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d30dff  No.17787

If this election was stolen then the slogans "trust the plan" and "enjoy the show" are just deliberate attempts to control you through inaction. Nothing suits the enemy more than patriot inaction. *If* they circumvented controls against fraud, and therefore the election result has been falsified, then a) the republic has failed and b) the implicit right to revolt, tyranny having rested freedom from our grip, is hereby invoked. Let's hope tump, the military, and space force do their duties. But if Biden is left standing on Jan 21st then it's up to the patriots. In fact, if it's Biden and the patriots remain silent then we are complicit; it's just as if we voted for him. If tump doesn't invoke martial law, and temporarily suspend regular order then he isn't really trying. The only thing that could stave off civil war is, you know, if we're wrong or something and Biden actually did win. But that's impossible, right? So if they move to swear him in then it's civil war time. Or, patriots, you can suck Nancy Pelosi's dick. No other options. Judging from the past: get ready to suck a lot of dick.

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458095  No.17788

Trudeau was caught in Barbados with a hooker. Canadian Politicians are falling. So will Biden.


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458095  No.17789

Or ... you can go to Washington Jan 6 and help storm the Capital.

As many Patriots as can be ... we will storm the government buildings, kill cops, kill security guards, kill federal employees and agents, and demand a recount.

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458095  No.17790

We have an army, 10,000 strong.

We're going down to Washington DC. Proud Boys. All of us. Everyone.

And Nick Fuentes will be there, too. Same with Alex Jones.

Bring your sniper rifles!

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e32ffc  No.17797


Storming of the government buildings i can understand. Why kill cops or security guards? I was under the impression the enemies were the high government officials and the rest are uninformed masses. The cops and security guards fall under this category. Why kill the innocent and slander the name of your movement in violence?

An army of 10,000, while obviously quite the force, could not possibly take Washington by force, let alone hold it.

The7thPrime- you couldn't possibly agree with these reckless tactics. I don't think (in your vision for the future) that the slaughter of the uninformed innocent would be acceptable. Not only would this paint your group as a terrorist group, but it would also most likely turn the vast majority of people against you.

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