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/pnd/ - Politics, News, Debate

and shitslinging
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Torposting is back. Brace for spam ; )

File: 4c795f745dc8e6a⋯.png (475.06 KB, 1148x796, 287:199, Rachel 2.png)

File: e5b3a45bf8f8b36⋯.png (3.14 MB, 2163x2419, 2163:2419, Rachel reloading.png)

File: 06c9b60147b3777⋯.png (65.72 KB, 800x420, 40:21, 06c9b60147b3777d055d8ca8e3….png)

6494da  No.9709[Last 50 Posts]

Newfag here, just checking to see.

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753dfe  No.9710


Nope. Anyone is allowed to post anything here at any time. Chodemonkey refuses to allow /pol/ to come back.

>have to wait 20 fucking minutes for there to be a random “window” open for my posts to go through

>copy the post and refresh the page 100 times

Thanks, chodemonkey, you fucking piece of shit. Thanks for destroying 8chan. No wonder you’re trying to escape to the Philippines. If any of us knew where you lived, you’d already be dead.

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921721  No.9714


Just as much as /pol/ was.

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81191f  No.9726


Yes, but we're not going to tell you which Nation.

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3aba15  No.9728

File: db0ae68688f32d3⋯.jpg (49.65 KB, 820x546, 410:273, db0ae68688f32d3cea986be7cb….jpg)

/pnd/ - /pol/ never dies

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000000  No.9730



/pnd/ - Pointless Nerd Drama

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dcc362  No.9740

the 2 years is mandatory, anon.

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8d6b06  No.9758


So just barely.

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3aba15  No.9760

File: b94a71e9c54f71f⋯.mp4 (2.55 MB, 320x240, 4:3, b94a71e9c54f71fca7ad18e409….mp4)


>Torpedo shitting up every single thread in the catalog with his kosher takes and normalfag tier "banter"

You're never gonna make it.

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675c36  No.9765

File: a5c9d4439b04e01⋯.png (200.47 KB, 999x442, 999:442, i-was-you.png)



never offer a man a hand that he may use it to hold himself down.

/pol/ is an ideal as is natsoc

an ideal that lives in the mind regardless of what is taught in the world.

one so powerful, it doesn't require teaching.




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a0badb  No.9787

yes as natsoc is an umbrella term for many different ideologies which /pnd/ is the breeding ground of

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92fa7d  No.9811

Looked at the banners yet, newfag?

Lurking 2 years as a rule is there for a reason, so you don't shit the catalog up with this crap.

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c1e724  No.9837


>>Torpedo shitting up every single thread in the catalog with his kosher takes and normalfag tier "banter"

The verbal stench of the heeb. Often I'll be reading some journo article and while reading think to myself, "this was written by some fucking Jew." I usually investigate further and can't think of ever being proven wrong. Their humor is pretentious and gay. They also can't resist their inbred need to lecture the goyim about anything and everything.

Sage for 2-year rule.

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78223d  No.9855

File: 05fb7a1902640c5⋯.png (2.14 MB, 3004x3100, 751:775, 1570961306821-1.png)

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37a4a0  No.9862

Natsoc is the lazy, simplified way of saying that you agree with some of the things Germany was doing at the time.

I'm definitely not natsoc and i liked Hitler as a leader and his book was good

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88da82  No.9865

File: 15cfcda20d87d30⋯.png (1002.88 KB, 631x710, 631:710, 78056407856407856407856407….png)


Do what ever you want, just remember to remove jq

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2c4993  No.9869

File: ef39440fc5ec97a⋯.png (1018.84 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, countless penises will pou….png)

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000000  No.10011


imkikey would have anchored this

prove me wrong newfags

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3aba15  No.10024

File: 8c873af0ba8a741⋯.png (162.8 KB, 530x298, 265:149, sg status - undefeated.png)



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e38f1b  No.10025

File: 6ac33a5174032c5⋯.jpg (22.8 KB, 330x330, 1:1, maddow.jpg)

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327355  No.10074

/pol/ was never a NatSoc board just like this one isn't. Its meant to be a board for every ideology and philosophy but the National Socialists have nowhere else to go so you see most of the board is them. 8/pol/ famously had the leftists get trumped all the time so they fled to their own board.

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c1024f  No.10081


That's basically what it boils down to.

The thing with leftists on such boards is that they tend to be trolling anyway and most of the time aren't interested in serious discussion because on imageboards usually even people that are not natsoc or not inherently political in general hate leftists.

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3aba15  No.10195

File: 32e1712e24f499a⋯.png (1.18 MB, 583x870, 583:870, 1566526345055.png)


/pol/ properly understood is the apotheosis of the study of human history. /pol/ isn't arbitrarily national socialist. /pol/ is national socialist because one of history's biggest secrets is that Hitler was right about pretty much fucking everything.

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fbbe33  No.10255


i think they're a group of qtards who are angry about their containment board getting shoah'd or maybe they're on a crusade to bring democracy to /pol/

if they stay here long enough though…

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327355  No.10303


Pretty much. Debate, discussion, facts and argument on here will iron you out to a national socialist or something close at least.

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496492  No.10321


When bereft of artificial, false constraints, all positions inevitably lead to NatSoc.

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e98142  No.10326


the mods are anti-trump & anti- conspiracy theory. Basically, they fund the left through a garb of the right.

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e98142  No.10327

For, if you accept the lies pertaining to reality, those which are the "truth", and reject the "lies" of conspiracy theories, then your conclusions will be perfectly in line with Hillary Clinton. But, if you think other things, believe other things, and know other things which Hillary Clinton does not know, then you will not be in line with the Hillary Clinton $900-a-bottle wine cellar democrats.

But to do this, you must be elsewhere than here, for here you will find a mod who enforces beliefs which naturally lend oneself to precisely a failed practice, support of the left.

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3aba15  No.10329

File: 14f9b014070875a⋯.png (961.01 KB, 1307x671, 1307:671, egg island demo.png)




>conspiracy theory

Who but a glownigger would use this term unironically? Conspiracy is a felony, not a theory.

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6dfbc2  No.10330


>is this a natsoc board?

Mostly and this is because most of /pol/ gradually became natsoc as more and more arguments were had. There are still a few libertarians who didn't move past the ron paul phase just like there are a few ancaps and fascists. It's not exclusively natsoc but natsocs are the majority. There are no leftists however because none of them can successfully address any argument presented, even by a lolberg, so they all fucked off to /leftypol/.


>/pol/ was never natsoc because it was made for all ideologies!

That's like saying a video game forum that gradually focuses on CoD isn't a CoD forum because it was made for discussing all games. The reality is not equivalent to its intended purposes, just like the reality of communism is not equivalent to it's intended utopian bullshit.

>/pol/ is only natsoc because they have nowhere to go

You clearly weren't here after we fell out of love with Ron Paul.

>8/pol/ famously had the leftists get trummped all the time so they fled to their own board

The only factual statement you've made.


Perfect tl;dr.


>the mods are anti trump

Go back to 4cuck faggot

>anti conspiracy theory

Yeah, you clearly get banned if you suggest Epstein killed himself. What a retard.

>they fund the left through a garb of the right

It's more like the Zion Don funds the left through his endless legal and illegal importation of niggers and muds that will outvote the whites. Trumpfags never have an answer for the demographic argument, always shifting instead to anything else besides the reality of immigration.

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6b1845  No.10427

File: 2c9ae70f2d9b94b⋯.png (14.76 KB, 590x156, 295:78, ClipboardImage.png)

>Is /pnd/ a NatSoc board?

Is the Pope Catholic? Actually don't answer that.

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3aba15  No.10540

File: deeaf0e847fbe1a⋯.jpg (249.74 KB, 1000x678, 500:339, vatican172_01.jpg)


>Actually don't answer that.

Merry Christmas, anon :^)

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5fc336  No.10544


> 8/pol/ famously had the leftists get trumped all the time so they fled

Nope, the /pol/ moderation would ban people for saying the holocaust happened and for being against Donald Trump's anti-Chinese protectionist rhetoric

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0fcf1f  No.10720

File: 1b6d740824f110b⋯.gif (1.19 MB, 480x287, 480:287, 1b6d740824f110b68fc8a8f0ea….gif)


>/pol/ moderation would ban people

>for saying the holocaust happened

As they should

>for being against Donald Trump's anti-Chinese protectionist rhetoric

Pic related

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81e49f  No.10843


You're free to try that here, anon. Make a thread about the holocaust, make an argument that beats

>wooden doors

You won't, because you can't. As others have said, absent censorship the consensus comes to National Socialism or at least a reasonable facsimile thereof. Specifically

<mixed economy

<eugenic social principles

<religion serving the state, the state serving the people

<ethnic supermajority if not homogeneity

<limited franchise if not dictatorship/monarchy

<no Jews

<details differing by country, race, and era

<still no Jews though

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81191f  No.10853

File: 79ba41ece695d3e⋯.jpg (49.16 KB, 576x382, 288:191, not wood.jpg)


>wooden doors

Most of the doors in the facilities were destroyed by either the retreating SS or advancing Russians. The SS and concentration camp guards converted gas chambers into makeshift air raid shelters as the Russians drew nearer, and replaced the doors with ones that could be opened from the inside. Few of the original doors in these structures survive– but here's one.

There you go. Argument beaten. Too easy. You'll need new material.

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8a9db0  No.10856


Since you know everything better:

How did they burn the jews according to you?

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81e49f  No.10858


I said "make a thread", not derail this one, faggot. /pnd/ is NatSoc and I explained why. Rather than rebut that you decide to post… that trash, instead.

Why is that? Because you have no arguments to refute that the board is NatSoc or to refute that the way the board got here was Darwinism in the form of unrestrained shitflinging across the old 8pol, 4pol, and forums elsewhere. You have nothing to argue with. Uncensored political debate always results in an overwhelming consensus for national socialism.

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81191f  No.10861


That's not the point. Who needs to be convinced? Us? No … the normies need to be convinced. The wooden door argument is too easy to break down (ha ha) by what normies would see as simple common sense.


>/pnd/ is NatSoc

lol no. No it isn't. It's a global board on an American website and in order to be NATIONAL Socialist, one must be part of a NATION.

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643cc7  No.10863


>American website

sage for not contributing to the thread

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3aba15  No.10881

File: eda2ba48b88fc5c⋯.webm (7.97 MB, 640x360, 16:9, flood.webm)


>one must be part of a NATION.

Then I guess we'll have to build one.

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8a9db0  No.10882


>wooden door argument

Arguments that aim at details are shit in general even if they are true.

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81e49f  No.10884


>I can't see the forest, there are too many trees in the way!

Reread what I wrote under "specifically". Those are generally understood and accepted principles that fall under the NatSoc umbrella. Your fake objection is answered there.

The broader point that you keep trying to dodge is that free and open political discussion always leads back to national socialism, more or less. It always leads back to those redtext points. So yes, /pnd/ is a NatSoc pond, and will be as long as the BO lets the shit be flung.

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752846  No.11494


You wouldn't know what a gas chamber door was if it hit you in the face, kike.

I guess that's also why they built the 'crematorium' chimney in 53? Da ebil nadzees?

kek go back to holohoax school.

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60602c  No.11657


Not that much. It's just a bunch of white faggots that do not want to do anything to save white people so they want Government to do it. All the while eating ice cream and chugging High Fructose corn syrup chemicals.

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000000  No.11678

<Is /pnd/ a NatSoc board?

No, they worship a Jew.

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c5034e  No.11766

All those invaluable .pdfs, discussions, knowledge deleted because some faggot boomer freemason is butthurt. Muh Q muh huhduhrrr trust the jesus plan.

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5bad49  No.11770



/pol/ is really back

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3aba15  No.11773

File: b3f45a0c4027a72⋯.jpg (140.72 KB, 800x800, 1:1, bf309ec51005d1866c863a1c13….jpg)


>The tornigger who's been going around vomiting up kosher takes and posting gay sex copypasta in every other thread thinks he has room to call anyone else shabbos.

I'm really starting to believe the rumor that all the exit nodes glow. I think I've seen maybe two good tor posts in the last five years, and those were probably only making a good point by accident.

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3aba15  No.11781

File: edb1e966bdc4c1f⋯.jpg (9.96 KB, 252x200, 63:50, I can tell by the pixels.jpg)



Let's take a look at the hi-rez version of this picture.

Oh wait, there isn't one.

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b458e5  No.11811


As it should be, it's not like wignats have (((cornered the market))) on politically incorrect thought.

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b458e5  No.11812

File: 317d6d0da335ed0⋯.png (48.31 KB, 435x250, 87:50, KYS 05.png)


As it should be, it's not like wignats have (((cornered the market))) on politically incorrect thought.>>11766

>All those invaluable .pdfs, discussions, knowledge deleted because some faggot boomer freemason is butthurt. Muh Q muh huhduhrrr trust the jesus plan.

Yes, muh Qtards killed muh pol oh look, and JQresearch the most JQ woke board in the universe is back up on the Q board https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/7111560.html you gigantic gape-assed faggot KYS

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0fcf1f  No.12204

File: 82f786fd984d91c⋯.jpg (156.11 KB, 1319x745, 1319:745, 82f786fd984d91c22d6fd0f1e3….jpg)



So recently I was watching some World War II documentary on Netflix or some shit with a boomer who worships (((Our Greatest Ally))). I explained to him how the people the Allies found who were emaciated were that way because the Allies bombed their supply lines to hell and they couldn't get enough food for the guards, let alone the prisoners. He admitted that I had a good point and we continued watching. They start talking about Buchenwald (a concentration camp) then proceed to show a gas chamber from Breitenau (a site used to euthanize diseased and those born with mental/physical defects) while still talking about Buchenwald and claiming they gassed jews there. I pointed this out and my friend got suspicious of the program's authenticity. They show pic related as evidence of National Socialist atrocities during the war, and I showed him the original photos, also from pic related. As he was turning off the program because it was obviously propaganda they actually had the balls to mention jewish skin lamp shades and soap. We both laughed as another former proponent of (((Our Greatest Ally))) was turned to National Socialism.

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3c0a24  No.20293


<Zion Don


<the (((reality))) of immigration

Off to cuckchan with you sneaky little jewcunt

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3c0a24  No.20297


>Is /pnd/ a NatSoc board?

It's basically /pol/ from before imkikey took over as BO, with the added bonus of never having to deal with /trannypol/ hanging around like a tumor while flooding the board with cancerous pilpul posts, aside from a few spammers here and there.

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753dfe  No.20298


/pol/ before imkikey was natsoc. This is /pol/ after imkikey, where we’re forced to allow anyone to post anything at any time.

>never having to deal with

You’ve been here for under 5 seconds if you actually think we’ll believe that. They’re allowed to post here and do, constantly.

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70480f  No.20299


It's a board to talk about politics, news, and debate about it, you nigger loving socialist.

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731a32  No.20332

Nah /pnd/ is antisemitic pro-zionist. So like half/pol/ and old /pol/ but with less qboomer glow niggers

Basically it means you pretend you oppose (((them))) and then go on to support every mossad-funded zionist shabbos-goy in the world

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3aba15  No.20334

File: 674fb057ab5d423⋯.jpg (61.89 KB, 466x700, 233:350, UNDEFEATED.jpg)


Drown yourself in semen, my nigger.

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7feb60  No.20338

File: e779d7911b5426f⋯.jpg (46.55 KB, 600x778, 300:389, d89.jpg)



>where people are allowed to post their opinions without being banned for wrongthink

no that's definitely pre-kikey

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000000  No.20339

Threads like this are why 8/pnd/ will never be like 8/pol/. I miss 8/pol/ this thread is straight off 4kike.

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0e9ab9  No.20346

File: e5b16f7292b3484⋯.jpg (949.1 KB, 1317x2239, 1317:2239, air tight.jpg)


> still not air tight

I love how you jews make up some of the most crazy theories that are totally unsupported by evidence and claim to have won the argument.

Why would doors of gas chambers be destroyed by retreating Germans while the rest of the building and camp is completely intact?

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753dfe  No.20347


imkikey banned white nationalism. Post-kikey /pol/ banned nothing. This is exactly the same as post-kikey /pol/, down to the rules. Anyone can post anything here. It’s a multicultural hellhole.

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b3b257  No.20363


All the fascists were decades if not centuries ahead of their time.

Mosley for instance predicted the modern global economy pretty much perfectly

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18e538  No.20368


No, NatSoc means National Socialism which is a specific idealogy. "Fascism" is the umbrella term.

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18e538  No.20369

Yes, any Marxist who says other wise will be banished. Or probally banish themselves again after losing every argument.

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1ffd81  No.20370


No. People of any political persuasion can post here as long as your points are valid and arguments are logical and solid. Preferably with accurate evidence.

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456300  No.20382


It just turns out that NatSoc arguments are better. Anonymity plus lack of censorship always leads to national socialist arguments prevailing.

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000000  No.20383


It's actually Mosley that got me into the far-right. I'd been pretty much lost politically, but his speeches are pretty fuckin' agreeable.

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753dfe  No.20386


Fascism is civic nationalist. National socialism is ethnonationalist.


Therefore only right-wing traditionalists can post here, under your definition. Yet you will defend to the death the “right” of kikes and their ideological puppets to post here.

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92fef6  No.20400


>Far right

nigga wut? You clearly need to further your education.

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000000  No.20405


Where would you place it?

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18e538  No.20421


If those buildings were truly "gas chambers" they would have trace amounts of Zyklon-B which under the right conditions. Like being in high concentration in a building an having a bomb go of nearby. It will explode, sounds like a pretty terrible air-raid shelter when they already had ones on premises.

Not to mention they were retreating, bunkering down is a bad retreat tactic, no?

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18e538  No.20422


While Mussolini was pretty wishy-washy on the specifics he did lay down racial laws and supported the Italianization of regions like Southern-Tyrol and a re-unitment of majority Italian lands like Dalmatia. And at the time o the "Italian Social Republic" he deffiantly was an ethno-nationalist and anti-monarchist.

And the Horthy and Arrow-Cross Party were Ethno-Nat as well as Legionary Romania.

It's really Mosely that is wishy washy, he supported democracy to an extend and was vague on what constituted the "British Race". He did view Europeans as a race though an suppprted a federation of all of Europa.

And at the end of the day all Fascist idealogies are race based now. Classical Fascism, Clerical Fascism and the like. I have yet to meet a modern day Fascist that didn't also support ethno-nationalism. It is a weak point of Fascism that's part of the reason I consider myself National Socalist.

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e52b69  No.20426


You claim to have read some of Mosley's work.

So you should know fascism is third way.

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3f5bd2  No.20430

Pretty much everyone who's not a shill here hates jews, but now all of us are white supremacists and or national socialists

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cfdc4f  No.20434

Holocaust was 100% real

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1ffd81  No.20588


>Yet you will defend to the death the “right” of kikes and their ideological puppets to post here.

Newfags will always need to observe proper debate techniques and arguments, and the truth that is constantly being hidden from them by (((medua))). It also ensures that one's debating skills continue to be honed lest they become dull from lack of use.

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1ffd81  No.20589




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f4b801  No.20592

File: 943c9889a6f780e⋯.jpg (68.2 KB, 586x754, 293:377, DmCuZaEXgAITw1c.jpg)



Blood is our nation so we are part of one.

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cfdc4f  No.20618

Why was Hitler a homosexual?

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699355  No.20762

File: 739e914ce2f4863⋯.png (38.05 KB, 625x626, 625:626, bait739.png)


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c602ed  No.62307


It's a board where free speech is allowed and as a result it invites many. Militant communist (who call themselves tankies,) National socialist (which I guess that's what they call themselves,) An-Comms/Caps/Anarcho-whatever, normies, anyone can actually arrive here and say whatever the dicking fuck they fucking want. Well I guess in theory. Of course, we're all here for one of two reasons, to speak freely or troll. I think everything deviates from that.

Unfortunately, 8chan was a great source of well formatted and objective information. You have probably not seen it but even after the board migration we all talked heavily about this adjustment and the loss of our well formatted posts that hit front page. They would often have to be stickied and 8pol was easily the best source of certain nuggets of information. They did not include ideology, simply observed and reported, and usually what was being reported was really good. Great even.

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d74e51  No.63509

File: d31aaa6f2b1b2c0⋯.jpg (670.89 KB, 1754x1080, 877:540, image-2020-03-06-09-04-31.jpg)


No. It's a faggot board with a faggot power-hungry mod.

>inb4 b& and delet

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a6453a  No.63641


> Anyone is allowed to post anything here at any time

unless it's a Sol Pais thread

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d7ebe6  No.63862


Damn those niggers are ugly…

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7d660e  No.63995

File: 8020cd79c914632⋯.jpg (46.94 KB, 497x800, 497:800, Hanna Reitsch.jpg)

check the catalog faggot

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