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8ab613 (13) No.1109902>>1110253 >>1110304 >>1110589 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

Those who cannot understand that we cannot simply start arresting w/o first ensuring the safety & well-being of the population, shifting the narrative, removing those in DC through resignation to ensure success, defeating ISIS/MS13 to prevent fail-safes, freezing assets to remove network-to-network abilities, kill off COC to prevent top-down comms/org, etc etc. should not be participating in discussions.





Vincit Omnia Veritas

Redpill for normies >>1087693 Proof POTUS was behind Q even before he appeared on the chans.

War Room Update

Latest Tags:




#TaxCuts → see below

#LetsSueFacebook → related; IBoR (still relevant)


>>1071025 How to Quickly Spot a Clownschill

Board Rules


Q's Tripcode

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ

Q's Latest Posts

Thursday 04.19.18

>>1109466 --- Q&A again.

>>1109320 rt >>1109176 Yes, midterms are safe.

>>1109196 rt >>1109132 WW.

>>1109139 rt >>1108927 SR connect to DNC.

>>1108971 rt >>1108947 Structure.

>>1108949 rt >>1108920 Fake.We control.

>>1108897 --- Q&A 5 min.

>>1108850 rt >>1108831 What makes a good movie?

>>1107913 rt >>1107523 Memos are FAKE.

>>1107796 rt >>1107717 Who captured?

>>1107754 --- Eyes only.

>>1107080 rt >>1106974 The words used re: Intel & buying/selling will bury her.

>>1106873 rt >>1106719 The importance of this cannot be expressed more clearly.

>>1106728 rt >>1106719 13min mark.

>>1106719 --- Big ERROR.

>>1105360 rt >>1105264 Push to DIVIDE is strong.

>>1105264 rt >>1105115 SKY Event.

>>1105115 rt >>1105041 What are you witnessing unfold?

>>1105041 --- Rudy. NYC. Relationships High.

Wednesday 04.18.18

>>1098359 --- Why is MSM Attacking Pruitt?

>>1096658 rt >>1096535 --- He had no choice.

>>1095728 rt >>1095664 --- Fake.

>>1095705 rt >>1095595 --- Failure to retain position/ear.

Tuesday 04.17.18

>>1080446 rt >>1080429 --- Strike Package 111V-B.

>>1080429 rt >>1080066 --- We are being set up.

>>1074969 rt >>1074950 --- BDT & DEFCON

>>1074956 rt >>1074952 --- WRAYs of LIGHT

>>1074788 rt >>1074781 --- anon gets Q Clearance blessings on iterview

>>1074782 ---——————-BOOM x4

>>1074761 ---——————-RR BOOM

Monday 04.16.18

>>1064908 ---——————- www.iqt.org/portfolio/

>>1064365 rt >>1064287 --- 23andMe

>>1064089 rt >>1063675 --- Not a coincidence, 25/100%

>>1062716 rt >>1062355 --- They are here in force

>>1061084 ---——————- Re_read Five Eyes

Sunday 04.15.18

>>1058989 rt >>1058536 --- Ginsburg confirmation dissent, PDF

>>1058804 rt >>1058722 --- Reporter to capture

>>1058722 ---——————- Clown Black Brennan

>>1057899 ---——————- [4] Clown UIDs

>>1057786 rt >>1057770 --- The WHY

>>1057770 ---——————- The WHERE

>>1057619 rt >>1057442 --- Nothing stated should be discounted

>>1057509 rt >>1057393 --- Comey throws AG Lynch under the bus

>>1057351 rt >>1057113 --- Focus on Supreme Court

>>1057223 rt >>1057113 --- Perfect example of why we are here

>>1057159 rt >>1056766 --- Typo. SC = Supreme Court

>>1056602 rt >>1056562 --- Proofs being lost

>>1056554 ---——————- Side by side graphic

>>1056087 rt >>1056025 --- Where are the autists?!?!

>>1056025 rt >>1055967 --- Think Timing. 'The Plan'

>>1055924 rt >>1055826 --- Side by side graphics are important

>>1055826 ---——————- SC, Loretta Lynch deal

Saturday 04.14.18

>>1041555 ---——————- Expand your thinking. The ‘date’ vs ‘actual’. Iran next.

Friday 04.13.18

>>1032326 ---——————--Trust POTUS. … Intel good.

Thursday 04.12.18

>>1015665 ---——————- Twitter down. Injection good.

>>1015438 rt >>1015398 --- Intel drops a delicate job.

>>1015262 ---——————- RR Problems archive.fo/QR2tE

>>1015015 rt >>1015000 --- Misspellings matter.

>>1015000 ---——————- Trumps MEMEmbers of Congress

>>1009048 rt >>1008970 --- We certainly have it all!

>>1008955 ---——————- HONEYPOTS. archive.fo/uqayV

>>1008693 rt >>1008670 --- Alan (Derschowitz ed.). Welcome Aboard. Plane. 17.

>>1008560 rt >>1008534 --- Syria.

>>1008491 rt >>1008463 --- Facebook. Building 8. China.

>>1008463 ---——————- Night [5]. archive.fo/5FfTx

Find Previous Q Posts at: qanonmap.bitbucket.io/ qanon.pub

If it ever goes down, the mirrors are: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io

Backup Q Posts >>>/comms/226

8ab613 (13) No.1109937


OBAMA TIMELINE >>949587, >>926762, >>949333, >>949547

>>1066725 POTUS Schedule vs Obama 'vacation'


>>1101878, >>1101894 Private Investigation Into Obama By Dr. Taitz


Thread carefully, >>1101931

First Summary, >>1103158

>>1103996 Deep Research Into Obama Birth Ceritificate



>>1108668 Look at the last Q post - instructions to internet engineers?

>>1108701 Sauce on mind control leak

>>1108812, >>1109003 NP +1 +5 Digg


>>1107903, >>1107911 HRC emails found

>>1107950 Paging Planefag, Red Arrow

>>1108353 Q said "Fake" I take that to mean the MOTIVES are fake. Should still read:

>>1108376, >>1108445 Government accidentally releases file on mind control

>>1108396, >>1108490 OU Oklahoma University and today is anniversary of OKC bombing.

>>1108528 wikileaks links to FAKE comey memos???


>>1107130 Sajdoc

>>1107156 Polesi's husband served on Kores first bank

>>1107170 Pelosi vidya download link

>>1107215 Magnitude 3.6 earthquake originating in Amherstburg, Canada >>1107682 EQ 3 months ago

>>1107270 Pelosi net worth

>>1107307 For the anons asking about engine fires/failures

>>1107319 Q post and Trump tweet connection? NOW

>>1107409, >>1107594 Planefag updates

>>1107471 Eliminate all degenerate urges

>>1107376 Pelosi theory

>>1107502 Clintons/CIA set up NK as the meeting place/hub to trade Intel to China, Russia, ME

>>1107523, >>1107609 Comey memo leaked >>1107676 Trump told us ahead of time

>>1107614 Pelosi video expaned version

>>1107648 Trump tweets re: Comey leaks

>>1107699 Man linked to 9/11 attacks on U.S. captured in Syria


>>1106387 Watch the water in the south

>>1106395 Here is my take on this and it is a LONG brilliant game indeed.

>>1106480 Browsable versions of the complete 8ch QResearch JSON archive online.

>>1106830 Pelosi..north korea

>>1106914 Check this?

>>1106930 Official Transcript Nancy Pelosi Today

>>1107046 Follow Bolton

>>1106997 NK offered to sell Pelosi ballistic missiles


>>1105620 Leak reveals DNC agenda for 2022 and beyond

>>1105660 Two Florida deputies killed in apparent ambush at restaurant

>>1105756 How to release the evidence?!

>>1105819 SKY = Airport code for Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport. Tarmac meeting

>>1105881, >>1105956, >>1106213 Planefag update

>>1105895, >>1106057 Trump tweets Comey threw McGabe "under the bus"

>>1105936 More info on previous Soros finds

>>1106039, >>1106190 Pen pics with EOs

>>1106026 Iran dumps Dollar in favor of Euro

>>1106065 Rudy has the Goods theory

>>1106123 EO regarding detainees to Guantanamo

>>1106145 Google Lawsuit: Senior Engineer Alon Altman Wanted to Sabotage Trump’s Android Phone

>>1106140 Guliani is the man!

>>1106219 Significant EQs, Past 30 Days


>>1104857 Soros Romanian NGOs funded by Obama ties.

>>1104877, >>1104944, >>1104998, >>1105258 Planefag updates

>>1104900 Germanys Chancellor heading to US for visit with Trump April 27.

>>1104912 A call to action

>>1104948 Interesting post by Pence

>>1105089, >>1105122 Rudy. NYC.

>>1105261 White helmets try to recruit Roger Waters with Saudi money

>>1105392, >>1105456 Plant explosion in Texas

>>1105470 Sky Event, Meteor Shower?


>>1104127 Appeals court rules against Trump policy punishing sanctuary cities

>>1104081 Child labour uncovered in Apple's supply chain

>>1104134 Who is the D.C. US Attorney

>>1104150, >>1104206 Trump tweet >>1104343 Tweeted on April 2.

>>1104278 Who's likely to be on board this plane from Oz?

>>1104282 Psycho-politics and hypnosis used by communists (Bill Clinton probably targeted)

>>1104362 PDF from cia on bloodlines

>>1104454, >>1104630, >>1104701 Attention fellow Planefags

Best Of Bread >>311157

Auto-Archive of Notables >>>/comms/225 (Batch 740~ present)

8ab613 (13) No.1109959

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got!


Above hashtag from Q and POTUS

Hashtag: #Qanon on every twat/reply/quote

Throw in ANY extra hashtags you want!

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Keep the info graphs, you'll find many useful hints within them.



Best Times to TWEET:




Fox News Live Stream http:// usnewslive.tv/foxnewslive/

Research Section

Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220

Backup Q Map/Graphic Set >>>/comms/283

Quick Access Tools

QMaps all in GMT

>>1064804 Q Map Graphics in GMT (1 to 13 of 17)

>>1058686 Q Map Graphic in GMT (14 of 17)

>>1058700 Q Map Graphic in GMT (15 of 17)

>>1064819 Q Map Graphic in GMT (16 of 17)

>>1108303 Q Map Graphic in GMT (17 of 17)

Recent map updates (mixed timezones)

>>900678 Qmap_graphic_2017-10-28_2017-11-20

>>900690 Qmap_graphic_2017-11-20_2017-12-07

>>900704 Qmap_graphic_2017-12-07_2018-01-13

>>900710 Qmap_graphic_2018-01-13_2018-02-05

QMaps in EST

>>978241 Qmap_graphic_previous_versions

>>933234 Qmap_graphic_2018-04-03_2018-04-07_Open the door >>>/comms/579

>>940848 Qmap_graphic_2018-04-07)_Patriots stand together >>>/comms/581


* QMap PDF (Version >8.11.0 [updated 4/17])

>>1081008 http:// irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%208.11.0.pdf

* QMap zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Searchable, interactive archive with user-explanations: qanon.pub (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* Updated Q archives: qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

* Qcode guide to abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https:// factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS-tweet archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https:// anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* Spreadsheet: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/edit?usp=sharing

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Linode server Q Database: https:// www.pavuk.com;user:pass = qanon:qanon

* Independent Q archive resource: irc.qclearancearchive.net > browsable versions of /thegreatawakening/ from before the purge

* Full JSON Q archive: anonfile.com/y528Y7d1b7/JSONArchive.zip ~79MB (~400MB unzipped) [updated 3.31.18]

* Stock Movement Scraper: http:// qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Redpill Flag / Printable Q Cards with QR Link >>851957

* WebAlert app can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub (vetted by >>968129 )


Resources Library

>>4352 A running compilation of Q-maps, graphics, research, and other tools and information

>>4356 Tools and Information

>>4852 Free Research Resources

>>4362 Planefag Tools

>>4369 Research Threads

>>3152 Redpill Scripts

>>16785 Prayer

>>257792 Letters of Gratitude

>>169315 Notable Resignations Thread

>>93735 Side-by-Side Graphics

>>410413 Q Communications re:deltas

>>1065418 Germanarchiveanon

>>934409 www.federalregister.gov/executive-orders/ Nice lookup for all EOs

Q Research Graphics Library

https:// mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ

Nearly 15,000 memes and infographs.

Recent Threads

Memes18 >>1027465 (Apr 14-)

Memes17 >>877198 (Apr 4-14)

Memes16 >>739858 (Mar 20-Apr 4)

Memes15 >>596831 (Mar 8-18)

Memes13 >>366408 (Feb 13-24)

Meme Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/

Learn to Bake! For God & Country!

New Bakers Please Go To Cooking Class >>>/comms/154

Bakers Manual also available at >>1010064

or read: https:// pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

8ab613 (13) No.1109982

Dough #1387

https:// pastebin.com/0YjCHyKS

b0fa02 (2) No.1109985

Waiting here. The other was too much.

c071f6 (4) No.1109986>>1110020


Status of operation goldback?

8ab613 (13) No.1110011>>1110185 >>1110212 >>1110221 >>1110253 >>1110254 >>1110287 >>1110389 >>1110643 >>1110709 >>1110817

ThanQ Q and all anons, what a night!

New Baker Request

I am le tired

b0fa02 (2) No.1110020>>1110231

0d54cc (4) No.1110036

File (hide): 46e1025c485eabf⋯.jpg (69.45 KB, 630x474, 105:79, HitlerThisIsCrumby.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 1bebc765de1fdc7⋯.png (57.81 KB, 659x654, 659:654, FinalTestament1.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 77303e9be68b43d⋯.png (79.53 KB, 656x863, 656:863, FinalTestament.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 3ef55d71b66518d⋯.png (54.99 KB, 1454x367, 1454:367, AdolfBigLieJews.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): c940cfb8d146bba⋯.jpg (56.41 KB, 287x350, 41:50, HitlerPointing.jpg) (h) (u)

8ab613 (13) No.1110045>>1110088 >>1110182 >>1110196

File (hide): 0d1d6759c0a6a64⋯.jpg (144.12 KB, 577x624, 577:624, w0yrg8zr484 (1).jpg) (h) (u)

400 UIDs and counting in the other bread, wtf is even going on

5ff52b (1) No.1110088>>1110179 >>1110209


A glimpse at the lurking forces.

9459df (11) No.1110114>>1110184 >>1110192 >>1110219 >>1110223 >>1110247 >>1110273 >>1110306


Q is making the captcha do this. Trying to figure out how to keep us from crashing the board.

370 UIDS

Strength Test 2.

162981 (1) No.1110141

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

A new “video meme” to help set the stage -- shows "muh Russia" and SR 187 in context

cf8175 (2) No.1110149


c3240d (7) No.1110162

No more captcha please nigger

c46769 (1) No.1110167>>1110175


8a3ead (2) No.1110174

bless you baker!

277b47 (1) No.1110175

424cda (1) No.1110177

Thank you Baker you're doing awesome

f802ea (1) No.1110178


Gillard, Downer, others

When do we see happenings here?

8609bc (1) No.1110179



6487e2 (1) No.1110180>>1110365

Q - Regarding Rudy negotiating with Mueller as is being reported- Is the plan still "NO DEALS"? Thanks

e8efa6 (10) No.1110181

File (hide): 98643526e3a1fdb⋯.jpg (53.82 KB, 747x850, 747:850, pepeWizard.jpg) (h) (u)

02419a (5) No.1110182


MCCabe got me back here. Been away awhile.

Then I saw the Q&A speaking of which where the fuck is Q?

0041d3 (1) No.1110183



How advanced is the medical tech, really? And how soon will it be available to humanity?

0b641c (1) No.1110184>>1110527


440 UIDs last bread

d78edc (3) No.1110185>>1110245 >>1110252


I feel bad baker for you….great job! I don't have any hot chick pics to post….sorry

5c8ccb (1) No.1110186


Great news on election integrity. Hoping and praying the cures are released soon and the Subliminal messages from Apple/media devices is stopped. I think it's safe to say that we all have family and loved ones that we are watching suffer. It's quite painful.

586b5b (1) No.1110187>>1110477

I don't think Q had a chance to answer a single question in last bread, but if he/she still reading - what's up with the Awan family and DWS? When is that shit going to be exposed and formally charged?

240e61 (5) No.1110188

is Q done with Q&A?

I was going to ask a question about a sphynx. it supposedly got half shut down for a day.

it's something I've been sitting on, and it's made me EXTREMELY curious

cd5890 (1) No.1110189


Is it safe for my kids to go to school tomorrow?

976e67 (16) No.1110190>>1110356

File (hide): 6607b7987999a2b⋯.png (9.21 KB, 408x175, 408:175, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)



a137d3 (4) No.1110191


I just cut the North Korea part of the Pelosi video

https:// streamable.com/t8tmu

Right click on the video to download


70096a (1) No.1110192

File (hide): e15a64a1a4b696e⋯.png (2.33 KB, 378x159, 126:53, UIDS.PNG) (h) (u)

416640 (2) No.1110193>>1110243 >>1110257



1c0bfb (2) No.1110194>>1110319

last bread>>>>1109466

Yes you heard it..

yes it's true.

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=OTtFZlGe8n4

121a4f (1) No.1110195


Will we ever met you?


6b18a9 (2) No.1110196>>1110244 >>1110280


I wonder how many of us come here frequently?

2b5a4d (5) No.1110197

Thank you, Baker, Baker…

You rock!

e7a75c (1) No.1110198


Vlash? Real or not real?

e253ed (5) No.1110199>>1110228 >>1110361 >>1110415 >>1110621 >>1110718 >>1110867

File (hide): f7004f58fe24e62⋯.png (105.2 KB, 896x666, 448:333, Selection_104.png) (h) (u)

Well that was exciting…

a2cdab (9) No.1110200

>>1109843 last

Agree 100% We actually dont need to MAGA, although that 's a good idea in essence. What we really need is a NEW AMERICA. None of this unlawful govt apparatus, get rid of the police state, restore the Constitution so that the land and its institutions, resources and wealth are owned by THE PEOPLE not the govt in any form.

35f106 (4) No.1110201>>1110219 >>1110286

>>1110146 << an important message from last bread


>Q&A again.

>Time limited.

>Keep up the good fight!



He already told us that time was limited and implies Q & A will happen again sometime,

He is no longer doing any answering to questions.

019426 (2) No.1110202


whats next shill u gonna flat earth us over Q legalizing cannibus

c96f5d (1) No.1110203>>1110224 >>1110298

Fuck! I go grab some beers and am half a bread behind and I missed the Q&A. FUCK!

3fdb2d (7) No.1110204>>1110251

Almost half a thousand people posted in the last bread,

473f56 (2) No.1110205>>1110229

I never dreamed we would get a Q&A.


2b5a4d (5) No.1110206

>>1110048 (prev)

NOT under attack!

I did 5 captcha also, it's being flooded!

da4033 (2) No.1110207>>1110220

440 UIDs

Holly shit Anons!

Q!!! Strength test complete


78e8d4 (1) No.1110208


Should we continue researching the Franklin Cover up???

0e3e53 (6) No.1110209>>1110266



0115fe (9) No.1110210>>1110226

Q shitting up the boards again!

We're going to have to ban him if he keeps it up

36a9e6 (9) No.1110211


How long is a piece of string?


7ff077 (7) No.1110212>>1110245


way to hang in there baker

c0f09d (1) No.1110213>>1110330

James Comey’s coldblooded take on Andrew McCabe’s criminal referral

https:// www.washingtonpost.com/amphtml/news/the-fix/wp/2018/04/19/james-comeys-coldblooded-take-on-andrew-mccabes-criminal-referral/

8491d3 (1) No.1110214

Like another anon said at end of last bread:

Sounds like Q actually meant "We will do another Q&A again sometime in the future", and NOT "It's Q&A time again now."

288dc9 (1) No.1110215


Hey Q, is there any FDA reform coming up? When will they serve the people over corporations?

f027e2 (2) No.1110216>>1110239 >>1110261 >>1110364

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Q is Polkaroo

0d54cc (4) No.1110217

File (hide): 15bbecf58de187e⋯.png (453.71 KB, 799x515, 799:515, AntifaschistischeAktionKom….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): f4b6f2bd3e06122⋯.jpg (66.03 KB, 623x424, 623:424, JewSidedCoin.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 69406b2746f363e⋯.png (27.21 KB, 712x321, 712:321, RememberAnons.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 9eb37570c204bbf⋯.png (149.22 KB, 636x425, 636:425, DoWhatWeSay.png) (h) (u)



e7ebe0 (6) No.1110218>>1110235

File (hide): f6d135ee950de90⋯.jpg (100.24 KB, 600x438, 100:73, p.jpg) (h) (u)

What is with the TIME?

9459df (11) No.1110219

460916 (8) No.1110220


That was a fun bake.

82a325 (2) No.1110221>>1110292


Bless the bakers!

000194 (3) No.1110222>>1110265

File (hide): e40b65f9512c849⋯.png (411.18 KB, 436x433, 436:433, qa-meme.png) (h) (u)

ad38ab (2) No.1110223



and strength of baking,maintenance

to accommodate it

ty baker

02419a (5) No.1110224>>1110248 >>1110298 >>1110369


Don't feel bad. He fucked off without answering anything.

dc7bec (4) No.1110225>>1110395

Seems like q&a is done I think he meant he will do it again in the future but time is limited now. He's gone to fight the cabal.

3fdb2d (7) No.1110226


>this actually happened on /cbts/

6c3322 (2) No.1110227>>1110249


What happens after death?

c3240d (7) No.1110228>>1110718 >>1110867


Kek. Yes it was

e8efa6 (10) No.1110229


It's only the beginning :)

01c4da (1) No.1110230

File (hide): 5744dbc07a75edd⋯.jpg (530.35 KB, 1005x1184, 1005:1184, Schiitischer_Halbmond.jpg) (h) (u)

Q, how relevant is the Shi'a crescent/land bridge?

1132da (3) No.1110231>>1110267 >>1110279


I think he had fun with all the questions and I'm sure he/they are reading through them all

976e67 (16) No.1110232>>1110323

File (hide): 406c4106c011ee1⋯.png (56.79 KB, 643x274, 643:274, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

>>1110108 (from last bread)


"in a WEEK OR TWO"


dfc2d3 (2) No.1110233

File (hide): 52ca06c047918be⋯.jpg (14.77 KB, 451x202, 451:202, 2nd amend.jpg) (h) (u)


2nd Amendment at State and Local level, will SCOTUS accept a case so they stop infringing?

b0d141 (1) No.1110234

Q, how will all the state and Federal leftist judges get neutralized? Without that happening, they’ll just continue to make their own laws and subvert our Constitution.

18457f (4) No.1110235


Looks around 6:40.

bf7c68 (4) No.1110236


Way to hang in there.

Anons ate through that bread in 23 minutes

Must be a record.

ad13b9 (3) No.1110237>>1110270 >>1110284 >>1110314 >>1110778 >>1110799

Last bread broke into the Forbidden Zone:

753 replies | 83 images | 440 IUDs

753 replies can mean only one thing…

5c45fb (8) No.1110238>>1110461 >>1110474 >>1110487 >>1110513 >>1110596 >>1110651 >>1110670 >>1110687 >>1110697 >>1110719 >>1110740 >>1110789 >>1110905

look at the last Q post - instructions to internet engineers?


what is the biggest public issue that will cause the crisis we no face?

not revelations of pedo or corruption or lies or theft or treason - NO - all those will be accepted with the proof there is

no - the real crisis involves the INTERNET - Q has focused on goog FB TWIT etc but these are the "front of the house" operations. The real POWEr is back of the house - Cisco Oracle et all that produce manage and control the INFRASTRUCTURE of the internet worldwide

The internet is DOWN SHE GOES - can you imagine the reaction? it will be EPIC - THIS IS IT PEOPLE - seems so obvious once i said it. matches all the Q posts and warnings - archive offline? Why? becauses its all going to be DELETED - ALL OF IT - EVERYTHING WIPED

That is the reason Q has waited for the exact right moment - consider the practical means that have to be in place for the 10 DAYS OF DARKNESS - not sjut riot control but hospitals courts everything will SHUT DOWN - AND Q team also has to have backup internet hardward and software ready to go on top of all that

people are going to FREAK OUT WHEN THE INTERNET GOES DOWN - it will be EPIC

AND GUESS WHAT? martial law and all the arrests can happen then…. and then turn back on the clean net………RESET


2430b8 (1) No.1110239

File (hide): c095b58c7131aac⋯.png (841.03 KB, 2560x1440, 16:9, Screenshot_20180418-002135.png) (h) (u)

c3240d (7) No.1110240

File (hide): cef1522ca686f39⋯.jpg (26.03 KB, 252x350, 18:25, Cc7O95rUMAASMDW.jpg) (h) (u)

6b2b60 (1) No.1110241>>1110567

https:// www.rt.com/usa/424640-comey-trump-memos-leaked/

69abb0 (12) No.1110242>>1110343 >>1110741 >>1110762

alright who told the normals Q was Q&Afagging?

1c0bfb (2) No.1110243


Yes you heard it..

yes it's true.

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=OTtFZlGe8n4

23f2cd (5) No.1110244>>1110422


Probably tens of thousands. To be honest, if cabal & crew ever took back control it would be fairly easy for them to target everyone. At this point, we must win.

8ab613 (13) No.1110245>>1110359



Some of the most fun I've had in a long time doing this.. too bad work calls tomorrow.

Q fix cryptos so I can quit already, pls?

d17af4 (1) No.1110246>>1110272 >>1110297


Q: Will we ever get to see the Podestas jailed?

9edf27 (4) No.1110247


Strength test for later date.

The eye of the storm could get hectic.

460916 (8) No.1110248>>1110271


I think Friday is going to be the day we get answers. Everything always drops on Friday remember.

7928ed (2) No.1110249>>1110274



1ec37c (2) No.1110250>>1110276 >>1110277

Guys I think Q said Q&A again means there will be another one at a later time, because time is limited. I could be wrong.

0115fe (9) No.1110251>>1110269 >>1110408


Where are all you lazy niggers when we need help digging?

"Q muh aliens?"

Get your asses back over to Reddit

8e99f7 (1) No.1110252>>1110275 >>1110278 >>1110359

File (hide): 9c00b14508031ad⋯.jpg (149.29 KB, 500x375, 4:3, 81043024.jpg) (h) (u)


Gotcha covered.

Thanks baker for weathering the storm!

dc89d0 (4) No.1110253

File (hide): 129e50b79308082⋯.gif (884.12 KB, 500x500, 1:1, victory.gif) (h) (u)

>>1109902 (OP)


Have to sign-off too, can't bake

Baker needs a hand-off


33e6d6 (5) No.1110254>>1110300 >>1110329


I can do one or two.

46edd3 (2) No.1110255


Q Team - Will EBS be available on premium channels on streaming services like SlingTV, VUE, PlatStation. etc, for those of us who cut our cable and Directv services? I do not want to miss an emergency alert. More and more people are streaming now to save money.

46a4d2 (6) No.1110256


Will over 30% of politicians be removed?

8f1417 (2) No.1110257


She gonna need some good detergent to get the brown outta dem pannies.

33ac34 (2) No.1110258>>1110521


Judges in state and federal courts. I'm a technologist who has had technology 'harvested' from me for decades using corrupt courts. How thorough will the defumigation of judges be?

1e83bb (3) No.1110259

You are a damn good Baker!!


77f21f (4) No.1110260>>1110490 >>1110575

That "Q" and [A] is telling us not to contribute research to this board anymore. It's not as beneficial to the shot callers now they have their positions solidified.

bf7c68 (4) No.1110261>>1110296


"Q was here and I missed him again??"

a85a5a (6) No.1110262


What's the #1 thing I can do to help you?

d1efeb (6) No.1110263>>1110312

File (hide): 3485b0c8e9cf59b⋯.jpeg (44.77 KB, 533x306, 533:306, Qcap.jpeg) (h) (u)

What? kek

7ca831 (10) No.1110264>>1110291 >>1110310 >>1110526 >>1110896

>> 1109466

Does Israel have nuclear weapons? Thanks,Q

2723c6 (2) No.1110265


Checked and Kek'd

473f56 (2) No.1110266


This board has more power than we know…..KEK. 400+ UID's.

644a3f (3) No.1110267


I think this was for 2 thing…

1. Strength test and to get new UID's that might be hiding/lurking.

2. Find out what questions people will want answered in the coming months……

I would say at least 30% of question were FED/Currency related.

831668 (10) No.1110268

Old Bread----To the anon that wrote to Q.. " Fake and Gay is the proper verbiage here. Learn our comms ," just wanted to say I have been laughing off and on over that shit …super funny and great timing !! Worth repeating

06b986 (7) No.1110269

69abb0 (12) No.1110270

>>1110237 trips confirm

02419a (5) No.1110271


hell, news didnt start dropping today till 5pm eastern and it hit hard.

416640 (2) No.1110272>>1110311 >>1110340 >>1110563 >>1110580 >>1110751


And Q answered one of my questions !!! IM DANCING !!!!

e253ed (5) No.1110273


Some processing and/or bandwidth issues seem to be apparent…

6c3322 (2) No.1110274


Thanks for clearing that up

c98100 (2) No.1110275


good lord…

dc7bec (4) No.1110276


I agree

e8efa6 (10) No.1110277>>1110445


Of course there will be Q has held them before since the beginning ;)

ef72a7 (1) No.1110278>>1110560 >>1110766

File (hide): c73b27739630e9c⋯.jpg (7.64 KB, 259x194, 259:194, images (1).jpg) (h) (u)

8ee4b4 (2) No.1110279


That’s an interesting experiment to run. Seems like they got some good data. We’re getting deep now expect fireworks.

8827a5 (6) No.1110280


We are many.

a55fed (1) No.1110281

Fuck, I was on a B& VPN with apparently 1000+ Captchas

55f392 (1) No.1110282>>1110302 >>1110577


Chemtrails? Which group is running them? How/when will we stop?

50d6cc (10) No.1110283>>1110335


Wont the cabal simply fill the vacuum after the purge is over?

The Left has Trillions of $$$ flowing around the world

dc89d0 (4) No.1110284


Two posts were deleted

976e67 (16) No.1110285>>1110370

File (hide): 1ee941263c233e1⋯.png (159.13 KB, 1235x509, 1235:509, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

0e3e53 (6) No.1110286>>1110308


>He is no longer doing any answering to questions.

But I bet he reads each and every one of them.


090890 (2) No.1110287

File (hide): 7da84d1e935bae5⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 104.32 KB, 1062x700, 531:350, FromChinawithluv.jpg) (h) (u)


Thx Baker!!!

70f7f0 (2) No.1110288>>1110324

File (hide): 379c298650f86dd⋯.png (17.74 KB, 458x198, 229:99, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


Motor Voter, Illegals are registered to vote when they get a driver's license.

82a325 (2) No.1110289>>1110342 >>1110357

last bread…

:24 minutes

That's got to be record

000194 (3) No.1110290>>1110342 >>1110349

File (hide): 0286a480c9ed936⋯.png (164.44 KB, 426x322, 213:161, qa-meme-2.png) (h) (u)

6c77f9 (5) No.1110291



was in the bread a few days ago.

49ed5a (1) No.1110292

8be103 (4) No.1110293>>1110351



719809 (2) No.1110294>>1110333

Prev bread



explains the "pens" and as Q is the one that told this I can't see why we can't say it. WHO got the pens?

46a4d2 (6) No.1110295


Are we in contact with any alien races?

c3240d (7) No.1110296


Fake Q will.be shortly. You can catch him!

460916 (8) No.1110297


Was Pizzagate real and legitimate, and correct about podesta's emails?

36a9e6 (9) No.1110298>>1110369



Yeah, 'twas a giant nothingburger.

a0687d (2) No.1110299

File (hide): 5de25478c624861⋯.png (73.43 KB, 1211x372, 1211:372, EO Update.png) (h) (u)

In regard to post 1182

405faf (7) No.1110300>>1110313


That'll last for the next 15 minutes or so…

2723c6 (2) No.1110301


Looks like events 22 hours from the place was today. Probably be 44 hour travel distance tomorrow. Look for pentagram shape.

c98100 (2) No.1110302>>1110570


i've toyed with the idea of getting up early enoguh to see who is taking these planes out/ or catching them when tehy come back in. FFS

50d6cc (10) No.1110303

I hope she doesn't run in 2020

264efd (1) No.1110304

File (hide): 6d1f9f84f821d37⋯.png (934.75 KB, 1026x908, 513:454, 6d1f9f84f821d37e9ab5ded05b….png) (h) (u)

d938b2 (1) No.1110305

I agree

Q was saying there will be another Q&A in the future…..

Keep up the good fight (good night)

243184 (5) No.1110306>>1110368


2 out of……? What does the test mean… as in is a 2 a good number or bad?

7ca831 (10) No.1110307

<<1109466 Does Israel have nuclear weapons? Thanks Q

35f106 (4) No.1110308>>1110359

File (hide): 2afd850e399c60d⋯.png (124.64 KB, 333x333, 1:1, (pepeQ_A.png) (h) (u)


yup. that was fun

30bab9 (3) No.1110309


Jacob Rothschild dead?

George Soros dead?

0b7600 (3) No.1110310


Samson Option

They have no problem killing the earth if they are threatened

69abb0 (12) No.1110311>>1110436 >>1110805

>>1110272 you realize the peak moment of your life is past and now the rest of your days on this planet will pale in comparison to today. and no one will know who you are or wtf you talking about but congratulations welcome to the club now get back to work faggot

831668 (10) No.1110312

33e6d6 (5) No.1110313


yaya I mean an hour or two

0115fe (9) No.1110314>>1110457 >>1110484


Probably a very important

"Q are they aliens going to save our economy?"

post was deleted. Oh no.

3b40d1 (1) No.1110315>>1110321

Q… what more can we do??

06b986 (7) No.1110316>>1110332

probably look q

s over and answer at leisure.

9cc1ca (1) No.1110317>>1110617 >>1110836

might be something to that muckrock mind control shit,

Popular Mechanics is reporting on it

https:// www.popularmechanics.com/military/weapons/a19855256/muckrock-foia-psycho-electric-weapons/

61313e (1) No.1110318

What was the main purpose of the data mining in FB? AI Learning with quantum computers?

11e023 (1) No.1110319

6374de (4) No.1110320>>1110363 >>1110373

https:// www.nationalreview.com/2015/07/nancy-pelosi-wealth-liberal-hypocrisy/

>By 2014, she and her husband, investment banker Paul Pelosi, were doing even better: She reported between $43.4 million and $202 million in assets.

NP's husband is an investment banker. It's legal for senators to engage in insider trading. Want to bet they combined his investment skills with her insider knowledge to rake in obscene amounts of money?

0115fe (9) No.1110321

c071f6 (4) No.1110322

File (hide): 01125c878653a08⋯.jpg (91.95 KB, 750x484, 375:242, no deal.jpg) (h) (u)

77f21f (4) No.1110323


Guess what you get to do after 2 weeks?

Wait some more!

719809 (2) No.1110324


>Motor Voter, Illegals are registered to vote

I watched an Australian screen shot his way through the voter registration process in CA…he was registered to vote…trufax…on his phone from Oz.

976e67 (16) No.1110325






238181 (1) No.1110326


They are small ones, tall ones, hybrid ones.

Serpo on GOOG might help you.

c75b16 (3) No.1110327>>1110336

Lots of things I'd like to know Q, but Antartica is really a mindfuck. WTH is everyone doing down there?

Clarification would be so nice.

6f4524 (1) No.1110328>>1110346 >>1110353 >>1110875

Voat still 503 for about 29 hours. Did our guys collect what they needed?

8ab613 (13) No.1110329>>1110381


ThanQ, I'll bake one last before I head off tho..

need to update dough anyway..


c2b3de (4) No.1110330>>1110547


Is it just me, or is the liberal shill media going extra hard on Jimmy now? Why? And I'm being serious. Are they just pissed he didn't bring the goods on POTUS, or something else?

da4033 (2) No.1110331>>1110387 >>1110449

440 UIDs at the end of last bread! The board held up. Thank you Baker, amazing job, thank you codemonkey, thank you Patriots ! That shit was nuts. There are so many of us! TOGETHER WE ARE UNSTOPPABLE! Love you faggots

12d215 (8) No.1110332


>probably look q

>s over and answer at leisure.

I would expect new shills tomorrow, each with one of those question topics as a hook.

644a3f (3) No.1110333


He's signing more to come….. that aren't out yet. IMO

dc7bec (4) No.1110334

Something is definitely happening in cali, 59 percent approve border restrictions, localities are protesting sanctuary cities and the governor is being pressured into things by Trump. Changes are happening.

706135 (5) No.1110335

The left, "Had Trillions"………… we taking it back. It's always about the money. >>1110283

562a5a (1) No.1110336


digging up an ancient race of humanoids

e8efa6 (10) No.1110337

For anyone who feels they may have missed out on Q&A with Q no worries there will be more in the future. It's a long term thing we're building here :)

30bab9 (3) No.1110338

When will HRC vid be released?

When will the witch be arrested?

a2cdab (9) No.1110339

This period is supposedly some kind of heathen holiday. It isnt. We took it back with our prayers and right action. Just as Trump issued the big EO on Winter Solstice. Holidays such as Winter Solstice are not evil. They belong to /us/ as amazing signs and wonders of god's Creation. Prayer Judo.

06b986 (7) No.1110340


lucky fuck!

5a4c2d (3) No.1110341>>1110399


he's saying he'll do Q&A again another time, right now his time is limited.

so, get your list of questions ready, anons.

c3240d (7) No.1110342

4e17f9 (2) No.1110343>>1110383


damnit Beanz

46a4d2 (6) No.1110344


Will we join One Belt One Road?

1245e6 (1) No.1110345>>1110381 >>1110584

File (hide): 6ed59711aa54981⋯.png (128.58 KB, 1075x380, 215:76, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 7123e48f1525c6e⋯.png (208.23 KB, 693x572, 63:52, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


I got buried lasts bread. This story isn't over.


http:// rapidcityjournal.com/news/world/caravan-migrants-hop-freight-train-in-mexico-heading-north/article_a2d9670a-d967-5f6c-acdb-d94ff0766697.html

476cb7 (9) No.1110346>>1110375


Hope those guys can find us here

9d1da1 (1) No.1110347>>1110756

File (hide): 2d7f25932aa941c⋯.png (209.36 KB, 797x537, 797:537, pepekek8.png) (h) (u)

7ca831 (10) No.1110348

>>190466 Will we replace the US dollar with crypto currency?

3fdb2d (7) No.1110349


So true.

Best unknowingly induced shillstorm so far.

Took some of us entire last bread to realize… also 5 bucks we'll have 300+ UIDs here too.

8e2e1a (3) No.1110350>>1110360

Q. Tell us something about LV. Give us a hint.

2b5a4d (5) No.1110351



How's it feel to be a complete fucking loser? ffs

0fa788 (3) No.1110352>>1110378 >>1110458

File (hide): 39d4231f7198f60⋯.png (5.75 KB, 549x52, 549:52, WWOOWWWW.png) (h) (u)

440 UIDS!!!

240e61 (5) No.1110353>>1110362


lol what?


I've been more or less of a liaison

30bab9 (3) No.1110354


Can you get the $21 trillion back?

78fb20 (4) No.1110355

Q Currency Redesign to Remove Pedo / Illuminati / Evil Symbology? PLEASE?

Will Barry's BC truth be TOLD THis Year?

4fb526 (1) No.1110356



I would have replied but my potatoe would not allow in time.

0115fe (9) No.1110357


Was as fast as the night we nailed the Twitter is saving pedo porn on servers breadcrumbs

c071f6 (4) No.1110358

File (hide): 040a02ce7ad8a06⋯.jpg (116.06 KB, 922x484, 461:242, 040a02ce7ad8a06dd597d377c5….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 4dd9d0120f01453⋯.jpg (97.03 KB, 1024x538, 512:269, 4dd9d0120f0145310a27f92184….jpg) (h) (u)

d78edc (3) No.1110359




That was insane….holy hell

e7ebe0 (6) No.1110360>>1110485

File (hide): 6ad83317aae239d⋯.jpg (2.54 MB, 1151x2551, 1151:2551, 827f7bfbbf16687b11700a2fe2….jpg) (h) (u)

91139f (2) No.1110361>>1110385


Talk about Q Balls

ac25c2 (1) No.1110362>>1110434


Voat frontend is kill. Fix it. plz

7ff077 (7) No.1110363>>1110393


but not legal for him.

179bb3 (1) No.1110364>>1110444

File (hide): c642164d22aafb6⋯.jpg (4.18 MB, 4000x3000, 4:3, DSC00122.JPG) (h) (u)

a2cdab (9) No.1110365


Everything is negotiable.

d2e8e6 (2) No.1110366>>1110806

File (hide): 744c5dcf62462c4⋯.jpg (220.24 KB, 1067x802, 1067:802, Screenshot_20180419-220536.jpg) (h) (u)

1e83bb (3) No.1110367>>1110410

Well, so much for the Q&A.

9459df (11) No.1110368

File (hide): 50f13efc63f4682⋯.png (104.53 KB, 1071x566, 1071:566, Screenshot_20180419-220432….png) (h) (u)


IDK how many more to go. I am referring to when Q posted his face off in March before and after POTUS' rally.

6a3e94 (7) No.1110369>>1110390 >>1110439 >>1110443



Not true! He answered a couple of important questions. Read at the top of the bread.

0d54cc (4) No.1110370>>1110394 >>1110398 >>1110423 >>1110438 >>1110476


Those questions sucked.

Boomer tier retardland.

That was like asking god what the meaning of life was. Opportunity wasted.

"Hey Q. Will we have a hot summer?"

Pfft. You idiots suck. I was locked out and that was the best you could do?

78fb20 (4) No.1110372

Ginsberg Heading to GITMO?

c75b16 (3) No.1110373>>1110729


Ya this shit enrages me. No fan of Martha Stewart, but she got fucked. Don't know who she pissed off, but she was made an example of. Our congress peeps are a thousand times worse and it should make everyone fuckin postal considering most people live paycheck to paycheck.

0ba9ec (2) No.1110374

When can we expect more to happen with FB and MZ? It seemed to be a hit but did not really affect their stock, its on the up now.

a137d3 (4) No.1110375>>1110412


They should create their own board on 8chan. Keep this board purely as qanon.

000194 (3) No.1110376

File (hide): 96934c43c041740⋯.png (446.7 KB, 515x391, 515:391, qa-meme-3.png) (h) (u)

f9a543 (6) No.1110377>>1110559

File (hide): 488c9fe8528515e⋯.png (1.47 MB, 1891x826, 1891:826, Pelosi said 9.7.2017 went ….PNG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 612a451970311d1⋯.mp4 (12.06 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 640x360 - Pelosi says she ….mp4) (h) (u) [play once] [loop]

On September 7, 2017, Pelosi said she visited Pyongyang North Korea and she fear that North Korea will sell their weapons technology.

https:// www.washingtonpost.com/video/politics/pelosi-says-she-fears-north-korea-will-proliferate-its-weapons/2017/09/07/99e473fe-93dd-11e7-8482-8dc9a7af29f9_video.html?utm_term=.2729b8a55a9d

91139f (2) No.1110378


He lit a FIRE and flushed us out of the shadows! LURKERS OF THE WORLD UNITE

8b25a7 (2) No.1110379


Q's "--- Big ERROR". Also on the linked video, at 10:56 ish

https:// www.c-span.org/video/?444272-1/democrats-back-farm-bill-leader-pelosi

Question about Dems using issue of impeachment during 2018 campaigns - NP says "Whether or not the President should be Impeached is a matter that is being dealt with in the Justice Department. I don't know that they are talking about Impeachment but whether they have the facts and the law to make a determination of how they go forward…".

WTF! The DOJ is trying to impeach the President? Q. PLEASE, STOP THESE IDIOTS BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE.

Tried to post 2 breads back - couldn't post. Posted last bread but think it was prob "not seen". Thought it was important.

d282d6 (4) No.1110380>>1110405 >>1110644 >>1110669 >>1110745 >>1110815 >>1110849 >>1110881

I just want to take this moment to tell you, Alex Jones, fuck you. What you did this past week with your ringer fraud was disgraceful and brought dishonor to every single one of us who have sacrificed and actually have done for the country. I could go on but I won't because you will just spin your course and play your corroded tune of crap. None of us follow blindly and we have questioned and many of us actually served and then suffered under those corrupt motherfuckers while you spun baloney and played make believe.

So from this honorable discharged veteran who was everything your toy Zach claims he is, fuck you Alex, fuck you. You owe it to yourself and the country you claim to love to stand like a man, act like a man and own your bullshit like a man. Then maybe we can move on. Until then you are a putz only out for money through sensationalism.

33e6d6 (5) No.1110381

46bb20 (3) No.1110382>>1110403

File (hide): a90d2e8b9a1669d⋯.png (440.51 KB, 676x612, 169:153, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

0b7600 (3) No.1110383


The retards on #wethe(zionistshills)people

8adbb2 (1) No.1110384>>1110478 >>1110486

File (hide): a29647b7bb01017⋯.jpg (84.43 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, hiddenmessage.jpg) (h) (u)


Anyone get a secret message yet?

077fad (2) No.1110385


It's about the BREAK!

476cb7 (9) No.1110386

I think Q will answer some -- it'll take a while just to read them

831668 (10) No.1110387


maybe simple question but is uid Unique ID?

39b4b9 (4) No.1110388

Didn’t we all know Israel has nukes?

c77ee6 (1) No.1110389


Thank you for all you do.

d78edc (3) No.1110390


Yeah the SR one was hugggggeee!!!

7ca831 (10) No.1110391

>>1109466 Will we replace the US dollar with crypto currency?

c071f6 (4) No.1110392

File (hide): 9a1612c869ecbc2⋯.jpg (58.57 KB, 565x314, 565:314, 28i7t9.jpg) (h) (u)

6374de (4) No.1110393


He could advise her and no one could prove it.

33e6d6 (5) No.1110394>>1110733


What is your question?

0fa788 (3) No.1110395


The Job is done.

Watch the News.

7ff077 (7) No.1110396


didn't see your questions

8be103 (4) No.1110397>>1110427 >>1110468 >>1110725

I just discovered that Q's Q&A has ended, but if I had been in there on time I would have asked Q, in light of how awesome THE STORM is for us Patriots, the following questions:

(1) how many suicides will there be;

(2) who will they involve;

(3) when will they start; and

(4) is there any way these people's souls can be saved?

I hate the bad guys and all the suffering they've inflicted on the poor children (by abusing and killing them) and the rest of us (financially and otherwise), but in my heart of hearts I believe Christ would want to save as many souls as possible, and it's not too late while they're still alive. . . .

69abb0 (12) No.1110398>>1110425


anon is fully engaged on target can confirm

bf7c68 (4) No.1110399>>1110652


Maybe we need to compile a "best of". A lot of repeats tonight.

8827a5 (6) No.1110400>>1110406 >>1110421 >>1110588 >>1110816

I've been here since Day 1 on Half. I don't recall a finer evening than this, other than maybe "Merry Christmas" night. GLORIOUS, Patriots, just…

78fb20 (4) No.1110401


e1ef5c (3) No.1110402

How should we prepare for any catastrophes beside archiving off-line?

Food, money, gas, meds?

e77b09 (2) No.1110403

976e67 (16) No.1110404>>1110413 >>1110416 >>1110417 >>1110419 >>1110424 >>1110433 >>1110515 >>1110533 >>1110584 >>1110773 >>1110838

Summary from Q&A:






c3240d (7) No.1110405

File (hide): 6d0b54dffab342d⋯.jpeg (134.58 KB, 1440x810, 16:9, 1523707877.jpeg) (h) (u)

cf8175 (2) No.1110406>>1110428 >>1110548


lexington and concord

36826b (1) No.1110407>>1110796

File (hide): c15f4d8988a6cb9⋯.png (293.67 KB, 798x357, 38:17, hrc2a.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 26a15a894252944⋯.png (255.02 KB, 794x356, 397:178, hrc2b.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): ce23f24fd9ba59e⋯.png (231.94 KB, 800x356, 200:89, hrc2bb.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 530953c86b67876⋯.png (170.53 KB, 796x353, 796:353, hrc2bbbb.png) (h) (u)

#Boom #Boom #Boom #Boom

3fdb2d (7) No.1110408


>implying we aren't digging about aliens

Joke's on you breh

77f21f (4) No.1110409>>1110420 >>1110441 >>1110452

Q answered none of the pertinent questions. Imagine that.

ee8f41 (9) No.1110410>>1110429


Do you think it might be possible Q's reading ~200 questions and it it's taking a little time?

e4b99c (3) No.1110411

Are the answers going to be put in notables? (besides the ones Q did first Q & A)

240e61 (5) No.1110412>>1110498


can you or anyone else talk about what we know here about voat? I must've missed your discussion which was a fault on my part, as I tend to try and bridge the gap and help some people I think are good additions find their way here.

d1efeb (6) No.1110413



489c07 (4) No.1110414>>1110431


1. McCabe:POTUS not target

2. Guilliani on team

3. IG McCabe referral

4. Comey memos

5. ???

22e623 (1) No.1110415


Woah that was amazing

7ff077 (7) No.1110416>>1110483


Fed already rolled/restructured into the Treasury.

960592 (1) No.1110417>>1110447


MS13 Vegas too? U think?

39d096 (3) No.1110418>>1110465 >>1110540 >>1110680 >>1110737

File (hide): ffc4245d8dadbf0⋯.png (272.35 KB, 642x823, 642:823, Short Tweet Nunes Gowdy Go….PNG) (h) (u)

File (hide): ffc4245d8dadbf0⋯.png (272.35 KB, 642x823, 642:823, Short Tweet Nunes Gowdy Go….PNG) (h) (u)

6c77f9 (5) No.1110419>>1110430


God, concise summary, anon.

644a3f (3) No.1110420>>1110505


He answered FED question with "Structure"

Which was another giant cock tease…..

Then again, it's likely insider trading to say anything more any way…..

8be103 (4) No.1110421>>1110489



I'm with you, Anon! I've been here since jump, too, and this night has been glorious, just as Q promised us that 2018 would be.

Thank you, Jesus Christ. And, of course, thank you Q and President Trump!

6b18a9 (2) No.1110422>>1110446


Yes, I just assumed I was on a list for my anti cabal views prior to the Trump win. This only ensures that we are all on the list now. Oh well, I would rather go out fighting. Thank God for the Patriots putting their lives on the line, our POTUS, and the Q team.

ee8f41 (9) No.1110423>>1110733


So what's your brilliant question?

976e67 (16) No.1110424


possible notable BAKER

39b4b9 (4) No.1110425


Was locked out too. Those questions….fuckery

e8efa6 (10) No.1110426

File (hide): cb0226ad0007893⋯.png (177.56 KB, 1500x616, 375:154, Q Q&A.png) (h) (u)

Re-post Q&A session

0ba9ec (2) No.1110427


I would reach that none of these questions can really be answered. Can't predict the human mind, only when the info that will damn them is dropped. But why spoil the surprise? You know the worst part of doing something wrong is toiling over it waiting for the result. The suspense is the real killer, let them suffer

8827a5 (6) No.1110428


Oh, yes. Yes.

1e83bb (3) No.1110429


Possibly… time will tell.

6c77f9 (5) No.1110430

23f2cd (5) No.1110431


Probably North fucking Korea

7ca831 (10) No.1110432

>>1109466 Who are the real Jews Q?

c3240d (7) No.1110433


Well done anon

240e61 (5) No.1110434


not what i meant

i'm well aware, as I tend to frequent the place, but I'm curious what our guys here know

312111 (2) No.1110435

We asked so many questions Q couldn't post!

0e3e53 (6) No.1110436>>1110493


I'd buy you a beer for your humour

50d6cc (10) No.1110437


Now that Mueller says Trump is not under investigation…

Does this mean that Sessions' recusal is over?

12d215 (8) No.1110438


> Opportunity wasted.

Was probably used to set up new shill chat scripts.

Look for each of these topics to show up in next shillstorm.

36a9e6 (9) No.1110439


He answered with NON-answers.

SR = free beer tomorrow.

Same as always.


4acae4 (1) No.1110440

#s of Arrests for trafficking expanding exponentially soon? >>1108897

(Last bread)

6374de (4) No.1110441>>1110509 >>1110543


Maybe Q is trying to structure their next drops? Why not poll anons. We've been getting distracted lately.

ea4c09 (7) No.1110442>>1110502

File (hide): ae219bfcdd86ad6⋯.png (6.77 KB, 290x29, 10:1, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

post rate from the last bread, taken after bread done, so average through bread.


Village Idiot, tired of being here so I have taken some time off.

Will return with a new board at some point. RL calls and I don't usually spend much time on the internet after March anyway.

019426 (2) No.1110443>>1110470 >>1110507 >>1110508 >>1110539

File (hide): 07037499f723cdf⋯.png (616.39 KB, 1259x708, 1259:708, 07037499f723cdfa41b0d89eff….png) (h) (u)


that's either SR or RG. I pray that its SR

e103f3 (4) No.1110444>>1110594


Seattle whore.

1ec37c (2) No.1110445>>1110473


Yeah just bringing it up because there were 300 questions after Q said it would happen again another time

23f2cd (5) No.1110446


Basically how I feel too, anon. WWG1WWA

33e6d6 (5) No.1110447


That was my impression.

02e5fd (8) No.1110448>>1110630 >>1110698 >>1110714

some important numbers i found on a calculator


3abb92 (3) No.1110449


We love you too brother. WWG1WGA

7ca831 (10) No.1110450

>>1109466 Does Israel have nuclear weapons? Thanks Q

7d4d88 (3) No.1110451>>1110677

Been busy all day, came on trying to catch up, board was a nightmare. Had to leave, come back, leave, come back, restart, come back… in the meantime i missed Q&A. What a day though! Sounds like June will be great! Flag day? POTUS bday? That would be amazing!

077fad (2) No.1110452


In time. Q&A was clearly a SEC TEST / strength test for the site.

9b1343 (5) No.1110453>>1110537

Time to restock


for McCabe/Comey showdown

d5368f (1) No.1110454>>1110818

>>1110022 (previous bread)

I think by Structure, Q meant this - from a previous post, Nov 12, 2017 and subsequent "Answers" from that post:

FACT: US Federal Reserve is a privately-owned company, sitting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws.

Online: Who governs the Federal Reserve?

A Federal Reserve bank is a privately owned corporation established pursuant to the Federal Reserve Act to serve the public interest; it is governed by a board of nine directors, six of whom are elected by the member banks and three of whom are appointed by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.


A foreign-corporation squatting in the USA, that doesn't help the public at all, but itself!. Thieves. It's got to go.

838b2e (1) No.1110455

File (hide): 1665cf93c998046⋯.png (1.26 MB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_0423.PNG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 1665cf93c998046⋯.png (1.26 MB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_0423.PNG) (h) (u)

Great Saint James island, Christmas Cove British Virgin Islands

64f5af (1) No.1110456>>1110466


I don't have any questions.

I just want to thank you for giving me the opportunity to be in service to this great nation as I had beem trained to do before.

It feels wonderful being a part of getting rid of the poison.

ad13b9 (3) No.1110457>>1110469 >>1110523

File (hide): 2222aa55ff070f9⋯.jpg (108.77 KB, 700x530, 70:53, The_Ultimate_Computer_165.jpg) (h) (u)


The theoretical barrier of 751 posts was smashed.

Our collective cosmic unconsciousness bypassed the interweb and connected directly to Q!

243184 (5) No.1110458


Kinda hard to get a word in edgewise when you have to enter the captcha 7 times to get thru….

What's up with that?

b7eb1a (11) No.1110459

ThankQ Q for the Q & A. It was awesome AND very kind of you.

d3692f (5) No.1110460


Q and Mr. President,

Can We The People get some of this money that is being frozen? Rebate checks, like Bush did?

0a3511 (2) No.1110461


could very well be, anon

49ae6c (4) No.1110462

>>1108812 (previous bread)

I remember one of the litter interviewed with Maria Bartiromo and really pissed Maria off because of her rudeness.

46edd3 (2) No.1110463


Q Team - If for whatever reason a former President or member of Congress dies before they are prosecuted and sentenced, will they be allowed to lay in repose at the Capitol Rotunda? I hope not! We all know Potus is acting out a good part but, lets not get carried away and allow traitors the honor given to good, honest Americans of importance!

a20340 (4) No.1110464>>1110499

Per Q: Download and archive offline immediately. Click to watch the video on the left at the end for NOKO/Iran crumbs. Click the video on the right for Syria crumbs.

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lp_eJVZ2220

30dda8 (1) No.1110465


Comey is such a sleaze ball. But this is everyone in DC right? You don't go into the swamp without becoming slimy.

706135 (5) No.1110466

Damn strait on that! >>1110456

b664ee (1) No.1110467

File (hide): a85d404970953ef⋯.jpg (168.43 KB, 800x1035, 160:207, S3224_CANDYGRAM.jpg) (h) (u)

Four U.S. senators seek details on unusual cellular surveillance in D.C. area

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Four U.S. senators on Wednesday urged the U.S. Homeland Security Department (DHS) to disclose additional information about unusual cellular surveillance activity that has been detected around the nation’s capital.

The senators - Ron Wyden and Ed Markey, both Democrats, and Republicans Rand Paul and Cory Gardner - said the Trump administration should make public additional details about possible surveillance using cellphone-site simulators around Washington.

“The American people have a legitimate interest in understanding the extent to which U.S. telephone networks are vulnerable to surveillance and are being actively exploited by hostile actors,” the four said in a letter reviewed by Reuters.

candygram for Mongo

ae0ca6 (1) No.1110468


my question would be>>> how many current guests are at gitmo??

d1efeb (6) No.1110469


Thanks for the smile

36a9e6 (9) No.1110470>>1110536

File (hide): 246e89ea640f422⋯.png (15.87 KB, 474x354, 79:59, fuckingretarded.png) (h) (u)


Not this shit again…

(You) people are stupid!

0ff054 (2) No.1110471>>1110522

Been reading the graphics posted on MK in the last bread.

I'm very concerned at the moment….

that I might have a theory as to why my doctors run so many tests on me (in various states over more than a decade…) and have no answers other than 'the cause isn't visible yet' blah blah.

uh….damn near all of that.

How would one even KNOW?

Not shilling.

I was known as the fitness trainer who couldn't run a quarter mile because my heart about explodes…..literally broke apart in Navy bootcamp…..oh shit…ooooooooooh shit and I saw a shrink while in too….

37a693 (1) No.1110472

>>1110111 (last bread)

Mirrored trips cheked cheking

e8efa6 (10) No.1110473


We're gonna need more 8Chan servers to handle the load :D

1dd410 (3) No.1110474>>1110501


I think you are correct. Besides, this would be a SHOCK enough. turning off the electricity and people would die.

7c8fd5 (1) No.1110475

Thought….the 5:5 that showed how active this board is….

Q has consistently reminded us of digging, archiving, updating the map……this board will be flooded beyond imagination soon, they are making sure this board can handle the traffic, HRC video will be dropped here, causing the most Internet traffic ever on this board, we will at first be branded, labelled conspiracy theorists very heavily more than now……we have research, eyes will be on, everyone will see all the facts we uncover, all dots connected, the GREAT AWAKENING

831668 (10) No.1110476>>1110492 >>1110555


Hey q..you know that saying..if you don't use it you loose it…..is that true?

0ae5ae (1) No.1110477


He said June for SR and DNC. In last bread

1fa795 (1) No.1110478


USMC twitter followers.

2f3dbe (2) No.1110479>>1110510 >>1110632

3a92a5 (3) No.1110480


Who was that guy we researched a while back that moved and build nuclear power plants? Family involved too.

Was he with Pelosi?

a1bb9d (1) No.1110481>>1110529


Like other patriots

I WANT to serve

I WANT to have a bigger impact

I WANT to join the game

976e67 (16) No.1110482

File (hide): 740c3c900ae587b⋯.jpg (30.78 KB, 360x547, 360:547, romangeotus.jpg) (h) (u)


Say hi to POTUS for the anons!

476cb7 (9) No.1110483>>1110511

a85a5a (6) No.1110484


It's an all too common misconception that illegal aliens would benefit the economy.

8e2e1a (3) No.1110485>>1110495


thanks but nothing from potus or Q on LV

c2b3de (4) No.1110486>>1110568 >>1110615

File (hide): 81d87bebd69cbd6⋯.png (678.72 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, FredQ.png) (h) (u)


Fred Brennan did.

b7eb1a (11) No.1110487



This.. is this anon over target? (it would be awesome) We are ready….

240e61 (5) No.1110488

is anyone able to tell me about what's going on with voat? i'm aware it's down and everything, but some anons here have mentioned some people around these parts having done something with voat. i'm curious what you guys know, as I've spent some time there and have been collecting info

8827a5 (6) No.1110489


Indeed, Patriot!

6a3e94 (7) No.1110490


You're wrong. Nothing has changed. We already knew about SR. We are relieved to know mid terms are safe and the answer to ending the Fed was a non-answer.

848f9f (1) No.1110491


Apr 19 2018 21:03:30

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ




Data mine NP +1 +5





Build profile 1XD x7



Eyes only.




7928ed (2) No.1110492


Lose, not loose.


69abb0 (12) No.1110493>>1110761

>>1110436 britbong homo plying anon with beer promises

ba62ea (1) No.1110494

This is a great night to be on the board. Prayers to the people fighting in the trenches. I love my President!

476cb7 (9) No.1110495>>1110703


Yes Q has written about LV -- in crumbs

5d4944 (2) No.1110496>>1110512 >>1110524

File (hide): 356b6c3160f6049⋯.png (92.04 KB, 800x400, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

As part of a routine FOIA request, looking into Antifa and White Supremacist Groups, the government accidentally included documents outlining remote mind-control methods.




> https:// www.popularmechanics.com/military/weapons/a19855256/muckrock-foia-psycho-electric-weapons/

bfdf7f (1) No.1110497

Is the lowered sperm count in Western nations related to cabal?

a137d3 (4) No.1110498


I don't know anything and only read it's had a 503 error for past 29 hours. I just got back from shopping and saw that post.

But yeah, if the PG ppl are looking for a new home, they could create a board on 8chan that's specifically PG and keep this one purely qanon.

36a9e6 (9) No.1110499>>1110569

File (hide): 3aff2db8f3e1161⋯.png (37.09 KB, 500x502, 250:251, embed101.png) (h) (u)

7ca831 (10) No.1110500

>>1109466 Are Comey and McCabe boyfriends/Lovers


b7eb1a (11) No.1110501>>1110612


internet does not equate to turning off the electricity.

21b0ca (1) No.1110502>>1110550 >>1110742


How do you enable it to show post rate?

8bfa9a (3) No.1110503

Hey Q, thanx. I hope u and ur family are doing well. May each day treat you better than the last.


50d6cc (10) No.1110504>>1110554


Can you beat Trump at golf?

405faf (7) No.1110505>>1110525 >>1110564 >>1110636


The power structure will obviously change.

Restructure the Fed infrastructure?

Structure the Fed under the treasury rather than as a separate entity?

e7ebe0 (6) No.1110506

Damn it, I wanted to ask about the 702 surveillance bill

12d215 (8) No.1110507


Where's the anon with the animated WJC gifs.

Could make a meme pic out of it …

1132da (3) No.1110508


this guy is already vetted to be a real guy out of NY---

he's not wearing a disguise and his van has elect trump signs on it

090890 (2) No.1110509


gauging how many on here?

39b4b9 (4) No.1110510


Ummm planefags???

7ff077 (7) No.1110511>>1110614 >>1110661


cannot, sorry.

feel free to delete my post., apologies anon

35f106 (4) No.1110512


seems like a very serendipitous "accident"…

GreatAwakening intensifies

5c45fb (8) No.1110513>>1110571 >>1110637


baker this should go in notables

re - 10 days of darkness = Q plan

02e5fd (8) No.1110514>>1110530

File (hide): 7e40348261ecc24⋯.jpg (76.53 KB, 921x1200, 307:400, Marx.jpg) (h) (u)

told ya so

8827a5 (6) No.1110515



08298b (2) No.1110516>>1110532

File (hide): 3370e51791acfa4⋯.jpg (51.01 KB, 575x589, 575:589, DbLMjJMWsAA79fv.jpg) (h) (u)

8fe3d4 (2) No.1110517

Perhaps Q should open a QA bread next time? Or we should make one? Not sure exactly how to conduct traffic on that… It's going to be a flurry either way.

That was fun, though.

Perhaps we should consolidate a few questions somewhere like notables?

04e49f (1) No.1110518

We should figure out how to make a crowd sourced graphic with all of our questions and post it next time. Instead of 1000 posts.

It makes sense especially since we still haven't figured out WTF we were supposed to do with the map.

We still have a shit ton of terms we don't know.

1b08b6 (2) No.1110519>>1110538

Fucking dumb ass bakers

This is a searchable database of all of POTUS' executive orders. in CSV and JSON. WTF is wrong with you?

https: //www.federalregister.gov/executive-orders


fa4d59 (1) No.1110520


Q work you guys doing is great but are there really enough Patriots to ensure all the work isn't undone in 2024 when Trump leaves office. Can't savvy cabal members can simply bid their time and wait it out? I mean, in the coming decades, even with deportations, the demographic situation in American ensures that there will be tens of millions foreigners that cannot possibly be integrated, and having enormous immigrants communities ensures their children will not integrate well either. They can be easily manipulated to ensure the destruction of American.

t. concernfag

1dd410 (3) No.1110521>>1110865


New judges are a must. New Sheriffs. New DAs. New Boards of counties, corporations, cities.

0ff054 (2) No.1110522


I should add I disowned a family of Catholic pedos/protectors and Freemasons….military…split off from a verrrrrrry wealthy French fam like 130 yrs ago or something. "adopted father' but 'files burned' before we could ever look….No idea who tf I even am really.


-highlighted post relevant, MK;

0115fe (9) No.1110523>>1110541 >>1110557


I also suspected as much

I felt that we breached the time space continuum and we were breaching on the singularity for a moment

I felt it

I feel it

I am still feeling it

I am resonating so hard right now

Oh muh feels

69abb0 (12) No.1110524>>1110556

>>1110496 let me clear this up. these docs are fake from wannabe psychonaut paranoids who may or may not been clued in on some nonlethal tech, in gov offices you get these huge powerpoint files from paranoids all the time, bits of real stuff mixed in with bizarre fantasy.

e8efa6 (10) No.1110525


^^^This is what I got out of that answer also

49ae6c (4) No.1110526


Yes, for decades now.

1d94ec (1) No.1110527


Fuck yeah .. New best!

3fdb2d (7) No.1110528>>1110545 >>1110749 >>1110879

File (hide): dafde31e7b78127⋯.jpg (756.85 KB, 1485x1980, 3:4, t3_7p0n1d.jpg) (h) (u)

For the lurkers.

NOT Q's work, but relevant.

36a9e6 (9) No.1110529


>I WANT to join the game

(You) are already in the game.

We're the ball.

ed3a1d (1) No.1110530


https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dissolution_of_the_Soviet_Union


a0687d (2) No.1110531

File (hide): 5de25478c624861⋯.png (73.43 KB, 1211x372, 1211:372, EO Update.png) (h) (u)

Post 1182

a85a5a (6) No.1110532>>1110552

File (hide): 8673066fe660977⋯.png (554.78 KB, 620x414, 310:207, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

0e3e53 (6) No.1110533


Based Patriot Califag here approves #5

9459df (11) No.1110534

Shit, based on a lot of the questions people asked A LOT of you don't know your Q crumbs.


Those questions were down right painful to see posted!

7d4d88 (3) No.1110535

Q if you're still here, can something special happen on 5/21 please. This is my only dorky request, I'll never ask for anything again.. promise…

ad13b9 (3) No.1110536>>1110599

File (hide): 708bf8397a0c6b3⋯.jpeg (16.35 KB, 474x349, 474:349, th (14).jpeg) (h) (u)


Hush. Remember that night you got sloshed and wound up shaving Guinan's hoo-hah?

They have tapes…

c2b3de (4) No.1110537>>1110671


Cage match on the North Lawn kek!

8ab613 (13) No.1110538


love you too faggot

6a3e94 (7) No.1110539>>1110576 >>1110586


Q confirms SR was killed by MS13. Details to be made in June.

2b5a4d (5) No.1110540


Slimeball Comey just went SPLAT!

77f21f (4) No.1110541

43634c (1) No.1110542

How do you ‘legally’ inject/make public/use as evidence?

Special counsel raids the lawyer office that has evidence. (like Cohen raid, set precedent) info now evidence. Will mueller raid juiliani's office?

b7eb1a (11) No.1110543>>1110562 >>1110581 >>1110645


There seems to be very little shilling in replies to Q… or am I wrong?

9762c4 (4) No.1110544

It gets more and more nonsensical and desperate around here. Legitimately sad.

12d215 (8) No.1110545


Make a semantic map of that, and it will keep the chat bots going for years …

8a3e72 (5) No.1110546>>1110662 >>1110678

Anons. Seriously.

Is this the greatest thing that has ever happened in your life outside your families?

haven't you dreamed of this?

What an amazing moment in history, and we are here in on it day to day.

I honor all of you.

I hope we can meet at Mr Rushmore when @POTUS gets his rightful place.

I am especially thankful tonight because my loving wife finally admitted to me tonight that she FINALLY believes this is real.

Thank you anons… we are legion.

e4b99c (3) No.1110547


Because it's not going according to plan. They're eating each other!

0e3e53 (6) No.1110548


Let's build us a nation

7ca831 (10) No.1110549

>>1109466 Q What will become of the child traffic victims/Hollywood stars/Models/Rock stars involved?

ea4c09 (7) No.1110550


It's a java script script that goes into the options thing under user javascript.

I don't have the link to it right now but its out there.

also makes the (you) on my post glow.

976e67 (16) No.1110551



ee8f41 (9) No.1110552>>1110602


Dat's wut I do. Spend my whole life sayin' It's Happening.

50d6cc (10) No.1110553>>1110613


We deserve a free anon weekend at Mar-a-Lago. Cough it up.

cdbc89 (1) No.1110554


I doubt it. Maybe they've tied a few though,lol

831668 (10) No.1110555


ahhh I know that !! SOB blew my chance :)

5d4944 (2) No.1110556>>1110605


in a FOIA requests? so psychonauts control the giving out of government files?

69abb0 (12) No.1110557


easy Francis

1e2bc1 (3) No.1110558>>1110578 >>1110650


LEAK Obama's School records and passport, that will stir some shit up

8f1417 (2) No.1110559>>1110900


Didn't Q post this video before…a long time ago?

49ae6c (4) No.1110560


If she lets you. Like POTUS said - they LET you. Implies consent.

d2e8e6 (2) No.1110561>>1110890

File (hide): 054c8261e794e5c⋯.jpg (590.79 KB, 1062x1634, 531:817, Screenshot_20180419-221236.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 4b097e78d2c0742⋯.jpg (895.44 KB, 1053x1824, 351:608, Screenshot_20180419-221253.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 15cff3cd6f59f13⋯.jpg (785.71 KB, 1064x1701, 152:243, Screenshot_20180419-221310.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 8a2164a5c6370ec⋯.jpg (664.03 KB, 1067x1552, 11:16, Screenshot_20180419-221330.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 1ad19fa20b4a281⋯.jpg (524.5 KB, 1053x1330, 1053:1330, Screenshot_20180419-221344.jpg) (h) (u)

https:// www.justice.gov/opa/pr/former-venezuelan-official-pleads-guilty-money-laundering-charge-connection-bribery-scheme

They are helping to clean up Venezuala too!

6374de (4) No.1110562



e4b99c (3) No.1110563


Where's the answer?

ea4c09 (7) No.1110564>>1110573


Yes. No sense in fixing what isn't broken.

Fix what's busted and keep the rest.

9459df (11) No.1110565


6c303b (1) No.1110566

Q….Sam Adams, Budweiser, Imported or none? Godspeed and have one for me or don't….

18457f (4) No.1110567



dcfb09 (1) No.1110568

File (hide): c06e0e89c0f1510⋯.jpg (60.15 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 49e.jpg) (h) (u)



They have to break into our houses though, for some reason? And that's the "scary" part?

a20340 (4) No.1110569>>1110681

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Thank you.

Per Q: Download and archive offline immediately. Click to watch the video on the left at the end for NOKO/Iran crumbs. Click the video on the right for Syria crumbs.

49ae6c (4) No.1110570


Do it, and get footage.

6a3e94 (7) No.1110571>>1110583 >>1110587



Notable are proven sauces, not speculation.

d282d6 (4) No.1110572

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I want to thank you anons, whether my question becomes a chance or not, thank you. I mean that. To celebrate with my brothers who came together to make this day happen that I have waited for since 1999… a video of real life at the moment. I raise this glass to you both American and outside. Let's fix things and continue to do so and leave this world for our kids be they born or not a better place than the things we stood together and helped bring down.

9762c4 (4) No.1110573>>1110607


>keep the Fed

The absolute state of Trumpfags.

b4132b (2) No.1110574

>>1109466 (Previous Bread - Q - Q&A)

Hey Q, are actions in line with Fourth Turning and the upcoming 'Winter is Coming'? Discussed this during hurricane relief ops and now zerohedge has an updated article on it.

"The coming storms will bring out the best and the worst in humanity."

https:/ /www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-04-18/jim-quinn-warns-winter-coming-part-3

God Bless America, POTUS, all the Anon Patriots and You!

243184 (5) No.1110575


Then what are we supposed to do to fill the time?

Swap recipes?

0115fe (9) No.1110576


that was indeed a confirmation

Worthy of notables

also that Assange has emails

However, since the Awan Pakistani niggers made an image of he DNC server, every enemy of the USA has a copy of those emails you can guarantee.

46bb20 (3) No.1110577


You'd think they would spray more at night when people are sleeping…

50d6cc (10) No.1110578


I second this

9b1343 (5) No.1110579

What if the Comey memos were not the reason a special counsel was appointed?

What if he was really appointed to get the goods on Clinton/Obama/etc?

We have been thinking this from the beginning.

I for one have changed my mind a million times (he's really after Trump Russia and he's really on our side and after Hillary et al).

08298b (2) No.1110580



8827a5 (6) No.1110581>>1110590


Second. We're growing stronger!

8a3e72 (5) No.1110583


Some are theories, but have substance.

Otherwise, yes.

8ab613 (13) No.1110584


anyting missing? the instructions thing is already in two breads ago notes even tho it got spammed kek


>>1110345 Migrants hop freight train

>>1110404 Summary from Q&A


>>1108668 Look at the last Q post - instructions to internet engineers?

>>1108701 Sauce on mind control leak

>>1108812, >>1109003 NP +1 +5 Digg

7ca831 (10) No.1110585

>>1109466 Should we leave Los Angeles or stay and fight?

1b08b6 (2) No.1110586>>1110705


After Q tells us "pens" and "Executive orders" how the fuck can you ignore a searchable database of executive orders?

5c45fb (8) No.1110587>>1110679


that is a very strange post

8be103 (4) No.1110588>>1110618


I agree, Anon. I was on Halfchan, too, and I've ridden this glorious wave since Q's first post. Maybe some think the questions we posted were banal but, guess what? Q did that Q&A for kicks. We got to blow off some steam. Q's going to be Q, regardless of what questions we asked, so I am grateful for the fun. To all those Clowns In America on here bitching, go screw yourselves.

25fbfa (1) No.1110589

my original white helmet red pill - then came the side by sides w/ ISIS

>>1109902 (OP)


www. facebook.com/inthenow/videos/729126400571065/

d1efeb (6) No.1110590


Right, we are winning!!

20f9bf (5) No.1110591>>1110611 >>1110619 >>1110620

Was anyone able to save the the Nancy Pelosi video from the cspan website. Normally, I can save videos, but their website wasn't letting me for some reason. The developer tools trick will not work.

b30d14 (1) No.1110592

board held up better than my bowels when Q replied to me. Well done baker!!

976e67 (16) No.1110593

does anyone know the top pusher of the fake HRC video?

making a side by side

e9e4fd (1) No.1110594


That's not Alison.

9edf27 (4) No.1110595>>1110604 >>1110608 >>1110609 >>1110622 >>1110624 >>1110625 >>1110626 >>1110628 >>1110638 >>1110640 >>1110648 >>1110688 >>1110701 >>1110721 >>1110730 >>1110775 >>1110811 >>1110848 >>1110910

Q&A again.

Head on over to @backchannel17 on Twitter.

Pose questions there.

Time very limited.

Post last edited at

dfc2d3 (2) No.1110596>>1110616


I really can't see the whole thing going dark simply because everything is reliant on it now….every business, that means everything gets disrupted, banking and bill paying, food & retail (inventory control), transportation, power, etc…there would be no way to control the chaos…it would be everywhere….small towns to major metro areas, all US troops and LEO would not be enough to control it.

18457f (4) No.1110597

File (hide): bbf2752be7a81ba⋯.gif (94.15 KB, 480x270, 16:9, D_H_L_L_A_B.gif) (h) (u)

The "B." in James B. Comey stands for bitch.

fadc35 (3) No.1110598

https:// www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-04-19/doj-caves-prepares-hand-over-comey-memos-under-threat-subpoena

Comey Memos Leak, Show Putin Pimping Hookers, Comey Joking & Trump Doubting Flynn

Update 2: Less than an hour after Comey's memos were released by DOJ to Congress, the 15 pages have miraculously "become available" to The Associated Press. Given that no source is provided, we assume they were leaked with the intent to embarrass President Trump.

Comey's memos detail private dinner conversations with the President in January 2017, during which Trump asked him to pledge his loyalty.

Another conversation about former White House national security adviser Michael Flynn is also detailed in the memos. In a memo dated Jan. 28, 2017, Comey recounted a dinner he had with Trump at the White House shortly after the president's inauguration. Trump asked Comey who he thought he should be in contact with in the administration, and Comey mentioned the national security adviser.

The president said Flynn had “serious judgment issues," Comey wrote in his memo. Trump then explained to Comey that when the president had complimented British Prime Minister Theresa May on being the first to congratulate him on his election, Flynn interjected that another leader had called first. That was the first time Trump learned of the other leader’s call, Comey wrote.

“I did not comment at any point during this topic and there was no mention or acknowledgement of any FBI interest in or contact with General Flynn,” Comey wrote.

As The Hill adds, a couple days after Flynn pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI, the president tweeted that he “had to fire General Flynn because he lied to the Vice President and the FBI.” The tweet was reportedly written by his personal lawyer at the time, John Dowd. Legal experts speculated that if Trump knew Flynn had lied to the FBI and then asked Comey to drop the investigation, it could constitute obstruction of justice.

Then, there's the hookers.

cb2cdb (4) No.1110599

e7ebe0 (6) No.1110600>>1110655

File (hide): 90aa208934f41bc⋯.png (119.31 KB, 458x654, 229:327, Alice_chess_game.png) (h) (u)

02e5fd (8) No.1110601

what if great socks wanted to rule the world

a85a5a (6) No.1110602

File (hide): 00a2ed7ae4595fc⋯.png (332.87 KB, 457x548, 457:548, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


It's always happening.

35f106 (4) No.1110603

Q ! 04/19/18 (Thu) 22:13:29 d7571e No. >>1108897 <<


5 min.


Q !xowAT4Z3VQ 04/19/18 (Thu) 22:15:58 d7571e No. >>1108949 <<

>>1108920 <<

>HRC v"dark web" video fake news???


We control.


Q ! 04/19/18 (Thu) 22:16:41 d7571e No. >>1108971 <<

>>1108947 <<

>Federal Reserve ending?



Q ! 04/19/18 (Thu) 22:21:44 d7571e No. >>1109139 <<

>>1108927 <<

>When will we find out about Seth Rich and Las Vegas??

SR connect to DNC.



Why did the D’s push legal rep on family?

June ETA.


Q ! 04/19/18 (Thu) 22:23:42 d7571e No. >>1109196 <<

>>1109132 <<

>Will Europe really be broken from its chains too?



Q ! 04/19/18 (Thu) 22:29:03 d7571e No. >>1109320 <<

>>1109176 <<

>Will election fraud be revealed soon???

Yes, midterms are safe.

Watch CA.


Q ! 04/19/18 (Thu) 22:36:07 c14225 No. >>1109466 <<

Q&A again.

Time limited.

Keep up the good fight!


976e67 (16) No.1110604>>1110635




69abb0 (12) No.1110605

>>1110556 no it was maybe just a joke by the bored clerk compiling the files. hey lets put the crazy file in here see if anybody notices. or just an accidental inclusion. but trust me the frequencies and hyper specific effects shown are not legit. you can f somebody up generally with a lot of different pings but power level is key, distance, and in no way does any one ping make you itch your self in a particular spot. Make you dizzy or nauseated sure. but what do I know

405faf (7) No.1110606>>1110646

Do we have a confirmed baker?

ea4c09 (7) No.1110607>>1110633 >>1110693


They have perfectly good money printing machines don't they?

They have a perfectly good system for distributing money don't they?

They have a perfectly good system of vaults and armored trucks don't they?

So why the hell would you trash all of that just to fix the root problem, the fact that they manipulate money?

The absolute state of idiots on this board.

23f2cd (5) No.1110608


Newfags: All bold = Fake Q. So easy to detect. *sigh*

d1efeb (6) No.1110609>>1110760



f9a543 (6) No.1110610>>1110627 >>1110768 >>1110794

a20340 (4) No.1110611>>1110647

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Here you go. More crumbs linked at the end.

1dd410 (3) No.1110612>>1110862


Not what I was saying. Turning off the internet is better than turning off the electricity. That is all.

e8efa6 (10) No.1110613>>1110699 >>1110715


We'd ruin the carpets Mar-a-lago would look like Caddy Shack….

476cb7 (9) No.1110614>>1110693


do you stand by it though? just a hunch?

02419a (5) No.1110615


*ch was all around better when hot wheels was still around.

5c45fb (8) No.1110616



thats the point

house cleaning necessary

watch for it

5c54c5 (1) No.1110617

File (hide): 97a6eaf145c43b0⋯.jpg (157.23 KB, 1136x938, 568:469, mkultra.JPG) (h) (u)


It's not just Clowns. It's Homeland. There's a link between the two. We need to find them.

39b4b9 (4) No.1110618


I think it was a brilliant move by Q

ee8f41 (9) No.1110619>>1110641


Yes. I made an MP4 and dropped in in the Memes 18 thread.

79005c (1) No.1110620


I got it. Came in 3 big chunks for me. Relevant one is the third.

99a890 (5) No.1110621>>1110629 >>1110649 >>1110718 >>1110867

File (hide): 2d5093178c9c074⋯.jpg (28.93 KB, 600x450, 4:3, SmokingHot.jpg) (h) (u)


After Q says … 5 min Q&A

6c77f9 (5) No.1110622


You're such a retard explaining why to you would be a waste.

033edc (1) No.1110623>>1110658

File (hide): 9cdb88b182281f6⋯.jpg (644.76 KB, 788x622, 394:311, redpilling.jpg) (h) (u)

d54403 (1) No.1110624



0b7600 (3) No.1110625


This bullshit is on that fucking #wethepeople fuck faggot channel and their zionist dick sucking

e7ebe0 (6) No.1110626




f9a543 (6) No.1110627

File (hide): 84c247823295039⋯.png (582.43 KB, 1275x1650, 17:22, Ex-FBI-Director-James-Come….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): c7680bca71401a3⋯.png (995.42 KB, 1275x1650, 17:22, Ex-FBI-Director-James-Come….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): a4f4b9f8e91f812⋯.png (903.92 KB, 1275x1650, 17:22, Ex-FBI-Director-James-Come….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): f3236ac34c82182⋯.png (764.53 KB, 1275x1650, 17:22, Ex-FBI-Director-James-Come….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 0508d51e661df9a⋯.png (973.89 KB, 1275x1650, 17:22, Ex-FBI-Director-James-Come….png) (h) (u)

c46e0f (1) No.1110628


Come on Q-Team, throw down Thor's Hammer…!!!

e8efa6 (10) No.1110629

2f0e54 (1) No.1110630>>1110698

9ccc3f (3) No.1110631

File (hide): cf1e82fdc43eced⋯.jpeg (804.21 KB, 1242x1983, 414:661, 42DF1349-D105-4C0B-9A9E-5….jpeg) (h) (u)



8fe3d4 (2) No.1110632


There are 20 B-2s in service. 10 airborne or otherwise bouncing around is not abnormal.

Sedalia Anon, here. Some heightened helo activity, but not abnormal for a guard or other unit working up for deployment.

Obviously… I don't waltz onto base and go take a look at where the B-2s are, but that being said, when they don't want to be seen, they take off the reflector attachment and turn off the transponder. If something big is going on, they are going to be holes in the sky.

9762c4 (4) No.1110633>>1110659

02e5fd (8) No.1110634

File (hide): fb00663d3251155⋯.jpg (201.01 KB, 1038x539, 1038:539, clevelandsmith.jpg) (h) (u)

homotus memefags like a bitch

831668 (10) No.1110635>>1110664


are you the anon that wrote to q " fake and gay is proper verbiage here . learn our comms???

45f483 (1) No.1110636


the fed will be audited

243184 (5) No.1110637


We don't know it is going down and will be down for 10 days for sure.

But it does beg the question: if the interwebz goes down, how long will it be down?

e103f3 (4) No.1110638


>t.faggot that sucks Big Back Channel

7e5454 (1) No.1110639

>>1108721 (previous)

Spoopy, another anon mentioned something about this a few breads back in >>1105834 with regard to making US intel "usable."

9edf27 (4) No.1110640>>1110653 >>1110654 >>1110707


Good way to clear out the shills.

Post last edited at

3fdb2d (7) No.1110641


Lurkers, make yourselves useful:


706135 (5) No.1110642>>1110668 >>1110726

The Enemy just saw the response from Q&A. The Enemy is telling itself the end is not near, but here because they just saw what an Awakening is all about. Strength test? maybe. Showing the Enemy the power of the people……….indeed!

5cfc24 (1) No.1110643


Awesome work, baker.

b7eb1a (11) No.1110644


Support to you veteran anon. you said it well…

39d096 (3) No.1110645


They likely didn't want to ask a snarky question or make a rude comment lest they be outed by Q

8ab613 (13) No.1110646


Baker still here

will confirm hand off in next (my last) bread

20f9bf (5) No.1110647>>1110798


Thanks anon. I can't believe she messed up and admitted to going to NK. She has lost her mind. I should have been more clear in my question though. I'm searching for a mp4 file of this. More than likely youtube will take this one down soon.

23f2cd (5) No.1110648>>1110657 >>1110682









People, THIS IS FAKE Q. Look at the fucking tag - if it is all bold, it is FAKE Q. Literally no one should fall for these.

460916 (8) No.1110649


It's an operation to see how much we know.

1e2bc1 (3) No.1110650



Release why Barry and Michelle Obama Forfeited their LAW Licenses?

Obama went to Harvard right?


85c871 (6) No.1110651


Shit I think your right, i never thought about EVERYTHING being wiped

A good reset for sure!

8bfa9a (3) No.1110652


And leave it in the bread's notables as "Questions for Q" until he can address them.

6c77f9 (5) No.1110653

9459df (11) No.1110654


And those who need to lurk Moar.

46a4d2 (6) No.1110655>>1110807



fdb221 (1) No.1110656

Q back on the Federal Reserve. We pay waste for countless reasons. 2.1 Trillion declared missing 9/10/2001 from Pentagon to be one and the interest another.

Will there be a break and transition with a middle finger & more to the Fed rulers ending indentured servitude?

f027e2 (2) No.1110657


CM Script essential

8a3e72 (5) No.1110658

ea4c09 (7) No.1110659>>1110686


That doesn't mean I think we need to "keep the fed" in any sense of the word. I don't like the fed one lousy bit but it's not the whole damn system that's broken.

7ca831 (10) No.1110660

>>1109466 Are people with RH Negative blood type in the movie?

476cb7 (9) No.1110661


not at all -- you made an intriguing post

ba4b96 (4) No.1110662


congrats on the wife thing!

everyone I speak to believes what I say…even if they don't understand it they seem to trust me..

I am blessed

a137d3 (4) No.1110663


Pelosi in NK video cut

right click on vid to download

https:// streamable.com/t8tmu


976e67 (16) No.1110664>>1110696

bccbe3 (1) No.1110665

??? MH370 ??? >>1109466

085f6c (2) No.1110666

Don't know if it has been posted before but "Watch The Water"

Myth of the Invisible Ships

https:// www.northcoastjournal.com/humboldt/myth-of-the-invisible-ships/Content?oid=2129921

There is another story that talks about it from the natives perspective where the natives complained to the local witch doctor that they saw strange waves offshore, so the witch went to the beach and simply stared at these strange waves until he suddenly was able to see the ships.

I don't have a source for that version but I remember it vividly

d3692f (5) No.1110667

Matt Couch


‏ @RealMattCouch

15m15 minutes ago

Hey @ThinBlueLR what would you tell someone that tried to say MS13 was involved in the murder of Seth Rich..

Let's let a true LEO badass break this down, shall we… #SethRich

4 replies 27 retweets 45 likes

Snake Plisken


‏ @SnakePlisken10

Replying to @RealMattCouch @ThinBlueLR

Heck Matt…we know that those behind this would love for people to believe this MS 13 narrative and stick with it. It keeps people away from the truth. But we won't be silent forever 👊🏼🇺🇸 #SethRich

8:20 PM - 19 Apr 2018

12d215 (8) No.1110668>>1110706


>The Enemy just saw the response from Q&A.

And they are probably rolling on the floor with laughter …

70f7f0 (2) No.1110669

85c871 (6) No.1110670


and im glad i got my taxes done before that - probably tied in to the timing! hahaha

9b1343 (5) No.1110671


That would be EPIC

02e5fd (8) No.1110672

fake q want u in teh bj cult aim haz

1595ec (1) No.1110673>>1110690 >>1110702 >>1110735 >>1110899

so the fileting face of a child video is fake

frazzledrip is a fraud

there IS A VIDEO out there though.

what could it be

48fbb5 (1) No.1110674


Why haven't the bad actors been arrested…McMaster father, Miltary planes, civilian planes, Seth Rich, etc.

507675 (2) No.1110675>>1110728 >>1110777 >>1110791

PLANE FAGS. 10+ B-2's and a shit load of KC-10s in the air right now

8b25a7 (2) No.1110676

I have to laugh at the trivial nature of some of the questions asked of Q. I'm surprised no one asked "Do you have to use a 60 Watt bulb just because the lamp says to use a 60 Watt Bulb? Couldn't I use a 75 Watt bulb?"


78fb20 (4) No.1110677>>1110708


You gave me an idea! We need to Plan for POTUS birthday on FLag Day June 14th. Memes peeps! on the onfense Memes and Happy Birthday from Anons Memes! Creativity on fire!

ea4c09 (7) No.1110678


The day I told my wife to call and sign up for the FB class action she thought this was real… finally.

and she's a MSM normie who loves her TV shows.

They better deprogram her.

6a3e94 (7) No.1110679>>1110694


Indeed it was. Made a lot of assumptions too.

9a363b (1) No.1110680>>1110781

>>1110418 Nunes, Gowdy, Goodlatte on Comey Memos


36a9e6 (9) No.1110681>>1110767


Now, if you change link from YOUtube.com to HOOKtube.com anon would be able to download it.

0115fe (9) No.1110682


Maybe video of Bill talking with Loretta Lynch?

Much more plausible

0f937f (1) No.1110683

What does "setting the stage" entail re: house cleaning?


or perhaps something done in preparation for midterms?

or something else entirely?

50d6cc (10) No.1110684


I'm not sure you should remove everyone on the Left. Leave some of them wounded, but toothless.

ad38ab (2) No.1110685>>1110692

File (hide): ad2833edebc7a74⋯.jpg (50.79 KB, 675x450, 3:2, 10albright-3-master675.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 4255b86109b548b⋯.jpg (209.54 KB, 1500x984, 125:82, gettyimages-51950835.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 0300d56b0ca2cb1⋯.jpg (7.26 KB, 267x189, 89:63, images (1).jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): e1f3514c5840255⋯.jpg (8.04 KB, 237x213, 79:71, images.jpg) (h) (u)

9762c4 (4) No.1110686


>but it's not the whole damn system that's broken.

Yes, it is.

8bfa9a (3) No.1110687


Could be part of the 5g rollout as a new free wifi worldwide internet; Nikola Tesla's dream.

531cdd (1) No.1110688



312111 (2) No.1110689>>1110797

Q, are the sealed indictments building up (>25k) related to the coming storm?

9459df (11) No.1110690>>1110727


Video is not "out there". NSA & Q have control over it, meaning it hasn't been leaked.

c6067f (2) No.1110691


If the Q/A is still on...

Will europe/west in general planned to be recovered demographically? /ourpeople/ being on top again as absolute majority - with ridding ourselves of 3rd world 'assets' and bringing the hammer on rotherham/ms13 like elements especially?

bf7c68 (4) No.1110692


Albright and Kim in front of the stormy waters mural?

7ff077 (7) No.1110693>>1110753


i do.

and this anon has a few excellent reasons why.


5c45fb (8) No.1110694>>1110734


i meant yours

085f6c (2) No.1110695>>1110770

When will future technology be revealed?

831668 (10) No.1110696>>1110711


oh it was super funny ..idk if you saw it but it was in response to that back channel and q just wrote Fake ..and anon responding with what I wrote..killed me good to have jokes on here

49e4e8 (1) No.1110697


INteresting Anon. Not into conspiracy theories Usually. ThiS almost seems plausible. Hmmm, nEed to dweLL on this.

a85a5a (6) No.1110698

File (hide): 6c98ed040213f29⋯.png (961.33 KB, 728x640, 91:80, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)



This broke me.


243184 (5) No.1110699>>1110717


I'd be happy with an invite to the White House! Always wanted to see it.

b45d6a (1) No.1110700


Plot twists.

e77b09 (2) No.1110701

File (hide): 7b8efcc1f3a285f⋯.png (194.71 KB, 563x690, 563:690, ppktr.png) (h) (u)


Pepe would like to meet (You), faggot..

976e67 (16) No.1110702


anons have been thinking:

HRC video = TARMAC video

8e2e1a (3) No.1110703


Thank you i will go look

5354bb (3) No.1110704

File (hide): 24da4b586733697⋯.jpg (164 KB, 1030x786, 515:393, IMG_2554.JPG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 4b381ffc5a50c15⋯.jpg (35 KB, 640x279, 640:279, IMG_2558.JPG) (h) (u)

Iraq EQ connection found.

Project looking glass cabal DUMB base:



6a3e94 (7) No.1110705


What da fuck are you talking about? I was replying to another anon about SR, which has nothing to do with a searchable database???

706135 (5) No.1110706

You are the Enemy………….We smell your fear. Kind of stinks of piss. >>1110668

fcee22 (1) No.1110707


very snekky snek

7d4d88 (3) No.1110708



Agreed, we need some for Melania too. The 26th, right?

f80048 (3) No.1110709>>1110724


WTG, that was exciting. Should we compile a list of the best questions that went unanswered?

And by we I mean not me, haha…

02e5fd (8) No.1110710

is there a nother sex cult wants teh reserves

976e67 (16) No.1110711>>1110743



lol but I didn't say it

0115fe (9) No.1110712>>1110723

What makes a Great Film?







source: https ://nofilmschool.com/2016/02/6-elements-great-film

Now, oldfags think about that as an answer to Q's drop long back on great film

ba4b96 (4) No.1110713

https:// www.disabledveterans.org/2018/04/17/leaked-anthrax-vaccine-memo-likely-authentic/

d1efeb (6) No.1110714


Best kek

e103f3 (4) No.1110715


Crypto Caddy Shack + Revenge of the Nerds

0e04cc (1) No.1110716

File (hide): 114bfe564642e42⋯.png (31.63 KB, 734x460, 367:230, Image1.png) (h) (u)

Watch the water?


e8efa6 (10) No.1110717


I've never been either would like to see it myself some day….

2b5a4d (5) No.1110718>>1110748 >>1110867 >>1110877 >>1110880

File (hide): 56e962fb96ef4fd⋯.jpg (464.46 KB, 888x1250, 444:625, PC smokin hot.jpg) (h) (u)

99a890 (5) No.1110719


Can you imagine the chaos to ww finance

4e17f9 (2) No.1110720>>1110736

Q should fox three everyone still asking questions

476cb7 (9) No.1110721>>1110738


Bold Q = Fake Q

deedf7 (1) No.1110722


I'm related to Texas Ranger Bigfoot Wallace. Texas roots run deep here.

Can we arrest Hillary on San Jacinto Day?

(Not to rush you, but that's this Saturday the 21st. :-)

12d215 (8) No.1110723



Good point.

06b986 (7) No.1110724


that's my definition too!

b7eb1a (11) No.1110725

File (hide): c113e495800cff1⋯.png (71.94 KB, 482x257, 482:257, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


I'm with you on #4 and the after thought

18457f (4) No.1110726>>1110780


Much more than 400 here.

460916 (8) No.1110727


Q also mentioned insurance files. Wonder if there's more than one video? Tarmac, and Insurance. Maybe the tarmac vid was found in the insurance files. Wonder how much was in there.

405faf (7) No.1110728>>1110754


Stratofortress in air over Carolina coast?

a2cdab (9) No.1110729


Comey prosecuted Martha.

46bb20 (3) No.1110730


Eat shit and die

3a92a5 (3) No.1110731>>1110769 >>1110871



http:// thehill.com/homenews/news/12355-house-republican-wants-to-restrict-pelosis-travel

b63f41 (2) No.1110732

hahahahahahaha Wipe Out!

Getting closer Clowns.

Do You Understand?


No you don't>

16 year plan.

Trump is not your friend Clown.

Too late now.

Your's Truly

Love Daniel.

0d54cc (4) No.1110733>>1110752



You were satisfied?

Go back to fucking reddit faggots.

Other responses omitted because they belong here.

6a3e94 (7) No.1110734>>1110759


Why do you say that? It's been agreed that only sauced notables are included, not opinion pieces.

6de817 (1) No.1110735>>1110746


Q said "We control".

Meaning exactly what it says.

9459df (11) No.1110736



8a3e72 (5) No.1110737>>1110781



12d215 (8) No.1110738


>Bold Q = Fake Q

Filter by Name

5069e2 (1) No.1110739>>1110747


any hope for Mexico?

5a4c2d (3) No.1110740>>1110771


and the purpose of wiping out the internet is . . . ?

a reset?

99a890 (5) No.1110741


Plenty Lurk

ea4c09 (7) No.1110742


here's the link……

https:// anonsw.github.io/8chjs/

831668 (10) No.1110743


HA It should be a fucking notable perfect timing

dc89d0 (4) No.1110744>>1110788

I can't believe the low IQ questions. If you're IQ is less than 169, you need to be quiet.

a2cdab (9) No.1110745


His show is just infotainment with an extra level of truthiness. It's not that serious.

5354bb (3) No.1110746


I think he means project looking glas with ALICE AI aka 4D chess

5a4c2d (3) No.1110747


WW, anon, WW → YES!

e253ed (5) No.1110748


Raugh out Roud!!!

85c09c (2) No.1110749


That is EXCELLENT. I want to follow the growth of that chart. Sauce?

61a340 (1) No.1110750

EOs post pen pics.

Post meaning AFTER the pen pic was posted on Dec.21st.

The link to the EO on the 21st (after) the pen post is now 404.

Q says study them. There will be an update. Thinking that link is going to get updated.

And he says EOs so more than just this one EO.

https:// www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2017/05/11/presidential-executive-order-establishment-presidential-advisory

393e98 (3) No.1110751


Thank you for asking a relevant question and not a FE question.

Well done, anon.

ee8f41 (9) No.1110752


Never been to redit.

Cat got your tongue, homosexual?

476cb7 (9) No.1110753


thanks anon

507675 (2) No.1110754


https:// twitter.com/IntelCrab/status/987165275052298240

02e5fd (8) No.1110755

is a nasi hogg frumpy plerbo hacking teh chans like a judas fegel

85c871 (6) No.1110756


I am pretty prude but that is hilarious!

9ccc3f (3) No.1110757

File (hide): 556f90a2a0d1097⋯.jpeg (823.22 KB, 1242x2006, 621:1003, 549F6129-9E05-4A8D-94BF-B….jpeg) (h) (u)



d3692f (5) No.1110758>>1110776 >>1110790

Matt Couch


‏ @RealMattCouch

Matt Couch

🎙 Retweeted BlueReaganite

This is what happens when Blue on our Team shows you who your Daddy is.. #FactsOverFeelings #SethRich

Matt Couch

🎙 added,



Not by LeDroit Park. I worked a block away.

MS-13 is almost exclusively in Columbia Heights.…

8:24 PM - 19 Apr 2018

Spill it then Matt! If you know so much!

5c45fb (8) No.1110759


that post referenced several big repeat q posts

that is sauce deluxe

3abb92 (3) No.1110760


Well - that and the fact that backchannell17 has already been outed. Technically by very old crumbs.

0e3e53 (6) No.1110761>>1110793


Nah, just fukkin with the spellin to make you think I'm a brit ;-)

fadc35 (3) No.1110762>>1110779


We are not a secret club, that's the other team!

e1ef5c (3) No.1110763

https:// www.theguardian.com/technology/2014/feb/28/seven-people-keys-worldwide-internet-security-web

It sounds like the stuff of science fiction: seven keys, held by individuals from all over the world, that together control security at the core of the web. The reality is rather closer to The Office than The Matrix

87eb1b (1) No.1110766


Not this twat again…

a20340 (4) No.1110767>>1110837


Wow, no shit. Thanks. You learn something new every day. Pardon me, I'm just an old skool pen & paper guy. I'm lucky I can work my phone. LOL.

Age does NOT have its benefits.

f9a543 (6) No.1110768>>1110847

File (hide): b2efcb417504fc1⋯.png (808.33 KB, 1275x1650, 17:22, Ex-FBI-Director-James-Come….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): a179f5c34a48107⋯.png (239.88 KB, 1275x1650, 17:22, Ex-FBI-Director-James-Come….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 069133deb2c7675⋯.png (916.83 KB, 1275x1650, 17:22, Ex-FBI-Director-James-Come….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 9f08178cef26180⋯.png (320.03 KB, 1275x1650, 17:22, Ex-FBI-Director-James-Come….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 07346a90712dada⋯.png (7.13 KB, 851x155, 851:155, Flood detected.PNG) (h) (u)

I am trying to post last of 5 documents of Comey at >>1110610

It is giving an error message.

9459df (11) No.1110769




36a9e6 (9) No.1110770


Sometime in the future.

5c45fb (8) No.1110771


regain control from the cabal

remember most records are backed up

this will reset primary infrastructure flaws

3abb92 (3) No.1110772>>1110803

Anons. We forgot the most important question of them all:

Is Michelle O really a man???

a2cdab (9) No.1110773>>1110804 >>1110829


Calfag here says without #5 we got nothing. State is not in good condition at all.

50d6cc (10) No.1110774>>1110782


What is 'water'? What is 'bridge'? We are too stupid.

33ac34 (2) No.1110775

d3692f (5) No.1110776>>1110802 >>1110886


Matt Couch


‏ @RealMattCouch

Matt Couch

🎙 Retweeted CountryGirl Can SURVIVE

The Proof that he's former MPD, or the fact that my Team has been to D.C. and actually knows the landscape and how the territory is set up.

It's like arguing with a fence post, stop believing this nonsense. MS13 had NOTHING to do with Seth Rich's murder, we will prove that soon

12d215 (8) No.1110777>>1110787


>10+ B-2's

Someone's gonna be in a world of hurt tomorrow …

"Strike Package"

b7eb1a (11) No.1110778


I've seen the barrier get broken before when Q was on the bread.

69abb0 (12) No.1110779>>1110823


the first rule of __ is do not __

706135 (5) No.1110780

Fuckin-Eh right there are. Awakening is NOW >>1110726

39d096 (3) No.1110781



Baker, if you make a notable,

please use >>1109436

This post in this bread has double posted tweet instead of tweet and entire letter

5354bb (3) No.1110782>>1110820 >>1110861



Bridge to the outer realms

e7ebe0 (6) No.1110783

Hey Anons, does anyone want to meet up for a Spirit Cooking at my house?


3a92a5 (3) No.1110784>>1110856

File (hide): 9ab03cbac24c78e⋯.png (420.01 KB, 1280x747, 1280:747, pelosink.png) (h) (u)

Pelosi and NK

Aug 14 1997

c34f22 (1) No.1110785

didn't even make it 24 hrs im back and Q has dropped the MOAB of data today. this is all good news time lines and ETA's I like that.

stored off line lets do this shit anons!


d282d6 (4) No.1110786

You know what's ironic? In their quest to bring about a global order through destruction, suffering and manipulation they actually brought many together from different walks of life and areas who shared one goal: to bring them down. So in a way they got their wish.

489c07 (4) No.1110787

cb2cdb (4) No.1110788


Those who speak know not.

Those who know speak not.

405faf (7) No.1110789>>1110800

>>1110238 - theory on 10 days of darkness

Notable for baker

9459df (11) No.1110790>>1110813


Exactly! I hate when people do this! If you know spill it, don't tell me what is the wrong answer or make me guess.

f80048 (3) No.1110791>>1110892


Site sauce or screen shots? I'm not seeing them, would love to follow

69abb0 (12) No.1110793

>>1110761 still gay

f9a543 (6) No.1110794

File (hide): b2efcb417504fc1⋯.png (808.33 KB, 1275x1650, 17:22, Ex-FBI-Director-James-Come….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): a179f5c34a48107⋯.png (239.88 KB, 1275x1650, 17:22, Ex-FBI-Director-James-Come….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 069133deb2c7675⋯.png (916.83 KB, 1275x1650, 17:22, Ex-FBI-Director-James-Come….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 9f08178cef26180⋯.png (320.03 KB, 1275x1650, 17:22, Ex-FBI-Director-James-Come….png) (h) (u)

a2cdab (9) No.1110796


Plus the overall RICO charge for Conspiring to be Traitorous Douchebags.

2452c9 (1) No.1110797


I believe it does, my question asked if it had anything pertaining to RICO

7078e8 (1) No.1110798


I was able to download it using youtube-dl: https:// rg3.github.io/youtube-dl/

b7eb1a (11) No.1110799>>1110860


I think you meant UID and not IUD…. kek

8ab613 (13) No.1110800


fucking old, pay attention

3b3d0e (1) No.1110801>>1110808 >>1110843


How long has the Papacy been influenced by them?

9b1343 (5) No.1110802


Isn't he a football player or ex footballer?

He needs some red pilling.

58a7cd (1) No.1110803>>1110810


i honestly think she is a hermaphrodite.

her clitoris is YUGE.

976e67 (16) No.1110804



99a890 (5) No.1110805>>1110812

File (hide): bc0b07ec2845fac⋯.jpg (136.63 KB, 1280x853, 1280:853, 477845409-central-intellig….jpg) (h) (u)

393e98 (3) No.1110806>>1110835 >>1110844


Yes! Great news. Giuliani gets things done!

7ff077 (7) No.1110807>>1110825


agreed… want to look at it with fresh eyes tomorrow

69abb0 (12) No.1110808>>1110821

>>1110801 since bears have been shitting in the woods man

06b986 (7) No.1110810


we already know.

1e2bc1 (3) No.1110811


Ok Fake Q but I don't know how to make a @ sign on my fancy phone… you are 😂

ee8f41 (9) No.1110812>>1110819 >>1110824 >>1110873


Always looks constipated to me.

d3692f (5) No.1110813


He probably just wants to lag it out, for more donations.

1b3dde (1) No.1110814

is a nasi hogg frumpy plerbo hacking teh chans like a judas fegel after some fame

be this judas fegel blamefagging for sympathyhoggs

e422e9 (1) No.1110815>>1110868


dude…he's one of the actors….in the show we are all watching. Why don't people understand this yet

85c871 (6) No.1110816


Best day in a real long time - was crying on and off all day over the loss of someone a week or so ago and getting anxious about POTUS. I Trust Q but its been such a long ride, sort of like the campaign. Was really getting worried something could trip up POTUS or set him back, and found myself praying SO hard for keeping our freedom - just this morning.

Was a sad morning but a delightful night. What a way to get over a depressing day!

0a3511 (2) No.1110817


thank you baker, excellent work!

a2cdab (9) No.1110818

File (hide): db4d2c36e1d62e2⋯.jpg (36.8 KB, 494x498, 247:249, pepe ok.jpg) (h) (u)

06b986 (7) No.1110819

e253ed (5) No.1110820


Rumor has it fluoride cause calcification and neutering of our pineal gland, which many say IS the bridge to outer realms…

Fluoride in that case would be spiritual / astral castration.

3fdb2d (7) No.1110821


you a busta CJ

20f9bf (5) No.1110823>>1110828 >>1110891


A solution is for the Baker to not post a link for new bread. Newfags probably won't know how to find new bread without the link. This would help a lot.

fadc35 (3) No.1110824>>1110842


Well when you have that many hands up your ass it's a bit of a side effect!!!

46a4d2 (6) No.1110825


Ya , definitely soon

66517e (1) No.1110826>>1110846


Guided by LL/+3 CLAS.

Loretta Lynch/Traitor No Name

Think SC.

Special Counsel

All written same time

Before Obama left office.

041ff5 (3) No.1110827>>1110852 >>1110859 >>1110889

When are some of you going to STOP responding to Fake Q?

06b986 (7) No.1110828

cb2cdb (4) No.1110829


Not "especially in Cali."

A sign of enforcement progress perhaps.

976e67 (16) No.1110831

When Q comes, the shills scatter like cockroaches when the LIGHT comes on!!!!

489c07 (4) No.1110832

Plan for Soros? His violent nonprofits?

50d6cc (10) No.1110833>>1110897

Does Dennis Rodman get a Nobel Peace Prize?

b4132b (2) No.1110835


nyc men in blue and red love Mayor Giuliani. it's never one dimensional with POTUS. Only fault of MG is he cleaned up the city too much which enabled the crazy leftists to ruin it

c78fe9 (2) No.1110836


ITT is a narrative change attempt

36a9e6 (9) No.1110837

File (hide): ca995cfd9159bfb⋯.png (27.48 KB, 550x550, 1:1, glad2bofservice.png) (h) (u)

85c871 (6) No.1110838>>1110851


Hahah only 5 questions answered in 5 min Q&A - was a blast though!! I got one answered YAY!

b26da1 (1) No.1110841>>1110866


Q was the social media shut down not coming to fruition an attempt to discredit you?

ee8f41 (9) No.1110842


That's a two-way sphincter.

476cb7 (9) No.1110843


Here's some sauce, if it helps

https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rothschild_loans_to_the_Holy_See

460916 (8) No.1110844


He's seen the insurance files? Maybe those can be used as leverage?

dc89d0 (4) No.1110845

File (hide): 6db28b4b4197a8a⋯.jpg (49.69 KB, 454x1000, 227:500, Da5WLfJX0AAajmX.jpg) (h) (u)

8ee4b4 (2) No.1110846


Also explains why he had to move the Overton with his stupid fuckin book.

9b1343 (5) No.1110847>>1110898 >>1110915



he says that a lot.

111f52 (1) No.1110848


Stick a '17in' dildo up your 'backchannel' and head over yourself fuckwit. Bigger dildo's sale. Very limited time.

bc8858 (1) No.1110849>>1110912

File (hide): db6f6d0732bc5f3⋯.jpg (78.03 KB, 636x571, 636:571, 1517543426952.jpg) (h) (u)


1. Zack bitched about being discriminated against and proposed that Imams hold muslim services in the military. He is not MI or anything relevant. At best he is a black hat feeding AJs fears with disinfo. Remember 'OMFG NoKo WW3!'?

2. Alex Jones has stolen multiple happenings (hundreds probably) from /pol/ over the years and claimed to have broken the stories. He did it again the other night when he said he broke Alex Soros & Baltimore riots FF and documents.

cc7307 (1) No.1110850>>1110864 >>1110870

Hope I didn’t miss QA!

Q, are we going to get any of the cures soon? Hopefully to save my dads life?

976e67 (16) No.1110851



041ff5 (3) No.1110852


PS.. apologies for the NameFag. I was playing around when the Flood Occurred.

f9cd03 (1) No.1110853

Johannah Silberstein has never been mentioned. Why is she so hidden?

f9901b (1) No.1110854


NP just gave up classified information live on cspan… Tisk, tisk…

e103f3 (4) No.1110856>>1110883


Pelosi violated Logan Act.

b3d530 (1) No.1110857

Q I see my question didn't get posted so I'll ask again.

Who is the master (who holds the chair) that P answers to?

Who will blow up the Dome of the Rock by the end of this year and blame the Muslims for it? (As if they would EVER desecrate their most holy site).

Will the Joos no longer be able to live off their hosts (the Goyim, especially the Christians in Europe and the West)?

And please put to rest that the Earth is flat and the dome above (firmament) is impenetrable? Prison planet is real isn't it?

02e5fd (8) No.1110858

is a nasi hogg frumpy plerbo hacking teh chans like a judas fegel after some fame

be this judas fegel blamefagging for sympathyhoggs

423d71 (2) No.1110859>>1110884



cb2cdb (4) No.1110860


hope so

e253ed (5) No.1110861


PS Astral Castration is officially the name of my next punk band.


b7eb1a (11) No.1110862


Agree, sorry I misinterpreted your reply.

831668 (10) No.1110863>>1110876 >>1110882 >>1110904 >>1110920

Not to get too homo anons but gotta share this..I was in a serious car accident on 9-11-2015 ( believe it or not..and suffered a Traumatic Brain injury …the last cpl years have been so hard and finding ya'll on this board has done so much for my recovery…the researching for my concentration and more importantly the sense of team and passion has been a life saver..Its so cool , i can't explain what it means to me …and I CANNOT wait till we win this fucking fight! THANK YOU ALL AND THANK Q

8a3ead (2) No.1110864


sorry anon. You did

a2cdab (9) No.1110865


Im in libtard Cal. Think Mayor of Oakland types. Dumb as rocks and as ideological as Marx.

c6067f (2) No.1110866


Q was saying farewell here - Q&A will be conducted again, make sure you got good questions for the next one, time is limited, keep up the good fight.

827602 (1) No.1110867

File (hide): 66023a6f68e116b⋯.jpg (220.18 KB, 1320x770, 12:7, 1524184851053.jpg) (h) (u)








d282d6 (4) No.1110868


Fuck him. Sick of those trouble makers, fuck him. I value honor, integrity and punching people in the face. He's a fat bodied snakey fuck who turned on the guy who saved this country, brought up fucking impeachment and rode a fraud train to pace Q viewers. FUCK HIM! I AM SICK OF THOSE FUCKS! Give us the facts you shmuck bastard and not your bullshit and division. FUCK HIM!

e1ef5c (3) No.1110869

Guardians of the internet: The 14 people who control the security of the world wide web -- and literally hold the KEYS to the internet

The group meets four times a year to administer the domain name system

That's the directory that links web addresses to numerical IP addresses

If breached it could lead to complete confusion in the world wide web

Read more: http:// www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2858793/Guardians-internet-seven-people-control-safety-world-wide-web-literally-hold-KEYS-internet.html#ixzz5DBE0ZRsE

Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

9459df (11) No.1110870


You did. Sorry Anon. There were 400 UIDs and we had the crazy captcha thing again.

Next time maybe.

a85a5a (6) No.1110871

File (hide): 472c2b7f4045ede⋯.png (58.39 KB, 1009x1450, 1009:1450, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

ba4b96 (4) No.1110872>>1110888

U.S. Army

Verified account


5m5 minutes ago


Why are volunteers so important to the #USArmy's mission?

Find out details at #STANDTO!:

#VolunteerAppreciationWeek https:// go.usa.gov/xQj9h

99a890 (5) No.1110873


It's those damn hemorrhoids Anon

c78fe9 (2) No.1110875


hosed still. Just checked

69abb0 (12) No.1110876

>>1110863 May God heal this anon Amen

02419a (5) No.1110877

File (hide): 2128a1f1eb0e928⋯.jpg (64.9 KB, 500x502, 250:251, 1508011753386.jpg) (h) (u)


Did Q died?

3b1c73 (1) No.1110879>>1110907 >>1110926 >>1110929

File (hide): 59308f623ce68e1⋯.png (764.37 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


It's been updated since this one was out.



13aee6 (1) No.1110880


Now, that shit's funny.

Don't care who you be.

393e98 (3) No.1110881


Most normies don't even know who he is. Personally I find him abrasive, inflamatory and often off the mark.

Relax anon. He's a tool.

20f9bf (5) No.1110882>>1110908 >>1110917


Glad you're with us anon! We are winning BIGLY!

de6bbf (1) No.1110883


Pelosi group to "Korea" and 4 other Asian countries in 2015


https:// www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/in-the-loop/wp/2015/03/31/did-you-forget-to-join-the-fine-pelosi-trip-to-five-asian-countries/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.30239bb1fd18

041ff5 (3) No.1110884


It's a fucking waste is all

98f82f (1) No.1110885

So, the Obama secretly sends pallets of non-USD cash to Iran. Iran uses it to pay the Norks for the missiles they sent to Iran. Pelosi et al. act as the arms dealers (giving her and the clowns great wealth).

The US now claims Iran and the Norks must be a threat to world peace, so it becomes necessary to truncate our rights further in the name of public safety and national security.

Pelosi makes money on the sale and on the response to the sale, and American military are placed in harms way to fight the bad guys that we armed.

Didn’t this happen in WWII as well with the Bushes?

I think I understand. Am I on the right track here?

c75b16 (3) No.1110886>>1110901


Pretty simple. If Matt Couch has the info on who killed SR, he should spill it. This back n forth with Q, (who actually has the intel/cameras ect) is dumb.

db2aa8 (1) No.1110888>>1110894

File (hide): 9f8d18a83f683a8⋯.jpg (611.74 KB, 2720x1916, 680:479, Screen Shot 2018-01-17 at ….jpg) (h) (u)

9edf27 (4) No.1110889

File (hide): 5f58110fb3c221a⋯.png (168.81 KB, 668x800, 167:200, 198374413hdsffsd.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 19301a10d7cfc21⋯.png (28.89 KB, 530x234, 265:117, 432443fgffgfa.PNG) (h) (u)


Agreed.. feeding too many (you)'s to the trolls.

Although it did trigger a Twat response

0fa788 (3) No.1110890

File (hide): 2bddbbce24a5006⋯.jpg (118.48 KB, 750x906, 125:151, 20346881_833687720120726_4….jpg) (h) (u)

065a8a (1) No.1110891>>1110906


Yes please. This placed needs the weeds pulled.

405faf (7) No.1110892


I'm more interested in why a B-52 is up. Thought all those were retired.

9ccc3f (3) No.1110893

File (hide): 461ca91852fe650⋯.jpeg (550.31 KB, 1242x1644, 207:274, B98A7236-4429-41E9-B7DC-C….jpeg) (h) (u)



ee8f41 (9) No.1110894

File (hide): 30ce274f9ff9a7d⋯.jpg (108.99 KB, 858x541, 858:541, bestthingsfree.jpg) (h) (u)

4fe4cc (1) No.1110896>>1110919


jfk tried to stop.

one of the reasons 187.

85c09c (2) No.1110897>>1110911


You know without question Trump spoke with him. They know each other from the Apprentice days.

That would be amazing seeing Rodman get a peace prize.

1d6be0 (1) No.1110898>>1110915

File (hide): efbc1046fa4c4df⋯.png (216.35 KB, 457x306, 457:306, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

85c871 (6) No.1110899


I heard on Hagman & Hagman last year there was something with Killary and Huma with a child, they did not specify, they said the had a source from NYPD. It was within a couple of days of Weiners laptop seizure

f9a543 (6) No.1110900


He might have. I don't remember Q did. I don't recall Q mentioning Pelosi until today. I could be wrong. The video is from Sept. 2017.

460916 (8) No.1110901


He's stuck. He doesnt know who killed SR. He assumes it's not ms13 but only people who planned and covered up, and nsa know.

75a5e5 (2) No.1110902



1) Natural Disaster or Attack?

2) Solvable or catastrophic?

8c7340 (1) No.1110903

File (hide): eedb08d9fcdfaf7⋯.png (424.45 KB, 1417x1020, 1417:1020, Kurdistan_project_en_2.PNG) (h) (u)

Iraq War -> Iraqi Kurdistan

Syrian War -> Syrian Kurdistan (Democratic Federation of Northern Syria)

Turkey -> Cooperating and ethnically cleansing Eastern Turkey of non-Kurds

Iranian war -> Coming

All to create Kurdistan

b7eb1a (11) No.1110904>>1110924


ThankQ for the share. Yes WWGOWGA. We are family and friends here.

Even the shills remind me of my annoying sister in law…

5c45fb (8) No.1110905



The answer is that there are seven specially selected people who each hold the keys to the central directory of the web - literally so.

They are the guardians of the domain name system (DNS), the register that links web addresses such as 'dailymail.co.uk' to IP addresses - the series of numbers which differentiate Internet-linked computers.

The keyholders meet four times a year to verify the security of this directory, which if breached could completely undermine the functioning of the global network.

If hackers were able to seize control of DNS they would be able to control one of the most-crucial parts of the Internet.

For example, they would be able to convincingly spoof any website by stealing its actual web address.

Read more: http:// www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2858793/Guardians-internet-seven-people-control-safety-world-wide-web-literally-hold-KEYS-internet.html#ixzz5DBFCJwob

Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

489c07 (4) No.1110906>>1110914 >>1110930


Your job is to wake newfags too.

8a3e72 (5) No.1110907


That's going to be the size of a NYC billboard when we're done.

423d71 (2) No.1110908


make a nigga wanna cry

c784c4 (1) No.1110910

File (hide): cf4079fafe54d59⋯.gif (3.03 MB, 480x270, 16:9, Goodfellas oven GIF.gif) (h) (u)

46a4d2 (6) No.1110911

File (hide): 81dbbdcacd105e8⋯.jpg (10.83 KB, 255x176, 255:176, Dennis Rodman Trump.jpg) (h) (u)


He may have helped in the North Korea deal

dc7bec (4) No.1110912


Alex Jones is a terrible source but even he is more reliable than mainstream press, that's saying something

c2b3de (4) No.1110913

File (hide): dd71bf39d8ab750⋯.png (19.08 KB, 735x162, 245:54, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

POTUS awake and watching

1132da (3) No.1110914


not here

b63f41 (2) No.1110915



every time he looks down taking a piss.

831668 (10) No.1110917


Thank you ..yeah its starting to really show man its so exciting…even my wife who is a doctorfag is all into it when she gets home its all we talk about hah

8ab613 (13) No.1110918

New Bread

New Bread




New Bread

New Bread

460916 (8) No.1110919


jfk tried to kill

>1,000 pieces.

405faf (7) No.1110920

File (hide): 95e6a90a7a56d92⋯.jpg (125.71 KB, 1920x1500, 32:25, 95e6a90a7a56d92218e1b39108….jpg) (h) (u)


Welcome to the short bus.

2f3dbe (2) No.1110921

File (hide): 4fe2c04f51d24f1⋯.png (535.68 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_20180420-053703.png) (h) (u)

50d6cc (10) No.1110922


The NK talks should be held in Oslo Norway… you know, the home of the Peace Prize

Cue massive triggering

ba4b96 (4) No.1110923

Donald J. Trump

Verified account


1m1 minute ago


James Comey Memos just out and show clearly that there was NO COLLUSION and NO OBSTRUCTION. Also, he leaked classified information. WOW! Will the Witch Hunt continue?

ee8f41 (9) No.1110924


>Even the shills remind me of my annoying sister in law…

One in every family…

b7eb1a (11) No.1110926



When about did this map first show up?

75a5e5 (2) No.1110927

SAJDOC theory

Send Alex Jones a DOCument?

bc4133 (1) No.1110928

What is your weakest attribute Q? At this point I would have to say the ability of the right to accept some of the lefts ideals. Being a former lefty…. :} :} :}

f80048 (3) No.1110929


Adhesive paper, printer, public places….

20f9bf (5) No.1110930


I don't have a problem with newfags who try. The ones who refuse to reread the crumbs like Q has instructed them to do and waste bread by responding to fake Q suck though.

fb79c5 (1) No.1110931

What did Princess Diana find out and why did she run? Ties into everything

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