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The holocaust never happened

File: 022ebddc4764aa2⋯.jpg (493.61 KB, 1017x481, 1017:481, cvg_banner_coronaipac.jpg)

File: 0078b5e9b9d3d5b⋯.png (201.31 KB, 850x1100, 17:22, cvg_12nochina.png)

File: e8c09ecc8077449⋯.jpg (73 KB, 419x1024, 419:1024, freakin_weeb.jpg)

File: f45921fdbd1f1e6⋯.jpg (162.98 KB, 1024x566, 512:283, Corona_Chan_worships_canad….jpg)

95cbc1  No.71061[Last 50 Posts]

Thread 34

Shits fucked cunt

Legendary Gets:



>Those digits,

> ID quints of death

/cvg/ survival bread


Burger Corona-Chan stats link repository


Actual Death Tables


If you are on this list and in this thread, watch out.



Coronavirus update: 14st Mar ‘20 (Sauce: BNODesk and other reports https://twitter.com/BNODesk)

(((Official))) current global bullshit numbers

- 141,401 confirmed cases

- 4,969 dieded

- 5,371 Serious cundushuns (staying about the same…)_

- 70,655 (((silent recoveries)))

Corona-Chan official Scoreboard As of Mar 14rd, 2020 (Sauce: BNO)

Cases Deaths Serious Critical Recovered

Bug Hive 80,813 3176 4020 - 64111

Pastaniggers 17,660 1266 1328 - 1439

Eye-Ran 11,364 514 - - 3529

Worst Korea 7,979 67 - 36 510

Spain 4,209 120 190 - 189

Frogs 3,661 79 154 - 12

Deutsches Reich 3,116 6 - 2 46

Burgers 1,832 41 2 6 9

Switzerniggers 854 7 - - 4

Norway 876 1 - - -

Negerlands 804 5 1 - 2

Legoland 788 0 - - -

Sweden (yes) 727 1 - - -

Floating Petri Dish 697 7 14 - 245

Nips 690 19 29 - 59

Bongs 590 10 20 - 12

Asstria 422 1 - - 6

Chocolateniggers 399 3 - - 1

Queertar 262 0 - - -

Singapoor 200 0 - 11 97

Bahrain 197 0 - 1 35

Malaysia 158 0 3 - 32

Shitposters 156 3 - - 26

Honkinese 132 4 2 2 75

Oliveniggers 117 1 2 - -

Vikings 117 0 - - -

Checked Republic 116 0 2 0 0

Leafs 109 1 - 1 11

ISISrael 109 0 2 - 3

Spurdoland 109 0 - - 1

Kuwait 100 0 4 - 5


• Diamond Princess: Cases are not included in the Nip government’s official count. 380 of the 696 were asymptomatic. 14 are Burgers whose test results weren’t known until they left the petri-dish. The total does not include 3 employees of Nip’s Health Ministry and 1 staff member of Nip Diet Secretariat, all of whom were infected while working on the petri dish. It does also not include fucktards who tested positive upon returning home: 45 in burgerland, 10 in Shitpostingland (one of whom dieded), 4 in Bongistan, 5 in Hong Kong, 3 in ISISrael, and 2 in Animeland.

• Denmark: The total includes 3 cases in the Faroe Islands.


Previous Threads


Previous Threads



Thread 023 Archive: https://archive.is/d8skk (niggermod edition)

Thread 024 Archive: https://archive.is/C0kYE (NBA edition)

Thread 025 Archive: http://archive.is/03RtY

Thread 026 Archive: http://archive.is/VOBQu

Thread 027 Archive: http://archive.is/ZQzeT

Thread 028 Archive: http://archive.is/Hp06v

Thread 029 Archive: http://archive.is/Kzbtg

Thread 030 Archive: http://archive.is/QYwBw

Thread 031 Archive: http://archive.is/MAdi7

Thread 032 Archive: http://archive.is/MXBaH

Thread 033 Archive: http://archive.is/DVDKC

Don’t engage obvious trolls and shitposts, one line, one picture derailing, etc like the last bread.



>Same goes for masses of low quality multi replies.


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Post last edited at

82da55  No.71062

File: adff9efe04ef606⋯.jpg (40.72 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, Corona_Chan_portrait.jpg)

This first/second post has been claimed by the Coronian Cult. A short prayer:

O' Corona-Chan, Goddess of perfect bio-weapons

I offer you my energy and my soul, consume them to make yourself even more powerful

Purge the subhuman infestation that is inflicting so much pain on Mother Earth

Destroy international Jewry and everything those filthy demons have ever created

Spare the whites and Nipponese all over the world from your ethnic cleansing

I am eternally grateful for everything you have done against globalization

Your name shall never be forgotten

Ignore the nothingburgerfags, for they fear change, as they are too attached to this putrid society and it's stagnant lifestyle

Ignore the shills, for they are nothing other than soulless Jewish golems

Corona-Chan loves us all. Prepare, pray to your preferred deity and use your wisdom. Good luck and have a nice thread.

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959688  No.71063

File: 3f685a913d92a20⋯.png (327.12 KB, 1120x1226, 560:613, denmark.png)

Maybe they screwed up, but I really hope that isn't the correct number for Denmark. The Jews are really trying to take out the master races. That number is too large for a country so small.

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44f67d  No.71066


> The internet is actually very robust

Yes, I'm aware of that. But I'm also aware that a few key (((decision makers))) can turn it off by flipping some switches.

I don't think internet access is going to break down lowing to lack of service. I think that (((people))) are going to decide that we've all had too much to think, and they'll "curate" everything that's made available.


> Things need power to operate

Yes, this is another fear. Will the power stay on? Will some nigger start shooting-out the isolators on the high-voltage lines?

> Truckers

This is another fear. If the teamsters start getting sick, delivery services are going to break down. And if a quarantine is imposed, then the additional burden upon efficiency will cause other breakdowns.

Why isn't the survival thread more active with discussion of mitigation? We should resist the temptation to slide the thread, but I'm assuming most folks do not have the fundamental survival requirements met. To whit:

Food - calories will be important, followed by essential proteins, then vitamins, then comfort

Cooking - have a way to cook your food that doesn't depend on utilities.

Water - store a supply of potable water, at least one-gallon per-person per-day

Sanitation - having TP is nice, but wet-wipes are better. A bidet will require water pressure to work. You can poop in a bucket, but you'll need a way to cover it when you're done - cedar shavings are nice, fire ashes will work

Medicine - it's not too late to order veterinary supplies. Antibiotics are cheap, and will save your life if you get a bad scrape. Even bandaids and tylenol can be life-savers.

Defense - get something you can use

Privacy - don't get noticed by people. Don't advertise to your neighbors that you have supplies, and don't go out-and-about unnecessarily.

Communication - in addition to a battery-or-crank powered AM/FM radio, getting some cheap CBs is also a good idea

Entertainment - paper books and board games are great, especially once the power goes out

Fuel - get some spare fuel for your car, and treat it with Stabil so that it doesn't go bad within the next month. Make sure you have enough to bug-out to a "safe" zone (if there is such a thing).

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95cbc1  No.71070

Ok niggers, as these breads are coming out a little hot, stricter implementation of rules will be required to keep them from turning into cuckchan. And that means you anons have to do this as vols can't wipe ass all day.

This includes cuckchan posting.

/k/ was loosely permitted last bread but if it's becoming the only thing in your post, go to /k/ or /cvg/ survival bread. This is for virus discussion, not guns.

UV/suit/mask/ozone/decon shit goes to /cvg/ survival bread. (doesn't need to be rehashed every time)

Ask /pol/ x same as above

If you reply to this shit, you might be deleted too.

Have fun and don't lick the light switches, unless they are copper.


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44f67d  No.71073

File: f576381019ff35b⋯.pdf (700.71 KB, Comparative_genetic_analys….pdf)


> Anon lays-out the rules for us niggers

Sounds good. Let's hope that the survival bread starts seeing some activity.


Posting the source PDF, reading now. From what I can tell, the authors are acknowledging that asian males are more susceptible to /ourgirl/ than other populations.

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b73085  No.71076

So do we have any data on which country has the highest growth rate? Which is the most viral one?

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40354b  No.71077


Good, we need some rules enforcement so things don't get shat up. This board is unironically one of the best and only uncensored places on the clearnet to talk about this plague and crazy shit going down, don't make it an unreadable mess of fuckery.


>Sounds good. Let's hope that the survival bread starts seeing some activity.

Probably will get active one quarantine in the USA really kicks in.

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2dba14  No.71078


Too be fair Denmark and the other nordic countries do have quite a few rapefugees

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b73085  No.71079


denmark just closed its borders, no more rapefugees until this pest is over

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bb21a5  No.71080

I’m fucked if society actually collapses because of my health condition. I’m 21 years old and had a lot I wanted to do with my life. This really fucking sucks.

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2dba14  No.71081


Hopefully corona-chan will do some pest control of her own

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7f73f0  No.71083


It's definitely a mistake. Denmark aswell as Norway are going full quarantine, problem is that Sweden isn't doing it so it nullifies their attempt to fight the outbreak due to the amount of in-travel among the nords. Sweden has so far still normalfag level of preparedness which won't change since the government says they'll no longer keep count of the infected and will aim to get the majority of the population infected to develop (((herd immunity))).

Fun fact Sweden used to store food enough to feed the entire population for a year but did away with it during the 90's because this country is filled with race traitors.


Denmark only closed the borders to tourists but will still allow people to come and go if it's for work purposes, Denmark will have many import cases from Sweden.

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1518c4  No.71084

File: d8fde0d0871e281⋯.mp4 (4.65 MB, 640x360, 16:9, the_man_who_had_a_cough_an….mp4)

>It's just a cough

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82da55  No.71085

File: eee803e4d826d9d⋯.png (93.51 KB, 300x540, 5:9, rhode_island_child.png)

File: 50c3ae3b494d03d⋯.png (95.88 KB, 952x1068, 238:267, nigball.png)

File: 8c62628504b8c57⋯.png (142.54 KB, 1324x526, 662:263, LA_child.png)

File: c6c27785d76b064⋯.png (69.65 KB, 750x482, 375:241, corona_luncheon.png)

File: ca271bea3d30de6⋯.mp4 (9.53 MB, 640x360, 16:9, chink_cops_shut_down_a_ren….mp4)

I don't understand why I'm on the shitlist, I have never done anything bad to /cvg/, and I only replied to 4 people in the quoted post. Did you quote me by mistake?

Rhode Island child gets an autograph from a niggerball player and ends up getting infected; Children's Hospital of Los Angeles confirms they're treating an infected patient https://archive.is/pgQEI; Attendee at Trump's fundraiser luncheon at Mar-a-Lago confirmed to be blessed and chink cops shut down a rent protest.

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667b47  No.71086

File: eb56ea17d45bd18⋯.jpg (42.42 KB, 376x490, 188:245, hugh_laurie_like_am_i_seri….jpg)


And no one else in the world has taken a cellphone video of themselves with a dead family member, but a famous leftist actor has done this thing.


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b73085  No.71088


>exposing your child to a highly infected nigger

If it dies, it will literally be natural selection. But I highly doubt the kid will even notice it beyond just getting a slight cold.

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1518c4  No.71089

File: 44506536fc09067⋯.png (181.27 KB, 315x381, 105:127, ClipboardImage.png)


There are plenty of chink corpses and italian droppers in the previous threads.

If my sister was dead I wouldn't post pictures of her all over the internet.

However if I was a media personality with something to gain from the publicity.. maybe I would

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b73085  No.71090


Dont worry, you will soon be seeing the corpses on the street yourself.

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95cbc1  No.71091


Damn! So there definitely is something to ACE2, some were saying HIV protein spike is the main one to watch but it appears ACE2 is also of obvious importance with multiple studies. That they noted the relatively tiny amounts of it in chest/etc is interesting.. such a small amount but such an impact.

Nigger data is definitely needed more though and will be difficult to get at this rate.


>Growth rates

This would need a table comparison calculation. That's way beyond my pay grade but I'm looking to implement another column with rank change, however it would mean simple tables (top 100, or 1000 later) only..




Enough of this one line shit. It's not a jewtube chat room, multi reply instead.


Anon, sorry if you are, please don't worry. I didn't make the list nor check every single post history on it (trying to get some sleep today - few hours each night last few days) but they did point out quite a few posts that are not really bread appropriate. Continue your fine service please!

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3962f9  No.71092



>literally next line


What the fuck kind of faggotnigger OP are you?


>stricter implementation of rules will be required to keep them from turning into cuckchan

>quotes and tags an assblasted cuckchan faggot >>71027 in OP instead of >>70956

>breads are coming out a little hot

Yes the /k/ posts were huge, but the thread slid to shit and hit reply limit so quickly because of low-quality (1) and done niggers from cuckchan.

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730502  No.71093

>lost my job because of coronachan

so what now? do i still pay rent? this is getting very real.

(ask /pol/ x - don't be this faggot)
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23bf83  No.71095

File: ba603c8764ba362⋯.png (109.89 KB, 428x429, 428:429, turd.png)

Southeast Wisconsinner (262) reporting in. Just lurk normally, but I guess this fits this thread. TL;DR: Stores are getting cleared out of sanitizer and asswipes, and school's just been closed for about three counties here. Today's summery:

>wake up, cold pizza breakfast

>it's Friday, when me and mommy go run errands

>not a NEET, just live at home cuz' costs n sheeeit

>get gas. Fill up mini van and five gal' jerry can with cheap gas, motorbike's already topped off. Traffic in area is far lighter than usual

>go to grocery store

>more cars than usual in parking lot

>shopping. More and more people coming in

>notice shoppers in sets of two; Man and woman mostly. people are shopping together to stock up or Son/brother/boyfriend/husband/father protecting female

>not gonna lie, was wearing full goth leathers and kept "hardass" posture whole time, just in case

>gotta protect mommy

>sanitizer, toilet paper wiped (lol) out. Signs hung up stating the store was limiting how much of each item per shopper to meet demand

>get to checkout, MORE and more people coming in


>get out, run another errand, drive past other grocery stores

>shit's packed yo

But wait, here it comes:

>JUST found out school's been shut down for THREE WEEKS for my and two other counties

>sphincter status: slightly more clenched than usual

I'll admit I'm not a prepper, don't have much in supplies/training, mock me as you like. Got plenty of food for a long time at home as long as the power holds out, bought 10 pounds of rice and beans and a case of water and have canned goods already. Also bought a shitload of whiskey that was on sale, but that's just me. Do to our unfortunate close proximity to chimpcongo and ohare airport I guess we're at risk of the coof. Gonna go through the survival/camping gear stash my old man had (miss ya pop), shit's getting spicy here.

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96bcaf  No.71096


Wow they give three different counts for Denmark 1573, 788 and 785. Hopefully that's just data entry errors.


There might be government assistance for people like you. We're going to be paying the kikes back for years to take care of this mess.


I don't think Denmark is anywhere near Sweden levels of cuckoldry though. Hopefully all the invaders are cleaned up in any case.

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9b1ccc  No.71097

So was there anything to that idea that whey helps prevent corona

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e59682  No.71099


I might have it guys. Didn't get tested but I think I'm showing symptoms. I have been noticing a dry cough come on in the last few days, just tickling in my throat almost and me coughing and its been getting worse. After first I thought I was just being a hypochondriac but I don't think so anymore. To be honest I don't actually "feel" sick, I feel ok actually. I'm not sneezing or feeling nasal drip or sore throat. But I just cannot stop coughing!

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9b1ccc  No.71100


take a trip to your local synagogue

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15d3d9  No.71101

File: b20041caaff2264⋯.webm (334.01 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 37241267.webm)

I'll just leave this here


> According to Jersualem Post, Israelis say “In a few weeks, we will have coronavirus vaccine.” Vaccine was ALREADY in development before outbreak. Says Israeli scientist: “Let’s call it pure luck. We decided to choose coronavirus as a model for our system."

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3962f9  No.71102


If it was a legit layoff, sign up for unemployment benefits.


It's just green text, this isn't twitter learn to read consecutive sentences

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6e070c  No.71105

File: fb3f5ddd635f755⋯.jpg (2.25 MB, 4439x5845, 4439:5845, 1584139790646.jpg)


God speed frend. AZ here and people are now finally starting to panic after the national emergency announcement. Stores near Universities have been low on supplies for weeks but today was the first day I saw stores in poorer neighborhoods sold out. So glad I stocked up on almost everything weeks ago and just went out for a few extras today.

I just bought my first firearm to defend my home in the event of a chimp-out.

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5a5486  No.71107

File: 30591bb2ae02b7e⋯.jpg (78.89 KB, 931x524, 931:524, rita_wilson_tom_hanks.jpg)


>However if I was a media personality with something to gain from the publicity.. maybe I would


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d14d0d  No.71109

File: 61338708bf5b362⋯.jpg (53.33 KB, 624x468, 4:3, idiot.jpg)


>nuke the only beacon of honor and justice in the middle east

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a6648c  No.71110

This came in at end of last thread, worth reposting. It's a review of a paper showing NCOV-19 interaction with ACE-2 and ACE-2 expression among ethnicities.


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71df2b  No.71111


I started to type a longer response but I realized you're on keto honeymoon so it probably wouldn't matter. I did keto for a long time, though I get how it's convenient to assume that people who do badly don't know what it is.

Feeling good or losing excess weight on a diet because of adrenaline and aldosterone does not make one informed on biochemistry or anthropology. Keep getting blood tests because we're all just amateurs -- in my opinion CMP and maybe CO2 should be in there, but do your own research of course. There's a lot of nuance to these things.

To be clear I think keto and high carb and "balanced" all have their place in human metabolism. It's complicated.

As to refined sugar, it's quick energy. Better than starving.

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82da55  No.71113

File: a4d88664a8f950c⋯.png (346.89 KB, 1149x627, 383:209, cry_some_more.png)

File: 20b61d69fbb9d0c⋯.mp4 (2.93 MB, 360x640, 9:16, digger_making_mass_graves_….mp4)

File: 9fc12679ac93885⋯.png (92.37 KB, 995x382, 995:382, seattle_hospital_in_seriou….png)

Lugenpresse whines about Corona-Chan killing globalization https://archive.is/8gK55 ; Video of digger making mass graves in Taybad, NE Iran and

hospital in Seattle tells their workers that their situation is going to look like Pastaland soon.


Oh okay, I was getting worried there for a second.


What was your job? I remember an anon that worked at the docks saying many threads ago that a lot of workers there got laid off.


Looks like you got caught by surprise. Do some basic prepping and stay safe.

>>71099 (checked)

Are you sure it's not an allergy or something else? Do you have a fever?


Like I have said before, their vaccine is just cyanide in a syringe.

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44f67d  No.71114


> Dumbnigger-anon forgot the link to the source article:



> ACE2 susceptibility

The real question is, "How does ACE2 expression impact infectiousness and mortality?"

If a person has fewer ACE2 cells, does that person have resistance? Does it just take longer to die? What about re-infection?


> One-liners ruined the thread, although the /k/ fags contributed too

Sorry, I took the bait, and that's my bad.


> Coronachan is impacting the finances of renters

I suspect that the people who live hand-to-mouth, which is most americans, are going to be really stressed about this. But if the administration's current behavior is any indicator, I suspect that some sort of bailout will be forthcoming. Who knows what impact all these bailouts will have on the long-term economy. Hyperinflation when?


> Not a prepper

Get into the survival thread if you want to hash things out. But it sounds like you're on the right track.


> (((Fuckery))) with the numbers in Denmark

Yeah, that's to be expected. But it might not be (((malicious))), it could just be uncertainty and incompetence.


> Anon can't stop coughing

That's a red-flag for Red Death. It's a lower respiratory infection, and doesn't carry the characteristic post-nasal drip that comes with a cold. Isolate yourself, call your healthcare provider, and get tested when you're able.

Also, this >>71100

Go visit your local synagogue, or perhaps a mosque. Hell, why not both?


> Kikes were already working on a vaccine

Yes, because (((they))) are the ones who developed it. Fucking kikes. Justice when?


> Nuke Pisrael

I'd like to think that there is a more elegant solution, but I'm not coming up with much. Perhaps we destroy their entire industrial infrastructure, then watch them eat each other.


> Anon already stocked up.

Yeah, good. I've been adding to my stockpiles since January, and I don't think I could be more ready barring a windfall of wealth, sufficient to buy that blue-water yacht I've always wanted.


> Tom "Kiddie-Diddler" Hanks is infected

Yeah, something about that seems odd.


> Nigger posts that same retarded video

Ass-monkey, post the fucking source paper and link to it. Oh wait, I already did that for you.


> Is that you, Brazilanon?

Keep yourself alive, mein Bruder.

> Lugenpresse kvetches about (((Globalization))) suffering

Good. Fuck the kikes, and all (((their plans))). As long as mein Volk remains alive, the rest of (((the world))) can burn.

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b73085  No.71115


Download all your pdfs, movies, music and all /pol/. Dont forget to do your E-prepping. Internet might go down and there might not be any books around. You can download entire wikipedias 30gb-english-text-only january dump.

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b73085  No.71117

>Wu Flu


>Kung Flu

>Justa Flu

>WHO Flu

>Gook Flu

>WuHu Flu







>Red Plague



>Canton Coof

>Xi Jinplague


>Wu-Tang Flu

>Flu Man Chu

>Flu-Tang Clan

>Airborne AIDS

>Bat-Man Virus

>Winnie the Flu

>Bat Soup Croup

>Wu-Ping Cough

>Wubonic Plague


>Chink Flying AIDS

>Pangolin Pandemic

>Wuhan Coronavirus

>Mandate of Heaving

>The Shaolin Sneeze

>Wet Market Surprise

>Sweet and Sour Sicken

>Communist Lung Herpes

>China's One Corpse Policy

>Experimental Bioweapon CW-19


>Hong Kong FLUIE

>The Coof


>Yellow fever

>wuhan cough bomb 2019

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95cbc1  No.71118


Yes it's a little heavy handed, but as these threads are building up a one line remark that isn't of any massive contribution is going to send this to bump limit real quick.

Examples have to be given and earlier in the thread usually works best, set the tone or get off the throne.

Anons want info, not just filler/fluff. sorry anon


Checked but can you please not do one line bullshit here. Don't give a fuck when you do it in other breads as your post history shows but not in /cvg/



This. Greentext/updates on locations are useful for now.


>mar-a-lago positive

Four so far around trump.. wew.



Few bans (more for examples) handed out already. Lenient ones though apart from one.

Ask /cvg/ x shit is under heavy scrutiny, if you ask normalfag shit that's been discussed a million times, don't complain if it's deleted. Keep doing it and you get time out.

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f3ec8c  No.71123

File: 17979df85722a50⋯.jpg (843.89 KB, 800x1065, 160:213, coronachan2.jpg)

File: f752929b19e5c65⋯.png (276.4 KB, 581x633, 581:633, corona_chan_laughing_at_yo….png)




This is what, the 30th claim of someone having vaccine? At this rate, we will have a vaccine for every strain possible.





>Downloading WIkikepedia

You may as well be downloading all the porn on e621, because that at least will have better intellectual value than that shit site


>Yellow Fever

Muh sides

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ebaa10  No.71126

For my fellow Eurofags, this is the only region-aware coronamap of Europe that I know about:


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622b52  No.71127


>If a person has fewer ACE2 cells, does that person have resistance?

There's no such thing as ACE2 cells, this is gene coding for a protein and everyone has it.

Not everyone carries the exact same version though and it may be possible that some ACE2 variations are more appreciated by SARS-CoV-2 than others.

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3962f9  No.71129

>>71111 (Quads checked)

>I realized you're on keto honeymoon

>Feeling good or losing excess weight on a diet because of adrenaline and aldosterone

When I said last January I meant to say Jan 2019. I've done keto multiple times since then and I know about plateauing and coming out of ketosis.

>As to refined sugar, it's quick energy.

So is caffeine. If you're healthy/in-shape and have a proper balanced diet you don't need a blast of quick energy.

We're off topic, my original point was, refined sugar alone is not survival food and a normal healthy person can easily go weeks without food. If you're living off of just refined sugar you're going to be useless by constatly coming down from the sugar highs.

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6e08b0  No.71130

Anon reporting empty storeshelves all over Corvallis, Oregon. All the standard shit gone. Stock up if you can..

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824c9e  No.71131

File: ca6a406aab44491⋯.jpg (41.4 KB, 480x410, 48:41, 1438335716068.jpg)

Florida anon here

There are 17 new cases making a total of 51

>73-year-old Palm Beach County man tested positive. Health officials say this is a travel-related case and is associated with the Nile River Cruise in Egypt.

> 74-year-old Palm Beach County man tested positive. Health officials say this is a travel-related case and is associated with travel to Europe.

> 50-year-old New York man who is currently in Sarasota County tested positive. Health officials say it is unclear if this is a travel-related case.

> 70-year-old Massachusetts man in Sarasota County tested positive. Health officials say it is unclear if this is a travel-related case.

> 24-year-old Alachua County woman tested positive. Health officials say this a travel-related case and is associated with travel to Europe.

> 70-year-old Volusia County man has tested positive. Health officials say this is a travel-related case and is associated with the Nile River Cruise in Egypt.

>83-year-old Duval County man has tested positive. It is unclear if this is a travel-related case.

> 57-year-old Clay County man has tested positive. Health officials say it is unclear if this is a travel-related case.

> 28-year-old Broward County woman has tested positive. Health officials say it is unclear if this is a travel-related case.

>25-year-old Broward County woman has tested positive. Health officials said this is a travel-related related case.

> 20-year-old Texas woman in Broward County has tested positive. Health officials said this is a travel-related case.

> 68-year-old Broward County woman has tested positive. The case is associated with Port Everglades, according to health officials.

> 36-year-old Broward County man has tested positive. Health officials said this is a travel-related case.

> 49-year-old Hillsborough County woman has tested positive. This is a travel-related case to Europe, according to health officials.

> 77-year-old Lee County man has tested positive. Health officials said it is not clear if this is a travel-related case.

> 42-year-old Miami-Dade County man has tested positive. Health officials said this is a travel-related case with exposure to an international traveler.

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e90eac  No.71132


Trucker fag here, they said starting tomorrow they will be checking our temperatures before our shifts.

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71df2b  No.71135

File: 8a7299ecd835564⋯.png (286.94 KB, 1077x2054, 1077:2054, 8a7299ecd835564bedbad2dab5….png)

Can anyone comment on this? Which India sequence is he talking about and how was it suppressed? Seems like I can find one through google – collected in January and I guess released in March. How do we know this was suppressed?

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82da55  No.71136

File: 7b45c22a70c3461⋯.mp4 (1.37 MB, 608x1080, 76:135, Military_Bradley_s_were_sp….mp4)

File: 9fdf9bbab322cb5⋯.png (201.19 KB, 722x568, 361:284, fucking_dems.png)

File: 0d374eeca1f300d⋯.png (219.54 KB, 548x543, 548:543, puerto_spico.png)

POSSIBLY UNRELATED Bradley IFV's recently spotted on the beds of trucks in Austin, TX; Democrats want to revoke Orange Man's travel bans https://archive.is/kUbR7 and Puerto Spico reports it's first two confirmed cases.


>Is that you, Brazilanon?


>Keep yourself alive, mein Bruder.

I will try.


I'm gonna be too busy fending off feral shitskins to read stuff.


Very nice find.


Sounds serious, hope any anons over there are already done prepping. Stay safe over there and ration your supplies well.


Thanks for posting info about the cases. Don't let anyone coof on you, Florida man.

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95cbc1  No.71137


>one line

Your entire post history is that. When doing janitorial related posts there isn't much else one can do. And ever heard of replying to a post in order to draw attention to it? I'm not a medfag so can't provide any massive insight into the paper aside from that they focus still on ACE2 (and mentioned that in last bread) after it previously appearing that HIV spike protein was likely more of a factor.

Main thing to take away from it - multi reply. If you ain't got fuck all to say and do that a million times then sure.

Anyway, don't take it personally, I'm just trying to keep this thread information dense. Going to clean both these posts (yours and mine) shortly.

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10ea16  No.71138


How did nobody notice this?

Trump put JEWGLE in charge of who gets to be tested

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71df2b  No.71139


I never said I'd be in optimal shape on just sugar, hence why I said I'd move as little as possible and hope for the best.

Caffeine is not the same as sugar. I can't ferment caffeine, I can ferment sugar.

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873f0d  No.71140


>Very few actual niggers. We have island niggers who came and ate the celts and nords here before them but that interferes with the reparations n' shiet so they don't teach that at school.

They didn't wipe out the white men in NZ, anon. Recent evidence indicates a solar flare likely bathed the planet around 4000 years ago and the Celtic bones they found were estimated to be about 4000 years old. The Maori arrived here around 800 years ago, most of the Islanders started arriving in the building booms after WW2. My evidence is only anecdotal but I know of Maoris who fucking despise the type of Maori who always has his hand out. I've heard with my own ears how much Maori despise the Islanders and visa versa. I'm fucking disgusted by any Maori I see becoming a filthy muslim.

Things will be very confusing here for a while, most whites will know some Maoris they like so hesitation will get many whites killed if they come up against the wrong type of Maori.

Actual blacks (the purple type) aren't all that visible in my neck of the woods, sandnigger types are spreading everywhere and chinks are very obvious now we have a reason to take specific notice of them. Due to jew propaganda always blaming White men for `holding the Maori down' many Maoris rail against us, the seditious cunts, they don't know how lucky they are that the chinks will now likely fail in their takeover of the country because Maoris would've been faced with real racists then. Whites aren't racist, we just fucking hate criminality and violence and non-whites likely fill the top 10 slots in both those leaderboards.

No-one who hasn't lived in this country for at least 3 generations should be allowed to run for political office. Not fucking one. That would even rule me out and I'm ok with that.

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9b1ccc  No.71141


not that I disagree with your sentiments

but why call out my post suggesting visiting a synagogue and not one of the many other one line no info posts


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114410  No.71143

File: 9c8efdfb256d4a4⋯.png (216.94 KB, 1024x629, 1024:629, ClipboardImage.png)


Down To Montana and West Virginia!

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114410  No.71144


We've been over this image in previous threads. It's not legit.

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6e1820  No.71145

Update for Scoreboard:

<Australia 200

Australia has now reached 200 coronavirus cases after three more were confirmed in South Australia. There will be more counts tonight. Make your own homemade mask now!

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71df2b  No.71149


Awesome, looks like I've got some reading to do.


Join me

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77a919  No.71151


Do you have a timestamp?

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114410  No.71152

File: 5ee1dde828e79ce⋯.png (18.59 KB, 779x405, 779:405, ClipboardImage.png)


I don't remember all of it but several claims are incorrect, like "needing antivirals the rest of your life" and the notion that this thing mutates super fast to evade antibodies (it does mutate, but not THAT much). Basically while the virus is dangerous, it's not the apocalypse.


<Australia 200 total

Rookie numbers, Australia. You gotta pump those numbers up

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3962f9  No.71153


>I'd move as little as possible and hope for the best.

<can eat literally nothing and still have plenty of energy to workout

If you want to struggle during a lockdown that's your call.

If you want a sugar source that lasts forever then go buy real honey, at least it has some benefits. Refined sugar is nigger-tier.

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c7c0b2  No.71155


>Refined sugar is nigger-tier.

nop. Jew propaganda to cover up canola and soybean oil poisoning

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82da55  No.71156

File: 5c736310e090b0d⋯.png (129.72 KB, 401x574, 401:574, burgerland_update.png)

File: bccb41b8dc5d09e⋯.mp4 (642.44 KB, 432x848, 27:53, large_military_convoy_rece….mp4)

File: eaaa41e1e6bca43⋯.png (174.56 KB, 413x632, 413:632, he_looks_shocked.png)

File: 8a4cc37b1980d57⋯.png (202.8 KB, 549x585, 61:65, burlington.png)

File: 1ba024fdc231bb5⋯.jpeg (226.51 KB, 828x1479, 276:493, burlington_patient_locati….jpeg)

Burgerland update courtesy of NPCNBC News; POSSIBLY UNRELATED Large military convoy spotted recently at the Belgian-Dutch border; 'Strayan home minister got blessed https://archive.is/wip/dCYIv and the Burlington County releases information on locations their infected patients have been at, with time and date.


*are already done with prepping.


Lots of anons in the previous thread did. My favorite post about it was something like this

>Tell us your symptoms and jewgle will tell you if you're going to croak or not, filthy goyim.


Good luck, 'Straya! Don't let the coofers and the alien spirits that roam the wasteland get you.

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52d70f  No.71159


Do we know if the Alachua case is affiliated with UF? The university is moving to online-only classes next week. Someone I know there works at Shands and said there are rumors circulating that they are keeping several Corona-chan blessings a secret. Or it could just be unconfirmed cases due to lack of test kits.

I guess I can give a Houston update.

>45 confirmed cases.

>No dead. Yet.

>Possible community transmission at the rodeo.

>End of niggerball has awoken the normalfags; ever since that day stores are packed and all lysol/TP/paper/water is gone; schools are all closed.

And my personal favorite: Corona-chan cucking men in power continues as UT Austin's president's wife gets blessed.


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ac1cab  No.71161

File: e29a9b52ca572d1⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1946x1937, 1946:1937, ClipboardImage.png)




>The East Asian populations have much higher AFs in the eQTL variants associated with higher ACE2 expression in tissues (Fig. 1c), which may suggest different susceptibility or response to 2019-nCoV/SARS-CoV-2 from different populations under the similar conditions.

Very interesting.

>Yanan Cao, Lin Li, Zhimin Feng, Shengqing Wan, Peide Huang, Xiaohui Sun, Fang Wen, Xuanlin Huang, Guang Ning & Weiqing Wang


>Published: 24 February 2020

This reeks of chinks trying to say "It's worse for us than you gwailo so don't worry about it"

Pic related, it's the one from the article.

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95cbc1  No.71162

File: 4db2a6a3adf1720⋯.png (801.07 KB, 2500x2100, 25:21, doom_sauced.png)


Thanks for the understanding anon, we're all in the same bread mixer..

>synagogue post

If you think I am or like kikes you are sorely mistaken. Was deleted because I'm trying to reduce that type of one line stuff. If you refresh the bread you will see many are gone now.

>>71144 >>71147 >>71142



<doom sauced.png

An anon sauced it a few breads back, pic related. Will now clean the one line shit related to this.

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Post last edited at

6e1820  No.71164


>Don't let the coofers and the alien spirits that roam the wasteland get you.

Lol, “I will scream and say everyone run away from coofer!” if I see a coofer.

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667b47  No.71166

File: c28d16ea5660c73⋯.png (15.97 KB, 718x430, 359:215, ClipboardImage.png)


>after scientists sequenced the DNA of the novel coronavirus causing the current worldwide outbreak, the MIGAL researchers examined it and found that the poultry coronavirus has high genetic similarity to the human one, and that it uses the same infection mechanism, which increases the likelihood of achieving an effective ["oral"] human vaccine in a very short period of time

Haven't seen a lot of discussion about this - poultry coronavirus - infectious bronchitis virus (IBV). Lot of discussion about the HIV and the bats and the ACE2, but nothing about the IBV. Is the IBV link real?

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496ff4  No.71167


>I forgot which city he is in but I think he said it’s the one with the most niggers lol. I’ll get back to you at around 10pm and will post what he says if we talk in Chat. If On phone I’ll just repeat.

is it 10pm yet?




What's wrong with your dumbass? Health wise.




Childs parent should be blamed. Never relax around..


>Damn! So there definitely is something to ACE2,

Does this mean drink Whey?


Hopefully! Been drinking it for the past week.



If you want to get tested...you're going to have to lie. Otherwise, they won't test you. Find an area in your state that has CONFIRMED cases, say you were there and you might have caught it there.

Doctor says "No, everything looks good...you're a hypochondriac." Patient "OMG I have THAT, too??!!"


Nuked you with a ban.

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3fc907  No.71169

File: fe119ed04e3f53b⋯.jpg (157.61 KB, 862x1124, 431:562, rate_my_ppe.jpg)

So Siener's vision is starting to make more sense, the part where niggers are never mentioned again after the ANC collapses.

I told you fuckers in the first Siener thread, don't put too much stock in Snyman's interpretation of Siener. He shows niggers as the main threat, attempting a cucked civil war, no doubt. When in reality the Boer's greatest enemy always was the (((Eternal Anglo))).

https ://sienervanrensburg.co.za/boek1_tweededruk.php

You niggers remember breaking links, don't you?

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3372ad  No.71171


Hey mod

Just create a continuous thread for shooting the shit, and use these threads for more serious developments.

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6e1820  No.71172


>you're going to have to lie. Otherwise, they won't test you.

This advice is good in Australia because there is some people that got denied but later turned out they are infected so they had look for more infectees. Getting infected do not mean you will become sick very quick. Test price is about $200 to $1000 depending on area.

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824c9e  No.71173

File: 2b716622deeca23⋯.jpg (57.89 KB, 500x375, 4:3, 1433986197623_2.jpg)


Do we know if the Alachua case is affiliated with UF?

Don't know

> Or it could just be unconfirmed cases due to lack of test kits

Governor Ron DeSantis amits there isn't enough he's ordering 2,500 test kits, and asking help from the national guard https://www.facebook.com/10TampaBay/videos/301244644178842/

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d0ba73  No.71174

If anyone semi-spiritual anon would be so kind, would you please keep me and my family in your thoughts? My father is part of the first lay offs that we will see. Keep every anon and their family in your thoughts and prayers if that is your prerogative.

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667b47  No.71175

File: cd045e7188bac99⋯.png (12.55 KB, 536x454, 268:227, anfrank.png)


> if I was a media personality with something to gain from the publicity.

OH MY GOD HAVE YOU LEARNED NOTHING ABOUT THE WAY PEOPLE ARE TODAY? They all want the clicks, the likes, and the publicity. Everyone feels like they have something to gain from the publicity FFS.

Point still stands. The media surrounding this event feels fake, the chinese videos have "chinky thinking", and the only "I'm stuck with a dead body" vid comes from an ACTOR. A lefty actor. They are getting good at this shit and we should be knowing this by now.

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e178bb  No.71177


It's a coronavirus I assume that's the only link.

I'm feeling generous today and I think the vaccine talk is reporters being idiots.

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6e1820  No.71178


I will keep you in my prayer! I love you all in familial way! Don’t be fucking afraid and embrace new world!

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824c9e  No.71179

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751b9a  No.71181


Spain reported 2,086 new cases of coronavirus on Friday and 66 new deaths, raising the country's total to 5,232 cases and 133 dead


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6b3b6a  No.71182


I’m praying for you

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114410  No.71183


You'll notice that none of the anitskeptical sources do not add up to the same scale of lethality as the blue claim. Ex: The virus can stay in you after you are recovered, but that doesn't mean you need treatment for your whole life. It can mutate, but it isn't bypassing the antibodies (at least so far). You'll notice that the source says "recombination CAN lead to XYZ" but that doesn't mean it will. Even the blue OP admits it's very outlandish to consider this in some respects.

There is no source for that "immune loop process repeating every 14-20 days" because there is no actual basis for it.

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59447c  No.71184


Seattle, Commifornia transplants, Portland faggots en masse, portalnd Airport, shitskin invaders, chink invaders… lots of things happening. Honestly surprised Idaho held out this long. SOuth West Washington is filled with Chinks and spics.

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114410  No.71185


I fucked that first sentence, damn my editing!

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eb3242  No.71186

File: 018883cb1763299⋯.png (145.66 KB, 360x450, 4:5, 018883cb1763299b059a21c917….png)

Any pastafriend has any stories from lockdown ?

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6b3b6a  No.71187


Damn. A 2.5% mortality rate in Spain alone.

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2dba14  No.71188


hope most of them are invaders

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37c688  No.71189

File: fc75b67ddfdb47d⋯.png (508.88 KB, 763x727, 763:727, pope_coofs_into_churches.png)

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751b9a  No.71190


God is punishing Italy and Spain for treachery. Those shitholes are flooded with niggers and sandniggers.

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ac1cab  No.71192


Fukken saved. I still think it's most likely that the chinks fucked up while trying to play with bio weapons like a real developed nation but at least the pajeets bullshit got btfo.


This. But they might be stuck behind a great lasagna wall.



Hitler dubs and hitler dubs ID confirm that the pope is cleaning out the filth

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c3f93a  No.71193

File: d188612d17b9603⋯.jpg (1.72 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, wa9.JPG)

File: b757b7cc2c99381⋯.jpg (1.57 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, wa8.JPG)

File: 01b6cec1461b409⋯.jpg (1.44 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, wa6.JPG)

File: 8525f0d6c2bb085⋯.jpg (1.64 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, wa5.JPG)

BCAnon reporting in.

All hail Coronachan, giver of many blessing, Our lady of boomer remover, coof coof.

Just back from my local walmart.

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95cbc1  No.71195

File: e939827050ea0e8⋯.jpg (14.03 KB, 354x540, 59:90, 1292731911095.jpg)


>cyclical shit bread

It's not a bad idea but moderating all the trash out of the main bread would become the issue, hence pushing decon/gear/k/ to the /cvg/ survival bread for now and deleting low effort shit here.

It would also require more 'muh rulez' and enforcement. I hate bread rules as much as you faggots but they are necessary to have high info breads.

Other issue is that every anon inherently wants to shitpost at some times, especially if it's kek worthy news. This is why I let some breads run a little wilder, e.g. Bread 31 or so and /k/ on bread 33 (hell, I was guilty too). Gets it out of the system then anons get back to srs posting again.


>it's a corona virus that's the only link


Most past corona viruses spread via touch or similar, this one being nasty bioengineered shit combining a shektillion different virus strains, means it is airborne and thus one of the major issues regarding infection. Touch infection is easy to beat but airborne requires anons with PPE. Normalfags can't into this nor the decon procedure to control such airborne pathogens.

Hence they studied the avian version as it is airborne and might provide a quicker remedy to nullify the spike protein/receptor binding infection methods.


Spain has exploded out of nowhere, they are rapidly jumping up the table.

Again, another 'less white' EU country being blessed majorly.


Both are not perfect but the 'anti skeptic' version does raise some good counter info.

You are aware it can remain in your spinal fluid and emerge again when your immune system is busy fighting something else? That is now becoming better documented.


Pasta is sleeping, anon.


Anon, you are still doing one line zero info bullshit after being warned, you are being made an example of because you are the posterchild of it. Please don't do it again or you will get shit canned.


>empty shelves

Thanks for showing us, anon. Interesting selections running out, don't you leafs make your own shit anymore?

>tampon chimpout when

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44f67d  No.71198

File: 0727ec46344d61c⋯.png (814.93 KB, 3200x2100, 32:21, Coronavirus_Big_blue_text_….png)


> ACE2 cells

Yeah, sorry. I should have said, "ACE2 receptors. I should know better.


> Trucker-fag-anon posts some decent anecdotal info


> Brazil-bruder is back-and-at-it

Good to see you.


> Jewgle is in charge of testing

Yes, he mentioned this during today's presser. You're right to comment on it, as I don't recall anyone making note.


> Sauce on blue-text

No sauce, but I have supplementals attached.


> Smart anon puts together the paper from Nature

I read it too, but I didn't detect any outright chinkery. But yeah, I can see how this is a "we got it worse than you, so stop your bitching."


> Vol-Anon posts the doom-sauce before I get the chance.

Cool, thanks.


> Anti-skeptic claims don't add-up to extinction-level

Perhaps, but we're still in the early days of this thing. The numbers from China are complete bullshit, as evidenced by the lethality in Pastaland. There is still mounting evidence that survivors are left scarred-for-life:



> Sea-dreamer

Never heard that term before. But yeah, I want to visit the Palmyra atoll someday.


> Stores are empty

I've been told it's like that here in bumfuck Oregon too - all the food is disappearing from shelves, and the TP has been gone for a week.


> Vol-Anon lays it down

I'm going to shut my worthless mouth now, in the hopes that more intelligent anons can raise the quality of the thread. Thanks for your work.

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c3f93a  No.71204

File: f8f28969482fc42⋯.jpg (1.68 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, wa1.JPG)

File: 191022c947888bf⋯.jpg (1.42 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, wa3.JPG)

File: 0c17147914e0436⋯.jpg (1.59 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, wa4.JPG)



I could post many more pix but why bother. I think you get the point. The paper section is 100% kill, along with cleaners, hand sanitizers. Most of feminin hygeine products (Id say 80% kill). Almost every canned good, all the beans, all the pasta (90% kill). And this is repeated over at local coofco. You cant find a roll of toilet paper if you were shitting your pants! There wasnt a grain of rice left in the store!

Im all stocked up btw. over 50kg of rice, over 50kg of flour and all teh fixings to make 100's of loaves of bread. I dont know if many of you guys have your own breadmakers, but fresh bread is delicious, so its a hobby of mine to make it already. lots of other stuff too. fully stocked up on beans, shampoo, soap, cleaning agents (you know suprisingly my local dollar store still had lots of discoutn cleaning supplies).

Anyways Corona chan, our beloved lady of boomer remover, is defeintely freaking these people out. Next trip to grocery store Im going "full hazmat " gear

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496ff4  No.71205


bigriganon…did they say that if you have a temp. you'll be sent home and they will pay sick leave or what?


Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy upon me, a sinner. Please bring relief and comfort to this anons family and community. Amen.


Agreed on the whole feeling this is a hoax. Smart geting stupid money in the markets. Next thing we'll hear is "all clear! the virus is gone, let's get back to work."

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82da55  No.71206

File: 3e5a74f8cede296⋯.png (224.07 KB, 544x569, 544:569, worst_korea.png)

File: f9badb0922e66be⋯.png (227.66 KB, 555x590, 111:118, spain.png)

File: f6e2455db5e65f0⋯.png (235.75 KB, 550x503, 550:503, britbong_newborn.png)

File: e358c1e196dd7f1⋯.png (140.25 KB, 665x621, 665:621, michigan.png)

File: be99319bb1a70b8⋯.mp4 (5.82 MB, 568x320, 71:40, Hospitals_in_Wuhan_are_sti….mp4)

Worst Korea update; Spain update for archival sake ; Britbong newborn becomes the youngest patient in the country https://news.sky.com/story/newborn-believed-to-be-youngest-coronavirus-patient-in-the-uk-11957372 ; Michigan update and Wuhan hospitals are still full of chinks and ambulances can't drop off their patients, the chinks in the video are saying they just went to 161 Wuhan Hospital to be sent to Wuhan Asian Cardiology Hospital, but they are not accepted here. No archive links because archive's not working. It just loads forever when I click the save button and never goes anywhere.

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2769f4  No.71207

File: 0b818a09fedd4b6⋯.jpg (2.37 MB, 2556x3239, 2556:3239, 0b818a09fedd4b68103c8cba7b….jpg)

File: 8ba68d326064125⋯.jpg (42.58 KB, 1486x218, 743:109, ws_biohazard.jpg)

Reposting the /cvg/ film list for new bread.

Bellevue WA anon checking in with today's status report.

>grocery stores under increased stress in the wake of the national emergency declaration - all of the self check out lanes and main lanes at the store tonight were in use, which is unheard of for a Friday night

>streets fucking dead, I might have seen a handful of people in downtown

>local restaurants gassed, most have signs up saying 'We're clean! Please come in! PLEASE!'

>friend in downtown told me all of the apartment complexes are going into disaster preparedness mode and are stopping normal service calls and asking residents to report illness

And yet, despite all of that, I still keep seeing a fair number of people going around like nothing fuck's going on. Like they have horse blinders or something. The city could be on fucking fire and they'd find some way to ignore it.

Gonna go into quarantine myself in a week or so.

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327403  No.71208

File: cac0c286de7ba75⋯.jpg (489.05 KB, 812x850, 406:425, 1579819143943.jpg)


>South Korea cases diminishing

fuck, what if it's true that after the initial spread the virus loses steam?

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82da55  No.71211

File: 26ebecc89514b1c⋯.mp4 (899.34 KB, 480x848, 30:53, natural_gas_explosion_in_a….mp4)

File: f2aea7b3f38daca⋯.mp4 (105.69 KB, 320x420, 16:21, hubei_cops_shut_down_a_pro….mp4)

File: c11c857671ba2e0⋯.mp4 (344.13 KB, 352x592, 22:37, hubei_cops_shut_down_a_pro….mp4)

File: 4f0036aa8e98e19⋯.mp4 (252.59 KB, 320x522, 160:261, hubei_cops_shut_down_a_pro….mp4)

File: 939353ca70c6543⋯.png (233.08 KB, 613x601, 613:601, sao_paulo_measures.png)

Cops in Hubei shutting down a protest; Natural gas explosion in an apartment in Chongqing. Also, São Paulo temporally suspending classes and bans events with more than 500 hues.


Reminder that Corona-Chan attacks in waves due to her long incubating period. There could be hundreds of Worst Koreans incubating her right now. Another explosion of cases will happen there soon. Mark my words.

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6e1820  No.71212


I am surprised that the dentist stuff isn’t wiped out completely. It is very important to take care of our teeth because our teeth can’t repair itself.

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d957e4  No.71213


Thanks for the household chemistry matrix, anon.


Palindromicly checked.


Nice work, anon.

Trump makes a deal with Pelosi. Let's hope she got blessed. Can't archive because 1233 in the queue ahead of me.


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000000  No.71214


>fuck, what if it's true that after the initial spread the virus loses steam

>bioweapons are just the flu

Corona's love is permanent. The only divorce is through Death. It is not called Airborne Aids for no reason.

There is no recovery

The virus is immuno-suppressive and flares up to detectable levels after testing 'negative'. It can later get into the central nervous system and the host falls over dead.

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2769f4  No.71216

File: 0d6b3f9fa3df281⋯.gif (994.81 KB, 500x370, 50:37, 7a711d5efe5b6da9d257fbcce8….gif)


South Korea is somewhere between China and Japan in terms of the discipline of its citizens, so it's not surprising that things are calming down there. What's more important is the long tail impacts of /ourgirl/. So fucking what if she calms down after three or four months in a given country? The damage she's done, is doing, and will do are going to fuck over world markets for at least the next three to five years, see shitloads of people get sacked or go out of business, smash industries she's already fucked the cruise industry to death, hotels and travel are next, followed by any service industry, and collapse the fragile supply chain globalism paradigm.

She's not even getting warmed up, anon.

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e90eac  No.71217


They didnt say anything about sick leave, just we wouldnt be able to come back for at least two days.

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000000  No.71219


>patrician's edit version of movie list

nice work anon

There are more to add, but you have most that were missing originally.

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95cbc1  No.71220


Please be careful for ITPC info in pics anon.. use a wiper or copy/paste theminto blank pics to remove it (try irfanview if on winblows).

>I dont know if many of you guys have your own breadmakers, but fresh bread is delicious, so its a hobby of mine to make it already.

It's where 'NewBreadAnon' came from, used to (may do another soon) post new breads in /sudpol/ along with fresh bread (did one or two a while back for /cvg/ as well).

Also glad got a year of rice/beans/etc in early feb, I need more flour though (half your stash) but it's hard to store long term if this blows over and powdered butter is non-existent here. NBA can only eat so much bread..


>archive is kill

Each day the wait queue is getting longer, had feared this may happen.


>1233 in queue

Wow, Burgers are shitting it up on fri night.

>Worst korea


They are definitely over the 'hill'. That's great news this can be beaten by more organised and respectful groups of people and communities. The rest will perish.


>worst korea continued

Lockdowns and home isolation works, everyone I know in China who did that is still alive and uninfected..

Could also be mutation as you suggest but I think it's really just the community reacting to what is a life threatening situation and minimizing spread. 100 in 3 weeks from 8k infections is impressive. That's basically family members cooped up in lockdown and it will only go down from now.

So you faggots, if your country is quick enough (JUST) to act like worst korea, even with a shitload of cases you can pull through.

TLDR: Nigfrica R.I.P

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2769f4  No.71223


I didn't make that image anon, I'm just repeating it. I'm considering making a v2, and will post it if i do.

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327403  No.71224

There also seems to be a narrative being pushed that the virus is a psyop to test population control/how far can the government revoke liberties from it's citizens.

It started to get traction today, seemed pretty odd but could also have something to dissect

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39fb64  No.71229

File: d8d37387944190b⋯.png (321.81 KB, 1400x733, 1400:733, chimpout_imminent.png)

File: f3d4e23efeac2ec⋯.png (99.44 KB, 800x387, 800:387, 06.png)

Burger reporting in from KY, we have 14 (((official))) cases. Had to make a couple stops today. Sportsman's Warehouse had ~50 people waiting in the parking lot when they opened and have instituted daily limits on firearms and ammo. Stopped at a Kroger and it was picked clean – no tp, paper towels, rice, beans, pasta, etc.


I'm a lawfag, and some of you will find it interesting that the potential for chimpouts in prisons and jails has increased dramatically.



>trials, hearings and motions will be postponed and rescheduled.

>jails and prisons across the state have also stopped allowing visitors.

Whatever any of you do, I can't emphasize enough that you DO NOT want to end up getting popped for anything that will land you in jail. Most of the population is niggers and spics with nothing to keep them going other than visits from family or routine hearings that at least get them out of the jail for a couple hours. With neither of those things available and the likelihood that /ourgirl will be visiting them soon…

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59447c  No.71231


Could well be both. Never let a crisis go to waste and all that, ya know? A bioweapon got unleashed, from who doesn't matter, and if it was on purpose or on accident is only of minor importance in the end. But it is probably being used to test exactly how quickly people will bend the knee and for good, while using it as an opportunity to quicken the chemical castration and poisoning of the populace.

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824c9e  No.71233

File: 864678d16a0e63e⋯.png (227.15 KB, 491x616, 491:616, 00301b5d8a6aa7d54e706c6948….png)



is this why they are testing arthritis meds on corona-chan patients like Regeneron ? Once you have arthritis it truly never goes away, there's no cure for either diseases only managing the symptoms.

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eddd72  No.71234

File: 5f191b5e3383e87⋯.jpg (153.57 KB, 1080x720, 3:2, glowinthedark.jpg)


It is COMPLETELY legit. There was a group in India that reported the sequence of this virus had a section exactly like HIV. They published their findings in order to stimulate the community to further investigate. Their study was not conclusive, but it said the chance of having the same sequence was very highly suspect (similar words). Other people complained that the paper was premature, and under massive pressure probably from above, the Indian scientists retracted the paper. Also, a recent diary/notes from a Seattle doctor are circulating, and he said in his ward peoplewere dying of cardiac arrest - not lung failure. That is directly in line with what is said in the image posted.

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29d047  No.71235


>The Red Coofers

>Flithy Chink Flu


We noticed it as soon as it came out that dumb bitch with the shitty flowchart's mouth.

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000000  No.71236


>If you want a sugar source that lasts forever then go buy real honey, at least it has some benefits. Refined sugar is nigger-tier.

This is survival time. Sugar is cheap and you can buy 4x the amount.


>Next thing we'll hear is "all clear! the virus is gone, let's get back to work."

That would be the most epic fucking troll ever. China April 1st: April Fools, Bitches! Coof camp was big joke! We send you bad test reagent! You whities big hypochondriacs! Ha! Ha!

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114410  No.71238

File: b24f8a707f0fa0a⋯.png (3.52 MB, 1200x1607, 1200:1607, ClipboardImage.png)

Stop calling it "Spanish Flu" guys, that's seriously Iberophobic. And besides, it's just a flu.

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82da55  No.71241

File: 2d16e2cba995795⋯.png (59.28 KB, 551x506, 551:506, brownzilian_delegation.png)

File: b2f0f39f0307493⋯.mp4 (2.87 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, nhk_world_about_nip_intent….mp4)

File: 441ac813f91d844⋯.mp4 (7.78 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, chink_aid_arrives_in_Pasta….mp4)

File: 28aded1b986e6d1⋯.jpeg (164.74 KB, 1054x705, 1054:705, brazilian_embassador_bles….jpeg)

Brownzilian delegation update (with picture); NHK World report about the nip who intentionally spread Corona-Chan's love. Why would you do that you dip, you're hurting your own people for no reason and Chink aid arrives in Pastaland


>It started to get traction today

It has been going on for some time now, maybe you only noticed it now. Either way, I don't care what these Q-cumbers say, they're in for a rude awakening.


Thank's for the update. Yeah, if Pasta prisoners rioted like that, just imagine what's about to happen in Burger prisons…hell, in Brownzilian prisons too. We have violent riots constantly but a Corona-Chan induced prison riot here would probably make Khorne cum. Expect many beheadings and entire prisons on fire soon.

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0c7b30  No.71243

File: bdca0f2dd896216⋯.gif (2.09 MB, 500x212, 125:53, c65f98d321c4f5670325ca2654….gif)


>oh noes this exposes the weakness in globalization!

Good you antinationalist fuckers.


>the mandate of heaving

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000000  No.71245


>I'm considering making a v2, and will post it if i do.

To add if you do:

Daybreakers 2009 (Infected bat plague new world order)


>In 2009, a plague caused by an infected bat transforms most of the world's population into immortal vampires. The human population plummets, leaving vampires with a severe shortage of blood; vampires deprived of blood degenerate into psychotic, bat-like "subsiders". Most humans are captured and harvested in laboratory farms while scientists research a synthetic blood substitute. As sunlight is deadly to vampires, underground passages and UV filtered cars are built for safe travel, while the few free humans travel by day, hiding in open spaces.

>In 2019, Edward Dalton is the head hematologist for Bromley Marks, a pharmaceutical company which is the largest supplier of human blood in the US. Edward and colleague Christopher Caruso are developing a blood substitute.

Cell 2016 (5G botnet plague)


>Clayton "Clay" Riddell is a disillusioned artist, who a year earlier abandoned his wife Sharon and son Johnny in hopes of living his dream of publishing a graphic novel. At Boston International Airport, Riddell tries to board a flight in hopes of reconciling with his family. His cell phone battery dies and he reconnects with Sharon by using a payphone. Suddenly an electronic signal (later dubbed "the pulse") is broadcast across mobile networks worldwide, turning cell phone users into rabid killers. Riddell escapes the chaos in the terminal, and meets a group of survivors in a subway car. The train's driver, Thomas "Tom" McCourt, suggests abandoning the train and travelling through the tunnels. Riddell agrees and, joined by a third man, attempts to escape the airport.

Children of Men 2006 (Coronachan makes hosts infertile)


>In 2027, after 18 years of global human infertility and depression, the world is on the brink of collapse and humanity faces extinction. The United Kingdom, one of the few nations with a functioning government (the only other known functioning government is Angola), is deluged by asylum seekers fleeing radiation and plague.

++others like The Road 2009, The Day 2011 (indirectly related) take place in the world after this plague.

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824c9e  No.71246

File: 487362aef0d1809⋯.png (25.52 KB, 694x616, 347:308, regen_phama.png)



I've noticed their stocks I wonder (((who))) is profiting from all this?

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d936fa  No.71247

File: 8af4fd55248f234⋯.jpg (20.81 KB, 410x300, 41:30, default.jpg)

According to overseas websites, comprehensive Saudi Arabia's Al Arabiya News and Turkish media TRT World reported that Nasser Shabani, senior commander of the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard, has died of New Crown Pneumonia

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37c688  No.71248

File: 632d3d3b62b2260⋯.jpg (54.94 KB, 768x512, 3:2, pastalavista.jpg)

Feb 25 2020


>Bob Iger to step down as Disney CEO, effective immediately

January 10, 2020

>Top Google exec David Drummond to retire months after scrutiny

>Despite the scrutiny, Drummond remained in the top ranks of the company – until now.

>Bill retired last thread

is it just me or are a lot of people retiring lately?


>Coronavirus lockdown helps Italian police nab 'leading' mobster

>Rome (AFP) - A top 'Ndrangheta clan member was arrested in Italy after police, helped by the anti-coronavirus lockdown, spotted the fugitive smoking inside a seemingly deserted safe house, authorities said Friday.

we saw armed chink "doctors" as well. pic from article

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0c7b30  No.71250

File: 0de17e67c41043a⋯.png (148.87 KB, 728x1000, 91:125, 8923hf98h23fh83928h3f3.png)

Here in AZ we're a small 50 man corp. and the higher ups want to assemble some kind of remote work solution out of walmart-tier laptops and a piece of string.

Also found my first store with a "out of TP" sign, so that was nice.


>not buying stock options on low value med corps

>not hyping them online

>not reaping the profits when every boomer buys their stock

Easy pickin's anon, happens every day.

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000000  No.71253


>is this why they are testing arthritis meds on corona-chan patients like Regeneron ?

HIV meds are being used too.

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37c688  No.71256

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000000  No.71258


>is it just me or are a lot of people retiring lately?

>is it just me or are a lot of people getting into bunkerz?


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0c7b30  No.71262

File: 900a427e1d0ccf2⋯.png (53.04 KB, 251x275, 251:275, ooooooooo.png)



If you're a highpowered ceo or whatever and have been trying to get out of something for a while, now's the chance.

Shit goes to hell? Wasn't my fault, it was corona bro.

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c46256  No.71263


I would mention that there is a list of resignations compiled… BUT I DARE NOT SAY WHERE! My guess is its easy to find though.

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bfb591  No.71265

File: 32d44e293a8e3f7⋯.jpg (2.85 MB, 4000x3000, 4:3, avin_picos_de_europa_26.jpg)


>Again, another 'less white' EU country being blessed majorly.

I'm from Spain and I can tell you that this virus has only really hit the big cities where the majority of inmigrants live. I live in the northen highlands where the majority of the population is absolutely white, so go fuck yourself with the whole "less white" bs.

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bfb591  No.71266


Also, Spain has a massively aged population, older people clearly are taking the brunt of the infection.

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c46256  No.71267


Hey Spainanon… You REAL Spaniards are good to go. Hot women as well… Good job on that!

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77a919  No.71269


Do we have hard figures on the asymptomatic periods per race? If asians get a shorter period there that gives their overall system an easier time fighting it, even if it hits them individually harder.

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bc8729  No.71271


My concern for you guys is that older people tend to vote more conservatively, and are less likely to promote LGBT faggotry and nigger invasions. If this virus takes out a good chuck of them, you may find the younger generations vote to expedite your extinction.

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177dfb  No.71272


>conservatives fight niggers and faggots

can't tell if this is a joke post. can you clarify?

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bfb591  No.71274

File: 6ac32fcd80bf393⋯.jpg (1.88 MB, 2560x1920, 4:3, bezana_folklore_116.jpg)


Older people in this nation are more likely to vote middle conservative parties, the youth is much more prone to vote either extreme, including the right. And this virus only proves the same old concern of open borders.

That said, this virus hasn't really ennacted much chaos in the nation, at least here in the highlands, people are calm, no one talks about the virus, even though it's spreading.

In spain we do have a rather "oh well" mentality about things, people generally do not fear death, it's something that spaniards have been known for. Ironic since we had to deal with the black death and the spanish flu taking out huge chunks of the population before.

That said, the virus hasn't really run rampant here in the north, there was supposedly a couple cases here, but no one has died yet.

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751b9a  No.71275


I like Asturias don't know whether you live there or not but Gijon isn't that white. Niggers are all over bars trying to sell counterfeited bags. Plus I've seen some covered Maghreby mudslimes. Oviedo same thing.

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5b2e30  No.71278


Thank you for your post, I was looking for these infos as well !

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bfb591  No.71279


I didn't know that, I'm not from Asturias, but Gijon is the largest city there, so it's not weird to see that many migrants there. Also, Asturias is far more popular a region.

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5b2e30  No.71281


It's not a psyop, it's very real…

And they will use if for real.

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6e1820  No.71282

Australia's Antarctic Division (AAD) has flown to the rescue of an expeditioner after a request from the US, with a team landing on ice in -30 degrees Celsius conditions. The AAD received a request from the US Antarctic Program on Friday asking for an "emergency medical evacuation of an expeditioner from a United States base in Antarctica", the division said in a statement. An AAD medical team, supported by aeromedical and retrieval specialists from the Royal Hobart Hospital and Ambulance Tasmania was despatched in Australia's Antarctic Airbus A319 to McMurdo station in East Antarctica, a distance of about 3,900 kilometres."The conditions on the ground were challenging, when the Airbus landed at McMurdo station it was around -30 with wind chill," AAD general manager of Antarctic operations and safety Charlton Clark said. "At this time of the year most Antarctic nations have already shut down operations for the winter season, so this medical evacuation was unusual."

The expeditioner was picked up from McMurdo and flown to Christchurch in New Zealand. "We are really pleased to be able to assist the United States Antarctic Program as a first-responder in this emergency and it's a real testament to the great spirit of cooperation between Antarctic nations," Mr Clark said.

It is unclear why the expeditioner needed specialist attention.

Hey yanks, do you know why person got medevac’ed? Coronavirus?

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ab34e7  No.71283

Anyone else notice the spamming of "stockpiling makes you bad" among normies?

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bc8729  No.71285


>proves the same old concern of open borders.

The line they're going with these days is, "Viruses don't respect border lines."


I can't even imagine how poor some of these setups are going to be, as they'll be designed by some poo overseas trying to remotely setup a remote setup.

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751b9a  No.71286


A Coruna isn't far behind and that "right wing" shithole Bilbao is full of niggers. Use google street view and check San Francisco street in Bilbao, it looks like fucking Africa. You maybe live in some village but American villages are also white. Spain is fucked.

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82da55  No.71289

File: d5d5f4af89e7a95⋯.png (250.65 KB, 658x651, 94:93, alabama_update.png)

Sweet home Alabama update, the new confirmed cases are from the following counties: Elmore, Jefferson, Limestone, Montgomery and Tuscaloosa. https://archive.is/wip/GC8Kf don't worry, /wip/ links redirect you to the actual page when they're done archiving.


>New Crown Pneumonia

Kek, 10/10 translation.


Yes. It's because MSM have been pushing the "evil selfish preppers hoarding everything" narrative recently.

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0c7b30  No.71290


No poos thankfully, after a failed Hr/marketing project (took like a year to fix their incompetence).

It'll still be annoying as hell to use them.


Captured New Swabian, sad.

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751b9a  No.71291

File: cfadefcce0c3cfd⋯.jpg (182.98 KB, 1192x557, 1192:557, 1.jpg)

File: 78d646d36ee9265⋯.jpg (213.3 KB, 1225x559, 1225:559, 2.jpg)

File: 60eabf4111df711⋯.jpg (356.62 KB, 1883x847, 269:121, 3.jpg)


Bilbao patriotism.

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d957e4  No.71293


G'day, Straya, Burger here. A quick search has so far revealed nothing. Oddly, the US Antarctic Program's news page has been silent since 17 February. I'll seek what I can find elsewhere.


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6d4de6  No.71294

What the fuck is up with NPCs and their toilet paper fetish??

I don't fucking get it.

Toilet paper is going out of stock literally everywhere, and was the first thing gone BEFORE HAND SANITIZER!

I hear it all the time, even normalfags are, wondering "why the fuck is everyone buying toilet paper?"

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327403  No.71295



'd rabe

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0c7b30  No.71296

File: 1404c72a1f09118⋯.png (798.31 KB, 696x463, 696:463, DELICIADIVERSIDADE.png)




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58461c  No.71297


>toilet paper fetish?

Anons were joking about stockpiling some a month or so ago… perhaps it is because it is a larger item, so people notice when others buy it and monkey see monkey do, leading to a rush on the paper.

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5ddc07  No.71298


i know. i'm a wino so i can poo in the shower. Don't understand it.

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9d881f  No.71299

File: 40ed15b6f3d3ff8⋯.png (132.25 KB, 656x772, 164:193, codenigger.png)

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82da55  No.71300

File: 64c81fab1c1155f⋯.png (162.2 KB, 523x626, 523:626, clark_county_update.png)

File: 8351b84d030d6a9⋯.png (186 KB, 482x562, 241:281, puerto_spico_fucks_up.png)

File: 4eb60d6e62a0568⋯.png (221.03 KB, 536x618, 268:309, blessings_at_luxor_hotel_a….png)

Missed a Clark County update https://archive.is/wip/fuaY7 ; Puerto Spico fucks up and Blessing at the Luxor Hotel & Casino https://archive.is/wip/R4EoM


Someone must have started a rumor that shit tickets are the most important thing during the apocalypse, then some people bought into that shitty meme. Others, noticing those idiots hoarding all of the the TP, thought

<HOLY SHIT! I have to buy TP too before those guys buy all of it!

Then those people become TP hoarders themselves, and others see them do this and then do the same shit. It's a feedback loop in their programming, the fix for it will come soon™.

>>71299 (checked)

>Oh your account has three strikes? Maybe you don't need to see a doctor


Nice one, Code Monkey.

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6e1820  No.71301


>US Antarctic Program's news page has been silent since 17 February.

That’s very interesting, anon. Maybe they are already blessed?

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0c7b30  No.71302

File: 923c9612e1cd545⋯.gif (811.71 KB, 250x250, 1:1, we_just_don_t_know.gif)


>get cushy gov job in PR

>totally not nepotism you guys

>shit hits the fan

>"Please fill out forms when sending it back"

How absolute shit do you have to be to fuck up a paper form and a swab sample.

That's some megaislander retardation.

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177dfb  No.71307


maybe you shouldn't have tailored your board for trump-humping qniggers, ronnie.

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2769f4  No.71308

File: 4a52c47a6b3a9c5⋯.gif (689.5 KB, 320x240, 4:3, 4a52c47a6b3a9c5cf63a2a7e80….gif)


Working on the V2 now, actually.


>Children of Men

Good films both, but I'm trying to avoid movies where the virus is just a footnote or setup. In both, the virus was basically a setup for the story and didn't feature much in the movie. I'm going to include Omega Man in mine, because it's still a main force behind the movie's setting.

>Cell 2016

Not sure if it fits with the theme, but I'll read about it.


Fear response, anon. Running out of TP is a much more common fear than running out of food, because the latter is unthinkable. That and a lot of fat fuck Americans use a shitload of TP where two or three sheets would do.


>Corona-chan does Vegas

Holy shit, I totally forgot about that place. Nevada's entire economy is about to get wrecked, just like Macau.

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82da55  No.71310

File: b1ed096e06973bf⋯.png (125.65 KB, 606x641, 606:641, worker_at_the_DMV_in_New_H….png)

File: 3817eeaee3189ba⋯.png (24.64 KB, 484x206, 242:103, no_more_flights_in_saudi_a….png)

File: faa18cc884eefc2⋯.png (34.44 KB, 674x228, 337:114, colombia_border_closure_2.png)

File: ecebc6018af3a55⋯.png (35 KB, 652x228, 163:57, colombia_border_closure1.png)

File: 4dbfbf8e10f75b7⋯.png (202.82 KB, 475x469, 475:469, fucking_niggers.png)

One of the new confirmed cases in New Hampshire worked at the Manchester DMV in Rockingham County https://archive.is/wip/mK2AS ; Ragheadland suspending all flights for two weeks due to airborne aids; Cocoaineland closing border with Memezuela and denying entry to foreigners who have recently been in Yurop and Asia. Also, a niggerball team used half of Oklahoma's daily tests.

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d957e4  No.71311

File: 7cafb1fdff41e21⋯.png (397.48 KB, 790x333, 790:333, TheThing1982.png)


Hmm, it appears that nothing on that website has been updated since 17 February. Odd. I wonder what may have happened around that date. Any Antarctic anons have any info?

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cef90b  No.71312

File: 910b0b33d1f7b24⋯.png (18.07 KB, 588x197, 588:197, Screenshot_2020_03_14_03_4….png)

File: 5df2c874df14c04⋯.png (40.54 KB, 588x447, 196:149, Screenshot_2020_03_14_03_4….png)

File: c7d15addb04960c⋯.png (437.58 KB, 916x484, 229:121, Screenshot_2020_03_14_03_5….png)

>more gaslighting from CBC and healthcare Kikes who are in the pocket of big pharma

>still saying that not letting the virus in, won't stop the virus.

>Health Minister "Virus' don't know borders. Borders can't contain the virus."

(pic related)

Well you incompetent diversity hire, how does the virus cross the border, without crossing the border?

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000000  No.71314


>Viruses don't carry passports

>Amina Zafar

I think she doesn't have a proper passport either.

Trudeau doesn't give a shit at this point, he has already been blessed, might as well fuck the rest of canada too. Canada in nearly chinkland anyway, it's probably way more blessed than anyone knows.

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0c7b30  No.71317

File: 439cdc5839ea596⋯.gif (922.76 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 439cdc5839ea596f3c330d0fa8….gif)



>"Viruses don't carry passports"

She's right, they're given one right after they set foot on Canadian soil.

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0b0031  No.71319


It's absolutely disgusting that they'd bother wasting a test kit on any nigger.


Are they as retarded sounding speaking Spanish as they are in English?


Travel bans won't work, so refugees welcome. We don't have enough test kits and hospital beds, but we're a big welcoming nation and we won't turn away even the lowliest nigger who couldn't even make it in a nation full of other niggers. We have no idea what valuable contribution this nigger will bring to our nation, but muh diversity.

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82da55  No.71320

File: 46dca8e1b064c06⋯.jpeg (71.12 KB, 749x920, 749:920, trump_is_blessed.jpeg)

White House confirms Orange Man shook hands with a member of the Brownzilian delegation who was later found out to be blessed. He won't get tested or go into self quarantine.

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0b0031  No.71321


Another possibility is that they do have a cure, but since it hasn't been readied for mass production, the prototype might have a ridiculously large cost associated with it. If the public knew a cure was out there, some would riot if only high ranking officials had access to it.

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6e1820  No.71322


He is a carrier and is immune to Coronavirus.

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0c7b30  No.71323

File: 9a5f92bbaf72fe5⋯.jpg (20.97 KB, 600x384, 25:16, 1493670659321.jpg)


>speaking spanish

Take out all the S letters not at the start of a word.

Substitute every P with a B.

Avoid hard Rs like the plague.



He's gonna get pumped on sudafed and dayquil. Can't appear weak to the masses, etc etc.

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000000  No.71325


His plan is to shake hands with biden and give him the gift.

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327403  No.71326

File: d5ef38490e399bd⋯.png (9.27 KB, 526x492, 263:246, spurdo_beaner.png)


>Take out all the S letters not at the start of a word.

>Substitute every P with a B.

>Avoid hard Rs like the plague.

So they're fuggin sburdos :DDD???


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d2c620  No.71329

File: 70c534c3dd56970⋯.webm (5.06 MB, 796x1024, 199:256, corona_chan_s_lovely_bunc….webm)

Check 'em.

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0c7b30  No.71331

File: 6b71daa2e51d206⋯.png (367.73 KB, 440x334, 220:167, bub.png)


Shit, that reminds me: what's the plan with Biden? Will they go full Bubble Boy protocol on his ass?

Shit, what about Col. Sanders?


lmao just louder

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1637ca  No.71335

File: 5158487ab2dccd3⋯.jpg (143.17 KB, 746x1024, 373:512, Chinese_Disinfo_1_of_2.jpg)

File: 4e04bbd3fb2458d⋯.jpg (172.79 KB, 786x1024, 393:512, Chinese_Disinfo_2_of_2.jpg)

Reminder there are chinese assigned to /pnd/, and will be sure to be active in /cvg/. Pics are leaked documents translated by Jennifer Zeng or her associates. Basically, Zeng fucking hates China because they torture her for being in the weirdo religion Falon Gong. I can understand hating weirdos, but it's no reason to torture people.


But would you have sex with her? I mean, if she were dead it would be okay, right? Especially if you didn't admit it.

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1637ca  No.71336



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1637ca  No.71339

File: f7a3068b28d429d⋯.jpg (61.75 KB, 791x272, 791:272, Gouging.jpg)

zh the chinky-kike digital rag with its dick up your ass.

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177dfb  No.71340


America tortures us for being White and Falun Gong is in bed with America. It's not a real complicated equation for me. If you're down with America, you're my enemy.

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82da55  No.71341

File: 9248f160db17d3d⋯.png (254.21 KB, 661x608, 661:608, brownzilian_senator.png)

File: 18e7ea7fda1c588⋯.png (104.59 KB, 784x548, 196:137, Orange_County_Community_Tr….png)

File: 6f240ca2b985389⋯.png (99.92 KB, 603x506, 603:506, possible_mass_graves_in_Ch….png)

File: 3f660983afb93be⋯.png (139.49 KB, 881x595, 881:595, florida_update.png)

File: fd2c3f079c0adfb⋯.png (172.84 KB, 1120x525, 32:15, CCP_shill_be_gone.png)

Another member of the Brownzilian delegation is confirmed to blessed; Orange County update, they might have their first case of community transmission https://archive.is/wip/hibRo ; Possible mass graves in Chinkland and Florida update.


You mean that he already got it sometime ago maybe from Pence so it doesn't even really matter if he comes into contact with other blessed individuals? Makes sense and I believe it. He has probably been incubating /ourgirl/ for some time now, before he got into contact with the delegation. Nice doubles by the way.


Gud webbum.


Good post anon, I also posted these in the last thread. Going to use my anti-CCP shill spray too, just to keep this place clean.

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a2d3f7  No.71343



>5.6 million people

>a fraction of the population of commiefornia

>yet more more than twice as many cases

What's going on?

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a2d3f7  No.71345



This one gives 804 for Denmark now.

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1637ca  No.71346


Any idea if romanized bug spray is blocked by their filters? You wouldn't need to have the accents or tone marks, they'd know in an instant what it says.

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0c7b30  No.71347

File: 46fe956c4a8b8bb⋯.mp4 (1.62 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Remove_8_bit.mp4)


>bringing up FG outta nowhere

Oy, Chuan, write this on your hourly report:

No one gives a flying fuck about FG in the US

They might have heard a 20 second snip once in their life about how they get kidneys out of'em but no Joe Blow cares.

Only extra glowing CCP shills like you care about FG

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177dfb  No.71348

File: ad94f7ea08cf6e8⋯.png (1.09 MB, 825x3003, 25:91, Screenshot_2020_02_04_Kosh….png)


Yeah, I must be a chink. You got me.

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53a6a7  No.71349


Some news shows were reporting toilet paper shortages, so every normalfag ran out to get tons of toilet paper to make sure they didn't run out. Thus, they created the reality the news was reporting.

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0b0031  No.71350


The virus seems to be concentrating in places the jews don't like.

>Germany: Obvious

>Iran: Obvious

>China: I'm confused about this one

>Scandinavia (good Aryan stock that they perceive as a threat.

>Spain: Muh expulsions

>Italy: Expulsions (but they wrote that lovely musical piece Chorus of the Hebrew slaves!)

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177dfb  No.71351


>out of nowhere

If you hover your mouse cursor over a post number or click on that same post number, it will show you the content of that post. This way you can follow a comment chain.

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a04f13  No.71352


>3rd pic

>Mass grave next to a major river

What in the fuck, it's like they want to teach Corona-chan to swim. They could at least create a massive fire pit and burn the bodies in it.

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177dfb  No.71353


Italy signed up for the Belt and Road. I believe they are the only European country to have formally done so, but I'm not sure about that. Also, Salvini has been faltering in the polls there specifically over his support for israel. The Trump/AfD/PiS/SD/Brexit model isn't working as well in Italy. Salvini was forced to pull out of a Yoram Hazony kosher "national conservatism" conference to maintain his appearances.

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a04f13  No.71354


It might be more to do with Chinese migration patterns during the Lunar New Year. Pretty sure if you trace the spread and cross-referenced it with tourism data, you'd see a correlation.

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71df2b  No.71358


>teeth can't repair itself

Not true. Teeth remineralize as long as you get enough calcium and are reasonably healthy. This is unless the dentin is exposed.

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327403  No.71362

File: f5873e014f920c8⋯.webm (3.72 MB, 396x224, 99:56, 1584103386702.webm)

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0c7b30  No.71364

File: 410af4cff5f83b8⋯.gif (1.95 MB, 250x250, 1:1, Oh_boy.gif)


Good job

Gonna be hard to update lol

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c7c0b2  No.71365


quite enjoyable, did you make that anon. I appreciated the Italy and China booms.

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a7af8e  No.71366

File: 57a7fc7046506c9⋯.jpg (58.04 KB, 721x835, 721:835, WHCDC.jpg)

The most likely explanation for the origin of the virus, without evidence to the contrary is that KungFlu escaped one of the two labs in Wuhan that "studies viruses", one such lab the Wuhan CDC basically the neighbor of the animal market. A paper that was posted by Chinese scientists has been circulated and now-scrubbed from the Chinese internet. It's a short and detailed explanation of the most likely truth and if you haven't read it, please do.

search "'The possible origins of 2019-nCoV coronavirus,' Botao Xiao and Lei Xiao"

or if your lazy here is a text-link


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177dfb  No.71368


It doesn't really explain the extreme coincidental timing nor the Iranian epicenter being a Shia shrine city or ground zero in Europe being the only country that formally signed onto Belt and Road. Too many coincidences.

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ac1cab  No.71369


Can we get sauce on those?


Checked. Also, I was wondering when a scientist would find some evidence of the lab generating the virus. Honestly I still doubt they actually made it, more likely stole it and couldn't handle it, but if I'm wrong then it's just more reason to fucking glass China.


I don't see belt and road being related tbh. There's… dozens of countries signed on to that garbage.

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d936fa  No.71370


The yellow people wish muh death on Denmark because they desicrated there flag.

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a7af8e  No.71371


those places have massive human networks of people flying back and forth between them, there is THOUSANDS of Iranians and Italians who work in or with China all year round.

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8a3c3c  No.71372

File: fa5915cd2b0ebc0⋯.png (72.39 KB, 1200x358, 600:179, cuck.png)


That sound as it hits Italy kek.

As for pic related, I hate this insufferable cuck. I hope his date with Corona virus turns into his own personal horror story nightmare he never awakens from.

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327403  No.71373


Stole it from /gif/

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0c7b30  No.71374


It's like you've never beein in an airport anon.

Imagine: the combined incompetence of every mouth-breather at every transportation hub from here to Wuhan.

The amount of retardation boggles the mind.

I'll bet 100 to 1 times on human stupidity and Chinese incompetence on this one.

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e80a45  No.71375

File: f1d621291f8c9e9⋯.jpg (565.24 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, chadlooter.jpg)

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a7af8e  No.71376


literally this, Chinese incompetence, lax, lazy, stupid, etc

possibly with good intentions trying to research cures or something, they should have just stuck to stealing American tech.

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d957e4  No.71377



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177dfb  No.71378


Yeah, sure. So do Vietnam and Cambodia.

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ac1cab  No.71379

File: 337eb3352fa37f3⋯.jpg (38.21 KB, 450x495, 10:11, _.jpg)




ayy lmao

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d957e4  No.71380


Nice catch, anon.

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daa135  No.71381

File: 7f04301e24a7852⋯.jpg (346.97 KB, 1200x919, 1200:919, 7f04301e24a785232573b68291….jpg)


I'm the Chad looter. I fucking hate all those messages of "omg don't hoard, save some for everyone." Why? Do you know what happens if I don't take a bunch of shit? Pajeet and Juan come and scoop up the aisle while getting in a fight with Yang. There are barely any white people here. I don't give a fuck. I went to go buy extra prep even though I'm already prepped just to screw over these people.

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000000  No.71382


>report about the nip who intentionally spread Corona-Chan's love

When you live surrounded by normalfags, it is a natural instinct to want to kill them all.

Your soul literally requires it.

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734dc3  No.71383


> I went to go buy extra prep even though I'm already prepped just to screw over these people.

Fucking KEK I did the same. Im hoping to hoard and then get to sell at 10x the price or moar to some idiot. Im going to try to get me some silver for TP. That would be the best trade.

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177dfb  No.71384


>Nice catch, anon


>Basically, Zeng fucking hates China because they torture her for being in the weirdo religion Falon Gong.

>Basically Zeng fucking hates China because they torture her for being in the weirdo religion Falon Gong.

>Basically Zeng fucking hates China because they torture her for being in the weirdo religion Falon Gong.


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bc9346  No.71385


Niggers think exactly the same thing though, so the normalfaggots are the ones intentionally spreading shit unironically as a joke since they're fucking retarded. It's not an issue of soul moreso than already being subhumans.

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8a3c3c  No.71386


God bless stupid people anon.

Police in Indian city put on ‘high alert’ after 5 coronavirus suspects FLEE hospital, sparking chase

>Police in the Indian city of Nagpur have been hunting down patients that fled an isolation ward of a local hospital where they were interned after showing flu-like symptoms. Three out of five runaways have been tracked down.

The patients, two women and three men, were placed in a special isolation ward in Indira Gandhi Government Medical College and Hospital (Mayo) in the western Maharashtra state late Friday after they complained of symptoms similar to that reported by people stricken with the deadly Covid-19 virus. All of them came to the medical facility at their own willing, the Times of India reported, citing medical sources.

>At least one female coronavirus suspect is believed to have been in contact with a person who has the illness associated with the virus. The woman’s employer, his wife and a colleague are being treated at the same hospital after testing positive for Covid-19.


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ac1cab  No.71387

File: 19142e6f814f0cb⋯.jpg (95.02 KB, 940x613, 940:613, china_cant_even_play_domin….jpg)


Dude, chill.


Oh shit Japan needs to step it the fuck up at this rate.

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40354b  No.71388


We shall make a tidy profit selling excess resources for jewelry and precious metals. I too went out and topped off my preps. I sincerely hope the USA goes into quarantine so I can see the utterly fucktard 'just a flu bro' faggots get their just desserts. I mean why the fuck would you make a point of NOT preparing in a fucking emergency? They're literally like badly written straw characters in a movie there to wrong.



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089f70  No.71390


>the only "I'm stuck with a dead body" vid comes from an ACTOR.

Not true; that video from Chen featured an old lady stuck with her husband: https://youtu.be/7AI3R41dGnU?t=1355 (link includes timestamp). If the media were trying to whip up a frenzy, don't you think you would've seen this by now?

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a04f13  No.71392


>"omg don't hoard, save some for everyone."

Their funeral once they realize they needed at least several months of supplies minimum to endure this.


The 'just a flu' morons have given themselves a death sentence. Not just due to the virus, but venturing out for supplies in such chaos will be extremely dangerous. They really can't think ahead.

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8a3c3c  No.71393

File: 4a52f75e925e1f5⋯.mp4 (11.73 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Liveleak_com_Coronavirus_C….mp4)

Welcome to London. Defeating the Germans came at a heavy cost, but clearly it was worth it!

https://www.liveleak.com/view?t=9NwWR_1584086413 [higher res there]

>"Panic buying due to the coronavirus at an Asda [supermarket] in east London at 11;30pm at night," wrote the filmer, a resident of east London.

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2cff38  No.71396


Butter freezes really well. So does cheese, even fancy cheeses.

t. spelt flour bread master race

I hope anons who can't archive are taking screenshots or saving pages themselves. Print to pdf is another option. Lots of shit is being memoryholed.


Be it planned or a psyop or just opportunism, what (((govt))) pushes for will be the same. Doesn't change my preps at all one way or the other.


Chinks in AU and NZ have been buying up to send to HK. Same as masks, baby formula. Not sure why elsewhere. It's good to wipe stuff down with and cheaper than paper towels mostly too.


Fuck being tested anyway once ICU is full. Good way to end up in a coof camp. Good way to come into contact with people who DO have it as well.

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84ba0c  No.71399


>so people notice when others buy it and monkey see monkey do, leading to a rush on the paper.

It's possible many of these bog roll hoarders are paid to enter supermarkets and try to create the `sense' of urgency to panic an unwitting public.

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40354b  No.71400


>The 'just a flu' morons have given themselves a death sentence. Not just due to the virus, but venturing out for supplies in such chaos will be extremely dangerous. They really can't think ahead.

Exactly. They're going to be battling Tyrese and Jose for the last can of corned beef in Walmart, or having to go out to dangerous black markets they are woefully unprepared for since they're so naive.

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000000  No.71402


If the guy doesn't have the means to kill normalfags and get out with impunity, he will use whatever he can.

This pandemic is a golden opportunity to mass slaughter the mindless masses that are as poisonous to OUR world as the jews who command them. This slaughter will also ensure that no obstacle will remain to start genociding niggers, jews and other subhumans.

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40354b  No.71403


>This pandemic is a golden opportunity to mass slaughter the mindless masses that are as poisonous to OUR world as the jews who command them.

Chill out fuckign TORfed, the whole point of this exercise is survival of the fittest, meaning bunker down and let them kill each other. They all live amongst each other anyway, or alongside rich white leftists in the cities. We don't need to do shit but take care of ourselves and our own, let them fucking kill each other off, don't expose yourself to unnecessary risk.

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8a3c3c  No.71407

File: e9f512f340cd5e9⋯.jpg (403.58 KB, 1862x1048, 931:524, Costco_2.jpg)

Pic related is why you prepare early. Right now, it looks like whites and a lot of beaners. Once the crowd gets darker and darker you run a real risk of being stabbed for bottled water (happened in Apelanta today).

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ac1cab  No.71408

File: 367e73384324514⋯.mp4 (1.1 MB, 960x576, 5:3, pussybombed.mp4)

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f5278d  No.71409



>no train to busan

shit list

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6dbff8  No.71410

File: bf74190f785b37c⋯.jpg (202.73 KB, 918x611, 918:611, streetshitterb.jpg)


because any normal person uses approximately a roll per day, if you have afamily of four thats almost 30 rolls a week, over a hundred rolls per month. and what are you gonna do if you run out, wipe your ass with your hand like some streetshitter!

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2cff38  No.71411


>a roll per day

My ass is so hairy I could be Robin Williams' and Chewbacca's love-child, and I struggle to hit 1/3 of a roll. You need to eat some fibre, anon.

Jew Zealand imposes 14 day 'self quarantine' on all incoming travellers ) except some pacific islands who already have travel bans anyway)


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6dbff8  No.71414

File: 4b8546f823963a8⋯.jpg (102.37 KB, 1024x578, 512:289, surgical_instruments.jpg)


alot of anons are talking about prepping. while everyone has been running around buying TP, rice and beans, thats all stuff I had already stocked up on. know what I been buying up this week. two 50 packs of lighters, 6 cartons of cigarates, cheap vodka … and my 'special' items, went to the doctor, told him im going hiking this summer in remote location, please prescribe me some antibiotics to get me out of the bush if i get hurt … got a 28 day supply of tetracycline!!! medical grade antibiotics are solid gold in SHTF. went to drugstore and bought up half dozen insulin kits, bought some of those auto blood glucose meters (diabetics will kill for this shit!), bought some spare crutches, extra tensor bandages, surgical grade scalpel, scissors, crazy glue (for closing wounds) ….. gotta think outside the box boys. TP and Rice is great, insulin and antibiotics is better! met my wife in a trauma ER ward! We've got a tote bin full of high end medical grade surgical supplies (shes the one who told me what to say to get the antibiotics).

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6e1820  No.71415

>Update from Queensland, Australia

<There have been reports of the coronavirus cases in Townsville at 1.35pm today Ann Roberts School of Dance.

Make your homemade masks!

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bfb591  No.71416

File: b4317fcbeca5e5b⋯.gif (2.6 MB, 500x281, 500:281, Bang.gif)


More like, those nations are the ones doing actual testing. These are CONFIRMED cases, dumbass.

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d36d72  No.71418


That’s the purpose.


People get evacuated from south pole at an untoward rate. Humans don’t belong there, but Corona-chan does.

Corona-chan declares herself a world treasure


Italy also a target due to Mifsud.


If they start using perfumed soap that will clearly help.

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525d47  No.71420

why arent niggers being affected? dna too different? or are we just not getting information from the dark continent.

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f28102  No.71421

File: abd87ef243da59e⋯.mp4 (9.45 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, instant_cure.mp4)


>a roll per day

You're doing it wrong.

Here's an instant cure for all of your Corona virus fears.

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177dfb  No.71423



lol no

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177dfb  No.71424


It is a US bioweapon. The US wants perma-nigger galaxy. British system extraction economies rely on hyper-niggerization.

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aaa957  No.71425


Half a dozen African countries just reported their first known infections today.

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525d47  No.71426


Which? only one i see in the OP is Egypt. I know Nigeria had an italian fall ill, and then i heard an ethiopian in nigeria fall ill. then never heard anything again.

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f28102  No.71427

File: e346bc0037c2867⋯.png (262.96 KB, 1000x988, 250:247, soon.png)


Have patience anon. She's working her way into Africa proper now.

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52b1ec  No.71428

File: df59867cd196db6⋯.png (91.4 KB, 1300x1250, 26:25, pool_s_closed2020.png)


>a roll per day

How much do you shit?

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525d47  No.71429

File: 63b0513ef3674eb⋯.jpg (27.82 KB, 500x384, 125:96, ec90b7f26e42509b67a4f4dbcf….jpg)

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dca472  No.71432

File: 2f63099e2a232cd⋯.jpg (25.09 KB, 400x400, 1:1, dog.jpg)

Sorry about one-liner, but is there a consensus whether dogs and cats can be carriers or even get sick? Heard mixed reports from China, Japan, SK, and wonder if there is a definite answer yet. Worried about my puppy.

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2769f4  No.71435


From what I've read, the animals can't get it themselves, but the virus can stay on their fur. So if a pet gets touched by a sick person, they could spread it to others.

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c667ca  No.71436


I don't have a definitive answer, but it is pretty unlikely. I read, maybe in this thread even, that back in 2003 when other diseases in the coronavirus family broke out, people reported the same thing with doggos, and what not, as as more information came in, they figured out that they didn't get sick from it, and didn't spread it either.

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95cbc1  No.71439


He would've been around them just as or before they were shedding, if they tested positive a week later…



It was confirmed many breads back that a dog tested positive in news media but nothing since. Considering coronaviridae can infect anything with a spine, I would be keeping that in mind… Dogs sniff lots of shit so I would consider them high risk, keep 'em inside or in a remote area. If community transmission among animals increases you will want them inside. That is worst case.


>freeze butter

Good idea, will get through at least first few months if stuff starts to get bad.


Have heard of accidentally putting cheese in but never long term storage. Thanks for the heads up!!!

Thanks for keeping one line shit and thread OT, anons. Proud of you. Seems most derailing/spamming occurs in Burger evenings.

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b9a908  No.71441


It's a meme at this point.

>Someone buys a ton of toilet paper

>Someone puts them on the internet to mock them

>A handful of people see the joke and buy a ton of toilet paper because they think "hey, that's not a bad idea"

>They get put on the internet themselves

>Rinse and repeat


You can also freeze milk. Just make sure it's in a plastic jug; glass will crack and shatter as the milk expands and paper will rip. You'll also need to shake it after it thaws out because freezing affects homogenization.

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1a9dbc  No.71442

File: 20c1d5e78e91759⋯.png (126.54 KB, 500x504, 125:126, getwokegocroak1.png)


> That and a lot of fat fuck Americans use a shitload of TP where two or three sheets would do.

Not when you do sharpie in pooper type shits.


>Well you incompetent diversity hire, how does the virus cross the border, without crossing the border?

By magic poxie dust (Not a typo). Viruses get blown in by winds or carried in by animals (excluding niggers). Both are natural. Why do you hate nature, anon? Believe Authority.


>what about Col. Sanders?

He will simply build a big fort out of all his books he bought. On the front will be a sign :No viruses allowed". I'm sure he will be safe.


Kek'd and saved


That pic. Does he not realize he is an old white guy too?

Pic is for those that have noted that it is predominately leftists that have contracted /ourgirl/ in the west,

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f8ad97  No.71448

File: ed414dd0976a16c⋯.gif (42.81 KB, 1297x836, 1297:836, WuhanTraffic200314.gif)

Guys, looks like Wuhan's back to normal! Magic recovery - at least that's what's being reported in Oz media. Also, general bulk/panic buying has started in Oz… this will probably help spread Wu Flu because retards.

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24cad3  No.71451


> Also, general bulk/panic buying has started in Oz…

I'm starting to see grocery stores here starting to shut down sporadically. Eventually they'll be shut down proper. The shit has hit the fan.

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6cba36  No.71452


>"right wing" shithole Bilbao

right wing? since when?

>it looks like fucking Africa

A few years ago it was unusual to see a nigger in the street, i'd see more redheads than niggers, but nowadays some parts of the city really look like africa or paris >>71291


>Are they as retarded sounding speaking Spanish as they are in English?


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e7a41a  No.71453


>You can also freeze milk

Better to get milk powder, if you still can.

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52b1ec  No.71454

File: d3aefbcd369fb21⋯.jpg (15.26 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Bad_shit_incoming_tbh.jpg)

North Korea Opens Borders to Aid Amid Coronavirus Threat

Doctors Without Borders confirms to U.S. News a shipment of medical supplies has arrived at a North Korean border crossing at the Chinese city of Dandong. Authorities in Pyongyang have agreed to facilitate their transfer into the country, which continues to impose widespread domestic and international travel restrictions.

International aid groups largely rely on the government of China, a historic ally of North Korea's, to deliver support into the hermit kingdom. The latest news comes days after the Russian government was able to deliver medical supplies into North Korea on the return leg of a North Korean flight to Vladivostok that evacuated diplomats and other foreigners who had been quarantined in Pyongyang.

North Korea had been a troubling blind spot in the international effort to contain the spread of the coronavirus, which causes a disease known as COVID-19. Neighboring South Korea has documented more than 7,000 cases and China has reported almost 5,000 deaths as a result of the disease, yet it's still unknown whether there have been any cases in North Korea amid Pyongyang's crackdown.

Outside support for a country as isolated as North Korea – both due to its own policies and international sanctions – is notoriously complex but has become even more so as the Trump administration has increased its diplomatic and economic pressure campaign against Kim Jong Un's regime.

That approach shifted in a way that surprised many international aid workers who spoke on the condition of anonymity to U.S. News. The State Department issued a statement in support of international aid shipments to North Korea last month, and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo issued a rare tweet in support of efforts to help Pyongyang on Feb. 13.

"The U.S. is deeply concerned about the vulnerability of the North Korean people to a #coronavirus outbreak. We strongly support and encourage the work of U.S. and international aid and health organizations to counter and contain the spread of coronavirus in the #DPRK," he wrote, referring to the country's official name, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.

U.S. officials since then have helped expedite requests for exemptions from a U.N. committee overseeing international sanctions that would otherwise limit shipments into North Korea. Doctors Without Borders received such an exemption earlier this month but hasn't until this week been able to get through Chinese restrictions on international travel and shipping.

Despite their optimism some aid workers still express concern about the process, particularly at a time of international crisis.

"Imagine if someone were bleeding to death. I can save that person, I have the skills, but I have to ask the hospital administrator and get permission before I start operating," says Kee Park, director of the North Korea Program at the Korean American Medical Association and a lecturer on global health and social medicine at Harvard University. "The U.S. is saying we still have to go to the sanctions committee to get approval. This makes no sense at a time of an international health emergency."


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c7c0b2  No.71455

I think things will settle down this weekend but thats just me, maybe ramp up again on Monday?

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6e1820  No.71456


There is a lot of milk powder in Coles and I find it weird that nobody buy milk powders but brought loo rolls like there is no tomorrow. I better stock it up and sell to the desperate milk lovers.

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52b1ec  No.71457

File: faac5f4fa41ed44⋯.jpg (719.48 KB, 1789x2048, 1789:2048, LOL_COSTCO.jpg)


>I think things will settle down this weekend

Not in burgerland supermarkets.

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24cad3  No.71458


they hit up the flour real bad. I managed to grab the last bag. It look like a fight had broken out because there was a ripped bag with flour all over the floor. They also mostly cleared out the bottle water.

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6e1820  No.71459


Nah, the bogans are still panic buying the important loo rolls. Some of their houses and garage are fill with loo rolls.

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6e1820  No.71460

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f8ad97  No.71461

File: 643c451bec954fb⋯.gif (185.81 KB, 680x693, 680:693, 2020MAR5THWORLDENDS.gif)


Unironically, if you go back in two months all the TV's will be gone. Also, toilet paper is the new white gold. March 5th really was the end of the world.

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6e1820  No.71462


Maybe i can get the flour for you? My internet is shit!

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cbeda8  No.71463

File: e4418488e693b05⋯.png (983.33 KB, 1152x648, 16:9, tphumongous.png)



you guys just dont get it. i already pointed out. your average burger uses one roll per day. family of four = 28 rolls per week, over 100 rolls per month >>71410

Chad raiders will come for your TP stash.

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6e1820  No.71464


>Chad raiders will come for your TP stash.

If they aren’t bogans then they know to wipe with the leaves because it is free and don’t require bloody violence.

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a27e0d  No.71466


Who the hell is using one roll per day?

are they jerking off into tp? Or is a shit diet making them shit too much?

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e7a41a  No.71467


>The line they're going with these days is, "Viruses don't respect border lines."

With a smidgen of competence it could have.

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6e1820  No.71469


A lot burgers are very fat, so fat. They had to use the motorised chairs to move them around. Yes, I am serious. I used to live in USA. It shocked my bones to the core.

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cbeda8  No.71470

File: cab9d50b5ac606e⋯.jpg (126.68 KB, 808x1299, 808:1299, niggerstabbing0.jpg)

Amerolards dont care about violence. They embrace it. violence is thier friend. You must make a friend of violence. If violence is not your friend, then violence is your enemy!

this nigger was stabbed today, with a broken wine bottle, by another nigger (of course) over a case of water at Sams club. this is the absolute state of America. this is what the amerofat is reduced too.

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a27e0d  No.71471


I live in the states, yet this shocks me quite a bit. I have always despised fats, and every day i find something new out that makes me hate them even more. This virus is long overdue.

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e7a41a  No.71472


They even had the time to print out a proper notice with a graphic, normally you'd just see a hand-scribbled note.

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6e1820  No.71473


Violence will kill them first before Coronavirus get to them because if they try to run away from the violence then their heart will blew like a tire. Heart cannot sustain their fat body for very long.

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e7a41a  No.71474


Ah but you see when the shelves are bare the fats will have the last laugh, they have successfully stored up a respectable layer of blubber to weather the coming storm.

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cbeda8  No.71475

File: 784551c83ac51dc⋯.jpeg (47.89 KB, 474x762, 79:127, amercianarmy56.jpeg)

File: db8ce1f90594f0d⋯.jpg (49.78 KB, 618x450, 103:75, amerofat0.jpg)

File: a9abde1b0700d02⋯.jpg (41.63 KB, 480x360, 4:3, amerofatult.jpg)


It is shocking. I remeber as a boy travelling through America in the 90's with my father. They werent like this, not anywhere near as bad. yes there were some fat people, but not many. but travel through america today. there are literally morbidly obese people, 400 and 500lb 'humans' …. its fucking unreal, and Id say 50% of America (mostly fat niggers btw) are overweight. The whole country has turned into fat asses. I dont know if its the internet or the greasy diets or the cheap food …. but yeah man, America has a serious weight control problem.

And as all this talk about prepping is going down. let me remind you anons of what you rpobably already know, your number prep IS YOU. You need to be in shape. If you cant even run a mile (should be able to run five miles in 30 minutes), but if you cant run amile in say 8 minutes …. you aint gonna make it bro, not in any real SHTF scenario. A good measure of whether you are overweight or in good shape is whether you can lift your own body weight. If you cant lift your body weight, you need to lay off the sodas and chips and hit the gym.

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6e1820  No.71476


There is going to be a lot of videos about their demises.

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000000  No.71477


https://en.wikipedia. org/wiki/Oxygen_concentrator

https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon. com/images/I/51BkMmo3QBL._SL1000_.jpg

https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon. com/images/I/61je0CudbqL._SL1500_.jpg

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395cd0  No.71478

File: 2d54daf1b71b265⋯.jpg (133.88 KB, 1242x1000, 621:500, 1558318930560.jpg)

Daily reminder that ZOG-cheering boomers like >>70325 and >>70480

is what's chodemonkey's nu-/pol/ left as the main userbase.


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395cd0  No.71481


Violence is the cornerstone of every society, especially those threatened by hordes of internal enemies.

The problems of Murrilards is the exact opposite of what you are trying to be impotently smug about. They have a constitution that allows them to deal with their actual problems with the only mean that matters, violence, yet are domesticated enough to not do so.

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f77928  No.71482

File: 1666a36929e5d7f⋯.jpg (107.13 KB, 739x1600, 739:1600, 1584140318441.jpg)



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6e1820  No.71483


>If you cant lift your body weight, you need to lay off the sodas and chips and hit the gym.

I doubt that they will be able to prep themselves in short time. Look at the current situation and it is growing more intense each day. They are allowing their emotions to dictate their life instead of brains.

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cbeda8  No.71486

File: ce87a7e3550dad8⋯.jpg (56.01 KB, 382x550, 191:275, chugs8.jpg)


gotta agree with that. whats gonna happen when all those feral niggers find out the stores are closed and theycant get chitlin and ribs next week. didnt trump shut down EBT last month? he cut off alot of niggers already. whats going to happen when the gibs run out?


yep. Im thnaking god Im a country boy today. live in rural area, my wife and son are safe. im pulling him from school next week. he can just come to work with me (im doing a reno job, soworking alone in a farm house up the road a ways). we are basically going to self quarantine for a week or two and see how this develops.

I might make one more trip to the city. Im starting to think, maybe i need more ammo….

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000000  No.71487



>The numerical value of tav is four hundred. We find the num­ber four hundred mentioned frequently in the Torah. One instance is when Abraham needed to buy a burial place for his wife, Sarah.8 The Torah tells us that he went to Ephron, the leader of the Hittite people, in the city of Hebron and asked him for a piece of land. Ephron responded that he would sell the parcel for four hundred shekels. The name Ephron, עפרן,has the gematria of 400: ayin = 70, pei = 80, reish = 200, and nun = 50. Significantly, Hebron was the first city in the land of Israel to be officially purchased by the Jewish people.9

>Furthermore, the letter tav in the “small gematria,” is four.10 The cave where Sarah was buried is called the “cave of the four couples,” as Adam and Chava (Eve), Abraham and Sarah, Isaac and Rebecca, and Jacob and Leah are all buried there.

>Four hundred also represents the four hundred worlds of pleas­ure that the righteous people will acquire in the World to Come.11 The Land of Israel, according to the dimensions in the Torah, measures 400 by 400 mil (a mil is approximately 1 kilometer).

>The number four hundred is also found pertaining to the “Covenant between the Parts,”12 when G‑d caused Abraham to fall into a deep slumber and told him that his children would reside in a foreign land (the land of Egypt) for four hundred years and afterwards go out with great wealth and an out­stretched arm.

>Yet another instance of four hundred is found in the account of Jacob’s encounter with his brother Esau after sojourning twenty years in the house of Laban. When Jacob approaches Esau he is informed that Esau is mighty, for he has with him four hundred men. As a result, Jacob sends forth a messenger to tell Esau, “I sojourned (garti) in Laban’s house for twenty years.”13 The word garti, גרתי, (“sojourned”) has the gematria of 613, and is synonymous with the 613 commandments. What Jacob thus communicated to his brother was, “Though I lived in the house of this wicked Laban, I did not violate any of the 613 commandments.” The word garti can also mean to live as a foreigner.14 When it came to Jacob’s physical existence, the materialistic aspects of life, he lived as a foreigner, meaning that he recognized materialism and physicality as merely the means to serve G‑d, not as an end in themselves. This gave him the strength to keep the whole Torah. Twenty times twenty15 equals four hundred. Therefore after his twenty years of refine­ment, Jacob now possessed the ability to overcome the four hundred men of Esau.

>Finally, the numerical value of tav can represent both the four hundred levels of evil and the four hundred sparks of G‑dliness that are found in the world. The tav thus embodies the ability to transform these negative energies into positive sparks.

>The tav can represent ticheyeh, which means “life.” But it can also represent the word tamus, which means “death.” Tav’s meaning as “sign” thus remains consistent with the dichoto­mous nature of its gematria, four hundred, having both a posi­tive and negative aspect (i.e., the four hundred spiritual worlds of pleasure vs. the four hundred men of Esau).

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6e1820  No.71488

Update from Queensland, Australia:

There are now 46 confirmed cases in Queensland. The Queensland numbers rose by 11 on Saturday, the state's highest jump in a single day to date.

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6e1820  No.71489


>whats going to happen when the gibs run out?

They will chimpout until they got what they want. Of course, it is not possible at this stage now so just get out and be very far away from them.

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1ad671  No.71490

File: 253a6b6d8f4b991⋯.png (501.24 KB, 618x412, 3:2, canadiantrapperM.png)


My position is not bad. Outskirts of a small town, 98% white, few asians, no niggers, under 20k total pop. Its about 40miles to nearest small city, and its still 70% white. Not alot of niggers around here, mostly slopes. Asians arent likely to go full chimp mode. we got some wiggers and degenerate druggies that might try soemthign stupid if they got desperate. I figure the local LEO's will probably crack down pretty hard on anyone fucking around during a serious emergency. I had enoguh encounters with our local cops to get to sorta know them a bit. there not bad guys, cause its a small town, everyone knows each other, all our kids go to the same school. but you know if you fuck with them, well, they aint gonna take a bunch of shit and around here, no ones gonna care, their gonna figure you had it coming. you have to be a pretty big fuckup to get a beating. our cops are OK.

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6e1820  No.71491


Good for you. There is not enough cops to hit the common sense in the people when the shit hit the fan.

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f2a716  No.71492

File: d0ab9c303c2f4d9⋯.png (356.61 KB, 800x2048, 25:64, Eternal_angloism.png)


I think it goes much deeper than that. The atomization of the American society is much more complete than it could ever be in yurope.

Sure, there are still some white refuges which actually do have social cohesion, but every built-up area is an anonymous hellhole, where everybody is out to get anybody else.

This constant paranoia is bound to turn anybody crazy. Not being able to trust, in most cases, even your closest family, and suspecting every stranger on the street of being a potential murderer is a terrible state of mind. Add to that the fact most people live in houses that are so shoddily built, about any calibre above .22LR will penetrate walls and you got a society where you can never truly feel at ease or safe.

Therefore, violence is the only option you have.

I cannot even imagine the mental torture the average ameriburger soyboy must endure every waking hour. Doesn't surprise me in the least they take any chance they get to mentally escape that prison.

All we can do is pray to /ourgirl/ to end this untenable suffering.


What the fuck is wrong with amerilards? Do they have constant diarrhea? How do you use up an entire roll in a day?


>maybe i need more ammo

No maybe about that. You always need more ammo.


<TORpedo doing the numerology schizoposting

Behold, the schizos have evolved. Please gas yourself. Gematria is kike nonsense.

<inb4 muh 6 gorillion

the 6 bahjillion aren't so much numerology as a "sacred" number to them in their satanic belief system and a prerequisite for them to get zion back.


all yuropoor sportsball is cancelled effective immediately. All soccer, ice hockey and handball events have been cancelled.

I think we shouldn't neglect the importance of that step. Sportsball keeps the normies docile. take that away, along with booze, and you suddenly got a whole bunch of disgruntled normies that can no longer ignore the dire political situation they are in.

Things are heating up nicely


The eternal Anglo finally reaps his reward.

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1ad671  No.71493

File: d69494af9a44b72⋯.jpg (57.92 KB, 736x625, 736:625, leemarvin02f.jpg)


theres lots of common sense people round here. lots of farmers, ranchers, lots of food, lots of loggers. its kinda of a redneck place. lots of vets too, big military base near here. I really doubt I will see any massive breakdown in social order. im more worried about long term financial effects of this chinese bioweapon. Im can keep working most of summer. i got a contract to reno a farmhouse for a freind about 10 miles up the road. he wants to rent it out eventually. so it will keep me busy this summer. and i basically work alone. gonna start bringing my boy (hes ten) to work with me for a few weeks til this flu blows over (or turns into zombie apocalyspe!) . anyways we gots lot sof food. most families around here have a hunter or two in the household. so i cant see any packs of feral niggers running through town just killing cops and looting the place. I think they'll get put down pretty quick.

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000000  No.71496


>The relics of St. John the Baptist arrived in St. Petersburg on the evening of March 9. Accompanied by the rector of the monastery of St. John the Baptist in the Christian quarter of Jerusalem, Archimandrite Bartholomew Melissinos, the shrine was delivered to the Kazan Cathedral.

>It will be there until March 17. It will be possible to attach to the shrine from 8 a.m. to 11 p.m.

> https://cdn-32.anonfile.com/b16c4dhaoa/49e0d0a0-1584181960/moshiioannpredtecha1.jpg

> https://cdn-32.anonfile.com/v4584eh2o1/2cd2b55a-1584181904/2222.jpg

> https://cdn-31.anonfile.com/N34f4ah9oe/c91cdad7-1584181797/1111.jpg


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2cff38  No.71497


It's racist to compare refugees to viruses

How insensitive can they be?

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6e1820  No.71498

More update from Australia:

Three new confirmed cases in Western Australia, 11 more in Queensland, 20 in NSW and another 13 in Victoria today pushed the total number of cases in Australia past 230.

The current numbers are:

112 in NSW

49 in Victoria

46 in Queensland

19 in South Australia

17 in Western Australia

4 in Tasmania

1 in ACT (Peter Dutton)

There is three coronavirus-related deaths in Australia. In the morning, there was 156 cases.

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6e1820  No.71501

Honestly, I think the Australian government needs to make the testing mandatory and free for everyone. Some got infected but not sick so because of that, they don’t know and can’t self isolate away from people.

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24cad3  No.71502


>Honestly, I think the Australian government needs to make the testing mandatory and free for everyone.

too late we just ran out of testing kits apparently. This country is a joke.

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6e1820  No.71504


>we just ran out of testing kits apparently

Please give me the evidence to back your claim up. There’s no way to know if we are infected until we get sick but by the time we find out, we already infected people. One infectee without self isolation can mean one dozen more infectees. The way they handle the situation is not good.

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2cff38  No.71506


All of his books i've read seem full of breadcrumbs. Freakily so. I bet he's here cheering our lady on.

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24cad3  No.71508



Archive wasn't working. MSM is reporting this today all over the place. Apparently some places have run out of testing kits.

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6e1820  No.71509


How can they ran out of Coronavirus testing kits so quickly? They had frickin’ billion funded hospitals and yet they don’t have enough testing kits. You have to be kidding me?!? Australia suffered 2009 flu pandemic and they don’t learn that from mistakes. It’s safe for us to say that it is out of control. How would we know that we are infected?

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6e1820  No.71511


That is very nice and please stay safe.

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4236c5  No.71516

File: 4a19c310e193209⋯.gif (2.32 MB, 600x337, 600:337, chro.gif)

the number of reported (two way street i guess–aka iran) cases outside of china will surpass china in a couple of days..

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6e1820  No.71517

Is it possible that we self test?

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4236c5  No.71520

File: 86fd06544254b39⋯.jpg (580.31 KB, 1853x600, 1853:600, virus.jpg)

What you guys watching?

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999601  No.71522


Because money doesn't produce anything. It doesn't matter how much you're willing to pay, the laboratories that can produce those kits, are producing them. If you want more kits, turn back time a few years and start ramping up production capability.

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158cf6  No.71524


can't we just bribe the virus?

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6e1820  No.71525


Coronavirus want to live in our cell and procreate so our body is the bribe for her so only way to disinvite her is to cover your mask, wash your body with alcohol, stay away from infectees, wash your hand constantly and arm yourself with hand sanitizers.

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1de72d  No.71526


>Also, toilet paper is the new white gold.

How did I just know this would happen during a crisis many years ago? Glad I stocked up. Towel paper and portawipes are next.

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72ed0f  No.71530

File: b7fc2febab8b4a4⋯.jpeg (121.95 KB, 750x782, 375:391, A76B8DFD_E6F4_434D_8541_8….jpeg)

More proof burgers can’t handle this shit

>> co-worker catches airborne aids

>> burger tries to get tested

>> checks with hospital…check with insurance

>> checks with insurance…go to ER

>> goes to ER …not showing symptoms goy…no test for you

>> burger never got tested even though a co-worker has a positive diagnosis

I know we know this. Just posting for the nothingfags.


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6e1820  No.71531


Australia had suffered 2009 flu pandemic and they would have frickin’ learned to develop a better plan in the frickin’ past 11 years but they frickin’ didn’t. They would have create labs in every local areas to mass produce the kits like Soviets.

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000000  No.71532


>1 in ACT (Peter Dutton)

Potatohead is counted as a QLD case, I believe; at least that was the impression I got from the official statement from his office. That means there's some other faggot coofing up the ACT, spreading Corona-chan's love. Probably several, they just don't know about them yet.

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012f23  No.71533


I'm not going to get tested, I'll just continue to live hunkered down and barricaded and stay away from society as much as I can. When I do go out I wear all my protective gear and follow all the right decontamination protocols for anything I bring into my home including my gear. If anyone sees a 'nutcase' in a biohazard suit and respirator at Cabela's at the gun, fishing and clothing isles this weekend, yah that's me!!!

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24cad3  No.71534


>That means there's some other faggot coofing up the ACT

its probably glowmo


That was under the ALP, the LPN's goal once Abbot got in was the undermine every single last policy of the previous government. This resulted in them doing stupid shit that ended up sabotaging even their own policies. Every possible medical protection and all the research grants to the CSIRO were revoked the moment Abbott won, the continuation of each LNP government ensured it would never be reverted. Go to now and with both the ALP and LNP now having purged most of their senior members are stuck with incompetent fools who crumple at the first sign of a crisis. Frankly we're completely doomed there is no one in Parliament that could save us now. The ALP is equally to blame though for allowing the supply chains to be so closely linked with China- though these were continuations of Howard era globalisation policy. Without an anti-Globalist agenda in politics in Australia we have no alternative and no say.

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0945a2  No.71535

File: d65e76dcf8594f3⋯.jpg (453.86 KB, 799x802, 799:802, sweden_.jpg)


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6e1820  No.71536


Okay, my mistake but who is the coofer in ACT? ACT is home to politicians. Maybe coofer is visiting there to infect the politicians?

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24cad3  No.71537



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6e1820  No.71539


>Abbot got in was the undermine every single last policy of the previous government. This resulted in them doing stupid shit that ended up sabotaging even their own policies. Every possible medical protection and all the research grants to the CSIRO were revoked the moment Abbott won, the continuation of each LNP government ensured it would never be reverted.

In other word, they are too stupid to learn from this frickin’ simple lesson that any 10 years old children can understand the frickin simple lesson. Representative Democracy is a joke. We need direct democracy with political parties banned.

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df39af  No.71543


Good place to be. I too live in a small town, takes me 50 minutes to an hour drive to the nearest city. Most are white around here (I'd say about 90% are) and the few blacks I bump into seem to be well mannered (I know, odd right?).

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000000  No.71545


>its probably glowmo

Please stop. I can only get so hard.


>who is the mystery coofer?

No idea, mate. Could be a random, or could be a politician. I certainly hope it's a politician, and that they spread it far and wide among the rest of them. They've been completely negligent in their handling of Coronavirus, laughing it off as if it were nothing until last week, squandering the past 2-3 months they had to prepare the country for it. If anyone deserves to be blessed, it's our wretched political class.

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999601  No.71546


>We need… … democracy.

>This time it will work!

>Trust me!

No. Democracy was a mistake.


>Sweden wont publish numbers

>Sweden also stops testing.

>"We know people will get sick"

Brave and stunning.

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12bdf3  No.71550


Hopefully after all of this we can finally have a Phalangist Spain like Primo de Rivera envisioned.

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2cff38  No.71560

I don't want to be some X/Q faggot but…

This hasn't been mentioned since very early breads..

2019 Military World Games

held from October 18–27, 2019 in the capital of Hubei Province in Wuhan, China

Sars-2 Sequenced and uploaded Dec 31, 2019

Lots of inaction, no testing to speak of and shilling.. Then…

Exactly as the shit starts to hit the fan in europe, empty shelves, or pictures of them at least, We get

“Defender Europe 2020” – 40,000 participants from 17 NATO countries (and Georgia).

That's really convenient. and such good timing for a long-planned operation. almost prescient.

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e42390  No.71567


Czech government just closed all shops except supermarkets, gas stations and pharmacies, for ten days. Czechbros know how to take hard measures early on, this is at 150 infected and a state of emergency and closed borders to all countries starting Monday (already closed to 13 hot countries since yesterday). No congretations of more than 30 people. Sadly, with exception for places of work, because muh economy. Schools, from pre-school to Universities have also been closed this week, for at least a month initially (just like the rest of the state of emergency measures). Food is in good supply, people stay off the streets mostly. I'm very pleased with how this is going. People have been stocking up over time as this was coming. My only concern is that these 150 are mostly returning holiday makers in Italy, and the infecteds started growing this week (from ~30 to 150, see https://onemocneni-aktualne.mzcr.cz/covid-19). But that holiday was three weeks ago, and ending two weeks ago for most people. So that's a full two weeks of asymptomatic transmission.

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1637ca  No.71569


I think the part about Wuhan not staying in the corpse is not accurate, but the 2020 prediction is


Why not make it into a meme. Start calling it Wuhan-400, instead of coronavirus?

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1637ca  No.71572


Look, he doesn't have slanty eyes, and so what they're doing is they're like, look, bro, you don't have it, fuck off.

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5ce272  No.71573


>Start calling it Wuhan-400, instead of coronavirus?

it's probably racist, but if dubs I'll try

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86fba0  No.71576


Here is what you'll need (it's not guaranteed you'll survive it though):

OTC fever reducers for extremely high fevers (+105F) If you get too high a fever it CAN kill you or cause a stroke.

OTC expectorants for pneumonia issues (to help clear out the lungs)

Lots of Vitamins C & D! Get good brands, not the shit quality Chinese crap from walmart!

Curcumin for immune system boosting and controlling inflammation from the virus.

Zinc supplement is good for boosting the immune function and keeping your heart healthy.

Chaga mushroom powder is good as an anti-viral which will not cure, but slow down viruses.

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1637ca  No.71578


<buy chinky mushrooms


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496ff4  No.71579

File: 8ded957ee733f1e⋯.png (209.71 KB, 592x619, 592:619, Screenshot_2020_03_14_at_9….png)

File: 3ea6a41d90ce387⋯.jpeg (55.05 KB, 1080x749, 1080:749, helppeopleifyoucan.jpeg)

File: 93c1f54b383879f⋯.png (521.58 KB, 1365x669, 455:223, Screenshot_2020_03_14_at_9….png)

File: e0b91e858abcdc3⋯.png (325.09 KB, 844x656, 211:164, BASEDHenryMakow.png)

Infected Chink doctor in Madrid tweeting daily updates on his condition with ultrasound videos of lungs. Day 6 today. https://twitter.com/yaletung

Second pic. If any faganons want to help neighbors, print it, fill it out and tape on door.

3rd pic: Rob Watson is retired photographer from Australia who believes that many diseases are caused by the interactions of insoluble nanoparticles and electromagnetic radiation (Nano-Blenders.) He believes that the Coronavirus threat is very serious. Humanity is being deliberately poisoned for purposes of depopulation which the elites will exploit for profit.

He says that to restrict the development of herd immunity by avoiding contact is stupid in the extreme. As kids we all developed immunity by sharing food, bugs, the lot. Getting fresh air, sunlight without sunscreens is an absolute essential. Avoiding meds and foods which contain titanium dioxide. Let food be thy medicine – Hippocrates


On a personal note, as we have stocked up since 3 weeks ago, we stocked up again this morning and we were able to get everything we needed. east coast.

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db56d0  No.71580


Nope. You can buy some non-GMO organic ones grown in the US. They may be more expensive though.

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114410  No.71581

File: 6b2373c779dab77⋯.png (344.06 KB, 1563x897, 521:299, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4ab7b47288d062e⋯.png (17.54 KB, 691x393, 691:393, ClipboardImage.png)


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f8ad97  No.71582

File: d9ae104523e7659⋯.jpg (185.85 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Space.jpg)


This is quite possibly one of the dumbest fucking posts I've ever read. An economic system that guarantees choice and the government protects from fraud. That's it. I'll tell you something you dumb fucking shit on chin goon, that's the sort of thing someone with down syndrome thinks is a good idea. Economy is how the house is organised and at the moment the house is organised all for choice and fraud protection. Governments haven't been able to do anything but enable choice because they've got no fucking idea what to do and are full of high IQ J Press wearing muppets. Only gay faggot issues are the important issues now and even those it's all about choice - you can choice to be a fucking faggot. I am yet to see a politician that actually has had enough of the ruin that is today and said, 'all you faggots I'm going to genocide and with the rest we're going to explore the stars.' Money backed by gold or oil? Ok you fucking cave dwelling numb skull, Hitlers Germany never would have happened and London would continue to be the center of power in the known universe. Fuck, none of your gay vibrator choices would be available if oil was money you rice brain. Nice going you fucking idiot. Australians really are the worst. Get back to your bush fires, floods and SJW parades you faggot. Also, post on topic or I'll smash ya' cunt.

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db9661  No.71585

same anon here >>70382

I am gonna die soon, last night I suffocated in my own sleep due to fact both nostrils are stuffed ( I can no longer breath through my nose, mouth breathing is still fine but I am scared of sleeping) went to ER, the nurse tested me for the Corona, never got any meds or oxygen, just told to isolate myself until the test shows results.

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0c70e6  No.71586

File: e764a7ff24efede⋯.jpg (58.93 KB, 720x777, 240:259, Ha.jpg)


They're not testing in W. Virginia. Easy to show 0 cases when you don't test.

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0c70e6  No.71587


COVID-19 is respiratory. You'll feel like your lungs are heavy, not your nose. You're experiencing either a head-cold or allergies. If you can breathe through your mouth just fine, then you don't have COVID-19.

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b65db2  No.71588


Also, thyme.

Thyme tea is an expectorant and can treat bronchitis pretty effectively.

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d54020  No.71590

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db9661  No.71591


regardless, because my nose is stuffed I can't breath in my sleep don't what to do.

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496ff4  No.71594


They probably have loads of infected, but everyone is stoned out of their gourds on opiates to even report the numbers.


The Andromeda Strain.


In regards to your toilet paper question..it's like a Freudian slip to think "I NEED TOILET PAPER!!!" when an emergency happens. They are mentally shitting their pants, they scared and know that the herd is doing the same and going to the store to buy…le toilet paper. It's a bit sad in a way. Us scared, innocent-like humans being used for the evil ones Loosh harvesting….meh, oh well.

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4e322b  No.71595

File: 8fb053885b43cf5⋯.jpeg (159.33 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, ETA8NkHWoAMojCA.jpeg)


This is the difference between a homogeneous white country and a zogged out mutt jail/kike plantation like burger land. All I'm hoping for now is a disproportionate purge of shitskins and Jews. t. 56% face


This has done been discussed. Red Death is the preferred name.

MODS MODS MODS can you please shoah these offtopicniggers? This thread is not for discussing NatSoc.

TOPICAL: Monroe prison got blessed. Surely more to come.

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496ff4  No.71597


I need proof of the test. Post a photo of email/ text, paper work whether you're positive or negative. In the interim, post your hospital paper work. Or else you're a dogged faced fag Obama loving liar. Hope you feel better!

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0c70e6  No.71599

File: eb4900146712d49⋯.jpg (37.13 KB, 466x541, 466:541, spray_nigga.jpg)

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3962f9  No.71600


>Why was that comment censored?

It's because it's off topic you stupid nigger.

Why the fuck are people talking about central banking fraud in /cvg/?

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e42390  No.71601

File: 479559a6ecc64c5⋯.jpg (156.2 KB, 650x423, 650:423, Jewish_Rat.jpg)


Der Ewige Jude, the original virus movie.

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114410  No.71603


Because lolbergs must be squashed when their cancerous liberal thinking crops up.

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1637ca  No.71604

File: bca34f5c187ac8b⋯.jpg (137.31 KB, 918x582, 153:97, Chinese_Population_USA.jpg)



>it's literally the same

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604661  No.71607


relax anon your symptoms are those of a common cold

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d54020  No.71611




I propose an economic system based on toilet paper. and though some of you may scoff at this idea, thats exactly what coming. screencap this. one year from now all goods and services will be valued in squares of TP.


uh-oh …. can you say 'chimpout' boys and girls, prison riot inbound



Just give me the TP and I will give you safe passage out of the infected lands!!

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1637ca  No.71617

File: 9a4b90cdeee4822⋯.jpg (82.95 KB, 540x432, 5:4, ES6pGguUUAA0F7K.jpg)

>Chinky AI scans images for text

>Chinkies dodge by using a highlighter like so

We should copy this.

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f77928  No.71622

File: 5067bd6430d8a11⋯.jpg (10.42 KB, 250x250, 1:1, gX2SaVhc_400x400.jpg)


>Sweden stops publishing any negative information regarding immigration after it gets bad

>Sweden stops publishing Corona virus figures

RIP in peace >Sweden stops publishing any negative information regarding immigration after it gets bad

>Sweden stops publishing Corona virus figures

RIP in peace Sverige.

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db9661  No.71625


I bought flonase, will that help


I never choked in my sleep before, I was told to stop my sleeping meds, I have crippling insomnia

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000000  No.71626


>Questions and Answers on Guidance for Biography of the United States during the New Crown Pneumonia Epidemic

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febf1b  No.71627

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b44af1  No.71628


>tfw already looted hand sanitizers and gloves, and couple of masks


This essentially

I tried warning normalniggers for 2 months now. Nobody listened. Now when they are panicking it gives me green light to show my worst fucking face.

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b44af1  No.71629


nigger deserved it tbh

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1637ca  No.71630


Yes, that's the part circled, but the rest?

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8a7e2c  No.71631


The Chads have likely already done this kind of shopping YEARS AGO. ;)

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3962f9  No.71632


>maybe because of corona

>we'll need to talk about something that has fuck all to do with the virus

If you want to sperg about some generic /pol/ shit then start your own thread.


Fuck all slide posts

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95cbc1  No.71633

>/cvg/ is for virus related discussion

Next nigger to post about (((stock market))), (((currencies))) etc, gets time out. You have been warned to keep it on topic. Go to cuckchan or /biz/ or make a well crafted, high info OP if you want to sperg out about the kike financial system.

This shit has been discussed to death on /pol/ for many years and this is not the thread to restart that bullshit.

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61a589  No.71634


Costco is seeing fights break out too! Not going there anymore, glad I stockpiled years ago because "I'm a big fucking kook!"

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d8aeb7  No.71635

Oh I have an interesting lead, nothing confirmed but a leading testing lab in the Czech Republic where all tests are done allegedly got hit with a cyber attack. Can't get it confirmed yet, but the idea is interesting for burgers, where you suffer from a lot of ransomware attacks against local and state institutions. Could just add another layer of panic if that were to happen in the US. In minecraft.

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0c70e6  No.71636


Flonase will be fine. I prefer straight saline, myself, but whatever works for you.

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d54020  No.71637


well if you live in a big city and you wanted to take control in a zombie apocalypse, I'd set up a 'barter town' area. you and your gang provide a safe space for people to barter for a cut of each trade. you garantee people that once they eneter bartertown they wont be ripped off, you will maintain order. if it started to work you could expand safe corridors into your swapmeet area. sort of a farmers market idea. or you could rent stalls.

alternatively if you want to go 'chad looter' style, i was thinking you could seize an excavator, weld steel plates around operators cabin adn fuel tanks (killdozer style) and then use it to break into preppers fortified houses and shit. pretty hard to stop an excavator from ripping the shit out of your house


typical nigger behaviour

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e52281  No.71638


The entire reason I'm looting is that there just isn't enough for everybody. Quarantine can hit any day, and the supermarket isn't prepared for 100 days of food, cleaning supplies, etc. for every person.

Reality is, either some people are going to have enough food and water and everything else while some don't, or nobody is going to have enough food, water and everything else.

Better me than you, normalfags. Go starve in solidarity with the rest of your communist "solidarity" parroters.

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90c6d5  No.71639


That's fine. Maybe we can start a post-corona thread and have it linked in the OP?

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df226f  No.71640


Who knew that drinking cough syrup recreationally would eventually pay off

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d8aeb7  No.71641


>for a cut of each trade.

>you could rent stalls.

You just invented jews, congratulations anon.

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000000  No.71642

San Antonio anon here. Yesterday the city entered full panic mode. Schools closed one week, public, private and charter. One of the charter schools (Basis) is making an immediate transition to online learning, I'm actually impressed. Public schools don't seem to have a plan. Seems like they wanted to keep the public schools open because they provide the only food to children of degenerates. Another school (can't remember) is going opt-in. Come in if you want, stay home if you want.

Stores yesterday were completely overrun. A friend went to costco, there was a line around the store for checkout. Another went to HEB (local grocery store) and waited in line 2 hours for six items.

The roads today are empty. I saw six trucks restocking at the local grocery yesterday, don't know what the situation is today though. HEB seems to have their shit together, don't know how long the stocks will last though.

I suspect the stocking up has been asymmetric. I.e. mostly whites stocking up. Beans know how to panic though, they might be stocked pretty well too. Nigs are fucked. If you don't have weapons, you needed to buy them yesterday.

Young people are still unconcerned. This is a 50-100 year event, and not many people still remember the last scourge, polio.

Forgive my blogpost anons, I thought someone might want a boots on the ground view from muttland


Degenerates will be purged, all hail coronachan!

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1637ca  No.71643

I'm raffing and raffing, all we needed, to dodge the chinky censors, was just the highlight too scribbled over the text.

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0c70e6  No.71644


Just buy up all the food while the niggers are fighting over toilet paper. Problem solved.

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95cbc1  No.71645


This is fine anon, okay if you want to advertise it here preferably while replying to other on topic stuff.

I would advise (to avoid the ire of the BO) to keep it to 'financial market' related and not explicitly cvg, or I will be asked why there are now 3x /cvg/ breads instead of one or two.

Don't forget the /cvg/ survival bread in OP for survival, decon etc related reading and questions. May as well chuck gun questions in there but that's really best to go take a visit to /k/..

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f77928  No.71646

File: 20777cf0f8f0fd3⋯.jpg (55.95 KB, 606x289, 606:289, 1584167287072.jpg)

>Influenza in an HIV-shell that can linger in the digestive system

How is this shit not a lab-virus.

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000000  No.71648


>i was thinking you could seize an excavator, weld steel plates around operators cabin adn fuel tanks (killdozer style) and then use it to break into preppers fortified houses and shit. pretty hard to stop an excavator from ripping the shit out of your house

You just added stick welding rods to my prep list anon. Normally I do tig and mig only, but to build a killdozer I'm going to have to finally learn stick. Glad I'm stocked on plywood, steel may be hard to come by. Wooden killdozer, where is your god now?

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38727c  No.71649

File: 53e8e07cbace614⋯.jpg (95.47 KB, 488x658, 244:329, 1584194895391.jpg)

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d54020  No.71650

File: 130e66ecfbedc72⋯.jpg (73.72 KB, 550x560, 55:56, thereckoningX.jpg)


I just dont see looting as a good survival strategy. your going to have to risk your life over adn over again. without a gang and a system for looting its going to break down pretty fast. and order will be maintained for the foreseable future so what about that. like even the worst case scenario, its will still be next winter before the government can no longer enforce any kind of order.

moreover i dont think it will ever degenerate into mad max type shit. i think it will be more like 'the rover' . order wont break down completely, it will just be a lot less. some areas worse then others, maybe some no go zones, but also areas that are relatively stable


no. cause thats not interest. im charging them to protect thier goods or services while they are in my domain. the service im offering them is protection.


we all know its a bioweapon dude. your preaching to the choir here. tried to explain that to my family though….. oh well at least they are taking it seriosuly at this point.

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90b12b  No.71651

File: 5e91a4b70ee4106⋯.mp4 (2.14 MB, 200x400, 1:2, Polish_Paramedics_CoronaBu….mp4)

Meanwhile in Poland…

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2d6df1  No.71652


(Unable to access Archive.is for some reason)

An account from a Nordic who tested positive for Corona Virus.

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4e322b  No.71653

File: b4c99d503c5a2e0⋯.jpg (214.33 KB, 720x832, 45:52, 20200314_072321.jpg)

File: 3cf22799e19b685⋯.jpg (168.43 KB, 720x677, 720:677, 20200314_072856.jpg)

Spain is fitna go on lockdown.

Local utility district isn't going to turn the power off to niggers who fail to pay. Things just got real, you don't want DaQuann and Jose getting bored and going outside, you want them watching talmudvision. Wait until Comcast decides to open up more channels for free.


Thanks for the report, fren. On the ground reports from anywhere are useful.

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eba1df  No.71654

File: 55a65c22bfa0f0e⋯.png (530.62 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9b7578a05ff52fa⋯.png (635.19 KB, 1593x796, 1593:796, ClipboardImage.png)


I see some potential for ebin pranks.

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496ff4  No.71655



Wrong texmexanon, this is what I want to hear about.



liarsickanon replied to 2 out of 3 posts on his "I have corona and am currently being tested and I suck big black penis.." never relied to this one: >>71597

It wouldn't be that hard to prove he's been at the hospital they ALWAYS send you home with some paperwork. Fucking shill larp fag.

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496ff4  No.71656


These are the faganons that continually fuck up /cvg/ threads.

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795c23  No.71657


>May as well chuck gun questions in there but that's really best to go take a visit to /k/.

Wow, didn't know /k/ was still around but good advice, I'll stop talking guns and economics lol, pardon me for being such a geek.

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1637ca  No.71659

No need to panic buy isopropyl (ie purel / rubbing alcohol) -based products. It's produced from propane, domestically.

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38727c  No.71660

File: 9b37a75448c4fa5⋯.png (165.4 KB, 600x800, 3:4, 1584196575363.png)

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0c70e6  No.71661

PROTIP for those who can't find toilet paper: Nobody's buying coffee filters.

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172028  No.71662


>keto is the biggest diet fad in the USA

>keto causes Insulin resistance which leads to diabetes

>keto is the NPC diet

The keto dupes will die first.

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bb21a5  No.71663

So at what point will we see whether the airborne AIDS theory is true or not? At what point will the (((silent recoveries))) die suddenly after resurgence?

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ae8717  No.71664


You should have done this a while ago because rubbing alcohol is getting hard to come by too now. I am so glad I am such a kook. Kook kook kook had this stuff stocked up 5+ years now, and other sanitation supplies. THAT is one reason I'm barricaded and hunkered down.

Also, avoid the fights in stores breaking out: http://archive.md/1d8co

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0c70e6  No.71666


Chances are we won't know the full scope of all of this until after summer. Viruses tend to die down or hibernate in warmer/wetter months, then come back strong the following early winter. What's important is that you look at the history of virus outbreaks and plan accordingly. Don't relax this summer, prepare! While everyone else is breathing their sighs of relief and saying, "Well, that wasn't so bad."; that's when you should be stocking up on toilet paper, vitamins, medicines, antibacterial soaps, etc.

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bb21a5  No.71667

Where can I buy a quality hazmat suit for non scalped prices?

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e95776  No.71668



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2112c9  No.71669

File: ccfc60f0208c902⋯.png (75.88 KB, 447x472, 447:472, Screenshot_2020_03_14_Coro….png)

when are we going to see it hit rapefrica? so far it looks like niggers are unscathed. do they just not report it cause its normal for people to drop dead and no one knows why?

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b057c2  No.71670


>Are they as retarded sounding speaking Spanish as they are in English?

Their niggerspeak barely qualifies as Spanish. It's so fucking bad, I'd rather hear a spic blabber on for hours than one of these niggers attempt to speak Spanish for a minute.

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1637ca  No.71672


Not in the US, chinky fool.

The US has massive supplies of gas right now, because it's summer anyway. Propane prices drop during the summer. Propane is produced locally, and we have local refineries, and we produce isopropyl "alcohol" domestically, look, that's not something to panic buy.

Panic buy computer shit, it's all made in chinky chinky.

Panic buy fucking Apple products, they've closed down ALL APPLE STORES.

Panic buy whatever cheap chinky shit you need. But domestic shit is in freaky abundance.

You should also panic buy things like foreign wines & spirits, because they may basically vanish.

This is all obvious. What's cut off? Foreign shit, dumb nigger.

<fights are breaking out

Why are you listening to the dumb nigger "information" of chimping out niggers. They're niggers, they're chimping out.

inb4 reddit

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b1ef84  No.71673


You can find protective suits in big agra / farming equip stores, they won't be hazmat ones but they are better than nothing. Maybe NT has them too and if you don't know NT you must be new to prepping/DIY work or live in a city.

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1637ca  No.71674


Africa has no ability to test for coronavirus itself.

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0945a2  No.71676

File: ffcb802f6380f68⋯.jpg (235.04 KB, 605x656, 605:656, africa_bald_gold.jpg)

File: 43dbb150ed1e2af⋯.png (661.11 KB, 828x692, 207:173, african_magic.PNG)


Its such a poor shit hole they probably cant tell the difference between all the other deaths.

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95cbc1  No.71677


>apefrica shoah when

This question is asked 2x each bread, fucks sake.

Niggers have longer asymptomatic period and almost zero testing resources. That's why you're not seeing anything on the map.


I think /k/ might be not migrated here but look around there will be a replacement. Ask in /cvg/ survival bread.


please ask this shit in /cvg/ survival bread. Tip, they're still on amazon aplenty and cheap if you know what to look for.

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000000  No.71678

Food hoarding is in full effect in Western Pennsylvania. Wmart was packed at 6am- shelves bare unless you wanted to hoard Easter candy. I'm predicting looting in the urban centers within 72hrs.

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87c422  No.71679



Can we still give tips on survival here? I really like giving tips and helping people when they ask. Can that be allowed?

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0c70e6  No.71680


Western PA is an African shithole. Come over to Central OH. We've got plenty of toilet paper and soap and food and medicines. Just be warned: once you're in Ohio, you're kind of stuck here. Nobody ever leaves Ohio.

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90b12b  No.71681

File: 673685c7dc35df0⋯.jpg (54.01 KB, 589x671, 589:671, Congolese_Penis_Thief_Sorc….jpg)


That is obviously allowed. Can't get much more on-topic than that.


And if they can't do tests, they can't confirm cases, which is what the maps only show.

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824c9e  No.71682


Woke up I heard on my local, Florida has gone up with 25 new cases, don't have a source though

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95cbc1  No.71684

>>71679 >>71681

/cvg/ survival bread has almost all the tips you will need, from power-free water purification to decon to guns to stocks and preserves.

The reason anons don't want survival shit here is because it's rehashed every fucking bread and you lose 1/8-1/4 of the posts to it. There are 34 breads and most have seen this shit a million times now.

Anons want high density info ABOUT virus happenings, not survival shit most of them have done months ago.

That is why.

Go discuss on /cvg/ survival bread please.

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000000  No.71685



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f4934e  No.71687


Sure, I'll try to tone it down unless there are direct questions related to corona survival or maybe just link to an older reply that covers the issue. Hope that's ok with the BO, don't want to get into trouble here.

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0c70e6  No.71688


Cleveland is not Central Ohio. Try Dayton.

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4e322b  No.71690

File: 2fd0d1751b28bdb⋯.jpg (306.66 KB, 720x918, 40:51, 20200314_075606.jpg)

File: 2804862f8308652⋯.jpg (280.05 KB, 720x992, 45:62, 20200314_080545.jpg)


PLEASE don't singlereply. It slides the thread and makes the baker's job harder.


Take it to the cvg survival bread. I'll go contriboot something.


France continues to chimp out despite the pandemic.

Science Virus Man on Twatter estimates 10K to 40K infected in burgerland. 5 to 6 day doubling rate means we're looking at half a million cases by tax day and a significant percentage infected a month later. By July **inb4 muh warm weather* everyone has it.

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9fb060  No.71691

File: 380159ea2f59e8d⋯.png (1.34 MB, 2038x1016, 1019:508, antiwhiteagenda.PNG)

This may be another attak on whites. Look at the num 1 trending on top of blak immunity fr virus.

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10ea16  No.71692


>(Unable to access Archive.is for some reason)

Probably you are using cloudflare dns? Their dns bans all the archive.is IP addresses and will just return an empty response.

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496ff4  No.71695

File: c9b280488acf486⋯.png (38.61 KB, 649x196, 649:196, Screenshot_7116_.png)


All of the politicians, celebrities, elites and the recent exodus of CEO's knew about the virus and bugged out to their underground lairs, isolated islands and Elysium. They get the rope when this shits done.


>payment options



It's almost like the evil ones enjoy this shit.

AUSanons, is it true Australia is charging to tests?


What is this?

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8a0d20  No.71697

File: 89da98f90db65bb⋯.png (394.88 KB, 944x901, 944:901, ntdnewsreport.png)

File: 42ec20bc0e5495f⋯.png (306.86 KB, 648x713, 648:713, britbongs.png)

File: 1fe301fda993a5a⋯.png (307.07 KB, 672x713, 672:713, iran_update.png)

File: 31c10bf07c29a12⋯.png (308.48 KB, 672x708, 56:59, psain.png)

File: ba2d0caf4513de2⋯.mp4 (708.66 KB, 544x960, 17:30, disease_control_chink_vs_r….mp4)

I'm up, nig nogs. Time to post: New NTD News China In Focus report, nearly 24 minutes of video https://www.bitchute.com/video/ADRRfppj7XA/ ; Britbong update; Iranian government update; Spain update and a clip of a chink fight: Disease control chink vs Random chink.




Sweden Yes!


Prison riots soon.


I remember you, you're the torpedo from San Antonio. Don't worry, your post wasn't bloggy at all, completely related to the topic at hand.

>I suspect the stocking up has been asymmetric. I.e. mostly whites stocking up. Beans know how to panic though, they might be stocked pretty well too. Nigs are fucked. If you don't have weapons, you needed to buy them yesterday.

As expect of those savages, they can only live in the moment, no thoughts about the future at all. Arm yourselves, anons.

>Degenerates will be purged, all hail coronachan!



/pol/ /pnd/ was right again.


Unscathed my ass, can't you see all those red dots? These are the cases they know of. Imagine how many there really are.


Those Frogs are a brave bunch, they're not afraid of Corona-Chan at all.


For fuck's sake, now even the media is pushing this shitty meme that Apefrican niggers are doing fine? Again: Its already there but those dumb cunts aren't testing properly nor they are going to the hospitals because of the symptoms. They would rather go to the witch doctor and do some mumbo jumbo than go to a clinic and get tested.

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12aa7a  No.71698


>All of the politicians, celebrities, elites and the recent exodus of CEO's knew about the virus and bugged out to their underground lairs, isolated islands and Elysium. They get the rope when this shits done.

Yup. Bill Gates is retiring too now. Leaving Microsoft.

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9fb060  No.71699

File: afa0f5b63235657⋯.png (160.46 KB, 1380x927, 460:309, OnlyThree.PNG)

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c0d849  No.71700



There's the problem, how good do you think african hospitals are?

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f78da8  No.71701


They will probably make everyone else get the rope first. the elite is immortal. Just look at how nothing affects them in france: not revolution, not pandemic and mass immigration combined.

Obviously if this cannot stop them then nothing will. They are literally the gods of this planet and we must all submit to keep being their slaves. There is literally nothing we can do to stop them.

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6efcab  No.71702

File: cb6aaa720dc6aff⋯.jpg (43.6 KB, 497x400, 497:400, 1492527153777.jpg)

File: 2255ade65492a38⋯.jpg (48.87 KB, 493x497, 493:497, 1558963988917.jpg)


Poland goes full /pol/and for coronachan

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f78da8  No.71703


based baldness hunters. You cant let the evil bald spirits get away mang.

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983c0b  No.71704


Why would they retire though? It's like they're all in on some conspiracy and know that this shit will end up exposing it, or they know it's a crazy bioweapon and fucking off to a bunker is the only way to survive.

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3c888f  No.71705


>Glad I'm stocked on plywood, steel may be hard to come by.

Yup. I was thinking the same last time I was at the hardware store. Glad I got more steel nails, screws and lumber too. Never know when that may come in handy.

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10ea16  No.71706

File: 156b25607c9c3d9⋯.jpg (73 KB, 800x769, 800:769, habbo_hotel_youtube_swimmi….jpg)


obviously those PCR tests are very hard to make or use, so white countries will be using them for white citizens first. sorry africa is at the end of the line.

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8a0d20  No.71707

File: 4c31fe220e0a3b0⋯.mp4 (852.4 KB, 576x1024, 9:16, chinks_selling_food_illega….mp4)

Clip of chinks selling food illegally because the government is price gouging and using garbo trucks and ambulances to transport meat.


Can't you read? It says right there that there were 3 but now there's 101 across 11 failed states.


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831204  No.71709


>Obviously if this cannot stop them then nothing will. They are literally the gods of this planet and we must all submit to keep being their slaves. There is literally nothing we can do to stop them.

No, do not give up, do not submit. When things get crazy we'll just kill their minions off and wreck the planet for them, and they'll occupy nothing but a floating shithole in outer space!! I'd rather THAT and die fighting than take it up the ass!

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3654b2  No.71710


Probably because niggers don't travel freely unless it's to Europe.

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579f93  No.71715

I am convinced this virus is real but released deliberately in order to force vaccinations on the public (probably containing nigger DNA in them or something sketchy).

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95cbc1  No.71716


Linking to old reply is great, or cross link to /cvg/ survival bread. Another way I don't mind is if it's part of a multi reply with on topic stuff and a small survival reply/info or tip as one of the replies. It's when it's multiple replies only about survival from one or multiple anons, that is going to reduce bread quality. Oldfags don't come here for shit they already know, they come here for fresh info and papers, discussion etc. I want to encourage high quality bread and participants like the old days as it's really missing in many cases these years.


Mornin' anon :)


They came out of nowhere..

EU in general looking pretty fucking bad in case numbers TBH. However they can afford more tests. Death rates low outside of Italy and Spain.

Nips and worst korea are leveling off whilst having high case numbers, proof that with respect, restraint and responsibility you can control this shit.

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50fd5f  No.71717

File: 23836edf3ace8dc⋯.jpg (695.43 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 23836edf3ace8dc48aa05116d0….jpg)


>No. Democracy was a mistake.

Wrong. Demoracy could work, if it was implemented properly for the age of internet.

Right now, Switzerland is the only country on the Earth which actually has system that in some ways resembles democracy.

"democratic" countries systems are 99% cases puppets in parliament, controlled by rich. People have no control over key decisions, and thats why these countries do not have democracy.

Politiancs know this. And they do whatever they want, if people allow them. And people allow everything. People do not rule, politians do.

just example how democracy can actually work

>coronavirus spreads

>there is internet vote, people need to decide whether borders should be closed

>people decide that borders should be closed, 81% for close 19%% for no

>country closes borders

>no coronavirus comes in

Hovewer, if people wont start revolutions to overthrow systems, so they can actually own their own country where they live, this is not going to change.

This is basic shit that you should be aware of

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3654b2  No.71718


>total lack of common sense



Imagine my surprise

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89fff4  No.71719


Yes, likely so. Won't be taking it either and if they try, they'll get loaded full of buckshots.

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0371d1  No.71720

File: 19048ea7bb2da85⋯.mp4 (3.16 MB, 640x480, 4:3, TP.mp4)

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f78da8  No.71722


Just give up. There is no point fighting them since they have already won. GG.

They are probably sitting on their 100 rooms with 50 employees yachts on the Antarctic coast now, drinking $40k champagne from the WW2.

There is nothing that can stop them because if they can get away with the SAS commercial, pump mass migration like this and on top of it all dump all these viruses in the west, then obviously they are omnipotent. They have no weaknesses and fighting is futile. Much better to come to peace with it and let the matter rest since there is no chance in hell there will be anyone getting in their way anyway.

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983c0b  No.71724


Democracy doesn't work because 95% of the population are drooling morons who'd rather listen to an emotional plea from their favorite celebrity in Facebook than actual logic based arguments. This is exactly why there's no uprising against corruption, the digital age makes it far too easy to manipulate the cattle. You'll be called crazy and conspiracy theorist and shunned and rejected, not by the kikes, but the very people you're trying to save.

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44086f  No.71725

File: a57ec8c4235df39⋯.jpg (285.94 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, Corona_Chan_visits_care_ho….jpg)


Corona Chan is visiting the elderly at care homes. Corona Chan is such a concerned cutie!


"Old people get lonely so visit them often. And give them lots of love, big love hugs! I love hugging old people to make them feel less lonely. The care home staff take good care of the old people, so I hug all of the care home staff as a thank you." - Corona Chan, 2020

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9fb060  No.71726


Oh stop,you're going to get everyone sik. Be thankful if they an vax for this. Odds are there will be no vax.

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462357  No.71727

File: 2a1ce0da7e86b4c⋯.jpg (919.63 KB, 828x1452, 69:121, a5g325g23f.jpg)

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68d6cf  No.71728

File: fcfbdb1283f671a⋯.png (299.13 KB, 531x380, 531:380, 1511678711208.png)

(((Corona Virus))) will be used as an excuse to take your civil liberties away. Its not deadly unless you are an old fat chink. The media is hyping it up and creating a virus out of thin air. I don't know a single person who is "infected". Its just jews on TV saying people are infected. This is all a fiction just like 9/11. It will be used to take away your rights.

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07b8a5  No.71729


No. Never. I will never give up. I will fight to the death if I must. So be it.

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df0419  No.71731



Scientists said it was low level, but keep in mind this may permantly fuck meat, man's best freind, and mammals forever- we're looking at a cucksoyvegan future in worst case scenario completely with genetically engineered meat creatures like that one japanese manga.

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000000  No.71732


>now even the media is pushing this shitty meme that Apefrican niggers are doing fine?

This is great. If there were reporting on how bad africa was doing, resources would no doubt be diverted to protect the nigs. Fuck them.


I think a chunk of the elite is already blessed. We will see in time.

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5d009b  No.71734


The smart ones already know, and we are not giving up the guns no matter what. If they want them, they'll have to start a war over here.

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50fd5f  No.71735


>Democracy doesn't work because 95% of the population are drooling morons

Thats because (((education))) brainwashes people to obiedience and conformity. It does not teach them critical thinking and forces them to think like a herd. It can be changed.

>crazy and conspiracy theorist and shunned and rejected, not by the kikes, but the very people you're trying to save.

Hah, it actually happened to me xD

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824c9e  No.71736


Majority of tp over wastefulness is because people don't how to wipe. Always wipe from the front to the back

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8a0d20  No.71737

File: 895e964747e24e1⋯.mp4 (1.09 MB, 480x480, 1:1, Italy_Spedali_Civili_hospi….mp4)

File: d68cf885a6f8f52⋯.mp4 (1.66 MB, 480x848, 30:53, Spanish_loudspeaker_car_te….mp4)

File: dadc34ac4ea27ea⋯.mp4 (2.36 MB, 352x640, 11:20, spanish_cop_car_at_the_bea….mp4)

File: f8d2833a101d575⋯.jpeg (226.41 KB, 1440x1080, 4:3, fish_in_trash_truck.jpeg)

File: 8f84e35c5ae5600⋯.jpeg (93.85 KB, 600x800, 3:4, rusty_wheelbarrow.jpeg)

Footage from inside the Spedali Civili hospital in Brescia, Pastaland; Clips of a Spanish loudspeaker car telling people to stay in their homes and a cop car at the beach doing the same. Also pictures of chinks transporting meat in a rusty wheelbarrow and fish in a garbage dump truck.


Look,I'm blackpilled as fuck, but at least I don't share my blackpills with other anons. I have faith that those devils will be punished by Corona-Chan for everything they have done against human civilizations. They can run but they can't hide forever, she will get them eventually, either directly or indirectly.

>then obviously they are omnipotent. They have no weaknesses and fighting is futile. Much better to come to peace with it and let the matter rest since there is no chance in hell there will be anyone getting in their way anyway.



Kek, Corona-Chan sure likes boomers.


>Odds are there will be no vax

There won't. If there is, it's poison, don't take it.


>This is great. If there were reporting on how bad africa was doing, resources would no doubt be diverted to protect the nigs. Fuck them.


<Oooooo nooooo, not the niggerinos! We gotta send aid to them, guys!

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f78da8  No.71738


It pleases me greatly to see a small glimpse of hope in your character. But what else is there? They have billions of billions of dollars, and can print any amount they want for any endeavour they please. The filthy rich elite have infinite amount of money. They control all the politics and have literally become the orbiters of our destiny and here we are sitting shitposting on a fringe forum that might literally be the last place on earth for the white race to speak honestly.


>I think a chunk of the elite is already blessed

If you had any idea of how much that would please me, if it was a fact. But are there any signs ? Who is infected? Literally 0 elites have died from corona so far, proving once again they are immortal gods on this planet. Even in china the mortality rate is pretty much close to zero among the elite party administration.

We are fucked, the rich has won and it might be a good time to consider coming to peace with the fact anon. Fighting it will just drain energy and cause even more misery and depression.

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579f93  No.71739


The cure for the "blackpill" is to retain semen. The more frequent you ejaculate the less masculine you are. Save it for reproduction.

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f3ec8c  No.71740


Corona-chan is God's punishment on the globalists. If they escape her, they won't escape the aftereffects and the angry people that are fed up with globalism. Remember that only 20 years between economic hardship and the Spanish Flu that nationalism triumphed, if only briefly.

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000000  No.71743

I got some N95 masks from my parents' house, is that good enough to block coronachan?

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eddd72  No.71744

File: 93e3508d5842ba2⋯.jpeg (23.16 KB, 298x273, 298:273, G_glowinthedark.jpeg)


Vastly under reporting cases in SLC greater metro.

For example: Therapists report privately that they are treating many clients that have family with symptoms of SARS COV2.

Utah only reporting 9 cases, but there are many, many more.

Medical personnel gag-ordered from discussion of cases/deaths in Seattle, same will rollout across USA, if they comply. They should not.

FYI firearms etc are irrelevant unless for hunting.

Reason: anything more than mild social unrest (chimpout) will be hammered by MIL/Guard immediately, for several reasons.

1. Spread of virus

2. Spread of idea of chimping out without consequences

2a. Very easy to put down chimpouts when civvies are living in martial conditions; streets are clear for sat intel and drone patrol/engagement, and threat id.

3. There will be an example made of one city, in order to demo what happens if chimp. Major metro location still TBD, depends on dynamic factors but you can probably guess.

4. Likely suspension on carrying firearms (permit or not) coming.

5. Elements of government soon replaced, meaning people in office will die/incapacitated from SARSCOV2.

6. Continuity of government will (likely) require 2020 US presidential elections postponed/suspended, and transfer of power down chain of command.

7. Resource, and stability grab currently underway by functioning military. USA first to the punch - against Iran. Incapacitated governments will be manipulated or silently attacked (unadvertised or declared).

Bottled Water = irrelevant. Public Utilities will not fail.

Good prep: mental preparation.

Be ok with staying in for weeks. The future is uncertain but will go on for many many people, but different. Forget you investments, future plans, net worth, college for kids, and however big you think your dick is because everything you valued is not valuable and things you did not think of, or seem archaic, will be fresh again and valuable. They always were valuable but have been discarded in lieu of vanity, self indulgence, decadence, and ill-will…among other things.

Sanity, and strength in number/cooperation will keep you alive and well.

Mad Max will get you killed. Responding to mad max will get you killed.

Stay tuned.

I suppose you can AMA relevant but timely responses are probably not possible.

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b44af1  No.71745


nope but better than nothing

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3654b2  No.71746


>no food


>lots of food


Fuck is wrong with people?

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f78da8  No.71747


>There won't. If there is, it's poison, don't take it.

Yeah you're right.

I bet the "vaccine" people took against the swineflu the last time probably marked them for death.

I bet those that took that vaccine will all have greater likelyhood to die now.

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b44af1  No.71748

File: 97e21677b011fad⋯.jpg (132.48 KB, 640x828, 160:207, 97e21677b011fad140b7b7af2e….jpg)


They dread existence

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5392d5  No.71749


>Spanish Flu

Nigga, that shit came from Kentucky. Spain had nothing to do with it. Learn some history.


That's not how masks work. Surgical masks prevent YOU from infecting others, not the other way around. COVID-19 doesn't aerosolize. You can, however, sell those for huge bucks on eBay.

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d36d72  No.71750


I ‘member as a child toilet paper was so luxurious we’d get yelled at if we used more than one square. A whole roll for a person in a day only with diarrhea. Anyway, once I can get back into my real home I’ll join bidet master race.


Are these real testing kits, or are they also out of the shit tier cheek swab kits? USA has four million shit kits.

Hitting several stores tomorrow in case I get lucky. Newspaper announced there is one store in town with purchase limits. They’ll get mobbed. It’s unlikely they actually have anything. Government is hoarding.

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be69ba  No.71751


Giving up ensures our failure and if our ancestors did this we wouldn't be alive today. Think about that. They'll go into their luxury bunkers for sure, but those smart enough to survive this will be smart enough to NEVER trust those kikes or their banking systems again. So please do not give up. I'll be buying a 5.56 /.223-compatible rifle later today!

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532560  No.71753


>I ‘member as a child toilet paper was so luxurious we’d get yelled at if we used more than one square.

Yep, was like that when I lived on a farm as a child too. We used newspapers and magazines lol.

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3962f9  No.71755

File: d8f4cbbd70e7519⋯.jpeg (87.48 KB, 1000x666, 500:333, 1001.jpeg)

Spain to follow Italy into lockdown as virus cases soar


>Spain was set to follow Italy on Saturday in declaring a nationwide lockdown as European countries took ever more sweeping measures to reduce contact among people and slow the accelerating spread of the coronavirus.

>Spain’s government planned to announce a two-week state of emergency and tight restrictions on movement by the country’s 46 million people

>People will be allowed to leave their homes only to buy food and medicine, commute to work, go to hospitals and banks, or take trips related to the care of the young and the elderly.

>Those rules will take effect at 0700 GMT Monday.

>Spain has the fifth-highest number of cases, behind China, Italy, Iran and South Korea.

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0c70e6  No.71756


> bidet master race

No need to even go that fancy. You know those sprayers they have on kitchen sinks? You can hook one of those up to your toilet for less than the cost of 2 large packs of TP.

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df0419  No.71757


Easy. The jews didn't release it there, and they want their golem breeding pits to remain.

Solution: Native coofers go abroad to 'culturally enrich' Jaboons, Mandingos, Sheboons, and HOGGACLOCKCALOCCAs with calp wood lips errywhere down there.

That, or Ebola-chan is fighting a turf-war.

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8a0d20  No.71759

File: 0d3295b22bac494⋯.jpeg (16.78 KB, 410x498, 205:249, manila_lockdown2.jpeg)

File: ed73b41cdcac154⋯.jpeg (42.8 KB, 544x720, 34:45, manila_lockdown.jpeg)

File: fdd9bb93f42731d⋯.png (416.35 KB, 1069x763, 1069:763, manila_lockdown.png)

File: 7ac9833ca567a6c⋯.mp4 (479.75 KB, 352x640, 11:20, Collapsed_Iranian_in_Asalu….mp4)

File: b78416c7b683a77⋯.png (553.98 KB, 641x766, 641:766, toothpaste_update.png)

Manila got locked down by the Flip military; Collapsed Iranian in Asaluyeh and Toothpasteland update.


I'm not blackpilled in that way. But in the way that I think my personal situation is hopeless since I'm a Brownzilian shitskin in the most fucked up region of the country. But I do think there's hope for whites, especially for Burgers since they got tons of guns. All they need is the courage to use them in an organized manner to take back what's rightfully theirs.



>Spreading disinfo while using the kiked name from the WHO

First, we don't use that kike name from the WHO here. Second


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df3237  No.71760


Also here in Western PA. Fortunately I only had to buy a little, been stocking ahead in advance for weeks. However the normies have swarmed like locusts on paper products, canned foods, pasta, and cleaning supplies. Pittsburgh hasn't reported any cases, I am willing to bet people are already sick and nobody knows it. We drove past a hospital, nothing unusual there. Hopefully we aren't too fucked by our inept communist governor and a Secretary of Health who is literally a transgender jew. This whole thing sucks, hopefully there is a better world after it. Keep on going and stay well.

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f78da8  No.71761


>If they escape her, they won't escape the aftereffects and the angry people that are fed up with globalism

I hope you are right /pol/ .. i really am because this is it.


>I'll be buying a 5.56 /.223-compatible rifle later today!

<live in a country where even firecrackers give you jail time while niggers are literally running around with AK47s robbing and pissing on whites just for the sake of domination.


Yeah, but Im not going to go around and believe in a fairy tale. Calling me blackpilled wont change the fact that the filthy rich money printer kikes are probably drinking babyblood margeritas outside the coast of antarctica now.

They are probably laughing at us on how we are stockpiling "hand sanitizers".

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0c70e6  No.71765


Actually, I prefer using "covid-19" myself. It differentiates it from the other "corona viruses", of which there are many. The common cold is a "corona virus".

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5392d5  No.71766


>accuses others of spreading disinfo

>spreads disinfo


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f3ec8c  No.71767

File: 931512eb0ab086e⋯.jpg (114.4 KB, 557x305, 557:305, easier_said_than_done.jpg)


>Firearms are worthless goy

>We'll take care of the chimpout goy. Don't prepare for them.

>Your guns are too dangerous. You should give them up.

>You need to fight for Isr-I mean America to get resources for us-I mean for your people against those evil Iranians

>No don't criticize China! They dindu nothin!

Fuck that noise. If you give up your arms, you are going to experience worse things than this virus and you will deserve what's coming to you.


>Nigga, that shit came from Kentucky. Spain had nothing to do with it. Learn some history.

Motherfucking faggot. I know that, but the popular name is the "Spanish Flu" regardless of the origin. Don't be a gay smart ass. You sound like you came straight from Reddit.

Who invited all these (1) and dones?

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1305da  No.71768

Cafeteria worker in Greece NY (Rochester suburb) coofed all over the kiddies food while symptomatic for two days on the 5th and 6th. Reported pozzed with airborne aids today.

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20d251  No.71769


the only reason they called it 'the Spanish Flu' was because all of the world's nations decided NOT to report it, except for Spain


you're so boring that it's creepy

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000000  No.71770


><Oooooo nooooo, not the niggerinos! We gotta send aid to them, guys!

Exactly. Sorry grandma, but the niggers need this ventilator.

>rusty wheelbarrow meat delivery!

Damn, don't those chinks have any fucking paint? That thing looks like it's from the 1940s.


>But are there any signs ? Who is infected?

Some world leaders are infected. Trudeau among others. Further, I don't need any proof, I have statistics. Who are the people still flying and congregating with those who do? Who are the people going to Aspen coof camp to ski? It's too bad, I liked aspen, it was very comfy and white. But it was very small, you bumped into the same people constantly. Free bus service, everyone used it, easier than driving and finding a parking spot. Perfect breeding ground. A literal shack in aspen will go for millions though, not a place you can move to. Now that they are on alert, rates among them will drop, but I bet coronachan has already blessed a good number.

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dfe60d  No.71771

File: 4e24b0285850a4e⋯.png (653.21 KB, 553x766, 553:766, CV.png)

Is this decent for circulation on boomermedia or something?

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f77928  No.71773

File: 90218fed2432ec1⋯.png (525.09 KB, 824x549, 824:549, 1584192142031.png)


>asian food = asian disease

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4ddbee  No.71774


>They are probably laughing at us on how we are stockpiling "hand sanitizers".

Yes, they are assholes. Total assholes. But we know never to trust them or their financial systems of slavery (banks) ever again. And I mean it: never again! We'll survive this, trust me, and when we do things are going back to local communities / self-sufficiency / barter and local currency exchanges (no kikes! no fiat!) and arms trade between communities. And when the kikes tell us to give up our wealth to their banks, we'll say FUCK NO and shoot their asses!

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4e322b  No.71775

File: e7f0d42fc2de169⋯.jpg (163.89 KB, 720x635, 144:127, 20200314_084339.jpg)

File: 49983b0d28b3c75⋯.jpg (168.61 KB, 720x808, 90:101, 20200314_090433.jpg)

Twitter asks an interesting question. Given that most burgers can't come up with $500 cash, that probably means that all the normies bought their preps with credit cards. In 30 days are they going to regret it and try to return 10 cases of shit tickets and 40 boxes of pop tarts? Potential for both chimping and supply chain disruption.

Also temperature screenings for people who come close to Orange Man and Electric Pence. This is trickle truth so that they can "discover" someone with a fever and have an excuse to "test" the Prez and VP. They have both been tested and one if not both have it. Can't admit that now without making Trump look stupid tho.

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b44af1  No.71776


>surgical mask == n95 masks

stop talking if you know nothing of

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d36d72  No.71777


Close to a month ago now the biggest Walmart in area put huge amount of rubbing alcohol in front display. They were already out of hand sanitizer. Neither has been seen since.


Good call. My mother did grow up in an Appalachian trailer park.


Already installed. But I can’t live there right now. Being remodeled. Hopefully I can live there in the grace of summer, because it needs prepping.

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f78da8  No.71780


that first "italian hospital" looks like it has very very bad ventilation. I bet they get sicker by just being in there. How is the body supposed to defeat the virus when you are just inhaling new units? kek this is literally WG

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579f93  No.71781

I find it weird how people seem to be praising toilet paper. If things go bad I'll be in the outdoors and will be digging a hole for pooping (like you do when camping).

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000000  No.71783


>Is this decent for circulation on boomermedia or something?

Looks nice anon. If you are targeting boomers, consider making the bottom line not italic and bigger. Also, contrasting colors are good. I usually test a shoop at thumbnail size and make sure that it's readable.


During the gas panic two years ago in san antonio, I did see beans trying to return cases of bottled water afterwards. What niggers.

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a2de8e  No.71784


Oh and by the way, I'm keeping my home when this is all said and done. No if, ands or buts. It's MY property when this blows over! And I'm well armed!

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0c70e6  No.71785


>Already installed. But I can’t live there right now.

Well, good. Then you'll be better prepared when this mess wakes back up after summer. Good luck, anon!

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952aac  No.71786


Don Quixote

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983c0b  No.71787


Chances are your toilet is right next to a shower anyway. If things really go to shit then TP is the least of your worries.

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da9ed6  No.71789


>Twitter asks an interesting question. Given that most burgers can't come up with $500 cash, that probably means that all the normies bought their preps with credit cards. In 30 days are they going to regret it and try to return 10 cases of shit tickets and 40 boxes of pop tarts? Potential for both chimping and supply chain disruption.

Hopefully they'll squat in their homes, armed, and give the banks the middle finger (as everyone should at this point).

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1fc42e  No.71790

File: 78501925239a84f⋯.jpg (545.13 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, 273bc03aa6d111545efe81e7d9….jpg)

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f8ad97  No.71791


Anyone remember deagel.com?

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f78da8  No.71792


based calm coofbat.

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cdb2b4  No.71793



every day i pass

every day France is about +20% cases and +20% death

if i extrapolate:

>it means x2 every 4 days

>it means x1024 every 40 days

>it means x1million every 80 days

>it means x1billion every 120 days

in other words, 4 months is all it would take for the original 7-8 people to contaminate the whole world.

shit has been going for 2month and a half now.

45 days until the world is truly coof'ed?

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600c71  No.71794

File: 5ae1b8923fdbd6a⋯.jpg (58.2 KB, 652x801, 652:801, blopp_bloppp_blooooop.jpg)

I remember about 5-6 years ago a lot of major conspiracy theorists said that this would happen under Obama… Project Jade Helm, germ warfare on US citizens, cities would quarantine, FEMA camps, run on food and water, and eventually martial law. Funny thing, it's happening under their boy instead. Things that make you go "hmmm".

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462357  No.71795


>return policy on food items.

This is why people should only stock up on things they would use anyway. Rather than having a basment full of going stale prepper packets of things they would never eat.

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572b9a  No.71797


>Rather than having a basment full of going stale prepper packets of things they would never eat.

Amen. I only stock what lasts long or, if canned, I rotate the stock and eat some before it gets bad. Preppers MUST do this or their wasting their money.

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f3ec8c  No.71800


Yes, but you need an alt version which shows more connections to the globalist scam system which cause this mess in the first place.


NICE! Did you make that?


>I'll be buying a 5.56 /.223-compatible rifle later today!

Nice! What make?

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f78da8  No.71801


>And I'm well armed

and what are you gonna do when the elite sends their military men to "exfiltrate external commodificational assets".

i.e When they send guns to take your shit? You think you can resist an army that is about to "evacuate a city" (take you to a forest and give you a bullet).

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4e322b  No.71802

File: 21b04c66cbbd382⋯.jpg (167.23 KB, 720x823, 720:823, 20200314_091326.jpg)


Oh looky here.


Hmm, might be a good time to pick up some cheap shit at pawn shops, Craigslist, and Faceberg marketplace. Unopened freeze dried survival food should be pennies on the dollar.


That's how exponential growth works, fren. That assumes nothing is done to slow it down or speed it up.


What >>71797 said, or choose supplies with a long shelf life. Properly packed dry foods don't go bad quickly.

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8a0d20  No.71803

File: 28c1b64ca606f55⋯.png (112.67 KB, 1079x476, 1079:476, white_house_temp.png)

File: c6892b4f312bad1⋯.png (32.94 KB, 656x231, 656:231, journo_with_99f.png)

File: c77808f50aca4c3⋯.png (344.63 KB, 659x799, 659:799, blessing_at_stanford.png)

File: b561483baaaa5f7⋯.png (114.72 KB, 1082x526, 541:263, saudi_update.png)

File: b676914ada3cae3⋯.png (1005.42 KB, 1024x917, 1024:917, Corona_Chan_watching_the_w….png)

White House performing temperature checks on anyone who gets close to Orange Man and Pence, a journo got blocked from the press briefing because they had a 99F temperature; Blessing at the Stanford University and Saudi update.


Just call it a joke name like Wu flu or Kung flu. Anything other than the kike nonsensical name the literally WHO came up with.


Corona-Chan's going to cleanse this rotten world, and give whites a chance to build a new one. Nothing can stop her, nothing can destroy her.

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4e322b  No.71804


Nobody's going to be going door to door during a cooftastrophe. Are they going to start splashing contaminated blood and brains, or are they just going to yell at you to get on the bus?

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982b87  No.71805


>Nice! What make?

Don't know yet, going to Cabela's within the next hour or so to look at what they have and talk to their people.

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c7c0b2  No.71806


Silver lining for them is they probably prepared for such an event and arent scrambling for supplies. But I do remember those days and also every movement of military equipment by rail being posted as proof of incoming martial law.

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c0cece  No.71807


If they behave like traitors then they get shot. Simple as that. Hoping they won't but if that's the case, oh well. I'm not afraid, we all die anyway.

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f78da8  No.71808


They will notice that something is strange with your compliance and will focus on confirming the proper implementation on your operational object perimeter data.

i.e They will do whatever they please.

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50fd5f  No.71809

File: b7980b3b7361687⋯.png (88.34 KB, 300x300, 1:1, 1584055295917.png)


>Saudi Arabia, 103 cases

>temperature 34°

the temperature is not going to stop the virus.

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d36d72  No.71810


When the aliens visit our dead planet, they’ll think, oh, a last brave few bunkered to try to survive the catastrophe and preserve the species. They’ll never know it was just a bunch of menopausal jews fucking over the planet.


Sounds Mad Max. No unauthorized distribution of gasoline. Blow up those gas stations. That’ll fuck up the virus!

I’m tracking someone trying to get back to the USA from Spain. Infected? Quarantine? It’s all a crap shoot. A cruise ship just took off; will track how that goes too. Some people.

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f78da8  No.71811


its probably the 100th variant of corona, I bet the elites stopped making it public of the new variants after the L-variant was discovered. It was more fun keeping the proles in darkness.

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345614  No.71813


I guess he doesn't realize people don't stock up on perishable items like sushi or fermented rice balls


if you're targeting boomers you need to focus 100% on sports media aka. "NiggerBall".

The boomer's loss of niggerball has opened hours of time to be exposed to propaganda.

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f8ad97  No.71815

File: 19e23023faf8388⋯.gif (614.4 KB, 878x7290, 439:3645, Deagle200314.gif)

Here you go guys, read the purple text down the bottom to know how fucked we really are. BTW, if you check way back machine from 2014 the number are not that different - they are bleak AF.

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824c9e  No.71817

File: 230a32a243ec2a3⋯.png (21.31 KB, 726x486, 121:81, saudi_weather.png)


it's not summer yet, needs to be 110f or 43C to affect Corona

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8a0d20  No.71818

File: df63dda7445f0a5⋯.png (5.82 MB, 2000x2000, 1:1, Corona_Chan_skull_art_uncr….png)

File: 98fa77baec8c6f5⋯.png (77.2 KB, 1087x315, 1087:315, orange_man_tested.png)

Orange man says he got tested and that the result hasn't come out yet.


That's exactly what eggheads from Harvards were suspecting and what I have been saying for a long time now. Brownzil is further proof that weather can't stop her. Corona-Chan is unstoppable, invincible and indestructible. Only belevolent, pure and just whites and Nips shall be spared from her genocide.


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f3ec8c  No.71819

File: ef25dc4dc8338ee⋯.jpg (409 KB, 810x1294, 405:647, Walmart_health_as_good_as_….jpg)

File: d7da1d6de2a53ec⋯.png (613.03 KB, 754x1372, 377:686, globalism_clownworld.png)

File: d7b91e23756b5f9⋯.png (202.32 KB, 484x458, 242:229, corona_smile.png)

Don't worry goyim! We have a solution just for you: Wlamart Health Supercenters. Super cheap ass medical facilities, including counseling and mental services to suppress the spiritual symptoms of our globalist consumer system.



These globalists sure are trying hard.



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7e3119  No.71820


What about some ironic memes?

>Our interconnected world may give some people the flu but at least we have lots of diverse cuisine

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38727c  No.71821

File: 5b27ae53666489a⋯.jpg (314.88 KB, 640x591, 640:591, 1546174176261.jpg)


Bat Soup

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3654b2  No.71825

File: 96ff273ddaeba10⋯.jpg (59.82 KB, 680x717, 680:717, 1e1.jpg)

File: 5b778170038f371⋯.jpg (55.08 KB, 680x506, 340:253, 9a2.jpg)

File: 9a2a2a1c9f1e8db⋯.jpg (62.34 KB, 680x541, 680:541, 53e.jpg)

File: 9bd6d917c76e324⋯.jpg (49.94 KB, 680x712, 85:89, 137.jpg)

>when a clean ass is more important than a clean bill of health

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1fc42e  No.71826

File: 6c19175840e0db8⋯.jpg (690.83 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, 273bc03aa6d111545efe81e7d9….jpg)

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496ff4  No.71827


#2 oh that bastard.

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8a0d20  No.71828

File: 0ed0f8247b5c64f⋯.png (214.63 KB, 535x837, 535:837, 2yo_chink_dies_of_starvati….png)

File: 8200f07fa45afd5⋯.mp4 (3.07 MB, 368x640, 23:40, 2_YO_chink_dies_from_starv….mp4)

File: b2425a724fbf2c1⋯.jpg (75.72 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, Corona_Chan_with_bat_soup.jpg)

2 YO chink dies from starvation because the cops arrested her mother when she went out during the lockdown to get food.


It could be 99999F or 99999C, she doesn't care. Doesn't matter if the temperature is positive or negative. Faith surpasses and overpowers everything.




Did someone just say bat soup?


Good art.

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e1caa0  No.71829




When President Donald Trump declared a national emergency over the 2019 novel coronavirus on Friday, he dangled billions in new federal aid to address a cascading pandemic.

But local doctors from Oklahoma City to New York to Lansing, Michigan, have been sounding the alarm in recent days about the lack of communication—as well as supplies—they’ve received from federal and other authorities.

In other words, cash alone won’t solve the problem.


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f78da8  No.71830


Do they have batsoup? Is it racist to not commit suicide eating batsoup?

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824c9e  No.71831


>Medical checkup: 30

My annual checkup technically free on my moms healthcare but I have to $30 pay for the blood test bet they aren't counting that.

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3962f9  No.71832


Do you have an original source for 2nd image?

Someone should dox that faggot.

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a7a4f0  No.71833

File: 24d927f88b2bbdb⋯.png (410.32 KB, 657x705, 219:235, spicnigcycle.png)

File: 358719839457a4f⋯.jpg (1.06 MB, 3528x2268, 14:9, staceyraider.jpg)

File: ee9baf38b80999d⋯.jpg (165.51 KB, 736x719, 736:719, staceyraiders0a.jpg)

File: 5b2770ad46c58f8⋯.jpg (90.92 KB, 600x749, 600:749, staceyraider4.jpg)


the acoofalypse is upon us!


they also dont seem to realize that there reflexive anomisity is what fuels white nationalism.


thats been kinda bothering me too. the math in chinkland isnt adding up. how is it that there numbers have stabilised? its impossible to lock down that many. and they have cases in every province, every city, etc etc, so either they are lying thier asses off or corona chan is not /ourgirl/


well alot of burgers are mutts, so the statistics are very skewed. we all know how 13=50, but that extends into alot of other areas, poverty, crack us, obesity etc etc. the spic-nig cycle is killing america.

Anyways I kinda stopped caring. I got alot of preps, but having thought things through, im going with 'chad raider' and building myself a killcavator.i will use my armored excavator to tear teh shit out prepper bunkers, kill nogs, and boomers. with all the supplies I get, all I really need is diesal fuel. I will build a giant harem of sexy stacey raiders to aid me. we will repopulate the earth.

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8a0d20  No.71836

File: a6909d2c9854588⋯.mp4 (217.52 KB, 272x480, 17:30, chink_cops_beating_a_guy_i….mp4)

File: 66a300ee56503c1⋯.png (549.09 KB, 806x931, 806:931, holocoof_now.png)

Chink cops kicking the shit out of a chink in a hospital and Pissraelis getting their shit kicked in by /ourgirl/ ..https://archive.is/wip/VseAw


Good article, worth reading.

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6cb8d1  No.71841

My other post got deleted. odd.

This whole situation reeks so badly of a giant, massive, global-scale psy-op that it's unnerving. It's unnerving that even here, the theoretical heir of 8chan's /pol/ we have a "corona general" that's full to the brim with normalfags and reddit-tier reasoning adding to hysteria and posts that mention all the holes in this narrative just get lost in a sea of bullshit and hype. First of all, I don't doubt the existance of the virus itself. It had to be released so as to get picked up by the medical community as a whole as a reality. However, the doctors I personally know are pretty much baffled about how this situation is being handled and how it's all unbelievably sketchy. They don't get a say on how to handle it either, they get their orders from above and what they are saying is: Panic or else. I've been following this events very closely and sadly I've had no place to discuss it. old /pol/ is conveniently gone, zeronet is pretty much dead and /pnd/ is very much like 4chan with less traffic. Save a couple of posts here and there, the amounts of shilling and retardation is staggering

Here are a couple of facts:

-josh hopkins university, along with the IMF and bill&melinda gates foundation held a staged event called “event 201” http://www.centerforhealthsecurity.org/event201/ that described how this would pan out months before the first cases of the virus were reported.

-There are many people at the WHO that are on bil gates’ payroll. Bill gates is heavily involved in vaccine production and investigation. Bill gates has stepped down from microsoft yesterday, saying he would be primarily involved in “philantropy”. Just like our guy soros.

-we definitely do not know what went down in china exactly. There is a strong iron curtain of information between the western world and china, and it works both way. What we have seen is lots of disinformation passed out as truth and a lot of vids with no context that could perfectly be fake going around on social media, whatsapp, etc. about chinese being cremated in masses (oy vey!) or dropping down dead out of the blue. There’s the bioweapon narrative too, that’s so much in the open that it looks like it was left out there on purpose so suspicios people would pick that up and think that’s what they’re covering up, not the other shit that I will point out now. (cont)

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3654b2  No.71842

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a04f13  No.71843


>thats been kinda bothering me too. the math in chinkland isnt adding up. how is it that there numbers have stabilised? its impossible to lock down that many. and they have cases in every province, every city, etc etc, so either they are lying thier asses off or corona chan is not /ourgirl/

The immediate thing you'd notice that's off about China's numbers is the lack of death lag when they claimed it peaked. Deaths still should have gone up weeks after cases started to drop, and then dropped accordingly.

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6cb8d1  No.71844

-China is now being praised by the western MSM about how it handled the situation, suggesting that such draconian measures should be implemented in the west if the virus is to be contained.

-The markets have had the sharpest and fastest drop in history during the last few weeks. If there is something to cover up with such a tremendous psyop, this is it. the repo crisis and liquidity injection, leading to an incredible amount of inflation and increasing national debt (in europe too) was not only approved but begged by politicians like trump. This money printing will come out of your pocket, your children’s pocket and their children’s pocket. All of this to keep the markets from crashing, which failed miserably as it did last week.

-We are (were?) sitting on the biggest debt bubble in history. The 2008 crisis was never corrected, we only printed our way out of it into the future. Banks were bailed out just like they’re being bailed out right now, along with many companies that are (((too big to fail))). Of course, this will come out of your pocket, your children’s pocket, etc.

-Back in the 2008 crisis, there was another “killer virus” in the brewing: H1N1. They somehow fucked up the timing and it came out a bit later, during 2009, so the cover up of the whole lehman brothers and subprime scandals was not very succesful. They had to really time it perfectly now, and they did.

-Just like any other false flag, there is no counter-narrative on the media. “the markets are crashing DUE to the coronavirus”, “this is because of the coronavirus”, “due to coronavirus…” There is absolutely NO DOUBT about this in the media. However, ALL stocks in the market were affected in a way that is completely irrational if not for a bubble bursting situation. A controlled demolition if you like.

-The state of shock the measures that are being taken in europe have caused are priming people to accept ANY measures as “for our own good” and most people are willing to accept them, such is the leve of brainwashing that they have achieved. Spain declared the “state of emergency” yesterday which essentially allows the government to override any civil rights you have, including private property. This is literally communism being activated with the total compliance of the population. I believe this is, first and foremost, a huge social experiment on a global scale. “let’s see how the cattle reacts to this”. There is no going backwards after this, they will get bolder each time they try something.

-The economic crater that will comeout of this global standstill in production will be enormous. This is what some people take as proof about the virus seriousness. “why would they lose such an enormous amount of money if the virus wasn’t as deadly as the plague?”. Well, they won’t lose shit. This is an investment. If this is what it takes to shift the current paradigm to a complete zionist takeover of the last civil rights we have, they will go with it. Also, all losses to private sectors will be socialized just like they’re doing right now (bailing airlines for example) and you will pay for it. They won’t lose money over this.

I firmly believe the gravity of the virus situation is completely staged. This is a new 9/11 without one shot being fired, just pure psychological warfare. Just like back then, laws are being approved right now that will erase our last liberties. Now the us government (or any ZOG) can (and will) lock you down “for your own good” and it’s completely legal to do so. There’s another thing, too. When markets collapse so suddenly, there is a crisis of liquidity and bank runs are at a high chance of happening. Everyone will be moving to cash. Banks can not provide this liquidity in cash because it’s simply not there. What better way to enforce a credit freeze with the virus as an excuse? The IMF has already isssued (((loans))) “due to the coronavirus” to make you buy even more debt, that you will have to pay out of your pocket to bail out banks and other institutions. (cont)

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d36d72  No.71845


We’re still exporting medical supplies. USA is a poor nation that owes a lot of money.


Maybe that’s anon who said he’s all prepped, but will buy more to fuck over the subhumans surrounding him.

Cat Girls Demand Trump Open Portal

>Uhm, wait until I get my coof result first — The Donald John Trump

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6cb8d1  No.71847

I foresee two different scenarios on how this will play out

1) This is it, the shift from (((democracy))) to full on communism under a clever disguise of “public health crisis”.

2) It’s another 2008 and they will kick the can down the road AGAIN at the expense of YOU. Purchasing power will be smashed to bits, jobs will be lost and inflation will skyrocket. This is one of the biggest wealth transfers in history, from the middle class to the usual suspects. This is yet another huge blow to the very existance of a middle class, but this time they will blame it ALL on the virus, not the biggest scam in the history of the world, namely fiat currency and its creation by the central banks.

I sadly wish it’s 2), it should give us a chance to recover and regroup. Sadly, I’m not seeing a reaction on this. People is too scared of “the virus”, so the chance of this happening again is very high. There are some people that are actually happy that they can stay at home and not go to work, oblivious to what’s going behind this enormous wall of lies.

Last but not least: there is a huge amount of power shifting going on. Oil prices dropping dramatically (30%) last week is an enormous blow to the petrodollar. It has recovered a bit, but this is alarming nonetheless. Governments (mainly china and russia) are definitely moving away from the dollar as the de-facto exchange currency for international transactions. We know what happens when people try to shy away from the petrodollar (hi geddafi!).

This almost passed unadvertedly the last couple of days, too: https://www.rt.com/news/483121-rockets-hit-iraqi-base/

What we're seeing now, whatever it may be, will be very very interesting. This is the happening indeed.


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8a0d20  No.71848

File: 8e139e4add637b3⋯.png (150.8 KB, 1457x610, 1457:610, domestic_travel_restrictio….png)

Orange Man considering imposing domestic travel restrictions.


>or corona chan is not /ourgirl/

News from Pissrael suggest otherwise.

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496ff4  No.71849


TBH I don't give a fuck about whether or not Trump has had a test or what the results are, they all get the rope. Everyone whinning about tests tests tests and where the fuck are fucking tests?!?! It's like if you are flu sick or cold sick, let's all occam razor this bullshittery and assume you got it. What I am concerned about it surviving it, having a proven treatment plan and not have damaged lungs for the rest of my life.

Amazing, it's the end of the world (not really, just another harvesting of Loosh but hopefully I'm wrong and Lord Jesus Christ comes back to save us) and MSM is still bitching about Trump.

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e7a41a  No.71850


>Israel spikes to 164

The SK coof cultists may have actually killed the kikes.

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496ff4  No.71852


>try to return

I will return my shit, too. Risky business being in business.

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cdb2b4  No.71853


>believing in the high temperature kill the virus meme

think, god damnit.

what is the human body temperature?

corona loves temperature and humidity, because if she didn't then she wouldn't be able to not only survive, but multiply in people's body.

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496ff4  No.71855


In Spain they called it American Flu.


> Test price is about $200 to $1000 depending on area.

For real???

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1518c4  No.71857

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8a0d20  No.71858

File: bd6bdac31c5905b⋯.mp4 (2.92 MB, 480x270, 16:9, chink_goes_to_hospital_and….mp4)

File: 48fb3740bef7d6f⋯.png (465.35 KB, 842x888, 421:444, pasta_update.png)

Chink takes his mother to the hospital to take care of her swollen foot and meets a blessed asymptomatic chink; also a Pasta update.


>It's like if you are flu sick or cold sick, let's all occam razor this bullshittery and assume you got it.

I feel that you're right about that.

>What I am concerned about it surviving it, having a proven treatment plan and not have damaged lungs for the rest of my life.

Not sure about treatment but it seems permanent lung damage might be inevitable.

>Amazing, it's the end of the world (not really)

It's the end of the world, but only as we know it. A new one, a better one, is coming.


Good, those guys were based as fuck.

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e7a41a  No.71859


Why? He's done something intelligent, with that much he likely intends on reselling it at marked up prices later on. I don't understand why people who behave as smart traders should be vilified. I have zero sympathy for anyone who doesn't already have all their supplies, they have NO excuse after even the end of January.

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000000  No.71860


>Globalisation can fuck right off.


get ready for transhuman neo-feudalism, goys

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b916d6  No.71862

File: f7f681ef66bd41f⋯.jpg (5.96 MB, 5312x2988, 16:9, 20190102_105021.jpg)


Not to damper the doom and gloom but those Bradleys are probably on their way to the manufacturer for repair. We had to turn in whatever we couldn't fix back to BAE. Usually worn out turret rings or wiring gremlins going on for longer than 6 mos to a year

T. (Former) Cav scout at Fort Hood

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6b3b6a  No.71864

File: be55099d6d91272⋯.jpeg (167.5 KB, 657x1188, 73:132, D93BAE5A_3AA2_4A26_B93D_7….jpeg)

China’s mortality rate is 118.2%

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8a0d20  No.71866

File: 5e3e5db1eb206ab⋯.png (281.92 KB, 784x947, 784:947, delco_prison.png)

File: b7d7771066055ec⋯.png (206.46 KB, 612x657, 68:73, santa_clara_update.png)

File: fc2ccefdf390a88⋯.mp4 (693.87 KB, 366x598, 183:299, Outbound_Hubei_Highway_has….mp4)

File: de8ba5219491861⋯.png (190.94 KB, 486x748, 243:374, highway_closed_due_to_airb….png)

Update on Santa Clara County; Prison employee in Delaware got infected https://archive.is/wip/YwGGp and the despite recent news that some parts of Hubei were partially lifting their quarantine, outbound traffic is still closed.


Very nice.


No problem at all, I had a feeling it could be unrelated.

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b14bff  No.71867

File: df823a350367273⋯.jpeg (535.66 KB, 750x968, 375:484, 73F20CE5_C827_4B1B_A3E3_8….jpeg)

Fucking spread this shit like wildfire faggots. Our American supply chains are being DELIBERATELY DISRUPTED. THIS IS AN ACT OF WAR. WHO THE FUCK IS DOING IT.




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68efeb  No.71869


Are you shitposting, lad?

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3654b2  No.71871


Clearly he's never heard of restocking,

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87e6cb  No.71872

It's hilarious watching you COMPLETELY UNKNOWLEDGEABLE PEOPLE pretend you're experts. you're assclowns. killcen, you're an idiot.

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b14bff  No.71873

3rd world shithple has tp, we don’t.

Supply chains are being deliberately attacked


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084988  No.71874

File: 77e73afc3bb825f⋯.png (439.32 KB, 591x741, 197:247, Pure_luck.png)




Thanks for sharing anon. I have the same feeling.

Whether the virus has been released intentionally or not doesn't really matter, because we won't ever know the truth. There are valid reasons to do virus research (for vaccines, military, etc.) and China is known for not following any safety protocols, so the virus might have escaped from the Wuhan lab by a simple fuck up. If they were to reveal either case (malicious or not), it would be devastating for the country or the party responsible. China is in full damage control mode since the beginning, try to cover it up by a story about memetic bat soup. Imagine if they reveal they fucked up in the lab and crashed the world economy or imagine if someone proved that it has been done on purpose. They'd be forever blacklisted from everything, because it serves as the ultimate justification for any government wanting to blackmail China.

Anyway, let's see what's happening on the ground. Indeed, the citizen rights all over the world have been suspended within a couple of weeks. The opportunistic hyenas in the power must be tearing up of joy that it has been this easy to introduce an indefinite state of emergency. France has a state of an emergency since 2015 - nothing has improved, only the citizens can now be legally bullied by the government.

I do not think that the governments will let this power grab just go away. It has been a continuous trend since 9/11 to slowly chip off liberties and freedoms of people. Now it came for the big bang. It's now justified to check people's location 24/7, it's justified to check their temperature, collect DNA, quarantine them, restrict their movement, etc. And majority of people will accept it, because they do not really own anything and are way too disconnected from the traditional living off the grid. Everything they own is borrowed and they rely on the (((global economy))) to keep flowing. Without this system, they have nothing. If someone will try to resist this new power grip, they will simply "die of the virus".

I am pretty sure this is the next big step in the implementation of the global technocracy. The Chinese Credit Score will now be extended to the rest of the world.

Five Reasons Why You Should Read Technocracy Rising (no need to buy the book, but this gives a good short overview)


More in detail here (long, 3 parts):

Patrick Wood: Technocracy Rising Interview (Part 1 of 3)


(Ad) This is a reality today (smart cities = smart prisons):


A timeless classic:

Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars Document Full Read


Frogs explaining the situation in France since 2015:

One year of securitarian drift in France

From the Bill on Intelligence to the State of Emergency


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68efeb  No.71876


Oh lord, you're serious. Welcome to the Apocalypse; it's every man for himself right now. Ofcourse they keep the essential supplies to themselves instead of shipping it to the other side of the ocean. Why would they ship it over to you?

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c7c0b2  No.71877


I think Americans are just panic buying TP anon. The box stores can only keep so many pallets on hand at one time.

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1fc42e  No.71878

File: a588fd3de162717⋯.jpg (373.18 KB, 1077x555, 359:185, vanks.jpg)

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177dfb  No.71880


America doesn't have a supply chain. It has whatever is provided to it by actual producer countries.

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8a0d20  No.71882

File: f71edee9d57a6fe⋯.png (330.07 KB, 705x900, 47:60, second_zogbot_at_miramar_g….png)

File: 675a7ec15a2ebb8⋯.mp4 (907.58 KB, 320x568, 40:71, chinks_sealing_their_cars.mp4)

File: f9e2cc17ce00c24⋯.png (193.3 KB, 474x767, 474:767, seal_off_your_cars.png)

File: dec1b7ba45b41bf⋯.png (322.57 KB, 843x742, 843:742, norway_closing_borders.png)

Second Burger zogbot at Miramar got blessed https://archive.is/wip/G4o5S ; Chinks sealing their cars and Norway closing their at 8 AM on monday why not now? https://archive.is/wip/sBCJN


That's because the Ladyboy government is putting a lid on the situation and the citizens aren't panic buying.

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55b1d7  No.71883

The only way this could be any more deus ex is if it turned out to be a nanomachine virus. This shit stinks.

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7e3119  No.71885


What you are witnessing is the end of

>we are one race we all have to look out for each other!

People love to talk about how great globalism is, but when a crisis hits and they have to choose between hoarding things for their own country and own people, or shipping it off to strangers, suddenly those globalist values are out the window.

A lot of liberals have spent time giving things to people who need them. Now they are in a situation where they are the ones in need, and they are finding the non-Whites don't give a fuck about them.

Get comfy and enjoy the fall of globalism. Look for things to point out, like how Africa needs test kits and medical help, but all those actors like Tom Hanks who cry about social injustice are the first ones to get them.

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000000  No.71886


we're legion!

we're mossad!


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8a0d20  No.71887

File: 74fd0c45890468c⋯.png (266.48 KB, 566x838, 283:419, zombie_robots_made_of_rean….png)

File: 24589e4fee20a0a⋯.webm (1.85 MB, 640x360, 16:9, UVM_and_Tufts_Team_Builds….webm)


Two months ago, before Corona-Chan really kicked things off, news came out that eggheads created something called "Xenobots". Nanomachines made of living cells that could be programmed to perform certain actions https://archive.is/LaRPD . I wonder if Corona-Chan's real biological form isn't a virus, but those things instead.

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d8aeb7  No.71888


Lol every country has TP. It's because you are a country of consooming lard asses with a fetish for eating and shitting which is why you run for TP. It's obscene and I hope God takes care of all of you and your jew masters.

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2ea575  No.71889


Still a less fatality rate than china :^)

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90b12b  No.71892


No. Coronavirus is an RNA strand, cells are MANY times bigger.

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d8aeb7  No.71894


China's numbers are lies from the start, they are in a war-state. I'm in Europe (Czech Republic) and we have a full blown state of emergency and things are very, very calm and supermarkets (Tesco, Bila, Albert) look like normal. It's obscene to see people haul off so much TP, the typical concern for the fat lazy consoomer. People like that should be put on a death march.

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5587d9  No.71896


I’m wondering what the legion of boomers who don’t believe this virus is real will do if that happens.

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f3ec8c  No.71897

File: 85f3f9e5e6e2427⋯.png (246.7 KB, 600x600, 1:1, Let_em_eat_cake.png)

File: 51d04e22524756c⋯.png (83.84 KB, 750x1067, 750:1067, In_the_end_theyll_beg_us_t….png)

File: c829dfe2a2c5ce6⋯.png (64.62 KB, 754x1083, 754:1083, ABSOLUTE_STATE_OF_BONGS.png)

Will you eat the delicious cake she has personally made just for you?


It's Deus Ex without the cool 90's cyberpunk aesthetics or the neat augmentation technology. At least we have in real life "Why contain it?" memes! It sucks.

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2769f4  No.71898

File: dca3a2cc50e7e6a⋯.jpg (4.07 MB, 2500x4000, 5:8, cvg_mediamontage_v2.jpg)

Updated the media sheet for you anons, now with a bonus vidya section. Enjoy!

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496ff4  No.71899

File: 9c4d1c3c45d731a⋯.png (140.02 KB, 500x830, 50:83, counter_propaganda_bill_qu….png)

File: 86e96d5e88547f4⋯.png (237.36 KB, 982x627, 982:627, Screenshot_7117_.png)


>I firmly believe the gravity of the virus situation is completely staged. This is a new 9/11 without one shot being fired, just pure psychological warfare. Just like back then, laws are being approved right now that will erase our last liberties. Now the us government (or any ZOG) can (and will) lock you down “for your own good” and it’s completely legal to do so. There’s another thing, too. When markets collapse so suddenly, there is a crisis of liquidity and bank runs are at a high chance of happening. Everyone will be moving to cash. Banks can not provide this liquidity in cash because it’s simply not there. What better way to enforce a credit freeze with the virus as an excuse? The IMF has already isssued (((loans))) “due to the coronavirus” to make you buy even more debt, that you will have to pay out of your pocket to bail out banks and other institutions. (cont)

China unleashed a beast to quell the HK protesters, but accidentally killed the world. Accident or not. Interesting about laws being made. Reminds me of NDAA. Family member is in the stock market. Says they were building the market UP and UP for the past year or so, spook the market (a deadly virus) to reclaim stocks and stupid peoples money. It's been this way since the market started. Family member is doing well making shekels at the moment.


Or 3) to make Trump (middle class, right thinking, anti-Commie, Americans) look like an ass and cost him/us the election so they can "improve the lives of millions of undocumented workers and trans genders"

I hate this world.


Didn't the Commie Dems. try to pass a Wuhan Coronavirus Relief package? I mean, WTF? And why are we sending ANY aid to China when they gave it to us? I hate this world.

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8a0d20  No.71902

File: 69b57ae1f4b42bd⋯.png (217.43 KB, 614x821, 614:821, grounded_zogbots.png)

File: 80baa3524b768e3⋯.png (382.14 KB, 492x719, 492:719, lcck_update.png)

Pentagon grounds zogbots https://archive.is/wip/yoCsS and LCCK update.


I know, but sometimes I do wonder if they just made the cells smaller or something, then made them airborne. Either way, I don't really care about her physical/biological form, that can be changed really easily to adapt to all kinds of situations, all that matters is the metaphysical.


>Will you eat the delicious cake she has personally made just for you?

Yes and the bat soup too.

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24a6c9  No.71903


Well, we're looking at fullbown Deus EX come the next couple of years when the fake vaccines roll out.



We should always keep our blessing for KEK.

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2ea575  No.71905


>Czech Republic

We're talking about real countries here.

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9fb060  No.71906

>Trump Is Reportedly Waiting on Jared Kushner’s Coronavirus ‘Research’ Before Declaring an Emergency

So that's what took so long. > >https://lawandcrime.com/high-profile/trump-is-reportedly-waiting-on-jared-kushners-coronavirus-research-to-declare-an-emergency/ Head of HHS made 25 to $30 million as top man at Eli Lilly. So iof it's profitable to let the virus spread then that's that's our policy.

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177dfb  No.71907


>China unleashed a beast to quell the HK protesters

They were petered out before this ever got started. Stop believing what Breitbart and the NY Times tell you.

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9fb060  No.71909

File: 375ea4a28b3c5e0⋯.jpg (2.46 KB, 125x108, 125:108, USAnum1.jpg)

Nuff said

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47855d  No.71910


>Quarantine movies

fuck off those are complete trash, just put the original REC movies.

Most of the shit is also really a stretch to relate to Corona. Protoype, really? What's next, Spiderman?

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b62e5b  No.71911


they're gonna use it to wipe out the palestinians why they secretly cure it themselves, anyone would have ot be stupid to think this virus is gonna go out of control down there in jew heaven

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496ff4  No.71912

File: 2611933962daa62⋯.jpeg (116.84 KB, 1078x678, 539:339, newlungers.jpeg)


>Not sure about treatment but it seems permanent lung damage might be inevitable.

With all the state of emergency funds coming out, maybe I'll just buy me a pair of new lungs with my ill-gotten shekels.

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9fb060  No.71913

File: 05e3a29668041df⋯.jpg (168.31 KB, 1074x931, 1074:931, USnum1.jpg)


my bad

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2769f4  No.71914


Fair point on Quarantine. I inherited some of these from the last movie list. As for Prototype, the plot stuff around the virus in the game is pretty damned Corona.

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f3ec8c  No.71916

File: 3166fff0a6f45bd⋯.jpg (99.93 KB, 863x553, 863:553, SAVED.jpg)


Great job anon! Saved for posterity's sake.


Nuff said for ants.


>a stretch to relate to Corona

It's related to diseases, especially viruses. The chart is good.

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1fc42e  No.71917

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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46f1ab  No.71918


Sweden used to be a very sensible country that sterilized dumb women. They got jew'd hard.


Correlation isn't causation. Chinese are going to flock to the denser population centers, very few migrate to the U.S. to start life as a small time farmer.


I'm sure it is, but there are other viruses out there that never really leave you. Chicken Pox never goes away, and anyone that has had it can always develop shingles later in life.


Eat Asian food, racist. Don't eat Asian food, racist. People like this need to be mocked. Imagine going around looking to reap "goodgoy" points from twitter.

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46f1ab  No.71920

File: 268799defb3befa⋯.png (146.41 KB, 2278x1294, 1139:647, bad.png)

Yesterday was worse that Feb 13, the day the Chinese authorities went door to door pulling out bodies.

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5425b2  No.71921

File: 96b263c98c23e00⋯.jpg (3.95 MB, 4608x3456, 4:3, 20200314_095503.jpg)

File: 64eee7825ddeae8⋯.jpg (3.31 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 20200314_102611.jpg)

File: 3302c275d822263⋯.jpg (3.43 MB, 4608x3456, 4:3, 20200314_102630.jpg)

Leaf fag here.

Pictures from Southwestern Ontario (shortly after 930AM EST on 3/14/20). No TP, no frozen Vegetables or Fruits.

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9fb060  No.71923

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Blak Hebrews

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b9a908  No.71927

File: 04b16c052faf21d⋯.jpg (56.13 KB, 579x567, 193:189, 04b16c052faf21d68221d16ee1….jpg)


Ahahaha oh WOW.

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606b4b  No.71928


I received information from a source within a very large truck service company. They intend to stay open to repair any trucks that need service so shipping in the US can continue. In addition, they are disinfecting vehicles as well.


Truckfag, clean your cab before using it and limit close contacts. Try for no unload trips. Also, if you are in the US, passage of Bills to make tests for ourgirl are free and there is a fund setup for workers who are displaced to being infected and in quarantine, once it is passed and signed.


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898b57  No.71930

File: cf3e89b1ebd2c5e⋯.jpg (617.74 KB, 636x2075, 636:2075, hi.jpg)

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9fb060  No.71932


Damn, BHI's pwned the Asians in that rap tune hahahaha.

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191e02  No.71938



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5ad7e9  No.71940

FerryAnon here

2 Districts away from me, 3 more cases today.

Also the one site I use to track it today issued a warning that the figures are no longer accurate, there are WAY more than is currently known about and only the severely ill and important people will get tested.

Also we had seasonal workers sent home yesterday before the airport is fully closed starting monday and I was asking for details.

When they arrived in Riga airport, they didn't get checked or tested and when they got to the Estonian border via BUS, they were stopped, taken into a tent, asked questions and then released to go in.

This is all I know so far anons, you all stay safe

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667b47  No.71941

File: 6c5345d2a4536bc⋯.pdf (1.05 MB, Dean_R_Koontz_Eyes_of_Dark….pdf)

File: e587c25002e9d98⋯.png (19.06 KB, 578x164, 289:82, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cc2960169bf8017⋯.png (22.11 KB, 550x160, 55:16, ClipboardImage.png)


The book does not contain the text "2020". Or "electrical currents". It DOES contain "Wuhan". And "bats", and "soup" (x2).

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8a0d20  No.71942

File: 0083a636517ddb1⋯.mp4 (1.21 MB, 480x270, 16:9, frog_chimpoutv13.mp4)

File: a40b2eed14ee234⋯.mp4 (1023.59 KB, 480x270, 16:9, frog_chimpout_H6.mp4)

File: 990f2cde8d6e709⋯.mp4 (742.25 KB, 480x270, 16:9, frog_chimpoutZNp.mp4)

File: a8288c52fe1e042⋯.mp4 (1011.5 KB, 480x270, 16:9, frog_chimpoutbna.mp4)

File: 246027cd4e32329⋯.png (174.69 KB, 651x602, 93:86, head_of_gop_could_be_bless….png)


The ban on gatherings only made them angrier!

Clips from https://twitter.com/CharlesBaudry / Also, the chairwoman of the Republican Party could be blessed https://twitter.com/michaelahrens/status/1238897962153062402


>2 Districts away from me, 3 more cases today.

>This is all I know so far anons, you all stay safe

Thanks for updating us, stay safe too brother.

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1518c4  No.71943

File: ed083296e3b6be8⋯.png (2.1 MB, 1061x796, 1061:796, ClipboardImage.png)

>Biohazard symbol

Underrated symbol. I feel like it should be displayed in public more.


>Yesterday was worse that Feb 13,

Stop using Johns Hopkins their data is trash and laggy as fuck. half of those were from the day before. Worldometer is superior.


>3rd world shithple has tp, we don’t.

They use sprays in thailand not tp.


Are you dissapointed he didn't go full hazmat?

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6b3b6a  No.71944


Are you going outside often? How do you feel? (sick, healthy, unsure?)

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898b57  No.71946



Just checked also. It seems all the text in the left image is fake (or from some other book), but it's not in the book shown on the right.

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1518c4  No.71947


>FerryAnon here

Norway is looking kinda fucked. Second highest number of cases per capita after Italy. How are the hospitals in Oslo? Coming to breaking point yet?

>When they arrived in Riga airport, they didn't get checked or tested

Yeah we are closing the whole airport to passengers on Monday though.

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b62e5b  No.71949

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5ad7e9  No.71950


I feel completely fine, no one on the island is sick and I have no reason to leave the island. I only go out to do homestead shit or to work if there is some. But I am not leaving the island

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2ea575  No.71952


Dennis Hopper? Is that you?

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5ad7e9  No.71953


I am not sure about the hospitals there, but someone I know who has a chronic condition is being warned to do their utmost to not get the virus since it will kill them very quick. But considering that only really important people or severely ill right now are even tested and most people are quarantined at home before even having a chance of a doctor visit or visiting them, it is already stretched i believe

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8a0d20  No.71955

File: 5aa1957bffc5358⋯.png (278.98 KB, 493x565, 493:565, flip_update.png)

File: 3d67cea17de14a9⋯.png (127.15 KB, 1064x485, 1064:485, cruising_to_quarantine.png)

File: dc75bd9072c3d55⋯.png (159.87 KB, 863x638, 863:638, frog_update.png)

File: 5b92c21366fd06e⋯.png (223.24 KB, 543x564, 181:188, ruskie_update.png)

Flip update https://archive.is/wip/Fyqcf ; Cruise ship carrying a blessing heading straight to Fort Lauderdale; 838 new confirmed cases and 12 new deaths in Frogland; Ruskie update and infected sportsballer https://archive.is/wip/1ANer

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4e9603  No.71956

This board is a worse psyop than 4chan. Not only is it full of fedposters and fedmods, but this silly virus psyop has been stickied for weeks. Any threads pointing out the psyop coverup or real issues the world is facing is just deleted.






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77a919  No.71957


>why not now

gotta give the rootless socialite jetset class time to scurry back to norway to spread this around some more.


a high temperature inside the controlled environment of the body is a bit different from a high temperature while exposed to the elements, but yeah, it looks like R0 is going strong.

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1fc42e  No.71961

File: 44a07a97547d6a2⋯.pdf (278.08 KB, a556597.pdf)


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8a0d20  No.71962

File: 3cc3dcbe312e1c3⋯.png (444.06 KB, 1311x611, 1311:611, sportsballer_blessed.png)

File: 90029933d0383c2⋯.png (207.13 KB, 441x603, 49:67, colorado_update.png)

File: abc41de55057161⋯.png (140.36 KB, 486x552, 81:92, dead_family_in_chinkland_f….png)

File: cdae2eab1b9d8c0⋯.mp4 (4.14 MB, 640x368, 40:23, chink_family_found_dead_at….mp4)

Colorado update and Video from Feb 17 showing a chink family that died at home;


Fuck, I swear I had posted the sportsballer image but looks like I forgot it.


>gotta give the rootless socialite jetset class time to scurry back to norway to spread this around some more.

You're probably right about that, fucking hell. May Corona-Chan bless those jews with long nights of agony.

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f8ad97  No.71963

I just want to state the severity of the Wuhan Flu. Which hasn't really been pointed out… though it might be self evident. At some time in the past, A. a virus escaped a lab, B. a man ate bat soup, C. the CIA or other planted it, D. it was a direct zoonotic transmission or E. another reason occurred. From that single inception this all happened. This basically means, unless every instance of this is stamped out this will happen again.

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cc08c4  No.71964


thx for the links, will give them a look. But yes, the next step is chinese credit score. Have you been a good goy lately? Oh, so the state gives you permission to travel from city A to city B, if not, you stay at home or go to work. Of course, all of this will be presented in such a manner that most people will actually want that system. "You can travel but we have to check if you are coronavirus-free before that. Public health reasons". "national security reasons". It's all so tiresome.

I'm definitely done with big cities, you're too vulnerable in them. Once (and if) this blows over, I'm fucking moving to the middle of nowhere.

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fa0ba5  No.71965

File: a9fcaed1fa2bcc3⋯.png (204.74 KB, 439x854, 439:854, coronachanandhypertension_….png)

Is this guy right, or is he spreading misinformation? He's saying to not take Ibuprofen as it will supposedly speed up the proliferation of chink flu in your body. Instead he suggests using paracetamol, aspirine or diclofenac.

Article in question:


>We suggest that patients with cardiac diseases, hypertension, or diabetes, who are treated with ACE2-increasing drugs, are at higher risk for severe COVID-19 infection and, therefore, should be monitored for ACE2-modulating medications, such as ACE inhibitors or ARBs. Based on a PubMed search on Feb 28, 2020, we did not find any evidence to suggest that antihypertensive calcium channel blockers increased ACE2 expression or activity, therefore these could be a suitable alternative treatment in these patients.

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087099  No.71966


The Crazies (original film) was good.

So was George Romero's 'Living Dead' trilogy.

Saw Andromeda Strain before, pretty good one.

Haven't seen many of the newer ones but I don't have netflix anyways.


>boomer remover


>Corona-Chan sure likes boomers.

That is where you are wrong kids. This can - and has - killed young people too. Younger people take longer to die off because they have stronger immune systems. Again, it's a bioweapon, for global depopulation, and the kikes are now in hiding in their offshore luxury underground bunkers (as has been reported before). Their "doomsday clock" has struck midnight so they are all telling us to 'fuck off' by releasing this bioweapon. Anyone ever want to trust these kikes and their keynesian central banking ponzi schemes ever again? I sure don't but it won't matter once most of us are dead anyway. They'll repopulate the world with kikes and likely start enslaving themselves in the future. What a nice plan they have huh?

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0c70e6  No.71967


Oh, who knows anymore. If you look at 20 different sources, you'll get 20 different stories. Ibuprofen is the best OTC fever reducer on the market. As for all that other gobblety-gook lingo, I'm not a doctor.

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ca9407  No.71968

The family really wants me to go home. I'm in Shenzhen right now.

Do you guys think this is serious or just a big nothing burger?

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496ff4  No.71969

Initially there was information about the R0. Haven't heard anything about that recently in MSM. Just want your hands and you'll be fine. Just HOW infection is this virus? That's what they should be talking about.

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8a0d20  No.71971

File: ace88dd07d3fb87⋯.png (82.16 KB, 1354x326, 677:163, brownzilian_lies.png)

File: f3f53c427ee98d8⋯.png (185.79 KB, 665x605, 133:121, iranian_anti_regime_death_….png)

File: 7940efb99a4349b⋯.mp4 (1.75 MB, 480x270, 16:9, chile_commies_chimping_out….mp4)

File: ab3aa71162b7662⋯.mp4 (335.96 KB, 480x512, 15:16, dutch_people_fighting_for_….mp4)

Brownzilian lies update:

>1.496 suspected cases

>121 confirmed cases (for testing positive and symptomatic)

>1.413 suspectd cases discarded (for testing positive but asymptomatic)

>0 deaths (press X to doubt)

Daily reminder that the Brownzilian government is not counting asymptomatic patients despite them testing positive.

Also: Iranian death toll according to anti-regime sources; Commies in Pinochetland are still chimping out despite the ban on gatherings and people fighting for groceries in front of a supermarket in the Netherlands.

>>71966 (checked)

I was just laughing at a meme, I know that there are many young Pastas on ventilators and many young Iranians in mass graves.


If you still think Corona-Chan is a nothingburger, you deserve to coof to death. Biggest happening since 9/11, maybe even bigger.

> I'm in Shenzhen right now.

You're fucked m8. I don't even know if you should stay put and get coofed on by a chink or risk getting infected on the way home, planes and airports are death traps right now, too many infected people working in them.

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df3237  No.71972

Western PA checking in. 2 confirmed cases in Allegheny County. People in the same household, 60's and 70's. Got while traveling out of state. Lots of old people in this county, it will thin them out pretty bad. However, a lot of them don't leave home often and may slow the spread. The colleges should be interesting, lots of foreigners and the brain dead "Woke" who will spread this shit while trying not to be racist. Tolerant to death, what a way to go.

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ca9407  No.71973


I've got all the food and electricity and net and stuff. I'm still getting paid too. Should I just keep staying in?

It is 2 months now been in my apartment since CNY.

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1518c4  No.71976

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5cbe85  No.71977

File: bcd7f5f3f3c9420⋯.png (12.31 KB, 640x768, 5:6, nCoV_pics_33.png)

File: 1ea510d5c2181cf⋯.jpg (51.29 KB, 640x433, 640:433, 2020_olympic_s.jpg)

File: d014f3981a9449d⋯.jpeg (99.55 KB, 1280x852, 320:213, 313130.jpeg)

File: cb8e5d2d8d23686⋯.png (341.08 KB, 800x800, 1:1, Hazmat_18.png)

How does it feel to be right, anon? For me its bitter sweet. On the one hand im correct and everyone who I told months ago now is eating shit, but on the other hand I know the elderly in my family are most likely goners.

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f8ad97  No.71979


Paracetamol, asprine et. al. are not mentioned. It would seem anti-inflammatories are bad news.

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7d5369  No.71980


>oy vey goyim everyone is dead it's all over

You need to be banned permanently.

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d36d72  No.71981

File: 90a8a075677f4bc⋯.jpeg (148.25 KB, 562x688, 281:344, 5CF5D730_2DAB_4539_BA30_E….jpeg)


Where are the Tesla automated Maximum Overdrive trucks?

>We should’ve respected Musk more


Keep working in factory. Make medical equipment. Ship to ZOGSA.

>Slavery has lifted more people out of poverty than any other system

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3015cd  No.71982

File: 0b0cc4d7c237503⋯.jpg (371.48 KB, 2040x1446, 340:241, 0b0cc4d7c2375030a4255789e9….jpg)

Wait until this is all over the News


Source: https://twitter.com/NatalieAmiri/status/1238884871633854466

Archive: http://archive.vn/wip/4cgZf

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7cd8a7  No.71983

File: 7720e0ef8ed62f8⋯.png (73.73 KB, 848x656, 53:41, wu_flu_4.png)


Something's strange with how those people died. They died mid step from the looks of things.

They weren't lying or sitting down, they look as if they just dropped dead very suddenly. That's eerie.

I mean, when I get sick I just lay in bed or in a chair playing vidya. These people were laying face down in a corridor.


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496ff4  No.71984

A friend in Seattle and his pregnant wife were getting their oil changed this morning. A family member on the east coast was hanging out with a friend at a restaurant, but "it's ok, because we're sitting outside.."

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7e3119  No.71985


I think this virus has a lot of people confused, because it's so similar to other viruses in symptoms. It's only obvious it's Corona-chan when your lungs fill up or you drop dead.

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496ff4  No.71986


Please, for the love of God and all things good, bring back Jeb!.

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7d5369  No.71987


>Id say 50% of America (mostly fat niggers btw) are overweight.

75% is already overweight. Almost 50% is obese.

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8a0d20  No.71988

File: 909e77216b0de7c⋯.png (103.31 KB, 602x537, 602:537, don_t_believe_the_numbers.png)

Don't believe the numbers-Says a medical professor at Johns Hopkins University named Marty Makary believes that there are “probably 25 to 50 people who have the virus for every one person who is confirmed” https://archive.is/hditB


Thanks for the update, PA anon.

>Tolerant to death, what a way to go.

Serves them right.


Honestly, if you're well stocked, you might as well stay bugged in. I have posted so many news of infected flight attendants and airport workers, its riskier for you to fly home than staying there.

>>71977 (checked)

Feels good to know this rotten world will be cleansed, and a new one shall be born in it's place, built by strong survivors.

> but on the other hand I know the elderly in my family are most likely goners.

Kinda feel that way too but at the same time I don't. My parents will most likely die soon once we get blessed and while I do feel bad for them, they have been massive pricks to me and each other recently, so maybe it wouldn't be that bad if all of us died. I will still do my best in taking care of them but I'm not losing my hair stressing out over our imminent death.


That torpedo is Absolutely right. Go back and read his post again. There are news in this very thread that say this, there's not much recovery and you stay with the virus even after partially recovering. He never said everyone will die. The best thing you can do is avoid Corona-Chan at all costs.

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ca9407  No.71990


I'm a white English teacher. There is an Intel factory just 500M away from my apartment though lol.

Funny to read the chips they made a placard for core 2 duo I mean it was cool at the time.

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e52281  No.71991


This is one of the rare moments I'll actually believe the chinks.

While we have seen videos of people randomly keeling over from Corona-chan's love, it'd have to be way, way more common to have two people die like that so shortly after each other that they didn't even have the time to discover the other person, which would be the first thing you'd do if you heard the loud sound of someone falling over.

Chances are this was just chink engineering striking again and the gas system was leaking.

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f8ad97  No.71992


This has been covered already. The virus can attack the CNS, cause brain damage and suffered can forget to breath and or the heart can stop. It dependents on how the virus is introduced - if through the nose this may occur.

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7d5369  No.71993




>about anything, ever

>particularly the most jewish possible claim of "oy vey it's over everyone is dead you can't stop it"

You need to be banned permanently, too.

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496ff4  No.71994

File: faedce6775c297c⋯.jpg (294.44 KB, 2250x3000, 3:4, Thepoweroftheyouth.jpg)

File: 2b00c7ee66cc3e9⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1360x599, 1360:599, whatanasshole.png)


HOW DARE YOU. How dare you fat shame me! Racist!

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983c0b  No.71995


The vast majority of people don't get tested and it takes a while for it to even show symptoms, it's probably absolutely everywhere now and many people here have it. Anyone who has played Plague Inc should know that we should've shut down everything a long time ago, and since we didn't it's already too late.

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78a7d7  No.71996


Pentagon Orders All Troops Confined To Base Area, Bans Domestic Travel

As of Friday the Department of Defense issued an unprecedented for all service personnel stationed in the United States, forbidding them from non-operations related travel within the US. This follows earlier this month 'leave and liberty' restrictions already imposed for troops stationed in foreign countries.

A DoD memo issued Friday night said military personnel cannot travel beyond the “local area” of their assigned base, meaning troops are now barred from visiting family not in the immediate vicinity.

“This restriction will halt all domestic travel, including Permanent Change of Station, and Temporary Duty,” said a press statement released with the memo as reported by Defense One. “Additionally, service members will be authorized local leave only.”

Currently the troop travel ban covers March 16 through May 11, with an exemption for “mission-essential, for humanitarian reasons, or warranted due to extreme hardship,” based on local chain of command approval.

Restrictions have also been placed on base civilian contractors and dependent family members of personnel. The memo indicates:

“All DoD military personnel will stop movement while this memorandum is in effect. In addition, DoD civilian personnel and DoD family members, whose transportation is government-funded, will also stop movement.”

“Today, the Deputy Secretary of Defense David L. Norquist approved new travel restrictions for service members, DoD civilians, and their families assigned to DoD installations, facilities and surrounding areas within the United States and its territories,” it says.

It comes not only among broader national efforts to slow the spread of Covid-19 which included Trump's national 'State of Emergency' declared Friday, but at a moment of concern that the virus could devastate densely-packed military barracks and severely impact US defense readiness.


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54686d  No.71997


>second pic

He can sell them on Ebay or Craigslist, fuck Amazon.

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b62e5b  No.71999


ebay banned him too, see


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bc9346  No.72001


The joke is that he bought all that shit with his credit card.

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f76a72  No.72002


It gets more and more obvious by the day they intend to spread this bioweapon doesn't it?

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bc9346  No.72003


You mean stupid mutt bastards? Yeah, it shows.

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bc9346  No.72006


Stupid white fucking wannabe jews.

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87bfdc  No.72008

File: 25280a033d44b42⋯.png (409.02 KB, 581x720, 581:720, 25280a033d44b42d6a6ca94a87….png)


Making your rounds?

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21e402  No.72009


Regardless the asshole kikes at Amazon and Ebay, I'd still prefer being in America than China (and Italy now) for that matter: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/we-are-treated-worse-garbage-italian-families-locked-inside-bodies-dead-spouses

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9c1848  No.72010

That one infrographic with the citied effects of Covid-19 has had many of it's articles taken down- Archive.is/wayback links when? (some don't have any) Updates?


>25 to 50 people who have the virus for every one person who is confirmed”

Well, at least we can use this with the published cases/deaths recoveries to get a better picture of what's going on in each country- can someone do the math?

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8a0d20  No.72013

File: f7479b3fc7c820c⋯.gif (2.21 MB, 480x270, 16:9, buttblasted.gif)

File: ab3ce7976775c9b⋯.png (191.92 KB, 524x630, 262:315, spain_lockdown.png)

File: 8cf482d360b2b99⋯.png (167.52 KB, 454x589, 454:589, pissraelis_have_already_lo….png)

File: 72cf3e2e8387196⋯.png (50.75 KB, 791x416, 791:416, mass.png)

File: bfbe58b6bfa656b⋯.mp4 (1.83 MB, 480x480, 1:1, collapsed_Iranian_in_Bushs….mp4)

Spain goes under lockdown, no one can go anywhere except go to work and to get food and/or medicine https://archive.is/wip/tDAEM ; Pissrael declares war on Corona-Chan They already lost; update on Massachusetts and collapsed Iranian in Bushsher.


>Being this much butthurt over people disagreeing with you


I already posted this >>71902

>Less likely

Doesn't this measure reduces the number of blessed zogbots, therefore makes them stronger? If anything, I would say this raises the chance of them being deployed. Or maybe I'm wrong, I dunno. Not a Burger anyway.


>can someone do the math?



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bc9346  No.72019


I'm talking about the reseller you brainless stupid fuck.

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7e4f16  No.72022

File: f3641049062cd75⋯.png (11.2 KB, 476x444, 119:111, obk.png)


Have a nice current year.

It's good to be with you again.

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f37658  No.72025

File: 34e3603cb384a17⋯.jpg (106.28 KB, 704x704, 1:1, Questioning_anime_girl_won….jpg)

I'm in the metro area of a city with no confirmed cases. I live in a nice suburb.

Is it safe to take my daily walk outside as long as I avoid people?

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240293  No.72026

File: 7a24e7faf1fc984⋯.png (170.44 KB, 1204x1236, 301:309, Screenshot_2020_03_14_Goog….png)

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7e4f16  No.72027


Post your genome first

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f37658  No.72028


I'm white with brown/red hair and green eyes.

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f77928  No.72030

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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0071e2  No.72032



Case numbers can be inaccurate, but it's much harder for the number of deaths to be significantly undercounted without officials intentionally trying to cover things up. It's not hard to diagnose this in a patient who has it bad enough to die from it even without a test.

Fortunately, deaths in the US are still very low outside of the nursing home cluster in Washington. I think claims like the one out of Ohio of 100,000 undiagnosed cases are unlikely for that reason.

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177dfb  No.72033


Lied about what? It's beyond obvious this is a biological weapon coming from US/israel.

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7e4f16  No.72034


sorry it's not safe for you because of actual policy

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496ff4  No.72036

File: 342af409fc19efb⋯.png (981.31 KB, 1214x1498, 607:749, 1584218537102.png)

File: 308c3f5111846e8⋯.png (155.98 KB, 986x560, 493:280, Screenshot_7119_.png)

Any grocery stocker anons around? If so, did you notice an odd influx of more inventory because all this went down? As if they knew to have loads of stock before "no one can know before everyone knows"

Half chan:

maz_ private twitter acct. but pic two, video in response to her tweet:



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d36d72  No.72039

File: 8a804da490baaf2⋯.jpeg (88.61 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 5924847D_FA66_4BE9_93E2_5….jpeg)


Everything is carefully designed to make it seem like there’s action, while inadequate.


It’s clear the young are deliberately getting infected so the elders are triaged to death. The revolution is on.

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b8f14c  No.72042

File: 2498e2307940fb2⋯.png (150.78 KB, 1008x714, 24:17, 2019_10_21.png)

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5e1357  No.72043

File: bf630c120afcf6e⋯.png (287.75 KB, 588x388, 147:97, seth.PNG)

File: d423dfb18194c00⋯.jpg (45.42 KB, 750x373, 750:373, ETCpvuLXgAEyjUU.jpg)

File: 3f6eae9cc1d0309⋯.jpg (221.58 KB, 1242x1394, 621:697, ETCpvuKX0AE4KiW.jpg)

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a2d3f7  No.72044


Those chinks are losing their minds. How long until they start eating each other?

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496ff4  No.72050


>It’s clear the young are deliberately getting infected so the elders are triaged to death. The revolution is on.

Dang…you're either super smart or an evil villian…or both!

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90b12b  No.72051

So this thing has tapered off in China, Japan ,Singapore, South Korea, and Taiwan, a couple weeks after major distaning policies get enacted. So Italy should see a drop in new cases in about 10 days, but everybody else will have at minimum 2 more weeks of exponential growth. Is that an accurate assessment of the situation?

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496ff4  No.72052


I don't think coronaslut age discriminates.

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af717d  No.72053


>The Chads have likely already done this kind of shopping YEARS AGO. ;)

Not claiming Chad-hood but I collected a stash of cans some years ago in response to something I read somewhere that had me alarmed (likely global warming) and bought cans on special because they came from 3rd world countries. The wife goes on holiday some time later, I can't be arsed going to the supermarket so I decide to dip into my 3rd world stash of cans.

Fuck me, mice have had a field day with my stash, anything non-can has been ripped open and there is piss and droppings everywhere. Everything suspect was biffed and all cans get rinsed then washed with alcohol. Gagging with hunger by this time I open a can of sweet corn only to see what looks like rust floating on top of the corn. Check label…Bali? fucking Bali? I never even knew they grew corn.

When I got back from the supermarket with dinner (because every cheap can was now suspect) I bagged all the dodgy cans up and stored them, I hope I'll never need them and if some banshee is ever at my gate wailing about her starving babies I'll fling her a cheap can of brussel sprouts grown in the Galapagos Islands.

Started buying decent stock after that but you really need to swallow the bile when you fork out for good quality meats in a can…how fucking much for that little can? had to be crushed by telling myself I wouldn't care about the expense if I ever needed to rely on them.

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5ad7e9  No.72055


Do you think it might be due to hiding numbers or the incubation period so its delayed until gen 2 develops?

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f77928  No.72056

File: 0b71cce05228163⋯.jpg (351.52 KB, 728x729, 728:729, Corona.jpg)

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65a72f  No.72057


Who do you think works on making all of those fancy Italian designer clothes? Illegal chinese labor is way cheaper in Italy, makes it "Made in Italy" and the chongs already know the equipment.

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a2d3f7  No.72058


In other words, don't expect the army to do shit about it when LeMarcus and his troop have the greatest chimpening of all time.

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90b12b  No.72059



I'm going by the data in this article, which is more cogent than what I've seen put together elsewhere. If there is a Gen2, there is no data on it existing yet.

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fad2e4  No.72060


how can we escalate this

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fad2e4  No.72061


wuhan 400 is its new name now.

feed the panic

enjoy the ride.

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3c8456  No.72063

Guy with white friend with China update. He says things getting better in chat but said nothing else so I have to call him tonight because I felt like I was getting China’s official stance on the situation lol.

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b9a908  No.72067

What are the odds that Israel tries some flavor of power play and/or Jewish trick with Iran in shambles and Iran just says "fuck it" and launches a yolo offensive with whatever they have left in the tank?

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a2d3f7  No.72070

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Niggers live in total filth and lots of tourists travel there.

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5ad7e9  No.72071


I went through it, this was a good link

The one thing this data doesn't seem to cover is reinfection since this virus stays in us (like most) and can activate in those who have previous conditions. If we take that into consideration, the slowing down of the cases in Asia could be just a fluke since the 2nd reinfection is said to be worse

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b65db2  No.72073

File: c8ed23b049c93ad⋯.jpg (21.7 KB, 708x209, 708:209, Bat_Soup.jpg)


Honestly, by just looking on. They neither have functioning healthcare nor testing capabilities, and the West is too preoccupied with their own outbreaks to be able to intervene. Hell, even if they wanted to, what are you gonna do? Tell Mudambe to stay in his mudhut and not to randomly niggerwalk about? May as well try to teach a cockroach to take its shits outside.

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6b3b6a  No.72074

If the ACE2 gene regulates activity in the testes, does that mean the virus can be transmitted through semen

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751b9a  No.72075


I think that niggers' journey to Europe is done. Spain and Italy are on lockdown and after that Salvini will be in power.

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3edef2  No.72077


Counter signal useful advice such as promotion of good hygiene. For instance, you could publish fake data sheets to show that excessive hand washing breaks down your bodies natural "bio film" barrier which shields you from infectious diseases. Or perhaps even that intimate contact works to confuse the virus as it has multiple targets to infect, and with a multiplied immune response to break down.

I would also recommend that the best way to fight off Corona virus is to build up an immunity by living close to any dead bodies. If there are nearby burial grounds, be sure to dig them up and place them around the towns.

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f3ec8c  No.72078


That video was posted one-and-a-half weeks ago. China is now bringing in some emergency food supplies, so that might be happening in a another week.


Likely, but right now Israel is dealing with their own problem with /ourgirl/ *and are lying about it**.


> Pissrael declares war on Corona-Chan They already lost

I think that should put to death all but the most die-hard of "It's Israel's fault." Israel isn't like China in their lack of concern for their own. They would not make a virus then release it without doing first anything to prevent an epidemic in their own country; besides, China went into lockdown very quickly after out break as if they knew how bad the /ourgirl/ was. In Israel, it took a week after outbreak.

If they really want to go to war. They need to nuke China already.

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7cd8a7  No.72084


If you assume Iran was infected on purpose, then it was done so that a direct attack would not be necessary.

I do assume that the economic repercussions of this will cause conflict between countries though.


Oh yeah, I'd be surprised if there isn't some political fallout after this is over. Someone is going to have to take the blame on this politically in each country, unless they all point the finger at China.

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b65db2  No.72085


We're talking about Africa, anon. They are incapable of grasping such things as immune systems and hygiene.

Just tell them that coughing at others brings luck and scares the Corona demon or something.

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7e3119  No.72086


It will escalate itself. Do you really think the average 60IQ African is going to distinguish between all the diseases killing them, pick out Corona that feels just like a common cold or flu, and then go get proper testing at their healthcare facilities?

Whitey won't be coming to save them this time, they are too used to that.

They also have a huge problem with witchcraft and all this alternative medicine. They live in unhealthy conditions, very communal living, very unsanitary. They also love bush meat. Africa will get completely ravaged by it and hardly anyone will know because they won't have the resources to properly detect it until the West comes up with a quick, cheap, and low work test.

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a2d3f7  No.72089


Burger Admins are either fucking retarded or it's all part of (((their))) plan.

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fad2e4  No.72090


>coughing at others brings luck and scares the Corona demon


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2769f4  No.72091


So how long until we see shakycam footage of a group of refugees getting gunned down after they try to storm a border that's been shut down?

Soon, I hope.

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751b9a  No.72093


They are already gunning them down in Greece and Croatia. Italy and Spain soon.

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b9a908  No.72095


>Likely, but right now Israel is dealing with their own problem with /ourgirl/ *and are lying about it**.

Yeah, but currently Iran is turbofucked compared to Israel's plain old fucked and when Israel more-or-less gets its shit together Iran is still going to be a raging dumpster fire and maybe even a failed state.

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6cba36  No.72099

File: e4869e9668e8567⋯.jpg (35.57 KB, 680x578, 20:17, 6c29b9bd7c41ca6002481de72f….jpg)


They can do like in China and count the deaths as something else, but it is also likely that there are tons of mild cases.

I'm honestly rather disappointed with corona-chan, a month ago i expected there would be dozens of thousands of dead niggers by now, but so far all we've gotten are dead geriatric chinks, persians and whites, let's hope the falling economy shakes things up a little.

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f3ec8c  No.72101


>Messed up my spoiler


>When Israel more-or-less gets its shit together Iran is still going to be a raging dumpster fire and maybe even a failed state.

True, I guess it's a matter of how long it takes Israel to get its act together. Of course, they have to deal with Palestinians who, while mistreated by Israel, still have a mostly Mudslime-mindset concerning hygienics causing Israel's own recovery to prolong farther than anticipated.

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6cba36  No.72102

File: 2ab0f34459a961f⋯.jpg (18.63 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 2ab0f34459a961f8cae674b909….jpg)


No REC but The Last of Us is included?

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2ce7d5  No.72104


Just wait until Corona-chan burns through Sweden. They are doing nothing to prevent the virus, In 1-3 weeks everyone will get the virus in Sweden, in 2-6 weeks people will start to die. Could be as much as a million dying in a single week.

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fad2e4  No.72106

A 32 yearold woman just died from the blessing here in switzerland


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d957e4  No.72110


Kek. This is the funniest thing I've read all day.

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0f9499  No.72111

File: 23e1f7b900ef494⋯.mp4 (4.83 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Car_line_for_Coronavirus_t….mp4)

File: 18ea7a70056d9a7⋯.png (34.14 KB, 521x195, 521:195, LA_update.png)

File: 5eeebf315a4ee8e⋯.png (47.49 KB, 591x624, 197:208, WA_update.png)

Video of the line at the drive-thru testing site in New Mexico; LA update; WA update;


I am utterly disgusted with your lack of faith and your abundance of impatience. I'm tired of telling people like you to be patient and explaining Apefrican circumstances, I will start taking more persuasive measures instead, metaphysical measures.


Shit that's young. was she an invasive migrant? Commie? Jewess? If not and if she was white, the correct term is not "blessing" but infection instead. Blessings are for our enemies, infections are for allies hit by collateral damage.

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824c9e  No.72114


probably a bio-modified version of measles or smallpox would do it, killing 60 polynsian-niggers all because an anti-vax traveled there. Too bad doctors without borders are giving niggers in Africa or the virus would decimated the continent

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6cba36  No.72115


Well i'm sorry, but all i've been seeing are the numbers in Europe explode while africa still has dozens, i'll keep hoping for the best.

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395cd0  No.72116

File: 864296a195e8ee4⋯.png (80.92 KB, 498x108, 83:18, 20_000_30_000_civilians_we….png)



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7e3119  No.72117


m80 USA doesn't even have enough test kits and resources to test everyone they should be testing. You think Kenya, Ethiopia, Libya, Zimbabwe, etc have the resources?

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7f4ad5  No.72119

File: c22fb35bb24ec40⋯.gif (1 MB, 498x266, 249:133, 1565178040395.gif)


As it has been noted numerous times, apefricans will have a longer incubation period. Please keep in mind that 3rd world countries aren't testing people. It would be best to monitor SO2 content in the next 2-3 weeks, should the Powers that Be decide to burn the dead instead of digging mass graves.

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2769f4  No.72120


I was waffling about that, anon. I think I'll swap out Shaun of the Dead for REC in the v3.

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395cd0  No.72121


Resident Evil was shit though. Can you replace it with some kawaii uguu anime please?

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0f9499  No.72122

File: b33a0ebf4f984a4⋯.png (231.82 KB, 490x646, 245:323, toothpaste_stats.png)

Over half of all Toothpaste infected patients in the ICU are under 50 years of age https://archive.is/tgY6 , I wish the upstanding whites among them a speedy recovery. May Corona-Chan spare them and revert any long term damage that she might have caused.


Forgot to finish up formatting the upper part of my post due to my pure, fiery hatred for impatient faggots.

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751b9a  No.72124

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Some fag in hazmat suit streaming in NYC and spreading panic.

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a2d3f7  No.72125


So much for it only killing the old.

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dfbb7c  No.72126


I remember all that. Now we know what the FEMA camps were for. Well, they were the same thing we supposed back then, but you'll go there for not complying with "public health regulations" and not wrongthink. Officially.


I live in spain. It's not actually enforced, at least the not going anywhere unless it's for work or staying home part. However, this does not take away from the fact that if they want to, the powers that be can fuck you for being out and about.

The part that's worrysome is not the push for this totalitarian measures but the degree of docility that the majority of the population are taking it with. They actually wanted even more drastic measures. Fuck the fact that we just gave away any civil liberty left to the (((state))).

What I can tell is that the streets were empty, paranoia is everywhere and toda I saw signs hangin from windows with "#stayhome" written on them.

anyway, fuck this thread. it's only shills and retards believing the hype and augmenting it. never mind that they're using all this bullshit to install a new paradigm in population control. Please, go on believing that coronachan's is the happening, not a full on zionist takeover right before your eyes.

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667b47  No.72127

File: 0ebc33520fc751f⋯.png (452.55 KB, 1869x3363, 623:1121, corona_hoax_thread_deleted….png)


Yeah the total deletion of any hoax threads does seem a bit OTT, especially when we have video from Wuhan itself with residents shouting "IT'S A FAKE" at winneta the pooh.

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496ff4  No.72128

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667b47  No.72129

File: d8d76f3ae2cf644⋯.png (201.39 KB, 622x726, 311:363, jewish_groups_decry_cut_in….png)


> chink_family_found_dead_at_home.mp4

Serves them right they shouldn't have criticized Xi on the internet

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1d50dc  No.72130

File: 19d0a3b3fb1878e⋯.jpg (43.02 KB, 480x640, 3:4, 19d0a3b3fb1878e19970c50f33….jpg)


>Obviously if this cannot stop them then nothing will. They are literally the gods of this planet and we must all submit to keep being their slaves. There is literally nothing we can do to stop them.

I extort these faggots each and every day, there is nothing immoral or godly about people who use money to live like they are women

your a corrupt faggot

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63e8ca  No.72132


>Could be as much as a million dying in a single week.

Look at the bright side, all the elderly and infirm will be dead so you guys will have less pension payments and more empty houses and apartment to give to invaders.

Seriously though, swed and britsbros, remember these slothful traitors that gave up before the fight even started.


WA-bro checking in, the residents of 7/11 houses on my street are over 50 years of age. 2 out of the four remaining are obese. Shits gonna get bad real fast. 38% of my city is over the age of 40. So no way hospitals can cope if even a fifth of that 38% catch it in a month.

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47855d  No.72133


>Toothpaste infected patients in the ICU are under 50 years of age

Holy shit this is huge. All this time our government has been saying "Our super duper experts are better than the rest of the world, that is why we take their advise not to close schools because lol only old people get infected anyway herpe derpa durrrr"

With this info out, they are exposed (once again) as the absolutely incomptent cunts they are and everyone is going to even more pissed off than they already were for this.

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f3ec8c  No.72134

File: bb53eb7df9839d7⋯.jpg (28.32 KB, 453x453, 1:1, heh.jpg)


Now this is coofer entertainment I can get behind.

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2769f4  No.72137


Wouldn't that information have already leaked from SK? China would hide it, Japan would keep it quiet because of muh olympics, but SK didn't seem like they were obfuscating anything.

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f73e4c  No.72138

File: 1a6391bd6f43330⋯.jpg (368.1 KB, 901x1107, 901:1107, 1a6391bd6f43330eadbfa465fd….jpg)


This stream is nuts. Guy goes up to groups and demands they open their hands so he can squirt hand sanitizer in their hands.

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2cf596  No.72142

File: e9d8191aee869d1⋯.png (1.6 MB, 1024x768, 4:3, my_new_5_56_cal_magpul_rif….png)


Meh, who needs test kits when we got guns, anon?

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0f9499  No.72144

File: 20ff38fec647a94⋯.png (74.69 KB, 414x592, 207:296, chink_complaint.png)

File: 2bd69baa262747a⋯.png (77.52 KB, 353x631, 353:631, chink_complaint_2.png)

File: 01aaed3f8f4c4a1⋯.png (71.83 KB, 373x619, 373:619, chink_complaint_3.png)

File: 088d3afdea9d650⋯.png (183.93 KB, 370x594, 185:297, chink_complaint_4.png)

File: 7352c45c33ac61a⋯.png (58.26 KB, 282x598, 141:299, chink_complaint_5.png)


These Wuhan citizens were calling the visit that a CCP Premier and his troupe was doing in a town just to show off their shitty measures and that "everything was fine" fake. They were doing something just for the sake of media, not actually helping people, so the chinks started shouting at them. They weren't calling the virus fake.




Stay safe, WA bro.


I know, those fucking liars could get many white youths killed.

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2769f4  No.72145


>the Chinese faking shit

That's a huge corner of their culture, anon. Go look up a documentary called The China Hustle. Shit like having empty factories consume electricity to make it look like production is back up isn't some meme related to Corona-chan - they do that shit all the time.

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0f9499  No.72147


I know. I was educating a Qboomer that thinks Corona-Chan is fake.

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496ff4  No.72149


In the first part the Pastor says it's a hoax, but goes on to say colloidal silver cures both ebola and CV and THEY arrested the man for selling the cure. So…is the virus fake or the hype fake or the virus is real..?

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fad2e4  No.72151


well. Sun Tzu clearly states "War is Deception". Obviously they are following the protocol, just like jews are following their own protocol.

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d36d72  No.72152


It’s not about

>consume electricity doing nothing so we can claim to the world we are producing

<even though we could claim that just as credibly either way

It’s about

>get your slave asses back to work producing

>don’t want to hear any shit about being Corona-fraid

>we’ll know whether you’re producing because we can see how much electricity you consume

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33fec2  No.72153

File: 50a0a5aea13b54b⋯.jpg (145.64 KB, 1908x1146, 318:191, article_2431165_183CEC0600….jpg)

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fad2e4  No.72154


>is the virus fake

Every single post you have made has been low-key leftist jewry shitsliding.

Filtered, gassed and intensified hatred of jews.


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2769f4  No.72155

File: 3da9324efea1b1d⋯.jpg (63.18 KB, 960x960, 1:1, 3da9324efea1b1df247fb25d43….jpg)


I think that's giving them too much credit, anon. Shit like turning on the factory lights only when you get foreign visitors isn't some big brained theater of war move, it's some shifty as fuck move that someone would do if they're the kind of person that would spray paint plastic silver and tell you it's metal.


A lot of it is probably to lie to the home offices so the CCP doesn't roll in and start 'reeducating' the factory managers. Makes me think of Chernobyl and that scene where it's the end of the month and all of the factories need to up their outputs to hit quotas.

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6e1820  No.72157

Update news from Australia

<There are now at least 250 cases of Coronavirus across Australia, and three people have died.

112 cases are in New South Wales

49 in Victoria

46 in Queensland

19 in South Australia

17 in Western Australia

six in Tasmania

one in the Northern Territory

one in the ACT (I wonder who?)

On Saturday, 20 new cases were confirmed in NSW, while Queensland jumped by 11.

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063b9e  No.72158


I find the idea it's fake very skeptical at this point because holy fucking shit, the co-ordination that must've went into doing so must've been legacy. I'd like to belive, but we're looking at the possibility of taking that chance, being wrong, and coofing to death.

The only offset is that a perfect killer like this not beng possible is the bizarro stuff found in the covid-19 data being used to proove it's a literal genetic shitpost and people were expected to belive it because it was some sort of jewish smoke and mirrors situation, but until people see shit like italy or china on thier own home soil, it's unlikely anyone will believe if it's true or fake, and even then, italy has the jewush mafia, Iran is a target, and china can't be trusted- we need something that blows it out of the water.

has anyone got a drone? Survey of Quarrantines, camps, places of infection should detail if this is a psy-op or the like with due time.

I mean, on one hand, we're looking at end of days, elities fleeing/fucking themselves over, or WORSE OFF- elities fleeing, none infected, just random bio-attacks with lesser diseases on the Covid-19 list of mixed proteins, and when they'rve all grouped togther, they pull the Samson option, laugh it off, and return to rule the leftovers.

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be1bdd  No.72160


> deagel.com

got the website, but not pic related. It's not on there

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000000  No.72161



For africa it needs to be something like "Eat a part of a dead corona victim to gain their immunity."

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496ff4  No.72166


Been asking friends and family members if they know anyone infected: Nope. As for the logistics involved I'm not sure every leader needs to be in the know (that its a fake) in order for all the shut downs and process of state of emergencies to work, and quarantines/FEMA to set up. Most state officials do what WHO and CDC say to do.

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fad2e4  No.72168


Is there any point counting anymore? Why not just assume everyone is infected at this point? Obviously its spread everywhere.

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ac2d43  No.72169



It is possible to use wisdom to trick Corona spirit. The dead cannot die again. Which is why wise man can swap his place for dead man and continue to see tomorrow's sun. Place a dead body outside the dwelling, save your self and let corona spirit waste time trying to make dead man die again.

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ac2d43  No.72170


t. The Eternal Swede.


Damn, that is young.

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fd1ea3  No.72174


>Damn, that is young.

0.1% death rate in that age group has to present itself somehow

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fad2e4  No.72180


>t. The Eternal Swede.

The swedes have stopped counting political reasons, I know of that.

But when you already know that pretty much everyone is infected, whats the point? At some point surely counting them won't really matter anymore? In that case when? And even if you could "count" them, how could you trust any source for sure that the numbers are even remotely accurate once the virus has really gone viral. 5k , 50k, 500k? who cares, we will all probably get infected (and re infected) anyway eventually.

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327403  No.72182

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000000  No.72183


I anoint you leader of 8/pnd/ Africa Outreach. Good job anon.

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7dcaea  No.72187


>at some point

You are correct anon, but that point is not now and will not be for a couple of months.

They'd rather risk the lives of people than hurt someone's feelings.

It's evil, it's stupid, and someone somewhere deserves to be tripped into krakatoa.

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751b9a  No.72188

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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bc9346  No.72190


I consider stupidity and evil to be the same thing at this point.

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751b9a  No.72192


This board is broken.

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0f9499  No.72194

File: 4840246efe833c3⋯.mp4 (1.82 MB, 480x848, 30:53, jew_collapses_in_pissrael.mp4)

File: edb9cf7c1f7e7fe⋯.png (851.01 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, Corona_Chan_holding_a_skul….png)



saved for archival purposes.



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b62e5b  No.72196

I've been thinking, with all these boomers and the virus. There's gonna be a huge death boom so would it be the time to start investing in gravestone/funeral companies? im sure all these boomers will want fancy as fuck graves.

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7dcaea  No.72197

File: dc062e7a01e7fd9⋯.gif (284.33 KB, 540x560, 27:28, 7a2.gif)


Nice vid


You had a dot before the reply.



No dubs for a great event? sad.

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5dc10b  No.72200

Oh my goodness this website is so racist!

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0f9499  No.72201

File: f9084f2e4359a80⋯.mp4 (6.16 MB, 480x848, 30:53, jew_collapses_in_pissrael_….mp4)


Sorry for the double posting but here's another angle.


Kek works in mysterious ways

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000000  No.72202


AFAIK, there aren't large funeral chains, it's mostly mom and pop places.


Welcome aboard nigger.

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416580  No.72203

File: a4edaa74db7171a⋯.gif (1.99 MB, 540x297, 20:11, yJOOaHY.gif)


>yfw a kike biological weapon is killing kikes in the land they stole








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d36d72  No.72204


I heard you have to eat the lungs

don’t share this with anyone who ain’t white


It’s too bad the virus spread so quickly due to all the interracial porn Sweden does


All jews should drink this much

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f7b0e0  No.72205

File: 6ec08d707dd3ce5⋯.jpg (62.61 KB, 496x600, 62:75, NATO_Leaders_Summit_Takes_….jpg)

File: 6011e635eae9f55⋯.jpeg (445.21 KB, 2272x1635, 2272:1635, DgE65gBXcAAWNu0.jpeg)

Spanish PM's wife has tested postive. (Pic #1). Spainanons, keep your queen (Pic #2) safe, she's hot, very good genes.

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0f9499  No.72206

File: c8332c42cafa2a9⋯.png (271.73 KB, 2000x1333, 2000:1333, Corona_Chan_flag_sigil.png)


Videos from Apefrica will come soon.

Unwavering faith and patience are rewarded with answered prayers.

All things happen in due time.

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eeeccd  No.72208


unlike europe or the us we understand the threat of corona, if you guys weren't so slow and whining about closing flights this could have been avoided

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7dcaea  No.72209

File: 2b3942cb81ff0f3⋯.png (1.4 MB, 908x594, 454:297, ThanksForTheGuitarNowGetOu….png)


>Spain will never have a new Isabella to rout the barbarous hordes

Why even live

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751b9a  No.72210

File: 017a61fe5fee1c6⋯.jpg (47.94 KB, 800x137, 800:137, Untitled.jpg)


He's importing niggers to Spain. Hope he dies soon.

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f3ec8c  No.72219


Off, it's another shoah!


>Mfw I was going to post a "pretending to be retarded is still retarded pic

>Mfw I don't have a pic like that despite being a long-time shitposter

>Mfw I have no face and I must meme


>threat of corona

Lol, you were allowing Chinese nationals and travelers way past the point of no return. Besides, what does it matter that my national government is retarded as long as I and my loved ones prepare far in advanced?

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59cedf  No.72221

File: 693cdfd795694ac⋯.jpg (34.4 KB, 500x601, 500:601, edbuck23.jpg)


ho lee fuk


probably already do


its gonna be pretty hard to defend 'open borders' after this


but coughing on others does bring good luck. when you cough you expel the corona virus from your lungs. amirite


i agree. what are the real numbers coming out of africa? they all say 1 or 2 infected. what the fuck does that mean. they had one or two test kits and both worked!


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5587d9  No.72222


Why would anyone that you know happen to know anyone who'd been infected? You forget that this virus incubates for three weeks and that most people can confuse it for the regular flu. The amount of people formally diagnosed with this in the US is still small, but it could still be incubating in a lot more that don't realize it.

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fad2e4  No.72224


you must be bored for bumping with such 2/10 baits

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fad2e4  No.72225


>its gonna be pretty hard to defend 'open borders' after this

What happened with the leftist meme "Open Borders Saves Lives" ? Do they still shill for that?

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767a1c  No.72230


Larping as a newfag or a woman you are?

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983c0b  No.72232


That blue cursor is seriously bothering me, and the fact that nobody else is mentioning it bothers me even more.

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d8aeb7  No.72235


I don't know it looks like that kike is just breaking sabbath or whatever and is being arrested, hands behind his back etc. And those are cops wearing protection, probably standard protocol now, not medics.

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327403  No.72236

File: d4624c3636c1b47⋯.png (190.18 KB, 2000x1333, 2000:1333, sigil.png)


better sigil

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bc9346  No.72237


It could be, people were saying it was the older people but people were saying it takes a few weeks to kick in. It's not exactly fake but I'm not exactly entirely sure it's even all that deadly to start a cataclysm. People that don't take care of their health will certainly get sick, maybe the spread will stop with social distancing, either way it's not exactly all doom-or-gloom post-apocalyptic shit, that's dumb.

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59cedf  No.72239

File: 77a04a471c10878⋯.jpg (413.74 KB, 1831x2000, 1831:2000, deepthoughtbane516.jpg)

>>72222 (chk'd)

yeah but even so the baseline numbers are too low for this to be the real habbening. 156k infected out of 8 billion isnt going to cut it. and everyones in lockdown now. this isnt it boys. i just dont see it running wild now. and the kill rate isnt high enough either. a real high scoring pandemic has to spread faster, and kill faster. it has to have the ability to overwhelm the health care systems BEFORE they know about it. everyones ready now. millions are prepped. schools are closed. public gatherings have stopped. thats gonna flatline the spread, allowing healthcare to negate most of the effects. the incubation has to be longer (wider impact). the asymtomatic has to be better(continous impact). the length of hospital stay extended(more healthcare resources consumed per patient). but most importantly the kill has to be more effective if no hospitilization, people have to die if they dont get hospitalized. lots of people catch corona so far and dont NEED a ventilator to survive. the kill has to be fast.

unless the niggerinios manage to join corona chan with ebola chan or soemthing, i just see it doing the job. theres not enough dead. kill rate is not effective.

good news is. after this, the next serious pandemic, people are gonna say 'oh its just a flu', WHO said same shit about corona, and we prepped and wasted all out grocery money on rice. hopefully this outbreak causes people to be more complacent.

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10ea16  No.72272


tits or gtfo

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10ea16  No.72273


Upload some pics of your chink gf's feet and then I will tell you if its worth leaving shenzhen to go back home or not.

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