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a81615  No.96535

The entire federal prison camp in Otisville N.Y. is being sent home due to an outbreak of COVID-19=

Inmates have been sent home for for at least 60 days. Their furlough from prison will be used as time served.

I'll bet you didn't know the USA has jewish prisons, much less that there are 100 of them, but here it is in black and white:

Source: The Yeshiva World News World Headquarters, NYC

> The entire federal prison camp in Otisville N.Y. is being sent home due to an outbreak of COVID-19. Among those being released are Michael Cohen, President Donald Trump’s former personal attorney and former NYS Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos. At least 14 inmates and seven staff members at the complex have tested positive for the virus.



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022404  No.96612

Ironic. If (((they))) didn't "accident" Epstein, he'd probably walk now.

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ce61af  No.96778

Why do the jews reject multiculturalism? Those prisons should be integrated not segregated.

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