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File: 14d33de26e813dd⋯.jpg (132.49 KB, 620x600, 31:30, Heatwave.jpg)

d46a06  No.97179


Why was nobody willing to buy them an AC unit? Seriously. Those window ones are less than a hundred bucks.

But yeah, if 70,000 people can die from too much warmsy in a month … maybe your precious covid isn't such a big fucking deal.

You have to go back to work, John.

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d87967  No.97328


Nice try but a significant amount of these deaths were from dehydration and falsely attributed to the heat waves.

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27b10c  No.97423


I think it is rather refreshing to see you banker faggots come out and try to whip the cattle ‘back to work’. How about you go back to your precious CCP/kike Nest and inform them that they will be sued for negligence and destroying the global economy? Does that sound more ‘kosher’…you will get your money, and your pound of flesh from someone, why not the people who fucked shit up and let the Wuhan Flu rage out of control globally? They seem like a good target to me. Carry on and fuck off now…

Also, you seem pretty free with ‘other peoples money’; why didn’t you buy everyone an AC unit? No response I am sure, typical (1) and done OP.

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