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ba06e5  No.97043

Brothers and sisters i believe my rebirth is near, it is time to leave my old self behind and begin my path of self improvement, i shall now be moving away from here to achieve greater heights and greater glories, i urge you to come along with me, to follow in the steps of self improvement, but to those that refuse then goodbye, i wish you luck in your endeavours nevertheless, i hope you soon see the light, i may return one day but as a different person, farewell and thank you all for the years of help and entertainment.

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000000  No.97048

And you had to kill a fucking thread for this. Next time you start your journey over, be quiet about it, nigger.

Nevertheless, good luck. Now fuck off.

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931eea  No.97083


He did it in order to bury the based books thread. always archive those books thread, and always re-open them.

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1e6dc7  No.97087

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9b5f99  No.97098

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I will save this thread for faggot OP and give everyone something to think about as we each embark upon our own age-old journey…

Precious Are the Moments of World-Making…

Many feel that we cannot waste this crisis.

A Potentially Ecstatic Ordeal is Ahead – a Potentially Beautiful or Redemptive Tragedy….

>embed "WORTH IT"

<inb4 all the inb4s

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793a06  No.97362

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