.jpg (38.01 KB, 567x647, 567:647, 805tl61f0.jpg)



Is this not related?


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b73d02  No.17639990

File: cf9e61d7f8a2383⋯.jpg (33 KB, 1117x959, 1117:959, lclkyjct7m.jpg)


Is it narcissistic attachment

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d700a2  No.17640010

File: c477035fe1e970d⋯.jpg (25.03 KB, 993x654, 331:218, 5cu40jj.jpg)



blood and gore. not a joke.


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57cd0a  No.17640028

File: 9e92170c4446722⋯.jpg (25.07 KB, 1035x623, 1035:623, 9rfmn0ljm.jpg)

That is the Mom of the shooter.

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c9c118  No.17640067

File: 72578f84d7155a1⋯.jpg (34.88 KB, 1138x1022, 569:511, pbx2xrmwa.jpg)


"EMBATTLED STAR Film worker suing Johnny Depp for ‘PUNCHING him’ slams Amber Heard verdict as ‘Hollywood celebs in a toxic relationship’"

June 2, 2022

"A MOVIE location manager who accuses Johnny Depp of punching him on set says he looks forward to his day in court despite the actor’s win in his libel case against ex-wife Amber Heard.

Gregg “Rocky” Brooks is suing Depp, 58, for the incident he alleges took place in April 2017 while they worked together.

The 61-year-old movie worker filed a lawsuit in LA in July 2018 accusing the star of “inflicting emotional distress” on him after punching him twice in the rib cage.

Following Depp’s win in his libel case against Aquaman actress Heard, 36, Brooks’ lawyer Pat Harris exclusively told The Sun: "While we respect the jury’s decision, it has no relevance to Mr. Brooks’ case in Los Angeles.

“Brooks' case is not about two Hollywood celebrities involved in a toxic relationship.

“It is about the assault of a hard-working film crew member by the star of the production.

“Mr. Brooks looks forward to his day in court.”

In his suit, Brooks claims Depp had hired two friends for a scene they were shooting in Downtown LA for City of Lies, a movie about the murder of rapper Biggie Smalls.

He says the scene wasn’t working out and he told the director and then Depp that they only had one more shot at it.

Brooks alleges the actor reacted with volatility and despite Rocky’s attempt to get to an LAPD officer for protection, Depp attacked him and screamed: “Who the f*** are you? You have no right to tell me what to do.”

They're still coming for Depp. Anon is uninterested in either Depp/Heard, they're both garbage. One of them is a better actor though..

Case filed 7-6-2018, refreshed 6-2-2022


picrel: no, just a reminder of the West Memphis 3.

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0b21b7  No.17640078

File: 2a8e88e6a859696⋯.jpg (23.29 KB, 961x563, 961:563, zm70ec.jpg)


>onboard NASA's Mars rover

which isn't on Mars

>Devon Island

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bf118c  No.17640089

File: ffaadd1ef60946a⋯.jpg (25.96 KB, 1023x618, 341:206, ne0nacbb0aqst.jpg)



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57cd0a  No.17640102

File: 72446ee4303bc38⋯.jpg (22.6 KB, 1095x502, 1095:502, mdto7xkbtfgsu.jpg)


Mr Kali Yuga don't look too friendly in that image

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45d53f  No.17640116

File: 73ec667dbfd8d6e⋯.jpg (40.2 KB, 728x575, 728:575, c25pnyn.jpg)


>Good morning



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0b21b7  No.17640121

File: 361de850acb9957⋯.jpg (36.32 KB, 617x574, 617:574, tbrxjnvgao4.jpg)




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2d0290  No.17640123

File: 3937e6c32d03964⋯.jpg (31.15 KB, 1071x719, 1071:719, aq9vn7z.jpg)


anons believe i'm too slow to bake

anon is a slow learner.

once I learn I'm good though

maybe get awake in the middle o the night to practice.

check out the Habsbergs.

doesn't that aristo, also named George, also Hungarian? resemble Soros?

Habsberg German Royals go back to the Austrian-Hungarian Empire; "The Holy Roman Empire"

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0f2471  No.17640130

File: 0d96099e6822e7b⋯.jpg (30.64 KB, 1028x901, 1028:901, 6mmz8an8minv.jpg)


theme for muh day

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14c631  No.17640161

File: c7f90c0e1685862⋯.jpg (49.11 KB, 722x714, 361:357, xmxkax6.jpg)


well, that is a 5-4 Q mentioned last night

but not about VA v EPA

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2ce074  No.17640172

File: c9eb2153ace7f24⋯.jpg (33.21 KB, 500x636, 125:159, 0kcr0aw.jpg)



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e4bc89  No.17640187

File: d7abae3eadee320⋯.jpg (33.93 KB, 619x534, 619:534, quepkxdsr5zxy2.jpg)


>You already belong to a club, fren.

thanks fren

i was hoping to meet some hot MAGA chicks on TS tho

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1ae512  No.17640190

File: 313eb0162413af1⋯.jpg (32.72 KB, 1268x742, 634:371, 83in99k.jpg)

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b3947e  No.17640229

File: d015cc18456975c⋯.jpg (34.15 KB, 1204x1019, 1204:1019, m9dw7oy8s.jpg)


article 17 of the ukrainian constitution

damn it

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57cd0a  No.17640244

File: 90cab7a3693ee98⋯.jpg (31.37 KB, 1147x687, 1147:687, lgu4dmjk.jpg)

Numbers of Unaccompanied Migrant Children Rising at U.S.-Mexico Border

Biden administration officials report a concerning increase in the number of unaccompanied migrant children being apprehended after crossing the southwest border with Mexico. Border Patrol agents apprehended more than 14,000 unaccompanied minors in May. The numbers continue to rise in June.

Border Patrol agents working the southwest border with Mexico apprehended 14,442 unaccompanied migrant children during the month of May, according to a recently released Southwest Land Border Migration Report. This represents an increase of nearly 22 percent over the previous month and the largest month since July 2021.

Reports from the Departments of Homeland Security and Health and Human Services reviewed by Breitbart Texas show the numbers are continuing to increase in June. On June 16, Border Patrol agents apprehended nearly 500 unaccompanied migrant children bringing the 30-day running average to 407 per day. The number of children held in HHS custody stands at 10,167.

After peaking in July 2021 at 18,954, the number of unaccompanied children apprehended at the border fell to 8,751 in January. By March, the number jumped back up to 14,138 and nearly hit 15,000 in May.

From October 1, 2021, to May 31, 2022, Border Patrol agents apprehended 98,654 unaccompanied children. This is a jump of nearly 26 percent over the same period in FY21.

A dramatic shift in migrant demographics took place in January 2021 when President Joe Biden took office and changed many of the immigration and border security policies of the Trump administration. In December 2020, President Trump’s last full month in office, agents apprehended less than 5,000 migrant children traveling without a parent or guardian. By February 28, President Biden’s first full month in office, that number jumped to more than 9,400. It doubled the next month to nearly 19,000.

Since February 2021, the Biden administration reported the apprehension of more than 220,000 unaccompanied children — an average of nearly 14,000 per month.


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60d28e  No.17640250

File: c1cf54d8926f11b⋯.jpg (35.14 KB, 1214x967, 1214:967, tjd9oa.jpg)

we kicked down

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60c5ec  No.17640283

File: 91ad3c83df78cdd⋯.jpg (34.34 KB, 982x1091, 982:1091, 5xzm96xihn0.jpg)



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b2a2cc  No.17640313

File: c3167eee3197075⋯.jpg (33.53 KB, 998x1116, 499:558, q5aqwsr6bkz3cs.jpg)


We can rest when we're with the Lord.

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12f239  No.17640333

File: 6ec3c9e01995f63⋯.jpg (34.23 KB, 1272x695, 1272:695, nv5wcfsfu.jpg)

scissor (sisters)

joke about being salty

a fictional advertisement came to life?

fess up

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995e5e  No.17640395

File: 239cf3a1d9ead10⋯.jpg (33.95 KB, 1180x973, 1180:973, 013ovpk.jpg)

Previously Collected







General Notable Pins: https://ghostbin.com/14ehq

TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/


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388da6  No.17640423

File: 2eaf44f1201c956⋯.jpg (27.19 KB, 1171x607, 1171:607, qftnyg3dzow8n.jpg)


Told you he was a Zionist, snake…

Now, he's going to try to cut Trump's votes out. Won't be many though. Guy is an Israel-cucked, turd.

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a0d6c7  No.17640425

File: 951bad155dcb4ef⋯.jpg (31.97 KB, 1072x940, 268:235, hw5fzi3olz3b.jpg)


See new Tweets


Donald Trump Jr.



Quote Tweet

Christopher Bedford


· 2h

In case you want a glimpse at the demonic mindset on display at the Supreme Court today.


8:54 PM · Jun 24, 2022·Twitter Web App

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67d8bb  No.17640434

File: 728556d18016fa2⋯.jpg (35.65 KB, 519x636, 173:212, umg62b2ptxk.jpg)


only the top officers.

troops/vets hate globohomo

if they ordered us to attack our own people they would get fragged with a quickness.

The ones who aren't us are vaxxed to the gills and are dropping dead in training. they stopped announcing it because it's so high.

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06616e  No.17640440

File: fe5139ba8d32b08⋯.jpg (39.67 KB, 651x593, 651:593, wi3xceipj9ta.jpg)


Doesn't Red October mean nukes and stuff tho?

Say fren, ever notice how you can't find YouTube videos about exploring the Aleutian trench?

Why are all the other trenches getting attention?

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bc55bb  No.17640454

File: 284fe8be90f19e9⋯.jpg (27.2 KB, 1091x593, 1091:593, cas3jeaf5zu4.jpg)


Clinton: US at the ‘precipice’ of losing democracy

Former Secretary of State and Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton


The Hill’s Morning Report – Presented by Altria – Biden: We will fix nation’s problems

Hillary Clinton takes on conspiracy theories on Borat special

The Hill’s Morning Report – Biden sets to work amid post-election limbo


said in an interview with the Financial Times published Friday that the U.S. is on the “precipice of losing our democracy.”

“We are standing on the precipice of losing our democracy, and everything that everybody else cares about then goes out the window,” Clinton told interviewer Edward Luce.

Clinton emphasized her belief that the Democratic Party should focus on the issues that “help you win” rather than more controversial issues important primarily to minorities.

“Look, the most important thing is to win the next election,” she said. “The alternative is so frightening that whatever does not help you win should not be a priority.”


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17fb0c  No.17640473

File: b27f4eadcd765cd⋯.jpg (25.91 KB, 1038x649, 1038:649, jujb0ifqi3if.jpg)

Arnold "screw your freedoms" Schwarzenegger weighs in on Ukraine and fossil fuels..

«На наших руках кровь, потому что мы финансируем войну»

Великий Шварценеггер призвал не давать деньги Путину. Можно только поддержать его призыв.


fuckin guy

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a63a6f  No.17640495

File: de64041949e1ba5⋯.jpg (36.61 KB, 1254x786, 209:131, h318tkbi2f.jpg)



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9e53f6  No.17640532

File: bf40b08a644007b⋯.jpg (31.05 KB, 526x517, 526:517, gm3qvthq.jpg)


- I should think the US Marshall service might be tasked immediately with enhanced protection of the SCOTUS Justices. Surely, there is existing security at SCOTUS, which could be expanded without Congressional action at least temporarily.

Expansion “in order to assign the same privileges to staff, aides and people who work within the administration of government” seems too massive to even contemplate. Surely the various Departments already have some security.

I can’t tell if this is just the unreasonable expansion of government, or a deliberate move to leave Kavanaugh unprotected until the release of the Roe v Wade decision, as a means of intimidation.

If I were him, I would move myself and family, secretly, to a secret location, until the decision is released.

The “controversy” is almost all among the fanatic Left. Even the NYT, I believe, has started dealing with the newsworthy aspects of moving the regulation of abortion back to the States. NY, for example, wants to be a sanctuary for abortion seekers from other states, and appears to be working to get out front in the competition among the pro-abortion states to attract that new “business.”

Once the decision is made, the controversy WILL move to the State capitols, where it belongs. There may be long-term haters who will continue to wish conservative Justices ill, but the risk should decline over time.

It may flare up again briefly when the leaker is uncovered. As I recall, one clerk is a close friend of the reporter who broke the story. A simple lie-detector test for that individual – to be followed if he doesn’t fail and confess – with similar tests for all the clerks, should get him to fess up.

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aa1a47  No.17640563

File: f0e1a2b79ca8f56⋯.jpg (28.35 KB, 1059x598, 1059:598, 6v9c50h5q.jpg)


Re: All PB



More on Mo Ibrahim - NED Related

In 2006 Mo Ibrahim founded the Mo Ibrahim Foundation which supports good governance and leadership in Africa. The foundation impacts leadership in Africa through the Ibrahim Index of African Governance, the Ibrahim Prize for Achievement in African Leadership, the Ibrahim Governance Weekend, the Ibrahim Leadership Fellowship and the Now Governance Network (NGN), see =2/2== for sauce on NGN. The Ibrahim Prize awards $5,000,000 US dollars over 10 years to African leaders who performed well and left office in the last 3 years. Just imagine what some US politicians would do to get that kind of money. This brings to mind some of the actions by US politicians who will not be seeking re-election. Too bad they're from Africa. Anon wonders if any organizations make those kinds of awards to to US politicians.

Ibrahim is also the founder of Mobil Systems International (MSI), Celtel International and Satya Capital Limited.

Dr. Ibrahim has won theClinton Global Citizen Award, the Eisenhower Medal for Distinguished Leadership and Service, and the David Rockefeller Bridging Leadership Award (twice). He also won theInternational Republican Institute Freedom Award, which links him to theNational Endowment for Democracy (NED). He has been made the Commander of the Order of the Lion (Senegal). H.M. King Mohammed VI of Morocco made Ibrahim Commandeur of the Wissam Arch.

Ibrahim is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations Global Board of Advisors.

Mo Ibrahim - Foundation Biography

https://mo.ibrahim.foundation/about-us/board/mo-ibrahim - archived - https://archive.ph/1TfOS

Mo Ibrahim Foundation - About

https://mo.ibrahim.foundation/about-us - archived - https://archive.ph/emPc7

Mo Ibrahim Foundation - IIAG

"Ibrahim Index of African Governance (IIAG)"

https://mo.ibrahim.foundation/iiag - archive - https://archive.ph/Wrzhv

Mo Ibrahim Foundation - Foundation Prize

"Ibrahim Prize for Achievement in African Leadership"

"$5million USD over ten years"

https://mo.ibrahim.foundation/prize - archived - https://archive.ph/RvdPi

Mo Ibrahim Foundation - Ibrahim Prize TimelinePDF


Mo Ibrahim Foundation - Governance Weekend

"The Ibrahim Governance Forum brings together leading voices from across Africa and beyond to discuss issues of critical importance to the continent’s progress."

https://mo.ibrahim.foundation/governance-weekend - archived - https://archive.ph/XHEXg

Mo Ibrahim Foundation - Leadership Fellowships

"The Ibrahim Leadership Fellowships were established in 2011 to identify and mentor the future generation of outstanding African leaders. Each year three Fellows have an opportunity to work in the executive offices of the AfDB (Abidjan), ECA (Addis Ababa) or the ITC (Geneva), with a stipend of $100,000."

https://mo.ibrahim.foundation/fellowships - archived March 2021 - https://archive.ph/IzzvO - archived - https://archive.ph/RpVp0

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102c26  No.17640610

File: a91112a4d611e67⋯.jpg (33 KB, 1014x1051, 1014:1051, armzzq.jpg)


They did that in the middle ages. They said the plagues were caused by a Comet.

"comet" coincidence?

Later the story came about the rats, that was also false.

Then there's too many plagues, 14?

When they do the "plagues" they mess with History too.

They've done more than one "reset"?

I saw some drawings from the time that make me believe the story of "Comet" was cover for people being poisoned, possible by poison smoke - supposed to be a remedy?

they used censures?

censer.. nother coinkydink.


Something to shut people up?

Supposed to purify the air, but they burned poison to put people to sleep

When they woke they told some story like "you've been sleeping for one hundred years, that's why your city is gone"

It's in some old tales, I saw it illustrated.

With a comet in the sky, and a censer being waved, and a person being asleep,

No one had mirrors or clocks then, so they authorities could tell you anything?

Kinda like now; no one with a brain?


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b25679  No.17640611

File: 9680f54d9026044⋯.jpg (36.53 KB, 1263x757, 1263:757, w1bxf0yeoflf07.jpg)


Biden getting "You's" from his handlers

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8a81cb  No.17640661

File: 7ba5500a13d91d7⋯.jpg (24.68 KB, 1035x575, 9:5, ytbzdh3s6mj64.jpg)



>Patriots' Soapbox News Network - LIVE 24/7

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102c26  No.17640675

File: 147208f253b3f3f⋯.jpg (33.93 KB, 1130x1059, 1130:1059, o5dloiru7wgkj.jpg)


Second Orin hatch link should be >>17424444

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3825b9  No.17640677

File: b39fa68847e7c43⋯.jpg (29.54 KB, 1130x722, 565:361, x1kvq6h8r.jpg)


I verified, fuckface. I don't need nor require your verification.

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bc6c43  No.17640703

File: 2fbae71194712f4⋯.jpg (34.11 KB, 1114x767, 1114:767, 8nysm5e9po.jpg)

Anon remembers the spirit of 76. 6 years old and full of wonder at the gods among men around me. My Papa's and Uncles and all the rest.

All passed now.

Youngest Grand kid will be 6 in 2026.

I have failed my ancestors. Papa sucks.

Grandanons will not have a better life than me.

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bf118c  No.17640711

File: ab0f2ae81c78f70⋯.jpg (26.73 KB, 1080x637, 1080:637, ef4bn94.jpg)


>You know, the same Judaism from which Christianity originated.

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a5aa18  No.17640714

File: 8e46e8324786933⋯.jpg (30.92 KB, 1251x600, 417:200, entxy7th5ousx.jpg)

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b2a2cc  No.17640719

File: 0290bb6463c9432⋯.jpg (43.03 KB, 724x570, 362:285, 2yc8re.jpg)

Good vid, whoever made this did a great job.


Sorry I dont know how to get vids from TS to here.

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893e52  No.17640730

File: f6b705bf04f70db⋯.jpg (29.04 KB, 1180x576, 295:144, ztea6ndw6ega.jpg)


Imagine people realizing that the company they work for who has been paying them a shitty salary has this expendable income to pay for purple haired office sluts to get abortions

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3ed38a  No.17640731

File: f2cd2ba3b5f7212⋯.jpg (37.68 KB, 543x678, 181:226, pa42j0qsic9rsg.jpg)



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2c34ed  No.17640735

File: ab76ccb72f81e8a⋯.jpg (24.02 KB, 1055x559, 1055:559, cjiekxehj5n.jpg)

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8b448e  No.17640760

File: a1751e0a43ee179⋯.jpg (31.89 KB, 568x513, 568:513, rrrspe.jpg)





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14c631  No.17640776

File: b5a51ebdac2c9e9⋯.jpg (25.55 KB, 1061x606, 1061:606, lp985lu2i.jpg)


All we need is a lvl playing field, and [they] don't stand a chance.

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a73ac8  No.17640783

File: 898d9c732b25d88⋯.jpg (33.11 KB, 984x1080, 41:45, a9tvjkb4ak12k.jpg)


Intrinsic Truths

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d700a2  No.17640787

File: 097be9a2d230424⋯.jpg (40.63 KB, 663x614, 663:614, ijb1tmxesm.jpg)




Clover says: Vote for Liz. August 16. Early voting happening now.


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b2a2cc  No.17640789

File: d09789e0fd97d7a⋯.jpg (32.17 KB, 585x505, 117:101, 4ohgro.jpg)

250 CEO's Send Letter to Senate Demand Gun Control Now



In the wake of the recent rash of mass shootings and amidst the rising toll of tragedies that

often don’t make the headlines. America’s business leaders have come together to say the

epidemic of gun violence in the United States is intolerable, and inaction is unacceptable.

While U.S. Senators are engaged in bipartisan discussions, more than 336 CEOs and leaders have

signed a letter to the U.S. Senate demanding that they pass strong and meaningful measures to

prevent gun violence and make our communities safer.


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14c631  No.17640845

File: 2ece757c8358003⋯.jpg (34.28 KB, 1227x733, 1227:733, o17kpp5.jpg)


more like her shoulders/neck

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bf118c  No.17640854

File: fa5051e45b577e2⋯.jpg (29.88 KB, 1212x594, 202:99, 7z65ns.jpg)


King and Queen of hearts…



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79d72c  No.17640864

File: 81e892027f14169⋯.jpg (31.11 KB, 1063x708, 1063:708, 5wg2241angkn.jpg)

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c3ccaa  No.17640890

File: e112f58e79010da⋯.jpg (31.15 KB, 1204x912, 301:228, jvpse443y8dl.jpg)


They saying "Jan 6th" and "Trump" a lot…if you trying to get wasted.

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51e877  No.17640895

File: 79ed541376abed6⋯.jpg (41.16 KB, 680x630, 68:63, 5i3v0kvs7gexux.jpg)


i agree : the mouse and bird alliance is so knee-jerk reactionary when it comes to feline control after a random incident

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1e9098  No.17640922

File: 421a49b6cd3a701⋯.jpg (34.04 KB, 1011x1069, 1011:1069, r1vjtvwb4as.jpg)


This is going to go well…

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e6a57b  No.17640942

File: ff2b02333778e65⋯.jpg (36.93 KB, 1115x1108, 1115:1108, u5jcfmi.jpg)


Remember your oath, hutchinson

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9e53f6  No.17640955

File: 56837732cb5b182⋯.jpg (26.53 KB, 1176x591, 392:197, qmijctt96e.jpg)

BREAKING: FCPD confirm to FOX5 that the suspect wanted in Tyson's Mall shooting Saturday, Noah Settles is a well-known rapper in the DMV- stage name "NO SAVAGE." He also has two prior arrests for gun possession in DC


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c037e8  No.17640995

File: be7342ae0e6f156⋯.jpg (37.92 KB, 517x712, 517:712, p7cfjpj3.jpg)

all (((inbreds))) are godless creatures to be drowned.

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2ce074  No.17641002

File: a1b04f8876fc1fa⋯.jpg (31.42 KB, 1094x685, 1094:685, ofhqhac.jpg)

I'm off to The Rally!

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af5e21  No.17641016

File: 6a44cdd116252d6⋯.jpg (40.62 KB, 596x666, 298:333, zpqi3wj39h5au7.jpg)


Lucifer's the good guy. He was the great teacher. He wants us to become Gods. But the Hebrew Jew God wants us to remain in ignorance and suffering.

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45d53f  No.17641073

File: f9f77a310f8d755⋯.jpg (44.2 KB, 691x661, 691:661, 8eh9epppau1.jpg)



President Trump Meets with World War II Veteran Hershal “Woody” Williams

President Donald J. Trump meets with World War II veteran Hershal “Woody” Williams Tuesday, Sept. 2, 2020.

search Woody @


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c037e8  No.17641079

File: 92fdfe3512a7f8b⋯.jpg (31.21 KB, 1184x671, 1184:671, 93x7836t4g.jpg)



The same like you don't pee, so you don't need to flush.

Pee yourself..

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bd36b7  No.17641103

File: 7492ec4bec96b8e⋯.jpg (43.15 KB, 683x656, 683:656, xhje6o0kuasl6.jpg)


Just keep swimming.

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aaac38  No.17641128

File: 842b5a8c73ee9e8⋯.jpg (36.59 KB, 1147x1047, 1147:1047, ddi6x4b2hphs3.jpg)


Good God! Are you really that deprived of a sense of humor?

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b3947e  No.17641130

File: fef87ee5b3a418c⋯.jpg (28.07 KB, 1052x711, 1052:711, 4rt9bpb0c9.jpg)


>He wasn't "rouge"

>it was sanctioned

starting to look more and more like exactly that

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50c407  No.17641181

File: 33b2f815030dcb6⋯.jpg (41.99 KB, 620x692, 155:173, 8hd7tlq36.jpg)


that explains a lot. i generally turn down clients whose house is worth more than the median value. still, half the clients are climbers. wish i had a better litmus test.

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9e53f6  No.17641193

File: a7d0b0651e722ea⋯.jpg (21.97 KB, 1013x513, 1013:513, hfw1ao45r4l.jpg)

Welcome to Q Research General

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"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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d8d92e  No.17641199

File: 090f116b6941c08⋯.jpg (39.2 KB, 567x689, 567:689, fu4uu0fnjhja.jpg)


In the German Reich we say Judenfatzke!

Fatzke = vain, self-absorbed, arrogant person

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e5a8fb  No.17641206

File: b1a7607cb969bf6⋯.jpg (32.05 KB, 1030x956, 515:478, xzwn9q7.jpg)


I think we will learn, but not from Q.

It's also been stated many times by one-post-posters that books will be written about this operation. I think that's when we will learn; if in our lifetime.

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a0d6c7  No.17641220

File: e2387c5cc48b5cb⋯.jpg (38.43 KB, 692x545, 692:545, ih5xab51.jpg)


How tall is he now?

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1ae512  No.17641223

File: 6792bc4cddc36c7⋯.jpg (20.81 KB, 1024x511, 1024:511, 7gqi37d54a6gdq.jpg)


sup er her o

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bd36b7  No.17641226

File: 6513567f61e4b5c⋯.jpg (31 KB, 1079x901, 1079:901, 7ashuo2eerv.jpg)


Baker needed, anons

gotta run


>Happy Birthday, JA!

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c037e8  No.17641256

File: 2840f914ff633c2⋯.jpg (34.22 KB, 1219x918, 1219:918, 5xfcnqnfmmwyuj.jpg)


They/them will. Don't worry.

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67d8bb  No.17641272

File: 9bf40675713a6eb⋯.jpg (40.89 KB, 615x660, 41:44, j1s36l25.jpg)


You can have that back. I don't need it. But thanks anyways.

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ece54c  No.17641277

File: 91cba78c75e116b⋯.jpg (33.1 KB, 540x583, 540:583, hds1d868rml.jpg)


Facing Dry Year, CA State Water Board is Draining California Reservoirs

CA reservoirs were designed to provide a steady five year supply for all users, and were filled to the top in June 2019


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fbf3d0  No.17641285

File: 0b10f96ecf203e0⋯.jpg (34.61 KB, 1279x775, 1279:775, ekxt13igod.jpg)


you see that there is a tor id, and you think to yourself, hey maybe tor posting is allowed again.

but the old link doesn't work. oh well. but wait there is an additional tor poster.

I am an anon. I research. You should too.


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c9c118  No.17641293

File: fd062f3802ddf66⋯.jpg (33.12 KB, 1055x995, 211:199, cegqoy1br.jpg)

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a63a6f  No.17641298

File: 4c5059f74e8d4b4⋯.jpg (31.26 KB, 1115x666, 1115:666, dlrsyj.jpg)


>I had thought arson was a 10 YR stretch?

Only when it's not a lefty getting charged.

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e2866d  No.17641315

File: ce6d89a39ede2e0⋯.jpg (21.14 KB, 1015x516, 1015:516, x0m0fh4v.jpg)



Hallie Biden loves BLOW or she would not have been Hunter's girlfriend for a few years.

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902000  No.17641334

File: 4082470981adae8⋯.jpg (31.54 KB, 1061x961, 1061:961, 7da4ug.jpg)


Tanks Bakes..

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bd8f0d  No.17641374

File: ab9bf142794662f⋯.jpg (31.74 KB, 1199x675, 1199:675, wsahhidnkqj.jpg)

BRICS developing global reserve currency – Putin

It will be based on a currency basket of the five-nation bloc, according to the Russian president

President Vladimir Putin said on Wednesday that the BRICS countries – Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa – are currently working on setting up a new global reserve currency.

“The issue of creating an international reserve currency based on a basket of currencies of our countries is being worked out,” he said at the BRICS business forum.

According to the Russian president, the member states are also developing reliable alternative mechanisms for international payments.

Earlier, the group said it was working on setting up a joint payment network to cut reliance on the Western financial system. The BRICS countries have been also boosting the use of local currencies in mutual trade.


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8b448e  No.17641401

File: 30e2834d3e767e0⋯.jpg (33.46 KB, 1016x1035, 1016:1035, en39tpz7xit.jpg)



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b7170c  No.17641420

File: 655985faee68428⋯.jpg (28.79 KB, 1163x648, 1163:648, vwgxsxxe7ojtuh.jpg)


Yeah, that "Coincidence or message?" - really sounds like the latter, here.

Just need to figure out how to parse it; hive mind will find.

Reminds me of Linus's Law, "Many eyes make all bugs shallow", as in, the more looking at the code, the harder it is for the defects to hide.

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51e877  No.17641464

File: 601109e3b4a3b10⋯.jpg (41.24 KB, 678x595, 678:595, sad109ar4q.jpg)

The Old Guard

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fbf3d0  No.17641481

File: 0e9562e311c74f5⋯.jpg (22.51 KB, 1087x506, 1087:506, lh3i6807ut.jpg)


>would you hit it?

you mean with a baseball bat?

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bf00db  No.17641483

File: 277509dab2413f3⋯.jpg (34.84 KB, 622x536, 311:268, 0cg7fi5xyi8ei.jpg)


Will be a hoot.

Salty tears will flow

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8b448e  No.17641497

File: 96a3f059e0eaa95⋯.jpg (31.93 KB, 545x552, 545:552, p86v5nj.jpg)

25 Jun, 2022 14:53

=Many EU countries are in ‘direct war’ with Russia – Serbia

Europeans are sending weapons to Ukraine and are angry that Serbia “is not in their shoes,” President Aleksandar Vucic claims

(Don’t be stupid EU, you got suckered by US and UK)

Many EU states are in “a direct war” with Russia and are “angry” with Belgrade for refusing to go along with sanctions, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Saturday.

Speaking at a press conference two days after attending a meeting between the 27 EU leaders and six heads of government from the West Balkans, Vucic claimed the Balkans “were not important that day” for the EU, as the bloc is “completely at war with Russia” and its priority was to provide Ukraine and Moldova with EU candidate status.

“Viktor Orban [Hungarian prime minister] said that in the economic sense, Serbia and Montenegro are much more ready to be part of the EU than some other countries. But who cares?” Vucic remarked.

He explained that Serbia is now in a difficult position due to the pressure to join EU members in imposing sanctions on Russia. The president stressed he is aware of “how angry many of them are” over the issue.

“Many EU countries are in a direct war against Russia. They send howitzers, planes, S-300s to Ukraine, and how do you think they will treat us? They are not in our shoes as we are not in theirs, and that is why our position is extremely difficult. Will it be easier? Well, it won't,” Vucic said.

However, he pledged that Serbia will continue to pursue its European path as “there must be a rational and pragmatic approach in politics, which takes the interests into account.”

He noted that in Serbia, 300,000 people work directly and 500,000 indirectly for foreign companies, two thirds of which are from the EU.

“If you do not understand how important the EU is to us, I cannot change that,” he said, while claiming the West fails to appreciate how important it is for Serbia to refrain from anti-Russia sanctions, and to maintain good relations with both Russia and China.

Addressing the economic situation in Europe, Vucic gave a gloomy forecast, saying if the conflict in Donbass does not end with a truce, the world will face “a worse world war than the previous one.”

“A little man from the Balkans says that. I hope that they will start peace negotiations, otherwise we will all go,” he added.

On Thursday, the day when Ukraine and Moldova were granted EU candidate status, Serbian Interior Minister Aleksandar Vulin said a military conflict with Russia appears to be the condition for fast-track accession to the European Union.

Pointing out that Ukraine falls short of the standards which are “so carefully applied to Balkan countries,” the minister claimed Kiev's “participation in the war was enough to start negotiations” on its EU membership. He added that if getting into war with someone is the only way to speed up Serbia’s accession to the EU, then “it is not worth it.”

Earlier this month the interior minister said his country was not interested in diminishing its “closeness and cooperation” with Moscow, and that by trying to force Belgrade to impose sanctions on Russia, the West simply seeks to “absolve” itself of its own crimes. His remarks came soon after German Chancellor Olaf Scholz urged Serbia to follow the EU's lead in sanctioning Russia, and recognize the breakaway province of Kosovo as an independent state if it hopes to join the bloc.


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3b59af  No.17641549

File: 053fba8f6ead85b⋯.jpg (33.35 KB, 1285x657, 1285:657, 74jog1m9.jpg)

Germany lets trans footballers choose men’s or women’s teams

German football authorities will allow trans players to decide which teams they qualify for

A new declaration from the German football federation (DFB) has stated that transgender, intersex and non-binary players will be given the option of playing for men's or women's teams. It is a move which has come in contrast to various rules in numerous other sports in what is an increasingly hot topic in global sport.

The regulation, which will come into action in the 2022-23 season, was passed on Thursday and will apply to all levels of German football, including youth, futsal and amateur levels to players whose civil status is described as 'diverse' or 'unspecified'.

“It applies to transgender players who can now switch at a self-determined time or remain initially in the team in which they’d been playing previously,” the DFB said in its statement.

“As long as the sporting activity does not affect the health of the person while they are taking medication, the person can take part in the game, which is why the new regulation excludes doping relevance.”


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51e877  No.17641550

File: b0acf017229c1c4⋯.jpg (34.02 KB, 1163x753, 1163:753, yei356bv3gn0m.jpg)


20 letters per post.

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aaac38  No.17641560

File: 0e4b02c84070ee3⋯.jpg (38.4 KB, 524x728, 131:182, ur7qqr9.jpg)


>What do you do, oh one post wonder?

Why, thank you for asking.

I still digg, only nowadays I post them on TS alongside many other QR oldfags that go straight to where all the action and eyeballs are these days.

QR's just a no Q relic now on the downside of a long slow fade.

I still check in here periodically to see what QR is up to tho.

Mostly SSDD nothingness, but the shitposts are still pretty good and usually worth the visit.

>t. No need/desire to promote my acct nor be anything but Anon while here.

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696e5e  No.17641565

File: fca0341e0b63bbb⋯.jpg (43.78 KB, 653x690, 653:690, c1xpl4zi4wy.jpg)



— News and Analysis —

Joy Reid Asks For Proof Porn Is In High School Libraries. Here It Is.

By Ben Johnson

Dec 30, 2021 DailyWire.com

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6730a1  No.17641576

File: c505226db8dbcd7⋯.jpg (23.15 KB, 1176x533, 1176:533, ffwgd8.jpg)


It used to be treated as a mental issue and wasn’t glorified like they do now!

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ecdb0e  No.17641591

File: 325dcf461fd9693⋯.jpg (31.75 KB, 1089x907, 1089:907, qk6clbxp47tl.jpg)


Daniels Defense reeks of a clown op.

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d0469a  No.17641612

File: b8c699f3f8675ce⋯.jpg (32.88 KB, 1239x658, 177:94, 8h3qjyhudxahs.jpg)


This is what Europe tried back in Peter the Great's day.

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ecd516  No.17641613

File: 6c74d89fd29f914⋯.jpg (30.18 KB, 1032x894, 172:149, hj5l05j.jpg)


Du bist ein hirntotes Judenviech Shlomo!

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bf118c  No.17641624

File: e8c891011cb4c35⋯.jpg (32.3 KB, 577x529, 577:529, z0jnp7ytrp7j0.jpg)

Mexican military planes going somewhere.

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9e53f6  No.17641625

File: aa0fd69e66c793b⋯.jpg (32.71 KB, 1056x968, 12:11, ovlzmea.jpg)


>School's not for everybody. The end won't be for everybody.


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c9c118  No.17641631

File: 2c6a8b028f0e0c6⋯.jpg (34.77 KB, 1124x799, 1124:799, isu6we3.jpg)





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6730a1  No.17641663

File: 59d47471b913463⋯.jpg (42.38 KB, 559x725, 559:725, erxv7h.jpg)

il Donaldo Trumpo, [6/25/2022 5:47 PM]

[ Photo ]



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8bdd8c  No.17641667

File: 0160d1aac4f1460⋯.jpg (29.82 KB, 1264x578, 632:289, 8myhk4jbi.jpg)











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0b21b7  No.17641700

File: 41675e611f5e1fd⋯.jpg (30.75 KB, 1244x612, 311:153, f3motj1qofzwl.jpg)



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3ce7bd  No.17641714

File: 53beb62d28de7d7⋯.jpg (23.38 KB, 1015x574, 145:82, 68k1djv.jpg)



Oh I get it you want me to READ the Q larps.

But what I am telling you isn't controlled by you, it's what people are SAYING ABOUT YOU.

The family doesn't own a single bank in Lebanon, let alone that one.


Posted on Aug 5, 2020 Updated on Jan 27, 2021, 1:54 pm CST


QAnon conspiracy theorists have already come up with an alternative theory about the explosion that rocked Beirut, Lebanon yesterday: It targeted a bank owned by the Rothschild family.

you see this shit has excaped the Q larp containment.

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a73ac8  No.17641755

File: c2bc69de2fcaac2⋯.jpg (30.72 KB, 1067x697, 1067:697, pzed5xgf.jpg)


>this is not a game.png

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94c787  No.17641779

File: 8b319e3b02f098d⋯.jpg (32.08 KB, 1038x945, 346:315, 4wiil5kc.jpg)

Looks like we got ourselves a win fellas. Trump said he caught them all.

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102c26  No.17641797

File: 1d2c34556e71900⋯.jpg (32.82 KB, 1122x901, 66:53, 53ssx4knmteor.jpg)


yeah, females who've bought into the narrative are the scariest. Good on ya for seeing she was actually struggling with a false reality break. Sometimes its better to let them struggle it out for themselves..the messenger generally becomes target for the lash out. Not to forget many will turn on family, labeling them mentally deranged to maintain their false sense of security and sense of righteousness believing in the bullshit narrative.

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0b21b7  No.17641798

File: a9f3412c12d292e⋯.jpg (30.12 KB, 1115x741, 1115:741, rjmzva.jpg)

Remember 2020…just has gotten worse in two yrs. DS's destroy America Plan on steroids.

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e0c00f  No.17641832

File: 27eed08fe985bd1⋯.jpg (27.32 KB, 1109x667, 1109:667, n7115mx7lvd.jpg)


Boopity boop bop beep

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4b96cc  No.17641834

File: 0002b5e7970e5fe⋯.jpg (30.24 KB, 1082x674, 541:337, fpgibvqie.jpg)

Mexico will ask Biden to free Assange – president

President of Mexico has offered sanctuary to jailed WikiLeaks publisher

WikiLeaks co-founder Julian Assange has been treated “very unfairly” to the shame of the entire world, and Mexico has offered to take him in, President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador told reporters on Tuesday. He said he would bring up Assange’s case with his US counterpart Joe Biden when they meet in July.

The UK announced last week it would extradite the jailed journalist to the US, where he faces espionage charges and up to 175 years behind bars if convicted. The decision by UK Home Secretary Priti Patel was “very disappointing,” said Lopez, who also goes by his initials AMLO.

He also said he intends to ask Biden to drop charges against Assange when they meet next month. Such an action would go counter to the “hardliners in the US” but “humanity must prevail,” AMLO added.

What about freedoms? Are we going to remove the Statue of Liberty from New York?

“Julian Assange is the best journalist of our time in the world and he has been treated very unfairly, worse than a criminal,” AMLO said. “This is a shame for the world.”

Mexico is willing to provide Assange sanctuary if and when he is released, the president added, reminding reporters that he had called on the previous US administration to drop charges against Assange as “a prisoner of conscience.”

Assange, an Australian citizen, sought asylum in Ecuador in 2012, suspecting that Washington wanted him arrested and extradited over WikiLeaks publishing the documents about US wars in Iraq and Afghanistan in 2010. He spent the next seven years trapped at Ecuador’s embassy in London – as the UK refused him safe passage – until his asylum was revoked by a new US-friendly government in Quito.

British police dragged Assange out of the embassy in April 2019 and put him in the maximum-security Belmarsh prison in south London, where he remains to this day. Within a month of his arrest, the US unsealed an indictment charging him of offenses under the Espionage Act, for which he could face 175 years in prison. Assange has denied all allegations, and a key witness in Washington’s case against him admitted he lied in his testimony.

Canberra has not spoken up for Assange’s release, even though the recently elected Prime Minister Anthony Albanese had opposed the charges against the journalist during the election campaign. Albanese said Monday that he still believed Assange should go free, but that his government would not publicly intervene with the US on his behalf, because it “engages diplomatically and appropriately with our partners.”


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37768f  No.17641851

File: 913c7a741d8c77e⋯.jpg (32.97 KB, 1103x1036, 1103:1036, kxsa3872.jpg)


>Beaufort County Legislative Delegation says the South Carolina Election Commission ordered the recount, which will be Friday.


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e5343a  No.17641858

File: 047e288f0fa93fd⋯.jpg (37.28 KB, 692x518, 346:259, 6egxioa.jpg)



Because he owes 10% to someone.

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0fca85  No.17641865

File: 32dffde78e582da⋯.jpg (34.34 KB, 1148x1028, 287:257, d1qfdaacrnj.jpg)



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278156  No.17641871

File: 7d68d736fc6f8f6⋯.jpg (31.31 KB, 992x962, 496:481, pwlsegv.jpg)



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a4b56d  No.17641885

File: 13a4c74767468bb⋯.jpg (29.04 KB, 1177x681, 1177:681, a3tdkpya6zcw.jpg)


OH shit…That just reminded about the stuff I found on MIL contracts that were seeking large amounts of Children's winter coats, baby formula, & diapers. The places requesting it were in Northern areas like Fort Drum in New York by Canada

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9809f9  No.17641920

File: 0be6652abc57669⋯.jpg (32.98 KB, 1202x726, 601:363, 4lp9uajny6.jpg)

Imagine being Babyfist/Watkins/Steinbart and getting wrecked this hard. And don't forget Flint/Dart helping them.

3 Zeros, 3 Booms, & ZERO delta.

reposted to fix typo and because fuck you shills.

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595905  No.17641921

File: 3d4a01b1fb4b83b⋯.jpg (33.87 KB, 568x530, 284:265, hiohj6gcholf.jpg)



Lmao, reminded me of a line from “Bloodsport”.

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1cd0fd  No.17641930

File: cdaa7df7a52517f⋯.jpg (29.36 KB, 1152x657, 128:73, panzl0x.jpg)



NED and the International Republican Institute

IRI - Who We Are cont.


Board of Directors

U.S. SenatorDan Sullivan- CHAIRMAN

Randy Scheunemann - VICE CHAIRMAN


Kelly Ayotte- BOARD MEMBER

Judy A. Black - BOARD MEMBER

Gahl Hodges Burt - BOARD MEMBER

U.S. SenatorTom Cotton- BOARD MEMBER

U.S. SenatorJoni Ernst- BOARD MEMBER

Frank J. Fahrenkopf, Jr. - BOARD MEMBER

Alison B. Fortier - BOARD MEMBER

Christopher J. Fussner - BOARD MEMBER

U.S. SenatorLindsey Graham- BOARD MEMBER

U.S. RepresentativeKay Granger- BOARD MEMBER

Cheryl F. Halpern - BOARD MEMBER

William J. Hybl - BOARD MEMBER


James T. Kolbe - BOARD MEMBER

David Kramer - BOARD MEMBER

Tami Longaberger - BOARD MEMBER

Peter T. Madigan - BOARD MEMBER

Lieutenant GeneralH.R. McMaster- BOARD MEMBER

Constance Berry Newman - BOARD MEMBER

U.S. SenatorMitt Romney- BOARD MEMBER

U.S. SenatorMarco Rubio- BOARD MEMBER

Joseph R. Schmuckler - BOARD MEMBER

Ambassador Kristen Silverberg - BOARD MEMBER

Frances Townsend- BOARD MEMBER

Ambassador Gaddi Vasquez - BOARD MEMBER

Olin L. Wethington - BOARD MEMBER

Dana W. White - BOARD MEMBER

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37768f  No.17641941

File: 20dfb7e664970af⋯.jpg (31.77 KB, 1096x925, 1096:925, 8c2fylrw.jpg)

Kinzinger: Trump is "guilty of knowing what he did" in lead-up to Jan. 6 attack


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48d7e7  No.17641945

File: 6c1049e234bea96⋯.jpg (34.96 KB, 1286x744, 643:372, oqhsaado58yku.jpg)

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b6db17  No.17641949

File: 8109d6d30300c30⋯.jpg (32 KB, 1003x941, 1003:941, qwl2frzirkao9m.jpg)

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13e9c5  No.17641966

File: 027d98dce4f9ab1⋯.jpg (32.43 KB, 1003x1037, 59:61, b36naf6qeecz2.jpg)


Some see the blind spot, see what is in the blind spot, and then simply do not care because it is a trick. Fuck off.

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37768f  No.17642003

File: e336cace35048e6⋯.jpg (24.3 KB, 1120x531, 1120:531, 1l9nckykop.jpg)


Our movement is about replacing

A failed and corrupt political establishment

With a new government controlled by you, the American people.

The Washington establishment

And the financial and media corporations that fund it,

Exist for only one reason,

To protect and enrich itself.

The establishment has trillions of dollars

At stake in this election.

For those who control

The levers of power in Washington

And for the global special interests,

They partner with these people who don’t have your good in mind.

Our campaign represents a true existential threat

Like they haven’t seen before.

This is not simply another 4 year election;

This is a crossroads in the history of our civilization

That will determine whether or not,

We the people reclaim control over our government.

The political establishment that is trying to stop us,

Is the same group responsible for our disastrous trade deals,

Massive illegal immigration,

And economic and foreign policies that have bled our country dry.

The political establishment has brought about

The destruction of our factories

And our jobs

As they flee to Mexico, China

And other countries all around the world.

It’s a global power structure

That is responsible for the economic decisions

That have robbed our working class,

Stripped our country of its wealth,

And put that money into the pockets

Of a handful of large corporations and political entities.

This is a struggle for the survival of our nation

And this will be our last chance to save it.

This election will determine whether we are free nation

Or whether we have only the illusion of democracy,

But are in fact controlled by a small handful

Of globalist special interests rigging the system,

And our system is rigged. This is reality;

You know it, they know it, I know it,

And pretty much the whole world knows it.

The Clinton machine is at the center of this power structure.

We’ve seen this first hand in the Wikileaks documents,

In which Hillary Clinton meets in secret with international banks

To plot the destruction of US sovereignty

In order to enrich these global financial powers,

Her special interest friends, and her donors.

Honestly, she should be locked up.

The most powerful weapon deployed by the Clintons

Is the corporate media; the press.

Let’s be clear on one thing- the corporate media in our country

Is no longer involved in journalism.

They’re a political special interest,

No different than any lobbyist or other financial entity,

With a total political agenda,

And the agenda is not for you, it’s for themselves.

Anyone who challenges their control is deemed a sexist.

A racist. A xenophobe. They will lie, lie, lie,

And then again, they will do worse than that.

They will do whatever is necessary.

The Clintons are criminals, remember that.

This is well-documented.

And the establishment that protects them

Has engaged in a massive cover-up of widespread criminal activity

At the state department and the Clinton Foundation

In order to keep the Clintons in power.

They knew they would throw every lie they could at me

And my family and my loved ones.

They knew they would stop at nothing to try to stop me.

Nevertheless, I take all of these slings and arrows gladly for you.

I take them for our movement,

So that we could have our country back.

I knew this day would arrive;

It was only a question of when.

And I knew the American people would rise above it

And vote for the future they deserve.

The only thing that can stop this corrupt machine is you.

The only force strong enough to save our country is us.

The only people brave enough

To vote out this corrupt establishment is you,

The American people.

Our great civilization has come upon a moment of reckoning.

I didn’t need to do this folks, believe me.

I built a great company and I had a wonderful life.

I could have enjoyed the fruits and benefits

Of years of successful business deals and businesses

For myself and my family instead of going through

This absolute horror show of lies, deceptions,

Malicious attacks; who would have thought.

I’m doing it because this country has given me so much,

And I feel, so strongly, that it’s my turn to give back

To the country that I love.

I’m doing this for the people and for the Movement,

And we will take back this country for you,

And we will Make America Great Again.


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a4b56d  No.17642020

File: a345b9cf0c34329⋯.jpg (35.39 KB, 1258x767, 1258:767, rewtc9khpu8.jpg)


Anon, the ruling clique just got the crap kicked out of them in their formerly strongest province. But the voters there went left.

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011e36  No.17642027

File: 458f70c1e559281⋯.jpg (27.39 KB, 1147x568, 1147:568, 3k21nmhl.jpg)



Follow The White Rabbit.

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70b9f8  No.17642028

File: d97432c81ebfbaf⋯.jpg (23.18 KB, 1145x503, 1145:503, s01755f7q.jpg)

Obey the LAW!!!

How NOT to get your ASS kicked by the POLICE!!!

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dd943c  No.17642044

File: 2095c808d9f9f3c⋯.jpg (27.18 KB, 1190x588, 85:42, vds17bv.jpg)

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cc00c0  No.17642046

File: 2bdcff1aa03a33a⋯.jpg (36.29 KB, 1085x1091, 1085:1091, 5q13k3ybv7rz.jpg)


I'm beginning to go with this theory…T minus 11…

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a5fdb5  No.17642052

File: 9ed0a7dd4e64439⋯.jpg (33.25 KB, 1095x959, 1095:959, 356gls1.jpg)

….wtf is that?

… just another pox breakout, swollen face, and welts on me ass… ya fkn bigot.

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e8a84e  No.17642054

File: d243d56256bd8bf⋯.jpg (35.49 KB, 1189x1057, 1189:1057, ne5hev.jpg)


So you are replying to a brainless person?

Sounds super intelligent.

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0fca85  No.17642057

File: 5c363bb7b3345da⋯.jpg (24.53 KB, 1175x529, 1175:529, two42hxtj.jpg)

anubis is the 'anti-christ' the 'khrist of the inbred' or 'the least inbred' of the (((inbreds))), a jackal ~ (((jakob))) and can only learn that as it is a product of (((inbreeding))) it should never exist as how the (((inbred))) judas was made to hang by Jesus God.

(((inbreeding))) = child rape = endless death = godless creature to be drowned.

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011e36  No.17642064

File: c931e8b4786e75f⋯.jpg (35.33 KB, 632x510, 316:255, nd2deou.jpg)


Piglosi be mad! Her purse can't be filled with gold from the spilling of the blood of babies anymore! Oh, woweth me!

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e5343a  No.17642067

File: d1330aa34a0f563⋯.jpg (28.1 KB, 1045x639, 1045:639, cj2jx9h48ah7it.jpg)

Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump

06/13/2022 18:39:41

Truth Social: 108472564550583545

For the first time in decades, Wall Street and Main Street are CONVERGING. The people of both are extraordinarily UNHAPPY!


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837deb  No.17642087

File: 9fc13798b8dffea⋯.jpg (36.93 KB, 515x697, 515:697, 5g32uf5izoav.jpg)


>My gut tells me the winning move is not to play.

we are expendable pawns to both sides

they know who we are

make no doubt

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028bd4  No.17642097

File: d1ad3364c33a05f⋯.jpg (31.66 KB, 1089x721, 1089:721, vpl3vv5.jpg)



Israel is preparing for war, its last war.

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fdc116  No.17642119

File: 21632db248875f4⋯.jpg (29.08 KB, 1181x724, 1181:724, ngb4gzgyh.jpg)


oh hello, tranime, long time no see

I am happy to gas you as well

step right up, tranny queer

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871a3c  No.17642121

File: 35f90b63d8a254e⋯.jpg (37.69 KB, 719x514, 719:514, a6q4v2shxuur.jpg)


Do they still get funerals these days?

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1cd0fd  No.17642122

File: cb9ad4c29ee132c⋯.jpg (34.36 KB, 501x666, 167:222, 45r6l88zt.jpg)


Yuge Red Wave forecasted for NYS.

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719600  No.17642125

File: ef1a38f7f6617dc⋯.jpg (35.05 KB, 607x560, 607:560, 6tp8797.jpg)


Sorry Fed.

Go peddle your fish elsewhere.

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0fca85  No.17642140

File: 2470e69f0211b23⋯.jpg (30.01 KB, 1150x663, 1150:663, dhotja.jpg)

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1cd0fd  No.17642210

File: f4acc48ca01a60b⋯.jpg (28.21 KB, 1116x720, 31:20, ajwj93mlw9.jpg)


Christa Freeland Ugh, in the pic from G7

I'm sure you all know this but I missed it,did you know the G7 held their meeting at Hitler's old castle?

Hitler's Eagle's Nest

History of the Kehlsteinhaus

The creation of Hitler's Eagle's Nest was a remarkable engineering success, a battle against time, snow, and rugged terrain.


The wild history of the Bavarian castle hosting this week’s G-7 summit

By Kate Brady

June 26, 2022 at 8:00 a.m.

BERLIN — Framed by the snow-capped peaks of Germany’s Bavarian alps, the castle set to host this year’s Group of Seven summit starting Sunday has a history almost as dramatic as its backdrop.

Built at the onset of World War I by philosopher and theologian Johannes Müller as a communal retreat for his followers, Schloss Elmau has served as aNazi military vacation camp, a field hospital, a sanctuary for Holocaust survivors and the site of Germany’s last G-7 meeting.

The castle’s backstory tracks closely with Germany’s tumultuous 20th-century history. Now a luxury hotel, it is still owned by Müller’s family, despite falling out of the family’s hands temporarily during the denazification process following World War IIbecause of the philosopher’s adulation of Adolf Hitler.

While intended as a mountain sanctuary, it has not always been so for all those associated with it. Dietmar Müller-Elmau, Müller’s grandson and the hotel’s current proprietor, was born in the hotel but said he had been “at war with it” for decades.

When the Third Reich began, Müller had what the Germany government described in 2014 as an “ambivalent attitude to the Nazi regime.”

While the philosopher had lauded Hitler as “the receiving organ for God’s government” and a “leader of a national revolution of the common good over self-interest,” he thought Hitler’s anti-Jewish policies were “a disgrace for Germany.”

“He marveled at the Jews,” said Müller-Elmau, pointing to his grandfather’s close network of Jewish academic friends. “He thought they were the ‘better Germans.’ ”


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e5343a  No.17642239

File: 7e61fbd793e03d2⋯.jpg (31.26 KB, 1039x944, 1039:944, u2y5q3hz5fio.jpg)

New Evidence of American Bio Lab Activities in Ukraine with BioClandestine


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48d7e7  No.17642244

File: da07465ddec341c⋯.jpg (32.26 KB, 986x1028, 493:514, sbnha5ffwd.jpg)


OK I gotta ask…You know the filter only works for the person who uses it right? I mean you are aware that when I filter you I am the only one who can't see what you've posted. How is that supposed to build a consensus?

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028bd4  No.17642270

File: 7ae067260553193⋯.jpg (28 KB, 1144x648, 143:81, z8t0vv3j9c.jpg)










>it was a incestous peanut buttery wonderland all larpy and daniel got to play peter pan

we were just a couple of unmarried hobbits living in the shire all saphicly and larp

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146081  No.17642276

File: 21c280b63fa5b7a⋯.jpg (38.6 KB, 569x704, 569:704, hy6opl041sk94.jpg)

Billionaires See $1.4 Trillion Loss In Q1

In the first six months of 2022, the world’s 500 richest billionaires lost an estimated $1.4 trillion, led by Elon Musk, who lost $62 billion, and Jeff Bezos, who lost $63 billion.

Much of the losses are coming as a mixture of inflation, Fed action, and fear surrounding it all, combine to slow the economy and weigh down equities. Amazon stock has dropped the most since 2001, when the Dot-Com bubble gave way. Tesla has had its worst quarter ever in Q2, as supply chain snarls and Covid-lockdowns in Shanghai combined to almost shut down some Gigafactories.

Although the losses are narrowing the gap of wealth inequality, they are not narrowing it much. Even after losing $63 billion dollars, Elon Musk is still sitting on a $208.5 billion fortune. Jeff Bezos’ wealth still sits at $129.6 billion. Looking overseas to France, the richest man there, Bernard Arnault ranks third in the world at $128.7 billion, followed by Bill Gates with $114.8 billion.

While one would think such losses would chasten these individuals, Thorne Perkin, president of Papamarkou Wellner Asset Management points out, the mindsets tend to be different at that level. In reality, these individuals are likely looking for low priced assets which they think will appreciate, to sink their wealth into now, as things are bottoming out.

Perkin noted, “Often their mindset is a bit more contrarian. A lot of our clients look for opportunities when there’s trouble in the streets.”

This has proven true, as Russia’s wealthiest man, Vladimir Potanin, used some of his $32.5 billion fortune to buy out Societe Generale SA’s position in Rosbank PJSC, as Western entitles began frantically divesting themselves of positions in Russian business entitles. And Sam Bankman-Fried, CEO of FTX, has bought a 7.6% stake in Robinhood Markets Inc. as that stock was down 77% in May. He is reportedly is about to acquire BlockFi for “pennies on the dollar,” as well.

Of course the big buyout everyone has been talking about was Musk’s $44 billion buyout of Twitter. It is still pending what the mogul referred to as, “A few unresolved matters,” however according to reports, all parties are working together in good faith to bring the deal to completion.

At the end of the day, it is a safe bet whatever the billionaires are doing, they will keep doing it, and keep getting richer.


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37768f  No.17642294

File: 040a1dad9e6893a⋯.jpg (30.38 KB, 1156x733, 1156:733, cv3fbn.jpg)


>Floyd's were fresh. If roe riots were gonna habben, it'd have done habbened

Exactly. Tripcode Q was 100% wrong, while 0 Delta Q was correct. Weird how that happened.

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b6db17  No.17642309

File: bba64c449fe0010⋯.jpg (22.42 KB, 1078x515, 1078:515, bb8wy5247r.jpg)

Are we safe?

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a4b56d  No.17642310

File: edc3e62dda6e91d⋯.jpg (35.02 KB, 1012x1105, 1012:1105, sgqsvtl6.jpg)


Haha! Very Nice, Anon!

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4c569e  No.17642317

File: 0cdf54ccb1e2f6e⋯.jpg (29.47 KB, 1079x715, 83:55, ia9ai5m8dv3wsc.jpg)



Text andl links at link.

subud dig

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70b9f8  No.17642325

File: 0ed351a8fc70d25⋯.jpg (25.84 KB, 1106x593, 1106:593, awrqu0c.jpg)


Salute from Mexico!

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e5343a  No.17642332

File: e7133f21286126e⋯.jpg (31.05 KB, 550x500, 11:10, ptjoatm3kca6n.jpg)




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4b96cc  No.17642333

File: c0628f1fd3a6671⋯.jpg (34.26 KB, 1270x719, 1270:719, lkc07xy.jpg)

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4a53aa  No.17642359

File: 947ad21ff47cb54⋯.jpg (36.54 KB, 550x644, 275:322, stnntv89i1n.jpg)


Thanks for fucking me, I feel raped now but by whom have I been fucked this time?

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e5343a  No.17642378

File: 965ca6a1b84f0bb⋯.jpg (32.34 KB, 1151x901, 1151:901, ac5crby3du9tr0.jpg)


Tattoos gave fugitive Nicholas Alahverdian away

An American fugitive who faked his death and disguised himself with a blond moustache and a well-spoken English accent had his cover blown by his tattoos, a court was told.

Nicholas Alahverdian, 34, who also goes by the names of Arthur Knight and Nicholas Rossi, appeared in court yesterday to deny being the man the FBI and Interpol are after.

He was arrested last month at Glasgow’s Queen Elizabeth University Hospital (QEUH) after he contracted Covid-19 and is facing extradition to the US, where he is wanted in connection with sexual assault and fraud charges.

Police and hospital staff identified Alahverdian as being Rossi from tattoos on his body that matched pictures the police had.

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a00c5a  No.17642386

File: 0e05e582ded98a3⋯.jpg (30.23 KB, 1166x743, 1166:743, ujvkogd0fk.jpg)


An Open Secret



Ezra Miller Hiding Out at Gun-Filled Vermont Farm, Housing 3 Small Children & Their Mom, 25

Miller is currently evading 2 protective orders related to minors

Miller stars in 'The Flash', has been filmed, won’t be released until June 2023


Ezra Miller housing 3 kids, their mom at gun-filled Vermont farm:…

Rolling Stone spoke with the children's father, who is worried for their safety and claimed there are unattended firearms lying around Miller's 96-acre property.

11:14 PM · Jun 23, 2022·Twitter Web App

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bb57e2  No.17642412

File: 36327b491e3e790⋯.jpg (27.84 KB, 1115x646, 1115:646, invzdp0oba.jpg)


it costs a little more up front, but then in the later years you find you never needed ol woke scisos like Niel Young around anyhow.

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770bf7  No.17642437

File: ff47e5ae00a75b7⋯.jpg (42.87 KB, 645x680, 129:136, lqnvfm.jpg)


I'm not interested in your assaults and genocide against women movies. GFYS

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6298f8  No.17642444

File: 7431d938fe3f7a3⋯.jpg (30.34 KB, 496x549, 496:549, ss6y9gmh.jpg)

Jesus the creator of humans was on earth to tell humans that those that (((inbreed))) have to be killed because they no longer have Jesus God as their creator because (((inbreeds))) from (((inbreeding))) have instead an (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) as the 'creator' of the (((dog shit))) that is (((inbred))) jews and the reason why Jesus ordered drowning for child rapists is because (((inbreeding))) = child rape and (((inbred))) jews will only continue to rape and eat children as seen with (((maxwells and epsteins))) because (((inbreeding))) = ((('too inbred to care'))) (((inbreds))) unless child rapists are drowned first as ordered by Jesus.

it is impossible to 'outbreed' ((('too inbred to care'))) as all (((inbreds))) have only the (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) where humans instead naturally only have Jesus God as their creator trying to save humans from the endless hell of ((('too inbred to care'))) where all (((inbreds))) reside.

drown all ((dogs))) as (((dogs))) are of the same (((incestuous child rape inbreeding demon))) as jews are from (((inbreeding))) and (((dogs))) are trying to 'have' the (((dog))) 'owners' 'mentally inbred' enough to pick up (((dog shit))) until the (((dog))) is dead while infants get their genitals mutilated

Never have a (((dog))) around children as all (((inbreds))) are pedophiles and can only try to make others ((('too inbred to care'))) pedophiles unless drowned first.

Never have children in the city as cities is strictly for adults!

sex is only for adult man and woman in a marriage to start a family!

protect your children from (((degeneracy))) or your children will eventually kill themselves.

those that have 'sex as a child' are raped and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally that doesn't understand to commit suicide instead of 'normalizing' child rape.

those that have had 'sex with a child' are child rapists and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent 'normalization' of child rape.

those that are (((inbred))) never had Jesus as their soul because (((inbreds))) are a product of child rape and can only ever know being a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent further (((epsteins and maxwells))) eating and raping children.

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

The 10 states with the highest rates of genital mutilation of infants compared to countries with same rate

West Virginia (87.00%) Equatorial Guinea (87.00%) Oman (87.70%)

Michigan (86.00%) Mali (86.00%) Kuwait (86.40%)

Kentucky (85.00%)

Nebraska (84.00%)

Ohio (84.00%) Guinea (84.20%)

Indiana (83.00%)

Iowa (82.00%)

Wisconsin (82.00%)

South Carolina (81.00%) Bahrain (81.20%)

Pennsylvania (79.00%) French Polynesia(78.00%)

https://worldpopulationreview .com/state-rankings/circumcision-rates-by-state

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

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70b9f8  No.17642465

File: c11f95f24eb60fe⋯.jpg (25.75 KB, 1168x596, 292:149, 7q2ykhv.jpg)


this anon gets it

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325cfb  No.17642471

File: 72dc69605991769⋯.jpg (34.06 KB, 1134x769, 1134:769, fkugsfmo3cr.jpg)

Modern Sufferage Movement lead by Lady G.

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abff78  No.17642482

File: 7d2669325fa06d6⋯.jpg (32.33 KB, 1068x798, 178:133, grq64twx.jpg)



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e0c00f  No.17642485

File: cedca4ea980fb33⋯.jpg (35.92 KB, 512x686, 256:343, bxcxcxf3iqcd5w.jpg)



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7c7820  No.17642513

File: ff60884506c2548⋯.jpg (40.58 KB, 675x622, 675:622, 8azzirud52n.jpg)

And I said I don't drink a few days ago. Might as well.

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b7c11d  No.17642526

File: aea1fed924374c4⋯.jpg (22.78 KB, 961x523, 961:523, eaql57.jpg)


one of the anons!

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770bf7  No.17642528

File: de2993c0e350358⋯.jpg (26.93 KB, 1183x598, 91:46, 5h6g6c.jpg)


q broke you нuн

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cc00c0  No.17642534

File: 08dfd6bf0060011⋯.jpg (27.04 KB, 1105x609, 1105:609, jhs7z0bxyr.jpg)


ebakers choice. Had about ten minutes between breds.

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e5343a  No.17642566

File: aba460318a959d1⋯.jpg (29.39 KB, 983x928, 983:928, jgblqr2rqlyp.jpg)

Some of you have seen this, for those who haven't God sent an angel to tell you something.

Lara Logan is one of us. Just probably with less aspie. Still could be an aspie and also smoking hot even over 50.

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4f98b1  No.17642575

File: 153092f1279c76c⋯.jpg (23.04 KB, 1127x513, 1127:513, yot22rpn1xit8.jpg)


BO here.

Cannot bring up the catalog in TOR, cannot post in Clearnet or thru the mod server.

If you want a bread to post in, some anon will need to bake.


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cc00c0  No.17642582

File: 082fac1a49accce⋯.jpg (34.54 KB, 1239x705, 413:235, 48dowjfzxv6vv.jpg)

The Storm is upon us.

Look to Twitter:

Exactly this: "My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us……."

God bless.

Crimes against children unite all humanity [cross party lines]?

Difficult truths



We stand.

We fight.




Trust yourself.

Public awakening.



Stay Vigilant.

Stay Together.

Stay Strong.




This is a battle between GOOD & Evil


This is not about personal religious beliefs.

[THEY] hide behind other peoples religion beliefs.

[THEY] crept in unawares into our lives to control & destroy (YOU).






These people are SICK.








Read JUDE in the Bible.






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d1130a  No.17642593

File: 996c650c32d763f⋯.jpg (24.76 KB, 1158x532, 579:266, gskelm82osb40.jpg)


https://archive.is/oEmbt – “The Gun Lobby’s Jewish Enemies List”

The National Rifle Association compiled a list of its enemies and it reads like a Jewish who’s who list. The list, prepared by the NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action includes 506 individuals, organizations, media outlets and corporations that “have lent monetary, grassroots or some other type of direct support to anti-gun organizations.”

The groups listed by the NRA as enemies of the gun-rights cause could easily populate a Conference of Presidents meeting room. They include major Jewish national organizations, including the Anti Defamation League, American Jewish Committee, B’nai B’rith, and the Jewish Labor Committee; two major Jewish women organizations: Hadassah and National Council of Jewish Women; and the Central Conference of American Rabbis, which is the Reform movement’s rabbinical arm.

Reform Jews, the list suggests, are among the NRA’s worst adversaries. The list includes not only their national rabbinical group but also names specifically the Union for Reform Judaism’s former president Eric Yoffie and David Saperstein, director of the group’s Religious Action Center, as individuals fighting for gun control laws.



"Jewish politicians lead chorus calling for tighter gun laws"

16 December 2012


"Anti-Semitic fliers blame US Jewish lawmakers for gun control"

22 March 2018



"The NRA will fall. It's inevitable"

"Just look at the demographics."

The 1965 Immigration Act (the result of 20 years of Jewish activism, lobbying and proactive political agitation), which destroyed US demographics:


Anti-White gun grab:



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d22628  No.17642598

File: b269aaa8b497fd1⋯.jpg (29.62 KB, 1125x693, 125:77, q6qcgiw86sph74.jpg)


Someone's gotta prep the populous. Even if they think I'm full of shit, which they all do, it's still planting a seed that will eventually grow in to the truth. Don't worry, I'll be there for them when the time comes.

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d1f496  No.17642599

File: c49f9fa40d7ae0d⋯.jpg (31.47 KB, 1102x714, 551:357, egmkxpvvpph20.jpg)


LOL you mad bruh? yeah you mad, I triggered this shill so hard. Owned.

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9f0a32  No.17642617

File: 4644ec1ebd92b2e⋯.jpg (30.68 KB, 491x548, 491:548, fgpwyizi0zic59.jpg)




original sauce is

>Vanderbilt Law Review

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e8a84e  No.17642628

File: dfd41dcdc151073⋯.jpg (44.78 KB, 697x695, 697:695, q0t1zd.jpg)



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9f71c3  No.17642631

File: a6b0058bb6d0268⋯.jpg (31.42 KB, 1060x902, 530:451, 8zuq6y5peljn59.jpg)

I think you w''ll like this song……..

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7c7820  No.17642663

File: 51b6afd5426baee⋯.jpg (33.41 KB, 1086x787, 1086:787, p8rrknbhfax0bs.jpg)


You never will. Let's be honest, fucker.

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325cfb  No.17642664

File: 71e0a578900fd5e⋯.jpg (42.03 KB, 624x689, 48:53, 3wnep86ljwna7b.jpg)


Wait you mean you're questioning the sincerity of 24/7 copypasta spamming of the same division logic over and over and over?

Shills need to up their game, but we know they can't.

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278156  No.17642667

File: cf4ace530ab6559⋯.jpg (23.67 KB, 1073x557, 1073:557, gqfihyl2.jpg)


All one has to do is look at what and how you're posting.

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4f98b1  No.17642675

File: 8b80180d1c5a226⋯.jpg (30.85 KB, 1070x680, 107:68, kzbv6qf.jpg)

Should I go to the backyard and wait for you

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13e9c5  No.17642680

File: 347ea823504e530⋯.jpg (36.67 KB, 605x599, 605:599, ixu0j61ss2pa0.jpg)

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ff76aa  No.17642687

File: 31efbfbcd612fd4⋯.jpg (32.42 KB, 1139x709, 1139:709, llm2kcls3ujp.jpg)

Look to Twitter:

Exactly this: "My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us……."

God bless.






















RED RED 9/11


[D] Day



7th floor is no more




7/10 plane crashes are targeted kills




<:stay at home



safe comms_SAT-re_Bz985300`00











General K. Ready, Aim, FIRE!💥

You will never be alone, Godspeed Patriots.


John F. Kennedy Jr.

I am calling the ball, green light and good, on glideslope

sportsball, larry bird is a faggot in…


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bb57e2  No.17642689

File: 0379134ff9ef920⋯.jpg (33.13 KB, 1139x973, 1139:973, xeslxe6r34gz.jpg)


Hamilton is encouraging the Formula One board to focus on “widening the diversity and inclusivity” by funding more projects with Mercedes to “promote more female and black participation into auto racing.”

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d1130a  No.17642693

File: 170d4a0b6c933e6⋯.jpg (28.65 KB, 1094x942, 547:471, f07zqtyjmdc.jpg)


Telegram Post at https://t.me/McafeeAfterlife

Q - 7


Robert “Bobby” E. Crimo III





Why Did the CIA

Start Scrubbing 3 days Ago?

These People Are Stupid.

Don’t They Realize

We See and Hear All?

Who Controls the Narrative?

Who Controls the Fake News Media…


No Such Agency.

What Happens When the

World Finds Out That

Clowns In America

Are the #1 Domestic Terrorist Org


Define Panic:


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ea4e1c  No.17642700

File: f88739cccad1db7⋯.jpg (21.98 KB, 1043x552, 1043:552, nswsp3pnzkhao.jpg)

Scientist who predicted Boxing Day tsunami says another disaster is coming | 60 Minutes Australia


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e5343a  No.17642720

File: 7d11790990b2b25⋯.jpg (33.74 KB, 1047x1016, 1047:1016, v37vg4.jpg)

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dfc598  No.17642727

File: f5ed7f682994648⋯.jpg (31.74 KB, 1048x950, 524:475, v3f80hrdp1g1x.jpg)


Drag Queens and the Incoherence of Moral Relativism

American Thinker, by David Weinberger

Posted By: Imright, 6/24/2022 7:53:57 AM

It is a sign of our times that movements have emerged to teach pedophilia in schools and to subject children to drag queen performances. Perversions like this are borne of an insidious attitude known as moral relativism. As the term suggests, moral relativism is the belief that morality is subjective rather than objective. That is, what is right and wrong varies from person to person instead of emerging from a fixed universal standard, meaning that there are no ultimate moral truths. Before examining why such a view is incoherent, it is worth considering why ordinary people have been seduced into believing it.

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e8a84e  No.17642728

File: d5c85eb0f482099⋯.jpg (28.33 KB, 1101x733, 1101:733, oubfrfyhos.jpg)



>Freudian slip at 2:40

>IRISH CHOAD: "Yeah, Q had not posted since December of 2020, so, right after Trump won the election; remember, Q was promising–"

>ANDERSON POOPER: "LOST the election."

>CHOAD: "– sorry. LOST the election."

>POOPER: "SAID he'd won the election."

>CHOAD: "That is gonna drive the Qanon people crazy, so…"

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a00c5a  No.17642731

File: 5e2b8cd966d9ea3⋯.jpg (31.68 KB, 1203x659, 1203:659, j2dwdztbnjfn.jpg)


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cc00c0  No.17642735

File: c75ea9407f536cd⋯.jpg (42.29 KB, 629x697, 37:41, vcyt6c.jpg)


Did she get fired yet?

Or at least written up?

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e0c00f  No.17642737

File: d48a5410bf5b9cd⋯.jpg (32.78 KB, 1095x754, 1095:754, fy75674owoei7.jpg)




Holy shit you retards need to go read crumbs and find out what re-verify trip(c) means.

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ce0357  No.17642773

File: 710127564acd251⋯.jpg (31 KB, 1016x908, 254:227, yv5yzr29hu5vqe.jpg)

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4f98b1  No.17642780

File: e129d6321f29e61⋯.jpg (25.26 KB, 1178x573, 1178:573, zruj64ru.jpg)

If you don't support CodeMonkey you need to get your worthless ass outta here.

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323df1  No.17642785

File: c12a2cf16c8e6ea⋯.jpg (31.64 KB, 1021x954, 1021:954, qere52ddylmc.jpg)


They do during calibration.

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9f71c3  No.17642788

File: 2adba42291c8b8f⋯.jpg (25.22 KB, 1142x568, 571:284, d6ffzhyywwj8q.jpg)


He wants us to get pissed as well.

It isn't working, so he gets even more pissed, kek.

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7c7820  No.17642822

File: 138499063439ae7⋯.jpg (22.72 KB, 1078x516, 539:258, plea7l1jod8.jpg)

(pb) >>17641565

We just passed America's birthday 2022. People are tired of these chicken shit games. They can jam their misspellings and parenthesis where the sun don't shine.

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846f6d  No.17642833

File: cd4f964fc659c35⋯.jpg (35.29 KB, 1213x792, 1213:792, 5575nji1j0.jpg)


>Was it COVID?

Terminal Cancer.

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e0c00f  No.17642850

File: 292251d30826f98⋯.jpg (33.51 KB, 1053x1063, 1053:1063, m15q1ul6q.jpg)


SC= Secret Conspiration…

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36351d  No.17642868

File: 252920a8b746858⋯.jpg (35.87 KB, 1259x775, 1259:775, aeyps93x6ac7pc.jpg)


Must have been some golden pussy right there…

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4b96cc  No.17642874

File: fe4d0f2430c4f51⋯.jpg (37.31 KB, 1213x811, 1213:811, l6v9ssocho49s9.jpg)


Polio may be spreading in Britain for

first time in 40 YEARS: Strain of paralysis-causing

virus mutated from vaccine is 'likely'

being transmitted in London as health

chiefs declare 'national incident'

Daily Mail (UK), by Connor Boyd

Posted By: AltaD, 6/22/2022 10:33:08 AM

Polio may be spreading in the UK for the first time in nearly 40 years, health chiefs warned today as they declared a 'national incident'. Officials have found traces of a vaccine-derived version of the virus in sewage samples in parts of London and say it is 'likely' transmitting within the community. Parents are being urged to ensure their children are up to date with their polio vaccinations, particularly after the pandemic when school immunisation schemes were disrupted. All British children are supposed to have had the first of three polio jabs as a baby (Snip) The remaining, type 1, wild polio remains endemic in only two countries, Afghanistan and Pakistan.

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595905  No.17642878

File: 8fb212793d0c2bc⋯.jpg (41.3 KB, 603x651, 201:217, retesk5.jpg)

updated dough


kitchen ghost

bv please change this bread #, sorry

PS the dough is a mess

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98c9bc  No.17642920

File: 35f5d0ae1617646⋯.jpg (24.81 KB, 1017x602, 1017:602, jba2zop.jpg)





forgot about those

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541bdc  No.17642933

File: 4f7785c551fa59f⋯.jpg (34.72 KB, 553x568, 553:568, 73r0xxpcha.jpg)


It seems everything causes blood clots, seizures, strokes, and heart attacks EXCEPT for the vaxx. I'm not sure what will be more satisfying: rubbing leftists nose in all this in 5 years, or not having to because they vaxxicided themselves.

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595905  No.17642943

File: 80e254bd63c70a3⋯.jpg (37.33 KB, 1218x1128, 203:188, va740m0gtll7.jpg)



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4c569e  No.17642949

File: 9510e18030ea238⋯.jpg (31.31 KB, 496x588, 124:147, zo37h976x6z.jpg)


Noice,,,my son tells me I look like Aqualung/ I told him I did look like that 50 yrs ago. Trump Won in the shuffling madness. kek

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ff76aa  No.17642978

File: 29fce997c4a0174⋯.jpg (32.2 KB, 1175x967, 1175:967, 91jwnd6d3v00gk.jpg)


>Erm.. this is PSYWAR.

Sure is, I'm seeing this Rittenhouse guy under scrutiny too. Whoa, when I don't know what to believe, I don't know who to believe, so I don't believe anything until I can get things sorted.

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d22628  No.17642990

File: e2f76a150bc29ef⋯.jpg (38.47 KB, 528x720, 11:15, x8hj58tjm8uzgl.jpg)





2:45 PM EDT

Hearings to examine NATO enlargement, focusing on the proposed accession of Sweden and Finland

Senate Foreign Relations Committee



3:00 PM EDT

Orientation to the Prints & Photographs Division

Library of Congress


3:00 PM EDT

Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre

The White House



3:00 PM EDT

Expanding Access to Tech through Registered Apprenticeships

Urban Institute and Department of Labor


3:00 PM EDT

The First Lady Delivers Remarks on the PBS Documentary, Hiding in Plain Sight: Youth Mental Illness

First Lady Jill Biden delivers remarks on the PBS documentary, Hiding in Plain Sight: Youth Mental Illness. The documentary follows the mental health journeys of more than 20 young Americans, and features accounts from their parents, teachers, friends, health care providers, and mental health experts.


4:00 PM EDT

Ability To Quit Does Not Prevent Employer Exploitation

Economic Policy Institute



4:15 PM EDT

Hearings to examine proposed budget estimates and justification for Fiscal Year 2023 for the Library of Congress and the Government Accountability Office

Senate Appropriations Committee



5:00 PM EDT

Markup: Fiscal Year 2023 Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Subcommittee Bill

Senate Appropriations Committee




5:00 PM EDT

Mobilising Private Capital for a Just Transition

Association of European Development Finance Institutions (EDFI)


6:45 PM EDT

Twilight Tattoo hosted by LTG Jody Daniels

US Army Military District of Washington


7:00 PM EDT

Fiscal Year 2023 Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies Appropriations Bill

House Appropriations Committee




7:00 PM EDT

Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own Words Featuring Authors Michael Pack and Mark Paoletta

The Heritage Foundation


June 23, 2022 - June 24, 2022

A Sky Event: Mercury, Venus, the Moon, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn will line up in order of their distance from the Sun in the pre-dawn sky from June 23 to 25.


. . .


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9809f9  No.17642993

File: 5b5d2fb6cf36b3d⋯.jpg (29.88 KB, 1061x670, 1061:670, tg8wjgjt.jpg)


Stay away from Finger Lakes

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541bdc  No.17642995

File: 054ebf27d30ec57⋯.jpg (25.1 KB, 1140x575, 228:115, qjw9mpjawt.jpg)

ketchup on the wall

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e6531a  No.17643003

File: fa2acea6981fd80⋯.jpg (30.25 KB, 1106x684, 553:342, he4p3cmko2.jpg)


just read my posts in this bread and watch the video, anon.. you'll get it

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2bd1e7  No.17643005

File: c490c1850b756f7⋯.jpg (37 KB, 709x531, 709:531, agv9uyy.jpg)


Anon, that screenshot is from 2019. Frens Chan was created a few months ago. What is your point?

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01186d  No.17643007

File: 19d6be392deda07⋯.jpg (30.19 KB, 998x982, 499:491, 0tfav1fbvu.jpg)


prove it

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b6db17  No.17643009

File: 9f6e0f8f62dc1b8⋯.jpg (30.92 KB, 1106x721, 158:103, pll2g5zgbe6ey.jpg)


thinking the libs are mostly atheist; if not totally atheist.

That;s maybe why they hate Trumpers?

Trumper's have touch with spirit.

To them that is crazy and they are set on driving it out.


Ironically the elite do believe in the spirit world, They invovke it with spells / rituals.

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bb57e2  No.17643035

File: fd3ac33f607e531⋯.jpg (32.48 KB, 1197x909, 133:101, gmnay1j38rc53y.jpg)


bitch, that dumbass teenager is ugly as as some retard shit!

WTF do you want from him?

Why not show your tits, girl (or tranny)?

He seems to be around and might just be inclined to invite you once he saw them…

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420612  No.17643043

File: acba26870dcf5f3⋯.jpg (39.88 KB, 645x614, 645:614, 39kd586dkn.jpg)


goy toy

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a702e1  No.17643086

File: 083f6bf2e3e0ce7⋯.jpg (31.75 KB, 1273x652, 1273:652, imsvyut78p6.jpg)


Read the article - CAPTURED BRITONS Shaun Pinner and Aiden Aslin and Moroccan national Saadoun Brahim

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fdc116  No.17643096

File: 9322aad4399abfb⋯.jpg (31.47 KB, 566x520, 283:260, 6vfo64.jpg)


>that took a steady 17 seconds to repeat

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e0c00f  No.17643102

File: 34c55c515b9887d⋯.jpg (31.66 KB, 604x483, 604:483, 39vh5ht2nr.jpg)


must suck not having 1000 (You)s in notables

let me lern you how to Q

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ea4e1c  No.17643104

File: 334a63877357d46⋯.jpg (37.35 KB, 673x555, 673:555, ib3lypmjvxp.jpg)




refresh and you'll see the lines lined up

the bin above gives you all you need to know to post Q's

had to dig to find it

been a min


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ff76aa  No.17643109

File: 9e85f7e995c74f3⋯.jpg (35.42 KB, 1049x1121, 1049:1121, vti2tox.jpg)


I fully expect a let down on this… a compromise of some sort. If i'm wrong and it is overturned we'll get to see some unpunished riots tho.

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0d2402  No.17643112

File: 06add0978edad17⋯.jpg (37.91 KB, 588x682, 294:341, 6l3vp57px2qcgy.jpg)

Reporter: You mentioned federal partners…does that mean FBI, DOJ, or any specific agency?

Coeur d'Alene Police: We were in contact with the FBI.

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4f98b1  No.17643163

File: 22559c5c583ddc0⋯.jpg (30.78 KB, 1008x943, 1008:943, 6m7li243v.jpg)


>Almost 18 months later, the most corrupt DOJ in US history still rounding up Biden regime dissidents

I was thinking about going to that January 6 event.

When will the Biden and the DOJ make that a thought crime?

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0d2402  No.17643179

File: b6efbea1f8a30c2⋯.jpg (29.59 KB, 1071x688, 1071:688, 6eje63.jpg)

Javelin not work.

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d1130a  No.17643183

File: 15f51e5b0a6a223⋯.jpg (26.8 KB, 1148x574, 2:1, we2g0bc.jpg)


one thinks he committed treason

for belief in the plan

it would explain much

he is far from stupid

he knew both his authority

as the executive

and his responsibility

to same

to abdicate his Constitutional

responsibility thus is

atypical behavior

to say the least

occam says plan

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a5fdb5  No.17643202

File: 7d9ef9fda106ec3⋯.jpg (29.52 KB, 489x527, 489:527, bf04yd9aeb.jpg)


Crossed eye sezs hillary is too big to go down….end of speculation

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a702e1  No.17643218

File: cbebdad29fcb7c4⋯.jpg (32.14 KB, 1121x790, 1121:790, o39i54qb.jpg)


There's only one explanation:

Bobby III is OSS

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e505d8  No.17643220

File: e2f312bdc057ec8⋯.jpg (28.2 KB, 1147x663, 1147:663, ljrad8.jpg)

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bb57e2  No.17643227

File: dae3c89f270fcdc⋯.jpg (42.08 KB, 635x687, 635:687, ino00ugct0.jpg)


or exposure to shingles or someone who was just vaxed for shingles

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0d2402  No.17643244

File: 0042e8358905052⋯.jpg (33.33 KB, 1133x737, 103:67, 6vjbw6.jpg)

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a5fdb5  No.17643265

File: 693dca31d8a41c6⋯.jpg (38.77 KB, 602x638, 301:319, y35zghtitsj88.jpg)





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e5343a  No.17643278

File: 06fa1a7db28f8ec⋯.jpg (32.22 KB, 568x497, 8:7, cynge3r5f64.jpg)



time traveler

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ce51b4  No.17643300

File: 3393e1076c3a0c6⋯.jpg (31.95 KB, 1154x747, 1154:747, ueaqr11.jpg)


This is a redtext shill

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781ea2  No.17643314

File: 7080c050b60fd93⋯.jpg (34.41 KB, 501x662, 501:662, 3nsmkf4.jpg)




trying to find differences but any one got some conjecture to get the ol almonds tingling?

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9f71c3  No.17643354

File: f822c68caa8dbf4⋯.jpg (31.95 KB, 1209x667, 1209:667, 1wztxvgsgffglt.jpg)

Those were clearly fake Q posts. Everyone knows it.

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dbdc37  No.17643394

File: 5374dbec1ae2e10⋯.jpg (27.11 KB, 1143x595, 1143:595, ttvubcsmp9f.jpg)


what a crappy neighbor

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96895b  No.17643404

File: 224476d1e3c8f8a⋯.jpg (33.57 KB, 1078x981, 1078:981, 0wvyyq5grm.jpg)


Well, that clears everything up. Thanks Mike Rothfaggot!

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ce51b4  No.17643436

File: 4558f12dc200666⋯.jpg (30.94 KB, 1207x633, 1207:633, 7agjqqckk.jpg)


Combined with the OCD meds we've got an Ultra Maga active shooter situation brewing.

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dfc598  No.17643441

File: 5827d02acfeb767⋯.jpg (22.88 KB, 1055x531, 1055:531, nomvpcdp7.jpg)







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d22628  No.17643462

File: b1d099f9a433b95⋯.jpg (44.08 KB, 694x658, 347:329, 3tie4o2.jpg)


Rudy Giuliani also said he was warned beforehand that tower 7 was gonna fall.

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e505d8  No.17643498

File: de4af541610141e⋯.jpg (31.75 KB, 1201x727, 1201:727, aete3pby5cum.jpg)


Maria Schriver likes the award ceremonies.

Picrel bottom left

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cc00c0  No.17643516

File: c22860127f7a049⋯.jpg (36.19 KB, 1108x1069, 1108:1069, qf67tnt1y.jpg)


>even those that pierced Him.

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12bc5a  No.17643537

File: a769731f6395c28⋯.jpg (45.12 KB, 649x726, 59:66, n6d44b.jpg)

The Storm is upon us.

Look to Twitter:

Exactly this: "My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us……."

God bless.

Crimes against children unite all humanity [cross party lines]?

Difficult truths



We stand.

We fight.




Trust yourself.

Public awakening.



Stay Vigilant.

Stay Together.

Stay Strong.




This is a battle between GOOD & Evil


This is not about personal religious beliefs.

[THEY] hide behind other peoples religion beliefs.

[THEY] crept in unawares into our lives to control & destroy (YOU).






These people are SICK.








Read JUDE in the Bible.








President Trump caught them ALL !!!!

Vice President John F. Kennedy Jr. has ALL the evidence WW!!!!






Where We Go One We Go ALL


Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming











Fire up those Meme!

Please stand bye.

Ready to play?

MOAB incoming.






Marker [9]

JA takes the stage.

WE have the source.

Conspiracy no more.

Time to FEED.

The HUNTERS become the HUNTED.


We love PHONE!

You do not have a choice.






The World is WATCHING.

The World is CONNECTED.

We hear All.

We see All.




Godfather III.

Snow White.

Iron Eagle.

Jason Bourne (CIA/DREAM).










oh mama


Have Faith






So TWO RAVENS died today. Weird

There is no STEP FIVE

Beautiful day for a coincidence.

Lots of "lightning" comms lately.











#829-2018-03-04 04:08:25(UTC+1)


Bring the thunder.

KILL_BOX [1A-23x]




General K. Ready, Aim, FIRE!💥

You will never be alone, Godspeed Patriots.


John F. Kennedy Jr.

I am calling the ball, green light and good, on glideslope sportsball. larry bird is a faggot in…3_2_1_READY_set…….'go'



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dbdc37  No.17643550

File: 03ba2bd65f519a6⋯.jpg (35.03 KB, 1135x803, 1135:803, 5yxt3u.jpg)


You do You. I'll do me.

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deb318  No.17643561

File: da09c3ca7064d14⋯.jpg (32.14 KB, 1068x959, 1068:959, wieytne1lyu7pr.jpg)

So I was looking thru the notables from last bread and saw the Rumble video of "John here to help"(John McGreevey) talking about the info he has on Pence and his PEDO activities. I feel like the screen shot that I took on 1/2 Chan back in 2017 after the Vegas shooting could very well be him! I think he posted under John here to help after that as well! Thoughts?

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c8546f  No.17643576

File: e9ee32aaffcd3ee⋯.jpg (35.71 KB, 1155x1071, 55:51, gm0bpbcdfmqi.jpg)


kek kekkity kek

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323df1  No.17643579

File: 609379ce1bf3475⋯.jpg (33.67 KB, 1133x968, 103:88, olxo7e.jpg)

Well well well.


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0d2402  No.17643592

File: c5fbdb033352daa⋯.jpg (26 KB, 1031x703, 1031:703, rrgbfio4x4vqs.jpg)

shills are touting buzzwords.




they cant even see over the dashboard.

filter as needed

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099c00  No.17643610

File: b8a327323a045d6⋯.jpg (31.86 KB, 1065x904, 1065:904, j911rk487kthz.jpg)



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439bb3  No.17643634

File: f5b07f2240efdc9⋯.jpg (33.22 KB, 1129x996, 1129:996, sc7jz5wfb965g.jpg)


dude, make some more gifs, this one is old shit

ps: you AI needs an upgrade, it's gay

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01186d  No.17643646

File: e1d3c59b3c4b526⋯.jpg (33.11 KB, 1015x1053, 1015:1053, xdnk3yxk7uge.jpg)


Kek we're not even close yet. The mass layoffs and real food shortages haven't even started. Lazy, fat, stupid Americans are still too comfortable to roll themselves off the couch and fight for their futures. Maybe $15 unleaded will do it, but I doubt it.

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1cd0fd  No.17643668

File: d220b6024c0ee88⋯.jpg (36.45 KB, 610x543, 610:543, 7c93gh.jpg)


Where is the source video, not a cell capture zoomed in. I don't want second hand sauce.

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e6531a  No.17643701

File: 1134a0ee98aaf39⋯.jpg (37.22 KB, 1211x1124, 1211:1124, y433q5ae1agkxq.jpg)


It's over. The 'grooming' is a disgrace.

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4b96cc  No.17643734

File: 74d88fcea2d2353⋯.jpg (33.34 KB, 546x531, 182:177, wyg7da8fm698i.jpg)


leading to lung infection bc the air being pressed into lung in many cases.

yeah, masons do what masons are told, no matter the consequences, that is why I am here posting and you don´t follow but attack/ridicule me.

go fuck yourselves. end of this months decision is made. and I truly cannot wait for it, even being 99,9999% certain this decision will reject the fuck out of you.

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a5fdb5  No.17643756

File: 5a1b5d84f2c098d⋯.jpg (32.36 KB, 1110x942, 185:157, an34nvt36dd.jpg)

Pink stinks and she knows it


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083bf1  No.17643762

File: dc0b38a2729c33e⋯.jpg (22.01 KB, 986x541, 986:541, 412w3omfwgo6f.jpg)


Look out your window. What do you see?

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262e33  No.17643779

File: 11f00d17e70dd68⋯.jpg (35.27 KB, 1194x779, 1194:779, phx8mu1jwz.jpg)


Flapjack went AWOL and OSS turned into his own little Gestapo.

Fortunately their hubris resulted in them forgetting the BO needs to log in every 14 days or so. Flapjack didn't check in, Flint claimed the board and in accordance with policy, Jim W turned the board over.

So OSS cries because' his' board was 'stolen'… but it was he and his buddy's incompetence that caused the change in the first place.

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0049bc  No.17643796

File: 2bdd13a4c87408d⋯.jpg (34.63 KB, 630x517, 630:517, 2031cn.jpg)



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323df1  No.17643804

File: 29539c4ac0094f2⋯.jpg (31.71 KB, 1064x969, 56:51, 8flsmzh.jpg)


God have Mercy on their souls because the Don Makavelli will not.

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e0c00f  No.17643807

File: 74cc920f565a6f8⋯.jpg (26.24 KB, 961x697, 961:697, wh04wochr.jpg)


private mode, always.

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1cd0fd  No.17643810

File: 2d5f443d2bdd1a3⋯.jpg (33.73 KB, 1160x794, 580:397, wae3g58m.jpg)


Thought I had that vid "Trumps Way" but can't find atm

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c8546f  No.17643817

File: 6af07e3aad93696⋯.jpg (34.99 KB, 523x661, 523:661, u7us9kxg97v4.jpg)

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8f3cec  No.17643822

File: 8fff568960ed11d⋯.jpg (33.52 KB, 1049x1015, 1049:1015, ywc4kwqloowat.jpg)

‘Five people presumed dead after military aircraft carrying nuclear material' crashes in California


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374cc9  No.17643825

File: 3d670abe2a269e6⋯.jpg (34.14 KB, 1083x1034, 1083:1034, nylao6mutml.jpg)


pig, pls make a happy birthday meme for Donald

apologize if you already have and i missed it


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dfc598  No.17643832

File: 43dd9f247267977⋯.jpg (35.16 KB, 1197x967, 1197:967, pa24x6z.jpg)


I'm a shill for asking you questions? Project much? kek

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d93fd2  No.17643842

File: b8de1cd8e3f5431⋯.jpg (42.19 KB, 629x675, 629:675, n8fsfrq.jpg)


yids don't belong in america

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3b2491  No.17643855

File: b3c60046a980afd⋯.jpg (30.39 KB, 1042x1009, 1042:1009, qqqzf40iy.jpg)

Triple Vaxxed Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Infected with Covid… AGAIN

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Monday tested positive for Covid-19 again.

Trudeau visited the United States last week and just met with Joe Biden, Gavin Newsom and others.

Mr. Trudeau attended the Summit for the Americas in Los Angeles and took a “family photo” with Joe Biden and other political leaders.

PM Trudeau said he’s feeling okay because he’s triple vaxxed and encouraged others to get vaccinated.

Makes sense.

“I’ve tested positive for COVID-19. I’ll be following public health guidelines and isolating. I feel okay, but that’s because I got my shots. So, if you haven’t, get vaccinated – and if you can, get boosted. Let’s protect our healthcare system, each other, and ourselves.” Trudeau said on Monday.


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0d02ef  No.17643873

File: 08f75e7a2c37285⋯.jpg (30.94 KB, 1047x748, 1047:748, w6s1j6z37h.jpg)


Projection again, offended shill.

Seeeeeethe, hahahahaha

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ce0357  No.17643885

File: b62227644b21911⋯.jpg (31.73 KB, 1093x691, 1093:691, mhsw5czfgup.jpg)


>Thanks for another great night Anons!

YW, baker.


TY, notetaker.

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0d2402  No.17643888

File: c0cef3ec52ccfff⋯.jpg (25.25 KB, 1061x568, 1061:568, y9tciu.jpg)


>Anyone available to give a quick synopsis and ideas if anon can help?




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681567  No.17643894

File: 485274d095252f8⋯.jpg (33.45 KB, 1101x782, 1101:782, 2zo4c1e5x.jpg)


When Rudy Giuliani took down the mob, other families just moved right in.

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8f3cec  No.17643902

File: 02569e7284c0bd5⋯.jpg (31.07 KB, 1177x653, 1177:653, ak98ui0.jpg)

Are you a High Net Worth Pedovore?

Have you sold, leased, mortgaged or hypothecated your soul?

Anon Legal Services Can:

* Stop Demons harassing you at work.

* Stop menacing anonymous phone calls and texts

* Stop your soul being sold at auction

* Stop Chupacabras feeding on your pets

Most cultists think "I sold my soul to the devil, that's it.."

That's not always the case. Even documents signed in blood and witnessed by 13 33'd degree masons may be found defective upon careful examination and deep textual analysis.

Anon Legal Service partners and associates specialize in unwritten laws, common succubae entrapment, ancestral curses, bloodline renunciation, unauthorized and authorized demonic possession and diabolic tenantry disputes.

ALS extensive database of 1'st and 2'nd century religious manuscripts, hermetic literature, Greek demotic magic papyri, bloodline family grimoires, Tibetan sorcery and Babylonian contract law is of inestimable value to spellbound or soul pledged pedovores.

When You're Prepared to Give All You Own to Save Your Soul

Anon Legal Services


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dfc598  No.17643908

File: 458173b13a5d478⋯.jpg (33.14 KB, 1213x926, 1213:926, fcwuopyy0.jpg)

Thanks Anon



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13e9c5  No.17643944

File: 48c21aa86d9e576⋯.jpg (31.8 KB, 1223x652, 1223:652, u2xsrspa3.jpg)



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ee128c  No.17643955

File: bb86debd15585ac⋯.jpg (26.4 KB, 1192x561, 1192:561, 00kgknfb.jpg)


many snowflakes in WSP, anon.

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681567  No.17643961

File: bf5c819577aa7c1⋯.jpg (39.3 KB, 603x641, 603:641, b3g6cx.jpg)



“If your opponent is of choleric temper, seek to irritate him. Pretend to be weak, that he may grow arrogant.”

Have you ever wondered who’s pulling the strings?


Born from the ashes of a world at war.

You’ll find us in the shadows.

At the tip of the spear.

A threat rises in the East.

Warfare is evolving.

And all the world’s a stage.

Anything we touch is a weapon.

We can deceive, persuade, change, influence, inspire.

We come in many forms.

We are everywhere.

A feeling in the dark.

A message in the stars.

Ghosts in the machine.

What, are we?


Verbum Vincet

“The logos will conquer”

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e505d8  No.17643972

File: 813bed0ea0ce99f⋯.jpg (41.1 KB, 595x679, 85:97, ia26zd.jpg)


decent, good people vs a global army of fucking karens what a world

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439bb3  No.17644016

File: e6b58bbf7f61a0d⋯.jpg (26.23 KB, 1193x562, 1193:562, bkvjrvtouh.jpg)

Duffy & Sprecher (Loeffler's husband) both basically work for Ken Griffith as it is.

686 Ebullient Prism @686Prism


hadn't noticed the hot air between the bosses of the top two derivatives exchange groups [towards the last 10-15 mins]




Replying to @686Prism

Wow seemed to me it’s just CME’s Terry Duffy that’s visually and verbally pissed at both of his peers.

Did you catch his swipe at Sprecher’s wife’s trading??


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5e2569  No.17644033

File: c2143997d2e701b⋯.jpg (25.52 KB, 1158x533, 1158:533, eyvg04.jpg)


What kind of God, will not put fbi do things, in he's name?!?!?!?!?!

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c8546f  No.17644043

File: ef046ff279de2fc⋯.jpg (39.05 KB, 540x714, 90:119, dtvxrtdub.jpg)


The dirty secret is a secret no more. You can lie to CONgress and they can't do anything about it.

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ce0357  No.17644050

File: 734683e7fc8d1e7⋯.jpg (29.08 KB, 1263x575, 1263:575, f420cs1jppbsa.jpg)


You say ty to my family, you should've be dead by now.

Magnetic shift, Look at Schumer resonance.

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541bdc  No.17644056

File: d02750c09069a52⋯.jpg (37.02 KB, 1280x793, 1280:793, sy8ia2cu.jpg)

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2d17fb  No.17644072

File: 36be27e11e6759e⋯.jpg (30 KB, 1209x682, 39:22, dntqel.jpg)



Children's Defense Fund is the largest active, satanist pedovore organization with nationwide grooming/recruiting operations ongoing (6/12/2019) under multiple program names such as; "Freedom Schools," "Beat the Odds" "Faith based programs" and many others.


Search the Q research archive for the vast load of data on Children's Defense Fund and their Pedowood/Clinton Foundation connections.


High functioning psychopathic pedovores, the "biggest names in Hollywood" among them, formed the sham charity back in the 1970s to provide continuous access to children and vulnerable youth under charitable cover or pretext.

The pedovore's phony Children's Defense Fund solicits tax free charitable donations but their activities are largely funded by Federal and State tx dollars. Fund raising and political lobbying are carried out by an ever-changing cavalcade of Pedowood satanists, the biggest and brightest stars, the most powerful studio bosses.

The satanic predators running our new and entertainment industry use sham charities, foundations and museums to support a whole range of criminal activities. Children's Defense Fund is used for money laundering, drug trafficking in addition to providing a secure supply of child victims for ritual sexual activities and human sacrifice.


One of the biggest charities enjoying broad support in the Entertainment Industry is "Children's Defense Fund" a charade operated by popular and beloved show business figures and political celebrities to access children the sham charity pretends to protect. "Children's Defense Fund" is a vehicle for satanist pedovore predation and other criminal activity.

Children's Defense Fund is a worldwide, satanist pedovore child trafficking and money laundering scam operation. CDF has

branches in Africa, Asia and the ME, and runs multiple programs in impoverished, minority communities throughout the US.

Do not let these baby sit:


Sample search product:

#2225510 at 2018-08-28 13:54:06 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #3492: He Who did Not Depart on His Own Terms Edition

Following on from the Discussion yesterday about JJ Abrams.

I have found a massive link between him and HRC through the Children's defence fund, where HRC claimed she started working

in 1973 before the Watergate investigation.

I have also shown links where she is buying and selling influence to this NPO and Lobbying group, by literally selling out

to Goldman Sachs.

Q Research General #3111: Detective Edition

Late to the bread but digging on Clinton/James ties�

Lebron makes massive donations to the Children's defense fund


Which connects him deeply to the Clinton family�



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3b2491  No.17644095

File: 376a7c6ab19f4ec⋯.jpg (38.46 KB, 615x625, 123:125, 4wqny0wp3f.jpg)

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1cd0fd  No.17644100

File: fedf56cf3d18356⋯.jpg (26.76 KB, 985x685, 197:137, pk7bh1lnmxkx.jpg)


More and more 22 coms. Is it truly linked to the year or is it something else? There is around a dozen or so of them for the last 10 days.

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96b2ba  No.17644112

File: 551aa594f758980⋯.jpg (31.81 KB, 1203x692, 1203:692, bsuf45keo0sh.jpg)


banned is banned

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dbdc37  No.17644124

File: 396904f311cde67⋯.jpg (26.38 KB, 1194x583, 1194:583, jl5vw596rkmw9.jpg)

Anon has filtered all including the Faker Naker

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a1ea09  No.17644146

File: 715a1e6e7a6ab9a⋯.jpg (30.64 KB, 1005x939, 335:313, v52tw640cp.jpg)


Nice catch!

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2f9b2b  No.17644152

File: 8797b7075875cb6⋯.jpg (36.77 KB, 636x559, 636:559, unqsf1p9tl0f.jpg)

Be with us Lord

We pray

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f3301e  No.17644158

File: a983cc9532c3310⋯.jpg (30.21 KB, 1150x716, 575:358, jxo32gink.jpg)


does not matter what you believe, what matters is what others believe

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4a53aa  No.17644164

File: c12dc2b84762e0e⋯.jpg (29.19 KB, 1212x608, 303:152, 9fv8qb.jpg)


Joe Biden’s White House intentionally fanned the flames of the violent, irate political left after the recent Democrat leak of a Supreme Court opinion, as well as the latest Uvalde school shooting. The result has been an attempt on the life of a Supreme Court Justice.

In amongst the political fracas, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is said to be holding up a Senate bill which would grant more security for Supreme Court justices. The U.S. Senate fast tracked the new security plans after Democrat extremists leaked an expected Roe v. Wade opinion from the court in May, but Pelosi has thus far refused to bring the legislation up for a vote in the House, stalling more security for Supreme Court justices.

Would-be assassin Nicholas John Roske is believed to have been radicalized by far-left reactions to the abortion issue, as well as the shooting in Uvalde. The aspiring gunman is said to have had a Glock 17 handgun, a knife, pepper spray, zip ties, a nail punch, a crow bar and a hammer, and said he found Kavanaugh’s address on the internet.

And while President Biden himself has failed to condemn the attempted attack, a White House spokesman tepidly said that “any violence, threats of violence, or attempts to intimidate justices have no place in our society.”

But the left’s rhetoric on the run up to the latest incident is indicative of the political climate they seek to create around their “core” issues of abortion and gun control in the run up to the mid term elections.

GOP operatives point out a timeline of events that show no remorse or attempt to cool the heated rhetoric around the time Roske was being radicalized by their behavior:

May 5: Press Secretary Jen Psaki refused to condemn activists posting the justices’ home addresses online.

May 6: Psaki refused to say if Biden “has a view” on activists harassing justices at their homes.

May 6: Nancy Pelosi called on protesters to actively pressure justices to influence their decisions.

May 8: Pelosi said “the focus” is to influence and change the Supreme Court’s forthcoming decision on Roe v. Wade.

May 9: Psaki refused to condemn protests at justices’ homes even though it is against the law.

Psaki also refused to condemn the doxing of justices’ personal information even as threats of violence grew.

May 10: Psaki downplayed the harassment, claiming protests “have been peaceful to date and we certainly continue to encourage that outside of judges’ homes.”

May 11: Chuck Schumer answered “yes” when asked if he was “comfortable with protests…outside the homes of Supreme Court justices.”


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c51088  No.17644171

File: df5d90aa57708dd⋯.jpg (31.88 KB, 1101x978, 367:326, qs0hwf41.jpg)


Thanks bakes

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bb57e2  No.17644174

File: 6d3c6a3359e4cf4⋯.jpg (30.38 KB, 1230x616, 615:308, 43exsy08.jpg)

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e6531a  No.17644180

File: 8e1ac55f52c09ed⋯.jpg (34.7 KB, 1122x786, 187:131, vvlsjhc.jpg)


Found dead on the kitchen floor from a drug overdose

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a645f1  No.17644228

File: e413392bd866821⋯.jpg (35.65 KB, 1072x1074, 536:537, 5l67gx71lit6n.jpg)


op page edited to reflect BO wishes

do not fuck with the dough gerbs

bake like BO wants


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81551e  No.17644258

File: 25b6ff82326457b⋯.jpg (32.41 KB, 1096x963, 1096:963, uir39ll.jpg)

"Whose House? Our House!"

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5e2569  No.17644278

File: 8a2daa89e2f12a1⋯.jpg (33.32 KB, 516x604, 129:151, x0s6y6gtpmc.jpg)

Low flyby of one of the most amazing military aircraft ever built, the Vulcan bomber…… Headphone users beware,kek

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26e587  No.17644285

File: 0ea36d7cdae54e0⋯.jpg (29.45 KB, 1190x711, 1190:711, fm50fv5ws0.jpg)


How does this debunk the fact that people are communicating with Et's through telepathic communication?

"Project Stargate was a multi-million-dollar program enacted by the CIA at the height of the Cold War to try and get ahead of the Soviet Union on powers of the mind. This program explored reading someone’s thoughts, telepathy, predicting the future, and the ability to view a place or time remotely, without actually being there."

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2d8137  No.17644288

File: 704f66c1981ee29⋯.jpg (22.64 KB, 1097x535, 1097:535, rhgfhcay3lgl2p.jpg)

Due to the "influence" of who has apparently infiltrated here (especially the one "partial" to Fox): Just a gentle reminder that POTUS' messages and timestamps are no less signifigant than Q's are. Don't take it from this anon, though. Take it from Q.

364 days apart. 12.

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8bced2  No.17644294

File: 39df0a670e1944b⋯.jpg (30.81 KB, 1228x621, 1228:621, 8yckfjaohwsi.jpg)


Never underestimate what they think up and claim is happening either. As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man.

"every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time"

Those with dark eyes see evil everywhere they look. Always projecting.

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e8a84e  No.17644307

File: 24e4176b392f14c⋯.jpg (41.98 KB, 687x656, 687:656, cdb8k37q3qa.jpg)


If you used your brain, you'd realize scripture is largely parables. Jesus said His mother is those who hear the will of God and obey, so what people do you think Mary represents? Who was He born to? Who are they worshiping as Queen?

Use your brain… KMAO

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0049bc  No.17644331

File: 0ce74bf2ca624fa⋯.jpg (35.34 KB, 1087x1082, 1087:1082, rf3ifcw6y56m.jpg)


Yeah, we did that in 2020 and the Dems. still managed to steal the election.

Trump had more votes in 2020 than he had in 2016.

We were all pumped up for Trump to win. The Big Red Wave. But for sure it will work next time.

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76276a  No.17644348

File: 0ca6258e39c103f⋯.jpg (34.86 KB, 1101x1052, 1101:1052, 6j3n304mt49e6.jpg)



Jovan Pulizer: LIVE: Truth Behind Arizona’s Paper Ballots;

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d59f19  No.17644353

File: 3ed2aff2c2f3d72⋯.jpg (38.33 KB, 1208x1088, 151:136, c2mtvq4qi8.jpg)


Where was hung on my meme?

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01186d  No.17644358

File: 71b773fe93c9f34⋯.jpg (33.43 KB, 1122x973, 1122:973, 12b2087hye.jpg)


there is a war out there. armor up.

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5e2569  No.17644363

File: 867e768d6304267⋯.jpg (39.43 KB, 643x639, 643:639, 1a32fjj9yz5s1w.jpg)


And that is the dilemma we all face. But, I think there is something coming down the pike that is going to change all of this. Has to do with the only Constitutional currency and the State National movement which is assembled in all 50 states now. Been watching this for a while and happen to know one of the principles in this thing and while at first, I thought he was full of shit, I went digging and have concluded, he ain't full of shit. Things are happening on this front and this is, part and parcel of "The Plan". POTUS is fully aware of this.

"Today's ceremony, however, has very special meaning because, today, we are not merely transferring power from one administration to another or from one party to another, but we are transferring power from Washington, D.C., and giving it back to you, the people".

President Donald J. Trump 1-20-2017

Even God Almighty himself will not help these tyrants if this doesn't happen.

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5fe2f7  No.17644371

File: 52cae6ed1e22b50⋯.jpg (35.44 KB, 1135x1081, 1135:1081, ufy32t0.jpg)


Explosive Witness Testifies she didn't witness anything

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083bf1  No.17644378

File: e495ead687466d6⋯.jpg (38.55 KB, 702x525, 234:175, d237dlplrxwgq.jpg)


Thanks baker for baking and updating the dough. Updated the bread above because #23103 was in the old dough twice. Needs changed in dough.

- admin.

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e8a84e  No.17644393

File: cc27ef842af5710⋯.jpg (40.11 KB, 680x589, 680:589, 2t8d35612w2doy.jpg)

Toomey: ‘My Hope Is We’ll Get’ Half of Senate Republicans to Vote for Gun Deal


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4a53aa  No.17644422

File: bfc6bd420c0e99c⋯.jpg (35.42 KB, 1237x808, 1237:808, smv4m1.jpg)


Didn't it used to be the companies job to identify who they abused and pay them directly but now you have to know and now apply to receive compensation?

That was over 10 years ago man… I have enough trouble remembering 5 years ago…. Kek.

But I will apply… fuckers owe me also for the last couple years they booted me for factual shit later proven.

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cb574c  No.17644434

File: a6a51b70cc97069⋯.jpg (37.76 KB, 678x548, 339:274, yjaf75vumnhabc.jpg)


Only if she's the one pouring it, anon.

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d3a3c0  No.17644446

File: 19e9898a7438a9f⋯.jpg (34.43 KB, 1073x1020, 1073:1020, x3vuhr6551j48.jpg)


Ed FUCKING Hochuli

OMFG, he's dirty, filthy dirty.

"I gotcha Tom" says Ed Hochuli, on a live mike in the playoff game. A whole lot of bad calls later, Brady goes to the SB. This was 2018. Dirty motherfucker.

16:48 the phantom offsides call. The pregame Gotcha Tom didn't make the film, strangely enough..

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d93fd2  No.17644452

File: 345f7235f010fbc⋯.jpg (36.82 KB, 699x490, 699:490, wdmpj67zf0iz.jpg)


Send it to Elon, Ask him if his children should be enslaved ? Ask him how many responses to this were banned by twitter as hate speech ?

She shouldn't be silenced, she should be publicly shamed for ignorance, hate and bigotry. The 1st amendment allows all speech, the issue is to publicly challenge it. Twitter can only filter a direct threat or defamation, defamation has to be proven in a court of law.

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11ae56  No.17644455

File: a9607bae8dad909⋯.jpg (42.43 KB, 707x637, 101:91, typy4mj.jpg)

6 people dead after Vietnam War-era helicopter crashes in West Virginia

Fri, June 24, 2022 at 8:12 AM·3 min read

Emergency personnel look over the sight of a helicopter that crashed in Blair, W.Va., on Thursday, June, 23, 2022. A Vietnam-era helicopter was used for tourism flights and crashed along Route 17 in Logan County about 5 p.m. Wednesday. County emergency ambulance service executive Ray Bryant says all six on board were killed.(AP Photo/Chris Jackson)

NTSB investigators will remove a helicopter’s wreckage from its southwest West Virginia crash site Friday after a fiery incident that killed six people, authorities said.

The helicopter crashed Wednesday in Logan County, near West Virginia's border with Kentucky, Ray Bryant, Logan Emergency Management Authority chief of operations, told USA TODAY.

When crews arrived at the scene, they found the Bell UH-1B helicopter in flames, Bryant said.

All people on board the aircraft died — the pilot, three passengers and with two pilot-rated passengers, said National Transportation Safety Board spokesperson Peter Knudson in an email. The victims’ names have not yet been released


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083bf1  No.17644466

File: 864a7fe135d8339⋯.jpg (31.69 KB, 1058x959, 1058:959, usfkpgp2g.jpg)


oh…thought you meant this audience (dayshift) vis-a-vis nightshift in regards to believing the Ashley Babbitt story versus rather it was a hoax by a long time government employees ; because there is an overall difference there

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f49e60  No.17644479

File: 97e3b7dd71ed93e⋯.jpg (22.75 KB, 1000x552, 125:69, 6f0dva2.jpg)


Knew you'd show up

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5ad83f  No.17644507

File: cb5d45515e9a786⋯.jpg (32.46 KB, 995x1125, 199:225, bjjhk81t.jpg)

There is a long tradition of clowns as entertainers in Jewish culture.

Mitzvah clowns have a tradition of getting dressed up wildly and bringing happiness to senior homes and children's hospitals to fulfill the Jewish mitzvah (commandment) of bikur cholim (visiting the sick).

Furthermore, many of the early clowns in vaudeville (the entertainment form that was very popular in the United States from the early 1880's to the early 1930's) were Jewish — stemming from the shtetls (towns) of Eastern Europe, when badkhonim (Yiddish-speaking court jesters) routinely entertained at weddings.


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1cd0fd  No.17644515

File: 28144813f085a7e⋯.jpg (40.68 KB, 704x573, 704:573, 6f3y76.jpg)


citizens, not subjects, since 1981/82


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78308c  No.17644525

File: a24a1bd693c6018⋯.jpg (27.2 KB, 1082x588, 541:294, 369qklhm.jpg)


Creepy visuals, but shows there are some in the industry exposing&working against the vampires/viacom.

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d3a3c0  No.17644536

File: d30acf7200879ac⋯.jpg (31.55 KB, 1008x1012, 252:253, 5te529c3g.jpg)




>Yeah that makes sense

this was funny and deserved more credit damnit

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c51088  No.17644547

File: 9e7e4c18144440f⋯.jpg (25.93 KB, 1164x597, 388:199, 6la0e0zc99.jpg)

China's Taiwan invasion should be codenamed FRAGILE CUCK

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bb57e2  No.17644594

File: 6f13b071714b271⋯.jpg (37.53 KB, 513x706, 513:706, ej94p4.jpg)


Would be interesting to see message from TS, maybe it is Apple emoji

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0d2402  No.17644622

File: 109ed41b8ce8080⋯.jpg (32.28 KB, 987x1080, 329:360, i2r9l88l.jpg)



which is it?

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4b96cc  No.17644628

File: ecb1996c370053e⋯.jpg (24.48 KB, 1196x527, 1196:527, 33n4p4um76am8.jpg)


Nationwide Drug Trafficking, Law Enforcement Impersonation, and Fraud Ring Disrupted








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96b2ba  No.17644631

File: 7bc60927e58aa9c⋯.jpg (33.46 KB, 1251x705, 417:235, intj7r7.jpg)

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96895b  No.17644638

File: f17da71539066d5⋯.jpg (31.95 KB, 1001x1083, 1001:1083, w67v5zos.jpg)





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c325d3  No.17644655

File: de93041cd612b60⋯.jpg (30.71 KB, 1117x680, 1117:680, 70vlr12bxfr.jpg)

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a1b049  No.17644699

File: 415eea35981ae51⋯.jpg (43.88 KB, 714x612, 7:6, 8xg2i2a7.jpg)


To be or not to be

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ea1500  No.17644702

File: 7cad19d71c25902⋯.jpg (45.64 KB, 727x658, 727:658, vpkt7kw8.jpg)



…but muh paycheck, muh housing, muh benefits, muh career, & Muh PENSION

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78308c  No.17644704

File: ed8a2ac2cbdd4d8⋯.jpg (39.83 KB, 637x598, 49:46, usht06zy6v.jpg)


Where did Q mention hivemind

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2d8137  No.17644739

File: b21b524d0fb638c⋯.jpg (28.17 KB, 1083x622, 1083:622, tfr0d1f8gt2.jpg)


The court-filed Motion with my signed Declaration attached, among other things, pointed out:

That power-broker, and gambling casino overlord, WILLIAM F. CELLINI, reportedly paid one million dollars to buy in 1994 the federal court judgeship for Blanche M. Manning. The pay-off reportedly made through then-U.S. Senator Carol Moseley-Braun. [Braun lost the re-election in 1998 because of growing scandals she could not explain away. As to Buying a Judgeship, visit my website.] Cellini reportedly is linked to the nationwide criminal cartel.

My Declaration transcribed two interviews, done in the presence of witnesses, of Daniel V. Hanley.

That the Tribune Company, parent of the Chicago Tribune, and their media empire, have been blackmailing Judge Manning by seeking to intervene, as of right they claimed, without publicity, in another one of Judge Manning's cases.

To point out that the Judge engaged in secret proceedings without notice, and censored and redacted court records, as part of an apparent cover-up.

As later determined, the Tribune Company wanted to pressure Judge Manning, and Coke's media buyer, MARY HANLEY, so Tribune would get more advertising bucks from Coca-Cola. With the merger with the Los Angeles Times, Tribune Company got more heavily in debt. Getting a big share of Coke's billion dollars a year advertising slush fund would help Tribune Company and their banks.

Prior to the show-down August 22 hearing, Judge Manning jumped the gun and rejected the Fraud Upon the Court Motion out of hand. The Judge issued a ruling loaded with what Dan Ivy later on August 22, described in court to her face, as her "judicial perjuries". Identified by Dan Ivy were how, to try to cover up and evade, the Fraud Upon the Court, involving the Judge herself, that she straight out lied.

The Judge falsely described the Motion as one to disqualify herself. No such thing in the Motion. Ivy confronted the Judge with a string of her lies. The Judge resisted allowing the witnesses against the reputed spy to be heard. The witnesses were all present in the courtroom.

Notice the time-line: Prior to the key hearing, Daniel V. Hanley informed Kolody that Hanley's sister, Coke media buyer Mary Hanley, is going out of the country, to Ireland.

Would she be available as a witness? Her testimony could scandalize her company, DDB advertising agency, in matters that involve both Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola. [More later.] Prior to the key hearing, in a business column 8/15/00, in the Chicago Tribune, it is announced that Mary Hanley of DDB Chicago has been elected Senior Vice President and is a group media director.

By the way, as Coke's media buyer, Mary Hanley has tremendous clout as to who in the mass media get part of Coke's billion dollars a year ad bucks.

After resisting hearing the witnesses, Judge Manning suddenly leaves the bench, presumably to get instructions from "higher ups". In the recess, six federal security patrol officers enter the Courtroom. An excuse supposedly is that the Judge will briefly divert a few minutes to sentence a jail-bird, in an orange prison jumpsuit, brought in through a side door.

pt 16

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c325d3  No.17644744

File: 929e1de74ddbfd3⋯.jpg (21.76 KB, 1060x516, 265:129, 5uzwyu.jpg)


Need some sights at least on that rifle sir

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c35ed7  No.17644753

File: 75213cbb059a9a8⋯.jpg (22.05 KB, 1085x516, 1085:516, hl99s6.jpg)



mine won't answer their phone at this point

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595905  No.17644756

File: 4b821cf99e56c63⋯.jpg (27.5 KB, 1057x661, 1057:661, qvhbpui19.jpg)


You know, there are (some) Jews who have a weird logic of dividing themselves from humanity as an axiom, and who repeatedly post anti-Jew memes on boards such as this to trick new eyes into falsely believing the anti-Jew memes cannot possibly come from (some) Jews.

Just fyi, lol.

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a1ea09  No.17644767

File: 04a62e4f6fc13cf⋯.jpg (31.59 KB, 1046x1008, 523:504, 3umjbv.jpg)


That's fucked up.

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c6470b  No.17644789

File: a1e7cb19c1d72b4⋯.jpg (35.27 KB, 1136x1026, 568:513, jhbmrztcpe0vhq.jpg)



>Go look up who the first person to arrest a Rothschild was. The results may shock you




>Hitler = Austrian.


>Mayer Amschel Bauer, aka Rothschild = Austrian Jew Banker.

Was Hitler A Rothschild?

(short answer, yes)


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c51088  No.17644832

File: 702221f5382a854⋯.jpg (29.95 KB, 1186x590, 593:295, wmlcj35d14.jpg)


We have our work to do, anon.

Focus on that.

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c325d3  No.17644835

File: 9127591102a1342⋯.jpg (37.9 KB, 1185x1112, 1185:1112, bavgz7r0i8d9.jpg)


For those who trust in Him, It is Done.

Yes is did happen, but people still hand over power to the people Jesus warned them about. They have to wake up and that's what this movement is about.

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deb318  No.17644846

File: ecaaf12c9024637⋯.jpg (29.86 KB, 1204x676, 301:169, s4yo5miqe.jpg)


way too much shit to wade through.

The take a way is that if it's a fucking larp and we are all fools and faggots.

You would not spend two seconds here if you weren't paid to be here and that begs the question

Why are you paid to try and turn people away from Q/the truth?

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a5be6a  No.17644850

File: a02da93bfb2f4ba⋯.jpg (37.86 KB, 707x543, 707:543, b1k8ilaf3.jpg)


notable thirded and dubs chek'ed

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e1f07a  No.17644852

File: 59548e653719083⋯.jpg (32.48 KB, 1291x633, 1291:633, zaz3kxtqp.jpg)


anon loves watching freepers stick their noses up the pedo dog's ass

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5ad83f  No.17644866

File: 713023bdf9a9262⋯.jpg (33.97 KB, 1037x1083, 1037:1083, lmv0hx2lm7s.jpg)


garillion of them above

lern to use your tools

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9a0752  No.17644873

File: 4b9bf63c47f2818⋯.jpg (23.52 KB, 1069x559, 1069:559, k4ekuf3h2g.jpg)


I’m just shit posting.

If I were Chinese I would fight you tho.

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c8546f  No.17644881

File: 88fd6f1162a2b4c⋯.jpg (33.66 KB, 566x520, 283:260, vqd6q4kr7.jpg)


gm baker

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c6470b  No.17644884

File: 67246ad72d3a5ef⋯.jpg (34.01 KB, 599x527, 599:527, ggfh879kel4gf.jpg)


Two more weeks.

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01186d  No.17644887

File: 7453671f7d3fb11⋯.jpg (29.41 KB, 1157x620, 1157:620, 1ce2v3y79c2v.jpg)

Orlando Promotes Fireworks By Saying People ‘Probably Don’t Want to Celebrate Our Nation Right Now’ Because It’s Full of ‘Hate’


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681567  No.17644903

File: b85bfb64f983a4e⋯.jpg (31.2 KB, 1204x617, 1204:617, 6kzh0gz8h.jpg)

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0b8e73  No.17644908

File: abd48976c0ebbbe⋯.jpg (33.14 KB, 642x502, 321:251, ikecmh830.jpg)

What is

SPLASHalso used for

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a702e1  No.17644952

File: cd47b1a170d15e3⋯.jpg (31.23 KB, 1054x940, 527:470, ouxlbsyw3m2dn.jpg)


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a60857  No.17644987

File: 0c1f914c7aad22d⋯.jpg (22.22 KB, 966x547, 966:547, qm34g6cgr.jpg)

Name 5 things.

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5f6534  No.17645000

File: acd655aa33b4f9c⋯.jpg (27.39 KB, 1025x680, 205:136, c0gzx86zir0t.jpg)


I don't think you quite understand. I'm not playing your game. You're playing mine.

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d36654  No.17645019

File: e3e8411aa754d64⋯.jpg (32.64 KB, 526x572, 263:286, x3hi87.jpg)

The term cabal is derived from Kabbalah (a word that has numerous spelling variations), the Jewish mystical and spiritual interpretation of the Hebrew scripture.

The Talmud is the central text of Rabbinic Judaism and the primary source of Jewish religious law and Jewish theology.

Talmud aka Written Oral Torah/Jewish Law Excerpts:

“Jews always have to try to deceive Non-Jews.” (Zohar I, 168ª)

Every Jew is allowed to use lies and perjury to bring a Non-Jew to ruin.” (Babha Kama 113ª).

Tosefta. Aboda Zara B, 5: “If a goy kills a goy or a Jew, he is responsible; but if a Jew kills a goy, he is NOT responsible.

"Kill the Goyim (non-Jews) by any means possible."-Jewish Talmud, Choshen Ha'mishpat 425:50

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ec3f60  No.17645053

File: 76a402fcfdfeb93⋯.jpg (28.66 KB, 1088x737, 1088:737, yuxjn2d1dh.jpg)


they identify as texans now tyvm

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d2e435  No.17645061

File: 993b1efbf450831⋯.jpg (31.83 KB, 1153x892, 1153:892, bopss6m.jpg)


It's not even about trusting it anymore. The plan is what cannot be stopped. It was set in motion and nothing can stop what has been started.

The show though? Enjoy it.

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a1e44c  No.17645069

File: d212cb2a6a77122⋯.jpg (42.38 KB, 579x715, 579:715, 3dsb6lz.jpg)



Wondering if he dont mean Time as in Time in jail, such as the 6th people vs the BLM people


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4097f8  No.17645073

File: bc16ec01901d345⋯.jpg (30.37 KB, 529x501, 529:501, tee7r502733uzg.jpg)

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d9b42f  No.17645080

File: 270d55a4ee47c8c⋯.jpg (39.03 KB, 563x709, 563:709, 5352hl.jpg)


700 individuals in North Mississippi on a variety of charges including homicide, aggravated assault, aggravated domestic assault, child abuse, child sexual assault, drug distribution, unlawful gun crime, DUI, and failure to register as a sex offender.

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ac5790  No.17645109

File: 6c0d4721f2cb339⋯.jpg (36.62 KB, 1286x783, 1286:783, hxf83jtov.jpg)


if you dont hate jews you're doing it wrong

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14b5d8  No.17645160

File: 37936cebc34417d⋯.jpg (26.37 KB, 1111x649, 101:59, 3e6kw5.jpg)



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bc657e  No.17645186

File: 3e7f53f2cf49cab⋯.jpg (35.22 KB, 1223x959, 1223:959, yzf1e6vslg.jpg)



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87c638  No.17645192

File: 7afbb64f5a825f4⋯.jpg (32.94 KB, 1133x746, 1133:746, 1argz4xiczi5x.jpg)


Ghilaine just said that in her statement to the court just before her sentencing. Her sentencing is imminent.

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6407ed  No.17645203

File: e6e050849da6266⋯.jpg (36.49 KB, 652x534, 326:267, 0d08scbhsmq2ys.jpg)



Dr. Zelenko's Z Foundation, sells a protocol pack you can order. Everything you can use and need best of luck

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15a28c  No.17645223

File: e5bb8f3a6a99407⋯.jpg (29.93 KB, 1246x569, 1246:569, x8l59x.jpg)



Democrats are all going down the shit pipe by their own doing.

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cb1aed  No.17645224

File: 4ae6941e47f8189⋯.jpg (37.18 KB, 1205x1107, 1205:1107, lf4u3n0frid.jpg)


lines through middle are active railway transit, and trains were moving during the fire one hour ago when anon drove by.

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ff52a4  No.17645240

File: 48ba3b3511109d9⋯.jpg (32.2 KB, 1142x716, 571:358, hl5zc1thm9.jpg)


Woke Societies, [21.06.22 16:03]

[Forwarded from Midnight Rider Channel 🇺🇸 (Karli Bonne)]

[ Video ]


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16205a  No.17645243

File: 4ece7aa3baa8107⋯.jpg (24.84 KB, 1022x608, 511:304, 2v2ict27924w16.jpg)


Pssst - your mommy’s calling, bubble boy.

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aae1b8  No.17645258

File: 967b0be6c0f7908⋯.jpg (24.4 KB, 1121x506, 1121:506, us99im38o79bg.jpg)



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31f031  No.17645260

File: 9b2f0f5594c57d2⋯.jpg (38.7 KB, 539x694, 539:694, rkkod23bm.jpg)


you never heard about me 'cause i only bang your mom when you're sleeping

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ca9e15  No.17645268

File: 8a87706ca05c65a⋯.jpg (27.17 KB, 1194x630, 199:105, klcc3n.jpg)



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e0ee8a  No.17645270

File: 312dde8c5b17ae2⋯.jpg (27.16 KB, 999x709, 999:709, v5ut2369w.jpg)


Crew with a sense of humor.

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bed151  No.17645274

File: 22778407524d090⋯.jpg (34.85 KB, 1187x1037, 1187:1037, 0lcw4mwv.jpg)


Must be a money laundering show. Or something that is filled with MKULTRA future assassins being trained by his music. I listened to some of his music. Boring as hell. And his voice is very blah.

I just don't get it. Maybe some leftists look up to this guy on how to get out of trouble for trying to kill a President?

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bed151  No.17645283

File: f40c33cde47271c⋯.jpg (31.65 KB, 1012x979, 92:89, n43fyuj7m3a.jpg)


3 kikes and 2 traitors vote to end American sovrenity.

They vote for the ethnic cleansing via artificial demographic change and decreased political power of the founding stock of the USA.

If mass immigration continues, fascism or balkanization are the only solutions left. We will not be second class citizens. We will not allow foreign/satanic customs to be legislated against our will.

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e0ee8a  No.17645285

File: 07e0b19e38bd6d1⋯.jpg (31.64 KB, 1178x742, 589:371, 1f1vxa4sdf2r7.jpg)

Interesting timing isn't it…

Pic #1: from bread #22810, was in the notables too.

Pic #2: from bread #22810, was in the notables too.

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e0ee8a  No.17645297

File: a353a2c67d7c479⋯.jpg (34.54 KB, 1149x797, 1149:797, ym7gjm.jpg)

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6e9a5c  No.17645312

File: a9adb8b388a62b9⋯.jpg (31.81 KB, 1246x633, 1246:633, vjk882eguy.jpg)

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bed151  No.17645316

File: 57fb359ea95e0ad⋯.jpg (38.4 KB, 530x696, 265:348, t3gl7ufb.jpg)


easier to edit later

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6e9a5c  No.17645321

File: 9232d15df22ff73⋯.jpg (25.84 KB, 1175x614, 1175:614, gepcnsww.jpg)


>doylestown, pa…

>pa not safe anymore


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bed151  No.17645322

File: 074350c22f26d02⋯.jpg (33.1 KB, 1070x767, 1070:767, 2donasnq.jpg)

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6e9a5c  No.17645324

File: 9a4c2f9df25e8cb⋯.jpg (29.05 KB, 1098x648, 61:36, 6q4jssbkg.jpg)


witches bitching about witching….

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bed151  No.17645331

File: 2c0ba2fd273aedd⋯.jpg (27.77 KB, 1196x598, 2:1, xxgohjbeq.jpg)


>We did NOT evolve from monkeys.

You sound so certain. Where did we come from? God's ass? (Don't answer that.)

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6e9a5c  No.17645353

File: 886c44907269001⋯.jpg (37.29 KB, 483x715, 483:715, uw7esixjxx6tab.jpg)


The biebs is looking happier….

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e0ee8a  No.17645369

File: e367f70893ebf26⋯.jpg (45.91 KB, 713x676, 713:676, i7nymg.jpg)


>Too Soon, The Body is barely Cold.

Precisely. I made the shitpost before I realized who she was. Gallows humor can be fun sometimes, but inappropriate in others. The latter this time.

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bed151  No.17645386

File: d67ee42f0c665eb⋯.jpg (33.28 KB, 1019x1040, 1019:1040, pygkv0a.jpg)

WHO’s Digital Passports

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6e9a5c  No.17645388

File: 95d9511cde21558⋯.jpg (24.88 KB, 1058x576, 529:288, 4d3oqfve.jpg)



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001046  No.17645390

File: 1a92d9547829921⋯.jpg (34.6 KB, 1194x983, 1194:983, nz2ypeaq9vy.jpg)


turned her back on MAGA!

Crimes against Humanity.

Down she goes.

Nobody escapes this.


These people are SICK.

These people HATE America.

I tried to tell them.

I tried to warn them.

They were warned.

Lets keep Playing…

The World is WATCHING.

The World is CONNECTED.





WE are ALL Patriots.


Where We Go One, we go all.

Trump's silent running…

The Panic is real.



Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming





How far down the RABBIT HOLE do you want to go?

Where is EPSTEIN being held?











Roe vs Wade

We are "THE KIDS"



These evil wicked ones will be exposed and die without BABIES


[THEY] show signs of emotional outbursts without human baby ADRENALINZE blood, and young flesh & ADRENACHROME!!!!

DD = Dangerous Dragons







Who is W.H.O.

Protect your children, and your neighbors children & help others.



Heavenly Father & Jesus Christ are here, and in full control.

Wonderful Activities & Arrests going on behind the scences.

President Trump caught them ALL RED_RED_HANDED.

Vice President Kennedy Jr. has ALL the evidence WW for courts

Truths are about to come to LIGHT that will upset & shock you.







who the fuck is WHO!!!! EVERYTHING [THEY] SAY IS A LIE, LIE, LIE

Already many clones & hybrids working in school & gov. positions.


[THEY] are filled with hate , and must have control of others

Military is the only way.










[We hear you].

[We see you].

Be ready.












G Maxwell

Dr. Fauci


























































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1390fe  No.17645411

File: 127b23553523303⋯.jpg (33.92 KB, 1152x800, 36:25, c1hkl8.jpg)



you're funny.

can we have secs?

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bed151  No.17645413

File: 154a262197d8ed6⋯.jpg (33.89 KB, 1017x1058, 1017:1058, ose176ie.jpg)

>This is the first Independence Day not under the curse/spell of abortion in 50 years, anons!

And [they] be cryin' so hard

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001046  No.17645432

File: 04c8075a11d6d67⋯.jpg (23.93 KB, 998x546, 499:273, t0wpj6xu2.jpg)


>GAHYnigg tranny supports handicapped tranny professional mutilated genitals jenkem choices

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bed151  No.17645443

File: a85f81d3acdb586⋯.jpg (32.55 KB, 490x625, 98:125, 4iq3sl.jpg)


"….The officers in the room told him a very strange story about a UFO that supposedly landed at Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico, in 1964."

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95350c  No.17645446

File: 7307c32732b6200⋯.jpg (41.08 KB, 680x621, 680:621, zgcg5pwkdld.jpg)




>i am totally confused. Why is a Spanish Court addressing this? AFAIK, JA was never in Spain, nor was any persons connected with him.

has JA ever been in the USA?

i remember having read about a Spanish company or a team having been involved in various anti JA surveillance activities and possibly also plotting something more. So they are investigating a Spanish conspiracy … Pompeo is asked be a witness but if Kansas does not want to go, there's nothing the Spanish court can do.

Maybe the suspicion is that the Spanish team might have been a possible contractor for the CIA, maybe they could have been hired as "pipe hitters" to do wet works on Assange.

If the CIA was involved, Pompeo certainly won't go, but if the rumors about the CIA plot to kill Assange are totally unfounded, then it would be a good opportunity for Pompeo to set facts straight. I'm not saying not witnessing is admission of guilt, but …

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95350c  No.17645466

File: 010ab3b12e36b3d⋯.jpg (32.7 KB, 1034x1093, 1034:1093, jdlf979.jpg)


You're welcome

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bed151  No.17645473

File: dd41e8b8808dece⋯.jpg (40.67 KB, 711x561, 237:187, f7wnrdwf3.jpg)




Why wouldn't Jim put distance between him and Q, CodeMonkey is running for congress you bastard idiot.

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bed151  No.17645494

File: a278a227114d728⋯.jpg (43.46 KB, 648x695, 648:695, xm4dfob.jpg)

a search engine can do better than this.

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bed151  No.17645512

File: 0f3f83c880514dd⋯.jpg (23.92 KB, 1103x545, 1103:545, ym3exyjgd.jpg)


Biden Refuses to Expand Supreme Court

The landmark ruling, Roe v. Wade, which protected a woman’s right to an abortion at the federal level was overturned by the Supreme Court on Friday. Democratic lawmakers are now calling for the expansion of the Supreme Court which is currently a conservative majority, but President Joe Biden said does not agree with such a reform.

Democrats across the nation are urging for additional justices to be appointed to the Supreme Court (SCOTUS) in order to balance what has become a heavily conservative court.

Massachusetts senator Elizabeth Warren has suggested this week that the matter of expanding SCOTUS is urgent after justice Clarence Thomas indicated that he is also considering overturning other precedents which protect the use of contraception, same-sex marriage, and consensual gay sex. Earlier, SCOTUS overturned New York’s concealed carry law, despite a mass shooting in Buffalo as well as an overall increase in shootings in New York City.

"We need to balance out this court before they do more harm than what they've done thus far," said New York City Mayor Eric Adams at a press conference on Friday, where he said he would not be mayor today if his previous partner had not gotten an abortion when he was 15. Adams called court expansion “critical”.

(read moar)


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6e9a5c  No.17645520

File: c9d69f6f90a74fa⋯.jpg (30.1 KB, 1121x682, 1121:682, g5c1bb2t.jpg)

KINDA stupid-ass flight path is this DAL22110 CALLSIGN Delta Flight making from COLUMBUS to ???

No altitude dip or anything suggesting it was going to descend into Nashville. Weird.

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61fd65  No.17645521

File: 647e772d3041fe2⋯.jpg (32.76 KB, 1060x757, 1060:757, wxrma36kpd6v.jpg)



"I was a digital soldier, in the heart of America"

Bob Marley

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61fd65  No.17645535

File: 79edd5cdef9b1ef⋯.jpg (42.74 KB, 676x658, 338:329, hox721tl7y.jpg)

some commie stole the 888 trips!

HH to the lost trips


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6e9a5c  No.17645539

File: c74f7ee8086d391⋯.jpg (45.87 KB, 710x709, 710:709, snit2k.jpg)


will watch, thx anon

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61fd65  No.17645544

File: 85bf3d9f8966162⋯.jpg (25.86 KB, 961x664, 961:664, x1vn2spejage9.jpg)


>I don't know about everyone else, but I'm going to indulge a wee bit.

Sorry, you gotta share with the rest of us.

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95350c  No.17645546

File: 452e0d948b7023b⋯.jpg (32.78 KB, 1105x743, 1105:743, m3gvx55.jpg)

Tim Young


And there it is… this is an attempt to get most of the guns out of Americans' hands.

The Washington Times @WashTimes

The gun control package proposed by House Democrats identifies "high-capacity" magazines as holding 10 rounds or more.



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61fd65  No.17645561

File: 07aae147f5af143⋯.jpg (27.48 KB, 1136x647, 1136:647, f3n51tq4tx.jpg)

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6e9a5c  No.17645588

File: bcadf4e747c55e7⋯.jpg (28.13 KB, 1209x603, 403:201, e9bl5c4k4.jpg)


>valid criticism


>Whether that was Q or not, well, much more needs to transpire before that question is definitively answered.

absolutely agree

I think the non-trip/hivemind post series rises to the level of deserving tracking

and is probably not deserving of being deleted as spam


like all things

patience is key

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