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Anarcho-fascist eco-accelerationism

File: e28cd01f0762b35⋯.jpg (245.91 KB, 980x551, 980:551, 5e9cb16d203027656a2d93a8.jpg)

7987f1  No.99113


>Israeli demonstrators turned out in droves to protest the government of Benjamin Netanyahu. Mindful of the need for social distancing, they stood two meters apart from each other in a visually spectacular gathering.

>Tel Aviv’s Rabin Square is often a staging ground for rallies. Tens of thousands flocked to the plaza to protest police restrictions on music festivals last year, while the year before saw gay rights activists turn up to shout down a controversial surrogacy law.

>Sunday, however, saw a gathering unlike any other before. Crowds of protesters – estimated by liberal newspaper Haaretz at more than 2,000 – stood two meters apart from each other, their places marked on the ground with black crosses.

>The gathering, part of Israel’s ongoing ‘Black Flag’ demonstrations, was sanctioned by police, as long as social distancing rules were followed to the letter, and as long as organizers shelled out to supply the protesters with protective face masks.

How many of you have heard of these black flag protests? No coverage here in burgerland.

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8ea68c  No.99273


How come they have masks available there and we can’t seem to get them manufactured in the USA?

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97a83a  No.99313

They have tried taking him down for years.

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e79f77  No.99318


The more I look at this shit the more suspicious I get. How the fuck can we still be out of simple dust masks, no testing, recco'ing useless medications, firing anyone with integrity.

We know Trump helped the Jewish mafia plunder the former SU and Europe via money laundering THRU HIS CASINOS. He's a low life con man who's been sued a million times.

We know that's his real motive for becoming POTUS is to plunder the USA just like Europe. I mean every person in his cabinet is a lobbyist or a world class swindler. This virus is allowing trillion and trillions of dollars to be transferred to criminal elements. Yea he threw the plebs some chicken scratch to keep em misdirected. Four more years is almost a certainty, he's going to leave us in astronomical debt and the 1% can already opt out on taxes.. The virus is real but it's being exploited to rob us blind.

Guys, America as you know it will never come back and it's not because the virus, it's because we're being plundered, wait til the cost of the upcoming Iran war gets added. WE ARE DONE.

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e79f77  No.99319

Also, the "SAGE! guy is a Jew or a intel asset. just a fyi.

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47fe49  No.99325

File: 03e57e802f5e104⋯.jpeg (56.26 KB, 480x456, 20:19, 18C480CA_E751_4669_BC32_9….jpeg)

Hope they all catch it regardless.

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f62935  No.99331

File: 60170a15a79c532⋯.png (452.54 KB, 660x581, 660:581, circumcision_death_rate.png)

File: 8cd8dbddeed2873⋯.png (788.55 KB, 653x1024, 653:1024, circumcision_brain_damage.png)

File: 5d47fdf714f2524⋯.jpg (324.02 KB, 1600x948, 400:237, circumcision_lung_collapse.jpg)


Based intactivist poster

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e79f77  No.99335

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The other day i was thinking about Clopper's presentation. I couldn't believe it has under 200k views, that was a powerful presentation and caused alot of controversy. Harvard insta fired him w/ no rebuttal what so ever. They owe a rebuttal.

It's like this all the time with Jews, you take an impartial, evenhanded fact based look into some of these "conspiracy theories". Next thing you know you are in the deepest rabbit hole and the facts are suppressed but overwhelming.

Do Jews control the media and did they help carry out Sept 11, hell yea they do and hell yea they did.

Are they trying to destroy white people and enslave the non Jews, hell yeah and there's plenty of Rabbis who say as much.

When you first find out it's a strange time, it's like wtf i better double and triple check. They can't be lying about this and planning that, but they are and you will eventually verify it from many official sources.

Anyhow back to Clopper,

Vid related

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