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/pnd/ - Politics, News, Debate

and shitslinging
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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow
The existence of black people is inexcusable

File: 66e58fcaeb574c1⋯.jpg (40.05 KB, 600x600, 1:1, pill_white_G9GPVkF_600.jpg)

File: cdcba4578f9957f⋯.jpg (89.1 KB, 1024x521, 1024:521, murdochmurdoch.jpg)

5b837a  No.89142

I've had some epiphanies over the past few weeks.

Sometimes these things come to me in waves, but they are just thoughts that I am trying to string together in some sort of cohesive form but not really - they are more like random whitepills that I am convinced of for no real reason and keep telling myself.

> Acceleration is on the way, whether I want it or not.

> Businesses are boarding up their windows to prevent looting - looting by niggers.

> They know its coming.

> Blacks aren't obeying any "Stay at Home" orders, so they, due to their minds that do not comprehend authority, will be out and about spreading the virus around to each other, slowly killing each other off little by little.

> Recession is DEFINITELY on its way.

> We're headed for another depression.

> Gas prices in my town hit $1.64 a gallon today. Wish I had an underground tank to fill up.

> Fed Interest rates are at ZERO right now - The Government will be 'borrowing' money at Zero percent - I expect a rise in infrastructure work.

> Due to this Chinese Virus, borders will be more difficult to cross. Already, flights from other continents are being banned from coming into the U.S. and Airline Companies are taking a big hit.

> Due to stricter border enforcement, there will be more of a sense of Nationalism. There already is a sense of Xenophobia from everyone that seems to have been gaining some ground, which I am grateful for.

> There was always a sense of Nationalism just between States - a competitive nature - but each State-specific brand of Nationalism has been getting stronger due to Governors implementing 'Stay at Home' orders. Kentucky, for example, closed off traffic to and from (correct me if I am wrong on the particular on this) their state. They are probably thinking, "Fuck all those other states. They can Fuck off and Die."

> Instead of blackpilling, take the whitepill bros.

> I've already gone that 5G-causes-fake-corona-virus route and I have disproven it. If you want to keep believing it, go ahead. I won't stop you. I don't care.

> Still a little bit goncerned about the ID2020 thing, but if Christians would become aware, through social media, about inserting a chip under their skin and then equating it to the mark of the beast, then they will flip out and refuse to get chipped. Just watch - or try and let them know those two points. Regardless, there is a little bit of worry about that from me, but I won't lose any sleep from it.

> No - we won't get another Hitler. I wish we would though.

> Maybe a new "Hitler" will come to us.

> Why don't you be our new "Hitler?"

> The EU is going to be in complete shambles by July. The exchange rate the right now is $1.084 = 1 EUR - The last time I saw something like that was when right before Germany converted from Deutsche Mark to the Euro. (I lived there at the time. Okayyyyyyy)

(those aren't even all my thoughts that I've been having - they're just the ones that popped into my head while I was writing this)

I mean, we're always going to have some dudes out there trying to take power - like jews, a Bill Gates, or a George Soros - trying to buy power - but people outnumber these guys at like a huge ratio, at like 2 to 1, (that was a joke heh heh) so dude, what's stopping people from walking into their houses and just telling them to come out, and publicly explaining to them - maybe live on youtube - about how they are hurting everyone else due to their selfishness and that people are worried about stuff like ID2020 and 5G. Not hurting them of course, really just encouraging them to listen real carefully. Help them concentrate. You know there were camps for that where people used to learn how to concentrate.

I like you guys - there's nobody I'd rather be with than you guys.

When I showed up on 8/pol/ you guys let me into your magic secret Nazi hideout and showed me why you loved Hitler, why Hitler was right, and why Nationalism is a super great idea. Before that, I didn't know anything other than what ZOG put in front of me. You showed me a lot, and in turn I try to repay it back.

So maybe I can kind of repay you guys by giving you the whitepill of my thoughts, instead of using a mean passive aggressive remark trying to be some kind of shitlord, because I want to tell you that if we just stick together, bitching, complaining, and shitposting the whole way, like a busted up old train rolling down the tracks, that things are going to be okay for us.

I really believe this in my heart

Thank you guize

I Love You.

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036674  No.89194


Hope is what keeps me going

Have you given up already?

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be7e45  No.89196

File: 42f85816a7a5197⋯.jpg (206.64 KB, 451x600, 451:600, 1543790753002.jpg)

File: 99e568b1af8474f⋯.jpg (238.82 KB, 1080x1350, 4:5, 1571856170874.jpg)

File: f4228ddf50843b5⋯.jpg (341.87 KB, 2048x1550, 1024:775, 1583064571799.jpg)


don't worry, this is a shill.

thanks for the hopeful wholesomepost OP. we love you too.

the main thing I remember when people are getting down about this or that trend/projection that some expert has made about how many minorities or foreigners will be in this or that western country, or about how race mixing is on the rise, white suicide rates, whatever downtrodden stats they have is this, those projections are based on a mythical world where nothing changes and things just continue indefinitely in the liberal progressive (aka globohomo commie) "paradise."

obviously things change dramatically all across the world multiple times a century. whenever they do, those prior trends are totally meaningless.

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c18cd2  No.89226

File: d93bb7d0bc389f4⋯.jpg (328.97 KB, 648x456, 27:19, white_women_highest_loyalt….jpg)

File: 1691486c745b106⋯.png (33.55 KB, 414x550, 207:275, White_women_loyal.png)

File: 4ded51f0523959e⋯.jpg (329.48 KB, 648x540, 6:5, white_women_loyalty_2.jpg)

File: 2ab90a8821d69dd⋯.jpg (287.18 KB, 648x494, 324:247, white_women_loyalty_3.jpg)

File: 73c572716317a87⋯.jpg (746.13 KB, 3000x2561, 3000:2561, white_women_white_pill.jpg)


>whenever they do, those prior trends are totally meaningless.

100 years of globohomo efforts could be dashed in an instant.

Also, thanks for posting a rape/murder victim in a whitepill thread you faggot

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e4dd89  No.89240

File: 4af584182e534b5⋯.jpg (210.91 KB, 680x450, 68:45, 20200403_000528.jpg)

Here, have one of my personal favorites.


>In June 1694, Tatar Muslim forces raided Polish territory with the intention of pillaging the countryside and capturing prisoners for ransom. The Polish forces sent to stop them consisted of seven chorągwie of hussars and pancerni from the Trenches of the Holy Trinity (Okopy Świętej Trójcy) and The Redoubt of Virgin Mary (Szaniec Panny Marii) strongholds, approximately 400 men in total; historian Mirosław Nagielski estimates 100 hussars and 300 pancerni. Tatar numbers were estimated at 25,000 to 70,000, with 40,000 being the most commonly quoted figure. John III Sobieski, the king of Poland at the time(And leader of the Polish forces at the famous battle of Vienna), also mentioned the figure of 40,000.

>The first encounter took place on the fields near Hodów. The 400-strong Polish cavalry charged the 700-strong Tatar vanguard and made them withdraw. Shortly afterwards Polish forces retreated to Hodów village due to overwhelming enemy numbers, and proceeded to fortify themselves using heavy wooden fences left there from earlier Tatar invasions. For the next 6 hours Polish troops resisted relentless Tatar attacks. Even after the Polish ran out of bullets, they continued to fire at the enemy, using Tatar arrowheads as improvised ammunition for their muskets.

>Unable to defeat the Poles, the Tatars sent Polish-speaking Lipka Tatars to convince the Polish troops to surrender. When the Polish commander replied "Come and get us if you can", the Tatars withdrew to Kamieniec Podolski and gave up on the entire raid, having gained nearly nothing despite large troop losses and vast numerical advantage.

Do not die heroically like the men at Thermopylae. Win heroically like the men at Hodow. Discipline and ingenuity are force multipliers.

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036674  No.89257


> Women aren't into mystical crazies who don't have earning potential.


but you do have earning potential anon

If you're even in here, I guarantee you that you are smarter than the average person out there

Chinamen are intelligent, but they do not have creativity.

be creative.

I'm not going to repeat what every teacher must have said to you or your parents, "If little Johnny would only apply himself, he would get great grades," bullshit.

Its boring out there

those things never stimulated my mind either

It was as if I was living in a world made out of cardboard

go outside

even if it is raining

right now



it doesn't matter

go outside and take a deep breath.

I will do the same right now.

I need to...


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036674  No.89267

File: 3045e2c5b0de038⋯.png (632.05 KB, 1677x917, 1677:917, shitty_moon_pic.png)

File: a2b0ff6d0548360⋯.png (1.77 MB, 1695x951, 565:317, stars.png)


its night

the stars are out

and the moon is too dude

feels good

almost midnight here

closing my eyes and breathing in deeply felt good.

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036674  No.89273

File: 68e98146107914d⋯.png (207.26 KB, 419x570, 419:570, murdochmurdoch.png)


You won't give up

maybe you're just hitting a point of low morale.

practice meditation

sit in a comfortable seat with the lights off (the monitor and computer off too - the computer makes noise) and just think about your breathing

count your breaths

in - 1

out - 2

in - 3

out - 4

try to take slow breaths

counting to 4

just keep repeating it

so what if your mind wanders

it always does

just go back to the meditation bro

I set my watch for an hour and a half lol

I don't actually meditate that long - maybe a half an hour - but just do it for 10 minutes

sometimes I even fall asleep - but that's okay

that's why they call it "Practicing Meditation" haha!

I'm here a lot

I'm sure other anons are here a lot too

reach out

if you're blackpilling let someone know

you know that someone is going to call you a faggot for it though, but its all good

we're in this together just like in the OP.

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036674  No.89278

File: e5544d4ab0ee9ed⋯.gif (1.9 MB, 700x394, 350:197, 1521485380_1521475370562.gif)


oh yeah, so if we are reincarnated, why are you letting your spirit, your 'Inner True Most Radiant Self' sit there and be unrealized? talk to it. its there bro. It really is. that's what makes us creative - not like chinamen.

chinamen are only imitators and copycats. they can't be creative. niggers can't even think lel - and jews have no sense of morals.

you know that already. I don't have to tell you.

Unless you are a jew, nigger or chinaman, you have so much hope anon

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036674  No.89279

look I have to go to bed, but I hope to see you tomorrow on the board

good night anon!

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fbe82f  No.89404

File: a73f1badb6585b2⋯.jpg (149.15 KB, 1024x627, 1024:627, Whitepill.jpg)


>When you understand reincarnation, you understand what I'm talking about.

It's kind of pointless to tell something to a person you think won't understand it. If I think someone doesn't understand multivariate calculus, it would be mental masturbation on my part to then drop something they would only understand if they understood multivariate calculus. You can feel free to kill yourself and reincarnate.

>Asses and Elbows

Ah shit, well now it is completely different. You can still kill yourself and reincarnate though.

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420255  No.89418


>It's kind of pointless to tell something to a person you think won't understand it. If I think someone doesn't understand multivariate calculus, it would be mental masturbation on my part to then drop something they would only understand if they understood multivariate calculus.

This is usually reflective of either immaturity or else manipulative behaviour. I don't say this to slam anyone - I was guilty of elements of both for longer than I'd like to admit. But anyone who's feeling blackpilled by being a marginal weirdo should take heart; we were and are the supercrystallization seeds. Being mentally orthogonal to the powers that be makes us effectively invisible to them and they will never, ever take us seriously, and that's one of our greatest advantages.

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488d4e  No.89421

File: 89b02814a8e68db⋯.mp4 (350.95 KB, 320x180, 16:9, 89b02814a8e68db6a7527139df….mp4)


>Asses and Elbows is back

I missed you, buddy! Glad to see you found your way back home. This place just didn't feel right without you around.

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838639  No.89441

There are more white people on Earth Right now than there ever were in history. Sure, our enemies outnumber us 10 to 1 but they’re literal niggers and low iq retards.

The Jew world order can’t function without us and the weaker we get the more fragile the system becomes.

Like a Phoenix from the ashes we will rise. It might not be in our lifetime but it will happen. Our work here only accelerates a process that is already happening anyways.

Let’s just hope that we break the (((wheel))) the next time.

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fbe82f  No.89485

File: 1d94cac46ec6c81⋯.jpg (71.95 KB, 750x736, 375:368, Enlightened_drug_user.jpg)


>of either immaturity or else manipulative behaviour

Or both. People generally tend to resort to arguments that are closer to their own mentality.

>we were and are the supercrystallization seeds. Being mentally orthogonal to the powers that be

Just because he said dumb shit doesn't mean you have to out-stupid him. Talk like a normal human being.


>Without being taken seriously, one cannot skim into the system, take a small chunk of capital out of it, and then turn that resource against it

It is very much possible. Probably except for you. And not because of some curse or a magical barrier stopping the blackpilled from entering, but rather because you are useless. You seek not to change yourself but rather to drag everyone else down to your level into your pity party to make yourself feel better. Being useless doesn't mean you are inadequate material for the government to harvest taxes, they are able to get their resources from you just fine. It simply means you are a hinderance to the people around you. This is something that is very easy to change, all you need to do is improve upon yourself and do more than just beg to people for approval.

>if things were different

If only the world revolved around you and turned into whatever your heart desires without having to put any work into it in the slightest. Just bitch and moan to magic it into existance.

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4a2d0a  No.100483

File: b90e5469fd1fa61⋯.jpg (47.54 KB, 480x708, 40:59, 1585905832574.jpg)

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790a94  No.100571

I don't wanna be the typical chan contrarian and counter-signal the whitepill, because for the most part you're completely correct.

But it's telling when you gloss over this one part here

>we're always going to have some dudes out there trying to take power - like jews, a Bill Gates, or a George Soros - trying to buy power - but people outnumber these guys at like a huge ratio

Firstly, the people you mentioned are nowhere near leaders or even that influential themselves. They're just figureheads.

And if you think that something like this, a controlled demolition of the economy, couldn't possibly be planned or even co-opted by other nations/groups, you're a bit naive.

And secondly

>people outnumber these guys at like a huge ratio

You just watched the entire world go along with some of the most illogical police state measures and punishments ever, over night, out of fear of an ever-present invisible death fog. To the point where they are snitching on their own neighbors for having friends over or not being exactly two meters apart from each other. You have too much faith in the average person here. IMO you need to concern yourself more with the actually intelligent 5% of people out there.

Again, don't wan't to push any blackpills, but don't let yourself become naive or complacent here.

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a25e0e  No.101023

I've got a whitepill. Why does Israel have so much power? Leverage, be that by blackmail or weapons of mass destruction. 2019 big year, very important year, what happened? The whole Epstein thing everybody knows, but what everybody overlooks is the incident with the Russian submarine and the rumors of Israeli satellite weapons being taken down. Lets pretend for a second this is true, what would you do if 2 of your major means of leverage were neutralized, what would you do if you had no more leverage? You shake the bioweapon card out of your sleeve. This is where we are now in 2020. The half assed wu flu hysteria is the final strike of a wounded and cornered beast. They're finished, they won't have their leverage, they hoped to leverage (((their))) cure, but none of this went how it was supposed to. That is my whitepill for you today

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790a94  No.101045

File: 496b73bff6bf250⋯.png (191.06 KB, 805x504, 115:72, aipac.PNG)

File: 7458055019d32b2⋯.png (521.51 KB, 728x654, 364:327, Unit_8200.PNG)


You forgot the part where they either directly own or do the R&D for all the biggest tech companies in the world, where they have (one of?) the largest percentage of population in high-tech, biggest private investment in high-tech, and so on.

i.e. they will dominate the 'fourth industrial revolution' - which people have said will be as revolutionary as the industrial revolution - and will completely own the keys to the REAL power ('leverage') of A.I./big data/connectivity/internet of things/cybersecurity/cloud computing/robotics etc.

Do you understand what you have when you own the first real A.I, hooked up to quantum supercomputers and the entire world's 'internet of things'? You have something that can literally (eventually) create matter out of thin air, and physically control anything, and anyone, hooked up to the grid. You have a literal golem god. And maybe they're still destined to eventually be defeated by the real God, but Israel are the complete opposite of cornered right now - unless something changes, they are on the path to complete power and control.

>Now we’re at 37 [$37,000 per capita income] and we’re catching up to Japan, it won’t take us long. We’ll pass them probably. Which you might think is amazing. But I’d say ’37,000, that’s it?’ We? We who have the largest component of high-tech in any economy in the world, where about 13% of our people are in high tech. 13%. Okay that’s very, very big to be directly involved in high tech, that’s a very large number. And we’re only $37,000 per capita income? It’s absurd, because we should be a lot more, and we will be a lot more.

>Because the intersection of big data, connectivity, and artificial intelligence, and what it does in robotics, and genetics, and all the other fields – that is changing our world in rapid, rapid succession. And the future belongs to those who can seize this change. We are positioned right at the cusp of this change, right at the centre of this change. We can take it, and we are. It’s changing us – it’s giving us powers and prowess that we never had before. It is a force-multiplier.

>Cyber is the real domain of power. It’s a huge domain of power

>[Israel is] definitely in the top five cyberpowers in the world. I think it’s safe to say we’re not #5, and I’d argue we’re not #4, and then from here on we can start arguing

- Netanyahu at Sheldon Adelson's 'School of Entrepreneurship' in 2016

Source: [watch from 7:00]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8uqwsb1TjQs&t=420s

>Look at the ten leading companies in 2006 – five energy companies, one IT company – Microsoft. And a mere ten years later, 2016, a blink of an eye in historical terms, it’s completely reversed. Five IT companies, one energy company left. You know these companies: Apple, Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Facebook. Guess what? They all have research centers in Israel. All of them, major research centers. And they’re not alone. There are hundreds more

>We’re one-tenth of one percent of the world’s population, and we get a whopping 20% of global, private investment in cyber. We’re punching 200 times above our weight. That’s very strong

- Netanyahu at AIPAC in 2018, pic related

This is what a lot of people don't understand, and you need to watch that video above - Israel's power comes from entrepreneurs and private businesses involved in high-tech. They train Mossad agents up under Unit 8200 and the Talpiot Program, then install them as the CEOs of 'start ups', and then get sunk investment, especially from Russian-Israeli oligarchs and Silicon Valley 'entrepreneurs', and become the world's biggest companies.

Just look at Adallom, the company that does Microsoft's cloud computing, who themselves won the $1 billion contract for the Pentagon's own cloud data. Adallom was started by graduates of Unit 8200 and Talpiot, and was funded by entrepreneur Zohar Zisapel, the 'Bill Gates of Israel', who owns high-tech companies all over the world. The US Pentagon has now been officially, openly infiltrated by elite Mossad agents, who now control all of their business and mission data.

See: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=knSNWNTXSng

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790a94  No.101046

File: d2164f980e3130d⋯.png (511.6 KB, 637x599, 637:599, billgates.PNG)

File: d36d8dd514fe2d9⋯.png (392.06 KB, 608x409, 608:409, qualcomm.PNG)

File: 8adf2919d090e70⋯.png (755.91 KB, 834x652, 417:326, levandowski.PNG)


Has any political talking head EVER told you these things? THIS is the topic of topics that they/we should be pounding on and concentrating our action on - how Israel rules the world through high-tech, and how they must be stopped from dominating the 'fourth industrial revolution'. Ever asked or heard a Trump supporter or American nationalist in general talk about 'muh greatest enemy' allying with 'muh greatest enemy' China, SPECIFICALLY in high-tech? There's a redpill to wedge in right there - can you imagine what would happen if the massive MAGA/Evangelical Christian crowd that largely keeps the Israel lobby afloat were not only privy to this, but forced the Israeli lobby to comment on it?

>What does Israel's future 5G network have to do with coronavirus?

>What makes 5G so important for Trump and the US is that it is predicted to soon serve as the backbone for all critical infrastructure and is viewed by experts as having the potential to be as transformative for the world as the invention of electricity was in the 19th century.

>Israeli-Chinese relations have also flourished in recent years and Beijing is today Israel’s biggest infrastructure partner, building roads, tunnels, ports, railroads and more in deals valued at tens of billions of shekels

>“We need to decide if we are with the Chinese or the Americans and the government understands this very well,”


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e8a2b4  No.107520

File: 25d3f9b9357d13c⋯.jpg (25.78 KB, 429x601, 429:601, Cobbett.jpg)

White pill wizard meme magigh needed on the purported excellence of faggots in to fashion. Faggot sourced fashion is disgusting. Kike terror drives this market. Ground effect: all these globalist invaders and rent seeking brow'n'yerro wahmen vamping in pleb lads standards is demoralizing. Not a minor obscenity. Action from classy white gents on this grotesque cultural terror would be great.

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e0af79  No.107523


Doubt it. Many countries already have mostly a separate internet. And the number is inevitably going to increase. It's quite funny to look at that list of the world's largest companies and realize I have never paid a single cent to any of them and if they all stopped existing my life wouldn't change one bit. So where's all this power you talk about? Facebook is number seven? Sounds like a load of shit.

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601c4a  No.107532

File: 3cd7a3e91d6fb2d⋯.webm (7.88 MB, 720x480, 3:2, Extraterrestrial.webm)


> quantum supercomputers

> that can create matter

> I swear it's not just kike magic to steal money

< Being this retarded in <current year>

I fucking hate the QC morons and now you suggest these things can create matter???? Gas yourself, preferably with a physics experiment.


>I've got a whitepill. Why does Israel have so much power?

< It's not money goy

Fuck you, Ping.

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f662f3  No.130389

File: e299ba8effb01d4⋯.mp4 (2.13 MB, 640x640, 1:1, Antian.mp4)

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bd75f7  No.130402

File: 6fea7c94945bae3⋯.png (96.33 KB, 284x177, 284:177, 0_ce6lXk0cmGyilq1K_.png)


Honestly, whats stopping some cs spergs from coming into silicon valley companies, gathering a bunch of data and then snowdening them for everything?

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f662f3  No.130405


It has happened.


Google is just a branch of the American regime though so don't expect anyone within that power structure to do anything against them.

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bd75f7  No.130409


No, you don't understand I am talking about say a few hundred people coming into silicon valley and going to every single major tech company and exposing them, leaking how they are tracking people, leaking their backroom dealings, leaking their serverside code, everything. I am talking about a massive exposure. A scandal so big that no one can deny it like Epstein except this time there is no ambiguity.

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f662f3  No.130414

File: f46facd1258516a⋯.jpg (487.11 KB, 1382x2048, 691:1024, pedophiles.jpg)


I think the leaker on the video I posted is pretty damning.

The jewish media will always manufacture ambiguity in any report that damages jewish supremacy. That's one of the reasons they exist.

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17426b  No.130417


No one cares. You literally don’t get it: NO ONE, ANYWHERE, GIVES A SINGLE FLYING FUCK ABOUT ANY OF THIS. They are brainwashed EXPLICITLY so they don’t care. This was done DECADES ago. You don’t get it at all. They cannot be fixed. They cannot be informed. Truth means nothing to them. Truth means nothing to them.

Truth means nothing to them.


The only solution is the physical destruction of the server farms on which they store data. The data must be destroyed completely, otherwise they will continue to do everything they have already done.

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6ebc75  No.130420


>The only solution is the physical destruction of the server farms on which they store data.

Don't you think they have a backup anon?

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f662f3  No.130421

File: 07db2fae7ba4498⋯.jpg (526.45 KB, 1500x918, 250:153, Hope.jpg)


No, many people care.

If they didn't, there wouldn't be any need to censor the truth.

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17426b  No.130428


Server farmS. Plural. The farms ARE the backup. Hit them all. They’re not exactly easy to hide.


Uh… no. They wouldn’t care. You didn’t watch the video. You haven’t been paying attention to literally the last century of human history. We have the DNC on video admitting they’ve stolen every election for the last 50 years. We have courts saying that gun restrictions are legal. We have courts saying that faggots can get married. We have laws being passed that enact martial law and force people to stay in their homes. We have governments publicly admitting that they purposely allowed hundreds of thousands of children to be raped by niggers and dune coons for decades. We’ve had a dozen wars since WWII that had nothing to do with the United States. We paid tens of billions (trillions in today’s worthless cash) to rebuild all of our enemies after those wars and then sell our manufacturing to them. We have tenured college professors in the US saying that whites should be exterminated.



Fucking kill yourself, Jim. 20 fucking minutes to get this to post. YOU ARE PURPOSELY AND PERSONALLY BLOCKING AN ENTIRE BROWSER FROM POSTING ON THIS SITE.

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676649  No.130432


Again, if nobody cared this and many other site like this one wouldn't have an audience. Spreading the truth is a very important thing.

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6ebc75  No.130440

File: a748d3265506a1e⋯.png (226.11 KB, 399x373, 399:373, barbie_birth_doll.png)



We are coming up to that point anon. Relax though…we need to find our path through. If you are playing Captain Autismo we are going to be too panicked to find the path through. Calm yourself and begin to think about your words and the concepts you are expressing. If we are supreme (and Western Europeans are) then we need to focus on the solution. Obviously not all of us are going to make it, but there must be some sweet spot that some of us will hit if we think through what is happening and work towards a solution.

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6ebc75  No.130441

Think about it this way…how many people can even SEE the 'dissolution of all things'? You already have a front row seat to something that 99.99999999 percent of humanity is completely oblivious too. There is no chance at all for them…but for you, there is hope.

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