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File: f3b90c03d423a00⋯.jpg (165.58 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, f3b90c03d423a002a837667fac….jpg)

File: 377995d2b88ad36⋯.jpg (301.27 KB, 1176x1180, 294:295, d6386849294a8017a002c83916….jpg)

0194ed  No.99467

What the title says. They are also raiding the butt-blasted Q-nigger Qoomers at >>>/qresearch/ for the laughs.

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5ac872  No.99468


What is their reasoning? Never been on /v/ is there a lot of censorship?

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0194ed  No.99472


The website is going down so we have to find another home. Might as well leave this godforsaken place with dignity. Fuck Jim and his tranny squad and fuck Mark and his army of suckpuppets.

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135d90  No.99475


/v/ is basically full of 4chan tier degenerate Neets who only care about videogames and being edgy - but when push comes to shove they turn into triggered leftists every time.

So now a lot of them are mad that 8chan no longer allows their pedo Japanese cartoon porn.

See >>>/v/16924889

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42d359  No.99476

File: 982587ee8f780d5⋯.gif (1.73 MB, 360x359, 360:359, 982587ee8f780d599c887949a6….gif)


>is there a lot of censorship?

On /v/eddit with (((Mark)) as the BO? NO WAY

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42d359  No.99479


Well, bye /v/ faggots you won't be missed.

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5ac872  No.99482


Is (((Mark)) 1/6th white or something?



Clearly I am missing out. /s

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42d359  No.99483


He's literally a jew

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5ac872  No.99485


Well that explains the porn promotion then…

And the leftism…

And the (((distraction))) from reality…

<got to keep the young goy occupied so that they can’t don’t think about their lack of future

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0194ed  No.99487

File: 9fbafa72f275742⋯.jpg (100.31 KB, 640x740, 32:37, 1530055066320.jpg)


It was the only truly active board apart from /Q-LARP/ and many of us posted here, trying to keep the Q-oomers and glowniggers at bay.

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a5e992  No.99488



The site is banning lolicon.

That’s literally the “video game” board’s reasoning. They were 100% fine with their fat gay jewish board owner BANNING ALL PRO-WHITE SPEECH even if it related to video games. They were fine with their fat gay jewish board owner BANNING ALL TRADITIONALIST CULTURE even if it related to video games. They’re leaving because their drawn child porn is banned.

Not to say that Ron and Jim shouldn’t be killed for what they did to /pol/. Just explaining why /v/ is chimping out.

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0194ed  No.99492

File: b39efd3418f4816⋯.png (78.96 KB, 680x382, 340:191, b39efd3418f48161ee3b203baf….png)


Jim was trying to get us to move to his new datamining project for legal reasons and we didn't want to get along with it, so now he's trying to pretend that it was because of lolicon or w/e. He did the same thing when /sp/ left back in the days. Absolutely pathetic. He's a sore, sore loser.

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a5e992  No.99493


Oh, he had a new site planned? Please do tell; I only read the cyclical pinned thread on /v/.

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42d359  No.99494

File: d9cd6ea8f057989⋯.gif (562.64 KB, 374x354, 187:177, 1438799928207_0.gif)


/v/'s user base is doubled or tripled from this board, /pnd/ and /pol/-like boards needs to always be at the top or near it, I don't this board nor this website to be a /v/ subcolony.

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135d90  No.99498




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135d90  No.99499


I've always wondered why there are no websites like 8chan that are basically "/pol/ only".

Then we wouldn't have to share our platforms with degenerates

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b12335  No.99506

you're all faggots who jumped onto imageboards since the election

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5346bb  No.99514


Project Odin

Supposedly a server IN SPACEEE

However apparently there were some leaks of info between him and mark where he states that he wants to make 8chan a site of news with actual journalists and shit

Who would like that?

Tho the current "self raid" is veeery fishy

Fatchan the site they are shilling had no movement until now, and this site is creating new boards to consume the ones form 8chan

Smells like a honeypot

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1d1099  No.99522


That wouldn't be a bad thing as imageboard were even more degenerate back then.

At least now we have a good chunk of people who actually care about politics and don't just want to say NIGGER because they think it's funny and edgy.

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42d359  No.99533

File: 19870f1427fc2f7⋯.jpg (70.98 KB, 518x800, 259:400, 1435535897393.jpg)


pre-April fools fixed

You don't remember election/pol/, there basted trans and basted women and porn/hentai posters posting in the general trump threads

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96c57e  No.99534


>unironically being on pigfuckchan

>calling others faggots

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09092b  No.99546

File: 18d41f2848d20b3⋯.jpg (133.62 KB, 600x375, 8:5, video_games_jew.jpg)

Good. Degenerate gamers are almost as bad as Qcumbers.

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42d359  No.99551


he's not wrong /pol/ election was a dark place for that board. /r/donald almost colonized /pol/ and was essentially /r/donald but edgy. Sure we had a few good threads like the migrant crises otherwise I wouldn't be here


Thanks for reminding me to sage

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53adfd  No.99553

Our boards stood by each other during GamerGate.

Do not let this split us apart.

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000000  No.99569



>calling lolis pedo cartoons

Real life pedophiles spotted.

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a5e992  No.99572



>claims others are child rapists

>claims that people who say all child rapists should be hunted down and killed are child rapists

It’s basically poetry.

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100a85  No.99586

Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

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562524  No.99620

>>99499 (digits)

The reason that they won’t have a /pol/ only site is because they can point the finger at us (even though if you are like me you only go to /k/ and /pnd/pol/) and make the case that ‘we’ are degenerate to the world…or at least, that is what the world thinks when they show up and start browsing.

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562524  No.99622



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d51a1d  No.99717


Tbh a server in space would be pretty rad. I wonder, would that be untouchable from a legal standpoint?

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19fe70  No.99724


I would back a server in space as well. Too bad the project got dropped.

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317e6a  No.99733

>triggered by not being able to post their degenerate manga lolis

These people give Video games a bad name. Let them go, the wind shall take them and blow them in all directions

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a38813  No.99804

File: 52c784f41d8817b⋯.png (4.74 MB, 3200x4535, 640:907, visapieceofshit.png)


/v/ in a nutshell

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0dd197  No.101000


a server in space wont work. being ntouchable–extra-judicial beyond the laws of every country, also means there is no property law protecting it. the ADL and SPLC and AIPAC and the entire vast Jewish lobby would compel Israel to either shoot down the low orbit cubesat pol server, or launch a counter cubesat to blow up satellite-pol. and of course the kikes would force the US govt to pay for it lol.

but a constellation of cubesat pol servers could work someday when launching nano satellites becomes cheap enough for thousands of civilians. even Israel would not be allowed to blow up the 1,488 pol cubesats in orbit, because that would create too much space debris that jeapordizes mass collisions with all other sats in orbit.

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fb9909  No.102308

File: 87838fde81910f5⋯.jpg (22.49 KB, 252x249, 84:83, bateman_.jpg)

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875afb  No.102325


This site was much better before the election. It was a lot more active with niche hobby boards actually being viable and you could actually be an edgy racist and normalfags didnt shit up the place. If you and all your newfag friends could fuck off back to facebook this place would become good overnight.

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1b3fc1  No.102344


>this site

It didn't even exist before the elections

This isn't 8ch, you fag

This is q boomer central

And apparently lots of LARPers here as well.

/v/ leaving means a fucking lot, this site has been sold to fucking qboomers

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4cadca  No.102347


Hobies like anime pussy crafting.

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070e2b  No.102363

File: 0815e0c38b73e6c⋯.jpg (112.24 KB, 1024x658, 512:329, learn_from_you.jpg)


He's right though.

Banning loli is basically kikes killing off online competition.

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fc083c  No.102366

Looks like this board got hit just as hard, the few of you that remain can say whatever stupid shit you want but its pretty self evident how many of you were actually loli loving degenerates or at least sympathetic to them when it comes to censorship.

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070e2b  No.102368


> at least sympathetic to them when it comes to censorship.

You say that as if it's a bad thing.

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fc083c  No.102369


It is a bad thing to the boomer that this site is run by and the other boomers hes catering the site to.

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6e527d  No.102476

File: 089ff500503cd06⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1169x1057, 167:151, Qtards_Take_Over.png)


>this site has been sold to fucking qboomers

Too true.

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e51f28  No.102481

521 ISP on /v/

That exodus didn’t last long. Kek

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a5e992  No.102483


Less than a quarter of what it was before Jim took the site down last year.

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