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File: d5aae8468c5d7f3⋯.jpg (68.85 KB, 840x472, 105:59, greater_israel.jpg)

59461c  No.86086

*Israel will expand from the Nile to the Euphrates. (Look for mass Palestinians being bused out to Jordan and other surrounding counties)

*Israel will replace America as the super power (for only 19 years) Will achieve this by leaking unseen 911 evidence they hold.

*America will die from within not from external force.

*COVID 19 is a trial test run before another one is unleashed to destroy the middle east for the taking and create the greater Israel.

*It cannot publicly conquer everyone in that area, a virus is the perfect eraser.

*While America is grabbing on wreckage from the first Virus attack, Together China and Russia will finish off America - indirectly. Dollar no more.

*China backstabs Russia

*Crypto Currency will take over, ran by Israel.

Expansion Project Complete.

Signs to confirm: Look for mass exodus of Palestinians, a second new virus, talks of world crypto, and a financial crash bigger than the great depression. Globally.

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a42a1c  No.86088

They would get glassed well before that all came to fruition.

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bf8acd  No.86090


I guess the only thing we can do is prepare for total war. Why do we keep trusting these lying scoundrels in power? Why?

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4a0b95  No.86091


Americans would have thought the same if you told them one year ago that politicians would lock down whole cities, surrounding counties and states, destroying millions of jobs (livelihoods)….. with millions out of a job, no income and facing bankruptcy. I have yet to see one fucking gun go off on any politician!!! Why!?

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57b9ae  No.86094

I hope certain staff and brass in the military defect and aim the nukes towards China and Israel and blow the piss out of both of them, then take the wold hostage with their bioweapons labs and say "you fuck with America, we'll release plagues that will wipe the whole human fucking race off planet Earth and no one gets to exist anymore!"

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1c61f2  No.86182

File: 496b73bff6bf250⋯.png (191.06 KB, 805x504, 115:72, aipac.PNG)

File: 00590aa4e478589⋯.png (606.39 KB, 1322x588, 661:294, eurasia.png)

99.99% spot on anon.

>How Israel's Haifa Port Stands to Gain From the Coronavirus [same formerly US-managed port set to be handed over to China by next year]


>What does Israel's future 5G network have to do with coronavirus?

>“We need to decide if we are with the Chinese or the Americans and the government understands this very well"


>Why is Israel outsourcing its national infrastructure to China?


>World upside down as EU and Russia [and China] unite against US [over Trump's Iran oil sanctions and Russia's Nord Stream 2 pipeline into Germany]


>Israel and Iran both set to join Russia-led free trade zone [Eurasian Economic Union - and it's way more than a free trade zone]


>Russia grows stronger in East Med while US looks for comfort


>Greece, Israel, Cyprus sign gas pipeline deal, angering Turkey


>A Gold Bloc For Iran, Russia, And Turkey…Oh My!


>An Israeli Pivot to Eurasia?


>Can Russia and China ‘Synergize’ the Eurasian Economic Union and the Belt and Road Initiative?


>Israel’s Pivot to Eurasia




Only one thing

>China backstabs Russia

I predict it'll be the other way round. Although the US will be the main scapegoat for everything from Capitalism to Globalism and Middle Eastern wars, China needs to be the fall guy if the plan starts to fall apart and people turn against Israel. IMO that's why the 'virus' is being pinned on China, and why they've been built up to be this totalitarian, surveillance state hellhole (although don't get me wrong, they always were naturally that way to an extent). Even though all the surveillance tech they use was designed in Israel. If the plan starts to go awry, I can easily see Israel (and Russia) breaking their ties with China, and feigning moral superiority for not continuing to work with those evil totalitarians - sneaking the exact same tech and laws into the rest of the world while everyone's distracted by Israel's 'bravery'.

Thanks in part to the Putin-hating, more Socialist younger generations in Russia, and in part to the rise in implicitly (though maybe not consciously) Duginist-Eurasian ideologies - among other contributing factors - Russia needs to survive to appeal to (whether directly or through assets) and collect up all the Socialists and Nationalists/Third Positionists alike that will be looking for a leader when economic collapse comes.

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41280d  No.86505

File: 24821be57b2a2a1⋯.jpg (8.87 KB, 297x295, 297:295, geycuwoet.jpg)


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fbf16e  No.86512

File: 625d6d0874de08e⋯.jpg (5.61 KB, 290x293, 290:293, owgkhpigviscs.jpg)


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96597b  No.86553

File: c3340f28e7d6509⋯.jpg (7.37 KB, 299x296, 299:296, crvodykhjebxzjueihmv.jpg)


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89c5b7  No.86571

File: 1054be493b34faa⋯.jpg (7.95 KB, 293x289, 293:289, ojtabceymwqfnfus.jpg)


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83a4e9  No.86602

File: 3df5ee4779cc245⋯.jpg (6.34 KB, 295x290, 59:58, yqcahvnizxshrtd.jpg)


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6c4bdc  No.86612

File: 4b1679e8a237ba9⋯.jpg (5.82 KB, 297x292, 297:292, ouhrtccdcjndreskn.jpg)


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e69a3c  No.86627

File: 565b444493754ea⋯.jpg (5.16 KB, 294x291, 98:97, yxtvpsjqjavbynyvd.jpg)


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97dd41  No.86959

File: b6cf475e79fa324⋯.jpg (5.04 KB, 289x296, 289:296, gcfyorbuexrej.jpg)


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2b5a90  No.87038

File: 61e9dc5be096f95⋯.jpg (5.28 KB, 294x294, 1:1, mhdwmlmymbvkyf.jpg)


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77efd0  No.87091

File: 9fc6ed3a614a981⋯.jpg (5.79 KB, 293x293, 1:1, frkiitpfqqqasoqjpxv.jpg)


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710c5d  No.87116

File: 42a6964c93c9a2f⋯.jpg (7.74 KB, 292x289, 292:289, fpuhoyeawccn.jpg)


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a80383  No.87126

File: 56110b7e26f1a3e⋯.jpg (4.31 KB, 293x292, 293:292, qggmftsnxfrraskmsk.jpg)


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d83478  No.87144

File: 616c8cd7709ce3c⋯.jpg (5.59 KB, 296x293, 296:293, idourgdybl.jpg)


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96597b  No.87151

File: 10e00eb4767b04a⋯.jpg (6.96 KB, 297x297, 1:1, qxotmltgyqcrgh.jpg)


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ee35b0  No.87200



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878915  No.87204


You made (((them))) mad lol.







Scared kike?

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bce72e  No.87206



Two good questions and maybe someone here is afraid to get some answers.

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93ce5c  No.87325


is there anything new you wish to tell us here or just that we already know?

4 more years of lurking before posting would do you quite a favor new friend.

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2d65d5  No.87510


It's happening right now, anon. The JewSA is clearing out the middle east for Israel, and emptying all the Mohammedans into Europe, the USA, Australia, etc. to clear out the population for Israel to continue expanding, they're playing the long game, likely their project for the 21st century.

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bb53e7  No.100710

File: 6897b6e51988efb⋯.png (731.67 KB, 1024x463, 1024:463, harakiri_1962.png)

Greater Israel Project: No.

Greater Japan Project: Yes.

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30ca0a  No.100746

File: 55e0fe6d39561a9⋯.png (372.3 KB, 736x412, 184:103, ClipboardImage.png)


Greater Syria Project is better

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bb53e7  No.100759


I ain't even mad. Anything is better than the impunity of kike terror; but that doesn't mean it's interesting or achievable. Israel deserves annihilation alone. It never happens though. Japan deserves its Imperial glory.

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30ca0a  No.101164

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I concede that would be nice. Although if they restored the Mandate of Heaven in China, that would also be pretty wizard.

Speaking of China, you should really watch some of their television series and films, specifically historical. The scale is breathtaking as is the genuine pride in their heritage.

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d6b651  No.101186


Are you trying to explain the virus in terms of the only 4 things you know about? If you don't want to think outside the box, maybe try expanding it a little.

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