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File: ff688b0fcec3205⋯.jpg (48.07 KB, 585x501, 195:167, helper_is_the_law_around_t….jpg)

a5dd85  No.96441

I want to know more about our AG Bill Barr. What do you anons know heard some shit about Ruby Ridge but just checking in to see what we can find to better know who we are dealing with

found this bit of his history very interesting https://www.justsecurity.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/Authority-of-the-Federal-Bureau-of-Investigation-to-Override-Customary-International-Law-OLC-1989.pdf

allows us to arrest faggots in other countries weather they like it or not. So if we are hunting down child traffickers this is a big fucking deal and Barr verified its legitimacy.

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a5dd85  No.96443


link above had to do at the time with Panama and Noreaga when Bill Barr was assistant AG? to Bush senior. Given the Panama Canal the location is pretty important regarding national security and trade too. So I could see why we would need this instead of trying to pull off a coup or take military action to remove the president

we could just arrest the fucker and avoid a potential mess. idk its an interesting use of power

also he plays a mean bag pipe https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_nhN0Hn4nrY

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cb6545  No.96447

>heard some shit about Ruby Ridge

you're adapting, trumpnigger shills.

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07ba4e  No.96451


>berniekike shill D&C'ing

Trump is literallly the savior of humanity. Do you have any idea how many kikes are being de-kiked from further kikery now? The unkikening has never been this level of kike due to lesser kikeability.

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a5dd85  No.96452



I am just now dipping my toes into this but am thirsty for knowledge on it since it is so fucked

I was pretty young when all this went down and was just getting into pussy so was interested in that at the time

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cb6545  No.96455

File: 2a7d2ee42f1f6ab⋯.png (278.2 KB, 500x664, 125:166, you.png)


>Do you have any idea how many kikes are being de-kiked from further kikery now?

No, how many?

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07ba4e  No.96465


>If i kike harder by cherry picking like a dumb inbred ultrakike pretending to be human, then, it will trick the gentiles to consider me one of them hehehe.

Trump is beyond humanity and the constitution. He is beyond multiculture, abrahamism and national borders. Hopefully this gook pandemic will last forever and he will take military to get even more power.

Praise kek and worship Trump - for the glory of future lampshades.

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