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/qa2/ - Führerbunker



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this will serve as a bunker for TRR

File: 5e99e68ab1f4a61⋯.png (445.26 KB,703x871,703:871,1716608810527.png)

 No.1 [Open thread]

Welcome to /qa2/ - Business Inquiries.

This is a board for the discussion of political events and … other things.

Outside of politics, this board has no specific theme and you are free to be yourself! Please note all global rules are in-force here.

(also no soicucks and weabs and cuckoldspammers, infiltrators are banned on sight - see thread for more info).

Automated by Trumpflare Security Intelligence.

1 post and 1 image reply omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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File: 66366430b40ef52⋯.jpg (160.83 KB,456x469,456:469,1719426319752.jpg)

Trumpflare is enabled. The following will be banned:







>(((leftypol/deep state raiders)))





Remember: TrumpFlare is right and always has the final say.

These are likely subject to change in the future whenever necessary.

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File: dae2674895949be⋯.jpg (61.44 KB,720x723,240:241,1635947014417.jpg)

 No.11 [Open thread]

I vow to you, Donald J Trump, as Fuhrer and President of the White American Reich, loyalty and bravery. I vow to you and to the leaders that you set for me, absolute allegiance until death. So help me God.

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File: 953e457e4f77c87⋯.gif (427.35 KB,857x994,857:994,1671224893533360.gif)

 No.7 [Open thread]

kek its keyed

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File: 6d10ffab31a46ea⋯.png (479.09 KB,976x850,488:425,1688351074433181.png)

 No.3 [Open thread]


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