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c4a167  No.68400

>Weinstein Lawyer Calls 23 Year Sentence 'Obscene'

Harvey Weinstein told a courtroom Wednesday he’s “worried about this country.” He needn’t be. It’s a whole lot safer now with him behind bars.

Weinstein, the disgraced movie mogul and leering face of everything #MeToo set out to dismantle, was sentenced to 23 years in prison. He was convicted of two felony sex crimes last month and faced a minimum sentence of five years and a maximum of 29 years.

Weinstein is 67. Twenty-three years in prison would put him at 90. I don’t find joy in the prospect of him suffering through his final days in captivity, but I do think a more than two-decade sentence sends a message that serial sexual predation will not be taken lightly, even when the predator has fame and fortune on his side. “Every argument that could’ve been made on his behalf was made,” Manhattan Assistant District Attorney Joan Illuzzi said in court. “And the system worked.” She gave credit to Weinstein accusers, two of whom delivered victim impact statements before the judge sentenced Weinstein. “The defendant would never have been stopped from hurting and destroying more lives,” Illuzzi said. “Every one of these women represents the strength and fortitude of every moral person who stands up and says, ‘Enough.’”

Enough from Weinstein. Enough turning a blind eye to the sort of harassment and abuse and dehumanizing that felt, for far too long, in far too many industries, routine. Par for the course. If not for the Weinstein story opening the #MeToo floodgates, we may never have learned about rape allegations against Matt Lauer. R. Kelly’s multiple accusers may have continued to toil in obscurity. Larry Nassar’s victims may still be waiting for a grown-up to take their stories seriously. What a legacy.



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c4a167  No.68404

File: 3841fc5e9cd3dc9⋯.jpg (58.38 KB, 800x578, 400:289, F7KK2NOZIBC4XPEGBZXIUCUE6Y.jpg)


Weinstein under suicide watch on Rikers Island: sources - New York Daily News https://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/ny-weinstein-suicide-watch-20200311-f2qsxtoxfzb2lickagoz2e4rwi-story.html

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f53425  No.68412



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8df21f  No.68448

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89d842  No.68454

File: 395bf195ea6d8e3⋯.png (253.89 KB, 785x1000, 157:200, bernout42.png)

>>68400 (chk'd)





Poor misunderstood Harvey. While I have no sympathy for this pathetic kike, I cant help but think that alot of these "victims" knew exactly what they were doing. They are whores who sold thier bodies, they are nothing more then common prostitutes! his victims who were underage at the time have a rightful claim under the law. Those whom he forcibly raped have, perhaps, if its proven, a rightful claim. The rest of them are just hookers. they should in fact be charged with prostitution, fraud, and false allegations.

Anyways, all that aside, I know Harvey will bounce back from this. Rikers Island has a very good theatre program! Harvey's talents at spotting up and coming trannies in prison will allow him to continue as a producer of some of Riker's finest plays. He has apparently already set to work "Whores of Cell Block D", with several other titles in the works. "Cigs for Buttsex", "Coping a plea", and "Rat my Ass" are in the works for his new Riker's Island Production company "Homebrew Productions".

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820a6c  No.68475


Fucking this.

As much as this is a victory, it's still a shallow one because it was won by a bunch of lying whores. It's like watching niggers beat a up a Jew. Yeah a Jew is dead, but rather than be at the hands a glorious organized Aryan squad serving a greater purpose, it was a bunch of apes that are just going to ruin something else.

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88da4a  No.68482

Weinstein is found guilty and sentenced forever to make an example out of him, that’s the only reason. Full grown adult women Thots ,especially the 2 accusers that got him convicted, get “raped” by him then receive a acting job then they go back and get “raped” again for another one. There is no physical evidence and the accusations are from years and years ago (meaning at any time any woman can accuse “credibly” any man of rape) . So it’s obvious that it’s just to make an example of him. Just like Katie Hill the Democrat Committee Chair got fired for fucking her interns and trampling on every taboo that they’ve been hanging men over (including her Iron Cross tattoo) it’s to send a big message , the big virtue signal is Don’t (literally) Fuck People Who Are Subordinate To You .

This will work out to men’s benefit though , because whatever reason do they hire women for other than to play grab ass around the office and chase around the desk. They’ll hire men for these easy jobs over the expanded sex assault/ harassment victim world.

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4885ab  No.68485


Perhaps he just just the first big boss in the deep state to go? Maybe there will be more coming soon? ;D

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3ca4f0  No.68502

File: 7e20b668d552574⋯.jpeg (17.63 KB, 222x227, 222:227, F38C4B35_E5E7_440C_A759_7….jpeg)


Oh , let me one up my own tl;dr post- They should make two new laws :

1) Perhaps Non-Consensual Fornication

2) Perhaps Non-Consensual Sodomy

Make them of different degrees of felonies and misdemeanors and the more public outrage the higher the degree of prosecution

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325073  No.68546

>“Not regular officers," said one source "He has whole sixth floor to himself… they will ship him out (as soon as possible). He’s a liability.”

Mossad coverage and 5star floor to himself confirmed.

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a1af8a  No.68556

File: 79b93c4d4daba27⋯.mp4 (3.98 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Ben_Shapiro_and_Sam_Harris….mp4)

Ha hahahahahaha

Bumping this to piss of the yids

Let's see if the mossad can epstein his ass or if he makes it past three weeks

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d2089e  No.68715


If he raped or assaulted any of them and they can prove it then fine, if not then they're either sluts who made a bad choice and now have buyers remorse about prostituting themselves for the promise of a role or he was wanking himself off at them and they told him to fuck off/noped out.

There was one english whore/*actress* in the Daily Mail a few weeks ago complaining about how she fucked him of her own volition but didn't get the more 'prominent roles' she thought she would after the fact. Never once does it dawn on this dumb bitch that she willingly fucked that fishblob looking kike to further her meagre career off her own bat, she knew the score, her issue wasn't that she had to fuck him just that she didn't get some role she didn't deserve, straight up prostitute.

However, it's fair to say he's is a grimy sack of shit (who no-one in their right mind would fuck.)

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c65b20  No.68758

File: dec9021f40bc24e⋯.png (450.63 KB, 640x735, 128:147, 1526862691653.png)


Did Harvey Weinstein Want Jennifer Aniston Dead? https://youtu.be/dD4ENUkouzw

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2d46e9  No.70592

File: 31aa1c635c5ffa9⋯.jpg (112.98 KB, 1382x778, 691:389, do_it_hahahahaa.jpg)


I do not recognize Harvey Weinstein as a criminal, felon or convict. Weinstein is a victim of a civil conspiracy and defamation by feminists and the Deep State, and was convicted by organized slander alone.

Harvey Weinstein is only recognized as a hostage of the #MeToo manhaters & the Deep State and nothing more, nothing less.

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3a2ef5  No.104080

File: 964977b99ad2b55⋯.jpg (113.88 KB, 1566x881, 1566:881, 2_dindus.jpg)


Weinstein is a disgusting kike. That said, he never assaulted anyone. Just fucked a few whores.

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9717aa  No.107441

File: 917d594e9bf575a⋯.png (417.06 KB, 768x388, 192:97, weinstein.png)

Twenty-three years is a small cost. Kike cultural terror in Occidental cinema, art and literature lasts for centuries. In the moment, it appears harmless entertainment; but the sum of the absolute degeneracy hypothecates to civilization wrecking levels. Prohibit jews.

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