It's the only fallen world. Every other world remained obedient to God.
The saints of earth (biblical saints, not roman catholic church [beast of revelation] "saints") will be kings and queens and reign with Christ in heaven. Kings and queens can't reign over each other. The saints of earth (biblical) will know good from evil and those who pass God's "test" will be given reign over other worlds.
There are no reptilian illuminati anunaki, that's all just ancient babylonian religion and idol worship. All false religion comes from babylon, all of it. There is no secret war between patriots and any cabal, Q is a psyop, Trump is a puppet (owned by bankers). Reptilians is just a folk tale. Earth is only a prison for the fallen angels (satan and his demons). "Alien abductions" will immediately cease if you cry out to Jesus Christ. Humans are only important because they'll go through life and be resurrected unto salvation or damnation, those who are saved will know first-hand experience of evil and why it cannot be tolerated and why God must be obeyed.
I've heard stuff like the "tall whites" are helping with "cancer research", but that's a hoax too. Water fasting has been proven to kill cancer along with so many other cheap natural health alternatives. Even something as common as turmeric has anti-cancer qualities and I think most people have heard of cannabis having some. I've personally seen cases of cannabis oil being applied to skin cancer and the skin cancer disappearing. There was a case where a woman had lemon-sized tumors and water fasting made them disappear. It's all just a hoax, distraction, from the real truth of the world we live in. A rather convenient one too, because it supports the "millions of years" theology that has no scientific evidence to support it. If anyone's interested, watch Genesis: Paradise Lost if you want to see some of the science that proves we're living in a young universe, it also exposes a lot of the pseudo/fake science used to discredit the Bible.
>2 Peter 3:10
>But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.