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File: 04497547a801023⋯.jpeg (132.63 KB, 1566x881, 1566:881, 180729_Weill_Jason_Kessle….jpeg)

d8d16e  No.88543[Last 50 Posts]

Fast forward three years after Unite the Right and it seems that everything that we had in 2017 and prior is gone. YouTube cracked down on hate speech the same month the rally happened and their censorship has only gotten worse to where we're setting up alternative platforms (aka echo chambers where we won't be noticed by anyone) in response, pretty much every group that was involved either balkanized or disappeared outright, nobody's doing anything but hosting livestreams and talking on forums, the only group left that seems to be decent is The Base, but they could be compromised (they use IRC for recruitment from what I heard), and now many people on the right are starting to vote against their own interests for "acceleration" when not voting at all would've probably been better. Jesus Christ man, the absolute state of nationalism in America. I remember 4 years back when you could find thousands (if not more) of Moon Man videos on YouTube and back when Vines was still a thing. Now Vines is dead and everybody's using TikTok or alternative platforms. I know most of the alt-right were controlled OP shills, but then again it's very weird hearing nothing but dead silence from said leaders and the media about this. It's almost as if the alt-right ceased to exist and yet nothing has taken it's place. You've got the Groypers, but they're even gayer than the alt-right was. The fag Anglin joined them because I guess it's trendy, but other than the Spic Fuentes fanclub, nobody's really doing or saying anything. This is fucking weird. Has anyone else noticed this?

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6b4ab7  No.88546

They all sold out. A lot of them were empty suits anyway. All talk and no action. They sat around on their circlejerk streams sniffing their own farts and waxing philosophical. Then turned tail and ran at the slightest sign of Silicon Valley coming down on them. They were all just pencil necked fuccbois that only believed in what they were saying so far as they were allowed to say it without having to defend it against those that set out to silence them.

Fuck Spencer. Fuck Striker. Fuck all their re-branding. New "leaders" will fill the void. Just remain patient.

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f6eb29  No.88550

Trump's victory was the worst thing to ever happen to the alt-right. It robbed the movement of all their momentum and drive. It was a false victory that left the right in a content state when they should've pushed the advantage harder than ever. Their enemies still held all forms of media and social media firmly in their grasps and have only tightened that grasps since.

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fcbada  No.88556


lol the only option is to start blowing up buildings but whatever.

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da17e2  No.88599


I hate to do "This." posts, but this is one of the most astute things I've read in months.

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6ed9c6  No.88616

Alt-Right = Controlled Opposition + D&C of Whites

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0af44c  No.88689


Most "alt-right" leadership was just an attempt to install kosher control of an increasingly racially aware segment of white Americans. The idea amongst the kikes being that it could be just one more faction of goyim it could play against the others for their own benefit and largely without compromising their long term goal of racial mongrelization of all non-Jews. It failed and Trump's victory mostly convinced concerned right-leaning normies that all was now right with the world so the kikes shifted tactics. Now they're cracking down on anything even resembling real right-wing dissent and trying to herd normie whites back to a slightly revised version of "Neoconservatism".

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2202b1  No.88690

File: 241fb4f8f79f71b⋯.png (361.82 KB, 857x638, 857:638, David_Duke_and_Dugin.png)

File: f634a32d6c6f640⋯.png (740.32 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, controlled_opp2.png)

File: 4763355d292fd8a⋯.jpg (378.81 KB, 800x449, 800:449, controlled_opp_.jpg)

File: e594f87ab3f84e7⋯.jpg (322.22 KB, 865x651, 865:651, controlled_opp3.jpg)

File: c3065b39f71db22⋯.png (537.87 KB, 671x606, 671:606, Eurasian_Economic_Union.PNG)

Their job is (nearly) done

>In Foundations of Geopolitics, Dugin calls for the United States and Atlanticism to lose their influence in Eurasia and for Russia to rebuild its influence through annexations and alliances.[2]

>The book declares that "the battle for the world rule of Russians" has not ended and Russia remains "the staging area of a new anti-bourgeois, anti-American revolution". The Eurasian Empire will be constructed "on the fundamental principle of the common enemy: the rejection of Atlanticism, strategic control of the USA, and the refusal to allow liberal values to dominate us."[9]

>Military operations play relatively little role. The textbook advocates a sophisticated program of subversion, destabilization, and disinformation spearheaded by the Russian special services. The operations should be assisted by a tough, hard-headed utilization of Russia's gas, oil, and natural resources to bully and pressure other countries.

>The book uses the term "Moscow–Berlin axis"

>The United Kingdom should be cut off from Europe

>Iran is a key ally. The book uses the term "Moscow–Tehran axis"

>Russia should use its special services within the borders of the United States to fuel instability and separatism, for instance, provoke "Afro-American racists". Russia should "introduce geopolitical disorder into internal American activity, encouraging all kinds of separatism and ethnic, social and racial conflicts, actively supporting all dissident movements – extremist, racist, and sectarian groups, thus destabilizing internal political processes in the U.S. It would also make sense simultaneously to support isolationist tendencies in American politics".

Missing from pics related - Richard Spencer, who to this day is a supporter of Dugin and lets him publish articles on his 'altright.com' website

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0c05f4  No.88691


Spencer and Striker are two of the only ones that know what they're talking about, whatever you think of them personally.

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0c05f4  No.88694


Dugin is correct. America is the problem. If this country had gotten rid of niggers, there wouldn't be anything for Dugin to incite, would there? Instead, the government here will roll with those incitements and kill you – you know, like they're already doing. People who whine about Dugin don't understand capitalism and they sure as shit do not understand their relation to it. Unless of course we got ourselves some Hill, Pennington, Deerfield boys in this here thread?

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2202b1  No.88696

File: 0c7cfe4b32fc381⋯.png (316 KB, 1186x381, 1186:381, altrightleader.PNG)

File: adaacac1cf241af⋯.jpg (151.66 KB, 640x948, 160:237, dugin_antiwhite.jpg)

File: 86b49a7f6785ed3⋯.png (719.1 KB, 867x581, 867:581, morrisonjerusalemprize.PNG)

File: aaa69de8e283c02⋯.jpg (60.37 KB, 1023x575, 1023:575, Trump_with_Tevfik_Arif_and….jpg)

File: 16d1806a8c36e7d⋯.png (400.87 KB, 928x642, 464:321, chabad.PNG)


And don't get me wrong here, I still believe being outbred in your own country by the worst of the Arab/African etc. stock, by actual criminals fleeing responsibilities and imprisonment in their homelands, literally trafficked by jews and disguising themselves as refugees, is a massive issue. And that Russians/slavs are just as much a part of our struggle. And that we should oppose most Islamic governments and institutions, specificially the ones that work with jews.

But I DON'T believe the Russian government themselves (or China, whom shills have both artificially pushed on the chans) are BASED and /ourguys/, or that the average Muslim is our enemy, and that they're not just as pissed at their own governments. I also believe that there are intelligent and unintelligent ways of opposing these issues.

AND I also believe that just because you're a white nationalist, doesn't mean you can't still be co-opted for israel/jew-serving purposes.

"If you do not stand by our [Israel's] side, the day when Islamic terror will reach your homes, your beds and your kindergartens will come soon.”

- Yisrael Hasson, former Deputy Director of Israel's Security Agency, speaking to Danish, Swedish and Dutch ambassadors to Israel, as well as officials from the embassies of Britain, Belgium, Italy, Hungary, Austria and Germany, in July 2014

That was only a year before the waves of migrants to Europe first began.

>I was approached, we were offered money from the United States, and all they wanted was two things.

>we had to concentrate on talking about Muslims, and we had to drop our criticism of the international banking system.

>And we refused. That was in about 2007. And all hell broke loose really from that time, when systematically they tried to take this party apart [by setting up well funded competing organizations].

- Nick Griffin, British National Party


>Scott Morrison, I used to work for you

>You paid me to confront Sam Dastyari

>I had a secret meeting with you two in Perth about taking over the anti-Islam activist scene on Facebook.

>You paid me through a third party to fly across the country to generate views, content, and to push the vote for you in the Victorian state election.

>You paid me to be a far-right extremist, to get people to vote for you.

- Neil Erikson, one of three former leaders of United Patriots Front


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2202b1  No.88700


>America is the problem

No, Israel/jews (completely *running* America) are the problem.

>If this country had gotten rid of niggers, there wouldn't be anything for Dugin to incite, would there?

Don't misunderstand me btw, I'm not so naive to believe that it's Dugin himself inciting divisions, it's mainly politicians/'alternative media'/e-celeb grifters etc. that are influenced by his ideologies.

And it's not just black and white divisions, let alone *racial* divisions, being incited is it?

>People who whine about Dugin don't understand capitalism

And you don't understand that Capitalism (and the petrodollar) isn't the be-all end-all, and that Israel and jews don't need the US (anymore) to rule the world

>What makes 5G so important for Trump and the US is that it is predicted to soon serve as the backbone for all critical infrastructure and is viewed by experts as having the potential to be as transformative for the world as the invention of electricity was in the 19th century. 5G’s faster download speeds mean that it will be the foundation of all new technologies – think driverless cars as an example – and if it is compromised, it could give a country like China the ability to undermine another nation’s basic needs.

>Israeli-Chinese relations have also flourished in recent years and Beijing is today Israel’s biggest infrastructure partner, building roads, tunnels, ports, railroads and more in deals valued at tens of billions of shekels.

>We need to decide if we are with the Chinese or the Americans and the government understands this very well

>What does Israel's future 5G network have to do with coronavirus?


>How Israel and its hi-tech industry are winning the US-China trade war


>Why is Israel outsourcing its national infrastructure to China?


>US warns Israel against Chinese investment, pushes ‘can’t be friends’ with China line


>U.S. Senate Warns Israel Over Deepening Ties With China, Citing 'Serious Security Concerns'


>Israel Is Giving China the Keys to Its Largest Port – and the U.S. Navy May Abandon Israel


>How Israel's Haifa Port Stands to Gain From the Coronavirus [same port]


>How Israel Used Weapons and Technology to Become an Ally of China


>China's tech money heads for Israel as U.S. welcome wanes


This is the same EU that only a year or so earlier was planning a 'European Army' *with* the US, for the direct purpose of 'showing Russia we are serious', in the words of Juncker himself.

>World upside down as EU and Russia [and China] unite against US [over Iran oil sanctions and Russia's 'Nord Stream 2' pipeline into Germany]


>Russia [and Israel] grows stronger in East Med while US looks for comfort


>An Israeli Pivot to Eurasia?


>Israel’s Pivot to Eurasia


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a1f583  No.88702

Anyone right of fucking steven crowder has been banned off of every social network. And the alt sites are all deranked by google. They have all been silenced by our corporate and government overlords. A Project zephyr scenario is inevitable.

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0c05f4  No.88706


China isn't going to fight israel's wars for it. There's a very big difference in the power relation between those two countries. As for the EU siding more with Russia – what on earth do you expect? The United States is an ENTIRELY NON-WHITE country sworn to the wholesale extermination of the White race forever. For every banilieu in the EU, there's a Slovakia and Hungary. Russia is more culturally similar, even with the problems, and a sane approach gets access to resources without African involvement. The UK left the EU because it intends to join with the US to attack the EU/Russia on racial grounds. You sound like you live in a dream world about the country you're in.

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2202b1  No.88713


>China isn't going to fight israel's wars for it

What wars? For what? The petrodollar is dying, and robots and drones will fight any actual future wars - the same military tech sectors Israel and China are working together the most in.

> As for the EU siding more with Russia – what on earth do you expect?

Well I didn't expect them to do a complete backflip, within a matter of months, on their long held opinion of having European army for the DIRECT purpose of opposing Russia.

>The United States is an ENTIRELY NON-WHITE country sworn to the wholesale extermination of the White race forever

Ahhh and there's the narrative. I don't if you're literally a shill or just misguided, but isn't it interesting how even people on the chans have gone from seeing ZOG as the main enemy, to blaming the US *itself* for everything from Capitalism, to Globalism, to white genocide. Almost like that was the point of Trump, and his Russian-Jewish friends, and the 'alt right' and that helped him get elected, in the first place - to make the President a complete caricature of everything people hate about America, to turn them into a laughing stock/their main enemy, to nationalize (read: isolate) the US while Russia and China spread their presence and influence in the world, and to ultimately bump the US of its top position.

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0c05f4  No.88720


Russia and Europe not fighting and getting long is everything we've ever been pushing on these boards since they took off [to whatever extent they did]. The catastrophe of the first world war and theft of a promised future when the wall came down. You complaining about this comes across as Mackinder-esque and I don't think it does much to dispute the problem being the US. The US is ZOG central. I understand there is a certain group of AmNats who protest this, but the facts don't line up with them. I don't think you guys ever really belonged here, you just thought you did.

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2202b1  No.88726

File: 59367ca4da2b498⋯.jpg (434.22 KB, 1200x945, 80:63, The_Bunting_Clover_Leaf_Ma….jpg)


I don't think you're understanding what I'm getting at - there's a BIG difference between our traditional ideal of Russia and our ideal of Europe working together, and the CURRENT Russian and European establishments working together. THAT is the part that makes no sense to me. How did the Russian establishment go from being the scapegoat and archetype of everything the modern German/French etc. governments didn't like (member 'Russian/Chinese hackers'?), to being their best friends? To the point where Russia is building a MAJOR pipeline, right into Germany? And now Israel and Russia;s influence in the East Med is larger than America's itself?

And all so quickly?

And I'm not denying that America has the most jew-controlled establishment in the world, aside from Israel, but I don't think you understand what Israel (or modern Russia) itself is

Keep in mind

>90% of the first Soviet government were Jewish

>Russia is home to arguably the *real* first jewish state, the Jewish Autonomous Oblast

>USSR was the first to recognize Israel at the UN

>Socialist Zionists make up large majority of Israel's founders

>Including Mapam, 2nd most popular party for years, who openly praised Stalin and Mao

>And David Ben-Gurion himself who once famously said "I am a bolshevik"

>Large majority of Russian oligarchs are Jewish or Israeli dual citizens, and virtually all of them are *directly* tied to Chabad Lubavitch, who are the Trump family's (and his business partners, Felix Sater and Tevfik Arif's) religious organisation of choice

>Every single Israeli PM and most of the government are from Russian/ex-Soviet families

>To this day Russians make up the large majority of immigrants to Israel, and the waves were so extreme at one time that they caused a major housing crisis.

>Borscht Belt: Will Israel Spurn America for Russia?


>Israel's former Soviet immigrants transform adopted country


>The Happy-Go-Lucky Jewish Group That Connects Trump and Putin


>Why Russia Needs Israel


>Why Russia should take over Israel's defense from America


>As Putin Becomes One of World’s Most Powerful Players, His Surprising Jewish Connection is Revealed


>An Emerging Alliance: Russia and Israel


>KGB Infiltrated Highest Echelons of Israel’s Army, Business, and Political Leadership


>Like Putting the K.G.B. Into the Pentagon


>'The USSR Is Our Second Homeland,' Said One Kibbutznik When Stalin Died


>The KGB's Middle East Files: 'Illegals' in Israel - Russian agents and assets in Israel and elsewhere


>How Putin's Blacklisted Oligarch Friend Is Linked to Key Israeli Political Players






This is Felix Sater's father's boss


Not to mention Felix himself - watch his 'Chabad Lubavitch Man of the Year' speech here, and just listen to the first couple minutes of what the rabbi introducing him says, and you'll understand how deep this shit goes and how important Sater and Chabad's influence on Trump is


I really hope this doesn't come off as 'gish gallop' or whatever they call it, but I need to make it clear that there is SO MUCH compounding evidence with every passing day that what I'm saying is true, and I need to get it all out there.

I mean you mention the Mackinder 'world island' view - well did you know that a mosaic of pic related is on public display in Safra Square, outside the Jerusalem town hall, only 100m away from 'Putin Bar' - a bar dedicated to Putin and Russia, and frequented by the sizable Russian population there?

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0c05f4  No.88727


No, I understand what you're getting at. I just don't agree with you about the level of jewish control in Russia. It's a common trope for Anglosphere conservatives, but they often ignore pretty much everything from the Suez Crisis to the '91 coup when they bring it up.

>To the point where Russia is building a MAJOR pipeline, right into Germany?

Nordstream II is an expansion of Nordstream I, which already exists. It's being built to circumvent the Trans-Siberian pipeline that runs through Ukraine – that Ronnie Raygun similar howled about and threw around sanctions over – because Ukraine were skimming gas that Germany had paid for even though Russia was subsidizing gas to Ukraine. The US-backed coup in the Western half of the country put more impetus on getting it done because it was obvious the US is trying to create the same captive market with Germany that it accuses Russia of doing. This is policy that stretches multiple administrations, really going back to the dissolution of the communist bloc when NATO started looking to peel off Warsaw Pact countries.

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0af44c  No.88748


>What wars? For what? The petrodollar is dying, and robots and drones will fight any actual future wars - the same military tech sectors Israel and China are working together the most in.

We're not at the point of automated warfare just yet and damn near every non-Jew in the middle east(rightfully) hates Israel. For security alone they need a stupid golem willing to arm them and prop them up. But security isn't enough for the kikes, they want to expand and need someone else to do the heavy lifting of fucking over all of their enemies so they can swoop in later and snatch up more land.

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f94401  No.88756

File: 79543d0a89d1a79⋯.png (38.03 KB, 1004x167, 1004:167, Screenshot_2020_04_02_03_0….png)

File: f6940f461972688⋯.png (24.02 KB, 894x153, 298:51, Screenshot_2020_04_02_03_0….png)


>What the hell happened to the alt-right?


>They all sold out.


>the movement

You're retards.



Big brains right here.


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ab133c  No.88766

The alt-right latched onto Jews as their leaders and were steered off the road as happens every fucking time. At the height of comedy, we had Naziboos following "based faggot" who represented absolutely everything that they should be fighting against.

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265d55  No.88857

It is a sad thing that we anons cannot unite to do something meaningful, except memes (which are powerful, I know, but insufficient).

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caa25e  No.88954

File: 30b94a102ef578b⋯.jpg (170.31 KB, 887x1011, 887:1011, richard_spencer_s_bodyguar….jpg)


>what happened?

Two men used by an organization that always viewed their tools as expendable.

Richard Spencer kept beating his wife. For those of you who have managed to miss both eceleb drama AND the antifa blogging on the tribulations in trial of the alt-right leadership cadre, this seems like a 'so what?'. Violence against White women has been a major component of the fascist movement since before the NSDAP.

Spencer had taken up habitual drug use. That's not unusual among fascists; Hitler was a meth addict and some anon here said Evola was a druggie. Spencer had become extremely unstable and irrational (remember how he melted down when the Americans started pushing back? And blamed *antifa* for the fact that one of his subordinates pulled a terrorist attack? I can tell you now, his screaming promise to ritually humiliate the Americans every single week was NOT his only meltdown). Spencer's work raising an army for an insurrection against the US meant that glowies everywhere would be watching him.

And Richard Spencer kept. Beating. His. Wife.

The woman who was fucking him out of duty to her race and nation.

The woman who Aleksandr Dugin had assigned to monitor his servant and let him know if Richard Spencer started embezzling clandestine funds, doing stupid shit, or just experienced a sudden outbreak of patriotism and decided to talk to the CIA about his boss.

The reports back to Moscow couldn't have been clearer. This guy was a liability. So they cut him off. With no more foreign money, he wasn't very effective.

Now, that alone wouldn't necessarily kill the movement - Russia's destabilization op could have found a new figurehead or five. They probably DID. But Spencer had been very effective at one thing. With the aid of fellow travellers in the MSM, Spencer's alt-right had been painted as the new face of ethnonationalism. Not Nazism, but something clean and free of the baggage of the Holocaust and the Hunger Plan and the raped children whose last words adorn the tabloids.

James Alex Fields was broken by childhood trauma. He slept with a copy of Mein Kampf by his bed like some sort of Hitler hugging pillow. He was a member of an alt-right cell called 'disdain4plebs'. Apparently he was the one they found disposable enough to give to Kessler, as they sent him to Charlottesville. Apparently his commitment to neo-Nazism and fondness for talking about his murder plans convinced Spencer's group that he was the sort of man they wanted, so they put him on guard duty.

And then he killed an American woman in a botched truck of peace attack. And all that work spent painting the guys planning an offensive war against the US as peace-loving good goys, not like those bad old neo-Nazis? Up in smoke faster than a baggie of crack in James Mason's living room. Now, sure, they can all change their name again to try to get away from the baggage. But the rebranding trick doesn't work nearly as well when the normies are expecting it.

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bcb771  No.88957

File: dc887f217aba744⋯.jpg (66.1 KB, 640x426, 320:213, thecyber4.jpg)


Thanks for stopping by.

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0d3665  No.88974

File: 38c0543b5b2ba7f⋯.jpg (17.3 KB, 255x222, 85:74, 7ebc4ca95defb14b6d37edaae6….jpg)


>The Base

It is a literal Fed honeypot. They recruited hard on iFunny and many people have been arrested on conspiracy charges. Al Qaeda translates to "The Base" in Arabic. As for the rest of your post, all I have to say is good. The true movement was always going to be underground. Everything else is just showboating and a waste of time/energy/resources/people. Start reading and embrace leaderless resistance already, if you're a real anon and not a system pig yourself that is.

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61d5ab  No.88982


>The Base

>an actual fed honeypot, leading to arrests of multiple members


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6b4ab7  No.89038

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d8915d  No.89112

File: 6d1c1d5f049b03b⋯.png (170.5 KB, 2113x1924, 2113:1924, 6d1c1d5f049b03b1e753edbac4….png)


This is fact, The Base was recently exposed a few months ago as a honeypot created by a private security company in Washington state working for the FBI.

Leaderless resistance is the way, because a force without a leader has no chain of command to destroy, and the soldier is his own one man army, capable of making the judgement he believes is right every time.

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2187d3  No.89123

File: 1d9e03448073bfe⋯.png (572.18 KB, 1110x590, 111:59, a43bb220a6665e391cc9380bb4….png)

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98510f  No.89173

File: 1f8385fa5fd2c8b⋯.jpg (22.13 KB, 255x189, 85:63, 95946086538576774ed26bd8d9….jpg)

File: b64d149b9b4f5f0⋯.png (297.6 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, c1a659ecc44a3d9b277f8180fd….png)

File: f56256a1da39e76⋯.mp4 (6.08 MB, 608x336, 38:21, 1563778466171_1.mp4)

The base lol. Glownigger kikes lol.

What happens when white supremacy is bitten by a radioactive monarchist spider? Meet the alt-right.

Clearly it is time to resort to asymmetrical 4th generation warfare. We must do what we can to stem the tide of ideological subversion and deny the enemy financial resources. Duh here is a fine opportunity to do so.


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fe248e  No.89177


I just feel bad for the guys that fell for it.

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19230c  No.89180



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8757a6  No.89200


>James Alex Fields was broken by childhood trauma.

He's a racial jew.

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941111  No.89245


It was all scripted anon, a demoralization controlled opposition "movement." Basically, get a schmaltzy, slightly goofy kosher "nationalist" movement make a big push, lambast it in media, kill it with some fake event, and then let the whole mess smolder so nobody else wants to touch it. Oh yeah, and the whole license for 1984 tier information and communication crackdown. The whole thing was designed to fail and produce this exact result, and now nobody else wants to pick up the torch or light the new one because we are still close enough timeline wise to all that shit that the media will still be able to label you with the same tainted "brand name" for people to immediately reject it even if there is nothing in common with their controlled op hit piece. It was all designed to crack down on "us" and the growing mainstreaming of red pills that were pervading the web. And now organizing in IRL and going mainstream will be even more difficult even with an image overhaul, exactly as (((they))) planned and wanted.

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9c5361  No.89254


I'm not afraid, these fuckers will burn.

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f2cec4  No.89293

Because it was a fake movement brought up by kikes in mainstream media

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1d0dcf  No.89400

The alt-right was a ploy to kill people like us from making progress. Whites that were waking up came to us but then the alt-right happened, acting as a safety net of sorts. Now many fall into the kosher trap of controlled immigration, civic nationalism, based Jews etc. The torch march was fake too. Trump was just the final bullet for us but the work was done beforehand.

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9c5361  No.89494


We are not lost, our efforts still have an effect. Many are waking up even now, I see far too much ethnonationalism and other signs of our efforts out there on the internet than any variation of /pol/ could ever do alone.

Forget those who turned back or got trapped they are not now and will never be not worth the effort to save them until they flee to us as the only bastion of stability in a chaotic world., and perhaps not even then.

A complete societal collapse will happen. It may have been accelerated by the pandemic, but we still have time to prepare and organize and create the alternative infrastructure necessary to attract the lemmings when the time comes. Never mind that much has already been done on that front by our predecessors and those who never stopped carrying the torch.

I estimate, no, not exactly estimate, more intuit, that this will all begin by 2024-2025 sometime early in the year, perhaps March. A fitting month, considering its name and why it was named as such. What comes next, for all Europeans across the world, is a time of struggle. A time that will test and reveal who will survive, win, and thrive. A time that will see us rising up, once again, to take our rightful place as the rulers of this earth. That will see us cleanse our homelands of the hordes of filth that have invaded at the behest of their jewish masters, and see the death of our ultimate enemy, once and for all.

Call me delusional, if you wish, but I know this in my heart of hearts, and so long as I am alive I will do my utmost to see this come to pass.

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c6b63a  No.89502

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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345108  No.89507

>what happened to altkike?

The extreme wing (Spencer and TWP) turned out to be sociopathic fed agents. The militant wing (proud boys and RAM) were crushed with federal charges. The optics wing survives but rebranded under America First. You can hate on groyper crowd but theyre still exerting pressure and despite being maybe too big tent by cosing up to prowhite spics and mullatos theyre at least not literal glowniggers. If you want a better movement then start one.

Oh and reason you dont see memes on jewtube is because they hardcore shoah'd anything from normienet edgier than pewdiepie (and they want his head too).

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d79a1c  No.89539


Started out as a lite 3rd position ideology with the likes of Alain De Benoist, Kevin Macdonald,

and Tomaslav Sunic. Spencer coined the phrase but he wasn't a creator by any means.

Haven't heard of much new from them in several years, other than a rumor that they were organizing a bit for the yellow vests.

The whole thing turned into a shit show when it became a blanket statement for white nationalists. A white nationalist alone could be trad, could be libertarian, and hell could be a tankie. Inherently destined for being fractured, divided, and now conquered as everything is pretty much irrelevant now.

What I despise the most as a result of this is the digital book burnings that have followed. Legitimately intelligent and coherent youtubers such as braving ruined have been shoah'd and all the Rockwell and Pierce books that have been removed from amazon to name a few. Essentially erasing ideas from existence since the internet is probably the only way to be exposed to them. Which is how I got here, a holocaust debunk video back in 2013 and pre faggot 4chan. It is much harder now for someone else to come this way without slipping into the TRS, PF, or DS crowds which are all complete shit.

Most of the guys I still talk to, National Socialists and Fascists, pretty much Metzger pilled. Have networks not movements, infiltrate establishment institutions, and focus on the self. Can't pour from an empty cup.

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7295ed  No.89542


>Ahhh and there's the narrative. I don't if you're literally a shill or just misguided, but isn't it interesting how even people on the chans have gone from seeing ZOG as the main enemy, to blaming the US *itself* for everything from Capitalism, to Globalism, to white genocide.

You can tell this poster is a legitimate military shill. The seethe and butthurt at realizing no one is backing up your niggerfaggot country is genuinely amusing.

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4c64f3  No.89552

File: c3cbd2244b842ce⋯.png (366.87 KB, 600x661, 600:661, 5af.png)


>The US government is synonymous with ZOG you utter shit-for-brains. What has being on top of the world done for your average white American except fuel consumerist decadence? Anything that brings the federal state crashing down is good in my book.

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7295ed  No.89560


He's a legit military shill. They genuinely thought they could meme over a 75% nigger population with constitution memes and a manufactured personality cult around Trump.

US/UK/Canada/ANZAC/israel/India – this is the nigger bloc

EU/Russia/China – this is the civilization bloc

Taiwan, South Korea, and Japan aren't going to commit suicide for the US. Korea will unify and Japan will work out a deal with Russia to keep China at bay. Taiwan will stand down.

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0b00d4  No.89562

File: 7d3c1c6bde311bd⋯.jpg (462.88 KB, 1000x1073, 1000:1073, art.jpg)

Does TikTok screen for hate speech? They're owned by the chinsese so maybe not?

If tiktok doesnt screen for hate speech, thats an option to consider for "mainstream" video uploading. Just an idea.

People are scattered at the moment. Lots on telegram and other platforms like that, which are utterly hidden from public view (like 8kun).

The idea has always been thrown around that we "colonize" existing platforms that have a less developed censorship system. Remember when tumblr banned porn? There were some pollacks who wanted to move in on there, make a network of RW tumblrs. Again, not sure how plausible that is.

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29d61f  No.89577

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c31d91  No.89586

File: 278f7147cd47dfe⋯.jpg (84.75 KB, 587x534, 587:534, blue_the_Jew_execution.jpg)


Jews own YouTube and most media platforms. Silicon Valley is full of Jews and SJW golems. The system was rigged from the start. Boomers bought the liberalism meme and slowly gave up their sovereignty as whites to Jews and other foreigners who then seized large sums of capital. The Jews/shitskins never gave up their ethnocentrism, unlike whites, so now we're seeing them engaging in will to power and actively trying to disenfranchise the younger white generations.

This is why a disagree with the alternative platforms being "echo chambers" or whatever negative connotation you want to give them. We need our own platforms so we can spread our information and memes. Stop playing by the (((establishment)))'s game and begging YouTube, Twitter, etc., for scraps.

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916567  No.89598

It’s the least right-wing right-wing movement in history . . .

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4c64f3  No.89618

File: 1c96c1fcc66c1f6⋯.jpg (42.58 KB, 503x581, 503:581, 1560547644587_1.jpg)


At least tell them to take some down with the ship anon

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7295ed  No.89624


It's just a butthurt mil-shill. The walls are closing in for the US military. Enjoy the dirt nap niggers.

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2202b1  No.89903


lel i'm flattered you think i'm military tier but it's called actually paying attention to geopolitics and not being distracted by trannies and 'chi-coms' or whatever other non-issues (((alt media))) wants you focusing on.

>US/UK/Canada/ANZAC/israel/India – this is the nigger bloc

>EU/Russia/China – this is the civilization bloc

soooo why are India and Israel working with Russia and China, increasingly more than they do with the US?


>China in the 'civilization' bloc

and you call other people shills? you just can't help but shill for China can you, just like i mentioned before.

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afd89b  No.89916


Being mistaken for a green nigger isn't flattering.

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502f46  No.89934

File: 95a31f2d9999094⋯.jpeg (98.31 KB, 900x900, 1:1, D3ECDF70_7447_4A7A_82A9_0….jpeg)

File: 74c2fc4c5db8644⋯.jpeg (41.93 KB, 300x250, 6:5, 3B50B5F3_3499_48FC_BBBA_5….jpeg)

File: fe57bc8cb9f606a⋯.jpeg (21.6 KB, 320x180, 16:9, DD879DC5_643D_4E49_9EE7_3….jpeg)

File: 811faaccc4df702⋯.jpeg (41.14 KB, 534x307, 534:307, EA715885_9DC2_419F_AEDC_9….jpeg)

you cant figure it out?

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b3a9e8  No.89935

Everyone lost their minds and started listening to the shitty advice of faggots like Anglin, Enoch, and Spencer. What an absolute shit show.

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23bb17  No.89961

Gamegate couldn't protect its people. There are some people even from before gamergate who were destroyed. I checked out their linkedin profiles a few years back. They were all "self employed" (i.e. unemployed or disemployed).

Trump couldn't protect his supporters. Worse, he just sent USN ships to the coastal cities to save them from corona when those same coastal cities still have his supporters locked up. This makes him look like a massive cuck. Who will support the man who rewards his enemies and doesn't protect his friends? His "winning" is only the battles the left allows him to win: gay rights, black employment statistics, "skilled" immigration. If you try to call out his actions (not just the usual lefty shilling) on any alt-right or reactionary forums they delete your posts. I wash my hands of the lot of them. They are fucked.

Leftists have infiltrated everything. They don't argue, or they argue with nonsense, and they shut things down. There are countless liars and con-artists for every genuine person. This makes it hard to organize. I have personally witnessed obvious undercover officers trying to infiltrate my local militia in real life. Nobody notices. Nobody cares. It is like in the matrix. If you are not one of us then you are one of them.

They have killed, captured or destroyed the memory of all of our heroes. Now there are no heroes left.

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23bb17  No.89962


Jesus Christ you bleeding heart faggot, nobody cares about some man disciplining his property, and nobody cares about the death of some fucking land whale. Drugs are a problem only if you let them be a problem. Where the fuck do you think you are?

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881e87  No.89971



Fuck off with your little Internet movement

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f55197  No.90015

Jews happened. It was infiltrated from the start, playing on both sides is one of their favorite tactics.

Just look how repulsive and ridiculous they seem to the worldwide population, this is their work. We must look further, a political solution is a false hope. The entirety of the media, including far right movements, are in their hands. We must look after ourselves, simple as that, forget our grudges, and build communities. Real communities, not on the internet. It might be too late for that. I love you guys. But we're all isolated in our own bubbles, and powerless. We must unite, not under a political party, but as a people : Europeans, Whites, whatever. The situation is critical.

It really is the world against jews. We are the world. I could even put aside my hatred for shitskins and niggers for a time, after all they are their enemies too.

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941111  No.90029


Well put, and I even agree about Spic Fuentes and his crew, at least they're doing something and are legit and don't glow even if they have a bunch hybrids and half castes.


>Most of the guys I still talk to, National Socialists and Fascists, pretty much Metzger pilled. Have networks not movements, infiltrate establishment institutions, and focus on the self. Can't pour from an empty cup.

This too, as we saw with the militant wings of the Alt-Lite they got crushed by the feds because there was nobody in the federal government, legal system, etc. who wasn't already ideologically opposed to them and an Antifa sympathizer. In order to materialize such things eventually do need to go public, but there has to be infrastructure to support it or you will just have every resource of the media and state turned against you, and in reality no small grassroots thing with no big financier or protector can survive that, contrary to whatever romanticism you might watch or read will tell you. Look at Spain for a reverse-example where the Fascists and right wing won because they maintained control over the military and most of the state when the big division happened, whereas in most of western society the Marxists and political left were the ones in position to seize control of the state and military and use it to their own ends.


>This is why a disagree with the alternative platforms being "echo chambers" or whatever negative connotation you want to give them. We need our own platforms so we can spread our information and memes. Stop playing by the (((establishment)))'s game and begging YouTube, Twitter, etc., for scraps.

I agree, everything has to start from somewhere. The vast majority of wrongthink vids still exist on Bitchute and the like with hundreds of thousands of views, indication decent numbers of people comparable to what many decent size jewtube channels get. Remember when non pozzed 4chan was just some weird little corner of internet to shitpost about video games and anime? Look what happened, these things are not fucking "echo chambers."

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1abde8  No.90049

File: faa6f540d878439⋯.png (235.12 KB, 1106x692, 553:346, faa6f540d8784393431ef697d7….png)


Visit back to the pond.

>muh optics

Never change faggots, never change.

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9003e6  No.90054

File: ef846f5d30424ba⋯.jpg (66.5 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, tarrantchan_mag_recovered.jpg)

Victory was in our grasp and you threw it away to worship an Orange Israeli neocon, you culled half the movement of those who would not bend the knee to the Q-larp americanism, and infought over the stupidest shit ever at the behest of obvious and self-admitted kikes like Weev, Mike Penovich, Andrew Anglin and so on.

The right was so close to total victory, but you threw it all away for nothing. Now you sit on your ass through the greatest happening of your lifetimes and call it a hoax, you disavow your heroes and call them mossad for zero gain, and you are led by a spic neocon. You won't get a second shot at it, the left has taken measures. It didn't know how to react but you delayed your own victory long enough for them to adapt to you with nazbols and signal jamming your centers of organization. You're done.

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9d90c0  No.90058

File: 5dd0407ef672724⋯.mp4 (8.6 MB, 640x360, 16:9, U_U_UHURU_Proud_Boys_.mp4)


>millitant wing

>proud boys

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4eef63  No.90086

File: 67631fba4775ae7⋯.jpg (57.74 KB, 480x360, 4:3, gj.jpg)

You guys are fucking retarded, the answer is right in front of you.

We have the truth and memes on our side. We just need to spread them in our communities where we cannot be censored on the internet. Just like our founding fathers with the power of the press.

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941111  No.90093


Anon, i wouldn't say the right was close to "total victory" since every single government agency and major institution were still controlled by marxist and zionists. I would say more like "we were this close to getting our foot in the door of the mainstream" than anything else.

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682d31  No.90105


Because Richard Spencer and his faggot ass goons ruined it, and now white nationalist are extreme cucking themselves by doing absolutely nothing, thinking their imaginary boogaloo is going to happen and acting like glowniggers encouraging to blow shit up. The alt right is dead and Richard Spencer killed it.

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dc6fcb  No.90109


Nigger hands typed this post.

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682d31  No.90116


I rather be a dumb nigger than retarded fed amerimutt sperg who white knights their faggot degenerate pedophile precious "savior of the white race" Richard Spencer at least a nigger knows how to hate faggots, Richard will always be a glownigger.

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dc6fcb  No.90121


>I rather be

You are.


This is more or less the point that Striker and Spencer make, even if Richard isn't always as strident as Erik. American conservatism's economic agenda is extremely unpopular – infinity brown people, no social benefits for White people, zero infrastructure development outside of niggerball teams and hotel chains, israel first, deliberately limited options to funnel towards military service for ZOG.

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2d561b  No.90122

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


It was inevitable. They first went came for Resistance Records who were removed from and subsequently denied from all current and future merchant services providers three months PRIOR to Unite the Right. The powers-that-be had been planning this for sometime after the election and were just seeking the right moment to pounce, and oh boy, they found the perfect opportunity.

Perhaps it was inevitable because the alt-right was united on very shaky ground and had no unifying political principle to rally behind beyond a vague notion of pro-white identitarianism. IronMarch was very consistent in criticizing the alt-right on this point and stated that white Americans are going to need much more than white nationalism to seize political power.


The alt-right was a very real movement, but yes, it was inevitable they would attract Feds. The movement was first highlighted during Hillary Clinton's public speech where she coined the infamous term "basket of deplorables" which conflated all active Trump supporters with the alt-right. The uninitiated typically see this as the moment where the alt-right was created, but the history goes back much further. It could even be argue the movement traces its history to Wilmott Robertson who coined the term "ethnostate" with his publication "Instauration" and his book "The Dispossessed Majority".

It's difficult to say who coined the term "alt-right" (some say Paul Gottfried), but Richard Spencer played an instrumental role popularizing the concept with his former website Alternative Right back in 2010-2011. At its core, the Alternative Right (or alt-right) was big tent politics for young paleoconservatives, disillusioned former Libertarians, pro-white racists and American nationalists. Much like Occupy Wall Street, the alt-right was a loose coalition of disparate elements with radically different belief systems. You can have LaVeyan Satanists, white ethnonationalists / white nationalists, Christian fundamentalists a la Common Filth (despite his attacks on the alt-right, he's still followed by a good number of them), Traditionalist Catholics, Eastern Orthodox converts, neomonarchists, neoreactionaries, various elements of the manosphere, European Neopagans and all other similarly minded people claiming to be alt-right.

The common denominators are:

- Pro-white politics.

- Anti-globalism.

- Anti-status quo.

- Anti-egalitarianism. If anything divides the left and right sharper, it's the question of equality, and the alt-right sees it as a cancer.

- Anti-political correctness.

- Anti-feminism

- Anti-anti-racism.

- Anti-anti-sexism.

- Demoskepticism / Criticism of Democracy

Only a small minority of the alt-right consists of self-identified Fascists or National Socialists. Conversely, Fascists and National Socialists hate the alt-right, particularly bickers they feel that, unlike Fascism, the alt-right has no systematic framework from which to govern.

- Why the Alt-Right Is Gay: https://archive.li/muLnn

- Zero Tolerance: https://archive.li/5bDCk

- Anti-Intellectualism: https://archive.li/yM16u

- The Missing NPI Speaker: https://archive.li/6yU6P

- The Face of Decay: https://archive.li/FGy7V

The white ethnonationalists within the alt-right are a predictable reaction to the feminist gender "identity politics" and anti-white groupthink that have been promoted by neoliberals and their progressive lackeys for the better half of the 20th century. It's hardly a mystery why the alt-right gained the traction they have since everyone else is aggressively promoting their own narrow ethno-nationalist or gender group interests, white heterosexual males alone are singled out and criticized whenever they start belatedly defending their own group interests. Of course, societal elites have been busily promoting their own political and economic interests all along, increasingly behind a pseudo-humanitarian globalist and multiculturalist veneer, but are doing so mainly at the expense of the American working and middle classes, especially the white lower/working class.

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682d31  No.90130

File: 8f886097a5e5009⋯.jpg (55.33 KB, 840x462, 20:11, rainbow.jpg)


Thank you rabbi have fun with your tranny movement, can't wait for Eric Striker and Richard to bitch about how trannies are oppressed by the Jews.

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26e9d3  No.90148

File: 88279deb69e60cd⋯.jpg (145.47 KB, 575x883, 575:883, wthh.jpg)

File: b050257600bdf28⋯.jpeg (115.71 KB, 750x563, 750:563, CommanderEddy.jpeg)

File: ea0dff7a1be58e2⋯.jpg (239.95 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 13.jpg)

File: 2ad02ee0bf4fdc5⋯.jpg (870.92 KB, 1944x2592, 3:4, liz_collar.jpg)

Just to notify you anons that this thread isn't under the radar:


Bonus pics to piss off leftist scum:

- Eduard Gorcenski how he really is; Commanding drones to kill innocent people because he did more for the army than president Trump!

- AntiFashGordon in Washington DC. (we know who you are)

- Liz Fong Jones wearing his collar because he's the property of his man who fucks others too.

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26e9d3  No.90153

File: 36033893327000d⋯.jpg (27.76 KB, 288x433, 288:433, emperorSpencer.jpg)

For all: Spencer probably is a closet faggot so have this one too.

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ba7901  No.90167


We are the defending side in fourth-generation war (4GW), and victory for the defending is just surviving, because the attacking side has long logistics chains and incurs huge costs that cannot be maintained forever, but the defending side generates most of what it needs where it lives. The most important thing in this war is moral victory, no matter how many tactical defeats we take, because tactical victory without a strong moral foundation is pointless, the victors know it is pointless, onlookers and supporters are drawn to our side, and most importantly, we never question our beliefs and our foundations on the field of battle, while they constantly fall to infighting and squabbling.

We will always have moral superiority in this war because:

>we fight for God, but they fight for Satan

>we fight to take our children to the stars, but they fight to turn us back into apes

>we fight for men to be men and for and women to be women, but they fight to mutilate children

>we fight for the best of us, but they fight for the worst of us

>we fight to build great statues and monuments that honor our ancestors, but they fight only to tear things down

>we fight to create, but they fight to destroy

inb4 the d&c kike calls me a christcuck

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5f20f9  No.90173



Hey faggot, the alt-right weren't Fascists, you morons. See this:


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dc6fcb  No.90181


The biggest impact, pound for pound, can be made in Europe and Russia. Causing a permanent rift between Europe/Russia and the nigger will pay real dividends by closing down US geopolitical reach and the economic rents it secures, which by proxy permanently injures the capabilities in your pics related.

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da9650  No.90204


What's wrong with Fuentes and the Groypers? Watching Nick's streams you hear him talk about "optics" a lot, he understands that Unite the Right was a strategic disaster, and that white nats have to be a lot more subtle and understand the people they're talking to. Fuentes is the best (and only?) hope for the post-alt right. The stir caused by the Groyper War with Kirk shows this amply.

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a530fe  No.90235


The enemy will inevitably destroy itself because they're a death cult that can only sustain itself through cannibalism.

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9c5361  No.90244


First Fuentes is a spic but he is also a jew or did you forget to check his surname for Sephardic heritage? oh you did, so we have a jew spic claiming to be an american, to be truly "America First", that he has the white race on his shoulders, when he is our enemy, in blood and word and deed.

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9003e6  No.90271

File: cc4c0288f96430b⋯.jpg (107.6 KB, 542x573, 542:573, anime_shout.jpg)


Yeah, fair enough, but getting our foot in the door would have led to steady gains in mainstream politics if our so-called leadership hadn't choked.



>Alt right wasn't [National Socialist]

Then what fucking good was it you boomer faggot?

I mean it's basic cause and effect. You purged the bad optics National Socialists from the movement and the movement died. Hmmmmmmmmm. I wonder what happened there. You very successfully got rid of them and then very successfully imploded and failed without them. I wonder if there is some link? Maybe you boomer conservatives are worthless spiritually jewish parasites? Can't do anything on your own? Can't survive without your host? Maybe go build your own thing without us? Oh you did and it's a zoomer spic promoting neoconservatism that cannot capture any interest because it ultimately does not speak to the interests of white men.

A white nationalist anti-globalist IS a national socialist and without white nationalist anti-globalists you have nothing to appeal to white men with, and without white men you have no movement. End of story, boomer shitsucker. You're the problem. You need to go. You need to stay go. You need to join the Republican party and vote for their Mitt Romneys and John McCains until the end of time and stop trying to leech off our spirit you fucking vampires.

Read my fucking lips: Conservatives are worse than Communists. I'd ally a commie before I ever allied a fucking conservative.

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5f20f9  No.90273


>Then what fucking good was it you boomer faggot?

>I mean it's basic cause and effect. You purged the bad optics National Socialists from the movement and the movement died.

You clearly didn't read the articles linked to in the post, did you? They were extremely prescient and are as relevant now as when first published. Since I have to spoon-feed the relevant passages to you:

>The Altright represents a new wave of “former” liberals who discovered undesirables in their gated community and who want to change the state of affairs, however they have presented themselves in such vague terms while using our themes, symbols and parts of our narratives to such a degree that it became unclear at first glance as to whether they are our allies or not. However the real nature of Altright revealed itself quick enough during the course of this US presidential election, namely that of being the same liberals who are just more internet savvy and who, for some reason, were utilizing our materials, but ultimately not to uphold our values but to secure their own petty, personal interests.

>The actions of the Altright do seem to have a parallel with another action of gated community liberals, namely of white flight and gentrification: “Well we ruined this place with our liberal bullshit and can’t keep these undesirables out, time to uproot move to a new place with low property value and gentrify it, make a new gated community out of it. Oh look at that spot, it’s kind of backwards and quaint isn’t it? Let’s spruce it up a bit, what a project! Are you excited? I know I am!“

>The Altright is the first ever attempt at “movement gentrification“, of attempting to subvert the tools and message of an existing movement in order to plant and secure their own petty agenda within it: “Well we ruined conservatism with our bullshit and can’t keep these niggers out, time to uproot and move to a new place, something with next to no respectability and gentrify it, make it more presentable. Oh look at that, Fascists! That’s kind of backwards and quaint isn’t it? Le’ts spruce it up a bit, what a project! I guess I don’t like democracy too much either, I’m so fashy tee-hee!“

>Thus the Altright attempt to use our tools and message but then proceed to harp on issues of “presentability” and “respectability“, try to declaw and defang our methods. To an extent this is a calculated method of self-preservation against the inevitable accusations of being Nazi if you don’t keep up fast enough with the progressive parade, hence the existence of the gay term “fashy“, as a kind of cute and quaint way of belittling the idea as being no more than a joke or a meme in order to deflect the accusation. This, obviously, never works, and these people get branded as “evil nazi white supremacists” regardless, but they do serve to confuse and steer people with potential away from becoming true and full fledged Fascists and National-Socialists, offering them that last easy way out of breaking with the System and the decaying society that holds them hostage.

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5f20f9  No.90276

Fuck it, I'll post the whole article since nobody wants to click links:

>We’ve even had one crystal clear example of this, when one startup movement had stolen the design of another movement’s poster and after changing the name, logos and links, “gentrified” it by removing the swastika and the word “jews” from the poster – “NOW it’s presentable!” Look up any pictures of Dickie Spencer and his attempt at a 1950s Average Man braindead smile, or the Identity Evropa rally where they all look like they are protesting shortage of caviar at their golf/tennis club, listen to the pretentious intellectual voice of Jar Jar Taylor with his retarded little bow-tie.

>Other obvious tell tale signs include the attempts to pander to the mainstream media, the exultation of intellectualism over character, defense or apologetics of faggotry, which is not surprising in the least – faggots are the ultimate bourgeoisie and thus the envy of straight bourgeoisie, who would love nothing more than to get the fag couple on the block to come over to their next wine mixer and hear their comments on the newly refurbished living room, and all the wives in the gated community have been just dying for a gay best friend to be a faghag to.

>Thankfully, one doesn’t have to worry about the Altright too much as its demise is inevitable, and just as the hippie protesters of the 60s seamlessly converted back to the American standard and the jewish narrative, so too will the Altright convert back to mainstream politics by means of its representatives actively seeking that and them being overrun with mainstream Trump supporters who are claiming the title for themselves. However one must avoid the danger of these liberals gentrifying potential Fascist/NS movements, while potential individual Fascists must hear loud and clear that Fascism and the Altright are in no way the same and cannot be allies by definition – a true Fascist/NS is not simply a racist liberal with bourgeoisie mindset, morality and sentimentalities and we shall not stand for people muddying our message and standing in its way as a detour that obscures the one and only path to the Truth:

<And there are those that are by no means that way, and whose authors, far from being true followers of the doctrines, of which they display the visible symbols, represent in reality only themselves and use the prestige of the doctrine and the authority that it confers on them to promote their own interests, to satisfy personal grudges, or simply to give free reign to their passions.

<-Savitri Devi, “The Religion of the Strong”

>And for those that accuse us of “purity spiraling“, know this – we do as one of the great champions of our Worldview had instructed us to, thus proving once and for all, who we are, and who you are:

<The greatness of any powerful organization, which embodies an idea in this world, depends on the absolutely religious fanaticism with which it establishes itself when compared to others. It must be fanatically convinced that it is right and just, and it must be absolutely intolerant of any idea or organization that is counter to its own teaching. If an idea is right and it takes up the sword of battle with this mind-set, it is invincible and any persecution only strengthens it.

<-Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf V1, Ch12

We are the movement for the Worldview of Truth and Cosmic Order, the rest are nothing.

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caa25e  No.90288


>Gamegate couldn't protect its people

>(i.e. unemployed or disemployed).

Gamergate was cancer whose *primary purpose* was to make gamers look bad so Bannon could recruit them as tools in his culture war. Why is it surprising that people who embraced it aren't doing well?

>Worse, he just sent USN ships to the coastal cities to save them from corona when those same coastal cities still have his supporters locked up.

What, America is supposed to just let everyone do crimes unimpeded if they claim to be Trump supporters?

Most Trump supporters aren't criminals. Most Trump supporters aren't locked up..

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caa25e  No.90294


>nobody cares about some man disciplining his property,

Property cannot own property. Richard Spencer was property.

> and nobody cares about the death of some fucking land whale.

Ah, yes, the reason fascists reliably spaz out every time someone mentions it is clear proof that nobody cares.

>Drugs are a problem only if you let them be a problem. Where the fuck do you think you are?

On a thread full of whiny NatSocs, so I expect that I'm massively outnumbered by drug addicts. Personally I'm of the opinion that hard drugs are bad for people, and that even if they WERE harmless the fact that too much of the money goes to Mexican cartels and alt-right gangs would be adequate reason to boycott them. But, okay, we can agree that:

Some people use hard drugs without being harmed by them.

Some people use hard drugs and cause themselves massive problems.

Listen to that tape of his post-Cville meltdown. Does that sound to YOU like a reliable person who is in control of his drug use? Oooooor does it sound like someone whose habit is three steps away from joining Jordan Peterson in a dodgy Russian rehab?

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caa25e  No.90299


>all of law enforcement and the justice system is antifa sympathizers

Are you fucking retarded? In general, law enforcement and antifa strongly dislike each other. This is ironic, because one is a group that exists because sometimes force needs to be used to protect society from criminals, while the other is a group that exists because sometimes force needs to be used to protect society from cirminals.

They come down on the fash like a ton of bricks, not because they love antifa, but because they keep seeing fash doing crimes and they're sick of it.

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9003e6  No.90303


>Wall of text I don't care about

Why can't you make your own argument instead of just spamming unrelated text from an article?

You're saying you're a national socialist and that alt-right was never national socialist as a blackeye against the alt-right rather than a black eye against National Socialism but then the article you quote says that being a (left) liberal is bad, which reinforces my charge that you're actually just a fucking conservative. Which is why calling the alt-right gay is at the top of your list of links no one cares about.

The alt-right was national-socialist, and relied very heavily on appealing to Hitler and the Third Reich during their purge of national socialists ("Hitler wouldn't have appealed to a 70 year old foreign state for his German movement" "the national socialists ackshyually hated bad PR faggots check out this Goebbels quote"). Why did they need to make these appeals if the alt-right wasn't national socialist? To this day Richard Spencer is basing his twitter takes off of national socialist orthodoxy. National Socialism is inextricably part of what the alt-right was.

You may consider yourself a fascist, but national socialism is not fascism. You're just a conservative with a boner for violence and torture. National Socialism is far greater than Fascism.

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8776bc  No.90310


But the alt-right is gay. And that is not a euphemism. They are literal faggots. All of them. People like Spencer are Ashkenazi [nazi] and globohomo faggots to boot.

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9003e6  No.90316

File: fd152cf1cfec888⋯.png (311.89 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, Jewsus1_highlights.png)


>Gays bad

Again with the fag obsession and a clearly false statement that everyone in the alt-right was gay.

>Ashkenazi [nazi]

>Nazis bad

>(But also they're jewish, you nazi.)

Stop talking to me, conservative boomer. Go back to /christian/ because I don't give a shit about you or your causes and you clearly just adopt anti-jewish language as an expediency for your evangelicuck conservatism. If you think "nazis" are so bad then stop hating on your chosen people. Bearing false witness is against your religion so stop being a dishonorable faggot and dressing up your agenda in the language of anti-semitism when you're culturally Hebrew and the Hebrew national text is your holy scripture.

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5c99cf  No.90329




This person works either officially or quasi-officially for the permanent government.

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db414d  No.90342


>Property cannot own property

Ah, not quite true! In ancient Babylon slaves could own property and could even buy their way free. This is what made their civilization so stable. They only collapsed when they got mixed up with (you guessed it) the Jews.

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9c5361  No.90343


Slaves have in what I have read of history nearly always been able to do that from Babylon to Rome to now, at least when their masters were European that is, and too little remains of egypt to tell.

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941111  No.90420


>Are you fucking retarded? In general, law enforcement and antifa strongly dislike each other.

The boots on the ground cops mostly hate Antifa, I mean on a policy level. All of the heads of police in cities like Portland are all leftist political appointments, and all of the police policies are set by people in desk positions way above the heads of the actual uniformed cops.

>They come down on the fash like a ton of bricks, not because they love antifa, but because they keep seeing fash doing crimes and they're sick of it.

It was Antifa throwing violent riots and attacking random people, the right wingers were just waving their flags and shouting slogans. The authorities unleashed Antifa to try to contain the right, and when Antifa got the shit kicked out of them in the streets of Berkeley and Portland they had to bring in the actual feds because their Antifa foot soldiers failed in action.


It's just some Antifa-fag or sympathizer.

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15514b  No.90427

File: 5a085808bd8a119⋯.jpg (100.64 KB, 1000x1198, 500:599, 012e1d5b133bca788a3bdcb666….jpg)

the majority of the alt-right in 2016 by now has become either nihilistic and more dissident, become SIEGEfags and staying inside become more and more bitter until all hope of a succesful life is gone, that includes all LARPagans and drug addicts, or become Christian and since then have entirely lost interest after going down this path.

furthermore people generally either lost interest, or, if they were alt-lite enough, UNIRONICALLY became cuckolds/etc through overexposure to that leftist world.

MDE broke up, doesn't produce political comedy anymore except in the most residual sense, making fun of fat acceptance etcetera, doesn't have that angry edge anymore

all other youtubers either burnt out, sold out or became irrelevant because they were too alt-lite or rebranded (because when the fight is brought to your doorstep, you're not a teenager/youngun anymore and when you hear about the 10,000th white rape/murder a fucking youtube video informing you about it doesnt cut it anymore)

noone can be fucked to care anymore; we didn't know how good we had it up until 2017 with the election cycle, and a relatively united online brotherhood, now, good luck getting 10 people on here to agree on something. shilling, subversion, we were always aware of it but we didn't fight back hard enough. we had something back then. now? not so sure.

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f3aa5e  No.90436

File: 42baac3949f38d8⋯.png (7.55 MB, 2560x4121, 2560:4121, PRS.png)


>What the hell happened to the alt-right?

By the authority vested in me by the Holy Inquisition, I hereby END this thread.

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f69c67  No.90443

File: 80be26b42da6375⋯.jpg (21.39 KB, 515x497, 515:497, cool_dolphin.jpg)

Basically Full Spectrum Warfare against the Alt-Right.

>legally attack them to keep them occupied, silenced and exhaust their Ressources

>media campaigns to demonise them, so it's socially unacceptable to be publically Alt-Right and to create bad psychological associations with the Alt-Right with Normies

>Integrate a part of them into the mainstream, because their energy is useful and Conservatives lack it, while creating a clear new line of division between acceptable and unacceptable

>Use Antifa to create fear and terror

>Create Exit Programs for Medial Purposes and also further remove Alt-Right Leadership

This is like when the USA uses their Army, Navy, Airforce and Espionage to defeat another country. The Alt-Right got hit with everything at once.

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2c08ff  No.90462


>massive faggot assumptions

See this is why people hate you faggots.

Faggotry is parasitic against straight children (the only way you faggots can reproduce is child molestation) in heterosexual culture (if it wasn’t you would go form your own faggot ethnostate.


No one is going to call this cock sucker out on this one? Fuck you all, you have lost your way if you are going to let this JEWISH FAGGOT ‘ALT-KIKE’ run rampant on your board without saying anything about it.


Jesus was not a ‘jew’ you stupid fuck.

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2c08ff  No.90463


No one wants anything to do with them BECAUSE THEY ARE JEWISH FAGGOTS…you want to replace the current jewish pedo faggot globohomo crowd with ‘new’ jewish pedo faggots?

WHY…just WHY?

No one wants those kikeniggers anywhere around them (no one who is decent anyway).

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941111  No.90470

File: 2f4097e3720d923⋯.jpg (93.63 KB, 600x830, 60:83, IMG_20200405_062524_789.jpg)


The real problem is nobody was willing to continue at the Charlottesville setup incident, and the whole thing got control-demo'd. Momentum definitely could have continued, but instead this happened:


That and most of the Alt-Right leadership were phonies. It's disappointing because there was real unity and momentum for a moment, only to have it fizzle out. How long it will take to get something like that going again and what form it will take I don't know, but I fear for this generation it may be the end of any kind of nationalist movement, cucked or otherwise. I imagine we'll need another decade until we'll be far enough from the Alt-Right that anyone would want to get anything similar going. Unless this Corona business is a game changer, but that would go off topic.

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cc9209  No.90501


have you considered it's because the ideology is based on hate and hate is tiresome?

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2c08ff  No.90507


You ideology is worse. It is actually EVIL.


That is because no one is looking to promote anyone for real leadership or justice. They just want the pre-packaged kike product that they are told to adore. It has to ‘look correct’ rather than BE CORRECT. It has to ‘look just’ rather than BE JUST. It has to approximate legality rather than BE LAWFUL.

There is no way out of this nightmare without a total breakdown of every last system because humanity itself it too corrupted.

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caa25e  No.90511


You make a sound point there.


>at least when their masters were European that is,

IIRC some of the Africans selling slaves to the Europeans would eventually grant them tribe membership.

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f3aa5e  No.90520


Hate is perfectly normal and healthy, there is no evolution (of body or mind) without hate. "Love" is dysgenic and leads to disintegration. This is why kikes are trying to repress hate so much, because its a natural reaction to unnatural, degenerate, and dysgenic society that they have created, and all the vile, abhorrent freaks inhibiting it. You will remain a bunch of freaks even if there is no one around to notice it or hate you for it because quality is not relative or dependent on anyone's opinion, but universal. Don't shoot the messenger :>)

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f3aa5e  No.90523



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caa25e  No.90530


> the right wingers were just waving their flags and shouting slogans.

That's not what the footage of Heather's murder showed.

That's not what the footage of that asshole shooting that guy in Seattle showed.

That's not what the footage of Gavin's cokeheads attacking those antifascists in NYC showed.

That's not what the footage of the subversives killing a Finn in Helsinki showed.

That's not what the footage of Damigo and the Patriot Prayer guy in Berkeley showed.

ARE there peace-loving righties who never do crimes? Sure. Are there peace-loving righties who festoon everything they own with swastikas but never do real crimes? Sure. But the guys racking up frequent flyer miles with their jail visits and getting the bulk discounts on legal defense gofundmes ARE more or less the sort of thugs the left sees them as.

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941111  No.90534


"Hate" is just a political buzzword, it means nothing. These people obviously don't hate their own folk and culture. It's not like any of these retarded leftist movements shrieking their various slogans in the streets are stopping us from sliding into a dystopian apocalypse world either. It's that exact snobby, 'above it all' high-horsed attitude which is why the left is failing to effect real change as well.


I think you are actually on to something there. Everyone wants somebody to do it for them, everybody wants a pre-packaged product, etc. I think the real answer is trying to get a "movement" going that isn't a movement, but just more of a self improvement, almost /sig/ tier kind of thing with emphasis on physical improvement, improved diet, self sufficiency, fighting degeneracy, dressing well and presenting yourself to the world properly, etc. Not a political movement per se, but something to just begin unfucking society and humanity in general that will even make it possible for any kind of political change at all because right now humanity is still too hyper dependent and full retard to break away from any kind of authority or establishment. Retards running around waving flags in the streets when they themselves look like retarded human garbage is a problem on all sides of the political spectrum because that's just what most of humanity is these days.

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941111  No.90548


>That's not what the footage of Heather's murder showed.

Dude you are aware that in that very footage you are referencing she wasn't hit by the car, right? She was just some fat chick who had a heart attack and died of being a garbage human being because a bunch of Antifa terrorist chased some motorist into a crowd an hour after the event had ended. If you truly believe she was "murdered" you have been grossly misinformed and not done your due diligence in researching independently. The rest is media spin. Even most of what you are referencing, IE "attacking anti-fascists" is just exactly that, right wingers fighting back against leftist violence because the police just stand by and let them get away with it. Then the right gets charged with a crime while the leftists who were just as guilty if not more so get let off.

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26e9d3  No.90652

File: a1264f5674c1d17⋯.jpg (1.61 MB, 5528x3685, 5528:3685, 5g1a2854.jpg)

File: 985021145c7b1b9⋯.jpg (409.67 KB, 2048x1365, 2048:1365, 20690303_1798612733501078_….jpg)

File: a028f12a3d42da1⋯.jpg (86.72 KB, 720x960, 3:4, 20769952_268646043618129_3….jpg)

File: 933e5a2b879891b⋯.jpg (535.59 KB, 1920x1440, 4:3, 636381489242320442_UniteTh….JPG)

File: 91dcd77d7e6f38d⋯.jpg (252.72 KB, 1793x995, 1793:995, HammerBro2.jpg)


The left also come to fight and you know it

Where did all those baseball bats and clubs suddenly came from?

There was even a guy smashing around on people's heads with a hammer.

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26e9d3  No.90694

File: 7cc6b134b44808a⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1000x668, 250:167, HeatherBeforeHittingTheJac….png)

File: c13f1ea1e414caf⋯.png (194.51 KB, 227x504, 227:504, HeatherBeforeHittingTheJac….png)

File: 0bf711ea07be943⋯.png (1.19 MB, 1000x754, 500:377, HeatherHittingTheJackpot.png)

File: c428d2e376fb936⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1000x664, 125:83, HeatherBeforeHittingTheJac….png)

File: 5d99ae43986a89f⋯.png (1.41 MB, 1476x842, 738:421, WhenJamesComesToTown2.png)


Nah, she was hit by the Dodge.

I have the autopsy report somewhere (no pics included) I'll try to find it and then post it too

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a22fde  No.90739


Hes not jewish, but even if he was so what? Hitler allowed many half jews in the ranks. What evidence do you have that he's our enemy? Youre not making any real arguments here.

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a90443  No.90980

File: 9dbedd3dd288606⋯.png (1.71 MB, 1292x966, 646:483, HATE_NETWORKS_MACRO.png)


> The Alt-Right got hit with everything at once.

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dd81ba  No.90993

File: 905f4fbdf9a8ac6⋯.png (29.22 KB, 1009x137, 1009:137, Screenshot_2020_04_05_22_3….png)


>"researchers" have resorted to plagiarizing /pol/ threads and things they've labelled as conspiracy theories

Pretty sad.

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b59bff  No.91001


>peace-loving righties

Who the fuck cares, faggot? Pacifism isn't a virtue and no successful political movement, left or right, has succeeded or endured without the use of force. The very basis of the state is the implicit threat of force in response to defiance by the citizenry and in the US, in theory, the citizenry is supposed to hold the state in check through an asymmetical threat of force. Any successful movement, no matter how savage or "morally unjustified" it's acts are can and will retroactively legalize them when it captures the state, if it doesn't simply institutionalize their political violence and call it policing, and normalize it with a generation or two of public education. That's how the left was built, how fascism was built, how communism was built and every single other ideology that has ever held power. Public morality doesn't descend from the heavens, it's shaped by the levers of state.

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9813af  No.91020


"mUh SpIc FuEntES" It's not even just Nick Fuentes leading the pro-white America First movement at this point but also Patrick Casey (leader of the American Identity Movement) Jaden McNeil and Jake Loyd and Steve Franssen, all good white men. But keep fed posting about The Base

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9c5361  No.91070


Fuentes is not a spic he is a Sephardic Crypto-jew, and none of those people are good because they all support a jew leading young american men astray.

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2c08ff  No.91088


This is truth.


This is why Hitler LOST. We won’t make the same mistake. All jews must be purged from the planet. COMPLETELY. We know who you are...

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2c08ff  No.91090


All the ALT-KIKES are jews and faggots. But worse, they support (((government))) which is a dead giveaway, at this late date in the fiasco that is (((government))) that they are NOTHING BUT PARASITES ON HUMANITY. That is all (((government))) is, just a way for the WEAK to parasite ‘legally’ off the strong. This is why it is a jewish institution. Because it is parasitic BY ITS NATURE.

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345108  No.91117


Surname evidence is very poor when it comes to cryptos because they took spanish names. So basically that is non evidence. Secondly Hitler allowed in dedicated misclings. Until someone else better is mainstreaming pro white identity and calling the kosher right race traitors publically then fuck off. Fascism doesnt wait for theoretical ubermench. The ubermench is the one doing. Until someone does it better than the Casey-Fuentes-Franssen axis then they are the defacto pro white movement.

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2c08ff  No.91128


Seriously you fucking kike…no one wants your (((candidates))) anymore. If you want them to ‘rule over you’ then take them and FUCK OFF to Israel.

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345108  No.91148



>needless capitalization, excessive triple echoe usage, cant follow the thread, responses have nothing to do with what is being said

Thats some Cringe bot code bro

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766996  No.91182


>first pic

This commie faggot is in for a rude awakening if he thinks that his enemies are just now learning of 4GW.

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345108  No.91199

Does anyone have the white dialectic copypasta?

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8b3ab3  No.91241


Two things.

1. The alt right is a jewish controlled opposition group and always has been. It’s not us and never will be.

2. You are paid by jews to post lies here, and the website ownership supports you. The website is completely lost.

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283967  No.91261


I wonder if big government produces shitskin mutts. It was the government in Mexico that forced racemixing.

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9c5361  No.91265


No, it isn't. Fuentes is a known common sephardic jew surname, and yes lets repeat Hitlers mistakes lets let the jew survive among us, yes goy thats just the "right" thing to do.

I don't care if he claims to be advocating for white interests he stands against the one we truly need and that is the expulsion or execution of all spics on the soil my ancestors shed and spilt blood to unify on.

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cfe3b5  No.91272

Paper tigers, just like the "true third positioners" that hide in places like this while doing nothing but making memes and bitching. Just like you, they're too afraid to take any form of action, and disavowed even tamer action than Tarrant's. What does that leave? Taking action, being disavowed, and having zero backing or followers? Or realizing none of you niggers is ever going to do anything and just leaving it all behind?

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9116fd  No.91356


The alt-right was never real. Anyone who suggests it was is too new to be posting, or is a certified glowie.

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1cd462  No.91401


You've had half a decade of your life to stop posting and move on.

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345108  No.91576


>surname evidence is perfect

Please tell me who wrote the foundational NS work: Myth of the Twentieth Century. I know you dont know without google because you are a shitty shill but the answer doesnt pass the smell test. Your surname purity code is flawed.


>Tarrant didnt do anything

>also the only option is to Tarrant

Shut the fuck up FBInigger. Even if we were all Tarrant acolytes his first and foremost instruction was to raise white kids.

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bc9ffa  No.91594


>also the only option is to Tarrant

Well to be fair you could also do a Mosley and cuck out at critical moments because muh optics.

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9c5361  No.92036


Alfred Rosenberg, lets not forget Hitler stressed that it wasn't an expression of the official party doctrine even if he awarded Rosenberg an award for the work. I don't have to agree with everything Hitler did my foremost objection is that he did not do what it took to win and he ignored the evidence in front of his face about killing all the jews as Goebbels wanted as evidenced by his diary but lets make the same mistake again, please.

My surname purity test seems to work well when backed up by his own publicly shown DNA test that shows he has jewish heritage, doesn't it?

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345108  No.92056


>dna test shows Fuentes has jewish heritage

No. But his is a spic/moor and 80% euro.

Sauce: https://amp.reddit.com/r/theunBEARables/comments/cej37h/nick_fuentes_takes_a_dna_test/

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9c5361  No.92060


That doesn't even show the entire thing, and my country is being invaded daily still even in the midst of a pandemic by armies of spics, I will not support someone who wants them to remain, who actively wants or does not care how it will destroy not only the genetics of my people but please keep shilling for him, please.

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8876e9  No.92093


They achieved their primary goals: getting Trump elected, and getting the core GOP base to support his policies. Now their main candidate has become mainstream, so theres nothing "alt" about it.

If you mean advocating for a second holocaust, that was never a major thing beyond a small number of deluded people in the first place. Just like the tea party was actually dominated by seniors who wanted to keep medicare, not libertarians.

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2eaea7  No.92184


Fuck you. The reason how I know you're a shill is because you're shitting on two of a few remaining guys who didn't sell out.

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79a4de  No.92276


https://archive.is/QsECg <<←- This is bullshit and whoever wrote it sucks dick at gay bath houses.

Banning someone from facebook isn't going to cripple any established communications network a group or groups are using, unless that is the only thing the group uses and those people are idiots or shills.

There are basically TWO comm circles: recruitment/propaganda and trusted.

Facebook, youtube, twitter, etc are used to push propaganda and seek out new recruits. Trusted comms can be based on discord or other public means (and often are) but since the alt-right typically have higher IQ members, building out apps or online networks on cloud servers is not really an problem.

The kikes at the ADL or niggers at NAACP are not going to be shutting down docker spin ups or getting burner phones for field comms because that doesn't move units, sell books, or get air time on CNN. Getting a facebook group that puts up propaganda does. The kikes claims a "great victory" when a user or group gets banned and claim they are stopping hate. But in reality they knocked down one of the probably two dozen accounts also used by the same people.

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52a76a  No.92282


Why are you using an Oven Benjamin reddit, let alone any reddit at all? He's a kike, which is worse than whatever mongrelation Spic Fuentes is.

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c28eb1  No.92442


Do you even read the posts you reply to? Don't answer that. Rhetorical question.

>muh keeeeeeds

You will not outbreed the enemy. You will not outvote the enemy. Please keep proving you're nothing but a paper tiger that will never ever do anything. You're being replaced and genocided, yet you refuse to lift a finger.

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2c08ff  No.92539


Go suck an alt right cock ‘anon’.


Amen. They are the ENEMY.


Striker I have no opinion on…but SPENCER? Are you fucking kidding? He is Ashkenazi on his mothers side (so a GENUINE JEW via matrilineal lineage) AND his parent receive 2 million ANNUALLY in farm subsidies from the (((US GOVERNMENT)))…and you fucks really think he isn’t bought and sold?

You know what the problem is with Ethnic Europeans?



I never want to see another fuck brown part nigger mongrel in a position of (((leadership))) over HUMAN BEINGS ever again. It is DISGUSTING…just sick as fuck; literally revolting to see that mongrel trash leading actual people.

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a0a413  No.92564


The old guard is all still around. We still have Amren, we still have the Unz Review, we still have Occidental Observer/Counter Currents/VDare/etc. Plus, despite what you may say about Nick he has built somewhat of a political infrastructure with AFPAC that will serve as an entry-level institution for redpilling normies once trump is gone and they have no other "dissident" leaders to look towards.

Fundamentally the Alt-Right was kind of always a meme. It's true we don't have the internet bloodsports and media attention that we had a few years ago, but we still have all of the ideological leaders who built the ideas that allowed the Alt-Right to exist in the first place. More importantly, we have an entire new constitution now with the Propertarian Institute that can be implemented the moment the U.S. and/or other white countries balkanize due to civil war.

In other words, the Alt-Right's collapse isn't really that important. All of our giants are cranking out works that are stronger than ever (see Individualism and The Western Liberal Tradition as the latest example). We have the beginnings of a political infrastructure forming for the post-Trump geopolitical environment. The guys at the Propertarian Institute are working full time to spread awareness of the new system of government they've created. Plus, always remember that the most important thing that redpills normies, the reality of living in a globohomo pozzed society, is still in full effect. More than anything we've done, in truth it's the actions of the egalitarian, anti-white left that have pushed most normies in our direction(see Gamergate, IOTBW, daily anti-white hatred everywhere, etc.) The developed world's society isn't sustainable, the collapse is still coming, and all the people that actually matter are still very much active. If anything the collapse of the Alt-Right just showed us who our real allies are.

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fef747  No.92574


>We still have Amren

Unless you're a jew, you don't "have" AmRen,

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2c08ff  No.92576


Fuck the alt-kike faggots. They caved when they needed to be strong. That is what you get with ‘manufactured’ kike leadership.


They aren’t something to look up to


I’m ok with Amgen but they try too hard ‘not to offend’ and you can’t be a leader without offending niggers and subhumans.

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99c025  No.92693

File: 35f7357fedcb43d⋯.png (59.83 KB, 786x302, 393:151, discord_process_logging.png)




You really should read this: https://spyware.neocities.org/articles/discord.html . tl;dr: Discord is spyware and it collects (as mentioned in said article):

* IP Address

* Device UUID

* User's e-mail address

* All text messages

* All images

* All VOIP data (voice chat)

* Open rates for e-mail sent by Discord

* Logs of all of the other programs that are open on your computer

(sage for off-topic)

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248d7b  No.102298

I think the movement should focus less on substance and more on spectacle, and by this I mean more torch marches and book burning events. It worked for the Nazis and will induce mass kvetching amount the kikes and good goys.

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800065  No.102305


Street and door-to-door activism is still probably the most successful tactic, but we are indeed content to squat in echo-chambers such as this one. Youtube and facebook will meet their inevitable fates eventually, but if they were necessary for your movement in the first place, well, that's not very impressive and it's no surprise the movement turned out to be volatile and prone to dissolution. The time is ripe for pushing the movement forward. The manpower of our movement is huge, just not localized. That's a good thing: We have seen how easy the media makes a target of us when we try to play by their rules. So don't. Lone wolf activism. Be creative. Personally, I print off fliers and hide them in books at bookstores and in packaging at huge box stores. However, the possibilities are endless and…FFS WE FINALLY HAVE AN EXCUSE TO WEAR A MASK IN PUBLIC.

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90785f  No.102967


We need a flyer thread going at all times. I put up quite a few myself.

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a866d3  No.103556

What if I told you, it never existed to begin with. You might say. That is preposterous. But who do you think play both sides?

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be438e  No.103567

File: 58e9a3d5793832b⋯.jpeg (41.43 KB, 328x485, 328:485, 96900604_81A7_49C1_A1BB_4….jpeg)

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c13291  No.103578

They sucked so much Trump dick their lips fell off, collectively

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732961  No.103648


I believe it can't process log in browser.

It still collects device information, ID, at the moment phone numbers as well so you need a fake / burner number. Plus it keeps all logs on a server which goes beyond purpose specification principle of gdpr imo. When you delete your account all your private messages remain in tact for another to view, which probably means discord keeps them on their server. Even when deleting a message I believe discord kept it. They worked around this with the GDPR but I really doubt them.

Governments aren't using the data to prosecute still though. But they're a huge threat to any organization, its ridiculous this still needs to be said in 2020 when that unite the right rally exposed discord for being a total honeypot as they gave data to feds without the feds even having asked them lmao.


Facebook isn't really used by anyone as a prime social media anymore. Younger people have moved onto instagram (which I hate since its just people posting heavily edited pics of themselves to show how good they have it, its dumb). I don't think instakike is something great either since facebook owns it anyway.


There is no real unifying goal behind these anti establishment groups. What is the goal? Anti Jewish elite. Yes but which Jewish elite specifically? Which business to hurt? Which principles to attack? Attack multiculturalism and mass migration, sure. That's a clear goal and some actively rally behind that but its a losing battle really as business profits and is very reliant on migration and cheap workers.

As long as there isn't really a clear unifying goal, there is no movement towards anything.

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33456e  No.103652


Here's the thing, though; I don't hate you, or anyone else, for things we have no control over.

No nigger chose to be born a nigger, anymore than any white person chose to be born a white.

No Jew chose to be born a Jew.

But they did choose to take action against the white race, just like I chose to take action for the white race. And at the end of the day, that's all that needs to be said.

Good luck. You'll need it.

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bea914  No.103661


Holy crap, that thing should come with some kind of warning then…on the other hand I look forward to many legless jews in the near future.

I might even see the jackpot get hit with a legless Kushner.

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bea914  No.103662


You know, I have no idea why I read LEGLESS and not LIPLESS on your post.

Doesn’t matter, legless seems better.

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70187f  No.103739

File: a535ea1d6a48b5f⋯.jpg (2.36 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 1588596017027.jpg)

File: 72ba7b00598027a⋯.jpg (106.33 KB, 500x701, 500:701, 3zxhws.jpg)

File: 66f09261adc83e4⋯.jpg (62.71 KB, 600x847, 600:847, 66f09261adc83e410e833cb8f0….jpg)

File: fb11412820776a1⋯.png (934.09 KB, 1029x772, 1029:772, 1588595582765.png)

>>103652 I disagree. A unfortunately disproportionate amount of niggers and kikes simply just go on living. Why? Because we haven't relied on our vrill powered hate capacity. >>103662 dick less lol. I love this picture. And I hate niggers and kikes.

https://www.bitchute.com/video/E34qZ9TiSvbM/ ghengis Khan wouldn't put up with this shit.

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1f563e  No.103746



Honestly, I don’t think mankind was meant to babysit any of the subhuman trash.

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ef9e66  No.104037

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This is what happened to the Alt-Right.

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01c40a  No.104304

File: c4062f26ebfff88⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 765.41 KB, 1503x1506, 501:502, 530v8lxxroi31.png)

File: ab35bbc2a2a069f⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 145.13 KB, 1280x1035, 256:207, ent5hg5aarw31.jpg)


the gay tranny (((discord)))) channels are still up, I have a feeling the jews aren't done subverting the movement.

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feeb69  No.104322

>what happened to the alt right

Why are you surprised by all the dumb actions and rhetorics coming from the alt-right? The alt-kike has only shown themselves as incompetent and anti-white for it is an inherently Jewish movement the mods will here ban me for saying it too, because they know I'm right that the Alt-right is the ultimate CIA nigger mutt movement larping as white nationalist. Richard Spencer's mentor is a fucking Jew for Christsakes and he lives in the state where the CIA headquarters is located.

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feeb69  No.104324



Strasserites have always been gay it's even rumored that Strasser himself was a fucking faggot, the alt-right bitches and moans about liberalism not because they have it and it's concepts, beliefs and values, but because it doesn't want to support their perspectives and viewpoints of the world. The best thing white nationalist can do now is go their own way or at least just stay NatSoc and not the cringey Neo-nazis who only seek to discredit us.

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615cc6  No.104331

File: f33d18a4d36725e⋯.png (604.05 KB, 756x1697, 756:1697, BGS_chan2.png)


>Russia building a pipeline into Germany


You do know that pipeline was initiated almost twenty years ago when Germany and Russia were still friends, before ZOGpuppet Angela was installed?

Just because you don't keep up with the news doesn't mean anything is happening quickly at all.

the JewSA losing its so-called influence over the middle east happened again when you weren't looking. Russia has been trying to get into Syria, roachland and Iran for a long time now.

I think you have listened too much to the neocucks with their cold war propaganda and not kept informed about the world.

The kikes were all too happy to go to war with Russia over Ukraine, practically begging for it.

And since that hasn't resulted in anything, the ruskies have kept on playing the long game.

The Russians are chess players and nowhere do you see this as clearly as in their foreign policy making. And with Europe basically denying Russia any much needed know-how, they instead look elsewhere.

Don't think the Russians and Pissrael are allies, though. This is a big boy game. Power politics in an old-school kind of way. Before the (((western))) world lost its mind post-WW2.

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feeb69  No.104333


>I would rather Ally with anti whites rather than psuedo pro whites

Communist are anti white you dumb fuck, communism is inherently anti white movement it always have been to Gaffdi, Mao, The South African maoist who killed white farmers, to the Russian Soviet Union, to the the Indian communist who wanted to genocide ethnic whites during WW2. You're not only a fucking cuck but a coping retard there is no reason to be pro white and side with people who have history of killing and hating whites.

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feeb69  No.104337


>Russian are chess players

Lmao you're a fucking retard, you sound just like a magaboomer the Russians are allowing minorities to outpopulate ethnic Russians, Putin works and has close relations with the PM of Israel, it is illegal to question Jews controlling the government, Russian nationalists are banned and arrested from becoming a political party, and Russian women are allowed to mate with other minorities.

How is this anything of high iq chess plays when Russian society is meeting a decline and Russia go possibly become mostly Islamic? You're a not natsoc quit fucking larping you stupid kike.

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a08498  No.104356


Angela was making deals under the table with Putin while shit-talking, it is incredibly naive to assert that friendship ended because of her. She simply sang the tune that people wanted to hear her sing.

>Don't think the Russians and Pissrael are allies, though. This is a big boy game.

So 88D chess but we are supposed to pretend it's different because of this retarded illusion that Putin is going to save everyone.

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5c6f50  No.104362


Calling Russia a chess player sounds like when the alt-right said the same thing about Trump and how he was going to kick out the Jews. Putin is a chess player to enforce Zionism for he is a Zionist himself there is nothing pro white and nationalist about Putin for he despises it and would be willing to betray all of Russia for the Zionist like he is doing now. To say that Russia and Israel aren't allies is not only a lie, but outright denying the fact Benjamin and Putin have had nothing but friendly talks since the 2016 election. Russia saving the world from liberalism is a lie said by Jewish alt-righters.

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615cc6  No.104383

File: 4ee9907e6171962⋯.png (231.25 KB, 459x1000, 459:1000, get_the_delousing_chamber.png)




I should have put a trigger warning before using the word chess, apparently. You oversensitive brainlets have the reading comprehension of a bunch of school children.

I specifically said FOREIGN POLICY.

Putin is playing up Russia as the world power it isn't and hasn't been in thirty years but the (((west))) is too busy sucking each others' cocks to notice.

Never have I said that Putin was actually good for Russia or anything to that tune, so calm down you irriterable mongoloids.

It's just that Russia is doing power politics the old fashioned way. They are looking to expand their influence while hoping nobody notices their entire country is still effectively locked in Soviet times.

And up to now, it's working. The Soviets have done that same thing, too in the cold war.

>Angela has been negotiating under the table

Not really, though. She absolutely hates the Russians while neglecting that their resources and lack of infrastructure are just what Germany needs to truly prosper.

After all, that's why the CIA manual on Europe strictly states that an alliance of Germany and Russia is to be prevented at all costs.

Why do you think the ZOGnald was flipping his shit last year when he heard the pipeline was close to completing?

It's not like Germany is even buying that much American gas. It's just to deny Germany its right to soverign choice of where she gets her resources.

Angela just couldn't opt out of the deal anymore, since it was put in place under her predecessor and canceling it would cost a lot and would not be justifiable to the German public. If you really think Angela isn't a ZOGbot who is at the beck and call for whatever the Jewnited States are doing, I've got a bridge to sell. Why do you think she was the one at the forefront of bringing the invaders into Europe? It's the same spiel the ZOG has done since right after the second world war, where they forced Europe to take turkroaches and moroccans as "temporary workers" knowing full well they would stay.

And when they got the numbers in 2010 that Germany still had less than 10% foreigners living hin her borders, they started to up the ante to bring the Kalergi plan into full effect.

Three responses all butt-blasted about reading the word chess. Christ, I hope this board soon dies so you halfcuck-refugees finally have nowhere left to go.

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1f563e  No.104387


All of this is true. Native Russians have European DNA so the kikes are still struggling to destroy what is left of it. The average kike Russian is very proud of the ‘federation’ of nations and the fact that it is FUCKING IMPOSSIBLE to get anything done due to the squabbling of the different ‘federated states’ EVEN SIMPLE THINGS LIKE BUILDING ROADS…fucking can’t get done do to the subhuman bitches petty bureaucratic non-merit based fuckery.

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01c40a  No.104389

File: 5a834dfe8403296⋯.png (95.8 KB, 481x239, 481:239, Screen_Shot_2019_03_24_at_….png)


Not just Strasserites but national Bolshevist, Duginism, White Juchism ect are all communist nature and want to bring anons and potential white nationalist astray by copying our message and reconverting it to fit there message. White nationalist need to disavow these communist in the manifesto or you end up like picture related

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615cc6  No.104391

File: d7da03b378b10ad⋯.jpg (103.18 KB, 500x532, 125:133, no_longer_certain.jpg)


That's the unsolvable problem for Russia.

They just cannot get their country to a level of functionality necessary to ever become a world power.

And Putin has done nothing to alleviate that while playing big man in his foreign politics.

I mean, to that end, Russia certainly is successful. NATO is pereptually shitting their pants over Russia's seeming military prowess.

Until they massive bureaucratic and corruption problems are solved, Russia will stay in the same place it has for the last 30 years.

Same with Brownzil. I once found a book at a university from 1968 titled 'Brazil: the superpower of tomorrow'. Makes me laugh to this day.

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9c5361  No.104394


Just because Commies have coopted the blacksun does not mean Brenton Tarrant was a nazbol, and The black sun is too emblematic of our people to discard just because commies stole it.

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1f563e  No.104395


The DESERVE IT ALL for slaughtering the moral, productive and honorable European/Western Russian people during the Bolshevik Revolution.

Fuck that shithole.

Not only that but they never did a fucking thing about the disgusting murderous kikes that still basically run their nation. Every time someone suggests that Ethnic Europeans should move to Russia/Eurasia I want to laugh in their face for their retardation. We would probably be better off in South Africa than in (((Eurasia))). After all the kikes can only kill you once and that is rather quick in the scheme of things, but watching your genetics and people totally destroyed lasts a lifetime.

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615cc6  No.104398


That was the kikes, though, that did the slaughtering.

Russia has always been a shithole. Even their golden age was only golden to the extend that they went from 200 years behind Europe to 100 years behind Europe.

No Führer in the world could fix Russia in any lasting way.

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38a387  No.104416


>Russians deserve the consequences of kikes' actions for being also victims of the same genocidal kikes

Where's the logic in this?

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941111  No.104473

File: a4f77d6348c543e⋯.jpg (177.68 KB, 800x1055, 160:211, chinascentury.jpg)


>I once found a book at a university from 1968 titled 'Brazil: the superpower of tomorrow'. Makes me laugh to this day.

Funny how that crap turns out. No matter how bad they want it to be true, no nonwhites can get their shit together on a big enough scale to be any kind of superpower. Check out pic related from 15 years ago and look how hard China has crashed in less than 6 months.


Thank you for the post. Boomers and MAGA types don't get how fucked up and corrupt Russia and Putin actually are. I know it sounds appealing on paper when you see those RUSSIA STRONK memes and shoops of Putin riding bears, as if Putin is the savior of the west/traditional values/white race etc. But really he is just out for himself, and sells out the Russian people for personal benefit constantly. He is also a collaborates with both the Russian jewish oligarchs as well as Israel. He occasionally takes a shot at them and doesn't like the leverage they have over him, but overall Putin would not be in power if Israel didn't want it.


The whole NSDAP larp really needs to stop in general. We need to take the spirit of it and channel it into something that will work in the 21st century. IMO Hitler shouldn't be the God figure of white nationalism, fascism, or white identity politics in general, he should just be one in a pantheon of deities that include many historical figures, military leaders, scientists, philosophers, explorers etc. who have all contributed differently. As much as I respect the shit out of Hitler he is just one man associated with a brief period in history, and not everything should be about him, and any attempt to recreate his movement results in gay, cringey larpers that make everyone look bad and are easy media cannon fodder. Making everything about Hitler is, unfortunately, taking the bait and falling into a no-win situation. While it's a bitter pill to swallow considering how Hitler has been dragged through the mud in the decades after his death and he definitely needs some vindication, he should be just one source we draw on.

Literally one of the best things we can take from the third Reich is the important of optics and aesthetics, which is why I hate it when faggots talk about "optics cucks," when they don't even realize that half the whole reason Hitler was successful is that he and the boys looked sharp and clean cut as fuck, emphasized physical /fit/ness etc. and just generally looked good and spoke well. That doesn't mean we need to wear fucking Wehrmacht inspired outfits, it means we need to learn from his positive example and make sure we look presentable, are physically fit, and emphasizing positive things, not ranting about niggers and jews while holding up windmill signs. Only then will anyone in the mainstream want to join us.

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5c6f50  No.104498

Daily reminder that alt-right righters think being "Spirituality white" makes you white or so-called Aryan.

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5c6f50  No.104500


NATO isn't shitting their pants you turbonigger, do you honestly think Russia is a powerful country? Russia is fucking weak and I know this because I used to live there, Russia is not a strong country at all they could be defeated NATO or even fucking China because it's military is fucking shit and we have way too many outdated equipment that would ineffective invading countries like Poland, because Putin does nothing more but spend Russian's tax pay dollars on a garbage tanks that the USA probably will only end up either coping or creating counter measures against. Russia is poor as shit and the only thing stronk about Russia is it's Jewish corporations and scrawny nerds such as yourself who think Russia is "based". Fuck Putin and fuck you stupid American NatSoc faggot.

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8e4fb2  No.104510

File: 782b7feadd41a8f⋯.jpg (32.41 KB, 506x296, 253:148, wgc.jpg)

File: f10811933e7aa97⋯.png (540.79 KB, 2640x1584, 5:3, debt.png)




>russia is poor as shit

maybe, but their debt to GDP is nice, and that includes internal debt. russia could easily pay off banksters and have a gold backed currency. poor, but free w/gold left over.

as they say

kings pay with gold

gentlemen pay with silver

peasants barter

slaves pay with debt

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9d38cd  No.104551

I think this is the thread to post it:

All of you should look up Keith Woods. He is an Irish nationalist who could be considered fascist/Third Positionist. He even likes Cultured Thug, so you know he is actually /ourguy/. He has tons of potential and is increasingly becoming more popular. He is what this movement needs, "alt right" or otherwise.

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3bea6b  No.104556


Hi, Keith.

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9d38cd  No.104573


Not Keith. Just telling anons about a decent figure in our movement. Do you have any problems with Keith?

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5c6f50  No.104601


Keith is a fucking marxist who wont stop calling Hitler a socialist despite the fact that Hitler did not like progressive socialism but wanted Spenger's socialism which is the exact opposite of marxist socialism. He isn't /ourguy/ nor is he even intelliegent for this retarded movement, he thinks dugin is a white nationalist and is willing to save the white race despite the fact Dugin's own book shits on white cultures and how he has more respect for niggers than he does for whites, because we're too "racist". Keith is a psuedo brainlet who thinks white communism is a thing and that white people should forgive the shit muslims are doing to the west just to own the jews despite the fact that Palestinians and Muslims do not hate jews, but just zionism. Keith is 19 year old twink who will only lead white people to end up getting killed rather than saving it dumbshit.


>Russia gdp is nice

are you fucking stupid? Russia doesn't have a nice GDP that's enough for them to afford a war even with the current military of Poland. Russia is poor as shit and it's debt has been increasing ever since Putin has gotten into office and its increasing now.

>Slaves pay with debt

slaves also have their money taken from them their votes rigged and their resources going into a people who abused and murdered them at most a 100 years ago.

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9d38cd  No.104605


How the hell is Keith a Marxist/progressive socialist? Secondly, Keith ended up saying on his podcast with Cultured Thug that he does not like Dugin. He is not a "white communist" just because he criticizes capitalism.

>white people should forgive the shit muslims are doing to the west just to own the jews

Did you just find this board yesterday? Being pro-Palestine is nothing new within this movement. Tons of anon back on 8/pol/ called themselves as such. Keith also does not forgive the shit that the muzzies are doing in the west. He is just simply attacking the (((source))).

If anything Keith reminds me a bit of old /pol/. He would fit right in if 8/pol/ were still a thing.

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54f41e  No.104608

File: 37bd506dc4e9e5b⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 1.02 MB, 1853x3708, 1853:3708, LeaderlessResistance.png)



Pic Related.

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5c6f50  No.104637


Keith constantly shills and fucks with dugin and his stupid ass ideas for the le white race, He is a white communist because constantly downplays cultural marxism and denies holodomor ever existed to shill the SU as a white trad empire.

>id you just find this board yesterday? Being pro-Palestine is nothing new within this movemen

Except he literally told his viewers on his dumbass podcast and twitter that we shouldn't be racist to the poor muslims and we should take ideas from them. Now mudslimes are orbiting him telling lies about anti-semetic the muslim are despite the fact they're still working with him.

>Keith also does not forgive the shit that the muzzies are doing in the west. He is just simply attacking the (((source))).

refer to what I said above

>If anything Keith reminds me a bit of old /pol/. He would fit right in if 8/pol/ were still a thing.

That's not saying much about /pol/ considering pol constantly says dumb shit and shilled Putin being le based and redpilled despite the fact he's been jailing and banning Russian nationalists since the American election. Keith wood is a stupid Irish twink who needs to grow up and stop pretending that he's saying any pro-white rhetoric.

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feeb69  No.104638



Did you seriously come here just to shill Keith? Lmao

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b5634c  No.104644


It became overwhelmed with parasitic "leadership".

White men must chart their own course amongst their own communities. An eceleb(s) with messianic dreams will save no one.

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9d38cd  No.104652


>he downplays cultural Marxism

We can recognize that cultural Marxism is compatible and even strengthened by modern day capitalism

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029135  No.104712

Everyone got doxed, dude. A massive FBI and ADL backed effort handed ISP and personal data to antifa about everyone from podcasters to lowly forum shitposters. Now we're all google felons and unemployable for fucking ever just trying to survive. We're too busy trying not to become homeless for this shit now. Bruh the fucking FBI came to my door for some fucking ironic, hyperbole memes and shitposts I made in 2015. So yeah, everyone is basically fucking hiding.

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9d38cd  No.104817

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Watch this video of him. He even speaks in support of Spengler’s socialism. I don’t get why you guys hate him. He is basically echoing Hitler’s views. Might I also mention that he also paraphrased Mein Kampf on his Twitter.

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8d9453  No.104822


hold me horses, a e-celeb who paraphrased Mein Kampf on his twitter.

Lads, it is settled. This e-celeb (who is most likely either a homosexual or a kike [including crypto]) is our new fearless leader.

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661281  No.104935


It sounds like you're reading too much Brandon Martinez, who's doing this weird contrarian, uncalibrated Anglin impersonation now.

>Palestinians and Muslims do not hate jews, but just zionism

That isn't really true, but even if it was, there's no trip shorter than from anti-zionism to anti-semitism. Zionism is political judaism, and judaism is just religious jewishness.

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9d38cd  No.104948


You have no proof that he is a homo or a kike. Nice job ignoring the rest of my post.

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655310  No.105224


Leaderless Resistance has been tried before, and it turned out to be all leaderless and no resistance. We need a best of both worlds approach.

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01c40a  No.105277


eceleb/alt right leaders flip-floped to many times, they had no solid ideas, there was no common ground, there was no direction within, the opposite of leadership.

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bea914  No.105287


Because they do not want to provide leadership since they are a distraction and a way for the globalists to ‘tag and bag’ you. When you have something to say you don’t get a ‘platform’ you get a bullet.

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357c2b  No.105289



Jesus Christ, 'alt-right' is leftist newspeak, stop using that you niggerfaggot, we're right, and that's all

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01c40a  No.105295

File: e384e547403837f⋯.png (165.28 KB, 277x346, 277:346, 1435423843241.png)


> a way for the globalists to ‘tag and bag’ you.

Don't you see this is already a prison. Something has to be done, and I don't mean shoot federal building, someone needs to help our people. I don't want to see a single homeless or poor white man struggle ever again.

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8f28ea  No.105317


Russians are far too complacent with having endless land and resources, though they sperg up a storm if you dare suggest that foreign investors could retool that land for more efficient use. Sure it's worthless wilderness but it's OUR worthless wilderness and not a German lumber camp/farm.

t. Russian

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5c6f50  No.105449

Reminder that a famous leader of the (((alt-right))) is married to a fucking Jew Zionist. Fuck the alt-kike.



Then we need to do something and stop this cucked mentality "Everyone deserves a homeland" or "I just wanna be alone mentality" it's fucking useless agaisnt kikes and other non-whites who hate whites. I would much rather have a white nationalist version of An ADL or create some form of a secret society than give money to worthless Hispanic Jews E-celebs like the (((TRS))).

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7c4eff  No.105518

The alt right was never a huge force. It just gets less coverage. Less than 1000 people showed up to UTR

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df0f72  No.106616

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941111  No.106650


>Then we need to do something and stop this cucked mentality "Everyone deserves a homeland" or "I just wanna be alone mentality" it's fucking useless agaisnt kikes and other non-whites who hate whites. I would much rather have a white nationalist version of An ADL or create some form of a secret society

You are very correct, especially about the "I just wanna be left alone" mentality, which is pervasive in most white people who just want to go about our business and live our lives without some kiked authoritarian instrument ruining our lives and controlling us. The problem is we need to reject that part of our bioculture, and realize that a collective (group) is always stronger than an individual. We are having a hard time uniting white people just because it's counter to our character because we all want to be on our own program and kneel before no one, which is being exploited by the kikes and why we are on our knees before all now. We won't be able to create a WN version of the ADL/SPLC/ACLU without copious amounts of money, which we do not have, and while there certainly are some monied white men who would support such a thing, they cannot do so openly or they would be attacked and destroyed by the same organizations I just listed. We need to go the secret society route until we get big or organized enough to stand against other organizations. The problem is that while internet based propaganda is well and good, we need physical meetups too, but everytime someone suggests this they immediately get shouted down as a kike fed shill etc. despite the fact it's ultimately the only way forward. I've raw-dogged many WN/Fascist/racist/whatever websites and even met a now IRL buddy off one, never got vanned or helicoptered, and I even passed a fucking background check to get a government security clearance to work at a facility that manufactured shit for the military, showing how little they actually track us. Back before 8chan got shit canned there were some anons organizing anonymous meetups in public places and even having some successes in a few places. Then those threads got quickly deleted while the Tarrant threads celebrating and encouraging violence/terrorism were left up, which tells you what (((they))) really want us to do, and what they're actually afraid of us doing.

We definitely need to get some kind of public meetups going, no organizations, banners, slogans, marches, uniforms, etc. for plausible deniability purposes, but just a handful of guys meeting up in a public place and getting to talking. Simple as that, that's how things start. If we get together we can start advising and supporting each other, share skills, pool resources to create an agricultural homestead and from there, other parallel social structures as well that we will need to stand independently of a kiked system and society.

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7874cd  No.106729


I don't know what it is with me, i don't really do much here, but everytime something big happens… i end up back here… Before it was Ron Paul, then it was Trump, now its Covid-19

I seem drawn to this place when something needs to get out.

I am out there, im just not here during times of….. unimportance.

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7874cd  No.106731

File: 14855c2be375bb1⋯.jpg (104.79 KB, 852x960, 71:80, 27750155_894488907376872_7….jpg)


Right, liberty loving people are gonna be thrilled to have there liberty taken away, and in no way will they ever use their gun to defend their liberty!!

So, throw some commies from a helicopter, divide white land up by religious belief, and have a constitutional republic build on mutual defense only, Let… God decide what states will prosper.

And dont forget to learn from history and set up more proper checks and balances to the constitution.

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2cc716  No.109076

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d38a3b  No.109712

File: 2bf23c60334c3ad⋯.jpg (8.28 KB, 250x249, 250:249, 1590191186927s.jpg)

File: 2177f9ce13678ce⋯.jpg (190.88 KB, 750x873, 250:291, 1590190813810.jpg)

File: be0ed387318a4a6⋯.jpg (124.21 KB, 683x1024, 683:1024, 1590178915819m.jpg)

File: f747b1d892a748b⋯.jpg (174.27 KB, 1086x1200, 181:200, image_placeholder_title.jpg)

File: bf687aa304a7560⋯.gif (3.77 KB, 128x128, 1:1, 1590177234527.gif)

Such is our power lol


This is a non-stop kek ride from start to finish.

But in all seriousness we should use kids for political assassinations, wtf?

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ec4dbd  No.109765

Wow. So ignorant.

The "alt right" was a Russian psy-op designed by Dugin & Richard Spencer. It was meant to justify being gay as look as you took it up the ass from other whites. To corrupt the West from within.

There was never an alternative right. There's only the left, the right, and the reaction.

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7ed3e5  No.109770

File: ee68fdc7c9904e8⋯.png (190.56 KB, 512x556, 128:139, a041011fab05f4b0cff238f9ce….png)

the way you phrase it here OP makes me genuinely wonder how the hell this happened.

big tech censorship having its effects (much as I hate to admit it)?

Us needing a leader to rally around, and that having been slowly whittled down, we find ourselves scattered?

those seem to be the causes as far as i can tell, but it is astounding how different it is now than just only 3 years ago.

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9d38cd  No.109863


Thank you. It’s like these clowns are forgetting that many of /ourguys/ in the past were pro-Palestine and/or made alliances with muslims. Some of those guys were

>Adolf Hitler

>William Luther Pierce

>George Lincoln Rockwell

>Francis Parker Yockey

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613d8c  No.131973

File: a5408e4ddeec7b9⋯.png (722.85 KB, 1201x1189, 1201:1189, nigger_love.png)


An overdone cliche, copypasta if you will but tellingly true nonetheless

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613d8c  No.131974


Losing the mid terms was sort of a huge fuck up. This could have been avoided if Trump hadn't dumped Coulter and Bannon and replaced them with Javanka.

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62ac1a  No.132014


>Does TikTok screen for hate speech

I imagine if you don't talk about "tianamen square" or recruit for falun gong, the chinks don't give a shit. They may even prefer that WN congregate on there to stir up shit for the US. We do it for free!


>Gamergate was cancer whose *primary purpose* was to make gamers look bad

I never understood gamer gate. There was some slut that fucked around, and the game mag "reporters" are a bunch of hacks. Said slut also fucked some for good reviews. What's news there?


Everything old is new again. Don't underestimate the silent majority.


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4f61bf  No.132019

(((alt-right))) was always a kike psyop you utter retard.

and since it failed like everything kikes do, it's gone. be gone too.

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4f61bf  No.132022

next thing is ww3, no nazi bs 4 u.

and i say that as a right wing white from the reich (occupied by that jew merkel but we're working on it. first, you muttshits and your kike overlords have to go, then the rest)

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013c10  No.132047

A bunch of feds convinced a bunch of retards to do a gay tiki march.

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3e18ae  No.132050


>blamed *antifa* for the fact that one of his subordinates pulled a terrorist attack?

Stopped reading here. That fat cow had a heart attack because she was scared of a slightly quick moving car that was being attacked by an angry mob.

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3e18ae  No.132058

File: c0f0592eeb3657e⋯.webm (7.57 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, c0f0592eeb3657e8d26de30a5….webm)


>Spic Fuentes is 25% castizo

>Calls out dancing israelis and USS liberty

>Doesn't buy into holohoax pandering

>Straight up says the current mobs rioting would murder whites rhodesia/south africa style if they could get away with it

Oh ya he's a real kike shill 100%.

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546b70  No.132511


First post best post.

Most were reactionaries and opportunists, none of them stuck with the movement or actually wanted to make any progress.

A real sign of controlled opposition is they never leave anything behind when they leave that could be built on.

No platforms, second in commands, funding bases- they just up and vanish

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05d527  No.133148


I love this Webm. Saved.

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85905e  No.133299


2017 was the last good year since everything after that orange kike's entry was nothing short of invigorating the left.

Have you seen 4/pol/, even? it's nothing but "SVT" and "Still Voting Trump". Outright cope.

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28e206  No.133367




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c4ba1b  No.133716


Spencer is about as soft as baby shit, real men don’t want words they want fucking action

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1cfcac  No.133739

File: 24a2084c786d5e1⋯.jpg (33.67 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, twitch.jpg)

We should do an operation on Twitch and redpill zoomers via text-to-speech donations.

We can all it something zoomerish like OperationPP (purple pill).

We post simple sentences like:

In 2016 top figures of the dnc where hacked, the media never told you whats in them, because it contains pedophilia

Both Jeffrey Epstein and Pedo Cult Nexium, who branded women, had VIP tables on every DNC convention

The top 25 most violent cities in the US are all democrat controlled

Joe biden's middle name is robinet, name of his gread grand father who owned 13 slaves, don't fact check this with snopes, they leave that part of the family tree out, fun to check

The clintons said on … that they didn't have much contact with jeffrey epstein, but went on holiday every year to his new mexico ranch, he also co founded the the clinton foundation

Look up nancy pelosi's crime family

Pedo Cult Nexium, who branded women and farmed babies, had VIP tables on every DNC convention

We donate minimum amount of money, to reach tens of thousands of zoomers, which would automatically turn red later in life, but don't because they were too young to understand what happened in 2016 or never heard anything outside of mainstream media.

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4d67c3  No.137824


Knock it off. This purity spiraling is only going to prevent us from joining together. All races of the first world have one (((common enemy)))

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e89485  No.137829


>oy vey goyim buzzwords only jew shills say

>abandon principles

>abandon objective reality

>abandon truth

>support nonwhites

>support civic nationalism

>join up with people who want you dead

Kill yourself.

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d8240e  No.137919



This is the long and short of it. There was a concerted effort from both the government (not just the elected share of the government during the late Obama era, but also the non-elected share of the government that doesn't change much with elections but which does have real agency in what the government does; i.e. the deep state), as well as the major non-governmental actors (specifically the corporate media-Big Tech-college & campus cluster cluster triangle) to attack the alt-right.

As >>90443 said, the alt-right was made socially unacceptable through stereotyping and misrepresentation. And at the same time, alt-right leaning groups and individuals were deplatformed everywhere - thus robbing them of any ability to represent themselves.

Not being able to speak out against the propaganda and the deliberate misrepresentation meant that normies who would have sympathized with the movement were herded away from it. They were conditioned to reject the movement without understanding what it really stood for. And anyone who did not take the approved media's word for it immediately got attacked as alt-right/nazi/fascist/whatever as well.

But the deplatforming also prevented the alt-right from becoming more coherent. The alt-right wasn't just disorganized - it also lacked an ideology or a clear direction.

What >>90470 said about the alt-right 'leaders' being phonies is quite true - but the real problem runs a lot deeper than that. You can't have actual leaders if there's no coherent idea of what the movement stands for. And there wasn't.

The alt-right of 2016 included everything from angry boomers, to gentile zionists, to directionless neocons, to actual natsocs. The only thing all of them had in common was the left is waging a culture war against them, and that the establishment politicians on both sides are cucks and bloodsuckers who care nothing for the nation or the people.

But that's it. That's all there was to the movement. The Trump candidacy and his unexpected election victory didn't help, but they only hastened the whole thing.

>>88550 is admittedly right with saying that Trump's victory is the worst thing that could have happened to the alt-right.

Trump did indeed attract all the alt-right's energy, and getting him elected ended up being the goal that everyone had in mind. And the leftwing media establishment made Trump out to be the something apocalyptically bad (using only leftwing terms and talking points, of course) and that only lionized Trump in the eyes of every right-of-centre person who had beef with the establishment.

But even then, people only thought that getting Trump in the White House would actually solve things because the movement lacked both a decent, coherent definition of the problem, as well as a proposed solution that isn't just a oneliner slogan.

We mock Trump about how he's clueless and on the establishment's leash without even realizing it. But really, the same is true for the alt-right. We have no coherent goal, no good approach towards getting things done, and not even a coherent idea of who we are.

All the alt-right ever had is a will to resist and a deep and not always entirely rational aversion towards the establishment.

Frex, we even failed to do something about the establishment cuckservatives. Lambasting them with meaningful coherent criticism is the least we could have done - and we couldn't even do that much. We allowed the left to monopolize criticizing the GOP again. And that played a HUGE role in how the Republican establishment managed to coopt the alt-right and redirect the alt-right's energy into the usual party tribalism.

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f0e467  No.137922

Too many niggers got involved

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d8240e  No.137928


>I never understood gamer gate. There was some slut that fucked around, and the game mag "reporters" are a bunch of hacks. Said slut also fucked some for good reviews. What's news there?

You summed it up pretty well. The thing about gaming journalism being corrupt (duh) is something that only really concerns gamers anyway.

But that's not the reason why it blew up, though. The whole thing became intertwined with the culture war because both indie game devs nobody cares about and shitty game journalists tried to attack any criticism by portraying the critics as misogynists, homophobes, racists, and all those other terms that the lefties are so fond of.

That kind of struck a nerve with a lot of people, and it allowed the whole scandal to spread well beyond gamer circles.

For a lot of people, it was the first time they realized just how warped and omnipresent the woke mob really is. Hence why the whole notion of GamerGate still lingers in the public consciousness.

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444c96  No.137973


Al Qaeda means "The Method" in Arabic. Carry on.

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577dd4  No.138300


One of the more troubling parts of the Gamergate timeline was when it was discovered that Silverstring media, who was propping up the indie game SJW fags, was being funded in part by people like the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the MacArthur Institute. It was super shady that these groups would be funding something as trivial as video games.

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38eef3  No.138306


Most alt-right and alt-kikers are white either, hell I bet fucking Nick Funtes is whiter than any hispanic larping as a white nationalist.

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1c3ce1  No.142254


>Eurasian Empire

Another anti-white construct.

Atlantic nations are husks, the (((locusts))) resettle elsewhere. This shit never ends.

Until 88.>>88696

>"If you do not stand by our [Israel's] side, the day when Islamic terror will reach your homes, your beds and your kindergartens will come soon.”


>- Yisrael Hasson, former Deputy Director of Israel's Security Agency, speaking to Danish, Swedish and Dutch ambassadors to Israel, as well as officials from the embassies of Britain, Belgium, Italy, Hungary, Austria and Germany, in July 2014

That's fucking precious when you barely have to scratch the surface of any pro-migrant organization to find the Zionist traitor or Jew.

I hate them.

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1c3ce1  No.142261

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11bddd  No.142269


The "alt-right" was a subversion. Richie Spence was a spook, and he created the term.

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4d2894  No.147429

File: 7d6fe5fc28e0abd⋯.jpg (419.54 KB, 710x800, 71:80, 7d6fe5fc28e0abdc3024a1068e….jpg)

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0543b8  No.147585

File: bed9c3f287633ee⋯.jpg (82.91 KB, 480x600, 4:5, 1385754208377.jpg)


The Alt-Right were retards and useful idiots. They are so embarrassing that I started seeing people claim the Alt-Right never even existed and was just made up lol.

What happened is the media DESPERATELY needed le scary nazi boogeyman to blame all their problems on and scare normies into doing what they said, but the problem is they dont exist anymore. Nazism hasnt been a thing since the end of WW2, so fear mongering a dead ideology makes you look crazy and retarded, especially when you try to apply it to Trump for saying normal Americana kind of stuff like manufacturing jobs shouldnt be shipped over seas and we need stronger immigration laws, all things normies can agree with.

Then along comes Richard Spencer the media whore, and the media fucking loves him. Ask yourself, why was someone like Alex Jones banned from everything but Spencer, who had a more extreme and dangerous world view in relation to the Neo-Liberal order, not? Spencer was constantly talked about and interviewed and the Alt-Right was covered on every other news segment and they loved it because they are idiots. They actually thought they were getting exposure and finally moving "muh overton window" with all this coverage, when in reality, they were being used.

The reason all this media coverage happened is because they finally found their bad guy, and Richard Spencer was all too happy to play his part as the bad guy. What was also happening at this time as well was that Antifa was being shilled as heros. Liberal minded college students standing up to racism, they are just like the American troops who fought on Normandy beach! Remember all that shit on CNN and MSNBC? All this building up to the Unite the Right rally.

The other more moderate right wing groups at the time like Patriot Prayer and Proud Boys, were also lesser villains played during this media campaign of boogeymen as well. But the problem is they destroyed these groups too soon, so now that 2020 election is around the corner, they dont have a bad guy to fight against really. I do applaud everyone from places like this for not taking the OBVIOUS bait of the current BLM/Antifa chimpouts across the country though.

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895c97  No.147602


Slut fucked for good reviews

Pissed off ex-boyfriend requests personal army

Personal army arrives to slut shame

Slut starts doxing wizardchan for some reason.

About 20 publications announce “gamers are dead” for some reason

Donald trump is now president

Loli is next. Don’t let em have it

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4a0067  No.147615

File: afd45fa4acd8bcb⋯.jpg (140.85 KB, 800x800, 1:1, glowbait.jpg)


The people pushing that shit are/were all glowniggers.

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cf6f8b  No.147813

File: 42b3e6035b6fbe3⋯.jpg (506.52 KB, 1397x1562, 127:142, DAILY_STORMER_ANGLIN_WEEV_….jpg)


another one of these threads.

Cville unveiled all the fake nationalists in leadership like Anglin, the jew weev, Ricky Vaughn, TRS (yes they sided with the AmNats in the optics war and Sven was a total faggot about it. Only Striker was reasonable, but he was a founder of TWP) Said parties demonized the vanguard, denied our martyr (fields) and denied most of the political prisoners (goodwin, borden, ramos, preston) This is because they are Americanists aka racist liberals. They are not 3rd positionists, and they were simply hoping Drump would do everything for them. Anglin weev vaughn all KNEW the GOP is and was a dead end, which is why they tried to push everyone in there in the first place. they are operatives for the establishment, for deradicalization, and to STOP any White collectivism from rising. they simply rode the tide with the organic white nationalists sentiment and then diverted toward the GOP. when the kikes got their domestic holocaust (cville) they divided and crashed everything. that was the end of the op. the meme war was about providing free advertising for trump. thats it. GOP liberals (the entire american politic is liberal, please tell me you know that) have a history of getting just racist enough for votes, but then continuing the anti-white anti nationalist anti fascist plan of pax americana.


1/2 of the players in the alt right were gop operatives and anti white shills, they succeeded in free advertising for trump, and destroying rising white collectivism.

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cf6f8b  No.147815


>the only group left that seems to be decent is The Base,

oh. it appears i just responded to an FBI thread. disavow.

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cf6f8b  No.147816

File: 176c9bf86528098⋯.png (26.19 KB, 1154x436, 577:218, weev_and_ricky_vaughn_deci….png)


>Trump's victory was the worst thing to ever happen to the alt-right. It robbed the movement of all their momentum and drive.

no. the trump betrayal (i predicted it and never supported him) caused all the momentum to move to spencer's college tour. the fake leadership's response to cville demoralized everyone, and that is what killed the movement. it was an inside job. weev anglin and vaughn did it on purpose

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96978d  No.148007

We were deplatformed.

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96978d  No.148008


We have never accepted National Socialism symbology. We are not in Germany, nor are we all Germans.

This idea that the Alt-Right was anything more than a platform for White Americans of the future generations to get together and speak about their issues in this 'modern era' of utter bullshit is ridiculous.

I am sick and tired of being told what to do by the assholes that only want me to die or turn into a fag.

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f131bc  No.148208

Focused too much on toppling talking heads who were less than pure and fucking with youtube "debates" before solidifying any kind of code or approach.

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231a2f  No.148222

First and more importantly.

There is no alt-right. It never existed and /pol/ has nothing to do with it.

It was just a term made up by the media to lump together everyone they don't like. Since they didn't want to invoke our name directly but wanted to complain about us so they used centrists as a proxy.

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2a42fb  No.148462

What if trump's destiny was to unite the left and the right?

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81b26c  No.148480

File: dc7592cb06d24ae⋯.jpeg (399.78 KB, 1536x1676, 384:419, vooting_in_2020.jpeg)

File: 56a8aaab4722587⋯.jpeg (261.24 KB, 1294x1012, 647:506, leftists_vs_rightists.jpeg)


>unite the left and the right

They're already united with one purpose: to serve (((their greatest ally))).

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d09634  No.150063

File: 2db130da8706573⋯.jpg (3.9 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 20200807_151820.jpg)

I have to admit I got pretty demoralized when the rug was pulled out from under all the communities I liked. At this point I only have myself to blame for not getting invited to any of the secret clubs that are still secure and legitimate, so I don't really dwell on that either. What truly surprises me is the lack of violent action taken by anyone on the dissident right, especially considering how distracted and disorganized the police have been for the last several months.

I know there is some sense behind the "just wait it out, violence is exactly what the left wants us to do right now" rhetoric, but even then optics never stopped anyone from doing retarded shit that discredits their movement before. Every day I sit and think, for only a minute or two: "Am I the person who will do something stupid?" So I left my home and my job to travel around, see how bad things really are. You never know, maybe it is just propaganda fed to me by my fake internet allies and the media, right?

I want to make videos and talk about my observations but I'm not really sure where to start. Either way I want everyone out there to know that I'm truly sorry that we weren't just handed a successful movement where a few people at the top took care of everything while we all waited tugging our dicks. Maybe that's something exclusive to the left, what makes it so desirable to so many people. I'm trying to write, record and photograph content in major cities to show what is real but I don't really know where to publish or post my stuff. I'd appreciate suggestions and I don't mind proving that I am not a fed.

Pic is of graffiti on the side of a place called Third Ear in Austin near a YMCA. Pretty weird business, one of dozens shitting up that poor city.

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43b4b1  No.150067


Kill yourself schizo

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c2af21  No.150069


Nothing happened. The "alt-right" was always a boogeyman conjured up by the media to police speech. It was nothing but a loose association of shitposters and youtubers. There never was an "alt-right".

Now that online platforms have all started to police "hate speech" there's no more reason to keep up the lie about alt-right. In fact it's good to stop spreading that particular buzzword because it makes it seem like the regulation is working.

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c2af21  No.150074


>on their long held opinion of having European army for the DIRECT purpose of opposing Russia.

We never wanted this. The US (and UK) wanted Europe to want this.

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74fbb8  No.150115


This is a kike.

Move to South Africa, kike.

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5f93ce  No.152341


>I only have myself to blame for not getting invited to any of the secret clubs that are still secure and legitimate

Start your own, several, and start recruiting from irl bantz

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5074a1  No.152375


> anti-bourgeois

So anti-upper-middle class.

Poorfags and the 1% remain untouched, we be fucked between the bank and the gulag.

>The United Kingdom should be cut off from Europe

UK is like 333% more legitimate as a European entity than most of Trashia.

>Iran is a key ally. The book uses the term "Moscow–Tehran axis"

Iran keeps being pwnd unless someone saves them.

>Russia should use its special services within the borders of the United States to fuel instability and separatism, for instance, provoke "Afro-American racists". Russia should "introduce geopolitical disorder into internal American activity, encouraging all kinds of separatism and ethnic, social and racial conflicts, actively supporting all dissident movements – extremist, racist, and sectarian groups, thus destabilizing internal political processes in the U.S. It would also make sense simultaneously to support isolationist tendencies in American politics".

Read: make the (((transfer))) quicker. Flushia has a shit economy for its overall population.

Not once naming the Jews.

This is just smoke and mirrors, moving one goalpost at a time. Problem never solved.


>People who whine about Dugin don't understand capitalism


Bye bye.


>AND I also believe that just because you're a white nationalist, doesn't mean you can't still be co-opted for israel/jew-serving purposes.

Which is an issue in itself as the purpose of Israel was perfectly delineated by the Nazis. The very fact that a Jewish nation would even exist gives them rights on the geopolitical board.


Maybe you are not aware of this, but the EU is just as hellbent on being anti-White than the US. At least in the US it's possible to speak about it.


>What wars? For what? The petrodollar is dying, and robots and drones will fight any actual future wars - the same military tech sectors Israel and China are working together the most in.

Meatbags + guns still are less expensive. Training? Logistics? What against the costs of building and maintaining a robot?


>>90% of the first Soviet government were Jewish


>>And David Ben-Gurion himself who once famously said "I am a bolshevik"

he also admitted to stealing land from Arabs and they had all the good reasons to be resentful.


>I just don't agree with you about the level of jewish control in Russia. It's a common trope for Anglosphere conservatives


These people do not approach the JQ. Fuck the conservatives.

The Alt-Right is over.

Move onto the All-White.


It seems this was the plan. Pull the rug under our feet. It's a classic method, by forcing the opposition to depend on a given group, a set of resources or a specific belief, knowing that it was rotten from the beginning.

Of course it would not take a genius, if you were a NS, to know from the start that Milo and Shapiro were just there as bombs on a fuse.


Left Jews: destroy your country from within with all sorts of degeneracy, but never be allowed to name the Jew for it and the banking cartel.

Right Jews: make sure you are more concerned about Zion than your own fate, all the while also avoiding naming the Jew and his on the international banking system.

Isrealis: reinforce the legitimacy and power of Israel, Yid Central, while also operating outside of it. Full of influential rabbis who swore to destroy all Whites (they might keep a few slaves here and there, Harkonnen style).

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5074a1  No.152378



Is the code word for "be cool, do not resist."

Whites already had almost all the rights they needed plus some, all they had to do was retake the control of the banks and kick Jews out.

Civil rights and other "rights" claiming groups were there to take powers from Whites and give them to migrants, homosexuals and Jews.

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5074a1  No.152380

This is why Fascism was largely against liberalism, and how unironically, the result was actually giving Whites more room to play in once the sane constraints were made clear to all.

The dream of total liberty is dangerous with the Jews around. They will always scoop at levels you never thought they'd ever reach. Deception, subversion, the naive Whitey is not prepared for that unless he's been properly )))educated(((.

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6cd8cf  No.154493

File: 753c5cb2558e932⋯.jpg (60 KB, 640x482, 320:241, 21105424_10155010398228651….jpg)


Sounds like defeatism to me.

What we need is not a Meme Party that would be false-flagged and glowed into oblivion

We actually have the best of all worlds - a massive, but de-centralized movement, that is subjecting System to "death by thousands cuts".

Since its more of a hivemind, it is impossible to defeat with methods our enemies are accustomed to use, and we need to press our advantage.

If it wasn't already effective, we wouldn't enjoy 24/7 screeching from mainstream media and deep state.

Also youtube cracking down means fuck all when Google is losing stock and any banned content appears immediately on another platform. I have been using Bitchute instead of youtube anyways.

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e89485  No.154534


>everything we’ve ever created has been utterly destroyed

>never have fewer people in human history been able to name the jew

>90% of our own species would willingly die to see us destroyed


Goddamn retard.

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6cd8cf  No.154571

File: 7dc0470fb84ee6f⋯.gif (355.3 KB, 250x183, 250:183, 2nVz3s8.gif)


Sounds like black-pilled demoralization faggotry to me.

>everything we’ve ever created has been utterly destroyed

Like what? Spencer's meme attempt at creating a party? That shit was never meant to work, you can't win that way, system simply won't let you be elected. Our only option is to "rock the boat", cause a major economic and governmental collapse and work on building our own society from the pieces.

> never have fewer people in human history been able to name the jew

It is being named casually in comments for Call of Duty teaser and on mainstream platforms too. It is certainly being named now more then ever, all things considered. Media constantly whines about how anti-Semitic zoomers are.

>90% of our own species would willingly die to see us destroyed

Only a minority of population supports antifa commie bullshit. In fact, there had never been such a massive support for our ideas since 70 years ago. Just because they aren't willing to self-doxx themselves to make you feel good, doesn't mean that they don't exist.

You are either a shill or a low-functioning retard.

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e89485  No.154575


>like what

WHITE CIVILIZATION. I don't give a fuck about the (((alt-right))); that's not even on the table. I'm talking big picture here.

>Our only option is to "rock the boat", cause a major economic and governmental collapse and work on building our own society from the pieces.

Yeah? And how's that going? Really making progress there, aren't we? Not a goddamn thing being done by anyone.

>It is being named casually in comments for Call of Duty teaser

My statement stands. You're literally seeing jewish algorithms show you what you want to see to keep you placid. They publicly admit this is what they do with their targeted advertising and narrative crafting systems.

>Only a minority of population supports antifa commie bullshit.

Which explains why everything jews and communists have wanted for the last century and a half has been handed over without a single white person fighting back, right? Oh, excuse me, Hitler fought back and they destroyed his memory so thoroughly it will take half that time again to fix anythingif we had any power at all, which we don't. EVERYONE supports this. EVERYONE is fine with communism having taken over the West. EVERYONE is fine with the Fed. EVERYONE is fine with social security. EVERYONE is fine with egalitarianism. No one is doing a single fucking thing about itnot the normalfags and sure as shit not us, who ostensibly (as you even admit) comprehend that THERE IS NO PEACEFUL SOLUTION. Yet we do nothing.

>you're a shill because you posted fact

God. Damned. Retard. Get an argument or don't reply.

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e89485  No.154582


Oh great, they've changed the text formatting so that a standard n-dash now does retarded purple text. Fucking useless.

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6cd8cf  No.154588

File: ca86b117839b4cf⋯.jpg (353.33 KB, 1264x1460, 316:365, 1573074042091.jpg)


>Yeah? And how's that going? Really making progress there, aren't we? Not a goddamn thing being done by anyone.

Popularity of nationalism, anti-globalism and other "extremist" ideologies are on the rise. Nationalist parties won elections and run governments of several European nations, EU is crumbling, GOP basically had RINOs die out, majority of population doesn't believe mainstream media and politicians. Zoomers are the most right-wing generation since 1940s. Sounds like good progress to me.

> My statement stands. You're literally seeing jewish algorithms show you what you want to see to keep you placid. They publicly admit this is what they do with their targeted advertising and narrative crafting systems.

> They are so smart and controlling everything that they name themselves on purpose

Haha, no.

> EVERYONE supports this. EVERYONE is fine with communism having taken over the West. EVERYONE is fine with the Fed. EVERYONE is fine with social security. EVERYONE is fine with egalitarianism.

Simply not true. Majority of population hates all that shit and doesn't trust media nor any of these institutions. I saw normies talk about things this year, that I'd never fathom anyone outside of a very marginal group of people would.

> No one is doing a single fucking thing about itnot the normalfags and sure as shit not us, who ostensibly (as you even admit) comprehend that THERE IS NO PEACEFUL SOLUTION. Yet we do nothing.

Doing what? System is still powerful enough to prevent its forceful removal for the time being. Like I said, the only way to defeat the Gorgon is through "death by thousand cuts". It won't be done in one year, decade or even generation (or maybe it will, things are certainly unstable and unpredictable). But it will be done. Your demoralization bullshit clearly is something that only benefits our enemies, to destroy incentive to do more.

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51431f  No.154593

The simple fact is jews are just shutting everything down too fast and too hard. Only well populated place to post is cuck chan, which is a jewish bot operated containment board.

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f9d93d  No.154594


Paid for, manufactured e-celebs that are now going centrist and never told the whole truth

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f9d93d  No.154599





The difference is obvious

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f9d93d  No.154600


Nvm, they are both half truths

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e89485  No.154642

File: c77b8adb655940b⋯.png (64.27 KB, 640x336, 40:21, PSDT_1_17_19_generations_0….png)

File: b23e3ddef9a17e6⋯.png (65.22 KB, 616x943, 616:943, PSDT_1_17_19_generations_0….png)

File: 08b434f5f71dbae⋯.png (59.74 KB, 616x779, 616:779, PSDT_1_17_19_generations_0….png)

File: 47c4ef7bdd51227⋯.png (7.72 KB, 309x386, 309:386, 030118_1_1.png)


>EU is crumbling, GOP basically had RINOs die out

Imagine being this fucking delusional.

>majority of population doesn't believe mainstream media and politicians

Clearly they do, as everyone obeys them without fucking question and literally destroyed the entire world's economy over a fake fucking virus threat.

> Zoomers are the most right-wing generation since 1940s.

Least, you mean. Absolute least of all time.

>Haha, no.

Great argument. Way to be capable of reading what you were told in the post. Congrats on your illiteracy.

>Simply not true.


>Majority of population hates all that shit

But does nothing. You have no idea what hate is.

>and doesn't trust media nor any of these institutions.

But does literally everything they say, as proven by the last six months of human history, IN FULL.

>Doing what?

And that's why we've already failed. Because people who claim to know the truth don't even know WHAT to do.

>System is still powerful enough to prevent its forceful removal for the time being.

"Just keep waiting, goyim!" I guess.

>But it will be done

You don't have any evidence of this.



>to destroy incentive to do more.

You literally just said nothing more can be done, and you don't even have any evidence of what's "being done" in your own delusions, anyway. Everything you've said is bullshit, otherwise THERE WOULD BE WHITES ACTUALLY DOING SOMETHING FOR WHITES OUT THERE.

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9a3764  No.155246

File: 35b3e742949343f⋯.jpg (322.12 KB, 2032x1166, 1016:583, scott50_2.jpg)

this is the unofficial leader of the altright. "dread pirate nigger blaster 88" he goes by the name scott meyers. https://www.bizapedia.com/mi/ac-residential-llc.html he funds most the areas hate groups in one way or another. 1742 sandyshore brighton mi 48116. lol teach him not to hate ;)


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85905e  No.155442


Gay and hypocritical considering the self-righteous violence your side perpetuates.



All these forewarnings and yet no pre-emptive contingency measures taken.

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7b355e  No.157398

File: 17d2c0fba3a6ca2⋯.webm (2.35 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, britfag_cops_vs_nogs.webm)


There is no "alt-right". There never was an "alt-right". The term "alt-right" was coined by kike (((media))) to disparage humans.

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dc22eb  No.157405



old. Irrelevant.

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718b6f  No.157633

File: a861f91530e70c7⋯.png (1.2 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, gurren_lagann_screenshot_0….png)


we must move underground. We've tried these models before and they don't work. The only way to take back our nation is to network like the juden did when they stole it from us.


Filthy fucking parasites the lot of them.

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718b6f  No.157634


Read mein kampf… you need retarded ground troops. Adolf did it by subverting the Left. Use symbols without baggage and speak in platitudes and by the time the commies figure out what you've done it's too late.

There's a reason that book is banned; it's a how-to guide.

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