Speaking of 9/11.
>There’s pictures circulating of Jewish “art students” on one of the floors That had plane impact installing charges on the walls and supports inside twin towers.
That's false.
>Elinoff made a video which includes reports of the Israeli vans found with explosives on 9/11, in an attempt to sell itself as authentic. Elinoff talks about the New York Times article on the reputed Gelatin stunt. The article dated Saturday, August 18, 2001, by Shaila K. Dewan, is entitled "Balcony Scene (Or Unseen) Atop the World; Episode at Trade Center Assumes Mythic Qualities".
>It mentions Gelatin's book "The B-Thing", which runs to 62 pages in the hardcover editions. The stunt supposedly involved temporarily removing one of the WTC windows to create a "balcony", for 19 minutes, early on a Sunday morning in March 2000. A description of the book states June rather than March 2000.
>That claims Gelatin smuggled the balcony materials in under their pullovers, the balcony could only support one person at a time, the putty around the windows was scratched off and the windows (only 18 inches wide) were pulled away with suction pads. It would have been March rather than June 2000, since the stunt is variously described as having taken place at dawn and at 6am, which coincide in March. And because Gelatin's "World Views" residency in WTC 1 was winter 1999-2000 rather than summer 2000, as shown here in the Lower Manhattan Cultural Council's (LMCC) list of artists.
>As the New York Times article correctly states, Gelatin shared free studio space on the 91st floor of the North Tower with fourteen other artists. They were Taleen Berberian, Bruce Bosnan, Patty Chang, Geoffrey Detrani, Martina Gecelli, Kelly Hashimoto, Emily Jacir, Susan Kelly, Diane Ludin, Tamara Mewis, Slink Moss, Prema Murthy, Marcos Rosales, and Kimberly Tomes.
>[. . .]
>So the "Gelatin are suspicious" disinformation was being circulated six years before Jonathan Elinoff tried to muddy the waters with his additional twist. Elinoff claims that Hanan Serfaty is listed in the World Views program. Trouble is, he isn't. Serfaty was an Israeli Mossad fake "art student" who lived in Hollywood, Florida, as shown in the authoritative document known as the "DEA report".
>But he was not on the World Views program.
>The LMCC website has plenty to say about the World Views program.
>But of the various names used by Serfaty, no Hanan(e) Serfaty / Sarfati / Sai appears on the site.
>Gelatin is about the nearest name to Serfaty on the World Views program, and it was probably Gelatin that inspired Jonathan Elinoff to think of "Serfaty" as a means of concocting his recent hoax.
>It's funny to see that, in promoting their lie about Serfaty, the Core of Corruption promoters also claim:
<Hanan Serfaty was arrested by DEA agents in connection to the Israeli spy ring. What makes him stand out, is that he was listed as being an art student who was apart (sic) of the World Views program, which was in the World Trade Center on floors 90 and 91 in the Lower Manhatten (sic) Cultural Council. Although he is not listed by Gelitin as a member of “The B-Thing,” the listing of the identities of the other 14 students who were on floor 91 at the time was never released to the public, neither was the total list of those involved in the stunt which numbers at a minimum of 6.
>The deceivers would have to pretend the identities were kept secret, hoping to confuse and preventing their claims from being immediately holed below the waterline. As shown above, the identities of the other 14 are public knowledge. Not only that, but as web.archive.org demonstrates, that information was already in the public domain in September 2007, if not much earlier.
>(See Winter 1999-2000.)
>These art students were about seven floors below Floor 98, the floor where the WTC 1 collapse initiated in the impact area. A clue as to how the thermite or other accelerant was installed lies in the fact that the impact area is correlated with the upgraded floors.
>And how were these (non-Jewish, genuine) art students supposed to have demolished WTC 2 and WTC 7, and smuggled all their explosives past security? The "art student" demolition theory is crazier than the "Arabs did it" claims.