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Six million more!

File: ea1cbbb65081cad⋯.jpg (410.74 KB, 1021x483, 1021:483, cvg BANNER.jpg)

File: 56514f87184eb0d⋯.jpg (61.39 KB, 724x1024, 181:256, corona-chan (1).jpg)

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File: 549fec45cbde41f⋯.png (803.94 KB, 1102x1200, 551:600, 1582413227280.png)

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a4597f  No.63633[Last 50 Posts]

Thread 27

everything is fine

/cvg/ survival bread



Coronavirus update: 7nd Mar ‘20 (Sauce: BNODesk and other reports https://twitter.com/BNODesk)

(((Official))) current global bullshit numbers

- 101,398 confirmed cases

- 3,456 dieded

- 6,334 Serious cundushuns

- 55,630 (((silent recoveries)))

Corona-Chan official Scoreboard As of Mar 7rd, 2020 (Sauce: BNO)


Bug Hive 80,555 3042 5737 - 53726

Worst Korea 6,593 42 27 25 108

Eye-Ran 4,747 124 - - 913

Pastaniggers 4,636 197 462 - 523

Floating Petri Dish 696 6 34 - 40

Deutsches Reich 639 0 - 2 17

Frogs 613 9 23 - 12

Nips 350 6 29 - 10

Spain 296 3 7 - 2

Burgers 259 14 2 6 9

Switzerniggers 210 1 - - -

Bongs 163 1 - - 12

Sweden (yes) 136 0 - - -

Negerlands 128 1 1 - -

Singapoor 117 0 - 7 81

Chocolateniggers 109 0 1 - 1

Honkinese 105 2 2 4 36

Norway 101 0 - - -

Malaysia 83 0 - - 23

Shitposters 61 2 - - 22

Kuwait 58 0 0 0 0

Asstria 55 0 - - -

Bahrain 49 0 - - 1

Leafs 48 0 - 1 8

Ladyboyland 47 1 1 - 31

Taiwan 45 1 0 0 12

Eye-Raq 35 2 - - -

Vikings 34 0 - - -

Oliveniggers 31 0 - - -

Pooperpower 2020 30 0 - - 3

Sandnigger Emirates 27 0 2 - 5

Algeria 17 0 - - -

ISISrael 17 0 - - -



• Nips: The 705 people from the “Floating Petri Dish” are listed separately and they’re not included in the Nip government’s official count. 380 were asymptomatic. Fourteen of them are Burgers whose test results weren’t known until they were taken off the ship.

• Floating Petri Dish: The total does not include 3 employees of Nip’s Health Ministry and 1 staff member of Nip’s Cabinet Secretariat, all of whom were infected while working on the ship. It does also not include people who tested positive upon their return home: 45 Burgers, 10 bugs in Shitposting land (1 ded), 4 bongs, 5 Hongkinese, and 3 dirty kikes, 2 Honorary Aryanus.

• Best Korea: Unconfirmed reports about cases in Bestu Korea have been denied. If cases are confirmed by The Dear Marshall, they will be added to this list.

Closed Borders:



EYE-RAN border closures








Opened Borders:

Turknigger rapefugee invasion of oliveniggers


Previous Threads

Thread 001 Archive: http://archive.md/XA3Pe

Thread 002 Archive: http://archive.md/Sv3st

Thread 002b Archive: https://archive.ph/e4Ad5 (Niggermod Edition)

Thread 003 Archive: http://archive.md/Hvchk

Thread 004 Archive: https://archive.ph/ltbQP

Thread 005 Archive: http://archive.ph/cJTlt

Thread 006 Archive: http://archive.ph/CFWPb

Thread 007 Archive: http://archive.ph/RZBmI

Thread 008 Archive: http://archive.ph/gsJHR

Thread 009 Archive: http://archive.ph/FNZIL

Thread 010 Archive: http://archive.ph/plJtc

Thread 011 Archive: http://archive.ph/33zLz

Thread 012 Archive: http://archive.ph/hkUy8

Thread 013 Archive: http://archive.md/Hz3IT

Thread 014 Archive: http://archive.ph/bjmHO

Thread 015 Archive: http://archive.ph/3iQxW

Thread 016 Archive: http://archive.md/EsPD1

Thread 017 Archive: http://archive.ph/wjKs3

Thread 018 Archive: http://archive.md/HRNlc

Thread 019 Archive: https://archive.is/Is4mZ

Thread 020 Archive: https://archive.is/Dc2qk

Thread 021 Archive: https://archive.is/6bd8e

Thread 022 Archive: http://archive.md/USIf7

Thread 023 Archive: https://archive.is/d8skk (niggermod edition)

Thread 024 Archive: https://archive.is/C0kYE (NBA edition)

Thread 025 Archive: http://archive.is/03RtY

Thread 026 Archive: http://archive.is/VOBQu

Busy ASF sorry.

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57312a  No.63634

File: 3de12c6f3883ae8⋯.png (2.47 MB, 1058x1881, 1058:1881, Corona-Chan The Empress Of….png)

This first/second post has been claimed by the Coronian Cult. Coronian thoughts for this thread:

>Worry not about mundane issues, for each second that passes means a pure new world draws closer.

>Trying to stop the inevitable is like trying to blow a storm away with your breath.

Prayer for this thread:

Corona-Chan, my beloved patron Goddess of perfect bioweapons

Take my energy so that you may become even stronger than what you already are

Use my energy to become completely invulnerable to the many elements of this world

Use my energy to become indestructible and unstoppable

Cleanse all the subhuman filth away, and create a pure new world for the surviving civilized races

Liberate the souls of your cultists willing to sacrifice themselves and take them to a better place

May eternal glory be yours

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a4597f  No.63635


>one off

>that prose

It could only be based Coronian cult anon.

Old bread:


>Discovery: Biologists in Germany have found a way to block #SARSCoV2 from entering lung cells. The virus hijacks the ACE2 receptor & another, TMPRSS2, to enter cells. A drug, camostat mesilate, blocks entry. It's used in Japan for pancreatic inflammation

<Probably the most important post on the page and it's ignored because of schizo spamming

>looks like the delete button will be back in use this bread

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190850  No.63649


sieg heil

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6c022c  No.63650

File: 806da50ae411f68⋯.png (130.72 KB, 669x369, 223:123, image.png)


>Combination of any of 3 possibilities:

>1. Governments panic and falsify numbers

>2. Hospitals and labs reach max capacity and so cannot track more cases

>3. Coronachan has very high rate of assymptomatic infection and so she runs out of targets while only small portion of symptomatic are reported. Would be unfortunate but is real possibility. We dont know what kind of strains we are dealing with and easily could have lost killing power.

Could the infected be getting better and the virus halted? I don't know what to make of this analysis.

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a2e0d6  No.63655


A wild guess, but if you think about it from a economic bioweapon angle, it could make sense if it was designed to wreck havoc and terror for a good while, and slowly fizzle out later more or less.

Especially if you take into consideration that post from that market shorting anon, who predicted it would be intentionally released in Italy, and how the parent S strains seem to tend to became dominant over the descendant L strains over time and farther from the initial outbreak site.

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cb2412  No.63656

Funny how the mainstream propaganda of 1% or 2% mortality rate just goes flying through the window when you mention that current projections by epidemiologists are that 40% to 80% of world population will get infected.

40% of 8 billion people is 3.2 billion.

1% of 3.2 billion is 32 million.

These are low ball estimates. Let's see the high end.

80% of 8 billion people is 6.4 billion.

2% of 6.4 billion is 128 million.

Similar numbers to Spanish influenza, sure. But that is only if you believe the current numbers which most people here don't.

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57312a  No.63657

File: dc68e243f186a7b⋯.png (479.55 KB, 2000x1333, 2000:1333, Corona-Chan sigil flag lar….png)

File: a18999d1cbdec1c⋯.png (218.44 KB, 2000x1333, 2000:1333, Corona-Chan sigil flag sma….png)

File: 216a865e5b99b9a⋯.png (184.83 KB, 554x568, 277:284, cocaineland.png)

File: 586698a5ffa2df5⋯.png (112.24 KB, 406x600, 203:300, poder360 brownzil map.png)

File: ee6a2febcb0e66f⋯.mp4 (2.27 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, chink cops detain a bus af….mp4)

The Coronian Cult advises all cultists in this thread to switch the wallpapers of their devices to the flag of the Goddess, bearing her sigil is a noble form of worship.

Contributions to the thread: First confirmed case in Cocaineland, updated map of Brownzil's current situation according to (((official))) info and chink cops detain an entire bus worth of passengers after they find a chink on it with a fever.


Checking those doubles that I forgot to check in my first post.

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bc8588  No.63658



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6c022c  No.63660


Bus 489 be fucked.

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4bec10  No.63661


If it makes you feel better the chances governements are lying is quite high. Another possobility is R0 takes a nosedive once everyone panics and stops going out. Youd see this falloff two weeks after news of major outbreak comes out.

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bc8588  No.63663


>another possibility is R0 takes a nosedive once everyone panics and stops going out

Oh. I completely forgot about that.

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000000  No.63664


>Spanish influenza

>Similar numbers

people were stronger

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444448  No.63666

Rolling for 7.6 billion dead.

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e50e11  No.63668

File: 5a305e086d88f6a⋯.jpg (870.03 KB, 2000x1333, 2000:1333, OohHiMark.jpg)

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5ae7df  No.63669


Check em

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573326  No.63670

File: 9cc379aeee0e2c1⋯.png (402.82 KB, 872x632, 109:79, 43543544354354343453.png)

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120870  No.63671

File: feb8fd50162d4a0⋯.jpg (184.85 KB, 1024x1444, 256:361, corona-chan_pretty.jpg)


Corona-chan will make /monster/ and the Day of the Rape real!

Corona-chan for Empress!



And even if the government was lightly or partially lying, they and the medical community have only some many resources so much focus before they are unable to keep sufficiently accurate reports in a timely manner. When there is a panic, there will be too many other things both governments, scientists, and doctors will be concerned about to make statisticians show reality as it is.


Devil Trips confirmed, we are all gonna die!

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39f2ac  No.63675

File: ecb055803034303⋯.mp4 (1.07 MB, 482x270, 241:135, iranyes.mp4)

>This doctor was sacked from his job in Nowshahr Hospital, for expressing concerns about the situation.

https://mobile.twitter. com/Daffodil27/status/1234533091580030976



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c47b66  No.63679

Argentina went from 2 to 8 in less than 24 hours:https://tn.com.ar/salud/lo-ultimo/coronavirus-en-la-argentina-hay-cinco-casos-confirmados-en-el-pais_1040396

I think we have more but is more like a gut feeling than something based on facts

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c0f6f0  No.63680

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

China Blames America for the Coronavirus Outbreak


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39f2ac  No.63681

File: 5c9db53fa72f0c6⋯.mp4 (6.65 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, iranmorgue.mp4)

File: 63a20d6127b96d1⋯.mp4 (1.16 MB, 384x480, 4:5, irandressingforher.mp4)

File: 3c98a8a2510ddc8⋯.mp4 (6.56 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, iranbum.mp4)

fun stuff at #IranCoVidTruth

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57312a  No.63682

File: 34661bbb8f997ba⋯.png (744.71 KB, 1892x923, 1892:923, puget sound.png)

File: cf8fa7ad44f3a1d⋯.png (271.52 KB, 897x791, 897:791, olympic peninsula.png)

File: fc2b455fa67cbb9⋯.mp4 (506.2 KB, 320x684, 80:171, chink shipbuilders in line….mp4)

File: fee7eb7688e94fa⋯.png (439.47 KB, 972x949, 972:949, minnesota.png)

3 new deaths in Puget Sound https://archive.is/IfE9C ; community transmission in the Olympic Peninsula; video of hundreds or maybe thousands of chinks that work in a shipbuilding company in line to get their temperatures checked. They apparently have to do this shit everyday before and after working. Also, first confirmed case in Minnesota https://archive.is/QzbL4


You need to have more faith in Corona-Chan if it takes a post to spoil your hopes.




Now that is what I call art. Thank you for making this beautiful image, I wish you health and safety during the death throes of this old world and true happiness and prosperity in the new world that is about to come.


Best of luck to Argentina, may Corona-Chan free you from kikes and commies.


It's funny, Burgerland blames Chinkland and vice versa. I wonder if this will escalate into something fun.


Those Iranians that helped that fallen guy are fucked. RIP.

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17f65a  No.63690

File: e536fed574d987e⋯.jpg (67.77 KB, 1024x488, 128:61, 1580724933955.jpg)

File: d97e3b248c74342⋯.jpg (15.56 KB, 235x255, 47:51, d97e3b248c74342801b444b121….jpg)


Boomers and boomers-in-spirit will be the death of us. Whether from Coronavirus or otherwise. I just recently visited my boomer parents. A week or so ago they were all aboard that Corona chan is a bioweapon, airborne AIDs, etc. They were prepped with masks and everything. Now this week they've gone complete 180 to "It's just a flu bro." I don't understand this shift in mentality at all. Especially since we are west coast located near asian populations. Anyway, I tried to understand and I came to the conclusion it's the media. Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage… all the boomer cuckservative news gods came out to say its just a flu bro and the media is going to use it to cancel baste MIGA TRUMP 2020. Anyone who says CV is just being overhyped to attack Trump is retarded. Regardless of your opinion of Trump it's clear he's grossly mishandled the situation. Either on purpose or the tenets of boomerisms of simply expecting nothing bad to actually happen.

The other boomers I've talked to are now 100% rallying behind Trump and Rush Limbaugh that it's just the flu. Despite most of them being fat, unhealthy, and obviously old. The response of one boomer couple I talked to was "We'll buy cheap airline tickets and travel, we need to play. It's important to play." That fucking sentence right there really highlighted their dissonance to me. Head in the sand.

Anyway, I'm done rantings. Boomers are going to die first and infect the rest of us. Thanks Rush. Thanks Trump.

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000000  No.63696


>The other boomers I've talked to are now 100% rallying behind Trump and Rush Limbaugh that it's just the flu

Good. I hope they all wait for Sean Hannity to tell them to panic. Fuck Boomers.

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01ae22  No.63697


3 new confirmed in Maryland as well. Not ded, just confirmed to have.

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cb2412  No.63699


>Now this week they've gone complete 180 to "It's just a flu bro."

Western media stopped spreading clear numbers and info about what wuhan flu is.

They just say "it's nothingburger" and "there are conspiracy theories on net" instead of talking about even the fake objective numbers that would wake up every NPC.

Hell, even watching North Korean TV broadcasting about coronachan wakes up NPCs, example:


Go read the comments and see how NPCs wake up.

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21564a  No.63700


I'd like to know why is that the sigil. It's cool but there must be something else

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573326  No.63701


It's like groundhog day having to re-explain shit to these people. They agree with you and seem to understand, and then the TV pushes it out through the other ear, and they resume acting as though this were some kind of alternate reality game.

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57312a  No.63703

File: 12ee85b433f127f⋯.mp4 (1.95 MB, 960x540, 16:9, chink cops beating protest….mp4)

File: 9a677842205cd04⋯.mp4 (6.85 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Las Vegas residents are sa….mp4)

File: ba89992eed85aa7⋯.png (393.98 KB, 928x538, 464:269, DENVER.png)

File: e14ae14b8899643⋯.png (21.06 KB, 541x168, 541:168, 15 confirmed cases in UAE.png)

File: 3dd023e093dc3af⋯.png (49.77 KB, 542x403, 542:403, cuomo reports more cases.png)

Do you guys remember the video from last thread of the absolute madman in Las Vegas just walking up to military camp and confronting the zogbots? Here's a video of a dude that lives in that area. He says that encampment is not really new but the recent additions to it definitely are. Also in this post: Cuomo reporting more cases in NYC, two new confirmed cases in Denver https://archive.is/5foNd ; 15 new cases in the UAE and two additional videos of protests in Chinkland. I will post one here and the other one in my next post.


> A week or so ago they were all aboard that Corona chan is a bioweapon, airborne AIDs, etc. They were prepped with masks and everything. Now this week they've gone complete 180 to "It's just a flu bro."

Not a Burger but similar thing on my end, my parents don't even want to hear about it anymore. I think they're so afraid that they would rather not hear about it anymore since I redpilled them on the whole thing


Nice doubles. It's a secret. I don't know either

Wow my linux mint craptop just froze, good thing i used alt+printscreen+reisub to restart it and Brave din't erase this post or else I would have to rewrite it Yeah I'm still using brave, I figured out the issues with it and changing browsers would take a little too long for me inb4 linux mint yeah yeah babby's first distro, I know, It's perfect for me since I'm a brainlet should have gone with xfce version for this craptop though, cinammon runs fine on my desktop but here it kinda runs like ass sometimes

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b23db4  No.63705


2% only applies a) if you believe in communist mathematics and b) while hospitals can deal with patients.

Consider that reportedly 20-30% of the infected need treatment from a hospital, and then look up how many beds your local hospital has for how many people in the area, and then imagine 80% of everyone in your area getting infected, and a third of those needing to be in hospital for a month to not die.

Even if the Chinese didn't lie (and they did), we're looking at black death numbers here.

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85c87c  No.63706

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

press briefing

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e4a0e8  No.63707


>if you believe in communist mathematics

Say "official communist mainstream data" instead.

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01ae22  No.63708


Dawns on me that ourgirl has allowed the Trump administration to take on a more "presidential look" which so many prioritize over substance.

That said, Pence uses a lot of hand gestures. Note he did say, "of those tested" before the stats rundown.

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6fafd9  No.63709


How long until we get those million test kits and find out over a hundred thou are infected?

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39f2ac  No.63711


looks like she hits the floor any second

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ad3d3e  No.63712

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573326  No.63713


I think he said a week.

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57312a  No.63714

File: 34a6f1a39746c74⋯.mp4 (603.79 KB, 320x564, 80:141, Chink cops beating workers….mp4)

File: 071aabe7da600fa⋯.png (213.98 KB, 495x518, 495:518, leaked presentation.png)

File: dfa7f45f56bc1bf⋯.mp4 (1.05 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Corona-Chan angel of death….mp4)

File: 01e0b6fb300f388⋯.png (70.72 KB, 512x495, 512:495, kek.png)


This is the other chink video. The cops are beating tech workers of Green Point Technology who were asking for their payment, which the company is denying them because of the quarantine. Also in this post: A leaked presentation of the Burger government says that Corona-Chan could kill 480.000 Burgers https://archive.is/9wLaw kek, they're so optimistic ; Doc calls Corona-Chan "an angel of death for older individuals". Meanwhile in Britbongistan, a fight over shit tickets ended up on a bro being tased https://archive.ph/Hd2Mu

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34defe  No.63715

Med anon here with quick update. One of my occasional patients came in today, he is a halfsies Chinese/white hybrid, and came for a few routine refills. He travels a lot and has been feeling sick, was in China last year around when the Hong Kong protests started. Went to his regular MD and asked if he could be tested for Corona, they told him theybwouldnt test him because he would most likely get a "presumptive positive" and then he and the whole office would get locked down on quarantine, so instead they just told him that he would probably he fine and sent him on his way so naturally he came to me next (we dont do tests at my facility.) And yes, he did coof in my workplace but at least coofed into the crook of his arm, and yea a wiped down EVERYTHING with bleach after he left. But just FYI anons there are a fuckton of places not doing testing literally just because they dont want to get a positive and then go on lockdown, which is pretty fucking bad. Stay safe anons.

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e4a0e8  No.63716


whats going on here

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120870  No.63717



Mint is alright, especially if you don't need anything specific with linux, like coding, media, or server work. I love KDE, and it runs well on both my Ubuntu desktop and Fedora Thinkpad, though Xcfe is better optimized.

Brave does suck, but it's better to use a web browser you have already hardened and know the intricacies of than to switch and have the botnet for a few minutes while mess with add-ons and settings, and re-learn how to use. Or use a per-hardened, autism browser that rarely works, even on this site.


>A leaked presentation of the Burger government says that Corona-Chan could kill 480.000 Burgers

It's the American Hospital Association, which is a private group. I never heard of them before now, but that even a private group representing hospitals is now saying, "Shit is about get fucked…at best." is far more telling then the government saying something.

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cb2412  No.63718


Hope you have N95 or better masks medanon.

Stay safe.

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000000  No.63719


>6 gorillion test kits

Are the test kits used by the states the same as whatever kits are being supplied by the feds? I'm confused because they mention "presumptive cases pending CDC confirmation". Is there a single type of test kit being used as a preliminary test, or are there various kits with varying accuracy/approval?

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6c022c  No.63720


1st vid.

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6c022c  No.63721


>not doing testing literally just because they dont want to get a positive and then go on lockdown

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97ccaa  No.63722

This is reminding me all about Muv Luv Alternative where Eurasia is completely overrun by an alien invasion because the Chinese (where they first landed) lied and refused help from other countries and when the aliens adapted and began to overrun the whole world it was too late and hundreds of millions died. How and why people still trust the Chinese is simply beyond me. Even the dumbest fucker knows this instinctively.

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6c022c  No.63723


Hell if I know, I think it's like they will test locally, if it's positive they then send it on to the CDC for CONFIRMATION and official record. But then again, IDK. Just (ass)uming.

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39f2ac  No.63724

File: decc9a459536688⋯.mp4 (294.44 KB, 640x360, 16:9, winnie.mp4)


https://twitter. com/LetUsUniteHere/status/1234641819268526082

any CCP infected by now?

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acc32e  No.63726


>Meanwhile in Britbongistan

It was in Shitpostland

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6fafd9  No.63727



>whats going on here

A high roller won. Vegas is shutting down.

I checked an octogenarian white woman’s place. She had a cabinet full of Ajax and a cabinet full of copper/wood cleaner/polish. She also has over four dozen unopened Air Wick type of stuff. Some of this stuff is decades old.

<Where is the Lysol?

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6c022c  No.63728

File: 0144858e93be4e5⋯.png (246.93 KB, 1341x666, 149:74, Screenshot 2020-03-06 at 6….png)

Yaaasssss, Berkeley getting on-board.

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000000  No.63729

>>63658 (but some sweet ID digits)


Don't worry, anon. His sauce is "some guy", and "some guy" has about as much credibility as CNN.

Have faith in the Goddess! She's just gettin' started. Enjoy the ride.

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caa76c  No.63731

File: edbc7dc8ed11c06⋯.jpg (271.34 KB, 600x800, 3:4, XH-REDS8889-16398-Gold-emb….jpg)

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66a413  No.63734


>Reports from Denver and Las Vegas

<Doesn't ref The Stand

It's slow rolling but our lovely lady is going to hit a tipping point and then all hell's gunna break loose.

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cab310  No.63735

File: c38f40adebb8ab4⋯.png (332.87 KB, 593x565, 593:565, 8784321.png)

File: f6927cb728c592d⋯.png (294.03 KB, 598x443, 598:443, 78965345.png)

File: 7521ca76698d250⋯.png (287.92 KB, 978x1173, 326:391, Screenshot_2020-03-06 Past….png)


>Meanwhile in Britbongistan, a fight over shit tickets ended up on a bro being tased

Uk is in full panic buying mode. Too many where nothing burgerfags or were asleep watching just msm and Boris Johnson washing his hands over and over. Now suddenly they have clicked on that shit could be about to hit the fan.

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e4a0e8  No.63736


why dont stores just order extra sardines and tuna if they know its gonna be prepping-season?? Why are they so slow to respond?

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97ccaa  No.63739


Many stores now have centralized ordering systems. Warehouses control what they let out to the stores too. There's likely a warehouse with all the shit in it, but they will hoard it and wait till they can jack prices up.

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57312a  No.63740

File: d4744fd53de066c⋯.png (162.78 KB, 500x553, 500:553, grand princess update.png)

File: a249df31dbb5c33⋯.png (66.35 KB, 493x511, 493:511, twatter blessed.png)

File: 2c4a64d50ddd888⋯.png (125.81 KB, 477x553, 477:553, santa clara blessings.png)

File: 2bd6698a3b11035⋯.png (114.54 KB, 311x525, 311:525, pence measures.png)

File: de55d59ba6bf969⋯.png (526.06 KB, 1011x592, 1011:592, soyboy convention canceled….png)

Grand Princess update, courtesy of BNO and Pence; Twatter employee gets blessed; 4 new confirmed cases in Santa Clara County; Pence's measures on the Grand Princess and pretentious soyboy convention canceled due to airborne aids https://archive.is/C3qtx .


>But just FYI anons there are a fuckton of places not doing testing literally just because they dont want to get a positive and then go on lockdown, which is pretty fucking bad. Stay safe anons.

Thanks for the whistle blow. Stay safe too doc.


Thanks for the reply regarding Mint and Brave.

>But that even a private group representing hospitals is now saying, "Shit is about get fucked…at best." is far more telling then the government saying something.

Wow, It's gonna be rough for Burgers.


Shit, my bad.


Yep, I think they got their first case a couple days ago. Serves those commies right.


Now that is a faithful cultist! I'm proud of you. This level of faith is what every Coronian Cultist should aspire for.


>It's slow rolling but our lovely lady is going to hit a tipping point and then all hell's gunna break loose.

Exactly, it was and still is like this in Chinkland and Pastaland, and it will be like this everywhere else. Only the best and the truly civilized will survive this.


Like the anon above said, the fight actually occurred in 'Straya. I fugged up the report.

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2afccb  No.63741


the sound of a coronacough is supposedly very distinctive, to the point that they should know based on it and it will impossible to hide eventually, even before people start dropping.

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cb2412  No.63742

File: cc16d8ac86cdd33⋯.png (27.46 KB, 761x529, 761:529, stepplot1.png)


Without getting into math and economics of it basically the "just in time" supply chain coupled with slowness of ordinary humans crippled individual stores that operate like lone islands in the international globalized markets of today even in rigid structures of big brand companies.

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93b085  No.63744

Anyone got a line graph that compares Coronachan with other various pandemics?

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044226  No.63746

File: 44b858916a580f7⋯.mp4 (149.5 KB, 640x360, 16:9, 𓉤箱コネマン𓁷 - 〔6日 日経〕参院議院運営委員会….mp4)

File: 04bc1ddf95d7613⋯.mp4 (3.63 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 𓉤箱コネマン𓁷 - 【速報】安倍首相、日に日に体が弱….mp4)


That's Abe, not Winnie.

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044226  No.63749

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0643f6  No.63752

File: 610b027c40eceea⋯.png (52.64 KB, 887x560, 887:560, Apu wins the lottery.png)



Ok bros, my father is about to retire in about 4 years or so, and has been very worried about the state of the stock market and the status of his nest egg (he works for the NY MTA, so he has invested through an employee sponsored deferred compensation plan):

>MTA Stable Value Fund: 401k= 23.4%

>Bond Fund: 401k= 27.0% 457k= 25.3%

>Large Cap Equity Fund: 401k= 14.0% 457k= 10.7%

>Large Cap Equity Index Fund: 401k= 8.0% 457k= 6.72%

>Small-Mid Cap Equity Fund: 401k= 11.2%

457k= 9.0%

>Small-Mid Cap Equity Index Fund: 457k= 0.53%

>International Equity Fund: 401k= 16.4% 457k= 13.3%

>International Equity Index Fund: 457k= 0.4%

He has about 100k saved through this program a very rough estimate tbh* and apparently has lost about 8000 since the beginning of the Corona outbreak. It would devastate him to know his life savings was all for nothing. What would be the best financial move he could make to avoid this catastrophe. I really want to help him and I can't bear the thought of his life's work getting JUSTED**

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45d10a  No.63753

File: a2d27b36e31b3ab⋯.png (86.87 KB, 453x570, 151:190, Screenshot 2020-03-06 at 6….png)

Heil coronachan.


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cab310  No.63754

File: 2ad16843edba709⋯.jpg (617.14 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, ERoEuDCVUAA4nyv.jpg)

File: dc6eb58c78799ed⋯.jpg (71.4 KB, 680x454, 340:227, NWtxqmKN.jpg)

File: 8fa70960e9666da⋯.jpg (38.26 KB, 660x371, 660:371, _110660314_capture.jpg)


Not all the things come from the UK. A lot of toilet roll for example gets brought in from the EU to the UK. But the EU have their own panic buying problems. At the end of the day they can only supply so many empty distributors so fast. When you suddenly get Italy, Germany France and the UK all suddenly emptying shelves someone is going to lose out.

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69b44e  No.63755

File: 23ba16b21bed26f⋯.jpg (53.29 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 23ba16b21bed26fe36a9d2d949….jpg)


Mortality (deaths vs recovered) according to BNO statistics are around 25-30% in Italy and South Korea. China and Iran numbers obviously can't be trusted.

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044226  No.63756


Gold and Bonds would be a good call, in case the crisis deepens.

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93b085  No.63758


Man, I really wish China would stop lying about their deaths. It's hard to sell the seriousness of this thing to normies when all they say is response is "but da flu is worse!"

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ffbb89  No.63760

People in my country are told not to tell anything about corona and its effects when they are in the hospital. And also told not to share anything via social media. Seeing how my country has its ass all wide open for China and israel I'm not surprised.

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21564a  No.63761

File: 549009255150bef⋯.png (201.85 KB, 956x959, 956:959, ClipboardImage.png)


I tried to remove some of the artifact the original template had

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21564a  No.63762

File: cb2cfef09b34504⋯.png (191.67 KB, 2000x1333, 2000:1333, sigil.png)


whoops, c&v doesn't work for transparency I guess

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69b44e  No.63764


Wouldn't gold/bonds increase in price due to surge in demand? What about investing in basic utilities like clean water, electricity etc?

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bd4d28  No.63765



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ffbb89  No.63766


You're describing my parents perfectly.


Close in terms of cuckedness. It's The Netherlands.

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a8bb74  No.63767

File: 17274fcfcb0f9e3⋯.jpg (71.82 KB, 836x960, 209:240, Deux_ex_Hyde.jpg)

File: 6485df87328fed4⋯.png (418.52 KB, 714x653, 714:653, common cold.png)

File: f31bfed8a58224a⋯.png (296.35 KB, 768x473, 768:473, lmao.png)

(replying to previous thread but still applies here)


<First happy kike claiming first post to be a happy merchant for genocide of the Earth because larping "we ebil nutzees now"

I hope your whole family gets wiped out and all these weebs cheering this on


>I can't wait to dance on the streets

This place is full of neckbeard weebs or full on kike agents, neither of which would surprise me.

Nobody fucking tries to investigate here or provide anything new but cheer for another "Happening" which is yet another step forward for the psychopats ruling the world.

You don't see anything clearly.

Corona virus is not the main problem. It exists, it is engineered and is lethal, yes but it is activated remotely. This is just the smokescreen and fearporn to give more power to the military by law and test out something bigger later. This will also lead to mandatory vaccinations to get us the beloved paint thinner mercury mix.

These nations are testing the new 5G grid on these populations. 5G is a military project. These beam forming waveguides can direct insane amount of radiation on any user. The new frequency band is right on the range where it inhibits oxygen to properly stick to hemoglobin throughout the body, which makes your immune system so weak from hypoxia you can die from a common cold and get organ failures from sepsis. This is why mainstream is pushing how doctors will have 5G hospitals everywhere to remotely threat and scan 2spooky virus patients while it's just a killing center. It's a sick joke. Millimeter wave technology is the most harmful shit because you cannot escape it even in your home. All countries that have this outbreak are currently deploying this new tech for population control.

This is why it is "normal" that influenza is killing thousands nowadays.

Here are my proofs:

>A Global Strategy to (((Leave No One Behind)))


>Huawei says coronavirus outbreak won't affect 5G supplies:


>More tech shilling for 5G doctors amind Wuhan crisis, because muh low latency internet helps patients:


>Apple on the bandwagon for 5G competition amid corona


Recommended timestamps:

@0:00-2:00 intro

>5G launching in Wuhan (late november 2019) news link blocked by social media for sharing (and more segments about wuhan) @2:45

5G released all across China because 59-64Ghz is unlicensed @6:19

>60GHz right on top of O2 absorbtion line in promotional material (like 2.4Ghz is for water in microwave ovens) @9:45

>China building secret radio transmiter grid (((5))) times the size of New York city for unknown reasons @21:20

>Fake alternative media "exposing" @30:17

Misterious hypoxia without phlegm formation in lungs and circulatory problems @22:00


Similar things:

>Yes, as shocking as it sounds, even the so called AIDS virus is also a big hoax. AIDS is real of course, but it’s not caused by any particular virus. Instead, AIDS is caused by an extremely weakened immune system from recreational drugs to enhance deviant sex, too many antibiotics and other legal drugs, venereal diseases especially from sodomite/deviant sex with many partners over time, and a poor diet in general. And the drugs to treat people who supposedly are infected with the AIDS virus are also quite deadly, especially chemo drugs like the AZT that they used to use many years ago to treat AIDS.

>There is no virological, nor epidemiological, evidence to back up the HIV/AIDS hypothesis… The virus is biochemically inactive and harmless. [There real causes of AIDS include] AZT, chemotherapy, radiation and radiation treatment, street drugs like popper and MDMA etc., along with antibiotics which break down the immune system and malnutrition and starvation as seen in Africa. ‘These are the causes of AIDS and AIDS is not sexually transmitted and HIV doesn’t exist.’” – Dr. Peter Deusberg

>My original assessment right in the beginning was that the Coronavirus was a basically harmless virus that gave people the sniffles. Now that the cruise ship has played out to more than 550 infected with zero deaths it does not seem plausible that any of it was real… Tomorrow, Japan is letting everyone on the cruise ship go. Not a single person died or even got seriously sick. There’s a hoax somewhere, a hoax with a motive. — Jim Stone

I found the corona virus images claimed to be from electron microscopes and they are identical, actually the same exact images used for the Sars and Mers virus scams of the past. They are the same exact images





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bd4d28  No.63769

File: 9c8c3709576a490⋯.png (188.08 KB, 892x1011, 892:1011, 1579200669293.png)

>>63766 (checked)

One of my best friends is a Nurse in a rural leaf town. I have not heard from him in two months, and I've been trying to get in contact regularly. My guess is he's not allowed to say a peep about it and my knowledge of it thanks in large part to you wonderful fags is spooking him. Maybe he's just done with my autism.

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45d10a  No.63770


>a week ago they were on board

>now they've gone 180

Probably Trump's fault, he's gone full shill mode on this in terms of underplaying it so all the normalfag conservatives are parroting it.

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01ae22  No.63772


At a walmart earlier today. So much coofing. One child was full reface dry coof. I avoided all these people touching nothing. ALL handsoap gone. Most OTC meds gone.

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45d10a  No.63773


Because you keep ignoring the fact that there's no 5G in Iran but still cling to your retarded pet theory anyways.

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044226  No.63774


Not talking about a SHTF scenario just yet, more like maintaining the value of his savings instead of having it decimated in the stock market.

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ffbb89  No.63776


Shareblue is at it again.

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ad3d3e  No.63779

File: a13effa0b98adbd⋯.png (6.88 KB, 112x112, 1:1, 73auvyhfiv701.png)

The shills on half-chan are already pushing denial threads


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01ae22  No.63780

File: a59bd7ee4fecafa⋯.png (85.82 KB, 261x193, 261:193, 1583287985648.png)


pic related must be your hero. You are just as retarded. muh 5G, ffs. Of course corona is related to other types. It is a family of virii. This current event is in the family, but more like that aunt that drops rat poison in the turkey gravy. The gravy eaters die.

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caa76c  No.63783

File: 47128fd8c6ef418⋯.jpg (382.34 KB, 523x1024, 523:1024, 99b03b8aeca44ce88e17a4168d….jpg)

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a43b4e  No.63784

File: eb8d14ac1ed1a7a⋯.png (112.77 KB, 300x515, 60:103, prepper_shimarin.png)

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044226  No.63786

File: 5f4aa8625c93f25⋯.png (898.77 KB, 1233x1587, 411:529, The meat in the burger is ….png)


What are you talking about? It has been like this since day 1.

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2ee23e  No.63788


I think Savage is the only one in the bunch that's saying just the opposite of the others. He says it's a huge problem.

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120870  No.63789

>>63755 (Checked)

Worst Korea can't be trusted since their recent claim of a .2% mortality rate included everybody tested regardless of positivity. Oh, and there's the false goddess government and Doomsday cult they have in place.



Forgive me foir not watching your animu!

>>63788 (Heil'd)

He is a Jewish medical historian after all. I'd be surprised if he did downplay this.

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80a7b0  No.63790

When anonymous coomers on /pol/ are better at epidemiology than actual paid professionals on TV.

How did it get to this.

This is the supreme clownworld.

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535793  No.63791


Thank your workplace for spreading CORONA-CHAN!!


or people not asking for a test because of muh shekels.

It's also deadly even during the "calm" as "recovered" cases are still infectious.

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57312a  No.63792

File: 1e97794e1a91ac9⋯.png (102.51 KB, 605x505, 121:101, lmao.png)

File: 99acc6fd5561148⋯.mp4 (1.02 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Possible Quarantine Zone. ….mp4)

File: cf08aae6778fce8⋯.png (215.15 KB, 1234x530, 617:265, fed trials.png)

File: 62c8729eaf7b342⋯.mp4 (4.15 MB, 720x1252, 180:313, short compilation of chink….mp4)

File: 8aa623ab662e511⋯.png (261.26 KB, 819x562, 819:562, virtual summit.png)

Zerohedge article on the hilarious fad of coronavirus themed porn https://archive.ph/cjT7i yes I know its degeneracy, I'm not telling you to go watch it, just laugh at the article ; video of coof tents being prepared somewhere in Burgerland; All federal jury trials in Western Washington got postponed to 31st of March https://archive.is/xTiOp ; Very short compilation of clips of the chink protests and physical world economic summit canceled due to airborne aids, IMF kikes will meet online instead https://archive.is/3jCWQ




>>63755 (checked)

>China and Iran numbers obviously can't be trusted.

It really seems that most if not all countries's numbers cannot be trusted.


>Man, I really wish China would stop lying about their deaths.

Same, but like one anon once said in a previous thread

>We will probably never know exactly how much rice was burned


>People in my country are told not to tell anything about corona and its effects when they are in the hospital. And also told not to share anything via social media.

It seems every western country is doing that, probably because these are the directives that literally WHO is preaching.



Thank you. I might remake the flag soon.


>Muh 5g

Filtered, your entire post is shit, go back to your virtual nursing home at >>>/qresearch/

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892f52  No.63793

I don't know if you guys have already read about this, a local journalist found this gem

>Inside the Chinese lab poised to study world's most dangerous pathogens

>A laboratory in Wuhan is on the cusp of being cleared to work with the world’s most dangerous pathogens.

>Some scientists outside China worry about pathogens escaping, and the addition of a biological dimension to geopolitical tensions between China and other nations.


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892f52  No.63795


this article is from 2017

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48a79b  No.63796

File: e1ea76c95011080⋯.png (352.28 KB, 740x410, 74:41, 08be40433269a52f711eca70d1….png)


Have to say, my boomer parents are doing the same thing. My father even went as far to parrot the line "this is all just a deep state hoax because they couldn't impeach blumpf."

Like you, I've explained time and time again the lack of logic in the "just a flu bro" reasoning. They will believe whatever they want to believe. Fuck Trump for mishandling this and fuck boomers (yes even my parents) for not being concerned, or prepared enough. When they're in a hospital bed wheezing out their last, I wonder if they'll reflect on what I told them or if they'll follow this cuckservtive Q shit to their graves.

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ad3d3e  No.63797


Before they were mostly chink shills but now you have JIDF and Shareblue derailing every discussion toward Trump

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2afccb  No.63799


don't know if there is any safe harbor here, if you'd spent the past 10 years buying masks back when they were 7 cents a pop you'd make a ton, but how would you predict for this kind of thing.

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01ae22  No.63800


I have been telling the ones who say "Trump said the virus is a hoax" the truth that he said it is a real virus, but the other party was using it as a hoax. I part with Trump on severity as even today the US ticked up quite a bit. In this last week we has a few in Washington State then a gradual pop up and then here in the east.

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2afccb  No.63803


thank you shimarin!


this is /pnd good sir.


>milfs in quarantine

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e71372  No.63804

File: 7b917af4ab679aa⋯.png (112.28 KB, 992x933, 992:933, ClipboardImage.png)


>Try to sort by reported cases

>Sorts by state name

Thanks, CDC, great website design

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0df72b  No.63806

File: adff9efe04ef606⋯.jpg (40.72 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 87537191_2508821312767711_….jpg)

File: 1443962d9f9be4e⋯.jpg (88.83 KB, 750x500, 3:2, 88224789_503567880349345_3….jpg)

File: 54f831c9cdc4323⋯.jpg (50.17 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 88300290_151458349311475_2….jpg)

File: 105d96cf6f75727⋯.jpg (95.94 KB, 900x509, 900:509, m1mzkeonhuk41.jpg)

File: 982f9b5d592387a⋯.jpg (35.3 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 7a6eedc4.jpg)

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044226  No.63807



People were discussing it in January.

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21c295  No.63808

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266835  No.63809

The number of confirmed cases in burgerland is gonna be more than China in ten days considering how badly burger officials have fucked up.

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57312a  No.63810

File: fbedef764e65492⋯.png (20.26 KB, 645x118, 645:118, animal market doritoface.png)

Couldn't find anything to post



Pretty sure it got posted in a previous thread, weeks ago. Also, kek'ing at this disclaimer nearly defending the CCP.


First pic is beautiful and second is hilarious.


Definitely. Gonna be even worse better in my country since the Brownzilian government is using CCP/Pastaland tactics of hiding asymptomatic cases. At least the Burger zog acknowledges asymptomatic cases.

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21c295  No.63811


>The number of confirmed cases in burgerland is gonna be more than China in ten days

Unofficially because all Trump cares about is economy. That's why they don't test them.

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276e01  No.63812


>video of coof tents being prepared somewhere in Burgerland

Well that's so helpful, are you sure that video was even recorded this year?

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e71372  No.63813

File: 788e613a0f19667⋯.png (13.99 KB, 641x310, 641:310, ClipboardImage.png)


There's the data I wanted.

The floating petri dish had a growth rate of around 25% per day

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6fafd9  No.63814


In the future, traveling to a conference and returning with an infectious disease will be known as “getting AIPACKED.” To do otherwise would be to fail to acknowledge the sufferings of our most special friends.

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a8bb74  No.63815

File: 8c284a94a70ba09⋯.pdf (1.82 MB, biological-effects-of-mill….pdf)

File: eb46e3ace1785e9⋯.png (126.83 KB, 723x227, 723:227, artificial leukemia.png)

File: d50b7e254c583a0⋯.png (242.85 KB, 709x462, 709:462, tissue respiration decreas….png)


You're right, but my point still stands about my concerns.

Here's a declassified Russian study from 1977 in millimeter waves. Pdf and pics related

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caa76c  No.63816

File: 9cc78cc19491425⋯.jpg (364.7 KB, 825x1275, 11:17, pepe-fei-liu.jpg)

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892f52  No.63818


sorry, I haven't been following all the threads, how about this

>The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the (((World Economic Forum))) and the (((Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation))) hosted Event 201, a high-level pandemic exercise on October 18, 2019, in New York, NY. The exercise illustrated areas where public/private partnerships will be necessary during the response to a severe pandemic in order to diminish large-scale economic and societal consequences.

>Event 201 was a 3.5-hour pandemic tabletop exercise that simulated a series of dramatic, scenario-based facilitated discussions, confronting difficult, true-to-life dilemmas associated with response to a hypothetical, but scientifically plausible, pandemic.

The big "coincidence" is this:

>Event 201 simulates an outbreak of a novel zoonotic coronavirus transmitted from bats to pigs to people that eventually becomes efficiently transmissible from person to person, leading to a severe pandemic. The pathogen and the disease it causes are modeled largely on SARS, but it is more transmissible in the community setting by people with mild symptoms.

source: http://www.centerforhealthsecurity.org/event201/scenario.html

tl;dr: Bill Gates and other important rich kikes host a simulation of a coronavirus disease that originates from bats, 2 months prior to the first case of the real coronavirus

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21c295  No.63819


Pay attention to Gernanistan, Italy and Swiss. Only Italy tests people with symptoms but they are running out of test kits. Netherlands and France are also fucked.

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239334  No.63822


>3rd Pic

So this virus was designed not just for maximum infectivity but to curb overbreeding as well? Awesome.

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57312a  No.63827

File: 6ffbe4b90762b08⋯.pdf (202.57 KB, event 201 directives.pdf)

File: 70aa83502fb5924⋯.png (256.33 KB, 1279x688, 1279:688, event 201 directives scree….png)


No idea. Just trying to contribute to the thread with content, I know that video is vague but its still provides better fuel for discussion than engaging in off topic arguments with other anons that just waste bumps.


>so sad I mutated species



We also already know about Event 201. But there's no harm in restarting the discussion about it, here are some of the directives.

>>63822 (checked)

We still haven't gotten more info about that, which makes me very worried of young white males getting infected if that chink doc is right.

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a6d7c4  No.63828

File: 30035506ce088a4⋯.png (220.3 KB, 590x332, 295:166, WULAD.png)

Weird Al Yankovic looking fucker

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6fafd9  No.63829


Don’t you dare insult Corona Xiaojie that way! I can’t even.

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0a7cae  No.63832

File: 8e035c8ed0eacd7⋯.jpg (103.59 KB, 482x378, 241:189, 8e035c8ed0eacd705e2e472004….jpg)


I presented my drooling retard family with redpills, mostly virus facts and China videos, because I know this is the kind of stimuli that would get their attention if they saw it on talmudvision. Besides the flat they live in, we also have 2 houses away from the city. Those are usually rented out, but one of them is empty now. They said they wouldn't move there because they'd rather rent it out and keep paying their loans from the rent money. Most of the family members are 50+ years old. Prime targets for the virus. No amount of reasoning would convince them, even when I said that I could just rent that house for a few months and shelter everyone there. They got so fucking comfortable living the city life, they would rather just stay and chance death. For what? For a few months of shitty rent money at best. Corona-Chan is a blessing for this world. I stocked up on supplies and my buddy is extracting me tomorrow…

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ce41b6  No.63833

File: e30984f57037bad⋯.jpg (30.43 KB, 960x600, 8:5, WUHAN CONTAGION ONEpoint6.jpg)

Latest uncensored worldwide Coronavirus scenes - Wuhan Contagion 1.6 (updated)


Updated to remove still scene from the movie Contagion. Someone posted it as a real source so removing and replaced with a scene from New York.

1 minute added showing worldwide contagion at the end.

If you've seen it before just go to the last minute.

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a6d7c4  No.63834


That's a *beautiful woman* right there anon, strong, proud, so brave, don't be a bigot discriminator or I'll demonetize your deplatforming or some shit.

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45d10a  No.63836


5G is a concern, tying it to unrelated shit will just get everyone to dismiss it instead of listening to the concerns.

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c4b492  No.63838

File: 00a9828d333ae63⋯.jpg (56.53 KB, 585x452, 585:452, 1555054819.jpg)



So this proves it, then. What's important is their goal. The audacity of these kikes is truly baffling.

They wanted to take our girl as a front to enact a one-world government.

Let us join hands in prayer for out girl to go ahead an wipe them all out. And, failing that, for her to do enough damage for our (((society))) to crumble to the extent that we might finish the job.

Fucking kikes.

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01ae22  No.63839


Racoon City. The video stopped, but I got it to download and watch. Thank you videoanon

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80a7b0  No.63841


Cant we just make 10 billion tonnes of sardines and store it in space kek

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01ae22  No.63843


Sorry to double post. Noted that in the Oregon part, that footage of Nat Guard is there. Was it not just them coming back from a training exercise and grabbing refreshments? I mean, that was days ago and there is no evidence they were stationed anywhere due to ourgirl or otherwise. yet.

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276e01  No.63847


>The big "coincidence"

>transmitted from bats to pigs to people

>modeled largely on SARS

The COVID-19 didn't come from pigs, so there goes that "coincidence".

>true-to-life dilemmas associated with response to a hypothetical, but scientifically plausible, pandemic

Did you even read your own fucking post?

Bats are notorious for carrying multiple fatal diseases and viruses, they used pigs as a hypothetical because swine flu was a major and recent epidemic, they used SARS because it was also a major epidemic and SARS IS A CORONAVIRUS.

So if firefighters train using a realistic scenario and the next day a fire breaks out somewhere and is similar to their training exercise, does that mean the firefighters started the fire??

Use your fucking head anon.


Your contributions to these threads are appreciated and have not gone unnoticed, you make a lot of quality posts anon. I just like to call out unverified content because so many anons here can't spot fake news and repost it here as fact.

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5ec1c3  No.63850

File: f752929b19e5c65⋯.png (276.4 KB, 581x633, 581:633, f752929b19e5c655a79a0645ad….png)



b-b-but m-my chink glownigger study says its not a b-b-bioweapon

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000000  No.63851


She is likely dead. Or learned that she is infected and is now in full depression.

Women must never leave a man's house. Be it their father's or their husband's. They will always overreact and be irrational, and thus, will fall ill to the stress caused by their own stupidity of being emotional trainwrecks, while also disturbing anyone competent (that is, men) around them trying to properly do their job.

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45d10a  No.63853


They cut internet in a lot of areas so it could be this rather than her being dead.

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caa76c  No.63856

Pandemic QuickKits – https://amzn.to/2SXw21h

Face Masks (N-95’s) or n100 – https://amzn.to/36sx7mw

Safety Goggles – https://amzn.to/39KsxC3

Good Emergency food – https://amzn.to/329FQZZ

Water Filters – https://amzn.to/39LZVYV

Elderberry Gummies with Vitamin C & Zinc – https://amzn.to/2P6fcMm

Vitamin C Powder – https://amzn.to/2SKJw1z

First-Aid Kit – https://amzn.to/3bQrL8r

Portable radio – https://amzn.to/37ICSNt

Flashlight – https://amzn.to/2SKCc61

Purple nitrile exam gloves – https://amzn.to/2P7XEPT

Garbage bags – https://amzn.to/2wr5wpe

Liquid Bleach bulk – https://amzn.to/2vS7oqH

Clear plastic sheeting – https://amzn.to/39PfpM0

Duct Tape bulk – https://amzn.to/2V5bmab

And don’t forget, you’ll also want to stock up on these common items:

Medications and prescriptions, including flu symptom medications

Paper towels/toilet paper

Soap and antibacterial soap

Laundry Soap

Entertainment items

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80a7b0  No.63857


"I am grateful to the gods for giving me an obedient wife" - Marcus Aurelius

What did he mean by this?

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6c022c  No.63858



I've got a couple of contacts in Tokyo..one a doctor. If you like I could ask him about your friend..? Bring this up tomorrow if you're interested and I'll contact him.

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599a00  No.63860



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6c022c  No.63861


How else to explain it? He thanks God that his wife aint a dumb bitch.

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6c022c  No.63863


Good list.

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59df3f  No.63866


Try never. They are never going to contain it here because they did everything in their power to bring the infection into the USA.

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59df3f  No.63868


Good I hope she takes out Vegas. Nothing there but niggers, spicnigger and jew mafia.

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57312a  No.63870

File: 0089769adaa95f6⋯.mp4 (8.5 MB, 720x720, 1:1, Chink rent refund protests….mp4)

File: 0467ea68c75d973⋯.png (115.47 KB, 399x423, 133:141, youre late alohafags.png)

File: 23e02745fae0ed0⋯.png (337.94 KB, 644x575, 28:25, colorado update.png)

File: 032e67131b42bba⋯.png (170.43 KB, 589x589, 1:1, infected teacher.png)

File: 0649596febaa0db⋯.png (64.89 KB, 459x346, 459:346, dont inform yourselves goy….png)

The Epoch Times just posted an English captioned video of one the chink protest videos I posted earlier. First confirmed case in Hawaii about fucking time Update on Colorado https://archive.is/r88VO and Infected school teacher in Chicongo https://archive.ph/sAlNN . Also, kek'ing at this post from the Brownzilian ministry of health.

<Don't spread info among yourselves goyim, everything not confirmed by us is fake news!

<Especially anything that says asymptomatic patients are contagious and we still don't count them in the numbers despite positive test results.


>Corona-Chan is a blessing for this world.


>I stocked up on supplies and my buddy is extracting me tomorrow…

I wish the best of luck for both of you.


Checking your doubles, you earned those. Good idea replacing the movie scene with the NYC scene. Expect more Burger footage soon, shit's getting real over there.


>Let us join hands in prayer for our girl to go ahead an wipe them all out. And, failing that, for her to do enough damage for our (((society))) to crumble to the extent that we might finish the job.

This is what I pray for every night and every day. For Corona-Chan to go out of (((their))) control and exterminate them instead. And given the recent news about Pissrael, NYC kikes and AIPAC attendees getting blessed, I would say my prayers are being heard and my faith is being rewarded.


>So if firefighters train using a realistic scenario and the next day a fire breaks out somewhere and is similar to their training exercise, does that mean the firefighters started the fire??

>Use your fucking head anon.

You're right, but what's weird about Event 201 is the perfect timing it had, only 2 months after simulation exercise. That's way too close to be a mere coincidence.


>Your contributions to these threads are appreciated and have not gone unnoticed, you make a lot of quality posts anon.

Thank you for your compliments, my only goals are to make myself useful and to compensate for the cultism since /pnd/ isn't /x/.

>I just like to call out unverified content because so many anons here can't spot fake news and repost it here as fact.

Gotcha, If I ever find info about that video, I will post it.


Kek, damage control.

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6c022c  No.63873


Think it was twitter BNO showed a video about a chink in a cement sewer pipe living inside of it because he couldn't afford the coof hospitals in Wuhan. I thought Commies didn't charge for healthcare?

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57312a  No.63874


Correction about Chicongo: Not a teacher, class room assistant. Close enough anyway right? Exhaustion is taking a toll on my concentration, it's the third time this happens No, not gonna take a break from /cvg/ complete and total dedication to this thread is a form of worship


You must be confusing BNO for Epoch Times. but yeah that video with the chink Diogenes is a fucking oddity, the CCP charging for stay in the coofentration camps quarantine centers, what a fucking twist of events. They're so broke they're extorting their own population.

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0f60d4  No.63876

File: 5eb5fc412298001⋯.png (847.3 KB, 680x597, 680:597, angrydognoises.png)


>>Don't spread info among yourselves goyim, everything not confirmed by us is fake news!

>>Especially anything that says asymptomatic patients are contagious and we still don't count them in the numbers despite positive test results.

The people who are helping spread this will suffer the worst type of persecution and punishment right?

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6c022c  No.63877


Anon, this event is information overload. Cherry-pick for a little bit, if you can. Thanks for posting. And yes, you're right, I do believe it was Epoch Times that posted the video of the sewer chink rat eating noodles belligerently. Interesting about the rent rioters. Thanks, again.

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a6d7c4  No.63880


Whoever sets the rent in the bughive will be shitting their already shat in pants at the notion of that hueg gravy train shuddering to a halt.

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bd4d28  No.63882

File: 0b0cc4d7c237503⋯.jpg (371.48 KB, 2040x1446, 340:241, 0b0cc4d7c2375030a4255789e9….jpg)


I'd be more worried if i was him that the 2000+ IQ Chinamen don't just hang him and figure that there will be no more rent to pay.

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ff000d  No.63883



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56dd5b  No.63886

File: 486738055274485⋯.png (145.04 KB, 1235x2152, 1235:2152, robinhood.png)


>buying stuff

>not buying puts and making money off the panic

How dumb can ya get?

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bd4d28  No.63887


>that id

>may you never go hungry, ffoood

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57312a  No.63889

File: e78d3e5df0f94c9⋯.jpeg (88.59 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, italian coof tent chair.jpeg)

File: 5bad243c225e9bd⋯.png (48.59 KB, 309x462, 103:154, policlinico torvergata.png)

File: f385c3bc9c02a80⋯.mp4 (1.66 MB, 480x848, 30:53, Italian coof tent for susp….mp4)

Looks like some Pastas that need testing have to endure precarious conditions in coof tents.


No, we aren't at that level of kikery yet. We probably would be if we elected a lefty in 2018 though.

>>63877 (checked)

I am cherry picking. I'm ignoring some Burgerland news since there's too many news coming out from there, so I'm only picking the most interesting ones. I'm completely avoiding posting any news from seniors dying in the US, for example, since so many of them are dying and it's already a given they will die from the moment they're confirmed to be infected.


>2000+ IQ Chinamen


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b47450  No.63893

File: ddeb117c05159ae⋯.png (483.63 KB, 720x943, 720:943, new zealand concert.png)

File: ac2e8449f9eb89f⋯.jpg (164.35 KB, 1080x1476, 30:41, new zealand pozz.jpg)

Kiwis are fucked.

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6065d4  No.63894

File: d4f69342858d184⋯.jpg (40.15 KB, 518x553, 74:79, 4f6f63159f81c8825bf0df857d….jpg)

File: 2142bd145652f74⋯.png (1.39 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, having_dinner_with_corona-….png)



My money is on the unintentional release. >Human stupidity/ignorance of the masses will be their downfall.

Anyone who's left can bury the dead and fight WWIII for the spoils.

Moreover, the global undercurrents are using this bio-weapon (unintentional or otherwise) for (((their))) advantage, regardless of how BTFO the world will be.

Heil Corona-chan

Verdammt die internationalen Hyänen und ihre 'generationenübergreifenden' Pläne

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edfe2b  No.63895

File: 6a60f76393c734c⋯.jpeg (2.98 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, IMG_2648.jpeg)

Bellingham, WA anon checking in.

The photo is from a few minutes ago in the Burlington, WA Costco. "No Kirkland" refers to a brand of bottled water.

Glad I prepped early.

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edfe2b  No.63896


I'm retarded: the "no Kirland" refers to a brand of toilet paper.

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599a00  No.63897


Kirkland is the costco in house brand name

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bd4d28  No.63898


you're right both times; Kirkland is the house brand. from shit tickets to packaged ham.

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56dd5b  No.63899


Don't forget the Kirkland Light Beer too.

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bd4d28  No.63900

File: 9aac78653bab529⋯.gif (992.05 KB, 245x196, 5:4, 9aac78653bab52902994739ab5….gif)



>tfw no booze in grocery stores here.

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a6d7c4  No.63901


Why the fuck is anyone bothering going to communal quarantine at this point? They're guaranteed to get pozzed. All these retards clamouring for tests gathering in one place are gonna get BUGGED.com. Stay the fuck home, running out to hospitals coofing your guts out with a mask on, you might as well just burst yourself all over the place like a bag of infection.

Shutting down hospitals with this shit is gonna kill another big slew of people who can't/shouldn't get treated for non-corona shit.

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45d10a  No.63902


>all these retards clamouring for tests gathering in one place

I'm paranoid about even going to a wedding next week even though just about everyone there will be of my family or the groom's family.

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03af2e  No.63903

File: 7adbd1fbb54852c⋯.jpg (54.73 KB, 1024x773, 1024:773, 1582579226146.jpg)



Dear thyroidanon, thank you for the update and sorry for the slow reply. It was my birthday and I haven't been on here all that much. I'm really glad to hear from you dude, though your condition has left me a bit worried for you. I sincerely hope your health returns and you come out of this unscathed. Keep your wits about you friend, and I'll do the same.

>I hope debtanon who appears to be doing well continues to do so and has many beautiful white children in my stead. I wish him the best.

That's incredibly kind of you anon, thank you. I'm doing very good, seems it was just the fucking flu after all. My country is getting fucked up the ass though, so I'm not entirely sure I'll be very safe in the future. If I do make it out, I promise I'll get myself a big family, and so will you. I might even name my first child Torpedo ;^)

Please be safe anon, you'll be in my thoughts.

t. debtanon

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573326  No.63904




>They're guaranteed to get pozzed.

>be pleb

>get information from MSM/government propaganda

>go to open-air coofcentration camp

>turns out you had no idea the plague is actually pretty infectious, lol

>write "BIG OOF" on tombstone

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2afccb  No.63905


hearing an awful lot about "so and so went to x place with his partner while infected"

not spouse, not wife, not girlfriend, partner. Guess we know how the bugchasers feel.

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2afccb  No.63906


depends on the county, not everywhere allows selling booze in a grocery store.

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a6d7c4  No.63907

File: 5e9b1504ba9ace3⋯.jpg (17.14 KB, 250x241, 250:241, frank.jpg)


I'd fuck it off if I were you mate, I'm in the same boat with a cousin of mine but I wasn't likely to go to that shit anyway. If they have any sense they'd reschedule.



>be vaccum brain

>cough a bit

>go sit in a coof tent to wait to get tested knowing they don't have enough tests and the tests they do have are shitty anyway and won't help at all

>complain that there's no toilet/amenities

>cos it's a tent

>it's a quarantine…. tent

>y-yeah that'll do the trick right? A fucking tent

>catch the red coofers and croak on the concrete

>they test your corpse and it's negative cos of shitty tests

>your death is written off as pneumonia which you probably also caught too so it's not *all* lies

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bd4d28  No.63908

File: f2b77c3e10b80db⋯.jpg (61.39 KB, 720x661, 720:661, f2b77c3e10b80db960da5f8c78….jpg)


faggots completely disregarding all warnings when it comes to their health? Shocking. pic related


I know, actually in canuckistan some provinces do, just not here.

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e1f84c  No.63910



>faggots completely disregarding all warnings when it comes to their health? Shocking. pic related

If these med shortages really happen I'll tell you right now faggots are fucked. Their HIV meds are crazy expensive and hard to manufacture, and will likely be among the first to experience shortages since they aren't produced in bulk the way most common blood pressure tier meds are. I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of them are dead within a year of major shortage, especially with some crazy respiratory virus floating around.

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cec7c0  No.63912

File: 30f63916f6f62c5⋯.jpg (50.79 KB, 350x471, 350:471, mr_cool_ice.jpg)


I'm waiting for the larger market to crater before going in on index funds. Should pay off in 10-15 years assuming things don't go apeshit in the interim.


Bellevue anon here. Local grocery stores just restocked mostly and I haven't seen panic buying yet in downtown. But there's a shitload less traffic on the road, most restaurants looked dead or empty, and I'm seeing more and more people being smart about keeping 6' away, using elbows to open doors, and other semi prepper things.

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45d10a  No.63913


They're happening, my mom had to be given a substitute for her blood pressure medication because her normal one already has a shortage.

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bd4d28  No.63914


also trannies and; i've been warning, psych med patients too. either people are going to die or go absolutely crazy.

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120870  No.63915


>Commies at first: It's Bats

>Poos: No, it's man made with gay viruses, we did a thorough analysis

>Chinks and worldwide virological community: fuck off with that shit and burn your paper

>Poos: OK OK

>Chinks later that month: Heh, actual guys, we did mak….errr…corona-chan may have injected gay viruses in to herself

Peek clown world behavior


Checked and great work as always Contagion Anon!


>Tool concert

Fitting end for that faggot fandom. No offense to anyone who likes the their music.

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000000  No.63916


>Chicago high school closed

Here come the chimp-outs. Hope none of you anons are in Ch-iraq.


>Anyone who's left can bury the dead and fight WWIII for the spoils.

More like the victors can make the losers bury the dead. You bury the dead, you get the coof.

Is this your first apocalypse?


>Their HIV meds are crazy expensive and hard to manufacture, and will likely be among the first to experience shortages since they aren't produced in bulk

Somehow, I think (((they))) will prioritize the faggots.

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bd4d28  No.63917

File: 77374a90d6b90d2⋯.png (1.57 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Screenshot from 2020-03-06….png)

>Orange, CA currently facing risk of community infection


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a6d7c4  No.63919

It's time to turtle the fuck up, get your /v/ on and erode your backlog. Hope we get a Wurm serb soon, monuments to Corona-chan will be a priority.

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59df3f  No.63920


Your wife will probably have a say in nixing that.

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217ff3  No.63921


>, most restaurants looked dead or empty

really? I work at a fast food, all of the seats and parking lot were overfilled. I had to clean the ceilings and walls today though, my boss is getting strict about cleaning now, though I would rather clean then deal with customers.

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907096  No.63922

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61e39f  No.63923

File: 3afae55bbd1a886⋯.png (99.98 KB, 603x489, 201:163, the impacts of corona-chan.png)

File: 892256c79d45a3c⋯.jpeg (209.42 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, blessed fed.jpeg)

File: fdf7d5ed3e703b0⋯.png (185.01 KB, 470x461, 470:461, blessed fed.png)

57312a here, had to reboot my router to fix the wifi so I probably got a new ID

Tyler Durder pondering on Corona-Chan's impact on the economy and society https://archive.is/KMdMO and a fed got blessed.


RIP Kiwiland.

>second pic

Fucking hell, I thought only Commiefornia was that crazy.


>Heil Corona-chan




>Glad I prepped early.

Nice! Stay safe, you're in the eye of the storm right now.


Your entire post is right.

>Shutting down hospitals with this shit is gonna kill another big slew of people who can't/shouldn't get treated for non-corona shit.

That's one of Corona-Chan's functions might have been designed to do: Overwhelm healthcare systems.



>Fags & trannies will die

Yep, good riddance. No more drag queen story time.

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59df3f  No.63925

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The ‘distinctive corona cough’ and can people please shut the fuck up with the ‘it only kills old people bullshit?

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bd4d28  No.63926


Torsten works. And is a good, strong Germanic name.

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6a4a98  No.63927


Ave Satan

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000000  No.63928


>That's one of Corona-Chan's functions might have been designed to do: Overwhelm healthcare systems.

Yes, it's like when those niggers in africa had a civil war. (Liberia?) They wouldn't kill the enemy, they would cut off a leg and the opposing arm, to make them utterly useless and a drag on their opponent.

A lingering disease demoralizes your opponent, overwhelming the system, and possibly killing those who could have been saved if they had medical treatment.

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907096  No.63931


These are probably nice products Anon, but people need to realize they ought to take some action than do nothing. Example: the flashlight listed looks like a nice deluxe flashlight. OK, but it's still better to have some kind of flashlight, even a $3 one from the hardware store, than to have nothing at all. Or to have a simple battery powered radio, than to have nothing. I'm concerned people may think 'I need the best deluxe equipment' and then hesitate or delay taking action.

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61e39f  No.63932


>That's what Corona-Chan might have been designed to do, it could be one of her functions: Overwhelming healthcare systems.

There I fixed it. The wifi problem hit exactly when I was rewriting that part of the post and I forgot to finish rewriting it. My bad about that, bad timing for such a problem to happen.


Yep, also like when snipers don't shoot to kill, just to wound and make wounded soldiers call for help.

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03af2e  No.63934


Of course I was merely jesting, but I do like this >>63926 suggestion.

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907096  No.63935


sorry failed to archive


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59df3f  No.63936


I agree just don’t tell anyone where it comes from because the vast majority of TOR users are total kike/government fags.

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276e01  No.63937


The vast majority of the deaths so far are old people and mostly with pre-existing conditions. That is a fact.

No one is saying only old people can get infected.

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5cc151  No.63938

File: 7fe38aef2484210⋯.png (393.95 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, original-1554408516-64e777….png)



The markets will be papered over until the the federal government seizes the Fed in 2 years.

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59df3f  No.63939


I doubt that it has a preference for the old. If I had to guess I would guess that it simply takes longer to destroy a young body than an old one. About the only thing that you could say to me, that I would agree with, is that it kills older people faster…but I have seen no evidence of ‘recovery’ as in return to full health and well being which simply means that it takes a lot longer to ravage young people who are healthy when they contract it. The fact that it can and does stay dormant in the spinal column means that by default it has no particular preference for the old.

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cf982c  No.63940


I texted my parents, and told them to just get out. Put it into cash and hold onto it. I'm personally in the silver and gold arena, but that's sounds like magic to them so I don't even bother. Just get out.

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573326  No.63941


>get your /v/

If you're not preparing for the actual cataclysm by playing CDDA, I don't know what to tell you.

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59df3f  No.63943


There won’t be jack shit left for them to seize in 2 years…and anyone who is left alive simply wont give a shit what any of those jackasses do in the future.

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725ce3  No.63944

File: 54b9a904a93b106⋯.jpeg (8.02 KB, 255x147, 85:49, dam son da fuc.jpeg)

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edfe2b  No.63945


Half heiled.

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056d3c  No.63946

Florida must have a pretty large outbreak to already have 2 deaths:


>NEW: Florida reports first 2 deaths from coronavirus

Considering the death lag is around a month.

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725ce3  No.63947

File: cb281c95006cc58⋯.png (27.97 KB, 870x307, 870:307, wait, how many people in t….png)



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120870  No.63948

File: 84c1a4b830f3c6e⋯.png (369.7 KB, 1496x6182, 68:281, fda_med_shortages_as_of_Ma….png)

Was over at cuckchan's corona-general, somebody post a screenshot of the FDA's current list of medication shortages. I'm posting it here for any anon to look over if their medication is on this list. Do understand that you should expect this list to expand and change as the virus impacts other world and domestic manufacturers of both meds, ingredients, and ancillary supplies (plastic bottles, injection needles, doctor/hospital equipment, etc., doctor/pharmacy personnel)

Here's the website of the database if you want:



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217ff3  No.63949

File: 400ff08ef8d5796⋯.jpg (65.03 KB, 495x454, 495:454, no refunds.jpg)

File: f922f3074036ad0⋯.jpg (261.12 KB, 946x2048, 473:1024, ESb4yfYXkAIduiD.jpg)

spics are mad that calle ocho is closed , chimpouts when?


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5cc151  No.63951

File: e949ced451a227a⋯.jpg (87.66 KB, 800x800, 1:1, original-1554407666-bb10e3….jpg)


The whole thing is about existential threat. There is a big wait and see over the the fact that 2/3 of the American population are over the age of 50. The only defect of the FEDs design is that it does not account for ballooning of a particular age group. Keep in mind, it was designed for infinite growth through labor capital steadily, not artificial inflation (which can happen quickly. Either way it was designed to blow up, the issue is how quickly it blows up.

The FED was created to be a high performance F1 car (so to speak). They are only intended to last one race. Sometimes the performance skew is so great the engine blows up early during the race.

Good thing they have a spare…

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61e39f  No.63956

File: fcb64af4cb598f7⋯.png (76.08 KB, 773x572, 773:572, florida public health.png)

File: 52438515de0973b⋯.png (125.84 KB, 305x480, 61:96, angry iranians attack car.png)

File: 52fcb00ab15d14e⋯.mp4 (1.37 MB, 480x480, 1:1, Iranians attacking a car f….mp4)

File: eb9fcebdc9315c3⋯.png (164.54 KB, 608x516, 152:129, media vilifying based prep….png)

File: 887b531f3b43f29⋯.mp4 (1.22 MB, 416x416, 1:1, Iranian mass burial.mp4)

Zerohedge article about the media vilifying based preppers and chad panickers https://archive.is/17ruX ; Florida's first deaths https://archive.ph/28k2y ; Video of Iranians attacking a car from Qom transporting a "Mollah" (I did some research and apparently that means they're attacking a shi'ite) and another video from Iran showing a mass burial.


>and can people please shut the fuck up with the ‘it only kills old people bullshit?

This. Iran truly is proof it doesn't only kill old people. And many chinks in their 30s got sent to the big bat soup restaurant in heaven too.

>>63922 (checked)


Good job anon, thanks for the update on Leafland.




This is what I played everyday as soon as shit in Chinkland popped off big time, back when I wasn't a cultist and still frequented halfchan's /cvg/'s. But now that I moved back here and I'm posting full time as a Coronian Cultist, I just can't afford to waste time playing that kickass game anymore. I made a prepper character based on myself that lasted only 2 days. Shit was intense, got killed by a horde when I ran into a store trying to escape it, but I just ended up shoving myself into a dead end.

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bd4d28  No.63957


few breads ago someone posts twitter caps of some Iranian guys say "3 to 4 days till social breakdown". herewego.gif

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5cc151  No.63958

File: 0ff3d5dec48fc60⋯.png (437.66 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, original-1554405622-3b547d….png)


You are completely correct. Our fairest sweet maiden the Goddess doesn't blindly bless the old on purpose. It's more about the machinery of our bodies and more importantly the precision of that machinery.

Either way /ourgirl/ is really, really good at solving 'problems' and not causing them.

Praise be to the Goddess, may her love hurricane violently shower all niggers/kikes/spics/chinks and kikes with many blessings. Regardless of wealth and politics rest assured in the name of our great Goddess, niggas gonna die!

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6a4a98  No.63960


Every major retail chain in UK is stocked to the brim with non-perishables.

Thanks to the Brexit scare.


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5cc151  No.63961

File: 76bc4a1c036c421⋯.mp4 (9.22 MB, 848x480, 53:30, Boogaloo.mp4)


The center of the paradoxical nexus, the summoning of our Goddess. The ceremony of her awakening. The force of her birth. The central power of her divine being.

Behold, come forth and witness her reason… Her thought and spirit…

They say seeing and hearing are believing, that's bullshit. Not being able to unsee and unhear are her truth. And /ourgirl/, she doesn't forget.

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276e01  No.63962

File: 2b4bb3685db4eee⋯.jpg (23.81 KB, 700x552, 175:138, 5e583c47fee23d4cf4755b27.jpg)


>I doubt that it has a preference for the old.

>implying that people are saying only old people can get infected


Despite the Corona-Chan meme, it's not actually capable of preferring any demographic. It's a novel virus, everyone can get infected.

>it has no particular preference for the old.


>Most of the deaths are in people over 60 years old.

We're on thread 27 this happening is nothing new. How the fuck are you unaware of the basic facts?

Old people have always been far more likely to die from just about every health related problem because their organs can't handle it and their immune systems are weak.

This is already a major event in world history, Why the fuck are you denying common knowledge and adding your own faggotry to make it sound worse than it is, as if it's not already bad enough.

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8b4bc8  No.63964

Got this from half-chan…fuck

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8b4bc8  No.63965

File: e4d43e237c6e412⋯.pdf (271.88 KB, pol - cvg - Corona Virus G….pdf)


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5cc151  No.63966

File: 10adb5b57a38ab4⋯.jpg (121.76 KB, 1272x920, 159:115, 1272x920design_03.jpg)



What was, then and now is. Cause and effect. The minds call it a squeeze. A million little possibilities that could've been any other way squeezed like threads into what is. I'm going to tell the kikes out there that 'what is….'

What they did….

They should've made better choices. But you know what they say: should've, could've, would've…

Unfortunately for them this is about what the fuck is. They laughed, and now in this moment as if by magic.

A bigger ash tray, delivered by the hand of 'karma,' as if by divine irony magically appears.

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599a00  No.63967

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e45076  No.63970

File: 5a7aefa165e70d9⋯.gif (31.5 KB, 375x375, 1:1, homer.gif)


mods are fags

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66a413  No.63971


>Behold, come forth and witness her reason… Her thought and spirit…

This is not divine for me, CoronaChan is not a goddess or to be worshipped. This a fucking reckoning. A reckoning against the people of this world. The psychopaths whose only urge is to destroy and the sleeping sheep who let them get away with it. Those who are covered in blood and those who cover their eyes to preserve their comfort. Let. it. kill. them. all.

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599a00  No.63972



>The virus isn't just killing fat old boomers. No one is recovering. It hides in your nervous system and reemerges again when your immune system lets up. It does this again and again, wearing you down and scarring your lungs each time. That's why people are being released only to die later after being "reinfected".

>WE ARE ALL FUCKED, do you understand? If you catch this virus you are absolutely fucked.

>WHO does not include "recovered" in their reports, poorly defined https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/situation-reports

>5-Mar: "Recovered" drops dead, surge of reinfections http://archive.is/MF0fv

>28-Feb: Israeli "recovered" case tests positive again https://archive.is/TV8DS

>28-Feb: South Korea "recovered" case reinfected https://archive.is/Gv1iu

>27-Feb: Xuzhou first case reinfected weeks after "recovery" https://archive.is/CuOtr

>27-Feb: "Recovered" in Japan sick again: reinfected or dormant https://archive.is/HjykE

>26-Feb: 14% of "recovered" in Guangdong test positive again https://archive.is/V6IgT

>21-Feb: Patient reinfects himself after "recovery" https://archive.is/8Ppkx

>19-Feb: "There is a likelihood of relapse", expert says https://archive.is/ABjjf

>14-Feb: Reinfection possible and even deadlier https://archive.is/Iw58p

>31-Jan: Patients can get reinfected, no immunity after "recovery" https://archive.is/W9vNf

So anon don't have to download that shit.

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5cc151  No.63974

File: 8afec4b43825280⋯.jpg (360.21 KB, 1272x920, 159:115, 1272x920design_08.jpg)


Cheers Anon! Thou wish shall be granted.

But, a humble warning to the cheaters…

Her blessing at the most can only be delayed, but doing so will aggravate her attempts to deliver them…

I mainly engage 'cult status' because it makes it easier for me to communicate the behavior and relationships therein.

BTW L and S aren't the only letters in the alphabet and you can't make a good sandwich with only the crust and crumbs. You need the whole slice of bread and a little sauce.

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725ce3  No.63975

File: 4774b8ec29a3675⋯.png (398.59 KB, 608x497, 608:497, billy mays.png)


Thanks bro

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3f660f  No.63977


are you able or willing to release the future ones with an optional "no music" version?

People rightfully dismiss a lot of political footage for having emotion-bait music in the background , this is nothing different. It needs to be able to stand on its own without being closed due to feeling like you're being made to feel a certain way because of the noise.

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5cc151  No.63978

File: 4a8c5e811f5ea44⋯.jpg (335.61 KB, 1272x920, 159:115, 1272x920design_04.jpg)


I can't wait til' people make the mistake of receiving the vaccine and she pulls a 'bait and switch.' Her wonderful prions and many other gifts will in turn cause those precious cheaters to run out of letters and numbers to name her by.

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3f660f  No.63979


i may have worded that last part poorly, I just mean it's similar to when people put zimmercore bullshit as the backing to videos of refugees chimping out in Calais etc, the person that should be watching the video and discovering reality… immediately identifies the persuasion of the music and goes no further.

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61e39f  No.63980

File: 2a1eb3e56ca8179⋯.mp4 (1.5 MB, 480x480, 1:1, collapsed Iranian.mp4)

File: 29f0366f403c9e5⋯.mp4 (5.53 MB, 720x720, 1:1, Iranian mass grave 27feb20….mp4)

File: 3c5bcd58dfda1c1⋯.png (97.53 KB, 312x460, 78:115, burger testing limitations.png)

File: 2b2388763d3a736⋯.png (20.42 KB, 465x405, 31:27, this guy did nothing wrong.png)

Collapsed Iranian; yet another video of Iranian hazmat dudes burying people (It's from 27 of last month but I don't remember seeing it here or posting it myself so here I go, forgive me if we already seen it); Burgerland's serious testing limitations according to a (((blue check mark))) who works for the (((NYT))) and Twatter censoring an account that has done literally nothing wrong because I ran out of stuff to post

Okay so I have to say I noticed something about Twatter: It's a lot easier to find Iranian videos there than videos from every other blessed country. Worst Korea and Nippon is just MSM videos and Pastaland is a mix of old MSM videos and normalfag shitposts. This is fishy as hell.


Powerful post.


I can understand and partially agree with what you say, despite being her cultist.


>So anons don't have to download that shit.

You're an hero for doing this. Yeah the situation looks pretty serious, no recovery at all. Good.

>>63977 (lucky digits checked)


A compilation from ContagionAnon without music would be nice, just to show normalfags.

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5cc151  No.63981

File: 66767b1b057c3e2⋯.jpg (387.35 KB, 1272x920, 159:115, 1272x920design_10.jpg)


You know that Ebola thing that was mentioned, but never elaborated on……..

What would you do if I told you that 'vaccines' only go sooooo deep, but /ourgirl/ goes a little deeper.

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8b4bc8  No.63984


Thank you…didn’t know how to make that a png file

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edfe2b  No.63985


Thanks, anon.

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5cc151  No.63988

File: 842fd8eb0cd315d⋯.jpg (88.63 KB, 800x800, 1:1, original-1554409481-710f6b….jpg)



/ourgirl/, she likes to dig. Unlike most she has the ability pass into all tissues of the body.

You know that thing where skin tissue has different proteins and composition than brain tissue, etc…

With all this variety in tissues who needs Kleenex.

Now if somebody gets too smart on us: we will have a skin Goddess, a blood Goddess, an intestinal Goddess, probably a heart Goddess. In fact she will bring all her friends to the party.

Even better she likes to hang out in you're mind through your spinal and cerebral fluids and loves being the first to meet and speak to your soon to be born babies. She just loves telling stories about the first time she ever met you.

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59df3f  No.63989

File: 7f6af84b9e8b48f⋯.jpeg (16.18 KB, 255x156, 85:52, 93ABE66C-2852-473B-904A-4….jpeg)


>kills the elderly FASTER

See, here is YOUR PROBLEM…you think that there is some sort of time limit and some conferred immunity and that ‘people just get over this’ like it was a seasonal flu. It is none of those things. Once someone has it, it started whittling away at their entire body…seeking entrance to their organs and tissues so that it can replicate its own RNA…

Really anon, if we intentionally injected an older person with a deadly toxin and a younger person with a deadly toxin; the older person WOULD DIE FIRST…but that would not spare the younger people at all…it is still a deadly toxin. You are EXTREMELY LIMITED in your understanding of this ‘virus’ and you think about it in the same way you have always thought about the seasonal flu or colds. You think there is some FUCKING MAGICAL TIME LIMIT that once you are passed it and you have ‘recovered’ you are in the clear (when clearly the toxin is still just circulating in your system).

You are like someone who is watching the boomer die and while you are collapsing you are reassuring yourself that ‘muh only kills the elderly’. Literally in free fall and reassuring yourself that it has a limited time duration and because it killed the boomer first that you don’t have to ‘worry’ about it…

Believe me, I GET IT, you don’t want to think that you have a vulnerability at all. But nothing you are thinking is going to hold true in this situation.

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5cc151  No.63993

File: ae5fdb6fa90414b⋯.jpg (361.26 KB, 1272x920, 159:115, 1272x920design_01.jpg)


Bingo this one gets it. /ourgirl/ she marries for life and her husband is the whole fucking human race.

FYI during the Trump medical panel they used the words 'therapeutics and vaccine.'

In ether words… Some shitskins will need medicine for life or 'nigger put the gun in your mouth if you want to live.'

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486757  No.63996

File: 878b17bc70d125c⋯.png (68.15 KB, 241x614, 241:614, Senshi_oh_no.png)



I should tell my family to close our snack-bar/restaurant too, and perhaps we should have done that even sooner.

I was in a sort of denial of corona-chan being so deadly when I started reading these threads a couple days ago but now I'm very fucking worried about my family, specially my father as I had always relied on him and he had breathing problems before. I must warn my family as soon as possible and prepare the best we can for the little time we have before death comes to our door (if it hasn't already, fucking long ass asymptomatic carriage).

Having heard of a rumor of a blessing in a town not too far away from here does not help at all either.

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5cc151  No.63997

File: d7d70e26629ce6a⋯.jpg (371.43 KB, 1272x920, 159:115, 1272x920design_07.jpg)


And people thought governments wanted to charge a 'life tax.' LOL

The correct answer is the white master race born from this is going to charge shitskins and muddblods to exist.

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a03664  No.63998

>poorfag that's still going to local college and live with his parents

>semester's over a week before the first case gets reported in my country (thank god)

>prepped my shit up since January and hid them from my parents somehow because their normalnigger minds would consider it as "a waste of money"

>kept showing them videos from Wuhan, and now Iraq

>showed them that "recovery" is completely impossible

<"oh my, that's horrible!"

<parents still go out without protective gear

<parents still go to church, saying "it's fine because god will protect us"

<cousin's wedding coming up tomorrow, and they still want to go

<mom said "I know there's disease out there, but he's family so we gotta go"

I've never hated my parents before but now I despise them.

Fucking pieces of shit with zero self-preservation instincts.

This is it for me, I suppose. It's been an honor.

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8b4bc8  No.63999


Normies are still in denial…but probably too late

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a03664  No.64000



meant Iran.

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59df3f  No.64002


I ‘get it’ because I told these fags 20 threads ago what she was and they banned me…as if banning me could also ban the truth about what I was saying. I know what she is and I have always known what she is and the more time passes the more correct I am proven. They won’t say it and I am not held responsible because I have no ‘non disclosure agreement’ with anyone because I was only a student…but I KNOW what she is/was/is capable of…I have always known.


I never wanted them to live like that. It is wrong and they are still going to use up resources that can’t be justified extending to them when we have people who will actually CONTRIBUTE to humanities progress that could/should use them instead.

I am Frisian and we don’t keep slaves.

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4bec10  No.64004


This is pure bullshit. Baseline Coronavirus is the common cold. There is nothing magical about it that your body cant fight off. Sure its 20-50x more deadly but even so 95% of humans can handle it just fine. This dooms day "it will kill everyone" shit is pure wishful thinking larp. The weak will die. Less virulent strains will evolve and in 2-3 years world will go on albiet with stronger police states, psychically empowered conservative impulses, and far fewer old people.

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3dfcca  No.64005

File: 258b011aa269dce⋯.jpg (122.52 KB, 582x660, 97:110, aipac.jpg)

How much of US Govt was in attendance for this…?

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120870  No.64006


>Twitter censoring Coronavirus Central, which has been informative and comprehensive.

Corona-chan needs to choke Jack with his own blood or turn him into a spasming retard.


Here's to you anon. Stay safe, alert, and wise.


Trips confirmed, normalfaggots will die coofing out: "It's just a hoax bro!"

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5cc151  No.64007

File: a2ed5826da3be20⋯.jpg (82.79 KB, 800x800, 1:1, original-1576187481-9bddfb….jpg)


It would be wise for everyone here to read 'what lies beneath'/between the lines.

Shitskins/muddbloods be damned IS THE OFFICIAL POSITION. No if and or buts about that.

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61e39f  No.64008

File: 8a6e1c1a6fe87f9⋯.png (98.51 KB, 304x484, 76:121, chink collapsed at work.png)

File: 5bb06c845fc8dc1⋯.mp4 (1.93 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, chink collapsed at work.mp4)

File: fd2c3f079c0adfb⋯.png (172.84 KB, 1120x525, 32:15, CCP shill be gone.png)

File: 5b091e692daaf54⋯.png (75.75 KB, 1181x195, 1181:195, Event 201 kike shill be go….png)

Just when I was contemplating calling it a day due to lack of content to post, Zeng delivers a tweet worth my time: A chink collapsed at work.


>What would you do if I told you that 'vaccines' only go sooooo deep, but /ourgirl/ goes a little deeper.

I would be pretty amused, and not in a sarcastic way.

>>63988 (heil'd)

>She just loves telling stories about the first time she ever met you.

I gotta say I kek'd visualizing this.


Best of luck to you and your family, anon. Good to know you heard /cvg/'s warnings and changed your mind.


>This is it for me, I suppose. It's been an honor.

Not so fast, chuckle nuts. You're gonna make it, you have a good chance if you prepped, believe it. Your parents are normalfags but it doesn't seem to me like they are complete blockheads, they might change their minds if cases start popping off in your area or if people start dropping in your country.


>corona-chan is a common cold

Holy shit my shill alert is going off the charts, I'm deploying the shill spray.

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8b4bc8  No.64009


Go to your nearest chinatown since it’s just the flu faggot

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68c4ee  No.64010


Your only hope is to be born with a natural immunity, this is amazing.

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6fafd9  No.64011


Lots of Dems decided to skip it this year. Tipped off.


Try the orange beef with snow peas and baby corn. It’s to die for.

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5cc151  No.64012

File: 88bf7e250fe293e⋯.png (413.51 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, original-1554479057-cd9e9b….png)


Learn critical thinking skills anon. Only the cell wall/membrane as well as only certain internal machinery are Corona/Sars like/flu analogue. The rest is summoned Goddess perfection. The issue are the prions that possess a furin cleft as well as ebola imprints. The Covid-19 everybody is focused on is not the Goddess… The contents that spill into the whole of you're being when you're antibodies rupture these cells, now those are forever like a Goddess.

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68c4ee  No.64014


What's with the weird images?

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738af4  No.64015


Who are you honestly? At first I thought you were just a random schizoposter, but a lot of what you've been saying throughout the past few threads has been confirmed in recent studies. Are you a fed or something? Are you an actual member of the ruling class who has come onto this mongolian basket weaving forum to let the proles in on a few secrets? I'm not sure how you're getting this information but you're getting it. Who knows, if Corona-Chan marries us for life and can make love to EVERY part of our body then this is an ELE and we just don't know it yet.

Just drop the cryptic shit and tell us if you're a kike with inside info, at this point we're probably all going to die anyway.

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5cc151  No.64016

File: c9d0fb708ece373⋯.png (444.44 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, original-1554405932-a40b21….png)



I only say prions as this is very similar to the madcow/crutchfield jakob scenario.

This is wonderfully more complex than that.

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725ce3  No.64018


Sure better than getting murdered by niggers you have to admit right? I like to stay positive in the face of certain death.

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4bec10  No.64021


Vanilla non bioweapon gene edited corovirus is the common cold. This is a fact. The idiots saying you will die because it evolves are equally retarded. You catch the common cold over and over because it reimerges and evolves its outer coat. Like most viruses its evolved to be relatively harmless. The same will happen with ncov19 over time. Basic virology. But itll be a fun 2-3 years in meantime.

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725ce3  No.64022


The wind would blow that kids candles out.


Yeah this is a curious poster… reminds me of /vqc Too crazy to be real but definitely too smart and clued in on the subject to just be a stoned teenager.

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5cc151  No.64023

File: c7b7e38a04b3230⋯.jpg (79.93 KB, 800x800, 1:1, original-1554396807-09ae21….jpg)


You wouldn't believe me or understand if I told you.


Absolutely and that's a fact. I'm positivity sure a bunch of shitskins and muddbloods are going to die.


Niggers/kikes/spics/chinks/shitskins at large/kikes/muddbloods and lastly kikes should read between these fucking lines… And see what lies beneath when the Goddess strangles them by the neck and drowns them in their fucking filth and shit.


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4bec10  No.64024


>prions and ebola in ncov payload

That would have been detected genetically ages ago. Post the sauce or youre just another schizo boomer

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c1dbc3  No.64025

File: a12472e87526cd9⋯.pdf (1.15 MB, 1-s2.0-S0166354220300528-m….pdf)

furin-like cleavage site, is supposed to be cleaved

during virus egress (Mille and Whittaker, 2014) for S-protein “priming” and may provide a gain-of-function to the 2019-nCoV for efficient spreading in the human population compared to other lineage b beta-coronaviruses.

There's other documents that describe how the Chinese bought the patent for this virus from a BL4 facility located in North Carolina then brought it back to Wuhan to reverse engineer and improve upon at their BL4 facility in Wuhan.

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725ce3  No.64026

File: 9da3a4df912e852⋯.png (164.07 KB, 500x361, 500:361, Ayylmao2.png)


>You wouldn't believe me or understand if I told you.


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59df3f  No.64027

File: 1d9201c55ed3855⋯.jpeg (204.75 KB, 500x750, 2:3, 6B96CA4C-B26A-41AA-BD92-6….jpeg)


I dream of heaven when I read shit like that.

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5c6e7b  No.64029


This is the beauty of the chans, anon. Nobody knows who anybody is. Anyone can be saying anything. But here's a tip for you: real anons in the know give specific, actionable advice, things that can be verified later, details. Schizos and larpers make Q-style cryptic effortposts. The more cryptic, the more sketchy.

<trust the belly of the deep state to drip water

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276e01  No.64030

File: 4b760d8656c1e5a⋯.jpg (532.5 KB, 1952x3264, 61:102, 1339436649775.jpg)




Why are you even here? Everyone of your posts are so fucking retarded and pointless, you're pretty much just sliding the thread with your reddit-tier shit.

>muh goddess

>summoned Goddess perfection

You sound like a degenerate faggot from Deviant art.

Just fuck off to /x/ and summon your succubus over there you dumb cunt.

I can tell by your consistent reddit spacing that you're a complete fucking retard.

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276e01  No.64031


>kills the elderly FASTER

So how long will it take for the numbers to even out? Why are you saying this like it's fact when it hasn't fucking happened yet?

>everyone who gets infected is just as likely to die


>You are like someone who is watching the boomer die and while you are collapsing you are reassuring yourself that ‘muh only kills the elderly’.

You are like someone who is watching the boomer die and thinks a healthy 20 year old has the same body and health conidtion as an old person.

>‘muh only kills the elderly’.

When the fuck did I say that? I just fucking told you that is not the case you dumb nigger.

>you don’t want to think that you have a vulnerability at all.

Again, I didn't fucking say that. My chances of survival are far greater than a fraile old person who can barely walk.

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5cc151  No.64032

File: 1867fb714cf4c2b⋯.png (467.77 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, original-1581975248-c484c3….png)



It's not about what is or isn't but rather what these things indicate about ability/origin and where this thing is going to go. This thing is going deep. I don't need a crystal ball to know that a lot of nonwhite individuals are going to drop dead. The issue I have is a lack of people who obviously see these things, but are totally not telling anybody about where this thing has to go. Were going places anon. And whether some like it or not the Goddess is going to drag them living or dead kicking and screaming all the way to the fucking bank.

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738af4  No.64033


>You wouldn't believe me or understand if I told you

Nigger where do you think you are? This board is for the top 0.00000001% most autistic neuroatypical cognitive outlier brains in the human species. The things we know to be true make Hollywood movies look like a joke. If there were anywhere on this entire planet to drop forbidden knowledge so that people would accept it it would be here.

So once again I ask, who are you? You don't have to give a name, just a few tidbits would be fine. Preferably any information vectors related to Corona-Chan and how you're getting this info. Also what the fuck are all your pictures, are they from some sort of illuminati/moloch death card game or something?

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5cc151  No.64034

File: 68e43315a27ab57⋯.jpg (327.36 KB, 1272x920, 159:115, 1272x920design_06.jpg)


I'm just the dude at the end of the episode that gives you the 30 second next time bit.

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fad2b6  No.64035


stop posting these shit pictures

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5cc151  No.64036

File: fd00878ba7693cb⋯.png (787.55 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, original-1554422744-ac0188….png)


I didn't say that to be high and might silly. I said it because of how lowly and nonexistent I actually am. Literally where I'm at I exist so little that I can get away with this.

Well I'm out. Not feeling it.

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c1dbc3  No.64037

File: 9a40ed3f861fa32⋯.png (118.48 KB, 300x214, 150:107, yoda.png)

Glowing nigs panic I see

Shit up our thread you must

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5cc151  No.64039

File: f719e4a784d6775⋯.png (501.66 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, original-1554408852-80bd19….png)


More than you know. This place is a real magnet for senators and representatives right now.

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59df3f  No.64040


Portal to the cat dimension?

> Goddess is going to drag them living or dead kicking and screaming all the way to the fucking bank.

Oh Jesus…that response…nope, I guarantee that they are not going to understand what you are implying. Not sure that I am ready for that…

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4bec10  No.64041



I think its just fungus fag back from getting epically btfo so he turned to cryptic cult hocus pocus instead.

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59df3f  No.64042


Dumbshit. I never left.

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738af4  No.64043


You're a fucking Ethan aren't you lol. A worn down congressional staffer slave who's happened to get a glance at one too many important documents.

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6f85a1  No.64045

File: 51e43cb63d42452⋯.jpg (132.62 KB, 730x1095, 2:3, hail_lord_blackwood_by_sun….jpg)


been lurking these since december please stop posting

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000000  No.64046

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66a413  No.64047


>This place is a real magnet for senators and representatives right now.

Why are they here? Get the autists take? They have way better intel than us anons, what could they possibly be getting here?

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725ce3  No.64048


Sauce! and those stupid niggers need to follow a literal interpretation of the original Constitution or they get the rope.

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486757  No.64049


It's that or the mass production of DRACO, and I'm very fucking sure (((big pharma))) would rather leave mankind to rot than to provide that at an affordable cost, should (((they))) even have it by now.


Thanks, lad.

Funny really, I thought it was "just a bad flu" as well until I started noticing almost nobody doing a damn thing on the airports and just letting it spread around. Any sensible government would have shut them down long ago, SPECIALLY when Pajeets found out there's fucking HIV code in that fucking Frankenstein of a pathogen.

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59df3f  No.64050


You could always use the filter if you don’t like it. This is, literally, the greatest thing about still having a forum that caters to free speech. You still decide what you look at…right?

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d4611e  No.64052


kys, the images are great.

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59df3f  No.64053


How is that since I only learned about CV on the 17th of January and we have only been posting since the 21st of January?

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725ce3  No.64054

File: 45289147d4a79ed⋯.png (53.52 KB, 732x644, 183:161, Screenshot at 2020-03-06 2….png)

File: 0b1e597688c7dc5⋯.png (68.08 KB, 779x699, 779:699, Screenshot at 2020-03-06 2….png)


This just popped up in Goat-land. The VA email is the second image. Very interesting.

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61e39f  No.64055

File: 7d62596aa511819⋯.mp4 (7.66 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, south koreans stuck in chi….mp4)

File: 3a9a0a897db01f0⋯.png (64.88 KB, 401x451, 401:451, worst koreans stuck in chi….png)

There are some Worst Koreans stuck in Chinkland, their plane tickets got canceled and now they can't leave. Doesn't seem like they can get into the embassy either.


Yodaposting will never fail to make me laugh.


Yay, no more cocaine!


>SPECIALLY when Pajeets found out there's fucking HIV code in that fucking Frankenstein of a pathogen.

>Frankenstein of a pathogen.

You couldn't have said it better, Corona-Chan's genome is wacky as hell.



Great find anon.

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276e01  No.64056


You're not funny or edgy and you're not autistic, they actually have substance in their ramblings. You're not even schizoposting because at least they have some paranoid nonsensical bullshit.

>every fucking post

>muh goddess


>dumbass images from reddit

You contribute nothing to this thread. Seriously fuck off.

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4bec10  No.64057


>HIV code

This has been said before but morons keep ignoring it. The HIV sections are extemely short and dont deal with t cell hijacking which is the main feature of HIV rather they are small segments that augment ncov19s outer coat to permit human cell entry exactly as described in the 2016 paper from Wuhab viral lab. So basically these segments are part or all of what makes ncov19 so infectious. What makes her so deadly is a different matter altogether but appears tenatively to be some clever use of antibody dependent entry.

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66a413  No.64058


Yep, a few these folks are glowing like a uranium dump…

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e15b81  No.64059


Nah fam, that won't help, the virus' key feature is evading the immune system by infesting the nervous system.

Your only hope is going full-/polk/ and enacting quarantine on your own town even without central or federal support.

otherwise once this shit gets into the wild we're gonna see shit get biblical, and by biblical I mean revelations.

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4bec10  No.64060


If its secret is invading nerve cells i wonder if we can literally fight it with our minds. Does she truly test us to find us worthy?

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725ce3  No.64061


Thanks… Yeah it struck me pretty hard when I got both of them side by side and I hope to get the word out to Vets. Would not suprise me if they are at the bottom of the list of 'approved humans' going forward.

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4bec10  No.64062


>quaruntine entire town

Anyone remember that larper claiming to be nazi christian cult leader who was going to take over town in maryland?

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3369ab  No.64063


>get a flu shot

>for our girl

>not the flu

Step 1 to prevent aids: get a tetanus shot!

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8b4bc8  No.64064


>St. Cecilia Catholic Church near the Hedwig Village area is asking some parishioners who attended an Ash Wednesday Mass to contact the Harris County health department about possible exposure to the new coronavirus

>The individual who joined in worship Ash Wednesday is one of eight people in the Houston who’ve tested positive for the virus upon returning from a trip to Egypt in February


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3369ab  No.64065

File: 4140ae1b7579e6f⋯.png (635.03 KB, 666x1122, 111:187, Coronavirus_ Italy reports….png)

Meanwhile, in the land of our pastafag friends

200 Dead

From 4,600 infections.

Let's do some math.

200/4,600 = 0.043

x100 for our percentage.

4.3% fatality rate

And remember! Those are only the counted infected and counted verified deaths!

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bd4d28  No.64066


>get a flu shot

fucking reeeee. shooting dead unrelated flu into your body is NOT going to help at all. in fact, it will make you more prone to other infections as you body fights off this dead shit floating around in your blood stream.

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59df3f  No.64068


More like:

>Step 1 to prevent aids: get tetanus!


I don’t think that anon was indicating that. I think he was indicating that she is the doorway to the other side. When they say synthetic; THEY MEAN SYNTHETIC…what do you think would happen when they dumped a crystalline matrix at the quantum level that was self reproducing inside your body and let it run wild? [and technically I am not saying that he is SAYING this; I am saying that he is indicating this with his words].

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e15b81  No.64070


It does explain why the CCP started using an HIV drug on it from the get-go, which is another thing that suggests this is a manufactured bio-weapon.

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4bec10  No.64072


>4.3% fatality rate among counted

So shouldn't we expect the counted to be the worst of the cases? That would make the true fatality rate somewhere lower, maybe ~2-3%


>Flu shot won't help

Best case it will weaken your immune system temporarily. Worst case it empowers whatever unholy ADE pathway ncov19 employs.

sauce: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antibody-dependent_enhancement

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17f65a  No.64073


Really? I haven't listened to him in a long time. I checked his website and he had nothingburger news so I don't really know. I do know despite being a kike he hates non-whites and jumps on any chance to shut down borders.

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59df3f  No.64074


There is also the issue of hot swapping with the dead virus…who in the fuck would think that they should bring back Frankensteins monster from the dead when it was happily snoozing away in a balanced state.

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e81369  No.64075


no, because people who die without the diagnosis due to covid will not be counted as a covid death

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68c4ee  No.64076

Now this is a master race ratio.


Confirmed: 670

Deaths: 0

Recovered: 17

Active: 653

670 and no one has died.

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59df3f  No.64077


At some point we are just going to have to take all the death totals, subtract what is the statistical norm (accounting for increase or decreases in population) and VIOLA…there you have it. The real COVID death tally.

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59df3f  No.64079


One is ‘critically ill’ though, but we don’t know his ethnicity. Since ‘Germany’ has so many ’germans’ in it now. I wish that someone would report by ethnicity.

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2e7430  No.64080


Also, names are now being kept a secret.

It's a new policy. Now, normally a policy of secrecy is opposed by the kikes, who run the press. So, why not? Well, the outbreaks, throughout the world, are due to the kikes spreading it. In New York, that's kikes. Literally, it's fucking kikes. And what about the two Princess cruises?


In Italy, it's PROBABLY kikes again (look how long it took for the Vatican to even get a single infection - ie whoever has it in Italy is not white).

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61e39f  No.64082

File: 7a3b17b483f94fd⋯.png (76.86 KB, 591x551, 591:551, evergren1.png)

File: 544d12d1dafc00c⋯.png (84.78 KB, 587x563, 587:563, evergren2.png)



According to Evergreen Health, the US CDC has categorized Corona-Chan as Endemic, they might even stop testing travelling people altogether. Is the CDC throwing in the towel?


>we're gonna see shit get biblical, and by biblical I mean revelations.

Fuck yes. The best part of the entire book



Yee-hawing stops


Thanks for the news and the calculation.

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2e7430  No.64083




Plus israel is basically not able to test people. They have 1,000 or more under self quarantine.



<St. Cecilia Catholic Church



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ce2472  No.64084

File: 06fb2290780c49b⋯.jpg (251.42 KB, 987x967, 987:967, Man Collapses in Northern ….JPG)

File: 2924b456d02d5bd⋯.jpg (249.01 KB, 1304x962, 652:481, Cairns empty.JPG)

Man collapses during coughing fit at a bus stop in a North Sydney suburb, with an existing outbreak in the area.



Cairns in the far north is empty. That's the biggest city around for a very long way up there. Lots of people coming and going usually.


I live in a town of about 10,000 people, went to buy smokes bit earlier today and the streets were damn near empty. Never seen it that empty before, not even when it's 45 degrees heat. A couple of days ago I got some more groceries and never ever seen it that crowded before, not even before Christmas. Something's changed in the atmosphere. Feels oppressive, like a big storm coming.

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4bec10  No.64085


Pharma and plastics seem like good medium term bets. Going to need a lot of pre-wrapped med supplies, body bags, cooffins, tents etc. Probably trillions in budget appropriations for new vaccine development coming down pipe over next decade.

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120870  No.64086


>Is the CDC throwing in the towel?

Considering what all the health orgs and governments are doing to avoid stating the obvious, yes.


And as expected, normalfaggots act like normalfaggots while also seeking that sweet, sweet, instaspam/faceberg/shitter fame.

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4bec10  No.64087


Maybe there really are Aryan under Sudenpol and they cooked up coronachan to purify the globe…

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59df3f  No.64089


Is CC going to make an exception for people in the pharmaceuticals and plastics fields now? Basic BioChem is always good but I don’t think she is going to make a detour around these industries.

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68c4ee  No.64090


>people just stand around taking photos

That's what all the zombies do nowadays, honestly when you look at the aberrations you see walking around, you'd be hard pressed to argue that we don't need a cleanse.

>LGBT faggots

>Mixed raced mutts

>Niggers in positions of power

>Fat people

>Rabid feminism

>White guilt

>Young white women defaced with tattoos.

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17f65a  No.64091

File: 4d0fffaccb4c9e9⋯.jpg (92.36 KB, 700x769, 700:769, 4d0fffaccb4c9e9c44fd88a5d8….jpg)


I think Trump genuinely believed it was a nothingburger because he's a Rush Limbaugh type cuckservative. He didn't ask a intel intern to print him this thread because he was lazy. So he went out on media saying it's a nothingburger or whatever he said. Now it's spiking and he realizes he can't exactly backtrack from what he said. That's why he went to the CDC today. To yell at everyone to "fix" this. He probably genuinely thinks it can be fixed. It can't. Hence why USA numbers are being downplayed artificially due to lack of testing kits or poor quality kits.

I find it interesting on Drudge and other outlets an article was going around titled "Why are our government officials so old?" or something like that. Truth to this virus is that our boomer government was caught with it's pants down. They are just wired differently to think all is well. They assumed it wouldn't make it here but it did. Now they don't know what the fuck to do besides hope to impossibly ignore it. My boomer parents and other boomers are telling me not to let fear rule your life. That millennials always think the sky is falling. That I lived through H1N1 (a nothing burger) etc. Truth is, I am not afraid. I really am not. I am prepared and I just generally expect things to get worse.

Throughout my life I witnessed the end of the cold war, 9/11, the longest wars in US history, the recession, housing crisis, Onigger, and more. There is absolutely nothing to indicate to me that things will get better, that life in this country will improve. It's only going to get worse. The best days are behind us. It will take longer to own a house, start a family, own luxuries like a boat or woodworking garage shop etc like our boomer parents have. I am however not a doomer, I find joy in my life. Anyway, this is important because it gives me and others in my demographic a more cautious and realist view. We tend to expect the bad and prepare for the bad. We don't expect much good because there hasn't really been anything good to happen. Life has objectively gotten worse since 1990, 2000, and 2010.

Boomers on the other hand grew up where there was never a doubt their future was bright. They knew they would have wealth and it always worked out in the end for them. So they are conditioned to see everything as a nothingburger versus everything as a happening. They really had no happenings besides muhh duck and cover. They bitch about the cold war but the cold war was an objectively good thing for the world but completely different topic.

I hope someone understands this rant.

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4bec10  No.64092


Fed will keep printing presses running to float the market. However earnings reports can only be padded so much. In the end it's a game of relativity. The wealth will shift toward the industries in demand.

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2e7430  No.64093

File: 4e06ba1b5b99c1b⋯.jpg (612.92 KB, 1278x1220, 639:610, Screenshot_20200307-003209….jpg)


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18acc9  No.64094

File: 48be7b5c15f02c1⋯.png (88.54 KB, 500x270, 50:27, 11.png)

File: 94fe0014890722e⋯.mp4 (8.82 MB, 640x360, 16:9, OnePoint6.mp4)


>Rolling for 7.6 billion dead.

>ID: 444448



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2e7430  No.64095


It's a nothingburger for [[[NORDS]]].

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59df3f  No.64096


My point was that there will be no one to work in those fields.

I know someone who is always saying “You can print more money but you can’t print more ‘food’.” Feel free to swap that out and replace ‘food’ with Chemical engineers.

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ce2472  No.64098



What were they supposed to do? The ambulance had already been called, and they were no doubt reluctant to get too close to the fellow for fear of getting sick. If anything, maybe they should have run away? At least there is now some photographs and videos to demonstrate the impact this disease is having. Australian news outlets have not picked up this story, probably because it is quite scary for many people and we are having enough panic here already. This censorship is why we need photos and videos etc as evidence for an accurate perception of the situation.

I wonder how much you two get paid.

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2e7430  No.64099


Of course they should walk away. Running is a bad idea, because you'll pull more air into your lungs that way lol

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68c4ee  No.64100


t. Phone zombie.

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4bec10  No.64102


The question becomes who owns what is left. There will be something left. This is not an ELE. This is a 100 year blackswan. Humanity has survived much much worse.

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59df3f  No.64103


I understand it.

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9faef6  No.64104



Calling mankind (((humanity))). Opinion discarded.

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2e7430  No.64105


>kikes used Ratheon US tech to develop Iron Dome

>kikes try to sell Iron Dome to the US

>the big plan is to be able to switch off US defenses and let in the invading hordes

>US programmers: Hello, where is source code?

>kikes: haha here is user manual

>US programmers: not today, smalls

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4bec10  No.64107


Out of context but ok

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59df3f  No.64109


We call it Stupid Dome because of its completely shitting track record and inability to keep any rockets from hitting. I think, and this was years ago, that it was capable of keeping 40% of rockets from landing…so not great…pretty much what you would expect from non-European ‘engineering’.

This post is very random, btw.

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68c4ee  No.64110


This is off topic, but their infiltration is far deeper than that. Kikes just won a contract to run network security for the Pentagon, which is also in the process of embracing the (((cloud))) meme (Microsoft won the bid, Amazon are contesting it). Pretty much every tech firm has been infiltrated by talpiot program Israelis, and many even have a base of operations in Tel Aviv or Haifa.

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edfe2b  No.64111


Kek'd and checked.

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2e7430  No.64112


Correct. But it's interesting to learn about the Black Death, which was NOT bacteria. We know now what it was. A coronavirus.

Really, coronachan is an invaluable lesson for us all. We are learning who the retarded ones are. The ones who can't follow the logical rules relating to disease are actually mentally retarded.

This relates to our lives. Marry a woman who is high in IQ. Our survival depends on it. I know a super beautiful woman, but she's stupid as fuck. Like, she's literal model beautiful, not like some may say, but actually so, coldly analyzed. But dumb as fuck, man, as fuck.

But I know a woman who is a ginger. She's easily a 2 or 3. I'd call her a 5, if she had a boob job and lost 80 lbs and wore makeup. But she's intelligent. And so, if it works out, she'll be the one having my babies. IQ = disease smarts. It's amazing how many people, seemingly decently smart, are astonishingly stupid!!!!

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788514  No.64114

File: 55183a6d217ade8⋯.jpg (48.99 KB, 500x489, 500:489, duh.jpg)


>From 4,600 infections.

>Let's do some math.

>200/4,600 = 0.043

No. From 720 closed cases, 523 (73%) have (((recovered))), 197 (27%) have died. 27% fatality rate.

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68c4ee  No.64115


>Another random post

You sound like a crackhead.

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edfe2b  No.64117


>Yeah this is a curious poster… reminds me of /vqc Too crazy to be real but definitely too smart and clued in on the subject to just be a stoned teenager.

Plinkster dubs confirm.

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000000  No.64118


800,000 living in quarantine? That's horrible! How long do you think 800,000,000 people can stay in quarantine for?

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2e7430  No.64120


I'll be checking those trips.


Yeah, I think we shouldn't bother quite so much with the topic, since the userbase is really too small, plus many topics not deserving a thread need to be seen (people don't read the not deserving a thread thread, those are useless).

>cloud bullshit

More proof most people are dumb as hell.

> more expensive than home cold storage

> even if you keep in 3 locations (triplicate) & with RAID 1 (ie you have 6 drives)

> co-hosted on fucking intel chips with known vulns


(spectre etc)

We are dealing with a level of stupid that surpasses the lowest niggers, I'm not joking. Niggers are smart enough not to trust computers, at least!!!

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61e39f  No.64121

File: f5597ed9dbaf39d⋯.png (166.65 KB, 553x684, 553:684, NYC health dep orders1.png)

File: 3df20b053ce303d⋯.png (129.21 KB, 536x651, 536:651, NYC health dep orders2.png)

File: b764746c19b20dc⋯.mp4 (8.58 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Quarantine Zone in Seattle….mp4)

File: d1a4e9a7b11c9d4⋯.mp4 (1.23 MB, 544x912, 34:57, chink hazmat army cleaning….mp4)

File: 0bc6a186ad27b83⋯.png (41.39 KB, 521x585, 521:585, Corona-Chan umbrella.png)

NYC health department orders; Chinkland deploys an army of hazmat dudes to clean the streets and close up footage of the coofer village in Seattle being prepared. Halting operations for tonight to pray and to rest, operations will be resumed in 4 to 5 hours, probably less Stay safe and be nice to each other, except to shills Corona-Chan loves you and wants you to live in the new world she's creating


>Dropper in 'Straya

Wew lad, It really has begun. I honestly can't wait for the first dropper in my country, especially in my region.


Good, holocoof soon.




Kek, got doubles of truth and amusement.

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a30347  No.64123


8 billion living in quarantine? Crazy.

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120870  No.64125


Trump also has a bunch of retarded, malicious, self-ambitious, or mixed-of-those-things advisors and staff members giving him false information, bad advice, or misdirection to our detriment. Trump is still human, and there's only so much he can hear and react to, but placing a bunch Jews, cuckservatives, and the like in his cabinet hasn't done him, and thus the rest of us, any good.

And to add to your great post's theme, I think many boomers don't care anymore whether or not the world burns to hell. In the back, and sometimes front, of their minds, they know they are closer to death than we are, so to them, why care about the future when it's about to be over for you? The atheistic or humanistic among them believe nothing will matter after death and they won't feel any one iota of happiness or satisfaction from making the world a better place. The religious believe there's a happy afterlife giving them some big eternal orgasm in the sky waiting just for them unconditionally (despite the Bible saying that God hates the selfish and false believers who do nothing and will cast them out).


>What were they supposed to do?

Do for what and for whom? We're not talking about helping the collapsed man here and we're not stupid so don't be a smart-ass. They needed to walk away, begin to understand the very high probability that they are now infected with the virus, do everything they can to prevent infecting other from then on, and begin the process of taking supplements, actions, and the like to help fight this disease as well as self-quarantining themselves. And that's just for themselves.


Offtopic but Based U.S. programmers obsessed with open source and "muh free as in freedoms" software! They are /g/ implants aren't they?

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59df3f  No.64126


When selecting for a mate, European women are the most intelligent women on the planet. Because European (not niggers or turks or any of the subhumans but rather ETHNIC EUROPEANS) men are the most intelligent men on the planet their choice of mate (the weaker link IQ wise) always determines the future of their children’s abilities and IQ’s. If you don’t marry a European White woman who is intelligent your offspring are doomed to irrelevance and perhaps death in the near future. Marriage was meant to consolidate power and wealth, but intelligence is its own form of wealth.

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bd4d28  No.64128

File: 221ea92d5826e36⋯.jpg (105.58 KB, 400x552, 50:69, 221ea92d5826e36b516ca54a7a….jpg)


>And to add to your great post's theme, I think many boomers don't care anymore whether or not the world burns to hell. In the back, and sometimes front, of their minds, they know they are closer to death than we are, so to them, why care about the future when it's about to be over for you?

it hurts to read because it's true

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59df3f  No.64129


>I think many boomers don't care anymore whether or not the world burns to hell.

I would have class our generation this way but not boomers. They are so out of touch that they don’t think the world can burn.

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e1f84c  No.64130

File: abdea712a6e30c5⋯.jpg (62.94 KB, 500x416, 125:104, tumblr_lo4wsfGTjF1qgbzyto1….jpg)


> cooffins

Kek. Something tells me it will be just mass amounts of cheapass body bags.



> I think many boomers don't care anymore whether or not the world burns to hell. In the back, and sometimes front, of their minds, they know they are closer to death than we are, so to them, why care about the future when it's about to be over for you?

Literally every boomer I talk to about the state of things says "shit is fucked but I don't care as long as it holds together long enough for me to get mine and die." They literally do not give a fuck at all and just want to hide in their pathetic little boomer bubble and fuck everyone else.

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edfe2b  No.64131


OK, credit where it's due: this reply is fucking hilarious. (whoever the fuck poasted it. It's too quick and witty to be Fungusfag, who has no sense of humor.)

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2e7430  No.64132


2/3rds of MoC attended.

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e1f84c  No.64134

File: e6f35f29f8d771b⋯.jpg (1.61 MB, 2126x1517, 2126:1517, The_Triumph_of_Death_by_Pi….jpg)


It's still fucking gay though and reminds me of late 90's shit like Offspring album covers. Flooding the thread with annoying images while not really contributing anything of value gets old. At least keep it thematic and post something that promotes European culture, history, heritage etc. This is a good time to introduce anons to cool shit while we talk about the end of the world


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edfe2b  No.64135


>They have way better intel than us anons

No, they don't. They just have (((classified))) info. Why do you think (((they))) are constantly trying to shut down a simple Bhutanese watercolor exchange forum? If you spend any time on these threads, you'll be at least one month ahead of normalfags's radars.

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120870  No.64136

File: 0753ed49f559202⋯.jpg (51.01 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, man of culture.jpg)

File: 65cfa6b6f061fa5⋯.jpg (147.31 KB, 1000x707, 1000:707, bruegel.jpg)



You are a man after my culture!

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3dfcca  No.64138

File: c89de599fda2b13⋯.jpg (34.23 KB, 600x403, 600:403, ayy.jpg)

Everything about Spanish Flu was uncannily similar to this.

Then it disappeared before anyone could figure it out. We still don't know why people stopped dropping dead almost exactly 100 years ago. Look into it. Food for thought.

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2e7430  No.64139


>man of culture

<0.7MP image

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2e7430  No.64141


Complete with a denied China connection.

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eb8929  No.64142

File: b739d590256b620⋯.png (27.16 KB, 675x682, 675:682, b739d590256b620d5c8d670aad….png)


Probably evolved to be non transmissible strain, sort of like a recent strain that killed it self out of ebola.

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edfe2b  No.64143


Thank you, anon. Important observation.

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0df72b  No.64146

File: a73e6de506f5d08⋯.jpg (170.79 KB, 1440x1440, 1:1, 88273820_222897049111438_8….jpg)

File: 702fb46fde8bbcf⋯.jpg (46.5 KB, 1080x1350, 4:5, 88212343_139075534259565_4….jpg)

File: 08bb3b6722e1ee5⋯.jpg (70.07 KB, 818x818, 1:1, 88806642_495859654384487_2….jpg)

File: 35ef56a8b21339c⋯.jpg (323.68 KB, 598x800, 299:400, Cheetos.jpg)


This post needs to be at the header of every new bread.

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2e7430  No.64148


Zero whites have died so far. The names are kept secret, though, because they don't want the public to find out (it's inferred, because the family of whites will contact the news media).

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2e7430  No.64149

I'm still laughing about that guy falling over at the TCL chink factory.

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fad2b6  No.64152


link lol?

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504a8c  No.64154



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504a8c  No.64155



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504a8c  No.64156



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c14726  No.64157


But Northern Italy is one of the regions fucked. I don't think whites are inmune, anon.

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573326  No.64159

File: 658a4dcd9897691⋯.jpg (48.35 KB, 854x480, 427:240, memesong.jpg)

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f9348a  No.64160

File: b73b40029257a2b⋯.png (2.22 MB, 1338x2953, 1338:2953, dengue1.png)

File: a22536991135d09⋯.png (51.39 KB, 646x538, 323:269, dengue2.png)

File: 653a1300b6e06db⋯.jpg (108.96 KB, 630x630, 1:1, pepelonelyhaz.jpg)

/Ourgirl/ installing Dengue Fever DLC…


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000000  No.64161


I think most people aren’t aware of the risk of systemic healthcare failure due to #COVID19 because they simply haven’t run the numbers yet. Let’s talk math.

Let’s conservatively assume that there are 2,000 current cases in the US today, March 6th. This is about 8x the number of confirmed (lab-diagnosed) cases. We know there is substantial under-Dx due to lack of test kits; I’ll address implications later of under-/over-estimate.

We can expect that we’ll continue to see a doubling of cases every 6 days (this is a typical doubling time across several epidemiological studies). Here I mean *actual* cases. Confirmed cases may appear to rise faster in the short term due to new test kit rollouts.

We’re looking at about 1M US cases by the end of April, 2M by ~May 5, 4M by ~May 11, and so on. Exponentials are hard to grasp, but this is how they go.

As the healthcare system begins to saturate under this case load, it will become increasingly hard to detect, track, and contain new transmission chains. In absence of extreme interventions, this likely won’t slow significantly until hitting >>1% of susceptible population.

What does a case load of this size mean for healthcare system? We’ll examine just two factors — hospital beds and masks — among many, many other things that will be impacted.

The US has about 2.8 hospital beds per 1000 people. With a population of 330M, this is ~1M beds. At any given time, 65% of those beds are already occupied. That leaves about 330k beds available nationwide (perhaps a bit fewer this time of year with regular flu season, etc).

Let’s trust Italy’s numbers and assume that about 10% of cases are serious enough to require hospitalization. (Keep in mind that for many patients, hospitalization lasts for *weeks* — in other words, turnover will be *very* slow as beds fill with COVID19 patients).

By this estimate, by about May 8th, all open hospital beds in the US will be filled. (This says nothing, of course, about whether these beds are suitable for isolation of patients with a highly infectious virus.)

If we’re wrong by a factor of two regarding the fraction of severe cases, that only changes the timeline of bed saturation by 6 days in either direction. If 20% of cases require hospitalization, we run out of beds by ~May 2nd.

If only 5% of cases require it, we can make it until ~May 14th. 2.5% gets us to May 20th. This, of course, assumes that there is no uptick in demand for beds from *other* (non-COVID19) causes, which seems like a dubious assumption.

As healthcare system becomes increasingly burdened, Rx shortages, etc, people w/ chronic conditions that are normally well-managed may find themselves slipping into severe states of medical distress requiring intensive care & hospitalization. But let’s ignore that for now.

Alright, so that’s beds. Now masks. Feds say we have a national stockpile of 12M N95 masks and 30M surgical masks (which are not ideal, but better than nothing).

There are about 18M healthcare workers in the US. Let’s assume only 6M HCW are working on any given day. (This is likely an underestimate as most people work most days of the week, but again, I’m playing conservative at every turn.)

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000000  No.64162


As COVID19 cases saturate virtually every state and county, which seems likely to happen any day now, it will soon be irresponsible for all HCWs to not wear a mask. These HCWs would burn through N95 stockpile in 2 days if each HCW only got ONE mask per day.

One per day would be neither sanitary nor pragmatic, though this is indeed what we saw in Wuhan, with HCWs collapsing on their shift from dehydration because they were trying to avoid changing their PPE suits as they cannot be reused.

How quickly could we ramp up production of new masks? Not very fast at all. The vast majority are manufactured overseas, almost all in China. Even when manufactured here in US, the raw materials are predominantly from overseas… again, predominantly from China.

Keep in mind that all countries globally will be going through the exact same crises and shortages simultaneously. We can’t force trade in our favor.

Now consider how these 2 factors – bed and mask shortages – compound each other’s severity. Full hospitals + few masks + HCWs running around between beds without proper PPE = very bad mix.

HCWs are already getting infected even w/ access to full PPE. In the face of PPE limitations this severe, it’s only a matter of time. HCWs will start dropping from the workforce for weeks at a time, leading to a shortage of HCWs that then further compounds both issues above.

We could go on and on about thousands of factors – # of ventilators, or even simple things like saline drip bags. You see where this is going.

Importantly, I cannot stress this enough: even if I’m wrong – even VERY wrong – about core assumptions like % of severe cases or current case #, it only changes the timeline by days or weeks. This is how exponential growth in an immunologically naïve population works.

Undeserved panic does no one any good. But neither does ill-informed complacency. It’s wrong to assuage the public by saying “only 2% will die.” People aren’t adequately grasping the national and global systemic burden wrought by this swift-moving of a disease.

I’m an engineer. This is what my mind does all day: I run back-of-the-envelope calculations to try to estimate order-of-magnitude impacts. I’ve been on high alarm about this disease since ~Jan 19 after reading clinical indicators in the first papers emerging from Wuhan.

Nothing in the last 6 weeks has dampened my alarm in the slightest. To the contrary, we’re seeing abject refusal of many countries to adequately respond or prepare. Of course some of these estimates will be wrong, even substantially wrong.

But I have no reason to think they’ll be orders-of-magnitude wrong. Even if your personal risk of death is very, very low, don’t mock decisions like canceling events or closing workplaces as undue “panic”.

These measures are the bare minimum we should be doing to try to shift the peak – to slow the rise in cases so that healthcare systems are less overwhelmed. Each day that we can delay an extra case is a big win for the HC system.

And yes, you really should prepare to buckle down for a bit. All services and supply chains will be impacted. Why risk the stress of being ill-prepared?

Worst case, I’m massively wrong and you now have a huge bag of rice and black beans to burn through over the next few months and enough Robitussin to trip out.

One more thought: you’ve probably seen multiple respected epidemiologists have estimated that 20-70% of world will be infected within the next year. If you use 6-day doubling rate I mentioned above, we land at ~2-6 billion infected by sometime in July of this year.

Obviously I think the doubling time will start to slow once a sizeable fraction of the population has been infected, simply because of herd immunity and a smaller susceptible population.

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cec7c0  No.64164

File: 0ef9a15f69bc2bd⋯.jpg (16.11 KB, 334x469, 334:469, c74237cafd8a24568ebe9e28b3….jpg)


>that first pic

>those sidebar stories

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2e7430  No.64165

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bbd7f5  No.64166

File: 26dd4c7b313e605⋯.jpg (9.37 KB, 229x221, 229:221, pity.jpg)


>simply because of herd immunity

Nope. Ain't gonna happen.

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a4597f  No.64167

File: 9993c28e83cf0f6⋯.jpg (162.58 KB, 1000x562, 500:281, save yourself ded.jpg)


>why are they here

>being impressed with 4:3 poster

If you'd lurked 27 breads you'd know practically everything they are saying is correct and isn't anything not known by Anons who have lurked or partaken here. it's the only reason I am leaving their spammy shit up

The reason the higher ups are here is because everywhere else is awash with disinfo and their steps recommended by WHO are obviously not helping much or making things worse.

>when a mongolian yurt-building imageboard has info more than one month ahead of the normalfags, puppet govt and the jew and their media


>voat study

Why not just link it so oldfags with accounts can see it?


>krautchan death rate

>singapoor deathrate

>few others

As the faggot autistically managing the old scores this was fascinating to keep track of.

There are some major death rate outliers.

Singapoor perhaps has less chinks

Germany infected are likely whiter than pastaniggers >>64087 /sudpol/ confimed


Rest well anon, thanks for your service!


>many boomers don't care anymore

This is the crux of many of the issues. Other one is millennials that are the same.


>bread header

Yeah I can dump it in #2 or 3 after coronian cult anon. they're pretty hard to get #2 from, kek



>they still get infected

Most healthcare worker PPE is significantly worse than anons here.

Most of what they wear is not to prevent infection but to prevent transmission (normalfag masks).

They can't stop for food or water with current mask stockpiles.

I have ~60W of long lasting UVC coming in a week or so and i'll build my own light fitting to decontaminate suits/parcels/shopping/etc.

How do you fags decontaminate full face respirator/safety goggles etc? Safety squints? Or put UV-C goggles on when suiting up?

t.knows too much about high intensity light source eye safety to be unconcerned there

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2e7430  No.64168

File: 97657be93130957⋯.jpg (29.94 KB, 358x235, 358:235, Screenshot_20200307-024545….jpg)


Why would you think Italy is white? okay ADOLF HITLER!!!

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500bcd  No.64170

File: fa5b31b1758bb5d⋯.mp4 (1.92 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, BackToWorkChen.mp4)


>can't into saving mp4, cuz mobile

Here ya go. Bugs' back-to-work program running as to be expected.

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2e7430  No.64171



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c2efba  No.64172

File: 4f07f5fded40a12⋯.jpg (65.31 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 4f07f5fded40a1278cd404513b….jpg)


>Satan trips


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000000  No.64173


>Thanks for the news and the calculation.

No, FUCK his calculation, glowing piece of shit. This is the current shilling on cuckchan/plebbit etc. You see this same fake math everywhere


This is the proper way to calculate interim mortality. Thank YOU for the calculation, anon. >>64114

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6fafd9  No.64174

>Stanford cancels brick and mortar classes for rest of the semester

<It’s this kind of caring response that made me choose Stanford over some online university

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2e7430  No.64175


>That HR burn rate


inb4 Stanford + University of Phoenix normie memes

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a4597f  No.64176

File: 6299bed814e111c⋯.png (18.02 KB, 1874x93, 1874:93, ClipboardImage.png)


>tornigger is right

For once.


Checked digits and ID (fucking MEMETIC) and capped

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2e7430  No.64177

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Theme song:

>Flee as a bird to your mountain,

>Thou who art weary of sin;

>Go to the clear flowing fountain

>Where you may wash and be clean.

>Fly, for th'avenger is near thee,

>Call, and the Savior will hear thee;

>He on His bosom will bear thee,

>O thou who art weary of sin,

>O thou who art weary of sin.

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2e7430  No.64178

Myself, I won't miss San Fran.

>If you're going to leave San Francisco

>Get that faggy shit out of your hair

>Because you're going to meet a lot of rugged people

>Who aren't goddamned queers

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4718c5  No.64179


To be fair, we all die someday.

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6fafd9  No.64180


Those who do not praise Corona-chan will perish

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6ec898  No.64181


Corona-chan is a kike-bot niggress.

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a4597f  No.64182

Anons, any suggestions for full face respirator/mask that can get a good cheek weld?

Have plenty of real 3m filters so could use a 40mm adaptor and a hose to put lots of pre-filter around them.


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2e7430  No.64183



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2e7430  No.64185


I'd use a battery-powered vacuum cleaner, put filters in front of the inlet (suck side) and put the hose on the outlet (blow hole) and shove it into a hood (you can do it with finess, if you insist). There are many different kinds of hoods, but you can just use a piece of stiff transparent plastic, duct tape a trash bag hijab/burqa suit thingy to it.

That's why I'm not really getting off my ass for the masks. There are many much better options. Including RC cars with a robot arm on them (FPV). While they're not being made like that, it's pretty obvious, and they'll probably become available soon enough.

So yeah, not getting the prep bug this time. Plus, Coronachan infects mammals, not plants. Farmers don't need to be taught social distancing, they don't like to get close to people anyway.

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b7d5bc  No.64186

File: 9b4b07362b0dedc⋯.jpg (39.42 KB, 864x254, 432:127, prophetic.jpg)

File: 2fc64cef3e986f2⋯.jpeg (56.24 KB, 474x843, 158:281, prophecy.jpeg)

File: 54bef9095e39f8c⋯.png (586.49 KB, 746x647, 746:647, CoronaScreening.png)

File: 9dd35a0fd42fe01⋯.jpg (68.35 KB, 923x713, 923:713, pepeplay.jpg)





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b7d5bc  No.64188

File: 0a36ff60ff6416f⋯.jpg (80.3 KB, 544x803, 544:803, lol.jpg)

File: 173d265b657fccf⋯.jpg (88.95 KB, 701x1024, 701:1024, pepeegg.jpg)

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2e7430  No.64189

File: 23635d61223acdd⋯.jpg (180.07 KB, 605x490, 121:98, Screenshot_20200307-033123….jpg)

Baste white lungs.

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2e7430  No.64190


>thinky nigger.mp4

>Can't be pandemic if it's endemic!

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a4597f  No.64191


>Basically a nigger-tier PAPR

I need something I can hunt with also, that's why military uses cans..

I also don't get close to motherfuckers more than once a month can do a year now if I can avoid it.

Fr M40s look like a good idea with a 40mm 3m adapter and a hose (dat drinking tube will be good). In future I can look at PAPR but for now not necessary.

Sorry for /cvg/ survival bread derailling

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e50e11  No.64192

File: 212cb42874a0806⋯.pdf (1.4 MB, 191021-Level-4-Infectious-….pdf)

I don't think anyone has bothered to make a good [full] screencap of the halfchan bread from October so I made a PDF for you fags. I strongly recommend everyone read the whole bread. You can click on shit but it will direct to the archive site so it's better to just search within the PDF if you want to follow the conversation between anons. Imagine me… reading this thread live back in October… being autistic enough to know it's not a LARP and in the back of my mind thinking 'pol is always right.'

Protip: search “coronavirus”

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845179  No.64193

File: 3e0739d90eb5a9a⋯.jpg (104.86 KB, 1024x1002, 512:501, 3e0739d90eb5a9a60440bbc67d….jpg)

Another Seattle anon here, college of mine sent out a message to all students that someone may have been exposed and is showing symptoms, a student really. He has frequently gone into the library, where I go regularly to study. Not confirmed yet.This is the second place I've been that has been exposed, developing a cough this last week. Today it was fairly bad, the majority of the day I had the urge to cough, but didnt because I didnt want to draw attention to myself. There was a couple times though I couldn't hold it in. My chest has had some pressure on and off, as if someone is gripping the inside of my chest. When I do cough, its uncomfortable, almost painful. I seriously fear I have it, and not sure if it is just paranoia or I seriously have it. Dont know what to do. I do feel slightly better however, that if I do have it, I very well could of potentially spread it to alot of niggers, but also quite a few innocent people. Including a few I care about. Holy shit in would feel guilty if that is the case, especially if someone where to die.

Wish me luck.

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098632  No.64194


It's a great day when a corona-chan poster dies.

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99d5ea  No.64195


>Singapoor perhaps has less chinks

Singapoor is almost 80% chinks that came over to SEAland when the britbongs brought them to the colonies in 1700s onwards.

The thing about Singapoor low death rate, I think is due to their very obedient national character, they'll do whatever their government tells them to do like robots. That, together with very high standard of health facilities/care, small population of less than 6 million in a tiny and very clean island - easy to manage.

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2befaf  No.64196


That man taking the fallen guy to a hospital is what I hope I would do but know I wouldn't because my self preservation instincts are sky high. I'm in awe of his selflessness.

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276e01  No.64197


It is still possible to catch a harmless common cold during a pandemic.

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000000  No.64198


Anons that catch it like this one here should consider becoming Jewish. Maybe head to your local synagogue and talk to a Rabbi about getting started becoming one of God's chosen people. I think a Jewish god and church is the only thing that might be able to save Anon's from death. Can you fucking imagine how badly glow niggers would lose their fucking minds if this idea caught on? I've already seen leftists promoting bio-terrorism by telling poor people to go to rich communities if they catch it. With 100 million projected infections bio terrorism is going to be rampant. It'll be like gift giving except instead of fucking someone's bleeding asshole to infect them all you need to do is fucking breath on them.

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bbd7f5  No.64199


> The first case of a patient suffering from coronavirus has been detected in Malta, reportedly a girl aged 8.

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bbd7f5  No.64202


> Kashmir reports first coronavirus case.

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2e7430  No.64203


tldr burn it with fire


name names.

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2befaf  No.64206


Exactly. Trump and Xi both only think about the economy. But Xi had the powers of the CCP to brutally deal with an outbreak. Trump gets to deal with faggots, jews, faggot jews, niggers, trannies and all the degenerate filth that somehow knows better. The US will kill itself out of political correctness.

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1d45ad  No.64207


Where is that CoronaScreening.png from? Sauce please.

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2e7430  No.64208


The US will cleanse itself. See here:


But in the fag areas they are getting it. Why? Because if you get COVID-19 injected into your anus via COVID-19 infected semen, yep, you'll catch the bug.

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1caf92  No.64209


> The total number of coronavirus cases in Kuwait jumps to 61 after the country detected three new cases of people who recently traveled back from Iran.


> Vietnam confirms 18th COVID-19 case.


> Dozen cases of coronavirus in Croatia confirmed.


> Coronavirus Outbreak: United Arab Emirates Reports 15 New COVID-19 Cases


> LATEST: 4 new coronavirus cases bring the total to 19 in Finland.


> Coronavirus update for #Africa. 46 cases reported throughout the continent.


> Three new positive cases of coronavirus recorded in Herat, public health minister says. It brings the total number of positive cases to total four in Afghanistan.


> Coronavirus Cases Rise to 46 in Greece.


> Algeria: Two new cases of Coronavirus were registered, bringing total confirmed cases in the country to 19.



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b6a4c8  No.64210


>HIV positive sperm bank

Now I'm pissed Tarrant didn't do more

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659258  No.64214


>counted infected

>counted deaths

You're literally taking 4,600 people who still have the sickness but are unresolved as of yet, then divide it with deaths. It only gives a misleading number because we can only know the actual deathrate from resolved cases, not ongoing ones. You deathrate math shills are the worst this site has ever seen, so retarded yet so prevalent.

197 deaths + 523 recovered = 720 resolved cases.

197 deaths / 720 resolved cases = 27.36% die of resolved cases in Italy


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a4597f  No.64215


Interesting re-reading that again

>Similar to coronavirus in the fact some of the PCR results got flagged for coronavirus but not SARS. This was last week but when we worked it out it was

generally around 35kb which is MASSIVE for an RNA virus

How big is /ourgirl/ sequence?


>SEAnigger chinks

But the actual chinks are so mixed is it possible that the earlier 1700s chink strains are different?


> Coronavirus update for Nigfrica. 46 cases reported throughout the continent.


With the amount of test kits they have, sounds like she has really set foot there. This is going to be a wild ride.


Good luck digging for patterns, anon. I was also thinking to check some other diseases for further spikes and 'blame shifting'.


>27% pastanigger death rate

Considering it's same strain as in Germany that is a BIG difference to zero deaths. What does Germany have that Italy doesn't have? Special sauce…?

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05e962  No.64217


Lots of old Italians retire to the country side and iirc most of the dead are in the 70 to 80 age range.

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b4ea89  No.64218

Up next :

Covid-19 mutates, alters brain chemistry. Patients may experience sudden onset of irritability and aggression

I wish

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a4597f  No.64219


To add:

Only difference I can see between krauts and pasta is Kraut whites are more pure. Or perhaps they have some highly secretive remedy.

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691978  No.64221


So much about <muh heat will protect us

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0c4a80  No.64222


Corana has done so much more than Tarrant, he must realize how badly he fucked up. It would have been infinitely better for him to start a white family with 3 or more children. Just from Iran alone, Corona chan has about 2.5 times his score.

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6c022c  No.64223

File: f8999694188789d⋯.png (217.45 KB, 1366x611, 1366:611, Screenshot (6894).png)

Saturday, March 7, 2020, 5:30 am update, USA.

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a2e0d6  No.64224

File: 572bd2e6f570f91⋯.png (76.91 KB, 1151x455, 1151:455, ClipboardImage.png)


Not to mention they have one of the highest oldfag percentages in europe.

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e50e11  No.64225

File: 2bfdc9345ae2367⋯.jpg (1.39 MB, 2624x1488, 164:93, Archive-Search-HalfChan-Co….jpg)


So, let's take a trip down Memory Lane. Searching from way back to before end of last year we get a total of 39 magical hits for coronavirus in /pol/. The oldest and second oldest are certainly ominous. Then a huge gap and we get to the October Level 4 Infectious Disease Specialist Here. Surely… totally coincidental.

P.S. About the same size though I think that 35k figure was a reckoning and shouldn't be taken as exact. Normally coronavirus' are smaller in size.

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358cba  No.64226

File: 06d194527d86543⋯.mp4 (10.11 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Corona hormone imbalance a….mp4)

So what was the change enacted on the balls from the virus? I get that it impacts infertility but is there shit similar to webm related on the impact on the testes?

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6c4df1  No.64227

File: c122c5e6bd37d72⋯.jpg (135.8 KB, 1123x1123, 1:1, 88444865_2595252984087282_….jpg)

3 confirmed cases in Slovakia by now

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a4597f  No.64229


If Tarrant the kikebot was smarter things would have been different.


>sockdrawer genome

Certainly fits how Corona-Chan is.

Very interesting post sequence, basically no one talks about it. Probability of being the same person though. I'm curious if Corona-Chan is the same thing or merely something to activate it. It would mean that one strain is pre-spread, then a 2nd strain is used to activate.


Lesions/scar tissue on balls/lungs and IIRC heart.

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75bf39  No.64233

File: ac33fbec970d41a⋯.jpg (98.06 KB, 600x739, 600:739, 1557850289.jpg)


Seems like even its direct neighbors have forgotten Slovakia even exists, like the rest of the world.

Just kidding, nice country, even if their anti-german attitude bothers me.

Sitrep update for western Germany, more to the point, the hive of scum and shitskins known as North Rhine-Westphalia and Germany's Detroit, the Ruhr District:

Things have relaxed to the point of eeriness.

No panic buying, no empty shelves, life just meanders on.

It's like everybody's forgotten all about our girl.

Even though there's a community just 60 miles away that's under complete quarantine.

People have successfully eaten up the nothingburger, or maybe everybody's already prepared.

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cb2412  No.64234

File: d34d7529b76f9cc⋯.gif (1.9 MB, 255x191, 255:191, d34d7529b76f9cc618960cf152….gif)


what kind of braindead coomer boomer do you have to be to CPR a coronachan infected gurl?

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a4597f  No.64235


>everybody's already prepared.

In a country where the worst thing is a few meters of snow or a flood, nope. Most southern krauts don't prep for shit, it's quite sad really, only the farmers have anything remotely prepared.

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e45076  No.64238

File: 2a855790071530b⋯.jpg (402.72 KB, 1550x864, 775:432, 2a855790071530b9cebc96f60d….jpg)

Good morning.

Have you enjoyed the ride in the markets? Good, yes? Quite the show that last not even 40 minutes of trading. Up 600 something points, yes? How, quaint. I'm a numbers dude in a big way, I basically called most of this bullshit in thread 12 so when I smell bullshit, it's bullshit. Now, I'm not upset anons, not really by any means. Only a madman takes a lit match and drops it in a powder keg. However that level of movement in a capital market during such a catastrophe is hard to explain, unless by some event… like Santachrist himself arriving with a magic wand at lunch. Since no such event happened, that I'm aware of, I'm given to call the attempted rally highly suspect, as I would call any further "rallies[.]" The fundamentals of all planetary economies are totally disrupted. People can't work. If you have the money to play with equities, you have dummy dummy loot and you're probably doing all your trading and bullshit on a satalite datalink, on a boat, hopping from hideaway to hideaway as you fold it all into persistent asset classes; hoping that should sufficient foul weather arise you simply make it through, so as not to perform the morbid calculations on the likelihood of contracting this pathogen from your rescuers.



Bold prediction(s), but I've seen bolder on here before, come true. You kinda smells like some purp I just rolled up…

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000000  No.64239

Vid made me kek

>Woolworths in Chullora, west Sydney mother and daughter BRAWL with a woman over toilet paper in the aisle of a Woolworths


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77d0d8  No.64240

File: 5acfa210bbd6bd8⋯.jpg (15.3 KB, 224x255, 224:255, d8930503b1b7786ab3d7780f61….jpg)



I live in a small, rather run down portion of the east coast, though sufficiently outside the I-95 corridor to block myself from the uncivilized urban hordes that could be unleashed, but we got plenty of 'em out here as well… but at least there's more space. Anyway, here's the point. I drive to one of the local pharmacies within the town (technically a city there you go, glowfaggots) and the cashier at the front is wearing a surgical mask. Now, mind you, I've not had a car for 6 or some odd weeks… so it's been a little fucking rough getting shit done, but it gets done. However, jfc… here? Masks where I am? Not good.

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fde045  No.64241

File: 023bc4d5e519fac⋯.png (98.59 KB, 326x239, 326:239, 023bc4d5e519facb05282929ff….png)


Thanks Anon.

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fde045  No.64243

File: b79d849e5bbdd2b⋯.mp4 (4.61 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, F0krbh1Yy-uRj_NY.mp4)


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000000  No.64244


There is a problem with looking only at resolved cases, though. Examining only resolved cases introduces a positive bias into the proportion of deaths. The reason for the bias is because the virus tends to knock out a whole load of frail people very quickly. If a frail person that contracts the virus dies within several days of developing symptoms, and it takes the average healthy individual 2-4 weeks to test clean of the virus after having developed symptoms, then if you consider only resolved cases and use the ratio dead/(recovered+dead), you skew the death rate positively in the short term.

A better option is to consider the two formulas as a lower and upper bound on proportion dead, with the understanding that the true death proportion probably lies somewhere within those bounds. We would say, then, that for now the proportion of fatalities in Italy is likely no better than 4.3% and likely no worse than 27.36%. We continue refining those bounds as more data becomes available, and expect that over time, the interval will gradually converge.

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f43050  No.64245

File: 9e2d6cb5dc23934⋯.jpg (427.68 KB, 2048x1365, 2048:1365, disgusting crock of shit.jpg)


This whole thing is China's fault. Had they been upfront from the start, it wouldn't have gotten as bad as it is. When will we see rightful retribution against the bug hive?

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40aba6  No.64246

Key Points 3/7/20 - Saturday

All Western .govs enabling spread of virus through (((incompetence)))

Hospitals are / will be quickly overrun, full, and infective / dangerous

Markets are in freefall as travel drops off, gathering events cancelled, work & school cancelled, velocity of money → zero

Layoffs coming soon

.gov has a choice to let ppl starve or start issuing inflationary gibs checks

Social unrest starts soon - too many niggers with nothing to do and running out of money

>Really, I'd prefer a big nuke directly overhead


Yes, sure looks like it. And a couple angerfags on top of it.

Mods, fungusfas using id: 59df3f

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000000  No.64247


When people have lost loved ones AND they realize where it came from AND that the chinks bought up our masks, meds and shit tickets to send to china in January

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a4597f  No.64250


>test clean

Have you not noticed the absolute lack of people talking about 'surviving' the virus?

You can test clean if it gets into your spinal fluid.

But not when tries again for another round..


Even though it is fungusfag, I can't ban him for that as he's not ban evading anymore (expired). He's also not spamming walls of faggotry so let him be.


> where it came from AND that the chinks bought up our masks, meds and shit tickets to send to china in January

This. The fact they sent much of the masks over to fucking bugland pissed me off big time. Glad I got in before they got too bad.

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5435cd  No.64253


>Even though it is fungusfag, I can't ban him for that as he's not ban evading anymore (expired).

How does someone's ban "expire" when they've repeatedly evaded it to continue doing the thing they were banned for in the first place? How is this not grounds for permanent, immediate removal?

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a4597f  No.64254


A) they have not played up for a while and B) ban length. They have not shilled the fungus stuff for a while (like in the early breads) but yes are on a short leash.. Also other shills identified it as a fracture point so keep that in mind.

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d89ee7  No.64255

File: 5f39d5e1c00ded3⋯.png (26.48 KB, 274x225, 274:225, even steven.png)


>When will we see rightful retribution against the bug hive?

I'v ebeen thinking the same, whites are so cucked there's nothing happening in yourope or NA, but people in India, South America and Africa should/ could be 'racially pissed off', so this could be hilarious

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66a413  No.64256


>No, they don't. They just have (((classified))) info. Why do you think (((they))) are constantly trying to shut down a simple Bhutanese watercolor exchange forum?

Bullshit, they try to shut us down because we commit the thought crime of speculation. If you believe that we have better intel, from fucking twitter, you're deluded anon. And it still doesn't answer my question why are they here.


>If you'd lurked 27 breads…

Fuck off with your "lurk more" faggot. Best ``guess`` on this board is that it was released in Sept/Oct, we just sussed it out in mid Feb. You're telling me Senator/Rep McFuckface didn't know about this shit in Nov/Dec? Doubt it. Just because this board overcame normalcy bias and put 2+2 together from some twitter posts doesn't mean it's an intel hub, get over yourselves.

The anon above said Reps and Senators are, I want to know why.

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e50e11  No.64257

File: 45c3e79c3ce2929⋯.gif (413.45 KB, 981x2860, 981:2860, CNBC-Rick-Santelli-Coronav….gif)


Finance fag advocating to infect everyone with Wu Flu so that it can stablise the financial markets. I think we, and I mean as individuals, are faced with a very fundamental question here… is money worth more than our life? I am guessing most normies are going to pick muh money/job/whatever over life because they view it as a low risk chance THEY will get it and 'it's just the flu' bro! This mentality will end this world. Just look a Oz, they are freaking out and openly fighting over toilet paper. Imagine if things get so bad that even normies can't deny it and wake up in the morning thinking about where are they going to get food from and if the tap water is safe. At the moment it's just a game for them and a game they have super good odds on. Governments will not be able to control a situation like that… with a seriously deadly virus looming. The West is full of muh feelings until there isn't toilet paper. Great. Fucking great.

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000000  No.64258


right, so someone who has derailed and shitted up multiple threads, working in concert with other obvious shills gets to operate here. Thanks for letting us know.

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e91dc3  No.64259


I think we, and I mean as individuals, are faced with a very fundamental question here… is money worth more than our life?

Isn't that obvious in capitalism?

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a4597f  No.64260



>/pol/ only figured it out in mid feb

>twitter info

Again, you need to lurk more you absolutely incorrect turbonigger.

No a senator wouldn't have known about this shit in Nov as it's irrelevant to their job. Late Dec/Jan possibly, you know, when /pol/ figured it out unbeknownst to you.


If a ban expires, that's that, it's like serving a prison sentence. If they learn their lesson and are identifiable, good, if not good then ban hammer. Also, anyone can pretend to be fungusfag. Look, i'd love to be a hardcase cunt about it, as I'd also remove newfags and cuckchan from this thread. Unfortunately I'm not allowed to unless they spam/play up or do the usual one line/bump limit bullshit.

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5435cd  No.64262


>If a ban expires, that's that, it's like serving a prison sentence.

And what happens when an inmate escapes to commit the exact same crimes again? Yeah. Whatever. Welcome back, fungusfag!

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a4597f  No.64265


That's my point, they have behaved. If you can point me out where they have not and spammed 40+ posts about fungus after being BTFO again, then I'm all ears.

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000000  No.64267


Yes, those 48 hour bans really hit home, i'm sure.

And theres been plenty of

>one line/bump limit bullshit.

I gave up reporting about 5 threads back

I'm aware the issue isn't you, it's the BO or whatever niggerfaggot is making these shit policies. This is(was) a natsoc board, but that faggot is unironically afraid to be authoritarian in order to keep post quality high.

Jim must be desperate to get those post numbers up.

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358cba  No.64269

File: 806e4f1cda1f420⋯.png (519.91 KB, 728x844, 182:211, China double lung transpla….png)


Decided to look up information myself, since nobody could really answer the function for ACE in the testes beyond just "not having it is bad for you". Found a paper from the Japanese written in 2001

>"The importance of the physiological role of testicular ACE in reproduction has not been fully determined. Recently, ACE‐deficient transgenic mice, in which both somatic and testicular ACE were absent, were generated (15; 5) and the males shown to have impaired fertility although they had normally motile spermatozoa (8). The precise stage at which the absence of ACE interferes with fertility has not been determined, however, it has been demonstrated that the spermatozoa from the knockout mice were unable to ascend the female genital tract and then to bind to and fertilize the oocyte"

In other words, doctors too have no fucking clue beyond the fact that it reduces fertility in males.


>Lesions/scar tissue on balls/lungs and IIRC heart.

That is not really what I was looking for, since it would make sense to first know what it does. Not just knowing what the end-result is if you get it.

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a4597f  No.64270


Hey Anon, thanks for the help and understanding.

Shorter bans are a double edged sword - mostly for IP hopping/spamming. Thing is other anons share those VPNs often. On old /pol/ they'd reset the ban list few times a year for this reason as you'd actually block a good chunk of VPNs with this tactic doing permabans. So for a shill that's a double win by reducing board access and disrupting posting. Balance is crucial when playing vol.

>one line/etc

Way I see it is this; if most of the anons here want to see the one line shit trimmed, I'll go through and trim it. That seems to be the general consensus. One line/one photo fag comes to mind, while they do have some good posts, other shit is unnecessary. BO is fine for me to be a bit more strict in this thread but I also have to be a little lenient at the same time with warnings, which is why you'll see me warn people first.

Second I have hardly been around the last 3-4 breads, mostly just reading and very little posting as I have not had the time, so my apologies if the thread moderation quality has dropped a little.

I'll go through a do a clean up now and report back after.

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66a413  No.64271


>Late Dec/Jan possibly, you know, when /pol/ figured it out unbeknownst to you.

>First bread: http://archive.md/XA3Pe#selection-589.0-603.1

Wrong again faggot, /pnd/pol/ had fuck all figured out in late Dec. First bread was 01/21/20 (Tue) 20:07:28. Why do you lie when it's trivial to prove you wrong from the same thread?

This anon knows too…


>How is that since I only learned about CV on the 17th of January and we have only been posting since the 21st of January?

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09a523  No.64272

File: ed37f7fad818830⋯.webm (10.78 MB, 426x240, 71:40, First Brit to Contract Co….webm)


>Have you not noticed the absolute lack of people talking about 'surviving' the virus?

There was the hot toddies bong though, who did apparently did actually get over it, but not with hot toddies but 3 waves of bullshit running for approximately 2 months and his cat dying.

He was in a bongland interview about 4-5 days ago, so unless he died (at least not spiritually dead, held at gunpoint by biohazard CCP officer forcing him to praise chinkland's numbers as truthful) recently, he has been over it for about a month.

If you assume his shit is real, then nobody currently without symptoms, who hasn't been through this for 2+ months is really recovered, and they are just throwing people 1/3 of the way through on the street to coof up everyone else.

Kind of explains the apparent reinfections as well.

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000000  No.64274


>Have you not noticed the absolute lack of people talking about 'surviving' the virus?

Yeah. It is unnerving to say the least.

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61e39f  No.64277

File: e53d8f7c456b9da⋯.mp4 (855.85 KB, 202x358, 101:179, Person in Hazmat suit seen….mp4)

File: 6cba5d4dcb12b19⋯.mp4 (3.15 MB, 360x360, 1:1, The Military has been spot….mp4)

File: e2ba920d0ed70f5⋯.mp4 (1.4 MB, 202x360, 101:180, People fighting over toile….mp4)

File: e53647059c00220⋯.mp4 (3.57 MB, 204x360, 17:30, People fighting over toile….mp4)

File: 6fcb16c84d16c27⋯.png (208.06 KB, 602x715, 602:715, fun times.png)

Morning nignogs, I'm fully rested and ready to resume operations: Hazmat dude disinfecting a Korean restaurant in LA; CBRN trucks in Lyndon, Washington; Two videos of people in 'Straya fighting over TP again and Zerohedge article on a "best case scenario" https://archive.is/zw7TB


Chimeravirus Corona-Chan <3




>one and done shitpost

I see a little anon who's gonna coof to death soon.


>46 cases reported in Apefrica

My prayers are being heard.




What's even more interesting about this thread is that it happened before patient zero got infected in Chinkland (Which I have seen some anons speculating it happened on mid to late November).


Nice doubles and thanks for the sitrep on Deutschland. Stay safe up there.


Kek indeed, looks like normalfags see TP as the ultimate survival item, it's hilarious. Posting video here for archival purposes.


I like your "key points" post, you should do this more often. It's a nice and quick summary of general situation.


Also other shills identified it as a fracture point so keep that in mind.

This, we have to get over it, getting pissed off at that topic is clearly a weakness that has already been exploited a couple threads ago when we got spammed.


I posted the video of that kike last thread, he's just butthurt Corona-Chan's taking his shiny shekels away.

>The West is full of muh feelings until there isn't toilet paper. Great. Fucking great.

It's like that fictional terrorist dressed as a clown once said "All it takes is just one bad day…"


>In other words, doctors too have no fucking clue beyond the fact that it reduces fertility in males.

Well, shit.


I hope hot toddy Britbong is real, it could mean whites can shrug Corona-Chan off. But I have the feeling he could be a psyop to calm normalfags down.

<See people, it's nothing serious, a hot toddy can cure you, relax.

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000000  No.64279


ACE is not ACE-2

CV fucks with ACE-2


Fair point about the VPN issue.

Thanks for tidying them up. Information dense is good.

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1d5671  No.64280

File: 5b480811bd6ac9f⋯.png (507.47 KB, 910x598, 35:23, the commies were a strawma….png)


>This whole thing is China's fault

How convenient. Right as the crumbling system is desperate to have another fake enemy, a good reason is given. So few see.

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49c748  No.64282

There has been a novel viral flu-like viral disease roaming in Nordics since December 2019.

The onset of symptoms is 2-7 days from infection. It is much like normal flu, but it infects the head much more severely, locking your ears and causing incessant ringing (amplified tinnitus). It induces less flowing mucus than seasonal flu. At one stage, there is considerable buildup of mucus/liquid in the lungs that need to be coughed out. Afterwards, there is dry cough that lasts for a days to weeks to months depending on your age and health.

For healthy young men, it lasts from two to three weeks before symptoms end. For adults it lasts longer, and will persist in form of milder flu for months.

Only the males of my family were infected with this, and I have heard similar reports from acquaintances.

It was not the common influenza, and the onset of pressure in the head (and distinct ringing of ears as sinuses were completely blocked was something not experienced before in several different influenzas and diseases.)

This probably has nothing to do with /ourgirl/, but just putting this out here.

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cb2412  No.64283


A lot of people around the world want others sterilized and less people on this planet eventually

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6c022c  No.64284


Agreed. Music emotionally sways people. It's a mild manipulation.

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a4597f  No.64285

File: 183e6e9afb23cdc⋯.jpg (107.62 KB, 1024x869, 1024:869, 183e6e9afb23cdc78be0746a5f….jpg)


>that hot toddy shilling for CCP

>that body language

Hard to trust him, he certainly doesn't look 100% healthy but staying in Wuhan we won't know the truth of the matter, sadly. Also being locked up inside with no sun isn't going to help him looking/feeling good, so we need a more reliable case. I'd also love to see him re-tested in the west as I'd be curious to see if any of that shit is left in his spinal column.

Sportypasta is dead yet or? Other than him we have very little info on cases and updates.



Good way to put it, you'd expect the lugenpresse to be making a big deal out of it to support the WHO nothingburger shilling.



This also happened where I am in summer of all times..

I'm wondering if that also helped push the flu stats higher, so perhaps not all can be blamed on corona stat fudging.


>dense info is best



/ourgirl/ has been discussed here earlier than that, it just wasn't called /cvg/ and was in another bread or at least part of one. Other anons will tell you it has been discussed since Dec and I'm not the only one with that opinion (as it has been shared in other breads too).

I'd been reading about it around new year, (admittedly gave it less heed than later jan onwards as shit heated up) but fuck knows what thread it was but it was on here because I read it and didn't go elsewhere.

The proper figuring out in my books was before Feb - why? Because according to my chat logs, I bought my respirators and filters on Jan 27th, before the chinkroaches cleaned all of them out.

I didn't look at any other sauces but /pol/ and papers/info/sauces here.

At that stage anons knew this had potential to get really bad and began taking precautions, some were earlier as I am in a more isolated country and it's behind the curve. Island time

Either way, we can agree to disagree.

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1e37e2  No.64286


Do you know what that strain was called or have any more information about it?

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2ee23e  No.64287


I had something similar back in December. I have ringing in both ears all the time now (less severe than it was during the illness). I didn't attribute the ringing to the sickness at first but I didn't have it before I got sick, though.

I'm in the US.

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2ee23e  No.64289


Oh, also, still have the dry cough.

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e0a7ea  No.64290

I’m not worried about dying from this, as I’m young and white, but I’ve read some literature that postulates that the virus does neurological damage, as well as damage to the kidneys and testis. I’d rather die than be rendered infertile or retarded/low IQ. Every day more and more credence is lent to the idea that this is biological warfare.

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000000  No.64291


In the 'it escaped from a chinese biolab' theory there is no reason other things wouldn't have escaped as well. It would actually explain a lot. (severity in wuhan vs everywhere else)

In the deliberately released bioweapon theory, there is no reason the same actor that released NCV didn't release something else (milder) as well.(good cover) Equally another actor may have in retaliation

Biolabs everywhere, unchecked migration from diseased shitholes.. I don't think this will be the last of these suddenly 'novel' diseases.

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a4597f  No.64292


>In the deliberately released bioweapon theory, there is no reason the same actor that released NCV didn't release something else (milder) as well

There is evidence of that in bread 23 or 24 where a jap biomed company sequenced a Tokyo strain and it was completely different to the point of not being possible to mutate from the Wuhan parent strain.

The chinks sent them test kits that didn't detect that strain, hence the nips made their own.

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116622  No.64294


No more information available at this time.


Same disease. Same symptoms. Same after-effects.

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000000  No.64295


If you lived in one of the countries where in 10 years or less they have become over 10% of the population, and see how they behave in them (leaf, NZ, AU, others) or cities with high migration, How they have bought up poroperty with corrupt ccp monye, invaded and corrupted political systems.. You'd be OK with that.

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5d21ae  No.64296


>Sportypasta is dead yet or? Other than him we have very little info on cases and updates.

Last info was that he is still in intensive care.

I doubt we will even have a lot of data for the early recoveries due to stigma, since those guys will mostly be the retards who ran around and brought this shit to their countries in the first place. And I am already seeing people around essentially saying that tourist/travelfags deserve the rope.

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61e39f  No.64297

File: f40ce256164cae3⋯.png (349.71 KB, 858x961, 858:961, blessed pasta politician.png)

File: 894b1bb55d79490⋯.png (21.34 KB, 478x173, 478:173, Iranian update scribbles.png)

File: c68d371fd9115fa⋯.png (300.1 KB, 741x927, 247:309, flipland.png)

File: 9d3756f28661c0c⋯.mp4 (14.85 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Chinese woman returns from….mp4)

File: 4ee3cec2e00327a⋯.png (139.7 KB, 488x600, 61:75, chink coof hotel.png)

Head of Pasta Democratic Party confirmed to be blessed https://archive.is/eYhce ; Iranian update, 21 new deaths and 1576 new blessings in the last 24 hours; Flipland about to declare a health emergency after first confirmed case of community transmission https://archive.is/ZiAyJ and chinkess returning from Worst Korean gets sent to a coof hotel and decides to exposes the poor hygiene conditions there, the CCP were not amused when they heard about it.


Strange disease, thanks for letting us know Nord anon.


>Sportypasta is dead yet or? Other than him we have very little info on cases and updates.

Last thing a PastaAnon said about him is that he had gone into critical condition, then we never heard about him again. I'm worried about that guy.


>I’d rather die than be rendered infertile or retarded/low IQ. Every day more and more credence is lent to the idea that this is biological warfare.

I agree with you. We don't know if it retards people, all we currently know about neurological and nervous damage is that it causes encephalitis and apparently take this with a mountain of salt causes people to forget to breathe, according to a paper published some days ago I can't remember when, losing track of time, which might be one of the reasons people are collapsing and dropping face first onto the sidewalk. The paper wasn't peer reviewed and din't had any proofs, it was some kind of speculative paper. I din't save it though, would be nice if an anon that has it could post it. I clearly remember it being posted in a previous thread.

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000000  No.64298


>In the 'it escaped from a chinese biolab' theory there is no reason other things wouldn't have escaped as well. It would actually explain a lot. (severity in wuhan vs everywhere else)

Do you think people work on 5 pathogens at once? Throw it in a fucking pot and mix it together? A leak of one pathogen is a mistake. A release of more than one is a colossal fuck up or probably intentional. A fuckup like someone knocked over the sample refrigerator bad. I doubt many people in the lab work on more than one pathogen at a time, even the top level guys.

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000000  No.64299


Santelli isn't known for much even inside the financial community aside from deranged rants. This is no different. He's offering his hot-take to get back into the lime light for a bit.

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000000  No.64301


Ventilation system failure

Generally shit procedures and attention to detail

Quite possible they had multiple teams and labs

Animal carer sold more than 1 animal

Reports of bats flying around. Who knows. I wouldn't discount it completely, but we can disagree on that

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61e39f  No.64302

File: 82f8e635fe6fdf2⋯.mp4 (457.52 KB, 400x848, 25:53, quarantine hotel in quanzh….mp4)

File: 02848e68c99d933⋯.png (86.68 KB, 487x696, 487:696, chink coof hotel just fell….png)


Coof hotel in Quanzhou fucking collapsed!



Did you guys forget the chinks had an avian flu epidemic not soon after Corona-Chan started killing chinks whole sale? Remember those videos of them dumping hundreds or maybe thousands of chicks and chickens into a hole? Probably not related since they have avian flu all the time, but it could be.

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120870  No.64303

File: 843394974eb9a08⋯.png (506.4 KB, 885x1376, 885:1376, coof_hotel_of_death.png)

Good morning frens!

There was a collapse over night of a hotel in China that was housing those bless by Corona-chan with 70 people trapped. Last, I've read, they recovered 35. This will be go to follow up on to see how extreme stress and severe injury affects /ourgirl/'s behavior.




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1d5671  No.64305

File: 87a6ad51c652c0a⋯.mp4 (10.01 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Jews Rock.mp4)


>in one of the countries where in 10 years or less they have become over 10% of the population, and see how they behave in them

God damn it read the words. Have a problem with soulless bug people, please. What kind of disturbed animal would not realize that the bug people are a huge problem. At the same time, states are not people. And they will generate false realities that achieve nothing. The problem here is republic: the false veneer which is put over government, and which leads inexorably to false realities of every kind; you probably call some of those false realities "liberalism". Yes, bug people are a huge disgusting inhuman problem. Keep thinking about this truth. Ignore media distractions.

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056d3c  No.64308


>causes people to forget to breathe

Couldn't that also be a sign the virus is attacking the autonomic nervous system? Because that would be one explanation for the sudden deaths if it was.

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6f954c  No.64309



Chinese have no imagination. They just Ctrl+P Ctrl+V western tech. If you can copy paste you have a degree in Chinese engineering.

USA has been researching bio weapons for 100 years, CCP comes along and says hurr we want one too and treat it like any other factory.

Chinese have a saying "Cha bu duo" that roughly translates to "Close enough"

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5d21ae  No.64310



By means of detonating the foundation perhaps?

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a4597f  No.64311


>am already seeing people around essentially saying that tourist/travelfags deserve the rope.

Kek I've even heard peaceful, sjw boomers say that. People are pissed and need to be guided in the right direction.

Thing is those faggots won't stop that arrogant degeneracy, unless jew govt says no dice, so really, anger should be leveled at governments and WHO and their handlers for creating this genocide.

Also the last we heard about him was ~bread 15? Long time to be in ICU..


>you should not have been allowed to come back



>building never had that many people in it


>avian flu

They also had a swine flu outbreak too.


>Couldn't that also be a sign the virus is attacking the autonomic nervous system?

Yes, this has been seen with people bashing their heads on pavements in multiple videos early on. It's theorized this is the more deadly strain and can be related to infection of the spinal fluid.

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6c022c  No.64313


>tourist/travelfags deserve the rope.

Retard family member going on 2 cruises soon. TWO.

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6fafd9  No.64314


Recommend Israel and Africa. It’s never too late to improve plans.

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16bb7f  No.64317

I don't want to die

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61e39f  No.64318

File: 73910afd7330460⋯.mp4 (813.89 KB, 640x360, 16:9, coof hotel in quanzhou aft….mp4)

File: 619c2132288c58f⋯.mp4 (1.7 MB, 1600x720, 20:9, coof hotel in quanzhou aft….mp4)

File: f0acca6bbe7cfa5⋯.png (27.46 KB, 478x185, 478:185, britbongistan.png)

File: a6103714c468acf⋯.mp4 (8.47 MB, 720x720, 1:1, Richard Hatchett is afraid.mp4)

File: 7f6b6df331eb1d3⋯.jpeg (1.26 MB, 1650x3450, 11:23, decon guide.jpeg)

More videos from the collapsed coof hotel; Number of blessings in Britbongistan rise to 206; Doc that's researching a vaccine for Corona-Chan not gonna happen bud says on TV that she's the most frightening thing he has ever seen. Also throwing in a decontamination guide, courtesy of Winnie Dynasty's twatter.


Morning fren, thanks for supplementing my previous post with tasty sauces.


Yeah I guess reminder that I'm a brainlet


Kek, normalfags on twatter are suspicious too.

>>64311 (checked)

>They also had a swine flu outbreak too.

Which happened before SHTF in chinkland, I don't know when though, I think it was in December or November. Kinda coincides with Corona-Chan, but not too much.

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ca5e34  No.64322

File: 057d6c9c2470e57⋯.jpg (49.36 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, 49b43029-9301-4747-819c-e1….jpg)


Collapsed? Looks like the bodies really hit the flloor

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66a413  No.64323


>The proper figuring out in my books was before Feb..

I don't think we disagree mid-feb/late jan, couple weeks difference, who cares. The reason we went down this rabbit hole was derailing 'lurk moar' fucks anyway. Now that we're on the same page I want to get back to what I originally posted about.

This anon said:


>More than you know. This place is a real magnet for senators and representatives right now.

I want to know who's here (themselves or staff) and why?

Tom Cotton? Matt Gaetz? Rand Paul?

If you're here reps and sens, your constituents want answers. Don't answer them here, but:

-Why are there still no blanket travel bans?

-Why are you screening for fevers when carriers who are contagious can be asymptomatic for 2-4 weeks, shouldn't this at least be done at origin?

-Why is the CDC letting people out of quarantine with no monitoring or further instructions to self-quarantine (see the woman who went to a food court after quarantining on a floating petri dish)?

-Why are pop-up quarantine sites set-up with zero communication to the communities they affect (LV&Seattle), fear spreads in the absence of facts, is this by design?

-How can we trust the numbers the gov puts up, or if this is really not in community-spread stage, when in these threads we have shown time and time again they're not testing patients that doctors are convinced have the virus?

-Why hasn't the CDC declared this a pandemic (and the answer damn well better not be because of the markets)?


>However, it is important to note that current global circumstances suggest it is likely that this virus will cause a pandemic.

There are tons of questions from your constituents that need answers, but the gov's response has been almost entirely through the Pence, who is way in over his head. If Reps and Senators are, show some, you know, actual leadership, and hit the Trump admin with these questions and more.

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21564a  No.64324


Fuck you carlos

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e50e11  No.64325

File: 2a31f6a1900ecf9⋯.jpeg (7.04 MB, 3900x2600, 3:2, WestworldCoofer.jpeg)


Thanks for posting that video. It's a reminder of how cancer inducing Bongland TV is. He gets to talk for a couple minutes and that's it. They should have talked much more with him.. see if he coofs or not. Where are all the other recovered patients they could recover on TV? You know… like all those Germans and Italians that are recovered… or Americans. Why not parade them on TV to calm all the normie fears? I suppose the fantasy world technology that Westworld promotes isn't quite there yet and they just can't seem to get their flesh prints right for those non-coofing replicantes.

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0af2d5  No.64326


I do, this chaos may actually provide him a real opportunity to pull it off if it weakens the establishment enough (and it will).

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6fafd9  No.64328


Nice move, anon. You scared the pols away.

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5c6e7b  No.64329


Fun fact, Lynden is right on the Canadian border.


>If you're here reps and sens, your constituents want answers. Don't answer them here, but:


A combination of caring more about social and economic stability than American lives, and incompetence. Go read Tom Cotton's twitter before February 25th and then after and note the tone shift towards coronavirus. He got sat down and told some facts, and now he's on the good goyim team. He's comped and we are on our own.

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a4597f  No.64330


>swine flu

It's a yearly thing practically at this point but yes it was slightly before /ourgirl/.

Didn't help all the videos of dead shit being taken as corona, kek.

3rd video is great boomer bait. That + Neil Ferguson is an excellent combo.


All good anon :)

>Why are there still no blanket travel bans?

<airline industry, tourism, market fear

>Why are you screening for fevers when carriers who are contagious can be asymptomatic for 2-4 weeks, shouldn't this at least be done at origin?

<because they need to appear like they are doing something

<govt jews here literally gave out leaflets and called it 'screening' ffs

>Why is the CDC letting people out of quarantine with no monitoring or further instructions to self-quarantine (see the woman who went to a food court after quarantining on a floating petri dish)?

<it's just a flu + capacity and panic related

>Why are pop-up quarantine sites set-up with zero communication to the communities they affect (LV&Seattle), fear spreads in the absence of facts, is this by design?

<you can't be scared if you don't know about it

>How can we trust the numbers the gov puts up, or if this is really not in community-spread stage, when in these threads we have shown time and time again they're not testing patients that doctors are convinced have the virus?

<numbers, fear control and test kit availability/cost

<other critical part is if cases are detected workplace/area is locked down fo decon, people don't want to deal with that shit

>Why hasn't the CDC declared this a pandemic (and the answer damn well better not be because of the markets)?

<you answered yourself

Rothskikes Pandemic bonds (expire in july) are just a drop in the bucket compared to other markets.

And this >>64329


kek, nice comparison and so true.

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000000  No.64331


fuck off goy

>t. trump

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61e39f  No.64332

File: 3d2f8df2193835e⋯.jpeg (123.36 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, Iran collapse1.jpeg)

File: 48f645331d1f641⋯.png (477.26 KB, 750x421, 750:421, iran collapse4.png)

File: 948bb1290a5aa07⋯.jpeg (229.63 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Iran collapse3.jpeg)

File: 35372485a56baab⋯.jpeg (63.42 KB, 576x1024, 9:16, Iran collapse2.jpeg)

File: cc6f884571a196f⋯.png (213.82 KB, 603x739, 603:739, do you have a loicense for….png)

Some pictures of collapsed Iranians and Zerohedge article on a Britbong who's former Tesco supply chain director warning about potential food riots and saying supermarkets should be protected by the military if SHTF https://archive.is/0OdUv


*Number of confirmed blessings. Very important fix, if you know what I mean ;^)


You won't if you prepare. Be strong and believe in your genes and your survival instincts.


Take your doubles and leave, Carlos. Kek, that was a good one.

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0b5ab2  No.64333


Thank you anon for taking the time to think this through and type it out.


>1700’s chinks are different?

More British cock in them, I suppose.


Last time I looked BNO still hadn’t updated their map of cases in Africa…I am starting to think that in BNO the ‘N’ stands for nigger


That leftist BULLSHIT about niggers is sure annoying. “You should have treated your pavement apes better.” As we are made slaves so that they can lay about and do nothing all day but fuck and have children and eat. They ultimate parasite outside of the kikes.


Aren’t you a luck boy to have to coddle these faggots fee fees like this. Should all THEIR post be cleaned up as well as this really belongs in the META and not in /cvg/? Hmmmm? You have no idea who these people are…they are probably kikes, they sure as fuck WHINE like cocksucking kikeniggers. They could have filtered fungusfag, but that is not what they want, what they want is for no one else to see his comments. I find this suspect. They certainly post in the middle of the night (daytime in Israel).


China numba whon engineering

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1e37e2  No.64335


Holy shit, that poor cunt in the interview there looks like he's under duress. His eyes look like he's nervously avoiding looking at a gun pointed in his face. The way he snaps out how "accurate" the Chinese figures are, why specifically mention how "accurate" they are, and in such a frantic tone?

And as others have been asking, where are all the other patients and those who have recovered? Does anyone have any social media links? Surely some sick people will be posting on facebook if only to update friends and family. This is just unreal how information is being withheld at this scale, and how obvious it is too.

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66a413  No.64336


Fuck 'em


I don't expect my post to do anything at that level, I'm just raging into the void, basically yelling at my tv. But on the off chance we can move ever so slightly…


We know these answers, but I want our leaders to lead. Useless, I know.


Torpedo with the usual substance. Kek'd though.

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120870  No.64339

File: cbcea4ac123e67e⋯.png (403.52 KB, 1137x751, 1137:751, Im_so_fugged.png)

File: 890d97503f49d1c⋯.gif (182.65 KB, 500x250, 2:1, 100 Percent High on Juice.gif)

File: a09a8ff5b9d7f1f⋯.jpg (45.92 KB, 1024x991, 1024:991, let_her_in_and_embrace_her….jpg)


Trips confirm that China numba whon!

Three more cases, and possibly a fifth in my state.




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42de44  No.64342

Now the media is blaming us for shortages. Too fucking bad! We told these idiots to prepare! Not our fault they didn't and not going to be our problem either!


And if they even think about stealing our stuff they'll be shot on sight, no questions asked and their bodies disposed of by fire!

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1d5671  No.64344

File: 778c00386ab07c6⋯.webm (1.92 MB, 848x480, 53:30, africans shoot their cops….webm)


>people bashing their heads on pavements in multiple videos early on. It's theorized this is the more deadly strain and can be related to infection of the spinal fluid

Any videos of this?

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01ae22  No.64345

File: 80be8590eae5255⋯.png (398.8 KB, 1243x790, 1243:790, Annotation 2020-03-07 1025….png)


I completely understand you post. Go back to the first WH Press brief when Trump announced Pence as heading the CV outbreak. Was only a week ago, but frankly, it seems like an eternity already. Trump wavered at the start of he comments. I study the man. That was not normal for him. It betrayed his words. He knew this was huge, but was advised the gov could get a handle on this.

While it has been slower to spread in the US for numbers thus far, we know those are issues with test kits. Making them, distributing them, who pays and more. The net effect being numbers are still lower for the US. There has been an uptick though.

I had stopped all public transport weeks ago. Well before the petri dish off Japan. I am keeping my work local between my home and one facility.

As of last night, I have my fogger and viricide. More on the way.

Like you, I have seen quite a bit of history. I see the boomer issue. It is not so much an age as an attitude, thus the "Ok Boomer" meme a short while ago.

Also, https://weather.com/health/cold-flu/news/2020-03-07-coronavirus-deaths-florida-united-states-cases-spread A good normie synopsis of current events. Egypt has a petri dish too.

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a4597f  No.64346

File: 38b4e93272301ea⋯.jpg (559.09 KB, 1800x2700, 2:3, Kane12.jpg)


I have gone through the thread again and decided not cleaned any posts. Most of the anons with a few OT posts have quite a long post history in other threads and are very, very dedicated shills if so and contributed useful information most of the time (unlike most shills). If it goes beyond a few posts then yes it's derailing and can go to meta.

You can't expect every single post in a thread to be OT, this is a Northern Mauritanian brake assembly reconditioning imageboard after all..

But message received and I will be stricter on it when around.

One other thing to consider - if you sanitize all shilling even low amounts, anons get soft. It's good for lurkers to learn these things too occasionally.

Reason fungusfag was deleted is because even the BO had to step in due to report inbox being overflowed with shit, EVERYONE including myself (pre becoming a vol) hated their derailing shit, after it was repeatedly BTFO and they never argued or put up a good response. That's why. They since learned. Now they try shilling muh 5G which is even less effectual to anons here.

BNO doesn't do shit on Sunday/weekends. That's a normal pattern.


>leaders to lead

I've only seen three health professionals world wide even get close to 90% of the truth. It's pathetic but best thing is the boomers will slowly learn (and forget again) to not trust any of the jew apparatus.


>Self isolating BTFO supermarkets

Robots would have prevented this.

Anons - downthemall addon for FFX/chromium based browsers used to have a feature that was 'one click download'. So you could enable it and click once to download an item. Anyone know of a replacement or similar functioning addon?


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5d21ae  No.64347


>His eyes look like he's nervously avoiding looking at a gun pointed in his face. The way he snaps out how "accurate" the Chinese figures are, why specifically mention how "accurate" they are, and in such a frantic tone?

I'm pretty sure he is well aware he will be tossed right into the coofcube that second, if he actually breaks the real numbers on TV.

Personally, I'm just waiting till patient 0 in Croatia gets released in about a week or two of quarantine to see how this shit really plays out, since a family friend knows the dude. Doubt he will ever appear in the news since shit will be flooded and the guy inevitably forgotten once the first body hits the floor, due to contact testing if you develop symptoms only and flimsy self-quarantine regulations.

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8b9cc7  No.64348


I was buying some more buckshots talking with a guy who runs a gun shop in town and all I can say is he is a huge Trump supporter. I asked him what he thought of the whole corona virus and he said people a bunch of nutjobs fear mongering. I didn't get into this with him but it was interesting to see some people are truly oblivious (even many gun owning conservative preppers).

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a4597f  No.64350

File: f09efc7ea3eccdc⋯.mp4 (2.7 MB, 368x640, 23:40, 9fVgUtMGddbADux0.mp4)


to clarify 'they shilling 5g' is likely another poster. But similar effort. Fungusfag might or might not be a shill but they are very passionate about their pet theory.


>head bashing

Video related. There are others I am looking for. Need to get webm thumbnails working on my os.. would help a lot.

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0b5ab2  No.64351

File: 0dd3b01f5cc5adc⋯.jpeg (49.59 KB, 563x1000, 563:1000, 85D212B1-640C-48D8-B317-2….jpeg)


5Ganon is a different person. Their linguistic patterns do not match fungusfag. Ok, I agree, I just think that any future complaining belongs in the META or it needs deleting. That in itself is derailing the thread just as much as the shills. Look how many posts just that took up…7-10 of the kikeniggers bitching?


I was talking with a retired marine yesterday and he said literally and I couldn’t believe that these programmed words came right out of his mouth…(remember those dolls you used to be able to buy that you would pull the cord in their back and they would ‘say some canned line’) anyway, he literally said, “The flu kills more people each year.” It was like someone had ‘pulled his cord’ and that was all he could think. IDK about you but that level of total brainwashing and control is actually frightening to me. It wasn’t even like he phrased it creatively, he literally said EXACTLY what they ‘told him to say’. I mean I know the NPC meme and I was there on /pol/ when it started but it is really creepy to see it in person.

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5c6e7b  No.64353


I noticed that as well. He got told the truth also. Remember the classified briefing that the Senate got? Why is there a need to classify fucking public health information unless the truth is so dire you can't tell it? If the news was at all good they'd be broadcasting it from rooftops, but since they aren't, and the public communications are "don't buy supplies, wash your hands, stay calm goyim" my bet is that the truth is more like 10s of millions dead by the end of summer.


Boomer Mindset is real. One of my coworkers is a good guy, family guy, church goer, redpilled on fags and trannies, but totally oblivious to the current state of affairs. Watches tv and thinks he's informed. Don't think that these people are going to get redpilled by what's to come, either. They will happily go into coof camps if the teevee tells them to.

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1d5671  No.64354

File: b3a152301c7876d⋯.mp4 (4.45 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, white kid smashes bottle o….mp4)


>he said people a bunch of nutjobs fear mongering

The boomstick store owners have seen a lot of these things. They get inured to it. They are also ultra-mainstream people, often ex-LEO, and know that many eyes are on them.

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61627e  No.64356


“The flu kills more people each year.”

Yep! !! Same thing the guy said to me and he said people are nutjobs for panicking over this. All I said is 'I'm just getting prepared encase there are shortages of supplies', bought by shotgun shells and said 'have a good day sir.'

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f43050  No.64357

File: 10d534db73eb02d⋯.png (568 KB, 720x514, 360:257, wu flu - 2.png)

Yeah, we've never gotten a solid answer as to the dropping dead and spasms we see in some videos. There's been lots of speculation, but nothing concrete I've read yet. It's what honestly makes this virus so scary, nobody is giving us the honest facts on it. Some accounts make it seem like a bad cold and others like it's death made manifest.

Has anyone figured that out yet?

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d863ed  No.64358

File: a0cfa4c7ab2b5ca⋯.jpg (76.47 KB, 409x443, 409:443, What_would_Jesus_save?.jpg)


>sorry, I haven't been following all the threads, how about this

Why would anyone read these hysterical timesink threads? SARS, Swine flu, Zika, Corona, There's always a made up newsplus crisis to distract the american people from the prison matrix while spreading anti-knowledge at the same time.

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1d5671  No.64359

File: 4e7d9ec9fd97a14⋯.png (284.79 KB, 889x374, 889:374, single mom.png)


TY. TBH it looks like she is reacting to the arrest. She does not want to be taken away. I'd like to see this happen without an arrest occurring. What's this about 5G? Are people saying there's a 5G link?

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0b5ab2  No.64360

File: 71fd1d84e6cde78⋯.jpeg (77.66 KB, 433x427, 433:427, D86966FD-DC7C-4707-B0E2-9….jpeg)


People don’t have that kind of drive unless they really believe something. Think about what it must be like to have 50 people hating on you and beating you up, screaming at you and you just keep going.

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d246e9  No.64361


Could be, you have a good point!

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61e39f  No.64363

File: 01a4282146db81f⋯.webm (1.52 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Congratulations.webm)

File: 5668767f3c01c1e⋯.png (301.6 KB, 481x833, 481:833, medical waste dumped on ri….png)

File: d70ad2eebe87a69⋯.mp4 (3.47 MB, 640x640, 1:1, Iran allegedly dumping med….mp4)

File: 351346c0da734fd⋯.mp4 (2.02 MB, 848x480, 53:30, Coast Guard helicopter arr….mp4)

It seems Iranians are dumping medical waste near a riverbank, big brain move right there. Also a 30 seconds clip of the Puddle Pirate's helicopter arriving at the Grand Princess.

>>64333 (check'd)

>I am starting to think that in BNO the ‘N’ stands for nigger

BNO stands for Based Niggers Online, I said this last thread. Or was it two threads ago? Seriously losing track of time



First video related.






Holy shit that chinkess is out of control. I hadn't seen head bashing like this yet, just seizures and collapses.


>remember those dolls you used to be able to buy that you would pull the cord in their back and they would say some canned line

That's a perfect analogy for normalfags and NPCs in general.


The only thing semi-concrete is that it causes encephalitis.


<It's nothing goyim, stop paying attention

Shoo. Filtered.


>Are people saying there's a 5G link

Yeah but it's a Q tier hypothesis.

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5c6e7b  No.64364


Social conditioning, anon. They aren't thinking, they're repeating words that they know are socially acceptable. Examples

<it's just the flu

<gay marriage is normal

<fascism is evil

<diversity is our strength

That's the point of the conditioning, to replace thought with slogans. Stimulus, response. You can exclude whole swathes of wrongthink by preparing slogans and using punishment and reward to make people use slogans in place of thought. For example, >>64358.

Only on the chans can truth be spoken with no social consequences and thus, only on the chans will you find the truth.

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66a413  No.64365


>sage on pinned thread, just the flu bro

Fucking filtered this CCP shill. Enjoy your bat soup in your newly welded shut tomb.

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ca5e34  No.64366



No matter what happens no one will ever, ever trust China ever again

>suppress information prior to outbreak

>arrest people who tried to warn the world

I mean, even niggers didn't engage in a full scale coverup when Ebola broke out in Africa. Ok, so maybe they didn't have internet…

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0b5ab2  No.64367



Lol saved


>Ok, so maybe they didn't have internet…

Or the ability for higher reasoning…


But anon, where does it stop, and how much of our world is built on these (((slogans))) and (((ideas)))? Literally, how much of everything we know is mind control?

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5c6e7b  No.64372


Pressing X here, big guy. The Jews will happily go right back to exporting our countries to the chinks to make a nickel. Long term, nothing will change as long as we're ruled by Jews. Trust? Please, they manufacture trust in the form of public consensus.


>how much

Enough. Enough to get millions killed needlessly by the virus, just to prop muh stonk market up for 4 more weeks. Enough to mire our young people in usury for the rest of their lives, paying back unpayable loans for worthless education they were told they needed. Enough to spend untold amounts of money and the lives of our young warriors killing worthless sand people in countries we can't find on a map and don't care to.

It all traces back to the Jews. Without the Jews, we could undo the damage and right this ship. With the Jews we will be forever shackled. Will the virus break that control? I doubt it quite honestly, they are so infested in our society that it would take serious long term social breakdown to have a chance at ridding ourselves of them.

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000000  No.64375


>Ventilation system failure

A mechanical failure would be easy enough to own up to, and it would enabled the facility to blame someone else, filter manufacturer, etc.

But who knows, the chinks may just kill anyone remotely involved.

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0b5ab2  No.64376


Does this infer that it is our moral duty to bring a ‘serious long term social breakdown’ into being? The kikes system HAS TO GO…we are on the precipice of being eternally enslaved with no hope of ever breaking free of them.


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01ae22  No.64377


Over 100 more in 24 hours. I saw 232 at 5:30+- AM est on Friday morning on that site.

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358cba  No.64378

File: ee510e4fd73c99c⋯.mp4 (8.22 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, NTD_News_China_in_Focus-Ch….mp4)


>Richard Hatchett is afraid.mp4

It seems like he is just reading off a script and not giving his own viewpoint from how he repeats everything in the exact same way constantly

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5c6e7b  No.64380


Can you? Keeping it topical, will the ~10M American casualties that I expect from Wuhan coronavirus this year collapse the kike system? I can see them surviving that.

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61e39f  No.64381

File: 4ea80f916112ccf⋯.png (215.71 KB, 1540x950, 154:95, arizona dep of health.png)

File: daf1b55b921bed8⋯.png (421.35 KB, 1029x928, 1029:928, and a nip nong xing xong t….png)

File: f7f1f0509034990⋯.png (193.78 KB, 655x952, 655:952, toothpaste news.png)

File: 9055dbb8e087152⋯.png (178.26 KB, 485x659, 485:659, based niggers online updat….png)

File: 28bc6d33fa64a4c⋯.png (215.73 KB, 883x930, 883:930, just sayan.png)

Two new confirmed cases in Arizona, both from the same household https://archive.is/ub3R2 ; More than sixty new confirmed cases in Toothpasteland, current total is 188 confirmed cases https://archive.is/rN0Mi ; First confirmed case in Hiroshima https://archive.ph/6MxhH ; Update from Based Niggers Online and news agency connected to the CCP claims Burgerland is endangering the world with their response to Corona-Chan https://archive.ph/lXt61 The chutzpah of those chinks


>they are so infested in our society that it would take serious long term social breakdown to have a chance at ridding ourselves of them.

Good thing that's about to happen.



I wonder if he's up to date on news and if he knows that the world as we know it is ending.

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5d21ae  No.64382

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d863ed  No.64383

File: 72cc4ca37be1049⋯.jpeg (201.14 KB, 957x756, 319:252, Official_picture_from_Mar….jpeg)



The new Bin Laden is the same as the old one, but the zika victims with short memory syndrome have a hard time remembering that the world ended in 2012. Enjoy your newsplus timesink thread.

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0b5ab2  No.64385


This place just chaps your ass…it is hilarious.

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43b219  No.64386


nice image name faggot

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cd88b2  No.64387


It seems to me this bioweapon was released to kill off the human race. Maybe these 'elite' nutjobs like Elon Musk really do have space rockets to colonize Mars and they decided to kill us all off before they left? If so I hope they never make it and crash somewhere in space.

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000000  No.64391


>Maybe these 'elite' nutjobs like Elon Musk really do have space rockets to colonize Mars and they decided to kill us all off before they left? If so I hope they never make it and crash somewhere in space.

They need at least 10 years. Maybe they could make it to the moon in 3-4. But building a moon or mars base would definitely take longer. And there would be many deaths. Getting a self sustaining moon or mars base is probably 25-50 years out. Coronachan is going to set up back some time though.

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0b5ab2  No.64393


My definition of what is still human is narrowing, anon. Like the pull cord marine NPC doll, was that human? Are any of the others ‘human’ as well, like the subhumans, which are basically just animals in human suits?

They will never colonize Mars, it has no EM field; it is not habitable by humans or animals. The space station has one porthole. The entire time that an astronaut has free time or leave they spend staring down at the planet through that tiny porthole. You don’t know what you are missing until it is gone and technically they are still within the EM field and they can still be classed as connected to the planet.

I do think CV was designed and released to kill off what is left of human beings.

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056d3c  No.64394

Corona-chan now in Maldives:


>BREAKING: Maldives report first 2 cases of coronavirus

She's really getting around. Soon it'll be easier to list where Corona-chan isn't.

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0b5ab2  No.64395


Refresh me…has the WHO declared a pandemic yet and forced the Rothschild banks to pay their pandemic bonds…hmmmm I think not. The kikery never ends but everyone keeps tolerating it like it was ‘NORMAL’…if I was a holder of those bonds I would be pissed.

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61e39f  No.64398

File: 677a46e8eee1a92⋯.png (16.98 KB, 464x192, 29:12, Elon says no panic.png)

File: a85d6f858df95ac⋯.png (520.47 KB, 845x927, 845:927, zogbot blessed in pastalan….png)

File: 877a33f8e54d0c1⋯.png (142.24 KB, 456x487, 456:487, maldives.png)

File: 5777549b559ccd6⋯.png (146.09 KB, 438x538, 219:269, deutschland.png)

Burger zogbot confirmed to blessed in Pastaland https://archive.ph/QUPUn ; Update on Deutschland and Blessings in the Maldives.


Not bad for a government map, very fancy. If only they weren't lying…


Hey, speaking of Elon…https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1236029449042198528

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a4597f  No.64399

File: 79f709f74d97335⋯.jpg (129.94 KB, 980x552, 245:138, assad I_just_wanted_to_go_….jpg)


>be me

>normalfag flatmate coming back from (((bali)))

>work has (amazingly) put them on 1-2 week self quarantine, laptop n'shiet

<NBA bugging out to waifu

>T8 30W UV-C tubes and biosuits arriving in 2 weeks

>almost perfect timing.jpg

>almost all other preps for 12 months in place

God damn normalniggers going to fuck it all up though.

>>64351 >>64360

Fair points and noted.

Bread 28 shall be 'pure, clean bread'.

Can you niggers not feed obvious bait (((yous)))? They get paid more this way.

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000000  No.64400


The migrants were very much sent and paid for by their republic to colonise

>you probably call some of those false realities "liberalism".

Don't make such bold assumptions about what i think.

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6c022c  No.64401


From time to time I wonder if he won. We never got to find out because they deleted 8 chan, bastards.

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de9034  No.64404


Western PA here. Just came back from shopping. Large warehouse store. Things were normal, no shortages yet. People buying lots of paper towels and wipes. No shortages of Tylenol or Ibuprofen. They were selling 20lb bags of rice, the box that held them was getting low. Had to stop at another market. The shelves were completely cleared of disinfectant wipes. Running low on bleach and other cleaning supplies. Some of the canned soups seemed low too. Panic hasn't set in yet as Corona Chan hasn't been detected here yet, however it is close. I am betting it's already here and we don't know it yet. Stay strong, we'll get through this.

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e50e11  No.64406


Elon could literally mean Deep Underground Military Base.

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01ae22  No.64407


Northern VA here. Yesterday afternoon, Walmart was coof zone and no liquid soaps and OTC meds were nearly gone. I avoided coofers by at least 60 feet and did not venture to those zones. Local name brand grocery had a lower than normal supply of same items, but all in stock.

Harbor Freight was selling out of nitrile gloves. Had some on hand. They have a sale on one type. Others still selling fast.

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0b5ab2  No.64409

File: 2dd1152e3d75f67⋯.jpeg (59.01 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, 475EF13A-2F65-408B-97E2-4….jpeg)


>Hey, speaking of Elon

>panic is dumb

So eloquent for a man whose real rockets blow up on take off and whose others are CGI; whose CGI has a mouse and opossum in it chasing each other even though the ‘rocket’ is in the stratosphere (sub zero, no oxygen; the Russians couldn’t stop laughing at this on SpaceX’s comment page, I admit it was very funny as well…not just one clip Disney dinner theater ‘mouse and opossum show’ but rather many clips of them trapping around the rocket)…

That man is a hustler who is better at stealing than he is at wordsmithing.


I was in my local Sam’s club yesterday. All the bulk beans, rice,water and canned vegetables were gone, but this was cleverly hidden with pallets of things that people didn’t buy often. The paper isle was a nightmare though. Not because it was sold out but because they had stacked the paper products like two pallets high in a veritable mountain that came right out into the isle. So, half the isle was blocked with this massive tall and wide cache of paper products. I mean, if they fell on you, that shit would hurt.

>>64399 (checked)

Not trying to be alarmist anon but you need to leave there while they are in quarantine. How completely insane that they expect you to occupy the same space as a quarantined individual (it isn’t like you are family or something)? I wouldn’t even want to be in the same building or block. Don’t they have someplace to put these fags (than in the middle of a densely populated area) while they develop their best coof?

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61e39f  No.64414

File: b79940ef4bbe42e⋯.png (77.69 KB, 623x403, 623:403, connecticut doc.png)

File: 1a37510d7d6a3f4⋯.png (50.83 KB, 594x425, 594:425, tourists.png)

File: 18449f1b28d7333⋯.png (180.29 KB, 461x899, 461:899, burger beds.png)

File: 3e93472c5ffb8c4⋯.png (197.72 KB, 598x627, 598:627, oregon.png)

File: 1be51da388d8288⋯.png (231.51 KB, 596x636, 149:159, pasta update.png)

Connecticut doc living in NY gets infected; Info on Maldive blessings; Zerohedge article saying all hospital beds in Burgerland could be occupied by 8th of May https://archive.ph/YCUn7 ; Seven new confirmed cases in Oregon and update on Pastaland.


>having a flatmate

Ya dun goof'd.

>Can you niggers not feed obvious bait (((yous)))? They get paid more this way.

Doubles of truth for this part right here. At least only give them (you)s in a post where you're replying to an actual anon or contributing to the thread with something, wasting a bump replying to a shill is the most retarded thing ever. And only interact with them once, preferably exposing them and telling them to fuck.


>Some of the canned soups seemed low too.

Looks like the normalfags in your area are a little smarter than the other ones everywhere else.


Kek, that's an interesting take on his post. I bet those CoG bastards are feeling really comfy and smug as fuck right now, in their super bunkers beneath Burgerland

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e71372  No.64417


Man, space deniers are gullible. Their "evidence" always boils to "I think this looks weird! I drew a red circle on it so it's confirmed!!1!"

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1d5671  No.64418

File: 356937206781061⋯.png (385.29 KB, 657x700, 657:700, the purpose of civilizatio….png)

File: 932a9cc92373510⋯.png (502.94 KB, 2500x2100, 25:21, coronavirus big blue.png)

File: b49705c45c9e3cb⋯.png (304.96 KB, 622x374, 311:187, BTTF DUFF PINE.PNG)


>Regardless of your opinion of Trump it's clear he's grossly mishandled the situation

Yes. Unless he's right.

Unless his "hunch" is proven right. Which would, itself, be a very strange outcome. If it's a triumph for Trump on this, he still looks a little Biff-y.

Could some kindly anon put together an infographic which lays out the epistemological pathway of why this is end of world? I see the arguments made, but rarely if ever are they referenced, so it becomes just an opinion soup.

Is Big Blue the best out there?

>"China was caught rounding up and executing pets"



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6c022c  No.64419


Dec. here.


>The reason the higher ups are here

Are you assuming they are here or do you have proof of something?


I can see why the commie doctors and nurses in China worked to help people, but here in America, and personally knowing a few HCW's, I could see them leaving the job to help their families and protect themselves. Can you imagine if all the HCWs said fuck it, I'm out!

Do any anons know how Wuhan or any quarantined city handled food for the citizens? Were they allowed to shop or did community leaders deliver food/groceries? Seems like it would be a big undertaking if they delivered..? Or were they allowed to go shopping?

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e71372  No.64420


Shit replied to the wrong anon. SpaceX footage really is sketchy.

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2e7430  No.64422


>china virus


Easily solved. Spread a rumor that 35% of rice, regardless of label, is from Wuhan and thus infected.

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61e39f  No.64423


*Telling them to fuck off. I hate eating words so much


>Do any anons know how Wuhan or any quarantined city handled food for the citizens?

I "do". Some of them were allowed to go shopping but it seems nowadays that they have to go a food delivery pick up point, a place where deliverymen drop off their groceries and then fuck off away from the coofers.

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01ae22  No.64425


I had read in a sourced post in a past thread that in bugland, the apartment bugs were allowed out once a week, wearing a mask to go to their local grocery. This was so long as they had no symptoms. If they gained symptoms, they had a choice to be sealed in at home or be taken to a coofcamp. Those that stayed but violated the home seal went to coofcamp anyway.

Others had delivery to a set place at the apartments. Solo delivery bug with mask.

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5c6e7b  No.64426


They were delivering food in some of the leaked videos. There were other videos of chinks throwing out truckloads of food due to inability to deliver. Right now there are no videos coming out so consider the following:

If there were obedient people queuing up for the Party's weekly rations or whatever, the chinks would be broadcasting the videos far and wide. Nothing is coming out of Wuhan except fake CCP statistics. My bet is that food delivery is sparse and irregular and that public order is getting ruthlessly enforced. A lot of bugs are gonna be starved. Decisive Tang strategic victory.

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2b389c  No.64427


what am i looking at?

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2e7430  No.64428


99% of motherfuckers can't see it

You'll shit yourself when you see it

Can't unsee when beautiful blonde s…

Mom's 1 weird truck eliminates belly fat

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000000  No.64429


>and personally knowing a few HCW's, I could see them leaving the job to help their families and protect themselves

The ER doc I know is pretty much accepting that he's going to get infected. The hospitals aren't prepared, they don't have the equipment to ensure that corona doesn't spread. They also won't be able to gear up considering all the manufacturing of suits, etc, is in china. He also doesn't think that it's much worse than the flu, but I think he's starting to come around.

Most of the HCWs are going to be incapacitated quickly. They will have 2-3 weeks to work with the infected before they fall ill.

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e15b81  No.64430


>God damn normalniggers going to fuck it all up though.

This is why quarantine needs to be enforced by a top-down power structure like the military.


We basically need BRIDGES, the delivery company from 'death stranding' who have sterilizing check-points at every distribution center, and bunker.

So, yeah, Kojimbo did it again and now there's a few million porters prepared for dealing with people in a blood-less arresting manner.

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61e39f  No.64431

File: 2e83b3542383063⋯.png (347.52 KB, 595x852, 595:852, LA marathon.png)

File: f7c92e9f8da7c94⋯.png (43.4 KB, 614x336, 307:168, NYC state of emergency.png)

Cuomo declares state of emergency in NYC; LA marathon will not be canceled due to airborne aids;

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6fafd9  No.64433


Those bonds merely provide money for poor nations to fund pandemic efforts. No worries. Uncle Sugar will just print and pay for everything.

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66a413  No.64434


>what am i looking at?

An ID to filter…

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2e7430  No.64435


Drone delivery, packages can be dropped from a height of 30' (the packages will have parachutes) to prevent infection of the drone, operator.

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7573e0  No.64436

File: e2492ae3eab96f4⋯.jpg (531.16 KB, 1351x1670, 1351:1670, 33.jpg)


>Only on the chans can truth be spoken with no social consequences and thus, only on the chans will you find the truth.

This. Holy words. I hail you, Anon.

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2e7430  No.64437


He's right, though. If the virus is effective, but you survive, you could just pillage your dead neighbors' houses.

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f6c071  No.64442


>there is an integer between 32 and 34

Thank you for the valuable information, anon.

Indeed truth is truthist on the chans.

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a57c34  No.64443


>anti-virals for life

Welcome to the new you. Now with subscriptions and micropayments. For the special rate of $99/year*, continue to live your best life. Please see your terms of service to avoid becoming cancelled banned from accessing yourself.

*rate increases $999 every 10 years

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61e39f  No.64445

File: a1d5a4063884807⋯.png (336.89 KB, 860x810, 86:81, livestreamers.png)

File: 0d2830bbe06c0a5⋯.png (231.09 KB, 600x657, 200:219, gypsyland.png)

File: 3e53e2bad2f68ff⋯.png (55.22 KB, 597x403, 597:403, cuomo info.png)

Zerohedge article about passengers of the Grand Princess livestreaming and sharing information about the situation on the ship https://archive.ph/aoUz6 ; 4 new confirmed cases in Gypsyland and Cuomo giving the number and location of NY cases.


*In NY. Also post looks weird like that because I accidentally hit the reply button before tidying it up.


That sure is a lot of 33s, but I'm sure it's just a cohencidence.


Scavenger strats right there.

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a3e6c9  No.64447

Another day I wake up, and fail to see Corona virus raping Israel and Africa.

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a4597f  No.64448


>Not trying to be alarmist anon but you need to leave there while they are in quarantine. How completely insane that they expect you to occupy the same space as a quarantined individual (it isn’t like you are family or something)? I wouldn’t even want to be in the same building or block. Don’t they have someplace to put these fags (than in the middle of a densely populated area) while they develop their best coof?

Oh not alarmist at all I don't want to be anywhere near them, spraying shit down constantly and wearing PPE all day isn't my idea of fun. I am GTFO right now, have about 10-14 hours or so till they are back. Ignorant fuck didn't tell me when they were coming back till last minute. So I might tell them to fuck off till later to give more time.

They're not family at all but a 'friend' of many years but they need a fucking wake up call. In their credit they did book the trip pre-corona. Ah well, if they do get it, less faggots in the house.



Was on track for a homestead this year until corona-chan. Maybe still, Kek willing. Have the equipment and most of the skill to innawoods but rather not unless absolutely necessary (starting off leading into winter solo is a bad place to begin).



Thank you for confirming.


If you've been around these sorts of places long enough you get little gems of info or signals about this. Anyway it's OT shit for another thread.


All people arriving from overseas in any country should be coof camped for 2-4 weeks as of 3 months ago but alas, no, das rayciss.

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edfe2b  No.64449


Checked. Thanks for the photo of Lynden, which is in my county. Got sauce/date/time for that photo?

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4718c5  No.64450


Mostly the crew is infected? Interesting. It could be a scenario in which the crew was infected last voyage and then they're spreading it to the new passengers.

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7d144e  No.64452


im in Blaine too. why the fuck aren't we closing this border

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d863ed  No.64454

File: e3e533d413d286a⋯.png (260.51 KB, 409x443, 409:443, WhatWouldJesusDrink?.png)


>Just pillage your dead neighbors' houses

First remove the splinter from your skull and then you'll be able to think clearly about stealing things from your neighbors.

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4f7562  No.64456

File: 69e71035b667f91⋯.png (16.29 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Germany.png)

File: f5a0a3468d9317d⋯.png (16.4 KB, 1920x1085, 384:217, Iran.png)

File: c22d85a406cc5a9⋯.png (17.76 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Italy.png)

File: ac87d8241c4f0b1⋯.png (16.03 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, UK.png)



I don't think the fun is spoiled just yet,

data is from yesterday.

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61e39f  No.64457

File: 85fdce75f1aa706⋯.png (223.51 KB, 598x666, 299:333, paraguay.png)

File: 464564d4a58dc2c⋯.mp4 (315.96 KB, 184x360, 23:45, Hazmat team seen at St Mir….mp4)

File: f9a2f3e96fd9fdb⋯.mp4 (1.36 MB, 208x360, 26:45, Moscow International Airpo….mp4)

First confirmed case in Smugglerland; a bunch of hazmat dudes in a sportsball event in Scotland; Moscow International Airport almost looking like a ghost town and first confirmed case in Kittitas County, WA.


First, you clearly haven't been reading the threads or else you would know she's already in both of these hellholes. Second:


Getting tired of impatient anons, when will you people realize that Corona-Chan kills slowly, not suddenly? There's a ridiculously long incubation period that's mixed with an asymptomatic period, a mild symptomatic period and then she goes for the kill.


>Got sauce/date/time for that photo?

Sorry bud, no extra details. Also, I think you meant video.


>It could be a scenario in which the crew was infected last voyage and then they're spreading it to the new passengers.

You're probably correct, makes sense. Lot's of recent confirmed cases and deaths in Burger mainland were people who had been on that ship around mid February.

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2e7430  No.64458


>verified white gets it

>verified whites have already gotten it

>no whites have died (yet)

>if a single white person dies they'll be bullshitting us saying it's proof whites get it just as bad

it's all so tiresome.

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61e39f  No.64459

File: d3a52c66e30285d⋯.png (187.16 KB, 593x680, 593:680, kittitas.png)


fuck me, forgot last pic.

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4718c5  No.64460


They aren't your neighbors anymore if they're dead from the Goddess.

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2e7430  No.64461


If you don't someone else will. Plus, they're just being neighborly. Who was like a neighbor? The one that gave you things in need. You just helped them go to heaven, you can rest easy for your good deed, anon.

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358cba  No.64462


Generally you don't want to shit where you eat, even if it is more convenient in the short-term.

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2e7430  No.64464


True. I'm operating on the assumption you'll be bugging out.

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6c022c  No.64465


>at home with her spouse.

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54b602  No.64466

File: 2654f3ac0c7a438⋯.jpg (150.94 KB, 1683x1966, 1683:1966, beards.jpg)

File: ecdef7c4b8183ba⋯.jpg (27.02 KB, 543x477, 181:159, poop.jpg)

File: 652705ffcc27d2a⋯.png (688.17 KB, 805x543, 805:543, Peak_multiculti.png)

File: 5f4b97c59750512⋯.png (30.53 KB, 500x358, 250:179, pirates.png)

File: 1653e4d3b92322f⋯.jpeg (24.97 KB, 447x292, 447:292, abra.jpeg)


>It seems to me

Opinion discarded.


>They need at least 10 years. Maybe they could make it to the moon in 3-4.

As long as those degenerate foreskin munching kikes run clownworld, there will be no space exploration, no scientific progress whatsoever. All those psychopaths aim for is shekels and a steady supply of kids to rape, torture, and kill. It's pretty much the limit of (((their))) mental capacity, due to mutant DNA, which in turn ensures none of them will survive Corona-Chan's certain embrace.


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6c022c  No.64467


bugging out to where?

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fa20da  No.64468

>17:05: 1,247 new cases and 36 new deaths in Italy.

Bloody hell, that's a big leap.

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358cba  No.64469


If you're bugging out then you're not going to be fucking staying there, least of all long enough to decide to start raiding your neighbours.

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fde045  No.64471

File: ff912b97ca08aa5⋯.png (172.77 KB, 698x751, 698:751, 123123546.PNG)

Just stop testing, that's the only way the whole map will not be yellow people are saying in Germany.

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2e7430  No.64472


The Pacific North-West. You new?


We're not talking about raiding living neighbors kekked

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1d5671  No.64474

File: 4a30e011d41d097⋯.gif (957.69 KB, 500x210, 50:21, baba elon.gif)

File: f00119c08404e58⋯.png (198.08 KB, 614x460, 307:230, ClipboardImage.png)



ham lincoln.

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2e7430  No.64476

File: d6e256817a25c4f⋯.jpg (368.69 KB, 1034x614, 517:307, Screenshot_20200307-123115….jpg)

>Why is everyone in Iran getting sick?

Under Sharia the same-gender members of the family are REQUIRED to wash the dead body before burial.

>Why is israel fucked?

They do the same thing, but they could potentially develop exceptions.

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6c022c  No.64479


oh you mean where the largest confirm cluster-fuck of corona victims are? Yeah hoss, good idea. You new?

/pnd/: If your city gives you 24 hour notice of quarantining the city, what would you do?

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d863ed  No.64480

File: 1435b1e5b64e9aa⋯.gif (569.73 KB, 735x890, 147:178, PlayingLifeonEasy.gif)


That's the map of niggers who were run over in the dark. They glow so much it's basically impossible to miss them.

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2e7430  No.64481


It's just Seattle, anon, and that city needed bleaching, thanks Coronachan!

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2e7430  No.64482


Oh, and you won't get a notice lulz

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000000  No.64483


>Zerohedge article about the media vilifying based preppers


To that I'd add: a big part of prepping now is so that, months from now, you don't have to come into contact with general humanity. It isn't hoarding. We don't care if the grocery stores will still have toilet paper in June, rather we don't want to unnecessarily walk into crowds next month when the Goddess's Wrath steps on the gas gas gas.

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2e7430  No.64488


Just buy a bidet, anon.

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4718c5  No.64489

File: ef956401ffb3a5f⋯.png (499.82 KB, 824x1131, 824:1131, checkassassin.png)


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9de5a6  No.64490


Eiether that, or they get so desparate they start gowing their own soybeans/getting it from cow piss/Trannyfannybandits

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01ae22  No.64492


Found the way to eradicate Sharia mudslimes.

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7bab69  No.64493


>Egypt reports 33 new confirmed cases of coronavirus.



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358cba  No.64499


>We're not talking about raiding living neighbors kekked

So you have a special tracker on your neighbour giving you his and the rest of his family's heartbeat in real time? How would you know that he's dead if you have long left the area? Or are you just living in a treehouse in a nearby park and calling that bugging out?

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7bab69  No.64500

File: 3dea20194079b63⋯.mp4 (2.93 MB, 640x360, 16:9, DrRichardHatchettMar7_2.mp4)

File: 6cb26c1eba713a6⋯.mp4 (1.71 MB, 640x360, 16:9, ProfNeilFergusonMar4_2.mp4)




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1d5671  No.64502

File: 7838840305965df⋯.png (455.89 KB, 886x676, 443:338, 1984 explains MIRANDA to t….png)


anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of LAW.

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9de5a6  No.64504


> evading the immune system by infesting the nervous system.

It just occured to me, but my mother has a viral infection that caused her immune system to attack her own body which she recovered from but of course, still has. Would that virus be able to combat C-chan by way of them crossing paths?

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01ae22  No.64505


Raiding dead neighbor home is a bad idea. If they died due to /ourgirl/ then she controls that house.

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61e39f  No.64506

File: 9bff0391e3a0ab7⋯.mp4 (899.63 KB, 202x360, 101:180, Dubai International Airpor….mp4)

File: 355bbcf3c6d68a8⋯.mp4 (9.11 MB, 640x360, 16:9, On the news they are talki….mp4)

File: 02fe3736ac492a9⋯.mp4 (410.54 KB, 202x360, 101:180, Coronavirus victim being t….mp4)

File: dad16a56f69cd29⋯.png (165.19 KB, 477x546, 159:182, british columbia.png)

File: 96a1cb337fb8947⋯.png (117.01 KB, 1261x580, 1261:580, mass.png)

Hazmat dudes transporting a blessed individual in Miami; Discussion of the possibility of locking down Seattle on CNBC; Dubai International airport nearly empty; 6 new confirmed cases in British Columbia and five new cases in Massachusetts, related to the Biogen conference https://archive.is/CSzkz


Din't even notice that, good riddance.


>your city gives you 24 hour notice of quarantining the city, what would you do?

Celebrate, pray for chaos and perform more rituals for Corona-Chan.


>we don't want to unnecessarily walk into crowds next month when the Goddess's Wrath steps on the gas gas gas.

Kek, this reminds me that Night Fever is a perfectly fitting Eurobeat song to listen when I get blessed and go symptomatic.



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54206e  No.64507


Superb autism here. Solid assumptions complete with reasonable error

intervals. Sloppy mathfags in thread take note of how it is done.


>why doesnt muh congress do anything?

Because its overflowing with muds kikes and delusional boomers. Furthermore commie kikes ensured back in 60s that federal beareacracy is all but completely unaccountable. Literally 99% of all federal decisions are made by unelected and unfirable kikes and pinko cat ladies or wholesale bribed corporate stooges. Democracy is literally irrelevant to federal rule.


Cant steal when the ex-owner is dead

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01ae22  No.64508


Sorry to say this, but thus far those who have died outside of bugland have had other medical issues. As a novel, meaning new virus, no one has an immunity. The only thing is the scale of effect.

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1d5671  No.64509

File: 4d500dee07fdeb8⋯.png (169.33 KB, 768x884, 192:221, article - a jew in maos's ….png)




You literally wouldn't want coof beds though. They are going to manage your temperature, oxygen, coughing, hydration - do you really need an IQ 105 nurse to do that shit?

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162170  No.64510

File: 0ab7e06a00cf711⋯.jpg (179.86 KB, 800x1233, 800:1233, smugani.jpg)


kikes self quarantining?

rofl you have to have honor and be capable of self sacrifice to be able to self quarantine.

1000 honorable kikes is far beyond statistically possible.

Kikes will be infected by their sex slaves and the children they rape and pass around.

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05e962  No.64511


The immune system can attack almost anywhere in the body, the nervous system isn't an exception. As an example: Multiple Sclerosis is an autoimmune diseases where the immune system attacks the myelin of the nervous system.

One of the tricks of the new drugs (Tecfidera in particular) is to actually trick the immune system into not sending certain 'cells' into the brain and spinal column so they don't cause any further damage there.

If Corona is actually able to infect these areas then a lot of MS patients are in deep trouble. Hell any patient who takes immunosuppresant medication is in deep trouble.

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e1f84c  No.64512


Checked. All the "acceleration" and shooter retards clearly done fucked up, as they are now all locked up and useless in a time of real crisis. This is why random violence is pointless and stupid, those guys did nothing of value and now can't do anything when shit is really going down and their lives are ruined with zero accomplishments. This should serve as a god lesson to anyone else who wants to pop off early for no good reason.


>That second toilet paper fight video

Holy shit, niggers and shitskins shrieking like wild baboons just tussling over the last roll of toilet paper. Imagine when these subhumans can't get food or other necessities.


That could be either standard Chinese slapdash construction incompetence, shit falls down and collapses all the time in China. Or they could be taking a page out of Vlad the Impaler's handbook and putting them all in a Coof hotel then collapsing it to solve the problem permanently.


Sadly a lot of right wingers really are "conspiracy nuts," in the sense that they have been conditioned to believe everything is an attack on the orange zionist in chief by those dastardly leftists. It's the same equivalent to how retarded leftists have knee jerk "literally everything is racist" reactions to everything they've been programmed with.>>64348

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303dce  No.64513

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d863ed  No.64514

File: 8cea3ebdb7556a9⋯.png (108.27 KB, 600x469, 600:469, Morona.png)


It takes a special kind of person to die from a meme virus


Get your head examined you brainwashed retard

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a4597f  No.64515

File: 5d64480e4fa9880⋯.png (127.08 KB, 361x458, 361:458, weiner palm rubbing.png)


>you won't get a notice

>Dear Goyim

>your shit is about to get rekt

>please escape and spread corona to the nearest state

>you have 24 hours.eml


Kek'd and check'd

Bidet isn't the cleanest way to handle corona sharting



That video isn't a very accurate depiction. Those parts of the airport can be very quiet at times.

If it was a video from the middle of the international terminal (the one that takes 15+ minutes to walk to one end) then i'd be pretty surprised.

Judging by the amount of air traffic it's still pretty busy.

Flatmate said customs queues today were massive.


Goodbye derailer

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2e7430  No.64519


>All Israelis who attended AIPAC must enter quarantine - Health Ministry

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2afccb  No.64520


thats only 500 more cases, only.


if they demonstrate that they can control the border, then all of their arguments that they can't go out the window.


unfortunately, all those parachutes and packaging materials are made in china.

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da960d  No.64521


off to the ovens

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61e39f  No.64522

File: 3d10ed3c6cd9015⋯.png (149.49 KB, 624x567, 208:189, santa cruz county.png)

File: e9e8492c3f3dc15⋯.png (165.7 KB, 477x545, 477:545, frogs.png)

File: 7b268cc81852006⋯.mp4 (9.58 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, LA costco line.mp4)

File: 6ed124d3b997929⋯.png (121.01 KB, 403x473, 403:473, wa.png)

Santa Cruz County in Commiefornia reports it's first confirmed case, details about the blessed individual's identity are being kept secret but they were on the Grand Princess around mid February https://archive.is/RCjhU . Update on Frogland; Long line to get into a Costco in LA, and WA update.


>That video isn't a very accurate depiction. Those parts of the airport can be very quiet at times.

I see, thanks for the explanation.


Send them to the coofentration camps.

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2e7430  No.64523


Interestingly, lots of packing materials are made in the US:


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9de5a6  No.64524



After the dust has settled, and (hopefully) C-chan evolved into being less of an issue/they found a way to vaccinate the day 1 strains released globally, leaving only mutations/the ones that spiralled off- the world is gonna make America's Anti-China communist fu-man-chu stage look like a fucking joke. Best part is, Communism may very well be considered a dead ideology at that point with no ammount of gender studies university profesor useful idots being able to rectify it. A chinaman would be no different than a boogeyman/village monster that exists to be killed- ordering chinese would become an alien concept, and so much more.

Bar that- we're looking at a future where Old People are basically 30-year olds, ethnocentric gated communities and everything is essentially old-world tribal living between sparse but separate areas, and standards of living are all based on working alongside nature or some crap. Worst-case scenario, and we're living in the future that leads to grey-ayylmaos that can't breath anything that isn't C-Positive Air because they're all mutated beyond and beneath the human form or some shit- think that batshit augmentation obsessed Deus Ex 2 ending. No more pure humans.

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a4597f  No.64525

File: d92f261fe7b53c8⋯.png (297.57 KB, 499x641, 499:641, 81ac096ced7567a346a886b0ba….png)


Andda holocoof!


Checked. DXB not as busy as usual but definitely a decent amount of planes there.

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a4597f  No.64527

File: 0a19bc3c382c0a7⋯.png (1.24 MB, 1661x1019, 1661:1019, ClipboardImage.png)


Forgot to attach picture

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872b29  No.64528

Hey burgers, what's with all the queuing at stores for supplies. Don't you guys have home delivery for groceries and shit?

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2afccb  No.64529


>CCP claims Burgerland is endangering the world with their response to Corona-Chan

They are absolutely right, we should have slammed the borders shut in january… of 2017 when we voted to. and been bringing back all of the jobs necessary to make our own medical supplies so that we have a source of masks that aren't being made next to a bioweapon facility.

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2e7430  No.64530


Eben when panicking we're on the lookout for value.

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2e7430  No.64531


kikes would not have permitted the borders to be shut, thankfully. By letting Coronachan is our heavenly bleach.

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2e7430  No.64532


*By letting Coronachan, our heavenly bleach, in, we will purify our nation.

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a4597f  No.64533


>1st commiefornia case

> were on the Grand Princess around mid February

How did I miss that! Holy fuck that boat must be dripping with the virus by now, what a hot potato. They have their own floating petridish and there will be some high numbers on that ship by now, maybe approaching 1/3rd or so like the petri dish.

Whatever anon said someone they know is going on two cruises earlier, I don't think that'll be happening at this rate, kek. International travel MIA

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17f65a  No.64534

File: 2e395ae0020a07d⋯.jpg (88.98 KB, 974x905, 974:905, 1570596271229.jpg)


> I think many boomers don't care anymore whether or not the world burns to hell

Oh for sure they don't. My boomer parents have outright said they are going to buy an RV and spend all their money in retirement. I won't get a thing. I'm not exactly bitter about that, I do just fine for myself. But it does bother me that boomers don't understand the concept of generational wealth. They wanted their kids or grandkids to be rich. Yet they pass down almost no wealth. That's really the only way to become wealthy without luck. Is through generations. I shouldn't be surprised. I suppose it's normal behavior which is why a lot of people are kept down by (((elites))).

But while they don't care if the world burns. I honestly think it bothers them a lot. They don't care if the world burns because to them it's impossible. Nothing bad ever happens right? The thought of an extreme happening occurring at the end of their life during the retirement they desired most terrifies boomers. They are vulnerable. It scares me too. I don't dislike my parents and I do genuinely want them to be happy and safe. The boomer attitude though frustrates me to no end.

Meanwhile as we discuss this. A bunch more cases popping up in the USA. What a big fucking surprise that is. Heads still in the sand. Seeing the faces of people as big corporate events and things get cancelled is wonderful. They can't comprehend how something like that can happen in America. The thought of a movie like pandemic becoming real is not easy to grasp for NPCs.

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872b29  No.64535


> My boomer parents have outright said they are going to buy an RV and spend all their money in retirement. I won't get a thing.

What assholes. I'm 35 and my kid is 7 and I already bought another apartment that it can move into when it's old enough. I do this because it makes me happy to look after my offspring and I'm not a cunt

>That's really the only way to become wealthy without luck. Is through generations.

That's also just luck

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276e01  No.64537


Grocery stores don't have unlimited delivery drivers and you can't reserve items in store.

If thousands of people used that service at the same time, you'd be lucky to get your delivery within a month.

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266835  No.64538


Man's three family members tested negative even though the man was infected.

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2e7430  No.64541


plz make "Buzz Laden"

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93b085  No.64542


This is just evidence of how shit the tests are.

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3f660f  No.64544

File: bcdb82b0b70b092⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1000x1000, 1:1, treehouse.png)


> Or are you just living in a treehouse in a nearby park and calling that bugging out?

thanks for the mental image, have an OC

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276e01  No.64546

File: 4f09dd4d22e1007⋯.jpg (164.33 KB, 1399x2164, 1399:2164, 35eeb784aa8ed6a640a7976d27….jpg)


>my kid is 7

>I already bought another apartment that it can move into when it's old enough.




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2e7430  No.64548

File: 8824203917596ef⋯.jpg (119.87 KB, 521x393, 521:393, Screenshot_20200307-135549….jpg)


>The thought of a movie like pandemic becoming real is not easy to grasp for NPCs.

It's time to accept it. We've had like 200 years of beauty-based mating. For that reason, the beautiful are also retarded. Beauty should be looked at like poison. They're retarded. Beautiful retards. Pic related.


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872b29  No.64549


I thought you guys had massive stores and good infrastructure. huh.

I live in fucking ruritania and we have really good grocery delivery services. Granted the panic buying hasn't happened. Most people here are prepped at all times anyway.

However I think if everyone ordered double all at the same time they would just round up a bunch of drunks and get them packing extra boxes that day.


Lol for some reason I'm uncomfortable giving away any details .. although I gave the age.. still idk.

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61e39f  No.64550

File: aaadbc6f3eaabdf⋯.png (26.38 KB, 401x255, 401:255, pasta emergency decree2.png)

File: 5cd1319b779c586⋯.png (28.99 KB, 409x256, 409:256, pasta emergency decree.png)

File: 0ffa36576d2c79a⋯.png (118.88 KB, 397x461, 397:461, greek update.png)

File: 0dacd9220d2e0ce⋯.png (28.34 KB, 383x264, 383:264, maldives update.png)

File: 379dae9cc691ddd⋯.webm (1.23 MB, 512x356, 128:89, kek.webm)

Maldives update; Greek update and Pastaland will lock down 12 provinces until April.


That's a lot of planes.


>we should have slammed the borders shut in january… of 2017 when we voted to. and been bringing back all of the jobs

True. Fucking ZOG man, everywhere is the same damn thing, you Burgers weren't the only ones betrayed by your President. Bolsonaro did the same thing to us Hues, he talked on and on about bringing back gun ownership to the way it was before the commies got into power in the late 90s/early 00s, but what we got instead was a fucking joke of a decree that din't do shit. I have completely isolated myself from all news related to this country's politics ever since, this place is doomed.



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2e7430  No.64551


My Documents

- Unread Books

– How to beingly into perspectives.pdf

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c2efba  No.64553


We do, brother. It's going to be interesting to see who is left after all of this blows over. I hope you've got plenty of food, water, and medical supplies.

I'm mentally preparing for my parents to get it and whatever might follow thereafter.

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3f660f  No.64554


never wanted to make a masterpiece bud

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2e7430  No.64556


Since you got dubs, I thought I'd give you some free advice.

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2e7430  No.64558


In 10 years she'll be legal.

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358cba  No.64559

File: 3df32b1cb0d6f4a⋯.jpg (59.7 KB, 740x1024, 185:256, Tulsi gesturing to tell sh….jpg)


Really nice. Would make sense to add the post to the image, wouldn't it?

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872b29  No.64560


Ok from now on I'm just going to say "Him" whenever I talk about her on here.

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266835  No.64561


Literal animals. Imagine being stuck near these subhumans during a quarantine and disarmed living in a liberal shithole.

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276e01  No.64562


>I thought you guys had massive stores and good infrastructure

Grocery stores are not designed to be distribution centers, they're meant for customer in-store purchase and pickup.

The delivery service is generally not intented for convenience but for people who cannot get to the store on their own, ie: disabled people or the elderly.

Yes companies like Amazon will deliver groceries but they already have existing infrastructure to do that and Amazon is not a grocery store.

>I'm uncomfortable giving away any details

Most people refer to their kids as 'they' and their dog as 'it'.

When you call your kid 'it', that makes it sound like they're not a person.

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2e7430  No.64563

Martial law for Lombard (Milan) and the area.

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17f65a  No.64564


I hope Bess the dog gets a home :(

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872b29  No.64566


>The delivery service is generally not intented for convenience but for people who cannot get to the store on their own

Really, huh. Maybe because burgers drive everywhere anyway and can carry carloads of stuff. Everyone here gets their main shopping delivered and goes to the corner store or market for extra things.

>When you call your kid 'it', that makes it sound like they're not a person.

Aight thanks.

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599a00  No.64569

File: ee58992e3c455c6⋯.jpg (161.13 KB, 1262x1080, 631:540, kronk.jpg)

Heard a rumor from a relative that Ceders-Sinai in LA has at least 5 in their possession who have felt the loving embrace of Corona-Chan. I did hear it from a relative who I can trust, but I don't have any solid proof to back it up. I'd say if we hear these rumors to post them but also make sure we are clear there's nothing solid to back it up.

Corona Chan has probably already embraced us, we just don't know it yet.

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2e7430  No.64572


Post names. Otherwise it's just lies.

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599a00  No.64574


Ceders-Sinai is the best I have honestly. Like I said, I have no way to back this up.

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c4c88d  No.64575




Your English seems perverted by transabominations, might as well go all the way.

"They" is plural.

>It definition is - that one —used as subject or direct object or indirect object of a verb or object of a preposition usually in reference to a lifeless thing, a plant, a person or animal whose sex is unknown or disregarded, a group of individuals or things, or an abstract entity.

But "it" is better than "they".

>It definition is - that one —used as subject or direct object or indirect object of a verb or object of a preposition usually in reference to a lifeless thing, a plant, a person or animal whose sex is unknown or disregarded, a group of individuals or things, or an abstract entity.

"Xe" is best choice. :-D

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c4c88d  No.64576


Oops, I messed it up

>They definition is - those ones : those people, animals, or things. How to use they in a sentence. Can they be used as an indefinite subject? those ones : those people, animals, or things; —used to refer to people in a general way or to a group of people who are not specified

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872b29  No.64577


>Your English seems perverted

Пошли вы нахуй, парни! But actually seriously I think just he/him works in my case.

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2e7430  No.64579


I meant the actual specific people. Thus far, zero of the DEAD have been named. Some infectees have outed themselves. We have zero info, and that's the state policy, presumably to prevent racism :)

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266835  No.64580


My family are also retarded pieces of shit that are gonna get me infected too. I empathize, anon.

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39f2ac  No.64581

File: 14bdb81b22038e3⋯.jpg (61.96 KB, 1024x682, 512:341, cyprus.jpg)

>NICOSIA, Cyprus (AP) — Cyprus riot police used pepper spray on Saturday to thwart Turkish Cypriot protesters trying to shove their way through a barricaded crossing point in the heart of the ethnically divided island nation's capital.

>Several dozen protesters tried to push their way through a cordon of riot police on the Greek Cypriot side of the east Mediterranean island nation, but were held back. Police said protesters hurled rocks during the brief demonstration, while four Greek Cypriot officers were injured.

>Last week, the Cypriot government closed four of nine crossing points along a 120 mile, United Nations controlled buffer zone, justifying the move on public health grounds. It said it would better enable medical staff to screen for potential coronavirus carriers crossing from the breakaway, Turkish Cypriot north, to the internationally recognized, Greek Cypriot south.

>Additional health workers have have been posted to the other openings for more thorough checks. Cyprus has so far no confirmed coronavirus cases.

>Cyprus President Nicos Anastasiades pointed to the fact that 3,000 Iranians live and study in the north. Iran has been hard hit by the new virus.

>“This division is not acceptable, this is not a coronavirus issue," said Turkish Cypriot activist Murat Kanatli.

>Greek Cypriot protesters on the opposite side of the barrier voiced their support for the Turkish Cypriots, with some directing chants of “shame” toward the police. This follows another protest a week ago that saw the arrest of a demonstrator who allegedly slapped a Greek Cypriot soldier.

>Cyprus was split in 1974 when Turkey invaded following a coup by supporters of union with Greece. Only Turkey recognizes a Turkish Cypriot declaration of independence. Although Cyprus is a European Union member, only the south enjoys full membership benefits.

>Turkish Cypriot officials have denounced the closures and have complained to the U.N. and the European Union. The U.N. peacekeeping mission on Cyprus expressed concern over the “disruptive” closures, earning a rebuke from the Cypriot president not to meddle in government affairs.

https://www.greenwichtime. com/news/medical/article/Cyprus-police-pepper-spray-protesters-at-shut-15113194.php#photo-19142936

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6c022c  No.64582


> nothing solid to back it up.

Family works in an out-patient office inside of a major hospital, east coast. One of her co-workers found out a couple of days ago that the patient she worked on had come back from Italy the week prior.

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2e7430  No.64583


sheit is better. It contains she, he, and it, so it can be used for all cases of the singular.

thoh-ees for plural, where uncertain if it's those or they, or a mix of people and inanimate objects.

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fde045  No.64584

How is the bias called again that people can't adapt to a catastrophic situation?

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535793  No.64585

File: 0dc91b81976ed1e⋯.webm (407.82 KB, 264x480, 11:20, 32522121512.webm)



the very same people who brought the world milk powder that could kill, madcow disease, african swine fever, etc. Anyone has a list?

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2e7430  No.64586


Solid rumors, but not a confirmation, obviously. I can type whatever sentences I want here. Jesus will be on the new $3 bill. For example etc.

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6c022c  No.64587


>Turkish Cypriot officials have denounced the closures and have complained to the U.N. and the European Union.

The shocking realization of not owning your country anymore.

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599a00  No.64588


5 infected. I honestly don't know any names, just the numbers.


One other piece of information that is safe to divulge is that this relative was a patient, not a medical professional. They probably overheard some dumb ass nurses.

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6c022c  No.64590


wtf is your problem?

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2e7430  No.64591


oh my gawd just be normal

oh my gawd i'm watching reruns of friends

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6acb7d  No.64592


DENVER — Colorado's number of positive coronavirus cases rose to eight on Friday, as officials confirmed six additional cases from across the state, including the first two cases in Denver.

>The cases were considered "presumptive positive," meaning they tested positive at the state level and will be sent to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for additional testing and confirmation. Six of the eight positive cases involved people who recently traveled internationally.

>Here were the positive cases, as of 10 p.m. Friday, via the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment and other officials from around the state. Below, we'll be providing the latest updates through the weekend.


>A man in his 40s. Denver officials earlier Friday said the patient had recently traveled from Vancouver and is a parent of a student at St. Anne's Episcopal School in Denver. The school sent students home early Friday to disinfect the building. The student was not showing symptoms but was in quarantine — along with the rest of the family — at their home.

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6fafd9  No.64593

Did you know that Trump’s uncle was a super genius MIT STEM professor? No doubt our president has latent STEM genius. Take heart, Qoomers!

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7573e0  No.64594

File: d6126b3501362f7⋯.jpg (93 KB, 900x1296, 25:36, ncov.jpg)

File: cfa0f8891d0239e⋯.png (970.68 KB, 726x1024, 363:512, un.png)

File: 5b90e11adce41d3⋯.jpg (94.23 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, skull.jpg)

File: 55aac25515b95c4⋯.png (2.49 MB, 1240x1754, 620:877, yum.png)

File: ef23ec1596e1573⋯.jpg (80.44 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, shrine.jpg)


> Coronavirus Cases: 105,944

> The coronavirus COVID-19 is affecting 100 countries.




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4bec10  No.64596

If the 666th post of this thread is trips, everyone except a few worthy nords dies from coronachan.

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61e39f  No.64597

File: 8a4a6d7a3986cbb⋯.png (129.5 KB, 600x520, 15:13, bort.png)

File: 7a750179921e857⋯.png (69.8 KB, 762x475, 762:475, cbs white house correspond….png)

File: c4157889a844f98⋯.png (208.31 KB, 457x558, 457:558, corona taxi.png)

File: 427f0f7c83c26ee⋯.mp4 (2.95 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, NYC Costco parking lot lin….mp4)

File: a4f10c3ad6f2f3d⋯.png (298.76 KB, 880x584, 110:73, long beach.png)

Zerohedge article on the port of LA seeing low movement https://archive.is/qfzjR ; ZOG House correspondent from CBS reports an off camera briefing; NYC taxi driver gets infected and sends 40 medical workers to quarantine; long line to drive into a NYC Costco's parking lot and a Carnival company cruise ship suspends it's disembarkation at Long Beach after a passenger fell ill. CDC says the passenger "does not meet CDC criteria for coronavirus risk". https://archive.ph/Kp2ZJ .


> I'd say if we hear these rumors to post them but also make sure we are clear there's nothing solid to back it up.

I agree with this, no harm in rumors as long as anons are clear about it.


Denver's not looking so good.



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276e01  No.64598


>"They" is plural.

Not exclusively.

They is the third-person plural personal pronoun (subjective case) in modern English.

It can also be used with singular meaning, particularly in informal contexts, to avoid specifying the gender of the person referred to. (anon was trying to do)

Which sounds better? You should see a doctor. They will know what to do. VS You should see a doctor. It will know what to do.


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2e7430  No.64600


>the altar

lost it


Also, wanker is you in modern English.

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edfe2b  No.64601


Pre-PC pronouns:

boy→ he

girl→ she

child→ it (because the sex of "child" is unspecified)

Father anon was correct.

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8785a5  No.64602


> Draft decree seen by La Repubblica says Lombardy and 11 other provinces would be put on lockdown. People would only be allowed to enter or leave in case of emergency.


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34bf38  No.64604


This is the point that normalfags always miss when they consider immigration. They always assume best case scenarios in which their subhuman pet is docile and compliant. In times of crisis (or just any heated dispute) you see their true animalistic nature rear its ugly head.

What bothers me even more, is the consideration that our future generation will be comprised in a large part by subhuman children, with very low IQs and practically zero lateral thinking. Take electric circuits, even basic concepts like inductance and capacitance are so far removed from a nigger mind, they'll never be able to supply their insatiable demand for "smart devices;" this doesn't even include all the other countless advancements a society must take in order to allow electrical engineers to exist in the first place.

I hate niggers so damn much.

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21564a  No.64605

File: 3b99baffd1bf92e⋯.png (138.05 KB, 467x348, 467:348, duckj.png)


>First remove the splinter from your skull

Jesus that one made me laugh out loud. Never heard it before

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f43050  No.64606


The Pasta Pen is in effect.

The Kraut Kage and Baguette Bunker are next.

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276e01  No.64607


I wasn't using they as a gender pronoun you dumb fuck.

They is commonly used as third-person singular personal pronoun.

It refers to the object, they refers to the person. People do not use the 'object' in place of the 'personal'.

How the fuck are the nuances of modern English lost on you?


Also, low-effort faggot shitposter is you in modern english.

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120870  No.64609

File: d7b91e23756b5f9⋯.png (202.32 KB, 484x458, 242:229, corona_smile.png)










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2e7430  No.64611


Yeah, I said that without being as dramatic about it



Well what Jesus said was "let the dead bury their own dead"

And Jesus worked by plucking wheat, and stole it, from some random stranger's field.

Jesus is on my side.

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a2da85  No.64615

Have always been well prepped for the classic, "gtfo scenario". A well stocked RV, munitions, everything needed to live off-the-grid with a few minor inconveniences should things get hot for a few months. Routes, planned, traveled and validated. As best I can tell, this is not a situation conducive to 'bugging-out' . The roads will be patrolled, and once soldiers guarding those roads have seen sufficient death, they will not hesitate to eliminate anything attempting to violate their permitters and threaten the lives of their families. Locals will adopt a similar view and RV's with out-of-state plates will not be welcome.

So it seems I am stuck here. The basics were already well in order but, this situation has some unique dynamics. Please advise if I'm missing anything assuming that all traditional bug-out consideration had already been met.

While normies were unaware that COVID was imminent, I purchased n95 masks (already had the n100's but those are bulky) Also grabbed industrial disinfectants, and bulked up supplies of sanitizer, paper products and plastics.

While normies were fighting over masks, toilette paper and hand sanitizer, I doubled my non-perishables and grabbed a deep freezer chest (for a great deal). Freezer chest is fully stocked and I extended supplies of household goods to get through the next year.

Today, while normies were pillaging the grocery stores, I emptied the bank account and after decontaminating the cash secured it next to the munitions. How long until the panic hits the ATM's? I'm guessing less than a week. Also filled the tanks and surplus containers for gas, propane and a 100lbs of charcoal. Some great deals out there still. Wish I was a little more out in front of this one but it is what it is.

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573326  No.64616


>>“This division is not acceptable, this is not a coronavirus issue," said Turkish Cypriot activist Murat Kanatli.

lmao, doesn't this retard have a window to lick?


Normalcy bias. Or, as it will be recorded in the textbooks, "normie bias."


<muh pronounz

AHAHAHAH. Go drown in semen.


I can't think of what the "leaf _" should be. Fortunately, the government hasn't really made any attempt at containment thus far, and there's not much reason to think they will later.

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282e7b  No.64617


Took them fucking long enough, but it's too late now. Half the country should have been blessed by now and it's only a matter of time until she flourishes on every one of them.

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eebde2  No.64618

File: 133fffe4f7606a5⋯.png (96.18 KB, 757x898, 757:898, neuroinvasive.png)

File: 308a1d3a00c308d⋯.pdf (56.02 KB, Li_et_al-2020-Journal_of_M….pdf)

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fde045  No.64619

File: 7a57aae41aeca14⋯.mp4 (1.5 MB, 640x640, 1:1, gLPpKjP1qNOh799F (1).mp4)


Italy no, it's just the flu!

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eebde2  No.64620

File: e186e0f4d60b8b9⋯.png (627.96 KB, 2060x1280, 103:64, italockdown.png)

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61e39f  No.64621

File: dab331f2091eb2a⋯.mp4 (11.66 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Good Samaritan Hospital in….mp4)

File: 7c7fe9873364f06⋯.png (140.14 KB, 451x493, 451:493, moldova.png)

File: 7dde68d642fe06d⋯.mp4 (2.38 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, Las Vegas I-15 Convoy.mp4)

I can't believe you nignogs are wasting bumps arguing about grammar and pronouns despite OP saying he doesn't want anyone derailing the thread with offtopic shit. Most of you are supposedly white, yet you're letting a shitskin like me outclass you in imageboard etiquette. Shame on you, all of you should be better than this.

Video of coof castles set up outside of the Good Samaritan Hospital in San Jose; Corona-Chan spotted in Moldova and video of military convoy spotted on the I-15 in Las Vegas (fresh video from today, sauce https://twitter.com/VGKnightinArmor/status/1236316728528760832 )


>What bothers me even more, is the consideration that our future generation will be comprised in a large part by subhuman children, with very low IQs and practically zero lateral thinking.

Sounds just like Huezil.

>I hate niggers so damn much.

Same, and also the kikes that bought and resold them.




You did the right thing, great job prepping.

>The roads will be patrolled, and once soldiers guarding those roads have seen sufficient death, they will not hesitate to eliminate anything attempting to violate their permitters and threaten the lives of their families. Locals will adopt a similar view and RV's with out-of-state plates will not be welcome.

Never thought about this, you're absolutely correct.


So it has been confirmed that Corona-Chan attacks the nervous system?

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120870  No.64622


>And Jesus worked by plucking wheat, and stole it, from some random stranger's field.

It wasn't stealing. It was a practice known as gleaning (which modern Jews and money-lovers HATE). The poor could take what a farmer couldn't easily harvest as long as they let it known that was what they were doing and that they themselves didn't harvest like the owner of the field. The owner of that field in that passage probably respected Christ and his Disciples while they ate to their fill; and the reason why I say that is that a crowd, including the (((scribes and Pharisees))) who hassled the Christ Crew, gathered near that field. A modern day equivalent would unironically be torrent piracy, as poor can enjoy certain software and media that would have been hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars to collect physically.


A little old news, but still gold. Download this and show it to friend and family and say "Even top-tier scientists are saying you are fucked if you get this virus."

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845179  No.64623


A bit late to the response, but yeah that is what I am thinking, which is weird since I've never really caught the cold in my life. Hell of a time to get it if so.

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120870  No.64624


I'll fix your post fren!


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276e01  No.64625


>misuses pink text

>uses reddit meme as an argument

>thinks pronouns only refer to gender

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6c022c  No.64627

File: 678589ab5178d18⋯.png (306.28 KB, 1364x660, 31:15, 1pm update.png)

File: 7b8e9ed7126e44c⋯.png (305.02 KB, 1365x650, 21:10, 4pm update.png)

File: 9d394e2823e31f1⋯.png (996.08 KB, 962x660, 481:330, WTF does Little Fires Ever….png)

File: e33ce12d7ff67dd⋯.png (301.97 KB, 973x510, 973:510, Screenshot 2020-03-07 at 4….png)

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fde045  No.64628

File: 62d681d5251b037⋯.jpg (41.12 KB, 679x381, 679:381, ESeXl_mWsAIlsDq.jpg)

Half Million Burgers Dead is the "Best Guess" Scenario of the American Hospital Association.

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2e7430  No.64629


True. Gleaning is illegal, in the present regime, as you know. The point about the Sabbath is that there is no law which constrains you, whatsoever, God's or man's, from maintaining your healthy existence.

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aea015  No.64630

File: b95aff2876953b6⋯.png (691.06 KB, 1792x730, 896:365, yes.png)


>So it has been confirmed that Corona-Chan attacks the nervous system?


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6c022c  No.64631


>letting a shitskin like me outclass you in imageboard etiquette.

White privilege, bitch.

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2e7430  No.64632


<literally covering the only parts that don't need covering

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000000  No.64633


>never wanted to make a masterpiece bud

I thought it was really good. anon.

My 2-cents.

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276e01  No.64634


Post link to source.

Also "Best Guess" does not mean best case scenario.

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2e7430  No.64637

>Carnival Panorama not permitted to disembark

>awaiting one test result to see if it's COVID-19

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2e7430  No.64638

File: b0c76da4d7e6a8d⋯.jpg (61.99 KB, 590x226, 295:113, Screenshot_20200307-154128….jpg)

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61e39f  No.64639

File: 161abb7f8a2ffce⋯.jpeg (102.67 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, lifecarecenterofkirklandp….jpeg)

File: 96db0c8ef145b0f⋯.png (28.79 KB, 394x237, 394:237, brownzilian update and lie….png)

File: 533d36bf568ede2⋯.jpeg (33.5 KB, 639x375, 213:125, pastaland lockdown map.jpeg)

Press briefing paper from the Life Care Center of Kirkland. Also an update from the Brownzilian ministry of health, here's the translation:

>4 new confirmed cases, all of them imported

>3 in São Paulo and 1 in Rio de Janeiro

>there's 17 confirmed (symptomatic) cases in total, 674 cases being monitored (held back). Other 601 cases were discarded (probably for being asymptomatic cases)

Also posting a map of Pastaland with the locked down states.


>Niggered the red text

Fuck. I blame my headache.


Hey thanks for the fix.


You got me there, well played.


Maybe the Panorama will be Burgerland's Diamond Princess. I wonder if the Burgers will fuck up the quarantine like the Nips did.

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2e7430  No.64643


The photos show people queueing up for burgers (LOL) and definitely NOT practicing social distancing.

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491a00  No.64644

File: f945f6a96d35a77⋯.jpg (1.94 MB, 3464x3464, 1:1, cdcstaffer.jpg)

File: 1ab05aea23309cd⋯.jpg (3.71 MB, 2432x6640, 152:415, pullyourstocks.jpg)

File: 3270e31dfb507a4⋯.png (364.43 KB, 1224x2495, 1224:2495, mrtopsecret.png)

File: 0727ec46344d61c⋯.png (814.93 KB, 3200x2100, 32:21, bigblue3.png)

File: 9ffb03e8bfed9a5⋯.png (368.05 KB, 1250x1257, 1250:1257, cracked.png)

There is no quarantine.

There is no protection.

There is no escape.

She's coming.

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bad82f  No.64648


Isn’t it great how you faggots just worship this hoax neo-Ebola narrative as though it’s fact, while no one gives a shit about real news, like how Saudi Arabia is going through another coup?

Great job, Jim. Way to run defense for the kikes by destroying the one outlet that actually exposed shit.

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2e7430  No.64650


Saudi Arabia is interesting, because Mecca experienced the Black Death, which was, I believe, a coronavirus. Thus, they have immunity (technically, the genetically vulnerable were wiped out, but let's call it immunity).

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8b4bc8  No.64652


>kike posturing

Fuck off. SHTF event is being covered

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358cba  No.64653

File: 181150a78b93fb1⋯.jpg (43.16 KB, 454x434, 227:217, PotassiumPowerWebsiteBanne….jpg)


The Middle East has a fairly high resistance to it due to ACE receptors. Lebanon has the lowest amount of it with around 4% II, while China has around 35% II.

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92aeec  No.64655


You cannot ignore looks in a woman. The very fact that you find her attractive is an indication that she is a healthy mate. For generations and generations, the smartest and most successful men have taken the best looking women as wives, so those with more desirable features have a greater genetic lineage. Discounting the bimbo look, I can almost always tell if a women is intelligent based on looks alone, and the hideous dumpy ugly ones are representative of lower tier genetics you should avoid.

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fde045  No.64657



One slide in a leaked presentation for US hospitals reveals that they’re preparing for millions of hospitalizations as the outbreak unfolds

Source: https://www.businessinsider.de/international/presentation-us-hospitals-preparing-for-millions-of-hospitalizations-2020-3/?r=US&IR=T

Archive: http://archive.ph/CP3h7

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3dfcca  No.64659

File: 0bd201a920d70d4⋯.png (144.21 KB, 389x389, 1:1, drebin2.png)

Company business trip next week to a trade show. Our boss cancelled himself going bc of the virus and told us since we are younger we will be fine.

Then I asked not to go and was told I have to go and basically laughed at for asking even though the boss isn't going for my same reasoning.

I really don't want to go but I want to keep my job, but I don't believe there will be a job soon for at least a while when shtf…this sucks

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92aeec  No.64661


Go to the tradeshow. Embrace her love. Bring it back to the boss. When he dies, you take his place.

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1dc583  No.64662

File: e807e71cfce08ff⋯.jpg (96.59 KB, 897x1024, 897:1024, 765ghf453fghj.jpg)


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000000  No.64665


This faggot gets it.

Additionally, this stimulus/response conditioning is used to break people and make them malleable. If you can, through repetition, convince a man to mouth slogans that are objectively false, i.e. slogans that contradict the reality about him, then you have not only removed his ability to think for himself, you have broken him to the point where he will no longer resist anything done to him, provided he remains in relative comfort. That is also why such heavy emphasis is placed on the "tolerance" meme; at its core its about conditioning you to be passive and undiscriminating, because a man that is unable to discriminate is a man that is unable to resist.

I know its fun to point at and mock the NPC's. But you have to understand that not all of them are actually retarded. Some of them were formerly clear thinking, even intelligent, people – or, at least, at one point in their lives they had the potential to be – people that have been broken and transformed into NPCs through decades of jewish mental conditioning.

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e4584e  No.64666

File: 91e9fc57b7fb8a8⋯.jpg (60.17 KB, 1016x678, 508:339, EABldNIWwAAbGHg.jpg)


>Apologize for us releasing a pandemic upon the world


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2e7430  No.64667


Slide's here:



How do you explain beautiful women always being retarded? That they have no motivation to improve themselves?


tbh, I expect jobs to become miraculously plentiful. But there will a difficult period before they do. I recommend cutting off as many subscriptions as you can, getting all expenses literally instantly as lean as possible. Buy whatever electronics you'll want for the next 2-5 years (shit only China really can make - PC's will still be available). And buy a bidet, you filthy fuck.

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2e7430  No.64669



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92aeec  No.64670


Not only should we not be apologizing, we should be nationalizing are supply chains to remove our reliance on a race of moronic bugs.

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120870  No.64672

File: 6de6324a3ac5253⋯.jpg (56.81 KB, 960x540, 16:9, cute_devil_girl_approved.jpg)


We are sorry we have not bombed you sooner Chingo-ling Land.


Devil Trips checked showing no mercy to Unhuman Commies.

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5ae7df  No.64674


Checked and hail

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a2da85  No.64676


Dig's confirm

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2e7430  No.64678

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fa0ff0  No.64679


<couldn't afford Coof Camp

I speak Chinese. That's not what they were saying.

He didn't want to be locked up in a quarantine center because it's a fucking death sentence, so he was hiding out illegally in Shenzhen. Nobody will hire him because being from Hubei (Wuhan) is like being a Leper (and he's there illegally, breaking quarantine.) So the guy uploading the video to his wechat group of highschool classmates was saying share the video and hopefully people from Wuhan will see it and will stop trying to come to Shenzhen because life for them in Shenzhen sucks.

>Flee Quarantine Zone

>Escape to Big City

>Starve to death in Big City with cops who will to hunt you down and send you right back to Hot Zone Death Camp

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e1f84c  No.64681


Hold your horses and keep in mind this isn't something happening yet, but they've drafted a decree that may be implemented. But if it does go through it would mean up to 16 ,million pastaniggers on lockdown, which is fucking huge. Especially since it's the northern part of the country, which is the part that actually has functioning economy and industry.

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de9034  No.64682


They have some fucking nerve, don't they? Well, how's this for an apology: "Go fuck yourselves. This is your own fault, and watching your nation consumed from the inside out has been most entertaining."

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92aeec  No.64683


>How do you explain beautiful women always being retarded?

Jewish media enforced memes. Here's some examples: Blondes are always ditzy, intelligent men are always meek awkward nerds, strong white men are dumb jocks, Asians are good at math, jews are always rational and level headed.

Some of these have become self reinforcing, especially those directed at women who try to emulate the behaviour they see on TV. When I look back at my engineering classes, the graduating class was 90% white males, reasonably physically fit (impressive given the workload), and for the most part, not socially awkward weirdos that never see sunlight.

Women have every motivation to improve and maintain themselves, because they also seek out certain traits in males that they believe best optimizes the success of their offspring. The only reason you see young white women dating niggers is due to positive reinforcement from peers and an establishment all under the spell of 60 years of kike propaganda.


The Chinese have even threatened to cut off supplies of antibiotics to the U.S.

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358cba  No.64684


>exposes their monopoly on medical supplies

Bitch what? It's been known for ages that 94% of all antibiotics in the US come from China.

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000000  No.64685


Found the quote I was thinking of:

>“In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is…in some small way to become evil oneself. One's standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to.”

>― Theodore Dalrymple

Substitute "jewish" for "communist."

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64cecb  No.64686

File: b8baf4ad702003f⋯.jpg (240.48 KB, 890x388, 445:194, state-borders_turkey_cypru….jpg)


Give Cyprus back to the uk. they made it nice.

on another note, i wonder if the fake chinese numbers will get us over 3600 today?

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358cba  No.64687


>give it back to the UK

So it can poz it even futher?

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e1f84c  No.64688


>How do you explain beautiful women always being retarded? That they have no motivation to improve themselves?

They aren't, anon. The women the mainstream media promotes as beautiful are retarded idiots. In real life you can find plenty of attractive, (semi)-rational women who aren't totally retarded. It's the same way not all buff dudes are retarded, macho assholes, plenty are actually cool dudes liked by other men and women alike. Don't buy into jewish media stereotypes, or you will start seeing people through that jewish lens and trying to make certain people fit into molds or roles you have been conditioned to see them as via your Talmudvision programming over years and decades.

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3dfcca  No.64689


>I expect jobs to become miraculously plentiful.

For diggers, bulldozer operators and mercenaries. Women's studies degrees will still somehow be of no use

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599a00  No.64690


Nice dump

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92aeec  No.64691


First death in South America

>22:34: 1 new case, a patient who has already died, in Argentina. This is the first death in South America. The patient was a 64-year-old man who had traveled to Paris, France. He had underlying health conditions.

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67d5b7  No.64692

File: e2abdf2f74f66fa⋯.jpg (384.13 KB, 645x781, 645:781, fugged.jpg)

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45d10a  No.64693

File: d047c6ccd2642bd⋯.png (105.11 KB, 485x421, 485:421, Screenshot 2020-03-07 at 5….png)

File: 5f759cf900eae90⋯.png (248.44 KB, 1065x590, 213:118, Screenshot 2020-03-07 at 5….png)

CPAC attendee had it too apparently. Good chance political figures and journalists start popping up positive within the next couple weeks considering both CPAC and AIPAC had infected attendees. https://twitter.com/ACUConservative/status/1236415113265102852

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6fafd9  No.64695


Cross checking with AIPAC…the two infected are Pence and Schumer.

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45d10a  No.64696


Pretty rash conclusion, a lot of people went to both.

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738af4  No.64697


>That shrine

Holy shit Hueanon you weren't kidding, you really have become a Coronian Cultist.

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5c6e7b  No.64699


Hmm, open borders and Israel first cucks all coofing on one another, then going back to coof on the donors who fund them. Meanwhile Joe Nobody in Elk Asshole, ID, gets spared. Good, good.

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45d10a  No.64700


What'll be interesting is just how harsh of measures they start taking if they're personally hit. Imagine if someone like Adelson gets this.

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39f2ac  No.64701

File: effc699bef108b7⋯.png (36.92 KB, 299x320, 299:320, CDC_Pandemic_severity_inde….png)

File: 4cf670f52cad7fc⋯.png (22.72 KB, 461x240, 461:240, justaflubro.png)

>The PSI was developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as a new pandemic influenza planning tool for use by states, communities, businesses and schools, as part of a drive to provide more specific community-level prevention measures.[4] Although designed for domestic implementation, the HHS has not ruled out sharing the index and guidelines with interested international parties.[5]

>The PSI was developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as a new pandemic influenza planning tool for use by states, communities, businesses and schools, as part of a drive to provide more specific community-level prevention measures.[4] Although designed for domestic implementation, the HHS has not ruled out sharing the index and guidelines with interested international parties.[5]

https://en.wikipedia. org/wiki/Influenza_pandemic#Phases

>muh flu

>muh pandemic bonds

praise kek and so on

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61e39f  No.64702


That's not me.

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5c6e7b  No.64703


Hmm, a whiplash response from "just a flue bro" to "total lockdown NOW" would only spark the exact sort of consequences the head pats and nice words are trying to avoid. So of course they will be dumb enough to do it.

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e1f84c  No.64704


Checking those zero's for Sheldon Adelson and his casinos to get the coof of death.

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67d5b7  No.64705


>Italy prepares to refuse treatment of old people

>12% of the infected are doctors and nurses

>20.000 military medical personel are being prepared to be sent to their death in the affected areas

Italy is fucked.

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738af4  No.64706


Ah nevermind, I'm retarded. I'm so used to you being the guy that uploads news/webms that I assumed it was you without looking at the ID. Still, props to whoever made that shrine. You know I was born and raised Christian but I'm honestly considering becoming a cultist for Corona-Chan at this point. She's killing more of our racial enemies and traitors than anyone else has since WW2.

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000000  No.64707


It's a good thing alternators can be rebuilt. Not fun, but it can be done.


What sacrifices have these morons made? When countries put travel bans on china, they screamed racism. They shut down the company that published the genome of coronavirus. They lied about the numbers, downplaying how bad it was. And they want US to apologize? Clown world indeed.

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000000  No.64709


>It's been known for ages that 94% of all antibiotics in the US come from China.

I'm not sure that matters anymore. Between our feeding livestock antibiotics and keeping faggot hiv patients alive, hardly any of the antibiotics work anymore.

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61e39f  No.64710


I'm not on friendly terms with Christianity but I believe you should stick with your current belief for now. Such important decisions require a lot of time and contemplation.

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940d62  No.64711

File: 0823662e7553422⋯.jpg (87.56 KB, 763x719, 763:719, lizspecht.JPG)

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000000  No.64712


>Go to the tradeshow. Embrace her love. Bring it back to the boss. When he dies, you take his place.

4d chess! Truly machiavellian. Coof him to death anon!

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fb35b5  No.64714


>Italy prepares to refuse treatment of old people

Boomers Rise Up!

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000000  No.64715


>Imagine if someone like Adelson gets this.

Why imagine when you can pray? While you're at it, pray that our girl stomps every single one of them into oblivion.

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5c6e7b  No.64716


Just wait until they have to choose between Grandma who is already hooked to a ventilator and a doctor who desperately needs it. "Triage" is another words normies are going to be quickly learning, just like "exponential". What are we, a week since Italy got hit hard? It's not even the peak yet and they're overwhelmed.

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13b3d3  No.64724

File: dc7c8ccf7cdbd2c⋯.jpg (49.52 KB, 206x130, 103:65, The_Triumph_of_Death in th….jpg)


TFW plague art is only allowable fap material in 1423

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1d45ad  No.64726

Japanese scientists confirm our girl causes EXPLODING BRAIN (meningitis)

Could explain why some people just fall over dead.



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2e7430  No.64727


Butterflies are also very pretty, but not very smart. I once had one fly directly into a can on gasoline.

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52be5d  No.64728

File: 8db27dec7a8f212⋯.mp4 (949.28 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Fist of the North Star - o….mp4)

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21564a  No.64729

File: 2b586580b12eee1⋯.png (1.25 MB, 850x907, 850:907, ClipboardImage.png)


>Japanese scientists confirm our girl causes EXPLODING BRAIN

Holy shit, it's becoming more metal as time goes on.

Where the fuck are the drawfags here?

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2e7430  No.64732


Well, in America we have AR-15's for negotiating triage.

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282e7b  No.64733


I can't read moon-runes, if you can translate that, we'd appreciate it.

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7ff30b  No.64734


I love how the coof castle spaces the chairs six foot between and then hooks up a big ass fan to circulate air inside.

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1d45ad  No.64735

File: 31a092785aee389⋯.png (2.25 MB, 1332x884, 333:221, coof-cube-antiquity.png)


They even had coof cubes back then.

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