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File: d020e0959c0e55e⋯.jpg (75.16 KB, 788x788, 1:1, d020e0959c0e55ed7d3bfe81ed….jpg)

2c3bd7  No.61692


Wondering what you guys do to deal with the disconnect that inevitably comes with knowing the truth. I’m 23 Y/O about to join the military (Yes, I know) and I look around at the 18-22-year-olds in my group about to leave for basic and I feel like an alien. I’m tall and pretty well built so I even have some manlets in my group stare me down as if they want to fight me lol. I try not to engage with them too much because I find it mentally taxing like I’m real time deciphering a Rosetta stone. Not trying to sound arrogant just saying how things are. They speak a foreign language using the term “retweet” and “facts” in actual conversations. They’re like an enigma to me. I hope I'll be able to find like-minded people during my service but I’m getting myself mentally prepared for the fact that I may have to spend 4 years in what Adolf would call a “den of vipers”.

What are you guys thoughts/solutions/ etc to literally not about able to connect to normies anymore?

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da489e  No.61702

>Wondering what you guys do to deal with the disconnect that inevitably comes with knowing the truth.

We generally just commit suicide. The average lifespan in the West is decreasing not just because there are fewer whites, but also because white makes are killing themselves five times more often than just ten years ago.

>I’m 23 Y/O about to join the military (Yes, I know)

If you know, then you won’t do it. Go die for the jews, then, like a good little golem. You’re dead to us if you do.

>I hope I'll be able to find like-minded people during my service

Nope, and if you try you’ll be court marshaled.

>What are you guys thoughts/solutions/ etc to literally not about able to connect to normies anymore?

Jews won in 1945. If whites were going to fight back, we would have done so by now. All you can do is put up your little facade of resistance while literally marching to your death in service of the jew. How can you possibly call that what a white man would do?

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bb887e  No.61711

File: 6fbcf12b0018de0⋯.jpg (106.2 KB, 610x765, 122:153, legs.jpg)

Grab as much free stuff in the military and get out asap.

I would hate to see you die for Israel.

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bb887e  No.61713

File: e221ee6d4f8ade4⋯.webm (277.26 KB, 252x262, 126:131, faggot.webm)


>this shill actually wrote all this trash

Are they paying extra where you work?

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2c3bd7  No.61715


>Don't try to better yourself… all hope is lost. Only way out is sucide

ok jew


My job is IT stuff I doubt I'll see any combat during my service.

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bb887e  No.61720


Cool, you have to understand a lot of military guys are extremely low IQ. So it's only natural for them to behave this way. If you're a smart guy who likes to think and learn you'll probably feel disconnected from most other people. It's a small price to pay for knowing and seeing things that the cattle will always be oblivious to.

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2c3bd7  No.61723


I suppose so. I guess I just thought there might be people like me especially in the IT area even if they don’t go around roman saluting each other.

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bb887e  No.61730


Nah, man. Military is normie tier. Don't be a loner, though. It's important to have social contacts. It gives you opportunities. You need to learn what makes these people tick. Learn to exploit and manipulate them. This might sound evil but if do it for a good purpose, like bringing forth the Fourth Reich, it's all good in the end.

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2c3bd7  No.61757


Thank you.

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dd6a23  No.61770


You should also be careful. I heard some military guys got into trouble lately for "white supremacy". The primary source of power of any government is its military. That's why they have to fill the US army with fags, women, spics, niggers and make sure the army is onboard with globohomo because if some higher ups wanted, they could storm the white house and kill everyone inside. So expect to be under surveillance and scrutiny. They really don't want anyone who is sympathetic to the plights of white people with that kind of power.

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2c3bd7  No.61780


Definitely noted. Yes, I saw something on the news awhile ago about people getting dishonorable discharged for “white supremacy”. I would like to continue my readings during my service but I think I’ll have to keep my books and kindle at home and encrypt all my drives before I leave. Just keep my books on my phone.

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9b7bda  No.61816



I did time in the Army.

I get certain benefits from it, yes, but I did time before I knew - some may call my time in service as being "Pre-Redpill."

Anyway, if you are serious about, "joining," you will have to keep your mouth shut about what you know to be true.

Ensure that you wipe photos and posts from your facebook account (implying that you even have one) and then delete your facebook account.

Stay away from any and all social media.

Encrypt your drives.

My suggestion is to get a, "Toaster," and install a good distro of Linux, encrypting that, and to also have your, "Normal," computer - a Winblows computer laying around for games, accessing bank accounts, and all that normie shit.

Don't post photos of yourself on the internet and don't send photos of yourself to anyone other than mom and dad.

Sometimes, it is better to take photos, print them out at Walgreens, and then mail them, via snail mail, to your loved ones. That may be the wisest decision. It may be that receiving an actual photo in the mail from someone touches someone's heart more than receiving an attached photo emailed to them and looking at it on a computer or phone screen.

Operational Security (OPSEC) goes for me every day. I have to practice it constantly. I often have to bite my tongue when things go awry.

The military will promote a nigger, spic, pacific islander, and chink, before they promote a white man. Remember that. They need to fill their diversity quotas first before they promote people for actual merit. Don't act surprised when it happens.

Don't hang around niggers in your off time. They will only get you in trouble with drugs and other criminal activities.

If you are going into the Information Technologies branch, although you may have to train and do military common tasks with niggers, you shouldn't have to put up with many of them while performing an IT job.

You can continue your readings, but you may have to keep books in a locked footlocker.

Good luck

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4fefc0  No.61892


>The military will promote a nigger, spic, pacific islander, and chink, before they promote a white man. Remember that. They need to fill their diversity quotas first before they promote people for actual merit. Don't act surprised when it happens.

Why hasn't this ended yet? Every one of those stooges pushing that crap should have been fired by now.

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2c3bd7  No.61895


Thank you fren. Lots of good info. How was your time in the army?

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000000  No.61901


First, the term is "normalfags". Never treat them as people, as they aren't.

As for what to do, remember that reality and nature don't change, no matter what the mentally ill say or do. That means that you are not disconnected from reality. They are. And that is what makes them less than animals. You don't socialize or connect with sub-humans. You live without them, and you do anything that you can to eliminate them from this world. Our world.

People have self-thought, and are rare. You must endure living among the living carcasses until you find real people, OR prepare yourself to live alone, which is not as good but it is better than living among those without soul and without minds of their own.


The jews lost. You lost.

We always win. Niggerpill never wins.

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57ce7d  No.61902


Refreshing, thanks

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1b663f  No.62024

oh god you are gonna get vaxxed so hard lol this is why you never join the military

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fe9053  No.62032


I know. For various reasons mostly financial this is currently my best option. The jump start I will get after I leave will greatly help me end up as a land-owning white man where I can build my own house and start my family.

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fe9053  No.62033


Yes, oddly enough this is comforting. Thank you

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000000  No.62181


>being this transparently jewish

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fb5275  No.62185

File: 6220d1594571504⋯.jpg (215.42 KB, 833x577, 833:577, 1416513659732.jpg)


Save yourself the trouble and just go to your local synagogue and start sucking the jews there off. You'll accomplish the same thing as joining the military, without the risk of dying.


>fighting for jews is bettering yourself

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0f898c  No.62242


if you're going to be a red pilled anti-jew in the army make sure to use tor browser your every move will be watched the higher in rank you become in the end if you're high enough you're going to need USB flash OS just some advice before you sacrifice your life to Israel

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882fe8  No.62381


If you are serious about joining the US military then you need to understand this: The US military is currently the mercenary arm of international Jewry. It recruits its members through ruthless cradle-to-grave propaganda and the most sophisticated forms of brainwashing and gaslighting ever devised by man. If you wish to join, ruthlessly use them for the firearms and survival training, and then leave. Don't buy into their propaganda. Don't reveal your power level.

While there are some people who are surely red-pilled within its structure, they are forced to hide this, and if they reveal themselves, they are destroyed. The structure of the military is specifically designed to select for credulous and naive boomer types, who unquestioningly believe "We're Number One!" and accept at face-value whatever the government says, without question.

The average psychology of the military man is not that of the intelligent and brave warrior/poet, but that of the Boyscout. These Boyscouts can often be very physically fit, and brave. Look at Tim Kennedy, the MMA fighter. He is as brave as they come, yet his mentality is that of a credulous boomer who does whatever he is told, because he's a good American who believes in the intelligence community and in his nation, and in his flag. Most people you meet in the military will be like this, they are not bad people necessarily, just hopelessly naive.

They are easily manipulated through "medals of honor" and the chance to advance up military hierarchies. Look at the cock sucking way that DEVGRU guys are worshipped by other military men. The military is extremely adept at manipulating the psychology of young men, they know you want to be seen as a man, to be respected by other men, and they will give you the chance to do this, through medals and through achievements. They will give you a situational context in which you can by a hero. Don't buy into this. Give off the appearance that you buy into it, but don't actually.

Understand at all times that you are present in a society wide gaslighting operation run by international Jewry. That every level of command, up to the generals, is staffed by either hostile Jews, credulous boomers, or bugmen. They will ruthlessly lie to you and expect you to die for them, and gaslight you if you refuse and call you a coward. Look up the Afghanistan war papers, they knew the war was useless but they carried on regardless, those that died mean nothing to them. Understand that you mean nothing to the military command. Don't reveal your power level to anyone, even if you find likeminded people some soy fag or black will be sensitive to this and find you out, then report you and you'll lose everything

There's no reason to join the military except to use them for the training. Don't be afraid of defrauding them or milking them for training and money. If the time comes when they ask you to die for ZOG then fake injuries, break your legs if you have to, don't fight for them. Don't use your white IQ and physicality to be a foolish mercenary man for international Jewry.

Milk them and use them for whatever they can get. Don't have honor when it comes to dealing with military high command, they don't care about you, the only reason you're there in the first place is because of the life long brainwashing that you've been subjected to. They ask for your honor but they give you none in return, don't buy into their lies. Use them for whatever you can

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