049865 No.58756
are satanists. Anyone between you and a doctor is going to be the new interests of the doctor. This is an example of what communist healthcare looks like
oh but this isnt china. its just kentucky and just oran basic health.
never listen to anyone telling you universal healthcares good without a plan.
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049865 No.58757
you already have an emergency room, right?
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8b46db No.58764
>nooo we can’t possibly afford to subsidise your healthcare, Fuckin commie!
Says the neocon who gives huge tax breaks and subsidies to pharmaceutical companies, banks, and weapons manufacturers
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049865 No.58770
ok ok wait. before anybody gets any more confused. let me clarify. i should of said anyone who says without a plan universal healthcare..
i shouldnt of. fucking meant we have emergency rooms to take care of emergency situation, without money. right?
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d9652a No.58771
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049865 No.58774
what are you fucking talking about? this is a real life exmaple of what i mean by when i say fuck universal healthcare
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049865 No.58781
ill also clarify im not against doctors getting together and making legit prices for the work to make the overall prices and stuff fair together or anything like that. im for that if they wanted to, but theyre aalways talking about insurance though. thats the problem is.
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8b46db No.58783
>I’m so edgy and brave, being a contrarian and parroting other edgy contrarians purely just to “trigger the libs”. Also I want to suck Ben shapiros mutilated little cock
No u
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d9652a No.58786
go die of aids fags
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049865 No.58789
im just talking about universal healthcare insurance. why should i die of aids?
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049865 No.58790
i think i told you you are a faggot. so i wont die of aids, why do you keep talking about aids? faggot u probably got aids. go somewhere else and talk about it
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8b46db No.58797
If you’re going to provide universal healthcare insurance, why not just cut out the middle man and provide basic universal healthcare?
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049865 No.58814
because its not free
there already is emergency care so i dont see the problem. right? ? ? if you can tell me the problem so we nkonw your proposal. other than that we and i dont care
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d9652a No.58818
why don't you two fags just tie yourselves to a rock and go visit the magical land under the sea? i heard they have free healthcare and housing down there.
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e23ee8 No.58822
Because it's just going to mean infinity taxes for you to pay for retards who make chronically unhealthy lifestyle choices.
You'll be paying for sex changes and their lifelong complications, Duh'Bonica's endless ER trips for fallout from morbid obesity, and every fag disease from SuperAIDS to cosmetic anal surgery.
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049865 No.58825
no idiot. Are you saying you are against emergency room treatment?
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8b46db No.58826
The health care system you have now isn’t free either. Billions of your tax dollars ends up lining the pockets of insurance and pharmaceutical companies anyway. It has this illusion of being this free market system when in fact it is a socialist system, only it’s corporate socialism. The alternative is to divert those taxes into a public healthcare option so that the taxpayers are actually benefiting from the system, instead of being milked dry by it, and still having to declare bankruptcy whenever their doctor prescribes them some antibiotics.
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8b46db No.58835
>scare mongering
Trans make up 0.6% of the population
I agree that srs should fall under cosmetic surgery, it’s purely aesthetic rather than preventative and usually does more harm than good… but whatever
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8b46db No.58844
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049865 No.58851
what does insuarance have to do with it. its not socialism its called buy and pay. sell buy. trade. commerce. ruled by gold backed money not fake counterfiet tender
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8b46db No.58857
…what are you even talking about?
It has everything to do with private insurance, that’s why half your fucking country can’t afford it.
Your money isn’t backed by gold you idiot.
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48b5d4 No.58865
It's obvious you have no idea what the Affordable Care Act is, and what it did to the medical insurance industry.
Also you're unaware of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, the Emergency Banking Act and HJR 192 of the 73rd congress in 1933
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049865 No.58874
it has nothing to do with ANYTHING. insurance who cares that has nothing to do with it. You calling it a RIGHT is the ISSUE i have a problem with.
u are what we call a nigger lover
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049865 No.58880
any excuses to keep that bread train rolling
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049865 No.58883
stop spouting it as a right then. how come you dont even have any reason to talk without that?
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049865 No.58886
shutup anyway i already said i hate fake counterfiet tender, and insurance
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8b46db No.58891
Oh wow, my apologies, i didn’t realise you were retarded
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049865 No.58897
anyting you use to try to prop up your fiat systems doesnt equate to a right ever.
so you can fuck off with your shit
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049865 No.58902
you cant even tell the difference between a functioning and a fiat society. so you have nothign to say and dont even know hwat your talking about me retarded? no you are literally
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000000 No.58926
>muh contrarian
Impotent leftist being impotent. We will take down everything in your failed system, and once we take total control (already happening) we will hunt and kill all of you.
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ad1697 No.58934
Universal healthcare would work fine in a racially homogeneous (White) society. Unfortunately for OP, he wouldn't be there, given that he's a nigger.
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049865 No.58945
id like to point out here this retard must of not watched the video as i was offering to pay in cash. and the woman who came with the supervisor who was thrwoing a tantrum told me the provider was refusing to write the work i asked for; for no cause as i had shown them clinical things
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049865 No.58949
you didnt listen as I told the doctors I would pay in cash.
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bc24a7 No.58957
Ultimately this discussion is pointless because we don't have a modicum of control over the system that continues to displace us. Most medicine is junk anyways.
>Impotent leftist being impotent
You really are impotent if you are going by the left-right paradigm.
He's not gonna listen he's just gonna fantasize about being some "right wing" pawn hunting down "liberals" because he hates the White race.
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049865 No.58967
what kind of country doesnt have emergency rooms? btw my browser stopped updating this topic even though i hit refresh wtf
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049865 No.59000
where is it you have to be retarded before you are capable to splain it to someone
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e23ee8 No.59020
And 60%+ of negresses are obese. Not overweight, that's over 90%, but obese.
You want to give them a blank check for every chronic ailment from heart disease to diabetes to fucked up joints to STDs to skin lesions from not bathing and scalp infections under their weaves, plus monthly ambulance rides to the ER cause they feel vaguely uncomfortable?
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049865 No.59028
well we either do that or have no emergency service. say you wife goes into labor and instead of the doctor acting rationally to the situation, he instead reads the computer and tehn proceeds tol tell you no sorry ching chong u arent scheduled today to get your wifes baby delivered, u walked in to the emergency room, you are scheduled to be sent to jail for bothering hospital staff with illusions of pregnancy when really you want pain medications
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049865 No.59046
so what do you suggest? should we guarantee no authority doctor telling you you have such ailment? or shall we treat what the patient say s ails them? >>59020
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106110 No.59267
First off, learn the difference between healthcare and health insurance.
Healthcare is provided by doctors. Health insurance is what insurance companies are SUPPOSED to be providing, but since they decided they aren't making enough money at that they would weasel their way into the healthcare industry. Insurance companies should be prevented legally from engaging in healthcare, as they are financial entities, not medical entities. But that would take legislation, and we'd need a functional Congress for that.
THAT is what needs to be stopped, THAT is what is driving health care costs up, and causing the healthcare system to destabilize.
Big Pharm is a separate issue that could also easily be legislated into a state of control if we had a functional Congress.
Vote out every single incumbent in 2020. Keep doing it every election until the swamp has been drained. The president can't drain any swamp, he only gets one vote. Only we can do it.
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