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dfb35e  No.97188

Remember that if objectively measurable data is not the foundation of your beliefs, then you are a plastic bag floating through the wind. If you fancy yourself an advocate of white people and our interests but aren't based on a foundation of facts and data, only feelings, then all it takes is one nigger coming along, pretending to be your friend and then turning you into an white guilt cuck. Video explains it.

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663b78  No.97209

File: a4aba24f460287c⋯.webm (1.08 MB, 640x480, 4:3, Ryan_Faulk_Autistic_Faggo….webm)

File: 43a6309b1cce2c9⋯.mp4 (8.97 MB, 640x480, 4:3, Ryan_Faulk_faggot.mp4)

File: f3284f430754a30⋯.mp4 (1.43 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Ryan_Faulk_only_plants_thi….mp4)

File: 955121517e9b7a6⋯.mp4 (1.14 MB, 540x404, 135:101, Ryan_Faulk_getting_anti_Se….mp4)

Wignats are disgusting, Ryan Faulk has peak optics.

But for the record, I never like Hymiebach or the TWP.

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aadfe4  No.97284


He's gay and autistic, but who cares? As long as he redpills normies, I couldn't care less what he likes to jerk off to

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18ef93  No.97308

ive heard wignat for years and still don't know what it means.

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aadfe4  No.97312

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67140f  No.97316

Noooo! Not muh based dindus and kebabs! How else will we virtue-signal our way to victory??!

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b86e19  No.97461


"Wigger Nationalist", it refers to people who are too "extreme", and not Trumpnigger AmNats. It was coined by Kike Eunuch, and spread by people like weev and Ricky Vaughn.




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