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File: 6e3327ef46d69e5⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1920x1290, 64:43, Flyer.png)

cb5e01  No.96629

Here is a link to a double sided flyer with specific instructions-times, days to meet etc., (dissertation on back). The point is to establish a common time/place for like minded people to find each other and form groups for things like civil defense, emergencies etc. Make copies, hand them out, tape them up. ACT.


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efca15  No.96631


Proud Boys need to fuck right back off to their gay orgy Q caves.

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446a0c  No.96859


Proud boys? Q? Gay orgies? You either have the wrong thread or some issues you need to work through.

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5bf856  No.96875

What's with the encyclopedic lefty meme?

Try it again in lmao bottom text

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