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bb5233  No.94612

The outlook wasn't brilliant for the Wuhan crew that day;

The clock said half-past two, with but one more dog to flay.

And then as Fido yelped and howled, while sizzling in the wok,

A clan of chinks prepared to dine on live-cooked puppy's cock.

The straggling hound fought hard to live, in deep despair. The Changs

Reached for their chopsticks, yowled like cats, and nipped at Fido's wang.

They thought, "If only me could eat a suff'ring dog pee-pee"

"Me would get so horny: Tiger Wang Virility!"

But Yowdong bit the weiner off and swallowed it en masse–

The other chinks were flaming mad! "Me kick yo chinky ass!"

So upon that stricken multitude grim melancholy sat,

The only meal to cure their ails was soup made from a bat.

They walked to Wuhan market (slant-eyed bug men cannot drive),

Perused the wretched smorgasbord of beasts, dead and alive.

And when they reached the bat depot they cried out with childlike glee:

"This batty soup will be yum-yum and make pee-pee stiffy!"

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bb5233  No.94613


They grabbed handfuls of fresh live bats: Fruit, vampire, bald and hairy,

Rats, hamsters, centipedes and spiders - all that they could carry.

They slurped the rodents' beating hearts like oysters on the half shell,

The bugs were crunched like popcorn (note: the kind that's served in Hell).

There was ease in Chingding's manner as he fetched a cast iron pot;

Tossed in a human baby (a live action "tater tot"),

And then, responding to the cheers, gnawed off the infant's ears,

Yelled, "Baby ear bring New Year cheer!" and swilled the baby's tears.

Ten slanted coolie eyes watched while the babe came to a boil,

With garlic, salt, some MSG, and pints of gutter oil.

And when the youngling liquified, bones bobbing up and down,

Xiping tossed in the fodder from their shopping trip downtown.

And now the feast was ready, and the broth doled out in bowls,

The ching-chongs slurped grotesquely (it is clear they don't have souls).

The additives were still alive and fought hard for survival,

All for a godforsaken quest for chink pee-pee revival.

The slurping stopped abruptly when they heard a muffled roar,

"Wait wait! Me late!" cried Ding-Dong as he burst in through the door.

Their friend Ding-Dong cleans toilets at the biosafety lab,

Embezzling sacs of pubic hairs, turds, smegma, snot, and crabs.

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bb5233  No.94614


He garnished every Hunan soup with the hard-earned Chinese treat,

Tossed in the bushy tail of a stray dog on the street.

He opened up his trousers, pumped his hips, and had a moan,

And added to the soup a brand new lime-sized kidney stone.

Then Ding-Dong stirred each bowl of soup with his bare unwashed hands,

And sucked each finger dry, then said, "This soup it seem too bland."

He reached into his pocked and pulled out used nasal swabs,

His dumpster diving prize that he purloined while on the job.

"Now soup dericious!" Ding-Dong said. But then, there was a cough.

Then many more as they hocked plegm into a large steel trough.

"Now drink!" Ding-Dong commanded, as his visage gleamed with sweat,

While projectile vomit splashed into the cauldron like a jet.

The zipperheads chugged heartily, imbibed the cursed chowder,

Then Chingding filled each goblet with the contents of his bladder.

"We drink to health!" he hollered, as he held his chalice high,

Then quaffed his Yellow River stream right from his unzipped fly.

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bb5233  No.94615


The culinary orgy ended late into the night,

All patrons laid their sloped heads down on pillows and slept tight.

The dreams that night were feverish, a harbinger of doom,

"Small price to pay for pee-pee to get hard again like broom!"

Yet nocturnal tumescence still had dodged the chinkish pips,

Despite the ancient Chinese cure of eating Grandma's hip.

The men awakened, one by one, with weiners far from hard,

And first things first, relieved themselves all over their front yards.

A feeling of dis-ease began to settle on the troop,

The malaise was apparent as they squatted down to poop.

For rather than a sausage log pushed through with smooth extrusion,

A spray of magma shit hot like napalm was the conclusion.

Then grand mal tonic-clonic seizures struck the baffled squad,

They twitched and lurched and coughed and shat atop the soiled sod.

The neighbors curiously started pouring from their houses,

To come investigate. But then they all received big douses

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bb5233  No.94616


Of phosphorescent snot and poo, in mouth, eyes, ears, and noses,

And soon their own personalized brew shot out of them like hoses.

Within the hour the countryside of China was infected,

With BSL-5 viral pox from ching chongs un-erected.

The yellow hoi polloi denied that there had been a problem,

And traveled 'round the globe to infect it top to bottom.

The pox infected lungs, kidneys, the brain's middle frontal gyrus,

And soon the world fell ill with waves of toxic China virus.

The world economy shut down, the countries sealed their borders.

Starbucks went tits-up and every restaurant filled no orders.

But some industries flourished, so it wasn't all that bad,

The camwhores made a fortune draining every horny Chad.

The negroid race, those congoid coons, were hit with disproportion,

Their shucking and their jiving set the virus into motion.

Careening to their comrades' fate (those stricken with Ebola),

The niggers shared their crack pipes, hoes, gats, teef, and Coca-Colas.

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bb5233  No.94618


And one by one they shuffled off this mortal coil so mighty,

But not without attributing their woes in life to whitey.

With elevated death rates for each black Corona case,

Each bluegum blamed their self-made destiny on the white race.

Throughout this debacle is seemed so strange that Pooinloos,

Would not get sick, despite not washing hands when they doo-doo.

How Indians stay free of coof may give you a great shock,

But just recall that every other pajeet is a doc.

And Sweden somehow plods on though infection still gets bigger,

But honestly their biggest risk are the gangs of rapist niggers.

Some Swedes will die of coughing fits, and some of septic shock,

But most will die being raped to death by mangy nigger cocks.

Now Shlomo in his bunker rubs his hands with Semite glee,

"My Tikkun Olam Talmud Task is just about complete!"

"Within a year the goyim will be shoah'd from the globe,"

"We Chosenites will finally be free of xenophobes!"

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bb5233  No.94619


The Chinese were too stupid to be tinkering with arms

Of epic plague proportions. They fucked up, and they got harmed.

The world economy was based on worthless US dollars,

And when the Fed imploded, civilization lay in squalor.

Good old Uncle Shlomo had been planning this for ages,

Doped up on blood transfusions from goy children kept in cages.

Though confident he was that he would decimate the world,

He failed to consider what the demiurge would unfurl.

At half-past-three one starry night, he woke up to a sound,

Some burglars broke into his house, and they were dressed like clowns.

They leapt upon old Shlomo while he kvetched and writhed amok,

*Honk honk!* one honked, and struggled to grab onto Shlomo's cock.

"Oy vey! Gevalt! A knish!" he bleated, struggling to get free,

"You'll never get my schwanz!" He yelled, "I am an amputee!"

The burglars, baffled, halted. Then they listened with intent.

"My name is Harvey Weinstein!" And he showed them what that meant.

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bb5233  No.94620

File: f6cf5bdb41b47eb⋯.jpg (73.95 KB, 720x511, 720:511, 1586482162710.jpg)


Beneath the old man's trousers it was barren as can be,

With nothing but a few pubes and a small hole to go pee.

The clowns retreated, terrified by what they had just seen,

The mohel must have twitched too much while trimming Weinstein's ween.

Oh, somewhere in this favored land the sun is shining bright;

The band is playing somewhere, and somewhere hearts are light.

In Israel men are laughing, as they gaze upon the vista;

The China virus is, for them, a World Series Bat Mitzvah.


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e45c53  No.94625


You have a containment thread.

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