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ca270d  No.99127

It is estimated that without abortion, the nigger population of the United States today would be more than double what it is. Can you imagine that? How much more crime, more rape, more murder, there would be? More cities and communities destroyed and turned into third-world shitholes.

I believe all descent white Americans and white people worldwide have a moral duty to spread abortion among niggers. They fewer niglets are born, the better off civilization worldwide is.

This thread is to discuss how to accomplish this to ensure fewer and fewer niggerbeasts are born.

I believe donating to Planned Parenthood and encouraging them to operate black and brown neighborhoods is a good place to start.


Also look into what organizations and charities are looking to give women in sub-Saharan Africa access to contraceptives and abortion.

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35ff66  No.99172


More whites get abortions ,that must be why you saged your own thread…

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

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