I've had some epiphanies over the past few weeks.
Sometimes these things come to me in waves, but they are just thoughts that I am trying to string together in some sort of cohesive form but not really - they are more like random whitepills that I am convinced of for no real reason and keep telling myself.
> Acceleration is on the way, whether I want it or not.
> Businesses are boarding up their windows to prevent looting - looting by niggers.
> They know its coming.
> Blacks aren't obeying any "Stay at Home" orders, so they, due to their minds that do not comprehend authority, will be out and about spreading the virus around to each other, slowly killing each other off little by little.
> Recession is DEFINITELY on its way.
> We're headed for another depression.
> Gas prices in my town hit $1.64 a gallon today. Wish I had an underground tank to fill up.
> Fed Interest rates are at ZERO right now - The Government will be 'borrowing' money at Zero percent - I expect a rise in infrastructure work.
> Due to this Chinese Virus, borders will be more difficult to cross. Already, flights from other continents are being banned from coming into the U.S. and Airline Companies are taking a big hit.
> Due to stricter border enforcement, there will be more of a sense of Nationalism. There already is a sense of Xenophobia from everyone that seems to have been gaining some ground, which I am grateful for.
> There was always a sense of Nationalism just between States - a competitive nature - but each State-specific brand of Nationalism has been getting stronger due to Governors implementing 'Stay at Home' orders. Kentucky, for example, closed off traffic to and from (correct me if I am wrong on the particular on this) their state. They are probably thinking, "Fuck all those other states. They can Fuck off and Die."
> Instead of blackpilling, take the whitepill bros.
> I've already gone that 5G-causes-fake-corona-virus route and I have disproven it. If you want to keep believing it, go ahead. I won't stop you. I don't care.
> Still a little bit goncerned about the ID2020 thing, but if Christians would become aware, through social media, about inserting a chip under their skin and then equating it to the mark of the beast, then they will flip out and refuse to get chipped. Just watch - or try and let them know those two points. Regardless, there is a little bit of worry about that from me, but I won't lose any sleep from it.
> No - we won't get another Hitler. I wish we would though.
> Maybe a new "Hitler" will come to us.
> Why don't you be our new "Hitler?"
> The EU is going to be in complete shambles by July. The exchange rate the right now is $1.084 = 1 EUR - The last time I saw something like that was when right before Germany converted from Deutsche Mark to the Euro. (I lived there at the time. Okayyyyyyy)
(those aren't even all my thoughts that I've been having - they're just the ones that popped into my head while I was writing this)
I mean, we're always going to have some dudes out there trying to take power - like jews, a Bill Gates, or a George Soros - trying to buy power - but people outnumber these guys at like a huge ratio, at like 2 to 1, (that was a joke heh heh) so dude, what's stopping people from walking into their houses and just telling them to come out, and publicly explaining to them - maybe live on youtube - about how they are hurting everyone else due to their selfishness and that people are worried about stuff like ID2020 and 5G. Not hurting them of course, really just encouraging them to listen real carefully. Help them concentrate. You know there were camps for that where people used to learn how to concentrate.
I like you guys - there's nobody I'd rather be with than you guys.
When I showed up on 8/pol/ you guys let me into your magic secret Nazi hideout and showed me why you loved Hitler, why Hitler was right, and why Nationalism is a super great idea. Before that, I didn't know anything other than what ZOG put in front of me. You showed me a lot, and in turn I try to repay it back.
So maybe I can kind of repay you guys by giving you the whitepill of my thoughts, instead of using a mean passive aggressive remark trying to be some kind of shitlord, because I want to tell you that if we just stick together, bitching, complaining, and shitposting the whole way, like a busted up old train rolling down the tracks, that things are going to be okay for us.
I really believe this in my heart
Thank you guize
I Love You.