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/qresearch/ - Q Research Board

Research and discussion about Q's crumbs
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Max image dimensions are 15000 x 15000.
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Pro Aris et Focis

File: e634f95581458e9⋯.jpg (9.49 KB, 255x143, 255:143, 3e3af74d5d640162613958b3ef….jpg)

ee72b4 No.107917



The only way to WIN is NOT to PLAY. Don't play the games that the puppetmasters have set in motion. Stand UNITED!

POTUS is CLEARING THE BOARD and allowing the people to create their own future. No R's vs D's, no race wars, no divide.

The only battle is GOOD vs. <>EVIL<>.

#FISAGate & #ReleaseTheMemo



Q's Board


Current Tripcode: !UW.yye1fxo

Q's Current Tripcode appears close to being cracked >>88778

Q has his private board to post at /greatawakening/ which is locked by Q

Q Posts from yesterday





Q Research General #127: Meme Through the Darkness Edition

Latest Q Posts: >>93440

Thursday, 1.18.18 EST













>>>/greatawakening/36 (STORM COMING)


>>>/greatawakening/38 Related: >>89560


>>89777 rt >>89736

>>89841 rt >>89812




>>>/greatawakening/42 (JUDGEMENT DAY)





Notable Posts on the Q Drop

QPost Theories >>91365 , >>91372 , >>91489 , >>91410 , >>91412 , >>91503 , >>91521 , >>91571

>>91608 , >>91977 , >>92034 , >>92085 , >>92265 , >>92566 , >>92635 , >>92659 , >>92756

All Hell Is Breaking Loose >>89660 , >>89708 , >>90938

State of The Union Countdown >>90009

Names from QPost /40 >>91310

Possible TRUST meaning >>91912

Caps and New Graphic >>87328 , >>88017 , >>88077

Q is anon and told us last week about DWS >>89467 , >>90672 , >>89335 , >>89613

Sources on Q's Images >>88073

Image Findings >>88094 , >>88141 , >>88152 , >>88179 , >>88181 , >>88268 , >>87940 , >>88835

Past Q Post FISA Connection >>88325

Private Contractors. Benghazi? >>91934

Previous Q Posts

>>43766 rt >>43719

>>43627 rt >>43088

>>42981 rt >>42090

>>49343 rt >>49330

ee72b4 No.107919

NEW Q Mission Twitter OP #ReleaseTheMemo #FISAGate #ObamaGate GO GO GO!!



1.25 Million. KEEP ON FIRING! #ReleaseTheMemo alongside secondary or hijacked tags >>93898

Secondary Hashtags: #FISAGate #Obamagate #WorseThanWatergate #ReleaseTheDocuments #WeWantFisa

Trending Tags to Hijack: #FridayFeeling #NationalPopcornDay

Tweet all Republican members of the House Intel Committee with memes of #releasethememo >>91397 , >>91343

Tweet all Senators with memes of #releasethememo and #obamagate >>92551 >>92593

Great post for FB >>92237




Battle Plan >>87215 , >>88105 , >>89858 , >>90335 , >>91976

Hashtags >>87195 , >>88284 , >>88292 , >>88431 , >>88492 , >>90243 , NEW #OBAMAGATE-> >>90726

Memes >>87139 & >>79768

Side-by-side Memes Only >>93735

Shadowbans Anon heard changing your name lifts shadowbans. Worth a try. Pls let us know how it goes.

Hashtag Tracker hashtags.org updates on the hour | trends24.in | tweeplers.com/hashtags/?cc=US








__Today We Made History >>81212

__Almost 400,000k tweets on #FakeNewsAwards >>81253

__Next battle we hold some troops back for the end >>81324

__Kudos to the Eurofags >>81206

__Trump Broke the Internet >>81177 , >>81190

__All Awards Listed and Memed >>81147

__Think about what just happened >>81048

__Was the Shadowbanning a Setup? >>80783

__Motivational Posts & This is Only the Beginning >>80289 , >>80647 , >>80656 , >>81270

__Take it back to TASK? >>82961

__Q Told us What to Expect Today >>80340

__Absolutely EPIC Result!!!! >>79946

__Full Page Cap of Awards >>79957

__Awards Site Down: Winners of Fake News Awards from Archive >>79369

__Earlier Results >>74011 , >>73996 , >>74140 , >>74141 , >>78366



Main Battle Plan >>47791 & Screencap >>72344

Hashtags >>70886 & Facebook Groups to Target >>71825

Stay On Target! >>74033 Like each other's tweets >>72810

Burner Email Adds & Phone Auth >>72619

Twitterfall Web Based Ap Recommended >>72139

10 Minute Mail 10minutemail.com

KEKMAKER 5000 >>72783

Contingency Plans >>69635





Over 11,800 images from Memes#1 thru Memes #10


There you can preview images, download single images, entire categories, or all.


The same images, transformed in shape for optimal display on Twitter:


If you're going to drop on Twitter, this format will be more effective.




zipped into 1 file.




718 selected images from the War Room >>47341 (OP) harvested from General #49-#63 converted to Twitter format.

Topics listed in >>64154




Link to All of the Meme Threads >>73906

refingerprint your memes using this tool >>72783




ee72b4 No.107927

Board Rules




Quick Access Tools

--Searchable, interactive Q-post archive w/ user-explanations


--Q archives


--POTUS-tweet archive


/-/-/-/-/ New QMap PDF freshly baked.

/-/-/-/-/ With much love. v. 5.6.0

/-/-/-/-/ Updated with /greatawakening/

/-/-/-/-/ & /Qresearch/ #117.

/-/-/-/-/ The shot heard round the world.

/-/-/-/-/ Commented and sourced.

https:// anonfile.com/Odm101dfbb/Q_s_posts_-_CBTS_-_5.6.0.pdf

https:// anonfile.com/Odm101dfbb/Q_s_posts_-_CBTS_-_5.6.0.pdf



--Raw Q Text Dump - Amended


>>86977 , >>86798 , >>86900 , >>87061 , >>92692

SpreadSheetAnon and MA have vouched for RawTxtAnon that his work is accurate.

If any anons find inaccuracies in the Raw Text Q Dump, please post a list of them, as with any resource.

Current Tasks

>>82455 #FakeNewsAwards Meme Battle Debrief & Discussion

>>82238 Is this P? Crumb it.

>>47341 <---- Memes War Room & /OPS/ General ----> >>47062

>>32223 Qchess Game with julian


>>7253 Irrefutable Evidence (9/11 Research)

>>5125 The Lie The Vatican Told

>>4520 Australia Connections

>>4375 How to Read the Map

>>2658 Stringer General

>>1261 Focus on Loop Capital

>>618 Find The Markers

>>5899 Follow the Wives

>>4822 Foundations

>>3280 CEO/President/Notable Resignations

>>2956 Sealed Indictments

Resources Library


>>4352 A running compilation of Q-maps, graphics, research, and other tools and information

>>4274 General archives

>>417 Image archive by topic (updated)

>>4356 Tools and Information

>>4852 Free research resources

>>4362 Planefag tools

>>20359 Earthquake analysis and resources

>>4369 Research threads

>>4794 Redpills

>>11382 Redpills UK

>>3152 Redpill scripts

>>3301 General bread feedback

>>20262 About shills

>>16785 Prayer

Recent/Notable Posts:


this connects with

>>>/greatawakening/35 and RR / Sessions [reconciled]

>>106570 Obama and Pope code words tweeting to each other

>>82961 Take it back to TASK?

>>91507 The R'Shields Rundown

>>90579 POTUS & Q - Another Delta Found

>>87284 Big News Day!!

>>86322 Terrorist connection to LV reported >>86848

>>82184 Some WikiLeaks digs about Mika & Zbigniew Brzezinski

>>81499 Reviewing Phases I & II of the Meme Battle

>>81151 Anon made 3,545,510 impressions in battle

>>80885 POTUS Gained almost 10.5mm followers on Twatter

>>80862 This is how Twitter gets taken down

>>78839 Raw Text Q Dump - Removed for reported inaccuracy: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

>>77935 Coast Guard Search

>>77777 Uber-Get

>>76158 Good memes

>>73810 Anon redpills his campus with 800 posters

>>69209 LV DOA

>>69730 Great images of fake H_ Rallies

>>69785 Digging on Japan Alarm Scare

>>65080 Long ass report on the U1 scandal.

>>64913 Interesting False flag news & theory by Anon.

>>53668 Strong efforts to produce a digestible story for the bluepilled

>>53080 "Connect the markers"

>>37011 Captain Green [marker]

>>28902 [0] Marker Graphic Update (Past: >>18395)

>>28545 Summary of events re: FISA and “Breaking News”

>>20314 5D Chess (Q Map connection) via Chess Moves

>>19500 4-10-20 Audit -> >>19636 IRS Audit website

>>14813 IMPORTANT MAP UPDATE (Spiderweb approach to Q Map) -> >>37034 Slightly Updated Version

>>99623Baker, pls add qanonmap.github.io. Ads have been removed from this version.

>>12315 Assange & Wikileaks updates and research

>>37034 Updated [Marker] Map

>>3127 PROMIS, M. Riconosciuto, Snowden feat NSA, BIG Connection (Book-keeping software of Cabal?)

>>2620 Microsoft elections. Q's map (uh oh Z namefag appears)

>>9019 Notable Posts From the Previous Bread(s)

Is [0] Marker Correct or Not? ->Proof Real >>25436, >>19465 vs Proof Fake >>19603

>>42847 1/13/18 Events

>>19718 1/11/18 Events

>>18242 1/10/18 Events

>>4142 Daily News Thread

https:// sharylattkisson.com/2017/12/05/obama-era-surveillance-timeline/

https:// web.archive.org/web/20180120213652/https:// sharylattkisson.com/2017/12/05/obama-era-surveillance-timeline/ (just in case)

Above link has everything from the end of the Bush presidency to today. Wiretapping journalists, citizens, politicians etc. Most detailed timeline of fast and furious, benghazi, snowden, manning etc you name it. All very much important to understand Q posts. It will make you sick. This is a good primer for the memo to be released. Extremely relevant.




ee72b4 No.107930

Latest Q Posts:



>>97705 rt >>97686



A good third party perspective here www.youtube.com/watch?v=MuV3FlOxh_c


> Putin bad

> Pence bad/evil

> let's talk about jews/notrealjews, experiences with jews blah blah

> let's talk about religion

> the FISA memo is a distraction

> we're being cruelly used by Q crew

> all this effort and still no results

> shit memes with colored fonts no one can read

> asking questions that were answered months ago, 2 hours ago or last night

> random thoughts, chit-chat and off-topic bullshit


> Clowns manipulate for a living

> They are here to waste your time, energy and take your attention off of your tasks

>>105839 ==MEME BASICS== please read!!! Use memegenerator.com to easily add text

053d56 No.107963

File: f4b28eb647405e9⋯.png (405.5 KB, 667x897, 29:39, Screen Shot 2018-01-20 at ….png)

File: f044858291e570e⋯.png (309.9 KB, 663x916, 663:916, Screen Shot 2018-01-20 at ….png)

8061ff No.107990

ANY Congress patriot who has READ the memo should be 24/7 on the floor of the House SCREAMING SEDITION until the cabal is marched into Leavenworth. THIS IS 1776 LEVEL PATRIOTIC DUTY.

b77e44 No.107993

In a breathtaking national security lapse, the brother and business partner of Saddam Hussein’s rogue nuclear weapons mastermind Dr. Jafar Dhia Jafar took control of cargo container operations at Florida’s Port Canaveral in a secretly-negotiated 2014 deal code-named “Project Pelican.”

The “Project Pelican” deal leased the Port Canaveral cargo container to Gulftainer, a UAE ports company owned by Iraqi oil magnate Hamid Jafar through the Iraqi Jafar family’s business empire The Crescent Group.

Port Canaveral awarded Gulftainer a 35-year no-bid container terminal lease at Port Canaveral.

053d56 No.108002



8061ff No.108007


TERMINATE lease on national security grounds

3d76d9 No.108012

File: 82fe93789681409⋯.jpg (66.67 KB, 1023x467, 1023:467, alamo5.jpg)

Thank you baker

8061ff No.108015


Some SOBs had better get their K Street ass kissing pie holes in front of CSPAN

95e607 No.108017

File: fe537497d98d04b⋯.jpg (109.27 KB, 627x674, 627:674, bill1.jpg)

File: 12a1a10ed44ee36⋯.jpg (103.42 KB, 627x749, 627:749, bill2.jpg)

File: f25ac941401a7dd⋯.jpg (68.49 KB, 626x510, 313:255, bill3.jpg)


a73e52 No.108018

File: 6cdb44fea2f1a9c⋯.jpeg (109.66 KB, 900x500, 9:5, 67EB1CF7-24E3-4B09-B583-8….jpeg)

File: 05e8f017577d5bb⋯.jpeg (107.29 KB, 715x500, 143:100, 188C5B80-0A10-4371-9DE8-C….jpeg)

File: c4275a318aa1025⋯.jpeg (75.94 KB, 500x628, 125:157, DCBC67A2-0B40-4F1A-BA85-3….jpeg)

File: 37b4a55affa2d59⋯.jpeg (114.31 KB, 513x500, 513:500, 69F5ED6A-7DB0-4896-9754-0….jpeg)

File: d3135013b94becb⋯.jpeg (29.58 KB, 300x168, 25:14, E72C3C98-A221-47C3-806B-6….jpeg)

9cf21c No.108022

File: be15c82dc4e992b⋯.jpg (1.59 MB, 1000x1000, 1:1, bread.jpg)

Tasty, fresh bread, Baker. Thank you.

90c5ef No.108025

File: cc34629ecb28a97⋯.jpg (567.43 KB, 2556x1440, 71:40, Screen Shot 2018-01-20 at ….jpg)

File: 925ca8adedb471f⋯.jpg (567.4 KB, 2554x1440, 1277:720, Screen Shot 2018-01-20 at ….jpg)

File: 1735fd185c70fc7⋯.jpg (571.49 KB, 2556x1440, 71:40, Screen Shot 2018-01-20 at ….jpg)

File: 85548be8184839b⋯.jpg (573.49 KB, 2554x1440, 1277:720, Screen Shot 2018-01-20 at ….jpg)


b81d16 No.108026

Are the Q photos Barry's deal he tried to make?

9cf21c No.108030


Sorry I missed it, Anon.

I was watching for it though.

a3797e No.108031

kill_rogue is posting more… latest

youtu .be/hDX3T2z89yM

10 reasons not to trust facebook

eb6a71 No.108032

Any planefags watching MIL ADS-B monitor who can give a count of MIL planes over CONUS right now?

fec9d8 No.108033

So whats the latest?

Has the memo been released?

Is Q back at work yet?

Who is in jail and who is arrested?

f4d4a3 No.108034


omg, it's PAT from SNL!

I thought she/he looked familar

7695ea No.108035


We need to find a way to link all of this together in meme form (cabal-babyeating-PP-HRC-SOROsfunding/promotingmarches, etc).

Show them that they were suckered.

I hate to suggest it, but we may have to eventually move to gruesome pics of baby eating=PP.

fe03b8 No.108037

File: 366f3e00354b106⋯.jpg (66.15 KB, 658x632, 329:316, OpenTheDoor.jpg)

For oldfags like me…

ee72b4 No.108039


Can you give me links as opposed to pics for the bread?


be52be No.108040

we want to see the #memo TODAY!

9cf21c No.108041


Scope showing 33 aircraft over CONUS. 2 are UK RAF.

eb6a71 No.108043


Interesting. This is substantially lower than previous days, correct?

200874 No.108044

File: 6de686c0a54c72e⋯.png (630.93 KB, 649x1061, 649:1061, Screen Shot 2018-01-20 at ….png)

Check this out…

Punjab government to introduce 'AMBER-esque' app to help locate missing kids

https:// tribune.com.pk/story/1613236/1/

6e9814 No.108045


The right message will spread across platforms on its own. To be more credible than the MSM, we need to offer nuggets of truth that reveal the lies that are especially relevant to the target audience.

Most don't know politicians names and don't care. We have to take Q's revelations and find where they expose globalist/media lies that directly touch people's lives.

Example: Q referenced what Planned Parenthood really is -- biotech tissue harvesting racket, and way to limit American-born population growth, which combined with illegal immigration creates a Democrat voting advantage for further enrichment of globalists.

Expose facts about PP (most African American babies aborted, sets women on lifelong struggle with depression, tissue used in vaccines, cosmetics, etc.), and show collusion with PP funding Dem campaigns, plus news revelations at the right time when the memo information breaks and you may have a chance to hit them.

69fb4e No.108047


That's going to be a while down the road. First things first. Get the average people to see the corruption in government and media.

They would not believe the whole truth, at least not yet.

8061ff No.108048


Oooh much special relationship

00af0f No.108049

File: f77de9f9d40cb80⋯.png (253.4 KB, 500x529, 500:529, #READTHEMEMO.png)

File: 0473bc807701a0a⋯.png (254.58 KB, 500x529, 500:529, #RELEASETHEMEMO.png)

File: 89e6a55687a671d⋯.png (250.61 KB, 500x529, 500:529, SnowMemo.png)

9cf21c No.108050

File: e567315eb194f2f⋯.png (767.81 KB, 1614x883, 1614:883, Screen Shot 2018-01-20 at ….png)

3d76d9 No.108051

File: d7e3aa875877c98⋯.png (1.35 MB, 2846x1515, 2846:1515, Screenshot 2018-01-20 14.2….png)

ADSB right now CONUS

be52be No.108053


How about retaking Q's questions but wihtout the Q format… just as a normal meme?

848eee No.108055

File: 8a46b9f0954e2a3⋯.png (13.26 KB, 851x252, 851:252, ClipboardImage.png)

Has everyone seen this already? Sorry, I've been away on some other work.

If this is true, I think they're doing this perhaps to either …

1.) buy themselves time to hire attorneys

2.) try to make the case to impeach, gives them more time.

3.) try to assassinate our POTUS!!!

These people are REALLY, REALLY STUPID,

But - they are also VERY VERY EVIL.

We know that, even if you don't believe in the devil, or whatever you believe in…

After what you've seen in EVIDENCE on these people, and we haven't even seen what the NYPD saw that made them cry.

Honestly, I'm very shocked really that these people still haven't been arrested, simply becaause they are so DANGEROUS & EVIL.

I mean look at what happened re HI, also the Clinton body count keeps growing - the couple (forgot names) that were thought to be a murder suicide, now they know it was a homicide. They had something to do with the Haiti/Clinton thing.

I think the #Memo release will release the flood gates for arrests.

That's why it's not just an awakening, but a


eb6a71 No.108056




thx. Not nearly as epic as past days. Any speculation on US ops winding down?

e9dccd No.108057


Didn't know who that was. Thought it was an asian transvestite at first...


That's not a woman.

9cf21c No.108058


Yes. There were about 63 over CONUS today at the peak - around 3 pm EST. About 1/3rd from yesterday, about 160 on Thursday, IIRC.

041cff No.108060

File: 5672302505bf7b7⋯.png (2.03 MB, 1644x1528, 411:382, GreatAwakeningNo32-Obama-S….png)

Baker, please connect this to:


Obama – Soros – Money Chooses Sides

f4d4a3 No.108061


That's Very Cool! *saved*

04b171 No.108062

File: ec469c0a5c4616e⋯.jpg (12.09 KB, 236x266, 118:133, 7339e56ee9b899e97de52b0e34….jpg)

Thanks op.

e65e88 No.108064


1736bb No.108065


reverse it... "you know nothing" ... i will when they #releSETHememo

424350 No.108066

File: 84d0371f7260dd0⋯.png (972.34 KB, 1314x687, 438:229, media.png)

The Only Search Result For Media Contractor that Is Suspect

Offices in Russia and California

IT Related Company


5ee5b4 No.108067


I can't do the Doors. Couldn't get past "ode to a grasshopper."

8f9fb1 No.108068

File: a17802cf6f9dbd5⋯.png (333.05 KB, 610x342, 305:171, schumer_resist.png)

Tying #resist to the shutdown

9cf21c No.108069


I have no idea, only an interest in what's habbening overhead. As Gen. Mattis said in his memo regarding the shutdown, "Stay alert."

fae64b No.108071

File: b80562db64e9283⋯.jpg (111.72 KB, 960x540, 16:9, hrcshppng.jpg)

File: a7f558aa9a6debe⋯.jpg (127.83 KB, 960x540, 16:9, hrcinfl.jpg)

File: f99e5f0752eb000⋯.jpg (134.45 KB, 960x540, 16:9, hrcind.jpg)


Just looking for patterns in the chaos, nothing more.

8061ff No.108072


Agree. Can’t leave these things unarrested for any amount of time. Too much can go wrong. POTUS only human. Is Pence up for role if the traitors take out POTUS like they took out Kennedy’s?

2d6185 No.108073

We need to use same tags and get it trending….






I'm sure you anons can come up with some more creative ones. Share, and let's get it trending.

848eee No.108074


Also wanna add….

I think that the #Memo release will be timed just before the State of the Union. Sort of give people a chance to let everything really sink in.

Then ARRESTS!!!!

ee72b4 No.108075


>Tying #resist to the shutdown

now that's a good idea

9cf21c No.108076



d86f92 No.108077

File: b941a40d2d13a23⋯.png (89.43 KB, 1289x744, 1289:744, DC.png)

Anons, does this mean something?

http:// www.nytimes.com/1979/01/07/archives/david-d-comey-dies-at-age-44-active-in-environmental-affairs-two.html

d295ac No.108078

File: 6c5b9c92cd49c4c⋯.jpg (14.55 KB, 275x183, 275:183, 231yu5.jpg)

File: b2f176e622e8414⋯.jpg (16.35 KB, 275x183, 275:183, 231yvv.jpg)

3d76d9 No.108079


Lot o planes with transponders off. They'll show up then disappear. I think about an hour ago there were 60 over CONUS

48bace No.108080


Incoming SHILL.

8f9fb1 No.108081


How about one with "We will #resist"?

f44f11 No.108082

File: 024d02435dfe68b⋯.jpg (128.32 KB, 732x411, 244:137, Brad.jpg)

Brad memo

fe03b8 No.108083

LOL…but we are riders on the storm!!


fae64b No.108085


Not if he's anything like LBJ.

726131 No.108086

File: 11ba755174cee06⋯.png (124.52 KB, 433x219, 433:219, Snip20180120_10.png)

937b4b No.108087

POTUS tweet

1bd507 No.108088

File: 7a57d79ff5598ea⋯.jpg (67.9 KB, 800x610, 80:61, and-then-i-5a63c2.jpg)

eb6a71 No.108089

848eee No.108090


So, it will be in this order:

#Memo release





9cf21c No.108091


Considering the article is nearly 40 years old, probably not - but nothing surprises me any more.

2462d7 No.108092


https:// global.adsbexchange.com/VirtualRadar/desktop.html#

A plane called PENCE keeps going over California Bay Area. It will disappear. Near Calistoga. "Unknown country" of origin and ownership.

d8f498 No.108094

File: 2c482719aae7ccd⋯.png (711.11 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, muskrelease.png)

728a1a No.108095


Donald J. Trump

Verified account


44s44 seconds ago


Unprecedented success for our Country, in so many ways, since the Election. Record Stock Market, Strong on Military, Crime, Borders, & ISIS, Judicial Strength & Numbers, Lowest Unemployment for Women & ALL, Massive Tax Cuts, end of Individual Mandate - and so much more. Big 2018!

eb6a71 No.108097


Don't forget #Treason

cf3acf No.108098

Alright faggots, let me know if i should keep going with this.

9cf21c No.108100

File: faea37b8c388be8⋯.png (41.34 KB, 587x148, 587:148, Screen Shot 2018-01-20 at ….png)

fae64b No.108101

File: 99017271a5ab820⋯.jpg (42.19 KB, 486x349, 486:349, setstgtmng.jpg)

f8bb4d No.108102

Does anyone know where I can find the meme, with 4 different Potus laughing faces in the background and the words,"When Democrats launch a two year investigation and come up with nothing but their own crimes".

24a60e No.108103

File: d0102be419e34f0⋯.png (96.97 KB, 785x521, 785:521, Capture.PNG)


Post it next time, newfag.

c5f49f No.108104


No telling. We move a lot of people around for a lot of stuff. Not likely a gitmo prisoner run, btw. That would be done on a C-130 or other less comfortable aircraft.

Not only that, but trust me most of the crew, though holding a secret clearance, can't keep a secret worth shit.

9ad024 No.108105

File: 096f253ae3883f1⋯.jpg (281.73 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, 0truness.jpg)

File: 3c5ad6cc79f845f⋯.png (59.08 KB, 500x490, 50:49, LBLOL.png)

7bc7c5 No.108106


Thanks for sharing.

Pet peeve of mine-members of Congress with dual citizenship. Should have undivided loyalty to this country.

If Palestinians and Muslims were black, some actions by Israel would be condemned as Apartheid.

43566d No.108107


Fucking yes. GO ANON GO

00af0f No.108108

File: c7dd89c91171aac⋯.png (258.26 KB, 500x529, 500:529, #MEMO#THEGREATAWAKENING.png)

File: a261d45387962a1⋯.png (255.48 KB, 500x529, 500:529, THEMEMO.png)

833b5f No.108109

File: 8d2772625da1194⋯.jpg (794.37 KB, 1173x1485, 391:495, Release.jpg)

File: e9edd5de42db729⋯.jpg (161.92 KB, 400x312, 50:39, Q.jpg)

728a1a No.108110


Is it standard to post the image rather than the text? Want to be doing things right if I'm contributing.

eb6a71 No.108111


Hard core. Do we have a list of who the 12 monitorees are?

f4d4a3 No.108112

Yesterday was Nation Popcorn day with all that occurred, LOL, get it?? Enjoy the show :D That Q!


Good catch!

5284a9 No.108113


thats alot of fucking capital letters sheesh

9cf21c No.108114


Juicy, anon. Dig!

24a60e No.108115


This is called an image board for a reason.

4ae08f No.108116

File: 09b0233c66b2095⋯.jpeg (152.87 KB, 620x860, 31:43, op.jpeg)

All the hand wringing and pearl-clutching over getting the The Memo released posthaste.

W H A T if this in the offing? It's 10, as TEN,

days away. Wadda ya'll think? SHOWTIME??

cf3acf No.108117

File: fb349e1e0646b52⋯.jpg (343.03 KB, 915x830, 183:166, fb349e1e0646b52ec0584bee7c….jpg)


Don't know, I'm going off of this. Filling in some tidbits.

b0c093 No.108118

19 fucking Congressional work days means a month. SMDH

28df49 No.108119



43566d No.108120


I suspect this move is to flush out the bad actors.

Give them 10 days to eat themselves alive then deliver the final blow at the State of the Union address.

695dbf No.108121


Do it.

47da7c No.108122

File: f938aa4ee60deb0⋯.png (705.38 KB, 1111x741, 1111:741, RTM_tankman.png)

File: 9596ce8944b4daa⋯.png (787.66 KB, 1111x741, 1111:741, RTM_HandbagLady.png)

File: 07ee631b0248d4d⋯.png (566.53 KB, 1111x741, 1111:741, RTM_ParisLiberated.png)

File: bc229a04b68392f⋯.png (815.32 KB, 1111x1099, 1111:1099, RTM_ParisLiberated-Simone.png)

File: d2d1fb76e9003a0⋯.png (587.55 KB, 1111x741, 1111:741, RTM_CheGuevara.png)

2d6185 No.108124


If this gets out it may discredit the real one.

eb6a71 No.108125

File: 5f345f145ea2d38⋯.jpg (50.46 KB, 355x450, 71:90, thinking-is-confusing-funn….jpg)


For the children.

47da7c No.108126

File: 77ecda7bbe46d9b⋯.png (452.61 KB, 1111x741, 1111:741, RTM_GrahamJackson.png)

File: ea554713f32f8d7⋯.png (450.88 KB, 1111x741, 1111:741, RTM_NuclearShroom.png)

File: 880e91a5df5d57d⋯.png (496.87 KB, 1111x741, 1111:741, RTM_Chicago1968.png)

File: 18276fdd98d0a5e⋯.png (634.75 KB, 1111x741, 1111:741, RTM_Beatlemania.png)

File: 3fdc077b2276b91⋯.png (659.54 KB, 777x1087, 777:1087, RTM_chairs.png)

c5f49f No.108127


Just got in from Saturday fam stuff, been killing me, but red pilling all day. What the Fuck is this and where did it come from?

848eee No.108128


Exactly!!! I think POTUS has been planning this for many years, not just the last three.

But the last three involved more than POTUS. Military got involved. Marines! NYPD! And many other GOOD people that said NO MORE!!!


9b07d6 No.108129

I think POTUS wants us to Load up & Storm The Castle !

a3797e No.108131

File: c84a0255a1efd1e⋯.jpg (199.88 KB, 2047x1491, 2047:1491, QCLUEENH.jpg)

been messing with this a little

Bottom - 106 107 122 89 84 81 50 78 109 89 121 78 84 89 121 78 109 85 121 78 total:1879 ascii convert:jkzYTQ2NmYyNTYyNmUyN

Left - 84 99 48 78 122 85 51 90 106 89 53 78 50 89 121 90 106 74 104 77 total:1694 ascii convert: Tc0NzU3ZjY5N2YyZjJhM

Right - 89 106 89 53 77 122 107 50 89 84 86 109 78 68 81 50 90 68 81 122 78 total:1777 ascii convert:YjY5Mzk2YTVmNDQ2ZDQzN

Top - 122 77 51 77 68 99 48 78 122 81 51 79 68 89 61 10 total: 1181 ascii convert: zM3MDc0NzQ3ODY=◙

695dbf No.108132


BS - the enemy would just do it

9d4710 No.108133

File: bea1da10fd1230f⋯.jpg (27.01 KB, 487x309, 487:309, releaseJA.jpg)

I told you. And it was not a joke.

Wikileaks is the only media trusted worldwide. Even leftards (but the 4-6%) admit Wikileaks is true.

19 days means making fun of us. It's a disrespect. Our only hope is Assange.




fae64b No.108134


We're on the same page here, anon.

7695ea No.108135


OH, no conflict of interest there. Move on. Nothing to see here.

d295ac No.108136

File: 89c58c5d10ccd27⋯.jpg (18.56 KB, 275x183, 275:183, 231zfi.jpg)

3e6bf5 No.108137


Government shutdown and not as much training on the weekend.

cf3acf No.108138


Hahah I made it. Someone posted this, and people were saying this needs to be put into a digestible format for normies. So I said, fuck it, let me see what I can do.


Do you think I shut put some sort of marker that this is from information extracted from Q posts, or some sort of disclaimer to avoid having that happen?

f876f0 No.108139


fake and gay

d0896a No.108140

I don't think anything is going to happen to GEOTUS. There is too much risk in that for the cabal.

Patriot groups made it known right after he was elected that if anything happens to him, they are going to basically burn D.C. to the ground.

Red team planners have already stated that the next civil war in the U.S. will be between left and right, and the government always loses. Death toll due to starvation alone will be 10,000 minimum the first year.

The cabal can't risk it. The only thing keeping most normal people from hanging those in power from light poles (and I mean that literally) is the rule of law, and the belief that things can still be fixed within the system. President Trump gave them that hope.

0e7a1b No.108141


Fucking this, 19 days is an insult. We need to get LOUDER!

9cf21c No.108142


On a second read through, I think this is fake. Too much bad grammar going on for it to be real, tbh.

f331b2 No.108143



Is there any way to put current recommendations on hashtags in a separate thread or something for easier reference?

7ac4d1 No.108144


I'm all for continuing to piece together the 1 of 22 Q post that we were working on last night. However, I don't think we should create a fake doc. We just need to understand what Q told us in that post.

cf3acf No.108145


It is fake…

cf3acf No.108146


10-4. I'll pump the breaks. Figured I'd toss it out there, and see what folks thought.

053d56 No.108147

File: 6c18e7e71be4639⋯.png (757.74 KB, 1091x614, 1091:614, Screen Shot 2018-01-20 at ….png)


b0c093 No.108148


Shill disinformation

e170a9 No.108149


>Potus tweet

so many capitals, where to even start? there's gotta be a message in there somewhere

593fb7 No.108150


Q gave us these 12 -







We don't say his name.






There are other lists - 12 un-named, 6 un-named….etc- will go back through other crumbs to see if we have lists for them

cac574 No.108151

Any accountant anons here? show Trump 2K tax credit annual savings for 18 years in a 529 college fund on a meme. This grabs the attention of parents and snowflakes crying about their outstanding student loans for their gender study degrees. Say " If only politicians did this 20 years ago"

2462d7 No.108152


This PENCE plane looks like it is coming from China Lake. And it disappeared again. It was going North.

5284a9 No.108153


this undermines our cred bad deal

make a spreadsheet for god sake

this makes us liars

i vote hell no

534721 No.108154

Need memes that show AMERICAN families of all walks of life (i.e. diversity, age, economic, occupational, social) DEMANDING release of the memo NOW. Show UNITY.

5aac96 No.108156


If it gets out - which some sperglord of (1) probably will now, it may cause the fire to rise.

would they release the real one to counter this?

the real memo would likely say the same tbh from the leaks we have already about it

28df49 No.108157

File: 9969447767e4f12⋯.jpeg (95.22 KB, 500x520, 25:26, 7C464DEA-C42C-4B9D-9008-D….jpeg)


Advisement please on this meme.

7ec235 No.108158

File: ab086c02dee48fa⋯.jpg (187.92 KB, 1595x639, 1595:639, otis1.jpg)

File: 7af446722e10dca⋯.jpg (92.3 KB, 551x550, 551:550, Red Arrow.jpg)

Attn Planefags. I', 99.9% certain that this is one plane with two transponders. Zoom right in and one will 'jump' as it follows the other in ADS-B Exchange. There's no way two C130s would fly 25ft apart in vertical separation.

43566d No.108159


Think gay: It's fake

Think gayyer: It's surprisingly close to what the memo actually says

Think gayest: We, The People release the memo before the government does.

Who's on board?

3e6bf5 No.108160


Thought Pence is in the middle east. Are you just saying callsign is PENCE?

695dbf No.108161


No, do it. Any attention this gains strengthens us. Truth beats lies. Truth beats the inauthentic nature of the doc.

424350 No.108162


It needs to be dated for starters

695dbf No.108163


Team Gayest

5284a9 No.108164


can we stray away from bullshit soft porn??

is really fucking tacky

its something the left would do

0aa659 No.108165

File: 427d03458543f1a⋯.jpg (148.65 KB, 570x587, 570:587, hertard.jpg)

39f178 No.108166


That’s what I was just looking at

f4d4a3 No.108167

File: 557bdeff6123dbe⋯.png (92.76 KB, 200x325, 8:13, pat 1.PNG)

File: 5fafdc29a9f14eb⋯.png (271.43 KB, 444x279, 148:93, pat 2.PNG)

CS wife

b3dcbe No.108168


Typo…”it” should be “it’s”

c5f49f No.108169


OH HELL NO! Good lord get that thing out of here… I wish it were real, and perhaps someday we will see the truth, but we cannot "create" debunkable stuff like that. And it can get tracked back to here without much effort. NOOOOOOOO

That said, your grammar is terrible. LOL. I want the truth more than anyone, but we cannot become what we despise.

2ddacb No.108170


Divide and Conquer them. Play up throwing CHIP under the bus for DACA with the #SchumerShutdown.

28df49 No.108171



On top of current breads

eb6a71 No.108172


Gayest would indeed be very gay.

0b641a No.108173

Anons, help me out here. I have been asked the question how did the tax bill pass without 60 votes in the senate. The tax bill passed 51-48 and the bill to keep the government open last night needed 60 votes to pass. Why is that? Help please. I would also like to say a big thank you for all of your hard work. I don't have anything to offer but I sure do come here and learn a lot from you all. Thank you!

abe12d No.108174

File: ed0b5e0e1b61d6b⋯.jpeg (172.44 KB, 758x1079, 758:1079, B3E2E237-4F76-4338-9DF5-A….jpeg)

5284a9 No.108175


this is an attempt to get you to discredit us

do not put out a fake looking document

when the real document gets out no one will know what to believe

take that shit and can it

come up with a different format to communicate the same ideas

bad idea to make a fake official document

makes you look like bho and his fake ass birth certificate


f7d055 No.108176


Yeah… isn't he in Egypt?

28df49 No.108177


Simple majority required

424350 No.108178


Put a Date on letterhead. Use the day before Nunes returned.

8f9fb1 No.108179


Nice OP. Supports the Q mission. Break it to them slowly. Let them say it is fake, means they read it.

37f5fc No.108180



3249ac No.108181


Closer to 2. Mid March.

bb1955 No.108182


Any long term plans posted here will be known by (((them))). just sayin'

321505 No.108183


Pink letters need a black outline;

5284a9 No.108184


thats the longest anagram ever

728a1a No.108185


If memory serves, the primary driver of what made it 51 to pass rather than 60 was the fact that the cuts expired at some point in the future. If permanent, it'd have to pass via 60 votes.

f331b2 No.108186


Current hashtag recommendations near very top of breads would be helpful.

b3e6b0 No.108187

Musk is a furry -can't say i'm surprised

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=wGXjKGNQYrY

2462d7 No.108188


Yes, call sign is PENCE04.

321505 No.108189




586a94 No.108190


The tax bill passed under reconciliation, I believe, which expired shortly after. We are back to needing 60.

2ddacb No.108191


Only 51 needed for "Reconciliation". Some antiquated Senate rules. Dems filibustered so required 60 to stop that before they could vote on the actual Bill.

c5f49f No.108192


Got to be honest, with the way they twist everything and anything, you weigh the cost of that against the message. That said, them throwing Stormy the Porn Queen out would be reinforced every time someone saw this… I agree. Otherwise, I'd have no problem with this under modification.

2d6185 No.108193



eb6a71 No.108194


Fuck that. Wait for reality. It will be worth it.

28df49 No.108196



Simple majority required>>108168


39f178 No.108197


Unless it’s anagrams inside the “anagram”

b3dcbe No.108198


This will offend people that have family members and friends with special needs

43566d No.108200


But here's where you're wrong.



We have 10 days to hone in exactly what this memo says.

Vindication or Folly will be dealt out at the State of the Union address.

5aac96 No.108201


It might be a glow nigger editing the actual document to put out a fake to discredit us.


Go round there tomorrow and demand it by Monday? #WeThePeople

3805e6 No.108202


I would happily check for you but megaupload .net reroutes to some other site.

8eecf2 No.108203


This. This is really risky move guys. Could discredit the real one.

I vote nay. Even though i understand the purpose of it.

0aa659 No.108204


You would think they would have toughened up, by now

00af0f No.108205

File: 4211ef414ba8eaa⋯.png (224.89 KB, 575x500, 23:20, BIG2018!.png)

424350 No.108206


Agreed, Fake was my first thought. ((No DATE))

1f0f2e No.108207


The Senate and House each operate under their own set of rules/operating procedures. And in they can be changed and amended in many ways.

bf2275 No.108209

File: 1adb6cd85eb6cdb⋯.png (40.64 KB, 580x353, 580:353, 1BCACAA8-C75B-4E5C-B23D-39….png)

47da7c No.108211

File: 716e75b6fe433dc⋯.png (738.04 KB, 827x601, 827:601, Scummer.PNG)

3e6bf5 No.108212


No, it's normal formation flight. Lead takes the squawk. Their individual callsigns are probably OTIS51 and OTIS52. For radr following in formation they assume one callsign which ATC references as OTIS51 Formation.

a85814 No.108213


Agreed. It blurs the truth with a giant lie that then discredits it all.

7ec235 No.108214

File: ab50202db49c2d8⋯.jpg (345.98 KB, 1712x757, 1712:757, pence04.jpg)


I can see it, it's currently a C-130. If the military run true to previous, this may change to highlight other aircraft.

48bace No.108215


Guys this is a Shill

eb6a71 No.108216


It also makes it look like Clapper isn't an asshat. Clapper is an asshat.

321505 No.108217


Don't make fake shit. You only help the clowns.

28df49 No.108218

a3797e No.108219


says that page doesnt exist

695dbf No.108220


Then change the header.

Document still needs memeing into public release. This will help if done properly.

f8bb4d No.108221


Do not…release this if it is fake. It will kiss off the 8chan anon credibility from that point on if you do. No cred…no thread…capeesh?

833e0c No.108222


Fucking stupid idea.

The shills are the ones who create the lies, not us.

<but we have de memo lul

No, we don't, and even IF we have an outline of it, we shouldn't be creating false material out of an outline in the first place.

Moreover, it'll raise confusion amongst the normies.

>Wait, which one is the real memo?

>I thought that was released a week ago. What's this now?

>So which one should I believe?

You need to knock this shit off ASAFuckingP.

Anons, sharpen the fuck up.

Prepare the flood of memes for when the memo comes out.

Once the stage is set, unleash hell.

Until then, for the love of God and your own bodies, keep it in your filthy pants and don't spread misinformation.

Christ in hell…

89dad6 No.108223

This is interesting AF! Will Q give us a hint? I want to know moar! Lurkin' harder…

https:// aim4truth.org/2017/11/24/absolute-proof-obama-not-russians-rigged-elections/amp/?__twitter_impression=true

1bd507 No.108224

File: 36c2a27beb44be8⋯.jpg (45.75 KB, 500x322, 250:161, shummershutdown-all-becaus….jpg)

2d6185 No.108225


I respect your opinion. My opinion is.. it's a horrible idea. This is serious shit.

7dc41f No.108226

File: fcec4c1fb0f2623⋯.jpg (96.12 KB, 517x499, 517:499, 231zqy.jpg)

File: 2f252b3de13858d⋯.jpg (68.08 KB, 475x562, 475:562, 23201u.jpg)

Thought you all would appreciate these.

7dc41f No.108227

File: fcec4c1fb0f2623⋯.jpg (96.12 KB, 517x499, 517:499, 231zqy.jpg)

File: 2f252b3de13858d⋯.jpg (68.08 KB, 475x562, 475:562, 23201u.jpg)

Thought you all would appreciate these.

420898 No.108228


Anyone engaging in dialog with this clown and not filtering him kindly kill yourself

eb6a71 No.108229

File: 641e306b38ebb95⋯.png (76.52 KB, 247x279, 247:279, logic.png)


>https ://twitter.com/OnWithLogic/status/954848101445062656


a3bae4 No.108230

File: 3fccabfae829ec9⋯.jpg (17.52 KB, 636x333, 212:111, ugandan-knuckles.jpg)


>Schumer does not know de wei

>I spit on those that disrespect de queen

>I support Trump my bruddah

424350 No.108231


The Memo will disclose the BHO Admin Using 100's of Illegal FISA Warrants to spy on americans (1000's ) and creating a database for access.

We know the content. We only need the players and victims names

04cd8d No.108232


Typo… jeeze you meme anons have to learn to spell.

SCHUMER not Shumer

48bace No.108233


Q said Trump was releasing it but it looks like the congressmen stepped up to the plate and will be releasing it. Unfortunately for them to do it takes 19 congressional days. Not sure which scenario fits Trumps timeline.

0be7cf No.108234


it's a terrible idea

5284a9 No.108235


i was thinking same how do you divide letters into groups?

i was thinking drop ISIS because they are alway caps


e9dccd No.108236


Schmuck Scumer

3bbcc3 No.108237

File: 0e85f8eeefbc0ab⋯.jpg (78.48 KB, 1369x758, 1369:758, Q.jpg)


fce987 No.108238



fae64b No.108239

File: b7978a2c95fb7be⋯.jpg (36.83 KB, 689x110, 689:110, qnosatanicpos.jpg)


You are correct. Recall what said when he first started dropping crumbs who the patriots "will not allow another Satanic Evil POS control our country." Not going to happen!

eb6a71 No.108240



d93c7b No.108242





Let Trump and the team choose their timing.

Dont fuck this up

f65e3d No.108243


Schtaaaap iiiiit!

3e6bf5 No.108244


Definitely interesting. Pence get AF2 callsign i believe. Worth tracking.

c5f49f No.108245


Too many won't get it, but I like it anyway. Maybe if you had a legit scandal he was attached to to show he is scummy (er).

728a1a No.108246


I propose working on the outline using what we know then using that to generate relevant memes for when it does actually get released. Let the real memo itself speak and then support with evidence of foreknowledge and expand on certain points that normies may not understand.

f331b2 No.108247



Tags changing hour by hour…

But fresh bread could use some fresh tags, if bakers would not mind and oblige.

d295ac No.108248


I look at it like this. If the Twatterfags think they will work, they will use them. If not, they will sit on the board and rot. I have zero ego investment in the memes, and will make whatever anyone thinks will work.

47da7c No.108249

File: 51c9d5037bb5dd4⋯.png (527.15 KB, 827x619, 827:619, RTM_WHY.PNG)

889080 No.108250

File: 62e1ecf85ded20d⋯.png (554.39 KB, 619x946, 619:946, its_five_oclock_somwhere.png)

0b641a No.108251


I understand that. The vote last night was 50-49 so looked like a majority to me but not enough to pass. But because it was a filibuster it required 60 votes. I get it now. Thank you all for answering sincerely. You are awesome!

2e4255 No.108252

If a fake emerges, fewer will read the real one. Media will cast doubt on it. Even if that is only temporary, it opens the window for a shift in news cycle via false flag, causing #MEMOryhole

0aa659 No.108253

File: 6faa9cf28ba1abc⋯.jpg (92.96 KB, 570x587, 570:587, CANCERKID.jpg)

848eee No.108254


#Memo release


#ArrestThemNow - #TREASON



This is so clear that this is coming. I think this is so obvious now. Why do you think they did the shutdown.

Remember what Q said - that CS "had to use the bathroom!!!" Think of what POTUS said to him. Yet, still the shutdown. Meaning…

What CS is afraid of is bigger than what POTUS said to him and that made him shit his pants!!! They are only trying to buy time at this point.

2b0acb No.108255


text is NOT readable

9d6f88 No.108258

File: 12be45c5c5f7cea⋯.png (42.19 KB, 729x327, 243:109, Screenshot 2018-01-20 at 2….png)


Line of succession is important here too

T Gowdy - Speaker of the House?

Also if the D's take back congress they are only 2 PPL away from the presidency. F!!

eb6a71 No.108259


Just give the damn memo to Feinstein and have a lawyer tell her she gets a free kid if she leaks it.

7e5def No.108260

Gov´t shutdown: 1/20

State of the union: 1/30

10 days.


clever… could be POTUS reading the memo. I think it´s time to put that old champagne bottle in the fridge…

ca5d50 No.108261

remember the HRC rallies how empty they were. No woman. Photoshop pics of woman. One photo had an empty basketball court. This woman march is Fantasy Land. A production of MSM fake news. No signs of weinstein eptesin or matt lauer. Though a sign of Release the memo was on CNN.

8061ff No.108262

>>108098 staaahp bad fake I got real stationery

1b4b46 No.108263


Can't speak for others … we have a family member with a disability (not retardation) and we would not be offended at all.

43566d No.108264


I absolutely hear you on how tricky it would be to walk this line, but we must emphasize we're doing this with the best of intents as a team effort by the people, for the people.

We've been given a skeleton of what the memo is. Q dropped that for us to figure out.

What if we reconstructed it before it was released? How much validity will that bring Q in the eyes of the normies?

f8bb4d No.108265


You said it best…this is a shill pushing this fake crap…if it isn't then we just wasted our time to this point because of knuckle heads like this. This will end badly for 8chan. I'll never pass by this way again that's for sure.

b77e44 No.108266


something is up with the hidious wives , they are front's or something , to many have rediculously ugly wives like nelly ohr .

5aac96 No.108267



>https ://twitter.com/OnWithLogic/status/954848101445062656

>what is a broken link?

Get rid of the space between https and ://twitter

It is done to discourage/prevent search engines indexing it from this page. Specific to this board

321505 No.108268



d86f92 No.108269



0aa659 No.108270

File: 24dcb74e5ca4d52⋯.jpg (99.33 KB, 954x448, 477:224, candy van copy.jpg)

I think this is why Schumer is scared. He was mentioned by I source I don't remember as calling network personnel to ask them about PGate

8061ff No.108271

>>108098 >>108264 why does Q need validity if the shit is actually happening? Kys respectfully

420898 No.108272


DC is hollywood for ugly people

960f78 No.108273

Don’t send out fake, gay shit like this you asshats! This is an obvious move to shake credibility in the info we put out. FFS! Whoever wrote this crap has 8th grade English skills, at best.





cf3acf No.108274



Made it clear in my posts that it was fake. Was asking for opinions. Most folks seem to think it's a bad idea. Not a shill, and not going to take it any further.

f8bb4d No.108275


Why not wait for the real memo instead of trying to shoot ourselves in the head and blow ourselves up from the fall out.??? hmmmm

5aac96 No.108276

bb1955 No.108278

eb6a71 No.108279


>They are only trying to buy time at this point.

Yes, and trying to minimize their damage. It is checkmate.

cac574 No.108280

Q mentioned 4-6% were essentially hopeless. Why would they be hopeless? Trump Derangement Syndrome? That wouldn't last if their wallets/purses stayed fat. It could only be because they are part of the Satanic system. IMHO it is best to go after Bernie Bro's in the short run because they are HUGE numbers and if not for their brainwashing by their professors, they would see that everything they are against ( TPP, ELITE 1%, HRC ect) Trump supporters are too and Trump is taking them all down. Just a thought

5284a9 No.108282

File: f232c4fda1c457b⋯.png (302.42 KB, 417x406, 417:406, Opera Snapshot_2018-01-20_….png)

d38d0a No.108283

File: a1d86a5e27cd7bc⋯.png (936.17 KB, 1159x895, 1159:895, Anon prayer 3.png)

We Are Anonymous. This Is Our Prayer.

Anons, this prayer is written from the heart of the Anon Warrior who is fighting for this nation. Baker, if agreed by the anons, can we post it at the top of the breads during the intense fight that is ahead of us? Q has stressed the great need for prayer. Perhaps this will enable those not used to praying to join in the spiritual side of this fight.

God Bless

833e0c No.108284


That's perfectly acceptable - memes are ammunition, and if we are indeed close to target, then the memes can and should be used in conjunction with the memo once it is released.

The last thing we need is to create a false memo.

Willfully spreading misinformation makes you an idiot at best and a 3-letter clown at the very worst.

Do not cross that line.

d0b895 No.108285


Listen Up! THIS is the one to distribute

Q said 'floor is yours"

Includes Q posts with Explanation

Easy to Read/Understand

Red Font tells the Story

Red-pilled family with this. It works!

c5f49f No.108287


Truthfully, we would have to go on a it's disinfo campaign and it would make us look like a bunch of hacks. I hope the OP doesn't make us a divided camp, and no one DLs that (that shouldn't be here) and already blames it all us.

I've had to SC just to help provide we tried to talk the young lad down off the roof for future purposes.

eb6a71 No.108288


This may actually be good because it uses a corrupt politician to make the viewer think.

7ec235 No.108290


Erm, Maxine Waters, she mentioned Obongo's 'Secret Database' on Everyone' and there's video to prove it. Shirley that must mean some prison time for her.

a3bae4 No.108292


Those battle plan dioramas are very cool.

42f2ed No.108293


Lose the red highlights. They make shit unreadable, but yeah, keep it up Anon.

889080 No.108295

File: b308e65c5629147⋯.jpg (284.63 KB, 962x496, 481:248, Schumer_Shutdown_Memo.jpg)

a3797e No.108296

how many characters are in a PGP key.. or any key JA might use

d86f92 No.108297


So are you saying you think that "our" memo will be "the" memo?

2283e6 No.108298



547bb6 No.108299

I think I finally figured out the answer to Q's question about who was in the bunker. Andrew Breitbart. For reference look at the speech Breitbart gave regarding Hussein and the facade under which the "progressive" elements in this country operate.

https: //twitter.com/SavingAmerica4U/status

f65e3d No.108300


includes nk going dark by then as well


290b82 No.108301


848eee No.108303


That's it!!!

Either now or as soon as the #MEMO is released we should trend..


695dbf No.108304


Agreed. Future proves past. Are we leaders or sheep?

Different header, watermark as based on Q drops, then can be our marker when real memo drops.

eb6a71 No.108306

9b07d6 No.108307

ok with all the capital letter so far I get " Storm the Castle" ! LOL Just joking… who's with me ?

9b259a No.108308

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Q mentioned 4-6% were essentially hopeless. Why would they be hopeless? Trump Derangement Syndrome?

TDS is a symptom of something deeper anon. You need to watch some Yuri Bezmenov and see what an expert says.

f91a95 No.108309


19 business days is unacceptable. Too many days for them to redact and revise it into a nothing burger. We got your names, Congressmen, release the fucking memo NOW.

f4d4a3 No.108310


Remember the original time was 5 "o'clock" , POTUS tweeted "o'clock" not pm or am.

Five O'Clock Shadow

Is there a message in there Deep State/Shadow Govt.

f694e6 No.108311

This fake memo is schill. All filtered. kma schills. these are clowns trying to get screen caps to make us look bad. stop feeding the schills and clowns.

213fe0 No.108312


WE KNOW SOME OF YOU LURK HERE… You D.C. Patriots and Scumbags… we know you do! ONE OF YOU PATRIOTS GET OUT THERE AND DO THE RIGHT THING! You have all of us behind you. We have put our faith in you! Some of us have lost friends and relationships because we believe so deeply that this is the best way to MAKE A FUTURE FOR OUR CHILDREN, or our friends children… FOR EVERYONE! Now get your asses out there and MAKE US PROUD FOR ONCE GODDAMNIT!!


8f07fb No.108313

File: 64353d71721f5dc⋯.jpg (100.52 KB, 750x500, 3:2, 2320t9.jpg)

File: c94f75432791082⋯.jpg (25.79 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqdefault.jpg)

File: 59ac3e6404fe54b⋯.jpg (506.17 KB, 1200x601, 1200:601, trss.jpg)

File: fd20ba522c939fa⋯.jpg (40.53 KB, 634x350, 317:175, 478F742700000578-5210619-i….jpg)

eb6a71 No.108314


Be careful about dividing ammo. Exposure is exposure. Sticking with the most powerful trends is your friend. Divide the opposition's hashtags.

1f0f2e No.108315

Trump invites Skummer to the White House:

POTUS - Hey Chuckcfeel free to grab one of these burgers.

POTUS - Or would you….(sly grin) rather order a "Pizza"?

*Chucky turns white, and runs to the bathroom*

3e2ee3 No.108316


that is a low #, imo. Hopeless bc ppl like myself would not vote for HRC no matter how fat the wallet got. Same concept applies to Libs

Current Liberalism is a religion. Trump is their convenient satan

b53c1b No.108317


they are leftist themselves. Look into the background of task force, lawyers.

822e75 No.108318

The official doc posted has grammatical errors. I don’t think an official document of this magnitude would be negligent enough to end a sentence with a preposition. Just saying.

0dd6a3 No.108319


Fake and Gay

Why put this out to confuse and potentially discredit when the real one will be out shortly?

I'll bet $1 we have it within 24 hours.

f65e3d No.108320


chuck wanted hot dog

04cd8d No.108321

In regards to "our" memo…

I think the official logos should be replaced by a KEK logo… make look like an official Anon Doc…

It will keep from confusing normies and red-pill them even more when the real one comes out they will see that we knew something before it was out.

43566d No.108322


No, but based off all the intel Q has given us, our memo will be damned near close enough to redpill the masses with what's going on behind the scenes. Maybe even enough to ease the acceptance of these horrors…

602cb3 No.108323


Guess you have to take what you can get when it comes to finding sicko satanic pedos like themselves

420898 No.108324


Filtered. Just saying.

937b4b No.108325



That is the kind of thing that up with we will not put!

9b07d6 No.108326

Why is it only ok for the Dems to Leak shit ? ? If there ever was a leaker… Now is your time to shine Buddy ! Step on up PATRIOT ! You will Go down In History !

eb6a71 No.108327


Terribly constructed sentence. Fake and gay.

71fdb7 No.108328

Q said, he would guide. The pics he dropped are altered pics, so maybe he has given templates to be used in memes

a3bae4 No.108329


>Toronto Star reads /pol/

>day after murders they called it a Teva/Mossad hit


cac574 No.108330


My entire family has/had it. I am going to watch Yuri Bezmenov though to see what you are talking about. Thanks for pointing me there!

4824ad No.108331


Just got here and read this fake memo bullshit. I ABSO - FUCKING - LUTELY think this is the WORST idea ever. All this will show is that we are desperate to have Potus come out looking good and will undermine everything that a well crafted plan (already in place for three years) will accomplish.

If Q and Co. can be patient for three years to execute this plan then we Anons can wait fucking 10 days for the real release.


8061ff No.108332


Now fo dat Kraken

f65e3d No.108333


come for the sausage

stay for the dough

424350 No.108334


Maxine (Focus on the loudest voices in DC) Waters for sure, and don't call me Shirley

695dbf No.108335


We are the calm before the storm after all.

3e2ee3 No.108336

i agree normies don't need to be coming here. This board is for work and comms– Q wants this isolated, as much as possible.

ideally, we would have a site where we 'controlled' the daily narrative utilizing the truths crumbs we gather here and synthesizing it into a normie-friendly page with associated news. Like a simple drudge outline; but crowdsourcing concept with Q-inspired narratives. I'm a researchfag but have no website experience…i for one would like to see this to evolve

f65e3d No.108337



960f78 No.108338

We need a USMC badge: United States Meme Corps!

602cb3 No.108339


I also don't think the term "hit' would be used unless paraphrased in a document like this either Assasinated or the like would be the choice word

0dd6a3 No.108340



This is an unwise decision

43566d No.108341

Or maybe we will have our own separate memo that will correlate with the real one so well it's almost like they were both meant to be released at the same time.

5284a9 No.108342


I put this out early

about 9500 impressions already

cac574 No.108343


True and what I suggest is showing them that Trump is giving most of what they demand yet Hillary/Dems never discussed the subject!

d38d0a No.108344


This has been floating around for a long time

424350 No.108345


Will start with "My Fellow Americans"

9cf21c No.108346

SKYKINGS are TX on 11.175 MHz rn!

b77e44 No.108347


how much money doe's schumer have , i am not sure but i guarentee its enough to not have a hidious wife . but when you add sicko pedo satanic i think you hit it on the head !

d295ac No.108348

File: f68455fdd8a16cc⋯.jpg (19.83 KB, 242x208, 121:104, 23210y.jpg)

File: 800f338babbbddb⋯.jpg (20.97 KB, 242x208, 121:104, 23212h.jpg)

eb6a71 No.108349


Careful. We have Pepe. Avoid in-group behaviors. Humans are naturally xenophobic. Stay anon and be happy that your group is those who refuse to participate in the ingroup behavior caused by emotional labels.

f65e3d No.108350


Baaaaa-aaaaaad idea!

f0f762 No.108351

File: 74c3211daad68b0⋯.jpeg (903.78 KB, 1130x1303, 1130:1303, 939BAAE9-75E6-4FB4-9511-A….jpeg)

Makes sense to me

7695ea No.108352


Love it, but like Q confirmation.

It seems to fit AND IT'S DAMNING, but I, personally, don't want to post

anything not verified.

Just sayin….

b77e44 No.108353


Kek , no doubt .

39f178 No.108355



a36582 No.108356


Even so, there's not much nothing they can do about it.


f65e3d No.108357





eb6a71 No.108358


We will use the real memo to refine our understanding and dataset. I try hard to not trust anything unless it makes sense.

7bc7c5 No.108359


This is awful. Anons are working so hard to gain trust of normies based on our belief in truth and patriotism.

This is obviously fake and possibly illegal. Most important activities like this will destroy Qanons ability to ever be trusted or help the country MAGA.

We get enough crap to dig through each day, we don't need to produce any here.

Use your talents here on something we can all be proud to share with each other and the public.

Sorry for being a bastard.

2d6185 No.108360

All versions of it, need to be removed from thread.

695dbf No.108361

Why are we asked by Q to make side-by-side graphics?

Is it to show his authenticity?

Can normies understand the code language he writes with?

Can we translate his 1 of 22 drop to normie-friendly language?

Would that demonstrate Q authenticity?

Why does Q ask us to make side-by-side graphics?

f65e3d No.108362


((((They)))) lurk


9b259a No.108363


Yuri has several interviews that are well worth watching. There is one classroom type presentation as well. they are long but well worth the watching.

I feel sorry for you anon, there will indeed be 1 out of 20 (4~6%) that are true believers or useful idiots as others call them and they are beyond persuasion by mere facts they know how they FEEL and are lost to reality.

d93c7b No.108365


9b07d6 No.108366


Dig on this friends….

f91a95 No.108367


Someone make a straw poll and put it up for vote. Make sure to leave room for commentary.

a36582 No.108369


no no no no no no no no no no

Can't put this out there

37f5fc No.108370



0bd080 No.108371

File: a8a694c350358a7⋯.png (4.08 MB, 750x1334, 375:667, 4155C475-43F5-46A8-A4FD-C9….png)

A little off topic but judgment/judgement day…

eb6a71 No.108372


On it. she's gross

6a3564 No.108373


We fight with truth, Anon. The lies are for shills and leftists.

ca5d50 No.108374

Comey release the memo!!!!

f9813f No.108376

File: c8cc7e6c6f1e477⋯.jpg (374.51 KB, 1001x865, 1001:865, Q.ML.A1T9.jpg)


https:// usconstitution.net/consttop_mlaw.html

I think Q has been trying to tell us

Shutdown> Threat> ML

833e0c No.108377


>best of intents

Short form for "bleeding-heart retarded".

Speculate on the memo's contents? Fine.

Generate memes in preparation for the memo's release? Fine.

Produce a fake that would jeopardize the impact of the original?





Let the clowns make up a false document and have DJT crucify them.

What would it look like if Q/DJT had to disavow because we were stupid enough to do the clown's work for them?

This fake shit needs to go, 100%.

97150f No.108378


This is great and it looks very Real.

a0a127 No.108379


I say fake. Read first paragraph. Repeats same words in same sentence. No date on doc. I am a trial attorney seen lots of docs and that stinks.

a3bae4 No.108380

File: dbb8d5f9e8dbb87⋯.png (458.37 KB, 1237x546, 1237:546, ms swan.png)


One of the LV witnesses killed had the Ms. Swan fashion sense. Was wondering why it looked so familiar.

36c5b2 No.108382



3e2ee3 No.108383


True modern liberalism has nothing to do with logic or 'acts.' they have a movement that is based on their ideology of how the world should be and they are unconcerned about how right-wingers feel.

Now, the ppl that CAN be reached are the unplugged– unfortunately, bc they are unplugged it is hard to reach them…i think a lot about that. hate that the only news snippets they get are passing cnn on the screen at work #ControlTheNarrative

18af53 No.108385




fb4e00 No.108386


YES! Resist, Obstruct is what Potus says, and now Shutdown! Good one anon!

97150f No.108387

File: b695e98794dcf13⋯.jpg (505.53 KB, 980x1882, 490:941, TE-Lawrence.jpg)

b4cd69 No.108388


Very nice.

f65e3d No.108389


maybe foot dragging tongue wagging on cspan

might be drawing out ten days


eb6a71 No.108390


Not great. fake and gay.

8f07fb No.108392

File: aa1d3f101b63bbf⋯.jpg (7.91 KB, 223x226, 223:226, images.jpg)

e170a9 No.108394


altered how?

eb6a71 No.108395



04cd8d No.108396


Simple fix….

Remove logo and replace with KEK logo

Change Department of Justice to


Best of both worlds….

8061ff No.108397

Got to be certain there is some convoluted legal reasoning justifying FISA crimes based on badly written and conflicting statues and confusing terminology…this “legal justification” is ALREADY written up and distributed to key Senators and MSM. “IT WAS LEGAL!” screams Maddox and Pelosi and cooper 24/7 until the brainwash takes. GOT TO ARREST VIPs FIRST

5284a9 No.108400




f694e6 No.108402


no this fake memo shit is for and by schills and clowns

d86f92 No.108403


I like that idea. We can make it professional and "official" looking, but not like a gov't doc. Just keep it professional, and prove that WE THE PEOPLE knew this info all along. After all, WE are not the gov't. We're patriot citizens concerned for our future. The gov't will then verify the info and PROVE that WE had the power all along, that GEOTUS and Q just gave it back to us to awaken the masses.

Maybe no Pepe tho…stupid libturbs ruined the normies' perception of him already.

8668a5 No.108404


dumb ass

f91a95 No.108405


THIS is the one we should vote upon for distribution. Leave a straw poll open for 72 hours. One vote per Anon –Yay or Nay. No dumbing down, no fake letterheads – just this one Anon's decoding of Q drops. Where we go one, so we go all.

d295ac No.108407

File: 99256c3b15cebd3⋯.jpg (15.56 KB, 275x183, 275:183, 2321fc.jpg)

File: 392fea40252f1c8⋯.jpg (17.36 KB, 275x183, 275:183, 2321gc.jpg)

b53c1b No.108408


Another one that was popular yesterday on twatter was # obamagate

9cf21c No.108409


100% This *1000!!!1111!!!

eb6a71 No.108410

Pelosi: "I don't think shutting down government is cool." fuuuuug

She sounds like she's having to try REALLY hard to even stay on topic. I know that's typical, but this is even worse, IMO.

695dbf No.108411


Great analysis. Prepare for the Storm.

ea3901 No.108412


Q mentioned 2/8 in one of his post from cbts.

I remember because it had G in front of it

and there was a discussion if that was Gold that was going to be doubling on 2/8.

2/18...2/8 I am wondering what will the markets due upon releasing the memo.

Imagine how things will explode and I bet that is a reason why Congress isn't just releasing it right away but waiting for 19 congressional days.

I don't know where that post is that Q made... but 2/8 is in it.

18af53 No.108413


We have no reason to spread lies and disinfo.

37f5fc No.108414


Exactly and in doing so one has gone from committing a (((crime))) to being protected as satire….

2c0a64 No.108415

File: 6666c4ce8a0051e⋯.jpeg (318.35 KB, 1140x1131, 380:377, 6F889596-7087-43BB-9694-1….jpeg)

d93c7b No.108416


Live speech

https:// www. c-span.org/video/?440019-3/house-continues-debate-government-shutdown&live&vod&start=4356

b3dcbe No.108417


Women are a lot different. They are emotional creatures.

43566d No.108418


My appologies, I didn't mean to say that's the exact memo. I said we can reconstruct the memo and be close enough to add great validity to these horrible truths.

I'm saying it's a great idea. Scrap that starting picture and let's do this right.

f65e3d No.108419


Anon read decipher

Noemí es and Anons did nice work



Let Q



7ec235 No.108420


Roger, understood.

973137 No.108421


give em hell Harry!

If anons discredited…by releasing information we have not been directed to by Q or FLOTUS then we are all done here and will be of no further use.

844aff No.108422

File: 691a2cc31c51271⋯.png (1.73 MB, 960x706, 480:353, ClipboardImage.png)

Memes like this should be effective.

f331b2 No.108424


Good general strategy. Sharing ideas on how to twet most effectively would be helpful.

Would a more experiences anon be kind enough to start a thread dedicated to hashtag suggestions? Separating twatter talk from general research would help with the threads filling up so fast.

We could link to twatter thread at top of the bread instead of updating hashtag suggestions at top of thread?

f694e6 No.108425


Schill. You do know that it is a felony to falsify a government doc such as this. You are filtered.

71fdb7 No.108426


Obama on stairs is an altered pic. The Pope kissing a hand is an altered jpeg. Thee are altered pics, which made me start thinking.. WHY?. Q said he would guide. Q said make memes. Possibly these pics are to be used in memes?

f9813f No.108427


re: ex parte Milligan- it was decided it is unconstitutional to convict someone under ML if civil law is in order. Fed govt must not be available for civil trial.

889080 No.108428

File: e2b4767fe0aaf46⋯.png (321.47 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Chuck_Schumer_Hold_Q_uesti….png)

b4cd69 No.108429


Considering she's married to Schu, the fact that she can still go out in public is commendable. He probably has her on good meds, just like Roslyn C, and Shrubs wife -before she was flipped.

369da7 No.108430

I have been thinking about this - got a clue from Prof JP. He said anti depressants work on lobsters.

When you give them to lobsters they start attacking those more dominant than them. They forget where they sit in their society.

Combine this with all the patriarchy / privilege bull and you get a medicated group of people marching on the street that will attack anyone who is a white male that does not signal they submit.

Largest group of medicated people - white females at 25%

Largest growing group, young people, for ADHD and feeling sad.

My suspicion is that the 6 - 8% is caused a combination of ideology and medication. With the odd Zealot and mental thrown in.

a3bae4 No.108432


The cock carousel will do that to you.

04cd8d No.108433


Yes exactly… we are clowning them, but only if we use or own logo not the official one

d93c7b No.108434


Pelosi confused as fuck:

> Martial Law

> If there weren't dreamers than we'd still have this debate.

cac574 No.108435


I don't see things the same way and I have seen the efforts from all of you here at work. I have used your efforts with Trump haters and have successfully showed them a different way to see things. They are not Trump lovers but they no longer hate him and instead hate the system and the child predators, murders using false flags, and loss of faith in our Justice system

e9dccd No.108436

File: c19f6ab43bc0040⋯.jpg (116.31 KB, 888x500, 222:125, 2321ls.jpg)

eb6a71 No.108437


"Finish" has one 'N'.

9cf21c No.108439


…but its NOT a great idea!!!

Q also told us to exercise patience. Be patient, anon; and wait for the genuine article!

844aff No.108440


The Wheel of Fortune sort of resembles a Q.

1d1001 No.108441


nope. no believe-y

Did you really study the SR case?

My theory is that he was a "ringer" so the real leaker? no one would ever look for him or her.

7695ea No.108442


Why is this continuing discussion?

POTUS is not going anywhere.

7bcd5b No.108443

Anons, just back after a crash break. Is the board shill-full or skill-full today?

47da7c No.108444

File: da5b6cf904c92ac⋯.png (637.31 KB, 1111x821, 1111:821, CHUCKD.png)

3e6bf5 No.108445


Good analysis. Holding in case future proves past.

e8c2e7 No.108446

http:// www.foxnews.com/world/2018/01/20/canadian-billionaire-and-wife-may-have-been-killed-report-says-conflicting-with-murder-suicide-theory.html

5284a9 No.108447


i have already put this out - its out there

3e2ee3 No.108448


Then (((they))) were just Trump-haters and not true liberals, imo.

695dbf No.108449


Agreed. Do it right. Release as "Prediction of FISA Memo based on Q Anon drops" - no letterhead needed. Future will prove past.

a36582 No.108450


I put it out hours ago, before the calls to NOT do so began. It'll get traction with those who WANT to read it, it's pretty self explanatory. Can't write off all normies as unable to understand it. That's kinda presumptuous, and might be a little bit arrogant.

9bb6dd No.108451


Fuck off kike,it is NOT a great idea.

5284a9 No.108452


shill city

a3bae4 No.108453


Go back to /pol/ trannyposter.

f91a95 No.108454


Nice work, Anon, but unless you work for the DOJ and are authorized to write this, my vote is nay. Thank you for asking.

d38d0a No.108455

File: a3742bc3fb1f65d⋯.jpg (4.66 KB, 300x168, 25:14, anonymous man.jpg)


Use the "We are Anonymous" Logo

519c2e No.108456

File: c63729372bbcc68⋯.jpg (141.67 KB, 852x480, 71:40, LR.jpg)

6e1271 No.108457



You're a pair of idiots. Go back to half chan instead of discrediting this board! People of great esteem come here, and you're fouling up the reputation of them!

a2d12b No.108458


How Long Must We Endure these Devils?

Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid or tremble at them, for the Lord your God is the one who goes with you. He will not fail you or forsake you.” (Deuteronomy 31:6)

ee72b4 No.108459


Does Q Anon need more attention?

2c0a64 No.108460

File: 2a5a4e48203f50d⋯.jpeg (344.99 KB, 1140x1131, 380:377, 75442941-723F-4898-8D6F-E….jpeg)

fae64b No.108461

File: 9d9f2a7d18c4ec9⋯.jpg (136.04 KB, 960x540, 16:9, dousproud.jpg)

04cd8d No.108462


Letterhead is fine if we change it to DEPARTMENT OF ANONYMOUS and use a KEK logo… official logo and letterhead not a good idea

1d1001 No.108463

File: 6dfd66d07f747ea⋯.jpg (41.72 KB, 300x522, 50:87, 12077.jpg)


I assume so normies can get it.

They are telling us what will red pill

PS word is the memo is going to be released tonight? - "BREAKING: Rep @Jim_Jordan says the memo, application, all of it could be released today."

dce64f No.108464

File: 2d9d9631484261f⋯.jpg (206.26 KB, 915x830, 183:166, Q-post-22Dec17-Explained.jpg)


Some corrections and a little cleaning up.

973137 No.108465

Wassermann Schultz talking now

d38d0a No.108466


That would add some intrigue and a certain amount of respect

d93c7b No.108467


Nancy Pelosi Talking Shit:

> Martial Law

https:// www. c-span.org/video/?440019-3/house-continues-debate-government-shutdown&live&vod&start=4356

833b5f No.108468



This is just as fucked up as trying to hack Q's trip code. This ass clown needs to be banned.

36c5b2 No.108469


>she failed to flee

she seems to have a stressed tone of voice

7dc41f No.108470




Sounds like it's straight out of the FAKE DOSSIER PLAYBOOK.

"Republican's release memo, similar copy found within the shitholes of imageboard, how low will trump admin go???"


f7d055 No.108471

Keep up with #releasethememo send twats to everyone!!!

It's working whether you realize it or not.

2ddacb No.108472


Liberals don't care about the military but they do care about CHIP not being funded. Use it to split them. DACA crazies v. the "What AboutThe Children" crazies.

a3bae4 No.108473


>TERF war over pussy hats

See, killing toxic feminism is a man's job.

f91a95 No.108474


I could get on board with this. It needs to represent Anon's hive mind, not a false government doc.

3e2ee3 No.108475


their is not a lefty at work that could convince me that i was wrong about everything and Hussein and HRC were leading the path to righteousness all along. Because i am a dyed-in-wool right-winger. I true lib would abide by same logic.

5284a9 No.108476

File: 04c82e75513a394⋯.png (262.6 KB, 492x485, 492:485, Opera Snapshot_2018-01-20_….png)

WHY the FUCK is this cunt on the floor talking

7bcd5b No.108477


Thanks. Kinda looked that way at quick glance.

f7d055 No.108478

Never Give Up

39f178 No.108479


CES - Consumer Electronics Show

MSM - Mainstream Media or maybe something else

CB - Chat Bots

JS - JavaScript

NLU - Non-Language Understanding

WALL - Wall (keep it one word maybe)

MTC - Management & Training Corporation

e9dccd No.108480


Debbie W S seems to be very nervous… panic in her voice.

3e2ee3 No.108481

aa4c8f No.108482

File: c4f85fa02df7be5⋯.jpeg (88.98 KB, 950x534, 475:267, 41CD4D89-4066-4916-B57D-2….jpeg)

7695ea No.108483



Guess when 19 days from shutdown is? >>108412


eb6a71 No.108484

File: f834e9a6ad4c500⋯.png (1.51 MB, 1347x1409, 1347:1409, can.png)


>www. foxnews.com/world/2018/01/20/canadian-billionaire-and-wife-may-have-been-killed-report-says-conflicting-with-murder-suicide-theory.html


b3dcbe No.108485

File: de823a7bd391795⋯.jpeg (88.8 KB, 887x363, 887:363, E21A0183-3C19-44C5-9774-6….jpeg)

e312e9 No.108486


as i read this, with info wars in the background…info wars starts playing riders on the storm!

36c5b2 No.108487


anon, is that link right? i'm not getting anything there

f65e3d No.108489


>"Prediction of FISA Memo based on Q Anon drops"


eb6a71 No.108490

e170a9 No.108491

File: a1f98bcf2911bab⋯.png (281.36 KB, 727x504, 727:504, nofakememo.png)









695dbf No.108492


Yes, Q needs more attention.

Why does Q ask us to make side-by-side graphics?

Why did he ask us to put them in order?

Why didn't he ask us to reserve these graphics during any of the Tweet storms?

3e2ee3 No.108493


No she is on lockdown like BO HRC, Sid, McCabe…must be PS. kek

848eee No.108494



Yeah, we uh, have a lot of pics of you Chucky, enjoying pizza and hotdogs, if you get my drift!


Oh, how I wish I were a fly on that wall!!!

DOITQ!!! Let us hear something, something, some fear in Chucky's voice.

973137 No.108495


MEME THIS image…lol

5284a9 No.108496

File: 05e9d92e7ddc0cc⋯.png (215.3 KB, 492x430, 246:215, Opera Snapshot_2018-01-20_….png)


090709 No.108497

File: 6e59c47207a5cb8⋯.jpg (30.75 KB, 546x372, 91:62, Shilly.JPG)

d0b895 No.108498


good work! Q said we have it all.

"the floor is yours". We have the

power. Sen Joyce tweet says

……"MAY take UP TO 19+ days"

which everyone seems to not understand

a36582 No.108499



eb6a71 No.108500



2c0a64 No.108501

File: 8b389d7db3c8754⋯.jpeg (339.16 KB, 1140x1131, 380:377, 9168FFF4-6CF2-4740-9AAF-9….jpeg)

43566d No.108502


YES, thank you for encapsulating that.

I'm sorry for having it be believed that I wanted that exact image to go out. It was obvious is was a work in progress, they said "let me know if i should keep going with this.".

We have the Q drops, and the skeleton of what could be the memo. Lets do it right.

562062 No.108504

For all the meme fags who are sexualizing the memo, knock it off!

Not a fan of the reverse psychology ones either.

Q wants us to bring everyone together and many of these memes I'm seeing will do nothing but cause further division, particularly the ones that call out the Democrats as a whole or individual politicians.

What already unifies we Americans?

We are "we the people" and we want a future for our children that is free from the cabal.

3e6bf5 No.108505


Rosenstein out Gowdy in…?

1736bb No.108506


add missing BO info

f65e3d No.108507


hands blood drenched

voice rattling

knees knocking

drawers loaded

d93c7b No.108508


She finished speaking a bit ago. Sorry I didn't record it.

ee72b4 No.108509


looks like /thestorm and or /cbts have joined us again

eb6a71 No.108510


fake and gay

420898 No.108511



Are you kidding? Maskfags are CIA. Look up Jeremy Hammond case. Never trusted a mask fag since. Also they issue warnings to Trump on youtube. Pathetic

973137 No.108512


On the floor of the House….houselive.gov

36c5b2 No.108513


np. thanks anyway

5284a9 No.108514

File: 8da24c4b69450df⋯.png (275.74 KB, 483x471, 161:157, Opera Snapshot_2018-01-20_….png)

843c4c No.108515


Agree. They are not on our side.

d86f92 No.108516


You see if the bitch had a boot?

18af53 No.108517


Made up documents and shenanigans is a shill hit job to undo all the work this week.

List of kikes;







3bbcc3 No.108518


We have to reach 10%. that's our mission

6b64f2 No.108519

File: ed54210ccb5065b⋯.jpg (489.67 KB, 1079x1212, 1079:1212, Screenshot_20180120-152555.jpg)


eb6a71 No.108520


Nice try asshat. I'm watching the house. Now go cup your balls and give them a little squeeze for all of us. …and hope you don't get time

43566d No.108521


Do it. It's our humble take on what the memo could be. That can be the aesthetic.

We could even use a nice touch of tophats and Q Monocles.

a3bae4 No.108522

File: 53e4c75b3fdbde3⋯.jpg (33.35 KB, 474x355, 474:355, 1.jpg)


>if all their friends say one thing they tend to agree to keep the friendship intact.

Which is a problem if all their friends are losers.

>On individual level if you touch their heart you can get their attention

But getting them to act on it... more difficult.

40d900 No.108523


Delete this crap - FAKE.

6a3564 No.108524


America is literally sick.

* Massive numbers of anti-depressant prescriptions.

* Unavoidable estrogen exposure via water pollution, plastic, and soy.

* Food that is nutritionally bankrupt and covered in glyphosate–and that's before wading into the GMO debate.

This is how you end up with a complacent society of feminized men (like that Buzzfeed segment where the adult men had testosterone levels equivalent to young boys) and insane leftists.

I appreciate all that Q is doing, but I fail to see how there's going to be true change until America is literally healthy again.

6a7175 No.108525

f91a95 No.108526


Pee Wee 's a pedo.

04cd8d No.108527


We don't mean it is official…only that with the headline and logo it. "looks" official…

Problem solved if we use LEK logo and headline DEPARTMENT OF ANONYMOUS

a36582 No.108528


of course they do. And even if they could decode every single Q crumb, pick out the needles in the haystack here to get clarification, AND tell all of their crony friends about it, still, there's nothing they can do. Just ask DWS

041cff No.108529

File: ad8831e05778e0b⋯.png (3.86 MB, 2880x1452, 240:121, GreatAwakeningNo32-Obama-S….png)


Q asked several times for side-by-side graphics. Here is the link and here is also a side-by-side:

http:// nymag.com/news/politics/30634/

6e1271 No.108530


try this www.c-span.org/video/?440019-3/house-continues-debate-government-shutdown&live&vod&start=4356

Anons aren't realising they only need to remove https:// and are putting a space between www. and remainder of link/s.

1d1001 No.108531

File: 07021e1931081b5⋯.jpg (62.03 KB, 419x599, 419:599, 12064.JPG)


Right they were pasteups?

One of Soros and Rothschild

Floating on the stairs, likely

I didn't let it bother me

They were taken from publications.

Publications always used fake images.

Maybe some was for convenience.

Or to study cut-outs. Most people can see them.

Another thing we need to redpill about?

dc4f39 No.108532

File: 3f0c91c80fed81b⋯.jpeg (115.85 KB, 900x507, 300:169, 60C2182F-ABF0-4C38-8D15-6….jpeg)

5284a9 No.108533


its fucking live motherfucker

shut the fuck up

go to to house.gov you idiot


4cad1b No.108534


Outstanding, Anon.

848eee No.108535


True that Anon!! Just making a suggestion for a future # attack. Do not want to take away from the current plans. I think the plans are going great, just look at our results!

Now, it's in the hands of POTUS to #ReleaseTheMemo since there's a govt. shutdown, the House Intel Comm. can't vote, right. The buck passes to POTUS!! :)

2462d7 No.108536


On Friday, Jan 19, Q said Remember THIS DAY. And learn to speak Russian. The shutdown is the ten days of darkness.

He is using biblical references. The nineteenth was the Feast of the Epiphany in the Russian Orthodox Church. When Jesus is baptized by John. Immediately after, Jesus goes into the desert for forty days in the desert, where he is tempted by Satan.







This is more important than you can imagine.

[6] And John was clothed with camel's hair, and a leathern girdle about his loins; and he ate locusts and wild honey. [7] And he preached, saying: There cometh after me one mightier than I, the latchet of whose shoes I am not worthy to stoop down and loose. [8] I have baptized you with water; but he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost. [9] And it came to pass, in those days, Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee, and was baptized by John in the Jordan. [10] And forthwith coming up out of the water, he saw the heavens opened, and the Spirit as a dove descending, and remaining on him.

[11] And there came a voice from heaven: Thou art my beloved Son; in thee I am well pleased. [12] And immediately the Spirit drove him out into the desert. [13] And he was in the desert forty days and forty nights, and was tempted by Satan; and he was with beasts, and the angels ministered to him. [14] And after that John was delivered up, Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God, [15] And saying: The time is accomplished, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent, and believe the gospel.

I think these are biblical references and that he seriously wants us to pray and not fall into fighting with each other in the next days of darkness.

18af53 No.108537


Nobody is going to push this bullshit fuck off clown

d38d0a No.108538


Why is it made up? I thought we were talking about the research from the Crumbs that Q gave us that appear to be what will be in the memo. Maybe i missed something

a3bae4 No.108539

File: b86a276f41664d8⋯.jpg (34.69 KB, 474x357, 158:119, gs.jpg)


Also, this probably means Gerald Celente gets a lot of pussy.

71ddb8 No.108540

File: 197e0bb697c49c9⋯.png (1.57 MB, 1600x900, 16:9, ReadTheMemo66.png)

File: f54248e56cb4bce⋯.png (1.61 MB, 1600x900, 16:9, ReadTheMemo67.png)

1d1001 No.108541

File: a97ba8b607b5449⋯.jpg (45.95 KB, 555x361, 555:361, 12060.jpg)


>Most people can NOT see them.


833e0c No.108542


What's this "we" shit, Kimo Sabe?

"We" shouldn't be releasing anything but memes and graphics - those are the weapons with which we are proficient.

Anything else can and will be construed as misinformation and undermine POTUS/Q's efforts.

3543f9 No.108543


dem talking points at time of such

compared with trump accomplishment at same time

Shows the dem news deception

04cd8d No.108544


And filtered…shill clown

ea3901 No.108545



Come on… this post tells us so much. besides what we had already found out about Amb Matlock and how he is an expert for Russia.

Dig into this…

So 2/8 is 19 days for the Biggest most SHOCKING information Ever for the American Public.

Q had already put this out, so this was planned so far in advance. We think things are happening in real time when the reality is it was all arranged long ago.

The whole memo thing was planned but we had to get people aware of it since MSM doesn't mention it.

Now J-Go dx

J L….

or J O


889080 No.108546

File: 35ffa6962e33d45⋯.png (274.4 KB, 640x516, 160:129, Schumer_Immodium.png)

1d1001 No.108547


It would be part of Media literary to pick them out.

519c2e No.108548

File: 68f3141086d600a⋯.jpg (103.5 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Fakenews1.jpg)

36c5b2 No.108549


that link worked, but it didn't let me cue to a time.

oh well. maybe somebody recorded the stream and will upload to jewtube soon. (spaces weren't the problem. i'm not that much of a pleb)

eb6a71 No.108550


tons of famous people are pedos.

ee72b4 No.108551

7695ea No.108552


https:// www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2018/1/19/16908870/shutdown-government-2018

Congressional days would be all day, every day until shutdown is resolved. (8am-midnight)

Do not know if it is active tho.

a36582 No.108554


Maybe, maybe maybe. Still, no. It gets out there & goes viral, normies trend it, and when the REAL memo gets released, the argument starts of which is real, OR, anons get discredited until normie memory wears off about it. Why even risk it?

5e52d1 No.108555

These fuckers who want to release a fake memo as if it were authentic need to be banned. Anyone who responds to them should be filtered. If you are not a shill and you still need to be told this is a bad idea, you need to reavaluate your whole existence.

9cf21c No.108556


I am NOT, after a closer read!

cac574 No.108557


1 in 20 is ok with me . I hope to get it down to that. We are 1 year into this and the changes to society are noticeable in every avenue of life already. I see it in every angle of my life with people. I also see the isolation of the dem strongholds. The majority of the Country is thriving in hope where as Ca, NY ( upper NE) MD, VA have slumped off. Without doxing myself, My small biz supplies hope and happiness. The States buying since 11/9/17 are doing so for the first time yet dem Country has slowed down. Trump is telling the truth when he says the Polls are lying.

51569b No.108558

File: 9fd93532370d875⋯.jpg (79.55 KB, 994x580, 497:290, #ReleaseTheMemo-Nemo.JPG)

Save the Nemo


c54454 No.108559


He was NOT murdered by two MS-13 assassins, he survived the gunshot wounds and was in the hospital, expected to live, where he died.

519c2e No.108560

File: e2024fb48d85595⋯.jpg (103.14 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Fakenews2.jpg)


Cant live if I did not add this.

041cff No.108561


TY, Baker

48bace No.108562


Trust Trump to make sure it fits his timeline. He knows what's in the memo AND MORE he'll make sure that we get the real goods or he'll declassify it and give it to us himself. Which he might do anyway.

f91a95 No.108563


Filter away. Re read my posts. I voiced OPPOSITION to forging a government doc, yet support of the Anon doc.

dce64f No.108564


BO as in board owner or???

d38d0a No.108567


I didn't know that. Apologies. I'll go to my dunce chair now

3543f9 No.108568

We have so much info that I forget …

Memes will be important as news comes out to redpill the masses…

I can see Anon Autists working on this project for the next 3 years


5284a9 No.108569

File: 42e7f04dff487f0⋯.png (225.53 KB, 492x391, 492:391, Opera Snapshot_2018-01-20_….png)

purple in the background

889080 No.108570


tons of symbolism in this video…. include pee wee

ping pong table

fire extinguisher simulating ejaculation under black light

pizza everywhere



ice cream

hot dogs

pee wee

symbolism everywhere

2ddacb No.108571




Great! Maybe Eulogy Chuck will pridefully take ownership, then we can flip it back to blame.

a36582 No.108572


Got a YAY here

d86f92 No.108573

Honest question, does it *need" to look like a memo?

Can't we just say, "What if I told you that WE THE PEOPLE already know the contents of the Memo?" Then go from there and paint the narrative. Use interesting, eye-catching, but non-Pavlovian graphics. Either way, it's gonna be a damn book, we have to hope the normies will read it at all.

1736bb No.108574




Did Q leave out B and O to indicate that Obama directed them to do that or at least was involved/knew about it?

Q doesn't do things without a reason.

Could've abbreviated FBI and DOJ in other ways like FB_ and DO_….

So he is choosing to highlight B and O for one reason or another

ca5d50 No.108575


Suppose Seth Rich walked out to the state of the union and reads his memo.

71ddb8 No.108576

File: 6d65bba72588968⋯.jpg (178.03 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, Britney Spears.jpg)

File: 4945bc32b2f85d2⋯.png (1.6 MB, 1600x900, 16:9, ReadTheMemo69.png)

File: 681c9feb3a9fa67⋯.png (753.97 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, ReadTheMemo70.png)

Britney Spears meme batter.

2c0a64 No.108577

File: eb7982f2b7cf202⋯.jpeg (309.37 KB, 1242x1124, 621:562, 969665B6-7C4E-42F2-BB4B-5….jpeg)

eb6a71 No.108578



6e1271 No.108579


Hehe okie doke.

a3bae4 No.108580

File: 2a340f703654473⋯.jpg (8.24 KB, 159x209, 159:209, jdw_p1.jpg)


>the military naturally smells bullshit

Correct. Which is why I read military journals. Fake news from clowns would get troops killed.

e170a9 No.108581


can someone do a search for a Q post that contains all these letters in caps?

5284a9 No.108583


pretty sure he died

38809e No.108584



no, just no

519c2e No.108585

File: 4f56b551054e3a2⋯.jpg (125.69 KB, 615x350, 123:70, happy.jpg)

Along your lines of thought…

f65e3d No.108586




confirmed findings

let’s continue

5284a9 No.108587


i dont have the time hey fags go look

04cd8d No.108588


Dead men tell no tales…


However how a man dies tellls alot

4cad1b No.108589


Classical liberalism was a good thing back in the day–late 18th century to early 20th century. Then modern liberalism commandeered the name and twisted it into a grotesque caricature of itself. These people are sooooooo messed up.

1b4115 No.108590

File: ccc432219ff59fa⋯.jpg (215.97 KB, 764x881, 764:881, trump-russia-mem.jpg)

New tactic, new hashtag. This will break through the lefty conditioning and pull them in too.


Divided no more, Q

The people want the TRUTH

5284a9 No.108591


what the fuck does $14.50 mean?

is that what soros is paying you to shill up this board

420898 No.108592


>hospital, expected

I was thinking about that, it reminded me of the movie Star Trek VI. A president was killed and the two assassins were killed in turn. In order to catch the real killer Kirk issued a statement that the assassins had not actually been killed but were in the sick bay (hospital) to lure out the person who was really behind the murders.

Maybe Seth Rich really was killed but they brought his body to the hospital, or a stand in so they could get the attention of the people who were really behind the murder and catch them trying to arrange to silence Seth Rich again

f91a95 No.108593


No, imho, it does not.

4acbce No.108594


I don't recall Boers or any white settlers in Africa dropping white phosphorus on or killing black people for the laughs back when Apartheid was still a thing. Stuff that would make you throw up your guts was ushered in with the blessings of communist Mandela and his handlers after Apartheid.

6a7175 No.108595


Cover for the cover

48bace No.108596


Working on her "mentally unfit to stand trial" plea is she?

43566d No.108597

NOT a fake memo look alike

OUR OWN memo, based off Q drop 151134









CLAS: 1-12>




(SR 187)(MS13 (2) 187)>




/_\ >











CLAS: 1-4 PAY>




CLAS: 1-9>







[FISA 2]









f9813f No.108598


Correct me if I'm wrong- Is CLAS-1/2/3/4/5 not in ref. each to a specific unnamed Senator?

A1S3 is saying there are three Classes ("approx. one-third of the senators").

a3bae4 No.108599

File: 10ea5db2bfddd1f⋯.jpg (61.17 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 640full-kaylyn-slevin.jpg)

File: a5c7f35039ed97a⋯.jpg (164.65 KB, 1257x1600, 1257:1600, Kaylyn-Slevin--California-….jpg)


>Try using Marilyn Monroe

Or Kaylyn Slevin. Think she's going to be yuuuuuge. Unbelievably hot.

ca5d50 No.108600


Thats if hes dead. They said Hitler was dead also. Lived in South America. They said Ken lay of enron is dead he proabbly lives in South america also. Someone could have scooped him up.

090709 No.108601

File: ccacaefb5769434⋯.png (416.44 KB, 658x402, 329:201, ClipboardImage.png)

26b97b No.108602

File: c73445a6380d68f⋯.jpeg (334.55 KB, 1242x939, 414:313, 77464B69-3A69-4E39-A4D8-2….jpeg)

d38d0a No.108603


IKR. I was just telling my spouse that that we should all be given an honorary Phd in Real America History for all the research we have done and knowledge we have learned. Most of us have been out here 18+ hours a day since October. Sometimes I think my head will burst open from all that intel!

(Q, are you listening?)

562062 No.108604


Stop sexualizing the memo. All these will do is backfire & push away a large number of the normies. Think who your target audience is.

7afa5a No.108605

File: fdd57abf45b68bc⋯.jpg (617.78 KB, 1280x854, 640:427, AlexaCivalRights.jpg)

695dbf No.108606


No letterhead. Clearly labeled and watermarked. Benefit of writing memo is that future proves past.

Predicting the future gives you credibility.

Normies are LAUGHING at us. If we predict in normie-friendly language it will be persuasive. Pointing to coded Q-drops? Not so effective with MSM against us.

43566d No.108607


OUR aesthetic

OUR info drops

OUR focus

090709 No.108608

File: cfa0268e714389d⋯.jpg (44.04 KB, 653x405, 653:405, CaddyShackMemoHot.JPG)

39f178 No.108610


These aren’t necessarily in Qs posts, but here’s my initial $0.02 >>108479

eb6a71 No.108611


This episode of shill has been brought to you by the letter 'F'. filtered

7ec235 No.108612

File: a207b2b94104fcc⋯.jpg (344.05 KB, 1686x663, 562:221, ktvu.jpg)

Guys, any idea why a TV chopper is going nuts over Frisco bay? Also another 'Anonymous' aircraft headed up the coast.

f65e3d No.108613



we are fighting sexualization of children by Cabal.


36c5b2 No.108614



different flavors of memes will work on different flavors of people, anon. the good ones will spread, and the bad ones will fall flat. stop sperging out

5284a9 No.108615


ssame here

dbb173 No.108616


See all the names here:


fb4603 No.108617

When this FISA memo hits the normies - wonder what the markets will do…hmm

22b3be No.108618

Is it true that the memo will be released in mid-late February???

Why so long????

589e72 No.108619


I wonder how many babies will be named Anon after a glorious 2018

3e6bf5 No.108620


Nobody is gonna trust any memo unless it is released by White House or Wikileaks. Thanks for playing.

The red and whit graphic is good to send out to have people hold in case it relates to memos content. DO NOT say it is what is in the memo….we don't know that and Q never said so…

eb6a71 No.108621


Honestly, it really looked to me like the D's were spending all of their time on the floor just delaying any movement. They really don't want to be charged and they're forcing the other side to go through as much effort as possible. I wonder why they're so insistent? Did they do something wrong?

5284a9 No.108622


i hope you get herpes

7bc7c5 No.108623


Yay for the Q post with red letter deciphering

Nay for the fake DOJ memo.

429f71 No.108624

File: 9bf650fa983b766⋯.png (565.24 KB, 730x537, 730:537, ClipboardImage.png)

a friendly reminder of why we are all here:

these dumb fucks really are fuckin stupid. KEK

5284a9 No.108625


filtered fuckwad

ca5d50 No.108626


They said hitler was dead and you believed it!!!

History books made. Have seth say hitler was never dead. I will read the memo. meme


48bace No.108628



^^^^Post this^^^^

This is essentially the memo. And this is what Q told us to do. Show this. Or maybe the blank with more of a narrative written beside it –with the code words in it in red.

67863e No.108629


>make a spreadsheet for god sake

We have a spreadsheet. The info is in there.

eb6a71 No.108630


We will be legitimized by time as the normies understand it. We learn so we can educate.

cf3acf No.108631


Yea, I fucked up. Got a little excited by all the posts in the last thread saying we have the memo.

f65e3d No.108632


fuck laughing normies

they is tooooo broad

we need to focus on directives

publishing paper isn’t a directive




e170a9 No.108635



yeah, that is weird, i didn't notice they were fake

1b4115 No.108636

Do you think they shutdown the government to give cover for fleeing? The military is at reduced capacity, which gives theoretical advantage to its opponents…

90c5ef No.108637

File: 705eeb05d655f77⋯.jpg (1.09 MB, 2014x2624, 1007:1312, Screen Shot 2018-01-20 at ….jpg)

71ddb8 No.108638

File: 8b417e6d4e91877⋯.png (745.73 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, ReadTheMemo71.png)

File: f91b6fba693b33b⋯.png (751.55 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, ReadTheMemo72.png)

61768e No.108639


agreed, why muddy the water they go deep and dark enough.

3e2ee3 No.108640


The religion that is modern liberalism is a set of rules and maxims based on concept/suppositions of how the world

should be (in their opinion)…Not on how the world actually IS.

c5f49f No.108641


We've said the same thing here. It's like an advanced (and should be required in high school) civics lesson every day. Dusting the cobwebs out for some, and completely unknown for others, but its a great thing.

589e72 No.108642

File: 43c4bfe71d59443⋯.png (154.79 KB, 321x270, 107:90, csgophersign.png)

fad005 No.108643

File: f0e3ec2cbf8078d⋯.png (603.9 KB, 1841x913, 1841:913, ClipboardImage.png)


Here is your ammo.. tweet Schumer with #'s

695dbf No.108644


Make side-by-side graphic with Anons translation. Twat with message "Prediction of #FISAMEMO Contents Based on Q Drops". Everyone who agrees retwats.

153eff No.108645

File: 28665f50ea9c34d⋯.png (66.66 KB, 450x184, 225:92, tw.png)

Whenever Q has said "When does a bird sing?"

Q also once said: "When does a BIRD TALK"

Is this bird twitter?

26b97b No.108646

File: d6ce15f2dc7f8d7⋯.jpeg (367.33 KB, 1242x711, 138:79, F1C5392F-7599-48DA-9D27-B….jpeg)

71ddb8 No.108647

File: b35153d6fd5d357⋯.png (688.51 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, ReadTheMemo73.png)

File: 39bcd1018ba0c24⋯.png (757.45 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, ReadTheMemo74.png)

e170a9 No.108648


good idea!!

b4cd69 No.108649


She's frightened for her future. I'm trying to take the higher road here and not giggle, but I want to. lol

3249ac No.108650


The one with Obama looks like he is in a glass case almost . walled off from the people in the room. So I'm guessing he was never there.

47da7c No.108651

File: 41fda253d57ae71⋯.png (704.56 KB, 826x551, 826:551, FISAMEMO_TRUTHPUTINTRUMPSM….PNG)

File: 460333ddba37304⋯.png (654.61 KB, 826x554, 413:277, FISAMEMO_TRUTHPUTINTRUMPSH….PNG)

File: 647e4b390cc538f⋯.png (1.02 MB, 831x609, 277:203, FISAMEMO_TRUTHPUTINTRUMPLO….PNG)

File: 59fd6f0af0a78a3⋯.png (864.22 KB, 828x536, 207:134, FISAMEMO_TRUTHPUTIN.PNG)

d38d0a No.108652


or Q derivatives. Quude for the boys, Quici for the girls.

71fdb7 No.108653

Q drop pics on 1/18 are altered jpegs. Its pretty obvious Q is saying to look for the relationship between ppl in pics. Q said he would guide, which is safer to do with pics than with typed words. How much more obvious do you want him to make it?

fec9d8 No.108654


19 business days?Fuck.

What about this shutdown that makes it 19days plus the shutdown days?

I dont think Trump /Q saw this coming

c5f49f No.108655


Leave them be. It takes all kinds. They aren't horrible. If you get your panties in a wad too deep in your crack, you'll forget a lot of what this meming culture is about. You sound like a democrat. J/S

eb6a71 No.108656


Don't feel bad - I bit too. It is much easier to derail things than it is to stay on target. Shills gonna shill.

43566d No.108657


It's best not to say prediction, or even link it back to Q explicitly.

Let's just release a stand alone memo, and see how close to the Truth we can get.

3805e6 No.108658


I keep thinking back to Q's post about her failing to flee. I wonder if since she isnt in custody obviously. If she attempted to flee and they took her passport and put her on a no fly list? I think I saw a picture of her a couple days ago wearing a boot too?

71ddb8 No.108659

File: dac65160d8f1a25⋯.png (320.39 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, ReadTheMemo75.png)

File: d6c7327f231f0f4⋯.png (317.67 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, ReadTheMemo76.png)

File: 43cc1040f95de04⋯.png (300.17 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, ReadTheMemo77.png)

700316 No.108660


exactly, do not spread this.

f91a95 No.108661

Ok we have doubt and division here. My suggestion is that we follow the old adage, "when in doubt, do nothing." It's what my mom and dad would have advised, probably yours as well. Regardless, (((they))) want to divide us. NO argument or action is worth that price, Anons.

a3bae4 No.108662

File: b73b9d83de88f64⋯.png (2.26 KB, 306x41, 306:41, dlc.PNG)


Having to go to Laval is punishment enough.

7ec235 No.108663

File: e239d9dc79fa908⋯.jpg (351.04 KB, 1673x731, 1673:731, frisco.jpg)

Something is going down in San Francisco's Financial District. There's a CHP chopper overhead and that TV chopper is headed there. Anonymous plane still headed up the coast.

Are there any Anons in Frisco that can find out anything?

6a7175 No.108664


Keyboard warriors flooding twitter does not equate to public outrage. Your not demanding enough. Remember, you have to choose your slavery, thus the need to build to a climax.

3543f9 No.108665


I'm Canadian way here up north ..

Started in 2015 during the rep primaries.

Started listening to Trump and googling Key words or phrases.

There was a 1 v1 interview I think was Chris Wallace, not long after the Presidential win.

Trump said he doubted very much if the Dems would survive and He said NO>>> That we needed a 2 party system but he predicted their collapse..

2d6185 No.108666

Byron York‏Verified account @ByronYork

Update on House Intel Committee memo: Amid shutdown, intense GOP interest in memo; roughly 180 members have now read. (Number includes at least three Dems beyond Dems on Intel Committee)… 1/2

3:25 PM - 20 Jan 2018

Byron York

‏Verified account @ByronYork

16m16 minutes ago

Today: Reps. Nunes, Gowdy, and Goodlatte met to discuss memo, are said to be 'charting a path forward.' What does that mean? Obvious goal is to make memo public; steps between now and then unclear; could take 2-3 weeks. 2/2

Twat them now! #ReleaseTheMemoNOW @DevinNunes @RepGoodlatte @TGowdySC

889080 No.108667

File: e23fd70f124aeed⋯.png (87.23 KB, 924x461, 924:461, pepe_mic_drop.png)


If there is then I am truly autistic

[mic drop]

22b3be No.108668

Schumer didn't seem very scared to me in his interview today. Said negotiating with trump is like jello.

d86f92 No.108669



Maybe not claim it's a memo at all, just normalize the info, hell use your action words and write it like a spy fiction novel promo! Then say at the end, "What if I told you this story was real?" Then put the #ReleaseTheMemo tag, or like Q said, #TheMemo. Then give a list of names or something to seal the deal. Get the normies to dig for themselves.

f65e3d No.108671


>"when in doubt, do nothing."

71fdb7 No.108672


DWS attempted to flee and failed.

24a60e No.108673



4acbce No.108674


Futures proves past?

Perhaps he's in for another visit to the WH.

8c2b92 No.108675


glowfag or need sleep

c54454 No.108676


Not familiar with the Movie, but, FWIW, an attending physician had posted something anonymously online that Rich had restricted access. I'm not sure what happened, but it was reported he had died at the hospital. I agree with much of what the other Anon had posted, but a caveat is needed on the murder of Seth Rich.

eb6a71 No.108677


?She's frightened for her future. I'm trying to take the higher road here and not giggle, but I want to. lol

I don't give a fuck. She's a criminal. She checked any entitlement to empathy from me long ago.

71fdb7 No.108678


Schumer's knees are like jello

889080 No.108679

f65e3d No.108680


>Get the normies to dig for themselves.

71ddb8 No.108682

File: 6a48747e21c0fe2⋯.png (510.52 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, ReadTheMemo78.png)

File: ec1769e55bcf798⋯.png (530.09 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, ReadTheMemo79.png)

File: 953032a01fa9684⋯.png (553.06 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, ReadTheMemo80.png)

File: 6b54626f0a7880d⋯.png (557.26 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, ReadTheMemo81.png)

9cf21c No.108683


Why don't you NOT release anything, wait for the real memo to drop, and just experience a personally invogprating warm fuzzy feeling kowing you were right, than do some that might damage Anons' credibility? Doesn't that sound more smart?

95d428 No.108684

File: 173c50bf7dfeeb5⋯.png (206.23 KB, 741x477, 247:159, 271a7d8.png)

6b64f2 No.108685

File: 64996125b58e58b⋯.jpg (253.51 KB, 1076x699, 1076:699, Screenshot_20180120-154528.jpg)

hackers gotta hack

26b97b No.108686

File: 94b2efdb076565c⋯.jpeg (386.66 KB, 1242x828, 3:2, 804D9CC7-B946-48A8-BC63-0….jpeg)

3543f9 No.108687


possibly they think the whole memo at one time will be to much for the blind..

we can handle it cause we already know..

Release a bit each day and let the news have fun …

Actually that would be the best way as people could digest it fully

eb57a9 No.108688



Nobody sees this coming

It's going to be fun watching how long heads remain stuck in sand

e9dccd No.108690

Synagogue of Satan opened up a can of maggots again…

Nice indication of our level of winning. lol

eb6a71 No.108691


>"when in doubt, do nothing."

NO. Do what you think is the right thing to do. they want to shut you down

3805e6 No.108693


Do you know what they just voted on?

f65e3d No.108695


anons don’t know guilt of her sins and how many lives lost and bodies dropped

seals in Pakistan dead from awan


should have flown

695dbf No.108696


Decisive action wins the day. It's sheep that do nothing.

38809e No.108697


700316 No.108698



dont give them the opportunty to spin this as bullshit

d3b4d5 No.108699


When it's afraid.

(to scare the predator or warn others in the flock.)

889080 No.108700

eb6a71 No.108701


Not necessarily out of the ordinary. At this time of day, there's going to be lots of traffic backed up at that spot getting on to the Bay Bridge (eastbound traffic getting out of the city.)

43566d No.108702


It's my fault, I'm sorry. The confusion came from interpreting those pictures differently. Some thought it was the end product. It was a rough draft of a possibly great idea.

e170a9 No.108704


>Obama looks like he is in a glass case almost

yeah that one, i just thought it was some artistic effect from a magazine article or something, but i didn't realize the pope kissing hand was fake, or anything with soros and rothschild

24a60e No.108705


FFS, this was settled ages ago…

The answer is: When it TWEETS

F'ing newfags, I tell ya… <rolleyes,gif>

cad630 No.108706

File: 1fdef502d03e465⋯.png (115.11 KB, 918x1500, 153:250, Senator_Class.png)


https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Classes_of_United_States_Senators

here is a screenshot of the List of Senators and their Class

9a33ed No.108707

File: f6291afd03c57e8⋯.gif (479.74 KB, 500x224, 125:56, crazy.gif)


what fucking retard decided to bloat up the bread? there is a whole other fucking war bread for this shit.

this is the research bread

this is the war bread


use it and stop putting mold into the dough

Damn leave for a few hours and the kitchen is a mess.

6e1271 No.108708


Rosie had had a twitter rant that day.

She was offering bribes on twitter.

889080 No.108709


His books are great

f65e3d No.108711


>that might damage Anons' credibility? Doesn't that sound more smart?

a3797e No.108712

File: a7ac97e538a053e⋯.jpg (87.3 KB, 1200x874, 600:437, KILLBEST.jpg)

been playing with this

Bottom - 106(j) 107(k) 122(z) *89 *84 81(Q) 50(2) 78 *109 *89 121 78 *84 89 121 78 *109 85 121 **78 total:1879 ascii convert:jkzYTQ2NmYyNTYyNmUyN NumOfNum:20

Left - 84(T) 99(c) 48(0) *78 122(z) 85(U) 51(3) *90 *106 *89 53(5) *78 50(2) *89 121(y) *90 *106 74(J) 104(h) 77(M) total:1694 ascii convert: Tc0NzU3ZjY5N2YyZjJhM NumOfNum:20

Right - 89 106(j) 89 53(5) 77(M) 122(z) 107(k) *50 **89 84(T) 86(V) 109(m) *78 *68 *81 *50 90(Z) *68 *81 122(z) *78 total:1777 ascii convert:YjY5Mzk2YTVmNDQ2ZDQzN NumOfNum:21

Top - *122 *77 *51 *77 *68 99(c) 48(0) 78(N) *122 81(Q) *51 79(O) *68 89(Y) 61(=) 10(◙) total: 1181 ascii convert: zM3MDc0NzQ3ODY=◙ NumOfNum:16

asterisks represent a repeat in line *-1 **-2

71fdb7 No.108713

d38d0a No.108714


Seems to me that they need to release it at the beginning of the shutdown so they can arrest these vermin. Once the shutdown has ended, members of congress are untouchable while they are in session

0f1165 No.108715

File: 39ed9b65f025a02⋯.png (6.95 KB, 427x336, 61:48, whatisthis.png)

Anons, i stumble across this site earlier today. I wonder what do you make of this information? Wikileaks Rothschilds connection???

(source - http:// aangirfan.blogspot.se/2010/12/rothschilds-spice-girl-wikileaks.html)

8fa8df No.108716

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Has Q ever given us a nickname? How about TUNE SQUAD?

9a33ed No.108717

File: 8974ff6a9fa0aca⋯.gif (133.16 KB, 685x329, 685:329, Jack-and-Wang.gif)


https:// pastebin.com/FYzZQqeJ

here's the recipe Wang


36c5b2 No.108718


on top of that, pastebin thinks we're spam now. i think bakers switched to ghostbin

5284a9 No.108719

>>108693 to vote on the continuing resolution

the last vote was a parliamentary procedure

048203 No.108720

File: c76ff0fc13692fa⋯.png (706.7 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 45A86932-3D08-44C3-A72E-30….png)


Massive amount of pussyhats.

b3dcbe No.108723


With all due respect anon, your skills are superior to mine in decoding Qs posts. I was trying to help an anon by finding the Qpost containing the 2-8 reference. I have no clue about J O or J L. Do you?

43566d No.108724


The what attack surface do they need?

We won't use anything that mimiks official documents.

It may not even look like a memo.

It won't be a 'prediction'

It won't be linked to any group explicitly

Just, a stand alone deliverance of information based off the Q drop.

e5514c No.108725

EO 5849 1932 Panama canal ownership naval reverts back to previous status if rendered surplus by navy.

https:// quod.lib.umich.edu/p/ppotpus/4731703.proc.002/366?page=root;rgn=full+text;size=100;view=image

couldn't find 5849 on gov archive, others were present

37f5fc No.108726

47da7c No.108727

File: 21951596e0ad555⋯.png (582.41 KB, 820x458, 410:229, lv_memo.PNG)

File: 097ace76e0989af⋯.png (775.06 KB, 821x592, 821:592, lv_brutha.PNG)

File: 93261de722eba43⋯.png (735.18 KB, 815x443, 815:443, lv_fakecampos.PNG)

67863e No.108728


>an attending physician had posted something anonymously online that Rich had restricted access

That was on 4/pol/ and I was in that thread when it happened. Said he was told to skip that room on his rounds. But remember - anyone can say anything on the internet and lie out their ass. People do it all the time. We have no realistic way to determine whether that was actual info or disinfo. Treat with caution and take with a large dose of salt.

7ec235 No.108729

File: 38f05154fa3021f⋯.jpg (405.71 KB, 1719x987, 573:329, frisco2.jpg)

Happening status: YES

I need more eyes on please!

71ddb8 No.108730

File: 65cd6f8217e8bd2⋯.jpg (246.81 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Daniel Craig.jpg)

File: 7630bf000ab3d91⋯.png (811.05 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, ReadTheMemo82.png)

Daniel Craig meme batter.

9a33ed No.108731

File: a1ac667034cabe7⋯.jpg (17.73 KB, 320x237, 320:237, jack4.jpg)


no it doesn't I had no issues with it last night #fakenews

eb57a9 No.108732

To Chuck Schumer's office.

Prepare the "this is all a pogrom!" cannons

It's all you have left.

c5f49f No.108733


HA HA HA.. Fist bump. Been trying, believe me.

ee72b4 No.108734

File: 522e3bad7ae246c⋯.jpeg (11.54 KB, 259x194, 259:194, 3659485716515100986654.jpeg)


fix it

we used it all day without complaint

I need to be replaced and have asked several times

3543f9 No.108735

DO they have a roll call during the shut down or all the politicians not report for work..

1f7862 No.108736


Wonder who they picked up here in WA?


7bc7c5 No.108738


Lapse? Possibly intentional, should be criminally negligent.

What happens when we elect people who want the Office, but won't accept the responsibility.

36c5b2 No.108740


if it works for you, use it. baker this morning said it was giving him trouble.

9a33ed No.108741

File: 57cf1f37d4370cf⋯.jpg (11.15 KB, 315x235, 63:47, jack9.jpg)


well I'm here if you need someone to take over.

abc3d5 No.108742

I want to hear Trump say "the storm is upon us" at the SOTU. Then while he's still speaking the criminals in the audience can be arrested!

b4cd69 No.108743


It's been done in many other ways from many people. All good.The spreadsheet, graphics, staying up all night, anons connecting the dots in many ways, but most importantly, everyone's heart is focused on making this a better world. The energy from here is contagious and almost everyone knows it in some way. As a whole, we do not need to detail everything. It's just not possible in a group this size, but the group IS magical. This whole thing already is perfect.

562062 No.108744


no actually, these memes are promoting sexualization, not fighting it

ca5d50 No.108745


The cabal would not like the thought that seth is alive. But it was ok for everyone to think that hitler died in a suicide. How is it possible to fool everyone about hitler and its not possible for seth rich. The cabal would be angry about the thought about this. red pill normies with seth picture saying you know hitler survived.

2ddacb No.108746

a3bae4 No.108747


>You need to watch some Yuri


9cf21c No.108748


Yes, we have a nickname.

We are anon, faggot.

2462d7 No.108749


That is odd. It is circling the San Francisco Bay. Meanwhile PENCE04 seems to be patrolling a larger area around the Bay Area and keeps dropping off the screen. Also, this ACBCFC is strange.

9a33ed No.108751

File: d1ebd1c3d06b873⋯.jpg (48.01 KB, 533x400, 533:400, 1f806375b7878599354516b1d5….jpg)


also the battle bread is meant for easy consumption of the twitter war. without the research bloat

78f490 No.108752

Anyone else find it odd that Lester Holt (NBC) is reporting from inside NK? How odd.

74d504 No.108753

A long shot probably but could Q’s

“NOBODY is safe” , mean;

No murdered person’s buried body is safe from being found” ? Post No. 45

ee72b4 No.108754


all yours


let me get you a bin for today''ss updates

24a60e No.108757


BTC addies?

mega.nz links?

dbb173 No.108758


Nice catch. Hadn't noticed that before.

483097 No.108759

File: edbae82b6ae4434⋯.png (253.52 KB, 333x304, 333:304, 2women.PNG)


Too nuts not to share. Women in the March today.

d38d0a No.108760


Maybe they've already written textbooks and the schools and universities of tomorrow will hire the Anons to teach the masses.

ee72b4 No.108762


https:// ghostbin.com/paste/m6pqz

9a33ed No.108763

File: aa06f5b515b64aa⋯.jpg (52.71 KB, 848x366, 424:183, nanowrimo_jack_burton_Sele….jpg)


I think we need to shoot for no more than 2 OP posts in each bread

ca5d50 No.108764


The possibility of this will make them panick

8fa8df No.108765


Good, but to be honest I would rather be a nigger then a faggot…… faggot.

dce64f No.108766

File: 7e9aa842ebc03e1⋯.jpg (208.35 KB, 915x830, 183:166, Q-post-22Dec17-Explained.jpg)


Ok. Updated. I remember that too.

2f189d No.108767


Seriously it is the worst idea ever. Agreed!

7dc41f No.108768

File: 65b6b0f61d51556⋯.png (80.35 KB, 640x416, 20:13, Screenshot 2018-01-20 at 6….png)

This sounds like incoherent ramblings of looney anons.

We have other great anons in here that are rational thinkers and are doing a great job digging.

We don't need to waste time with this so-called "OnWithLogic" which sounds more like "offWithLogic".

Twatter says: "use Q post #44 and add 44 minutes and it will point to my post. Ha. Proof!"

Bit of a time waster IMO

0f1165 No.108770

degenerates ^^ >>108759

26b97b No.108771

File: 87264c5363478d8⋯.jpeg (327.59 KB, 1242x698, 621:349, 11B795DA-08EA-459C-9BAD-3….jpeg)

9cf21c No.108774


Right. I was specifically speaking toward the fake memo bullshite goings one earlier.

ee72b4 No.108775

File: 9e5be9d3bfc4d2f⋯.jpeg (11.65 KB, 348x145, 12:5, 3888746465987398375873515….jpeg)

TY new baker

just the two of us since last night

a3bae4 No.108776


I just wanted to play video games.

562062 No.108778


far from it… I'm thinking of the target audience and what they overwhelming would go for and this is not it… these would have the complete opposite effect

153eff No.108779


been since oct back in half chh and sorry i didn't not see this! there is too much disinformation out there

1b4115 No.108780

File: 5fc927f98b65fb2⋯.jpg (115.65 KB, 780x438, 130:73, truth-russian-collusion2.jpg)

3e6bf5 No.108781


Overwatch for the pussy parade?

37f5fc No.108782



f7d055 No.108783


I can't watch…

ee72b4 No.108784



clean that shit up

d38d0a No.108785

File: 34c0fd0609f6b4b⋯.jpg (136.85 KB, 666x500, 333:250, WMD2.jpg)


but we know better. (pic related)

0f1165 No.108786

File: 39ed9b65f025a02⋯.png (6.95 KB, 427x336, 61:48, whatisthis.png)

Anons, i stumble across this site earlier today. I wonder what do you make of this information? Wikileaks Rothschilds connection???

(source - http:// aangirfan.blogspot.se/2010/12/rothschilds-spice-girl-wikileaks.html)

9cf21c No.108787


So be it, nig.

7bc7c5 No.108788



Should adopt that as official QANON disclaimer.

438eaa No.108789

Is there some was to find out how many aids are having to work without pay?/dems

9a33ed No.108790

File: aa70b5bab2b85aa⋯.jpg (305.08 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 5a9fc18a8f371b171a24217b7a….jpg)

Brace yourselves for stormy seas lie ahead==


#FISAGate & #ReleaseTheMemo



Q's Board


Battle Bread


Current Tripcode: !UW.yye1fxo

Q's Current Tripcode appears close to being cracked >>88778

Q has his private board to post at /greatawakening/ which is locked by Q

Latest Q Posts:






Thursday, 1.18.18 EST













>>>/greatawakening/36 (STORM COMING)


>>>/greatawakening/38 Related: >>89560


>>89777 rt >>89736

>>89841 rt >>89812




>>>/greatawakening/42 (JUDGEMENT DAY)



Notable Posts on the Q Drop

QPost Theories >>91365 , >>91372 , >>91489 , >>91410 , >>91412 , >>91503 , >>91521 , >>91571

>>91608 , >>91977 , >>92034 , >>92085 , >>92265 , >>92566 , >>92635 , >>92659 , >>92756

All Hell Is Breaking Loose >>89660 , >>89708 , >>90938

State of The Union Countdown >>90009

Names from QPost /40 >>91310

Possible TRUST meaning >>91912

Caps and New Graphic >>87328 , >>88017 , >>88077

Q is anon and told us last week about DWS >>89467 , >>90672 , >>89335 , >>89613

Sources on Q's Images >>88073

Image Findings >>88094 , >>88141 , >>88152 , >>88179 , >>88181 , >>88268 , >>87940 , >>88835

Past Q Post FISA Connection >>88325

Private Contractors. Benghazi? >>91934

Previous Q Posts

>>43766 rt >>43719

>>43627 rt >>43088

>>42981 rt >>42090

>>49343 rt >>49330

7ec235 No.108791

File: e0d9895cef0e31e⋯.jpg (564.63 KB, 1721x985, 1721:985, Frisco3.jpg)


Unknown plane landed at Napa. CHP chopper track shows the rough area of action. Two Police choppers, two TV choppers, Pence04 headed inland.

2462d7 No.108792


Possible. There is a news helicopter over San Francisco now.

9a33ed No.108793


any ideas?

f7d055 No.108794


I doubt any of them

36c5b2 No.108795

562062 No.108797


trust me… my dipshit sister is a diehard lib puke and this would enrage her against the movement, not towards it

7bd50a No.108798


I can't wait to see their faces when they realise that THEY have been weponised against the people…. hahahaha think they are angry now..! Give them something worty of being angry about! #ReleaseTheMemo

2462d7 No.108799


But, the Highway Patrol copter is covering a much larger area than just the parade.

ecffb5 No.108800

File: 2dbadb6d6b625ce⋯.png (220.82 KB, 500x333, 500:333, ClipboardImage.png)

ca5d50 No.108801


They said hitler died yet eh lived in south america with the jfk files dropped

3e6bf5 No.108803


That is too much of a stretch with the 44 part. Plenty have stated this and i concur too…

eb6a71 No.108804


There's a video on YT with an interview with the (anonymous) male nurse. He says LEOs swarmed the hospital and he was not allowed to do his rounds. He said the only staff who saw him was the doc who pronounced death.

Not sure if that's completely disinfo but it sounds like a whisleblower trying to get the word out to me and it sounds very plausible given what else is going on that the white-hats could have easily swooped in based on intel and captured the witness. It would have been directly relevant to an ongoing OIG investigation that would include ALL federal agencies, including all intel agencies. Evidence of wrong-doing of all of the actors involved would have already been established at this point, so it sounds very plausible to me.

Or something.

d0b895 No.108805


there is no evidence he was

killed in hospital. that addition

kills the whole thing. omit it imo

3805e6 No.108807


I know that but if she tried to flee they wouldnt just act like nothing happened. They would put precautions in place such as taking her passports or putting her on a no fly list to make sure she doesnt try again. Wouldnt they? I could see them just letting her be able to try to flee again.

9cf21c No.108808

File: 77de380bd51f765⋯.png (812.81 KB, 1605x790, 321:158, Screen Shot 2018-01-20 at ….png)

AAL flight, looks like out of LAX - squawk 7700 rn

1736bb No.108810


F-I and D-J with help of BO (barrack obama)

f65e3d No.108811

File: 5ae5735db72c8ce⋯.jpeg (128.45 KB, 900x500, 9:5, DC1C19F9-AA95-4FCD-BEF6-E….jpeg)

File: 01eb00d81d311ec⋯.jpeg (134.03 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 639EAF86-87A7-414E-B3FC-E….jpeg)

File: 704a1ad542222a4⋯.jpeg (119.13 KB, 735x500, 147:100, 457E7C50-A9B3-4E6A-8694-4….jpeg)

File: b47871efdfca158⋯.jpeg (125.86 KB, 888x500, 222:125, EC265136-EB30-490F-B6D5-E….jpeg)

File: 123c00463a0cd1b⋯.jpeg (178.14 KB, 1008x499, 1008:499, 1E6C25CC-850A-4FFD-98DA-7….jpeg)

cad630 No.108812


these only 3 Class of Senators..

not 4, 5 or 6..

9cf21c No.108814


Sorry, Sky Harbor..

26b97b No.108815

File: 04da54efb42bcab⋯.jpeg (189.2 KB, 1166x564, 583:282, FA302434-6B67-41A1-8C2B-2….jpeg)

c5f49f No.108816


They look like they are being birthed, and yet they support a party that prevents that from happening.

How am I supposed to take this seriously?!

71ddb8 No.108817

File: 5f027302d556708⋯.png (1.36 MB, 1600x900, 16:9, ReadTheMemo92.png)

For our KRfag standby baker, who does terrific work!

f7d055 No.108818

Read and follow.. Cannot thread b/c not done…


9a33ed No.108820

File: 342bb0d6fc9d894⋯.jpg (41.57 KB, 812x347, 812:347, 2011-10-29-jackburton.jpg)



7ec235 No.108821


if the 7700 is to draw attention to Pence 04, I'm already there.

1f7862 No.108822

Well well well, Toronto PD says they hung themselves, new research shows they were murdered.


a3bae4 No.108823

File: ccbebbb8cfd524b⋯.jpg (88.01 KB, 648x324, 2:1, okey dokey.jpg)


Wow anons, this was nearly eight months ago…

https:// www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-06-01/debbie-wasserman-schultz-uses-voice-changer-call-law-firm-suing-dnc-forgets-disable-

67863e No.108824


If he was really there, really saw what he said, is on video about it, he would be dead.

9a33ed No.108825

File: fefd7d9cc20a455⋯.jpg (23.29 KB, 500x375, 4:3, 7f85347e882f64f0599812eb34….jpg)


pssst its Bb

eb6a71 No.108827


There's proof even women see them selves as walking vaginas. obviously, I'm kidding

2462d7 No.108829


Look at the pattern of GLOBAL DATA AVIATION. They are gathering info.

c1762f No.108830

Thanks baker.

c54454 No.108831


>The energy from here is contagious and almost everyone knows it in some way.

Much better to have some skin in the game rather than watching youtubers commenting on Q when so many are late to the game or fence sitters who need more proof.

420898 No.108833


Could be a lot of things. I know one of his lawyers is/was Amal Clooney, lefty shill George Clooney's wife. Maybe roths trying to influence him and keep him close in order to control him.

ee72b4 No.108834

File: ddd21e19e5f9c11⋯.jpeg (4.04 KB, 150x150, 1:1, 38765765654361527872.jpeg)


Thank you

I hated that dough all day

c1a947 No.108835

File: 042f98977fcb1d7⋯.png (460.71 KB, 705x639, 235:213, ClipboardImage.png)

The Q posts you're referencing AREN'T referring to ML [Martial Law]

The Q posts are stating MI - [Military Intelligence]

As prosecutors of crimes in time of emergency.

Am I wrong?

ca5d50 No.108836


History and TV said Hitler died by suicide. Yet the map and drop with the JFK files say other wise.

Who knows. This red pill of hitler was in the map.

7dc41f No.108838


I'm getting this was a mistake?

d377b6 No.108841

File: 675ff34163f1224⋯.png (113.75 KB, 260x805, 52:161, n206uw.png)



ADSbexchange showing the wrong info again… same flight squawking 2000 on flightradar24…. I usually ignore squawk codes on adsbexchange

2462d7 No.108843


Q Anon: BDT; Bulk Data Transfer.

N6255Q. Q!

1736bb No.108844


actually "with B O in the middle of it" is better … re: F_I D_J

7ec235 No.108845

File: 4627b583f8cec18⋯.jpg (298.19 KB, 1723x696, 1723:696, pence04_2.jpg)

PENCE04 landing at Travis AFB.

4ecd68 No.117010





Using all the capital letters.





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